#election au
usermarquez · 5 months
fic where vale is running for prime minister or something and marc is the journalist sent to cover his campaign and then they fall in love and vale offers him a spot in his campaign team as head of pr or something but marc refuses to quit his job that he actually loves (!!) and vale is like ok I'll try offering it again next time but marc's editor-in-chief heard rumors about marc and vale and afraid that the newspaper is being accused of bias ends up assigning marc to write an article for jorge (vale's opponent) and jorge ends up winning the election and vale goes and blame marc for it (bc it's really a good article!!!! there are catchphrases there that jorge ends up using for his campaign and after the article is released jorge's credibility survey suddenly surges up and a few voters cite it as a reason why they choose jorge) and idk they break up and to be continued because my intern supervisor is coming toward me
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Chapter 3 of “this slope is treacherous” is up!
I’m working on my other fics, do not worry!
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ollyrewind · 1 year
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jedi knight merlin on a diplomatic mission?
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lekawi · 1 year
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«He had truly astonished Sona and Cordelia with the attention he paid to his new baby brother. As long as Alastair was there, Zachary Arash never needed to fear being alone for a second…»
– Chain of Thorns, Cassandra Clare
TLH Medieval AU
Tag list: @anarmorofwords @rinadragomir @iloveallmyocs @cant-think-of-anything @khaleesiofalicante @drunkonimagination @life-through-the-eyes-of @summergrace-art @thomaslightwood @ddepressedbookworm @axoloteca @astriefer @lord-jethro @runecarstairs @laylax13s @221bornottobe @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone @cityofthomastair5 @ipreferfictionoverreality
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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junebugtwin · 11 months
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what if they were happy huh?? what then!!!!
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tennessoui · 1 year
this has stayed in my brain for like 2 weeks: au where obi-wan gets fed up with the city council because he keeps writing them asking them to fill this pothole on his street that he hates driving around and they keep not doing it so he decides to run for city council himself on the sole platform of if he’s elected he’s going to fucking fix that fucking pothole.
and he wins because he is very charming and not a lot of people vote anyway, and he fills in his pothole and then next election cycle, he’s planning to let someone else win so he doesn’t have to be on the city council anymore because he actually hates local politics.
only there’s this asshole in university who decides to run obi-wan’s re-election campaign because he’s trying to sleep with a political science TA and he thinks she’ll be impressed if he shows an interest in local politics by doing some grassroots voting door to door work for his community service credits…..and he chooses obi-wan to support at random and very nonconsensually
so anakin skywalker becomes the bane of obi-wan kenobi’s existence. obi-wan kenobi becomes the focus of anakin’s.
(obi-wan also becomes an elected official again, mostly because of the bored housewives vote.)
(obi-wan blames this on the fact that while anakin is a very horny intense nineteen year old, he’s also surprisingly effective with his big wet eyes and his obscenely pink lips. anakin blames this on the televised debates he scheduled between obi-wan and fellow councilor maul, where obi-wan’s eyebrows are drawn and he looks furious and his shirtsleeves are rolled up to his elbows, exposing his very nicely defined forearms.)
(they fuck about it.)
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tangledinink · 9 months
has anyone ever pulled on the geminis ribbons in a fight?? like, those things look so dangerous imma be honest. wouldnt they choke them if they get pulled on????
Yeah, no, they are. They're attached to their capes rather than being directly tied around their necks, so pulling on it wouldn't necessarily choke them, but could definitely yank them off their feet... So it's not really the most ideal design for battle...
But they look soooooo pretty. The ribbons twirling around with them lends very well to their fighting style and the way they tend to move. And it's a very iconic look, and easily marketable... Sooooo... it got put on the outfits anyway. It just means that the Gemini have gotten very good at moving in such a way that the ribbons tend to stay close to their bodies and out of their opponent's reach, and have learned how to counteract if they do get grabbed. Just another challenge for them.
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sun-5h1ne · 1 year
Now you may be wondering why should you vote for Kelp Foolish. Well let me tell you:
Queen Vegetta.
That’s it. That’s the reason. Vegetta deserves it. Also queen vegetta has the same vibe as Lady macbeth. I have no evidence other than vibes and that should be enough
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All I hear about it’s corporations “losing billions” and “gaining billions” but where is all this fucking money. Thousands of people are losing their jobs for ai, and everyone I know seems to want to kill themselves than work. New big store manager now and my coworker told me the last store manager apparently had a budget for employees bonus gift cards and no one saw a cent of that. We get a block of chocolate at Christmas as thanks as the higher ups get thousands in bonuses bc of profits and the profit come from us working our asses off so they can cut hours and add work. People spend more an purses than I make in a year and we’re the people that NEED the actual money to live. I can barely afford to feed myself while ceos make more money than they can dream of spending. They fucking invent new ways to blow the cash they have for funnies while still having enough to give their great grandchildren. IM SICK OF THE WORLD GETTING WORSE EVERYDAY. Everywhere I turn I see new articles about laws getting repealed, actively making shit worse! Years of hard fought progress thrown in the trash by the most greedy bigots, voted in by the most anti intellectual manipulated bigots. I hate this. I try to keep my fucking head down and do the work to survive but I’m furious!! And helpless to make any change. There are millions of people that share my view but even they can barely make a dent in it all. Why why why why why can’t things just be fair. And even if there is rich people why does it have to come at the cost of common people having to decide if they’ll eat or go to the doctors.
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butmakeitgayblog · 6 days
Finally had time to sit down and read the canon au! Absolutely loved it. I appreciate how you write their dynamic, espcially how pushy Clarke is with advocating for her people and how Lexa stands her ground when she should. This push and pull is such a hallmark of canon clexa.
Im curious as to how long the blockade lasts in your au? How would pike be taken down?
Thank you 🥹
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(Heda Lexa herself^^^)
As for your questions, logistically the blockade would last about as long as it takes Pike to realize that people were leaving, so a handful of weeks at best. After returning, Clarke would immediately shift the route of the rations, and in doing so not only would Pike and his followers slowly start actually starving themselves (leaving them to assume that the rations had been cut off), but the others would actually begin to eat more again (albeit in secret.)
In that time, Clarke and Octavia (to a lesser degree, and begrudgingly 🙄) would spearhead a massive underground campaign on the coalition's behalf. Clarke would plant the thought of active dissent by spreading the information and knowledge and proof that not only is the commander and her peace-seeking coalition willingly sending rations to the people of the thirteenth clan for no other reason than to keep them alive, but that she's doing it because she still very much views them as exactly that: the thirteenth clan of her coalition. She still sees them as her people who she is ultimately responsible for taking care of, because that is what the commander and the coalition does for each other 👀. That this blockade is a cold war being fought against their leader who issued the orders to murder the grounder army sent to protect them, not them as civilians who played no part in it (which is... partially true. Clarke had always done her best bullshitting when she can play with partial truths 🥴) She reiterates that the only way forward is to let go of the past and Pike and their life in space, and to realize the ground is their life now.
Some hear her message.
Some refuse to, instead intent on clinging to the idea thag somehow they'll eventually win this (though shockingly, they never really seem to be able to name exactly what "winning" means in this instance...)
The ones who do listen are smuggled out in accordance with the instructions that Indra herself lays out. She really has nothing to go on but faith in Lexa's word that they'll be taken care of, but by that point, some people are ready to put their bets a prayer rather than what life inside the boundary line has become.
Of the roughly 1000 skaikru within Arkadia, she only gets about 30 out before everything falls apart.
Because as Pike and his men start actually feeling the brunt of the blockade, they'd slowly become more agitated and more paranoid. More desperate. And desperation leads to aggression, that would slowly build until all it would take is one person realizing their numbers were off, or one person snitching on the escapees, and all hell would break loose.
Obviously, he'd immediately go after Clarke. Because it's always fucking Clarke (re: Bellamy's wise input.)
Charges of conspiring with the enemy. Espionage. Planning and attempting to execute a coup.
Which to be fair.... yeah, all those charges would be legit.
What can I say?
She's a bad bitch
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queen-isabelle-writes · 8 months
New chapter! Happy October 3rd!
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at-thestillpoint · 5 months
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He rode into a tree! What do you want, 'The President, while riding a bicycle on vacation in Jackson Hole, came to a sudden arboreal stop'?
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Still thinking about Mers so! here's a comparison between Sirens May and the Princess! non-sexual top nudity below (a.k.a. beware ye who enter here: there's tits)
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transcription of my writing below:
the arrows pointing to May say:
Hidden Spines
Old and Massive!!! (more powerful than (downwards arrow)
the arrows pointing to the princess say:
tall, yet young (very powerful!)
scales turn blue in the light
and the the arrow pointing to the horizontal line across the page says Normal Siren Height
and of course! @thedeafprophet 's jamie is here to show the size comparison to your typical human! and to look at the princess 👀
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bee-snail · 9 months
Twin Siblings of Day and Night
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I got this thought in my head one time and it consumed my brain like mold guys yeah. David and Daniel my beloveds. Gonna rant about them a little under Read More!
They are SO COOL guys I swear
I've yet to work out details, since this was in fact a spur of the moment decision, but I do know a couple things.
Daniel does look through dreams, but doesn't always save creatures from nightmares. Sometimes he causes nightmares, whether it be because he needed a laugh, or because he needs to wake the creature he's visiting.
He's almost always in the dream realm, and is rarely seen in the physical plane. However, he does like to visit his brother from time to time.
David's domain is Camp Campbell! He's always there, tending to the land and to his campers. Recently, he was able to gather campers from all over the lands, and he's overjoyed to be able to spend time with creatures from all over the continent!
He's shown some real interest in a little dragon, Max...
I'm not sure what Gwen, Cameron and Quartermaster are (though I'd love it if the later were a draconequus!), nor most of the campers, but I do see Neil as a unicorn, Nikki as a kirin, Nurf as a griffon, and Ered as a hippogriff!
I might look at this AU again someday...
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lazy-sixteen · 3 months
Anyway my ideal no-capes villain team-up scenario is Lex Luthor banging his head against the wall cause Talia Al Ghul and Slade Wilson keep having scheduling conflicts for the Secret Society of Supervillains meet ups because they use the same babysitter (Dick Grayson) so can't take time off in the evenings on the same days.
Lex just tells them to get another guy, but they angrily respond about how hard it is being a single parent (who kills people) just trying to get back out there, with a child (that keeps stabbing babysitters). It's not easy to strike a balance between difficult to assassinate and good at watching kids, okay?
Lex rolls his eyes and looks up Grayson, and wait a second. He's walked in on this guy making Connor waffles in one of his lesser used penthouses. That's his babysitter too, apparently?
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