#even if emotionally you’re in doubt but not 100% closed off do it
tinkerotr · 11 months
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flytohurt · 5 months
Hi, sorry if this is a weird question or you've answered it before, but what do you think about all the stuff with Darby and Hawlee? I like Darby but people bring it up all the time and I never know what to think.
i’m sorry this took 400 years to answer. i’ve been trying to find a way to answer it that won’t just cause an eruption of hate in my inbox but honestly it’s gonna happen regardless so whatever lmao
the short version is i think it was a bad relationship that she used for extortion. i’ll explain why under the cut if you’re interested. i know myself & some of my mutuals left twitter to get away from this subject, so this is probably the only time i’ll be responding publicly about it.
to put the extortion claim in context, they trained together & he immediately got booked for bigger indie promotions. by the time she first came out with her claims, he was already signed with AEW & had been on PPV. when she named him over a year later, he was coming off his first championship run & starting to get momentum with Sting. she still hasn’t gotten anywhere in her career, & i think it’s pretty reasonable to say it would hurt to see someone you started out with being so successful if you’re not the kind of person to use that as motivation to better yourself.
Darby also has no known pattern of abuse, there’s no corroboration to her story from anyone who was close with them (not even a vague “yeah i remember how horrible he was to you”), & he was cleared in the internal investigation by TK. the industry as a whole has started taking allegations like that far more seriously post-Benoit so i really don’t believe they would have cleared him if there was any doubt. a still-up-&-coming company can’t afford a hit like that.
this is just speculation but if he really was cleared by text messages or DMs like some have reported, then it’s within reason that she was trying to get him to help her get a push somewhere, & if he said no, probably said she’d retaliate, ruin his career, etc.
on to the SA bit. i would like to be very clear that i am not saying she was outright lying - i wasn’t there & didn’t have any connections to him at the time to know 100% for sure.
however, it’s completely valid to not want to be with someone whose sexual desires don’t line up with yours. Darby is very likely demisexual. he’s been open & forthcoming about needing to really be in love before wanting to have sex, & otherwise it’s not on his radar. that doesn’t really check the box of a sexually violent individual.
i also know from personal experience that what may be interpreted as coercion can be incorrect when you’re emotionally fucked up, & disconnected from your partner. your own mind/body can be just as disconnected & one will be trying to tell you what you may not be consciously aware of yet.
of course this is only my experience but my ex & i had nearly an identical relationship to what she described. he would scream & hit/break things, serial cheated on me, & took out his own frustrations on me. we’d have fights that escalated to physicality on occasion, & i became emotionally abusive back to him as a result of all of that. i would disassociate, shut down completely, & not speak to him for fear of instigating a fight. he would threaten to leave me because we weren’t having sex, would even be physically aggressive about it, but it wasn’t actually about sex.
after well over 5 years of reflection & even talking to him about it recently, he was really just desperate for affection & he considered intimacy to be sexual. my body reacted negatively to him & i misinterpreted what was happening, because my definition of intimacy was different. i no longer wanted physical intimacy because there was no real connection in our relationship anymore. we just didn’t know how to not be together & kept digging ourselves deeper into the hole with the on again/off again pattern instead of just accepting it & finding partners who actually aligned with us.
i don’t like PK but i do think she was right in her response. people change & grow from their mistakes. being the person who was married to him at the time all this came out means she’s the one who’d know him best at this current point of his life. & that’s all that matters in my book.
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witchescauldron · 2 years
Hi! can I request Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, Pisces Rising for the mood board and break down please
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Capricorns are methodical well planned people. They understand slow and steady is the way to win any race and they will not rush into things before they have thoroughly thought it through and thought of every possible outcome. Sounds similar to a Virgo however Virgos tend to become crushed under the weight of possibility and all the potential outcomes, while Capricorn is able to quickly determine what is their correct path and they will stick to it and unlike a Taurus, who is incredibly stubborn and will not change their trajectory a Capricorn is willing to make some sacrifices and willing to bend a little bit if their goal Has to be changed, but as long as the outcome is the same, they will do it.  no matter how dreamy or idealistic other signs in your chart might be a Capricorn sun is very much gonna be able to keep you grounded and very realistic always stopping you from flying too Close to the Sun. Capricorn seek to do something meaningful with our lives, or become something meaningful in their lifetime and living a bland boring life to a Capricorn is very dull and it will kill a lot of their drive and typically you will know when you’re in these lulls, the world will seem a little bit more gray. 
Leo moons, even though they still do like attention are a little more subtle than their sun counterpart. They enjoy being in the spotlight with friends and family or people they feel close to which would work out fairly well for a Capricorn sun, who isn’t looking to be on a grand stage, but they do still want recognition and praise. Leo moons at the end of the day still know who they are and what they want to be, and they will not compromise for a lot of people on who they are. Leo moons also bring a nice fiery element to the water element of the moon in a little bit of a energetic boost and making people with this moon sign, a little bit more lively, and a little bit more of a go-getter. Leo moons will be fairly ambitious and really strive towards their goals because they know when they feel confident when they’ve completed a goal or they are pursuing a creative outlet or something that makes them feel good. They know they are emotionally well nourished in that moment, and it boost their ego, which also intern makes them feel fantastic so they will chase that fulfilment.
 Pisces rising’s tend to have a go with the flow attitude. They’re very soft in appearance and tend to be soft in the way they approach conflict, they tend to want to believe the best of people. However, with your Capricorn moon that won’t 100% be the case for you, you’re very much aware of peoples darker sides, and you know not necessarily to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but with the Pisces rising, you are a little bit more softened into wanting to believe so you are willing to give more chances to people off the bat however, if they do betray you or give you a reason not to trust them anymore you will have no problem cutting them off. Any placement, especially in a big three with a Pisces is quite intuitive and for your Capricorn sun who knows what actions to take you might feel like you have a pretty good gut feeling you might not necessarily see it as intuition, but those gut feelings that never seem to lead you wrong, are most likely because of your Pisces rising. Any water sign in your big three will give you pretty good intuition I personally know a Capricorn in my life with a cancer rising and she doesn’t see it as intuition but her gut is never wrong. It’s freaky how much she’s always on the nose with things. Since rising signs also kind of mould a little bit how you look or how you are perceived people do see you as a little softer, and you might even like the softer looks but you are not afraid to tell people how it is, you’re not afraid to not sugarcoat things You know how to protect yourself and you know how to protect your peace. 
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allisoooon · 2 years
Maybe She's Not Such a Heinous Bitch After All
For @lockedinthelabyrinth
It was inevitable this season that without Ben, Klaus either had to learn independence, get another enabler, or find another abuser.  Now we know.
A lot of people look at an abusive situation and ask, “Why don’t they just leave?”
Well, The Umbrella Academy just showed you exactly why.  Steve Blackman et al. revealed that the same mechanism that keeps people with their abusers actually exists in you.  You went through the thought process with Klaus this season, wondering whether this Reginald is actually different, and while you probably didn’t reach full faith in him, you did doubt he’s all that bad.  We’re told that bad people only do bad things and good people only do good things, but never in human history has this been true.  You may write someone off because they’re a terrible person, but then they show a side that brings you close again—they’re a generous lover, or they buy you a present, or they take you to a playground and spend quality one-on-one time with you.  They seem self-aware, like they know exactly what they did to you and they’re sorry now.  But then, the abuse comes back around.  They’ve just managed to be nice enough to you that they can keep you on the hook.  That’s all they were doing.  And you’re never quite as immune to this as you think.  If you grew up in this sort of environment, it’s entirely likely you’ve pretty much lost the ability to see it coming. The warning signs just look like normal behavior to you.
Privately, to myself, I call this the “Heinous Bitch” phenomenon, after the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend song “Maybe She’s Not Such a Heinous Bitch After All” (which is brilliantly done in a 60’s girl group style, go listen to it).  It’s a song sung when the main character’s emotionally abusive mother starts being oddly nice to her, and having the relationship with her that she always dreamed of.  Many people go through this stage periodically with their abuser, and the relationship between Reginald and Klaus this season perfectly illustrated how it happens.  Hell, a lot of Klaus’ dialogue is eerily reminiscent of some of the most clichéd things victims say about their abuser during this stage—saying his father is different now (though in this case it’s literal), encouraging other people to give him a chance, all that.  But it ends like it nearly always ends in these situations: a return to the norm once the abuser feels like they no longer benefit from being nice.
This may not be the Reg of Klaus’ timeline, but Reg is still Reg, and knows himself so well he can pick the game up right where his other self left off.  He can tell Klaus is, at his core, a deeply empathetic person who is so desperate to refill all the scoops that have been taken out of him that he’s the most vulnerable target.  Fei foreshadowed this in the first episode by calling him the weakest link.
Do I think 100% of the kindness we saw from Reg towards Klaus was faked?  Not really.  I think there is something about Klaus that Reg came to like.  I think he has some genuine warmth toward Klaus, but it doesn’t go very deep.  I got a touch of regret out of Colm’s performance as he was leaving Klaus to die.  Others might disagree.  But he didn’t have to say the things he said.  He could have just shut Klaus out with no explanation, if he truly didn’t feel any kind of way about him.  Instead, he gives him an explanation and an apology.  The explanation is utterly, needlessly cruel, and the apology means nothing because he then proceeds to do the thing he’s apologizing for even as Klaus begs him not to.  Still.  In that moment, I think Reg was being honest—both about his poor opinion of Klaus, and about his regret for what he was going to do.  Otherwise, what good would it do to tear him down one last time?  Reg is slightly fond of Klaus, but he loves Abigail, and has chosen not to risk taking Klaus along the path towards her, despite that fondness.
And it’s bad.  It’s very, very bad.  In some ways, you could see it as being worse than Reg treating him with only cruelty.  Reg shows he is capable of cognitive empathy (an ability to imagine how someone must be feeling based on their circumstances, which is the kind of empathy ND people often struggle with), and when that’s the case, it can be forgiven if one believes he is also capable of emotional empathy (responding to someone else’s emotions with the same or similar emotion).  I think Klaus believed Reg finally understood him, and in a way, he was right.  Reg understands Klaus like he understands a puzzle he put together.  But understanding the damage his alternate self caused Klaus doesn’t mean he has had any emotional response to it, any compassion for him.  He knows exactly how Klaus is going to take his words, and says them anyway when it would have been kinder to simply shut the door and say nothing.
Klaus has seen that his father knows exactly what he did to him in the past (because he told him in the graveyard scene), feels like he has finally gotten some healing from it, and then been told he was worthless all along.  Finally, he is shoved to the floor as he reaches for Reginald.  That’s an angst dumpster fire that’s going to keep Klaus fans warm for a long time.
And Klaus’ reaction to it is immediate.  Once he makes it to the Void, he gives up.  He tells Luther it’s because he (Klaus) is always messing up, so it’s better for him to just stay out of everything and relax.  The way I take this, it means that Klaus is blaming himself for Reg’s betrayal because he fell for his manipulations.  Victims often let their abusers off the hook because they have accepted that they won’t change—they can, but it’s not a realistic expectation to have.  Luther was the perfect person to see Klaus through this because he knows the Heinous Bitch cycle so intimately, and won’t stand for Klaus wallowing in self-pity. I kind of think he must have told himself the kinds of things he tells Klaus here, to break himself out of his own funk.
This is how the same people get in abusive relationships over and over again. It’s how abused people stay with their abusive partners.  It’s the ultimate trick of an abuser—not terror, but kindness.  And it is cruel.
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strawberrieas · 3 years
Don’t know if this counts as hcs or not but sfw alphabet with Tsukasa? I love your writing :>
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# GENRE. general, fluff
# RUNDOWN. sfw alphabet with tsukasa
# WARNINGS. genderneutral reader, not proof read, lil mention of blood and gore, it’s tsukasa you know what’s up.
# NOTE. i’ve never done sfw alphabet i like this 🤔 and i enjoyed writing it, thanks anon (●’◡’●)
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a - affection ;; how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?
Very. Even once you’re together and especially after you are, there won’t be a moment where he’s not clinging to you whenever the two of you are together. He usually shows it through physical touch or acts of service so be ready to have him touching you in one way or another and refusing to leave your side or let you leave his.
b - best friend ;; what are they like as a best friend?
Extremely energetic to the point where it’s appalling how much energy can be wrapped up in such a small body. Whenever you’re together he’s very talkative and always likes to pry, he’ll always want to know more and be in your business. Always manages to keep you entertained and make you feel included, beware of his possessiveness and sadistic personality though, while you’re still friends you aren’t pardoned from that side of him.
c - cuddling ;; do they like to cuddle? how and when?
Absolutely. Any time and any position, Tsukasa is one clingy mfer. He’ll insist on you carrying him on your back or sitting on your lap when the two of you are chilling, wrapping his legs around your shoulders and his arms around your head when you’re in class no matter how bothersome it might be for you, etc. He has absolutely no shame.
d - domestic ;; are they any good at cooking and/or cleaning?
Tsukasa should never be trusted around an oven or any cleaning supplies, not only because he can’t cook or clean for shit but because he’ll go out of his way to make things more difficult for everyone. He most certainly has and will try to put bleach in a food or drink and give it to someone as a “joke” because he wants to see what will happen.
e - effort ;; how much effort do they put into the relationship?
A lot, Tsukasa may always be super playful but he’s also really dedicated and willing to do anything on your behalf or for you.
f - fear ;; what do they do when their partner is scared?
He’s 100% terrible at comforting people and will probably resort to trying to get rid of whatever is scaring you, then coming back to you and proudly stating that he solved the issue and there’s no reason for you to be afraid anymore. If he can’t fix it directly then he’ll try to distract you instead. If your fear is something small and not all that serious, i.e. being afraid of bugs or spiders, scared of heights, etc. then he will joke about it when the time is right.
g - gentle ;; how gentle are they with their partner, physically and emotionally?
Not that much, he’s very over the top and loud so if you get overwhelmed easily it probably won’t work out. He still treats you with a bit more care than he does others and will occasionally stop himself if he realizes that something he’s going to say might hurt your feelings, but he won’t handle you like you’re delicate or anything since he has no filter.
h - honesty ;; would they lie to their partner?
Tsukasa will lie. Whether or not you’ll be able to catch them when he tells them is entirely up to you, but if he feels like there’s something you don’t need to know or he doesn’t want to share he’ll do it without hesitation since he believes it’s better if you’re left in the dark, especially regarding apparitions or anything supernatural. If you do catch him in a lie, he’ll play it off like it’s nothing and change the subject so he can avoid telling the truth, even if you already know by now that he’s lying. He gets irritated if you try to pry.
i - intimacy ;; do they enjoy being close to their partner?
Without a doubt. He’ll be at your side and you’ll be at his at all times, Tsukasa doesn’t understand the concept of personal space and you’ll be the first to know it.
j - jealousy ;; do they get jealous easily? how do they act?
He does, especially when anyone other than him is getting your attention for longer than he deems necessary. He’s extremely possessive and doesn’t like others getting too close to you, he trusts that you’re loyal but doesn’t have that same kind of patience for everyone else near you, and he’ll be keeping an eye out at all times so nothings getting by him. Don’t be surprised if a guy who’s been trying to subtlety flirt with you is suddenly no where to be seen and actively avoids you the next time you see him bruised and in a cast days later. If you know Tsukasa well enough to know he had something to do with it and confront him about it, he’ll act like he has no idea what you’re talking about and play dumb with an innocent yet knowing look on his face. Good luck trying to get him to fess up.
k - kisses ;; where do they like to kiss their partner? how often?
All over your face and neck and very often. Likes to pepper your face with kisses when he’s clinging to your front or on your neck when he’s on your back and resting his head on your shoulder.
l - love ;; when they say ‘i love you’ how often is it? do they prefer to say or show it?
Very often, he says it whenever you do something remotely interesting or that makes him happy, he has no preference as long as he’s getting the message across and you know he means it.
m - mornings ;; how are mornings spent with them?
Tsukasa is bombarding you the moment you step into the school and talking your ear off about the last thing he found remarkable, the latest rumor that was spread, or any antics he’s been up to with Sakura and Natsuhiko all while dragging you to the broadcasting room. You get a lot of weird looks from your friends and other students when they see you being pulled away and talking to an invisible force instead of going to your first period.
n - nicknames ;; what do they like to call their s/o? do they like nicknames?
Tsukasa prefers to just call you by your name or a shortened version of it; he doesn’t mind whatever you call him, in fact he’ll love it and insist you keep calling him it if you do give him a nickname. Will definitely brag to Sakura about it. She won’t care all that much, but she’s obligated to listen.
o - out of ordinary ;; what’s something they normally don’t do for their s/o?
Tsukasa isn’t willing to let you get involved in any matter that involves apparitions that are out of line. Whether you’re strong or not, he views you as someone that he’s obligated to protect and won’t let you get in harms way, even if that means having to manipulate or lie to you in order to keep you away from it.
p - pda ;; are they okay with showing affection in public? are they the type to brag?
He isn’t at all ashamed of showing his affection in public and will brag about you to anyone who will listen. If they won’t listen, he’ll make them listen.
q - quizzes ;; how much do they remember about their s/o?
Tsukasa might seem careless at times but he’s very observant and will remember anything about yourself that you tell him or that he picks up on his own. He also likes to watch you even when you don’t realize he’s there so there will be times when he brings up something that you eventually realize you never told him and he doesn’t give a direct answer when you ask him how he found out.
r - romance ;; are they the romantic type?
Tsukasa is affectionate and clingy but he’s not romantic. He considers anytime the two of you hang out a date and doesn’t know a thing about romance. Doesn’t see the importance of things like flowers as gifts since he finds them useless but will get you some if it’ll make you happy.
s - security ;; how protective are they?
Very. Tsukasa doesn’t take kindly to anyone threatening or hurting you in any way. I’m sending my prayers to anyone who does because the moment he finds out you’ll either never see them again or when you do they’ll be an unrecognizable monster or pile of limbs. It’s very unlikely that Tsukasa will ever let you find out what he did if he knows it’ll make you upset though, he’ll just show up later claiming that he “dealt with them”.
t - trust ;; how much do they trust their s/o?
Tsukasa respects and puts a lot of trust in you, he’s willing to hear you out and heed your advice because he trusts that you’ll make the right decisions. You are one of the very few people he’ll trust with certain tasks.
u - understanding ;; are they a good listener?
Yes and no. Tsukasa pays attention to you and everything you do nearly 24/7, like I said he is willing to hear you out, but he’s also unruly and stubborn so getting him to listen to you if it’s not important will be a task. If you actually need someone to confide in, however, then he’ll gladly sit still while you rant to him (mostly because he’s nosy and wants to help in a way that’ll probably involve more violence than necessary if it’s about a specific person).
v - vulnerable ;; how long until they allow themselves to be vulnerable around you?
I wouldn’t call it vulnerable since that wouldn’t be how he sees it. Once he starts getting more open with you (which will most certainly take a while) it’ll be him being more comfortable doing things for you and respecting you rather than looking down on you like he does to nearly everyone else.
w - wild card ;; a random head canon or story about their relationship with their s/o
Once Tsukasa barged into your classroom during school showing off a bloodied organ in his just as bloodied hands, claiming that he found it intriguing and wanted to show it off to you. You got sent out of class and to the nurses office because the teacher and students thought there was something wrong with you when you randomly started gagging and vomited in the middle of the lesson while staring at nothing (in their eyes) with a horrified look on your face. Tsukasa learned his lesson when you informed him that not everyone was okay with such gorey scenery and refused to let him touch you for the next week.
x - xray ;; what would they do if their partner was injured?
He’s out for blood and after getting the name of the culprit out of you he has Sakura help you and goes off on his own to finish whoever had the balls to lay a hand on you. If it wasn’t from anyone in particular and was your own doing, he’ll scold you for getting him worked up over nothing and make fun of you for being careless and getting yourself hurt.
y - yuck ;; what’s something they wouldn’t like?
Tsukasa hates when you ignore him. He’s tenacious and selfish and wants your undivided attention 24/7 so if you want to irk his nerves (though I would highly suggest you not do that) avoiding him or acting like he doesn’t exist is exactly the way to do it. He won’t get angry at you, but he will get very irritated and try to force or guilt trip you into focusing on him again.
z - zzz ;; what’s one of their sleeping habits?
Pretty sure apparitions don’t even need sleep, but if you’re taking a nap in the broadcasting room or something similar then he’ll gladly indulge just so he gets to cuddle with you. If he can’t or doesn’t want to then he just sits and watches you sleep instead, so when you wake up the first thing you see is a pair of mischievous amber eyes staring into your soul.
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buouoyancy · 2 years
ep 13&14
a few thoughts about eaw episodes 13&14 bc i’m fresh off of 14!!!!!!
1) i’m aware that i’m prob in the minority over this, but i’m not surprised about or frustrated re: the young woo/junho lack of communication over their breakup (YET, there’s a provision here that the future make up scene between them has to bowl me over emotionally and remind me of why love is the most beautiful theme there is in storytelling etc etc) bc what i  t h i n k  the writer is trying to do is show that this is an entirely different kind of problem that these two are facing, with an entirely different degree of weight. 
we’ve had ppl doubt junho’s feelings before, we’ve had ppl question the validity of their relationship, but we haven’t rly had the very simple and very devastating question between the two of them of: “you make me so happy, but do i make you happy? is your life better with me in it?” as a viewer you’re very much allowed to hate the asking of the question bc you think it’s one of the least interesting parts about young woo and junho’s relationship, 100%!!!! some of you might even be hurt by it, and i understand that too. but i also think that we as viewers are privy to a lot more than the characters of young woo and junho are in show. 
the answer is obvious to us––of course they’re happier together, of course both of their lives have become more beautiful because they met, it’s in junho’s eyes and young woo’s smiles––but this is young woo’s first time being in a serious romantic relationship, so how is?? she supposed to know how to navigate what happiness is between two people and to see all of the wonderful things that she brings to the table when everyone else has only ever told her otherwise??? i think we’re also meant to assume that even if junho almost definitely has had romantic relationships in the past, this is the first time that someone has meant so much to him. and i think that when you’re coming fresh off of heartbreak and confusion, this coming out of nowhere for him (he still doesn’t know that young woo overheard what he and his sister were talking about, which.....i would Not have saved this particular conflict for the last fourth of the show LMAO), junho’s hesitation to speak isn’t all that surprising. we’ve seen this kind of hesitation from him before when young woo confessed repeatedly and he had to gather himself emotionally before he could respond (the stakes are much higher this time too), so i hope!!! this was just the writer closing the loop on that theme one last time. 
logistically, i also think that the writer has dug themselves into a very deep hole and this is what i hope is a calculated risk that could go very well or very badly. by not addressing the escalating conflicts between young woo/junho one by one (i.e. elaborating more on young woo’s response to junho’s initial reaction to them not officially dating in ep 12)......they now have to address them all at once.
2) idk what the game plan was at eaw hq, but it’s so far past too late to humanize minwoo for us now. at this point, and at literally no point, does having sick family members excuse minwoo of a sliver of the garbage that he did for the entire run of the show. seeing him as a “whole person” doesn’t rly serve his character in any meaningful way besides as a set up for suyeon to fall in love with him, which....i’m making a separate post on that LOL. my honest opinion of the sudden minwoo/suyeon love line if we’re meant to take it at face value is that the writer(s) didn’t know what to do with suyeon anymore after she stopped pursuing the idea of being in a relationship with junho......which is a huge shame because her character could have so much more going on with her.
3) what was young woo dad’s response to her question over the phone..........pls tell me we get to hear the other half of that conversation eventually.......... :’’’’’’)
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super-nova5045 · 2 years
PSA: believing Mike is emotionally cheating on El and writing him as the moral villain in fanfiction is biphobic
(Disclaimer: I’m going to give y’all benefit of the doubt here because I get it. Fiction is just fiction, and you’re right on some level that Mike is being dishonest with her. You probably don’t mean any harm and you’re not intentionally biphobic. However, that doesn’t take away the harmful effects of this take.)
To begin this little ~announcement~ off, I’ll give some background info. For context, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts saying Mike is emotionally cheating on El, and just in general there’s a LOT of fanfictions that demonize bi Mike. Although I’m a gay Mike truther, I love the bi theory just as much (especially AS a bi person who had internalized homophobia and fell in love with their best friend) and it hurts me so much to see this villainization of Mike.
Emotionally cheating on El allegations??
I understand this take 100%, but let’s talk about how it’s not true and is borderline harmful. I think a common thing people forget is that there’s a big difference between actually cheating and genuinely being in love with someone else. Nobody said Nancy was cheating when she was comforted by Jonathan and was with Steve. Nobody said Joyce was cheating when she was close with Hopper and was with Bob. So why is it different for Mike, Will and El? Mike has never confided in Will on the same level Joyce and Nancy have with Hopper and Jonathan (respectively) while with El, and even if he has, El wasn’t present in any of the major Byler scenes (re: The Nina Project or, I don’t know, being assumed dead?!) thus, Mike couldn’t talk to her. Why is it such a crime for him to talk to his closest and oldest friend about his fears and insecurities?
Yes, Byler’s conversations did have romantic subtext, but we have to consider also that Mike wouldn’t have had any intention to cheat on El, nor did he have any intention to ‘flirt’ with Will. For all he knows, he’s just speaking to his best friend.
Not to mention, as talked about in this post, McNugget was bones in every Byler chat.
‘Crazy Together’ – El was considered dead, and Mike and her weren’t in a relationship.
‘Not Possible’ – This was just before El saying ily to Mike (for a reason). Mike and El weren’t in a relationship again/were ‘taking a break’.
‘Friends. Best Friends.’ – El had left for Nina with the chance that she could never see Mike again (Mike knew this, btw). Mike had thrown away her potentially last ever letter to him signed ‘From, El’ (a reference to their big fight that they ‘can’t come back from’) and was planning on going to Hawkins. This applies to the junkyard chat, too, and although Mike’s motive had changed, there was still no hope of finding El (no Nina number).
Making Mike the bad guy in fanfiction???
This is what, by far, bothers me the most. Recently I’ve seen a rise in ‘Mike cheats on El/does something awful to somebody (mostly El)’ fanfics, and this is so awful, especially when the Mike in these stories is queer.
First of all, let’s talk about the ‘Depraved Bisexual’ trope. This is how Devon Price defines it:
A Depraved Bisexual is a character, usually in a work of fiction, whose bisexuality is used as an indicator that they are untrustworthy, perverse, and morally corrupt. […] Because they cannot “decide” on a gender to be attracted to, the logic goes, they also cannot say no to anything sexual or pleasurable.
Examples of this trope are Frank Underwood, Cal Jacobs and Raoul Silva – all characters depicted as bisexual and evil antagonists – their bisexuality, as aforementioned, plays into their predatory nature; because if you feel attraction for both genders, surely that means you have no fidelity and morality.
Making Mike do things in fanfiction such as be with El but cheat with Will (or vice versa), or commit a heinous action (while being bi-coded), or both, is following this trope. While unintentional, it still deeply affects and hurts bisexual people - we are portrayed, once again, as cheating monsters who do awful things.
Not only this, but it’s incredibly OOC. While fanfictions are, as the name suggests, fan works of fiction, and being OOC is granted; making Mike, the albeit annoying, but kind-hearted, brave, compassionate leader do such awful things out of the blue? And be bi-coded? It seems clear to me why you’ve made him the antagonist.
I’m sure NONE of these lovely people had bad intentions or wanted to directly harm bisexual people. Once again, this is just their takes, and this is just mine. In summary, Mike isn’t emotionally cheating on El, purely because he has no intention to be, and while his relationship with Will is romantically-coded, most of the time he’s just confiding in and reassuring Will – which is not emotional cheating. Magic Schoolbus was also broken up every time that Byler talked – Mike can’t be emotionally cheating if he’s not in a relationship to start with. Finally, making Mike the bad guy who cheats and does bad things is following a harmful, biphobic trope and is quite offensive.
(again, not trying to start beef or anything. I, as a bisexual, just personally disagree with these takes and the amount of fanfictions that make Mike evil)
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
SYNOPSIS: niko as your boyfriend
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: niko ikki aka my boyfriend hello
WARNINGS: swearing, pretend all the boys go to the same school and they're all friends for plot, normalize not writing serious boys as someone that practically hates their s/o and never opens up to them god bless, also no such thing as ooc since we dunno shit ab him so everything i say is law. SUPER LONG LOL, it's like 2k+ words 😭
A/N: i love my boyfriend and i'm v happy about all the attention he's getting (even if he will prob will b subbed out 👎) this was fun to write bc i think he would b very soft as bf and also i hate the notion that stoic and serious = boring and detached in a relationship. also first post w the new user yayyyy rip yoichisagis an end of an era for realsies.
FOR: fox anon my beloved this one is for u😩
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it takes a while for you two to get together, just because niko wants to think things through and be sure he’s making the right decision, as well as him being naturally apprehensive about this whole dating thing.
when you do eventually start going out, keep in mind you're probably his first real anything, so-
niko needs to take it slow for the first month or so because he needs time to adjust and get used to being in a relationship.
when he gets comfortable around you, niko starts to talk a lot more.
niko starts to talk about his interests more-soccer, stem stuff (idc i'll die by my hc that he's a stem boy), etc. and niko's really happy that you're genuinely interested in what he has to say :)
and as your relationship progresses, niko becomes more inclined to share his inner thoughts.
“this song is so bad, i hate it and how it's everywhere,” like, babe that sucks, but what do you want me to do, take it off the radio myself? 😭
you find out that niko’s kind of a hater LOL, but it’s okay, because it means he can be himself around you <3 and the mini debates you have with each other are fun.
he’s someone you can take shopping with you if you need a solid second opinion.
“ikki, is this cute?” you niko as you adjust the shirt you tried on in the fitting room mirror.
“no.” he’s so straight up LOL. “the blue one from earlier was better.”
“this one?”
“yeah, that one. you look really pretty in it.”
ngl though, niko’s not much of a mall person. he'd just follow you around like a little puppy LOL, but he doesn't mind too much because it's for you.
communication is important to niko!!!!! he wants someone that he can have real conversation about the things that matter to him, so he rly makes an effort to have that kind of connection with you.
niko's naturally funny but he isn't aware that he is lol.
but when he does try, i feel like his humor comes in the form of sarcasm and dry wit. likes poking fun at you here and there with a lighthearted jab.
"you're so weird, y/n," is the most common one.
niko’s naturally closed off emotionally (male aquarius 😒) but i, personally, think he’d really try and push himself to be more open with you, especially if you expressed for him to do so </3
he'd be really appreciative of someone patient and understanding of the fact that he doesn't open up easily, though.
but eventually, you become the person closest to him- niko confides in you a lot, which he’s grateful for because he usually holds everything in.
not one for pda or other lovey-dovey things in public, other than the occasional holding of hands but behind closed doors, niko’s so soft around you, it’s like he’s a completely different person.
also, i feel like niko’s real handsy with you, i get the vibe he’s super touch starved 😭
although it does take him a while to get used to physical affection, once he has, niko cannot get enough. he’s always touching you when he has no real reason to.
(and because you're his first relationship, i feel like it’s just natural that niko’s going to be kind of clingy towards you.)
“you okay, ikki?” you ask as niko suddenly wraps his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“mhm,” he mumbles. “just wanna be close to you.”
niko likes when you sit on his lap when he’s on his computer. you can have your arms wrapped around his neck, your head resting in the crook of his neck, or you could just be on your phone or whatever, it doesn’t matter, niko just likes you near him.
you guys don’t really talk to each other when you do this, aside from niko occasionally checking up on you and asking if you need anything from him.
but other than that, you guys just enjoy each other's touch in silence. it’s one of his favorite things to do with you.
however, if you start kissing him in the middle of whatever he’s doing and keep it up for long enough, niko will drop everything to make out with you right then and there (also one of his favorite things to do with you).
speaking of kissing- you kiss niko first.
niko would try to plan your guys first kiss out because he wants everything to be perfect.
but, he ends up taking forever to execute it because he keeps overthinking and you can only wait so long before kissing him, so you take matters into your own hands.
his kisses are sloppy and juvenile at the beginning, but he’s smart and learns quickly what you do and don’t like.
likes being kissed on his jaw and forehead the most :')
if the team ever happens to see niko kissing you, they're gonna be so annoying 😭
"yooo niko's making big moves ‼️" "my son's growing up on me!😩" "good job *pats on the back*" and niko is red all over as he drags you away from them, muttering about how childish and annoying they are 😭.
but, they're all very supportive of you guys, even if they're embarrassing as hell 🙄.
they even give niko relationship advice- which luckily, he doesn’t follow (most of the time), because, let’s be honest, if you're getting unsolicited dating tips from a bunch of teenage boys, it’s probably bad 😭.
you’re the only person niko shows his forehead to. just know that having the opportunity to see it means that niko trusts you more than anyone else :’)
repay his trust by kissing his forehead lovingly and showering him with compliments whenever you can !!!!!!!!!!
“y/n, why’re you so embarrassing,” niko says under his breath, blushing as you hold his face and litter soft kisses on his forehead, rambling about how cute he is.
always looks for you in the bleachers when he has a game and you’re always the first person he talks to after.
and the fact that you make an effort to come as often as you can means sooo much to him. definitely considers you to be his biggest fan.
real classy with nicknames- uses “my love/love,” and “darling,” the most.
his favorite petname from you is "pretty boy." gives him butterflies each time he hears it.
the first time you call him that, he's confused, but after you explain that being called pretty is basically the highest compliment a boy can receive, he gets all soft on you.
only uses instagram to like and comment on your pictures and that's it 😭.
comments stuff like “you're so pretty” and "beautiful," without any emojis because niko refuses to use them LOL.
remembers the compliments you give him! they help with his self esteem and i feel like he values your opinion a lot.
so, tell him all about how cute and smart and talented and hot and funny he is and how much you love him and he'll replay it in his head 24/7.
i think he prefers to be the big spoon, unless he's sad- then he really wants you to hold him.
niko gives me homebody vibes, so expect relaxed dates, but still nice, yk?
what i mean is niko's not gonna take you out to get gas station food and call it a day 😭 he's classier than that and he always puts in effort towards dates.
he always plans them ahead of time and takes into consideration what he thinks you'd enjoy. and he insists on paying 🤗.
but, niko always does something special for days like your birthday or an anniversary, like go somewhere fancy if you wanted to or buy a nice gift you've been eyeing for a while.
helps you with your schoolwork, 100%. most of the time niko tutors you because he wants you to actually learn the material, but if you're feeling lazy and just wanna get it over with, niko will just give you the answers.
this is a big deal because i love him and all but, niko gives me the vibe he's super stingy with his work 😭.
"this is the last time i'm going to just give you the answers, y/n." niko sighs out. "you have to start doing your homework by yourself."
niko's said that dozen of times but he's still giving you the answers free of charge. can you guys say #whipped 🤣?
LOL speaking of school, if you ever text him during class, i highly doubt that niko would entertain you 😭😭 (it's out of love, though)
y/n 💗: hiii baby imy 🥰
pretty boy: do your work, y/n.
pretty boy: pay attention.
y/n 💗: fine ur so lame 👎
pretty boy: whatever you say. i miss you too, by the way.
he likes to moves your hair out your face because he wants to see your pretty face better.
which is why you have to do the same with him 🥰!!!!!! makes him blush like crazy.
gets soooo soft when you post him or even take pictures of you and him together :') just the thought of you wanting to show him off makes him soooo happy.
he won't entertain you if you make a tiktok, though LOL. he's very stubborn in his belief that it's stupid.
just stands in the background with his arms crossed if you try to make him do a dance or something 😭 (he does think you look cute, though).
niko has such nice eyelashes but i doubt he's aware of it 'cause he's, y'know, a boy 🙄.
"my eyelashes are ... cute?" he questions. niko wasn't even aware that such a trivial thing like his eyelashes could be considered cute.
"yes, oh my god," you gush. "they're so long and nice, i wish mine were like that," you groan, examining yours through the camera of your phone.
"you're so weird, y/n," he says, a blush staining his cheeks. "your eyelashes are nicer," he mumbles as he kisses your forehead.
he's one of those people that prefers to be alone, but you're the exception. you know?
niko likes to keep to himself most of the time, but that whole thing doesn't apply to you, because he'd choose to be with you over being alone anytime :')
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Ignorance Is Blitzed (Part 7)
Ron Speirs x Reader
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Summary: When you come into contact with some substance that makes you sick while on a routine building search, Ron realizes he may not be as emotionally detached as he’d thought initially thought.
Warnings: SMUT! YA GIRL FINALLY WROTE THE SMUT!, light angst, fluff, SMUT, Ron is a dom but he’s so into you he turns into a soft!dom, Reader is a mess, Ron is a tease, SMUT!
~ ~ ~ ~
Lewis Nixon was a dead man.
Even if Ron’s sudden (if not minute) PDA hadn’t clued you in to the fact that someone had told him about Nuremberg, the look of fear in Lewis’s eyes when you’d caught his gaze basically confirmed it.
 You’d mumbled something about getting some air to Ron as you watched Lewis hightail it out of there, hot on his heels as he tried to escape the wrath that you were sure showed plainly on your face.
He doesn’t get far.
 When you catch his elbow in what seemed to be the hotel staff’s dining room, he whines like a wounded animal and holds his hands up pleadingly.
 “I swear to God I, thought you’d told him already—”
“I’m going to kill you.”
Nix scoffed at that, despite the fear clearly paling his face.
“Okay, one- people were going to find out eventually. Two? How in the hell was i supposed to know that you hadn’t told your boyfriend—”
 “Not my boyfriend—”
 “—yes he is your boyfriend- about it? And three: and he doesn’t even seem to be mad about it!”
 You scoff at that, hands going to your hips as you stare at him in disbelief.
 “It wasn’t something for you to tell- if the news that I was being asked to go in hadn’t come from you in the first place, I’d never have told you either! No one was supposed to know—!”
 “What were you going to do, just dump him and disappear?!”
 Your rebuttal sticks in your throat, guilt flooding through your veins at the bluntness of his question.
It must show on your face, because Lewis furrows his brows and looks at you in disbelief.
 “No… Y/N, you aren’t seriously trying to tell me that you—?”
 “I was giving him a clean break. I am giving him a clean break.”
 You’d made the decision after you’d heard about Ron’s decision to stay with Easy and go to Japan, when you’d realized that neither of you were going to be going home anytime soon. 
In Ron’s case, he may not come home at all- and if you knew him as well as you thought you did, you knew what that would mean for the two of you. 
Hollow promises to keep in touch, followed by equally well-intentioned agreements to find the other when it all was over, both of you ultimately knowing in your heart of hearts that those commitments would inevitably fizzle out and die the moment the going got tough.
 You didn’t want that, didn’t want to trap Ron in something that was destined to fail from the get-go.
As much as he liked you, cared for you, you also knew who he was. What he would always be.
A ruthless, brilliant soldier, ready to lay it all on the line at the first opportunity. And you loved him too much to ever ask him to be anything else.
 He deserved to find happiness- even if it wasn’t with you.
 Nix looked at you pityingly, a forlorn look on his face as he digested what you’d said.
 “Look, I don’t know the guy well,” he mumbled, clearing his throat and taking a step towards you to rest a hand on your tense shoulder. “But anyone with eyes can see that you mean a lot to him.”
 You nod and offer him a tight smile, eyes drifting downward to avoid letting any potential tears come to the surface. “I know I do- I don’t doubt that. It’s not about how things are right now, though. We don’t get to live in the right now for much longer.”
 The hand on your shoulder squeezes at the muscle there, a small sound of admonishment escaping under Lew’s breath as you feel him watch you. He doesn’t like what you’re saying- you can tell that he wants to argue that you’re being ridiculous.
 But even he knows that it wouldn’t be of any use. It wouldn’t change your mind.
 “I don’t like the idea of leaving you here, Y/N. I’d bet if the others knew, they wouldn’t like it much either.”
 You sigh, biting the inside of your cheek as you look back up at him and nod. “Guess I’m breaking up with all of you, aren’t I?”
 Nixon’s eyes are shining, and you wonder if he’d be this upset if he were 100% sober. When you step into him to embrace him, he beats you to the punch and wraps his arms around you quickly, taking a deep breath that seems to make his chest expand to twice his size.
 “I suppose you’re right. Not that being dumped ever stopped me before,” he gives you a sad smile when he eventually releases you, giving your shoulder a final pat before taking his hands away. 
“Don’t be surprised when I show up at your window, drunk as a skunk and proclaiming my undying love for you at 3 am sometime in the near future.”
 As you open your mouth to reply, you see Nix’s focus flick to something past your shoulder.
Even if you hadn’t seen the fear on the man’s face, you still would’ve known that it was Ron.
 Because of course it would be him. 
 Gritting your teeth, you sigh and close your eyes. Dread tasted sour on your tongue as you turned your head to peer over your shoulder, flinching at the look of silent fury marring his handsome face. Sniffing, you force yourself to speak despite the tightness clenching at your throat.
 “You should go, Lew,” you say quietly. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
 Lewis says nothing as you turn around to face Ron, the sound of his retreating footsteps barely registering in your ears as anxiety sends blood thrumming loudly in your ears. Ron’s sharp eyes make you feel impossibly small, and you think you can now understand what everyone else had been talking about for the past few years. Ron was scary. You did feel scared.
 “You and I need to get some things straightened out.”
 His words are clipped, and if he sees you flinch at the tone in his voice he doesn’t show it. You inhale shakily, realizing you had been holding your breath for too long and wetting your lips as you searched for the right words to say.
 Just as you open your mouth to speak, Ron turns on his heel and begins to stride off, and once you are able to unstick the soles of your shoes from the floor you trail after him cautiously. When you reach the doorway, you see that he’s stopped a few paces from the door frame, waiting. In a move that surprises you, he uncurls his hand from the fist it had been in and holds it out to you, eyes heavy and dark and trained on you.
 Quickly, you flicker your eyes between his face and his hand, only stepping forward and taking it after you’ve mustered up enough confidence that it wasn’t going to be something you regretted doing. You’d never had someone mad at you like this before, at least not for as intimate a reason as he was now. Of course, you’d never allowed yourself to care for someone like this before either- maybe this mortifying combination of guilt and heartbreak was normal.
 The moment your hand finds his, he turns away from you and starts walking again, and as you follow you realize that he’s leading you towards the room you both share. There's no softness in the way his hand holds yours, the grip firm and unyielding. It almost makes you feel like a child being pulled off for a private scolding from a parent.
You hate it.
 The journey to your room is both too long and not nearly long enough, and it’s only when he opens the door and releases your hand that you fear that you may never get the chance to feel his touch ever again. That reality was already one you’d been dreading, with him leaving so soon to go where you could not follow. The thought of that time coming sooner because of something like this was devastating.
 You stand in front of the door once it closes, ready to have him ask you to leave at a moment’s notice. Unblinking, you watch him shirk off his jacket and toss it on a nearby chair, shrugging the suspenders down from his shoulders with a spark of agitation. His hair has begun to fall into disarray, and the idea of him hating you while looking so unfairly handsome makes your heart tighten painfully in your chest. 
Unwilling to wait out the inevitable for a moment longer, you clear your throat at steel yourself.
 “You don’t get to hide that kind of shit from me.”
 He doesn’t look at you as he speaks, his voice quiet and uncomfortably devoid of emotion. As he walks over to the table that held a decanter of whiskey and fine crystal glasses to pour a drink, you tuck some of your hair behind your ear and try again
 “I was just trying to give—”
 “—give me a 'clean break', yeah. I heard.”
 Bringing the glass to his lips and taking a sip, you watch as he clenches his jaw and swallows.
“Did you ever think about asking me what I wanted?“
 That does throw you, and as he sets the glass down and turns to look at you you make no move to hide the look of confusion on your face. Glancing down at your shoes, you shake your head softly and try and find your voice once more
 “I- but you don’t want this. You don’t want to be tied down—”
 “And what makes you so confident that you know what I want, huh?” 
There's clear anger in his voice now, and you look up just in time to watch him walk over to you. You straighten as he comes to a stop right before you, hands braced on his hips as he all but glowers down at you. 
 “You don’t get to make those sort of decisions for me- got it?”
He emphasizes the bite on the ‘t’ in ‘it’, the puff of air from his breath hitting your face. 
 When you make to turn away from him, one of his hands flashes up to grip your jaw- his touch gentle but authoritative enough that you know it’d be a bad idea to go against it.  Something about the movement irks you, makes your heart beat faster from something much darker than fear or dread. Pressing your lips into a thin line, you tilt your head back infinitesimally. Defiantly. 
 Ron notices, his nostrils flaring slightly. “Last time I checked, you aren’t a mind reader- and even if you were, you’d be a shit one because if you think what I want is anything other than you, you really don’t know me at all.”
 “Stop it, Ron,” you mutter quietly, watching as his eyes flicker down to your mouth before dragging back up to meet your eyes again. “You’re being mean.”
 He exhales sharply at that, a ghost of a rueful smile quirking his mouth before shaking his head. 
“Am I?”
 When you roll your eyes, he steps into you even more, using his hold on your jaw to tilt your head back further so you are still able to hold his glare.
 “Like it or not, Y/N, you’re it for me- you got that? If you don’t want to believe me, that’s fine- but know that I’d tear this whole entire goddamned continent apart if you wanted me to—”
 “Why!?” you snap, his declaration bringing forth the sadness you’d managed to temporarily quell. 
 At the sight of tears refilling your eyes, Ron’s brows furrow and some of the darkness leaves his face. Shaking your head imploringly, you bring a hand up to circle his wrist. 
 “You could do anything, be anywhere with anyone you wanted! We….we’re just children, Ronald- and I love you but I’d never delude myself into pretending that I know the first thing about how to do this- any of this!”
You bring your other hand up to rest lightly on his chest, lowering your gaze to look at the slight tremble of your fingers as you do so. 
 “You were born for greatness, born to lead and fight and conquer….but all I was born to do was just exist for other people- like my parents or my family or whoever else needed something from me. Then, eventually, become somebody’s wife and give him a family. But….. I threw away any chance of that future in order to be here, and now that this is ending I have no idea what I’m supposed to do!”
 Swallowing in a vain attempt to keep your voice from breaking, you look back up at him, offering him a small, shaky smile.
“I won’t drag you down that mess with me, you deserve more than that- than me. I won’t ruin you, too—”
 “Y/N,” Ron murmurs admonishingly.
 With an ease that you two had only just begun to establish, he seals his mouth to yours, effectively shutting you up and forcing you to take the first deep breath you’d taken in a long time. There’s an edge of desperation to it- just as there had been in your first kiss back all those months ago in Foy. 
 Only this time his lips taste like whiskey and something a tinge more wicked. 
A promise of more.
 Breaking the kiss but keeping his face close you yours, Ron brings his other hand up to cup your face. Brushing his thumb across your bottom lip, he eyes you softly.
 “Don’t tell me what I deserve.” 
“Stop telling me what to do.” 
“Let me conquer.”
 This kiss is filthy, his lips plush and confident and unafraid in their mission to leave you completely mindless. Ron has stepped so close to you that your head has tilted all the way back into his hands, his fingers purposefully twisting in your roots so he has more control over the kiss.
 Despite the fact that he’s never handled you this way before- you have no desire to ask him to slow down or be gentler.
You like it. You want more.
 When you whimper into his mouth, you can feel him grin briefly before sliding one hand down your back to fist at the material of your shirt and bunching it free from where it had been tucked into the back of your pants. 
 Up until now, Ron had been nothing but gentle when it came to you- and while you knew him to be dominant and ruthless in battle you’d considered what his temperament would be like as a lover. Clearly, the confidence translated. 
 You slide the hand that had been on his chest up and around his shoulders, your elbow hooking around his neck and pulling him closer. As you nip at his bottom lip, Ron hums low in his chest. The hand he’d had on the small of your back has moved down to grip at your ass, and with a quick peck he pulls back slightly.
 “Hold on,” he grumbles, and just as you open your mouth to ask for clarification Ron wraps his arms around your hips and lifts you so you’re having to lean into him, your feet stumbling across the floor as he turns you both and quickly walks the both of you to the bed. 
 He’s barely set you down before his hands find the hem of your blouse again, rucking it up your sides before your brain catches up with him and you tear it over your head. Your skin feels hot, and it feels even hotter at the feeling of Ron’s lips mouthing at the tops of your breasts as you fumble with the clasp of your bra.
 “Shit,” you hear yourself curse, hating your fingers for being so uncoordinated. Undeterred by the fabric of the bra you’d pinched from one of the homes the lot of you had been asked to secure a week ago, Ron bites softly at your nipples until they stiffen. When you finally unhook the fastenings, he pulls the cups of the bra down easily and continues his attentions.
 You curse again, head swimming at the realization that his own fingers have found the zipper of your pants and begun to pull it down. Carding your hands through his hair, you desperately try and calm your breathing while distantly realizing that he’s still fully clothed.
 “Ron,” you gasp, looking down your chest and meeting his bright eyes as he sucks marks down the valley between your breasts. “I wanna see you—”
 His hum is dark as he mockingly tilts his head at you, successfully pulling the fabric of your trousers down your hips until gravity takes over and it all pools at your feet.
 “You are seeing me,” he insists quietly, trailing his blunt fingernails down your hips until they catch your underwear and shucking them down your legs as well. When you frown he bites some of the skin just under your left breast, chuckling wickedly at the squeak of surprise you’re unable to hide.
 “Take your shirt off!” you nearly whine, your head falling back as he laves at the bite with his tongue. “You’re not being- shit….you’re being unfair—!”
 “Then do something about it.”
 You do whine at that, too frustrated to worry about being gentle as you take your hands from his hair to claw at his shirt- bunching and pulling at the fabric covering his back until you manage to get enough in your fists to pull it gracelessly over his head. Pure want has boiled your blood like a fever, with the only two thoughts in your mind being more more more and faster faster faster.
 Before you can work his shirt any further down his arms, he shoves you back unceremoniously onto the bed, quick to pull your hips to the edge of the bed before bothering to continue undressing himself. 
With a nearly comical desperation, you toe off your shoes, licking your dry lips as you watch the muscles of his torso bunch and lengthen as he strips the remainder of his clothing off- his eyes on you the entire time and his gaze doing nothing to calm the heaving of your chest.
 “Christ, look at you,” he says quietly, a clear note of pride in his voice. “Too pretty for your own good, aren’t you?”
 You blush at that, swallowing audibly at the praise and squeezing your eyes shut.
It all just was so much….
 When you open your eyes again, you moan at the sight of him kneeling before you and pulling at your legs until they were over his shoulders. As you start to sit up you are pushed back down again by his hand on your chest, the feeling of his breath on your sex robbing you of any speech capabilities you had previously possessed.
 “Just like that,” he commands gently. “Stay just like that.”
 Maybe it was because it had been a while since you’d had any sort of sexual intimacy with another person, or perhaps it had more to do with the fact that your previous sexual partners hadn’t been particularly invested in the act, but one thing was for certain:
 Ron Speirs was unfathomably good at cunnilingus.
 You could only gape stupidly at the ceiling with your mouth open in a silent scream of overwhelm as he took your clit between his lips and absolutely ruined you- his tongue and teeth and fingers tearing you away from reality with a nearly cruel proficiency. It was almost humiliating how effectively he dismantled your already tenuous sense of composure, and if you had any sense of pride left you probably would’ve hated him for it.
 He was making a mess of you, and he was doing it too easily.
 Feeling a sheen of sweat glisten your skin, you can only hold onto him as your body trembles- and it’s all you can do to keep your hips on the bed as your back arches and your body rocks.
 “Ron, please….I’m gonna cum—” you hear yourself choke out in warning, squeezing your eyes shut as something burning hot and sugar-sweet builds deliciously in your lower belly
 “Oh yeah?” you feel him ask, one of his arms hooking around your hips to help still you. “Want to bet?”
 Your eyes flash open
 You nearly howl in fury when he takes his mouth away, instantly sitting up to watch in betrayed dismay as he curls two fingers inside of you and adds a new kind of stimulation- one that keeps you on that cruel precipice without offering you any sort of relief.
 He smirks up at you, and any affection you’d previously held for him is jeopardized by his clear mirth at the situation. 
 “Sorry, Sweetheart,” Ron says lowly, nothing in his voice conveying any sort of remorse. “But you don’t get to call the shots right now.”
 You open and close your mouth desperately, unable to decide which sort of response would get you what you wanted. A frustrated shriek slips out in the interim, and when his smile broadens you remove your hands from his hair and smack at his head.
 “Jesus Christ, Ron! What’s the matter with you—?!”
 “Do you have any idea how good you taste, Y/N?” He continues as if you hadn’t spoken at all, ducking down to place a greedy kiss to your sex before pulling back again. “To think you were going to have me leave without letting me get my mouth on the source….absolutely heartless—”
 “I get it, okay? Fuck Ron! What more do you want me to do?” 
 You wince at the addition to a third finger inside of you, the stretch adding the tiniest bit of ache to your horribly prolonged almost-orgasm. The forearm across your hips holds you down when you try to squirm in any direction in hopes of getting some more stimulation.
 You widen your eyes at him, a scowl on your face as you look down your panting chest at him. “What?”
 Like the cruel bastard he is, Ron shrugs as if the solution to all of this has been obvious the whole time.
“Say you’re sorry, and I’ll make it all better.”
 Shaking your head, you hear yourself scoff. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
 You yelp as he turns his head to bite your thigh, fisting a handful of his hair to pull him away.
 Smoothing the flat of his tongue over the bite, he closes his eyes wistfully and sighs.
 “Close, but that’s not what I want to hear,” Ron says before tilting his head and looking back up at you, the tendons in his forearm pronounced as his fingers tirelessly continue their strokes inside of you.  
“Say it. Say ‘Ron, I’m sorry.”
 Biting the insides of your cheeks, you fix him with a glare and sigh with frustration.
“Fine! I’m sorry, okay? I’m really fucking sorry, Ron!”
 He purses his lips, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. You whimper as he slides his fingers out from inside you, but before you can think yourself victorious Ron uses those fingers to start rolling your clit- still keeping you on the edge while giving you just a hint of what you needed.
 “Goddamnit, RONALD—!”
 “Tell me that you deserve me,” he demands, his words taking on a gravelly tone. As you search his eyes, you see a heartbreaking shine of sincerity staring back at you.  “Say it and then I’ll let you cum.”
 Your throat is becoming tight, an unexpected wave of emotion hitting you and bringing tears to your eyes. The hand not currently torturing your clit squeezes your hip, and with a shake of your head you close your eyes.
 “I-I deserve you,” you acquiesce, feeling your lower lip threatening to quiver. “I’m sorry.”
 “Gutes Mädchen (good girl).”
 Your head falls back with a moan as he latches his mouth to you again, body bowing as he ruthlessly finishes what he’d started and destroys you- sending you spiraling into bright euphoria and letting you float in the heat of it. You’re suddenly thankful for the arm across your hips, for it’s the only thing anchoring you to the real world as you shake for him.
 “So perfect,” you can hear him saying, his voice now at your ear as you become aware of the press of his cock between your lower lips. “You’re the most perfect thing I've ever seen.”
 Whining pathetically, you tilt your head back and clutch at his back.
“Please,” you beg, eyelids heavy and gaze unfocused. “Please—”
 He doesn’t draw it out this time, quickly hooking his arm under your left leg and opening your hips so he can press himself inside of you. Still wrung out for your orgasm, you can only cry out softly at the feeling of him bottoming out, a broken sound of his own vibrating through his chest into yours.
 You’ve never considered Ron to be a particularly talkative person, so when he begins to babble it catches you off guard while simultaneously endearing him to you further.
 “I can’t believe how good you feel You surely were sent to ruin me God you’re such a good girl Better than I could’ve imagined Squeezing me so tightly I don’t want to be without you I want nothing else than this In what world would you think that I wouldn’t adore you I am yours entirely you ridiculous woman Shit I can feel you shaking Getting so tight Fuck do that again Are you going to cum again I want to hear you scream….”
 Too lost in his words, you don’t know if you actually screamed as you came again- but you do know that at some point you’ve turned your head and sealed your lips to his. His hips stutter as he cums with a breath shout, his free hand dancing up and down your side with a carnal desperation that you could understand but not replicate- not now.
 Because now you are well and truly wrung out.
 The weight of Ron’s body atop yours is welcome, and the sweet way he kisses you is almost too much for your fragile mind to process.
 Ron’s voice is soft, and as you blink your eyes open you cannot help but smile satedly up at him. He looks beautiful, and the soft way he’s looking at you makes you feel beautiful, too.
 He brings a hand to your face and smooths some of your hair behind your torn ear. 
“You weren’t born for someone else,” he says the words carefully, as if he is struggling with ensuring that they are the right ones. “But…. I’m starting to think that maybe I was. Or that, maybe we were…..Do you get what I’m trying to say?”
 Taking his face between your hands, you take a deep breath and let your eyes drift across his handsome face.
Lifting your head, you lightly press your lips to his and sigh.
 “Yeah, Ron….I think I do.”
 He deepens the kiss, pulling you with him as he rolls to the side and holds you against him.
 “Mo Leannan,” he murmurs into your hair as you rest your cheek against his chest. “Mo Chridhe.”
 You furrowed your brow, the words unfamiliar and in a language you could not identify. It was common knowledge that Ron spoke a passable level of German, but from the way his mouth wrapped around these words, you wondered if he was fluent in another language and had just never told you about it.
 “What did you say?” you asked softly, exhaustion having crept into both of your bodies and rendered you mostly immobile.
 Humming, Ron wraps the hand you’d rested on his chest in his and brings it up to his face so he can kiss your palm.
 “Later,” he says sleepily before lowering your joined hands to rest on his sternum. “I’ll tell you later. Rest.”
 And because you believe him, you do as he says and allow yourself to be swept away.
~ ~ ~
HELLO AND HI! This took forever and a day to write but only bc I overthought everyhting and got distracted by other shiny things SO WHOOPS MY B! Anyhoo- I love ya’ll and remember to hydrate!
Taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @ricksmorty​ @liebgotttme​
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mgsdays · 3 years
Hello!!! I’ve sent this exact message to teanshan on Tumblr but I also follow you so I wanted to share my thoughts with you as well. Hehe I hope that is okay with both of you <3 both of you always have open minded thoughts so I feel comfortable sharing these thoughts :)
I see A LOT of people mad at He tian or Mo or both of them for the lack of communication. BUT everyone is forgetting that these boys are 15 YEARS OLD!! Idk about everyone on Tumblr, but when I was 15 I hated confronting people about my feelings and talking about how I feel because It made me so vulnerable and uncomfortable. I think that’s exactly how Mo feels when talking about his problems and its also why he avoids his friends whenever he’s dealing with an issue. And also why He tian is trying his best. We know of his child hood and we also know that he struggles with serious abandonment issues. What he did was not okay, but I think that when you’re 15 and you see your *crush* struggling with issues, you want to help them immediately- you want all their pain to disappear. BUT you don’t know the implications behind your actions!! He tian has yet to understand that. He has yet to understand his privileges and why his actions were wrong in that sense, but again, we shouldn’t be too hard on him. Honestly, both the boys need to talk this out but I feel like we are going to eventually get that soon. I think we are being directed into that conversation. Two final thoughts I wanted to get out of my chest: (1) He Tian would never EVER leave Mo on bad terms. He never ever has. He has always made special moments with Mo, that a lot of friends (ZZX, JY, baldie) don’t even know about. So I believe that he will not leave Mo upset before he goes away to do whatever the hell he needs to do. (2) JY is the glue of the friend group. He always has been, he always will be. There’s always a mediator in a friend group and he honestly has that role more so than ZZX. If He tian doesn’t confront Mo about his issues (which I doubt but in a situation where he doesn’t) I 100% think that JY would talk to him too. He did so when Mo was in the hospital bed that one chapter and it was the sweetest thing ever! So yah, sorry for rambling but I needed to get this off my chest because I feel like everyone thinks these boys are adults with a full understanding of feelings and emotions. In reality of this story, we have to see these things for them to grow up as healthy adults :)
Hey darling! Thank you for sharing, I loved to hear your thoughts. I think you are dead right about He Tian's characterization.
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I can't understand being angry at He Tian for this. Like??? It didn't even cross my mind. He's 15. He has no fucking clue what is going on with Mo. He knows his time is running out and he's just doing anything he can THINK of to help before he has to leave.
He Tian is trying the methods that have worked before, since he knows that Mo needs money and it usually smooths things over between them. That chapter before the picnic, where he's like 'do you only think of for my money', he's flirting and all but i think there's a real fear beneath it. He Tian is scared he's just useful to Mo right now.
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Mo only accepts him through money because that's the one part that Mo can process. It's too hard for Mo to deal with the romantic feelings brewing between them. Mo can rationalize spending time helping HT through the lenses of He Tian has more money than he knows what to do with and is willing to pay me for housecleaning because he's shit at it. My boy Momo is jumping through hoops to explain to himself what he and He Tian are each to other.
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Mo accepts the money because it's easier when he knows what someone wants from him. Without the money, the two of them spending time together just because Mo wants to, and because He Tian wants him to, would be way too hard on his 15-year-old emotionally closed off brain.
He Tian doesn't know all that. He's low-key scared that Mo stays for the money but his time is running out and he doesn't care if it is because of the money as long as he can fix it between them before leaving, somehow.
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To me, He Tian is being completely understandable. At no point I felt angry at He Tian for this, though I do see it from Mo's point of view and understand how patronizing it is for him. It's a problem born out of miscommunication. Talking will demand emotional vulnerability and GOD knows that's hard at that age, like you well remembered, specially with their abandoment and violence issues.
I agree with JY being the glue from the group, but I'm not sure it is his place to interfere in this case. Part of the angst between HT and Mo is romantically charged. Only the two of them can fix it. Fights hurt worse coming from the other one because of the feelings they have for each other, stewing beneath the surface. Mo is already in love with He Tian. He doesn't know that he is, but he is and that is already affecring how he acts. Only talking to He Tian can ease this pain between them. Let's hope they do it before it is too late.
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Cult Girl: Doctorate (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 7
Cult girl visits the doctor and deals with the reality of being pregnant.
Trigger warnings: pregnancy, scary medical terminology, mention of alcoholism
The plan was simple, but could go wrong at any turn.
Step one: confirm with the gynecologist that you were, in fact, pregnant. While you were there, you made sure to get a new prescription for birth control.
"It's absolutely certain." The nurse midwife said, pulling off her plastic gloves. "You are, without a doubt, expecting."
"Thank you." You responded, lowering your head to obscure your face.
She sat down in her swivel chair and leaned forward with her elbows against her knees. Open, comforting body language. "Now we should discuss what's next. Have you taken some time to consider your options?"
You nodded. "I think I'm going to see the pregnancy through and put the baby up for adoption."
"I see." The nurse midwife stood up, looking concerned. "At the risk of being intrusive, may I ask for the reason why?"
You had forty-five million reasons, but none you could articulate. "I'd rather you not."
"Let me rephrase the question." She clutched her clipboard. "Is somebody coercing you into carrying out this pregnancy against your will?"
Does bribery count as coercion? You thought.
"No." You lied.
"It's just that pregnancy is a very invasive, life-altering process." She rationalized. "A woman at your stage of life shouldn't feel obligated to go through it unless she really wanted to."
Thinking on it for a minute, what she said made sense. By all accounts, you'd be the perfect candidate for an abortion. You were a damned doctoral candidate in the middle of your graduate program. But sometimes, money spoke louder than reason.
"I'm sure." You said, before you could change your mind.
"In that case," She scribbled something down on her paper. "We will be seeing a lot of each other over the next forty weeks."
"Forty weeks?" You repeated.
"You're only a few weeks along, so we'll schedule an appointment to check up on you early next month." She continued. "At that point, we can bring the father in to discuss any potential problems. But you're young and healthy, so this should be a fairly low-risk pregnancy."
"The father?" You said, almost making it sound like an objection.
She gave you a disarming smile. "I'm sorry, I should have asked. Is the father in your life?"
"Oh, yeah." You nodded, realizing what you accidentally implied. "It's my fiancée. We've been living together for, like, three years now. It's just that-"
She raised an eyebrow, urging you to finish your thought.
"He's also a doctor." You said. "A male one. Y'know how it can be annoying when another doctor is in the room, trying to mansplain everything to you?"
You stopped talking before you could dig yourself into a deeper hole.
Great work, [F/N]. You thought. Now your doctor thinks you're dating an anti-choice chauvinist asshole.
Her mouth turned into a smile, but her eyes asked if you needed help. You probably did, all things considered.
"That won't be a problem." She assured you. "Do you think I made it through medical school without learning how to handle sexist male doctors?"
"I guess not." You shrugged.
She cleared her throat. "Let's talk a bit about what to expect."
"Oh, yeah." You said, remembering where you were.
She pointed to your lower abdomen. "Your uterus is about the size of your fist. But as the baby grows, it will grow with it."
You made noises of agreement as you followed along.
"Right now, what you have inside you is an embryo." She explained. "At the end of twelve weeks, it will be a fetus. At that point, most of the major organs and muscle tissue will have developed-"
She dumped so much information that you couldn't even begin to process it all. You tried to keep bullet points in your head, but your brain kept fixating on the scary verbs like "stretch" and "rip".
"Is the third of February good for you?"
You snapped back to reality. "Huh? Oh, yeah."
"Great." She scribbled on her clipboard again. "I will see you then."
She shoved several handfuls of colorful printouts and infographics into your arms before seeing you out.
Before climbing into the car, you sent Hannibal a text.
[F/N]: Definitely, 100% pregnant.
You expected him to take his time, but your notification sound chimed before you could even start the engine.
Hannibal: That is to be expected. I'm rarely wrong about this sort of thing.
You rolled your eyes and fired off another message.
[F/N]: You did this to me and I'll never let you forget it.
Hannibal: I could live with that.
At home, you sat at your computer, trying to familiarize yourself with every unknown word the nurse midwife threw at you. 
“Hey babe?” You called out. 
“Yes, dear?” Hannibal cooed back. 
“How do you spell ‘hemorrhage’?” You asked. “Is there an ‘ae’ or not?” 
Hannibal stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a towel around his waist. “I think it’s spelled with an ‘ae’ outside of the United States. Why?” 
He peered over your shoulder at the search results for ‘antepartum hemorrhage’. He wasn’t fazed in the slightest by the results, but could sense your discomfort. You clutched a stray pamphlet titled ‘First Trimester Dos and Don’ts’ in a tight grip. 
“Are we having second thoughts, my love?” He asked, with no indication of whether this was a good or bad thing. 
“I don’t know.” You sighed, closing the laptop in frustration. “I don’t know if I’m just emotionally numb or in complete denial, but all these scary medical disasters don’t scare me as much as having to give up wine for the next nine months.” 
“And sushi, most organ meat, and charcuterie.” Hannibal added. “Also, anything too high in caffeine.” 
You threw your head back and groaned. “Kill me.” 
Hannibal smirked to himself. You turned on your swivel chair and glared up at him. 
“Enjoying my misery?” You asked, folding your arms. 
“Just admiring the fact that in the face of life-threatening medical emergencies,” He placed his hands on your shoulders. “Your biggest concern is not being able to partake in the culinary adventures to which you’ve grown accustomed.” 
You turned back to your computer. “I’m sure, one way or another, we’re going to come across some fresh meat. I’ll just have to pair it with Sprite or something for the time being.” 
“The infographic doesn’t say anything about properly-prepared human meat, does it?” He tilted his head. 
You leaned back in your chair. “Nope.” 
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obeymeluv · 4 years
The Bros as Dads
PSA: The boys would be very attractive dads (emotionally and physically). That is all.
Note: the headcanon also includes genders for the kids. I can see some of them having sons, and others having daughters. And, obviously, everyone is older (20′s-ish).
Takes a while to process the news. It’s kind of a big thing. His love life was something of a roller coaster (or nonexistent) until you. The ‘L’ word was a hurdle, now there’s a B word and a P word?!
When his brain realizes what you’ve said or if you show him some proof, the pride takes over FULL SWING (you can feel it explode in him, like his aura) and he purrs
You are truly his stars, his moon, and the heavens he so dearly misses
There’s this raw, vulnerable love in Lucifer’s eyes and it pretty much awes everyone because he’s usually so proper and reserved
The memories are old and dusty but Lucifer’s parenting instincts are strong
A type-A, fussy person. You may have 7 months left before you give birth, but the house will be spotless and perfectly proofed before you hit bed rest
Piles of parenting books suddenly sprout around the house. No one’s sure where they came from or how there’s even that many WRITTEN about parenting.
You and the child become his world. You’re his kryptonite, the only thing to convince him away from long hours or break him out of sour moods
Lucifer is very stressed, more than he thought he’d be, because you’re carrying his child and he worries for your health.
He’s with you every step of the way, from appointments to birth
He’d absolutely drop everything to tend to your needs, or appoint one of the brothers if he couldn’t.
Likes to busy himself with making a nursery and is actually good at themes/interior decorating
Has a tiny desk built in his study. The child won’t be able to join him for a while, but the idea of his tiny joy working on something beside him warms his heart
Hunts down obscure herbs and items from folklore that are supposed to bless pregnancies or benefit the unborn. Turns out he’s really nervous and superstitious.
Lucifer is the worst when it comes to shopping because his pride outweighs his logical restraint. If he convinces himself IN THE SLIGHTEST that his child would look good in something or the nursery could really use an item, it’s coming to the House of Lamentation
He ugly cries when he realizes you’re having a girl because he feels like Lilith has been given back to him.
Refuses to name his child Lilith because of everything that happened. Can’t settle for anything close to her name or any nicknames they gave her.
Makes you a sleeping space in his study. Loves to take breaks to watch you sleep. Unintentionally takes a break to kiss your stomach and talk to the baby.
Firm believer in ‘in the belly’ enrichment so you’ll have music playing and Lucifer will read to them all the time.
If the baby’s not with you, she’s with him. Lucifer has definitely shown up to a meeting with Lord Diavolo with his baby in a chest carrier. The meeting went flat because Diavolo wanted to play with the baby.
He’s the type of dad that demands total silence when the baby’s sleeping. Might have tied up some of his brothers to achieve it.
He’s not a total hard-ass (this kid has made a sucker out of him, okay?) but his kid will definitely have manners and knows to help clean up.
The type to take naps with his kid. He’ll get up at 2 in the morning and climb into their crib if they’re fussy.
Lucifer spent so much of his life being the primary caretaker for his bros that he forgets he’s not alone this time. When you push him back down so he can sleep, and tend to your daughter, his heart almost bursts with love.
On the fence about another child. The kid’s going to have pride in spades and he thinks a sibling will humble them (and make them less lonely). He’s also afraid of that prideful wrath and doesn’t want two prideful little demons always fighting
Isn’t the best with dressing up his kid but likes to give them fancy shoes. The shoes are always on point even if the rest of the outfit is a disaster.
Is 100% ready to receive any and everything “#1 Dad” because he IS, DAMN IT. He’ll use it regularly, too.
He’s freaking out hardcore (”You sure? Really, really sure? Maybe you just have gas or something. Y-yeah!”)
Doesn’t believe it until he sees a test. Promptly faints. Dead-ass faints as soon as he sees it.
Kind of remembers it when he wakes up, and you have to remind him again.
This time he’s pretty excited because THE GREAT MAMMON will be having a child. WHAT A GIFT, RIGHT? THE BEST GIFT!
All the magazines are snapping up this gossip and, for once in his life, he puts the earnings away. Kid has a nice fund going before they’re even born.
His schedule is 50% work, 50% family because YOUR MAIN MAN HAS TO BE THERE. Work just pays the bills and pads the nursery account, okay?
The Devildom has something similar to a baby shower and Mammon puts all KINDS of high-dollar shit on there. His baby’s going to be stylin’, okay?
Some crying in front of others, but an entirely different kind of crying behind closed doors. Vulnerable, grateful crying about being loved and having a tiny someone who will love him, too
Pays someone to explain baby stuff to him. How to change them, feed them, what type of breathing you should be doing. It surprised his bros because Lucifer could just give him that info. The fact that Mammon paid for it means he’s pretty serious about learning.
Gets tons of free maternity photos because all his magazines want the scoop. He gets to pamper you and see you all dressed up and beautiful and EVERY magazine has a shot of him crying like a proud sap.
Mammon hoards all of those pictures. Has a pile of them in his room, totally separate from everything else.
Has a lot of nervous energy and can get frustrated with all the baby books, so he distracts himself with scrap-booking. Surprisingly good at it.
Mammon thinks you’re just the most beautiful thing ever. He loves taking pictures of you. Wants the kid to have no doubts about how much he loves them and their parent.
He’s so lovesick. When you sleep or hug your belly or just touch it he melts.
Stacks Grimm on your belly when you sleep. Thinks it’s fun. Likes to record how big the towers get.
Not the best at getting up for your random-hour cravings and has definitely made you cry with his bluntness. When he’s more awake he’ll apologize and you guys will work it out.
When he finds out he’s having a little boy, the bros throw a party. Mammon gets semi-drunk and has a huge, ass-chewing lecture about how the bros made him feel for centuries and how they better not say ANYTHING like that to his kid.
You shot down any and all attempts to name the kid anything money related.
Almost passed out when you had the baby.
Cried when he first held him. Calls him Mamm-mini.
Totally planning the baby’s first photo shoot. Has people on standby to make matching outfits.
He now has a partner in crime and the kid can charm the pants off of anyone!
Mammon is 100% devoted to this kid and he secretly hopes he’s the favorite parent.
Lives for any second of bonding he can get. NEEDS IT TO LIVE. 100% a sappy dad.
The most supportive dad, always saying nice things because he knows people didn’t always say nice things about him.
Brain stops working. You almost think you’ve given him a heart attack
Levi feels you take the controller from his hand and instantly has to fill it with something else, taking yours. He looks at you and asks you again if you’re sure.
He can see it in your eyes and he just crows. He doesn’t know if he’s excited or scared but he made the noise.
Worries A LOT about the idea of becoming a father. Can gross otakus be good fathers? How does he dad?
Gets pre-stressed about social interactions. Kids have to go to school and have play-dates and Levi’s going to have to talk to people...ugh! Gross!
Definitely has a few break-downs (feelings of inadequacy, etc.) before Lucifer or Satan comfort him. He’s better than he thinks, just insecure. Everyone learns as they go. They have classes (”They’re like cheat codes, Levi.”) and it makes him feel better
His gaming friends send their congratulations and he gets lots of themed blankets and onesies.
Wants you to have a water birth because the water is his child’s calling. Really attached to the idea.
He’s constantly looking up guides to baby-proofing, double- and triple-checking safety specs of anything before buying it.
Spends HOURS scouring Akuzon, comparing brands, and reading reviews for everything.
Akuzon noticed he was buying lots of baby books and looking at baby-related things so they sent him a onesie.
You get a lovely beach/water-themed maternity shoot and Levi is so love-struck he gets a nosebleed. Once he’s cleaned up it makes a darling photo shoot.  
Has already made lists of anime for the kid to watch. Some are his favorite, some are for the lessons and moments that stuck with him
Asmo messaged TSL on the down-low and Levi got some quality kid-sized merch.
Tries to get you to name the baby Henry if it’s a boy. When he finds out it’s a girl, he pushes for Henrietta.
Reads TSL to the baby and plays ocean sounds.
As you get further along in your pregnancy, he buys a fridge for his room and stocks it with your favorite cold stuff. Any snack foods are just added to his stash.
You are absolutely worshipped. Craving something? Akuzon has it and the fastest pig is on it’s way. Your feet hurt? Try a water bath!
You’re his Player 2 now and forever (always have been), and he’s keeping you in perfect health.
Probably keeps a video journal for the kid or of the two of you during your pregnancy. Big on preserving stuff digitally.
Probably makes a game for his kid just because. They’ll be able to play it when they’re older.
Bought a ton of Magical Girl-style hairbows and things for when their hair grows in. His daughter’s a fucking princess, okay?
Belphegor bought the baby a goldfish onesie and Levi loves it to pieces.
Bought the baby a seashell bassinet and rocks them to sleep with his tail.
Levi has a bad sleep schedule and wakes easily, so he’s usually the first one to get up and handle the baby.
He has this complex about being a good dad. People can call him a weird, gross otaku but they’re ALSO going to mention how good of a dad he is!
Super affectionate with his kid in a quiet, whispering, mumbling way. Just thinks they’re the best thing.
Having a daughter really makes him rethink some of the ways he viewed anime characters and made him super critical. If his daughter ends up liking anime he’ll make it very clear what he thinks and how she shouldn’t let other people treat her like an object. 
His demon form gets triggered REALLY EASILY if his bros hold her for too long. THAT’S HIS BABY, THANK YOU!
Secretly hoped to be a father one day. Wanted to prove so badly that he could be one, and move past the constant fear of his temper looming over him. He didn’t want wrath to be his only legacy.
Can’t manage more than a genuine smile and a lilting laugh when you tell him, but he’s literally almost sick with joy. He’s just not the type to jump from the rooftops or anything
Asmodeus and Mammon convince him into drinking because he needs to let loose and really show it!
Satan ends up drunk-stumbling to Lucifer and plunking his head into his chest and crying. He’s crying because he’s happy and mumbling something about ‘granddad’. When his tears dry he’s happy as can be, smugly calls Lucifer an ‘old fuck’ and promptly throws up.
They’re past most of their bad blood but even Lucifer wasn’t surprised Satan never got EVERYTHING out of his system. A lot of his childhood memories are tainted with pure wrath instead of coming into his cardinal sin through some other mean. Or naturally, like puberty.
Between his personal research and Lucifer’s expertise, the baby-proofing is totally covered.
His book binges are strictly about pregnancies, suspicions, rituals, parenting, and anything he can think of that has to do with kids.
He’s big on teas and brews that are supposed to help with pregnancies and pains. Uses his many connections to get ingredients for said teas
Reads the classics and big epics to his unborn child.
Buys you some Hellcats for protection. They’re fiercely loyal, so he’ll know you’re safe.
He’d be the type to nag you about your diet, but not to be mean. He’d support it with this absolute WALL of evidence that turns into a lecture that could last for hours.
Has to fight the Hellcats to sit next to you or touch your belly a lot more than he thought he would. He’d never say it out loud, but he’s starting to hate the cats (he doesn’t mean it though).
Starts cleaning up his book piles a lot more. The baby would get hurt if the stacks fell on them. His room becomes virtually spotless.
You pick books to read together. You end up reading Satan to sleep, too. He keeps a hand on your belly.
Gets nervous about you wanting to go out, and basically tries to keep you in the House of Lamentation. Relents a little because hormones make you scary. He was basically afraid of nothing because the walks were fine.
You like to sit in the Devildom gardens and he thinks you look picturesque and wonderful. It takes his breath away.
Asmodeus is your personal photographer because Satan doesn’t think anyone else will do you justice.
Finds out you’re having boy-girl twins and totally shuts down. What does he say? How does he respond? BELPHIE OR BEEL WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE TWINS! WHY HIM?!
Lucifer is BEYOND amused. This is definitely payback for everything Satan did in his childhood (so the saying goes).
It doesn’t bother him as much when he starts buying smart little cardigans, button-ups, ribbons, and bowties. He’s actually quite happy.
The Hellcats act weird and tip him off to your contractions before your water breaks. Satan gets you to the hospital and helps you give birth. The twins grow to look more like him than you, but if someone mistakes you for the nanny or says something derogatory, he’s pulling two ferocious kids off an idiot
Satan was afraid he’d be a short fuse, but he becomes the parent that explains everything to death (for better or worse). The kids will get a lecture when they’re bad, when the ask ‘why’ to something, he’ll explain why he gave the punishment he did, and be very clear with anything.
Quickly falls in love with the idea of you being pregnant. It’s the best! Proof of his truest love, the thing that makes his heart beat!
He loved you to pieces before you were pregnant, and loves you even more now (if that’s possible).
Always wants to be with you, smothering your belly with kisses and touches and looking at it like it’s the next greatest love of his life
Takes names very seriously. “My child is a gift unto this world. People will know their name, so it has to be a good one!”
Gets really wrapped up in decor and aesthetic. He’d be a one-man force for all of it if you didn’t tell him to stop and breathe! Asmodeus just has lots of ideas, okay?
Has a really hard time understanding the value of baby-proofing until Satan smushes a few of his lipsticks in his hand and knocks around some finishing powder (”Now imagine that. All the time. With anything you love.”). 
Hires someone to baby-proof the room because that’s just not his thing. He’ll handle securing the valuables, okay?
Constantly reading about beauty rituals and things to do for his pregnant wife. She’s doing something really hard and deserves to be pampered!
You’ll constantly be pampered or trying ‘this and that’ because he read it was good for the baby. Good for beauty, good for health, etc.
Has a pretty decent diet, himself, and keeps you on yours.
You definitely have pregnancy sex a few times. Anything he can do to help you out, you know?
Asmodeus ADORES watching you grow round with his child and LIVES for helping you take care of yourself. He’ll let you lounge in his fantastic tub and has no issues sitting on the floor and doing your toes
Picks out all your outfits. Wants you to look your best! Don’t worry, you’ll be comfy!
When he finds out you’re having a girl he cries. A lot.
SO MANY BABY UPDATE BROADCASTS ON DEVILGRAM! There is an official ‘baby watch’. It’s trending more than you thought it would.
Takes TONS of videos.
His baby is easily the most fashionable child in all of Devildom.
Takes really candid, private photos that have a lot of sentimental value. A lot of your pregnancy photos are you looking comfy in bed or sitting at a vanity in breezy clothes as he does your makeup.
The type of dad to sit down in the middle of the store to play with toys (are they good enough for his kid? Like, really?). Must feel everything before he buys it. If he doesn’t like how it feels, he won’t buy it.
You end up giving birth earlier than planned and Asmo almost throws up because birth doesn’t look like he thought it would
Super nervous during your pregnancy because you’re in pain and there’s lots of noises.
Busies himself doing your makeup because that’s the only way he can handle the situation. You’re holding his tail and he SWEARS you’re going to break it off!
The bros help deliver his little angel and Asmo is SMITTEN. ABSOLUTELY SMITTEN.
Holding his baby 24/7.
Loses sleep just because he watches them sleep. Sometimes he loses sleep for real because DAMN, babies don’t sleep a lot, do they?
It’s really hard to adjust to and he’s surprised his skin isn’t god-awful.
Doesn’t regret a thing, fawning over their tiny nails and little curls, and OMG EVERYTHING! Cries a lot because they’re just perfect
His wardrobe reflects his dad status but he still looks like a DILF. You can give him the most classic dad attire and it just looks good on him.
He’s excited about your pregnancy. Boy honestly tried for it, you know? Studied positions and everything.
Beelzebub has so much love and the idea of holding a tiny someone just warms his heart
Everything kid-related is totally foreign to him except for how to act with them. He and Belphie were the youngest so he was used to being taken care of until he got old enough to climb and eat on his own.
The type of guy to need explicit, step-by-step instructions on EVERYTHING. He doesn’t have a brain for it like Satan or Lucifer, so he needs help
Seriously. Give him a checklist for baby-proofing and he’ll get it done.
Gets pretty down about not being able to cuddle and snuggle like normal, but he’ll look into safe ways to do so.
Has special snuggles with the baby. Kisses your belly and rubs it. Talks to your baby like the little demon it is (even if it doesn’t have a name yet).
Lives for the times you talk to the baby, talk yourself out of bed, or how you absently talk to your belly throughout the day.
Works out to deal with stress and nerves, but also because he wants to be a good, strong dad
The doctors give him a list of exercises you can do and he does them with you
Can’t really take the nutrition advice seriously. He eats pretty much everything and you probably will, too.
When people ask him about your pregnancy, he uses very inclusive language (”We’re expecting, etc.”)
You make mini-dates out of your late-night cravings. Beel is totally in love with it.
Beelzebub becomes your food finder. There’s been times where you look at him so cutely, so imploringly, and all you can manage is ‘spicy and crunchy’. He’ll find you something, don’t worry! He’s an expert!
Big on massages and cuddling. Likes to cup his hands over your belly and trace it.
The type of dad to gain weight with you as your pregnancy moves along. Becomes soft, strong dad.
Finds out you’re having twin boys and has the happiest crying session ever. Belphie is the first to know and all Beel can say is ‘Just like us!’ as he nearly crushes his twin to death.
Likes to dress them in cute and comfy clothes. Animal onesies? Yes!
At some point yours twins are going to look like hotdogs and hamburgers. There’s no shortage of food costumes thanks to Levi, Asmo, and Beel.
Suspicious about baby food, bugs Satan about how nutritious it is, and tries all of it just to be sure.
Some of their teething toys look like real food. Beelzebub ate one on accident.
Is a perfect gentle giant. Afraid of hurting them, for they are tiny and precious, but gets over that pretty quickly.
Always wants to cuddle and hold them. You have to make him leave them alone to sleep. Gets kind of sad when they’re napping because he can’t make faces at them or hear them laugh. Right back to his usual self when they wake up, though.
You best believe they learn their alphabet by studying food. Beelzebub will stand in the kitchen and dig through the pantry until he finds things that match the letters of the alphabet 
He’s kind of surprised you ended up pregnant because the sex is usually lazy and casual. Yes, he has the moments where it’s pretty hardcore, but...wow. For some reason, he just didn’t see you getting pregnant.
Secretly hopes you have more than one kid. Something in him would just be happy if there’s more than one kid. You think it comes from the time he spent alone in the attic but never say it.
Sleeps a lot more. Not out of avoidance or anything, but because naps will be rare in the future. He likes to think he’s stockpiling sleep.
Makes sure you’re comfy at all times.
Would love for you to sleep and be cozy but apparently that’s not healthy for humans, so he takes easy walks around the house and keeps you semi-active.
He’ll give you his cow pillow to use as a back pillow. It’s his way of letting the baby use it until he can share it with them.
Listens to a lot of audiotapes about parenting. Looks at books, too, but does better with audio. 
Reads a new bedtime story to your kid every night.
Sometimes you guys sleep in the star room so he can talk to them about constellations. They can’t see anything, of course, but he still goes into detail.
Isn’t much of a picture person and doesn’t see the point in taking maternity pictures. It’s actually because Belphie has a photographic memory so he remembers everything.
The bros force him into taking maternity pictures.
The type to journal everything. He writes a big-ass, super-detailed diary for the baby.
Is kind of worried about his temperament, so he’ll take some classes on how to handle stress and stuff before the babies arrive
Becomes King of Lists. There’s lists for everything. Lists help. Lists are good.
When he finds out you’re having triplets (a boy and two girls), he doesn’t know how to react. You saw him smile though. It doesn’t sink in until you’re hugging him. “I’m never sleeping again,” he realizes with absolute terror.
Beelzebub is super excited. “That’s twins plus a bonus!”
Very snobby about the nursery decor. Also very tactile like Asmodeus. If it doesn’t feel good, it’s not going in the nursery.
Wants a barn-themed nursery (to include as many cow-related things as possible)
You get the comfiest PJs.
With three kids, he lives by embroidery. He has to have a way to tell them apart, after all (the girls, at least).
Can’t hoard the babies but wants to. Hates that he doesn’t have enough arms to hold them all at the same time.
Is very interested by their tendency to hold each other and nap together. Finds it super adorable.
Makes a super-sized crib he can climb in and sleep with them. It’s basically a Belphie-sized bed with little attachments his kids sleep in. Separates them all just enough so he doesn’t worry about hurting them, but there’s still contact
Thanks whatever god exists that they mostly stay on a schedule together. Makes it stressful for changing diapers, but very fun to feed them.
Almost dies laughing when Lucifer holds them for the first time because one vomited on him, the other sneezed in his face, and one pooped so much it got on his pants leg.
Lulls them to sleep with his happy purr, and gets woken up from a dead sleep by pure love when they make the sound back. Suddenly there’s three chirpy purrs rolling against him and he’s in love.
Proud they love their mama so much (to the point of being TOTAL mama’s kids), but also kind of relieved he can breathe.
The three trade off occasionally when they realize he’s free real estate and come to him for snuggles. They all love him so he doesn’t mind.
This house supports cuddle piles! Belphie got them hooked on group naps for a young age and they sleep together now. 
Hope you liked it :)
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k-s-morgan · 4 years
Will’s vs. Hannibal’s Ways of Expressing Love
The fact that Hannibal loves Will and is in love with him is openly stated in the show several times. Will’s feelings, on the other hand, are more ambiguous, which is why some viewers often doubt whether Hannibal’s love is reciprocated. I think that exploring the ways these two men experience and react to love can explain the varying degrees of their openness about it.
I’ll put TLDR right here: Hannibal is more open about himself and his feelings, including love, hence he doesn’t have many challenges with admitting it. Will is closed off, stiff, and emotionally repressed, so he expresses his feelings in a much more subtle way.
Let’s start with Hannibal. Details about his past are scarce, but we know that he admits to loving two people throughout his life, his sister and Will.
E3 of S3.
*Bedelia: What your sister made you feel was beyond your conscious ability to control or predict … I would suggest what Will Graham makes you feel is not dissimilar. A force of mind and circumstance.*    
*Hannibal: Love.*
Undoubtedly, Hannibal’s love for Mischa was traumatic and unhealthy. He loved her so much that he ate a part of her body after she was killed, devastated by this loss. But it was still love that made him feel all the related emotions, so Hannibal has some experience with it. From what we know of him, he has a very broad mind. He despises limitations and overcomes them, and he is not ashamed of who he is. He isn’t embarrassed to cry in the opera or to be the first to stand up and applaud; he delights in stereotypically ‘feminine’ hobbies like cooking and clothes selection; he draws fan-art and openly expresses his admiration when it’s due. For this reason, Hannibal doesn’t have many problems with expressing love either.  
Upon meeting Will, he is immediately drawn to him. He sees him as his potential partner and decides he wants to try and build a family with him as early as E2 of S1. That’s when he starts planting the idea of Abigail being their shared daughter in Will’s mind. He does the same to Abigail, urging her to see him and Will as her parents, even giving her shrooms to evoke the desired associations (unsuccessfully since Will doesn’t come to dinner). So, Hannibal acknowledged his pull/infatuation with Will from the very start, and he acted on it right away.
It’s not 100% love at this point, but Hannibal still easily follows his emotions. He doesn’t stop to consider how strange it is to want a family with a man he just met; he doesn’t agonize over the idea of how his life has more risks now that he allows another human being to know him. When these feelings progress at the end of S1/start of S2, Hannibal is finally taken aback. While he never planned to leave Will in prison and it was a part of his plan, he still didn’t expect to miss him so much — he admits it to Bedelia, looking forlorn, in E1 of S2. He repeatedly pines for Will by sitting in front of his chair at the time of his supposed appointment, glancing at the clock despite knowing Will is not going to come. This is a shift to an actual love, but Hannibal still doesn’t fight it. On the contrary, he embraces it, and he spends the entire S2 doing repeatedly romantic gestures for Will. Namely:
1) Protects Abigail to reunite Will with her later.
2) Shares a part of himself he doesn’t seem to have ever shared with anyone else. He talks to Will about Mischa, reveals his views on murder and God, acknowledges he cared about Abigail, and shows vulnerability. He shares his teacup ritual with him, which is something precious and deeply personal.
3) He digs up fake Freddie’s corpse and decorates it as a way of courting Will (as directly said by Alana).  
4) He draws a fan-art of himself and Will as Achilles and Patroclus.
5) He is ready to abandon his well-established life in Baltimore and reputation to run away with Will. In Hannibal’s view, no one truly suspects him and there is no evidence against him, but Will is in danger. So he’s willing to discard everything he’s been building for 20 years for him.
Finally, he calls Will a loved one more or less directly in E13 of S2 (in fact, he implies that they both love each other).
*Hannibal: Do you know what an imago is, Will? … An imago is an image of a loved one buried in the unconscious, carried with us all our lives.*
*Will: An ideal.*
*Hannibal: The concept of an ideal... I have a concept of you, just as you have a concept of me.*
Will hurts him with his betrayal, and Hannibal still finds himself unable to kill him. He is openly crying in the finale, admitting how Will hurt him, breaks his (and his own) heart by killing Abigail, and flees to Europe to start a new life. But things don’t go as he hoped they would. Bedelia is not a worthy substitute, and Hannibal is increasingly slipping into a self-destructive state because of his love for Will. He kills Anthony, who was an improved copy of Will, and turns him into a Valentine heart for him. Again, this is a very explicit and open emotional action. Hannibal doesn’t hide his feelings. He’s an emotional wreck with Bedelia in E3, and as they are talking about Will, he admits he’s in love with him.
*Hannibal: You cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love.*
Bedelia points out his self-destructiveness.
*Bedelia: You're going to get caught. It's already been set into motion … I know exactly how I will be navigating my way out of whatever it is I’ve gotten myself into. Do you?*
After Hannibal keeps spiraling and kills Sogliato, she adds: *You're drawing them to you, aren't you? All of them.*  
Hannibal gets so self-destructive over Will that he lets Jack beat himself almost to death, not even attempting to fight him. The first words he says to Will after they reunite in E6 are:
*Hannibal: If I saw you every day forever, Will, I would remember this time.*
He’s a romantic. The courtship, the Valentine heart, the romance — Hannibal did have some struggles, but overall, he accepts these feelings and isn’t afraid to act on them.
When Will pulls a knife in E6, Hannibal classifies it as another betrayal. This is where he decides to kill and eat him in the hope to put an end to this misery (which is what he and Bedelia discussed back in E3). However, even blinded by another heartbreak, Hannibal tries to save Will at the same time. He knows the police are coming and he puts off the moment of sawing for as long as he can, first fussing over Will and his wound, then waiting for Jack, then doing everything slowly as hell.
Everything changes in E7, when Hannibal faces the real risk of losing Will and comes to terms with the fact that a hope of life with him is better than life without him. So Hannibal carries Will home bridal-style, takes care of him, waits for him to wake up and writes formulas to reverse time. He directly tells Will that Will won, and that he, Hannibal, is at Will’s mercy.
*Hannibal: Your memory palace is building. It's full of new things. It shares some rooms with my own. I've discovered you there. Victorious.*
He gives himself up, sacrificing the freedom he’s been fighting for back in E2 finale, in the hope that one day, Will is going to come back to him. After this, Hannibal is all about Will, with all his heart. Throughout the second half of S3, he says things like, *“I gave you a child. You are family, Will. Was it good to see me?”*, etc. He agrees to risk his life by agreeing to Will’s plan, knowing he’s planning something but not knowing what and if he’d die in the process. In E13, Hannibal says:
*Hannibal: "No greater love hath man than to lay down his life for a friend"* and shields Will from the bullet. Later, he allows Will to push them both down, and he stays with him afterward.
Conclusion: Hannibal is very accepting of himself, so he doesn’t undergo severe challenges on the path to acknowledging what he feels for Will. He knows what love feels like because he felt it for Mischa before, so he embraces loving Will pretty quickly, even though he doesn’t know how to best approach it at times. That’s why we get direct and explicit confirmation of his feelings several times.
Now, on to Will.
Unlike with Hannibal, there is no evidence that Will has ever experienced love before (at least love for people). We know he had a father and was lonely as a child.
E4 of S1.
*Will: We were poor. I followed my father from the boat yards in Biloxi and Greenville to lake boats on Erie.*
*Hannibal: Always the new boy at school? Always the stranger?*
*Will: Always.*
His choice of words indicates that his relationship with his father wasn’t all that good (for instance, *I followed my father* instead of *My father and I had to…*). So, it doesn’t look like Will ever had meaningful connections. More than that, he says:
*Will: There’s something so foreign about family. Like an ill-fitting suit. Never connected to the concept.*
We can suggest that he doesn’t know what love is or how it feels like. From E1, we know he isolates himself because he hates himself for who he is: he understands he’s different, that there is darkness in him, but he desperately tries to subdue it and deny this fact. He’s rude, twitchy, and unhappy, but like Hannibal, he understands the extent of his loneliness only upon meeting him. That’s when he tries forming relationships with others.
Will’s relationships with Alana and Abigail are a good indication of his problems with love. He wants to be with Alana because he needs to feel normal. In 99% of cases, he remembers about her only when she comes to seek him out first. He kisses her for the first time at the moment of particular vulnerability, fearing that he’s finally losing his mind (in E8). When Hannibal calls him out on it, Will doesn’t deny it and semi-nods. He actually had to agree with it verbally according to the script.
*Will: I feel unstable.*
*Hannibal: That’s why you kissed her. A clutch for balance.*
*Will: Because I’m losing mine.*
So, it’s not that Will feels romantic love for Alana — he uses her because he desperately needs to feel like everyone else. Alana is a pretty, smart, normal woman who fits this goal perfectly. He doesn’t allow himself to be genuine with her unlike he does with Hannibal, to whom he opens up.
Will confesses to Hannibal that he loved killing Hobbs in E2, which got him down and made him panic. Hannibal supports him, and Will keeps coming back to him. He talks about everything important with Hannibal, opening parts of himself that he guards from everyone else. Will asks Hannibal to look after his dogs as early as E4 — he doesn’t have other friends, and he’s already focused on Hannibal. He buys into an idea of having a family with him and Abigail, which is amazing for Will, who has just said he could never relate to the concept of family.
When Will buys a gift for Abigail in the same E4 and freaks out, Hannibal asks him:
*Hannibal: Feeling paternal, Will?*
Will’s reaction is instant and defensive:
*Will: Aren’t you?*
Hannibal easily says “yes”, which disarms Will. This is a great contrast between them: Hannibal isn’t afraid to talk and acknowledge his feelings while Will is embarrassed of them and shies away from them. In fact, this is a repeat of their conversation in E2.
*Hannibal: You saved Abigail Hobbs' life. You also orphaned her. It comes with certain emotional obligations.*
*Will: You were there. You saved her life, too. Do you feel obligated?*
Again, Will deflects. He’s wary of emotions, especially of admitting them out loud.
Will shows a hint of romantic interest in Hannibal in E7. He brings him a bottle of wine out of blue, but unfortunately, he stumbles upon the party Hannibal is preparing. Hannibal invites him to stay, but Will says he won’t be good company. He’s shy and awkward, smiling nervously and dropping his gaze in embarrassment. Then we have this lovely line:
*Will: I’ve got a date with the Chesapeake Ripper.*
So, in S1, Will makes considerable emotional progress. He realizes he wants a family after all, and while he makes several half-hearted attempts to court Alana, he’s mostly focused on Hannibal and Abigail. He opens himself up to Hannibal, receives official guardianship over Abigail with him, arguably flirts with Hannibal (like in the wine scene above), and covers up murder to protect their family. But then Hannibal betrays him. Will doesn’t know his reasons yet, but this betrayal plunged him into darkness, bitterness, and new stage of emotional repression. It’s worth mentioning another point of Abigail here: in the end, Will doesn’t know her. He spoke to her only several times, and even fewer times were genuine. He loves the idea of her, and this idea was introduced by Hannibal, not by Abigail’s presence. It’s Hannibal who forced Will to confront his need to love and be loved.  
In S2, Will is incredibly conflicted. He acknowledges to Hannibal that he hurt him, tries to kill him via Matthew, but when he recognizes that Hannibal wants him as a friend (as spoken in E7), his attitude changes. Will doesn’t plan to forgive him, he’s still angry at Hannibal for killing Abigail (which is his biggest conflict, as evident from his talks with Hannibal himself and Freddie), but now, he can’t bring himself to harm or betray Hannibal.
He gets his first chance in E7, after being released from prison. He threatens Hannibal with a gun and has a perfect chance to make him pay, but he doesn’t. Instead, he conspires with Jack and decides to cultivate co-dependency, creating an environment where only he “and the fish exist” (E8). What does Will do to start? He makes himself physically attractive, grooming and dressing prettily. It’s a seduction on all levels, and Will plans to use emotions to hurt Hannibal back. At the same time, Will admits to being confused over what he feels for Hannibal.
E8 of S2.
*Will: I envy you your hate. Makes it much easier when you know how to feel.*
E9 of S2 (talking about trying to kill Hannibal with Margot).
*Margot: Did he have it coming?*
*Will: What do you think?*
*Margot: I can't say that I know.*
*Will: Neither can I.*
He spends the rest of the season lying to both Hannibal and Jack, unsure whose side to choose, too lost in his own feelings to make sense of them. At the same time, he has a dream where Hannibal calls him beloved in E9. It shows that Will contemplates the idea of love in relation to Hannibal. In E10, Will tries to fantasize about Alana as he’s having sex with Margot. However, he sees the image of Wendigo near the fireplace, Wendigo who he’s used to associating with Hannibal. Two interesting things (copied from my other meta): first, Will actually sees Hannibal’s room and consequently, he sees himself in it (or he sees their rooms united). Second, he sees the Wendigo near Hannibal’s fireplace. Fireplace has many meanings, including passion, sexuality, home, family, and resurrection. It emphasizes the sexual and romantic subtext of this uniquely shot scene, where people destined to be together have sex with the wrong partners. Will’s vision begins to contract, focusing on Wendigo: he is having an orgasm at this very moment, imagining the Wendigo’s face very close, approaching him. Still through the misty eyes, he tries to focus on Alana again, but his gaze moves up to Wendigo above her, as if he can’t help himself. He and Hannibal reach orgasm first, with Alana and Margot following them. So, Will dragged Hannibal into his sex fantasy. It’s both symbolic and physical: he tried to imagine Alana just like he tried to have a relationship with her before, in S1, out of his desire to be normal. But his attention is inevitably drawn to Hannibal, who’s his “real deal”.
Based on this scene, it’s underlined once again how Will struggles with emotions. Even in the safety of his own mind, in his own fantasy, he tries to think of Alana but still ends up with Hannibal. Will is always fighting himself and who he is. He refuses to accept his darkness just as he refuses to admit he loves Hannibal. It’s the essence of who he is, denial is his second name.
Among the important moments, there are Will’s words to Hannibal:
*Will: You are right. We are just alike. You are as alone as I am. And we are both alone without each other.*
So, Will accepts the bond with Hannibal, and at this stage, he even has the courage to voice some of his emotional thoughts. His progress is slow, but it’s there.
In E11, Will has a nightmare. He sees a burning corpse of ‘Freddie’ in a wheelchair, a symbol of his betrayal of Hannibal, and he hears his own increasing screaming. It’s easy to interpret, knowing the context: Will feels guilty for lying to Hannibal.
When Margot loses her child, Will feels renewed anger at Hannibal. He fantasizes about killing him and gets to realize his fantasy with Mason’s help in E12. But at the last moment, Will changes his mind and chooses Hannibal. He does the same thing in E13 by calling him. When he sees him, he doesn’t even try to point a gun at him: he asks why he didn’t leave as he was supposed to, and he even leans forward to accept the knife, accept the punishment for betrayal.
So, Will chooses Hannibal over Abigail, for whom he wanted justice; over his and Margot’s child, for whom he wanted revenge; over Jack and Alana, who were his only semblance of friends; over his own confusion and desire to be normal. For someone as emotionally stunted as Will, it’s huge. It proves that he loves Hannibal and is willing to compromise all other relationships he has formed as well his own beliefs for him (while Will is dark, he tries to fight it because he doesn’t think people like them are normal). Is it romantic? Will’s dream with the word “beloved” and his sex fantasy, as well as his acceptance of the idea that he and Hannibal were Abigail’s fathers (which makes them partners) imply that yes, romantic feeling is a part of it.
Hannibal’s romantic feelings became explicit in S3, and so did Will’s. But since Hannibal is more open and self-accepting, his were discussed out loud while Will’s were mostly portrayed silently, implied, and alluded to.
Will builds a boat to sail and find Hannibal, which is pretty romantic by itself. He spends his time in Hannibal’s house, in the kitchen where their bloody break-up happened, imagining Abigail near him. When Alana comes to find him, he asks her to leave. He’s cold and indifferent toward her — she’s not what he wants, and he’s not interested in even friendship with her. All he wants is to mourn his lost family with Hannibal and Abigail. Again, Hannibal is Will’s priority.
Will imagines his perfect world as the one where he and Hannibal killed Jack together. This scene is intercut with his Mizumono memories, namely, with Hannibal's face that emerges every time he moves yet another part of the engine. This is a vivid demonstration of Will trying to repair what is now broken. When Jack asks him why he called him, Will is indifferent and genuine:
*Will: I wasn't decided when I called him. I just called him. I deliberated while the phone rang. I decided when I heard his voice … I told him to leave. I wanted him to run … Because he was my friend. And because I wanted to run away with him.*
That’s a big admission for Will. This is the first time he openly acknowledges Hannibal as his friend in front of another person. Chilton calls Will and Hannibal’s interactions a “flirtation” in this episode, which once again points us in the romantic direction.
The entire E2 of S3 is dedicated to Will’s love for Hannibal, where he argues about it with himself in the form of imaginary Abigail. This is another proof of Will’s problem with emotions in general and emotions for Hannibal in particular. He can’t just think to himself as normal people do — no, he can’t admit how much he loves Hannibal this. Instead, he imagines Abigail and talks to himself through her to make it easier. He berates himself for lying.
*Will/Abigail: We were all supposed to leave together. He made a place for us. Why did you lie to him? He gave you a chance to take it all back, and you just kept lying.*
Will is reverent about Hannibal; he keeps talking about him over and over again.
*Will: This isn't Hannibal, it's just where he begins. Beyond this, far and complex, light and dark, is the vast structure of his mind. A thousand rooms, miles of corridors. Everything he remembers, wonderfully and fearfully reconstructed.*
Will goes as far as lies at the place where Hannibal’s Valentine heart for him was, reconstructing this image and trying to feel close to him. The heart comes to life the moment Will touches it, which is romantic. Will says:
*Will: A valentine written on a broken man … I do feel closer to Hannibal here. God only knows where I would be without him … He left us his broken heart … He misses us.*
He looks on the verge of tears, so Hannibal’s gift touched him. Will is overcome by emotions. At this very moment, his more frightened side suggests that Hannibal is also playing with him.
*Will: Hannibal follows several trains of thought at once without distraction from any, and one of the trains is always for his own amusement.*
We know it’s not the case, especially here, but Will has trust issues and a low self-esteem. He’s worried that Hannibal’s feelings for him aren’t as strong as he thinks they are, which is why he’s not sure how to react himself. He asks himself, *“You still want to go with him?”* and replies, *“Yes.” He wonders about what life they’d have if they left.
*Will: What if no one died? What if we all left together? Like we were supposed to. After he served the lamb. Where would we have gone? … In some other world.*
Pazzi comes and tells Will that he hopes they’ll catch Hannibal together.
*Will: What makes you think I want to catch him?*
Later, Pazzi says:
*Pazzi: He let you know him. He sent you his heart.*
E2 ends with Will scaring Pazzi and telling him, *“You don’t know whose side I’m on.* Then he tells Hannibal he forgives him, which is also a huge step in his direction.
This entire episode proves that yes, Will loves Hannibal. Considering how he isn’t awkward from receiving a Valentine or hearing that Hannibal gave him his heart, Will shares the romantic aspect of Hannibal’s feelings for him. He regrets not running away with him and their daughter, he places himself on the floor where the heart was to feel closer to him — this is such a rich romantic subtext that it’s practically text. Especially for Will, who remains so conflicted and emotionally restrained all the time.
Will’s attitude changes after seeing Chiyoh. He becomes more bitter. Considering how dark he is in these scenes and how he constantly compares himself and Chiyoh, he likely sees her as someone Hannibal was supposed to love but easily abandoned. It makes Will draw the parallels between them, and he starts to doubt that Hannibal loves him, that his “broken heart” has any authentic meaning. That’s where he starts thinking about killing Hannibal again. He still says:
*Will: I’ve never known myself as well as I know myself when I’m with him.*
This line also speaks volumes. Hannibal gave Will a precious gift of understanding himself; he showed that he could accept him, and Will is drawn to it. Will admits the depth of their connection to yet another person. Then he makes a firefly from Chiyoh’s prisoner, a tribute that is clearly done with Hannibal in his mind, considering the style and the central topic.
Chiyoh sees right through Will’s emotional constipation. She implies that he should “kiss” Hannibal rather than keep being “violent”:
*Chiyoh: I told you, there are means of influence other than violence.*
She kisses Will then, thus showing him what others means exist. He doesn’t get it, though, since he responds to her kiss despite not feeling anything for her, and she pushes him off the train, likely admitting he’s a hopeless case.
Meeting Jack, Will tells him that a part of him will always want to leave with Hannibal. This is yet another declaration from him. Will isn’t scared of the consequences — he speaks of his feelings openly now. It’s a great development of his character.
But the feeling of doubt about Hannibal likely resurfaces further after Will sees that Hannibal replaced him and Abigail with Bedelia in E6 (hence his hatred for her since that moment). He mocks her alibi and then leaves to reunite with Hannibal. The following moment was deleted, but it still discloses some of Will’s romantic feelings:
*Will: I looked up at the night sky there. Orion above the horizon and, near it, Jupiter. I wondered if you could see it, too. I wondered if our stars were the same.*
From the words that did get into the episode:
*Will: You and I have begun to blur ... We're conjoined. Curious if either of us can survive separation.*
Will doesn’t just admit the bond between them, he elevates it the level of soulmates, implying they are one and the same. It’s also a declaration of love in his language. But love doesn’t stop Will from being vindictive, hurt, and angry, so after meetings with Chiyoh and Bedelia that affected his perception, he pulls out a knife as he and Hannibal are walking together.
There is a brain-sawing disaster after this and E7, where Will looks done and tired from the madness and his constant attempts to figure Hannibal out. He does bite Cordell before looking at Hannibal, seeking his approval; he uses “we” pronouns when speaking about Hannibal with Alana. One example:
*Will: You helped Mason Verger find us.*
So, he still sees himself and Hannibal as a team, but he’s still tired and bitter, so after everything is over, he hurts Hannibal by saying he doesn’t share his appetite and by attacking him emotionally.
*Will: I miss my dogs. I'm not going to miss you. I'm not going to find you. I'm not going to look for you. I don't want to know where you are or what you do. I don't want to think about you anymore.*
This is all personal and emotional. It sounds like a break-up, which is exactly how Bryan Fuller and others referred to it. When Hannibal leaves and Jacks arrives, Will puts on his glasses, an indication that he’s hiding again.
Fast-forward 3 years. Will is married now, but from the very start, we see that this marriage isn’t all people usually expect it to be. The first scene shows the family apart. Molly and Walter have gone fishing, which is something Will loves. He had dreams about teaching Abigail how to fish, but he doesn’t go to do that with his family, preferring to stay alone instead. It’s the first hint that his heart isn’t in this relationship, that he’s too hung up on the past to move forward and make new happy memories.
Jack came to drag him to Dragon’s case, and Will makes it look like he’s reluctant. At the same time, he doesn’t send Jack away, even though we know from the past that he has no qualms being frank when he wants to. More than that, he asks him not to show pics to Molly, but when they have dinner, Will deliberately leaves the house with Walter, leaving Jack and Molly together. At night, when Molly’s asleep, he crawls out of bed and goes to read Hannibal’s letter. He doesn’t tell the truth to Molly about himself and his dark urges, about everything he has done – Molly clearly has no idea who he truly is, considering how she jokes about his ‘criminal mind’ in later episodes and how Will immediately closes himself off from her. He never initiates physical touches with her; he doesn’t return her “I love you”, which is an even bigger indication of his lack of commitment. Will is emotionally stiff with Molly for the most part, and the only times he laughs with her or shows any emotion is when they are talking about superficial stuff in the former case and when he’s furious after Francis’ attack in the latter one. Other than that, there is no closeness or honesty.
Another point of Will’s inability to express or even give his love to someone is in his scene with Walter in E11. This child, his step-son, has just been attacked by a serial killer with his mother. His mother was hurt and they barely escaped. Will doesn’t hug him or offer him paternal emotional comfort; he’s very awkward. All he says is, “You're both safe here,” which is something an officer might say but not a father. Will was much more emotional in his fantasies about Abigail.
This is what Will says about Walter’s reaction to Jack:
*Will: He read about me in a Freddie Lounds article. I had to justify myself to an eleven year old.*
He’s resentful and not emotional. He doesn’t say, “I had to justify myself to my son!” – he distances himself from him. Will is cold. He has expressed his feelings for Hannibal at this point in rather poetic ways, but he can’t be bothered to do this for his wife and his son.
He treats Hannibal in a very reserved fashion too, in comparison to how he acted 3 years ago. However: first, there is the fact that he came to visit him in the first place. Will didn’t need his help, we saw very clearly how he managed to easily reconstruct the crime scene the night before. It proved that his mindset is in a good shape, so he didn’t need Hannibal’s assistance. But it’s Hannibal he requested to see right away.
Will distances himself from him by calling him “Doctor Lecter” and insisting that he’s more comfortable the less personal they are. His eyes glisten, though, and he can’t look away from Hannibal. The impersonal approach doesn’t last very long, too, and soon, they are talking like they always did. Hannibal accuses Will of marrying for false reasons.
*Hannibal: How did you choose yours? Readymade wife and child to serve your needs. A stepson or daughter. A stepson absolves you of any biological blame. You know better than to breed. Can't pass on those terrible traits you fear the most.*
Will doesn’t bother to deny it, though any man would have been offended, particularly if he truly loved his family. In Will’s case, from the experience and all the precedents, silence = agreement.
In E10, Will seeks Bedelia out. He acts catty and jealous, targeting her personal connection with Hannibal.
*Will: You didn't lose yourself, Bedelia, you just crawled so far up his ass you couldn't be bothered.* - personal, targeted against Bedelia's attachment to Hannibal.
*Will: You hitched your star to a man commonly known as a monster. You're the Bride of Frankenstein.* - personal, attack with romantic connotation. Bedelia catches up on it and mocks him:
*Bedelia: We've both been his bride. Have you been to see him?*
*Will: Yes.*
*Bedelia: Haven't learned anything, have you? Or did you just miss him that much?*
*Will: Have you been to see him?* - personal again. Will wants to know if Bedelia is keeping contact with Hannibal.
*Bedelia: I've seen enough of him. I was with him behind the veil. You were always on the other side.*
*Will: Something we should talk about.* - again, personal. It's all personal, which is why Bryan and Hugh called them Hannibal's jealous bitchy exes. Will is palpably jealous and he shows his resentment to Bedelia openly.
Later, we have some more romantic references.
*Bedelia: My relationship with Hannibal is not as passionate as yours. You are here visiting old flame. Is your wife aware of how intimately you and Hannibal know each other? … Your experience of Hannibal’s attention is so profoundly harmful yet so irresistible, it undermines your ability to think rationally.*
So, there is romantic text, parallels between Hannibal and Will’s wife, and Will doesn’t deny any of this again. He keeps coming to Bedelia because she’s the only person he can talk about Hannibal to without being watched.
After Hannibal sends Francis after Molly and Walter, Will spends about a minute being angry with him. Then he accuses Hannibal of staging a competition between him and Francis. It is startling: Will spent months, years mourning the loss of Abigail who he didn’t even really know personally, yet he forgets the gravity of what happened to his wife and won very quickly. He leaves Molly and Walter and tells Bedelia that they are finished. One traumatic event, and Will left. It coincides with something very important that happened here: after this, Will finally figures out Hannibal is truly in love with him. So he goes to Bedelia to discuss it with her.
*Will: Is Hannibal in love with me?*
*Bedelia: Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you, and find nourishment at the very sight of you? Yes. But do you ache for him?*
Will is predictably silent. Obviously, if the answer was no, he would have said no. But he struggles because like we established, he has issues with expressing emotions. He only managed to start referring to Hannibal as his friend openly in this season, opening up about some of his feelings, but he’s not ready to go this far. It would be absolutely out of character for Will to say, “Yes, you know, I’m in love with him! Thanks for helping me see it.” Every confession Will makes is preceded by struggles and heartbreak. But he’s going to reply to Bedelia’s question, only not explicitly-verbally.
Will sets up Chilton and then comes to allegedly say good-bye to Hannibal. He lies several times in their conversation (about Chilton and Molly with Walter), so all his words are automatically suspicious. Regardless, he destroys Hannibal emotionally and walks away. Personally, I believe he was already planning to break him out, so he was playing it up for cameras and also taking a chance to hurt Hannibal for everything again. But whatever his plan was, what happens next is that Will conspires with Francis against Jack, Alana, and the FBI. They agree to break Hannibal out together. Will lies to Jack and then gets to ask Hannibal for help. He’s being flirty and manipulative in this scene.
*Will: I need you, Hannibal … You're our best shot, Hannibal. Please.*
He’s smirking, he leans close to Hannibal, he sends him a flirty look from under his eyelashes. Will is thoroughly enjoying himself, and he does it best when he has some excuse to hide behind.
Later, he lies to Jack and Alana again, leaks info to Francis (who nearly killed his wife and son), and gets many officers killed by proxy. He tells Bedelia the truth that he doesn’t “intend Hannibal to be caught a second time.” He also implies that he’s going to let him go free, which is why Bedelia should pack her bags.
*Bedelia: Can't live with him. Can't live without him. Is that what this is?*
This time, Will agrees, although in his way.
*Will: I guess this is my Becoming.*
For Will, Becoming was always connected to his feelings for Hannibal because accepting himself and his darkness meant being free to escape with Hannibal.
*Bedelia: You found religion. Nothing more dangerous than that.*
In E3, it was stated that love is a God (you can find more here https://www.reddit.com/r/HannibalTV/comments/7w54dg/lovegodreligion_s3_parallels/), so it’s possible to say that religion = love in this context. It certainly makes sense. Will is accepting himself and his emotions, and the trigger was establishing for sure that Hannibal is in love with him.
Will and Hannibal drive to the cliff house. When Hannibal asks Will if he intends to save himself by killing them both (Hannibal and Francis), Will replies:
*Will: I don't know if I can save myself. And maybe that's just fine.*
This is the first time he confesses that he might be incapable of killing Hannibal. Predictably, when Francis comes, Will can’t handle seeing Hannibal killed, so he reaches for his gun.
Will and Hannibal work as a unit and protect each other. Hannibal is shot, nearly strangled, thrown onto the ground, and he is still weakly holding on Francis' leg to prevent him from going after Will, even though it leaves him in an open and vulnerable position — Francis does kick him in the face with his other leg. There is fierce determination on Will's face as he stands up despite the pain and runs to save Hannibal. They act in synch, consummating their relationship.
Then, Will admires how blood looks on his hand and repeats Hannibal’s words:
*Will: It really does look black in the moonlight.*
He remembers the words Hannibal said to him weeks ago in one of their endless interactions. A bit earlier, he perfectly recalled the words Hannibal told him *years* ago, back in the middle of S2.
*Will: I understand that “blood and breath are only elements undergoing change to fuel your Radiance." Hannibal said those words. To me.*
So, Will remembers everything Hannibal told him. He stores these memories. It’s a small but still important proof how important Hannibal is for him.
At the cliff, Will finally accepts the truth.
*Hannibal: See. This is all I ever wanted for you, Will. For both of us.*
We know what Hannibal wanted: a Murder Husband. What does Will say to this?
*Will: It’s beautiful.*
This is a loud “yes” to Bedelia’s question about his feelings. Will acknowledges, accepts, and admires them. He doesn’t feel awkward, as he would if he knew Hannibal is in love with him but didn’t feel the same. No, he reaches forward to embrace him, and such physical contact from Will is mind-blowing because he almost never does it. He clings to Hannibal, puts his head on his shoulder, touches him as if he wants to melt with him. Then he gives the fate a chance to stop both of them or to set them free. They fall into the ocean under the Love Crime song, another romantic element.
Water symbolizes reborn, and post-credits scene indicates that Will and Hannibal have paid a visit to Bedelia and are in the process of eating her while she’s hiding the fork to stab one of them as he approaches. The deleted epilogue to the series shows that they are in perfect harmony now.
**Conclusion**: Will has passed through a long, painful journey. He went from hiding from emotions and deflecting to not denying and carefully acknowledging them. We don’t hear words “love” or “in love” from him in relation to Hannibal because Will is not that kind of person. He doesn’t use these words freely, and for him, every small emotional step is a struggle. He tried to deceive himself and other numerous times; he tied to deny the truth and manipulate his own mind, but with each season, his feelings for Hannibal became more and more explicit. Will reaching out for physical contact, Will saying “It’s beautiful” are his way of saying, “I ached for you. I love you.”
This is a story of mutual love and obsession, about soulmates, about unique type of connection that few people share. It’s not about Hannibal falling in love and Will not feeling the same. Their feelings are equally strong, but they express them differently, particularly as Will’s are tied to the acceptance of his own darkness.
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
Just Best Friends - 9/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: “It’s been 84 years...” lolz. I hope you enjoy this! I don’t know when the next chap will come, but as soon as I can write it, I will!
Chapter 9 -
A week passed. During that week, Iris made herself completely unreachable – not just to Barry but to Eddie as well. She worked through lunch, so Barry couldn’t take her out, and she worked late hours, so that by the time she returned to hers and Eddie’s apartment, she was so exhausted, she could only heat up some leftovers and collapse onto their bed when she was finished with them.
That also meant no sex, no cuddling, and hardly any talking that wasn’t an incredibly brief apology before passing out or running out the door. And for Barry, it was just one excuse after another, though they always sounded very similar.
Sorry, I have so much work to do. Or… Maybe another time? I just got a new story, and I have a hot lead on it.
He always understood in words, but she could see the disappointment on his face every time. As well as her failure to respond to the fresh bouquet of flowers he set on her desk daily.
They weren’t just excuses though. They were legitimate…most of the time. Were they unnecessary? Probably. She didn’t have to go out of her way to beg her boss for more stories, or to work so far ahead of schedule that she felt she was on the verge of a burn out or collapse.
But she didn’t know how to act now that Eddie was back. She knew she needed to break up with him. She knew that. But she didn’t want to break his heart, and she wasn’t 100% sure Barry would just agree to date her after the hell she’d put him through emotionally. So avoiding both of them seemed to be the only way out.
She’d also come to the conclusion that while irritating, her dad going out of his way to forbid Barry to tell her he was the Flash had come from a place of love, and that she couldn’t stay mad at him any more than she could with Barry. The only problem was she found having that conversation with him was almost impossible because either Eddie or Barry or both seemed to be in his vicinity at all times.
Little did she know though that there was one other person who was taking a keen interest in the situation developing over the past week, and it was the one person she’d been paranoid about for a while before Eddie came back, and who she’d entirely forgotten about as the weight of the three men in her life came barreling down on her.
And that person had apparently had enough of what she was doing and had decided to seek her out for a confrontation of sorts shortly after Barry left during his lunch break for the fifth time that week.
With a slow yet determined saunter, Linda approached Iris’ desk just as soon as Mason disappeared for his daily lunch walk.
The familiar voice made her freeze. She recovered quickly, but she had a feeling Linda had caught her red-handed and completely unprepared for where this particular conversation would lead. After all, the last time they’d “talked”, Linda had completely brushed her off, and the time before that Linda had told her to her face that she knew Iris had feelings for Barry, even when she’d still been in denial of that fact herself.
“Linda.” She shuffled her papers around on her desk to somehow fill the awkwardness of the moment. “What, uh…what can I do for you?”
Linda folded her arms and sat on the corner of Iris’ desk.
“Was that Barry that just left?”
“Hmm?” She decided to play dumb. “Oh, yeah, it was. He uh, wanted to go to lunch. I told him I had work to do, which I did – do. So, if you don’t mind?”
Linda’s jaw actually dropped.
“Dismissing me so quickly? If I recall correctly, the last time we talked, you were only too eager to get my attention.”
Iris bit her tongue to keep from responding with something she’d regret.
“Let me guess. You’re giving me a taste of my own medicine?” Linda raised her eyebrows.
Iris cleared her throat.
“Not at all. I just…I have work to do. A lot of it.”
“You’ve had a lot of work to do for the past five days, haven’t you?”
Iris’ eyes squinted.
“Have you been…spying on me?”
“Please.” Iris waited. “I’ve been talking to Barry. He’s needed someone to vent to, you know, since before Eddie came back you were practically climbing on top of him every day at lunch and after work and sometimes before work, according to him.”
“That’s not how it was,” Iris said under her breath.
“No? You better clear that up with your supposed best friend then, because that’s how he saw it. He’s crushed that you’re avoiding him again.” She leaned forward. “Which you are doing, right? Neither of us is buying that you suddenly have so much work to do.”
“I do!” Iris snapped. “I…I asked for it.”
Linda’s eyes widened and her mouth formed an ‘o’.
“And why would you do that?”
She started shuffling her papers again.
“That’s none of your business.”
“You made it my business when you made out with my boyfriend after sticking your finger in his mouth and sitting on his lap on our date.”
Iris sighed testily.
“I thought you two broke up.”
“We did.”
“Do you wish you hadn’t? I know it wasn’t your idea.”
“I’m not stupid, Iris. I’m not going to blindly fight for a relationship with someone who clearly wants to be with someone else.”
Iris bit her lip, avoiding eye contact.
“He does?” she asked quietly.
“He’s in love with you!” She lowered her voice when she got a few looks. “He’d take you in a heartbeat,” she paused. “If that’s what you want.”
Iris swallowed.
“But you don’t know what you want, do you?”
“Yes, I…I do.”
“Then what do you want? Please, tell me at least.”
“Why?” She met her eyes again and glared. “So you can run off and tell Barry? Or Eddie?”
Linda rolled her eyes.
“I have no reason to tell your boyfriend anything. Barry, however, I do still care about. And we’re friends now. He deserves to know the truth, even if it isn’t from you. He’s going crazy with all your…mixed signals.”
Iris nibbled on her lip again, guilt weighing her down.
“Iris, hey, there’s something I wanted to…” Mason approached, then came to an abrupt halt, sensing the tension between the two women immediately. “Am I interrupting something?” He looked between the two.
“Not at all.” Linda smiled serenely before looking down at Iris one last time. “You know where to find me, Iris.”
Iris gulped, not looking at her but nodded just before Linda retreated – finally – to her desk across the room.
“What was that about?”
Iris closed her eyes and shook her head before swiveling in her chair toward him.
“Nothing. What was it you wanted to talk to me about?”
His eyes were full of suspicion, but it was clear his need to discuss something with her was greater.
“I want to show you something.” He took the seat Linda had vacated, then pulled out a folder, revealing to her a familiar face she’d nearly forgotten. “Simon Stagg. Remember him?”
Well, there was no longer any way of avoiding it. She had to seek out Barry. Mason’s suspicions about Harrison Wells stirred her insides too deeply, and honestly, made her worried about her best friend, since she knew how much he adored who had become to be his mentor. There was Caitlin and Cisco to consider too, who had known Dr. Wells even longer, but right now all she cared about was Barry.
So, she marched over to CCPD shortly after her conversation with Mason, using the excuse of pursuing a story – which, more or less, she was – to explain her absence at her work site and sought out Barry as soon as she stepped out of the elevator.
Unfortunately, her dad’s eyes locked with hers first. She swallowed, remembering how things were between them. She considered then abandoning a much-needed talk with Barry to finally hash things out with her dad. That course of action was dashed however, when within seconds he had looked away from her and gestured instead in her direction to whoever was standing across from him.
She should’ve known then who it would be, but it didn’t occur to her until he was walking toward her, a grin on his face, no doubt thinking she was there to see him.
“Iris, hey.” He kissed her before she could even think to turn her cheek to him. “Did you have a late lunch today? I have some time now. We cou-”
“Oh, actually, I’m here to see, Barry. Is he upstairs?”
“In his lab?”
Eddie blinked.
“Um, yeah, as far as I know. There are no active crime scenes where he’d be at otherwise.”
“Great. Thanks. I’ll see you tonight.”
She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and headed towards the staircase before he could so much as pull her in for an explanation or something more.
Feeling confused and honestly a little hurt, Eddie returned to his desk, Joe sitting now at his, ignoring Eddie’s state as best as he could.
“Should I be worried?” he finally asked.
Joe pretended not to have heard him.
“Hmm?” he asked, not looking up from the files he was pretending to look over in front of him.
“Should I be worried?”
“About what?”
“About Iris,” he said, as if it should be obvious.
Despite how he felt about the man dating his daughter, Joe looked up to address him. He was also his partner, after all.
“Why are you worried about her?”
Eddie let out a cough of relief, eager to unload his troubles onto somebody – anybody – who would listen.
“She’s made herself busy ever since I got back.”
“She has a job. So do you.”
“More so than usual though,” he pushed on. “She leaves earlier than she used to, and she comes home really late. When she does, she eats some leftovers and crawls into bed without so much as a ‘hey, how was your day’ or ‘I love you, too, Eddie’.” He frowned. “It worries me.”
Now Joe frowned.
“She’s been avoiding Barry too.”
Eddie’s frown deepened.
“When had Barry been trying to meet up with her?”
“On her lunch breaks,” he blurted without thinking, then met his eyes, trying to play it off. “She always says she’s too busy working on a story.”
Eddie leaned back in his seat.
“I haven’t tried to meet up with her for lunch at all this week. I guess I’m so used to her coming here, and if she didn’t, that she had a good reason. I guess she did.”
“Well, there you go.”
Joe started to stand, eager to escape the awkwardness of the conversation.
“But I mean, we haven’t had sex all week.”
Joe finished straightening, then shot him a glare. Eddie’s face fell.
“You didn’t want to hear that.”
“Not particularly, no,” Joe said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
He turned and headed for the bathroom. Any place was better than this.
About a step and a half before the entryway to Barry’s lap, Iris stalled, nibbling on her bottom lip. Barry had been as pleasant during her intended lunch break as he’d been all week, but she still wondered how accepting he’d be of her, especially when he found out this was a working meeting. She definitely needed to apologize first. How and when was the question, though. It was still beyond her how he hadn’t lashed out at her yet. She’d been treating him so unfairly, and yet time and time again, he kept crawling back to her, as if he was a glutton for punishment.
Well, no more of that. She couldn’t guarantee when she would break up with Eddie, but maybe Linda was right and she could at least explain her behavior this week and tell him she planned to break up with Eddie. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe…eventually.
“Is someone there?” Barry called out, and Iris realized she’d started tapping her shoe against the floor in time with the rapid rhythm of her mind.
She stopped abruptly, then cleared her throat and peeked her head into the doorway.
She gave an awkward hand wave.
His brows furrowed, but he started to smile. Lord, help her, it made her heart do a flip.
“What are you doing out there?” He got up out of his seat and headed towards her. “And why didn’t you just come in?”
“S-sorry,” she stuttered, shocked by it as much as he was, then forced herself to walk through the door.
He came to a stop as soon as she was inside and waited for her explanation.
“I guess I didn’t know if you’d want to see me.”
He gawked.
“Iris, I’ve been trying to see you all week.”
“No, I know. Of course. Right. But uh…I thought my rejecting you today might’ve been your breaking point, and that you wouldn’t want to see me now. Without an apology. Which I am totally willing to make, by the way.” Her chuckle was strained, and she couldn’t meet his eyes.
“What’s there to apologize for?” he asked. “You had work to do. That isn’t your fault. I’m sure you’ve been working hard to catch up.”
“Actually…” She took another step toward him. “I haven’t.”
His brows furrowed, and he sat back down.
“I don’t follow.”
She sighed and sat on the corner of his desk, the only spot where there wasn’t files or a conglomeration of office supplies.
“I asked for extra work.” She swallowed. “On Monday.”
He tilted his head, confused.
“I was trying to be busy. On purpose.” She licked her lips. “So I’d be too busy if you came to see me.”
He froze, his heart thudding away inside his chest. He didn’t know how to take that bit of information, and honestly, he was crushed.
“I don’t understand…you didn’t want to see me?”
The hurt in his voice was palpable. Iris hated that she was doing this to him again. He shouldn’t even want to be her friend after this, no matter how apologetic she was.
“Not just you,” she said, hoping that would soften the blow. “Eddie too. And my dad.”
He was mystified by that. He understood Joe, what with the Flash business and all that, but Eddie?
“What have you got against Eddie?”
“Nothing!” she burst, then got up and started to pace. “I just…” She licked her lips, unable to stop walking and unable to form words either, it seemed. She couldn’t stop though. Not to leave, not to make eye contact. Her hard was pounding, and her breath was coming in short bursts. She felt everything closing in around her and wondered if she was having a panic attack.
Suddenly, she stopped and forced herself to look at him.
“Do you want me to go?”
“No,” he said instantly, standing too. “I want an explanation.”
She swallowed.
“I thought you and I were good last week.”
“We were,” she said. “We are.”
“Yet you purposely didn’t want me near you this week?”
Her knees locked, and she tensed up.
“And Eddie…what in the world did he do except home to you? I would’ve thought you’d be happy about that.”
Tears welled in her eyes. Her fingers were sweaty and tingled. She didn’t answer. She couldn’t.
“I don’t love him anymore!”
She covered her mouth at the same moment his eyes bulged, and he nearly stumbled backward.
“What?” he finally managed.
She sighed, running a hand through her hair as she started to pace again.
“I realized it last week. Or rather, I’ve been slowly realizing it for the past several weeks. I’ve just been…in denial.”
Barry’s pulse started racing. He approached her moving form with one determined step after another.
“What have you been in denial about, Iris?”
She stopped.
“What I just said!” She licked her lips again. “I don’t love him. I’m not in love with him anymore. But I don’t…I don’t know how to tell him. I don’t want to break his heart. Especially after I went out of my way to make him feel bad about thinking there was anything between us, when really-”
“Wait, wait, wait, us? As in, you and I, us?”
She looked up at him reluctantly and nodded.
“He doesn’t know I told you how I felt, does he? At Christmas?”
“No!” Her eyes widened. “No, I didn’t tell him that. He’d probably have punched you by now if I had.”
Barry paled, then squeaked, “Really?”
“Uh-huh,” she confirmed.
“W-Why?” He wrapped his arm around the back of his head.
“Isn’t it obvious?” He gave her a blank look. “You were trying to get his girlfriend to break up with him. To be with you.”
Barry thought about it for a few seconds, then realized that yeah, he kind of had been. He shook his head after he got past that thought.
“I still don’t understand though. If you didn’t tell him about that…” He locked eyes with her. “Did you tell him you…find me attractive?”
“Oh, God, no.” She pressed her face into her hands. “That would’ve been even worse.”
“Worse than a love confession? How?”
“Because it’s coming from me! And I…”
She power-walked to right in front of him and prepared herself for the blow of all blows.
“I don’t just find you attractive, Barry. I have…I have feelings for you.”
I’m in love with you – But she couldn’t admit to that yet. Not while she was still dating Eddie.
He swallowed, fighting with the smile that wanted to take over his face.
“What kind of feelings?”
“Barry.” Her voice softened. “You know what kind.”
“Tell me,” he said. “Just so I know for sure.”
He was holding his breath, and she couldn’t blame him. Honestly, she was on the brink of holding hers too.
“You make my heart race, Barry.”
He started to lean in, and it took all of her willpower to step back out of reach.
“No, we can’t. I can’t. It’s bad enough I cheated once. This can’t go any farther until it’s over.” She met his eyes. “Until Eddie and I are over.”
Barry swallowed.
“And when will that be?”
Her shoulders slumped, and her bottom lip quivered.
“I don’t know.”
His shoulders caved in as well. He forced himself not to get mad, but he couldn’t help feeling disappointed. So, the love of his life finally felt the same way, but she wouldn’t let herself act on it? And she wouldn’t do the one thing that would allow them to be together.
“Is that the only thing you came to tell me?” he asked, unable to keep some chill out of his words.
Iris supposed she couldn’t blame him.
“No…” she admitted, deciding not to mention how she hadn’t meant to tell him as much as she had.
“What else?”
She pursed her lips, hating that she had to turn this conversation into a business one before she could give him the answer that he wanted.
“What else, Iris?” he asked, sounding exhausted when she didn’t answer for too long.
“It’s about, Dr. Wells,” she finally said.
That caught him off guard.
“Dr. Wells? What does he have to do with anything?”
“I hope nothing, but just in case…can we go somewhere else? To talk?”
He wanted to ask her what was wrong with his lab, but he supposed the fresh air would do them both good. Give them a clear head and put everything she’d already said to rest for the time being. After all, she sounded awfully serious about whatever else she wanted to talk about.
“Sure,” he said. “Just let me grab my jacket.”
“Barry,” she called after him as he walked by her.
He stopped when he reached his garment.
“I’m sorry about…everything.”
“Don’t worry about it, Iris,” he said, as he slid his arms through the sleeves. “It’s fine.”
Hours later, and on a whim, Eddie found himself at a jewelry store – diamonds, to be more specific. In the back of his mind, he knew his intentions probably weren’t smart. Especially not right now, not with the way things were between him and Iris, especially this week. But there was another part of him that thought this might be just the thing to jolt their relationship back into what it had once been and the potential of what it could be, the future he’d seen from almost the minute he started dating her.
He pointed out a ring nestled in velvet that caught his eye in the display case below him. An employee walked up, inspired by his curiosity and tried to catch his attention.
“Can I see that one, please?”
The man smiled.
“Of course.”
He reached for the key and unlocked the case. Just as he was pulling the velvet block out with the specified ring upon it, Eddie’s phone started to vibrate.
“Oh, excuse me.”
He turned partially away and glanced at the screen on his phone. He answered immediately, a smile on his face.
“Hey, Iris, what’s up?”
“I’m home,” she said, and he could hear the frown in her voice.
“So early?”
“Yeah, I felt bad for coming home so late every night this week…I thought we could have dinner together.”
“That sounds great.”
“Yeah?” She sounded relieved.
“Definitely. I’m uh…just running a last-minute errand. I’ll be home soon.”
“Okay. See you then.”
“See you.”
He turned back to the jeweler as he slid the phone back in his pocket, and his eyes widened with enthusiasm as the ring was presented to him.
“Oh, yeah. This is the one.”
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serenawitchwriter · 4 years
BNHA fusion (Bakusquad/Todoroki)
i pity endeavor
somehow angrier than bakugou? like it’s less of a tsundere, shouty way and more of a punk rock 100% ready to throw down at the slightest provocation
has less tolerance for spice but will eat it anyway
spicy noodles
a lot blunter with his actual thoughts
so much fire, i’m imagining because of Baku's chemical secretion they could possibly make some kind of plasma, though i doubt that makes scientific sense.
also shoots steam out of one their hands
spiky red and white hair, not split down the middle but streaky. a bit like natsuo only more integrated
red eyes, no heterochromia, but keeps the scar
handsome, but constantly looks a bit constipated
really self-critical
incredibly good at mocking people. easily makes people cry with his insults because they’ll attack the thing about you that you don’t like
surprisingly unaggressive towards midoriya. like bakugou’s rivalry/aggression toward him is somehow dampened by todoroki’s love of mido
also tolerant of specifically mina, uraraka, and kirishima. everyone else push their buttons to the point of pissing them off.
i’d like to see them fight dabi because it feels like they’d have similar vibes, except todobaku is less theater kid.
would absolutely wear a leather jacket
despite their angry punk energy, they still pretty anal about self care and schedules. like they’re straight edge nerds about everything but fighting
like they aren’t a bad person but they are a dumbass and the shit that they get up to is spectacularly wild
completely red hair, silky texture. either slicks it back or spikes it into a mohawk. depends on the day
still scarred, red and blue eyes.
shark teeth but in a softer shaped face
usually shirtless, especially when it’s inappropriate
will eat literally anything
incredibly insecure but honest about it
clingy to his friends in an almost desperate way. like his friends will always be their for him but even then he’s struggling to feel secure about it
slow burn anger, but is the most terrifying person to see angry. you do not want to see him get genuinely pissed
an incredibly kind person
fantastic with animals
another elemental quirk user
i have the mental image of a rock golem running at the enemy while on fire and covered in ice. again, avoid pissing him off
pauses a lot while talking and uses a lot of filler words like ‘like, um, and uh”. almost like a valley girl
deceptively smart and emotionally mature. like they have their moments of being profound, of getting where others are coming from, of doing something totally genius
but is also a dumbass the vast majority of the time. like you’d be shocked at how stupid he can be
can’t fucking read
affectionate towards Bakugou and Midoriya. thinks they’re all best friends. isn’t entirely wrong. loves Mina as well
cuddly as hell, but is not comfortable to cuddle with. he’s too hard and he’s never the right temperature
chaotic part 2
a weird combo, probably not very stable
candy cane colored curls, with a pink transition color in their hair. still has horns.
it’s hard to tell that they’re scarred with pink skin. heterochromic eyes, one blue, the other yellow with black sclara
has a creepy laugh
fully into being an alien and is attempting to convince people it’s true, not in a joking way.
more plasma options in terms of quirks. i don’t know how freezing or heating acid effects it, but the effect can probably be used for something
will do basically anything they put their mind to, no matter how absurd. once they make a decision they’re going to do it hell or high water
shift back and forth between being incredibly hyper and on the ball, and being exhausted and antisocial. 
overly invested in gossip and discovering the truth. nosy as hell
impossible to predict
probably into yoga?
manic pixie dream girl? definitely quirky
has a mean sense of humor, and is sometimes just mean in general. generally has good intentions but won’t hesitate to cut people down when they feel they ‘deserve it’
candy addiction
very stable
very funny and chill
stoner vibes regardless of if they do drugs
zones out constantly
black lightning in the white half, red lightning in yellow half of hair. fine and silky as hell
green eyes, no scar. probably needs glasses but doesn’t have them yet
weather powers. can make storms, clouds, effect temperature. can be effected by their own weather and injures themselves often
but is an op fighter anyway
both a memer and conspiracy theorist but in an entertaining way. could have a buzzfeed unsolved style show if they find the right skeptic. i feel like iida would be a cute partner for that. obviously todokami is the unhinged one
will eat literal garbage. i could see them eating from a dumpster because the pizza looked okay
rude mouth, says what he’s thinking regardless of how hurtful it is. isn’t intentionally trying to be mean.
obsessed with dragons
constantly tired. they sleep and sleep but it is never enough
pretty cuddly and quiet when zoned out
a fantastic hugger
weird but in an inexplicably normal way
like they’re not getting bullied for it, they’re not subverting society or being overly chaotic. they’re just kinda... odd.
possibly a fae in disguise?
fixed looking smile
scarred. small black eyes. hair is split to be red and white. but the roots are black
obviously still has tape elbows. quirk is probably some kinda fire and ice whip. makes a lot of icicles as well. has many creative applications, especially because they’re both range attacks
executive dysfunction anyone?
loves manga, particularly weird artsy kind, or horror and mysteries
will chill in high places for hours. probably makes a full spiderweb or cocoon or hammock.
just likes getting away from people
wears Hawaiian shirts casually. on the tame side
loves the beach
loves noodles more than life itself. has a mission to try every type of noodle
probably gets stuck places and gets lost easily
makes people uncomfortable. kind of person who just stands silently and stares at you. will wait until you notice him to speak. so sometimes he’ll just be standing silently behind you for five minute and than you’ll finally turn around and have a heart attack,
will otherwise jut kinda stand at the periphery of groups and stare blankly. like that vine of the guy disassociating at a party
never quite jives with the conversations, timing always seems off. they’re just really awkward
pretty fun loving given the opportunity. hanging out with friends is their favorite activity
vibes fairly well with ojiro and hagakure
makes ice puns, which is lame but gay/lesbian solidarity part 2
white and purple hair in a bob. no scar. has the earphone jacks. purple and silver eyes. petite
deserves to wear sunglasses at all times. probably doesn’t but they deserve to
incredibly chill
actually pretty lazy given the opportunity
still plays the bass and is quite passionate about it
husky singing voice. it’s good but unique, most suited towards indie stuff, not belting Broadway.
plays with earjacks constantly
in love with momo
powers aren’t particularly enhanced by each other. have to get pretty creative to make it effective. don’t mind that much, they aren’t trying to be number one, they’re just herre to help
probably always in a leather jacket
generally pretty sweet, especially towards close friends. it’s a quiet kindness. more shown by putting extra food on your plate when you’re not eating enough, instead of demanding you eat more verbally
easily annoyed, especially by injustice. if something is unfair they’ll get mad
generally incredibly mellow, one of the less feral fusion overall
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jawabear · 4 years
Marcus Moreno fluff alphabet
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A/N: As promised, here is the fluff alphabet for Marcus the super daddy! I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Fem!Reader, loads of fluff, mentions of self doubt, not much else
Summary: An A-Z of Marcus Moreno’s relationship antics
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Marcus would show affection in every way in the book. All day, every day if he could. And he will. He just wants you to know how much he loves you and how much you mean to him. He doesn’t feel words are enough.
He’s especially fond of hugging you from behind. That’s his go to for showing you affection as well and kissing behind your ear or the underside of your jaw.
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
He’s pretty out of touch in the dating front. He doesn’t really know how to go about asking you out, so it’s Missy who actually does it. Basically sets the two of you up on a date with out either of you knowing but you both take it in stride and start dating immediately after that.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves to cuddle, yes. But he doesn’t make a habit out of it. You disagree, but he thinks that the more you cuddle the less effect it will have. You understand where he’s coming from but you don’t think it’s true. So really you only cuddle when he finds it absolutely necessary (which is quite often to be honest).
It’s mostly at night in bed or if either of you have had a particularly right day at work.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He was a single dad for a while so he’s pretty good at that sort of stuff. When he puts his mind to it, he’s a pretty good cook. And he does make sure everything that has a place is in its place.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He probably wouldn’t have the heart to do it. But if he really had to, he would just tell you that it wasn’t working. But he wouldn’t ever end it with you.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I don’t see Marcus as the type to get married a second time. He’s kind of put off the idea after his first marriage. Although it wasn’t his fault that it ended. But I just don’t think he’d want to get married again...
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is a very gentle man. He knows exactly what to do in any situation. He knows how to comfort you. He himself is pretty sensitive and can get quite emotional. But he is an excellent support blanket for you.
Physically, he’s super gentle. He knows how to touch you to make you feel better. He has the most comforting touch.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
As mentioned, he loves to hug you from behind. It’s just a more comforting hold he finds. This is mainly in the mornings. You would be making breakfast or something and he would appear behind you, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on your shoulder before gently swaying you side to side as he told you how much he loved you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The time in between him realising he loves you and saying it is quite long. He’s scared of telling you because he’s scare you’ll leave him.
So he waits for you to say it first. And when you do, he doesn’t stop saying it back.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Marcus does get jealous quite easily, this comes with his protective nature, but he is good at not acting on it. At least not in an overbearing way.
If someone is flirting with you, he casually slide up beside you and wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him and kissing your cheek to make sure who ever it is that had tried it on you gets the message that you are unavailable.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Because he loves to hug you from behind so much, he loves to kiss behind your ear or the nape of your neck. Or even just the back of your head. He loves to bury his nose in your hair and just breath in your smell.
His kisses are all sweet and full of purpose and love. He never kisses you just for the sake of it. He kisses you to tell you how much he loves you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Clearly he’s an excellent dad and clearly he’s good with kids. But he doesn’t really know if he wants another one. Of course he’d love to have one with you, so you can have something that it both of yours, but he’s a little on the fence about it for reasons he doesn’t even know. Perhaps he feels he’s getting too old to take care of a baby...
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Marcus is usually up before you so it’s not that often that you’ll get to cuddle in bed, even on weekends his up with the sun. But that doesn’t matter. You’ll go down stairs and see him making a coffee or something so you’ll take it upon your self to initiate morning cuddles before Missy wakes up, not that that would stop you anyway.
But on the rare occasion you get a lazy day with him, that is what it is. I’m talking not getting out of bed until lunch time. Just laying in bed, in each other’s arms. (Maybe doing some other stuff). Just overall being soft.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are more tender than the soft mornings. It will usually be that you’ll be laying in bed facing each other, just looking at each other. He will lift his hand to gently stroke over your cheek. And you will do the same. There are no words needed in the night. These small actions are enough.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Marcus is a pretty open person I feel. I don’t think there is much he would hide from you. Besides, life as a hero means he’s pretty exposed anyway. But he wants to be straight forward with you, he doesn’t want to keep anything from you so he knows that you really do love him for him and not for who he pretends to be.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Marcus is very patient. He has been trained to keep his cool no matter what. And dealing with the Heroics has made him build up a pretty high tolerance for messing about. It take a lot for Marcus to get angry. So much so, that you’ve never seen him properly angry.
But you’ve heard stories. When he gets angry, he gets angry.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I get the feeling that Marcus would remember absolutely everything that’s ever happened in your relationship. He probably remembers everything you’ve ever said or done. He probably knows more about you than your own parents.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time he hear you say “I love you” and meaning it is probably his favourite. You had said it a few times, but he got the feeling you had only said it to get him to say it back.
But there was one night where you were together, just being together and you looked into his eyes for a moment. You just looked at him and he looked right back at you. And then you said it. You whispered it. And he could hear the amount of truth sown into every letter. He would never forget that night.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Marcus is very protective. He has to know you’re safe. It drives him crazy if he doesn’t know where you are. But he’s not controlling. He just needs to know your okay. As long as he knows where you are and that you’re safe, he’s fine.
Should you ever end up in danger, who better to protect you than the leader of the Heroics?! To be honest, most people would be too scared to even think about hurting you if they knew that Marcus was your boyfriend. No one would want to go up against him in a fight.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Marcus always tried his best, he may not always succeed but he always tries. He wants to make sure you’re 100% happy. What he doesn’t understand is, just being with him makes you 100% happy.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a habit of doubting himself over the smallest things. He always worries that something is going to go wrong. He’s quite easily panicked and slightly paranoid. But that’s all a result of his job. It’s not something he can easily fix, but you try and help him as best you can.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Looks on his partner doesn’t bother him. It’s not that he’s looking for. He just wants someone he can be with.
But he is very self conscious about that way he looks. Seeing himself on TV daily has caused this. He doesn’t do it to look good for anyone in particular (besides you), he does it so that seeing himself on the screen is a little more bearable.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
If he really thought about it, no. He wouldn’t feel incomplete as such. It’s hard for him to explain. He wouldn’t feel right with out you, but he has got Missy who has been his heart since she was born. You understand that. Regardless of how much he loves you, Missy will always come first for him. Granted, this has lead to a few complications in your relationship but you managed to get over it pretty quickly.
But he wouldn’t want to be with out you. He needs you in his life.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.
Marcus loves how easily you mix in with his family. He knows that perhaps having a kid can put people off. But he was so happy that it didn’t put you off. And he loves how good you are with Missy. How playful and helpful you are. How you’re always willing to join in, even though he knows how anxious you are about it. He just loves what you add to his family. What you add to his life. He just loves you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn’t really like really tall girls. As I said, he loves to hug you from behind and bury his nose in your hair. This would be a little bit difficult if his partner was taller than him. But it’s not completely a no. He doesn’t really care about something like that. He’ll find a way to get it done should his partner be taller than him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
Marcus struggles to sleep. He hasn’t really slept soundly since he was a kid. He’s a light sleeper so even when he is sleeping, he’s not really resting.
But he does find it easier to get to sleep when he’s got you by his side, you bring a comfort with you that relaxes him.
Taglist: @linkpk88 @phoenixhalliwell @lunaserenade
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