#emilykaldwen tag
As a teacher, what has been your fave shakespere play to teach your students? What interesting themes do the kids these days pick up on or connect with? Has there been any interesting insights your students have brought that have surprised you?
Thanks for the question! So I haven't taught English since before the pandemic, because I finally found a school that doesn't reserve the history classes for the coaches (this kept happening to me when I moved back to the States, I'm dual certified, so I'd get hired for history and they'd move me to English when they hired a coach. This happened like 3 times), which is great for me, I vastly prefer teaching history. But did teach a lot of English previously and I'd say the answer really depends on the group of kids, their reading level, how much they'd been exposed to previously.
There's a reason high schools usually start off with Romeo and Juliet in the 9th grade. The story is not difficult to follow, most teenagers are familiar with the concept of forbidden romance, and the themes are age appropriate. I've taught King Lear, which is one of my personal favorites, to a group of very advanced and very keen 12th graders (so 17-18 years old), and I think even they were too young and lacking the life experience to really get it (it's kind of unfortunate that by the time King Lear hits hardest, which imo is once your own parents start aging, most of us are not reading Shakespeare anymore. Very few people read it outside of a school setting, nerds on tumblr notwithstanding). So it can be objectively more rewarding to teach a relatively basic play like Romeo and Juliet, than to teach a more advanced play like King Lear, even though I like King Lear better, simply because it's more suited to the age group.
But probably my favorite play to teach is Hamlet, which I've taught in both 11th and 12th grade. Hamlet is a broody young man, he's home from university and his life sucks, his asshole uncle has married his mom, he's pretty sure his dad was murdered, his girlfriend literally kills herself, there's a ghost, and no one is listening to him. It strikes a good balance in that it has some great soliloquys, including the famous "to be or not to be," that you can really dig into, but which don't get too far into the weeds and don't require a whole history lesson to understand. There are allusions, but they're mostly mythology based (like Niobe, all tears, Hyperion to a satyr) which makes them easy for the kids to look up. Importantly, it asks age appropriate existential questions about life and death (what's the point in living when you're miserable, is suffering noble, what if death is not better), stuff that teenagers grapple with. Macbeth is also good to teach because it's quite exciting with all of the murder, betrayal, and of course the witches.
It's been four years since I last taught English so it's hard for me to remember any specific insights from the kids at the moment but I will say that in general, one of my favorite lessons to teach each year in the Shakespeare unit was on the use of language. The kids fucking loved learning iambic pentameter. One of my favorite things to do was write a couple of lines on the board (I usually used two lines from Julius Caesar which were the same lines my own English teacher used to teach us when I was in school Poor man! I know he would not be a wolf/But that he sees the Romans are but sheep) and get them to beat out the meter on their desks. They thought it was so cool that iambic meter has the same rhythm as the human heart, and that it is more or less the natural rhythm of our speech. When we'd read the plays, I'd catch them tapping out the meter to themselves to test it out.
In general, I enjoyed teaching Shakespeare, but it was also a struggle. It's very hard to get kids who, for the most part, do not read for pleasure to read a whole play in early modern English. Mostly their reading consists of short passages as part of standardized testing, and they're very resistant to the very idea of Shakespeare, which they write off as old and boring. As a teacher I had to work very hard to make the text engaging enough to push past that wall and while there are always kids who are just not going to get there, every year I taught Shakespeare I was always pleasantly surprised by how many kids would get fully invested. I guess it's just fun when the kids are actually into the story. The themes are great and all, but Shakespeare wrote these plays to be entertaining and it makes me really happy when the kids are entertained by them.
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starcrossedjedis · 7 months
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"You know that if I had been given the choice I would have fought for you. I would have fought to make you stay. But I didn't have that choice and now you don't get to judge how I went about picking up the pieces."
Mini Moodboard Challenge
throw together four pictures that best encapsulate the vibes of your fave/most recent fic/idea/brain worm
tagged by the lovely @emilykaldwen
It was so nice and crisp before it went on this hellsite T_T
tagged: @asirensrage @auxiliarydetective @bravelittleflower @chickensarentcheap @daughter-of-melpomene @oneirataxia-girl & whoever wants to do it 🖤
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lady-morrigen · 18 days
cute tag game
create a cute & fashionable self portrait
thanks for tagging me, Cee @moongirldreamer 🎀
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this is like a carbon copy of my daily outfit & i am forever dreaming of the day when my hair is long like this again. this will forever be one of my favorite tag games.
taglist tags: @ewanmitchellcrumbs, @noeverse
no pressure tags: @vampire-exgirlfriend, @emilykaldwen, @selfproclaimedunicorn, @queen--kenobi, @darkwolf76
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 4 months
Original post was getting long, so I made a new one -- You have to share a bed with the last character in your saved images.
Tagged by @tremendouswolfsaladranch, thanks 💕
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SOBBING, & I take back my "thanks." Fool that I am, I assumed there was still someone else on my phone, but it was all art references & then My Man™
Tagging, if y'all want: @toxicjayhoo, @acrossthesestars, @emilykaldwen, @nyctophilic0vitnir, & @cerseiwexler
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vampire-exgirlfriend · 3 months
Picrew challenge. It's easy, just make a you from this picrew lol
No presh tags: @jadore-andor @emilykaldwen @massivecolorspygiant @theradioactivespidergwen @bouncehousedemons @em-likes-to-lurk @moongirldreamer @corrabell @ohhstark @selfproclaimedunicorn @humanpurposes @thesunfyre4446 and anyone else! Go nuts
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aegonx · 2 months
four characters who make you yell "MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN" !!
thank you all for the tags @wolfdressedinlace @vhagar-balerion-meraxes @lord-aldhelm @timetravelingpenguin1066 doing this instead as the reblog train got a bit long 💀
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no pressure tags: @amaegon @itbmojojoejo @bottlesandbarricades @eveningprimroseblossom @acrossthesestars @emilykaldwen @theoneeyedprince @sapphire-writes @undertheorangetree @thought--bubble @arcielee @bouncehousedemons
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huramuna · 2 months
oc-core character meme - shera stark.
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i saw this fun little meme a long time ago and decided to do it now! i couldn't find the link to the original i'm sorry ): these characters are ones that came to mind when creating shera, ones i associate with her based on vibes, aesthetics and silly allusions i created in my head.
shera-core characters; yue (avatar: the last airbender) ranni the witch (elden ring) blue diamond (steven universe) moro (princess mononoke) donna beneviento (resident evil: village) chise hatori (ancient magus bride)
no pressure tags (because i wanna see y'all do this with your ocs!): @emilykaldwen @acrossthesestars @queen--kenobi @selfproclaimedunicorn + anyone who has ocs and wants to do this!!
the blank template is under the cut (if you're extra like me oop)
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aemondstark · 1 month
this picrew + the last song you listened to
thank you shay @dr-aegon for tagging me mwuah
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no pressure tags:
@aegonx @lady-phasma @franzkafkagf @emilykaldwen @terrorofthetrident
@helaenna @targaryen-dynasty @aemondsbabygirl
@birdmans @userhelaena
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dragonsbone · 4 months
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you're not saying you're in love with me but you're going to half awake, taking your chance it's a big mistake i said it might blow up in your pretty face i'm not saying do it anyway but you're going to
tag list 🧚🏻‍♂️ : @zoyazenik @moireia @dio-nysvs @kiara-carrera @fleetwoodmcs @daisyjohvson @aaudace @jessiemieli @chlobenet @iron-parkr @astarionbae @luucypevensie @nefertiris @julianblackthcrns @darkwolf76 @megdonnellys @endless-oc-creations @bravelittleflower @lepetitchoux @fiercefray @misshiraethsworld @fragilestorm @phoebestarks @ichorwithwine @darkling-er @purpleyearning @lovehermioneforever @stanshollaand @eddiemunscns @hiddenqveendom @foxesandmagic @nik2blog @daughter-of-melpomene @impales @arrthurpendragon @fakedatings @princessmadelines @stachedocs @toilandtroubled @eddysocs @keepyourelectriceyeonmebabe @emilykaldwen
[ want to be added/removed? click here! ]
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kingsmakers · 2 months
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Demelza Dayne in Gardens of Misery
The Dance of the Dragons has begun, and as Lady of Casterly Rock, Demelza's voice is a pivotal one. With envoys sent from both Rhaenyra and Alicent, she faces a predicament: choose between the women she has known since they were girls. An impossible choice, with impossible odds. Yet Demelza's daughters, the Dornish Diamonds, have always had wills of their own. A fateful choice ends in tragedy, and so Demelza feels the sting of grieving a child as she is forced to bury one of her beloved daughters. More than grief, she feels rage. As Demelza's fury threatens to turn the tide, her surviving daughters are left reeling. Elyana Sand, a prisoner within the walls of King's Landing, forced to play the game with her increasingly dangerous lover, Aemond Targaryen. Ceridwen Rivers, travelling to Dragonstone and kneeling before Grey Ghost to earn the mantle of the Red Rider. If there is a power stronger than a mother's love, it is a mother's grief...as Rhaenyra knows, as Demelza finds out, as Alicent will soon learn.
Tag list: @juliaswickcrs @thatmagickjuju @starcrossedjedis @darkwolf76 @akabluekat @drbobbimorse @mystic-scripture @iron-parkr @asirensrage @rhaenyraslaena @arrthurpendragon @hiddenqveendom @far-shores @emilykaldwen @themaradwrites
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given that I finally had to put magnificent century down because the soap opera antics (while still enjoyable in terms of I can shut my brain off) glad for the new rec! can't wait to check this out! (does it feed into my east asian valyria ideas? yes, yes it does)
The whole Story of Yanxi Palace is on YouTube, and I think Viki as well. It's really good and you should watch it! I watch a lot of Chinese dramas to keep my language skills sharp now that we don't live there anymore, and the historical dramas are my favorites. I also liked The Legend of Ruyi, The King's Woman, The Story of Minglan... and a bunch more I can't remember right now. I need to find some new ones to watch actually.
(as for East Asian Valyria, I'd be interested in hearing your take on that. I've always seen Valyria as a hodgepodge of classical antiquity, sort of a mashup of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. The government reminds me a lot of Athenian democracy in that freeholders all got a vote and they only elected a leader in times of crisis, rather than having a full senate. Athens was also really hostile to foreigners, had a large pantheon of gods, practiced slavery, and was terribly repressive to women, and gets kind of romanticized or whitewashed in our American study of history. Rome was brutally expansive and took slaves from its defeated people, and Ptolemaic Egypt practiced brother-sister marriage to keep the bloodlines pure. Slavery was too integral to Valyrian society for it to fit into Chinese culture for me, and I guess George was doing his version of the sort of pan-East Asian fantasy culture that was popular in the 90s with Yi Ti).
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starcrossedjedis · 4 months
WIP Tag Game
I was tagged by my fellow Victorian Lady™️ @emilykaldwen 🖤
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
"I asked for a coffee, not... is that a fruit cup?"
- "Yes, it is. But I can see how you might be confused since it's not deep fried."
"Hilarious. Where did you even get that?"
- "They had a bunch of those just laying around and I figured no one was gonna miss a few."
"Did they happen to 'lay around' on the cart with the patients' lunch trays?"
- "Just eat the damn fruit cup. You've been running on coffee and snide remarks for the past thirty hours."
Just a little more than one line, oops xD this is from my "No plot, no title or FCs - just a craving for a very specific ship dynamic" thing, that is slowly but surely growing into straight up brainrot proportions 😬
tagging: no one because ✨aNxIeTy✨ (but if you wanna do it, pls consider this your cue 😉)
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alicent-archive · 1 month
Thank you for tagging me mootie @vhagar-balerion-meraxes 😚😚😚 !!!
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
No pressure tag list 🫡:
@backjustforberena @dcookechild @barbieaemond @bouncehousedemons @multiverse-of-multifandoms
@burning-daylight @notalicent @very-straight-blog @cohen-stark @cadra
@wolfie-1221 @emilykaldwen @emiliosandozsequence @raccoonpears @rxnefairs
@thesunfyre4446 @thewitchqueenofharrenhal @theboleyngirlx @islandofohara @peters-lab-partner
@plumeriasandviolets @pendragora @prince-aemond-targaryen @aemondstark @aegonx
@asoiastarks @stxrks @softlyforged @scorpionshiv @deiasilva10
@fuckalicent @greenqueenhightower @hurremshiv @heir-to-the-commander @johannawesterling
@ladywolfknight @xionthelostpuppet @alicent-hightowers-spouse @angelamcss @aemondtragaryen
@saltywinteradult @saintirulan @scaly-freaks @aemvnd @terrorofthetrident
@dr-aegon @redrosesandcharmingsouls @black-dread @hieronymph
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 12 days
WIP Wednesday
Another week, another tag game! Please share your last sentence; or, if you don’t have one, share a plot bunny or idea! (OR sketch for your artwork!)
Thank you for the tag @timetravelingpenguin1066 - I know you tagged my main, but I don't really create anything on that account anymore (besides a fool of myself) so I'm posting to this blog instead!
This is the last sentence I wrote of the final chapter of Cozened Indigo:
“Send me your audio files,” he instructs, pushing himself back into a standing position, “and then go home and get to work. Your runny mascara is bad for office morale.”
No pressure tags: @flowerandblood @targaryenrealnessdarling @exitpursuedbyavulcan
@aemondtargaryenonlyfans @aemondsbabe @schniiipsel
@vampire-exgirlfriend @emilykaldwen @moris-auri
@superprincesspea @toms-cherry-trees @marthawrites
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vampire-exgirlfriend · 7 months
moodboard mini challenge
so everyone knows that i'm a wee freak for a moodboard. in honor of that, throw together four pictures that best encapsulate the vibes of your fave/most recent fic/idea/brain worm.
here's mine:
they say I killed you (haunt me then)
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Be with me always-take any form-drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!
- Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights
no presh tags: @jadore-andor @emilykaldwen @selfproclaimedunicorn @niocel @godswood-girl @massivecolorspygiant @arrthurpendragon @theradioactivespidergwen @ewanmitchellcrumbs @aegonx @randomdragonfires @lya-dustin @nyctophilic0vitnir
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aegonx · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @emilykaldwen💕💕
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rules: open pinterest, make a moodboard out of the first nine pictures that show up, and tag your mutuals!
no pressure tags: @bottlesandbarricades @ewanmitchellcrumbs @ohhstark @black-dread @sapphire-writes @anjelicawrites @undertheorangetree @theoneeyedprince @humanpurposes @targaryenrealnessdarling @arcielee @barbieaemond @assortedseaglass
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