#enchanted flora
skannar · 1 year
Enchanted Realm : Minute Fiction
The Minute Fiction is a series of small immersive fiction stories created to give readers a quick daily mental break. How many minutes are in a year? Borrow one for yourself and have an adventure. The walk of the Unicorn in the Enchanted Realm Under the shimmering forest canopy of an enchanted realm, you, a mystical and magical unicorn, tread lightly upon a well-trodden trail. The verdant…
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bleue-flora · 5 months
Ok, I recently wrote an essay [here] talking about the definition and duties of civil engineering as well as the ethics because of the brain rot @swordfright gave me with calling Dream Sam’s ultimate engineering project. So, because I actually am a civil engineer I took it upon myself to design the title and summary of quantities sheets just like I do at work for roads but with Dream as the project instead. And in honor of angst day sponsored by @sixteenth-day-event, I figured I’d share it because I feel like it kinda works for the prison of the mind prompt.
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“Sam’s “ultimate engineering project” he deemed too damaged like a bumpy road or crumbling building that wasn’t worthy of patching and filling in the cracks or reinforcing, that’s too eroded to be fixed and preserved. So, Sam strived to tear him down to the bedrock so he could remake, remold, and reengineer Dream according to his design for the common safety, public health and well-fair.”
{These are very similar to the actual sheets I make day to day, which I shall not share for the sake of doxing my location, but yea pretty much everything has a significance. Some of it doesn’t necessarily make sense but that was because I was more so taking inventory of what we see in lore (so you know I counted ;) lol)}
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lionfloss · 2 years
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by Casey Yee
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forest-pixi · 23 days
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⊹₊ ⋆𝚑𝚒𝚋𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚞𝚜❀⊹₊⋆
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kambriel · 3 months
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My 🍃Journey into Fallowmoor🍃 interview with Nom Kinnear King is in @enchantedliving magazine's new "Flora & Fauna" issue! You can currently find it in bookshops, or as a digitial edition, but do give your eyes a rest from glowing screens for a bit & get the printed edition if you can ~ it's gorgeous!
~ Kambriel
[Kambriel.com ~ Etsy ~ Bluesky~  Twitter ~ Tumblr ~ Dreamwidth ~ Facebook ~ Instagram]
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herbalnature · 2 months
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Delicate ranunculus flowers glisten with fresh raindrops, nestled gently under the protective greenery of hydrangea leaves. It's like nature decided to sprinkle a little bit of its magic for us to admire.
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Where the Poplar Girls Go To Party
Watercolor on Black Cotton Paper
2023, 42"x 31"
Wild Rhododendrons and Poplar Trees
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Winx Club Reboot Ideas Pt.2
Season 2 & 3 Ideas
Season 2:
Stella is still trying to get better with her own magic without the help if her staff/ring. 
Helia becomes a student at Alfea, since he didn’t feel like being a specialist suited him. 
Tecna and Timmy do get closer, he begins to help her try to get better at her and the winx’s fighting. It takes a long time though, Tecna keeps insisting that she works alone and doesn’t need help, especially after her and her team failed to do convergence magic. 
It isn’t until the camping trip fiasco in season 2 that Tecna finally opens up to Timmy after he nearly faced death. After that he helps her improve her craft, their still not together but they are getting there. 
Flora earns her charmix by asking Helia out.
The more comfortable Xan is becoming with the Winx, the more he’s experimenting with his gender and even music. His regained love of music eventually leads to the girls going behind his back and signing him up as the entertainment for a school event,, resulting in the storyline of season 2 episode 15 (original), where Xan does a concert even without his dad’s permission and sings about his mother…oh yeah and Stormy’s in the mix somewhere. 
Keeping Aisha’s story/character arc is the same because goddamn was that well done!
Xan and Aisha become CLOSE! Not romantically,their platonic soulmates as they put it. 
Show more of Dark Bloom. The more stressed out, tired and even angry she starts becoming to find her true identity, the more potential Dark Bloom has to take over. 
In the end, Octavia takes an interest in improving her skills, she begins to research and study different mechanics, devices and movements to be a better combatant. 
Riven and Xan’s relationship is even more scattered than last season, 
Xan and Riven come to the conclusion that they wouldn’t work as a couple with how messed up both of their lives have been, they need someone who can balance out their troubles. They may not be together, but both know that doesn’t mean they won’t be friends.
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Season 3:
Octavia begins to find an interest in weaponry and quickly decides to see how she can use her powers to the advantage of weapons.
Xan comes to realize and accept that he is genderfluid.
The whole reason why Diaspro has been so desperate to marry Sky is because she wants what’s best for her people, even though her parents have insisted it’s fine, she took it upon herself to remove herself form the picture and focus on her people. 
Introduce Nabu the same way, with the girls getting hot chocolate in the rain, but instead of him STILL following Aisha in the rocket...park... garage...thing- have him enroll in Alfea not just to find out who Aisha is, but to get away from his family and do what he’s always wanted to do with his magic. 
Aisha and Nabu actually don’t become a couple (stalking is usually a turn  off for the norm), but they do form a strong friendship, and start to from their own little friend group with Xan and later on Riven.
This..Is where Xan and Nabu start to grow feelings for each other. And Aisha tries to help Xan ask him out, as Riven, while uncomfortable with genuinely communicating with others does try to help Nabu since he knows Xan deserves someone as sweet as Nabu.
The reason why Diaspro joins Valtor’s side is because offers to spare her people form his wrath if she joins his side, she even agrees to hypnotize Sky because she felt if he joined Valtor’s side then she could spare the people of Eraklyon as well. 
Octavia dies her hair the iconic magenta OG Tecna has. 
Helia earns his charmix through telling Flora that he loves her. 
After they find/rescue Octavia thanks to Timmy’s determination, the two nerds finally start going out. 
Mirta gains her charmix through finally trusting Lucy.
Have a more climatic finale, with Bloom going all out on Valtor only for her get so blinded by anger she doesn;t know if she actually killed him or if he just vanished. 
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All in all, I want the fist three seasons do have differences, but still keep those elements that kept fan watching it, but don’t worry, the next seasons are gonna have the same level of care the first three seasons had...But they’re gonna be DIFFERENT.
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
if marvelous ever do dlc for the awl remake that let's you marry gavin or carter, they better stop being cowards and let me romance vesta.
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redhairedgirl95 · 1 year
I'll be sharing some AMAZING mood boards paired with pieces of my writing. All the mood boards have been created by the WONDERFUL @weasley-05 taking inspiration from my fics/asks/headcanons. Go give them some love, they are EXTRAORDINARY <3
Stella mood board
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Face masks
“You’ve such beautiful skin …”
“You sound jealous.” He opened one eye, smirking.
“’Cause I am! Your skin is so smooth, and I know you don’t go through all the things I do. It’s just unfair. I’d be hideous if I didn’t do skincare twice a day.”
“I find it hard to believe that.” He replied. “Are you finished?”
“Yeah.” She sighed.
“Good. Your turn.” Brandon took the other jar, opened it, and applied the mask to her face, avoiding lips, eyes, and eyebrows, as previously instructed. The whole operation took him a good five minutes, but just because he enjoyed taking care of Stella any way he could. “Done. Now what?”
She opened her eyes, closed the two jars, and put them back in her make-up bag. “Now we go to sleep and tomorrow all of Red Fountain will be blinded by our combined beauties.”
“As if it wasn’t already …” Brandon took her by the hand and opened the door to the room.
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Looking at the stars, but only seeing one - Chapter 12
Stella looked up at the stars and Sky did the same, both replaying in their minds the first – and up to that moment, only – time they had stargazed together, that night of so many months before.
“How many are there?” He asked.
Stella didn’t even stop to think. “Two hundred billion trillion.” She answered, like it was obvious.
“What?! That isn’t even a number.” He said, looking back at her.
“But it is. Ask Timmy.” She loved being the smartest in the room (or on the beach).
“That’s crazy …” He replied, with his eyes back to the night sky. “Do you have a favorite one?”
“I’ve never thought about that.” Stella looked up. “But no. Each and every one is beautiful in its own way. I can’t choose. Can you?”
And when she turned to look at him, he was already looking at her. “I can. I …” He took a deep breath to gather the courage to go on. “I am looking at her right now.”
He gently took her chin and slowly drew her closer, giving her every chance to pull back. She didn’t.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EM1 - Chapter 3 - By your side
She came out into the garden more or less one hour later, her wheelchair (which she hated, but she couldn’t walk or fly, so … well, she was stuck in it) pushed by Musa and Flora. Stella was wearing a green long sleeved blouse and a pair of skinny black trousers, but it was her hair the most peculiar thing: it was divided into two braids, which were decorated with colorful flowers. The princess was positively beaming: she usually didn’t like to be seen while she was on the wheelchair, but that day she felt beautiful. It was the first time she had really felt it after all those days spent in the infirmary.
Flora and Musa helped her up so that she didn’t have to put all her weight on her hurt feet, then made her sit down on the grass and sat next to her. They looked at the two Specialists training with their phantoblades.
“Mmm … I bet I can get them to take off their T-shirts.”
“Stella!” It was Flora.
Musa giggled. “How?”
“I can … make it hotter.” She suggested, grinning.
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Stella and Flora
“It’s fifty pages.”
“And? It’s not that many.”
“It took you two hours to read two.” She reminded her. It wasn’t always easy remaining calm when dealing with Stella, but Flora was calm by nature, and she’d volunteer to help her study. Not that Stella had actually asked her – she’d do anything to avoid spending time bent down on a book – but Bloom gave in too easily to the Princess’ proposals, Tecna would have screamed at her, Musa didn’t have the patience for it, and Aisha kept repeating she should already know all of that. In short, the other Winx weren’t suited for the task. It was a mission only Flora could accomplish, and she was determined to ace it. Stella wouldn’t fail that exam; she would pass it. Whatever the cost.
The princess snorted. “Okay, okay. You’re right, but what happens if I fail this exam too? I’ll be a bit behind, like always. It’s not like they can expel me twice.” She joked, but Flora could see that, behind all the smiles, the perfect make-up, and the shiny clothes, Stella was worried.
“They won’t expel you, Stella.” She reassured her. “But … wouldn’t you like to show Griselda you can do it? I’m sure she is ready to talk you down in front of the class. Imagine her face when she sees you’ve passed!”
“That would be glorious … but I can’t do it, Flora.” She sighed. “I know it, Griselda knows it, and you know it too. I’m not good at school.”
“Why don’t you try? I’ll help you; I promise.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EM2 - Chapter 7 - Royal pains
“And how do you know that?” Stella asked.
“Sky told me. And he said that you fell at his feet the first day you met him!”
“I tripped! I tripped, guys!” Stella tried to talk over her friends’ laughter, but she joined in soon enough when Bloom offered to re-enact a scene she had only been told about.
“Bloom is a really good actress.” Lockette clapped.
“I am way more graceful when I fall.” The Princess of the Sun complained, unable to fight back a smile.
“No, you aren’t.” Tecna intervened. “You fall at least twice a week. Never gracefully.”
Stella gasped. “And I thought the Trix were vicious!” She exclaimed. “Look at you! Five evil Winx!”
“Six, Stella.” Musa reminded her.
“Nope. Five. I am not evil at all. I am beauty. I am grace.”
“You’ll fall on your face.” Flora added, and even more laughter resonated in the apartment.
“Flora!” An outraged Tune turned to her as if she’d just said the most hideous thing. They all laughed even more. All except for Piff, of course, who was snoring peacefully without a care in the world.
Laughter couldn’t fix all their problems: Stella’s worries, Musa’s constant quarrels with Riven, Tecna’s inability to express what she felt for Timmy, Bloom’s misunderstandings with Sky, Flora’s extreme shyness, Aisha’s fear of being left out; but it made them seem smaller, weaker. Together, everything seemed easier.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Stella and Bloom take a day off
“No thanks needed. But you owe me a portrait.” She said, taking her place on a chair behind a white canvas. “I think it will improve Brandon’s bedroom wall. Don’t you think?”
“I’m not sure Sky will like it.” Bloom chuckled as she settled in front of the tripod.
“Well, I’d return the favor, but I can only draw clothes. And you’re not wearing that many right now.”
“I love you, Stellie.”
“Tell me something I don’t know … like, should I pose like this?” She turned her body to the side and her face to her, lowering a sleeve to show her shoulder. “Should I ditch the robe altogether? I can pose naked, I’m sure Brandon would like it.”
“Keep your clothes on!” They both burst out laughing.
Study 0 – Stella 1. Mission accomplished.
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vid-writes · 6 months
Meet The Character(s) Monday
Flora Dewberry Whitehand
Main character
Nature magic user
21 years old
Oldest of two siblings (her brother is 18)
From Vrathia Kingdom
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meowtifullycute · 1 year
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Enchanting Nature: A Circular Delight!
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selitoxicmoon · 2 years
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Late birthday gift for @mynamewess!! I designed an avatar for him based on the description he let me. Hoping u like it tho! It's all yours! You can modify it if you want, after all I enjoyed designing such a creature.
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randomchanced · 5 days
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Luna moth photo by Erin White, 2011
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forest-pixi · 2 months
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Clematis virginiana⊹꩜˳·˖✶⋆
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periodicinspiration · 1 month
Spatterdock Pond
Many have wasted lives and lifetimes on the quest for the fountain of youth. No such chase ever appealed to me; it seemed like such a foolish undertaking. However, as happenstance would have it, my journeys led me to stumble upon this enchanting pond of velvety, shimmering cocoa. What a delectable spectacle for my eyes to behold! In that delicious moment, I realized THIS was the true source of…
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