coolmoonsalad · 2 years
Love eso sm.....
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 7 months
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Take what resonates and leave behind anything that doesn't. Always be open to new perspectives.
-ghost 👻🩵🤍🖤
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Bone: Short Thigh Bone
Astrology: Libra ♎️, Aries ♈️, Leo ♌️, Virgo ♍️
Hello, pile 1! Your ancestors are big fans of you but definitely have some opinions about your current actions. These ancestors are waiting for you to do something before they pass on to the next life. They want to meet you in person in this life but they are waiting for something. It’s like they are waiting for you to become you. You are real busy trying to be what other people want. Your ancestors are telling me you ignore yourself a lot. Honestly, I see why you feel that way and act that way but your ancestors are frustrated watching you hurt yourself. They are telling you to take some time for yourself. Rest or spend time on your creative goals. Focus on you for once. Focus on fanning your own flame instead of tending to others. When you spend so much time tending to other peoples gardens you have no time for your own garden.
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Bone: Spine Bones
Astrology: Taurus ♉️, Cancer ♋️, Scorpio ♏️, Pisces ♓️
Heyo, pile 2. Welcome to your reading! The ancestors reaching out to you are already contacting you regularly. Maybe you aren’t fully aware that it is them but you do listen to them even if you didn’t know who they were. They have deep ties to water and the moon. They remind me of a cottonmouth snake. They keep a keen eye out for you. Protecting you and watching your back. However, they don’t always interfere if they know you can handle it. The message I’m hearing from them is about self reflection. Have you been showing your cards to people who want to hurt you? Have you been telling certain untrustworthy people truths they do not deserve? Why have you been doing that? Maybe you have been looking for deep connections in the wrong places. You are extremely intuitive. Spend time listening to your intuition about people. Something that helps me get better intune with my intuition is a phrase I’ll credit Esotarot on youtube. The phrase is “anxiety screams, intuition whispers”. If you listen closer to your intuition you will hear the truth. Listening to your anxieties will just distract you. Your ancestors will protect you when necessary but they want you to be able to help yourself as well. They love you dearly, my friend.
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Bone: Turtle Skull
Astrology: Aquarius ♒️, Capricorn ♑️, Sagittarius ♐️, Gemini ♊️
Good-day, pile 3! Your ancestor has a trickster-like energy. A balance of positive and negative. Comedy and tragedy. Healer and killer. Medicine and poison. They are a Master of alchemy. This ancestor is helping you master it as well. Honestly, they are helping you become skilled at using most of your psychic abilities. It looks like you have gone through a lot and so did this ancestor. They had a lot of similar experiences to you but was very different from you. You are much more serious because of what you have been through. This ancestor has a habit of making light of their experiences. The message your ancestor wants to tell you is to have more fun and see more color in your world. This will create balance in your life. You will reach your full potential if this ancestor has anything to say about it. I wish you luck!
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numinously-yours · 5 months
Meet your reader
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Hi all!
As my readings gain more traction, I thought I would introduce myself :)
First, some general facts:
My name is Deanna
I'm from the US
I have a 13 y.o. kitty named Robbie
I'm a Sagittarius sun & rising, with a Cancer moon
My favorite tarot card is the Ace of Pentacles. It's my sign that everything is going to be okay.
In more recent years, observing nature has helped me realize how big, beautiful, and full of possibilities the world is.
I began my tarot journey in 2021 after a bad break up. I started by watching EsoTarot & Kino Tarot on YouTube. Readings were resonating SO hard and I thought, "There's got to be something in this tarot thing." So, I bought my first pack of cards and started doing readings for myself. For me, I believe that tarot cards can provide really amazing insights on your past, present, and future. Tarot cards can make you think about, "What did I get out of that experience?" They can make you think, "What can I do right now to feel less anxious?". And they can help you look forward, "Based on energies right now, what is the likeliest outcome?". I focus mostly on energies when I do readings. What is my intuition telling me? What am I feeling? Some readers can see images and hear messages, but I'm not quite that in tune with the universe yet. Speaking of the universe, that is my main guide. There are a few archangels I resonate with, but even I'm still discovering all that is really out there. When I do readings, rather than asking "spirit" I tend to ask "universe". These might have the same connotations to you and that's okay! But if they don't, I wanted you to know that :) In the end, regardless of if people "believe in" tarot, I think there is always something to offer. There's always takeaways that can be implemented. My goal as a reader is that you leave my readings with a little more hope that life will be just fine ❤️
Thank you for joining me!
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heartmeadows · 1 year
I had such a lovely therapy session!! My psychologist and I just basically gushed about how well I’m doing, and how the positive results of the hard work I’ve done on myself is finally manifesting. Not to mention I’m seeing angel numbers constantly and esotarot’s reading brought some clarity for me regarding a difficult multiple person relationship. A love triangle, if you may. Or would be if I wasn’t guided by both professionals and the universe itself to stay away and keep doing what I’m doing and stay moving on. It feels amazing to be seen and to be told they see a great strength in me. Things in my life are starting to align in a way I’ve worked hard for and manifested. I’m so happy adfsgsdf
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magical-glimpse · 1 year
I’m glad you had a great day today! It’s great that your manifestations came true, you really deserve it (you seem like you work hard, not that if you didn’t work hard you wouldn’t deserve it, but you just seem like you put in a lot of work and effort into your life). If it’s not too personal, what’s your preferred way to manifest?
I honestly dont know, im barely sure i actually manifest or if i accidentally will good things into existence. I do a lot of visualisation, and candle manifestation from kloee taylor and esotarot videos. Art works great as well for me, drawing, writing, singing. A lot lot lot of singing over subliminals videos. Tbh i'm definitely more of a inspired action person than a sole manifestation one, so i usually do things with the purpose of them inching me towards the right behaviors to get what i want.
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kandygrlsworld · 10 months
This reading scared the fucking shit out of me
I was bored the Jan 12 2023 getting ready for school. I usually just listen to to tarot for entertainment and I usually get extremely accurate answers that in extremely resonate with
On the channel esotarot (always accurate) and roseology which both tell me what I need to hear and I have been able to work on myself and internal conflicts and low self esteem because of it. I’ve been able to heal because of them and I am so grateful I found these two channel cause they help and resonate so much
Anyways that day I was like whatever I don’t really care about my inner child has to say IMM just put this on as backup noise as I get ready for school
First of all I already was scared cause I picked the crystal that was pitch black and sparkly and dark then the first thing she said I that my inner child felt suffocated and was judged for everything she Identified and resonated/connected with and that she wanted to run away and grow up fast to get out of my conservative high expectation ass family and turning away from my family’s plan was just like insane
Which off the fucking bat I resonated with but I didn’t want I guess because it talked about running away at a young age which I want to do currently and have learned low key been planning it because of those reasons mentioned and switched to a different deck but that one didn’t resonated at all so then I went back the the first one I picked
Then the FIRST FUCKING CARD pulled was THE DEVIL. At this point I was scared as fuck like I always when I try to look at quizzes or personality or things that will reveal who I am they show the most dark almost devilish just dark energy. And I just remember being like “why do I always get the dark spooky shit???” Because when I was a child I resonated with those things naturally but was extremely rejected by my family for it and created @candygrlsworld that persona because it was still me just a part of me people accepted more where as this persona @kandygrlsworld is who I was from the beginning the me that was rejected that my inner child wants to see me be again
Anyways the other shock was the FIRST thing said about that devil card was that I come from a bloodline of witches. And intuitively I feel this is my Puerto Rican side because I know I FOR SURE have brujas in my family on that side. It may be my black side but I do not resonate with hudo for some reason I feel it is because I am Afro Latina idk I just in my gut I feel that.
Then even more strangely and specifically enough they said my inenr child/me always loved supernatural things growing up outcast type characters (the villan characters) and also the main big one I love horror movies and as a child I thought I was weird because the scary spooky dark things like Halloween and Jason, chucky michael or monsters under the bed or ghosts never scared me (I ever this very clearly) my dad was OBSESSED with Halloween. (And true from which I did not like because it involved hurting people, i am very empathetic as wel) but yea I thought it wa because of Miesha and him liked those things but no. I was never scared of the body man. In fact I liked those things and was intrigued by them and I removed I used to just always laugh at the things that usually made others kids uncomfortable or scared another things I have always been DRAWN to witch craft (I’ve tried several times to do it) and weirdly I’m JUST NOW getting this memory and Kelis was like “you’ve always liked witch stuff” and I looked at her like this because I didn’t want to accept that part of me🤨 ( I
Also another memory popping up. I remember I was watching a eso tarot reading last month and it said accept and be both parts of yourself the dark and the light don’t only praise the light side. Which I though don’t only focus on your positive personality traits (being loving sweet and caring) also accept and be (don’t push down and suppress) the negative toxic traits I have (selfish materialistic lustful hot headed cocky etc.) which I think it did mean that but I think it literally meant this dark part of myself I’ve hidden that is me. And that’s why in that same reason don’t think of those parts as aesthetics. I think that’s why I got this message on Jan 12 2023 because it was clarifying that messages yes it was talking about toxic behaviors but it was also talking about who I am, my interests the things I connect to etc.
Anyways back to the point I had also got in a total DIFFERENT reading that I come from a bloodline of witches before but I ignored it cause I was scared and didn’t want to be associated with that.
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Which is interesting because they are saying this witch that is in my blood line was “vilified” for being a witch. And me being born was a way for my ancestors to finally be free enough to finally express themselves and their gifts and their voice thru me. Because they were the black sheep of their community and family, because of what they believed in and connected and it was done I secret. And the same thing happened with me. And that some of my family members now have gifts (which is true my mom burns incense my aunt has visions in her dream and my mom is very connected of the dead)
And she said I have always been drawn to withes supernatural fake spooky things that make people scared or uncomfortable and liking the villains of the story not cause I’m evil and relate to them but because I’m not intimidated by it I want to learn more about intrigued and I respect them like hey that’s what they believe etc. connected to these gifts from a young. I was scared of it myself and my family had those things seem evil and believe in gin them makes me a bad person so I literally suppressed it for so long because I’ve had to be @candygrlsworld for so long to get to be accepted into society
And in middle school I kept telling my self and others “be yourself” and “love everyone (not matter how different they are form u)” and to like duality (light and dark) and up until yesterday it was weird because I had no idea where those messages came from I wasn’t mimicking anyone my parents sure as hell didn’t tell me that etc. and it just came from within. Those ideas were beat down. But I think it was my ancestors talking to me and thru me
People saying my gifts are evil is basically saying My left arm is evil like it’s a part of me
Also because my ancestors were also “outcasted” idk if that’s the right word. For their beliefs a lot of what they wanted to say is now coming thru me.
This is why my inner child is hurt cause she was never able to be herself. She doesn’t like commitment she likes change
Heart chakra and sacral chakra
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enchanted-moura · 1 year
EsoTarot should be a priest cause she really speaks life😂
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wedarkacademia · 2 years
Hello friend, I read your post about being worried after speaking to an astrologer and I have some things to say and recommendations that will hopefully help you.
First of all, while I do believe in the esoteric and unexplainable to an extent, I don’t give much stock to astrology. It just doesn’t make sense to me that my personality or future would depend on whatever is going on up in outer space. I mean, who even decided what all of that means to begin with? I’ve done some research and it seems like a lot of it is taken from many different cultures and time periods and just all mixed together at this point. That to me feels very messy. I know there are a lot of people who do believe in astrology but I just can’t really get behind it. It can be entertaining to read about sometimes but ultimately I don’t see it as anything more than blindly throwing a dart at a board and hoping it is close to the target.
That being said, I do feel more drawn to tarot. I know, I know! I don’t believe in astrology but I believe in the funny little cards lol. I have a lot of conflicting beliefs here, but stay with me. I used to think tarot was all bs too until I learned more about it and had some readings done for me. Not only were they pretty accurate (never really 100% to be fair) but the tarot readers were very good at being empathetic. What I mean is, they read the cards but they also made sure to be encouraging and to also say that the future is not set in stone. Many tarot readers will tell you that the cards are only telling a possible/most likely future based on the current information. It can change and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. They will stress that you have free will. They will also offer advice and encouragement to help you feel more in control and in your power. Personally, tarot has given me a lot of piece of mind. I’ve even gotten into reading the cards for myself. Sure, astrology (and many other things) can be wrapped up in tarot too, but I like to look at it more as traits. For instance if a tarot reader mentions a specific sign in a reading then it just gives me an idea of what the vibes are like. It doesn’t necessarily mean a person is that sign, just that they could be embodying the allotted traits of that sign. To me, that helps me consolidate tarot with astrology. Not to mention, there’s a lot of symbolism in the cards that can be read intuitively. Everyone reads the cards a little differently and each reading is ideally tailored to the person being read for, so there is a lot more freedom in tarot than there is with astrology. It’s like reading a story in the cards. You still have agency. Astrology seems more set in stone and I don’t like that so I don’t believe in it. It doesn’t sit right with me.
Okay, so time for some recommendations. I’m definitely steering you more towards tarot than straight up astrology, that’s pretty clear lol but to be more specific I can let you know of the tarot readers that have really helped me and been very accurate in my experience. Idk if you are aware but YouTube has a lot of tarot readers that do general readings. A general reading is a tarot reading for a wide audience. They post their video and anyone can watch it. Usually, they do pick a card readings where you choose a crystal or charm and then go to that time stamp in the video to watch it. General reading mean they are not tailored to you specifically, but let me tell you that does not matter. Soooo many of those videos have been accurate for me personally. I made a little list for you of my favorite tarot readers. They are the most accurate for me (although YouTube has a ton to choose from if you resonate more with other readers) and they are very kind, encouraging, funny, and comforting. They are: EsoTarot, Kino Tarot, Cenus, and Lexi the Leo. They are experienced and know what they’re doing. They are very knowledgeable in this kind of thing and each have tons of videos to choose from on a variety of topics. All of their readings on YouTube are free.
I hope this helped you feel a little better and give you some piece of mind and more of your power back. I wouldn’t worry too much about what that astrologer said. You are at the forefront of your life, not some planetary bodies in the sky that you can never even visit. You make your own choices and change your life for the better.
And if you ever want to talk more, I can always come off anon 😊
first of all, thank you kind anon, you words lessened the burden from my mind, and it helped trust me :)
i will check these accs definitely, you took much time writing this for me :((
i believe it too, the future is not set in stone, we can change it while there's still time.
i never ventured towards tarot reading, as we have very less knowledge about them in our culture, it's fascinating to witness and explore that we live under the same moon yet we have different predictions of it.
again, i will check yt tomorrow, thanks for replying anon, you are sweet <3
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blueskiestarot · 1 month
I just saw the ask about the anon getting syncs and signs, and I really hope this helps them out a lot because, I actually think this maybe very useful for them!
Anon, I really hope you see this because, I too went through a couple years where specific people were seen with angel numbers specifically, and I will add that my spirit guides were using musicians that I listened to as my triggers if you are okay calling them that. I am so happy, that even though it hurts you found out know.
I will add if they are people you see everyday, then there a quite a few possibilities as to why this is happening, one could be you may be resisting a specific change you need to make, and because this person or these people are your focus, they are using them as a way to get their message across to you. Second, they could potentially be soul family of yours but they are only here to help you awaken you so you can be your true self.
Like I said for myself, the people who trigger me, are musicians that I listen to. We talked a lot last week about feeling hopeless and like nothing is ever going to change for us, but it will. I too have always had pretty dark days with my mental health, and while it could mean you need to step away from pick a cards, I highly encourage you to check out EsoTarot on youtube and her how to empower yourself in dark times reading, but I do suggest that you be in a bit of a lighter state because to do that reading the best way, you need to want to accept and know the truth, which really does make all the difference in my opinion.
Like it was said last week, waiting for the right relationship will make all the difference, and anon, if you are having that much trouble, maybe do some work on your heart chakra, to help you out or you can do some work with your spirit guides to develop a connection with better and stronger.
Now, I know that Tara said that the signs and syncs and stuff can be a trick from our guides, but from ny perspective, my guides will actually show something that makes me realize oh this person is not for me. I also know at this point that when it comes to my future spouse and their career, it absolutely feels like it can not happen, which doesn't help all that much, but I am becoming to accept that I am not going to know who they are until we meet.
Anon, waiting does suck yes, but if you can look outside of who the person is specifically, and focus on your life, think about what potential lessons could be, or are there things that you want to change before you meet them, maybe balancing your energy will help the soul connection. There was a reading I mentioned last week about the love story with your divine counter part and that may be something of interest to you, so you can get an idea of what could be affecting the connection now.
I am going to put a few other readings that I think you might want to look at, because they can help you to see things from a new perspective and that be the one thing that will make a difference for you. I would recommend PunkPandaPatrixk as she is lovely and the love story is one of hers, the other reading I think would work for you is about the love you spiritually deserve, that may give you the courage and strength you need to while you wait because it helps to beign the self care path of life and last but not least I would suggest is by mysticheathenn and it is called what do you need to work on to bring love in.
That's all for now Anon, wishing you the best and I'm sending supportive love your way❤😊
I'm sure that will be very helpful for them! Thank you! 😊
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kiisuuumii · 2 months
hi moot!!!! was wondering why i don't see u on the feed as much anymore & saw ur semi-hiatus status haha. hope life's going well for u!!!
ask: what are your favourite podcasts / youtube channels that you put on to mindlessly listen to / when doing something? could be about anything :) also, what are your favourite podcasts on love / relationships / life / healing??? i'd love some recs :)
hello friend !!! its so sweet of you to stop by <333
i'm hanging in there !!! just wanted to take some time to recenter myself, reflect on the past few months, and think about how i should go about my life next (and /what/ to do next !)
i hope that life is being kind to you as well :^)
as for podcasts / youtube channels: i watch a lot of let's play videos while putting together fragment posts or when i'm playing games (lately rimworld and a bit of cult of the lamb) !!
i'll have on most of the time a markiplier video, or sometimes a dougdoug vod, or i'll have on an episode of distractible which is a podcast markiplier and his friends muyskerm (bob) and lordminion777 (wade) have !!
on it they talk about a lot of random stuff (like buying a movie theater or drawing up a horrifying mascot for the podcast) but they'll very often play games (like shotgun roulette or 20 questions), and they run the podcast like a gameshow where one of them hosts and the other two try to win (arbitrary) points to host the next episode !!
the three of them are a lot of fun to listen to (and watch ! bc they have video on spotify, as well as videos on their respective yt channels where they play games together) and i def rec giving them a listen (but tbh you should watch it on spotify bc there are plenty of visual gags sdghkds) !! i rec "a special message for our listeners" bc i think that episode gives a good idea of what the three of them are like generally (also its stupidly funny dsghkjd)
as far as stuff for love / relationships / life / healing, i actually dont consume a lot of media about that :0 it's really just the very occasional pick-a-card tarot reading on youtube (the hermit tarot, kino tarot, and esotarot are my favs), which are easy to put on and listen to in the background !
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coolmoonsalad · 2 years
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numinously-yours · 5 months
u so pretty 😍 i also have sag rising like you! Kino tarot and Esotarot are so gooood (lemme add Gem Goddess)
Aw, thank you!
I'll have to add Gem Goddess to my list 😍
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Don’t keep looking for someone else to have all the answers to what’s going to work for you. You know what motivates you. You know what repels you.
EsoTarot from YouTube
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myownastrologyblog · 3 years
If you want to watch Pick A Pile Tarot readings on youtube, I'm gonna recommend Esotarot. She's literally the best and her vibes are immaculate. Please check her channel out!
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maka-aiya · 3 years
fear is what if and faith is even if
One of the readings that really resonated with me.
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viverci · 5 years
El mundo del Tarot
Muchas personas desconocen este mundo, pero en cambio son las primeras en decir que es todo una mentira, que es un cuento o que ha oído como han timado a cientos de personas.
¿Es posible que antes de hablar tengamos que probar las cosas y ver qué parte de cierto hay y qué parte de falso? Si bien es cierto que es muy improbable que una persona pueda decirnos nuestro futuro, sí que es posible que esta persona pueda ayudarnos a sacar de nuestro inconsciente o de nuestra falta de voluntad, el decidir en acciones futuras sobre las cosas.
Creo que antes de ponernos en el rebaño y decir lo que todos dicen, tendríamos que sacar nuestras propias conclusiones... y tú ¿ qué piensas?
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