#eternal quartet
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Hear Me Out
Yokai Amity. What are yokai? Japanese spirits. And not just ghosts, a majority of mythical creatures? Yokai.
So how did this happen? Well, like most things, it can be blamed on the ghost portal in the Fenton Basement. And a lot of ecto contamination. Because while they're a small city? They're also in the middle of nowhere, meaning a lot of their foods and crops, they grow themselves. And the ectoplasm? Started sinking into the ground first. Y'know, where every plant grows and then both humans and animals proceed to eat it? Made even worse when those like Overgrowth or Vortex came through? Yeaah, it'd be a miracle if they didn't get contaminated and no surprise that most don't notice their humanity slipping with time with how it's happening to everyone.
Which kind of makes the situation Danny has found himself kind of hilarious? At least to him. The trenchcoat dude seems to be having an aneurism or something similar.
"So... not a meta?" the tiny vigilante child clarified again, head tilting from where he stood at the head of his group. Honestly Danny was enjoying this from his place sprawled across the park bench Honestly Amity had spoiled him with benches designed for extra limbs.
The blonde man seemed absolutely done with everything, hands twitching as though about to cradle his head in his hands or grab something. "No," he wasn't shouting but it was close. "For fuck's sake- your all lucky not to be cursed or worse-" He turned towards Danny. "Why the fuck didn't you?"
The hainu shrugged, wings doing more of the motion than the rest of him. "They're babies-" Or at least one of them was, borderline liminal as they were. "You play along with toddlers." Honestly he saw why his old rogues found this fun, even if he'd never go as far as they did.
The entire team of vigilante children bristled, one opening their mouth to protest before trenchcoat-soul-dude glared at them all before turning back towards him.
"Though what the fuck do you need that for that you'd steal it- not that any artifact like that should be in a bloody museum and not locked away where idiots can't get to it."
He snorted, the sound more dog-like. Or really more yeti-like, what with how he was taking lessons from Frostbite which meant large chunks of time in the Far Frozen.
"Technically I don't need it, my kid does," Danny held up a finger, marveling slightly at the clouds. It was quite different compared to Amity, what with how everywhere was so ecto-infused that the sky was effected.
"And what does a hainu need with-" the trenchcoat man motioned to the cursed object, which honestly wasn't that bad. But...
"Oh no, he's not a hainu, he's furaribi." Danny honestly wasn't surprised that Jordan wouldn't turn out the same as he, de-aged or not. Not that he was memory-less or anything, cores didn't lose that easily, but he did still have the physical brain of a child.
"Nope," he hummed, going over the list of things he still had to do today before returning to Amity. Sam had asked him to get a few more flowers to test how ecto would effect them and he had to pick up some computer parts for Tuck.
"How the fuck."
"My sister's a kitsune, my other sister is a shirouneri, my mom is a shishi, my dad a baku, godfather's an itachi, my boyfriend a raiju, my girlfriend a kirin, and my other girlfriend a yosuzume," he ticked off his fingers, not seeing anything wrong with it. Not like people could get into Amity easily after the whole GIW thing.
"... what the fuck does your family tree look like, mate, because that should be bloody impossible."
Danny shrugged, giving a sharp toothed smile. Yeah, the realms didn't care about that with how malleable ecto was.
(In case it's not clear: Hainu Danny, Furaribi Dan, Kitsune Jazz, Shirouneri Danny, Lion Dog Maddie, Baku Jack, Itachi Vlad, Raiju Tucker, Kirin Sam & Yosuzume Valerie) (Also feel free to come up with what everyone else might be) (Highly recommend yokai.com for a quick summary of each creature)
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sailorsenshigifs · 17 days
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z0mbiew00d · 9 months
When Cleo wins the next life series the winners group is just going to be the most divorced group you’ve ever looked at
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silvermoon424 · 7 months
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bookofmac · 4 months
my most gonzo tlt theory is that one of the Tridentarii is gonna get twa sister'd into an instrument by the end of it and the only way they get to talk is by one playing the other
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ramavoite · 1 year
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Artist graphic by Katt_sun on Twitter
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we-do-bones-bracket · 7 months
Round 1 Match 28
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Veralidaine "Daine" Sarrasi
Raises a bunch of dinosaurs from the dead to walk around as skeletons.
In the third book the Graveyard Hag gives her power to raise undead creatures. She uses this to reanimate a bunch of Dino skeletons from a natural history museum and go on a rampage
Pious Augustus
After finding and being corrupted by an ancient artifact in the first century BC, Pious transforms into an immortal skeletal lich, wielding a staff made from a human spine and pelvis. Using magic to disguise himself as human, he works on plot spanning thousands of years to return the ancient being he serves to this universe.
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landofanimes · 2 years
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@sera-myu-week 2022 | Day 4: Dream Arc
The fourth Sailor Moon story arc has been adapted to stage a few times. Somewhat as rare as the second arc, but Bandai used Dream elements in other productions more often: specifically, the Amazon Trio and Amazoness Quartet. Though in fact, to this day there’s never been a stage adaption of the Dream arc featuring the Quartet, for both Bandai and Nelke opted for the trio. The four girls were only seen twice, and in a different story!
First musical adaption dated from 1995 Latest musical adaption dated from 2016
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252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Fire Chi-Yu Overheat vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Floette-Eternal in Sun: 638-752 (181.2 - 213.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
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alovelystrawberryy · 2 years
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POV: 4 children rock your shit at pool
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 158
Klarion is on a mission. A very important mission of the utmost importance! 
He, as the oldest of the family (at least sibling-wise) has been given the sacred task of bringing his baby siblings to find their own familiars! And nothing is going to stop him from seeing this task through! He’s not going to get distracted playing with the Justice League’s Baby Team, nor is he going to try and kick Stupid-Helmet-Head-The-Despised. 
He’s going to help Jordan and Ellie find their own familiars, and Phantom-Dad will be so proud of him! Tucker-Dad will be proud too, and his Moms would as well! He’s going to absolutely rock this older-sibling thing! 
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sailorsenshigifs · 6 months
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villainstearoom · 2 years
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Eternal stained glass keychains
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sorakazeno · 9 months
Sailor Moon Eternal CD Set
I only recently realized this CD existed.
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Back cover.
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It comes in such a pretty box!
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Bangle hiding under the CD.
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Close up. It reads Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.
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Usagi's transformation brooches.
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Moon Crisis, Make Up
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I missed the party by quite a bit. QR code removed. It doesn't work anyway.
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I love all the little details here. The crescent moon on the lid and the piano on the bottom.
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CD cover and back of booklet.
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Track listing.
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Lyrics and group shot.
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magicaldogtoto · 1 year
One fun thing for me about the Sailor Moon Eternal English dub is Xanthe Huynh and Cassandra Lee Morris voicing members of the Amazoness Quarter (Palla Palla and Cere Cere, respectively).
Basically Nagisa Momoe and Kyubey in the same group.
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