#elf crew
racunboy645 · 6 months
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drathe · 4 months
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Davrin - the Warden
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r-aindr0p · 4 months
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Read dungeon meshi up to vol.8 so far, so here you go Can't stop taking back the (vol.8) book and looking through the pages again and again and I'm wondering why does Mithrun just... grab Not even to use his magic, he just... grabs...
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decapod-appreciator · 2 months
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(baron voice) ris gugac… drew this while listening to the ep where they got the tatoos and they have such a clear visual to me but idk if I got it down.
he’s actually quite tall for a goblin! idk exact numbers but Pok is described as very like. suave super spy so he gets to be tall.
he’s wearing human dress pants here and would theoretically have a matching human jacket with the sleeves rolled up too. he does have nice dress clothes tailored to fit a gobin that he got after freshman year, but no way in HELL is he getting them ruined on spring break.
the tattoos are incredibly detailed, full conspiracy board on one arm, newspaper clipping-loking things on the other, ‘NIGHT YORB’ on his chest, just straight up a list of people’s names on his ribs, a big full piece of the crown on his back. the two lines on the back of his hand are ‘POK GUKGAK’ and ‘SHADOW CAT’
his glasses are the kind that you get in like. play spy kits where there are mirrors in the corners so you can see behind you. this will have no concequinces of the Baron variety surely.
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getvalentined · 5 months
I love when folks ask me Fandom Old questions and I get to be like "Yeah, uh, that's from my old online RP group, no it's not canon at all, yes we just made it up, no we did not claim it was canon but the mid to late aughts were a strange time."
It's honestly a shock to realize how often this has happened. I mentioned earlier that Reno's fanon surname came from this same group, but that's not even the half of it. I once made a bunch of screenshot manips based on the most ridiculous ships anyone could think of—someone slapped a random line of text onto one of them and to this day it's used as a "cringe FF7 fandom" meme. I saw it on the twits a bit back and almost fell out of my goddamn chair.
If you've ever heard Scarlet referred to with the surname "West," read about Tseng fighting with metal fans, seen Elena's older sister being called Anna instead of Emma, come across Vincent portrayed as having a PhD in spite of being a Turk, or caught references somewhere to Grimoire experimenting on Vincent as a child, that started with this group. That was us.
One of the funniest examples of this, for me specifically, is that we don't actually know which arm Veld is missing? The fandom generally goes with his left because that's how I drew him in the first picture of the guy ever posted on devart way back in 2005, but it may very well be his right. I've seen people offer "proof" that it's his right based on a scene in the opening cutscene, but you can't tell there either, and with BC's graphics there's literally no way to tell on his sprite.
Hell, this year we found out everyone's assumed timeline of the Kalm fire is wrong, and that's our fault too because we made some assumptions about Felicia's age for an LJ RP that were entirely wrong. She's around Zack's age, not Sephiroth's! She's old enough to run with a terrorist group in BC, but she was a child when Kalm burned, and that happened in 1997—we know this because NPCs in Rebirth literally refer to the fire in Kalm having happened "just ten years ago." Veld has only had his prosthetic for three years when BC starts. (This also implies that, contrary to popular belief, Veld may actually be younger than Vincent. Vincent may have been the senior partner, and that's why he was sent to Nibelheim alone while Veld was left at headquarters.)
We were really wrong on this! But we were working with what we had. There's no canon evidence for the vast majority of these things (the most notable exclusion here is Vincent being educated) but we weren't claiming there was. We were filling gaps, and canon was so sparse that we had a lot of gaps to fill. So if it turns out that Veld lost his right arm, then I'll just have to start drawing him that way—because losing his left was never canon.
Tragically, there's nothing any of us can do to make people stop assuming these things are canon at this point; there aren't a lot of us still in the fandom, and it's not like any of us have those old chatlogs anymore. People from this RP group have DIED since those days. It's been over 20 years since most of us met, and around 15 since most of us were in a public fannish space together.
"Prove it," people say, and I literally can't. Do you know how many computers I've been through since then? 75% of the platforms we used no longer exist. This all started on a BBCode forum! There is no proof!
But...there's no evidence any of these things are canon, either, so maybe think about that? The Kalm fire, Tseng's weapon of choice, Veld's arm, character surnames—none of these are retcons because there was no lore there to retcon. We made it up for our specific purposes, and it escaped containment in an era when there was really no way to do online contact tracing.
It's just one of the weirdest feelings in the world to see younger folk arguing about A or B point in canon, about X or Y retcon—referencing something my friends and I thought up at like 10 o'clock at night on a now-defunct IM client in August of 2005, because we needed something to refer back to for a specific scene in an RP and the source material had nothing to offer.
Absolutely fucking bonkers.
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anicehomicidaltree · 7 months
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I saw a reference and it was so Kyborg core I just had to
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casperghosty · 1 year
I want everyone to know that it was Rhett's idea to have Link's leg around his waist
" This is how friends ride horses. One friend is on the horse the other friend on the friend" -R
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crownofjuniper · 6 months
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made a character sheet for my dog tav
I made some adjustments as I have been writing my fic (completely unreleased) - and ended up making her a full elf instead of the 3/4ths elf I was trying to make work. The more lore I read the more it was going to be too tricky, so full elf she is. That then left me with a crisis of giving her one of those elf baby names because, again, slut for lore. I had to rename her and all of her siblings to something shorter! I'll add this sheet to my pinned post as well. It's funny how I've wanted to fill out those beautiful character sheet templates people have made, but they were overwhelming, so instead I painstakingly wrote my own out even though I hate my handwriting. I got possessed by something.
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Fun facts that didn't fit on this sheet:
✷ plays the lute, the piano, and if you get enough drinks in her she'll sing - her mama is a druid/bard yippee ✷ alcoholic ✷ she can't read ✷ because she bonked her head real good in her 20s ✷ other names: Gala, Rose, The Dire Devil, Galvin, Mutt (not preferred)
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mathlann · 8 months
Warhammer/Marazhai brainrot has me so fucking stupid.
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soggy-frites · 1 year
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Time to revive the old art blog.
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ruvviks · 1 month
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i don't really miss bee/gee/three but screenshots like these reawaken a flame
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dark-elf-writes · 2 months
Okay my art talents aren’t to the level I would like for this idea so I will throw it out to the world:
Enterprise shore leave told through disposable camera pictures
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atonalginger · 4 months
🌟 - is there something you’ve written that you’re so stinking proud of, something you’ve researched to a ridiculous degree, or a great dialogue exchange, that nobody has ever asked or commented on, but you’re just dying to talk about? I’d love to hear about it! 🙏🏼💜✨
Unique Cargo comes to mind. It's the second story in the Starborn Sagas series that introduces little Ruby (my current avatar pic). I put a lot of thought into what kind of alien DNA she had, did as much reading on the xeno as was available and even went out and found some in game to see what they were like in action, and I put a lot of thought into how that might affect the little girl.
I included various interactions with her as she got more comfortable with the family and had this rapid fire back-n-forth question sequence a la Uncle Buck that I thought was funny.
And my core readership really enjoyed it and enjoy Ruby. But if you look at the numbers...it is one of the lowest touched pieces in my ao3 profile. The fic that comes after in the series, Stowaway Savior, has double the hits and it stars Ruby and her older brother Goose. I do go over some key points about Ruby again, because its always good to have a refresher between stories, and that apparently makes it so people don't get curious to go back and read about the family finding her.
I worry that comes off as complaining, which I'm not. I've been very fortunate with the traction my fics get and it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
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leasdoodles · 9 months
Modern AU Sil!
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She skates because of course she does
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aut2imagineart · 4 months
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After creating the mermaid pirate I wanted to create concept art for a her crew. Like their captain, they all exist within the Gladius universe thus originated from different worlds before they merged in the Great Chaos. As result of the Great Chaos, the surviving inhabitants gained access to new technologies, magic, and knowledge as this crew demonstrates. Here's a quick rundown of them.
First mate: Originating from the African world (where humans never left Africa), he is first member of the mermaid pirate's crew and the most impressive human swimmer she has ever met. He is stern, rational, and unwaveringly loyal to his captain who he has formed a deep connection with.
Marksman: A mischievous Pukwudgie (from Native American mythology), he is fascinated with firearms and trains with them daily. Combining a set of stolen prosthetic arms and the natural talents of his species, he has made himself one of the deadliest marksmen you could meet.
Shipwright: He's the first example I've drawn of an inhabitant of the tech world where humans experienced more technological development thus most of them have widely varied robotic bodies. The Shipwright technically stowed away on the vessel he built when the mermaid pirate stole it and agreed to join her crew to continue working on it.
Doctor: A crafty and unpredictable Vanara, his vast medical knowledge makes him simultaneously effective at healing, incapacitating, and killing people.
Musician: She is an eccentric siren/harpy who uses her voice to hypnotize the crew's targets, primarily luring them in and wiping their memories afterward. Passionate about music, she is always learning new songs and instruments with her instrument of choice being a Cretan Lyra.
Navigator: Marred by her past, the Navigator is an elven mage who is as stoic as she is highly educated. Her most prized possession is an arcane spell book which she uses to perform storm magic, changing the local weather to fit the needs of her crew.
I'm going to draw the remainder of the crew and their vessel next before I move on to other projects like those short story panels.
As always, comments and critiques are welcome.
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Even though it’s a meme in my campaign that I have so many sadboi NPCs, I think Oceanus is doing the best mental health-wise out of the whole crew (PCs included)!
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