#erik and i can't tell tbh
sageandred · 6 months
The "Real" Message of The Show
No matter what, people will be determined to classify someone as "bad" when a new series drops. like people can't be viewed through the lens of being "neutral" or "good people who make bad decisions"...despite that typically being how people are???
When I watched season one, I only really paid attention to Wille and Simon, but when I did a rewatch, I really saw all the moving parts and how much YR was a super cohesive story with intertwining of all of the character's experiences. At the center this show deals with different societal classes, upbringings, etc and we do actually see how that affects who these people are and what they do as the show goes on, and it's not meaningless/out of the blue.
Because no matter how much people want to act like it's not as impacting as it is: People are a product of their experiences.
Wille- If we're being real we saw him for a very small portion at the beginning of the show before everything blew up-him being super adorable, sweet, and awkward. Since being under his strict lifestyle and pressure, he's been going on this downward spiral-he has literally been becoming more and more in the image of his royal family since season 1 (and season 2 he was a lot of the same as 3, it just gets glossed over by his thoughtful decision at the end).
Since I first watched the show, it was clear to me how all of the backstory with August's character was not throwaway information. Tbh, what we know of him in season 1 was never enough to make sense of where his bad decision came from (I guess his insecurity..). But this season, they just gave so much more. And it's strange to me how strongly people react for either argument- of August being actually evil, or having to identify him as a good person [tbf I never thought he was a "bad" person per say, which is my whole point of writing this because for every character of a series (look at the reaction to Wilhelm this szn) people immediately have to sort them into good and bad columns on the judgement of morality and not just take story for what it is: story]. Again, with August his backstory has always added reason to why he is the way he is, but now knowing what we know with Erik, and being 1? 2? years older than Wille, his experience does make sense of what he did (when it's almost exactly the same thing with Wilmon). Because hurt people hurt people.
And with Sara, it's never been warranted the amount of hate she gets that insinuate she is evil. The show tells you very early on what her arc is gonna be: she places value on external things-she wants expensive clothes and to live in the fancy school and will try to impress to fit in with her new group of girl friends. And the irony is she lost it all after everything came out at the shooting range. She wanted what she never had and made decisions, because she thought that was what was important. She's a product of her experiences and it's also her experience-because she was bullied-that August's letter means even more to her and results in her kissing him.
Simon- has literally done nothing wrong (we're not talking about his decision to sell, because that's not really a choice that badly affects ppl other than mostly only himself).
Felice- has literally done nothing wrong; had the biggest positive transformation between seasons 1 and 2, because she stopped caring about external accolades (and that is also a representation of her being a product of her environment because of her mother).
And, to be clear I'm not saying people can't change how they are. Because, yeah Felice is a good example. August has surprised many people this season. Maybe August continues to change; maybe he doesn't. Wille has surprised people in his own way. Maybe we'll get more shocks in the final act. This show has always dealt with the subtext of personal experiences that lead to how people react.
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bibereangelum · 1 year
on Scott and Xavier.
I think three things when I think abt Charles and Scott's relationship and it's the "But Lucier was an angel too" line from AVX and the panels where Charles realizes just how badly he's failed Scott in Prelude to Schism. And also the line from Xmen 1991 #53. What intrigues me abt their relationship is that Charles has both saved Scott and also royally fucked him over and he acknowledges that in prelude to schism. Granted- not out loud to anyone but himself. Prelude to schism also! Highlights the fact that their bond is that of father and son. (Or at the very least, Charles views Scott as a son and I could debate Scott never viewing himself as anyone's child but that's for a different day.) Which is interesting 2 me again because there is that like... several month long period before Bobby where it's just Scott and Charles and I think about what that must have been like regularly. But it's important that Charles directly saves Scott from an abusive situation. I think in general Charles does surround himself with other people he can identify with because he is such a private and reserved person if that makes... any sense at all? I guess. In that regard though. He is constantly pushing Scott to be better, not just better towards humans but better than his peers. Scott has to be in control, he can't let his guard down, he is the leader, that's what he has to be. That's what Charles teaches him. It isn't even really (imo) empowerment through his mutation, it's empowerment through control. Because like... imagine being 15, with powers you can't control when everyone else can control theirs, and you're told: "No, you will not fight the weaker person even if they call you freak because you need to be in control at all times." and we see how this impacts Scott via.... every comic with Scott in it ever. And what gets me in PS1 is that we see 15 year old Scott talking back a little, we see and hear his frustrations. He's even! a little rebellious, staring up at the sky with his beams going when he knows he's not supposed to. Scott shifts from 15 year old kid to The man for the job. His role is to be strong via his control in himself and his control around others.
This kind of stands in juxtaposition imo with like... referencing X-Men movies here, the way that Erik often tells Charles that he could literally change the whole world's minds about mutants if he so wishes, he is powerful enough to do so. But Charles doesn't because morals and doing what's right SLASH exercising the control necessary to be perceived as 'not threat' by humanity. His control is needed, otherwise the idea of coexisting with humans is threatened.This leads me to the line in X-Men 91 #53 in regards to Scott "He hasn’t had an independent thought since he was fifteen. He has no will of his own." Which like in regards to Scott's backround b4 Charles even gets him. Scott is a perpetual victim of circumstance up until he starts being an X-Men.
I can talk a lot about Scott's lack of mental boundaries for ages but tbh. Scott doesn't have boundaries in general because he's never been told he should have them but that IS a subject for another time bc it also interests me the level of shit Scott takes (especially from Alex but again, subject for another time.) But Scott takes in, performs, and enacts Charles will via becoming an X-Men. He is the poster boy, the stick in the mud leader, the guy who doesn't know how to have fun. Because he has to be the man for the job. He has to be in control (like Xavier) at ALL times.
Also smthn to note about Scott as well is that Scott is like nigh incapable of doing any kind of introspection on himself. He acts a certain way, gets embarrassed and berates himself for being the way he is, and listen. Scott does not like himself! He doesn't understand why he acts the way he acts and he doesn't understand why other people don't like him when he's doing what he's told. He wants to be normal, he wants what other people have so badly. but he can't. Because he, like Xavier, has to be the man for the job.
And I think Scott's: "But Lucifer was an angel too." line in AvX is so.. raw, that entire monologue is so raw because it's Scott at his worst. It's Scott losing control but it's also Scott basically saying. "No, fuck you. This time I'm going to punch the people calling me freak, I'm tired of being the one in control" And it's explosive obviously bc he got the Phoenix in his brain or whatever. But it's also the height of Scott during what I'd call a severe mental breakdown. Not to mention he does in fact kill Charles during this. But the line effectively says: "You have created me, told me what to do, and I have done what you asked. And now you are going to damn what you have created." But it's also like. Digging into angel bullshit Lucifer is the light-bringer/truth bringer, So Scott is effectively saying: I am literally ushering the world into a new era (WHICH HE IS TECHNICALLY SUCCESFUL AT AS THIS EVENT DOES BRING ABOUT NEW MUTANTS LMAO) , like you told me to, and you want me to stop????? You want me to stop doing the thing you created me for???? I could think and talk about Scott identifying with Lucifer for wAY too fucking long. So I'll cut it short with this: Scott killing Charles, albeit not on his own volition, is a way of saying "You don't get to control what I do anymore. I'm taking the power you promised me and using it to show you what went wrong."
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thrwne · 1 month
Hello so do you think Erik is gay and only gay l think so because Erik is someone who is stubborn like when Sara asked him to open up to her he didn't he opened up to Mathias
When Thea asks him about girlfriends and boyfriends in s1 he quickly changes the subject as if someone was getting close to something he didn't want them to know
When Thea kissed him at first l just thought he was pleasantly surprised but the more rematch the more it looks like he was just laughing 😃 like he didn't take her seriously since she is Thea
And in the bunk bed episode when Mathias is drunk and can't go up the bunk bed first Erik could have easily went up he didn't he even held his hands and he didn't look uncomfortable if l didn't know any better l would think he was secretly happy but then when he is picking trash with him he makes joke about coming out of the closet but then Mathiaz is like sorry and he looks like sad like disappointed I think he was trying to flirt with him . And when they are talking about the New year's kiss he is like nothing will ever happen between me and Sara and to me that's because he doesn't like girls . And on New Year's kiss when Sara kissed him at first when you watch he looks happy but when Sara kisses him his head drops like he is concerned that Sara might like him but then he acts happy again . Then my final point is when we are talking about his past school gc he is saying everyone found it funny so everyone in his past gc are guys who are straight but him being gay didn't since he isn't attracted to girls like even Elias is happy to talk to Felix and the gang about his first time and he finds it funny why because he is straight sorry for the long text l literally rewatched it to analyse l realise 😔 l missed some interesting stuff l think most of the fandom think he is bi but he is defs not no way he is gay
Honestly, I don’t know what I think about Erik. But I 100% believe that Erik will be bi and not gay though. And yeah Erik and Mathias’ connection and how comfortable they were with each other and sharing things about themselves is so telling. I don’t get the impression that Erik doesn’t like girls because he did mention liking the girl that the guys at his old school were filming so there’s that. And we know he’s gonna have something with Olivia in season 3.
I really wish we would’ve gotten a scene after the cuddling because there are so many questions. I want to know who woke up first and what was said 😭 tbh I think Erik was genuinely just trying to be funny saying they came out of the closet that night in order to lighten the mood because Mathias seemed embarrassed and apologetic.
Season 3 will be Mathias coming to terms with his sexuality and hopefully Erik will have that storyline in season 4 and they'll find their way to each other again. Mathias and Erik have a genuine and earnest connection and I think Erik will realize that hanging out with Felix and the guys isn’t what he wants and that he misses Mathias and start contemplating on why.
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kwonzoshi · 5 months
No cause... Wille was so real to call out his mom on her homphobia
Cause what you mean your son DIED, as in FULLY DEAD, and you took that shit to the neck. Laughing and giggling just a few weeks after the fact but when your son comes out as queer you have an entire meltdown?!
NOW you can't do your job as queen?
NOW you can't be a mother and be there for your son?
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Nah homie.. Cause how you gonna tell your son that you support him and love him for who he is but as soon as he's open about that, you lose your shit?!
And yea yea, sure, grief works differently for everyone. Let me just remind y'all that she didn't take any time off when Erik died, or even allowed Wille to stay home so that they could grieve as a family.
She abandoned Wille time and time again when he needed her the most... she makes me sick tbh
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I promise y'all if Queen Kristina has no haters I AM DEAD.
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wilhelmsbee · 7 months
Okay now I also would like a director's commentary, if you'd be willing to do that!
First of all for the book discussion edit you did which is.....INSANITY ...literally one of the best edits ever ever ever
And also maybe "real funny that things go to hell now that I've found it" because I think it's criminally underrated!!
Also, feel free to pick one of those haha and I might take you up on more some time haha
I am gonna do them both but I'll be doing the second one in a standalone post! Starting with this edit!
because this edit has no lyrics I'm gonna do it like the line of dialogue & the scenes played instead :P
And what do you think the dilemma is?- Starting with the actual scene, Simon is asked the question by the teacher, basically showing that the edit is going to be entirely about Simon's interpretation of the book Kris, which is used as a parallel for wilmon! The text is purple for the teacher, but that's also the colour I use to represent wilmon as a couple so its a little nod to that as well :)
That Malin has grown up with strong Christian ideals, that...- Wilhelm walking through the castle, trying on Erik's old jacket, paralleling Wilhelm's upbringing as a Prince to an extremely religious upbringing. He's been raised in this place, with its long-standing traditions and deep beliefs that permeate into the modern world. He's surrounded by this institution and even though he tries his best to be himself and accept who he is, obviously it has fundamentally carved out his brain in a specific way. The royal upbringing is what made him so afraid of his sexuality, and even when he accepts that there are still parts of him that naturally fall into that safe self-serving mindset.
She has trouble combining with how she really feels.- Wilhelm is left out when August and Erik get to see each other, the etiquette book being forced into his hands, leaving Simon after his mother told him 'no more mistakes.', telling Simon that their kiss was a mistake. He doesn't know how to fit into either box, Prince or Wilhelm. He's in a completely new space and all he's trying to do is be exactly what everyone wants him to be, what he's expected to be. He struggles during the photo-op because he wants to be himself, but he's quickly reminded that he should actually just follow everyone else and fit the mould. This mindset is what makes him leave Simon in E4. He's struggling to find the line between what his upbringing expects of him and what he actually wants, and he can't manage to thread that needle no matter how much he wants to. The one time he figured it out, realising his mistake and backtracking, it didn't change anything. He was forced back into that same box. Despite his best efforts, Wilhelm doesn't know how to balance his title and himself.
Especially about Siv.- The anxious hovering before the kiss in episode 4. He's desperately trying to reassure himself this is okay and that he's allowed to be happy and accept himself even as the Prince. It's all he has, nobody else around him cares like Simon does, and still, he has to hesitate, he's afraid that once he crosses that line he can't go back. I always thought this mirrored the party scene, when Wilhelm looked like he wanted to kiss Simon, but the show cuts before we see (and I don't think they did kiss here tbh). He's so terrified of crossing these barriers he's made in his head, consciously or not, because once he does how will he go back? How could he go back? He doesn't know where to put these feelings, there's no space between his royal upbringing and societal expectations. Both of these scenes feel like a free-fall jump. He's risking everything just to see. To feel something that he's held back from himself, allow himself that experience. Get to know himself.
You wish that Malin could just ignore them,- The outside pressures on Wilhelm rearing their ugly heads. He's a poster-child for Hillerska, especially since Henry confirms that the school board thought Wilhelm would bring more students to the school. The plaque reminding him that he is responsible for the legacy of the school causes him to spiral, because he's a public figure whose name can never be separated from the school but he might be falling for a boy who he can't ever really be with, and he hates it. His mother reminding him that he can't make any more mistakes, that he's the sole heir to the throne and he needs to make the family proud, it just cements this fear. Wilhelm is stuck in this cycle of accept himself/ outside pressure to conform/ accept himself... and it's wearing him down already. He's taking his mother's words and applying them to what he knows she wouldn't like, even though she doesn't know about it. [You] in this scenario is Simon, or at least Wilhelm's interpretation of Simon. He imagines it's irritating watching him go between reaching out and pulling back, how draining it must be for Simon, but he also knows that there's no easy solution to this problem.
I mean, the duties and ideas about God- Again, God in this context is the Royal Family. Wilhelm giving his pre-written speech, Wilhelm giving his pre-planned lie about the tape. These scenes show his duties to the throne. He needs to keep up appearances, come hell or high water. There's a distinct lack of emotion in both scripts (though he does go off-book after Erik's passing, but this isn't a public space, so it makes sense). He is just following exactly what is expected of him, with no real personal attachment, even though both of these things are extremely emotional events. His duty to the Royal Family is to pretend that everything is fine, all the time. To rid himself of his humanity, just be the figurehead he's supposed to be.
It's not just coming from outside, it's her own fault, too.- Wilhelm's admission. It's not just the Royal Court deciding his actions, his every word, thought, and movement. He's accepting blame for himself, too. It's something he's been extremely hesitant to do in the series up until this point, but it was extremely necessary. Wilhelm's acceptance of fault is what helps reform that trust with Simon. It was Wilhelm's own recklessness that almost got him taken out of school, and it was his own naivety that made him believe Simon could trust him post-tape-denial. Yes, there were outside sources, but he wasn't acting as a puppet for the Royal Family, he was making his own decisions as well, and he's acknowledging the hurt that it brought to Simon. A lot of Wilhelm's S2 arc is related to taking responsibility and understanding the pain he's caused, as well as trying to amend it to the best of his ability. Of course, he still messes up, he's a teenager, but he puts in as much effort as he can.
She has been forced to...- I always thought the Queen manipulated Wilhelm by using the dead-brother-card to ensure he didn't confirm the sex tape. He was forced into giving that statement, and I think at this point Simon has begun to realise just how much power and reach Wilhelm's family (more specifically his mother) has over him and his own existence. He's forced to be this perfect son, with no problems, not a hair out of place, and it has shaped him. Even when Wilhelm fights against the manipulation, he knows that it's not going to work, because everyone around him is willing to do whatever it takes to get him to agree. Jan-Olof doesn't care about Wilhelm's upset at the song changing, all he has to do is say 'The Queen Requested It' because he knows that's all Wilhelm needs to hear to back down. His mother knows this, too. Although Wilhelm has free will and makes a lot of bad decisions on his own, his mother's ability to control and manipulate him only makes those bad decisions worse.
Follow those rules.- Wilhelm just wants to be the perfect son, and considering the fact the show starts on a PR disaster, it makes sense that he's doing anything he can to fix that public perception. He won't speak about politics because Royals are supposed to be politically neutral, even though he clearly isn't politically neutral. He tries to thread the needle, which endears Simon but also shows his fear of further repercussions. He's already lost so much after the fight video, so he's on his best behaviour now. Even months later, he still struggles with regulating emotions and suppressing his anxiety, causing him to be mad at himself for not doing enough. Not being the perfect boy who doesn't want to be openly queer and isn't upset that his ex-boyfriend has a new boyfriend. He can't pretend that he feels okay with these rules, but he also can't let himself bend them. The breakdown after the first kiss is the biggest reflection of this. Yes, he kissed Simon back the second time, but once he was reminded that this was real life where others were nearby and there could be public ramifications to being caught like that, suddenly he's desperately spewing out anything that could remotely sound like he's straight. When Simon actually listens and tries to leave, though? That's also bad. He can't break the rules, but he also can't imagine letting this go. The rules he has to follow just trample him and cause more harm than good, and Simon recognises this.
She can't just throw away everything she's ever learned about right and wrong.- Mostly just highlighting the differences between when Wilhelm was kissed by Felice and when he was kissed by Simon. The kiss with Simon felt right, he was surprised but wanted it to continue. The kiss with Felice didn't. He can't throw away everything he's learned about what's right and wrong for him. It kind of was supposed to spin the line on its head. It's not what he's been taught as right and wrong, but what he's learned, from experience.
She discovers that- The therapy session with Boris, the one where Wilhelm realises he actually can be emotionally vulnerable with Simon and tell him how he feels, and let him be informed. He's finally learning that he has some say and control in his life, that it isn't just predetermined because of who he is and what he was born into. There's this change in expression that emphasises his sudden realisation, like his whole world has been spun on its head.
She wants to change her life,- Confronting Simon with his feelings!!! Simon had asked him to just be open and honest, and for once, he actually is. He wants to change, he wants to have control in his life, and he wants to pursue what's actually important to him! Of course, he tells Simon don't charge August because then I can't abdicate BUT he gives him the option to do whatever feels right. He isn't demanding control of a situation which is out of his hands, he's just letting Simon know his options. Also he apologises and is the bigger person about the wrongs he's done, he's changing for the better. His love is making him better.
Because of what she learns through her feelings for Siv.- Wilhelm has grown a lot throughout the course of his relationship with Simon, even when they weren't together a lot of his growth is centred around Simon and wanting to fix their relationship- and by extension himself. Happy, silly wilmon contrasted with more emotional and sad wilmon not only shows how much they've been through together, how much they've faced together, but also just hammers home the depth of their connection. Wilhelm feels safe and vulnerable with Simon, and Simon feels comfortable and happy with Wilhelm. They're always reaching out or touching each other in these scenes, the constant affection between them just emphasises their love and connection which is what this edit is all about.
So it isn't all bad, and we don't know what happens after the book ends.- - More wilmon comforting each other, lots of touching and holding and love. Even when their relationship is in a bad place, there's still that love and care there in every action they do together. Everything they do is an output of their love- even when they're upset and fighting is because they love each other and they're hurt and don't know how to express it. They just want to hold each other together and keep close, and the beauty in that pure expression of love just carries through the scenes so nicely. They're in love your honour!!!
Closing Scene- I chose this scene because it is just such a perfect encapsulation of wilmon to me. The soft, gentle movements and the warm lighting, the comfort and safety they feel... it's also my favourite scene in the whole show but that's just my opinion etc... truly what I want is for wilmon to have a silly little morning after scene that isn't tainted with the agony to come. We don't know what happens after young royals ends, but I imagine it is gonna be that scene every morning because they're in love!!!!! and I do not care what anyone else says!!!
The font I used is I'm DW pica!!! it's the folklore/evermore font, and I think it has storytelling vibes and that kinda links back to the whole It's A Story For English Class thing :P
Also the text changes colour between Simon's voice and Wilhelm's voice because usually (read: if I'm making my edit like a conversation) I'll colour the texts to match who's speaking (or who matches the current lyrics, or who's POV I'm editing from). When I do this, Simon's text is always a yellow-gold and Wilhelm's is always a teal-blue.
The beginning of the edit has a pale pinky-reddy colouring over it, it's quite desaturated and it's supposed to feel quite cold and hopeless. In sadder edits I'll usually use a red/pink/purple or sometimes a blue pallet for colouring, and it'll be very desaturated. However, by the line she discovers that the colouring actually shifts to a warm golden tint (most of the time my gold colourings are modified from the S1E5 opening scene). Basically showing how he's gaining control and hope and life is looking better and happier :)
by the way how I shift colours in edits is literally just having two layers with the different colour overlays and making one go from 0-100% opacity at the same rate as the other goes from 100-0%. It looks pretty smooth imo :3
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
Hello! I really liked your giving/leaving hickeys headcannon! What about collecting/keeping s/o's underwear/stockings/gloves for mtp boys? Thank you and please take care of yourself! Have a wonderful day! <3
Thank you for the request! Have a wonderful day too! :) <3
'•.¸♡ keepsake ♡¸.•'
Mtp x gn!reader
Mostly fluffy but there are mentions of nsfw!!! So be cautious
Feat. William, Louis, Albert, Sherlock, John, Charles.
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William James Moriarty:
Ok so like he keeps or collects any peice of clothing which you leave either on accident or you don't notice it has gone missing.
Mostly your stockings go missing usually never to be seen again.
What does he do with them? You may be asking, well no one knows the answer to that and no one ever will.
He keeps them when he feels lonely and wants something which reminds him of you and also like he finds it almost humours that you're going home without any stockings on.
Also he's a theif at heart, stealing not only the lives of many and your clothes but also your love.
Louis James Moriarty:
His s/o probably left their gloves or something at his place and he say it one day and kept them to be more close to them yk.
Idk why that's the only thing I said in 3rd person but oh well.
Like he doesn't know if he should give them back or like tell you, but if you say that you can't find those gloves or something similar then he would awkwardly say he found them and he ment to give them back but it completely slipped his mind.
But yeah like he wouldn't do it on purpose just on accident kinda.
Albert James Moriarty:
This little rascal would probably take your underwear and tease you about it.
For example, the two of you were having a quicky somewhere outside of the house and when you were getting dressed he would steal your underwear either to tease you or as 'punishment' for something you did earlier.
He would later either forget about it or would keep it for good measure.
If you tried to take it back then there would be more ✨️teasing✨️.
I'm using that word too much.
Sherlock Holmes:
Maybe he keeps a pair of their s/o's underwear just to tease them but other than that I don't really see him keep anything of their's really yk.
Or like you left something in his apartment so to speak, and it stayed there forever ot until he moves out which is unlikely tbh.
John H. Watson:
He's not the type to collect or keep anything of his s/o's, if they leave something then he will tell them and give it to them.
Therefore I'm gonna say random stuff to fool you into thinking I actually put some thought behind this >:)
I'm listening to the phantom of opera rn cuz it's an amazing film, my favourite ones are the 2004 and 1989 I think Christine was great in that movie, I think Christine is great in both the movies tbh.
I also watched the 1925 one, it was a silent film which I definitely finished, but they did Erik so dirty in that one, like he had no mask, and in the 1989 version Erik literally killed someone with his face 💀 I wish I was joking I love that movie so much. But if you want to listen to some great music then I recommend the 2004 one but if you rather see rats and a random rat man then the 1989 one, it's amazing.
Enough about my rant, enjoy the rest of the fic! :)
Charles Augustus Milverton:
He collects your whole wardrobe in a weird pervert way
Like everytime he's over he steals an item of clothing from you, but only one so you don't notice (unless it's like a pair the he steals the pair but that's beside the point)
He has a special drawer for all your things.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Sorry I got lazy again, pls ignore the John part but honestly I could write so much about the phantom of the opera like that shit is a fucking master piece and wanna get the book.
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arale2126 · 6 months
Cherik fics - That ONE line - 9
「 I want to copy the entire fic this time tbh, cos it's that's iconic. I can't profess my love for it enough. This fic makes me wonder how much I have missed for not reading much AU fics. 」
An Odd Way To Score A Date by sku7314977
Summary: Erik, a worker for Shaw Industries, has found himself with the unwanted attention of his employer who just can't seem to take a hint. After one too many pushy invites Erik grabs the first man he meets on the side of the street and introduces Shaw to his very lovely - if slightly confused - boyfriend.
The quote:
“Oh, pumpkin you didn’t tell me I’d be meeting your boss today, I would have joined you in the diner.”  Charles lied beautifully.  Erik could have kissed him for it, pet name aside.
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Noting down things on my rewatch of Season 1 of Good Omens
While watching that scene where God explained that "it was like playing poker in a pitch-dark room, with a dealer who won't tell you the rules and who smiles all the time" and so many things appeared on the screen I just imagined how long it took to edit/make that whole scene.
In the book it's mentioned that Crowley's remark "You're an angel, I don't think you can do the wrong thing" is supposed to be sarcastic but Aziraphale doesn't notice. Well then I guess I'm like Aziraphale because I also did not and continue to not notice the sarcasm there unless I really watch out for it then slightly I guess.
Rewatching I feel like Eve opening her eyes after taking a bite of the apple is given even more underlinement than when Adam does it. Especially also through the sound effect in the background
I didn't even remember that Ligur & Hastur came out of the ground. To do it on a graveyard too like they....rose from the dead. Yeah cool symbolism or something 👍
Hastur with his flaming hand to light is cigarette is also cool. Once again thinking about editing and special effects etc. etc.
Long hair Crowley
I didn't even notice but Crowley sways his hips EXTREMELY after walking back to his car after receiving the antichrist. This is the Crowley slutty walk everyone is talking about
"Ciao. Means...Food." Always cracks me up. The pause adds to the comedic effect.
The whole "Yes" simultaneously. Also very funny tbh. Especially the way they say/pronounce it.
Until recently when I searched up about the actors starring in Good Omens in detail I literally didn't notice that the actors of Nina and Maggie were literally both nuns in season 1. Call that recycling (or foreshadowing, who knows)
Yooo the soundtrack when the ambulance arrives at the nun hospital is lowkey fire
Crowley's old glasses...I feel like the new ones are better bc they have these things at the side so the eyes are covered completely from all angles. I can't believe I'm getting a pair of them on Monday!! (For my Halloween costume)
WHY are there so many people on the street in front of Aziraphale's bookshop. Is that just what it's like in Soho.
The way Crowley talks and also his expression in that telephone cell are so funny in a way
Now that I've started reading the book and know that Aziraphale was the one blew up/set on fire the block of traffic officer who tried to give Crowley a ticket for parking in the wrong spot, I think it should have been included in the Show
I don't even remember this much happening in the first episode. I'm so used to OFMD's 30 minute episodes. And Good Omens Season 2 episodes somehow don't feel that long Idk why
Nanny Astoresh!!!!!! (Idk how it's spelled tbh)
I never noticed that Nanny's lullaby was to the tune of like the Good Omens soundtrack
Crowley going down the reflection of the escalator to go to hell weeeee
Crowley's little bun ❤❤❤ (+ his coat ❤❤)
Crowley's expression when saying "They [Heaven aka The Opposition] don't suspect a thing
Beelzebub & Hastur & Ligur all have little animal pals I think Crowley should have a little snake pal
I don't know how I never realized the first time watching that Crowley only has the snake tattoo on one side. I always thought he had dual snakes. I guess that is his little snake pal.
Why the close-up shots of Gabriel 😭😭
The famous "Please do not lick the walls" sign!!!
Isn't that Erik the demon that they fed to the hellhound??? He just keeps coming back like a Nokia huh. Indestructible.
Crowley short hair all of a sudden 😢 (he still looks good but it was a jumpscare ngl after seeing him with long hair all the time)
Crowley suggesting child murder on a sunny afternoon (I just now realized, Crowley doesn't kill kids. Is that why he suggested Aziraphale do it? I thought it was just because then it would be "heavenly doing" but this is probably his deeper motivation)
Crowley's watch is really cool?? I had to go back like 3 times to see what all the different lanes for the numbers were for though
Crowley's new glasses too
Them drinking again because they f-ed up
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waybeforeyourtime · 6 months
Here we go... E5. I mean I can guess the big cliffhanger, so I'm not sure if I'll have that much of an emotional reaction to it. Let's see if I'm right...
Wait did they do that to Wille? That was a bit confusing but I'm sure it was just a dream sequence.
I hope they name Vincent personally in the tell-all. That smug, fucker.
Watching Sara's expressions is like looking in a mirror.
Please Wille, don't take this to mean you have to protect Erik's name at all costs. Please. No more secrets.
Talk to him. Simon can understand what it means to be betrayed by your protector. I mean you just talked about it. I know you were naked and all, but come on.
Shit, the music room, again. oh no. He tells Simon. Then it gets out. And he thinks it's Simon who told.
Okay... they're talking. Wait, no, no, they are not. smh That's not what he said, Wille.
I knew it was going to happen and my heart is still breaking for Sara. And Micke. Addiction is a horrible disease. But I know her pain and it parental betrayal is so damaging, even if it's something they can't control.
Does he have on the suit jacket and the plaid pants?! I fucking love him.
I'm sorry. I laughed at the poisoning comment and Simon's face.
So awkward. Oh, hi LISA!!!
pernilla august is a treasure.
Oh this is going to get bad. Poor Simon. I've had my fair share of awkward dinners but this one is unimaginable.
Felice the chef! I love that!
Wille is gonna blow. And he created more awkwardness.
GODDAMMIT. Why are they so adorable?!? But Sara, Sara, Sara.
That's what you get for giving him his own watch.
I teared up, but tbh, we know there's scenes left in S6 that we've seen in the promos. This wasn't the exploding cliffhanger that I thought it would be tbh. Not saying I didn't enjoy it! That was my own level of expectation.
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Alright guys, I said my Hunger Games fixation was coming back and so I have...
I have done something horrible.
I found a simulator where you can put your own characters into the Hunger Games. So I put Young Royals characters in. Here is how it went:
(obvious trigger warnings for death, violence and suicide because this is the hunger games)
Day 1:
Wilhelm bashes Linda's head against a rock several times.
Fredrika attacks Sara, but Marcus protects her, killing Fredrika.
Rosh shoots an arrow at Maddie, but misses and kills Walter instead.
Henry breaks Nils's nose for a basket of bread. (Same. I don't blame him)
Maddie begs for Alexander to kill her. He refuses, keeping Maddie alive.
The Queen and Rosh split up to search for resources.
Stella begs for Nils to kill her. He refuses, keeping Stella alive.
Malin chases Erik .
The Headmistress attacks Jan Olof, but Ayub protects him, killing The Headmistress.
Boris and Sara fight Henry and Simon. Boris and Sara survive.
End of Day one, six dead: Linda, Fredrika, Walter, The Headmistress, Henry, and Simon.
I am thoroughly upset about Day One. Let's move on.
Day 2:
Vincent, Sara, and August discuss the games and what might happen in the morning. (this scarily makes sense)
Jan Olof lets Alexander into his shelter.
Wilhelm and Stella run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Nils, Erik , Malin, and Ayub tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
Nils dies trying to escape the arena. (he would, his pacifist ass)
Malin and Boris hunt for other tributes.
Rosh bashes Vincent's head against a rock several times.
Ayub and Marcus hunt for other tributes.
Sara severely injures The Queen and leaves her to die.
Felice sprains her ankle while running away from Wilhelm.
End of day two, three more dead: Nils, Vincent, and The Queen.
Sara is leading with 3 kills. Rosh and Boris both have 2. Wilhelm, Ayub and Marcus all have 1.
This brings our total number of dead to nine. I'm not as sad about day two's deaths.
Day 3:
Erik silently snaps Boris's neck. (WELL THAT ESCALATED)
Felice, Ludvig, Wilhelm, and Rosh sleep in shifts.
Malin, Jan Olof, and Stella sleep in shifts.
Maddie fends Ayub, Sara, and Marcus away from her fire.
Wilhelm overhears Malin and Jan Olof talking in the distance.
Sara, Maddie, Alexander, Ayub, and Stella hunt for other tributes.
August runs away from Marcus.
The arena's border begins to rapidly contract.
Thinking they could escape, Marcus and Jan Olof attempt to run through the border together.
Stella is electrocuted by the border.
Ayub trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough.
Felice trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough.
August restrains Alexander to a tree and leaves him to die. (fuck you august)
Malin trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough.
End of day three, eight more dead: Boris, Marcus, Jan Olof, Stella, Ayub, Felice, Alexander and Malin.
Sara is still leading with 3 kills, Rosh has 2, August, Wilhelm and Erik all have 1.
This brings total dead to 17. I am back to being very sad about who died.
Day 4:
Wilhelm and Rosh hold hands. (WHAT?!)
Erik and Sara run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Erik , Ludvig, August, and Maddie form a suicide pact, killing themselves. (I AM SO CONFUSED THEY WERE ALL DOING SO WELL)
Sara dies from thirst. (major L)
The arena turns pitch black and nobody can see a thing.
Rosh trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
End of day four, six more dead: Erik, Ludvig, August, Maddie, Sara, Rosh.
This brings the total dead to 23. Which means we have a winner.
It's Wilhelm. Wilhelm won. He killed one person (it was ironically Linda) and held hands with a lesbian. What a guy.
I can't even like... what just happened? Wow. I mean, good for Wille. Kinda sad Simon Henry and Walter all died on the same fucking day though. And Stella and Felice should have gone out with more style tbh. Oh well.
I hope you enjoyed how unhinged this was.
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horriddler · 2 years
playlists for my redacted babes (repost)
i actually just got into the fandom a month ago and kinda just binged listened erik's vids buuut! this is how i depict guy, david, sam, caelum and milo in music because i can and wanted to (there will be more in the future)
pizza guy
i headcanon him as a band/theater kid shrugs so i may or may not have added some...musicals in the playlist
but i mean come on, look at me in the eye and tell me he really loves to sing the lyrics to "sexy" by mean girls. look at that little menace and then to me.
his favourite song is sincerely me btw
dabey wabey, our little fiance,
i know he loves crazy by gnarls barkley ONGG
probably listens to it in the car while waiting for angel to finish their shift.
he’s the type to tap on the beat on his steering wheel aswell because he’s mysterious like that
our little derek hale's twin here definitely DEFINITELY likes those jazz kinda stuff like this is the lost generation by the lost generation) to make him look more like a mysterious man.
(will add more songs like that soon!)
sam cowboy collins
unironically added some country music (the catchy songs)
but i do think some songs doesn't really fit him, but at the same time i do think it does.
he's kinda like those 50-60's rock and roll type of guy too or he just turns on the radio and listen to whatever (similar to david)
milo (the drink)
okay in all honesty, i don't know if i'm right with the song choices here and i'm quite sad about it…
but i do think his music taste is a little similar to asher's, just a bit.
he sounds like the punk/2000's rap loving kinda guy but his whole vibe really gives off deftones.
oh yeah his favourite song is cupid's chokehold. it's fucking canon in my head.
caelum my sweetest babyboy
he's my kin so he gets all the mitski songs teehee, so imagine this playlist is him having the best time of my life!!!!
he definitely would love mitski and just anything that reminds him of the sweet times he and david had together, i don't make the rules.
the whole playlist is kinda depressing to be honest
but i'll try to add some more happy happy songs for when he feels excited when he notices he had untied some knots!
ivan (sadism’s hold)
oh no.
had an awfully little time to make this one. i really just tried to pick up the sadism's hold vibe, kinda creepy aura of music!
and some songs that make me want to scream (drunk walk home)
i'm actually kind of proud of this one tbh, i had the right (in my opinion) songs for ivan but yes! :)
everytime i talk about my playlist of him, i keep thinking of the song caravan because i feel like both the movie whiplash and sadism's hold are similar to me. the psychological stress and manipulation are so fascinating. the ending to whiplash and how ivan manipulates the listener comes out so natural and realistic, it can't be seen unless you really open your eyes and see the dark side on things. it makes you forget what had happened and the process throughout it that made andrew and the listener become like how ivan/fletcher wanted them to be. and the way it makes you give in and think it's completely okay and comforting and safe because it was what you have loved and/or what you have been needing. the whole thing with the psychology behind it makes it so eerie but interesting.
but please do check out my spotify profile for some more playlists and maybe you can be updated when i add another character playlist
so that's it so far :)! i'm still new to the redactedverse so i'm sorry if i'm not feeling it like how yall are feeling it ykyk, i was newly obsessed so i was itching. ITCHING. to make a playlist so yeah!! hope you enjoy! but please do be aware that this is my kind of music taste and i pick songs that i really like so it's okay if it doesn't suit your taste
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andthatisnotfake · 6 months
Ok, rewatching episode 1 (of S3 of Young Royals), comments under the read more. Might include spoilers for later episodes too, FYI.
Kristina comes into the room and doesn't even look at Wilhelm. She walks right past him, sits next to him, and doesn't acknowledge him at all. No matter how much pain she's in, I'm sure she could have mustered a small smile for her son, couldn't she? Or a pat on the leg? Nothing?!?
Ludwig doesn't acknowledge him either, of course. It's funny how concern he seems to be for his wife, but not his teenage son.
The contrast with Linda taking Simon's hand in the car though. The contrast is contrasting!
Simon drawing the heart on the window 🥺
I stand corrected, Wille is actually sitting next to Jan-Olof 🙃
Is August just hungry because of his ED or has he developed gastritis? I wouldn't be surprised.
It's funny how the last season ended with spring coming, the sun shining again, and now, technically just a few days later - oh look, it's a fucking blizzard.
Omar played nervous Simon so well 😭
August's stepfather is so smarmy, he could actually be his father. Him saying there's no proof it was August and the video is relatively innocent... The way I wanted to shake him by the hair until he got bald...
Thank you, Linda, for speaking up (and bringing us up to date with how bad things were for them). The fact that these people, and I'm including Wilhelm here, heard what has said about the neonazi and the threats and completely ignored it makes my blood boil. You're supposed to be outraged as well!
August being upset that people are looking at him as if he's an asshole...
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1.2 million kronor sounds like very little, to be honest. I think August might have paid nearly that for Rousseau. And Simon saying August will have to sell Årnas... Are we sure of that? I'd have asked for a lot more.
Wille's little door-leaning... I see you...
The immediate smiles when they see each other 🥺
Simon saying Wille's bedroom is cozy. Sweetie, I appreciate the parallel, but please don't lie.
Let's count how many times they get interrupted. This was the first.
Linda and Kristina looking at Simon and Wilhelm when August's stepfather tells them what they did was funny, ngl. But also, August hates his stepdad, but he seems to have learned very well from him, because his posture is the same. As is the same the way he distorts the truth to gain some advantage at all times, telling Wille Simon had been dealing for them for months, telling Alexander he'd been the only one to defend him against evil Wille, planning that bogus plan of having Alexander take the blame because they can't prove it was him who took the video, just his phone... God, people like this are so infuriating and so damn tiring! It's no wonder Simon just wants this over with.
And August just did it again, saying Wille had also taken the drugs. Technically, true, but he just takes the part of the truth that's convenient to him.
August saying Wille will screw things up himself, I--
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And the fact that the RC doesn't seem to care that the newly appointed heir to the throne is someone capable of all this, Goddammit... I bet they actually think it makes him an even better choice, tbh.
Linda's silent anger... Oh, shit. Everyone knows that when you're mom is so angry she goes quiet it's way worse than when she's screaming.
Wilhelm says Erik wouldn't have forgiven August, and I actually do think that might be true, even after what we now know about Erik. I think he'd be an intermediate for the queen with Wille, trying to tell him to deny it was him in the video just like she did, but maybe appealing to Wille's affection. But I still think he'd have chewed on August. Mind you, he wouldn't have told Wille that it had been him either, and he'd definitely have protected August from any possible consequences, but I don't think he'd have forgiven him. Or at the very least he wouldn't be so buddy-buddy with him anymore. I think August would have crossed a line with him. And honestly, I think that might have been the worst punishment for August.
Madison reading tarot cards, I love her so much. Also, I need someone who knows tarot to interpret the cards she takes, thank you.
Stella saying Felice should get over it already was insensitive, but exactly what I'd expect from her. And bless you Madison for saying breaking up with a friend can be worse. Also, Fredrika attempting to be cheerful was useless, but very cute.
Fredrika is such a gossip girl, and ngl, I relate.
Farima had the right idea with using Wille's relationship to show a more modern side of Sweden, but I also understand why Wille wasn't keen. He should be allowed to just have a relationship, his first real one, and not have it be a walking pride flag. It's great to open doors and bring representation and help the community, but he's also allowed to just want to have a regular relationship, like other kids do.
This quick talk with Farima should have been a long conversation about social media, and we saw why.
Nils and Vincent casually talking about a guy who broke his arm in a mission for those points, I...
Are there no cars with tinted windows in Sweden? Is that not a thing? Why is Wille in a regular car for the paparazzi to take pictures of him (again, btw - I had this same thought in the very first episode).
I need to see more of Wille's jacked with the spikes! Also, can the pink sweater come back, please?
The way the chatter immediately dies when they kiss 🤣
Should we also count how many times they ask each other how they are? I think this is the first of the season...
Simon saying the attention is making him uncomfortable... I get it, and I'd feel the same, but sweetie, give it a couple weeks and no one will care anymore. They just need to get used to it.
Simon's 🖕 keychain between their joined hands...
Vicent teasing August about Sara just shows what good friends these boys all are to each other 😒
The heart-drawing scene 🥰🥰🥰 They're so in love. 🥹
Simon agreeing that it is degrading to miss someone who's hurt you... Sweetheart...
Simon is a better person than me, I would have 100% told the reporters to fuck off. And Marcus, ugh... I knew he'd talk, and I'm glad to see it confirmed, even though I'm angry.
The fact that the court couldn't even ask Wille's bodyguards, who are already idle at Hillerska anyway, to ensure Simon would be safe at least when leaving the school grounds, is baffling.
While I agree that Wille could have told Simon he was going to admit to being in the video, I do think it was a spur of the moment decision. And, moreover, Simon wanted him to do that before anyway. I think to Wille he was doing what Simon wanted. I just think Simon failed to realize the consequences.
Rosh is right in her assessment of Wille though, he's pretty impulsive.
Wille's red lights forming a heart, I see you!
I understand that Wille wanted to let Simon know he should ignore the comments as soon as possible, but I don't think telling him so in the comments helped much.
Bless Nils for being the only one to tell Wille he'd been brave, btw. I don't always agree with him, but that was nice of him.
I understand Sara wanting to leave the house, but going to her father's was very hypocritical of her, ngl. I understand why Simon was mad.
I know the girls meant well with the intervention, but the execution of it was maybe not the best. That said, I wouldn't mind being gifted a trip to New York. 😌
Wille's contented smile when he wakes up 🥹
Him tracing over the heart 🥹🥹🥹
Why is Farima sending Wille the articles for him to read instead of shielding him from this shit? 😭 He's 16 and you've given him no media training, what's he supposed to do?
Why is Malin by Wille's door again? Weren't they going to stay away while he was in classes? Had that been revoked now?
Them thinking it's Wille's fault that the horrors that happen at Hillerska are being revealed is... very telling.
The new rules are a bit harsh, but honestly? I'd have done something similar. Best to be harsher at first to nip this in the bud, then gradually access what can and can't be restored. No cellphones for teens is a bit too harsh though 😅
The seniors thinking they're exempt lol. You're still students, you're included.
Okie, I'll make another post for ep. 2, but I can't rewatch it now. 😭 Also, not re-reading all of this, if there's a typo, so be it.
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Λοιπόν για το ask game θέλω να ξέρω για την Reagan. Έχω όμως περιέργεια για την Christine Daae, θέλω να ξέρω εντυπώσεις
Reagan Ridley 🧪
First impression: oh so this is one of those characters thats specifically catered to my interests huh. Cool.
Impression now: Yeah of course she is my favourite. No surprises here. I have a type.
Favorite moment: ... that moment in the final episodes where the camera zoomed into her missing finger, the deadlines on her calendar, her meds and brett immediately went from telling her how sad he would be if she left the company to pretending that he wasnt sad at all because he knows how much she is suffering here and he only wants the best for her. Even if it means never seeing her again. Also EVERYTHING about Appleton tbh. God. Also that time she kicked her dad out of her house??? Queen.
Idea for a story: haven't had any concrete story ideas about my girl reagan sadly 😔 i should get around to reading some inside job fanfics, get some inspo.
Unpopular opinion: nothing comes to mind really. I haven't interacted a lot with the inside job fandom to know their popular and unpopular opinions tbh.
Favorite relationship: god.... Bret and reagan besties 4ever. Also! I was shocked by how much i liked her relationship with ron?? I usually hate it when my fave characters get a love interest half way through a show. Like HATE IT hate it. But honestly when they first started dating i couldn't help but wonder HOW she was going to fuck it up. Like this is Reagan we are talking about, she cant be happy for more than a few episodes in a row so i was hooked waiting for their relationship to fall apart somehow and holy shit????? Their ending was literally so much better than everything i could have ever imagined??? I was sobbing my eyes out god bless.
Favorite headcanon: this woman is bi sorry i don't make the rules. But honestly i feel like i don't have a lot of headcanons about her sadly.
Christine Daae 🎵
First impression: just an average girl character from a century old book. Nothing too wild.
Impression now: oh this girlie is INSANE insane. Ive seen it. I enjoy it. Impressive case of daddy issues. Beautifully kind and determined. She wasn't even in love with the phantom my girl thought she was being visited by the angels sent by her dead father. Good for her. Honestly the phantom is WAY closer to what i usually consider My Type when it comes to fictional characters when compared to Christine. My love for her completely blindsided me, she was one of those characters i didn't expect to be my faves.
Favourite moment: "wishing you were somehow here again" for the musical and everything about her insane "talking with the weird gremlin man who lives in my walls and pretending he is an angel" era for the book. Also the cemetery scene in the book? My girl is delusional.
Idea for a story: none tbh. I haven't read this book in years im not as obsessed with her as i was back then but she still holds a special place in my heart.
Unpopular opinion: idk i never had a strong opinion on the whole phantom - christine - raoul love triangle thing and i feel like the people fighting over this are a little insane skksks. Like. I don't think she ever fully loved erik even tho she sympathized with him? Also fighting over who Christine should choose reminds me of the people who used to fight over who katniss from the hunger games would choose. Like peeta is Katniss' chance to heal while gale is still at war and raoul is the light while erik is the night!! Of course she chose raoul in the end like cmon. Now, that doesn't mean that i can't appreciate the fucked up insane relationship between a basement dwelling sewer man who kills people just because and a grief stricken woman who searches for divinity in everything that surrounds her.
Favourite relationship: probably erik and christine solely for the fucked up factor. Also her relationship with her father even tho he is dead before the book starts and we barely know anything about him. Its pretty obvious that his death affects her a lot.
Favourite headcanon: cant really think of anything tbh. Once again its been a while since i last read this book. But also i feel very strongly about this woman being a brunette for no particular reason.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 1 year
your zazievash posts have expanded my horizons! now I can't help but imagine Zazie finding Eriks (which tbh wouldn't be hard for a worm hivemind on Worm Planet) and keeping an eye on him, maybe even dropping by for a chat sometime.
They already had a bit of a soft spot for him, and seeing how shattered he is now post-july, but still so very kind, they decide to let him rest and don't bring anything up that might rattle him or jog his memory. Eriks can tell they're something Other, but hey, it's not like he feels like anything "normal" either, so who's he to judge; they're pretty neat tho, and they're nice to him.
He sits so still as they watch the worms in the sky at night, Zazie decides at one point to take initiative and plops themselves in his lap and buries their face in his shirt and wraps their arms around him. Unlike the first (and last) time they did that, he doesn't hug him back right away, but he gets there eventually.
OH!! OH THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! i think this would be so goddamn healing and sweet ;-;
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humanoidtyphoons · 2 months
trimax vol 1, let's go!
-eriks!!!!! ooh, so straight off the bat, vash does get black hair! 98 anime nixed that completely, he's blond til the end, which is fine, but i'm soso curious to see what tristar is going to do??
-hmm, vash's body pushing the bullets out... more signs of him not being human...
-already wolfwood is pretty grouchy! which is fun, bc i love him and how this brings out a fun childishness with him and vash. they can talk philosophy, then squabble over spaghetti, but it's implied that they've travelled for a couple of days together, unlike the trigun omnibus, where they met briefly, so wolfwood's short fuse isn't quite as... prominent tbh because they, what, spend a bus trip to augusta together, and then go their separate ways even tho wolfwood watches the knives vs vash fight. they're so fun tho! they dish it back and forth, and have fun annoying each other! they're so domestic from the get go tbh!!
-but also: they know each other has secrets. they won't talk about it. but they might tell each other later, and just. yeah, vash has gotta suspect that wolfwood knows more about knives than he lets on, wolfwood might know that vash is a plant. and yet... vash sees wolfwood as a good guy, and wolfwood cannot stand hearing that, after what he's done to get to this point.
-hell yeah, angelina 2 makes her appearance!!! not just a mention now!!!
-i wonder when the phials get included tbh? they were conspicuously absent in 98, so i'm curious to know which volume they start appearing in tbh.
-fake!vash the stampede... cute.
-98 vash really liked seeing rem in women, hm? not so in the manga. when lina cuts his hair, he doesn't see rem. when meryl says something (in ep 25), he is reminded of rem's words. like i think it makes sense for the anime, he sees them as an extension of rem--that's who she chose to save at the expense of her own life, and he wants to honour that.
-love meryl and milly just going "yeah we're on vacation, we don't have to see vash right now, but... soon! we'll get there!" also new haircuts bc why not!!! it's been a while!!!!
-brad and sensei appear!! brad/jessica mentioned!!! i... can't remember if wolfwood manages to go on the seed 3 ship, but it's so neat to see brad and sensei walk on planet gunsmoke/no man's land, rather than just hide in the ship tbh?
-hmm, i see you leonoff!!
-... yeah, i got a couple of legato ships, but mm, kinda really into that legato/vash hatecrush right now tbh...
tbh, i kinda love that 98 wolfwood feels closer to his trigun omnibus counterpart, whereas tristamp wolfwood feels closer to trimax counterpart. there's still massive differences and overlap between all three, but... ack, he's a character of all time, yk??? (so is vash!)
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joshriku · 2 years
Hello! do you have any cherik fic recs?
i have . so many. (pukes and cries) this is gonna be long but to start off i'm gonna give you my ultimate faves of like. each iteration. so i can be insane. i won't make summaries bc im bad i will just tell you how insane i am.
general thing that none of these have a sad ending or triggering topics bc im. im . I Like Happiness
-curses that can't be lifted by sotano: see. this is about cherik early comics canon right. when they just met in haifa. AND OOOOOOO GH oGH oghghgOGOH I LOVE LEAVING COMMENTS. I LEAVE LONG COMMENTS. I AM VERY ILL IN THE BRAIN WHEN IT COMES TO LEAVING COMMENTS. BUT I LITERALLY STILL CANT FIGURE OUT WHAT TO SAY IN THIS BC I LOVE IT SO MUCH. LIKE ILL COME AROUND EVENTUALLY OF COURSE. BUT IVE READ IT LIKE 50 TIMES AND ITS SO GOOD ITS SO GOOD IT MAKES ME DERANGED i was reading it yesterday again. as i do. and i had to close the tab bc it made me so unwell. i'm so normal
-afterlife by anna: this fic is so good but for my mental health it's in shambles. You don't get it. i'll be pacing around my room thinking back of scenes in this and im like ALRIGHT. PAUSE TO THROW UP AND CRY. EVER SINCE IVE READ THIS I HAVEN'T BEEN THE SAME DO YOU UNDERSTAND. IT'S POST DAYS OF FUTURE PAST AND THAT MAKES ME SO ILLLLLLL I LOVE DOFP SO BAD AND I LOVE CHARLES IN IT AND im like oh man i need something to make me cry and puke and shit myself and cure my depression im gonna read that fic again. And i do it. and i am cured. after i cry myself out to this i am so normal again
-someplace that is green by mugsandpugs: oh my god. Also bad for my mental health like (pucnhign myself) YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. it's technically x-men evolution but if you know cherik you'll understand it either way so. just. wow. erik can fit so much trauma. I can fit so many emotions. i can be so mentally ill. IREAD IT SO MUCH LIEK THE SLOOOOOWWBWBURRNNNNNNNNN AHH AHH AHH (PUKES AND CRIES) AHH WANDA AND PIETRO. AH. DEAR GOD. U DONT GET IT !!!!!! THE WORLDBUILDIGN!! (curls up and cries)
ok yeah. i'll put under the cut all the other recs i have sorry for being unwell
you should read everything by ao3 user sotano btw. not to be demented or deranged. but they never miss. everything they ever write is so . Oh my god. U dont get it. im ill. i will buy them a house
-tabula rasa by o2doko: the telepathy exploration of this goes so fucking hard
-fair verona by ha_neul: i love gender so much you don't ungerstand trans fics are the world to me they really arre
-tesselation by nekosmuse: oh my god. i mean it's a popular fic so it's probably been read. BUT THE SLAY. GOD. THE WRITING. PUKES AND DIES
-no capes by dedkake: this just hits all the spots of needing lighthearted comedy and keeping the magneto / professor x dynamic i so desperately crave. i love when authors play around with their identities while loosely sticking to canon hehe
-all these miles (just to get back home) by isthiswhatiam: you gotta read everything he posts tbh BUT this one is my personal fav i love post dark phoenix u_u
-in dreams begin responsibility by kass: im telling u the pre 2011 fics go so hard. and for what. My god. uim ill it's so good
-sweet by sadbigchungus: its so good. Do u know how fukcing hard it is to get krakoa cherik content. hard. but this hits all the sweet spots i love it so much it's so good
-a good night's sleep by insertsthmeaningful: Can i just say this author writes so much good fic and i am absolutely obsessed. as well as im obsessed w post assassination in xforce cherik like aoghogogjogghOGGH
-the way it travels in and keeps emitting light by populuxe: it's OGHGOGH i love reading this one. it's so hard to find fics that actually talk about disabilities and this one does it SO well and erik is SO perfect in this fic im sick!!
-a nice boy (the family matters edition) by pocky_slash: i don't wanna talk about how hard i cry when i reread this one i might have family issues of sorts.
-a winter's journey by red: i love old cheirk so mcuh it makes me want to eat my ownf oot
-the trouble with trilbies by obstrinatix: I LOVE. OLD MEN. CHERIK
-& other words by questors: this is so good like the worldbuilding genuinely floors and runs me over until im nothing but an useless dough
-necessary downtime by unforgotten: i . old cherik. Ogjjgjkrlgjlslkfd
-the last love song and testament of charles f xavier by midrashic: u know what i said about liking afic so much u cant actually bring urself to properly word the comment so youre just waiting and waiting to properly say smth. Yea thats me w this fic too. why's it so fucking good. how am i meant to word my emotions. but hey if i got around to commenting on Afterlife i will to this
-one second and a million miles by madneto: nothing has ever put me through such a slowburn like this fic like it was so insane and crazy i felt like god was slapping me. PLUS. IRENE AND RAVEN ARE IN IT......SLAY!
-bloodbound by ikeracity: u know i didnt care about vampire fics until THIS ONE. WHERE I WAS LIKE. OH. OKAY. THEYRE GOOD ACTUALLY I SEE THE LIGHT IT MAKES SENSE NOW.
-make me stay by lynds: well. what can i say. who's to say no to a little telepathy play. sorry for liking bottom erik. as if it's my fault
-before you attempt me (fair warning) by kianspo: i read this one time i was really sad and i shouldnt have because i started crying about never being able to find a love like the one in this fic. anyway it's super good
-everything about it is a love song by pocky_slash: its bad for me. old cherik makes me go through itnso much. i cant believe ill never find love like this
-feels like you're mine by annejumps: Sorry for bottom erik enthusiast. AS IF ITS MY FAULTNTO HAVE SUCH GOOD TASTE
-because it's you that sets the test by equestrianstatue: [DERANGED NOISES] IM LIKEBSO CASUAL ABOUT THIS FIC IM NOT EVEN MENTALLH ILL.
-special studies in mutant topics by populuxe: my ao3 bookmark says "filed under fics i read while having a mental breakdown and saved my mental health" you can bet its so good and sexy and Oghgogngntnntnngng i will have to marry this authors writing style. SUBBING TO THIS AUTHOR ISNT ENOUGH I HAVE TO BUY THEM DINNER IDK
but also the sex thing: this fic ruined my ability to watch dofp. no matter how many times i watch it ill be quoting this fic along to it
thats it. for Now. i actually have more but some of them are just the real popular ones so im like. Yeah youve read it. BUT THE REST MIGHT BE FOR NEXT TIME. I GUESS. SORRY. THIS GOT OUT OF HAND
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