#ernesto p5t
crocrubies · 9 months
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The Eri Natsuhara I know isn't here. She's not anywhere.
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Version without the eyes scribbled out lol
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houndfaker · 8 months
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top ten hashtag girlthings
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spectralarrovv · 6 months
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i’ll probably never finish this so i’m dumping it here…
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grandmasterwolfeon · 9 months
Wolfgirl kisses Toshiro's Persona 🐺💞
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Call me Mrs. Steal your Persona because Ernesto is our Persona now! I'M BEING THE ERINA/ERNESTO SMOOCHER!!! Also damn I am now thinking about Giant Woman from Steven Universe haha
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palecryptid · 3 months
Bro your tactica fanart is genuinely the best thing to come out of the entire Persona 5 fandom. It just makes me feel so many things and you should be so proud of it
thank you so much!! 🥹 i appreciate it, i love tactica so much and i’m glad i get to share it with everyone :) please take this little ernesto doodle!
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glittergoats · 9 months
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Kingdom 3...you literally had to be there
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todeo-art · 3 months
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Who was gonna tell me it was P5 spin-off week??? Quick Ernesto doodle to celebrate :)
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meowsticmarvels · 10 months
on a completely different note in regards to my toshiroposting. spoilers under the cut again
are we going to talk about how his persona is. explicitly referred to with she/her in contrast to. toshiro who's only referred to with he/him. i mean there is the oddity that ernesto is 1. gender flipped che guevara???? 2. based on his friend from high school (because erina) but despite that a persona is. still an aspect of yourself. toshiro you've got some gender to think about
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amxthystiine · 10 months
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Same image
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erinatactica · 10 months
thoughts on erina's inherent che guevara symbolism?
hi, thanks for the q! (some spoilers for late game P5T under the cut)
first things first, i think it's badass! I didn't know ernesto's name/inspiration until the game came out haha!
ultimately, i think it says more about toshiro than erina! toshiro's persona is tied to his perception of eri and her influence on him, so it's more about how his true self was shaped by her desire for justice. i think she revolutionized him, and he needed to open up to see what was unacceptable and demanded change. i think it also means erina and toshiro COMBINED is what creates a revolutionary political leader
and che guevara is The Leftist Icon, right? while im honestly a little surprised atlus chose someone so closely associated with marxism, erina is a guerilla military leader and functions like a proto-ernesto... so it's kinda like a pokemon evolution to me?? LOL
ultimately, I think many revolutionary figures would work as a comparison! maybe eri has an awakening sometime in the future and her own persona is reflection of a more calculated politician like toshiro? two sides of one coin y'know?
please lmk your own thoughts!! very interested in hearing em :)
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Scared into acting again, here are some shadow/persona designs I made for Persona Crossroads:
I saw a news article thing for P6 show up on my phone's newsfeed and got scared into acting once more, here are some more persona and shadow designs I made for Crossroads (which I sort of scrapped since I don't want it to be done in the P5 Tactica art style anymore XDD)
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First up we got the myth, the legend, Bayonetta!
I actually got pretty far into making the art digital, but as much of a shame as it is, I just wanted an art style change XDD The final Bayonetta design will probably still look similar tho owo
I used Ernesto from P5T as inspo for the gun feet X33 I don't really have much else to talk about regarding her design since it mostly sticks to her canon outfit in Bayonetta 1.
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Next, we got Karl Jacobs' TFTSMP character.
I really wanted to lean in on the whole In Between-Other Side-XD's World idea, tho I ended up not finishing the colouring since I got stuck on what to do with the hair lol XDD
The bottom coat part is inspired by a fanart I saw by Cute Studio (I believe their username was...) and the inside of the coat and the hands sprouting from the ends of Jacobs' scarf is a reference to all the versions of him that can be found in the In Between. The last notable note I can think to mention about his design is how his halo is meant to sort of... evoke the imagery of a clock? If that makes sense lol.
I wanted him to look super ominous since Jacobs' was supposed to be a boss.
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Unexpectedly, up next we have the illusive, rumoured Istaroth from Genshin Impact!
It's a weird choice since we've never had a confirmed appearance for her, but back in my old notes for Crossroads, Istaroth was supposed to be one of the characters' personas, so yeah, I made her lol.
Her design was inspired by art of her drawn by gierosajie-art and littleblueberryartist! Originally I had her standing, but realised the pose of her sitting down with her hands in her lap to be more iconic.
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And here we have Mari from OMORI! :DD
I think I mentioned it before, she was originally supposed to be part of a system of personas that's like... a bunch of personas in one personas because their user was a person with DID. Still not sure if I'm keeping the concept yet, but if not, then she'll just be a shadow roaming around.
Her hair was inspired by a fanart made by k0re_drawings on Twitter. I just loved how they drew her hair in a way that looked like snapped violin strings! If I redesign her tho, I think I might use a drawing by an artist called Hiko (I think) as inspiration. Mari doesn't really look like Something, but if you look at her from the back, the resemblance is there, I swear!
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And next we have the Electro Archon herself, Raiden Ei! :DD
This was designed when she was still supposed to be Arilette's persona and I truly regret not making her skin look like shadows :\\
Her outfit is basically just her normal outfit without some of the asymmetricalness and some extra ornaments and armour inspired by the Raiden Shogun boss and a small handful of fanarts. I love how her bottom half has the vague silhouette of a butterfly :))
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And last but not least, we got the Anemo Archon, Venti! :DD
So... I don't like his design ._. It's too much. I tried using various fanarts as inspiration to try and make his outfit a lil cooler, but it's just... so... much ._. (I do love the touch of Celestia in his corrupted form owo)
Even tho the name of the persona is Venti, I decided to make his look resemble Barbatos so I could pull a Third Ascension and make it look like his bard outfit while naming it Barbatos owo
That's all I got lol
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cogandstar · 10 months
long and ramble-y post about persona 5 tactica and politics below the cut. spoilers and all that jazz, thou hast been warned.
persona 5 tactica has Interesting politics to me. because, well, it talks an awful lot about revolution and that jazz. and in the Kingdoms, you do a fair bit of revolution-esque stuff, complete with mass movements which are necessary for the overthrow of tyrannical rulers.
(the rebels are tbh one of my favorite parts of the game, especially with how they could very easily have been relegated completely to background noise, but instead at multiple points they are key for the success of the Phantom Thieves. it's great!)
in the cognitive realm, the game seems to come down pretty solidly on the side of "revolution is worth the accompanying violence" -- see the scene of Yoshiki presenting the Thieves with footage of the rebels suffering against the Aizen Squad, and, of course, the final boss being a god of peace who has decided to crush the revolutionary impulses within the hearts of humanity to ensure peace and tranquility.
Salmael is actually pretty interesting as a criticism of that general mindset of "peace over positive change." he's kinda (or at least can be read as) a symbol for the same thing Disco Elysium represents with the ideology of moralism. the thing that's most striking to me about him is his second form, wherein his appearance changes to be partially composed of bullets and other symbols of violence. with this, not only does p5t argue that the maintenance of peace over positive change is bad, but that it is, under the cover of gentility and nonviolence, itself fundamentally built upon violence and force.
it's not that hard to construct a leftist reading of this, even without the influences of Soviet constructivist art on the menus and UI, and the presence of Che Goddamn Guevara as a heroic Persona in the form of Ernesto. it's a game where the heroes organize mass movements to overthrow tyrannical rulers based on, respectively, a wealthy corporate heiress and a corrupt politician. (i'm not really counting nakabachi because he's not a real ruler and also Kingdom 3 is just less political than the others, it's very heavily focused on Toshiro as a person without really even a political surface level.) then, the heroes fight against the God of Liberalism, revealing the hidden violence underneath its guise of peace and moderation, and ultimately defeating it.
but you kind of run into an issue of like, what are the Thieves' revolutions for? ultimately, they're basically just all against what the tyrants do. in kingdom 1, they're against a wealthy aristocrat forcing people to set up a wedding for her and her forced-groom. in kingdom 2, they're against a ruler running an all encompassing surveillance system and forced labor camps. in kingdom 3 they're against school staff blackmailing students for personal gain.
and i think it's notable that both Marie and Yoshiki are mainly presented in settings that distance them and their wrongs from modern day capitalism. Marie's Kingdom is based on vaguely-revolutionary France, and she herself is fairly clearly based on the pop culture image of Marie Antoinette, from her name to her behavior and aesthetic in the Kingdom and even how in the real world, she makes reference to "the poors" and "commoners." if there's any class being criticized through the character of Marie Anto, it's not the bourgeoisie -- it's the old feudal aristocracy.
Yoshiki is also distanced from modern electoral politics by being predominantly shown in a world based on Bakumatsu-era Japan. it's also notable that, in the Kingdom, he is described as being a general, not in any way elected. so while in the real world, his power comes from the edifice of liberal democracy as it stands in Japan, the system that you actually lead a revolution against is a feudal-military dictatorship.
this is all without mentioning that, underneath the political veneer, the Kingdoms are all in-universe metaphors for what's going on in Toshiro's head. in the end, everything's very personal! and ultimately, after Toshiro has gone through all his character development and unleashed Che Goddamn Guevara as the manifestation of his true self, what does he do in the real world?
he gets two specific bad actors arrested, apologizes for his personal role in their corruption, and then restarts his career as an electoral politician.
as soon as p5t retreats from the cognitive world, so too does it retreat from the idea of revolution against prevailing power structures. i cannot recall a moment where anyone, really, even considers the thought of revolution against the systems that produced Marie and Yoshiki and Nakabachi; they have defeated Salmael and gotten the bad actors arrested, so it's all good.
so, i guess in summary, p5t presents pro-revolution (even pro-revolutionary violence!) and borrows aesthetically from communism, and though you can certainly read certain parts (i.e. Salmael) as fairly pointed criticisms of liberal capitalism, but. considering the game as a whole, it's structured in a way that distances its arguments in favor of revolution from those modern power structures both by limiting them to the metaphorical realm of cognition and by structuring the most political cognitive realms as historical oppressive structures.
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shadowedresolve · 4 months
i made a new promo focusing on toshiro because i can't help myself... but i'm not sure if it's too spoilery??? since it has ernesto in the background. are we still tagging for p5t spoilers atm? what's the etiquette here?
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drizzileiscool · 8 months
was about to beat p5t, but then my switch died :(
(spoilers under cut)
honestly? I really enjoyed that! seeing toshiro finally get a persona felt extremely good. also I don't know how this works but erina is toshiro's persona for some reason even though she is still her own character. well technically toshiro's persona is called ernesto but they're still the same character
I don't really get why eri natsuhara is the final boss though
also I really enjoyed that scene where toshiro told his shadow shut the hell up it was amazing and so was the scene where he got a persona
I kinda predicted he would get one because one of the earlier missions involves having to play as him and transport him from one side of the map to another side and that was the only time you get to play as him (except for the final boss)
honestly kinda funny how they made toshiro playable and then they only used him for like 2 missions and he can't even attack in one of them
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p5x-theories · 9 months
P5T Spoiler Heavy: Two different ways Erina could work as a Phantom Idol
So the whole twist with Erina is that she doesn’t have a Persona because she is a Persona/Shadow.  So how do you make her into a Phantom Idol while trying to preserve that idea in some form?
One option could be to release her and Toshiro as a double character unit.  She is the Persona, she just sticks around instead of vanishing when she isn’t being summoned.
But if they want to sell these characters separately maybe there’s another option, even if it isn’t as faithful to the lore.  Toshiro has Ernesto, a Persona-ized Erina.  Maybe Erina’s Persona II would be a Persona-ized Toshiro.  To emphasize that they’re a pair while still creating two units.
Option two also has the benefit of not spoiling P5T’s big twist by the very existence of the unit.  ATLUS isn’t as insanely protective of spoilers as they used to be, but they still try to avoid them if they’re not necessary.
If I’m being honest, I’d definitely be against Erina having a Toshiro Persona II, but that’s just because I like the lore to be consistent/mesh between games, haha. 
... Though I guess since it’s a Persona II, it actually wouldn’t really have to mesh with the lore, since it’s just Merope making these, so you do have a point that it might be the right call if Atlus wants to avoid blatant spoilers.
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sorenblr · 10 months
Female persona Ernesto Che Guevara was never on my bingo card for persona honestly.
Keep it classy, I guess!
Sorry to whoever is sending these asks about P5T, but I just don't have anything to say about it. I can't even imagine having anything to say, really. There's nothing for me to chew on here. I can only manage a few isolated riffs for all this cynical marginalia. Keep me posted if there's anything really, profoundly out of pocket to note, otherwise I'll hold my peace.
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