#entered a dungeon n was handed gun
peepee-magee · 8 months
Sins Of The Flesh Spoiler Below
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matramancer · 3 days
🌸KIKORU THE WINGMAN | Narumi Gen x Mitsuri! reader
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Synopsis: As much as she admires her two mentors, seeing the two of you pine over each other was INFURIATING. Perhaps it was time to take matters into her own hands. Unfortunately.
part 1 | Mitsuri! reader Masterlist
Tags: fem! reader, HCs w scenarios, Narumi x reader, Kikoru and Mitsuri!reader found family ft. Narumi, JEALOUS NARUMI, Narumi Gen is an idiot, fluff, mutual pining, Kikoru the wingman
By the time Kikoru’s batch rolls in, she’s already gotten word about several of the unique heavy hitters in the force. She wasn’t her father’s daughter for nothing–an extensive knowledge of the Defense Force is a part of keeping yourself up in the game.
She knew about the infamous First Division—home of Japan’s Strongest Anti-Kaiju Combatant, and the more recent officer who made a name for herself as the Pillar of Love.
However, it still didn’t prepare her for the rather… lousy introduction her supposed new captain and mentor gave her. And the chronic gaming addiction. And the Yamazon addiction. And everything else in between.
When she thought things couldn’t get any rowdier, she was very bombastically introduced to you. 
“Captain Narumi! You wanted to see me?” The blonde turns at the new voice entering her ears, your figure standing by the doorway. At a glance, she was taken aback at the mountain of sakura mochi on a tray in your hands, your expression an immediate stark contrast to all the officers she’s ever seen in the force.
As she locked eyes with you, your smile only widened, and Kikoru wondered if it was possible for a human to emit their own light source. 
Nothing however prepared her for your figure to zero in on her in a flash,  your movements so abrupt she had to take a few steps back to process them. “HELLOOO! YOU’RE SO CUTE! Do you want some sakura mochi? Though I only have a little.” A little?! You were holding a MOUNTAIN!
“Platoon leader (L/N)! Great timing!” Hasegawa keeps his grip strong on Narumi, even as he wriggles about. The man then proceeded to point at his BS5, which the other officers in the room were trying to fit into a trash bag. “HELP ME FARM A DUNGEON! IF WE START NOW WE CAN 100% IT TONIGHT!”
The room is silent as Kikoru watches on, mortified. Hasegawa is seconds away from bloody murder. You were still holding onto your plate of sakura mochi.
“…I’ll just leave these here.” you set down the plate and slowly try to make your escape— “COME BACK HERE PLATOON LEADER!”
If it weren't for the kaiju attack that happened soon after, Narumi’s image would’ve been permanently tarnished in Kikoru’s eyes.
And not only that, she actually also caught a glimpse of you in battle—that was when you really made an impression on her. She solidified her choice by then. She was going to get stronger, with your help.
Although Kikoru was mainly Narumi’s disciple, it soon became clear that the responsibility had also fallen to you. If Narumi wasn’t training her, you were.
It was really based on two things. One, you already spent lots of time training with Narumi, and second, Kikoru had approached you herself.
“You want to train together?” You blinked owlishly as Kikoru stood before you.
“Yes. I saw how you fought–” Kikoru starts. Truth to be told, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of you. She was assigned to your platoon, which gave her front row seats to you on the battlefield. “--Those maneuvers you did, your consistent energy distribution…”
She recounts the battle she witnessed, finding herself staring in awe as you finished off a group of yoju with your machine gun, before strapping said weapon to your back and immediately winding through the street with fast maneuvers. Even with the suit, your speed paired with such strength belonged to no one in the low combat power bracket. Then, the next thing she heard was your unwavering voice, commencing that the neutralization in your zone was complete. 
She was absolutely flabbergasted. She hadn’t even registered the weird shape of your sword before you sprung forward, flooring her even more with your superhuman strength. She was a bearer of a heavy weapon herself, but seeing you jump so cleanly with all the weight of your weaponry was on another level. Not to mention how precise each and every move you did was. Anyone with a lower level of skill would’ve cut themselves with that sword!
On the other side of the comms, she hears Narumi send her a taunting chuckle. “You seeing this, newbie? You’re going to have to go on par with that.”
Back to the training grounds, she holds a determined expression on her face, surprising you with a bow, even. “...It would be an honor for you to train me, Platoon Leader.”
“Eh–EH?!?!?!?!?” Kikoru looks up from her bow to see your nervous stupor, a complete 180 from what she saw a mere two hours ago. “ME?!?!?!?!!?” Yes, you. 
(Kikoru does not know if she made the right choice).
Usually, you’d be correcting Kikoru’s form and giving her pointers, then holding a sparring session to demonstrate how your techniques flowed. In particular instances where you both used your weapons, you’d move to the specialized training areas.
Narumi in all of his glory would be stuck to his console before you unceremoniously plucked him away from his lawn chair and forced him to participate.
During her training, there was one particular day that stuck out for her. The day she watched you and Narumi spar for the first time.
For once, Narumi had a look that was indescribably amused hidden under his normal demeanor. Excited even. He was the one that initiated it, after all.
“Kikoru, watch.” He says, a lazy smile curling on his lips as he gets into position. A hand to hand spar .No weapons, no gear.
“--I wanted to say that!” You sulked a bit in your mind, biting your lip.
Whenever the two of you sparred, it was always a spectacle. That much was evident on Kikoru’s expression as the two of you went at it, the lighthearted banter from prior completely abandoned as Narumi went on the full offensive.
He was ruthless, not sparing a single punch even as you took a defensive note in your steps. Even if you were dodging his blows, you did so very narrowly.
And then, you flew. An elegant figure belonging to the one deserving of the title “Love Pillar”. Your body twists and contorts with not only polished skill but extreme calculation. If you were even a centimeter off base, Narumi would finish you. It was like you knew where to dodge, and Narumi knew where to hit.
Every single one of your moves had so much thought put into them, which made sense given your weapon of choice. Similarly, Narumi was a master at switching stances, knowing when exactly to go on the defensive before he’s sending another strike to your hazy figure.
It was then that Kikoru realized that she wasn’t just watching any fight–but a culmination of efforts and hardwork that brought the two of you together in this ring. An undoubted match up of strength that solidified your places in the force. That solidified your positions next to each other in battle.
Yeah, she’s never gonna doubt you guys again (or at least, your strengths) as she watches the fight come to a close, courtesy of an announcement by the megaspeakers.
Narumi curses as he hears news of the 3rd Division’s arrival, already muttering not so clean words at the mere thought of their vice captain (you on the other hand were the total opposite, excited at the prospect of seeing some long distance friends).
“We’re going to crush them!” Narumi grunted, cracking his knuckles with the biggest stink eye while you happily tugged Kikoru along, not interested in hampering the mood. “I wonder if we can catch the captain and vice captain! You must miss them, right Kikoru?”
“Haah?! Don’t you DARE even mention Hoshina’s name!” Your captain’s rage immediately intensifies, like a man out for murder. Something Kikoru wanted no part of. 
Unfortunately for poor Kikoru, out of pure bad luck and personal circumstance, she had unintentionally gotten herself caught in the front view seats of her captain slash mentor’s unexpected dilemma.
You ignored Narumi’s blatant hostility, smiling ear to ear. You couldn’t wait to catch up with your friends. “Just in time for lunch too! I wonder what’s on the menu…”
Narumi zeroes in on this, already knowing the answer. In fact, he’d even request the chefs to make today’s portions extra bountiful, under the guise of the 3rd Division’s visit.
He cleared his throat, “casually” mentioning your favorite food, and your reaction after is expectedly, a surge of excitement.
Having spent lots of time with you already, Kikoru thought nothing of it–your attitude with a superior present was certainly a bit unrestrained, sure, but after seeing your bond with Narumi, she chalked it up to you guys just having mutual respect and friendship. 
Yeah, friendship. Her eyes drift a bit to Narumi, seeing his side profile. Surely, with Narumi being super nonchalant about all this, he was…
She sees it. Bared witness to it. Lays eyes on it.
A TINT of red on his cheeks. And the aversion of his eyes soon after.
Oh no. Oh no no no. OH NO.
She refuses to get involved, not in the lives of her superiors and DEFINITELY not in the sad lack of love life that belonged to loser master Narumi.
Okay, it was a bit impossible not to. Not when it was one of those things that you’d definitely always notice after realizing it once. And she was spending hours every day with these people.
In Narumi’s defense, he didn’t know how or when it happened. He didn’t even really take note of you until around the time where you earned his acknowledgement, as harshly as that sounded. 
His principles, his life revolved around results. Around skills. Around the Defense Force. As far as he was concerned (and hilariously mortified at), you suddenly carving your presence in his psyche and imprinting your being into his heart was not part of any life plans he had in particular. 
Sure you got more and more involved with him, sure you just became a regular part of his day, sure you were the number one person he’s most comfortable fighting side by side with, but as anticlimactic as it was, there was nothing spectacular involved. He just noticed it one day.
He especially realizes that something about you in him has changed when he barges in on two officers (nobodies, he didn’t even bother to remember their faces) throwing jabs at how air-headed you seemed. Without even thinking, his brows had furrowed and a scowl was already forming from his face, and when he came to, the officers had already scurried.
At first, he thought it was just acknowledgement and respect for your strength. But thinking about anyone–or anything badmouthing you, calling you names or underestimating you for just being yourself absolutely had him seething.
He got more particular about you all of a sudden as the feelings hit him. He thinks about it all–Your already bright smile that widened just a bit more when you saw him. How you lit up, whether it was from a good day of training with him, or when he would surprise you with a meal. How he has your face memorized by then. He especially loved when you were enjoying a good lunch by his side, when you won a game together, and–
Huh, that’s particular… Did he always notice all of that stuff from you?
Kikoru knew it was over for him when you gathered in the mess hall, and although Narumi had his console in hand, she saw him sneak more than a few glances to your ever joyous figure, your 5th bowl in hand as you excitedly chatted with Captain Ashiro.
And his eyes were full of love.
Hell, he was still quipping with Hoshina, but that’s exactly the thing. The four of you were sitting on the same table in close proximity. Rivalries aside, you were quite good friends with Mina and Hoshina and were always one for conversation, but he and the Vice Captain were usually at each other’s throats. Why was Narumi willingly sitting through this? CALMLY, no less.
These people (you two) were driving her NUTS. Crazy even. It was tolerable at first, hell, things were smooth sailing when she was none the wiser. But now? His lingering gazes, how he lights up when he gets texts from you, how he’s been pushing for your presence more and more often…
 Don’t get her started on the special treatment. Did he think he was being smooth?! Kikoru was LOSING it! 
Kafka, oh poor Kafka, got dragged into this mess too, via Kikoru finally spilling the beans in a frustrated burst of emotions.
“I can’t take it. It’s disgusting,” she feels like tearing her twintails out, airing out her grievances to Kafka. “The Captain is bad enough as he is.”
The older man just scratches his head with an awkward laugh. The situation reminds him a bit of his high school days. “Well, sometimes the best way to make it stop is to let it happen. Sorry, Kikoru. Young love calls.”
Kikoru groans. “Nevermind that. I don’t know what’s worse. How hard he’s trying–”
Their gazes land on the training grounds where you were chatting with Mina again, before Narumi’s figure emerges from your side as he offers your favorite grilled onigiri nonchalantly. As you thank him with a smile, you‘re completely clueless over how even Mina notices the way his hand brushed against yours for a tad bit too long. How he’s so clearly not doing this for just anyone.
“--Or how oblivious she is.”
So begins the adventures of Kikoru the unwilling wingman.
As much as she’s unwillingly involved in… whatever this was, she joined the Defense Force for a clear reason. She’s not going to toil on this and let it hinder the progress of her training, for her life’s mission.
But there are times where she throws in a gentle push. Not directly getting involved in things by the slightest, but you were quite the talker. What better way than to plant the idea in your head and handle your obliviousness this way?
She ended up learning a few things–one, you were obviously super comfortable with Narumi. Two–you amassed a great deal of respect for him, and was gracious over the opportunity you had to get close with him. REALLY close. Receiving surprise gifts and playing games together in secret during the night type of close. Three–despite all that, you had no idea about the obvious truth.
“You better pay me back for this, idiot master.” Kikoru thinks to herself sometimes.
Don’t mention how you were so good at love advice (love pillar and all, it’s in the name), having been a good ear and cupid for the 1st Division when clearly the one who needed that the most was you. It only frustrates Kikoru more.
So how does Kikoru function as a wingman despite her total unwillingness? Well, she does it through the most unconventional methods… Which is to steal you away from her idiot master instead!It’s a win-win, because she gets to one up her captain and not suffer any consequences–lest he upsets YOU.
On the occasions where Narumi wants to train one on one with you? Nope–Kikoru booked a slot first. You’ve got Friday off? Whoops, girl’s day out with Kikoru and she made you promise. 
It was peak “I’m just a girl”. A concept you loved and could heavily indulge in with Kikoru. You’re not sidelining the things you love doing with Narumi, you’re moreover doing things that were more up to you and Kikoru’s forte.
How could you not? Kikoru was an absolute sweetheart, and you’d taken to her like a mother duck. Not only did she see you as a mentor now, but also as a sister figure.
 When she started to call you nee-san, you were absolutely ecstatic.
Narumi was understanding. At first. But when even your gaming sessions, which was a sacred bonding time for the both of you, had been slowly taken over by Kikoru’s rendezvouses, that was when the seeds of jealousy started to plow through his skull.
“Ah, Kikoru-chan wants to go shopping.” “Can’t, sorry Narugen! I got tickets with Kikoru and Rin…” “No way! That’s OUR Gossip Girl rewatch marathon and you’re not allowed in.”
And oh does it work. It DEFINITELY started a reaction in him. Narumi has upgraded her status from idiot disciple to menace. 
All of a sudden, a new competition rolled in town, and the First Division had a new point of interest to watch.
The rivalry of Isao’s brightest disciple vs his rising star daughter for the attention of the Love Pillar. (Coming to a division near you!)
Both are now vying for your compliments, and sometimes the comms get so loud with their bickering that the operations room has to work overtime over the noise pollution.
Narumi is seething because it seems like Kikoru always wins, your attention so doting on her, your favor clearly present as you never fail to praise her. Hell, the little brat was now on HUGGING terms with you! You even braid her hair the way you did yours some nights. It was driving him crazy.
Kafka’s also always at the scene in the worst timing possible. At more than one instance, he’d walk into the training grounds just as Kikoru successfully stole you away again, and he was forced to endure his daily training under an unmerciless Narumi Gen in a bitter mood.
What made him grumble at the same time was as much as he hated how Kikoru was monopolizing you, you looked absolutely joyous enjoying things with her–and he just couldn’t take that happiness away from you. No, he absolutely won’t allow it.
He wouldn’t ever reveal it so lightly at this point in time, but you meant so much to him.
And as he grows more and more obvious with the shift in his demeanor, how much he’s wagging his tail, even Hoshina had noticed and sent his tips to the betting pool.
If it weren’t for Kikoru’s sleight of hand however, the slow burn you had with Gen would’ve probably lasted longer than the existence of kaiju itself.
When he’s FINALLY able to steal you away from Kikoru, he’s taken aback by how vigorously he was vying for your time in the first place. How he felt so victorious over catching that empty spot in your schedule before his menace of a mentee dragged you away from him.
And when he finally catches himself unable to hold back a grin as he sees you all dressed up pretty on the train with him, it hits him deeply with the realization that you had made yourself home in his consciousness. That he values the many moments he gets to spend with you so much. 
Maybe that was okay. Maybe he wants to treasure the little moments he has with you. Maybe… maybe this normalcy the two of you fostered together was alright.
You made him feel normal. Like the two of you were just young adults given a glimpse of a life outside of the Defense Force, where he could imagine days like this with you to come. Like he was just a boy, no captain or anything. And you saw him as just that.
That was what went through his mind on a nice afternoon out in the city, Narumi insisting he be the first to bring you to this new restaurant that served your favorite kind of dishes.
Equipped with disguise gear of great caliber (a mask, sunglasses, and two hats you had lying around), the two of you comb through the crane games and rhythm machines in the arcade, working up an appetite an hour before your reservation. 
His eyes couldn’t stop glancing at your excited figure at the small plushies in the crane games. He chose your favorite songs on maimai. He made sure to reserve seats in the restaurant beforehand and nearly even used his name card to guarantee them.
And later on, when Kikoru’s eyes scanned the photostrip you were showing her taken at a purikura booth you and Narumi tried, she nearly fell down over how loving his gaze was on the last pic.
When it was finally time to enjoy your meal, you were beaming in absolute delight as you finished bowl after bowl, plate after plate, offering Narumi a share of everything. 
He gladly accepted, absolutely reveling in how you spoiled him. Especially with how there was no Hasegawa around to hold you back. He was practically on your lap, figuratively.
Yapper gf x listener bf to the max as he sat beside you with an expression so soft in comparison to the rest of his unruly personality, being absolutely glued to everything about you.
Well, that was when he was facing you. Narumi had secretly turned away and glared at any other patrons who dared to even attempt to send a nasty look your way from “how much you were eating” . 
“You got a problem with that? Do you want me to shove the rest of the food down your throat instead, huh?” Was what Narumi’s intense glare communicated, immediately causing the aforementioned judgemental patrons to look away in embarrassment.
Then, he’d immediately whip his head back when you addressed him, completely at your mercy. 
As you finished the last of your food, you were completely obvious to Narumi’s sudden change of demeanor, a wave of nervousness washing over him as he fidgets with the inside of his pocket.
He hopes you’ll like this gift of his.
[restaurant scenario - coming soon]
“I had lots of fun today!” You gushed with your usual cheerful demeanor, sinking into the bathwater next to Rin and Kikoru. You were recounting the eventful afternoon you had to them. “I have so many new plushies now, and there’s so many new stores in that shopping district that just reopened. Let’s go there together next time!”
Kikoru huffed a bit, hearing about your day. She was both lightly covetous over how Narumi somehow managed to steal a slot of your time before her, having grown very attached to you and your attention, yet at the same time, she was absolutely floored at just how smitten her idiot mentor was for you from all the pictures, videos, and stories you showed her when practice finished. If anyone who didn’t know any better saw these, they’d IMMEDIATELY assume it was a date. Hell, that was what Rin thought when she joined the conversation!
You in your Sunday best? Taking you to a specialty restaurant that had your favorite food? Sharing bites? Winning you all those plushies? And…
She recalls just how eye catching the subtle change of your appearance was to her when you returned to the base with him. When you didn’t take off the new item you acquired until you hit the showers.
“Gen got me this today,” as you finally removed the accessory from your hair, you eagerly showed Kikoru and Rin the gift Narumi got you, barely noticing the other two girls’ wide-eyed, open mouthed stare at three things. One, how you addressed your superior, THE Narumi Gen by his first name so lightly. Second, THE Narumi Gen being thoughtful and paying attention to your tastes. He knew you loved cute things. Third, how your cheeks were glowing just a bit more radiant, how your tone had a slight change to it. How…
The love in your eyes was so evident.
“You’re so dense,” Rin’s comment brings Kikoru back to the present, the former crossing her arms and furrowing her brows. “Are we not seeing the same things here?” She continues, recalling all the times he’d been so partial to you. He’s still mean to you, yes, but there’s such an obvious touch of softness and mutual standing there that everything just speaks for itself.
You blink. “What things?”
Rin sighs, more than familiar with your disposition. “You’re going to kill me.”
The blonde watches as you haphazardly rise up from the water in a frenzy, Rin screaming as you dart towards her direction, arms reaching out to catch her. Water spills in every direction as you wrestle each other in the tub, you bleating pathetically for answers while Rin attempts to fight you off.
“SPILLLLLLL!” The other woman shrieks as you push into her body, a comedic expression on your face as you tackle her sides.
Immediately trying to regain her balance, Rin lets out a chorus of strangled noises as your body pressed against hers, desperately trying to squeeze out an answer. She attempts to steady both of your bodies as she feels you move around way too frantically. “HOLY SHIT– Your breasts are going to spill out BE CAREFUL–OI!”
“TELL ME RIN!!” You cry out again.
Amidst all the banter, Kikoru finds herself lost to her thoughts, drifting back to her thoughts of you and Narumi. She couldn’t wrap her head around it at first, but something felt so familiar…
Then, it hits her, recalling the stories between her own parents during their youth in the Defense Force. How Hikari Shinomiya was quite the spunky, passionate youth akin to her namesake, and how Isao Shinomiya was the much mellower, passive homebody, yet had loved her with so much passion all the same. 
History seemed to repeat itself.
At the sound of the water splashing, you watch in surprise as the top of Kikoru’s head dives down into the tub, seeing air bubbles form on the top. You quickly call out to her in concern. “Kikoru-chan?!”
“I didn’t expect it to work too well…”
i cant wait to write out what went down in that restaurant... here's the expression that Gen remembers the most, and the face he fell in love with. waaaaa
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countrymusiclover · 11 months
25 - Dungeons and Dragons!!
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The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl31 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I rolled over towards the window. I saw the sun was just starting to come through the window curtains. Looking around the room I noticed the Guns & Roses poster and that's when I realized I wasn't in my room. Quickly dropping my gaze downward I remembered the night before the second I saw I wasn't wearing anything underneath the covers. "Georgie…Shit. Georgie, wake up. We're late for school." I started shaking him trying to get him up seeing it was almost 8: 30am and we had class at 9am.
"Mmm." He made some noise but made no move of getting up for school and just put his bare back to my view.
Grabbing the pillow out from under me I smacked him across the head with it calling his name again thankful that we locked the bedroom before we slept together for the first time last night. "George Marshall Cooper wake up!"
"Huh what…oh morning darlin'." He rubbed his eyes after feeling the pillow hit his head so he rolled over to face me trying to snuggle into me and go to sleep. "I didn't hurt ya too bad last night right. Cause I rather enjoyed it."
Laying the pillow in my lap I tilted his chin up to meet mine needing him to realize we were late. "It was so good last night but we are going to be late for class if we don't get up right now."
"Oh crap!" Georgie finally figured out what was rolling and fought to get out of the tangled blankets. He grabbed his jeans and fell on the floor while putting them on.
Climbing out of the bed I remembered that I couldn't wear the same shirt from school that I wore last night. Whipping my head around I shrugged my jeans on eyeing Georgie. "I need to borrow one of your shirts."
"Here ya go. We can take my Meemaw's car." He responded by tossing me a shirt that I quickly throw on. Grabbing our bags we thankfully didn't have to deal with his family since the house was empty. We ran across the street and he found the spare key to get in her house.
Tapping my foot nervously Georgie quietly looked around but couldn't find her keys where she normally kept them. "What are we gonna do, Georgie?"
"We could just skip class." I launched a couch pillow at his head when he suggested that yet he ducks and the pillow knocked over the toaster and made a loud noise. Georgie teased me raising himself upright again. "Now you've gone and done it, Y/n."
"You made me do it. We can’t miss the math test today." I whispered a scold back to my boyfriend.
"What the hell are you two doing in my house?" We both snapped our heads around seeing Connie standing at the bottom of the stairs twirling her keys in her hands still in her sleep clothes.
Running my hand throughout my hair I dropped my shoulders not expecting her to be there. “Connie, I’m sorry but we need your car to get to school on time.”
“You two must have had fun last night. I take it. I’m surprised you could keep it in your pants that long.” She scoffed eyeing her older grandson while I just turned a deep red avoiding her gaze,
Georgie took my hand in his. “Can we just borrow your car? Y/n is freaking out about missing class. But I know she liked what we did last night too.”
“Fine. Just don’t scratch it.” Connie tossed him the keys, turning to leave us but she paused at the stairs. “Oh and I won’t tell your parents what I know about you two. God knows what the people of this town would think if you got pregnant.” She left and we did make it to school with neither of us thinking how our lives would never be the same after last night.
Rain hit the windows of the house hard and there was thunder coming in while I saw the girls and Montana sadly looking out the window. Entering the room and coming out of the kitchen I sighed knowing we were supposed to go camping with Missy and her kids. “I’m sorry guys. But we can’t go when it is storming like this outside. So no camping trip this weekend.”
“But mommy!” Montana whined sliding off the top of the couch and sitting down.
Eve turned her head eyeing the driveway. “When will dad get home if it’s storms?”
“What are we doing instead?” Aurora asked finally the secluded before my phone started ringing from the bedroom. I left the kids waiting going to answer my phone without them hearing me.
"Hello, who is this?" I hadn't bothered to look at the caller ID.
"Y/n, this is Sheldon Cooper. My sister told me you were supposed to go camping but it's gonna rain. So Ami is making me - uh suggested that we all come play dungeons and dragons over at your house since we will be heading back to California in the morning." The genius explained to me.
Sitting down on the bed I could hear the rain getting worse outside and then I heard Eve scream through cheers. "Daddy's home!"
"I'll talk with Georgie. But that sounds like fun." I responded hanging up the phone going back into the living room.
Coming around the corner I saw Georgie racing around the room carrying Eve on his shoulders with her cackling in such joy. Aurora and Montana were hot on his boots laughing too until he caught sight of me gently laying down on the couch and sitting his youngest daughter down in the process. He came over to me putting one hand on my hip and I leaned forward kissing him. "You're brother called me."
"Oh he huh…what about this time?" He broke the kiss and responded down to me.
Tilting my head towards the kids on the couch. "Ami said we should play d and d with them tonight since we can't take the kids camping."
"I'd rather just spend the night with y'all then entertain my brother." He shrugged his shoulders, but I knew he cared slightly about hie young brother.
Sending him a glare. "George Marshall Cooper."
"Fine, tell him they can come over." He caved in knowing that I would win in the end.
It was an hour before they showed up and Sheldon brought in pretty much the entire board game and everything we needed for it. But I knew he never jokes about what he cares about…like ever. His mother Mary, Connie, Amy carrying baby Leonard and Missy came inside first before we saw Sheldon. Georgie had ordered pizza for the night thankfully before the storm had gotten any worse. He sat the boxes down on the kitchen table hugging his sister first. “Hey Missy, where are the kids tonight?”
“Oh I let them spend the night with their daddy even though momma didn’t agree.” She embraced him in a hug and then we hugged where I felt her mother eyeing us.
Mrs. Cooper stands off to the side. “I don’t entirely like this game but I am happy that we are all spending time together.”
“Oh calm down. My moon pie will be perfectly fine.” Connie entered the kitchen going to the fridge looking for a drink. “Do ya got any beer?”
“Back of the fridge. Did Sheldon get stuck in the car or something?” I glanced around the room confused as to why he wasn’t in the house yet.
Montana was attempting to play with baby Leonard and Amy sitting on the couch. And I heard footsteps coming down the hallway showing that Aurora and Evelyn were wearing caps and did their best to look like D & D outfits of their own. “Mommy, look at it. I’m a thief.” She had one of my jackets on so it looked like a cloak, a bandana hung around her neck, with some brown boots.
“Rogue princess.” Eve twirled in her boots wearing her Leia dress that we bought for Halloween. Paired with the Indiana Jones whip her sister got and she had a blue tiara on her head.
Clasping my hands together I grinned with Georgie grabbing himself a piece of pizza. “You guys look great. Now we’re just waiting on-“
“Dungeons and Dragons!” The front door got kicked open causing everyone to turn their head at the sound of it hitting the wall. Sheldon holds up the box of stuff for the game wearing a shirt that reads ‘ I am the Dungeon Master ‘.
Aurora and Eve ran straight to their uncle Sheldon. “Dungeons and Dragons, Uncle Sheldon!”
Mary, Connie and Amy sat around the table with Missy but decided not to play. So that left me, Georgie, Sheldon, Aurora and Eve playing the game. Sheldon was obviously the dungeon master of the four of us. “So you first create your character. This is the list Thief, Druid, paladin, wizard and Barbarian.”
“I’ll be a Wizard.” I held my hand up taking a bite out of my pizza, setting it down on my plate in front of me.
Missy chuckled while talking with a mouthful full of pizza. “I was a Ninja Turtle Princess of Power when we played. Do you remember that Shely?”
“I remember everything. Now who is everyone’s character going to be?” He responded by waiting to start his favorite game sooner rather than later.
Evelyn throws her hands up in the air. “Thief!”
“Thief.” Aurora said, throwing her hood up over head and gesturing to our family. “See I am dressed up like one and everything.”
Georgie ran a hand through his curls. “I’m confused about most of this game but what in the world of dungeons and dragons is a Paladin?”
“A paladin is a holy knight who crusades in the name of good.” Sheldon explains to his brother.
Mary smiled, clasping her hands together. “A god to fight the demons.”
“I guess I’ll be that.” Georgie leans back in his chair.
It had been an hour since we started the game and we all had been having some fun with the game he had created for us. Sheldon held his notebook up where we couldn’t see what he had written down next making it more interesting. “You come face to face with an Ogre who declares you shall die. He has a vault full of treasure that you have sought to gain. What do you do?”
“I draw my sword and try to attack it.” Georgie said quickly.
“You’re supposed to be the good guy and not be violent.” Sheldon corrected him.
My husband held his hands up glaring at him. “You didn’t let me finish. Y/n attempts to attack it but it tries to kill her so then I attack it to rescue her.”
“You don’t decide what happens the dungeon master does.” He fought back.
Eve reached for the dice in the middle of the table. “I say we steal whatever matters most to the Ogre.”
Aurora and I stared at one another thinking of a team strategy since the other two are just picking random things during most of the night. Throwing a fist in the air Aurora called out. “Mom uses her magic and casts a sleep spell on the Ogre while I steal the treasure he was keeping in the vault.”
“You…defeat the Ogre and gain the treasure.” Sheldon rolls the dice getting a sixteen. Everyone cheers before Sheldon holds his hands up, calming us all down. “Hold on, hold on, before he dies the Ogre mutters out with a smile “I enjoyed playing with my family”.
Rushing over I hugged Sheldon laughing and he slowly hugged me back instead of just hesitating because he actually tightly hugged me back. “Awe Sheldon. Thank you for doing this.”
“You’re welcome, Y/n. Now we need to discuss why you let Batman, Princess Leia and Indiana Jones all be in the same household. I’ve told you they aren’t even close to being in the same universe.”
He broke the hug scolding me, making me chuckle. Georgie and our daughters who all gave me a shocked look. “I tried to warn y’all.”
Montana ran in the room holding the Twister board up to our view. “Can we play this now?”
“Oh yeah but I am doing the board spinner.” Connie got up from her chair heading back to the kitchen.
Everyone else headed into the living room to start the next game leaving me and Georgie alone for a moment. He wrapped his arms around me from behind until I spun around draping my arms over his shoulders smiling. “Maybe you were right that it can be fun to play with my brother. Cause I actually had some fun.”
“That’s good and I’m glad you trust my judgment Georgie. And you should know for certain that I always love you.” Leaning up on my toes he leans down kissing me softly. Running one hand through his hair I deepened the kiss until we needed air. “Always have and always will.”
Georgie grinned ear to ear, squeezing me against his chest, both arms wrapped around the middle of my waist. “I love you too, Y/n. Truly cause you never saw me as dumb.”
“Daddy, mommy. Come play with us!” Montana called from the other room so we separated and headed to join our family.
Comments really appreciated 🧡
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saphira5 · 1 year
David x Lycan Reader Part 3
Y/n had found out yesterday that not many vampires were left from the Western Coven. A Lycan attack almost wiped out the Western Coven. Y/n counted 26 vampires not including David and Thomas. Y/n was shocked, a long time ago the Western Coven had many vampires but now no more than 30 remain. 
 Semira stands near the entrance with her lover Varga.  
Y/n sees Thomas and Ameila walking first then David and Selene following right behind them. The remaining Western Coven follow their leader Thomas inside.  
Y/n walks around the castle, you climbed a tree that has a great view of the inside of Serima office. Y/n hides behind the tree, y/n waits for David and the others to enter. Y/n then hears the door open; y/n takes a glimpse through the window, y/n sees Serima siting in her chair, Thomas and Amelia are sitting on a couch. David and Selene are sitting down on chairs near the door. 
 Y/n hides behind the tree, you then hear a commotion inside the office. Y/n sees David pointing a gun at Serima, Thomas has a sword pointed at her. Y/n sees Selene on the floor, lifeless. Y/n sees Serima drinking Selene's blood, Amelia tries to open the door but nothing. 
 Y/n hopes off the tree and over the 20-foot fence, you begin scaling the wall.  
You see metal cover the windows, y/n break the glass and then you break through the metal. Y/n steps inside, you have eyes on Serima. You move lighting fast behind her, y/n snaps her neck. You crouch down and hold Selene, y/n rocks back and forth y/n then lowers your head, Y/n forehead touches Selene's forehead, she awakens with a gasp. 
 She holds on to y/n tightly, "Micheal and Eve safe". Y/n then stands, and you begin making your way to the window. When y/n hears "where are they", y/n turns and looks at Selene. 
 "Both safe, asleep in chambers", "when can I see them", y/n looks at Selene for a bit then y/n jumps through the window. You disappear into the night, y/n heads to the chambers to awaken Micheal and Eve. Y/n had rescued them from Marius before y/n headed to the Nordic Coven. Micheal was barely alive, and Eve was almost drained completely, she was barely holding on. 
 The chambers restore Micheal and Eve strength. 
 Y/n had to travel a long way to retrieve Micheal and Eve. Y/n had to travel through Slovakia and Hungary. The final destination was Romania, a castle lay on top of the deadly mountain. Y/n scales the mountain side, y/n reaches the top of the mountain. You walk the castle door, y/n grows claws on your left hand, y/n sticks your claws into the holes, then y/n turns the key to the left.
Y/n pulls out your claws, the doors open. Y/n steps inside, y/n heads to the dungeon. Y/n walks in and sees Micheal and Eve. You walk over and turn off the chambers, Micheal and Eve begin walking up slowly. 
 Y/n had given a bit of your blood to Micheal and Eve. So, they could see y/n wasn't a threat to them. Once both of them wear awake the door opens, both of them step outside.  
"DAD", Eve hugs Micheal tightly, "EVE", y/n waits a bit to speak to them. Eve lets go of her dad, she looks at y/n and Micheal does as well. "Your mother", y/n looks at Eve. "You lover", you look at Micheal "is waiting for you two. Follow me".  
Y/n grabs a torch from the wall and leads them through a secret passage. Y/n opens the door and Micheal and Eve step outside. "The Eastern Coven, a castle in Czech Republic, you won't miss it". 
 Eve looks at y/n "you aren't coming", you shake your head.
Y/n looks at Micheal, "best hurry, she misses you both dearly", "thank you". Micheal goes over and hugs you, so does Eve. They begin walking, when Eve turns around and waves, y/n waves back. Y/n shuts the door and begins walking back to the dungeon. Y/n puts the torches back on the wall, y/n heads to the throne room.
Y/n seats on the throne waiting and listing for anything, but nothing.  
The castle used to be booming with laughter from your friends and pack mates. But then Viktor and his death dealers came, they broke into y/n castle.
They killed all of y/n friends and pack, once a strong pack of ten became one. 
Next Part coming Sep. 6th
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brookediamonds · 1 year
With The Words from a Poet and a Voice from a Choir | Eddie Munson
Summary: Reader is in Vecna’s trance and Eddie has to remind her what she’s fighting for. -2k+ words
Pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader (reader is 18)
A/N: I am new to one shots/imagines, I usually write novels on Wattpad so this is my first time writing on Tumblr. Lmk what you think! If you like this check out my wattpad, @/district12girlonfire I have a Liam Dunbar book for the Teen Wolf lovers! Enjoy!
Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler 
Edge of Seventeen -Stevie Nicks
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I sighed throwing my bag to the floor of the football field and placing my headphones on that were attached to my cassette player. Looking around the empty green field, I nod to myself and fall down to the plush grass.
Pressing the play button on my walkman, 'Take My Breath Away' by Berlin blasted into my ears the scene where Tom and Charlotte admitting their love for one another in the new movie 'Top Gun' runs through my mind.
Ugh, Tom Cruise, so pretty. Closing my eyes, the corners of my lips turned up lightly as my new favorite film replays in my mind. The wind blew gently as the sun shone nicely down on me, I softly hum to the tune that I had been repeatedly playing the last few days picturing my own love life to the song.
Unfortunately, it was nonexistent. Suddenly a tall shadow came over the orange view under my eyelids making me squint one eye open only to see a tall long haired figure. Eddie Munson?
"You okay there, sweetheart?" I barely heard his question over my obnoxiously blaring music causing me to hit pause on my walkman.
Oh I'd love to hear that name fall from his lips again. Bringing my headphones down to hang on my neck, I sit up on my elbows, hanging my head back to look at the boy upside down. 
God, his hair, it's so beautiful, he's so beautiful. 
"Skipping gym, not in the mood to run a mile," I admit truthfully. 
Eddie gasps and plops himself next to me.
"Y/N L/N? The valedictorian, skipping class?" He gawks wrapping his arms around his crossed legs. 
"You know my name," I realized whispering my words. I didn't think he knew me, I wasn't popular and mostly kept to myself. We did share one class together, Mrs. O'Donnell. 
I sat in the front and he sat in the back, so we hardly spoke but all semester I prayed we'd get paired up for a project just once so I can know what he's really like.
I only knew what everyone had said, and I refused to believe the rumors that Eddie 'the freak' ran a demonic cult when really it was just an innocent club of Dungeons and Dragons with a bunch of nerds. 
And maybe if we did get paired up for a project, we could talk and I could finally help him graduate. 
"Of course I know your name," he smiles flashing me his cute dimples. "Whatcha listening to?"
Slightly embarrassed, I pull the cassette cover out from my bag showing him my newest movie soundtrack.
"Oh no," he chuckles grabbing the tape from my hands. "I did not take you for a movie soundtrack lover!"
"It was a good movie!" I fought attempting to reach out for the tape. 
"This doesn't even feature Metallica or Rat," he points out scanning the back of the case.
"Well that's why I have these," I say pulling my bag close to me. I pull out my Metallica, Mötley Crüe, and AC/DC tapes laying them out in front of us. I watch as his mouth falls open slightly, his big brown orbs shinning at my collection.
"I have a whole shelf of these at my house," I admit proudly seeing him rummage through the very small fraction of my collection. 
My heart sped up at my next thoughts that entered my mind. Fuck it. "Y-You could come over sometime and we could..." I avoid his gaze trying to find the words. 
"We could..." he tilts his head attempting to make eye contact with me.
"I don't know, maybe listen to some tapes together," I say lowly fiddling with the wire attached to the headphones hanging on my neck. 
"I would love that," Eddie grins leaning towards me.
"Really?" I blush. 
"Yeah, someone's gotta save you from this," he jokes holding up the 'Top Gun' soundtrack. I roll my eyes stifling a laugh. It falls silent between us for a second, and I take that chance to glance down at his hands admiring his shiny metal rings that dressed his long fingers. 
"Which one's your favorite?"I snap out of my trance meeting his stare.
"Which one's your favorite?" He repeats holding up the cassette. "From the soundtrack."
"Oh," I blush once again my eyes flickering down to my walkman. 
"You're listening to it aren't you?" He grins. 
"N-No!" I defend myself. Yes. 
He quickly reaches over me and presses the play button causing the slow love song to blast through my headphones. He leans in closer pressing the side of his head against mine listening to the song. 
"You are a little romantic aren't ya?" He teases me. I turn to look at the man next to me, noticing the tiny freckles that littered across his nose and cheeks. 
"So what if I am?" I held my head up confidently. "I can't help that I'm a hopeless romantic."
"There's nothing wrong with that," he shrugs. "I bet you're a great girlfriend."
I snorted at his comment making him snap his head towards to me. 
"If only," I mumble laying back down on the grass to stare at the blue sky scattered with random clouds. 
"Wait," he pauses laying his legs out and leaning down on one elbow to be leveled with me. "Do you not have a boyfriend?"
I felt the blood rush to my face, a soft sigh fell from my lips. 
"You're kidding," Eddie scoffs moving closer to me.
"Not that hard to believe," I mumble looking down at my twiddling fingers. 
"Actually it is," He admits. My eyes snap up to his. He then raises his eyebrows, scoffing. "You really don't see it do you?"
I sat up on my left elbow to level with the boy next to me cocking an eyebrow. "What?"
"Y/N, you're fucking beautiful."
As we made our way into the trailer, I suddenly got a twisted feeling in the pit of my stomach. Shaking it off, I look forward attempting to pay attention to my boyfriend explain his plan to steal weapons.
Then I heard it. I heard him. The clock struck, chiming its indication it was my time. No, no, no. Turning around, the well lit trailer was suddenly darkened.
Don't show fear. He feeds off it. I feel my fist ball, my finger nails indenting crescent shapes into my the palm of my hands. Vecna came into my view, I could feel my blood run cold and my adrenaline start to spike.
"Y/N," the deep whirring voice sent a strong chill up my spine. "It's time for your suffering to end."
"Not a chance," I spoke shutting my eyes. I think back to a memory that was significant to me. Opening my eyes, I see I'm back at the school football field.
A picnic cloth lay above the grass, a stereo sat on the blanket playing Mötley Crüe's 'Don't Go Away Mad' slowly in the background.
This was Eddie's and I's first date.
Eddie's POV
"Y/N, what do you think?" I ask glancing up from the newspaper. She stood still, her eyes glazed over blue, blinking repeatedly.
"Shit!" I shouted shooting up from my spot. The eight of us frantically gathered around the frozen girl in front us, scared to be put in this position again.
"Where's her walkman?" Lucas asks panicked.
"She dropped it in the upside down," Robin responds.
"Where's your stereo or walkman?" I asked frantically, turning to the redhead.
"Here!" Max quickly grabs the box, shoving it into my hands.
"She doesn't listen to Kate Bush," I realize clicking the walkman open. "We have the same taste."
There's no time for me to run out of here and to my place, we risk someone seeing me too.
"This is all I have!" Max ushers bringing over her pile of cassettes. I begin to rummage through them, my hands shaking out of panic as I pick through the tapes.
"Trash, trash, trash," I mumble throwing each tape behind my shoulder.
"Hey!" The redhead exclaims catching the cassettes. This one!
"Oh not you too," I groan seeing another soundtrack I would never own but my girlfriend would because she's a sap. Frantically removing the tape from its case, I shove it in the walkman pressing start.
Dustin quickly places the headphones on the love of my life, I move to stand in front of her placing my hands on her shoulders.
"Come on sweetheart, if this doesn't wake you, I don't know what will," I say my eyes never leaving her flickering ones.
Just as Vecna hovered his long clawed hand over my face, the voice of Bonnie Tyler boomed throughout the sky.
An almost portal like opening appeared 50 feet away from me. Through the opening I see myself in Max's trailer levitated in the air with Eddie and everyone else screaming up at me.
My mind thinks back to a core memory of Eddie and I hanging out in his room with me between his legs picking at his guitar.
"I'm gonna be the next Joan Jett," I grinned strumming the chords to an okay melody.
"I love you," Eddie blurted out. Twisting my head around, I face my boyfriend who stared at me with large frightened eyes.
"You do?" I whisper my heart melting at this moment.
"Would I let you play her if I didn't?" He chuckled referring to his beloved item I held. I laughed gently placing the guitar back above us on the wall. I place my legs over Eddie's long ones, sliding my hands around his neck.
"I love you too," I respond wholeheartedly. "My pretty boy."
We lean in sealing our first 'I love you's' with an ardently kiss.
I can hear the voices of my friends and Eddie screaming out my name.
"Y/n, baby, please wake up!"
More memories flash through my mind, some of me and Robin, me and my mom, and of course, most of me and Eddie along with our friends.
Another memory of Eddie and I resurfaces.
We lay on the rooftop of his van embracing each other feeling fat and full from the meat lovers pizza we just devoured under the stars.
"I wish it could be like this all the time," I sighed picking at the fabric of Eddie's Iron Maiden t-shirt.
"Me too, sweetheart," the boy beneath me agrees. "Me and you, just us two, forever."
I looked up at him, placing my chin on his chest, my heart fluttering at his choice of words.
"I love that," I whispered reaching my hand out to caress his cheek. "Forever."
"Of course you do, my big sap," he teases grabbing ahold of the hand that's as touching his cheek only to peck the inside of my wrist.
"You love it," I smile gently scooting up to be closer to him if possible.
"You know I do," He agreed. "I love everything about you."
Eddie's POV
Caressing the side of Y/N's head, I search in her eyes for any sign of life waiting for her to snap back to reality.
Instead, I see her body begin to lift into the air my heart beginning to race, flashbacks of Chrissy running through my mind.
"Why is she floating? Why isn't the music working?" I yelled reaching out for anyone near me. Max stares up Y/N in disbelief, at loss for words.
"A-Are you sure she likes this song?" Max stutters her eyes never leaving my girlfriend's body.
"She loves this song, my ears have literally been bleeding from how much she's been rewinding it in my van this last month!" I stress running my hand through my messy curly main.
"I-I," Max is at a loss for words, no one finding a solution.
"Come on, Y/N, please come back to me," I say softly gently grasping my hand around her small ankle.
"That's it," the redhead spoke walking closer to me. "Talk to her."
"Talk to her?" I cock my head back.
I see Max glance behind her, her eyes meeting Lucas's briefly before looking back to me.
"When I was in Vecna's state, I not only heard the music, I heard Lucas and everyone around me through the portal," she explains. "If there's an opening to us right now, she's listening to all of us, especially you."
Twisting back to Y/N's body, I grab her other ankle looking up at her.
"Y/N, baby you need to listen to me, not just Bonnie Tyler," I begin. "You need to come back to us okay? I need you here, your mom needs you. Your friends need you."
I lick my lips letting all my thoughts spill through my mouth.
"I need you, okay? When this is over, and I graduate we're getting the hell out of this place you hear me?" I shout slightly shaking her.
"I promised to get you out of this town but in order to do that, I need you to fight this sweetheart."
I hold on to Eddie's words, choking for air as Vecna tightened his grip around my neck with his extra hands.
"Don't let him take what's yours, you're stronger than he is and he knows it that's why you're still here with me."
Flashbacks of me and Eddie play through my memory, our first kiss, sleepover, arguments over the radio.
"Come back to us baby, you have to come back so we can kill him together. We can't do this without you."
I see my mom and I sharing the last piece of strawberry cake on my birthday. I see me and Robin taking polaroids on Halloween when we were 12.
I see my group of friends that I've come to know and love standing around me as I'm getting the life sucked out of me mid air by an evil force.
"You need to fight!"
I feel a surge of force run through me, and when Vecna thinks he finally has me;
He doesn't.
I reach forward launching the pocket knife Eddie gifted me into Vecna's throat making him drop me from the hold he had.
Falling to the floor, I waste no time scrambling to my feet and sprinting into the circle of light opposite of me.
Hearing boulders begin to drop, I manage to outrun the bombs and make my way closer to the exit.
Eddie and my friends are still screaming up at me I can see the fear in my boyfriends eyes all the way from over here.
Just. A. Few. More. Steps. And-
Eddie's POV
Y/N gasps, suddenly being dropped from the air, I catch her as she falls not so gracefully into my arms. Wrapping her up in my arms, I hold her against my body letting her catch her breath.
"You're safe, you're here, you're alive," I think out loud. "I thought you were leaving me."
She lets out shaky uneven breaths, her grip tightening on my arms, she leans further into my chest clearly just as terrified as I was at what just happened.
"I'm here, I'm here," she murmurs. "I'm not leaving you."
I press a hard kiss to the back of Y/N's head, before nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck never wanting to let go again.
Once I've had a drink of water, talked through the plan accordingly and presently this time, we go through the chaotic adventure of stealing a van and speeding our way to the armor store.
I stay behind with Eddie, just the two of us alone in the van while the others go and buy weapons for tonight.
Luckily (and unfortunately) the van was a home therefore there was a walkman and headphones laying around for me, so Max could have her own. Just as the van door closes, I look over at my boyfriend who sat towards the front staring at the table in front of him.
Walking over to an unusual quiet Eddie, I gently place my hand on his shoulder before taking a seat on his lap.
"Hey pretty boy," I say lightly. Eddie shifts slightly, running a large hand over my thighs and the other snaking up my back.
"Hi," he whispers ever so quietly.
"Whatcha thinking about?" I ask reaching a hand out to push some of his curls behind his shoulder.
My boyfriend gives me knowing stare, before tearing his gaze away from me to look down at my lap.
"I can't lose you," he murmurs. I lift his chin with my pointer finger, making me look into his his big doe eyes.
"You're not going to," I reassure him. "Because of you, I never forget what I'm fighting for."
"You heard me?" He asked. I chuckle rubbing my thumb across his cheek.
"Every word," I confirm. Eddie grins leaning his face closer to mine, softly rubbing his nose against mine.
"I mean it though, once this is all over, I'm getting us out of here, okay?" He reminds me. Leaning  my forehead against his, I nod.
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livingkore · 2 years
The Perfect Girl (Part 6)
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
TW: drugs, mention of miscarriage (not reader’s though), curse words, silly grammar mistakes ‘cause English is not my first language.  
Notes: So, there’s bad news and good news. The bad news is that the fic is coming to an end :( I think there’ll be one more chapter, not sure yet bUT the good news is that the fic is coming to an end :) and that means I’ll write more Eddie outside of the cannon plot, which I’m as excited as I’m lost but that’s a problem for future me dw.
Also, this is like a Part 6 vol1, ‘cause it was getting too long. So be ready for the next part.
See y’all in part seven:)
"You are all out of your mind!" exclaimed Y/N eating some cereals Eddie found in one of the kitchen cupboards "That's insane!"
Leave it to some freshmen year students and a twelve-year-old kid to make the most suicidal plan of them all.
"Well, you've got any other idea? I'm all ears." Erica said.
"I mean --no but--"
"Then it's settled. We going to the upside down." Max said.
"We don't even have guns, where are gonna get a car?" Y/N asked nervously. "And money! I think I have ten bucks on me."
"Lucky for us War Zone is opened 'til midnight and they are as cheap as you can get in the market." Eddie grinned. "God bless America, baby!"
"We are trying to avoid conflict and we're going to a place called War Zone?" asked Erica.
"Y/N is right, though" Nancy observed. "We can't just go shopping like that."
"I can get you a car." The metalhead said.
"Do you have another car we don't know of?" Steve asked surprised.
"It's not exactly a car, Steve." Eddie looked at him excitedly.
"You said you had a car!" Mike whispered loudly.
"Shh! Be quiet, Wheeler." Eddie answered with the same tone. "And no, I've never said I had a car. I said I can get you all one.”
In the head of Eddie Munson, head getting a car didn't mean asking a neighbor for a favor, just like all of them asume it would be. Instead, he wore a Michael Myers mask Max had lent it and got out to the neighborhood looking for the most vulnerable trailer he could see.
"I've found it! It's that one over there!" He pointed to his left.
"Why that one?" Robin asked.
"The owners are just outside. We'll have to divide in groups of two. I'll go first with Henderson. The moment you see that a group already entered by the window, then you approach the trailer and get in, okay?"
"Okay, so I'll go with Nan--" began Steve.
"No, you'll go with Sinclair two." interrupted Eddie.
"Hey!" both Erica and Steve exclaimed.
"You'll need help getting up there, Lady Applejack." He rolled his eyes. "Wheelers go together; Buckley, go with Sinclair one; Y/N, you go with red. Got it?"
"Yeah." They all loudly whispered in unison.
"Okay." the Dungeon Master sighed. "Let's go."
Eddie and Dustin sneaked up and helped one another. Then, they were followed by Robin and Lucas.
"Are you ready, Max?" Y/N asked her friend.
"Yeah, let's do this."
They ran stealthily to the back window of the trailer.
Eddie was right, they were going to need help. The window was quite small and a lot higher than what it looked like from where they were hiding.
Y/N frowned worried, wondering if Steve could have any troubles with his injury.
"Go on, I got you." she said to the redhaired girl.
She linked her hands so Max could step on them and then pushed her up to the window. Once the girl entered the vehicule, the cheerleader took a deep breath and put a foot on the trailer and pushed herself up. She fell into a couch and tried to contain a groan of pain when her legs got scratched against the border of the window.
Dustin was next to her watching out for any danger.
"It's only the Wheelers and Steve and Erica left." He said.
"Great." Eddie replied.
Y/N went to him and noticed that he was cutting some wires in the driver's seat.
"What are you doing?" she curiously approached him.
"I'm starting the car, sweetheart."
"When did you learn to do this?"
"When fathers were teaching the other kids how to fish or play ball, my old man was teaching me how to hot wire. Now -I swore to myself I wouldn't wind up like he did but now I'm wanted for murder and soon grand theft auto so I'm really living to the Munson name--"
"Uhm, Eddie..." Robin suddenly appeared out of breath. "I'm not sure I love the idea of you driving."
"Oh, Harrington's got it, don't ya big boy?"
The moment Eddie connected the wires with his hands the trailer started and he got up, giving Steve the driver's seat.
"Hey, what are you doing?" the owner yelled from outside.
"EVERYBODY HOLD ON TO SOMETHING!" The former student shouted.
"DRIVE!" Dustin roared.
"Go, go, go!" Nancy added.
Y/N managed to sit next to Robin and hold on the seat back for dear life.
"GO FASTER!" The blonde girl panicked.
"I'M TRYING!" Steve yelled.
Y/N couldn't believe Eddie was just moving his head along to the song in the radio, like this was a routine.
"Alright so, Eddie, you'll stay here on the trailer, alright?" Nancy said. "We'll be right back."
"I'll stay too." Y/N announced way too quickly. "Just in case."
"I'm not in the mood of making a public appearance, so..." Eddie commented.
"Don't do anything stupid while we're gone!" Dustin said before closing the door.
The moment the others left, the metalhead let out the most dramatic sigh possible but Y/N didn't even bother to make a comment about it. She was pacing around, making sure the curtains were closed enough.
"You okay?" Eddie raised his eyebrows.
"Am I okay? No, I'm not. I'm not okay." she anxiously bit her lips. "This was a terrible idea. Terrible. And we've just came from the upside down, I know about terribles ideas. But this, there's so many people and--"
"Hey, hey, hey." He also stood up. "It's gonna be okay."
Y/N stood frozen in place by the frustration.
"You can't promise me that."
"Yeah, I can. It's gonna be fine, I promise." he smiled. "See?"
"Eddie, the whole town is looking for you, we're in a stolen trailer in front of a place full of guns, oh my god--" the girl pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Yeah, you should have gone with them."
"And leave you here? Alone? What if someone finds you? No way."
"You're underestimating me, sweetheart." he put his hand on his chest. "I must remind you the police have never found out about my... school business. Don't worry, they are just shopping, they're gonna be back in a minute. I tell you what, why don't I put some music, I miss our daily music sessions. I doubt these people listened to The Cure but--"
"Okay but don't you dare make another step." she warned him. "You are way too close to the driver's seat, already. Anyone could see you."
"Fine, you choose the music, then." he surrendered with his hands on the air and took some steps back.
Y/N sat down on the passenger seat and opened the glove compartment afraid of what she might find.
"You don’t happen to have Kiss Kiss Kiss Me with you, do you?" she asked.
"Nah, I've left it at home." He sighed "Maybe next time we could hear it over some--"
"Oh my god, Eddie, I gotta go." The cheerleader violently got up from her seat.
"W-what?" he opened his eyes in shock.
"I've just seen Jason enter the place. I've got to tell the others."
"Y/N wait--"
But the girl had already closed the door.
Once she entered the place, she cursed internally.
To be called the War Zone, it was weirdly full of middle age women wearing bright colors, and not Conan wannabes, like she was waiting to find. Then again, Y/N thought that the old ladies would be the first ones to be angry at people like Eddie.
She walked past granades, shotguns, rifles, but she couldn't find her friends.
What if they already got out and they were waiting for her? Or what if they were being beaten up by---
"Y/N?" Her heart jumped out of her chest and it showed. "Hey, relax. It's just me, Jason."
"Jason... Never thought I'd find you here... among so many people, I think I'm lost." she giggled foolishly.
"Well, I've never thought I'd find you here. Y/N L/N one of the top cheerleaders, buying a gun? What a world we live in." The girl forced a smile.
"Oh, you know how it is... we're going through some difficult times."
"Tell me about it. I haven't seen you since... that day now that I think about it." he frowned seriously. "We've been asking for you. I haven't seen you in Patrick's funeral."
"Ah..." Y/N thought she was going to explode any second now. The walls slowly started to close in as she searched for an excuse. "I'm... I- I'm not feeling safe anywhere right now... kinda the reason why I'm here."
Jason grabbed her shoulder with one hand and with the other he gave her the nearest weapon he could find. 
Then he smiled compassionately.
The cheerleader tried to keep eye contact.
"Here. A nice rifle, I'm not gonna spook you with the details but it'll be enough to scare that freak, if he bothers you again."
"E-excuse me?"
"I get it, Y/N." He approached her even more. "When you disappeared after what happened to Patrick... I understood. I wanted to do the same. I told Cindy you needed some time. I didn't even tell the police, what were they gonna do? Bother another innocent while they don't even try to search for Munson? I did what I had to. I'm coming for him and his little club of evilness. I promise you Y/N you won't have to be scared anymore."
Y/N stopped breathing for a second.
He still looked confident, like when he had to speak to his team and yet -she didn't recognize the cold stare in his eyes.
"T-thank you?" she said confused.
"It's my pleasure."
It was just when he was about to turn, that Y/N saw Dustin and Lucas a few steps away, frozen at the sight of them. 
"Jason!" She grabbed him by the shoulder stopping him from turning away.
"I'm so sorry." she raised her eyebrows. 
The cheerleader needed to distract him for a few seconds but her mind went completely blank.
She saw by the corner of her eyes how her friends were running out of there.
"About what?" He frowned confused.
"I... I’ve-- I’ve never got the time to sit down with you and talk about Chrissy." The boy clenched his jaw.
"I'm okay."
"I- I'm not saying you aren't, it's just... that I loved her too, and I miss her every day."
He grabbed the rifle from her hand and went to the cashier.
"It's on me, don't worry." He stared at her coldly. "When you find him, make him pay, would ya?"
She got out of the store with her limbs shaking. At some point, Y/N thought that her legs would give out, or she would simply vomit in the middle of the parking lot. 
When she closed the trailer door, everyone stared at her. It was then that she realized that she'd been crying.
"D-drive away from here!" she yelled. "Now!"
Steve didn't think twice and obeyed.
"What happened?" Mike asked.
"Did Carver do something to you? Are you alright?" Eddie immediately asked.
"N-no, I'm fine." she sat down in front of the metalhead and stared at the distance.
"That's a nice shotgun you got there, Y/N" Lucas observed.
"Yeah, what happened with 'I think I only got ten bucks on me'?" Dustin asked.
"I don't want it. Nance it's yours, or whatever, I don’t know." she tried to breath normally.
"I want it." Erica said.
"How much was it?" Max asked.
"Jason bought it for me."
"What?" Eddie gasped and Y/N stared at him.
"He... he said, he-- I think he knows, oh my god -I think he knows." she sobbed.
"What does he know?" Robin asked.
"He knows we are all together! He gave me the rifle and said... and said to use it on Eddie when I find him, when -not if I find him. He was sending a message, oh my god--"
"Jesus Christ." Steve commented from the driver's seat.
"Honestly, I think he's the least of our problems right now." Mike observed rationally.
It seemed unfair that the sun was up in the sky, hitting warmly in everybody's skin. The grass even looked greener and it made Y/N wonder what she would be doing instead of preparing for the fight of her life.
Jason would probably have thrown a party and Cindy would have insisted on going to the mall in Indianapolis to buy the latest trend. And Chrissy would have probably said no because they were all minors and that would have made Janice mad and Y/N would have said nothing because deep down she didn't care where they were going as long as she was included. But then, Cindy would have said something along the lines of "Well, if you don't worry about yourself a little, you won't ever find yourself a man, do you want to be alone for the rest of your life? "And of course, she would have said no, but trying to be part of the Cheerleading group was effort enough and she had never had a thing for basketball players.
She looked at Eddie, who was working far away from the trailer with some trash cans.
No matter how different they were, she had never had to make an effort to like him. He could have told her about his day planning a gig with his band and she would not understand a thing about it but she would find herself wanting to hear more. 
She wondered if the same thing would happen to him when she would crash in his trailer talking about how her friends never heard her when she had something to suggest to their cheerleading routine.
She shyly smiled and hoped it would.
A sudden thought crossed her mind like an arrow and she approached him quietly.
"It's not done yet, Henderson." Eddie commented.
"I'm not Henderson" she giggled and he looked at her with surprise.
"No, no. You clearly are not. To what do I owe you the pleasure?"
She sat down next to him and observed how he was burning some nails with his lighter.
"You don't have to tell me... I mean if you don't feel like it but--"
"What was Chrissy doing at your place that night?" 
Eddie stopped doing what he was doing and stared at her with a conflicted stare. She felt the blood raise to her ears in embarrassment. 
"Forget it, I shouldn't have asked -I, it's fine I mean--"
"We weren't... a thing, if that's what you're asking." The boy squinted his eyes suspiciously.
"You weren't?" she asked way too surprised. "I mean, no. Yeah, of course. She was with Jason."
"She was buying me drugs, Y/N."
The cheerleader frowned in shock. 
Although the answer made sense, she never thought to hear those words.
"Come again?"
"She was having headaches and looked really confused. Like really confused." He emphasized. "That night she asked me for something stronger. Sounds familiar?" 
“It did to me. And then you went all..." he went stiff and rolled his eyes gasping audibly. “... in the upside down, and I -ugh, what a nightmare that was.”
"I'm so sorry, Eddie. Fuck, I feel I'm always screwing everything up!" she put her face on her hands.
"What are you talking about?" the boy raised an eyebrow "I'm the one screwing everything up, are you kidding? I'm searched not for one murder, but two! And I stole a car AND a home at the same time! I've ruined your reputation in like -a second, and you still stay with me for some reason."
"EDDIE! LOOK AT US!" At the distance Dustin screamed at the top of his lungs. He was proudly holding a spear next to Lucas and Erica.
"That's great, man!" Eddie yelled back.
"He really admires you, huh?" Y/N noticed looking at the younger boy.
"Nah, have you seen how he looks at Harrington?" he hammered the burning nails into the lid of one of the garbage cans.
"He doesn't count. He's like his babysitter or something. You're more fun."
"Am I?" he grinned.
"Yeah--Oh my God, move!" she ran towards the trailer when she saw Dustin charging at Eddie with his new spear. Just in time, the metalhead defended himself with his handmade shield and a friendly battle began.
They looked like animals playing. Or maybe they looked like humans playing. Y/N couldn't remember the last time she joked around with one of her high school friends.
All those wasted years forcing herself into believing she had been surrounded herself with people who cared about her.
Was it too late to feel like she belonged? Was that the price to pay for being the Highschool Sweetheart?
"Penny for your thoughts?" Steve got out of the trailer with a can of coke on his hand.
"We're so doomed, Steve."
"Give me a break. It's a beautiful day." he passed her the can but she refused with her head.
"You haven't seen what I've seen. He's not even human, he has never been. Steve, he killed his own family!"
"Well yeah, but you haven't been through what we've been through. Did I tell you about the time Erica went against a group of soviets? Erica! Little Sinclair. They are strong, I tell you."
"I'm just afraid that we won't go against just some soviets, this time."
"You're right." He took a sip from the can "We're battling a being from another dimension, not going to sugarcoat it. But whatever happens tonight, we can't allow our insecurities to block us."
"You're talking like a real team captain, right now." she half smiled. "So much for not confessing to Nancy."
The boy hissed in regret.
"You got me there. Actually, no. You don't. Nancy is in a happy relationship, what's your excuse?"
"Oh, shut up." she rolled her eyes.
"If you'd told me two years ago, that sweet Y/N would have fell for Eddie the freak---"
"Don't call him that. Also, Nancy wasn't that popular..."
"She didn't sell drugs and hung out with a bunch of nerds." Y/N laughed loudly.
"Gotcha." she left the boy behind.
"I don't sell drugs!" he yelled. "HEY, Y/N -I DON'T SELL DRUGS!"
"And no matter what, remember: don't play the heroes, okay?" Steve said assertively.
"Yeah, no problem. I've just escaped Vecna, not really in the mood for dying tonight." the cheerleader forced a smiled.
"Right, she said it." Eddie agreed.
The plan was extremely insane in Y/N's eyes.
Max was going to be the bait for Vecna at his abandoned house in the normal world. And she would be saved in time by Erica, Mike and Lucas. Meanwhile Robin, Dustin, Nancy and Steve were going to kill the monster in the upside down. Y/N and Eddie were in the trailer to distract the bats.
The more she repeated the steps in her head, the less overwhelming it all became.
Steve left with his group. He was right, there was no place for insecurities, so if she could follow the steps perfectly there would be no reason they would fail.
There were lightning in the sky but it didn't rain. Y/N noticed there wasn't any water in the upside down and she wondered if that was why every living being there had a wet feeling.
The enormity of the field in front of her, made her body tense in adrenaline, chills walked down her spine.
Oh, to be an interdimensional dust particle floating up in the air, she sighed.
Was her beating heart anxious or warning her of something?
"You wanna go inside?" Asked Eddie.
"Remember the first time you came home?" Both of them looked around the dark place.
"Yeah, you were so shy about it being messy." Y/N giggled.
"Of course I was!" he exclaimed with a hand on his chest. "Are you kidding me? You were so-- ugh..."
"So what?"
"So 'Miss Perfect' with you cheerleading uniform and I had stained sheets and special k on the drawer." The girl couldn't help but smile.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I thought you were kind of stalking me." 
"I know!" He rubbed his face with one hand in frustration. "And no, it doesn't make me feel better, thank you."
"I'm sorry!" she laughed. "If we get out of here, I'll go to one of your campaigns, I promise." Eddie looked at her with a smile.
"Nah, I don't think so, Y/N." The girl frowned in confusion. "When we get out of here, I'm taking you out for some beers."
Y/N stood still for a second. Did she hear right?
"Like... on a date?" It was now Eddie's turn to freeze, whatever confidence he faked came crashing down.
"I mean... if you want to, it's totally fine if--"
"I'd love to, Eddie." she tilted her head forward in embarrassment and grinned.
"Fuck yeah!" he exclaimed throwing a punch into the air! "Now, come on, sweetheart, I'm doing the most metal gig of my life."
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
Long Live The Princess
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Summary: Your daughter is presented to the country...
You watched like a hawk as the servants dressed your newborn daughter in a miniature gown of Lantsov blue and gold.  Today, your daughter was being presented to her people, just one week after her birth.  Nikolai had assured you that it was a short ceremony: Liliya would be brought onto the balcony overlooking the Upper Town, her name and title would be announced, and the people would have a few moments to gaze upon their new princess.  Such a ceremony was an event that was greatly looked forward to; for the past week, the people knew only what the official announcement on the palace gates had read.
Her Most Royal Majesty, Queen Y/N Lantsov was safely delivered of a daughter today.  Both mother and daughter are doing well.  Today, the citizens of Os Alta would finally learn the name of their future Queen, and they were more than eager.  But you were less so.  There were plenty of people out there who wanted to harm you and your husband, and now your precious Liliya was added to that list.  “What if someone has a gun and they shoot at her?” you’d asked, and Nikolai was quick to soothe your fears.  
“Security will be at its highest, my love,” he’d promised.  “No one will get past the gates without being thoroughly searched, and if anyone even slightly suspicious comes in, they will be dealt with.”  You knew what your husband meant: they would be thrown in the dungeons for daring to try and harm his family.  Your maids dressed you in an identical dress to your daughter’s, your hair hanging loose around your shoulders, your crown pinned into your hair.  You were pacing, wringing your hands as you did, and Nikolai approached you.
“Everything will be fine, darling,” he said, and you nodded, trying to calm your racing heart.  “I just… what if something happens?”  “Nothing will, my love.  I have oprichniki and Grisha patrolling the palace and the grounds.  No one gets in that could cause us harm.”  You nodded again, taking deep, fortifying breaths.  “Okay.”  “Okay?” Nikolai said, resting his hands on your shoulders.  “Yes.  I’m alright.”  “I know you are, sweetheart.”  Your husband pressed a kiss to your lips, only pulling away when a guard entered your rooms.  
“Your Majesties, it’s time.”  Liliya was handed to you by her nanny, and Nikolai placed a hand on the small of your back as you made your way through the corridors to the door to the balcony.  You breathed deeply once more, and Nikolai rubbed your back.  “10 minutes at the most, darling.  Then it’s over.”  “I know,” you said.  “I can do this.”  “Of course you can, my love.”  Outside, people were cheering, and the doors opened with a blare of trumpets.
“Their Most Royal Majesties, King Nikolai Lantsov and Queen Y/N Lantsov!”  The cheers grew in volume as you stepped onto the balcony, your people ecstatic at the sight of your daughter.  General Nazyalensky stepped outside behind you, forming an acoustic bubble around Liliya’s head, shielding her from most of the noise.  Held in her mother’s arms, mostly oblivious to the cheering crowd, she was content blinking curiously at the banners fluttering overhead.
“My people!” Nikolai called, and the crowd fell silent, waiting with bated breath for the announcement they knew was coming.  “My wife, my beloved Queen Y/N, has done the impossible.  She has brought our daughter into this world, a being that I love as much as I love her.  Our precious daughter has only been in this world for one week, but already, she has the love of her people, and that love is great.  So, it is my greatest honor to introduce to you all: Her Most Royal Highness, Princess Liliya Lantsov, Heir to the Ravkan Throne!”
The cheers erupted once mooe, and you held Liliya up so the people could see her.  Cries of “Long live the princess!”, “All hail Princess Liliya!”, and “Saints save the princess!” went up from below, and you smiled, beaming with pride.  Nikolai kissed you before kissing his daughter’s forehead.  At his request, you eased your daughter into her father’s arms, and the look on his face could thaw Fjerda’s icy tundras.  
“My daughter, my beautiful, perfect daughter, will grow up knowing she is beloved by her people.  There will not be a day where she doubts her claim, as she is Ravka’s one true heir!”  More cheers went up, and you moved closer to your husband, placing an arm around his torso.  “Long live Princess Liliya!” you shouted, and the crowd replied in kind.  You remained on the balcony for a few more minutes before returning inside, General Nazyalensky letting the acoustic bubble break once the doors were shut.
You immediately bundled Liliya into your arms, motherly instincts demanding you hold her close.  Nikolai wrapped an arm around your shoulder, kissing your temple.  “That went well, you were amazing, love.  And so were you, my little darling.”  Liliya cooed happily, but moments later, when you returned to your rooms, she began crying.  “I think someone wants her lunch,” you said, and Nikolai unlaced the back of your gown so you could nurse.  “I love you, I love both of you so much.”  As Liliya ate, you smiled at your husband.  “We love you too, Kolya.”
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
Demon or Human?
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x Demon (Fem!)Reader
Summary: A foreign invader comes into Castle Dimitrescu just as you were settling in with your new family. However, how far would you be willing to go to protect your newfound home and your newfound love?
Warning: Game spoilers (I’ll try to keep those at a minimum), Blood, Slight G0R3, uncontrollable demon rage, fluff at the end
A/N: In light of some Resident Evil Village spoilers... Let’s just say I WILL NOT HAVE IT! So, I guess this is another entry to my The Demon Amongst Vampires series! R is My Character: Hydrangea Dragonfold
1 Year..
You’ve been inhabiting Castle Dimitrescu for one year. Alcina had been able to persuade Mother Miranda to keep you in her care instead of letting you be hunted for sport. You’d probably survive it anyway, with your demon abilities. 
“I have to go to a meeting,” Alcina announces to you and her daughters, “Apparently Mother Miranda has found a foreigner man-thing in our village grounds.”
“A man?!” Daniela squeals of excitement
"A new plaything?!” Cassandra asks
“You must bring him here at once mother,” Bela says
She looks at her three children, almost looking like she is tired of their pleas. However, she recomposes herself
“I will have to persuade Mother Miranda as best as I can,” Alcina says, “I appoint Hydrangea on watch. Bela is in charge.”
You leave your mouth agape, hearing your name after while of Bela calling you “micul meu demon” or everyone else calling you demon.
“But mother-” Cassandra interrupts
“Why can’t it be either one of us?” Daniela motions to her and Cassandra
“Because I’m the oldest,” Bela flaunts her ‘eldest sibling title’
“There will be no complaints my daughters,” Alcina says, “Guard the castle well Hydrangea.”
“Of course My lady,” you say out of respect
“You have permission to call me Alcina Hydrangea,” She smiles
Alcina makes her exit. 
“I get the first bite on the man thing,” Daniela blurts out
“Not if I catch him first,” Cassandra interrupts
“Enough!” Both you and Bela scream
Your blue flames ignite slightly, almost setting the table on fire. However, you compose yourself. Thus, your flames ‘dieing’.
“We will wait for your mother to return,” You sigh, “Gosh you two are rowdy. No wonder why Bela is in charge.”
You ignite your flames once you stand, heading off towards the staircase. However, Bela follows you. You didn’t notice her presence until she grabs your wrist and pulls you into a room.
“Bela love what are you doing?” You ask
You try to get her to let go of you however, you stop fighting her as she doesn’t reply to you but only snakes her arms around your midsection, taking in your warmth that you were producing. Not only from your natural body heat, but your demon form as well. You were also sure that she was also listening to your racing heartbeat. The one thing you feared was giving too much heat, too much to the point where Bela and possibly everyone else you’ve come to love and care about they turn to ash because of your carelessness of your flames. 
“I... Love, I have to leave,” You sigh, placing your hand on her head and the other on her waist 
“No you don’t,” She counter argues
“I do my love,” You say, looking down at her, “I have to keep you three safe.”
“And you think we can’t protect ourselves?!” Bela asks
“That is not what I meant love,” You say, “It’s just... It’s just I’m not over what happened last time... If I hadn’t come when I did, you would have died... I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself for that. I’d die if anything happened to you.”
Bela’s grip on you only tightens when you finish your sad ramble. This gets you in tears. You really couldn’t imagine the rest of your life without her.
“You’d die... For me?” She asks
“Of course I would love,” You smile, swooping her into your arms
Fortunately, your blue flames weren’t ignited enough to accidentally burn her. Your foreheads touch as you give her a kiss
“This is so much better,” Bela sighs in relief
“It really is,” You smile, “Thank you Bela.”
She kisses your forehead. You lay your head against her shoulder, hoping you could just stay like that for a little bit longer.
“Bela?” You ask, breaking the silence
“What is it my love?” She asks
“If this man... If this man scurries around the castle and hurts any of you,” You start, “What if I lose control of my demon form and I no longer see the human in me?”
“Simple, I‘ll get you out,” She answers
“What if you can’t?” You ask, worried now, “What if I’m the one who ends up hurting you?”
“Can you promise me one thing then?” She asks
You nod.
“The don’t use your full demon form,” She requests, “If you’re worried about hurting us, don’t use it. Should you though, I will pull you out.”
You had wished you were able to stay like that forever. However, you knew you had to begin your task. You and Bela give each other one last kiss before departing each others’ presence and embrace. Bela goes back down to the foyer to meet her sisters once more.
“You two okay?” Daniela asks, breaking the silence
“We are fine Daniela,” Bela answers
“Then when will the both of you just shut up and get married?!” Cassandra asks, clearly teasing Bela now
 “We are not-we don’t plan on that yet,” Bela says, “It’s never come up when we talk and we don’t need to yet.”
“Sure,” Daniela teases
As you were scouting the grounds of the castle, you already see Alcina returning to the castle.
“My lady!” You call out, “I’m assuming it didn’t go well?”
“Mother Miranda gave that man-thing to Heisenberg, of course I’m upset!” She groans in frustration, “I need a drink.”
You follow her back into the castle where her daughters immediately stand to greet her.
“Where’s the male foreigner?” Bela asks
“Mother Miranda gave him to Heisenberg that fool,” She groans
You all watch her walk up the stairs and disappear into the castle. You four seat back down into the couch, Bela leaning into your embrace. 
“How was scouting O-great demon king?” Daniela teases
“It was fine Dani,” you chuckle, “Are you just going to continuously make nicknames for me Dani?”
She nods as she leans back into the chair. However, before any of you could converse on, you could hear footsteps. You motion for the girls to stop talking.
“You guys hear that too?” You whisper
You motion for the three of them to follow you and once you get to the grand entrance of the castle, you see a man. 
“Looking for Rose?” Daniela calls out to him, taunting him
The three of them begin forming into their fly swarm and move toward him. You make the decision to tell Alcina herself that a man has entered the castle. 
“My lady, there is a man in the castle,” You sigh, “Your daughters are on the case. I’m not sure who he is- oh, speak of the devil, here they are.”
You hear the doors burst open along with struggled grunts. You look over and notice Cassandra and Bela dragging him in.
“Mother, I bring you fresh prey,” She says, trying to take the credit
“Oh, you are so kind to me daughters,” Alcina smiles, her daughters letting a slight giggle out of their mouths, “Now, let’s take a look at him.”
She stands up and faces him, “Well, well, Ethan Winters. You’ve escaped my little brothers’ idiot games did you? Let’s see how special you are.”
You watch Bela, Daniela and Alcina taste his blood. You stand next to Cassandra as you watch.
“Hey-Hey you, help me out!” Ethan pleas at you
You turn to look at him for a second. You feel your human willing to help him however, you end up turning your back to him, not willing to help him. If anything, you also hated men. 
“Starting to go a little stale,” Alcina says, “But, I must inform Mother Miranda. Later, there will be enough for everyone. Put him up.”
You watch again as Bela and Daniela hook his hands and Cassandra hoists him up. You hear him groan in pain as you all begin making your exit.
“Hey... Hey you!” He again calls for you, “Help me... Please...”
You stop in your tracks and look up at him. You only let out a low chuckle as Bela gently grabs your wrist and pulls you out from the room.
As you were finishing something with Cassandra you suddenly hear Bela’s grunts.
“Hey, I gotta go,” You say out of the blue
You follow Bela’s voice, rushing even further when you could hear her voice getting louder and louder.
“Bela! Bela!” You call out for her
You pass through the kitchen and notice Bela on top of Ethan. However, she doesn’t notice how he’s aiming his gun. Only you had noticed.
“Bela! The windows!” You scream, “He’s gonna shoot the windows!”
Believing that she didn’t hear you, you ignite your flames even more so than earlier. But, it’s concentrated to your palms. You begin melting the bars that had separated from you reaching Bela. However, just before the glass had gave way to the heavy damage, the bars melted enough for you to burst through. You hear Bela’s pained scream as the glass gave way to the heavy damage. 
“You- stupid man-thing!” Bela screams
You only pictured how she was the last time she was out in the cold. You let out an ear-piercing roar as you forcefully push Ethan out of the way to get to Bela. Igniting your flames ever so slightly, you pick Bela up and begin warming her up with your flames and your natural body heat. You go back into the dungeons and place her down gently, hoping you had warmed her enough.
“Are you okay?!” You ask, tears welling into your eyes
“I am now love,” She smiles, caressing your cheek
“Go!” You say, “Get your sisters an get somewhere safe! He knows! I’ll come find you.”
You watch Bela disappear into the dungeons, hopefully back into the castle to warn her sisters. You go back to where Ethan had shot the window. He was hoping you’d feel pain with the cold however, when you emerged from the cold wind, you came out, unphased.
“What the HELL ARE YOU?!” Ethan asks
“The one who will kill you,” You growl, taking in the cold, “My blood’s boiling...”
Your blue flame continue to ignite more than usual and you pounce onto him, snarling in his face. He tries to use his shotgun on you and he manages to graze the side of your head. He manages to wriggle himself out of your grip and shoots at you again, this time, in the shoulder. 
“Stay down kid,” He says mercilessly and runs into the direction you came
“Get back here you coward!” You scream, trying to stand
As your body began regenerating, you continuously crawled in the direction he was going in, beginning to track his scent. It was difficult as you were in the room where the wines are created. However, it didn’t stop you from continuing on the path. When you fully regenerated your shoulder, you get up nd try to track his scent as best as you could. However, when you only got back into the castle.
“Bela!” you call
You felt a hand on your wrist as you begin getting pulled into a room. A feeling of relief washes over you as you hug Bela tightly. You look over her shoulder and only see Cassandra with her.
“Where’s Daniela?” You ask, in a panicked state
“She ran off, hoping to take down the man herself,” Cassandra sighs
You hear the door burst open and it’s Alcina.
“That man will pay for what he’s done,” She growls, “My daughter are you hurt?”
“I was but- thanks to Hydrangea,” Bela sighs in relief, leaning into your shoulder to warm up some more
“Where’s Daniela?” Alcina asks
“She went to the library to take down the man mother, we tried to stop her,” Cassandra sighs
“You two stay with Hydrangea until I return with his head and Daniela,” Alcina orders before leaving again
She makes her leave. The three of you sit on the couch, Cassandra and Bela huddling against you for warmth. However, Bela practically seating herself into your lap.
“Do you have to be such a hog of the human furnace?” Cassandra looks at her older sister in annoyance
“I’m her girlfriend so buzz off,” Bela says
“She may be your girlfriend but I need some warmth too,” Cassandra growls
You could hear Daniela’s pained grunts and screaming. You stand up and place Bela down onto the couch next to her sister. You flick your finger and a small flame goes into the fire place, igniting the firewood.
“Alcina hasn’t found her yet,” You say, “I’ll go get Daniela the both of you stay here okay?”
Once you left the room you break into a run towards the library. You break through the door just as Ethan begins opening the roof to let in the cold air again.
“STOP!” You scream, grabbing onto Daniela
Sorry Bela... I have to do this... To protect all of you. You four accepted me almost instantly... I have to protect my home. I’m not letting anyone die here! The only one dying is him....
The ground around you became engulfed in blue flames, surrounding both you and Daniela
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[A/n: not my gif]
“I got you Dani,” You say, the last time you heard your own voice
You look at Ethan completely deranged, more than Cassandra could ever look deranged at one of her “pets”. Ethan begins to walk backward however, tripping over an object.
“Let’s talk about this kid!” Ethan pleas, “From one human to another-”
“I’m not a human!” You spat, your demon voice overtaking your real voice, “I’m a demon! I protect my home and everyone in it!”
You let go of Daniela and leave her on the floor for Alcina to check on her. You throw Ethan out of the library. Alcina takes Daniela to where her other two daughters were. You throw him down a set of stairs. Coincidentally where Bela had opened the door.
You stand at the top of the stairs, looking down at Ethan, “You’ve overstayed your welcome... Time to say goodnight.”
“No-No please I beg you please I just wanted to find my daughter!” He screams
“All of this? For a child who isn’t even here?!” You mock him, “Your little baby could even be dead for all I care!”
Ethan draws his gun and pulls the trigger as a last resort to get you to stand down. However, you slice his arm off. You could hear his screams of pain as you now stand over him.
From the other room, Bela, Daniela, Alcina and Cassandra watch as you begin devouring his flesh. You stop after two bites out of his flesh you turn to the four women. Unable to feel your human, instead feeling your demon take full control over your body, you charge at Cassandra, Daniela, Alcina, even Bela. Alcina, being the protective mother she is, stands in front of her daughters, ready to slaughter you so if you lay a finger on her daughters like this. However, Bela runs past the three.
“Bela, get back here!” Alcina yells
Before you could lay a finger on them, Bela throws her arms around you, holding onto you tightly. As you flail your arms about, Bela still held onto you
“It’s me,” Bela says, calmly, “It’s okay now... I’m right here. Come back to me...”
You finally stopped flailing, your blue flames dissipating and your demon eye slits turning back into their round pupils.
“Be..la?” You call 
You gently place your hand on her head and the other around her. You sink into her touch and fall to your knees, Bela following your movements.
“It’s okay now,” She coos, “I’ve got you love. I’ve got you.”
You choke on your sobs as you hold onto Bela for dear life, sobbing into her shoulder.
“Bela did manage to get you out after all?” Alcina admires her oldest daughter, “And I thought I was going to have to kill her.”
Alcina sips her wine.
“Mother!” Bela growls
“I need to protect my prides and joys,” Alcina states
Bela was sitting in your lap as Daniela is huddled against your side and Cassandra on the floor facing you, Bela and Daniela.
“Do you really have to hog to the human furnace Bela? I’m the one who almost died,” Daniela growls
“She’s my girlfriend,” Bela draws the ‘girlfriend’ card for the millionth time
“How long do you intend on pulling that card against us Bela?” Cassandra asks
“As long as I want,” She smiles down at you
You smile back up at her, “Daniela, I also warmed you up in almost an instant with that amount of flames I emitted earlier. Did that not help?”
“Oh it did,” She smiles
“Then you don’t need to be complaining,” Bela scoffs
“By the way, I am digging the new look on you Hydrangea,” Cassandra says, smiling at you
Black horns with bright blue accents had remained from your blue flame horns or at least under them and a tail remained.
“Do you now Cass?” You smile, “I do too.”
Your tail unconsciously wraps itself around Bela’s waist. You could feel Bela’s fingertips playing with the fluff end of your tail, making your cheeks flush a faint pink.
“Awwww micul meu demon is blushing,” Bela teases
“Ssshut it,” You hiss
You weren’t sure how well you were going to do with that man-thing called Ethan Winters roaming around the castle. However, this was your home. You went to great lengths to protect it. Especially your new family and your girlfriend. Even if you would lose your human, you had Bela. You trust her enough to bring you back, should you lose sight of that human in you.
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purpleshaded15 · 2 years
Percy’s Reflection
A/N: A little over TLOVM S1 Ep 12 aftermath (but before the dragon attack ending.) Obviously the show won’t be able to delve into Percy’s struggle in the aftermath, but here’s my take on it. 
It was quite a sunny day when Vox Machina returned to Emon. Finally, they got to sleep, rest and have a moment of peace to themselves. In just a day, Pike have returned to the Keep as well. And now the full team was together again!
Percy, as usual, had kept to himself again - only appearing on their dining area just to let them know he's still alive. Sometimes he smiled and joined in with their silly antics but most of his time was just spent in his workshop. The others were worried, but they knew to give him time.
It isn’t easy... to suddenly just move on.
He should be happy, and deep down he is. Whitestone is saved, Cassandra is alive, and he's free. But is he really...?
It's there whenever he's alone without distractions. It's there at the back of his head. Gnawing at him. Trying to claw its way out.
Who is he?
He tried to keep his brain busy to keep these thoughts at bay. He wasn't ready to know. He might not like the answer. Sometimes, when his mind wandered free, his thoughts returned to Vex. He was pointing the gun at her. He felt weak and helpless to stop it. His eyes shed tears he didn't notice, but his mouth curved into a sinister smile.
He snapped himself out whenever he gets flashbacks. He worked himself to exhaustion so his mind wouldn't have the energy to dream.
He still has nightmares.
And the list has just been expanded...
Percy laid out the iron parts that have already cooled, and started to fit and assemble the pieces that would fix the gun he named 'Retort.' Once he saw the gun, he knew Ripley's error immediately, and fixing it was easy. He just needed to create new parts that would fit since any parts spared from 'The List' no longer fits.
Ripley's design is terrible, he thought.
Knock, knock...
Keyleth sheepishly opened the workshop door and popped her head in, "Percy?"
"Yeah?" Percy turned to her in acknowledgement.
"Need help?" Keyleth obviously with spare time has been stopping by on his workshop and offers help. But it just was an excuse to check up on him. She let herself in and looked worried at the gun he's holding. "That's not gonna be cursed, is it?" 
"No. I'm just repairing it." 
"Anyway... uhh, can you come with me?" she fidgeted with her thumbs. 
"What is it now?" he scowled.
"We are kinda worried. So... we're having an intervention." 
Percy sighed. He put the gun down and shelved it along with the parts he needed to assemble. He knew it would be best to get this over with.
He followed Keyleth back into the dining room. The whole party's there, playfully bantering with each other. 
"Hey Percy!" Pike waved as soon as they enter the room. 
"Hey Pike. Glad to have you back," answered Percy with a smile. 
"So uhh... they told me what happened after I disappeared. A demon huh?" Everyone else was quiet, as if they were talking about a touchy subject. It certainly had crossed their minds throughout the days after, but never thought of bringing it up. They're all still dealing with the aftermath, and knew Percy has been trying to escape dealing with it through work.
Percy looked at her and said reassuringly, "It's gone. Believe me." 
"I need to see." Pike offered her hand out. "Or we can always bring you to a temple, like you promised." 
Percy sighed again. "Okay." He knelt in front of her like he did way back in that dungeon.
Pike did her divine magic to detect evil on his soul. Her eyes flashed in divine power, as she peered into Percy's soul. This time, there was no dark entity shrouding him, no unwanted presence other than Percy himself. But his soul is not as clear as others...
She could still see black smoke that wreathe out of him, from his mouth, his eyes, and the dark scars on his soul. His right shoulder covered in dark claw-like hand from when it tried to convince him to take one last shot. Both of his wrist covered in darkness from its controlling grasps. The darkness spanned from these spots like cracks on his soul. The shoulder scar expands to his torso and his neck. While the wrist scar expanded to his hands. And then his eyes, glowing in unnatural yellow with black sclera. 
It no doubt tainted his soul. 
"It's... gone... But..." Pike muttered, unsure of how to say it out loud. "Let me try something. Hold out your hand." 
Percy gave her his right hand. Pike took out some components and cast Greater Restoration on his wrist covered in black. The spell was cast successfully and light glowed towards his hand. 
The light fades, but the dark scar still remained. "It didn't work..."
"What is it dear?" asked Vex curiously and sat next to her. "Is everything okay?"
"Percy, your soul is... tainted. Maybe we should get you to a temple...?" 
Percy's face was crestfallen but he already knew that would be the case. Harboring a demon for years that's trying to corrupt him, wouldn't exactly leave his soul in good shape. He composed himself, stood up, and walked away from Pike's magic. 
"It's too late. The damage is already done," he said coldly while walking out of the door. "I'm going back to work." 
They all stared at him in worry.
When he got back to the workshop, he was seething. He felt this anger and rage boil up inside him. And he didn't know what to do. So he thrashed his place, a bit, until he saw a mirror on the wall. 
"You..." he said as venomously as he could muster. He punched his reflection in the mirror so that it shattered into pieces. His right hand started to bleed from the cuts. But it didn’t matter. It didn’t feel like anything compared to the utter hatred he felt towards himself. 
He sat by the corner of that wall, broken glasses in front of him. He cupped his head with his hands, the right side smeared his white hair with his own blood. His suppressed thoughts started to race.
What have I done? Have I condemned myself? I deserve this. Why doesn't it feel better? I feel worse.  Empty.  Lost.
Without the demon, he felt unbalanced. For without a doubt, its (unknown) fuel & influence on his vengeance had given him a goal and reason to live, at least for most of his miserable past 5 years. Now, he was unsure of himself. He looked down at the broken mirrors. Which are his pieces, and which are the demon's?
"Who am I really?" 
He caught a glimpse of himself in one of the small shards. He lifted it up with his bleeding hand and saw the reflection of his right eye, staring back at him with a yellow glow enveloped in black sclera. He started to notice the black smoke enveloping him like a blanket comforting a child. He knew. He was left with nothing but his own darkness. 
"So be it."
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Dark Side Of The Moon Ch. 2 - Dark! Loki x Reader
Chapter 2: “On The Run”
Chapter Summary: Even though you can’t help feeling drawn to the lunatic that looks like your deceased lover, you try to surpress your feelings and flee to find your friends.
Warnings: Loki is fucking crazy, Violence, Torture, Jotun! Loki, Mentions of Death, Abuse, Unhealthy Relationship, Mentions of Rape
Words: 3360
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[Story Masterlist]
Masterlist to my other works right ->Here<-
“And the shark, it has tears,
And they run down its face.
But the shark lives in the water -
So the teardrops one can’t see.”
- Rammstein - Haifisch
Taglist: @winterglcw​ @commonintrest​ @emmojoy​ @satansbra @just-someone-who-likes-to-write​​
“She died through my hands.”
That sentence replayed over and over in your head, forming a continuous loop as you silently formed those words with your own lips.
“It’s not him!” you called out to yourself, since your reason had seemingly disappeared ever  since you first saw the person that was a perfect copy of the man you once loved.
You were rolling around on the bare floor, shivering as you softly punched your head to not get lost in thought again. The emperor didn’t even have the basic decency to give you any clothes back, only having the Citauri throw you into an old dungeon to keep you prisoner - or whatever he’d plan to do with you.
That man was so different of your Loki.
And the timeline both of you were currently in had exceeded your worst expectations, making you wonder if fate just wanted to torment you.
In this universe, Thanos never even got so far as to collect all of the Infinity Stones. Loki Laufeyson had won the battle of New York and took over this world, then somehow double-crossed and killed the Titan. So right now, he possessed the power of the Tesseract, as well as the Cascet of Ancient Winters. For what reason he kept that Jotun relic was unknown, probably out of nostalgic sentiment you assumed.
Afterwards, the God of Mischief had killed his brother Thor in bad blood, as well as torturing Natasha - the exact way he threatened her back in your world, when he was in his cell. Clint was still his servant, as it seemed. You had seen him when they took you to his cell.
He couldn’t get rid of all the Avengers, however - even though their current location was unknown. They were in hiding for many years now, probably trying to get their hands on the other Infinity Stones. 
Also noticeable was the fact that this universe had neither Hela, nor Captain Marvel - so one good and one bad thing to compensate for each other. Not that they’d be a match for Loki in his current form anyway...
And there was no Dr. Strange on this version of Earth, your last bit hope to escape disappearing as you learned about this fact.
That much was all you had learned by now, mainly through tricking and manipulating some of your guards into giving you information.
All in all, you only knew for sure was that this world’s Loki was a terribly trong, murderous sociopath, intoxicated by power and loneliness.
And you had become the focus of the little emotion left in him.
It was hard trying to surpress all the voices and memory submerging in your mind. So there was nothing left for you except for rolling up into a ball, lying on the cold floor as you prepared to be washed over with sadness and guilt once again.
“Would you help me recieve the greatest honor by becoming mine and mine only, Lady Y/N?”
How could you ever forget this moment?
Back on the Asgardian refugee ship, your Loki had asked you that very question, now popping up in your mind once again.
Every detail was still as bright as daylight, preserved deep into your heart.
You clearly remembered the small, green box he had summoned out of thin air, presenting you a plain but still incredibly beautiful ring. The golden piece of jewlery formed a snake eating itself - a symbol of infinity and wholeness.
It was just his way of being thoughtful.
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“I-I prepared this a while go, to be precize...but I never thought of being worthy” he had stammered and you found yourself speechless, admiring that very scene playing in front of your eyes. “A-Anyway, after all that happened, I realized that all moments I spent happy, were when I was with you. I don’t want to lose you again, Y/N! And I feared, well...that it might be too late to ask someday.”
It was most unjust that this most blissful moment would be interrupted by a great rumbling shaking through the whole spaceship - and even before Thor would crash Loki’s proposal, both of you were aware just what kind of danger you would have to face soon:
Your numbers had already been decimated by Ragnarok, all that’s left being some civilian refugees, injured and traumatized. The only ones capable of fighting left were Loki, Thor, Heimdall, you and the Hulk.
Yet all of your struggles were to no avail, only able to watch and scream and bag at the Titan, so he’d at least spare those innocent lives as he mercilessly slaughtered woman and children alike.
“Fucking monster!” Pulling out a gun, your mind went completely blank as you gave it some last, desperate attempt to save or avenge just anyone.
No bullet would even come close enough to pierce his skin, as Ebony Maw would deflect them to hit yourself and people close to you. “I’m not the only one you should see responsible for this outcome” Thanos scoffed.
“What do you mea-” Your voice got swallowed by a pained groan as you saw Loki, kneeling in front of Thanos and revealing the one thing he was after:
The Tesseract.
“You......took it?!?” The only thing managing to escape your throat was a high-pitched yell as Loki’s face contorted in disappointment and regret - just now realizing that he had put you all in danger.
They would’ve never went after you if it wasn’t for him. He had doomed his race, failed you and what was left of his family.
“How could you put us all in danger?! I thought you had changed! You swore it with your life, Loki! That you loved me more than you desired power!”
No answer.
Instead, the god would prepare one of his speeches, directing words of undying fidelity at Thanos and his arms. And even though it was meant to be lies, a play to make the threat feel save, every single word hit your heart like knives.
“How could I ever marry someone like you?!” feeling as if Loki most recent, selfish act was suffocating you, you could only whisper - yet he understood very clearly, the facade dropping in an instant.  “I-I hate you...traitor...”
If only you knew that those would be the last words you’d ever direct at him...
Loki materializes a dagger, desperately trying to make up for his biggest mistake yet, and at least save you, the light of his cursed existence, and the only thing he had ever done in his life full of wrongs.
But Thanos looked right through the charade from the very beginning, using the stones to trap Loki in their hold - and then, grabbing the god’s throat.
“You have what you want, Thanos!” Thor tried to bargain, “There’s even less than half of my race left. Please, just let us go!”
“Oh, I will” he spoke stony, then shifting his attention to the god in his hands. “But first, I’ll do you a favor and erase that disgraceful pest all of you were too weak to take care of.”
As he was struggling for air, gasping uncontrollably as he tried to free his neck from the Giant, Loki’s glare wandered to you - and when your eyes met, both of your hearts skipped a beat.
He smiled. In the face of death, the last thing he wanted you to remember was the good things after all.
And seeing the ring on your finger, how couldn’t he? Loki knew you were about to say yes - and knowing this was more than enough for someone like him.
After all, the God of Mischief was used to happiness being taken away from him as soon as he thought it to be okay to open up to someone.
But you were safe. That’s all that counted for him!
It was like his eyes were telling you “It’s gonna be alright. I’m sorry, Y/N...I love you.”
You don’t remember much after that, having a mental breakdown as you had to watch the love of your life perish - and forever thinking about how you had turned him down just seconds before.
A part of you had died with him back then.
The creaking sound of the cell’s door made you jump from your dream - but the person which entered was one you had never seen before.
A monster.
It’s silhouette very much resembled Loki, yet his skin was painted in a dark shade of blue, with thin linings carved across his whole body. He had fangs and even horns coming out of his temple to add at that.
The beast’s eyes were shining in a threatening red, glistering contrastful in the dark hallway. But the worst were those black irises, absent of any form of compassion - there seemed to be only rage, confusion and hate.
“Fuck!” you screamed, terrified and fearing for your life. Shuffling until your back hit the wall of a corner of the room, you defendingly put your arms in front of yourself. “Go away! Don’t to-ouch me!”
Loki cleared his voice as he put the Casket away, not making any efforts to revert his outer appearance back to ‘normal’. He had admired it on his way to your cell, like he’d do many times a day when he was reminiscing about the day he learned about his heritage...
...and how he had killed Odin, his adoptive father, with that very relic, afterwards clearing the universe of that despiseful race of the Jotunn - making him the last of his kind.
“Oh my” a dark voice finally declared, “Seems like ‘your’ Loki never dared to show you his true form. Pathetic.”
No, that wasn’t completely true. Your lover had at least told you back then. But when did you ever have the time to talk things over and heal, being dragged from one fight to another?!
The Jotunn felt great joy as he towered over you, gleefully watching your naked body cowering to his knees, covered in goosebumps and shaking heavily. Your breath was clearly visible while you tried to cover your shame as best as you could, wary glare never leaving the abomination that was just lurking right in front of you.
“Wha- OUCH!” you hissed as the Frost Giant took ahold of your wrist, monitoring the pain spreading across your face as his touch would frostburn any skin he was touching with ease.
Loki grinned menacingly as he let go off of you, admiring his handywork as the first layer of your skin had already died, crumbling away to reveal your pink flesh.
“Oh, how I missed that” he explained, much to your surprise ripping a piece of his own clothing apart to cover the wound with it. “Your kind is so easily broken. It’s always fascinating to watch.”
“Just kill me already, you freak!”
Well, Loki had in fact spent hours after hours thinking about how to handle you, and yet he couldn’t decide. Obviously he would’ve killed you right away if it was otherwise, but he still had a soft spot for you somewhere deep in his heart, after all.
And it upset him more than he’d ever admit. So he tried to assert his dominance, to ease the feeling of weakness and loss of control.
“I’m only doing you a favor, woman.” The god would touch your cheek, making you flinch away - but this time, it wouldn’t hurt. Never would he dare to scar this most beautiful face!
“The man you loved was just the same as me, yet it seemed he wasn’t completely honest with you. What you are seeing right now is the form of a Frost Giant...the monstrosity you chose to love.”
It was no surprise that he saw tears filling the rim of your eyes - yet out of a whim, you pulled your arms around his neck, tears wetting his robe. He gasped, unable to act in any way as he stiffened in the pose.
That was by far not the reaction he had been expecting - and he surprised you as well. You had thought him to instantly shove you away, beat you agaib or even bite - but he just kneeled there, not daring to make a move.
"Why?” Now his voice was much softer, pained even. “I’m a monster. I hurt you. So why?”
“I’m so sorry” you whimpered, words being interrupted by heavy sobbing. “I try to fight it, I really do. But I just can’t, I-I”
“Aren’t you afraid?”
“How could I be? It’s you, Loki...no matter what you look like.” Eventually, you’d face him again, wiping the tears out of your face when for another moment, you made yourself forget that this was a completely different person. “I was just surprised, that’s all. Letting me see this form out of nowhere...”
“Y/N, I’m not the same as him” he retorted, knowing very well what it’s like to lose oneself in daydreams and illusions to ease the pain of loss. His sight wandered around the room instead of your face, stating “I did horrendous things, dear. Tormented and killed countless. It’s unforgiveable.”
“So did he” you stated, even though you knew those two Loki’s couldn’t be compared. “And you should already know: I feel dead inside, ever since he died.”
“You really loved him, didn’t you?” When you nodded confidently, Loki sighed ashamed, reluctantly touching your wrist again. A warm magic would flow through you, healing the wound in no time. “I wish she had felt the same for me...”
For a while, both of you were plainly sitting in uncomfortable silence, with Loki even lending you his cloak to warm yourself up.
“It’s not him” you told yourself once again. “It’s not him. It’s not him. IT’S NOT HIM!!! That man is dangerous and instable. He can’t be trusted!”
And then, finally, you dared asking, cutting through the thick air:
“What exactly happened to me, in this world?”
Loki’s face contorted in agony, rubbing his face as if in deep pain. “Is this really necessary? I already told you. She died because of me.”
“More details would be nice” you retorted bluntly, not really caring if he was to have a violent outburst again. Curiosity got the better of you at that moment.
The emperor’s voice was low and husky, and just now you realized how damn tired he looked - with dark rings under his eyes, and more pale than you had ever remembered him.
The weight of his sins sure had taken a stroll on that sensitive man.
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"I saw the ring” he uttered deeply affected, “That’s something I could only dream of. Thinking about it, I think she never really loved me in the first place. Or maybe she just grew tired of my lies. Understandable, I have to admit...”
“Yes, it was quite the opposite, even” he continued after a long, strained breath of his. “She hated me. Joined the Avengers and tried to kill me, several times. Only years later I learned about the truth: Already far in the past, back on Asgard, she betrayed me. After I fell off the Bifrost, she thought myself dead - and consoled herself by bedding my brother. I had to kill him, I-I-I just had to!”
Loki’s hands were shaking so frantically you could feel it from over there, mad eyes darting over your physique to take in your reaction. “After they finally lost, I took her prisoner. Seven months of trying to make her mine, no matter the methods. Mind-controlling her would not be satisfying. So I tortured her, played games with her sanity, and- I’d rather not speak about how else I violated her.”
“You, wha-” Now you were the one shivering in horrid anticipation, “You raped me...?”
No answer. Instead he just finished this disastrous story.
“One day, I went to her cell like I always did. I hoped once her mind was broken she’d stop struggling to be mine. But she never did. You Y/N’s are quite the fighters, as it seems.”
“Wha- wwhat happened to me...I mean, ‘her’?”
A loud whine escaped his vocal cords as he hit the wall right next to your face, making you suck in a pained breath.
“She used her chains to hang herself. There was nothing I could do. Ever since then I knew I’m cursed to inflict pain on anything I hold dear.”
"D-Don’t give me that self-pitying bullshit” you wanted to shout at his face - but the cramping in your heart as well as the hyperventillation made talking impossible.
How could one do something like that to a person they claimed to love?!
“Go” you whimpered, already shuffling away from him and he could hear anguish and fear drop out of every vocal, and he realized you were having a panic attack. “Please!”
Loki closed his eyes, letting out one last, deep sigh. He knew he owed you that much.
“Very well.”
That whole night, you spent crying and screaming to your hearts avail, unable to process your current situation and newfound knowledge.
So that would be your life from now on? Being hurt mentally and physically, frostburnt and hurt and violated against your will - all while looking at a face that remembered you of happier days?
Things were just like that evil Loki said: You are a fighter!
And if you couldn’t help that crazy man, you would at least help yourself! The Avengers are still out there, somewhere. You needed to escape and help them!
How could you have been so blind all those years?
Loki - your Loki - would have never wanted to you give up. He’d want you to survive and live your life to it’s fullest, trying to make the best out of everything you’ve got.
Just like he always did. That much you had learned from him.
“I’m sorry, Loki. If I die, I can’t even remember you...I love you…”
Breaking out succeeded faster than you could ever think it would take - because when you’d finally get out of your fetal courl and wandered across the cell, you realized Loki didn’t properly close the heavy steel door back when he rushed away from you.
“It’s not him. There’s no helping that man. I have to find my friends, I-”
Still shocked and scared and traumatized, you didn’t even realize that someone was watching you, not even questioning that the hallways were oddly empty.
You sneaked out of an open window, bare feet feeling the morning dew as you shook away Lokis cloak and ran as fast as your feet could carry you.
There was it - the fence.
No one could tell you what kind of world would await you outside of that property as you swiftly avoided some guards, rushing through the all so beautiful garden.
But as soon as you reached out to climb the railing, you felt someone balling a fist in your hair, harshly holding you back and causing you to stumble and fall.
“I thought you to be different…” an all too familiar voice grumbled. Loki didn’t even want to hear any apology or excuse, kicking your guts so heavily that you had to throw up, cramping on the ground.
“Don’t you dare to run away ever again!” he now yelled furiously, "She tried it too...so damn.many.times…!”
But before you could even respond, he suddenly began to cry uncontrollably. “I thought you would stay. Do you think I like to do this?!”
His voice was laced with grief and regret, yet he kept on forming countless bruises on your body. “Why can’t you fucking love me, hel?!”
You didn’t know how long his violent crying fit lasted, with him weeping as he let off some steam on your helpless self.
There was no trace of the hurt, regretful man left you talked to in your cell earlier. After being finished, having reclaimed a fraction of composure, Loki pressed your face in between his hands, ripping on your mangled body to face him.
“Fate gifted me another chance to possess you, Y/N. And I will form you into a magnificent pet, I promise.”
If you want to get on the taglist (or deleted from lmao) feel free to ask! ♡
Feedback is always appreciated!
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lovingrosewho · 4 years
Fake Dating (pt. 1)
Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
Hello again! I’ve been really busy with this one, I was bored/tired of not finding a lot of tropes involving Crowley that were SFW, so I decided to write my own :-) This has pretty much every major trope I can think of; Winchester!reader (although it’s not specified and you can decide that), fake dating, sharing a bed (sort of), lack of heat, etc. Maaaybe the last chapter will be NSFW but I haven’t decided that yet (if you have any thoughts or suggestions on this I’d appreciate them a ton) anyways, I’ll shut up now and let you read, PLEASE, if you have any feedback it’s gladly welcomed! I lately realized that I put a looot of dialogue into fanfiction and perhaps not enough context, so I tried to fix that <3 Usual disclaimer: English is not my first language, bla bla bla :-) Ly!
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Rating: T. I guess fluff/crack?
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester need your help with a case, which involves pretending to date the King of Hell.
Warnings: mild innuendos, summoning?
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“Nuh-uh, I’m not doing it” you declare turning your back on the boys. Dean runs to you and gently grabs your arm without you stopping.
“(Y/N) come on, you’re the only one who can do it” he begs, which gains a sigh from your mouth and you finally stand still, tilting your head at him as a prompt to keep talking “It’ll just be a couple of hours, just until Sammy and I are able to get to the house and hide from those two jackasses before they get there”.
“Are you actually asking me to have dinner with a couple of psychos... pretending to date him?” you question Dean sincerely, a look of concern and disbelief plastered on your face. Said petition, coming from the most protective Winchester brother, was a true surprise.
“You know I wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t our only option. (Y/N), please” he supplicates one more time.
It had all started when Sam and Dean screwed up at catching the shape shifters you were after, it was a simple job, but of course, they went in guns blazing, walking into a trap, a set-up, and when they realized, the monsters were gone. Funny enough, they turned out to be quite the art collectors, which seemed logical, given the circumstances under which they were killing and stealing from. But who could possibly know a pair of loonies like that? Even better, be friends with them? Exactly.
The King of Hell.
It wasn’t as if Dean were asking the world from you, it was a simple date. A risky one, sure, but you’d had it worse and with far worse men. The plan was straightforward, you entertained the shifters pretending to be Crowley’s girlfriend, whilst Dean and Sam got to turn down the security system of the house and hide, surprising the shifters the moment they entered.
“Fine” you mutter after a few minutes considering your possibilities. Dean immediately lifts you up the ground and kisses you all over the cheeks and forehead repeating again and again a series of ‘thank you’. You sigh for what seems to be the eleventh time this day and follow Dean towards the dungeon where Sam is waiting with the ingredients. You nod over at him to let him know you’re ready.
“Et ad congregandum, eos coram me” Sam proclaims as the blood from his ripped open palm runs across the dagger and through his fingers, dripping inside the summoning bowl.
A strong tug shakes the earth beneath you, and a low thunder sounds in the distance as the King of Hell himself, presents before your eyes.
Crowley looks directly ahead at the three of you, and then brings his gaze down, rolling his eyes in annoyance at the sight of the devil trap.
“Hello, boys” he salutes politely “(Y/N)”.
Your legs falter at the sound of your name in his voice, his lips savoring each and every syllable as your core twitches and you’re forced to bite your lower lip down not to hum in response. You had always been attracted to him even if you didn’t know how to act around him, it wasn’t as if they taught you in any manual nor hunter school how to make a move on the King of Hell.
“Aren’t we a little past the whole devil trap deal?” Crowley asks bringing you out of your musings “What is it that you want this time?”
“The shape shifters you were talking about the other day, the art collectors” Dean starts and is interrupted by the demon.
“What about them?” Crowley says with a bored look until his glare lands on yours. You arm with courage and mentally scold yourself for being such a nervous fuss, giving a brave step forward and speaking.
“We need your help to trick them” you tell him and catch an interested shine in his eyes.
“And why exactly would I help you with that? Mind you, they’re my personal acquaintances, very important, and very dangerous acquaintances” he exclaims, his stare not dropping yours “What’s in it for me?”
“A date with me and the three of us not kicking your delicate ass” you declare, crossing your arms in your chest, trying to maintain your tone neutral and your mind in place. Crowley’s eyes finally leave yours to roam throughout your body.
“Threatening, aren’t we, sexy?” he speaks at you, clicking his tongue. Dean takes a step forward, demon blade in hand and angry stare, you stop him right in his tracks grabbing him from the hem of his jacket and yanking him back again “Lucky for you, those shape shifters have been meddling in a... particular, and highly important, business of mine, so, I’ll gladly help”.
The three of you stare blankly at him.
“Just like that?” Sam asks him, which causes Crowley to roll his eyes once again.
“I’ll happily deny until you have something else to offer if that’s what you want, Samantha” he affirms and causes the youngest Winchester to frown in response and raise his arms in surrender.
“So it’s settled then” you declare, exhaling a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
“Text me the details, will you love?” Crowley pronounces softly. You nod quietly and walk towards the devils trap to free him, but when you’re near enough you trip over some ingredients that were still on the floor, breaking the seal either way. Crowley catches you and holds you tightly by the waist.
“Eager much, (Y/N)?” he purrs in your ear and you feel yourself melting at his touch, but you readjust just fine and separate from him when you catch sight of Dean beginning to sense something odd. Crowley raises an eyebrow at your impassive glance, but says nothing, instead, to your surprise, he brings out your cellphone from his suit jacket.
“How did you...?” you start, looking into the side of your jeans you thought you had it in.
“Not so hard to pickpocket you, darling” he expresses, curiously eyeing you “I have very talented hands”.
You gulp as you turn to stare back at him, just to see him typing something on your phone, his smug smile not going unnoticed by you.
“I guess I do affect you at some level, don’t I?” he mutters so only you are able to hear him. You stay still, not saying a word, biting your lip down as he handles back your phone to you, his fingertips delicately brushing your hands, vanishing the moment the electronic touches your palm, the lights of the archive room seeming to fade at the singular contact and light up again when he’s gone. You check your phone to see what he did, the words “My King” read on the top of the screen and the number “666” at the center. You roll your eyes and put your phone back in your pocket.
“And? What’d he do?” Deans asks expectantly. You make a dismissive gesture with your hand.
“Nothing. It’s done” you declare turning to the Winchesters, proceeding to leave the room with both brothers looking at each other like questioning, what did they just miss?
Part 2
MASTERLIST (If anyone would like to be tagged you’re free to tell me! <3)
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Summary: Obedient – dream on alpha…
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Characters: Carson Brady, Bobby Singer, Sam Winchester
Warnings: angst, misogynism, language, collars, demons, a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, Dean being a douche for a second, smut, unprotected and half-clothed sex, biting, marking, claiming, knotting, enemies to lovers trope (kinda, you’ll see)
A/N: This is an AU. Brady is not possessed by a demon, only an asshole and never met Sam. The Winchesters are still hunters, just like the reader.
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The room is crowded and stinks like desperation. Your eyes scan the people, always searching for the one person you are looking for.
“Well, there you are my love.” Snickering Brady moves his hand to your back, possessively stroking your back and you need to hold back the bile. A deep breath, a faked smile and you can pretend you don’t want to ram a knife into his guts.
“Of course, alpha. You said I shall wait here for you.” Brady admires the collar he put around your neck, a dark smirk on his lips as another alpha steps closer. “Be thankful for the collar.”
“I am…” You snap and Brady’s features darken when he fists the collar to force you to look at him. “Thank you…”
“Well, aren’t you an obedient little bitch.” The alpha smirks while you struggle in Brady’s hold. It’s too early to blow your cover so you smile, nod, and swallow your pride for a moment.
“She will be after tonight. I thought about branding her. An omega like her needs a strong hand and a good knot.”
Your eyes narrow when the other alpha chuckles but there is something in his eyes telling you he feels as disgusted as you close to Brady and his friends.
“Maybe I can buy her for one night? I’d like to test her limits.” The alpha steps closer to brush his fingertips along your mating gland. “How much?”
“For you, half of the price the others would pay. Be my guest, have fun but do not damage the goods…at least let her live.” Your hands balled into fists you feel the hand of the alpha curl around your neck to bring you closer to him.
“Come with me, sweetheart. I’ll give you the ride of your life…”
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“I am warning you…” Knife in your hand, eyes narrowed you want to kill the alpha bringing you to a bedroom. “Obedient my ass! I’ll kill you all!”
“Son of a bitch would you calm down? I am Dean Winchester, my brother Sam sent me for back-up. Jesus, you are a handful.” Dean pants while he shields his body with a pillow. “I will not hurt you, sweetheart.”
“Shut up and do not move! How shall I know you are not an imposter?” Blinking a few times Dean recalls what Sam told him.
“I know! Sam said you love to dunk fries into ice cream.” A minute ticks by before you lower the knife to slide it back into your garter. “Can we now talk about bringing down the demons selling omegas or do you want to wrestle for dominance first?”
Cockily Dean steps closer to intimidate you with his size but you puff your chest, not giving in at all. “I can handle this. I got no clue why you are here. To make this room stink like an alpha?”
“I take it back, you are not an obedient bitch, only a bitch.” Pushing against his chest you glare at the tall alpha who is busy to look at the collar around your neck. “I could just make you obedient…”
“You could have my foot in your ass before you can even blink, Winchester.” He steps closer still a smirk on his lips before pushes you to the ground to cover you with his body. “What the fuck!”
“Shhh…make noises like a good omega. Mewl or something. Brady is outside, looking into the room.” Dean pants against your neck and you don’t know if he tries to trick you. “I swear he’s there. Just make…”
“Oh-god…alpha. You are so hard.” Giggling you hide your face in Dean’s neck. “You make me feel so good. Harder. Fuck…please make me yours. I want to feel your knot…please…”
“You’ll get what I give you. Be good for me…” Dean purrs, against your skin, and for a split-second, you are turned on. “Damn, you are so soft against me.” He whines and the moment is gone.
“Can you just not press your dick against my thigh?” Shushing the words you hear someone groan outside the windows. “Harder! Please fuck me harder, alpha!”
“Such a good girl,” Dean adds and you snicker silently as it sounds as if Brady jerks off outside the room. “So tight and warm…”
“Yes…that’s…fuck…” An odd noise followed by a gunshot catches your attention. Dean rolls off you, already aiming his gun toward the man entering the room.
“Dude! Why don’t you answer your phone! Bobby and I…” Sam’s eyes rake over your bunched up dress and his eyes narrow. “Did you try to hit on Y/N? I told you to keep your cock in your pants for once!”
“Guys, I am right here and he didn’t take his tiny noodle out. Now back to the case or do you want to fight some more?” Sam needs to hold back a smirk when his brother glares at you, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Fine, follow us, and be good.” Dean is gone before you can get up so Sam holds out his hand, silently apologizing for his brother's behavior.
“Fuck you too, Winchester…”
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“Perfect ending…” Watching the paramedics take care of the scared omegas Dean leans against his car while your eyes drift toward Brady on the ground.
He snarls as one of the ‘omega protectors’, the special unit to protect unmated omegas handcuffs him. “That guy was the head of another cell, Sammy.”
“We cut one head off only for another to grow. It’s a never-ending cycle, Dean.” Sam sits on the hood, running one hand over his face.
“You always have to kill the mood. Can you not, for once, be happy we freed fifteen omegas and a bitch?” Meeting Dean’s gaze you give him a dirty look.
“Alpha scum…”
“Useless knothead…”
“I’ll lock you into our dungeon and…”
“Guys, seriously get a room and release the tension or stop fighting. Bobby and I are going to get a drink and some well-deserved rest.”
Sam shakes his head before he hurries toward Bobby’s truck. “Don’t come back before you talked things out.”
Dean follows his brother with his eyes while you lazily stretch your body. “Got a ride?” Dean asks and you shake your head. “Pity. You will have to walk to town…”
“You’re such an asshole! I can’t believe Sam is related to you as he’s a gentleman and good alpha.” Dean smirks, opens the door to the driver's seat.
For a heartbeat, you believe he’ll offer you a ride but he starts the engine, slams the door shut, and drives away.
“Fucking asshole, that’s so lame…” You kick a stone, weigh your options before you start walking toward the road. There was a bus station not too far away, so you’ll try your luck. “Can’t believe he left me here, in the middle of nowhere.”
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The bus station in sight you sigh. It started to rain. Now you are soaked, freeze, and are beyond pissed. “Should’ve asked the cops to give me a ride.”
Hurrying toward the bus station you wrap your arms around your body. It’s getting colder per minute and you don’t need a cold.
“Look at this. A wet angry kitten at a bus station.” Dean muses. He opens the door to the passenger seat, a dirty grin on his lips. “Did you learn your lesson?”
“Yeah, Dean Winchester is an asshole who leaves a fellow hunter in the middle of nowhere not caring if there are still demons around.
I thought you are better than one of those monsters in the mansion buying omegas.” Your eyes are cold when you sit on the bench, ignoring the hunter.
“All alphas are the same. If you do not obey, they call you a freak of nature. Go and fuck yourself…”
“Come on, Y/N. It’s cold and the rain won’t let up. I didn’t know you would walk, okay. I drove back and you were gone. Get into the car before you get a cold and Sammy kills me, sweetheart.” Dean gets out of the car when you do not get up.
Yelping you fight the hunter as he picks you up to carry you toward his car. “Let me down! Hey! Help!”
“Shut up, brat or someone will get arrested!”
“No, you…brat! Now get into the car and shut up for a moment.”
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“What the fuck, Winchester. Let go of me. Hey! I am talking to you.” Dean drags you toward an odd building while you scream and shout. He wanted to drop you at your motel room, instead, he drove to this building without an explanation.
While he drags you into the building not caring you bite him repeatedly Dean smirks. “Are you done, sweetheart?”
“No.” Snarling you attack his neck when he dares to look at you in his arms. “Let me down! I am warning you one last time before I bite your head off.”
“I want to watch you bite my head off.” Blinking a few times, you grit your teeth before you sink them into his neck, almost piercing his mating gland.
“You can fight me as much as you want. Sam said I shall bring you to the bunker and I did. Now be silent and obey for once.”
“Asshole…I’ll bite you and…” Nibbling at Dean’s neck you cup the back of his head to get better access. “Mark you…”
“You’re such a needy bitch. I bet when I have a look at your panties, they are soaked for me.” Humming you let Dean carry you toward his room. “I’ve missed you.”
“Then you should finally have the guts to tell your brother you are railing his best friend.” Placed onto your feet you smirk before you cup the back of Dean’s head to crush your lips onto his.
Mirroring your action Dean smirks when you slide your free over his back up to his shoulder to grip him tightly.
“I love it when you get mad.” Snickering against your lips Dean grips your ass while you fumble his belt open. “Why didn’t you wait? I had to be sure Sammy is gone and you just started to walk away.”
“Maybe as you acted like a douche too well? The demons were gone and you pulled the dominant alpha shit.” Your fingers deftly unbutton his pants to get access to his cock. “One day, I’ll bite you hard enough to hurt.”
“One day I’ll mark this neck as mine! Now be good…” Dean tries but you already push against his chest to make him stumble and end on his bed. Smirk on your lips you crawl into his lap to shamelessly grind against the growing bulge.
“Hmm…look at you, Dean. If you can prove you can tame me, I’ll let you mark me, alpha…” Purring Dean looks up at you.
His pupils’ lust-blown, lips parted he just watches you rip his flannel open. Your hands greedily slide over his chest, before you start grinding against his crotch.
“Fuck me, Dean…” In a blink you are flipped to your back, hands pinned above your head, panting as Dean smirks down at you.
“I mean it, Y/N.” Husking the words against your lips Dean dips one hand between your bodies to tug harshly at your panties. “You’re mine…”
“Yeah? Don’t see a mark at my neck. I don’t know…” A cry leaves your lips when he presses the tip in. “Fuck, it’s been a while…”
“Three fucking weeks, sweetheart. Damnit, you’re so fucking tight every time.” Dean’s serious look, the way he furrows his brows in concentration when he sinks into you let your toes curl.
“You could’ve at least gotten rid of your pants, Winchester.” Not sorry at all Dean buries his face into your neck to inhale your scent deeply. He loves just feeling your warmth sucking him in. “Dean…”
“I’ll mark this neck, fill you up and make you round tonight.” Stubbornly insisting on his mark at your neck Dean starts to roll his hips. “Tomorrow, you’ll move in. I got enough of sneaking around.”
“My brave…a fuck me…little hunter…” Giggling you grip his shoulders to dig your nails into his flesh. “If you can make me cum, I’ll give in…”
Determined to earn his mark at your neck Dean grips the headboard, digs his knees into the mattress before he looks down at you, a dirty grin on his lips.
“Hold tight, this is going to be a wild ride.”
“Promises…” Challenging the alpha on top of you was a mistake as he starts to slam his hips against yours. He’s growling low in his throat and you swear, for a split-second, you saw the alpha, the animal in Dean’s eyes. “Fuck…Dean…”
“What did you say?” He’s gripping your thighs, spreads you wide before he bends your knees to get better access. You are a begging mess after a few more thrusts.
The way he looks at you, his moans, and the knot swelling inside of you are too much to handle.
“I…” A strangled cry leaves your lips when the coil winds up. You try to warn Dean but it’s too late to stop the high rippling through your body.
Dean drops your legs, fists your hair to force you to crane your neck. He’s panting heavily jerks his hips a few more times before his teeth sink into your mating gland.
Cum floats your belly when his knot locks you together but all you can feel are Dean’s teeth not letting go of your neck. “Mine…”
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“So…what was that thing with the knife? Sweetheart?” Dean looks at you snuggled into his pillow not caring about a thing while he runs his hand up and down your back.
“I knew Brady is outside, looking into the room. I could smell him and thought I’ll give him a good show.”
“You could’ve warned me! I almost got cut when you wielded your toothpick of a knife in front of my chest.” Giggling you look at Dean who lifts the blanket covering you to have a look at your ass. “Fucking perfect.”
“Gosh, can you just stop staring! It’s been three weeks, not years.”
“I don’t care. Tomorrow I’ll tell Sammy we like to have sex…” Now you burst into laughter, bite the pillow while little snorts leave your lips.
“God…don’t say it like that.”
“I’ll say you’re mine then…”
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“Do you think she will move into the bunker?” Bobby sips at his beer, a smug grin on his lips when Sam chokes on air. “I am old, not blind, Sam. I know Dean and your friend are a thing.”
“Can you believe they sneak around for months behind my back believing I am too blind to see the hickeys and bite marks. I am not a kid.” Sam chortles.
“I mean, last time they made such noises I had to leave the motel room next to Dean’s…”
“We could make it hard for them...”
“Nah, I think Y/N will rile Dean up for a lifetime. Even I am scared when she’s angry. The rage in her eyes...scary as shit...”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
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monsoonblooms12 · 3 years
Detectives by Chance: Chapter 8- The Final Bow
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Series Summary: It was supposed to be a usual weekend for the four. Coffee, fun, friends and love. But an unexpected case changed their lives in a way they had never imagined. A mystery - a murder - many secrets… Will Ethan, Pooja, Alexandra and Mark, be able to survive? Or will the circumstances twist and break their lives forever?
A/N: This is the end. The end of the first ever series, the first ever fanfics I ever wrote. It's melancholic you know? Bidding adieu to Open Heart and Detectives by Chance all at one? Anywho, I hope you enjoy this piece💕
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey X f!MC (Pooja Sharma)
Rating: Teen (to be safe)
Warnings: Blood, Murder, Swear Words, Gun Violence
I would recommend reading the previous parts first, because I am sure this makes little sense without knowing what happened previously.
Read the previous chapters here!
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The trail from the crumpled door to the back ground felt likes hours of navigating through the blazing desert, no one in sight.
The scarlet memoirs of the wounds that now covered her skin did not give her much relief either. Blood soaked into her shirt, colouring it red from cream at a steady rate. Lazy tracks formed as solitary drops slipped down to meet the ground.
Papers clutched with a death grip, her resolve did not waver. After all the goose chase she had done in the manor, she was sure she could do this. But then again, there was not much of a choice there.
Ethan's POV:
A hazy screen appeared before his orbs as they slowly, timidly, fluttered open, as if scared to look around. A blackness had spread around him, and his mind could not make out if it was a musty old dungeon or some place else.
Soft scents of the intoxicating vanilla and bluebell perfume gently let him know of their presence, and he sighed in relief.
Wherever he was, he was close to her.
And with that knowledge came a subtle sense of calm, a realization that as long as he was near her, he wouldn't mind even dying.
He just wanted her, his strength, with him.
He tried to get up, and the wince of pain came almost immediately. His legs ached due to the cramped position in the short space of wherever. As he managed to pull himself up from the sleeping position, a very faint jingle of keys could be heard in the background of his groans.
Then with a click, the front door flew open and he unclearly made out a thud of some kind of folder in the front passenger seat. Soon the driver's seat was occupied as well, and the engine was raved to life.
The scent of vanilla and bluebell grew strong and he knew it was her.
"Pooja?" He whispered so lightly that for a second he wondered if he had even spoken it aloud.
"Ethan! Oh thank fucking god you are- Ah!" She was cutoff mid sentence by a horrifying but muted shriek which had escaped as she tried to close the door.
"Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay!" Worry laced his tone as her other hand painfully completed the supposedly easy task.
"You are okay and I've everything we need to save Lex & Mark. That's all that matters, E."
"What about you?"
But her attention had already shifted to the driving the automobile. She had always been like that, too unconcerned about herself. As well as he knew her, he was sure she had been biting her lip a tad bit harder with every moment just to keep painful screams at bay.
"It doesn't matter."
A shrill roar suddenly invaded the eerie, uncomfortable silence of the abandoned area. The voice was human, but the intensity of the sound reminded them more of an enraged tiger trapped in a cage, ready to pounce at the chance of freedom.
Staying here for a second more could be a dangerous idea.
A slow pain spread though his forehead, an after-effect of whatever that was forcefully injected during his investigation of the murky place, too dishevelled to call it even an office, let alone a hospital. The ache became all-too-consuming, his struggle to keep his eyes open turning futile. The blackness grasped him steadily as consciousness bid adieu and the dangers of the world in front of him, at bay.
End of Ethan's POV
Pooja's clutch on the steering wheel was so hard that the fingernails that dug into its material left deep moon shaped indents, as a mark of their visit. The teeth pressed so deep into her lip that it had drawn blood. The gap of the missing tooth felt like an aftermath of the reckless rescue operations she had led at the building.
Why did her mind refused to cooperate with her now, when she had finally made her way out?
Another line of thought began to form, but before it spread it's being, a second horrifying scream broke through the audible silence like a dagger.
Sweat of hardwork was now the cold sweat of fear. A sense of great danger that lingered now completely flooded every chamber of her heart & she refused to stop.
Digging her teeth into her lips, tears streaming as every movement made her want to shriek and wail in agony, she revved the engine, turned the steering & fled out of there.
A rash drive followed. She sped through the roads, going straight without a turn until she was sure the they were not being followed.
A safe distance away, she stopped. Every moment was precious now, but she was done. She could not do this anymore.
Hell, she could not do anything anymore.
The left portion of her shirt that she wore was now soaked in scarlet, the stench of blood growing on her. She doubted that if she wasn't a doctor, she would have thrown up or passed out by now.
Pooja looked behind, the scarce daylight making it a difficult job to be done. She was quite sure that Ethan had been overcome by another bout of unconsciousness and the feeling of helplessness spread through her chest, forming a hollow through its path.
Her head felt light too. The injuries were starting to show effects, although the overwhelming sense of failure and danger had already numbed their pain.
Taking a deep breath, and another, and another, she tried to centre herself, though not to much avail.
Something she had realized was now, the necessity to keep moving was a need & not a want.
A slow kick on the gas pedal & she carried on her journey to the final destination.
At the police station, the unfolding of events occurred like a film sequence set on fast forward.
Pooja had barely made it there, an urgency ringing through her mind, a constant worry that she was late, too late. But thankfully, she wasn't.
Dragging her foot (her entire body, at this point) she entered and almost fell face down on the station floor.
Hastily handing over the evidence she had meticulously collected and suffered all the injuries for, she tried to explain what she had found.
Officers repeatedly asked her to calm down, but she refused. The three of them, Ethan, Alex and Mark, They were her family. They always mattered more than her. They always will.
At last, all she managed was to point a finger at her car, before her body gave up on the fight. A small smile of satisfaction decorated her tired, overworked features. It was a win. A well deserved one. A strange sense of pride, overwhelmed her as she slowly faded into unconsciousness.
It has been 36 hours since the ghastly raid of Miles's manor.
The evidence collected opened a lot of tied knots, the page from Miles's diary, even though muddy, serving priceless for the investigation. Almost everything got crystal clear from it.
Pooja underwent a major surgery, and was still under bedrest. Minor to Major, there were a plethora of injuries that needed to be treated. Recovery was going to take a long time but her response had been up to the mark.
As for Mark and Alex, the court deemed them not guilty for any of the charges made against them & they were released. The very instant they rushed to the hospital, tears streaming down endlessly both in gratitude & in worry.
Miles Danvers, as expected, was not found. The manor was investigated after the release of Mark & Alex, a big mistake, and nothing was left behind except a few beeping machines & broken furniture. The investigators now await Pooja's recovery for interrogation & to close the case as soon as possible because stories of a deranged murderer roaming around the dark streets doesn't exactly spark a rush of serotonin through the citizens.
Meanwhile in a dark, gloomy alleyway:
It had been seconds too long. The man's pace faltered at slightest sounds, fingers fidgeting the two ring that shone under whatever little light reached the area.
Why were they not here yet?
But his wait was cut off soon. Muffled footsteps echoed like, every step closer increasing their intensity. Even though he had been expecting them, his heart leapt up his throat, which tightened in fear.
He turned around, not being able to make out their faces. But at the time, he found it to be a blessing in disguise, because he was sure he would have thrown up from the fright of being the cause of their anger.
A hand extended out, the silver bracelet dangling from it gleaming in moonlight. It gripped the lapel of his coat, and a scared murmur escaped him without caution.
The person on the other side, let out a slow growl of rage, boiling blood coursing through their veins. The man's teeth chattered, the cold pressing against his skin even more as a chill ran down his spine.
Suddenly and unexpectedly, the touch of cold metal against his neck made him shudder.
It was... It was a gun.
"Thi..s, Th..., This w-was not what, w-what we plann-nned upon." He quietly muttered, shocked that sound still escaped through the dryness of his throat.
"What were you supposed to do?" The person, no, the man, That man, growled, the evil of his heart almost visible in the spoken words.
The man stood soundless. It took two hard knocks of the metal to make him speak.
"And what did you do? Let her escape with a bagful of evidence." The words were being hissed now, with so much intensity that the man was surprised that he hadn't peed his pants yet.
"And since" The gun was displaced and he let out a sigh of relief. "You did such wonderful work, you deserve to be rewarded."
And before the man could even process what just happened, a single shot pierced through the fog settling around, and hit right in the forehead.
Seconds later, his lifeless body met its origin & any sign of life in the alleyway seized to exist.
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End Note: Open Heart ended and it feels unreal. I have had a weird, wonderful journey with it. I would have never come to tumblr, make edits or write fanfics if not for it. It is a series which many of us, me included, hold close to our heart.
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who provided their precious thoughts over the past chapters of this series. I always have & always will hold Detectives by Chance close to my heart, because it has some of my earliest fanfics & it was the beginning of a wonderful journey for me. So if you took your time & have followed this story from the start, I am so very grateful for you. Thank you❤
With OH ending, many have chosen to continue in this fandom & some have decided to move on. Whatever your decision may be, I hope you be happy & have a good time ahead💕
Detectives by Chance gets a Bonus part, with no relation to the storyline, like not an epilogue, but something that will answer the lingering questions. As for if this is really the end of DbC or not, I will let you guys decide that😉
Tags (Please let me know if you want to be added or removed or if I forgot you):
Perma: @gkittylove99 @neotericthemis @udishaman @aestheticartsx @twinkleallnight @schnitzelbutterfingers @sophxwithers @sweatyrysconnoisseur @nikki-2406 @choicesfanaf @trrfanaddict @starrystarrytrouble @gardeningourmet @parkbarks @mvalentine @lovablegranny @mercury84choices @helloayz
Open Heart (All fics and edit): @lucy-268 @maurine07 @bellcat2010
Ethan x Pooja (fics): @aleynareads @stygianflood @choicesaddict5 @mysticaurathings @jamespotterthefirst @ilikemenbutonlyethanramsey
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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emeraldinthesky · 3 years
STRANGE TRAILS - Chapter 4 - Twists and turns
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A/N: I'm sorry it took such a long time for the next chapter! I'm sad to have missed February 24th with posting this, but I hope it was worth the wait and you'll enjoy it. :)
’...It said... „Mom”.’
Those were the desperate words the one-armed man whimpered before bursting into tears. Agent Cooper could still smell the llama’s breath as they entered the sheriff’s station. It was but a painful reminder of how he failed in his calculations. Not even the fresh air of mountains and Douglas firs could make that feeling evaporate, but he kept his head high, not letting others in of his defeat. Lucy was apparently in a much better mood, taking the last bites of her tuna sandwich. Even Harry’s newly assigned job for her (going through the vet’s documentation) couldn’t bring her spirits down – that is, until Andy tried to ease the tension.
The men walked down the pistol range, and Cooper prepared his gun.
’Nice piece,’ Hawk complimented.
'Actually, it's a standard issue. I made a few modifications,' Cooper explained while eyeing his gun. The air smelled stale and dust flew around them any time they took a step. The range appeared to be a dungeon, with knick-knacks scattered around. Like a grandmother’s basement nobody paid much attention to. 'How long has Lucy been upset with Andy?'
'Body language?' The sheriff guessed.
'In this case, it was yelling through a megaphone.'
'Six rounds apiece to start with, Andy,' Harry instructed the deputy, and he nodded nervously. His palms were still moist from the unlucky incident at the Timber Falls Motel, and he found it difficult to get a good hold of his gun. The agent's next inquiry didn't help matters:
'Care to tell us about you and Lucy, Andy?'
'Jeez, you can tell?' Andy could feel the gun slip from his fingers, but he grabbed it at the last minute.
'Not too many secrets left around here,' The sheriff shrugged.
'She won't speak to me and I don't know why. And I don't know why she's doing what she's doing,' The deputy took a shallow breath through his mouth before following. 'I just can't figure her out.'
'Well, there's no logic at work here, Andy. Let that one go,' Coop assured him. 'In the grand design, women were drawn from a different set of blueprints.'
'Amen to that,' Harry agreed.
'Amen,' Hawk nodded, preparing his gun.
'Hawk, Andy,' Harry called out to them. The deputies stood in position, readying themselves for practice.
'Rapid fire,' The agent instructed, and the two men fired their guns. Andy's gun fired each bullet without control, and with each bammm! the deputy's face lost more and more colour and his expression became rather hopeless - even fearful. Of the consequences, of the sheer, destructive power he held in his hands and the control he suddenly owned over life and death. Or the lack of it.
Cooper could read all these uncertainties from Andy's face, not only because he was an FBI agent, trained vigorously to notice the slightest change in body language, but because he saw the same set of emotions contorting Vicky's sculpture-like face and deep gaze the time he taught her how to use a gun.
Hawk handed him their scoring papers, and that's when the agent was pulled back to the present moment. He examined them.
'Hawk. Six for six, two kills, high marks,' Coop brought the other paper on top. 'Andy… Andy, what we need is practice and lots of it. One hour, three times a week. Harry, you'll supply the ordnance?'
'Whatever it takes,' The sheriff promised without missing a beat, but Andy was crushed. Coop tried to cheer them up, to pour some confidence into the man, but to no avail.
'You ever been married, Cooper?' Harry asked as they stood in place for a practice session themselves. The room was filled with dust and certainly made the air heavier. Or was it the question?
'No,' He replied curtly before following. 'I knew someone once who helped me understand commitment, the responsibilities, and the risks,' Cooper got his headset on, and never really looked at his friend. Only ahead. Something he was trying to do anyway. 'Who taught me the pain of a broken heart.'
They fired together before the sheriff made his guess:
'Is it Miss Davis?'
'She's getting married this summer,' Coop answered in a low voice as their scores were hoisted towards them and he followed the papers bending against the invisible forces.
'One woman can make you fly like an eagle, another can give you the strength of a lion. But only one, in the cycle of life can fill your heart with wonder and the wisdom that you have known a singular joy,' Deputy Hawk's poem echoed in their ears until it sank in. 'I wrote that for my girlfriend.'
'Local gal?' Cooper asked.
'Diane Shapiro, Ph.D, Brandeis.'
Cooper gave him a congratulatory whistle.
'No, you don't understand!'
These were the sentences that cut their conversation short to leave them with some new and less exciting – downright meticulous – task: flicking through pages of veterinary reports that they hoped were stained only with coffee, although all of them knew otherwise.
It was one of the least glamorous parts of law enforcement, and besides, the agent felt down on his luck. His confidence in his dream and its clues dissipated and he wished to see Vicky, so maybe, maybe this bleak feeling would be lifted from his spirits.
When he entered her laboratory, she was sitting in front of the monitor, gold-rimmed glasses on, and eyebrows furrowed. She was enveloped in a light gray smoke that rose from the cigarette between her fingers. It was a habit she ended up incorporating, much to his disapproval: computers were notoriously giving her a hard time, and since there was no need to be sterile around these devices, she was taking cigarettes from the pack as if it was candy. Coop took enough time to stare at her fingers for the air to become similarly heavy than in the pistol range, but not long enough for her to administer his presence. He adjusted his tie.
'Hey, Vicky…'
The woman glanced up from beside her glasses. Her eyes had a darker than usual shade and she observed him a little longer before answering:
'Hi Dale,' her voice was dull. 'Where's our one-armed man?'
'His name is Phillip Gerard. I'm afraid he's not our man,' the agent admitted in defeat and leant against the wall. He did not usually use the support of walls or doorframes, but today turned out to be an exhausting one - and they were yet to embark on a tiring and boring task. Victoria was similarly run-down as she pushed herself away from the desk and took her glasses off to massage the sides of her nose.
'But was it the same man who you saw in your dream… Mike?'
The man sighed as he passed by her almost untouched lunch only to sit down right beside it on the table.
'He was,' he admitted. 'But his 'Bob'-friend is only a veterinarian… Though, the convenience store right next to the vet carried Finleys Fine Twine,' Coop fished into his suit to toss the twine to the blonde.
'There's your clue, then,' she observed the object in question. 'Why the long face?'
'I don't know…' he put his legs across her lap. 'How'd you say it? It's all… Circumstantial?'
'I guess I'd say that,' she chuckled half-heartedly then tossed the twine back. 'Don't take your dreams at face value, Dale. Found anything at the vet?'
Victoria knew Cooper trusted his intuition to a fault, but she also knew that there was a little voice inside his head that questioned his gut feelings: a voice she deemed necessary for an investigator, but so often in her friend's case, it was to his demise. She couldn't wrap her head around it, nor she could understand but was quick to learn that Coop's sixth sense worked. Ever since that high-profile case with the gun under exactly the 8th hardwood panel, she doubted his methods no more (that is not to say she wasn't ever skeptical of them), and instead, she supported him with the kind of observation she was excellent at.
'We confiscated the files of his patients. I was hoping you'd join us in flipping through them,' the agent offered, and his mood was steadily rising just from talking to her.
'I'm close to finishing up the reconstruction… I better get back to work,' Vicky reclined as she pulled her mouth to the side.
'I understand,' Cooper nodded and eyed her for a second longer.
It was unfortunate, not only because he would have enjoyed her company and she closed off from any interaction with him (although he knew very well the reason, or so he believed), but because Victoria was excellent with files and a swift reader. However, he could recall an incident, in her early days at the Bureau, when she struggled to read her own handwriting.
[1987 March, J. Edgar Hoover Building]
He just returned to his office, about to check in with Diane, when he spotted her in her usually spotless lab coat: now, it was covered in different shades of brown and yellow, especially around her wrists. The two women were having a lively conversation which he notably disturbed with his appearance. Victoria's face turned into stone (marble, he preferred to liken to), and the agent greeted them politely.
'Good morning Agent Cooper,' she returned his greeting. 'I was just about to hand over the files to Diane, but we could go through them since you're here,' Vicky offered.
'That would be excellent.' The agent nodded.
She handed him the folder, and Cooper turned slightly towards her, so they can both investigate the findings. As his frame ghosted around her small one, he could feel the blue butterflies in his stomach flutter into his ribcage, filling his chest. He forced his gaze from her face to the papers.
'The limbs under the bedframe did belong to the same man, but the blood spatters on the walls and ceiling are somebody else's. Judging from the pattern and the lack of his blood on the scene our victim was either... Wait,' She stopped, took a closer look at the case, then changed the files abruptly. 'My bad, so, our victim we graciously named Mathilda, has no match in our database. She either was living off track, a refugee or a recent immigrant of any kind.' She followed as if nothing had happened. 'Her face was burned off with Zippo gasoline, but interestingly, to light that, one of the suspects used a match. I said one, because the crime scene and the bruises on her upper arm and shoulders suggest that there were at least two perpetrators. She was clasped from behind by hand while her face was burning. We're waiting for the lab results to see if there's any residue left behind by the suspect in question...' She put her glasses on and leaned a little closer to the papers.
'Is that your handwriting, Miss Davis?' Cooper asked.
'Sadly, it is,' She replied with an uncomfortable smile as she distanced herself from the folder to look up at him. Her handwriting was all over the place, crooked, oscillating between different shapes and sizes throughout the report - which signaled to him that she was still getting used to her new position. What caught his attention was, however, the left slant, and the apparent pressure she wrote the words with. He glided his finger across the lines.
'It is almost like you carve into the paper,' he noted. 'It is a handwriting of someone who has great depth and intensity, but keeps it all to themselves.'
Vicky brushed a loose strand from her face while she glanced up at Diane. She cleared her throat, then darted her eyes back to the files.
'You can read it a'right, then?' She asked, but despite her previous efforts, her voice was coarse.
'I hope I did not step over a line,' the agent said regretfully. Victoria scarcely showed any emotions when dealing with the men at the FBI (that is, most of their colleagues), and was always uptight which was not in alignment with the charming manners she introduced herself with.
'There are many lines to go over, I'm afraid,' she joked. The next time she lifted her eyes, there was a mischievous grin on her face, and Coop let out a breath he was holding in. 'Agent Cooper, I suggest you take a look at the Xavin café on West 74th Street.'
'And why is that?'
'Our Mathilda was wearing their uniform.'
It was more than mere coincidence: Gordon called to tell them that McCoy found the bird pecks to be either from a parrot or a myna bird (something Vicky was sore about not getting informed of herself), she just entered the room with the poker chip’s reconstruction when Andy found Jacques Renault’s pet bird, Waldo’s files. It all came together and the agent was finally confident. The thrill made him grin from ear to ear as he pulled Victoria to the side.
’Vicky, we’re making a house call. Care to join?’
’Nah,’ she sighed spiritlessly. The dullness was quite unlike her – Coop knew her well and it was nowhere near the kind of reaction he expected from her. His grip on her upper arm became limb and he had an honestly bewildered expression. ’It was a long day and I promised Lucy to drop her home. But I trust you’ll do your best to secure the crime scene for forensics,’ the woman raised her left eyebrow cheekily.
’Of course,’ Cooper promised.
Now he was laying in bed, trying to sleep, but no amount of sheep could take him to dreamland. The absurd attitude of his friend was one thing, yet the previously homey, wood-panelled room of the Great Northern was now anything but quiet.
Somewhere in the hotel stayed a Nordic group in obviously high spirits. It did not matter where exactly they held their elated celebration for their voices rang through the walls, resonating with the wood. Cooper tossed in his bed with quite a temper when he heard a knock on the door: one long, and three shorter ones. As he opened it, the vivacious roar of the Icelanders blared into his room – but on her doorstep, it was Victoria, dressed in her white satin nightgown, with a robe over it.
'You can't sleep either I suppose,' she noted, as she raised a bottle of sweet white wine.
It wasn’t long before they started their own little party in Room 315. Cooper browsed through the records in the room only to put on an LP none of them heard of before. That didn't stop Vicky from dancing, especially after the first two glasses of wine.
She playfully spun around to the jazzy organ notes, her long hair and plaid nightrobe swishing around as she took a sharp turn. Her movements were wobbly which she made up for with thumping, heavy steps. She took a long gulp from the wine bottle, imitating the trumpet that was having a solo in the song at the time before passing the bottle to her friend.
Even Cooper’s reluctance died down shortly, and they changed places often, sliding past each other as they used up all the cramped space the room offered. They jumped up and down the bed, competing to come up with the wildest, wackiest disco moves this side of the Pacific and beyond. Occasionally, they found themself joining in with the Icelandic melodies when the record turned to softer tunes, although they forgot about the Nordic visitors.
Redness and wide smiles were on their faces, and not even the night breeze could cool down the warmth they felt. Their fingers and shoulders sometimes brushed against each other as if searching for the other’s hand yet there was always a breath of distance, a heartbeat away. Vicky once hopped up the bed behind him, only to ruffle his dark hair and make a run for it right after. The man chased after her around the room until he was reconciled with a sip of the white wine.
Some things can be turned around for the better, Cooper thought to himself as he took another sip of the wine.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
The Fifth Lord: Chapter 3
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Pairing: Alcina Dimitrescu and (Fem!Dragon)Reader [non-romantic], Bela Dimitrescu x (Fem!Dragon)Reader
Summary: Your name is Y/n Dracul; The only ‘mutant’ that doesn’t have the Cadou Parasite. You already have some sort of power that impressed Mother Miranda; you were the first known Human-Dragon Hybrid. Although you have your own house, “House Dracul”. Your ‘house’ itself is basically an unused wing of Castle Dimitrescu.
Warnings: Okay so- this chapter and onward is going to be sad, screaming, attempted murder
A/N: So like- I’m sad :) but enjoy
"Bela?" You call out, an echo reverbing throughout the stone walls
No response.
"Bela!" You call out once more
Again, no response. You begin freaking out. Your legs pivot up the stairs exiting the dungeon area. 
Her scent is getting stronger... Bela you better be-
Just as you stop at the entry way to the room before the kitchen, you can easily smell Bela's scent in the pile of crystallized chunks.
"B-Bela?..." You whimper, falling to your knees
Not even thinking you only just try to clump the chunks together in an attempt to bring her back to life. Despite the window was wide open and she was way beyond coming back.
"N-no no no no no...." You whimper again, "Bela... Bela no... Come back... NO!!!!!!!"
Not caring about who was around, you let out a human scream that turned into a dragon roar, shattering whatever glass was near you.
"Dracul?!" Alcina calls from a distance, coming closer, "Dracul what on earth happ-"
Alcina's voice trails off as you look up at her, tears waterfalling down your cheeks as you hold a small pile of Bela's remains in your arms.
"I'm-I'm sorry my lady I heard Bela but- I... I came too late..." you whimper, attempting to hold in your sobs, "I'm sorry..."
Alcina pats your head gently. You were expecting to have Alcina's claws sink into your face for not protecting her. But it never came.
"We must get Daniela and Cassandra," Alcina states, "You go look for Daniela and I'll look for Cassandra."
Alcina turns her heel and walks out from where she walked in. You had just kneeled where you were; trying to process what happened. However, you knew you couldn’t just sulk. 
That man will pay...
However, you couldn’t help BUT sulk. You later find yourself in one of the daughters' bathrooms, not caring whose. You had gotten yourself some water to ease the hoarseness in your throat from the roar you had let out not too long ago.
"She's gone isn't she buddy?..." You look down into your pocket
Mysteriously the fly Bela had left behind right before your Lord meeting earlier that day had survived.
"Bela...." you whimper
Out of anger your threw the glass right at the mirror and screamed. Human screamed. No ounce of dragon in that scream. 
“BELA!!!!” You scream, sobbing once again
You look at yourself in the shattered mirror and you were shocked. In some of the shattered parts of the mirror were you... Your human form and... 
“Bela?” You ask, calmly this time
The reflection only smiles. 
That damn smile...
You rub your tear filled eyes as you try to get a better image of her. However, that reflection was gone. Along with your human form. Just you and your dragon form.
“Okay buddy,” You say, snapping out of your sulkiness, “Let’s go find Daniela.”
As you stumble through the castle, you just replay the image of Bela smiling at you over and over. Beginning to sulk once more.
I will never see that smile ever again.... That man will pay....
You look up and notice the opera room; what used to be the place you and Bela would practice music at, you could no longer hear Bela's soothing voice soothe your pain. Steam comes out of your mouth and nose as you try to calm your breathing. However to no avail.
Steady your breathing y/n.... Keep it steady....
As you tour around the opera room, you look down at the piano. You were never great at it yourself however, one of your claws presses a note. However, you were mysteriously brought into a memory.
Is it... My memory?
It was Bela’s. You watched as Bela played the piano and sang. She looks over and sees you. Smiling and with your eyes closed.
“I’d always listen to her with my ears,” You smiled
Bela looks out and noticed her two sisters and Alcina come walking in on your personal concert now turned into a concert. As you continued to reminisce in Bela’s memory, you heard a gunshot. A familiar faint scent envelops around your nose.
"Lady Daniela..." you whisper to yourself
You run to the Iron barred door and rip off the bars off of its hinge. You bust down the door and your eyes meet a horrifying sight.
"I... Don't wanna... Die...." Daniela's last words had echoed into your memory
"Daniela!!!!" You scream
You run over to her crumbling body. However just as you pushed Ethan Winters out of the way, you attempted to grab onto Daniela's hand; but crumbles just as you grabbed onto it.
"You.... Monster...." You growl, visible steam and smoke emitting from your nose and mouth
Ethan cocks his gun at you, ready to shoot at you if need be.
"You... will PAY FOR THIS!!!" You scream
Just as you screamed, your head turns to him as fire exits your mouth, severely burning him. He staggers back as you sit in front of Daniela's crumbled remains. In shock from the action you had just done. 
How-how did I do that? I never did that before...
You snap yourself back into reality and grab Daniela's Crystal Torso and run out of the library. You trip over the carpet as soon as you exit the library. You turn your body midair to protect Daniela’s remains as you took the impact of the floor. 
"I’m sorry I came too late Lady Daniela," You say, adjusting yourself to kneel
You cradle the torso in your arms, placing your forehead onto the neck of the torso.
"I heard screaming, what happened-"
Like deja vu, you look up at Alcina once more, sobbing. However, what was different was that you were able to get Daniela's remains before Ethan could.
"I....I-I managed to breathe fire My Lady," you choke on a sob, "I b-burned him but... I grabbed Daniela's remains before he could so that-"
"Give her to me child," Alcina hold back her cries
You pass on Daniela's remains into her mothers' arms.
"I haven't found Cassandra yet," Alcina sighs, tears beginning to fall down her face, "Would you go find her for me?"
"As you wish my lady," you say, standing onto your feet
You follow Alcina out of the library and part ways into the castle. You had only gone so far until you slumped against the wall, still trying to process two deaths in a single day. You felt little legs crawling up to your should and to your neck.
“come on y/n,” You talk to yourself, “Ge yourself together...”
You shove your face into your hands, sobbing quietly. You couldn’t believe Bela and Daniela were gone... You felt the presence of someone else in front of you, but you were too upset to move your hands away from your face. However, you felt gentle hands touch yours and they move your hands from your face. You look up.
“B-Bela? Lady Daniela?” You ask, sniffling
They both smile at you. Daniela pats your head as Bela cups your cheek, kissing you on the forehead.
What?... What’s this feeling? I’m no loner sad?...
You look up at them once more but they were gone. You stand there, again, trying to process what the hell just happened.
Lady Bela and Daniela?... How were you here?... How Bela? How were you able to give me this much comfort when the both of you are dead in the same day?...
As you pass through the courtyard, you notice majority of the turned maidens were dead. You enter the main doors, pass through the dining room and enter the main hall. 
“Cassandra! A word!” Alcina calls
Like a puppy following orders from their owner, Cassandra appears.
“What is that man up to?” She asks, “You’re my daughter! Now act like it!”
“Of course mother!” She says, worriedly, dispersing 
“And you!” She screams at you, easily seeing you in the doorway, “You see him, kill him on sight!”
“Yes my lady,” You say, “But- Lady Cassandra-”
“Keep an eye on her,” Alcina states, calmly, “I can’t afford to lose my last daughter....”
You could easily see the tears in her eyes. She tries to hide them from you however, you easily saw the Vampire lord breaking. You had already broke... Your eyes could no longer produce tears. You see the smiles of Daniela and Bela from when you slumped against the wall in the hall you were in before you showed up into the main part of the castle. 
“My Lady-” You say, looking up at her, “I loved them too...”
“I know...” She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Just- watch over Cassandra...”
“As you wish my lady,” You say
You take off into the castle, searching for where Cassandra had gone off to. You watch Alcina walk off into another part of the castle. You search almost search the entire castle however, you find yourself back into the main hall.
“Have you found Cassandra yet?” Alcina comes up to you
“Nope,” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose
Before you could answer Alcina further, an image of both Bela’s remains and Daniela crumbling in front of you. Your fingers run through your hair roughly and you begin crying. You didn’t know what Alcina was doing until she knelt in front of you.
“I watched them My Lady...” You cry, finally looking at her, “I couldn’t reach them in time... I was too late for Bela... Daniela died in front of me... I can’t shake it off...”
“My dear,” She sighs, wrapping her long arms around you into an embrace, “You did all you can...”
“Shouldn’t you be slicing me to ribbons by now My Lady?” You ask
“Why would I now?” she asks, “You are like a daughter to me.”
[A/N: Momma D, Momma D, Momma D, Momma D!!!!!!]
“My Lady?” You ask, looking up at her
The it hit you; when you were a teen, when you first came to the lords as a Lord in Training, Mother Miranda had basically passed you onto Alcina. Alcina raised you. It was true that Mother Miranda had given you a second chance, but it was Alcina that had given you life in your supposed meaningless life. She became the mother-figure you never had.
“Deary?” She calls to you
You look up at her, teary eyed. You jump up and wrap your arms around her neck, engulfing her into a hug. She stands up as you now hold onto her for dear life. 
“O-okay now child,” She tries to hide her tears for you
She lets you down as you begin wiping your tears but still looking up at her.
“Do you feel better?” She asks
You nod.
“Good,” She smiles, “Now, go search where you have yet to search for Cassandra.”
You nod again as she makes her leave from the main hall. You had made the realization that you had yet to explore the upstairs, thus- you ascend the staircase and walk into the hall on your right; noticing an open door. A hidden door that was open.
Not so secret now though...
You step through the door you slowly make your way down the hall. You stop when you felt a tickling on your side. You lift your shirt and notice Bela’s fly on your skin, migrating onto your finger.
“Don’t worry buddy,” You say, gently petting it, “You’ll be safe with me. I promise you that I’ll keep you warm this time.”
This time?... Right...
The bug nuzzles your petting finger. You never seen any fly do this before, you thought it was the most adorable thing ever. 
A fly for a familiar? Pet? No.... It’s more than just a pet... It’s the last I have of Bela...
You put the bug into your inside pocket and continue your way down the hall. 
Chapter 4
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Forty-Eight // Jay Halstead x Reader
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Description: Jay was the one to find you.
Warnings: Major Character Death. Major Whump.
Words: 2898
Pairings: Jay Halstead x Reader
A/N: I just hurt myself. I am sorry...
A little more than forty-eight hours ago, he was waking up next to you in bed. The sheets were tangled around you both as sleep slowly left, allowing the daylight to wake you. Your bare skin was against his, warm and soft. It was familiar, comfortable. He never wanted to let you go, kissing along your neck, sure to make you both late for work. 
A passion filled night turning into a lazy morning. He was sure you’d be late for work, but being so close to you was more than worth it. Traffic could be to blame, or a faulty alarm clock. Anything but the truth. Though, it didn’t matter. The connection between you two was magical, something nobody could deny. Not even Voight. 
Forty-eight hours ago, you were sitting at your desk across from his, laughing at a joke Adam made. Your hair pulled back to keep it out of your face, save for one strand that never wanted to listen. Jay couldn’t help but stare, not sure how he got so lucky to not only have you as his partner, his friend, his confidant, but the woman he got to share a bed with. He had to be the luckiest guy in the world, his eye catching yours as you directed that smile at him. 
Forty-seven hours ago, a case came calling. A young woman dead in an abandoned house in Austin. She had y/h/c hair, similar complexion. If he was being honest, she could have probably been your sister if you’d had one. 
Forty-six hours ago, the two of you were in the car, driving back to station to start working on leads to catch her killer.
Forty-five hours ago, you sat on your desk as her picture was taped to the white-board, brow furrowed. He knew every case hit you in a different way. You just wanted to make the world a better place, make Chicago safer every day. It was your home. 
Thirty-seven hours ago, the two of you dragged yourself back to your shared apartment, exhausted from the day’s work. There was no passion that night. Instead, it was groans as you laid down in bed. A quick kiss goodnight, before holding each other until sleep overtook you. 
Twenty-eight hours ago, they’d gotten a lead, but you weren’t there. Nobody was worried because you’d promised to bring them lunch. That’s what you were doing -- or what they thought you were doing. 
Twenty-seven hours ago, Jay started getting worried. You should have been back by then, but you were nowhere to be found. Your phone went straight to voicemail. The tracker on your car still had you at the restaurant, though a call to the manager said otherwise. He said you’d left almost an hour ago. 
Twenty-five hours ago, a note showed up in a box left on Trudy’s desk. How nobody saw who dropped it off would always be a mystery to Jay. Maybe if they’d paid attention, or if it hadn’t been as busy, or if the cameras were at the right angle they would have been able to see. Instead, they were left with a box with a picture of you. Ropes were around your wrists, gag in your mouth. Jay could swear he saw tears on your cheeks, though nobody else did. Maybe it was his imagination, but he knew there would be no sleep until you were home in his arms. 
Twenty hours ago, they caught their first big lead, leading them to an abandoned house in Garfield Park with no sign of you anywhere. Jay felt like he couldn’t breathe, didn’t know what to do besides work himself to the bone to find you. Again, there would be no sleep for him until you were home. 
Fifteen hours ago, Voight yelled at the team. Why couldn’t they find a single lead, a single clue that would lead them back to you. Jay didn’t want to imagine what your captors were doing, based on what the autopsy revealed on their first victim. Your picture was taped next to yours. Top priority. Intelligence wasn’t the only team looking for you, far from it. Every team in Chicago was looking for you. You were one of their own. 
Ten hours ago, Voight told him to sleep, even if it was on the couch in the break room. Jay was no good if he couldn’t keep his eyes open. He’d been staring at the picture on the white-board, your picture from the day you graduated the academy. It would be the same picture at your funeral if they didn’t find you in time. Jay didn’t sleep well, but got a couple hours. When he woke, he knew that was wasted time. 
Four hours ago, they finally caught their big break in the case. A disgruntled criminal you’d arrested early in your career had gotten parole. They were narrowing down where he could be keeping you.
Three hours ago, the team was getting ready in the dungeon as you so called it. Jay was strapping his vest on, not even letting Voight entertain the idea of taking him off the case. He was going to be there when they found you. He was going to be there for you, to make sure you were okay even if you weren’t. He was going to be there for you even if you were never okay again. 
An hour ago, he sat in the car next to Voight. Neither man said anything on the drive to the address. Jay’s hands were steady despite his heart pounding. Soon. Soon you’d be back in his arms. Soon, he’d be taking you home and making sure you were okay. Soon. That’s what he told himself. Soon. 
Twenty minutes...Thirty minutes ago, they were parking their cars just a couple blocks away as to not spook their suspect. Voight was directing them on the plan, who was with who. Where each team was going. Voight put Jay with Kim. It was go-time.
Ten minutes ago, Jay was the first to breach the house, gun drawn with Kim right behind him. Room by room, they cleared the basement and first floor before moving to the second. His heart pounded in his ears. So far, it didn’t seem like you were there. 
Two minutes ago, Jay finally reached the second floor. His hand was on the doorknob of one of the upstairs rooms, knowing you were going to be there. It was the last room of the house. He didn’t hear the radio going off, telling them the suspect was found dead in the backyard. His hand turned the knob, pushing the door open. 
One minute ago, Jay’s life was completely different. He had a future planned out with you. He had a ring in a drawer, waiting to ask you to marry him. He had the idea of the perfect life with you. He could see your kids running around, a smile on your face as you looked up at him with those eyes. You were his future. One minute ago, he had everything. 
“No,” he whispered, hand dropping and gun clattering to the floor. 
He took a step before falling to his knees next to you, not sure when the tears started. Was it before or after the sting of the hardwood hit his knees? He didn’t hear Kim suck in a breath behind him, too focused on you. Skin pale, unmoving. He knew he shouldn’t touch you, shouldn’t contaminate the crime scene. But this was you. Y/N. His partner. His confidant. His best friend. His future. 
“No!” he said again, louder, more forceful as he pulled you to his chest, not caring that the vest was the only thing that separated the two of you. 
Blood matted your hair, lips parted slightly. The same lips that forty-eight hours ago were kissing his skin. The same lips that he’d kissed a thousand times and was expecting to kiss a thousand more. Ropes were still tied around your wrists. Bruises were evident from where you tried to free yourself, knuckles bloody from the fight you gave. If he didn’t know any better, he could think that maybe you were sleeping. If it hadn’t have been for the gunshot wound to your abdomen, blood soaking the front of your shirt. 
“You’ve got to wake up,” he cried, a shaking hand stroking through your hair. Despite the blood being dry, that didn’t stop it from getting on his hands. “You can’t leave me, Y/N. You’ve got to wake up.” 
A radio keyed up behind him, but he didn’t move. “We found her,” Kim finally said, voice shaking. “He killed her.”
Jay paid no attention, falling back from his knees to his ass hard, bringing you with him as he cradled your body. Sobs coursed through him like the waves of an ocean, wracking his body. You couldn’t be gone. Just forty-eight hours ago, you were with him. Just forty-eight hours ago, you were living and breathing and laughing. Oh, how much could change in forty-eight hours. 
Forty-eight hours ago, Jay was sitting in the bedroom of an abandoned house in Englewood. The hardwood floors stained with your blood, the paint peeling off the walls. He was sitting in the bedroom, cradling your body in his arms as he cried. He cried for the love that he lost, for the future he would never get with you. He cried because of the memories that were always only going to just be that -- memories. 
Forty-six hours ago, Adam drove him home to the apartment you shared. He hesitated with his hand on the doorknob, not knowing what to expect when he walked in. His chest was heavy and tight, trying to will the tears away as he entered the apartment. 
“One of us will be over in the morning to check on you. Will’s on his way right now,” Adam told him before leaving. 
Jay was thankful he didn’t stay, locking the door behind him before pressing his back to the wood. He wasn’t sure he could go any further without you there, knowing you’d never be there again. He was never going to hear your laugh, or see your smile. He was never going to get to hold you, or tell you he loved you. He was never going to get that future he imagined with you. And his heart shattered, sobs coming from him again as he buried his face in his hands. You were never going to be there with him again, and he didn’t know how to handle it.
He’d experienced plenty of loss in his life. His mother dying. His friends. People coming and going. Yet, you were the last person he expected to leave him. You’d promised him at one point. You’d promised you’d never leave, and yet here he was. Crying alone in an empty apartment you’d never get to come back to. 
He cried for the future he’d never get, but yet the same one you’d never get to see. He still got to live his life. You didn’t. And if he could trade you spots, he would do it in a heartbeat. Because you were stronger than he could ever imagine himself to be. You’d get through this gracefully, not like him. 
Forty-three hours ago, Will showed up and held his younger brother as he cried. When he tried to take him to the bedroom to let him sleep, Jay wouldn’t budge. He begged Will to let him sleep on the couch, not able to sleep in the same bed that you’d shared. Will obliged, letting Jay sleep on the couch while he kept watch of his brother from the chair. This was going to set Jay back.
Forty hours ago, Jay woke up screaming. Screaming because he couldn’t save you. Screaming because he couldn’t get your dead body out of his head. Screaming because he blamed himself. 
Thirty-eight. Screaming. 
Thirty-six. Screaming.
Thirty-four. Screaming.
Thirty-two. He finally gave up on sleep. As did Will. He’d gotten up before his younger brother, making breakfast for him, knowing he needed to eat something. For a moment, Jay let his eyes remain closed as he thought that maybe you were home. That maybe it was all a nightmare he would wake up from. Until he saw his brother’s face, pity staring down at him with a plate of eggs. 
Thirty hours ago, he began planning your funeral. It was considered a line-of-duty death. You would be memorialized. He didn’t leave his apartment the rest of the day, Will telling the team it wasn’t the best time for them to come over. Maybe tomorrow. 
Sixteen hours ago, Will sedated his brother. He didn’t want to, but Jay had left him no choice. Jay was inconsolable with grief. He’d never seen his brother like this before, and he’d seen him at his worst. After their mother died, Jay was sad, but not like this. After Erin left, Will was able to glue the pieces back together. He knew he wouldn’t be able to do that again. Pieces were missing, pieces you took with you to the grave. Will had gotten his brother into bed, hoping that the sedative would help with the sleep.
Five hours ago, Jay woke up to Voight shaking his arm. The man stood in his dress-blues, solemn look on his face.
“It’s time, Jay,” he told him, letting Jay get himself ready in peace. 
He wasn’t expecting to wake up in your bedroom, tears coming to his eyes again. He was sick and tired of crying. He just wanted to be okay again, not knowing if that would ever happen. He took a shower, shaving his face. He tried to ignore the stranger that stared back at in him the mirror with red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. He could imagine you behind him, wrapping your arms around him as you pressed a kiss between his shoulder blades. You would laugh and tell him to stop hogging the mirror.
But you weren’t there. You were a ghost in his memories. 
He exited the bathroom, pulling on his uniform, making sure it was straight. No wrinkles. Everything in place. Only the best for you. He pulled the ring box out of the drawer, placing it in his pocket before walking out to the living room. 
The entire unit was there. Each of them looking at him. He could see the sadness in their eyes, on their faces. Yet, he was consumed too much by his own grief that he had no words of comfort for them. 
Now, he stood next to your open casket at the front of the church. He was the last one there, nobody daring to move you until he was ready. They all knew one way or another that the two of you were together. 
He was tired of crying, pulling the box out of his pocket. 
“I was waiting for the right time,” he said softly, voice cracking. “I wanted you to have everything and more. And I couldn’t-” He grasped the side of the coffin, staring down at your face, unmoving still. “I couldn’t save you. And I’m sorry.” 
“You can’t blame yourself.” He chuckled, able to imagine what you’d say to him if you were there. 
“I love you, Y/N,” he told you, squeezing his eyes shut as tears dripped down his cheeks again. “Until I see you again.” He placed the ring box in your hands carefully. A part of him wanted to slide the ring on your finger, but knew he wouldn’t be able to. He never go to ask you to marry him, so why would he get to slide that ring on your finger. It was more fitting that it go with you to the grave. Carefully, he pressed a kiss to your forehead before turning and walking down the aisle of the church to go outside. 
He stood with the rest of Intelligence, waiting for the radio to go off. 
“Final call for 5021 Henry.” There was thirty seconds of complete silence. “5021 Henry is 10-7. End of watch August 8th, 2019. Detective Y/N Y/L/N served this community for the past eight years. A sister to us all. You may rest now, your watch is over.” 
The bagpipes played as the pallbearers carried your casket out to the hearse. Police cars lined the streets, every officer saluting until the hearse drove away to the cemetery. 
Jay was thankful that Voight had requested the burial to be more private. There would be your memorial, your name carved into the monument for those lost in the line of duty. This was for them to say goodbye. You had no family left, so it was just Intelligence standing around the grave-site. The priest said a few more words, everybody else silent as he spoke. The only other sound were the sniffles of the team, trying to keep it together. 
Jay didn’t want to say goodbye, but had no other option as the wooden box was lowered into the earth. How could so much change in forty-eight hours? He tried to imagine your smiling face in front of him, the feel of your fingertips on his skin. He didn’t know if he’d ever be alright, but for now, he could imagine.
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