#either way good for Tom holland
lildoodlenoodle · 11 months
The whole Crowded Rooms thing with Tom Holland is, once again, simply proving all Spider-Man are bisexual.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 months
Come See About Me
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Synopsis: Tom realizes he got you all wrong and slowly falls as he learns more about you during the press tour
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“Oh shoot. I’m press with Y/n all week.” Tom said as he read an email from his team.
“Is that a bad thing?” Harry asked him.
“Not necessarily. I just don’t really know her that well. She was super reserved on set for the few days I shot with her. I wonder why they paired me with her.”
“Well, you’re the same age, right? The movie team probably just want to start romance rumors for publicity.”
“I don’t think that will happen. I barely got to know her during filming. I doubt anyone will see chemistry between us.” Tom replied. He started pacing around his hotel room and felt uncharacteristically nervous for the day ahead.
“Well for your sake, let’s hope you don’t see chemistry between you either.” Harry snorted.
“How do you mean?” Tom frowned.
“You know how messy relationships in the public eye can be. Just don’t go falling in love with this girl, okay? I do not want to watch you pine after your dark and mysterious costar.” Harry warned him.
“Psh. I won’t fall in love with her. That would never happen.” Tom scoffed and continued scrolling through his phone. He ended up on Instagram and saw that you had recently posted a photo. It was just a simple selfie in your hotel room which was probably just a few doors down from Tom’s. He found himself smiling and gave the photo a like. He may not have gotten to know you on set, but there’s no reason he couldn’t get to know you now.
“But if I did, why would that be bad?” Tom asked as he deep stalked your Instagram.
“The way I see it, there are two outcomes if you choose to pursue her. Option one is you get swept up in the excitement of promoting the movie and start reading into every little interaction between the two of you because that’s what the public is doing. So you convince yourself you’re in love with her and maybe she’ll even convince herself of the same thing. But once the press tour is over and you get to be with each other without any reason or purpose, you realize you never actually liked each other. And that’ll just end up breaking both your hearts. Even worse if only one of you realizes you never actually liked the other. God. That would be a nightmare.” Harry shivered.
“Okay.” Tom said slowly. “That was oddly specific. So what’s the other outcome?”
“You fall in love with her on this press tour and then it ends before you get a chance to tell her. So she flies off to film another movie and you’re stuck kicking yourself for not being honest with her sooner. And I’m stuck watching you whine about it.” Harry said simply.
“Or, hear me out, secret third option.” Tom proposed. “I fall for her and she falls for me and we have a great relationship. And maybe it lasts and maybe it doesn’t. But at least we gave it a shot. That could happen, right?”
“Maybe. But either way, she’s getting on a plane at the end of this press tour. And you can’t fall in love with someone who’s worlds away. Remember that.” Harry reminded him.
“I’m not gonna fall in love with her.” Tom insisted.
“Promise?” Harry asked skeptically.
“Yeah. Promise.” Tom said weakly. He looked at your picture one more time before shutting his phone off.
The next morning, Tom got into a black van that was going to take the cast to the building where the interviews were taking place. You got into the car shortly after with a huge smile on your face that Tom had never seen before. You were in a nice dress and full glam already, unintentionally earning yourself Tom’s full attention.
“Good morning.” You said enthusiastically as you sat in the seat beside him. He was slightly taken aback by how friendly you were being since he had only ever seen you being quiet and reserved.
“Oh, hello.” He smiled in surprise. “Good morning to you too, darling. How are you doing?”
“I’m really excited for today.” You admitted. “I haven’t done a big press tour like this before. I know they can be a little boring and repetitive but I can’t wait.”
“Yeah. These tours are pretty crazy. You get to see a lot of amazing places which is really cool. But you also get to answer the same question 100 times a day for a month straight. You’ll learn the highs and the lows pretty soon.”
“I’m ready for it all. But thanks for the warning. I appreciate any tips I can get.” You chuckled.
“You’re welcome. And don’t worry. You’ll get used to waking up at the crack of dawn and having a bunch of people you’ve never met poke you with makeup and hair stuff.”
“When?” You asked through a yawn. “Because I have a full face of makeup on before my brain is fully awake and it feels so very, very wrong.”
“Not soon enough.” He sighed. “I’ve learned to stay half asleep while the nice ladies apply my concealer.”
“Oh, so this complexion isn’t natural?” You teased and pointed to his face.
“Nope. You’re not the only one in full glam right now, darling.” He humored you, making you laugh.
“Careful. You don’t know if you can’t trust me yet. I might sell that piece of bad boy information to a news site and get you exposed.” You warned. It was Tom’s turn to laugh and he felt amazed that he had never seen this side of your personality before.
“I hope you don’t. I was just about to say that I’m glad I can share your first big press tour with you but now I feel we may have begun an enemies arch.”
“No. We can’t be enemies.” You whined playfully. “Because I was gonna say that I’m glad you’re here too. You always seem so relaxed and funny in interviews. I’m really hoping I don’t come off as nervous as I feel today.”
“Don’t worry. You won’t. It’ll feel just like a conversation.” He assured you. He was pleased to know you were a watcher of his interviews and wondered what else he’d uncover about you that day.
“Thank. I really appreciate you helping me with all this.”You said sincerely.
“It’s no trouble. If you have any other questions, just ask. I’ll help wherever I can.” He told you.
“Thanks, Tom.” You smiled at him. He smiled back and suddenly remembered what Harry had said the night before about not falling in love with you. Tom was just one conversation in and already struggling to keep his promise.
Once the van arrived at the building, you and Tom had makeup touch ups and were then sent into the junket room.
“Wow. I haven’t seen the poster yet.” You gasped and touched the poster with gentle fingertips. Tom watched you admiring it and smiled when he saw how proud you looked.
“You look good up there. I hope to see you on more posters.” He said and nudged you slightly.
“Like in Playboy?” You asked and looked insulted.
“What?” Tom gulped. “No, no, no. I didn’t-“
“I’m just messing with you.” You cut him off and nudged him back. He felt his hearts too racing and cracked a smile.
“You really had me for a second there, darling. I didn’t realize you had such a sense of humor. I guess I never heard you say much on set.”
“Thats because I found it hard to shake my character after filming all day. I guess I’m not used to separating that yet. I loved my character and all but I’m so glad to be done shooting her. She’s so dark and dramatic. It really affected my mood on set.” You told him as you both sat down in your chairs.
“Oh, wow. So you’re not quiet? You were just in character?”
“Quiet? I’ve never been described as quiet.” You laughed. “I was just in my emo phase on set because the material I was shooting was so dark. It bummed me out all day.”
“But you’re not bummed out today?” He asked with a coy smile.
“Fuck no. I’m ready to party.” You whispered to him just as the journalist came in. He burst out laughing at the unexpected expletive and earned himself a look from the journalist.
“Well alright then.” He chuckled.
That was the first of many times you made Tom laugh that day. The more interviews you did together, the more he learned about you and your personality. He paid attention to every anecdote and personal story you shared and was more and more fascinated each time.
When it came time for day two of the press tour, he could not wait to get back in there with you. The interviews were in the hotel that day and Tom got to the junket room first. When you got there, you handed him a hot cup of tea.
“For you.” You smiled and sat beside him. Tom looked at you curiously and you gestured for him to sip it. He took a sip and widened his eyes when he tasted it.
“This is exactly how I take my tea.” He said incredulous.
“I know. I was listening when you ordered at breakfast yesterday.” You said proudly.
“Thank you, darling. I really appreciate that.” He smiled fondly at you before taking another sip.
“Well I wanted to thank you for all your help yesterday.” You smiled shyly. “I was really nervous yesterday until we talked in the car. You made my first press day really memorable. So I did the normal courtesy of eavesdropping on you and brought you your favorite tea.”
“That was very kind of you. And you made my day yesterday a lot better than I was expecting so I should be thanking you too.”
“Then I’ll loudly tell someone else my favorite way to drink tea so that you can eavesdrop and surprise me.” You joked as the journalist walked in.
“How are you guys doing today?” The journalist asked to start the interview.
“I’m doing really well now that Y/n brought me tea.” Tom answered and took another sip.
“I’m also doing really well but because Tom didn’t bring me tea.” You said and looked at Tom to see if he found it funny.
“Why would that make you happy?” He laughed.
“Because I hate tea.” You shrugged.
“What? Don’t you know that is the worst thing you can say to an English person? And you just told me you had a favorite tea.”
“That was a joke. I actually hate tea.” You admitted.
“How can anyone hate tea?” Tom asked in exasperation.
“It’s just like hot, flavored water. I don’t understand what’s good about it. I hate soup too.“
“Soup too?” Tom gasped and pretended to clutch his petals.
“I think soup is so nasty. Why would I ever want to eat hot blended food?”
“If you hate soup and you hate tea, then what do you do when you’re sick?”
“I watch Fantastic Mr. Fox under my covers like a normal person.” You answered, making him laugh.
“This is very disturbing information to learn so early in the morning. You’ve surprised me, darling.”
“I’m sorry you had to find out like this.” You shrugged with a laugh.
The next day, Tom was pleased to see you already waiting in your chair for the interview to start. You were texting on your phone but looked up when he came into the room. Your makeup artists was touching up your lipstick so you couldn’t smile at him and opted for a wink. He found himself blushing at the wink and sat beside you.
“Morning, darling.”
“Good morning. No tea today?” You teased.
“I’ve already had my tea, for your information. I chugged it while I got my makeup done.”
You laughed but he wasn’t actually kidding about getting his makeup done. He was just happy that it made you laugh. Your makeup artists finished up and you checked your makeup in your phone camera.
“You look pretty.” Tom said before he could stop himself. You looked over at him in surprise before smiling.
“Why, thanks. So do you.” You said and shot him another wink. He blushed and looked down at his lap at the compliment.
“God, I’m gonna be thinking about lunch this entire interview.” You whispered to him.
“You didn’t eat at the craft service table?”
“I can’t eat that early in the morning.” You waved your hand. “It makes me nauseous. Now I’m wishing I did though. My kingdom for a cheese stick.”
“I hate cheese.” Tom grimaced.
“What? Even in stick form?” You asked him.
“Even in stick form.” He humored you. “And you can’t judge me because you hate the two most comforting foods on earth.”
“I’m judging you so hard right now.” You mumbled. Tom laughed as an idea came to him.
Before your next interview, Tom made a quick stop at the bakery across the street. You were already in the room waiting to start by the time he got back. He quickly fixed his hair before holding out a little brown paper bag.
“For you.” He said with a bashful smile.
“What is this?” You asked as you took the bag.
“Open it.” He said as he sat beside you. You gave him a curious look before opening the bag.
“Scone?” You gasped and looked up at him.
“Scone!” He smiled proudly.
“You got me a scone? Why?” You wondered and took the stone out of the bag.
“Because it was easier to find than a cheese stick.” He chuckled.
“I love you.” You cupped his chin before taking a bite of the scone. Tom froze and felt his face turn bright red at your words. You realized he had gone quiet and looked over at him.
“Sorry. Was it too soon to say that?” You asked with a mouthful of scone.
“I think so. Aren’t you supposed to wait three months?” He chuckled and touched a cold hand to his burning face.
“Too bad. The introduction of the scone sped up our relationship and now we’re in love.” You shrugged and took another bite. Tom laughed again and looked down at his laugh.
“So, uh, speaking of our relationship. Have you seen the way fans have been shipping us since our last few interviews hit the Internet? How weird is that?” He said and forced a laugh. He didn’t actually find it weird, he just wanted it see how you felt about the possibility of a relationship.
“I was actually deep into the fan edits last night to be perfectly honest with you.” You said through a laugh.
“Were you?” He asked in surprise.
“I was. And I heard that we’ve been secretly dating since May. Did you know that?”
“I did. I forgot to tell you. I’m sorry, darling. It must’ve slipped my mind.” He played along.
“That’s okay. I can’t be mad at you since you blessed me with a scone.”
The journalist came in once you had finished your scone and the interview began. Tom was barely paying attention to the questions and only focused on hearing your answers. He loved that he wasn’t getting to learn new things about you that he was too shy to ask.
“Unpopular opinion?” The journalist asked.
“A lot of people think cats are girls and dogs are boys but the real take here is that all seagulls are boys.”
“Woah, what? What makes all seagulls boys?” Tom asked you.
“A girl would never act like that.” You said simply, making Tom laugh.
“My unpopular opinion is that Y/n’s best movie is Look Mom, No Hands.” Tom said, making you burst out laughing.
“I know you did not just bring up my Disney Chanel original movie from when I was 11.”
“Yes I did. Because I watched it last night and I cried when you made the winning goal even after your glasses broke from the soccer ball hitting you in the face.”
“Oh my God.” You laughed. “The drama.”
“It was! The opposing team totally kicked it into your face on purpose because they knew you were the underdog. But nevertheless, she persisted. You made the winning goal and your team won the championship.”
“Wow. Way to spoil my movie from 15 years ago. And why were you even watching that?”
“Because I needed to know who I was working with everyday. It’s a part of your lore. Now that I know you’ve starred in a DCOM, I know I can trust you.”
“I was not the star. Bridget Mendler was the star. I was just the quirky best friend.” You reminded him, making Tom laugh.
“Well you were the only one I was looking at, okay darling? You were the star for me.” He said as he looked over at you. You smiled at his answer and nodded your head.
“Good answer. Favorite snack?” The journalist asked.
“Oh no. You’re gonna think I’m weird.” You smiled sheepishly.
“What? I could never, darling. What is it?” Tom asked and turned in his chair to face you.
“I put mustard on popcorn.” You grimaced.
“What the hell?” Tom’s nose scrunched in disgust.
“See! I knew you’d think I was a little freak.”
“Mustard? On popcorn? Why would anyone do that?”
“You’re thinking it’s worse than it is. Yellow mustard on lightly salted popcorn is really good, okay? Don’t knock it until you try it.”
“You’re gonna have to make it for me. Because I cannot imagine it’s good.” Tom shook his head.
“If I can get my hands on some mustard during this press tour, I will be at your door in a heartbeat.”
“It’s a date.”Tom replied, making you smile.
“It better be.” You answered, and he returned the smile.
Tom was fully in it now. Every second that he wasn’t with you, you were the only thing on his mind. You started spending your evenings together and grabbed dinner every night after your interviews. He was falling fast and getting worse and worse at hiding it. He posted a photo of the two of you that the paparazzi had taken while you were out to dinner and captioned it “I’d wait out in the cold all night just to take pictures of her too”. He tagged you and it wasn’t long before you were in his comments saying “he’s so obsessed with me it’s honestly embarrassing”. He smiled at the comment and wrote back “yes, and?” before going to bed.
The press tour was coming to an end and on the last day, Tom walked into the junket room to find only one chair in the room.
“Oh. No Y/n?” Tom asked his manager.
“Nope. Solo interviews today.” They replied. Tom faked a smile and sat in his chair. He hoped his disappointment wasn’t as obvious as it felt as he gave the interview alone. He did a few more solo interviews throughout the day and eventually got to his last one. It wasn’t long before the door opened up and you walked into the room with Tom’s water bottle.
“Hi. I’m crashing. Sorry.” You smiled sheepishly and walked into the room.
“That’s quite all right. Do you want a chair?” The journalist asked you.
“I’m good.” You smiled politely and sat on Tom’s knee. He immediately blushed and looked up at you.
“What are you doing here, darling?” Tom grinned.
“I finished early so I brought you juice.” You said and handed him the water bottle.
“What? No way.” He smiled in appreciation and opened up the water bottle to see apple juice inside.
“Juice!” You cheered.
“Juice!” He echoed. “Thank you, darling. What a nice surprise.”
“Well I had to get you back for the scone.“ You told him.
“So Tom, I have to ask about your Instagram post from yesterday. You tagged Y/n in an interesting place, Tom. Care to comment on that?” The journalist asked now that you had joined the interview.
“He tagged me there because it’s where you can usually find me.” You chuckled.
“Wait, I’m lost? Where did I tag her?” Tom asked. You and the journalist exchanged a look before you pulled out your phone to show Tom his own post from the night before. He had accidentally tagged you right on his crotch, making him turn red when he saw his mistake. And when he pieced together what you meant by what you had just said, he turned even redder.
“Oh my God. I swear, I’m just Instagram stupid. I didn’t mean to tag her there.” Tom explained.
“Yes he did. He tagged me in my location. Because that’s where I am.” You kept up the joke just to tease him.
“Where?” The journalist laughed.
“On Tom’s dick.” You shrugged. Tom covered his red face with his hands as you and the journalist laughed.
“People know that about me. If they can’t find me, they don’t ask “hey where’s Y/n?” because they already know where I am. It’s my happy place. My sanctuary. My home away from home.” You continued.
“No. No more. My mum watched these.” He playfully scolded you.
“Hey, you started this.” You reminded him.
“And I’m ending it.”
“Actually, I’m the one who has to end it. That’s all the time we have. Thanks guys.” The journalist said. The last interview was done, meaning the press tour was officially over. You stood up and adjusted your skirt before looking at Tom. He smiled softly but felt his disappointment return. The tour was over which meant today was his last day with you. He knew you’d keep in touch, but it would never be like this again, and that’s made him sad.
Instead of wallowing in his sadness, Tom did something about it. He stopped by the corner store before making his way to your hotel room. In his way there, he ran into his brother Harry. Harry took one look at the bag of popcorn in his hands and knew what was happening.
“You fell in love with her, didn’t you?” Harry snorted.
“Shut up.” Tom groaned. “I can still fire you.”
“You did the one thing you said you wouldn’t do. Now look at you. One your way to eat the most American combination of foods I have ever seen. You’re a disgrace to your homeland.”
“I couldn’t help it, okay? She made me fall for her. It’s all her fault, really. Now leave me alone. I have a girl to surprise with a disgusting snack.” Tom said and went on his way. He took a deep breath before knocking on your door. You opened your door for him and he held up his bag of supplies.
“Hey, you. What’s this?”You raised an eyebrow.
“Mustard and popcorn. You little freak.” He said with a teasing smile. Your lips curved into a smile as you stared at him.
“Get in here.” You instructed.
He went into your room and shut the door behind him as you poured the bag popcorn into two bowls. He did his best to hide his disgust as you squirt mustard over them both.
“Here. You’re gonna love this.” You said as you handed him his bowl.
“It smells like mustard.” He grimaced.
“Well, that’s 50% of the ingredients.”
“Okay. I’m doing it. I’m eating one.” He said and popped a mustard covered piece of popcorn into his mouth. You watched him as he chewed it and could tell he hated it.
“Well?” You asked.
“I’m gonna throw up.” He answered.
“Spit it out.” You laughed.
“No. You like this so I’m gonna force myself to like it too.” He said a begrudgingly swallowed the popcorn. You laughed at him but your smile slowly faded and you looked a little upset.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked you.
“I don’t know. I’m feeling kinda down tonight.” You told him.
“You are? What’s bothering you?”
“I guess I’m just sad the tours over. I don’t like when things end.” You admitted with a sad smile.
“I’m sad it’s over too. They usually exhaust me but I don’t know. I particularly enjoyed this one.” Tom replied sheepishly without meeting your eyes.
“You did?” You asked as you ate your popcorn.
“I did. Mostly because I enjoyed getting to know you.” He admitted and finally looked up at you. You smiled in surprise and scooted closer to him. Tom gulped and looked down at his lap. The tour was officially over so if he didn’t want you to get on a plane without ever knowing how he felt, he was gonna have to speak now.
“You know, before the tour started, my brother made me promise that I wasn’t gonna fall for you.” Tom admitted.
“What?” You laughed softly. “Why would he make you promise that?”
“I don’t know. He said it would only end in two ways.” Tom said and looked into your eyes with a sheepish smile.
“Which were?” You wondered.
“We get caught up in the excitement of the movie so we start a fling and then breakup when the tour ends.”
“Well that didn’t happen. So what was the other option?”
“I fall for you and never tell you. And the tour ends and you get on a plane and I regret it for the rest of my life. But I guess that option didn’t happen either since I told you.” He said as he never dropped your gaze. You stared into his eyes for a moment as you processed what he had just admitted.
“Well, what if there was a secret third option?”
“Secret third option?” Tom asked with intrigue.
“I mean, just because the tour is ending that doesn’t mean it has to be the end of you and me, does it?” You said and leaned in even closer.
“It doesn’t?” He gulped at your close proximity.
“I don’t think so. And look. You bought me food. That makes this is our first date.” You explained as you held up your bowl of popcorn.
“Well I’m happy to hear that but don’t expect a kiss with your mustard breath.” Tom mumbled out of the corner of his mouth.
“What was that?” You played along.
“I said you’re so pretty and I have a giant crush on you and want us to be together.” He said quickly.
“Much better.” You smiled and popped some popcorn into your mouth.
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant
@quaksonhehe @lovelessdagger
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
 @officialsimppage @peterbenjiparker @itsemohours
@freakofmusic25 @tomholland85
@olixerwxxd @leilanixx
@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
@spideyspeaches @hihiweezing
@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
@nellabellaa @pinklxmonade @boogywoogywoogy
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sluttywonwoo · 4 months
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instead of you [part thirty-eight] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex (18+ ; mdni)
word count: 2.8k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
“You put sunscreen on, right?” 
“Yes, dad.”
Jisung rolled his eyes. “I’m just trying to make sure you don’t burn.”
“Worry about yourself, lobster.”
“You need to come up with a new sunburn joke. That one is getting old.”
“I’ll go back to the drawing board, spitball a little bit,” you muttered. 
Your best friend laughed. “Let me know when you land on something.”
“Aye, aye, captain.”
“Can you get my back, though?” Jisung asked. 
“Sure, babe.”
You took the tube of sunblock from his hands and squeezed some into your palm. He yanked off his shirt and shoved it in his bag, turning away from you so that you could apply the sunscreen. He bent his knees a little to make it easier for you, even though he wasn’t that much taller than you. 
You rubbed it in dutifully, making sure that it was all absorbed so that it wouldn’t stain his clothes when or if he put his shirt back on. When you were done, you handed the tube back to him.
“Will you do me?”
“Any day of the week,” Jisung replied, winking. “You know you don’t even have to ask, babe.”
“You two are disgusting.” You didn’t have to turn around to know who was complaining. 
“We’re actually having a private conversation, Felix.”
“Well, you’re having it in the middle of a public area.” 
Jisung rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything else, thankfully. It was too early in the morning to deal with their bickering. 
You had woken up at dawn to make the drive over to Turtle Beach. According to the internet, the best time of day to see the sea turtles was in the morning, so that’s when you were going. No one was in a particularly good mood in the car on the way to the North Shore. It was silent. Dom tried turning the radio on at one point but Nikki immediately turned it off. 
“We’ll be getting coffee after this,” Dom assured everyone, which seemed to lift the spirits at least a little bit. 
It was already crowded when Dom found a parking spot on the side of the road. He was able to snag it as another car was pulling out. 
People were clustered in groups around the rocks that lined the shore, holding their phones out to take pictures of what you assumed to be the turtles. 
Minho had found a parking spot a little further away so he and Felix joined the rest of you a few minutes later. 
That’s when the sunscreen was applied and promises of caffeine were made. You waited for your sunscreen to dry before putting your coverup back on and walking down to the beach with the Hans. You weren’t swimming at this beach, not many people did because they didn’t want to disrupt the turtles, but Nikki had made everyone put on sunblock anyway because you’d still be standing in direct sunlight. 
The dropoff from the road to the sand was a bit steep and you stumbled trying to step down from the asphalt and tie the back of your coverup at the same time. 
“Baby, let me,” Jisung said, pushing past his brothers to get to you. He chuckled. “That could’ve been bad. You should have just asked me to help you, or waited until we got down there.”
“I would’ve been fine,” you said, brushing it off. “Probably.”
“Knowing you, you probably would’ve hit your head on a rock or something.”
You ignored that comment because he was right and you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. 
The beach was kind of short even at low tide. Some mangrove trees offered a little bit of shade but that was already being monopolized by other tourists. 
“I guess everyone read the same article we read,” Felix muttered. 
“Seems like it,” Dom agreed. 
“Should we go over there?” Minho asked, pointing to a moderately small crowd at the edge of the bay. 
“I don’t see why not,” his dad said. “We can also split up if we want to. We don’t have to stay together.”
You looked at Jisung who just shrugged. “We can do whatever you want.”
“I don’t care,” you argued. “They’re your family.”
“Good point. Let’s go the other direction.”
You rolled your eyes and followed Jisung left while the other four went right. He wove in between the crowds, looking for turtles that the masses might not have spotted yet. You did the same, even though you were doubtful the two of you would find anything that the other tourists hadn’t. 
You were shocked at how clear the water was. After the other beaches you’d already seen on this trip, you didn’t think it was possible for clearer water to exist. The visibility was insane. You could see every tiny detail, every bump and groove of the rocks, every grain of sand. The only thing diluting the view of everything was the white foam that washed ashore with the waves when they broke. 
You took your phone out of your back pocket to snap a few pictures of the water and Jisung gave you a funny look. 
“There aren’t any turtles here,” he said. 
“I want a picture of the view,” you explained. 
“Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, it’s beautiful.”
He watched you snap a few pictures and then offered to take some of you but you declined out of embarrassment. 
“A bunch of people are doing it! Why would you be embarrassed?”
“I’m not good at posing for pictures! I always feel so awkward, especially when it’s just me.”
“Do you want us to take a picture together, then?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” 
Jisung pulled his own phone from his pocket and ushered you over to his side. You get close to him and rest your head on his shoulder, smiling softly. He waits for a good wave to appear in the background and then takes a couple selfies.
He taps on the gallery icon in the bottom left corner of the screen to check the pictures and shows you. 
“Oh, these are cute. Can you airdrop them to me later?”
Then, Jisung squinted a little harder at his screen, zooming in on something.
“What is that?” he asked you, shoving the phone into your face. 
“I don’t know, it’s so pixely- and your hands are shaking.”
Jisung took the phone back. “Is that...”
He didn’t even finish the question before he was whipping around and marching toward the water without explaining, leaving you to stay standing where you were like an idiot or follow him aimlessly. You chose the latter. 
“We found one!” he exclaims when you catch up with him, pointing at a dark mass in the water that had also been in the back of your pictures. You replicated his position to be able to see whatever it was more clearly and gasped when you realized it was a sea turtle. 
It was a little further out than the ones that everyone was already ogling over which was probably why no one else had spotted it yet. Their dark shells also tended to blend in with the rocks, adding another layer of difficulty to the search. 
“Should we call your family over?” you asked.
“Only if you’re cool with a bunch of other people swarming us.”
“You’re right, that might not be great. Especially if people start recognizing Minho.”
Jizung nodded. “Then we’d never get out of here. I’ll go run and get them. You stay here with the turtle.”
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before he was off. Seemed to be a pattern today. 
“She still here?” Jisung asked when he came back, the rest of his family members in tow.
You were confused before you understood that he was referring to the turtle. Apparently, he had decided its pronouns in the time he was gone. 
“Yeah, she’s a little closer too,” you answered. 
You pointed at the shadow in the water and all of the Hans craned their necks to see it. 
“Holy shit, it's huge,” Felix commented. 
“It must be really old,” Jisung added. “That’s a thing, right? The bigger a sea turtle is, the older it is?”
His brothers shrugged. “No idea.”
“Crush from Finding Nemo was like one hundred and five and he wasn’t that big,” Minho pointed out. 
“You’re going off of Finding Nemo for your marine biology information?” Jisung deadpanned.
“You’re just making stuff up off the top of your head!”
“No, I heard it somewhere!”
“Does anyone have service? We could Google it,” Felix suggested. 
“No, there’s none over here,” you muttered. 
“Look, here she comes!” Nikki exclaimed. 
You weren’t sure whether the turtle was actually coming closer or if she just wanted her sons to stop bickering, but they did and turned their attention toward the ocean. 
Eventually, the sea turtle did come a little closer, close enough to be able to take pictures where people would be able to tell what they were looking at. 
The six of you all standing at the edge of the water looking at the same thing was bound to draw attention eventually so you took pictures and videos until you were satisfied and then headed back to the cars. 
“Minho, follow the directions I sent you to Waimea Falls,” Dom instructed. “We’re going to stop for coffee on the way over there so you should tail me but you should also have the address in case you lose us.”
Minho nodded. “Same cars?”
“We can switch it up, if you want. I’m sure Felix would love to be alone with his folks for forty-five minutes straight.”
“Wait, you said the drive was only twenty minutes,” Felix piped up. 
“It is, but your mother and I could make it forty-five just for you.”
“We can all fit in my car,” Minho added, ignoring his dad. 
“Wow, so I’m not good enough for you?” Felix scoffed. 
“Yes, that’s exactly what I meant by that.”
“I’m good to ride with mum and dad but y/n, you should go with Felix and Minho to save them from each other.”
“You don’t want to come?” you asked, already knowing the answer. 
“Nah. I mean, Minho’s right, we would all fit but it wouldn’t be that comfortable, especially for a long ride. Besides, it would be rude to leave Mom and Dad by themselves.”
“What are you talking about?” Felix muttered. “They love to be by themselves. Why do you think they keep ditching us at every possible opportunity?”
“It’ll be nice to have some time with Jisung,” Nikki counters, taking Jisung by his shoulders. “He’s been gone at uni for so long, we haven’t gotten to see him since Christmas.”
“You’ve been seeing me for over a month straight,” Jisung mumbled, sounding a lot like Felix just had. 
“You know what I mean,” his mom said, exasperated. 
You hadn’t really thought of that. You had been so focused on being the loving, devoted girlfriend that you always made sure to be around so that everyone could bear witness to your relationship. You hadn’t considered the fact that Jisung’s parents might have wanted to spend time with their son one-on-one, or two-on-one. You had unintentionally been hogging their son this whole time. 
“Oh, that’s a great idea,” you agreed, just to let them know that you weren’t upset. “I’m sorry, I’ve been keeping him all to myself.”
“Nonsense, love,” Nikki assured you, “I didn’t mean it like that at all.”
“I know, I know, I just still feel bad.”
“Don’t feel bad. You’re his partner, you’re part of this family now too.”
You smiled appreciatively but couldn’t bring yourself to respond. Would you still be considered part of the family if you suddenly became Minho’s girlfriend? Broke one son’s heart and moved on to the next- it wouldn’t be a good look, that’s for sure. 
“It’s settled then,” Jisung said, clapping his hands together in finality. “We’ll see you guys there.”
Minho’s rental car was still parked on the side of the road, but it was down the hill a bit. It was pretty steep, and the pavement was uneven. You could feel two pairs of eyes watching you as you made your way along the path. You wanted to tell Minho and Felix that they didn’t have to be so vigilant, that you weren’t that clumsy. But to be fair, you had almost just ate shit like twenty minutes ago walking in the sand. Okay, maybe they were right for that. 
You made it to the car without incident and climbed into the back seat. Minho plugged the address into his phone’s GPS, which synced to the car’s ApplePlay, and reversed out of the spot. He drove up a ways and then stopped behind Dom’s car so that he could reverse without dealing with the traffic. It was a smart move on Minho’s part. He was ensuring he wouldn’t get cut off by someone else, that way he could follow his dad without having to guess which lane he was in or which car he was in front of, etc. 
As the passenger, Felix was in charge of the music (as long as Minho approved of it, since the driver did have veto power). He turned it to a local island reggae station and all three of you seemed to enjoy that. 
While Minho drove, Felix showed you pictures he’d taken on his camera at Turtle Beach. 
“I’ve been taking them the whole trip, but I only have so much storage on an SD card, you know? I’ve uploaded the rest to my computer. We can look at them later, if you want.”
“I’d love to! Have you looked at them yet?”
“I’ve just skimmed them,” he answered. “But if they turn out anything like these I think I’ll have a pretty solid portfolio after this trip.”
“Yeah, these are incredible! You’ll have to show Minho when we stop.” Felix made a noncommittal noise. “What? They’re great!”
“I’m glad you think so. Unfortunately, when it comes to my photography and videography, the wow factor has mostly worn off for my brothers. Even Minho, who’s supposed to be an performer, can’t pretend to be impressed anymore.”
“You’re telling me.”
“I guess they picked Dunkin,” Minho said, entirely ignoring the conversation you and Felix were having about him as he turned into the shopping center’s parking lot. 
“Fine with me,” you said. 
“It was probably the quickest choice,” Felix mused. “I would like to try some local coffee shops, though. Hawai’i is known for their coffee.”
“Maybe tomorrow we can look for one,” you offered. 
He grinned. “I’m down.”
The drive-thru line wasn’t that long, thankfully. Minho ordered for the three of you all on the same ticket to speed things along too. He pretended not to hear you when you offered to pay for yourself. 
Dom waited for your car in a parking spot by the exit to the main road. Minho did what he’d done before and waited for his dad to pull out before following him.
“Make sure to drink all of that before we get to the park,” Minho said as he passed out the cups. “I don’t think we’re allowed to bring outside food or drink inside. Yo, I didn’t mean you had to chug it right now,” he clarified.
You pulled your iced coffee away from your lips guiltily. “Sorry.”
“The drive is like twenty minutes, remember? You have time to finish it.”
“I remember.”
“So then why-”
“I don’t know, it felt like the right thing to do.”
“You’ve been in uni for too long,” he decided, shaking his head. 
“Maybe she just needs the caffeine to hit faster,” Felix suggested defensively. 
“Exactly, thank you, Lix.”
He gave you a smile of acknowledgment in the rearview mirror and a thumbs up. You sipped your coffee slowly as Minho drove through the winding mountains of Oahu, resting your forehead against the window. You knew there’d be sunscreen residue to clean off of it later but the cool glass felt nice against your skin. 
You tuned Minho and Felix out until you heard your name. That’s when you sat up again and rejoined the conversation. 
“Min just asked what I think Jisung is talking about with our parents right now and I said they’re probably giving him a lecture about not losing you,” Felix explained. 
You made a face. “What?”
“You know, like telling him he better treat you well or whatever parents say to their kids when they want a son or daughter-in-law.”
Your eyes shifted to Minho before you could stop them. His grip on the steering wheel tightened just enough to make his knuckles turn white but he kept his expression calm. 
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” you mumbled.
“I bet they’ll at least bring it up,” Felix countered. “They love you!”
You forced a smile and sunk down in your seat.  Not for long.
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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qsphyxias · 5 months
idk if your requests are open but i was wondering if you could write a (tom)peter parker x male reader fluff because i really enjoyed the other ones that you have written 🫶🫶🫶🫶 much love
if you read yaoi and/or bl regularly as a woman, get the fuck out of here!
synopsis ; peter parker x male! reader
warnings ; male (he/him) reader, cussing, (tom holland) peter parker, established relationship
note ; love me some classic peter parker fanfiction - and thank u for requesting!! not sure how long this has been sitting here for whoops
words ; 0.8k +
"Hey, boyfriend." You snickered, hanging your head over him. Multiple strands of hair followed your sudden movement — blocking your view of him, or rather, his view of you.
He looked up at your face and pushed the strands of your hair to the side of your face without thinking much of it. The smile he beamed right back at you made you feel as if he was trying to move away curtains that revealed a most breathtaking view — you, his wonderful boyfriend.
As cheesy as it sounded, the way you looked at him and leaned down made his mind play one of the most righteous theme songs of the Star Wars trilogy. The feeling of your face against his hand, the desire to just hold you and never let go, the heat of his blood rushing everywhere, it was scary. Peter could hardly think straight when you let a small smile shine through your expression, where was he supposed to look? What was he supposed to touch?
As if on instinct, Peter's hands that were once placed on either side of him on the bed, took action and slid up your waist to gain a little bit more control once he saw you close the distance a bit more by resting on your elbows instead of your palms when hovering over Peter.
His grip caught you by surprise, who knew he could be so initiating?
"Is... Is that okay?" He murmured, watching your expression, terrified he was maybe too assertive this time.
He already went through this struggle with where to touch, back when he thought he only liked girls — but now, it's different. Despite all those experiences, It's like he had to relearn everything about the boyfriend world. It's not the same, because this time, he's the one with the boyfriend, not so much the one having to worry about his role as the only boyfriend in the relationship.
And Peter really doesn't want to fuck it up with his boyfriend.
To his shock and awe, you snorted, dismissing all his worries with one single breath.
"Peter, your heart's made of pure gold, isn't it?" You sighed as you fully relaxed into your new boyfriend's arms, letting your arms slide underneath the small of his back and lock softly.
With your eyes closed, and ear against his heart, Peter could comfortably wear his expression of pure exasperation as he settled into your embrace — not having to worry about you reading his face.
"Uh," Peter leaned his head back against the pillows to think, causing his throat to relax under the pressure of gravity — producing a scratchy tone in his larynx, once could only describe it as infatuation-inducing. "Well, maybe. I mean, I let you be my boyfriend, didn't I? I must be a saint!" He joked, a complete 180 to his previous attitude as he attempted to lighten the heavy romantic tension. A smile adorned his face with ease as he looked down at you for a (hopefully) good reaction.
You opened your eyes to playfully glare at him, "I take back what I said; your heart's made of pure lego — it's completely evident."
Peter feigned offence, "Hey, what makes you say that?" getting a bit more comfortable, he rolled over to face you instead of having to crane his neck down, keeping his hands flush against your back throughout.
"The way your joints click and clack, the way you get all stiff and plastic-like when you get nervous, the way you're practically indestructible — not to mention how much space you allow Lego Star Wars to take up in your heart; there's lots of things, Peter. " You laughed near the end of your mini-speech, fiddling with the the collar of Peter's shirt right in front of your point of view.
"And hey, you're basically built like Lego Batman with those 12-pack abs. Not that I'm complaining..." Peter flushed at the blatant flirt directed at his body.
"I did not come here today to be berated, s/o." Peter chose to ignore the last thing you said, "and I do not get 'plastic-like' when I'm nervous." Peter frowned, to which you chuckled.
"You came here because you missed me, be honest." You corrected.
"Well... Yeah, but you don't have to say it out loud." He mumbled, his shy expression breaking into a grin when he saw you smile first.
"Why not? it's true, isn't it?" You closed the distance between the two of you even more, chest-to-chest, stomach-to-stomach, lips-to....
Your eyes fluttered shut as you leaned up to kiss him, shuddering when you felt his hand rub your back with a gentle force, pulling you impossibly closer to him to fully close the distance.
As the two of you kissed, Peter held you close and vowed to himself in his head, to always protect you. Because to protect you, means he'd be protecting precious moments like these.
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piratekane · 1 year
She’s bone-tired, aches in places she didn’t know could ache and muscles stretched out in a way they haven’t been for a long time. Since her physical therapy, at least. The rock climbing a few weeks ago certainly hadn’t helped, but there was no way she was going to stay with her feet rooted to the floor. Not when she could climb up 15 feet and hang there like Spider-man. Better than Spider-man.
Suck it, Tom Holland.
She paid for it later, though, and spent the next day letting her body remember how to stretch, going through yoga poses and washing her breakfast down with ibuprofen. 
It was worth it, still, to see the look on Bea’s friend’s faces. Mary was impressed, clapping her on the shoulder when she got to the bottom and telling Camila - who made it up the wall the fastest - that she had competition. Even Lilith regarded her with a level of approval that Ava ate up. She’s going to make Lilith like her. Or at least smile politely, even if it is with all her teeth.
But it was Bea’s face that made it even better. 
She hasn’t known Bea long - she’s known others longer, including that one cafeteria lady who always saves her a side of mac and cheese because Ava said one time that it was her favorite - but she already knows that a big part of her wants to impress Bea. She can’t quite put it into words. There’s something about Bea that makes Ava want to show off. Maybe it’s because one thing she’s learned about Beatrice is that her smiles are fleeting. Ava wants to collect every one of them.
She’ll have a lot of opportunities, now that Bea is her friend and her roommate.
“Where do you want this one?” Beatrice asks from the doorway. She’s holding a paper box with tons of smiley faces drawn on it in a thick-tipped permanent marker. There’s a method to her packing madness, but Ava is big enough to admit that she has no idea what’s in this particular box.
“Here is fine.” She shifts in the computer chair Bea got her, a slight pinch in her back.
Bea looks down at the last few inches of floor where Ava points and frowns. “How will you get out?”
Ava lifts her legs, wiggling her socked toes. “I’ll jump. Have you jumped on this bed? Is it a solid bed for jumping?”
“Jumped on the…” Beatrice blinks at her. “No, Ava. I haven’t jumped on the bed.”
Ava shrugs. “You’re missing out. My dorm room was not good jumping material. When’s the last time you jumped on a bed?”
Her mouth drops open. “Never?” She immediately frowns. Beatrice wasn’t kidding when she told her that her life hadn’t been normal kid stuff and her parents were hardly around. They had that in common: a girl who lived in an orphanage and a girl who grew up alone. It makes her a little sad for Bea. “We have to fix this.”
“I am not jumping on the bed,” Bea says firmly.
Ava shrugs. Today is not the day, and tomorrow won’t be either, but soon. She stands and stretches her arms above her head, immediately dropping them so that her shirt doesn’t ride up any higher. Bea seems like the kind of girl who appreciates a little modesty. Ava can do that. Or, she can try really hard to do that.
“I am officially all moved in.” She grins, surveying her kingdom. There’s a desk in one corner, left behind by Bea’s roommate who went to study abroad and didn’t come back. A nightstand by the bed has her lamp and her hat on it. She’ll have to hang her clothes, fill the dresser, find a few posters to put up on the walls. But it’s hers. “So, roomie, what’s next?”
Bea looks around, clasping her hands behind her. “I believe those are all your things.”
“Except for the kitchen stuff.”
“Yes.” There’s a faint smile on Bea’s face and Ava feels a thrill, knowing she put it there. “How could I forget your… hot dog maker.”
“Not sure. It’s fire engine red.” But she looks around too. “I think we’re done. Now we can get ready for movie night!”
A proper end to moving day. Movie night with an Ava-curated predetermined list, tons of drinks and movie theater popcorn and Bea’s friends. She had hesitantly suggested it to Bea a few days ago. She’d never done a movie night and her College Experiences bucket list clearly had it marked as item #8. But Bea had said yes almost immediately, and Ava went to work, making a list of options in between packing and classes and meals with Bea and her friends.
They’re going to be my friends, she decides. That’s on her bucket list too.
Now she just needed them to get here. The minutes have been dragging on as she’s waited as patiently as possible. But time didn’t seem to be cooperating. It’s doing its best to drag its heels. Ava wants to grab it by the neck and shake it.
Bea seems to notice that. “They’ll be here soon.” She says it very patiently, like she already knows Ava does terrible with waiting. And Ava likes that. She likes that Bea is paying attention to her enough to notice these things.
Bea’s going to be a great roommate. Ava wants to be just as good. She looks around her room, satisfied. She can unpack later - there’s enough space to get from the bed to the door and Bea insisted she make the bed first, almost like she knew that Ava was going to stack everything in insurmountable piles and try her best to get around them.
See? she thinks. She knows me already.
She’s about to say that, to tell Bea that she’s already killing this ‘best roommate’ contest that Bea doesn’t know they’re having, when someone knocks on the door. Once, twice, three times.
Ava does jump on the bed this time, beating Beatrice to the door and pulling it open to find Camila on the other side. 
Ava beams. “Movie night!”
“Is the whole movie about… biking?” Lilith makes it seem like a swear word.
Ava grins, shoves a handful of popcorn into her mouth, and says, “id bub nimnasts.” Everyone turns to her. She swallows and smiles more sheepishly this time. “It’s about gymnastics.”
Lilith heaves a long-suffering sound. “Gymnastics.” It’s really a testament to her disdain for everyday things, that everything that comes out of her mouth sounds like she’s spitting it from between her teeth. But then the running biker rips off her helmet and it’s Missy Peregrym and even Lilith seems interested.
Ava gets it. She does. This is peak Missy Peregrym. And it only gets better. She stops watching the movie when Missy Peregrym’s character, Haley, finds her way back to the gym and on Vanessa Lengies’ character, Joanne’s, last nerve and starts watching the room instead. Onscreen, Haley pretends to be on the phone while Joanne stomps her foot angrily, and Mary snorts, lips curled up in a smile, and that’s when Ava knows this is a good choice.
She wants to impress them so badly. It consumes her. Partly because she thinks they’re really cool, even Lilith. And partly because she thinks Bea is amazing and these people agree. Sister Frances always told her to stop wasting her time and do everyone the favor of aligning herself with the right people. Ava is pretty sure she was saying it to get rid of her, to go out and be someone else’s problem, but Ava thinks she found the right people all the same.
“Isn’t that the guy from Twilight?” Camila asks, abandoning her popcorn. Ava meets Bea’s eyes and smiles. Bea shakes her head fondly at Camila and Ava wonders when she’ll get the same look. Someday, she thinks. She looks back at Camila, leaning forward in her seat on the bean bag chair she wrestled through their front door earlier. “He’s the cute one, I think. The other one kind of freaked me out. I don’t think he ever blinked.”
Their front door. Ava’s heart beats a little harder.
Ava could go into detail about Twilight - it was basically contraband at the orphanage. But they’re in the middle of a movie. And she thinks Lilith might actually throw a soda at her. She doesn’t think Bea would appreciate the mess. So that’s a Camila-and-Ava conversation for later.
“Yikes. Ice baths.” Shannon shudders. “I used to do those in high school, during the season. Need a wake up call? Submerge yourself in a metal tub of ice cubes.” She points her entire soda towards the screen. “Though, I never looked like that doing it.”
Mary snakes her arm across the back of Shannon’s shoulder. “No, you didn’t.”
Ava slaps her hand over her mouth to keep in her laugh but Shannon rolls her eyes and elbows Mary gently. “You’re right. I looked better.”
“Damn right you did.” Mary meets Ava’s eye and smirks. It feels like a secret between them. That swelling feeling in her chest reaches a crescendo.
She shoves another handful of popcorn into her mouth and spares a glance at Bea, finding that Bea is already looking back at her. She inhales, nearly choking on a kernel. Bea sits forward, worry on her face, but Ava holds up a hand, stopping her. She swallows a few times, washes down what she can with her soda, and takes a deep breath.
“Do you like it?” Ava whispers, aware that she can be too loud sometimes. 
Bea has to lean closer to hear her. “It’s entertaining.”
Ava’s eyes narrow. She doesn’t know what that word means to Bea yet. Sometimes entertaining means not good, and sometimes it means the best thing I’ve watched in my whole life. She’s still learning to read her.
“Good,” Bea fills in. Ava exhales in relief. “Gymnastics takes a considerable amount of skill.”
“You could do it,” Ava says confidently. She nods when Bea goes to argue with her. “I saw you rock climbing. And all the martial arts you talk about? I bet you could beat Nastia Liukin.”
Bea’s cheeks might redden but Ava can’t tell in the dim light. “Actual Olympic gold medalist Nastia Liukin? I doubt that.”
Ava shrugs. “Guess we’ll have to call her and find out. But my money's on you.”
Lilith shushes them, glaring. Ava puts one hand up in surrender and grins at Bea when Lilith turns back to the movie. She pushes the popcorn back to Bea and waits expectantly. Bea is much more graceful than Ava, picking out a few pieces delicately. Ava doesn’t offer the same grace; she shoves her hand in and grabs as much as she can. 
“Wait, her mom cheated on her dad with her coach?” Lilith doesn’t pull her eyes away from the screen, but scoffs. “Pathetic.”
Camila claps when it ends, grinning. Ava matches her smile, looking around excitedly. 
She pats herself on the shoulder mentally, though her hand itches to do it physically. She made a good choice, a strong start. She stands up, twists her back side to side so she can stretch it out, and grins. “Who wants more popcorn?”
She waits until a quiet moment, after everyone has been settled into movie and Bea has finished what Ava is sure to be the first of many comments on the historical validity of The Mummy before she says:
“This movie was my bisexual awakening.”
There’s a cough and sputter from her left where Beatrice is sitting. She thinks about reaching out and giving her a friendly whack on the back, to clear out whatever has gotten stuck in her windpipe, but Mary laughs so loudly, Ava just ends up grinning instead.
Lilith eyes her critically. “Brendan Fraser isn’t the worst you could do, I suppose.”
It’s a glowing compliment coming from Lilith. Ava files it away for the next time she inevitably says something that isn’t.
Camila leans her head back, staring at Ava upside down. “Rachel Weisz is my ‘if I had to pick a girl’.”
“Fraser is not the guy I’d pick,” Mary says firmly. “I’m more of an Usher kind of girl.”
Shannon shrugs. “I think I’d take Mummy-Fraser over Tarzan-Fraser. The long hair is… Eh.”
The TV flickers, brightening the room as Rick O’Connell crosses the screen with a torch in his hand. Ava turns expectantly to Bea. “What about you?”
“What about-” Bea’s voice is slightly squeaky, if Ava had to put a word to it. Almost as if she doesn’t know where to break the syllables. “This movie was not my bisexual awakening,” she finally says.
“Well, of course not.” Ava reaches over and does touch Bea this time, patting her knee gently. “I assume you’d be too focused on the truth of all this history stuff to even focus on either of them.” She smiles warmly. “Am I right?”
Everyone seems to be looking at the two of them. Ava feels the room tip a little. She’s suddenly worried she said the wrong thing. She just thought, with Mary and Shannon clearly dating, that it’d be okay to say something like that. They seem to be open enough, not shying away from each other. But maybe she shouldn’t have. Or maybe it’s the movie choice. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Antonio Banderas also had something good going on.
Bea stares and Ava starts to count the seconds as they stretch.
“I’m not—” Bea begins haltingly, then stops. 
A tendril of panic curls around Ava’s chest. She just assumed. Sure, Bea never explicitly said she liked girls, but Ava isn’t usually wrong about this kind of stuff. Maybe she did get it wrong. Or maybe she just said it too loud. She has a tendency to barrel head first into things without thinking.
Bea clears her throat. “I suppose…” Her eyes dart over Ava’s shoulder to where Mary and Shannon are. Ava looks, smiling a little, still confused. “I suppose… Rachel Weisz is someone a person might find appealing.”
“Attractive,” Ava corrects, slightly relieved that she didn’t read Bea incorrectly. “And good choice.” She nods in total agreement. Bea’s taste is up there. 
She shoves her hand into the candy bowl that’s replaced the popcorn. M&Ms in this bowl, but Bea has Junior Mints. She looks up, mouth full, and finds Bea still staring back at her. An M&M falls out of her mouth and lands in her hand. She feels her face flush and she quickly tosses it back in.
Lilith’s face is twisted in disgust. There goes that good favor. But Mary and Shannon are looking at her too, and Ava gets a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. 
“I’m sorry,” she says slowly. “I think I said something wrong.” Even though she has no clue what that might be. Her worry that she’s made Bea uncomfortable by talking about her sexuality rises again in her head. 
There’s quiet for a moment before Bea says, “No.” She reaches forward like she’s trying to get Ava to understand something but her hand hovers over Ava’s, the one with a small chocolate smudge on it, and she pulls it back into her own lap. “You don’t mind?”
“Mind…” Ava blinks, looks back again. Mary is staring at her and there’s a slight edge she hasn’t seen before. “That you like Rachel Weisz?” No one says yes or no and she’s still so confused. “I totally don’t mind, if that’s what you think. Like I said.” She points both of her thumbs back at herself and tries to smile in a way she knows is charming. “Awakening.”
Bea’s face is pinched, though. Ava has the strongest urge to press her hands to it and smooth it out. Mary clears her throat and Bea’s face does it all on its own.
“I mean, I’d still be okay with it if you liked Patricia Velasquez better,” Ava admits. “The gold costume was…” She whistles low and reaches out a hand, nudging Bea in the shoulder. Bea sways away and back in again stiffly, but she seems to be breathing out.
Ava exhales. She looks back over her shoulder and Mary is still looking at her but she’s smiling too, nodding once at her. Whatever test that was, she knows she passed it. And honestly, Bea can’t go wrong with either choice. And if she is into someone like Patricia Velasquez, Ava knows a girl in her Humanities class who can pull off that same kind of eyeliner.
She offers Bea the bowl of M&Ms silently, gesturing for the Junior Mints. Bea hands it over slowly, her eyes still searching Ava’s face. She hopes Bea finds whatever she’s looking for. Because she wants to show Bea that she’s someone to trust, that Bea made a good decision, and that moving in was something that was going to be great. 
She smiles encouragingly and Bea smiles back, ducking her head slightly. Ava turns back to the TV screen, silently passing Camila the bowl of Junior Mints in return for the Skittles. 
“Actually,” Bea says quietly, almost as if she’s only talking to Ava. “Did you know that Medjay, the Pharoh’s bodyguards in the movie, actually refers to people from the land of Medja. It was believed to be located in Nubia, near the Second Nile Cataract.”
Ava abandons the screen, turning to Bea now. “How do you know this stuff?”
Bea shrugs a shoulder. “I like knowing things.”
“We’re finding a trivia night and going out,” Ava decides. Lilith shushes her and she ignores it. “The brains between you, Shannon, and Camila, plus my good looks, Mary’s brawn, and the whole… scary thing Lilith has going on, we’ll clean up.”
Bea smiles fully this time. A pillow hits Ava in the side of the head but it doesn’t stop her from smiling back at Bea before snatching the pillow off the floor and holding onto it until Lilith wrestles it out of her hands ten minutes later.
They’ve moved onto pizza by the time Atlantis queues up on the TV. Six different boxes sit open on the breakfast bar, greasy plates on the floor and coffee table. Ava rests a hand on her stomach, her whole body stretched out and her socked feet dangerously close to a mushroom sliding around in a puddle of grease. She peers down. Bea’s plate is full of mushrooms, picked out from the other toppings.
Huh. No mushrooms. Maybe Bea does have a flaw.
“I dated a guy who looked like Milo once,” Camila offers. “Soft spoken, too.” She squints, looking into the middle distance. “I think his name was Ted.”
“Ted.” Mary wrinkles her nose. “There was a Ted in my Women’s Safety class freshman year. Thought it was an easy A and he’d get to feel up a few girls.” She scoffs. “He sure felt my fist in his stomach.”
Ava lifts an arm in solidarity, her whole body weighed down with hot dough and spicy tomato sauce. “I beat up someone once. When I was 6. He broke my ant farm.” She gets a sudden burst of energy as damp anger flows through her. She sits up. “I was the one who got in trouble though, the little jerk.”
Lilith pushes a piece of half-eaten veggie pizza towards Ava. Ava’s stomach protests, but the mushrooms are just that good, so she takes it and polishes off the rest of it. Lilith is warming up to her and Ava revels in it. It’s all part of her master plan to win Lilith over, one small step at a time.
With the understanding, of course, that she’s going to go backwards more than she goes forward. But she can tell how much Lilith means to Beatrice and she can play the long game. It’ll be a good exercise in patience.
“What about you, Beatrice? Beat a lot of people up? I know you can, like, kill a man with your bare hands.”
Lilith snorts. “Beatrice would never.”
Ava grins. “So you would?”
“No,” Bea says loudly over Lilith opening her mouth. “Our training is for self-defense. I have never found any reason to escalate a fight outside of tournaments and educational exercises.” She sees Ava’s eyes tracking the table and nudges the plate of mushroom slices towards her. She thinks she sees Bea’s nose wrinkled in disgust.
“Okay, but, if someone like Helga Sinclair - a total babe, by the way - came charging at you, you wouldn’t fight her?” Ava points at the screen where Helga is lifting boxes up, just to show off her muscles. Her mind gets stuck for a minute. They’re impressive arms. But then, Bea’s arms kind of look the same, now that she thinks about it. Helga has more of a Lilith-attitude, though.
Bea blinks. “She’s a cartoon character.”
“But if she was real,” Ava stresses. “Are you just too proud to tell me you’d wipe the floor with her pretty, 2-dimensional face?” She looks at Shannon. “Is she always this modest?”
Shannon snorts softly. “Yeah, Beatrice never really sells herself well.”
“We’re going to fix that,” Ava decides. Bea opens her mouth but Ava shakes her head. “It’s decided. Operation Beatrice is a Badass henceforth commences tonight, on this Saturday, in Apartment 3B. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Order.”
Bea’s mouth opens and closes a few times. “That’s not at all how that goes.”
“What a ridiculous thing to say,” Lilith mutters.
“It was kind of sweet,” Camila says kindly. “I think Beatrice needs a personal cheerleader.”
“Seems like Ava is up for the job,” Mary says. Her eyes are on Beatrice, a small smirk on her face. “I say go for it.”
Ava beams. “That’s four votes yes.”
Shannon hums. “I didn’t vote.”
“My vote counts twice,” Ava says without even looking at her. She goes to say something else, but Atlantis comes into view and she forgets what she was going to say, staring in wonder as Milo sees the lost city for the first time.
She watched this movie a lot when she was in the orphanage. Sister Frances was fond of donations and didn’t usually splurge on new things; a handful of DVDs, including Atlantis, were the last thing that showed up that wasn’t already in pieces by the time it got to them. Osmosis Jones was the other one, but one of the older boys broke it when he thought Osmosis Jones was living inside his body. 
Atlantis always caught her attention, though. The idea that there was a secret world out there where anything was possible? It was all she dreamed about as a kid, confined to a bed and locked away under Sister Frances’ crow-like eyes. She imagined she was Milo, on the hunt for the one thing that would make her life make sense. Sure, she never found her Atlantis, but Milo did. And she could live through that.
Her eyes stray to Bea. She’s caught herself doing that all night - constantly tuned into Bea, wondering what she’s thinking or if she likes Ava’s choices or if she’s regretting agreeing to this new living situation. She thinks everyone is warming up to her and it makes her grin. Friends. Friends she can hang out with and do movie nights and trivia nights and lunch dates like the one she has scheduled with Camila on Monday between her morning and afternoon classes.
And all thanks to the person who is quickly becoming her favorite person. Bea is her Princess Kira, showing her a whole new world. She frowns. Wrong movie. But then she shrugs; the point still stands.
“Well, you eat enough for two people,” Mary says, pulling Ava’s attention back in. She sounds impressed, though. “I’ve never seen anyone put away what you have in the last few hours.”
Ava grins and pats her stomach. “There’s still room in this ol’ thing. Just you wait.”
Mary shakes her head, a smile on her face. “Okay, baby girl. Whatever you say.”
A rush of affection swells in her chest. No one has ever called her ‘baby girl’ before. Or said it with a smile like Mary’s, like it’s some secret between the two of them. She holds onto it. She wants to wear it again. She wonders what Bea will call her, what her nickname will be. 
“None of you seem to understand what a movie night is, do you?” Lilith cuts in. She has her arms crossed over her chest, eyes narrowed. “It means watching a movie, not talking through it.”
“I didn’t realize you liked this movie so much,” Mary says lightly. “If we knew it was your favorite-”
“Not my favorite,” Lilith sniffs.
“-we would have quieted down,” she finishes. “You heard her, ladies, no talking through Lilith’s favorite movie.”
Mary, unlike Ava, catches the pillow Lilith throws and chucks it right back, hitting her right in the face. Ava gasps but the sound is swallowed up by the growl of disbelief from Lilith, the weary groan from Beatrice, Shannon tutting, and Camila clapping her hands together lightly.
It takes considerable effort, and they have to rewind twice, missing the mark both times and just giving up, but now Ava can put an X across the “bloodshed” square on her “how to be friends with girls” bingo card.
Lilith pouts for the next twenty minutes, Mary gloats, and Ava eats two more pieces of pizza, chewing happily.
“You’ll like this one,” Ava promises Bea as she loads the DVD unseen into the player. “It’s Shakespeare.”
A soccer ball bounces across the screen and the look of confusion on Bea’s face deepens. Ava holds out a hand, anticipating a question.
“Just wait, okay? This is pop culture history.” 
Bea looks skeptical. “It really is,” Ava insists. “It takes Shakespeare and modernizes it. Think 10 Things I Hate About You. Think Romeo + Juliet. This is a cinematic marvel.”
“Sit down,” Shannon says without any bite. “We’ve liked the other ones so far.”
“Speak for yourself,” Lilith mutters. She scowls, but closes her mouth when Camila looks at her. 
Ava doesn’t let it bother her. She swears she saw Lilith crying at the end of Atlantis. But Shannon’s words give her enough courage to take her seat again and watch Bea’s face, eager to see her reaction. She doesn’t have to wait long.
“I love this movie!”
“Not this one.”
Ava looks between Shannon and Mary. They look at each other.
Shannon blinks first. “You don’t like this movie?”
“I want to strangle her boyfriend every time he’s on screen.” Mary scowls, like she’s imagining his throat under her hand. “And Channing Tatum is just…”
“He’s a baby in this movie.”
“He’s not a good actor in this movie.”
Camila raises her hand weakly. “I like him in Magic Mike.” She balks at everyone’s sudden frown. Ava shakes her head. “My freshman year roommate was, like, obsessed with him. Actually, I think her mom was. And it just sort of… trickled down.”
Ava reaches out and pats her head gently. “I’m so sorry. That sounds terrible.”
Camila shrugs. “We traded off. Horror movies for me-”
“Horibble movies for her,” Mary finishes.
Shannon shrugs. “Well, I like this movie. Though, Olivia and Viola should have ended up together.”
That, Ava can get behind. She nods furiously. “Best chemistry, definitely.” She reaches for her bowl of ice cream - she has a scoop of every flavor they got at the grocery store. She digs into it, lifting her spoon to her mouth before she pauses, speaking first. “Do you think Amanda Bynes really knows how to play soccer?”
“No,” echoes around her.
She shrugs. “Didn’t think so.”
They turn their attention back to the movie, ignoring the comments Lilith makes critiquing Sebastian’s girlfriend and Marcus the creep and the principal - who she says reminds her of her tutor. The one you made cry? Bea asks. Lilith grins with all her teeth. 
Ava soaks it in like the sun on a beach. She catalogues the way Bea laughs at the pizza shop scene, the way she repeats the ug-lay as if it’s some foreign word she’s learning for the first time. She wonders if she’ll ever hear Bea say it out loud. Maybe she’ll wear something really loud - a word she picked up from Chanel - and see what the reaction is. She watches the way Mary and Shannon whisper to each other, soft murmurs over Olivia and Viola-Sebasatian arguing about cutting open a frog. Even Lilith makes a noise that sounds like a short laugh when Duke shoves a tampon up his nose. Camila mouths the words along with the characters, body jerking a little as if she’s the one playing soccer on the screen.
If 12-year-old Ava could see her now. If 17-year-old Ava could see her now. She wouldn’t believe it. She’d think her whole world extended only as far as the four walls of that orphanage. But it doesn’t. It’s bigger and brighter and filled with the coolest people she’s ever met.
Amanda Bynes flashes the soccer team and Ava laughs and laughs until Bea is smiling and shaking her head - that look, the one Ava saw Bea give Camila, that slight hint of fondness, is aimed directly at her.
The Illyria soccer team wins against Cornwall and Ava feels like she’s won something too.
She barely hears the door click shut as Lilith closes it behind her, the last one to leave. 
Ava had watched Camila wrestle her bean bag back out into the hallway, smiling too brightly for someone still up at two-thirty in the morning before she slumped back down on the couch, her energy spent. Mary patted the top of her head with a heavy hand, smoothing it out with a smile, and Shannon had squeezed her shoulder gently in a goodbye before they followed Camila. Lilith had stayed, helping to pick up a few things and talking quietly with Bea. Quiet enough that Ava couldn’t hear it - and too tired to tune into.
The popcorn and the candy and the pizza and the ice cream were catching up to her, making her a little nauseous and a lot full. She slumped down further on the couch and watched Lilith move through the apartment like she knew all its corners. She couldn’t wait until she could do the same.
Bea closes the refrigerator now and turns to Ava, smiling. “Did you have fun?”
“Best night ever.” It’s not a lie. This has kicked ‘First Night out with Chanel’ off the top of her list without a care in the world. “Did you?”
“I had a very nice time. We haven’t done that in a long time.” Bea drifts closer. She sits on the edge of the couch, hovering a little above the cushion.
“Monthly movie nights, then.” A thought crosses her mind and she pouts. “Hey, we forgot National Treasure.”
Bea laughs breathlessly. “I think four movies in one night is more than enough, Ava. There will be more nights for movies.  We can watch it another time.” 
Ava nods decisively. “Monthly movie nights. We have all the time in the world.” 
“We do,” Bea says, and it feels a little bit like they’ll have this forever.
Ava reaches behind her, groping at the back of the couch until she finds the corner of the blanket she’s searching for. She pulls it down over her head.
She thinks she hears Bea laugh, soft and melodic. But she could be imagining it, a holdover from her being hyper-aware of each time she did during movie night. She curls into it and smiles into the arm of the couch. She doesn’t know how she started sliding down, but it’s comfortable here.
“Ava,” Beatrice says gently. “You have a bed.”
Ava pulls the blanket off her head and throws it onto her legs. She squirms, trying to get it to settle over her body. “But this is so comfortable. Where did you find this couch?”
“Shannon picked it out. I’ll ask her the next time I talk to her.”
“I’ve always wanted a couch like this,” she admits. “Big, comfy. Just for us.” Her eyes flutter closed and the room goes hazy before her vision goes dark. “I’m going to sleep here.” She wiggles again. The blanket tangles around her waist. 
Bea is quiet for a moment. “Come on. I have something for you.”
Her eyes open quickly, rolling off the couch and onto her feet. “What is it?”
Bea looks nervous but crosses the room to her bedroom, slipping in through the closed door. Ava hears some things moving and then Bea is in the living room again, hands clasped behind her back. She’s holding something.
“It’s- Now that I have it, I’m not sure it-” Bea takes a deep breath and smiles tightly. “I got you something. A sort of housewarming present.”
Ava grins. “I love presents. What is it?”
There’s still an undercurrent of nervousness in the way Bea uncharacteristically shifts. “Hold out your hands. And close your eyes.”
Ava immediately slams her eyes closed and thrusts her hands out. The air feels still but not uncomfortable. Silences with Bea don’t feel weird, which is crazy. So she doesn’t mind the wait as Bea obviously works up the courage to put something in her hands. After a long moment, she feels something soft and nearly weightless drop into her cupped palms.
Bea clears her throat. “You can open your eyes.”
Ava does. She blinks. A long, thin, soft stuffed animal with a white belly and tiger stripes stares back at her. She’s confused for a moment before the pieces slot into her place in her mind. “Is this… Is this Hobbes? From Calvin and Hobbes?
Bea’s cheeks are just the slightest hint of pink. She clears her throat again. “I’m sorry if this is overstepping.”
“It’s really not,” Ava rushes out. Her heart is too big in her chest. Her eyes start to burn a little, hot beads forming in the corners. “How did you-”
“The internet is more than just Wikipedia and Reddit.” Bea’s hands are tucked back behind her again. “But after our conversation…”
Their conversation. 
The one where Ava told Bea everything: her accident and the grueling years of work, the orphanage, years spent in the libraries reading everything she could get her hands on. She told her about the Peanuts comics she liked and how one of the older kids had called her Linus because she carried around a blue blanket for a few years. She told Bea about the hours she would spend reading the Calvin and Hobbes comic collections and pretending she could join them on their adventures: riding in a wagon, bubble bath statues, exploring the forest, sledding, waiting for the school bus.
She told Bea she always wanted a Hobbes stuffed animal to take with her on her own adventures, just as soon as she could go and have them. She’d never admitted that to anyone else, not even Diego, the little boy she shared a room with. But something about Bea made it easy to talk about these kinds of things, Maybe it was the way she listened. She didn’t judge, she didn’t laugh.
Ava knows that’s going to be a problem. She’s going to end up telling Bea everything all the time.
And when Bea is ready to talk more about herself, about what her parents were like and how they were never around, Ava is going to be ready to listen.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she says quietly.
Bea’s voice is just as quiet. “I wanted to. You deserve to go on adventures.”
She breathes in slowly. “Today was an adventure. The best kind. And I know there’s going to be a million more.” She hugs Hobbes to her chest. “Because now I have someone. Two someones.” She smiles softly at Bea. “Hobbes. And you.”
Bea’s cheeks pinken just a hint more. She opens her mouth like she’s going to say something, but closes it again. Ava doesn’t want to say anything either, afraid to break this precarious moment. So she just looks at Hobbes, her Hobbes, and feels her chest swell with affection for this new friend she’s found.
‘Thank you,” she whispers. Bea doesn’t whisper back, but Ava doesn't think she needs to. She places Hobbes carefully on the couch. She strokes down his soft belly, fingers lingering before she turns to Bea. “I’m going to hug you. Brace yourself.”
She sees Bea physically prepare for it, watches the muscles under her thin cotton shirt tense. And she laughs, inwardly, that Bea seems to ready herself, as if Ava is going to knock her down. But she doesn’t blame her. Ava crashes into her, arms tight around her middle, trapping Bea’s arms against her sides. She feels Bea struggle for a moment before she frees her arms. Hands hover above her back before Bea pats her gently. Ava grins into the soft skin of Bea's arm.
“I think we’re going to be best friends,” she says quietly in the space between them.
She doesn’t break away from the hug until her arms start to ache. Then she steps back, giving Bea a hesitant smile before she ducks around her, headed to her new bedroom with Hobbies in her hands. With a soft goodnight, she lets Bea have a moment to herself. She seems like the type of person who needs to recover from a hug, but Ava will take care of that.
She’s a very good hugger. And they have time.
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kidney9-9 · 2 months
Birthday Girl - Tom Holland
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happy birthday to my best friend!!! i love you very much and i hope you're having a great bday today :) this is for you! ilyy you have brought a lot of joy into this world and i want you to have the best year possible! thank you for being such a sweet person, you deserve so many great things in life!
Tom Holland x Reader [Fluff and Smut] Warnings: Cursing, smut, little bit of praise, fingering Word Count: 5.2k
Tom was so excited about your birthday tomorrow to the point you weren’t really surprised when he pulled out a list on his phone about possible things to do to celebrate your birthday. It was currently 11pm, the day before your birthday and Tom was grinning widely as he wrapped an arm around you as he showed you the list.
“Alright, so I had way too many ideas about what to do for your birthday tomorrow that I had to put it in a list. And I know you’d like each of them, but I couldn’t choose what to surprise you with because each of them were too good to disregard. So, I was wondering what you’d like from this list to do, think of it like a spa brochure, and we’ll start once it turns midnight.” Tom rambled happily and your jaw dropped as you stared down at the list.
There was two pages of notes and ideas of what to do! “Oh god, Tom, how in the world did you think of all off these?!” You gaped at the list, scrolling through it.
“Oh, I’ve been preparing since the day after your last birthday.” He shrugged like it was no big deal, but you stared at him with wide eyes, completely flabbergasted.
“What?!” You laughed slightly but turned your head to kiss his cheek gently. “You’re so sweet to me. I love you so much.”
His cheeks warmed just a little, “I love you too. I just wanted your birthday to be an extra special day for you since you’ve been working so much.”
You looked at the very first suggestion on the list and felt your cheeks warm slightly, “Aw, love making? And – oh you scheduled it for 3 hours!” You were flustered but you found it a little funny that he added that time suggestion to it.
“Only if you want to!” He cried out, shaking his head and looking incredibly embarrassed. “It’s completely up to you, seriously. I just put that there since I thought maybe you’d like that suggestion.”
“It’s okay, I like it, don’t worry.” You shrugged and smiled at him.
You smiled at his words, feeling grateful for him. You gazed down at the list again and laughed at one of the funnier suggestions, “Did you really put this one down? A brigadeiro making party?”
“Yeah! I know you love them – I also put down acai making party. If you want to do either of those, I can go get all the ingredients at the store and I’ll invite our friends over.” Tom responded, pointing out the other option on the list.
“You’re ridiculous.” You giggled and shook your head, “But they do sound fun.”
Tom smiled at that, “Yeah, and there’s also some stuff we can do by ourselves, and we can celebrate your birthday with friends and family another day.”
You hummed and nodded at his words. You did want to hang out with him one-on-one since you guys haven’t been able to spend as much time together lately. You had a lot of work since you took on a new project at the company you worked at, and you were in and out of meetings most days, so you only really saw Tom at night. You were glad you had tomorrow off!
“I think I want to just hang out with you tomorrow, babe. I miss hanging out with you.” You confessed and Tom’s face softened, and he leaned closer to you and kissed your lips gently.
“I missed that too. Remember when we’d slow dance on the balcony whenever that song came on the radio?” He stopped for a moment and smiled even more, “I keep thinking about how beautiful you looked out in the sunshine – even in the moonlight too, you’ve got this glow that I always miss.”
You practically melted into him, bringing him into an embrace. “Such a romantic sap,” You teased softly, and he added onto your words, “But you love it.”
“That’s right. We’re definitely dancing out on the balcony tonight. Right when it turns midnight, that’ll be a perfect way to start my birthday.” You murmured to him, and he squeezed you extra tight at your words, kissing your cheek.
“That’s perfect, darling. And we’re about forty minutes away too.” He stretched his arms up and leaned away, “I’m going to put some music on now and set things up on the balcony. I’ll clean the dishes up too.” He pointed to the dishes on the coffee table. You two ate a late dinner and snuggled on the couch for a while.
“Mm, thank you.” You said as he stood up from the couch. You shivered from the loss of the heat coming off his body. He quickly picked up a throw blanket and pressed it over you, smiling and leaning down again to peck your lips softly.
“You don’t have to thank me for anything like that, I’ll do it any day and anytime.” He paused as he picked the dishes up from the table, “Also don’t come in the kitchen, I got to get your surprise ready!”
You laughed and shook your head, “Baby, it’s not a surprise anymore if you say there’s a surprise.”
“Oh shit, yeah.” He chuckled at himself. He took the plates away and a minute later, you heard him setting up the speakers and playing some music. It was a slow romantic song that started first and your smile widened when you recognized it. It was the first song on the playlist he made you for Valentine’s one year.
He started singing the lyrics and you sung along with him softly, as you looked through more of the list on his phone. A few more of the options made you giggle a bit. “Tom, baby, what does it mean when you put ‘Taylor Swift’?” You wondered if it meant you two would listen to her albums for a while, which sounded like a fun time.
He walked back in and pushed a hand through his hair, “Oh, yeah, that’s a birthday gift that’s coming in a few months. I got us some front row tickets to one of her concerts!”
Your jaw dropped and you stared at him in silence. Tickets to her concert were extremely hard to get, especially front row ones. How in the world did he get them!? And why is he acting all nonchalant about it?
“Y/n? Are you okay?” Tom looked nervous and concerned, “Do you not like that gift? We don’t have to go.” He continued, walking closer to you.
“What! No, we’ve got to go! Oh my god, how did you get two front row tickets?” You snapped out of your shocked silence.
“I emailed her manager and asked politely.” Tom laughed and you were still completely shocked, and you laughed along with him.
“You are so crazy.” You breathed out and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He happily squeezed you back in the hug.
“I’m happy you like this early birthday gift – oh there’s like twenty minutes left now until your birthday.” Tom chuckled as you pulled away.
“Hmm, are you done with the dishes?” You asked, peeking over his shoulder to look into the kitchen.
He nodded, “Yep, but I have one more thing to do. I’ll be back really quick.” He leaned down and pecked your lips again and you smiled happily at him. He was so sweet.
“Okay… but don’t leave me trying to slow dance by myself for so long!” You called back laughing as you walked over to the balcony. You opened the doors up and sighed as the heat from outside hit you. You put the blanket back on the couch, no longer needing it. You and Tom had the habit of turning the AC on super cold all the time, even to the point you two were freezing during the heat outside.
“I won’t!” He said back. You walked back to the balcony and went outside, peering down to your garden, happy to see that the flowers were doing good down there. You and Tom planted a few a while ago when you guys had some free time. You planted some of your favorites, including tulips, and Tom planted one of his favorites and one of his mom’s favorites.
The music got louder when Tom adjusted the speakers, and then you gazed at the doorway to see Tom bringing in a mini cake on a platter, with a candle on the top. He turned on a few lights to make the balcony brighter.
“Aw, Tom! You didn’t need to get a cake!” You gasped as he brought it closer. It looked like it was one of your favorite types of cake too. A few pieces of fruit were surrounding the cake on the plate, all of which were fruits you liked.
“I wanted to! And it’s just a small cake. The one your family is planning to make is huge.” He responded, placing the cake down onto the outdoor table. Your eyes widened at the mention of your family making a cake.
“Oh god, not again.” You burst out into laughter. The last time your family made a cake, it was so large that there was barely a dent in it at the end of the party.
“Yeah, I’m prepared for it this time. I’m going to eat all the cake I can when they celebrate your birthday.” Tom snorted and you shook your head at him, amused.
“Alright, cake man.” You rolled your eyes playfully and motioned for him to come closer to you, “Come get your cake.” You joked and he looked shocked at your joke, before laughing with you.
“Don’t mind if I do. I didn’t expect you to start calling your ass cake after I started calling it that.” He chuckled and walked over to you.
“My ass looks good today, I couldn’t help it.” You responded and he nodded enthusiastically at your words.
“Very true. Looks great every day.” He said and wrapped his arms around your waist, lowering just slightly right before they hit your ass. You put your arms around his neck, and you both started to slow dance, swaying back and forth in the nightlight.
A new song started, and Tom grinned, “Aw, remember this one?” He spun you around and brought you back to him, then lowered his head and kissed your lips softly. “It was the song that you had sung at karaoke that made me blurt out how much I love you. The first time I said it.”
You smiled and nodded, staring up into his eyes. You could see all the love and joy in them, you almost swooned. “That was the point I really just confirmed you were the one. I could tell you actually meant it when you said it.”
His hand stroked your back up and down, “Yeah, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I wanted to say it for a while, but I thought I’d sound a bit crazy since it wasn’t long since we officially started dating.”
“You know, your brother, Harry, actually told me before that, that you were in love with me. He said he’d never saw you so lovestruck before.” You murmured, “I didn’t believe him. I thought he was just saying it to be nice.”
Tom raised his eyebrows in shock, “Oh god, when was that?” He stopped dancing at that moment, but you continued to pull him around, smiling at his expression.
“Our first Christmas with each other when we had dinner at your parents’ house. We were watching The Princess Diaries, and I went to go get more snacks and he helped me in the kitchen.” You recalled the memory, smiling as Tom shook his head.
“He’s so sneaky, but he’s good about it.” He smiled and you nodded, agreeing with him.
“Mm, yeah, he’s a good guy, even though he accidentally drove into my dad’s car that one time.” You joked, laughing as Tom started too as well.
“He’s still so sorry about that, he doesn’t trust back up cameras on cars now.” Tom laughed loudly then sighed and shook his head. He looked towards the clock inside the house, on the wall nearby and his eyebrows shot up.
“Oh! It’s almost midnight.” He pulled away and went over to the cake and lit the candle with a match he had in his pocket. You grinned happily as he excitedly walked over to you with the plate in his hands.
“Happy birthday, my love. Make a wish.” He whispered to you, after he checked the time again. You closed your eyes and blew out the candle. You opened your eyes and Tom cut a slice of cake for the two of you.
“It looks so good. Thank you, baby.” You whispered to him and kissed his cheek as you two sat down next to each other.
“You’re welcome, I love you.” He replied, yawning slightly as he took a bite of the cake. You took a bite as well, groaning in pleasure at the taste. It was delicious and you could practically melt in delight from it.
“I love you too. We should get to bed after this.” You said, snuggling into his side. He nodded in agreement and you two finished eating the slices of cake. He went and put the rest of it away to eat later and you turned the lights and music off before you two went to your bedroom.
You slipped your body under the covers on your side of the bed as Tom yawned again and got in the bed as well.  He set a hand over yours and you scooted closer to him in the bed. “Goodnight baby, thank you for tonight – and tomorrow.” You smiled sleepily.
“Goodnight birthday girl.”
By the time you woke up, you could smell a delicious breakfast waiting for you in the other room. Sunlight drifted into the room from the blinds, and you stretched in the bed, shifting as you got up from the bed.
“Y/n?” Tom called out gently, walking into the room. You tiredly walked over to him and hugged him, making him chuckle and hug you back.
“Hi baby.” You whispered to him and pulled away, walking with him to the living room. One of your familiar favorite tv shows are on and you gazed at Tom with a happy expression, “You even put my favorite season on!” You gasped at that, and Tom nodded.
“Yeah, I also made us some breakfast. I made a few of your favorites.” He grinned and went over to the kitchen to start pulling out the food. He set it all on the dining room table and you walked over to see what he made. You gaped at it when you realized he really did make a few of your favorite breakfast foods. A lot of it!
“Tom! How are we going to eat all this?” You laughed, sitting down when he finished putting everything out. He sat beside you and took a sip of his tea.
“Um, I didn’t think of that – but we can save it all for the next couple days, I think!” He said, laughing. He picked up some of the food and put it on his plate, then offered to do the same for you but you shook your head.
“It’s alright, I can get it.” You responded and he pouted but nodded.
When you started to cut a pancake, he stopped you, “Wait, I’ll do that for you. I can cut it into pieces. How many pieces do you want?”
You furrowed your eyebrows once you realized he was being genuine about that, “Tom, baby, what?”
“I can cut like 4 big pieces of like normal 8 pieces – oh do you like it being cut in triangles? I can do that.” Tom rambled a little, about to cut your pancake with his fork and knife.
You started laughing silently, shaking a bit, “I’m good with cutting it on my own!”
“Eh? But it’s your birthday, I want to do everything for you, so you have the perfect day.” He explained, looking like it was a completely normal thing to say. You shook your head and set your hand over his.
“Baby, no. It’s alright. I can do it by myself. I’m not a kid.” You giggled a bit more as he looked a little bit down at your answer.
“Aw okay, well if you want anything just tell me.” He responded, putting his silverware down and squeezing your hand.
“Thank you, you’re incredibly sweet.” You mumbled to him and kissed his cheek, causing his frown to disappear.
When you were done eating a very full breakfast, you and Tom moved over to the living room, where you saw a huge box sitting in the corner of the room, with a few more gifts spread around. You gaped, “When did you do this? I was just in the living room before breakfast.”
“Oh, I did it when I put the dishes in the sink. These are just a few of the gifts right now, I’ll give you some more throughout the day!” He said happily, pleased to see your expression.
He pulled the huge box over to the couch and you started to open it with a pair of scissors, laughing when Tom started to stare at you with obvious excitement. “Ooh, what is this? I’m really confused.” You spoke up, trying to look in the box, but there was something hard you could feel.
“Open the box a little bit more, you’ll see.” He grinned widely, scooting closer to you.
Once you opened the top of the box completely, you pulled out the gift, eyes widening as you realized what it was. You pulled out a new guitar case, and you opened it up as quickly as you could, gawking at the very beautiful new guitar. You ran a hand over the wood, blinking a few times before it really kicked in that he got you a guitar!
“Wh- what?! You seriously got this?” You gasped, falling in love with the guitar instantly. It looked perfect, and you could tell it was great quality as well.
“Of course! Since you’re good at playing it, I thought maybe you’d like to have another one too.” He said sheepishly, but he looked extremely delighted to see how happy you were with the gift.
“I love it, thank you seriously. This is one of the bests gifts I’ve ever gotten.” You mumbled, still in awe of the guitar.
“Aw, yeah, you’re going to play it beautifully, I can tell.” Tom responded, brushing his hand up and down your back.
After opening a few more amazing gifts, you turned to Tom with a big smile on your face, “I think I know what to pick from your list.” You spoke up, changing the subject.
“Oh, what do you want to do?” Tom asked, shifting in his seat on the couch.
You cheekily leaned closer to him, going up to his ear and whispered, “Number one.”
His face was blank for a moment before he realized what you meant and then his expression shifted into an excited one and he moved his neck slightly to turn to face you and he brought his hand up to cup your cheek softly.
“I would very much like that too.” He whispered back and you giggled softly, closing the gap between you two with a kiss. It was firm and loving, and slowly turned a bit harder as you opened your mouth a bit and his tongue slipped against yours delicately, then messily.
He pushed himself closer to you, his other hand slipping underneath your shirt and squeezing one of your breasts before pinching softly around and on your nipple. You moaned against his lips, feeling him move closer and closer as you fell back against the couch.
He climbed on top of you, moving his hips against yours, grinding and making you gasp his name loudly when you felt something poking down there after a few more seconds. His hard on rubbed against you, and you shifted, letting it hit your clothed clit.
You moaned heavily, dragging your lips against his as you pushed your hips up to grind against his harder.
“Need more.” You panted out and he nodded, pulling away hesitantly from your lips, “Fuck,” He breathed out.
“That got hot really fast.” He continued, starting to take his shirt off. He threw it across the room, not caring where it landed. He got up and undid his pants and pushed his underwear as well. Your vision focused on his dick, and you squeezed your thighs together, feeling your underwear dampen even more. He got a condom from his pant’s pockets, rolling it onto his dick.
You took your top off, glad you weren’t wearing a bra and then you pushed your pants down, not caring that they didn’t go off your ankles as Tom climbed back over you, kissing down your neck and pinching your other nipple.
“I love you so much.” He sighed against your neck, licking, and sucking a certain spot that made you press up against him even more.
“I, ahh, I love you too.” You gasped out as his hand slipped down to your pussy, rubbing two fingers over your clit in circular movements. He hummed against your neck, moving to your mouth. He paused as he sunk one finger into your pussy, pumping in and out.
“You’re taking my fingers so good.” He whispered against your lips, pushing another in, causing you to shiver from the pleasure.
“I need you, Tom. Please, I need you in me.” You whimpered against him, chasing an orgasm.
“Ah, okay, shit, you’re going to make me finish earlier than usual because of what you’re saying.” He huffed out before he pulled his fingers out. He put them into his mouth as he pulled away from your lips, and he groaned deeply.
“Tastes so good, all the time.” He muttered and with that, he slowly pushed himself in, making you gasp loudly.
“Fuck, oh, yes, yes, Tom!” You panted, moving to push his cock into you even more. He finally was fully in, and he started to rock in and out of you slowly at first.
He pushed up against your g-spot, making you moan more, eyes squeezing shut as waves of pleasure continued to hit you faster and harder. “That’s it, keep taking me like that. You’re such a good girl.” He cried out against your neck, and his hand snuck back down to your pussy, starting to rub your clit again.
It sent you over the edge as he started to rub it in tempo with fucking you, going a little faster. Your legs wrapped around him tightened just a bit before they loosened as your orgasm hit you. “Tom, I’m coming!” You shouted and he continued his actions, groaning your name out.
“Yeah, fuck, I’m almost there too. Keep going, baby.” He cried back, and he started coming, your name falling from his lips.
“I love you, so much.” You struggled to get out.
“I love you too baby, happy birthday.” He panted back, kissing you once more.
He continued to pulse in and out until you both were breathing heavily, and when he stopped coming. He pulled himself out of you, taking the condom off as he stood up and tied it together before throwing it in the trash near the door.
“That was so good.” You sighed out, wiping your forehead to get the sweat off.
“Yeah, birthday sex is always the best.” He laughed gently as he sat next to you, pulling you up softly from the couch.
You felt a little sleepy but just being next to him, seeing him all hot and sweaty from what just happened made you want to do it again. You stood up, holding your hand out to help him stand up from the couch.
“Round two in the shower?” You winked at him, and his eyes widened, and he immediately took your hand, standing up to walk with you to the bathroom.
“You are insane, but yes please! Round two of love making!” He laughed, following you.
After finishing three more rounds, you and Tom were exhausted, laying on the bed together. It was around 5 in the afternoon now and you were checking your phone, texting back your friends and saying thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes.
“I’ve got to call my family, I’m going to put it on speaker. I know they’ll want to talk to you too.” You spoke up, shifting to put your head on his chest. He smiled gently back at you and nodded.
“I like talking with them, they’re pretty nice.” He yawned slightly.
You called your mom, who answered after the second ring. “Daughter! Hello! Happy birthday!” She shouted over the phone, and you heard some shuffling over the phone before you heard a lot of voices singing the birthday song together.
“Aw, guys. You don’t have to sing that.” You laughed as Tom started to sing happy birthday too.
“Happy Birthday to Y/n, Happy Birthday to you!” Your family sang loudly over the phone. You heard your dad add on, “And many more…”, clapping at the end. You chuckled a bit at it.
“Thanks everyone. How are you guys doing?” You spoke up, feeling Tom’s fingers going through your hair. You sighed, feeling relaxed and sleepy as he continued.
“We’re all good! How is your birthday going? We want to celebrate it next week when everyone is able to get together for some lunch!” Your mom asked.
“It’s really good, Tom surprised me with some good gifts today.” You answered and your dad gasped.
“Oh! Tom, how’s he doing?” He questioned and you gazed up at Tom to see him smiling.
“I’m doing good, sir. We’re celebrating Y/n’s birthday all day today, but we’re taking a little rest right now.” Tom responded.
“Ah, good. Are you taking her out to dinner?” Your dad asked, and you laughed slightly.
“Dad, I’m right here still.” You commented.
“Well, I still want to know. Are you romancing my daughter? Is she happy?” Your dad continued.
Tom silently chuckled, but spoke up, “Yes, she is happy! And it’s her choice if she’d like to go out to dinner. I have a few reservations saved for tonight if she does want to go out to dinner at three of her favorite restaurants.”
“Hm, that’s very thoughtful of you. Good work. Keep it up.” Your dad responded and you heard your mom sigh.
“Okay, enough of that. Send us some pictures! We’ll see you next week. Happy birthday again, sweetheart!” Your mom said goodbye and ended the call after you and Tom said goodbye.
You shifted to look up at Tom, “Did you really reserve all those restaurants? Even with the one with great burgers?”
“Yeah of course.” He nodded.
You pouted as you tried to sit up, feeling extremely sleepy. “I want to go get those burgers, but I’m so tired.” You said, stretching your arms up in the air.
“Oh, that’s okay! I can order them and have the food delivered here.” Tom responded and you grinned widely, collapsing back on the bed next to him.
“Really? This is the best day ever! We’ve got to get extra food too because we skipped lunch.” You said and he laughed, agreeing with you.
“Yeah, we got to get those chili fries too. And milkshakes.” Tom added.
The two of you ordered a bunch of food and moved over to the living room. You started to tune the guitar that he got you, still so surprised with the gift. Tom was happily watching you before he got up and moved to the kitchen to get something.
“I got you one more gift.” He spoke up, walking back to where you were. You looked up at him, wondering what it was, but you were also a bit surprised. He was giving way too many gifts!
“Baby, this better be the last gift.” You joked.
“It is! I promise. Here you go.” He handed you a small box. You looked at it and shifted it in your hands, before opening it. The box had a dark red, crushed violet feel to it, and when you opened it, you saw a stunning necklace with the letter T on it.
“Aww, Tom! This is so cute.” You were shocked and in awe of it. It was so pretty, with a few jewels on it. “Can you put it on me, please?” You asked, watching as Tom looked relieved to see you like it.
“Yeah, sure.” He delicately put it around your neck. It sat down on your neck neatly, and Tom smiled as he watched you grin happily as you looked down at it.
“I love it so much. I love you, Tom. You’ve made this day absolutely perfect.” You whispered, gazing up into his eyes.
Tom leaned down and kissed your lips gently, pulling a breath away from you, “I love you too. You deserve every great thing in life. You’ve brought me a lot of happiness and whenever I look at you, I feel like I can see the entire world in color for the first time.” He murmured sweetly to you.
“Thank you, Tom, really.” You responded.
The food arrived about thirty minutes later and you and Tom devoured it all. It was delicious, and you absolutely loved it because it was from one of your favorite restaurants. You two ate while watching another one of your favorite movies.
When you two were finished, you guys cleaned up and threw the trash away, then went over to the garden to go sit on the porch swing to watch the sunset.
“It’s so pretty tonight.” You said, loving the view. You and Tom swung softly on the bench. You were finishing up your milkshake, while Tom got himself a cup of tea.
He gazed at you as he responded, “Yeah, you always are.”
Your eyes shifted over to him, and you realized what he meant after a moment and you felt your cheeks flush slightly, “Tom…”
“Mm, just speaking the truth.” He mumbled back, enjoying your reaction as you playfully rolled your eyes at him.
“I love you. I’ll always love you.” You spoke up after a moment of silence. Tom shifted his hand into yours and squeezed.
“Love you too, birthday girl.” He replied, scooting closer to you.
“I think this is one of the best parts of the day.” You said, a smile forming on your face as you gazed at him. “Because I’ll remember each time I see the sunset that you’ve given me something so precious in life. I feel so lucky to have your love.”
Tom squeezed your hand, “And I’m lucky to have your love as well. If I could, I’d give you all you’d want in the world, just to see your smile.”
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jahayla-parker · 2 months
🎆 Hey J!! Congrats on your 1.5 followers I'm so proud of you girl!! So for my request I was wondering if it could be a Peter Parker one where y/n is somehow transported into Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, or Spider-Man No Way Home you pick and chaos ensues 💜
Multiverse : Peter Parker x Real-world!Reader
Descr: short fic in which y/n finds herself in her favorite movie and has to decide how to proceed.
Warnings: I’m not really great at these kind of AUs but other than that, I can’t think of any but let me know!
This sucks; I'm sorry, nothing was coming to me
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Y/n bounced her right leg nervously as she looked around. She didn’t understand what was going on. One second she had been rewatching the latest Spider-Man movie, No Way Home from the comfort of her apartment. The next, she was standing in front of a glowing circle, identical to the ones that were portals in the movie she’d been watching. She hesitated briefly but nevertheless let her courage guide her into the multi-dimensional opening.
Y/n squinted as her eyes adjusted to her new surroundings. She quickly realized she’d somehow seemingly entered into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. How that was possible, she wasn’t certain. Had it not been for her literally pinching herself several times, she’d have thought she was simply dreaming. But she wasn’t. This was real.
Y/n slowly made her way across the bridge, stopping the moment she heard the fighting begin. She was actually in No Way Home.. or… in the universe that held the No Way Home events..? She wasn’t sure how to phrase it, it was all so bizarre. Either way, she knew from having seen the movie countless times already, that she ought to run and hide unless she wanted Dr. Octavius or Green Goblin to harm her.
Y/n let her feet guide her away from the immediate threat, only looking up when her legs came to a halt. She blinked rapidly as she found herself standing in front of Doctor Strange’s Sanctum. Of course she’d managed to make it here. Perhaps she should just go with the flow and try to help. After all, she knew how things would go, maybe she could prevent Tom Holland’s char Peter from getting hurt and May from dying.
That idea turned out too optimistic as Peter understandably was weary of y/n. It was one thing to bring people who knew him/Spider-Man from other universes. But a universe in which he was actually just a character and not real, that was another thing to digest. Nevertheless, Peter didn’t want to take any chances so he let her help him, Ned, and MJ.
It was a bit difficult at first to get Peter to trust her. As in his eyes, she seemed to be able to tell the future and was offering to stop the bad things before they happened. Luckily, having seen Far From Home, y/n understood why he was so weary of such a thing being too good to be true. So even when Peter trapped her in a sheet of webs as he demanded answers he could understand, she remained calm.
Once he had heard her out and understood that she meant no harm, Peter let y/n guide him on what to do and what not to do. There were some moments of chaos nonetheless as they were trying new things that y/n knew Peter hadn’t done in the movie before. But, she figured it was worth all the danger and chaos because she was helping her favorite superhero.
Only that too was much more intense than y/n had anticipated. Yet, she was simultaneously thrilled to be playing an active part in the movie she loved so much. Especially since they were now near the ending and May hadn’t died!
The only issue is y/n now had to return to her own universe. As much as she wanted to stay and make a place for herself in this one, she refused to risk ruining the MCU by accident. So, with a sigh, y/n closed her eyes as she said goodbye to this universe before stepping back into hers.
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Taglist: @justapurrcat @natswife-marvelicious @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @theslayerofthevampires @wonderland2425
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saraakpotter · 1 month
Peter Parker being a simp for y\c\n for 4 mins
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based on the request: "can you do Peter Parker (tom holland) being a simp for y/c/n?" in this one y\c\n is a 17 year old who is Natasha s daughter and is also an avenger who goes to the same school Peter dose. plus i added some scenes to the movies. i hope this is how you imagined it.
y\n, Anthony, Sebastian and Tom (Holland) are having an interview. the interview was going in characters future.
"so, what do you think the mcu has for your characters future?" the interviewer asked looking at his notes
"i dont know about 'falcon' but im pretty sure y\c\n and spider man will end up together!" Anthony answered making Tom blush
"i totally agree!" Sebastian said
"what the.... where did you get that idea from?" y\n said with a raised eyebrow
"oh come on y\n you are better than that! havent you noticed? Peter keeps simping for y\c\n the whole movie!" Anthony answered
"what! no he dosent"
"yes he dose." Sebastian answered
"i will send you prof!" Anthony replied slyly
later that night, y\n, went home thinking about the interview. she changed to a more comfortable cloth, jumped on her bed and opened her phone while clicking on the MCU group chat. it was a group they made after the avengers to communicate more and add more people by time.
as expected, Anthony, sent a youtube video with the title: "Peter Parker being a simp for y\c\n for 4 mins"
y\n quickly checked others massages in the group before clicking:
Scarlet said: this is definitely true!
RDJ said: flirting with widows daughter? not the best idea!
Chris Evans said: as much as cute this was i have to agree with Rob here!
Tom Hiddelston said: are we watching MCUs next cutest couple here?
Chris Hemsworth replied: im pretty sure we are Tom!
before reading other massages y\n clicked on the video.
the video started with a cute intro and then the title: Peter Parker simping for y\c\n for 4 mins duh
then there was a picture of Peter Parker looking at y\c\n with heart eyes which made y\n laugh.
the video started: the first video was for 'avengers infinity war' where Tony, y\c\n, Strange and Peter in Titan and just finished the miss understanding with the guardians.
 Peter Quill let go of spiderman, Tony threatened Drax and y\c\n nearly beat the shit out of Mantiss and rocket when they tried to stop Tony.
"ok so im happy to know we are on the same side" Peter quill said with a soft cough
"yeah well couldnt you figure that sooner?" y\c\n exclaimed angrily
"wha....you beat the shit out of me what are YOU mad about?" rocket said
"well i ruined my hair in the process! we could have skipped that!" y\c\n said angrier
"your hair looks good either way!" Peter Parker told her with a smile making her smile to
the next video was for 'avengers infinity war' again, just a bit earlier in the scene where y\c\n, Tony and strange where fighting the aliens Thanos sent.
y\c\n just finished beating and literal alien army and looked at where Tony was you didnt see him. instead you saw Peter talking to Wong and not noticing y\c\n. but when he dose he suddenly stops the conversation and goes to the new alien army and kills most of them.
"what do you think y\c\n? pretty cool right?" he says walking to her
"hmmmm... not bad for a 15 year old!" you teased
" im 16 and you are only a year older than me!" he said
"relax! its just my Romanoff urge to teas! lets take this one down together shall we?" y\c\n said pointing at the new army with head
"ok then!" Peter said trying to hide his happines
the next video was for 'captain America: civil war'
it was the scene in the airport, y\c\n, was in team ironman and Peter still wasnt there but they all knew he was hiding somewhere
"ok Pete! you can come out know!" y\c\n shouted with a smirk preparing herself and her weapons. Steve who seemed to notice they are more prepared than they thought throw his shield at her weapon but before it hit her Peter jumped in and caught the shield with his spider power.
"no, no, no! we dont throw a shield at a Beautiful and smart girl like our y\c\n here do we?" he said making Tony chuckle, Nat raise an eyebrow and and you look at him.
the next video was for 'spiderman homecoming'
it was the first parts of the movie when Ned and Peter where having lunch and y\c\n approached them.
"hey guys! can i sit?" y\c\n asked
"ye...yes...yes of course!" Peter answered almost Immediately
"great! i would sit anyway" y\c\n said making the three of them laugh
"so, y\c\n!" Ned started "whats your favorite movie?"
"well i dont really watch movies, nor have time for them but if im going to say one i would go with.......star wars!"
"STAR WARS" Peter asked happily
"yeah you like it to?" y\c\n asked
"we LOVE it!" Ned answered high fiving Peter.
the video paused with a little two days later. Peter approached y\c\n, who was at her locker with a box in his hands.
"ummm...he......hey y\c\n!" he said
"oh, hi Pete!" y\c\n looked at him
"this is for you." he gave the box to her. she looked at the box and saw a built star wars lego.
"oh my god Peter this is great! did you made it?" she asked
"yes, this one is my favorite so i thought you would like it to." he answered
"i love it, thank you!"
the next video was for the first movie and the scene in Mays car
"we should go back, this dosent feels right!" Peter said
"oh come on Peter it would be just fine! you got this." May told him
"yeah but...."
"plus y\c\n is going to be there!" Ned said
"wha....you know what aunt May? i think you are right, i got this!" he said opening the cars door.
before the next video can be played you went out and went to the chat and typed: ok, i see it now! earning a blush emoji from Tom Holland, some laugh emojis and a 'i told you so' from Anthony.
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faerieroyal · 3 months
— ❥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 + 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
( warnings: insecurities, mentions of kind of shitty parents and past partners, one mention of food )
( note: this short was written with tom holland’s peter parker in mind, but i think it would also work for andrew garfield’s if you’d rather picture him. )
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you are not a person who is used to praise. this isn’t something you say to garner sympathy or to make people feel bad for you so they’ll compliment you, not at all - it’s just a fact. your parents have never been the kind of people to vocally express approval, usually settling for an awkwardly cleared throat and a hand squeezing your shoulder, and the few romantic partners you’d had before your current boyfriend apparently hadn’t seen the need for it either. but then, you’d realized after those relationships had ended, your partners hadn’t really seemed to appreciate anything you did for them anyway, so the fact that they weren’t big on complimenting you isn’t exactly shocking.
what is shocking, however, is what happens when you start dating one peter parker. when he’d first confessed his feelings to you and asked you out, face scarlet and stumbling over his words all the while, you hadn’t really expected much of a difference from your previous relationships. sure, peter was much sweeter and more genuine than your former partners, but at that point you’d been convinced that you just attracted people who didn’t express gratitude, so you’d assumed, with no small amount of disappointment, that this relationship would turn out to be the same.
you find very quickly that you’re in for a surprise.
peter isn’t really known for being the most eloquent guy around; everyone at school is familiar with the way he tends to trip over his words, even if he can occasionally land well-placed verbal blows on bullies or anyone who’s being an idiot. but his tendency towards stumbling over his words hasn’t stopped him from praising almost everything you do since the two of you started dating - quite the opposite, in fact. almost every time you do something for him, or, in fact, even when you just do something that could be generally considered good, he’s quick to shoot a compliment your way in that sweet, slightly awkward way you’ve come to associate with him and him only.
“oh, you didn’t have to make breakfast - thank you, though, really, it looks like it’s gonna be delicious!”
“is… is that a new outfit? i mean, it’s fine if it’s not, too, obviously, but you… you look really good in it. like, wow.”
and, you’re surprised to find, even when you mess up or you’re struggling, the praise doesn’t stop coming; in fact, it seems to increase, now combined with encouragements and forehead kisses and even offers to help with whatever you’re having trouble with, something you’re even less used to than compliments.
“i know this is really hard, but you’re doing really good, okay? i’m super proud of you, no matter what.”
“is there anything i can do to help? maybe i can’t help with the actual thing, but i can get you a snack? or, are you cold, i can get you a blanket?”
“i’m really proud of you, you know. i just… i mean, i dunno, i just thought i’d tell you.”
it’s everything you haven’t had from anyone up until this point, everything you didn’t know you wanted until you and peter got together… and you’re not entirely sure you deserve it. you know your boyfriend isn’t exactly in the habit of saying things he doesn’t mean, but it’s all just so much, all the compliments and affirmations, and while it does feel good, you’re never sure exactly how to react to it at the time, and it always makes you feel like the worst partner ever when your own attempts to return the praise are always so awkward and stilted.
you tell peter all of this, one night when the two of you are curled together in bed. you’re not entirely sure where you find the courage to voice what you’ve been thinking - maybe it’s just the effect of being in the dark, the little burst of confidence to say things you’d never have the wherewithal to say in the light of day. nevertheless, you finally voice all the negative thoughts swirling around in your head, your voice quiet and shy, but the words there all the same.
the moment you’re done, peter shifts around in bed, moving so that the two of you are facing each other, your own face cupped gently in his hands. you can’t make out every little detail of him in the dark - not that it matters, when every facet of his face has been engraved in your mind and heart for months now - but you can see the way his eyes are wide with genuine concern and affection, how his mouth is turned down in a sad little frown that you’d surely think was absolutely adorable had you not just shared your most vulnerable, insecure thoughts with him.
“babe,” peter says, his voice soft and sweet and oh so gentle. “of course you deserve compliments and encouragement and all that, you’re amazing. and i mean, everyone deserves compliments and that kind of stuff, but you deserve them more than most people, because you’re amazing and ‘cause i know you haven’t had a lot of them. and it’s okay if you can’t always give it back to me, you show your love in other ways and that’s fine. i know it’s kind of hard to believe when you’ve convinced yourself of something different, but i don’t have any problem keeping on telling you until you do believe it, and i will. okay?”
it’s not the most eloquent speech ever, but it’s honest and loving and so peter that you can’t help it, a few tears well up in your eyes. but peter sees them immediately, because of course he does, and he immediately swoops in to kiss your eyelids, pushing them away. you nestle your face into the curve of his neck, so overcome, for a moment, with all the love you feel for this awkward, adorable, wonderful boy, and in return the boy in question wraps his arms around your waist and snuggles you closer to him, knowing to give words a rest for a moment and just let you hold him and process.
he’s right, of course, as he tends to be. everything you think and feel, all the effects of being deprived of praise and encouragement for so much of your life, are going to take a while to overcome, to replace with positivity and acceptance of all the things your boyfriend thinks and says about you. but you can’t help but believe peter when he says that he’s going to keep at it, with all the boundless determination that makes him such an amazing person and hero, until you really do believe him.
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marvel taglist: @hiya-itsamber, @fairyofthehollow, @whiskeyswriting, @dancingwith-sunflowers, @xoalexandrarose !
general taglist: @maddipoof, @thatmagickjuju, @talkingturnedtoscreamss, @malafvma, @auxiliarydetective, @heliads, @oneirataxia-girl !
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sunkissedpages · 10 months
instead of you [part fifty-eight] || th
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, smut (18+ mdni)
word count: 3.1k
Sam barely bat an eye when you told him where you were going. 
“Okay, be safe,” he said as he kicked off his shoes. 
That’s it? That’s all he had to say to you? You wanted to ask him just that, but you were afraid of creating another rift between the two of you. Sam had said he wasn’t ready to talk about it so you shouldn’t push, right? But was it wrong to keep leaving like this?
Going back and forth with yourself was only wasting time and Tom was still waiting for you downstairs. Fuck it. 
You grabbed a spare room key from the dresser, shoved it in the pocket of your dress, and left without another word before you could change your mind. 
Tom was right where you left him, leaning against the wall by the elevator hub. He grinned when he saw you. 
“Thought you’d never escape.”
You rolled your eyes at him as you let him lead you through the lobby by the hand. You were still wary of people seeing you together but the lobby was seemingly empty. 
“Sam didn’t care. It was me who took forever.”
Tom paused, letting go of your hand as he gave you a concerned once over. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I don’t really want to talk about it. So, where are we going?”
He frowned, but only momentarily, quickly covering it up with a smile. “I- okay, um... remember how you said we don’t do ‘couple stuff’?”
“I thought maybe I could take you somewhere where we can do that.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m taking you on a date, silly.”
“Really? Where?” When he didn’t answer, you groaned. “You and your stupid surprises.”
“It’s more fun this way and you know it,” he insisted, tugging you along by the hand.
“I like being prepared,” you argued. 
He grinned. “So be prepared for a good time.”
The drive wasn’t far at all this time but you were confused when he pulled into a crowded lot. You were even more confused when he didn’t turn off the car or more to get out of it. 
You turned to him in confusion. “Tom?”
“Y/n?” he parroted. 
“Where are we?”
“We’re on our date.”
“Yes, but where?”
“Did you not see the sign when we turned in?” You shook your head. He grinned. “It’s a drive-in.”
“Why do you think no one’s getting out of their car?” 
“I didn’t really notice, to be honest.”
“Too distracted by your hot date?” 
You didn’t spare him a reaction. “How’d you find this place?” 
“I did some research the other night,” he explained, “when you, you know, we talked about it. I figured this is about as close as we could get to a real date. At least right now.”
“That’s… really thoughtful.”
He shrugged. “Nah, it’s nothing, really.” 
“Well I was going to kiss you, but if it’s nothing—”
“No, no. I want the kiss. Give me my kiss.”
You chuckled, relenting as you leaned in. He met you halfway over the center console and kissed you sweetly. It was short but eager, just enough to leave you wanting more. 
You had to remind yourself not to get your hopes up. Sure, Tom was showing interest in you now, but what about when this was all over? Would he want to do long-distance? Did he want to date you at all? You had been telling yourself that it was just sex all this time but now you were on a date... but what did it mean? You could just ask but you were scared to ruin the moment, ruin whatever it was that was actually going on. 
You’d been asking yourself the same questions for weeks now and the scary thing was, it seemed like Tom was serious about you. He had all but said it outright to you. And here he was taking you on a fucking date. It was you who kept pushing back. You told yourself it was because of Sam, but if you were being honest with yourself that was only half of it. You were afraid of getting hurt. You had never been in a real relationship before for that very reason. Well, that and you liked being single. It seemed favorable considering the dating pool of your university. 
“So, what movie are we seeing?” you asked, exhaling deeply to try and physically release the stress you’d been holding. 
Tom pursed his lips, making you narrow your eyes in suspicion. “Um, Spider-man: Far From Home.”
“You took me to see your own movie?”
“It’s what they were showing! I had nothing to do with it, like they’re in the middle of a marathon. Last week they showed Spider-man: Homecoming.”
“Seems awfully convenient,” you mused. 
“Trust me, I know. I thought I was losing my mind when I looked at their website earlier.  But I promise I had nothing to do with it. You really think I’m so tacky I’d take a date to my own film? I mean, if I was going to do that I’d at least start with the first one.”
You made a face. “What do you mean, the first one.”
“Oh, Far From Home is the second in the trilogy.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. “We’re not even watching the first one? How am I going to know what’s going on?”
“I’ll tell you! That’s one of the nice things about drive-ins, no one cares if you’re talking through the whole movie. The second one is the best one anyway.”
“Will I be able to follow the plot at all? You know I’ve never even seen a Marvel movie, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I wouldn’t have taken you to a Marvel movie if there was something else playing, but there’s only the one lot. The plot isn’t that complicated, you’ll still be able to enjoy it.”
“If you say so.”
Tom smirked. “I do say so. I think you’ll like it, actually.”
“Oh, you do?”
“Yeah, I hear the lead actor is pretty good-looking.”
You hummed thoughtfully. “Oh yeah, Zendaya is in this, right?”
“Fuck you.”
“I’d rather fuck you,” you quipped. He raised an eyebrow suggestively, making you laugh.
“What are we doing here, then?”
“We’re on our date!”
“But we could leave.”
“I can’t believe you’re trying to get into my pants on the first date,” you scoffed. 
“I don’t have to try,” Tom pointed out. “I was already successful before our date. Many times, actually.”
“I was there, you don’t have to remind me.”
“Are you sure?”
You rolled your eyes through a grin. “Positive.”
“Alright, well let me know if you change your mind.”
“You’ll be the first to know,” you assured him, leaning over the center console to nudge his shoulder. 
You stayed there, shoulders resting against each other. He looked over and smiled at you before reaching for your hand and taking it in his. He lifted his other hand to check his watch. 
“The movie starts in about ten. I know they have a concession stand but if you want snacks you’ll probably have to be the one to get them. I can give you the money, obviously, I just can’t…”
“Leave the car,” you finished for him.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“I’ll go see what they have,” you decided. Tom handed you his wallet but you didn’t take it. “It’s on me. You bought the movie tickets.”
“You know I’m in this movie, right? You don’t have to worry about splitting the cost of everything.”
“I know, just, let me do this.”
Tom held his hands up in surrender and pocketed his wallet. “Fine, fine. Can you get me a beer?”
“Sure. Any kind in particular?”
“Whatever they have is fine. I’m not picky.”
You nodded and stepped out of the car, smoothing your dress out in case it had ridden up. You stood on your tip toes and craned your neck to try and find the concession stand above all of the cars. 
Luckily, there was a big neon sign that read CONCESSIONS with an arrow pointing to a kiosk that was presumably sitting underneath it. 
You wove inefficiently through the parking lot over to the sign, sighing when you spotted the long line. It was moving pretty fast so you didn’t have to wait very long and by the time you made it to the front, you still hadn’t decided what to get. 
The woman behind the counter looked bored and impatient so naturally, you panicked. 
“Hi, um can I please get a medium popcorn and two Nerds Ropes?”
“Anything to drink?”
Your eyes flicked to the menu overhead but all of the options seemed to blend together in an unintelligible jumble. “Uh, a water bottle and a peach High Noon, please. And what kind of beer do you guys have?”
She listed off a handful. You chose the first one you recognized and hoped it was one Tom wouldn’t mind too much. You waited as she ID’ed you and rang you up, dropping a couple of bills in the tip jar when she handed you your change. 
You had stupidly declined a tray so you had to very precariously carry everything back to the car in your arms. It was one of those establishments that took the caps off of bottled drinks and opened cans before you were allowed to leave the counter which meant you had to be extra careful with how you balanced things so that nothing would spill. 
“You good?” Tom asked, watching you struggle with everything. “I’d help, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of not going to get the stuff in the first place.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted. 
He didn’t look convinced but it wasn’t like he could do anything but watch so he didn’t comment further until you were seated again. 
“What’d you end up getting?”
“Well, popcorn.”
“It’s not a movie without it.”
“Exactly,” you agreed and handed him the bucket. “And I got us a water to share and some Nerds Ropes, I hope you like those.”
“Love em.”
“And then I got myself a High Noon and I got you a Heineken. I’m sorry, I blanked when she told me all of the types of beer they served and chose the first one I knew.”
“It’s okay! I told you I’m not picky. Heinekins are fine, babe, thank you.”
“Are you sure?”
Tom chuckled and took a sip from the bottle as if to prove to you that he liked them. “Yeah! Why wouldn’t they be? Do you have something against Heinekins?”
You made a face. “Bad memories.”
“Mm, I see. In that case, I won’t offer you any.”
“Thank you. Did you want to try some of my drink?”
“Sure, what’d you say it was?”
You passed it to him. “A High Noon. Have you never had one?”
“No, I don’t usually go for seltzers.” You watched him take a sip, laughing when he made a similar face to the one you had made just a few moments prior. “Oh god, the bubbles hurt.”
“How big of a sip did you take?!”
“A regular-sized sip! The carbonation is just a lot!”
“You’re so dramatic.”
“You do realize that’s my job, right?”
You rolled your eyes. “You just enjoy your drink and I’ll enjoy mine.”
Just then, the parking lot’s overhead lights dimmed. The projector flickered to life, casting the station to which to tune your car’s radio. Tom fidgeted with the dial until it was tuned to the right frequency. 
“Welcome to Aloha Drive-In’s adult-only feature film of the night! We have late-night showings for ages eighteen and up every weekday.”
“What makes it adults-only?” you asked aloud. “Is this the extended version of Spider-man where he fucks Gwen?”
“They serve alcohol,” Tom explained. “Something with the licensing prevents them from offering it during regular showings. Also, it’s MJ in this version.”
“I can give you the extended version when we get back later, though.”
“What, are you going to eat me out while you hang upside down or something?”
He grinned. “If you want me to.”
“Please stay in your car for the duration of the film unless you need the restroom or concessions. In case of emergency...”
You listened to the rest of the spiel in silence, snacking lightly on what you’d bought until the Marvel logo showed up on the screen. You recognized some of the actors flashing behind the letters but could only make a few connections to what characters they played. You nudged Tom’s shoulder when the familiar red and blue suit popped up, feeling a strange sense of pride as you watched the Tom on-screen catch a shield. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him watching you, gauging your reactions. It was hard to follow along with the plot since you hadn’t seen the first Spider-man or the other twenty-something MCU movies that preceded it. Tom helped fill in the gaps when he noticed you looking confused. 
You had to admit that it was a pretty funny movie, even though you didn’t have a lot of context as to what was going on.  You also had to admit that Tom looked good. The Peter Parker thing was really doing it for you. You weren’t used to hearing his American accent and you were surprised at just how convincing it sounded. 
The only other movie you had seen of Tom’s was the one you watched on the plane to Hong Kong, and you couldn’t even hear his actual voice in that one. You hadn’t ended up finishing it, either. 
“Take off your clothes.” 
Your eyes widened as the blonde woman on the screen commanded Peter to strip. Tom laughed at your expression. 
“I thought you said this wasn’t the porn version,” you mumbled. 
He chuckled. “Jealous, baby?”
You nodded. “She’s so pretty. Did you get to kiss her?”
Tom’s face fell. 
“No, I didn’t.”
“Then what’s going on?”
“Just watch!”
You did, watching with curiosity as Peter unbuckled his belt and shoved his pants down. You couldn’t help but focus on Tom’s bare thighs, squeezing your own together as you stared at them. Tom’s gaze fell to your lap when caught the movement of your legs. 
“Are you cold?”
“Um, a little,” you lied. 
You were in fact, not cold at all. You were actually feeling a little warm. 
“Here,” Tom said, reaching behind him to grab something. It was a blanket, and he draped it over your legs. “Don’t worry, it’s not the same one from the beach.”
You nodded in appreciation, grateful that he had clarified that it was a clean blanket and not the one that had been laid down in the sand and had sex on top of from the night before. 
Tom kept a hand on your thigh even after he’d situated the blanket on your lap. 
“Warming you up,” he explained before you could ask.
You were a little suspicious of his true intentions but he wasn’t moving his hand and he had gone back to watching the movie so you let it go. 
The snacks you bought lasted you throughout the majority of the film. Once you’d finished them, you put the candy wrappers in the empty popcorn bowl and placed it on the floor of the car so that you could lean across the center console and rest your head on Tom’s shoulder. He met you halfway to make it less uncomfortable for you. It was a little awkward, trying to position yourselves in a way that felt natural.
Your suspicions about Tom’s hand were of course proved correct when you felt it begin to inch upward. Your thighs parted automatically for him before you could process what was happening. It was pathetic how responsive your body was to him. 
“I’ve been trying so hard not to stare at you all night,” he confessed. “Look so fucking pretty in this dress.”
“You should try harder,” you teased, reminding him of when you had to kick him under the table at dinner with his family.
“You’d be doing the same thing if you were in my shoes,” he insisted.
“No, because I have self-control.”
“Oh, really?” he asked, fingers ghosting over your panties.
You sucked in a breath, physically holding yourself back from arching into his touch. 
“This isn’t affecting you at all?”
You shook your head. “Nope.”
“What about this?”
You knew he could feel how wet you were getting. It was pointless to lie. But even as he pulled your underwear to the side and teased you by putting the tip of his middle finger inside of you, you wouldn’t admit it. 
“This is doing nothing for you?” Tom prodded, curling his finger in a little deeper. 
You gasped and gripped the car door handle, nervously checking your surroundings to ensure you weren’t being watched. Tom had parked in the back of the lot so there was no one behind you. Everyone else seemed zoned in on the movie playing like they were supposed to be.  
“I asked you a question,” he reminded you. 
“Feeling nothing,” you lied. 
Tom tongued his cheek in annoyance even though it was clear you were just fucking with him. 
“You’re such a brat.”
“You already knew that.”
He sighed. “That’s true.”
You were both quiet for a couple of beats, letting Peter and Mj’s dialogue fill the silence. Tom’s finger was still halfway inside of you under the blanket and your dress and you had to try very hard not to think about it. 
You hadn’t been paying attention to the film for the past several minutes so deducing what was happening presently was impossible. But then onscreen Tom took his shirt off and the plot seemed suddenly irrelevant. 
Beside you, Tom laughed. 
“What?” you mumbled absentmindedly, not looking away from the version of him that had his tits out. 
“You clenched around my finger when I took my shirt off.”
“What, I did not!”
“Love, I could feel it. I can still feel it, actually.”
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment and you sunk down in your seat, which coincidentally pushed Tom’s finger deeper inside of you, making you whimper. 
“It’s not my fault!” you cried before he could say anything. “Obviously I’m going to be turned on by seeing you half-naked!”
“You don’t need to explain yourself,” he assured you, voice full of amusement. “I’m glad I can make you feel that way. Quite flattered, actually.”
“You’re such a dick.” 
He leaned over to whisper in your ear even though you were sitting right next to each other and no one else could hear your conversation. “And I’ve heard I’ve got a pretty nice one too. What do you say we get out of here?”
iou tags: @youcouldstartacult @helen-on-earth @lnmp89 @lovelyxtommy
add yourself to my new taglist here!
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blackswaneuroparedux · 10 months
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So recently I was listening to one of my favourite podcasts while on a business trip by train through the Swiss Alps to Zurich. 'The Rest Is History' hosted historians Dominic Sandbrook and Tom Holland were quite topical talking about France under de Gaulle and the student riots of 1968 as well as its legacy towards France’s current troubles with civil disorder.
The recent riots starting in Nanterre and beyond were troubling and significant. However outsiders not knowing the French or their culture and history thought it was either the fall of the Fifth Republic or start of the collapse of Western civilisation itself. It was nothing of the sort. For the most part the French think it healthy to blow off steam and have a jolly good riot in the same way people in England blow off steam by writing an angry letter to the editor of the Times. It’s just how things are. As predicted, things have gotten quiet now.
In their podcast Sandbrook and Holland cheekily suggested that the fizzling out of les evénéments – the student protests of 1968, during which it seemed that another of France’s periodic revolutions might ignite - had something to do with the Whitsun holidays. Realising that their Parisian parents were setting off for their holiday homes in the French countryside or the southern coast, the elitist student leaders put down their high minded revolutionary leftist philosophical slogans aside for the bourgeois comfort of vacances en famille. There is a lot of truth to that.
All this is to say les grandes vacancies have already begun in France. The grand vacation of July and August is an entrenched tradition in the French psyche. So ingrained is this tradition that until 2015 there were regulations still in place dating back to the French revolution that governed when bakers in Paris could take their holidays, so as not to deprive the city’s populace of their daily bread (not quite baguette, because that was invented later by the Austrians camped out in the Champs de Mars after the fall of Napoleon - but that’s another story).  
That France is in the middle of les grandes vacances can be seen here in Paris. Parisians are leaving their apartments and heading out to the countryside or down south to the Med - to be offfeeling handedly rude and entitled towards the locals. Schools have been closed since June. Many shops are closed or not nearly as crowded as usual, most of the people wandering the streets have cameras around their necks. Of course not everyone goes and those that stay can feel freer until the first glut of tourists arrive.
For many France in August is definitely their favourite time of the year. And every summer I’m reminded just how much French language and culture are inseparable by the fact that there are words for people who take their annual vacation in July, les juillettistes, or in August, les aoûtiens.
Most French people have 5 weeks of paid vacation per year, and some have even more time off with the inclusion of their RTTs (essentially, personal days) for those who work more than 35 hours per week. I work close to 80 hours a week, so I'm ready for my break from the corporate treadmill.
So my blog will be shut down for the rest of the summer as I go away on vacation. I’ll be back in early September.
I use this time to switch off my phone and strictly no social media as I go off grid. It's a question of valuing one's mental health. I hope you can do the same.
Thank you for following my blog and appreciating my eclectic posts.
I wish you all the best.
Have a great summer!
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sciderman · 4 months
I genuinely think Tom Holland realised the way the movies were going and won't sign on for another one, it was fun and a cool idea to sign up because of how movie adaption marvel was going. Iron man and the captain America movies were popular and were doing well, it was fair for him to be spiderman especially since he was asked for the role. I think he's genuinely a smart guy and can tell that these movies aren't going anywhere, I feel like a lot of people shit on him because there's this like, miscommunication that he's some dumb dude who's just some brainless actor because of how his Peter Parker is and if you've watched spider-man homecoming you basically know everything about Tom Holland /s. Dunno why I'm so defensive of Tom suddenly haha. Anyway, I genuinely don't think there will be a new spider-man in it, and if there is I doubt its gonna be good (not that the others necessarily are either). I feel like with certain actors you can tell when they lose faith in the project, and you can definitely tell with Tom.
i really feel bad for tom holland, honestly - i really think it isn't fair that his movies were so lame. he's a good kid. he's really good. i think he really wanted to be in a good spider-man movie. and i wish that he was.
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lnfours · 11 months
sideline (three) | t.h
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summary -> tom holland: the name thats always floating around campus, and for good reason. he’s the captain of the hockey team, he’s good looking, and he’s always caught up in an off and on again relationship with the president of the sorority. that’s where you come in. you two had made a deal to make your exes jealous, but we all know how fake relationships end.
wc -> a rule breaking 2.5k
warnings -> fluff, jealous exes, and fluff. 
🎵 spotify playlist | 📖 prev/next chapter | 📂 masterlist
                                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
it was finally friday, the night of the first home hockey game. you were in the bathroom, trying desperately to curl the back of your head, but no luck. 
you huffed, “mia! can you come here real quick?!” 
your voice echoed, her footsteps being your sign that she heard you. she opened the door to your bedroom, walking into the small half bathroom. 
“what’s up?” she met your eyes in the mirror, cracking a smile at how distressed you look. 
“can you curl the back of my hair, please?” 
she smiled, holding her hand out for the curling wand. she sectioned your hair, grabbing a reasonably sized chunk before wrapping it around the barrel. 
“so,” she dragged the ‘o’, “you excited for tonight?”
you shrugged, “i suppose. would be nice to actually see tom play.”
“oh, i meant to ask,” she said, “but how did you two even start dating? was it the night of the party?”
you bit down on your bottom lip, “yeah, yeah. i guess we sorta kinda just clicked? i don’t really know how to explain it.”
she smiled, “i was just making sure this is something you really wanted. i mean, i know i’m one to talk, but with everything that happened with jack, i just want to make sure you’re okay.”
you smiled softly at her in the mirror, “i’m okay, i just want to move on and be happy again.”
“understandable,” she said, “what he did was so fucked up. he’s lucky i haven’t seen him yet because i will quite literally give him an ass whooping.”
you laughed, “i love you.”
she smiled back at you, “i love you, too,” she turned the curling wand off, placing it down on the sink before admiring her work, “and you’re all set, hot stuff.”
you smiled, “thanks.”
“i’m gonna go make sure sarah isn’t trying to leave the house with sweatpants on.” she said and you laughed as she made her way back down the steps. 
your phone buzzed on the counter, a message popping up on your screen. you grabbed the phone, plopping down on your stomach onto the mattress. 
tom dropped something off for you at your door see you soon :) 
you locked your phone before running down the steps, laughing as you heard sarah’s complaining about the outfit mia suggested she wore tonight. you opened the front door, a bag sitting on the carpet in the hallway. 
you grabbed it and shut the door, reading the sticky note that was plopped on top of whatever was inside the bag. 
fake girlfriend or not, there’s no one else i’d want wearing my last name tonight. 
the tickets are at the bottom, see you tonight :)  - tom 
you pulled out the black jersey, the stitching on the back reading tom’s last name and his number. you smiled, grabbing your phone out of the back pocket of your jeans. 
y/n thank you! i love it 
you slipped your phone back into your pocket, jogging up the stairs. you entered sarah’s room where mia was laying on the bed, smiling contently with her efforts on getting mia to dress up a little bit. you entered the room, your eyes immediately going wide at sarah’s outfit. 
“you look hot!” 
“see, told you,” mia said, throwing her hands up in the air, “wear the outfit!”
she was in a black turtleneck sweater tucked into the front of her light wash jeans that quite literally fit her like a glove. she wore a pair of black booties with them, with some light makeup on (courtesy of mia). 
sarah hardly ever got dressed up like this anymore, which she never really had to. she looked gorgeous either way. but ever since her and her ex boyfriend broke up, she’d lost the motivation to throw on cute outfits, just opting in on staying in sweats or pajamas all day. if there was a party, it was leggings, one of her comfort hoodies, and her beat up pair of converse that were now considered her ‘frat shoes’. 
you and mia both tried to get her back to being her confident, carefree self. but, it was hard. hard for all of you, especially sarah. at the end of the day, you both just wanted her happy again. 
“mia, this bra is suffocating my tits,” she said, tugging at the cups, “how the fuck do you wear this everyday?”
you both laughed, “you’ll get used to it.”
“what’s that, y/n?” mia asked, nodding towards the bag in your hand. you smiled, grabbing the material from the bag and holding it up for both the girls to see. 
“no way!”
“shut the fuck up!!”
you laughed, smiling, “i know, i know.”
“that’s so cute,” mia said, sticking her bottom lip out. sarah agreed, nodding her head as she put a hand over her heart. 
“finally, y/n finding someone who treats her right.”
you chuckled, fishing the tickets out of the bottom of the bag, “here’s our tickets. we should probably leave soon.”
“yes ma’am,” mia said, fakely saluting you.
sarah and you laughed, each of you departing to your own rooms to finish up getting ready and to grab your things. 
                               ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the arena was packed for the first home game filled with a bunch of parents and college kids hoping for their team to win. tom was nice enough to get you, mia and sarah seats right near the ice. 
“okay, can i just say, i love tom. i mean, look at these seats.”
you smiled over at sarah, “yeah, it was really nice of him.”
mia was looking around at the people near you, seeing if anyone else you guys knew showed up for the game. she immediately whipped her head back around to you, slapping your arm to get your attention. 
“jack’s here.”
there’s that nervous pit again. 
“wait, where?” sarah asked, moving to turn around in her seat. mia reached over you and grabbed her arm to stop. 
“don’t look at him! he’s a couple rows up.”
your phone buzzed in your pocket, you fished it out and tapped on the message notification. 
tom hey, how're your seats? 
y/n they’re great! other than the fact that jack is a couple rows behind me but otherwise they’re great :) 
tom oh shit, i’m sorry i can have someone come get you and move you guys if you want
y/n no, no it’s okay 
you bit down on your bottom lip, fingers hovering over the keyboard. 
let’s just make him jealous, like we said we would
tom with pleasure.  see you after the game
y/n  good luck :) 
you locked your phone, mia turning to look at you, “you okay?”
you nodded, tucking a piece of hair away from your face, “yeah, actually. i am.”
it wasn’t a complete lie. sure, seeing jack was like a sucker punch to the gut, but you decided to not let it overpower you tonight. you were here with your best friends, supporting one of the nicest, funniest, caring guys you’ve ever met.
as the night went on, you and your friends cheered on tom’s team. he scored the winning goal and the arena erupted with cheers and applause. you, mia and sarah immediately jumped out of your seats, screaming and cheering as tom shrugged off his helmet and was hugged by his team. once everyone had calmed down, he skated over to your section, holding up a heart made out of his hands. you smiled, holding up one back. 
his subtle jab of rubbing it into jack’s face. smooth. 
once the arena cleared out, you let mia and sarah head back in mia’s car as you waited for tom. you were waiting in the lobby, scrolling on your phone trying to pass time.
“hey,” you heard a voice and looked up to see jack, “didn’t know you liked our hockey team.”
you slipped your phone into your pocket, clearing your throat, “uh, yeah. kinda getting back into liking hockey.”
he nodded, “yeah. i mean, sleeping with the captain of the team kinda helps, doesn’t it?”
you opened your mouth to speak, but felt a hand wrap around your waist. you were immediately enveloped in the scent of tom’s cologne. 
“hey, baby,” he said, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your cheek. you masked the surprise that ran through your body, smiling over at him as he looked over at jack, “sorry, didn’t catch your name, mate. you are?”
jack’s eyes narrowed on tom’s figure, “jack.”
“jack, i’m tom, nice to meet you.” he said, holding out his hand for him to shake. jack didn’t accept the handshake, but just shifted his gaze to you.
“didn’t you say jocks aren’t your type?” he asked, and eyebrow raised at you. 
“funny how we both said things we didn’t mean.” you spit back. he opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by his friends calling his name behind him. he rolled his eyes, turning around and walking towards his group. 
“pleasure was all mine, mate! see you later!” tom called back after him. you let a chuckle escape your mouth as he unwrapped his arm from around you, turning to face you, “you okay?”
you nodded, “yeah. thank you.”
“that’s what i’m here for,” he smiled, “hungry? we can get something to eat before i drop you off at home?”
you nodded, “sounds good.”
he nodded towards the door, the two of you walking out towards the parking lot. he opened the passenger side door for you. you thanked him before he jogged around to his side, buckling in and starting the car before passing you his phone.
“put on whatever you want.”
you scrolled through his spotify, finding a couple songs you knew and put them on through the car speakers. he pulled into the parking lot to one of the diners in town. the two of you made your way inside before sitting in a booth across from one another. 
you scanned over the menu, “what’re you going to get?”
he hummed, “don’t know. kinda going back and forth between the club and the chicken parm. what about you?”
you hummed, twisting your lips in thought, “the grilled cheese and tomato soup sounds good.”
he smiled, “does sound good.”
once the two of you ordered and got your food, you made small talk about the game. 
“i don’t think jack likes me much.” tom chuckled, taking a sip of his drink.
“no, really?” you smiled, voice laced with sarcasm, “what gave it away? was it the blatant ignoring or was it something else i didn’t pick up on?”
he smiled, “not that i care about his opinion of me, but he could’ve at least shook my hand.” 
you nodded in agreement, “yeah, no, he didn’t have to be such a dick about it.”
the bill came and after trying to grab it from him for about five minutes, you finally let him pay. you walked out, letting him open the car door for you, as he always does. you two were on the way back to your house, laughing and enjoying comfortable conversation. 
“so, tell me,” he said, “are you really not into the jock type?”
you nodded, “yeah, i mean, guys who i’ve met who were athletes were like the stereotypical jock type. the huge ego, kinda kept their girlfriend by their side as arm candy, never really cared about the woman they were with, you know?”
he nodded, “yeah, i don’t really get how guys can do that. any guy who doesn’t worship their girl is a dick, in my opinion.”
you smiled, “are you the type of guy to worship your girl?” 
“oh, yeah,” he said, “i mean, if you don’t then what’s the point, y’know?”
“i get you,” you said, “in my opinion, taylor didn’t deserve you.”
he smiled over at you, “a lot of other people would agree with you.”
who would willingly break tom’s heart? i mean, c’mon, he’s the definition of a perfect boyfriend. 
no, stop thinking like that.
he pulled up in front of the house. you looked over at him, his brown eyes meeting yours. 
“do you want to come inside?” you didn’t even notice the words were falling from your lips until you heard your own voice. 
“sure.” he smiled, turning the car off. he followed you inside, mia and sarah sitting on the couch. 
“hey,” you said, shutting the door and locking it, your eyes falling onto the tv, “what’re you guys watching?”
“the new episode of love island,” mia said, “shh.”
you looked at tom who was smiling at you. you rolled your eyes playfully, “okay, you guys have fun. we’re going upstairs.”
sarah gave you a thumbs up as the two of you climbed the stairs. you made your way to your room and shut the door. tom took a seat onto your bed, watching as you walked over to the dresser.
“i might have a pair of sweats you can change into,” you said, digging through one of the drawers, “if you want to stay.”
he smiled, “i’d love to stay.”
you smiled back at him before handing him the sweatpants, “i can uhm, find a t-shirt or something if you don’t want to sleep in your sweatshirt.”
“i’m good for now,” he smiled, taking the sweatpants into his hands, “thank you.”
you nodded, “the bathroom is over there.”
he nodded, walking into the bathroom. you quickly changed into a pair of leggings and a tanktop, sitting on the bed as he came out of the bathroom. he joined you on the bed, putting his phone on the nightstand.
“wanna watch a movie or something?”
he nodded, “yeah, anything in mind?”
you hummed as you clicked onto netflix, “i heard the new movie on netflix is good. something about a girl who’s in fake relationship or something.”
he let out a chuckle as you smiled over at him, “how fitting. maybe we could learn a thing or two.”
you clicked on the movie, the both of you getting situated on the bed. you two were mainly talking rather than paying attention. he was propped up on his elbow, facing you as you laid down on your side. 
his eyes scanned your face, “oh, you have an eyelash.”
you reached up under the eye he pointed to, attempting to wipe it away. 
“did i get it?”
he smiled softly, “no, here,”
he reached up gently and pinched the eyelash between his fingers. you smiled as he scanned your face again. you did the same, his face softly illuminated from the light from the tv. he looked like a dream, his curls flopped over his forehead. you didn’t realize how close the two of you had gotten until you could feel his warm breath fan your face. he reached over and moved  a piece of hair from your face. 
“what’re you thinking about?” you asked softly.
“how i broke one of the rules.”
you raised an eyebrow, “which one?”
“the first one,” he said, “‘no strings attached’. i can’t help it. you’re all that’s been on my mind ever since i met you.”
you let out a shaky breath at how close he was, “i may have broken that one, too.”
he smiled, “let’s scrap the rules. i want to explore this, whatever kind of feelings we may or may not have… if that’s what you want.”
“yeah,” you said, “fuck the rules.”
he smiled wider, “is it alright if i kiss you right now?”
                     ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
💌 beings my tagged list has gotten so long that tumblr literally won't let me add it, the tagged list is temporarily closed until i can figure it out. in the meantime, be sure to follow and turn on notifications for @toms-gf to be notified whenever i post imagines :)
xoxo, jordan
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sluttywonwoo · 7 months
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instead of you [part thirty-two] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of sex (mdni ; 18+)
word count: 2.2k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
series masterlist | early access to the next chapter on ko-fi
The first time you met Jisung was at a party on campus. It was a month into your first semester of college and one of the frats had passed out fliers in the residence halls in the hopes of getting lots of the freshman girls to attend. 
You had dragged your roommate with you, insisting that you needed to get out there and start meeting people since you were each other’s only friends thus far. 
But the joke was on you because she ditched you not even five minutes after arriving, having recognized an ex-boyfriend from her hometown. You didn’t hold it against her, you had been the one to convince her to come in the first place and you understood the whole ex thing. 
But you were a lot shyer back then, less confident. So you stumbled your way through the house until you reached the kitchen. No one had offered to make you a drink yet so you figured you might as well make one yourself. You’d need a little liquid courage if you were going to get the balls to talk to any of these people anyway. 
That’s where you ran into Jisung. He was bent over the stove cooking what looked to be a grilled cheese sandwich. He turned his head when he heard you come in and nodded at you in acknowledgement.
“Want one?” he asked.
“What is it?”
“Grilled ham and cheese.”
You nodded. “Hit me.” 
He finished simmering the one in the pan and slid it onto a paper plate before grabbing the ingredients for yours. 
“How long have you lived here?” you asked conversationally. 
“Oh, I don’t live here.”
“Are you a pledge then?”
“You’re not… affiliated with this frat?”
“Are your friends?”
“So you’re just…”
“Stealing their food? Kind of.”
You shrugged. “I won’t tell.”
He cracked a smile. “Good, because I’d really regret making you a sandwich if you did.” 
You hadn’t noticed until that point but he had an accent. 
“English?” you asked.
“Yes, that’s what we’re speaking. Why, do you know another language?”
You rolled your eyes. “You know what I meant.”
“No, I’m from Korea, actually,” he explained after chuckling. “But my English tutor was British so I picked up a little bit of an accent.”
“What made you decide to come all the way over here?”
“A mix of things, really,” he sighed.
“You’re probably tired of that question, I’m sorry.” 
“No, it’s okay. I just don’t have an interesting answer or anything so conversations usually fizzle out after that.”
“I get it. It’s like when everyone in your hometown asks you what you’re going to study and what job you’re getting your degree for.”
“Pretty much,” he agreed. “Your grilled cheese is ready.”
He plated the sandwich and handed it to you, turning the stove off and depositing the pan and spatula in the sink. 
“Thank you!”
“You might want to let it cool down a bit, though.” 
“Yes, chef.” 
He gave you a look, making you freeze in place. 
“What? Should I not call you that?”
“No, it’s just- I’m a culinary major. I’m always saying that to my professors but no one’s ever said that to me before. I know you didn’t mean it mean it but it sounded weird.” 
“I was just referencing Hell’s Kitchen,” you admitted. 
“Just so you know, not all chefs are like Gordon Ramsay.” 
“Only the majority?” 
He winked at you. “Bingo.”
“So if you don’t want me to call you ‘chef’, what should I call you?” 
“I never said I didn’t want you to call me that,” he clarified. “But you can call me Jisung.”
“Jisung. Nice name.”
“Thanks. Do you have one?”
You grinned. “I do.”
He gave an exasperated little sigh. “And what is it?”
You told him, leaning forward and whispering it like it was a secret. 
“You have a nice name too.”
“Thank you.”
“By the way, your sandwich should be cool enough to eat by now.”
You leaned back against the island and took a bite of your grilled cheese. Jisung gauged your reaction, raising his eyebrows expectantly.
“Great. Best grilled cheese sandwich I’ve ever had.”
“Don’t fuck with me,” he warned. 
“I’m not! Listen, I can’t cook for shit so I’m very easy to impress.” 
“I’ll take your word for it. It’s better for my ego if I ignore the last part.” 
“I can make a mean Moscow Mule, though. My talents lie in mixology, not gastronomy.”
“Make me a drink, then?” he asked. 
You set your paper plate on the counter and made your way over to the fridge. 
“Let’s see what they have in here.”
“Oh, now you’re the one stealing food?” 
“Guess that makes us partners in crime.” 
You fell silent as you looked over the contents of the refrigerator, gathering a bottle of orange juice and half-empty jar of raspberry jam. You checked the expiration dates before continuing because you didn’t trust frat guys and then set them on the island with a handle of tequila that had been left out. 
Jisung watched as you spooned the jam into an empty solo cup, visibly skeptical. You couldn’t blame him for not trusting you, you had just met him, after all. You poured the orange juice in next and mixed the two together, finally adding a shot and a half of tequila. 
“Don’t want to get you too drunk,” you explained. 
He scoffed. “You think that’ll do me in? I’m Korean, remember?”
“Fine, suit yourself.” 
You poured what you approximated to be another shot of tequila into the cup. You filled another cup with ice from a nearby cooler and poured the contents of the first cup into it. Instead of shaking them and risking making a huge mess, you rolled them between the cups until you were satisfied that everything was properly mixed. 
You presented Jisung with your creation, eyes shining. “Here you go! It’s a makeshift tequila sunrise.”
Jisung reached for it but you stopped him abruptly. “Wait! Hold on.”
You took a sip of the drink yourself, just to make sure it was actually palatable, before passing it off to him. 
“Sorry, wanted to check.”
“Not confident in your abilities all of the sudden?“ he mused. 
“I’m trying something new,” you grumbled defensively, “artists make mistakes. I’m not above admitting that and therefore want to quality check my products to make sure it’s good enough for my consumers.”
“Didn’t realize you were taking this so seriously.”
“I take everything seriously.” 
He eyed you suspiciously. “Something tells me that’s not true.” 
That night, and all the others you spent with Jisung flashed before your eyes like some sort of sick slideshow as you stood there with him in the hallway. The fractures in the glass were beyond repair now, spindling inward threatening to shatter.
You supposed it was what you deserved, watching your relationship with your best friend crumble right in front of you. 
“Why do you ask?” you said quietly, still testing the waters.
“You think I haven’t noticed you sneaking off every night?” Jisung demanded.
“At first, I thought you just needed some space. And I understood because you’ve been stuck with us for over a month now, but then it happened every night and you’d be gone for so long,” he sighed. “So finally, I followed you-”
“You what?”
“I know, I’m such a bad friend for invading your privacy.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm and you could already feel the tears welling up. 
You tried to hold them back because you didn’t deserve to cry. You’d put yourself in this situation, and you knew it was wrong, but you still did it anyway. You clutched your towel closer to your body, trying to shrink into yourself. 
“I heard what I needed to,” he continued. “So how long have you been fucking my brother?”
“Jisung, I-”
“I asked you a question.”
“Long enough,” you muttered. “He found out we weren’t actually dating. I didn’t tell him-”
“That makes it better?” 
“No, I just thought you should know.”
“What does it matter anyway,” he spat. “We had an agreement. You had one task and you couldn’t even do it. I should have never invited you on this goddamn trip.”
You couldn’t help but agree. “I’m sorry.” 
Jisung laughed humorlessly and shook his head. “I don’t believe you. If you actually felt any guilt over this you never would have done it. Or you would’ve at least stopped before it got to this point.”
“No, I am sorry,” you tried. “It’s just…”
“Just what?” he asked, eyes widening suddenly. “You’re not pregnant, are you?” 
For a fraction of a second, you were thrown back in time. The best friend that didn’t hate you was suddenly standing in front of you, eyes full of concern. It passed just as quickly as it had come when you denied it. 
“No, it’s just… I f- I’m in love with him.” You couldn’t even look Jisung in the eye when you said it, too afraid of his reaction. 
It was dead silent all throughout the house after your confession. You stared at the floor where a puddle had appeared at your feet from your dripping hair. 
He chuckled again in disbelief, breaking the silence. 
“You’re not in love with him,” he said matter-of-factly. “You don’t even know what love feels like. You’ve only known him for a fucking month, how could you possibly love him?” You were crying now, furiously wiping away the tears that fell onto your cheeks. “You’re just lonely, y/n, and desperate, and grasping at straws for anything that feels like ‘love’.”
“That’s not true,” you insisted. You weren’t sure why you were trying to defend yourself. He was probably right. 
“It is true! I’ve known you for how many years now? You’ve never had a real relationship with anybody. How could you possibly know what love feels like?”
You shook your head adamantly, convincing yourself he didn’t mean what he was saying. “You’re lashing out.” 
“Is it lashing out if it’s true?” he quipped. 
You swallowed hard, choking a bit. 
“I can’t fucking believe this. My best friend and my brother. I went away to school to be on my own and have my own life, and somehow Minho manages to take that too.” He was mostly talking to himself now. “What if someone else had caught you two? How fucked up would that have looked? I put no flirting with my brothers on the list of rules for a reason, obviously. Although I guess it didn’t matter in the end anyway, did it? You didn’t take them or this seriously.”
“Ji, that’s not true and you know that. I’m the one who wrote out those flashcards. I memorized all that stuff about your family. I flew halfway around the world for you— I did take it seriously.”
“Until Minho offered his dick to you on a silver platter?”
“Oh my god!”
“Am I wrong?” 
You sighed. “It’s a lot more complicated than that.”
“Explain it to me then. When did this all start anyway?”
“Minho kissed me for the first time in, um, Italy.” 
“Oh my god, I’m the biggest fucking idiot in the world,” he groaned. 
“But it wasn’t like that then… he still thought we were together then.” 
Jisung threw his hands up. “That makes it worse!”
“I know but he was drunk.”
“That’s not an excuse. You of all people should know that.” 
You let the dig slide since he was in an emotional state and you were in no position to argue anyway. 
“I know.”
“So you guys have been sneaking around behind my back for like a fucking month now?” 
“We didn’t sleep together until Shanghai, when he found out we weren’t together. But I feel like I should tell you I kissed him in Japan. Just so that you know everything.”
“Oh, thank you so much,” Jisung deadpanned. “Thank you for being so honest.” He spat the last word at you, which again, was deserved, but hurt nonetheless. You sniffled. “I can’t believe you’re the one crying right now.” 
You couldn’t believe that Jisung wasn’t crying but then again he wasn’t the type to cry when he was angry. He only cried when he was sad, and that probably hadn’t hit him yet. 
You were starting to get cold wearing nothing but a towel but tried not to let it show. Of course, Jisung noticed instantly. He sighed as you shivered and pursed his lips. Even when he was furious with you, even when your relationship was irreparably damaged, he cared about you. It wasn’t something he could just turn off, though maybe with time, he’d learn to. 
“Anyway, go to bed. I’m going to sleep on the couch.”
“O-okay,” you mumbled. 
Jisung brushed past you abruptly, muttering to himself loud enough for you to hear.
“God, I wish I’d never fucking met you that night.” 
You bit down on your lip as hard as possible to choke down a sob. All you could do was stand there motionlessly and stare at the floor. You waited for him to walk away into the living room but the footsteps stopped suddenly. 
“Oh, and a word of advice-”
“Hm?” You turned around to face him, trying your best to pull yourself together. 
“You should try getting over your feelings for Minho as fast as possible. He doesn’t love you back. He’s just using you, babe. I know he’s pretty smooth but that’s why he’s so good at his job. Easier said than done, I know, but you’re a smart girl. You’ll figure it out.”
hard one to write (and i imagine to read) but lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
iou tags: @gimmeurtmi @phobia0325 @fwess @hipsofafangirl @galaxleeknow @urmomma0324 @bangmechanpls @102598s @farfromsugafanfic @ritzy-roo @dimpledsatan @bvslines @wonderfulshinee @imwithurmother @smollquokka @rosexjimin @skizzel @endzii23 @lady-lena @kwanisms @ch4nniebang @lilramennoodle @babyphotos0325 @dearalice @sojohns @mistlitmoonlight @yoontaethings @babebatter @mal-lunar-28 @shy-kisu @zerefdragn33l @downbadreading @saquso @bunnispaces @reianagarcia @hyunehans @imtooyoungforthisshitbaby @i8rsie @honeslykindahorny @214racha @hgema @chillllli @vixensss @smhlino @feiyaa @borahae-reads @bigbearenergy @hoodiesandicedcofee @darkacademic2512 @y00nzin0 @i8yul @shinypieceofgarbage @woozarts @just-a-little-delulu @djeniryuu @hbzzzbork000 @mimzibee @sofiaslayed @kangyounghyunhands @lexxxxs-things @baejinswrld @gaysontheprince @emogril @ngengngeng @tenshimara @stopeatread @seungminniesgf @lydatataylorsversion @cheolbs @bxnnyhwa @zheav @pinkskiesdream @soohyukazz @spearb-gf @lonely00sbrat @lino1ino @simple1605 @ninashellhole @yoorimin @catiuskaa @gemini-demon @kronikk
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peterdarlingg · 1 year
I Don’t feel so good
paring: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Working all day has got you exhausted and Tom has to help take care of you.
Warnings: mentions of a bit of nausea, dizziness, a bit of angst and eating habits? Bad editing,typos probably (Let me know if I missed anything)
A/n: posting another fic? How’d that happen? Anyway this idea kinda just came to me and I made myself sit down and finish it. It’s sort of from my own personal experiences so…that’s that. Gif by @manny-jacinto I hope you enjoy and let me know how it is. 🩷
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You’d just finished work and exhausted didn’t do justice to how you were feeling.
It was a Saturday but your boss had insisted on extra tasks that needed to be done and delivered on Saturday night.
So even though it was a weekend, it didn’t feel like it to you.
Tom had been out the whole day because he had plans with the boys. He had been planning it for a while because he has been so busy, but he felt horrible leaving you in the morning.
You told him that you had a lot of work to do anyway so it would be better for him to go out with his friends and have fun.
He complied but still felt guilty.
So come sunset, you were done but oh how tired you were.
Tom had called you about 30 minutes ago and told you he’s on his way home, so you guessed that he’s probably going to arrive any second now.
When Tom walked in he wasn’t expecting to see you in the kitchen, moving so slow that he was a bit concerned. You were making- or attempting to make a sandwich it looked like. But your movements looked slow and sluggish.
When you heard the apartment door close you knew it was Tom but didn’t have the energy to say hello. That’s how bad it was.
You felt like you were moving in slow motion and you couldn’t hold you head up anymore.
“Y/n hi, I’m home.” Tom said walking to you cautiously.
“Hm,” you hummed unable to form words.
“Hey are you okay?” He asked you putting a hand in your back to steady you when you swayed a bit.
“I’m okay,” your words slurring a bit.
Tom was beyond worried now. Looking at you he saw your face white as a sheet and sweat was dripping down your forehead.
Then it clicked into his mind.
“Baby have you eaten today?”
“…no,” you whispered.
“I knew it, dammit y/n” he thought.
You had a bad habit of not eating when you were stressed or simply had a lot of work to do. You just simply forgot to take care of yourself when you get this pressured.
It’s the simplest of tasks like drinking water or having breakfast that you neglected at times like these.
“Sweetheart nothing?” He asked worriedly, looking into your eyes that were dropping down.
You shook your head before mumbling “I don’t feel good,” your knees starting to give out.
Tom carried you to the couch to get you to sit down.
“It’s okay baby, we just need to get you something to eat okay, then you’ll feel much better.” He caressed the side your face before kissing your temple gently.
Just as be was leaning back to go get you some food and water you came forward and held his arm hard.
“No, don’t leave me,”’ you whined.
“I wasn’t going to love, I was just gonna get you food so you can feel better,” he explained you, intertwining your fingers with his and caressing his thumb on your knuckles before giving it a gentle kiss.
“No, don’t leave, I don’t feel good,”
“I know love, that’s why you need food right now your body needs food to have energy.”
“I’m hot,” you whispered, not hearing him as you tugged at your hoodie that you were swearing through, feeling faint.
Breathing heavily you tugged at your hoodie taking you arms out and taking it over your head then chucking it behind you somewhere.
“Love, it’s okay, you’re okay,” he held either side of your face and found you hair tie on the coffee table,taking it putting your hair up in a messy bun.
“I’ll be right back okay?” He said as he got up.
“No…” you whispered getting up shakily to get him to stay. But you swayed and almost fell over. “Y/n, Y/n,” Tom caught you and set you down on the couch,”
“No, I wanna lay down,” you told him as you pushed his hands away, putting your head on the couch pillow and closing your eyes.
“No, love, love you need to sit up,” he said trying to get you to regain a bit of consciousness.
“No, want to sleep, don’t feel good,”
Tom sighed and went jogged to the kitchen to get you some food and water quick as you were actually fainting now.
“Okay here love,” he grabbed your waist and to lift you up and supported your neck with his other hand to get you to sit up.
“Mmhmm,” you mumbled tiredly.
“I know love, I know,” he cooed.
“Here lovie, drink,” he held the water bottle to your lips to drink but you turned your head.
“Baby, you need to drink something,” he insisted.
“Uh uh,” you shook your head as much as you could. “Lovie I know you don’t feel good but it’ll help,” he encouraged.
He started to panic as you weren’t letting him help you and you were deteriorating, face pale and sweaty.
“I feel nauseous, can’t drink,”
“Baby, I know, it will go away if you drink come on,” he put the bottle to your lips again and this time you compiled, taking a sip then pulling away shaking your head.
“Come on love, few more sips,” he encouraged you.
He helped you drink again holding the water bottle to you mouth as you couldn’t move your arms that were draped next to you.
“There you go lovie, you got this,” he smiled.
He grabbed the sandwich he finished for you and held it out for you to take.
But once again you just shook your head because no way you were going to eat a sandwich feeling nauseous.
“No I can’t please don’t make me,” you cried out, eyes tearing up.
Tom was quick to set the plate down and sit next to you taking you into his arms, holding you.
“Shh, it’s okay,” he cooed.
“You’re alright darling,” he kissed your hair and kept his mouth there.
Rubbing up and down your arms to calm you down. You were so out of it that you started to cry from how awful you felt.
“I’ll never not eat ever again,” you thought to yourself.
“Do you want to lay down a bit then eat?” Tom suggested.
He felt you nod against him and he pulled away before taking laying down with you on top of him cuddling you.
After a good 10 minutes of back scratches and forehead kisses, he thought he’d check in with you again.
“Hey, feeling a bit better?” He talked to you softly next to your ear.
He felt you nod against him, still not having enough energy to form words.
“You feel like you can eat now?”
“Mhm,” you mumbled tiredly.
“Okay let’s sit up okay?” He said as he sat up with you very slowly not to make you dizzy.
You were sitting on his lap, face hiding in the crook of his neck inhaling his comforting scent to calm down.
“Okay darling, here you are,” he grabbed the plate and held the sandwich to feed it to you as you still didn’t have enough energy to move he was moving you around like a rag doll really this whole time.
You carefully took a small bite of the sandwich he made, which you had to admit to yourself was good.
Chewing slowly you grabbed his wrist for another bite and he gave it to you.
“Doing amazing darling, good job,” he praised.
After about 5 to 10 minutes you finally finished the sandwich feeling much better.
“Can we just sit here for a bit? I’m still a bit dizzy,” you asked him.
“Yeah darling, course, whatever you want,” he held you and you wrapped your arms around his waist, finding comfort in his warmth.
Tom was feeling a bit better now that you were able to form a full on sentence without slurring your words together.
“We can get up now,” you said after a while.
“You feeling okay?” He asked still a bit concerned after what had just went down.
“Yeah, a little off but much better,” you answered , your voice still weak.
“I’m so sorry,Tom” you turned to him looking very apologetic and ashamed.
“Y/n, it’s okay, really,” “I was more worried than anything,”
“I know I just, it was a really bad day for me and I was so stressed that I wouldn’t be able to finish everything on time and I just forgot to eat anything really. I wasn’t hungry at all and I just forgot. I’m sorry,”
“Love don’t be sorry, we just need to work on this a bit, that’s all,” he smiled at you.
“I was a scared,” you admitted sheepishly and Toms’ heart tugged in his chest.
“I mean normally when this happens I just feel a bit dizzy but that’s it, I felt awful this time,” you quietly said.
“I know that was a bad one,” he said brows furrowed.
“But it’s alright,” he said cheerfully.
“Your okay now and that’s all that matters,”
“Just please try to work on taking care of yourself. I’ll help you as well, I’ll be there for you every step of the way until you don’t need me anymore,” he leaned in slowly and pushed his lips against yours breathing you in.
“I’ll always need you,” you whispered in between kisses.
Resting you forehead against his, you give him a chaste kiss.
“Okay,” you said excitedly.
“Now tell me all about today,” you told him cuddling into him looking up at him adoringly and kissing his jaw.
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nourrris · 2 months
peter parker
(going off the tom holland vr! this is going to be a very long ramble about the character) i cant get over how genuinely hauntingly sad peter parker is, when the idea of peter parker was created, (to be different incomparsion of other characters), because you have a teenager superhero - it's such a good concept mind you - but god? having somebody so young have such a large role on their shoulders is insane, and it's so interesting because just the change in age literally completely fundamentally changes his characters actions and future, he'll have more impulsive decisions, extreme mental issues (which is unavoidable in his situation), and simply a very difficult time trying to navigate.
his level of severe childhood trauma (which quite literally gives you a form of brain damage) will ultimately affect his entire future and actions, he saw his uncle die at what 14? maybe younger? that itself even without the spider-man part is horrid, he never had the chance to even grieve because he was thrown into the most life changing event of his life, he also had no parents either, he has a very significant lack of figures in his life that is so hard to change how they impacted him. what happened in homecoming was the least terrifying experience he probably went through which says alot when a whole warehouse fell upon him and he was just /inches/ way from dying near the end from the vulture.
then infinity war happens next, his fight's and experiences horribly scary situations that nobody could probably even digest at such an age, or even older. and when he 'dusted' its obvious it takes a toll on him before it even happens, he could feel it, and god isn't that scary to think of? the unstoppable force of death? then fucking endgame happens, which i honestly can't even believe the fact that if i said it wasn't the worst thing that happened to him i'd be right, even though he saw somebody who he considered a 'father' figure die in his hands.
excluding that even if tony never died peter would have never recovered mentally so normally, seeing how he was beat up to hell holding that gauntlet was so fucking terrifying. he was tossed around so much and he quite literally held the most dangerous and world altering item in his hands, and if he lost it he'd have the entire world's blame on him. thats so much responsibility a newly(?) sixteen year old should never have, you cannot possibly tell me that it wouldnt literally alter his brain from the terror.
far from home is one of my favorite movie's ever but never fails to make me cry. he didn't even get the time to grieve tony, or the fact that his entire world changed in the matter of days, or the experience it was to endure the endgame fight, how can you casually go back to school after witnessing and /participating/ in the fight that could have possibly entered in the doom of the world again or bring it all back. then mysterio happens, which in my opinion is one of the absolute worst villains that peter's fought, because he was just so human. he ruined peters life completely, and he was just another human. wouldn't that make somebody so bitter? that no your life wasn't completely thrown away to shit by the big evil purple alien, but by another full human. absolutely nothing special to him power wise, not possessed, no weird voices, he did it with pure manipulation and thats one of the worst possible things i could have imagined somebody doing to him.
because peter at the end of the day was just a complete kid, mysterio made him believe he could trust him and peter did, he just lost so much in his life that somebody who could finally understand him was all he needed to feel assured, its why the significance of that one talk they both had after fury was being a dick to peter was so important, mysterio decided to go for such an emotionally devastating route it's unbelievable. but seemingly manipulating his trust wasn't enough, he just had to fuck him up so bad with that illusion scene, putting everything he loved against him and god the stark part was so fucking cruel, but after it all the part that hurt so much to watch was when happy got to him, peter questioning if he was real is so cruel. making this poor kid unable to trust his surroundings (after also being hit by a fucking train!), when he already had so much psychological issues going on is literally the cruelest fate he could have given him at the time.
and lastly no way home, and his future at that. mysterio exposing peters identity was such an irreversible decision that i honestly believe no matter what peter did, there was nothing that could give him or his loved ones the life he wanted unless if he did try to make everybody forget him. like if he originally went to the lady to re-persuade her to let his friends in it wouldnt have worked, and it also showed that much before peter ended up saving the lady in the car, all their fates were fucked and frankly there was no good way to get out of it, he was so absolutely doomed.
may parkers death was the worst of it all i think, i believe from everything that's happened to him, that absolutely nothing would affect him the way she died did. every other death of a loved one that had happened he couldn't truly take the blame for, but knowing how everything lead up to him is the most excruciatingly important detail. he canonically blames himself and i dont believe that feeling will ever end up going away. there's just no way it could, the fact he was the last person who ever saw her alive, the last person she spoke too, he quite literally saw the life drain out of her, there's no way to recover after seeing the person who's been with you for longer than you can remember die in your hands, and in the hands of your accidental actions.
i dont think there was a world were he could have escaped that death coming, peters identity being out as spider-man would have definitely done something in the future, and the problem is everything in no-way home happened in the smallest time stamp ever, i could be wrong but i believe it all went down in a few days at most, there was no way to even comprehend the absolute mental load and overwhelming amount of information being handed to him, nor do i think he'll manage to get over it easily later on either. the idea of different versions of him existing is so much to chew on, the idea of other versions of him living the happier life he could have, ones that never have the people he loves in them, ones where the people he loved are still alive, or some of them even. he even directly saw worlds where their peter parkers arent forced to be forgotten.
this version of peter lost so much that its impossible to cope with, all the peters lost alot already, like all of them didn't have parents iirc, all lost uncle ben, but the tobey and andrew spider-man had a living aunt may, then tobey's lost harry (?), and andrew lost gwen.
this version of peter parker lost both uncle and aunts, parents (of course), and tony stark. this is all just by death, he also lost his best friends, and girlfriend. they stay forever out of reach which is so tauntingly cruel. because he starts at 13/15 (pre homecoming) and by 17 (nwh) he's at the same point of all the other spider-man's started where theyre practically completely alone, or just experienced such a stark change to their lives.
my boy....... he deserves better..... sorry this is so long i had alot to say and i dont get the chance to talk about peter much and ive been recently hyperfixated on him since early feb and i love him so much and cant stop thinking or crying about him . also do tell me if i got any info wrong cause' ive only watched the tom holland trilogy, so im a bit uninformed there but did try to do some research!
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