#elbow length puffed over-sleeves
chic-a-gigot · 11 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 45, vol. 20, 6 novembre 1898, Paris. 1. Costume tailleur et Vêtement d'Hiver (Modèles de Mlle Thirion, 47, boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris. Voilettes en tulle de soie à pois, chenillées à la main, nuances: blanc, noir et blanc à pois noirs. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
No. 1. I. Costume tailleur en drap satin, composé d’une jupe coupée en trois lés, doublée, garnie d’une jolie broderie faite à même l’étoffe et disposée en rond et d’un corsage-veste ajusté du dos, avec petits côtés de dos et de devant. Devant demi-ajusté par une pince, découpé au bas et garni de deux revers de soie. Ce corsage s’ouvre au milieu sur un plastron bouffant retenu à la taille par une ceinture en gros grain. Ce gilet est posé sur une doublure ordinaire fermée au milieu du devant. Garniture de broderie rappelant celle de la jupe. Manche à coude brodée dans le haut. Collet rond fait en drap et velours garni de mongolie et surmonté d’un col Médicis doublé de fourrure. Manchon assorti. Chapeau en velours orné de plumes et de velours.
No. 1. I. Tailored costume in satin cloth, composed of a skirt cut in three lengths, lined, trimmed with pretty embroidery made on the fabric and arranged in a round and a fitted back bodice-jacket, with small sides of back and front. Half-adjusted front with a pleat, cut at the bottom and trimmed with two silk cuffs. This bodice opens in the middle onto a puffed bib held at the waist by a grosgrain belt. This vest sits over a regular lining closed at the center front. Embroidery trim reminiscent of the skirt. Elbow sleeve embroidered at the top. Round collar made of cloth and velvet trimmed with Mongolia and topped with a fur-lined Medici collar. Matching sleeve. Velvet hat decorated with feathers and velvet.
Matériaux: 6 mètres de drap pour le costume, 0m60 de soie.
II. Vêtement Noël d’une forme très gracieuse, composé d’un grand collet, arrondi et croisé devant, en velours noir ou drap garni de deux bandes de chinchilla. Col Médicis doublé de chinchilla; doublure du vêtement en satin de couleur ou noir. Capote en jais et roses roses avec oiseau posé sur le devant.
II. Christmas garment of a very graceful shape, composed of a large collar, rounded and crossed in front, in black velvet or cloth trimmed with two strips of chinchilla. Medici collar lined with chinchilla; lining of the garment in colored or black satin. Jet and pink roses hood with bird placed on the front.
Matériaux: 2m50 de drap ou 4 mètres de velours, 5 mètres de satin.
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shadowqueen402 · 7 months
Hey There! Remember your BWW Outfits things for the chapters? Can you do that but with my OC?
Ooh! I sure can! Here are the outfits for Kaylo!
Kaylo Bruno's Outfits
Chapter 1
A white shirt with short, puffed sleeves, a Peter Pan collar, a purple ribbon, and purple lining underneath a purple plaid overall dress with a white lace trim, white thigh-high socks, and black Mary Janes. She also wears her hair in twin braids with matching purple ribbons and carries a basket.
Chapter 2
A purple, one piece swimsuit with a one-shoulder ruffle, a thin spaghetti strap, and white two-tiered skirt. She also wears a white sun hat, and pink sandals.
Chapter 3
A short-sleeved white and green seifuku with a light pink scarf, a green pleated skirt, black knee-length socks, and brown loafers. She also has a green bow adorning her hair.
Chapter 4
A light pink hoodie with white strings over a white shirt with a lavender collar, a sky blue skirt, and magenta and white sneakers with white shoelaces.
Chapter 5
A green cap, a grey short-sleeved shirt with pockets on the chest, a brown belt with a gold buckle, green shorts, green knee length socks, and brown hiking shoes.
Chapter 6
A fuschia blazer with gold buttons connected with chains. Underneath is a white high-collared blouse that is adorned with a magenta brooch. She also wears a black and white plaid pleated skirt, black knee-length socks with fuschia and white argyle patterning, and light pink kitten heels.
Chapter 7
A pink over-the-shoulder dress with sleeves that reach the elbow, a rose pink bodice, and rose pink flats. She wears her hair in a low ponytail with a rose pink ribbon.
Chapter 8
A dark purple coat with white fur trimming on the hood and cuffs of the sleeves, rose pink gloves, black pants, and dark purple boots with white fur trimming.
Chapter 9
A long-sleeved black dress with white cuffs and red lapels over a white high-collared shirt that has three black buttons. She also wears a black bow tie, a black top hat with a red sash, white gloves, black pants with red lining, and black flats. She also carries a deck of cards.
Chapter 10
A purple short-sleeved dress with a dark purple collar and rim. Underneath is a rose pink undershirt. She also wears a white apron with three paint splatters on it and dark purple flats.
Chapter 11
A nurse's outfit which consists of a short-sleeved lilac dress, a matching nurse's hat, and lilac sandals. She also has a stethoscope around her neck.
Chapter 12
A white high-collared shirt, a thin, light pink ribbon, a light pink overall skirt, a magenta ribbon around the waist and white frills, light pink detached sleeves, magenta stockings, and black Mary Janes. Her hair is straightened and held up in pigtails with black ribbons.
Hope you like these!
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The skies of Meridian were crisp and gentle as the clouds form and shape around the sun and it's blue eyes, the trees are a lovely shade of light green and yellows as it transitions of summer to fall slowly but beautifully, carts and it's people selling candy goods and swapping tales galore of adventures of the kingdom and it's people. A large beast of scales flies pass the clouds with a mighty scream of a high pitch echoing off it's back.
On the back of the dragon rests a young pre-teen of Catherina-Anne "Weira" Vandom-Escanor, her red hair to her shoulders sway and curl in the harsh winds are her thin fingers touch a nearby cloud as a smile appears on her adorably cute face as her chocolate brown eyes shimmer and shine. Down bellow in the beautiful white stone castle covered in plants, a pre-teen boy with dark hair and a child boy of messy strawberry blond locks hurry down the halls in hushed words and steady feet, both dressed in garbs of brown trousers over their white leggings and golden and sapphire color themed tunics and covers. Their quick game of run was quickly ended when a women with fair hair done in two thick braids tied in some knots of jewels like her special crowns dressed in a grown of purples and blues with peacock feathers creating a halo around her neck and waist, her blue eyes fluttering in shock at the boys.
"Egon, Hunter, what are you doing? The event is starting soon." Said she as she examine the boys, soon she glanced around. "And where on all the universe is your sister?"
As if on que, the bell of a fire breathing scaly beast scaled pass the castle court yard in a fierce thick shadow with a roar and a girl's insane cackling laughter of a howl. Egon, the eldest of the two boys, stared ahead not dare looking at the woman as his voice, meek yet able to hear, say, "That wasn't her."
In the courtyard the dragon lands in the large water pool of a fountain and Catherina-Anne quickly slid down it's arched down wings, Lilly pads of the water grow and rise before her feet touch them and guide her to the safe of wetness ground. The girl didn't make it pass four steps away from the scene before she was met with the woman from before suddenly there with a curious yet knowing look on her face. "A-Aunty Elyon-" Said she with a mere shy giggle and awkward smile.
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Catherina-Anne scoffs and rubs the waist of her grown as she walks along side her brothers. Her red hair tucked back and groomed in two buns within a bosses, her ears dangling silver and a special stone on each end of the hood's end, her body covered with bare shoulders of her floor length and honestly a lovely pale peach and orange sunset color with the sleeves at start puffed put then slim tighten by ribbon above the elbows and tie two lose bows on her wrists each, the gown laced and bordered with golden trim and designs to match the golden thin necklace wrapped around her neck.
"Relax my little dragon, this is just for tonight." Said to her left, there standing her father dress in a handsome shade of purple and dark wine reds, his beard grown to his cheeks in a well groomed and trimmed style as his hair that matches the fairness of his sister's is long and braided severely with golden hoops and jewels embedded into it like a weaving art project. To his left stands his wife, his fair angel in human skin, dressed in a dark black gown with some blues shining like lightning through a dark midnight sky as her red hair is done back long in a high bun with a lovely silver and gold clashed crown caress her top much like Phobos' reverse style of color and design's. Over the years she aged well like a fine fine wine as Phobos and everyone in Meridian and beyond can admit proudly, her beauty never once wavering and boring three wonderful children didn't stop the process one bit.
The prince took the hand of his wife and kisses the top of her palm, causing the lady to smile bashfully as if they were still dating in their youths.
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Aaaaaaaaaand the final day is complete! I hope to do this again next year!
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teaandsconeswrites · 1 year
A Winter Night's Reunion
A short oneshot based on the prompt request from my Twitter ‘Eye contact across a crowded room’
Read below or on Ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47311147
*   *   *
The air is thick with the scent of spirits far more potent than Zhongli is used to, and the businessman sat next to him taps his shoulder. Not waiting for Zhongli to acknowledge him, he launches into his third rant of the evening about the price of milk in the northern versus southern communities in Snezhnaya.
While Zhongli might ordinarily take interest in such a topic, his attention today lies elsewhere.
Several long rows of tables line the length of the Great Hall, set with the finest porcelain crockery which is stacked to the brim with Snezhnayan delicacies. Zhongli sits on the table closest to the stained glass windows casting an icy blue across the room, cloaking the room a melancholic undertone despite the celebratory nature of the occasion.
The table on the far side seats the remaining members of the Ninth Company, the recovery of which is the entire reason for their gathering, Zhongli invited as a guest of honour after assisting in the brokering of a diplomatic exchange with the Liyue Qixing. Each table is positioned to allow everyone a clear view to the top table, which is elevated on a platform, where The Tsaritsa and her Harbingers sit.
Whether the chosen positioning is to provide their guests with a clear view of their hosts, or to kindly remind them that their hosts are watching them is another matter entirely.
Sitting at this table is the subject of Zhongli’s attention. Childe digs into a hearty helping of meat, nodding absentmindedly at Pantalone chattering away as he to one of the dishes. Pantalone nudges him with his elbow and Childe offers a fake smile and a polite word of acknowledgement, but his eyes remain cold and distant.
Zhongli remembers when he saw Childe’s real smile. It was a beautiful thing, like the first sun rising after a Snezhnayan winter, but now it is doubtful that he shall see it again in his lifetime.
Childe props his head on his hand and gazes across the hall, lips puffing outward in a sigh. It’s difficult to blame him; Zhongli would hold the same sentiments if he were forced to entertain Childe’s current company.
Sweeping his eyes across the table, Childe’s gaze lands briefly on each guest, and as Childe’s line of sight grows closer, Zhongli is vaguely aware that he’s staring, but he can’t tear himself away.
Their gazes meet. Childe’s dull eyes bore into him and Zhongli’s throat lurches, a sensation between sickness and excitement. After Childe has been absent from his life for so many months, finally fate grants them the chance to look upon each other once more.
Then Pantalone, in a hand movement far too passionate for the subject of the conversation, smacks his wine glass, sending it spinning across the tablecloth, splattering the nearby Harbingers in crimson droplets. Childe snatches out to grab it before it can hit the floor and slams it back on the table in front of Pantalone. Wiping his face on his sleeve, Childe stands, revealing a trail of red staining the front of his pristine winter coat.
Childe pushes his chair back and grabs a fistful of napkins, shaking his head. Shooting a fierce look at Pantalone, he loops around the table to stride down the hall, dabbing ferociously at the spillage and fussing over a spot on the red scarf bundled tightly around his neck.
Those sitting at the guest tables avert their eyes as he passes, keen to avoid invoking the ire of Her Majesty’s Eleventh, but Childe remains like the sun to Zhongli, a blazing trail of vibrancy amid the muted blues and greys.
As Childe approaches Zhongli he slows his stride, giving Zhongli a long, cold stare as he passes. At first Zhongli’s hope fades, assuming that Childe finds his presence truly intolerable, but then Childe tilts his head subtly toward the doors and gives Zhongli a small nod.
Zhongli restrains himself from immediately excusing himself, indulging in a few more minutes of small talk that drag like hours. When the businessman is done proselytising the wonders of milk futures contracts, finally turning to pour his date another glass of wine, Zhongli makes the polite excuse of needing the bathroom and slips outside after Childe.
He enters the hallway and glances in either direction, but no familiar face is there to greet him, only the rows upon rows of paintings of various figures dressed in military attire that scowl down at him.
Was he mistaken in his thinking, or has Childe been waylaid?
A door slams behind him, traces of Hydro lingering in the air, and Zhongli follows the sound. He opens the door to a blast of wind so fierce that it seems to want to rip his coat and shirt off by the collar.
As the saying goes, walls have ears; Childe is wise to bring their meeting outside.
Gripping the door handle as the wind threatens to tear from his hands, Zhongli inches out onto an enclosed semi-circular balcony, clawed creatures scowling down at him from the stone pillars onto which they are carved. A flurry of snow tears across the starlit sky, but the domed roof shields the balcony from the worst of it, a few stray patches of white dusting the edges.
“You came.” Childe leans against the railing, staring out across the city. “Didn’t think one of our key players would care to talk to the pawns, or is that something you’ve taken to in your retirement?”
There’s an edge to Childe’s tone, but it seems to be born of neither bitterness nor anger, and Zhongli chooses his next words carefully.
“Is my reunion with an old friend not adequate enough reason for me to wish to speak with you?” Zhongli pulls his coat tighter around him and pushes through a sharp gust of wind to stand beside Childe. “And for you to extend such an invitation implies that you might desire the same.”
“Old friend?” Childe snorts softly through his nose and Zhongli can’t pinpoint if it’s through amusement or dismissiveness. “You see this world in a strange way, Rex Lapis. Relinquishing divine power to sit in your harbour and drink tea, and now you call the weapon of a rival Archon your ‘old friend’? I can’t say I understand you at all.”
Although Childe is battle-hardened and not naïve to the world, he is young, and cannot understand the long wearing of time upon the soul, how it sands down the edges of one’s heart until it scratches through the outer shell, scratching and scraping at any remaining tenderness harboured inside.
One day he too shall find fate knocking upon the door of that which he holds dearest, picking and prodding until he feels that unrelenting need to retreat from the burdens of his chosen path.
But today is not that day, so Zhongli simply says, “Indeed, perhaps it is I who am the strange one, an anachronistic stone who has walked this world for too long.”
Childe doesn’t laugh outright, but his shoulders shake and a puff of mist swirls from his nose. “A strange old stone, that sounds about the right way to describe you.” Taking a step back from the balcony, he looks at Zhongli for the first time since their conversation began. A million thoughts and emotions flicker under the twitch of an eyebrow, the clenching and unclenching of his jaw, and Zhongli wishes to know exactly what goes on behind those untelling dull eyes.
“Anyway”—Childe breaks away, learning over the balcony once more—“I probably shouldn’t be talking to Rex Lapis one on one like this, I don’t think Her Majesty would approve of one of her Harbingers casually socialising with another Archon.”
“Yet you invited me to meet you here regardless.”
“And it may be appropriate to add here that I am no longer ‘Rex Lapis’, but ‘Zhongli’. Your Tsaritsa understands as such, and it would be preferable if you could also think of me in this manner from now onward.”
“I’ve made that mistake before. They say only a fool walks into the same trap twice.”
“Those are wise words.”
“They get me by.”
Silence falls between them and the snow continues to fall, dusting the buildings in a layer of white. It settles on the backs of Zhongli’s hands as he grips the railings and he wishes he’d brought a thicker pair of gloves.
Childe stands next to him, unaffected in his formal Harbinger wear—a coat as white as the landscape (aside from the wine stains splattered across it), the collar lined with fur as dark as the distant void lingering that between Zhongli and Childe where there had once been easy friendship.
Zhongli's teeth chatter and he can’t feel his nose, but he can't tear himself from this moment with Childe. He might not be given the opportunity for another.
The click of Childe’s tongue interrupts his train of thought.
“Here.” Childe slips off his coat, leaving him standing with only his scarf and Fatui uniform to shield him from the elements. He leans in close to drape it around Zhongli’s shoulders, fastening it at the top clip. His gloved fingers brush against Zhongli’s chin, surprisingly warm, and Zhongli’s breath catches. “You’re cold,” says Childe, as though that explains the strange intimacy of the gesture.
“And you are not?” asks Zhongli, bundling Childe’s coat tighter around him and trying not to think of how the scent reminds him of a bakery, a sweet combination of citrus and dough. Citrus cake. Childe smells like citrus cake. Warm and homely, yet with the zest and bite that Zhongli is inexplicably drawn to.
Childe barks a laugh. “You southerners are funny. I’m a man of the north; I’ve been in much worse than a little snow.” He leans over the railing, catching a scattering of snowflakes on his tongue and swallowing it. “See? This is child’s play.”
It’s simple and playful, a remnant of the Childe that Zhongli met in Liyue, and a smile spreads across Zhongli’s face. “Indeed. I should not doubt a Harbinger on home soil.”
“Oh, ‘a Harbinger’ now, is it?” Childe’s attention falls back on Zhongli, a mirthful lilt in his tone. “Whatever happened to calling me by my name?”
“Then I offer you my apologies, Childe.”
“None needed, Zhongli.” Childe turns away, running a hand through his hair. “So, is ‘Zhongli’ really your new identity now?”
“That is correct.”
Childe hums nonchalantly and walks to the door, gripping the handle but not yet turning it. “I see. Well, duty calls, I better get back inside.” 
Zhongli reaches to unbutton the coat, but Childe waves him off, gesturing to the stained front.
“Keep it. I can’t wear it in there anyway. You can give it back some other time.” He licks his lips and offers a subtle smile. “If you’d like to pick this conversation up tomorrow, you can give it back then.”
“Tomorrow sounds marvellous.”
Childe’s smile blooms fully for a microsecond before he pulls it back to a level of enthusiasm more befitting of a Harbinger. “Right then, tomorrow, great. Third room down on the top floor, that’s where I’m staying. I’ll be done training after mid morning.” Turning away, he opens the door and steps forward, lingering on the threshold. “I’ll be waiting, Zhongli xiansheng.”
Then he is gone.
Zhongli waits outside a little longer, not ready to be swept under a sea of conversation about potato prices and market equilibriums. While they are surely fascinating topics, their importance pales in comparison to the olive branch Childe has offered him. He shrugs the coat up higher around him, burrowing his nose in the citrus cake fur.
There’s much to resolve between them, much to forgive and be forgiven for. But as Childe so wholly encapsulates, the way of mortals is to seize every opportunity granted to them. And that he shall do, leaving nothing unsaid between them until their grievances are aired and dried out, so the friendship they once held might bloom once again, and so those little whispers of something more, spoken on a late evening in the haze of ample wine, might bear fruit no longer forbidden.
And, just perhaps, tomorrow might be the start of a beautiful new future.
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edwardpinestar · 1 year
Can I request a fluff deathpuss wedding or honeymoon fic? Since you've gotten a few requesting fic for your angsty au's, thought you'd appreciate one that's more light hearted.
Most definitely! I do have to admit, as much as I love the angst, it can get a bit tiring after a while, so some good old fluff is a most appreciated pick-me-up. Sorry for taking so very long with this, though.
Posted this on AO3 too!
It was sunset.
Soft, pink and orange light filtered through delicate, pink cherry blossom trees, the flowers and petals of which had drifted down from abudent trees, to blanket the cobbled path the trees hugged the side of. The air was warm, with a refreshing, slight breeze, and in the sky, there where smatterings of fluffy white clouds coloured pastel by the sinking sun. The subtle, life-filled smell of spring filled the air, fresh and green.
Two cats and a dog walked down the path.
One, a black and white, tuxedo molly, was dressed in a soft pink suit, with a caplet over the shoulder, the left lapel pinned by a red rose, and neatly pressed pants, which were tucked into tall white boots that had a wedged heels. She had her arm linked with the cat beside her, and a faint, fond smile on her face.
The dog, a small chihuahua pup, was bouncing alongside excitedly, his tail wagging a mile-a-minute, tongue lolling out as he panted. He was dressed the same colours as the tuxedo cat, in a little suit jacket, with a rose on the lapel, and a red bowtie around his neck. He looked as though his excitement was barely contained, but kept slow pace with the two cats.
The third of the party, standing between the molly and pup, was a ginger tabby cat. He, unlike the others, wore white. The floor length gown he wore was fluffy, whimsical tulle, its skirt puffed out, with off the shoulder, billowing bishops sleeves that tapered around his forearm to look as though they wrapped and twisted around his arms. The bodice had flower embroidery, which spread down to the outerlayer skirt and dispersed the further down they went, and formed a sweetheart neckline in the sheer bodice, not extending over the sleeves. While his arm was linked through the crook of the molly's elbow, in both paws he held a beautiful bouquet of red roses, soft pink carnations and red moth orchids. He wore a silver circlet atop his head, around his ears, that resembeled vines, with silver roses, the centres of which were inlaid with deep red rubies, along it as a faux flower crown.
They walked in mutual anticipation, yet silence, as they rounded a corner on the winding path, and found themselves in an open clearing, fresh green grass still blanketed by flower petals. In the clearing, several cushioned benches sat, lined up to make a walkway to an arch adorning in many flowers, of all different colours, with reds and pinks being the most prominent. The benches were filled with people, dressed their finest, watching keenly as the three cats and dog made their way down the aisle. Soft, disembodied piano music filled the air, a peacefull, romantic song.
But Puss in Boots had eyes for none but the man standing at the end of the aisle, right in front of the archway.
The wolf wore a dress as well, his own tea-length, a white gown with the same fluffy whimsy as his approaching groom's. The skirt poofed out, and the sleeves were short and billowy, while lace, completely fingerless, elbow length gloves, embroidered with flowers and sheer where there were none, were on his forearms. His bodice had a plunging neckline, splitting down the centre of his chest until it reached a soft, pastel green sash he wore around his waist. Upon his legs, he wore a white wraps, which left the fronts of his hind paws exposed, and in his tall, thin ears, he wore a pair of gold and emerald earrings.
Puss felt his mouth grow dry at the sight, a soft blush colouring his cheeks as red eyes roamed over his body with the most besotted expression Puss had ever seen.
Another wolf, dark grey were Death was silver-furred, and silver where he was dark grey, just a bit shorter than Death, and dressed in a pastel green, short tulle dress, watched Death with the proud, fond look of a sister glad to see her brother in love, as Life so was for him.
As Puss stepped in front of Death, handing his bouquet off to Kitty, who, along with Perrito, stepped behind him, Death stooped low, almost kneeling, to be more on level with Puss. While the wolf was still taller than the tabby, Puss no longer had to crane his neck back to look into those mesmerising, gorgeous red eyes.
"Hola," Puss breathed out as, in oh-so gentle paws, Death took hold of Puss' paws, dwarfing them entirely, and yet using two to hold him.
Death raised the tabby's paws to his lips, pressing a soft, tender kiss to the backs of them. "Hola," he whispered back, his lips brushing against Puss' paws as he spoke, "Te ves hermoso."
Puss smiled, a bit shyly, the clear lipgloss Kitty and Fiona had insisted upon him wearing glittering in the setting sun. "Tu también lo haces," he replied, his eyes wandering Death with soft appreciation, soaking in every detail of the man before him. "I love you."
"Welcome, friends, family and all between," the officiant said, loudly for the small crowd, before Death could respond. Puss' eyes flickered briefly to her, before returning to his groom's eyes. "We've all gathered here, in this beautiful place, to witness something far more beautiful than it. We've gathered here to watch the beautiful union, of a deep, beautiful love, between Puss," the officiant gestured to the tabby, before gesturing to the wolf as she continued, "and Death."
Death gently rubbed the pads of Puss' paws with his thumb, his touch soft, yet still making sharp claws flex out involuntarily. "Now, I know neither of them want to dally- they are eager for that married life!" There was quiet laughter from the guests, and the officiant waited a moment for them to quieten down, before continuing, "So, we'll get onto the words Puss and Death are so eager to hear today. So, Puss, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Death in marriage?"
"I do," Puss answered firmly, smiling brightly up at his groom, hoping his sheer love and devotion was obvious in his eyes, which shone with unshed tears of overwhelming joy.
Death swallowed thickly, and carefully squeezed Puss' paws. "Lovely," the officant said with a smile, "And Death, do you come here freely and without-"
"I do," Death interrupted her, sounding a bit choked up. Puss bit back at gasp at how much emotion was in his voice, in his eyes. He had a burning inferno of love, but it did not burn- no, he kept Puss warm with his endless adoration, as he encased the cat within it.
The officiant laughed, as did the guests. "Eager, huh?" she joked, smiling at the couple. "Well, I suppose we ought to get to the vows then. Death, please repeat after me- I, Death, take you, Puss, to be my husband."
"I, Death, take you, Puss, to be my husband," Death repeated, shifting a bit to be closer to Puss.
The tabby cat tuned out the officiant as she spoke, focusing solely on Death's words as they passed his lips, his voice calm and lilting, yet rich with feeling. "I take you as you are, and will love you until time itself ends. I pledge to be by your side for the rest of eternity, through trials and tribulations, I will love you through it all. I am yours, just as much you are mine."
Puss bit his lip, a few tears streaking down his cheeks, as he felt butterflies in his belly like he did when he asked Death on their first date. He was grinning so wide, his cheeks hurt, but even if he'd wanted to, he couldn't wipe his smile away. "I, Puss, take you, Death, to be my husband," Puss dutifully parroted as he distantly heard the officiant speak.
Death's tail was wagging under his dress- Puss could see the fluffy tip popping just barely into view on either side, and the shape of its movement through his dress. "I take you as you are, and will forever be grateful for our love. I pledge to be by your side for however long time provides, and through struggles and ease alike, I will love you forevermore. I am yours, just as you are mine," Puss declared, his claws kneading into Death's paw as he spoke.
"Please present the bracelets," the officiant said, and three little kittens stepped forward, each with a paw on a red satin pillow. Perla, wearing a pretty, soft pink, poofy dress was on the left on Timoteo, who was in the middle, and was leaning into his side to make sure she was touching the pillow. Gonzalo, who was wearing a little suit, a bit like Kitty's, in the same colours as Perla, was doing the same. Timoteo was holding the pillow in both paws, and he wore a suit identical to his brother.
On the pillow, were two bracelets, one significantly larger than the other. They were both made of gold, and shaped to look like vines, with little gemstones within the hold of the vines. The smaller one, that looked more about the size of a ring than a necklace, had rubies and black pearls between the vines. The larger one, looking more like a choker necklace, had emeralds, and black pearls as well.
Reluctantly, the couple released each others paws, to grab a bracelet- Puss taking the larger one in both paws, and Death carefully hooking the smaller one with a claw to lift it. The three children stepped away, as the officiant began to speak again. "Your wedding bracelets are a symbol of your promise to one another. The bracelet, an unbroken and never ending circle, is a symbol of your eternal love."
"Death, as you place this bracelet on Puss' wrist, repeat these words after me; this bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear." "Puss, mi sol," Death said as he took Puss' left paw in his, the cat shifting his hold of the much larger ring to his right paw. "This bracelet symbolises my love for you," as he spoke, he lined the bracelet up with the tabbty's paw, and slowly slid it up until it sat snug around his wrist, "and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear."
Once his paw was released, Puss was immediately marvelling over the glittering jewellry, the weight and fit of it making his heart swell. "Te amo," Death murmured, before he slowly let go of Puss' paw, and held his left paw out for his own bracelet.
Puss grabbed the bracelet in both paws again, lifting it up from where he'd been holding it at his side. "Puss, as you place this bracelet on Death's wrist, repeat these words after me; this bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear." And just as Death did, Puss quietly murmured to him, "Te amo."
"Death, mi luna," Puss began as he lined the bracelet up. "This bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today." He pushed the bracelet onto his lover's wrist, until it sat snug, and left both paws on top as he stared into Death's eyes. "I will love you forever, I do swear."
"Puss and Death, you have come here today, and before friends and family, declared your love, commitment and devotion to one another," the officiant said, as Puss took a tiny shuffle closer. "You have given and recieved a bracelet as a symbol of your promises." Death dipped his head down a bit, getting his muzzle close to the tabby's face. "By the power of your love and commitment to each other, and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss!"
They moved in unison, Puss tilting his head and Death leaning into him, their lips pressing together in a soft, chaste kiss that held the heavy undertones of wanting more. Death put a paw on either side of Puss' waist, encasing the tabby's entire upper body in his fur and paw pads, as the cheers of the guests filled the clearly. Puss leaned back into Death's hold as the wolf slowly dipped him. And when their lips parted, eyes fluttering open and warm with starstruck love, they whispered in unison, just like they'd moved.
"Yo también te amo."
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mexxs-blog · 8 months
randy and raquel had found her in her processing time. she huffed, turning over and rolling her eyes at the pair. god
Raquel shoved her hands in her pockets rocking on her heels while Randy was grounded on his feet staring at there girl who’s under the covers faced away from them Raquel hated the stalling and shoved her elbow into Randy’s side which obviously didn’t hurt him but made him wake up and apologize
Randy: princess look daddy’s is sorry..I just wanted to make sure that your safe and I felt as if you were not taking it seriously..but I misjudged you and your ability..your a freaking natural and I’m sorry
Randy was on his knees leaned against Rhea’s bed but Rhea did budge staying under the cover, for once she is the one in control calling the shots. Raquel and Randy are her little bitches as of right now begging for her forgiveness and she was gonna soak in every moment of this
Raquel: princess daddy didn’t mean it he just worry about your safety
Still nothing from Rhea, Just as the Rhea had the upper hand the quicker it was stripped from her like the covers Randy pulls off of her and Raquel jumped on top of her mounting her with kisses all over her cheeks and neck, at first Rhea fought like hell to get out of the grip but soon realized how much nicer and easier jt was when she just gave in
Raquel: come on babygirl please forgive daddy he didn’t mean it
Rhea then felt Randy set kisses on her legs and massage them smirking as she squirmed
Rhea: *giggles* stop stop it tickles
it was soon cut short a Security guard knocked on the door
Security: Uh Sir Shayna and Drew have come to talk business
Randy shot up balling his fist and Raquel looked at Randy and Rhea getting off of Rhea
Randy: 1 hour to get ready
The security guard noded as he left Randy began pacing angrily then Rhea stood up standing in front of him and outta no where hugs Randy waist which is where she could reach
Rhea: I love you daddy
Love?…only a work he had exchanged with Raquel, his family and now his princess
Randy: I love you too
Raquel smirks seeing her princess and daddy get along as Randy excuses himself to get dressed Raquel follows along earning a kiss on the cheek from Rhea before they left
rhea smiles at the pair. “one hour to get ready, you choose the dress this time princess.” randy calls out, and rhea instantly gets up. this was her first time choosing a dress for herself, and she wanted to make sure randy and raquel would like it. she couldn’t contain her happiness, skipping to the walk in wardrobe. she gasped as she walked in, the sheer size taking her aback. one hour to choose? she’d need 2.
she slid a manicured nail over a small selection of the dresses, before pulling one out. a pretty baby blue, floor length, and flowy. she screwed up her nose. it was pretty, but she wanted something bold. something that screamed, ‘theirs.’ she continued looking around, trying on several dresses before one really caught her eye. she drew it from the rack, her eyes lighting up with delight. it was a deep red, floor length with a built in corset and black detailing. it had sleeves that slightly puffed up, with small buttons at the end to secure them on her arms. the top half of the dress was covered with sparkly black detailing, shimmering along with the light.
she smirked. this was the dress. she unclipped her bra, choosing a soft, strapless one instead. she slid the dress up her body, up her inked body. she reached around, zipping it up at the back. she gave a twirl, pulling the dress up to look at herself in the mirror. the dress fit her perfectly, hugging her body. she looked around. she had another 30 minutes, and she needed shoes.
she started to sift through the enormous haul of shoes they had bought for her, eventually coming across some stunning dagger-heel shoes. they had straps on them, supposed to clip around the ankles. she slipped them on, admiring the gorgeous look.
now she needed one more thing. her collar. she walked out of the wardrobe, and over to their nightstand. she picked up her collar, a simple black leather one with a single gemstone in the middle, and slid it around her neck.
with a quick touch up to her hair, it for time for her final step. pulling the dress up one leg, she slid a strap around her leg, designed to hold her gun specifically. perfect. she left the room, quietly walking downstairs to find randy and raquel, both in the same room they were in last time. everyone turned to look at her, some jaws even dropping at the site of the gorgeous women in front of them.
she found the same pillow her doms had for her the last time, elegantly leaning down to sit on it, this time with no complaints.
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numinousnic · 1 year
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[IMAGE ID] druzsea's Shirt Cut Meme, filled out with the player characters from @lazynotconfused's Lyron homebrew campaign for Dungeons and Dragons. Harlow Eskildbarn is filled in for "Sideboob," Phoebe Hesperia-Fairbriar for "Inner Sideboob," Elska Lingren for "Boob Window," Sigbjørn "Siggy" Fenleth for "Underboob," and Vasira Kazamir for "Free Space." All characters are shown from the hips up against a stylized colored background.
Harlow is a tall nonbinary half-elf with a light brown skin; shaggy, shoulder-length dark brown hair, and green eyes. They have a tattoo of the outline of flowering plants on their right bicep. They wear a grey-green workout tank with deep-cut sleeves, and black Adidas track pants. They gaze down and to the left thoughtfully as they run their left hand through their hair. Their background is dark green, with tongues of flame.
Phoebe is a petite half-elf woman with light, rosy skin; waist-length blonde hair; and brown eyes. Her skin is heavily freckled, with scattered moles. She wears a golden heart-shaped locket, a lavender button-up crop top with a low V-neck and puffed sleeves, and a floral skirt with blue, purple, and pink roses. She glances to the left with a small, bashful smile, her left hand curled against her cheek. Her background is pastel green, with falling leaves and petals.
Elska is a lean human woman with light skin, white hair in a braided updo, and pink eyes. Her eyebrows are dark pink, and she has a white scar over her left eye. She wears a long-sleeved navy blue sweater dress with a collar twisted into a chest window. She looks confidently to her right, both hands on her hips. Her background is light magenta, with long trailing wisps.
Siggy is a muscular nonbinary halfling with lightly tanned skin, a red undercut with the top half braided into a ponytail, and blue eyes. They have a tattoo of elemental symbols on their right bicep; most of the elements are faded, but the lightning bolt is bright yellow. Thin, white, lightning-like scars cover his forearms. They wear a cropped fishnet tank top and red sweatpants with a gold stripe on the sides. His hands are laced behind his head, showcasing his arms, and he looks at the viewer with a playful grin. Their background is dark orange, with bolts of lightning.
Vasira is an angular human woman with pale skin; straight, shoulder-length black hair; and brown eyes behind gold-rimmed glasses. She wears a black turtleneck sweater with elbow pads, tucked into belted dark brown pants. Her arms are tightly crossed as she glares to her left. Her background is dark purple, with dashes and dots. [END ID]
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The people asked for DnD fanart... I asked my DnD group who they wanted me to fill out the ever-classic Shirt Cut Meme with... they said I should draw our current party... and the rest, as they say, is history. 🤩 This was a large, multi-layered beast (seriously, please open this in full view), but so much fun to work on!
(FYI, Harlow uses they/them pronouns, Siggy uses he/they, and Elska, Phoebe, and Vasira use she/her!)
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redcliffscloset · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Elizabeth and James Floral Blouse Puff Sleeves Size L.
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trendilyyours · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: FREE People Give Me More Pink Floral Half Sleeve Crop Top.
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lisalovesposh · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Free People Briella Ruched Midi Dress in Twilight Combo.
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manark-blog1 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Frame Denim Puff Sleeve Sweatshirt Top Cream.
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awesomeposher · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWOT Talbots Cashmere Blend Elbow Length Cardigan Sweater with Gem Buttons.
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mhkeiger · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lilly Pulitzer Corden Sweatshirt Party Like A Lobstar.
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gogmstuff · 3 years
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Une dame de qualité attributed to Henri Gascar (auctioned by Christie's). 12Nov15 Lot 18; cropped and fixed some scuffed areas and removed some spots with Photoshop 3351X4022 @150 3.4Mj. Henri Gascar worked in England during the reign of Charles II. the amount of lace is impressive, including her bonnet, bertha, and blonde lace apron. The full skirt suggests this was painted during the British restoration.
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saisew · 3 years
Favorite Costumes (6/?) - Ever After 1998
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Work dress
Danielle’s work dress consists of a chemise. Under bodice, overdress detachable sleeves, and apron. Her chemise is full length, has a wide scoop neckline with a drawstring, and is most likely made of linen. The underbodice has a square neckline and is short in length, the purpose of it is to cover the front lacing of the overdress so the chemise isn't exposed. The overdress is full length and consists of the over bodice with front laces and the skirt. Danielle’s chemise puffs out from under her detachable sleeves, which attach to each other and the bodice with strings. This costume is accurate to what working women in the 16th century wore and is very similar to the painting The Flower Picker by John William Waterhouse.
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Monastery dress
The dress Danielle wears in the monastery is so beautiful, it consists of a chemise, underbodice, overdress, and detachable sleeves. Her chemise is full length, has a wide scoop neckline with a drawstring, and is most likely made of linen. The underbodice is the same shape as the one worn with her work dress and is goldish color. Her overdress and work dress is similarly shaped, made of blue and goldish brocade, and the bodice and waist have trim. The sleeves have two puffs at the top with trim on the top and bottom of each. The sleeves are fitted from the elbow to the wrist. Her look is finished with a jeweled headpiece.  
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Ruins dress 
The dress Danielle wears at the ruins is my favorite in the movie! I want to make it so bad! This outfit consists of a chemise, overdress, and a snood. This chemise is different from the others because the sleeves are gathered and puffed at the bottom, but the top of the same as the others. Her overdress has a square neckline, high waistline, and is made of a gorgeous dark red velvet. The sleeves go to the elbow, with two puffs, have gold piping, and are attached to the bodice with string. Danielle’s hair is half up, half down with braid wrapped around and adorned with a pearl snood.
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Breathe dress
The Breathe dress is the most iconic dress from the movie and is the dress most pick as their favorite. It’s not my favorite, mostly because it reminds me of a lampshade my grandma had, but it is gorgeous, nonetheless. The dress is off the shoulder, with an empire waistline, the sleeves have a puff at the top and the elbow and then go into fitted sleeves. The champagne satin underskirt can be seen peeking out of the front slit and the outer layer of the dress is heavily embellished. She also wears sheer butterfly wings with glitter throughout them. My only problem with this look is the makeup, the glitter and rhinestones take away from the look instead of adding to it. It reads more late 90’s/early 2000’s party girl than a soon-to-be princess. I prefer the promotional pictures without the glitter because it allows the dress to be the focus.
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Princess dress
Danielle’s princess dress is inspired by Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni by Domenico Ghirlandaio. It consists of a chemise, kirtle, detachable sleeves, and overdress. Her chemise is the same as the first two outfits. She wears a burgundy velvet kirtle with matching detachable sleeves. The sleeves have a gold lattice design, connect at the shoulder, and have a button and loop closure up the back of the sleeve. Her overdress is sleeveless, has a low v-neckline, is made of red and gold brocade, and has a gold belt at the waistline. Danielle’s final look is finished with a gold crown and gold cross necklace with a ruby in the center.  
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numinousnic · 2 years
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[IMAGE ID] An outfit for the artist’s Dungeons and Dragons character, Phoebe Hesperia-Fairbriar. There are two images, both showing Phoebe in a full-body view against a pale purple background.
Phoebe is a young half-elf woman with fair, flushed skin; long, wavy light blonde hair with sections braided back from her face; and large brown eyes. She has a heart-shaped face, slightly pointed ears, and a snub nose. Her smile shows a gap between her front teeth.
The first image is labeled "fine clothes." In it, Phoebe wears a calf-length, pale gold dress with dusty rose slippers and a golden heart-shaped locket. The dress has tiered puffed elbow-length sleeves layered over long, pale yellow sleeves; a low square neckline showing a pleated layer underneath, fastened by a pink ribbon; and large pink and yellow roses embroidered on the hem between two lace-trimmed gold ribbons. The slippers are laced with dark cream ribbons and decorated with a yellow rose on the toes.
The second image is labeled "fine clothes (alt)." Phoebe wears the same dress and slippers from the first image, along with a hooded dusty rose capelet, trimmed with cream ribbon and lace. [END ID]
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Five seconds after I posted Phoebe's outfit breakdown, I realized she also had "Clothes, Fine" in her inventory... and since I have yet to pass up an opportunity to design formal wear, I had to go for those next!
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