#elizabeth lambert
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anotherdragon · 1 month
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Every so often I run into the old jrwi designs and a deep fear is instilled within me. guys who are these people ccan somewrone get them off my screen giuys im scared
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gwydpolls · 3 months
Time Travel Question 51: Early Modernish and Earlier
These Questions are the result of suggestions a the previous iteration. This category may include suggestions made too late to fall into the correct earlier time grouping. In some cases a culture lasted a really long time and I grouped them by whether it was likely the later or earlier grouping made the most sense with the information I had.
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration. All cultures and time periods welcome.
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pedroam-bang · 5 months
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Wind River (2017)
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horrorvillaintourney · 4 months
HORROR'S NEXT TOP GENDER, ROUND TWO MATCH NINE: Elizabeth Shelley (Frankenhooker) vs. Joan Lambert (Alien)
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"She's like peak performance. Girl made out of various girl pieces. She's iconic, and has trans vibes to me. Idk but she gives me gender envy!"
"Canon trans character! I love her so much. I love that trans space trucker and her short haircut"
"She’s canonically trans"
"She's canonically trans, as confirmed in Aliens (1986) and I think that's really cool! It made me really happy to find out while I was watching Alien for the first time :) She's definitely not a huge part of the film, despite almost surviving to the end, but I love her anyways! <3"
"She’s canonically a trans woman according to a shot that shows the crew members’ medical history which is wild because this movie is from the 70s."
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movie--posters · 2 years
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More Highlander memes!
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six-costume-refs · 1 year
Why do you think it’s now standard for the teal alt to get pants? It works well for Parr but for the other three typical teal covers (Seymour, Boleyn, Howard) I feel like the shorts would suit better. Seymour is sort of a stretch but teal has actually never played Seymour with pants - it’s either been a skirt (Liz, Bryony, Shannen) or shorts (Jen, CJ, Vicki)
I think it was ultimately a redesign for Paisley Billings as a result of the changing cover/costume system.
Similar to what you pointed out with Seymour, teal didn’t always have a super clear default. It did originate with shorts, with Vicki Caldwell, Jennifer Caldwell, and Cherelle Jay all wearing shorts as either their primary or one of their primary variations. But then Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert had shorts but they weren’t a primary variation, and Bryony Duncan, Elizabeth Walker, and Shannen Alyce Quan all never had shorts OR a particularly generic variation in general. (Also, quick note that Jen did wear her H skirt for Seymour).
Compare that to pink alt, orange alt, and redesigned black, which all always had a consistent primary variation even when some had different variations on top of the main:
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(L-R: Vicki Manser with shorts, 2019 West End; Nicole Kyoung-Mi with pants as effectively her primary variation, 2019 pre-Bway US Tour; Bryony Duncan with Howard skirt as effectively her primary variation, 2019 NCL/2021 UK universal swing. Cassy Lee A variation, 2019 UK Tour; Hana Stewart, 2019-21 West End; Zara MacIntosh, 2019-21 West End)
So by the time they got to 2021 West End cast change and the changed alt system, orange/pink both had obvious designs to use, but teal didn’t have anything standardized. That’s probably how we got to the spot of there even being something new.
But as far as why they decided to go for pants rather than shorts or a skirt:
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(L-R: Danielle Rose and Paisley Billings, 2021 West End; Elizabeth Walker, 2019 NCL; Grace Melville and Leesa Tulley, 2022 UK Tour; Monique Ashe-Palmer, 2022 West End)
A. Danielle and Paisley got switched in their alt costume assignments, with Paisley originally being intended to have orange. This was after at least initial fittings. It may have been even farther into the process. It’s possible that Paisley got pants purely because she had already been fit and patterned (or with construction even started) for pants with orange alt. That may be supported by the style of her pants, which were the front lacing style that orange typically has. This differed from both all previous teal pants and the next variation as worn by Grace Melville, all of which had side lacing, although with Monique Ashe-Palmer they have switched back to front lacing. So…it’s possible that it was a logistical thing with her having just already been fitted for that style of pants. It’s also just more straightforward and easier to consistently fit for future actors.
B. Still might have just felt like pants were the best fit for Paisley and/or her covers. Shorts were mainly just given as a convenience thing to the alts who were also Cleves covers so they’d only need to change the top, which Paisley obviously didn’t need since she wore principal for Cleves. A skirt would have been most in line with the typical design for B/S/H as 3/4 of her 2nd/3rd covers, but they may have felt like it just wasn’t a good fit for any number of reasons (maybe too many skirts between principals and it being the primary variation for Esme/Rachel/Roxanne). The pants with peplum is undeniably a Parr variation, but Parr was one of her second covers and orange alt for Seymour/Parr has always used pants with peplum as well. The peplum shape also really helps to visually distinguish it. Might have just felt like it was ultimately still different and generic enough to work.
First photoset; all photos directly from each actors’ Instagrams
Second photoset: posted by @/claudiakariuki, @/elizabethswalker, @/gracemelville_, @/leahvassell
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wanderingbards · 2 years
Thinking back on the Star Wars AU my friend and I briefly conceptualized. Lots of ideas, but no proper writing motivation.
Jay is raised in the Empire, but defects when she neets space pirate Chip. They find Jedi padawan Gillion lost and on his own, and become a little trio.
Gillion knows Jay has some force sensitivity, but doesn't know how much until it's revealed she was going to be trained as an Inquisitor under her father before she defected.
Chip is a bit force sensitive - not enough to be a jedi, but it makes him an incredible pilot.
Gillion begins to help Jay learn more of the light side of the force, and shares some about his destiny - he's meant to bring balance back, but before he could learn much more his master died and left him alone.
They find a long-abandoned and hidden jedi temple, and Jay is guided to her own kyber crystal. Gillion has had his own for a bit now.
Jay's saber is a golden color, and she Ezra Bridger-ifys it and gives it a gun function. Gillion's saber is an aqua slash a blue color.
They eventually run into the Rebels - spearheaded by Lizzie, whom Chip shares a history with.
The visual of Chip and Jay and Gillion fighting in sync, guided by the force, is something that can be so personal.
Drey and Finn were both jedi as well, and Arlin was a good mandalorian friend. They vanished during Order 66, tho Chip claims he was briefly raised by Arlin.
They find Drey and Jay asks him to teach them. However, he tells them he can't - he's not fit to be a teacher. He'll offer advice and wisdom, but he can't be their teacher.
Also added cameo of Dakota and Vyncent in the rebellion under the guidance of Tide, who was a clone that survived Order 66 by taking out his chip.
Dakota is force sensitive, but doesn't know that - he just thinks he has an imaginary friend in William, who's a force spirit of a child that died during Order 66.
William teaches Dakota some of what he learned from his master, Mallard Conway. Mallard later turns out to be a Sith lord, who would have taken William with him if William hadn't died.
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stonelord1 · 1 year
A review of Plantagenet Queens and Consorts by Steven J. Corvi   I am always partial to a good book on medieval English Queens. History being what it is, these women often get overlooked and sidelined unless they did something that was, usually, regarded as greedy, grasping or immoral. Therefore when I saw Steven J. Corvi’s book ‘Plantagenet Queens and Consorts’ I thought that sounded right up…
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kuwdora · 2 months
Saturday Morning Vid Recs - Video Games
@poetikat ! So you like video games. WELL! I come bearing video game recs from around the Internet, deep into old vidshows of yester-vidding fandom-year, and my bookmarks and recs posts. There’s always way more video game vids out there, esp on AO3 - search for your video game fandom and the Fanvids tag and see what comes up in your results.
Some of these vids date back a decade or more and some are very recent. They’re all awesome and so interesting to watch.
Video Game Vids!
America by @beccatoria. Mass Affect: Andromeda. #colonialism
Hard Times by absternr. Portal. I laughed and cried. Gonna make you wonder why you even try.
Riverside by milly. Tomb Raider (2013). I see how everything is torn in the river deep", Lara PoV. Vid for the 2013 Tomb Raider game.
River by milly. Tomb Raider (2018) This is so fucking gorgeous. Stand and deliver. / Made for VividCon Challenge "Full Circle" in 2018, a sequel/parallel to "Riverside". Reverse Dance by @aurumcalendula. Dishonored. A great character vignette! Billie through the years.
Pop Galaxy by AbsoluteDestiny. Super Mario Galaxy. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I’m really in love with the use of the camera angles from the game, and this pop medley is very much a banger of 2013. It’s so much fun.
Scream and Shout by @rhoboat77. Assassin’s Creed. I’m forever screaming about how awesome this vid is in my head but now I share it with everyone. Forever shouting because rhoboat captured all of the game footage!! To make THIS VID. The skill and talent and sheer fucking perseverance to perform some of these actions in the game specifically for this vid. Everything is permitted.
Pop That Lock by @kuwdora. Final Fantasy VII: Remake. Cloud/everyone. Final Fantasy + Adam Lambert = my groove. You got the key to your release, so pop that lock until you’re lighter than air.
D U S K by niyalune. Outer Wildes. This game is gorgeous and this vid is so fucking beautiful and full of wonder and heart "The universe is, and we are."
We’re Here Because We’re Here by violace. Journey 2012. We're here because we're here. Maybe it's really that simple.
Brother (Last Ride) by @kuwdora. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The wolves of Kaer Morhen. I captured all my own game footage for this vid! A first for me. We face the fire together, brothers 'til the end. Never Seen The Light of Day by violace. Bioshock Infinite. This character study really takes you on Elizabeth's journey! Amazing song choice and what a game. And the truth shall set you free. -- A tribute to Elizabeth.
Birds, Birds, Birds by bironic. Wingspan. Tabletop game play, video game, trailers. Bironic has done it again and created something so incredible and something I haven’t seen before and inspired me and struck everyone full of awe and love. I got birdies, dawg.
9 to 5 by @eruthros. Lego Star Wars. This is so damn cute! It's a tough life for a clone trooper or stormtrooper.
One Foot by @kuwdora. Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. Cal Kestis my beloved. Taking this one step at a time.
Start Wearing Purple by @findmeinthealps Mythic Quest. Not a video game per se but about the people who make them. Poppy Li and Iann Grimm. Hot messes who end up making some great and terrible choices along the way. All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, I promise.
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry by @marahsarie. Outer Wildes. This vid!! is so cute!! and wonderful!! All my friends and all the loose ends and this love of mine, 'cause I'm running out of time.
Anything For Love (Including That) by caramarie Mass Effect/Dragon Age. Thanks for the terrible romantic choices, Bioware.
For more video game vids:
Vidding community on dreamwidth - see the games tag: dishonored, carmen san diego,resident evil and more.
Vividcon Database: 2013 Video Games Vidshow
Spring Equinox 2013 theme: Game On! which includes video games (and sports game themes)
Vidding Discord: ask for recs from more vidders!
Previous Saturday Morning Vid Recs:
Space and Robots
Follow the tags to keep up with recs this summer:
#saturday morning vid recs
#kuwdora vid recs
#kuwdora recs
A helpful guide I wrote:
How to Leave Feedback on Fanvids
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Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal Constitution
Quote by Elizabeth Spurlock Lambert : Jake Tapper just lied about Democratic governors getting together to discuss getting rid of Biden. When called out on his lie by many of those governors who were named and were pissed that he lied about a meeting that they said didn’t even happen, he deleted some of his tweets, but he didn’t retract or apologize and they are now just feathers spreading in the wind.
Politico lied about Biden family members privately trashing Biden’s campaign advisers. That never happened, and Politico doesn’t have any sources who would even know if it did. And it gets worse- a Biden aide even refuted the story before it ran, and they ran it anyway.
The NYT (who never endorsed Biden, including not in 2020 either) is so bitter about him never giving them an interview that they openly call for him to step down as they get caught being on Trump’s payroll.
NBC lied that Nancy Pelosi called for Biden to step down and when she got pissed and corrected the lie, Jen Psaki, Biden’s own former press secretary, kept repeating it anyway.
Politico also lied that Governor Whitmer said that Biden would lose Michigan. She never said that. They never corrected.
Bloomberg lied (by twisting facts) about Dems doing a virtual roll call about Biden being the nominee. That’s a lie.
Carl Bernstein lied to CNN that Biden was having memory loss at a restaurant in June 2023. The restaurant he named has been closed since 2019. He also wasn’t even there. He cited “unnamed sources” who he says told him. It was reported uncritically and without a fact check by CNN even though it’s not even possible that it’s true.
David Folkenflik of NPR deliberately omitted half of Jim Clyburn’s quote. Bad faith Biden-hater Andrea Mitchell asked Clyburn if he would support VP Harris *if Biden dropped out*. Clyburn answered that direct question in the affirmative, but then spent a long time taking exception to the whole premise of the question and said he doesn’t think Biden should drop out. Folkenflik omitted the part where Clyburn took exception, and only reported that Clyburn would support Harris if Biden drops out. I would count the omission as enough of a distortion of Clyburn’s answer that it was a lie.
This attached data compiled by media matters shows that the political media was pushing these “Biden is old and has dementia” stories even *before* the debate where his stutter got triggered because they let Trump spew a lie tornado all over the the stage at him. They need their bias confirmation now. Which is what they’re doing.
The biggest problem our democracy faces in the 2024 election is voter suppression.
We never hear about that problem. Why?
Because a close second problem is that two institutions which are crucial to protecting our democracy- the press and the courts- only work if they practice disciplined ethics. Neither institution has any accountability in 2024 for not being ethical. Who enforces ethics on the Supreme Court? Who enforces ethics on cable news and political news media? All we can do is not fall for it.
The next time you hear a story where “sources” have told CNN or MSNBC or Politico or NBC or NPR or anybody anything about “insiders say”, just don’t even believe it. “Some people are saying”. That’s what they are getting away with. I’ve been amazed at how many people I’ve seen it work on!
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movie--posters · 1 year
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resplendentoutfit · 6 months
The Maids of the Victorian Era
In the1800s and early 1900s the role of maid was relegated to women from families of modest means. It was a job that required a great deal of subjugation and a steady mood. It's presumed that some maids were subjected to the various moods of their employers, at the very least. At worse, servants were overworked and sometimes physically or sexually assaulted.
In terms of clothing, the role of maid required very little. The maid, while at work, either wore a uniform or a plain work dress. A white apron and cap were standard.
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Wilhelm Amber • The Maid • 1862
The painting above shows a whimsical scene that if discovered by the employer may have resulted in a reprimand.
Except for the very rich, most households employed one servant – the "maid of all work". She was often a young girl who was taken in from the local workhouse. As the name implies, the role included all the chores of a household: cleaning, shopping, cooking, mending and washing. This grueling job paid very little due to the benefit of room and board. The maid often worked from early morning to late evening, with very little time off.
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A simple black dress was often the uniform beneath the white apron. Notice in the photograph below that the two women are dressed identically.
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George Lambert (Australian, 1873-1930) • The Maid • 1915 • National Gallery of Australia, Parkes
Jane Austen's World: Regency Servants – Maid of All Work
My Learning: The Family at Shibden
Elizabeth Bailey's blog
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 11 months
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🌈 Good morning and happy Wednesday, my bookish bats! You didn't think that tiny "queer books coming out this fall" guide was ALL there was, did you? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR this month. Happy reading!
❤️ A Vision of Air by Nicole Silver 🧡 Eli Over Easy by Phil Stamper 💛 How to Get Over the End of the World by Hal Schrieve 💚 Kween by Vichet Chum 💙 The Forest Demands its Due by Kosoko Jackson 💜 The B-Side of Daniel Garneau by David Kingston Yeh ❤️ Midnight Companion by Kit Barrie 🧡 Let the Waters Roars by Geonn Cannon 💛 Into the Glittering Dark by Kelley York 💙 When the Rain Begins to Burn by A.L. Davidson 💜 Been Outside by Amber Wendler & Shaz Zamore 🌈 The Forest Demands Its Due by Kosoko Jackson
❤️ A Necessary Chaos by Brent Lambert 🧡 The Spells We Cast by Jason June 💛 Pluralities by Avi Silver 💚 Salt the Water by Candice Iloh 💙 Beholder by Ryan La Sala 💜 This Pact is Not Ours by Zachary Sergi ❤️ Dragging Mason County by Curtis Campbell 🧡 Menewood by Nicola Griffith 💛 Mary and the Birth of Frankenstein by Anne Eekhout 💚 The Dead Take the A Train by Cassandra Khaw & Richard Kadrey 💙 Bloom by Delilah S. Dawson 💜 Let Me Out by Emmett Nahil and George Williams
🌈 In the Form of a Question: the Joys and Rewards of a Curious Life by Amy Schneider ❤️ Songs of Irie by Asha Ashanti Bromfield 🧡 A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand 💛 Being Ace by Madeline Dyer 💚 Charming Young Man by Eliot Schrefer 💙 The Glass Scientists by S.H. Cotugno 💜 The Fall of Whit Rivera by Crystal Maldonado ❤️ By Any Other Name by Erin Cotter 🧡 Brooms by Jasmine Walls and Teo DuVall 💛 Stars in Your Eyes by Kacen Callender 💚 Shoot the Moon by Isa Arsen 💙 The Bell in the Fog by Lev A.C. Rosen
🌈 Brainwyrms by Alison Rumfitt ❤️ Family Meal by Bryan Washington 🧡 A Murder of Crows by Dharma Kelleher 💛 A Light Most Hateful by Hailey Piper 💚 Love at 350° by Lisa Peers 💙 Greasepaint by Hannah Levene 💜 The Christmas Swap by Talia Samuels ❤️ Mate of Her Own by Elena Abbott 🧡 Mistletoe and Mishigas by M.A. Wardell 💛 Elle Campbell Wins Their Weekend by Ben Kahn 💚 All That Consumes Us by Erica Waters 💙 If You’ll Have Me by Eunnie
❤️ Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Lillah Lawson and Lauren Emily Whalen 🧡 10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall 💛 It’s a Fabulous Life by Kelly Farmer 💚 Let the Dead Bury the Dead by Allison Epstein 💙 These Burning Stars by Bethany Jacobs 💜 The Goth House Experiment by SJ Sindu ❤️ Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant by Curtis Chin 🧡 Mudflowers by Aley Waterman 💛 Here Lies Olive by Kate Anderson 💚 Fire From the Sky by Moa Backe Åstot, trans. by Eva Apelqvist 💙 Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date by Ashley Herring Blake 💜 On the Same Page by Haley Cass
❤️ A Dish Best Served Hot by Natalie Caña 🧡 Art of the Chase by Jennifer Giacalone 💛 The Haunting of Adrian Yates by Markus Harwood-Jones 💚 The Sword: Xcian by Elle Arroyo 💙 The Complete Carlisle Series by Roslyn Sinclair 💜 300,000 Kisses by Sean Hewitt and Luke Edward Hall ❤️ Just a Pinch of Magic by Alechia Dow 🧡 Blackouts by Justin Torres 💛 Wrath Becomes Her by Aden Polydoros 💚 Let the Woods Keep Our Bodies by E.M. Roy 💙 Everything Under the Moon: Fairy Tales in a Queerer Light edited by Michael Earp ❤️ Frost Bite by Angela Sylvaine
🧡 We Met in a Bar by Claire Forsythe 💛 Sweat Equity Aurora Rey 💚 Pumpkin Spice by Tagan Shepard 💙 The Misfit Mage & His Dashing Devil by M.N. Bennet 💜 Love and Other Risky Business by Sarah Brenton ❤️ Enough by Kimia Eslah 🧡 A Fire Born of Exile by Aliette de Bodard 💛 Twelve Bones by Rosie Talbot 💚 Wild Wishes and Windswept Kisses by Maya Prasad 💙 Dragged to the Wedding by Andrew Grey 💜 Fox Snare by Yoon Ha Lee ❤️ Murder and Manon by Mia P. Manansala
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lightleckrereins · 10 months
I know I had an ask on the differences between teal/blue alt pants but that vanished so.
The many different versions of the teal pants.
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There have been five different versions of the teal alt pants variation (and six pants in total so basically every single one is unique).
Nicole Kyoung-mi Lambert: the first appearance of the teal pants. The same design as the Parr pants with plain mesh instead of stripped and a solid holo vinyl waistband with wide, separated tabs with square vinyl on the edge, on top like the original shorts. She wore this for Aragon and Parr and it is one of the two alt costumes to ever appear on broadway.
Elizabeth Walker: Elizabeth got a similar design to Nicole with the Parr pants style, but changed to a higher waistband with cutouts and smaller tabs binded with plain vinyl.
Paisley Billings: Paisley got the biggest redesign for the teal pants. It changed to the orange pants design with two narrow bands of sequins and mesh and one of black mesh at the front. It added a short flat peplum with tabs (introducing a new shape of tabs that end in a point instead of just squares) and changed the black spandex for one with an embossed design like all the updated pants. Before this shorts had been the main teal variation in the UK but with this costume pants became the main variation.
Grace Melville: Grace's pants kept the peplum and embossed spandex but went back to the Parr style with lacing on the sides. For Parr and the previous teal pants with this design there is skin toned mesh under the side lacing but for this it was replaced by black mesh.
Monique Ashe-Palmer: Monique's pants went back to Paisley's design, but added studs to the edge of the tabs and rows of horizontal trim accross the mesh panels similar to a ladder mirroring the center front of the top. Ellie Jane Grant has this same design.
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ozziesjester · 2 months
⋆*:˚˖💖𓍢ִ໋✧˚.🎀༘⋆ 💗 ⋆ 🌸˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Kevin Price (TBOM) ☕️ S/I - Arnold Cunningham
Stan Marsh (South Park) 🍸 S/I - Charlie "Soup" Campbell
Randy Marsh (South Park) 🍻 S/I- Charlie "Soup" Campbell
Kenny McCormick (South Park) ☠️ S/I - Butters Stotch
Cesar Torres (TMC) 📞 S/I - Mark Heathcliff
Adam Murray (TMC) 🐍 S/I - Jonah Marshall
Gabriel (TMC) ⬛️ S/I - Raphael
James Sunderland (Silent Hill) 🌊 S/I - Mary Shepherd-Sunderland & Cheryl Mason
William Afton (FNAF) 💜 S/I - Bryce King
Vanessa Shelly (FNAF) 🐰 S/I - Bryce King
Asmodeus (Helluva Boss) ❤️‍🔥 S/I - Fizzarolli
Blitzø (Helluva Boss) ♠️ S/I - Fizzarolli
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) 📻 S/I - Lillie
Charlie Dompler (Smiling Friends) 💛 S/I - Pim Pimling
Big McIntosh (MLP: FiM) 🍎 S/I - Honeycrisp
Jimmy Kurosaki (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners) 💰 S/I - (work in progress)
Alexander Hamilton (Hamilton) 🪶 S/I - Elizabeth Schuyler
Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice) 🪲 S/I - Lydia Deetz
Adam Maitland (Beetlejuice) 🥂 S/I - Barbara Maitland
David 8 (Prometheus) 🖤 S/I - Elizabeth Shaw
Ellen Ripley (+ Ripley 8) (Alien) 🐈 S/I - Joan Lambert, Bishop, & Annalee Call
⋆*:˚˖💖𓍢ִ໋✧˚.🎀༘⋆ 💗 ⋆ 🌸˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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