#ennegram type
girls--complex · 11 months
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Can I kin you?
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blueopinions49 · 11 months
Controversial Opinion
What’s the obsession with enneagram 4? I genuinely don’t get why there are so many people so obsessed with this type.
I get that there are some people that just romanticizes some of the mental illness aspects of them HOWEVER mental illness isnt an inherent E4 thing and neither is personal struggle I can see why they correlate that to 4s (maybe cuz of the pseudo depression naranjo described on his work however thats just a false image they portray so?) , which mostly stems from terrible understanding of the type. However the increase in mistypes? The obsession with the SX4 subtype? The obsession with the toxic aspects of E4? Idk I just don’t get it.
I’m asking from a place of genuine wonder cuz this has been going on for a long time. And I want some clarity as to why it happens.
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annemarieyeretzian · 9 months
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Fearne Calloway – Type 7(w8): The Opportunist
Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, and spontaneous. They are high-spirited and playful, but they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. Sevens are enthusiastic about almost everything that catches their attention. They approach life with curiosity, optimism, and a sense of adventure. they are bold, extremely optimistic, and vivacious: they are endowed with abundant vitality and a desire to fully participate in their lives each day. They are naturally cheerful and good humored, not taking themselves too seriously – or anything else, for that matter. Enneagram 7w8s love to be in control of their lives and get what they want. Their natural charisma charms and inspires others. They love to start or try new things, especially when encouraged by others. Once they decide to go for whatever they want, they won’t stop until they accomplish it.
Sources: 1 2
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enneagram-life · 1 year
The Enneagram Types at a Pool Party
Type One: Probably laying out with big sunglasses on talking about how they could have decorated the pool better than the host did.
Type Two: Definitely made snack trays and brought them, giving everyone juice boxes, etc. They are also taking a LOT of pictures and talking their friends’ ears off. Type Three: Almost definitely the host of the pool party. Spends a lot of the time laying out; talks a lot about how much they spent on the pool, how beautiful it is, etc.
Type Four: Pretending they are in a movie while they lay out and stare off into the distance, occasionally dipping their feet into the pool. Type Five: Either stayed inside or, if they do decide to come outside, they are sitting in the shade on their computer or reading a book. Type Six: Making sure everyone has sunscreen on. Definitely had a checklist and is freaking out if they forgot to bring something.
Type Seven: Jumping off the diving board, going down the slide, doing flips, literally just acting like little pool heathens the entire time they are there. Little wild people. Type Eight: They might be laying out and are the person to yell at you if you tip their float. Has shoved at least three people into the pool. 50/50 chance they jump into the pool like the seven has been. Type Nine: Probably was laying out in a chair and fell asleep, they are absolutely getting sunburnt as shit and they know it, they don’t care they are just tired.
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omgvalhalla · 1 year
Centres: gut triad
The core neurosis of body types revolves around the idea of independence and autonomy from the outside world, ie not being affected by it. The contours of the body are the literal boundaries separating the person from their environment. Except body types don’t see this to their overfocus on intrusion, whether real or perceived. So they guard made up ideas about “boundaries”. The defense mechanism has nothing to do with being embodied. If anything, body types usually aren’t fully in the body. 
Body types offer a sense of solidity and physical presence and want to prevent being touched by their environment. For 1s, it’s about inner regulation: they control their own responses to prevent being touched by the outside world. 8s seek to impose their will upon the environment and that way prevent the environment imposing their will upon them. Type 9s does both. On the one hand, they shut out the environment, eg. going grey rock or being boulders who slow everything down. On the other hand, they keep themself in a state of fluidity, a fake lack of ego.   
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(via Enneagram Comparisons | Type Four and Type Five)
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boysborntodie · 7 months
Anyone who made fun of Divergent for the entire ‘if you fit more than one personality type, that’s bad(tm)’ thing has clearly never been on the Personality Database App before
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tom-is-online · 11 months
Mbti and ennegram are fun until ur being called stupid and impulsive by a quiz (I am)
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noblehcart · 1 year
is2g if the next frickin personality test i take says its a rare type i will throw my coffee cup out the window.
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Negative Enneagram Test
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Your Enneagram is Type 9.
Type 9
Enneagram Type 9, often referred to as "The Peacemaker" or "The Mediator," is characterized by a strong desire for harmony, peace, and a fear of conflict. While this personality type possesses many strengths such as diplomacy, empathy, and a calming presence, the negative aspects of their nature can create challenges in both their personal lives and relationships. Their negative aspects tend to take the following forms:
Avoidance of Conflict: Tendency to avoid confrontation and conflict to maintain inner peace.
Procrastination: Delaying decisions or actions due to a desire to keep things harmonious.
Passivity: Struggling to assert themselves or express their own desires and needs.
Self-Neglect: Neglecting their own needs and prioritizing others to prevent conflict.
Indecisiveness: Difficulty making decisions, often deferring to others' preferences.
Emotional Numbing: Suppressing emotions to maintain tranquility, leading to emotional numbness.
Difficulty Expressing Anger: Struggling to express anger or frustration directly.
Resistance to Change: Discomfort with change, preferring the familiar and stable.
Fear of Disconnection: Worrying about losing connection or support from others.
Unassertive Communication: Struggle to communicate assertively, leading to misunderstandings.
Resentment and Passive-Aggressiveness: Building up resentment when needs are unmet, sometimes expressed passively.
Self-Effacement: Diminishing their own importance to keep harmony within a group.
Neglecting Personal Desires: Putting others' desires before their own, leading to dissatisfaction.
Lack of Boundaries: Struggling to set boundaries and defend personal space.
Complacency: Becoming complacent and resigned to situations they find dissatisfying.
Apathy: Feeling detached and indifferent to their own wants and interests.
Avoiding Confrontation at All Costs: Sacrificing their own needs to avoid confrontation.
Difficulty Speaking Up: Hesitating to express their opinions or preferences in group settings.
Loss of Self: Merging with others' opinions and losing sight of their own identity.
Underestimating Their Impact: Minimizing their importance and influence on others.
Fading Motivation: Starting tasks with enthusiasm but losing motivation if conflicts arise.
Numbing with Activities: Engaging in mindless activities to avoid addressing inner conflict.
Fear of Disruption: Anxiety about any action that might disrupt peace and harmony.
Passive Resistance: Resisting change or requests passively rather than assertively.
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hiperchile · 1 year
"i don't procrastinate," i say on the online quiz i'm doing while totally not procrastinating on my cs exercises
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blueopinions49 · 30 days
Enneagram 4 Subtypes Explained
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Social 4 "Shame"
The social 4 looks to create connection with others through the exploration melancholy and brokenness. Unlike the other 4s this subtype looks to share their depth with others. Imo they subvert allot of the traditional notions of the E4. They aren't as withdrawn as the SX and Sp subtypes. And whole they do maintain a level of difference within they still look to fulfill that need for emotional depth with others. A tendency that pops with the So4 is the need to create that social circle while struggling to remain their own self. This subtype tend to express their difference through being an outsider or extremely sophisticated with unique tastes. Usually among to attract others while maintaining their boundary of eccentricity. They are hard to mistake as any other type in my opinion however they can look like the stereotype of a 3w4 (due to being pretentiousness) or a 9.
Characters: Anna Karenina, Mark Jefferson, Blue Diamond, Diane Nyguen, Lisa, Anne of Green Gables, Jin Kazaa and Catherine Meyer.
The Self Preservation 4 "Tenacity"
The Sp4 finds it self trying to mitigate their envy due to being a counter type. Usually this 4 is not looking to be different but rather to have a different type of life. As the counter type of 4 they dont overexposes their melancholy and rage but rather they tend to keep it to themselves. This 4 tries to find a different path in the world without following tradition or social expectations. They are a bit more idealistic with their pursuits choosing lifestyles, style or professional life. This subtype can look like a 6 (due to their calm and environment oriented thinking).
Characters: Elio Perlman, Rose DeWitt Bukater, Eleven, Belle, Sebastian, Wicked Witch, Violet Harmon and Susana Kaysen.
The Sexual 4 "Hate"
Probably the most well known 4. This subtype is the most expressive and "aggressive" about their sense of uniqueness. They are highly interested in creating a relationship with another that fulfills that bond of difference and uniqueness. They tend to be the most expressive of their envy. To the sexual 4 the most important thing is not to be mediocre. By this I mean that the 4s see everything that doesn't have emotional and personal depth is beneath them. While many texts describe them as aggressive id say they are closer to passionate. The SX4 interest and frustration find depth within interpersonal relationships leads them to look like enneagram 8s.
Characters: Kylo Ren, the phantom, Maleficent, Loki, Jason Todd, Helen Sharp, Lucille Sharpe and Zuko
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timefospookies · 1 year
Shoutout to Anzu from Romantic Killer my aromantic queen 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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chanzene · 1 year
The Challenger Personality
2 Samuel 12:1-13 (Nathan)
- David’s heart was exposed because David’s sin was confronted. 
The Challenger Reflects God’s Power
God made you a challenger for a reason. You challenge rules, others thinking, ideas, education, and everything else. This is how God has wired you.
God made them powerful.
When Healthy 
Is strong and confident
In this world where people don’t know what they want to be or where they want to go. The Challenger knows and they also know what they need you to do.
They are very clear not wishy-washy. Nor are they moved by the every changing culture. They know who they are and what they are about.   
The Challenger is not led by the heart or the mind but by the instinct. They know whats right and whats wrong and they know what they have to do. 
Want to see the world be more just
We need people to stand up for people who don’t have a voice. Stand up for people who are not heard. 
Great Examples of 8′s
Rev Martin Luther King Jr.
Winston Churchill
“We will never ever ever surrender.”
Steve Jobs
It takes leaders like Jobs to speak directly and address the issues.
Communicates directly
Leads and influences others to get things done 
Can turn a business around that was once at the bottom and turn it into great great things.
Protective of those they see as vulnerable
Seen as an Egg. Hard on the outside and soft on the inside. Soft for those who are weaker and can’t do for theirselves. The 8 sticks up for the weaker community. They protect the underdogs who don’t really have a voice. 
Underdog - Alicia Keys ft. Chronixx & Protoje
They said I would never make it
The dreams I’m chasing 
I’m all Alone
I am destined for greatness 
Time to embrace it Breaking the mold
Is always in pursuit of tenderness and mercy
Be soft because you will have a hard time being too aggressive. 
When Unhealthy
Uses power to dominate others to get things done their way
Be careful not to use your power for your gain. Use your power for good things. Use it for mercy for people who don’t have a voice. 
Avoids being vulnerable 
They don’t want to share whats going on and act like they don’t have feelings. They act like they're getting things done. They are afraid to let anybody in. They have hearts and are human too. They have all these walls up that. doesn’t allow you to be real. 
Forceful, insensitive, and/or combative
 Walking in the room they quickly asses who is the most powerful in the room. When they find out who is who they challenge people to see who is stronger/more powerful. They thrive on who are they going to fight that day.
Relationally clueless
They don’t see how their personality , words, actions, and decisions effects other people.  Because no one else exists in their world its just what they want to do and how they want things to go. It’s all based on how they feel and what they know is right. They miss the subtle nuances. It’s nothing personal its a blindside to their personality. They are going to be blind to how people are receiving them and perceiving them. 
Doesn’t see the value, opinions and experiences of others
Core SIN: Lust
Clueless to his sexual desires and ultimately that was his demise. 
  Don’t want to be controlled. Need freedom. 
See’s the world as whose in control is it me or is it someone else. 
They trust and believe in the vision. So, if they believe in you and follow you it is all good.
When unhealthy they will be defensive and think someone is trying to tell them what to do. 
Look at yourself and be honest is this an issue in your life?
Often 8′s are unhealthy because when they were a kid their voice often wasn’t heard and their opinions didn’t matter. Everything that they did was controlled or micromanaged. 
Literally seeing adulthood as a way to escape from the bonds of parenting /control. 
Your strategies as a child worked as a child but as an adult they won’t work as an adult. What protected you as a kid will destroy you as an adult. (Mom)
One of the things that can wreck your future is your past. 
So you have to deal with it accept it and move forward. 
Get emotional and don’t want to get real. 
How does a Challenger become real:
We have to deal with feelings! 
Need to be real with ourselves.
James 2:13
There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you.
You get extra credit points for being tender and having mercy. Its genuine compassion for others.
Romans 8:4
You will be judged in Christ or not in Christ. You will be held accountable for your sins.
How does a Challenger become real with others:
Willing to yield to others. 
James 3:17
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
Submit to Jesus.
Unhealthy 8:
Healthy 8: 
Here is my opinion but I am willing to listen to others. But the best decisions wins by prayer.
How does a Challenger become real with God:
2 Corinthians 12:10 
That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
We are all stronger when we share our weaknesses. 
In sharing your weaknesses in those moments you become strong. The beauty of weakness makes us dependent on God. When I am leaning on God then I am strong. When I am leaning on my own strength then I can only do what I can do. When I lean on God, I can do what He does. 
An 8 has to constantly come before the Lord in humbleness, broken spirit, and  saying I need the Lord.
Be willing to share your mistakes and your weaknesses. Don’t be terrified of sharing your feelings. 
1 John 1: 9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Repentance is realigning to truth.
8′s tell us what we need to hear.
The beautiful role of the eight is to speak truth when no one else will.
If we are not challenged we won’t grow. 
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cozeetea · 2 years
do you still take requests?
if so, intp 5w4, gemini sun libra moon scorpio rising please :)
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++ intp, 5w4, gemini sun, libra moon, scorpio rising 🐸🪴
— tell me your secrets
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welivetodream · 8 months
*INTP at a party*
ENTP: you are pretty damn cute
INTP: thanks?
ENTP: you came here with anyone?
INTP: I heard there's free food so I dropped by
ENTP: Ah....makes sense
*awkward silence*
ENTP, smirks: So what's your type?
ENTP, flustered: you know about MBTI?
INTP: What other types were you asking about? Ennegram?
ENTP: you're so godamn oblivious, marry me!
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