#ennegram type two
enneagram-life · 1 year
The Enneagram Types at a Pool Party
Type One: Probably laying out with big sunglasses on talking about how they could have decorated the pool better than the host did.
Type Two: Definitely made snack trays and brought them, giving everyone juice boxes, etc. They are also taking a LOT of pictures and talking their friends’ ears off. Type Three: Almost definitely the host of the pool party. Spends a lot of the time laying out; talks a lot about how much they spent on the pool, how beautiful it is, etc.
Type Four: Pretending they are in a movie while they lay out and stare off into the distance, occasionally dipping their feet into the pool. Type Five: Either stayed inside or, if they do decide to come outside, they are sitting in the shade on their computer or reading a book. Type Six: Making sure everyone has sunscreen on. Definitely had a checklist and is freaking out if they forgot to bring something.
Type Seven: Jumping off the diving board, going down the slide, doing flips, literally just acting like little pool heathens the entire time they are there. Little wild people. Type Eight: They might be laying out and are the person to yell at you if you tip their float. Has shoved at least three people into the pool. 50/50 chance they jump into the pool like the seven has been. Type Nine: Probably was laying out in a chair and fell asleep, they are absolutely getting sunburnt as shit and they know it, they don’t care they are just tired.
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unexpected theory that i stumbled upon
I am in a JOJOLands discord server and a member of the server had this theory that I think should be shared. They plan on posting the full scope of it on Reddit (so I'll add the link to it here when it gets posted). In the meantime, I'm gonna summarize what I've found based on their discussions so far and add my own theories to it.
(This will be a long one :P)
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The theory in particular involves the star emblem Jodio poses in that has numbers at each arrow.
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On one hand, those numbers could simply be counting each point or is in reference to how there has been 9 parts for JoJo so far. But... what if the numbers are in refrence to this instead:
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This is the Enneagram of Personality, a personality assessment that consists of nine personality traits. It's a system that focuses on a person's emotions regarding motivations and fears. Each of the nine personality types is defined by a particular core belief about how the individual thinks the world works. It's believed no one really changes from their numbers but one can relate to more than one number and each number has levels ranging from "healthy" to "unhealthy" that a person can resonate with over time. What's interesting is that the Ennegram is made to resemble a star, with the number 3, 6, and 9 working as a triad that symbolizes wholeness.
There are other details regarding the arrows such as sub-types, wings, and arrows, but we're going to focus more on the surface stuff in this post (the Reddit post can dive deeper). But, how does this relate to The JOJOLands?
Well, what if you place the numbers with the arrows? Not just literally but let's also have it match more with the Ennegram as well. Let's also try to put the numbers aligned in two different ways (images created by the person on the server).
With the numbers aligned vs with the empty arrow pointing upwards:
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We can call the first one the original placement and the second one the "inverted" placement to differentiate the two.
But, there's more. Do you remember what the cover art for "Chapter 8: Let's Look at Luxury Watches" is? Remember how it shows the same emblem but with the 5 known characters at the moment?
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It looks like each character is associated with a particular point of that emblem. Let's put the Ennegram numbers on them and see what they look like with the original placement and the "inverted" placement. The original OP also made these images.
Original Numbers vs Inverted Numbers:
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Why does this all matter?
It obviously looks like the characters aren't just decorated around the star emblem but each one is associated with a number on the Ennegram. With the inverted, it also appears as if most of them change numbers.
Now, if you look at the numbers they're associated with in the "before" photo, you realize their personalities align with the numbers in the Ennegram.
Jodio has the ambitious goal of becoming obscenely rich. He prides himself for being reliable, getting the job done with no questions asked and mentioned how being this way gained him praise and money among other things. His recent diagnosis makes him speculate he could be a psychopath. 3s are are goal-oriented, viewing success as being praised for their achievements, and they act with efficiency. Their ambition can cause them to be relentless, even psychopathic.
Rohan is looked up to by Jodio among others and is considered a creative, inspiring individual due to his success as a mangaka and the perfection he strives to have in his works. Despite his actions towards the team, he continously warned them of danger during their interaction and even advises Jodio before they part ways. 1s are known to be perfectionists due to their creativity and their self-awareness, which inspires many. This belief makes them think they're different from others, which can translate to being critical of others and an air of self-righteousness due to their moral compass believing they are better than others.
Usagi is considered an oddball since the beginning yet proves his potential with how intelligent and inqusitive he is. Even if it got the team out of trouble in some cases, his approach is unconventional and he is still considered a troubled individual to his peers, even rejected from further connections. 5s are known to be inquisitive and would spend hours observing and experimenting every detail and concept to gain more knowledge if given the opportunity. However, going too far with their discoveries makes them very eccentric and their desire to seek knowledge can eventually drive them to insanity.
Paco is a kleptomaniac addicted to stealing due to the rush it gives him and, despite being academically weak, is a very capable fighter and planner of the group. He's rather rash with his decisions but can take control of any situation, especially in a fight. 7s are known for being quick on their feet, able to plan and act on instincts when the situation calls for it, and make up their lack of studiousness with their street smarts. But, this impulsiveness and desire to act on energy means their addictions can lead to self-destruction much faster due to how much energy they go through and they could be associated with BPD.
Dragona goes out of the way to avoid further fallout or conflict deemed unnecessary or cause further trouble. They engage in peaceful things like yoga and is the voice of calmness and trust that contrast Jodio's more violent nature. 9s are known as peacemakers, valuing harmony and simplicity above all, which makes others trust them due to how stable they seem. This stubborness to keep peace can put them in a state of disorientation and reclusiveness that can manifest into multiple personalities.
While some believe Ennegram numbers don't change over time, seeing the inverted numvers show different numbers seem to indicate that the characters we see will evolve into their new numbers as the story progresses. This may foreshadow what will happen to each character or what they will become in the end.
2s are known to be empathetic, putting others first as givers, and desire to be loved above everything, yet it can be seen as manipulative and lead to self-victimization.
4s are known to be authentic, finding creativity and deep connections with others, but can fall into despair when dreams and hope are lost.
See 5, 7, and 9 above.
Jodio as a 2 means he could become more loving to others and take on the typical Joestar personality of pursuing justice and determination due to empathy. It doesn't necessarily mean he's "cured" of his inability to feel guilt or have no affection to others beyond his family, but it may indicate him learning to find connections and going on some sort of self-discovery as a result. At the same time, the happiness he desired could be interpeted as love he yearns to feel for, and he could be changing his purpose of pursuing riches to fit more of a 2.
Rohan as a 4 is harder to speculate what will become of him besides a possible return. We know little of Rohan's full personality in The JOJOLands but we know Rohan as an arrogant, discourteous perfectionist from previous iterations. This does seem to imply Rohan will be a more present mentor who embraces more of his imperfections and increasing an appreciation towards those around him. He's sort of started doing that already with Jodio at the end of chapter 5.
Dragona as a 5 means they may start becoming less avoidant and more assertive and proactive in taking control of the situation. I speculate they have some sort of block that discourages them from doing this currently, maybe due to lack of confidence or having a not-so strong Stand compared to Jodio or Paco. Or, maybe being in Jodio's shadow has made them comfortable with doing minimal work. Regardless, they are finally able to show themselves as their own Joestar and fighter in their own right. As a possible 5, this also means Dragona may discover something ground-breaking and it could lead to some major sacrifice; possibly, Dragona's life may end as a result.
Paco remains a 7, which I find interesting but understandable if there needs to be a balance between characters that dramatically change and characters that remain constant; Paco in this case is the latter. Still, Paco could become either a better or a worser version of a 7 to show how much he's changed as the plot continues. I could be possible that Paco becomes more valued for his quick mind despite his lack of intelligence or his addiction to stealing and being impuslive causes issues with the team and ultimately his downfall instead.
Usagi becoming a 9 points two scenarios. On one hand, his transformation points him to be an ultimate traitor. Maybe the reactions to his eccentricities results in him feeling like he needs to hide more of himself and pushes him to villainy because of rejection. On the other hand, Usagi may come to realize he doesn't need to be complex and go beyond to try making friends, so he starts feeling more at ease. Either way, it seems like Usagi still has a wall of sorts hiding who he really is and becoming a 9 might reveal it soon.
We don't know too much about Knife Guy so far, but I'm guessing he's either going to be a 7 like Paco or a 2 who eventually becomes a 3. In the case of the latter, it could be due to Knife Guy pursuing the gang out of orders and following them to gain validation while lacking his own agency. Becoming a 3, especially under Paco's mentorship, may lead him to think about his own goals and ambitions instead of aiding the goals and ambitions of others.
The Enneagram also explains how the Stands work too. The Reddit post can go more into how these personalities relate to not just the characters but their Stand abilities and what the Stands might evolve into.
With that out of the way, I now want to talk about my two cents: the main villain.
What number would the main villain be? After all, there are 9 numbers total and only 5 (6 including Knife guy as I'm writing this) characters identified.
If we look at the chart and the inverted chart, there are only two numbers that remain untouched: 6 and 8. Coincidentally, they are the "inverses" of each other.
Between the 2 numbers, the main villain most likely will start as a 6 before turning into an 8. If you look at the Ennegram, the most obvious triad shown is the 369. I mentioned earlier how these three numbers hold significance in the Ennegram.
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If Jodio and Dragona already took the positions of 3 and 9 respectively and no other character is a 6 so far, the main villain would most likely be the one to hold the 6 position. As a 6, this also implies they start out very close to Dragona and Jodio prior to becoming the main villain going against them. In terms of how close, a mutual friend or a relative is most likely since the two Joestars are siblings and the closest to each other in their gang. The main villain can also be someone completely unrelated but due to their role in society they are a major, unknown influence in Jodio and Dragona's life. Regardless, whoever it is will still fit being a 6 who becomes an 8.
If we look at the 6 and 8 traits on the Ennegram, something interesting comes up:
6s are seen as reliable. They are dedicated and ride-or-die with what they believe in, find security in having these loyalties. However, they can be driven to hysteria and dependency on what they believe in, being in deep denial when the beliefs starts failing, and then being lost when it crosses a point of no return.
8s are seen as assertive. They are the epitome of the ideal hero, confident in what they do and they end up becoming the voice to those who are saved or supported by them. Their actions, if left unchecked, can be seen as delusional and domineering, and some 8s are known to have ASPD and be sociopaths.
It seems like the main villain starts off as someone very loyal to some sort of system they support and are a part of. Something then happens (such as corruption, betrayal, and/or realization) changes them from a 6 into an 8. As an 8, they start doing things as a means of addressing the issue they found with this system that caused their change. They could be trying to save, improve, reform, or destroy it, and their actions cause more harm than good despite believing they are doing otherwise. Whatever the case, it clashes with what Jodio wants and thus making them a main antagonist preventing Jodio from his goals and harming his loved ones in the process.
What is the system, then? We don't exactly know but we have some possibilities.
The system could be something tangible and visible. The American legal system could be an example; we end up with a main villain who is a police officer, judge, lawyer, or social worker. Another example is American capitalism; someone as low as a migrant worker or as high as a CEO could become a main villain. Both could be individuals who feel mistreated by the system or has an epiphany on how to optimize it and both ways lead to them wanting to heavily alter said system at the cost of many lives.
Alternatievly, the system could be a more philosophical and invisible. A great example of this is the mechanisms. We end up with a main villain who either failed to achieve their goals because of it or succeeded yet remained unsatisfied. We can even have someone who started out with a similar life and goals as Jodio. In that case, the main villain could be some sort of warning of what would have happened to Jodio if he didn't change his ways.
In both cases, the main villain becomes someone who is a "hero" or "a voice to the people" because their change leads them to find followers that feel like they are being heard as a result of the main villain taking action for it. There are many careers that can allow someone to become such a voice, such as cult or religious leaders, social media influencers, celebrities, politicians, and more. Especially with how social media has made parasocial relationships prevalent, this could bring a new concept of betrayal that is seen today; think of modern influencer stardom or Asian idol culture. Similar to how DIO would have loyal minions sent to deter and defeat the gang in part 3, the followers of the main villain may become minor villains trying to stop the gang in part 9.
It seems to make sense that a villain would be an 8 because the last three villains we had could be described as 8s. Pucci wanted everyone to understand their destined fate, Funny Valentine wanted America to be a great nation, and Tooru wanted to change society for the sake of Rock Humans. All three were people of influence like mentioned above relative to where they worked (GDSP's Chaplain, president of the United States, Head Doctor of T.G. University Hospital respectively) and all 3 thought they were doing something good for a group of people. So, I speculate the main villain is in a similar boat and his attempts of doing something good may end up clashing Jodio's plans.
Something you might notice is that all the numbers have an associated personalty or mental disorder/symptom associated with them. This happens if the individual falls into the "unhealthy" levels of the number they are associated with. Note: they don't mean you will end up with such symptoms but rather they can explain why you have developed them. Most of the things listed repeat itself in some way and are rather generic (acts of self-destruction, having some sort of dependency or addiction, and becoming reclusive) but there are some that have specific diagnosis like BPD and multiple personalities listed.
What's interesting is ASPD and sociopathy is associated with the 8 personality. As someone who was diagnosed with ASPD by his school psychotherapist, you would think Jodio should have been an 8 for this reason and maybe start out as an 8 before becoming a 6. Instead, he starts as a 3, which does mention psychopathy, but that's about it, and he's expected to become a 2. Could this hint that Jodio's diagnosis is wrong (since the test itself is sketchy and diagnosing somone with that tends to be difficult to quantify in practice)? Or, is this going to end up being a battle between two individuals with ASPD and this could be some weird story about nature vs nurture (Jodio as nature and the main villain as nurture)?
I do wonder what this would all mean for Jodio and the rest of his gang. Even though Rohan mentions someone from the 3 of the gang members being potential traitors, the main villain is set up to be the ultimate betrayer of sorts. This is especially because of the potential that the main villain is very close to Jodio and Dragona, and it makes me speculate the main villain being someone like their estranged father, Meryl Mei, or maybe even Barbara Ann. When someone once mentioned the possibility of Josuke/Gappy becoming a villain, this theory puts him on the table too.
What do you guys think?
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disneymbti · 3 months
Hey, Can I ask for Mbti, Ennegram, and big three of Hermione Granger(Harry Potter) ?
She's my favourite character. Also, love your work 🫶🏻
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot! And thanks for liking my work!
Hermione Granger's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESTJ [The Executive]
ESTJ types are very high energy. They’d rather spend their time with other people than alone.
They tend to pay more attention to the details of a situation. They make decisions based on what they see right now.
Executives base their decisions on what makes sense, rather than what feels right. They listen to their head, not their heart.
They are responsible and like to plan ahead. They hold themselves accountable by making lists and following set processes and rules.
Big Three: Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon and Capricorn Rising
Virgo Sun: Governed by communication planet Mercury, Virgos are the thinkers of the zodiac. Virgos process information with diligence and use facts to solve problems. 
Taurus Moon: The Moon loves to be in the zodiac sign Taurus. Those with Moon in Taurus delight in the earthly pleasures and seek out emotional security.
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn ascendants are known for their efforts and diligence when it comes to attaining success and prosperity. 
Enneagram Type: 1w2 [The Activist]
Basic Fear: People who are type one with a two wing generally have a basic fear of being immoral and making impure choices. They avoid this by making a conscious effort to make ethical choices.
Basic Desire: They also have a natural desire to be upstanding and humane. They try to fight for the rights of those less fortunate and love being hands-on in making a difference by volunteering in their community.
Activists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. In type ones with two wings, this may lead to sudden outbursts or breaking points, as they work through their emotions more externally.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good [The Crusader]
These are characters who believe in truth, honor and order. They always strive to do the right thing, even at a great personal cost.
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mageofseven · 1 year
Hi! I was hoping to get a matchup from the boys.
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Ennegram: 5w6
Hobbies: Reading, writing, anime, video games, and listening to music (rock, alternative, and musical soundtracks in particular).
How Other People See Me: I get told I seem like someone who has their life together. People often come to me when they have problems, and they feel comfortable talking to me about personal matters. I'm also told I've very smart and am an attentive and aware person.
How I See Myself: I set very high expectations for myself and that can affect my mental health sometimes. I have big dreams but I don't know if I have the drive to achieve them. Otherwise, I think I'm pretty laid back. Definitely a people pleaser.
Hopefully I've put a good amount of helpful information! I hope you have a lovely day and that life is treating you kindly!
Okay, first off, I'm curious: do you have Capricorn anywhere in your chart? I know you said your sun sign is a Gemini, but do you have any Capricorn in you? Especially as your Rising/Ascendant sign. As some with a Capricorn Rising in her chart, I just get these vibes from you and I really like it 🥰
You don't have to answer this though; many people don't even know their rising sign so I wouldn't blame ya if you don't know.
Anyway! Onto the matchup!
Ok so first, your sun sign is a Gemini. They are known for being playful, curious, but inconsistent
As an INFJ, your functions are NiFeTiSe or NiFe.
Introverted iNtuition is your primary function. This is a function used in your internal world to map out data, so to speak. You use information given to you from your other functions and have the ability to see things in an overview sort of perspective, see how it's all connected into to make the decision you feel is best.
This is supported by your auxiliary function, Extraverted Feeling. This means you make it a priority to understand how others are feeling on things in life and feed this info into your Ni in order to make the best decisions for yourself and others.
In regards to your ennegram, I know 5s are all about knowledge. They are know as the Investigators. They are insightful, curious, and independent. Their biggest fear is being useless to others.
5w6s are also known as the Problem Solvers. 6s fear being unprepared and crave safety.
Basically, you want to learn as much as you can in hope that it will help prepare you to take care of and protect yourself and others.
All of this paired with the rest of your information brings two Boys to mind and honestly, its hard to choose between them.
So honestly...my advice is to go poly and form a vee or triad with these men
Or like, have them roll dice and whoever gets a higher number can date you?
Idk whichever feels better to you!
But either way
I pair you with...
Satan & Solomon
A playful, curious, and intelligent woman?
This sounds an awful lot like how I write Satan's Kitten and Solomon's little Minx.
These two men would really love your insatiable curiosity and caring heart.
However, I think they'd approach you in different ways.
Satan would crush hard on you for a while before he made any attempt to ask you out and you can bet he'd read dozens of self help books in preparation for it.
Solomon however...boy just wanted to flirt with you 😅 he'd find you adorable and you'd ultimately catch his interest with an iron grip. Solomon isn't the type of man to usually want relationships and usually just enjoys getting reactions out of people, which is exactly how things would start with you two. Eventually, he'd realize how often you fly through his thoughts and how his feelings evolved without him noticing. This would only make his interest in you grow and, unlike Satan, Solomon would have no issues asking you out.
Honestly, please date both of these men. Let Satan be the sweet one who spoils you and Solomon be the mischievous that teases you, but rewards you well for putting up with it.
Just let them both love you and be their Kitten and little Minx please 🥺💕
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backtotheo · 1 year
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(joe keery, he/him/his, cismale) who is theo clark anyways? ew. you don’t know about him, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling thirty and singing karaoke feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re indecisive and have low self-esteem because they care, but they’re also intelligent and adaptable in the best way. he works to make a little money as an employee at the animal shelter (...but he also walks dogs on rover on the side). they’ve rented on a place on cornelia street in the form of an an apartment. back to december and long live are the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore. (tw: cancer, about 3/4's of the way into the "backstory" section here!)
full name: theodore james clark. nicknames: honestly? most people just call him theo, though teddy is a family nickname he'd probably still respond to. gender/pronouns: cismale/he/him/his. sexual orientation: extremely bisexual. birthday: july 22nd. star sign: cancer. cancers are known to be highly intuitive, sensitive...and insecure. occupation: proud employee of the animal care center of new york...and he walks dogs for rover on the side.
positive traits: intelligent, adaptable, caring, honest, empathetic. negative traits: realistic pessimistic, indecisive, blunt, sensitive…but like not talking about those feelings ever?,  low self esteem while being self-centered. hogwarts house: i know jrk sucks and we do not claim her but the man is a hufflepuff…but a burned one. alignment: chaotic neutral. ennegram: 4w5. personality type: infj. 
his childhood was normal. happy, even. except for the part where his parents never let him have a dog because they were 'too busy' for one.
because his parents both had pretty demanding jobs, he was put in a ton of after school activities, but he kind of sucked at sports. so he joined boy scouts and took a bunch of different music lessons. he's pretty decent at guitar and piano and can fake his way through some accordion in a pinch.
theo is the oldest of three and was the child his parents placed their hopes on. his mother is a well-known pediatric oncologist at pittsburgh children's hospital and his father teaches biology at carnegie mellon. everyone assumed that theo would follow in their footsteps. and he did...sort of
he studied biology even though it wasn't really his thing because he wasn't paying for college, his parents were...and he minored in both music theory and psychology, which he liked more.
he met one of he most important people in his life while attending duquesne university in caroline davis.
...they didn't hit it off right away. in fact, at first, she was a bit of a thorn in his side. but a little bonding over a mutual love of music (and the food trucks on campus...) and they clicked. he asked her out around homecoming that first year and the rest is history.
they dated for years. it was very serious. he was two weeks away from buying a ring, honestly. but they spent a really big chunk of their relationship long-distance and it was just...hard. he really fucking loves loved her. but you know what they say...if you love it, let it go. or whatever.
during college, he made spending money at a work study job at the school library, but he made more walking dogs so he quit the work study job and started pet-sitting and dog walking most evenings.
this is where his love of animals began and only started to grow the more he spent times with classmates' and neighbors' pets. he decided to apply to vet school instead of med school, much to his mom's chagrin.
he got in!
...and he dropped out 2 semesters in because he hated it.
theo kept up a pretty big lie for the better part of a year, working odd jobs around pittsburgh and maintaining his off-campus apartment and dodging his parents' questions...until his dad was a guest lecturer to one of his vet school classes and he was nowhere to be found.
his parents gave him two choices: go back to vet school or go back to college and get a degree he would use.
theo chose neither. he packed up his shit, hopped on a bus, and moved to new york city with a collection of cassette tapes, a duffel bag of clothes, and whatever was left in his bank account to his name.
his parents didn't exactly disown him during this period, but they didn't reach out. he found out his mom was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer about 2 months after his move...and she'd been diagnosed a month prior. he heard it from one of his siblings and tried to reach out, but didn't get a response.
she passed away eight months after her diagnosis. he never got a chance to make amends and it's one of his biggest regrets.
he has since reconciled with his dad, but that's something that just..you don't just get over that. he's struggled with it mightily and with the help of a good therapist, he's starting to forgive himself. some.
he intended on reconnecting with caroline when he got there but...well, that didn't turn out so well.
so he couch surfed for a while until he could accept the first non-sketchy craigslist roommate ad he could find and moved into his cornelia street apartment.
he's not sure what he wants to do, really, so he's worked a lot of odd jobs since moving to the city. he's worked at almost every starbucks in an eight block radius of his apartment, bartended for a while, tried his hand working a food truck...but nothing seemed to stick. he paid rent by ubereats-ing most months, until he started walking neighbors' dogs and found something he kind-of-doesn't-hate.
during this in-between time is when he sort of got back into music. one job, he played piano in a restaurant's main dining room. another was a bar where he sweet talked his way into a few gigs. probably ended up meeting the rest of the electric touch crew during this period!
now he's working at the animal shelter, walking dogs using rover, and playing some gigs on the side. thank god for dogs and music.
plots n' stuff.
a roommate. or a few? i could see him having a few to keep costs low and i didn't snag any of the premade skellies for this so if you're down i'm down
found family/besties. i love those vibes especially given he's essentially upped and move away from home knowing like 2 people in the entire city.
people with dogs. either people whose dogs he walks or neighbors who happen to have them. he's like a dog whisperer so if you need a pet sitter he's your guy.
or! shelter volunteers!!!
people from any and all odd job he used to have. like a regular at the coffee shop who can't get their order right now because he left or a co-worker who helped him create a sandwich that's still on a menu at a local restaurant?
random hookups would be an option tbh. he came to new york intending to, like, win back his ex in some kind of rom-com bullshit way, but...well, it hasn't worked out so far.
someone who thought their hookup was more serious than it was would be kind of funny too. we live for miscommunications.
would love some kind of enemies/animosity plot. we'd have to talk it through. could've started with something little and spiraled or maybe they're just besties with caroline and are on her side. or maybe he accidentally ran over your muse's dog's tail on his bike :/
i'm dani. 32. friendly, promise! and i'm open to plotting pretty much anything, honestly! DM's here or on discord are always open to figure some stuff out. i'm danisaurus. over on discord and i'm really looking forward to writing with you all!
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hammertarot · 5 months
ennegram personality test
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People of type Two are incredibly generous, selfless and attentive. That’s because their personality is based on the belief that you are only as valuable as what you do for others. They try their best to fulfill everyone else’s needs before others even ask for it. At the same time, they have a very hard time asking for what they need themselves. Instead, they unconsciously hope people will give them what they want if they just do enough for them. Type Two gets a tingling feeling in their chest whenever they see someone who needs their help and are able to offer them something: their time, their attention, or simply a bowl of hot soup. When there’s a relationship crisis, type Two is the first to respond. When there’s a dinner party, they won’t leave without offering to do the dishes.
Strengths of Enneagram 2s
Are generous with their love, their time and their resources
Have lots of empathy, especially for the lonely and marginalized
Are great at sensing what other people need and finding out how to fulfill those needs
Are attractive to almost anyone with their open and charming attitude
Build warm and welcoming homes for themselves and others
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I am loving this Redacted match-up idea. So here goes mine! 😃
• The song my brain’s latched onto right now is “Make Me Cry” by Jacob Collier. The vibes are so perfect. It’s so mellow, and his voice is so freaking comforting. Like…smooth, thick hot chocolate or something. If that even makes sense XD
• I…have no idea what my Ennegram type is. But I’ll totally tell you some other things! I’m a Libra, a Hufflepuff, and last time I checked, my Myers-Briggs type is INFJ? But don’t quote me on that. XD
• Alas, I don’t think I’ve got enough of an attention span to sit through a video essay 😅
• I never really had an imaginary friend as a kid, tbh 🤔
• “Flirty Vampire Boyfriend Helps You Sleep” knocks me out almost every time I listen. So, most nights, it’s that video.
• If I had to change my name, I’d probably change it to Grace. (That’s what it would have been if I wasn’t the name my parents *did* decide to give me)
• Man, that’s a hard question! Buuuut I gotta say, every time I think of my favorite Redacted vids, Vincent’s third video (the one where he “loses control” with Lovely) comes to mind. I might be biased though, because Vincent was my introduction to the channel, but it’s such a good one! The drama. 😍 I freaking love it. We’re not gonna talk about Adam, though, because he terrifies me. XD
• Honestly? I don’t get the hype around David. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’m not a huge fan of Tsunderes (which is funny to me, because I love Aaron) and that I prefer vampires to werewolves anyway, but I dunno. He’s just not my cup of tea.
• I could quote Avatar: The Last Airbender all day long. Don’t even get me started. XD SECRET, SECRET, SECRET, SECRET TUNNEEEEEEELLLLL!
• I want Elliott as a BFF, please and thank you. 🥺
• I wouldn’t say I ramble about this when I’m tired, but if someone else shares the interest too, I’ll talk about musicals for forever.
• Well..I don’t drive, so I don’t really visit many gas stations. XD But my combo would probably be a bottle of water and a bag of mini M&Ms.
• It’s actually a Spotify playlist that my best friend and I made for one of my OCs. 🥰
• This is embarrassing to admit, but I still watch stuff that’s “for kids” from time to time. Barbie movies, Strawberry Shortcake, Sofia the First, pretty much any “girly” show that’s made for someone way younger than 24? I love it. 😊 (It’s probably a comfort thing, now that I think about it)
• Let’s see… Other fun facts 🤔. I’m the “youngest” of four (by like, five minutes, so I don’t know if that really means anything), and if you couldn’t tell from this ask, I use emojis up the butt, and am a total stickler for proper grammar. 😂
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Oh, so I’ve actually thought about this- you know who’d pair wonderfully with someone from a big family? Huxley with his gorgeous, friendly nature and open heart.
He’s just so natural to love and get along with, so easy-going and charming. Our favorite earth elemental would be so mind-boggled by all your siblings but also delighted, just like your family would delight in him and how well-suited the two of you are together-
-and the two of you are so cute together. Huxley has this steady, reliable nature while also being fun and silly and light. I can totally see him genuinely enjoying all the things you do, even the shows for little girls that you’d be initially embarrassed for him to see you watching. No one is immune to the power of Barbie Nutcracker, and Huxley is no exception. He is ready with popcorn, a cozy blanket, and open arms for a movie night.
Earth angel, Earth angel, the one I adore/ Love you forever, and ever more./ I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you.
So this works on 3, count ‘em, THREE levels. One! Earth Angel for an earth elemental? I am a fucking genius. Two. I love the fun, dreamy, romantic vibe for Huxley; it strikes me as something he likes because he heard his moms listen to it. Three. I will seize any and all opportunities to plug a musical, and the Back to the Future musical is so FUN.
Guy is an easy-peasy runner up, because I love to pair musical theater babes together. (I was so sure that was his major before we learned it was creative writing.) I also love Ollie for you, because (fuck JK Rowling and all she stands for but) we love to pair a Hufflepuff with a Hufflepuff.
Note: highly recommend the Back to the Future musical which is rumored to make its Broadway debut soon, it’s very true to the vibes of the movie 🌈
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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jaymendoza · 8 months
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❛❛ 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑 , snake and mouse . surely , our genetic material runs rife with strands of the conquered and the conqueror . –––––––––––––
FULL NAME. Jayden Ariel Mendoza
BIRTHDAY. December 17, 1989 ( 35 )
OCCUPATION. Retired Bull Rider and Horse Handler @ Willowing Pines Stables
RESIDENCE. Orchird Park
GENDER/PRONOUNS.  Cismale / He/Him
HOMETOWN. Atlanta, Georgia
personality .
zodiac chart: sagittarius sun, aquarius moon, aries rising
mbti personality: estp
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
ennegram: type 7 (x6, x7)
hobbies / interests: racing, horse/bull riding, poker, horology
positive traits: spontaneous, daring, creative, analytical, intelligent
negative traits: secretive, indecisive, selfish, greedy
family .
mother: angelien coeman
father: misael domingo mendoza
children: julian "jude/jack" mendoza
other: estranged wife named megan
breakdown .
tw: infidelity, divorce
Jay Mendoza was born on December 17, 1989, in Atlanta Georgia, to Miseal and Angelien "Angie" Mendoza (née Coeman).
His maternal grandfather was a former Big Sky region champion bull rider and a professional saddle bronc rider who taught him everything he knows about the sport. The Coemans grew up on a 12,000 acre ranch outside of Atlanta where they raise about 400 head of cattle per year.
As a small child, Jay could remember crawling on his grandfather’s back before he was bucked around their living room for eight seconds. He would then turn to his mother and ask her, "How many seconds was that?"
After awhile, Jay craved more of a challenge and moved on from riding sheep and calves, to steers and bulls.
Jay started exclusively riding bulls when he was in the 8th grade. By 2006, he was the Northern Rodeo Association year-end champion, earning $60,000 in his junior year of high school. His following senior year (2007), he was homeschooled so he pursue bull riding full time.
In 2009, Jay turned pro. He was a champion in the PBR circuit for 8 seasons before an accident (which resulted in a broken jaw and broken ribs) and the threat of losing his family forced him into retirement (2019?).
In the height of his bull riding career, Jay had let his fame and fortune get the best of him. Despite marrying his wife, Megan in 2010 and falling head over heels in love with her... he strayed from their marriage with a woman he met in the stands at one of his rodeos. (timestamp, tbd.)
Little did he know, she was a Georgian herself and came from a rather affluent family. Georgie took him by surprise and their whirlwind affair carried on for 2.5 years before it inevitably crashed and burned. Although it was wrong, Jay fell for her too and the two promised each other the world in the height of their romance.
That was until Megan found out about Georgie and issued Jay an ultimatum: he either end things with the homewrecker who threatened to ruin their lives for good and he choose her or he risk losing not only his marriage but his soon to be child on the way. Jay, having endured a life without a father figure of his own (because his father had been an actor who always cared more about his fans than his family at home) chose his wife and therefore their unborn child.
A month later, Jay discovered the truth. That, his wife Megan had actually not been pregnant at all and she only lied that so he would cut Georgie loose.
Devastated, angered, and betrayed, Jay walked out on her. But it wasn't long before he came crawling back. It was at that point, Jay made a more conscious effort and decision to work on his and Megan's rocky marriage.
A few more good (and bad) years came to pass, before the two finally welcomed a beautiful, baby boy into the world named Julian "Jude" Mendoza. Who Jay has resolved to calling "Jack", if not only to piss off his wife but because it's what his grandfather used to call him and it was done so in his memory.
As much as Jay loves Jack and has truly adapted to the role of being a father, his arrival into the world did little to hold his and Megan's marriage together. In fact, it only drove the estranged couple further apart.
Two years since Jack was born and no amount of marriage counseling had been enough to fix the cracks that kept appearing in their relationship.
Eight months ago, Jay and Megan decided to move forward with a separation. According to the law, they would have to maintain this separation for a full year in order to then file for divorce. That's why Jay has returned to Georgia.
But, rather than making himself at home on his mother's family's ranch again, he's settled into Covington where he lives with one of his best friends Stevie, who he met while cruising the PBR circuit many years ago and who helped set him up with a horse handling gig at Willowing Pines.
As of now, he shares custody of Jack with his (still legal) wife and gets him every other week for 7 days. It helps having someone like Stevie who not only keeps Jay in line but also humbles him and offers constructive guidance.
headcanons .
His dad is a famous actor (a Mexican Patrick Dempsey type) who films many of his projects in Atlanta where Jay was born and raised.
His mom, however, is a Kama Sutra coach (and former equestrian rider) who met his dad while helping him hone his sexual skill set for a film. They hit it off on the set of a television production similar to Game of Thrones.
Since he was a young boy, Jay sort of grew up in the public eye however, as he got older he realized he wanted less and less to do with it and gravitated more so to his mom's side of the family (having bonded so closely with his Grandpap who he sometimes calls 'Pappy').
He's always loved engaging in dangerous stunts and garnering praise and attention that way. Hence how he got into a lot of his current vices, such as: bull-riding, motorbiking, drag racing, etc. He lives life on the edge and is known for being an "adrenaline junkie".
In his early 20s, he tried his hand at acting for a brief, fleeting, period of time (mostly for the money and also because he was bored) and was featured in a few adult/porn films. One of which he roleplayed a cowboy lol. Though, he used an alias similar to a stripper name in case anyone ever tried googling his name. They called him "Johnny Steel".
Jay is the only one who exclusively calls his son Julian (Jude), "Jack". Besides, of course, Stevie too sometimes. As mentioned above somewhere up there ^^, it's mostly because it pisses off his wife and she hates it. But it's also because that's what his Pappy used to call him and it's what he wanted to name him but Megan wouldn't allow him.
He's made a fortune bull-riding but has hidden 75% of it away for Jack for when he comes of age. Jay wants him to use it for college or for whatever his heart desires.
Jay's super into horology which is the study of time and the art of measuring it. His Pappy, aside from being a rancher and bronco rider, built watches and took them apart growing up. He used to let Jay help him which is where his fascination with time really began.
He's very into masculine activities. And loves racing and fixing up cars too. If he hadn't gone into bull riding, Jay fully believes he would've opened up an autobody shop and become a mechanic.
character inspirations. luke collins (the longest ride), han solo (star wars), damon salvatore (the vampire diaries)
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cherryrainn · 9 months
Hello! could I please get a Helluva Boss matchup? multiple characters are okay, if you think it's fitting or necessary.
I'm 21, non-binary pansexual/romantic, and polyamorous (no preference for gender)
General personality stuff:
Ennegram types 2, 4 and 8
Zodiac Taurus sun, pieces moon and rising
Not sure if appearance matters but- 5'3, chubby and kinda muscular, lots of scars on arms, chest, and legs, brown eyes/hair. Hair is shoulder length, wavy, and usually dyed. Fashion consists of graphic tees (with puns, memes, and trippy art) and jeans or shorts. I'll wear lots of different kinds of jewelry, and don't really have a set aesthetic.
Hobbies/likes- going to the gym, roller skating, playing video games, driving, listening to music (and singing along.. Badly), smoking weed, watching TV shows and movies, hanging out with friends, drawing, Writing, reading, going to museums/amusement parks, taking care of/watching animals, and analyzing media
Positive traits: my friends have told me that I'm smart, funny, sarcastic, polite, thoughtful, strong, patient, trusting/trustworthy, empathetic and compassionate. Pretty self-sufficient and independent/productive. My friends generally come to me for advice and I've been told I'm a good listener. I also like make myself useful (doing dishes, wiping down counters, laundry, etc) I'm passionate and very excitable and it makes me pretty talkative (when I want to be). Sociability depends on my mood. Sometimes I sit back and enjoy group dynamics, other times I participate more in conversation
Negative traits: tendency to be envious. I'm very self conscious/ insecure, and indecisive because of it. Bad habit of taking stuff personally and dwelling on issues that I should let go. can get annoyed/frustrated easily, especially if I'm overstimulated. also jumpy and gullible. Communication is very important to me in all my relationships, but when I get depressed, I tend to isolate.
Diagnoses: depression, anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD
Misc info: When I first meet people, I'm overly formal and will crack a few jokes, but once I'm familiar with someone, I cuss a lot and enjoy playful teasing, but I always encourage to set boundaries if they need to. I collect a lot of stuff. I have a Ton of comfort items- my posters, stuffed animals, collectible figures, etc. I'm a big over thinker. Big on current events and media analysis. I've got lots of vocal stims and am pretty fidgety.
I show my love through acts of service and words of affirmation. I enjoy doing things for my loved ones and making sure they can relax, feel safe, and be happy. I could talk about my friends for hours.
I know this is pretty long, so I apologize if it's overwhelming. Please don't feel pressured to answer. Much love to you 💛
I would pair you with….
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given your personality traits, interests, and preferences, i think you find a great match in blitzo. blitzo is known for his wit, humor, and sarcastic nature. like you, he's talkative, excitable, and enjoys playful teasing. his devil-may-care attitude aligns with your sociability depending on your mood. blitzo’s multifaceted personality, from formality to more casual interactions, resonates with your initial reservedness evolving into comfortable, informal exchanges.
while his hobbies may differ, his passion and energy could mirror your excitable nature.
both of you share a tendency to be envious and a struggle with insecurities.
he will absolutely come to you for advice, considering your empathetic and compassionate nature, friends are likely to come to you for advice. your good listening skills, combined with your thoughtful and patient approach, create a supportive environment for him to open up and seek guidance!!
both of you have your share of struggles—be it your mental health diagnoses or personal insecurities. this common ground could foster a deeper understanding and empathy between you two, making for a more supportive relationship.
blitzo’s sarcastic and has that sharp edge, but deep down, he's got a soft spot for those he cares about. sounds a bit like you, right?
and hey, acts of service and words of affirmation? blitzo might not say it outright, but deep down, he'd appreciate having someone who values connections and shows love through actions.
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ryanparrish · 9 months
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❛❛ 𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃 , armies could ever bear . he's been betrayed, deceived, hurt . believe me , when i say , he has already crossed hell . and the only time peace could be found in his eyes was when he was looking at her . –––––––––––––
FULL NAME. Ryan Jacob Parrish
BIRTHDAY. November 3, 1988 ( 36 )
OCCUPATION. Retired Marine and Owner of Ajax Boxing Gym
RESIDENCE. Sterling Lakes
GENDER / PRONOUNS.  Cismale ∘  He/Him
HOMETOWN. Covington, Georgia
personality .
zodiac chart: scorpio sun, taurus moon, libra rising
mbti personality: enfj
moral alignment: neutral good
ennegram: type 5 (x6 occasionally)
hobbies / interests: running, boxing, motorbike riding, camping
positive traits: adventurous, protective, sentimental, loyal, empathetic
negative traits: reckless, resentful, stubborn, compulsive, uncommunicative
family .
parents: abigail parrish ( mom ), jacob parrish ( dad )
siblings: younger brother
children: none that he knows of lol
pets: brown lab named katara
breakdown .
tw: cancer, death, injury
born in covington, georgia to two high school sweethearts, ryan has always lived a relatively simple life alongside his brother. sundays were reserved for church, with family dinners following around the table. everything was peachy, or as peachy as it could be.
that was until ryan's mom got sick. she was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, a type of breast cancer that could be treated if spotted early enough. the parrishes were hopeful. jacob (ryan's father) drove his wife to treatment nearly every day. he was by her side and took care of the boys on the days she couldn't. things seemed to be looking up. however, ryan's mom unfortunately lost her battle with cancer.
doctors did everything they could to salvage her life but there was no hope of reviving her. ryan, and his family had to tell her goodbye. they buried her with a heartfelt ceremony just shy of ryan's 17th birthday.
in the years following, ryan struggled to cope with her loss. he was always very close to his mom and in her absence the whole family mourned her differently. ryan spun out. he drank and smoked a lot to cope and in his moments of grief, got arrested a few times. this greatly disappointed his father and only made the two grow more and more estranged.
when enough became enough, ryan was given an ultimatum - either get his shit together or get out. he chose option B. he left home not bearing to look back and spiraled even more.
it was only when he reached rock bottom that he realized he wasn't making his mom proud. in a last ditch effort to turn things around, he enlisted into the marines in san diego. as a third generation veteran, he thought going into the corps might mend the bridges of his family that he broke.
it sort of worked. during his time away, ryan discovered himself. he worked on becoming the man he always knew his mom wanted him to be.
then while in battle, an accident led to ryan's leg being demolished. he was severely wounded and transported home to recover. afterwards, he was given a purple heart for his service and had to undergo almost a year's worth of physical therapy, followed by a prosthetic to make him appear "normal".
nowadays, he's back in his hometown and trying to rebuild his life while researching for a new purpose. all the while, he's trying to mend things with his family.
headcanons .
after being wounded in combat, he underwent surgery to have his left leg amputated from the knee down. he now wears a prosthetic to appear "normal". but, he's incredibly insecure about it. therefore, he never wears shorts out in public or outside of his own home. and he definitely doesn't like people touching him near that leg.
he has "pelle sub agnina latitat mens saepe lupina" tattooed on his ribcage. it means "beneath the lamb's skin, often lurks a wolf's mind."
while he's not always consistent with it, he does keep a journal to write down his thoughts. it was a healing technique he learned in therapy and he enjoys when he can find the time to do it.
he was a lot softer as a kid and is often called on or known around town as the "handy neighbor". if you need help fixing a broken sink, changing a flat tire, or doing little projects around the house... he's your guy.
although he's saved up a lot of money from his time in the military and inherited quite a bit from his mother's life insurance, ryan is a man of modest means. that's why he lives in a small trailer by the lake. he loves the peacefulness of the outdoors and doesn't really value material things. but he will spoil the people he loves.
he owns a boxing gym called "ajax" named after the greek god, ajax, who was known for being fearless, strong, powerful and who had a high level of combat intelligence.
as much as ryan harbors tireless influxes of self-loathing, he also holds a dear desire to live his life for the people he cares about. and he cares for a lot of people. there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for the ones he cares about, even if he grumbles through it once or twice. ryan's a man who understands the colossal weight of loss, and therefore, he tries much harder than others to hold on to love as loudly as possible, even with all his imperfections.
character inspirations. oliver queen (arrow), david axelrod (endless love), billy russo (the punisher), noah calhoun (the notebook)
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suugrbunz · 2 years
Hey there, sweetheart <3 Could I get a ship for BoB & the Pacific? I'm a 6'0 blonde with green eyes, athletic (I used to play elite volleyball), & am currently taking bar exams for law- my big dream though is to be a professor (I love teaching & I love research). Besides that, I'm an INTJ, Virgo, & Ennegram 5. I love long naps/ walks, nature, exercise, & good music/coffee. I don't dance with anyone, but I'd love to have someone who'd be open to dancing and pulls me out of my shell. <3
꒰ I ship you with . . . David Webster ৎ୭ ꒱
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I imagine this first meeting occurs at a casual get-together. He is introduced to you by a mutual friend.
Not a love at first sight kind of story. Instead, it's a gradual build up. You two originally were planning on just being friends. It was a smooth sailing (pun) friendship. Neither of you went out of your way to hang out. Sometimes, it just happens because you are near each other at a party or event.
He is always in awe of your rather apparent ambitions for your career. I think he'd be the type of person to find ambition to be quite attractive. After all, getting into Harvard is an ambition of its own as well.
The first date is at a restaurant and he surprises you by taking you to a dance afterwards. It isn't a big dance, he had found out it was occurring last minute. The original play for the date was only to eat at a restaurant. However, he saw a flyer for a dance.
After the first date, you two often go on coffee dates. Sometimes you find a new trail to hike with each other.
Sometimes, you take day trips to the beach.
Sadly, he didn't kiss you at the dance. Even though it was quite a romantic experience. The first kiss occurred a few weeks into your relationship. You kissed him first. He was overthinking the whole idea of a first kiss. As he was wishing you goodnight, you had noticed his eyes lingering on your lips. You had just come back from another date and it was clear he had been nervous during the date. His lingering gaze on your lips explained everything.
Song for your relationship . . . Two of Us by The Beatles
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untakenroadss · 1 year
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(aubrey plaza, she/her/hers, cisfemale) who is  JOHANNA TORRES anyways? ew. you don’t know about HER, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling FORTY and WATCHING TRUE CRIME DOCUMENTARIES feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re SELF-CENTERED and  CLOSED-OFF because they care, but they’re also AMBITIOUS and HARD-WORKING in the best way. SHE works to make a little money as a RADIOLOGIST-TURNED MEDICAL SCHOOL LECTURER. they’ve rented a place on cornelia street in the form of A PENTHOUSE. 'TIS THE DAMN SEASON (A) is the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore.  (tw for some homophobia, comphet, very minor mentions of religion, and for cancer in the backstory portion!)
full name: johanna marie torres nicknames: pretty much everyone just calls her jo. joey was her dad's nickname for her, so she's a bit leery of it now (but 'tis the damn season muse B probably can get away with it.) gender/pronouns: cisfemale/she/her/hers sexual orientation: she's like super gay, dude. birthday: october 28th. star sign: scorpios are known to be brave, ambitious, direct...emotional and temperamental. occupation: lecturer/professor at columbia university roy and diana vagelos college of physicians and surgeons. specifically, she teaches 1st and 2nd year medical students anatomy. character inspo: like if addison montgomery (grey's anatomy) & dr. gregory house (house md) had a baby
positive traits: driven, honest, loyal, courageous, empatthetic. negative traits: jealous, stubborn, sometimes brutally honest, holds grudges, secretive. hogwarts house: i know jkr sucks and we do not claim her but the she is a slytherin. alignment: neutal evil. ennegram: 8w9. personality type: istp.
jo was an accident. a product of a prom night fiasco, jo was born to a teen not ready to be a mom...and her dad. her parents never married, but they tried. it turned out, motherhood wasn't for her mom and she skipped town before jo was six months old, leaving her in the very capable hands of her father, joseph.
jo grew up a bit of a daddy's girl. her father didn't know how to braid hair or bake cookies, but he did his best. and along with their extended family, jo grew up healthy and happy. she played sports and did girl scouts, danced ballet and tried the piano for two months, and her dad was there for all of it.
her hometown was small. everyone knew everyone else. in some ways, that was a good thing. jo had a plethora of neighbors and family friends willing to pick up the slack when her father pulled a double at the local automobile factory. but sometimes, it wasn't such a good thing. like when she was twelve and she admitted to liking another girl for the first time and her grandmother heard the rumor at church, of all places, and nearly disowned her.
she learned fairly quickly that in her catholic household, it was best to just...not say gay. so she didn't. she buried that part of her deep down, figuring she just hadn't found the right guy yet. because she couldn't stand the thought that her dad might not look at her the same way if he knew the truth.
jo and 'tis the damn season muse b grew up together. they were best friends, attached at the hip, and largely considered a package deal by their classmates. at first, jo thought it was just the kind of best friendship you saw in movies or read about in books, but as they got older, it got harder and harder to deny what she felt for muse b. so she buried it.
she was a junior in high school when muse b kissed her for the first time. after years of trying to fit herself into a certain box, jo finally felt that spark she'd been dreaming about since she was a little kid. it changed everything for her. she planned to go to college with muse b away from their stifling hometown, but in-state. she was going to be brave. she was going to risk everything.
but then something happened. plans changed. muse b changed their mind. she was going to stay in their hometown, the town jo knew she couldn't be fully herself in. so she ran.
initially, jo was going to study business in college. it seemed like a solid, no-nonsense plan that left a lot of doors open...but plans changed when she got a middle-of-the-night call from her grandmother telling her that her dad was sick.
it turned out that jo's father had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. she dropped everything to come home and care for the man who raised her like he had when she was a kid. his life expectancy was one year due to the spread. he made it eight months. it was the worst eight months of jo's life.
but it did spur her on towards pursuing a career in medicine. the doctors who'd cared for her dad were some of the kindest, most compassionate people jo has ever met. so she returned to UCLA with a new plan. she got her bachelor's degree in biology and went on to attend UCLA's david geffen school of medicine.
at first, jo thought that she'd pursue hematology/oncology after medical school, but during interview season, she decided that radiology was actually a better fit for her. she didn't have to deliver the bad news, but she got to help catch the big, bad things that killed people. win/win.
she completed her residency in radiology in santa clara, california...a year late. she had to take time off for the birth of her son when she was twenty-eight.
she met jake's father as an intern. he was a senior internal medicine resident, and then an attending physician, at kaiser permanente. once again, jo found herself falling into the expectations set for her. she didn't love him, not really, but after a particularly brutal 48 hour call and a few too many dinks, they'd hooked up. nine months later, they welcomed their son. twelve months later, they got married, because that was just what you did.
her husband is a good guy, but he's also a workaholic. he expected jo to become a stay-at-home mom once they had their son, and that just was not happening. jake had a nanny, but he also had two loving (if busy) parents. he's very well adjusted.
the combination of both halves of the marriage being workaholics and jo being, well, gay meant that their marriage has been on the rocks for quite some time. jo didn't return to her hometown often, but when she did, it was oftentimes without her husband and jake. they were short trips. she usually avoided muse b...but they've definitely had a few run-ins during the years.
jo's husband cheated on her. that was her excuse for the separation, anyway. jo herself had been cheating on him for years. she got good at hiding it, but she wasn't able to hide it when her husband caught her at his female best friend (and former college roommate's) hotel room.
now, jo's back in new york, albeit not in her tiny hometown upstate. she tells people she's back because her absentee mother showed back up in her life...only because she'd passed away, too.
apparently, jo's mom did give a shit about her enough to creep on her social media...and leave a fairly sizeable inheritance for jake.
jo and her son are back in town. her estranged husband is still in california (for now). what could possibly go wrong?
someone bring me anna kendrick. i just think they'd be a hilarious duo as pretty much whatever context, but think of them in "mike and dave need wedding dates".
or like. bring me kristen stewart. because why were they not endgame in happiest season, exactly???
i need the meredith grey to her cristina yang.
and the shauna to jo's tai. a little unhinged but supportive yk?
or! bring me the van to jo's tai!
jake's twelve now, but since they're fairly new to nyc, maybe some of the twenty-somethings want some extra cash by babysitting???
she probably needs a beard because her grandmother is still kicking and has no fucking clue she's as gay as they day is long. applications are open.
if anyone wants to bring jo's hubby i picture him as a pretty decent guy but just kind of a workaholic. it's totally up to you whether he knew that jo had been having trysts for about five years now or if he only found out because of the best friend ordeal. i think in jo's mind they're separated but she probably bailed fairly quickly so like...maybe they're not, actually.
...you could also bring said best friend who jo was probably honestly half in love with for real. female version of mcsteamy, for those so inclined.
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softxsuki · 2 years
hii i recently came across your blog congrats on 1000 followers :)) may i request a haikyuu matchup!
i’m a straight 5’4 mixed girl (blasian) currently in my second year of college studying psychology and micro-biology (stem girlie🤪) i have dark brown curly hair that is almost mid back and dark brown brown eyes and a apparently very prominent freckle on the right side of my nose. my hogwarts house is ravenclaw but i have a lot of hufflepuff qualities, my mbti is infp, and my ennegram type is 2w3 and my zodiac is capricorn sun, aries moon, and sag rising. my love language is also quality time and the love language id most like to receive is acts of service and quality time. i’m a bit of an old soul, my interests are photography, making little vlogs, reading, writing, journaling, watching studio ghibli movies, and playing video games. I like talking about dreams and their meanings and just having really heartfelt deep conversations. I’m kinda shy when you first meet me but once you get to know me i’m pretty outgoing and crazy and will open up with people who I really trust. overall i’d say that i’m more of an ambivert but I like to keep an open mind going into new things. I like to surround myself with people who have good vibes and bring out the best in me as well as themselves. I would like my match to be from the haikyuu fandom with a male preference, I feel like the our general dynamic would be like friends to lovers like we are each others best friends we know everything about each other and joke around a lot! (tickling, play fighting, teasing, inside jokes) but know when to be sentimental and sappy/romantic (picnics dates, stargazing, midnight talks) I feel like our average date would be would be going out to make/paint pottery then strolling trough town window shopping trying new restaurants and cafes and exploring, then coming back home for movies and relaxing. though i do tend to stay in more. I’d don’t really have a type per say maybe like warm eyes, nice smile, a nice toned broad stature as long as their taller than me would and a really kind and genuine personality where we instantly always click and look out for each other and are able to read each other well. and a scenario i’d like to see us in is maybe us unwinding after a busy day together picking out a movie getting unready and ordering food (like that scene of rory and jess talking about what food and movie to watch) tyty sorry this was soo long!!
1000 Follower Event Matchup #7
My event is now CLOSED, but I will be doing more events like these in the future. You can checkout the masterlist for this event here.
Note: Hello! Welcome to my blog and thank you for participating in my event! I finally got to your request, I apologize for the wait. Life is BUSY :( but I appreciate your patience! I hope you enjoy your matchup and who I matched you with :3 have a wonderful day (and thanks for being so detailed in your request, it really helps me match you more accurately!)
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I match you with TETSURO KUROO
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Runner-up’s were ushijima and akaashi <3
Technical: OKAY so you are an INFP and Kuroo is an ENTP. TECHNICALLY SPEAKING these two personality types are NOT compatible, but I don’t want my matchups to be solely on which mbti types and zodiac signs are compatible. Otherwise so many of you would be matched with the same person. NOW, while you would be the “supervisor” in this relationship, judging all the mistakes that Kuroo as a ENTP makes, I feel like Kuroo is actually pretty mature as he’s always telling Kenma off for things, and I don’t think you’d be the type who’s picky about little things that he does that you may not agree with, so I think with good communication, you would definitely work out. In contrast to this though, your zodiac signs, Capricorn and Scorpio are very compatible! You’re both full of determination and strive to be recognized (you’d both recognize each other) and work together to achieve your goals and grow tremendously as a couple! Each relationship needs some kind of sacrifice, so there may be times where you butt-heads, but balance is easily placed in your relationship.
Personable: Let me start off my saying, as soon as I read your summary of yourself, I instantly thought of Kuroo. He’s goofy and you’d both definitely have some great inside jokes together, that not even his closest friends would understand, but I think he also has his mature side that comes out whenever necessary. He would admire you so much; in his eyes, you are beyond gorgeous, and he will remind you of that in the cheekiest ways every single day. That freckle on the side of your nose is a spot he loves to kiss you (aside from your lips of course). He admires how intelligent you are and brags heavily about you pursuing your degree in STEM to his friends! He’s pretty smart himself so he might try and peek over your shoulder and learn some of the things you’re learning in school, just so he can study with you and be helpful if you ever need the extra help.
Your love language is filled by this man, I swear. Quality time? He loves being around you all the time whenever he has a moment to spare. You're his energy source and he hopes he’s yours as well. Now for acts of service *insert fangirl screams* He's so good at acts of service????? In the most romantic and gentlemanly way. You come over to his place? He’s greeting you at the door and helping you step out of your shoes, leading you over the kitchen to a FEAST he has prepared for the both of you. Chivalry is dead? Not on Kuroo’s watch. He opens doors for you, makes breakfast in bed for you if you spend the night, when it rains and you both share an umbrella, he makes sure you’re completely covered by the umbrella even if his shoulder is getting soaked. *slams card on table* I NEED
You both definitely bring out the best in each other and help each other grow in so many ways. This is the definition of A POWER COUPLE. Everyone is shaking in their boots whenever you’re linked hand in hand in public. As cocky as he is in the volleyball world, that all disappears with you. He treats you with so much respect and love, girl…I'm jealous just picturing it. Of course, he has his moments where he says something so out of pocket with that smirk plastered on his face…just keep him in line PFF. Your little adventurous, yet simplistic, romantic dates are his favorite part of the week. Where he can really just sit back, be himself, and enjoy quality time with you away from the stresses of life. You both have a lot to learn from each other and so much growth to do as a couple. 
Unwinding After A Busy Day with Kuroo
This all takes place at his place
After your classes and whatever work he had to get through for the day, he invites you over for some well deserved quality time together (this is completely separate from your date nights you have weekly)
He leaves some of his clothes on his bed so you can take a shower and get comfy in his clothes for the night as he scrolls on his phone through different takeout places nearby that sound promising
Once showered and cozied up in one of his shirts and sweatpants, Kuroo smiles up at you and pats the spot next to him so you can snuggle up to him, pulling you close so you can see the list of restaurants he has pulled up on his phone
He’s okay with you deciding where you want to order food from, and you’re more than happy picking a place
So as soon as you do, he calls the restaurant and places an order for delivery, telling the lady on the other line which items he wanted
You’re completely relaxed in his arms as he now scrolls through Netflix, looking for a movie the two of you can watch together as you wait for your food to arrive
You both take so long deciding on a movie though that the food arrives just as you finally agree on one
He answers the door, pays for the food and sets all the food up on his coffee table, deciding you guys would eat while watching the movie
The movie plays and you share your food with each other, taking a seat in front of the couch to use the coffee table as a dining table for the night
He glances over at you every so often, smiling in pure bliss at the fact that you’re there with him
Once you finish eating, you move onto the couch where you both struggle to stay awake as the movie continues to play; Kuroo holds you close to his chest, fiddling with your fingers as you start to doze off
You both end up falling asleep on the couch as your movie finishes and Netflix just keeps playing more stuff automatically
You wake up the next morning with a stiff neck and sore back as the screen reads ‘are you still there?’
It was all worth it though, waking up beside Kuroo was one of your favorite things (his too, you had no idea that he was actually awake and just admiring you for a few minutes before you woke up)
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Posted: 10/2/2022
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mageofseven · 1 year
Meet the Mod/Writer
Sia Bio
It occurred to me recently that I've had this blog for years, but I don't think I've actually told you guys much about myself and since I'm learning so much about you guys through the matchups, I wanted to take the time to tell you about myself!
Name: Sia
Main blog: @siana-loves-you
Age: 26
Gender: Girlfux, a type of genderfluid gender, though sometimes it's easier just to say I am a demigirl
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Complicated? I used to say pansexual, but now I either say demisexual bisexual or demisexual sapphic since I lean more into liking girls in real life (in fiction, I can fall in love with people of any gender though!)
Astrological Signs: Libra sun, Virgo Moon, Capricorn Rising, and Venus in Virgo.
My biggest passions: Obey Me, MBTI, astrology, and ennegram (though I'm not as educated on that last one as I am the others, but I like learning about it).
Just Brain Things: I am autistic and have ADD (aka AuDHD).
My Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff! I am proud to be counted as among the hardworking, kind, and loyal! (But seriously, fuck J.K. Rowling for being transphobic and antisemitic 😠)
MBTI: I am an INFP, meaning that my function stack is FiNeSite. This means that I lead with Introverted Feeling; I lead my life asking questions like "How does this make me feel? Does this situation/decision match up with my own values?" and overall aim to live my live focused on my own morals.
This is followed by my auxiliary trait, Extraverted iNtuition. Basically, it's very easy for to see so many scenarios and outcomes that could happen.
Together, this makes me a natural daydreamer and my daydreams help gather ideas for what to write.
Because of my autism, I feel emotions very strongly and am very sensitive, but I also care very deeply for others.
I grew up in a very turbulent household so daydreaming up stories is something I've been doing for year. I've never been one who wants a perfect life, just someone who wants all of my struggles to be worth it which is probably why I write so much angst with a happy ending!
I am some who struggles to learn some things, but am always happy when I do! I especially love learning about people because I feel like if I understand them more, they'll be willing to understand me and then I can interact with them better.
I have two furbabies, a dog named Elsa Mae who is 8.5 years olds (and I adopted when she was 1.5 years old from a shelter) and cat named Beanie who I think is about 5 years old (he's a stray who chose me so now I feed him and let him crash at my place till he decides he wants to go back outside lol)
Thank you for reading! I'll add more at some point if I can think of anything else to add~
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
Hi!! if that's okay may i get a twisted wonderland matchup? I'm a cisgender omniromantic asexual girl, my personality type is ESFJ and my ennegram is 8w7! I'm italian, I really like rythm games and i love drawing and arguments (of course, as long as it's pacific.) I have a big sense of justice and as in the past i had troubles doing the speaking in conversation, now i prefer to help who has more problems with it by standing up for "the weaker." I'm 151cm tall (i swear i'm a sophomore.) I have dirty blond hair and a wolfcut, and i dress in visual-kei fashion!! I have ADHD and am very, VERY talkative. I can go on talking with hours until my throat hurts, but i also enjoy listening to my friends! My favourite foods are spicy foods and i have a high spices tolerance. I wear circular glasses and i can barely see without them. I'm also very passionate about my interests and draw and daydream a lot. My love language is physical affection and gifts giving. I come from a rather wealthy family, so i love to shower who i love with a ton of gifts. I often have troubles finding friends because of people thinking i am too weird, and had to change schools multiple times because of bullying too. I REALLY dislike dark humor, especially about deeper subjects like racism and antisemitism (it's just disturbing for me to think people joke about this kind of stuff.) I am very affectionate and can be clingy, but i'm also s good emotional support!! I also take criticism seriously out of a trauma response. I'm physically weak and have anemia. Overall i just love pepole and wish i could get along with everyone!!
A/N: The final matchup in the inbox! I still have three request prompts to knock out and then opening up the matchups once again! These turned out to beuch more popular than I thought and I certainly didn't expect to get as much as I did! I apologize to those still waiting for the prompt requests, I hope to have them out very soon. Hopefully before Christmas but it just gets so busy before the holidays. Thank you everyone for your support of this small blog!
A/N 2: Thank you very much for your request! I hope that you like it and have a wonderful holiday season! Remember to take care of yourself and drinks lots of water!
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I match you with.......
Cater Diamond
• Spice babes unite! Seriously, this man loves himself some spicy foods no matter what it is. The more spice, the better. You twl instantly hit it off with this. He's just ecstatic to have someone with similar food tastes to his own. High slice tolerance? There's plenty of spice challenge going around. He'd want to know just how high the tolerance goes (with your permission), and he'd love to record said challenge and post it to magicam (also with your permission).
• If this relationship is public on his skcial media, you can certainly bet that the feed has exploded with the new couple goals that is the two of you! His followers absolutely love you, and always want to see more content. Cater only posts content of you that you have approved of before hand. Anything not posted is in his own private folder that he looks at when he's not in his best headspace.
• Speaking of headspace, you're someone who sees through the smile that he puts on his face each and everyday and you're essentially the only person who has seen who he truly is behind closed doors. It took some time, but now, when it's just the both of you in the comforts of his room, or yours, he let's the mask go and you are there wjth him the entire time, encouraging him, telling him how much you love him, telling exactly what you love about hi. It honestly does so much for him, you have no idea.
• Spoil this man and he may cry. He loves when you pamper him, treat him, and spoil him. Just expect him to do it right back! He is a firm believer that in a relationship, both parties give their all, no half doing anything, but doing things to the best that you can to make sure you and your partner are happy and feel loved.
• He does NOT mind your talkative nature AT ALL! In all honesty, he loves it. You speak with such passion and confidence in your voice, it makes his heart flutter and he had that dopey, in-love smile on his face. He can't help it. Hearing you speak always reminds him just how in love with you he is.
• Please come with him to the Light Music Club! Bring your drawing things as well! He would totally pay for a commission. If you draw him while practicing or playing, expect it to be within the best frame he can get and sitting proudly on his desk or hanging proudly on his wall.
• Affectionate and Clingy? Nah, he sees free cuddles whenever you're anywhere near him and endless bounds of love. The way that you cling to him, and are so openly affectionate with him never fails to bring a smile to his face and hold you closer to him. Especially in the late evening, no matter who's dorm your in, just laying in bed with cozy pajamas on, underneath warm blankets, and holding each other. It's the best way to end the day. Brush your hands through his hair and the chances of him falling asleep with the happiest smile on his face is quite high.
• Unbirthday parties are a must! And you two will often either match outfits, or your new outfit he has gifted in your unique style matches the colors he has on. Many pictures are taken and while others are eating their sweets, you bith have your own separate choice of spicy food to chow down on.
• Overall, the both of you compliment each other so well. Everyone is literally so happy for the both of you when you get together. Best Friends and partners. Two halves to one complete and loving whole. Even in your lowest moments, you both know you have each other and that's perfectly alright with you. There's nowhere else you'd rather be than with one another.
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abigailhartrp · 1 year
Character Profile:
Basic Information:
Birth Name: Abigail Dawn Hart Full Legal Name: Abigail Dawn Hart Preferred Name: Abigail Dawn Hart Nickname: Abby, Abby Dawn Age: Forty-Three Birthdate:  November 7, 1980 Birthplace: East Greenwich, Rhode Island  Sex: Female Gender: Female Nationality: American Race: White- Irish-English Religion: Atheist   Relationship Status: Single/Divorced
Physical Attributes:
FC: Jessica Chastain Height: 5′4′‘ Weight: 123 lbs. Build: Slim Measurements: Chest, 36; Waist, 25; Hips 35 Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green Voice Claim: Jessica Chastain Tattoos: Three; Tattoos can be found here. Marks: Freckles across nose, shoulders, and arms. Scars: N/A Piercings: Right and left lobes, right daith Clothing Style: Casual Chic Blood Type: A+
Background Info:
Hometown: East Greenwich, Rhode Island  Past Towns: Providence, Rhode Island, New Haven, Connecticut  Languages: English, Spanish Financial Status: Wealthy Educational History:  Doctor of Medicine Occupational History:       -Sapphire Lake Hospital; OBGYN: July 2023-Present      -Divine Women’s Clinic; Owner, OBGYN: August 2016-June 2023      -Women’s and Infant Hospital; OBGYN: May 2010- August 2016
Mother: Dawn Evelyn Hart, nee Atkinson Father: Charles Stanley Hart Siblings: Daniel Thomas Hart  Children: N/A Romantic Relationships:      -Francis Clark; Dated; April 2020-November 2021      -Samuel Burke: Marred; March 2003-Februrary 2016
Positive Traits: Intuitive, Passionate, Clever, Intelligent, Witty Negative Traits: Stubborn, Hot-Tempered, Cunning, Guarded  Likes: Malbec, Espresso, Nicotine, Crossword Puzzles, Crunchy Leaves, Chimichurri, Red Lipstick Dislikes: Hypocrisy, Injustice, Yelling, Traffic, Sweat, Men who think they have a right to tell women what to do with their bodies. Morality: Chaotic Good MBTI:  Type Two; Wing Three Ennegram: ENFP Temperament: Sanguine
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