#emotional damage by two different sources? great!
astrclovers · 10 months
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forgot to post them here, might redraw the sketches on the right later and i also have the others as well
rejuv and kagepro brainrot is strong
refs: left is children record and right is daze (full mv)
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wttcsms · 2 years
diesel is desire (we were playing with fire) ; sebastian sallow
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pairing sebastian sallow x f!reader word count 4k synopsis sebastian sallow is a good friend. so good, in fact, that when you find yourself under the ungodly influence of a lust potion, he's willing to help give you some relief. content contains seventh year au, dubcon (under the influence of lust potion), darker take on seb's character lol <3, breeding kink, creampie, possessive!sebastian, possessive sex, virginity loss, babytrapping
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“Why did you go out of your way to avoid me?” 
An accusatory voice momentarily breaks you free from the overwhelming feelings you were struggling to deal with, but the voice is too familiar.
The source? Sebastian Sallow — a very disappointed Sebastian Sallow, which after two years of friendship (and the lingering what-if of becoming something more), you’re able to identify as a Sebastian that you would much rather not be dealing with. Particularly because, try as hard as he might, he’s rather prone to saying harsh things and treating you unkindly whenever he gets into one of his moods. The hurt expression on his face is barely concealed by the scowl that mars his otherwise handsome features. 
Don’t think about how handsome he is!
Instead of replying to him, you’re quick to turn your head to the side, trying to focus on the curtain that separates your cot from the others in the infirmary. It’ll do no good to engage with Sebastian right now — not whenever the reason you’ve been compelled to check yourself in to the school nurse is purely because you’re not sure if you have enough self-control to stop yourself from literally ripping his robes off of him.
But it’s not like you can tell him all that. Lying would be preferable, if only Sebastian wasn’t so attuned to you and every single one of your tells. If you attempted lying to him, who knows what more damage you would cause? Then again, blatantly ignoring him also seems equally dangerous, especially with how quick to irritate he’s been lately. Ever since you witnessed him literally murdering his uncle, the relationship between the two of you has grown stronger — being practically partners in crime will do that to a friendship — but also more… volatile. The charming fifth-year you met on your first day of school still remains, but you have long since realized that there’s more to him than meets the eye.
On the surface, he’s nothing but affable. Maybe a bit of a rebellious streak, but it’s all in good nature. In the beginning, it was fun being with him. Exciting, even. Then you started following him on the dark path he paved all by himself, and before you could realize that you were in too deep, it had already been too late to turn around. Now, the seventh-year boy standing by your cot seems so different from the one who lives on only in your memories.
“Don’t ignore me.” He means to make the words come out sharp, irritated. It resembles more of a plea than anything, and you shut your eyes, willing him to leave. It must be all in your head, but you swear you can smell the familiar scent of him: cool mint mixed with the light musk of whatever cologne he’s been favoring since the fifth year. 
“Sebastian, I’m not feeling very well.” You mumble, hoping it’ll be enough to get him to leave you alone. It’s not a lie. You aren’t feeling great whatsoever. Not even the nurse, bless her heart, can figure out what’s become of you. She gave you a pitying look and an almost amused smile as she explained that — in her words — sexual urges are very normal for girls your age. 
If your body wasn’t already overheating, you’re certain your cheeks would have instantly turned hot from sheer embarrassment. 
“Well, why wouldn’t you tell me that instead of abandoning me the whole entire day?” Sebastian is many things with different people. With you, he is both guarded and vulnerable. Some days, when you’re not feeling your best, his emotions versus his actions can give you whiplash. He has the audacity to say something like that all the while, he sounds absolutely tortured over the fact that he had to go eight hours without your presence. 
As if realizing the harshness of his attitude, he softens his tone as he asks, “Are you feeling any better?”
You had gone to the Great Hall before him because you needed to review your History of Magic notes before the test today. All you had was a bit of pumpkin juice and toast, and all had been well until you started feeling warm underneath your robes and sweater. As the heat began to travel through your body, you found it hard to concentrate on your notes. Not because of the heat, but because of the many thoughts swirling around in your head. Flashes of Sebastian that started innocently enough and quickly morphed into daydreams of him without his uniform. Sebastian with his hair messed up from the way your fingers tugged at the strands as he satiated his thirst with the juices flooding between your legs. Sebastian who would prioritize your pleasure over his and could make you cum multiple times before even thinking about getting his dick wet. Sebastian—
—who you share most of your classes with! 
You knew right then and there that something had to be wrong with you. Sure, you’ve thought about him sometimes, but never to that degree. And certainly never at seven in the morning over breakfast and history notes. 
That’s how you ended up lying in a cot in the infirmary, trying your hardest to ignore the intrusive thoughts of Sebastian fucking you ‘til you can’t walk anymore. 
“No.” You practically moan out the word, and you’re hoping to play it off as just you being a baby about being “sick”. 
You don’t expect him to turn your head so that you’re staring up at the ceiling, and you certainly don’t expect him to press the back of his hand against your forehead. His hands are cold, but surprisingly enough, it brings you some sort of relief from the fever that has seemingly overtaken your body. You bite back another moan. 
“You’re burning up.” Gone is his attitude. Instead, it’s been replaced by your favorite Sebastian — the kind, caring one. The one that resembles the boy you first met. Sometimes, his care can be suffocating, but when you find yourself craving nothing but him and his touch, you don’t mind his invasion of your personal space at all. “Are there any other side effects? Does your throat hurt? Stomach? Tell me what’s the matter.” 
You know how Sebastian must feel when it comes to people he cares about falling ill. His sister has only made him more paranoid about the severity of sickness and curses, and the concern and fear etched upon his face makes your hardened resolve of keeping the sordid details of your affliction to yourself melt away.
“Don’t laugh…” You warn him, but your voice seems so small and maybe even a little scared that his expression turns even more serious.
“I think… I think something happened to me. A charm…” You’re careful to dance around the word curse, lest Sebastian accidentally blows up the whole entire infirmary due to his emotional state. “I just feel very hot. And, um, I think the only relief would be to—”
You can’t even say it. You can barely even explain it since you don’t really know what’s happening either. 
The two of you know that you’re never going to repeat that phrase ever again, and you’re practically near tears after that little confession. 
“Oh.” He says, as if this is nothing more than a simple, casual conversation and not the most humiliating situation ever. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” 
“Be-because it’s embarrassing!” Has he really no shame? Who would willingly admit that out loud? 
“You know, I’ve heard rumors of some sixth-years trying to pull pranks by spiking the juices with love potions. Just really gimmicky concoctions, truly. Nothing too severe. Hmm… You must have a sensitivity to it, though.” Sebastian’s musings do nothing to bring you reassurance. If anything, it just makes you want to hide. If the universe is truly kind, a sinkhole will emerge from nowhere and swallow you whole. Yes, that sounds lovely right now. 
Instead, the universe is sick, because what else could explain Sebastian telling you, 
“If it’s relief you need, I’d be happy to help.” 
Sebastian is many things to you — a dear friend, a confidant, a literal partner in crime — but none of those things involve him having sex with you, even if the offer only came from some odd sense of duty. 
And that’s what this is, isn’t it? He probably feels indebted to you since the fifth-year. Maybe even anxious, too. You could expose him at any given moment, and maybe that’s why he’s been so keen on attaching himself to your side ever since. This is a humiliating predicament to be in, and Sebastian doesn’t seem like the type to kiss and tell — considering that you don’t even know the names of girls he’s been with before is evidence. 
Besides, you’re only feeling incredibly needy for one person. You can accept his offer, but you’re certainly not going to let him know the truth: that only he is the one who can help you. 
“Don’t be embarrassed.” His cool hand is now cupping your face, thumb brushing against your cheekbone in an almost gentle manner. Sweet Sebastian is making an appearance, perhaps to try to put you at ease. You like this Sebastian. “Just let me take care of you.” 
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When the haze of lust clears from your sex-addled mind, the rush of consequences will burden and crush your very conscience. 
Fortunatenly enough, consequences are clearly the last thing on your mind.
It would appear that the only thing you can truly focus on is Sebastian and what his idea of ‘taking care of you’ is. 
The Sebastian staring greedily at you is an unfamiliar Sebastian. You’ve become accustomed to the many variations of himself: Angry Sebastian, who says the most vile things out of spite and usually misguided anger; Remorseful Sebastian, who is quick to grovel (he’s quite good at groveling, really) and wants nothing more than to be back in your good graces; Happy Sebastian, although there are variations upon this very variation — the trick to seeing whether he’s pseudo-happy or not is all in his smile (the fake one is eerily perfect, the real one is crooked and a rarity). This Sebastian, though…
The word doesn’t quite explain the dark glint in his eyes or the way his hands are almost reverently stroking your body. Your skin felt so, so hot just a few minutes ago — then again, just a few minutes ago, you still had your school jumper and blouse neatly intact. Now, you’re laid practically bare, prey to Sebastian’s more-than predatory gaze. 
If the two of you weren’t such great friends, you might have had enough sense to be scared.
The only articles of clothing left to protect your dignity and shield you from his eyes are your skirt (which is already riding up to expose your thighs due to his wandering hands), your white cotton panties, and the matching bra. 
“How do you feel now?” He asks, and you want to tell him you’re still feeling embarrassed, but his hands feel surprisingly nice on your skin, and you can’t help but hunger for more. Perhaps the look in his eyes, the one you couldn’t quite find a proper name for, is the same look you’re giving him. 
“More.” You whimper out, not caring if you sound selfish or impatient. This is awful. The two of you should put a stop to… To whatever the hell this is! This is a horribly unbecoming, unsavory situation you are in, and if things progress like how you think they are going to (how you want them to), then you’re both dead once all the adults find out. Professor Weasley would probably force the two of you to be wedded within the next day of her finding out, not to mention that the headmaster would probably have the both of your heads on sticks.
But you don’t tell him to stop because your rational thought is slipping, much like your bra. You’re viewing everything almost as if in a trance, almost as if this is happening to someone else and not you. But it is very much you; it’s your nipples hardening after being exposed to the cool air of the infirmary. It’s your bra that Sebastian tosses to the side. He’s licking his lips, eyeing the expanse of skin that has been revealed to him. In ordinary circumstances, you’re certain you would make all attempts to cover yourself up and try to regain some sense of modesty.
In these circumstances, you practically arch your back and mewl out for more, more, more.
More touching. More skin-to-skin contact. More of Sebastian. You want him. All of him. Every part of him. You want his cock ramming into your cunt, you want his hands wrapped around your throat, his mouth spewing out words of filth right into your ear. Most importantly, even though all you can seemingly focus on is having him ravish you, you can’t help but to be greedy and dare to hunger for more. You want his secrets — all of them. You want to know the nightmares that plague him, and whether he’s full of regrets, just like you. You want to have a claim to his soul, just like how he already has a claim to yours. You want to know that when his heart beats, it is calling out for you. 
“I’m going to kiss you now.” He announces, like he’s waiting for you to protest. He’s not directly asking, but the question is still there, as is the warning. Can I kiss you? If you let me, there’s no going back. 
“Please.” You whimper, completely and entirely at his mercy.
“Say it.” Sebastian swallows hard, almost as if he’s also nervous and too charged up with desire. His fingers are loosening his tie. He has already shrugged off his robes. 
He doesn’t tell you want to say, but you already know what he wants to hear. The words have been resting on the tip of your tongue this whole entire time, anyway. 
“I want you to— to kiss me, and more…” You look into his eyes. The lights in the infirmary make them appear a lighter color than usual. “I want more. I want you, Sebastian.”
The moment the last confession slips from your soft lips, Sebastian’s mouth descends upon your own. His body is angled awkwardly, trying not to crush you with his weight, but you can feel the heat emanating from him all the same, even despite the layers of his clothing that separates the two of you. 
You think the world stops spinning when his lips slot against yours. He tastes like the pumpkin juice from this morning, sweet and refreshing. There’s a lingering taste of spearmint toothpaste. You want to keep kissing him forever. You want him to kiss you everywhere else. When breathing becomes a necessary thing, he stops. You frown. You didn’t want him to stop. Oxygen is overrated, anyway. 
He lays a hand against the pillow you’re resting on, staring down at you, want clearly displayed on his visage; desire is etched onto every facial feature, and his eyes are gazing so intently into yours, you wonder if he’s a Legilimens. 
“Promise me you won’t regret this. Swear that you truly do want this.” 
He must not be a Legilimens, then. It’s so clear you’ve been in… It feels odd to admit it. Wrong, even. But it’s the truth—
—you’ve been in love with him since the fifth year.
You don’t keep someone’s secrets, their crimes, to yourself when you don’t love them. You let him perform Cruciatus on you, and you forgave him. No — you didn’t. Because you asked him to. There was nothing to forgive. You would endure it, over and over and over again, just for him, only him. And to think, you’re flooding your panties just at some simple fantasies of him, and he has the nerve to believe you don’t want this? Don’t want him?
“I promise. I swear it to you. I want this entirely.” And maybe liquid courage had been slipped into the juice you’ve consumed as well because you find yourself admitting, “I’ve always wanted to do this with you. If it… If it had to be done the first time around, I would always dream of you doing it to me.” 
He stops breathing, just for a moment. Gapes at you, even. 
“Y-you’re a virgin?” 
You wonder if you’ve gone off and ruined the mood. You wonder if you should take it back, say you were just joking, but before you can, his lips are pressing against yours once again. This kiss is even hungrier than the last, and you’re not quite sure how that’s even possible. It’s almost as if he wants to devour you whole. 
“Thank you.” He gasps out, so close to you that his breath tickles your nose. “Thank you for entrusting me with this, love. I promise I’ll make it good for you, just as you deserve.” 
And suddenly Sebastian is just everywhere. His sweater is discarded on the floor, right next to your bra and his tie. His belt is unclasped; he hasn’t even bothered to remove it entirely, just displaced it enough to where he can unbutton his trousers, and he’s pulling it down — his pants, that is. And the briefs. He hasn’t entirely disposed of everything, just partially. Meticulous Sebastian Sallow who is now so far gone into lust and depravity that he cannot even handle wasting another second by removing himself entirely of his clothes. You have made a man into a beast.
But you see the way he’s eyeing you — all dark hair and sharp teeth. He flips your skirt up, exposing your damp panties to him, and he licks his lips again, and you realize — perhaps too late, or perhaps you’ve known all this time — that Sebastian has always been a bit of a beast. A wolf only coyly imitating domesticity. 
“You’re so wet.” He brushes a finger against your cotton-covered folds, and you shiver. 
Yes! Your body seems to cry out. More, more, more! Your back arches, keening, craving his touch. You’re soaking through the fabric, making it practically translucent. You’ve never been this wet before in your life. You’ve never wanted his touch more badly than you do now. 
“For me.” He mutters, but in the silence of the infirmary, you hear him all too clearly. “Is this all for me, love? Have you been like this all day?”
You nod, not trusting yourself to form coherent sentences. Even if he’s not staring at your head, far too fixated at what’s between your legs, he hums his approval. 
“Don’t worry, my love. I’ll make it all better.” 
He’s kissing you. He’s got your panties only pulled to one side, and you think he’s muttering apologies against your saliva-coated lips. Something that sounds awfully like sorry, so sorry, but I can’t wait, and I don’t think you can, either. You barely catch a glimpse of his cock before you can feel the sharp heat of his length against your inner thigh. You would have thought that there would be some preparation, especially since this will be your first, but you’re thoroughly soaked. You’re aching for a sensation you have never felt before, but the animal inside of your brain is telling you, instinctually, to seek Sebastian out. That Sebastian will make it all better. That’s what he said he’ll do, and he’s kissing you, and he’s apologizing, and—
—and the world stops spinning.
No. There’s some slight resistance at first, your poor cunt protesting at the intrusion. A second later, and he’s slipping in half of his length with considerably more ease. A few inches more, and his hips are pressed against yours, and oh— Oh, it’s like you’re made for him. There is no resistance. There is no pain. There’s just you and him, and your body is welcoming him home. Where has he been? It seems to ask. Please don’t ever leave again. 
“Fuuuuck.” He hisses it out, and his teeth are gritted, and he’s admiring you. His eyes flicker to your face, down to your breasts, down down down right to where the two of you are connected. The word comes out broken, and yet, drawn out. As if he’s struggling to speak. 
Then he starts thrusting, and suddenly you realize that the world hasn’t ceased its spinning. No — now it’s moving entirely too fast. It must be off its axis. You feel otherworldly. You feel like this pleasure, this overwhelming, absolutely delicious pleasure, cannot simply exist on earth. It should be impossible. It should be impossible to find comfort and rapture in the way the tip of his cock seemingly kisses your cervix. You expect pain. 
You only find mindnumbing, earth shattering pleasure.
You feel stretched beyond your limits. You hear his pants and his groans, and you’re moaning, too. Calling out his name, which is so silly, he’s right there, he’s right there. There, at that special spot, at the spot you’ve never been able to discover on your own. You now know why adults advise so heavily against these type of relations — it’s simply addicting. You don’t think you can stop; you don’t think you want to stop.
“Oh, fuck. Fuck, you’re so good f’me. Such a good girl. My good girl, aren’t you?” He’s rambling. His thrusts are considerably sloppier, and you feel his thumb brush against your clit, and you arch your back some more, practically screaming out his name. The stimulation is too much — it’s not enough — and you will always crave him. “Tell me. Tell me that you’re mine.”
There’s something so, so addicting about his possession. About being treated like his possession. 
“Yours. M’yours, Seb. All—” You can’t finish your sentence. The pleasure is becoming too much, and you’re too sensitive, and he’s doing this thing, this absolutely amazing thing, where he rubs circles on your clit in tandem with his harsh thrusts, and you’re cumming. You don’t ever want to come down. 
He feels you cum, sees your juices drench his cock as he pulls out, only to push right back in, relishing in the feeling of your contracting walls. He leans down, biting on your neck, and you take a hand to grip his dark hair, still cumming, and now he is, too. Spurts of his cum are flooding into you, painting your walls, successfully staking his unrivaled claim on you. You have been compromised. If anyone were to find the two of you out, you would have no other choice but to take his hand, his ring, his family name, him. You would have to take it all.
Coming down from his high, he has enough kindness left in him to lick at the wound he’s left on your neck. Your eyes are fluttering close, the intensity of it all thoroughly exhausting you. You don’t know the thoughts swirling in his mind. You don’t sense the longing behind him stroking your stomach, wondering if the Felix Felicis — his bottled Liquid Luck he’s spent forever brewing — has done its job. It would surely be very lucky, indeed, if his seed takes this first time around. 
Your breathing slows, and he feels your heartbeat even out. You’re exhausted, poor thing. Perhaps he had been too rough.
He’ll apologize, he decides, by doing something that’ll benefit the both of you. He ought to clean you up, get you tucked in, and when you wake, he’ll go down on you. He bets you taste so sweet, so innocent. He had known, of course, that he was your first — that he was always going to be your first. Your only. 
He wonders if the effects of the lust potion will still linger in your system even after you wake up. Probably so — he did it brew it quite strongly.
But the adoration, the love, in your eyes is something no amount of skilled potioneering can create. No; your feelings for him are real. You just needed to lower your inhibitions to get to the confessional stage.
And now that you have confessed… 
Sebastian Sallow can rest well after confirming what he’s known ever since he first laid eyes on you:
You’re his.
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temmtamm · 15 days
couldddd you POSSIBLY!.!!.!!! do a gravity falls yandere platonic ford which any age with a son!reader? Maybe around the age of 14 or younger. IF NOT THATS COMPLETELY FINE!
or if not that maybe a platonic yandere teen ford and stan with a younger brother?
Hii pookie!!
Friendly reminder once again, I do not do gender specific asks/headcanons!! Check my Gravity Falls ‘Asks Open’ post if anyone has any confusion on what I will/wont do!
As for a parental Ford…let’s see..
Well, at least in my opinion, Ford probably wouldn’t take that care of a child. He can barely take care of himself, let alone a kid.
But, if we are talking after the portal and everything, then I think that might be different.
Once again, Ford doesn’t have much of any parental bones in his body, but he does display more care and affection for the twins than I think he would’ve before the portal. I feel like he had matured and grown a lot through all the dimensions he had been in, and was able to recognize how poorly he was raised.
So, let’s say your home life wasn’t as great either, whether it be something as simple as your father being emotionally constipated, or your family just fights more than ‘normal’ ones, Ford WILL draw parallels to your home and his.
And Ford, after all he has learned, doesn’t want another person to wind up like him; craving validation and praise from others, to the point where he—I mean, you, seek it out from dangerous sources.
So…Ford starts hanging around you more.
He’s very…subtle with it. He knows kids, especially teenagers don’t care for adults getting all up in their business, so he tried to take it slow.
He didn’t expect how closed off you were, however. Your walls were completely up…So, he had to take some extra measures to get some details out of you.
Y’know the fun fact about all the weirdness in Grvaity Falls?? It means that there’s a lot of bugs that can repeat what it hears—So, it wasn’t that hard to sneak one of these copyroaches into your home and listen in on it repeating all that was heard in the home.
All the nasty fights, all the lonesome crying, all the times you’d gush to yourself or your friends on call about your special interests.
Don’t worry, he’s a good dad, he’ll let you keep SOME privacy…Just, a very, very, VERRYY small portion of it.
Slowly, you two start to bond more and more with him becoming more of a father figure to you with how he seems to always know what’s troubling you and the answers you need to hear in that moment…Not to mention, with him not being great with emotions, he tried to win your love with acts of service, such as making you dinner, saving the shoes you like on his DVR, and letting you spend the night at the shack when your parents fight.
Soon, he started to notice you staying at the shack more and more.
And more and more…He couldn’t help but grow discontent with the way your family treats you.
As said before, it doesn’t matter how small the issue is, if Ford had it his way, not a foul word should be spoken in your vicinity. Haven’t they already done enough damage to this child?? Do they want you to grow up in a broken home?!
In fact…He doesn’t think they’re fit to be parents. Not even in the slightest!!
He would be so much better…He’d actually take care of you, and he is smarter than any school they have been putting you in for that matter—All those kids are just so cruel to you, even if you don’t know it yet.
That…actually gives him an idea.
“So…anything happen at school today, champ?” Ford mumbled in his usual low, raspy voice as he scrubbed at the dishes in the sink, his apron still tied around his waist from cooking.
“Uh…Ford?” He didn’t even bat an eye or look up at you as you started to feel queasy, pushing the bowl of soup away from you at the dinner table. “I think the vegetables in this went bad…I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Ford just let out a good, hearty laugh. “Don’t be silly, I made it with all fresh ingredients. Have a look for yourself. Only the best for you.”
You could feel your stomach start to churn and growl, with the sight that greeted you when you looked down at your bowl not making you feel any better.
Was that an…eye?!
It’s the same shade as your mother’s.
“O-Oh god..” You bit down on your lip, bile starting to creep up in the back of your throat at the sight…and that’s when the melatonin had started to kick in, making your vision grow spotty. It was hard for Ford to find a dosage of that where it was not only over the required limit for a young teen, but also able to be hidden in food. He did it though. Better that than rat poison for his little baby.
“Aww, oh no? Are you having a stomach bug?? Don’t worry, I’ll make it all better.”
That’s the sick part. He genuinely believes it’s better locked in the shack for you. Why wouldn’t it be?? He’ll spoil you with all the care and love a child deserves, not to mention he will be sure to intellectually stimulate your brain as well.
You’ll see. He’ll be the perfect father for you.
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rieamena · 2 months
I wonder at what point in the "reboot saga" would the other cunning hares step in and help Billy? Like, on one hand you have a convenient way to stop Billy from whatever he is doing, and watching how Y/N is trying to confess without crashing him must be entertaining. On the other after crash 65 it must get worrying :/
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the first few crashes had been amusing, a source of lighthearted teasing among the group. you’d attempt to confess, and billy, ever the charismatic and responsive robot, would suddenly freeze, eyes flickering as his system struggled to process the influx of data. the scene would end with him rebooting, and the cycle would start anew. after the first couple of crashes, the laughter faded into concern
“i don’t get it,” you muttered, sprawled out on the couch in the cunning hares' common room. “why does he keep crashing? it’s just a confession.”
“he’s not built to handle that kind of emotional intensity,” nicole explained, fiddling with the handles on his jacket, metal body limp after yet another of your failed confessions. “his programming is complex, but at the core, it’s still a machine trying to process human emotions.”
“and you’re very special to him,” anby added, smiling gently. “that makes it even harder for his system to cope.”
the three of you brainstormed solutions, testing different approaches and environmental controls. they installed cooling systems, tweaked his software, and even practiced mock confessions. yet, each time you poured your heart out to billy, his system would crash and reboot, leaving you both in a loop of unfinished sentences and unspoken feelings
one night, after crash number seventy two—a number that was only devised due to your intricate logs of attempted confessions in your mini journal—the serious gravity of the situation hit everyone. billy’s constant reboots were taking a toll on his system, and the risk of permanent damage was becoming too great to ignore
“this has to stop,” nicole declared, her voice heavy with determination. “we need to find a way to get through to him without causing another crash.”
after much debate, the team devised a new strategy. it wasn’t just about cooling fans and air conditioners; it was about creating a space where billy could process his emotions without the threat of overload. they set up a room specifically for this purpose, equipped with not just temperature controls but also calming visuals and sounds designed to keep billy’s system stable
the designated spot was meticulously prepared. soft lighting filled the room, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. the hum of air conditioners and strategically placed fans ensured the environment was cool. in the center of the room, billy sat on a cushioned chair, looking a bit puzzled but the aura he exuded was always happy
anby gave you a reassuring nod as she adjusted a fan to blow directly at billy. "remember, y/n, stick to the script and stay calm. we’re right here with you."
you took a deep breath and approached billy, your heart pounding. "hey, billy," you greeted, your voice steady despite the butterflies in your stomach
"hey, [name]," he replied, the crescents of his eyes lighting up the room. "what’s up?"
you clutched the script tightly, glancing at the words one last time before looking up at him. "billy, there’s something i’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time. it’s been on my mind, and i need you to know."
billy’s eyes widened slightly, his full attention on you. you continued, your voice soft but clear, following the script's guidance. "you mean a lot to me, more than just a friend. whenever i’m with you, everything feels brighter and better. your laughter, your kindness, the way you always know how to make me smile. i cherish every moment we spend together."
billy blinked, processing your words. the fans hummed softly, maintaining a cool breeze. you took another deep breath, steadying yourself. "billy, i like you. a lot. more than just a friend. i care about you deeply, and i wanted you to know how i feel."
for a moment, there was silence. billy’s eyes flickered, and you held your breath, waiting for the familiar signs of a reboot, slower movement, glitched speech, loss of composure, but instead, his eyes displayed bright red hearts
"[name]," he said softly, reaching out to take your hand. "i… i like you too. more than just a friend." nicole crept over to a cooling fan close to him, cranking up its power
unfortunately, the slip of paper didn't have any more words to refer to so you had to improvise. "so does this mean we're like, dating now?"
"are we really?! we're dating now?!" billy jumped up from his seat, practically oozing excitement and happiness, "wait, but i've never had a partner before. what if i do something wrong? what if you don't like me anymore?!" he shook your shoulders, speaking a mile a minute, ranting about all the things he could do wrong and all the things that could go wrong
"also, it's really cold in here, i can almost feel my metal constricting! can we turn the thermostat up or something?"
you couldn't help but laugh. "one step at a time, billy. let's start with the thermostat."
you finally got billy kid after seventy two reboots, and boy, wasn't it rewarding.
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its actually so embarassing how long this took and its not even good....
billy kid taglist
@pedrosimp137 @mary-moongood @nyxin-lynx @lemonboy011 @eisblume77
@amaryllisenvy @megan017 @astral-spacepumpkin @corrupted-tale @inkycap
@thurstonw @plapsha @lavenderthewolf @kurakusun @vitaevaaa
@sweetadonisbutbetter @cobraaah @mochiitoby @clickingchip @bardivislak
@h3r6c00k13 @cozi-cofee @apestegui-y @luvuyuuji @theitdoitnobody
@fersitaam @cathrnxxo @monkepawbz @fl1ghtl3ssdrag0n @dabislilbaby
@many-names-yuna @muffin1304 @doort @j3llycarnival @juuanna
@discipleofthem @spookylorekeep @wazkalia @miaubrebmiau @hersweetsstrawberry
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 month
Hey Hi! I wasn't the one who asked you for this but it really is amazing!!!
It would really be great if you made a second part, and in case you don't, I still just want you to know that I loved it!!!
Lost Your Mind Part 2
Pairings: Pel (Male Yautja) x AMAB!Reader
Word Count: 2601
Summary: Time to figure your new life out in a different, robotic life. You learn how your new body work while being able to stay up with Pel, working side by side during hunts.
Author Note: Thank you! I really appreciate all the love. I hope this was a great second part.
Throughout a week, it has taken you time to relearn how to walk. Your mind was programmed how to with organic limbs yet this robotic body was different. The weight threw you off. The legs were longer, feet slightly bigger. Everything was off from what you originally knew. So, here you are, using a hand on the wall for support.
Pel was nervous to let you roam the halls by your lonesome. It took some time to convince the Yautja that you’ll be okay. It’s just walking. If you fall, its not like it would hurt you. Pain was nonexistent now. You’ve learn a notification will pop up on the side of your vision, telling you you had been damaged in some sort of way. But, there was no pain.
That could be seen as a pro or con in anyone cases. In your second chance of life, you took it as a pro. No more annoying aches or headaches or even when you broke a bone while hunting.
Hunting. Now, Pel says, you could easily keep up with him on his hunts. No more choking for air after running for miles or worrying about your scent alerting to prey. You even moved nearly silently. Then, without a heart or lungs, there was no worry about prey hearing you as well. In this new body, you’ve become the optimal predator. All you need was a guiding hand to relearn everything.
Your mate had help turn off the ability where your processor answered every little question. That had become incredibly annoying. It drove you nearly over the edge into a bout of rage and destroying the ship. All you wanted was your thoughts to be your own. Not some of computer in your mind.
With one foot after another, you relearn how to walk. You took the chance to meander to the cockpit and stopped at the entrance. Pel was in the pilots chair and sat crisscross. His head turned over his shoulder to find you now in the room. The Yautja sat up taller, mandibles clicking happily. Your own face lighting.
“Hello, love,” you wobbled over to him without the support of the wall. Once in reach of his chair, you gripped onto the arm rest. “What’s the plans for today?” A week had only passed but fragments of your memories had resurfaced. Not all of them. But the emotions are what you held onto. The love and adoration you and him felt for each other. And, in a life like this now, you needed every last drop.
The Yautja in question chirped and purred then rubbed his forehead against your shoulder. “Whatever you want, little one,” he replied in a smooth tone and found your gaze. His eyes shone brightly in the dim lights of the ship. You used your free hand to gingerly cup his cheek and hold his head.
A thinking expression pondered over your features. There was still much to unlock between the two of you with your new robotic body. To see its limitations.
You leaned down nuzzled your nose against where his own would lay if he were human. “Why not teach me some basics with weapons? I’d much rather learn from you than the internet. From there, I can choose which one fits my hand the best,” you offered and pulled back to stare into his yellow eyes.
He purred and nodded his large head. Dark tresses swaying with the moment. “That is a wonderful idea, mate!” Pel slipped off of his chair and rounded the furniture to stand at your side. His hands came out to steady you but stopped short. The corners of your lips tweaked into a small smile.
Pel was finally learning that you need to do this on your own. That’s the only way you can be able to grow into the new person you’re designed to be. You can read on his face it’s taken a lot for him relent and allow you space. He’s a lot more open with his feelings, desperate to make you feel safe and comfortable in your home.
“I’ve got this, love. Just give me time, I still haven’t fully figured it out just yet.” You pushed off of the chair and stood up.
Standing is easy. That didn’t require movement. The walking portion was fine. When you tried to figure out how move without falling face first onto the ground… that’s where you struggled. Half of you wanted to turn back on the dictionary portion of your brain. But, you stayed strong. Life’s hard. Clearly since you’re in this position and nearly met their god of death in unfair circumstances.
The dark brown and beige Yautja stayed hovering at your side, hands at the ready. His yellow eyes watched carefully as the two of you made your way towards the weapons room.
Many of his trophies sat out on display here. A show of prowess. Some of them, you knew the two of you hunted together. Slowly the memories returned. The only plausible reason was the trauma of the event hiding them away. But if they were coming back, that’s all that matters.
An array of weapons decorated the only wall lacking trophies. Pel mainly wields a Combistick and bow and arrow for the hunts. That doesn’t mean a hunter shouldn’t be prepared. He has everything else on hand for whatever a hunt may call for.
You stopped to stand in front of the wall. Your eyes raked down each meticulously placed weapon, but nothing called out to you. In your memories, they were still hazy. You couldn’t tell which one you used before. Maybe this was chance to choose anew? To choose something that required more strength. The robotics that formed your body offered more strength than ever before.
Heat washed down your back side as two hand rested on your shoulder. The powerful jaw of your mate settled down on top of your head. “What favors the eye of my mate?” he asks. A soft purrs tumbles out of his throat and spills into the air. You reached for one of his hands on your shoulder and carded your fingers through his own. The two of you holding hands now.
“That, I don’t know. Nothing speaks to me.” An idea comes to mind. “I would love to see you wield each one, show me what they can do,” you suggested and brought his knuckles to your mouth for a kiss. Killing two birds with one stone. Figuring out which one was the best for you and to see your mate in action, flaunting his gorgeous body. Oh, you couldn’t wait for the show.
He let loose a rumble that acknowledge of his pondering. Then, he placed his own mock kiss to your head and stepped around you. “Alright, I shall display their uses.” The way he struts up to the walls was handsome. “I’ll show you the Combistick first. Every Yautja has one in their collection as it’s the first weapon that train with.”
Not only does he have one but three. Since it’s part of his main collection, he must have multiple may one break or if he stupidly loses it. At that point, he should let Cetanu take if he does that. Such a unblooded mistake that would cost him his life in the heat of a hunt.
A collapsed Combistick and pulled down from its hold. A single press of a button unleashes the weapon to the world. For such a weapon to be able to squeeze into a small form then grow like it does was amazing. Your eyes flashed with wonder. Then, the brown Yautja began to twirl it as if it was an extension of his own body. The moves fluent and perfect. The alien may be considered young for his species, but this was his life. The way of his people, his culture.
For the remaining hours of the day, Pel showed what each and every single weapon in his collection could do. It was hard to choose. All of them seemed great. Some better than others. You pondered the entire time, raking over each weapon carefully until two finally came to you.
Tiger claws and claymore. A strange combination to work together with. You would use the claymore as your primary then have the tiger claws as your secondary. Of course, the Combistick would also be part of your weaponry. Not that Pel would allow for you to miss that important part of the training.
Despite your slightly larger stature, Pel takes you to a weaponsmith. One he’s known for a long time.
The town around you is bustling with life. Your hand is entwined with Pel’s as the brown Yautja leads you through the alleyways to stay away from the roaming crowds. With another week and a half of walking under your belt, you’re able to calmly walk about without needing support. Not like you could run and sprint just yet. It’s a start though. A good start.
Though, you won’t be able to train with a weapon yet, Pel wants to get the jump on forging said weapons. It’ll take time for them to be crafted. Hopefully, his goal was by the time Vo completed the job, you would be ready. If not… he would just hide them and gift them to you when you were.
Pel swiftly took you through the back ways and knew the perfect places to slip past the crowds. It wasn’t long before the two of stopped in front of a old, clearly worn building. He takes you inside before the two of you could be swept out into sea.
Warmth washes over your artificial skin, warming the circuits underneath. A bell alerts the occupants to your appearance. Pel’s hand on the small of your back urges you forward towards the counter. He leans against the carefully crafted wood and trills a Yautja call.
“Pel?” a voice calls out from the back of the building. It wasn’t a moment later before an unknown species of alien stepped out. A rag in her hands that wiped off the grim that coated the skin. “Look who it is. Long time, no see. I thought you had perished on me.” She stopped short of the counter and crossed her arms. Four eyes met your optics that swiftly analyzed every inch of her.
“And who is this?” she questioned and scans her steely gaze up and down your robotic form. “He almost looks… human but his skin, it’s metal. Has those pesky humans finally created something worthwhile?” Your eyes narrowed on her bulky form. Despite no only being human physically any more, you took offense to her words.
A hand rested on your shoulder and drew your attention away from her. “Vo, this is my mate.” He says your name, easily rolling off of his tongue. “There was an accident that involved some bad bloods. I couldn’t lose him just yet.”
Her gaze softened. “Oh, I heard about that incident,” she trails off, head bowed down for only a moment before she meets his gaze again. “No one deserves what those scums did to all of those humans. Even if I despise the squishies.” Your tense shoulders relaxed at her words but that only got you thinking more about what happened. Pel wouldn’t say.
The brown Yautja dipped his head, understanding her words. “Yes. With my mate, I couldn’t lose them so quickly after we become permanent mates. So… I had their brain and heart transferred into this new body. It’s been a process.”
She hummed and finally met your optics. “My condolences, human. I am glad you didn’t perish yet. But, you better keep ol’ Pel happy. He deserves it.” You didn’t know whether to be offended or just brush off her comment. If only she knew what memories you’ve unlocked held of your of him. All the things you did together. The love you shared with each other.
“He is. More than anything in the universe,” Pel answers for you and tugs you closer to him. You turn to nuzzled against him. “But, I request your service. For my mate.” His hand rubs up and down the length of your bicep.
The unnamed alien snorts and rests most of her weight on one foot. “Of course you do. You never come back just to talk.” A sigh left her. She picked up a pencil and a sheet of paper. “What is it you’re looking for?”
Pel glanced down at you. “It’s for my mate actually. He wants tiger claws and a claymore. I have one of each myself, but they aren’t designed for his size,” Pel explains and returned his attention to her. You carded your fingers through his own on your arm and laid a kiss on the back of his hand.
A brow was raised at you. “He’s kind of small for a claymore. Think that’s gonna work with him.” From the slight kind she offered you in the beginning, your face dropped into a glared. Pel tightened his hold on your hand to ground you.
“My mate can handle himself well enough. Now, will you do it or not?” His voice hardened in the classic roughness of a Yautja. Gone was the easy, laid back Pel you knew.
Both of her hands raised, pencil and paper in the air now. “Now, reel back on the anger. I ain’t demeaning him or anything. I just stating a fact.” She huffed, blowing a stray strand of hair out of her way. “Alright. A claymore and tiger claws for the human.” She writes this down on the paper.
The two of them got into a deep discussion on the specifics. Most of it went over your head as you glanced around the small lobby of the weaponsmiths. It was homey and quite nice if the owner was being such a dick to you. You couldn’t believe she would say such a think straight to your face in front of your mate. Yet, she has the balls to do so.
When all was said and done, the two of you left the little shop and returned back to the safety of your ship. Once the ramp clicked its lock into place and stopped then crossed your arms. “Well, she was quite rude!” you steamed with a huff.
Your mate stopped and his shoulders sagged, your name falling from his mandibles. “She’s… I knew her father when we were both young. I was there the day she was born, by accident. She’s been around Yautjas her whole life.” He about faced and strolled up to you. His hands cupped your jaw. “Many of my species are rougher than I am. Meaner. Ruder. They take what they want, demanding it. I am considered soft, gullible.”
His words soothed you. You leaned into his touch and closed your eyes. “For now, focus on getting stronger, faster. Then, you’ll be ready for your weapons. To go out hunting at my side once more. We’ll be an unstoppable force. No one would dare with us,” he proclaimed and pressed his mandibles to your cheek in a mock kiss.
“I will, love.” Your eyes slid open. His orbs filled with the love the two of you held for one another. “I’ll be beat you in a sparring match when I do,” you snarked off with a grin plastering to your features.
Pel barks a laugh. Not to demean you but at your attitude he loves. “Oh, I can’t wait for the way, my mate.”
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ninapi · 1 year
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Re:Born ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
Premise: In a world dominated by androids, the few remaining humans had to fight for survival. Your boyfriend Suguru, wanted to destroy them all and regain supremacy of the lost world, yet things don't always go as planned. A love once lost, solidifies. An opportunity to go back into the arms of a man that has always loved you since the beginning of time.
Word Count: 4024
Note: This is a romance Sci-fi AU, a bit different to what I normally write lol, but hope you like it anyways! It will be a two part story~
Chapter 1: The lost world
Life has changed a lot during the last couple hundred years, after the great war, human nature ended up destroying itself as it commonly does.
Science had been developing at a faster rate when more and more weapons were needed, androids becoming the new soldiers as humans kept dying like swamp rats, one after the other.
Androids were strong, they could be fixed, modified, artificial intelligence was at its peak and adding it to the ‘robot soldiers’ as they were called, was just the easiest call, you didn’t need to program them if they could think for themselves, if they could fix themselves, if they could make their own decisions and save humanity.
At first, it was a great idea, it gave humanity a chance to survive, though the damage had been done. Majority of men died in the intense battles scattered throughout the globe and all there was left were women and children, safe for the injured men with severe trauma and injuries.
And so, humanity couldn’t come back from that.
Giving artificial intelligence to soldiers was far from a great idea, it gave power to those better than men, to those stronger than men, and now that they didn’t need humans for their own preservation, they weren’t needed anymore.
The great war had evolved once more and instead of humans hunting their equals, now they were being hunted by their own creations.
Not many could survive the purge and those who could were caught and gathered in factories to elaborate new parts for their now masters. Of course, as soon as they learned how to make them themselves, the rest of human population was eradicated completely in what is now called ‘Doom day’, also known as ‘Liberation day’ the only holiday celebrated now a days after the creation of the new nation.
No countries were needed anymore, they were one mass now, all helped each other, no need for wars anymore, a perfect functioning society, an elite one at that, yet, humans were not part of said of world.
Some managed to escape before the explosion, mostly children, and those are the only ones who remained, camps with survivors were rarely found and if found by the wrong source, they were annihilated in the spot, though, some of the elite of the old world, those with money and connections managed to save themselves and their offspring, in hopes of returning one day to their rightful place.
R001-59 was a prototype created to document the past. It was an unnecessary thing to do, majority of them thought, though, you can learn from the past, avoid making the same mistakes, maintain order by following old rules and modifying those that didn’t work as intended.
Recording history was his task, sharing details with those in need of information, his occupation.
Though this android was one of a kind, having to be so immersed in human culture, he developed some sort of interest, an obsession even, with the processing of emotions and why androids weren’t able to feel them.
The leaders said emotions were not necessary, they brought chaos, and that’s what got them eradicated from this planet. But to R001-59, humans were fascinating.
He would spend his time off browsing the data base for old movies and series, things that could get him to understand better the nature of the thing called love, the one called pain and those strange things called hormones.
They were all such fascinating concepts, and even if the theory was there, understanding something you can’t experience isn’t always as satisfying as others are.
There were records about an artifact found on a district far north, in a place desolated, only trash would go there, the living pods and buildings were far away in places where war hadn’t destroyed the beauty of nature and those that they managed to fix over time, but the northern peninsula was designated as a giant trash bin, all the toxic wastes were dumped there, all the broken parts would be left there to rust if they weren’t able to refurbish them.
But this artifact was used to clean teeth, according to the records.
And androids don’t have teeth.
That meant that in that desolated plain of destruction, there was a slim chance of finding a human camp.
Keeping this information to himself would certainly be considered treason. Could get him dismantled and discontinued for this, but curiosity was embedded in his chip, he was made this way in order to promote finding information needed for the community, it couldn’t be helped, if having a dream was possible for an android, his dream was to meet a human, at least once, so it wasn’t surprising to see him hiding in the shadows of tall buildings and crawling in the sewers until the desired destination was reached.
The camp was indeed there, as far as possible from the toxic river, past the mountains of scraps, hidden inside of a mountain range carved from the inside and turned into living quarters. It was unbelievable, all his years of research were proving useful as he was able to open locks, sneak inside the complex and even gave him time to analyze discarded cans of beverages, the drops of the content’s chemical construction not even registered in any database, amazing.
 “Who’s there?” a shaky breath could be heard behind the android, a flashlight shining under its feet.
“My name is R001-59, human. Is a pleasure to meet you, please don’t let my presence cause you any sort of distress, I mean no harm.” the terrified look in your eyes made him continue with his reassuring speech, “I was designed to storage human culture, behaviors and past in a data base, always wanted to meet one alive. That’s how I ended up here, after many years searching for your species. I wouldn’t do anything that could harm you.”
You still looked scared, shocked even. How was it possible for a droid to get through the mine field and all the booby traps in place, they were designed to fool androids, only humans could figure them out, that was a fact tested by the previous generation.
“Human woman, what is it that you’re called? I would like to record my findings. Also, what is this dark liquid in this container? I’m intrigued by its content, never seen anything like it before.” that’s all it took to break through your barrier, making you giggle at his question, “It’s called coffee. And I’m (Y/N). I don’t think you’ll be welcomed here, buddy. You’re lucky I’m the one that found you and not Yaga.”
The android waddled to your side, leaving the can of coffee behind, a steel cold hand now holding your face up for inspection. “Why do you have hair on your eyes? I always wondered about that. Your eye hair is also very pretty, didn’t know that was possible, I thought they were all the same.”
“They’re called eyelashes, and thank you, I guess. They are supposed to stop dust and things from getting in your eyes.” you could see lights blinking in his eyes as he inputted the gained information into his data base, your face was fascinating. “How about top eye hair? What’s that for?”
“You mean the eyebrows? Honestly, I always wondered about that too, I guess they’re an extra layer of security for the eyes. Eyes are very delicate they need to be well protected. Though, if you ask me, we would all look better without them.” your light chuckles made his lights turn pink, this was an unknown reaction, his manual didn’t say anything about pink being an option.
Though the pretty lights got your attention, “So blue means recording information, right? What about pink? What does that mean?” it was only fair to share information with you, you were kind enough to reply to all his questions yourself.
“Correct. Blue means recording, green means searching, red means dead battery. Pink has never shown up before.” green intermittent sparkles followed after your question. So there were things not even androids knew about themselves, interesting, they weren’t as different from humans as you had thought.
“(Y/N)? Sweetling why are you here this late?” Gojo Satoru, your childhood friend, could be seen coming from his room, a look of anger taking over his handsome features as his blue eyes darted on the metal scrap by your side.
“What the fuck? How did that get in here? Get away from her immediately if you want to function ever again.” his booming voice alerted the android, stepping away from you as a sign of understanding.
“Satoru, don’t. He hasn’t done anything to me, he’s just a curious android who seems to know more about humanity than we do.” you would never be on their side, they killed your mother, your own boyfriend was now on a surgical table because of them, why were you this calm?
“Must I remind you Suguru is pretty much dead because of them now???” losing his best friend was still a touchy subject for him, it was a recent happening and one that must be fixed with urgency.
“Suguru himself is the only reason he is the way he is right now. Of course it hurts, but it’s not this android’s fault. He is just curious, wants to know about us, has questions about coffee and eyelashes, not about traps and weapons. If he wanted to hurt me, I would be dead already.” R001-59 has never been defended in his entire life, the rest always mocked him for his obsession with the human pest, but seems like the records were accurate, there were different types of humans, you were in the kind and lovable bunch, it appears like.
“They’re dangerous, (Y/N) and why are you calling it a he? It’s a machine, not a man, don’t forget that.”
“Are you jealous of an android, Satoru?” your teasing tone of voice made him blush and stutter, coming closer to look at the uninvited guest closer. “S-shut up. So what do you want here, metal pile?”
“My name is R001-59, It’s a pleasure to meet you. I came here to study real life humans as part of my task of recording human nature, culture and past. Can I ask why are your eyes this colorful? They seem different.”
“What? My eyes? Ugh, I don’t know, man. They’re like this for everyone in my clan.”
“Oh, so that’s what inherited traits mean. I see. I didn’t know eyes could be this beautiful, they look like what is called ‘a galaxy’, even if I haven’t seen one either, but reference says that’s what it should look like.” his blushing just intensified, what a wild experience.
“See? He’s a good boy, aren’t you buddy.” you were petting his head lovingly, amused by Satoru’s reaction.
“It’s not a dog, (Y/N).”
“I know he’s not a dog, but he’s so cute. Can we keep him?” the conversation felt too intimate somehow, even if you were his best friend’s girlfriend, he’s always had a crush on you since you were both young children playing in the toxic pits.
“Well that depends, are you asking me as your future husband, wanting to raise a baby puppy droid? Because if that’s the case I might consider it to make my lovely wife happy.” you couldn’t avoid chuckling at his antics, it’s always been this way, flirting with you was his second nature.
“Are human couples always this tender with each other? In the material I’ve gathered they always seemed to be rough with each other, angry and in the middle of fights.” you were right, this android was cute.
“We aren’t a human couple. Just friends.” your rosy cheeks were a bit misleading, confusing the android.
 “In my database, friends pull pranks on each other and be there for you when you cry. I didn’t know flirting was in constitution of such term as well, I’ve learned so much already and I’ve been here for such a short time. This is beyond amazing.” his definition wasn’t wrong, you’ve always known things with Satoru weren’t quite normal, but Suguru was always there to keep him at bay.
“Buddy, come into my room, Yaga should be doing his rounds around the premise soon, he’ll kill you on the spot if he sees you.” you were holding his hand gently, bringing him over to your quarters, followed by an irritated Satoru.
This would get messy.
Suguru and you have been a thing for years, since your sixteenth birthday to be exact.
Before that date, everyone thought you and Satoru would end up together.
He, being the heir to the most powerful clan of the whole compound, was the only one allowed to do whatever he wanted, even if the remaining activists from the other generation opposed to his reckless behavior quite often.
But Suguru’s kind hearted nature won you over.
He was always the sweetest friend there is, and even sweeter as a boyfriend. Always caring, making you nice things out of scraps, always there to hold you throughout the uncertainty of the world you lived in.
But things started going south when the attack on the east compound hit.
They were your neighboring human camp, and weren’t as prepared as you were. Unlike you, you had Yaga who was always on top of the max security of the place, older than you, the first child born out of the previous generation, always leading the youngsters around, always invested in adding extra layers of security to your quarters. They on the other hand had an elderly leader, he was awful beyond words, not at all willing to invest in their security. Kids would constantly run away from his tyrant ruling, having them killed within hours by the droid army.
Suguru would travel there from time to time to share rations with the youngsters, that’s when he realized all the young children were missing.
They were found by some of the ‘cult droids,’ as you call them, worse than the army, those who had deficient chips and loved to hurt humans, they had a strange belief system almost like a religion of their own. The children were kept in cages for their amusement, and they would kill them once per day in the most awful of ways.
Suguru’s gentle nature ended up being his demise.
He tracked them down and ended up dismantling every single one of the droids enjoying such a horrid entertainment.
After returning the children to their parents, he went back home, only to realize something was wrong with him.
In the process of destroying the evil machines, one of them had implanted something behind his ear. He felt the pinch but was preoccupied trying not to get killed and finish the others, he didn’t really think anything of it.
Yet, he ended up collapsing not long after arriving back home. His other wounds were nothing to worry about, but he wasn’t responding, as if he had been turned off. His vitals kept going down as time went by and it was said you should be prepared for his last breath to come any time soon.
Your father was the only trained physician in the facilities. You came from an elite family of doctors, that’s why they were spared and saved from the world’s end. And even if he was quite fond of head trauma, they just didn’t have the tools to look into his brain properly and see what the problem actually was.
He was just not responding, something was interfering with the brain’s proper functioning, but opening him up like that would end up killing him.
“R-chan, do you perhaps have any medicine knowledge?” it was worth trying. He’s been staying with you for weeks now and it’s been quite the task to keep him away from wondering around or others finding him, he was like a toddler, everything amazed him and was difficult to contain, without Satoru it would have been impossible to achieve.
“I do, what seems to be the issue? Are you unwell?” lasers scanned you from head to toe, causing you to giggle at his concern, he was adorable, pretty much part of your family already.
“Not really, I’m fine, don’t worry. Is just…well I’m sure you’ve heard from Satoru that my boyfriend is ill, we don’t know what’s wrong with him, just know something is wrong with his brain, I was wondering if your database had some information we didn’t in the subject…” his searching lights turned on, a little paper printing out from his behind, startling you. That was a new function you didn’t know existed.
“I printed the major causes of brain damage for you to see. Though, I could also scan him and see what the cause is.” getting him to Suguru would be a difficult task, but maybe he could be saved by it, you had to try it his signs had been debilitating further this past week.
Taking him to the doctor’s facilities was complex, you even had to involve young Megumi and Yuuji, even your old friend Nanami helped creating diversions for you to sneak out without others finding what was going on.
Your father was scandalized by the fact that you had been keeping a droid in your room, one did kill your pregnant mother, the love of his life, resentment towards his kind was out of this world, yet you seemed to think fondly of this one, if he could help save Suguru, he would have to suck it up just this once.
Scanning him brought more than one answer, none of them pretty.
The device placed within him by the other droid was slowly turning off his brain, its electromagnetic waves and their damage was irreversible, the only way to stop them from killing him would be removing his brain, or part of it at least, but that was clearly not a viable option.
In the middle of the second scanning however, a bright red light began to shine, coming from your friend, paralyzing his work.
“R-chan…red means battery, I remember that. How do we charge you? Do you have like a plug or something?” your hands kept running through every single port on his body, looking for anything that looked like a charging cable, but your friend didn’t reply right away, worrying you.
“We don’t use plugs to charge, but pods. We must go into our sleeping pod and charge for days when red turns on.”
“Your sleeping pod…is that not in your house…?” he just nodded, silence following your question.
“R-chan…how long does it take to get to your house from here…?”
“It took me two months…”
“And how long will your battery last when it starts glowing red…” tears were running down your face, your hands reaching for one of his.
“About eleven hours…” your knees gave in, collapsing onto the cold tiles of the surgical room. He’s become such an important part of your life, the only light you had in it since the demise of your boyfriend, it even strengthened your lost bond with Satoru, something you wanted to do for the longest time but wasn’t to Suguru’s liking.
“Pumpkin get up, you’re gonna catch a cold.” Satoru’s gentle embrace pulled you back together, your face burying onto his chest, sobbing uncontrollably, one of his hands rubbing your back with affection, feeling just as devastated as you were, the droid did become one of you, losing him would be like losing another friend.
“Father, do we have a way of charging him?”
“We do not, dear. They require very high end technology; we don’t have such a powerful source here…”
“But he…he’s going to die if we don’t do something!” you looked into Satoru’s beautiful eyes looking for an answer in them, like they were some sort of database. He just rested his forehead on yours, heaving a deep sigh and closing his eyes, “I don’t know how to help him, baby girl. I’m not some crazy scientist…” it broke his heart to pieces seeing you so desperate, he wished he could do something, not just for you but for his wired friend as well.
“There’s something you could do. It could save your friend, but it has only a 10% of a success rate according to the simulation I just ran.”
Your father intervened, it was a goal of his to bring Suguru back, he was a very important asset in the community and the one promised to his daughter for the continuation of the species, even if another strong candidate had comeback from the dark. “What is it? Give me the details.”
“If you replace the damaged part of his brain with mine, it would make him a cyborg but if programed successfully, it would save his life. His memories would also stay with him as that part of his brain still remains intact.”
“But that would wipe you out, R-chan…”
“Not entirely. He would have everything stored in my current database, though, he wouldn’t be able to use my search features, meaning he wouldn’t be able to learn anything new.” that didn’t sound like a bad deal, he was already a grown man, knew everything he needed to know by that age, plus would have a bunch of knowledge that could help your community to grow in the right direction. Suguru’s dream was to end the droid regime, that was entrusted by his parents and strengthened as time went by and the killings started. Having a droid within him didn’t sound like something he would like, but it could save him…
“Would he have your memories too then…?”
“(Y/N) there’s no time for sentimentalism. We must act now if we are to save any of them. Suguru’s blood pressure has been dropping at an alarming rate today and your friend here has less than half a day to make this work. If we are going to do it, we need to start right away.” This could get you to lose both of them at once, it was definitely not an ideal situation.
“Please don’t talk to her like that, doctor. I understand the circumstances, but your daughter is unwell right now…” Satoru gathered you in his arms, lifting you up gently and stopping in front of your friend. “I guess this is a goodbye, buddy. I really hope this works…” his words just made you cry even harder, not wanting to think of this as the last time you’d see each other.
“Just in case the 90% wins, I wanted to thank you both for letting me stay with you and share all your knowledge and love with me. I think I can understand better what love is thanks to you. I hope we get to see each other again soon.” without letting you answer, he started printing the information on how to preform such a difficult procedure for your father to begin to work, Satoru bringing you outside with him.
“It’s ok, love. Everything will be just fine…” he sat down outside the main doors to the operating room on the floor, bringing you to sit on his lap facing him. You stayed there for hours, falling asleep on his chest while the odds were at play.
No one was sure if the surgery actually worked.
Suguru’s vitals had been getting better, but he hasn’t regained consciousness. The remaining parts of the droid were stashed away safely in case they were needed at a later time.
Living without your friend around brought darkness back into your life, but also brought Satoru even closer. He would now stay in your room at night, your nightmares wouldn’t stop hunting you and having him by your side helped you calm down afterwards. It became a norm for you to be together, it became normal to use pet names between the two of you, it became a routine of some sorts to wake up in his arms, to have him pressed against your back every night, to feel safe and even happy in his presence.
Things had changed quite a lot around the compound, just as Suguru’s fingers started moving in a separate cold room in the medicine ward.
Masterlist Next Chapter
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
You know, I don't think they're going to add the Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom in the graphic novels.
I've been thinking about this on and off for a year now, and I think if they were ever planning on putting it into the books, they lost the opportunity by Petals to the Metal or Crystal Kingdom at the latest. It feels like they were trying to steer that way in Murder on the Rockport Limited because the boys actually did set foot in Fantasy Costco AND they did the Fantasy Gachopon (probably to try and set up the trick Taako played on Leon in the last Lunar Interlude before The Suffering Game), but iirc the sword wasn't there. Maybe they were originally planning on showing it in Petals to the Metal before they decided to do away with the Gachopon and the physical Fantasy Costco run because that's when it was actually submitted in the podcast, but because, I'm assuming, they couldn't find a concise narrative way to weave that into the story, they're probably not going to do an actual Costco run at all in the next books either, so the opportunity to trick Garfield into giving Taako the sword would be lost.
And even if they did have an opportunity to do a legit Costco run before Wonderland in the Suffering Game book, it wouldn't really make that much sense to do it there anymore. Because the whole reason why that moment and the sword itself was iconic wasn't just because of how OP the sword was, it was because they kept bringing it up every Costco run they did since it was introduced to the game and talking about how much they wanted it even though they knew there was no way they were going to be able to obtain it. Having them see the sword for the first time and having Taako immediately come up with a way to trick Garfield into handing it over and then ALSO keeping it for himself even though he has no use for it and Magnus, one of the two people who was the most vocal about wanting it from the beginning in the podcast, does, it would make it fall flat and be very anticlimactic. Because there's virtually no stakes in it.
And they could get away with not adding the sword in the books at all because in the grand scheme of things, it really... wasn't that important. There were only two times in the whole podcast where the sword actually made a difference, and only one of those times was thematically important. Like, using the sword to almost insta-kill Shadow John isn't that important because you can just exchange that for a few more rounds of regular ax slashing and magic attacks or just leaving that part of the fight cut short like he didn't have that much health or the magic attacks did more damage than they did in the podcast.
The one thematically important scene is when Taako leaves the gem with its name inscribed on it for Magnus to have it after he gets into his new body. And even then, it isn't the sword itself that's important (although seeing it in drawing of Magnus dramatically crushing the gem in his hand and then absolutely wrecking shit in the backroom of Fantasy Costco would be really fucking awesome), it's the fact that Taako gave it to him in the first place. The sword was a source of pride in his ability to be a cunning little shit and a great opportunist, and even though he claimed to not have trusted Magnus anymore after learning that Magnus was keeping some really important shit from him and Merle, he still trusted him enough and cared about him enough to let go of that bit of pride and give him a small piece of himself that he can use to protect himself and share another bond with him.
It was a really great and emotional moment that really played into his character arc, but it wouldn't hit as hard, if at all, if they depicted it in the books now because they already lost all that set up of why the sword was important to them in the first place. Without that background about how it was significant that Taako was the person to take it from Garfield and refuse to give it up after he did, the moment where he would eventually give it to Magnus becomes meaningless.
So yeah, they're probably cutting out the sword entirely and are going to find a different way to rework that scene, whether they decide to give Taako and Magnus that kind of moment or not, and honestly, while I am a bit bummed out about potentially not getting to see it, especially since the scene where Taako gets it and the scene where he leaves it for Magnus are two of my most favorite scenes in the entire podcast, it would feel a little cheap for them to try and put it in now, or rather, in the Suffering Game graphic novel and beyond
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bengiyo · 10 months
Theory of Love Rewatch Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we spent a great deal of time on the sides as Khai finally pushed Third too far. Khai learned that Third was in love with him, so he decided to drunkenly kiss Third while saying another girl's name, tell Third he didn't remember doing that, and then tell Third he was super serious about this woman. Third, having enough, joined a different group to work on a project and is distancing himself from Khai. Khai is sad about this and has gone to the beach to reflect on his feelings. Meanwhile, Bone and the professor know of their roles now, and she's asserted a professional boundary. Un and Two interacted but I don't care.
I think I like this senior. He let Khai be popular with a bunch of girls to see how shaken he was, and is connecting emotionally with Khai's dilemma.
Ep.07 Flipped
I do like that Khai is given interiority about his bisexual awakening, and he has to consider how his prior experience with women compares to any expectations he has of being with Third. I don't think Khai took his relationships with women very seriously from an emotional standpoint, so there's some layers to unpack here. He has much to lose with Third, and he's lost much already. He doesn't really get friends to lovers at this point because he damaged the friendship so much.
I like the choice to not give us Third's interior monologue for Khai attempting to make a move on him again. We've spent enough time with Third's confusion. I like him being a bit inaccessible to Khai now that we're following Khai.
I'm glad Bone is getting corrected quickly about this editing gig. I did not have interest in that being dragged out.
I'm kinda glad Third is auctioning off the films that sent him into his original spiral.
Oh, Khai, keeping the Flipped movie isn't going to fix this.
Yes, Two. I may not care about your romantic plotline, but you are correct to tell Khai to leave Third alone.
Can't you have another chance? TOO LATE, BITCH.
LOL, I love bros. You can't hang out with Third alone! Oh wait you'll do my work? Well I do like determination.
I'll give them the erection joke as Khai realizes that Third is beautiful.
Just Off characters and his little purses against the world.
I like Third being used to how horny Khai is that he doesn't even consider that he could be the source of it for once after three years.
I'm glad Two is being a hater and giving Khai shit. This is also bro behavior.
Khai's self awareness is still in development I see.
Gun really is just so gorgeous. Like goddamn.
Don't fold, Third. HOLD FAST!
Oh lord, I forgot Khai gets into a crash next episode.
I like how many people are rooting against Khai. It's what he deserves. I don't think people owe him seriousness when he's treated no one else seriously before this. I like watching him struggle to be taken seriously as he reckons with his own reputation, even if he still doesn't get it. It's funny how he thought he was making a point by deleting all those phone numbers when his lack of investment in any of them is the point. It's also interesting watching Third from the outside because he's actually rather aloof.
As always, this rewatch is sponsored by @lurkingshan with support from @waitmyturtles and @neuroticbookworm. Tagging @twig-tea by request.
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vermilionhealth · 1 year
5 Foods that Make You Happy!
Low mood and sad feelings are experiences that sadly, all too many of us are familiar with. But there is good news available.
While it can sometimes feel as though a low mood dominates your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, this does not have to be the case.
Small, subtle changes can make a significant difference, and this includes paying close attention to your diet.
Read more: Top 5 Ways to Add More Vegetables into Your Family’s Diet!
Making small changes to the things you eat can have a huge impact on your mood and emotions. In this guide we take a closer look at five foods you can enjoy to lift your spirits and boost your mood.
1. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate has been shown to improve mood in those who suffer from depression, and studies suggest that eating dark chocolate may also help reduce stress levels.
The flavonoids found in cocoa beans are thought to increase the level of serotonin (a brain chemical) in the body. This helps to regulate mood and makes you feel happier.
Keep a bar of dark chocolate in the fridge, and enjoy a square or two when the low moods hit.
2. Salmon
Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.
They are also rich in vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron, which are essential nutrients for healthy skin, hair, and nails.
Eating salmon regularly can help keep your immune system strong, and protect against heart disease and stroke.
Salmon is also an excellent source of protein, so if you’re feeling tired or run down, try adding some fish to your diet.
3. Blueberries
Blueberries contain anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that support mental health. Anthocyanins are believed to help fight free radicals, which are harmful compounds produced during normal metabolism, and this means that blueberries can help to prevent memory loss and dementia.
As an added bonus, blueberries are also a superfood!
4. Bananas
Bananas are packed full of potassium, which plays a key role in nerve function and muscle contraction.
Potassium deficiency is associated with anxiety and panic attacks, so eating bananas regularly can help to calm nerves and ease tension.
Bananas are also packed with vitamin B6, an important element in synthesizing feel-good neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, which help you to feel great.
5. Oats
Oats are another food that is great for fighting low mood, as they contain magnesium, which is vital for helping muscles relax and reducing stress.
Magnesium is also needed for energy production, so eating oats regularly can give you more stamina throughout the day.
If you want to add extra fiber to your breakfast, try making porridge from rolled oats, water, and milk. It takes just minutes to cook. This is easy to prepare ahead of time. You can even freeze it, then pop it straight into the microwave for a quick, warm bowl of goodness.
6. Berries
Berries are high in antioxidants, which are beneficial for maintaining eyesight, protecting cells from damage, and boosting immunity.
Antioxidants are also thought to play a part in preventing cancer, so berries are a fantastic way to maintain good health - including lifting your mood and combating high levels of stress.
Try mixing berries with bananas and yogurt for a tasty snack that is packed with goodness and nutrition.
Final Thoughts
Mood swings are common, and can be difficult to manage.
But the good news is that there are ways to manage them naturally. Try incorporating these foods into your daily diet to boost your mood and get back on track.
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William Afton’s backstory and motivation
(Part 2 coming soon)
William’s parents were James and Elizabeth Afton. James was a pilot in WW2. Obviously, the war did serious damage to his psyche. He saw a lot of death, lost friends, lost his leg, it was a bad time all around. When he came home, he was a shell of the man he once was. He barely spoke and would drown his demons in liquor. His mother Elizabeth wasn’t doing so well during all of this. She had been dealing with intense depressive episodes her entire life, and with the trauma of losing family and friends in the war, and now her husband shutting her out, she was in a really bad place. She did a good job hiding it from her son and putting on a happy mask, but it didn’t last. It was William that found her body. She had put a shotgun in her mouth. There was blood everywhere, mixed with bits of bone, brain matter, and brown curly hair. He was in complete shock, he couldn’t move. He stood there for two hours before his father came home and saw everything. A couple days passed as the police dealt with the situation and had everything cleaned, after which James packed a bag of William’s stuff and told him he was going to be staying with his aunt Margret in America for a few weeks. He never explained why, and as weeks turned into months, and months turned into years, William realized his father wasn’t coming back for him. Obviously all of this was a lot for a little kid to go through. William chose to deal with it by simply not dealing with it. Thinking about everything was painful. It was easier to just bury all his negative emotions down and pretend he was fine.
William was always very intelligent but not that great at school. He was smart, he just didn’t participate or do any work. Instead, he would spend his time in class doodling silly characters and cartoons. William always loved cartoons and comic strips, they were a source of comfort in terrible times. William was also incredibly good with machines. As a teenager, he dropped out of school and got a job as a mechanic, and in his spare time, he would read books on robotics and engineering. He would even build little robots of his own in his garage. It was just a hobby at the time, but it was something he was passionate about.
William wasn’t very good with people. He was very funny, charismatic, and animated, but his peers found him strange and creepy. He had a childish yet morbid sense of humor, and would casually bring up disturbing/depressing topics as if they were completely normal. It didn’t help that he had a habit of burying all his negative emotions until it all boiled over and exploded on people that really didn’t deserve it. He got into more than a few fights over meaningless shit. William knew he was different than the people around him, he couldn’t quite place why, he just knew that he was wrong in someway. He tried his best to adapt and fit in, reading a ton of books on social etiquette and how to make friends, but even if he did everything right people still picked him out as being weird. He was lonely, but rather than admit that, he just told himself he didn’t need friends. He was smarter than all these people anyway.
His only real Friend was Henry Emily. A business major and son of William’s boss, Richard Emily. Richard was a talkative old man, and had mentioned his son to William many times. He would talk about how smart and kind he was and how proud he was of him and it made William incredibly jealous. He disliked Henry before he even met him. William was sure this Henry guy would be some spoiled bratty prick, but when Henry actually showed up at the shop one day, William found out he was anything but. Henry was friendly, handsome, and charming. Everyone in the shop loved him, and he talked to all of them like they were family. This kinda just made William hate him more. William had to work so hard to get people to like him, and this guy could just do it effortlessly. Henry introduced himself to William and was promptly brushed off. But Henry was strangely persistent and kept trying to start conversations with William, which he wasn’t used to. Once Henry and William actually got to talking, William found he actually enjoyed talking to Henry, he had interesting stories about college and was surprisingly smart and funny, he was drawn to Henry in a way he had never experienced before, and it made him feel happy and warm. They became friends relatively quickly. William was worried he’d scare Henry away, like he had done in the past, but Henry seemed to genuinely like William, which was a surprise to everyone. Henry was very impressed by William’s art and even more so by his robot projects. Eventually, the two got an apartment together and spent many drunken nights improvising stupid songs in cartoony voices, William strumming a guitar and Henry singing into a beer bottle microphone. They got the idea to open “Fredbear’s Family Dinner” together while out at a county fair, when they saw a guy in a cheep pig costume trip over a child and just about died laughing. William built and designed the animatronics, and Henry handled all the business stuff. It was a passion project, and they were over the moon to see it come to fruition.
William and Henry were good friends, but their relationship wasn’t entirely healthy. Henry was the first person William connected with on an emotional level. They loved each other. And William became addicted to that love. Henry became his soul source of emotional fulfillment and he was terrified of loosing him. He would get jealous and bitter whenever Henry would hanging out with a new friend/girlfriend, even subtly trying to drive them away or sabotage the relationship. Henry knew that William loved him (probably more than most men love their platonic friends) and that William would get jealous over him, but he just chalked it up to William being lonely, and reminded oblivious to the true extent of the issue. William wouldn’t just get jealous over Henry though, he was also quite jealous of Henry. It didn’t go over William’s head that most people tended to defer to Henry when asking questions about their business, even if they were talking about his animatronics. It’s not that he wanted to talk to these people, he just hated being treated like he was less than Henry. He also hated that Henry didn’t seem to notice, or care. In reality, Henry was fine with taking all the questions because he knew William didn’t like talking to people, but in William’s insecure paranoid brain, he took it as Henry thinking he was better than him. William would have phases where he would convince himself that Henry secretly hated him and was just keeping him around because he felt bad, or just to laugh at him.
William got married mostly out of societal obligation. It’s not that he disliked his wife, Laura was friendly, pretty, submissive, everything a wife was supposed to be, it’s just that he never really wanted a wife. He had never connected with any woman he had tried to date, and realized pretty quick he had to sorta “fake it till you make it” when it came to romantic/sexual relationships with women. The idea of having to “fake it” for years wasn’t very appealing, but he recognized it was something he had to do to fit in amongst his peers. Laura started out as a waitress at the diner when it first opened, after a few weeks of observing her he decided she would be a good fit for the role. He would play the role of the loving bread winning husband, doing everything a husband is supposed to do to keep up the image, but emotionally he just wasn’t in it. This sucked for Laura of course, who felt emotionally neglected in their marriage. She thought that having children would bring them closer, and while it briefly succeeded in getting her more attention, things always went back to normal soon after.
While William wasn’t thrilled about getting married, he was happy about having kids. He viewed it as having the chance to give his kid the happy childhood he never had. William’s first child was Michael James Afton. It was a massive struggle at first, William liked kids but he couldn’t stand babies, but as Mike started getting older they actually got along pretty well. William always got along with children, they were less snobby and judgmental than adults, and they weren’t weirded out by his theatrical eccentric demeanor. William and Mike had a lot in common, they both loved sweets, they loved pranking Laura, and Mike loved the diner and William’s animatronics. Bummer was, as Fredbear’s got more popular, William became much busier, and he started spending less time at home. Mike didn’t handle this well and started acting out more and more at school and at home to get more attention. William was frustrated with his increasing workload and didn’t have the patience to be always dealing with the aftermath of his son’s latest scheme. Also, Mike’s embarrassing misbehavior was damaging the public persona William had worked so hard to build and maintain. People were judging him and he couldn’t stand it. He became a little too harsh with his punishments and rules as a result. Laura tried explaining that Mike probably just wanted attention, but William didn’t get it. Mike had rich parents, all the toys he could ever want, a group of friends, he had so much more than William had as a child so what was the problem?
Things got even worse for Mike when his little brother, Evan Joseph Afton was born. Laura stood up to William and demanded he be home more because she was not going to be raising two kids by herself. William offered to pay a nanny to help her out so he wouldn’t miss any work and she threw a frying pan at him, so he agreed to be around more, rather than go through the public humiliation of a divorce. Evan was a fussy baby, which was very annoying, but as he got older he mellowed out. He was still emotional, but also shy and quiet. He didn’t cause trouble, all he wanted to do was color and organize his toys. William liked Evan, he was sweet and so very innocent. Sure, it was a bit irritating how clingy he could be, but William reveled in having someone love him so deeply. He reminded William a lot of his mother. So soft and comforting. Mike hated Evan. The little brat was boring and a crybaby, so why did their dad like him more? What was so much better about him? Mike was dealing with a lot of teenage frustration and anger and he took it out on his little brother by bullying him relentlessly. It started small, stuff their parents laughed off as boys being boys, but it just kept getting worse and worse. Of course, their parents had jobs to get to, so they couldn’t always be there to stop it, but William did install security cameras after Mike “accidentally” pushed Evan down the stairs.
Evan’s death was horrific. His head was slowly crushed like a watermelon under a hydronic press. William was outside smoking with Henry when if happened, they ran inside when they heard Laura scream, just in time to see Evan’s limp body slide out of the animatronic’s mouth into a puddle of blood. Michael was ghostly pale as William screamed in his face, “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!? WHAT DID YOU DO!?” He threw Michael to the side and knelt to examine Even’s body. He was nearly headless, and very much dead. Blood continued to drip from Fredbear’s mouth, along with chunks of bone, brain matter, and brown curly hair. William raked his bloody trembling fingers through his hair. He was aware of the chaos going on around him, Laura pointlessly begging for someone to call an ambulance, parents ushering their crying kids outside, but it all felt so distant, like he was hearing them from underwater. Once he finally managed to tear his eyes away from the body, they landed on Mike, standing there with this stupid shocked expression on his face. William couldn’t help it, he pointed and laughed. He slowly approached Mike, laughing as Evan’s blood dripped from his face and hands, “are you happy now? ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY NOW!?” William swung at Mike, cracking him across the face. Henry grabbed William from behind and began to pull him away, as he continued yelling.
William was losing it. He wasn’t a stranger to drinking or drug use, but it got worse after Evan’s death. His son was dead, and the passion project he built with his best friend was being shut down. Yeah, they had the Freddy Fazzbear locations, but Fredbear’s was different. It was something personal to Henry and him and now it was gone. He rarely even showed up to work anymore, he would always either be locked in his office or at Henry’s house. He could hardly look at Mike anymore, and god forbid one of his little goons showed up. He was in a bad place, and the hallucinations weren’t helping. After Evan’s death, William started seeing things. It started as just glimpses out of the corner of his eye, but they became more severe as time went on. Most often, he saw Fredbear, broken down and bloody. Usually he would be laying in a heap against the wall, other times he was more aggressive. The image wasn’t the thing that scared him though, it was the voice. It was little Evan’s voice, calling out, “It’s me!” “save me!” It was driving William mad, the thought of sweet Evan’s spirit being trapped all alone in a cold robot body. Fredbear wasn’t the only thing he’d see though, he’d see Mike, bloody and rotting with his intestines spilling out from his gut. William believed he knew what Evan was trying to tell him, but he didn’t know if he could go through with it. From there, the hallucinations just kept getting more disturbing and violent.
Michael was miserable. His brother was dead, his parents could barely look at him, his friend group was scattered, and the worst thing was he couldn’t even be mad about it because it was his fault. Things around the house were tense, to say the least. There was this creeping feeling of dread hanging in the air that got stronger as the days passed. One night, Michael was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when he heard his bedroom door creak open. He laid still, pretending to be asleep as footsteps approached him from across the room. He felt a presence standing over him, staring at him. His eyes were closed but he could feel someone watching him, and he was overcome with fear. He tried to calm himself, thinking it was probably just his mom coming in to check on him, but he knew it wasn’t his mom, the weight of the stare was too cold and hateful. The figure stood over him for what felt like hours as he lay frozen, more sure by the second that whoever was behind him was about to kill him. Finally, he heard quick footsteps exiting the room and the door closing behind them. Michael had been intimidated by his father before, but now he was terrified of him.
William’s relationship with Henry was on the rocks. William was borderline unrecognizable after Even’s death. He went from clingy to a full on stalker. Henry had noticed William’s declining mental health before, and he tried his best to be there for his friend, but his behavior was becoming more and more unpredictable and aggressive. It was starting to freak him out, as well as his young daughter Charlie. The final straw for Henry was when he was at William’s house and witnessed him having a violent meltdown where he blew up at Michael over seemingly nothing and yelled that he wanted him dead while swinging a kitchen knife around like a mad man. Henry managed to get the knife from him and calm him down, but he was horrified by the encounter. The next time William came over to his house, Henry refused to let him in. He let him know, in no uncertain terms, that their friendship/partnership was over. It hurt him to do, but he knew it was what had to be done. He loved William, but he was dangerous, and he had to do what was necessary to protect himself and his daughter. William freaked the fuck out. He was panicking, banging on the door begging Henry to let him in. He switched rapidly between sobbing and begging for forgiveness, and furiously yelling obscenities and threats, throwing potted plants and garden gnomes at the door in anger. William felt betrayed and abandoned. He believed that since he was in pain, he was automatically entitled to his friend’s sympathy and comfort, and he was furious that that wasn’t the case.
William went on a bender that night, aimlessly driving drunk through the heavy rain. The entire time he could hear bitter whispers in the back of his head, “he left you,” “he never loved you,” “you could never be good enough for him.” William couldn’t tell you why, but he ended up at “Freddy Fazzbear’s Pizza.” He didn’t plan it. He didn’t know that Charlie was there. He didn’t know that Charlie had gotten locked outside. It was a spur of the moment thing. Charlie recognized his car and turned to look at him as he stepped out. She could smell the alcohol through the rain, his hair was unruly and his eyes were red and glossed over, almost lifeless. He offered to give her a ride home, hoping Henry would let him in if he had Charlie. When Charlie refused, he got angry. He aggressively asked why she didn’t trust him, why she hated him, how she could be so ungrateful after everything he’s done for her. She became frightened as he began hobbling towards her, struggling to walk upright and using his car for support. She tried to back away, tried to turn and run when he reached for her, but he was too fast. He lunged forward, grabbed her by the throat, and squeezed until her body went limp. It took him a minute to process what he had just done. He looked down at her body, her face was blue and streaked with tears. On the floor next to her was her stuffed bear, Lefty. William had made that for her for her when she was a baby, and she carried it with her everywhere she went for years. The stitches were coming loose and one of the eyes was missing, it was falling apart, but it was well loved. His breath became ragged. He looked down at his hands, covered in small red scratch marks from Charlie’s nails. She always was a little fighter. “What have I done?”
Charlie’s body was found a little over an hour later. Henry felt the world cave in around him. He knew William had done it. The man who had been his best friend for years, someone he trusted, someone he loved, had just murdered his little girl. He strangled her and left her body out in the cold rain with the trash and rats. He was seeing red as he drove to William’s house in the early hours of the morning. He was pounding on the door demanding to be let in. When Laura opened it he stormed past her, breaking through the chain lock, and slamming her into a wall. He went on a rampage through the house, practically tearing up the floor boards looking for William. When it became obvious that he wasn’t there, Henry broke down crying, apologizing to Laura and Michael, who looked on terrified. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
William drove for hours before stopping at a seedy motel. He couldn’t stop looking at his hands. He was a monster, he had murdered a little girl, a little girl he’d known for her entire life, how could he do that? Was he that sick and twisted? He had had violent fantasies in the past, whenever people would insult him or aggravate him, but he never acted on them, because he knew it was wrong. He knew there was something vile inside him, and he had tried so hard for so many years to control it, but he failed, and there was no coming back from it. He had murdered his best friend’s daughter. “Well, he’s not your best friend anymore,” he reminded himself. “And now you’ll never get him back.”William sat on the motel bed, “guess he was right about you huh? You’re too broken to be saved.” God, he needed a drink, a cigarette, anything to make his brain shut up. “Why should you even care? Why care about his pain? He knew you were grieving and he abandoned you. He didn’t care about your pain, but he’ll understand it now. You evened the playing field. It’s only fare.” He had a point. Why should he care? Why should he care about Henry, or Charlie, or anyone? Everyone judged him and hated him his entire life. They would pretend to be nice and understanding, but it was all bullshit. When Evan died, people would come to him pretending to be so kind and sorry for his loss, but those same people would turn around and blame him, for building such a dangerous animatronic, or for raising Mike wrong, they were all lying two-faced snakes. They didn’t understand his pain, but they deserved to. Why should he be the only one that had to suffer? Why should he live this miserable life, full of pain and abandonment, while all these other assholes got to parade around with their stupid happy lives and stupid happy families? William thought of his son, Evan, trapped all alone in a decrepit robot suit. How was that fair? Why did it have to be him, and not some other kid? The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He thought about how good it would feel to wipe the stupid smug smiles off their faces. Fuck, he’d stuff Mrs. Redmen’s brat son into an animatronic himself, just to see her ugly priss face go pale. Imagining it made him laugh. He knew it was awful, but who the hell cares? He's already going to Hell. “And wouldn't it be nice for little Evan to have some friends?” He laid in bed for hours, imagining the satisfaction that would come with inflicting his pain on the families of his pathetic town. “Why imagine? You just killed a little girl, you’ve got nothing left to lose?”
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alexawesomeblog · 3 months
Things To Consider When Buying Commercial Property
If you have been checking out the real estate market lately you would have noticed that there are two types of properties available; residential property, such as houses and waterfront lands, and commercial property, such as agriculture land for sale or even coconut land for sale in Sri Lanka. So, what is commercial real estate and, as land buyers in Sri Lanka, what should you consider when buying it?
What is commercial property?
Commercial property is any kind of real estate that is used for business purposes, and can be buildings where there are offices or shops, manufacturing plants or factories, agricultural land, farm land, or even apartment buildings, hotels or other rental properties.
There are many benefits to investing in commercial property, which is why many people are doing it, as it provides a long-term investment opportunity that can yield in high returns. Here are a few benefits of investing in this type of real estate:
Has the potential to become a source of income: There is a huge earning potential with these types of properties, both by way of renting it out to others and selling it outright when land values are at a peak.
Builds professional relationships: Individuals who operate commercial properties are able to build relationships with other businesses and business owners.
Maintenance: If your property is rented by a retail company then they will more than likely ensure that it is in a well-maintained condition since they would not want to deter their customers with badly maintained premises.
Price evaluation: It is far easier to evaluate the value and price of these types of properties than other types, since there is no emotional element to it.
Flexible: Depending on the type of property you own; you have the flexibility to rent it out to any type of business you wish.
While there are so many benefits of owning commercial real estate, there are a few drawbacks as well.
Time commitment is more: As a landlord you need to be available to sort out any issues for all your tenants, and if you have many within your building, then it can tale a lot of your time, unlike residential real estate where there is only one tenant.
Costly maintenance: Maintaining the commercial building or other property to keep it in good condition can be quite expensive. In addition, you won’t be able to do it yourself; you will need to hire professional for it, which also can mean added costs for you.
Huge investment: These types of real estate is far more costly than residential types, and the initial investment you make can be huge. If you are taking out a mortgage, you may have to pay very high monthly instalments, and hence you should consider your finances prior to making a decision to buy.
Greater risk: These types of properties will have many people visiting it on a daily basis, which puts you, as the property owner at great risk. If someone is hurt or injured on your property and it is found that you or your employees have been negligent in some way in maintaining it and caused the accident, you could be held liable to pay damages and compensation to the injured party.
Irrespective of these disadvantages, many people are investing in commercial real estate, as a means of having an additional source of income. While the risks and investment can be high, they do have the potential of yielding a very high return for the owner.
What to consider when buying commercial real estate
Before you make a decision on whether to invest in a property of this nature, there are a few considerations you should make, such as:
Find a good real estate company: A real estate company deals with many different types of properties and will be able to help you locate your ideal one easily and quickly, as opposed to you trying to do it all by yourself.
Location: As with residential land, the location of a business property is very important It is vital that it is located within the commercial district of the town, and if it is a building, that you have excellent road frontages. If the location is not good then you will not likely have any tenants, and the money you invested in it will be a waste.
Classification: Commercial properties have different types of classifications, which apply to different businesses that it can be used for. Hence it is vital that you check these before investing your hard-earned money.
Condition: As with any residential real estate, it is vital that you get the property checked for any problems or issues prior to making a decision. This will help save you from a lot of problems and expenses down the road, especially since these types of properties have specific regulations regarding upkeep and maintenance.
Financing: Check out your financing options before you make a decision to buy, because it will save you a lot of time and headaches in the end.
Deposit: One you have selected a property, there is no doubt that the seller will request you to pay a deposit to hold it for you until the documentation is sorted. While some sellers may ask for reasonable amounts, other may not, hence you should check this aspect with the seller before you give your word regarding the purchase, so that you won’t have any unpleasant surprises later on.
Check on refurbishment costs: If the property you are buying needs to be worked on to ensure that it is up to your style and standard, then you should consider the cost of these as well.
Ensure you have a good lawyer: An experienced lawyer who deals in real estate matters is essential, because you will need to get documentation checked and sorted prior to the sale going through.
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adamwatchesmovies · 6 months
The Karate Kid (2010)
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Remakes of good movies are stuck in an impossible place. You can’t make them the same as the movie that inspired them because then, what’s the point? You also can’t deviate too much from the source material because then audiences will be disappointed. Ideally, you’d update movies that squandered their potential or no longer hold up, but that doesn't happen. This brings us to the 2010 version of The Karate Kid. If this was a standalone movie, it wouldn’t be so bad. Jaden Smith is a compelling lead and he has great chemistry with Jackie Chan. The problem is that it is not a standalone movie and since it is nowhere near as good as the 1984 film, it struggles to validate its existence.
12-year-old Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) and his widowed mother (Taraji P. Henson) have just moved from Detroit to China. Bad enough that he doesn’t speak any Mandarin but Dre is also bullied relentlessly by a 14-year-old named Cheng (Zhenwei Wang) and his gang. Under the training of the most unlikely of teachers - the apartment building’s maintenance man, Mr. Han (Jackie Chan) - Dre learns to defend himself.
I’ll begin with the things this picture does well. This Karate Kid was partially green-lit as a vehicle for Jaden Smith and he shows a lot of promise. He handles the stunts and the many dramatic scenes well. He’s got presence and personality. The film gives you ample reason to sympathize with him but it still wouldn’t have been effective if he wasn’t able to deliver his lines convincingly. I also want to call out the fight choreography, with one featuring Chan confronting Cheng’s gang without actually laying a hand on them being one of the highlights. This film is based on a strong foundation with heroes you love to cheer for and some big emotional payoffs. It’s easy to watch and doesn’t feel excessively long despite the 2-hour, 20-minute running time.
The fact that it is mostly good is what makes its flaws that much more frustrating. The picture may not feel long but it's still longer than the original (which clocked in at two hours and seven minutes) and somehow, the characters feel less developed. Part of the reason is the age difference. All of the characters in the '84 story were at least 17. The kids in this movie? They’re kids. Dre isn’t even a teenager and he’s having this budding romance with a girl in his class, Meiying (Wenwen Han). Where is that supposed to go? Precisely nowhere, you know that. Similarly, those bullies Dre is always running away from might be intimidating to him, but they’re small children. Even Dre’s mom could pick them up from the scruff of their neck and toss them around. They're non-threats even if you don’t compare them to the members of Cobra Kai, which were essentially grown men who could do real damage and felt dangerous, particularly against Pat Morita, who looked like a gentle grandfather - unlike Chan, who looks damn spry.
Gone is most of the humor. Miyagi - sorry, Han - is now an entirely serious, occasionally tragic character. You still believe Dre and Mr. Han as friends, but it just isn’t the same and the amount of time they spend together, combined with the violence Dre suffers at the hands of the bullies makes his mother seem irresponsible. I know circumstances were tough but she dragged her son to a country whose language he doesn’t speak and didn’t even prepare him for basic things like how to dress on his first day of class.
The problems go on from there, right up to the conclusion. Cheng is the pupil of Mr. Han’s rival, a brutal teacher named Master Li (Yu Rongguang). This man has hundreds of students, all of whom we must assume are as cruel as Cheng and his cronies. Even if Dre wins the big tournament at the end of the movie, it isn’t going to mean anything.
You may disagree with all of these criticisms but here's something undeniable: this is a remake of The Karate Kid that features no karate. They could’ve called it ANYTHING else but they didn’t call it “The Kung Fu Kid”; they called it The Karate Kid. All so Jaden Smith could have a spotlight on him, and so we could get some not-so-subtle glamour shots of what China has to offer to Western visitors. Apparently, the Great Wall is the place to go if you want a training montage. This film certainly wasn’t for Chinese audiences, who must've looked at the trailers and thought “Why are we supposed to cheer for some outsider coming to our country?” I won’t call 2010's The Karate Kid a bad movie, but it’s so unnecessary I could never recommend it to anyone. (American Cut, March 11, 2022)
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
Andrew Haigh’s new film All of Us Strangers may well be this British director’s most personal and accomplished film so far. Based on a Japanese novel The Discarnates by Taichi Yamada (1934-2023) which has been filmed in 1988 by Nobuhiko Obayashi (1938 -2020) the adaptations reveal how a remarkable literary source material can provide two fertile parallel viewpoints.
The Haigh adaptation is focused on Adam, a script writer, played by Andrew Scott, suffering from not only writers’ block but the crushing weight of a lonely unhappy life as a gay man. What has caused this is gradually revealed through subconscious thoughts about the loss of his parents. These are sublimely visualised by Haigh as Adam tentatively embarks on what is his first adult real-life relationship with Harry, another lonely gay man.
Haigh reveals care and sensitivity with actors, bringing out the best in Paul Mescal (as Harry) and Jaime Bell and Claire Foy (as parents) while the core of the film rests on a remarkable central performance by Andrew Scott. He plays a loner and is in tune with Haigh’s theatrical sense of interior mise en scene that sensitively uses framing of space to capture Adam’s viewpoint. Credit here is due to the tight flawless framing of Jaimie Ramsay’s beautifully lit and textured camerawork along with the original linked-in music and sound of Emilie Levenaise-Farrouch.
Davis and Mescal are completely at ease with each other and this is deeply felt in a sequence where the two men stroke each other’s naked thigh and knees which is erotic without being any more explicit. Likewise, the way Haigh surrounds and closely follows Davis during an eventful night in a night club, as his head swims to the sound of The Power of Love by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, reveals a filmmaker drawing from personal experience. The handling of a mother’s suppressed homophobia and the hint of gay cruising when first encountering his father are remarkable scenes capturing nuanced undercurrents. There is only one bedtime sequence involving the parents and son that feels uneasy.
Profound connections involving the providence of love and the need for redemption are at the heart of the film, separating time zones with the idea that there is a time to love, but also a time to die. The Obayashi drama has sensitive family relationship sequences involving a man and his deceased parents and a moody relationship with a female neighbour, although the film changes course by introducing a supernatural element involving zombie horrors feeding off a life force. This is finely tuned into Japanese culture and might explain why Obayashi’s version of The Discarnates is less well known in the west. The Haigh adaptation is more romantic and there is an uncanny feeling of spirituality also found in the work of Frank Borzage, another great romantic. Haigh appears to reflect that for his two damaged men it is only through love and adversity that souls are made great
All of Us Strangers builds on Haigh’s previous films Greek Pete, Lean on Pete, Looking, 45 Years and The North Water with a similar feeling for the interior spaces of homes, rooms, a ranch and the confined space of a boat stranded in ice. London at night in All of Us Strangers feels both alienating and melancholy, with the magical lights of cranes and high-rise buildings on the horizon becoming confined and darkened spaces for Haigh’s s lost souls. The daytime scenes when Adam wanders through the suburbia of his youth in search of his deceased parents have different film grain and light aiding the director’s ability to use space to explore complex emotional relationships.
The film’s final sequence brings to a full circle how ownership of our past can be grasped, although this ethereal finale has drawn criticism and may well be divisive. The audaciousness of both the finale and the fluid anti-realist thread flowing through the film suggests a gentle reminder of the daring of Powell and Pressburger as there are Matters Of Life and Death to be discovered at the heart of All of Us Strangers.
This is a triumphantly beautiful film that after more than one viewing suggests British film culture may have the heir apparent to the late great lamented Terence Davies. Haigh has the earlier filmmaker’s interest and ability with providing literary adaptations and resonance drawn from personal experience. We may well be witnessing a new chapter in the growth of gay related British cinema to be rightly proud of.'
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tridentchiro · 1 year
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One of the primary ways we help treat fatigue is through our IV Hydration Therapy services.
IV Therapy allows us to feed your body with high volumes of key nutrients that your body needs to heal and restore muscles and tissues. With IV Therapy, we can bypass the guy and get more nutrients to directly to your body.
Our IV drips are specially designed to help give your body the boost it needs to feel great again.
Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are thought to include:
fatigue, particularly upon waking, with intermittent “crashes” throughout the day
poor stress response and mood regulation
cognitive issues or “brain fog”
increased energy levels in the evenings 
cravings for salty and sweet foods 
unexplained body aches
overuse of caffeine and other stimulants 
a compromised immune system
low blood pressure
loss of body hair
Less common symptoms are could include:
frequent urination
loss of muscle tone
poor circulation
weight gain 
decreased libido
There are four primary triggers for HPA-D:
Perceived stress: Emotional and psychological stress.
Glycemic dysregulation: High and low blood sugar, or alternating between the two.
Circadian disruption: Sleep deprivation, too much light exposure at night, not enough exposure to daylight, shift work, and frequent travel between time zones.
Inflammatory signaling: Inflammation caused by poor diet, physical inactivity or overtraining, gut dysfunction (SIBO, dysbiosis, gut infections, leaky gut, etc.), autoimmune disease, and many other modern sources of inflammation.
Some important things to note about adrenal fatigue:
Adrenal fatigue is not recognized the medical literature. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s a myth. In our experiences, adrenal fatigue is definitely a real thing. Here’s data to back that up: Fatigue makes up more than 20% of all guest contacts in primary care or 18 million visits in the US. 75-90% of primary care visits have been reported to be stress related. Conventional medicine is often at a loss of how to care for these guests.
While the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue is not accepted by most doctors, adrenal insufficiency is a real medical condition that occurs when our adrenal glands cannot produce enough hormones. Adrenal insufficiency is caused by damage to the adrenal glands or a problem with the pituitary gland—a pea-sized gland in the brain that tells the adrenals to produce cortisol.
A person with adrenal insufficiency may be dehydrated, confused, or losing weight. He or she may feel weak, tired, or dizzy, and have low blood pressure. Other symptoms include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Adrenal insufficiency is diagnosed through blood tests, and can be treated with medications that replace the hormones the adrenals would normally make.
When your hormones are balanced correctly, you can see great benefits to your overall wellbeing:
More energy – less feelings of being tired all the time
Easier to get up the morning
Feeling more rested after sleeping
Less cravings of sugar
Less reliance on stimulants like coffee or energy drinks
Increased sex drive
Healthier thyroid
And more
Our chiropractor team here at Trident Health and Chiropractic is well equipped to help you identify if you’re experiencing Adrenal Fatigue and ready to help build a customized care plan to stabilize and balance your hormones again. Book your appointment today to speak with our doctors and how we can get you to optimal health.
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hudsonspinalchiro · 1 year
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Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are thought to include:
fatigue, particularly upon waking, with intermittent “crashes” throughout the day
poor stress response and mood regulation
cognitive issues or “brain fog”
increased energy levels in the evenings 
cravings for salty and sweet foods 
unexplained body aches
overuse of caffeine and other stimulants 
a compromised immune system
low blood pressure
loss of body hair
Less common symptoms are could include:
frequent urination
loss of muscle tone
poor circulation
weight gain 
decreased libido
There are four primary triggers for HPA-D:
Perceived stress: Emotional and psychological stress.
Glycemic dysregulation: High and low blood sugar, or alternating between the two.
Circadian disruption: Sleep deprivation, too much light exposure at night, not enough exposure to daylight, shift work, and frequent travel between time zones.
Inflammatory signaling: Inflammation caused by poor diet, physical inactivity or overtraining, gut dysfunction (SIBO, dysbiosis, gut infections, leaky gut, etc.), autoimmune disease, and many other modern sources of inflammation.
Some important things to note about adrenal fatigue:
Adrenal fatigue is not recognized the medical literature. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s a myth. In our experiences, adrenal fatigue is definitely a real thing. Here’s data to back that up: Fatigue makes up more than 20% of all guest contacts in primary care or 18 million visits in the US. 75-90% of primary care visits have been reported to be stress related. Conventional medicine is often at a loss of how to care for these guests.
While the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue is not accepted by most doctors, adrenal insufficiency is a real medical condition that occurs when our adrenal glands cannot produce enough hormones. Adrenal insufficiency is caused by damage to the adrenal glands or a problem with the pituitary gland—a pea-sized gland in the brain that tells the adrenals to produce cortisol.
A person with adrenal insufficiency may be dehydrated, confused, or losing weight. He or she may feel weak, tired, or dizzy, and have low blood pressure. Other symptoms include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Adrenal insufficiency is diagnosed through blood tests, and can be treated with medications that replace the hormones the adrenals would normally make.
When your hormones are balanced correctly, you can see great benefits to your overall wellbeing:
More energy – less feelings of being tired all the time
Easier to get up the morning
Feeling more rested after sleeping
Less cravings of sugar
Less reliance on stimulants like coffee or energy drinks
Increased sex drive
Healthier thyroid
And more
Our chiropractic team here at Hudson Spinal Health & Wellness is well equipped to help you identify if you’re experiencing Adrenal Fatigue and ready to help build a customized care plan to stabilize and balance your hormones again. Book your appointment today to speak with our doctors and how we can get you to optimal health.
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awonderlandsystem · 2 years
Morning Baked Thought Trains 🚂💨
Time moves fast when I'm not thinking about it. Then again I've been avoiding a lot of thinking. I think the reason I'm here this morning instead of the others is because they worked so hard the last few days under some really rough circumstances. I think R knows the end is coming, though I mean it really did a long time ago and we've just been going through the motions. If even that. Two more birthdays for the kids and then Easter and we're leaving. I don't want to tell him because I think he's any kind of good person anymore. I just, I don't know, don't want to pull the rug out from under him. Though he deserves it. He really does. As I'm typing this he's downstairs chewing me out over text.
We just spent two days without power and it was miserable. The first day he slept through most of it, which was great but sucked because it left Halo and Eva trying to take care of the kids. Everyone was doing everything we could to stay positive, come up with helpful ideas and keep the front calm. The second day he woke Eva up with SA threats. Kind of knew then that if the power was off still he was going to laser focus in on us. And he did. One thing Eva and I both really really hate is when he makes sexual comments about us in front of the kids. He claims they don't know what he means, they might not because most of what he says is really dumb and juvenile. That was all day.
The first day with no power he refused to let us leave to get food, charge phones, anything. He teased saying if we all got dressed he'd take us out, but then he didn't. Finally he went out and picked up frozen pizzas to cook and some fruit roll ups. Are you kidding me?! The second day he kept insisting we go out. Get our hair done, nails, shopping, whatever we wanted. The storm was over but most places were without power still and Eva was super worried about leaving the kids with him. But she really wanted to charge our phone and get supplies. As soon as we could get Zoe far enough away from the front for Eva to be able to drive we left. Went to the highschool to warm up and charge. I told Eva we should eat something but she said there were more important things. We went to the grocery store and Eva picked up flashlights, hand warmers, and lots of food. The flashlights were a great idea. I don't like the dark. And we'd went through a lot of candles already. The first night Halo and Eva stayed up most of the night keeping the kids covered and warm. Those two can stay up easier then me and Ikelos. We zonk out quick! We did lotsa writing too. Bare bones stuff cause it was dark. A Luna investigation story. A Trixie story. An Eva spicy story. Rawr. Now that there's power I can start typing them up! It was so dark because R doesn't like natural light. All of our windows have a different kind of blackout stuff over it. I couldn't even draw there was so little light. A crack that came through the living room that we all tried to stay in.
Definitely so thankful to have electricity again. It wasn't all bad. There was some great Mom moments from us. I think we did pretty good. We told scary stories by candlelight. We told them Bloody Fingers! The scariest story I could remember. Then some improv Goosebumps ones. The kids really like it when I use their names for the characters. Course Asshat wasn't around. He's never around for the good family memory moments. Prolly cause he's the source of so many bad ones. He screamed FU at the youngest. I thought Eva would fruit out but she just glared at him. Eva was a rockstar. I keep saying she's a superhero.
We taught the kids how to play Hangman. They thought that game was hilarious. Cept Eva kept asking if it was an appropriate game for kids. Without Alexa we couldn't look up an alternative so we started drawing smiley faces on Fred. Mhm we named our hanging man. Best on was when we told the middle kid a hint, "it's your favorite catchphrases" and he yelled out "EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!" I think that was the only one they figured out. Keeping three kids entertained in the dark was super hard, but I think we did alright.
Can't even finish my thoughts without more bombarding from R. Asshat. How do you explain to grown man how a relationship works? How sexual attraction works? Someone who keeps telling me how I need hypnosis to function. You say "eat a dick". Someone who keeps telling me "things were so much better when you did hypnosis." You say "eat a dick." He doesn't care who's out. I mean, no, we don't tell him. And by default survival purposes we don't make it obvious either. I don't know. I even tried to relent a little and talk about us but he didn't care. You said too much and Reya shut you down. I did. I didn't mean to. He just, he doesn't understand that he can't treat us all the same and expect a connection. He insults Halo and plays it off as humor. He says terrible things about Eva. He keeps looking for S but she's hiding and we're not letting him have her cause we're pretty sure she's an abuser sympathetic. I don't remember the DID term. We thought it was me that had the give up and give in feelings but that's not what I'm feeling at all and it took some time away from the front to figure that out. I don't feel bad for R, for leaving. I feel bad that it's going to hurt him and I don't like to hurt people. Even ones who have it coming. I really am not looking forward to facing the weekend with him. Power on or not. That's okay, we have lotsa writing to do and magical worlds to create and explore.
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