#especially because of TWL
outcastpack · 7 months
It is but also isn't Thiaac.
For @transdunbar bday
Theo waited, nerves spiking as he waited in the office for Liam to bring Isaac to him. Picking at the collar of his jacket, smoothing over his jeans with the palm of his hand. The door opened and for a body was forcibly shove in the room. "Hey!" Isaac shouted at a smirking Liam before the door was slammed shut and the lock clicked leaving.
"What the -" Isaac's mouth clamped shut, realising who was in the room with him, staring wide eyed at Theo. Five years it had been since they were in a room together. Four years since Theo stopped trying to find out why.
"Theo." Isaac whispered, sounding shocked and nervous as his eyes roamed Theo's face while Theo did the same to the blue eyed boy. God, this bastard was still just as fucking pretty as he had been back then.
"I know you have questions, I-"
Theo's feet moved before he had any time to even think about his next move, hands latching on to the taller boys cheeks and dragging him down. "Shut up, stop talking." He growled, mind made up and smashing their mouths together.
Was it probably rushing things. Definitely. Did Theo care- fuck no. Not when he was finally able to feel Isaac's lips against his own, moving fast and trying to force themselves closer to one another. A moan escaping the taller boys lips, swallowed into Theo's own while Theo's hand's pulled at those curls atop Isaac's head.
Theo's body pushed back, walking them towards the desk and Isaac hoisted him atop the desk, squeezing Theo's ass as he went.
"Fuck." Isaac whispered, breathless and lips red before attacking Theo's lips again with renewed vigor.
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snickerdoodlles · 9 months
for @the-cookie-of-doom 😘
It begins with a hello, a sniff kiss, and a comment on Kim's livestream.
The hello is from Chay, coming back home from coffee with friends. The sniff kiss is from Kim, nose pressed against Chay's cheek because he's shy to kiss with an audience. The comment on his livestream goes by ignored until Kim turns back away from Chay to see his comment section on fire.
Kim blushes against his will. His only consolation is his camera doesn't seem to have picked up the subtle hue, but that doesn't change that he knows it's there.
"That wasn't even a kiss," he half-protests, half-scolds his viewers, and furiously wills the heat across his nose to go away. And that would have been the end of it, had he not caught the next comment;
user: stfu i am NOT explaining omegaverse to WIK
"What's o...omegaverse?" Kim asks, and his comment section explodes.
Kim blinks dumbly at the replies whizzing by, mostly protesting his involvement and telling him nothing, and decides to just scroll back best he can. It's not easy, especially as more protests roll in, but when he finally reaches the flood of "awww cute!"s about the right time for when Chay had come in and before the audience's protests begin, there's one comment that stands out from the rest;
user: lol calm down alpha
Kim frowns. He still doesn't know what this "omegaverse" is, but he will not stand for trolls in his livestream audience. He tries to scroll back further, but this "Alpha"'s comment fails to reveal itself.
Kim gives up as another push of comments flood in and he loses his place--the content of the comment probably doesn't matter anyways, and he hadn't seen this "Alpha" user anywhere else when he was skimming anyways. But still.
Kim clears his throat awkwardly. "Hey guys, remember, if you see a troll, just don't engage. I didn't see who this 'Alpha' commenter was or what they said in the chat, but comments are forgotten sooner if you just...ignore..."
Kim trails off, blinking bafflingly as the flood of comments gets even worse.
user: oh wik honey NO
user: hndjsjshdbjdjdbd
user: no baby alpha as in U not a user
user: shut uP
user: twl (today wik learned): omegaverse
Kim blinks, again, now firmly out of 'baffled' and well into 'bewildered' territory, and just gives up. "Chay?"
Chay pokes his head out the bedroom door, looking cute like usual.
"Have you ever heard of"--Kim squints at his screen--"omegaverse?"
Chay makes a strangled noise. Kim stares at him, alarmed, as Chay opens his mouth once, twice, and then just shakes his head and disappears himself back into the room.
Kim turns back to his livestream, utterly lost. "What?"
Another storm of replies rushes in, and still no answers to be found.
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Under the Christmas tree
Under the Christmas tree
Christmas Oneshot
Bangchan x Reader
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"Hey, Y/n!" You heard Bangchan say.
"Wha- Huh?" you stuttered, surprised by him. He smirked.
"I asked you if you want to go buy a christmas tree today" he said, chuckling. You smiled.
"Sure! I'd love to, Channie" You stood up and started to clean the breakfast stuff of the table.
After you two had cleaned up and got dressed, you stepped outside the door. You took a big breath.
"The air is so clean today" you said and looked behind you. Chan watched you spinning around in the snow.
"It is" he said smiling and went to the car. Then he wiped away the snow from the windscreen of his black car and opened it.
It was a cold saturday morning, everywhere was snow. It has snowed over night, what was pretty nice, because you loved snow. Especially during christmas time.
You saw Chan waving from the car at you and you laughed and went to the car. Then you sat inside and closed the door. As soon as you closed the door, Chan started the car and drove to the City.
"Channieee?" you asked innocent after 10 minutes. His eyebrows raised.
"Yeah?" he asked, a bit suspicious. You blinked multiple times.
"Can I play some christmas music?Pleaseeeee?" you asked and smiled extra pretty. What made him laugh.
"Of course, my little christmas evel" he chuckled. You clapped happily and paired your phone with the car's stereo. Then you played 'Last Christmas' by Wham! and sand along loudly. Surprisingly, he sang along too, what made you happy.
15 minutes later, you arrived at the tree-selling.
After you left the car, you walked around the place and watched some trees before you twl got yourself a hot wine.
Then you saw one tree, which was a little smaller than the others, but which was a lot prettier in your eyes. Everyone avoided that tree, because he was kinda not normal, but he was perfect for you two. So after Chan and you went to that tree to look at it, you went to a sells person and talked to him that you wanted to buy it.
The guy put the tree in a net and gave it to you. "I love our new tree" you said as you sat in the car again. "Me too" Chan replied.
The drive back, you sang along to some christmas songs again until it began to snow. You smiled happily and watched the snow fall down.
As you arrived home, Chan took the tree and brought it in your Appartment. He took it into the holder and after you had washed yourself and dressed in some christmas clothes, you put the decoration box out. He helped you to bring it downstairs. Then, when everything was downstairs, you unpacked the tree.
You shrieked as the tree unfold itself and Chan laughed at you, but then you started to decorate it.
You talked about this and that while hanging decoration on the trees needles. As you had put the lights on, you turned them on and decorated from down to the upper tree. Down there, you were perfectly able to hang the stuff on the tree, but when in got higher, you had a few problems reaching the high points. You stretched out, trying your best.
While Bangchan was just standing next to you, watching you struggle and laughing at your behavior.
"Will you please stop laughing at me, BangChan?!" you said, a bit pouty.
"You could help me instead!" you said and shrieked as he lifted you up out of nowhere and sat you on his shoulders.
"Don't let me fall, please!" you shrieked, while he just continued laughing his ass off.
Sitting up there, on his shoulders, you could perfectly reach the upper side of the tree while he gave the decoration stuff up to you.
As you were done with the decoration, only the final star on the tip of the tree was left. He lifted it up to you, humming to 'All I want for christmas is you'.
You took it and while singing "All I want for christmas...is..." you moved the star closer to the tip.
"Youuuuuu" you sang and put the star on the tree's tip. Chan clapped beneath you and you grabbed his hair, trying not to fall by his sudden movement.
"Hey!" he shouted and ran to the sofa. You shrieked but he held your legs pressed on to his chest, holding you save.
Then he stopped at the sofa, throwing you on it. "He-AH" you tried to complain but he had started to poke all around your midsection, making you struggle to talk.
"Channie stooop" you whimpered, but he smirked devilish and scribbled over your sides softly, making you squirm and giggle softly.
"Channie nohohoho" you giggled and he stopped, looking content. Then he booped your nose and went to the kitchen, leaving you alone to clean up.
You shook your head in disbelieve and cleaned up the stuff you didn't need. Then you decorated the rest of the Apartment with light-chains, little santas, little trees, little stars and reindeers and candles.
As you were content, you cleaned up the rest and put the box in your closet. As you came back to the living room you saw your friend.
Chan was sitting there with two hot chocolates with marshmallows in his hands. He sat in front of the TV, where the cover picture of your favourite christmas movie, the Grinch, was shown.
You couldn't help but smile.
"I love you, Chan" You said and went to him, sitting next to him.
He handed you a hot chocolate.
"I love you too, Y/n" Chan said, smiled, and pressed the start button for the movie.
A/n: Hi! I hope you liked it... Was my fist fiction for a long time... Anyways, happy christmas time to you all, guys ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
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delistravaganza · 9 months
Can you explain this autistic person what happened here?
I was just scrolling r/mybrilliantfriendhbo and I made a goofy comment on a topic that seems to have touched a nerve:
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This interaction left me shocked because I rarely have issues online, and also because the same person who was lowkey calling me a sex-obsessed pedo had replied to similar topics a few times, always stating that she preferred the actresses young (?).
Someone explained to me that I had phrased things wrong:
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Looking back at my comment, I don't see how that could be understood by me referring to our girls. In fact, the job of Lila's body double, especially in the infamous bath scene where all she needed to do was to stand up and be looked at by Lenù in an "inner turmoil" from below, had been a joke between me and other MBF fans. Like, we laughed? Some of us had been nude models, and we knew how much the actress probably wanted to stop being cold and wet and leave already?
So I'm asking you guys, who have a very different approach and don't have a stick up your ass: What did I do? Is it because I wrote "boobs" and "pussy"? And - that comment was a personal attack rooted in some sort of queerphobia, was it?
I know this happens on r/ all of the time, and I know that this particular sub isn't very queerfriendly, to put it mildly. Which is weird, I know, because anyone who is familiar with the fans' demographics knows that the sapphic women are at the core of the fandom, especially between seasons. But alas, the sapphics usually stay silent and want no trouble.
Still, there are some interesting discussions from time to time on the sub (even when some topics can be repetitive - IS LILA EVIL?), and people who are genuinely knowledgeable, and I do have good times sharing my thoughts and reading others'. But - I feel a bit stupid because I seldom reference anything that could be considered dykey, and then I get this?
At some point in season 3, I was left scratching my head because some users were quick to say that if Pietro had intimacy issues with Lenù, he may be gay. I totally respect it if you think that Pietro might be gay, but for fuck's sake, are you even aware of the series you're watching? Where were you the 10,000 times when Lenù was in "inner turmoil" about her best friend, drooling over Nino, and having zero chemistry with Pietro from the very beginning, who was only a good catch for her? Didn't you see Lenù's vivid nightmare about being forced to put on the engagement ring? Didn't you notice that the one who has an (understandable) problem with this marriage is Lenù, and that nobody suggested that she was gay????
I guess I'm annoyed that after years of not suggesting "Lenù gay" as The Explanation for Everything in MBF, because, well, I don't think that things are that simple, and letting people discuss at length whether Franco or Nino are better or whether Lila looks better with Marcello or Enzo, I am suddenly the one who is weird and gets talked down to as some pedo predator.
A somewhat similar thing happened to me a while ago on r/ as well, when some people on The White Lotus sub complained that there were too many discussions regarding gay undertones (compared to MBF, there were definitely 1000% more threads, which is still puzzling to me). I was just annoyed at that comment, because you know how many threads I see about m/f interactions that people are constantly pushing as romantic? Fuck the straights complaining about a few threads regarding Cameron and Ethan, or Paula and Olivia. TWL is openly playful and was created by an openly bisexual man, OF COURSE it's full of gay undertones, and OF COURSE you don't see them because you haven't had the same experience! You never had to read between the lines, you never had to wonder whether something is platonic or romantic, you never had to navigate relationships without set roles! How great for you! Now let us have our little party without bothering anyone, will you?
Anyway, I just needed to vent. Feel free to tell me if you think you know where my original comment was flawed.
Oh, and if you participate on the MBF sub - say hi, and participate more. It can be cool, but it clearly needs more input from diverse sources.
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forthegothicheroine · 2 years
I came to the opposite conclusion that the Face author did, incidentally. This is probably because Rian Johnson has been one of my favorite directors for a decade now (Brick is still my #2 favorite film), and I just don't like The White Lotus. Not because of ideological reasons, it just has a terrible case of the Premium TV Meanders. More to the point, I found TWL to be much more "you have to be this online to get this" in a way that my parents and I didn't find with Glass Onion. If its jokes got through to my dad, who goes on YouTube exclusively for surf videos and light jazz, then its writing isn't half as "terminally online" as the Face says it is.
I haven't seen White Lotus, but I certainly didn't find Glass Onion too online either! And my take on The Menu was a lot more focused on the art side of things, with an artist growing to have contempt (both deserved and undeserved) towards his public. I thought the article did make the good point that these movies can never be really "radical" as long as they're big budget crowd pleasers (especially attached to big franchises like Star Wars), and I think that's worth keeping in mind, but I don't think it kills a film's artistic value.
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
Hi!! if that's okay may i get a twisted wonderland matchup? I'm a cisgender omniromantic asexual girl, my personality type is ESFJ and my ennegram is 8w7! I'm italian, I really like rythm games and i love drawing and arguments (of course, as long as it's pacific.) I have a big sense of justice and as in the past i had troubles doing the speaking in conversation, now i prefer to help who has more problems with it by standing up for "the weaker." I'm 151cm tall (i swear i'm a sophomore.) I have dirty blond hair and a wolfcut, and i dress in visual-kei fashion!! I have ADHD and am very, VERY talkative. I can go on talking with hours until my throat hurts, but i also enjoy listening to my friends! My favourite foods are spicy foods and i have a high spices tolerance. I wear circular glasses and i can barely see without them. I'm also very passionate about my interests and draw and daydream a lot. My love language is physical affection and gifts giving. I come from a rather wealthy family, so i love to shower who i love with a ton of gifts. I often have troubles finding friends because of people thinking i am too weird, and had to change schools multiple times because of bullying too. I REALLY dislike dark humor, especially about deeper subjects like racism and antisemitism (it's just disturbing for me to think people joke about this kind of stuff.) I am very affectionate and can be clingy, but i'm also s good emotional support!! I also take criticism seriously out of a trauma response. I'm physically weak and have anemia. Overall i just love pepole and wish i could get along with everyone!!
A/N: The final matchup in the inbox! I still have three request prompts to knock out and then opening up the matchups once again! These turned out to beuch more popular than I thought and I certainly didn't expect to get as much as I did! I apologize to those still waiting for the prompt requests, I hope to have them out very soon. Hopefully before Christmas but it just gets so busy before the holidays. Thank you everyone for your support of this small blog!
A/N 2: Thank you very much for your request! I hope that you like it and have a wonderful holiday season! Remember to take care of yourself and drinks lots of water!
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I match you with.......
Cater Diamond
• Spice babes unite! Seriously, this man loves himself some spicy foods no matter what it is. The more spice, the better. You twl instantly hit it off with this. He's just ecstatic to have someone with similar food tastes to his own. High slice tolerance? There's plenty of spice challenge going around. He'd want to know just how high the tolerance goes (with your permission), and he'd love to record said challenge and post it to magicam (also with your permission).
• If this relationship is public on his skcial media, you can certainly bet that the feed has exploded with the new couple goals that is the two of you! His followers absolutely love you, and always want to see more content. Cater only posts content of you that you have approved of before hand. Anything not posted is in his own private folder that he looks at when he's not in his best headspace.
• Speaking of headspace, you're someone who sees through the smile that he puts on his face each and everyday and you're essentially the only person who has seen who he truly is behind closed doors. It took some time, but now, when it's just the both of you in the comforts of his room, or yours, he let's the mask go and you are there wjth him the entire time, encouraging him, telling him how much you love him, telling exactly what you love about hi. It honestly does so much for him, you have no idea.
• Spoil this man and he may cry. He loves when you pamper him, treat him, and spoil him. Just expect him to do it right back! He is a firm believer that in a relationship, both parties give their all, no half doing anything, but doing things to the best that you can to make sure you and your partner are happy and feel loved.
• He does NOT mind your talkative nature AT ALL! In all honesty, he loves it. You speak with such passion and confidence in your voice, it makes his heart flutter and he had that dopey, in-love smile on his face. He can't help it. Hearing you speak always reminds him just how in love with you he is.
• Please come with him to the Light Music Club! Bring your drawing things as well! He would totally pay for a commission. If you draw him while practicing or playing, expect it to be within the best frame he can get and sitting proudly on his desk or hanging proudly on his wall.
• Affectionate and Clingy? Nah, he sees free cuddles whenever you're anywhere near him and endless bounds of love. The way that you cling to him, and are so openly affectionate with him never fails to bring a smile to his face and hold you closer to him. Especially in the late evening, no matter who's dorm your in, just laying in bed with cozy pajamas on, underneath warm blankets, and holding each other. It's the best way to end the day. Brush your hands through his hair and the chances of him falling asleep with the happiest smile on his face is quite high.
• Unbirthday parties are a must! And you two will often either match outfits, or your new outfit he has gifted in your unique style matches the colors he has on. Many pictures are taken and while others are eating their sweets, you bith have your own separate choice of spicy food to chow down on.
• Overall, the both of you compliment each other so well. Everyone is literally so happy for the both of you when you get together. Best Friends and partners. Two halves to one complete and loving whole. Even in your lowest moments, you both know you have each other and that's perfectly alright with you. There's nowhere else you'd rather be than with one another.
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Random but
I hate the mabel is selfish take
Largely because like the OG guy who cooked up the "hot take" turned out to be a child predator, but in some ways that makes sense to me and WHY they pushed that claim.
Ok first off, im not saying Ford is a child predator, especially because context wise its a disney show with demons are real, i dont think Ford has any ill intents or is groomer. Thats a stupid claim, and really gross.
BUT out of context, a 50+ year old man convincing a 12 going on 13 year old to ditch his friends, family, etc. To live with him and engage in training for a job that probably ends in the twl being isolated? Sounds fucking creepy and red flaggy is. But like again, the aforementioned context is: this a bad faith put of context description of what Ford wanted to do with Dipper.
But given the person pushing the Mabel is selfish bullshit WAS infact a child predator himself too the point he wiped his whole channel after being called out, really just clicks in my mind.
Yeah of corse the child predator is gonna be upset and call the 12 year old girl trying to estially convince her brother NOT to run off with the 50+ year old man who depsite being family they barely know. Ford is friendly but admittly would be kinda a shady dude in person. No duh the predator doesnt like mabel.
Like again i dont think Ford is a child diddler. Hes too busy fucking a traingle for that, we know that. We been knowing that. But knowing the first person to heavily push mabel is shelfish turn out to be a fucling groomer makes so much sense that hed hate the one person trying to speak reason into dipper to not just throw his childhood away for something Dipper thought was "cool, mature and grown up".
Like they didnt even mention or discuss how theyd break the news to his parents ever? Would his parents even be ok with that? Especially given the Stan stole Ford identity and now hes back and how would his family react.
Like yeah its chewing my brain
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jentlemahae · 3 months
I guess what makes this poor rollout worse is the fact that her team haven't really done any hype-building over the past few months either. People underestimate the power of media exposure so I feel like LLOUD should have done more to ensure Lisa had more of that leading up to her music release. I hate it when people compare the pinks to each other but I really can't help but do that with OA and LLOUD in this case. OA have spent the past 6 months making sure Jennie has had decent media exposure pretty consistently for a variety of things in both the Korean and western markets.
For example, here's things OA have organized so far that has gotten Jennie some media exposure that helps build hype for her first album:
Music performance on Korean TV
Korean variety show
Two collab songs
Multiple global fashion campaigns
Met Gala
Gentle Monster collection
Vogue cover (and another one coming soon)
Opened her own Tiktok
Walking in a Jacquemus show
Hosting Billie's spotify event
Beats ad teasing her new music
In contrast, what LLOUD has done with Lisa:
French charity gala performance
White Lotus casting announcement (she won't reap the benefits of this until the show is out)
Louis Vuitton show
Attending 2 F1 grand prix races
No magazine covers
One new brand campaign
Opened her own Tiktok
A watch collab that wasn't really promoted at all
That's fine but it doesn't really feel like enough, you know? Even Rosie, who still doesn't have a label and has locked herself in a music studio almost every day, has had more media exposure than Lisa so I'm a little confused as to what LLOUD's plan is. Sure Lisa has been busy filming TWL but still, all the hype so far has relied on the teasers being cunty. The visuals have been incredible but like... is that what all their budget went on? Where's the marketing team?
(great recap of the situation!) yes, absolutely! and this is where lloud is at fault because promoting and distributing the song is rca’s job so they’re to blame for the rollout, but lloud should have been doing way more for lisa during all these months to lay the groundwork and prepare people for a cb 🙃🥴 especially because given that there is a high budget mv too, it’s clear that they want this to be an official cb and not just a fun droplet single to keep fans fed and test the waters for her as a solo artist, but lloud have not been moving accordingly. they are letting her name and existing fame do all the work …….. and not to point fingers but this is giving me major yg flashbacks 😐 i hope this is only the beginning and they’re gonna improve things but yeah im not happy with either company (rca and lloud) ……..
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Toxic Waters Lite: The Gimmick Weapon (Part 1)
Still stuck on this one element. I've done my best to narrow my choices down to A, the harpoon gun, B, the riot gun, C, the mine launcher, D, the acid gun, and E, the biological weapon.
I'm gonna knock A off because, after giving it some thought, it's not applicable to TWL. A long-range precision gun that requires intuition/leading your shot due to projectile speed and drop is cool in a game like Half Life, where you explore environments of multiple sizes, and in three dimensions, no less. TWL's world is very Nicolas-centric, and environments have to be built in a way that the player can generally see everything. I've recently played some Donkey Kong Country and my major complaint for that game is the camera doesn't compensate for height, meaning you're taking leaps of faith much more often since you can't see the bottom of the screen. And it's a very movement-based game by design, you're leaping around and blasting through barrels, while TWL is more position-based in how you handle puzzles and combat, i.e. altering your environment by changing water levels or using cranes. In no section will you be shooting enemies from across an abyss, so a high-precision weapon isn't required in a game where you're entirely in a claustrophobic facility. At the same time, you can't even have a scenario like that, because TWL doesn't have vertical aiming, only left or right. So, you can't even make the argument that it could be cool to climb to a good sniping spot and pick off enemies from a distance. Plus, projectile speed and drop works better when you're fighting at distances where you'd have to account for that. I don't care if it lets you root enemies to the spot, that's not worth it, because you'll still have to kill them afterwards.
Now, B. This one was entirely thought up after I watched a System Shock review (the 1994 one, not the remake). There's a riot gun in that game which launches rubber pellets, totally useless against rampant cyborgs and the like, but good for remotely activating levers and explosives. There's a similar tool in Prey (which was a spiritual successor to the "shock" games anyway), but it's a toy crossbow. Obviously, this would function like a long-range button press, and maybe stunning enemies as well. This is more useful in 3D games where enemies can lie in wait or have complex AI patterns, or if the game has traps and it's safer to activate something from a distance. Already, I can see uses in situations where you have to find a way across a pool of water - the puzzle can be quickly solved if you hit a lever with a rubber bullet and call the elevator remotely. I feel like the utilisation of this would be niche, and once again, something that works better in a 3D game.
C is a grenade/mine launcher. This helps TWL dip its toes into the immersive sim genre, as laying mines allows to set traps, alter the environment, plan your fights, and play more defensively. Now, "grenade launcher" can mean a lot - bouncy grenades like Quake, impact-based plastic explosives like Half Life, remote bombs like TF2's stickybomb launcher, or proximity mines like F.E.A.R.. I'd probably go for proximity mines, but with some sort of twist to them. Given the limited mobility and perspective of Nicolas, it's best if you can't activate them by stepping on them yourself, so I might consider making them "bio-mines" or giving some in-game fluff explaining why they only damage enemies. There are lots of things you can do with mines; load an elevator with them and send it up to an enemy-infested floor, place some behind you to buy yourself some time with a horde, fortify an area you know you'll be moving through a lot, lead enemies into them (the old Pied Piper strategy always works with zombies), and of course, use splash damage to kill multiple enemies while expending only a single unit of ammunition. With a lot of Gimmick Guns, especially in more modern games (Prey and Severed Steel come to mind), the game will either give the gun to you early on or give you lots of ammo for it to encourage you to experiment with it. I don't want to saturate the player with mines, since doing this is a double-edged sword - encouraging the player to use a tool will make them use it, but it can make them ignore their more basic, versatile tools. Prey strikes a good balance by making the GLOO Cannon disable Typhons instead of killing them, and Severed Steel gives the arm gun 5 possible shots at any time, making them use their other tools to kill enemies and recharge. I can probably do this by flipping my own advice on its head, giving the player a taste of the mine launcher with some free ammo for it, but making refills from the upgrade station expensive, encouraging players to hunt around, using all their weapons and getting the most bang for their buck (pun 100% intended).
D and E will be answered later. Probably tomorrow.
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bookworm555 · 2 years
Ship bingo thing: Lancitty (lol ;), DenNor, PruLiet, LietUkr, RusAme, Ameripan, England/Japan (Asakiku? something like that), CanNed, EstLat, SuFin, SasoDei (wanted to go a bit outside the box with some of the Hetalia ships bc I figure you get asked the same ones over and over again)
Thank you for these; I had so much fun with this! :D
*Edit: the newest version of the ship bingo meme doesn't actually have a lot of options in terms of how I ship a lot of these pairings, so I will also add an older one I found, as well, since I can circle more things on that one, XD
Bingo Card One taken from this ask meme
Bingo Card Two taken from this ask meme
Answers under the cut because there are a lot
Bingo Card One:
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I ship this a lot, but unfortunately, not a lot of these bingo options really describe my thoughts on it?
Bingo Card Two:
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*For the 'they can fix each other' one, I mean that in the sense of 'Lance isn't changing himself FOR Kitty, but being around Kitty makes him realize that he wants to change himself', if that makes sense.
Bingo Card One:
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Once again, this one doesn't have many options for how I ship these guys.
Bingo Card Two:
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Haha, you can tell I love this ship, XD (Also: Projection character: Nor [sort of], Attraction character: DEFINITELY Den lkahfksf)
Also, depending on the time period, the characters' emotions, and the plot of a fic, they can either fix each other OR make each other worse. (Or go through both, XD)
And while I am mostly an angst/hurt-comfort/whump reader, I do enjoy fluff with them, as well.
Bingo Card One:
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Bingo Card Two:
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...I have some Thoughts about this one, XDD
I feel like Gil and Toris have a lot of talking to do before they're ready to become friends, much less date. There's clearly a lot of resentment between them.
I'm not sure if I necessarily ship it (in the sense that I wouldn't go out of my way to look for it), but I'd be open to it if it was written in a way I'd find interesting/appealing. (And I mean...I love angst, soo...)
I just tend to ship Toris with others before I think of him with Gilbert.
(The irony here is that, while they won't become a ship in it, in the sequel to TWL, they'll be forced to work together, and they begrudgingly realize that the other isn't all bad, XDD)
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This is such a rarepair, but I love it! -Cries-
They honestly have a lot in common (and I actually wrote a post about that all the way back in 2016); back when I got into the ship aaaages ago, I was confused that there wasn't more content with them!
Recently, though, there's been a surge in art and writing for this ship, which makes me so happy!
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WHOOO BOY. Okay. The concept of them as a ship is interesting. (Especially since Alfred IS on Ivan's level, power-dynamic wise.) If Ivan himself had a different personality, I would probably ship this and find it funny at times. However, I don't see Alfred ever getting with someone who treated one of his friends (Toris) like trash.
Though, if that little (well, it's big to me, but you know what I mean) detail aside, the dynamic is interesting.
I feel like Ivan would bring out the worst in Alfred. Which, if handled well, might be something interesting to explore.
I also have read some funny humor-genre fics with them in the past, and I enjoyed them (honestly, I see them being so petty trying to one-up each other XD), so I'll give the ship that. But it's definitely not something I go out of my way to look for.
(Honestly, I don't really ship Ivan with many people, tbh. Mostly Francis and Yao.)
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This is such a fun ship! (Exploring both angst and fluff with them is great, XD)
I do tend to prefer AsaKiku a bit more (especially since AmeLiet is basically my OTP XD), but I love Ameripan as well!
I see them as working well together, both platonically or romantically.
AsaKiku (also called IggyPan, I think):
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I don't talk about this ship much, but I absolutely love it! It's one of my faves!! (Oh MAN, the AsaKiku shipper in me was fed and happy with all the little moments in Season 7, XD).
...I circled the 'comedic potential' box in the second bingo card because (at least on Arthur's side of things)...three words: Victorian era weeaboos. (Honestly, back in university, when one of my history classes was discussing this, I was like...two seconds away from cracking up laughing.)
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I don't have much to say about this ship, but I like it! I think it's cute and chill! (And I think of them as 'Tulip buddies'!)
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*Note: Eduard is canonly 17, while Raivis is canonly 15 in human age. I don't see any issue shipping them together romantically. (Not to mention, they're immortal...)
GOD. THESE TWO aksjdfhsdf
Whether their relationship is platonic or skews romantic, I don't mind; I just like seeing them as very close! (Bonus points if Ed is aloof at first, but then ends up getting super protective over Raivis as time goes on, to the point where he'll stand up to Ivan for him. [And oooh, even more bonus points if Raivis pushes aside his fear and returns the favor later, sticking up for Eduard!])
I tend to find more stuff where they're platonic, but romance-leaning stuff is cute, too!
If they do become a romantic couple, I see their relationship being super soft, gentle, and slow-moving. (Though with some cheesy romantic stuff like poetry and flowers courtesy of Raivis, XD)
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Everyone who's been following me for awhile knows this, but SuFin is one of my favorite ships in general. I love everything about it!
(And I know a lot of people, including me, focus on the more fluffier aspects of the ship, BUT there is so much potential for angst, too!)
While I definitely prefer romantic SuFin, I have read some interesting fics where their relationship is more...amiable exes, where the two are in relationships with other characters.
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I feel like this explains my thoughts on these two pretty well, XDD.
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datastate · 2 years
lurien is like. the exact opposite of Just Some Guy.
sure, soul master takes up the role of high priest; hegemol is primarily invested in the security of hallownest’s heart (among other things) ... but there’s still a lot that lurien does, as watcher.
although the king is often recluse (especially by comparison to twl), he has a watcher in place to monitor the people in his stead, and lurien is essentially the extension of the king’s higher orders (including attempts to keep the shrooms docile & to encroach on deepnest’s or unn’s land; the king is the one who executes it, but usually lurien is the one who relays the information.)
however, that wouldn’t mean he doesn’t do things of his own volition. he’s presumably in charge of...everything else that hegemol and soul master do not take up. this would be his role as an ambassador, economic issues, regarding what must be built in the heart, keeping proper housing, understanding what other (genuine, constructive) complaints there are with the kingdom and trying to put laws or amendments into action to keep the kingdom stable, etc. etc. and of course, it’s a lot. that’s part of why he has servants - the servants aren’t solely to clean the spire, but also help him organize through requests and relay to him other, current issues.
even aside from the servants, i would assume lurien is essentially the head of the pale court and would hear from (and argue with) them with what should be implemented. i already have an idea of who the others in the court would be, but for the length of this post i’ll exclude it for now - the other main point i’m making is that a lot of the pale court does have their hand in driving hallownest forward, but lurien especially holds a lot of power and the final verdict because he is the only member of the pale court that is acknowledged publicly as “watcher” to show the king’s jurisdiction and trust in this person in particular.
additionally, it can be assumed - though it may not have been true, because it was the public’s belief of the watcher post-infection - the only mortal that could ever challenge the king would be lurien.
ah...idk, just. there’s a lot that lurien does do to manage the city & ALL of hallownest as an extension of the pale king. he doesn’t just sit by the telescope all day being a creep or a useless yearning lovebird or whatever else. and he wasn’t solely a bystander in hallownest’s intrusion. he is not a good person. even if it’s possible he wasn’t there for hallownest’s colonialism, he still perpetuates it for the stability of hallownest and its people - to hell with any other society that hallownest has already trampled on for their own advantage. he needs to keep hallownest strong, and the way the kingdom has established its glory and wealth is through methods like these.
lurien is the most influential mortal figure by a long shot.
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i herd ur doing a headcanons meme may i have radi please
fjhgfjghf YES you MAY but be warned these are mostly just your headcanons that i have also adopted. you showed me the light (rimshot)
realistic: MOTH TOO SOFT AND FLUFFY. before tpk she was like 94% a pacifist (i was going to say 100% but Do Not Mess With Her Kids was always a thing). no weapon, no combat magic, no contact damage. the only reason she’s so formidable in canon is 1. trauma rage 2. she learned a lot from her mind being handcuffed to hollow’s.
unrealistic but funny: radi and grimm aren’t siblings who got in a fight. they used to share a body until they figured that they should probably get their own. then, being a pair of creation gods, figured they should probably get together. so they did, and shared a realm until they decided to peacefully split it off and pursue separate aesthetics. except they’re both bpd disasters and emotionally laid on the floor abt it forever (but also never talked abt it w each other). radi in particular felt very... responsible for the whole thing (especially when grimm holy trinity’d himself as his terrible coping mechanism) basically she went 2x protective mom. wait this is meant to be the funny one. oops.
heart-wrenching: okay this is actually @grimmradiance​ ‘s headcanon but it was inspired by a conversation we had so i’m willing to take partial responsibility. also i just really like it. they made a whole post abt it but tl;dr: marmu is radi’s Literal Actual Kid so tpk kidnapped her, had twl and dryya raise her, and then quietly had her killed. really not a surprise that radi went apeshit.
My Canon Now: ants are also worshippers of the Light. they’re more widespread than the moths and don’t tend to live in Other People’s Kingdoms (just for the convenience of not having to build around other people’s shit) so they didn’t get wiped out like the moths did. however ants don’t go anywhere near hallownest even generations later, because they may not remember Why they left but they know that it’s not a good place. (bonus: tiso and god tamer are ants. that’s why he wears a hood and she wears a helmet. Just To Be Safe)
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httpsgfg · 4 years
The fact more and thin white lies are in your top five makes me so happy because those songs (especially thin white lies) don't get enough appreciation....
!! i know !! more was the one that stood out to me the most back when yb came out and twl is just. such an experience!!!!! both sonically and lyrically i think they really did something cool with that one but i'm afraid it won't get a spot on the set list and it just makes me rage 😠
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5secondsofdrama · 4 years
I agree, M should've come forward faster abt allegations. Imho, I think he didn't because he was concerned groupie stuff would come up again, and we know what kind of shitstorm that was amongst fans... And potentially the RS article again (which did come up to Luke and he just rattled the old "it was untrue and hurt me too" rubbish). I know the boys have a past that upsets them, but they need to address this. This album could have been better utilised for that, beyond TWL and OM and poss. High.
First and foremost, in my personal opinion that Rolling Stone article was straight up bullshit. They had so many untrue points that they claimed to be “facts” that just weren't actual facts. Especially about Michael. Everyone does have a past. But before that article came out, Michael had already openly apologized for his past mistakes as far as social media goes. And yes, this is also addressing the most recent situations. 
Secondly, I would have to disagree with you on Michael coming forward faster. This is only because of the type of situation that happened. There have been many people in the past who have addressed similar allegations that happened to Michael, some a lot faster than what he did, and they still got “cancelled” by those on social media. Cancel culture is strong. So, no matter how fast he responded there would have always been those who were not satisfied by his response. I don’t think he was concerned about groupie stuff coming up again either. 
Finally, the way things were handled, I wholeheartedly believe it was the best way to handle such things. In the end, the result was the band taking a step back from social media as a whole because of the people who like to call up stuff in the past. And these are the people who actually refuse to hold the same kind of standard for their own “idols” known as Crystal, Sierra, and Kaykay. Mostly Crystal and Sierra though. It was an unfortunate situation, that’s for certain.
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nostalgiabones · 4 years
It was painful but I did it. TWL is growing on me slowly, I don't dislike it it's just not up there just yet. I could say the same when I heard Babylon initially tbh but now it's one of my favourite tracks! The Quarantea video is iconic in itself 😂 They're such idiots and we love them. My favourite has to be Luke's "I feel nervous it's nice to feel something" or Calum's reactions during cocktail chats and the "thank you" smile 😂 God there's too many to choose! Most underrated old 5sos song? 🐻
KDHKDJS you’re right, Luke is such an idiot but I adore him lmao. Another one is on the amazon livestream when Ashton made fun of Luke’s headphones and Michael literally cried laughing for like 10 minutes lmao. Hmmm! I think a lot of SGFG is underrated because I don’t feel like 5sos realise how much it means to people? Not in a bad way, just in the way of they made that album so quickly and I don’t think it’s their favourite but it means SO much to people in so many different ways. I think Catch Fire is underrated! It has a Michael solo so I love that lmao. Or maybe San Fransisco, I think that’s such a cute song.
On a bit of a tangent I feel like the songs that aren’t on the main album always get forgotten about! Especially by 5sos. Usually the ones that are on the Target edition, like Tomorrow Never Dies or Close as Strangers! I lowkey wish they didn’t do other editions and would just put all of the songs on one album so they can all be appreciated! ♥️
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begumbegum3-blog · 6 years
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One of the greatest parts regarding the culinary health and nutrition pro plan is seeing just how our grads make a decision to share their understanding along with the planet. This plan went to minimum stemming from the appropriate path ... having actually invested a lifetime struggling with my physical body, making an effort every diet and also consuming program you can possibly imagine (yes, consisting of fructose complimentary) I become aware that the diet professionals and scientists et al know very little. A few years back, I covered a research in the journal of Being overweight, where 270 obese men and women were aimlessly designated to a low-carb or even low-fat diet plan for pair of years. That says that this could not be actually the weight-loss in any way that induced the enhancements. He mentioned he was actually inspired to drop weight (ultimately ONE HUNDRED pounds in all) since he had actually been ill, and also detected along with incredibly high blood pressure. Once I am actually more mature I do try to include even more natural-state foods, however in my youth my dieting diet regimen was utter crap! That is actually why also the best weight reduction medicine on earth could simply be actually an extra complement to some others treatment. At Diets In Review, our company celebrate this devotion every Sunday along with our Accurate Fat loss Tale (TWLS) portion where our team highlight the journey of ladies and also men that have actually lost at least FIFTY pounds, securely, and also without using crash diet. This is encouraging to me when low-carb diet plans like Atkins remain to be realized as an approved tactic for taking care of wellness ailments like diabetes mellitus. Therefore below's exactly how I assume meals as well as health and nutrition are vital: I believe we must appreciate our food. To get back on course with weight management, get lots of sleeping, as well as find a means to manage persistent anxiety. Diet regimen assistance and also vibration platter training along with steady rise of strength as well as speed each week as well as including physical exercises like squats, lunges, calf elevates, push-ups and abdominal crunches.
Corinne Podger: Sandra, which is actually performing the fat loss system our team read about earlier, knows specifically just how that thinks. So that is actually essentially the primary way that these diets are really influencing on our brains. He is actually saying eat more, do not have to work out unless you intend to drop weight and also consume a great deal extra fatty tissue than veggies. Joe Proietto: Well in this particular study our company took 50 obese volunteers and the normal body system mass index was actually 34 so these were actually mildly obese people and also we helped them reduce weight using a quite reduced electricity diet regimen and also they shed approximately THIRTEEN kilograms over a 10 full week period. Which led to a pattern from rehab/recovery/re-injury that just additional stacked on the weight when she ventured in to various other sporting activities she eventually harmed her knee. Exactly what our experts've gained from bariatric surgery is actually the digestive tract, our intestines as well as belly as well as intestinal tracts keep response to having the ability to handle this. I believe a regional specialist is actually still the person which may actual give personal medical liability, educate self-monitoring and also start to customized diet plan as well as fitness (medical doctors' instruction around is actually seriously lacking, but not therefore dietitians, nurses, therapists, ). Nourishments were actually disorderly and food options were actually greatly up to me (This doesn't function well for youngsters. I shed over 70 pounds on low carb prior to I began observing this weight gain as well as this went on for regarding a year until I started moderating my healthy protein intake (without transforming my typically 20 g healthy and balanced carbohydrates each day). Weight Watchers promotes fat loss via fat counting and also the intro of especially designed treats as well as dishes. The link between unhealthful intestine plants and being overweight is reassuring evidence that a well-balanced probiotic enhances weight-loss resulting in a healthier way of life. I bought the diet plan today as I have actually actually been on a diet plan for a week (lost 6lbs on my very own) as well as would like to add some flavor to what I was actually presently performing. The effect of taking among birth control pills that actually carry out one thing like quicken your soul cost on a person therefore youthful as you, because they just weren't tested on adolescents, can be disastrous. I currently consume great deals of veg, brown rice as well as poultry alongside porridge in the morning as well as a varied meal from say goodbye to after that concerning 400 fats for dinner. Garcinia cambogia extract Mangostana remove has not been revealed to assist along with effective weight loss baseding on numerous clinical research studies. If you drop weight then go back to staying precisely the way did when you gained weight, do not be actually amazed when the excess body weight profits. Whatever http://formepoureteblog.info/neofossen-amazon-capsules-ingredients-test-avis-forum-capsule-prix-experience/ of meals you're eating, if you wish to drop weight properly, do not consume when you're not starving. Truth: While you'll be actually consuming loads of protein, Atkins' typical consumption from 12 to 18 ozs from protein a time is actually not considered a high-protein diet regimen. Product lines and markings on home plate quick guide you on the amount of from each from the primary food groups, including carbohydrate, healthy protein as well as veggies, you need to be actually eating. These diet plans are actually uninteresting, deny you, leave you with no energy to workout session, and worst off all - they are unsustainable! I would certainly be extremely happy if you can easily assist me. I am extremely considering the Patrick Holford diet and possess his publication. Alex, I report exactly what The National Weight Control Registry point out prosperous losers do to slim down, I am actually certainly not claiming EVERYONE needs to do this to burn fat. http://formepoureteblog.info/ is actually to certainly not get to that very starving, gone without food area before a dish - the feeling I like to get in touch with hangry (yeah, you know it, hungry-angry) - which typically results in eating technique a lot of. For those that reported weight gain, the standard was actually 10 pounds, while 16 per-cent accepted they obtained TWENTY extra pounds or more.
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