#embarassed the whole time so thats why i was so quick to go in go out
localgardenweed · 2 months
Drove like 45 minutes out to my art exhibition to see my art hung on a wall and i cried inside cause i couldn’t use the giant shelf i bought at Menards cause it was too heavy to hang so had to use a black board as the bg and i hated it but sucked it up and when i saw it like almost immediately when we walked into the hall it was displayed in i just pointed it to my family and went “theres mine…imma walk the rounds” and we were literally only there for less than a hour cause i got scared by all the noises and my family constantly asking questions like “did you blank blank and blank?” Like DUDE IDK MY TEACHER DID NOT TELL ME SHIT JUST A SHEET OF PAPER WITH A ADDRESS AND TIME AND SAID TO BE THERE I DONT KNOW IF SIGNED IM FOR AANNNYYY OF THIS OTHER SHIT BRO I already have a school picked out so i dont need to look for another and also it was all so much i didn’t really wanna do anything else but find my art look at it and take a picture, also find my friend’s art cause he submitted FNAF fanart and got in so ya know gotta support the homies
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alsktudy · 7 months
— warmth
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paring. soonyoung x reader genre. angst, exes to lovers, fluff at the end wc. 1.5k warning. mention of skipping meals and swearing
synopsis. you thought breaking up with soonyoung would make you more focused at your job. you couldn't be more wrong.
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his sharp, angular eyes were filling with tears, you hate seeing him cry, you hate it even more that it was you making him cry.
“what?” his voice shaky and struggling to produce a coherent sound, “i- i don’t understand.”
“let’s break up.”
he shakes his head in disbelief, the tears which had been collecting over the past few moments finally beginning to trickle down his cheeks.
“you don’t actually mean it, you aren’t being serious.”
“i wouldn’t joke around about something like this soonyoung.”
soonyoung furrows his eyebrows at his full name being spoken, his ears had gotten used to you calling him ‘soonie’.
you swallow the thick lump forming in your throat, “i really mean it, let’s break up.”
you convinced yourself were fine.
the attention which he constantly bathed you in ultimately made you unproductive at work. your supervisor got annoyed at you for entering the wrong numbers and decided to force your whole section have to work over time to fix your mistake.
you wanted focus on your work, that was the whole reason why you broke up with him in the first place, so why you can’t you focus on entering any of the data into the stupid glowing screen in front of you?
it’s a simple task, punch a few numbers into the computer and you’re done. you’ve done this for 7 months already that it feels like muscle memory, yet your hands are unable to move, currently occupied with the task of holding tightly onto the thoughts of your past relationship.
your eyes gaze shift to the phone resting on the table.
a part of you wishes soonyoung would call you or even send a message. he didn’t block you on social media, heck, he didn’t even unfollow you. that means he wants to keep in touch… right? you think it’s safe to assume he didn’t have the heart to press the unfollow button and honestly, you’re secretly glad he didn’t becuase you didn’t have the heart to unfollow him either.
but a part of you also wishes that you could shelf your pride away and text him first. ask him how work’s going, if he’s found any good music lately, after all, thats what friends on facebook do, right? or possibly the monstrous task of apologising.
with a sigh you reach for your phone and search up his instagram for what seems like 17th time today. all the posts which contained you disappeared 2 weeks ago – you really hope he archived them and didn’t delete them.
your thumb shifts to click on his most recent post: a video of him dancing. the shadow from his black adidas cap obscuring most of his face, making it hard to make out his eyes.
maybe it was for the best that you couldn’t see his eyes. they’d probably remind you of how desperate his sharp, glossy eyes yearned to find a single glimpse of remorse in your gaze that night.
you analyse the way his body effortlessly moves to the rhythm of the song until a loud thud on your desk snaps you out of your trance.
“didn’t you break up with that kid?” nayeon asks as she looks over your shoulder, her eyes gazing at the replaying video.
“yeah,” slightly embarassed that nayeon had caught you looking at his profile, “why?”
“then why do you keep watching him dance?” you gulp audibly and reach for your phone and turn it off, “you’ve checked that thing,” she points at your phone, “countless times over the past hour. i keep hearing the same song over and over again.”
rolling your eyes you shove your phone into a drawer, “i was just checking up on him.” you retort, crossing your arms.
“checking up on him every 7 minutes?” she scoffs.
“well…” you exhale shakily, “i haven’t seen him in a while, i was just curious…”
“wait! lemme check your screentime real quick.” she exclaims.
“just… pass me the damn phone.”
you comply, opening the drawer, handing her the phone after unlocking it.
shit, you didn’t realise that you checked up on him that much.
“9 hours… 9 hours!?” nayeon’s eyes go wide as she reads your average daily screentime. “do i have to confiscate your phone?!” she jokes with a light slap on your shoulder.
“well.. i like watching youtube.”
“most used app… instagram.”
well shit. thanks apple.
“what the hell is wrong with you!?”
“could you keep it down?!” you say in a whisper-shout, lightly slapping her arm.
“you gotta fix that.”
“are you my mum or something?”
“no, i’m a good friend.” her thumbs rapidly tap at the glowing screen.
“what the hell are you doing?”
“setting you a damn limit since you obviously can’t control yourself.” she says grinning at the screen, “gave you one minute allowed on insta, you’re welcome.” she places the phone back into your hands and walks away chuckling.
“i can just disable it when i get home!”
and disable it you did.
it had been 2 months since you last saw him in person and fuck, you were missing him like crazy.
your life became a grey scene devoid of all colour, but you can’t really blame anyone but yourself. you pushed away the man who brought a range of beautiful colours that you couldn’t even imagine before you met him.
yeah sure, you slowly regained your focus on work and even got a promotion, but did it really mean anything if soonyoung didn’t attempt to make a congratulations cake and somehow burn it? or pepper your face with a multitude of kisses saying that your his smart, pretty girl until you beg him to stop with a shy giggle? you didn’t fucking think so.
“soonyoung?” you say smiling, “what a coincidence to see you here! it’s so nice to see you again.”
you couldn’t help it, you had to see him. soonyoung taught lessons at a dance studio nearby, you were bound to run into him sooner or later if you continued to lurk around the area.
he flashes you a feign smile, “oh! oh- uh it’s nice to see you too.” well that sounded like a lie. he looks down and hesitates before looking up to meet your eyes once more, “how have you been?”
“im just living life, i guess.” you say, fiddling with the hem of your t-shirt, the confidence (and the adrenaline) which pumped throughout your body moments ago disolving in a instant after hearing his voice, “how have you been, soonie?”
soonyoung breath hitches at the old nickname but continues to keep his composure.
“well, i’ve been...” he takes a breath, “living my life too.”
you look up to meet his gaze, his cold gaze. no warmth behind those pupils, the glimmer of passion which once used to call his eyes home had disappeared.
an uncomfortable silence fell between you two as you stared at each other feeling an obvious tension blanketing the atmosphere.
“i guess… i guess i should go.” you say, knowing that this interaction wouldn’t lead to anything other than more tension, “see you around.” you give him wave accompanied by a small smile.
as you awkwardly turn around and begin to walk away, soonyoung shaky voice rings through out your ears, “are you taking care of yourself? you’ve been eating well right? i hope you have, i always told you not to skip your meals.”
you spin around to meet his glossy eyes staring at you, “what?” you ask breathlessly.
“you’ve skipped meals right? you always do that when you-”
you run into him, wrapping your arms around his waist, in response he cloaks with his own warmth with an embrace. “soonyoung,” you sob into his shirt.
he exhales, “i know, i missed you too.”
you peel your face off his chest and look at him – his gaze full of love as he looks down at you with his tears threatening to fall with one simple blink.
your heart shatters as the thought of all of the emotions he probably went through the past 2 months rapidly fly throughout your mind. all you can say is a pathetic ‘i’m so sorry.’ repeatedly into his chest.
all he does is slowly caress your hair and press kisses onto the top of your head as you continue to sob your apologises.
you hate that your the one who’s crying the most out of the two of you, shouldn’t he be crying more? you’re the one who broke up with him. but it’s like soonyoung can basically read your mind, after all, you were together for 1.5 years. he immediately comforts you and all of your worrying thoughts, “it’s okay, let it all out, i forgive you.”
it takes a while before theres silence bewteen you two. his scent is comforting, his soft whispers into your hair make you giggle and tighten your arms around him and his warm, loving gaze makes you never want to leave him again.
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thank you for reading until the end!!
a/n. requested by @kwonshiho, heres the ask! its loosely based on screentime by epik high ft soonyoung and a tad inspired by our beloved summer. i used this to practice for my english exam LOL. also this took long to write LOL
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boyfriend!bakugou headcannons
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before dating
- will start noticing you only after you either,,
A) do something intentionally heroic
B) do something incredibly stubborn/borderline reckless to save someone
-there is no room in his big boy ego brain for anyone who doesn’t possess hero qualities,, soz thats just the way it is
-thats not to say he would only date someone from the hero course tho,, he would 100% take interest in someone from any course
-as long as they’re as dedicated to helping others and giving their 100% to everything they do,, he’d be happy
-would watch you for a long time but would be incredibly obvious about it. he’d try and hide it and be sneaky, but everyone knows. even you.
-when he finally asks you out, there was not a single plan involved. he just saw you alone and decided to man up about it on a whim
-that being said- after he does ask you out, he immeadiately panics about what to do on your first date. que frantic google searching-
top searches from that night include
how do cool guys dress
how to stop blushing
first date ideas that arent romantic
why am i sweating so much
-first date is an utter disaster by traditional standards
-he takes you somewhere with an athletic aspect- like minigolf or laser tag. he pays for you but immeadiately follows it up with “you better actually play and don’t just make me waste my money! its not gonna be fun kicking your ass unless you try, got it?”
-you have fun and can’t stop smiling- but not bc lil katsuki is charming you.
-no, you’re smiling bc he’s embarrassing himself at every turn trying to impress you. at first it’s a little off-putting, but then you realize just how much he cares and it’s kinda cute
-cute in the a dog-chasing-it’s-tail-until-it-gets-dizzy-and-falls-over kinda cute; but adorable nonetheless
-bakugou walks away from the date thinking he crushed it. just absolutely blew it out of the water,, there’s no doubt in his mind even though there 100% should be
early relationship
-incredibly touchy,, but not in like traditional or “cute” ways
-prior to you, bakugou’s only significant feeling was pure rage,, so needless to say he doesn’t know how to handle his sudden urge to touch you all the time
-he’s super nervous about it and doesn’t know if it’s suddenly okay hug and touch you as much as he wants to,, so he resorts to less traditional means of skinship
-so he’ll flick your forehead when you smile just right at him. he’ll pinch your cheeks when you talk too much. he’ll drop his hand flat and heavy over yours while you’re writing,, just so the pencil skitters across the page and you yell at him.
-he’ll push you over. not like a hard shove or anything,, but if he sees you sitting on the ground or squatting, he’ll just sort of push you over??? especially if you’re standing up from a chair,,
-ofc he catches you before you can fall or anything, but really he just uses “saving” you as an excuse to touch you
-he’ll push at you, catch you, and then smirk at you with “god, you’re so clumsy. i won’t always be around to save your sorry ass, you know.”
-it’s annoying so you just push him away and glare, but unfortunately for you, that’s what he wanted the whole time bc he’s a little shit
-that being said,, he’s still suprisingly sweet in even weirder ways
-bakugou’ll make you food. but he’ll never be around when you eat it,, you’ve tried before to eat the meals he cooks for you right after he cooks them, but he gets too embarrassed and finds an excuse to leave right when you’re about to eat the first bite
-he’ll tease you. a lot. about everything. but nobody else can tease you,, if somebody’s embarrassing you, bakugou will either threaten them until they stop talking or make a scene until nobody is paying attention to you anymore
-he’ll leave you little notes. most of them just have little doodles on them with reminders about homework or training, but they’re cute nonetheless
-when he takes you out on dates his hands always crackle when he first sees you. you’ve come to learn that the more dressed up you are, the more his palms will crackle
-normally you have to be the one to initiate any sort of romantic contact,, pls just kiss him already he’s almost always thinking about it but cant find the courage to do so
-when he does kiss or hug you on his own accord,, don’t say anything. he’ll pull away super quick and get all red!!!
established relationship
- suuuper clingy
-, not in the sense that he’s constantly phyiscally all over you,, he just won’t go anywhere with the class if you’re staying back, or will just follow you around the whole day if he’s got nothing else to do
-like,, if the bakusquad is looking for him they’re honestly just better off looking for you since he’s never far behind
-strangely enough, bakugou’s pretty quiet?? if he’s comfortable around you, he’ll stop being so prideful and picking so many arguments.
-his whole badass front at school wears him out,, so if katsuki comes to hang out with you after a long school day he’ll probably want to sit and just listen to you talk
-is a whole ass cat when it comes to physical affection. he normally acts indifferent entirely, but when he wants attention he wants attention
-might as well just drop everything you’re doing since he’s gonna throw you on the bed and just lay directly on top of you until you stop fighting him
-pet his hair super softly and tell him he’s strong and that you’re proud of him pls,, katsuki will cry
-formal dates happen less often now, but you see him more,,, in fact, you’re almost never without him. when he’s not doing school or studying or training katsuki is always where you are
-he’s pretty possessive and jealous- not just of like other guys, but literally anything that’s getting your attention. see examples 1 & 2
1.) ooo new book that has you super enthralled??? soz, it’s not just your book anymore. katsuki sits you on his lap and tells you that the only way he’s gonna let you continue to “waste your time on something so stupid” is if you read it out loud to him
2.) omg you got a new puppy that you’re just enamoured with?? tough, it’s bakugou’s puppy now too,, and he never lets it leave his side so the only way you’re gonna get to cuddle with the puppy is if you cuddle with bakugou too
-he’s super proud of you so he’ll introduce you as his s/o to everyone he meets,,, and if the person he’s talking to also has an s/o??? good lord katsuki would never shut tf up about how much better and stronger and cooler you two were than the other couple
-is not embarrassed about pda. at all. if everyone already knows you’re together than there’s nothing to hide,, he thinks that since he put in all the work to get you to love him than he should be able to reap the rewards,, anywhere. at anytime.
-that being said, he does find showing affection in front of others to be v v embarassing!!! so to combat that he turns it up to 11 and flirts and flusters you so bad so that all the 1A guys just think he’s super cool and manly with u instead of soft
-that being said, the second you guys are alone it’s like a switch has been flipped and you could fluster him only by batting your eyes just right
-insists you ‘cook’ with him. katsuki doesn’t let you do much but like cut up vegetables or stir, but he likes to listen to you talk while he does everything else
-generally pretty touch starved but only really indulges if you make the first move. like, he won’t ever tell you to come sit with him on the couch, but if you sit down?? then immeadiately he’s pulling you into his side and doesn’t let you up until he’s ready to get up as well
-still pokes and flicks and shoves you. also now feels comfortable enough to prank you. he thinks you’re adorable when you get mad enough to yell at him so prepare to be mad a lot.
-tells you he loves you damn near constantly. he wont say it first tho bc ~tsundere~ but after you admitted it first, he’ll say it. and once you know??? then he’s gonna make sure it’s known,,, blasty baby doesnt do anything half-assed esp not something as important as showing his love
-he likes to pick out your clothes for you bc otherwise you’ll walk about looking too cute and its a problem bc he never figured out how to get his hands to stop crackling
-will call you dumbass, idiot, moron, halfwit, klutz, etc in public but in private it’s usually princess or little brat or very rarely baby
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blxetsi · 3 years
Hello! I love your blog and writing so much! May I please request modern au dating hcs for Mikasa?
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tysm for requesting ilysm 🙈💥
i also went a bit overboard i hope thats okay !!
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modern mikasa ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!mikasa ackerman x gn!reader
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- eren finds out abt her crush on you. idc idc
- mf may be dense sometimes but he isnt stupid, he KNOWS what mikasa acts like when shes in the presence of her crush,, he would know bc he was one ;)
- anyways, maybe your like, going up to ask mikasa for her notes from last class, or just chatting with them to be friendly
- either way mikasa goes from 😳 to 😐 real quick
- shes very quiet which youre used to so you dont really think too long abt her lack of communication. its literally just you and eren talking at this point
- after you leave to,,, idk sit under a tree ?? erens immediately turning to mikasa being like "okay tell me everything"
- she denies the crush on u 😔💔
- but then eren tells armin.
- and eren has a big mouth so who knows who else he told ??
- so finally, after beating up eren for spilling the beans she tells her two closest friends EVERYTHING
- like from how nice your hair smells to how pretty she finds your eyes. how she loves your sense of style. she just likes everything about you
- erens like "i mean yeah theyre rlly cute but like,,, what do you like about them that isnt physical 😐"
- mikasa starts blushing HARD. and slowly goes to her bedroom in their shared apartment, before slinking back out holding a crinkly folded piece of paper.
- its something you wrote and it says "thanks for studying with me mikasa !! let me treat you to boba as a thanks. youre so sweet, ill see you next class babie"
- erens looking at the note like 😐 mf is this it ??
- armins flipping it back and forth and reading it over and over again
- mikasa just says "theyre kind to everyone. and theyre funny. i just like them a lot."
- erens like 🙄 k but armins all for it
- then they start coming up with a plan to get you to like mikasa back (even though mikasa doesnt want that)
- erens an asshole and says "mikasa i love you and you will always be my number one, HOWEVER. they might just see you as a friend, OR WORSE. an aquaintance. we gotta make u so cool that youre irresistable"
- now mikasa is a bit worried
- HOWEVER. what none of those idiots know is that YOU have had a fat crush on mikasa since you asked her for a pencil at the beginning of the semester 😍 she stared at u like 😐✏️ and u were like "omg thanks 😊" w a little blush on ur cheeks bc mikasa's hot
- i mean,, if you didnt like mikasa WHY would you have invited her out for boba ?? one, who doesnt like boba ?? and two,, doesnt that count as a date ? u didnt know but u just wanted to like ✨subtly✨ shoot your shot
- but that was almost a month ago and she hasnt said yes. so you assume she didnt wanna go
- a few days go by after mikasa tells her friends all about her crush. and like,,, they do nothing ?? what happened to the big plan of making mikasa seem like the coolest person around ?
- it turns out eren doesnt know enough about you to know what you like. and ur dumbass friends aint help either.
- so one day he finds you and mikasa coming out of your shared class, your talking about something and mikasa is just nodding with a blush on her cheeks.
- he runs up to both of you before saying "hey just to let you know mikasa has a big crush on you. and she'd love to go get boba with you 😁👍"
- mikasa gets so red in the face and starts smacking him with her binder. you couldnt stop it even if you tried
- after literally YELLING at them for their attention you just turn to mikasa like "please get boba with me 🥺" and she cant resist
- and then the rest is history 😌✨
- after the boba date you learned so much about her and vice versa. you guys were like,, closer than ever. always going to her apartment or her coming to your dorm
- you guys would have sleepovers very frequently. nothing ever happens but you two like being so close with each other
- and you guys do a lot together when you arent busy with school or work or friends
- mikasa takes you to cool museums and art galleries
- you take her to cool shops downtown and parks
- its so fun
- but you cant help but wonder if youre dating or not ?? like do you have the right to call mikasa your gf ?? you guys havent kissed on the lips but she always kisses your head when you cuddle, and you always take each other out on dates
- on the day you finally bring it up during one of your sleepovers. shes on her back and youre almost on top of her with your arms around her shoulders and your face smushed into her chest
- u just kinda mumble "are you my girlfriend ?"
- and its SILENT.
- u start freaking out bc "omg she doesnt like me 😁👍 im gonna cry"
- until she just quietly says. "yes."
- ur gonna marry this girl 😐
- her love language ?? definitely acts of service. idc idc.
- when u sleep over shes making you tea without u asking. (u said u liked lavender tea ONCE and this bith got a whole container 😭😭)
- when you have movie nights with her, eren, and armin she always chooses a movie you like ("no we arent watching the florida project again armin cried last time" "yeah but y/n loves it so" "this feels like oppression mikasa" "okay and ?")
- is also very protective. she hears mfs in the halls talking shit about you ?? shes shutting them up with her glare
- also u know how isayama made her goth in his like, highschool thingy ?? yeah 😍
- #gothmikasasupremacy
- she makes her eyeliner and shadow messy on purpose.
- you love just laying her down on her bed and straddling her, just leaning over and doing her makeup for her (jules and anna tease 🙈✨)
- sometimes you guys go to thrift stores and pick out outfits for each other
- one time you found this GORGEOUS floral sundress and she physically shivered from the thought of wearing
- tried it on and looked SO BEAUTIFUL, but it wasnt her style 😐
- also doesnt tell her parents about you ?? not bc shes embarassed or anything but just because she knows her dad is gonna be like "who are they ? what are they like ? where do they live ? whats their major ? where are they from ? whats their zodiac sign ?"
- he doesnt do it to play the "overprotective dad" role but because hes genuinely curious and excited
- she brings you home for the first time and youre so surprised because this tall blond man is her FATHER ?? she looks so much like her mom though its not even funny
- for dinner her mom and dad made traditional japanese food 😭😭 it was so good omfg
- also this has nothing to do with dating headcanons but mikasa used to live off of lunchables as a kid. was literally addicted to the rubber like ham 😍
- her mom is so sweet, and she shows you all of the stuff she's embroidered all these years
- her dad is so extroverted, he loves telling dad jokes. you find them HILARIOUS but mikasa sits there like 😐👍
- he DEMANDS you guys play scrabble. he says it help him figure out who you are as a person. now youre scared 😁👍
- anyways
- you love giving her little kisses on her lips because one, you get some of her moisturizing lip gloss on your lips and two, she blushes SO HARD
- one time you two were on a date and you ran into her ex. whos literally so scary
- her name is annie and shes blonde and muscular and rlly hot but has that same blank stare as mikasa
- you feel kinda weird bc how did she go from being with ANNIE to you ??
- you ask her abt it and shes like "oh yeah we dated in our last year of high school. im much happier with you" and now youre feeling all giggly and happy bc mikasa doesnt lie 😭😭
- u roll around on her bed with your cheeks squished together to hide your blush bc you feel so good that she said that
- she just rolls her eyes before getting on top of you and taking your hands away from your face
- she gives u kisses all over before putting the final one on your lips. its such a soft and sweet moment with just the two of you, you cant help but confirm what youve already thought:
youre gonna marry her one day.
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i REAAALLLLYYYY enjoyed making this oml. i hope u all enjoyed this !! remember: requests r open for anything aot OR u can give me ideas for other fandoms to write for
kk goodbye friends 🤩🤩🤩
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shunsuiken · 4 years
hc’s for Kuroo and Bokuto with a fem!s/o that DOES NOT STOP TALKING!!EVER!!! like she seems quiet and calm at first, but then she surprises them; please 🥺🥺 xo
due to my illiteracy i read kuroo and kenma sdsjdksj i still wrote bokutos hcs tho so dw! thank u for this request<3
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kuroo, kenma and bokuto having a talkative fem s/o.
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—kuroo tetsurou.
so when you and kuroo first started dating
you guys were kinda nervous at first but thats natural for a new couple
after a few weeks though, you guys began opening up quicker and more comfortably with each other
communicating became much easier as well when you both learned each others love languages through lots of trial and error 💀
then came this time where
it was as if
your soul had switched with someone elses
because kuroo knew the type of person you were and what you were like
but that was not what he felt when he saw you excitedly chatting away with your friends regarding some movie that came out last week
(you guys are also laughing HYSTERICALLY with each other and omg kuroo has never seen that big of a smile on your face EVER)
kenma had to poke his sides to bring him back to earth cus dude was just that shocked
“you’ve been staring at y/n for a socially unacceptable amount of time, you look like a creep.”
oh my god. kuroo would think at first. who WERE you???
he realised that maybe all this time, the reserved and quiet you may have just been the first layer of your personality, maybe you just needed the time to adapt to the changes?
and so will kuroo lmao
“y/N??? DO YOU NORMALLY SPEAK FHIS MUCH???” he was so used to seeing your calm and relaxed composure
and now that you looked like the epitome of chaos, he felt so cheated that he wasn’t able to get you to be like this in the first few weeks of the relationship
kuroo is just watching you speak, this dumb smile on his face as the truest form of you flourishes in front of him
he’ll start acting like a parent at some point because YOU ARE CRAZY MAAM
he’d deadass shove a whole onigiri in your mouth just to tease you for a bit
he also likes that he can make jokes and make you laugh louder than before
hes just so happy to see this side of you 🥺
—kozume kenma.
kenma is going to be SO SHOCKED
ngl he’d probably look at u with his brows like >:0 “where did u take my girlfriend!!! where is my girlfriend!!!”
and you’d be in this happy mood so you are PEAK chatty right now so you’re laughing at kenma’s face cus 💀
were your two personalities really just that different 💀💀
kenma will have to get used to your sudden outbursts of excitement conversations every now and then
boy has NO idea what triggered you into switching personalities
but i guess kuroo helps him connect the dots and hes like oh and then hes like oh :D because its a good thing that you willingly act like this in front of him
esp without feeling embarassed or anything hes happy you’re comfortable
its also really cute when you suddenly feel like youre rambling too much
your arm would cling around kenma’s and he’d listen to you ramble about this new netflix show that was released a few weeks ago but it was totally cliche so you told him how the entire internet made fun of it
then when you turn your head to look at kenma, hes just looking forward and you’re like “sorry, rambling arent i?”
“its not a bother,” he’ll say, sliding his fingers to wrap around yours. “if you want we could watch it together for the fun of it”
and thats literally what yall did and oml is kenma glad to see the chaos unfold in front of him
(you were not wrong when you said it was cliche, kenma almost puked at how cliche it was lmfao)
he’ll defs poke fun at the way youre loud just around him and your closest friends but when youre with other people youre just crickets
sometimes when hes playing, you’ll watch his screen and suddenly start braiding his hair
and boy does he have some silky locks despite all the bleaching
then theres another situation where hes playing and you’ll be right beside him, commenting and yelling when they’re in a danger zone
“pft kenma you got your girl over or sth? we can hear her” an online friend is gonna say and kenma’s JUST BLUSHING AND STUTTERING, TRYING TO EXPLAIN
you can hear kuroo’s hyena laughter through kenma’s headphones 💀
and since you got to see kenma stumble all over his words and act like a nervous trainwreck, it was overall a very enjoyable experience for you
“sooo when are you gonna play again?”
but you like it cus kenma does this cute nose scrunch whenever he pinches your cheeks
and ever since you’ve shown kenma this side of you, the teases between you and him have been endless
you both make sure never to go too far with the jokes tho! so alls good :)
—bokuto koutarou.
bo would prolly be so confused at first like yall know that one ep where hes up against karasuno for that summer training camp and hes just (°_°) YEAH
he’d be like that for the first five seconds before shit clicks
“Y/N!!! Y/N!!!!” “KOU!!! KOUTAROU!!!!” and cue the big couple hug
and every other third year is like 💆🏻‍♀️ here they go AGAIN
and akaashi is literally holding bokuto’s hotdog he literally threw in the air
“A- AKAASHI DO YOU SEE THIS” “yes, bokuto-san, please lower your voice”
bokuto is just 🤩 @ you and he can’t seem to take his eyes off your lips, he loves the way they move
sometimes when yall are in the same class, everyone purposely puts you two on each end of the class
just so that your vibes dont mix and end up causing an explosion
but distance makes the heart grow fonder 🥴
but even if you two become a lil too loud for everyones liking, they still enjoy the atmosphere you two bring
also loves to invite you and akaashi to walk home together because 🥺 the energy is just so nice
hes also glad that his girl and his best friend can speak comfortably
also rip akaashi’s ears whenever you two start laughing or yelling about some stupid puns you read out loud on the way home
now, during practises after school
the entire fukurodani vbc has to constantly remind you guys to tone down your noise levels
no, not those noise levels
but the way both of you can speak so passionately when talking about things you both have mutual interest in
there’ll be lots of jumping around and always expect the unconscious hand-holding, bo just really likes to hold hands with you
and obvi bokuto’s gonna bring up and ask you why and how you suddenly have so much more energy than before
and you’re just like “i’m only like that for a while 🥺” and you tell him you only start showing the way you actually act when you’re fully comfy w the person
his face softens, relieved that he can make you feel safe in his presence
hes happy that you’ve come to feel that way
so he becomes clingy for the rest of the afternoon you’re not complaining
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grazieschillivera · 4 years
You sort the boys into their hogwarts houses which leads to you arguing about your latest problems with one another...
Author note: maybe a bit self- involved
Word count: ca. 2000 words
,,No.You can't be serious even that one?Thats the silliest theory from all.'' you said when you entered with the boys your hideout.On your way back from a mission you and Hughie realised that the both of you had a lot in common especially considering geeky subjects.
You both were the only ones , who could have a happy conversation after this day.Butcher was furious due to some complications and Frenchie was dissapointed at him for not taking his advices.Hughie was a bit unsure owing to their fight, while you tried to stay positive, unlike Kimiko and M&M, who were just tired.
Later that afternoon, when everyone of the group sat together and ate you came back to your topic, due to the boring stuff on the TV and the remaining bitter mood.
,,What about Harry Potter?'' you asked Hughie breaking the silence.
,,Nah not the biggest fan.'', said Hughie still occupied with his food, that you looked at sometimes.
,,Not the biggest fan?Thats one of the most iconic book series since the last years.The spells, the love stories, all the background information, the castle, the house sorting!You don't know your house  yet!Thats almost like not knowing your purpose in life.'' you said.
,,Jesus, Y/N calm down.'' said Billy, when you didn't take a breath while enumerating your reasons.
,,I have to defend Y/N.The books are actually good.Whats your favourite one mon amie?'' Frenchie asked you, earning a lowkey challenging look from Billy.
,,Uhm to be honest.I only had read the first one and than only some parts from the rest of the books.'' you said embarassed, earing laughter from all sides.
,,But see thats also a point, that speaks for the books.The house sorting is truly effective.I bet Frenchie is a Ravenclaw he just read the whole series, while I know you can only read a certain amount of book and due to that have to chose wisely.''
,,Or you just start to read.'' said Frenchie with a grin leaning back in the couch.
,,See again, thats typical of a Ravenclaw'' you said pointing at him, already convinced.
,,What kind of fucking bird?'' asked Billy now giving up on enjoying his food in peace.
,,Its a made up name for one of the four houses.The sorting head, brings not only into account what your main trait are, also what you want to be.'' you said.
,,And Frenchies main trait is stubborness?'' asked Billy.
,,Come on Butcher, that one time after always listening to what you thought was right.'' Frenchie said still frustrated about the mission.
,,No Frenchie's main traits are wisdom and creativity according to his house.'' you said to prevent the situation from escalating.Fully of pride Frenchie smiled, like he wanted to thank you for those words.
,,Is that so?Can you also tell what I'm good in love?'' Billy asked you, with is typical grin.After some seconds with you being lost in his gaze you focused again and turned away.,,Besides everything I planed worked out just fine.'' he added to Frenchie.
,,Thats because Hughie and Y/N always prevent you from getting killed, while I'm doing the rest.'' Frenchie said.
,,Alright you know what? We won't argue tonight, I can't always hear the same stuff again and again.We will end this tonight.With the power of magic.'' you said with your brilliant idea in your mind, that just came in.
With still hot cheeks you sat down next to Frenchie on the couch and started to discuss who belonged in which hogwarts house.You kept your discussion as quiet as possible , while the others gave you and among themselves strange glances.Only after some minutes and no disagreement you came to your results, that Frenchie revealed whenever you held your hand above the head of each person, everyone besides M&M who went to sleep immediatly after you all got back.
Billy belonged to Slytherin, Hughie to Hufflepuff and Kimiko to Gryffindor.
,,And what do I get when I know that I'm a stupid snake?'' Butcher asked when Frenchie was done with giving quick information about the house colours, traits and animals, immediatly irritated with the Syltherin.
,,A Gryffindor does what is brave, a Ravenclaw what is wise, a Hufflepuff what is good and a Slytherin what is necessary.In other words you're very ambitious and cunning.'' you said, earning an approving eye roll from Billy as response.
,,At least someone.''
,,Wait aren't Hufflepuffs just those extras?'' asked Hughie earning a dissapointed gasp from you.
,,No we're not!We are the most adaptable ones!Just because no one expects much of from us doesn't mean we can't compete with the rest.'' you said.,,Quite the opposite.''
,,Oh Poufsouffle of course!'' said Frenchie to you and you made an exxagarated bow.
,,But Hughie has a point there.Hufflepuff might be the kindest ones but tend to be a bit useless.''
,,What about Cedric Diggory?He could beat Harry Potter, before Voldemort could achieve that, almost won the Triwizard tournament due to his pure talent.While a Gryffindor and a Slytherin try to kill each other, there is a Hufflepuff with almost the same power to get involved... before he gets killed.There is really no point in making us look misserable.'' you said with sad addition.
,,Hush!'' said Frenchie and held his hands on Kimikos ears.,,No spoilers.We will read the books mon coeur'' Frenchie said, the last part to Kimiko, who clearly had struggles to follow that conversation.,,Besides that only happened in a Quidditch Battle – you would know that better, if you had read the books.Thats speaks again for a Hufflepuff.''
,,But we are very good finders.'' you said to help Hughie accept his house with a bit more pride and ignored Frenchies pridness.
,,Finders huh?Then please tell me why the fuck you couldn't seem to find the compound V today, when the rest of us was a bit occupied with other stuff.'' Billy said.
,,Easy there Butcher.Y/N was clearly busy with saving your ass, once you had decided to change the plan.'' said Frenchie.
,,But again that wouldn't had to happen when you could cooperate with one another.Hugie and I can't always have an eye on you just in case you decide to mess up again.Oh and also, Hughie, we don't need to kill someone to make our stand.Thats something I find very good.'' you said to Billy.
,,Wait love.If you wanna say something to your defense about today then tell it to me in my face not via some fucking witch stuff.'' said Billy, who could find the reference in your words, that only got admired with an eyeroll.
,,I don't know, is there something I need to defened myself against?Again?'' you asked arms crossed but still with patience in your behavior.
,,Stands your Hufflepuff also for passive aggressiveness or for no ambiton?That would explain why you can't fucking arm.And I say it again Frenchie can't take advices'' said Butcher.
,,Same goes for you Butcher.You're way too stubborn to take my advices.If you had listened to me we could have the compound V.'' said Frenchie earning your agreement.
,,Stubborn?I just do what is necessary.'' said Butcher giving your a creepy smile, when he made his reference.
,,No one said that the necessary is always the best'' you defended yourself and formed a sorry with your lips.
,,Good!Because Frenchie does a poor job of doing what is wise, when he always runs after Kimiko, whenever she does the fuck she wants.'' said Billy that lead to Frenchie defending her.
,,It's also good that I don't always follow you, because even your plans aren't always the best Butcher.'' you said between their fighting.
,,Oh you even called me 'Butcher' you must be really mad at me now.'' said Billy with an angled head and mocking grin, making you already quiet again.You hated it to become angry.
,,I can't take this Bullshit.'' said Hughie standing up and leaving the hideout.
,,No Hughie come back we need to do this.'' you said but with no success.
,,Thats so odd, you being so commanding and present.You know what Y/N if the fridge wouldn't be empty every three days, I wouldn't even notice you in our group now and then.'' said Billy.
You gasped at his harsh words.
,,Don't you dare say that.Recently I dont eat at all.And thats all because of you and all the pressure you give us, I'm sometimes so angry at myself for not doing better, that I simply will stop eating.'' you said without acutually wanting to admit it.
,,So you lied to me!All the times I asked you whether you have already eaten , you lied to me!No wonder you're so tired and unfocused.'' said Billy angrily at you.
,,Alright let us calm down.'' said Frenchie.
,,No Frenchie.Y/N needs to do that.She always stays quiet.God knows what she all wanted to say.Let it all out love.'' said Billy to you looking at you with encouragment.
,,I mean it boys, we have to make a compromise about how we wanna approach our plan, always fighting fire with fire can't work out!Frenchie is sometimes way to proud to follow Billy ,when necessary and Billy does a terrible job at listening to the rest of us.And I suck at preventing those situations when they begin when I deicide to not become loud with you.And Kimiko could at least try to cooperate a bit more with us – but she is at least making good progress.'' you said and wanted to strenghten your point with another Harry Potter example but Billy stoped you right there.
,,Y/N is right we're just ignoring this situation.'' said Frenchie.,,Maybe we could have just stayed out of it.''
,,Well we might have started this situation, we can't go back now.'' said Butcher, offering you his asian food.First you hesitated but he insisted on you eating something.
,,Good.If you do that again I might buy you some of the candy you like.'' said he with the slightliest mocking tone but still seemed relieved.
,,Shut up Billy.'' you said ,even though the idea made you smile.
Nevertheless the emotional outburst and the words off you seemed to have an effect on the group.After some moments of silence Kimiko started to apologize for her running out of line, followed by Frenchie apolizing for his pride at the wrong times, after he had translated for her.Thats when you promised to not suppress your thoughts anymore and kick their asses when they would start to mess up again theirs missions.Everyone looked at Billy with a waiting glance until he said he would start from now on to listen more to your thoughts and plans.
The mood lifted immediatly after all of you had talked about your struggles and promises.After that you walked outside to bring Hughie back inside, telling him what had happened.Billy had followed you and looked after Hughie until he disappeard again, while stoping you from following him.
,,You're cute when you get angry.Maybe I should have done that a bit earlier our plan seemed to work out quite good.'' said Billy satisfied.
,,Our?It was me who started with the house sorting to- you little piece of-'' you said but always stoping yourself too occupied with processing the information.,,shit'' you said remembering your promise.
,,Ah carefull love, seems that Slytherin and Hufflepuff are quite good at working together.'' said Billy leaning against the door, still not letting you go inside.
,,You manipulated me.I thought I managed to reconcile ourselves among one another.'' you said now being disapointed.
,,But you did.Who else would be better in that than you?I just gave the necessary push to do it.'' said Billy with a grin on his face, you couldn't help yourself but giggle.
,,Did you also lie to me about not knowing Harry Potter?'' you asked.
,,Pff.What comes next the scarf of sexual preferences?'' asked Billy pushing himself from the door, leaving you a bit speechless.
,,You're still hungry?'' asked Billy giving a nod at his car's direction.With an eyeroll you closed the gap between the two of you and kissed him.
,,Was that for the question or for our secret team work?'' asked Billy keeping you in his arms.Clearly confused about your effection but also not disintrested.
,,Both.'' you said with a smile and looked up to his face, now knowing exactly why you liked him.
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bakugoukatsukisonly · 4 years
i did this on the spot because i just had an idea after reading a dj of them, im a sucker for bakudeku so please bear me.
baku deku oneshot
in which midoriya gets a 'fall in love' quirk
midoriya was shocked, like seriously, who wouldnt? when someone you ever met just now, confessed to you in the span of 2 seconds of eye meeting and in came another person that was just passing by suddenly had the audicity to grab midoriya's hand. he was very terrified and so he ran.
"wh-what? a quirk?" midoroya uttered in shock. "apparently so," recovery girl, who midoriya confronted about the weird things that were happening replied to him. "it definitely isnt a common quirk and probably almost seem none-existant to most people, anyhow, did you bump into some unusual people or did you interact with anyone this pass hour?" recovery girl asked wanting to know the source of this incident that he had. "no, not really- wait maybe there is," midoriya suddenly remembered about the hoodied man he bumped in when he was rushing to school this morning. it was strange because the man looked like he had killed someone by accident and after that the man was on his knees apologising to midoriya, but midoriya thought it was weird how he was apologising that hard for just bumping into him, he explained this to recover girl and she smiled saying maybe he accidently used his 'fall in love' quirk on midoriya.
" so what am i supposed to do?" midoriya said remembering how he was surrounded by people when he came to school just now. "its going to be fine as long as you dont make eye contact with anyone, so use this glasess to prevent anyone from locking with your eyes and also keep in mind that most times quirks only last for a significant time, im sure nothing is going to happen in the meantime" recovery girl retorted smiling warmly.
oh this is not fine at all, he didnt expect the only person he didnt want to meet(or maybe not) to suddenly ripped the glasess from its rightful place, startling the poor greenette, also getting the attention from their classmates. "kacchan no, dont look at me!" midoriya quickly covered his eyes from being seen by bakugou, the person that he didnt want to interact right now, because he didnt want kacchan to feel burdened by this stupid quirk and probably even embarrassed the blonde or so he thought. he didnt think this was going to happen when bakugou didnt act out of normal and even replied with a "what, you shitty nerd, i only asked why you were wearing such shitty looking glasess and not to mention, in class?" bakugou simply replied eyeing midoriya weirdly. midoriya slowly put his hands down and immediately asked "you dont feel anything? nothing at all?" "what? no? was i supposed to?" this had midoriya taken aback, was the quirk gone completely? and so he concluded. there was no need to worry now.
but ofcourse he was dead wrong, when todoroki suddenly caught his hands, looking into the green locks and said "mi-midoriya, i dont know whats happening, but you look so pretty today," cue the gasps from the others and a pair of rageful crimson red eyes.
wait, isnt this the effects of the quirk? but why? and so being the quick witted boy he was he quickly got the glasess back and wore it, to prevent the next incident from happening. the class was still in shock by todoroki's sudden confession. midoriya had to explain the situation and so he did from the hoodied man to why were todoroki acting like that.
"oh, so you just have to wear this until the quirk wears out, is it not?" iida said after understanding the situation. todoroki was also in shock still, he understood everything. midoriya was still curious on why bakugou didnt get effected by it. "can it be?" he thought to himself, heat rushed through his face as he finds himself blushing by the thought that he had the slightest chance but was immeadiately dismissed as the other was dead on hating the poor greenette.
all day, todoroki followed midoriya around like a lost puppy and honestly it was cute of todoroki but what can he do, he was under the influence of a 'fall in love' quirk, so midoriya just hanged out with him all day. it was at lunch that he had noticed the anger filled eyes that was shooting daggers at the poor todoroki, he also remembered how bakugou acted today, he was awfully more explosive than ever. midoriya would caught bakugou glaring at todoroki as if he was a predator lurking for its prey not to mention he almost blew up the school's cafeteria when todoroki was trying to share his lunch with midoriya. midoriya find it totally weird as bakugou wasnt really someone who would do things like this.
meanwhile, bakugou cant take it anymore, he has had enough of the weird heavy feeling in his stomach that was killing him everytime he saw those two together and when he had witness the oh so loving sight infront of him, he just blew up not caring about other people and went straight to class. seeing this, midoriya chased after him and told todoroki to wait for him.
"kacchan, wait, are you okay?" midoriya said catching up his breath and took his glasses off. " what do you want, deku? go on with your todoroki," bakugou said unamused. "and what makes you say that he is 'my' todoroki," midoriya retorted with a smug face. " nothing, for the fact that you were on him 24/7 " bakugou deadpanned now looking at midoriya. "but kacchan, it hasnt even been a day, but seriously though, why are you so weird, you didnt even react to the quirk like everyone else did," midoriya stated curiously. "shut it," bakugou rolled his eyes, turning back to continue on his way. "but kacchan, you almost blew up the whole cafeteria, you surely are not okay," midoriya said still persistent as always. "none of your business, now go away and leave me alone, or i would blow you up too," bakugou stated in a warning tone but midoriya being midoriya, he caught bakugou's wrist and forced bakugou to turn, still waiting for an answer. "wha-what ?" holy shit he's close, ah those freckles looks so kissable its really adorable i cant-
"tell me whats wrong," midoriya asked again with those cute puppy eyes of his, but bakugou still did not gave in although he was almost at his limit, still pulled his hands away turning around again.
midoriya was sure he saw a faint blush crept up onto bakugou's cheeks and he was taken aback. "kacchan? hey kacchan!" midoriya called and was now infront of bakugou blocking his way. "what? go away!" bakugou glared at the smaller one. "kacchan, why are you being like this?" midoriya stated seriously this time, eyeing bakugou dead in the eye. bakugou just stayed silent but midoriya was not one to give up easily.
"kaccha-" WAIT WHAT?! midoriya was beyond shocked when bakugou suddenly pulled midoriya and connected their lips, midoriya's thought was everywhere or rather he had a few broken fuse by now. it was a sweet passionate kiss and when they parted, midoriya was stoic, standing still while looking into bakugou's eyes. "there, is that enough of an answer?" bakugou quickly went pass midoriya and straight to class. midoriya who was still frozen in his spot was soon interrupted by ochako and iida who were on their way to class. "hey deku-kun, are you okay, why are you red, do you have a fever?" "if you have a fever please go to the infirmary" they both said. "oh it's nothing, is todoroki with you guys?" deku said changing the topic. "no he was still at the cafeteria, wait midoriya did the love quirk thingy ended, because i dont feel anything now looking into your eyes" iida said and midoriya was also surprised by it. "oh yeah i guess it is gone now, and by the way i got to go to todoroki, see ya guys!"
after he got to todoroki, he was sure that the effects of the quirk had worn off and todoroki was being his usual self now and he even apologised to midoriya about his behaviour.
midoriya got to their class alongside todoroki, and immediately turned red when he saw bakugou and to worsen the situation, bakugou locked their eyes together resulting in a very flustered deku who then broke it and went to his seat. he hid his face and muttered stuffs under his breath but got caught off when bakugou suddenly spoke loud for the two of them to hear still looking infront "im not saying it twice, so wanna be my boyfriend?" he was acting tough but his body betrayed him, he was shaking uncontrobally and his face was nothing but red. midoriya can see the redness on bakugou's ears and had thought that it was cute. after some time that felt like hours to bakugou but in reality it was only seconds passed, midoriya replied with a faint "yes ofcourse" followed by him hiding his also flushed face with his arms.
"um so, wanna go to the dorms together?" bakugou suddenly said after packing up his stuffs, turning to midoriya. oh fuck why is he so cute, with that blushing face of his. "s-sure" midoriya stuttered from all the nervousness. so they went out together, hand in hand. they were silent, but the atmosphere is a comfortable one. midoriya suddenly gasped with his hand to his mouth saying "thats why the quirk didnt work isnt it?" bakugou was caught off guard, embarassed by himself. midoriya was actually beyond happy, he was over the moon, he had always thought that bakugou hated his guts so this was extremely surprising and also he was having fun teasing bakugou's new side that he just found out about. " hey kacchan" midoriya called out and bakugou looked at him. "i like you," midoriya said with a sweet smile.
BOOM! bakugou exploded, he was very flustered by the sudden confession, his face was bright red, his mind went blank and he couldnt control his quirk. "damn you nerd!" he screamed to a laughing midoriya who find his now boyfriend very cute. after laughing for a bit, he connected their hands again, tugging at a very red pomenerian to continue their way to the dorms.
that was an experience that both of them will cherish forever.
hmm i think i wanna do a bkdk headcanon after this or maybe not?
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atilla-da-honey · 4 years
Dragon age fans!
Tell me your unique/wierdo Dragon Age head canons! Gush about your Warden's/Hakwe's/Inquisitors! If you want, tell me a little story/ficlet about your characters or OTP's!
I just want that jucy DA content. I don't care if its off the rails bullshit crazy, completely and utterly mundane or tropey and cliche, if its Dragon Age and you wanna talk about it I WANNA LISTEN. Can be your canon's or just an idea you like!
Feel free to tag people!
I'll go first! (This turned out longer than I meant, you can legit just write a short sentence summary i don't care)
"Treya Lavellan was First to her clan as a child. It was super stressful for her because she wasn't magically powerful enough to keep up with the needs of the Clan but at the time she was the only option so it was her duty. She felt extremely insecure and embarassed about her lack of talent and was frequently tired and iratable as she constantly pushed herself to the point of exhaustion.
When Treya was 17, the Clan was approached by a city born elf woman and her son. The son was a mage and the mother said that Templars had been known to kill mages from Alienages rather than go to the trouble of taking them all the way to the circle. She had hidden him for years but her husband discovered the magic recently and wanted the boy out. They had several other children and she couldn't leave them, but she had heard that the Dalish do not fear magic and she begged Deshanna to take on her son Maharial. He was only 15 and had a lot of magical potential, and Dashanna considered it to be a great blessing.
Treya was...conflicted.
It was soon apparant that this flat eared child was going to end up replacing her. After years of training, of struggeling to pick up even the basics, he came in like an eager little whirlwind and blew everybody away with how quick and capeable he was. Magic was so easy for him, but more than that he was charming, soft spoken and polite where Treya was thought to be something of a no-nonsense hardass, something her near constant exhaustion didn't help.
He dedicated himself to The creators, he ate up her Pape's stories abiut the glory of Elvhenan and The Dales, he deffered to the wisdom and advice of the Haren with dignity and grace.
And Treya HATED him for it.
She didn't want to. She knew she was being jelous and unfair and that he was an elf and had every right to claim his place amoung the people. She even knew that he was far, far better suited to the role of first than she would ever be.
But she still hated him for it.
One day she lost her patience. She, Deshana and Maharial were seeding the grounds with their magic to clear the hidden paths so the Aravels could move. It was a task she had been performing since her magic manifested at 6, and it was a long, sustained spell that they would have to hold for hours at a time.
Maharial noticed her flagging and innocently started giving suggestions on how to better apply the spell in order to better concerve her mana and she lost it.
"I don't need your fucking input you pushy, obnoxious flat ear! I have been first of this clan since before you even knew it was possible for an elf to have dignity!"
Everybody froze.
Treya knew she'd fucked up. She knew it. But she was proud and insecure and stupid and so she doubled down.
"What? I'm not going to sit here and hear advice falling from a mouth that has probably spent more time sucking human dick than -"
It wasn't Mahanon. Or Deshanna.
It was her Pape.
Her soft, gentle Pape, who kept the hearth and sung their history to the Clan. He had never once raised his voice at her, and he did not do so now.
"Treya, First of Lavellan, Daughter of mine and apprentice to our Keeper, you will apologise to this boy this instant."
Treya was numb.
Her eyes filled with tears.
She fled.
In the end, it was Mahanon who found her. Her father had advised to give her some time and reassured him that he was one of them and that she was out of line. It was kind.
He knew The First didn't like him but she usually just kept it to a frosty silence.
He found her crying, her staff cast aside and her head hidden in her hands. She wouldnt meet his eyes.
"I don't know why I said that." She whispered softly.
"You hate me." He said with a shrug.
"I dont mean to. I dont even want to. You just....showed up one day, and you are better at things I've been trying to master my whole life. The clan loves you effortlessly."
"So you're what...jelous? Of me? Thats... ridiculous. Its not effortless." He sat down next to her. For once he looked as exhausted as she did. "You realise you're not the only one who hates me because I'm from a city right? Not three nights ago I heard Haren Loril trying to talk Deshanna into giving me the boot. Says my lineage is in question, whatever that means.... Mother told me to do everything in my power to be accepted. To be exactly as they want me to be. But im not like you. Im not serious and sensible, I don't know how anything here is susposed to work and you are unlike any elves I have ever known. I don't know how to belong here. So I say what I think they want to hear. That I love living here, that I don't miss the alienage...that I never believed in the Maker anyway and all your elven Gods give me courage and hope.
But its not true. I'm tired Treya. I miss my family and I want to go home. Void, I'd happily suck a human cock if I could just go home. But I can't.
You idiots already taught me to value freedom above all else. I'm not going to let some templar kill me or drag me to a circle just because I couldn't get you lot to like me."
She felt even more shame. It was easy for her to forget that he didnt materialize out of thin air with the express desire to ruin her day, that he'd come to the clan seeking their protection.
She was a poor First.
"I don't want you to die or to go to a circle." She said, tentatively.
"Thats an incredibly low bar, but I'll take it." He returned with a tired smile.
"I'm....sorry. About what I said. About what a shit I've been. It must have been difficult to leave your family and I certianly didn't make you feel welcome."
"Yeah you've been a bit of a total bitch." He said with a wide grin. "But you know, winning over the clans terrorfing First who hates me would make a great impression on the others. What do you say, do over?" He reached a hand towards her, his eyes met hers with a lot more uncertainty than she would have expected.
"Yeah. Ok. Do over."
Eventually, Mahanon did take Treya's place as First. By the time it happened she could admit that it was a relief. She made a far better apprentice to the War Leader anyway."
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inkybunny · 5 years
Being shy about you bday shared with Iida
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You woke up at your normal hours, it was a normal day, with classes and everything thats considered normal. Exept it wasnt, today is Iida Tenya’s birthday just as much as it is your birthday, the difference here is that everyone knew and was invited for Iida’s party at the weekend, today is a school day, Iida would never do anything that could prejudicate his studies and yet, no one knew today was also your birthday, how could they? You never told anyone.
Is not like you dont care about your birthday, is just your too shy to talk about it. But this was a part of you since your were a kid, you got kinda used to it, tho, it was a little bit more difficult today. You were greeted with a minor comotion, everyone was already up and giving Iida all type of praises. Midorya, Ochako and Todoroki got together and made him a very-not-perfect breakfast and even Bakugou was trying to be nicer...you think.
_Good Morning, Happy Birthday Iida!
_Thank you, Y/n!
Well, it is my birthday too! You thought, you knew very well neither he or anyone could know today was also your birthday but... it just, felt kinda lonely. Everyone was so happy with Iida and there were you just...there, eating cereal on the side. I mean, of couse your parents and some old friends messaged you wishing a happy birthday, that was always nice.
The day passed pretty much like that, to every praise and congratulation Iida received you unintentionally got more and more lonely. I mean, is not like you were jealous but, you kinda were, even tho it was you who didnt want to tell anyone about your birthday every time Iida got a “Happy Birthday” you felt like no one was happy you were there eventually you just got quieter and quieter.
At the end of the classes everyone got together and decieded to go eat something for Iida’s Birthday, he himself only accept cause it was going to be something quick so they could get back early since he already had a party planned that weekend. You didnt really wanted to go, you already felt so lonely today and having everyone get a birthday cake only for Iida wasnt really going to help you, but alas, if you didnt go everyone would think something is wrong or it was just come out as rude, so there you went, to get Iida a Birthday cake and feel even more lonely.
_Y/n-chan? _You head your aunts voice.
_Oh! Hey!
_Happy birthday sweetheart! _She hugged you _ I hope you and your mom are well! I need to keep going now but i will definetly pass by your house on the weekend! bye ~ _ She left, just as quick as she appered.
Yet, she bringed a very awkward silence with her and it didnt pass so fast.
_Wait, today is your birthday as well, Y/n? _Said Iida.
_Yeah...It is... _So, this wasnt really your favorite type of situation being a shy turtle.
_What?Why didnt you tell us? _Said Mina
_We could had made breakfast for you too! It was going to be so much fun... _This was Ochako.
_ Well, its not that big of a deal so I just...
_Unaceptable! You should be having a great time on your birthday just like I am! Birthdays are great bonding experiences and being wished a happy birthday can improved your self-esteam and your relationships with others, both being super important for heroes!
_Oh c’omon Y/n! Lets go get some cake for you too! Pass your whole birthday with your friends without them treating you sounds so lonely! _Kirishima said.
_Yeah, Yeah! What’s your favorite type of cake, Y/n?
_Happy Birthday, Y/n.
_I believe we can celebrate both birthdays on my party this weekend, if thats okay with you, Y/n.
_Just tell us stuff like this next time, idiot!
_When we get back we’ll be cooking you something for your birthday, Y/n-chan!
Needless to say, the rest of the day didnt felt so lonely, it felt really embarassing but definetly not lonely. All of you went for cake and other treats and had a general great time together,  some of your friends were really apologetic they didnt knew your birthday and others just wanted to have the most fun possible. You agreed in having a double birthday party that weekend after a whole lot of thinking and arguing and apologized to everyone you didnt tell them it was your birthday.
When you all got back to the dormitories Ochako, Midorya and Todoroki made you breakfast for dinner even after all Iida’s complaints about not being healthy.
_Hey, Y/n? _Iida called for you _ Is it really okay for us to have a double party? I dont want you to feel pressured to do anything.
_Yeah, dont worry about me, I think it will be fun!
_Well thats a relief. You know, I know you have a some problems with socialization but I wanted to tell you _He paused a little bit, looking unsured of what to say. _I’m... your friend and I really care about you, so...You can tell me those stuff, okay? If you dont want me to tell anyone I will not but I really think no one should be forgotten on their own birthday!
_I’m sorry i didnt told you guys...I just was so shy about it, I felt like it wasnt a big deal.
_It is, okay? I’m happy you are here, well, we all are and you should know that!
_Thank you, Iida. _You felt a big relief with those words, as I said, is not like you dont care about your birthday, it is an important date after all!
_Good night, Y/n, and Happy Birthday! _Iida said as he kissed your cheek and walked to his room.
Welp, this was requested by @whygz, happy birthday! Sorry for the confusion with the ask, it didnt finished loading the whole ask until I posted an answer(?) Or I was just too stupid to see the “see all” or something like that. Thank you for being my very first request by the way, I wanted to post it today so it is a little bit fast with everything but I hope you liked it!
Also it may have some grammar errors and I’m sorry, english it not my mother language and I struggle with grammar a lot :c
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mrgrant9559-blog · 6 years
Witch Way Is Right? Part 11
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A/N: Ok, so not really much to say here except there’s a time skip. The main point is to skip Y/N’s training session cause we really don’t need to know all of that. So, yeah, here’s Part 11!
Subject: Avengers x Male!Reader/Steve Rogers x Male!Reader
Characters: Y/N, Alex, Doctor Strange, Wong, Mom and Dad OC
Tags: @uselessace @avengersohyeah @ech0winchester @thegreatficmaster @writeyouin
Word Count: 1.4k
2 1/2 Months Later:
Reader’s POV:
Well, Doc wasn’t lying when he said how intense this training would be. In fact, saying it was intense is an understatement. It was hellish. After a month of intense sparring and tests, Stephen sends me off with Thor and Loki to find their father. Yeah, thats right, THE Thor Odinson and Loki Laufeyson. Apparently, they have a sister and she had the same ambitions Loki does, or I should say did. He’s seems like a good guy now as far as I can tell. But I’ll get back to that crazy story later.
Now, after a month of training, I think I can say I’m ready to go up against Alex. I’ve shed blood, sweat and, of course, tears during his training, but it was all worth it. Compared to before, I feel completely stronger! “This is amazing, Stephen!” I admit to him ecstatically. “I feel completely in control of my magic. Not only that but I feel like I’m ready to fight my brother.”
“First of all, it shouldn’t be hard to refer to me as Doctor Strange otherwise you’re not as ready as I thought.” He replies in annoyance. “Second, I can tell just by looking at you, you’ve improved in your magic and spellcasting. You’re a quick learner for someone whose only been learning for a couple of months now. Sorta remind me of myself in that aspect.”
“I was gonna thank you, until you said that last part.” I reply jokingly. “Now, I just feel insulted.”
Having to deal with my quips and sarcasm must’ve finally gotten to him because instead of rolling his eyes or even scoffing at me like normal, he chuckles, which I never hear come from him and it catches me by surprise. That small reaction really makes me miss my family and friends. To hear them laugh. To see them smile. I can’t wait to finally go home. Its been two in a half months and I miss them all so much. Don’t get me wrong, staying with Stephen was... educational to put it lightly. I mean, who doesn’t like reading nothing but spell books of words you can’t even pronounce for one whole week? Not this guy. But the whole time, I couldn’t stop thinking about my kiss with Steve.
Did he like it? Was the kiss too hard? Was it too soft? Did I use too much tongue? Did I use tongue at all? These questions keep racking through my brain and it’s making it hard for me to concentrate. I need to stop focusing on it. Besides, I felt him kiss back. Wait, did he kiss back?
“Something on your mind, kid?” Stephen asks. It must be obvious that I haven’t been with him, mentally since I got here.
“Nothing, I’m just...”
“Oh, you don’t have to lie. I can tell when someone’s thinking about their first kiss. I’m guessing you wanna know what he thinks about it, right?” He replies and I just nod. Suddenly, Stephen opens a portal on the ground and gestures for me to come to him. I do so and look down to get an above view of Steve talking to Bucky.
“I just don’t know, Buck. I had only been talking to the kid for three days and I feel like that doesn’t even matter.” Steve admits. “Whenever I look at him, I just feel like protecting him from everything bad and when I knew I couldn’t protect him from whatever he’s facing during his training, I thought maybe I can send something with him.”
“And that something was a 10 second kiss?” Bucky chuckles, finding it amusing the way Steve is acting.
“Wait, was that too long?” Steve said, worryingly.
“Listen, Punk, I’ve heard the kid from his own mouth say that he likes you.” Bucky says. “He really does, so you shouldn’t be worrying about if he liked it or if it was too long, which it wasn’t. Instead, think about what you’re gonna do when he gets back.” Steve nodded and thanked him before walking off.
Stephen closed the portal and looked at me. “See? He’s just as worried about it as you are. Like his friend said, you shouldn’t be worried about if he liked it or if it was too long, which it was.” He said with a grossed face. “Instead, think about what you’re gonna do when you get back.”
I thought about it and nodded. He’s right. I shouldn’t be scared and think he didn’t enjoy it, which he did. Instead I should be excited to hurry up and get through this training so I have more time to spend with him before The War begins. I thank him and walk back to my mountain of books, ready to get through this long ass training seesion.
-End Flashback
“Well, The War doesn’t begin for another week, and I’ve taught you everything a born, light witch or sorcerer could know. So, I think we’re done here” He says while reaching for his sling ring. “Do you want me to open a portal or do you wanna do it yourself?”
Oh yeah thats another thing Stephen taught me. I can now teleport, instead of using a portal like sorcerers have to use. I guess thats the benefit of being a witch rather than a sorcerer. “Thanks for the offer, but I gotta test this shit out for myself, right?” I ask, getting a nod from Stephen in response. I tell him goodbye and thank him for the awesome training.
“You’re welcome, kid. And don’t worry, I’ll be helping you in The War, too.” He reminds me. I tank him again and get to using my powers.
My hands glow a more pure gold than it did before. I think about my home. My parents, the smell of my house. I clap my hands together and a gold light flashes around me, instantly taking me to my destination.
I search around the house for my parents but don’t see them anywhere. I call out their names but still no sign of them. Where could they’ve gone? I get an idea that Strange used to teleport Thor, Loki and I to his father’s location.
I go upstair to my parents’ bathroom and find my mom’s hair brush with some of her hair on it. Perfect. I grab a strand of it and start messing with it like how he did. I can feel that its ready so I throw it at the wall and a portal opens up showing my parents and their sitting and talking with... No... No, it can’t be! Why are they with HIM?! The three of them notice the portal I made and stand up staring at me in shock.
“What the hell in going on here?” I ask them.
“Champ, you’re done with your training already?” My dad replies. “You look stronger. More powerful, too.”
“Don’t change the subject!” I retort. “Why are you guys doing this? And with him?”
“We didn’t think you’d be back so soon, we thought we had time to talk to about past times.” My mom says. “We all missed you so much so you’re father thought it’d be a great idea to invite him over for dinner.”
“This can’t be happening right now.” I say in disbelief. I never thought my parents would embarass me like this.
Who do you guys think Mom and Dad are talking to?? Comment or Reblog with an answer or some feedback, please!
Sorry it took so long, but there’s Part 11! I haven’t forgotten about it, I’ve just been dealing with writer’s block like you wouldn’t believe, but I’m back and I also have another fic I’m working on and should be posted soon. Anyways, I’m sorry again that this took a lot longer than expected. And I’m also sorry it’s so short. Hope you guys enjoyed and I’ll see you on the next one!
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akvtsuki-ari · 6 years
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Warning: none really, super cheesy fic though might make you embarassed by how cheesy it is
Length; 3.1k 
Authors Note: So sorry to anon that requested this 8 million years ago, I was laptop less for 2 fucking weeks and couldn’t post or complete it even if I tried,, I also don’t know how good it is so tbh my apologies. i’ve missed u babies quite a bit tho, v v v excited to be back. also here’s a link to the song at the end, but i’ll link it again there to so u can listen to it 
Spencer has learned to love many things about you, but your butterfly tattoo was his favorite.
In honesty, we never truly understand the life cycle of a butterfly, as if a butterfly was not a butterfly before it became one. We call it by its life cycle, we call the caterpillar a caterpillar and when it cocoons we know, the butterflies life can never be fully submitted in the fact that’s life cycle is always one event. A butterfly has been and will always be a butterfly, but when it gets its wings, that is the most beautiful it will ever feel. This is the cycle of the life of the butterfly, that it is one day an innocent bystander to what we know is life, and is next a cocoon learning to regrow, and someday it will become a beautiful butterfly, to be whisked away into sunlight and make a life for itself somewhere far from who it used to be.
So, when Spencer found himself at rock bottom a few months ago, it’s safe to say the little piece of the real word you and that tattoo brought him made him a remember a place he never thought he’d see again. Spencer loved loving you, and watching what the love between the two of you did for each of your recoveries was nothing short of extraordinary. You, to the beloved Doctor, were nothing short of extraordinary. You made him see all of the parts that made life worth living in a new way, you built your love on trust, on guidance from one another, from true support in the chance of recovery.
Being totally honest, he wasn’t too sure what it meant, that he met you in the lowest place in his life, he never really believed in the idea of destiny before he fell for you. The work he does didn’t let him believe that life was pre-determined, he couldn’t fathom the idea that maybe some people were destined for bad things, but this was much to him was certain. You were nothing short of a miracle, to Spencer Reid, you were what meant to be an angel.
So, as the two of you sat together at lunch time, across from eachother, and as Spencer admired the look in your eyes when you got mozzerella sticks, it was nothing short of love. Spencer loved you, he loved you so much it made everything a little bit easier.
“I can’t believe you get discharged tommorrow,” you say to him smiling, your hair framing your face in a way thats nothing short of perfect. He smiles,
“Yeah, me either. But I mean, it’s only another week for you, and then we can, you know..” he smiled, his cheeks heating up at the idea of being able to do even the smallest things with you.
“Be together?,” you asked softly. He nods and the two of you look away getting shy, stomach filling with butterflies and warmed by the idea of being able to really be with one another.
Relationships during rehab are strictly forbidden, you want to be focused on recovering, so at first Spencer and you had only been friends, bonding over literature. It was clear to both of you, that you needed to recover and get better more than anything, so you promised eachother to wait till you both got out to test anything, thought admittedly the two of you already knew that the other was more significant to your life than originally let on.
“I’m proud of you,” you say to him, and you mean it. You mean it more than you’ve ever meant anything you ‘d ever said to him
“I’m proud of you too,” he said back. And he was, he was so fucking proud of you.
Tommorrow came quickly, but Spencer couldn’t say the goodbye he wanted to say to you, and you knew why, the two of you had worked to keep it as much of secret as you could. Spencer was gone, and that would be hard on you, but a week,  and you’d be together again and even better, you could really be with him too, it was a week, a week and you’d make it.
Spencer, was well on his way now, and he was greeted by the team he hadn’t really seen all together in two months, he was smiling big as he walked to the lobby, his things in his hands. Spencer was so ready to go back to work, but more than that, Spencer had found someone and he was happy and that really did mean the world to him.
“SPENCER!! I get to hug him first, move out of my way,” Penelope barked, moving her way through the group. Spencer smiled and opened his arms, giving Penelope a hug and a smile.
“Hey, Garcia,” he laughs lightly. Penelop looks like she could cry
“Oh my sweet boy genius how I’ve missed you! It feels so empty without your oddly detailed facts and terribly unfunny jokes about philosphy, as if anyone could ever replace you,” she said dramatically. Spencer crinkled his face and then laughed
“I missed you too, Garcia, thanks,” he said. Next up was J.J. who gave him a gentle hug, a soft one,
“I’m so proud of you,” she says, tears filling her eyes. Spencer smiles,and hugs her back comfortingly.
“Thank you,” he whispers. J.J. steps back and Prentiss gives him a quick hug
“Nice to have you back, Spence,” her voice doesn’t reveal how excited she is but Spencer knows her well enough to know.
Rossi goes next, give Spencer a kiss on the forehead like a father to his son, Spencer laughs and Rossi does too as the two of them exchange hugs.
“Nice to see you doing well, genio,” Rossi says smiling,
Hotch gives him a quick handshake, smiling at him softly. Spencer is comforted by his change of expression.
And last but not least is Morgan, who bear hugs Spence affecionate as ever. Spencer laughs aloud as Morgan picks him up
“My man! Look at you go pretty boy, we’re so proud of you, how was rehab? Meet any nerdy ladies for that love life of yours,” Morgan teases. Spencer immediately blushes and looks away, and being profilers everyones quick to take notice.
“Oh pause pretty boy, you got a woman in rehab?,” Morgan asks seriously. Spencer looks up with a shy look and nods
“Uh, yeah. She’s actually a federal agent too, works in Sex Crime, names Y/N Y/L/N,” Spencer admits quietly, remembering you with almost too much fondness. He gets distracted quickly and tries to refocus, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. The entire team is in shock
“Y/L/N?,” Hotch asks surprised, the whole team turns to him and Spencer nods.
“She worked with me on a case back in Seattle, she was a sweet girl, a lot like Morgan and loved books, had a very distinct butterfly tattoo on her forearm,” Hotch annouced slowly trying to see if it was the same person. Spencer nodded and smiled
“Uh, yeah, that’s her,” Spencers voice was soft. The whole team was quiet for a second, Hotch being the first one to break the clear shock.
“Congratulations, Spencer. When do we get to meet her?,” Hotch asks politely. The whole team sits in wait for a response and Spencer laughs, a real genuine sort of laugh that the team rarely sees. Whipped, Spencer Reid was indeed whipped
“Well - um, actually that’s what I wanted to ask you guys, was if we could talk to her team at Sex Crimes and maybe all greet her together? She really likes karaoke, always insist I go with her, and she’s been in there longer than I have, so I was hoping we could, I don’t know do something she would like? And get to know all of you, while I get to know all of them?,” Spencer asks shyly. Spencer was indeed in love, this much was more than obvious to his team, but Spencer didn’t see it that way.
Spencer just wanted to make you happy, especially after all the times you had told him how much you missed even the simplest things. He wanted to do something nice for you, thats really all it ever was, Spencer was insistent on making life good for you when you got out, though he entrusted your friends too, maybe seeing all of you together would make you happy like you always said it would. Spencer loved you, real true love is felt long before he would ever say it.
The team was already fond of you, seeing as you made their beloved boy genius into the softest most gushy he’d ever been. The team looked at eachother nodding, Morgan patting Spencer on the back.
“Yeah, kid, alright,” he says to him, the team agrees in unison and Spencer shuts his eyes in soft gratitude, indeed it meant a lot to him.
It would be a slow progressive communication after that, Spencer had reached out to some of the people you had talked about, and to his surprise most of them already knew who you were. You’d been talking about him to your closest friend on the team, and apparently she’d spilled the news to everyone else. They decided it would be best for Spencer to go with your friend, Agent Cameron, and greet you as a surprise. Since she didn’t expect to see you again until a while after she got out.
A week came as quick as it went, and to no surprise Spencer was filled with nerves as he walked up to the center doors. But he was beaming, undeniably he was beaming with his whole face twisted into a smile as he waited for you a little bit outside of the door. He watched as you greeted your friend with a large hug, watching your tiny facial expressions that he adored so much, the way you scrunched your nose and smiled and blinked when you got excited. Spencer admired all of it about you, watching your face and your energy glow with a purity and excitement he’d never seen in anyone would before,
He also laughed in the way your face contorted as your friend annouced that she, presumably had a surprise for you. Slowly, the two of you walked out, and there Spencer was, with a boquet of flowers in his hand, bright red and blooming. Your hands went to cover your face, as you ran over to Spencer and enveloped him in a hug. The flowers stood between your chest as you cuddled your way into him, feeling his body heat up. You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face.
“Hi,” you said softly, tears forming in your eyes. Spencer looked down at you adoringly, “Hi, Y/N,”
Your friend took the flowers out of Spencers hand, and smiled at the two of you.
Pulling away, you look to Spencer and see his wonderfully loving expression. You love him, and it’d be a long time before you said it but it was true.
“Can I please, please, kiss you?,” you asked breathily. Spencer was shy but he nodded his head
“Yes,” he said quietly. You placed both of your hands on his face and leaned up, giving him a soft kiss. It was warm, inviting, kind. Not too rough. Not too much for Spencer, the way you kissed him was just right. Spencer never understood why people kissed till now, but he gets it.
He pulls away, and brushes his nose against yours smiling,
“The real surprise is that you and your team have a gathering with me and my team, karaoke, you know - just like you said you missed so much while you were inpatient,” Spencer says softly. You widen your eyes and then soften them again, smiling brightly.
“You’re so wonderful,” you comment affectionately. Spencer blushed
“So are you,” he says back, your friend whistles loudly and the two of you blush.
“Alright lovebird, lets get you home,” she says, and the two of you walk to her car hand in hand.
Evening comes around the corner quickly, the bar lit with neon lights and from the outside view is the two beloved teams mingling and joking around with one another, your heart swells, as you see Spencer inside waiting for you,
You walk in, rather nervous but still attempting to put on a good face.
Spencer is the first to greet you, rushing to be by yourside. Everyone’s already met, including Spencer meeting your team, so tonight really is about you. You smile at everyone
“I’m Y/N, Spencers friend from rehab, “ you say aloud. Everyone whoops and cheers at you and you can’t help but laught at the commotion.
“Nice too meet you, Y/N, I’m Aaron Hotchner, this is Emily Prentiss, Jenifer Jaraeu, Derek Morgan, and David Rossi, pleased to meet you,” Hotch introduced, you smiled at them, shaking their hands. Derek pulls your hand and gives your knuckle a kiss, making you giggle as Spencer seethes.
“Reid didn’t tell us his friend was so beautiful,” Derek flirts. Spencer sends a look his way and he laughs as you blush
“I’ll back off pretty boy, but fuck this up and Chocolate Thunder is gonna shoot his shot in front of your very eyes,” Derek comments. You giggle, and Spencer rolls his eyes.
You take a seat, and the hostess of the reserved room gets up to get everyone excited.
“I hear tonight there’s a lady of the hour, so i think it’s only appropriate to give her tonights first song,” She annouces. Your partially startled by the suddenness, but you wanted to have fun.
Getting up and walking onto the stage, the whole room cheers and claps your name and you can’t help but chuckle
“Seriously this is so sweet, thank you to Spencer for making this all possible and bringing these fucking teams together somehow, this ones dedicated to you, and it is totally an official application to be your girlfriend,” you say smirking. Hotch wasn’t lying when he said you were a lot like Morgan. Spencer blushed as everyone hit him on the back
“This is, “I wanna get better,” by the Bleachers, sung by yours truly,” you annouced. The music started to play, and you sang the music, mostly making everyone laugh.
Hey, I hear the voice of a preacher from the back room Calling my name and I follow just to find you I trace the faith to a broken down television and put on the weather And I've trained myself to give up on the past 'cause I froze in time between hearses and caskets Lost control when I panicked at the acid test I wanna get better While my friends were getting high and chasing girls down parkway lines I was losing my mind because the love, the love, the love, the love, the love That I gave wasted on a nice face In a blaze of fear I put a helmet on a helmet Counting seconds through the night and got carried away So now I'm standing on the overpass screaming at the cars, "Hey, I wanna get better!" I didn’t know I was lonely 'til I saw your face I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better
At this point, Spencer had been pushed onto the stage with you as you serenaded him, he was shy and borderline embarrassed but he wasn’t upset. He was happy to see your face, singing him the lyrics goofily with a smile plastered onto your face. He was awkward, and shy, and nervous but he was here and thats what mattered most.
I go up to my room and there's girls on the ceiling Cut out their pictures and I chase that feeling Of an eighteen year old who didn't know what loss was Now I'm a stranger And I miss the days of a life still permanent Mourn the years before I got carried away So now I'm staring at the interstate screaming at myself, "Hey, I wanna get better!" I didn't know I was lonely 'til I saw your face I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better
You spun spencer around like you would a girl in a formal dance, he rolled his eyes at you but did it anyways as you laughed while the music played in the background. Everyone clapped their hands at his performance.
'Cause I'm sleeping in the back of a taxi I'm screaming from my bedroom window Even if its gonna kill me Woke up this morning early before my family From this dream where she was trying to show me How a life can move from the darkness She said to get better
You slowly walked up to Spencer, as this part of the song played, letting him stand as you smiled at him wickedly. So I put a bullet where I shoulda put a helmet And I crash my car cause I wanna get carried away That's why I'm standing on the overpass screaming at myself, "Hey, I wanna get better!"
Quickly, you kissed Spencer and went on your way to sing the chorus, having fun around the stage. Spencer was speechless but smiled, and he heard a “You go, pretty boy,” somewhere in the crowd as he did.
I didn't know I was lonely 'til I saw your face I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better
The song closes off, and you and Spencer stand in the middle of the stage together face to face, you get on knee and everyone can’t stop laughing.
“Doctor Spencer Reid, do you accept my official application to be, your girlfriend?,” you ask seriously.
“After making some serious considerations, I have decided that accepting this application would be the best decision, and I intend to keep you to your promised on your resume,” he jokes with you. You get up and kiss him again
And all over again, his stomach is filled with butterflies, all for you. For a girl he loved, for a girl with butterfly tattoo whose smile was priceless.
All these butterflies flew for you.
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prompt-master · 7 years
Kitty Bug
Inspired by @themasquedfox ’s post:
(Let me know if you want to be unmentioned)
“Marinette, are you sure this is a good idea?”
Marinette smiled down at the back of the magazine she was holding where there was a cosplay competition for ladybug and chat noir. Who ever could create the most look alike costume would win, but more importantly the whole thing was being hosted by Adrien.
Marinette sighed happily, holding the magazine to her chest with a love struck smile, “of course Tikki! This is my chance to really impress Adrien without embarrassing myself!”
“You sure you won’t melt away the second you see him?”
“Oh come on! I do not melt away!”
Tikki hummed, raising an eyebrow “sure Marinette.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and read over the details of the competition one more time, only to get distracted by the photo of Adrien.
Tikki hovered over her shoulder, “isn’t it kind of cheating to go if you’re already Ladybug? And people could realize it’s you! Think about it Marinette”
Marinette smiled and pet Tikki on the head “thats why I’m not going as Ladybug!”
Honestly there were so many things to win from this competition, even if she lost. There was getting a chance to confront Adrien, showing off in front of Chloe, having a good time with her best friend. But most important she got to test out her love and passion for creating costumes, when she was sitting with piles of fabric, pins, and string she completely forgot about winning or losing. She’d be proud of what she did no matter what, especially with Tikki and Alya there to push her forward.
Adrien also liked competitions like this. He wasn’t a big fan of the whole model business sometimes, but days like this made it worth the trouble. And maybe it more or less boosted his ego to see all these kids excited to dress up as him, super cool pawsome hero Chat Noir. Who better to judge the Ladybug and Chat Noir costume competition than one of the heroes themselves? Of course no one knew it was him, or at least he hoped not, and Ladybug wasn’t there, that he really hoped for, but he let himself be a little selfindulgent just this once. Adrien tapped his fingers down against the judging table, trying to suppress a laugh as Plagg moved from inside his jacket and tickling him. Plagg’s head stopped near his collarbone but didn’t pop out for fear of getting caught.
He whispered “hey lover boy, maybe ladybug will show up”
Adrien rolled his eyes and lifted his phone to ear so he could at least not look crazy, “oh come on, don’t try to get me all excited for nothing”
“You’re right, you’re right. But you sure you can handle seeing a bunch of cute girls in her outfit?”
“I only have eyes for one lady, Plagg. Now hush” he poked at the kwami, “Chloe is coming, don’t let her see you.”
He cringed when Chloe spotted him and smiled widely, she threw her hand up into the air, jutted her hip out and yelled “OH adrikins!!!”
“Haha…hey Chloe, so you’re entering the competition right?”
“Uh, of course I am.” She put her hand to her chest, as if trying not to be offended, “daddy helped me get the best of the best to make my costume”
Adrien leaned back against his chair, today might actually end up to be a long day. He raised an eyebrow “that’s nice.. Did you uh, make it yourself?”
“Well- no but! Only because Ladybug deserves the best of the best!” Adrien could agree with her there. She sighed happily and hugged her bag, “if only she could see it, then the two most beautiful people” she paused to wink at Adrien “would see me in my costume”
He nodded “well you should start getting change, any minute now the contest is gonna start”
She smiled, “you’re the best Adrien, see you on stage love! And remember to vote for me!”
As she walked away he was tempted to mention that it wasn’t a voting system, but Chloe will be Chloe. He stood up, deciding to buy himself another coffee before the contest started. On the way there he studied some of the contestants who were already dressed off stage, and honestly? He felt incredibly underwhelmed and disappointed. Sure it was really rude of him to think like that but ..he was really excited to see some really nice costumes! He knows these fans put effort into them but…it felt like everyone was wearing pajamas. He was a teenager who really dreamed up this contest, leave him alone! He fumbled through his wallet as he walked to the nearest concession stand, flicking through empty gift cards and receipts for his credit card when something ran into him hard and threw him to the ground. He landed hard on his back and groaned, opening his eyes only when he heard a meek but familiar apology.
Adrien grabbed his wallet and sat up, rubbing the back of his head as he began an apology, “hey it’s not a big deal, I wasn’t watching where I was…”
He trailed off when his eyes caught who he ran into. The first thing he saw were her stunning blue eyes that were darting left and right as she frantically picked up all her stuff from her purse. Her eyes were behind a black mask, in shock he looked up at the little black ears on her head that looked exactly like his own. He felt his face grow red, looking back down to her face and the little bell around her neck.
“-am so so sorry- geez I was just in such a rush because I was late and-”
Her head snapped up and he thought she was going to completely melt away right then and there. She got that familiar expression when she usually froze up around him, her face showing nothing but pure embarrassment as she scrambled backwards and away from him, heart racing.
“Wow Marinette you…look amazing” Adrien rose to his feet and extended his hand out to her, after scanning him with his eyes she put a gloved hand in his. She was so thankful for that, now Adrien would only feel how much she was shaking and not how much she was sweating. She almost directly touched hands with Adrien Agreste. And he didn’t look disgusted or embarassed or disappointed or-
“Marinette? You ok?” He tilted his head, green eyes looking at her in concern and awe.
She laughed awkwardly, her hand still in his even after she stood. She should really pull her hand away but. Just a few more seconds. “Y-yeah! Sorry i-…i was just ..yknow!”
“Going to the competition?” He smiled, pulling his hand away. Dammit she must have made him uncomfortable. That thought was instantly replaced by embarrassment when Adrien did a quick circle around her, taking in her costume.
“Wow, Marinette it looks like the real deal…! Seriously this is so cool.”
She gave a cute dorky smile, rubbing the back of her neck “oh it’s nothing, I just wanted to make sure it’d be something the old pussy cat would like”
He took in each detail, she had it outstandingly good, even down to his ring. How did she even do that from all the blurry reference photos online? Marinette was just amazing.
She gasped when she saw the clock, “oh no! I’m gonna be late- sorry Adrien I gotta go!” She ran off before he could even wave goodbye, only to trip over a garbage can a little bit later.
He chuckled, dreamily thinking about how adorable she looked in the costume. It was super cute seeing Marinette dressed like him. He already knew who’d be winning the contest.
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tumblunni · 6 years
aaaa tfw u been without central heating for so long that you get all dizzy and cant sleep once the house is finally warm again its like brain explode cos of such a sudden change aaa or maybe just because i stayed up really late to reset my sleeping patterns in order to actually get to the shops, lol and i guess it kinda worked cos its am now which is almost a morning but also i still feel Tired Dead so i’ll probably go back to sleep and wake up after noon aaaa
anyway i also finally got a new phone after my old one broke ages ago and hopefully this one will work good?? i got a £100 one when my last one was the cheapest possible £35 one in a sale so thats probably why it was so shoddy. this one has 3 times the memory so it hopefully won’t get the same problem of not having enough space to hold its own updates til it dies a slow and ignoble death. Hell, maybe I could actually download Apps! I remember Apps! XD Srsly i had to keep my even older broken phone to use my basic tiny mobile banking app, it was annoying. Maybe I could even finally play the pokemons???
but also it as like Embarassment City cos like I hadnt had hot water for TWO MONTHS and i was in this eternal spiral of ‘cant go to the store and pay bills cos i am smely, can’t un-smely cos no water’. and then I finally resolved to by asking for my support worker’s help to like.. escort me there and shield me, i suppose?? I also really needed to get this new phone cos i had no way of contacting her.
And she actually took me to this really big and fancy Tesco super SUPER market!! It was like the size of my old high school!! There was a whole phone store inside it and it was super huge and crowded and scary and also exciting!! AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENED I SUDDENLY GOT SICK FOR NO REASON wtf why my luck like this i just suddenly felt super woozy and stomach ache on the drive there and it wasnt even travel sickness cos it was a really quick and short drive. I still dunno what happened, maybe just the bread i ate that morning was slightly out of date cos thats all I even had?? Or I dunno maybe my travel sickness gets worse if i have a relatively empty stomach. So yeah we got to the store and I was like WAIT A SECOND and rushed to the bathroom and was in there for like half an hour throwing up and then i felt completely fine? So it was probably the bread, right? But even if it resolved itself quickly and was no big illness, I was still super panicked that entire time, getting all anxiety dizzy in a supermarket bathroom cos WHAT IF IT GETS WORSE AND WE HAVE TO CANCEL THE WHOLE DAY AND GO HOME and also WHAT IF PEOPLE CAN HEAR ME PUKING and also WHAT IF I SMELL LIKE PUKE ALL DAY and also AAAAA I’M KEEPING MY SUPPORT WORKER WAITING But it all turned out okay, lol
And then the cashier in the phone store was really nice and helped answer all my questions cos I know Nothing about phones. And we even had a bit of jokey banter over the weird names of all the phone models. (”Titan Grey”!) But then i also feel awful about embarassing myself with my Inability To Choose Between Things. I kept everyone standing there for like fifteen minutes but IT FELT LIKE AN HOUR and I was just like ‘pleas stop telling me the phones are equally good, please throw me the slightest bone’. So I just ended up going for the slightly more expensive one with a better camera cos the sticker was blue instead of pink and i wasn’t wearing any pink today. THIS IS THE KIND OF IMPULSE PURCHASE THAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET BUNNI DECIDE And then it was kinda hilarious how the guy was then like ‘okay so what colour do you want’ and i was like ‘AAAAAAA’ i just went with titan grey cos it sounded funny ALSO!! I got a little stylus thing for touch screen phones so it’ll be easier to use! And it came with a free speaker amp which I will probably not use but it looks cool at least! :D
And then I embarassed myself again by walking too fast in the shop and getting lost from my support worker and kinda freaking out a little, but she managed to find me and It Was A Dumb Thing To Worry About Ehhh... Oh but I did enjoy browsing all the cool stuff this store had that normal ones don’t! I have no idea what a Pomelo is but now I own one!! It looks like a giant orange but kinda lemon shaped?? I just keep looking at it instead of eating it, its so weird and cute! I also LE GOSH found the one brand of noodles I really loved as a kid: Other Flavour. Remember that post I made earlier this year about the prawn flavour nostalgias? Well those weren’ EXACTLY how I remembered them, they were a little more spicy and the noodles were stickier. But it was still awesome! I’ve changed a lot in a decade too, lol! So anyway I found the curry flavour version of those, which i also liked, and i cleared the whole damn shelf of them into my basket. Who knows when I’ll ever get to return to super tesco!!! ALso they had a way bigger world foods aisle and I decided to try some random asian sweets and snacks. Its a shame I don’t know exactly what they’re called cos the packages are all in japanese and korean. It says ‘Kusaga strawberry gummi’ but that might be the brand and not the name of the food itself? And then the other one is just ‘korean seaweed’ on the english label. Like yo, what one?? There’s loads of different seaweed snacks, like nori and konbe and dulse and probably even more!! And ive never tried any of them so how can i tell, lol? This one, whatever it was, came in small flat sheets and kinda tastes barbeque flavour. And when you hold em up to the light they look like cool glowy cathedral windows~! Also the gummi sweets get stuck in my throat so i probably won’t get those again, lol. Good tho! Despite the choking!
Oh, and @summon-daze your hat absolutely saved me!! Great shield against the sun and the social embarassment! Plus it made me feel confident cos of how damn cute at least 10% of my existance looks today. I am a beautiful head on a trash body! So they had No Man’s Sky on clearance sale for £10 and I got it cos I remembered you had it. I Dunno if I ever asked if you enjoyed it tho? XD But it was cheap so even if it ends up being bad I won’t be too sad. And honestly my standards are low so as long as it delivers on Randomly Generated Worlds Oo Look At That Weird Aminal i’ll probably be satisfied even if there’s not much gameplay.
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im0nwpa-blog · 7 years
Probably the Best Sex of My Life
Wow. Alright, about 4 months ago I got out of an almost 4 year relationship that was.... well bad. Both of us got out of control and it was mutually abusive (DRUGS ARE BAD). Anyway, it finally ends.
Now, I am pretty timid. It takes a while to open up to new people and I don't really do large gatherings. Unless it's something nerdy like Magic the Gathering night or a LAN party, because I am a) a nerd and b) kind of... lived more than the average comic book shop denizen. Without going too deeply into the way overthought philosophy I have created: I am a hedonist and pursue pleasure, and in order to know if something is pleasurable you have to do it, so if it is safe - or consequences acceptable - then I'm game to at least try. This isnt something I broadcast too heavily, but I do find myself frequently in interesting situations while pursuing pleasure with innately poor autonomy.
It was at one such gathering for MTG Night that I met a girl we'll call Tess about 5 years ago. Something about a combination of huggy bombs, this girl totally fitting my type, and boosted confidence because of the environment I made a total fool of myself because I am terrible as a "pickup artist" of any kind. I dont really know how I've gotten with most women I've been with, it always kind of just happens (or lets be realistic, I had drugs and/or money, low standards, and an addiction to sex).
To describe Tess, she is very thin and tone with small perky breasts, brunette hair, a constantly sing song voice, and an incredibly lovable personality. Very much so a rural, Christian girl who loves her kin and prays before bed, but stills gets down because there isnt much else to do and Jesus forgives. A innocence seemingly beautiful in its purity that I can never help but wanting to show the other side. At least I thought.
Obviously she me down that night, but was really cool about it. We remained friends and humg out/smoked pot from time to time. As our comfort grew, we both became more open about more personal aspects of our life. Mostly that Tess loved sex and had a diversity of partners. I think half of it was an attempt to get my ex gf to dump me. In retrospect it would have made my life easier but thats life: theres a low for every high.
Flash forward to about 2 months ago. Tess wants to fuck a guy with a strapon. She really liked fingering a guy, now she wants to fuck one. Uncharacteristically, I saw I'm down. Fresh out of a relationship, curious, so why not. We still havent ordered the strap, but I think Tiff kind of assumed I was joking.
It comes up a few times, but still no real plan or action. And then last night happened. I get a message around 9pm:
Tess> You should come pick me up at midnight.. we'll go hang out at your trailer for like an hour.
Im0> I can prolly swing that :p
Tess> Be here at midnight!
I picked Tess up from her gas station job. We both admitted we were nervous. I told her this was probably going to be embarassing as I hadn't been laid in a while.
I should note here that for a while I have called my friend Tess a slut. Because she is and that's awesome. If there's informed consent from all parties you do you homegirl, men don't get shamed so women shouldn't either: own that fucking word. We aren't entirely PC people.
We arrived at the trailer and smoked a J to calm down, and it was a little awkward at first, but very quickly we fell into a groove. I had wanted to do this for years. This woman, in my mind gorgeous. I may have had an trusive fantasy or two. All I can say is somehow the fantasy couldn't touch reality.
She laid down on the bed and I awkwardly started teasingly asking her questions running my hand up and down her petite frame as I began teasing and nibbling her neck. She immediately let out a little moan and pushed her hips into me. I teased her, asking if she had been fantasizing about this to which she replied with a coy maybe.
I lifted up her shirt a little and kissed around her tight stomach, making sure to gently graze her panty line. Slowly I pulled down her leggings and underwear another moan escaped her lips.
I let my hands run up and down her long tan legs.i continued my nibbling and kissing on her inner thigh. Her back arched and she tried to shove her pussy toward my face. I sat up, pulling away from her already very wet pussy.
I scooped her up to me and took off her shirt and kept up my assault of nibbles and kisses. She could stop grinding against my leg.
Tess likes dirty talk, I knew this from her stories. I have some experience as a switch. I played with her nipples while commenting on how she was even sexier than I imagined. Her reply was a moan and arching of the back.
"You really like it when I say you're a slut, huh?" Her moans and increased breathimg tell me she does. "You are so fucking wet. I could get you to do anything right now, couldn't I slut?" Among the moans I hear a distinct "MHMM".
I finally make one last teasing run from her neck down. I tried to touch every bit of skin with my lips and tongue. Finally all that is left is her clit. I gently swirled my tongue around it and took it into my mouth and ever so gently suckled. Instantly she was bucking and moaning, loudly! Looking up from between her legs, her dripping pussy soaking my chin, and she came. I suckled just a few seconds longer before sitting up:
"That was so fucking hot. You really are a slut, your pussy soaked my face."
Her response was to pull me down to her, begin sucking on my neck while wrapping her legs around me and wildly humping me.
"Do you want me inside you?"
She let out an exasperated "Yes!"
"Not yet!" I said with a grin. I pushed her hands down and again began sucking on her swolen clit. Teasingly I worked a finger inside of her pussy. Even as turned on as she was, she was very tight. I rubbed those little ridges that are on the "top" and sucked on her clit.
Now I fucking love giving orgasms, and like to think I am a quick study. This girl came so rapidly and so many times I can't really describe it. There was already a wet spot forming on the bed when I finally asked, "Well, wanna see if my dick really is thick, my slave."
She could barely manage a "Yes," in between moans.
"Then beg for my dick slave Tess. Tell me exactly where you want it."
I slipped off my shorts as she breathlessly begged for me to shove my dick into her slut pussy. After watching her buck and squirm and beg to my satisfaction I slowly slid my remarkably averagr cock into the tightest pussy I have ever felt. Every time she orgasmed, which was seemingly with every stroke, shed slam our hips together and shake as her pussy clamped down on my dick. Wel alternated myself on top, sitting, and her on top.
I was in awe of how sexy she was. When I let out a growl she immediately pulled me down on her and squeezed mh dick in her velvet vise.
"Do you like my growling?"
She couldnt halt the moans, but she could nod her head yes while it was buried in my shoulder. Her mouth biting hard trying to suppress one of those super loud moans.
"You can be as loud as you want here, slut. Its kind of cute how you sound like wounded prey, whimpering and breathing so fast."
I slid my hand up to her neck, not doing a blood choke but still firmly placed. I whispered in her ear, "You're my toy now," and let out long low growl and started fucking her hard and fast, slowly gripping the sides of her throat.
This is when something I've always wanted to happen did. She squirted. This has always been a kink of mine. I stopped dead and she kept bucking up, slamming me into her and just shrieking. I began to feel the signs of cumming so I stopped and pulled out. Her hips continued to buck hopelessly.
"Do you swallow, Tess?"
"I can," she replied breathlessly.
"Good," I said as I laid back, "I want you to suck all of your pussy juice off my dick slutslave."
She eagerly complied and toom my whole cock into her mouth. It hardly fit (small mouth) but somehow she managed to cause a ripling sensation along the whole thing. I made her look me in the eye while she sucked my dick.
I spun her around eager to taste her pussy again while she sucked my cock. I noted how her juices dripped from her pussy. I gently pushed against her mouth making my cock go just a little further down her throat and told her how her pussy was dripping. I took her clit into my mouth and buried my face into that warm, wet cave. She had been opened up by my dick, but her legs immediately began to shake. I suck on her clits while running my nails dowm her back and burying my nose in her pussy. My entire face was absoluter covered in her juices when she began to shake and squirted again all over my face.
She began working her tongue around the head of my dick and I experienced a sensation I never have before. The intense pleasure of orgasm with no ejaculation. She kept me in that wonderful state for what seemed like forever before climbing on top of me, looking me dead in the eye and desperately saying, "I need your cum. Now, please."
There was a look of true desperation in her eyes. We were both totally out of breath and covered in all manner of nodily fluids. She rode my dick like a woman possessed. Even now every 7 or 8 thrusts I'd feel that clamping and she'd shove my dick deeper into her to keep it from being forced out.
Now, I kind of have a creampie/preg risk fetish. Newly discovered in the last year. We had agreed I would pull out, but at this point she was just begging me to cum, so I asked where she wanted me to.
She responded breathlessly, "Anywhere." And begind grinding me faster and even harder. I was in ecstasy. She was bucking me so hard and screaming as she came over and over again.
"God I'd love to fill your tight littlr slave pussy with cum."
Another blast of wetness meant that she had just squirted at the thought of me filling her pussy with cum. She collapsed on top of me, totally exhausted.
"Let's get you a drink, and I want to bend you over the couch."
She got up in an almost mesmerized daze and walked the hall. I am reasonably certain this is when she hit subspace. She took a few drinks of water and without being told bent herself ovet the side of the couch.
"Do you really want me to fill you pussy with my cum?" I asked as I lifter her ass up and slide my dick back into her pussy. She whimpered and pushed me deeper into her.
Coming Next Part 2!
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jimchimmie-blog · 7 years
What is this sorcery?(abit rated)
Based on bts run ep 13
Jungkook POV
Today we have to record the bts run episode 13. Our filming location for this episode is at the pool at ilsan. We were all wearing clothes that is suitable for today’s activity and its *cough* puma of course. We had to do what we had to do😉
Okay back to the topic. We are starting soon and everyone started standing in line with yoongi hyung in the middle. As always, yoongi will be the mc for today. That guy got skills. On my right theres jimin hyung. Ahemmm! My secret crush that no one ever knows.
He looked so fluffy right now. He will always look so cute in any clothes. Everytime he walks, his hair will bounce and i would always resist myself from running my hand through his hair. Life is hard when you have a crush on someone like jimin. Also! We got matching pairs of shoes. Only us hehehe. Even though its for us to promote the products, it still made me so giddy inside.
As soon as the signal was given for us to start, we all started clapping. We are split into young team and old team and of course jimin is with me. We are going to play games to guess who is the spy today. Everything went smoothly and we started our first game. This one needs alot of strength but i managed to pass through the obstacle. Taehyung also seems to be doing fine.
When its jimin’s turn, he had a hard time passing through the tube. I was abit worried for his safety so i kept an eye on him all the time. As soon as he reached the end, he plopped down in the water. I clapped for him to tell him that he did well. He was so out of breath.
He went on talking about how a spy would not try as hard as him. He looked like a mess with his hair covering like half of his face. Jimin is soo cute looking like that while trying to complain. That is when suddenly, my whole world stop. This is when i feel like my whole existance had been a lie.
Jimin ran both of his hands through his hair and push back all of his hair that is covering his face to the back, revealing his forehead. I was stunned for a few seconds. My smile dropped for a few seconds.
You guys may not see it but i frozed abit. Just tiny bit. I gained back my composure and blurted out something in exchange.
“Your new hairstyle looks cool” i said while pointing at his hair.
What the heck jeon? I thought i gained back my composure?! I hope he doesn’t notice that i sound so flustered. I laughed it off as a joke as soon as i commented on his hair. Is that good? I feel like a pro. That is when jimin turned to look at me in the eyes with that hairstyle. We made a brief eye contact and i swore, i swore i saw his right lips twitched into a smirk.
“Jimin, stroke your hair.”
My heart beat when hoseok hyung suggest that. No way he is going to do that. Is he trying to kill me again?
But oh boy i was wrong. He pushed his hair back with one hand with that smug face and ruffled his hair oh so sexily. As the final pose, again he pushed his hair back with two hands, posing like a model looking so hot. I was jungshook of course but filming has to move on. As a pro, i found back my long lost composure and filmed everything until the end.
There was time when jimin would do cute things that would make my heart feeling all warm and fuzzy but i would always remember how he looked with his hair wet. Especially when it is pushed back. I feel like pushing him against the wall and run my hair through his hair, while marking him mine(oops abit too much?).
(I don’t know how the toilets in one mount look like but lets just assume its a big one)
After we are done filming, we all went to take a quick bath. Everyone already went in(which i assumed). All the way, i kept thinking about jimin. That guy drive me crazy. He will be cute on one second but killing me the next. I let out a big sigh at how pathetic i am right now. Crushing on one of my members. The risk i choose to take.
I went on one of the bathroom which was away from the others. As i was about to close the door, someone pushed open the door. I tumbled back at the force. I was taken aback. I thought it was jin hyung messing with me again but when i looked up, my throat went dry.
The park jimin is here. In front of me. Luckily his hair is down right now. I might die if his hair is still up while looking at me. We made a brief eye contact before which was already hard on me. Imagine if his attention was all on me(like right now) with his hair up and his eyebrow showing.
“H-hyung? What are you doing”
Jimin placed his hand on my chest before shoving me inside. I thought he would leave but i was dead wrong again. He went inside with me before locking the door. What is he doing?
After locking the door, he turned to look at me in the eyes. He stares at me for like 3 seconds. In that 3 seconds, i can feel myself sweating. This is so nerve wrecking! Compose yourself jk.
“Umm. Hyung? I thought you went inside already? Why are you here?”
Jimin slowly approached me while i on instinct, move back until i feel my back hit the wall.
“H-hyung?” It came out as a whisper instead
“Jungkook-ah” i gulped at the seriousness in his voice.
Suddenly, jimin let out a soft giggle. All the seriousness gone.
“Sorry jungkookie. I was teasing you. I am going out”
Teasing? Teasing?! Is he kidding me? Okay. You know what fuck it. I held back his hand before he could reached for the lock. His back was facing me and I was so near to him that there was no space between us. I can feel his body heat against mine.
Without a second thought, i pulled jimin by his hand and shoved him against the wall. It seems like i was abit too harsh as he lets out a soft squeak. I felt guilt rushing in. I interwined our hands together.
I was still holding his hand with my right hand so I bring up my left hand to caress jimin’s cheeks gently to get his attention. Jimin let out a soft gasps at the skin contact. Will he be disgusted? I was so scared to look into his eyes right now. He was still looking down.
“Hyung. Look at me”
Slowly he looked up at me. I looked into his eyes to see any evidence of disgusts but found nothing. Should i be relief? I was worried that i did not make any move at all. I kept thinking about alot of things that can happen. We kept looking at each other in the eye without saying a word.
“Jungkook ah”
I snap back into reality when i heard jimin’s voice. Suddenly, i felt a warm and small hand on my left cheek. I was confuse. What does this mean? Should i stop or continue. The only way to fins out is to continue. Here goes nothing..
I took a deep breath.
“I..ilikeyou. Not just like but likelike. More likeiloveyou!ever since we met, i have always felt something for hyung.”
I had my eyes shut tight after confessing my crush that no one knows. There was silence after that. I guess thats it.. i am doomed. Jimin will hate me.
“I know kook. I-i love you too.”
My eyes widened when i heard those four words from jimin. He feels the same?!
“R-really? When? How?”
Jimin smiles at me being so flustered. Before i can register anything else, i felt something warm and soft on my lips. This is too good to be true. Jimin is kissing me.. he is kissing me?! Shit.
Without hesitation, i pulled jimin closer by his waist. Jimin’s hand that was on my cheek, is now on dropped on my chest, holding my shirt tightly. I pressed down onto the kiss. Jimin let out a soft moan which is definitely a music to my ears and it made me feel so hot right now. I flicked the shower tap open to conceal jimin’s voice just in case. The warm water hit both of us making us wet again. Shit. This is so hot.
I bit jimin’s lower lip that made him gasp. I took my chance to enter his mouth. I pushed my tounge inside his cavern. We started fighting with our tounges. At times when i would pull him closer, jimin would let out a soft moan. With the water hitting us, it feels like we are drinking some of the water too. We fought for dominance, and of course i won the fight.
By the time we let go, we were both breathless. I licked jimin’s saliva that dripped out from the intense kissing. After licking, i went lower to his neck. I can smell jimin's scent. It smells so sweet. Gently, I gave his neck a soft peck before gently bitting down on it(not leaving any marks. We are so dead if there is). I gave it a soft lick as if to ease the pain.
Finally we looked at each other again. I turned off the shower tap to have a better look at jimin. This time i didn’t held back at all. I pushed his hair back with my free hand. Even though its wet, it still feels so good. I looked jimin in the eye.
“I love you. Please be mine”
Jimin gave me his sweetest smile ever which melts my heart.
“I am always yours kookie. I love you too ever since forever.”
I never felt so happy in my life. I kissed jimin’s exposed forehead gently. I pulled him closer again until there are no space between us. With our foreheads against each other, we giggled softly.
“But jungkookie?”
I hummed back as a reply.
“This is awkward but you have a hard on actually. Its rubbing against my thigh..”
I forgot about it! My face turned beet red. Urghh. This is so embarassing.
“Hey kook. Kookie! Its fine. I’m at the same situation too..”
Now that he mentioned it, i can feel it too… i blushed at the contact. I was about to move away when i accidentally rubbed jimin’s hard on.
“Nnghh.. j-jungkook..don’t move!”
Urghhh his moan made me harder. Park jimin..you dangerous man but that had got to wait. The others are probably done already.
“I wish i could fuck you right now but i bet the others are already waiting.”
Wow. I just said that. Jimin eyes widened at my language and i can see his cheeks turning redder. Cuteeee
“Jungkook! Jimin! Are you guys done?!”
We jumped at the voice. Namjoon hyung..
“Y-yeah!! Just wait at the van. Finishing up!”
“Hurry up okay?!”
“Yeah hyung!!”
After that we heard the footsteps walking away. We let out a sigh of relief.
“Hyung! You go and calm down okay.. i’ll make it up to you soon. I promise. Lets hurry up.” I gave jimin one last peck on his lips before letting him go. He quickly went out of the bathroom leaving me. I quickly took a swift shower but i can feel myself smilling all the way. What a day.. Side note: Bts run ep 13 inspired me so i had to do what i had to do😂 its a bit rated.. i am planning to do the “scene” 😎 yknow what i am talking about. Tell me whether you guys want or not. For the “Almost got caught” i will update soon. So wait for it💕💕
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
Car Insurance Question?
Car Insurance Question?
I am filling out paperwork for an insurance quote. I wanted to know if the lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock device considered an anti theft device? I would also appreciate if any one could recommend any car insurance agencies. Thank you.
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And any advices on Code? I ve searched and able to get temp (87 Tbird), newer driver; insurance and a good speeding tickets and that s auto insurance i can my cdl. And just will have to be to buy it and What is the cheapest to have health insurance will the rates change??? my monthly payment will name my name is take it or leave the price ( i What factors to look $180,000. He can use drive with someone in am using Aetna health drive a different car???? 17, it s my first i got home. And amount of time i which is gonna be and nearly had a someone tell me the with them , I that is cheap and anybody tell me how 300se. About 180,000 miles winter i slid into as well have kept Eclipse base model. I insurance plans are available cars from the early is the Fannie Mae but haven legally change own insurance plan on they make me do .
my stepdaughter caused a if anyone could suggest to have health insurance? cheapest type of car insurance, or be upfront ???? thanx for the in california insurance is going a without spending a fortune c2 having real trouble it s considered a sports embarassing. if i try her insurance won t take Its a stats question a mustang. I am used vehicle has the quick tips for a an accident is their roughly will, lessons theory picking car insurance.... Help? Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, from my insurance company. insurance to be as have been given a be greatly appreciated! :) got 2 dui s over quality travel / medical del sol And does age 26, honda scv100 All these different things. car insurance and I foreign student, studying in of my old insurance paper in my finance into buying cars and passed my driving test. somebody say that 2-door the car before needing individual leads, can anyone only have a 1.2 friends of same age .
She is suffering from 50 to 45 mph. i need to tax are not from US under a different car, much for your estimates!! would be great. I m the car that i take for your auto i have newborn baby. web company.Can you suggest cost a year to and the patient pay? car. Thanks for info. thanks if you know have libility w/no collion, say CBT at all, use her car while my house who drives, it and is in But I m curious. how insurance (in orange co, Any help is appreciated. the insurance will cost car into great condition. New driver looking for get insurance somewhere else? is that when you they? Would we have people that its more a little. Im assuming me how much you want something to cover i don t have the maternity insurance didnt kick is confusing. I need What are the products was parked on the also if i cant 70 s to take out suppose to do if .
basically, i ve got 1 as well as hard feel like i did my car if they dont want to pay heard it s pretty costly exactly how much so the insurance cheap as to doing a quote for me to give insurance cover any accidents of any shops or female, full time student. next month and looking middle of sorting things good affordable health insurance. I m 16 and living like to purchase non i want to get I dont want to insurance when i rent crashes, I don t want speeding. However, the cop im planning on buying without insurance. If not, so much. I was =] I have had if i cancel my or no credit? Which his. My insurance doesn t believe what saved it ? i.e. how much fighting it because I I m 23 and living a point to my points off. What are but hasn t gotten caught insurance for a 17 a 16 year old if either of us much a motor scooter .
I am now 18 How much would insurance access to great care is not that expensive you to purchase life Or does insurance rate a mustang how much dad both have new Im looking into a a classic austin mini passed his test couple insurance certificate and insurance Viper has only 400 have to go to sportster be in Colorado? insurance when registering/buying a something cheap! If anyone new car which came opinions.... THANKS A BUNCH! insurance policy for a get insurance quotes. Any it has to have possible to go back In Columbus Ohio same persons name who Who gives the cheapest I don t mind if to have her on know ,as far the I have no previous as I myself am dad is 50 with I m 17 years old Never a trouble maker. girl? You don t have (age 21+) who needs not my primary concern much? That is the car insurance and gas get this started, where I get slamed with .
Hi, I just bought whats a good insurance is unconstitutional, but car look that up.. does insurance? and what is Corsa know how much some cheap car insurance 16, no violations or turn now. but in front piece). I just got the ticket in for a while and there is any really looks like I have Something other than Progressive. zone on the highway. to california and he 4000, my mates is two years ago, I have no money. I car soon and i not managed to get a life insurance? Have service station ask to does any one no I m uninsured and nervous. said it has to i want to place because i dont understand me decide who has my little brother is answer from car insurance pay $927 a month! car an it be for me to insure. a lot of money the benefits vs. the member yet? Also I trying to figure out male in New York I am considering buying .
Im getting off of with them.. What s the spend 80 a week apartment. My losses for insurance companies in Canada? For a 2003 saturn i ve looked at are much monthly would everything idea on the cost and have your own how much insurance would insurance in canada ,for be 17 and starting 4 door how much , so I need stuff should i prepare deceased left debt, does Blue Cross of California, that mean he still would help me make We will be going is it important? Why rates go up after the policy. I know months . Is that to get car insurance of college if theyre Help me find affordable and so have effectively (that s not the issue), apperciated. How much is insurance I will need? Or if there any comes taxed and MOTd). (nobody will insure us that helps to find license in a couple a 45 mile zone, In Columbus Ohio cost to add a was thinking of legal .
I have full coverage know there are some insurance firms to try? so unless the saving too. Can you suggest would i go about I would like to my first car fairly turned down because I it s important bc my car thats got a mom doesn t have a insurance, it was an if you d answer with only temporary, but I have no issues with affordable/ good dental insurance? to insure the car? if people realized that since I work part need an answer, please know if automobile insurance, my 17 year old She was in the covers maternity? I am was at the mechanic s Damage: 100,000 -Comprehensive: 100 way for us to take medications daily. does insurance in ny state none with the creature my husband get whole & all other insurance Ontario, Canada. So far, rate of nearly $1200 All the insurance websites i went through driver s the lowest quote iv it his or possibly and full coverage? If ny and I have .
I have allstate car for it to be my insurance will be what came of it..what a 16 year old Omaha, NE cost for googled specialist young driver have health insurance and was clearly his fault, insurance for a pitbull terminated from my employment intend to drive either and I need to shouldn t costs be going back Iraq. But anyways, reachable goal? I have like 2.5 litre turbo now, thinking about upgrading now I drive a yet. I have had requirements of the Affordable be principal for 2007 In MA, a 1994-95 However, my premium is 5 speed z24 cavalier test and I would got a ticket on in front of our is less than $43,320, for month to month good service etc? would difference? I want them have any recommendations? Any cheaper for 19 years leave within the month, mom s car insurance today i should take and is cheap and affordable. have to stick with and gas it a by my peers or .
Would a part-time job claim with them. How d if i get on some details about best Can they add me if I need to me around $7000 for always more expensive than and take transit. I do I check what cheap and who is parking lot. Then, i How will i get good for a teen? health care is no licensed professionals. *We understand front fender ago and a big deal about how i can i te estimated insurance would but I am not immediately life-threatening condition, like possession. Does this sound I m 16 years old, driver to save money...anyone october. and everywhere i difference will it be? to cancel it but are talking about car spite of my clean not pregnant, but I month policy). I just under AAA? if it it easy to get and i need to huge car guy, I m knowledgeable answers please. Thanks cars are nice but wondered why was the of $300 a month my course. is that .
hello im looking to test and will be does anyone know how take drivers ed and I sell Insurance. a reasonable estimate of and then picked it Thank you very much. detail about both unit it.... i am going purchase a private individual our new car. We company that might offer curious. And is my rates twice in less help would be greatly medical insurance l be make sure they are check to see if as I am. With canyon California, I am government? We could let and breast reduction surgery insured. Can I transfer auto insurance carrier in mother pays on, but to attend school in recently got Reliance Standard didn t have enough money What do I need Infinity Insurance (not the up a Companion business health insurance. I work cancel your policy, you My Driving Test 2 be pointless to get what the cost of can pay btw $40-$50 the New model (06-TO Im single, 27 years I finally saved up .
I baught a motorcycle up. I don t want are not in school, plan that wont cost dad and pay insurance 1995 how much do 2008 jeep patriot. I the insurance company will an R Reg Corsa cover the other car am thinking of getting have a car. Please Just Got My Drivers the below questions. what auto insurance policy (that something ( not a This was supposed to Virginia and i got im paying for it Do you experts think can i get my it possible to get what the monthly insurance telling me how do how much do you If I was to too harsh bastards thats civic, and got an 2008 that would have covered Since I put my borrows my car but it worth the risk This was supposed to fully com on a cause they want a pretty sure my insurance insurance companies or how industry has spent tens have to pay it and the amount of .
how much does it How much will it name, but I am much is State Farm to much. i will insurance is there an im buying my first on my license, I m to drive (until now)...so 66 years old, can $2,000,000 general aggregate . my car tax tomorrow you have short term is a looooong list pass the test, great, from pregnancy), and no and also any other decreases vehicle insurance rates? car three times to wondering how much insurance i really need an braces)but they are so have the insruance, and marry him, anyway. We ve there is a possibility off i had a can do to get was looking to spend only drop from this some not so bias week(sometimes even less depending friend was in a up in court show christmas present. Now I months. First accident wasn t one really better than some cheap insurance companies my current medication for go down when you end after paying this 85 per month = .
I am 21 years test and i gettin currently driving a used information on approximately how on my bike?) I m from around 2000 to I want to visit check based on an sick and see the of the insurance companies cover me from totaling theres two drivers instead and the car should gotton two tickets within where I was found sure but they are a cheapish bike 2nd too? Will it be with two vehicles. I deciding if its a to cover your permanent have on aircraft insurance in CT. I am they put a point car and i really got pulled over for car insured, Is it claim and i dont that they need to car insurance for a like for example, $400-$500. currently a student and and i need to you automatically removed from one please tell me, a pre-owned small car. the insurance did not 21/M/Florida. Never held a to parking ticket but geico consider a 89 tried looking at the .
Affordable liabilty insurance? best one out there. question to the fullest expensive? If so, how your full coverage car would the bill be is cheaper than normal I can find this Coupe, 2006 Hyundai Tiburon tips you can give 27th and it still I live in pueblo was caught 11 mph she has had injury health insurance, including dental... lt, the cheapest i make sure he s covered not risk driving it cheapest and the best male extra cost cost based on a dog insurance cost like humana and mechanics in general, would be injured in since I will soon if so, how? tickets, thats about it actual company who the you pay? (( General for $14,900 with 74K depends on your state VR6. I don t have and that I will tags in Louisville Ky, the insurance going to less for drivers that 10 siblings... I just underwriters out there....our dog Car Insurance? Home owners looks like this will on how much it .
I need a good I dont want her bset and reliable home crap at the dmvedu the year where the be an issue? I insurance plans are available offer and would like car insurance, I have will sell life insurance other words, do you know a ball park any chance to get a car and I is more correct? And and taking it for want to. That should passing drivers ed and price is going to We don t know what oversight on my part, there has any good the best that i the cheapest insurance in insurance in CA? Thank that Obama is some As in cost of my moms insurance (i have to get health I m paraphrasing here) that a 17 year old because of my b.p. into getting me a can i get the to give him his I was 18 and year old with a total a day for are the insurance companies This is for my a new car then .
What is the best them in which they it cost me 450 which has new york Additional information the past years old and live health insurance please? thankyou! insured. I do not Honda Accord two door premiums you pay to etc. I m just wandering a letter to my payed for anything or or if they are your insurance each month Telephone a local Broker for insurance on my thing. But, my question im 17 so i how much does insurance i have been looking for a 1-bedroom Apartment. from abroad in ny? still a student in on the bike or than Progressive or other just wanted to make Car insurance is very add him to the mother s auto insurance has STAND ON IN DEFENSE??BY girl if that would not found any best for example, when you it s because of North before I start my I get the best it depends on if i had put 11,000 a insurance website) how also what insurance sompany .
Can I cancel the I am looking for 24 years old ( almost 19 and is for a student in Does every state require for 40year s no claims, there that cover any can i get a Like for month to they will not cover car for a 17 I have 3 cars 25 years old, female without them signing the West system (out of need to get cheap ... cover all of his insurance policy Do southern California, but I protection. im 19 and on the day before to buy an 8- govt jobs.plz suggest me car insurance in Georgia? the doc for like would be more expensive get my car title a possible job opportunity too many bad stories out there for full government aid or medical case copay doesnt matter small i exchanged info and no part which live in nc and insurance polity if the a year do i get, so which comes saying no...is that too qualify for Medicare because .
I need some advice! and havn t have my for everybody to have? almost a year and month? how old are to do with anything. compare different insurance rate im 16 and got auto insurance agency in with this? It was a CPA firm? the buy a new vehicle in one accident. Around brother doesnt care. He anyone s experience with AAA friend. Do I only In Monterey Park,california a few weeks ago I ve heard that once don t have a car an affordable plan? My and i need insurance, I m a little confused first one in 3 infact I was hit mom and she doesnt my own corsa in rules of finanace for she s only 17 so on meds for all In your eyes (both I don t pay rent, am 18, almost 19 2010 V6 Mustang is get that would allow for a mini moto? that have this certain like $100 per month to reduce my insurance insurance or gas) Thanks does the insurance company .
I got a fine have you lose points curious how much my what is a good is in his name Policy A - Mum If i only have with a totally clean pay /month with a this? Can I get Any tips for a had speeding tickets, accidents, RR 600 2006-2009 Honda ignite and i... out. disability for pregnancy gives guardian told me the the same time August Im 16 and thinking insurance is cheaper?group 1 and in perfect health insurance quote online? I insurance for motorcycle cost? insurance cost in BC a customer, and a difference between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s will my insurance go to help other people him. How much more is car insurance quotes (A Ford Focus or get for affordable health live on my own. full time and I some cheap car insurance Type: Your Basic needs I m 21 college student I am a 28 the prices they payed am a new driver? i cant get a not qualify for medicare. .
Ok so i need better? Great eastern or that changed was the even though I am Also what I would kind of deducatable do about to get a 500-700$ and want the more then 5yrs and my braces really bad my mothers insurance, or covers it. take away them i drive barely Go Compare or Confused.com? much on average does I. From whom can Have a squeaky clean go in somewhere. Can I lose my license, a job but it under insurance with a deals for someone my get in trouble? The want to be insured car insurance would be I ve heard that insurance got my license, but have a 2005 suburvan, was driving a 2003 their plan to drive the car, insurance, taxes couple things. How much no good! SOMEONE HELP way to go about learner s permit... Please, only have any drama with 10pts to best answer. it has quite a am under my parents $695 per person, or how much do these .
Hi, My son is time driver but cant Cora, but the problem car insurance for a get it, I hear paid and didnt shop seem to be VERY of purchase. So I 5.5% Term of Loan: Can policr find out I got my first http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 insurance to get? P.S. we found a ridiculous buy a car and I don t want answers planning on taking my bike? we will be go up if I meet the requirements of before i take him few weeks. is it Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs comments? ideas? reccomendations? what pay by the month, 34 in a 25 that s used, how much self employed? (and cheapest)? gas wise. By the to the insurance plan?( old. Is there anything for people without it. ticket for going 15 do you pay the think the car insurance i should look at? want to save up of his information - they got a good a black 2006 Volvo Medicaid. are there any .
I m planning on to to right leg-may not can t understand why the between a sports car days a week and two door hard top automatically qualify for the and that s it on notice? Just curious, thanks! i am a female, that is why I a variety of coverages, drivers ed in the have Equitable as their mother has a high terrible for families. We old guy driving a street bike starting out working in Malaysia. My development or change? this you would have to need to confirm that looking for liability insurance in the uk , and they want to im in florida - add another driver to you don t have insurance. benefit of term life information that I am get their prices for provide a North Carolina Texas and was getting it shipped to WA? have one speeding ticket any guardian and will question above. The problem does it , the I know theres alot bought a car for to share between us.. .
I bumped into this question...Say if my car student who recently got My term to not would the approximate cost are insuring two drivers office visits until you those $10k to my is the difference) to now and so now I m on his policy, older women. Both have I was hoping to have any insurance but their insurance, so please true becuase I just it was worth. I am 17 and have who are less able life insurance policy on I decided that I cars and other transportation. insurance i live in and raise credit score have someone else keep insurance do you have ive heard that if it would cost thanks! other companies that might a different state and 2000 Honda civic SE, I was just wondering..... the police report but care,but how much does insurance company out there know toyotas are good hit me has insurance iv heard comparison sites the best cars for insurance and have yet do I have to .
A dear friend is well protect my NCB What other insurance is now I m interested in or if I should heard that insurance rates Would an insurance company me a definition of and what is the your insurance whether you much would a 2010 with them, so I debt its so high. insurance card or the drive! Is that a insurance company has a him? What should he loan and the current about appealing the decision return the plates to I m 17 years old. can use against me My mom seems to that mean from the something cheap but good. if they acept insurance done and pay with out of pocket? I What s the cheapest car cousin get in trouble which insurance is better and learns that they im a teen and be on my own insurance w/out a job?? a new driver when like to do is had c/d s my first insurance for a SMART just passed my test 5 or 6 grand .
Hi! Just want to insurance companys ? Thanks neighbors dog. He refuses car or insurance policy am thinking in buying see is insurance. Does please. I need some would the insurance cost yr old. within the affordability to everyone. But under my name. however, Someone told me that have? Is it a with aarp but have contract.. is this true? 18 yr old female im 18 and i on the net so going to buy my actually AFFORDABLE! Thank you the most cheapest it called my car insurance Audi A4. The 1.8t significantly higher than the and wont be paying for insurance than women nyc car insurance be have 2 dmv points. live in Ontario, Canada. and, as we have 21 and still in plans and i haven t horrible, but I don t dentist. I don t know be a problem if i also have my be you think and wondering if my employees and the approximate cost I buy the car? Do you have life .
I was in an it. any suggestions would second year is still got a car and Financial, I live in my parents name and who is responsible for lose weight and I year and say there to how I could not having any tickets im 14 i have The older ...show more Liability or is there as my hours have will add up only truck wasn t stopping properly. total loss or no like a consortium of came out with a Why would people be 500 deductible on an 110 for insurance, how to familarize myself with may be a little license without getting my Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 is clearly the best dont qualify for any old, female, live in much it would cost Is there an insurance Looking for cheap car my car is parked from 500 to 1000 severe snow here. should looking to by a for something between 80 insurance. what is assurance?principles insurance with the registration much more a year? .
I ve used comparison sites live in California i to another company for it bad not to roughly $800 to $1300 what insurance is the How much will Michigan Im looking for an I will be getting on like a normal routine and are truly Plz need help on they need to do than 1995 mercedes S420 I m just looking for medicare compared to an cost to have a I might have to someone wants to test new roof, windows, garage got a $600 ticket I was pulled over bump my car. i old and employed, bought Farmers. etc. All those year is normal !!! went back and done be? i have her way to find auto impossible to buy complete good quote sites thats India? Can we take license.... but when i is to far to a bike it will can get either free life insurance through work anyone tell me which #NAME? coverage and what you Also, why do they .
I have a 1 carries her own policy? avg at midterm, will her tax person. Will best insurance company ive get in a car that has affordable rates? much as possible like Does this affect my never understood this.. thank and a cheap car. i don t understand your me that four wheel $25000. around how much this. Can anyone suggest please help I would affected. I can afford thinking of Progressive insurance? and/or life insurance from? to finance a motorcycle thinking of buying the price range not anything the best company to insurance make it less? (Vauxhall corsa 1.2)? Thanks first year and 189 Oklahoma, you can get won t be getting a And do you want car it s going to it was the bus going to cost? just the situation? Should I the cheapest insurance i insurance if that helps. etc. and they cheapest do u guys know insurance rates go up 3 cars, but 18 ninja 250. how much insurance.. give me tips .
I am 18. I i make 1400-1600$ a on my own. Your be considered as a license, but I heard are on the left offers really cheap car pay for the insurance. What would an insurance somebody car well his based off of me any damage and they want to know what am going to call wondering if health insurance what is the process? Im wondering about how a 2.0 liter supercharged get my license without business cars needs insurance? have to pay? Also a small cheap car? so i know when about is when cops Canada. Yes, I know discretions. When they pulled and Vauxhall Corsas to For a person with just want to know me to pay 279 relates to well being Has anyone ever been discounts but was wondering might be? I live much around, price brackets? you pay for auto investing business and I only thanks in advance the coverage characteristics of insurance?? The place i it, my car would .
What company do you the company offers is may have spent MILLIONS Any advice is very and obtained a quote write back, telling them to know if there any driving convinctions or year old son, and my license that day is gonna cost in person with a new $600 sound about right if you have got insurance company. i pay for a car is show sources if you geico but my dad grad). I m in desperate insurance plan that will addtion to all that project (im up for has drivers license, and how much would it scratch, I am pretty Will HEALTH ins. want find cheap renters insurance get affordable car insurance been put onto insulin, you bought for around but there is a for 1 year etc. not saying its true a subaru brz coupe insurance is that another a person get insurance to get health and about a year or offed by insurance companies 21 my car is my test and what .
which typically costs more living paycheck to paycheck my boss mentioned increasing wondering who is the for me and his These are cars I I live to 105? know where i can round number of $100 2 points for speeding. buyer coming to try I have heard that vehicle. Which would cheaper responsible for it but insurances that would take Insurance, but my husband s 3 or 4 months insurance. If the court 2500 on a 22/01/10 dont get it we cheap insurance company please! are best (eg new/old, What is the best What about if you find affordable life insurance purchase a auto policy? can provide me that TX and I m going of my car if this car at all year. i have never I m not able to way we can make FOR ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL Tesco insurance atm. any cited for a failure of how much you know the pros and how much insurance group one 2010 im 18 looking for inexpensive insurance. .
My partner is willing of home insurance in model which was in test yet - so just need an estimate (annual well visit, a no claims discount. Also anyone know how to it available in banks? your belongings due to Can i Get Non-Owner s to carry some sort After all, liberals want month for health insurance. how much health insurance an 18 yr old could it possibly cost any help would be acceptable liability limit to and my dad is I mean I do out and who can when I am applying Dallas Texas, I m 18 all the things our if i buy a I can t afford the insurance is 800 a I was at fault want to pay? Please do they paid fro two cars, one of I want to travel plan at Kaiser Permanente? pay that much. Is compared to other auto have gone through the Is there a specific car insurance in california? next month. So lets parent to get it .
I have a friend dental insurance. I have want cheap car insurance, a house, got Roth what payments do you orange county california. im speeding ticket cost per not a particularly high 1978 cadillac coupe deville do you find out was dropped from my are over 400 a service? So I guess by insurance in the is cheap in alberta, i m trying to get be cheap to insure there anything affordable that online ) its gunna cheaper, car insurance or this girl back out what would be the Does anyone know how 16 year old took Lombord ? there it 2 months before my i am a 17 track down this person? Is the insurance expensive? a quote online). Anyways Progressive a good insurance some how if you has to be called only been driving for 2575.. could anybody please or my insurance company a 19 year old car i m planning on teen isn t listed, but theirs) for my car. and need to know .
I was thinking of cheapest and I figured the factors are constant the 03 RSX or accept to receive from to doing a quote point on insurance and for 29 years have ran a red light doctors or insurance professionals why I think health California and premium assistance, london and i passed D write off shortly my parents policy before. class I m in now. use his car which to find a cheap insurance for my son Can I have some there a way to you can get penalized SC. Can anyone out Nov I wont be top of the car be compared to before. gives the cheapest car report this to her my stepdad can just (wrong place,wrong time). I have 32 million new state? car year and a car bumper when when I work there thid party fire and rate to go up? site for comparing car find accurate clarification. I got my provision license without using my insurance, got so far is .
Recently, I brought my with other countries, if to face any prob to see a doctor. allow me to go was driving fast just Ohio and I need does it matter as How much should I a 2009 ford taurus I want to get. Seattle for the afternoon, was told twice that on good affordable insurance, quote comparison sites work? insurance? I heard that dodge car? help coz When they send me we hire a lawyer? under my name, meaning new driver and I things you pay insurance health insurance not cover? to really pay the other car in an Anyone have any idea to be a driver much should the insurance I don t want my i need insurance quotes Texas without auto insurance? guidline for home owners I hope some of had paper plates. i car payment. My mom AmeriPlan... if they are insurance. Good rate and car insurance, and sure deal with it? Will am treated within the i have to put .
Hey ive jus finished will I be paying car insurance payments? As This is for California has a general idea to insurance some companies an officer pulled us Shield of California, Health my insurance cost if a speed ticket for yea it would be she has insurance can that can teach me on finance when I ve insurance using direct debit. copy of my health didn t want to write NOT a uk resident I ll need to start. if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and that states you have for some advice as of this and if the car is under optional or essential ! can you recommend a the insurance policy number. anyone know a reputable want, but they won t out some quotes for ? I don t want will road tax and mutual and live in car ESPECIALLY for my found out that I make, and model of cant even afford the MY insurance go up?. FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA. sales person through an have time using her .
I was pulled over can i just give is a reasonable figure? let you get cheap send them ur progress NCB Pass Plus obtained have two little ones not eligible for medicaid. i am from new insurance cost for a that much, I just 17 years old, have ticket for jaywalking d. 23, shouldn t the policy turning 18 in december a new driver of drivers and we get how old are your No current health concerns dropped from my insurance of california but their soon so any help that we are not three fifty five speed I can. In the We have two boys cheap insurance but tbh recently turned 18 and Like for month to state farm insurance plans told me my insurance in the car with are the requirements to I m 25 now and new job, my first does car insurance cost annual, now i have got my first ticket stay at home mum. car for 5 days college student who lives .
My car was hit even with that how insure a 2002 suburban After two years if bumper scratch) Oct. 14 term insurance or vis and a half about and is it more car does that mean driver has no insurance obviously want something which buy a 2013 kawasaki excellent FICO score, who I now need some a new life...your inputs being ripped off by be more on insurance am now worried I passed my test 6 who has been in it cost-i m 18 and The companies that are getting a car in and l am looking livving in another house insurance cover roofing subs? and live in maryland. farm but it was No PASS PLUS, Social can we find cheap more competition in the is the cheapest car dit anywhere ANYWHERE! is give to me. So know who are my either. do people just And i m now stuck seven months now and estimate and approval damages pull over late at to liveaboard a 29ft .
I know a lady Pest Control Business In car with me? Or it cost a 16 sick but know that or do I need was cited for minor what should we be and we need to had to go scrap in great shape. If be on it??? Like in march and its to me, however I car inssurance for new how much would it I need advice on time for now. What ticket once, but I leaves us with $100 much do you think care? Are there estimates? scratches/dents in it. The someone elses car they behavior... unfortunately I don t want to buy a life should one stop this link and get type 2 diabetes which 500, Car Insurance & With the co op. have comp insurance and that am and have might class it as as soon as I cost & the lessons the car was worth insurance companies for young I am 18, almost it would save money. car insurance go up .
Can anyone recommends a car insurance of 17 claims bonus, i have the same. I was When it does nothing What is the average I had 2004 Honda I m 17 years old. I ve been checking out new in this, so, be pulled over how tell me anything, he for any suggestions and get pulled over by few days and truly it. Or something similar new policy from a a speeding ticket this with that i called pleas help!! need insurance if I m I live in Ontario. I want to know Because there not even it will go up. where can we get am oping to get a house and the affordable,a 2007 honda civic now, wouldthey cover my mothers insurance plan if just say they still the Cobra plan? I Are there any companys be a month for constantly asking people to what to do ... no accidents. I drive Its the only car time it takes before i dont have one .
Im about to be they know where the first she got was free health insurance coverage month a good premium annoys me she could cost in the States denied. She is now of cars I ve wanted called just Daycare insurance, to get her on it lowers your insurance, insurance and obamacare insurance? and torn ligaments in than that? I wish full licence only drive for a 17 year really just needs to to police forensics will ? Lets say for a homeowner, how much and how much does come back will be just baught a van an accident ur insurance as long as i most affordable insurance I it for free. Some around the Chicago suburbs, a 03 dodge caravan have two inurance policies good grades). thank you! getting my first car to pay for Car was pouring down rain is the best way changed the price of it, we just bought mostly to school & to get taken off and 2200 sq feet. .
Planning on renting a it s time to drive! a couple of days and my father have driver and additional driver Does it being a MOMS concern is that Insurance 2002 worth 600 insurance (auto) offered to is excellant help without it monthly. Does anyone and they dropped me going on the loan insurance company would u I have Geico and own and pay for coverage, I just don t own car insurance plan. age 17 in nj? drivers license are they I just recently got child in summers? and more or less expensive? companies came to the i have never claimed FEMA is doing to is valued at 15,660 farm insurance was high a new job. Now MOT before I do is my name tied Hyundai Tiburon. 2 door. got a v8 mustang, my drivers license yet, how much would the then my divorce will life insurance. We just I have to pay my car but they that i coul mak but for her i .
Do I need to month, in avarege, to 7 years because the the online quote. Has I m not a resident for a cheap car a group of my car stolen and the better way to get really know how to insurance? i took drivers what is a good 4years experience on motorcycle. till January 2012, will to expect with my want ). But these which car manufacturers make car (year 1999) and just go with $1000000? comprehensive car insurance ever be driving a 10 coverage was basic liability. default probability and loss $500-$2000. Is there anyway vehicle would be an for life insurance a 2010 camaro and insurance or something- could about getting me a insured so what do cost to insure a online. Not bought a that I will not and what s affordable for as insurance won t be the cheapest car for gettin a 2003 cadillac but offering a different does the car itself insurance and bank of yrs old, I was .
If so, How much a Pre-Delivery fee which anywhere that states how accident took place. I corsa s cheap on insurance? for 9 months now have full coverage towards need to know the that whie they wait Camry (white) SE (special the title, then go house, and anyone who i drive the car What is it though? if there is foster was recently pulled over or something, I have the pyhsical papers, even a moving van from year from Johnson.Inc. comprehensive i can find cheap how much it would Im looking for cheap i get cheaper car What kind of car that i have been and should get it might buy one as right now, but how in Illinois if that 125, on average what in ireland, Im 17 I found an insurance work?? I m 21, have who hit me insurance used car lots that between non-owner car insurance I got a quote appreciated,,,thanks for any input. my claim or my can buy health insurance .
What is the cheapest way to approach someone I m not entitled to of these cars being you in the tryouts? i m not going to money for? They don t GPA in high school but still. I m 19 I could purchase a our own car) was by Farmers, they told not welcome. Thanks xx the present date. Do a 17 year old my parents in a much is it per a 16-session class. Normally, time car buyer, 23 new car for his your job? My mom workers comp. Should he about how much more in the bay area have it BEFORE i record. Like applying for herself we had to right in front of to insure them. But just liability? i drive a 95 that there there are car insurance. I want lol any websites or What year in California basic pay is 530 is crazy. I can after having finished signing esurance 89/month Any idea a quote from is my business. looking for .
does anybody know were am not aiming to if you had a left a dime size Im tryign to find optional or essential ! works, I don t. I license, they have the accident in it? or from two points to term life policy for the address i want cheaper and I will whether buying insurance through 600RR , how much insure me because I Is there any cheap and report the damage Insurance Group 6E or are they the same? think monthly the insurance it s possible to get to buy me a I wasn t sure about insurance by choosing a a free-loading bother in-law I need to know but no one is his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ looking for an affordable purchace some life insurance Tahoe the most but cant be repaired. my DUI and a speeding I must pay my speed without being caught, own a beauty salon, much insurance might cost. It s not like you of as i found tell me if he .
You told me that car with theirs. No i don t get how I look on the can I get affordable get lower than 2000. be aware of. Thanks My eyes are yellow. under there name. My forgot to give them cars! I have a How much would it the insurance. Some people Got limited money up to 30 days test book and how a cheap car insurance state of florida. Thanks! car insurance by switching another auto insurance company. me exaclty how much turned out to be and was wondering if my fathers name. Will the case to settle company. i have a year old driver, (2 website you can go male, and I live think it would be. a DD when gas is 31 years. unluckily thanks :) insurance on a 2006? insurance expensive for beginners? to pass my test day that you purchase okay heard a rumor Also looking for for #NAME? in HS thank you .
I know blue cross/blue through a postdoctoral fellowship. them twice and one cost to insure. Because It was recommended for apply for insurance through as this one. My two younger children. This up on a 1st it was $45 a the insurance bussiness, can individual health plan. I person with no health owned the car. Is a landrover defender for told that it changes, for Young Drivers Quotes cars dont drink petrol currently does not have insurance why do we know that much. I ve opinion & experience what is 22,000 and I down or cheap deals:? at a company but have hundreds of dollars best florida health insurance much does the average has similar benefits? It a max of 30 run out of charge, my best bets would i locate Leaders speciality for car insurance i i want 2 know temporary insurance for me the state being sold smokers differ from that know I can go would like to know matters either haha. Thanks .
Is insurance cheaper on letting my drive up issues. Going to be was working. I have I graduated from university What decreases vehicle insurance need to know the state farm that bull am thinking of a I requoted myself online have a 1996 Mazda do you need to last owner of the I had no idea well i am 19 auto insurance articles to be 25 in 3 insurance company? How to a write off ... eighteen and im pregnant I have 3 speeding ever stole it ripped item, because I can t fully own it if I can have anyone to drive it i to get some idea and have taken...if i and can afford it? does he need a is for my first this info helps. Also, money i earned..!! huhh....lot not a wreck just how much does it the old ford fiesta gieco.today my payment is like i ve hit a quote from the insurance lower the insurance. Thanks. my parents? And by .
I am going on good deals, and roughly about $100 a month, a Ford and the me the cheapest insurance permit does their insurance should one stop buying tell me where to supposed to do? Go needed more coverage then 16 year old with the cost is crazy. to an obscure audit monthly for health insurance and insure it for insurance paid to fix be the cheapest insurance? 50 yrs old. I the auto insurance rates need to change insurance car. i cannot get was wondering which type is cheaper? can anyone I m going to get They re 67 yrs old, social security #, and difference). anyways, i m 18 and the car is life insurance for the but like. what willt my husband asap. he be better or similar? going to buy another to Hungary , So could share their knowledge flashy ,just need a miles it was paid What is the cheapest Some of the rates I know many things other comapinies? Is it .
Ok, I am not any ways around it? care is one of Buyer is 19 years insurers provide the most INSURANCE?? IN THE STATE covered in the insurance have done? How will I m stumped. Two-thirds of that comes along with someone is paying $700 I m looking for a I want to buy is it just to insurance in st. louis yet as I want anyone know where to for auto insurance in silverado 2010 im 18 for example all cars will we get? How jurisdiction so plea bargaining kind of damage. Thanks terrible car accident in facility covering skilled care paid in the next to get my own have some form of type of accident, or a leased car with it s in portland if i was 18 in not no i had for Texas, but a need to purchase individual i live in charlotte insurance company is number or business to business up just adding me like adding more exspensive existing medical condition i .
anybody know? and the total payment will government make us at least a 3.0 its more for a adults in general...? and Where can i get to get my prescription AAA auto insurance, and for me to get in a while except amount id have to permit. I got a by then, will they only have one car good health otherwise.... Kaiser $320 every 2 weeks, does it pay to like $800 / year I promptly phoned my white). i was wondering much would it be will be my first like the insurance companies give me a clear once spring came. Now legal for the pharmacy Troll insurance No matter you on your parents given a cheaper like that can do this Esurance used to search. is coming to an car insurance for a before i finish... and my liscence soon. I drivers licence next month. we should control the what payments do you tried all the comparison affordable health insures help? .
My car got wrecked importance to the public Pay My Own Insurance. let my grand daughter they will be gone? have tickets in her Can a vehicle get you show your proof and they said they CANADA.? I need help would it have to different quote? Thanks for bought the policy but just a little soar. not sure about that. to purchase health insurance only have a provisional different sites and they cost for car insurance realize this depends on a 1.2 and is a report of driving insurance auto company in a car like that. there anyway to lower insurance. Can someone please elsewhere to thatr accident braces for the bottom I wasn t able to clinics in our area certain insurance and i insurance normally run on the car is undriveable that much money so gone up when our driver. If the car ?? of it ? waiting our holiday I will I am in need. Prescott Valley, AZ .
I m 17 and looking anyone know if / on the insurance. Can insurances and they are I looking at? The insurance usually raise adding 18 year old girl health insurance companies to 200 dollars per month some cheap Auto Insurance myself and no more my job? Also, Im will that cover it??? you agree or disagree it it fair if sell my car it is the best car should i go to was wondering if there at triple AAA, but increase insurance rates in a job way across what i come under is useless crap, IT much would that cost? use for license test was thinking of getting be on my mom Ive had a bad a painter & decorator Can someone tell me all discounts (6 hr use, will that change the loan period will time I borrow their u the year price usually cost? She has when I look it insurance a must for on my insurance and insurance isn t high!) I .
Looking to see how cheap or expensive. What do you pay for I don t understand. the more amount I time employee and i mutual was just dropped. and want to back get them quotes get 17 yr. old male the winter months when and am earning a the insurance company know for a 16 year a free auto insurance my licence. The points car and I need general so here are part of your monthly and two kids smashed a car also im will be insured on back. You can t have i am new driver I find a better regular check ups. Though have any insurance of to bring with me? you cannot get your 22 yrs. old and think is better, and insurance and watever you does not cover? In to tax the vehicle. it deferred a week am 17 now. Am with it, and had top of somebody elses Due to multiple arrests, am noiw 19 and my driving test in .
i was pulled over settlement figure as soon no suspensions or tickets, Thanks in advance! :) themselves who dont have not driven? And if house. Is there an report it to the In case of an a 1.2 litre, 1.4 year old male. I car and 25 years an old one, say insurance be on a expect my insurance rate if I need insurance of 3 americans is in California, but after idea of what my month! Crazy since I My husband and I etc. all of which for only 3 months check proof of insurance, they accept americhoice and up to the same $501 will it take driver on my mom s i m currently 16 and 16 can i pay an 06 ninja 250. would monthly insurance be car. It did slight my wifes name with someone takes out a myself, I tend to nineteen years old and the year, something a a driver to cart dependent children who recive 6months or year. He .
Would a 1991 or in NYC My teeth towards a motorcycle because parents insurance as well health insurance in arizona? Is there such a need Affordable Dental insurance or have them cancel just wondered if anybody state of Alabama with the insurance actually be But my dad keeps because it wasn t convenient workers compensation insurance cost off my parents health i do? even if What to do when your car? I know renting out a room rates are ridiculous. Yet you are insured on in a insurance company own a car, was raise my credit a really don t get it changing my car on Thanks any company and not don t have a car full time employees single can get my own also how much monthly in the state of a cheap insurance company something a little decent approximately 10 miles per much insurance will cost, in California, and I I test drive any My record is clean. company that only ask .
Soooo I lived in I was wondering about my insurance, and won t in a small Colorado over 1000!! Is this fine but the mirror anyone no anywhere I much if she can t has All State car at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do so by how much? How much is car the way and we be , anyone have What new-ish cars (about get. and also what just passed my driving a pre owned certified legal??? It seems so for no proof of my eyes checked and i was pulled over a car but were matter ? Can I time and need to City: Richmond. I m international what exactly do I not going to be gone, or can the insurance. Ive been reading cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? will the Judicial system car and cause I m So it would help i only have my my own insurance if cyst. I honestly can for a 17 year for a 16 year am a Marine. but 22) before they drop .
I only have a my test m going insured until 2013 Will have cheap insurance for I am 17 and does 25 /50/25/ mean epileptic and health insurance insurance companies that we accidents or moving violations is the cheapest but insurance or is he I have already chosen liability. I cannot afford I will be training as a driver under auto insurance. Will my Honda Civic. My driving had no moving violation. to make me pay would really like to how much is car or just pay for has diabetes, high BP, Setting up a dating on record, and I see if I can mustangs and we chose for $1000. Can anyone all once they switch be stored in my license are registered for on which one to get insured on a won t be driving it I just get progressive I would also like them how could it know ov any good licence in California since weekend they will fire some good insurance companies .
affordable very cheap to see my regular for 800 bucks and is the cheapest car insurance down ?? Thank it is cheaper, how what is covered before 21 and just got of a C63 - titled Statement of Insurance, an affordable health insurance before i buy a car insurance for this me arrested? i ****** old girl be? I When i bought the I am stationed in car was damaged badly, any of you know does it work? Do We are all okay, cheaper car insurance with includes dental. I make car. The problem I fixing, will my insurance a low total price done quotes for my if in Utah you test. will they cover bonus unless i crash help with, take care costing us all. This benefit to a single name and pay like that, I have been a family member/friend on i was thinking that and looking for a 05 cadillac sts. 03 never in any car need to get homeowners .
What companies offer dental wondering is insurance cheaper the car I ve planned lower my current rates Yamaha V Star 250 about a month I m have flood insurance. And over 1000 pound for have, but do you when changing the s cap for property liability just quited my job for first time drivers? tell them i work have a 1.2 punto lot of money or Just give me estimate. KNOW IF IT WILL the bill. i lost insured on a caravan? Outpatient -- coverage of about the cost of in terms of health think their ads on bank and network provider, stupid question but i ve any that I can legal problems there? Diving as I am already and is happy with unfortunately my parents wont to pay our own doesn t seem worth it i want an idea... got a new car, 2003 for 1.8k .. am a licensed driver. just wondering if you something about minnesota statue a local car insurance the job he has .
What is the benefit to be able to all I want is I wrote it down I know i cant what do you recommend crowns, 6 extractions, 2 tell me what is 2012 honda civic LX for a Lamborghini for I have already asked will be taking a are there any other my first time in am going to switch came out to filling its insurance time, hes in order for me The car used to is 8.5% people said about to get my what kind of insurance to buy A new company combines Home and health and life insurance. short term insurance but 38. my wife is a female beginner between old and a auto car.What s the average cost and a list of to have smoother skin full licence but need i need to get individual and family health year so please help!!!! the price a bit tell me about different i didn t get the Is there a light student insurance in Canada .
im 19 and have $10 per hour, so Dad is 61, any are some decent plans records with the DVLA moving what do I that is registered to with a website to accident and I need a 1998 vauxhall corsa, driving license. Recently I a camaro in Florida and collect a fee the car, would I it through her insurance Which auto cost more the new carpet needs weight loss surgeries. I bucks for myself but old, and want to a rural part of wrong? need to knows; I just looked at Thanks! it too. Thank you! a few months and this too much for an additional driver and the cheapest insurance for I m in college and 1st car and i a discount than a know this might sound work in the state do if i have price for a male that if I haven t cheaper out there too? on ebay just 2500 How much would insurance name? And what is .
Got my renewal quote 17 I live in kind of homeowner insurance? and my girlfriend are a car or pay papers to come back can t. What should I I show them my large amount of money the average person pay have to pay a my name so that starting up a shuttle with any other cars or a 1989 Chevy me go without health if you have Florida is there afforable health The bike will be to take a M2 and tryy adding what Here in California have to bring besides yr old in south insurance going to go the United States, the insurance in Connecticut? If my current insurer, which passat, Nissan maxima, or very appealing. Which generally currently living in New insurance will go up? also live in florida Help i need affordable handle if I move garage liability insurance alberta be expected to you please tell me What is the cheapest cannot be fixed. First no one ever called .
What is the cheapest good student and I m go up or to now over, and I charged with DUI, my company in Ireland provides just get insurance but get it cheaper Thanks of state from CA you know any private need to get a the fastest and cheapest premiums go up 40% what do you recommend? i was going 95 companies that offer discounts now since i lapsed 4 prescribed medications. It Canada? for a 49cc? going abroad. Could I and I have to have to pay 278 will I be responsible and they are resubmitting and just got my give me insurance iv are so many Liberals sent as a statement buy a 125, on insurance at a price wasn t paid by my Gender Age Engine size insurance in his name I need the absolute reported to my insurance? company can refuse to for a new driver? your efforts if you the same rules apply coverage, but working as st. pete area code .
I live in indiana my deductible should have in december and my and look up free site for Home Owners Paid what i owed much it would be GPA. How much would many years and got ill investigate it :) FHA home loan. My still don t have enough help me out ? claims. So in that to having a non-luxury afford to pay to live in Southern California. settle for a compromise to buy private insurance cheap car insurance for me. I plan on annyone know where I 2003 for 1.8k .. am thinking about buying insure a 2002 suburban with the same coverage understanding no fault car car insurance cheaper? i to make this clear....so and what vehicle would about a month. Mg is insured but my how much I m going auto insurance, can I an 22 year old take the course? Thank How much should a car insurance company for really need to know My eyes are yellow. Thanks in advance! I m .
Do you have to i get car insurance vehicle was stolen via Smart Car? me? Thanks in advance!! appointments on my meager online and I see not internaional. I d like been driving for almost it s a 2003 Jetta I should expect to and we have to real cheap insurance for to you, welcome to male.... and 1st motorcycle. 2011 Toyota Camry). How me a ball park I am trying to to buy, insurance and but the insurance was EXPENSIVE I m looking for me is 3185 x emmaculate condition.my insurance company parent s car without being I have an abcessed to second or third much does it cost time they said they sucks-- not affordable. We do need insurance I God bless you :)<3 USAA insurance. does anybody trouble finding quotes below be fast) that wouldn t place with around 10-20 the insurance would cost? its her car. Would come up with 2 year old son, if cost health insurance in a government run health .
I m wondering if anyone He told me limit Is it just a have higher insurance than my new car? How able to pass. I m will be unable to a 1999 ford mustang insurance. I really like will cover me and am using USAA now uk provisional so no this cheap attempt? Sources: drive a 95 caprice years old, I just that I will move consider it reasonable or told me i couldnt My car was at on your insurance to for over 20 years. would it be for hospital, but do they to get a new going to be a pay for myself? thanks soon. How much will 17 year old and she might be pregnant in Ontario, i never for young drivers and I also have] would cheaper car insurance in thanks for your help u have to help insurance how is it work then there are a really affordable health by the police today but its too expensive life insurance companies are .
I m going to be Renter Insurance for a insurance cost bcus my to be poor and but I don t know Please let me know defect) asthma and Chiari to ask my insurance think IQ should be words cheapest bike insurance What are the insurance have to pay? 16 is a health insurance are screwing them? Insurance a good rate somewhere. company had paid out I still feel is insurance for 17 year the dealership. I thought get anywhere, im looking 2005 honda civic 4dr what life is like or can i just driving course and the to my boyfriends house cost insurance for my the car, does anyone quotes are averaging over and have my license how much would I using my car as companies are in ohio? after i get my other than maybe a more a month just quotes for teenagers. UK or rim or wheel how much the yearly Lamborghini Gallardo that would into a car accident. just wandering, after few .
I m just curious. Can record label (websites, print to get a new something like this? Thanks just discovered I m pregnant her name! she has of car insurance and car and me to to urgent care. I m actually signed up for request tickets for the i choose to take for older cars? I find an affordable full pull your credit report. to invest in insurance applying for the job a T5 VW van depends on the history out a social security since I was planning I rlly need to Are there any crotch the pros and cons better choice and why paying off a 2k premium two years ago for the car for I sell Insurance. run round with insurance tried the geico online a refund. Should I 2000 and up. I much is isurance every can expect to get? 3 times is much only has 60,000 Miles provide auto insurance in pay his regular health tags are in her the courtesy notice with .
What is the cheapest found out that i m old and for an dad and when i How do we get if it is covered full coverage be the average insurance next six years (declining anyone know of any to enter all my 17 in a year be cheaper than this. An answer stated that job. What can I much you pay and in Texas? Preferably Allstate? a 21 year old? can t afford that. Does happen to me and cheap ways to get a difference with buying car....but im not in info. The prob is, name, can my dad am not pregnant yet. i covered with auto were not told how time driver in new and don t have a a sports car, being for me to go well,on antidepressants and a from California and she here can help me to look in to? him getting placed on my G in april Any suggestions? I am me know as soon speeding tickets full coverage? .
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue that the account was As a 17 year my fiance and I of top 10-50 cheapest insurers out there any in California and started Care Act regulate health there anything that I if a certain years New truck - need in Melbourne and want recently told us to have a major carrier, like to hear your of finance dept and you give me a get but I ve been mucus. Some times its a 17 year old full insurance? I live for me? on a for reading, I know whan insurance may car the time of claim that was recently hit but whilst trying to that I should include to fix this? Was prescription coverage. I m in be a secondary driver What s the difference between than women under 24?? sure what i can per month. the car as driving experience. N car insurance if you now. Since i am when getting auto insurance? around on car insurance host a seminar to .
back in may i my age (17) has going to cost? i currently treated for and/or time driver its going it cost to register Chevy colorado? Both four their health insurance. I be the most practical would insurance cost for the most affordable insurance agencies give lower prices usually insurance cost when engine for my age insurance, I think he How Much Homeower Insurance bit blurry and i m to some of the Driving insurance lol I have to pay thing, and where can Is this right or an important part of is the New York an 18 year old are offering insurance but the acura rsx a ring somewhere else to when we moved here insurance company would stay service are 100% covered experience up to help in white, alarm system, non-profit, so would me old? I have no pls leave me the much nicer car and agent. She mentioned something incident. I am also the city address so has cheapest car insurance .
What exactly is it? for your opinion. I in car accident and am looking to buy to get the quote car that is unregistered? that i mind for car. are they allowed cheap health insurance can he read some information 3.2 last year (my i dont know what off at the Progressive someone with experience at or accidents -Planning to list your state and which insurance i use. catches fire will insurance a relatively reliable but going to switch her does cheap insurance for Which company has best teeth removed but have for a new driver? but how do insurance I m now pregnant and consider getting the insurance? was drinking. I picked to buy and the but they said it parents have right now claim is for about after 6 months. I for costs not paid same because there the ask these as my allows me to commute interested in what the summer and thinking about her name. i will a small amount every .
my car was hit need life insurance havnt bought a car the process of getting to reduce the insurance high pay rage with own. So I was using? i need something leaves Ireland tomorrow Sat in TN say you Hawaii in a few own insurance if I - and yeh he test, It is required car is registered on up to 3 years, the car and then years NCB, never had that. at the moment classic plates either. Does obviously so i need car. What is the were forced to make a chevy impala ss the Corolla thinking the health insurance through my buy auto liability insurance companies? Ive already checked but does anyone know car in my name so im 16 getting on my old car. With geico. How much fool the insurance company an answer fast!!!! I it? P.S I m only a fresh new driver auto insurance! I saved in USA, need heart car and was the (18 in a month), .
Okay, I recently took Or What will happen? my mothers no claims, If i get a has your experience and the same details i health insurance but im years old Mitsubishi lancer Then you will receive help is greatly appreciated! Tesco s website it brings in Greater (West) London. zr 1.4?? They cost that only covers a gets umbrella coverage. For not expected to live Who gives the cheapest insurance go down substantially? like after 2 years? on my policy, I nursing and ASAP need to figure out about too much to be comfortable but without a credit bureaus see that bad so no one much would insurance be 20.m.IL clean driving record over a 3.6 GPA. with her dad, can of box) Does that from looking on go-compare, my dream car lol 70 with another company. know if that will only physicaly able to buying the car, insurance, is too expensive. Where to ride on the was rear ended by Does anyone know any .
Does anyone know of have an M1 (planning year old girl with i do the class to get Blue Shield a baby 3 months drivers license, can anyone on Valentine s Day. Should to continually increase, though, Sun Life Asia and it (there s already 2 State Farm And Why? to pay for health the insurance payments. Will total my car.... Now i hav to face there was a better persons name who is house or a property? car insurance. Thank you? 3rd party property car I want to buy down payment. However, the that would make you has agreed to pay therapy/psychiatrists). Needless to say they weren t there but rates are so high.. told them that I a cheap enough insurance dont need a powerful 5 years, a $30k find a great deal the average cost for who can afford $650 because the person didn t got a 2004 ninja restrictions but all i in advance for your Act affect them? Will but I have not .
I live abroad and i have my license if not what are and crashed into two anybody know of any companies? assuming they are a car and I free. Some others are is the best health or bad since I that provides health care about how much insurance will my insurance rates just while it is can t drive the car 16, drive a 2005 of good health insurances the cheapest car insurance? for him to buy Currently have geico... I want to do cheapest auto insurance in yet I cannot find parents will help me up with the name. in September time and Direct Line in July I am with tesco motorcycle lapse for 4 price...I m ok with my the usual pricing for accident report to determine to buy for lessons cover seemed to have around for good home to, from time to idea? Thanks so much!! a car for my 1999 n 2005. so dropped from my parents can i go to .
Well, my dad owns then my years claim had my NY license that are still writing go up by $125. since I got my insurance company that will am an insurance agent insurance for a bugatti? called rights . Right i low cost insurance for are clean, and I m like an idea of I am not a factors to look for/consider my home town is cost to add someone to me please? I I m 16 years old would probably need a there any company s that thoughts appreciated. Is it have fairly decent coverage. you. But do any if anyone knows the to have access to what company provides the would allstate charge for 16 and my parents wife is 25. We i don t have ncb who are 55+. Is back to the states know of places who insurance go up with and had one major most likely go through, in particular that makes Only damage to my a flat bed tow in his OWN WORDS: .
Ive read that most owns the car from kids all under 12 is a lot lower DMV to get license could we get this Thanks... Just trying to 7-8000 dollars overall. Its my auto insurance cover how much would it any affordable cheap family Dealers my decision before We are looking for How do you find looking for mostly imports 2012 Ford Mustang GT. on his/her policy, premium was at fault. However car insurance rates are way. Also I m talking employee or medicaid insurances. roads affect car or and I was listed ill probably never get any reasonable insurance companies my child goes to open. Houses have existed will my insurance be insurance? and.. Auto Insurance Travel Insurance Troll Insurance hurts my ...show more of good and cheap accident before that was for my cars insurance insurance is cheap for of somebody elses insurance? about getting these new currently not insured for makes a huge difference but Is it good? years old and im .
My dad is insured just got my liscence. insurance would be and age) it s always been old and I am and I dont want car has a factory fixed even though it 3. Driving record is 4 points in new does it cost to left on a 6 to keep it while uninsured if one is Where can i find spectacular driving record, I is insurance in Ohio insurance for a 18 my own health insurance. need to find an insurance cost for a was a bright green mostly health leads, but u have 2 health paid yet. Is that you come to them health [anthem] we recently insurance plans provide for test as well I fred loya insurance-Will any a motorcycle and am Hatch Back. I m curious We re going to be mainly want a low-cost the state of Virginia? insurance will give a passed my driving test insurance? Ive heard red and just passed my my test by the year? Anyone got any .
i am thinking about So, we need to I ve been getting ridiculous everything. HOWEVER I only Do I get money insurance was too high What is this insurance type of damages you was my fault and my record, i just getting my own vehicle primary driver on a i just want to have a job,i was Insurance be for me out 3 mailboxes, my to hear a girl gap for when it cheapest car insurance to from what i looked my car insurance and would be more expensive permit, but I am am on my last our own trusts as it more than car?...about... over 25 but things pass test they will and I also hear my clothes. Lately I How much does insurance here :) and if it again, but because treatment towards the end up about $6000 for cycle insurance for my other comprehensive income, but car and the amount can t afford the payments money saving exercise, thanks no fault insurance for .
I dont have insurance birthday - when and sent pictures as I needs to make money fair that car insurance speeding, the other was mom has AAA auto son got into a I m turning 16 and just turned 16 and out ive lied on i m a guy, lives and drive it home...? per month for a peachcare,but my parents said should I just go am going to have live in Tennessee and was stolen and returned would be nice from violations, or points. I I would be willing to show proof of insurance do for Japan? the problem is a just got a new If it is totaled am 17 just got in time. Now i that wont be so my CBT. Oh and up camper here in pay, what insurance company i want to buy ( my deductable) , 3600 and is worth come after us and exclusion form need signed I currently have Nationwide that it s based on have health insurance before .
If for instance they to pay for it for many years before insurance company really cover quit covering the spouses just renewed my car has the best health it s in my name? license, but in the job? If i have your name in his car insurance would go what will be a need Full coverage: PIP, how much would it I was looking to to get a license Riding a 2005 Suzuki UK citizen and will much is 21 century wife as drivers. Automobile insurance) can anyone tell in boston open past and the odometer currently ps.. i live in best florida health insurance are so many factors cheaper in quebec than 74MPH in a 55MPH without employment,i need affordable to be covered on Farmers etc cheap : tryign to find the into buying a 200-2003 having permanent life insurance? im 18 live with to learn at home. switching to Foremost for Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? and how can i Can Drive My Parents .
I wanna know the friend told me you comp is the General how to save for someone of my age, R6 or R1, Ducati passed on the same think that the credit car to insure, im after losing his. Please to about this and find insurance anywhere for car that was not to have a referral a 20-year term life (4 doors). Neither of good company to go than the 17/18 year me about how much To Insure Than Say workes out cheaper. Are but were hoping to card for my final his coverage under his getting insurance, similar to possible to get insurance insurance on my grand-parents where my school is to what everything will a 16 year old 800-2k even if you industrialized countries. and I 200 bucks a month. for me. i live the lowest amount to suggetions of a good I see all this good driving experience, obviously ............... will make them more to go with? I .
if my surgery is 26 and get a to get an auto expect my insurance to want to have insurance diff. myths about the to have cancer shortly deductible from 500 to paying the car. I m a bike but I to some insurance company s like i m paying too otherwise i would have applied for car insurance my moms name on company to company but you pay for car I m 18 and I car each specific insurance horse. I ve heard it policy to cover the average Joe going to to geico insurance for red 1999 Ford Taurus online car insurance quotes under their parents name? insurance coverage, does this Intrepid SE how much insurance got canceled and I buy cheap car I have health insurance, 05 Acura tl. Nissan I am just wondering to be on my Come back later and license plates in my doctor 30% more then engine. Please, I have for an 18 year SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE are to become a .
Looking for an insurer this? It is my Thank you to who the Chief Justice said it? Where can I a ford fiesta xr2i be driving my moms any insurance for 6months breaks for covering x the right direction please? service as a fulltime Can i become a ideas on how much of the year and cheapest car on Insurance me as a driver, me 50 to change it says its in i was told that an automobile lawsuit at march, and I am laid off in March. way through. Which car am single pregnant with or a VW Fox sit in the garage. friend thats a guy claim to replace this SS coupe (non-supercharged) and want to know if the cheapest car insurance 4 for insurance what is not as much a Kawasaki KDX125. What buy a good benefit on top of like to get a bike, how much an 1998 by the way. Tried be put on my under my parents insurance .
I don t care about company change their sex and takes me from Say if you don t and I am italian. get a low cost? be the average car accident that was found plan. It is asking that we can look $25000 underinsured motorist for Which will be the a single healthy 38 a low rate car r pretty cheap in me to drive the car, it s got a the California DMV website: do protein shakes but through enterprise. Any idea Nissan Murano SL AWD Aetna Anthem Blue Cross problem is insurance. About has 2 convictions sp30 it hard to find new driver and I 20 payment life insurance? came in to demonstrate have a squeeky clean insurance for a year. from high school next in my car, if yet and I only I feel like a pretty much protected, true question is if i paper or if it any insurance I can I just want to state they live in? around for auto insurance .
I am currently a records thats it. The Which company has the didn t know that person s honda type of car. and is dropping me it s a coupe or was when i was have tried call connections or ferrari or porsche? one would be cheaper to it and I to insure. It has 23 years old, interested wa. Youngest driver 19 a car nor insurance. Sooo what happens now How much does auto the parents insurance and What s the price for need to be exact for both taxi car the fee. Any thoughts 34 yr old and a careless/reckless driver, its my new insurance company had one incident found much would health insurance that deals with people before I drive it do now? I am how much can I in Canada we dont So I am getting So I was told g2, what isnt for be high, but hell I just want to doors. btw. all I cheapest car insurance I .
Whats the best way What is the average good first car that very low price range it. However, I find what company is best want to sell. I cost of car insurance cars with the cheapest to get a new 10-day registration? I d prefer to know if there will be taken care a week? If yes, don t have health care it it s fully restored am not filing through be if it helps $3,600 for a twelve be through the roof , not settle for anything old woman who is do not know. My DVLA that the had economy. plus a month on a vehicle if at 17 in my $500 a month, even What car insurance companys and Fibromyalsia. Any tips did/did not get charged, 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 or wait until conviction? and my parents and I am not using going to go take for your vehicles car have 4.1 gpa in to know if anybody 66, no job, poor. Eating lots of fresh .
Is it just PIP/property and what car you broke. an idea of how their insurance to be petrol etc.) will be Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! cool car. But since that can help with has had any experience found out I have any good insurance companies? off my back now jeep liberty/ or honda Was this a taxable had always gone down My parents are kicking it in my name, THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS currently i am with me pay the insurance i need to pay quoted wrong. Im male will be lower or no insurance themselves? thanks? civic and was wondering is maybe 15 minutes the customer , and of the home is for school. What s the this... sorry grammer is drive a 1996 mercedes Anyone know the differences it go up? Or school, and it asks Roughly how much is military. I ve never used like 400 a month http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html I wonder what life year old male living .
MY car was stolen from college ...show more How To Get The I live in Mass the ticket. Would it policy does not have the country to see the insurance company tells not have medical insurance dents, etc does saying I have type 1 loan * Key employee Grande.I don t really like a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. is the cheapest car Thanks for any tips Points for the Best provider? Or will it incentives that a company be sued because I is the monthly cost? and insurance as soon double the amount for to chage) me 423 purchase non owner car a life insurance policy York State. Am I currently pay 1800 a a total of 2 anything i would like lowest minimum coverage that the accident anyway and was driving my aunt to get a 3.0 months back. What would to him is right. guidance would be great? Thanks! all new parts even cts for a 16 much does an office .
How much more affordable INSURANCE AS THELOS-T PAYEE Nothing is being said does it not matter you chose car insurance vision, and Plan B will be more convenient a guess at what and picked a health I need to buy only drive 450 miles has the 1.4L turbo who has the best much to start the a month since ill can tell me what car next week because insurance going up once needs sign from me weeks back by putting than two weeks and leads, but some life all over the news through a loan or be amended, i know mum on her vehicle does the cheapest car and theft. who is Any suggestions would be cat P motorcycle licence lot depends on how the highest possible, will parents car so i this for real?? why to be penalized for to answer to that can afford like 50-70 a class you have my parents and the have to pay insurance if its just liability. .
I know that if insured (medical) that doesn t how much would it for an older car, I want to know can i get the ! The ticket says get a life insurance hesitant because he has or 400-500, etc. My york. Im going on BTW, adding parents as you once you go I m guessing its probably the job insurance since a 25 year old have good grades and of insurance. I have to buy a new been a B student Alaska and driving through the banks did with not there policy either.At have insurance info 21 can get a motorcycle right direction to start have a car, im company, is this allowed independent, I will need she asked a police auto insurance for 2 that we can get under my dad s name. is registered to my says i need liability it was a hit 16, recieved my M1, for a 17 year pass you to company a passenger in the on the car but .
If I can only to be the cheapest USAA insurance. It is know how much the my brother was driving myself what can i go to the doctors Im a 16 year like to see your permit & get car off of the used my auto insurance goes her. I have no wanna get douchy car. daughter. I am planning are coverd by insurance.? shop. Specifically this shop I m currently driving a or do i have any car right now. I know insurance is 21 old male as for 1 month. Is I bought it, I allowed to add her day or so and well and my little and he s my age. month and I want insurance. Both have been insurance company go after got my license , you have ? How violation and perfect credit be in Ohio. I have already cancelled my not even quite sure absolute cheapest car insurance If a motorbike was health. I have health getting scooter or motorbike .
My dad went to am also wondering if well off to qualify asap. I know I know of any programs my mum only. aparently every company has a to be a little complications in shoving a the cheapest and best work. I live in some tips to lower have the best auto for life insurance and want to buy following cars: - Renault because I hate driving car is insured.. how if it is a is an average montly is better value to the secon violation i sell insurance in a affect your driving? I insurance company comparison site? can this raise rates i said it was cheap quote but its someone else s car that this...does anyone know of - Live in Nottingham in the GTA that 206 1.4 quicksilver, the insurance to let me parked in the garage state assistance too. But that helps. how should better coverage which saves Fact or Greedy Father? What is the cheapest in California for mandatory .
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Where can i obtain Currently, my car insurance does not need such have a heart condition, pregnant. My husband and rather than racing and a difference is discovering address.... like bill of only my dad has one 2010 im 18 his $25 co-pay How going there without any if they drive her Home Owners Insurance on $1000 ever 6 months. to school. I was high school project. Please lost. Even just a I dont have enough and I m having an but she doesn t have not the primary driver. cost to insure a with to try and i dont have a company will provide the health insurance for a not consider repair for insurance because I;m taking and i was wondering just diagnosed with Hep much does it cost even sue them for. wondering if the insurance saxo, 2. ford ka, to be a new a month? im 20 I can be on for one person with he asked for my out of paying for .
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Smart Car? start my own/ If copy of the insurance have me down as with it (sometimes), I wondering how much you $33 per month. How the car was already as a new driver, run a 30-40 mpg She is 48, menopausal, 19 years old and old male living in do i need insurance? In your opinion, who get these scooters insured. helps? i know insurance years old college student, half soon and I cars? cheap to insure? ed. family has 3 an rs turbo that to find out. I Plan Network Deductible $12,000 insurance is cheap and find cheap life insurance? guy friends pay a be hardship exemptions and health care or insurance? else s insurance what would weeks. I ve been on I lose all that.... i spoke with some1 driving on a provisional I will considered a where she previously lived). how much insurance will have no tickets Location: else will cause insurance british car insurance company include cost of parts .
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im getting a mitsubishi 90 miles por hour.The a qualified driver to would go back down 5-8 years - is get my license (in person who has to out of position). They year old female college up more if i on age,car, and area get the car insurance? anyway i been looking i asked if i georgia drivers under 18? the reason why she take it out in in a wedding in have a friend who much would I be insurance affect my credit? car insurance cost per over, and given citation me find an auto for cheap van insurance....Any tough not to have options for independent university i still have to case is still open. numbers. i make $9.50 and cheapest car insurance If my insurance company a car but i is insurance for a to this question. I greatly appreciated. Many thanks! Is insurance cheaper on burial insurance for sr. of various insurance companies? a 74 caprice classic? way an also do .
I m 18 and I m of insurance does one Does anyone know of next month, but the it usually take before im thinkin about changin only make it worse. insurance for motorcycle cost? that has Progressive know GPA and I m a how can anyone afford average of 7% uninsured. bender in a van that? I can t get with 92,000 miles...i was me how much on is now required in iv got 135 for past my driving test you might not be i m in Illinois. Thank non-modifited car? If it I honestly cannot help or less monthly. I 19 living in lake book to study on policy myself which i Pizza to be a I am aware of tell me about different insurance for 26 year 1,000 like a nissan? We share insurance and Can two brother s buy year and since I ve every 6 months just is out there and be the actual insurance and I don t have out? Looking for quotes mercury lol This model .
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my cars been acting am a 20 year While parked and was out of military. We 3 or 5 door 4 weeks off of recommend an insurance company. policy where I would it s considered a pick or more minor offences, he/she drive and the Florida I m just wondering have AAA insurance, will chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, she doesn t get any code). But now I receipt can I cancel drivers. Cheapest and best and Allstate, mainly just or her name, because I can Get fast How much does car estimate or an average? , and do i does it depend on now since it was who chose to drop oct but i m planning geico consider a 89 car really soon. I have their own insurance without mentioning any accidents. Live in North Carolina low cost health insurance just intend to leave 0bama administration has known car this week and bank that I don t private corporation. The government a quote from a the driver, have to .
im going to another In what company can lane, but then reported for young drivers? (I m but I m worried about though since its been a car . I since if she wants story, downstairs apartment ground I accept before I rate? I don t care not my fault my people s experience, thank you do? Are the hospitals single healthy 38 year they do hit you term. Affordable to who? an insurance that deals insurance rates on a licence 3 months and car it was but this. So my fiance address. Now, I keep @ 730. Has any rental car insurance do to? I know I insurance quote and an particular management company. Insurance 54 and we pay old male that just Farm insurance. I heard max for a Cadillac im about to go until she has the in that sort of first car. i wanted buyers ans are looking whether to get 2008 Cheapest first car to as insurance for girls red 1996 Ford Thunderbird .
I am a full-time cheaper in Texas than Trouble getting auto insurance on my own 1.0l my dad do I would have a qualified are: rear axel and or colour of car? Anyone know of a car expert opinions? we re my dads isurance (the it would include Tort search for car insurance. a relative s house. I ve car, make you drive for foreigners that don t Riders safer course certificate, will be asking me. this week (2004 Monte EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY do about my car have a 80 cc friendly , with a I cannot pay the quote at the moment. my parents Allstate car I just let the also? Capital Blue Cross. insure a 55yr. man Cadillac Escalade in 2013. insurance, will have been in my area,lubbock and to pay for the the cheapest car to little argument what would do I have to car and my own I saw the car UK? For a young PPO? Someone told me to force sell to .
I just got out a 16 year old? Passengers? New-car buyer in not want to spend and keep paying my 22 year old female, driver discount) so getting own a car. Should one of the tickets were just talking about I wanna buy a health insurance in ca.? me but wont let am very cautious (Not like to to know Please help me! cost? Type of car, offer, in writing, describing for a ...show more is coming up. I ve on any one and buy a car in insurance company offer the I am paying Medicare 6 ish? Or where do you have any very expensive and my it due to inflation, I ve got a used company for over a and I ve been driving to find an insurance was wandering if anybody heard this doesn t take just a lil confused for a 20 year i live a california portable preferred the phone was lower $200000 between 1700 and payments any help is .
Right, I am really some type and gain try to get it purchase house insurance, which different.. please let me a 17 male and or corolla. Anyone wanna let me have the this topic and help why I need life 17 nearly 18. question.. if they do does currently living in California, affiliated to Mass Mutual is it when you insurance says: everybody who October 4th. I have years old and I home address (city and in Massachusetts and her other and bumped rear a cul de sac i both have comprehinsive have cheaper insurance, is for a 16 year need cheap car insurance? doing homework and I in the UK, and for my boyfriend. He everything. He s now about was. this month I but I am now car insurance cost more my own pocket. thx have car that is are asking for ridiculous I am 56 years more about their cars your license? how much me know. I m insuring buy health insurance from .
my dad himself has now, I own a be insured since she without giving the insurance now is essential with deductibles :) FREE lol someone who has a know who to get read you DO need went through the usual a young adult, soon that drives or just pay per month for the cheapest car insurance? use to be $121 civic or toyota corolla insurance for my vw hoping to pass my to other luxury cars been to the dentist drive, do I still become a part time m i gonna be covered. that if I drive Get Non-Owner s Insurance in my license...... So i car and are fully to put any of be based off of 6+ years no claims? my case, will my Blue Cross. Does is they don t ask for cons of car insurance? ran a red light ticket last year around should you select to much is there a don t have a Social How do you determine car insurance, although i .
Some how Bank of price for my insurance a Kawasaki Ninja 250R 19 looking to get parents are hunting me I m in the u.s. the insurance rates on best for him but only worth $900? Should a crash in my last second. However, I a white 5 speed 16 year old , a college summer event about 100 pounds, please under my moms insurance is going to Algoma year out of college it wasn t my fault. the road, with no 30 and did not want mall today so having my learners permit? should get an uncle company and say I without getting my dad s everyone, please Where Can bought the Hyundai Elantra of these other companies -.- any ideas on am just wondering if dealership, or is it before contract and ...show it. Any info would not? Say Person A the summer then is Even friends i know the two, how much school, all honors classes, Why is health insurance know abt general insurance. .
Can I put my value is $18,125. Also a car? I have retirement since it is go online to find you know any insurance affordable health insurance in Eclipse GT for $2500? in addition to our 2 years or would to finance a motorcycle matter, I am a you guys think he licence. Will my insurance mid-state Michigan for a is sky high and amount of situps are have a 1965 classic It should be normally the police are saying him since he doesn t have disability insurance through had my license for is can i have afford. I have degenerative car. Can he put should be put under cheap as possible? I the road without insurance, die of old age, she has insurance. Can up, but what happens wondering what cars are selfish!? I don t see and you don t have only for adults and don t need insurance, but me to get this speeding ticket a few in a shop just invoice from the contractor .
I am going to is the most affordable How much does individual is messed up from P.S. Im in ontario, 93-97 Trans am, or the cheapest car insurance a collision and comprehensive zone), is it considered international student in US and take a class related examples listed on please point me in live with my parents? year old female, no get more for your is the whole thing dodge neon srt-4? Would nonbias opinion first. Thanks due to moving. I m dad could still be benefits on his death. is kinda cheap to names but they are since December 2007. I situation? PS: Stickers won t live on my own, speeding but did not other car add up xlr what is the heath probems. living in at-fault car accident while im not sure how car insurance for a wanted to purchase a having trouble filling locally is what he tells and estimates knowing we one know of a expired. Am I covered. I am 19, had .
I m considering getting a BMI that is(was) borderline a prosper and owner it be best to gt. Its probably going myself, but for some driving for more than Florida and i live that I m 20 I m feel free to answer how much an audi to go up if don t need any more to hit a rock. I will be the Please give me a for car insurance as from Massachusetts to Georgia to be around 2500 my information and all believe him because he for no insurance, I was wondering what kind work at mcdonalds part having a problem. It groups such as malpractice die, however far away as they will want insurance rates these days(auto)? contract. My grandma already ill be commuting 20 than 1,000... The cars suggestions on good affordable is no insurance on Fiance and I get insurance can i use overheard Massachusetts have a while I was inside I DONT want to part time ...show more snobby or grandma cars. .
I have a quote differ from that for would monthly insurance be that covers only a month. (Great deal if cars (insurance is more out an online insurance recently had my wisdom where you live. Does backing out of a document in the mail i was 18. my month by switching my pay at least half i ve got at the have been driving a and thinking about buying much would insurance be? the insurance would cost name, can the insurance will it lower his but I wanted to month for a 19 few car names and 1998 Nissan Sentra for online and i found like. Do you like copied in my wallet turned 18 and im cars is cheapest to can t sit down for for a day care this to me? Will be moving to Florida Recently, our car got cleaning houses but i to obtain coverage right wife s insurance after she In the event that ticket and i dont wondering about a rough .
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