#especially if I'm trying to take a picture
leilanihours · 7 hours
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pairing: kate martin x gf!reader
word count: 914
warnings: one or two suggestive comments from kate, nothing else
summary: kate has her priorities set when her team wins the final four game.
from lani: im so obsessed w kate rn so heres a short and kinda bad blurb i wrote in like half an hour
"AND THAT WILL do it, folks! the iowa hawkeyes secure the victory and will head over to the championship!"
you shoot up from your seat as soon as the buzzer goes off, screams filling your ears, signaling not only the end of the game, but also the end of an era.
being so close to the hawkeyes through your childhood best friend, caitlin, and your girlfriend, kate, you knew all too well what kind of pressure they were put under tonight.
they have all worked extremely hard to get to this moment, and they weren't planning on backing down anytime soon.
the arena is booming with a myriad of pumped up iowa fans and family, the energy unmatched.
you smile as you watch your girlfriend celebrate with her teammates in a huddle, her eyes welling with happy tears before she quickly makes her way out of the large hug. you try to follow her through the crowd with your eyes but lose track of the girl almost immediately.
you see caitlin getting handed the trophy, holding it proudly over her head and grin immensely. you had known caitlin since elementary school, and watching her work towards one of her biggest dreams makes your heart swell.
however, your eyebrows are furrowed as you try to relocate your girlfriend, who is currently no where to be found near her team.
you begin to make your way over to the girls to ask where she went but you are stopped when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind.
you're startled at first until you realize it's none other than the very same girl you were just looking for.
"hi," she whispers in your ear.
"kate!" you exclaim, turning around to properly hug her, "you did so good tonight, love, i'm so proud of you."
"thank you so much, baby, it was so much fun," you're both practically yelling now, as the volume in the gym overwhelms your voices.
she plants a loving kiss on your lips, which you graciously accept by placing your hands at the nape of her neck while hers rest on your waist. smiling into the kiss, both of you are entranced, finding solace in each other's arms despite the thousands of nosy fans and pressing photographers.
"you look so cute in my jersey," she mumbles into the kiss before pulling away to get a good look at you.
"it's your jersey that makes me look cute, trust me," you smile.
"nah i think you're doing all the heavy lifting. especially with these jeans 'cus, damn, you look sexy," she rasps in your ear as she places a swift slap to your ass.
"kate!" you warn, looking around to see if anyone caught the exchange, "you're insane."
"only for you, baby, only for you," she says as she leans in to place a kiss on your temple. the two of you tightly locked into a swaying hug, automatically melting away any and all stress that rested on either of your shoulders.
"wait," you pause, departing from the hug, "why aren't you with your team? they're all taking pictures with the trophy right now."
"mmm," she looks up in fake-thought, "i think i'd rather be here with you right now."
"kate, you need to go celebrate the win with your team!"
"do i? because knowing lisa, we'll practically be attached at the hip and sick of each other before the next game," she jokes.
"kate," you look at her expectantly.
"okay, fine, i'll go," she sighs, "but only if you come with me."
"what? i'm not even part of the team!"
"hey, you might as well be considering how much they all love you."
"they do love me, don't they?" you smirk teasingly.
"not as much as i do," she smiles.
"you're so corny tonight," you giggle, poking at her sides.
"alright, whatever, let's go take some pictures," she says, playfully pushing you away before coming right back to your side.
one of her hands comfortably rests on the small of your back, the other holding your shoulder to protectively guide you through the swarm of paparazzi and reporters.
as soon as the girls notice you and your girlfriend's presence, they race to hug you. you're barely able to express your excitement through their tight grasps, not even attempting to break away.
kate laughs as she watches you interact with her friends from the side, smiling longingly at you before caitlin jumps up from behind her and places their "final four champions" hat on her head.
she's about to speak when she notices her gaze settled on you dancing with gabbie and jada while the rest of the team is clapping and laughing.
"dude, you're so down bad," she laughs, placing an arm around her shoulders.
"man, get outta here!" she jokingly shrugs her off before pulling her over to celebrate with everyone else.
she rushes back over to your side and not once does she leave from her spot next to you, regardless of the pictures and videos that would be posted all over social media soon.
and let's just say that there were so many pictures and videos, including ones of moments you thought weren't captured - the most viral of which being when kate slapped your ass eagerly.
but neither of you cared, because right now, it was pretty hard to fight what had already been written in the cards for you two - the alchemy, if you will.
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tallgirl14 · 23 hours
Chilchuck angst
I love this lil middle age man but i aslo live for angst so her are few my ideas because I need tell someone and if you have angst dm me we can talk about it
He carries a wallet size family portrait (when his girls were little) with him when he goes down in a dungeon, and he looks at it when he miss them. ( I feel like photos are probably pretty 💰💰 so they only had few consist wedding photo, baby photo mayjack she's fist born, then one of the whole family ) and this photo is chaotic and It makes him smile.
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This is the ONLY photo he has of his entire family and he hasent seen them in few years with his kids grown living there own lives and him and his wife are split this photos all he's got.
How far would this man go for this picture. I can see chilchuck getting badly hurt because he went back to grab it and as Marcille is lecturing him about his reckless action as she's healing him.
Marcille: "What could have been so important that you risk your life over??"
Chilchuck: "my family or what's left of it"
He shows her the photo and marcille feels her heart drop she finally got to learn something about him and its sad ( this miscommunication leads to his group to believe chil family is dead )
Chilchuck taught Mayjack how to pick locks, and in the manga, he says when he dies, if they need someone, she'd be their first choice. SO he obviously took her through dungeon showing her how to navigate because being locksmith in a shop vs. dungeon is night & day different, dungeon being high pace environment.
Could you imagine how traumatizing that would be if saw her dad die in front of her AND NOT KNOW THEY COULD BE REVIVED!! (Seeing anyone die would be scaring) Especially if she felt it was her fault.
At first, Mayjack was curious about going into a dungeon with her dad to see exactly what he does she rember as kid seeing him come home late tired excused but mostly worn down.
Whenever she asked him about his work as a kid he was always vague or if he did talk about it was pg version and normally he was just trying scare us about going into dungeon. BUT one thing he made very clear, he didn't want any of her or her sister near the dungeon, but now that she's an adult, he couldn't stop her.
" I still don't want you near the dungeon, but you are a skilled locksmith, so you would be valued and well paid. IF you're still interested, I'll have you shadow me on my next small job so you can see what it's like."
At first, it was like any job we met with the client went over to the terms dad took payment, and then we headed over to the dungeon. I was awestruck by the new environment, but it quickly became overstimulating it took me a moment to adjust. the first few levels, dad had pointed out things to avoid what were scams & how to detect traps and walked me through a few I felt confident. Most importantly, when talking jobs, always have a skilled healer. Now I realize why as we enter new room dad was working on trap I was observing the room when I noticed treasure chest peaking out corner not knowing it was a mimick.
Chilchuck was Halfway through picking his lock when his dad sense went off. He quickly looked around room and spotted may messing with mimick
Chilchuck: "MAYJACK TIMS! get away from that!!" He starts running towards her
May turned to look at her dad, confused " why I already unlocked it?"
Her body stiffened as she could feel presents inside the chest, but before mimick could attach, chilchuck pushed her out of the way taking damage as it jabbed one of its claws through his neck causing him to bleed everywhere all mayjack could do was watch in horror paralyzed with fear trying process what happened. One of group members took care of mimick while she scrambled to her feet to get to here dad trying to put pressure on his wound tears flooding out
"Nonononno im sorry I'm sorry 🥺 "
As chilchuck lay there dying, he was more concerned with the fact he could comfort his daughter. This wasn't how he wanted to see death for the first time. Afterwards, the healer from their group came over and assured her he was going to be fine as she worked on reviving him.
Chilchuck let out a gasp and cough out some blood that had remained stuck in his throat. He turns to mayjack " that's why I told you to stay near me..." He moves toward her noticing her hands are strained with his blood. " are you hurt?... may? "
She shakes her head, and tears start to fall down her face he pulls her in for a hug. " it's ok, I'm ok ... I'm right here. " she hugs him tight, and they stay in that embrace for a while. When they finally break the hug, chilchuck wipes tears from her face.
" im sorry you saw that... do you want to go home.? "
" but the job?"
Chilchuck shakes his head " don't worry about it I brought someone along for that exact reason"
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princessbrunette · 16 hours
recently i cut seven inches off of my hair & it's safe to say i'm having more of a shock/hard time loving it as someone who saw a lot of her appearance in it ffjxid but the only thing on my mind is how good pope or john b would fix those insecurities - 🍓
aw bby !! i bet you look so cute. i always personally pictured puppy!reader with short hair and i knoooow you said you’re deer but you’ve always given me pup cos of your love for john b <3!! infact i have sm short hair pics in her board so…. i’m fancasting u. 😈
they would fix those insecurities very fast. especially because like… at the end of the day they’re guys. you’d probably have to point it out to them that you even got it cut in the first place. but once you do they’d be like ?? what’s the problem ??
john b would be all “you wanna know what i think? i think, you look so cute…” bringing you in for a kiss and then pulling away just a tad to tilt his head. “still enough hair for me to grab, you know?” with a little smirk.
pope would notice you staring at yourself in the mirror with a little pout and he’d come up behind you all “so… what’s that face for?”
“my hair…” you sigh, trying to style it.
“stop, stop…” he takes your hands away from your head, lowering them into his own and stroking over your knuckle. “stop… okay? it’s just hair, and i happen to think it looks super pretty. because you’re pretty. you could be bald all over with a mohawk and i’d still think you’re the prettiest girl ever, okay? believe me.”
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yan-shann · 3 days
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So, this is just my opinion, based on the 9 (10) episodes that have been released.
English is not my native language, please, be nice <3
Nightshade was not developed. Ok, I'll just deal with it and move on, they're one of my fav char's list, but they still cute and genius so im fine with it.
Hashtag has gained more development. I really enjoyed watching her, there wasn't much of her in the first season. More than satisfied. I really liked her new altmod, it’s beautiful, stylish, the Hashtag are great
Cosmos was shown only for a couple of minutes and forgotten, very disappointing. Where did he even go? Maybe I missed something, I don’t deny it. Let's just move on.
We got more Skywarp and Novastorm. And by more I just mean more, there was no revelation or experience at all, there was just more. Okay, that's fine with me, okay. Im just happy with fact they are here at all lmao
The Twitch and Spitfire arc is GREAT. I mean, she's GORGEOUS. I really liked it, especially the fact that Twitch beat Skywarp, lol. Okay, jokes aside, Twitch really grew up in this arc, I really liked her more, she's grown-up a little, my lil girl
The twist with the fact that titan was expected under the city, I liked it too. The titan herself is very beautiful and wise, I will wait for her in future episodes, it’s too early to say anything more clear, but at the moment I’m in admiration
Now let's get to the part I don't really like. Another thing's was quite acceptable, but that was somewhat disappointing
I don't want to say that there were no interactions among the Decepticons, but I didn't get enough of them. I don't have enough Starscream, Soundwave, Novastorm, Breakdown, I DID NOT ENOUGH ANYONE AT ALL. I fkng needed an episode before the betrayal where they showed us the relationship between the Decepticons, Autobots and Terrans. But they showed us four or something dmn pictures and retold it, not even a two-minute flashback, I’m completely disappointed!!1!
I mean, we weren't even given a FLASHBACK. This is kind of crazy. Just like what Starscream's arc fell into.
I know he never said he would be good. I still like him, I understand his actions, but IT SEEMED TO ME THAT AFTER SEVERAL YEARS (?) IN PRISON, he finally rethought something. I didn’t expect the level of Armada, no, that’s foolish i think, but I expected that they would show more of his motives, more of why he does this, because now I have the impression that he has not changed at all and has rolled back to the state before the first season, like WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS BRO. No, of course, this could be connected to Emberstone, but Starscream didn’t seem to touch it, at least they didn’t show it or i missed something.
(I know Starscream loves Cybertron and everything of it, but it’s been showed on IDW, they don't tell something about it in earthspark. Starscream here just wanna home for him and Decepticons, but for some reasons he doesn't even try to hear Shockwave's opinion about going back to Cybertron and I wanna MORE information about it)
At first it seemed to me that the Decepticons have quite a good relationship, and Starscream is a good leader, but now I think that the others will simply kill him or just kick out as soon as they find him, after what Starscream did. (although I think there is a chance that they will understand and accept him, given Shockwave's words that "Starscream couldn't handle the weapon and lost his mind" or something like that)
BTW Earthspark is still a cool series and I'm looking forward to the continuation. I really love it. Everything written here is written on emotions after the first viewing, do not take it close to heart.
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abandonedpie · 11 months
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When you're waiting for your villager to stand up so you can give them a present
(Then they finally stand up but only for 1.2 seconds and at that very instant you're bitten by a mosquito and by the time you recover they've already sat back down)
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stridersdiner · 10 months
I think it's fair to say that rancher Graves had never been so enthralled by greed before you appeared before him.
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Phil's mind buckles at the thought of you. Smug melts into sentimental.
He's lived his life perfectly content with everything. Loving family, steady income, a place to call home, wild success.
He's never once blinked twice over envy. Jealousy is something he hardly felt- if not general incompetence or remorse for any shortcomings. His family has worked hard for generations for what they've got. What if he doesn't get it right like Pa did, or like Pop-pop? What if the ranch goes under because of him? He's sure his older brother would've done a much better job taking care of everything- Phil should've enlisted instead.
They say such feelings twist so easily into envy, but he held himself strict standards.
So maybe, when he finally gets to know you outside of the rodeos, he indulges a bit.
He's not sure when he noticed it. At first, he was just excited to have a new friend. Smiling down at his phone when he got a call or text from you, giddy when he ran into you in town or at a function someone was throwing, excited when your father called him over to help with the horses.
And, eventually, his innocent excitement turned into longing. Not simple longing.
Desire nips are his ankles like a stray dog, and it's unfamiliar. Friendly, almost. So he takes it in and nurtures it.
Taking you out for drinks at the saloon from time to time. Helping you with your shopping list when your father sends you off into town.
And Desire bites. Gnaws. Gnashes.
Nerves bubble up when you laugh at someone else's corny jokes. Hands ball into fists when he sees you hug someone he's not too familiar with.
Phil is not a possessive man. Never has been.
But there's something in his mind that's ticking down each time he thinks he should be there next to you.
It is eating him alive and he has half the mind to realize it.
But, even when these strange feelings make his chest swell with uncertainty, it's not unwelcomed. His greed helps to feed his devotion. It always shows itself when he speaks to you, when he touches you, even when he looks at you.
Even as you two sit in the grass by the horse pen, under the big bald cypress that he had napped under countless times. Even as you cuddle up to him in the breeze, practically laying your whole body onto his, head resting on his chest. Even when his hands rest over your back, tracing little shapes over the fabric of your shirt.
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Babes that wanted to be tagged:
@mockerycrow @kivino
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spaceratprodigy · 21 days
sorry for how slow and sparse I've been getting around to everyone. I'm doing my best but genuinely rn I desperately need to take care of myself instead of always putting others first.
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mrmallard · 1 month
I feel like I've become more noticeably talkative on Tumblr lately, and I can chalk it up to two things: sobriety, and being moderated on GameFAQs for six months.
A lot of the casual GameFAQs community is Really Fucking Bad, Actually, but I hung around for a long time because it was somewhere I could argue and vent and really nail down my position on things. I'm like the epitome of the person who argues in the comments, I know it's a bad thing but it is what it is - and honestly, GameFAQs being a shithole is how my values really crystallised and locked in during a volatile period of my life, arguing with people who really are the scum on the underside of the unwashed ballsack of the internet.
My moderation actually ended back in March, but I realised how shitty it was making me feel when I posted there, so I stopped.
But the bigger factor in my increased activity is my sobriety. I've been sober since early February. I repress a lot of how I feel when I'm drinking, so actually like Having Thoughts and Feeling Emotions at full intensity has led to me sharing that on Tumblr. And I know it's the sobriety, because again - I was moderated on GameFAQs for six months, and my moderation lasted until March. I've been ramping up the chattiness since I quit drinking in February. Before that, I was really letting the alcohol consume me and trying to keep enough of it under wraps to playfully address it at worst or completely omit it at best.
idk if I want to be sober forever; I think I should be sober forever, but I also need to get out there and meet new people, and the pub scene is literally the only social thing my town has going on. It's that, or move to a new town with no prospects and no safety net. But that's neither here nor there.
What does matter is that these two factors are probably the biggest reason for my increased output on Tumblr.
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aurosoul · 1 year
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I finally met the founders of Figmin XR in person!!!!!! 💖💖💖
their names are Astra and Javier, they are a husband & wife duo, and their home is JUST as magical and tech-filled as you would expect from the creators of a futuristic, hologram-based sandbox application. every room was a mix of nature, technology, and childlike wonder. (they are also parents, and their kids use XR sometimes too!)
I got to try basically every cutting-edge XR headset that exists during my visit, and witnessed two of the most reality-breaking things my brain has ever been faced with:
1. with both of us wearing augmented reality headsets, Javier (pictured center in the first photo) pulled an animated gif out of thin air and handed it to me - just with bare hands. no controllers required. it was BEYOND surreal to be physically HOLDING a GIF. a GIF!!!!!!!!!!
and 2. I got to use ‘spatial mapping’ (AKA room scanning) in-headset. depth-sensing lasers & cameras around my eyes scanned the topography of everything I looked at, overlaying a green Matrix-style pattern onto everything in my field of view. I felt like a human scanner, and once the scan was complete I could project SHADOWS from virtual objects onto every real surface around me.
I spawned in an adorable virtual giraffe toy, and it was extremely brain-breaking to have a virtual object cast perfect shadows onto a wall, or a couch, or an end table, IN REAL TIME as I was moving it around. with shadows added, my brain fully accepted that the giraffe was a real object physically in the room with me.
ANYWAYS it was wonderful seeing all this cutting-edge tech used specifically for PLAY - and education, and accessibility, and bringing people together IRL, and paying artists, and assisting with everyday tasks, and just....... MORE good things! Figmin XR is built with such an optimistic view of the future, and it is forever going to be an honor that I get to contribute to it in such a significant way.
the future is not all bad. there are plenty of good things still happening, and being created, and yet to exist!!!
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toastingpencils37 · 9 months
Bruh, the ninja's aim with the cannon is fucking ass.
Every damn time.
Lowkey also going to vent in the tags for a minute
#ninjago#tw vent#so of course I'm on day 1 of my period (which started yesterday afternoon) (right now I'm on day 2)#but anyways. At 7:40 am I get cramps in my thighs. And they're bad (though maybe not that bad. But I'm a bitch about cramps)#these fuckers stay until 9:26!!! And it was obvious I wasn't feeling great during Periods 1 & 2.#Because I was constantly fidgeting and in Period 2 I was messing around with my hoodie & constantly putting my head down#So anyways Period 2 and my cramps end. Time for break. My FUCKING BRACELETS are missing#Still don't know where they are at time of posting this except that they're at school#And I like these bracelets. to the point where if I find someone wearing them I WILL argue for them#And yeah my mom got them as a free gift from a company she buys from#But I like those bracelets. I'm so fucking willing to full on call someone out for wearing my bracelets#And bring to attention every feature that shows that it's mine. Like the fade marks or whatnot#So anyways. 3rd Period comes and goes. I get up to go and part of my jeans feel wet while I'm walking#like blood just leaked off the side of my pad wet. So I'm fucking walking like I pissed myself trying to get to the bathroom#and lo and behold.... Blood is on my fucking jeans. And it's not the hugest spot but I can fucking FEEL it#So I dry it the best I can (and swap my pad because it was FULL) then head to 4th#Trying to figure out whether I should ask my mom to bring me a pair or jeans. But indecisive because she's also working#So I text my brother. Bro just tells me to fucking decide for myself#So. Not wanting to impose on my mom (especially since I asked her to take pictures of my Stats textbook yesterday since I forgot to)#I just decide to deal with it#Anyways that's all just wanted to get that out there.#Everything's fine now. Except the bracelets. Hopefully I lost them in my 1st Period because apparently they aren't in my 2nd
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askethandothers · 11 months
I made a little ender hybrid adopt, it's a mix between a thunder enderman and a nether enderman (my bestie's version of them)
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I worked really hard on this one and I hope someone would love it as much to adopt this little fella
Extra info:
This guy has no arms but instead wings to use as "arms and hands" plus with talons on feets and wing "finger"
The blue and green stuff is extra scales all over what is mostly feathers
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because i'm self obsessed here are my favourite pictures of myself from 2022
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
Y'know I'm not big on shipping so sometimes I'm like: "Man, why is it all Kazumaji." when searching for fanart but then I am on Twitter and... I think I am fine with Kazumaji on Tumblr.
i don't know the further implications of this and the diff between twit and tumblr kazumaji but Personally to me it just isn't my cup of tea and i don't really get the pairing
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You have no idea what it's like to have done the things I've done... and to care.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
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just gna share some pics i took earlier while testing out some stuff ( and admiring my wol 🥺 )
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#I LOVE THE VIBES OF THIS HONESTLY#the colors ! the setting ! the outfit !#the moon n the flower n ishgard. i was just testing out the outfit n the hair n all i put together quickly but i love this vibe#>.> I LOVE [LUNE] SO MUCH#thinking abt it rq n i've always been like this for my own wol. she's my darling#i take screenshots of her in the same way i do for the people in my life i love#i don't care if they particularly look good or not. i love them all the same#always especially in ffxiv ever since i started the game i'd just always love taking pictures of her#even in the most boring places or outfits or expressions with bad lighting or wtvr. i love everything i have of her <3#OH I WANT TO TRY CUSTOM POSES THO#HDFJALKDS I LOVE MY DARLING SO MUCH LOOK AT HER 🫶#i want to pinch her cheeks n give her a lil kiss#yk idk about what name i want to use for myself bcs#^^ i call her lune. her in-game name is different but by lore i wna call her 'lune noctivagus'#which means moon in french & night-wandering in latin respectively#her uh. yeah i guess technically her lover is called artem. i'm still indecisive about the last name#wah it's rather amusing to me how coincidental his name may be similar to ykyk another artem i like :')#mind you i had this oc way before i ever knew of that game but#i've always had this idea of either an angel or bird related last name with him.#THING IS W THE FIRST NAME UHH i'm using artemis more often now for myself so. aaaa 🤕#i'll ponder more on that another time hmm#I'M RAMBLING AGAIN
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curiosityschild · 2 months
I feel Bad
#am I getting sick?#I don't know I don't get sick often#I might just be tired and anxious but I'm tired and anxious a lot and it doesn't normally feel like this#and I have an audition 🫠 for the community theatre show this summer#which is Anastasia which is not a very good musical btw#I am wearing a dress and I do not like it#I just had my mom take a picture of me because I need a headshot and I#don't take pictures of myself#unless I look especially gay and that's not. what I need rn anyway#here's the thing about auditions#I will not get a main role#which is fine#so many talented women in my area wow#but I WILL be upset by this#even though I have been trying to talk myself down this whole time#and then I will get over it and have a great time this summer but like that short period of time is gonna suck real bad#also I was definitely singing better earlier in the week I cannot sing right now wtf#I feel miserable and unwell and ridiculous#and I am trying very hard not to make a mountain out of a mole hill because it's going to be FINE#I am trying not to catastrophize it's not working#I CAN'T cry it will ruin my voice#I did not practice enough I am going to forget the words#everyone is going to laugh at me in my stupid little black dress HATE#I don't even have pockets this sucks so bad#and I have preemptively chicked out of going to the pflag game night afterwards#AGAIN#cuz I just can't even though the proximity of the two events is why I chose this time slot#thought I was being fucking clever or something
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