#i spent most of my time writing stuff in the tags of posts instead of as actual posts - for better and worse
mrmallard · 28 days
I feel like I've become more noticeably talkative on Tumblr lately, and I can chalk it up to two things: sobriety, and being moderated on GameFAQs for six months.
A lot of the casual GameFAQs community is Really Fucking Bad, Actually, but I hung around for a long time because it was somewhere I could argue and vent and really nail down my position on things. I'm like the epitome of the person who argues in the comments, I know it's a bad thing but it is what it is - and honestly, GameFAQs being a shithole is how my values really crystallised and locked in during a volatile period of my life, arguing with people who really are the scum on the underside of the unwashed ballsack of the internet.
My moderation actually ended back in March, but I realised how shitty it was making me feel when I posted there, so I stopped.
But the bigger factor in my increased activity is my sobriety. I've been sober since early February. I repress a lot of how I feel when I'm drinking, so actually like Having Thoughts and Feeling Emotions at full intensity has led to me sharing that on Tumblr. And I know it's the sobriety, because again - I was moderated on GameFAQs for six months, and my moderation lasted until March. I've been ramping up the chattiness since I quit drinking in February. Before that, I was really letting the alcohol consume me and trying to keep enough of it under wraps to playfully address it at worst or completely omit it at best.
idk if I want to be sober forever; I think I should be sober forever, but I also need to get out there and meet new people, and the pub scene is literally the only social thing my town has going on. It's that, or move to a new town with no prospects and no safety net. But that's neither here nor there.
What does matter is that these two factors are probably the biggest reason for my increased output on Tumblr.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Genuine question: what's the point of writing fanfic? As in, what's the purpose? No one in the fandom I'm in comments on fics and I even got told off by one person for doing so, as it "encourages bad writers and makes them think they're good". So it seems that it's a lot like book writing, where people work hard and are creative, but instead of getting paid and getting comments on the work, you just sit there silently hoping someone will press the kudos button and make a number go up. I feel like that time and work could be better spent on making something you might get some kind of profit off of. Don't get me wrong, I love doodling fanart, but I don't post it, as I'm aware that there's no point to doing so, and while it's a nice way to fill the time on a commute, it's not something that takes me as much time and effort as fanfic does. So... why do people bother? Sometimes I describe ideas I have and people I know in my fandom will tell me I should write it, but I don't see why. I get more interaction from just saying "imagine if [thing here]" than I would by sitting down, writing for hours, editing and posting [thing here], so what would the point be? I'm not punching down or going "haha women and their fanfic lol!", I genuinely do not get what the point is and this blog feels like it might have someone reading who knows the answer.
Do you make art for profit? Genuine question.
There's nothing inherently wrong with being motivated primarily by external factors, but it's not actually why a lot of people create things, whether it's books or recipes or doodles in a notepad.
I enjoy the actual process of writing.
I think many people lose sight of that aspect in an era where tons of <500-word fics that are mostly outlines and "Imagine if..." posts get disproportionate attention for being easy to consume. But the satisfaction of doing a bigger art piece and doing it right is real and motivates a hell of a lot of creation.
I suppose you might be thinking "Okay, but why not just write it alone and never post?", but I like sharing. Showing off my finished creation is part of the joy, and sharing with other people like me is too. But those aren't quite the same thing as worrying about kudos. It's like dressing nicely when you leave the house because you feel great when you know you look good vs. needing another person to tell you you look good.
To be honest, though, this type of feeling has grown in me the better I've gotten at a craft. The closer my finished projects get to the vision in my head, the easier it is to find them fulfilling and to be excited to share them. When I fall short of my own ambitions, it's discouraging no matter how much attention I might get from others.
I feel like it's time for my regular reblog of Adam Westbrook's video essay series The Long Game.
The third and least known in the series is all about this idea of who you're making art for if you're not getting material rewards in the short term. It talks a lot about autotelicity—being internally driven instead of externally.
But if you really just want clicks, anon, start a blog that accepts anon asks and posts about wanky stuff. Actually tag things, unlike me, so people can find you.
No, writing for attention isn't worth it.
The time investment is too great and your brain will always fixate on the times people didn't respond instead of the times they did.
But that's not actually why most people write.
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rinkkuma · 1 year
ft. isagi yoichi, rin itoshi, & nagi seishiro
tags. a bit of cussing, gn!reader, all fluff ! / author's note. hihihiihihii this is my first time ever writing so yeah :3 hope you enjoy ! <3 somewhat proofread? i will also probably be doing a part 2, so look out for that soon !
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an absolute gentleman!! to opening doors for you, (even if it means sprinting to the door) pulling out chairs for you, making sure you're on the inside of the sidewalk, he will do anything. will treat you like royalty!!
insists you make a playlist for him to listen to and deadass listens to it while literally doing anything. while he trains, studies, or even just taking a walk, he just loves having small things that remind him of you to keep him sane throughout the day.
better yet, recommend a song to him and he'll be listening to it on repeat for the rest of the week.
takes polaroids of you and him on every one of your dates and puts them in his phone case and changes them after every date.
buys you two matching outfits, jewelry, etc. takes a million pictures when do you do, and posts them on all of his socials!! changes his phone wallpaper every day because of how many photos he has of you two matching (and because he's indecisive)
lets you gossip to him about drama at school, and lowkey gets invested and asks you to update him every week. (you can't just leaving him hanging after you just told him the juiciest drama ever!!)
100% takes you on boba/cafe dates, a weekly thing honestly! nothing sounds better to rin than spending the afternoon chatting with you while eating some delicious food.
while he's out shopping and sees something he thinks you'll like, in the cart immediately. most of the time he's just making a quick stop at the store to buy stuff for himself, but always ends up with him buying a bunch of things for you instead. (which he does not regret)
secretly an artist. sketches you when he misses you or when he's bored. (all of these sketches are strategically drawn in a notebook that he claims to be for school so that you would never look at it) you do end up accidentally seeing the drawings one day and loved them but he was absolutely flustered and hid them so fast.
sends ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ texts to you, and starts small conversation after to check up on you especially if he's busy for the day.
since he is an avid horror movie and game enjoyer, late nights are spent watching and/or playing various horror games with rin. he likes seeing your scared/surprised face because of how cute you look, and probably dies in the game because he started staring at you.
notices small, not noticeable habits that you have and thinks they're pretty cute!
randomly calls you in the middle of the night to beg you to play video games with him. (he actually just wants to hear your voice, but he'll never admit it) if you're ever playing a 1v1 game, he always takes it easy on you so you can win.
if you have plushies on your bed, he will absolutely beat the shit out of them when you're not looking. like what do you mean they get to cuddle with you every night instead of him! purposely accidentally kicks all of them off your bed at night.
you woke up one night just to see his 6'3 ass standing over you (he just went to the bathroom and was just about to get back into bed) and you absolutely shit yourself thinking it was a random scary ass shadow figure.
gets you a matching cactus! (for context: nagi has a pet cactus named choki, shown in his spin off manga) if you forget to water it and whatnot, doesn't mind using some extra energy to take care of it for you!
you guys argue with random kids on roblox, sometimes even catching nagi doing it for fun in his free time. (it's a hobby for him atp)
begs you to pull all-nighters with him since he wasn't able to spend a lot of time with you during the day. (mostly because he accidentally fell asleep, but that's beside the point!) you end up giving in, and you guys spend the night talking about random things that come to your minds, playing video games, and watching the most random youtube videos that come up on his recommendations. (one night you guys binge watched mr. beast for a good 4 hours)
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scorchieart · 2 months
Checking in...
Hello, friends. I know it's been longer than a hot minute since I actually interacted, and I'm still currently on hiatus, but since I spent a sizable chunk of the past 2 years here, I thought it was a disservice to just up and vanish. I typically keep irl issues off this blog as I like to keep it a place that makes me happy, but the past 6 months have been some of the toughest of my life and I didn't want it creeping onto this space. However, it is currently Ramadan; the month of sincerity, devotion, and reflection. And with Spring just on the horizon, it seems a perfect opportunity to engage in some dual mental and physical declutter.
A lot has been going on around the world lately, and it seems like just keeping up with it all is a full-time job of its own. So much so that keeping up with your own life ends up taking a backseat some days. For myself, I have been working through grief and guilt on a scale that feels simultaneously not enough, and yet unjustified. It's a hard feeling to describe in words and I haven't been exercising my writing muscles lately, so I hope you'll excuse me cutting off here. But in talking with and reconnecting with friends this month, I've learned it's a pretty common feeling with no clear-cut remedy, but there are multiple ways to work through it. Prayer or meditation, taking care of your body, sharing your experiences instead of bottling them up. Whatever you do to re-center yourself and your morals. But the first (and I believe the most important) step is to sincerely admit to yourself that you're not feeling well and that you want to improve. That's a difficult idea to come to terms with, but catching yourself midway through a rough patch is monumentally better than letting yourself sink deeper into despair.
The purpose of this post is not to ask for sympathy towards myself, but to encourage you to take a moment to sympathize with yourself. And if you can't do it alone, find someone you trust to give you a hand. It's ok to not be at your best all of the time. Asking for help is not weakness, it reveals hidden strength. If you take anything from reading this post, I hope it is this.
Aside from that, just a few admin things to finish off. Despite me being a techy person, I'm actually rather inexperienced when it comes to social media and online interactions (if that wasn't obvious). First, I'm very sorry for the pileup of tags and DMs and asks that I haven't responded to. I hope to start on them in April. Next, I recently started a new sideblog for multifandom stuff. It doesn't have much on there, but in case you see a reblog from @bird-on-a-branch down the line, that's me. Lastly, if something I said or did was a slight to anyone here, please accept my apologies. Lots gets lost in context online, and as I said I am not the best with these types of interactions, but I won't use that as an excuse if I hurt someone I consider a friend.
Also, thank you to all the peeps on here who've kept in touch, even with just a quick hello or a little joke to cheer me up. It honestly means a lot to me <3 And thank you all for your patience and understanding. Take care of yourselves. Listen to some birdsong, and have a great day.
- Scorchie
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fluxweeed · 9 months
Fandom creators self rec game! Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of.
OH MY tacky i really really appreciate u sending this my way but do u know how much of a challenge this was 😭 i could give you my most hated soooo much easier!!! but after literally a week of deliberation (so sorry!!!) here is my answer!! i think "favourite" and "proudest of" are two different categories for me – i went with "favourite" here bc i think a proper answer for "proudest of" would need at least 3 hours and input from a licensed therapist
Still the pine-woods scent the moon – 15.5k, E, remus/harry
this was sooo different to anything i’d done before – both in terms of pairing (remus/harry), style (2nd person, slightly higher register) and attitude (really tried to be chill about the process instead of hating every second lmao). there are still many things i think could have been done much better, but i think this is the closest i’ve come to liking one of my fics 😖
The Taste of Țuică – 15k, E, ron/harry/draco
this was actually another attempt to make myself enjoy writing – i remembered that when i was younger, i found 1st person easiest to write, so i figured i’d give that a go and see what happened. i was also trying to get better at actually describing locations (a goal i think i immediately abandoned after this fic lmao whoops) so i spent a lot of time coming up with the stupid Rich Person details of draco’s bedroom – it was a fun challenge to try to improve one of my weaker areas!!
For Lack of Wanting – 8.5k, E, drarry
i’d had the image of draco acting like his old self and harry being into it in my head for ages, but i never really imagined it to turn out as angsty as this ended up being – but it was fun to try to capture a different mood than i usually go for! was still really trying to not be so grumpy about writing with this one – there’s a loooot of stuff in this that’s pretty clumsy, but i decided not to care on purpose bc i wanted to focus on the sexy sadness of it all instead 😅
Fresh Eyes – 250, M, drarry
idk man i’m usually such a fucking rambler (last month i posted a stupid PWP that takes place in a single morning and it was a whole 17k words) that i’m lowkey pleased i managed to do anything coherent with 250 words. also i love doing the thing where something is different on a second read.
Thirst – 4.5k, E, drarry
this is quite old and i don’t think it’s particularly good in any sense but there’s a soft spot in my heart for it anyway. i think maybe i’m just into vampires ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@tackytigerfic i really really loved reading your thoughts about your five faves! it always makes me so happy to see you talk about modern love in particular – having a fic that is the one you always wanted to write, was easy to do and evokes fondness years on is such a dream!! my heart warms every time you talk about it!!! + thank u again for tagging (does this count as a tag?) me in this!
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subwaytostardew · 3 months
falls to my hands and knees. please god let me date cilan
Just going to put a disclaimer that Cilan is in his 20s in this mod before continuing... (Since he's 16 in the anime but... The mod takes place after Best Wishes.) Kids may be able to be champion and fill government positions back in Unova, but Cilan is at a legal working age so he can open his own cafe in Stardew Valley. He didn't have to give up his job as a sommelier when moving. He would be around the Sam-Sebastian age range.
We might add that as an option later after we start on the roommate Cilan update, but that won't be until much MUCH later on our to-do list. We want to write his platonic route first (less rewriting... Ingo's whole route is going to need a rework but Emmet is mostly fine until after 8 hearts). Cilan's romance route probably won't be too different from his roommate route outside of kissing him instead of hugging. There's a lot more for him to do outside of that! He's an everything connoisseur! He'll get too caught up in his infodumps to remember to say "I love you". He's sorry!
That also reminds me........ I never drew a blushy/embarassed portrait for him! I organized the portrait sheet I posted earlier wrong! The first 6 boxes are hardcoded so they need to be in order of neutral, happy, sad, anything, blush, and angry. His angry portrait was where he was supposed to blush and the first of his many infodumping expressions was where he was supposed to be angry! Anyways... Here's his blushing/embarassed portraits.
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Still planning out how to write him and what his storyline would be but this is what I had so far:
Cilan is unsatisfied with just running a resturaunt with his brothers back in Unova. After travelling with Ash and Iris, he's a little bored; he craves adventure, travel, and excitement- so he jumped at the opportunity to open a faraway cafe in a new station built by submas. The farmer introduces him to the new flavors of the valley (quite literally... Grow him some corn or something and he'll lose his mind) and Cilan takes an immediate interest in them after that. He's happy to cook up new recipies with all the ingredients he has access to!
Along the line, Cilan expresses insecurity about not being sure about what he should do with himself since he doesn't like feeling tied down with only one line of work... He loves being able to explore new experiences! Staying cooped up in a resturant doesn't stimulate his hunger for knowledge (he loves knowing it all... if he can't infodump about everything ever then what's the point 💔). Identity crisis aside, he also feels pressured to stick to one line of work since he's aware that others are annoyed by his interest in well... everything. The farmer reassures him that they like listening to him infodump and that it's good to be enthusiastic about everything! They also help him realize that he doesn't necessarily need to settle down and that he can just do whatever makes him happy. The farmer's a farmer, but most of their time is spent running around slaying monsters and stuff in various dungeons! Cilan kind of freaks out when he learns about that but it does spark his interest so he requests to tag along with the farmer on their next adventure.
Cilan ends up really liking the farmer's adventuring antics and they get closer as friends with him tagging along being a regular occurence. Farmer gets a healer. Cilan gets to forage for more ingredients while having fun learning about various monsters/swordfighting/the mysteries of the valley/etc and infodumping to someone who likes listening to him. He makes a good farmhand, too! They might as well live together. So that ends up being an option.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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mooifyourecows · 3 months
I'm sure someone's asked you this before, but I'm thinking about writing another short fic and I'm wondering what your process is for plotting out your writing? every time I try and write something I always struggle with knowing how to move the plot toward what I want. I'm wondereng if you have a structure you tend to follow? if you've answered this before feel free to tag me in that post or something, but it's been so long since I've written something and I want a good structure to start from. and you're one of my favorite authors so I figured you'd be the best to ask
ideas take time. I'm sure there are some people out there who can get an idea and then spit out a short fic immediately after and it's great and wonderful and amazing but personally, I can't do that. I gotta sit on my ideas and build them over time. even the short ones!
it's just not enough for me to want to write something. i gotta be into it, and i'm not going to get into it unless i've spent considerable time thinking about it and developing it in my head. whether that means building up plot or backstory or just witty banter, I need to have a good feel for the story before i can start writing it. most of the story ideas i come up with never get written. i come up with an idea that i'm into but then i can't brainstorm enough meat in the middle so i either tuck it away in my notes to try and salvage later or i forget it and move on
And that's okay! not every idea is a winner. but it's not a waste of time to come up with them. several of my stories were once ideas that i scrapped because i couldn't motivate myself to get into them. Summer Rain was an original story idea i came up with when i was a teenager that i stuffed into the very back reaches of my brain until years later i got into Haikyuu and dragged it out to rethink it into a fic idea instead. GMB too. Hard Times was a fic I started years ago and then abandoned because I couldn't bring myself to think up what should happen after the initial deal is struck.
when i am actually plotting out a story, i don't really have a structure that i follow. I just think of individual things and jot them down in my notes, then change or add to them as i continue to brainstorm. I mainly focus on the BIG parts, working them out in my head until I like them, and then write the little in between stuff as I go. I am one of those writers that prefers to write by the seat of my pants and it's worked well for me so far but I understand how some people prefer not to do that.
none of my stories come quickly though. For many of the long ongoing ones, i'm coming up with new stuff all the time. I've got a big thing planned for ATEGT that i didn't think of until I was like 15 chapters into it. Summer Rain is nothing like what it was supposed to be when i first started it. Ideas are supposed to change and bulk up over time, so if you give them the time they need, you can think up some really fun, amazing stuff!
Don't rush. I understand the need to write something and post it as soon as possible. There are times that i wish i could just bust out a fast one shot and shoot it out there for people to read but it's just not my style. the people who can do that are awesome and i admire them! but it's just not for me. I need to bat an idea around in my brain for weeks, months, or even years before it becomes anything concrete.
other than that, i don't really have much useful advice for you in this area, unfortunately. Just... take notes. Write down your ideas as soon as you think of them. It's not a contract. You don't have to keep them. I'm constantly jotting an idea down in my notes and then deleting it later because i changed my mind. It's fine! Get loosey goosey with it! it's supposed to be fun! don't stress yourself out with trying to force something thats just not coming. let it come to you freely and you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you think of.
i've also found that it helps for me to write my thoughts down as if i'm telling the idea to a friend. Just working through the plot on the fly from beginning to end. "I've got this new idea. So there's Character A who works at the airport and what they does is this and that. then one day as theyre doing this or that, someone comes through the line and then this thing happens and Character A is like what the heck? but they're cool so they're like hey it's no big deal and Character B is cute so Character A is like hey let's see where this goes, so anyway Character A does this and Character B is like that and after that Character C who is Character A's ex and a total douchenozzle shows up and Character B is like yo i'm gonna help you out and so-" you know? Just... write it out. If you don't know what happens next, say you don't know what happens next. "Some other stuff will happen and their bond will grow you know, like fun romantic and silly things where they learn some stuff about each other but it's clear that Character B is keeping a secret but Character A doesn't want to push them into talking about it so they just pretend like they don't notice and-" etc etc.
Walk yourself through the stuff you HAVE figured out and you might think up some others on the fly too. It helps to see it in a linear fashion. "And then and then and then and then". At least it does for me. Especially since my brain doesn't like to be organized and constantly jumps around to whatever is most interesting at the moment. my friends have gotten long strings of messages from me over the years about story ideas i've come up with and just want to get out to see if they have any real potential. and those are the ones that usually do!
sorry i don't have any real tricks or tips about this stuff. i really am just a sloppy disorganized writer and people probably shouldn't try to emulate me because it's a mess over here, take my word for it 🤦‍♂️
anyway, i wish you luck! You can do it! just make sure you are having fun. your writing should be indulgent and exactly the kind of thing you would want to read. don't think about what other people would want. You're not making a product to sell, you're creating art 🌈
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imhidingonceagain · 2 years
For the love of God. Stranger things fans and more specifically Steddie shippers:
Write a fix it fanfic where our poor guy Eddie (SPOILERS) doesn't die and instead he gets stuck in the Upside down.
He somehow survives there for a few weeks but he's quickly running out of resources and his health is getting worse.
Eventually he finds a way to communicate through the lights and Steve is the one to notice it.
At first the others are reluctant to believe that Eddie is there because Dustin saw him "die" but Steve is convinced that Eddie is alive and needs him.
Once Steve finds Eddie they develop a friendship and then fall in love with each other.
Eddie allows Steve to understand that he deserves to be loved and Steve does the same for Eddie (who's also kinda traumatized because he spent weeks alone). They are very different people but they understand and support each other first as friends and then as a couple (I headcanon Eddie being the first one to fall in love, but he doesn't say anything until Steve notices his own feelings)
Something slow burn with a lot of angst but also a lot of comfort, preferably long and rated Mature (because honestly I eventually want to read about them having sex, I'm sorry -it doesn't have to be explicit though-)
I know this is very specific. I would write it myself but English is not my first language.
Or... If there's already a fic like that please PLEASE let me know.
I just feel like Steve and Eddie have so much potential as a ship. And I hope that many people write about them despite what happened to our favorite new guy Eddie.
PS: I'm gonna try to write something myself but... I don't know if I have the capacity to write as I actually imagine it (I hope I can)
PS 2: To the person who told me to not tag other couples...
Listen, I just tagged Stranger Things ships. I'm not doing anything weird or wrong, it's not like I'm tagging stuff from other fandoms.
Also. Most of the time, when you read a Steddie fic there's secondary couples tagged as well. What does that mean? People multiship (might not be the case for everyone). Specially Steddie shippers tend to be interested in other couples as well (Byler, Mileven, Jancy... Even people who wrote Harringrove are now interested in Steddie, I've seen it I'm not making that up).
My post is about fanfiction, and intersectionality happens a lot of the time while writing, so yeah. I don't think tagging other couples is a problem in this particular case.
If you have a problem with this post (because I've seen a lot of hostility for Steddie in particular lately) please just scroll down.
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jenevawashere · 7 days
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats: how about no
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?  I wanted Wanda Maximoff in the X-men movies. I had a vision for it and I might revisit it someday...
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6mwovYLQUxzDlP3bR1L5GS?si=baa885e9c42c4fc9
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that? seven. It has become more enjoyably as my writing style has changed. I edit as I go because I write in chunks, then go back and edit when I hit a metaphorical wall.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis: ok! good luck decoding this shit: 📍🛑🔩👁️🍫
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help? none of them are on here that I know of but Q and S. Maybe G depending on who...
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love: I have a whole list. So instead, here's a shit ton of my bookmarks. https://archiveofourown.org/users/FriendofthePhoenix1234/bookmarks
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now?  5 in the main
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis: How do you tag on here? Seriously, not a joke I have yet to learn that skill.
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? Original or existing characters.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before: I'm allergic to watermelon. No idea how the fuck that is possible but it happens.
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? Short answer? Life. Long answer? Also life. And procrastination.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favorite ships or pairings: uhhhhhhhhh NEXT!
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual? shit if I know. Just hang out and say hi every once in a while. If we share fandoms, then cool! *shrugs in idk*
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now: finally having a job, a few projects to switch through, and my cat.
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? fic notes. See previous wip related question to try and figure that out
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character: I'm gonna have to come back to this one. Brain overloaded when this question came up
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? recently? (more on a personal level in terms of weirdness) a bunch of information on science related topics. I was the arts kid in a stem class so you can imagine how weird searching for that stuff is.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on: "Be the kool aid man."
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? My doctor who fics and literally anyone else that isn't me and has a much better understanding of the whoniverse.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity: there's no advice from me. It happens, sometimes for months on end and it sucks.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh: Oh boy! We have another list! "Burn it. Burn the jacket." "A fire? At the sea parks?!" "Hamburger (the H is silent in this context)" "Surprise harmonica" and I'm going to stop listing things now...
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work? ANY! Seriously, even if it's a single emoji, please say something. Kudos can only do so much, and that's assuming I count them.
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate: I just spent a good five minutes trying to remember what character I hate. I think I've blocked them out in all honesty.
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told? I have the memory of a goldfish, you expect me to remember that?
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately: I hate Hate HATE gathering basting stitches SO MUCH 
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? Music.
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing: what you think is bad, someone else will think is good. What you think is good, someone else will think is bad.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises? depends on a lot of factors here. Need more specifics.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here: *panics* Have 58 instead! *awkward jazz hands*
Lars had forgotten his keys at work. He had made it all the way to the door before he realized he couldn’t get into his flat - apartment according to Americans. He still called it the “wrong thing,” no matter how many times he was corrected. 
“Of fucking course.” He rolled his eyes as his shoulders slumped in defeat.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username? X-men fan. Jean Grey is a favorite. That's where all the Phoenix stuff in my original username came from. The one on here is a pseudonym.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them: I ask again. HOW DOES ONE TAG?
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them: Cat and no. You don't deserve picture of my baby floof.
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it: ...am I allowed to say a whole book? If yes, then the Scarland Art Book that was literally just announced.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately? Stuff I don't like.
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finerllines · 2 years
glasgow [dad!h]
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a/n: hello!! i know this is super late but i wanted to write something tour related for darcy and dylan. this is best attempt at writing angst lol there is still a fluff, happy ending because i am a big baby please reblog and comment (and send feedback) !!! especially because my stuff hasn't been showing up under tag searches so they are not reaching many people :P i also post on wattpad if you prefer!!
wc: 1.5k+
summary: big day (complimentary) for harry's career but big day (derogatory) for harry as a dad
cw: just a couple effs and jeffs
Turns out being a rockstar wife and mother is not as easy as being a rockstar girlfriend. Instead of just being responsible for scheduling and taking behind the scenes content, she now has to pack for two one year olds, who are starting to teeth, on top of ensuring that every green room, hotel room, and tour bus has the proper accommodations for the family of four.
Does she miss parading around with Harry looking hot? Sure. But would she change a thing about her life now? Never.
Well, usually her response would be never, but right now she wants to throttle her husband.
“Harry, don’t forget to pack the bassinets, okay.”
Not looking up from his screen he hums, “Mmmh.”
She doesn’t know what to take from that response.
She knows he has been busy and stressed with his upcoming tour being the biggest solo venues yet. He’s spent the whole week rewatching rehearsal videos and looking over the stadium plans to mentally map out his show. This week at home was pencilled in to give him a little break between the promo shows and the tour, and y/n had hoped that they’d get to spend some time together as a family and let the twins to play outside before they would be relegated to just playing among themselves in hotel rooms. Unfortunately, Harry’s mind has been so preoccupied with the shows that most of the trips to the park have been without him.
Harry has always been good with splitting his time between family and career, living up to his promise that being a dad would always be a priority, so y/n lets him spend the week working this one time. However, her generosity is wearing thin.
The only thing designated to Harry (on top of packing his day clothes and carry on) is packing the bassinets, which encompasses breaking them down into parts and tessellating them in their travel bags. Simple enough. But they are set to leave tomorrow, and the bassinets have yet to be touched and every time she has reminded him to get on it, he has similarly agreed dismissively. She wants to trust her husband because he’s not one to be irresponsible, especially not with his babies, but her mum instincts are telling her to not take it for granted.
So, she reminds Harry again when they sit down for lunch, before y/n leaves for a walk with the twins, and in the middle of dinner, the last of which causes him to snap.
“Geez,” he exclaims whilst letting his cutlery fall noisily onto the marble table, “how many times are you gonna remind me. I’m not a child, I don’t need to be nagged at.” 
Taken aback by his sudden attitude, she stares at him unmoving with eyebrows pinched.
“I just don’t want you to forget considering that we’re leaving early tomorrow morning and it’s still not packed. And every time I’ve reminded you, you’ve been busy with work stuff, I don’t know if you’ve actually heard me. Maybe if you just communicated with me like an adult then I wouldn’t have to keeping reminding you.”
He rolls his eyes this time. “If y’know I’m busy with work then why do you keep bothering me. Two babies aren’t enough to keep you preoccupied. Fuck.”
“Fine,” she replies shortly, “I’m sorry for disrupting your work, Harry. Feel free to get back to work whenever you wish.”
She clears her plate, then carries the twins up to get them ready for bed silently, not looking back at him once. He rolls his eyes at her attitude again and huffs under his breath as he goes back to eating.
They fall asleep without saying another word to each other.
Backstage is bustling with activity. Mitski just started her set and the band are listening from the screen in the green room while trying to get focused.
The crowd is huge, and it only seemed to be getting larger.
Harry hasn’t played venues like this in years and to say he’s nervous is an understatement. For once, he isn’t feeding positively on the crowd’s energy, and being around the crew isn’t helping because everyone is a little on edge, all radiating nervousness. Wanting to take his mind off the show, he heads to the family green room, it’s almost time to put the twins down for bed anyways.
“Hi my loves, can I …” he trails off as he takes in the scene in front of him, “What’s going on? Why are ya packing everything up?”
Instead of y/n playing with Darcy and Dylan to tire them out before bed, she has them strapped in the stroller and is packing the big diaper bag.
She doesn’t offer an explanation, so he tries again. “Love, the babies aren’t going to bed?”
“They are.”
“But they’re in the stroller.”
“They’re going to bed in the hotel.”
His head whips around to look at his wife. “Huh?”
“Their bassinets aren’t here, so they need to sleep in the hotel.”
Harry’s heart drops to his stomach. The back of his neck goes cold. “I’m so sorry lovie,” he doesn’t know if he should be apologising to his wife or his children. “I’m so sorry. I forgot to pack the bassinets.”
The sound of the zip slices through the thick air. “Hmm. I made sure the hotels have bassinets so they’ll sleep fine.”
“But … but that means you won’t be here for the show. I wanted to get cuddles before I go on.” He is fully aware that he’s in a pathetic state right now, pouting and whining because something hasn’t gone his way.
When y/n just continues to pack silently, he keeps going. “I’m so nervous and I just, I want you to be here, like always. Can they sleep here tonight? I don’t know if I can go on without you waiting for me, without knowing you’re watching me. And, and it’s a really big show tonight.”
“Our children are not sleeping on a sofa or in their strollers, not when there are perfectly good beds in the hotel.” She ditches the stoicism for stern-ness this time.
“That was stupid, I’m sorry. I –“
“- Harry, we need you on standby.”
He sighs, dragging his hands down his face before looking up at the ceiling, trying to stop tears from falling. At least the nervousness is gone.
He doesn’t know what to do.
y/n feels sick to her stomach. She knows it’s a little petty to leave the venue without holding him tight and massaging the back of his neck to soothe him, especially since she knows that her husband came to her for comfort.
Harry’s crumpled expression stayed present in her mind as she rocked the babies to sleep. Seeing how stunning he was on stage through the livestream didn’t help to ease her guilt either.
Unfortunately, the urge to coddle him once he comes back quickly dissipated once the music stopped and his words flooded back.
Deciding to keep the cold shoulder, she greets Harry with a tight smile when he sheepishly steps into their hotel room.
“You did good. I’m proud of you.”
With hands clasped behind his back, he stands by the edge of the bed looking at her like a schoolboy awaiting a scolding.
“You watched the show?”
She nods.
“My love, please forgive me. I know I was a dick to you and I promise I’ll never speak to you like that ever again, never disrespect you again. I’m a shitty husband and a shitty dad and,” his voice cracks, “and it sucked not having you there.”
“H, c’mere, please.” Immediately, Harry throws himself onto the bed and crawls into her awaiting arms, nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck, taking in a shaky deep breath. “It’s okay, I forgive you love.”
He shakes his head fiercely. “No, it’s not okay. No one is allowed to speak to you like that. Ever. You’re my wife, you love me the most, and I treated you like shit, like you don’t love and support me.”
“You were very disrespectful, but I know you mean it when you say you’re sorry. I was more upset that you allowed yourself to put your work before the family. You’re Harry Styles, every time you go on stage it’s magic, you didn’t need to spend every minute of last week focused on work.”
Untucking himself from y/n, he leans in to rest his forehead against hers. “I missed them. I promise we’ll have all of tomorrow together and I won’t let any of you out of my sight.”
When she gives him a soft smile, Harry tips his face down to catch her lips in a slow, sweet kiss. Still feeling a little tender, he pouts until y/n agrees to get out of bed to accompany him while he gets ready for bed, sitting on the toilet while he takes a quick shower and sandwiched between his body and the sink when he brushes his teeth.
Despite how exhausted he is from the long day, he doesn’t allow himself to fall asleep, wanting to savour the feeling of being held by the love of his life. When his lids get too heavy, he rests his head on her chest, letting himself get lulled to sleep by her heartbeat.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
📝 2022 Review
Thanks for the tag @greenmegsnoham 😘 Lotsa good stuff came out of last year!
💌 Most popular fic
Obscene, I think! This was a tough call. Hits, kudos, bookmarks, comments? The ratio of hits to all else?? My brain doesn't like math so let's scratch that last one. But my top for hits and kudos is Obscene and it ranks very high in the other areas so...yeah! Besides, the people love their smut, don't they? Makes me glad! Gave me a lot of trouble to write. I was worried about writing a/b/o for the first time, especially since it was going to be a gift for a friend. It was also written for Kinkuary and I wasn't sure I was going to get it done in time, but indeed I did!
Also I commissioned LuEndland art for it which is very spicy and delicious! (You can see that at the end of the fic!)
💋 My favorite fic
...are y'all ready for me to sob about Contempt again?
Anyway if you're new here, hi, Contempt is my pride and joy, my heart and soul, the best thing I've ever written, and I'm not sure anything will ever top it.
This is THE Snarry for me. The Snarry I always wanted. Snarry as I always envisioned it. Nineteen years of my obsession with this ship. A decade or more of this specific idea; a decade and more of it marinating and spreading and seeping into every part of me. And I spent, what, a month or more in front of Scrivener, pulling out hair and bashing my head into the wall writing this story. This story is built on my bones, written in my blood, blessed by my tears.
This all sounds very dramatic, but it was a very intense process for a very intense story. And it turned out to be everything I hoped and dreamed it would be, and more. This is the story of my loves, the story I always longed for, and it exists now and I created it!!!! How awesome is that???? It still blows my mind, even though it's been seven months since it was posted, eight since it was finished. Their story still haunts my dreams, thus my dedication to its sequel.
Even cooler: there's a podfic (plus cover art!) by the ever talented MrVillain. I also had an embroidery commissioned from onbeinganangel for it!
💣 Most unexpected fic
Orange Blossoms. I was a bit torn and half tempted to pick my dead dove monstrosity In My Veins (In My Blood.) But no, I think it is Orange Blossoms. All I had in mind was my desire to write at least one fic for HP Flowers, and it had to be Snarry. Snarry + flowers for my birthday, just me combining my favorite things all for myself! I was resigned to writing a very short, very simple fic.
Instead, the story grew and become something more. The darkness of war, the sweetness and scariness of romance. The importance of tradition. How far people are willing to go to cling to hope, and faith, and love. It is a story of beauty in the darkness and grimness. All the symbolism I played with, between not only the flowers, but colors and other aspects. So much thought and care went into every detail. It was such a blast to write, and I'm glad the story grew and bloomed the way it did!
📌 Fics for next year
with luck (please wish me luck)
Devotion: companion piece/sequel to Contempt. I did mention that story was still haunting me, right? Yeah. It is.
smile with sweet surprise, chapter 3: it's been like a year since my last update, so yeah. I'm really sticking to that "one chapter a year" nonsense, haha!
Dralbus fic: story I've been trying to write since 2021, but has been an uphill battle with friend drama that followed, and the uncomfortable connections this story has. But I'll be damned if I let those people drive me away from the stories I love. So I will finish this fic full of determination and maybe a smidgeon of pettiness.
Scarry fic: past Snarry, current Scarry, family drama + romance.
Good Daddy: fic I've been writing for way too long that's part of the Yes, Daddy series. All the praise kink!!
Sugar Daddy fic: Harry is Snape's sugar daddy. That's all you need to know.
Christmas fic: sequel to The Christmas Prince.
Project Three of Hearts: mystery poly fic.
More Kinkuary fics?? and Kinktober???
...Snarry Bang? 🙈
......Snarry-a-thon??? 🙈
Oh! Hoggywartyxmas will be revealed soon!!!!
💡 Next fic I plan on writing
Oh who knows. The next thing I intend to work on is making progress in Devotion, but who knows where my muse will lead me on any given day.
Tagging: @fleetingdesires, @bluesundaycake, @onbeinganangel
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spaceoddball1969 · 2 years
Falling for the Freak - Eddie Munson Fix-It Fic Chapter 13
Hi friends! I have couple of things I’d like to talk about before we get to the chapter. First off, of course, thank you all for reading and sharing and commenting. It makes my day when I see new interactions with the story.
 Next, I would like to ask a question. As a reader, for you personally, how important is the inclusion of smut in this fic to you? I have no problems writing it, but I’m gonna be honest and say I much prefer writing cute or silly interactions between the reader and Eddie and explicit sexual situations. If you do not enjoy reading smut, or shouldn’t be reading it due to your age, let me know! Feel free to leave a comment or send me a message. I just want to get an idea of what you all feel like you’d like to see in this fic. I want to write something that everyone can enjoy. If it turns out most of you aren’t too interested in having smut in this fic then I’ll keep it to a minimum. I was even thinking if there’s people who really want to read that type of thing, that I could release the regular chapter without it and then release an explicit version where it will be included. Let me know what you think! I want to write what you all want to read! 
Ok, another thing. Some of you have asked to be tagged and when I go to tag you, your account doesn’t come up. If you have asked to be tagged and are not getting notifications about being tagged please let me know. I have been trying to troubleshoot why I might be having issues with tagging you and have been unsuccessful. If you wanna be tagged and haven’t been getting notifications let me know and I’ll be happy to let you know when I post.
I’m getting off my soap box now.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: It’s getting way close to the time that ST4 takes place cannonically so we’re getting to the major stuff here. Eddie and the reader find it difficult to find time to be together as school, work, and Hellfire keep them both quite busy. However, spring break is coming up fast and they both are anxious to have the time to spend together. Just as things seem to be lining up them, things take an unexpected turn.
WARNINGS: Fluff, language (I just realized I’ve said fuck several times in this fic and never put a warning), mentions of murder.
Chapter 13
The next few weeks truly tested Eddie and I as a couple. We barely got to spend time together that wasn’t spent studying. He was and I quote, “army crawling” his way towards graudation and I was what felt like army crawling through piles of homework. My second semester was going well, but it was definitely killing me a little inside. I had to drop my hours at Family Video just so I could stay on top of my work. I worked when I could and had to grin and bare my cut in pay.
Eddie was also now incredibly busy with Hellfire as they were well into the Cult of Vecna. We had spent many hours discussing it so he could develop a proper cult for his evil wizard antagonist. The boys had spent several Friday nights making their way through the campaign and still were going to have to meet one last time to play through the end of it. When I could, I would sit in on the meetings and watch. Eddie often begged me to join the campaign, but the more I watched, the more confused I got. Besides, with my classwork and work at Family Video, I barely had enough time to breathe.
Luckily, spring break was coming. We had five days to get through and then we were all free for a week. It was a miracle that my spring break lined up with Eddie’s. I was desperate to be able to spend time actually hanging out with him instead of just doing homework together. It had been a rough few months. Between everything Eddie and I, Dustin was also quite busy. He had been struggling with not being able to see Suzy and his classes were starting to give him troubles. It didn’t help that issues had started to crop up between him, Mike, and Lucas. Back around Christmas, Lucas had been dumped by his girlfriend, Max. I didn’t know the whole story, but whenever I interacted with Max she always seemed to have something seriously eating her up. Lucas had been trying to get back together with her ever since. He dug into his place on the basketball team, giving her tickets to every game in hopes that she would come to one. Unfortunately she never did. 
Mike and Dustin were committed to Hellfire, but it seemed that Lucas was getting wrapped up in his own interests. I was scared to say it, but I feared the boys had finally hit the point where they would grow apart. I hoped it wasn’t the case, but I feared the worst. 
Their friendship was put to the ultimate test the Friday before spring break. 
“We have major problems,” Dustin said on the phone that afternoon. He called the house right after he got out of school.
“What kind of problems?” I asked.
“Problems of every kind,” Dustin said. “You wouldn’t happen to be able to suddenly pick up Dungeons and Dragons would you?”
“Are you kidding me?” I asked. “How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not joining the campagin?”
“Well, we need a stand in,” Dustin said. “Your boyfriend gave me and Mike another one of his outrageous assignments. We need somebody to stand in for Lucas tonight at Hellfire,”
“Where’s Lucas?” I asked, though I had a feeling I knew the answer.
“His stupid basketball team won the game last night,” Dustin said, “so now they’re in the championchip game tonight. Eddie refuses to postpone the conclusion of his campaign so he’s making us find a stand in,”
“Well,” I said. “I’m sorry. I can’t help you out there,”
“It’s fine,” Dustin said. “I gotta go find Mike. We’re going to search the school for someone willing to come play tonight,”
“Ok,” I said. “Good luck,”
“Thanks,” Dustin sighed, “we’re going to need it,”
He hung up the phone and so did I. I sat for a minute and then decided to call Eddie. The phone range several times and then his uncle picked up. 
“Hello?” he asked.
“Hi, Mr. Munson,” I said, “it’s Y/N, is Eddie home yet?”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, he’s not back from school. He said he might be late though. Said he had some business to take care of,” Wayne said.
“Ok,” I said, whenever Eddie had a deal to make he would always refer to it as “business”. “Could you tell him I called when he gets back?”
“Of course,” Wayne said. “You have a good day now,”
“You too,” I said and hung up the phone.
An hour or so passed and then the phone rang. I picked it up and Eddie answered. “What’s up, babe? Miss me?” he asked.
“You wish,” I laughed. “No, I was calling because I’m not sure about you making the boys find a stand in for tonight. Can’t you just postpone?”
“Absolutely not.” Eddie said firmly. “This is too big. We postpone this and I swear we’ll never finish it. I just have this gut feeling. And if they want to be true members of Hellfire, this is what they’ve gotta deal with, recruitment,”
“Are you sure you aren’t taking this too seriously?” I asked.
“I’m certain of it,” Eddie said. He paused and then spoke again. “Hey can I ask you something?”
“Go for it,” I said.
“If a girl was one of my clients and she wanted to get something stronger from me to deal with her issues how would you feel about her coming to the trailer?” he asked.
I thought about it. “Is she pretty?” I asked.
“It’s Chrissy Cunningham,” Eddie said.
“The cheerleader?” I asked.
“That’s the one,” Eddie said.
“What the fuck?” I asked. “She does business with you?”
“As of this afternoon,” Eddie said. “I tried to give her a good deal too and she asked for something stronger.”
“I trust you,” I said.
“Ok,” Eddie said. 
“You better not do anything to break that trust,” I said.
“I would never,” he said. “You coming to Hellfire tonight? Gonna see the end of the Cult of Vecna?”
“I’ll try, but no promises,” I said. “I have a lot of work to do.”
“You’ll come,” Eddie said. “I know it,”
He was right. I went. I couldn’t resist. And it was the best time I had ever had at Hellfire. Mike and Dustin had come through and somehow gotten Lucas’ sister, Erica, to stand in for her brother. I watched as they made their way through the end of the campaign. Eddie was truly on fire as the dungeon master. I had watched him do this many times now, but he was legendary that night. I watched as Vecna came back from the dead and the choice was made to stay and fight him to the death. It was a little silly how seriously they all took it, but I was happy to see everyone enjoying themselves. After such a strenuous week, it felt like it was well deserved.
Especially when in the last few moments of the campaign, it seemed like all hope was lost. The only hero left standing was Lady Applejack (Erica) and she had to roll to place the final blow on Vecna. If her roll came up short, the entire party would be demolished. It was as if the whole world went into slow motion as Erica, with her American flag tied around her neck, shook the die in her cupped hands. I watched as it flew from her fingers and across the table. It rolled several times and we all watched it carefully. It moved slowly closer and closer to Eddie at the other end of the table until it landed on the desired number 20.
The party all froze and then we errupted into cheers. Dustin hugged me tighter than he ever had before. Even Eddie couldn’t help but cheer and bow to the brave Lady Applejack who had slain Lord Vecna. I went to congratulate Eddie on the epic conclusion of his campaign. 
He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed me on the mouth. “You’re joining the party for the next campaign, I’m making you,”
“We’ll see about that,” I said.
“You’re gonna do it,” he said.
The party cleared out not long after that. I stayed behind with Eddie to help him clean up. As I finished packing up the game board, Eddie slumped down into his dungeon master thrown. He looked like royalty sitting in that chair. I put the lid on the box and made my way over to him.
“That was a fantastic night,” Eddie said as I sat down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder. “Thank you for being here,”
“Of course. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Especially when I get to see you looking like a king in this chair,” I smirked.
“So if I’m the king...” Eddie said, looking up at me. He rested his chin on my shoulder. “Does that make you my queen?”
“It can if you want it to,” I said, smiling.
“Can we have crowns?” Eddie asked.
“Most definitely,” I said, a small laugh coming out.
“Good,” he said. “I think you’d look spectucular in a crown,”
“You’d look better,” I said.
“Nope,” Eddie said, “No way I could look better than you,”
“You are a sap,” I said, letting my hands slip behind his neck.
“Guilty as charged,” Eddie said, pressing his lips to mine.
We were tangled together for a moment and then he pulled back and looked at his watch.
“Shit,” Eddie said, “shit, I’ve gotta go. Sweetheart, God, I’m so sorry. I totally forgot, I gotta do the deal with Chrissy,”
“Oh,” I said and stood up. “Yeah, I forgot too,”
“Babe,” Eddie said, cupping my face with his large hands, “babe, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. How about I come by later? I’ll be at your window in like an hour tops. I’ll make it up to you,”
“Ok,” I said. “I like that idea,”
“Thank you for understanding,” Eddie said, kissing my forehead. “I’ll see you soon,”
“I trust you!” I called as Eddie gathered his things and ran out the door.
I collected my stuff and walked outside. I found my bicycle and peddled home in the dark. I felt odd, like I was being watched, or like something was off. My stomach felt uneasy and I couldn’t stop thinking about Eddie. I tried to tell myself that I wasn’t anxious about him being in the trailer alone with Chrissy Cunningham, but I must have been deep down. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wrong was going on.
I ignored the feeling as best as I could once I got home. I got into my pajamas and got ready for bed. I made sure to lock my bedroom door and to leave my window open a crack for Eddie. 
I waited for an hour. He didn’t come. I waited for another hour and he still hadn’t shown up. I tried to fight off the awful feeling that he had decided that Chrissy was much prettier than I was and he would much rather spend the night with her than me. I hardly slept that night and whenever I was asleep, I was riddled with terrible nightmares.
When I woke up the next morning and turned on the news, I realized the nightmare was just beginning.
Falling for the Freak Taglist
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felixantares · 1 year
10 First Lines tagging game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
okay well I definitely don’t have ten and I don’t have any posted works, but I guess I can share some unposted stuff! thank you for the tag @the-francakes!! 💚
1. Somehow, in all his time fighting, Harry hadn’t given much thought to what would come after the war. Even when he had, he never thought he’d be sitting in the cold, watching dusty old ruins and missing the days spent chasing rumours of horcruxes across the country with Ron and Hermione – but that’s exactly where he found himself, sat in silence against a low wall with Ron as leaves tumbled past on an autumn breeze. [tear my heart out slow, my Tomarry time travel wip]
2. The door of Number 4 Privet Drive slammed shut behind Harry, cutting off Vernon’s demands that Harry come back and make Marge right again. He wouldn’t — she’d gotten what she deserved. Still, the satisfaction of seeing her panic did nothing to stop his hands from shaking as he dragged his trunk away from his aunt and uncle’s house. [honestly the first lines for build me no shrines (sing me no songs) are super boring. It’s a series re-write with Slytherin!Harry, some Snupin, some Regulus as Harry’s father, and a (large) sprinkle of Arthurian legend but it starts off just after Harry blows up Marge haha]
3. Peace at last. Here, away from judging eyes and expectations he could never measure up to, so far from those who could hurt him. His world was dark and cold, but it was his and he was finally, blissfully alone. [unnamed ghost!Reg fic 🥰 little ghost man just wants to be left alone but of course he gets pulled from his peaceful afterlife because I’m incapable of letting him be happy]
4. Tick tick tick tick… Pansy sat at her piano, the insistent beat droning through her body—forcing her rhythms, forcing her hands to follow. This was no romanticised, emotive, key-stroking practice session. This was war. Two different metres, two different hands, two months of work, and she still hadn’t conquered these few measly measures. [unnamed Pansmione murder-suicide fic. it’s got pianos and werewolves and extremely questionable medical practices!]
5. Remus let out a shuddering breath in the shadowed hallway of 12 Grimmauld Place. It was just a house, he reminded himself. Nothing to be scared of. [even as a shadow (even as a dream), a post-war wolfstar fic with ghost!Sirius and a haunted house]
6. Standing in front of a decrepit building that hardly deserved to be called a shack, Severus ran through a list of curses he might be able to get away with putting on Petunia. Running from wizards — really she should have known better. [unnamed little Severitus fic idea where instead of Hagrid, Snape gets sent to give Harry his letter]
none of these are posted or even finished because I’m actually allergic to finishing stories and also to putting them where people can see lol but uhhhh anyway, gonna tag @venom0usbarbie @allalrightagain @sandervansunshine @luxuriousmalfoy @lunapwrites and @black-sparroww (not ten but one for each wip anyway) hopefully I’m not tagging anyone who’s done it before!!
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eusuntgratie · 9 months
Okay updates on my hockey ~descent~
I've been reading a bit of bennguin and that was pretty good, I've been looking at some vids and I swear when Tyler got into a fight after someone took a cheap shot at Jamie 😭 like why do I care so much about that?? Anyway I have also just finished reading closed fracture by lightgetsin and it was so lovely <3 so looking for some more recs for sidgeno if you have them! (also why are there (((( all over the place sometimes? I've seen a few in fics and in tweets?) I do really like the Penguins logo and jerseys so maybe I'll follow them closer when things get moving a bit more, its the off season now right? Some other ships I'm a fan of is sterek from teen wolf, Sirius/Remus from hp, Macdennis from iasip, steve/bucky - just pretty basic ones lel 😬
oooooh i'm so excited to answer this okay okay. thank you for the update i love this!
tyler seguin is everyone's favorite slutty bisexual. go bananas in his tag (just #tyler seguin or #seguin) on tumblr and you'll find some great shit. that ship doesn't get as much attention anymore bc benn isn't fandom's favorite. i don't know enough about the stars to know all the reasons, but he did a very dirty and unneccessary hit on the vegas golden knights captain in the playoffs this year and that was enough to make me not like him. i can rec some stars blogs if you want - they are a great team with a solid fandom presence and a lot of young amazing players. and they have seggy :)
um, if you love boys being overprotective on the ice, i can definitely give you some pens moments but ALSO you should look into tknp (travis konecny/nolan patrick). i think i have a #protective tk tag on here you can browse bc the boy goes batshit insane anytime someone touches his boy. one of the big reasons a lot of us fell for that ship. you don't have to be a flyers fan to love them; tk is a fandom darling bc he's so tiny and fighty and wonderful.
also, any decent player is very protective of their goalie, so if you love that dynamic, you might enjoy some defenseman/goalie pairings or there's just some fun clips and gifs out there. i'll try to reblog some stuff for you. give my poor followers a break from the rwrb posting and tzp thirst 😂
DON'T GET ME STARTED ON SIDGENO OH GOD. okay i'll reblog a few posts for them because the things they say about each other are just. alright. you're in love. we get it. okay.
King and Lionheart is the fic that made me fall for sidgeno. There is an excellent podfic available as well.
I could give you a billion sidgeno recs and writers and blogs to follow. What kind of fic do you like? Fluff? Whump? PWP? Kink? ABO? Monsterfuckery? Sidgeno is the most popular hockey rpf ship at least by numbers on ao3; we got it all, baby! I read a lot of angst and porn, so I don't want to throw a bunch of recs at you without knowing what you like :)
((( and )))))))) are russian smileys... so you're probably reading Geno texting. So instead of texting (or tweeting - you can see these in some of his old tweets): i'll be there soon :) he would text i'll be there soon )))
we ARE in the offseason but hockey comes back (relatively) soon. preseason games (exhibition games that don't count towards playoff standings) start at the end of september and the season kicks off in October. The Penguins season opener is vs the Chicago Blackhawks which should be a VERY fun game to watch, bc Chicago drafted Connor Bedard this year, one of the best hockey prospects since Sid himself. Bedard is insanely talented and we are all very eager to see how he does in the NHL. Sid was Bedard's favorite player growing up (he is so many players' favorite player growing up) and they've met and they are both very sweet boys and anyway it will be an interesting game.
Stucky was my first ship since really diving into fandom and I spent a ton of time in Teen Wolf fandom! There's a ton of teen wolf on my ao3, mostly sterek, but i mostly write hockey these days.
feel free to keep sending me questions! there's a lot to learn when you first dive into hockey but i love the sport and love this fandom!!
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laurelsofhighever · 1 year
Writer’s Year-End Roundup!
I was tagged by the lovely @asaara-writes and I’m going to cop out and tag anyone who wants to do this and hasn’t already XD
Overall, 2022 was a good year. I finally sorted my ideas out enough to get back to longfic. Mostly it was about planning but since that came easily in places I’ve also started proper writing, and as of today, I’m 12 chapters into my Prince Alistair AU and just about ready to start posting.
Outside Dragon Age, DOTA; Dragon’s Blood season 3 gave me some lovely inspiration and I’m pretty proud of te work I did there. The Wayhaven Chronicles also gripped me tight and would not let go, and aside from some solid oneshots I’m now pretty much halfway through the first murder mystery story I’ve ever attempted, complete with vampires. It’s been a lot of fun reconnecting with all the characters I’ve written about in this last year, especially since 2021 was still mostly spent in a nice creative primordial soup waiting for ideas to coalesce.
Special mention to the print version of Falcon, which is a project I started last year and hope to get finished this year so it can sit and look pretty on my shelf.
Words written: 75,307, of which 29,562 has been published. This isn’t as much as I was expecting considering how many hours it feels I’ve put in, but 1) it’s still the length of a pretty hefty novel and 2) I haven’t counted all the words that are just planning or notebook scribbling, so it’s actually a heck of a lot more.
New things I tried: The biggest new thing is the venture into the murder mystery genre with Like Glitter And Gold. Having to work backwards from the crime to the clues meant the whole story has had to be much tighter than I’m used to in terms of detail, which meant having a much more invested plan and many, many conspiracy board diagrams before I could actually start to write. It’s been fun, though. Apart from that, I’ve learned that I’m most efficient when I plan out a rough script for a chapter first and then try to fill it in, instead of writing a detailed draft on the first try. I’ll definitely use this going forward and hopefully it means I’ll have a bigger wordcount for next year.
Fic I spent the most time on: My Prince Alistair AU for sure. Partly because I’m having to replay the game to refresh my memory of the events and transcribe then rearrange a lot of the dialogue, but also because it’s given me a lot of problems with the structure. It’s also how I found out I don’t so well trying to make a polished first draft. Also also, Dragon Age: Origins is a ridiculously long game, with so much talking - 35k words in, and they’ve only just left Lothering!
Fic I spent the least time on: I always feel miserable on my birthday, so this year I channelled that energy into Once More Around The Sun, a Nate x Detective Leah oneshot that I pushed out in a day. Except for the epistolary chapter of Falcon, it’s the most I’ve ever written in a single day, so I’m pretty proud of it. Happy Birthday to me.
Favourite thing I wrote: I’m pretty pleased with everything I’ve written for TWC this year, in particular So Let Us Melt, And Make No Noise, a fluffy, angsty oneshot, and Like Glitter And Gold, the murder mystery longfic, because it’s been something new for me.
Favourite thing I read: New Year’s Resolution: actually bookmark fics when you like them! I have binged works by @serenpedac (TWC), @tarysande (Shakarian), and @viciously-witty (Labyrinth), and very early in the year I finally got around to The Revelation In All Things by @ellenembee, which is one of the most we thought out Cullen x Lavellan fics I’ve read. In terms of published works, I actually read published stuff this year! Highlights include The Lies of Locke Lamora, Nightwatch, Sistersong, and Ivanhoe.
Writing goals for next year: Finish the remaster and print version of Falcon so I can finally put it on my shelf, finish LG&G, finally start a proper first draft of my Post-Blight story, make separate masterposts for Dragon Age and everything else to pin to each of my blogs, and streamline the way I plot for the Prince Alistair AU. Should be simple enough...
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 5,350 times in 2022
That's 5,350 more posts than 2021!
204 posts created (4%)
5,146 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 579 of my posts in 2022
#ask game - 93 posts
#whump - 87 posts
#phoenix oc - 43 posts
#whump writing - 42 posts
#immortal cannon fodder - 37 posts
#pet whump - 35 posts
#whumpee and whumper - 32 posts
#lady whump - 30 posts
#box boy universe - 29 posts
#whumpee and caretaker - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#i spent ages trying to find somewhere in whumptober for phoenix's crucifixion to fit and then i suddenly realised today that... err...
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pet Paper and pet lib magazine covers
So, I made a cover for @octopus-reactivated's Pet Paper. It's a double magazine – one side is for owners, and then you flip the magazine over for the side aimed at pets.
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And then it got me thinking about Pet Lib advertising. I imagine they'd drop these magazines off in public, like at train stations and stuff (and in countries where Pets are illegal) – no contact details or anything, just to spread the word about WRU and the Pet industry. The WRU would attempt to suppress it but you can never get rid of these things entirely.
See the full post
62 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Whumpee who escapes and returns to their team. They're happy to be back, hopeful for a good reunion, but their team doesn't react how they'd expect. Instead of a good reaction, the team immediately assumes Whumpee has betrayed them and beats them up, or hurts them in some other way.
Maybe information's gotten out while Whumpee was kidnapped. Maybe Whumpee has no scars or proof. Maybe Whumpee disappeared with no trace, or Whumper went to great lengths to make it look like they left of their own accord. Whatever the reason their team doesn't believe them when they say they're not a traitor.
So Whumpee escapes again, heavily injured, and ends up with Caretaker.
After a few months/years/whatever, their old teammates find out that they're not a traitor. Whether it's someone else or an accidental leak, they now need Whumpee for some reason. So they find them, and approach them to ask for their help, all apologetic (could be fake apologetic though). Caretaker's with Whumpee at the time.
From here, there's two options.
Whumpee considers their proposal, but Caretaker gets angry at the team. "You assumed Whumpee was a traitor, hurt them, without even considering that they might be innocent? They were on your team for years and you nearly killed them without even listening! Do you know what state they were in when they got to me? Do you know what happened while they were missing? No, you don't, because you just assumed they betrayed you without even checking!" etc
Whumpee gets angry. Caretaker obviously wouldn't be happy, but Whumpee... they're betrayed and angry and only now does their team think to check if they're actually a traitor? Only when they're needed does their team apologise? So Whumpee lays into them, shouting about how they trusted their team and thought they could finally relax, maybe they talk about their torture for the first time (or just the first time outside Caretaker). Perhaps their voice cracks at a point where they get very emotional. They thought they were safe, going home, and then they were beaten again. Maybe Whumper told them their team didn't care and they didn't believe them and then they were right.
Whichever option, the confrontation ends with the team being told to fuck off.
63 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Vampire prompt
Human Whumpee is ill or injured with something that would've been fatal hundreds of years ago. Vampire Whumpee-turned-Caretaker, who hasn't been outside much in that time, doesn't realise that medicine's moved on enough to cure them.
Of course, they panic. They love Whumpee (whether platonically or romantically doesn't matter) and they're going to lose them! They can't lose them!
So Caretaker turns Whumpee. And they feel guilty, of course they do, for turning them into a creature that has to drink blood and can't die. But at least they're not dead, they console themself with. If Whumpee's angry at them for turning them without permission, at least they're alive to do so.
And then, when Whumpee recovers, they explain that, actually, they would've survived what happened. Medicine's far more advanced than it was the last time you checked, Caretaker.
And oh, the guilt then, as Whumpee struggles to adapt. Caretaker didn't have to turn them, they violated them. And now... Whumpee seems to be forgiving them? I mean it's fractious and that but they seem to have. Although Caretaker's pretty convinced that that's just because they're the only other vampire Whumpee knows, the only person who can help them adapt.
But are they even a person, if they'll do that to their best friend/lover/etc?
75 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Royalty Whump Prompt
A young Prince/Princess Whumpee is captured and held to ransom by an enemy king. When their family won't pay the ransom, they're left in the dungeons to rot – maybe a finger's cut off, if Whumper wants to pretend to the family that Whumpee's dead.
Years later, soldiers from Whumpee's kingdom invade the castle they're being held in and rescue them. The soldiers aren't expecting to find a mute, traumatised, starving prisoner in the dungeons but they're not going to leave them there.
Nobody recognises Whumpee, but Whumpee recognises the crest, and maybe some of the older soldiers. And they definitely recognise their parents, the king and queen, when they return to the soldiers' home kingdom with them.
Their parents don't recognise them, though. And they don't even mention them during the victory speech about the evils of Whumper's kingdom they've taken over, which – Whumpee thought they might at least mention their name, y'know? Since Whumper kidnapped the oldest heir (king and queen had two children, although the younger was a baby when Whumpee was taken – maybe they have two again now, and Whumpee sees the newer kid as kind of a replacement).
Caretaker soldier tries to look after them, but it's clear something's wrong. What happens when they find out who Whumpee is? And how does Whumpee feel, having been pretty much erased from the kingdom?
130 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Game ideas for whumpers, whumpees, and unsuspecting caretakers
CWs: Drinking games, brief mention of forced self-harm
Never Have I Ever. A group of Whumpers get together and talk about how they've whumped people. Alternatively, a group of Whumpees/former Whumpees drink about how they've been whumped (nevermind a group of Whumpees, even with only one this is also a great way for an unsuspecting Caretaker/Friend to find out about whump – "oh no-one will get this one, never have I ever been kidnapped– wtf Whumpee" as they chug their drink)
Strip poker, except each Whumper brings a Whumpee and they're the one who loses clothing. Potential for a non-competitive Whumper to lose on purpose to show off Whumpee.
Watch Whumpee through a camera in their cell and take a shot every time they scream etc.
Truth or Dare. On Whumper's turn, dare them to do something horrible to their Whumpee. On Whumpee's turn, force them to reveal a humiliating secret or dare them to do something to themself or another Whumpee. Or serve Whumper in some way. Really bad forfeits.
Russian Roulette. For obvious reasons.
Using your Whumpee as a bet in a card game.
Two Truths and a Lie. A good one for an unsuspecting Friend/Caretaker and a Whumpee who doesn't realise what they've gone through is wrong.
Bingo. Multiple Whumpers again. Instead of numbers, it's methods of whumping that they've used. Do they need proof that they've done all these things (with showing Whumpee's body or photos or whatever) or not?
Twister. Forcing Whumpee to hold positions, harsh punishments if they fall. Great for stress positions!
I'm sure there's more. But I can't think of any rn.
181 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
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