#em and jules write the things
desssertsoul · 9 months
Opinion on The Shadowhunter Series:
I love every trilogy in the series but Infernal devices is my favourite favourite one ever!! Except, after Infernal devices, my favourite is The Dark Artifices. Like, after Will and Jem, it's the son of thorns, Julian, who ripped my heart apart and the best thing about him was that he isn't as morally perfect as Jem (no James Carstairs slander will ever be tolerated) and as far as Will is concerned then imma say that Will wasn't perfect but he wasn't as morally questionable as Julian was (Apologies in advance but William Herondale is mine).
Back to the topic tho. Julian is a perfect character. I love him with all my heart. I don't know whether I would ever love any Male character in this category as much as I love him. I might be morally questionable because family above all is my rule. The line where Jules went that the world can burn[...] I died because I thought that was??!!!! okay.... I am a grey person. I think the same. No one comes above family. The desperation of an elder sibling that is always present with Julian is heart shattering and too relatable because hello! I am the elder sibling, except I am a girl.
Julian will always be my favourite character and there is nothing as relatable as him in the Shadowhunter series. As a character, his flaws are his definition. His love for his family makes me relate to him a lot. As an elder sibling, the sheer fear of thinking that your younger sisters or brothers might get hurt and they might not tell you or they will outgrow the age of tenderness and innocence and you have to let them go and not think of them as little babies anymore is appalling and trust @cassandraclare to put it all in while making Julian.
As far as his love for Emma is considered then.... I love the angst. The Infernal devices angst was top tier but I saw the real angst from Clockwork Prince (only my opinion. Everybody is free to think in their own way) but with Julian, I saw the angst from the very first chapter of him being introduced. I am a simp for Blackstairs angst and that cottage scene😭😭Don't get me started!!! Likeee "break my heart into pieces. I give you permission".
If I ever write any novel—correction: if I ever COMPLETE writing any novel then I'll be damned if I don't use this line in my angsty scenes. More than Julian and Emma's scene and their heartbreak over whether it was Emma breaking up with him or Julian having the most sad and angry outburst of admitting that he was still in love with Ems or having Emma realise that Julian had gone to Magnus and turned his emotions off, I cried like a non-human person at Julian's jealousy of Ty being comfortable with Mark or Livvy and Ty giving gifts in their own way to Julian before he was leaving for Cornwall Cottage or Livvy dying (that's the cursed chapter) or Julian running after Ty even if his emotions were flipped like damn light switch to darkness or him saying to Dru that she was the heart of the family.
It's crazy to say that Julian was this relatable and..... Well...... Guess time to re-read the Dark Artifices again
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undeadvinyls · 1 year
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i love them all muah <3
they r a buncha 16 year old teens who get in trouble A BIT too much and r known in zomburbia as "the juveniles/idiotic kids". fav thing to do is defo get in trouble and do weird things
anyways!! a tad on em!!
betty, or beatrice is a total 90s grunge kid and an amateur radio host and drummer. plays in a band with her besties & girlfriend. also shes boogaloo's daughter, biracial (black/white) and bisexual
jules or julianne is ur local skateboarding kid with a love for distorted music (shoegaze/ambient/dream pop) and a huge lesbian. also a filipino and in secret a big nerd/geek when it comes to sci fi and fantasy. also shes dating betty
cass or cassandra, bit of a jock here, loves sports, but loves films even more!! pop punk who often likes to record whatever she wants and do experimental films with no meaning. also pansexual, has 2 moms and has a cool scooter. shes latina (chilean-venezuelan)
harper, the emo. who loves drawing ofc and spams XD everywhere. a young magic adept too and is pretty good at it!! also a vampire and BITES. aroace and has a pet snake who's her witch familiar :]
and now for the boys !!
graham, hardcore punk, hates any type of authority and in secret writes fanfics abt history. his most famous one is his 10,000 word fanfic abt the trojan war he did for school. is happily dating cass, ace, has a ton of daddy and mommy issues. also an aussie
paul, betty's twin brother, preppy prep. fav thing is defo chemistry and biology and wants to become a scientist in future. is bad at naming things. also loves fashion and is a total polar opposite of his sister
zach, or zacharias, quick-draw con man who got his 4 arms as his mama got cursed. by some thing. either way he enjoys being a cryptid a lot. he also rlly loves chemistry but more for the fact he will know what goes boom boom. also he has a weird love for board games and WILL use logic skills to win in any game. gay and norwegian and has 5 siblings : ]
thats all!!! I LOVE talking and drawing them i just didnt have the motivation to do so lately, burnout sucks ass :sob:
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tea-moon-ster · 1 year
Random snoops with no context from fics I'm writing pt 2
I have way too much fun with these things, honestly
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Kasey cleared his throat. “Sick tape. At All Star. Logan said you brought it in the first place.”
Alex’s eyes darted on him, as if looking for something, but it was just for a second. Then the usual lively grin crept in.
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"Did he enjoy studying Romanticism in college?”
“Butter, I distinctly remember him crying over Romanticism in college. More than twice.”
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Slowly, things began to follow a logic. A contorted, full of exceptions and formulas logic, but a logic nevertheless. Helias felt the lump of anxiety in his throat gradually detangle as he followed Logan’s patient voice through the equations. At some point Leo joined them, with a mint tea and a kiss on the cheek for Logan, and a plate of oven-hot cookies that he placed in between them.
As the topics were covered and exercises began to be correct, Helias could feel a warm feeling expanding in his chest. The way both men had not hesitated to help, their untold understanding of each other and the kindness transpiring from every gesture. The way they always used we, we have a test tomorrow, we’re gonna try this method and see how it goes. Helias wanted that, someday. With a husband or two or three, it didn’t really matter. But he wanted that love and he wanted to help as he could.
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“Thanks, man. Hey, come on in.” He took the bag from Leo, depositing it on the kitchen counter while the other boy looked around. “Oh, it’s just us. Adele had a volleyball match at school, and they all went to cheer.”
Leo hummed, entering the kitchen. “Logan says she’s good. He used to go to her games. Wrote ‘em on the calendar.” He threw a small, helpless smile, that Cole returned.
“I go, too, sometimes.”
“That’s good.”
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“Mama, don’t you have your church meeting, like, right now?”
Eloise skipped a beat, and Wyatt snorted. “Oh, this is a good story.”
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Kasey didn’t know what to say, so he tilted his head and opened an arm for Alex to fit under, and kissed him, sweet and slow, because the weekend was long, and they had all the time in the world, and Alex talked about him to Russian bakers.
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A few days after, Remus was back home. Or better, he was back in his room.
Julian was home with Aunt Layla when they heard the door open, and his dad’s hushed voice. He sprinted in the hallway, colliding with his dad’s legs and screaming and crying at the same time. Daddy, you’re home, you came back, I missed you, where’s mom, where’s Rey, I wanna see Rey, Rey.
His dad had picked him up and eased him on his hip, with a quick kiss to his temple. “Shh, Jules, quiet. I missed you too, monkey, but we need to be quiet now.”
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“No”, he sobbed, “Y’all didn’t.”
“But we all did.” Finn left another soft kiss on his nose.
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“Look,” Kasey interrupted, stepping down the stool. He had a few inches on Fuckboy, and he hoped that that and a final warning would finally make him leave. He was really losing his patience. “Thanks for your…sense of civic duty, solidarity, or whatever, but I said we’re good. I won’t repeat it.”
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kawaii-octoalt · 2 years
God my brain is just on a roll with these fnf x reader stuff.
So here's part 2 of that Nitty x insomniac reader thingy from 2 days ago-
Julian & Nitty-gritty x insomniac!nb!reader.
Note: this is with Canon!Nitty-gritty and julian. For those who do not know, they are brothers, nitty being the oldest. Go visit sock.clip's instagram page for more information. If you don't wanna see my cringe writing skills, then Don't bother. But if you got the guts, then enjoy.
(If you want to, go read the first part to understand this one, this also contains headcanons)
(Update: made the reader non-binary cause I can, I'm sorry, just pretend they're using your actual pronouns, that's what I do.)
It's a nice Saturday morning, 6:30 a.m. You open your eyes after what happened at 3 in the morning, Nitty-gritty caught you pulling another all-nighter and had to get you to sleep. You tried to get out of bed, but, something was stopping you from doing so. It was Nitty. He had his arm around you and you were in his blanket cocoon that he trapped you in after he caught you at 3 a.m. You tried to struggle to get out, both Nitty and the cocoon were holding you too tightly. You struggle again, but still couldn't get out. Nitty's a heavy sleeper, so it's near impossible to manually get him to wake up. You let out a small sigh and continued to struggle. You still couldn't escape.
Nitty eventually wakes up. He puts on a small smile as He gently strokes the back of your head with his fingers, planting a small, soft kiss on your forehead while doing so. his usual intimidating and chilling voice became soft and comforting, if a bit raspy.
"Hey, love...did ya sleep well?"
If your hands were free, you could push yourself out of his grip. You tell him that he's holding you too tight. He lets out a small chuckle and loosens his hold around you. Suddenly, you hear the door opening, you turn your head to see nitty's younger brother, Julian. He wore a pair of brown sweatpants and a dark turquoise t-shirt, he didn't have his hair tied into his usual low ponytail. He looked at you with a small, warm smile on his face, leaning against the door frame. Nitty proped himself up while holding you gently.
"Hey, Jules."
"Mornin', big bro."
You still couldn't escape the tight grip of the blanket cocoon. Struggling isn't going to work. Julian notices your attempted escape and points at you to remind Nitty.
"Yo, uh...nick?"
Nick was Nitty's real name. Julian gave him the nickname "Nitty-gritty" because he thought it sounds cool. Nitty looks down at you to see that you're still trying to free yourself from the agonizing warmth of the cocoon.
"Oh. Right. Forgot 'bout that."
"Here, hold still."
After Nitty untangled you, you remained sitting on the bed next to him, you gave Nitty a small "thanks", you tried getting off the bed, but you couldn't. Nitty wasn't holding you, but maybe it was because he was hugging you too hard the whole night, your limbs got really sore, eventually you got up, you even had a hard time walking, you were about to trip but julian caught you before your imminent disaster.
"It's aight; hang on, I gotcha. You're okay."
You thank julian for catching you.
"No probs. Hey, bro, what happened?"
As you're in his arms, Julian looks at his brother. Questions had to be answered.
"Look, (Y/N) was pullin' an all-nighter again."
"Another one?! That's like, the 4th time this week!"
"Yep. An' y'know, these all-nighters they keep pullin' are gettin' dangerous. Not just for them, but for their body. Tried gettin them t' sleep, but uh...y'know how stubborn they can be durin' an all-nighter."
"So they forced me t' use force."
"Oh...oh dang..."
"Yeah, but, I don't blame 'em. They wanted t' get their thing done."
Julian sighs and looks at you, he's worried about you, and for good reason.
"Y'know he's right, (Y/N). This is gettin' dangerous. Y'know ya can't keep doin' this."
You agreed that both of them were right. You tell them you'll stop with the all-nighters, no promises, though.
"Now, that's what I like t' hear. Here, C'mere."
Julian pulls you closer into his hold and hugs you. He was more gentle holding you compared to his brother. You bury your face into the warmth of his chest. Nitty eventually joins you two. Steadily stretching his arms from behind you, wrapping them around you and julian, he was also being gentle, mainly because he didn't want to put you or your ungodly sore limbs in anymore pain. Both of them were really warm, you felt safe, and comfortable. You decided to take a break from your work for today, and take a nap some time later.
(Nitty-gritty and julian belong to sock.clip)
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kimpossibly · 2 years
Hi everyone! Sooooo I just discovered that I hit ONE HUNDRED FOLLOWERS???? HELLO???????? That is insane and I am literally so grateful for each and every one of you. I wanted to come on here and do a little sumn sumn to show how much I appreciate all of you, and this is what I came up with! Hope you enjoy and thank you all again for 100 followers!!
HOW TO PLAY: pick a character/characters + and prompt, and then send me an ask with both of them. Also please specify if you'd like a drabble or a headcanon, otherwise I will automatically default to a headcanon. For the promts you can just send the corresponding number to whichever prompt you'd like. Send me the ask and I'll write you whatever you want! Fair warning, there are some smutty prompts in the list, so I'll put a little asterisk* by those so you'll know to expect a smutty drabble. Asks can be anon or otherwise, just send in whatever combo you like! Enjoy!
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Wednesday Addams
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Rowan Laslow
Jeff Winger
Abed Nadir
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley
Peter Parker (MCU)
Peter Parker (TASM)
Bruno Carrelli
Matt Murdock
Kate Bishop
Eddie Brock
Regulus Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Lily Evans
Sirius Black
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Rachel Roth
Gar Logan
Stiles Stilinski
Liam Dunbar
Theo Raeken
Gilbert Blythe
Theseus Scamander
Jules Paxton
Nick Nelson
Anakin Skywalker
Five Hargreeves
Peeta Mellark
— 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 (𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐬)
“why are you really here? to mock me? to… make me hate you more?” “no. none of that. i came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now.” (this post)
“they would be so mad if they found out.” “fuck ‘em” (this post)
“please, for the love of god, shut up for once.” “why don’t you come over here and make me?” (this post)*
“i’m tired of having to pretend we hate each other.” (this post)
“you’re annoying, you know that?” (this post)
" it's alright... it's okay... i'm here now. i've got you. " (this post)
" who did this to you?"
"we make a pretty good team." (this post)
" you never need to apologize to me. ever. and certainly not for crying... " (this post)
"Hey! Hey, it was just a nightmare. You're okay. I'm right here."
“What, did you think I kissed you all these times because I was doing it for the shits and giggles?” “…Let’s be real, you did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat in public.” (this post)
“I’ll get over you. I promise. These feelings, they’re— they’re only temporary, I swear. I—I’ll get over you. Just please don’t leave me—” “Did you ever think, that maybe, I don’t want you getting over me? What if I don’t want these feelings to be only temporary? That maybe I... Like you, too?” (this post)
“I didn’t mean to fall for you.” “And neither did I.” “…Fucking pardon?”  (this post)
"this is a one-time thing only. don't let me being nice to you get to your head." (this post)*
"Make me." *
"Wait! Can you maybe stay? I don't want to be alone tonight."
"This is why I love you."
“if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs” (this post)*
“is that my shirt?” (this post)
“Would you just shut up and kiss me already?” (this post)
— 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 + 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬
21. Enemies to Lovers 22. Friends to Lovers 23. Childhood Best Friends to Lovers 24. Only One Bed 25. Forced Proximity 26. Cuddling 27. Co-Workers 28. Sharing Earbuds 29. Sickness 30. Halloween 31. Christmas 32. Nightmare 33. Scary Movie 34. Coffee 35. Unrequited Love 36 Academic Rivals to Lovers. 37. Forbidden Romance 38. Stargazing 39. Mornings 40. Going to sleep 41. Date 42. Hug 43. Panic 44. Mutual Pining 45. Friends with Benefits to Lovers
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kflixnet · 9 months
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• abby / abigail, [ enhastolemyheart ] “everything's a game. the only thing we get to decide in this life is if we play to win.” ↳ she/her | en-
• aki, [ stuck-in1 + seamlessabyss ] ↳ she/her | en-, svt, tbz “if i wanted someone like me, i’d hang out with myself. i’d hang out with myself❄️🌑.”
• alexia, [ lvoire ] ↳ she/him | txt “yeonjuns actual wife! (100% true!!).”
• arya, [ idubiluv ] ↳ she/her | en-, svt “is this due at 11:59pm too?”
• ashley, [ gyuwrites + reveriescloud ] ↳ she/her | svt “this road seems so familiar, yet so unfamiliar.”
• ayis, [ seosracha ] ↳ any pronouns | en-, zb1 “ijboling through life.”
• bea, [ beahae ] ↳ she/her | bts, svt “i have a lot of biases.”
• cho, [ yours-lovingly-cho ] “my bed is a magical place, where i suddenly remember all that i forgot to do” ↳ she/her | en-
• coco, [ enluv​​ ] ↳ she/they | en-, txt, skz, tbz “promise i’ll post my new fic tonight! *coco indeed did not post her new fic that night*.”
• cubbs, [ bbybearcubbs ] ↳ they/them | en- “autocorrect you're the worst, did you know that?”
• davin, [ d20inthefranxx + karasuno-o + fukurohoshi + aobajohsan ] ↳ she/her | en-, svt, atz “i write thinking i’m kim eon sook or something lol .”
• ele, [ facioleeknow ] “i was born tired and i live to nap” ↳ she/they | skz, svt
• elv, [ userseokmins + userelv ] ↳ she/her | svt “seokmin is the loml.”
• em, [ hyeosi​ ] ↳ any pronouns | boynextdoor, en- “eat, sleep, kim chaewon, repeat!”
• heather, [ seungkwan-s + soonyoungblr ] ↳ she/her | en-, skz, txt, svt “a tea a day keeps the stress away.”
• isa, [ isawritesss ] “wanna live y/n's life soo bad” ↳ she/her | en-
• izzy, [ from-izzy + from-m-izzy ] ↳ she/her | nct, tbz “isn't it ironic how time never waits for us, but we always wait for time?”
• j (jia, jules), [ kyufilms ] ↳ she/her | en-, txt, trsr “i’m warning you now, i haven’t proofread anything.”
• jasmine, [ uwuheeseungie + jeonsbun ] ↳ she/her | en-, skz, tbz, atz, txt, svt “live your life to the fullest. don’t let anyone hold you back.”
• jiseol, [ wvnkoi ] ↳ she/her | en-, zb1, txt “why be scared when you breathe the same air as the lee heeseung??”
• june, [ junkissed + onlyhuis ] ↳ she/her | svt “number one wen junhui lover.”
• kaira / kai, [ hanverse ] “daydreaming about all the fics i want to write” ↳ she/her | atz, en-, skz, svt
• latrii, [ latriii ] ↳ she/her | en-, zb1 “the day gyuvin gets more than 20 secs in a song will be the day i rest.”
• leela, [ kisstuals ] ↳ she/her | nct dream “a total 5% of my ideas actually come into fruiton.”
• lexi, [ midmourn ] “careful, or you’ll end up in my novel” ↳ she/her | nct dream
• lina, [ beomqutie ] ↳ she/her | txt, en- (hyungline) “let’s run away together <3.”
• mei, [ hoonfever ] ↳ she/her | en- “gimme a sec, i need to walk my fish.”
• mia, [ ohmytyong ]  ↳ she/her | nct “daydreaming in neo pearl champagne.”
• missy, [ qqtxt + an-exotic-writer ] ↳ she/her | txt “whatever you do, do it with love.”
• miya, [ jungwonize ] ↳ he/they/xe or any | en-, txt, skz, ive, lesserafim “wake up, cry, and think about nishimura riki.”
• nihyun, [ nihyunluvskookie ] ↳ she/her | svt, skz, mx, bts, nct “escaping the reality right now.”
• nish, [ nishloves ] ↳ she/her | svt, bts, txt, en- “the world sees the displacement they don't care about the distance.”
• nova, [ thediaryofalover​ + love-is-sourgrapes ] ↳ they/she | skz, itzy “i think i can manage.”
• ny, [ ksnfangz ] ↳ she/her | en-, zb1, boynextdoor “i like waffles?”
• plymmie, [ kimchicollardgreens + vvh0adie ] ↳ they/them | bts “fics made with love and -oops- chemical-x too now ;)”
• rie, [ pyeonghongrie + pyeonghongrie-main + pyeonghongreations​ ] ↳ he/him | atz, txt “i may have girlbossed too close to the sun..”
• sarah, [ gyu-effect + woosuns + rutonabae + nishimuraas + chandulset + honeyseob ] ↳ she/her | nct, exo, shinee, sm, svt, tbz, treasure, en-, skz, p1h “famous i’m so fabulous.”
• savv, [ savventeen + nsavvfw ] ↳ he/they | atz, skz, txt, en- “there are two wolves inside me: one wants to be poetic and beautiful while the other wants to be a f**king meme.”
• shay, [ en-zen ] “spoiler: we don't make it in the end... it started when...” ↳ she/her | en-, svt, txt
• sheep, [ wonsheep + heatrache ] ↳ she/her | en- “well, that surely was something.”
• sonata, [ flwoie ] “i break my laptop twice a day because of reading.” ↳ she/her | en-, txt, tbz, gncd, zb1
• soph, [ hanniluvi ] “no one likes sweet by tbz like i do.” ↳ any pronouns | en-, txt, tbz
• stili, [ garlichoisan + min-inu ] “jeong yunho's strawberry darling 🍓.” ↳ she/her | atz
• sunny, [ sunoksunny ] “carry on, dreamer, you are the only one who can.” ↳ any pronouns | en-
• tee, [ hyunnows + jeongcake ] “uncoordinated insomniac navigating through life” ↳ she/her | bts, skz, txt
• vidia, [ heecrush ] “no ac in the crib but i got plenty of fans >:).” ↳ any pronouns | en-
• vira, [ envirae ] “everything i do i do for jake sim.” ↳ she/her | en-, txt, nct dream
• viv(ian), [ orochxi + ujunxverse ] “i aspire to be the a24 of this hellsite (mission failed).” ↳ she/her | en-, txt, atz, aespa
• xan, [ tbzloonar ] “reporting live from eric’s business” ↳ they/he | tbz, loona, txt
• xian, [ forlix ] “always thinking about that damn felix tiktok…” ↳ she/they | skz
• zai, [ scrrra + samudan ] “wizone and zerose before human.” ↳ any pronouns | zb1, en-, txt, le sserafim, ive, nwjns, aespa, iz*one, boynextdoor
• zerda, [ a1sh1teruu + ssanssang ] “mom told me not to talk with strangers.” ↳ she/her | atz, svt
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rocketandonuts · 2 years
A night of night of night
I think I may be having a fever
OC/comic rambles under
Been watching my fav vtuber streaming dark souls lately and I am getting influenced by it
Prolly gonna end up give viv a shield and have her do some parrying cuz it’s so cool
Also I have a random idea about giving her a mace and eventually a morning star (weapon) at some point cuz she has star and fallen angle? themes. But I wonder if that’s too grotesque to draw
Also have been re-thinking about later characters a lot especially for the 4th chara
I’m sure things will form it’s way once I get to their part just like I’m writing for my 3rd rn there’s a lot of things that’s different from originally planned but I’m liking the current ver of em a lot
And really the real question is how much am i continuing trans coding my characters damn
Full of gender
Also I kinda have vision for my girl is getting denjier as I think for future stuff in a way like, horny (for boobs as well even)
I was going to make her gradually become hornier /flirtier secretly bc a big theme for her is human desires but it’s now feeling like it’s going to get way worse than I thought before
But on the other hand having an unapologetic horny female protag might be fun
I have a scene in my head where they all got accidentally drunk and she gets onto her knees on the floor begging to someone to let her kiss em so she’ll know how it’s like or smth
Or stuff like if someone dressed pretty for her her spirits instantly lit up
I wanna have her having things here and there but one day really fall hard for someone real bad and it would be so terrible (Yeah I can’t stop thinking about girlies being gay and sad)
But then on the other hand despite she being like this herself I also love to think about her being absolutely weird with her brothers any potential relationships
Like an overprotecingd parent paranoid of someone taking their babies away
I have some plans for Jules romance? stuff that’s just going to unfortunately make her get avoided/excluded especially for complicated reasons and it’s funny to imagine it drives her crazy bc baby brother running off with some fuckers
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Ridley | Chapter 2 Trial | 'Til the Petals Fall; Re: Hinrik, Eden, Kezia, Tracy
Ridley finally looks up again when the bracelet is mentioned, expression softening.
Good… Someone found it. Or found a version of Jules that was wearing it, at least.
The anger never hits as more and more evidence emerges, just that void that keeps expanding, deeper, darker, eternal. Maybe she should be glad about the conclusion she’s already come to in the dark. 
But we love you.
“They didn’t have it on when I saw ‘em,” She adds hoarsely. “We looked for it all over the place for it, even… Thought maybe someone took it.”
She seems reluctant to say anything else, making prolonged eye contact with Hinrik’s screen, then retreating into herself again as the others continue. Her attention eventually shifts to Kezia, then Eden, back to Hinrik again, before finally settling on her brother. Royce signs three quick gestures to her—little finger raised, thumb and forefinger raised in an ‘L’ shape, thumb and little fingers raised—that she returns after wiping her eyes again. 
Coughing to clear her throat, Ridley stands up, balance wavering for a few seconds as she comes closer to the screens to see everyone, finally looking at the pile of watches that Jules’s has turned into. Cold. Industrial. Precise. Ready. Right twice a day, minimum.
With a sharp exhale, she just comes right out with it: “Okay. Y’all gotta listen to me for real this time.”
She waits until she’s got most everyone’s attention. “The last time we talked, Jules told me that they were gonna die soon."
Who else learned the same?
"That the thing with the day resetting was their fault… Or they thought it was their fault. But it wasn’t just that—they said it happened *hundreds* of times. They messed it up and that’s why Tracy happened and that’s why Kezia happened. Said they’d write to me and Royce and tell us things nobody could ever know about us so that we’d believe it when we saw it and never show up here.”
  Even she’s having a hard time letting that sink in. The sheer complexity of a life repeating over and over just for it to turn out differently each time… Ridley only went through it for ten days, and if she felt as lost as she did by the end of it, she doesn’t know how Jules is still trying. 
Was still trying.
Ridley hates the sudden feeling of understanding that overwhelms her, closing her eyes to collect herself before continuing. Honesty is what everyone needs, right? She looks at each screen, each person, thinking about the exact things she said to Jules in the pool. 
“I wanted to help them. I asked ‘em! I told ‘em I’d never asked for anything in my life before because they were the first real good friend I’ve ever really had and… And I know you all like them too.”
The tears are back. The physical reaction is practically involuntary now. “I thought maybe… I thought maybe if they just told everyone… Or we all came together or something… We could help them. I said we would, because one of the first things we ever talked about was family, how neither of us got our folks still and how their sister’s missing and how me and Royce said when we got out of here we’d help them find her!”
Looking at Tracy scares her a bit, but there’s no hatred—more like wariness. “But they said it’s different every time that it happens.” She pauses, then clarifies, hair falling away from one ear as she looks down. “Dying.”
But I love you.
Ridley unclips her Walkman from the waistband of her pants, giving its interior a quick glance before turning the volume up so others can hear it for a few seconds.
The voice is unmistakably Jules's: 
"I want to live. I want to live. I want to live."
She digs at her eyes again after turning it off, addressing everyone else again.
“Said that if it happens anyway... That it wasn’t my fault.”
0 notes
bee-kathony · 5 years
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Formerly Fraser - Epilogue 
written by @julesbeauchamp​ & @curlsgetdemgurls​
a/n: thank you so much to everyone who has read and left comments on this story! we’re sad that it’s over, but we hope you enjoyed it! 
Previous Chapters 
5 years later
Since that day when Jamie came tumbling through Claire’s window and they vowed to reconnect, things hadn’t been smooth sailing. Every day was work and it was tough to build back that trust and foundation that they had lost over the years. Together, they took their relationship one day at a time, connecting in old and new ways and always putting the other one first.
Only five months after admitting they never truly stopped loving one another, they remarried in the Highlands. It was a small affair with only their children and Louise in attendance.
Claire was nervous. Even after all these years, Jamie still had the ability to make her knees weak with just one look. They didn’t want to make a big deal out of getting remarried which was why their whole family had come up to the Highlands to a cottage fit for all of them. Of course, Claire had invited Louise to come along, mostly just to help calm her nerves and also to help her look beautiful.
“There,” her friend brushed lightly against her cheeks and then took a step back. “Magnifique,” she kissed the tips of her fingers. “Very natural and light, but very beautiful. I wasn’t there for your first wedding, which is why you ended up marrying in Converse but I’m glad I’m here now.”
Claire chuckled and shook her head, “I’m glad you’re here too, Loulou.”  
Turning around on the plush stool, she looked at herself for the first time that day in the mirror. There were certainly a few more lines and grey hairs that hadn’t been there on her first wedding day to Jamie. Her wedding dress wasn’t a dress, but a cream colored pant suit that showcased Jamie’s favorite assets of hers. The riotous curls couldn’t be tamed, but Louise managed well enough and pinned it elegantly back to frame her face.
“What do you think girls?” Claire asked her daughters, standing up from the stool and doing a little spin.
“Gorgeous Mama!” Elena smiled, clapping her hands.
“Da is gonna lose his mind when he sees ye,” Julia smirked, taking a picture of her mother.
“I can’t believe I’m getting married again,” Claire took a deep breath, “And to the same man!”
Everyone laughed and as the laughter died down, Claire opened her arms to hug her two girls. “I love you very much my darlings. Your father and I both do, I just want to thank you both and your brother of course, for putting up with us while we sorted things out.”
“We love you too, Mama and we’re so happy you both are together again. We really are,” Elena and Julia kissed her cheeks. “Now, it’s time to get you married!”
“I suppose it is!”
Claire twisted the silver ring on her right hand – it had once been on her left hand, but Jamie had been dropping hints of a new ring. Not that she needed something new, but it was sweet of him to want to mark the occasion.
Louise held the door open of the small room and Julia and Elena went first, followed lastly by Claire. The ceremony was being held outside near tall standing stones that were behind the cottage. Jamie had arranged for a priest to officiate the wedding and Claire could just see them now – Jamie, Alex and the priest all waiting outside.
A highlander in full regalia is an impressive sight no matter how old, ill favored, or crabbed in appearance. A tall, straight bodied, middle aged highlander was breathtaking. And he was all hers.
Claire started to make her way toward Jamie slowly, their eyes locked. She couldn’t do anything but smile and felt a lump in her throat as she noticed how teary Jamie’s eyes had gotten. The wind blew all around them, lifting up the end of his kilt and Claire couldn’t help but giggle a little.
It wasn’t a long walk to him, but when she finally reached him, she breathed a sigh of relief. There was no turning back now.
“Ye look beautiful, Sassenach. The most stunnin’ bride I’ve ever laid eyes on,” he took her hands, squeezing them tightly.
“You’re not too shabby either, my darling,” The corner of her mouth flicked up into a mischievous grin. Jamie knew what wearing his kilt did to her.
They followed the priest’s instructions fairly easily and when it came time for the rings, Jamie did in fact pull out a new ring, holding it delicately in his hand. “It belonged to my mother,” he smiled proudly. “I always planned to give it to ye someday, now seems like the right time.”
“It’s gorgeous, Jamie,” Claire smiled, tears filling her eyes as Jamie slid on the ring. It really was beautiful, vintage of course with a silver band to match her other one and adorned with a white diamond in the middle, surrounded by two emeralds. Once the ring was safely on her left hand, Claire slid Jamie’s ring onto his hand, squeezing it tightly.
“Now it’s time for the symbolic blood vow,” the priest said and Jamie pressed his wrist to Claire’s.
“Ye are blood of my blood and bone of my bone, I give ye my body, that we two might be one,” Jamie smiled and Claire finished, “I give you my spirit, til our life shall be done.”
The priest looked at them, slightly smiling, “I now pronounce ye man and wife. Ye may kiss yer bride,” He looked at Jamie.
Claire stepped a bit closer, her eyes never leaving his, and smiled, “Da mi basia mile…”
Jamie cupped her face, he had tears strolling down his cheeks and so had Claire. He leaned down and sealed their lips for a long moment.
“Ye go, Da!” Elena exclaimed loudly as everyone erupted into cheers.
Claire chuckled against his lips, holding him close, “We’re married!”
“Aye, Sassenach,” He smiled widely, “Thank Christ, we are.”
After their little wedding and a honeymoon in Italy, Jamie and Claire went back to a routine as a married couple. Claire realised how much she had missed having him around, even to simply share silence with. She also finally felt like the missing piece of her heart was back. And she felt like she was walking on a cloud. She cut back from the hospital and started a private practice to be able to spend more time at home with Jamie, and with the children. Annalise reacted to the news better then they both had anticipated. After a tantrum at the ceremony and another when Jamie finally went to talk to her, things calmed down. When Claire went to work the monday following the weekend that should have been Jamie’s wedding to the nurse, she had resigned and moved back to Paris.
Now, she was married to a rich french investor and she was busy spending all his money Avenue Montaigne. Or at least, that’s what Louise – who knew all of Paris – told Claire at a dinner once.
Days turned into months and into years. Julia had gotten married two years ago and recently gave birth to a little girl, Isla. Alex had moved to London and Elena worked with Jamie at his law firm.
Everyone was up in the Highlands to spend the holidays there. While Jamie was sound asleep next to her, Claire was restless and looked at the clock. It was the middle of the night and she could hear the baby cry on the other side of the hall.
Carefully, she got up and put on her bathrobe. She gave a look towards her husband before walking out silently. She found Julia walking around, rocking her daughter, and she smiled at the sight. Her baby girl was a mother now. It was funny how time flew by without anyone noticing.  
“Darling,” Claire said in a low voice, walking over her daughter, “Do you want me to take care of her?”
Julia smiled softly, nodding, “She ate, I don’t know what’s wrong with her…”
“Go back to bed, my love,” Claire kissed her daughter’s temple and took her crying granddaughter in her arms. “I’ll take care of her.”
She held her close, slowly rocking her and whispered, “You do have great lungs, wee lamb. You’re going to wake up everyone, at this rate.”
Julia watched them, “Thank you mom, I owe you one.”
“I don’t mind at all,” She smiled, not taking her eyes off her granddaughter, “It’s just some colics, I’ll make them pass while you go and rest.”
“I love you,” Julia kissed her cheek and her daughter’s head before going back to her room.
Claire made her way downstairs to the library and sat down on the leather sofa. She laid Isla on her chest and slowly started to rub her stomach.
“It’s not nice to keep your mother up at night like that, but I guess it’s payback for when she did it to me huh?” Claire couldn’t help but smile, thinking about her own children when they were that age and how desperate for sleep and silence she had been.
“But then you have an excuse, you have colics,” She whispered, noticing her granddaughter was settling and her cries had stopped, “Your mother only cried because she wanted to be held.”
Claire pulled her leg up and shifted the baby carefully, laying her against her legs and holding her little hands, “You look just like her and like your grandpapa.” She smiled, kissing the tip of her nose. Claire didn’t know it, but Jamie had woken up as she climbed out of bed and was now standing in the doorway, watching his wife and granddaughter.
During the years they spent apart, he had wondered what it would be like when they had grandchildren. He was just happy now that they were together and could all be a proper family again. There was nothing Jamie loved more than seeing his wife smile and he saw that same sweet smile on Isla’s lips. Knocking lightly on the door so not to disturb them, he smiled as Claire turned to look over at him.
“I thought you were asleep,” Claire whispered. “Did I wake you?”
“I always wake when you do, Sassenach; I sleep ill without ye by my side.” Jamie kissed the top of her head and sat down beside her, stroking Isla’s cheek.
“How did you manage for all those years without me then?” She leaned her head against his shoulder.
“I didna,” he shrugged, kissing her mass of curls. “Worst years of sleep I ever had, Sassenach.”
“Stop,” Claire blushed, nudging his side. “Well, I’d be lying if I didn’t say the same. I always feel safe when you’re beside me.”
Sliding his arm around her shoulder, he pulled her close, resting his head on hers and looked down at his granddaughter. “D'ye ken that the only time I am without pain is in your bed, Sassenach? When I take ye, when I lie in your arms-my wounds are healed, then, my scars forgotten.”
“Then you must never leave my bed,” Claire turned her head to kiss him, her hand reaching up to stroke his chin. “You are my best friend, Jamie. My lover, protector… husband and I want nothing more than to lie in your arms for all eternity.”
“Tha gaol agam ort, Sassenach,” He whispered against her lips, “Let’s bring this ween back to bed and then get back into ours, aye?”
“Let’s just stay here for a bit longer,” she smiled, her finger gently stroking their granddaughter’s cheek.
“Alright, a nighean,” He smiled, watching them.
Neither one of them knew for how long they stayed on the sofa, surrounded by silence and a wrapped in bliss. They were just happy. In a warm home, their children asleep upstairs and them here, with the little miracle of a granddaughter. One they never thought they’d see grow up together only five years ago when they were divorced.
After awhile, Jamie carefully picked up Isla and Claire got up, following him back upstairs. She kissed the baby’s head and let him bring her back to Julia’s room while she went back to their own. She laid back in the canopy bed, waiting for Jamie who reappeared five minutes later, proudly holding two glasses of whisky.
Grinning, Claire sat up and watched him, “That’s exactly why I married you.”
“Because I look verra handsome while holdin’ alcohol?” He closed the door and made his way to the bed.
“Yes, but also because you know when to bring alcohol,” She took a glass out of his hand and kissed him.
Jamie wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close, “I’m glad we talk before bed now, like when we first started datin’. That’s what I missed the most, talkin’ to ye about anything. No matter what I would think or say, ye would never judge me, ye always listened and if I wasna well, ye comforted me.”
“I missed it too,” Claire sighed, pressing her cheek against his chest. “All I need in life is you, our children, granddaughter and a nice glass of whisky.”
“Aye, Sassenach,” Jamie smiled tenderly, softly brushing his thumb against Claire’s cheek. “Yer all I’ve ever needed.”
A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying. Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something. A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. - B. F. Skinner
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13-reasons-ideas · 3 years
So I have this idea, You know how people want/like things they can’t have, MontyxOC have always had this friendship that bordered on something more but it never got there. She gets a boyfriend, Monty starts avoiding her majorly & their friendship crumbles until one night he shows up at her door & lays his cards out, they have a heated argument but then it turned into into something else quite heated😘 and as bad as it was that she cheated she doesn’t regret it, he’s all she’s ever wanted anyway
Why Didn’t You Say Anything? 
A/N: contains SMUT. DNI if under 18. 18+ ONLY. Trigger warning: rough CONSENSUAL sex. I hope you like this. I’m sorry it took WAY too long to get around to finishing but I was having a lot of issues finding inspiration for requests. I’ve found it again though so expect more to come. As always, I love feedback and much love. - Em
Montgomery and I had been friends since… well since forever. As long as I could remember anyway. He was a quiet kid. Kept to himself for the most part when we were younger. I wouldn’t come to find out why exactly that was until much later on in our friendship. We bonded over a love of the same candy. It sounds stupid thinking back on it now, but at the time we were just kids. We didn’t really know how to have interests yet.
Eventually, as we got older and we developed our things, we found that even though our interests didn’t really match the way people thought they should-I was a novice musician, he was on his way to being a star athlete- we bonded over our passion and drive for our respective things. He would come over to my house and watch me teach myself to play guitar, play piano, or sing. I would meet him in the park and play catch when he discovered a love of baseball. Or when we started middle school and he would try to teach me how to throw a football. That… never went very well. But he was pretty good at catching it regardless as it turned out, so it worked out in the end.
Our friendship started to change around middle school too. It wasn’t noticeable at first. He started spending more and more time at my place. By then I had learned what his father was like behind closed doors. That had been an interesting phone call to my mom to come get me. Our conversations became even longer and more personal. We talked about our hopes and dreams. Where we wanted to end up when we were finally adults. The running thing was that no matter what we wanted to be when we grew up that week, we were always staples in each other’s futures. I started to seek him out at lunch more. I felt this desire to be near him that I couldn’t explain. Or maybe I could, and I just didn’t want to, for fear of being rejected and losing my best friend.
In high school, when we made different friends and traveled in different circles, we were still best friends. We had always been basically inseparable. Montgomery and Juliette. Julie and Monty. Where you saw one of us, you usually found the other. I waited for him after football and baseball tryouts and my dad made waffles for dinner when he made the team. There was a seat basically reserved for me at games since freshman year. I only missed two games in three and a half years. Once when I had strep throat in sophomore year and once when my uncle died last year. Monty didn’t want to go to that week’s game. I told him if he didn’t, I would never play piano for him again. For his part, Monty sat through countless hours of me learning songs or listening to tons of voice memos while I was writing my own. He was at every one of my gigs, no matter how big or small. It didn’t matter if there was ten people or a hundred people, he was always there, sitting in the first or second row. Even Bryce Walker couldn’t come between us.
I couldn’t help but feel like there was something more than friendship between us. I was still too afraid of rejection to say anything and he never said anything either. Other people had always made comments about our friendship and how close we were. But we both just laughed it off and attributed it to people not understanding that guys and girls could just be friends. When we were in junior year and it became clear to me that the feelings I had ignored and buried for so long, weren’t reciprocated, I decided it was time to move on. There was no point in pining after someone who didn’t want me back. And as luck would have it, the perfect person to get my mind off of my best friend had just moved to town and was assigned as my chemistry lab partner.
Parker Johnston was an average height, thin but lean, young man from Ohio. He had shaggy blond hair and cobalt blue eyes. He came from a stable, well off family, but he wasn’t a show-off about it. His parents were mortgage brokers who wanted to work in, but not live in the city. Essentially, he was everything Montgomery de la Cruz… wasn’t. He did still like sports though. They have that to bond over. I thought after my first conversation with him after chemistry. I invited him to have lunch with us. The guys on the football team liked him. Even Monty was nice to him. Though, at that point, none of us knew what would become of Parker and I hanging out.
“I don’t know Monty. We are just going for burgers at Rosie’s. It’s not like I’m going to marry the guy.” I was on the phone with Monty while I got ready for my first date with Parker. We had been hanging out as friends for seven months or so. Over the summer, we had connected more and found we had more than just a mutual dislike of our chemistry teacher in common.
“Well, what do you think will happen?”
“On our date? Or are you asking if I’ve thought far enough ahead to actually consider if we are getting married? Because I haven’t thought further ahead than my math test next Friday.”
“On your date.”
“I think I will have my usual cheeseburger with pink lemonade, and we will talk. Maybe split a milkshake for dessert. Green or grey shirt?”
“Is it the green with polka dots?”
“No, the plain army green one.”
“Grey. The green one gives you too much cleavage. A cheeseburger and lemonade? That’s it?”  
“He’s seen me in the green one before, and no it doesn’t, but whatever. Yes Monty. That’s it. Why do you care so much, anyway?”
“I don’t. Just want to know what you’re planning. Make sure you’re safe.” I rolled my eyes.
“Well, I appreciate your concern.”
“Anytime. Are you coming to the game on Friday? It’s our second home game. First game of October. You know how you love fall games.”
“Of course, I’m coming. It’s not like I have a choice anymore, you guys are stuck with me.” I joked.
“Haha very funny Julie.”
“I try. Hey, listen. I gotta go. Parker will be here soon. I’ll call you when I get home.”
Our first date was going great. We had been to Rosie’s before together, but it was different now that we were on a date. We were there for hours, just sitting and talking to each other. Monty texted me around eight, just to check in. You still out or do I need to call the cops?
I’m still here. All good. He left me on read. I assumed it was because I was still out. “Everything okay?” Parker asked when he got back from the bathroom.
“Oh, yeah. Just Monty checking in.”
“Fair, fair. I guess that’s my cue to take you home for the night?”
“I suppose so.” Even though we had verbalized the need to leave, neither of us moved to leave.
“One more order of fries?”
“Yes.” After our last order, Parker drove me home and I called Monty to spill all the details as I got ready for bed.
The following Friday, Parker and I went to the game together. It was the first time we were going together just the two of us, and not with a group of friends.  As far as high school football games go, this one was pretty standard. We held hands through most of it. Bryce’s parents were out of town again, so he was having a “we lost but I have money so let’s all get wasted” party. “I’ll meet you in the parking lot? Or did you want to just meet at Bryce’s place? I have to go talk to Monty.”
“We can meet at his place if you want.” He looked confused.
“It’s tradition. I always wait for him. I have since freshman year.”
“Oh, okay then. I’ll see you at Bryce’s place Jules.” He kissed me. I smiled into it before pulling away. I watched him turn and walk down the bleacher steps and turn towards the parking lot before running off to find Monty.
I spotted him talking to Luke and Scott. His back was turned to me. They saw me coming but didn’t react. They know me so well now. They know exactly what is coming. I smiled playfully before wrapping my arms around Monty’s waist tightly. He laughed and pried my hands off of him, before turning around and lifting me up in a hug. I didn’t even complain about the sweat. “You know that doesn’t surprise me anymore Julie.”
“I know. But it’s fun.” He was still holding me. “Are you going to like… put me down at some point?”
He turned back around to face Luke and Scott. They were shaking their heads, grinning. “Nah.” He decided.
“Well. I don’t need to see inside the boy’s locker room so you put me down outside.”
“What, you mean you don’t want to see a whole lot of Brycey’s pasty white ass?” Luke teased.
“No. No I do not. Every day I don’t see that is a good day for me. And since you are hell bent on carrying me, can I at least be comfortable? My legs are just dangling here.” Monty stopped walking so I could wrap my legs around his waist like a backwards piggyback ride. His hands went under my thighs to support my weight.
Thankfully, he put me down outside the boy’s locker room. I played around on my phone while I waited for him. “You know, I smell like sweat now.” I said when he came out, freshly showered and changed. He shook his head and smirked.
“I don’t see that as a bad thing.”
“Dude. I smell like your sweat.” He rolled his eyes and stopped to dig around in his bag. He pulled out one of my t-shirts. It was a little wrinkled but still presentable. I took it when he handed it to me. “Thank you. I’ve been looking for this. How long have you had it?”
“A while.” He shrugged. I ran into the girl’s room to change. I handed him my other shirt.
“Since it’s your sweat, you can wash it.”
“You know, you never used to complain about smelling like sweat after a game.”
“Well, I didn’t have a boyfriend who would care then.”
“Juliette, you didn’t have boyfriend period.”
“You say like you’ve had a girlfriend.”
“Oh, shut up.” He pushed me playfully.
“You know. How the hell did we get to our senior year of high school and neither one of us has actually dated anyone? Tyler Down has been on dates.”
“You’ve been on dates before.”
“Yeah. but it was never anything worth getting past the end of date three. And I wouldn’t call what happens in bedrooms or bathrooms at parties, dating. You’ve been on dates too.”
“I mean, sure. But they weren’t serious.” We had made it to the parking lot now. “I’ll see you at Bryce’s?”
“Yeah. I’m meeting Parker there.”
“Awesome.” I hugged him again before sprinting to my car.
The party was in full swing by the time I arrived. I had run to Walplex to grab a bottle of Advil on the way. Monty’s Jeep was parked out front and I spotted Parker’s Ram was parked up the road a little ways. I parked in an open spot and made my way past the people milling in the front. “Julie!” Bryce called, raising his beer in my direction.
“Hey Monty, your girl is here.”
“Not my girl Bryce.” Monty laughed as he handed me a drink.
“How many has he had already?” I whispered.
“Two.” I blinked slowly.
“So, is this Bryce in a good mood?”
“Hey Jules.” Parker snaked his arms around my waist and kissed my head. “Hey Monty.”
“Hey. Parker.”
“Oh, shit you’re right. She’s his girl now.”
“Fuck off Bryce.” I teased. Monty was looking at Parker and I with his brow furrowed. I mouthed later to him.
The three of us moved through the party easily. Monty and Parker talked about the game. I tuned them out. I was too busy watching them. It was nice to see my boyfriend and my best friend getting along so well. Maybe that was why I never dated much before. I was scared they wouldn’t get along. Soon enough, Scott pulled Parker away to chat. “Go ahead. I’m good here with Monty.”
“You sure?” I nodded, placing my hand on his arm.
“Just don’t steal him for too long Reed.” I kissed him on the cheek. Scott nodded. When they were out of earshot, Monty spoke.
“You didn’t tell him you hate being called Jules?”
“It’s cute when he does it.”
“Julie. I saw your face when he said it. Your eye twitched.”
“Muscle spasm.”
“Mhmm. Sure.” I caught Scott’s eye from across the room. He nodded slightly to me. I took that to mean I should hear what they were talking about.
“Oh, would you look at that. My cup is empty. Time for another drink. Refill?” I took his cup anyway and he followed me into the kitchen.
While I was refilling our cups, Monty’s with beer and mine with a Crown and Sprite, I listened in on their conversation. Monty tried to hide it but I knew he was listening too. We whispered nothings to each other to make it seem like we weren’t eavesdropping. “So what exactly is their relationship then?” Parker asked. He’s asking about me and Monty.
“They’ve been best friends for as long as anyone can remember. There isn’t anything more to it.”
“They seem to spend a lot of time together.”
“Like I said, they’re best friends. And I don’t think I’m the person you need to be having this discussion with.”
“You know them best. Do I need to be concerned?”
“What? No, of course not. Look. She’s never really dated anyone before. It’s always just been the two of them. You have been seeing Julie for a week officially. It’s going to take some time for that relationship to change. Just leave it alone for now. And Monty is a good guy. He’s an asshole. But he’s a good guy. If he wanted to make a move, he wouldn’t do it now. Not knowing that she is in a relationship. You really should talk to Julie about this though.”
“I will. I just wanted to get a little bit of insight from someone else first. Thanks man.”
“No problem.”
Parker did that guy handshake thing with Scott and started walking in our direction. My eyes widened. Monty just smirked and mouthed math test to me.
“Anyway, yeah. That math test was totally brutal.”
“I’m sure you did great.”
“I’m literally eighty percent sure I failed. Mind you, so is everyone else.”
“I have it on Monday so thanks for the heads up. Oh, hey Parker.”
“Hey guys. What’s on Monday?”
“Math test that ruined my entire class.”
“Damn.” I put my arm around Parker’s waist and leaned into him.
Monty was scanning the room. To Parker, he was just looking at the crowd. But I was familiar with that look. He was on the hunt. I pulled Parker away discreetly so we could be alone and he could seem available. Monty nodded and smirked at us. Fuck off you little shit. I stuck my tongue out at him and Parker rolled his eyes. We managed to find a quiet corner that was unoccupied. “So, your drink is Crown and Sprite. You hate math. You don’t like chemistry. You like extra lettuce on your cheeseburger. We’ve been friends for months and I never really noticed any of that.”
“You like vodka in your iced tea. But your drink is whisky and Coke. You hate history. You also don’t like chemistry. You get tomatoes on the side of your burgers. I think you knew all of that about me. It just didn’t matter before.”
“That makes sense.” I laid my head on his shoulder and we sat together like that for a while. We were still getting used to the change in our relationship.
I looked up from my lap and caught Monty’s eye across the room. He had a girl in his sights. I nodded to him. He smiled, thinking no one else would see. The smile he reserved for me. Before he went to talk to whatever girl he would have under his spell and realistically, him in less than twenty minutes, he came over to us. “I’m probably going to be busy for the rest of the night, so will you make sure she gets home okay?”
“Yeah. No problem.” Monty turned to me and gave me a pleading look.
“Dude. Again? Seriously?”
“I didn’t have time to stop on the way over.” He shrugged, acting innocent.
“One of these days I won’t be here. Or I’ll leave my wallet at home. Or I won’t be carrying. What are you going to do then?”
“That isn’t a right now problem. Now do you, or don’t you?”
“I do. Calm down.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. Parker was watching our interaction with a puzzled look on his face. I pulled out the square silver packet and handed it to him. Monty accepted it gratefully.
“Thank you. You are a life saver.”
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret in the morning, Montgomery.”
“Never do, Juliette.”
“And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“I make no promises.” I sighed deeply. Of course, you don’t. Monty waved at us again and ran off to go make a move on whatever girl it was this time.
I looked at Parker and he was staring at me with wide eyes. “What?”
“You carry condoms around for him?”
“No. I carry them around for me. And if he needs one, then I give it to him.”
“But why?”
“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but he’s kind of a whore. He is my best friend, but the man is a whore. I’d rather give him a condom than take him to get tested or become a cool aunt. I’m too young for that.”
“What if you needed it?”
“Will I need it? Because I wasn’t exactly planning on needing it.”
“I don’t know. You never know.”
“Well, if that’s the case, I have a whole box at home anyway. I don’t plan on using any tonight though.”
“I wasn’t either.”
“If it makes you feel better, I can start carrying two. Also, I put a fresh one in my wallet every morning so it’s not like they’re sitting.” He only nodded in understanding. Monty was right. I didn’t see him for the rest of the night. He texted me later that he was crashing at Bryce’s.
A few weeks after that party, things with Monty and I were the same as they always were. Parker never brought up his conversation with Scott. I attributed it to seeing us around each other and Parker being comfortable with the status of our relationship. We were getting home from a coffee date. “My parents are working late if you want to come inside. My mom has a double at the hospital.”
“Sure.” He slipped his hand in my back pocket when I was unlocking the door. I blushed. Inside, I dropped my purse on the kitchen counter. He draped his coat over a chair and sat down. I was digging through the cabinets for a snack when he surprised me with a question.
“What’s going on with you and Monty?”
“Uh.” I paused because he caught me off guard. “What do you mean?”
“It’s just how you guys act with each other. I never noticed it before. Or I did and thought it would stop after we got together.”
“I don’t understand the question?”
“Do I need to be concerned about your relationship with him, Juliette?”
“No. Not at all. Monty is the last person you need to concern yourself with. It’s never been like that with us.”
“So, you just flirt with each other and finish each other’s sentences for no reason?”
“Okay, first of all, we do not flirt with each other. Second of all, we have been best friends since we were in elementary. Which means we know things about each other.” I was walking back to the table with a bowl of M&Ms. Placing it on the table, I sat in his lap gently. He wrapped his arms around me.
“You carry condoms around in your wallet and give him one whenever he wants.”
“I already told you why I carry them Parker.” I rested my head on his shoulder.
“You’re sure there’s never been anything between you guys?” Nothing reciprocated.
“I promise there has never anything between us. He really isn’t a concern that way Parker.” I kissed his neck softly. It was barely a brush of my lips against his skin.
“Do you still have that box?”
“Mhmmm.” He stood me up and grasped my hand.
“Lead the way Jules.”
The next day, I woke up alone. Parker had snuck out after a little bit of cuddling, so my parents didn’t find him here. I stared up at my ceiling for a few minutes. It was different with him. It means something. Maybe that’s what I needed to get Monty out of my system. Maybe it had to mean something. I groaned when my alarm went off again. Reluctantly, I got up and got ready to go to school. My dad had already left for work again. I texted Parker and Monty before I left. Stopping for coffee if you want anything.
Parker answered first. I’m good, thanks though babe.
Monty answered a few minutes later. Since you offered, my usual?
Gotcha. See you at school.
Coffees in hand, I pulled up to school. Parker was waiting for me just outside the parking lot. “Hey you.” He kissed me. We were walking to my locker when he saw the second coffee, he continued, “I said I didn’t want anything.”
“Oh. This isn’t for you. It’s for Monty.”
“Ah, yes.”
“We talked about this last night Park.”
“I know. That’s not all we did last night.” He muttered, leaning in to kiss my neck.
“Yeah. Last night was pretty great.” I smiled.
“What about last night?” Monty asked, scaring me a little.
“Jesus Monty. I need to buy you a bell or something. Why do you have to be the only guy at this school whose shoes don’t squeak?” I turned and stuck out his coffee.
“Parker’s don’t squeak.” I rolled my eyes. As though he could snese that I wanted to talk to Monty alone, he made a quick exit.
“I’ll catch you at lunch Jules.”
“Okay. Save some cheese for me.” Parker kissed me before walking away.
“So, what about last night?” Monty asked again after Parker left. I was quiet and blushed deeply. “Julie, what happened?”
“Shit. Seriously?”
“Yeah. It was good. Nice.”
“That… that’s great.” I didn’t notice the way his smile didn’t reach his eyes or that he stammered.
“I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Uh, yeah. I have a couple of things to do for Coach, but I should be able to make at least a little bit of lunch.”
I fully expected my relationship with Parker to change after that night. But I never expected that night would cause my relationship with Montgomery change too. It seemed like the closer I got to Parker the more distant Monty became. At first, it was little things. He had stuff to do with the guys or for sports stuff at lunches. Or he had things to do after practice. He wouldn’t stop to talk as long in the halls with me. If his dad was on another tear, I would find out about it the next day at school instead of that night. He brushed it off when I asked him about it. “I don’t want to seem like more of a burden. I have other places I can crash too,” he had said. For some reason, I believed him. I didn’t think anything of it. It wasn’t the first time he had taken a break from always coming to my place. I didn’t think it would be the last time.
But then, as the days and weeks passed, our relationship became even more strained. He had stopped waiting for me after games. He had all but stopped talking to me at school. My texts were left on read for hours, whereas before, he would answer me within minutes. What had initially been dubbed a ‘break’ from seeking refuge at my house, had become a full out ending. One Monday, when I got to school his cheek was stitched closed. I stopped dead in my tracks and covered my mouth in shock. Upon closer inspection when I passed, it looked like it was stitched with sewing thread. Why didn’t he come to me? He knows my mom keeps a suture kit in the first aid kit. He all but looked through me when he caught me looking. If he saw me coming now, he walked in the other direction. For the first time, my best friend was literally all out ignoring me. I didn’t know what to do. So, I tried to do the same. If he wants to ignore me, then two can play at that game. We pretended the other person didn’t exist.
“Hey, are you okay?” Parker asked me when we were sitting on the couch watching tv.
“Yeah.” I was scrolling through my phone.
“You haven’t looked up from your phone for an entire episode.”
“Huh? Has it been that long?”
“Yes. What are you looking at?” I was scrolling through my texts with Montgomery. The last time we had texted each other was three weeks ago. Before then, the last time we went longer than two days not texting each other was when I was at summer camp and we weren’t allowed to have our phones for a week. I couldn’t figure out what I had done wrong or what made our relationship change. Parker took my phone from me and closed out of messages when he saw what I was looking at. “If he doesn’t want to talk to you because you have a boyfriend, that’s his problem.”
“That’s not why Parker.”
“How do you know?”
“He wouldn’t do that.” Would he?
“How do you know he wouldn’t, Jules?”
“We promised each other a long time ago that we wouldn’t be those people.”
“Those people?”
“The people who stopped talking when one of us got into a relationship. We promised.”
“Okay, well if you promised then I’m probably wrong.” He sounded skeptical.
“We promised.” I muttered. Parker pulled me closer and held me while I tried to focus on our show.
I was sitting cross legged on the couch playing I Almost Do on my guitar while I listened to the rain hitting the roof. The old Disney World sweatshirt I was wearing helped me to stay warm, even though the heat was on. As I finished the bridge, there was a knock at the door. I’m not expecting anyone. Maybe its Parker swinging by to keep me company. I set my guitar down on the coffee table and went to answer the door when there was another, more impatient knock. “I’m coming, keep your pants on.” I muttered under my breath. Yanking open the door I felt my jaw hit the floor. “Monty.” I breathed. He was soaked. His hair fell on his forehead and I could tell the flannel he wore was soaked through.
“Hey.” Was all he said. I blinked at him slowly. “Can I come in?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah come in.” I said, moving out of the way while I tried to figure out what he was doing here. “Did you like… walk here or something?”
“Would you believe me if I said no?”
“No. Trust you not to wear a jacket in the pouring rain though.” He didn’t respond. He just looked around the living room. Okay. This isn’t weird and awkward at all. “What are you doing here Montgomery?”
“I thought about what I wanted to say to you the whole way here. And now that I’m here….”
“What are you talking about?”
“I have some stuff I need to say to you Julie.”
“Oh okay. Now you want to talk to me. Right.” I crossed my arms.
“Can you just let me say what I need to say?”
“Why? I mean, you’ve been avoiding me like the fucking plague for weeks Montgomery. Why should I listen to what you have to say?”
“Because it’s important Juliette.”
“Fine. Speak.” This better be good.
“I don’t know how to say this. I literally had this all planned out in my head on the way here.” He began. I remained silent. “I get that you’re mad at me for avoiding you, but I have reasons for it. And I need you to understand that it hasn’t been easy for me. You’re one of my closest friends.” I let out a dry, unamused laugh. Sure. You just avoid all of your friends. Totally normal behaviour for you. Monty sighed before continuing, “I couldn’t sit around and watch you with Parker. I tried. Believe me. I fucking tried. I tried being happy for you and I tried being friends with him. I tried to ignore everything in me that was screaming to just walk away. But I couldn’t do it anymore. I needed to walk away for both of our sakes. It wasn’t fair to you for me to be half out of our friendship and it wasn’t fair to me to have to keep everything in. It wasn’t healthy.”
“So, you couldn’t be friends with me, or say anything about why you were suddenly shutting me out, because I have a boyfriend? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say. And we promised we wouldn’t be those people.”
“Oh, for fucks-. No Juliette. I couldn’t be friends with you because I’ve been in love with you for four years.”
My eyes widened at his revelation and I felt the colour drain from my face. What? I couldn’t think of anything else to do except laugh. “Yeah, sure you are Monty. That’s rich.”
“You think I would joke about that? You know me Julie.”
“No. I think if you did love me, you would have had the balls to fucking say something about it before I got into a relationship. Or at the very least, to not act like a fuckin’ child when I did get into a relationship.”
“When exactly would I have told you? Somewhere between when you were worrying about your friends and when you were pining after Parker?”
“Yes. Parker and I were friends with each other for months before we started dating. At any of those times, you could have put on your big boy pants and fucking said something about how you felt.”
“That’s nice that you think that. Do you think I would walk halfway across town in the pouring rain for someone I wasn’t in love with? Seriously Juliette?”
“Maybe.” I replied. I was still angry with him, but he did have a point. “It doesn’t matter. You waited too long. I’m with Parker now.” He scoffed. I hadn’t realized how close he had gotten to me until now.
“Doesn’t matter? Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel it. Tell me you don’t feel the fluttering or the warmth when we are together. And then tell me that what you feel with Parker is anything close to that.”
“I-I-I….” I started, trying to meet his hardened gaze.
“You can’t can you?” My silence spoke volumes. “Tell me you don’t want this.” He whispered, as he caressed my cheek. I couldn’t tell him that. And I couldn’t pull away. I couldn’t do anything to stop him. For the first time, I had allowed myself to consider the feelings I had buried down deep for so long. I opened the box in my heart labeled danger, and damn it felt good. I reached up and tapped his arm quickly, twice. Our silent ‘okay’ signal when we couldn’t speak. He immediately kissed me hungrily and backed me against the nearest wall. My hands immediately went to his belt and began to tug at it, in a heated attempt to undo it. He nipped at my lip sharply and I growled lowly from the back of my throat. Giving up on the fickle strip of leather, I began to fight with his still wet shirt. The flannel stuck to the cotton of his t-shirt more and more with every tug. Abandoning the idea of removing them separately, I grabbed the bottom of his shirts together and pulled up harshly. All the while, his lips never left mine. The only time they did was to give me the space to pull off his tops. His eyes had darkened at least two shades as he stood in front of me. I felt my pupils dilate again as I reached out for him. He was on me in seconds. The feeling of him tugging at my sweater, now sightly damp from his clothes, as though I was a prize he couldn’t wait to tear into, stirred something inside of me. The primal aggressiveness and the slow burning, ever present tension of the situation making any consequences of our actions, seem totally irrelevant. He managed to remove my shirt with far fewer struggles than I did and began attacking my neck, leaving wet kisses and stinging nips down one side and then the other. Once again, I tried my hand at undoing his belt again. This time, I was able to. Quickly undoing it, I pulled it through the loops of his dark jeans and went for the button. He placed his hand on mine to stop me. I looked at him questioningly.
“What?” I asked, breathlessly.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do this in your living room.” He said, panting. I nodded in agreement and suddenly, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
“Monty!” I exclaimed, taken by surprise. He merely tightened his grip on my waist as he walked through the house to my room in the basement.
In my dark room, only illuminated by the dim pink-red glow of the salt lamp on my nightstand, he strode towards my bed and dropped me on my back. I reached out to him as he took a step back from the bed. “Get back here.” I demanded. He chuckled and shook his head.
“No. Nuh uh. I’ve waited far too long for this moment.” He smirked, devilishly. I groaned in displeasure at him. His smirk widened.
Deciding it was time to take matters into my own hands again, I sat up and slid off my bed. Taking my place on my knees in front of him, I reached up and undid the button and zipper on his jeans. He made no move to stop me as I dropped to my knees and pulled the denim harshly. They fell in a pool at his feet and I sat back on my heels as I stared at the bulge in his boxers. I growled lowly in the back of my throat and reached for the waistband of his boxers. Pulling them down, I watched his cock spring free and whined unconsciously. My movements were suddenly timid as I reached for it. It wasn’t my first time by any means. But it felt different this time. This time it was with Monty. And you have a boyfriend who isn’t Monty. Oh, shut up and let me enjoy this. I’ll deal with the consequences later. Grasping his thick, heavy cock in my hand, I stroked it softly. This was so wrong, yet it felt so wonderfully right.
My strokes changed as I gained more confidence and was able to push away any intrusive thoughts about Parker. They were faster and I tightened my grip slightly. Montgomery let out a sharp breath when my ring fingernail caught a bit of skin. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, you’re excited. Just remember we have all night Julie.”
“I know.” His hips started to buck a little bit and my mouth began to water.
“We have plenty of time for that later.” I groaned a little. “Look at me.” I looked up at him through my lashes. “I promise you can after I fuck you into your mattress.” My eyes widened as big as saucers. We went from five to a hundred real quick. Fucking hot though.
Monty took my bicep in his hand to pull me up before pushing me back down on the bed roughly. I gasped in shock. I sat up on my elbows and watched him unbutton and rip open the zipper on my jeans. He pulled them down with a little help from me. He took a very brief second to admire my mint underwear before pulling them off and chucking them across my room. I sat up to undo and remove my pink bralette. A low growl came from deep in his chest when my breasts were out in the open and I was naked. His eyes scanned my body hungrily. My own dark eyes admired his naked body. I grabbed his arm to pull him down towards me.
“There is so much I want to do to you, but it will have to wait until later.” He whispered in my ear, biting at my earlobe. He bit and sucked his way down my neck, easily pulling loud moans out of me. There were sure to be marks all over my neck in the morning. Consequences be damned.
“Later, yes.” I panted. I could feel his hard length against my thigh. I rutted my hips against his. He kissed me passionately. When his hand trailed down my body, I knew his intentions. “No time. Just do it. Need it.” He stilled. The passion and tension were still in the air but there was a slight shift.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Yes. Just be quick about it and it’ll be fine.” I stuck out my pinky. He linked his with mine.
“If you need me to stop and adjust, just say so.”
“I will.” I nodded, trying to edge him along. Just hurry the hell up and do it.
Monty straightened up and pulled my hips closer to the edge of the bed. I shut my eyes as he lined his cock up with my entrance. No matter how ready I was and how much I wanted it, it was still a reflex. I barely felt the tip, but I knew more was coming. He held my hands in his, interlocking our fingers as he pushed further. The stretch stung a little. He was bigger than Parker and without taking the time to prepare me, it burned slightly. I whimpered softly and he stilled immediately. Only about half was inside of me. “No, no keep going. Please.” I begged.
“I don’t want to hurt you Juliette.”
“Montgomery. I need you to do it. It hurts more if you stop. Please just do it. You can give me time to adjust after.” I told him seriously, staring into his eyes.
“Okay. Deep breath.” I sucked in a big breath and let it out as he quickly thrust the rest of his cock into me. I yelped sharply and he stilled again. I felt him go to pull out and growled harshly at him.
“Don’t you dare. Just give me a second.” He nodded and stayed still, allowing me time to adjust to his size.
After a minute or so, I was ready. The pain had dissipated for the most part. I felt like we could keep going. “Okay.” I nodded. His thrusts were slow and shallow at first. The more he did it, the more comfortable it became. When my moans grew louder, his thrusting became faster. He was fucking me hard and fast. Quite literally fucking me into the mattress. I tried to match him thrust for thrust. It was sloppy at first, but soon enough, we had a good rhythm going. He leaned down more, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. His cock was buried deeper in me and I screamed. He was moaning and grunting softly in my ear. I let go of his hands and wrapped my arms around his back. Dragging my nails down, I scratched him from his shoulder blades all the way down to his mid to low back.
“Jesus Christ.” He spat out. I smirked and dug my nails into his back. He nipped my collar bone. I was panting and I could feel my core tightening. “Fuck. You are so fucking tight.” Monty stood straight again and hooked one of my legs over his shoulder. The changed angle felt like magic. My moans had become whimpers again. I bit my bottom lip to keep from screaming once again. He used his right hand to rub my clit harshly while his left steadied the leg on his shoulder. I couldn’t hold a scream in after that. His thrusts were starting to get sloppy just as I had begun to fall over the edge. My orgasm hit me like a freight train. My entire body shook. I groaned when I felt his own orgasm hit. The feeling of his cock pulsing inside of me was exquisite. Thank God for birth control and regular testing. Monty pulled out of me gently and half fell, half laid down onto my bed beside me. He was panting harshly. So was I.
“Fuck me.” I muttered.
“I just did.” He panted. I groaned, unable to find the energy to flip him off or move or make an actual noise in response. After a couple of minutes, he stood and put his boxers back on. I hadn’t moved. He walked to the bathroom across the hall, and I heard the water running. Back in my room, he gently wiped me clean with a warm washcloth. It felt very nice on my sensitive folds. I groaned again. Once I was wiped clean, he climbed on the bed again and pulled me close. I snuggled against his chest.
I woke up in Montgomery’s strong arms the next morning. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I groaned softly. Monty stirred behind me. I leaned into him. He sighed. “Half of me thought last night was a really hot dream.” He mumbled sleepily.
“It wasn’t.” I yawned. We rolled onto our backs and I stared at the ceiling. We were quiet for a time. I was processing what happened last night. I cheated on Parker. With the one person…. The one person what? I told him not to worry about? I mean, yeah. But if that was the reason, I would have regretted it as soon as we were done. Oh shit. What does this mean for our friendship?
“Do you regret it?” I paused before answering. I knew the answer already but what would it say about me if I answered him immediately?
“No. Do you?”
“Not a bit.”
“What does this mean? What are we supposed to do now?”
“I don’t know. I can’t tell you what to do. But if I were you, I would break up with Parker.”
“That would be the kind thing to do.”
“Did… did you mean what you said last night?”
“About you?”
“Isn’t it kind of obvious?” He motioned between the two of us. I laughed.
“I just wanted to confirm.” Monty chuckled and turned to kiss my temple.
“Does this mean,” I paused again, “was this just to get it out of our systems? Or do you want more?”
“I want more if you want more. I’d also be down for another round.” I sat up a little and pulled the sheet around my chest to look at him. He was smirking wider than I had seen him smirk in a long time.
“I think I would like more. And as for another round, I think I need to talk to Parker first before this goes any further.” He considered that for a moment.
“That’s fair. I can respect that.” We were quiet again. He’s all you’ve ever really wanted anyway.
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nad-zeta · 3 years
Christmas Update!!
Heya cuties!!! Long-time no seee!😆😆🥺🥺❤⭐ Whoop whoop! I am still alive, promise, this year has just been absolutely crazy! //crosses fingers that next year will be less busy……🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺.
Anywayssssss I'm here to wish ya sweethearts a Merry Christmas! ⚘⚘🌻⭐⭐🌠🌠🌌🌌
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I honestly love Christmas. It is honestly one of my fav times of the year, and yes… I get hella sentimental this time of the year!!!😳😳😳
So, without further ado some sentimental Christmas ginger cookie sparkle
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- After reflecting on this year, a little I've realised how burnt out I was towards the end, and well a little grumpy! Hehehe
So, my number one goal for next year is to prioritise myself more! (Without feeling guilty or selfish!)
2nd goal for next year. If yall haven't noticed yet this is basically my Christmas and New Year post all in one! To write more!!! My ask box is full of fun ideas and I really do want to get to those
REBLOGGG! ALLLLLL the reblogs (cause I want more cool blogs to get exposure and reach more people to make em happy
Read more!!!! A book a month to be exact!
Do more of the things I love! Lift more than last time, bake more than last time, and read more than last time hehehe
Learn a new language! I'm not gonna be over-ambitious and say master it! Let's do baby steps and just say learn hehe
Travel! I really really want to travel next year!
Make people happy! And bring joy rather than gloom in the world!
And that's all!
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SO, goals covered… Let's do Thank You's, compared to last year ima keep this list short and sweet!
The first thanks goes to the two main MVP’s hehe I'll give ya a guess as to who they are?
//drum roll please.........
Of course, they are the two cuties Neeeeemoooooo and Mamaaaaaa (Jules for those who know not!). @mareaderinsertfanfiction and @moonlit-stargazer Thank you, cuties, for everything this year, and I mean EVERYTHING🥺🌻❤! Thank you for all your patience and advice during my grumpy, stubborn days, thank you for all the laughs during the happy days, all the distractions during the busy days and all the baking fun during my off days.❤ seems like this year has been hella hectic for all of us❤🌌😆 Yall inspire and push me to better myself every day, to follow my dreams and remind me to take time to destress and relax! 💪💪Honestly, whether you like it or not, yall have been my rocks! Yall be like the two bright golden rays of sunshine in my life and I am thankful every day for having met two wonderful, kind and gentle sparkles like you! I wish I could bake yall a million cakes and cookies to show ya how much I love and appreciate the two of you! Love ya twooo soooo much! // squishes in tight hugs! (And many many pats for neemo!)🎂🧁⭐🌟 ❤
New friends made this year!!!! Minekoooo! Albyyyy! TOBEEE! Day! And Applo! (The last two cuties who will never see this but oh well) Raises a glass in thanks to the new friends I made this year!❤❤🌌🌠 Love ya cuties so much! Thanks for bringing so much light and fun into my day! Thanks for all the fun game nights and all the dumbass shenanigans! While we have not known each other very long I am immensely grateful for having met you and being able to call ya my friends!⚘🌷i can't wait to get to know each of yall even better!🥺⭐
To all my cutie followers who have stuck around and continue to msg, and interact with me! Thank you so much for all your love and support! Thanks for all the reblogs and for reblogging my reblogs! Yall be the real sparkles of Tumblr!🌷⚘🌟
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I wish I could make each and every one of yall some baked goods to show ya how much I love and appreciate ya but alas! Hehehe so here are some virtual treats for now!
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To end off this sappy post! Merry Christmas to all! May your Christmas be filled with all the love and joy! Happy new year! And may your New Year be filled with lots and lots and lots of blessings! May all your dreams come true and may you eat all the candy this holiday season!🌲🌲🌲⚘🌷
I hope to spend even more time with yall next year! Get to know yall even better and share many many more fun memories with yall! Sending lots o love!❤❤❤⚘👏🌟
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miracle-sham · 3 years
Memento Mori Cries Our Shattered Souls.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 1, Day 3: Grave} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] |
| Soulmates, are a tricky thing. It's said they're the person who best fits you. Everyone goes through life with half of their Soulmate's soul beside them in the form of an animal that represents the soulmate. |
| Marinette always thoughts she'd get to meet her Soulmate and the other half of her soul one day, and now she never will. Jason never wanted to meet his soulmate or be reunited with the other half of his soul. And now, like Romeo and Juliet, they've truly become star-crossed Soulmates. |
| Word Count: 1,371. |
| Warnings/Tags: Soulmate Au, Major Character Death/Implied Death/Temporary Death/Not Really Dead, Death Related Injuries/Injury Recovery, Miscommunication, Loss of Soulmate, Angst, Emotional Hurt, Explicit Language/Swearing, Starcrossed Soulmates, Wakes & Mentions of Funerary Customs/Traditions. |
| A/N: Okay so there's only one song on this one's playlist but c'mon, look my written words in the eyes and tell me that isn't the perfect Jasonette song. Yeah, exactly. Also Choo Choo dear readers, I'm back on the angst train. Grab your tissues and some liquid to hydrate yourself because if you aren't crying by the end of this, then I've failed my job <3 |
| If you want to be tagged in future oneshots/fics or a specific Au, then feel free to send me a dm and or ask! |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
It isn't a grave. An important difference, Marinette thinks to herself hollowly. There's a dull pang in her chest, and the constant ache of all her many, many still healing injuries. She shouldn't be up and about yet, it's only been a day since she was discharged from hospital. Her parents and the doctors would have kittens. But Marinette needs to do this. And she's already crawled her way up to her balcony chair (though with a little miraculous help of course). Because it isn't a grave but it might as well be one.
It's a simple little thing really, and yet… Yet it's a lot of things.
A shrine, well an altar. On the half wall besides her balcony chair. It's a small stone slab with a lit incense holder in the middle, and a few lit candlesticks in each of the front two corners of the slab. Behind the incense holder, in the back two corners are two bouquets of marigolds, white lilies, and yellow and white chrysanthemums. And in front of the incense holder, is a single photo of her soulmate familiar and all that she has left of her soulmate; Buddy the german shepherd.
Five days ago, her soul bond shattered. Her soulmate familiar nearly shattered too. It was a miracle Buddy only fell into a pseudo-coma instead. Unlike her though, he's yet to wake up. And considering the situation, he may never. One of the doctors—a soulmate related injuries specialist—had said it's rare but not unheard of for that to happen when the human counterpart to their soul familiar dies. And the final damning nail in the coffin was Marinette's own soul familiar counterpart appearing at some point after she had fallen into the three day coma. After all, it's common knowledge that once a soulmate died, you become reunited with the other half of your soul—your soul familiar counterpart.
Marinette doesn't know what happened to her soulmate's body (if there even is one left, considering the injuries found on her and her soul familiar counterpart). Nor does she have any memorabilia or anything that once belonged to her soulmate. And she certainly doesn't know where he was from and if he would've had any preferred cultural funeral rites. So the best she can give him right now, are the typical funeral flowers her parents both recommended, alongside candles and incense. Somewhat plain and generic almost but it's something, and it's better than nothing.
She chokes back a sob and rubs at her red eyes. “It's not fair… I thought Ladybug's were supposed to be lucky.”
There's a faint pitter-patter and a few droplets splatter against the altar. She blinks and glances upwards, briefly wondering if it is starting to rain. But the cloudless sky is all an answer she needs, along with the realisation of dampness on her cheeks and hands. She blinks again, and a few more tears fall.
Tikki makes a small noise of sadness, and gives Marinette one of those tiny little hugs she always gives.
Still, the grief hurts. Marinette will never get to know who her soulmate was. His name, what he looked like, how he smiled, his accent, what he liked, his favourite things, any stupid habits or mannerisms.
And she will never get to know if her soulmate even has a grave already. She could always ask Tikki, she's right there. But the kwami is stressed enough as it is that Marinette fell comatose for three days and nearly died from the injuries inflicted on her soul familiar counterpart. And five days without a proper Ladybug (and not just Master Fu stepping in out of necessity) protecting Paris has started to visibly take its toll on Tikki.
So, Marinette's little altar isn't a grave but it's where she's burying her grief and wishing the ladybug miraculous could do something to fix this.
It's not a fucking grave. If Jason had a choice, he'll never let his soulmate be buried in one of those fuckers ever, y'know just in case she ever ends up like him and is forced to crawl out her own grave. But he hasn't got a fucking choice because who knows who or where his soulmate is and what happened to her after he became a dead robin.
Well other than the fact, she's un-fucking-doubtedly dead and it's all his fucking fault, obviously. It's been six months since he crawled out his grave, and Talia had said the Lazarus Pit could heal broken soul bonds and soulmate familiars that died with the soulmate. Clearly fucking wrong seeing as his bond is still shattered as fuck and there's been no sign of Jules—the naturally shifting little soulmate familiar he used to adore. The kinda weird and scrappy looking calico tabby kitten that according to the internet was a cornish rex, that would sometimes shift into an even tinier, very round and fluffy hamster.
And Jason's spent enough time on the streets as a kid to know what happens to the human counterpart when their soul familiar counterpart snuffs it. If he's lucky, she'll be in a coma and will never wake up. And if he's unlucky, then she'll be six feet under like he was. Either way, she's paying for his fuck ups and deserves way better.
A small part of him wonders if that makes them star-crossed lovers. Like a reverse Romeo and Juliet—fucking ironic considering R&J were the inspiration behind Jules' name. He died, and came back only to find irrefutable evidence that his soulmate's dead—or might as well be—because of him dying first, and she'll never know he survived dying.
“It's not fair!” Jason snarls at his fate, vision staining green for a split second. He grits his teeth and glares down at the little altar he's set up in the corner of his room in whatever league of assassins' compound this is. It's got a single lit candle in each corner of the altar—a substitute for how there's supposed to be a burning candle at each corner of a coffin. Still doesn't make it a fucking grave though.
There's also a few bunches of flowers scattered across the middle of the altar—mostly marigolds, with a few white lilies, a couple black roses, a single pheasant's-eye, and a small handful of asphodels. It hadn't been easy to get them, especially since he couldn't exactly leave the compound yet. But Jules and his soulmate deserved this at least.
Marigolds for grief, white lilies more for the funeral staple than the meaning, black roses for death and mourning, pheasant's-eye for painful recollections, and asphodels for my regrets follow you to the grave.
Fucking ironic, seeing as it's on altar and not a grave.
The worst fucking part of being here, was losing Jules. The one fucking constant in his shitty life. Batman replacing him fucking stung alright, and he's never particularly cared for soulmates, yeah. He's seen and heard more than plenty horror stories growing up, and considering how small and cute Jules is, no way would've his soulmate survived Gotham. It's not like he cared too much about meeting her or whatever, but she was fucking innocent and now she's fucking dead. So yeah, she gets asphodels on her altar because he regrets being the reason she and Jules got shattered.
And the pheasant's-eye, well Talia and all the fucking assassins in this hell hole aren't giving him the chance to hold a wake for either of them. And it's not like he knows shit about her or has anything of hers to sit on the altar. He hasn't even got anything left of Jules 'cept his fucking memories. So all he can really do is recount his own memories of her to himself. Maybe he should write 'em down in a book or something…
All in all, it ain't a fucking grave. But it might as well be one because it's where he's burying his memories and feelings. After all, an assassin without a soulmate familiar, or a soulmate, is a lot harder to kill. 'Least he's got that going for him now. But Jules and his soulmate still didn't fucking deserve dying only for him to survive alone.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
| Quick reasons behind the Soul Familiar names and species, whilst I know Jason canonically is bad at naming, he's also a literature nerd so hence why he called his soulmate's familiar Juliet, also because it shifts form he can't call it Cat or Hamster. The hamster is because well this is half of Marinette's soul, let's be real, and the cat is because Calicos are seen as lucky and also I thought a Cornish Rex because they're highly intelligent, active, and affectionate and I think that fits Marionette pretty well. As for why Marinette has Buddy, it's purely because Jason reminds me of a German Shepherd and I feel Marinette would've wanted to become friends with her Soulmate as soon as she understood it as a kid, so hence the name buddy. It's not fully accurate to her canon naming skills, but that doesn't matter. |
| If you've been around since the early days of my Maribat/MLB Tumblr side acc, then this premise might sound familiar. Yeah, you've guessed it! It's the Jasonette version of my MTSPY au (rip, I'll get to writing it one day, maybe), aka/originally called LYLaLYL or Lose Your Love and Lose Your Life. I decided since I love the au but I want to re-use a lot of it but with some minor to significant changes. Anyway, if those au names are familiar/you've been around for my last year's content, then here have a virtual hug from me! 🫂 If you can't see this emoji, it's the weird two blue humanoid blobs hugging emoji. Yeah. |
| On a sidenote if there's an obvious difference in writer's voice for the end/beginning notes, tags, and summary, that's because I'm writing this very sleep deprived at 4am and may have gone slightly feral. Yeah. Don't do what I'm doing, get some sleep folks. Half the tags were written at the much more reasonable hour of ten to midnight instead though. |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I'll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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cloudshapedpatch · 4 years
sing me a lullaby (don’t tell your boss what to do)
a super indulgent, tooth-rotting fluffy Julie and the Phantoms one shot.
julie can’t sleep so she goes to her boys for comfort. no plot. just sugar.
or! read on ao3 here
* * * *
Some nights, Julie could sleep like a rock. The band had found she was a surprisingly heavy sleeper, and could fall into a deep REM cycle within minutes. She was notorious for being able to fall asleep anywhere if she was tired enough. 
Tonight was not one of those nights. 
After many hours of tossing and turning, 3 relaxing YouTube videos and maybe a few too many melatonin gummies, Julie gave up on sleep. 
Her go-to solution to any problem nowadays was to see her boys, so without much thought, she slipped into her favorite funky monster slippers and made her way out the front door. 
The cold night air slapped her cheeks with a little alertness, and a little sense. If she went out to the studio, she was sure to stay up all night. Alas, it was still 2 in the morning, and her better judgement had set with the sun. She didn’t have anything really important to do tomorrow, right? 
She opened one of the studio doors and squinted against the lights, too bright in contrast to the darkness of the house.
“Jules! What are you doing up?” Reggie was the first to notice her arrival, standing up to guide her to the couch (giving up his own seat and opting to sit on the floor in front of her; she failed to notice in her fatigued state). 
“Couldn’t sleep,” Julie mumbled, rubbing her eyes. 
“Jeez, you’re shivering,” Luke was always quick to worry about her, “Why didn’t you grab a coat?” 
Alex had already taken off his pink sweatshirt and laid it in her lap before she could answer. As she slipped it on, she noted that while it was not warm like a living teen boy’s sweater should be, it was still warmer than she was expecting, and she was glad to have a little bit of extra heat. 
After having taken a couple of moments to recover from being outside (she’d admit, it was colder than she was expecting), she went to answer the boys’ questions, but giggled at the sight of them. Alex and Reggie had sat themselves down right at her feet and Luke was seated on the armchair next to her, all looking like curious puppies waiting for a treat. 
“Well??” They said at the same time, only filling Julie with more mirth. 
“Nothing, I just knew coming in here would make me feel better.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, she knew she should have changed her wording. Luke stood up and was demanding she tell him who hurt her feelings, Reggie had attached himself to her legs, resting his cheek on her bare knees comfortingly, and Alex was halfway out the door, saying he’d figure out how to make a cup of tea. 
A fit of giggles later, Julie explained she just couldn’t sleep and was doing fine emotionally. It was only after the boys had sat back down that Julie asked what they had been doing before. 
“Just a little bit of lyric writing. Can’t play with the melody until everyone leaves for the day tomorrow, but it works for us.” Luke shrugged, looking toward his abandoned notebook on the piano. 
“Ooh, let me help!” 
“Uhh…” Reg and Alex said together, in their usual harmonised way, looking anywhere but at her.
“Look, Julie,” Luke started, and she already knew what he was gonna say, “You got school in the morning. You shouldn’t be writing.”
“No no no, it’s fine! Writing will tire my brain out, you know?” They didn’t look convinced, so she continued, “My thoughts are running a mile a minute, let me get ‘em out on paper. Please?”
All three boys looked away from her then, mumbling about how difficult it was to say no when she pouted. Finally they gave in, and they led her to the piano to pore over the notebook. 
Of course, they only got a few lines down before Reggie was throwing wads of paper at Alex, and Julie played Never Gonna Give You Up as softly as she could while simultaneously keeping her laughter down (the boys were fascinated that she knew the song since it had come out when they were young, which prompted a short lesson on memes and Rick Rolling. Reggie was especially enthralled by this). 
Luke gave up writing and went to the dart board, where Julie had hopped off the piano bench and challenged him. Not being one to back down, he and Julie played while Reg and Alex cheered them on. Alex humored her while Reggie was convinced no one could beat Luke at darts. He was right, but Julie didn’t mind so much, especially after Julie got to over-exaggerate her pity party and receive a nice long hug from her opponent, sharing an amused look with Alex while Luke rocked them back and forth. 
“I could go for some nachos right now.”
“You always want nachos, Reg.”
“Again, Reginald?”
It took Julie a moment to think through his statement (hey, it was past 3am, she had brain fog to wade through). Ever since the night they opened at the Orpheum, the boys found they could do other small things besides touch Julie, like eat, and much to Reggie's delight, take showers. 
She just giggled and grabbed Reggie by the hand, starting the short trek to the house, knowing the other two would follow. For a moment, she had forgotten what she was wearing, but stepping back into the cold night reminded her. She had walked out of the house wearing her pajama shorts and a short-sleeved crop top, and she was drowning in Alex’s hoodie. Her face heated at the thought of all the boys seeing her in nearly nothing but the large pink sweatshirt, playing off the color in her cheeks as windchill.
But she should have known the boys wouldn't have behaved.
Because while nothing the boys said would be able to be heard by her father or brother, the results of their actions were definitely audible. Alex was trying to heat the queso, but he spent too much effort trying not to drop the jar that he forgot about the spoon, which clattered loudly to the ground. All four froze in terror until Luke burst into laughter because some cheese had splattered into Julie’s hair, and she replied by smudging some cheese onto his nose. And after the ensuing cheese-throwing war, the kitchen was not a pretty sight. The mere thought of her dad coming down to see his daughter covered in cheese, alone, in the middle of the night, in their equally messy kitchen brought shivers. She’d surely be back to seeing Dr. Turner three days a week. 
The boys did their best to clean, but mostly entertained Julie while she wiped up the mess and carried the plate of nachos back to the studio (how long does it take a band of three dead teen boys to make a plate of nachos? apparently, 38 minutes) before they flopped on the ground in a big pile. Julie laid with her head on Luke’s chest, who had his head on Alex’s lap. Reggie laid on Julie’s legs and she ran her hands through his surprisingly soft hair as they slowly worked through the plate. 
“Hey Julie? Will you sing me a lullaby?”
“Are you serious?” Julie turned her head slightly to see him more clearly. She almost laughed, but then saw the look in his eyes, and couldn’t tell if he was serious or about to tease her. “Luke, you guys don’t even sleep.”
“Aw, c’mon Jules,” Reg begged, “You have such a nice voice.”
“The voice of an angel.” Luke added. Julie pushed all thoughts of the song she never let herself write down, yet constantly played in her dreams, and hoped that they couldn’t see the flush creeping down her neck.
“Fine. But only because I love y’all.”
Alex wiggled excitedly from under her as she cleared her throat and started to sing A Thousand Years (Julie was sort of glad they had died 25 years ago. She would virtually never run out of new material to impress them with, and Christina Perri was a classic). At some point Alex had laid down too, and Reggie had closed his eyes as Julie kept scratching his scalp as she sang. Luke ran his fingers over her shoulder as if he were strumming his guitar. And everything was alright.
A large yawn took over Julie’s voice just as she finished the song.
“Alright, time for bed, little miss.” Alex joked, poking her tongue as her mouth opened in another yawn. 
She swatted his hand away yet made no effort to get up, instead choosing to nestle further into Luke’s neck. “Sorry, can’t, Reggie fell asleep on me.”
Reggie cracked one eye open. “Nice try. We don’t sleep, remember?” Reggie climbed off her and grabbed her hands, pulling her to a stand. 
The blood rushed from her head down to her toes, causing her vision to turn dark and her balance swayed. Before she could catch herself, Luke had scooped her up into his arms. 
“Come on boys. We got a girl to tuck in.”
“Yes sir.”
“At your service.”
Julie played off her wheeze as a snort of amusement, burying her face into her hands. A few moments passed and they didn’t move, so she peeked out from between her fingers, only to see all three boys looking over her like she was exactly what they asked for for their birthday.
She yelped in surprise which only caused the boys to laugh. Julie huffed and crossed her arms, pursing her lips to keep from smiling.
“Oh, lighten up, boss. We’re going now.”
And then he was smiling that smile that he usually reserved for when they were alone or on stage. She snorted (for real this time, but still in an effort to keep her composure) and poked his cheek. 
For the fourth time that night, the cold night air whipped at her legs and face as Luke and the boys carried her to her bedroom. Reggie made an offhand comment on how absurd it would look if Ray woke up and saw his daughter floating around the house, and Julie had to slap her hand to her mouth to keep from laughing aloud; the boys all laughing loudly without restraint didn’t help.
And finally, once they were in the safety of her bedroom, they did exactly what they said they would. Alex tucked the pink hood inside the sweater so she could lay on it more comfortably (“You look all cozy, you can sleep in it for tonight.”), Reggie pulled back the covers and fluffed the pillows. 
Julie felt like a princess, being pampered by these boys who had crashed into her life and nestled their way into her heart. Luke even laid her down, hand supporting her neck, and all three of them literally tucked her in. 
“Hey guys? Will you sing me a lullaby?”
They groaned, mumbling together about karma, payback, and song recommendations. Eventually they settled themselves on her bed and sang her a song she didn’t recognize, one that must have been vaguely popular in the 90’s. It was soothing, and she felt the tugs of sleep start to take her under.
She must have dozed off, because she awoke to some shuffling, opening her eyes to see the boys tip-toeing out of her room.
She hadn’t meant to say it out loud. She had been thinking of him (and the fuzzy lingerings of a dream lined the edges of her mind, one with Luke and a magical dance and that sweet smile of his). But all three boys stopped, before Alex pushed Reggie through the door with a wink.
“You okay? Need anything?”
Her words failed her, heart full and eyes nearly brimming with tears. She scooted over and pulled back the covers, patting the sheets next to her and avoiding his eyes.
Just like she knew he would, he made no comment but slid into the bed and let Julie resume her earlier position on his chest. With a flick of his wrist, he pulled the covers back over them both and wrapped his arms around her back, keeping her close. 
Idly, she noted how much she liked laying on the boys (and especially him) because they were the perfect cuddling temperature. Not too hot, but not cold. Plus, she reasoned with herself, if he was nervous, at least he wouldn’t overheat the bed. 
Wait. Nervousness. She was sure Luke could feel her pounding heart, beating like thunder against his too-quiet chest. He didn’t say anything, just rolled her curls between his fingers as they laid in comfortable silence. 
Her thoughts began to wander, instead of relishing in the moment like she longed to do, but thoughts of all the boys had done for her, not just tonight, but in all the months she had known them. 
And then his thumbs were running over her cheeks, whispering soothing words and lifting her face, locking their eyes. Her cheeks were wet. She must have started crying.
“Happy tears, don’t worry about it.” 
He looked back at her quizzically.
“I was just thinking about how grateful I am that you guys are in my life.” She bit back the ‘especially you’ that fought to escape.
“We’ll always be here, Julie. You’re okay. Just go to sleep. I’ll wake you around 6? You’ll need to take a shower.” Luke took his hands out of her hair to show her a bit of cheese he picked out. 
Julie covered a laugh again, resting her head back on his chest, relishing in his company and willingness to do whatever she asked. And she fell asleep, for real this time, with his fingers in her hair and soft hums pulling her into the best sleep she’d had in a while. 
And never had she felt happier than that morning, Luke softly singing her into consciousness while Reggie brought her a cup of hot coffee and Alex picking her outfit for the day. 
Julie came home from school later that day exhausted but overjoyed. Flynn had teased her endlessly, but she was too happy to care.
Like she did every day, she said hello to her family before going into the studio to do her homework.
But her brain short circuited as she opened the door and found all three boys jumping up from their seats to greet her, Luke wearing Alex’s pink hoodie. It was a little small for him around the arms, not leaving much to be imagined. Julie felt her eyes grow wide, her brows climbing higher, but unable to fix her face or look away.
Alex, never one to miss a cue, nodded his chin towards Luke. “He insisted on wearing it today cause it smelled like you.”
Luke sidestepped to him and whacked him with the back of his hand, but the message had been received. She’d think about that later. For now, she had math homework and a cuddle pile with her ghosts to continue. 
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I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing
a/n - this is for my ocs tommy and julian! they’re best friends and i love em a lot! i was on writers block so i decided to ask my friend to pick a number 1-100 and i got a prompt and ran a spinner with a couple things to write and got this :D meet tommy and julian!
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“Tommy. WhatEVER you do. Do not come visit me at work tonight. It’s a Saturday night and we’re going to be busy as hell. I wont have time to chat or anything.”
“So you’re telling me not to get drunk on a Saturday, night man?”
“Yes. Precisely.” Julian said as he slid his denim jacket on and grabbed his keys. Julian worked at the local bar, not far from they and Tommy’s apartment.
Julian met Tommy about two years ago after Tommy moved to California to just pursue his little dream of working a concert venue. He was hired on immediately by The Roxy as soon as he applied. Julian however was already working at the bar across the street by then. So as any reckless teenager new to the Strip would, Tommy weaseled his way into the bar and had his first true taste of alcohol. Julian obviously was his bartender and they clicked almost immediately.
“But I’m not gonna go to The Rainbow and spend twenty bucks on a couple shots and a beer and or dinner.” Tommy paused, staring right at Julian. “Your bar sells cheap beer can I at least not spend an arm and a leg on beer?”
Sighing heavily, they glared at Tommy, “Fine, just because we have cheap beer you can come to my bar.”
“Yay!” Tommy cheered in success. Tommy was really good at persuasion and Julian was always gullible. They were the perfect duo. “Cya later Jules, have a good shift!”
“Don’t call me that!” Julian laughed as they left the apartment and locked the door on their way out.
“Whatever man!” Tommy called before Julian left. Usually Tommy is scheduled at The Roxy on Saturday evenings because he was good to have on hand, but he didn’t work until Sunday afternoon. That meant Tommy was home by himself until about 5pm when he’d go and visit Julian. It was about 2:30pm. Tommy is always compared to a golden retriever because he’s always bubbly and social but also basically sat at the door until his best friend came back home.
A few hours passed and Tommy had cleaned Julian’s room for the hell of it and listened to about 3 records. Those albums consisted of Toys in the Attic by Aerosmith, High ‘n’ Dry by Def Leppard and KISS by KISS. You could tell Tommy was bored because he CLEANED. Julian’s room specifically too—they were a giant mess. This took Tommy about 3 hours, which put him a little off schedule.
Tommy grabbed his wallet and his keys and was off to walk to the local bar and visit Julian. The walk took him about 15 minutes to get there, but it wasn’t bad.
Looking around the room, there was basically nobody there. It was a Saturday night? Why was it practically empty? So, Tommy took a seat at the bar, beaming and waiting for Julian.
“So,” Julian said and paused, “whaddya want?”
“I’m looking for a hot brunet who stole my cheetah print button down and looks fabulous in it.”
“Yknow if it weren’t for my identity n getting kicked out n shit, I think my parents would be proud if I brought you home.” Julian beamed back.
“Get outta here!” Tommy laughed, grinning the entire time.
“The usual?” Julian grinned as he flaunted the stolen cheetah print button down.
“Yeah duh, dude!” Tommy smiled, happy to see his best bud happy.
Julian got Tommy his drink and stood by his buddy until someone showed up.
“Why is it so empty tonight? It’s a Saturday in the middle of August.” Tommy asked, glancing around.
“Elektra’s playing The Troubadour so everyone is getting food and drunk at The Rainbow before and after she plays. She’s like this giant Strip celebrity now after making herself known like two years ago.”
“Imagine being like her. A woman and popular in the glam scene. She’s a goddess dude, I kinda wanna go see her if she does end up scheduling at The Roxy when Im there.”
“I think she announced a weekend at The Whiskey next weekend. Wanna get tickets?”
“I gotta see what days I work and what times though because I can’t miss work. We barely keep the power on at our apartment.”
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s not get evicted. Let’s shoot for Friday for tickets. Check when you get home.”
“Cool dude! What time’s your shift over?”
“7? Why?”
“Can you ride me home?”
“We live fifteen minutes walking distance from here.”
“I wanted gas station food.”
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artemisfowlcodex · 4 years
My sister’s directly transcribed notes, taken while watching the Artemis Fowl movie...
(Absolutely no editing for grammar has been done, this is raw reaction)
 THis is a better start to Percy Jackson than the actual Percy Jackson movie There’s no way he’d choose the name Bruce Okay but the accents cute
 And this scene is accurate  Basard boy Absolute baby unlimited
 Bold of you to think he could lift a backpack SKATEBOARD?????????????? JEANS??????????????????
 At home w his dad yeah as if he was a good dude from the start what He taught him bout fair folk????
 PLEASE stop putting my boy in JEANS JEAAAANNNSS baby boy has a cute as hell nose
 Arty count #1
 sidenote pls don’t call him Artemis jr it’s senior and Artemis that’s it 
What is even happening hmmm
why would you kill the person trying to put him in jeans 
The manor is cute as hell tho
LEGO??? Omg robotics
Yeah that sounds about right Hey why aren’t his pjs silk And WHERE IS BUTLER
baby drink MILK 
Bold of you to assume Artemis didn’t know his dad was a crime lord
Owl star?? Bruh
 DOM PLS GOD WHY  Never call him butler pfft  Oh my god why is the plot now that the folk have kidnapped him????  WHAT ACULOUS?
 “Word for word”  This boy would and then DOESNT 
 Arty count #2  WHY IS HE STILL IN JEANS how tf is this so different to the book you had 20 YEARS to get it
I vibe w haven tho  Nother sidenote why are mulch’s teef so nice don’t like that
 Hollys suit is kinda cute tho Helmet sucks tbh  I AM VIBIN W HAVEN  Why is mulch a beeg boye  WHY ARE GOBLINS HARRY POTTER SHIT UGLY INSTEAD OF REPTILES  Yep helmets SUCK  Okay yeah this is a cute holly  Fjsjfjsjfjfnsjfj yeah that’s their whole dynamic  Why tf is he going to howlers peak
 hmm okay yeah dench good commander bad root HWAT THE HECK IS THEB ACULLUS the hats are SO BAD  BEEG eyes holly Holly looking for her dad too oh no I smell the bonding already  I wannaaaaa seeeeeeee TROUBLE and chix lol
 ohhhh yeah CUDGEON  so it IS opal
 Wings good IS she shielded??
Yeah this scene right  Fangs aren’t big enough  Too human face hm
 GOOD FOALY THO  THEYRE REALLY USING CENTAUR TO FULL POTENTIAL  THATS NOT HOW TIME STOPS WORK  they’re literally explained in the book how th ehh work what the heckidy heck
 Arty count #3
 It IS opal  Thats  That’s not how coords work
 STOP CALLING HIM DOM  keep ur helmet on queen
 DOM FOR GODS SAKE  I’ll give her a pass tho bc it’s Jules
 SWORD????  Please give me butler beating up retrieval PLEASE I NEED IT
 is it just a Thing™️ to have Dench stare dead into the camera now? First Cats and now this  TOP O THE MORNIN
 J E A N S  HAHA SUIT!!!! SUIIIT AT LONG LAST  Scared to dead hell yeah
god please tell me opal doesn’t actually sound like that and it’s a disguise
 Heheheheh baby boy looks ten  Do Root and I share a bday?  Was that Frond?  STOP calling him jr he’s the SECOND
Mulch I will feed u ur weirdly nice teef  YES FIRE  But also uhhhhh WHERES MY REPTILE REP  YES BUT THAT SCENES FROM LATER BOOKS
 Oh yeah julius can’t be Julius bc woman  BOWIE A FOLK DJDHFJKS  Damn mulchs eyeliner going off doe  LET HIM UNHINGE HIS JAW! WEIRD DWARF RIGHTS!  Throat INFECTIONGNDJSJFJSJK  Hey quick observation I’m surprised there are NO fart jokes seeing as the book was FILLED w them  YESSSSSS UNHINGEDDDDDD THATS MY BOY!!!! YESSSS UNHINGED RIGHTS 
hacker voice: I’m in Burps??? Wack “Switching to xray and then Does Not”  
 Oh it’s acorn shaped of COURSE it is  But WHAT is it  IM SORRY W H A T Is the time stop doing??
 CUDGEON YES  OH SICK TROLL TIME TROLL TIME  Darvit wheeeee there it is
 If you like doubled butlers height this would be fine bc I like the taller holly and mulch  2.97 seconds to eat humans fjsjfjsjjf JFJSNFJSJFJ MULCH STEALING THE GUN FROM BUTLER 
 They’re using the troll as a battering ram im crying that’s so dumb  Magic jammers? That’s a thing?  YEET JULIET BEST GIRL  YES MULCH UNHINGED RIGHTS!!  DOM COUNT DOM COUNT  Hmm yeah soundtrack nothing to write home about  DOM COUNT
 I vibe w neutrino design  OH DOM COUNT DOM count DOm count pls stopppppp Whyd you a) move him and b) sit him up  BUDDY????  hey ur not meant to die til book three
 Oh yeah he runs like he’s never learnt how  Like he’d willingly call someone a friend before book four  Wow yeah that’s defs arctic incident 
 Fjshfjsjjfjdjfjfhfhdhfhdhghh I know it didn’t fail but WHAT IF IT DID  “Dad” wow please go back to calling him Father
 I’ll be real I didn’t view holly as a child actor the whole time lol she’s good  And white ,,, but that’s a different issue
And that is the total transcript, in near-unreadable format. 
God help us all.
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bee-kathony · 5 years
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Formerly Fraser - Ch. 8 “A Vow” 
written by @julesbeauchamp & @curlsgetdemgurls
a/n: hello everyone! there is one more chapter after this and then a wee epilogue. we hope you enjoy this one ;)
Previous Chapters
Jamie woke up on the morning of his wedding day feeling nervous. And not the kind of nerves that someone was supposed to get on their wedding day. He was worried he was making a huge mistake. Sure, he loved Annalise, but more and more lately he was wondering if he only loved her as a friend loves a friend.
He had known love before -- earth shattering, mind blowing, all consuming love. He had known that type of love and he was aware it didn’t happen twice in a lifetime. He was also very aware of the fact he had failed Claire and the sheer idea of ever doing it again ate away at him. He was there, the day of his wedding, thinking about his ex-wife. It wasn’t how it should be.
The rest of the morning went on rather normally. He went for a run, showered, ate his porridge and even had time to consider calling Claire but he put an end to that idea quickly. Instead, he kept wondering what she must be doing. Or thinking. The girls were with Annalise helping her get ready at the church while Jamie and Alex were now dressed and waiting in their own private room.
“Are ye nervous, Da?”
“I wouldna say nervous, nay,” Jamie took a deep breath.
“Then what is it? Ye’re no’ really lookin’ thrilled if I’m honest,” Alex laughed a bit.
“‘Tis just…” He looked at his son, “Dinna fash it’s nothin’,” Jamie waved his hand at his son and leaned forward on the chair.
“Did ye ever think ye’d get married again?”
“Och, nay, I never thought I would. When ye get marrit the first time ye dinna really think ye’ll do it again,” Jamie smiled thoughtfully.
“How do you ken someone is the right person for ye? Like...is it somethin’ ye realise gradually? Or ye guess or --”
“Ye just ken it, as soon as ye’ll see her, Alex,” he smiled, thinking about the first time he saw Claire, and he felt his heart squeeze.
“It worked the second time too?”  Alex watched him attentively.
Jamie shook his head, “Nay, it only works once.”
“Only wi’ mam…” Alex looked at his father and tilted his head. “Da ye dinna have to get married if ye aren’t sure about it, I bet Annalise would understand and it doesn’t mean ye don’t love her --”
Jamie’s eyes widened as he looked at his son. He had been sure he had kept his feelings to himself but it seems maybe he had adopted a bit of Claire’s glass face in their marriage.
“I dinna think Annalise would be too pleased if I did that,” his fingers tapped against his knee. “I do love her and I think it will be a fine marriage.” His voice sounded different and Jamie wondered who he was trying to convince, just now.
“Fine is not verra good, Da…” Alexander remarked softly.
Jamie was silent for a moment as he looked at his son, “Would ye want yer Mam and me to get back together?” He knew this was probably inappropriate to be asking his son, but he had to know.
Alex nodded, “Of course, Da. I always looked up to ye both and yer marriage. Even if I didna appreciate it until it was over. I remember the way ye were wi’ Mam and I never saw half of it wi’ Annalise, I just dinna want ye to regret something is all.”
“‘Tis no’ even about me wanting my parents to be together, it’s about wanting you both to be happy and as far as I’m concerned, I dinna believe ye can achieve such a thing without one another, just stop bein’ so stubborn,” Alex rolled his eyes, exasperated.
“‘Tis no’ as simple as that,” Jamie ran his hand through his curls. Maybe it wasn’t so difficult, after all?
“Why did ye rush the wedding all of a sudden? Ye seemed perfectly fine avoidin’ it and bein’ engaged forever with Annalise, what happened? ”
“I dinna ken,” Jamie said firmly, his mouth presses together in a tight line. “I just had to do somethin’.”
“What kind of somethin’? Was it Ma? Did somethin’ happen between the two of ye that us kids dinna ken about?”
There was no way in hell Jamie was going to tell any of his children about that night after Alex’s graduation. But it was clear that his son was sensing something was off -- had been off ever since that night.
“Ye dinna need to fash yerself about it son,” Jamie pressed his hand on Alex’s shoulder and rose from the couch to check his hair in the mirror. “I’m gettin’ married today… what’s done is done.”
Claire rubbed her eyes as she made her way out of the hospital. She had worked all night, successfully replacing a heart. During the long hours of the procedure, she had hoped it was her own heart she was replacing. For a new one, that had never been broken and was now half mended. But sadly it wasn’t. She would have to live with her heart in such a state for the rest of her life, no matter how long or short it would be. She hated herself for feeling this way. Weak for a man who didn’t want her anymore. But it wasn’t any man. It was Jamie.
Her Jamie. And when it came to the scot, Claire was irrational and completely blinded -- no matter how hard she had tried to move on.
The surgeon needed a shower, a glass of whisky and her warm bed. She also needed to forget what day it was but she couldn’t. She knew exactly what was going on today. And at what time it would start. She knew the venue and the number of guests -- because her ex-husband’s soon-to-be new wife had told her so and anyone who cared to listen at work. She knew the type of dress she’d be wearing. And the shoes. She knew everything. What Claire didn’t know was why Jamie was getting married again. It’s not that she didn’t know. It was that she didn’t dare to think of the reason. Love. Most likely. A sentiment deep enough for him to decide to spend the rest of his life with another woman. When he had started to date Annalise, she almost found it funny. After all, they had been divorced for eight years, back then. He had never been with anyone until the french nurse. Claire never thought it would last very long. It was most likely a fling because he felt alone. The kind of fling she had once or twice that never lasted much more than a few days.
She had been wrong. It was apparently fare more than just that. The sooner she’d accept it, the better she would start to feel.
The minute she got home, she poured herself a glass and sipped it as she made her way upstairs, to the bathroom. She got undressed, tossing her clothes around and stepped under the boiling water, letting it burn over her porcelain skin. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. She wished she had done so many things differently. She wished she had made things work with Jamie, even if they had been really bad, back then. After all, neither one of them cheated or stopped loving the other. They could have worked their way out of the fog they were in and made it through, stronger. And together. But they hadn’t. It was too late now.
Claire knew one day she would make peace with this entire situation. She thought she had a long time ago. Now holidays and birthdays would always be a reminder once again that her marriage had failed every time she saw Annalise. She didn’t want to share any part of her life, her children, with that woman and she hated that she didn’t have a say. Jamie was not hers to tell what to do or who to love or not to love. What she needed to do was release him. But in the releasing of him… she was also getting rid of a part of herself.
She reluctantly got out of the shower after almost twenty minutes and dried her body and hair quickly. She changed into a nightgown and crawled into bed. She knew she’d dream of Jamie but she was too exhausted to fight it this time. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she let slumber take over her body and James Fraser over her mind.
***** A knock came from the door before it partially opened and Elena stuck her head in. “Annalise is almost ready, Da. Ye should take yer place at the altar,” she smiled softly.
“Aye, I will.” He smiled and walked over to his daughter, kissing her on the cheek. All of his children had been so supportive in his new relationship, but he couldn’t help but wonder if his daughter’s felt the same as Alex.
“Ye look beautiful , a leannan,” He touched her cheek, “Ye took everythin’ after yer Mam.”
“Thanks, Da,” she blushed. “I wish she was here,” she said and then saw Jamie’s expression. “Only because it doesna feel right without her here but of course she wouldna come to this. It would be weird.”
“Aye,” his lips curled up on one side before falling into a frown.
“I hope someday she’ll find someone who makes her happy like Annalise makes you, though, I’m tired of seeing her alone,” Elena said. “Sorry, Da… I didn’t mean to bring up Mam.”
“Tis fine, a leannan, it’s normal for ye to think of yer Mam on a day like this. She deserves to be verra happy, aye,” He kissed her cheek. “I best get to the front. I’m sure Annalise is waiting now.”
“She’s been screaming all day,” Elena rolled her eyes. “Seems nothin’ has gone to her plans.”
“Ah, great,” Jamie laughed and then watched his daughter walk back to his soon to be wife’s room.
“Come on lad,” Jamie took one last look in the mirror before leaving and making his way into the hallway. With every step he took, Jamie felt his heart clenching. His mind was at war and he thought he might just be sick too. Could he really do this?
He could see it now -- the altar. But what he couldn’t see was himself standing up there beside Annalise vowing to love her until death do them part. He saw Claire, the way she had looked at the courthouse the day they got married. With her curls wild around her face and her little white dress and converse.
Jamie’s heart was miles away, probably at home with a glass of whisky in hand. Not just feet away in another room, wearing an expensive wedding dress. He should have realized it sooner than this and he hated himself for it -- but he couldn’t marry Annalise.
“I canna do it,” he said mostly to himself but also to Alex who had stopped beside him.
“Canna do what, Da?” His son frowned, looking at his father. “Tis just a few more steps…”
“I canna marry her, Alex. Ye ken it as well as I do that I’m no happy unless I’m wi’ yer Mam. Annalise is a kind woman, but she is no the one for me. I already have my person.”
Alex smirked, “Well go then, Da. Go find her. I’ll let everyone know.”
“I’m a coward,” Jamie sighed. “It should be me to tell Annalise--”
“No, Da. The only thing ye should concern yerself is gettin’ to Mam, it’s her who needs ye now,” Alex hugged him and then pushed him away towards the door. “Go! Tell her I said hi!”
Suddenly the steps came easier and Jamie broke out into a run. The church wasn’t far from Claire’s -- their -- house. He was dressed in a kilt and running through the streets of Glasgow, but he didn’t care. He had to get to her, to tell her everything.
Claire’s mind was numb, she didn’t know for how long she had been sleeping.  As well as her body, her limbs felt heavy and she didn’t want to get out of bed just yet. When she heard a tapping on her window, she rolled over onto her side, pressing the pillow over her head.
“Go away damn birds!” She groaned.
The tapping persisted and then it sounded an awful lot like the window was being opened. Claire rolled over to face the window and nearly fell off the bed when she saw a man climbing through her window.
“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ! What the bloody hell!” She scrambled off the bed, eyes barely opened and still heavy with slumber. She threw the first thing she found at the man.
“Claire! Sassenach, stop, tis me!”
She whirled around, her eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room -- she must have dozed for hours. “Jamie? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be getting married right now?” Her eyes flashed to the alarm clock beside the bed and it was exactly the time he should be getting married.
“I couldn’t go through wi’ it, mo nighean donn,” Jamie took a step forward until he was right in front of her.
“Well why ever not?” She was confused. Surely, she was still very much asleep.
He laughed softly, sliding his hands to cup her cheeks. “Because of ye, Sassenach. It’s always been you.”
“Me?” She nearly choked on the word, not quite believing she was even awake. “But you love her, you love Annalise.”
Jamie shook his head, “Nah. I thought I did, but I canna ever love another woman the way that I love you. Oh Claire…” he sighed, “Yer all I think about. Ever since the day we signed the divorce papers, ye havena left my thoughts.”
“This won’t work, Jamie. It ended for a reason,” Claire tried to reason with him, but on the inside she was screaming. This is what she wanted -- for him to choose her all over again.
“Aye, it did. We were different people and we learned things since then,” Jamie slid one hand to her waist and then took her left hand in his. “Tell me, Sassenach. Tell me ye havena thought of me and I’ll leave. Tell me ye dinna love me anymore and I swear ye willna have to ever see me again if ye dinna wish to -- ”
“You know I’ve never stopped,” she interrupted his speech and finally allowed herself to relax in his arms. He brought her hand to his mouth and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “It’s always just been the two of us.”
“Against the world,” he smiled tenderly. “Time may try to keep us apart, Sassenach, but what we have -- our love is stronger than it all. Ye ken it as much as ye...I’m tired of bein’ a fool -- ”
“Are you going to kiss me at some point, or…?” Claire smiled mischievously, licking her lips.
“Aye,” he chuckled, wrapping both his arms around her and she leaned up to meet him halfway.
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