#eileen blog
azure-cherie · 8 months
hi azure!! how are you? i hope u are doing great. thank you so much for hosting such an interesting game!!! may i participate in your astrology game? i woulfd love to know about my abilities, energy I should tap in, and deities I can worship.
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take your time to answer as im in no rush! thank you so much once again. i appreciate that you take your time and energy. may you have a wonderful day/night.
Yes definitely you can participate, thank you for waiting and you too have a wonderful day / night ,🌷
Here's for you
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For going alone the true path of your self in which you truly identify yourself, you can worship the moon , shes significant for you
You can worship god's like Durga , Hestia or Any goddess related to the element of fire , they will remove any obstacles in your path
Use crystals like jasper , moon stone , lapiz lazuli etc
Use creativity to give offerings to someone you'd like to pray , give poems or drawings to your fav deity/ ancestor / guide , they will appreciate your creativity.
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wh0-is-lily · 15 days
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Eileen (2023) Director: William Oldroyd
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remyfire · 5 months
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Photos in the 50th Anniversary edition of Secrets of the M*A*S*H Mess: The Lost Recipes of Private Igor that I feel very, very normal about.
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eulaliasims · 7 months
Default Skin Sets!
Two default skins sets using @withlovefromsimtown's excellent Birthday Suit set.
@isimchi posted about the lack of options for players who want darker default skin sets, so I was like 'defaults? that's my one skill!' offered to make some, and we came up with these. :) There's also a slightly edited version of the 1.00 skin available as custom, so read on.
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Set one uses 0.40, 0.60, and 0.70 skins for S1, 2, and 3 defaults and is intended to be used with Lifa's S4 default from the original post. Lifa's S4 file is not included! Go download their original sets, what are you waiting for? There's loads of cool add-ons! Like freckles! And nose masks!
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Set two uses 0.50, 0.70, 0.80, and 1.00 for S1, 2, 3, and 4 defaults.
The 1.00 S4 default comes in two versions, Lifa's original and a version I edited to add a small amount of highlighting to the face. It's verrrry subtle:
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A custom version is included; it's completely standalone, so you can have both the original and my edit in your game, and includes a custom icon and tooltip to differentiate it.
Following Lifa's example, the files are not compressed. Proper swatches in the download. Enjoy, feel free to mix and match sets, etc!
Download: SFS | Mediafire
Credit: @withlovefromsimtown for the lovely skins; @isimchi for coming up with the sets, brainstorming, and feedback
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sideprince · 5 months
What are your thoughts on Snape's parents/childhood/upbringing ?
Sorry it's taken me ages to get to this ask! I wrote a meta post about Eileen Prince recently ("recently." It sat in my drafts for about a month as I whittled away at it) but I can go off a bit on Tobias and the kind of home a young Severus might have lived in, though it'll be a bit of a messier convergence of meta and headcannon, probably.
The tl;dr of the Eileen meta post is that I think she may have come from a family with reasonable wealth and reputation, and ended up stuck with Tobias as the result of an accidental out of wedlock pregnancy that led her family to disown her. @vulnus-sanare left one of my favorite comments on that post, which I'm just going to quote in full:
"It is hard to not think that Severus may have been the outcome of an unwanted pregnancy. It is harder to believe that "love" was ever in the foundation of the Snape family. My theory is that Eileen and Tobias had a fling, it had consequences, the Princes disowned Eileen for getting impregnated by a Muggle, and Tobias was forced to marry her out ... Patriarchal honor. However, the first time Eileen and Tobias had a violent argument, Eileen threatened him with her wand for defense. He didn't sleep at home that night. The next morning, Eileen found her wand split into two unsalvageable pieces on her bedside table. Tobias was home. And there would be no more magic."
My personal take is that we see clear statements in the books that depression can sap a witch/wizard of their powers (Merope Gaunt), and also that existing powers can't be suppressed, they'll find a way to come out and with terrible consequences if bottled up for too long (Ariana Dumbledore, and basically every underage wizard). Because of this, my own interpretation is that Eileen probably lost much of her powers due to despair. We see Severus in a memory shooting down flies with his wand alone in his room as a teen, and that casual use of magic makes me think that the Ministry still had magical activity registered at that residence on Eileen's account, otherwise Severus would have had to deal with the repercussions of violating the Statute of Secrecy and, if that was the case, he certainly wouldn't have used his wand and done magic so nonchalantly. Eileen's magic would have been too weak to stand up to Tobias, but still enough to warrant the Ministry thinking there was an active witch at their house.
Nevertheless, I love the idea that Tobias split her wand! It's a striking and complex statement on what that relationship might have looked like. Tobias must have been insecure (secure people don't tend to abuse their loved ones). Eileen had power over him that he would never be able to match. Even so, every person with power has a vulnerability - for any wizard it would be that their power must be channeled through a wand to be effective. A wand which, despite the power of the witch or wizards who wields it, can easily be snapped in two. What might its core have been? Would Tobias have been surprised to find it wasn't merely a stick carved on a lathe, that there was something running through its center that he couldn't identify? I love the irony of such a mundane, muggle act stopping the power of magic in its tracks. And, after all, if Eileen had no money of her own and she and Tobias had little to live on, she wouldn't have been able to buy a new wand. Or perhaps she eventually did, but her powers remained weak (or perhaps she bought a cheaper wand she could afford, maybe even secondhand, and it never worked as well as her own had). As for her magic struggling to get out without a proper way to channel it, perhaps her wand's destruction may have been the final straw for her spirit, which broke as a result of her isolation from her family and her world, and her being tethered to such a man.
As for Tobias, I think that while he may have had a proclivity towards abuse, it didn't truly come out until sometime after Severus' birth. I think he was always working class, and possibly fought in WWII like every man of his generation, but that the crippling poverty of the family was brought on by some kind of workplace accident that left him unable to work and dependent on welfare. Eileen wouldn't have worked, having few skills and weak magic, but back in the 60s many working class families only had one breadwinner. There are signs that Severus was both poor and also neglected, particularly his ill fitting, mismatched, hand-me-down clothes that no one even attempted to sew to size for him (let alone use magic to do so). Eileen would have made sure Severus was out of the house as much as possible, if Tobias was home most of of the time, and tried to take the brunt of Tobias' anger when possible. Severus wouldn't have understood this for a long time, and would have felt rejected and isolated as a result.
As Severus grew older, got a wand, and expanded his knowledge of magic, he would have stood up to Tobias more in the weeks he was home from school. He wouldn't have trusted his father, and would have eventually realized that their power balance had shifted. I think there may be a parallel with Voldemort there, too: as Dumbledore says, all tyrants fear that one day someone will rise up against them. I think perhaps Severus felt more able to be that person and undermine Voldemort, because he had already done so with his own father. He had learnt, firsthand, that terrifying people, people who intimidate with violence and brutality, are not infallible. It makes sense for his character: throughout his school years we see Severus reject his bullies and fight back against them, even though they attack him four against one.
As for his own experience of growing up in that small house on Spinner's End, I think Severus must have been a lonely child. We see the way he feels the need to pick his moment when first meeting Lily; he doesn't have the confidence of a child who's been able to spend much time playing with others. His parents fought a lot, and if his mother tried to protect him, he would have spent a lot of time alone in his room listening to them do so. We see him as a teen shooting down flies with his wand, in a dark room, alone. I think his world at home was small and often painful. Like many children of abuse, he wouldn't even have been aware how much pain he was in, or how constant it was, it was just a part of his internal wallpaper. I don't imagine he had much of a relationship with his dad, though the need for approval from him would have been buried in him somewhere. Perhaps, as he grew older, his relationship with his mother grew more complex and there was a bond.
My own headcanon is that Tobias, a middle aged, disabled, working class man on the dole, wouldn't have survived austerity under Thatcher. I like to think that Severus, living on a teacher's salary in a prestigious school and not needing much beyond the room and board that his job provides, would have used his savings to take care of a widowed Eileen. Perhaps he visited her once or twice a year. They were never sentimental, and talked very little. They would have a cup of tea and a game of chess, or maybe even Gobstones. When Voldemort returned, Severus would have made sure that, if he should die, Eileen would be taken care of. He would not have been able to leave her a letter or any kind of explanation, for fear of it being found. She would have been proud to learn he had been appointed Headmaster of Hogwarts, though he would not have taken pride in it, knowing it was a tactical appointment, and not an earned one. She would have been prouder still, maybe, to learn of his heroism after his death.
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fugamsemidei · 9 months
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Fuse doesn't seem to quite know how to react in the presence of such a powerful legendary, but she tries her best. "It. Well it varies, depending on which kid you mean. I've been here for....about five years now, give or take....but most of the kids have only been here one or two, aside from Acacia who's been here half a year, and the two that just got here."
"It's also varied, how they got here." She continues. "Some found their way, yes, but others Honey and I had to...venture closer into the nearest human city to save them."
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(( @bigbrightmama ))
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somesnapefan2 · 2 years
Severus, sneaking in through the window:
Eileen, sitting on his bed and turning on the lamp: want to tell me where you were?
Severus, freezeing halfway through the window: um… I was with Lucius
Lucius, turning around in his chair: what to say that again?
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yharnamcrow · 7 hours
It does help. Very much so.
Live well, old friend. You do deserve that, regardless of your past actions and mine—it took me far, far too long to ever come to that conclusion on my own. This is a new world, and you deserve to make the most of it just as much as Eileen, as anyone else from Yharnam.
…I do not know what I was expecting from this. I still have no particular desire to outright state who I am, not to you, but I am rather certain that you could connect those particular threads on your own.
You are smarter than you give yourself credit for. You always have been.
I… don’t believe I would be the same person I am today without having known you.
So, please, do learn to live again.
Your past does not make you inherently unworthy of living a good life now.
I would know.
Gods. You... Maria? You... Oh goodness, beasthood did not claim you, it did not, it did not - The sight of her face is merely a coincidence then....
[a video insert. Gehrman is clinging to Eileen's absol, who is enduring the contact rather well. He seems very much his physical age, a crying mess of a child barely a teenager. After a moment, she steps back and grabs the phone in her mouth before walking off. After a moment, the old man turned teenager scrambles after her.]
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stopthinkingg · 6 months
"But I think I was also holding on to the loss, to the emptiness of the house itself, as though to affirm that it was better to be alone than to be stuck with people who were supposed to love you, yet couldn't. "
-My year of rest and relaxation, Ottesa Moshfegh
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Source: Pinterest
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shallowseeker · 10 months
Sam was specifically shown to be a wonderful father to Dean Jr. He took him to the park, played baseball with him, and helped him with his homework.
And yet when Sam is "dying," Dean II is shown to have an anti-possession tattoo. The fact that it's on his forearm is both a call-back to the Mark of Cain and a suggestion that Dean II got into hunting through a connection that is not Sam. (It's not in the classic Winchester position.)
That Sam is trying so hard to be a "normal, good father" is what makes it so delicious when he fails. I'm not saying that Sam is a bad person for it. I'm just saying that his tendency to "checklist" his emotional life and dissociate from his darkness to the point of hiding the truth, as he did with Jessica Moore, could be a recipe for disaster, SPN-style. :-)
Dean II in effect becomes an ironic inversion of Sam, while embodying the same complicated emotional interiority n' base personality. If Sam pushes Dean II into "normal," or worse, pressures him into "high achieving success," Dean II's Sam-coded rebellion is to get into hunting.
(And he, like Sam, becomes driven, mean, and overconfident about it.)
And hey, it's my daydream. You don't have to like it.
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azure-cherie · 10 months
my darling, words can not explain how much grateful i am for you. please do forgive me of the late feedback! it has been a busy week, so i wasnt able to write back feedback as fast as i'd like to be. howver, here i am to give you one!
also! forgive me if the ask was confusing you!! i feel really bad about it. just show how amazing you are, even from my part was confusing, you still able to give me an insightful reading.
ofc, i am using your reading as a guidance and not making decision solely based on the reading, but let me tell you you gave me a REALLY precious guidance.
of the things that you told me, i will consider the possibilities. the reading gave me some reassurance.
from the public uni reading, boost my confidence tbh! as i said, its more competitive therefore i need to work hard for it. with the reading it gives a lift of spirit to try my hardest. i wouldnt think i would dare to dream at first, but it has changed now as i am working towards getting accepted in public university now. who doesnt want to be loved right?
for the private reading you be like "i know something you dont" haha. thank you for not getting into details as i think you were trying to protect me (or it's just me being overly confidence haha). the reading was not expected, but i think its the part of the reading that made me so grateful. you told me about the possibilities that i didnt think to put into account. honestly after doing some private uni's tour, i always get bad feelings after.
the reading told me the possibilities i never thought would happened. like being loved in public uni (as from the start my self doubt always convinced me that i would be an outsider, making that conclusions based on my pessimistic self), or the bad energy fro the private uni (i always thought it would give me all rainbows just due to it being in my comfort zone, something im used to for my whole life)
so once again, thank you!!! seriously thank you so much. i really appreciate you ♡ i didnt think i would one of the people that get advice from you, you even offered at the perfect timing when i needed some help weighing the two options. i feel like its fated, there must be something that i needed to know, and you were the one being the messager. so once again thank you. may you be blessed with nothing but good things in life 💐💌
lots of love,
eileen ♡
Hey 👋 , first of all thank you so much for such a long feedback it makes me so happy really 😭❤️, I wish wherever life takes you private or public , you thrive and feel better , you're a beautiful soul and I wish allll the beauty for you . About fate maybe yes
Love of love to you too kiss kiss 😘
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fluoxetinegreen444 · 2 years
20 Fragments of a Ravenous Youth by Xiaolu Guo
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Another book review 💕
This time I read 20 Fragments of a Ravenous Youth and I definitely recommend it. It's about a Chinese farmer girl, Fenfang, trying to find her way to fame. She leaves a small village and moves to Beijing, where she faces challenges like love, friendship and work. The book takes place in the early 2000s and Fenfang is met with a Beijing ruled by communist ideologies and sexism, which is not what she expected. She has to deal with a toxic boyfriend/ex, but she's still determined to live a "modern life". It's a "coming-of-age" story that deals heavily with sexism in the early 2000s and gives the reader an interesting view on China during that time.
I really liked the book and read it in a day since it was quite short. The book is divided into 20 "fragments" and feature a photograph at the start of each chapter, depicting cityscape in China. I thought the book was really peaceful somehow, like there was nothing to worry about even though Fenfang faced some dangerous situations. I think this is because of the story telling since the reader gets to take part in all of Fenfang's inner thoughts. She's incredibly entertaining and relatable. The only negative point is that I think the book is coloured with some distain for the lower class, or in this case the "poor rice farmers". Sometimes I feel like it's Fenfang who thinks this because she doesn't like the way she was brought up but at some points it felt like Xiaolu Guo was just writing her own opinions.
Otherwise I really liked the book. I usually gravitate towrads "sad girl books" or female hysteria books and this book handled the same topic in a much calmer way. I liked reading about Fenfang's apathy towards the men that like her. I thought it was interesting that she didn't care so much for love and mostly wanted to be comfortable with herself and her surroundings. I thought it was really interesting to read about the 2000s in China since I haven't really done that before and it being in the perspective of a girl who wants to succeed in life makes it even better.
All in all, strong recommend if you're looking for a pleasant book that focuses on a young woman's success independent of men in contemporary China ❤️
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melien · 7 months
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Meet the Family
Eileen and Logan are twins, who have been through a lot together and it brought them even closer. Eileen is a bubbly and sweet one, while Logan is practical and reserved. Currently, Eileen is an actress who has a side gig as an acrobat, and Logan develops video games.
Here they are with their wives: Logan with his wife Caroline "Carrie" (left), and Eileen with her wife Lara (right). Both couples met in their youth during the rise of rock'n'roll scene. Carrie is a soul singer, while Lara is a rock musician.
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sassafrasmoonshine · 2 months
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Eileen Mayo (Australian, 1906-1994 • Spring Morning • 1952 • Color lithograph on paper
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eileenguy · 1 year
btw im leaving because of the sick and twisted fact that this app hates eileen bye BYE
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