#evanstan fanfic
buckys-wintersoldier · 2 months
Falling pants | Evanstan
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 -> Husband!Sebastian Stan x Actress!Wife!Reader x Husband!Chris Evans
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 -> Its the photoshooting for Captain America: The Winter Soldier and next to the photoshooting you have some funny stories to tell about Sebastian. But you're not the only one with funny stories about some of the actors.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 -> 1.475
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 -> (G) none, just fluff
𝐀/𝐍 -> I wanna thank my best friend @imtryingbuck for helping me to come up with the idea. I love youuuu.❤️❤️
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 -> 10 Years Anniversary CA:TWS | March 30 | Theme: TWS Cast | Photoshoot, social media, stunts, favourite cast member | @catws-anniversary
LGBT Bingo | N1 | Sebastian x Chris | @lgbtqbingo
Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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“Chris, honey? Have you seen my tie?” Sebastian asks, slightly panicking when his tie isn’t there.
Chris chuckles about his messy husband, holding up the fabric Sebastian is looking for and walking closer to the other man.
“You mean this tie? It was with mine,” the blond man hands his husband the tie.
Black tie, white shirt, and dark pants — both men look really similar. Their outfits match yours.
“I’m nervous,” Seb confesses, running his fingers through his short, brown hair.
Chris is trying to get Sebastian’s tie in place while he stands just a few inches away from his husband.
“I know. So am I.”
The reason why they are both nervous is because this is the first event — even though it’s just a photo shoot — that they are attending as a married trouple. When it came out that the three of you were dating, it was chaos. Between people who never minded and supporters, there were also a lot of people hating you. You were the one who got most of the hate; most messages told you that you’re dating them only for their money because you can push one away when the other is too boring, and they called you a slut for loving two men. Telling you that the relationship and feelings between the three of you are only fake. Seb and Chris spent many days holding you in their warm embrace, comforting you, and trying all those tears caused by a few idiots who made you think that you’re destroying the relationship between Sebastian and Chris. Both of them made sure that they loved you just as much as they loved each other and that those comments wouldn’t change anything about it. And they showed you once again when they took you out for dinner to ask you if you wanted to marry them. You said yes, of course. The wedding was small, like the three of you wanted it to be, but it was perfect. Anthony Mackie, your best friend, walked you down the aisle, and your husbands had the biggest smile spread across their faces. But now it’s the first time you’re showing up as a married trouple for the photoshooting and interviews for the new movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
“But it’s going to be oke, Seb. You’ve got me and our girl,” Chris says, his soft voice giving Sebastian the comfort he needs to calm his nerves.
He then leans closer and captures the blond-haired man’s lips with his. A short but meaningful and loving kiss they share before they hear your footsteps. Both men turn their heads toward the door when you enter the room. You smile softly, and the men’s eyes roam over your body. Seb is the first one who gasps and stands in front of you with a dropped jaw. Chris chuckles at his husband, closing Seb’s mouth, before he starts drooling.
“Do I look oke?”
“Oke?” They answer in unison, and you blush softly.
“Baby, you don’t know how beautiful you are, do you? Making both of us hard when we just look at you,” Seb says, walking closer to you.
He is capturing your cheeks, then he licks his lips and presses his plump, soft ones into yours. The kiss takes away your breath for a moment. That man can kiss like he has never done anything else before. Chris can do it too; they both can take your breath away and make your knees go weak with just some soft touches and their beautiful, warm lips all over your body.
“Let’s go, or we are late. Ans we don’t wanna stop the people from seeing our pretty doll, huh,” Seb says, kissing you again, before he reaches out and waits for Chris to place his hand in the other man’s big hand.
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Even though you’re working as an actress and a lot of people know you, some still don't. Most haters think that you’re just with the two men because of their money. But when you enter the room where Anthony and the other cast members are already, all the thoughts are out of your mind, and the smile is big across your lips.
“There she is. I really need to ask your husbands to burrow you for a night,” Anthony says, hugging you tightly.
“They already argue every night about who is the biggest spoon and who is the smallest spoon, so I don’t think they burrow me.”
Suddenly, you feel a big hand on your shoulder, pulling you back and against a broad chest. You know you have Sebastian standing behind you, his arm wrapped around your waist and the others placed on your shoulder.
“No one is going to burrow you, pretty girl,” he mumbles into your ear and kisses a trail down your neck.
"In five minutes, we are starting with the interviews and the photoshooting," one of the men who works there shouts through the room.
Sebastian wraps both of his arms around your waist. You look through the room to find your other husband; he is standing with Scarlett somewhere at the side and laughing, holding his hand to his chest like he always does when he is laughing.
"Isn't he adorable when he laughs like that?"
"He is. Just like you, baby," Seb says, causing you to blush and hide your face with your hands. "Don't hide your pretty face."
When everything is in the room, you're getting ready to start the photoshoot. First, Chris and Seb, because they want to show the return of Steve and Bucky together. Then they take photos of Chris, Anthony, and Scarlett, and when everyone gets combined with the person he is closely working with in the movie, you all are asked to get in front of the white front to make some more photos with the whole cast. Chris mumbles something into your ear, and you burst out laughing, looking at Seb, who rolls his eyes, knowing why his wife is laughing.
"No, Chris. Really?" He asks with a smirk, his blue eyes glistening playfully.
"Ohh- I feel like there is a story you wanna share with us? Looks like something funny," one of the interviewers says, and you nod eagerly.
The others from the cast look slightly confused until you nod down toward Sebastian's legs, and they understand, smirking before you clear your throat. Ready to tell them funny things that often happen on set.
"When we are home, you wish you wouldn't have said that, doll."
You slide your hand into Seb's, squeezing it softly. Then you look back at the people standing in front of you.
"During some scenes with the winter soldier, Sebastian needed to run over a car, and he fell over his own feet. His glasses were foggy, and he didn't see the place he was used to stepping on. Then he fell and slid the car down like it was a slide," you say, laughing softly. "And then his pants accidentally fell down a few times in the middle of the scene. It was pretty funny because the big, fearful Winter Soldier was standing there without his pants."
Sebastian laughs, scratching the back of his neck. His face is red, and his grip around his hand tightens.
"But-" Chris starts, and suddenly every pair of eyes lies on him. "He wasn't the only one who accidentally made funny things. Y/N was running from one place to another, and she was supposed to spring over a small place full of water. It turned out it wasn't that small, or she was too small for that. And when she shouted something to make us follow her, he jumped, and just a moment later she was lying completely wet in the swimming pool."
Your eyes widen slightly, and you look at Chris. Sebastian next to you burst out laughing, remembering the day exactly because he made a picture the moment you fell into it. He has it as his background, and you just can't convince him to change the background; he loves it too much. The way your hair is spread around in the water and you are lying flat in the small pool. Sebastian smirks, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you closer and capture your lips with a short but soft kiss.
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my husband kissing my wife, but none of them gives me any attention at all," Chris says jokingly.
You roll your eyes, amused, reaching your hand out for Chris to take it, while you slowly push away from Seb with red cheeks and a wide smile on your lips. The way both men look at you when you laugh is nothing but pure love and adoration for the most beautiful woman in their lives — their everything, their love.
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Taglist: @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days
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epicstuckyficrecs · 1 year
Epic Stucky Fic Rec | February, March & April 2023
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I'm alive! 😅 I started making a fic rec for February and March in the beginning of April and then I completely forgot about it... and then by the time I remembered, April was almost done so I figured I'd wait 😆
Should I make a new banner? yes. Will I? Maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
💙 Additional Information series by notlucy/ @notlucy (Modern AU, Coworkers, Sugard Daddy/Daddy Kink, BDSM | Explicit)
Proprietary Information (85K): Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.
Preoccupations (6K): Steve doesn't usually pay much attention to the new hires. But there's something about this kid.
Brooklyn's on Fire (4K): Steve's turning thirty-seven and he really only wants one thing for his birthday.
Gimme Danger (6K): Bucky doesn't have time to explore his exhibitionist kink. He's very busy. He asks Steve about it anyway.
Remember You Well (in the Chelsea Hotel) (5K): Steve can't quite believe he has Bucky back. It seems too good to be true after the hell he endured while missing him. The universe, however, is full of surprises.
Close Call (6K): Bucky and Steve make it through two weeks of living together before the inevitable "first fight" of cohabitation. They (mostly) handle it like adults. And the makeup sex is killer, in Bucky's not-so-humble opinion.
To Sir, With Love (10K): Steve recognizes that his jealousy over Bucky's infatuation with one of his professors isn't rational, but that doesn't make it any less real. And, hey, if you can't beat them, join them, right? Besides, he's always wanted a tweed jacket.
Mergers and Acquisitions (41K): Steve and Bucky are going to the chapel, and they’re going to get married. Meanwhile, Peggy and Natasha…
💙 a day in the life by powerfulowl (StuckyFlangst) / @stuckyflangst (Post-Endgame Fix-It, Time Travel, Groundhog Day | 20K | Explicit): Steve Rogers wakes up on Tuesday October 30 1956, and doesn't seem to remember his life that well. Why does every day feel so familiar? And why does he keep getting visited by tall, dark, handsome men who remind him of Bucky?
The Day After, the Aftermath, or Whatever It Is That Feels Like a Hangover, Christmas, and His Birthday All at the Same Time by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle)/ @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (Modern AU | 1K | Mature): Bucky wakes the day after his thirtieth birthday with a hangover, a hardon, and a beautiful man sharing his bed.
Tell Me I Can Have It All by HaniTrash/ @hanitrash (Stucky in Wakanda | 1K | Explicit): Steve is tired of Bucky trying to push him away after he comes out of cryo in Wakanda. Rehashing the same argument brings up some new information that Bucky can't ignore, and makes him second-guess his decision to keep Steve at arm's length.
I'd Fuck Me by fandomfluffandfuck/ @fandomfluffandfuck (Evanstan, PWP | 6K | Explicit): When unexpectedly given a unique hotel room while on a Marvel press tour, Chris Evans ends up spending his evening alone, yet still making the most of his room... (Part 1 of Fuck This)
I'd Fuck You by fandomfluffandfuck/ @fandomfluffandfuck (Evanstan RPF | 8K | Explicit): Armed with nudes that contain enough raw sexual energy to cause nuclear explosions, Chris decides it's time to fucking blow Sebastian's mind... (Part 2 of Fuck This)
Captain Orgy 69 @ gmail.com by Gfawkes/ @gfawkesphoenixchokingonashes (Evanstan RPF, Friends to Lovers | 12K | Explicit): Or, Chris and Sebastian finally star in that rom-com they've been talking about.
My Heart Belongs to Captain Rogers by lavenderbucky (Canon | 3K | General): Steve wakes up late for his run, wears one of Bucky's shirts in public and goes slightly viral on Twitter. You know. Just an average day in his life.
5 Times Bucky Styled His Hair + 1 Time Steve Did It For Him by lavenderbucky (Post-WS | 8K | Teen): Steve is so happy to have Bucky back. His best friend is a little different to how he was in the 40s, but in some ways he's the exact same. But even if Bucky is his favourite person in the world, and even if Steve thinks his hair is really, really pretty, Steve's feelings for him are completely platonic. Right? Or: a love story, told through Bucky's hair.
💙 This is (not) a Ghost Story [COMIC] by PottersPink/ @potterspink​ (Post-WS | 11/31 | General): Steve moves into a haunted house. Well — everyone else is convinced it’s haunted, anyways.
Countermoves by cable-knit-sweater (cable_knit_sweater) (Evanstan RPF, CATFA | 11K | Explicit): Sebastian knows about Chris Evans, has to take his shot when he sees him. Chris doesn’t have a clue who Sebastian is, aside from being a pretty guy he meets in a club. The attraction is instant, and Sebastian takes Chris home, with a little detour or two. Chris thinks it’s just a one-night stand he’ll be thinking about for a long time, cursing himself for not getting the guy’s number. Until a couple of months later, he has the first table read for Captain America: The First Avenger, and he meets him again.
💙 Whip Crack by Quarra/ @quarra (Canon Divergent, Tentacle Monster Steve | 15/? | 119K | Explicit): Tentacle Monster Steve is captured by Hydra. They send in the Winter Soldier with a bull whip to break him, but as far as Steve’s concerned the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen walked in to his cell and started waving a sexy black tentacle at him. It’s love at first sight.
💙 hey now, you’re an all star (get your game on, go play) by buckyismybicycle/ @buckyismybicycle (NHL Hockey AU | 20/? | 63K | Explicit): Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong.
💙 Latte Art and Slow Dancing in the Dark by deadonarrival (Modern AU with powers, Daddy kink | 89K | Explicit): Bucky is a somewhat well-adjusted former army sniper that got his shoulder blown out. He took his discharge and went home to finish school. His best friends and roommates (Nat & Clint) are CIA agents and tip him off that their local Sbux is hiring. He gets a job there and meets none other than the hottest guy on earth. So how does one get a date in the most top secret government location in the US? What happens when that guy is more than just a hot dorito and wants to give Bucky everything he wants? 
Now! That’s What I Call 90’s Slow Jams by deadonarrival (Modern AU | 11K | Mature):��Steve goes home for the wedding of Becca Barnes and while he’s there he runs into his old crush. Her brother. Except now they are both hot as shit. Oh no whatever will happen.
Brooklyn by togina/ @toli-a​ (Post-WS | 8,7K | Teen): "Captain America, what’s your stance on gay marriage?“ Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
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alexshakestheworld · 2 years
Me when my friends/patients/coworkers ask about how I manage my mental health especially when I work in this particular field *think about AO3 and its countless awesome fics*:…I read books 🙂
To me, nothing a good 10-50k-word fluff (angst is okay but must have happy ending, preferably having soft smut scenes as well) can’t cure at the end of the day 😂
My recipe to my *quite fine* mental health is one (multiple) good fic(s) a day keep(s) depression away 😅
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rocksalt-and-pie · 6 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size and feel free to put your vote in the tags and/or elaborate! (But please be nice to each other!)
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sparkagrace · 1 year
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tangled up | @sparkagrace evanstan | teen | 9.5k
tags: 5+1, canon div, spiders, friends to lovers, feelings realization
Five times Sebastian helped Chris catch a spider, and one time he didn’t have to.
Happy (slightly belated) birthday @cable-knit-sweater! 🥳️❤️️ I'm so thankful to know you and I adore you so much! You're so sweet and generous, always willing to help someone out. Your kindness knows no bounds, and your love for these two shines through! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and I hope you like this little fic 🎈✨
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sarahowritesostucky · 2 months
Writing M/F vs M/M: the loonies really come out of the woodwork!
I didn't realize that when you start writing Chris Evans or Seb Stan in a M/F pairing (versus Stucky) that it brings out all the ALGs! (Angry Little Girls™️)
This reviewer took issue with how my author's comments joked about Alba being too young for Chris and could he please call me up so I can explain to him why I'm clearly a much better choice to be his GF?
Of course, I'm a shit stirrer, so I responded 😉, and went to check out her account, only to find ... ... ...
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She BOOKMARKED 4 of my fics???
Immature girlies of the world: STAND BY YOUR CONVICTIONS! If you send a snide review to an author, don't then save all their fics for your later reading pleasure! 😂🤣
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YOU GUYS! SHE CAME BACK! It gets even weirder?!?!
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luninosity · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! Tagged by @estrellami-1 - thank you, my dear! <3 Let's see, fanfic specifically, not original works, I imagine...well, I've got a lot! The question is, which... Okay, these are just my personal favs, not even necessarily the ones I think might be the best-written, and I'm also excluding co-authored fic because that would be a very different list! (For one thing, Amateur Cartography, with Reg....) 1. straight from your heart (Stucky) - lots of people seem to like this one (thank you!) and I do too - I love recovering!Bucky stories, I loved the premise (it was written for a fest prompt), and I love the idea of Steve and Bucky working out what they want to incorporate, and play with, and reclaim, as far as identities (and, okay, some kink; it's me!). 2. Like Sugar (Evanstan; series) - okay, this is probably cheating because it's a whole series, but I can't separate them! This might be the thing people know me for most, maybe, and it was at the time the longest and most detailed story I'd ever written, and one of those that was (mostly) easy to write - words and scenes just turned up and flowed. I sometimes go back and reread my writing and am honestly impressed by myself. I do love this whole giant thing. 3. tempt me, tease me (leave me breathless) & (baby won't you please) run your fingers through my hair (both Evanstan, both sort of gentle kink) - okay, this is also kind of cheating, because they're two separate stories - except they're sort of linked, in my head? They have vaguely similar premises, about Chris discovering some things about Seb's preferences, and love confessions, and kink, and comfort, and...I don't know, they just have a similar 'feel' to my writer-brain. They both have specific lines that I've put on "top ten favorite sentences I've written" lists before, and I love my writing at this point. 4. never mind the why and wherefore (Johnny Storm/TJ Hammond Fantastic Four/Political Animals no-powers AU crossover) - this is an odd random one but I genuinely love it! In the category of "stories I never expected to write"...and then friends made me think about it...and then suddenly it practically wrote itself and I had 45k of story. One of the best and most unexpected and consequently wonderful writing experiences I've ever had, plus of course TJ deserves all the happiness! 5. Know That It's True (Cherik, X-Men: First Class era) - pulling out a real old-school one: this was my first-ever X-Men fic! Well, to be fair, that depends on how you count - it's the first one I started writing, but then I stopped and wrote and finished something else short, and then went back to this one! These days my writing style has evolved a bit, and there're some things I'd do differently - but the sheer sense of fun to it, the absolute joy, the "oh gosh YES" rush of feels while writing, posting, being so nervous about it as a new(ish) writer...oh, I love it. And I tumbled into so many communities and friendships and fan events and fests and, oh, the shared love - really, without this, I don't know where I'd be. So that's always got to be on a list of favorites. *hugs you all* Tagging people, oh, let's see... @musette22 @significantowl @ninemoons42 @thebestpersonherelovesbucky @rozf and anyone else who wants to! love you!
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blackwood4stucky · 4 months
Badly Summarized WIPs
Tagged by @theunboundwriter! Thanks for including me. 🩶
Rules: Summarize your WIPs as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote in which one they'd like to read most.
There's a lot of them so I'll only put the ones I think about the most. See my wips list to find out if they'll be in production soon.
this was actually fun 😅😂 lemme tell ya, that last one ain't what you think it is... who am I kidding? None of them are what you think they are. ☠�� Can any of y'all guess which summary goes with which fic on my wips list?
no pressure tags: @capsicle13, @ellethespaceunicorn, @ellemj, @vellicore, @gyokujyn, @unlifeira, @peyton--warren, @baubeautyandthegeek
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ixalit · 1 year
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Hey y’all! It’s been more than a minute, but I’m so happy this exchange got me writing again. If you’ve been here any amount of time, you’re probably familiar with my chronic use of songs and poems for titles. This one is from “Warm” by Trevor Winn.
Also, speaking of music, here's the playlist mentioned in this fic, if you want to listen along.
This one is a special gift for @epicstuckyficrecs! Happy holidays, darling. I hope you like it and have a fantastic start to 2023 ❤️
It may be cold outside (but it’s warm in here with you)
Tags: a ridiculous amount of pining, getting together, christmas fluff, friends to lovers, romcom vibes, anxiety
Ship: Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan
Rating: Teen
Length: 3.7k words
Seb lends Chris his jacket, forgetting his iPod is in the pocket. What happens when Chris finds a playlist titled with his name? 
“And then— And then, this motherfucker has the audacity to complain about being cooped up in New York during a goddamned pandemic!” Mackie laughed, knocking Seb’s shoulder lightly. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Seb said with a grin of having heard this particular lament many times before. “At least I didn’t have to spend summer in New Orleans. You know I don’t do bugs.”
Mackie shot Seb a deadpan look that had the rest of the group laughing.
After figuring out they were all in New York, Downey had invited Scarlett, Paul, Seb, Mackie, and Chris to his house for dinner and drinks. And of course Chris had gone. He hadn’t seen most of them in far too long, and winter was lonely enough without turning down invitations. But now, after a couple hours and a few drinks, able to let his guard down around friends, Chris was only half listening to the conversation. 
Read the rest on AO3
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
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Flufftober 2022🍁🍃🍂
Hi lovelies! Sooo I’ve decided to give @flufftober a shot, and I’m so so excited!! I've got the prompts planned out in the masterlist below, a mix of (mostly) fluffy Evanstan and Stucky fics, but I might change things around as the month goes on for some of them. I’ll be making separate posts for the Evanstan fics and Stucky fics (but not for each individual fic, unless it’s part of a series or multi-chapter fic). Either way, you’ll be able to find all of them below 🧡
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🍁 Day 1: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍂 Day 2: Caught in the Rain | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3 (multi-chapter)
🍃 Day 3: Thick as Thieves | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍁 Day 4: Supporting Silly Quirks/ Hobbies | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍂 Day 5: “Oh No, You’re a Morning Person!” | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍃 Day 6: Up Against the Wall Kiss | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍁 Day 7: Movie Marathon | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍂 Day 8: Shooting Stars | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍃 Day 9: Game Day (Sports) | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍁 Day 10: Love Language | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍂 Day 11: Poetry, Art, Music, Craft | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍃 Day 12: “You kept this?” | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍁 Day 13: Secret Family Recipe | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍂 Day 14: Truth or Dare | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍃 Day 15: Accidents Don’t Just Happen Accidentally | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍁 Day 16: “I hate you” - “I love you” | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍂 Day 17: Animal Shelter | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍃 Day 18: Slow Dancing | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍁 Day 19: Hot Chocolate | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3 (multi-chapter)
🍂 Day 20: Bedtime Stories | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3 (Lily-verse/kid fic)
🍃 Day 21: Kiss for Good Luck | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍁 Day 22: “Have you Heard?” | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍂 Day 23: POV Outsider | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍃 Day 24: All the Hugs | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍁 Day 25: First Dance | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍂 Day 26: Blankets | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3
🍃 Day 27: Reunion | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍁 Day 28: Picnic | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3 (multi-chapter)
🍂 Day 29: Leaves | Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan | Read on AO3
🍃 Day 30: Falling Asleep Together | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3 (multi-chapter)
🍁 Day 31: A Sweet Treat | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Read on AO3 (Lily-verse/kidfic)
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softevnstan · 1 year
³.⍭ 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐚𝐧 & 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐆𝐨 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠
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Title: Everything Can & Will Go Wrong Rating:  Mature, Explicit Pairing(s): Omega!TJ Hammond/Alpha!Andy Barber Character(s): TJ Hammond, Andy Barber, Douglas Hammond, Margaret Hammond, Elaine Barrish Hammond, Bud Hammond, Paula Duffy
Tags: a/b/o dynamics, hookups, mile-high club, scenting, knotting, bottom tj hammond, top andy barber, praise kink, mating cycles/ heat, anal sex, oral sex, no mpreg, alpha/omega. SMUT - minors DNI. fluff, daddy issues, helicopter parents, mentions/implied drug-use,
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𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | TJ, an omega, is on his way to his retreat home in Washington state to ride out his heat; The only stick in the mud is that he's being escorted around by Andy Barber, an alpha, who's no-nonsense and won't let TJ have any fun. Stuck with an unexpected layover in San Francisco, TJ already feels the start of his heat coming on and he's running out of time. Deciding to stay in a hotel for the night, their luck is even more jaunted when they only have one bed between the two of them. Right when TJ thinks things can't get any worse, the universe always finds a way to prove him wrong.
𝗧𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗪/𝗖 | n/a
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: i. | ii. | iii. | iv. | v. | vi. | vii. | viii. | ix. | x. | xi. | xii. | xiii. | xiv. | xv. | xvi. | xvii. | xviii.
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andrea1717 · 2 years
Chapter 6 is here!
Thank you so much again to @musette22 for organizing this <3
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Hear me out Sebastian Stan but with the same build as Lee in tdatt so he just has a fat round gut
If Sebastian had this body-
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gif by unearthlydust
This would be me constantly:
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And I would never get a damn thing done 🥵🥵
And for your trouble of sending an ask in, have all the Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans chubby kink fanfics I've found on achieve of our own-
"Take Two Pizzas and Call Me in the Morning" from greyskygirl & SevereStorms, & wreckingthefinite
"Halloweird" from greyskygirl & superstringtheory
"Dim Slumming" from greyskygirl
"Room Serviced" from greyskygirl
"This is Totally Normal (It Isn't Weird At All)" from SevereStorms & wreckingthefinite
"Cheat Day" from SevereStorms & wreckingthefinite
Enjoy those fics 🥵🥵
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sarahowritesostucky · 2 months
An Oldie but a Goodie:
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Reviewer: Stop writing RPF [real person fanfiction] you fucking psycho
Me: Is that ... a compliment?
(Note: I don't think it was meant as a compliment, but I sure as hell took it as one! 😂)
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luninosity · 1 year
Just popping in to say that my chapter of this year’s Evanstan Round Robin is now up - I’m so thrilled to be part of this with all of you - writers, readers, cheerleaders - I love getting to share the love with you.
Here’s the link again, if you want it! I’ll try to remember to make a wrap-up post once we’re all done, too. The Round Robin’s always such fun, and this year’s has felt so magical! Much love to @musette22 for organizing us! <3
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blackwood4stucky · 7 months
To be honest
I ship any and all iterations of evanstan, with my latest obsession being Lloyd Hansen/Steve Kemp. I need that
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