itsflipperdips · 28 days
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(Get jumpscared! 👺😈😈)
Anyways back at it again making a fan art of someone else WH oc!! Cause why not? And y'know, came by some of them through the vast ocean of the welcome home fandom >:o)
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Lists of everyone oc being mentioned! 🥲
(Sorry for low quality and a bit messy btw- 😔)
1st: @purple-raspberries Quincy keen (She's so silly!! Luv her btw! 🥺❤)
2nd: @bloozy-snooze Bloozy snooze (his a mimir, being eepy)
3rd: @eve-pie patches and pepper (they're so adorable!! And luv your au btw!)
4th: @serpilil0 Amaya (She's so beautiful! huhu 😭)
5th: @kawaiialeisha Moori moonlet (quite the charmer fella! <:o) )
6th: @idk2085 Betty (lookin very silly and pretty at the same time!)
I swear, whenever I see everyone WH oc they're just so unique and interesting to look at ngl with y'all, gotta luv em :o)
*Crawls back to my domain*
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operationlove · 5 months
Since you mentioned that Sage was in the comic's is belle the tinkerer gonna be mentioned or brought up?
(even though she technically wouldn't count I guess)
She is not gonna show up in the comic no, I actually haven't read any media with her so I don't know her character very well but she is cute!!
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maskrosfe · 9 months
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Although they later made it more and more like the christian modern christmas, the first idea of Hearth’s Warming Eve as a supstitute to christmas in G4 My little Pony was so lovely to me. A holiday celebrating friendship and togetherness, based on the historical legend of mythical wind spirits freezing the hearts and bodies of those who hated and fought eachother without compassion or love for one another, nearly dooming all of pony kind to certain death. The symbol of a heart burning within those who decided to see and like eachother instead saving everyone’s life… it’s so sweet :’( + the grounding of the holiday as one spent primarely with friends instead of family was also kind of baller to me! Well and… I saw a good excuse to draw Pinkie Pie with cute items all around her <3
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spacebubblehomebase · 6 months
Shit post!
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Don't take this too seriously, but LMAO XD. -Bubbly💙
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mlpoutofcontext · 9 months
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lilacwriter07 · 4 months
omegaverse Applepie highschool
Adam doesn't know how popular he is actually .
Something Eve and Lucifer are working on, to keep Adam from knowing how many Alphas want him . Those dirty fuckers don't deserve him at all .
Eve walking at Adam's right, as Lucifer hangs on Adam's left arm . The way Adam's shirt was hugging his breast, and his skirt barely covers his ass . Made the other two feral, but also very protective .
They had bit of a problem in the past with it .
Lute an Alpha seemed to have imprinted on him, but soon found herself a sweet Omega Emily (so she and Adam become more like brother and sister)
Alastor a Beta you better stay clear off, but he seemed to have his eyes on an Alpha named Anthony . So he is off the list too .
Exept for Lilith an Alpha who can't seem to get the word no .
Ofcourse Lilith hates Adam with passion, she is more intrested in the other two ."Hello sweethearts ." She purrs before she looks like she was going to puke ."Adam ."
"Li .."
But Lucifer and Eve quickly pulled Adam away, as both shot a nasty look at her .
She is the biggest threat against Adam, and they will protect him .. Even if they have to kill her .
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respectthepetty · 1 year
This tweet made me think of you amd your color analyses!
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Mostly because the first response was this:
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And it's been proven countless times by the queers:
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So when that color exchange happens, it's euphoric.
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They aren't just dating.
They are dominating.
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sprinklesharkie · 10 months
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me n my friends in december
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bubonicbear · 21 days
Hey !!! This account is super dead BUTTT my etsy shop is live !!!
I have a ton of different pins, and more coming soon !!! I have a ton of My Little Pony mane six ponies (along with a bunch of side characters not shown), Star Trek, GRAVITY FALLS !!!, and Invincible pins !!! The MLP and Star Trek ones are made from actual comics, while the Gravity Falls, Invincible, and Alien Bear (my logo) are all drawn digitally by me !!! Most of my pins are $1.50 and 1.25 inches/3.175 cm, but soon there will be 2.25 inch ones for $2.50 !!! If I do well I plan to have some other designs out soon !!! Thank you !!!
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divine0rdainment · 3 months
When Adam opened his eyes, he found himself sitting in a void of Darkness. He saw nothing, he felt nothing, just the emptiness of forever and everywhere. He didn't even feel himself breathing. He didn't know how long the emptiness filled him, didn't know how long he was going to be stuck here... He felt so empty. Incomplete. He didn't even know who or what he was. 
That only changed when he heard a voice. A soft deep voice that filled in with breath. 
The man gasps for air as he feels hands wrap around a body he didn't realize he had, he feels the arms are cold, almost as if they are observing heat instead of radiating it. Adam is left shivering in his spot of the void of space, he is pulled in to a chest, he thinks, one that has breasts if he can remember correctly. It made sense for that to be so, the voice he heard was feminin.
Oh my sweet Adam...
The voice speaks again and he feels like his heart has started to beat again, his chest ached from it. Oh... Oh that felt good... to feel again...to breath again. To feel alive.  He blinks, he wasn't even sure if his eyes where opened or closed till this moment, it was pitch black either way, without any form of light to be distinguished. He didn't even know if he was upside down or side ways or right side up...he supposed it didn't matter, there wasn't anywhere he had to be, he thinks. 
Come here love...I'll help you find your bearings...
The voice whispered, and Adams hands slowly reach to wrap around the woman's hands. 
"Where...am I..." He asked his voice strained and weak. He doesn't know how long he had been not breathing...unalive? Without a heart beat or the ability to feel like he existed. He didn't even know he could speak till now. 
The woman's voice giggled as he  felt like he was standing on something. Or was he placed on something? It was hard to tell, maybe he had been on a surface the whole time... Or maybe he was floating and was just placed somewhere by this woman. He supposed that didn't matter. 
Nowhere and everywhere. The place God was formed.
She spoke once more, her voice echoing in his brain like he was in a deep cave.
Purgatory…people think this place existed after god. But they were wrong…no, god came from here. And in the end of existence, god will die here. The Void has told me so…. she giggled. 
All that truly die come here. Heaven had sent me hear in hopes I would not corrupt the world…but they were wrong Adam.
Adam feels a kiss on his cheek from the woman, and it feels just as cold as the rest of her. Just as without life or color or hope. He whines at the feeling, he tries to pull away from the cold but the grip tightened around him. 
The void is everywhere as much as it is nowhere. Putting me here allowed my evil to leak in to the universe. My chaos to inhabit every human. They thought it was Becuse all children come from me, but they were wrong. No…with every ounce of pollution and violence and cruelty, I seep out more into the world…
She sighs, as if lost in thought.
Into heaven, and into hell, I have made my mark…but I must say, even with thousands of souls handed to me by you and Sera's choices, I had become quite lonely. But now…no I have you, and with the soul of the first man…
Suddenly a bright light appears Infront of Adam and he's forced to shut his eyes. 
I can open the gates. She whispers excitedly. 
After a few moments the brightness decreased and he felt like he could hear wind, smell dust, and the sound of birds. As he opens his eyes he sees he is standing infront of a tree with a large crack in it, the ground had large cracks in it as well, like something had exploded up from the ground. The dress was long since dead and begun to rot, thanks to the destruction it had faced. There was no grass in this patch of land. No life. It had been avoided by bugs and by time. Nothing to eat away at the decay that lay before him. 
Adam breathed heavily as the cold arms leave him. He hears footsteps but doesn't dare to turn, he feels scared. Truly terrified by whatever has dragged him back to life. He remembered everything all at once. And he knew where he was…a place he was told had gone missing with the loss of its purity. Sera had told him this place had been destroyed, and yet…he found himself in Eden. Infront of the tree of knowledge. He knew if he turned around he'd see a healthy tree with golden apples that matched the red that had grown and glowed here long ago. 
“What…what is…” Adam tried to speak. He hoped the woman was gone, would leave him here, but she didn't, she simply walked a few feet away, then her heels walked back to him, and after a moment, he could feel her standing right behind him. He cowered a bit, his head lowering as he hugged his arms around himself. He flinched when he saw a black gloves hand reach from behind him and hold up a golden apple. Shining in the moonlight above, glowing lightly in her hand. 
"Eat my beloved…I do not wish to lose you a third time…” 
The voice was normal now. Without the echo of the void. Less terrifying and ominous, but that didn't change the fact that her presence felt cold and empty. Sucking the life out of things around it. Adam shakes his head, but then he yelps as he feels a hand on his hair and he's forced to his knees by the woman with a swift kick to the back of them, and than the golden apple was placed on his lips, forced to his lips and teeth so hard it caused him to bleed. 
“I do not have time for this game anymore Adam. I had to convince you last time to take the first apple I took a bite from, now you need to be easy and take a bite of this…” she growled. 
"I will not lose the two loves of my life this time. I will not do it. I will have what was taken from me returned. Including you, including our angel.” she whispered the last sentences. “Now eat before I shove it down your throat….it isn't a choice this time. There are no more choices…only what will and won't happen.” 
Adam shakes, but slowly, he opens his mouth. He doesn't know why he's doing it. Is it out of fear? Or maybe out of a strange sense of wanting to obey as he was trained to by heaven. Or is she willing him to in some way? It's hard to tell…but either way, it didn't matter…he opens his mouth and he takes a bite. 
When he does, he doesn't chew right away, doesn't have the strength. The singular bite filled him with a sense of electricity racing through him, making his body feel like it was vibrating and on fire. His eyes widened as he saw something start to glow so brightly on the apple tree before him…or maybe it was him who was glowing so bright. He felt energized but unable to move, it was too much. The body could hardly handle it and yet…yet he was forced to handle it. Forced to endure it. 
The woman rubbed his back gently, between a pair of wings he forgot he had. “Good…good boy. You are doing wonderful. I'm so sorry I was so rough, my sweet dove. But we have no choice. We don't have much time. We must make it out of here. Before heaven realizes the air has changed…that I am back…” 
The woman stands and moves around Adam. He looks up slowly and sees a pair of red eyes underneath a hand. Colors of black white and red are all he can see, even her skin seemed to be so pale it matched Lucifers. Her smile was painted with deep red lipstick on her face. Her eyes glowing down at him. Her hair seemed to move even without the wind blowing it. Constantly swaying and curling in on itself. 
"Now then…let's go find our man…" she takes a bite of the same apple, but it didn't seem to affect her in the same way it did him. She didn't seem paused or overwhelmed by power and heat. She just dropped the apple on the ground. And it rolled a few inches away. Adam’s eyes followed it till he saw another rotten apple covered in dust and dirt…one that he recognized as the first apple he and Eve bit from. It was black and covered in rot. Just like the tree. No animals or bugs had come to eat away at its decay and death, leaving it in its own little time capsule. 
The woman holds up her hand and shadows come from it, forming a large swirling circle, and from it Adam sees a portal open, and the smell of sulfur and death meets his nose…he recognized it. The pride ring. Hell itself. A place he had visited for thousands of years. 
She grips Adams hand and pulls him up, dusting him off. “Beloved, I know a lot has happened, but we don't have time for this…” she whispered. " I feel him. Don't you? Our sweet Lucifer is aching and alone. I have felt it for seven long years. Honestly, maybe even longer than that… He has lost the damned witch who took him from us…we can have him back now.” She runs her cold hands over Adam's cheeks, leading him to look at her. Her red eyes look at him with a mix of love and desire.
“We will be together again…just like in the garden…and this time, no one will take him, or you, or me away ever again…I promise.” 
And she pulls Adam through the portal harshly, the world changed from being cold to warm and smokey. The depths of hell were filled with pollution and suffering. And it made Adam always feel so unwell when he first entered. She led him to an alleyway, where no sinner would see and hums, “now…where to go from here…” she giggled. 
Adam spoke up suddenly, scared to ask but he had to know something. He didn't know if it made sense to even think what he was thinking. She was long gone, Heaven told him so…and yet the words she said…the memories it soaked…
“Are…are you..Eve?” He wasn't sure. In the thousands of years she had been gone her face had slowly faded from memory. Her voice as well, he remembered brown hair, he remembered brown eyes…but he remembered nothing else. 
The woman turned to look at him, and she chuckled. “Well, I was…but now….now you can call me Roo…” 
This is all I got for now. Hope you like it. Idk what I'd even add to it. But the thing is written so my brain will stop tormenting me with this idea.
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qwilman · 2 years
EVERYONE SHOULD READ OCTOPUS PIE (occasionally nsfw but it’s usually just like some boobs in a shower or something)
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wh0mst-is-this · 11 months
Happy Destiel eve to all the gays that celebrate
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mxc94 · 1 year
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OP panel that perfectly captures the weather this past week
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Hearth’s Warming party ! :D
I chose random blogs to put in this, also, there were two I was going to add but, I did not in case it was a problem....sorry-
Below, I will put all of the blogs. I chose ones I reblogged from on my main blog @MewSkylar when I drew this :)
Princess Crescent Crescendo: @Ask-Crescent-Crescendo (Obvious)
Banana Pie: @askbananapie
Healthy Light: @ask-healthy-light
Aura Meteor and Gentle Lullaby: @aura-answers
Blueberry: @ask-blueberry
Princess Lilly Sparkle Rose: @ask-princess-lilly
Other Skyla: @ask-princess-skyla
Little Cheese: @asklittlecheese
Sugar Rush: @asksugarrush
Aerial Aim: @aerialaim
Lucia: @ask-luciavampire
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mlpoutofcontext · 2 years
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lilacwriter07 · 5 months
A King and His Two Queens part 1
Lucifer wanders off sometimes without Lilith, ever since Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden . She .. For better a word became bit unbearable, not satisfied how Eve still choice Adam .
Lucifer is bit scared of her .
Was this what Adam has been dealing with ?
So with bit of wandering he found the couple, a few days ago stalking them . He could not leave them for some reason, their love made him stay .
How they dance, sing, work together and at night .
Lucifer for the first time felt himself wet, how he wanted to be touched by Adam . Kissed by Eve, being hold by them both .
Lilith never wanted to touch him anymore .
Lucifer sobs as he spills all over the ground, feeling the pleasure leave him slowly . He sighs .. Perhaps he better return to Lilith it's been a five days she mus ..
But his thoughts stopped as a hand, landed on his shoulder gentle but firm . He looks shocked at Adam standing there ."Eve said you can come in .. I agree with her ."
Lucifer could not find it in himself to say no .
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