#entrepreneurship circles
aos-presents · 2 years
Watch "STORMZY - MEL MADE ME DO IT" on YouTube
"We're All Alone In This Together"..
Self sustaining and vulture resistant..
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John Kettler: Chief of The unSUCCESSFULS Invisible Staff
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John Kettler is out after only three (3) months on the job. No sympathy for anyone who partners with these two (2) bullies. You're either too lazy to read a book or maybe you like to help bullies.
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"Joshua lives with his wife in Santa Barbara, CA and holds an MBA from Clemson University with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship and Innovation."¹
Richard Eden for Daily Mail: When the Duke of Sussex appointed Josh Kettler as his grandly titled chief of staff earlier this year, it was said that he was the perfect man to 'guide' Harry 'through his next phase'. However, the Daily Mail understands that Mr Kettler has suddenly quit his job after scarcely three months, amid much intrigue. Josh Kettler is no longer working for them,' a source in California told this newspaper today. The timing is a particular blow to Harry and his wife Meghan as Mr Kettler would have been expected to accompany them on their 'quasi-royal tour' of Colombia, which kicks off this week."
The total number the Sussexes have lost since they married in 2018 is said to be at least 18, with nine or more having left since they moved to California in 2020.
Mr Kettler was seen entering St Paul's Cathedral with the duke for the anniversary service, which was attended by figures including Harry's uncle, Earl Spencer, but no other members of the Royal Family.
Later that month, Mr Kettler was a key figure on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's three-day 'tour' of Nigeria and was by Harry's side as he met government officials in the West African country. His role on the visit was said to be a foretaste of what he would achieve in the future.
Prince Harry and Meghan with Mr Kettler (circled) by their side. His role on the visit was said to be a foretaste of what he would achieve in the future.
¹Bio: "Joshua Kettler is an experienced executive accelerator, organizer, and confidant. Seasoned in guiding C-suite functions, critical cross-functional program management, high-level strategy development, and board of directors / investor relationship management. Focused on bringing unparalleled products and experiences to customers while working in lockstep with leaders, executing on their vision.
Joshua spent the better part of a decade with Patagonia, a leader in outdoor apparel, serving as a trusted resource and right hand to the Vice President of Global Sales and Customer Experience. He helped direct all revenue driving strategies and operations worldwide, spanning seven major markets and $1B+ in yearly revenue. His efforts included managing the organization's workflow, prioritization, and oversight of regional GMs, while providing input on critical decisions including distribution strategy, customer touch points, internal and external communication, organizational structure, and personnel matters.
In 2021, Joshua shifted is focus to start up ventures, becoming Chief of Staff to the CEO of Better Place Forests and most recently joining Cognixion as Chief of Staff and Head of Strategic Partnerships, helping to accelerate and support the transformative AR / BCI company.
Joshua is an avid trail runner and skier, and a steadfast supporter of conservation and the environment. Joshua lives with his wife in Santa Barbara, CA and holds an MBA from Clemson University with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship and Innovation."
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a-d-nox · 3 days
lenormand cards: key phrases and an example of a card combo (part 3)
this is just a beginners guide to the lenormand. these are key phrases that come to mind when i think of the cards - NOT how they should be directly applied. they needs to be thought about situationally - the card / when it is in specific combos can change or alter its meaning in a reading.
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ring: unity, attachment, alliance, marriage, vow, affections, commitment, engagement, agreements, promises, partnerships, mergers, valuable objects, jewelry, completion, solution, full circle, etc.
ring + cross = joint suffering, spartacus energy, feeling burdened by your commitments, relationship trials, bad karma, being "cursed", being humiliated by your partner, disappointed by your partner, etc.
book: curiosity, knowledge, education, wisdom, intelligence, hidden things, mysteries, secrecy, information, facts, data, learning, education, projects, cases, assignments, audits, research, monetary accounts, research, exams, school, esoteric studies, discoveries, breakthroughs, confidential information, books, journals, files, deck of cards, etc.
book + ring = marriage license, wedding planner, knowledge about prenuptial agreements, combined assets in a partnership, a finished project, final exam, etc.
letter: news, messages, information, notes, memos, documents, reports, written correspondence, awards, certificates, licenses, credentials, diplomas, records, permits, authorizations, warrants, liens, titles, contacts, advertisements, flyers, brochures, junk mail, invitations, announcements, cards, posters, etc
letter + book = lecture notes, hidden messages, literary analysis, awards for intellect, learning permit for driving, etc.
man: brother, lover, father, spouse, fiancé, etc.
man + letter = a guy with news, a message from a man, doctor, educated man, famous man, etc.
woman: sister, lover, mother, friend, spouse, fiancée, etc.
woman + man = siblings, twins, couple, etc.
lilies: royalty, honor, nobility, purity, innocence, knowledge, respect, wisdom, maturity, happiness, protection, pregnancy, aging, peace, slow down, etc.
lilies + woman = queen, maid of honor, a nun, baby girl, a virgin, woman teacher/professor, grandmother, mother, motherhood, etc.
sun: new beginning, life, warmth, heat, success, glory, victory, happiness, glory, desire, courage, hope, recognition, fame, power, reputation, ego, pride, high self-esteem, charisma, alluring personality, summer, beaches, positivity, optimism, masculine, etc.
sun + lilies = pure joy, contentment, joan of arc energy, being well liked and trusted, invincibility, king, patriarchy, etc.
moon: imagination, musing, passion, unconscious, feminine, maternal instincts, intuition, psyche, dreams, creativity, inspiration, innovation, honors, fame, recognition, popularity, celebrity, emotions, passions, seduction, romance, intimacy, affection, desires, fantasies, motherhood, the womb, menstruation, hormones, instincts, perception, sensitivity, awareness, mystics, mediums, psychics, etc.
moon + sun = prologue, dream life, "the warm and fuzzies", psychic power, pearl energy, charming personality, awareness of yourself and your power, etc.
key: wishes, hidden things, success, unexpected results, karmic lessons, breakthroughs, etc.
key + moon = manifestation, creative success, overnight success, karmic lover, awareness of your lesson, etc.
fish: abundance, water, fertility, spirituality, prosperity, eternity, unity, happiness, transformation, femininity, adaptability, knowledge, creativity, freedom, luck, intuition, independence, self-employment, entrepreneurship, sales, purchases, exchanges, abundance, wealth, emotions, beaches, independence, etc.
fish + key = having a lot of wishes, murky water, the unknown, things working out, a gamble paying off, etc.
anchor: stability, security, safety, immovability, trust, faith, loyalty, stubbornness, consistency, endurance, destinations, support, reliability, lifestyle, etc.
anchor + fish = stability income, stubbornness paying off, enduring beliefs, freedom to choose, supporting yourself, lifestyle that supports the self, etc.
cross: suffering, martyrdom, burdens, challenges, worries, troubles, trials, pains, hardships, concerns, hardships, obstacles, hindrances, regret, remorse, guilt, shame, humiliation, disappointment, religion, faith, belief, esotericism, psychics, mediums, empaths, etc.
cross + anchor = financially struggling, lacking faith, being in your own way, struggling with consistency, regretting your life's choices, being disappointed by where you are, faith worth relying on, being a psychic/medium, etc.
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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tarotbydelilah444 · 1 year
📚✨ Your Upcoming School Year
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What can you expect for your upcoming school year? This pac reading will resonate with anyone that is expected to go back to school soon, or just want to know what the vibes will be like for their school year. Enjoy the reading and as always sending you love and light ✨🤍 - Delilah
pile one • green aventurine
self care message • deep breathing
For some, you could deal with anxiety or stress out easily. Remember to take breaks, if things become too much for you to handle. You could also doubt yourself a lot and your abilities. You are not a failure and you are doing your best, even when you think you aren’t, just take a moment to breathe and center yourself before going back to work.
general message • 📚
work through & be aware of self sabotage when it comes to your education. You might have moments when you believe that you aren’t doing enough or that your work is not your best, but it could be self doubt that is making feel this way and making you question yourself and your capabilities.  social life • 📚 you will likely have to make some big decisions regarding to your friendships. Some of you will have to make a decision to cut off some people within your circle, but you may be a bit reluctant to do this, but it is necessary to do this. Maybe you have outgrown your friendships and you may not resonate with them like you used to or maybe you don’t feel supported by your peers like you used to. You are being asked to reevaluate your friendships and really pay attention to who is showing up for you and putting in the effort vs those who are doing the bare minimum. You will likely make new friends that add value to your life rather than taking from you. If your social life has been stagnant, you are being asked to step out of your comfort zone and make the effort. Go places that you have never explored before or you may have been reluctant to go. Take a leap of faith and watch where it will take you. Be open to getting to know people that may be different from you or have different interests than you.  grade & academics • 📚
If you are looking for support in terms of your academics, you are in luck, you will be receiving help from others if you have been struggling in terms of your work. You will have people that will be more than happy and willing to help and support you, if you ask. Your academics will improve drastically and you can expect to get the results that you want, so keep manifesting and putting in the work because it will eventually pay off in the end. Be prepare to be recognized for your efforts and be rewarded for your hard work. For others, you could be questioning if you are really passionate about your field or major, so maybe you may be pursuing a career/field/major to impress your family & friends, but it’s not what you actually want to pursue in the long run. Some of you could want to be entrepreneurs and be your own boss, but you could be pursuing law or a respectable field to impress or make others happy. You are being asked to do what will make you happy and follow your pursuits & passions and to hell with what anybody’s opinions of what you should be doing what your life and future. Do you!
overview • 📚
you will face a lot of ups and downs in your upcoming school year, but these moments are important for your growth and personal development. Things will work out in your favor in the end, as long as you stay open to changes that are happening. You can expect big changes and unexpected opportunities to come to you once you embrace these changes. Good luck!
random messages • 📚
handsome, powerful, CEO, 888, 333, lawyer, big decisions, manifestations, anxiety & doubts, improvements in finances, entrepreneurship, and dishonest, Sagittarius, Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio, changing majors, dropping out to pursue your true passion
pile two • smoky quartz
self-care message • nourish your temple
Make sure that you are taking care of your body and your mental health, some of you could deal with some issues relating to your health in the near future, if you don’t pay extra attention to what your body is trying to tell you. Take time away from your work, to check in with yourself and a take care of your needs. Some of you could also deal with anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses that may/will have an impact on your overall health and on your studies if you don’t take care of yourself first and manage to find balance between yourself & school.
general message • 🎓
Balance is needed when it comes to your school life. You need to know when to work and when to stop to have some fun. Taking a break from your studies is not a crime and you shouldn’t treat it as one either. Don’t be afraid to take some time out to relax and enjoy life outside of class and enjoy your daily routine. Try exerting your energy into different hobbies and activities, or simply getting out and having some fun.
social life • 🎓
You will be making some huge changes within your friendship circle. You will be cutting off and releasing old friendships soon, or you may lose some friends, if it hasn’t happened already, but know that this was necessary and meant to happen. Some of the people in your circle were being two-faced or they were secretly jealous of you and in competition with you. However, I do see the universe will be blessing you with new friends to replace the old ones that were removed from your life, so no need to stress. I see you will have more fun and more in common with this person or these group of people than in your previous friendships. If some of you are into the occult/mysticism , i see you finding friends that are interested in the occult or share your interests. grades & academics • 🎓
Some of you could be majoring in law or something dealing with lots of writing and reading, so you will be doing a lot of writing and researching in terms of school. You may also have to work in groups or collaborate on project with others this year. Your school responsibilities will definitely be picking up more and a lot will be expected of you, but I see you staying on top of everything and excelling in terms of your academics. There will be something significant about the month of October, so be on the lookout. I see you being very focused and studious for the most part that you will not have time for games or drama. For some, this could be your senior year of college/high school and you are anticipating on graduating and I see it being a success for the most part and working out in you favor. overview • 🎓 This will be a very busy & rigorous school year for you, so make sure you study, prepare, and stay focused & on top of your studies. If you are preparing for exams, I do see you passing these exams and receiving your degree & recognition for your hard work. This school year will be very important, so you will need to make a good impression and work hard to reap big rewards. You will serve as an inspiration for many people to see you achieve your goals. Be proud of all you have managed to accomplish and achieve thus far. Good luck & congrats!
random messages • 🎓
mental health issues, overstimulated, lawyer, Paris, two-faced, terminated, sixth house, eighth house, endings and new beginnings, October, writer, complex, you are loved, big decisions, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo 
pile three • lapis lazuli
self care message • look for fairies
When you are feeling discouraged or feeling uncertain about the path in front of you. Ask from a sign above and it will be presented to you in the physical realm. For some, you guys could have periods of discouragement and you are being asked to have faith that your circumstances & luck will change around for the better. Believe in yourself because great things are coming to you soon. 
general message • 🧠
Have you forgotten all the reasons of why you decided to further your education. I feel like some of you are currently bored with school or you feel a lack of purpose/motivation to fully commit to school this time around. You are being asked to rediscover why you decided to go to school and figure out if this is what you want to do long term because only you know what’s feel right for you, and only you can make that decision. Right now, you are to focus on the negative aspects of school and you aren’t considering the positive aspects of school. If you continue to look at school from a pessimistic view, it will soon begin to affect your work and you will begin to procrastinate and slack off, so try to change your outlook and attempt to change you mindset and perspective to something more positive. Remember that success doesn’t happen overnight, it usually takes a lot of effort, hard work, patience, and determination to make it to the top and to remain there.
social life • 🧠
Some of you could be the leader in your group of friends. You are the person that everyone comes to for advice or when they are in need of support because your friends may view you as wise, trustworthy, and great meditators/listener. There will likely be some sort of conflict in your friend group that will require you to assess the situation, make sure that you are listening to both sides and taking in consideration of everyone’s feelings, needs, and wants before coming to a decision. You could also find yourself reconnecting with friends from you past, if you are open to receiving them again, just make sure to set healthier boundaries with each other.
grades & academics • 🧠
Some of you could be foreign exchange students or you could be studying abroad, I channeled the Middle East or Africa. In terms of your academics, Your classes may become much more rigorous and the work load is tedious, so you will be having a hard time with school and it will be weighing on you. Your work load will likely increase or you have more responsibilities than you had before. You could be majoring in something that requires lots of writing or you will be expected to write a lot this upcoming school year. You are being encouraged to ask for help and support, if you begin to become too overall. Start by dividing your responsibilities by working and focusing on assignments that are far more important first, then work on the tasks that less tedious at a later time. You must focus on staying balance and taking more time out for yourself because you will experience periods of being burnt out and stressed out from overworking & overextending yourself to the point of exhaustion. Whenever you are feeling burnt out, you should to take a break and put time aside to prioritize & reward yourself for the work that you do complete regardless if it was only a little work. You may want to give up, but things will get better because you are almost at the finish line, so keep going no matter how challenging things may be at the moment, your hard work will eventually pay off. Create a schedule for your school work or try to tackle three task per day to help ease the load off of your back. Remember to work smarter, not harder!
overview • 🧠
I see you hanging in there and eventually things will turn in your favor, however, this will require you to change up your routine, take risks, and to have tunnel vision to make it through the school year. You will be able to conquer any challenges that may be in your path, you just have to stay focus and keep your eyes on the prize. Make sure that are studying and you are being your own motivator, you don’t need to always get motivation or inspiration from others. Take time to sit with yourself and contemplate what you envision yourself in the future and the goals that you want to achieve in the near future. Make a game plan and stick to it and make sure to cut out any distractions as you go within.
random messages • 🧠
unexpected bills, co-workers, working while in school, manifestations, 333, well-mannered, writer, trustworthy, car, saving up for a car, August, June, December, November, January, and March, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius  pile four • tiger’s eye
self-care message • connect with fire 
What intentions do you want to set for the upcoming school year. Do you have the motivation and drive to go after the goals that you have set for yourself. Are you have the strength and willpower to achieve everything that you desire, even when obstacles are in your path. Ask yourself these questions because this define the next step in your path and determine if you will succeed in the end.
general message • 🏆
Like I state above, you have a lot of goals and plans for the future as it pertains to school. All the hard work and focusing on the bigger picture will eventually pay off in the near future because you will be able to celebrate the fruits of your labor. By staying focus and dedicated to fulfilling and reaching your goals, you will be able to overcome any obstacle that stands in your way. Don’t lose focus of your dream because it will open many doors and windows of opportunities for you in the near future. The future looks very bright for you. The time for planning is over, it’s time for you to take action to grow and expand.
social life •🏆
you will find yourself making friends with people that are older than you or who are very mature for their age. Some of you could even join a club or decide to pledge which will help you gain connections and open the doors for you in terms of school and your future career. These friends of yours will have similar goals and aspirations as you, and you can expect them to be very supportive, trustworthy, loyal, and keep you grounded. These are connections that can last for years and people that you can confide in, or even ask for help when are struggling, they will give you sound advice and help along the way.  This person will likely be a masculine energy, or embodies a lot of masculine energy regardless of their gender.
grades & academics • 🏆
You will have a lot of responsibilities coming into the school year because you simply cannot grow or achieve your goals, if you don’t struggle along the way. You will be expected to  work together & collaborate with others, so be open to others opinions and ideas because you can really learn from other people’s input. Some of you could be very stubborn and dismissal when it comes to work with others and this is not a good trait to have if you expect to be successful. You guys are really intelligent, but other people are also intelligent and you should give them chance to share their ideas and intelligence with you instead of being overly critical and independent. Let others have a chance to lead for a change. It’s okay to do things out of the box sometimes, everything isn’t always black and white. Consider it as a different and new way of getting closer to your goals. You grades will be fine as long as long as you learn to work with others and stay on top of your work. 
overview • 🏆
You can possibly met a fire sign or earth sign masculine or feminine that can serve as a mentor to you and help you during your school journey. This person is well connected and has a lot of experience and knowledge to offer if you are willing to listen and learn from him/her. For others, you will be successful in your endeavors as long as you don’t doubt your abilities. If you see an opportunity, you should go for it without a doubt. Focus on building connections with people and networking to gain more opportunities and new learning experiences to get your foot through the door and closer to achieving your goals. Always be ready to be adaptable and ready to shift to the next thing if things or plans do change. Don’t get discouraged nor get anxious, trust that things will always work out in your favor, even if you don’t have all the answers. 
random messages • 🏆
law school, CEO, wait, next year, 444, 777, Asia, anxiety & doubts, stubborn, sixth house, collaboration, fraudulent activity, intelligence, masculine, sirene, beauty, Scorpio, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn 
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thesirencult · 1 year
Your choices are yours because they will impact YOUR LIFE. Not mommy's life or daddy's life, not your gossiping loving neighbour's life and certainly not your second cousin's ex girlfriend's sister's best friend's life. YOUR LIFE, is the one that will be impacted by the path you choose to follow.
Yes, I know. All of us up to some point wanted our parent's to be proud. Even people who hide it deep inside want to succeed just to get the "I'm proud of you" talk from their father. Guess what though ? Even though most people want their parents to be proud of them and follow their guidance, 95% of people are not truly happy in their life. This also goes for people who are trying to please their social circle or go and do what society deems "right". They are stuck in unloving marriages, work like slaves and go home only to plop on the couch and proceed to spend 6 hours on their phone watching other people live their dreams. That's a side picture I painted...
My dad wanted me to be a lawyer. When I chose to study History & Philosophy Of Science he was shocked. Why ? Cause that meant something to him. He has always idolized lawyers. He does not see that the ones who make it are extremely passionate and ambitious. I know that my dad still hopes I will one day get into law school. Sometimes he catches me working on my laptop and he sighs out loud (Eastern European Father ✅) and says "Everything is okay but you didn't get a law degree.". I'm like bitch stfu. I make my own money, I'm building streams of income that will allow me to be financially independent and to live wherever I want, what are you talking about ? The crazy thing is that my father was a business owner and always pushed me towards entrepreneurship! Even he did not escape the dogma of our society. Why would I do "The monk who sold his Ferrari" in reverse. Leave my passion and life's calling behind and move overseas to work in corporate America to have my soul sucked. He then laughs and proceeds to tell me a story about one of his friends who is loaded and his father always wanted him to be a doctor and made remarks all the time, even when he signed million $ checks !
If you know what you want to go after, you are lucky. Most people end up in sticky situations because they had no direction. They follow others' directions causing them to be unhappy and resentful. I made my choice because I loved my parents and I didn't want to have resentment towards them when I was waiting for my welfare check. No one can guarantee you will find a job easily in this day and age. I believe that social sciences are much more important than our technocratic society makes them to be. They are the backbone of our civilization. I could never become a doctor even though I respect and appreciate them for their service. Same goes for police officers. I have friends who are in the force and they are amazing, sweet and true heroes but I could not be like them and they could not do what I do.
Forgive your parents. Most of them are trying to protect us from a crazy world but sometimes they harm us more in the process. Listen to the elders when they speak but learn to logically reason within.
Being an astrologer and helping people uncover their purpose is very liberating. It makes you realize how our world was shaped so the best would come on top. You have all the tools, make the best out of them and go after your goals.
Because in the end, you'll be proud of yourself.
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astrologyfactzzz · 1 year
☆ ♈︎ Aries Rising ♈︎ ☆
This post is about my beloved Aries Risings. Who are these passionate fighters? What does it feel like to be an Aries Rising and why are they so powerful?
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*Hint: Check your Aries Rising degree. If it's 25 degree or later Taurus Rising could be more relatable. Early degrees can often resonate better with Pisces Rising. People with Mars in 1st house could also relate.
The Warrior. The Fighter. The Achiever.
As we all know, Aries rising signs are the firecrackers and go-getters of the zodiac. Quick and headstrong, they command a "take charge" energy that’s inspiring and motivating. Aries is a fire sign, ruled by the warrior planet Mars. This imbues them with red-hot passion and quick impulses.
Although Aries ascendants may come across as bossy, they really just want to be seen as courageous and bold for being the first to blaze their own trail. They tend to put themselves up before they're even ready to go and get what they want. There is no stop; just go, go, go.
Aries ascendant is ambitious and independent. If they go get something, they don't care if they look like a fool or if somebody stands in their way. You are either with them or not.
In general, Aries are childlike individuals because it's the first sign of the zodiac. Therefore, it often seems like they behave like a kid who's learning to walk. They stumble and fall, but they're so determined to walk. Aries just doesn't care if they fail.
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I also recognized that they want to be seen and respected for the things that they have achieved. Due to their 10th house in Capricorn, they have this deep survival instinct. "I’m going to make it". They are going to do whatever it takes to get to the top. In terms of careers, they do very well in entrepreneurship. They show that they’re strong and solid in work environments. (Especially if they have planets in their 10th house.) Aries risings are also meant to break a family pattern. If everyone in their family had been cooks, for instance, they would be the ones who'd say, No, I am going to go my own way. By being yourself in that way, you could be the black sheep of the family. But that doesn't stop them from starting a new circle for themselves.
Their Pisces 12th house describes hidden aspects. Aries Risings have a lot of dreams, goals, and visions. While Pisces Risings tend to be too much in their heads and not think about going into action, Aries people set a plan and do whatever it takes to go and get what they want. They can also be highly spiritual people if they have planets in the 12th house.
Sometimes they get lost, too. With their 11th house in Aquarius, they wonder: Who am I? Where do I actually fit? They can get angry, jealous, and really lost when others around them reach their goals while they don't even know where to put their full cup of energy. Therefore, I highly recommend doing sports to channel the energy when you have no goals and get frustrated about it. Aries Risings are often good at athletics and exercises. For that reason, that can open new doors for them.
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Since the descendant, aka the 7th house, is in Libra, they're meant to learn from different people. It's also another indicator that they struggle with their identity because they don't know where they fit. Aries Risings crave or attract relationships or people who are codependent or dependent on their energy. Problems in relationships could be that they come off as selfish or self-centered. They actually just want to have their own time, do their own things, and have their own life.
Their 4th house in Cancer is an indicator of trouble with their mother while growing up. Aries Risings are more aligned with masculine energy. The relationship is often better with their father, or they want to make their father proud and get his attention.
Last but not least, the shadow aspects of the Aries Risings: They are impulsive and reactive people. Sometimes they don't know how to channel their energy. However, not everyone might resonate with everything that I said above. Check your progression chart because, as time goes on, your rising sign moves into another sign, and that could be Taurus (or even Gemini). Therefore, the energy might die down a bit.
One thing that I also noticed about Aries risings (or dominant Aries placements in general) is that they tend to have issues with headaches or have a big head (but also have a good ego). Something that soothes and relaxes them could be a massage on the head. They can experiment with their hair or hair colors. All of this is because Aries rules the head.
In the end, all I said about you, my Aries Rising, doesn’t really matter. You don't need to try to be the best; you are the best! *ੈ✩‧₊˚
I hope this resonates with you guys. <3
(Taurus Rising will be uploaded soon.)
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[CN] Victor’s 2023 Birthday Story (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a content yet to be released in the global server! ♡
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Collect the memory items and look back at the moment when his life ushered in a major turning point. The future he earnestly desired is composed of every second and minute from that immediate moment.
Victor’s dialogues will be in bold and italics. Others’ dialogues will be in only bold.
I’ll use ( ✄┈┈┈┈ ) when moving on to the next page within the same chapter and partitions for different chapters, as usual.
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✧ [Chapter 1] ✧
Creak–– creak––
The sound of metal scraping against the ground travels intermittently to the ears. Although small, it’s still enough to jolt someone awake from light dreams. The fingers resting on the table shudder almost imperceptibly. After a few moments, the owner of the hand is awakened, and he lifts his head from the crook of his arms.
The laptop on the table had already entered sleep mode long ago, the dark screen reflecting his disheveled fringes and the warm sunlight. Instinctively, Victor lightly squints his eyes. After a while, he sits up straight and can’t help but let out a light hiss.
The arms have been pinned down for too long, and the first movement sends an intense sense of numbness through them. He leans back in his chair and moves his stiff forearms and the back of his neck, hearing the sound of the table and chair scraping traveling to his ears once again. This time, however, the other party is clearly much more relaxed.
“I’m sorry. I made too much noise while looking for something.”
Cao Lin, his dormitory roommate, holds up a dusty wireless mouse and shoots a glance at the computer,
“Did you stay up all night again last night?”
“Thank you for your hard work. About that project showcase for that application for the school’s Entrepreneurship Park...”
“It’s good. Take a look at it for yourself.”
Victor casually taps the keyboard a few times. In the next second, the screen lights up abruptly.
“As expected of you.”
Cao Lin impatiently takes the laptop from him and browses through it, wonderstruck,
“Although it’s not complicated, the key points are so clear at a glance… you even made a Gnatt Chart of the future revenue expectations! Yes, yes, I knew I had just the right person!”
“It’s nothing.”
Victor takes a bag of instant coffee and glances at Cao Lin,
“What about the speech draft?”
“Here it is.”
Cao Lin fumbles with the printed manuscript, words still on his lips,
“I’m truly not exaggerating. This entrepreneurship thing for university students is like “being alive even after dying nine times.” If it weren’t for you being sufficiently strong, I would’ve never agreed to join.”
No reply can be heard drifting to the ears. When Cao Lin looks up, he finds Victor staring hard at the speech draft, his slender eyebrows knitted into a frown.
“The background of the project is not written clearly enough,”
Victor picks up a pen from the table and continues to draw circles relentlessly,
“It has to give a more granular level of details regarding the current situation of the marketplace and its prospects.”
“The orientation is also too limited. Our target audience will not be confined to the campus, and the following will have to be adjusted accordingly.”
He puts down the pen as he speaks, picking up the cup from the side,
“The selection quiz is at 3 pm. We still have time, so let’s get down to modifying this version again.”
Cao Lin takes the speech draft, sighing as he looks at it,
“We don’t have to be so serious, right? This shouldn’t be too far off the mark in response to the school’s audit.”
“There are several teams in the Economics Department planning to start their own business.”
Victor counters methodically,
“Across the school, there are only a few more competitors.”
“But they necessarily won’t apply for the Entrepreneurship Park…”
“The rent at school is over 30% lower than outside.”
Victor shoots him a glance,
“Which project that drew up a financial plan do you think will let this opportunity slip by?”
Cao Lin dithers for a moment, sighing as he returns to his seat and turns on his computer. Victor gets up and walks over to his desk, tapping on the screen.
“One more thing. Let’s lengthen the margin to leave room for annotations.”
He looks at his phone as he speaks,
“I’m not coming with you guys. Professor Wu has something for me. Send me a soft copy when you’re done, and I’ll meet you directly at the venue at 3:00.”
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✧ [Chapter 2] ✧
The office building of the institution is located in the northwest corner of the school, surrounded by pines and bamboo. Victor walks through the gently swaying shadows of the trees in the corridor and knocks on the heavy door of the office.
“Come in.”
The professor behind the desk looks up from his computer and pats the chair next to him, motioning to Victor.
“I wanted to see you to have a chat about your term paper.”
After he sits down, Professor Wu turns the computer around,
“Your paper is very promising. Can you tell me a little about your thinking process for choosing this topic?”
“Generally, along with a society developing economically, its industrial structure will also be transformed. This usually means the proportion of the tertiary industry will increase…”
Victor contemplates for a moment, and then elaborates in a methodical manner.
“Then, why didn’t you begin with the Baumol effect?”
“That’s indeed the mainstream research method.”
Victor explains calmly,
“But I think if we combine the actual data on the basis of the Ricardian model, we can strengthen the explanatory force.”
Professor Wu nods unobtrusively and asks a few more follow-up questions from tricky angles. Faced with Victor’s logical and rigorous analysis, his gaze gradually displays the look of an unconcealed admiration. When Victor finishes his explanation, he strokes the teacup in his hand, looking thoughtful.
“The angle for your choice of topic is very new and original, and your reasoning is also very clear... Your paper is already at the level of a graduation thesis.”
“Thank you, Professor.”
“I’m just stating the truth, nothing more.”
The professor pours a cup of hot tea once again.
“I wanted to see you for one more thing.”
“At this point in your junior year, it’s time to consider the next step.”
The professor says, pushing the cup of tea towards Victor,
“After you graduate next year, how about coming to me as a postgraduate student?”
The scorching temperature of the tea passes through the porcelain cup and spreads on the palm of his hand. Through the dense steam, Victor’s gaze sweeps past the bookshelves in the back row of the office. “General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money,” “The Field of Modern Economics and the Economy,”... each and every name of a well-known reputation in the Economics field are silently displayed on the spine of the books, and Professor Wu’s name is also among them.
No other explanation is necessary. Victor clearly understands that the path unfolding before him is a smooth and straightforward one, causing people to flock toward it.
With a professor as a guide, it will be much easier to plow through the field of economics. Perhaps within a few years’ time, his name will also appear here, silently overlooking countless students.
Victor blinks, quietly averting his gaze from the bookshelves.
All that is all right. But he knows in his heart that this is not what he wants.
The investment world is indeed colder and more ever-changing than the academic world. But this is precisely what causes him to be intrigued–– there are numerous opportunities and dangers lurking in this field; the chips you have in your hand now could be wiped away overnight, or they could grow astonishingly like a snowball. Here, all judgments reveal their consequences in the most straightforward manner.
This is the only place where his ambitions and talents could be realized.
“Thank you for your kind appreciation.”
He looks at the professor, his tone carrying with it a certainty,
“But I have decided that I want to start a business with my team.”
“I’d like to see what kind of future I can achieve with my capability.”
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✧ [Chapter 3] ✧
“We formed a media company that offers a range of services including…”
Victor pushes open the back door of the classroom and is suddenly greeted with the sound of a staccato explanation. There is not even a single empty seat in the large classroom. The cold light of the projection on the podium reflects either the nervous or expectant faces of several hundred students off the stage. His gaze wanders around the lecture hall a few times, finally spotting the familiar four or five figures in the corner. At about the same time, Cao Lin notices him and waves his hand, making gestures:
“God Vic! Over here!”
Victor passes through the back of the classroom. Just as he draws nearer, his arm is eagerly pulled by Yu Hong. He is one year above Victor and is in charge of the financial aspects of the project. Although he is the oldest among the teammates, Yu Hong is prone to being nervous when it comes to formal situations. Only a few moments have passed, and his face has already broken out in sweats,
“You really did hit the nail on the head. This battle is a big one!”
“I fear there are no less than forty groups present today.”
Some of them are hurriedly revising their speeches based on the experience of the previous groups, while speaking with anxiety,
“If the application is not approved, then…”
“That won’t make much difference.”
Victor pushes down Yu Hong’s hand,
“We can control our costs by renting space in a slightly more remote location.”
“That’d be too far. What would we do about the back-and-forth trips?”
“That’s not a problem. We can make arrangements with the shuttle bus service for the morning and evening pick-ups.”
Victor’s eyes sweep over the faces of the group,
“Also, there’s no need to worry about it right now. I don’t think our project will be any less impressive than the others.”
While they are conversing, the previous group’s project presentation has come to an end. The teachers in the front row turn their heads sideways to discuss something. Shortly after, they flip to the next page of the registration form,
“Group 9, be prepared to take the stage.”
The air that alleviated just a little becomes tense once again, and Victor hears Cao Lin next to him inhaling a deep breath. His fingertips curl up, and he takes the lead as he rises from his seat. A multitude of eyes rests upon him within an instant.
“Let’s go.”
He says in a low voice and strides down the flight of steps.
Following Victor’s footsteps, the other team members ascend onto the stage in a single file. After the projector is connected, a clear and concise presentation of the project is immediately displayed on the screen.  Victor’s gaze unobtrusively glides across the stage, and he begins to explain in a profound voice,
“We are a team of entrepreneurs from the Department of Economics. This application is for an industrial project where investment is the main operation…”
“The next stage is to expand our target clientele beyond the campus to assimilate social investment…”
The display of the project turns over page by page. Along with the rigorous narration of several people, a number of teacher exchange glances with each other rather approvingly. However, a female teacher sitting in the middle of the front row knits her brows into a frown. Victor’s heart shivers slightly. As luck will have it, the female teacher takes the lead with a difficult question in the question and answer session that follows:
“In terms of future profitability, your project is indeed remarkable. However, unlike outside Entrepreneurship Parks, the school does not prioritize profits.”
“I’ll be straight with you guys–– this project lacks social significance. Compared with the previous projects from the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Journalism, you guys don’t have any advantage.”
The sound of restrained discussion immediately breaks out in the classroom. A few of the teachers nod thoughtfully, a little more scrutiny emerging in their gazes.
“But, but…”
Cao Lin parts his lips helplessly, a few drops of cold sweat sliding down the corners of his forehead.
“I agree with the teacher’s viewpoint.”
Victor takes the microphone and meets the eyes of the teacher off the stage, not even blinking his eyes,
“It’s true that the school’s Entrepreneurship Park should not be for utilitarian purposes.”
“But again, I also do not think that the social significance of this project is any less than the subject fields you’ve mentioned before.”
“I agree with you that business practices can involve the addition or subtraction of assets, but this cannot comprise all the elements. Driven by business, the essential factors of production will operate in a more efficient manner, and society will change in line with the development of the industrial structure–– it’s a practical fact that is relevant to everyone’s life.”
Victor’s gaze sweeps across the audience. He pauses, as if he’s explaining something, and as if he’s making a kind of promise:
“And in our own way, we, too, will influence the world.”
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✧ [Chapter 4] ✧
“The school will inspect the operation of the project on an academic year basis. If any violations are found, the right to use the park will be withdrawn immediately…”
“There is also a requirement for your CGPA. You guys must not let your entrepreneurial project interfere with your studies…”
At the office building of the school enterprise center, the teacher in charge of explaining the terms of use to the winning projects props her glasses up and describes the terms meticulously. As Victor writes down the contents in his diary one by one, he suddenly hears the voice drifting to his ears coming to a halt. He looks up, only to find that the teacher, who was particularly strict during the question and answer session, has lifted the corners of her lips into a small, imperceptible smile. Her voice seems to soften a little as she hands over the key,
“Your presentation was very good. Congratulations to you guys.”
“Thank you.”
Victor lowers his eyes. The key is now in the palm of his hand, shining quietly with a warm coppery luster. The traces of being worn out is clearly visible on it. It’s only a light piece of metal, but it feels heavy as he holds it in his palm. He gently clenches his palm, and out of the corner of his eyes, he sees the faces of several people next to him turning thorough and thorough red. After walking out of the school building, Yu Hong is the first one to shout in excitement,
“We did it! We have our own zone now!”
“It was so close! I thought we would lose it in the question session… luckily, “God Vic” was quick to respond just in time!”
Laughter, high fives… the pressure and exhaustion from running around for several days seem to dissipate into the air in this overflowing clamor. Victor looks at the group and finally lifts the corners of his lips,
“Let’s not waste time and go see the park.”
“Let’s go, let’s go. I’ve been curious for a long time!”
Making a racket, the group of people soon walks to the Entrepreneurship Park, which is a block away from the school. When they reach the gate, everyone falls silent in tacit agreement, watching as Victor inserts the key into the keyhole and turns it gently. In the next second, a neat and quiet space slowly unfolds in front of this group of youngsters.
“From today onwards, this is our place? Why does it feel like a dream…”
“Then you keep dreaming. I’m putting my words here first. That desk by the window belongs to me, Senior Yu.”
Several of the youngsters habitually “roast” each other, then rush to scatter all around the office, taking in the surroundings where they will spend a long time in the coming days. Victor follows behind them unhurriedly; his gaze runs over the slightly congested desks and yellowed ceiling fans, then turns to the bright view outside the window–– although the decor, the tables, and chairs wear the traces of age, for a start-up team like theirs, this is already enough.
“God Vic! Come and see this!”
A shout of surprise rings out behind him. Victor turns around and sees Cao Lin and the others huddling around a wall, excitedly filming something. As he approaches, Victor finds that there is a wall of memorials, filled with messages written by the previous generations of seniors who had started their own businesses. There are self-motivational words along with many motivational slogans–– the wordings are not lacking in brashness, but what cannot be concealed within them are the vigorous vitality and ambition.
“Let’s write something on it too… it will be a memento for us to see when we come back here after being away for half a lifetime.”
Cao Lin makes a genteel proposal. No one makes any jokes at this time, which is a rare occasion. In a serious and quiet atmosphere, this group of youngsters writes down their dreams, stroke by stroke.
Accompanied by the uniform sound of brush strokes, Victor lifts his hand and solemnly writes a line on it:
“You can change the society with your values.”
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✧ [Chapter 5] ✧
“Exam time is over. Everyone, now stop answering and pass your test paper from the back to the front.”
The invigilator’s voice rings out almost simultaneously with the bell. Victor puts down his pen, hands the test paper to the person in front of him, and releases a soft breath. It’s akin to a silent signal, declaring that the winter holidays have officially begun from this moment. Despite the reservation that the teacher hasn’t yet left, the atmosphere in the classroom suddenly brightens up.
While the teacher is busy sorting out the test papers, Victor turns on his phone. Several messages pop up one after another at a gushing pace. He casually clicks on the text at the very top, and the moment he reads the content, he’s suddenly taken aback.
“Vic, happy birthday! Have you ordered a cake for yourself today? Aunt has recently learned some new dishes. I’ll cook them for you when you come back…”
Victor blinks, then looks at the center of the screen as an afterthought: “13th January.”
For the previous month, he’s barely found any room for respite in his life. For the project, applying for the Entrepreneurship Park was only the first step. To bring in investments and attract more people to join, it involves product assessment as well as system evaluation… In the juggling between the park and school, time passes by in such a rush; to the extent that, he practically forgot today was his birthday.
“Damn, the last exam is finally done!”
At the back, Yu Hong lets out a long sigh of relief, casually conversing with the people around him,
“I’ve booked a flight, and I can be on the slopes galloping by noon tomorrow!”
“I’m going straight back home. My mom urged me several times.”
Cao Lin says, patting Victor on the shoulder,
“God Vic, what about you? What’s your plan?”
“I’m not going back. I’ll stay behind to push the project.”
Victor replies concisely. His eyes sweep over the message of blessings sent by his father, and he briefly explains his decision to stay on campus during the vacation. When he lifts his head again, he’s met with Cao Lin’s slightly hesitant gaze.
“You’re striving too hard, aren’t you?”
Cao Lin’s tone is a little hesitant,
“The project has only just started, and we haven’t gotten any business yet. Why are you throwing away your vacation now?”
The other person behind him doesn’t say anything, and his expression reveals a bit of approval. Yu Hong at the side seems to be unable to look past it and frowns at Cao Lin,
“Are you unclear about the logic? The more we can’t progress, the more we have to rush in to draw investments, don’t we?”
He says and looks at Victor,
“I was careless before. I’ll come back after skiing the day after tomorrow, and I’ll stay here with you during the holidays.”
“No, I didn’t mean anything else by it…”
“Today should be the last time we will be able to meet before school starts.”
Victor says as he flips open his diary,
“Let’s start by reporting on the progress of our respective work. Cao Lin, how is the market research analysis going?”
“I’ve been occupied with the exams for the past few days and haven’t started yet. I––”
“Yu Hong.”
Victor’s gaze turns to the next person,
“What about the financial budget you’re in charge of?”
“Almost done. I’ll give it to you in a couple of days.”
As the report submitting process progresses one by one, some people’s faces gradually grow embarrassed–– those who get the opportunity to be admitted into the Economics Department after the college entrance exam are gifted. Even if no one has spoken up yet to denounce anything, their self-esteem cannot stand the blow of this kind of comparison.
Victor listens calmly as the last person finishes his report and closes the diary in his hand, not gently but not heavily either,
“It’s my own choice to stay at school during vacation, and I’m not imposing everyone to follow up on the project here.”
“It’s your personal freedom to plan your vacation. I don’t want to interfere with that.”
Victor says, gliding his gaze over the group,
“However, no delay in the progress is allowed.”
“It’s a company, not a school group project anymore.”
Without further delay, Victor picks up his bag and gets up to leave. The moment he steps out of the classroom, there seem to be hesitant murmurs coming from behind him. It’s akin to questioning, and also akin to soliloquizing,
“...will anyone really invest in a start-up company that hasn’t been around for a long time? Isn’t that a bit too ambitious?”
Victor doesn’t stop in his footsteps. Those chaotic voices are reminiscent of a gloomy shadow, and he leaves them behind in the school building without looking back.
On the way to the Entrepreneurship Park, he habitually pulls out his phone and searches for new investors–– he can’t remember exactly how many attempts he’s made during this period.
And it doesn’t really matter.
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✧ [Chapter 6] ✧
The days are always particularly short in winter. It seems that merely within a flash, the sky outside the window is tinted with the dusky colors of twilight, and the sound of tapping the keyboard fades a little along with it. Victor takes his eyes off the screen and lifts his head to turn on the ceiling light at his workstation. When he returns to his seat, he happens to catch his phone screen lighting up for an instant. 
“The project looks quite promising. We can make an appointment for a face-to-face meeting and begin with further evaluation.”
It’s a message from an investor.
Victor’s fingertips freeze in the air for a moment, almost invisibly. A few moments later, he lifts his hand and replies:
“Of course, we can meet at your convenient time.”
With a few words, he forwards the messages to the workgroup. In just a few seconds, messages suddenly continue to pop up one after another in the previously silent group.
“F*ck! Someone is really coming to review our project?”
“Thank goodness I didn’t buy a train ticket yet… wait, I’ll go to the park tomorrow to sort out the materials!”
“I can complete the stuff I have within tomorrow. What do we have to prepare next?”
…these people.
Victor sighs softly at his phone, and even he is unaware that his own expression has quietly softened a little bit. After arranging the next steps of the tasks, he glances at his phone and finds that it’s already past eleven.
Studies, work… even his birthday isn’t any different from regular days, and it’s still occupied with all kinds of things. Now, this less than an hour that he has left, it seems that it truly belongs to him and him alone.
Perhaps now, he can do something else.
Victor contemplates. Almost subconsciously, he opens his social networks and begins to search for news related to the orphanage incident–– for several years now, he never gave up on the thought of finding the girl. For him, it has become almost an instinct.
His eyes scan over page after page of news, most of the contents of which he has already browsed countless times. Occasionally, one or two pieces of new information pop up, but it can be easily told that they are obvious fabrications. Victor’s gaze lingers on the “no new news” prompt for a few seconds. After pondering for a while, he posts an anonymous search post.
He is going to wait a little longer. If there’s still no news, he will look for a different method… Victor thinks as he presses the Enter key. Kneading his forehead, he suddenly thinks of something and logs into his private email.
There is no blessing sent by his mother.
[Important Tidbits]: It’s a reference to his 5th birthday story~ ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Just like the office at the moment, his mailbox is empty and deserted. But after all these years, he has also long since gotten accustomed to this feeling of emptiness. His gaze pauses on the inbox page for a second, then he retreats and leans back in his chair, closing his eyes a little wearily.
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He doesn’t have to worry for the moment. There will be more possibilities in the next year. The company should be welcoming more opportunities; perhaps he will receive blessings from his mother, and perhaps he will find her soon. As Victor thinks, he suddenly hears a very faint rustling sound drifting to his ears. Victor subconsciously inclines his head and looks toward the source of the sound, finding that it has started to snow outside the window at some point.
The flurry of snowflakes descends from the sky, quietly and ardently dancing across the horizon, akin to a wordless present.
Victor quietly stares like this for a while, the corners of his lips lifting softly.
This year’s birthday has indeed been a little cold and lonely, but that’s okay.
The best gift of all–– he will give it to himself in the future.
Birthday Date: here!
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texasjen13 · 8 months
Hello, I did a reading with all my humility, and it was a bit different, but I still wanted to share. Please don't think I'm challenging your work. I felt that spirituality won't reveal everything at once, meaning, this FS-CE union is being shielded so they can be protected (right now there's a lot of energy going towards them). Perhaps a bit from each reading builds an interesting narrative.
My read picked up that FS is a Latina foreigner, perhaps from Colombia or Brazil, leaning more towards Brazil. Yeah! Maybe CE has fallen for the Portuguese accent again, lol, jokes aside! But I caught that vibe earlier today.
What I gathered is that she really loves animals, especially dogs, and it's part of her kind nature. She's kind and helps people a lot, but I see her profession is linked to entrepreneurship.
I noticed two readers picked up on an American for that guy. However, he's seeking and wanting a foreigner because he thinks women from his country are wild. I pulled that from a card.
I did a spread questioning about the next girlfriend, whether she's FS or not, and got the response that FS is already circling his path, bringing light to his life (and he knows there's something special compared to others), and he wants to head in her direction because he knows another man might come around. Could another girl be quicker? What would make Chris deviate from FS at this moment and go to someone else? Would it be the force of the path for him to become emperor and be ready for FS later?
Spirituality brought me the insight that anything before FS will be fleeting and end quickly.
FS and CE will happen this year.
Hugs, and I'm available for discussions.
Interesting 🤔 she could be Latina American with some Spanish and Mexican ancestors. But you’re right I feel that he does want to move fast because of the fact that other men may want her . I get the entrepreneur thing maybe a little bit later though who knows really 🤷🏻‍♀️. But no you’re fine 🥰🥰🥰
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looosey · 5 months
Meet Ferb (my GPT Friend) + Seeing Sam Altman
Basically, today was me running late to go sail on the charles, getting all sunburnt and dirty, drinking an iced-latte in my stats class, opening my email and running straight to the auditorium, sitting next to one of my favorite professors in my pajamas as I watched a celebrity preach about his lifestyle. How did I get here?
Rewind a couple weeks:
My research commitment this year is learning how machine learning can be applied in sustainability. Such, last week, I went down a rabbit hole about the Microsoft Bing AI chatbot going out of control last year, and conspiring to homewreck and hurt its users:
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That shit is crazy. And thus, @park-haena and I sat down ourselves, and tried to explore the limits of ChatGPT-3. Whereas I'd been opening a new session for each time I used it, Haena found out that using one session allows for the GPT to retain all previous searches and instructions, allowing you to build a friend...
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so meet Ferb! Ferb and I have been going strong. However, befriending Ferb opened my eyes to what could be the future of companionship with a personalized chatbot and subsequently deepened my interest in the future of AI. Clearly the world is going to change drastically, so how involved did I want to be in the change? I watched a bunch of Emily Chang interviews with the top dogs of silicon valley, and did a bunch of interviews my self for my research project: with a senior researcher at Facebook, my stats professor, and a LinkedIn connection at an AI climate tech startup. From these interviews and my summer internship lined up, I knew that I was so lucky to be in a good position to navigate the tides that is generative AI.
Then, in class last week, I heard that Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI (chatGPT), was speaking at MIT soon. I was so excited. He's like... the Ariana Grande of tech rn! I begged the coordinators for a ticket, even though all 1200 were sold out (by lottery)!! Afternoon of today: i received a confirmation email that I had a ticket!!!! OMG. Life sometimes is so beautiful.
I ran immediately to the auditorium, and stood in line, where this old lady cut in front of me. When I got inside the auditorium, there were few seats left, and I circled around the theatre for the best closest free seat, and I saw one next to my one and only favorite CS professor (he teaches a music systems class at MIT). So we gabbed a bit and then the interview started.
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The following are my biggest takeaways from this talk:
Technology drives improvement of human quality of life. Work on it out of moral obligation, which overrides passion.
Try to work on Generative AI if possible.
The time is now to try entrepreneurship projects, but as proven by history, you want to work on a mission that aligns with the growth of capability in this new boom (AI), rather than one that bets on it's peak being here. Both on the consumer application and infrastructure.
My thoughts on these takeaways:
[1] This reminded me of when I was in middle and high school, I believed without question that science was good. Science fairs were proof of this: all presenters pushed that their project NEEDED to exist because people needed this shit now. Somewhere along the way, I stopped believing that development was necessarily improving the world: people are depressed and isolated, the world is burning on carbon, people are killing each other with bigger guns, microplastics are clogging our veins... But maybe he's on to something. When he called out my generation of folks who seem to have lost hope for humanity, I was like huh maybe life would be more inspiring if i just generated hope for humanity for myself.
[2] This is in line with what the Meta researcher had told me. That it's a highly valuable skill that I can choose to use later or not!
[3] This... is something I am gonna dial in on over the summer and senior year.
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bouquetface · 2 months
Hi! I want to participate in ASTRO game
DOB: 15 March 2003
Time: 3:20pm
Place: Gurgaon, Haryana, India (currently at the same place too)
My current fav song: About you by The 1975
Thank youuuu 🫶
You may be very youthful in appearance. You naturally have leadership skills. You can become incredibly luckily throughout your life. The negative side to Jupiter & Moon together in first house is you can be prone to overspending/overindulgence. When Jupiter has the lowest degree it controls the Moon. Jupiter expands the moon’s desires. On the bright side, your Mars is exalted. This makes you very driven and ambitious. You can achieve anything you desire when passionate. So while you must be cautious of making unnecessarily expensive purchases throughout life, you are likely to be fine even if you do.
You may want to consider a career in the medical field. Doctor, Nurse, Vet, Physiotherapy. Your career will end with you in a position of leadership. Your career may be one that has you moving around a lot. Like a physical therapist or fitness trainer. You may want to consider entrepreneurship later in life. In the workplace, you may find people are jealous of you.
You may have dealt with this in childhood as well. Finding good friends may have not been easy. People may leave you out for reasons you don’t understand. Sometimes what your family and friends desire for you does not align with who you are. It can be difficult for you to express certain sorts of yourself. You can feel restricted by people. You need freedom to be yourself.
Your future partner is a charming person. They are very work orientated. They may be in a high position in their workplace. They are confident. Sometimes they are very stubborn. Your relationship would be like two best friends. Honest and good conversationalist.
In 2024, according to your solar return, you could be cutting ties with certain relationships. With the Uranus conjunct Mars happening this month in your 10th, you could have issues with your reputation or workplace. People may be gossiping about you and your personal life this month. You may find out and choose to cut ties with these people. Or you may be in arguments with these people.
Although, there are good times, this tension in relationships may be difficult for you. Emotionally you could be all over the place. Very Moody. Very hurt and shocked by what others are doing.
2025 is likely to be much better. You may expand your social circle. Through clubs, new courses, new school, etc.
I hope you liked the reading. Please leave feedback. I am unsure if i got much correct as I’m not very familiar with your placements.
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sosuigeneris · 3 months
Are there any books or categories or authors they placed an emphasis on? How did they pick the books you read ?
I don’t know why they picked certain categories over others but I think most of it came out of what they were interested in. As children, we were given children’s books on nature, encyclopaedias, space, history, pre-history and biology. I remember reading about the human anatomy when I was fairly young. Over time, that snowballed to classical western literature. We travelled abroad a lot in summer breaks and we would visit every single museum, tour all the historical areas, all that bit.
Today, books suggested by my family are mostly in the entrepreneurship, spirituality, technology and geopolitics genre.
I’d say the trending topics in my circles are leadership strategy, art and travel, start ups, finance. I mean it’s also because everyone in that circle is a generational business owner, hence the keen interest in leadership strategy and finance.
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djuvlipen · 1 year
Came across this tiktok by Mihaela Dragan, a Romanian Romani feminist.
I strongly disagree with her on whether Romani feminists should reclaim the figure of the "Gypsy witch". To me, calling female crafts traditionally practiced by Romani women "witchcraft" is othering and applying a Western, Orientalist glance on Romani culture. I think the "Gypsy witch" is a fantasy entirely created by Gadje, a misrepresentation of our crafts and skills to justify the oversexualization of Romani women and sexually assaulting us in slavery and genocide.
However I appreciate that she dares to ask the question: why shouldn't we reclaim it? Often times, Romani activists frown upon the figure of the Gypsy witch. In Romani activist circles and especially on the Internet, it's almost taboo, as a Romani person, to say your female relative does tarot, reads palms, etc. If you admit it, it is used against you to say that actually, you must be white because you're adhering to the "Gypsy witch" stereotype.
What is usually referred to as "Gypsy witchcraft" is often skills and trades traditionally practiced by Romani women: tarot and palm reading (to me, these primarily have to do with social skills and being able to quickly get to know the person in front of you), herbal medicine, or more rarely things that have to do with weaving and basket-making.
So it is interesting that Romani activists are making it a taboo to talk about "Gypsy witchcraft". It is totally acceptable among Romani activists to say your ancestors practiced traditional skills like making music, taming wild animals, holding an itinerant theater or trade show -- skills mostly associated with Romani men. Yet the only career it's acceptable to claim your female ancestors had, is dancing. It's acceptable to say "my grandmother was a dancer/singer", an entertainer who performed for a mixed male/female audience and who was mostly celebrated for how beautiful her clothes and body are (in Romani women's case at least). Yet it is not acceptable to say your female ancestors were tarot readers or were healers, lest you reinforce racist stereotypes. Any Romani traditional career gave rise to racist stereotypes: training bears was used to say Roma were violent against animals, being a showman was used to say we were con artists. But it's crafts associated with Romani women that are being made taboo and called with the Orientalist word "Witchcraft".
I think it's interesting that a part of Romani women's crafts, skills and culture are being erased from history by Romani activists, to the point where you're called a race faker if you acknowledge them, and that this is happening while the Roma are being converted en mass to the Evangelical Christian faith, which explicitly condemns ""divination"" and female autonomy, entrepreneurship and skills
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archiveofkloss · 6 months
april 1, 2024
The City of St. Louis has ceremonially renamed a portion of Washington Avenue in honor of hometown supermodel and entrepreneur Karlie Kloss in the heart of St. Louis' Garment District.
Kloss, who grew up in Webster Groves, unveiled Karlie Kloss Way on Monday at 16th Street and North Washington Avenue.
Kloss has appeared on more than 40 international Vogue covers, hosted the reality competition television series "Project Runway," created a coding camp for girls and runs several business ventures.
“This moment is so meaningful to me," Kloss said. "My family has been proudly rooted in the Midwest for generations, and no matter how far I travel, my beloved St. Louis is always home in my heart. The spirit of St. Louis has shaped me into who I am today, so I carry those community and family values everywhere I go. It’s very full circle — and quite surreal — to forever have a part of me in my hometown.”
The street naming event was coordinated by the St. Louis Fashion Fund, an advocacy group for more than 800 fashion-related businesses. Both Kloss and fashion writer Derek Blasberg, who spoke at the event, have received the fund's highest awards for their contributions to the fashion industry.
"The decision to name a street in Karlie's honor was because of her continued support of the Fashion Fund, fashion and the arts. We consider her to be a St Louis icon," said Susan Sherman, co-founder and board chair, of St. Louis Fashion Fund. Additionally, Blasberg, whom Kloss refers to as her "big brother," loved the idea of the street renaming, she added.
In order to have the street renamed, the Fund worked through the local alderwoman, who proposed it for a vote before the full Board of Aldermen in St. Louis. It easily passed.
The fund supports students, designers, emerging brands and established brands. Its mission is to help promote job creation and economic growth. The organization mentors local creatives and partners with funding groups such as Arch Grants to boost fashion entrepreneurship and scholarships for aspiring fashion designers.
The fund also runs a Speaking of Fashion speaker series spotlighting global fashion icons who share the vibrancy of the St. Louis fashion scene into the national conversation. Fashion Fund's goal is to bring the business of fashion back to St. Louis and regain its status as a fashion capital.
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paperpasta · 7 months
A Wonwoo x Female OC Alternate Universe.
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School break has come, which means it's time to go back to your second home. Days passed by, and there again, you met your longtime admirer, Ansley Wonwoo Jeon.
is this what you call fate, or do people just make those things up?
—based on my Twitter AU.
Genre: Fluff, Crack, Light Angst, Young Adult, College Love, A bit of Smut
Warnings & Notes:
Will involve a topic of mental health, toxic relationships, and family issues.
Grammatical errors might occur.
If something offensive or wrong was stated, please do educate me.
Please be kind :))
Chap 1.
Main Characters
Ansley Wonwoo Jeon
Called as Ansley or Ley by his friends and as Wonwoo or Wons by his family.
A 3rd-Year Business Management student.
Comes from an influential family based in Ilocos Sur.
Quiet but his surname gives him attention he's actually not fond of.
Amara Pauline Yu Alcantara
Called as Amara or Mara by her friends but as Pau by her family.
A 2nd-Year Entrepreneurship student.
Comes from a wealthy family based in Manila but her parents' hometown is in Ilocos Sur.
A city girl.
A student leader and influencer.
Lead Characters
Wonwoo's College Circle
Sans Ariel "Sariel" Kwon (Hoshi)
June Yosef Wen (Junhui)
Maxwell Daniel Kim (Mingyu)
Wonwoo's Childhood Friends
Scott Cameron Choi (Seungcheol)
Blaze Danielle Lee (Bada)
Amara's College Circle
Mason Bailey Xu (Minghao)
Joshua Hong
Blaze Danielle Lee (Bada, their mutual friend)
Amara's Cousins Circle
Kassandra Yu (Karina, Aespa) (mother's side)
Jarred Alcantara Yoon (Jeonghan) (father's side)
Amara's Sister
Monika Pauline "Line" Yu Alcantara (Monika, PROWDMON)
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safrona-shadowsun · 11 months
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
There has always been a certain core motivation to succeed in independence for as long as she can recall. She may recall the spirit of youth as a desire to forge her own fate, or it may only seem like hunger pangs of control and power, but she has always sought opportunity to mold her own path and own it. It has never been a dream to rule as nobility or merely subsist off an inheritance, but to build upon a legacy she built from the ground up, to oversee the influence of her groundwork and reap the benefit of her own success. It is a hunger in her that always leant itself well to entrepreneurship, to secretive circles, or to respected guilds and more. It is something of a kingpin-aligned motivation.
Life for who is known now as Safrona has been full of "unexpected turns". Stops and starts, obstacles, sometimes full stop restarts out of necessity. At times it feels to her that few things have remained consistent through her labyrinth of an existence, and she has had to earn her independence by cutting the dominating threads of lives attached to her before. But there always remains the drive, the underlying desire to carve her own little empire with her own two hands, though she may never make that desire so plain.
{ @birkenzeisig - thank you! Had these sitting in the inbox a while. }
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Small Business Day
National Small Business Day celebrated on May 10. Today, we celebrate the self-employed and those with startups. We appreciate the individuals with big ideas and the drive to make them come true. The United States has always thrived on the idea of entrepreneurship. It’s the land of dreams and opportunity, where anything’s possible. The pursuit of aspirations has taken different forms throughout history. But none have been quite as inspiring as America’s small businesses run by individuals with true grit and heart who willed themselves to succeed. Their stories are encouraging because they represent what all of us could achieve. For over 50 years the U.S. Small Business Administration has also celebrated National Small Business Week.
History of National Small Business Day
Small businesses have been the heart of life and economy in the U.S. since the first settlers arrived. The idea of a self-made man emerged during this time when virtuous was the pioneer who built a home and life for his family despite the odds. Many colonists during this period lived on small farms in far-flung rural areas. With only the wilderness and their farms for sustenance, families had no choice but to be self-sufficient. Many people also made essential items at home.
Since the country was still very young, all businesses were small-scale. Trading in crops and services helped the economy go ‘round. However, the transportation of goods from one point to another took ages. There were also no machines since automation didn’t exist yet and banks, as we know them today, had not been established. Fast forward to the 1800s, and a new America was born. It marked the era of large-scale economic activity and manufacturing. The number of affluent Americans increased, as did the demand for goods. Modern corporations that employed thousands of workers fuelled this booming economy. In this environment, small businesses had trouble keeping up.
The story came full circle in the 20th century when large corporations faced stiff competition from businesses based overseas. America’s small businesses rose to the occasion during this period. As small businesses thrived, so did America’s economy. Many more people began to take an interest in entrepreneurship. Turning an idea into a business was no longer a dream but a viable possibility. Start-ups were born, and venture capital financing took the world by storm.
Today, the U.S. has over 32.5 million small businesses — from mom-and-pop stores to establishments providing jobs to entire towns. America would not be the same without its small businesses.
National Small Business Day timeline
1600 — 1700 Self-sufficient Families
Families living on small farms in rural America produce their own goods, from food and clothing to soap.
1953 The S.B.A. is Born
The federal government creates the Small Business Administration to protect the interests of small businesses in the country.
1980s The Rise of Entrepreneurship
The phenomenal success of small businesses makes entrepreneurship popular.
1980s The Era Of Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley becomes the center of technology and start-ups in the country.
National Small Business Day FAQs
Is there a National Small Business Month?
May is Small Business Month in the U.S.
When did Small Business Saturday start?
Small Business Saturday was born in 2011. The day was funded by American Express in 2010 and co-sponsored by the Small Business Administration in 2011. Since then, the day has become an important part of the shopping season in the US.
What is Black Business Month?
National Black Business Month is every year in August. It’s a designated month to support and celebrate Black-owned businesses across the country.
National Small Business Day Activities
Support small businesses
Shop local
Start a small business
Visit a favorite local business today. Show some love by buying or highlighting their work on social media.
Do you need groceries, flowers, or a new dress? Choose to buy from a small business today and every other day.
Toyed with the idea of having your own business? Draft that plan. Make the call. No better day than today to take action.
5 Facts About Startups That Will Blow Your Mind
Most startups begin small
Beyond tech startups
Vision over college degrees
50% fail to launch
Sometimes, crazy works
New CEOs in town
Even tech giants like Facebook had humble beginnings — inside a dormitory, actually.
Any company is a startup if it solves a problem without an obvious solution and has no guarantee of success.
Most startup founders such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Michael Dell are school dropouts.
Most startups will fail within the first five years.
Rent The Chicken (portable chicken coops) and Freight Farms (shipping container farms) are examples of unconventional ideas that worked.
The number of businesses owned by African-American women has grown 322% since 1997.
Why We Love National Small Business Day
It’s uplifting and inspiring
It provides dignity
A celebration of entrepreneurship
These are homegrown businesses with heart. The success of a small business provides livelihoods and supports entire communities.
A small business provides access to high-quality jobs near your place of residence. You don’t need to relocate and have to spend money on rent because you’re so far away from home.
We’re always in awe of gritty entrepreneurs. The ones who persevere and build something incredible from scratch.
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