#Crowns and Echoes IF
of-crowns-and-echoes · 5 months
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Magic users have always existed alongside normal humans, hidden but present. Eons ago, powerful sorcerors created a ward of magic, separating the magic from the mundane. And so the existence of Sancteiros was wiped from every map and every mind, forgotten as if it never existed in the first place.
But the wall has now fallen, and non-magicals are gearing up for an attack. You play as a Divine One, the current ruler of Sancteiros when the wall falls.
After three Divine Ones dying only a year into their rule, can you be the one to restore stability? Or will your crown fall alongside your people?
DEMO out now!
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Names have power: Choose your name, gender, and appearance.
The past is never dead: Customize your character's background and past
Make magic yourself: Choose from three magical classes- mages, sorcerors, and witches.
Don't forgive, don't forget: Rule over a country that has been isolated for centuries, and decide which factions are allies and which are enemies.
No man is an island: Four characters to befriend or romance (or make enemies of)
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ETHEL VIVER [m] Vibrant and reckless, Ethel's been your friend for four years now. A witch and a liar, Ethel has a reputation for being loud and knowing entirely too much.
MAREN AIREL [m] The newest recruit of the Guards, Maren rose the ranks of popularity quick. He's the reason that the Guards are known more for adventures than protection, now. He's the son of the last Chief Advisor, and has half the population of Sancteiros swooning at him.
ARTISE CORREL [f] Artise leads the rebels, but the only thing you (or anyone else) knows of her is her insignia - a white feather - left behind at every site of the rebellion. The instability of the regime has led to her growing power, loathe as the Guards are to admit it.
CEDIS DAY [f] Cedis is the second-in-command of the human ambassadors, distrusting and far too cautious. Though most of your council prefers her to the human leaders, she resolutely refuses to talk to anyone but you.
+other minor and major characters
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oliviaeatworld · 10 days
Here’s how I would rank the Bad Batch and their level of spice tolerance
1. Wrecker - Spice king. Will purposefully make his food spicy to add flavor or order a spicy dish. Real champ.
2. Omega - Close second. Likes dishes that are specifically made to be spicy, ie Gregor’s specialty (with a few of Fireball’s spicy modifications) and chili.
3. Crosshair - Likes spicy food and will eat it if he so pleases. Unfortunately….. as per usual… his stomach is not a fan and he gets a TERRIBLE tummy ache
4. Echo - He always gets nervous about trying foods described as spicy (this may or may not have stemmed from an accident involving “Silly me! I must’ve read the amount wrong.” Yes that was Fives.) He’ll cautiously try it and 60% of the time he’s said it wasn’t that bad
5. Tech - Prefers his food not to be spicy because he thinks the burning sensation on his tongue takes away from the main flavor of the dish. Isn’t afraid to express this preference either
6. Hunter - Due to his enhanced taste and smell, it always burns his tastebuds and nostrils pretty bad. He tries to take it like a champ but his eyes will water. Omega has asked him many times if he was crying (he may have been). I have a feeling he wants to like it but physically cannot have it
If you disagree with or want to add on to any of these let me know what you think!! This is just a silly thing I think about sometimes
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arachniasbride · 21 days
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Flynn x Eve - The Librarians 1.01 x 4.12
@lgbtqcreators creator bingo ♡ romance + typography @lgbtqcreators creator bingo ♡ beginnings & endings
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echo-bleu · 10 months
Noldor Hair Headcanons (3/4)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | On AO3
Some lighter Kidnap Fam content, after the downhill freefall that was the last chapter. With a dash of Finrod in Valinor.
Elrond and Elros have never had their hair braided when they end up with Maedhros and Maglor.
They don’t realize what they’re asking when Elros grabs a hairbrush and puts it in Maglor’s hand.
Maglor understands that, but decides that the twins need parental care, even though he has no right. He brushes their hair and leaves it loose at first.
But the twins have watched Maglor braid Maedhros’s hair and they soon start asking for more interesting hairstyles.
Eventually Maglor explains to them that it can only be done by family.
The twins have a whole silent conversation.
“What does it take to be family?” Elros asks eventually.
Well, braiding an unrelated child’s hair is pretty close to informal adoption.
Elros forces the brush into Maglor’s hand again.
Maglor stares.
Elrond shakes his head and runs out.
Of course, Elrond must hate them. He has every right. Sure, Elros has started to warm up to them, but that’s just because he’s affection-starved, probably. They’re still kidnappers.
Maglor is about to put down the brush and try to refuse when Elrond comes back.
He’s holding a second hairbrush.
He hands it to Maedhros expectantly.
Maedhros cries.
Maglor cries.
The twins’ hair really doesn’t hold braids very well, and they’re still kids who run around and play, but damn them if Maglor and Maedhros aren’t going to do their best.
Now all of their people can see that the twins are well-loved.
Maedhros and Maglor also proudly sport a few clumsy, wonky braids each.
They’re less wonky with time, and eventually the twins are doing their fathers’ (kidnappers’) hair as often as not.
Finrod is reembodied shortly before Eärendil and Elwing gets to Valinor. It’s too early and he’s Not Doing Well. While in Middle Earth, he was the one who let basically every one of his friends braid his hair, now he can’t stand the thought of someone touching him that way.
But Beleriandic battle braids feel wrong in Tirion. And he’s desperately trying to reckon with his trauma, with Sauron defeating him by singing about the kinslaying, so he can’t leave his hair loose like the Teleri.
And he can’t quite get the sight of Edrahil’s bloody braids spat out by a werewolf out of his head.
He wears nothing but the very strange-looking (to Amanyar) Mourning Braids he designed after Dagor Bragollach for a couple of years.
Then after an episode of really bad depression and nearly fading, he cuts his hair short.
No-braiding-possible kind of short.
While not unheard of in Beleriand (sometimes former thralls keep their hair very short, like Rog), it’s unthinkable in Valinor, especially for the Crown Prince of the Noldor.
He is stared at a lot, his reputation goes down the drain, but to Finrod it’s liberating.
He does let his hair grow out again eventually, but only when other Exiles start coming back and choose to keep the Beleriandic braid styles, and it becomes a fashion statement rather than a mark of shame.
Finarfin is Very Shocked arriving in Beleriand when he finds his (single remaining) child with her hair loose and everyone else with weird self-braided battle hairstyles.
After a battle or three where he ends up with his hair matted with blood and mud, he caves and gets Galadriel to give him battle braids.
By the end of the war he’s even learned to do them himself! Let it not be said that King Arafinwë Ñoldóran didn’t rise to his calling.
The night before sending the Elrond and Elros to Gil-galad, Maedhros and Maglor undo all of their braids. Everyone cries.
Maedhros and Maglor meant this to minimize the ‘taint’ their names would put on the twins, by making it look like they were still hostages to the end, but the twins stop on the way to do each other’s hair because one does not meet a king with their hair loose, they have manners (which the Fëanorians taught them, so they’re Very Specific Manners), so the effect is lost. Gil-galad has Questions. The twins refuse to lie.
Then, before going to steal the Silmarils, Maedhros and Maglor do each other’s hair, in a style of their father’s that they haven’t worn since the Oath.
Maglor braids a single golden ribbon into Maedhros’s hair.
They have very few pieces of hair jewellery left of their brothers’, but they use all of them.
They both know it’s the last time.
To be continued
I did some sketches for visual reference of a few of the hairstyles mentioned here, if you want to see what I'm imagining!
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echoesofaheart · 4 months
consider. mind but his crown is also a halo
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felidaeng · 1 year
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paradox kyurem - torn figment, the false deity
weaker and more animalistic in behavior than the legendary pokemon it shares striking similarities with, torn figment’s relation to the original dragon of unova has been hotly debated since its discovery. however, most experts agree that it’s likely a different creature entirely.
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gremlins-hotel · 11 months
Post headcanons abt Arthur and his first baby you coward, you fool. The audience arrived, we are here, yet you stay silent upon the stage.
(Just joking ofc, tho id give you a kidney if you gave us some hcs abt their early days <3)
I know it's not a headcanon, but I hope this will still be satisfactory. A moment between a new father and his first son, to whom Arthur wishes the world.
“You coddle him,” came Rhys’ voice, blunt and teasing.
Arthur waved his brother’s words away. They were meaningless like wayward flecks of spume against the broad side of a ship in the face of the treasure held tight to his chest. Sleepless nights, tears, and the terror of the unknowing life. He had watched his son like a hawk for years, and the boy now grew blessedly stronger. Each time little Alfred grabbed his finger, the babe’s grip was vicelike, and Arthur knew the little chubby squish of pain was worth all his toils.
Alfred burbled up at Arthur, seeing his father’s watchful eyes glimmer, a mostly toothless smile scrunching his small face with joy.
Heart squeezing and eyes wide, Arthur knew he would endure it all again as long as that babe was laughing. Hugging the heavy bundle tighter to his chest, Arthur bounced the boy gently as he fiddled with a pocket of his coat. Life was difficult when one-handed, but he hated putting Alfred down. The troubles a baby could get into with any degree of autonomy he did not wish to imagine, not after famine and disease and blood. Alfred seemed determined to bind the world with his gums if his father allowed him, in any case, and to grab it without hesitation. There were dangers on the floor that the boy approached fearlessly. That determination. It was a good thing to have, Arthur knew, but woeful for life still so seemingly fragile.
A faint jingle answering his seeking fingers told the man he’d found his quarry. Arthur whisked the trinket from his pocket in a closed fist, the toy’s chain hanging from between two fingers. The near-sterling silver rings tinkled prettily against one another as he shook his fist above Alfred’s head. Curiosity lit the deep skies held in his son’s face like stars and Arthur couldn’t keep the soft smile from turning the corners of his mouth, shaking the chain again. Skies and stars indeed, for he had never observed someone to watch the heavens so closely at such a young age. Silently he praised the boy’s curiosity; one day it might have its questions answered if Arthur had anything to say about it. He would give that lad the sky and the seas.
Short, squishy fingers reached up for the chain, seeking the noisemaker with excitement. Arthur raised it away from his baby’s reach and took delight in seeing him try again. So he played the cat-and-mouse, jerking the prize just inches from Alfred’s grasp when he waved his hands skyward. Alfred laughed uproariously each time the toy made its metallic clinking and at seeing the smile on his father’s face. Arthur opened his fingers to reveal the rest of the shining silver toy and raised it to his mouth. One end was a sweet little whistle, which he blew quietly in the face of the babe. A high, windy note spiraled out into the air between them and Alfred laughed again, his entire face bright and bold. It made the boy redouble his efforts.
Arthur finally acquiesced, lowering his hand enough for those ferocious fingers to grip the tiny silver rings and tug. Once more Alfred’s burgeoning strength shot a bolt of pride through the man’s chest. With reluctant fingers he allowed the toy to drop into his son’s happy hands. Little curved talons, blunt by youth, curled around the moon-bright metal like a hunting bird content with its catch. The babe brought the whistle end to his soft mouth and immediately made to teethe on the silver. Tiny puffs of breath made the whistle sing and stutter, and Alfred’s eye glimmered happily, gazing up at Arthur as though he’d hung the heavens. Quickly he slobbered on the toy, but Arthur couldn’t help but feel enraptured by his son, drool or not.
Having forgotten the watching eyes beside him, it was Rhys’ voice that broke his reverie. “You ordered the coral, after all? No measure too small.”
Arthur blinked, looking up and away, then back to the toy in his son’s burbling mouth. The opposite end of the whistle had a stub of red, red coral from lands far away, polished to a beautiful shine. It was worth it to him. Anything to keep winding spirits and the fey away from his boy who had already suffered enough. No measure too small.
“Someday he will not need it, I hope.”
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sealrock · 6 months
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the major arcana, shuffled: 4/??
THE HIGH PRIESTESS; ⤉ spirituality, higher power, mystery, subconscious ⤈ hidden motives, secrets, repressed intuition, cognitive dissonance THE EMPRESS; ⤉ motherhood, femininity, nurturing, harmony ⤈ smothering, negligence, lack of growth, insecurity THE EMPEROR; ⤉ fatherhood, structure, authority, control ⤈ tyranny, domination, recklessness, rigidity
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gcantread · 2 months
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some August reads and planned reads | JOMP book photo challenge | 1 August 2024
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camzverse · 4 months
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vanessaaaa ☺️
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Chapter 2 out now!
It's finally here!
In this chapter, you can:
Have various important conversations!
Get crowned!
Nearly die!
I'm so glad to finally have this one out! Hope you are all as excited to play it as I was to write it!
Here's the link to the updated demo: LINK!
Feel free to send in an ask or message if you come across any typos, bugs or just want to chat!
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daylightaftertherain · 7 months
btw young royals' central thesis for wille is still "the problem isn't that he likes a boy, the problem is that he's a prince" and people need to remember that
also I was going to put the rest in the tags but yknow what
yes I KNOW he can't realistically abdicate YET, but I'm saying it's the best resolution for him and not just because it would give him and simon an easier time!! if the fandom weren't so caught up in yelling about how the only happy or good ending is wilmon endgame (seperate rant that I texted avie yesterday but not the point of this post) maybe we could have a discussion about wille abdicating would be more for himself than any relationship he may or may not be in.
even if he and simon broke up the source of his problems would still lie PRIMARILY with the monarchy, and removing himself from that would be the first step to HIM recovering and healing and growing, not his relationship w simon. that's a seperate matter and seperate problem that can only be properly addressed after abdication because while he is a prince and part of a corrupted and vicious system, he cannot be a good person to himself, simon, or any of his friends and family.
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iris-echos · 7 months
(Take this with a grain of salt bc i havent listened to tmagp 7 yet) (also please don't spoil it in the reblogs or replies without a warning)
Okay so going along with the whole chester is jon, norris is martin, and augustus is jonah theory ive seen a lot of people talk/make jokes about how norris' cases have themes of love and loss and whatever and how chester's are just "get the FUCK away from the Magnus Institute".
Which i personally interpreted as martin warning the oira employees of what theyll lose if they get into this stuff and jon (especially taking personal screening into consideration) going full stop "fuck off. You have the option to quit so do it and get a normal job" aka trying to tell them to just not get involved
Augustus on the other hand, his only case pretty closely resembled the style of the original statements in tma
My thought is that jonah is trying to figure out whos been marked by what fear already and that his goal is to make another archivist and achieve another watchers crown
(I dont know if its possible or if it'll happen but i think its jonah's plan)
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echo-bleu · 10 months
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"My heart warns me that Míriel will not return while Arda lasts."
Finwë and Fëanor leaving the Gardens of Lórien.
Finwë is still wearing the last braid that Míriel made for him. From now on, he will wear his hair loose until his son is old enough to braid it for him. For what stronger sign of mourning could there be, than the King of the Noldor wearing in his hair no braid or ornament, no token of the love felt for him?
Noldor hair headcanons
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viaviv124 · 1 month
Echos AU
Atlas (Lamb) is the mayor of a small Island town, Saltmere. Their parents died early in their life and from then on all they did was learn and work, things a child shouldn't have to deal with. In their posession is an heirloom, that can change its form on command, the only thing that stays is a deep, velvet eye. Sometimes it'd even turn into a snake or similar creatures to communicate. Usually though it's a scarf around Altas' neck.
Saltmere worships 5 gods, one of chaos, one of famine, one of death, one of pestilence and one of war. They keep the town safe and fortunate enough to flourish and survive. One day the god of death visits Saltmere and meets the mayor, speaking 6 words that boomed like thunder in his anger. "Where did you get this crown?"
Small sketch i made based on the AU (i cannot draw scythes for shit-)
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leviathiane · 1 year
you poor thing.... Unrightfully Contained..... Glass jar specimen.... I receive your yelling muffled and distant but i RECEIVE
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I have no other reaction pic on my entire laptop but this
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