#enchanted study fr
fiedlerite · 8 months
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12/20 of the Enchanted Study - Nefertari
Nefertari is easily found scouring the trees in the Starwood Strand, hiding within the leaves at times from potential threats. He tends to loop around branches and twirl around the trunks of trees. He enjoys looking up and seeing Emerose's grace in soaring in the skies and coming back to the Study with a rare catch at times. He likes to watch Cinnabar dance, and to hear Macaroon sing. Since coming to the Study he has learned he loves the life around him more than anything.
drawing this noodle and his spirit fish has just about turned my brain to spaghetti but it was so worth it for the chance to draw such a stunning spiral <3
136 notes · View notes
daydreaming-nerd · 4 months
The Prophecy (Lucien Vanserra x Rhys! Sister)/(Azriel x Rhys! Sister) Part 3 (Azriel's Version)
Part One , Part 2
AN: "Majesty, Palo is exhausted. Because Majesty only Palo can take this (angst) and this (groveling) and give you...a masterpiece."
No fr guys I put my whole puss into this plz tell me if you liked it
check out my masterlist
Summary: The only thing worse than having Azriel not know about the bond is watching him and Elain carry on like she doesn’t have a mate as well. Lucien and you have been long time friends but things change after one fateful starfall celebration. It’s not wrong if both of your mates don’t want you right? 
Warnings: angst, fluff like so much fluff, no editing (I'm so tired omg)
Word count: 9,370
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We arrived in the house in silence, the only thing to fill the void was the crackling of the enchanted fire that always sprang to life whenever I walked through the door. My eyes were fixed on the floorboards, studying every grain of wood as I put together what had just happened. 
I had told Azriel about the bond, and I did it in anger. I had imagined telling him a million different ways over the past 400 years but never did imagine doing it out of spite. I was just so angry with Elain and her insufferable entitlement that had me seeing red. If anyone should act in such a manner, it should be me, I was a princess after all. 
I was furious with Elain there was no doubt about that, but the voice that kept echoing in my mind was Azriel’s. How he yelled at me. I had known him my whole life and I had never once been afraid of him, until today. 
As if he was tired of the silence, Lucien brushed his hand under my chin bringing my gaze to his, it wasn’t until then that I realized I was crying. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, brows furrowing at my tear stained cheeks. 
“Yeah,” I laughed him off, wiping the water from my face. 
“I’m sorry I interfered like that, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to speak to him or if you wanted me to kick his ass. But he seemed mad and I wouldn’t stand for him yelling at you.” Lucien apologized leaning against the back of the couch a good three feet away sensing I needed some space. 
“I suppose that I wasn’t sure what I wanted either,” I sigh leaning against the doorframe. “Thank you for stepping in. I think it was for the best.” 
“Of course, I’ll always be there for you,” Lucien nods before resuming his staredown with the floor, probably trying to make sense of everything just like I was. “Az seemed…concerned for you. I think the bond snapped for him.” 
“It did,” I say, running my hand over my chest, as if I could touch the faint glow of the bond that now sat in my chest. “It clicked the moment he saw us in the kitchen.”
“Are you happy it clicked?” he asked, once again asking all the questions I truly didn’t have an answer for, at least not yet. 
“I-I’m not sure.” I say honestly, knowing I didn’t need to hide my true feelings from Lu. “I’ve pictured him finding out a million ways, but over the last couple years I’ve kind of given up on the whole endeavor. I felt like I made it clear that I liked him, and he only met me with complaints about other women. First Mor and then Elain.” 
“Maybe he’s changed,” Lucien pointed out. 
“Even if he had it’s not because he loves me.” I murmured sadly. “You heard him in there. He only wants me because he feels entitled to me. He never once acted like he cared about me beyond being his best friend's little sister.” 
“I suppose you’re right, it’s hard to forgive 400 years of cruel behavior,” Lucien muttered, still staring at that little spot on the floor. 
I strode across the room and leaned against the couch with him. I wanted to say something, anything to break the silence. But it was as if all the air had been sucked from the room in one foul swoop. I had just let out a 400 year old secret and for the first time ever, our mates seemed to give a damn about us. I look to Lucien who is still processing everything and I recall how Elain was so upset to see her mate with another female.
“Elain…” I started, wanting to tread carefully. “She seemed pretty upset,” I said, only stating the obvious. 
Lucien chuckled, “Yeah, I think that’s the first time she’s ever called me her mate.” 
“And how do you feel about that?” I ask wanting to give him the same room to speak that he gave me. I knew if he didn’t feel like sharing he wouldn’t, Lucien was no pushover. 
“I feel strangely happy,” he says and for the first time since we got back his lip curls into a half smile. “I think that she might be willing to give me a chance.” 
My heart warms at the idea of Lucien finally getting to have a chance with his true mate, “I’m really happy for you Lu,” I smile, patting his hand that sat on the back of the couch. 
He snaps out of his trance, “that’s not to say that you’re not- you’re a wonderful woman y/n-” he rambles. 
“Hey, HEY!” I shout getting his attention. “I’m happy for you Lucien. You deserve this,” I laugh at his attempt to not hurt my feelings. 
“Thank you y/n,” he smiles, grabbing my hands and squeezing them. 
“What do we do now though,” I sigh looking at his family ring on my finger. 
His eyes flit to the ring as well as his thumb brushes over it, “We continue on as normal, we can push back the wedding. I’m not confident in what Elain wants from me at this point and you clearly are at odds with Azriel. If things don’t work out…” he trails off thinking about hsi next words. “If things don’t work out I would still be honored to have you as my wife. I still feel like we could make eachother happy.” he says earnestly. 
I look into his eyes of russet and gold and see that he truly means every word, “Okay,” I nod my voice barely above a whisper. 
“Okay,” he agrees, keeping his voice down as well. “Shall we head to bed?” he asks. 
“We shall,” I laugh, following him up the stairs. 
That night we didn’t make love, we cuddled as normal though, but somehow even that felt wrong, now that the bond I prayed over for so long hummed within my chest.
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 While the little High Lord in training was typically quite docile, he had just learned to crawl and had begun flapping his little wings, which meant trouble was becoming the new normal. Which is exactly what had happened today…
“Nyx no!” I shouted as he reached for a heavy book on one of the bookshelves, his tiny wings helping him to gain the extra inch or two of ground he needed. 
I grabbed him from underneath his shoulders and brought him into my arms, bouncing him on my hip as his eyes caught the shiny necklace I was wearing. His little hands grabbed at it and I figured it was better than a vase or another heavy book. 
“Just wait till he can actually fly,” Lucien chuckled, coming up behind me.
“That won’t be for quite a while thankfully,” I laugh, bouncing the babe up and down.
“Are you so sure about that? Cassian seems to already be giving him lessons.” he points out. 
“I don’t even want to think about a flying toddler,” I scoff and Lucien chuckles behind me. 
 He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and I could feel his lips curling into a smile.“You’re going to be a great mother one day” he admitted. 
“I’ve always wanted children,” I said and a beat of silence passed until I decided to be bold. “Lu, do you think we could ever have children?” I ask, afraid to turn around and possibly see a wary look on his face.
I felt Lucien’s chuckle reverberate behind me, “Of course, I’ve always been fond of children myself,” he laughed. 
I whipped around with Nyx to search his eyes for a hint of uncertainty, but he seemed happy about the idea, “Really?” I asked in disbelief. 
“Of course,” he assured me. 
“I want a million just like little Nyx here,” I smile looking at the babe in my arms. 
“Minus the wings of course,” Lucien laughs behind me and I pause. 
My entire life I had always pictured my children with wings. Small, delicate little things that I would ‘ooo’ and ‘ahhh’ over.  I remembered seeing the Illyrian children in Windhaven growing up, I was always so happy when mothers would let me hold their babies, their wings so adorably small. I looked forward to having winged children of my own, I always pictured them scaling Azriel when they were little like Nyx, and as they got older I would watch as Az taught them to fly.
“What is it my dear?” Lucien asked, breaking me out of my trance. 
“Oh it’s nothing, it’s just that when I pictured my children I always figured they would have wings,” I say, pressing a kiss to Nyx’s temple. 
As if summoned, Azriel walked in, Rhys and Feyre in tow, signaling that their meeting was over. His eyes flitted to me, no doubt having heard what I had said. Lucien’s hand tightened on my hip.
Feyre’s eyes sparkled at the sight of her son and Rhys eyes sparkled at the sight of Feyre taking their babe from my arms. I reluctantly gave Nyx back, already missing being able to pretend he was my own. 
“He was a little angel,” I report to Feyre.
“If by angel you mean hellion,” Lucien chuckles behind me. 
“I would expect nothing less from a child raised by this family,” Rhys laughed, wrapping one arm around Feyre and brushing a hand against his son’s cherub cheeks. 
A silence rolled over the room as we all watched the little family reunite. I couldn’t help but flit my eyes to Azriel, who looked at them with a grin and a longing in his eyes. His eyes find me and I don’t dare look away. 
“Can we talk?” Azriel asked timidly, taking a step away from the doorway he leaned against. Feyre and Rhys take out of the room, no doubt feeling the change in the atmosphere.  
I searched his eyes for a hint of aggression but all I found was remorse, “Yes we may,” I say quietly.
Lucien releases his grip on my hip as I follow Azriel into Rhysand’s study and close the door behind me with a resolute click signaling that I was locked in here with him. Az takes up residence by Rhys’ desk, leaning against it like some sort of tortured man. I couldn’t help but notice he was still in his fighting leathers, his wings tucked in tight and his knuckles perched over his lips, like he was contemplating what to say. Even now, when he was at his most vulnerable, he was so beautiful. 
“I’m sorry for the way I acted last night. I yelled at you and I shouldn’t have,” he says fidgeting a bit. “Its just… it’s just that I was so pissed when I found him with his hands all over you and you just seemed so happy.” 
He sighs running a hand through his hair staring at the ground, still unable to meet my eyes. 
“I think that’s what bothered me the most,” he continues. “You seemed…happy.”
“You were upset because I was happy?” I scoff furrowing my brows at him, the fucking gall of this male. 
“No, no! Gods y/n,” he corrects me, running his hands down his face clearly upset with himself. “I think I was upset because I wasn’t the one making you happy.” he finally says and I can hear the vulnerability in his voice. 
I’m completely taken back by his words, at the fact that he admitted that he wanted to be the one to make me happy like that. The way Lucien did. It didn’t make any sense, given the fact that he never showed me in the last 400 years. 
“That’s funny coming from a male who’s been complaining to me about the females he’s been in love with for the past 400 years.” I deadpan, crossing my arms. 
“Is that how long you’ve known? 400 years?” he asked me, voice rising a bit. 
I nod, “I knew the night you danced with me on solistance in the Hewn City all those years ago,” I confess. 
“Fuck y/n,” he groans running his hands down his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Because you started panting after Mor and the second you gave up on her in walked Elain!” I shouted, it was the most obvious thing ever as to why I didn’t tell him. 
“You had to know that you were first,” he says, snapping his head up to meet mine, pleading in those hazel eyes. 
I gave him a blank stare not knowing what he was talking about. 
“Please tell me you know you were the first, before Mor, before Elain, I was practically on my knees for you,” he confessed. 
Once again I’m left speechless. Could it be true? That he had wanted me before I even knew about the bond? 
I shook my head, even if it was true he was speaking in past tense. I didn’t want him to be my mate because he felt like he had to be, I wanted him to love me, truly love me. I wanted him to choose me.
“I had no idea,” I admit feeling a bit of shame. “But that doesn’t matter anymore, it’s all in the past. I’m not mad at you Azriel.” 
“Thank the cauldron,” he breathes, crossing the room to cup my face.
I place my  hands on his wrists and pull them away from me, “Az I think that you should be with Elain,” I say, stepping back from him. 
“What? No.” he shakes his head and I take another step back.
“You clearly love her and she loves you, the cauldron made a mistake by making us mates, it's as simple as that,” I say trying to hide my tears.
I loved Az, a part of me always would, but I wouldn’t be his consolation prize just because the cauldron fucked up and made me his mate instead of Elain. I couldn’t live with that. 
“No don’t say that, please don’t say that,” Az pleads, his voice softening. 
“I’m sorry Azriel but I won’t be your consolation prize,” I say before grabbing the door handle and walking out into the living room where Lucien was. 
Azriel goes to say more until he hears the hitch in my breath. There, before me, Lucien is tucking a stray hair out of Elain’s face and placing a kiss on her knuckles. A sweet gesture, one I’ve probably read about a thousand times in my romance novels. Lucien’s eyes flit to mine, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen him so happy. 
“We’re going to give it a shot,” he smiles happily, putting an arm around Elain. 
“Really?” I ask looking to Elain who smiles brightly. 
“Yeah we are,” she says smiling up at Lucien. 
“Oh I’m so happy for you two,” I cheer before engulfing them both in a hug. 
“Congrats you guys,” Azriel mutters from behind me, seemingly abandoning whatever he was going to say to me in favor of praising his friends. 
Lucien chuckles at my excitement, “Don’t get too excited, we’re going to have to move my stuff out of your place today, I think it’s time I move back into the townhouse,” he smiled. 
“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!” I cheer, grabbing his hands to winnow us away. 
In reality I wasn’t excited about the idea of moving, and much less excited about the idea of my little townhouse being empty again. But I needed to get away from Azriel. 
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One week later:
After the all day affair of moving Lucien’s accumulated stuff out of my house and in the townhouse I was back to loving alone. Which at first wasn’t terrible. I was content to read my book and cook for myself when necessary. But after about a week I began to miss the food Lucien would make, or having someone to lie next to. It was a strange feeling, it felt like a breakup, but I wasn’t sad. I missed having another heartbeat in the house, not Lucien himself. 
After a week of getting my affairs in order my brother finally asked me for some help and I was thankful for the distraction. All week I had been in my own head about all that had happened, with Lu and Elain, with me and Az. I needed a break to think of something else. 
That’s how I found myself slipping on an old day court dress and getting ready to winnow to see Helion, an old friend of mine. I was leaving the house and locking the door when I ran smack into a large chest I screamed being taken off guard. 
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you,” a familiar voice apologized, I turn to find Azriel standing before me. 
“It’s okay, I should’ve been paying more attention,” I chuckle awkwardly. I hadn’t heard from the spymaster in a week, why would he come to talk to me now?    
Azriel’s eyes furrow from where they tower over me, “Why are you dressed for the Day Court?” he inquires. 
“Oh well,” I look down at the swaths of white fabric that cascaded down my body, suddenly feeling a bit exposed from off the shoulder dress. “Rhys wants me to go and schmooze Helion a little bit. Something about wanting to get him to agree to better trade deals.” I laugh remembering how my brother agonized over it the other day. 
“So he wants you to go and flirt with Helion?” Az cocks an eyebrow at me. 
“Well Helion and I go way back, and he’s always been…well keen on me.” I say honestly and I watch as Az bristles just a bit. I can’t even count the number of times the High Lord as tired to get Cassian and I in his bed
“I’ll give Rhys one thing he sure is ruthless,” Azriel chuckles trying to play off his nerves. 
“Is there something I can do for you?” I ask, still wondering why he’s here, at my doorstep. 
“Oh uh, no,” Azriel stutters. “Well actually I was walking by and I saw this and I thought of you.” he says pulling out a white rose. It looked like he had plucked it right off the bush down the street. “I thought you should have it.” he finished. 
I take the rose from his hand and notice that the thorns have all been cut off. I eye Truth Teller strapped at his side and the lingering thorn that was still stuck on its sharp blade. 
“That was very thoughtful of you Az thank you,” I tell him sweetly, taken back by his gesture. 
“You’re welcome,” he says, seemingly relaxing at my acceptance of his gift. 
I check my watch, “Well I really do have to go, Helion is waiting for me,” I wince moving past him on the stairs so I can get past the words my brother has on my place. 
“Yes of course,” Az says following me down the steps and out the wrought iron fence. “Do you need a ride?” 
“I’m okay, I can winnow,” I chuckle, closing the gate behind me. 
“Well I guess I’ll see you later then,” Azriel voices with a hint of a sigh. 
“Yeah I’m sure you will,” I reply before winnowing into Helion’s mansion. 
How could Az be so calm about all this? It was like he was trying to force himself to have feelings for me, figuring he better learn to love me now that he’s shackled to me for eternity. Part of me wondered if Rhys had given him a firm talking to and convinced him to attempt to like me.
“There she is,” Helion mused from the top of the stairs coming down the stairs dressed in his usual attire. Part of me hated that I found him attractive, in another life, if he wasn’t so promiscuous, I might’ve seen myself standing by his side. 
“Helion,” I smile, pulling him in for a hug. 
When we pull away his hands linger at my waist and his eyes look at the rose in my hand. “What’s this?” he asks plucking the rose from my hand. 
I think about the encounter with Azriel, how forced it all felt.
“It’s nothing,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders. 
Helion tosses the flower aside before throwing his arm over my shoulder and leading me inside, “So, your brother has sent you to convince me to agree to his new trade agreements.” he smirks.
“He’s done nothing of the sort, I came to visit an old friend of my own accord,” I tease, knowing Helion isn’t as daft as Rhys makes him out to be. 
“We’ll see about that new treaty after some wine, and tell your brother that next time he wants to use you against me as leverage he should just send you naked,” Helion chuckles. 
I erupt in laughter, slapping his arm as he leads us to a white couch with a bottle of wine sitting on the coffee table. 
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Three days later after successfully getting Helion to agree to a new trade treaty I found myself sitting in my living room with a glass of wine enjoying the fruits of my labors. As soon as I told Rhys about the High Lord of Day’s cooperation he sent me one of his finest bottles of wine as a thank you. Not that I required any thanks, I enjoyed spending time with Helion. 
My silence was interrupted by my door opening and closing. I just about jumped out of my skin, the only one who had the key to the place was Lucien and he had given it back a long time ago. My heart pounded as I stood from the couch in my nightgown and robe. I had turned in for the night and certainly wasn’t expecting visitors. I lift my romance novel over my head and step around he couch ready to swing when I see Azriel locking the door behind him quietly. 
“Azriel you scared the hell out of me,” I sigh, lowering the book. 
He turns from the door looking me up and down taking in my casual attire hungrily. “I’m sorry I guess I’m just used to walking right in, I wanted to give you these,” he says holding out a large bouquet of white roses, exactly like the kind he gave me the other day.”
“Thank you Az, they’re beautiful,” I say wearily, taking them from his scarred hands. “I’ll uh- I’ll just put them in water,” I tell him, padding into the kitchen to grab a vase and fill it. 
“I thought since you liked the other one I gave you that you might like those ones too,” he says walking into the kitchen and leaning in my doorway. 
I place the two dozen roses in a vase,“Well I appreciate them, it’s been a while since I’ve had fresh flowers in the house,” I divulge to him, remembering how Lucien used to bring them home all the time. He would always ask for Elain to make him a bouquet, his little way of speaking to her in a way that didn’t make her uncomfortable. The thought had me thinking of how Lucien and Elain were probably sitting at a nice dinner right now, had me questioning why the fuck Azriel was here. 
A silence fills the room as Azriel sits admiring either me or the flowers, from where I’m standing it could be either or. I walk around the kitchen island to test the theory and sure enough his eyes follow me as I lean my back against the side closer to him.  A wave of embarrassment slips over me. Did Rhys ask him to bring more flowers again? Was I really that pathetic? 
“Az why are you doing this?” I ask, gesturing to the flowers behind me. 
Azriel straightens taking a tentative step towards me, “Because I want what Elain and Lucien have. I want you to give me a chance to be a good mate,” he says softly. 
I look to the wooden floors below me, my bare feet messing with a loose floorboard, “You don’t have to do this Azriel. If Rhys sent you I’ll just cover for you and say you came.” I say not daring to look at him. 
“I’m not here because of Rhys, I’m here because I want to see you,” he implored and I heard his feet shuffle closer. 
“I’m still not your consolation prize just because Lucien and Elain are doing well. I won’t do that to myself,” I say, continuing to mess with the loose floorboard. 
“You’re not my consolation prize y/n, you’re my mate.” Azriel states, his voice becoming more urgent causing me to tighten my arms around myself ever so slightly. 
His boots come into my line of sight and suddenly he’s titling my chin up to meet his pleading gaze. I’m suddenly all too aware of how underdressed I was. There was a time when I would’ve killed for this. But now? I won’t let myself be hurt again.
“Y/n please-” 
“Azriel I’m at peace,” I snap, cutting him off and looking down at our feet once again even though his hand still rested under my chin. “For the first time in 400 years I’m at peace. I have loved, and pined, and thrown myself at your feet for 400 years, and I am finally happy in my exile. So forgive me if I’m hesitant to give that up so quickly because you all of the sudden want a mate.” I bit out.
His shadows dance around my hands and I move my fingers out of their grasp, like their cold kiss was burning me.I wait for him to say something back, for him to breathe wrong, yell at me or leave but he doesn’t move. I let my eyes flit up to his, and I find him staring down at me, like he’s been waiting for me to look at him this whole time. 
“I’m not going to give up,” he states, if he was sad or upset by my previous words he doesn’t show it. 
I sigh, tossing my head back, “Az please,” I beg. 
“No I’m serious, I’m not giving up on you, on us,” he maintained steadfastly, his hands not leaving my cheek as he steps even closer to me and my back hits the cool granite behind me. 
“Azriel I think you should go,” I grit out, the second my body stiffens under his he steps back giving me my space. 
“Alright I’ll go,” he says, taking a step back.
I follow him to the door and hold it open as he steps out into the cool night air that has me wrapping my silk robe around me tighter, as if it was helping anything anyways. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he assures me before shooting off into the sky. 
“I really wish you wouldn’t!” I shout into the air after him before slamming the door and locking it. 
I take a deep breath once I’m seated on my couch again, trying to salvage any sort of peace I might still have. But that tranquility was disappearing in my hands the more I chased it. 
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The following day I head to Rhys’ house to talk over the new adjustments in the Day Court trade agreements. It was supposed to be easy enough, but as things got more and more complex it ended up being an all day thing. By the time I walked up the steps to my own townhouse I was exhausted and starving. I wasn’t looking forward to bread for dinner as I had no time to go to the market today. 
I kicked open the door and locked it behind me, the smell of fresh tomatoes and basil wafted through the air causing me to pause in my tracks. Was Lucien here? Had him and Elain gotten in a fight or something?
“Ah shit!” I heard a male cuss followed by the searing of liquid on a burner. 
I curiously walk around the corner of the kitchen where I’m greeted with the sight of Azriel, standing in my apron, reading my cookbook and stirring some sort of sauce. His shadows were helping him turn the pages of the book. I see the spilled sauce on the burner that was the cause of his profanity just moments ago. 
“There you are,” he smirked, his eyes flitting up to mine before reading the book again. 
“Az what are you doing here?” I ask, setting my bag down on the table. 
“Making you dinner,” he said, gesturing to the numerous used pans and utensils lying around my once clean kitchen. 
I walk over to inspect what he’s cooking. Fresh herb crusted chicken cooks in the pan next to him while he stirs a red sauce. In the sink is cooked pasta sitting next to freshly sauteed green beans. I inhale the smell of the food deeply and I can’t help but feel myself salivate a little, it smells delicious. 
“You always dog ear the recipes you want to try but you never make them for fear of not liking them,” he says nonchalantly as he prods at the chicken. 
I look down at the cookbook he’s reading, sure enough the recipe he’s making has a bent corner. I had been itching to try it but had never found the time. 
“If you end up not liking it there’s take out from Rita’s in the ice box,” he said using the spoon to point to the ice box in the corner of the room.
I look up to fully inspect him. This all feels like a ridiculous practical joke. If someone had told me that my spymaster would be cooking me dinner I would’ve laughed in their face. Upon further inspection I realize he’s shirtless, save for my apron he’s wearing. 
“Was the half nudity necessary?” I cock an eyebrow leaning against the counter. 
Azriel barked out a laugh, “It took me a while to find the apron, I had gotten tomato juice on my shirt when I started chopping them up for the sauce so I took it off and washed it,” he explained the corner of his mouth turning up in a smirk. “Plus I figured the whole shirtless bit might win me more brownie points with you.” 
I rolled my eyes at his cockiness, I didn’t dare let him know how right he was. 
He laughed at my reaction, “Why don’t you go sit down, dinner’s almost ready.” he said gesturing to the couch. 
I shrugged my shoulders and padded my way over to my favorite reading spot. The one he found me in yesterday. I plop down on the velvet sofa and there in front of me on the coffee table, my book has been left open to the place I bookmarked and a glass of wine sits for me. I raise an eyebrow but decide to just roll with it, I pick up the book and sip on the wine, becoming engrossed with the story.
A few minutes later I feel the cold begin to bite at my toes. I look around for a blanket and see that the nearest one is across the room. I curse at the idea of having to move, but before I can even set my book down one of Azriel’s shadows is scurrying across the room to retrieve the knitted blanket for me. The wisp of darkness arranges the blanket neatly over my legs, tucking me in like a mother would her child.  I can’t help but laugh at the care the little thing is putting into the job. 
Azriel’s shadows looking out for me was nothing new, the second the bond clicked for me they tended to stay near me. Picking up pens and silverware I dropped on the floor and always twirling around my hair and wrists. There were even times they would try to drag Az near me, like on starfall and solstice, nights I looked especially beautiful. But he would always curse and wave them off until they left him alone. 
The little shadow perched itself on my shoulder as if it too wanted to read my book. I could sense it was trying to anticipate any other small need I might have. 
“You know he might be insufferable but you guys are pretty great,” I laugh looking at the curious being. 
In response the shadow boops itself on my nose as if it was giving me a kiss. 
“Don’t tell them that or they’ll get a big head,” Azriel murmurs behind me where he’s leaning against the doorway between the living room and the kitchen, still shirtless and wearing that damned apron.
“In that case I’ll be sure to praise them more often, they’re little angels,” I smile as the tendril of darkness dances around my collar. 
Azriel lets out a small chuckle behind me, “Dinner is ready,” he tells me before disappearing into the kitchen once more. 
I follow him as the small shadow frantically pulls at my wrist towards the table, as if it’s eager for me to see what it helped its master cook. When I walk into the darkened kitchen and find that Az has set the table not only with our dinner but with candles and another bouquet. This time it’s an arrangement of jasmine, no doubt from the florist down the street. 
I sit down and inhale the heavenly scent of the white flowers and hum in delight. Azriel comes in with a bottle of wine and two glasses, pouring us each a bit. He sees me admiring the flowers and smiles. 
“Jasmine, like your perfume,” he says, putting down the bottle and taking his seat next to me. 
I smile and look down at the plate before me. It looks delicious, the pasta is fragrant with basil, the chicken is cooked to perfection and the green beans are vibrant and green. I lift my fork and dig into the past first. The moment it hits my tongue the flavor melts in my mouth, rich, bold and oh so savory. I let out a moan as my eyes flit to Azriel who is watching me expectantly wondering if I’m going to like it or not. 
“This is incredible,” I say, covering my mouth with my hand so he doesn’t see me chewing. 
“Thank the cauldron I thought I put too much red pepper in,” he breathes out, seemingly relaxing before digging into his own plate. 
“No it’s perfect, thank you really,” I say earnestly. 
“You’re welcome,” he smiled, taking a bite of chicken.
We sit and eat our meals in silence simply enjoying the good food. A little shadow flitted up in front of my face to gauge my reaction to the bite of chicken I was chewing. I couldn’t help but laugh as it shifted like it was cocking its head at me. 
“Yes it’s very good, you did a wonderful job,” I laugh at the little fella. 
My giggle brings Azriel’s attention to me once again and before I know it he’s waving his hand at the little tendril like he’s swatting a fly. 
“Hey go away let her eat for the love of god,” he chastises as the shadow slinks back behind him. 
“Don’t worry it wasn’t bothering me,” I laugh taking another bite of green beans. 
“Yeah well they haven’t been listening lately,” he says looking back at the little shadow that had slinked behind his shoulder like a reprimanded child. 
I shake my head at the two of them interacting and take another sip of wine. To be honest I wasn;t really sure what to say to Azriel. Despite his valiant efforts to win me I still wasn’t ready to abandon the peace I had grown so fond of. 
“You know it’s funny,” he tells me, playing with the food on his plate. “I feel like my shadows have always liked you. It was like they knew before I did,” he laughed nervously at his confession. 
“Maybe so,” I shrug, not wanting to broach the subject, the friendlier we could make this the better.
“I can remember times when they would drag me into any room that had you in it. Most of the time I control them, but when it comes to you? They control me.” he laughs while taking a sip of his wine. 
“Thank you again for dinner,” I say, forcibly changing the topic of conversation. “It’s been a while since I had a home cooked meal. I think the local restaurants have my to-go orders memorized now.” I laugh. 
“Lucein used to cook for you didn’t he?” Azriel asks, and I can feel his eyes burning into the side of my head as I play with the pasta on my plate. 
“Yeah he did, he was a surprisingly good cook too,” I say, recalling the traditional Autumn Court meals he would cook all the time. They were mostly for him, for when he was feeling nostalgic, but he always left some for me as well. 
Azriel sits for a moment as if debating whether or not to say something for a moment. “Did you love him?” he asks. 
My fork clatters to the plate at the abrupt question and I’ve never felt so put on the spot. It was never something I had thought about in regards to the autumn court male. Love seemed like an emotion  that would be reserved for Azriel and Azriel alone, until one day it wasn’t. I didn’t love Lucien, but I certainly stopped loving Az in that way, or at least I think I did.
“No I didn’t” I say honestly turning to meet the shadowsingers gaze. “Lucien and I… it was never like that. We both knew what we needed for each other, it started as just sex. But then he would stay the night, and then we started going to breakfast. His shirts started showing up in the laundry hamper, his books on the coffee table. Eventually I just gave him a key, it seemed like the logical thing to do. We didn’t even label our relationship until he asked me to marry him.” 
“I wasn’t sure,” Azriel said, going back to shyly staring down at the table. “I overheard your conversation that one day. When you asked him about the possibility of having children. You said that you always pictured your children having wings, was that true?” he inquired. 
I nod shallowly, unable to trust my own words in such a raw moment. 
If Az had any other questions he didn’t ask them or press me to talk about the two of us, it was as if he was happy with the answers I did give him. He was perfectly content to let me finish eating my meal in comfortable silence. When I was finished he cleared the table and didn’t let me lift a finger to help clean. Instead those pesky shadows cornered me into reading my book once more. 
It wasn’t until a few minutes later that he came in, dressed in his shirt once more to bid me goodnight. He insisted that I stay in my comfortable spot by the couch as he walked himself out locking the door behind him. As the comfortable silence, which I had grown so used to, ensued, I found myself silently wishing he had stayed just a little longer.
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The following weeks were spent with little visits from shadows and shadowsingers. Sometimes it would be Azriel showing up at my door with coffee or gifts. Other times, when Rhys had Azriel on missions he would find ways to leave things at my doorstep. The first time it was another bouquet of flowers and then chocolates. 
My favorite gift from Azriel had been the books. The first set he got me was the second and third book in my series. They appeared at my door the morning after he made me dinner with a note that read…
I noticed that you were almost done with your book last night so I went out to get you the second book. I noticed it was a short book so I got you the third in case you finished it in one day like you no doubt will. 
Of course he was right and I finished the second book by the end of the day. When I opened the third, and much longer book, to begin reading it a bookmark fell out and another note. 
I figured you might need a bookmark for this one.
He was right about that as well. 
The next book to be delivered was a classic romance with certain pages, and quotes underlined. His notes scribbled in the margins. Clearly he had taken the time to read the novel himself. When I saw the first annotation I expected his further notes to be corny or cheesy, but each one was well thought out. 
The most recent literally delivery was a small and short book about different types of flowers. Between each of the pages sat a live flower that corresponded with the page. It was possibly the most vibrant and beautiful bouquet I had ever seen and by far my favorite floral gift I had received. 
This week though things had been different. As the colder months were drifting in I started spending more time inside, reading by the fire. But not once had Azriel stopped by. Not a present, not a note to be found. When I subtly asked Rhys were the shadowsinger was he told me he was in the isle of Hybern. 
A week had come and gone without so much as a tendril of a shadow to be seen. I sat infront of my roaring fire with a book in hand trying to escape the bitter cold. Outside the first snowfall of the year had taken the form of a blizzard. I pitied the shopkeepers that would have to walk home in it. 
Around midnight I heard the scraping of metal against stone from outside my house. I jumped out of my skin and quickly looked at the clock noting the late hour. I set down my novel to wrap myself in a blanket and pad over to the front door. I could already hear the winds outside and feel the cold air seeping in through the cracks in the door. 
I open the door to investigate the strange sound and I nearly gasp when I find Azriel outside my house shoveling my walkway with a small shovel from my garden. One meant for digging out plants and trees, not snow. 
“Az what are you doing?” I ask, making the spymaster jump a bit. 
“I’m shoveling your walkway. I didn’t want you to slip tomorrow morning or hurt your back trying to shovel it yourself,” he said, digging into the snow again with the little metal shovel. 
“Oh Az you don’t have to do that,” I coo walking out into the cold pulling my blanket tighter. 
“I don’t have to but I want to,” he said shoveling more snow. “It wouldn’t take so long if I had a bigger shovel.” he grunts, frustrated.
“Well why didn’t you take Rhys’ shovel?” I laughed watching as the overgrown Illyrain tried to mangle the tiny thing. 
“Well I just got back from Hybern, I saw it had snowed and I came here first.” he explained and my heart swelled. He had come to my place first before he even went home. “I figured if I didn’t do it you would fall and break your head open.” 
“Azriel, really you don’t have to do this, I can handle it,” I plead with him feeling bad that he’s subjected himself to the weather. 
He stops his shoveling and turns to look at me, “y/n I want to do this. Don’t worry about it.” he says before looking me up in down seeing that I’m in nothing but a short nightgown and a blanket. “Now go inside before you catch a cold.” 
“Me? What about you?” I laugh looking around at the snow falling around us. 
“I’m Illyrian the snow doesn’t bother me,” he retorts and I can tell that he’s lying by the pink in his cheeks from the cold.
“Well I’m half Illyrian,” I counter, swinging back and forth on my heels. 
“Then I’m sure half of you is really cold,” he rebuttals. “Now go back inside and get warm before I carry you inside myself.” he smirks before shoveling up another heap of snow. 
I just shake my head and retreat to the warm fireplace awaiting me. 
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I waltz into the House of Wind  where the Solstice party is in full swing. Lords from neighboring courts are chatting and drinking all around and from the corner of the room I can hear Cassian’s booming laugher as he doubles over at something Helion has said. 
Like almost every solstice party I arrive fashionably late. I truly never mean to be the last to arrive, but it feels like the whole guest list decides to arrive early just to spite me. I make my way around the area where couples and children are dancing to a small quartet and head toward the bar. My dress billows behind me like liquid starlight. Just like every solstice party before this one, I will get by with copious amounts of wine. 
I lean against the bar and watch as Elain and Lucien laugh and giggle across the room. I smile as Elain pops a pastry into Lu’s mouth and I can’t help but feel a warmness in my chest at the two of them. Lucien was finally happy with his mate, and if there was ever someone who deserved such happiness it was him. 
My thoughts are interrupted by a shadowy friend making its presence known. Flying up by my face to say hello and then rushing behind me as if it was called. I turn to see Azriel dressed immaculately staring at me. His eyes flit up and down my body taking in every detail of me.
“You look…” He trails off, shaking his head, as if the words he was going to say wouldn’t be the right ones. “There are no words. Even the poets would get it wrong.”
I can’t help but blush at his choice of words, taking a step toward him as the shadows behind me are pushing me to do so. 
“You clean up pretty good yourself, spymaster,” I chuckle giving him a once over.
He blushes and then speaks again, “I mean it, you look beautiful tonight y/n.” 
I blush again and turn my head to avoid his gaze, like that shade of hazel might burn me from the inside out if I look too long.
“You must allow me to dance with you,” he says, taking both our drinks and placing them on the bar. “Not having you out on that dance floor would be a disservice to everyone here.”
I laugh taking his outstretched hand and allowing him to lead me to the dancefloor, “Alright Az you’ve convinced me, but only because I know you won’t step on my feet,” 
We fall into a comfortable motion, swaying back and forth to the slow tempoed song the quartet is playing. The couples around us filter around us, some lost in deep conversation, some embraced closely swaying to the song. I keep my eyes on them, knowing that Azriel’s gaze is on me. 
Memories of a solstice much like this one float through my mind. The way my feet ached before Azriel saved me, sweeping me up into a dance. The way the bond felt when it snapped into place for me. I had pulled on it so desperately hoping he might feel it too. I thought of all the years of agony that followed that night. Watching Az fall for Mor and later on Elain. Hearing my brother and Cassian talking about Azriel’s exploits in bedding local women. All of it tore me apart and it took over 200 years to rebuild the part of me that I had lost. I wondered if I would ever be whole like that again. 
I hear Elain and Lucien’s laughter once more, the sound breaking me from my thoughts as Azriel and I continue to sway to the music. 
“They make a great couple,” Azriel’s deep voice rumbles through me. 
I smile watching Lucine place a kiss to his mates lips, “They really do,” I say with a lightness to my voice. 
“Do you think we’ll ever be like that?” He asks tentatively and my world comes crashing down. 
“Az,” I say and his face falls at the dismissal in my tone. 
“Why not y/n? Why can’t we have a shot like they can?” Azriel says starting to get upset.
As if on queue the song that the quartet is playing ends and I hear the musicians flipping through their sheet music to find the next song. I pull my hands out of Azriel’s and take a few steps back.
“I think it’s time for me to go,” I say calmly, trying not to let the damn of tears break. I swiftly move past him towards the door. 
“Y/n wait!” I hear him call out behind me but I’m already out the door, my tears falling down my face as I make my way back to that empty townhouse in the middle of the city. 
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The rain outside my house slams into the window violently. Spring has come early in Velaris and I wasn’t exactly upset about it. At least I wasn’t until this torrential downpour blew into town. I hadn’t seen rain like this in the Night Court for at least a hundred years now.
It’s been weeks since solstice and it seems that Azriel has finally taken the hint and left me alone. I hadn’t heard a peep from him since that dance. Not a flower, chocolate or shadow to be seen and while I should be happy about it I had never been sadder. After all the walls I put up trying to keep my peace it seemed that he had succeeded in breaking them down again. 
I sat by the fire staring down at the dancing flames, no book, not even a glass of wine or tea. Just me and my all consuming thoughts. Each one of them led back to hazel eyes and blue siphons. 
I jump at the sound of a fist pounding on my door. Pulling my sweater tighter to cover up my nightgown I walk over to investigate who would have the guts to stand out in this monsoon at this hour. When I open the door I find Azriel bracing his arms against the doorframe, out of breath like he ran here. His hair soaking wet and sticking to his brow as the rain pelted him. 
“Az?” I shout over the sound of rain. 
“I can’t go on like this any longer y/n, I won’t do it!” he shouts over the storm. 
“Az it’s pouring what are you-” 
“I love you y/n!” he shouts stopping me mid sentence. “From the moment I met you I knew. I wanted so badly to put my hands around your waist and kiss you. And if you’re wondering why that seems like such an adolescent dream it’s because that’s what we both were. I was 117 years old and  you were 115 and that’s all I wanted. I knew little of love, even less of lust. All I knew was that I wanted to kiss you,” he hollers over the sound of rain wiping the water from his eyes.
“I’ve made mistakes, and I’ve hurt you, but I swear to you I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, because I love you. And I don’t care that you don’t love me too, because I love you y/n. I choose to love you!” he finishes and I can’t tell if it's rain falling from his eyes or tears that match my own. 
I choose to love you.
I take a shaky breath and take in the sheer desperation on his face, “I love you too Azriel,” I laugh feeling another tear slip down my cheek. 
He doesn’t waste a moment, stepping through my threshold and cupping my cheek to place a searing kiss on my lips. I melt into him, feeling his clothes soaking my own as my nightgown clings to my skin. His hands are on my waist, scarred and cold from the elements but still so intoxicating. My arms wrap around him pulling him further into the entryway. I hear him slam the door shut with his boot drowning out the sound of rain leaving only the music of our ragged breaths as he kisses me deeper. 
He pulls away to press his forehead to mine, his wet hair and skin causing drops of water to cascade down my own face. 
“I love you so much,” he breathes cupping my cheek to press a chaste kiss to my lips. “My mate.”
I pull him in deeper at the utterance of those two little words. I had waited 400 years for this male to kiss me, and this kiss right here? Well it made everything all the more worth it. 
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Epilogue: 5 years later
I stand outside on the lawn of the townhouse. My arms clutching around the sweater I’m wearing as the fresh spring air blows over my skin. My hands drift lower to the small bump of my stomach. 
I was only a few months pregnant and barely starting to show. Elain had told me that it would be a girl claiming she had seen it in a vision. I couldn’t have been more excited for Azriel to be a girl dad. 
“You’re doing it son!” I hear my mate call from the sky where he teaches our son to fly. 
“Dad, I'm flying!” the onyx haired child shouted as he flapped his wings to pick up some speed.
At first I was apprehensive of him learning to fly so early, even though it had always been a dream of mine to watch my children learn to fly. But Azriel had assured me that the youngster was more than ready, and after a few weeks of lessons here he was taking to the air like a natural. 
I look around at the townhouse behind me. It had seen some significant changes since the night Azriel stood in the rain and told me he loved me. The front yard was littered with toy swords and shields, and the outside had a fresh coat of paint. The inside had a room addition, a room for our son, Kai, and now we're adding another room for our daughter. All paid for by Rhys of course who was more than happy to give his nephew and niece everything under the sun.
My thoughts are interrupted by Azriel slamming into the ground before me. I turn to see him walking over to me with a smile on his face. 
“Az shouldn’t you be up there with him?!” I fuss looking to where our son swoops and dives through the air. 
Azriel laughs and picks me up bridal style, pressing a kiss to my lips. 
“It didn’t feel right being up there without my girls,” he smiled nodding to my bump. 
Without warning he took off into the sky meeting Kai up there. We must’ve spent hours flying around the city, stopping by every uncle and aunt's house to show them Kai’s new skill. Everything was perfect, and for the first time in my whole life, I finally knew peace.
(Do you guys want a smutty bonus chapter of what they did after he confessed his love???)
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hijackalx · 6 months
Headcanon thingy, but who would the boys (Gale, Astarion, Wyll, and Gortash) react to seeing their lover trying on lingerie?
felt like testing my drabble skills so i added a lil something extra to them 😎💗 enjoy pookie!!
likes when you surprise him with it. wear some under your clothes as a little treat for when he’s undressing you 😌✨
you look so good that it makes him trip over his words. he’s too busy ogling your body to pay attention to what he’s saying. will have him laughing like a nervous virgin 😹
LOVESSSSS garters. can’t keep his hands off of them. particularly loves the way your thighs strain beneath them when you’re on your knees
instantly wants to enchant the bottoms to make them vibrate and watch you get off like that (don’t ask if that’s actually possible my brain functions on horny not logic)
your outfit is inconspicuous, plain— perfect for covering up the lingerie hiding beneath. you wait patiently in his lap as he unwraps your silken robe, biting back a smirk.
he pauses to take in the sight of the lace hugging your skin, how it flows so delicately around your shape. he tuts, shooting you a familiar, frivolous grin. “feeling naughty tonight, are we?” just moments later, his hands move to rest on your bottoms, a seemingly harmless action that results in a soft buzz and a gasp. “i can work with that.”
insists on going with you to pick some out. follows you into every dressing room to “make sure it fits right” lol. so picky but mostly because he loves watching you try them on
his favorites are flowy/frilly types, like babydoll tops or satin robes. also LOVES stockings of any kind
makes you feel like an actual doll ✨🌸 repeatedly tells you how perfect you are and can’t keep his hands off you. will also try to get you flustered by whispering really dirty stuff about how you look into your ear
likes when you have fun with it and show off for him— be cheeky. do a little spin. bend over in front of him. be prepared for him to pinch or smack your ass though
he sits comfortably on the dressing room bench as you approach him. “how about this one?” you pull your bottom lip in playfully, placing your hands on his shoulders as he takes your body into his grasp.
“mm,” erupts from his throat, watching as his lithe fingers slip over and under the fabric sparsely covering your skin. “now, this one i like.” he places a slow and deliberate kiss to your exposed abdomen, his ruby gaze flitting up to meet yours; there’s an impish glint to them that tells you he doesn’t plan on waiting to have you any longer.
likes to make sketches of you wearing it. has so many drawings of you in compromising positions with it on. definitely keeps them for when he’s alone
loves corsets and bustiers because of how they emphasize your chest, especially in blacks and reds. crotchless panties also drive him INSANE
the sluttier you act while wearing it the better. don’t try to be modest (there’s honestly no reason to be anyway, he’s a freak fr 😹😹)
a sucker for fishnets. likes to take them off and use them to tie your wrists together. will also shove them in your mouth/gag you with them on occasion
his dark irises glance up from his work every so often to study your decorated figure; they follow the arch of your back, the heart shape of your ass, and linger on the exposed area between your thighs more often than not.
“lower,” he directs, and you immediately respond by deepening the angle of your back. he hums contently, scribbles some more, then adds, “spread your legs further.”
you comply once again, happy to flaunt your body under his gaze. the corner of your lip pulls upward, anticipating your reward for being such an obedient little muse.
bust this out on your honeymoon and he gets SOOO flustered. i’m talking stuttering/looking away/rubbing his neck
his favorites on you are lacy teddies— especially in blues, purples, and whites. more traditionally sexy styles really get him going
lowkey so obsessed with how you look in it. the kind of thing that’s on his mind 24/7. almost always asking you to put it on for him at the end of the day with a little pout 😹💗
LOVES when you strip for him nice and slow, especially how you tease him by carefully revealing each skimpy garment beneath your clothes. a lapdance is also mandatory
you spot the anxiousness simmering beneath his lax surface— he longs to touch you, but you’d rather toy with him a little more.
prowling closer to where he sits, you slowly unbutton your blouse. with each maneuver of your fingers, you reveal the lingerie lying beneath, watching how his hungry, needy gaze fixates on it.
he inhales sharply as you straddle his lap and take his hand in yours. he lets you guide it over your ornamented body, his eyes heavy with desire as he mutters a low and raspy, “you’ll ruin me.”
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vibingandsimping · 1 year
I always feel so awkward/flustered requesting things, but the bg3 brain rot is so real. Could I ask for specifically Gale’s, and/or also anyone else of your choice (if you want obvs), like reaction to a virgin!Tav, like never had more than a peck on the hand or cheek inexperienced? I’m just absolutely feral over a shy, never been kissed Tav and companions~~~
Tav is just like me, fr. I appreciate you pushing your comfort zone and asking. Never feel ashamed to request something on my blog. <3
I liked this idea so will count it towards my second follower goal special. Funny how both of them ended up being Gale requests, honestly. Attempted to keep it gender neutral.
Word count: Around 2,000
Forewarnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, partial loss of virginity, oral (receiving), undergarment stealing, porn with little plot.
Gale, himself, had been quite inexperienced before Mystra. He just had himself so deeply rooted in his books and studies he thought the time was… wasted. It wasn’t that he couldn’t seek a partner, no, he just didn’t fare the effort. Mystra sought him out and how in the hells could he turn a literal goddess down? That relationship burned and crashed. Honestly, he was thankful for it now. He met you. You struck him like no other. You were more than Mystra. So when feelings reciprocated? Gale was elated.
He judged on your nerve that you either found him stunning, or, you lacked experience. He thought the latter. Whenever he held your hand and gazed into your eyes you seemed to shake. It was cute. His palm cupping your cheek and you’d flush so deeply he’d fear you suddenly fell ill. Often times, you’d break it off before things escalated beyond a hand holding or a gentlemanly kiss. Gale didn’t take to it harshly, at first. He yearned for your skin, your lips, your touch. He tried to make that clear in his language. Hands reaching for you more often, bodies closing the distance. He’d never push too far, though. Gale’s shame would be immense if he scared you.
Some gentle probing finally pulled some truth from you, one evening. You were a virgin. Never even having been kissed before. He wasn’t sure whether to comfort you or take a primal hunger in the idea of being your first. Lips and body, hopefully. He brushed it off initially, saying that he’d tend to your needs when you were ready. His words lingering in the air as he made it apparent that he craved you. Lusted and loved, in every sense. You nearly combusted and stammered. Gods, you were going to be his ruin. Mystra, forgive him but he believed you more enchanting than she ever was.
The first time he tasted your lips was under the guise of moonlight. Northern lights dancing in the sky as the moment you shared tender. You relaxed in the privacy and comfort of him. He bore his heart to you that night. Explaining his fears- his worries and his longing. It was shocking to see you make the first move, your hand cupping his face this time. You drew him in and he closed the distance. He swore he was flying when he pressed against the plush of your lips. Moving in and out, feeling the breath of each other dance along skin. His hand reached out and rested on your knee. You covered it with your own, grasping it in your hold. Fingers interlocked and he took the initiative to deepen the moment. His tongue flicked against your lips and the whimper that followed made him shiver.
As soon as it happened, he pulled away with a pant. Doe-brown eyes searching your expression as his mind raced. “I apologize if I am taking things too far or too fast. Your beauty strikes me and all I wish is for this moment to last an eternity.” You laugh, squeezing his hand reassuringly. Then, you shake your head and draw him in closer. “No, it’s okay. I think i’m ready. I want you, Gale.” His nostrils flare at the words and he steels himself, watching you intently. Nerve trickled in your voice but there was no outward hesitancy in your desires. He sits for a moment and soaks everything in. The satisfaction and sight of you presenting yourself to him. Vulnerable and so willing. He trailed his free hand to your shoulder and gently pushed you onto the grass. Intertwined hand next to your head as he claims your lips once more.
You could only lay and enjoy the sensation he was giving you. His fingers tickling down your shoulder to your chest. He was more than happy to lead you in this dance of pleasure. It would pave a path into many nights where you could enjoy each other. He’d be able to forget what it was like imagining your flesh. His tongue parted your lips and licked at your own tongue. You exhaled a sharp breath through your nostrils, sloppily trying to reciprocate. He smirked a little and continued to guide you as his hand lowered to where your sleep-shirt rested at your hips. His fingers were a little cold from the air as he slipped underneath it to feel your stomach. Gale parted from your lips to your jaw, continuing his love there down to your neck. Arousal from the touch of another was strange- but definitely not unwelcome. Gods, no, it’s so welcome. Your thighs clenched as he kissed over a particularly sensitive spot of your neck. Seemingly noticing your shift, he nibbles and sucks on it. The sensation causes you to gasp and writhe underneath him.
His palm presses flat on your stomach, using his strength to keep you still. Once he finds enough satisfaction after leaving a hickey, his lips trail down to your shoulder. A final kiss is left and he lifts himself to meet your gaze. His lips are wet and a tad swollen as his lids are halved. The sight made your loins tingle. It spoke all lust and admiration. He took such pleasure in watching and feeling you succumb to his touch. He nods downward at you, gesturing to your shirt and you nod in return. With the confirmation, he slips your shirt over your head and soaks the sight of you topless in. You can feel him shake a little as he hovers over your body. He lowers himself and slides downward to plant kisses against your collarbone. They follow to the middle of your ribs until he’s level with your nipples. He looks upwards through his eyebrows as he wraps his lips around one. You keen- arching your back as he suckles while his fingers tend to the neglected.
You hardly notice when his lips meet your lower stomach. Reaching to your pelvis as he slowly works your pants down your legs. You help him by shimmying your hips- and he groans in satisfaction when the skin is revealed. His hands contact your thighs and hold you down while he continues kissing along your pelvis- tickling the undergarments you wore. Your breath hitched and fingers twitched at the grass underneath you. Torn between admiring the sky or him as he worked your body so beautifully. A nibble caught your daze and you whimpered. He parted and cherished in the kisses and little marks he’d left. “Love,” he whispered and you craned your neck to look at him, “It is not too late to stop. I won’t force this upon you.” Admittedly, you paused for a moment and stared at him. Smiling and reaching out, his face was cupped in your hand. “No. I want this.” He visibly perked.
“Then, may I?” His fingers slipped under the waistband and tugged. You nodded with a twinkle of amusement. The cold air on your sensitive flesh made you hiss- but he was quick. Fingers and tongue meeting with little hesitance. You jerked at the sensation and he simply hummed, easing you down. It seemed he waited a moment for you to adjust before working his magic (pun intended). His tongue licked and worked you in circles while his fingers explored the flesh around. Your thighs, your rear- anything he could touch. He was keen to listen to your whimpers and observe your movements. He’d stop when you’d flinch and he’d continue when you moaned. Quite honestly, the coil in your stomach twisted and wound faster than you’d anticipate. He collected the mix of your arousal and his saliva onto his fingers. They circled your entrance and gently prodded, allowing you time to recognize his desire through the haze that was pleasure. It didn’t come easy when he started to push them in- no, you tensed and cried out. Gale continued working your sex while his spare hand caressed your flesh comfortingly. Once he was past the first ring- everything began to slowly ease.
His eyes watched you carefully as he slowly began to explore the inside of you. You were thankful for how patient he was being. Stopping whenever it seemed to overwhelm you and continuing when the stillness became unbearable. It was a few minutes before you could finally find a deeper pleasure in the touch rather than the discomfort or pain. He hummed approvingly against your sensitive parts- and you whined. His fingers were relatively thick but mostly long. They searched inside you until your body writhed as he brushed against a spot that made your eyelids flutter. It was over after that, he didn’t miss a heartbeat adjusting his tune to increasing the intensity of his mouth and tongue while abusing it with his fingers. You couldn’t contain the depraved sounds you made after that. Gripping at whatever you could; settling on his hair with tight white knuckles. Breaths were shallow as everything came to a crescendo and- crashed. It crashed hard. You were a writhing mess under him as a strangled cry cut from your throat.
Gale happily licked and cleaned up any mess you made as he worked you through your orgasm. Thighs clenching and unclenching around his head as he milked you of all you’re worth. He pulled away when the brink of overstimulation set in, wiping at his face with a grin-eating smirk. You lay like a fish out of water, riding the high and twitching with aftershocks. The man curled up beside you and cooed comfortingly in your ear while you recovered. You could feel his erection press into your skin through his robe but he paid no mind. He laid with you for however long until you could breathe and think with some sort of clarity. Recognizing that, he spoke. “Beautiful, truly beautiful. I have craved to see that for ages now. Yet, nothing my imagination could supply would have compared to it.” He laughed softly while you melted at the sound. “Do you need some… erm-“ You gestured towards the mass against your leg. He blinked, looked downward and smiled bashfully. “No,” he claimed and you blinked in shock. “I wore you out thoroughly with that. I will be fine- there are opportunities ahead. It will make it all the sweeter. Besides, I want you to cry my name out next time.” He shushed any rebuttal you had with a kiss. Soft yet passionate- with the aftertaste of you on his lips.
He grabbed your discarded garments and began to wipe the rest of the mess from between your thighs. You flinched and shivered at the touch of the highly-alert flesh. He kissed your ear tenderly to reassure you before curling the fabric into a ball and pocketing it. You gave him a pointed look- questioning. “Keepsake.” He muttered with a blush. A shiver ran down your spine at the perversion of the act. Yet, it made you feel so desired all the same. “Do you need anything? Food or water?” His eagerness to confirm your comfort made your chest swell. You shook your head and claimed you only wanted to relax with him. Gale visibly softened at that, almost awestruck. He assisted you back into your clothing and fixed your sex-messed hair. The night was still after that. Wrapped in his arms as his breath washed over you from the proximity. His fingers danced along your skin and traced unknown shapes. Everything felt as close to perfect as you’ve gotten in… a long while. You knew you couldn’t stay there the entire night. It just felt right to enjoy the rest of the moment with him til you had to return. Return to the madness that was your current life.
For now, you could forget the tadpole. You could forget anything that wasn’t the feeling of his warm body pressed to yours and the afterglow of everything that occurred.
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caffeinetheif · 1 year
Yandere! Daivolo x GN! MC
WC: 2.5k
Warnings: basically everything that involves yanderes, blood, heavily implied (but not described) minor character death, imprisonment of MC, implied forced cuddling/bed sharing, blood, mentions of paranoia and the feeling of being watched, some minor violence from MC towards Diavolo (let’s be honest he kinda deserves it), attempt at a non-consentual kiss
A/N: y’all I’m super sorry for the absense. Work and school has been hectic. The stress of prepping for a study abroad is taking its toll that’s for sure. As always, I hope you enjoy and let me know if I missed any warnings! The title is a little cryptic, but I have my reasons for choosing it :)) Also, this was low key based off of a dream I had a while ago lol
“MC, darling,” a gentle voice rouses you from your peaceful slumber. It takes you a moment to remember where you are and who you are with.
Your mind reacts with panic. You’re still here, stuck in this cursed room with the demon who stole you away. The demon who faked your disappearance so he could keep you just for his own selfish desires.
“What, Diavolo?” you can’t help but let a bit of resentment slip into your voice. If there’s one thing that’s stayed the same after being snatched, it’s your distaste for being woken up.
The demon chuckles, “I apologize for waking you, dear, especially so late. There’s urgent business that I must attend to, but I promise I won’t be gone long!”
You glare at the back of Diavolo’s imposingly tall form as he stands up from your shared bed and dresses himself. If you had it your way, you wouldn’t even be here, much less sharing a bed with the Prince of the Devildom. You tried demanding your own room or bed when he first whisked you into his castle, but he laughed and told you that there was no need to be so stubborn.
Noticing your angry stare, Diavolo turns to you and smiles, “You can go back to sleep, MC. I know how much you hate being woken up.”
Diavolo restates that he’ll be back as soon as he can as he moves to press a kiss to your forehead. In a split second act of rebellion, knock your head into his chin as hard as you could without much of a windup. The demon doesn’t even flinch, but laughs instead.
“Still feisty as always!”
You think you see a flash of annoyance and disappointment in his honey gold eyes, but quickly flop back down in bed and turn your back to him. Maybe if he thinks you’re going back to sleep he will leave you be. You hear him bustle around the room a bit more before hearing his boots move towards the door.
That damn door! It locks from the outside and Diavolo has the only key. No matter how much you destroy the room searching for the key, you have never found where he keeps it hidden. The only idea you have is that it is somehow enchanted and bound to Diavolo in some way. Every time he enters and exits the room, he always locks the door behind him, which ruins your chances of any escape through it. Even the solitary window in the room is magically locked and indestructible to anything you throw or hit it with.
You hear the clicking of the lock becoming undone and the door opening. The door is shut quickly and you assume Diavolo has left. Time passes as you wait for the resounding ‘click’ of the lock sliding back into place. The sound never happens, your heart jumps with excitement at the prospect of Diavolo actually forgetting to relock the door in his hurry to attend to business. You quietly sit up and swing your legs over to stand. You move towards the tall solid wood door and listen for any notion that the prince is returning. You hear nothing for several minutes before you decide to test your luck.
Your shaky hand reaches out for the cold iron door handle and you slowly twist it. The inner mechanisms click and you wince as they echo throughout the empty room. Slowly, and ever so carefully, you push open the door. The hinges faintly groan but put up no fight.
The hallway outside is quiet. There is no sign of life from Diavolo or servants or maids. No footsteps or voices are heard. No demon is there to order you to stop or to get back in the room. There is no light coming from the hanging light fixtures or candle holders on the walls. The only light source is the gentle moonlight beaming in through the windows. The lack of life almost seems too good to be true, but it’s your only chance at escaping this hellhole.
Ever so carefully, you sneak out of the doorway. Twisting the handle, this time from the outside, you push the door shut so the hardware doesn’t alert anyone to the door being shut once more. You almost don’t believe that you’re out of that room. Before you begin the next phase of your escape, you look down the hall both ways. No one can see you leave, but that is an unlikely occurrence. So, you just have to out run them if you encounter anyone.
You start at a careful speed walk down the left hall. The paintings and portraits that hang along the wall seem to follow you with their eyes. A strong sense of foreboding urges you to move faster. A creak echoes from down the hall, and that’s all it takes for you to take off. You run down the ornate halls, ones that you had once admired. Now, they’re nothing but a mocking labyrinth and the paintings that adorn the walls mock you as you run. The tiled floor below does nothing to dampen the sound of your feet as your feet hit the ground.
Making turn after turn, you quickly find yourself lost in a state of panic and desperation. None of these halls look familiar and there is not a single living soul wandering around. No one is there to help you.
Or so you think. You make another turn and run face first into another person with a grunt. The force of the impact knocks you to the ground, but the other stays on their feet. You look up at the figure, the first living being you have encountered since arriving at the castle. He’s taller than you, but not tall by demon standards. He rubs at the spot on his chest where your head hit and he glances down at you in surprise.
“Huh?” he begins speaking, “there’s not supposed to be anyone in this wing of the castle, much less a human.”
Asking this demon, a servant of the castle, for help is a risky gamble, but one that you’re willing to take, “Please, you have to help me! I’m being held captive by Diavolo. Please, I need your help!”
The servant nervously glances around him, looking for any listening ears or prying eyes. He takes a shaky breath before saying, “You… you’re the reason Young Master has been acting strange.”
He sighs and looks like he’s contemplating something, “I shouldn’t. My Lord will have my head if he finds out I am helping you.”
Your gut drops, this is the first living being you have seen since you were brought to this wretched place! Is he really going to just… ignore you?
In a fit of desperation, you reach out and grab his sleeve, “Don’t leave me! I have to get out of here! I need to escape!”
Your outburst startles the demon and he shakes his head, “I didn’t say I was going to leave you. Follow me, and be quiet.”
Your heart leaps and you have to fight the urge to thank him, who knows if there is anyone listening. Turning on a dime, the servant walks through the decorative halls, making a number of right and left turns down other hallways. The two of you approach a ‘T’ shaped corridor and he seems to be attempting to remember something. Several seconds pass before he turns to the left option. 
The length of the hall is uncharacteristically dirty, with dust coating the vases and paintings. The only light present comes from the moon peering through the occasional window. The few paintings that have been long neglected seem to follow you with their gaze and you hurry to keep up with your guide’s long strides. 
Soon, the two of you finally arrive at a large, hardwood door. The demon quickly glances down the hall where you two just came from before flicking through his keyring. Finally, he stops once he finds a small, bronze key that matches the delicate hardware on the door and slides it into the keyhole. The key is twisted and you hear a dull click as the door is unlocked. The door creaks ominously as it is swung open to reveal a dusty, sparsely decorated room. 
The unnamed demon enters the room and motions for you to follow him inside. Once you do, he relocks the door and quickly walks towards a tall painting that hangs on the wall.
The servant glances back at you, “Help me move this painting. There’s an old passageway behind here that leads to the courtyard.”
The sound of his voice brings your attention and you hurry to help him. As you approach the demon, you notice the painting is a portrait of a very young Lord Diavolo and his father sitting together. Something about this painting doesn’t sit right with you, but you choose to ignore it in favor of helping the servant move the large painting. The two of you lift in tandem and he guides the heavy frame to the side, leaving an opening just wide enough for you to fit.
“This is where I Ieave you. The rest of your escape is up to you. I will do my best to cover your tracks.”
As you slip between the wall and the frame, you glance at the demon and whisper a gracious, “Thank you, for everything.”
The demon nods and shifts the painting back over the entrance to the passageway and darkness engulfs you. It seems more like a tunnel than anything, but it is wide and tall, clearly made for much taller and broader demons. The lack of light wouldn’t phase any demon who enters due to their superior vision in the dark, but you? You’re nearly blind and depend on the feeling of the wall at your side to guide you.
As you maneuver down the pathway, you can’t shake the feeling of being watched. You know it’s silly and chalk it up to the paranoia resulting from Diavolo’s constant hovering. Regardless, you pick up your pace, opting to ignore the burning sensation of the stone wall dragging against your hand.
You don’t know how long you walk for. Luckily, the secret tunnel doesn’t seem to have any alternate hallways and consists of a single, winding one that leads to your destination. The chilly air and cold stone walls seem to sap all the heat from your body and you begin to shiver. 
You finally see the moonlight beaming down at what you assume is the end of the tunnel. Glee fills you and you break out into a run as you grow closer to the light. The moonlight drifts down through a metal grate in the ceiling of the tunnel. It looks like it should be big enough for you to squeeze your shoulders through to get out. You stand under the grate and investigate the hardware. You don’t see any bolts or hinges on the grate that might hold it shut to your surprise. 
The only thing that poses an issue is the height of the exit. The tunnel was not constructed with human height in mind, leaving the only exit a great deal above your head. With your arm stretched straight up as far as you could go, you still aren’t able to touch the metal. Even rising to your tiptoes the piece of metal is just too tall for you to touch. 
With your heart pounding, you jump and swipe at the grate. The tips of your fingers brush against it. You jump and hit it again, and again, and again before the grate is dislodged far enough for you to be able to get your hand between the edge of it and the opening. With one more jump and a hard shove at the metal covering, the hole is completely uncovered. You mentally cheer, not wanting to give away your location to anyone who may hear.
It takes a couple more jumps for you to grasp onto the ledge securely, and at this point your arms and legs are exhausted. But you can’t give up, especially when you’re so close to being free! Just the feeling of the fresh air and cool breeze on your fingers is enough to spur you on. You bring your feet up against the stone wall as extra leverage to push yourself up and out of the hole. Adrenaline is one hell of a motivator. 
The breeze caresses your face as you roll onto the grass surrounding the outside of the hole. You want to laugh, cry, yell, whoop and holler at the feeling of finally being outside. How long has it been since you have smelt dirt? You never thought you would miss the stuff, yet here you are.
“Have you finished having fun? I must say, you made it quite far.” 
Your eyes snap open and your head shoots up to find the voice.
You see the one demon you are trying to escape. Diavolo, in all his glory, is crouching down a mere six feet away from the hole you just pulled yourself out of. The smile on his face doesn’t match the disappointment in his eyes.
A metallic stench fills your nose and brings your attention to Diavolo’s hands. Even with the moonlight projecting his silhouette and hiding most of him in darkness, you can still see the deep, ruby blood staining his hands. In the back of your mind, you know who it came from, but you don’t want to believe it. Lately, you find yourself not wanting to believe a lot of things.
Diavolo chuckles when he notices your eyes fixated on his hands, “It’s a shame, he was such a hard worker. To think such a dedicated servant would go behind my back to help you run away from me. Though, I do have several demons eager to replace him.”
No, no no no no! This can’t be happening! You didn’t even know his name, yet you find yourself grieving for the demon you just met.
Diavolo stands and a large, bloody hand wraps around your upper arm. He hauls you up like a sack of potatoes and ignores how you flinch and squirm at the feeling of the still warm blood seeping through your shirt. You can tell he’s furious as he moves to guide you back towards the castle.
“No, please, I just want to go home!” You panic, you can’t go back. If he gets you inside the castle again, you’re never getting out.
“Your home is here, MC. It’s here at my side where I can keep you locked away, where I can keep you safe!”
Anger surges through you and you kick and writhe, doing anything to get out of his grasp, “I’m not some object for you to own! I don’t belong to anyone, and certainly not you!”
Diavolo’s eyes narrow, and the aura he gives off is oppressive. Your brain screams at you to run, to get away, that Diavolo was dangerous. After all, he killed a demon in cold blood just because they brought you to an escape route.
“You were mine the day you arrived in the Devildom.”
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asacredthebread · 10 days
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cover by @no-other-mashter
A Cabin In The Woods - Ch4
Sam x F!Reader - 18+
Warnings/Themes: Oral (r), Slight Teasing, Gentle Sam, Unprotected Sex
an: i’m gonna be so fr this entire chapter is just smut, i had other plans but it is what it is
wc; 9.1k
taglist - @musicislove3389 @peaceloveunitygvf @jazzyfigz @sarahbethgvf @fleetingjake @cheersdannyx2 @gretavanfan @dannys-dream
join the taglist
The charged atmosphere crackled around you, filled with unspoken potential as you looked into Sam’s playful eyes. Something had shifted palpably between you, and neither of you could ignore the deeper undercurrents swirling just beneath the surface. Your hearts were racing, and for once, the playful antics of your past rivalries felt like a backdrop to something more profound.
“I mean, you’ve built yourself up some kind of reputation,” you teased softly, your tone lightening but the glimmer of seriousness still dancing in your gaze. “You can’t keep throwing those kinds of challenges at me without backing them up. If you really think you can impress me, then this is your chance to show me exactly what you can do.”
The moment those words passed your lips, his expression transformed. The lazy grin that had been teasing at the corners of his mouth widened, an almost playful arrogance lighting in his eyes, as if he were savoring the bait you had thrown out. “Oh, I intend to,” he replied, voice low and smooth, brimming with an irresistible confidence that sent another rush of warmth through you.
With that, he shifted closer, clearing the distance yet again. He lowered his head slightly, and you felt the air between you thrum with anticipation. It had been mere seconds, but those seconds stretched like a taut string, threatening to snap at any moment. Just as you started to breathe in the excitement of it all, you felt the soft brush of his lips against your neck, sending a shiver cascading down your spine.
Sam took his time, mapping out a path along your skin, his lips just gentle enough to tease. Each kiss was calculated, deliberate, as if he were thoroughly studying you, learning every respond you had to give. You could sense the playful teasing from earlier morph into something far more intimate, a current of desire threading through the moment that held you both captive.
As he kissed your neck, you felt him graze his teeth over your skin, a sensation that left a pulse of warmth in its wake. It was playful yet sensual, a dynamic based on that unyielding tension as he explored the tender spots where your heartbeat quickened. “You like that?” he murmured, the breath of his words ghosting over your skin, rich with the promise of more yet to come.
Your response was a mix of breathy laughter and a quiet sigh that betrayed how incredibly aware you were of him. The familiarity of Sam’s teasing ways, once infuriating, now turned tantalizing and precisely what you craved. “You keep this up, and I might just be convinced,” you teased back, fighting to keep your voice steady as you savored the sensations stirring within you.
He chuckled against your throat, the sound reverberating through your body as his lips continued their exploration. The teasing had settled into a rhythm that was undeniably enchanting, cocooning you both in a world of your own. “Oh, just you wait,” he replied, his voice a rich whisper laced with the earnestness of a promise.
With each kiss, each gentle graze of his teeth, the memories of past rivalry evaporated, melting away into something warmer. You could feel the invisible walls you had both built slowly crumbling, each brush of his lips allowing you to let go of everything you had held onto before. The intimacy of the moment wrapped around you like a soft blanket, shielding you from your scattered thoughts and fears alike.
As he continued to explore the curves of your neck, you surrendered to the delicious blend of his kisses and gentle nibbles, losing yourself in the sensation. The exhilaration of feeling desired mingled with the warmth radiating from him, drawing you deeper into a space you had always wondered about but feared venturing into. Realizing how much you had wanted this connection made it all the more intoxicating.
Sam’s kisses traced up to your jawline, lingering there for just a moment as he paused, his breath warm against the sensitive skin of your face. You could feel the rapid thrum of your heart, responding eagerly to this new chapter between you, where tension had given way to tenderness. The heady mix of his teasing smirk and the palpable depth of feeling ignited a fire within you, urging you both to delve further.
“You really think you’re ready for this?” he asked, his voice low and teasing, before darting in to brush his lips against the corner of your mouth, holding the unspoken promise there suspended in the air, heavy with anticipation.
You took a steady breath, feeling the heat radiating from both your bodies, a whirlwind of emotions swirling insightfully around as you gazed into his eyes, searching for the sincerity behind his playful exterior. “Honestly, I don’t know,” you admitted, your vulnerability stark yet thrilling. “But I’m more than willing to find out.”
With that, Sam held your gaze for a heartbeat longer, and there was an understanding there, an acknowledgment of stepping into uncharted waters together. He was no longer just that familiar rival; he was something far more tantalizing—a partner in a venture that promised adventure and exploration.
As he leaned in again, drawing you closer, you couldn’t help but feel excited for all that came next, ready to break down the last remnants of your former selves and dive boldly into the warmth that beckoned, enveloped deeply in the promise of discovery.
Sam’s eyes glinted with mischief and undeniable warmth as he leaned closer, closing the space between you. He let out a low, approving hum that reverberated in your chest, igniting an exhilarating mix of affection and anticipation. The sound stirred something deep within you, a thrill that sent goosebumps skittering across your skin. There was an undeniable power in those playful moments, a pull that beckoned you to lean into what lay ahead.
With a gentle yet deliberate motion, he reached for the hem of your shirt, fingers brushing against your sides as he slowly began to pull it over your head. The fabric slipped away, revealing you to the warmth of the room, the cool air causing you to shiver slightly at the sudden exposure. It was a sharp contrast, heightened by the intimacy that flowed between you both in that moment.
“You know,” he teased, a playful lilt in his voice, “I could warm you up as quickly as I can.” His eyes roamed over you, filled with equal parts admiration and playful challenge, and the implication of his words sent another flutter through your heart.
Your breath hitched, the teasing nature of his tone wrapped around you like a silken thread, binding you in the very intimacy you both craved. “Oh, is that so?” you replied, trying to maintain a semblance of confidence even as your cheeks flushed with warmth. The playful aura of your previous debates was still there, but now it acted as a backdrop to something profoundly deeper, a thrilling chess match where desire marked each strategic move.
“Absolutely,” he replied, inching closer as he let the shirt fall to the side. The intensity in his gaze could have melted ice, and the mere thought of his promise hung tantalizingly in the air. “But I think you might need to take those shivers away first. Tell me, what would make you warmer?”
There was a breathless challenge in his tone, and you could sense the inquiry was layered—an invitation not just for physical closeness but for vulnerability. You swallowed hard, heart racing at the thought of what you were both beginning to explore, a territory ripe with emotional and physical nuances that had always threatened to spill over before.
“Maybe you should start by getting a little closer,” you replied with a playful smirk of your own, tilting your head slightly. The moment became a game of push and pull, of uncertainty and trust, and you sensed the thrill of whatever this new relationship would develop into.
Without breaking eye contact, he leaned in just a fraction more, hands sliding around your waist as he guided you closer, his breath warm against your skin. “Oh, I plan to,” he murmured, his voice lowering as if he were sharing a delicious secret. “But first… I want to make sure you’re really ready for it.”
With that, he pressed his lips back to your neck, continuing from where he had left off. His kisses trailed lower, leaving a path of soft warmth in their wake. You felt yourself melt further into him, the gentle caress of his lips igniting something deep within you. He pressed delicate kisses along your collarbone, grazing the sensitive skin just enough for your body to arch toward him instinctively, craving more of that tempting warmth.
“See? Starting to warm up already,” he teased, pulling back just enough to meet your gaze, the mischief in his eyes undeniable. The playful jab at your state of being only fanned the flames of excitement within you, and you couldn’t help but laugh breathlessly.
“Well, you do have a talent for it,” you admitted, the sincerity slipping past your lips almost involuntarily, making the air between you thrum with an electric current. The tension built with each second, the dynamic between you evolving, creating a bond that was undeniably deeper than anything you could have foreseen.
“I’ll admit my skills have improved,” he said, a hint of arrogance dancing in his tone, even as sincerity glimmered beneath. “But I’m only getting started.” The promise was there, thick and palpable, hanging between you as you surrendered to the warmth of the moment.
His hands found their way back to your sides, fingers dancing along your skin as he continued to explore, igniting every nerve ending as he worked to pull you close again. You looked into his eyes, your heart racing even faster now, the thrill of the unfamiliar territory you were both navigating washing over you like gentle waves.
“Then what’s next?” you challenged softly, the breath caught in your throat as you relished the newfound confidence in the burgeoning connection between you.
Sam's eyes sparkled with playful intent as he leaned back slightly, studying you in a way that sent a fresh thrill of anticipation cascading through your core. “Next? Oh, I think it’s time we find out just how well we really work together,” he replied, a teasing smirk spreading across his features.
As you gazed into his eyes, your heartbeat steadying in the newfound intimacy beneath the teasing nature of your interactions, you realized that every hopeful promise lingered on the horizon, waiting patiently for you both to explore the depths of your connection fully. And with Sam, you felt ready to meet whatever came next, eager for the journey that lay ahead.
The charged atmosphere crackled around you, filled with unspoken potential as you looked into Sam’s playful eyes. Something had shifted palpably between you, and neither of you could ignore the deeper undercurrents swirling just beneath the surface. Your hearts were racing, and for once, the playful antics of your past rivalries felt like a backdrop to something more profound.
“I mean, you’ve built yourself up some kind of reputation,” you teased softly, your tone lightening but the glimmer of seriousness still dancing in your gaze. “You can’t keep throwing those kinds of challenges at me without backing them up. If you really think you can impress me, then this is your chance to show me exactly what you can do.”
The moment those words passed your lips, his expression transformed. The lazy grin that had been teasing at the corners of his mouth widened, an almost playful arrogance lighting in his eyes, as if he were savoring the bait you had thrown out. “Oh, I intend to,” he replied, voice low and smooth, brimming with an irresistible confidence that sent another rush of warmth through you.
With that, he shifted closer, clearing the distance yet again. He lowered his head slightly, and you felt the air between you thrum with anticipation. It had been mere seconds, but those seconds stretched like a taut string, threatening to snap at any moment. Just as you started to breathe in the excitement of it all, you felt the soft brush of his lips against your neck, sending a shiver cascading down your spine.
Sam took his time, mapping out a path along your skin, his lips just gentle enough to tease. Each kiss was calculated, deliberate, as if he were thoroughly studying you, learning every respond you had to give. You could sense the playful teasing from earlier morph into something far more intimate, a current of desire threading through the moment that held you both captive.
As he kissed your neck, you felt him graze his teeth over your skin, a sensation that left a pulse of warmth in its wake. It was playful yet sensual, a dynamic based on that unyielding tension as he explored the tender spots where your heartbeat quickened. “You like that?” he murmured, the breath of his words ghosting over your skin, rich with the promise of more yet to come.
Your response was a mix of breathy laughter and a quiet sigh that betrayed how incredibly aware you were of him. The familiarity of Sam’s teasing ways, once infuriating, now turned tantalizing and precisely what you craved. “You keep this up, and I might just be convinced,” you teased back, fighting to keep your voice steady as you savored the sensations stirring within you.
He chuckled against your throat, the sound reverberating through your body as his lips continued their exploration. The teasing had settled into a rhythm that was undeniably enchanting, cocooning you both in a world of your own. “Oh, just you wait,” he replied, his voice a rich whisper laced with the earnestness of a promise.
With each kiss, each gentle graze of his teeth, the memories of past rivalry evaporated, melting away into something warmer. You could feel the invisible walls you had both built slowly crumbling, each brush of his lips allowing you to let go of everything you had held onto before. The intimacy of the moment wrapped around you like a soft blanket, shielding you from your scattered thoughts and fears alike.
As he continued to explore the curves of your neck, you surrendered to the delicious blend of his kisses and gentle nibbles, losing yourself in the sensation. The exhilaration of feeling desired mingled with the warmth radiating from him, drawing you deeper into a space you had always wondered about but feared venturing into. Realizing how much you had wanted this connection made it all the more intoxicating.
Sam’s kisses traced up to your jawline, lingering there for just a moment as he paused, his breath warm against the sensitive skin of your face. You could feel the rapid thrum of your heart, responding eagerly to this new chapter between you, where tension had given way to tenderness. The heady mix of his teasing smirk and the palpable depth of feeling ignited a fire within you, urging you both to delve further.
“You really think you’re ready for this?” he asked, his voice low and teasing, before darting in to brush his lips against the corner of your mouth, holding the unspoken promise there suspended in the air, heavy with anticipation.
You took a steady breath, feeling the heat radiating from both your bodies, a whirlwind of emotions swirling insightfully around as you gazed into his eyes, searching for the sincerity behind his playful exterior. “Honestly, I don’t know,” you admitted, your vulnerability stark yet thrilling. “But I’m more than willing to find out.”
With that, Sam held your gaze for a heartbeat longer, and there was an understanding there, an acknowledgment of stepping into uncharted waters together. He was no longer just that familiar rival; he was something far more tantalizing—a partner in a venture that promised adventure and exploration.
As he leaned in again, drawing you closer, you couldn’t help but feel excited for all that came next, ready to break down the last remnants of your former selves and dive boldly into the warmth that beckoned, enveloped deeply in the promise of discovery.
The charged atmosphere crackled around you, filled with unspoken potential as you looked into Sam’s playful eyes. Something had shifted palpably between you, and neither of you could ignore the deeper undercurrents swirling just beneath the surface. Your hearts were racing, and for once, the playful antics of your past rivalries felt like a backdrop to something more profound.
“I mean, you’ve built yourself up some kind of reputation,” you teased softly, your tone lightening but the glimmer of seriousness still dancing in your gaze. “You can’t keep throwing those kinds of challenges at me without backing them up. If you really think you can impress me, then this is your chance to show me exactly what you can do.”
The moment those words passed your lips, his expression transformed. The lazy grin that had been teasing at the corners of his mouth widened, an almost playful arrogance lighting in his eyes, as if he were savoring the bait you had thrown out. “Oh, I intend to,” he replied, voice low and smooth, brimming with an irresistible confidence that sent another rush of warmth through you.
With that, he shifted closer, clearing the distance yet again. He lowered his head slightly, and you felt the air between you thrum with anticipation. It had been mere seconds, but those seconds stretched like a taut string, threatening to snap at any moment. Just as you started to breathe in the excitement of it all, you felt the soft brush of his lips against your neck, sending a shiver cascading down your spine.
Sam took his time, mapping out a path along your skin, his lips just gentle enough to tease. Each kiss was calculated, deliberate, as if he were thoroughly studying you, learning every respond you had to give. You could sense the playful teasing from earlier morph into something far more intimate, a current of desire threading through the moment that held you both captive.
As he kissed your neck, you felt him graze his teeth over your skin, a sensation that left a pulse of warmth in its wake. It was playful yet sensual, a dynamic based on that unyielding tension as he explored the tender spots where your heartbeat quickened. “You like that?” he murmured, the breath of his words ghosting over your skin, rich with the promise of more yet to come.
Your response was a mix of breathy laughter and a quiet sigh that betrayed how incredibly aware you were of him. The familiarity of Sam’s teasing ways, once infuriating, now turned tantalizing and precisely what you craved. “You keep this up, and I might just be convinced,” you teased back, fighting to keep your voice steady as you savored the sensations stirring within you.
He chuckled against your throat, the sound reverberating through your body as his lips continued their exploration. The teasing had settled into a rhythm that was undeniably enchanting, cocooning you both in a world of your own. “Oh, just you wait,” he replied, his voice a rich whisper laced with the earnestness of a promise.
With each kiss, each gentle graze of his teeth, the memories of past rivalry evaporated, melting away into something warmer. You could feel the invisible walls you had both built slowly crumbling, each brush of his lips allowing you to let go of everything you had held onto before. The intimacy of the moment wrapped around you like a soft blanket, shielding you from your scattered thoughts and fears alike.
As he continued to explore the curves of your neck, you surrendered to the delicious blend of his kisses and gentle nibbles, losing yourself in the sensation. The exhilaration of feeling desired mingled with the warmth radiating from him, drawing you deeper into a space you had always wondered about but feared venturing into. Realizing how much you had wanted this connection made it all the more intoxicating.
Sam’s kisses traced up to your jawline, lingering there for just a moment as he paused, his breath warm against the sensitive skin of your face. You could feel the rapid thrum of your heart, responding eagerly to this new chapter between you, where tension had given way to tenderness. The heady mix of his teasing smirk and the palpable depth of feeling ignited a fire within you, urging you both to delve further.
“You really think you’re ready for this?” he asked, his voice low and teasing, before darting in to brush his lips against the corner of your mouth, holding the unspoken promise there suspended in the air, heavy with anticipation.
You took a steady breath, feeling the heat radiating from both your bodies, a whirlwind of emotions swirling insightfully around as you gazed into his eyes, searching for the sincerity behind his playful exterior. “Honestly, I don’t know,” you admitted, your vulnerability stark yet thrilling. “But I’m more than willing to find out.”
With that, Sam held your gaze for a heartbeat longer, and there was an understanding there, an acknowledgment of stepping into uncharted waters together. He was no longer just that familiar rival; he was something far more tantalizing—a partner in a venture that promised adventure and exploration.
As he leaned in again, drawing you closer, you couldn’t help but feel excited for all that came next, ready to break down the last remnants of your former selves and dive boldly into the warmth that beckoned, enveloped deeply in the promise of discovery.
Sam’s eyes glinted with mischief and undeniable warmth as he leaned closer, closing the space between you. He let out a low, approving hum that reverberated in your chest, igniting an exhilarating mix of affection and anticipation. The sound stirred something deep within you, a thrill that sent goosebumps skittering across your skin. There was an undeniable power in those playful moments, a pull that beckoned you to lean into what lay ahead.
With a gentle yet deliberate motion, he reached for the hem of your shirt, fingers brushing against your sides as he slowly began to pull it over your head. The fabric slipped away, revealing you to the warmth of the room, the cool air causing you to shiver slightly at the sudden exposure. It was a sharp contrast, heightened by the intimacy that flowed between you both in that moment.
“You know,” he teased, a playful lilt in his voice, “I could warm you up as quickly as I can.” His eyes roamed over you, filled with equal parts admiration and playful challenge, and the implication of his words sent another flutter through your heart.
Your breath hitched, the teasing nature of his tone wrapped around you like a silken thread, binding you in the very intimacy you both craved. “Oh, is that so?” you replied, trying to maintain a semblance of confidence even as your cheeks flushed with warmth. The playful aura of your previous debates was still there, but now it acted as a backdrop to something profoundly deeper, a thrilling chess match where desire marked each strategic move.
“Absolutely,” he replied, inching closer as he let the shirt fall to the side. The intensity in his gaze could have melted ice, and the mere thought of his promise hung tantalizingly in the air. “But I think you might need to take those shivers away first. Tell me, what would make you warmer?”
There was a breathless challenge in his tone, and you could sense the inquiry was layered—an invitation not just for physical closeness but for vulnerability. You swallowed hard, heart racing at the thought of what you were both beginning to explore, a territory ripe with emotional and physical nuances that had always threatened to spill over before.
“Maybe you should start by getting a little closer,” you replied with a playful smirk of your own, tilting your head slightly. The moment became a game of push and pull, of uncertainty and trust, and you sensed the thrill of whatever this new relationship would develop into.
Without breaking eye contact, he leaned in just a fraction more, hands sliding around your waist as he guided you closer, his breath warm against your skin. “Oh, I plan to,” he murmured, his voice lowering as if he were sharing a delicious secret. “But first… I want to make sure you’re really ready for it.”
With that, he pressed his lips back to your neck, continuing from where he had left off. His kisses trailed lower, leaving a path of soft warmth in their wake. You felt yourself melt further into him, the gentle caress of his lips igniting something deep within you. He pressed delicate kisses along your collarbone, grazing the sensitive skin just enough for your body to arch toward him instinctively, craving more of that tempting warmth.
“See? Starting to warm up already,” he teased, pulling back just enough to meet your gaze, the mischief in his eyes undeniable. The playful jab at your state of being only fanned the flames of excitement within you, and you couldn’t help but laugh breathlessly.
“Well, you do have a talent for it,” you admitted, the sincerity slipping past your lips almost involuntarily, making the air between you thrum with an electric current. The tension built with each second, the dynamic between you evolving, creating a bond that was undeniably deeper than anything you could have foreseen.
“I’ll admit my skills have improved,” he said, a hint of arrogance dancing in his tone, even as sincerity glimmered beneath. “But I’m only getting started.” The promise was there, thick and palpable, hanging between you as you surrendered to the warmth of the moment.
His hands found their way back to your sides, fingers dancing along your skin as he continued to explore, igniting every nerve ending as he worked to pull you close again. You looked into his eyes, your heart racing even faster now, the thrill of the unfamiliar territory you were both navigating washing over you like gentle waves.
“Then what’s next?” you challenged softly, the breath caught in your throat as you relished the newfound confidence in the burgeoning connection between you.
Sam's eyes sparkled with playful intent as he leaned back slightly, studying you in a way that sent a fresh thrill of anticipation cascading through your core. “Next? Oh, I think it’s time we find out just how well we really work together,” he replied, a teasing smirk spreading across his features.
As you gazed into his eyes, your heartbeat steadying in the newfound intimacy beneath the teasing nature of your interactions, you realized that every hopeful promise lingered on the horizon, waiting patiently for you both to explore the depths of your connection fully. And with Sam, you felt ready to meet whatever came next, eager for the journey that lay ahead.
The playful atmosphere crackled with tension, a current of desire flowing between you as Sam’s teasing words hung in the air like a spell you both were leaning toward breaking. That need was only intensifying, and with a sudden surge of boldness, you reached behind his head and pulled out the hair tie that had kept Sam’s hair neatly secured earlier.
With a flick of your wrist, the hair tie sailed through the air, landing softly on the floor—a tangible token of the playful game you both had been engaging in. Sam raised an eyebrow, his teasing smirk morphing into a look of curiosity as he processed your unexpected move. Unfazed, you narrowed the distance between you, a spark of mischief dancing in your eyes.
Without wasting another moment, your fingers eagerly found their way into the soft strands of his hair. The sensation was electrifying, and as you tangled your fingers in the silky locks, you felt an exhilaration bubbling to the surface of your skin. A soft tug accompanied your movement, gently pulling him closer as you leaned into him, wanting to feel the heat radiating from his body.
Sam’s breath hitched, a low moan escaping his lips at the gentle tug of your fingers. It was unexpected—a sound that sent a jolt of surprise through you. The deep timbre of his voice resonated in your chest, echoing the heat of the moment and adding a whole new layer to the intimacy unfolding between you. “Oh,” he breathed, his eyes widening slightly, catching the surprise flickering across your face.
You hadn’t anticipated such an immediate reaction from him; the way his body responded so eagerly to your touch sent a ripple of satisfaction through you. Encouraged by that stirring sound, you began to pull gently, relishing the way he leaned into your hand, inviting you to explore deeper into this newfound territory.
“Looks like someone enjoys a little bit of a rough touch,” you teased softly, your heart racing at the unexpected turn of events. The boldness of your actions stirred something primal within you, urging you to explore the wild side of this connection that seemed to pulse between you both.
Sam chuckled softly, albeit breathlessly, a hint of embarrassment mixing with the devilish grin that emerged on his lips. “Guess I’m just full of surprises,” he quipped, eyes glinting with mischief anew. But there was more than just the playful challenge in the depths of his gaze; there was a tangible hunger, an invitation to dive deeper into the whirlwind you were creating together.
As your fingers continued to thread through his hair, you felt a new kind of power surging within you—the delightful surge of camaraderie mixed with something else entirely, something daring and entirely yours to explore. You reveled in the feel of his soft hair brushing against your palms, the deepening connection developing between you that felt unique to this moment. You wanted to push boundaries, to see just how far you could go while discovering each other anew.
With each gentle pull, you watched as Sam’s eyes fluttered shut, lost in the sensations coursing through him. The sight of him surrendering to the sensations gave you an intoxicating rush—his reactions were your fuel, igniting an unquenchable thirst for more.
“You’re gonna use that against me, aren’t you?” he whispered, voice low and laden with challenge, sending a thrill through you with the implication of your role in his arousal. The question hung between you, warm and inviting, transforming that playful rivalry into something filled with urgent promise.
“Oh, absolutely ” you replied, a sultry smile curving your lips as a newfound determination blossomed. You leaned in closer, your breath mingling with his, the thrill of impending intimacy heightening the charged atmosphere brimming with excitement.
His lips brushed against yours, before you began to graze your own against the sensitive skin of his neck, the taste of skin igniting a flame that consumed you both. Sam let out another quiet moan, more pronounced this time, and the sound sent delightful chills racing down your spine. The way his body responded ignited something deep within you, urging you to take this moment to new heights.
With encouragement echoing in that sweet sound, you intensified your efforts, marking him softly with kisses, tracing your way up to his jawline, leaving trails of warmth over his skin. “You know, I think I could get used to this little game,” you murmured against his neck, the words tumbling out with a teasing lilt.
His lips parted to respond, but instead, a low groan escaped him as you tugged on his hair once more, savoring that raw response—the simple, unfiltered pleasure that spilled from him with each subtle movement.
“Yeah? You’re just full of surprises today, aren’t you?” he managed to say, but the teasing lilt in his tone faded momentarily, replaced by something deeper, more primal, as your mouth continued its exploration.
You smiled at his playful remark, and a renewed sense of purpose flooded through you. Grasping his hair a bit firmer now, you enjoyed the rush of power that came with every gentle pull. “Oh, I plan to keep surprising you,” you replied softly, as you drove your kisses down his neck, your heart racing in tandem with your fervent resolve to fully indulge in this connection.
With every kiss you gave, every gentle tug of his hair, Sam seemed to melt against you further, his heartbeat echoing in rhythm with the passion that was building up. You were crossing uncharted lines together, marking new territory in ways that felt thrilling and transformative, building the kind of intimacy that had previously only existed in dreams.
As you continued to explore each other, with every whisper of your lips against his skin, the world around you fell away, leaving just the intoxicating connection that was growing stronger with each breath. The cabin held the warmth of the fire, but it was the heat radiating from both of you—two rivals turned partners in this daring venture—igniting every intimate corner of your hearts, urging you both to delve even deeper into the possibilities that lay before you. Time stretched, boundless and inviting, as the night unfolded like a beautiful promise, a secret waiting to be uncovered, moment by moment, touch by touch.
With your bold moves seeming to ignite something primal within Sam, the atmosphere in the cabin shifted as the balance of power began to tilt. The playful tension gave way to an intensified connection, one that radiated from him in waves of warmth and desire. You’d drawn him in, and now you could feel a new determination simmering beneath his teasing smirks—one that left your pulse racing in anticipation.
With a low chuckle, he leaned back slightly, assessing the moment with an intensity that sent a thrill straight to your core. “Alright, I think it’s my turn to take charge,” he declared, his voice a deep rumble that stirred excitement inside you.
Before you had a chance to respond, he gently but firmly guided you onto your back, your body sinking into the softness of the cabin floor. The chill in the air was juxtaposed against the fiery heat radiating between you, and your heart skipped a beat as he settled between your legs, the intensity of his gaze unwavering, filled with desire and a fierce protectiveness that made your breath catch.
He started at your neck, pressing gentle kisses along the collarbone, savoring the way your skin warmed beneath his lips. Each careful kiss felt like a promise, a quiet reverie shared between you both as he began to snake his way down, taking his time to explore and tease you, as hands slipped carefully under your back to keep you close.
Sam’s lips traveled slowly from the tender spot at the base of your neck, kissing his way down your torso. As his mouth glided over your skin, you could feel every pulse of heat, your core tightening with each soft caress. The way he nurtured each kiss felt almost reverential, as if he was worshipping you in this moment, drawing out every ounce of pleasure with a tenderness that enveloped you like a warm embrace.
The anticipation held you captive, and it wasn’t long before Sam reached the delicate curvature of your waist, where his mouth paused for just a heartbeat—the briefest moment suspended in time. His gaze flickered up to yours, silently asking for reassurance, wanting to ensure that you were still comfortable, still willing to delve deeper into this newfound intimacy.
Feeling the weight of his gaze, you nodded, a breathless affirmation as your heart raced in response. “I’m okay,” you whispered, encouraging him with the sincerity of your voice, urging him to continue. In that split second, it felt as if everything spiraled down to a singular truth: you wanted him, wanted this, with every fiber of your being.
With a soft, satisfied smile, he resumed his exploration, nuzzling further down your body with an eager intensity. His kisses trailed lower and lower, the warmth of his mouth leaving sparks of electric sensation lingering in their wake. When his lips finally brushed against the soft fabric of your pants, he pressed a delicate kiss just above the waistband, sending shivers cascading through your body.
And then, with a smooth, deliberate motion, he peeled away the final barriers that separated you. The sudden cool air was a stark contrast to the heat of his mouth, and your breath quickened in response, anticipation coiling tightly within you.
His mouth found you directly, kissing you softly at first, taking his time to taste and explore, as his tongue flicked teasingly against your skin. You gasped at the sensation, fingers instinctively tangling in his hair, urging him closer as waves of pleasure began to swell from that tantalizing point of contact.
“Oh God, Sam,” you breathed, a mixture of urgency and delight threading through your voice as he responded to the sound of your pleasure. Every lick, every gentle pull made you arch your back, drawing him further in, completely lost in the heady grip of sensation. The pressure built steadily, fueled by the way you could feel him sinking deeper into his own rhythm.
He continued to focus on drawing out your pleasure, his mouth nipping and teasing, savoring the gasps he elicited from you as he explored every sensitive spot. You could feel the tension gathering, pleasure building, and it was as if the world outside melted away into oblivion—only the two of you existed in that electric moment.
Your hands entwined in his hair naturally, holding him against you, anchoring yourself to the sweet warmth of him while urging him forward. “Please, don’t stop,” you whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper, craving more of the deliberate attention he was giving you.
He responded in kind, a deep, reverberating hum vibrating through him, igniting the connection that spurred you both on. With fervor, he increased the pace, every lick and swirl of his tongue working magic on you until you felt as if you were teetering on the precipice of ecstasy.
The sensations intermingled, a symphony of throbbing bliss that enveloped your senses as Sam devoted himself fully to your pleasure. The world outside faded, leaving only the intoxicating dance of skin on skin, breath against body, heartbeats synchronized in wild rhythm.
You were lost in it, surrendered to the rawness of the moment—a voyage of exploration that had traversed from rival banter to heartfelt intimacy, heat pooling low in your belly until it felt like an insatiable fire begging to be fanned to life. Sam’s skillful ministrations sent you spiraling into a realm beyond your previous understanding, glinting with the promise of everything yet to come.
It was no longer play; it was raw connection, an embrace of everything you had both been craving, a freedom that bound you together amidst the intimate boundaries of your desires.
“Sam!” Your voice broke through, filled with urgency, pleading for more as you felt that powerful tide rise inexorably. And through it all, you could sense his unwavering commitment to this moment, to you, as he continued to explore and elicit every ache of desire, drawing you ever closer to that blissful release…
As the waves of pleasure washed over you, fragile bursts of ecstasy rippling through every nerve ending, you felt Sam’s dedication fueling the fire simmering low in your belly. Every touch, his mouth working its magic, grounded you in the moment—a shared intimacy that felt both intoxicating and serene. But just as you felt on the cusp of something profound, Sam pulled back slightly, lifting his head to meet your gaze.
Panting softly, his eyes focused intently on yours, he searched for something deeper, a silent assurance that you were ready for the next step. “Are you sure?” he murmured, voice low and filled with an earnestness that sent a warm flutter through your heart. It was a question that held both weight and tenderness, a simple inquiry layered with unspoken vulnerability and respect for the space between you.
You nodded, your breath catching as you gazed back at him, filled with a deeper understanding of the path before you. “I’m sure, Sam. I want this,” you assured him, your voice a soft whisper layered with sincerity. The connection felt electric, your bodies nearly humming with the energy coursing between you, ready to bridge the gap that held you apart.
His lips curved into a gentle smile, relief washing over him, and he leaned down to press a soft kiss against your forehead, then trailing sweetly down to your lips. As his mouth brushed against yours, it was tender—each touch a promise, each kiss a testament to the journey that had led you both here. You could feel his warmth radiating, enveloping you in a cocoon of safety and affection.
With deliberate care, Sam’s hands moved to your waist, fingers splaying against your skin as he pulled you closer. His touch was gentle, exploring the contours of your body as he positioned himself between your legs, his eyes remaining locked on yours—an unspoken conversation that held the promise of newfound intimacy. The world around you faded further, leaving only the soft rhythm of your breaths mingling in the air, hearts racing in unison.
Taking a deep breath, he allowed a moment of stillness to envelop you both. You could feel the anticipation humming in the air, spreading electric warmth between your bodies. And then, slowly, carefully, he began to push himself into you, maintaining that softness that pulsed with tender intensity.
The sensation was overwhelming, the culmination of all those playful encounters turning into something deep and meaningful as he entered you. It felt as though time slowed, allowing you to savor every moment—a symphony of sensation that resonated within the very depths of your being. He paused, allowing you to adjust, the gentleness of his movements a beautiful contrast to the boundless desire that simmered between you.
“Let me know if it’s too much,” he murmured, concern woven through his words, and you nodded slightly, finding comfort in the gentle strength he embodied. “Just like this…we’ll go slow,” he added, his voice a soothing balm infused with warmth.
You felt the tension in your body ease as he held the gentle pace, inching deeper while his lips found their way back to yours, kissing you softly as if to ground you in that moment. Sam’s hands roamed tenderly over your skin, caressing your arms, your sides, igniting tingling sensations that lingered long after he had touched you.
Each movement was deliberate, filled with a sweet tenderness that held you close, mirrored by the soft kisses that fell like whispers upon your skin. You felt cherished, respected, and deeply connected, the world shrinking around you until it was just the two of you, enveloped in your private sanctuary forged from trust and growing intimacy.
The soft kisses traveled from your lips to your cheeks, trailing down to your neck, each lingering touch a reminder of his presence. He took his time, savoring the sensation of you beneath him, exploring just how your body responded to his movements, learning the rhythm that matched your needs.
And as he finally settled fully into you, you felt a rush of warmth and satisfaction unfurl deep within, every nerve alive and tingling with the beautiful connection forming between you. It was everything you had anticipated and more—fiery passion tempered by a tenderness that soothed and ignited.
You could feel the world beyond fading completely, leaving just the two of you, intertwined in a dance that felt both sacred and exhilarating. Your bodies aligned in a rhythm as he gently rocked into you, each movement eliciting soft gasps mingled with breaths of pleasure.
“Just like this…” he murmured again, his voice a tantalizing mix of longing and affection, as if he were echoing your own thoughts. With each push, his hands held you in a loving embrace, fingers tracing patterns on your skin, illumination of everything you were sharing. You reveled in the sensations, surrendering to the intimacy that flowed between you, feeling utterly safe in this moment.
The kisses continued, soft and lingering, as though he were mapping out each reaction your body made, the connection solidifying with every gentle caress. Time slipped away, giving room for the connection to deepen until it was an unspoken promise—one of exploration and understanding, a willingness to cherish this unfolding chapter you were writing together.
In this sacred space, with breathless whispers and shared laughter, vulnerability transformed into strength, radiating love as deep as the universe, bonding you both in a way that felt destined. It was a beginning—a cherry blossom in full bloom—one that promised endless possibilities beyond the warmth of this moment. And together, you knew you were ready to embrace every beautiful second of it.
As the rhythm of your bodies settled into a beautiful cadence, you felt your breath hitch slightly, the sensations coursing through you becoming a melody of pleasure. Leaning your head back against the soft pillow, you surrendered fully to the moment, yielding to the warmth that enveloped you both. The world beyond faded further into the background, leaving just the two of you in your own little universe—a sanctuary built from trust, vulnerability, and an undeniable magnetic pull.
Sam seized the opportunity, his lips tracing a delicate path along your neck, planting soft kisses that ignited fresh waves of sensation. Each kiss was a gentle reminder of his presence, exploring the sensitive skin beneath your chin, trailing to the delicate slope of your collarbone. His mouth was warm and inviting, and the tenderness resonated within you, deepening the connection you had both crafted so instinctively.
“God, you’re incredible,” he breathed against your skin, and with that simple phrase, you felt an electrifying rush wash over you, his admiration enveloping you like a comforting embrace. It was a moment suspended in time, where every feeling intertwined, stitching together moments of passion and profound care.
The kisses continued, soft and sweet, every touch deliberate as he relished in the intimacy of your shared experience. You could feel the waves of pleasure ebb and flow with every gentle thrust, but it was those lingering kisses—each one a testament to the depth of your connection—that truly made your heart swell. The combination of sensation and the affection in his eyes tethered you to this very moment, keeping you grounded in the magic of what was happening.
“Stay with me,” you whispered, your voice barely above a breath, filled with the unyielding need to keep this moment intact, as if time itself could rewrite infinity. And Sam answered with a soft smile, one that illuminated his features and settled warmth in your chest.
As the intensity built to a gentle crescendo, savoring every second, you reached your peak together, a mutual sigh escaping your lips, echoing the shared bliss that enveloped you both. It was breathtaking, intimate, a crescendo that wrapped around you like the softest of blankets, leaving you trembling in its wake.
Gradually, as the waves of pleasure receded, so too did the intensity. Sam slowed to a gentle rhythm, drawing out the last shimmers of ecstasy, until finally, he brought himself to a stillness. You both remained intertwined, the air thick with unspoken words, breaths mingling as you came down together from the heights, embracing the softness of the moment.
With a tender smile, he pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you, securing you against his chest. The warmth and solidity of him felt like home, a refuge where you could truly let go and rest. You nestled into him, finding solace in the steady beat of his heart, a comforting counterpoint to the lingering bursts of sensation that still fluttered throughout your body.
“Perfect,” you sighed contentedly, feeling completely safe in his embrace, your head resting just beneath his chin. It was the kind of contentment that wrapped around your heart, lingering like the afterglow of candlelight, flickering yet steady, filling the room with an undeniable warmth.
Sam tightened his hold, finding a rhythm in your shared breathing. The world outside faded completely now, leaving only the soft sounds of your breaths and the quiet rustle of fabric as you settled in even closer. He placed a gentle kiss atop your head, a sweet gesture that spoke volumes—an assurance that this moment, this connection, held an irreplaceable significance.
In that comforting silence, you felt threads of possibility weaving between you, spawning dreams of what else might lie ahead. But for now, nestled against him, you were content to simply be—two hearts beating as one in the tranquil refuge you had created.
You closed your eyes, breathing in the warmth and safety of Sam’s presence, surrendering to the bliss of the moment. With the weight of the world dissipating into nothing, you drifted into a soft slumber, cocooned in the love that surrounded you both, knowing that you had stepped into something beautiful and transformative together. And as you did, the last echoes of intimacy lingered in the tender warmth of his arms, a promise of many more moments to come.
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 9
THE WARNINGS oh my god ooh ma gad im excited for this but im scared after last chapter
OH MY GOD HE IS WEARING THE SLUTTY GLASSES 😋🤤😩🥵 the smut is understandable
Uhm…not really, but do you have to? mood💀
ooh vampire books, she is trying to connect stuff i see u gurl
omg the tension is still there even after a week damn
If he messes up the little markings you put in there, you will personally end him. PERIODT
oops joon was here to study welp or is he?? 👀everything is sus here, its soo sad ........... i love it (jimin is such a slytherin for saying that xd)
Oh dear, really?” Namjoon gasps. hunty i can hear the fakeness through a screen and thats saying something
Don’t read this, it doesn’t make sense” oh so this is the one that might be true huh
This story however is claimed to be the babbling of a drunken person did jin make it haha
oh my god im cringing and dying please joon go away, get a stomachache or something and go to the toilet, let there be an earthquake, urgent phone call aaah😭😭
as if someone else was controlling it for a moment while your consciousness is still trapped inside and is trying to escape. But it can’t, so you have to do what your body tells you to do whilst panicking inside. no, but similar one is anxiety attack from the moment you woke up, your consciousness all confused cuz there is nothing to panic but ur body does anyways
list soo long, she wrote it down damn 😭😭
is joon genuinely shocked about the bite marks NO SHE TOUCHED HIS CANINES I-
my canines were really sharp when they were new, and i bit a girl cuz she accidentally choked me and there was 1 deep puncture and small puncture on her hand 😭😭thankfully it didnt get infected
holy shit now we dont know if he is lying or not
nah yall aint gonna study, its going to be jimin pt 2
Namjoon’s steps are silent another sign yall
holy crap, I literally can’t remember.” did joon do that, or is it all jimin and tae's "good night's sleep"?
im losing my mind seeing her losing her mind and joon just scaring both of us AAAAH
I thought you were a complete snob, but you are actually really sweet aHa aHa 😃
they just look a little intimidating. they do until u see them for more than a minute
“Oh ___, you are adorable im starting to think anyone saying this is weird
I’ve talked with you enough to know that your mind has enchanted me OH MY GOD AJBFQ XLAH;CWOUIRA he is not weird/scary and im not scared TAKE ME DADDY IM YOURS
STOP WE U APPEARED IN FRONT ME STOP LYING AAHAHHAHAJ she is having the same conversation again gosh aaah what power does that screaming have? shit its wednesday and she doesnt know fuck
im more confused and scared and pls just hang out 2seok and kook bye 😭😭😭😭😭
OH MY GOD HE IS WEARING THE SLUTTY GLASSES 😋🤤😩🥵 the smut is understandable
lmaoaooaoao ME FR jfjasdjf also a black turtleneck. the smut is understandable.
Uhm…not really, but do you have to? mood💀
fjdasjf me when men
ooh vampire books, she is trying to connect stuff i see u gurl
omg the tension is still there even after a week damn
akdfkasj me fr like he could get it so hard
oops joon was here to study welp or is he?? 👀everything is sus here, its soo sad ........... i love it (jimin is such a slytherin for saying that xd)
JDFJAJFS no but what was he doing there fr??
Oh dear, really?” Namjoon gasps. hunty i can hear the fakeness through a screen and thats saying something
JFJASDJF he is like *acts shocked* oh no
oh my god im cringing and dying please joon go away, get a stomachache or something and go to the toilet, let there be an earthquake, urgent phone call aaah😭😭
lmaoao the fear is understandable
as if someone else was controlling it for a moment while your consciousness is still trapped inside and is trying to escape. But it can’t, so you have to do what your body tells you to do whilst panicking inside. no, but similar one is anxiety attack from the moment you woke up, your consciousness all confused cuz there is nothing to panic but ur body does anyways
fun fact? i took inspo from my panic attacks JFAJDFJ help me god
list soo long, she wrote it down damn 😭😭
like she is so clever for that though
is joon genuinely shocked about the bite marks NO SHE TOUCHED HIS CANINES I-
"genuinely shocked" HAHHAHAH yes indeed very shocked indeed. also her touching his teeth is so funny like HFHADSHF
my canines were really sharp when they were new, and i bit a girl cuz she accidentally choked me and there was 1 deep puncture and small puncture on her hand 😭😭thankfully it didnt get infected
honestly deserved cause why is she at your neck?
holy crap, I literally can’t remember.” did joon do that, or is it all jimin and tae's "good night's sleep"?
mhmhmmh indeeed mmhmhmmh
im losing my mind seeing her losing her mind and joon just scaring both of us AAAAH
me fr
I thought you were a complete snob, but you are actually really sweet aHa aHa 😃
“Oh ___, you are adorable im starting to think anyone saying this is weird
NO BUT YOU AREN'T WRONG FOR THAT JFASJDFAJ imma stick with Yoongi who is rude af to us JFJADSFJ
I’ve talked with you enough to know that your mind has enchanted me OH MY GOD AJBFQ XLAH;CWOUIRA he is not weird/scary and im not scared TAKE ME DADDY IM YOURS
jfajdsjf felt.
BRO NO JOKE ME FR lmoaoa you losing your ass over the smut is so me like if he wasn't so weird about it, i'd be on my knees gobbling him up
STOP WE U APPEARED IN FRONT ME STOP LYING AAHAHHAHAJ she is having the same conversation again gosh aaah what power does that screaming have? shit its wednesday and she doesnt know fuck
im more confused and scared and pls just hang out 2seok and kook bye 😭😭😭😭😭
honestly?? she should really do that cause 😭
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mightymizora · 1 year
Okay but do talk to us about pianos in FR, I'm guessing they should not be there? Or just not that type?
Oh. Ohohohoh anon. Here we go. We're going to go on a journey into how my mind works, I'm sorry, you asked such a straightforward question but it's going to unravel something in me. I'm so sorry. I studied music as a youth, and I am an insufferable autist.
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So simply put, they COULD be there. Faerun isn't a parallel to earth, they can have anything they damn well want. But also, if they are there, why are other instruments... not?
The game is set in the late 1400s in Toril, and it does seem like a time of the very beginnings of industrialisation, of the cities going through bit populous changes. We see some evidence of this when we get to Baldur's Gate proper, after being in the countryside of the Frontiers for a while. We could argue that this is a time of enlightenment in Faerun. More people are becoming atheists, the return of Lantan has brought back some technology into the Sword Coast. It's easy to say that there are some progressions in how society runs at this point.
The first piano was made in the early 1700s by Bartolomeo Cristofori. Developed from the Harpsichord, which had been in use since the 1400s. A Harpsichord has a keyboard which, when pressed, plucks a string in a manner akin to other string instruments, like a violin with a finger. The piano strikes the string with a hammer, allowing for dynamic range (quiet to loud) which is new, and brings forward a whole new possibility for the instrumentalist.
The piano changed the fucking game when it came to music. by the 1800s every established household would have had a piano. But this is all known stuff.
What I don't get is where are the adjoining instruments? The things that led to pianos being in every musical home?
A bard has the option of a flute, drum, violin, lyre, or lute in BG3. Now a violin or drum, those would stay in play for years as a folk instrument and would likely not go out of circulation. But a flute is a really, really impractical instrument option for carrying across the field compared to, say, a clarinet. If that's where we are with the development of instruments. If we have pianos... we could probably be moving from lutes through to classical guitars, which bring another whole new melodic nature to burgeoning songwriting.
(In 5e standard I believe you get the above plus the shwam, bagpipes, dulcimer, horn, gong, shorthorn, longhorn, regular old horn and zulkoon, which I'll come back to in a moment)
Also if we have pianos, then we should see evidence of harpsichords in poorer households who can't afford these wonders yet. Pianos definitely still seem like a luxury item. We only see them prominently feature in Gale's home, the music shop, and the Jannath's estate. So elsewhere it would stand to reason that we would see spinets on people's tables, or smaller keyboarded instruments popping up elsewhere.
Also, if we are at the point of pianos being in people's homes... we've got to talk about concertinas and squeezeboxes starting to come into play too. Which would revolutionise the music played by bards. We have Zulkoons which are a bellows instrument which is kind of a bellows-pumped bagpipe, which is a drone instrument. But we've not even officially had hurdy-gurdy's yet (give the people what they want, wizards, we're sick of homebrewing them in.)
But imagine! Suddenly as a bard you have an instrument capable of polyphonic sound! That's going to completely revolutionise the game! To have something of the possibility of a concertina or a piano opens up so much more depth of sound in playing, and would take composition of music into a new era.
Then Gale, for fuck's sake, says he has a piano enchanted to play the Llurian Suites. SUITES? We're at a point in composition where we have suites? Are we at a time where somebody like Handel could be composing? Do we have the burgeoning artform of opera? It's all possible.
But where's my harpsichords?
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lestatthebrat · 2 years
About the Racists, Homophobes, and Purists Reviewing amc’s “Interview with the Vampire”
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To put it bluntly: the people giving this show bad reviews are racists and homophobes. This is a damn good show that breathes new life into an old story, and the fan reviews claiming that this adaptation is “horrible” and a “disgrace” to Anne Rice’s work are simply bigots who cannot stand to see two men kissing on screen and/or who are ridiculously offended that Black actors are playing Louis and Claudia. 
Don’t believe me? Look at what fan reviewer joshua g had to say on Rotten Tomatoes: “Of course they would take a classic that does not need change, and turn it into a homosexual love story.” Obviously, his 0.5-star rating (the lowest rating possible on Rotten Tomatoes) was not motivated by the quality of the show but by his own homophobia. P W is another fan reviewer who gave the show a whopping 0.5 stars, because he has a problem with People of Color playing some of the leading characters. He says: “At some point, the intentional casting of minorities in reboots is going to end. History will look unfavorably at the practice.” Fan reviewer Rich G says it even more bluntly: “I dislike this show for one very specific reason. The race swapping of Louis and Claudie” (the misspelling of Claudia’s name is his mistake, not mine). Meanwhile, a fan reviewer on IMDb, GeorgeWHAMMYBush, gave the show a 1/10 (the lowest possible rating on IMDb) and this review: “They made the whole thing a dismally shot propaganda piece and it's painful to sit through… The plot gets obliterated completely in this and it's barely about vampirism at all and is now about race and sexual orientation. The whole thing is a waste of time. They then go after religion because while it was touched on as offensive to vampires in the books here it is clearly the target of the hacks who made this abomination. This could be studied in school as a part of a series on why American media failed when it had every chance to succeed. Whoever made this should be banned from the media industry entirely. Do not bother watching this. It will just aggravate you.” Most of the very low reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and IMBb are reminiscent of these examples, and it’s cringingly obvious these people just hate the show because they are racist and homophobic.  
It amuses me that some of these bigots are attempting to use their alleged “love” for the source material as a mask for their racism and homophobia. Like “HOW DARE THEY CHANGE ANNE RICE’S BOOK AND MAKE LOUIS A BLACK MAN INSTEAD OF A SLAVE OWNER!?” or “HOW DARE THEY MAKE LOUIS GAY JUST TO SEEM WOKE!?” But if these so called “avid fans” actually read any of Anne Rice’s books, they must have stopped after book one, because if they got even to book 2 they would have known that Louis and Lestat have ALWAYS been an LGBT couple. If you read book 1, “Interview with the Vampire,” and missed the pretty-hard-to-miss subtext, go re-read it. To recap: Louis talks about how Lestat “had me mesmerized, enchanted” (direct quote); Louis explicitly compares Lestat turning him into a vampire to sex; he and Lestat live together for over sixty year; and they adopt a child together. By book 2, “The Vampire Lestat,” Lestat has male lovers both before and after becoming a vampire, and he confirms that he and Louis were lovers. He and Louis also have a heartfelt reunion in the 80s, and they kiss multiple times on the mouth. (I know, too gay for people who didn’t get past the Neil Jordan film.) By the time we reach the final book in of series, “Blood Communion,” Louis and Lestat are again living together, and in the final chapter of the book, they dance together at a ball, embrace, kiss multiple times on the lips, and profess their undying love for one another. Sorry, homophobes, but these vampires ain’t never been straight, and you’d know that if you actually read the books.  
Aside from the raving racists and homophobes, there are some fan reviewers who seem to genuinely love Rice’s “Vampire Chronicles” but have a problem with the amc series diverging from the source material. Again, the “race swapping” is commonly mentioned, so I wonder how many of these people are also motivated by prejudice, but they have other problems too, such as changes in the time period, the ages of the character’s, the dialog (come on, what tv show preserves all of the dialogue from the books?), and even tiny unimportant details like the vampires “spilling blood” when they kill people. I understand when you passionately love a book series (and I myself passionately love “The Vampire Chronicles”), you imagine the story and characters a certain way, but what these people need to realize is that it is not unusual, uncommon, unfair, or disrespectful for tv reboots or movies to make changes from the books. “Interview with the Vampire” was already made into a very successful and well-known movie in 1994, and most remakes/reboots that do NOT try anything new but simply repeat what has already been done fail miserably. “Psycho,” “Nightmare of Elm Street,” “Carrie”... these are all movies that took a classic and remade it more or less the same as the original, and all of these films were brushed off and forgotten because they offered nothing new and exciting, nothing updated and relevant, nothing thought-provoking that would allow the audience to think of things in a different way or see things in a new light. In simply repeating the original with different actors, they failed to live up to the original. The same thing has happened when books have been made into movies and then later into tv series: look at “The Shining.” Most people don’t even know the inferior miniseries exists, even though it is more accurate to the book and Stephen King wrote it himself. On the contrary, some of the most successful remakes, the kind of remakes that make people say, “This is better than the original!”—which, by the way, the majority of critics and fans ARE saying about amc’s “Interview with the Vampire”—are remembered and beloved because they do not just rehash the same old material but because they put a spin on old characters and content; they make changes and updates; they offer the audience something new, exciting, current, and relevant, something more and something deeper. Some examples: “The Fly,” “The Thing,” “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” This is what amc is doing with “Interview with the Vampire.” 
So, if you earnestly love the original books, that’s wonderful, but you have the books, and you can read them as many times as you want. You also have the Neil Jordan film which you can re-watch to your liking. Now, the amc series is remaking/rebooting this series, and it is not a crime for production teams to take creative liberties, and I honestly do not see this as a disrespect to Anne Rice’s work either. She SOLD the rights of her work for this television series, which means the production team can make whatever changes they want. That’s how it goes for any author whose book is being made into a movie: they sign the contract, they get paid (and Anne Rice most likely got paid millions of dollars for this series) and they don’t have any say over what changes are made to the production. Even most script writers who spend months or years creating characters and writing a story, if they are lucky enough to sell their script to a production company, they lose creative control over that story. That’s just the way it works. It’s nothing new. It’s nothing shocking. And it’s not a “disgrace.” This has been going on literally always since movies and television shows have been made based on books. Have you ever seen the “original” 1931 “Frankenstein” movie? Ever compare it to Mary Shelley’s book? So like I was saying, movies/tv shows departing from the source material is nothing new and nothing to be “furious” or “disgusted” about. 
Now, if you love the show, please go leave a review on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes, because it’s being review-bombed by racists and homophobes and purists who want to see it tank! But we won’t let that happen because they dumbass bitches and love wins! ♥️ 
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" Animals has their beauty inside, but humans don't appreciate. Hope someone do. "
Twisted from Rosabella Beauty in Ever After High
[Full Body | Character Inspiration]
Technical Information
[Name] Rosalina Julia Bellevue
[VA] Ai Kakuma (Jap) ; Stephanie Southerland (Eng)
[Age] 17 years old
[Birthday] October 22nd
[Star Sign] Libra
[Height] 175 cm
[Hair Color] Blonde with red streaks
[Eyes Color] Ocean blue
[Race] Human
[Species] None
[Homeland] Land of the Enchanted
[Family] Unnamed parents
[Nicknames / Aliases]
Rose (by friends and family)
Young lady (by servants)
Senpai (by freshmen)
School & Fun Facts
[School] Royal Sword Academy
[Dorm] Fableheart (@windbornearchon )
[School Year] Sophomore
[Class] 2-A
[Occupation] Student, Crown Princess and Sole heiress to Land of the Enchanted
[Best Subject] Seminar
[Worst Subject] None
[Club] Animal Care Club
[Dominant Hand] Ambidextrous
[Favourite Food] Hazelnut
[Least Food] Bitter food
[Likes] Her family, hair styling, hangout with friends, braiding hair, flowers, books, freedom, her kingdom, having a knowledge, helping people, art, animals, seeing people get their karma, simplicity, cleaning the room, house chores, beautiful things, storytelling, inventing
[Dislikes] Overwork, stress, overly stubborn, hair fall, skincare problems, conflicts, nonsenses, animal being mistreated, loud voice, arrogant people, ignore her advice, weird designs, nagging, messy, bullying, noises, prejudices
[Hobbies] Stargazing, walking around the garden, reading, writing, drawing
[Talents] Writing, artistic
Personality & Background
Extremely intelligent and helpful, Rosalina use her knowledge to give good advice to people. She enjoys reading and writing.
Greatly appreciate aesthetics and the beauty of art, Rosalina skilled in artistic, including mechanic, storytelling and interior design. Although she hate the art with unknown beauty by their ugly design.
An animal right activist who is total care about animals, as she always can empathize that they have a beauty inside. She dislikes people who care themselves and ignore others' feeling.
Rosalina serves as a leader and organizer internally. She is a rebel that prefers her freedom to the next ruler, as she believes her destiny is not as important as helping others and fighting for equality.
Often enraged, Rosalina may uncontrol of her temper. It only happen in when she have enough for nonsenses and annoyed noises.
≿━━━━ ༺❀༻ ━━━━≾
Rosalina is the crown princess of the Land of the Enchanted. She born in the Enchanted Rose Castle where her parents resided with their servant friends. Her mother was once a country girl who lived near the castle, and her father was a prince who was cursed as a terrible beast.
Rosalina have been learnt everything and knew the moral lessons she got all years. She has been drawing since she was 5 years old.
Resides in the castle many year, Rosalina lessly travel around the country. She haven't went to school and self-study under the guidance of her parents. Still, she made a lot of friends in the castle, though they are servants.
At the age of 16, Rosalina enrolled the RSA through letters she received and was sorted in Fableheart.
Unique Magic
"Wild Briar"
Rosalina has ability to conjure the vine of plants. It used to attack the opponent. The vines can decide how long or how short at will. While the roses will weaken the opponent's magic.
Her name Rosalina is a feminine name that whispers of sweet romance and sensational beauty. Though conjuring images of a tender rose, Rosaline is more accurately defined as a "gentle horse" thanks to its root in the German Rosalind.
The middle name Julia is a girl's name with Latin origins. The name Julia means “youthful” or “Jove's child” and was once an imperial Roman name given to those born in the house of Julius Caesar.
The last name Bellevue means "beautiful view" in French.
Has a Munchkin cat named Willow who love to sleep on Rosalina's lap while Rosalina is reading.
Expect reading, Rosalina often invite her friends for hangout. She mostly work on the animal shelter during spare time.
She have been collect famous artists' artworks, including portraits.
Rosalina befriended with students from other school during the school exchange.
Since her father was transformed into a beast, it remains a mystery if Rosalina has beast powers in her blood.
In her school uniform, Rosalina wear glasses for make herself as a smart nerdy, not eyesight.
In addition to her unique magic, she has the uncanny ability to make a person speak truth if it is a lie.
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fiedlerite · 1 year
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9/20 of the Enchanted Study - Chai
Kitty finds Chai to be one of the more agreeable dragons in the Enchanted Study. He has always studied Miruna's texts and aided in translating others for the sake of knowledge and the pursuit of the rarest herb. His ultimate goal is to make a cure-all tea that can... well... cure all. Maybe in the process, Chai can find a new blend to enjoy as he studies the fauna of Starwood Strand.
art block really didn't want me to finish this piece but i'm finally at a place where i'm happy with it :] Chai is such a cozy character and working on this has me so excited for autumn <33
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taehyungfirst · 4 months
his charisma is crazy fr. it sets him apart from so many performances like you just can't NOT be enchanted while you're watching him. i was rewatching one of his singularity performances and i just couldn't stop thinking about his insane level of stage presence. like everything about him, even the look in his eyes captivates you he's insane!!
Singularity is a great example of stage presence because he made sure that every performance was different and unique. He’s a stage genius, he owns every choreo he tries and even the one he’s posting on his stories… he’s just on a league of his own, it’s impossible to not look at him.
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unreadpoppy · 3 months
What's in a name - Siren
a character study fic
Read on AO3
A/N: I've had this idea for some time about Siren's name, and I waited until I finished the game (and had a better grasp at her character and the durge character as a whole) to write this. It ended up turning into more a 'exploration' of who she was/is and why she did what she did in the game. Also, it delves a bit into the durge's canon backstory, so beware of a brief mention of vivisection and necrophilia (there aren't details but it's still important to warn).
Word count: 2951
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Calloused hands hold her own, as they walk through the park. After a long winter, spring has come, and the sun shines gently on her face. Her mother decided it was the perfect time for a picnic. 
They lived in the poor part of the city, in a two-bedroom cottage. The walk to Bloomridge Park was long but when they got there, they found a perfect spot underneath a tree. 
Her mother smiled, setting down a blanket, as the young girl walked around, following a small butterfly to a bush of flowers. She looked at it, enchanted by the different colors. 
“Oh, look!” She heard her mother behind her. “Do you know what these are?” She crouched down next to the girl, who only shook her head. The woman took one of the flowers and showed it to her. “It’s a dahlia.” 
“Dahlia?” The girl asked. “Like me?” 
“Yes, my love, like you.” Her mother said, placing the flower behind the girl’s pointy ear. 
“They’re pretty!” She exclaimed.
The woman smiled. “Just like you.” She gave the girl a kiss on the cheek. “It’s why I named you after them. They’re my favorite.” 
They spend the rest of the day like that. Eating sweets, looking at the flowers and the animals and insects found in the park. They laugh, and play, chasing butterflies, and when they go back home, Dahlia is the happiest little girl in the world. 
Years from now, that memory will feel like a dream, of a time before the Urge. But she knows the truth now. She knows what happens after. 
A week after the picnic, a hunger will strike the girl. A hunger for blood, for violence - for murder. And in the wake of that hunger, her mother will find herself as one of Dahlia’s first victims, alongside her siblings. 
As she sits there, in the pile of mangled corpses she had created, a voice echoes in her head. 
‘Young master, precious fledgling, follow ever your heart. In time, your true family will find you.’ 
Dahlia looks at the kitchen knife in her hand and at her blood soaked dress. For now, the child is satisfied, but it will soon fade, and the need to kill will come back again, and again and again. 
Motherless, she wondered and wondered, until she found herself in a brothel, and her killing spree continued. Night after night, men would come to her bed, lured by her song, only to meet their grisly end. 
Of course, she did not stop there. Ever so often, she’d slip out of the dodgy building, and murder anyone unlucky enough to cross paths with her. 
She couldn’t help it. The Urge to kill was an itch, a pain that was only alleviated by a bloody dagger. But it never stopped. She was always aching, forever hungry for a slaughter, and in her recklessness, she made a mistake.  
Dahlia’s victims were usually the poorer members of Baldur’s Gate. People who would not be missed. But one night, when a patriar came to her room, she couldn’t help herself. The lord laid a single finger on her before her dagger slashed his neck, the blood spilling on her. 
He was a man who would be missed. And when they found the culprit, Dahlia would never kill again. 
No. It couldn’t happen. She couldn’t let it happen. But how would she get rid of the corpse without calling attention, especially when the room downstairs was filled with people. Unlike the others, he hadn’t gone down quietly. The walls of the brothel were thin and soon, her boss would come check in, and that would be her end. 
Dahlia was only sixteen when the voice she heard as a child, after her first murder, materialized in front of her, like an angel in disguise. 
“Ah, my lady, the time for your home coming has come at last.” The goblin-like creature said, excited. “I awaited long for this most blessedly bloody day.” 
The young tiefling frowned, unsure of who the creature was. But his voice…his voice was familiar. 
“Who are you?” She asked. 
“Sceleritas Fel, my lady.” He tipped his hat and bowed his head. “Your Butler, forever at your service, for as long as you need me.” 
“Butler?” She shook her head. How did a poor girl from a brothel have a mystical butler? “I do not understand. Why are you here?” 
“I am here to help, young Master.” She opened her mouth again, but he raised a hand before she could say something “I understand you must have many questions, and they shall be answered in due time. But first” he looked to the cadaver next to her, a gleam in his eye “we must clean this mess.” 
She nodded but then hesitated, when she heard the sound of the stairs creaking. 
“We don’t have time.” She whispered to her butler. “The boss is coming, and there’s too many people downstairs to sneak out. What do I do?”
“Do not fret, my lady. Listen to your heart. What does it tell you to do?” 
She closed her eyes, the pounding of her heart mixing with the sound of footsteps. She wanted to leave, to run, but with some many on the way, how could -
Dahlia’s thoughts seemed to stop, as the smell of blood once again filled her nostrils. Killing the patriar hadn’t been enough to satisfy her Urge, but a new opportunity was presenting itself. 
She looked at the butler. “It tells me to kill him. To make a blood bath of all of those downstairs.” 
“Good, good.” Sceleritas said, smiling. “But that small thing you call a dagger won’t help you.” He pointed towards the weapon embedded in the dead man’s chest. “Here, use this. A gift from your Father.” 
The butler produced a blood red, asymmetrical, curved blade, with a golden handle. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, and when she held it, she could feel the blade sing, begging for blood. 
The blade didn’t wait long, as her boss soon opened the door, the orchestra of screams from Dahlia’s victims soon filling the silence of the night. 
By the time she was done, Dahlia was soaked from head to toe in blood. Her pitch black hair now had the same shade of red as her dagger. 
“Ah, young Master, what a beautiful display.” The butler said, guiding her outside. As the night’s air kissed Dahlia’s face, she looked down at her dagger. With the blood, she could see her reflection in it, and for a moment, she did not recognize herself. This bloodthirst killer, was that who she truly was? Who she always had been? 
The sound of fire made her turn around, and she gasped as she saw the brothel burning. 
“There, there, no evidence to be found now.” Sceleritas said, wiping his hands, pleased with himself. “Now, what would my lady like to do?” 
Once again, she looked at her reflection in the bloodied dagger, and she knew then, that Dahlia had also died. Not in the brothel, but long ago, along the rest of her family. 
She looked to Sceleritas. “I would like to meet my father.” 
The Dark Urge was the name Bhaal, her Father, had chosen for her. That was the name that His followers called her, as she stalked the halls of the Temple. 
In the years to come, she and her butler ended hundreds of lives. She finessed her methods, and the twisted creativity of her murders only pleased her Father. When not on the streets, hunting, the Dark Urge fills her time with other activities. 
She takes some of her victims back to the Temple, drawing out their death for as long as she can, so that she might study them. It is not unusual to find her and the butler deep into someone’s entrails, while they beg for sweet mercy, for the agony to end and the Dark Urge revels in it. 
She takes everything from them. Their lives, their voice, their bodies - sometimes she even takes her own pleasure from them. But mostly, she gives them pain. As much pain as she feels. 
If she must feel the pain of the urge, so will her victims. 
But killing is not the only thing that calms the Dark Urge. In her time, she has found that music is the only way to still her restless thoughts. 
She chooses the violin as her instrument of choice. As the sound of the strings fill her ears, her mind quietens. There is nothing and no one but her and her music. And with it, the Dark Urge finds her own voice, singing along to the melancholic sound her violin makes. 
It is in these moments of quiet solitude that she wonders if part of Dahlia still lives. 
The partnership with the Banite proved fruitful, their assault on Mephistopheles vault being a success. Their plans are slowly becoming a reality. 
He intrigues her. He treats her with the due deference that someone of her position is owed, but he also challenges her. When everyone else had either treated her as small,or as the Chosen of Bhaal, a being above their station, Enver Gortash treated her as an equal, as partners. 
She entertained him, of course. One day, he and everyone else would all be dead, as her Father intended, but until then, the Dark Urge saw no problem in indulging. 
She was in his stronghold, at a balcony, playing the violin, singing along with it. The moon hang in the sky, and she closed her eyes, feeling the breeze on her face. 
She did not hear when he entered, only realizing his presence when he said “I did not know you could play.” 
The Chosen of Bane stood a few meters away from her, a smirk on his face. She put her violin down as she spoke with him. “You’ll find that killing is just one of my many talents.” 
His smirk grew. “Really? And pray tell, what are the others?”
It was her turn to smirk as she beckoned him to follow her, as they entered his close quarters. 
That was not the first time they had fucked, but it had been different than the others. When the two lay together, it was hard and painful, and usually ended with the both of them aching, adorned with new scratches, marks and scars. 
This time, however, something was different. Maybe they had both been in good moods, as their plans were coming to fruition. Maybe it was a special day that both had forgotten, but not their bodies. Or maybe, it was just what they were needing. Instead of the rough fucking they were used to doing, Gortash and the Dark Urge’s sex that night had been…tender. Caring. They caressed each other's bodies, and instead of scars, she littered her partner’s body with kisses, as he touched her in a way that made her melt. 
If the two of them had been different people, she could almost say it was loving. But he was the Chosen of Bane and she was the Chosen of Bhaal, and the two were a plethora of things, but loving was not one of them. Maybe in another life….but not this one. 
Still, once they were both satisfied, they laid in bed, holding the other close. 
“Dark Urge, they call you.” Gortash scoffed. “The siren, I would say, is more fitting, with how you lured me with your song.” 
She raised her head from his chest, supporting herself with her elbows as she looked at his face. “You should consider yourself lucky, little Banite.” She said. “You’re the only one who my urge doesn’t want to kill.” The Dark Urge moved closer to him, her breath in his face. “But call me that again, and that will soon change.” 
He looked into her eyes. “Is that a threat?” 
“No.” She whispered, a smirking appearing on her lips. “It’s a promise.” 
He laughed, entangling his hand on her hair. “Then come, my siren, and take me.” He said, as he brought her close and kissed her.
Then come, my siren, and take me. 
Then come, my siren.
My siren. 
The word echoed in her brain like a forgotten song. The voice, the voice of someone calling her siren, ringed in her ear for days, and she did not know what it meant. 
But when the cleric asked her name, ‘Siren’ was what she responded. 
Moonrise Towers. 
The name alone gave her shudders and deep down, Siren had a feeling she would learn more about her past there. 
Once inside, her suspicions had been confirmed. Upon looking at Ketheric, her mind began to clear. She had been to Moonrise before, long ago. She had stalked these halls before, not as some lowly True Soul, but as something else. Gods, who had she been?
Now, as led her party through the tower, eyes would turn to her, sparkling in recognition. Many remembered her ad with them, small pieces of information were gathered. 
The skeleton dog wagged its tail when he recognized her. The cat Steelcalw hated her, claiming to have once been kicked by Siren. The gnolls called her a ‘lord’ and revered her. And the blasted Warden of the prison spoke how once she came there but never left.
‘Your name, your place was kept from us last time, but you were to be shown the utmost respect.’
It was when they arrived in Baldur’s Gate that part of her memories returned and the truth had been uncovered. 
Siren was the Child of Murder, created by Bhaal himself. She, alongside the Chosen of Bane, Gortash, had developed the plot of the Absolute, and on the day that her tyranny was to begin, her blood-kin, Orin, attacked her. She left her for death, if it wasn’t for Kressa Bonedaughter’s cruel experiments that brought Siren back to half life. 
Her desire for revenge grew ten times more. Everything had been stolen for her: her name, her power, her heritage. Orin would die, and Siren would…
Well, she was unsure of what she would do as Siren had no wish of becoming Bhaal’s chosen again. 
In her time traveling with her companions, the Urge to kill had continued, and kill she did, the poor tieflings and the druids never standing a chance against her blade. But once again, Siren had faced the same problem. The ache she felt was only momentarily satisfied, and no matter how many enemies they slaughtered, she was never full. 
That was until Siren noticed a strange development. 
After the massacre of the grove, Withers said something that stayed with Siren. He said that “Thy wheel turns ever to the dark.” 
She didn’t understand why that resonated within her but it had. His words spoke to a part of her that she believed long lost, and with it, it drove her into attempting to do good. 
Siren began resisting her urge and instead of killing, she tried to help.
And in helping others, she found a comfort in her soul. Every ‘thank you’, every ‘you’re a kind soul’ dulled the ache of the Urge even more than the smell of blood had. 
So as she thought of the next steps, she wondered: could she make a path for herself? One where she didn’t obey her Father’s orders, one where she would live? 
It was in Bloomridge Park that she came to a conclusion. 
Passing by a bush of flowers, the smell of it caught Siren’s attention. She stopped, and knelt beside it, plucking a flower in her hand. 
“I see you also have a favorite.” Shadowheart said. “What are those?” 
Siren looked at it, and closed her eyes, a memory sparking in her brain. 
‘“It’s a dahlia.” 
“Dahlia?” The girl asked. “Like me?” 
“Yes, my love, like you.” Her mother said, placing the flower behind the girl’s pointy ear. 
“They’re pretty!” She exclaimed.
The woman smiled. “Just like you.” She gave the girl a kiss on the cheek. “It’s why I named you after them. They’re my favorite.” ‘ 
Siren looked to Shadowheart. “They were my mother’s favorites. Dahlias.” She stood up. “Dahlia. It’s my name”
The cleric frowned. “I thought your name was Siren.” 
“My mother…she named me Dahlia after her favorite flowers.” Siren shook her head. “I had forgotten about it.” She looked at the flower again, a flood of images from a long forgotten past returning to her at once. “I forgot so much…”
Shadowheart placed a hand on her shoulder in support. “But you also took back so much. And you’ll get even more after we defeat Orin.” 
“Yes.” Siren whispered. “I know what I have to do now.” 
Dahlia. The Dark Urge. Siren. 
A child, a murderer and a savior. All three, so incredibly different and yet, they were all one and the same. 
By denying her father, Siren had lost her life and in doing so, she gained a second chance. A chance to carve a different path for herself, one of which, instead of enslaving the world, she saved it. 
She could never be the girl she once was, but she would also never be the bloodthirsty assassin again. She could now truly be who she wanted to be. 
And as a new dawn came, with her lover by her side, she awoke, not as a conqueror, but as the Savior of Baldur’s Gate. 
For the first time in a long, long time, Siren smiled as she wondered what adventure she would get in next, now that she had a world of possibility and freedom at her feet. 
The End.
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janvidevelopers · 5 months
Karimnagar Bricks Suppliers in Hyderabad
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julyourwitch · 9 months
Hello! Freya here! My half-asleep brain fr saw 2 questions max as 3 questions 🫠 Anyways! I'm an aries sun, capricorn moon. I enjoy photography and business (as that is my current area of study at the moment!) I feel like a song that describes me would be Enchanted by Taylor Swift <33 I would like to ask the universe; What obstacles do I need to overcome in order for my business plans to be successful? Thank you so much for taking the time to do these readings, I hope you have a wonderful day! <33
𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚊! 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎! 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚘𝚔𝚊𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚑𝚊 𝚒𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚜! 𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝&𝚌𝚊𝚗 ~~
𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝: 𝙹𝚞𝚍𝚐𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚛𝚡, 𝟷𝟶 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚞𝚙𝚜 𝚛𝚡
𝐇𝐦𝐦𝐦, 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐭, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐈𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞"𝐚𝐦 𝐈 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬? 𝐀𝐦 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐞𝐝?" 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮"𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝"𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲/𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐬--(𝐈 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠) 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫��𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓, 𝐜𝐮𝐳 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟, 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬. 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝. 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨! 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐳 𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐨( 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝) 𝐨𝐡 𝐈 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 "𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇" 🪻
𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞: 𝐃𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡. 𝐁𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐛𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐭𝐡. 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬. 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 (𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞) 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞/𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭/𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥/𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝟐 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐭. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞.
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