#error sans is super cool
ruv-criminal · 2 months
I know I’ve posted a lot this week,
But I’m gonna post again, cuz I was trying something new (art style wise). It’s not Fresh, but yknow!!
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Magical Error by the one and only @/loverofpiggies
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lolzuser3r · 4 months
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wickjump · 2 days
hehe,,,, tell us ur hcs about errors dolls/puppets if u havent yet :3 (if u have please link the post !!)
HAHA SORRY THIS IS SO LATE…..WHOOPS…. anyway!!! i like error i think he’s super fun n silly and i like talking about him,,,
ALRIGHT OKY DOLLS. error has favorite dolls, and he has least favorite dolls. his favorites are aus that don't deviate too much from classic undertale, like basic theme overhauls, while his least favorites include anomalies he deems somehow more pointless or insulting than the rest, such as fresh or any other au unrecognizable as a deviation of undertale.
his favorites get more ‘privileges’, which is to say they get to sit on the bean bag with him when he watches undernovela, while his least favorites are held up somewhere by the neck like a little noose and sometimes made fun of by him. he makes plushies of everyone he meets, regardless of how much he liked them or not. he’s a collector at heart,,!!!! and while most of his plushies are sanses, because he generally interacts with sanses more frequently, he has plushies of charas and frisks and papyri and gasters, and a few others as well.
he has made a plushie of every single cast member of undernovela, and he's protective of them in a 'nonono you cant touch it you might get dirt on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' way. so they remain carefully suspended in the anti-void, or sometimes uses to re-enact scenes from undernovela using the strings.
error talks to himself a lot with them. like, all the time. very very often. and a lot of the time this takes the form in him making the dolls ‘speak’, kind of like how it’s briefly shown in his ask blog.
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this is how he keeps himself busy when in the anti void doing pretty much nothing. he makes up stories and ideas, sometimes even forgetting what was his imagination and what was a re-enactment of previous events, jumbling up his fleeting memories of life before the anti-void even more. obviously this takes place during a more isolated period of his story, and he’s better at remembering when others are around. however when left alone for long enough he’ll revert to using his dolls to mimic conversation.
he’s become somewhat dependent on them to fight his loneliness in a way i think. he’d use the clothes off his back and the strings from his eyes and a snapped off bone as a needle to make one, if he was isolated again with no way to get supplies. the time spent making them gives him something to do as well, it keeps him calm.
i like to think he, over time, has made some of his favorite dolls different outfits and such. i also like to feel his love language would be giving people dolls of him or themselves. very rarely other people they’re close to because he's a little self-centered but we love him anyway...
when someone he likes changes 'design', he makes an entirely new doll rather than updating their old one, such as when ink and dream got new designs. there is also a chance that the clothes on some of his dolls are made using the actual clothes of their dusted counterparts (ie outer, fell, etc).
he's fully self-taught when it comes to making his dolls, and his first attempts are,,, well they were something. probably a good thing they're hidden somewhere (his earliest dolls have a striking resemblance to an aftertale sans and a classic papyrus, but he chooses not to think about that for too long).
i have a not uncommon hc that error can trap souls in the dolls, essentially putting them in a coma-like state, but that’s not really close to canon and not unique or cool in any way so i won’t rlly expand there. i dont even use this hc much i just think its cool n silly.
his favorite dolls are classic, fell, and swap (he technically doesn't like fell, but he and his classic doll are bonded, according to him, so he can't separate the two. note how he's canonically called the classic doll 'sans' before but only referred to his fell/other dolls using numbers, which i feel shows his preference if only a little bit). his classic doll is his all-time favorite, though, it's even weighted. they're all comfort items 2 him....sighs
he's made a plushie of himself before that he has exclusively to act out 'what-if' scenarios, mostly pertaining to undernovela, where he's his own self insert. he'd probably love fanfiction
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dreamsb0u · 11 months
making sans aus and some of my characters as sharks just bc i can
SANS AUS: Cross - Thresher/Foxtail. Look at that tail. Beautiful. I love him and I love threshers. Fight me. They're also not commonly seen and considered vulnerable. They're shy around humans and I like beating Cross to a pulp so go figure. He would use his tail as a sword also. Just saying.
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Horror: Silky Shark. I don't know I just,,,,,,,, just take him. Please. Love him,,,,,
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Dust: Oceanic White Tip. I don't know why I just feel like it suits him. ALSO. The white tips kinda look like dust geddit.
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Nightmare: Frilled Shark. They're known for their eel like and ancient traits and living in the deeper sea which I feel like Nightmare would definitely be like. Bro wants nothing to do with those OTHER sharks (He gets roped into their shenanigans anyways)
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Killer: Fuck. He'd be a Shortfin Mako for sure. They're super fast (The fastest shark and one of the fastest fish listed!) and live in the open ocean! They're endangered though which is sad :( But !! They're pretty and strong!
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this image just gives off 'i know what you are' vibes
Dream: Lemon Shark. I like them you can also fight me on this one fucking do it. They're a very social type of shark and generally known for interacting with divers in friendly ways! Also they're yellow (I think)
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Swap: Blue shark. Self explanatory and! They live in deep waters, are near threatened and rarely bite humans! They're very cool and I like them.
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Ink: Epaulette Shark, they're colourful and live in reefs! Also that mf (/aff) WOULD evolve to walk on land. The spots? Ink fr.
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Error: Bitch would be a greenland shark. They live in very deep water and have very slow metabolism, they look kinda gnarly and live for a long time (at least 250 years!!!). They often have eye parasites that make their vision shit and Error's glasses,,,,, yeah ok ill leave
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Cur: Dogfish lol jk. Sand Tiger Shark, like most sharks- they only attack when they're bothered first (DON'T FUCKING PULL THE SHARK'S TAILS WTF....) and show protective behaviour. They have big teeth that stick out of their mouth and a big appetite but they're sadly critically endangered. They're the most widely kept large shark due to their tolerance of captivity.
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Flesh: Angel shark. He's pretty, they're pretty. Next Question.
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Cinder: Tiger Shark. They have a reputation for being 'trash eaters' because of the things scientists find in their stomachs. They swim wherever but are guided by warmer currents and stay closer to the equator when it's cold. They're an apex predator with their only known predator being the orca.
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Extra image of a Greenland shark I found funny
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mega-punani · 4 months
If you have too many questions feel free to delete this one, but I am curious: what are the 'bad sanses' doing in the pirate au, if they're there at all? Do they control some islands? Are they another pirate crew? Are they seamonsters? With the Marines maybe? So many options!
YARRRR! Very good question... honestly though, I don't know much about the bad sans. I'm pretty sure they all have lore that I am unaware of, but I've only seen fanon stuff (SO I APOLOGIZE IF IM VERY VAGUE/WRONG) (One Piece SPOILER ALERT!!!!)
So, I didn't really think they would be in the au, but now that I think about it, it would be really cool if they were warlords of the sea! For those who don't know, warlords are pirates that basically are super powerful and so they are basically allied with the government.
I feel like Nightmare would definitely be a sea monster that lives in his castle in the depths of the sea, like the edge lord that he is. Error would be tormenting (more like pranking) marines for fun and would definitely get a kick out of fighting the main crew. He fucking HATES when the Marines tell him to do something. Dust is lowkey obsessed with getting stronger. He will literally kill anyone in his path for the sake of becoming greater. Even his own brother... Although, he seems remorseful and is often found talking to himself. Killer is... scary. No remorse, no way to contain him. He has nothing he cares for and will kill mercilessly. Whole ships will be blasted into high hell just cause he can. Is it so he could get stronger? Maybe? Who knows... (Found out Cross is technically not a bad sans, but I feel like ppl would still want to know sooooo) Cross would fo sho be brooding hella whenever there are meetings, Sometimes, he just doesn't show up. Cause why??? He doesn't really like going out and about talking with people so once in a while he'll actually listen to the Marines and take out weaker pirate crews.
BONUS: Dream is a Marine Admiral! Always looking to change his brother's heart, he is found visiting Nightmare only to be kicked out. He's a nice guy and finds the crew to be an incredibly charming bunch! Even if they are pirates,,,
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lover-of-skellies · 11 months
cant believe no ones asked about cross's smoochability yet
Well guys, it looks like we’ve got our first perfect score! Cross got a rating of 12 out 12, so he’s the perfect candidate to be smooched
1) Is Cross’s mouth dangerous at all? From what I know, he has these tiny little fangs, as opposed to the standard flat teeth that most Sanses seem to have. His fangs could poke your lips, but not enough to do seriously injure you or draw blood, so that being said, his mouth is safe. 2 points for mouth safety
2) Would he bite? Not intentionally. I could see him maybe nipping a little on accident if the kiss is done in more of a clumsy sort of way, but he doesn’t seem like someone who’d purposely bite super hard with the intention of causing pain. Is he aggressive? He can be if the situation calls for it, since he’s not afraid to put his foot down. Most of the time and in casual settings though, no, I don’t see him as being an aggressive person. That being said, he gets 2 points for being nice and exercising self control
3) Are there any health hazards to the smoocher? That we know of, no there’s not. He’s clean and he keeps up with his hygiene, he’s not leaking gross fluids everywhere, and while he does carry weapons, he’s a former guard, so I’d assume he knows how to be safe about how he carries and handles them, to avoid accidentally hurting anyone. X!Gaster manipulating him in Underverse aside, I don’t see any health hazards about him, so there’s 2 more
4) Does he have a sympathetic backstory? From what I know about him and his whole story, he has a very fragmented relationship with his brother, because he wanted his own identity outside of being a Sans, and Paps didn’t really seem to fully grasp that. I could be missing details about their relationship, but I just know they don’t get along. Then there’s the issue with X!Gaster being a horrible father who was never there for either of his sons. He was emotionally absent, and he seemed entirely unconcerned about them (just from what I’ve seen and what I know). So right there, Cross has this horrible family structure; he’s got both sibling issues and daddy issues. Then from the little information I can recall right now, he got into it with Error and nearly died somehow, and then he was manipulated into working for Nightmare. Which… as much as I like Nightmare, he’s not a nice person. Cross went from a very shaky home environment, to a very shaky work environment, where he couldn’t really count on anyone. His only friend for a while was Ink, but we see how well that went over in Underverse. Things started to turn around for him when he left Nightmare and started working with Dream instead, but there’s no doubt that he probably still has a lot of residual trauma from everything. So for points, I think he deserves 2. His upbringing and backstory in general was super rough and there were areas that were very tragic for him, no doubt
5) Does he deserve a smooch? In short,, yes, absolutely. He had a very rough upbringing and it probably took a bit for him to actually open up to anyone, but rather than letting that consume him and turning completely bad and evil because of it, he made the choice to be better than that. He still had anxiety and probably some other issues too, but he chose to walk away from the toxic environment that was working for Nightmare. He walked away, and he went with Dream, who made him feel like more of an equal, and less of a subordinate. Cross walked away and made the choice to be better than his former boss and teammates, which paved the way for a somewhat brighter future. He made the right choices and he has my respect for that, so he gets 2 points
6) Is Cross cute or cool? He can be a cutie from time to time, and I do like his design, since the monochrome look is unique to him, I think. There are probably other Sanses that are monochrome too, but of them all, I think he’s the most well known. His strength and skills in combat, his laidback personality, and his look (despite being a bit rough around the edges) earn him a full 2 points for coolness
In total, Cross gets a rating of 12. He gets a perfect score! He’s awkward and may not have a lot of kissing experience, but he’s very careful about pretty much everything he does. I feel like if he was smooched, he’d get embarrassed, start blushing, and probably trip over his words for a moment before simply asking why you suddenly smooched him. If you already knew him really well when you chose to plant a kiss on him, he might even awkwardly thank you for it while trying to avoid eye contact, because he’s a bit of a tsundere from time to time like that
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superbfirnacho · 2 days
What is dreamtale Ivy's species?
What is her connection towards dream and star sanses?
What is her relationship with the other bad guys
.. how would she react to Bluu?
What are her magical capabilities
How did nightmare meet ivy?
What's the difference between canon nightmare, and ivymare nightmare?
Are her children canon to the main story
What is her favorite food?/ Drink?
.. Since it's pride month, is she a fruit bowl or is she able to drive a car straight..
What is her least favorite sans au?
Thoughts on Error, Ink, Or lust?
Has she ever met a monster kid before?
Does she have any toxic qualities?
Has she ever been to a zoo before? And if so what was her reaction to seeing the goats?
Opinion on Toriel?
Has she ever been outside of her AU and went to the omega timeline? If so opinions on core?
What was she like when she was little?
Have nightmare and ivy ever.. k.. k-kissed..?!
Finally, How does she think of me? Interview sans!
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*[A very short skeleton bugs you with millions of questions.]
I love these questions!! (Note this will be about Dreamtale ivy unless I say otherwise) 1. Ivy is herself an immortal being, her mother (the goddess of fertility and nature) combined the souls of monsters and humans along with the seed of a blessed willow. So ivy technically has monster and human inside of her.
2. Ivy was friends with Dream, though not as close as him then with nightmare, she think he’s a good person. She met ink and Swap and though ink was….an interesting person (she’s okay with him) and enjoyed being a lil ADHD gremlin with Swap.
3. She likes playing pranks on killer and they have a frenemies relationship. She doesn’t bother dust. And she occasionally asks horror to teach er how to cook things (she’s ass at cooking) they get along best. 4. She would think bluu is adorable and would want to ask them questions/ play with them if they’re a kid.
5. Ivy has the ability to control plants with her soul energy, it acts as sort of a puppet to control the plants. She can also heal herself and others with soul energy. She had a limited amount and if she run out of Soul energy there’s a risk of death and extreme vulnerability. Her magic gets stronger as she ages.
6. Nightmare met ivy when they were young kids, she found her way into the town he was at, heating of a bad omen on the top of the hill, she figured she would eliminate it (despite being like 7) and gain favour from the townsfolk. To her surprise to was a young skeleton her age and they started talking. Eventually growing to be close friends after she protected him from bullies.
7. Really the only difference between the canon nightmare and the one in this story is the fact he had ivy growing up, and that passive is this nightmare, they aren’t separate beings. I don’t want to make him super different then the canon.
8. They are! I may draw angst art/ what would happen if they got in a big fight but it’s all (mostly) non canon.
9. Nearly anything sweet, also cheese. It’s because when she was a kid (5 centuries ago) sweets were uncommon and only eaten by wealthy and rich people.
10. She’s Bisexual and Demisexual! Also she can drive for ass so no way.
11. She hates a lot of the Aus that have killed aus of her, for example Killer and Dust, they have killed their Ivys.
12. I already said inks so I’ll say error and lusts, she finds error annoying and he has canonically stolen her kids before. She thinks lust is chill and asks him for advice sometimes.
13. Dreamtale hasnt, original has. Og thinks they’re pretty cool and and funny.
14. Ivys only really “toxic” traits are that she lives in the past, has trouble excepting large changes, and sometimes struggles to keep secrets. She carries a lot of self hate and guilt.
15. She has been to a zoo before, tried to free all the animals. She would kind of laugh at the goats but doesn’t associate herself that much with them. She loves all animals except for parasites.
16. Og Ivy has met Tories and Tories is like another figure to her, If dreamtale met her she would be shocked because her mother, Ren, was very emotionally abusive. She would be frightened if Tories tried to keep her with her, though, because that’s what Ren did.
17. She has been outside of Dreamtale after meeting Nightmare again. She thinks core is silly and they get along.
18. She was (is still very) ADHD coded (one thing her mother hated about her) , very rambunctious, forgetful and all over the place. She loved to explore nature and catch animals. She loved playing pretend with nightmare. Ivy didn’t know how to read until nightmare taught her.
19. They have. He Immediately Stated it was a mistake however. She’s knows he feels something for her and she still cares about him.
20. “I like your outfit! You seem very nice! :3”
sorry for any typos.
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emyluwinter · 11 months
Small spoilers of Chapter 7 for those who haven't read / haven't heard / don't want to spoiler themselves.
Mentions - war crimes, blood, forbidden spells.
If according to Lilia - Levan… (My brain gives him the name Elias, because Elias Levan sounds very cool. In addition, I read somewhere that the meaning of the name implies prophecies and nobility)
…missing in action. And if he suffered the fate of the Raven from the cartoon Sleeping Beauty…
Where is the guarantee that people of that time could not sell "Statue" to someone's castle or mansion, for a garden at the very least? Imagine how simple this solution is, no one would think to look for a fairy diplomat in one of the old possessions of some nobility.
Unsurprisingly, Lilia has not been able to find him so far.
Because in fact, the body will not decompose and will not age with time. But the question arises whether the "stone" itself will be destroyed or the material in which the victim was turned.
I think this petrification spell may be one of the "forbidden spells" or dark magic included in the Ministry of Magic's dangerous list.
What if…..Will Levan…. be found by chance by Yuu or Malleus?
Let San dream a little about a happy ending for one dragon and a bat.
This could be a teleportation error. - Pretty super-level high-ranking magic with a bunch of complexity elements. Or a combination of circumstances that Yuu attracts like a magnet.
If it is a dark spell or has the character of a "curse" - (the irony of the Unique Magic of Malleus here can reach a new level of breaking through all ceilings). Then it is quite possible that certain conditions will also need to be met for withdrawal.
It may well be…blood human without magic.
It would even be logical from the caster's point of view - a person with magic cast this curse / spell, but a person WITHOUT magic can remove it because Fairies are higher than people in the status of magic. There is not much magic among people. And those who would not be afraid of fairies among ordinary people are even less.
Something like an equivalent fee and a question of sacrifice/trust. Also! Blood can work as a catalyst or cause a chain reaction - blood is organic, and stone is the opposite.
From a plot point of view, Levana will be very interesting. A fae who has lost so much time and who needs to do a lot of work to fit back into a society that has changed since his time (not much because of the closed territory of the valley and the life expectancy of the fae)
In addition, Levan can "technically" replace Lilia, as the right hand that he was for Malleus' mother - Mallenoa. And a diplomat to finally establish ties with other states and people. Finally, to reconsider the entire form of ties and, in general, rule over the valley.
Perhaps there will be some discord between father and son, feelings of resentment and loss, with public pressure from the aristocracy or nobility.
But agree it would be a very good "solid ground" for the royal family. Levan has some practical experience in managing the Thorn Valley. And has a "peaceful approach" of a diplomat. Malleus was raised to eventually sit on the throne, he doesn't have much practical experience. In addition, he is interested in different sides and different views. His curiosity is indicated in many personal histories of the cards. The fact that he is interested in how Deuce fixed his tamagocchi, how the Country of Hot Sands has changed and how far people have been able to move without having as much magic and a long life as a fairy. And let's be honest, he needs a sober look from the outside so as not to act on his feelings. Both Levan and Lilia know very well how to deal with the character of Draconia. ahahah
For Lilia, this is the fulfillment of a long-standing promise / klytva for childhood friends. For Malleus, this is an invaluable support that he could only find. The current Queen can finally retire peacefully.
A moment of comicality. I think Levan would be pleasantly surprised if Yuu were similar to him in character. "Ah, this young child of a human reminds me of my youth…when I tried to reason with the princess that climbing onto the roof in the middle of the night to set off fireworks out of boredom and wake up the whole valley with it was a very bad idea…"
"He almost destroyed the city once when he was invited, to deprive magic, does it count?"
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derangedanomaly · 16 days
I would like to introduce you to...
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let's get to her Info,
She is one of the four entites, The Puppet entity,She's a Living puppet. And Well, She's like error sans, staying in her void, knitting puppets, she destroys AUs...and able to destroy multiverses too,
Twist : She's friends with Ink himself, Which is..quite unexpected, but they make a good duo.
She has a Sister like relationship with emery, and that uh. (WHAT WAS IT CALLED AGAIN???) That thing inserted her back is quite painful, emery has tons of it due to charlie, And Those Big scissors? That's her weapon, She can timestop with those, Allowing her to do whatever she wants.
Relationship (romantic) : She is dating Maskomedy, Also the one of the four entites, They make a good couple ngl.
ok that's it, hope u like her character..
I like Charlie! She seems pretty chill! :D
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tinybrainboy · 1 month
I'm currently trying to write my own AU with Gaster returning, the writing process is really long but also super cool when you are inspired.
My two goals with this AU is to make Undertale characters as accurate as possible ('cause i'm really tired of all the poorly made representations of Sans is AUs in general xD Even tho I really like the AU Sanses like Dream, Error and all, an actual story with accurate Undertale characters would be great too), and to make Gaster feel like an actual character who could be in Undertale as well, with its own complexity, feelings, intentions and unique relationships with the other characters (Because most of the time when I read comics or fanfictions, he seems a bit too much out of place to be from Undertale, I don't know if you get what I mean, but people tend to not really understand what makes Undertale characters so fun, so when they make Gaster something feels really off)
If I ever make this AU project a reality, I hope I'll be able to do all that, and that some weirdos will like it too x)
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confusedskelepatch · 5 months
what r (at least some of) the skeletons pronouns/gender, I’m rlly curious
(also ur super cool and this blog is awesome, I hope it can grow more soon!!)
SANS - he/him
PAPYRUS - they/he and would probably experiment with neos
ROSEMARY/UF PAPS - he/xe, feel like xe'd maybe use SOME neos eventually but he'd be a bit concious about it so not sure what
RED/UF SANS - he/him (same thing with neos as rosemary)
OAK/HORROR SANS - she/they/he (some neos with people she's close to)
WILLOW/HORROR PAPS - they/she/he/maybe some neos
RUS/SF PAPS - he/they/heh
NOX/SF SANS - he/xe
BLUE/SWAP SANS - he/shine/mweh/pow/more neos
KILLZ - he/they/it/guy (probably more neos as well)
NIGHT - he/him
DUST - he/they/she/most neos, their preferences change depending on the day
ERROR - he/they
FRESH - any including all neos (spork LOVES neos)
INK - any including neos
these aren't set in stone, i might use others in my writing sometimes (especially more neos), but this is what i thought rn :]
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minaramen · 1 year
Idol Star 2023 - Prince Stage: Touma Inumaru
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[Disclaimer: I’m NOT a professional translator. I’m using my knowledge from 4 years of university. Please, feel free to let me know if you notice  mistranslation/typo/error of any kind]      
Touma: Hey!
Touma: So we're gonna meet at 12 today, right?
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Minami: Aren't you confusing me with somebody else?
Touma: Mh?
Touma: Did I message the wrong person?
Minami: Who knows. I'm me.
Touma: I double checked the icon AND the home screen! I'm not wrong!
Touma: You’re my fellow ŹOOĻ member Natsume Minami, aren't you!?
Minami: Yes. I'm the versatile Natsume Minami: both your friend from ŹOOĻ and composer 
Touma: That’s enough, thank you, I didn't need so many details!
Touma: Being hacked on SNS is possible, y'know, and I was panicking that I had messaged the wrong person!
Minami: You were just in too much of a hurry, I think
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Touma: We were supposed to go out for a meal today, right? 
Minami: Actually, no
Minami: I don’t know whether you’re mistaking me for somebody else, but I suppose things work differently for those who keep many people around 
Touma: Wait, I’ve never had many people around, actually! We decided to go to the diner together, didn’t we? The one where they make delicious stamina rice bowls! 
Minami: Are you possibly referring to the plans we had for tomorrow? 
Touma: Uh
Touma: Are you for real 
Touma: I'm sure it was today..
Minami: I thought we were supposed to go tomorrow after you finish filming for Idol Star 
Touma: Ah, yes, yes... you're right. I totally blew it 
Touma: Today they give you an extra fried chicken portion for free, I thought you'd be happy to go...
Minami: In other words since you knew I'd been happy to go you got over excited and made the mistake 
Touma: Uh?
Minami: What happened, then?
Touma: No, I mean, that's probably how it went 
Touma: I'm sorry Mina. I'll ask somebody else!
Minami: Wait. Don't give me the "that's probably how it went" speech. Explain to me exactly what happened 
Touma: Uh? Well...
Touma: I was like "Oh, cool, today they give an extra fried chicken portion for free! Mina will be over the moon with joy!"; I got over excited and somehow made a mess with the day
Minami: I see. I understand now 
Minami: Who are you going to invite?
Touma: Ah, it's a guy you don't know, Mina! A friend from my hometown 
Minami: But I'm your friend as well, right?
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Touma: It’s pretty embarrassing to talk about that directly, but yeah, you definitely are! What about it? 
Minami: Nothing
Minami: Where are you now?
Touma: I've just finished the recordings, so I'm still at the studio!
Minami: It’s perfect, then. I happened to work close to there today, so let’s meet somewhere and go 
Touma: Really?? Is it okay with you??
Touma: Let’s go together!! Fried chicken is delicious, so I wanted you to eat lots of it!
Touma: Wow, I feel so happy! Thank you, Mina! It was sudden but you're still coming!
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Minami: By the way, is it okay with you if I ask Isumi san as well? Apparently, he's nearby as well 
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Touma: Ooh! Great! I'm gonna ask Tora, then! Apparently he got into restaurants' daily specials, lately
Minami: I'll go and meet Isumi san first, then 
Touma: Mina!
Touma: We're still having the meal together tomorrow, right?
Minami: That’s the plan, yes. Are you busy?
Touma: No, I was just wondering if it was fine with you to go eat with me for two days in a row 
Minami: If you don't mind...
Touma: Thank you!! Of course I don’t mind, I'm super happy! Watching you eat is quite a thing, Mina, I have so much fun every time 😄
Minami: I’m glad to hear that. What do you think about a change of plans tomorrow? I'd like to take you to a restaurant I really like
Minami: You can eat delicious meat for one coin
Touma: Meat? Amazing! If you're a regular customer, Mina, it must be delicious 🤤
Touma: Since we're all working at the same location tomorrow, let's ask Haru and Tora as well
Minami: Yes
Touma: Okay, once Tora answers back I'll let you know the meeting place 
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The end
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wickjump · 1 month
what are some weird ships you have found. not illegal or anything just... weird. like they wont ever match but somehow that ship exist and the look cute together. but it just... looks and feels weird
oh i’ve absolutely seen a TON before. mafiafell and fatal error was one that stuck with me for a while, i found something for it on wattpad ages ago but i can’t find it for the life of me, which does kinda suck bc it was pretty well written. the author wrote a lot of mafiafell rarepair stories now that i think about it, one had fresh i know that but i never read it for whatever reason
dance and ink was one that surprised yet intrigued me, i think it could be cool aesthetically. epic and sci was a fun one that i hadn’t considered before but i definitely didn’t get it, selfselfcest is always one that takes me a moment to process (ie. swap x other swap sans) when there’s no discernible difference between the two. bill!sans and lust i saw once in some fanart years ago too on pinterest or something too. there’s def weirder out there but these are just the ones that have stuck with me since then i guess
dream and fresh is a rarepair of mine btw. i’m not a huge-huge fan but it’s cute and i feel that also deserves a place here if only to spread my lovely, joyous propaganda. and fresh and epic too thats also super cool and i need them more please i BEG
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neon-draws-sometimes · 9 months
utmv if it was frisk playing with their toys??
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Fresh has little charms that often come with dolls/ in fashion packs and clip onto his glasses.
He’s basically this universes Barbie, being everywhere and having many doll runs up to modern day
here’s his base if you wanna put funny little outfits on him
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Error is similar to a preskool style toy, (with the play sets unlocking when you twist the figures) but combined with a a playmobil
he’s a sans figure from a different set that Frisk dribble all over because they didn’t want two of the same character and his face was really misprinted
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The Dreemurr Family are in-universe Calico Critter equivalents
Some people say they’re creepy bc of the eyes but many people collect them
the lore of them on the back of the is they’re aliens but that’s not super important
Chara is from a kinder surprise toy, and their sweater is loose because it’s from a Dreemurr Family set and isn’t made to fit them
Toriel and Asgore are not together
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Nightmare is apart of the Monster High-counterpart brand, and had a villain arc in an animated movie when his brother, Dream, decided to stay at the in universe Ever After High equivalent instead of coming back
his apple and tentacule pattern reappears in his jacket btw, I just didn’t feel like drawing it
(I haven’t drawn Dream yet)
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Killer is dollar store bootleg Dream doll painted like the Sans figure His eyes are drippy bc the paint was wet when they packed him and the makers used too much of it He’s a bootleg of a kitchen set, hence the knife
He always follows nighmare around (made up by Frisk, to be clear)
I haven’t drawn the rest of the nightmare’s gang yet, but here’s the info
Dust is a Fresh bootleg with some different body parts but a bootlegger fresh head, so his proportions are strange And his seam on his torso is craking open and is held together with a rubber band His limbs always come out and he smells like chemicals
Horror is an action figure for some Walking Dead style show that Frisk got attached to and begged to buy him until their parents relented
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haven’t drawn Mettaton yet, but he’s a competing fashion doll to Fresh, with his gimick being that his legs and arms pose like the lil guys above
the rest of his body is a normal fashion doll
Frisk gave him a chainsaw from Horror’s set and pained it pink and glittery
His box looks like his box form in the game (thanks for the idea, @paintedplum7 btw! Hope the @ is ok)
Fresh hates him, according to Frisk
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Napstablook is probably one of these squishy mochi toys but I haven’t decided yet
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Gaster is mad scientist themed putty, which “melts” like the picture above.
He has a plastic head part with goggles taht strap on, and comes with two hands each holding test tubes which you stick in the putty with the head to form his body
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Vinny is apart of the Fresh line
He was originally a Fresh doll with a unique outfit, but was quickly given made his own character
he has molded on hair for sure. Except for Totally Hair Vinny, ofc
his full name is vinegar.
sans and papyrus are both evil skeleton guys who come in an evil cave lair set. Frisk decided they weren’t evil tho, so their personalities are exactly like canon.
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Mad mew new is one is those super nice anime figures with multiple hands and faces
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Alphys is a dinosaur figure like these. Made totally of vinyls and was pretty cheap. she was printed with a pretty silly face (this is a positive) She happens to fit a lab coat outfit and glasses Frisk has, thus becoming the alphys we know.
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Undyne is a action figure from an old he-man type show. She is dating Alphys according to Frisk
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Ink is a fashion doll, similar in style and proportions to the Rainbow High line. He’s not a high schooler though, he’s from one of those inspirational style lines. He’s an artist who is all about how cool being an artist for a career is. There’s other dolls in his line for different careers
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Ccino is a strawberry shortcake style doll, who in his base outfit comes in a cafe with his cats. he’s scented like either coffee or French vanilla depending on if you got the early release or not. what happened with the change is a bunch of senstive parnets complained about his original scent and the coffee in his cafe, saying it was “too adult”, so he was changed to French vanilla, and the coffee in his cafe changed to hot cocoa
his cats are alls scented too, and flocked. they’re all named after competing doll brands/toy brand’s character (like how the real ccino has cats named after the au characters), which got his company into a lot of legal trouble lol
You can see some of them in the other character art above.
he’s only had two releases (the coffee and French vanilla versions) due to the companies financial troubles and all the lawsuits and no other character exist in his universe. ( :[ )
aannd I think thats everyone? Whew this is a long one
Greaser by @radsee
ink by @comyet
error and fresh by @/ loverofpiggies
undertale characters by Toby duh. It just feels weird not putting h him here ?? So
Killer by @rahafwabas
dust by @ask-dusttale
horror. @/sourapplestudios or something. I support don’t the ableism one the original, it won’t be in this au
ccino by @black-nyanko
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sillyangstyimp · 7 months
I swear to God I left the undertale fandom years ago but THE ONE THING that I can't seem to sever entirely from is FRICKING UNDERVERSE
The inner 12 yr old in me just won't let it go
Sigh. . . Welp.
Geno HAS to be like my favorite sans ever hands down I fucking LOVE aftertale (I think that's what it's called lmao) and while I don't remember much abt fatal error I always found his design like super super cool and like ahuduhfhdjhd
I literally love Geno so so much he deserves so much happiness forever and ever and he's also so epic and badass when he needs to be but he was also so silly this ep I love himm
I also just love this series so much just because of the sheer quality and effort going into it, it looks fantastic, the sound design is amazing, and while the story is a little confusing it all makes sense and it's just so. My god. This episode was awesome too. This series, and all the bopping undertale music remixes are the only things from that fandom I will never regret.
Okay, the cringe is over I can rest in peace now
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
Actually ontop of the hair dyed their magic and wearing their colours, what is they’re exact colours for their magic??? Because I think you have a very pacific color shade, is it one shade or is they’re magic have its own palette? If you do have a very certain colour and/or palette could I maybe perhaps have them? So I can do more accurate ideas I’ve had and semi shared, but asked permission for, please? Share if you can do I can like do colour picker or the # for the colours and use that way, if! It’s okay and you have it! If not it’s totally cool.
Btw you have no idea how much I fangirl over you Omg, or the absolute excitement I get seeing your notifications or updates. I squeak like a little school girl. ~💚𝒯𝒽ℯℴ💚
Ok So I whipped these up super fast and I am stating now they are subject to change but they're a good starting point I think. Also if a creator has a colour palette for their skeleton use that. As I said these were made very quickly and I think some need to be a bit brighter. I tried to limit it to four colors but some have five and some are shared between brothers if they have similar color palettes and the skeletons who have the same color palettes are just included in those ones. Also some of these are really similar but there are difference and I've included bone color on them. In saying all that do whatever you want XD I know I won't get upset if a shade is wrong, do what you think looks best. ok here ya go:
Sans and Roulette:
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Papyrus, Sniper and Crooks:
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Blue, Day and Carbine (Carbine and Day use more white as well):
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Orange and Rifle:
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Red, Colt, Edge and Musket:
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Berry and Syrup:
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Nightmare (include both goop and without):
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Please find under the cut the color pallettes for the skeletons who haven't been introduced yet. you'll probably be able to tell who some of them are from the colours so if you don't want that spoilers don't look:
Wine and Coffee (I've told you these two):
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Skeleton's 3 and 4:
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Skeleton's 5 and 6:
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Skeleton's 7 and 8:
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