#evacuate / i'm a target marked
urtrickster · 1 year
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buttercuparry · 2 months
Rebuilding a house means, Gazans have decided to stay back no matter the cost. And when I say cost- I mean to say that there is every possibility for them to come to physical harm. If you have talked to anyone from Gaza, if you have asked them how are they? Are they safe? They will tell you "Dear, there is no safe place in Gaza". But still they have chosen to stay and rebuild their homes, either because they refuse to let the occupation force them to evacuate or because they cannot afford to evacuate to Egypt. It is not easy to have to evacuate to a new country. It is not easy to be a refugee in another country, where you are forever marked an outsider. I am from South Asia- partition was devastating for thousands of families! Still to this day, the grandfathers and grandmothers who have had to flee their homes as a kid, who have had to leave everything behind to board the train or the boat, they still wish to return home. There are stories that are passed down to generations about homes, that are now lost to the country borders. What is happening in Gaza is even more horrible and can never be compared to what happened here, because there is no equal power in Gaza. I do not mean to disrespect anyone, what I mean to say is only this- rebuilding Gazan homes is both a necessity and a want. Please do not overlook gfms set up to rebuild Gazan homes. Donate and boost and pray for my friend @siraj2024 ( vetting on Hussein and nabulsi's list at no 219).
Siraj is targeting to reach $30k CAD by next week. Currently at $21278
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yokohama-crackhouse · 2 months
Hello, can i ask you for something . The war destroyed ahmed life. Can you help him ? I need 3 things from you: Share, repost the pinned post , and donate if you are able to donate. Thank you for listening to me
My post link 👇💕
My GFM link 👇🔗
Verified, line 488 on this spreadsheet
Additionally verified by 90-ghost on Ahmed's old account
$12,290 USD raised of $20,000 target • 495 donations
Ahmed and his family are currently trapped in Gaza, and are facing difficulties situations with the lack of food, water and medicine as well as the rampant spread of diseases due to unsanitary conditions. Ahmed aspired to be a biomedical engineer, but had his studies disrupted by the Israeli assault. His siblings as well were all pursuing engineering, design, and completing grade school, and Lamar, his younger sister, dreamed of becoming a doctor. Please donate if you can to help save Ahmed's family and allow them to pursue their dreams, remember that even $5 can make a difference ❤️
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braveclementine · 2 months
Another Fight
Tumblr media
Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
Tony dropped you off outside of the large domed building where the Expo was taking place. Then he streaked towards the building like a comet.
You quickly put your earpiece in, turning it to Jarvis instead of Tony. "Jarvis, can you pull the fire alarms in these buildings?" You raced across the pavement in your trainers.
"Only in the buildings were the alarms are connected to the mainframe." Jarvis replied.
"Pull 'em." You said. "And then let me know which buildings I need to manually evacuate."
Tony suddenly burst out of the dome building and you heard gunfire and saw flares shooting up after him.
Building doors were slammed open and people streaked out in crowds, looking up, pointing, shouting. Glass was shattered, falling everywhere.
"Never mind, can you tell me which building Hammer is in?" You asked, pausing in the middle of the sidewalk. People rushed past you in every direction.
"The one Mr. Stark just exited Miss." Jarvis replied.
You nodded. That made sense.
You grabbed a police officers arm. "Sir, these people need to be evacuated. Mr. Justin Hammer's drones are out of control and on a rampage."
Fiery blasts into the crowd and screams punctuated your words. The police officer nodded and pulled out a walkie talkie and started to command orders.
Meanwhile, you ran, leaping the stairs two at a time before pushing past people to get into the main building. You ran around the backstage until you found Pepper, Natasha, and Justin Hammer.
Natasha had just finished pinning Justin Hammer and did a double take when she saw me, before pushing past.
"Move aside." Pepper said, leaning towards the guy who was working with the computers. "Tell me everything you know."
Justin looked exhausted and also looked like he was going to try and play everything off. He looked at you. "Who are you?" He demanded angrily.
"I'm Y/N, Tony's soulmate. I think you'd better stay where you are." You said, raising your hand to show the glowing mark underneath. They'd made kid versions of the glove, but you knew he could tell this was the real thing.
Pepper looked over at you, "Nice to meet you Y/N."
"Same to you Pepper." You said with a bit of a smile. "Thanks for taking care of me when I was just a little thing."
You could hear more screaming and you looked between Hammer and the doors. You knew you'd do better if you were outside. "Stay put." You warned and sprinted for the doors.
You watched one of the robots stomp up to a little kid wearing an Iron Man mask. You cursed as the kid didn't move.
You knew the robots must have some sort of facial recognition software, looking for either Tony Stark or Iron Man's face. The kid, wearing the mask, was now a target.
You took off running. You were amazing at running and you were amazing at jumping and dodging while running.
You leaped off the stairs, rolling on your shoulder, and then tackled the kid from the side, lifting your glove and actually shooting the robot right in the chest. The robot exploded as Tony came swooping past, the blow jerking your arm a little.
"Nice Y/N!" Tony shouted and you kept the kid down until all of the other robots had passed by you, flying after Tony.
Now, you let the kid up, taking his mask off his face and handed it to him. "Get out of here kid. Find your parents, a police officer, or at least somewhere safe to hide."
The kid ran off. You checked the charges in the gloves. They seemed fine for the most part.
"Alright then." You murmured, looking around. Tony had seemed to draw the other robots off, away from the Expo. That was fine with you. It was giving the others more time to get out of here.
You saw more robots explode out of the same building the original sets had come from. You closed one eye and lifted your glove. Taking careful aim, you shot. One of them was knocked out of the sky.
Five of them continued on their path, two of them turned towards you.
"Oh shit, that wasn't planned." You mumbled. One of them started to shoot. You ran, ducking for cover as you turned the corner around a building. You lifted both hands and when they came flying around the corner, you shot both of them.
You continued to run, heading towards the huge circular building that was completely abandoned at the moment. You knew there was a forest like area in there, complete with a stream.
Tony's voice crackled through the earpiece in your ear, "Rhodey just told me your face has been added to targets. Get out of here."
"I'm fine." You yelled. "Nothing's after-"
You let out a yell as you were suddenly shoved forward at full blast from behind. You caught yourself harshly on your hands, using your upper body strength to launch yourself into a terrible front handspring, landing on your feet and turning.
"Y/N!" Tony shouted.
You shot the droid and it went down, exploding into large chunks of metal. "It's dead. These gloves are amazing Tony."
Tony sighed.
You suddenly heard what sounded like a thousand explosions. You turned quickly to see Tony flying through the golden globe and the other robots crashing against the hard metal.
You also watched as Rhodey came out of nowhere, tackling Tony into the glass globe that you had been heading for.
You leapt over the railing, landing a littler farther than you'd thought, and hurried towards the globe. It took you a few moments to get there, yanking the door open and slipping inside.
The globe was large, but you knew they were in the direct metal because you could hear the noises of them splashing and fighting in the stream.
You crept through the place, not really wanting to get in their way. You perched behind the hill, watching as Tony and Rhodey communicated, no longer fighting and you sighed in relief.
You could actually hear them arguing about getting to higher ground, which you thought was a great tactic. But then they started arguing about who was going to be the bigger gun on the high ground. You rolled your eyes.
Neither of them actually made it to higher ground, because that was when the rest of the robots landed.
You watched, ready to leap out and fight if they needed you, but you watched as they took the robots down with almost zero problems.
"Duck!" Tony shouted. You ducked with Rhodey, laying yourself flat to the ground. You could see red lasers, and you heard the creaking sound as several trees were cut through and crashed to the ground.
"Maybe you should lead with that next time." Rhodey sighed.
You smiled, until another robot came down from the sky. This one was larger, sturdier, and when the face plate came down, you saw that it was the same man that had tried to kill Tony on the raceway.
"It's good to be back." The man said. Vanko, that was his name. Ivan Vanko.
"That can't be good." Rhodey murmured.
You watched as Rhodey launched some sort of missile at him, which simply bounced off his armor and fizzled in the water.
"Hammer tech?" Tony asked Rhodey in disdain.
"Yeah." Rhodey sighed.
And then the whips came out. You sucked in breath. The man was in an Iron Man suit and had his electric whips? This could not be good.
You watched the three of them fight. Vanko seemed to have the upperhand. He could catch them around the waist with his whips and fling them about. Not to mention, his suit didn't take as much damage as theirs.
You swallowed when he caught both of them around the neck, fighting both of them. And then were both fighting to free themselves. Vanko dropped his face plate and you felt a wash of bravery come over you.
You couldn't believe what you were about to do, but it had to be done. They had to be saved. That was your soulmate you were talking about!
You stepped forward.
"Hey!" You shouted and Vanko's attention snapped towards you at the same time you shot straight at his face. He didn't have time to get the face plate down. Your shot missed by an inch, hitting the same component as the other robots. The suit exploded around him and he was thrown to the ground.
The whips fizzled out and he lay in a smoking heap on the ground.
"Y/N!" Tony shouted, stomping over to you, wrapping his metal arms around you. "You brave stupid lovely girl."
You smiled.
The three of you went to stand over Vanko. He flickered his eyes open and muttered, "You lose."
You became aware of a beeping sound, and saw that the red lights that were beeping on every single robot.
"All these drones are rigged to blow. We gotta get out of here man." Rhodey said.
"Pepper." Tony whispered and spun to Rhodey, "Get Y/N out of here I have to go and get Pepper."
Rhodey wrapped his arms around you in a second, shooting upwards. Tony was even faster, zooming across the acres to get to Pepper.
"Nice to finally meet Tony's soulmate." Rhodey managed to say as you clung tightly to him. He flew across the sky, heading for a building. Somehow, Tony was already there, depositing Pepper there as the drones blew up everywhere. You hoped everyone had gotten to safety. In the back of your head, you wondered where the kid you'd saved was.
"Nice to meet Tony's best and possibly only friend." You gasped out, making sure your arms were locked as tightly as possible around his neck.
"Sense of humor, I like it." Rhodey said and he deposited you on the roof.
Tony didn't give you time to breathe, pulling you into an immediate kiss. You closed your eyes, submitting to him easily.
"I did need you." Tony mumbled as he pulled away, kissing the underside of your ear. "You were right."
"Usually am." You quipped, "You'll learn that eventually."
Tony smirked, pulling you to him. "I suppose introductions were already made?"
"Yep." You said, leaning into him.
"Well, my car got destroyed in the fire." Rhodey said, interrupting your moment, "So I'm going to have to hang onto your suit for a minute."
"Um, no." Tony said.
"It wasn't a question." Rhodey said and he took off towards the sky.
Tony simply sighed.
"So. . ." You ventured, "How are we getting down from the roof?"
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
You and Tony sat in an abandoned warehouse. Well, abandoned probably wasn't the correct term, as there were several desks and monitors with different screens up. There was a singular table which Tony had sat behind. You sat on his lap.
There was only one chair because Tony had been asked to come by himself. But you had insisted that you come with him, as you were both soulmates and you were both in this together. He had agreed very easily to that request and neither of you were particularly mindful that you had to sit on his lap.
Despite being adverse to most human touch, you were completely comfortable with his touch. You had learned to recognize his scent, his footfall, and his noises before he even touched you, to prepare yourself for when he did touch you and you didn't flinch. But he was the only one.
Tony fingered the Avengers Initiate folder. You knew he was seriously contemplating joining the program, which was a choice you supported in the fullness. You weren't sure who the other Avengers might be, though you suspected that Natasha was probably a choice. You had warmed up to her more favorably now that you knew her ploy was simply undercover work and she truly had no feeling for Tony.
Well, no romantic feelings. She probably found him annoying at the very least.
"I don't think I want you looking at that." Nick Fury said, sitting down on the other side of the table, pulling the folder from Tony's hands. He'd actually startled you, and he'd clearly startled Tony.
"I'm not sure it pertains to you anymore." Fury picked up another folder, "Now this, on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff's assessment of you. Read it."
Tony took the folder. "Uhhhhh Personality overview: Mr. Stark displays compulsive behavior. In my own defense, that was last week. Prone to self-destructive tendencies. I was dying. I mean, please, aren't we all? Textbook narcissism?"
He sounded so puzzled on the last bit that you had to hide a smile.
"Agreed." Tony finally said. "Okay here it is. Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative, Iron Man, yes." He closed the folder, "I gotta think about it."
"Read on." Fury demanded.
"Tony Stark not recommended? That doesn't make any sense. How can you approve me but not approve me? I got a new ticker. I'm trying to do right by Pepper and Y/N. I'm in a stable-ish relationship."
You smiled again and it left your face as Fury came around the table to sit on the edge closer to Tony. Tony didn't show any emotion, but his arm around your waist tightened.
"Which leads us to believe at this juncture we'd only like to use you as a consultant." Fury said.
Tony tapped your thigh and you shifted off so he could stand, holding his hand out to Fury. Fury shook it and then Tony tapped his hand, "You can't afford me."
Tony held his hand out and you quickly grabbed it as he started to walk out before he paused and turned back, "Then again I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favor. Rhodey and I are being honored in Washington and we need a presenter."
Fury almost smiled. "I'll see what I can do."
Tony took your hand again and the two of you exited the not so abandoned warehouse.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
You kept your lips tightly pressed together so that you neither laughed nor smiled as the same senator that had tried so hard to get rid of Tony's suits had to present them as heroes.
"It is my honor to be here today." He said in a voice that said it was no honor at all, "to present these distinguished awards to Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes and Mr. Tony Stark who is of course a national treasure."
He said the words with difficulty and you pressed your lips harder together as the two men exchanged looks.
You finally had to duck away to laugh as the Senator stepped between the two to get a picture with them.
Finally, Tony joined you. He was grinning and he took the medal off his jacket, handing it to you. "I think you deserved it too."
You smiled. "Well, I'm not a national treasure."
Tony lifted you up into his arms and you both ignored photographers as the two of you kissed. "No, but you're my little treasure. Now c'mon, we've got great things to do." 
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
oooo dont know anything abt pacific rim but hell yeah 👀
its just "humans use big robots to fight big monsters" basically LMAO but i realized it had some parallels to tmc so. i got a bit silly lol. putting it under a readmore bc its Long
brief pacific rim summary for those unaquainted: bascially monsters start appearing from the ocean and fucking shit up so humans make these big robots to fight them BUT its really dangerous and requires 2 people who are 'drift compatible' to pilot them (basically its the ability to control a big robot with ur mind while also being in sync). thats all u really need to know for this au i think
pacific rim au: this is based purely off of my memories of the first movie (which. i watched when it first came out in uhhh 2013!!!??!?! THIS MOVIE CAME OUT IN 2013??? 10YEAR AGO A DECADE??? WHAT THE FUCKanyways. um. i'm probably missing some stuff but whatever<3 -kaijus become a thing in like. idk 1980 or so. -by the time mark and cesar are 18 the big robots exist. what are they called. JAEGERS thats it. -mark and cesar get sort of. drafted into testing it out and find out they are drift compatible!! -i think in this au they are besties but. they could be worsties. maybe. perhaps toxic if thats what canon says. but in the origin draft of the au they are besties so im going with that -anyways they fight kaijus for a bit and they are pretty good at it!! until a kaiju attacks their hometown (or something. idk how an ocean beast would get to wisconsin. WAIT lake superior AND lake michgan flank wisconsin i can use this) -okay so. a kaiju comes out of the great lakes and the government is like"???? THEY CAN DO THAT??? fuck." and send mark and cesar to deal with it since they. live there -everything goes to shit when a kaiju (altcesar) attacks mandela, their hometown, and ALSO where sarah is!!! and shes like. 5 or smth -so mark is SUPER stressed out, his sister might be dead already, and to top it off?? the kaiju can like. idk hijack their drift link or whatever idk still working on that. im trying to incorporate alternate bs into how kaijus work -anyways mark is the one the kaiju targets and it uses cesar's voice/image to fuck him up and both cesar and mark die. and sarah watches it happen. oops. -sidenote: altcesar kaiju is based off of the crab one. bc sarah is loosely based off of the main protag girl in the movie whats her name. MAKO MORI. apparently. she watches her brother die + entire county get destroyed -another sidenote: since secar apparently DOESN'T die in canon. maybe he survives in this au?? mark is dead as hell tho :(( -anyways sarah is so so traumatized by that. however she is also VERY FUCKING ANGRY because uh. turns out mark and cesar were not the only ones patrolling winconsin!! thatcher and ruth were meant to be back up but uh. they. did NOT get there in time. and sarah thinks maybe if they had gotten there in time mark wouldn't have died. -speaking of those two. ANOTHER kaiju attacks mandela not too long after altcesar does and um. thatcher and ruth DO go out to deal with it but. ruth gets knocked unconscious during the fight. and thatcher can't wake her up. so half of their jaeger is just powered down and stationary while the kaiju rips its arms off and tears into the cockpit. eventually thatcher realizes he has to evacuate to save himself. he tries to bring ruth with him but he can't. -needless to say. thatcher is DEVASTATED. he feels like a coward, even if he DID follow protocol, and he never really forgives himself for leaving ruth behind. dave supports him through it, but. he never really recovers after that.
-…and fast foward 17 years, to the actual events of the au!! -bps is founded by sarah to um. idk actually i have NO fucking clue what they are doing in this au but it IS just. VERY ILLEGAL. and they get caught -however, the government can find literally nobody to pilot the giant murder death trap robots due to A) how rare a drift link (or. whatever its called im 99% sure its called that) is and B) nobody wants to fucking do that. so they just decided to say "hey. you guys are criminals. BUT if you go in the giant death trap robot AND you can pilot it then we'll forgive your criminal charges!! :)" because of course they would do that -anyways. bps agrees to this. and it turns out jonah and adam are drift compatible!! hooray!! they get to pilot a jaeger together -…which leaves sarah. due to testing her against adam and jonah, the government knows she CAN connect to a jaeger, and pilot one. she just needs a partner. -which is were thatcher comes in. he takes the place of the guy whos brother dies in the movie. -sarah is NOT FUCKING HAPPY about this. the moment she recognizes him she freaks OUT. immediately starts chewing him out. -however, she does have a deal to uphold, and she has to at least TRY to pilot the jaeger with thatcher. so they do a testrun and. it turns out they ARE compatible. -so with that the government goes "okay cool we're sending all of you to the faciltiy (or whatever idk)" and. sarah fights this tooth and nail until she realizes they. really don't give a shit LMAO -so she's stuck with thatcher. and her two idiot coworkers but thatcher is the real issue. -so they get shipped over to the training facility and. start training. -dave and evelin take the place of those two gay scientists. dave has so many kaiju tattoos n shit and evelin is just Normal. just kidding shes weird too shes just better at hiding it lol. evelin is officially his 'assistant' and mentor but dave treats her as an equal. they are silly scientist coworkers -dave and thatcher are also still friends. not sure if its strained or not but i dont think it is they can be silly. besties even. -i also think dave is sarahs estranged but still on good terms uncle. hes is ESTATIC to see sarah!! she hates that hes friends with thatcher but she is literall incapable of being mad at dave so she just takes it out on thatcher instead LMAO -also dave sits thatcher down and is like "y'know i think this is good for you actually. being a mentor figure really helped me w moving on i think you could really bond with my cool awesome neice :D!" "dave she tries to kill me every ten seconds" -anyways the au centers around sarah and her relationship with thatcher from one-sided enemies to eventual found family :)
other things: -adam glows in the dark and is just sort of fucked up. surely this means nothing (he is not entirely human) -oh yeah jude and lynn are killed by the same alternate that kills ruth. i think. or it was six but when thatcher and ruth are sent out altthatcher double teams them and thats why they failed. -vol 2 sort of happens (the girls are fighting) but jonah does NOT die. -dave gets hooked up to a kaiju brain like the guy in the movie and like. his brain implodes a little bit and his eyes bleed but hes (mostly) fine^^ -all of the alternates are kaijus i get to be soooooo silly with designs :3 -dave and sarah lost contact when sarah started bps so they are very happy to reunite -i am just making shit up about a movie i saw a literal decade ago so. um. im probably missing a lot of important stuff but oh well lol. -i also have a barebones alt version of this au where everyone lives and nothing bad happens and they just fight monsters. bc i got sad.
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violetswritingg · 10 days
Mark Grayson x OFC!
Description: In which two superpowered teens meet and fall in love amongst blood, death, and betrayal
Rating: M (Canon typical violence, betrayal, mental health issues, abandonment issues, child neglect, angsttttt)
Want to read the other chapters?
Click here
1: Too Good to Be True
I thank God I'm alive. 
You're just too good to be true, 
Can't take my eyes off of you.
It wasn't too often Stella was able to wake up at her first alarm, take her time choosing an outfit for school, or eat breakfast at a leisurely pace while reading on her phone and listening to music.
It was too good to be true in other words.
Stella knew her life by now and this was not normal, it was not what was to be expected. So, it was almost calming when the chiming of the emergency signal went off on her phone. The familiar buzz and flash of light caused a smile to pull at her lips. Twisting in her chair she was met with the grizzly face and shock of white hair of Cecil. The man grabbing her suit off the back of her couch and throwing it at her.
"Let's go."
The transport was always dizzying upon landing, it was something she figured one got over by using it as often as Cecil did. But she had to shake it off, The White House needed to be saved. Her costume had been placed on her via transport, her white cape billowing in the wind as she rose up next to Dark Wing among her team. Blue energy platforms covering the bottom of her boots.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." Her voice overlapped with Red Rush's and the youngest of the group could hear War Woman's huff.
"Why is it always you two."
"Red Rush! Valkyrie! Get this guys out of here! Focus on evac! We can deal with these two once the area is clear!" Immortal called, rushing on of the Mauler Twins, swinging punches and dodging as he gave out orders.
"Aye Aye Captain!" The younger girl darted off, her blue energy coating her skin as she flew fast. Scooping up civilians left and right alongside Red Rush. Gently lowering the group of tourists she had in her clutches before an explosion sounded and she whipped around. Seeing Green Ghost rushing to a group of kids but not seeing the ones on the other side in just as much danger.
"No!" Valkyrie called and shot off. Bursting through the front lawn's fence and flying straight into the falling rubble.
"Valkyrie!" Green Ghost yelled, running to the pile of rubble once she had safely evacuated the kids. The rubble slowly started to shift, blue energy seeping through the cracks and lifting the stone and concrete. The younger Guardian huffing and puffing under a dome of energy, the civilians crouching by her feet watching in awe as the blocks moved, being thrown away. The dome disappearing when Valkyrie knew it was safe and she stumbled back. Gripping onto a larger piece of rubble behind her, waving off Green Ghost when she started to approach.
"Get them to safety, I got this." The woman covered in green hesitated but nodded, knowing the smile on Valkyrie's face meant she was okay, but the woman still worried about their youngest member in situations like this. They all did.
"Be safe."
"Do you even know me?" Valkyrie smirked, lifting off the ground and taking off. Seeing the red streak of Red Rush running around before Green Ghost disappears into the building, no doubt on President duty. Taking in the battlefield quickly Valkyrie's eyes landed on a tank flying through the air, seeing it's target she dove down. Blinked and you would have missed her, Red Rush would have been impressed.
She couldn't get to Dark wing and the woman he was trying to save before the Tank landed but she shot out energy as she landed, feet pounding against the pavement as she called for Dark Wing.
"It's gonna be okay!" Taking a deep breath she let her energy seep from her hands and under the tank, feeling it surround her team mate and the civilian. But she saw the cable line shoot out and knew his plan. "I got you, go!" The civilian was dragged out by Dark Wing's cable line but no Dark Wing. She pushed more energy out, feeling the bubble around her teammate start to expand as the tank began to groan and she let out a grunt of effort.
Then suddenly the tank's weight was gone. Both her and Dark Wing looking up to see the red and white costume of Omni-Man. Part of the building behind them fell apart, heavy concrete heading right for them.
"Behind you!" Dark Wing threw his own form of hand grenades while Valkyrie took her energy back and threw it as disks towards the rubble. The disks expanding mid-flight and creating shields surrounding each piece of rubble. Containing the blasts.
Valkyrie nodded to the man before taking off like Dark Wing had. Flying over the fight between the Mauler twins and Immortal and War Woman, catching as many army men tossed up to her as she could in a bubble of blue. Sending them into the safe zone and dropping them on their feet. Omni-man grabbing those she couldn't get. But there was one solider still free falling.
"I got him!" Valkyrie called, letting Immortal focus on the mauler twin he was fighting. Flying fast, her hands out in front of her energy ready to be thrown. But within inches of getting to him Omni-man had grabbed him. Throwing an almost annoyed look her way.
"I had him."
Valkyrie just shook her head and met back up with her team, Omni-man flying up beside her.
"Grounds are clear." Valkyrie called out, Martian Man confirming the white house was clear next, and Red Rush doubling down that the civilians were out of the way.
"Evacuation complete. Now we can cut loose and focus on taking these brutes down." War Woman smirked as a mauler twin ran at her, the woman letting loose her mace and hitting the blue villain square in the face. Valkyrie darting forward, energy collecting over her hands as she spiraled mid-air and slammed into the mauler's stomach.
War Woman descended on him beside the younger girl, Mace and energy working in tandem to take the Mauler down. War Woman swinging for his jaw while Valkyrie's energy disk shot out at his ankle. Dark Wing's explosives shooting him farther in the air. Omni-man flying past with a hit straight to the chest.
Sending him to the ground where his twin joined him, Green Ghost coming up behind both of them and phasing their legs into the asphalt. Martian Man lunging forward, wrapping them up while Red Rush ran circles around them punching them at super speed. Him and Martian Man backing off, letting Aquaris shoot them out of the ground with a stream of water. Dark Wing lining one twin's spine with explosives, War woman sending him back up with a hit of her Mace not even a second after his feet were back on the ground.
The twins landing in a pile as Valkyrie covered them with a dome, encapsulating the explosion. The girl letting out a small grunt before releasing the dome and letting the smoke plume into the air. Looking to her teammates with a smile on her face, wiping away the sweat that had collected on her forehead. War Woman coming up to her and laying a hand on her shoulder.
"Good job."
Valkyrie's smile became blinding, adrenaline pumping through her veins as Red Rush blurred and was beside her in an instant.
"Almost as fast as me now. Almost." Her punctuated, throwing his arm over her shoulders and trapping her into a head lock for a second. Both laughing before they heard someone clear their throat, both stood up, sharing looks out of the corners of their eyes and barely their grins.
"Don't you have somewhere to be kid?" The immortal crossed his arms over his chest, his own grin fighting to break out across his face. Having seen the girl grow up in the last three years it was hard to ever really be mad at her when she smiled like that.
"Oh cr-ud," Valkyrie checked herself, lifting off the ground, and waving, "I'll see you guys later!" And like that she was off. The adult Guardians sharing chuckles between them. Omni-man frowning at the display, eyes on the faint blue streak in the sky.
"Shit, shit, shit." Stella cursed as she forced her leg through the pants she was trying to put on, jumping through the living room as she finally got it and buttoned her pants. Stealing a protein bar specially formulated for her to keep up with the calories she burns when using her own Kinetic energy to save lives. Shoving her feet into shoes, she swipes a textbook and her laptop off the table and takes off through the open kitchen window of her studio apartment.
It only took a couple of minutes for her to land on the roof of her high school and sprint down two flights of stairs to her locker. With a minute or two to spare she transferred her books for the ones she would need for her first couple of classes and leaned against the cool metal. Her head already starting to pound. The day hadn't even really started yet, and she already missed being in her costume and in the air.
"You okay?" Bright blue eyes cut to the intense green of Eve Wilkin's worried gaze, brows heavy on her forehead as she held out a protein bar to Stella. "I saw the news, busy morning. And knowing you, you definitely didn't eat before or after."
"I'll have you know I ate a full breakfast and I had one of these after okay?" Stella corrected waving the empty wrapper in Eve's face, pushing off of the cool metal and closing her locker. Leaning back against the wall of metal as she tore into the food in front of her. An off shoot of the same stuff they have to give Red Rush or else his body will literally eat itself.
"Wow, look at that, a minor improvement in your care of yourself for once. The world must be ending." Eve smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. Stella knowing Eve didn't mean it too harshly, the humored glint in her eyes evidence of that fact.
"What would I do without you Eve Wilkins?" Stella sighed dramatically, throwing an arm over the red-head's shoulder as a rogue strand of blonde fell into her eyes from it's messy claw clip cage.
"Probably keel over and die." Eve chuckled and Stella followed suit. Taking her arm away from the red head when shouting in the hall grabbed both of their attention.
"Leave me alone Todd!" Stella recognized Amber Bennet from some of her classes, the two currently partnered up for a project in their humanities class. Cool girl, kind of harsh, but overall okay.
"I'll be right back." Stella mumbled, walking away from Eve and closer to the action. The red-head could only sigh at her fellow hero. Knowing there was no stopping her from trying to save someone, even if they didn't really need help.
"Quit playing games. I know you're crazy about me, Marcy told me." Stella stood off to the side, arms crossed over her chest, watching closely. As Amber paused and turned on her heel to look Todd in the face.
"Well, you are big and strong, aren't you?" Stella had to fight off the smirk that wanted to plant itself on her face, hearing the patronizing tone Amber used and watching it go right over Todd's head. The boy lifting an arm and flexing his bicep at her. Stella bit into the inside of her cheek to keep herself from laughing. "And you think that makes it okay for you to harass me?!" Amber bit. Todd's smile falling in an instant.
Stella's humor fizzled when Todd grabbed Amber by the arm when she tried to turn away, "Hey! Don't walk away from me! What, are you a lesbian or something?"
"Oh my god, I wish! Would you leave me alone then?" Amber once tried to walk away and Todd just tightened his grip, "Let me go so I can go find a girl to kiss."
Stella had seen enough and stepped forward, grabbing Todd's wrist and squeezing.
"I think you should let her go, this whole thing is not a good look for you." The boy let go in shock and Stella snaked her arm through Amber's, pulling her out of Todd's reach just as someone cleared their throat behind Todd.
"I think Amber's been pretty clear about how she feels, Todd." Stella took in the boy's dark hair and pretty face, his skin tone being complimented by the blue sweater he had on and the yellow undershirt she could see poking out the bottom.
"Are you serious Grayson?" Todd asked, not letting the mystery boy get in another word before Todd's fist was in his face. And in his stomach. It was not pretty and the scene was accompanied by the gasps and ooh's of the crowd. Amber pulling away from Stella, running and kicking Todd where the sun doesn't shine. The toe-head blonde crumpling immediately, his pained groans mixing with the crowd's reaction.
"Leave him alone."
Note to self, Amber Bennet, not a girl that needs saving.
Stella nodded to herself, stepping in Todd's way to shoulder check him as he ran past her clutching his groin. The boy was almost sent spiraling into the group of people next to him as Stella walked up to Amber and Mystery boy. Said mystery boy getting helped up by what Stella assumed was his friend.
Amber thanked the boy and turned, nodding at Stella before disappearing down the hall. Stella gave the girl a small grin before looking to the now two boys in front of her with a raised eyebrow.
"You okay?"
"Um, he will be. I'm William by the way, this is Mark. Mark may not look it right now but he is a very strong and dependable person." William grinned like his life depended on it. Stella just chuckled and nodded. Reaching forward and clapping Mark on the shoulder.
Mark's eyebrows scrunched as he started to oddly feel better all of a sudden.
"I'm sure. I wouldn't make it a habit to be a human punching bag though. I just wanted to make sure you're okay?" Her hand was still on his shoulder and Mark looked down at it. Stella was quick to retract, bringing her hands behind her back and tangling her fingers together.
"Thanks, I'm uh- feeling a lot better all of a sudden." Mark stuttered. Taking his weight off of William.
"Good! Happy to hear it." Stella grinned, turned and left, not introducing herself. Not saying another word. Meeting up with Eve farther down the hallway. The red head offering her an arm, the blonde sighing and gladly taking the help, Eve taking some of the girl's weight for her as they walked to their first class.
"Who was that?" Mark asked, what seemed the air, watching the blonde walk with Eve Wilkins.
"Stella Zimmer, transferred here in like the middle of freshman year, was quick friends with Eve Wilkins but otherwise keeps to herself. Seems nice, super hot." William shrugged, Mark glancing at his best friend as the bell rang. Mark letting William drag him to their first class.
Stella waited impatiently for the microwave to finish heating up her Global Defense Agency developed dinner. Towel in hand, drying her hair after her shower.
At the beep she grabbed the steaming plate and made her way over to the kitchen table. Already set up with a mix of GDA paperwork she needed to fill out about today's attack on the white house and miscellaneous homework due at some point next week. Throwing her towel over the back of the chair before sitting down. 
Getting her assignments in advance was the only way she was able to keep up with school and being part of the Guardians. It was nonnegotiable that she at least get through High school, and if her grades started to slip Cecil would pull her from the front until she got them up again.
He didn't want to create a child solider, but the world still needed her and the Guardians. So, he came up with a compromise. It's difficult and exhausting, but Stella wouldn't have it any other way. She worked slowly between bites of her cooling dinner. Thin tendrils of energy holding pencils, scribbling down answers to her homework while she typed up the reports on her GDA computer. Different from her personal laptop.
When she found a good stopping point and sent off the GDA files to their respective departments she let out a breath. Pencils clattering to the table in the dark apartment. Stella's eyes unintentionally glancing around the kitchen, the echo of laughter and the smell of her mom's lasagna filling the space. But she knew the reality, that wasn't her life anymore.
The picture frame on the side table by the couch mocking her. Three happy, smiling, faces looking back up at her. The Golden Gate bridge as the backdrop to a joy filled family vacation. Until it wasn't. Sighing she shook her head and picked up the pencils herself this time. Going through the homework once again. Dinner forgotten.
Bright white flashed in the darkness of the small apartment, Cecil's wingtips clicking loudly in the quiet as she stepped into the space.
"Kid, I need you-" His eyes cut over to the kitchen table, seeing Stella, passed out at the table. Pencil still in hand, drool pooling over the math problems she had already solved. Cecil's eyes softened, a quiet sigh leaving his lips as he walked over to the girl. His hand lifting to gently pat her on the head twice, before he turned and hit the communication device on his wrist, "Can I get someone in here please."
A GDA operative appeared through a flash of white and Cecil pointed towards Stella, and then to the door across from the kitchen. The operative nodding and going to pick the girl up, "Be gentle, don't wake her up." Cecil ordered, watching the operative set her on her bed and pull the covers over her. "Get some rest kid."
And with that he disappeared. 
"These Time zones are gonna kill me," Stella groaned, the locker room still filled with steam from her shower after early morning training with the Guardians. Munching on a protein bar as she threw her clothes on and ran a brush through her wet hair. War Woman, or Holly as Stella knows her outside of Guardian duties, watched in amusement as Stella rushed through her morning routine.
"Don't burn the rubber off your shoes, leave that to Joseph." Holly chuckled, laying a hand on the girl's shoulder with a warm smile.
"I gotta hurry, I can't be late again. It would be the sixth time this month." Stella reached up and clasped Holly's hand, giving it a squeeze, "I'll see you later for training, okay? Unless some random supervillain decides they want to blot out the sun or something." Stella and Holly shared a laugh as the teen broke away with a wave. Throwing her backpack over she shoulder and running out of the locker room.
"Woah! Watch where you're going! Speeding Bullet you are." Joseph grinned, his Russian accent heavy. Martian Man and Immortal laughing at the two of them and their antics.
"Sorry, gotta go! See you guys later!" Stella grinned over her shoulder at the men and Martian with a wave before taking off for the doors. Her feet lifted off the ground as she shot forward and through the doors.
"Shit." Stella cursed as she ran down the school hallways, skidding to a stop in front of her classroom door. Taking a breath and throwing her hair up into a claw clip before entering the classroom just as the late bell rang.
"Ms. Zimmer-"
"I know, I know. But technically I'm not late." Stella grinned and the door clicked shut behind her.
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izdatazn · 8 months
S.U.I.T.S - Terran's Hidden War
TERRA 17 - Defense Platform Facility Siege
"Ba'engi Blubcotot belongs to the Korouth subspecies of the It'ul, an Os'al. Additionally, she holds the title of Ten of Hearts," Shiro began. It is Wednesday, June 20th, 2079, a few days following my meeting with the others. By chance, I found myself not only in a direct meeting with Master Shiro but also with a few others. He continued by saying, "It is easy to recognize a Korouth subspecies by their distinctive facial markings."
I asked further, "Why does her face look squished, Lyn? And how can you be sure it's Ba'engi?"
Shiro explained, "It's because of the markings on her body." Two holographic figures, one Os'al and one Ba'engi, appeared in our meeting. Shiro pointed out the significant difference in the appearance of an Os'al. "An Os'al from Korouth has a circular green tattoo on their second left eye. They have two eyes on each side of their face. On the other hand, a tattoo on an It'ul's face indicates their clan and level of importance. Ba'engi has a line crossing through the green circular tattoo, which suggests that she was exiled from her species."
Asuka added, "So we don't have to deal with Ba'engi as the Ten of Hearts then?"
"Wrong," Shiro corrected her, diverting the conversation slightly. "They will replace Ba'engi with a potentially more dangerous asset. Andzell or Raquel Gustov likely recruited Ba'engi while she was away from the planet. The aim was probably to seek assistance in refining the Kyeclate drug, making it stable for human consumption."
"Oh, I dislike using the term Administrator," I sighed.
"I suppose you have already deduced that The Administrator is actually the Ace of Hearts," Shiro revealed further, "but The Administrator won't be residing on this 'water sack' of a planet."
"Let's take things step by step," I said, scratching my head in confusion. "We should deal with the Clubs first and then shift our focus to The Administrator."
"Hey little bro, how are you feeling?" Michi asked.
"Anxious," I replied. "I'm really worried about Mom, Dad, and Nao."
"They can take care of themselves. You should focus on your health," Michi reassured me.
I was talking to my older sister in my private quarters. I had called her to update her on my current situation.
"The news and online netizens are going to expose them. I don't want our neighbors to reprimand them," I sighed. "And that's not the only thing I'm worried about."
"After what happened in Shenzhen, I know you're concerned about the growing threat. The Legionary and Centurion Operative Division are also working hard to locate the production lines," Michi said.
"Thank you, Michi." As a faint echoing chime sound caught my attention, I added, "I have to go. There's another call waiting for me."
I turned off my phone and threw it onto my bed before leaving my private quarters and entering the main room where my team was waiting for me. We joined the rest of the team for a meeting. "What's the situation?" 
"It seems that online netizens have learned about an assault force heading towards Berlin from the East. They will be crossing the Poland Borders within a couple of hours," Daisuke informed us as he played a recording for us all to hear. "There is an immediate evacuation order for Berlin citizens and the army has been deployed."
"We are currently in Hanover, Germany." I answered promptly. "We need to head there immediately because SUITs cannot afford to lose their orbital defense guns."
"I'll coordinate with other teams registered in Germany to provide assistance."
"Kobayashi, you need to see this," Isabel said urgently. "We have police and news helicopters following us."
I quickly checked multiple viewing windows to get a better look. Isabel was right; they were following our squad from a distance. Ever since the Shenzhen attack, humanity had been watching closely for the next target. And it seemed that Berlin was next.
"Do you want me to take them down, Kobayashi?" Miyoung asked.
"We don't want them to see us as a threat, Miyoung," I replied. "Viktor, once we're done here, we'll install camouflage. Isabel, get ready."
I turned on the news and saw an overview of four vehicles heading towards Berlin from the west. The bay doors of our vehicles opened and four aircrafts launched into the air. Then both the vehicles and aircrafts vanished into thin air as we entered the perimeter of illusion shields. I watched as Isabel's team flew ahead.
As we approached Berlin, I noticed residents fleeing on foot or in cars. The situation worsened as we reached the outskirts of the city; there was mass panic as local police and soldiers did their best to evacuate people. But that wasn't our only problem - assault forces from the east were slowly disappearing too as they entered the illusion shields.
Defense guns placed on top of buildings and an orbital gun aimed towards the east started firing at these assault forces. A massive beam blasted out of the orbital gun, damaging an assault ship outside of the illusion shield before it descended and vanished slowly into it.
"This is Klauss Zimmerman, the Defense Commander of Berlin's Orbital Defense Gun," he said.
I changed my perspective and replied, "Good afternoon, Klauss. This is Big Bertha's team leader checking in. How are things going? We have successfully entered Berlin."
"I haven't had my mid-morning coffee yet, but other than that everything is going well," Klauss answered. "Our main objective is to defend the illusion shield at all costs. We are aware of what happened in Shenzhen, so let's not repeat that mistake."
Klauss Zimmerman was born in the Weimar Republic, modern day Germany in 1914, amidst the outbreak of the First World War. In 1930, he was recruited to serve in the Nazi Army and played an active role in the invasion of Poland, which marked the beginning of World War II. Through his unwavering dedication and exceptional skills, Zimmerman quickly rose through the ranks within the Nazi Army. He played a pivotal role in capturing France in 1940 and later participated in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942. During his time at Stalingrad, Zimmerman encountered Viktor Krauss and Ingrid Hoffman, both of whom he spared their lives. Unfortunately, a few years later, Zimmerman tragically lost his life while defending Rhineland against an Allied Offensive that occurred in February 1945.
"I understand," I responded.
"Otto V is online," Nehir announced. "They will assist with the shield. Good luck to everyone out there."
I kept the communication link open.
"Isabel, what's your situation?" I asked.
"This situation is even bigger than Shenzhen," she answered. "There are six enemy ships heading towards Berlin. We will do our best."
Miyoung changed course and began firing at the enemy aircraft flying by them. We continued towards the center of Berlin where the orbital defense gun was stationed. Chaos had already erupted above us as smaller aircraft descended upon the city.
We did everything we could to bring them down while our enemies tried to weaken our defenses before launching their actual assault on us. This was nerve-wracking for all of us, especially me.
The orbital defense gun's shield sustained a direct hit from a laser blast coming from outside the city. On screen, I watched as its shield dipped slightly.
"They are in range," Klauss stated firmly, "Shield integrity stands at 98%. Take down those assault ships!"
"We have enemy assault ships attacking the East illusion shield," Nehir shouted, determined. "We will defend our position until the very end."
"I'll be at the East illusion shield, Viktor," I said confidently as I headed towards the back of the vehicle. "Do what you can, guys." I opened the bay and sat on the speeder bike. An enemy aircraft followed closely behind us but was quickly shot down by Miyoung.
"Don't thank me," she said nonchalantly.
I drove out of the bay and made two hard left turns before continuing west, skillfully avoiding enemy aircraft along the way. It wasn't an easy task though. I did my best to weave left and right, evading attacks from both fronts and backs. Our enemy presence had also increased significantly - from scattered enemies harassing our defense guns to a coordinated assault.
I parked my vehicle next to Nehir's and leaped onto a building where the illusion shield was located. "Nehir, what is the status?" I shouted as I scaled the building.
He responded, "The shield tower's integrity is still at 90%. The defense guns are struggling to keep up with the coordinated attack."
"Klauss, where are the other shields?" I inquired.
"I have marked them for you," Klauss shouted back. "There are ten shields surrounding the city. Four of them are under heavy enemy assault and they are also our most important assets. Take down four of them and it will expose their onslaught."
Each tower was labeled one through four, and I was currently at tower one.
"Li Fan reporting in," he announced. "I will assist with tower four."
"Shouldn't you be in Shenzhen?" 
Xiuying Huang chimed in, saying, "Xiuying Huang reporting in. I will assist with tower three. We have other agents replacing us temporarily. We want to help as much as we can."
"Onon Khan reporting in," Onon replied. "I am at tower two."
"You all move quickly," Li laughed, adding, "You forget how fast SUITs transportation can be, Kobayashi."
Once I reached the top of the building, I joined Nehir just as an enemy aircraft descended above us. Several enemy soldiers jumped off and attacked us.
Nehir commanded, "Be gentle Snowflake." Energy surged through his weapon as he tightly gripped its handle. He effortlessly took down a couple of enemies before a larger heavily armored foe joined the fight.
The shield sustained another direct hit from the enemy aircraft as they drew closer to the edge of the city, intensifying their assault compared to moments before. I thrust my weapon into my enemy's armor and retrieved it swiftly. As I swung behind me, a figure grabbed me, pulling me forward and delivering a powerful blow to my chest. Staggering backwards, I watched as the figure stood there with a grin on their face. Veins bulged from their skin, and their eyes were bloodshot.
"Analyze," I whispered.
Big Bertha spoke up. "Iwata Sayuri, member of the Eight of Clubs special force."
"You've come out of hiding, Iwata?" I taunted her.
She laughed. "Hiding? What do you mean?" From her pocket, Iwata produced a syringe.
"The Eight of Clubs special force has joined the battle," I informed everyone.
"Gong Kyungmi from the Eight of Clubs is also here," Onon responded.
"I have Kyungmi's special force here," Li chimed in.
Xiuying relayed that Kyungmi's team was at her location as well.”
Gong Kyungmi was born in Goguryeo, during its peak of power in modern-day North Korea. At that time, the empire was engaged in ongoing conflicts with neighboring regions from the South and China from the south. Unfortunately, she later passed away in her village as China persisted in conquering Goguryeo territory.
Iwata proceeded to inject herself with the syringe she had taken out. "This drug gives me a rush of energy," she exclaimed. "Bring it on, Kobayashi." With a swift motion, a colossal hammer materialized in her grasp as she swung it down towards me. Acting swiftly, I managed to dodge the attack just in time. Nehir stepped forward and retaliated by striking her with his energy saber.
"Li, do whatever you can to halt Kyungmi," I abruptly changed the topic. "Guys, we have Kyeclate drugs stored here in syringe injectors." 
Viktor joined the conversation, remarking, "No surprises there, Kobayashi. We have them too."
"Oh no. We can't allow them to bring down that defense tower. Protect the gun at all costs," Nehir exclaimed.
Nehir sliced off her arm, but it quickly regenerated. Iwata swung her weapon wildly at us as we inflicted some wounds on her. However, even her wounds healed rapidly. Under normal circumstances, Iwata would be easy to defeat, but the drug made everything three times more challenging.
"Special forces are down at tower three," Xiuying reported.
"We're in the same situation at tower two!" Onon responded.
"Tower four has been taken down!" Li shouted. "Kyungmi is heading straight for tower three, Xiuying! I'll assist you!"
We pressed on with our battle against Iwata, noticing that she seemed to be retreating. However, our progress was interrupted when we received news that tower three had been swiftly captured.
"She's even stronger than I realized!" Xiuying exclaimed. "We need to help Onon!”
"Taking down any more towers will put lives at risk!" Klauss warned, as the enemy carriers relentlessly bombarded the orbital defense gun. "I'll deal with those damn ships!"
Iwata raised her colossal hammer above her head, but then a bullet struck her in the right chest and another in her forehead. She dropped her hammer and fell to one knee.
"I'm here to assist," Miyoung spoke up.
"Help the others," I instructed. "Take down Kyungmi."
As I watched, Iwata's wounds began to heal once again. She stood up and reached for her hammer.
"This drug is incredible," Iwata laughed. "What will it take to stop me?" She paused and glanced at us. "Nothing." With full force, she swung her hammer towards us. However, Viktor suddenly appeared in front of us and absorbed the full impact of the swing.
"Kobayashi, you guys take care of Kyungmi," Viktor grunted. "I'll have some fun with Iwata." He pushed her back and clashed his massive stick against her colossal hammer. “I'll stay back and assist Viktor,” Nehir declared. “Stop the Eight of Clubs.” I left them with Iwata as I leaped from building to building, dodging attacks from above. From a distance, I observed a three-on-one battle unfolding before me. It was clear how effortlessly Kyungmi defended herself against the three attackers, with Miyoung providing support from afar. It wasn't just Kyungmi though; she had another friend assisting her as well – Li Fan and Onon working together to try to stop Kyungmi's friend. Without hesitation, I joined Xiuying in the fight, offering mutual assistance as needed: she defended when Kyungmi attacked while I followed up with my own attacks, complemented by Miyoung's sniping tactics from a distance.
Miyoung's bullets didn't have enough impact as they rebounded off Kyungmi's armor. I noticed this, but our attacks were also failing to penetrate. My katana scraped against her armor, but that was the extent of it. Kyungmi staggered back as another bullet struck her shoulder armor.
"Big Bertha, what kind of material is her armor made of?" Xiuying blocked an attack from Kyungmi while I quickly retaliated and thirsted for my sword.
"The material used for her armor is Aberrant Cobalt," Big Bertha answered. "It's not from the Sol System. It's a rare alien material acquired from Zipraria outside the Milky Way Galaxy."
An enemy aircraft took a direct hit from the orbital defense gun, breaking through its shield and armor. It crashed on the outskirts of the city. "She really brought back a lot of advanced technology to Earth," I remarked as the defense guns endured more direct hits from the remaining enemy ships. An explosion erupted in the north.
"The northern illusion shield is down!" Klauss shouted.
"I'm heading to that location," Miyoung declared.
"I was so focused on Kyungmi that I forgot about the other shields," I admitted. "Onon, gather your team and head north. Have Li take care of Kyungmi's guard. Xiuying, I'll handle Kyungmi by myself." Xiuying and Onon headed towards the north while we dealt with our adversaries.
"You look shaken, Kobayashi," Kyungmi taunted with a grin on her face. "Is all of this too much for you?"
"Not at all," I retorted confidently. "Light My Way, Teinhime."
Viktor issued a challenge to Iwata for a strength battle, and they were evenly matched. They both stood their ground, exchanging powerful punches. Nehir watched from the shield tower, dealing with incoming enemies. With each punch they landed, the sound reverberated loudly enough to crack the floor beneath them.
Finally, Iwata started to falter in the boxing match. Viktor seized the opportunity and lifted her above him before slamming her forcefully into the floor, causing even the rooftop to crack. With every punch Viktor landed on her body, they crashed through multiple levels.
As they entered a conference room, Iwata managed to kick Viktor away. He crashed through transparent glass and a support column but quickly recovered. Viktor grabbed a table and swung it as Iwata charged towards him; although it shattered on impact, it had no effect on her.
They continued their intense boxing match in close proximity, causing shockwaves that shattered glasses and broke the floor once again. Breaking through multiple levels, they eventually reached the ground floor. Iwata briefly wavered before Viktor took advantage of her momentary weakness and slammed both hands forcefully against her face, stunning her. Viktor tightened his grip on her and forcefully slammed her into the ground. He ran forward, thrashing her body along the way. Eventually, Viktor lifted her up and continued to punch her until she blacked out. He breathed heavily as he held onto Iwata.
"Is that all you've got?" Iwata coughed up blood and chuckled weakly. "What a weakling." She laughed before spitting at him.
“First Metal: Internal Spike," she muttered through clenched teeth.
Metal rods penetrated through both Iwata's head and Viktor's hands. Shocked by this unexpected attack, Viktor let go of Iwata and stepped back. Her breathing became shallow.
"Is that it?" Iwata weakly laughed while struggling to catch a breath. "I'm not done with you yet." Ignoring his surprise, Viktor grabbed hold of her head once again and lifted it up. Gripping onto her face tightly, he looked directly into her eyes.
"What are you waiting for?" Iwata coughed while struggling to speak clearly.
Viktor used his other hand to grip onto Iwata's neck tightly and pulled with force. He ripped off her head from the rest of her body, putting an end to her life once and for all. With a thud, Iwata's body fell to the ground while Viktor crushed what remained of her head in his hands.
"Miyoung, I'm coming," Victor said calmly as he walked away from the lifeless body before tossing away its face.
I was finally making progress in breaking through Kyungmi's defenses. It took some time, but even with Li dispatching his enemy, I still found myself at a disadvantage. She wasn't making it easy for us. Her electric arrows had no effect on her, but his scythe managed to damage her armor slightly. We focused our attacks on the cracked chest plate.
Kyungmi noticed the damage and did everything she could to block our assaults. She caught Li's arrows and threw them back at him with enough force to send him flying off the rooftop.
"Now it's just you and me, Kobayashi," Kyungmi grinned. Suddenly, a vehicle crashed into her and sped away. Isabel joined me in the fight.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I couldn't let you have all the fun," Isabel replied. "It seems like she's giving you a hard time. Let's change that.”
"So you brought your friend again, Kobayashi?" Kyungmi scoffed, brushing off some dust from her chest armor. I noticed multiple cracks in her armor thanks to Isabel; it seemed like we might have a chance to penetrate it and stop her. "Just like everyone else, your friend won't help."
"Ah, a challenge," Isabel grinned mischievously. "I do love challenges."
"Is that so?" Kyungmi retrieved a syringe from her pocket and injected herself in the neck. Veins popped out on her skin.
In an instant, she appeared behind us and swung her arm at us. But before they could reach Isabel, she swung back with such force that she sliced off Kyungmi's arm completely.The arm quickly regenerated as if nothing happened.Isabel kicked Kyungmi away before she could retaliate.Kyungmi attacked again this time wielding a sword.
"Pozole! Extend my reach!" Ice formed on Kyungmi's weapon, extending it far beyond its normal length. Isabel effortlessly swung her weapon and sliced through Kyungmi's damaged body armor. We clashed with our weapons for several minutes before Isabel once again severed Kyungmi's other arm. However, just like before, it instantly grew back. We continued battling each other, but it became evident that Kyungmi had the upper hand. Each time Isabel cut off a part of her body, it regenerated immediately. It took some time to realize that she was also slowing down, although she still maintained the advantage on the battlefield. The duration of this advantage remained uncertain to us as we battled on without knowing how much longer the drug would affect her performance.
Miyoung made the bold decision to engage in close combat, relying on her pistol. She skillfully took down her adversaries one by one, even when they attacked her at close range. Her speed was impressive, and she refused to let her blindness become a weakness. Miyoung always stayed three steps ahead of her enemies, never hesitating even when faced with overwhelming odds like being outnumbered 20 to 1. She single-handedly defended the tower until Viktor joined her.
"Viktor has finally arrived," Viktor announced.
"Took you long enough," Miyoung said as she swiftly defeated another enemy. "Take care of them."
Viktor swung his weapon at his foes as more opponents joined the battle on the rooftop.
"Kimchi, Guide Me at 25% power."
Kyungmi's pace began to slow down noticeably. It was evident that her ability to regenerate had come to a halt, as only half of her arm had grown back. She was breathing heavily, indicating that the effects of the drug were wearing off. In an attempt to replenish its effects, she retrieved another syringe from her pocket and injected herself in the arm once again. Although her arm did grow back, it did so slowly. Kyungmi started coughing up blood.
Isabel whispered, "She's overdosing, Kobayashi. Her body can't handle the drug a second time."
"Don't assume I'm defeated just yet!" Kyungmi screamed.
"You handle her, Kobayashi. I'll leave you to it," Isabel said as she ran away and leaped off the rooftop, catching onto her aircraft flying nearby.
Kyungmi coughed and asked me weakly, "What's wrong with your friend? Is she afraid of me?" She took slow steps towards me and continued speaking with determination. "I will fulfill my mission." Kyungmi then retrieved another syringe and forcefully stabbed herself in the neck before injecting the drug into her system. After discarding the syringe, she gasped and declared triumphantly, "I have ascended."
Falling to her knees, Kyungmi struggled to breathe. She reached out and grabbed onto my clothing as I stood beside her. I raised my katana to her neck, gripping her hair and lifting her head up. Tears streamed down her face.
Gasping for breath, Kyungmi whispered desperately, “End me." I pressed the katana against her neck and severed it from her body. Despite still gasping for air, she raised her head and locked eyes with me. Gasping once more, she uttered a final sentence: "Thank you."
The final enemy aircraft carrier was brought down close to the city center, near the defensive gun. Four out of ten illusion shields were destroyed during the siege. I have conflicting emotions about this situation, but I witnessed it unfold from the very start. The eastern part of Berlin was successfully evacuated well in advance before the three remaining shields collapsed. The number of civilian casualties remained relatively low. It evoked a varied response among people.
Raquel Gustov conveyed a strong and clear message through these events.
0 notes
aio-rya · 3 years
Summary — Chapter 6 Part 1
The kidnapping of the Dorm Leaders
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Vil: 「Certified as an emergency situation, I response! Under my authority as Pomfiore Dorm Leader, I allow the use of attack magic against intruders!」
Kalim: 「Scarabia takes the same position as Pomefiore, get ready!」
Jamil: 「Hah!」
Kalim: 「First graders, stay backwards. Heartslabyul, contact the Dorm Leader!」
In this first stage, we can appreciate the sudden change in the atmosphere at Ramshackle Dorm; just a few seconds before, we were discussing with Vil how he planned to make it up for the VDC incident in this, the last meeting of the NRC Tribe. Next moment we were all startled by the sudden clatters outside the building before STYX dammed androids destroyed the magic barrier and broke inside, destroying the effort of our little lounge; with a smoke bomb and electric shock waves, they took an unconscious Vil and Jamil —or as they called them, Subject E & D...
Ace: 「..... Couldn't...」
Rook & Kalim: 「Eh ?」
Ace: 「Dorm Leader Ri...ddle... I tried to contact him but I couldn't, he never answered.」
Kalim: 「..... Impossible !」
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Riddle: 「Under my authority as Pomfiore Dorm Leader, I allow the use of attack magic against intruders. Everybody, get ready.」
Silver & Sebek: 「Understood!」
Riddle: 「Gaaghh—ah... My body feels... Lighter...」
???: 「Visual confirmation. Subject A was inmobilized, proceed to capture.」
???: 「The subject is moving again! Opposing violent resistance! All unites retreat!」
Riddle: 「To leap on me like that... You have guts. I'm going to slit all of your heads together!」
???: 「Subject completely silent. Collecting Subject A. Return to headquarters.」
In this second stage, they get to the Horseback Riding Club in the middle of their preparations, almost midday and there are many students gathered there when the sudden noise alerts Riddle as he recalls the barrier has been broken. He asks who the unexpected visitors are and if they are there for a visit under the rules of NRC. By not receiving an answer, he allows the use of magic in defense of the students but they're soon overcome by the armor, which Sebek realises is magic-repellent. Riddle struggles to their first attempt of putting him unconscious and ignites a fire surrounding him just to be beaten by a shock wave similar to the one that took down Vil and Jamil.
Sebek: 「What do you think you're doing!? Where are you taking Riddle-senpai!? WAIT! ..... Ah!」
Silver: 「Sebek, look at the sky. Those look exactly like the ones who took Riddle away, they seem to be flying around the school in squads. Their target seemed to be Riddle since the beginning.」
Sebek: 「..... True. Since they looked at him, they called senpai as "subject". From that point on, they didn't even seemed to notice our existence...」
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Leona: 「Those marks on their suits are... No. I surrender. Here's my Magic Pen. Take it.」
Ruggie: 「What!? But there are only 3 opponents, you could defeat them easily!」
Leona: 「The armor they're hiding behind of is not a mere thick layer. It is a Magical-Defense Plate.」
Ruggie: 「Magical-Defense Plate... It's a sort of material that repels magic, isn't it the one that magical police uniforms are made of!?」
Leona: 「Don't you think is weird either?」
Ruggie: 「I get it. So you find useless using magic with a local restraint.」
Leona: 「I've seen the marks on their suits several times back at the Royal Palace. They must be "ferryman".」
Ruggie: 「Ferryman...?」
For the third stage, they break into the Greenhouse just when Ruggie was looking for Leona by orders of professor Trein. They wake up the young Prince and he immediately surrenders without putting a fight, for amazement of Ruggie and every player; he recognises the Kharon symbol on the armors and whispers to Ruggie why he did it. Then, Subject B aka Leona Kingscholar opposes no resistance as they take him away, leaving Ruggie as the one in charge with the concern of not being able to come back now that he has been taken by the hands of the Ferryman squad.
Leona: 「..... It's fine. Just put your tail between your legs and be quiet.」
???: 「...... Confirmed as a magic tool certified by Night Raven College. Confirmation, Subject B non-resistive detention. Please, come with us.」
Leona: 「Fine. May I ask for a polite way of escort? You see, I'm actually a delicate Prince. I don't get well along rough treatment.
Ruggie, I leave Savanaclaw to you until I come back. ...... If I can come back.」
Ruggie: Wha... Ah ? Leona-saaaan!
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???: 「Subject C has been visually identified.」
???: 「Idia Shroud. Magical Humanoid ORTHO. Identified at the same point.」
Azul: 「I think it's too late. First grades, evacuate the building now! Under my authority as Octavinelle Dorm Leader, I allow...」
Idia: 「Stop, Azul-san. Please, do not resist. Be quiet. This is the special security team, "Kharon".」
For our last stage, Ortho calculates the landing of three unidentified objects in the classroom where the Boardgames Club was having their activities, he gives the order to evacuate and is about to give the order of attack, in his very own words as the Dorm Leaders must join forces to defend the College during an outside attack but Idia stops him and helps the Kharon Corps take over Azul, who is horrified by finding out Idia may be involved on whatever was happening. Then, they inform Idia he must be going with them.
Idia: 「A special magic guard team owned by S.T.Y.X, Kharon. Let go of the Magic Pen by the time being, hands behind your head.」
Ortho: 「I recommend to follow my brother's behaviour recommendations. Azul Ashengrotto chances of getting injured are reduced about 87%.」
Go visit the original artist on twitter!
And I'm still crying, I mean, I'm just incredibly excited. I have mixed feelings about this.
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the-nysh · 3 years
Isn’t Garou a selfish piece of shit getting between the fight of Metal bat and elder centipede?
'Selfish' in what way? 🤔 For being so focused on his hunting targets (a step-wise mission that goes beyond what's self-serving for himself), that he's not fully aware or even informed of the entire situation that's happening (in which monsters are attacking as cover to kidnap a hostage Metal Bat was supposed to be body guarding) or stops to consider the consequences of his actions for disrupting/interfering with heroes trying to do their jobs? (Garou rarely ever thinks the logistics thru!) Then maybe. But then actually look at how Garou pieces together & assesses the situation from his pov with both the limited & incomplete information available to him:
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"I don't think Metal Bat can handle that." To then immediately getting his suspicions confirmed when Mb crashes aside in a heap, seemingly already defeated by the centipede. Where Garou's mildly disappointed, detached, and unimpressed like 'oh well' without making a scene of it or even bothering to mess with Mb any further. Already prepared to leave him alone and mentally moving onto his next target. (Garou truly would not have even touched Mb if he'd stayed 'down.')
That it's only when Mb unexpectedly gets up and insists on heading back again that Garou's like 'whoa wait, wtf?!' Cause in his eyes, he'd just seen him already 'defeated' by a monster Mb clearly can't handle, so Garou, ever the opportunist, turns on the theatrics again to announce it's now 'his turn' to fight him (and remember how Garou views 'fights' typically like sparring bouts in turns; once you're 'down' you're done and onto the next one). Especially since Mb is still so apparently able enough in willing condition to engage another monster again. (From Mb's pov he's also like 'wtf don't be dumb? civilian evacuate; there's a giant centipede over there,' but Garou's not having it - having already made his intent clear that a new match is starting, so 'pay attention!')
But curiously speaking of Mb's 'condition' to fight, notice how Garou actually takes pause in confusion and comments multiple times on his haggard state and how close Mb is to keeling over. He's confused in consideration trying to figure out Mb's whole deal for sure, but it's almost like Garou's goading him to concede or giving him the chance to back down if he's truly this far past his limit....but of course Mb WON'T stop swinging (with his stated intent to literally bash his head in, might I add).
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Garou's confusion & surprise at Mb's madlad audacity continues, but looking at this critically....WHY doesn't Mb just back off (from this comparative street brawl) to focus on his actual hero job anyway? Isn't he kinda wasting his time getting this easily distracted in the throes of the fight and carried away this far to the extremes?? For what? Even Garou questions if his motivation to continue here comes from a selfish form of pride...so ironically, who's thinking more of whom, and who's actually fighting more selfishly for himself here?! Hmm. 🤔 (Doesn't this seem rather odd, as if piling the 'selfish' moniker all on Garou's shoulders feels unusually unfit here?)
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Metal Bat, ever the bull-headed madlad, still insists (why?!) as if he has a death-wish to continue onto the centipede later, despite what currently occupies him (he can just...choose not to fight Garou if this brawl isn't important?) And Garou goes from thinking this fight is laughable child's play to WTF?! because Mb just wont. back. down! He keeps on wildly swinging back (missing his mark) but getting ever stronger the more he's damaged, to the point Garou's like 'fuck this madness, I'm ending this now' with a solid blow to the core to knock him out and make him stay down (only Mb doesn't and 'revives' with even more surging lethal intent. D:)
Anyway the main takeaway is this: despite this fight introducing the concept of 'fighting spirit' that Garou's own willpower will exhibit later, don't let Garou's performative 'evil' visage fool you into thinking he's a 'selfish piece of shit' who's only out for and cares for only himself. Or blindly give heroes the benefit of the doubt simply for their 'good' titles either. Because what is Metal Bat actually still fighting for, especially in this situation? Where perhaps his other (hero) duties have so easily slipped his mind, and he becomes this close to killing a human, over what?! (Anyway thanks Zenko for slapping some common sense & awareness back into him.) It really makes you think...
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alterrune · 3 years
TK!ALTER, Violet Wolfsbane, Henry Stickmin, and Ellie Rose has now been put on Interpol Red Notice!
Red Notice: a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action.
These criminals are now wanted for crimes against humanity. All police forces, military groups, and international intelligence agencies have been alerted of these criminals and will now be on large scale patrols so that they can hunt them down. All prisons and locations that are likely to be targeted by criminals will now be put on maximum security. If anyone detects and sees any activity of these criminals, report them to local authorizes immediately.
TRU, Phantom Squad, and The Toppat Clan have joined forces, The Trinity of Fate is now formed!
The Trinity of Fate has been described as being armed, dangerous, and fanatical. They have been marked as a massive world threat! All military organizations and countries have declared war on The Trinity of Fate! The Trinity of Fate is an international threat, so all citizens are to evacuate to the nearest military outpost and bunker for safety. Soon, The Trinity of Fate will eventually be brought to justice and dissolved.
Great, just great! Now we're UBER fucked. Here I thought I could just enjoy a nice family holiday, but NOOOO, now me and Violet now have a kill order on us.
Alter...I think we've only got one option left.
We are not surrendering.
That's not what I'm referring to.
...no. You can't be serious here.
What other option do we have, Alter? My dad's not even a part of the clan and he's still here. If we want to survive, we have to turn ourselves in.
...fine. We have to protect the others.
Well, well, well...I wasn't expecting you to arrive right at my doorstep.
We have no other option, Dmitri.
Finally. I will have the Alter Rune's...
(Alter flashes his hands, and suddenly, Alter and everyone behind him glow red with the powers of the Alter Rune. All the prisoners in the yard suddenly start glowing red as well, and they tear the wall off of Dmitri's office.)
...oh, babushkas.
(While all the prisoners beat up Dmitri and Grigori, Alter grabs Henry and Ellie, then flies back to the airship with all the Toppat Clan members flying behind him.)
That. Was. Awesome. Wonder if Dmitri thought so...?
(Dmitri, dazed and freshly beaten to a pulp, raises a white flag on the flagpole, signifying that he gives up.)
Looks like he did.
Henry! Ellie! Welcome back, the clan missed you so much!
I thought they would...
Ellie? Are you alright?
(Ellie opens her mouth to reveal her tounge has been ripped out, and the team jumps back in surprise)
Yeah, she got her tounge ripped out of her mouth. Hey, Alter? Ellie would tell you that she wants you to destroy the building, but, well...y'know.
Not a problem.
(Alter fires one last bolt from his hands, and the entire Wall complex topples over, completely destroyed.)
Glad to have you two back. I'm Violet, by the way. Nice to meet you.
Yeah, same here. Anyway, let's get outta here.
RANK: Wallbreaker
"Sir, come over here for a moment."
"We just got a HUGE chaos reading. Looks like the Wall got toppled."
"...well, I'll be damned. Looks like we finally found Miss Wolfsbane."
"Sir? It looks like one of the Trinity Of Fate factions, specifically the Toppats, caused this spike. Should we terminate them?"
"Negatory. It looks like they retreated into the Space Station, so we can't get them anymore."
"Sir, what do we do? We can't just let them escape like this!"
"...yes, we can. Let 'em go, and cancel that red notice to the Interpol. We got what we were after, anyways. They ain't worth the trouble."
"Wait...then what were we after?"
"...Knowing that the resistance leader, Violet Wolfsbane, is still alive."
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n7inky-fanfics · 3 years
One Day at a Time
The destruction of the Reapers did not mean galactic peace. While the treaties Shepard had brokered during the war remain mostly intact, there is no shortage of pirates, criminals, gangs, and terroristic organizations bent on creating chaos and destruction. The Council began directing their Spectres towards overseeing and protecting reconstruction efforts and maintaining peace. Now that scientists are close to unlocking the key to repairing the mass relays, the galaxy has settled into unease. No one knows if crime will get better or worse with the relays back online. All factions are getting agitated, and more fighting is breaking out.
Sometimes, Kaidan pities the poor soul on the wrong end of Shepard's gun. More than once, he has heard all sorts of people shout something along the lines of "Oh shit, it's Shepard!" as they realized they were about to die. Shepard is a skilled soldier who dominates the battlefield with equal parts strength and grace. Fighting alongside her can be almost beautiful in an odd and violent sort of way, especially when she used her biotics. It took her almost a year of practice fighting on her military grade prosthetic leg, but she has now found that grace on the battlefield again. In the end, her skills and her career could not be taken by the Reaper War. The galaxy kept its greatest protector.
Today, they are both back on Mars, of all places, fighting a remnant of Cerberus that is attempting to steal more data from the archives. If intel is correct, their goal is to find weapons they can use "for the betterment of humanity", which is their way of saying anti-alien terrorism. Kaidan does have to admit that some part of him enjoys taking down pieces of Cerberus. After all the horrible things he's seen them do, including all that they have put Shepard through, he's glad to eliminate every last cell in the galaxy. It's a worthy career goal.
As the smoke clears, Shepard begins checking the bodies for data pads, hoping to find anything to indicate how many of them are at the archives and what their exact plans are. After all, if this was just an outdoor lookout team, there's bound to be more already inside. She freezes as she reads one of the data pads. Kaidan can barely see her face through her helmet, but her reaction to the data pad can't be good. "Shepard, what is it?"
She clears her throat and says calmly "It's not pertinent to the mission. Let's move on." She drops the data pad and continues towards the entrance. Kaidan trusts Shepard, but curiosity gets the better of him and he glances down at the data pad as he passes by. It currently displays the owner's profile. He can see an image that he guesses matches the body they found it on and a name. "Andrew Mason".
As they enter the archive, they happily find a distinct lack of civilian and scientist casualties. This time, intel learned of the plan early and decided to evacuate the scientists and ship in more soldiers. Unfortunately, Cerberus still puts up a good fight and many of the Alliance soldiers were injured or killed before the Spectres arrived (travel between systems takes more time now that the relays are gone). Shepard hops on to the nearest terminal and accesses the system logs. "Ah, here it is. Someone opened an archive five minutes ago. We can take the tram there."
"Perfect. Maybe this time we'll make it through without getting shot at." Immediately after making the joke, Kaidan winces at the realization that bringing up their last mission on Mars might not be a good idea. Sure, they've worked everything out, but it still could be a touchy subject. He was pretty cruel to her last time, before he almost died in front of her.
"Doubtful." Shepard laughs lightly as they board the tram.
They ride quietly for a moment before Kaidan asks "So, will I get to know who Andrew Mason is?"
"Maybe later. Now's not the time."
"Fair." Kaidan says. He smiles at her, hoping she can see it through the helmet. His is much more open and visually blocks less of the face. Shepard's preferred gear usually allows less visibility, but it also has fewer structural weak points. He noticed a change in her treatment of her armor not too long after he got back on the Normandy, but he's never said anything. Without asking, he already knows why Shepard chooses armor with the most reinforced environment system, and why she carefully and almost obsessively maintains it. He would, too, in her shoes.
He refocuses himself on the task at hand as they begin approaching their destination. They've almost made it when a Cerberus soldier begins firing at the car. They both take cover behind the wall and the dance begins yet again. As the car docks, Shepard throws up a barrier and runs out, shooting at several men in a row as she charges to cover. Kaidan focuses on the heavy trooper slowly approaching from a distance and Reaves. Together, they feed off each other's energy. The can move in sync, watching each other's sixes and supporting each other throughout the entire battle. Before long, the docking zone falls silent as the battle ends.
They take turns clearing doors until they finally get to the archive. They take cover on either side of the door. He opens it carefully, and Shepard immediately swings around to cover him with her pistol. The immediate entryway is surprisingly empty. Shepard gestures for him to follow, then slowly and quietly moves inside the room until they reach a sharp turn. She takes cover against the wall and peers around the corner, gun at the ready. As soon as she does, she is thrown backwards by a large biotic force. Her gun fires before she even hits the wall. Kaidan swings around and unleashes a singularity that pulls the target into the air. Shepard fires again, making several headshots that eventually pierce the armor and hit their mark.
"Thanks for the cover, Alenko." She says, her smile coming through in the sound of her voice. She pats him on the back and pushes further into the room, where the target had been collecting data onto a drive. She plugs the data into her omnitool and runs it through analysis softwares. Liara would be able to tell them more, but it appears that intel was correct. They had been here for advanced weapons blueprints. Shepard begins forwarding the information back to the Normandy, then turns to head back to the LZ. Kaidan follows her.
Getting back to the Normandy and conferencing with Admiral Hackett is no big deal. After the verbal debriefing, they retire to her cabin to write their mission reports. Kaidan's ship, the SSV London (named for the Battle of London that ended the Reaper War), is still getting it's final touches before he'll be able to take it out on a shakedown run, so he rode along with Shepard for this mission and their last several. As they settle into the couch with their tea and data pads, he can't help but smile. This is a good life, one he hadn't expected to attain. Every day, sometimes several times a day, he still finds himself thankful that they had found Shepard after the Crucible. When the Alliance had formally declared her missing in action, with the caveat that she was most likely dead, Kaidan refused to lay down and wait for them to declare her death. He contacted Hackett with an emergency QEC on the Normandy and told him that until they found a body, Shepard was to be considered alive and in need of assistance. They all owed that to her. Seeing her here and now, living her life with him, is something he is grateful for every day.
As Kaidan is putting the final touches on his report, Shepard sets her data pad on the table and walks to her shower, stripping off articles of clothing as she goes. He fumbles over the keyboard, leaving a line of text that reads "ghdhshgdg" as he watches her go. Knowing that he's watching, she calls "finish your report first, and then you can join me." He deletes the line of typos, hurriedly wraps up the report, and follows her for an enjoyable interlude.
Their activities eventually end with them cuddling in her bed. She lay with her head resting gently on his chest, her hand absentmindedly rubbing circles on through his chest hair. He has one arm around her back and gently brushing strokes down her upper arm. He can feel her back subtly rise and fall with her breath. They lay this way for a while before he feels a slight dampness on his chest, where her head is. "Hazel, are you okay?" he asks, looking down at her. Her face is buried in him. She stifles a sob, and he feels the shift in her breathing as she forces herself to cry silently. He wraps his arms around her tighter. "Sweetheart, whatever it is, I've got you." Slowly, she pulls herself back and looks at him. He reaches up to her and gently wipes the tears from her cheeks. She pulls herself into a sitting position against the headboard, and he follows so that they are sitting side by side.
She leans her head on his shoulder and quietly says "You asked about Andrew Mason?"
"Yeah. Do you want to talk about it?"
"I knew him... from before the Alliance." she ends the sentence at barely a whisper. Her shoulders tense and she looks down at the floor. "He was one of the younger kids in the Reds before I left." He gently reaches for her hand and takes it in his as she continues. "I heard he'd gotten out, that he'd joined the Alliance some time after my death. I had hoped he'd do well and go far, but it didn't work that way. I checked his records when we got back to the ship. His team got ambushed by some pirates about seven months before the Reapers invaded. He was discharged honorably for medical reasons, for PTSD. I guess that's when Cerberus got to him."
"Hazel, I'm so sorry." he says.
"The hell of it is that I can see myself in that kid. In what he came from, in his escape. What if I somehow influenced his decision to leave like that? How many kids joined after hearing fantastical stories about my life, only to be swooped up by Cerberus when the Alliance didn't live up to their expectations or to die in battle before they got the chance to reconsider?"
"Hey, stop that. It's not your fault, Hazel."
"How many people died because of me? Will continue to die because of me? Because I failed?" Her voice cracks and she lets out a shuddering breath.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Backup. Failed at what?"
"I couldn't save them all. I can never save them all."
"Hazel, stop. Look at me." He gently places his hand under her chin and guides her to look at him. "You are not responsible for every person in the galaxy. You've spent far too much of your life fighting galactic wars practically on your own. Enough is enough. We stopped the Reapers. Now, we just do what we can to make things a little better. One day at a time, okay?"
She nods and he pulls her into a tight embrace. "One day at a time." She sniffles.
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adecoysoul · 2 years
Looking back, I don't know how
I had missed it before
You secured the armaments
Walled off, ready for war
You let the bombs just float away
One by one
Surprise attack, why hesitate?
Damage done
It's Armageddon in your mind
You took the first shot every time
There were no prisoners or friends
Now it's the end
Strangers again
It was anarchy with your weaponry
You killed off all that was
Burning everything
'Til there was nothing
Brought death down from above
Annihilated love
Annihilated love
There would be no armistice
Battle lines have been drawn
You would give no haven
It's scorched earth, sound the alarms
You firebombed the memories
One by one
Becoming instant enemies
We know eye for eye
Would leave us both blind
But I was deaf and dumb
I surrender
I lift the white flag high
But now you're out for blood
Annihilated love
Annihilated love
The tragedy of the war we made
Was that I just couldn't surrender you
The casualty was only ever me
Still I run through the flames for you
Evacuate, I'm a target marked
Bullseye on my broken heart
I amputate, I'm torn apart
And you got what you wanted
You got what you wanted too
Is that what you wanted?
We know eye for eye
Would leave us both blind
But I was deaf and dumb
Annihilated love
Annihilated love
Annihilated love
Annihilated love
0 notes
amwilburn · 6 years
Jurassic World 1 & 2: Fallen Kingdom
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I loved the original Jurassic Park; one of those fun "Us vs Them" summer popcorn flicks. The first 2 sequels, however, are better off forgotten; silly, insipid, and uninspired. I lost my suspension of disbelief in the 2nd the moment Malcolm's (Jeff Goldblum) daughter performed a gymnastics escape from raptors, & spent the remainder of the film wondering how silly it would get; the 3rd film lost me at the Raptor waking up Dr Grant by calling his name :p
Jurassic World, the 4th film in the series, marks the beginning of the 2nd trilogy; and while a true sequel, it also serves as a reboot.
It brought back the mindless fun of the original, with great pacing and buildup, and a logical evolution of the story (let's make a bigger scarier T.Rex). Better effects, a more bombastic scale, & good acting all help.
You like & dislike the characters you're supposed to; Chris Pratt once again shows why he deserves to headline popcorn flicks. Bryce Dallas looks a bit too much like a supermodel, but is otherwise perfect as Claire. You root for them, despite his Owen being just as dismissive as every male character in this film is towards her Claire. (The original JP was oddly more progressive.)
However, in all "slasher/ us vs them" pics, there are supposed to be earned deaths, and JW1 screws up a couple. Didn't sit well with me and lost it some points.
In the 1st film, the sleazy lawyer gets (deservedly)  chomped by the T.Rex; Neuman (er, I mean Nedry) who causes the entire mess and tries to profit from it gets his just desserts, and even the heroic tracker's unfortunate fate is met with the dignity of the film's best 1 liner: " Clever girl"
In JW1, BD Howard's hapless assistant Zara, who is only trying to do her job, receives the films most over the top fate. Also, with Attenborough's actual unfortunate passing, they needed a new park owner. They created a character and a cast a likeable goofball who dies pointlessly for the sake of a small laugh. I wish they had simply recast his brother David as John Hammond (or at least his brother).
Despite a couple of plot holes (Why would a T. Rex suddenly help? How could a 20 year old car battery still work? How did a kid repair an old Jeep... Oh wait, Tony Stark must've taught him in Iron Man 3), JW1 is a fun, exhilarating romp. A-, 8.9 /10. JW1 Recommended.
The 3d is also well done, unobtrusive, and most importantly, not eye straining or blurry.
Jurassic World 2: Fallen Kingdom, on the other hand, is so mind numbingly stupid that it hurts to watch. Usually I say the worst thing a movie could be is dull, but in this case that only helped prolong the pain; the action is interesting enough to keep watching, but you'll regret watching it through *unless* you're watching it MST3000 style, simultaneously poking fun at it.
It actually starts of well, with an exciting incident sequence reminiscent of JP1's, but slows awkwardly from there. The new characters feel devoid of personality, & it's not due to poor acting, except maybe in the case of the annoying antagonist. As with JW1, production values are though the roof.
First gripe; JW1 tried so hard to get you to root for Pratt & BDH; JW2 offers little backstory as to why they haven't spoken to each other since then. Second; JW1 firmly established that it was a sequel. Well, JP2 & 3 both revolve around a secondary (nearby) dino island... So why is the plot of JW2 to rescue the dinosaurs to a secret new second island? Why not simply evacuate them all to the nearby already existing second island? Why the heck did Owen stand next to an open gyrosphere with the door wide open and not close it or get into it for what felt like 10 minutes? How did everything near lava not burst into flames?
The biggest gripe, as HISHE (YouTube channel How It Should Have Ended) points out: all the of the greedy backstabbing involved weaponising the dinos, as alluded to in JW1. But instead of throwing a hungry T. Rex into an area you want decimated, or having a pack of trained attack raptors as backup that would easily sense and dispatch otherwise undetectable prey... The genius idea is to train a new breed of raptor that will attack on command a 'painted' target.
That painting is done by pointing a laser sight from you gun at a target; when you pull the trigger, a noise will signal to the raptor to attack the painted target.
Except if you're already pointing a gun at someone, why wouldn't you just shoot, instead of fly a caged dinosaur to a target location; do more work than simply shooting at it. This is suspension of disbelief breaking stupid. It would've been so much better if they'd simply followed JW1's military application plotline.
But wait, there's more! I'd wished they had either cast David Attenborough as either John Hammond or his brother. Instead, they cast James Cromwell as Jurassic Park's co creator (who had never been even mentioned previously); there's supposed to be a deeper, heart wrenching story (spoiler alert): Normally I would find a spoiler free way to present a plot point, but 1) It's obvious (blatantly foreshadowed)
2) & meaningless
3) you probably won't make it that far into the film. My wife gave up watching by this point.
But skip these 2 paragraphs if you actually don't want to know: the moment Cromwell's character says he has a granddaughter he's taken care of since her mom died, you can figure out (shock!) That girl's actually his late daughter's clone, using the same cloning tech. This would've been a big reveal had it been Attenborough's Hammond character, not some previously never mentioned (in 4 films!) co founder's; which is why I wish they had simply recast Hammond using David Attenborough. Also Cromwell (in the poorest British accent since Costner's Robin Hood) states she's the spitting image of her mother. Subtle.
At the end, when Claire & Owen are wrestling with whether to let the trapped dinos perish or free them, the granddaughter frees them because "they're alive like me". Um... Ok. Cause dinosaur clones and human clones are the same thing.
It's hard to believe that they let the quality drop as much from JW1 to JW2 as much as they did, but this is still arguably better than JP2 or 3. Also, to be fair, I couldn't think of what should've happened next either. But then again, I'm not a screenwriter.
6.0/10. C/C-
JW2 Not really recomended, but cute baby raptors are almost worth the price of admission.
Just watched The Meg... And *that* would've actually made a decent sequel to JW1. In fact, since Owen was recruited by In Gen out of the Navy, you could've inserted Pratt into Statham's role and it would've been a proper JW sequel.
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