#either they're gonna die or they're gonna do something so fucking awful that either way it's just. nope
jacnaylor · 1 year
when i say oz gets worse every ep i don't mean it's a bad show i mean the things that are happening get increasingly more horrendous. like you think it can't get worse but then. it does. it always does.
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kurain-genealogy · 1 year
i said i was gonna post about it and i am. i don't think william afton hates his kids. i don't think william afton is a mad scientist that kidnapped and put children in hallucinogenic gas chambers. whatever the fuck dittophobia said about afton doing all that, plus not stopping/furthering the bullying between michael and cc, is just dumb & wrong. william wanting his kids to fight, even die, is comically evil in the "bad writing" way. him being characterized as someone who experiments on children (including his own with no regard for their lives) in order to achieve immortality or whatever his supposed motivation is, is just really... nothing? as a character there is nothing to make him feel real. in an attempt to flesh out this character, they made him into a cartoon villain with "evil" being his only defining trait. whatever, i could talk for so long about how dumb i think all the dittophobia stuff is but i think most ppl on tumblr are on the same page regarding that.
to me, william afton is best characterized as someone who, at the Very Least, Doesn't Want His Own Children To Die. he can be a shitty father all around, or he can be a genuine loving father who is also a serial killer, as long as he Cares if they Die? most of what makes william afton an interesting villain, and where a lot of people interpret his motivation comes from, is how despite all his best efforts, he cannot prevent the death or downfall of his own family. he is in a tragedy of his own making, a self-imposed hell crafted by his hubris and violence. if you take this away, why should i care what happens to him? william afton was scariest when he was just purple guy and we knew nothing. william afton is most interesting when we have all these relationships and dynamics where we can seriously study and speculate the circumstances behind/around his actions, when he has something to lose (and will lose). william afton is most stale when more things are added to his story without purpose, filling in gaps that were better unfilled or we didn't even know were there – anything after UCN, basically. bro isn't scary anymore because he's either peepaw afton who's brought back despite his story being over, or he's cartoon network's newest over-the-top villian that you can't take seriously.
okay anyway. ANYWAY. william doesn't hate his kids. even if he's a shitty father, i think he still loves his kids. why else would he try and scare his kids away from the robots if he didn't want them to die? why would he design circus baby after his daughter if he didn't care for her, adore her, even? if you believe the theory that he talked to cc through the fredbear plush (idr if that's actually canon), why would he be trying to protect/comfort him?
i don't think he's a perfect, or even a good father, by any means. if you interpret him to be on the better side, that's great and fine. i'd love to hear how other people interpret/characterize afton if you wanna share! continuing on for this post, i'm going to lay out how i personally see william afton.
to me, he is someone who is very concerned and preoccupied with his image and how others view him & his family. even if he's super shitty and awful towards his kids, he at least cares that they all look good as a family unit, that they're well behaved, that he can send family portrait holiday cards to all his business partners and investors.
he strikes me very much as the typical authoritarian parent of the 80s. harsher on his sons because "men don't cry," wants his kids to say "yes, sir," and "no, sir," believes in "tough love," often says "my house, my rules," he has the final say in everything, maybe thinks hitting them from time to time is a normal, necessary punishment. not all entirely malicious, but thinks he's doing what's best, what's right, acting like a parent and father Should act, perhaps how he himself was raised. unfortunately, a very common parental mindset (even outside of serial killers). maybe he was a little scarier sometimes though, a little more unhinged or violently angry. who's to say.
but he's still just a guy who could exist in real life. he still eats dinner with his family every night, hangs his kids' drawings on the fridge, had to turn the car around because they wouldn't stop fighting in the backseat, attended awkward parent-teacher conferences, everything. he was once a new father who happily came home with his first newborn, lost countless nights of sleep over the course of two more, loves them because they're his.
meticulously and senselessly killed children, then came home and tucked his own into bed and kissed them goodnight.
he can be abusive and still love his kids. he can be a murderer and still care for his own kids' lives. maybe the loss of his own kids is what triggered his actions, or maybe it was something else. i'm fine with not knowing because we don't need to know everything, and it's more interesting when we don't.
Something Is Seriously Wrong With This Guy And We Don't Know What or Why. when acquaintances find out he's a suspected murderer, it should be shocking and upsetting. he's such a great man and father, he wouldn't murder those kids! when michael discovers his father's crimes, he should be in denial. sure, he could be scary sometimes, but he wouldn't kill anyone... right? there's a great cognitive dissonance between who he appears to be and who he actually is.
whether william descended into grief-induced madness and obsession, or was just always some kind of freak, or both, i don't think he saw his own family as disposable. even if he didn't truly love them, he at least needed to keep up his own facade as a friendly family man. personally i like to see him as someone who was a shitty father but still loved his kids, because people like that exist, and it makes him a much more interesting, realistic, and nuanced character than if he just didn't care about them At All.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 7 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: iv.
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
index | previous chapter | next chapter
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You hum in pleasant surprise when the taste of green apples and mango hit your tongue. This really could have been hit or miss, you sip again. Still as good as the first sip. Just because you like experimenting with food and drink, it doesn't necessarily mean there will be a good payoff. Fruit teas from random shops are always either too sweet or just right for you, never something tolerable in between.
Thankfully, this place understood that the sugar is only supposed to enhance the drink, not drown it. You look over at the tall and lanky boy a few short steps away. Tea isn't Gojou's thing, hence why he is the only member of the group who hadn't ordered anything, but you think this one will be right up his alley. "You've gotta try this," you angle the cup slightly above your shoulder. "It's this green apple mango flavor they're promoting."
Without taking the cup from your hand, Gojou simply leans down to take a drink. "It's alright," Gojou shrugs before sipping again with vigor. "Needs more sugar."
You snort and lean away, bringing your beverage with you, "well if it's only alright, stop drinking it then."
"You know," Gojou sighs and you already know it's going to be some bullshit spewed out of his mouth coated in false philosophy and maturity. "Here in Japan we have a saying that food tastes better when you share it."
You roll your eyes but grin at the fact you called it, "well we just shared it and it still tastes exactly the same so," when Gojou attempts to take your cup, you turn immediately. "You better follow your best friend's example and get inside that tea house and order yourself a drink!"
Gojou slumps over your back with a whine, "what if yours tastes better than mine for some reason and they give me a bad one?"
You're giggling but no dice, "no!" You shove your straw back into your mouth and lean over your drink protectively. Get your own drink, you point at the tea shop once again with a mumble. "You have pretty privilege, there is no way they'll fuck yours up!"
"Stingy," Gojou clicks his tongue but he drags himself across the street where Suguru is standing in line anyway.
Crisis avoided.
"... What was that?" Utahime's eyes widen while her brow furrows.
It's a chilly April day in Moriya and the lot of you are enjoying the last bits of spring vacation. School holidays work differently when you go to a jujutsu school, you learned quickly. As far as the higher ups were concerned, vacation just meant more free time to send students on missions. Sure you're in a completely different part of Japan doing a lot more traveling than you'd ever do in your typical high school experience.
But in reality, this trip to a ryokan in Ibaraki Prefecture is nothing more than a glorified work trip with sightseeing sprinkled in. They could have at least sent us to a coastal town if they were sending us to Ibaraki. You shouldn't expect much from an institute that still does school on Saturday when the rest of the country stopped doing it in 2002. At the very least, the mission had been wrapped up and this final week of spring break before the new school year started, you get to enjoy yourself.
Next week, I become a second year student, you did it. You managed to survive your very first year at Jujutsu Tech. You'll miss having Fujioka-sensei as a teacher, she was kind and had lots of fun anecdotes. But you can't stew in awe and nostalgia with how Utahime is staring at you like you've lost your mind.
"What was what? It's green apple mango fruit tea," you cock your head before sliding your cup to the traditionally-clothed girl's side of the table. "Wanna try it too?"
Utahime promptly slides it back in disgust. "After he put his mouth on it? No thanks," you only shrug in return before sipping at the fruity goodness all over again. That's more for me then. Your nonchalance drives your upperclassman into mania. She looks at Shoko like she's the only other sane person at the table. 'What the heck is going on?!' her lips move silently. "Why am I the only one freaking out about this!?"
The brunette holds up a hand in the most laidback display of defensiveness you've ever seen, "they've been like that for a while now, everyone just got used to it." Shoko's words only make Utahime's more aghast.
Oh right.
You smack your lips together with a weak laugh, avoiding your friend's accusatory gaze.
Something shifted in the cosmos after December 8th, 2005 without your meaning to. You aren't exactly sure how long it took after your birthday for sharing food with Gojou to become habit, but it did.
Something is too sweet or too spicy? You swap plates.
You get an assorted bag of snacks and sweet treats from helping a random grandma cross the street? There isn't really a point of keeping any of the stuff you know Gojou will like.
But you never realized how ingrained into normalcy it became until one particular day you leaned over to eat a chip Gojou held in his fingers. "Does this taste kinda soapy to you or is it just me?" He asked, shaking the bag it came from. They were roasted cumin lamb skewer flavored chips imported from China.
"Yeah, I think it's just- wait, give me another one?" You chewed more slowly that time around, really feeling at the flavor. "No, I'm getting it too."
Suguru and Shoko made faces that looked exactly like the one Utahime is wearing right now. "[First]!"
"Look it isn't like we're friends or anything," you tell the soon to be fourth-year. "When there is food involved, the We Hate Gojou Alliance calls forth a truce," you explain seriously, folding your hands and resting your chin on them as if you are Ikari Gendo. "For how can we hate if we are not properly nourished?"
At the bullshit you spew, Utahime's expression shifts into one that is purely unamused as her brow furrows and she purses her lips. It takes a lot out of you to not laugh then and there. "And since when was that an addendum we agreed on?"
"It's one I made out of personal interest," you close your eyes, nodding at the memories. Food comes before any quarrel you have with an annoying classmate. If it came down to it, you'd become Gojou's best friend for a sandwich. "When food is involved, Gojou Satoru isn't that bad."
"You're full of it," Utahime fights the twitches of her lips trying to curl upward. "Very, very full of it." The upperclassman relents with a sigh a beat later, knowing her arguments are futile. "You're a traitor. I hope you know that you're a traitor to our cause, [First]," you bite your lip to prevent yourself from laughing again. You're failing the longer she goes on. Shoko is your mission partner, but you think it is arguably fair to say Utahime is who you're closest to besides her. When you transferred to Jujutsu Tech, it was Utahime who gave you a tour around the facility when the teachers were suddenly too busy. She was a kind and beautiful upperclassman who came with a lot less monetary baggage than Mei Mei. "First Getou and Shoko, now you," she sips her matcha with a pointed glare in the direction of the tea house windows. Whatever Gojou does, it makes Utahime's amused scowl turn into an annoyed glare.
"I was technically never part of any alliance to hate on Gojou, I'm only an affiliated acquaintance," Shoko laughs lightly, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "Utahime-senpai, you just have to accept this as part of the new reality. [First] and Gojou have become friends," your mission partner rolls her eyes when you shoot her a pointed look. "Apologies, food-based acquaintances."
Satisfied with her correction, you nod.
It's then Suguru finally reappears, a beverage in hand. Gojou is still waiting by the window for his own order to finish. "What are you guys talking about now?"
"I was telling them about this convenience store by my old high school everyone went to to have mental breakdowns," it's always a pleasure when Suguru looks at you like you've grown a second head. Laughter slips from your lips as easily as breathing. "It's called Adachi's ー that's the owner ー but the joke was to call it Adachi 7-11 because it rips off the 7-11 color scheme. He's a sweet guy though," you quickly add before continuing your spontaneous tale of the incredible 7-11 knock off store.
You eloquently tell your friend that Adachi is the kind of grownup who understand kids have it rough. That it's unknown who it was from Tsubame High that started the tradition of finding aisle to just sit and cry and snack in, but eventually it just became the spot to have freak outs. If you stayed to eat while you freaked, you simply paid for what you ate or drank when you were ready to leave.
Respect someone else's crying space. If you couldn't avoid going into their aisle for something, just politely pretend they don't exist.
If you really needed a cry, Adachi's office is free for someone having a particular trying time.
And last but not least, Adachi's was a judgement free zone.
It was like having a bartender for teenagers. Except in this instance, the only services the bartender offered were snack food, cheap wagashi and a select variety of beverages.
"First, I promise people don't go there to cry as often it I made it sound. Second, I know it sounds weird but it actually was kinda cool," you chuckle as the cursed user shakes his head the longer you go on. "Exam week? We're all basically in there studying and freaking out while eating a bunch of snacks." It really built up a surprising amount of comradery among your classmates you make sure to tack on before taking a break to finish the rest of your tea. "Before you ask, if I'm gonna have a mental breakdown, I prefer having it in the privacy of my own room," or in front of a beluga whale, but that explanation will take forever and a half. "And that... is the story behind Adachi 7-11," you conclude dramatically.
Suguru shakes his head but his expression is playful, "I give you points for the improv, but I'm taking away points for how long your story was."
You click your tongue in mock annoyance, "everybody's a critic. I just wanted to cover all the bases in case you felt so intrigued you wanted to know more about your mysterious classmate."
"You don't have a mysterious bone in your body," Shoko chirps and when you lightly kick her ankle under the table, she kicks back. "Utahime-senpai just feels betrayed that [First] is getting along better with Gojou." At the reminder, Utahime squints in your direction again. 'And after all I've done for you. I should have gone to Kyoto Tech', Utahime sighs into her warm cup. "The We Hate Gojou Alliance is turning into the I Alone Hate Gojou Alliance."
This is when Gojou finally saunters over, drink in hand, "that's because I'm cool and charming."
"You know, if you have to say it, you're probably not as charming as you think you are," Suguru advises with a grin. Gojou promptly ignores it as if he never said anything at all.
"Sucks to be you, Utahime," Gojou sticks out his tongue at the songstress. "[First] and I are practically best friends. Right, [First]?"
The more you deny it, the less convincing you know you sound so you stop with a heavy breath. "Anyway," you pivot the conversation to something other than your food-based truce. "Does anyone know if there are going to be any new 1st years? Or is it gonna be a while before we start seeing some new faces?"
Suguru nods, "I heard from Fujioka-sensei that there are two first years coming enrolling," you perk up at this information. It's a small jujutsu world, so small you didn't even know if you'd be getting any underclassmen. Two 1st years coming in still just seem so small though. From what you've learned though, 2-3 students per grade is average and the school lucked out with your 1st year class having four kids. Suguru points a finger back and forth between you, "she didn't tell me much about them but they're recruits from non-sorcerer families, like us."
Sometimes, life decides to grant you little miracles. "Finally, we're growing in our ranks," you cheer, bumping your cup against Suguru's. "That's less clan politics to hear about!"
The closest you've ever gotten to clan politics in Japan were from anime and dramas and the occasional snippets you learned about the imperial family on the news. That changed when you became a sorcerer. It's a small jujutsu world, you learn things here and there whether you want to or not. Interesting as the stories can be, however, you're glad your family is normal. Everyone at your school from a sorcerer family makes clan politics sound annoying at best and harrowing at worst and that's just from the things you learned from Utahime, Shoko and Mei Mei.
Your other peers aren't so keen on sharing what goes on in their families.
Yamada isn't the friendliest of your upperclassmen.
As for Gojou ー the only one of your classmates from a family apparently worth mentioning ー he doesn't care about clan politics in the slightest and opts to ignore it.
Thus, the Big Three Families still are a mystery to you even with Gojou's close proximity to your person. Nor are there any students at your school that came from either the Zenin or Kamo Clans. There are a couple enrolled at the jujutsu school in Kyoto apparently but you haven't had a chance to meet them. You only had three summaries to go off of when it came to the big name families in jujutsu, all courtesy of Gojou back in May of last year since you couldn't participate in the Sister School Exchange Event in Kyoto.
(Apparently having two special-grade sorcerers for students gave Tokyo Tech the biggest advantage so only Gojou and Suguru got to go. Jerks. Utahime threw a big fit over it too, but at the very least Tokyo won last year.)
"Do you like having rights as a woman?"
"Um, yes?"
"Then you won't like the Zenin Clan.  You know Carnage from the Venom comics in the States?"
"Yeah, my mom reads those."
"That's the Kamo Clan."
"Okay, well what about your family? What's their deal?"
"They have me."
Vague, but clear enough descriptions to paint the necessary pictures ー the Amazing Sexists, the Bloods and the Jujutsu Jesus Havers Club.
Considering that this year the Sister School Exchange event will be taking place in Tokyo, you wonder if this will give you a chance to meet these fancy jujutsu folk. You tell your group as much, sighing in wonder. "It's a good thing you and Gojou won the exchange event, I wanna meet the kids from the other school." That was what you'd been most excited about before Fujioka-sensei dashed all your hopes and dreams. You wanted to see the differences in the campuses and what sort of crazy the teachers had going on. C'est la vie. "What were they like when you went there? Were the big clan kids more refined than Gojou over here?"
You barely dodge the definitely cold hand that was about to touch back of your neck in retaliation while Suguru chuckles out an explanation, "They have a couple folk from the Kamo Clan. They were... nice."
"You hesitated before you said nice," Shoko deadpans.
"They were polite," Suguru pivots his next selection of words in his attempt to remain neutral.
Gojou sticks out his tongue, unimpressed by his best friend's attempts to be cordial, "they were whatever. We didn't really talk to them."
"Boo, you're boring," you shake your head in heavy but mocking disappointment. "Should have just asked Utahime, she's seen them more." Your gazes turn to the oldest person at the table.
Utahime shoulders square off in satisfaction at being deferred to. "There are a couple of Kamo Clan kids at Kyoto Tech, one of them won't be coming because he'll be a fourth year student like me," her spirit drops for a moment and you offer a small smile of reassurance. Fourth year students don't get to participate in Sister School Exchange Event. Hence why she'd been so upset that she'd been unable to participate in it. There's not much you can do to comfort your friend, nor is there anything either of you can do about the past. At the very least, Utahime is nothing if not an optimist. She'll just kick ass in a different category. "As for the younger Kamo, Ririka, she's actually pretty nice when you talk to her but she can be a bit intimidating at times. She'll be a third-year student once school starts."
You make a noise of pleasant surprise, "Kamo Ririka, I'll keep an eye out for her." There's nothing better than a nice but intimidating woman, in your opinion.
"As for everyone else, they're all definitely a lot more tolerable than Gojou, it's not even a competition," Utahime glared at the sunglasses-wearing boy pointedly. He shrugged back without a care in the world, unperturbed as ever. "But while I was visiting home, my mother told me that Zenin Naoya is enrolling in Kyoto Tech so we'll be seeing him in a few months as a first year."
Whoever Zenin Naoya is, just mentioning him immediately makes Gojou groan in annoyance. "I was hoping that brat was gonna get homeschooled," he chews on his straw. You aren't sure how irritated he actually is but you do note how white brows curl in displeasure.
Gojou makes a face, "Zenin Naoya. I can't stand that guy."
You nudge him, lips curling into a light smirk, "I'm sure your fancy rich kid beef isn't that serious."
"No, Gojou actually isn't being hyperbolic this time," you glance over at Shoko. She and Utahime are sporting matching grimaces, brown eyes glancing at one another in understanding. "Zenins are bad but Zenin Naoya is the worst."
Well god damn. You share a look with Suguru who shrugs back, just as lost. That's the problem with not being born into the world of jujutsu, you're behind on all the history and beef going on behind the scenes. You have to learn little by little whether that be through being told or stumbling your way into procuring the knowledge on your own.
Zenin Naoya ー a member of the Amazing Sexists. You glance back at Gojou who has gone back to drinking away at his cup of tea. His partially obscured face doesn't make it any easier to read how he may be feeling underneath the surface.
Either way, you'll form your own opinion on this Naoya person when the sister schools converge in Tokyo.
Second year is definitely going to be something.
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Fun fact for my fellow Americans and anyone else whose school holidays work differently, while here in the states, the end of summer vacation is when we go up a grade, students go up a grade at the end of spring break in Japan.
Summer vacation in Japan is about 30-40 days long depending on the prefecture from the end of July to the end of August. In Tokyo, I think it's from about July 21st to to August 24th. You come back and you're still in the same class. Winter break is from about December 26 to January 7th. And Spring break is about March 26th to April 5th. Like I said it can change prefecture to prefecture, but the mentioned dates are the standard for Tokyo give or take a few days or two depending on the ward.
Just wanted that knowledge to be shared, if you were curious as to why the reader is going up a grade after spring break. In Japan, the school year starts in April.
I really wanted to work on Reader's initial dynamic with her peers and her personal philosophies in these first few chapters before kicking off into the heavier stuff that comes in 2nd year. Considering how in canon, shit pretty much was smooth sailing for Gojou and co. during their 1st year until the 'Toji really beat the breaks out of 2 teenagers' mission, I wanted to reflect that in these initial chapters. Hopefully you guys have been enjoying it as much as I have. The Sister School Exchange Event is around the corner and those folks are coming to Tokyo, I wonder how that's gonna go >:3c (not that you can participate but there's plot, I assure you).
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tideswept · 25 days
Obikin pretty woman au 😏😏😏😏
anon, this has been in my inbox for ages. just. torturing me. tempting me. winking lasciviously at me.
and I have to ask myself every time I come across it, do I really want to write another prostitute!Anakin AU? Does it have to be Anakin? And in my heart of hearts, I know that the answer is yes, and I should accept it. Because damn, could he pull off the outfits.
but I dunno. I'm weird? I like to do weird things? also never actually adapted a movie to a fic? Not yet anyway.
(Practical Magical AU fic, when will it be your turn?)
so I think
okay, let the brain percolate
I think it should be Anakin who finds Obi-Wan. Who is just. He's had a bad day, okay? Like, fantastically fucking bad, big rich money business deals, he's stressed and tired of being the Negotiator but lives are at stake here, employees who need to keep their jobs, so he has to swallow back the stress--but he's been swallowing back that stress for years now.
He's tired.
He didn't mean to just walk out of the 5-star hotel. What he needed was a drink, and not the kind they served at the hotel bar, charging 50 credits for a shot. No, he needs it cheap and dirty and burning on the way down.
"Shit, you look awful," the voice says, and a body sits down next to him on the curb. Normally Obi-Wan wouldn't appreciate a stranger appearing out of nowhere and getting so close to him, but this stranger smells nice, actually. And they're warm, whereas he seems to have lost his jacket at some point between the first and third bar.
"You can't be out here like this, you know? Gonna get mugged and left for dead."
The voice is young enough that it bothers Obi-Wan. And that's how he meets Anakin Skywalker, who's also tired, except he's only twenty-two and hasn't been further than a hundred miles from where he was born. Anakin's got a black eye because he got a fight with a nerfherder and he's not that bothered, some people think that's hot. It's not really going to cut into his profits.
He lights up and offers the death stick to the strange, classy man that definitely shouldn't be sitting on the street after midnight on that liminal strip of road where respectable turns to grimy, and pulls off his high heeled boots and tucks them to the side, switching them over for practical running shoes he keeps in his bag.
Obi-Wan just sort of stares. And then takes the death stick. And for some reason, he's just drunk enough that he starts talking about the shit day he's had, and the even worse week he's about to have.
Anakin snorts and makes catty comments that have Obi-Wan smiling, because that's exactly what he's too polite to say. Too much the Negotiator.
"God," Anakin says after the death stick has long crumbled to ashes. "You need either a serious marathon fuck or drugs. Maybe both. And then to quit your job and do something that doesn't make you want to die."
And Obi-Wan thinks that's the greatest idea he's ever heard.
"Are you--" he nods at the boots. They're rather unmistakable in purpose. And the boy is hardly dressed for the cold night.
"If you're a cop, no," Anakin answers. "If you're asking for how much for the night, you're too fucking drunk, my guy, and I'm too tired to get vomited on. You want me to call you a car or are you just gonna sit here until someone does decide to mug you?"
Obi-Wan chooses the car.
(He comes back the next day to find Anakin. Cue the rest of the movie? CLOTHING MONTAGE. Uhhhhh Qui-Gon as the hotel clerk?)
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preeningpisces · 5 months
Non-curse AU! Choso is a big ol' nerd
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A/N: As a big ol' nerd myself I feel passionately about this, so I have way too many thoughts repost bc it wasn't showing in the tag for some reason
Below the cut because I'm a yapper!
♠ Definitely the type to meet his S/O through discord because I think non-curse Choso is much shyer than regular Choso
❥ He wouldn’t be an admin. He’d be the quiet type that’s always there reacting to posts but rarely talks. Has the sickest emotes tho
❥ Prefers smaller discord communities, mostly video game servers
❥ I think he'd like the vaporwave aesthetic and all the RBG setups. Keeps his computer area neat and tidy
❥ Choso fucking loves video games. He'll buy those $300 special edition pre-orders and get the cool figures
❥ HUGE Soulsborne fan. His favorite is Bloodborne (on the nose but I couldn't resist). Also really loves Monster Hunter. Cares a lot about the monster's details, like their eating habits. I think his fave would either be Odogaron, Nargacuga or Zinogre.
❥ Picks the edgiest weapons lmfao. Definitely a longsword user in Monster Hunter. Went blood build in Elden Ring
❥ *Sigh* he does consult reddit for his builds and is a min-maxer. I'm afraid Choso is a reddit user but in a 'I need a thorough understanding of this' kind of way
❥ Function over fashion: he dgaf if that helmet is as ugly as sin, it gives him +2 endurance and he's gonna wear it
❥ Lets you create his character & name them & everything.
❥ If you can't be present for the character creation portion, he'll make his character you! Definitely made you his dream guardian in Baldur's Gate 3 (which in the early access was called the Dream Lover, which is even cuter)
❥ Not pretentious at all about what is/isn't gaming, and plays all sorts of genres
❥ LOVES NINTENDO GAMES. Mario has a special place in his heart. DEFINITELY mains Shy Guy in Mario Kart
❥ Will literally cry and die if you play video games with him. You don't have to be good because he'll happily teach you. Just watching him play and asking about the details will make his day
❥ Definitely would do those cute Animal Crossing museum dates. Loves the relaxing, chill music so much. Despite his min-maxer approach to other games, he's absolutely not a time traveler in Animal Crossing. He's of the mindset that it ruins one of the core features of the game
❥ Stardew Valley? Stardew Valley. Honestly, I can't decide who he romanced first. My heart is telling me Leah, but chat pls advise
❥ Speaking of chat, you just know he's a fan of let's players. Always watching a YouTuber or Twitch Streamer. He's a Markiplier fan. You know it, just accept it
❥ Tbh that's a cute thought: Choso being a fan of the reader that's a small twitch streamer. Should that be a thing?
❥ Really good at singleplayer games. AWFUL at pvp
❥ He'll play something like Fortnite or Overwatch for Yuji, but needs to be hard carried because he only plays when someone asks him to. He can't stand how toxic those communities are, and doesn't want to socialize with strangers just to play a game
❥ He gets HEATED SO EASILY when people are toxic, especially if it's directed at Yuji or someone else he cares about. Definitely the type to step in and check other ppl when they're being toxic. Like those clips where it's a woman in a lobby and the dudes all start being sexist. Choso will not let that shit fly!
❥ Teabag him if you want to see him lose his shit
❥ On the note of Overwatch: the only character he can and will play is Mercy, and he just pockets Yuuji the whole time. Yuji has to beg him to heal/boost their teammates
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24kvlaks · 3 months
(Killer reader)- Multiple endings
Featuring- Ghostface's (Billy and Stu)-(Michael Myers)-(Domonic.)
There he was, hiding behind a bush as he watched his supposed victim pound into someone with a knife. "You bitch!" They yelled as the slashed and stabbed.
Tears flowing from their face. Nothing more dangerous than an emotional killer. "How could you do that to me-!" She yelled one more time before Billy accidentally snapped a twig.
Knife in hand she darted towards him, knowing she couldn't let a witness escape. Luckily for Billy Stu was right behind her, realizing she was cornered she threatened them.
"I didn't do that, she was like that when I found her! The Ghostface's they did it!"
God poor girl, she sounded really convincing but she didn't know the two boys that were dressed in casual clothes had been the sadistic killer she was falsely accusing.
"Ouch, I could've sworn that I didn't do that."
She froze and tensed up, she was smart. She understood now that this pair was the infamous Ghostface.
"What could have she done to piss you off that much."
Stu said
"You were supposed to die tonight, but God you put on one hot show."
God they wouldn't stop talking, thinking they let their guards down you tried to dart away from them but Billy quickly grabbed you. Back to his chest you jumped up, head butting him.
Sadly there were two of them so Stu had you pinned.
"God give a girl a chance to live and she fuckin' head butts you.''
Stu laughed.
''Busted ma fuckin' nose.''
Genuinely you were starting to get pissed, you hated being pinned down it gave you bad memories, so you started to freak out.
"Let me go! Let me fucking go! I'm gonna kill you bitch!''
You started to bite and yell, kicking and punching to the point where in order to stop you they had to threaten you at knife point. You begged them to let go and tried to explain.
Surprisingly they stopped pinning you and let you go, still circling enough so you couldn't run away.
"Your choice."
They said together, you knew what they were talking about it, and wanted to kill yourself for the choice you have to make.
You had one of to fates, two be killed. Or kill.
and as the selfish son' bitch that you are, you weren't gonna die.
You were stuck with those two assholes until you died.
Domonic! <3
After the whole dare ordeal he found himself covered in blood laying on a soft blanket. Someone had saved him?
Opening his eyes on further inspection he saw he was in a house like cabin. Angered by who saved his life because he had wanted to die, he was going to make them pay.
His mask was laid next to him so he grabbed it, and headed deeper into the home.
Whilst stalking the house, he heard a loud thud and slowly walked towards the sound. Only to see a small frame dragging a huge body down the stairs.
Unknowingly being noticed she called for him.
"Ah! There you are big guy, mind giving me a hand?"
Well she did save his life even if he was ungrateful at first, swiftly he threw the body into the garbage shoot.
"Awe you're as handy as you're cute."
Huh? You made his mind buff, you thought he was cute? God he was embarrassing over 6ft yet blushing to someone who wasn't at his chin.
Staring there in awkward silence she walked off and as the lost puppy he was he trailed along. Following her small commands once so ever.
"Dom, Dom, come here." She coed him over and he came, she rested her head in his blood covered chest and took some breaths.
"You are fucking magic, you're like a fucking drug. You're so calming Dom." She kissed his pecs and gave him a pat, and god he was blushing. Does this mean they're dating?
He didn't have any romantic experience as a kid so he just assumed. Though unbeknownst to him you did that platonically. Still you wouldn't mind if you dated either way.
"Baby come here!" Something you said platonically that he once again took romantically and quickly came to who he internally called "Wife''-s assistance.
Genuinely for you kidnapping his corpse you guys were getting along fairly well.
The house was hot so he took his mask off considering you saw his face when you found him.
''You're so gorgeous.''
Your city accent was like heaven too him. And because why not you kissed him, you laughed threw the kiss as his virgin tongue just started dancing in your mouth.
You though of him as your 'killing husband.'
Michael was in the Asylum once again, yet at this time he was breaking out, slaughtering anyone who stood in his way.
Though someone who was smaller and beside him was a younger lady, standing behind him cowardly trusting him to lead the way.
He didn't really care that she was standing behind him, as long as she didn't get in the way.
He was controlling his undying urge to kill everyone here including the patients.
Though as he was fighting he noticed one of the guards reach for the phone to call the police and he wouldn't have made it in time to stop her because of his wide frame.
So he genuinely thought he would've had to spend the whole day killing, he didn't mind. It just wasted time so once he felt the presence behind him leave and watched her kill.
Grabbing a cord and strangling the lady who tried to call the Police with the phone cord.
Though it was convenient, he couldn't care less. He was an emotionless psychopath. The only thing he wholeheartedly enjoyed was killing.
So as you to wandered towards the exits you had been caught and they began striking you down, surprisingly the man you had helped, had began helping you.
He wasn't doing it because he cared he did it because- He didn't know he just acted on impulse.
After he slaughtered the entire force and locked all the other patients in the building, not noticing you managed to escape.
Until he felt something press against his orange mask. In reflex he swung and hit them. Not knowing she had kissed him, she ran away in another direction.
And he stood there, Michael had never been kissed before.
He walked the opposite way.
His mind drifted from killing into confusion, wondering why his stomach and lower area felt fuzzy, He ignored it and continued his rampage. On his way to his home.
Must've been your lucky day, you saw him again and he saw you. You waved, but ducked when you heard sirens, once you looked in his direction again he was gone.
Michael hated this, he killed anyone that he "Felt any emotion towards." because it wasn't normal to him.
So he tried to ignore that annoying fuzzy feeling and went back to hunting Laurie.
Though if he was to run into you again he wouldn't mind. Not that he cares anyway.
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kilasmess · 1 year
Ok so this is an idea for a fic that I probably won't ever write.... Since it's been forever and a half since I've even attempted to write something.... But I'll post it here because the idea is running circles in my mind instead of letting me sleep like I should :/
So it's gonna be dead on main because I fucking love this ship and I need more angst to go with it.
So Danny gets stuck in Gotham right... I'm thinking Jazz discovers their parents now know Danny's secret... and thinking it's Phantom possessing Danny's corpse, they're out for blood. So Jazz hurries to Danny and traps him in the thermos, because my girl is freaking out and panicking and she always thought their parents would be understanding and now she doesn't know what to do. So she traps Danny in the thermos and is planning to release him into the ghost zone until things cool down. Except as she's releasing Danny into the ghost zone, her parents catch up to her, and now they're thinking their baby girl is possessed too, since she's helping that awful awful ghost. So they're all in the lab, and Sam and Tucker find out what's happening because they see when the Fentons try to take Danny only to see jazz got there first. Anyway, jazz released Danny into the portal, and now all three of them are afraid the Fentons will open it back up and hurt Danny, so Jazz signals Tucker to fuck with the portal with his PDA so they can't open it. Except with him trying to lock it from them, and whatever fuckery jack did to the portal, things go wrong. Wrong enough that the whole thing explodes somehow. Idk, Idk shit about electronics of Fenton fuckery so let's pretend this makes sense somehow. Anyways, they all die in the resulting explosion. And now Danny's trapped in the ghost zone since his portal was destroyed and he doesn't know how to make his own portals yet. Whatever. Point is, he's stuck, and he's confused and trying desperately to get back home because something is very very wrong. Either way, it takes him a while to make it back home. Except...
When he does make it back, it's to realize that everyone he loves is dead. He has no real way to know wtf happened, only that something exploded and now they're all dead. So, he's grieving, ofc. He's remembering what happened when everyone died in another timeline, and he doesn't want that to repeat. He's hurting and breaking down but he knows he doesn't want to become Dan, so he breaks down, makes it back to the ghost zone and just kinda drifts. Let's pretend at this point clockwork decided it's time to do something for the young halfa, give him a way to keep himself occupied so he can stop slowly letting his grief consume him. He has him start taking care of his kingly duties. Figures that's the best way from having the kid fade into a shade without a purpose. After all, his obsession is protection right? Gotta give him something to protect, and what better something than the realms he obtained by right of conquest.
Danny throws himself into it. It feeds into his obsession, and he's able to stop thinking about everything that he's lost. He's lost so much and he's not even fully sure how it happened, and he could ask clockwork, but frankly, he thinks finding out might just be the thing that breaks him. So he never asks, he throws himself into paperwork, and politics and setting a few of the realms that had fallen into disarray back to rights. He spends so much time in this, but he's not taking care of himself, obvs, and his rogues and mentors are worried for him. He's not actively wallowing anymore, and he's a great fucking king but he's also.... Not moving on..? He doesn't sleep, doesn't eat, and outright refuses to transform back into human. Which has clockwork worried... Again, because well, being a halfa is supposed to be all about balance. The perfect balance between dead and alive. but Danny is ... not balanced at all, to the point where his human half could very well end up dying. It's being, let's say about 5 years since he's taken on his duties, bout 7 or so since everyone he loved died, and he's transformed as little as possible, but let's say he's around 24ish, give or take, idk I want an older Danny. Point is, clockwork decides it's time to intervene again. He pulls a few strings with his buddy Lady Gotham, who has a depressed kinda ghost of her own and hey, if her kid can become friends with the king then all the better right? Don't worry she won't interfere much... that's clockworks job anyways.
Fuck I hate leaving things like this but I'm falling asleep so I'll try to continue this idea later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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madnessofthespirits · 5 months
2, 9 and 17 about Diar and Alter for the character ask game 👀👀👀
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
cu alter: ummmm i'd die for anything. for example:
he's not lancer but he is very much cu chulainn
in EPU (and to a certain extent post-EPU too) he's basically just a guy trying to give himself agency in a situation where he's been robbed of his agency. this makes him act really weird
nothing about him has anything to do with warp spasm cu, even on a meta level
he's got that dissociative ptsd
whenever he's kind or caring i find it moving because he's quite literally been altered to suppress those parts of himself, which goes to show that they're actually too strong to be suppressed completely at all, and that he's fighting extra hard to be that way
(i may be interpreting this question as an opportunity to just share random opinions but hopefully that's okay)
diarmuid: the worst things that ever happened to him were ultimately the fault of awful old men with too much power and if fate would actually notice that and try to do something with what that might mean about him i think that would be a much more interesting thing to explore in regard to his character in fgo (or any other post-f/z media he could potentially be in) than well, most of the other things they've done with him post-f/z instead
also *straight guy voice* he's way stronger than either canon or fans usually treat him as being. urobuchi (or someone else on the f/z staff, i forget who) said he might have won the grail war if it weren't for kayneth being a fuckwad. all of the stuff he's done in his legends is at least as impressive as anything cu has ever done.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
cu alter: honestly i think it was during the scene where he fights nero and she's trying to understand his motives and nothing he's saying really makes much sense and she points out that he's not even enjoying what he's doing, which he implicitly agrees with, and then tells her that his only goal is to just keep fighting until he's dead. i remember thinking to myself stuff along the lines of "wow bro that sounds Bad what's your problem" and "oh he's like Fucked Up fucked up i can't not care about him" and really it just made me want to understand him so bad
and then there's the finale scene where he finally admits that he's being forced to do what he's doing because medb used the grail to place him under a geis and it's like sad as fuck because he's been forced to sacrifice the parts of himself that feel joy and love just so he can maintain his honor, and therefore it's also heroic at the same time (this is what i'm talking about when i say that though he may not be lancer he is very much cu chulainn). also the part where's he kind to medb while she's dying in spite of having little reason to be and actually holding clear dislike for her is very touching
diarmuid: i definitely liked him from the start - like he so clearly just wants to do the right thing and have fun at the same time in spite of the fact that he has this horrific past and got saddled with this shitty master - like how could i not care about him? but it's definitely the last couple of scenes he appears in that sealed the deal for me. just seeing him walk away from that shitty encounter with kayneth and turn around and decide he's not gonna let that stop him from enjoying an epic fight with his best friend - and then he experiences one of the most awful fictional deaths i can think of and we learn that this whole time while he's been smiling and taking the high road at every turn he's actually been building up this whole volcano of grief and resentment. the whole thing is just as brief as it is powerful. it's a moment of honesty, it's touching, it's relatable, it's the closest thing to justice he's allowed. it contrasts so starkly with the side of him the audience sees up until then that it comes off as genuinely shocking, and it shows that he is just as glaringly human as he is a perfect knight, and therefore what makes him such an interesting and lovable character. can't imagine how hard your heart has to be to see all that and not care for him at least a little
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
cu alter: i think you will either get it or not, but out of all the songs i associate with him, of which there are many, i think of this one as being the most "his" of them all
diarmuid: i know i've already brought this one up before but:
"when i choose to see the good side of things, i'm not being naive. it is strategic and necessary. it's how i've learned to survive through everything." -- waymond wang in everything everywhere all at once (excellent film btw if you haven't seen it)
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thebardisabird · 1 year
Only time I'm gonna talk about this, thanks.
Peep the timestamp in the picture please. I have always been about not catering to nsfw content of minors, fictional or not. Thank you. I want to start this with: I'm exhausted even having to type this out - but I will ask everyone who saw the posts to just please leave the person who accused me of this alone about this, don't go running into their inbox trying to defend me or be disrespectful to them because that is the opposite of what I want. Leave them alone. I'm very fucking serious - do not fucking do that, I don't appreciate it. I messaged them myself once and only once, and they've made it clear how they feel about me and this situation and they sound like they want to be left alone about this from what I understand so after this - we let shit die. I will not be addressing this further because everything I have to say is right here. If you saw their post, you know what I'm talking about. I'm not giving context - though they called me out by my name I won't do the same and I don't even really wanna make this a thing to begin with, but I AM gonna say this one thing about it because I was called and accused of some pretty awful things. And I saw the screenshot - me calling Mirio, a 'sexy tin tin' as an offhand joke doesn't make me a pedophile - because as far as I'm concerned and that can be publicly seen - I have done nothing to any child or minor, I would rather kill myself (as I've been suggested to do apparently). In fact, I stuck to my guns on being against writing nsfw on the bnha minors on that SAME DAY when I said THIS vvvv
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I would like for everyone to move on with this, please. If you're not comfortable with me here because I give you "weird vibes", fine. I won't make you stay. I'm not here to make you uncomfortable, just block me, you're free to do whatever you want and I'm not going to be hurt over it. My disposition was clear. I truly don't know what they're referring to about nsfw content because there is none, but I can speak for myself, what I know I've written, and who I am as a person. and my tags are available for complete viewing (and you all know I tag everything heavily). I do not wish this person harm or hatred and I will not tell anyone who this was because despite how they feel about me and the post they made, they deserve to be safe. I saw the screenshot. I see that I called Mirio 'sexy' 4 years ago and for that I apologize. He's canonically 18, but I completely understand those optics and I can understand the upset and I want to make it clear that I don't view this character in any sexual way. DO want to note however, that there was NEVER any nsfw content made of him. Not once. I still don't know what content they're referring to and none of MY friends both IRL and online have never seen this shit either - and they've been in this fandom and the BNHA fandom for as long as I have. Calling me a pedophile and a predator isn't funny and I am not laughing, I take that very very seriously because I am CONSTANTLY and publicly up in arms about minor safety and the protection of children. On top of that I spent my whole life trying to heal from being preyed on and sexually assaulted when I was a minor, trauma that I am STILL dealing with because one of my former abusers is a family member that I have to see on a regular basis. To be accused of being the very demon that caused me so much harm...I don't even know what to say because that can't be further from the truth and this has been extremely triggering. I think that's all I have. I know my intentions, my actions and how I've conducted my blog for years speak for themselves. I don't mess around when it comes to minor safety or vehemently being against the nsfw content of minors and that has not changed. Not once. This isn't about saving face - I have no face to save. I'm nobody on tumblr, this is the internet. But I won't be painted out to be something I'm not. Especially not over content that doesn't exist and an offhand comment. If people do not feel comfortable following me after this even if it's just because of this whole interaction, I understand. That will not stop me from making ososan content and enjoying the content I make about adults for adult audiences only. Regardless of how they feel about me - let this shit die please and leave them alone. I wish them well and I hope them and their friends are safe even if they feel like it has to be from me.
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knight-of-moths · 10 months
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---Heartfire, 9th, 4E 201---
New day, breakfast of Ale and Soup.
On our way to ivarstead, we stumbled upon a dragon! A whole dragon, taking a nap in the sun. He didn't attack us, and we did not attack him.
Not my fucking problem.
I don't want to be the dragonborn. So I won't be.
We're partially to Ivarstead, have hunted a bit before getting there. A heavy fog settled in, so we've ducked into a cave. Given the exterior, I assume there's hagravens about?
There was a spriggan trapped in a cage, deep within the Hagraven cave. I've freed her, and she didn't attack us. We had to help her out of the cage a bit, as she got stuck, but she ran off, unbothered. Didn't even attack us. What a gorgeous creature.
We're at the Ivarstead inn, and I've inquired about that courrier someone asked me to track down forever ago. Seems she went to a bear cave for her satchel. Duly noted. It's far too foggy out to go sightseeing, and far too late anyway, so here we rest.
I'm 4 drinks deep on accident, whoops. I'm thinking about the whole, well, thing about being the Dragonborn. I can't seem to figure out how I feel. On the one hand, whatever it is gives me some interesting abilities, magical and otherwise, that are extremely useful to me as a mercenary. The shouts especially. They're incredible, and have been extremely helpful in combat. The way I acquire them is alien and makes me feel ill, but it could be worse I suppose?
The fighting dragons also brings me a natural, yet all the same unnatural thrill. The boys have a great time hunting them with me, and it makes me feel so much closer to them than ever before. Absorbing their souls, much like the words, feels sickening and heavy.
But the responsibility of it, of being Dragonborn? I hate it, I loathe it. People speak of me in awe, in bewilderment, as a fellow soldier again.
I hate it.
I don't want to be anyone. I just want to be ME, be Mothuk, Moth, just some bloke who you pay to kill for you, or find something you lost, and then die in combat or of being old. And now I have responsibility, I have deeds from members of society of great power, and a lot hangs on my shoulders.
I would gladly bear this burden elsewhere. I refuse to be Dragonborn. I can't fucking do it.
And I won't risk my saftey as a defector either, I can't risk being known, being brought back to Cyrodiil and punished.
Gods I hate this.
At least I have them.
At least I have Gore.
I'm just gonna drink the night away I think. I already mixed up mead and soup, who's to say it can't happen again?
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arobinwithoutbatman · 5 months
((Alrighty! I'm showered and clean and teaching my hair to do it's wavy thing! Time to read through more of Knightfall! Volume 2 I believe I'm up to
Cool, Scarecrow adn Joker aren't seeing eye to eye, hate that. That's going to end in disaster when Bane has already fucked up the city by showing them Batman's broken body
...I'm sorry. Is Joker fucking IMMUNE TO FEAR GAS?!
Oof poor Tim. Boy is understandably worried about losing Bruce and Batman
...sudden art style change? Like. Very scratchy and scribbly. Incomplete almost... either this is supposed to represent what is coming through to a comatose Bruce or this issue was rushed
Okay going back in time a little. 3 weeks previous
And Two Face is having an episode
And of course Bruce was all "Nope, you're not coming Tim, it's not safe"
Yeha you really should have let Tim come along, you probably would've had some help in that water fight
Ah. Still mad about Batman changing the terms of their alliance whihc... entirely fair honestly
Bruce. Tim just saved your life. There were very few options to save you and keep Harvey alive and he had to make a split second call where there were no good choices
Oh thank fuck, Bruce woke up and even corrected himself and look at Tim sob! My baby!
Oof, Bruce is understandably taking this so hard
Oh heeeyyyy Selina. Don't work for Bane. I love you, don't do it
Also, Shondra? Maybe you shouldn't kiss your patient? That's a lil weird
Time for Jean-Paul to step into the role of Batman for a bit though I do love that Tim's first thought was to ask Dick and Bruce immediately said "no he's his own person and has his own responsibilities"
Hm... little early to be thinking that you should spill everything to Shondra. Think on it some more first, Bruce
Really? You're gonna trust that flyer? There's so many red flags here
Oh! And we're looking at virtual reality. Cool! This is not going to end well and given the cover art, Scarecrow is gonna pop up any second!
Hey Jean? Maybe don't immediately break all of those rules? Some of those are for your safety
Oh hey Lonnie
Okay cool, Scarecrow's doing some casual brainwashing with fear! That... typically doesn't work very well and has some awful side effects!
I mean... you're not entirely wrong, Lonnie. But also, you don't know that there's someone else under the cowl at the moment
Hoo boy, the fear conditioning is... definitely something. It's holding for now and will continue to hold cause comic book logic
And Jean Paul, you're hitting too hard and this mantle is already getting to your head. You're desperately needed but you're 100% gonna flip shit at some point
So they're painting Scarecrow as a weird guy who was ultimately very poor and also kind of generally awful? And he believes people would've listened to him if he could hoard more books and he had money? Buddy... you literally randomly chase birds and shot flowers as part of a discussion about the psychology of guns. You had some other stuff going on
Ooohhh boy. Total chaos. And someone's lil gas container fell into the sewers. That's... ooohhhh that's a poisoned water supply and sewage line
Not surprised Lonnie knows how hypnosis and conditioning work and even uses those tactics themselves
At least Jean Paul knows to keep himself in check. He can't kill whilst wearing the cowl and shouldn't kill at all
Oooohhhh shit, Anarky's gonna set off Azrael
Okay not entirely. He's off kilter but he... can't feel the fear fully? Oof
But he's definitely off kilter and he'd better take Tim out with him next time. He was willing to let a boy die to take out Scarecrow
Scary in all the wrong ways isn't a bad description, Tim
Hoo boy, Jean Paul is gonna get into trouble
And all while Jack and Shondra are about to be held up in the Drake house with Tim out on patrol
You tried, Bruce, you really tried
And Tim you really need to tell Bruce about Jean Paul going off the rails because he's a danger to everyone including himself rn
Tim's so tired, he hasn't even noticed his dad is missing
Eeeyyyy Oracle! Barbara my Queen!
Yeah Jean Paul is definitely losing control
Cool Bruce, Alfred and Selina on their way to Bane's home. Tim's just found out his dad is missing and Jean Paul is absolutely slipping back into his old programming
Snrrrk Gordon not expecting Jean Paul to still be there before he's done talking
Tim's so alone rn poor boy
...Jean Paul released them?! To follow them back to Bane?! Clever but wtf?!?!
Hoo boy. You lived this time JP by pure luck but you're terrifying Gotham and wrecking the reputation
Jean Paul is definitely falling back into whatever his old programming was and he's just out for blood. For a crusade
Eeeeyyy Nightwing! Big brother to the rescue!
-.- You look like you stepped out of a mecha anime, my guy
Welp. Bruce is gonna have a hell of a time getting the city to trust him again when he's able to take the cowl back
He might have resisted the impulse to kill but I certainly wouldn't continue to trust him, Tim
....I'm taking a test at the library tomorrow and then i might linger long enough to read the next volume if I'm not totally exhausted mentally
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tonysaintborgi · 1 year
I've been thinking about your response to my internalized homophobia question and it's led me to another, how do you love yourself?
I grew up in an environment where I felt that I needed to do something good in order to get praise/affection/love/whatever, which led to extreme internalized emotions and people pleasing, blah blah blah, but if love is a currency how do I pay myself?
Ah, yeah, tough question homie. If, in your travels, you discover an easy answer, please come back to me and let me know. I struggle with it too. Especially in this society where we're MADE to feel worse about ourselves (so that we spend money). And if you're queer (I'm assuming), that makes it even rougher on a developing psyche. Lasting impacts and all that.
But I do have a couple of things for you to chew on.
First, no matter how deep in self loathing you may feel (been there!), you're not alone. I've felt in the pits of despair. The worst of depression. Like I was worthless and it was uniquely me. But that's not true. I started noticing the people around me, people I love, people I think highly of... saying they felt the same way. They also pointed their pain back at themselves. These people, they feel like they aren't worth much, but if they could only see themselves with my eyes, they'd see how radiant they are... but they have no clue. And it occurred to me, if these people - who I know as amazing people, who all matter to me so deeply - are feeling the same pain as me, and they're suffering in the same way, I'm probably afflicted with the same thing they are. Right? They don't see their own beauty. I can't see mine. As much as I feel it, I am not uniquely awful. I have to trust there's something in me I'm not seeing. I hope in time I'll discover it myself, but I know that if I'm not looking, I never will.
You're not alone either. You have the beauty you don't see too. That's part of loving yourself, is acknowledging you're lovable whether or not you see or agree with the reason you're being loved. And the sooner you allow yourself to be loved, the sooner you'll find it within you that you can love yourself too.
But also, love isn't a currency. Love is a boundles resource. There's no reason to hold back on it. As far as I know, you only get one swing at this whole thing - we're all organic matter, we're gonna die eventually and we probably ain't coming back. Break the spigot and bathe in love. You don't need to "earn" it. Some people would deny you theirs, and fuck em for it! But you don't need to deny yourself it.
Bud, there will only ever be one you. You're one of a kind. You're special. The universe will never make another you. So you're worth love, and you're worth loving yourself. And the more you allow yourself that possibility, you'll find the reasons to do so.
I don't know if any of this helps, I'm baked. Anyway, as someone who's struggled for a long time, let me tell ya. It's not easy. But it's possible. And I believe in you.
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necroticghost · 6 months
I'm not going to be okay if I keep on thinking about all of the dying people all around the world.
I feel like my problems are actually meek and unimportant next to like. death, existential crisis, murder, organized murder, inhumane acts, apathy and all
can you believe that people would JUST. send others death threats? and like that isn't too big to worry about, those are just kids. no adults really behave like that, but like.
FUCK. never search for the standard chicken maceration process that video fucked me up
the fact that I can't genuinely tell whether this is something that is wrong Wrong WRONG.
or if there's like some way to cope with it makes it horrifying sure, but oh my god I just can't imagine the trauma and the pain of being fed to the grinder I need to throw up
I can imagine myself in that position
The fact that it always seemed to me as if there was some kind of.
Choice to be had in death. Like it was a puzzle, and if you were smart enough you'd be saved always gave me this sense of safety or maybe hope.
like I could CHOOSE to not get murdered. or to cope with it. I had a choice in how to handle it and I had the power in me to be able to lie through it, or take it.
but oh my god they're just. bred. they're NEWBORNS. newborns don't have COPING MECHANISMS FOR BEING FED TO THE GRINDER?????? THEY'RE JUST SMALL GUYS FOR FUCKS SAKE.
I can't do anything while they're being shredded alive this is awful
no no no no n on. O n o no n o n o n .
my poor precious children my baby boys
oh, what have they done to you?
cruelty cruelty cruelty. this is all too much for them. they're alive, they're breathing. my GOD.
and uh. hence the crisis since we're gonna die in a painful way whether we like it or not.
at some point
100 years isnt like "a manageable distance to put between that like, one day where you'll die whoopsie"
100 years is all I have
100 years is what I have to wait towards to get massacrated
100 years is something that will pass until death looks ME in the eyes
you know I thought suicide was for like painful death, but that was wrong
I was scared of suicide because I would have to be in pain for that
I'll be in pain regardless.
and d oughhhhh hhhh oh god everyone I know will be DEAD in 200 years. those fucking twinks my god.
being an atheist can ruin a person because I can no longer speak to my dead grandmother in my thoughts and be convinced she heard me and so did Jesus Christ
had this in my inbox for a while and I just couldn't bring myself to reply, I am extremely sensitive to gore and it physically hurts me when I hear either about people or animals hurting like it hurts it really really hurts and I go into a deeply distressed mode
I wish no pain would ever exist. I am so thankful I'm vegetarian idk I don't even want to think about that whole process :/ poor little babies oh god
and your problems are valid! as long as it hurts you it is valid and it is no use to compare the pain. the world is a cruel place, if only people communicated more they could avoid so much unnecessary suffering... I'm so sorry that you can't even find comfort in those things anymore :(
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misanthropiccacophony · 8 months
hey um. why do you feel embodied by euthanasia? i’m pretty sure it’s one of wills most straightforward, literal songs so like. it’s just about dead pets. no hate at all btw i’m just curious about your interpretation.
you're all good mate! actually, thanks for asking!! ^^
this is gonna be a long post that's pretty personal, so I'm gonna put my explanation under the cut.
this will include an overall connection, and analysis of lyrics and their relation to me
i know it's just about dead pets, which is partially why i feel so embodied by it. the lyrics themselves are a majority of my connection, but the delivery of the live version is also a big thing for me.
there's a rawness in the live version that really just,,, hits me. the ability to perform such a sad and personal song feels like both a cover up of emotions and a confession of them at the same time. i'm pretty easily overwhelmed by my emotions and shit, but i tend to keep them to myself cause i feel like a burden and leech on others when i try to share them.
because the performance is live. you can hear every string squeak clearly, too. i generally love this sound in music, but when paired with the song? it reminds me of choked sobs, like when you're full on sobbing and breaking down. it evokes that feeling of pure grief like what you'd get at the loss of a loved one. it feels so familiar for me.
sometimes i feel like a dead pet. i feel like a foggy memory that's being forgotten more and more, fading out as the person forgets my memory. i feel like a ghost. people see me, people see things about me that are glaring and obvious. but they still stare through me. sometimes that's all they do. maybe i'm a beloved memory to some, maybe i'm just a faint memory with too little substance to hold any emotional feelings, maybe i'm a raw topic that still causes the heart to bleed and ache, maybe i'm drying tears and the reason someone lashes out in pain and hates being alone because of the void i've left maybe not. that's ok either way. the live version of Euthanasia by Will Wood really resonates with me, and i feel like it and all of the feelings it invokes in me <at the very least> embodies me.
now, for song meaning. for clarification- the song is about euthanasia <obviously>, more specifically when Will had to euthanize one of his pet rats, Bert. that's the literal meaning of the song.
i've had to have pets put down before, and had others just pass in general. so in the literal way, i know the feeling; i've lived it
in general though, there's something about having to put a pet down to end their suffering peacefully that resonates with me. to put it bluntly– i both wish someone could do that to me, and i also know the guilt of having to do something that feels do horrid and awful to a loved one so fucking intimately.
both the owner—grieving and guilty over their actions—and the pet—terrified and suffering—are things that i've lived with for way too much of my life. i've spent countless hours drowning in those feelings and trying my damn best to escape and recover.
moving onto lyrics, i'm not gonna go over every single one, but i'm gonna cover a good few of them. i'm gonna put the lyrics in color so they're a bit easier to identify <and cause i feel like it> "I was right there, while you fought tooth and nail Gasping in the gas mask, thrashing 'til you disappeared"
this could go one of two ways. 1) i've had pets go, and i've had to do shit i thought was for the best but still really hurt. sometimes it feels/felt like i was watching hopelessly as it happened. 2) i feel like both of these at once. putting myself down, euthanizing myself, believing with all of my existence that it's for the best. i'm also fighting for my life, desperate and clinging to anything i can because i don't actually want to die, despite believing i do. "Say you're not scared That you know it's because I cared and Say you know I love you, and that hope was just not there"
i've hurt <and scarred> people i love because i thought it was for the best, because i loved them, because i honestly believed that there wasn't any hope. and often i wish to hear that they know it was an act of love, and they also felt that hopelessness so i can pretend i'm justified. "And I know, I know that I'm wrong That when you're gone, you're gone And I can't bring you home"
i know this denial so deeply. i also know the painful truth that i'm wrong in that denial. i've lost some people, through death or just losing contact or whatever. some days, though, i sink into that denial thinking i can see them again, that they'll come home. they won't, and i know it. "But I want, I want to believe That you'll remember me When you're just memory"
i like to think that people i've loved deeply in any way will still remember me when they're just a memory to me. that i've made enough of a difference that they'll remember me <fondly, i hope> when they're just another memory for me. "And sorry, I would take it back if I could, but I know" there's so much i wish i could take back. there's so much, even if it was for the best at that time, that i would undo if i could. the regret of that is something i might just die with. "But I want, I want to believe That you can still hear me When you're just memory"
to people i've lost in any way, i hope you can hear me apologize for not being there more and not doing more for you. i want to believe that those i've lost can still hear me say how much they meant to me.
" Said, "It's okay" "And it'll all be over soon" "I'd never let a bad thing happen to you" "Now, goodnight, I love you!" " i like to think that the harm i've caused isn't actually that bad. that it's for the best. it's not bad, it's actually good, because it was the best choice i had. i like to think that... for those i've left behind... that i could've said this to them or communicated it to them in any way "And every, everybody dies Fighting for their lives Just trying to survive" i don't wanna go too much into this. but. i relate to this line on such a deep level it almost physically hurts. sometimes i could swear to you that i'm failing to survive. some days i expect to die from how desperately i'm fighting for my life. "And I know, I know it's not true There's just no more you But as long as there's no proof Then I choose, I choose to believe That we'll meet in sweet dreams After you're put to sleep" i like to think that all of the people i've loved and lost still exist somehow. they're still there somewhere. whether they died or we lost contact in any way. they're still out there, and maybe i'll see them again. maybe i'll get to meet them in a sweet, comforting dream. because there's no way it will happen in reality. maybe, when we're both gone, we can meet again and catch up. maybe when we meet up, it'll all be okay. sometimes i wanna be put to sleep to see if that's the case. sometimes i wanna go to sleep to see if that's the case. either way, i'm always longing for the people that aren't in my life anymore. the ones i loved, anyway. i just think it'd be nice to see them again. wouldn't it be lovely to see their wonderful faces again? wouldn't it be beautiful to be in their glorious company again?
i think it would be.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Hiya!!! Hope you're doing well! JASPER WITH HIS LITTLE COLLAR AND TAG!!! BAT DOG 🦇🐕 😭😭😭😭! Adorable. Adorable!! Tattoo do be poppin' and them cowboy boots ..... okay, okay, I see you. They also look stellar by the way.
Haven't had a chance to look at our boy Delaney but that snippet 👀👀👀 oof.... things indeed escalated quickly.... how very interesting 😏😏😏. BUT YOU WITH THESE CHARACTERS AND THEIR SLUTTLY LITTLE BUTTON POPS AND SHIRTS JUST HAPPENING TO COME OFF?!?!? SIR... sir.... please ... PLEASEEEE have mercy on thine souls 🫠🫠🫠
Alright, now that I've gotten that out, let's get into it.
Just The Sunshine | Bob Saginowski x gn!reader
Ohhohoho.... honey, it ain't the sun that's got 'em all hot an' bothered like that. Don't know how much help that umbrella is gonna be there, Bobby boy 😂. Awe, but they cute, they cute as hell: looking at him like it's their first date.... fuckin' gush.
The Flirting Game | Eames x gn!reader
“Just fucking leave it, alright?!” You snapped, pushing him away from you before storming off to the bedroom. 
Cobbs, FUCK OFF!! But they confessed! They both confessed and now the two of THEM can go on a date. Let's go!!
Our Little Game | Bane x gn!reader
“I’m watching something,” you told him with a shake of your head. “I’ve been dying to watch it for over a year, so please, fuck off, my love.”
Very lovingly, and don't forget that you are the light of my life, but kindly get the fuck out.
“Oh no, I’ve been caught,” you laughed, sarcasm would only make things worse. “What ever shall I do? Surrender to the big, bad man who broke the Bat’s back?”
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This little shit!!! OMG this was literally everything I hoped for and more. Absolutely living for the sassy reader and Bane pairing, let me tell you!
My Robin Redbreast | Bane x gn!reader
"And yet, all Heaven is still in a rage. And will be, until Gotham and its people are free of corruption and greed. There are thousands of robin redbreasts just like you, my beloved.”
🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm not crying, YOU are.... that's bloody beautiful. Both of them working tirelessly so that those who have been pushed to the margins, stepped over, forgotten, may once again have a voice and the remember their own power. And that little requirement of their's.... HIS Robin.... I'm gone 😢😢. They’re like, Imma put that ring on him.
Lucky Sergeant | Alfie Solomons x m!reader
You sighed, breath shaky as you thought about it. “If we’re both gonna die… fuck it. We die together.”
Alfie grinned as he nodded. “That’s my boy. There’s the scrappy cunt I knew back home.”
“Just do not let me die here,” you told him. “Let me die in your arms. And only your arms.”
🥹🥹🥹🥹 Oh fuckin' hell. Either would do anything to ensure the other got out of this and I'm not crying you bloody are... holy fuck 😭😭😭.
The worst part was that you knew he would have done the same, too. 
Oh, the weight of this and especially that they're together now, you know these two bastards are gonna make sure the other makes it out, even if it means sacrificing themself to do it.
Missus Solomons mention!!! My beloved ���️! And their little reunion 😍😍😍 we got caught last time. Babes.... mans is the cunt in charge now so you lot kiss away!!!!
Broken Soldiers | Alfie Solomons x m!reader
“I ain’t gettin’ any fuckin’ rest unless you come with me,” he told you plainly. “Fuck sleep. If you’re stayin’ up, so am I.”
“Not tonight, Sir,” you chuckled. “Too tired for it.”
Okay. I love these two (I know I literally say that about every pairing but holy shit, I love these two). The level of care and understanding between them. He doesn't need to ask where Alfie was, doesn't need the man the utter the words, intuitively, he knows. Just from his mannerisms, the way he carries himself, and he doesn't need to ask Alfie why he's injured because he already knows that. That type of understanding and familiarity coming from a life time of being at each other's side, of always being there for the other, regardless of who was in the lead or not.... I just... I really love them.
Poor man and Alfie trying to everything in his power to help him, his plea, "you can talk to me about it, you know." And reader knowing that he can, Alfie also understanding that if he needs to, he'll talk to him but until then, he'll continue to be his biggest support and provide him with whatever he needs 🖤🖤. They'll always protect the other, there's no question about it.... fuck... that's beautiful.
Thank you, thank you for writing these! I loved them as always and shit did I really need them. Thank you again and til next time, my friend! Stay safe, as well as you can be and we'll speak soon!!!
Much love 🖤🖤🖤
Good evening!!! I’ve been okay, except this heatwave is killing me lmfao I’m fucking dying, it’s too hot, I can’t lie 😭Jasper’s little Batman getup…. he does REALLY suit it tbf - it’s like, his Thing now. he’s a Batman dog!! that’s his thing!!! and thank you!! so far, the healing process hasn’t been too bad - it’s been a lot easier bc my artist said I can air it out and that (as long as I keep it clean, 3-4 washes a day), then I can keep the clingfilm off bc w the heatwave, obviously i’m gonna sweat, so the risk of infection would’ve been that bit higher. so at least i don’t have to do the cling film djkffhgjkhg so so far it’s been alright! thankfully lmao touch wood! the cowboy boots are MEANT to be for work only for when I’m doing stuff on the garden/private land, bc they’re built for that purpose, buuuuuuuut they’re too comfy 😭so I wear em constantly dfkhkgfh it’s just a shame they don’t match my hat bc it’s black but thank you!!
oooh you’re in for a treat next time you check ao3 👀so far, Once We Were Close has 5 chapters (chapter 6 is otw!) 👀👀 and stands at 6073 words atm 👀 it’s a slow burner 👀👀👀 I GOTTA ADD THE SLUTTY BUTTON POPS AND THE SLIGHT BIT OF STRIPPING, IT MAKES FOR GREAT ENTERTAINMENT DJKFHGHFKJGFGHJFHK like MCD, it’s a niche of mine 
Just The Sunshine
Bob assuming it’s the heat……. suuuure it is, buddy. sure. of course. it’s definitely not bc you’re shirtless and all sweaty. nope. what an idiot (affectionate), he’s so oblivious to the fact that his s/o’s gettin all worked up over him, just thinking it’s the heat and nothing else - bless. that umbrella definitely ain’t gonna help, BUT MAYBE IF BOB WASN’T A SLUT AND PUT A SHIRT ON- they love him so much, like, every day they fall in love w him a little more and all over again at the same time; just completely head over heels for each other in every sense. Bob wouldn’t even mind if his s/o was honest, like, he’d be flattered ofc and he’d get all blushy and giggly about it, but he’d enjoy it bc he knows he would do EXACTLY THE SAME and has done before.
The Flirting Game
Eames is going through literal turmoil over it, but he still can’t help but to be RIGHT THERE at the reader’s side, even if they might not want him to be there to begin with; he loves them!!! he really does, bc he KNOWS them!! and the reader loves Eames for the exact same reason: to be known, is to be loved.
Our Little Game
they’re so fucking cheeky and the worst part is they KNOW they can get away w it bc Bane lets them every single fucking time. big guy has a massive soft spot for one (1) person and it’s fucking obvious. they’re fucking terrible to him fdkjhgkhfkgh an absolute nightmare, they’re gonna put him in an early grave (not that he’ll complain) if they don’t go careful  but I’m glad it’s what you had hoped for!!!! reader’s snark will DEFINITELY get them in trouble w everyone else (except Harley and Constantine bc they’ll bounce off of each other and have a back and forth thing) and Bane would ABSOLUTELY have to step in bc reader’s big mouth needs to be muzzled 💀
My Robin Redbreast
HE GENUINELY DID, ALL HE WANTED WAS TO SURPRISE THEM!!! HE’S BEING ROMANTIC!!!  communism. that is all fhkhkfhfk communism mixed w William Blake. perfect combo when put w Bane fkghjgh reader is definitely, like, MORE of the Robin Hood type than Bane is; they’re definitely the one who would rob the rich to give to the poor and never even HESITATE to put someone in need above themselves. they’re definitely the type to be more similar to the old fairytale, and Bane knows that, but he doesn’t want to use that AGAINST them, he wants to work it into what he’s already got planned bc he loves them! he wants to make sure that they’re getting what they want, too, even if they have selfless wants! HIS robin redbreast, who HE rescued from the cage…. ofc they’re do what Beyonce said to do!! 
Lucky Sergeant
the deplorable conditions of the trench, they’re enough to break anyone - but the ONLY reason why neither Alfie or Sgt. have broken is bc of the other. wanting to be together, to die together, to either see the end of the war or to see the end of their lives TOGETHER, is the only thing that has stopped them from breaking - bc they’re in a shit position! they’ve seen the horrors - shell shocked children in army uniforms, starvation, disease, having to rob the dead. they’ve seen what happens in the trenches, but they STILL keep fighting to be together bc they NEED to be together - they NEED to see the end of either themselves or the war, together. they’re both in a really shit position tbh, like, they both know that they’re dead men walking bc that’s just the nature of the first world war and the soldiers on the frontlines - they are dead men walking. so their choices are either die together, or live together knowing what the fuck they have been through. and living, unfortunately, isn’t up to them - just popping their head over the trench slightly could get them shot with a sniper’s bullet through the skull. just walking through the trenches could get them both torn to pieces by a grenade, or a shell. their choices are shit, and their position is shit.  MISSUS SOLOMONS <3 <3 everyone’s beloved!! she’s worried sick about her boys, worried if they’ll actually make it home or not, and with all the horror stories she’s hearing, she’s slowly getting less and less hopeful, especially bc Alfie stopped writing (too busy trying to keep everyone alive).  Alfie’s in charge! who the fuck is, realistically, gonna challenge him lmfao 
Broken Soldiers
there’s a lot of stuff that’s unsaid - Alfie and the reader have been through a fucking LOT together, and even Alfie didn’t make it out 100% the same as he did going in. but the reader knows him probably better than anyone else, he knows what Alfie’s thinking, what he’s feeling, just be quickly looking at him. he knows when he’s upset, happy, anxious. it’s in the eyes, the eyes never lie. but he’s more than willing to step up and to look after Alfie, bc Alfie does it for him in return. it’s symbiotic, almost - he helps Alfie, Alfie helps him, and they can’t be without the other bc no one gets the other the way they do. they’ve been through a LOT together, they know each other as well as themselves, and really, no one could ever have that level of emotional and mental intimacy that they do - they’ve been to war together both literally and figuratively.  more than anyone, Alfie understands what it’s like to have blood on his hands; he knows what it’s like to kill and to live with the guilt of not being able to save people. he knows what it’s like to feel ashamed, shunned, guilty and embarrassed for living through the wars when others couldn’t. he knows. but he also wouldn’t force the reader to speak if he didn’t want to - he knows shellshock is a complicated thing, and he’s trying his best to find his footing in terms of helping his bf get through it. he’s trying, genuinely. Alfie loves that guy, and there’s no doubt about it, but they’re so protective of each other that… maybe it’ll turn out to be a bit of an issue sooner or later. 
you’re so very welcome!!! I’m done w requests now, so if you do have any more, feel absolutely free to send them - I’ll be around at some point or another to get them done lmao I’m so glad you enjoyed them <3 genuinely <3 and I’m glad they were there when you needed them and hope that they helped!! you’re very welcome, again!! we’ll speak soon, but for now, take care and keep yourself safe and healthy!! 
0 notes
msookyspooky · 2 years
Terrible Trilogy
Part 18
wordcount: 7,004
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Your back was shoved against the wall with big hands wrapped around the upper arms of your jacket. Blue eyes narrowed down at you as Stu pinned you against the wall.
"Where the HELL were you?!" Stu demanded. "We thought you went back into the house or skipped town or the copycat got you or some shit! Would it kill you to fucking call?!" Stu lifted one hand while still pinning you with the other, making a phone sign and giving an awful imitation of your voice. "Oh, hey guys! I'm totally in one piece but I'm gonna be late. Just take my car back to the motel. Thanks, you're the best Stu!" He dropped the hand sign and stared you down. "...Huh?!" 
Billy came up beside you, leaning his arm on the wall. "And who the hell was with you just now?" 
You huffed after the shock wore off, returning the glare at both of them. "I'm fine, by the way. Just a few stitches in my hand." You jeered before shoving Stu away. He let go of you as you moved past him and dropped your purse onto the bed.
Stu huffed. "Well, that's great! I'm glad! I was gonna ask that! Okay, I was! Right Billy?...Come on, man. Tell her how worried I was." He wildly gestured to Billy while he ignored Stu and just walked towards you with his arms folded.
"Let me put this into perspective for you here…I come back to find both of you gone after our little disagreement. Called Stu just to find out you went to a party with people that work on Stab. I got a taxi to drop me off a block away because I knew it was a stupid idea and the killer would be there. Then when I got there, my suspicions were right! Shocker!… You're bleeding and hysterical; running off right before the house just blows up. We searched for you and had to get the car back to the motel when we heard sirens…You've been gone all night without a single call and now you just got dropped off by a man we've never seen before. So, I'm asking again…Who was the guy that dropped you off, YN?" Billy demanded.
You sucked in a breath and looked up at the ceiling. Rolling your lips before practically coughing out the answer under your breath. "...Detective Kincaid." 
Stu huffed with a wry smirk. " Is he an actor or something playing a cop on Set? Damn, go to one party and already you're letting these Hollywood douchebags sucker you in. " 
You raised a brow at him. "Noooo…I mean, he's an actual Detective and he's in charge of this case." 
Billy's entire face dropped as he stared at you in disbelief.  "...A fucking cop?...AN ACTUAL COP?" 
" The Detective looks like THAT?! You gotta be fucking kidding me, man." Billy side eyed Stu as Stu walked towards you. "…You were with the cops this whole time?! What the hell did you tell him?!" 
 "I told him Billy and Stu are alive and I'm helping them! Obviously!" Your face dropped and your hands fell with a loud smack at your sides. ".…What the hell do you think I told them?! I told Kincaid the bare minimum and left out anything that links me back to you two. In fact, you both still don't exist…Well…Except, Dennis." 
Stu gave a nervous chuckle. "Whaddya mean? Why uh…Why are you saying it like that?" 
You shrank back a bit. "Um…Since you weren't at the party and you're next to be killed off in one of the scripts-" 
"WHAT?...WHAT?!" You cringed at how high his voice rose. 
"Look, there's three scripts and in one of them; Stu Macher is next to die in the flashback. Some nightmare gone wrong in Sidney's memory sort of thing…We think the killer is following one of the scripts."
Stu's face paled. "Oh shit…What the fuck?! I'm getting Freddy Kruegered over here in some dream memory crap?! They're doing me like that?!" He jabbed a finger to his own chest, eyebrows raised and eyes wide. 
"In the script!" You corrected him.
"Well, no shit! So not only is my character going to only have like 20 seconds of screen time but they're gonna kill me?!...And this asshole is after me in real life! Nice. Fucking perfect." 
 "But um…We don't know which script. So either you or Angelina or even Jennifer or Gale since they didn't die like we thought or Dewey unless Tom counts-" 
"Shhiitt! Shit, man!" Stu exclaimed as he ignored you. 
Billy glared at you both. "ONCE AGAIN, I was right that it was a major fucking mistake coming here with you two fuck ups!" 
"Guys, listen-" 
He interrupted you while ranting. "I was gone for a few hours, a few fucking hours, and look what happened! You morons sneak on set, go to a party that was obviously a trap-" 
"Billy, would you listen-" 
"-YN gets attacked, the house blows up and now there's cops involved!" He turned back to you, up in your space demanding an answer.  "Why did he drive you here? Why would you have a cop know where you're staying?!" Billy argued.
You snapped at them both. "I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?!" You rubbed your tired eyes as you enunciated every word in irritation. "Would you both calm down and listen?... Me and Stu went for clues-" You gestured to Stu but he barely looked at you. You huffed and continued. "-We knew there was a chance the killer would be there so Stu stayed hidden down the road but we had no idea the freaking house would explode! When I ran away from you two; I fell down the hill looking for Dewey and Randy and the cops arrived…" 
"Yeah, well if you wouldn't have ran away from us you wouldn't have rolled down the hill where cops could find you!" 
"BILLY…You both came out of nowhere and a voice that was identical to yours called me saying he was you. You would do the same thing in my shoes!... I was at the party and went missing during the kills. I would have gotten questioned MORE if I didn't go to the precinct!"
Stu looked at the ceiling, shaking his leg with a disbelieving grin. "This can't be happening, man…The cops are gonna question me hard now. I was prepared for a few questions but now?! What am I supposed to say? This is unreal!" 
Billy yelled over his shoulder as you gave them both an annoyed stare. "It's real. Believe it, dipshit! You wanted to be famous? You got it!" 
"Guys, just chill out!…We have bigger things to worry about than the law right now…A lot bigger." 
"What could be bigger than the law?" Billy demanded.
"Uh, the fact we have a killer on the loose! One that knows us…Really, really knows us. In fact, they know our every move. I think that's more concerning right now." 
Billy glared back at you. The anger you felt at what he had to say from earlier was still there and you could tell he felt the same.
"...You still think we're the killers?" Billy mumbled. "Are you that stupid?" 
"Well, you being hostile and defensive CONSTANTLY isn't exactly screaming 'innocent' to me. Coming out of the woods after being gone an entire day and you don't think I'm not going to be suspicious? Why would you even give a shit enough to come save me?" 
"I DON'T give a shit. It's called damage control; something we are beyond fixing now…So, did you tell the cop I called?" 
"No! Of course not!" 
Billy raised chin, eyes narrowed as he looked at you from the length of his nose. "Really? So that little eye fucking you were both doing just now in the parking lot is nothing, huh?" 
Stu joined in. "Yeah, no kidding. You acted pretty damn comfortable for someone that could go to prison too. I swear, he looked at you like you both had a VERY long chat…Maybe vertical, maybe horizontal. " Stu leered at you. 
"WHAT?!" You squawked in disbelief. "Oh my God, you both are so…I don't even have a word other than obvious; INSANE! You have some major malfunctions if you think ANYTHING happened between me and Mark within the few hours I've known him!" 
"Who?" Stu raised his pierced brow with a scoff.
You rolled your eyes practically into the back of your head. "Detective Mark Kincaid." 
Billy shoved away from you and raced to your purse on the bed. You saw him dump it out and run his hands over everything.
"What the hell are you doing?! You can't just go through my shit without asking!" 
"Shut up! Since you're getting chummy with cops and letting them take you back to our motel; I'm looking for a bug. Consider it even for going through my bag" 
You snatched whatever you could away from him. "There was never a time this purse wasn't with me other than leaving it in the car before the explosion. And I told you, Stu went through it! Not me!" 
"Yeah well, call me paranoid. Maybe it wasn't the pigs' idea." He spat with a sarcastic smirk.
You rolled your eyes. "You actually think I'm trying to frame you?! Are you serious??" 
"Yep, just making sure you don't try to get cops involved…Again. You have a pattern of that, remember?" He growled out. A hostile glare your way as you bit your inner cheek and returned the glare. 
"One time is not a pattern, Loomis. Windsor doesn't count, that was out of my hands. The detectives were assigned to me…Whaddya gonna do? Frisk me next?!" 
"Maybe." He mumbled as Stu eyed you up and down. 
You defensively put your arms over your chest. "Come near me and I will run out of this motel screaming my head off." 
"It's LA. I doubt anyone would pay attention." Billy reasoned, still focused on skimming over the contents of your purse. 
"Then you'll get a bullet between your eyes. How about that?" 
Stu sighed to himself. "Lord, you'd think that gun was superglued to your hand." 
"Being with you two? It might be…" You snatched a crumpled up piece of paper.
 You realized it was the copy letter you had shoved back in your purse from the restaurant. Too scared to just throw it away anywhere and too wrapped up in that night's fiasco to figure out where to properly put it…You stared at it long and hard before it hit you.
"...Oh my God..." You mumbled under your breath. 
Stu put his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling in his own thoughts.  Billy grumbled to himself as he searched. All while you were piecing everything together. 
"...They're bullshitting us."  You looked up at them and said it louder. Smacking the paper against your thigh as it all was making sense. "....It's bullshit…The threats, the photos, the letters…It's all bullshit!" 
Billy stopped looking for a moment and Stu looked over at you. "Huh?" Stu muttered as you raced over to him pointing at the letter. 
"Why did they make a duplicate of my original letter?" 
Stu shrugged. "Because they're unoriginal? We know that already, Sweetcheeks! Where the hell have you been?" 
You smacked the paper to your thigh in irritation. "Nnooooo! Think about it; they could have sent me a new letter and they didn't. Randy and Dewey were right there-" 
"Yeah, cause Ray's doing it." 
"STU. I am begging you right now. PLEASE, put your territorial crap aside. Even if it is Randy…Why not send a new, more incriminating letter to let Dewey know? Or even a picture? You can't tell me the killer didn't have pictures then! In fact, we know they did because that picture was of us when we first arrived. So they had evidence when I went to the restaurant; so why not use it?" 
Billy and Stu exchanged glances as you paused a moment before continuing. "...You know what I think? I think this new killer wanted me to think one of you put it in my purse…" Your face lit up as you connected the dots. "That's why it's identical to the original! Word for word!" 
Billy stood up slowly and stopped looking as you spoke. 
Stu blinked down at you, pointing at you as realization dawned on him as well. "...Why haven't they sent any photos to anybody but us?" 
You jumped in place with your voice rising in excitement. "Exactly! And the killer attacked Gale after I rolled down the hill…" 
Billy looked at you. "There's no way me or Stu could have gotten down there in time." 
You swallowed a moment, thinking before nodding. "...I hate to admit it but you have a point. It's almost impossible that either of you could have got dressed in the costume and gone down that hill from the woods in the time frame the house exploded and we rolled down it." 
"Partners. Just saying." Stu mumbled.
Billy glared at him and you for once agreed with Stu. "It is possible. Because things aren't adding up. Whoever this is, is either one of us with a partner or it's someone close. Someone from Woodsboro. Someone that knows everything from that night." 
Billy scrunched his face, not looking at you as he was deep in thought. "...They wanted you to think it was me or Stu or both of us." He looked over at both of you with knowing eyes. "That's why he called in my voice. It wasn't just to lure YN out there, it was so she'd think I was behind it." 
Stu pointed with an astonished look. "Yooo, that's why he probably ran off and stopped attacking you! He heard me coming and went towards my direction in the treeline to make it look like it was me!" 
You still were hesitant about whether or not they were completely innocent. You still agreed. "...I think that's a big possibility…He wants us to turn on each other…" You gestured to the letter in your hands. "He wants us sleep deprived and scared and thinking the worst! He, she, they; whoever the hell is doing this is setting us up against one another! They aren't even going to the cops!
Billy shook his head. "We can't risk that." 
"Why not?" You argued, hyped at the idea you might finally be piecing it all together.
He scoffed at you. "Because me and Stu have a lot to lose if we're wrong." 
"Billy, think about it! If they were really going to turn us into the cops; they would have done it by now! They want to divide and conquer-" 
"And gut the sorry ass left standing after we kill each other." Stu finished for you as you pointed with a nod. "She's got a point, man." 
Billy gave you both a glare. "We still can't risk that! It's a theory!" 
"Well are you going to just bend over and let this guy fuck you or are you going to do something about it?" Stu jeered. "Because I for one am getting really sick and tired of these mind games… Aren't you?" 
"Of course I am but I'm also using my head here." 
Billy glared at Stu as you interjected.
 "Look…We have no idea who this is but we know that not only are they trying to pin us against each other but that Stu is a target." 
Stu's face dropped. "Hey, hey, hey! We don't know that for sure!" 
Billy gave him a condescending grin. "Sure we do. You're the pierced up freak. They never live in horror movies." 
Stu looked genuinely worried. " What about you? You're a damn weirdo!"  
"Loners don't die until half way through after everyone suspects it's them. Sluts, Punks and Dumbass Popular kids are the first to die. It's the rules…You're all of the above now, kid." 
You held up a hand while shooting a frown at Billy who just gave you a wry smirk in return. "We don't know for sure! But there's three scripts. Gale was supposed to be killed last night and she wasn't. Neither was Jennifer that plays her. BUT now the target is either still them or it's Angelina, Dewey now that Tom's bit the dust or…" 
"Stu." You both said in unison, glancing over at Stu as he swallowed hard. 
You looked at them both. "We know the police are going to look for Dennis Rafkin for questioning. And the killer is looking for Stu Macher." 
Billy raised his brows. "So…Let's give them what they want. Stu will go about like he's Dennis and we'll keep watch for the killer after Stu." 
"I don't have an alibi, Billy! What the hell am I telling the cops?!" 
"Just play it cool like we practiced at Woodsboro,  alright? Now that someone blew our cover-" He glared at you and you gave him an annoyed look before he looked back at Stu. "It's gonna be risky telling them the motel number…Did you order anything here?" 
"Nope. " 
"Shit…So basically the cops are supposed to just take your word for it you stayed here this entire time. AND we gotta hope and pray the agent you claim was killed didn't have paperwork or proof of you at that motel…Fuck." Billy hissed out.
They looked at you and you sighed heavily. "...Fine. The room is listed under Dennis Rafkin because Stu here wanted to be a 'gentleman' and get the room for us with just two beds." You mumbled. "So if worst comes to worse; say it." 
"Say what?"
"...That this is your room." 
Stu huffed as a slow smirk tugged at his lips. "And what will you tell your Harry Callahan when he finds out you went into my room, Sweetcheeks?" 
You gnawed at your inner cheek with a glare Stu's way. You looked away with a disgusted grimace. "...Tell them whatever you need to without showboating, Stu." 
Stu grinned ear to ear. "Showboating? Me? Nah, you don't gotta worry about that, babe." 
Billy shot him a glare as well. "Don't do it. Not unless you're cornered and don't have a choice because I'm not going to prison just so you can have a dick measuring contest with that Detective…Got it?" 
Stu lost his grin and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." He threw up his arms. "So you both want me to be bait??" 
"Yep." You both nodded as Stu's mouth dropped.
"Wait, seriously??? Can't Dennis just skip town-" 
"And risk this killer keeping his word and notifying cops? Not a chance in Hell." Billy growled out. "You just have to be Dennis, play it cool, act like you're clueless and only admit the room you're staying in if asked. Say you weren't feeling up to a party or whatever. Make something up that's credible. " 
You pointed to yourself.  "Meanwhile, I'll be with Dewey and Randy looking for clues on the surface." 
"And I GUESS I have to be the one lurking in the shadows; watching." Billy finished for you.
"But I'm still bait? For real??" 
You smirked at him. "You want a Scooby snack if you do it? Two scooby snacks?" 
Stu gave you an unamused stare as you saw Billy smirking in your peripheral. 
 "That's hilarious. Really." Stu deadpanned. 
You shrugged and walked over to the bed. "Look, we don't have a choice now. And don't get to blame me for the party or Detective Kincaid when you were the one that just had to join Stab." 
Stu rolled his eyes as you shoved things back in your purse. "Now, I'm going to clean up the mess Loomis made, get some rest and we'll go from there…First let me put this letter with the other one in my suitcase before it falls out again." 
You were startled by a knock on the door. Billy and Stu instantly jumped up, knives ready and hunkered down. You blinked at them before getting up from bed and creeping to the door. You looked through the peephole to see a familiar face.
"Who is it?" Stu whispered from across the room.
"It's Dewey." 
Billy threw up his hand. "Does everybody suddenly know where we're staying? Why don't we just put our names on the fucking door?! Save everyone the trouble." 
You shrugged with a bewildered look of your own before urging them to hide. You waited as Stu ducked behind the bed and Billy went under it. You had some deja vu before opening the door.
'At least a knife isn't in my back this time.' You thought as you opened the door. 
"O-Oh, YN. I was worried Randy was wrong about the motel number he saw you come out of." Dewey mumbled with an awkward smile. 
You smiled and purposely stepped out a bit to close the door behind you as much as you could without clicking the lock. 
"No, no. I'm just surprised to see you!…I kind of passed out and took the longest nap of my life…What time is it?" 
Dewey checked his watch. "A quarter till 4. I would call but we weren't completely sure about the motels pjone number and well…You not having a phone now. Want me to get you a burner phone for now?" 
You blinked and nodded. "Uh yeah, that'd be great." 
You still were reeling at the fact you all slept for roughly 6 hours straight. Considering your lack of sleep, it wasn't too shocking. You looked to see Dewey's Ford Explorer in the parking lot with what looked like Gale in the front seat and who you presumed was Randy in the back.
"Did you…Did you sleep in your clothes from last night?" He asked with a hint of concern.
You looked down at the white camisole with dirt stains on it now and your scoffed up red pleather pants that you thought were extremely uncomfortable but the more you wore them and the more tired you got; you noticed them less and less.
"Uh yeah…I was exhausted. Okay, so um…Are you just checking up on me or?" You gave a nervous smile, terrified he'd want to come inside. 
"Actually, Kincaid wanted to check the Set we think the pictures of Maureen Prescott were taken from and we wanted to know if you wanted to tag along." 
You thought a moment before nodding. "Yeah but um…Can I just drive and meet you there?" 
Dewey nodded. "Uh yeah. Sure. I think that'll be okay." 
You gave him a relieved smile. "Thanks I just feel better with my own car. Security thing." 
"Should we wait on you?" 
"Uh no! No, I gotta get awake and ready…How about we meet at the entrance gate to the set? I should be out of here in like 15 minutes. " 
Dewey nodded and you quickly said goodbye before getting back inside. You flinched, coming face to face with both Billy and Stu. 
"So…Go time?" Stu asked.
Billy nodded and put his knife away. "Seems like it. I say we ride in the back of the trunk, duck down near the gate and slide out once YN parks." 
 "Okay. What about Stu?" 
Stu gave you a look. "DENNIS is going to lay low, look busy, avoid cops if he can and try to confiscate his files." 
Billy raised a brow. "You actually think you can pull that off?" 
"Watch me. I'm not even going to get screen time now so if I can swipe my file and make it look like I was never here; I will. I got a card, remember?" 
Billy rolled his eyes as you rummaged through your luggage for an outfit. You heard Billy lecturing Stu. "You fucking dingus, there's cameras! There's audition tapes. Photos. That file is just a tiny microscopic piece of information about you." 
Stu gave him a glare. "Yeah, yeah you're right! With Dennis Rafkin on it! If I can get that file then the audition tapes are just some guy. They won't have a name." 
You took your clothes and went to shower in the bathroom, still able to somewhat make out what they were saying. 
"Stu…The cops know your name!" 
"NOOOO, they just know Dennis…Right YN?!" 
You shouted back as you washed your face under the water. "I GUESS! I JUST HEARD THEM CALL YOU 'THAT DENNIS GUY THAT PLAYS STU MACHER'!"
" See? If I can snag that file; who's to say they'll have anything on me! Then when this is over, I can skip town if I want. And if I want to join again-" 
Billy scoffed. "Don't even. You would be a complete idiot to try and join in the limelight again after this." 
You dried off and started getting dressed. 
You heard them bickering back and forth before stepping out. This time in something you could run in. A simple jean, t shirt combo with your leather jacket from the night before. You saw them both stop to eye you as you tried getting ready. Forcing your boots on and finally putting your gun in its strap around your calf. The finishing touch was Sidney's 'good luck'  locket…You didn't know how lucky it was but you were alive this long while wearing it. 
"Alright. Let's go." You shook your keys as you crept out the door first, looking across the street and in the parking lot to make sure you weren't being watched. 
'Okay…Now or never.' You thought at all the bustling people as you slowly drove through the studio buildings alleyways. Your anxiety with crowds still existed, especially the loud noises and people bumping into you. It was so drastically different then your serene cabin in the woods with just you and Cherri. 'The sooner I get home to her and put all of this behind me, the better.'
You pulled in behind Dewey and Kincaid's car. Parking a few meters away to get some space. You rubbed your temple with a shaky sigh and hoped you parked close enough to the building that those two crawling up to the backseat and stepping out wouldn't be noticed. Considering a bunch of aliens walked by…You had a good feeling no one would notice two guys lurking around.
You left your doors unlocked as you stepped out. You watched Kincaid's partner get out of the car telling Mark something…You could have sworn it was something about flowers and candy?…You shook it off as you saw Dewey standing outside his car talking to Randy and Gale. 
You forced yourself to go to them. You had to get away from your car so no prying eyes would be on you or the Honda. You forced a smile that wavered when Randy avoided looking at you. 
Dewey pointed as he talked to Gale and Randy. "That stairwell over there is where the picture was taken." 
You came up to them looking yourself at an ordinary stairwell…Nothing special. But how and why would Maureen Prescott take photos here? You would have thought Sidney would have mentioned it if her Mom was in showbusiness. More importantly, why would the killer care about something from 25 years ago?
"Why does all this seem like such a secret?...It doesn't really make sense." You mumbled. You glanced over at Randy who looked away.
Dewey noticed and nudged him. 
Randy sighed heavily and motioned to the trailer. "It's part of the rules- All right, if we're gonna talk. Probably should do it someplace private." 
"Good idea." Gale stepped up to the empty trailer beside you guys and opened the door. Randy went in first, then you, then Dewey who seemed to scan the area one last time before shutting the door behind him. 
You all got comfortable in your seats. Randy checked his phone and rolled his eyes. "Jesus...No way." 
Dewey leaned forward in his seat. "What? The killer?" 
"No! Martha. She's called me like 50 times already." 
Gale blinked. "Who the hell is Martha?" 
" My little sister." He groaned. "I knew it was a mistake telling Mom what happened last night. I freaking knew she'd blab to everyone." 
You rolled your lips before speaking up. "You should call her soon, Ray. She's probably worried sick." 
He side eyed you but just released a puff of air past his lips and rested his elbows on his knees. "Okay…I think it's safe to say we have a Trilogy on our hands, people." 
Gale raised her arched brows at him. "...Really?... That's what we needed the film nerds expertise for? To tell us we have a killer on the loose?" 
You shot her a frown before looking back at Randy. Randy pointed at Gale. "Hey, you need my expertise." He looked at all of you. "At least we're all probably breaking the rules now. So it's all equal ground. It's actually a miracle I made it out in one piece the last time I broke a rule…" 
You all looked confused before Dewey asked. "What rules have you broken, Randy?" 
He looked to the floor and cleared his throat. "...Losing my virginity to Karen Kolchak. Probably not a good idea in hindsight…The other times don't even matter now. I mean, you did it once, you did it a dozen…Or…Two times. At least, with the cinematic horror rules." He rushed out under his breath.
Dewey had the same reaction you did years ago. "Karen Kolchak??" 
"Yes, Karen Kolchak." Randy grumbled while not looking at anyone.
Dewey looked at you with a scrunched face as you bit your lip to try to hide a grin. "Creepy Karen??" Dewey whispered. 
"Shut up!" Randy snapped at Dewey while Gale tried stifling a giggle in a chair across from you both. "She's a sweet person, okay? We were working late. We were putting some videos away in the porno section…And, you know��Shit happens!" 
Your lips rolled to hide the grin as you put your head down. Randy rolled his eyes at you. "Anyways, there's a reason I survived. It's to narrate these events. To be the one to warn everybody of the rules to survive this. To help some poor souls from getting mutilated." 
He looked at all of you intently, his hands moving in wild gestures as he spoke. "There are a few rules we all have to remember to survive this. If this is another sequel then the same rules apply." He held up a finger. "But, here's the critical thing; If you find yourself dealing with an unexpected back story and a preponderance of exposition, then the sequel rules do not apply. Because you're not dealing with a sequel, you are dealing with the concluding chapter of a trilogy." 
Gale shrugged. "What's the difference?" 
He dropped his hands in his lap and gave her a deathly serious stare. "...Huge. HUGE." 
You all shared a glance as he continued his rant, getting up to pace. You saw him rub at his upper thigh for a moment and you wondered if it was him needing to pace while he ranted or a way to stretch his scarred muscles as an excuse. 
"That's right, it's a rarity in the horror field but it does exist and is a force to be reckoned with. Because true trilogies are all about going back to the beginning and discovering something that wasn't true from the get go." His was animated as he spoke all while you watched him. Your mind racing at that inclination.
Dewey added in. "Like Maureen? Like something to do with her murder?" 
He grinned at Dewey. "Ahh you're catching on." He turned to you and him on the couch. Walking closer as his hands moved with every word. "Godfather, Jedi, they all revealed something that we thought was true but really wasn't!" 
Gale tilted her head. "Okay, so this has something to do with Maureen Prescott's murder. We get that." 
"Do you, Gale? Because how do we know it's just Maureen Prescott? How do we know?" 
Gale shrugged as you sat still and listened quietly. Randy sucked in a breath and held up a finger. "Here are the rules we have to establish if we're gonna live through this. One; we got a killer who is practically superhuman. Stabbing won't work, shooting him won't work. Basically, in the third one, you've gotta cryogenically freeze his head, decapitate him or blow him up." 
Dewey gave you a worried look as you glanced over at him too. 
Randy held up two fingers. "Number two, anyone including the main characters can die…" He faltered when you both locked eyes. You felt your brows raise as he hesitated but shook his head and gave you a sad look. "I'm sorry, YN. Even you. This thing could be fucking Resvior Dogs by time it's over. Even the Final Girl can be offed… Nancy Thompson, remember?" 
Gale whispered to Dewey. "Nancy Thompson?" 
Randy answered for him. "Nightmare on Elmstreet: Dream Warriors. A trilogy. Nancy Thompson was the original final girl from the first. She was up there with Laurie Strode and Sally Hardesty…She died. Fans were shocked, livid, scared! Because if she could die as the final girl; anyone can…That's not counting the deaths of other main characters that were later scrapped by sequels." 
Dewey sighed. "But we're in real life. We don't get redos." 
Randy tipped his head to him with a nod. 
You frowned, hugging your arms a bit and sat back in your seat. 
He raised three fingers. "Number three: The past will come back to bite you in the ass. Whatever you think you know about the past? Forget it! The past is not at rest!" He looked at you as you both locked eyes. "Any sins you think were committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you." 
He looked over at Gale but you still felt a shiver run down your spine. A queasy feeling in your gut at what he said…Why did he look at you while saying that?
Randy paused for a moment before continuing. "...So in closing, let me say…Goodluck and Godspeed because we're gonna need it." He glared at you. "It's why we need to be smart about this. We can't just go after the killer willy nilly because he will destroy us and send our bloody hearts through the mail to our Mothers for added measure." 
Dewey tsked. "Randy…Those are movies. YN said she wouldn't do it again…Right?" 
You nodded as Randy just sighed deeply and looked at you. "Well I hope so. Because if this is a trilogy and the rules apply…At least one of us isn't going to make it because something or somebody from our past is going to make sure of that." 
You bit your inner cheek. You shot up, the words coming from him had you ill. "I-I…I need some air. Talk without me."  You shakily muttered as you got out of the trailer. 
You practically raced down the trailer stairs and collapsed against the trailer. Your back pressed against it and your eyes closed as you leaned your head back. 
Unsurprisingly, the trailer opened to reveal Randy. He eyed you before stepping down and walking towards you. Limping a bit from the hard night before. "Hey, I didn't mean to…To worry you. I mean, we all are at equal risk. You could live and I could die for all we know!" 
"Don't say that!" You spat. He stared at you before you ran a hand down your face. "Randy…This is bad. This is worse than all the other times." 
"I mean, is it ever happy fun times having a masked killer after you?" 
He leaned next to you as you shook your head. His words just made your fear of Billy or Stu playing you and being you and your friends undoing heightened by what he said. 
"But what if you're right? What if one of us actually dies?" You paused before smacking your hand against the trailer, blinking furiously. "I'm so fucking sick of this!…Why us?! Why aren't we allowed to have normal lives? When is this shit gonna end?!" 
Randy opened his mouth and then closed it before shrugging deeply. "I…I don't know. Life sucks." 
"This is more than that, this is; 'we're all cursed or some shit'…Maybe I'm cursed?" 
"Why? Cotton was killed before you came here." 
"Yeah but it got worse once I arrived…Ray…I don't know if I can do this again." 
Randy hesitated before reaching out and gripping your hand in his. You looked over at him, long scratch on his cheek from last night and a busted lip. "Hey, if a cowardly spineless wimp like myself can do this; you can too…I need you to be strong. Because if you're not strong, how the fuck can I be?" 
"You'll manage. You are a lot stronger than you think, Ray. I mean, you told off Mrs.Loomis and survived a stabbing that should have killed you. Pretty badass…And you got the guns to prove it." 
He scoffed with a smirk and subconsciously looked at his bicep under his oversized button down shirt. "Yeaaahhh, I'd still rather have actual guns or some type of mega ray that obliterates on sight. Hell, I'll take a regular gun too even if it won't kill the killer. Maybe I can take out an eye before the terminator comes for us?" He pretended there was an imaginary gun in his hands as he sagged his features and put on a fake accent. "Hasta la vista, baby. PEEW." 
You couldn't help the chuckle that escaped you as you hung your head. He smiled at you with a nudge of his shoulder against yours. "Look, I just don't want you going off by yourself and trying to take down a killer. Please for my sake don't try to die a hero because you aren't saving yourself or others by dying in the woods all alone…You know you probably took 5 years off my life last night, right? I was so fucking frantic I almost went back in the house while Dewey and Gale held me back. Dewey wanted to go too but I think 'Gale'-" He rolled his eyes at the mention of her name. " Keeps him grounded. Thank god I didn't because Tom did and…Well…I don't think there's much left of Tom. But I seriously thought that was you in there till you helped me up. Don't ever do that to me again, not after all the shit we've been through…You can'tkeep fighting these bastards alone. I don't know why you think you have to be alone in life; you don't. " He softly scolded with a frown. 
You both stared at each other a moment before he reached out and you eagerly leaned in. Hugging him close with your hands clasped around his shoulders. 
"I'm sorry. " You wanted so badly to just tell him. While Billy and Stu were gone and you were sure this killer was bluffing about the cops; you wanted so badly to just say it. That even if Billy and Stu aren't the killers; neither are you. That you were being held hostage practically until this killer was taken down and then dealing with the aftermath. But then you remembered what the killer said on the phone…They were from Woodsboro, they knew too much about that night and…It hurt you but you couldn't risk it. 
You still told him even if he was the killer because if he wasn't then you still needed to just remind him. "I'm sorry, Ray…Love you, jerk." You whispered against his shoulder. 
You felt him sigh against you. "Love you too even though you're a major pain in the ass sometimes." 
You smirked and released him. 
The trailer opened as Gale and Dewey stepped out and you and Randy stepped away from each other. Gale talked as she walked past everybody. "I've got an idea, I'll hook up with you guys later." 
Dewey asked. "You want us to come with you?" 
She smiled over her shoulder. "I work better alone. Why don't you try to figure out where those pictures were taken?" Before walking away. 
Randy gave you both a shake of his head and you glanced over at Dewey. "I can see nothing's changed." 
Dewey scoffed with a shake of his head and a smirk. "No." 
You all started walking towards the stairs when Randy smacked his head. "Oh shit! I gotta go get something-" 
You threw out your arms. "What?!" 
"I have something in my work locker I forgot. I swear I'll be-" He stopped himself and gave a tight smile. "Just stay here." 
"Should I go with you?" Dewey asked. 
"No, YN needs all the protection she can get. Just stay here." With that, he jogged off. 
"Ray! I have another Detective watching me, let Dewey go!" 
Randy just waved over his shoulder, probably not even hearing you.
You groaned and ran your good hand begind your head. Dewey shrugged, his hands in his pockets. "Should we take a look?" 
"Yeah um…I need to use the bathroom really quickly though. I just need a breather." 
He nodded. "I'll stand watch." 
You nodded back, eyes darting to Kincaid's partner who stood a distance away. You went to the bathroom, looking under stalls to make sure you were alone and behind the door and then went to the sink. Running the water to splash some on your face with your unbandaged hand. You gripped the sink for a moment, mind racing.
Stu keeping numbers of your friends, Billy just showing up out of nowhere, you and Stu ending up at the exact shop Billy worked at in the exact town…Then what they said about Randy and Dewey being involved or even Gale. How this killer wanted to act like Sidney, how they knew too much from that night.
You lifted your good hand to see it shake before grasping it gently to your chest with your stitched up hand. Breathing in and out to calm your anxiety setting in. 
You jumped when you heard something in one of the bathroom stalls. 
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