#evanstan ficlet
its-tortle · 1 year
🙄 + evanstan 1k celebration ficlet
for the lovely @cable-knit-sweater <3 i'm sorry this took a hot minute and even sorrier that this is plotless and not my best work, but i hope you like it regardless!
His flight is delayed by three hours. 
And really, after all this time, Sebastian is used to the push and shove and the stress of airports, but it doesn’t make it any less annoying when everything goes wrong like this. He really hates having his plans waylaid, and the lukewarm coffee in his hand really isn’t bringing him any comfort as he stares down the gate display before him.
He sighs heavily and takes another unsatisfying sip of his coffee. The baby across the aisle stares at him from above a sweatered shoulder, and Sebastian gives it a small smile that widens when the baby gurgles.
Sebastian is about to stick his tongue out, or maybe cross his eyes, when his phone vibrates in his pocket with a message.
The sender notification makes him smile, and he unlocks it in a second.
From: Chris 💙
I saved some of the tiramisu from catering for you! 
Right, the other reason this delay majorly sucks, and definitely the more important one: Chris -- his boyfriend, the love of his life, his better half, and all of the rest of that sappy shit. His wonderful, beautiful Chris whom he hasn’t seen in weeks, and who he will have to wait a few more painful hours to have in his arms again.
If Sebastian could, he would teleport to Atlanta right now, suitcase be damned, just so he could see his face and then kiss it silly and end up eating tiramisu in bed with him. He aches with how much he wants it.
Sebastian begins to type out a thanks, but another message comes through a moment later.
From: Chris 💙
Are you boarded yet?
Sebastian’s smile transforms into something more like a grimace. He pictures Chris’ sad puppy eyes, and it really doesn't make him feel any better.
To: Chris 💙
No :( 
To: Chris 💙
My flight is delayed 3 hours. Delta said it was due to unexpected staff illness.
The announcement had made him roll his eyes earlier. Storms or strikes he would understand, but this is just ridiculous. The incoming text echoes the sentiment.
From: Chris 💙
It makes Sebastian smile. He can just picture the way Chris roll his ocean eyes, lashes fluttering prettily, and already begins planning the best way to be a nuisance and trigger it. 
From: Chris 💙
I’m going to hire whoever they need me to hire so that you can get here sooner 
To: Chris 💙
You’re ridiculous 
To: Chris 💙
I miss you too
Chris sends him a heart back. It’s ridiculous how happy it still makes Sebastian to see it. 
Sometimes, he still feels like he did when he first met Chris, like a teenager with a silly, giddy crush on the coolest boy in school. He had spent the better part of three years feeling stupid, with hearts in his eyes and pink in his cheeks, giggling at everything Chris said and soaking up every kind word like he would die without it. He was almost sure that it was hopeless, that someone as blindingly wonderful and warm as Chris would never go for someone like Sebastian. And that Chris was straight, to boot.
And then, by some miracle, he wasn’t, and he would. By an even greater miracle, his crush had turned into a genuine, reciprocated, real love and now Sebastian has been getting little colorful emoji hearts from Chris for years. 
He loves them, just as much as he loves the little food emojis Chris sends him sometimes or the stickers he has of Dodger. He loves them alongside Chris’ penchance for the winking and the eye roll emoticon. More than anything, he loves that they’re all from Chris, and that they’re for him. 
It’s no replacement for the real thing, though, which is why he’s the first one off the plane when they finally do land in Atlanta. He rushes so much that he ends up a little sweatier than he’d like, but when he’s finally back in Chris’ arms, he can’t find it in himself to care much at all.
He’ll fly to Atlanta again, and then maybe to Australia and Antarctica and the moon, airline delays and all. Whenever he needs, wherever he needs -- Sebastian knows he’ll follow.
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voylitscope · 3 months
CA: TWS 10th Anniversary Ficlets (Day 5)
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Daily ficlets for the CA: TWS 10th Anniversary Event @catws-anniversary. With Huge thanks to @sparkagrace and @cable-knit-sweater for running this wonderful event! 💞
Five | March 30th | Theme: TWS Cast | Prompt: Stunts | Words: 350 | Mature | No Warnings | RPF, Chris Evan/Sebastian Stan, very light/implied sexual content (but throwing this one under a cut just in case), sexual thoughts/tension, intentionally unspecified POV
It's a perfectly normal and unremarkable sort of thing. It's not anything he should spend time thinking about. Because it's meaningless, and he knows that it is. Bodies simply have reactions sometimes, and there's nothing more to it, or behind it.
After all, adrenaline is a hormone that can lead to many responses in a person.  And when adrenaline is combined with very, very physical fight choreography — with bodies so close, with so much contact, well — well, of course, these things can happen.
Physical responses shouldn't be a surprise at all. 
Sometimes, all that adrenaline is just energy that helps perfect the choreography. Sometimes, it buzzes over bone-deep exhaustion and helps him make it through to the end of the day. 
And then, sometimes, when he's coursing with adrenalin, his body reacts to being pressed into someone else's body — to moving with and against someone else's body. But, as an adult and a professional, he doesn't need to even notice that. There's no reason he should notice that. 
Not about himself or about the body that's tangled with his, so often, these days.
It's nothing worth giving a second of attention to. Not in the moment, and certainly not — 
Certainly not later and when he's alone.
Certainly not later, alone, and picturing that other body pressed against his in a less professional context. Certainly not later, alone, picturing that body pressed against his in a less professional context, and thinking about what it might like if that familiar deep voice was whispering into his neck. 
Certainly not later, alone, picturing their bodies moving — grinding — together, that voice whispering to him, and imagining their hands traveling — as his own hand travels a similar path on his own body, as he bites his lip and — 
No. Because there's nothing to inspire any of that. 
It's nothing but adrenaline and normal responses to so much physical contact. 
And, if the way that, a few moments later, he's swallowing down a shout and his heart is pounding loudly in his ears, seems to contradict that conclusion? 
Those things are just normal physical reactions, too.
Nothing to think about. 
🎆Four | March 29th | Theme: Natasha Romanoff | Prompt: Trust Issues | Words: 350 | Canon compliant | Not Rated | No Warnings | Gen, Natasha and Steve friendship
🎆Three | March 28th | Theme: SHIELD | Prompt: Surprise Visitor | Words: 300 | Canon compliant | Not Rated | No Warnings | But: very brief Steve/OC (sort of), and, I guess, privacy invasion via audio recording? I don’t know how to tag that. It’s canon that Steve’s DC apartment was bugged. So?
🎆Two | March 27th | Theme: Steve Rogers | Prompt: Guilt | Words: 300 | Canon compliant | Not Rated | No Warnings
🎆 One | March 26th | Theme: On your left | Prompt: The Smithsonian | Words: 250 | Canon compliant | No warnings | Not Rated |
(Ficlets Tumblr-exclusive until all are complete.)
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cable-knit-sweater · 1 year
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Maybe I’m too busy (being yours)
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Word count: 3.3k
Rating: T
Summary: based on this prompt/headcanon by @sparkagrace and inspired by late night evanstan conversations with @musette22 💖💖💖
A couple of years after Chris & Sebastian end their relationship, they run into each other on the streets of New York. Sebastian invites Chris over for dinner at his place. They talk, but it takes a while for them to hear what the other is saying.
Or, idiots in love, fried chicken, tearful kisses, reunions.
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Read on AO3 or below
The first days after New Year's Eve always feel a little strange. He spent Christmas with his mom, went to a NYE party at a friend’s place, and now he’s recovered - which, unfortunately, is taking a little longer, now he’s getting old - Sebastian kind of feels like the first days of the year are just as weird, with time not making sense, as those days in between Christmas and New Years.
He guesses it’s different for people with a 9-5 job, who have no choice but to go back into their normal routine. He’s mostly glad that’s not him - he loves his job, loves the freedom it provides him too - but on the other hand, it kind of makes it harder to get back in the swing of things and not just laze around.
His friends would laugh at him, if he told them, and so would his mom, who’s always telling him “Sebastian, you never relax, you should take a break, you work too hard,” while pinching his cheeks like he’s still a little boy, and not a 40 year old man. He loves it. She also may have a point. Maybe.
But Sebastian loves to stay busy. He loves what he does, has grown to love it even more over the years, with more opportunities coming his way, allowing him to take on projects he feels more passionate about or that allow him to flex different muscles. The only thing is that he won’t have a project to start on for a little while, so work-work is out. What he can do though, is get back into a healthy routine in other ways. Maybe go to the gym again. Don has been asking him about his workouts…and he hasn’t been the best at sticking to them recently.
He takes the 2nd of January to just hang around his apartment, catch up on some shows and movies he missed, but on the 3rd he gets up early, puts on running clothes and a beanie and hits the pavement. He’s spent so much time in LA recently, he’s happy to be back in his own little bubble, even if that bubble is him and dozens of other people jogging down the West Side Highway.
It’s cold, but not too cold, the gentle breeze in his face more energising than it is bothersome. When he gets back home, he feels good about himself, having gotten some fresh air and his muscles pleasantly aching, which a hot shower eases to the point it’s no longer uncomfortable. That’s one thing down, a bunch of things on his list left to tackle.
Sebastian spends most of the rest of the day at home, cleaning up his apartment, doing paperwork, reading some scripts and replying to some emails, and it’s a good day, productive, and he aims to keep that feeling going for the rest of the week. He’ll be flying to LA on Sunday anyway, and from there on he’ll have enough work related obligations to keep him busy, so he intends to make the most of those free days he has now.
He goes to the gym the next day, bringing the very late Christmas presents he got Don and the rest of the crew with him, and they joke around for a bit before Don decides it’s time to get back to business, and puts Sebastian through his paces like he usually does. He says his goodbyes just before lunch time, dropping by his apartment for a shower and a change of clothes before going to his favorite coffee place and spending the afternoon working on his writing. It’s a short story, for now, but maybe, if he gets the courage, he’ll try and turn it into something else one day. A script, maybe, he hopes.
When he looks up from his notebook, it’s already starting to get dark outside. It’s been gloomy all day, but still, it’s now noticeably getting late, and he barely even realised. He packs up his things and takes the last of his coffee to go.
He’s not paying too much attention as he makes his way home, thoughts still on the story he was writing getting jumbled up with thoughts of what to have for dinner, when he walks into a wall. It wouldn’t be the first time, he thinks, self-deprecatingly, but then the wall moves, and it’s actually a human being. Sebastian goes to frantically apologise, only for his eyes to meet a pair of surprised, green-blue eyes he knows, knows so well, and never, ever, expected to see here, right now.
“Seb,” Chris breathes out, the surprise on his face making way for a beaming smile. “I- what are you doing here?”
Sebastian chuckles, even as his heart is beating out of his chest. “I- hi, Chris, I-uhm, I live near here?”
Chris ducks his head, blushing a little. “Right, I knew that, of course.”
They stare at each other for a moment. Sebastian can’t believe they’re being this awkward, with how long they’ve known each other. He can’t bear for this conversation to end just here. “I- what are you doing here?” he asks, then curses himself silently for not asking him something better.
Chris scratches the back of his neck, a nervous gesture, Sebastian knows. “I uhm, I was supposed to have a business dinner, came all the way out here for that and another meeting tomorrow, but they just cancelled,” gesturing with the hand holding his phone. “I was just trying to find somewhere to go for dinner. They uhm- the place they wanted to meet is a little fancy, I think they wanted to wine-and-dine me or something, but now it just seems silly so-”
Sebastian realises Chris is rambling, and will continue to, and because he wants to help him out, and his brain is no longer connected to his mouth, he says: “Oh, I know a place. I was just going to get some take-out, you’re welcome to join me?”
The look on Chris’s face is one of pure surprise, and Sebastian hates it. It should be normal for him to invite Chris to dinner. It might have been, he knows, years ago, when they did more than text twice a year. So much more.
“You-are you sure?”, Chris says, and Sebastian can feel Chris’s hand on his arm as he pulls them a little out of the way of oncoming foot traffic. “You- if you just have a suggestion that’s okay too, I didn’t mean to invite myself, I’m sure you have plans.”
It’s hard to concentrate. Looking into Chris’s eyes, having his hand on his body. It takes a moment for Sebastian to respond. “No-no plans, I’d love for you to join me.” He’s worried for a second that Chris now feels obligated to join him, but before he can back track, Chris responds, relief and excitement clear on his face.
“I’d love that too,” he says, voice soft. “You lead the way.”
Sebastian nods, only mourning the loss of Chris’s hand on his arm for a second. Maybe two. “I uhm, what if we just go to mine and I order in? Might be easiest.”
Chris smiles. “Whatever you want, that sounds good.”
They make their way to Sebastian’s apartment. He’s glad he cleaned up his place the day before, so now the only thing he has to worry about is…Chris, and the conversation not becoming too stilted. Luckily, Chris takes the lead, asking Sebastian about what he’s been up to. It’s just small talk, but at least it’s no longer awkward.
When they get inside, Sebastian offers Chris a drink and tells him to make himself comfortable. Sebastian is decidedly not freaking out about Chris going through his bookcase, about Chris lounging on his couch, about Chris putting a bottle of beer to his lips.
Eventually, Sebastian can’t put off joining him on the couch much longer, and he makes his way over.
“It’s changed,” Chris says, something in his voice Sebastian can’t quite place, but he’s right, it has.
Chris has been here before, in his apartment, but it’s been years. The last time was almost 5 years ago, when Chris was doing a play in New York, and things were different between them. Sebastian had gone to support him at the opening night of Lobby Hero, so proud of Chris for finally doing this, filled with excitement about seeing him in a role like this, up on the stage. He’d kissed away Chris’s nervousness about it the night before, tried, at least.
They’d been okay, that night. Good even. Chris had been happy about how it went, Sebastian had been happy for him, they had drinks with family and friends after and celebrated opening night until the early hours. Sebastian had felt so grateful that he got to be there to witness this, see Chris shine and get his well-deserved praise.
And then two days later, it all fell apart. Chris had come by, sat on Sebastian’s couch - his old one, he got rid of the one that had been there before, too many memories - and panicked. He was just going to be out of Marvel’s grasp, just going to gain some freedom in his work again, and he cared about Sebastian, cared so much, he’d said, but it just wasn’t the right time. He’d hoped they could stay friends.
Sebastian understood. He’d hoped…he’d hoped they’d be something more, some day. Something more than a casual hookup. He thought they had been, maybe. It had stopped feeling casual to Sebastian long before. But he understood. The attention on Chris was overwhelming. If they ever came out, it would be his career that would be impacted the most, and there was so much Chris still wanted to try, Sebastian knew, and he never, ever, would’ve wanted to get in the way of that.
If he’s really honest with himself, it’s only recently, in the last couple of years, that he’s really come to understand why Chris did what he did. His own star has been rising, slowly, steadily, and with it…he learned that the cruelty of people really knows no bounds. Chris, sweet, anxious, in his head Chris…it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise that he backed away from whatever could’ve been.
Even if that meant Sebastian having to put on a brave face like his heart wasn’t breaking into a million pieces. But he’d never expected to get to keep Chris anyway.
“Yeah I- I think it was time to move on from some things, spruce the place up, you know?” Sebastian says, immediately regretting it when he sees Chris’s face fall at that. What did he even say that was so wrong?
Chris doesn’t say anything for a moment, then turns to Sebastian, with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “I like it, it suits you.”
Sebastian just nods, taking his phone out. “Let me just- I’m just gonna order some things okay?”
He maybe over-does it. Probably. He can’t be blamed; his mind and his heart are all over the place, and if that results in Sebastian ordering fried chicken and sides enough to feed a small army, well, things could be worse.
They talk for a little while, Sebastian trying to hold back from sounding too eager at getting little nuggets of whatever is going on in Chris’s life. It’s been so long since they talked, and even if he’s going to have to recover from whatever this is for a while, will go back to thinking about Chris every single night, when he thought he was almost over it…it’s nice, to hear he’s doing well, to hear his excitement about his upcoming projects, to hear him gush about whatever new trick Dodger learned. Even if it makes this ache in his heart that’s always there grow and grow.
It’s only half an hour later when their food arrives, Sebastian putting the bags down on his coffee table. He looks up to tell Chris to dig in, but he has a strange look on his face. It goes from surprise to confusion to his lips curling into a small smile.
“What?” Sebastian asks, when Chris tilts his head, studying him like just staring at Sebastian will give him the answers to a question Sebastian wasn’t aware fried chicken would bring up.
“Blue Ribbon,” Chris says, amused, fond. “This is from Blue Ribbon.”
“Yeah, I guess?”
“You ordered from them before?”
If only he were a better liar. “I-uhm…”
Chris bites his lip, but it does nothing to stop the smile on his face or the fact that his eyes are crinkling a little. “You know that’s my favorite place?”
“I-oh?” Sebastian feels his cheeks heating up at having been caught out.
“It’s so good,” Chris says, and for a moment Sebastian thinks he’s gotten away with it. They settle in, unpacking the boxes and spreading them out on the table, and right as Sebastian is about to take his first bite, Chris leans back on the couch, grinning.
“It’s also soooo good to know there are people that watch my interviews so I don’t go through that torture just for nothing, you know.”
“I hate you, you know that?” Sebastian says, blushing furiously now. Chris just cackles. Sebastian missed that sound so, so much. His heart skips a couple of beats at them finally seeming like them, for what it feels like the first time tonight.
“No, you don’t.”
“No, I don’t, I really don’t,” Sebastian says, not expecting the look of surprise on Chris’s face.
“I really don’t,” he repeats, meeting Chris’s eyes again. “You know that right?”
“I- yeah, of course,” Chris swallows visibly.
They’re both quiet for a while, the only sounds in the apartment those of take out bags rustling and food being consumed.
“Moved on from what?” Chris suddenly blurts out.
It takes Sebastian a minute to realise what he’s referring to. Their conversation about that stupid couch. He has a fleeting thought about too many people in his life being obsessed with what kind of couch he has, even if he knows Chris is really referring to something else.
“I mean, moving on is good. I just…I didn’t know.”
Sebastian takes a napkin to clean his hands a little, then turns around on the couch to face Chris. “You didn’t know that I redecorated?”
Chris looks a little pained. “I- I didn’t know you moved on. I mean, I should’ve known, it’s been years, you- of course you have, I just hoped, I-”
He puts a stop to Chris’s rambling, placing a hand on his arm. Chris’s eyes dart to it immediately. For a moment Sebastian thinks about pulling away, but he’s selfish, and he leaves his hand where it is. “Chris, I’m a little lost here,” he says, and honestly, he is.
“I just- I missed you,” Chris whispers.
Sebastian tries to process that statement - he isn’t sure what to say in response. He missed Chris too, so much it hurt. But he can’t let himself think about this conversation going where he hopes it’s going, wouldn’t be able to bear the crushing disappointment if it doesn’t. And why would it? He’s not heard from Chris in months, hasn’t seen him in person in years. When they broke up, if you can even call it that, he figured that would be it. Chris could have anyone he wants, and without the complications and eccentricities that Sebastian brings.
“I-I’ve been thinking a lot recently,” Chris starts again, “about how I handled things. About what I’m doing with my life, where I’m going, what I’m missing.” He takes a deep breath. “And I may- I realised a lot of things, and I know that sounds lame, but I did and, and- fuck, Sebastian, I just miss you.”
“I know, I- I get it if you don’t, I know I handled things badly, you didn’t deserve for me to just…” Chris blows out a harsh breath, closes his eyes. “I just, I haven’t seen you in so long, and you have a new couch, and I miss you, and I know you’re busy, but I just hope we’re still friends? Can we still be friends?”
“Chris…of course we can be friends, of course I miss you too,” Sebastian says, feeling even more all over the place.
“You do?” Chris asks, with his sad puppy eyes and Sebastian’s heart breaks all over again.
“Of course I do. Why- why wouldn’t I?” he rubs his hand up and down Chris’s arm in a soothing gesture. He’d never be too busy for Chris. He’d just have to call or text and Sebastian would jump at the chance to see him, talk to him. Even if he knows that’s sad, when all Chris clearly wants is to be friends, and Sebastian…Sebastian will settle for being friends, if that’s all he can have.
“Because you moved on?” Chris asks, voice smaller than Sebastian ever thinks he’s heard it.
He hates it. Chris always was the confident, decisive one. His anxiety is clearly getting to him and Sebastian wishes he had a way to stop him from spiralling.
“I wouldn’t- I shouldn’t have expected- I…maybe I should go.”
Wait. “Wait, what? Chris, I think we’re having two different conversations here. Why don’t you pretend I’m stupid and spell it out for me? Please?”
He can see Chris clearly trying to calm himself down, taking a couple of breaths before he speaks again. “You- I’m getting older Seb, and I’ve been thinking about what I want. What I want…my career is great, wonderful, I love my friends and Dodge and my house, but I just feel like something is missing, someone to share it with, and I can’t- no one…I know I’m too late, but Seb, I just miss you, miss having you in my life, and when I think about who I- it’s always you.”
As rambling as Chris’s answer still is, Sebastian can feel his heart beating faster and faster the more he says, his words making Sebastian feel like his head is spinning.
He’s not sure what to say to all of that, thoughts of confessions, proclamations, forming in his head, none of them feeling like they suffice, none of them feeling like they’ll be an answer that will bring a rambling, anxious Chris out of his head. They’ve both been dancing around it, he realises, all evening, words said and questions asked just shy of what they really want to know or voice, a fear of unrequitedness, threaded through it all.
So he just acts. Cups Chris’s face in his hands, stares into slightly wet green-blue eyes looking for an okay, presses their lips together in a soft kiss he hopes answers it all when he sees them sparkling with something like hope.
And just in case, he says in words what he hopes he conveyed with that kiss too, concise, impossible to misunderstand. “It’s you, too, for me,” he breathes against Chris’s lips, foreheads pressed together, eyes closed. “It’s always been. I missed you, I love you.”
In return, a hitched breath, Chris murmuring “I love you too, I’m sorry it took me so long, I love you,” and Sebastian feels like he’s in a dream, but it’s real and it’s true and he knows they have things to figure out, that it’s not always gonna be easy, but this time, this time he’s not letting go, not giving up without a fight.
From the way Chris topples him over on the couch, covers his face in kisses, sweet words being whispered in his ear, hands tightly gripping his body, he’s pretty certain he’s not the only one that feels that way.
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sparkagrace · 1 year
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A small collection of random ficlets written just for tumblr.
Toxic | Steve/Winter Soldier: part one | two | three
All My Exes' Moms | post-break up: one | two
There's No Way | outsider pov, friends to lovers
Please Mr Postman | shrinkyclinks, office au
Getaway Car | new years eve
Love You For A Long Time | established relationship
Everywhere | evanstan, accidental roommates
Son's Gonna Rise | steve & maria bffs, undercover
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musette22 · 2 years
38/55/69 for the ask game?
Hi honey! thanks so much for playing!!
What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
Oh boy… um, most of them? 😅 There are so many hahaha, especially the Evanstan ones. But I think the most self-indulgent one was either my first fic, the inanely titled I've done some things that I shouldn't have done (but I haven't stopped loving you once), because that’s the one I wrote purely for myself, not knowing if anyone else would ever (want to) read it. So it was just exactly what I wanted to read but hadn’t been able to find anywhere online yet, so that’s probably the definition of self-indulgent! The same goes for my second fic too, though, There is a Tavern in the Town. And maaaaaaybe that one’s even more self-indulgent because I kind of mashed my two favourite ships into one fic - again, without knowing if anyone else would be interested in reading something like that, just because I really wanted a fic like that!
Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Oh, far too many, to be honest 😂 Sometimes I feel like all my work is the same, just rehashed slightly! I think one of the most obvious recurring themes/tropes in my fics, especially my Evanstan ones, is the PDA/slight voyeurism one… It just really does it for me lol. I just really love the idea of others being witness to the love and affection these boys have for one another, and also I guess it’s just me self-projecting a little because I’d really like to see it myself 🙈
Another recurring theme, especially in smut, is a slight Dom/sub dynamic (Chris/Seb for Evanstan, and either way for Stucky, depending on the story), but not too extreme. Oh, and another one is that I reaaaally love my first kiss/getting together/love realizations or confessions scenarios … I write a lot of those 😅 As for words/expressions that appear a lot: there are honestly too many to mention. I just know that if a computer would search all my writing, it would find so many duplicate sentences 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m trying to be more original, but it’s hard!!! Lmao
What are your favorite fics at the moment?
Oohhh okay, let me think. I couple that I’ve (re)read and really loved lately are:
All Those Little Pieces by Ellessey
Matters of Public Interest by lattebiscuit (@sanguineterrain)
Cat Nap by galwednesday
be kind, rewind by sparkagrace (@forsureitslove) (WIP)
Unusual Weather by novembersmith
Give it a Voice by cable-knit-sweater (@cable-knit-sweater)
Tumblr Ficlets by dreamsinthewitchouse (@dreamsinthewitchouse) (collection)
Thank you so much again, lovely! <33
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metalbvcky · 3 years
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Evanstan Week Day 1: Working Out/Sports (@evanstanweek​) 
Trainer!Chris and BodyBuilder!Sebastian Moodboard + Ficlet 
Sweat poured from Sebastian’s brow, sliding down his temples. While his trainer looked straight out of a model magazine, Chris sure as hell worked harder. He’d gone through a few trainers in the past, but Chris seemed to be the guy that just clicked for him. More than a mentor though. Sebastian would be lying to himself if he wasn’t dying to go out on a date with Chris.
“Come on, Seb,” Chris said, nudging his head with praise.
Taking a deep breath, Sebastian gripped the bar with as much force as he could muster; raising his arms. Sweaty palms beneath the gloves, Sebastian’s grip dwindled. 
“Chris- I can’t,” Sebastian gasped, shocked at how fast his muscles were failing him, elbows trembling.
Chris bent down on his knees, coming closer toward Sebastian but out of the way of the dumbbell. “Yes, you can.”
Sebastian drew in a heaved breath, successfully holding a position for no more than a few seconds. Like a savior, Chris swooped in and took the dumbbell away from Sebastian's hold; placing it on the rack above. 
“Hey, you made some good progress today," Chris said, clapping a hand on Sebastian's back. 
Sebastian tips his head back, throat contrasting as he gulped cool ice water from his stainless steel tumbler. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, signing heavily. "Doesn't feel like it but thanks." 
"You'll get there. I'm sure of it." 
Dotting his forehead with the towel wrapped around his neck, Sebastian gazed up at Chris with curious eyes. They had met weeks ago but what the hell? The worst thing he could say was no. 
"Do you...uh," Sebastian cleared his throat, trying to hold eye contact. "Wanna go out for drinks later this weekend?" 
Chris straightened his back, looking at Sebastian with a glint in his eye. Sebastian couldn't exactly put a finger on it. Disgust? Embarrassment? Confusion? 
But then, Chris’s face bloomed into a bright smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I'd love to. There's a new place that opened up not too far from here." 
"Yeah, I've actually been meaning to ask you but I chickened out every time," Chris laughed, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. 
"Well," Sebastian said, standing up. "I guess I'll see you on Saturday, huh?" 
"I guess so," Chris replied. 
Score two for Sebastian. 
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odetolove95 · 3 years
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- (Steve, deadpan) "Do you Google these cheesy lines?"
- (awkwardly) "No, I don't."
- "Well, bye." (Steve walks away)
- (Bucky, yelling after him) "Wait! Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be FINE print!"
- (Steve, blushing) "Shut up! And get home on time! I want no excuses."
Read ficlet on AO3
Stucky AU - Pick-Up Lines
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hungerpunch · 2 years
For your 3 sentences thingy, you said poly included so: Lewis Valtteri Seb 😏
I sent it too fast, with the word 'damn' 👀
lilly, thank you for your patience! your prompt stewed in my mind all week. i've never written seb before so it required the most thought. i hope it fits the bill ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
it's hedging mid-evening when they arrive at valtteri's monte carlo apartment. "what do you guys want for dinner?" he asks as he shoulders the door open. he stows his luggage against the wall to deal with later and makes his way across the open floorplan to the kitchen.
"pizza?" lewis suggests, shrugging his oversized fendi jacket off to hang in the hallway closet. "like, homemade the way you do."
valtteri frowns, looking up from where he's already started rooting around in his fridge to see what he has. "we were just in italy and you want my pizza?"
"well," lewis says, coming to meet him in the kitchen and slinging his arms around valtteri's shoulders. "there are only two people in the world who have learned to make a vegan pizza exactly as i like, and you're one of them."
valtteri smiles despite himself, shaking his head in fond disbelief. "and you?" he asks, turning to look at sebastian, who is just shuffling into the kitchen.
sebastian is busy pulling the sleeves of his sweater down over his palms and knuckles. "pizza sounds nice," he says when he looks up, aiming a wink at lewis.
"someone will have to go for ingredients," valtteri points out. he doesn't just keep vegan cheese stocked and ready to go.
"i vote the youngest," sebastian says, grin sly.
valtteri blinks. "wait--"
"sorry," sebastian says, affecting a suspiciously convincing faux innocence, as if he's truly apologetic but his hands are simply tied. "seniority rules."
valtteri looks back to lewis for help only to find lewis making puppy eyes at him. valtteri attempts a feeble last ditch stand: "this will take a while. thought you would be hungry now."
lewis taps his nose. "get snacks." at the defeated look on valtteri's face, he adds: "we love you," in a soft, coaxing coo.
valtteri does not say he loves them, too. instead, he says, "damn it," on a resigned sigh. they both know it's the same thing.
when valtteri returns with the necessary groceries, he finds them cuddled up on his sofa. sebastian has a pint glass of something amber that he must have nicked from the beer fridge and lewis is holding a mug of tea. sebastian blows a kiss to him and then pouts when valtteri forgets to mime catching it. they've got something on the television but valtteri doesn't bother checking to see what it is; he shucks his jacket and gets straight back to the kitchen.
eventually the other two slink over and slide onto the burnished bar stools, prop their chins on their hands, and watch him work. they pick over the spread of hummus and veggies he got for them to munch on and decide to take up the role of commentating.
"look at him go," sebastian says around the satisfying snap of a crisp bell pepper wedge. "dunno if i've ever been jealous of dough before."
valtteri chuckles and glances up from where he's rolling out the dough in firm, practiced pushes. he shakes his head.
"he works so hard," lewis agrees. "does such a good job."
"all right," valtteri mutters, not lifting his gaze again. his cheeks sting from the blood rush of a sudden blush. "that's enough from you two."
despite his initial resistance, valtteri does enjoy making the pizza. enjoys eating it, too. enjoys the satisfied expressions of contentment on sebastian and lewis most of all.
they load the dishwasher for him, after, and collectively make their way to the cozy sectional. valtteri has a goblet of red wine and sebastian another pint of beer and lewis has... water. sometimes valtteri doesn't understand how he lives his life with no vices. he doesn't drink much or have much sugar at all these days. no drugs--at least not during the season. not even a pint of dairy ice cream to drown his woes in, nor a sneaky cigarette, nor time for lying around binging television. he even took a break from making music, for a spell, which had made valtteri especially sad.
but maybe this serves a purpose. this being pressed between valtteri and sebastian on the couch. this being sebastian sliding to his knees and hitching lewis' shorts down while valtteri tips lewis' chin towards him for a kiss. lewis loves kissing. in valtteri's experience, lewis can while away a whole hour making out with only the briefest of pauses for air.
it's the perfect nightcap, drinking lewis' moans right out of his mouth is. valtteri is glad to hold the comforting weight of lewis relaxing in his arms while sebastian works. tomorrow night, they'll pull out one of lewis' favorites: taking turns fucking him until he's boneless and wordless and melted into a veritable puddle in valtteri's bed. but for now, there's three red mouths and enough love to go around, and that's exactly what he needs.
[read a wee continuation in another fill here]
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Anyone wanna send me some prompts??🌼🙃
Hey guys! So after moving back to my apartment only to have busy busy very social life and then having to move out again (like move-move, all my furniture and stuff) I have now landed in a somewhat stabile even if very temporary living situation and I really wanna get back into all the fic ideas and events and fandom plans I have in my drafts! But I seem to have completely forgotten what kind of magic led me to write my first three fic’s in a row, that even turned out quite good for little beginner me if I do say so myself)🤯😳🙃
So I thought I would see if anyone would feel like assisting my re-summoning with some prompts for little tumblr ficlets or even something that turns out a bit bigger if I somehow get on a roll!
So if any of you lovely people are walking around with lil’ Stucky or Evanstan thoughts that you aren’t going to write yourselves for some reason, but that you would like to see turned into a little something-something feel seriously free to hit me up with some prompts in the asks!! I would be deeply appreciative and do my very best to make it good!
Endless hugs (I hope you’re all doing great you lovely fandom-folk and friendsies!)💛
Please feel free to reblog too if any of you want, in case any of your followers might be wanting to do some prompting!☺️
- Mari🌼🌼🌼
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ixalit · 4 years
“You smell really nice”, Evanstan, fluff? ❤️
@ywecanthavenicethingsanymore and an anon also asked for this a long, long time ago
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Anyways, here’s 700 words on the subject. Unbeta’d. Tw for gross love and alcohol intoxication, although no alcohol is “shown.”
Sebastian is trying for grace when he slides into the back seat of Chris’s sleek black SUV, but it probably ends up looking more like an awkward and uncoordinated crawl. That’s what he gets for drinking one too many at the after party. Maybe two too many. Either way, it was fun. Catching up with friends and past coworkers alike, doing a little networking early in the evening before retreating to the dark corner lined with couches, where luxury meets cheap party games and tipsy A-listers.
With a sigh, Sebastian settles back into the leather seat of the car as it hums to life underneath him, pulling smoothly away from the curb. He rubs his hands up and down his thighs, letting his head loll to the side. To Chris.
“Hey,” Chris says with a soft smile from the other side of the car.
Sebastian smiles back and holds his eyes for a beat, warmth spreading through his body the same way the alcohol had.
Chris pulls a bottle of water from one of the cupholders and takes two big gulps before tilting it to Sebastian. “Want some?”
Sebastian shakes his head. Drinking water in cars has never been one of his strengths, somehow always managing to spill it on himself, despite the bottle being deemed spill-proof. He doesn’t even want to think what would happen if he tried to take a sip now, when he’s slurring every other word. Besides, Chris’ll make sure he gets some at home. He’s good like that, always taking care of Sebastian, ensuring he’s safe and happy.
He wants to be there now. Home. Well, Chris’s house, technically, but home nonetheless. Wants to be lying in bed, surrounded by Chris’s arms, his scent… Sebastian glances to the front seat, biting his lip uncertainly. He’s talked with the chauffeur a little, knows he’s discreet and tactful, but he also knows you can never be too careful in this business.
Following his gaze, Chris seems to read his thoughts. Or maybe it’s written on his face, obvious to anyone who cares to look. “S’okay, Seb,” Chris says, reaching across the seat to hold Sebastian’s hand. “Roger doesn’t mind, as long as we keep it PG-13. Isn’t that right?” There’s an affirmative noise from the driver’s seat, and Chris tugs gently at Sebastian’s hand. “C’mere, honey.”
Sebastian goes immediately, scooting across the bench until he’s snug against Chris’s side.
“Seatbelt,” Chris reminds him, laughing lightly and pressing a delicate kiss to Sebastian’s forehead. Together, they fumble with the belt for the middle seat, eventually getting it secured across Sebastian’s lap.
Chris wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer, tighter against him so that not even an inch of space remains between the lines of their bodies. It’s almost like that daydream of their bed, and Sebastian lets himself float on the feeling. He wraps his arm around Chris’s waist, tucking his face into the crook of Chris’s neck and breathing him in.
There’s a lot Sebastian loves about Chris, but his scent is one of the first things Sebastian remembers loving. He savors it when they’re together and steals Chris’s clothes when they’re apart, just to surround himself with the familiar smell.
Tonight, Chris’s cologne is one of Sebastian’s favorites, both spicy and floral, sharp without being overpowering. Underneath that, though, Sebastian finds traces of the same shampoo Chris has used for nearly a decade, fresh and earthy and comforting. That’s the scent that always evokes memories of their time together over the years. Chris smells like something Sebastian has long forgotten but has been craving his whole life, always hanging just out of reach. That future nostalgia drove him crazy until last year, when he was finally able to place it.
Chris smells like home.
Oh. Sebastian said that out loud, didn’t he? “Mmh, nothin’. You just smell really nice.”
Chris just hums in response, holding him close and resting his cheek on Sebastian’s head. Curling his fingers into Chris’s shirt, Sebastian nuzzles closer. He softly kisses the smooth skin under Chris’s ear and lets his heavy eyes slip closed, seduced by the irresistible pull of sleep.
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its-tortle · 2 years
Hi Luisa! Happy Monday! ✨ Can I request #51 and Evanstan please for the Spotify + ship meme? 💗💗💗
hi tej!! thank you so much for the prompt. this is just one big pile of fluff but that's honestly what the song called for <3
Chris knows that his flight leaves in five hours. He knows that he should starts packing, start getting his things together from where he’s sure they’re strewn all around the apartment. It occurs to him that he’s not even certain where his wallet is, and that he still has some clothes in the dryer that need to be sorted and folded. His manager will yell at him if he’s late to the airport again.
And yet, he doesn’t move. He can’t, or maybe he just doesn't want to. Because right now, he feels like he’s living in a daydream.
There’s sunlight painting warm golden stripes onto the wall and the ceiling, and dust dances lightly in its rays. The noise from the traffic outside is muted, fading into a calming white noise that makes the world on the other side of the window panes feel far away and inconsequential. The room is warm, and it smells like lemongrass and sex and Sebastian and home.
Chris breathes it in, and then nuzzles his face into Sebastian’s hair to breathe that in, too. Sebastian makes a low, grumbling sound that Chris feels reverberate though his chest.
They’re tangled in the sheets, both still nude, and so intwined in the morning sunlight that it’s hard to tell where one begins and the other ends. If it were up to Chris, he would sink right into Sebastian’s skin anyway, so that there would be no endings or beginnings.
The thought makes him smile, and he presses a kiss to the warm skin of Sebastian’s shoulder. The brunet looks up to meet him, his movements slow and languid.
“Morning, handsome,” he smiles.
Chris returns the smile. “G’morning.”
He leans down to press a kiss to Sebastian’s lips, just because he can, even though their breaths both smell like death.
Sebastian nuzzles into it. “What time is it?”
“Like, ten,” Chris sighs.
Sebastian’s smile fades, just slightly, but Chris catches it immediately. “You need to get going.”
Chris just hums. He tucks his face back into the crook of Sebastian’s neck and doesn't move for a long moment. 
He feels the little huff of Sebastian’s laugh. “You can’t be late, babe.”
Chris makes a silly whining sound that he would definitely deny if asked. “I think I should miss the flight entirely.”
“Me too.”
They lie like that for another long moment, or maybe five. Sebastian is tracing his fingers in mindless patterns over Chris back, and Chris thinks that nothing has ever been more important than this. Loving Sebastian is the real thing. And he’s always been sure of that, but it feels all the more important right then, in that moment.
So, he lifts his head to meet Sebastian’s eyes. “I love you,” he tells him.
“I love you too.”
“I’ll be gone for so long,” Chris says, and knows that he’s being a downer as soon as he says it. “I just- I’m gonna miss you. I’m not even going to be paying attention to any of the press I need to do, I’ll just be daydreaming about this. Right here.”
Sebastian smiles. Chris watches as his lips curls at the corners, first lightly, then unfolding into a wide and bright and open expression. It feels like his breath has been punched right out of him.
Sebastian says nothing for a moment, but Chris can read the reciprocation of it all in his eyes.
“Just this?” Sebastian asks then, his voice teasing. “No daydreaming about anything else?”
“Hm,” Chris responds, quickly matching Sebastians comic, innocent tone. “I can’t think of anything else, really. Care to give me a refresher?”
Sebastian laughs in a short, sparkling burst, and then leans down to kiss the curve of Chris’ jaw. “I will absolutely give you something to daydream about, Mr. Evans.”
And if Chris can’t focus on anything for what feels like the majority of his press junket, it really isn’t his fault that Sebastian is so good at delivering on his promises.
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voylitscope · 2 months
CA: TWS 10th Aniversary Ficlets (Day 10)
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Daily ficlets for the CA: TWS 10th Anniversary Event @catws-anniversary. With Huge thanks to @sparkagrace and @cable-knit-sweater for running this wonderful event! 💞
Previous days' ficlets now Ao3 by ship/genre! Stucky | Gen | EvanStan |
Also readable on Tumblr! Links under today's ficlet.
Ten | April 4th | Theme: To the end of the line | Prompt: 1940s, reunion | Words: 1,000 | Canon Divergent | G | No warnings | Steve/Bucky, Bucky Barnes Recovering, romance, first kiss (since the '40s)
Bucky has a lot of strange dreams. Nightmares, images that might be memories mixed with ones he’s sure couldn’t have ever been real., and things don’t make sense at all. Sorting it out feels damn near impossible.
Even with the slightly better grip on his own memories that he’s regained these days, and even with Steve’s help, it’s still hard to work through.
Most of the time, he doesn’t bother trying. Dreams are honestly the least of his worries. So he tends to just shake them off, no matter what.
But lately, he’s been having this recurring dream. It’s been happening multiple times a week, and it’s starting to really get to him. And not because it’s a nightmare or a disturbing dream of any sort.
It’s not. It’s actually —
It’s about Steve. It’s about him and Steve, and what he now knows to be their old apartment in Brooklyn and —
In the dream, Steve is sitting on the couch. That’s how it always starts. Steve’s sitting on the couch, and Bucky sees himself walking across a wooden floor and then leaning over Steve's shoulders, looking at the sketch pad on his lap. And, in the dream, they both look how they did back when they’d really lived in that apartment. But in his sketchbook, Steve has drawn Bucky looking how he does now, in the present — metal arm clearly visible in the image.
Then, in the dream, Bucky grins at Steve, as if this image is an expected thing to see, and he always says,
“How bout that you got my good side for once,” and that makes Steve laugh and set down his pencil so he can puts a hand around one of Bucky’s arms.
“Didn’t know you had one,” Steve says, tugging Bucky closer to him. He’s always still laughing,. They’re both always laughing.
That’s when Bucky watches himself bend lower and put a hand hands on Steve’s neck.
“It’s looking real good, Stevie,” Bucky says, every time, as Steve’s head turns toward his. “I like this one.”
“Glad to hear it.” Steve’s grin is so close to Bucky’s own mouth, and he’s still tugging on Bucky’s arm. “Guess it’s accurate.”
“Oh, such flattery,” Bucky says, somehow even closer to Steve’s mouth than before.
And then. Every time.
They kiss.
And that’s when Bucky wakes up.
It’s really not a bad dream.
Honestly, Bucky really wouldn’t mind if he kept having it. He well, he thinks a lot about kissing Steve when he’s awake. That’s a thing, too, lately. He doesn’t know what to do about that. He can’t quite figure out if the wanting is remembering something he’s always wanted, or if it’s a new thing. Either way, it makes the dream pretty enjoyable, if confusing.
But he’s had it eight times in two and half weeks, and he thinks there’s gotta be something to that. A message, or something.
When he wakes up from a nap and the 9th version of it — on a couch with Steve already in the room, it feels incredibly hard to shake off. It feels —
“You okay?” Steve calls. He’s got a sketchbook in his hands.
“Yeah.” Bucky sits up on the couch and watches Steve’s hands as he draws. “How long was I out?”
“Only about an hour,” Steve says, sending him a smile. “Didn’t wake you up, did I?”
“No.” Bucky shakes his head.
The dream is still floating in his mind, and with Steve right here, it’s —
“You sure you’re alright?” Steve sounds more concerned this time. He puts his sketchbook down.
“Just a dream.” Bucky waves a hand. “Told you how they are.”
“Sure,” Steve says, not seeming any less worried. “You can tell me about it if you want.”
Bucky shakes his head, but then he notices what Steve’s been drawing. The sketch Steve was working on is him, looking how he does now, in the present — metal arm clearly visible in the image. It’s not exactly the same as the one Bucky’d seen in his dream, but it’s close.
Bucky stares at it, quiet for long enough that Steve reaches out and puts a hand on his arm.
And suddenly the dream starts feeling very real, and Bucky wonders if —
If it could be a memory.
“You drew that in my dream,” Bucky says, pointing to the picture. “Close to it, anyway.”
“What?” Steve frowns.
“I keep having this dream,” Bucky says, pushing the words out before he changes his mind about saying them. “About you and me in our old apartment, and you’re drawing, but you draw me now, not me like I was then, like I am in the dream.”
“Oh,” Steve says, slowly. He nods, and he gets up to sit next to Bucky on the couch.
“And we kiss,” Bucky says, eyes locked on Steve’s face when he does. “In the dream. We joke around about you drawing me, and then we kiss like — like people who do it all the time.”
Steve’s breathing and pulse change.
“We — we did,” Steve says, flushed, but meeting Bucky’s eyes. “Might be a memory. Memories.”
“I was wondering,” Bucky says, nodding. “Keep having it so often, and then this time you were here, and I thought —“
“Right,” Steve says.
“I hoped that was right,” Bucky offers truthfully. “It’s a good dream.”
“Yeah? You did?” Steve brightens noticeably. He outright beams at Bucky.
“I did,” Bucky says, pleased when Steve sets a hand on his arm again.
Bucky doesn’t really remember a lot about how to do this, he’s been watching himself put a hand on Steve’s neck before kissing him for weeks. It seems like a good move. So he repeats it now. Bucky puts a hand around Steve’s neck, and he lets Steve tug him in a little closer with that hand on his arm —
And then they’re kissing.
But this time, Bucky doesn’t wake up as soon as it starts.
He gets to keep kissing Steve.
🎆Nine | April 3rd | Theme: Cap Quartet | Prompt: Breakfast/Washington D.C. | Words: 500 | Canon divergent | G | No warnings | Steve/Bucky, implied Sam/Natasha, Steve and Natasha friendship, low-stakes fluff
🎆Eight | April 2nd | Theme: Bucky Barnes | Prompt: Ghost story | Words: 1,000 | Canon Divergence | Gen | No Warnings | Steve/Bucky, Post-TWS, dancing, Bucky Barnes recovering
🎆Seven | April 1st | Theme: HYDRA | Prompt: Project Insight | Words: 300 | Canon compliant | Not rated | No warnings | Bucky POV, implied Steve/Bucky (in a similar way to, you know, the literal plot of CA: TWS.)
🎆Six | March 31st | Theme: Sam Wilson | Prompt: Partners/Missing Scenes | Words: 350 | Canon compliant | Not Rated | No Warnings | Gen, Sam and Steve friendship, a tiny teaspoon of Sam and Riley emotions that you can interpret however your heart desires.
🎆Five | March 30th | Theme: TWS Cast | Prompt: Stunts | Words: 350 | Mature | No Warnings | RPF, Chris Evan/Sebastian Stan, very light/implied sexual content (but throwing this one under a cut just in case), sexual thoughts/tension, intentionally unspecified POV
🎆Four | March 29th | Theme: Natasha Romanoff | Prompt: Trust Issues | Words: 350 | Canon compliant| Not Rated | No Warnings | Gen, Natasha and Steve friendship
🎆Three | March 28th | Theme: SHIELD | Prompt: Surprise Visitor | Words: 300 | Canon compliant | Not Rated | No Warnings | But: very brief Steve/OC (sort of), and, I guess, privacy invasion via audio recording? I don’t know how to tag that. It’s canon that Steve’s DC apartment was bugged. So?
🎆Two | March 27th | Theme: Steve Rogers | Prompt: Guilt | Words: 300 | Canon compliant | Not Rated | No Warnings
🎆 One | March 26th | Theme: On your left | Prompt: The Smithsonian | Words: 250 | Canon compliant | No warnings | Not Rated |
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 months
Hi Maya! This might be a little bit silly but I read fic of yours a while ago. An Evanstan one where Seb and Chris talk at the Endgame premier. I absolutely loved it and I can't seem to find it anymore...would you mind linking it? I'm sorry for any trouble
Hi lovely!!! That’s not silly at all, it’s so sweet actually 🥹💗💗 I’m honestly TERRIBLE at remembering fics I wrote, so this didn’t ring any bells, but I went through my rpf tag and this ficlet is the only thing I could find that could be it?
Let me know if that’s the one you’re looking for!! (Or if someone else sees this and thinks, “Maya, you idiot, you have written this and it’s called xyz,” also please let me know 😂)
Thank you so much for reading & enjoying my fics, it means the world to me 🥺💗💗💗💗
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sparkagrace · 2 years
Hi lovely 💕💕 How about 52 + Evanstan for the wrapped game?
Mayaaaaaa. I'm so glad you requested Evanstan. Here's something I wrote just for you (and low-key might expand on someday)
tags: evanstan, accidental roommates, yearning
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I catch my breath
It's you I breathe
It's a really stupid idea. Chris only offered because he knows what a pain it is living out of hotel rooms and never being able to relax, but also his LA home is too big and lies empty half the time when he's away filming or back in Boston.
So, Sebastian asking for a recommendation of where to stay while he films in LA for four months, just naturally results in the suggestion.
"Won't I be in your way?"
"Nah, I'm heading back home for two weeks and then to Atlanta. Honestly, you'd be doing me a favor and keeping my plants alive."
"You have plants?" Chris can hear the amusement even over the phone.
"I do. They're even healthy. Thriving, you might say."
The laugh that comes from the other end is warm and Chris doesn't mind playing up the role of terrible plant dad if it gets that response.
Sebastian groans a little, meaning that he's contemplating the offer.
"It'll only be until the end of May. There's a pretty tight schedule and, y'know, if I'm in the way you can just tell me to fuck off."
"Seb, I wouldn't be offering if I minded. Why waste your money on hotels or an Airbnb where there's hidden cameras?"
Sebastian laughs again and says something about PornHub before sighing and saying the one word Chris was hoping he'd say.
It's a mistake.
Chris' movie is canceled — well, pushed back but they just lost their director and finance, plus Scarlett backed out, but Chris has been around Hollywood long enough to see the writing on the wall — and his Boston house just started renovations so… he's back in LA for meetings.
Where Sebastian is.
After a very long conversation where Sebastian offers no less than eight times to leave, Chris manages to convince him to stay and pulls into the drive, parking up next to Sebastian's rental.
Sebastian is on set this afternoon and won't be back until later tonight, giving Chris enough time to take a shower and call his Boston contractor to ask about timescales. Maybe he can squeeze in a nap too.
Chris is a pretty simple guy. He knows what's in his house and what he owns. When he walks in, nothing is immediately off but there's a blanket on the couch and half a bag of Doritos on the end table. Sebastian must have been in a hurry this morning because his coffee cup is in the sink and his towel is in a heap on the bathroom floor.
Chris grew up with Scott so he doesn't really mind picking up after people. He folds the blanket, washes the cup and gets a fresh towel out for Sebastian, hanging it up on the rail instead. He doesn't go into the guest bedroom — it's Sebastian's.
Sebastian is a guest, but he's also living in the house. Chris doesn't expect the place to be spotless, especially since his return was unexpected and he knows Sebastian takes care of himself. He honestly has no problems with a little clutter. Actually, he kind of likes it. He likes to know that Sebastian has been here, that he's making Chris' house into his home, and that he's comfortable here.
Chris has had guests who spill things and break stuff. He's had guests who are too afraid to sit on the couch properly in case they make indents into the cushions, as if that's not what couches are for.
Chris kind of forgets what his plans are as he rifles through his home looking for evidence of Sebastian; to see what else he has been up to while Chris has been away. There's a copy of a book on the coffee table that Chris definitely doesn't own. It's a Steinbeck and Chris never really liked Literature at school so he's not read it, but he thumbs through the pages to where Sebastian left off — marked by a folded corner of a page. There's underlined text and notes in the margin, so Chris sits on the couch and begins reading the handwriting, deciphering the scrawl left by his friend.
Somehow he starts imagining Sebastian sitting on the couch with Chris' head in his lap and carding through his hair as they both read in companionable silence. There's soft music in the background and the faint smell of coffee while Dodger snoozes in front of the fireplace.
It's a peace that Chris can't help but crave.
He doesn't even realize he's fallen asleep until the front door closes and lights turn on.
Chris blinks awake and looks up at Sebastian's face hovering over him. His hair is grown out and he's all sharp angles and hollow cheekbones, clearly still trying to regain it after losing so much last year for Pam & Tommy, but he's still the Sebastian he knows.
Unintentionally, Chris had ended up lying down with the blanket over him and reading Sebastian's book. And Sebastian had come home and found him like that.
"Shit," Chris mumbles and pulls himself up. "What time is it?"
"A little past 7pm. I got done on set early and brought dinner." On the coffee table are three bags from a Chinese place that Chris loves and had recommended to Sebastian four years ago.
"You didn't have to do that."
"I did because I haven't gone grocery shopping this week and, y'know, you've been letting me stay here."
"Seb, stop trying to apologize. You're welcome here. We're just gonna have to share the space for a little while. Sorry."
Sebastian opens his mouth, presumably to apologize — again — but Chris stops him before he can.
"Don't," he says as he sits up properly and drags himself closer to the food. "Siddown and tell me about your day."
Twenty minutes later, they're sitting on the couch, plates full of pork lo mein and egg rolls, laughing about the stunt that Sebastian had to do and how they both have Sunday off, so maybe they can go to the beach.
Chris realizes just how nice it is to come home to someone.
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seb-stan-lover · 4 years
Does anybody have a suggestion for a cute fluffy fic? I’ve had an awful day 🥺 (stucky/evanstan? Or a beautiful ficlet that would like to share with me? 🥺🥰
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rodypowderedmilk · 5 years
You're waiting in the rain for Chris Evans, bold and bright like golden whiskey, like the sun's reflection off the water in the harbor. He's humble and kind, smiles at you in that gentle, tender way of his. You think that maybe he reminds you of the blankets your grandma made for you in Romania. He makes you think of your mother's lemonade. The rain, if only making a brief appearance, will spark joy into the deep folds of your heart, send rivulets of bright silver happiness out into your veins, fill you with clear contentment. Like cool, impossibly clean waterfalls, like crystals and chandeliers. You stand under an umbrella, watching the world turn sodden and grey around you. You watch the world return to its barest self and breathe in pure air. The watch and wait as the ground is baptized, watch as the bottoms of people's shoes kiss the ground again and again. You watch as the cycle continues.
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