#ethel rule
blossom-blur · 1 year
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Some doodles I drew tonight!
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thegryffe · 6 months
woke up to my dream journal containing the phrase "Ethel Juicebeater wants to beat you up" with no additional context and ngl I am afraid
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maegalkarven · 8 months
Anyone thought about the fact what Gortash knew Zariel personally 10 fucking years ago?
Like Zariel needed someone to test her new machinery and Gortash was around just enough to simply suggest and then sell Karlach.
He knew archdeviless personally. Ten years ago.
Why the hells did he even need Bane anyway? He could've steadily worked towards world domination on his own.
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Chris Eriksen and Kate Marsh both place so much faith in something bigger and more glorious than themselves and their fucked-up lives, whether christianity or the superhero mythos, shape their lives around the sacred texts of holy writ and four-color panels, believe so fiercely they'd die for it, die in the name of pessimistic purity and too-hopeful heroism. and they're right in a way, because something (someone) beyond the human to the point of divine does have the power to save them, but it doesn't come in the form of a god in the sky or a caped crusader, it's a close friend wrapped in fragile human skin whose ability to save or damn them lies in the most delicate tangle of choices and possibilities.
your god is down here on earth with you and they do in fact love you enough to save you, but the very fact that they're close enough to care about you means they're human enough, fallible enough, that they don't know if they'll be able to. they can make you fly like an angel or a spirit on a sharp burst of instinct, the problem is warding off the next impact, the problem is taking the miracle and trying to make sure it survives the real.
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proqhetic · 2 months
actual footage of me and my filipino yj twins @jackietaylorssidehoe @holyfacehead @ethvrealz
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adamshallperish · 7 months
"who told ethel cain she's like sam winchester omg people are really upping their hate mail game" y'all she posts wincest on main i don't think you're operating on her level
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gaygryffindorgal · 10 months
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fankids appreciation, day seven; family dynamics
agnes malinda and ethel malinda ethel is the firstborn child of agnes malinda and jacob macmillan. she has a complicated relationship with her family but her parents love her very much and are proud of her achievements. henry of alderly and edward of alderly edward is the firstborn child and only son of henry and cora, the duke and duchess of alderly. edward often disagrees with his father and doesn't understand him. edward of alderly and frederica "freddy" of alderly freddy is the oldest child of edward of alderly and jocelyn somerset. she is close with her father and the two share a similar sense of humour. anora brindlemore and bloom brindlemore bloom is the older of anora's two children. they have a troubled relationship and bloom dislikes having her mother as his professor at hogwarts. anora is protective of her children and bloom finds it stifling. verna malinda and rowan "roe" malinda roe is the only child of verna malinda and merula snyde. they are close with their parents, even though he gets in trouble and causes headaches for her mums.
event by @endlessly-cursed
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gay-arsonists-lullaby · 7 months
Character introduction: Pavlína
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• means “small” and “humble.” {fyi guys, I don't really pick the names because of what they mean in English, I pick them because they sound cool in my native language or because they mean something to me}
• she/her | they/them, acespec and sapphic, qenderqueer
• a Slavic teenager who sent to live with their estranged father who may or may not be some sort of cult leader in his strange farm house in the countryside. hijinks ensue! {aka. murder, the hijinks are murder. nobody tell them, pls.}
• if all my previous book children were based on a tiny part of me and my trauma, then you can be sure this one is as well; but Pavlína is a bit different. they are the plates broken on purpose, the fingers glazing knife edges. they are the chaos.
• stay soft, get eaten
• *lowers pink, heart-shaped sunglasses* Excuse me but what the actual fuck.
• us gay people really said ‘killing must feel good to God’, lol
• slight Ethel Cain vibes {you made your choice. do you regret it now?}
• ‘I am no good nor evil, simply I am / and I have come to take what is mine.’ - PTOLEMAEA
• ‘God loves you / but not enough to save you / so, baby girl, good luck / taking care of yourself.’ - SUN BLEACHED FLIES
• choose sin, always.
• ‘life can be pretty cool because you can get a kebab... but there's also the horrors.’
• ‘otec, but not as in father, otec as in *screaming* V HLAVE MÁM POCIT MASOVÉHO VRAHA-’
• ŽUVAČKA ZA UCHOM - Robo Grigorov
• RÄT - Penelope Scott / FEEL BETTER - Penelope Scott
• ‘despite being at a loss for words, my parents procced to yell at me for the next 45 minutes.’
• ‘REPORT: your friends aren't mad at you, they're just worried about you. which is, somehow, even worse.’
• ‘attention! have you or a loved one ever been wronged by this wretched world? you may be entitled to emotional compensation.’
• ‘yeah, sex is fine, I guess? but have you ever tried traumatizing your parents back after they gave you years worth of mommy/daddy issues?’
• ‘´we want grandchildren!´ well, the best I can do is not kill people, beggars can´t be choosers.’
• ‘I dunno, maybe the horrors would be less daunting if we were holding hands.’
• ‘do you ever just {'cause I've grown tired of this body / a cumbersome and heavy body} kin lyrics?’
• ‘did you find your bitch God in me? (you're just a little bit too much like me)’
• ‘everyday my delusions brings me closer to God (or at least closer to feeling like one)’
• ‘I may not be the prettiest in the room, but what I do have is a gun. oh, and a cat, for some reason.’
• ‘the concept of gender is over. it's just The Urge now. The Desire. The Torment.’
• ‘my life is ruled by a vicious cycle of demonic possession and daddy issues.’
• ‘this vessel, this vessel is a lie, a shapeshifting beast, a lesson in fluidity. ’
• ‘kill your Gods, devour your oppressors.’
• girl dinner {hunger, cannibalism and religion as a metaphor for love and devotion}
• ‘not a God´s chosen, but a God´s cursed. ’
• to quote my bestie once again, this is what she had to say about the actions taken by my favorite psycho child:
‘it started with a thought and ended with multiple crimes against the Geneva convention.’
• and finally, this gem:
Pavlína🤝 one of my bestie’s OCs *being queer disasters that have bad relationships with their parents which they solve through violence*
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moss-feratu · 1 year
My tabletop vtm game is so fun. The old Prince of our town was my Nosferatu characters greatx6 grandsire. He was killed because he unleashed a ginormous (over 40+ft) ghouled crab onto the town. Except he's not dead?
He found a way to bind his soul to his blood instead of his body, which is causing problems for my character, because she drank some of his bottled vitae and is contacting the local elder gangrel while sleepwalking. So we blew his corpse sky high just to make sure he's dead. Yep! His body is completely gone but she's still sleepwalking?? And shes sharing dreams with her Grandsire???? And the local Elder Gangrel and Crawdad had a Thing, so the Elder Gangrel is in love with my Nosferatu's blood because she can feel his presence within her??????
Also the new Prince forbids us to say his name so we call him Crabdaddy/Crawdad. The new Prince is Eartha Kitt.
Did I mention that my character is the only Nosferatu in town so she's technically Primogen.
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blossom-blur · 1 year
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She’s the head of a orphanage. When she meets Jennie at the countryside, she sees that Jennie lives alone and want to take her to her orphanage, cause a child should not live all alone like that and is her job to take orphan children away to her orphanage. She tires to take Jennie with her, but Jennie does not want to go.
Jennie sometimes sets harmless pranks on Miss Rule whenever she comes by her house and her prank traps make her leave, but Miss Rule never stops giving up and keep trying to get Jennie in her orphanage.
Name: Ethel Rule / Miss Rule Gender: Female Age: 35 Species: Human / Toon Height: 6′5 Hair: Brown Eyes: Black Skin: Fair Occupation: Caretaker of Orphanage Alignment: Lawful Evil Personality: Abusive only a little, Unfair, Cold-hearted, Stern, Very strict, and Well-mannered Likes: Punishing children, Rules, Order, and Classical Music Dislikes: Children, Jennie, Chaos, Jokes, Pranks, Bad manners, Messy foods, Dirt, Getting dirty, Bad children, Savages, and Strawberries Powers/Abilities: Intelligence / Authority / Driving Skills Facts:
She is inspired a little of of Mrs Prysselius from Pippi Longstocking 1997 cartoon film and of Mrs Clonkers from The BFG book, 1989 film, and 2016 film
She lives in Emerald City. A city where it is bit dangerous and everyone is not nice either.
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Magic users have always existed alongside normal humans, hidden but present. Eons ago, powerful sorcerors created a ward of magic, separating the magic from the mundane. And so the existence of Sancteiros was wiped from every map and every mind, forgotten as if it never existed in the first place.
But the wall has now fallen, and non-magicals are gearing up for an attack. You play as a Divine One, the current ruler of Sancteiros when the wall falls.
After three Divine Ones dying only a year into their rule, can you be the one to restore stability? Or will your crown fall alongside your people?
DEMO out now!
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Names have power: Choose your name, gender, and appearance.
The past is never dead: Customize your character's background and past
Make magic yourself: Choose from three magical classes- mages, sorcerors, and witches.
Don't forgive, don't forget: Rule over a country that has been isolated for centuries, and decide which factions are allies and which are enemies.
No man is an island: Four characters to befriend or romance (or make enemies of)
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ETHEL VIVER [m] Vibrant and reckless, Ethel's been your friend for four years now. A witch and a liar, Ethel has a reputation for being loud and knowing entirely too much.
MAREN AIREL [m] The newest recruit of the Guards, Maren rose the ranks of popularity quick. He's the reason that the Guards are known more for adventures than protection, now. He's the son of the last Chief Advisor, and has half the population of Sancteiros swooning at him.
ARTISE CORREL [f] Artise leads the rebels, but the only thing you (or anyone else) knows of her is her insignia - a white feather - left behind at every site of the rebellion. The instability of the regime has led to her growing power, loathe as the Guards are to admit it.
CEDIS DAY [f] Cedis is the second-in-command of the human ambassadors, distrusting and far too cautious. Though most of your council prefers her to the human leaders, she resolutely refuses to talk to anyone but you.
+other minor and major characters
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7-wonders · 5 months
whenever the fates called morpheus love or dear it just gives me this image of morpheus coming to meet reader at their volunteer job at an old peoples home and all the elderly ladies giggling and calling him such a handsome man and why if they were a few decades younger they'd have him for themselves you're standing in the background not knowing how to reply to any of that
(This was like pulling teeth. When will my ability to write return from war?)
There are many little quirks when it comes to being in a relationship with a primordial, all-powerful being such as Dream of the Endless. One such instance is that time does not run the same for an Endless as it does for a human. Morpheus can lose minutes, hours, days to his duties between one blink and the next.
The Dreaming, that fantastical kingdom that your lover rules over, runs on the same logic. You can spend what feels like an hour in the Dreaming, only for it to be an entire day later in the Waking. Likewise, weeks in the Dreaming can be merely an hour in the Waking. It's disconcerting to creatures that have lived far longer than you.
All of this is to say that your meetings often don't have a specific date or time when they're in the Waking, simply because Morpheus doesn't know. He tries, though it's difficult: clocks do not work in the Dreaming, and Matthew is too important a raven to be constantly flying to the Waking to check the time so that Morpheus can "run off" (Matthew's words) with you. You've actually started to look forward to the spontaneity—it helps that he usually gets lucky and catches you when you're home or alone and don't have to worry about explaining how he just randomly appeared out of thin air.
Though it's rare, him coming to the Waking to see you and you being in public has happened before. This time, he shows up when you're just finishing up at the retirement home you volunteer at a couple times a month—you're in charge of what's supposed to be a crossword puzzles group, but what is mainly just a gossip group.
Most mortals aren't able to see Morpheus when he doesn't want to be seen. You're not most mortals, however, and you've gotten pretty damn good at sensing when he's around, which is why you're the only one that notices him lurking in the corner closest to the door.
"Hi," you mouth, trying and failing to hide your grin as you give him a discreet wave.
Your excitement must be palpable, because the women quickly pick up on it and thus catch sight of a tall, dark, and handsome stranger across the room. Ethel, the boldest of the group by far, grabs your arm and yanks you down to her level. "Is that the boyfriend?"
"Yes, that's the boyfriend."
They all know about the boyfriend because you've gushed about your beloved to this little group more than a few times. How can you not, though? Especially when you're surrounded by those who enjoy living vicariously through you and thus cajole you into sharing such stories about your love life.
"She thought he was fake, y'know," Ida informs you.
"Did not!" Ethel retorts. "I was just curious because you never showed us any pictures!"
"I've told you before that Morpheus is a little camera-shy." You don't actually know if that's the case or not; you just haven't yet figured out how to ask the anthropomorphic personification of dreams and nightmares if he wants to take a cute couple's selfie.
"Morpheus! Oh, how exotic." The little group titters, thrilled at having learned his name.
The man (-shaped being) of the hour has moved, placing a hand on your lower back so as to not frighten you when he suddenly stands next to you. You smile up at him and are greeted with the smallest of smiles in return while the sounds of your seniors oohing and aahing fade into mere background noise. Surroundings tend to become meaningless when you see Morpheus; all that matters then is you and he.
Morpheus is the one to remind you that you have an audience when he turns his attention upon said audience. He bows his head politely and says, "I greet you, ladies."
As you expected, they go absolutely nuts when they hear his voice.
"Oh my!" Ida blushes.
Ethel beams. "Aren't you a handsome one!"
"Why, if I were a few decades younger..." Shirley, who has absolutely no filter whatsoever, winks at Morpheus.
You sputter, your eyes wide and blood rushing to your cheeks. "Shirley!"
"What? I have eyes!"
While you're ready to hide your face in your hands and die (maybe you should see if Death has a cell phone), Morpheus simply hums in amusement. "You are very kind."
"And you are a sweetheart."
"Okay, that does it for me today," you interrupt. It's not a lie; you were literally saying your goodbyes and on your way out before Morpheus arrived! "I'll see you guys in a couple of weeks."
"You bring Morpheus around any time, alright?"
You can't get out of there fast enough, and Morpheus lets you practically drag him towards the parking lot. Once you're out in the fresh air (and away from any of the windows that your favorite gals could be spying from), you bury your head in Morpheus's shoulder and groan.
"I'm sorry. That was so embarrassing," you lament.
"Why? They were...sweet, if not a little overt in their affections."
You lift your head up to meet his eyes. "That's why it was embarrassing, my love."
"You are very clearly dear to them. They simply want to see you happy."
"I'm assuming you know that with your super special dream magic?"
"Daydreams and hopes are quite loud, starlight." He smirks because you know damn well just how loud some daydreams can be (specifically yours when you're thinking about Morpheus) before pressing his lips to your forehead.
"Well, you're certainly in their good graces now. They've been so nosy since they found out I'm seeing someone."
"So I lived up to their expectations, then?"
Now it's your turn to smirk. "Baby, you were beyond their wildest dreams."
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blessed be you, girl
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theaceace · 6 months
When Burgess summoned Dream, instead of Dream being completely cut off from the Dreaming, instead the magic pulled all of Fawney Rig into the soft places at the edge of the Dreaming, so like Dream still can't get out of the circle and his subjects can't get in but the Dreaming suffers much less and crucially, he still has access to some tiny fraction of his power
So now the whole house and everyone in it is sort of tied to the Dreaming and there's just oodles of magic coming off it, and the house in the Waking and the house in the Dreaming exist sort of superimposed over each other. Like you can be in one and sort of be aware of the other but you can't really flip between the two
And I want the whole thing to operate on a sort of combo between Aladdin in the cave of wonders/Orpheus leaving with Eurydice rules where it's said that if you enter the house in the Dreaming side and manage to find the Dream king, he'll grant you the thing you've been dreaming of, but the catch is you have to believe you have it. You have to leave the house without checking. So Burgess asks for Randall, but he turns to look almost before they're out of the basement because if he were Dream then he would pull a trick (TBF it wasn't actually Randall, just a dream of him, but Burgess couldn't tell the difference anyway because he was a terrible father and you can't change my mind). After that, he never managed to find the basement again. Never even manages to find the dream house again, only the waking one, although he goes mad looking for it
But like. Someone else asks for riches and the Dream king says they can be found the guy's pocket or whatever, but he can't feel anything? There's no weight there, no shape, his pocket seems empty (it isn't when he checks, but as soon as he gets out of the house, yelling about his triumph, it's gone and the house is mundane again)
Alex, who doesn't ask for anything until after the death of his father (and after he murdered Jessamy) asks for peace. For safety. The Dream king says nothing, and Alex lives the rest of his life in the Dreaming version of the house, too scared to step outside in case whatever peace he's found in his personal prison vanishes
Ethel never makes it to the house in the Dreaming . She takes what she wants from the waking, and when she leaves she doesn't look back once
Time passes, and more and more people find their way to Fawney Rig, but as Dream himself said, the great stories always return to their original forms, so no one succeeds because that's how it goes
And then. And then Hob. Hob who finds his way to the house just looking for an answer. Looking for something he can do to make sure his Stranger is there in 2089, because otherwise he might lose his mind with the what-ifs. So he finds the house, and he meets Alex, who hasn't set foot outside the front door in over 80 years except it's a little hard to feel sorry for him when Hob realises why. He meets Paul, who lives solidly in the waking, and hasn't been able to convince Alex that it would be worth it to leave with him. He finds his way down to the basement, finally, and there he finds his Stranger
And at first he thinks? It's a trick? Because isn't that sort of what this place does, it tricks you? But he speaks to Dream, and he gets the rest of the story from him, and the only thing Hob wants to take from this place is Dream. And he's like I want to get you out of here, but I can't because you're trapped in that circle (which for reasons unknown to the author right now but probably has something to do with the nature of dreams and stories can't just be broken like a regular spell circle) and I can't do anything about it and Dream is all you know the story, Hob Gadling. It is a more powerful magic than the binding. Leave, and don't look back, and trust that I am following
(Dream knows the story. He's sure he knows how it ends. But he also knows that it has to be played out, that he has to give Hob this chance - he finds himself, as he follows, weeping silently for his son and Eurydice)
So then there would be the agonising climb and return through the maze of the house where Hob almost looks back a bunch of times, and eventually he makes it to the door and steps out into the bright sun of the waking, and -
End title
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holyfreaks · 11 days
Sam and Dean Mini Event
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Hi! Welcome to the Sam and Dean Mini Event! For my birthday, I decided to make a little event where we can celebrate two of our favorite freaks! Prompts and rules can be found below <3
June 25th
- Ethel Cain
- Cycles / ouroboros
June 26th
- First times / last times
- Motel rooms
- Love like religion / devotion
June 27th
- Growing pains / growing up
- Happy endings
- Family is hell
ANY ship is welcomed. No hate or harassment of any kind will be tolerated.
Other characters are welcomed, as long as Sam and/or Dean are featured.
NSFW and dark content are allowed but must be tagged properly.
Please no AI. Any other medium of creation is great! Art, fanfic, edits, web weaves, fanvideos, meta, podfics, etc.
Your creation can feature one or more of the given prompts on each day! Feel free to be specific, abstract, or somewhere in between. I'd love to see your interpretations!
Late submissions are totally fine.
Please either tag me @holyfreaks and/or tag your post with #nepsbday2024 so I can see and reblog what you create!
Have fun!
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
not hot enough for the world above, the women are here to fight in the world below. perhaps it is a kingdom of shadow and nothings: yet still there will be a queen. There will be two polls with four contestants each. Only the top hottie from each poll will continue to the final level of the shadow bracket. the shadow bracket accepts no propaganda and plays by no known rules.
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say anything transphobic and i'm blocking on sight 💕
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