#end of fire ending
blackjackkent · 8 months
Pairing: Unkindled/Firekeeper Warnings: None Word Count: ~740 Setting: Dark Souls 3, directly after the End of Fire ending
A/N: Random little flashfic vignette that my brain insisted on spitting out after thinking about DS3 for the first time in a while and having feels about the End of Fire. Honestly I have a whole longfic in mind about an Unkindled's journey towards this ending that I would like to write, but idk if I will ever actually get around to it, so this is what I have produced instead, at least for the time being.
Idk how good this is or how much sense it will make to anyone besides me. XD Like DS itself, it operates more upon vibes than sense. But here it is for anyone with interest in such things, and hopefully my brain will let me go to bed now. <3
“Ashen one… hearest thou my voice still?” she asks. 
All is dark. The first flame has burned out at last; not even embers remain. And with it has gone all light out of the world, even that pale ring of fire that had been the sun’s last dying form. The blackness is absolute.
He breathes - once in, once out. Then again. The kiln smells of charred bones. 
The firekeeper speaks again, her voice like the whisper of silk on skin. “Ashen one… what we have done may not be undone. Dost thou still hear me?”
He turns his head, listening. In the silence of the darkened world, he can hear the gentle susurration of her feet through the infinite ash that blankets the kiln. So many have died in this place, fed themselves to the fire in pursuit of immortality for a god long dead. But no more bodies will burn here now. They have seen to that. 
They have seen to the end of the world.
“What have we wrought, ashen one?” she asks him. There is a tremble in her voice. “Surely we were not wrong? The world had stretched itself to breaking, its only respite to be found in utter surcease… It was a kindness we did, and yet I did not, in all my visions, sense how cold it would be…”
He feels that chill as well, seeping through his armor. It is not a chill merely of the air, but of the world itself. Its heart has been stopped; its flame-blood no longer flows. 
It matters not to him, of course. He is not alive, in spite of his breath and the twitch of his flesh, but merely a construct molded of the remnants of those who came before. No matter how cold this long night grows, he will not freeze. 
But she might…
The thought stirs him from his torpor, as his own discomfort did not. Were he abandoned to witness this sea of black in solitude, he might have sat there unmoving for many hours before finding the will to rouse himself. But he is not alone. 
The fire has faded, and the world with it. But she is still here, as she has been waiting at the end of every battle since he was pulled gasping from the grave. She has been his voice, as he has been her eyes. She has given him strength, and he has acted for both of them in pursuit of a new world. And now, even in the endless darkness, he is not alone because she is with him. 
He stands. His armor rasps metal on metal with the movement. He hears her soft exhalation, a sigh of relief. 
“I hear thee, ashen one. Wilt thou come to me? Canst take my hand?”
He reaches out blindly, led only by the sound of her voice and that nearly imperceptible sound of ash under her feet. His gauntleted hand brushes the sleeve of her robe, and then her fingers close around his with a desperate intensity that he can feel even through steel and leather. She tugs his hand to pull him to her; he cannot see her but he feels her weight as she leans into his chest, her forehead pressed to his breastplate just above his heart. 
“I know I am not wrong in what I saw,” she says softly. “A new flame will kindle itself, dancing across the darkness. We could take no other course than this; we could not hope for a new world while the old one still writhed and struggled for breath.”
It is a plea for reassurance, for comfort. He says nothing still, but releases his grip on her and begins, methodically, to strip the gauntlets from both his hands. Each metal glove falls into the ashen dune with a soft thump. When she reaches out for him again, their fingers interlace, warm skin on warm skin that says what he cannot say in words.
She relaxes; her voice softens to almost a whisper. “Yes. If we walk side by side in this darkness, there shall be nothing left to fear. Thou wilt stay with me, to see this new world together?”
He lifts her hand and presses his lips silently against her knuckles. 
Her breath catches, releases shakily. “Then this is how it shall be. We shall traverse the roads of black, and I shall be at thy side.”
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northgazaupdates · 2 months
Heartbreaking news out of north Gaza today
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We write to inform you that renowned journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul and cameraman Ramy El-Rifi of Al-Jazeera were murdered just a few hours ago by the occupation. They were going out to document the scene of another bombing attack, when they were deliberately targeted by the occupation. Footage provided by journalist Osama Al-Ashi in the immediate aftermath of the attack shows that Ismail and Ramy were murdered with targeted precision weaponry, meaning the occupation watched them, waited for them, and executed them in cold blood (warning: graphic footage).
Ismail and Ramy have been documenting the genocide at immense personal cost since the 7th of October 2023. They were previously kidnapped and tortured by the occupation, but survived and continued to remain in north Gaza and document crimes against humanity. They have had many narrow escapes, and today, the occupation was finally successful in its illegal goal of assassinating these prominent journalists.
When western journalists hand-wave their suppression of the IOF’s atrocities in Gaza by claiming no journalists are “allowed” in to report, remember these men. Remind them of these men. These men who lost friends and loved ones, who suffered immensely, and yet chose to remain and continue documenting the genocide against their people. They join the ranks of more than 150 Gazan journalists who were murdered by the occupation to hide its crimes and retaliate for speaking the truth.
حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل
أنا لله و أنا اليه رجعون
God suffices us and he is the best disposer of affairs. We belong to God and to Him we shall return.
Keep fighting for Gaza. Don’t stop talking about north Gaza.
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northgazaupdates2 · 4 months
This is Suad Ahmad. You can read her full story here.
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Suad is a successful engineer and professor from Gaza. On top of her professional accomplishments, Suad found out she is pregnant. Sadly, a week later, the occupation began bombing Gaza and planning an invasion.
Suad’s home and workplace were destroyed, and she and her husband’s family were displaced. While living in a cramped tent and subjected to the elements, Suad became extremely sick with gastroenteritis, a dangerous condition during pregnancy. Food is scarce, and they are all suffering malnourishment.
Suad’s due date is coming very soon, and she wants her baby to have a better life than the one she’s living now. She is trying to evacuate to Egypt, where she and her family will be safer and healthier.
The campaign has been open for several weeks, but has received almost no support. We are trying to get Suad and her family evacuated before she gives birth, so we have only a few weeks left. Please help give Suad and her family a better future. If you cannot give, please reblog this post and repost the link across all of your social media accounts.
Thank you
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soon-palestine · 8 months
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[image description : a person setting on his computer and says " but I am just one person " below are many persons the same way she is on their desktops telling themselves " I can't do anything " and then many more of people the same way End Description.]
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dvrtrblhr · 20 days
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this started as the study of a picture i took of the greenery near the place i usually park my car. then i added petra, then i finished it for her birthday.
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puppyeared · 1 year
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learned something about myself lately
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paper-lilypie · 7 months
"they're quick when tempted" LILY YOU CAN'T DO THIS LILY
But see, what if I go towards them EQUALLY AS FAST? NEVER LET THEM KNOW YOUR NEXT MOVEEE- oh shit they're grabby-
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I promise you, you are never fast enough
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 22 days
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The dog days are over.
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northgazaupdates · 17 days
Saba, the infant daughter of a friend of mine, is critically ill in Gaza. She was born during the ongoing invasion, and has been plagued with health problems from birth. She is malnourished, and has been suffering from severe, constant diarrhea and vomiting for many weeks. My friend was able to take her to see a specialist in Gaza, who has performed special tests to be able to diagnose her. The tests are not complete yet, as testing capabilities in Gaza are minimal right now. And unfortunately, the diagnosis will probably be of limited use, as there are few to treat the condition due to the occupation’s sabotage of Gaza’s medical infrastructure.
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For Saba to survive, she requires medication for her stomach problems, as well as a special diet. The cost of these things is exorbitant in Gaza due to the occupation, and Saba’s family requires direct support in order to afford the necessities that are keeping Saba alive. They have a GoFundMe to provide for their family’s needs, but it has received very little support.
Please help this baby girl survive genocide!!!
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pockethep · 3 months
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soon-palestine · 8 months
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ALERT: We’ve received several reports of the FBI visiting activists in response to their social media posts criticizing Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. We want you to #KnowYourRights if approached by federal law enforcement (🧵 thread)
The FBI’s discriminatory targeting of people who speak up for Palestinian rights on social media is an attempt to silence popular criticism of Israel. You have a right to speak up against genocide. You have a right to refuse to speak to FBI agents without an attorney present
Our partners at the @ADC have also documented a disturbing uptick FBI targeting and intimidation of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims since October: We have received multiple calls today regarding Palestinian nationals detained by ICE, and/or visited by the FBI. The FBI has also visited multiple mosques today, in different states, as well as Arab inmates. This is a troubling trend.
#KnowYourDamnRights: Know your rights if you’re ever approached by law enforcement! Read this booklet by our partners at
@theCCR “If An Agent Knocks”
And our partners at the @NLGnews 's Know Your Rights booklet for dealing with law enforcement: https://t.co/5scK7eb8Ba
You can read more about the increased reports of FBI harassment of Palestinian, Arab and Muslim community members in this article by
@theintercept :
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pomarrillo · 3 months
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thought id pick up fe3h again after 4 years! blue lions this time 😁 and then church route next if i dont get burnt out by then
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acronym49 · 3 months
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The first time she's ever gotten to dance
Sunset in the bkg was actually a picture I took (edited obv)
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angelcake10023 · 2 months
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Samadhi Fire Tang Au- Part 3
A Guilty Conscious
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theminecraftbee · 10 months
also btw, for the new hermitcraft fans who haven’t been around for the turn of one season to another before: get excited! I cannot overstate how much the creative energy is entirely reinvigorated and how FUN watching the “brand new server” episodes are when they first come out like START OF SEASON TIME IS SOME OF THE BEST HERMITCRAFT TIME. get hyped for that!!!!
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cinnamon-flame · 2 months
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Trying to get back my ability to draw wof dragons by drawing my favorite Sunny design
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