#emp: crown
chizu117 · 7 months
I can't believe that there's even an option to tell Raphael that you're in love with the Emperor. Like why the Fuck would you tell him that?????? He already thinks that you're stupid now you're just pissing him off!!!!!!!!!
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unreadpoppy · 9 months
guess who signed Raphael's deal
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jeeaark · 6 months
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final showdown pt2.
This was one of those battles where I survived it without a single reload. So. This entire scene? Accurate. Embarrassingly Accurate. (except the healy dealy. that's Greygold flair)
Wanted to get to the crown as fast as possible, but had to fly by Emps. Literally stopped next to bud to personally yell/reassure the fool I was gonna save their ass and then risked the opportunity attack.
(which. I forgot to bring my dex 18 gloves and discovered illithidism had shit dex, so....IS FINE. GG IS ALL FOR STARTING A NEW COLLECTION OF FRIENDSHIP SCARS)
BUT SQUID BUDDY MISSED. so. I like to think Enthralled Emps had put some effort into jumping through some rather large logic hoops to miss. Unlike Greygold who put JACK effort into dodging.
I originally intended to leave Emps completely alone, risk the attacks. But. Brain tentacle surprise happened. Right next to the squid. Emps rolled high in initiative.... But not as high as Lae'zel. Game-wise, ✨I panicked✨. Story-wise? I don't think this could have been any more in-character. Albeit, I found myself quadruple checking to make sure knockout mode was ABSOLUTELY on
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turbulenthandholding · 2 months
Richie as Director Avatar and Taylor Swift
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I was talking with @thoughtfulchaos773 earlier today and something occurred to me about Richie singing Love Story in Forks. There has been a lot of really wonderful meta lately touching on Richie's role in the show. There's @currymanganese's excellent point that Richie is Storer's avatar as well as all of @thoughtfulchaos773's posts about Filmmaking and Season 3/Richie as Director (Part 1 / Part 2).
Anyway, previously I hadn't thought much about Love Story being the Taylor Swift song that they had Richie sing. It's well known, it's a song that would make sense that his young daughter would gravitate towards and would have exposed him to. There's a purity and joy to it that fits with the earnestness he gains in his journey throughout the action of Forks. However, with the context of all of the other great meta out there, it occurred to me that if we think of Richie as Director and Observer of Carmy's Love Life (as thoughtfulchaos773 called him in Filmmaking Meta Part 1), the choice of Love Story as the song is a LOT more significant. Richie is telling viewers what the story of The Bear is...it's a love story. And it's a love story with Sydney as opposed to the horror/haunting story that's being laid out with Claire (here and here and probably others I'm not finding right now).
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I've also been trying to make sense of the use of Long Live, which plays in the background of the conversation that Richie has with Frank in Violet. I was expecting to get another Taylor Swift song in Season 3, but all of the guesses I had made were more directly tied to Richie's plot and story (This is Me Trying was my main prediction). So I was very surprised that the song they picked was Long Live. But in considering Richie as Director Surrogate, this choice starts to make a lot of sense.
I don't think the choice of song is trying to say anything about Richie and Tiff's relationship, or Richie getting over her, or his maturity in handling the conversation with Frank. Long Live is a song that Taylor Swift wrote for her band, in celebration of her first headlining tour (for Fearless). In our chat, @thoughtfulchaos773 suggested that Long Live is a reference to Richie's looking back and reflecting at The Beef (and contrasting the experience of working at The Beef with the experience of working at The Bear) and hoping that sense of comradery and joy is able to be found at The Bear eventually -- and I think that makes a lot of sense.
I said remember this feeling I passed the pictures around Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines Wishing for right now We are the kings and the queens You traded your baseball cap for a crown When they gave us our trophies And we held them up for our town And the cynics were outraged Screaming, "This is absurd" 'Cause for a moment, a band of thieves In ripped up jeans got to rule the world
There are a couple of other things that stand out to me in the song:
I was screaming, "Long live all the magic we made" And bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid
Magic and sleight-of-hand are themes that come up in Season 3, and it may be because I have Unreasonable Hospitality on the brain, but it is important to Richie, who lists the dream weave as one of his non-negotiables. Will Guidara writes in UH that for a while at Eleven Madison Park, they used a literal magic trick to reveal dessert to guests during one of their courses. And EMP also employed an entire team of Dreamweavers whose sole responsibility was to make hospitality personal and special for their guests (seen in Season 3 in the scene with the Surprise with the cake and Richie singing happy birthday in Spanish). I don't necessarily think they picked the song to make this reference but there is a through line there, even if unintended -- and I do think that, dropped fork notwithstanding, Richie's journey towards Unreasonable Hospitality genuinely has become his purpose.
The second thing that stands out to me, which might well be more of an intentional reference, comes from the last verse (which plays as Richie asks Frank about how he got his house):
Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if, God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children someday When they point to the pictures Please tell them my name Tell them how the crowds went wild Tell them how I hope they shine
I am reminded of this very excellent meta of @currymanganese's which posits the name of the restaurant Fairest Creatures alludes to one of Shakespeare's procreation sonnets. I think this verse alludes to (or directs our attention towards):
Season 3's theme of legacy
The hope of reconciliation between Richie and Carmy
An allusion to Carmy's future children and sharing the legacy of The Beef/The Bear with them
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simp999 · 2 months
My Monarch.
Emperor x Anxious! Reader Coroika Drabble
requested by: Shurikenswife on wattpad
"emp x anxious reader whose worried emperor is gonna leave them due to his status but he comforts them . . . mayhaps . . . 🙏🏽🙏🏽"
Wc: 0.6k
A/N: It feels so rushed I'm sorry I just. I loved it so much but I have NOT been writing recently
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It's only been a few months since you two had gotten together. Three months, two weeks, four days, to be exact- since the day you boldly confessed in a rush of adrenaline after facing him.
"Since when do you feel permitted to believe you can spend time with the crown?"
It was a blazing hot afternoon, he held his jacket in his hands. You had lost to him and his team moments earlier- it was something you did often: battle each other. You'd been acquaintances, then friends for an elongated period now. You could tell it was lighthearted, joking even, due to how close you two were. You two spent lots of time together- your team was often seen at their mansion having tea, or playing games with their team.
You were offering to get ice cream. Prince had brightened at the idea, gazing up at his brother excitedly when Emperor had said the previous line. Then, you had uttered:
"Since I fell in love with the person wearing it."
Team monarch froze, while your team stood stunned for a bit less long than the other players. You all awaited Emperor's response.
Leo was quick to hug you, and Milo to pat you on the back when Emperor had finally replied:
"Hm. I wouldn't mind having a Ruler by my side, your Eminence,"
The last bit was said with a teasing tone paired with a smirk, but he was entirely genuine.
That day, you ended up sharing an ice cream. Leo and Edging Jr. gave a small "Whoot whoot!" after you took the first bite. Emperor's face grew a bit warm as he sent them a playful glare.
Ever since that day, you grew happier. Despite what you may think, you also grew more anxious. You became attached much stronger than before, it was rare to not see you with him. But you were afraid of him leaving you, especially when stronger players came into town. They were much more proper, and matched his initial introduction's personality. You always imagined he'd go for an actual royal- not some.. peasant, like you. That's what he truly thought of you, probably. He was just putting up with you for the time being because you gave him an honest challenge on the battlefield.
Prince had heard sobbing coming from the spare room you resided in and let out a soft gasp, quietly running off to fetch Emperor so that he could help you feel better with whatever problem you seemed to be having.
Your face was puffy and hot with tears when he came in, you didn't even hear him knock. You're sure he did- he always did. He respected you and your privacy. He gently sat down beside you and offered his hands out for a hug if you so desired. You accepted, sobbing quietly into his chest. Hiding yourself from him in your moment of weakness- as much as you could.
"Shh, what's wrong, Darling?" He rubbed circles on your back. You shook your head. You couldn't tell him. No, no. you didn't want him to leave you when you needed him most, it would just sting even more.
"My Eminence, you can trust me with whatever issues you may have."
But could you?
After slightly pulling away, you uttered in a tiny voice;
"Please... please don't leave me,"
His back straightened as he sat surprised. He tilted his head:
"Why would I?"
You sniffled. Sobs began to wrack your body even further, imagining the worst outcome to telling him. Despite you mind telling you such evil thoughts, you decide to trust him.
"You- you can do so much better than...this." You gesture towards yourself.
"You're everything I could ever desire, my Darling."
He truly couldn't fathom himself leaving you.
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thyspite · 2 months
Hello, doctor! May We please request prince-themed NPTs? TransIDs and usernames are optional. Thank you!
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⠀◟ ͜⠀⠀ ۪⠀⠀test subject no. 001 . . .
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𝒞   𓈒  names . .   ❜
alexander ◞ arthur ◞ caspian ◞ edmund ◞ leopold ◞ henry ◞ philip ◞ william ◞ nicholas ◞ louis ◞ alaric ◞ sebastian ◞ frederic ◞ gabriel ◞ maximilian ◞ christian ◞ theodore ◞ august ◞ damien ◞ victor
𝒞   𓈒  pronouns . .   ❜
he╱him ◞ h✧╱h✧m ◞ prin╱prince ◞ roy╱royal ◞ reg╱regal ◞ duk╱duke ◞ emp╱emperor ◞ nob╱noble ◞ maj╱majest ◞ lux╱luxor ◞ sire╱sires
note : nearly all of these are nounself pronouns
𝒞   𓈒  titles . .   ❜
(prn) highness ◞ your grace ◞ the prince ◞ (prn) royal highness ◞ thy noble ◞ sovereign made of gold ◞ (prn) excellency ◞ the crowned prince ◞ (prn) serene highness
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𝒞   𓈒  usernames . .   ❜
thyroyalheir ◞ princelyelegance ◞ princeplus ◞ writhingroyal ◞ webregal ◞ princefail ◞ dearheir
𝒞   𓈒  transids . .   ❜
transroyalty ◞ transadored ◞ transcontrolling ◞ permasmiling ◞ transowned ◞ permaroleplay
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phytochorion · 29 days
Admiral Baegu
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Name: Sirichai Baegu
Pronouns: He/Him
Order Represented: Gnetales
Age: Roadian, Middle Permian
Height: 5.2 centimetres
Eye colour: Gold
Magical Proclivity: Neutral
Spells: None
A fearless merchant admiral who commands his fine ship, the Emping, on long, intercontinental voyages. He typically wears sompot chong kben and a light shirt, has close-cropped tresses, and has wings composed of three large, ovate leaves each. His crown is magnificent - a single Gnetum strobilus encircling his brow and scalp at the base, rising straight up in concessively smaller nodes. His skin is crossed by numerous scars from a rough life on deck, and he bears a burned hand.
Unlike the majority of fairies, he doesn't fear open water, so the merchant fleet he commands provides an invaluable service, ferrying goods too heavy to be flown easily from island to island across oceans. He's brave and daring, but tempered with caution, as he knows that at sea, mistakes can be costly.
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nightshadedawn · 2 years
Non-Binary Glossary
As someone who is non-binary myself, I felt it important to include lots of non-binary characters in my fantasy novel that does not give a SHIT about what you present as, thus I needed to come up with titles for various things, and I thought I'd share what's so far in my glossary, with perhaps a smidgen of hope it'll get a bit of recognition.
Baba/Babby/Bather/Grandbather - The non-binary word for parents and grandparents.
I imagine the 'papa' or 'granny' equivalent of this one would be 'tata' or 'batty'.
Why, yes, this word was built off of 'baba' which it to my understanding, a word for 'father' in many cultures. But did you know it's meaning differs in many different cultures? And, also, it's catching on as the 'parent' word, and if I ever become a parent (highly unlikely) I want to be called Baba, if not just by my name because I absolutely can't picture being called by a title of any sort.
Crown - The non-binary word used used for someone of the status of queen or king.
This idea I obtained from an interactive fiction I read, where your character was referred to as 'Crown [Insert Name]' no matter what gender you made your character. It flowed well, so I decided I'd use the thematics of it in my own works going forward.
Emperus - A non-binary title used for someone of the status of empress or emperor.
I had a bit of trouble coming up with this one. But seeing as both emperor and empress both started with that 'emp' I knew I had to keep that, and from there, I played around with multiple second-halves, ending on the 'erus' because I'm a simple creature and it combined the 'er' and 'ess' of the other two, so it didn't feel entirely out of place.
Enna - The non-binary word for your parent’s sibling. 
I fucking hate pibling. I don't know why, but it makes my skin CRAWL. I'd rather the niblings just call me by my name than have pibling anywhere in the conversation. Specifics wise, both 'aunt' and 'uncle' begin with vowels, but end differently. So I knew I wanted the word to begin with a vowel, and one different than the ones already used. I also knew it couldn't end with the hard 't' sound or the drawling 'el'. So I came up with a few options, and landed on enna because it was four letters like aunt, but two syllables like uncle, and began with the letter 'e' which is the most common letter in the alphabet. It's probably my favorite word on this list.
Laus - A non-binary word for someone of the status of Lord or Lady.
Ah, probably my second favorite word. Like for emperus and enna, I looked at the original words to find what they had in common. Only the 'L' followed by a vowel, which meant my word had to end different than both lord and lady. Well, it did have that pesky d in there, which proved a problem when I was trying to come up with words. I didn't like any of the other words I came up with, and landed on laus because it was the least miserable. The only other memorable ones were 'lent', 'lurt', and 'ludt' which all look terrible. Laus may stand out next to lord and lady, but at least it looks nice.
Princer/Prinx/Prinxer - A non-binary word for a royal heir. The ‘x’ is pronounced with a ‘zz’ sound.
Enby equivalents tends to have the 'x' at the end of their words, for whatever reason, since there's so many other things we could have done, but that's not the point. The point is both princess and prince begin with the 'princ'. I just needed to fluff up the end. In the end, I came up with these three, which I have not actually decided which one I'm going to use in my book. Pincer and prinxer are pronounced similarly, being 'prin-sehr' and 'prin-zer'. Phonetically, they don't sound similar to prince or princess, but at least one of them looks similar.
Ser/Sur - Honorifics used for knights in a similar vein to ‘Sir’. Sur is used for women, while ser is used for nonbinary, and sir remains for men. All are pronounced similarly.
I thought I was brilliant when I came up with this one. Originally, it was going to be 'sar' for women, and 'sur' for non-binary, but when I realized how similar 'sur' sounded in my head to 'sir' my brain went 'ser too' and thus, here we are. Because am I the only one who thinks it's dumb how men have all these titles and women keep having to use the same one over and over and over again? It's always "lady this" and "lady that". Well, no longer for the knights, as they will be referred to with Sur. Ser will be used for enbys due to so many of my other words containing the e. E for enby, everyone.
Words I am currently working on:
Earl - Will be looking for both an enby and women word, because currently, it's just countess here again.
Going down this route will be pretty easy, except for the madam/master one. Once I decide on the princess/prince word, the rest of these will just follow those rules, as princess just added 'ess' onto the end of 'prince' after all.
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gavinkaysen5555 · 3 months
On Saturday, June 15th, chef Jamal James Kent passed away unexpectedly.
Jamal was a generational talent. A veteran of some of the top fine dining institutions in New York City, where Jamal earned the respect of his peers for his formal skill in the kitchen. In the days following his death, it has quickly become clear that his greater distinction was that he was a uniquely supportive member of the restaurant community. He was dedicated to mentoring younger cooks and lifting their careers, and sharing resources with people, including those who are overlooked by others. We, his family and friends, are committed to building the legacy that he started.
This fund will support The James Kent Family Legacy Trust, a vehicle created exclusively for Jamal's family–his wife, Kelly, and children, Gavin and Avery–to ensure that they’re financially stable and well cared for.
Jamal James Kent
Chef and Managing Partner, Saga Hospitality Group
A Greenwich Village native, Jamal Kent started his culinary career as a summer apprentice at Bouley when he was fifteen years old. After taking classes at Le Cordon Bleu in London and Paris then graduating from Johnson and Wales, Kent moved back to New York where he spent time in the kitchens of some of New York’s most storied restaurants including Babbo and Jean-Georges. In the spring of 2007, Kent joined the team at Eleven Madison Park as a line cook and was quickly promoted to sous chef. In 2010, Kent placed first in the Bocuse d’Or USA Competition; he then represented the United States at the international finals of the Bocuse D'Or in Lyon, France the following year where he placed 10th in the world. When he returned to New York, Kent was named chef de cuisine of Eleven Madison Park. Under his leadership, EMP received nearly every accolade bestowed on a restaurant including four stars from the New York Times, three Michelin stars, and a coveted spot on the list of the World's 50 Best Restaurants. Kent was promoted to Executive Chef of the NoMad in the fall of 2013, the same year that it received one Michelin Star.
In late 2017, Kent set out to open a pair of restaurants and a cocktail bar in the landmark Art Deco building at 70 Pine Street in Manhattan’s Financial District. Crown Shy–an ambitious neighborhood restaurant on the ground floor of the building–exceeded expectations, collecting a Michelin star within a year of opening and raves from the New York Times and The Infatuation. Kent and his team followed up their success with Saga on the building’s 63rd floor, and Overstory, one floor up. They were rewarded with two Michelin stars and the #17 spot on the list of the World’s 50 Best Bars, respectively. With the restaurants at 70 Pine as their calling card, Kent and his partners at SC Holdings set their sights on other New York landmarks.
In Fall 2024, Saga Hospitality Group will open a restaurant in the ground floor space at 360 Park Avenue South on the corner of 26th Street. Later in the year, SHG will become the first retail tenant at Refinery at Domino–the former Domino Sugar Factory on the Williamsburg waterfront.
Kent was an active supporter of a number of charities working to eradicate childhood hunger in New York City including No Kid Hungry and Rethink Food, for which he sat on the Chef’s Council. Kent twice co-chaired the annual Chef’s Benefit dinner for Cookies for Kids Cancer, a nationally-recognized organization that provides funding for pediatric cancer research. And he was a mentor for the Mentors BKB foundation, an organization devoted to inspiring culinary excellence in young professionals and preserving the traditions and quality of cuisine in America.
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jigglypuff1994 · 3 months
The Treaty of Miraculous Nature - Chapter 32 Ultimate Power
Adrien's favorite game was playing War 
Back when life was simple as a young boy
The birthplace of his love to strategize battleplans 
He would pretend to take on evil armies
Call meetings with his generals, captains, and lieutenants to talk about strategy, strength and supplies
He imagined the soldiers had families to fight for, homes, little ones, elder parents, farms and businesses
He would set up his army in rows and speak loudly, encouraging them to follow him into battle and win the war
Not only for glory, for king and for country, but for their country and for their homes
Boldly, he would proclaim victory and cheer for his soldiers
The small, painted wooden soldiers, who fought bravely in the name of their king
Here, in the sweet scents of iris, lavender, hydrangeas and roses of the castle's garden
In the safety and security of his home
He was a king to his people
Adrien's mind shattered as the blade released and severed his father's head from his body. He watched as the fresh blood poured. The blade sitting between the body and the head. He saw his father's head; his lifeless eyes peering back at him. Gone was the light in them, the look of pride that his father gave him a short few days ago. This image shall haunt him for the rest of his days. 
Agony. Pure unadulterated agony swept over him. Emptiness consumed him as the overwhelming feeling of loss broke through and ripped open his heart. The contents and the abundance of love he carried within now pouring out. Now an empty shell in its place.  
I'm too late. 
I couldn't save you, father.
I failed you.
I'm so sorry. 
His mother's screams pierced his ears as the turmoil from his own family's demise played out. The bustling crowd erupted into applause and chants of victory. As though from his pain, they were satisfied. These men and women around him were traitors to the crown! Traitors to its monarch of France!
These were not his people. They were the enemy. 
Adrien was lost. Once again, he was a scared, little boy hiding away in a darker part of the castle, waiting for his mother to find him and tell him it would be alright. He had nothing to fear. The monsters weren't real, and he was safe. He was a boy playing with wooden soldiers in the gardens.
But he could not turn back time. This was real; he couldn't predict what the other side would do. He had no time to deliberate with his army superiors. He had to use his own, brute strength to fight for his home. To cope with the horror lain before him, he rapidly shut off his fears. Instead, a cool, numbing feeling blessed him; reprieved him from any other emotional turmoil. The weight of the world released from him instantly. Yet he felt it was his duty and desire to right the wrongs.
Adrien couldn't allow himself to feel. If he were to expose himself as being Crown Prince Adrien, he would have suffered the same fate as his father: under the sharp blade of the guillotine. Somewhere, his blood would have been spilt in the name of whatever senseless motivation plagued the minds of the cheering rebels. 
In this moment, he needed to be Chat Noir. His body and magic conveying everything he could not with words and emotions. The animalistic nature took over as the raw sensation of tasting darkness raged within him. Black flames burned all around him. His eyes becoming mostly black like a cat thrilled from hunting for prey. He experienced an outer body perspective as he watched himself turn those around him into nothing but a pile of dust.
He watched himself destroy the people who cheered for the fall of their king. Their monarch. His father. And he enjoyed every second of it. Rather than bathing in his enemies' blood, he decided it was much more satisfying to watch their skin burn and turn crispy like a dying log on a fire that had burned out ages ago. The soot and instant gratification fed his empty heart, renewing it with the lives of those who stole everything from him. 
Chat Noir mindlessly wielded his inky black magic at the crowd, aiming at the rebels. The air swiftly changed from excitement to militant as the black cat wielder made himself known. In front of the gods and everyone in the square, he had declared war. 
-------Continue on Link below-------------
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
smallidarity limlife/emp2 wip clip cause ao3's down
no title, doc is called "smallidarity empires reunion". It's Joel finding Jimmy when he gets back to empires 2 after limited life. Bad Boys is romantic & sexual. but grian ain't here. This is.... rated M? T? there's "i want to fuck this person" and "maybe in this location" but no details of anything, i really don't know where the T/M line is. I cut it right before joel first thinks about sex with jimmy, so.... one paragraph.
(another extended ao3-is-down flower husbands wip here, and a silly smallidarity emp s2 fic, and a modern SmallEtho fic that is "joel fretting cause he doesn't have a label for his relationship with Etho")
"[untitled smallidarity empires reunion]" by BlocksRuinedMe
When Joel rushed into the saloon, he found Jimmy in worse shape than he’d feared. He was sitting up against the wall in a corner, legs pulled into his chest with his arms wrapped around his knees, his silly precious hat balanced between his knees and the crown of his drooped head. It hadn’t felt like long to Joel, but he couldn’t remember if time passed differently for those on the outside - he’d never cared before. 
Joel wanted to race over to Jimmy, to clutch him fiercely, to kiss him, like it had been a hundred years, and probably fuck him up against his bar - that would surely cheer him up. But he didn’t want to startle Jimmy, and maybe he was too sad to fuck?
Whatever, Joel would figure it out. Jimmy was worth it, always. 
Thankfully, Jimmy looked up, his ridiculous hat falling into his lap as he did. His eyes were red, presumably from crying, but didn’t seem to still be wet. Good.
“Joel, oh thank god, I literally missed you so much, I'm literally so happy you’re back- but why so soon?” 
Jimmy would be okay, he just needed some distraction. Luckily, Joel was excellent at distracting Jimmy. 
“Oi, we’re back here, the only god you should be thanking is this one.” Joel could kiss him, and maybe more, soon enough. For now he’d tease Jimmy and get him worked up until he could forget about his bloody curse and then maybe Joel would take Jimmy all the way to his bed before he really distracted him. 
Jimmy scoffed, but he smiled. 
“Are we back on that, then? You expect me to treat you like a god?” Jimmy leaned forward on his knees and used the wall for balance to get to his feet.  “I actually don’t know about that Joel… and I don’t think I’ve ever respected you in any life.”
Good, very good, Jimmy was pushing back, playing, everything would be okay. It didn’t matter who–it would be fine, they’d be together here, and they’d have to wait.
“Hmm, I think you can fake it pretty well there, Timmy.” 
There was a terrible moment of silence as they each held their breath. Joel never called him Timmy on his own, only when they were around… not here, at least not lately. 
Joel was never one to sit with an awkward silence. He stalked towards Jimmy, keeping fierce eye contact as he tried to distract him.
“Why don’t you show me how respectful you can be, eh?”
Joel didn’t really care what shape the next little while took - hell, Jimmy could top him, if he wanted. He just needed Jimmy, his bad boy, no matter what ridiculous outfits they were wearing this time. 
Before Joel had crossed half the distance between them, Jimmy was on him, having practically launched himself across the room. He wasn’t kissing him, it wasn’t sexual, but Jimmy couldn’t have been holding him tighter if it was. His arms were wrapped around Joel’s back, his face hidden against Joel’s shoulders. 
Oh. This was nice too. 
Joel clutched him back without any thought. He had Jimmy, and he was going to keep him safe, like they hadn’t been able to. He’d want Joel to take care of Jimmy, for however long they all had to be apart. He hadn’t asked directly, but he’d implied enough after the funeral. It didn’t matter how many times he died here, so he couldn’t really take care of him that way, so Joel guessed it needed to be… emotionally? How hard could it be, it wasn’t like Jimmy was a complicated person, unlike some people he’d just spent weeks with…
Jimmy kept holding onto Joel longer than he’d expected. Joel didn’t think he was crying, but he wasn’t sure. Joel thought about what he’d seen people do, and stroked Jimmy’s hair and firmly rubbed his back. He thought saying “there, there” might be condescending, so he stayed quiet. Jimmy was never quiet for long. 
Jimmy was quiet for too long. It was only a few minutes, but it was too long for Jimmy, and much too long for Joel. 
“Hey, Jimmy?”
Jimmy took a deep breath and looked up. His eyes were still red, but this time they looked distinctly wet. Joel kept his hand cradling the back of Jimmy’s head and leaned in to kiss him. Thankfully, Jimmy kissed him back, urgently, hungrily – which was exactly what Joel wanted, maybe what he needed. 
Jimmy dropped one of his arms to wrap around Joel’s waist, which Joel quickly mirrored. It didn’t take long for Joel to very much want to escalate – and the bar was right there.  (Joel had thought so many times about pushing Jimmy up against the bar – he had no idea why it had taken living another life to actually do something about it. Well… maybe he did know what, or who, it had taken.)
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sincethewreck · 2 years
End and the Death pt. 1 Thoughts
Spoilers ahead, but:
Love love manic second-person POV Horus
mmm yes delicious Beta Bequin trilogy scraps (three, by my count, did I miss any?)
By my count, the only Imperial faction who has not betrayed Emps at any point in the canon is the Sisterhood of Silence
Will the above be noticed or commented on by another else? Remains to be seen.
Dorn. Just... Dorn.
SUPPORT WOMEN'S WRONGS was going to be animated glittertext over a picture of Cyrene but there's never been an official image of her; tragic and a bad choice, GW.
That said, I'm not entirely convinced she's telling the whole truth, I think it's significant that Katt-as-lie-detector was only attached after she spoke about her plan, I think she has other motives and end goals, and honestly, as her story has revolved so much around her own agency, good for her.
I know the ~Dark King~ is supposed to be Horus, but the prophecy as found by Sindermann says "[t]he black shell cracks, thus he ascends, in the timeless time, and is elevated to the gods, to reign as a dark-crowned king." (4:xvi) and then less than a page later, in 4:xvii, we get "You had Him encased in a stifling, muffling, sense-depriving shell of pure, black immaterial force, but He had cracked that open, and now He burns a path towards you." [emphasis in both case mine] and I'm sorry, but is there any way to read it as Emps, not Horus, being the ultimate Dark King (& does plunking him on the throne in the aftermath hopefully prevent the ascension).
Ending it with the below, shame I can't bookend it with Sanguinius' paragraph about how much he genuinely love(d) and adore(d) Horus, very happy both friends I know who ship this were proven right, hope they enjoy the delicious food and vindication.
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felesrubrum · 1 year
im gonna roughly liveblog my thoughts on The Owl House i think because i don't want to watch the whole show and forget it!!!
ep1 - A Lying Witch and a Warden I liked it! Intriguing sense of world building and scale. I like Eda. I had a few moments of "why the FUCK does she sound so familiar" and it's bc she's Chichi from The Emperor's New Groove. I loved the 180 on King's crown, that was very cute. I also like Luz' attitude, even if she feels very Main Character. I really like the dynamic between all the characters.
ep2 - Witches before Wizards Cute! I love how Eda stuck up for Luz even though she technically doesn't like her (or acts like it). If I was in Luz' shoes I absolutely would not have fallen for that. ... ..... ....... unless I was between the ages of 5-17. Then I absolutely would have.
ep 3 - I Was A Teenage Abomination I really liked this one. I love Luz's dynamics with willow. I really understand Willow's attempts to force herself into a school of magic she doesn't jive with. (speaking as someone who went to uni for robotics... when i was always an artist :P) I like Amity as well. I already know about .. Amiluz? Lamity? But it's great to see how they started. Also lol at Luz getting banned from school.
ep 4 - The Intruder Ooo, classic stay-at-home episode. This one was fun and surprisingly thrilling. The animation of the intruder lurching around the corner after King was so good, the whole chase scene was very animated. I definitely called that it was Eda. I wonder how she got that way. I wonder who the person in her dream is. It was also so cute to see how Luz deals with magic and how she found her own way. I wonder how she's going to learn more spells if she needs to know the symbol that witches seem to instinctively know.
ep 5 - Covention This one was interesting. Why would you want to join a coven only to seal away all other forms of your magic? Given that, I totally understand the appeal of the Emperor's Coven. I also loved the reveal of Lilith. I think she may be the one who cursed Eda. I also wonder why the Emperor's Coven wants Eda specifically. It must be separate from her curse. Current theory is Lilith cursed Eda bc Eda was more powerful than her. I also really liked the interactions with Luz and Amity. Boy howdy, as an immigrant do I ever understand how hard fitting in is in a new community when you don't know the social structures or even any of the social norms.
ep 6 - Hooty's Moving Hassle Very cute. Standard rebel plot. I love that they accidentally animated the whole house. Makes me wonder if Willow is actually much, MUCH stronger than most other witches or whether Luz has some innate incredibly powerful magic. I don't think it's Gus but specifically I don't think he's the type of character who has a slumbering power type of deal. Also, love the episode title. I like Eda's side-plot as well. I respect forgetting to refill your meds till the absolute last second.
ep 7 - Lost in Language Okay i REALLY liked this one. My favorite so far. I love the dynamic between Amity's siblings and Luz. I also really like that Luz has this strong sense of justice (even if she's easily won over, like in ep 6). I love the little laugh Amity had toward the end. And I also really like the fact that Amity feels like a rounded character. I bet she very much plays up this snobby brat when she's at school bc she's the Emp Coven's protege.
ep 8 - Once Upon A Swap This one was also fun. Felt like a bit of a filler episode but seeing Luz deal with having basically unlimited magical power was fun.
ep 9 - Something Ventured Someone Framed I liked this one as well. Further cements my idea that Gus isn't some sleeper agent type character. I did like the 'human appreciation' thing, and the rivalry between Gus and the new kid. Didn't really like the faux apology but it does very much track. I'm also so proud of Eda for getting over her anger at the school and The Man so that she worked really hard to get Luz accepted into the school. Can't wait to see what Luz can learn there.
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lawtistic · 10 months
A non-human OC
Name: Sky
Origin: Warriors
this is sky from my old warrior cats roleplay, she was a former kittypet who joined windclan and became a murderer duo with her mate, irisstar. she also had 3 kits with her, one of them was an emp who wanted mommy issues SOOO BAD, one of them was absent 99% of the time and the other was an angel and his mate was an angel and i loved them
in that era of windclan, everyone loved flower crowns so i gave her one
fun fact: she's based off my irl cat :]
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moomoorare · 1 year
Also there are so many things that could bring emp S2 to an end. The fae; The soon to hatch dragon egg; The crown's curse.
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1-aussiedollar · 1 year
Hi!! I saw your post about your fantasy Coroika AU, (the one with Emperor and Prince) and it looked really cool! I have a question about it, what is the context of the picture you posted? Is Emperor evil or something?
(I’ll likely ask more questions in the future about this au, looks cool 👍)
Okay SO! Pearl, Emperor and Prince are siblings, and Pearl was the queen. Pearl stepped down so she could be with her wife (Marina (duh)) and she handed the crown to Prince. Why? Well, Pearl is actually the boys’ half sister, Emp and Prince’s mother was part of a long line of powerful creatures once thought to be extinct. The powers skipped Emp, and manifested in Prince, so Pearl handed him the throne. Then doot doot ten year timeskip.
Emperor, pissed off and jealous because he was meant to be king next, stages an attack on the palace, in hopes that it would make Prince feel as though he wasn’t fit to rule, and hand the crown to Emp. It failed.
Prince wouldn’t have found out about Emperor’s plans if he didn’t interrogate the main entities behind the attack (Deep Cut), but when he found out, he saw red.
Prince confronted Emperor, where he admitted to all of it, but there wasn’t a hint of guilt in his tone. Prince, now furious that his own brother tried to dethrone him, exiles him, and places a bounty on his head. Doot doot two year timeskip.
Emperor is now hiding out in the abandoned mineshafts in the mountains. With him is the infamous cult leader, Tar Tar, the husband of the Salmonid queen, King Cohuzuna, and the leader of the shadow walkers and clone of the dragon king, Shadow Goggles. Together, they plan an attack on the palace.
The attack happens. Prince and Emperor have a battle, and despite being stronger, Prince is overpowered by Emp.
Now overpowered and weak, Prince cannot fight back. Emperor tries to sweet talk his way into getting the throne, but before then, Rider (under Tar Tar’s command) tries to kill Prince, ending in Emperor taking the hit for him in a moment of clarity.
Prince, putting his rage aside, tries his best to keep Emperor alive, but to no avail.
I answered a bit more than what was asked, I just got excited teehee~! And thanks for reading all of this! I look forward to answering more questions soon!
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