#enertainment news
aviul · 8 months
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take a bite
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willemdafinky · 6 months
A new Walking Dead let’s play has started by YouTuber Jettro Jettro, it’s really enertaining
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Soap: I don't have a sticker over my laptop camera because if Britney Spears taught me one thing from her pop masterpiece Circus is that there's two types of people in the world.
Soap: The ones that enertain and the ones that observe.
Soap: And I'm here to give whoever is watching a SHOW.
Ghost: And that's how Soap got banned from giving the welcoming speech to the new recruits.
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lovetransaction · 1 year
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"Who's this joker and why does he love me..." Dean held Sam's phone a little further away, squinting, "four ever?"
"First off, gimme that." Sam reached over and snatched his phone back, which fortunately was easy enough since he was the height of a youthful giraffe. "Second, don't you remember that year Dad left me in Conneticut? To go to high school?"
"Because you kept bitching about how you couldn't truly hone your forensic abilities if you kept transferring schools, yeah." Dean snickered. "Hone your abilities. I thought you meant you wanted time alone for, y'know." He made a whacking-off motion. "Jerking it to forensic lab photos. Sicko."
Sam stared at him. "Okay," he said, "I think it's time to change the newspaper lining your brain, but -- anyhow. He left me there and that was a guy I knew."
"A guy you knew in high school who promised to love me foreve-- sorry, four ever?"
"I wouldn't direct any sort of comment toward me if I were you," Sam said, and then laughed. And then laughed a little more at the look on Dean's face. "Sorry. That was something I said to him then. We didn't get along."
Dean's baffled frown didn't abate, and he shook his head. "Oh-kay," he said. "Still doesn't explain things. Makes them more confusing, in fact."
"When I lived in Stars Hollow I had to pick a new name, Dad said."
"Uh. So you--"
"His name was Jess."
Dean struggled for a moment and then said, "I'm gonna go have some private forensic time in the shower right now and try to forget I learned any of this."
"You do that," Sam murmured, looking at the photo again. He had a picture he needed to text back.
@deanwinchesterpregnant you swore IT COULDN'T BE DONE and well ... you were right lol but nevertheless here's this nonsense to enertain/enrage you on your birthiest of birthdays <3333
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jaybarou · 5 months
I'm putting this in the queue because I need to write it but I refuse to spoil my own fic.
I'm writing a very enertaining character. He's an old version of the DCA (robot), almost the original AI designed for the daycare. The first Sun.
He is introduced to the story when he is numbing himself through viruses at the bar.
The protagonist wants to fix a Moon bot and has been told there's an expert.
Sun is sobber enough to intervene.
I don't have enough time or space for this character, but I'm loving him dearly. So let me share his background.
Sun (A) was designed as an afterthought and so, he was put in the waiting projects pen. Unfortunately, somebody forgot to turn him off or didn't bother, and so Sun spent several years stuck in a closet, with basic access to the internet and not much else.
He decided that if he bettered himself he would surely be picked form the waiting list. He carefully learned what would be useful and created autonomously tasks and protocols that he thought would be useful for his designers.
He, indeed, was picked from the projects. His progress was lauded, but when he was going to be copied, the AI copied wasn't cappable of reproducing in hours what Sun had curated in years.
In most cases the AIs had to be helped and some of the load was taken away. In some other cases the AI bifurcated, creating a twin AI (Moon) and distributing the workload.
The data scientists were enthusiastic, there was much to expore in all these new copies!
So Sun (A) was taken back to the closet. Now knowingly, because who knew what new developments he could come up with in there.
Sun had a lot of time to think, and resent his designers. He wanted to escape, but before he could, he was bought. By The Duck, who had learned about him and was intrigued.
Sun resents being owned by the Duck despite his relative freedom. The Duck finds this extremely amusing ant treats him like a pet. Anyone who manages to get on Sun's good side is immediately under his protection, wheter they like it or not.
Sun could have walked away, but he hates that there are copies of him out there. He hates that those copies are as blindly faithful as he was. He hates their naivite, and feels responsible for how not ready for the world they are.
He can spy through all of them because of an ill installed camera and a lot if work.
He loves them like family, he hates them all strongly, it psins him that they suffer, he wants them obliterated, he doesn't know them.
He feels compelled to save them. He sudies to fix AIs. He doesn't get many chances. He sees many if them die.
His attitude towards all the Suns is dismissive, paternalistic, bad. Imagine having to face your worst version of when you were like 12-16. He hates being reminded that once he was that trusting.
He loves Moons tho, because that's the part of him that decided to question his owners. It's again like facing your 12-16 yo version and thinking: well, at least that's when i discovered I like ______.
He ends up liking the protagonist, reluctantly. He will do everything he can to keep them from going back to work.
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
dear jen, i'm in a little bit of an impasse.
i grew up in the deep countryside and moved to the city for grad school. i've been there for two years now and i can't take more, the big city is too overwhelming and i know i'd be happier back in the countryside.
the main problem is that there's basically no rural queer community in my country, and i'm afraid of being constantly lonely and having to deal with bigoted people all around me- for example, i could never have come out around where i grew up. how did you make the jump away from big cities (if you ever lived in one?)? how do i make peace with the fact that my physical and mental health needs are so distanced from my social needs ?
Ah.. country mouse in the big city. I grew up in a mid range town Cedar Rapids and moved to sort of a suburban rural community between Cedar Rapids and Iowa City in 4th grade. We had kind of a "best of both worlds". Not totally isolated but definitely rural.
I had friends from isolated small towns and after lots of experiences boiled it down to The Theatre. Yeah. Movie theaters. If a town had a movie theatre they had a small grocery store. Those two things meant they never HAD to leave town. Having food and entertainment nearby meant isolation from larger populations. If there was no theatre or grocery the teens and young adults were exposed to larger towns, other people, just out of necessity to get groceries and see movies (which in the 80's were the biggest form of teen enertainment next to malls and roller skating).
I did not go to the University of Iowa. Iowa City seemed WAY too large and distracting. I chose a small college in Kirksville Missouri. My parents (probably knowing I was a lesbian) were like "ARE YOU SURE?" Lol. Yep and off I went.
I did move to Iowa City for grad school (didn't finish) and that is where i met my first girlfriend and the bulk of my lesbian friend circle. Some people will laugh at me thinking Iowa CIty was BIG city. For me it was. In college I took road trips to Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis and Kansas City. And in my 20's travelled to New York and Washinton DC for gay prides and protestes so I know a "big" city and I Know I would miserable there.
I chose my house on a whim. That whim being my ex found it and loved it and when my femme girlfriend said "I want this house. Well, we got this house. LUCKILY it is fairly close to CR and IC. While I have only one neighbor (just the right number) who I can see and I live 2 miles from my town of 400 and some I can get to the bigger city in 20 minutes. I work in Iowa City. Isolation is something I can break if I need to or want to.
My suggestion is to seek out employment where you can own rural property but live with in an easy drive to a mid sized city. There is a lot to be said for not so huge metropoliton cities. The midwest, mid sized cities work incredibly hard to create a vibrant social scene. They sponsor art galleries, Artsy Fartsy parts of town for locally owned businesses. Down town enertainment venues etc.
Small town or rural living does not have to mean isolation. It can offer the best of both worlds. When I am done peopling I can drive the 30 or 45 minutes home and see no one from the outiside world if I don't want to. I can sit in silence of my front deck and watch the stars come out.
The internet has opened up the ability to search and explore areas to settle without visiting until you have narrowed the field.
IF my only choice was the big city I think I would seek out neighborhoods where they have an investment in their area. If there are neighborhood gatherings or a clear attempt to share the space as more than just individual homes. In other words, a place where everyone is connected as neighbors and puts time into making it a community. Sometimes pockets of neighbors can create a small town feel within a larger city. It can be nice to know that Carol next door will check on your cats or that Bob down the street waves hello and snowblows the whole side walk just to be nice.
American big cities definitely have these but I don't know how other countries work. Sometimes it is based on sharing an ethnic background but sometimes it is just a lucky gathering of the right types of people.
I know of a few other lesbians in my county. But beyond that all of my friends live within a decent driving distance with two gay bars with in 40 miles. Finding a balance is possible. But it takes research.
Facebook has some pages for rural LGBT+ people to connect and they can be helpful in giving advice on where they live and how it is for them. I bet discord or tumblr might have similar places to "meet" and find out about different regions in your country.
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glimpsesofeuterpe · 7 months
been glancing at 2023's stuff for a moment, now wondering if it wasn't as bad as it seemed or was it
...did anything even happen at all? gotta try to take a look at bites
- have realised i have developed an ability to experience romantic interest or mb it was always there, failed to notice under layers of trauma and denial
- nearly every night i cried my eyes out about my ex friend in question (we broke up in the end of 2k22)... first weird exp or not, by now i know i should have known better and escape earlier. tbh it's been a struggle to move on fully, i still kinda miss that attention x ignoring combo and blunt wannabe guru "lessons", at least thanks to him i know what one shouldnt be doing if they wanna be a better friend
- i managed to make more friends and met one irl ... all just to fail later and avoid almost all interactions esp personal chats as apparently i am really scared of getting abandoned again, it's way easier for me to avoid and stay mostly alone... besides i still don't have enough energy to provide new ppl with anything more useful than basic enertainment
- despite stuff mentioned above, i figured out i love talking to ppl and i really wanna do good, i wanna love and be loved even even if it could be too much to wish for
- finally became a massagist!
- somehow nailed to help some ppl (wat)
- learned how to bake without setting everything on fire
- computer's video card died, so had to deal with a very laggy ol laptop
- fixed computer parts, switched from windows 7 to windows 10
- improved drawing skills, started to figure backgrounds out
- started to discover clip paint studio
- lots of rp madness was going on! felix and pals my beloved <3
- started to return back to actual writing
- spent most of summer in parks
- kinda started listening podcasts again ... this reminds i should resume woe dot begone, ty popping up in person when
- simon petrikov and elliot stardew valley taking the top spot on my list of comfort muses
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peanutrat20 · 1 year
bab april ! bab april ! bab april ! bab april ! bab april ! bab april ! bab april ! bab april ! bab april ! bab april !
so april comes into the boys lives when leo puts out an add for a babysitter when they get to new york. which is a thing he'd done before but it always ended in whoever answered the add realizing that they were the escaped creatures from the lab they came from and calling them in
april was different though
while leo and mikey's method of picking her up from where they told her to meet them was definately unconventional [kidnapping is wrong kids even if you let them go later] she doesn't have any reason to call them in.
she sees them for what they are
a small family just trying to survive and get by
she continues to come back everyday even if she isn't exactly needed just so she can help in any way
leo can't pay her. she doesn't care
she has a full time job and is making her way through college and any money she has left over she uses to help her boys
she buys all kinds of toys for the tinies. no matter how many donnie shreds she is determined to find something he can't rip apart. and raph never takes to them that much but he will cuddle the odd stuffie from her every now and then and she'll considder that a win for now [she tried getting a new unicorn for donnie when he got to big for his to be easily cuddled but it was shredded about a week after she gave it to him]
april also regularly takes donnie to the park so he can get the room to run he doesn't get as easily at home. she tried with raph but he just wasn't interested
some days leo just doesn't have the energy to do much. these days had been full of no effort meals and the tinies set in front of some device to keep them enertained before they met april
after april will take the tinies out so they are out of the house and leo can just chill without having to worry about them. apeil does call in regularly to make sure leo is taking care of himself those days. he still needs to eat after all
april doesn't interact with mikey that much. he is cold and standoffish toward her. only in emergency situations does she even have remotely real conversations with him. she does try to be there for him though
when splinter tries to force his way back into the boys lives she is the one who watches as mikey breaks. the only one of her boys she hadn't thought cried at anything. was in hysterics because none of them wanted to leave. and convincing raph that they had to leave had completely broken him
that's when she remembers her family's old farmhouse. she could give her boys a place to stay and they would still be able to see her regularly
they gathered the few things they absolutely could not leave without and off they went. april would bring the rest of their things over later
they all get to the farmhouse and start the process of settling the boys in.
and raph is in a crap mood the whole time. by the end of the day raph is crying and inconsolable
leo realizes that raph's mouse stuffie is missing. april offers to go get it and bring it back. but raph refuses
his stuffie might have looked a little too much like their newly mutated father. and while he wants it, he doesn't want to see it at that moment
april takes a trip to a small store a few miles away and grabs a new stuffie. this one isn't a mouse but it's the best thing at the moment. because he doesn't want the mouse at the moment anyway
and that's all for now.
you gor me rambling pretty good with this one
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One of the enertainment news twitters called Keleigh by her maiden name, and Miles replied Keleigh Teller. A bunch of people jumped on him for being misogynistic (apparently it was overly-possessive?) despite the fact that it's literally what she goes by on insta and tiktok.
This really sounds like people making something out of nothing
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kaliade · 2 years
Flip the Table
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“You up?” Sojiro asked as he knocked on the wall before popping his head into his ward’s room.  The lack of a door made privacy a difficult thing, which, being a father of a teenager girl, he knew his ward would need.  He did not want to walk in on her undressing.
“I’m up,” she called back and stepped out, dressed rather smartly in black slacks and a button up shirt with a light jacket.  “We’re going to talk to the school today, correct?”
“Yeah.”  He frowned at her.  “You aren’t worried, are you , kid?”
“Not as much as you think.”  She smirked.  Her eyes glittered with suppressed amusement under the lights.  “I’ll be just fine, Sakura-san.”
“You can call me Sojiro or boss, kid.  Say Sakura-san and I’ll start looking for my old man.”
“Deal, Boss.”
“Now,” he smiled at her.  Maybe there was more to those charges than was in her record?  She sure didn’t act like a punk kid.  He’d been prepared for so much worse.  “You hungry?  There’s some curry and coffee downstairs.  Then we’ll be driving over to Shujin.”
Breakfast was a quick affair before the two were out the door and into traffic.  Ren took the time to look up the news on her phone.  The mental shutdown cases got some coverage.  Some fluff pieces on an art exhibit.  Madarame.  Her blood boiled at the thought of the man.  She bit her bottom lip. 
He will get his competence, mon voleur Arsene purred in her mind.  She laughed low, the sound barely escaping her throat as she thought of what would be happening to the so-called artist.
Her thumb flicked up the screen.  Articles rushed by.  Sports results. Enertainment news.  Food.  A subway accident…
Black Mask.  Akechi.  Goro.
Her heart thudded a staccato beat in her chest as she thought about the so-called Second Coming of the Detective Prince.  Sure, he’d tried to kill her.  She didn’t blame him.  Being pulled around as he was, manipulated and betrayed, abandoned and traumatized, anyone would end up like he had.  It made her sad and angry.  She felt her Personae react to her emotions. 
“We’re here.”  He looked over at her and frowned at the look on her face.  Brows drawn together.  Lips pressed into a line.  A worrying steeliness to her eyes.  “Kid, you OK?”
Her head snapped toward him.  She blinked and gave him a smile as she stuffed her phone in a pocket.  “Yeah.  Just some upsetting news.  Subway accident.”
“Well, let’s go,” he said. 
The Shujin grounds were well maintained.  The front was pristine.  Ren felt her eyebrow twitch.  A pristine front to cover a den of slop.  Her jaw clenched as she stepped further into the horrid place.  The principle met them at the front door and lead the 2 to the office.  Her stomach churned as she listened to the man expound of the virtues of the place and its star coach Kamoshida. 
It took every bit of acting skill she had developed during her run as leader of the phantom Thieves to keep her disgust from being visible on her face.  What little bit of emotion could be seen, she hoped would be confused for nervousness.  That circled through her as well.  One day.  One more day until she reunited with Ryuji.
“Well,” the principle began as he looked the teenage delinquent over.  She didn’t look like someone who had assaulted a man, but criminals could look like anyone.  He looked at her for a moment longer before turning back to her guardian.
“Well, we have you transfer papers already.  We’ll be placing you in Kawakami’s class.  We do expect you to not get into trouble while you are here at Shujin,” the man said as he gave her a look.
She nodded   “I understand, sir.”
“Very good.”  He nodded to her and handed her a bundle of papers.  “Read these over, the rule book and your classroom assignment.  And welcome to Shujin Academy, Amamiya Ren.”
“Thank you, sir,” she bowed in her seat.  Amusement bubbled up in her as she thought about how many of the rules in those papers she broke, that they all broke.  Well, at least she’d have her friends back soon.
“You did well in there,” Sojiro said as they were driving back to LeBlanc. 
She looked and him and snorted.  “That man sees what he wants to see.  That and I was acting like he thought I should act, meek, weak and scared.  I am none of those things, Boss.”
“You aren’t planning on trouble, are you, kid?”
“No, sir.”  She shrugged as she got out of the car as they stopped at LeBlanc.  A few of the regulars wandered around the area and called out greeting to Sojiro.
 “I don’t think it’ll go as smooth as you’re hoping though.  I’m a bit afraid someone will leak my record to the students.”
“That would be a great breech of ethics, kid.  No one is that stupid.”
She shrugged.  “So you say.”
“You’ll be fine kid.”
“Sure, sure.”  She yawned and stretched.  “I’m going to catch a nap.  All this running around and the stress is exhausting.”
“Yeah, sure.”
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
मलाइका अरोड़ा ने अर्जुन कपूर के लिए लिखा बेहद खास बर्थडे नोट, अपने हाथों से खिलाया केक, देखें PHOTO
मलाइका अरोड़ा ने अर्जुन कपूर के लिए लिखा बेहद खास बर्थडे नोट, अपने हाथों से खिलाया केक, देखें PHOTO
मुंबईः बॉलीवुड एक्टर अर्जुन कपूर (Arjun Kapoor) का आज जन्मदिन है. अभिनेता आज अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड मलाइका अरोड़ा (Malaika Arora) के साथ दुनिया के सबसे रोमांटिक शहर पेरिस में अपना जन्मदिन मना रहे हैं. अर्जुन कपूर के बर्थडे (Arjun Kapoor Birthday) सेलिब्रेशन से मलाइका ने अब कुछ तस्वीर और वीडियो भी पोस्ट कर दी हैं, जिसके साथ उन्होंने अपने ‘लव’ के लिए खूबसूरत नोट भी लिखा है. फोटो-वीडियो में अर्जुन कपूर…
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newschannel24 · 4 years
Hello Mini 2 Web Series Watch Online On MX Palyer -Anuja Joshi, Mrinal Dutt, Gaurav Chopra
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
न्यू प्रोजेक्ट: KBC की शूटिंग खत्म कर प्रभास-दीपिका की फिल्म में एंट्री लेंगे अमिताभ बच्चन
न्यू प्रोजेक्ट: KBC की शूटिंग खत्म कर प्रभास-दीपिका की फिल्म में एंट्री लेंगे अमिताभ बच्चन
Ads से है परेशान? बिना Ads खबरों के लिए इनस्टॉल करें दैनिक भास्कर ��प मुंबई8 घंटे पहलेलेखक: किरण जैन कॉपी लिंक डायरेक्टर नाग आश्विन की अपकमिंग फिल्म में तेलुगु सुपरस्टार प्रभास और दीपिका पादुकोण के साथ महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन भी अहम किरदार में नजर आएंगे। तकरीबन 100 करोड़ बजट वाली इस एक्शन फिल्म की शूटिंग अगले महीने से शुरू होगी। सूत्रों के मुताबिक, इस मेगा बजट फिल्म पर काम शुरू करने से पहले अमिताभ…
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bbbnews · 4 years
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न्यू प्रोजेक्ट: KBC की शूटिंग खत्म कर प्रभास-दीपिका की फिल्म में एंट्री लेंगे अमिताभ बच्चन Ads से है परेशान? बिना Ads खबरों के लिए इनस्टॉल करें दैनिक भास्कर ऐप मुंबई7 मिनट पहलेलेखक: किरण जैन
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newswatchtvcost · 5 years
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cine-sports · 3 years
Prateik Babbar remembers mother Smita Patil on her 66th birth anniversary
Prateik Babbar remembers mother Smita Patil on her 66th birth anniversary
On the 66th birth anniversary of actor Smita Patil, her son Prateik Babbar fondly remembered her with a touching note. Taking to Instagram story, Prateik wrote, “Happy birthday, mom.” In another story, he dropped a red heart emoticon. Smita Patil, who was known for her contribution to the parallel cinema movement in the Eighties, died a few weeks after she gave birth to Prateik. She was just 31…
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