#get a cat if you can afford it financially and physically
tinkerotr · 11 months
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re-lmayer · 27 days
i can't afford rent because of my abusive ex and desperately need help. if i don't pay, it will cause a domino effect where i'll be homeless, lose my emotional support animals, and eventually i can be sued and my paypal account seized. i'll also fail this college semester, which will mess up all my student grant funding and getting a degree
i'm disabled and was recently hospitalized for a nervous breakdown, and stress is making me sick. i've been diagnosed with an ulcer
there's a lot of ways to help me and my cats. you can commission me on kofi, donate directly via paypal, check out my crowdfunds on youpay, share my twitter and bluesky threads, and of course reblog this post. sharing is free!
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more context under the cut. it will be updated as things change
my ex boyfriend is an abusive alcoholic. he's raped me, tried to medically neglect me, stranded me at our new apartment alone with no food and a clogged toilet, and most recently refuses to pay any rent and is content to allow me to become homeless despite legal obligation
i have been granted a hud/section 8 housing voucher, but to use it a unit must pass inspection
the apartment i applied for didn't pass, and needed repairs. the landlord told me he'd accept the first applicant that could pay first month rent and a huge deposit. the housing authority told me i'd lose my voucher if i didn't proceed with this exact unit
originally, i was supposed to be on my own. but i was shoved between a rock and a hard place with the voucher and deposit. i couldn't afford the deposit despite friends crowdfunding for me, so... i asked my boyfriend for help
he needed a place to go himself, because he broke his lease bringing me and my cats in. (i was unaware of this, and had no suspicion he'd do something that would compromise his 2 bed/bath apartment)
my doctor also prescribed caregiver after my hospitalization so it seemed mutually beneficial from a financial standpoint, even if i wasn't enthused about it
we couldn't afford movers, so over the course of march we'd been moving things by the carload ourselves. the queen bed was too big, so the night before last he informed me he was dumping it while he had help from a friend to move it. i had a bedframe and mattress from the last place i'd lived, but it had already been taken to the new place. i thought we'd agreed i'd basically move in to the new place early so i'd have somewhere to sleep
come saturday night, i messaged him that the toilet was clogged. he refused to bring a snake, and told me i was using him because i don't hug and kiss him enough. (i'm a csem victim, asexual, and autistic and don't like physical affection)
he's decided he doesn't want to proceed with the unit, and it hasn't passed the inspection, so my voucher doesn't cover it yet. i can't afford the rent out of pocket, and i'm broke because i'm disabled. we agreed he'd pay rent until the voucher kicked in, then he would be added to it as my caregiver, because he'd take me to medical appointments, ensure i get my medication on time, ensure i'd and bathe, etc.
but that ship has sailed. now i'm left in a lurch, and desperately need help. a large portion of the security and pet deposits were nonrefundable, so all the previous effort would go to waste if i can't stay
because i was recently hospitalized, i don't know how i'll survive homelessness. my cats are prescribed emotional support animals, and losing them would be devastating
these are text messages from when he refused to bring the snake and dumped me:
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after this, he proceeded to continuously ignore me when i'd bring up rent, that he's on the lease, and going to the bank to pay the landlord
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he never responded to the above and then proceeded to act like nothing happened
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he didn't respond to any of these except agreement to let me get my cats with the help of someone from my weekly ywca meetings
he is now proceeding to STILL not respond or accept responsibility despite me explaining to him in great detail what the repercussions will be if he doesn't help pay rent. he continues to say "you"
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as of august 29, i don't have enough to pay the rent on my own, but i am keeping all of these text messages to present in eviction court if it comes to that. i also intend to take my ex to small claims court
the landlord's maintenance guy also """plunged the toilet""" after leaving me without a working one for five days, and after i was informed there was a problem with the entire complex's pipes. i was not here, so i can't vet if it was true. they """plunged""" without permission, and then sent me an invoice after the fact. i also can't afford this fee, and find it predatory in nature. the maintenance company is owned by the landlord
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i have reached out to legal aid to ask about the legality of the landlord handling the situation like this. i will reach out to them again if i get an eviction notice
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fingerless-glovez · 4 months
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Twisted Wonderland Vice Housewarden Persona AU
TW mentions of death
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No beastmen, merfolk, or fae outside the Shadow World
NRC is a normal non-magic school in a modern setting (Either UK or US but probably UK)
Everyone lives in their own house 
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^ Working title
To enter, you must find the places where the most blot from one person accumulates and dive into the ink
Anyone who hasn't been in the Shadow World can't see or feel the blot. The only exceptions to this is are the Velvet Room residents and Yuu, who unlocks the ability after their first interaction with Igor
Someone who can see the blot can bring those who can't into the Shadow World if they have physical contact while transitioning between worlds (ex: holding hands or bumping into each other)
Those who get sucked into the Shadow World are brought to a place that represents the state of their hearts (aka the dorms)
Think of the dorms as Palaces
They also change into their dorm uniforms and kind of wander around until they meet their shadow (overblot) selves 
They can't leave until they either die or decide to move on from whatever turmoil they're going through that brought them here
The shadow selves manipulate their real-world counterparts into letting them take control until they use too much power and die
The shadow forms become the overblot entities when they capture and take over their host
Once a shadow is defeated, the real world counterparts can leave, but they have to get out before the place implodes on them because the shadow is gone
When someone dies of overblot, their bodies return to where they last were in the real world covered in ink
This has been happening a lot recently, which prompts Igor to summon Yuu to deal with it
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The squad is called the Vice Wardens
When they get their Personas their outfits change to their dorm uniforms 
Yuu is the wild card. Yuu's first Persona is either the Ramshackle ghosts. Their Arcana is the Fool and their weapon is a large hammer
They're a first-year transfer student that was found unconscious somewhere and has no ID or anyone to contact 
Leader of the Vice Wardens and, of course, the resident therapist 
Grim doesn’t have a Persona yet, his Arcana is undetermined, and his weapon is hand claws
Joins during the prologue
Grim is in both a Teddie and Morgana situation where he's a shadow but doesn't know it, and when he's in the real world he's just a regular cat that only the team can understand 
Trey's Persona is the Mad Hatter, his Arcana is Temperance and his weapon is a sword 
Joins during the Riddle arc
Before Kalim joined the squad, his house somehow became the team meeting spot. He did NOT agree to this arrangement
ESPECIALLY since his teammates decided it was more appropriate to climb through his window instead of knocking on the door like normal people
Ruggie’s Persona is Shezi, his Arcana is undetermined, and his weapon is undetermined
Joins during the Leona arc
Lives with his grandma and forgoes school to work and help support her financially 
Ruggie can’t afford to attend NRC, but he does sneak in to meet up with the others. And steal food from the cafeteria 
Gets his hyena features with his Vice Warden uniform
Jade's Persona is Jetsam, his Arcana is the Wheel Of Fortune and his weapon is a spear 
Joins during the Azul arc
The team weapons dealer. You give him money, he gets you upgraded artillery. Where and how does he get it? That is an excellent question.
Gets his eel features with his Vice Warden uniform.
Kalim’s Persona is the Sultan, his Arcana is the Star, and his weapon is a staff
Joins during the Jamil arc
Happy sunshine boy
His house becomes the meeting spot because it's super big and Kalim’s room is very soundproof 
Rook’s Persona is the Huntsman, his Arcana is undetermined, and his weapon is a bow and arrows
Joins during the Vil arc, but is involved with the Shadow World prior to that
This fucking guy has been following the squad into the Shadow World since Trey joined the team in the FIRST ARC
Dude is fascinated by the whole “entering people’s hearts” thing and even more fascinated the Vice Wardens
Jade is the first to realize that they’re being watched and the others are FLOORED when they find out how long he’s been following them
The only reason he’s not dead yet is because he’s a hardcore survivalist and always brings his bow and arrows with him
Ortho’s Persona is Hercules, his Arcana is undetermined, and he is the Navigator
Joins during the Idia arc, but is involved with the Shadow World prior to that
Works for STYX, an organization trying to study the blot and the deaths linked to it
Goes into the Shadow World to do field research by studying the Shadow selves and the Vice Wardens
His job is to buff, heal, analyze the opponent, and occasionally contribute in All-Out Attacks.
Being a robot, he doesn't attend NRC, but he does sneak in to meet up with the others.
Lilia's Persona is the three good fairies, his Arcana is the World, and his weapon is a cleaver
One Yuu's first allies and mentor for Shadow stuff
Joins during the prologue
Poses as a high schooler and transfers to NRC to gain access to the areas in the school that blot accumulates
Gets his fae features with his Vice Warden uniform
(Spoilers for chapter 7, scroll until the next image)
Lilia was a wildcard that used his Persona powers to protect Briar Valley against a diety, but the diety decided to play dirty and manipulated the kingdom of Dawn to start the war, thus limiting Lilia from his fighting capacity.
Lilia's Persona was unresponsive due to all the changes in behavior and the mourning over the lost lives, but years later, he gained his first Persona back, weaker, when he decided to raise Silver. So with time, his Persona could grow stronger and Lilia could realize that his time as the lone fighter is over and that he needs to train the new Persona users to team up together and succeed where he alone failed.
^ (credit to @lowkeyclueless5137 for the specifics of Lilia’s backstory)
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The Velvet Room takes the form of the Mirror Chamber 
But instead of the Dark Mirror it's Igor 
Yuu enters through a coffin in the ceremonial robes
Ace and Deuce are the Velvet Room attendants
Ace’s Arcana is Strength and Deuce’s is the Chariot
They work together to do fusions, where Ace has his playing cards and Deuce has the giant book
Sometimes they fight and cause a fusion fail, which I’m sure surprises no one
Ace can often be seen in the real world hanging out with the team or annoying people
That’s how he meets Yuu, and Trey later on
Deuce usually stays in the Velvet Room, but if he has Igor’s permission, he’ll go hang out with Yuu
Deuce has some… issues
Due to some bad experiences in the past, he’s nervous about going to the real world
Basically: Unfamiliarity with human customs/social cues + People that really suck = Pent up anger that he sometimes loses control of
Yuu tries to help. Ace does not.
That's all I have for now. Ideas and criticism are always welcome! :)
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milfzatannaz · 21 days
I realize that a lot of you guys signed on for fandom related content and general fuckery, and I’m sorry that a lot of yall had to watch the collapse of my life in real time.
recently, the abuse I was experiencing from my mom ramped up to becoming physical. I got on a bus and escaped to my best friends house, and it has been one of the hardest periods of my life. Like I thought I was already beaten down by a shit year- suicide, death of my grandad, financial insecurity and just a lot of struggling. But after that I just haven’t been the same. I’m experiencing symptoms like nightmares, becoming triggered by seemingly mundane things (my roommate did dishes and I could barely breathe for two hours), really visceral periods of intense recollection and I’m honestly drowning. I have no energy for classwork and I’m struggling. I need to keep my grades up for grad school. I miss my family. I’m homesick. I’m really, really raw. I miss my cat.
if you read this, thank you. and everyone has been so wonderful and supportive- I’m so serious, this community I’ve built is the only thing keeping me afloat. I’m actively trying to keep going, I promise.
if anyone wants to reblog and help support me, it’s my final college semester and most of my plans can’t happen because well, neither of my parents are currently helping. Hopefully my campus job will let me get paid in three ish weeks at the earliest. It’s okay if no one can contribute anything, I’ve certainly been really well taken care of and ppl have been beyond generous. But hey, you might just help a really scared vulnerable 22 year old afford dinner.
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If you are a "disability advocate" be normal about emotional support animals. I am not asking. Do it.
The only time I ever see ESAs brought up by non-handlers in disability circles is to complain about them. Mainly, to complain about people who bring them into public spaces. This is fine, they're not supposed to be in public and it does cause issues for service animal handlers, but the problem is when the criticism extends to criticizing the concept of ESAs, which happens quite often. I've recently seen more disabled people and allies advocate for more restrictions on ESAs, or for them to stop being protected altogether, and I need to emphasize that this is an incredibly dangerous, ableist stance.
First and foremost, ESAs are a real thing in the U.S. If you're from outside the U.S. feel free to chime in about how they work where you're from, but I'm from the U.S. so I can only offer my experience. ESAs are recognized by the federal government under the Fair Housing Act (FHA). The category that includes service animals and ESAs is called "assistance animals".
ESAs are not legally pets. They have fewer rights than service animals, but they have more rights than pets. ESAs are not subject to "no pet" rules in housing, nor are they subject to pet fees or pet security deposits. They are also generally exempt from breed and animal type restrictions. The law has some caveats about this like not causing undue financial stress to the housing provider or damage to the property. These rules also exist for physical accessibility (i.e. wheelchair accessibility), they're generally to protect against significant damage or alterations to the property without the permission of the housing provider. If the presence of an animal doesn't cause a health and safety risk, doesn't cause excessive damage to the property, and is necessary to afford a disabled person equal use of the property, then landlords and other housing organizations pretty much have to act like the ESA isn't there.
ESAs can be any animal. Most are dogs or cats but birds, rodents, snakes, pretty much any animal that's legal to own can be an ESA. Of course, just because it's legal doesn't mean it's ethical. Unfortunately, sometimes animals that can't reasonably be kept in a home by a private keeper, like primates and alligators, are claimed as ESAs. This is an obvious abuse of the system but it's difficult to prevent without harming legitimate handlers. In my opinion, focusing on tighter restrictions and more bans for exotic pets would do more for animal welfare than focusing on being weird about ESAs.
One of the common statements I see non-handlers make about ESAs is that they're just pets and don't serve any special purpose. This isn't the case. ESAs must help with at least one effect of a person's disability in order to qualify as an ESA. One of the main purposes of ESAs is suicide prevention. Keeping up spirits can be very difficult for people with mental and physical illnesses, we might sometimes feel that we're not contributing anything to the world, that things would be better off without us, or that the distress we experience isn't worth pushing through. Having an animal that relies on you gives a sense of importance and responsibility. If you die, your ESA will have to adjust to a new environment and go through the stress of change. There's also a possibility that they could be alone without care if no one realizes you're gone, which unfortunately does happen with people who live alone sometimes. ESAs also motivate us to care for ourselves. Many severely mentally ill people, as well as many physically disabled people, struggle to motivate ourselves to get out of bed and live life. It can be easier to do nothing than to deal with the pain and fatigue associated with moving around, even if our health suffers as a result. Caring for an animal requires us to get up and move around our living space, sometimes doing things for ourselves in the process. ESAs can also help encourage us to take medications, stay off of addictive substances, go to doctor's appointments, and do other things to stay healthy in order to be able to continue caring for our ESAs. Basically that Simpsons "do it for her" meme.
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ESAs are disability aids. They're important. They keep disabled people alive and healthy. Questioning their right to legal protection is ableism.
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daevite · 2 months
disabled, applying for benefits, selling stickers, constantly in need of some help!
i just got paid monday and i'm $58 in the negatives already thanks to my car insurance payment, all i've used my card for is gas (which i'm gonna need to do again because i have an appointment to get to friday that's 3 hours away) and getting dishwashing pods + food for my cats at walmart
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i'm not able to work much because 1. my job limits my hours and 2. i am mentally and physically disabled/ill so the hours i can work are limited in the first place due to my health issues, including the doctor's appointment i'm going to friday because the distance is gonna mean i'm missing the shift i was scheduled for that day
i've been having a rough start to the week overall because my health issues recently caused me to collapse in my home due to convulsive syncope and i may have injured my leg in the process (although it isn't a severe injury, and i was told it won't require imaging unless it doesn't go away)
even on medicaid and food stamps and having most of my basic bills covered i'm still ending up in the negatives almost every single fucking paycheck due to the bills i have that aren't covered (internet, car insurance, credit card balance from when i was out of work due to covid) + the upcoming appointment i have is not covered by medicaid because the type of medicaid i have is fairly new and not everywhere that takes medicaid takes my medicaid, i also have a hearing test consultation coming up because it's likely i have hearing loss and idk what the insurance situation will be in that case
absolutely anything helps (so long as you're mostly financially secure), but especially consider buying something from my shop or pre-ordering from my ko-fi so that i can actually start selling stuff and attempt to be more financially independent + afford some of the stuff i need in terms of disability & daily life!
venmo: @IthelLovik
this is not as urgent as the people on here who need their rent paid and such but my financial situation is a major source of distress for me due to my disability status and also not having a support network or non-abusive family to rely on, and i simply cannot pull myself out of this like i've been trying to without help - buying some stickers/etc. would mean the most to me
reblogs are greatly appreciated. thank you!
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sneakyboymerlin · 11 months
Heeeeeyyyyy it’s ur boy uh. Skinny penice.
If any of you lovelies wanna help me get my mom’s account out of the negatives, I would be eternally grateful.
Her account is around -$300 after the bills got taken out, we’re just trying not to rack up any late fees at this point ✨ any money will go to getting her account out of the negatives or else paying off the fees as they add up. She’s already been in the negatives for 2 or 3 days because she tried to “fix it herself” without telling me (I only found out because I happened to see her bank app).
Her car’s engine also stopped and we can’t afford a rental so I have to drive her to and from work myself (a 40 minute drive each way, I will be making the 80 minute drive twice today so I can go to my own job). I don’t get paid until Thursday and the only thing I can afford rn is gas.
I just had to pay $500 to get my own car out of the shop after almost 2 months since someone tried to steal it in September (all the parts they needed were on back order) and the dude who tried to take it for a joy ride gets to pay it back in small increments (when a white boy does it for fun, they give him every excuse) which means I’m out $500.
I wanted to attend my community college this upcoming semester but I’m just going to have to skip again if this keeps up, which I really don’t want to do because of pressure from my sister to get a degree or apprenticeship. She won’t help my mom in order to “punish her” but it really just punishes me. My mom has been hiding her finances from me ever since my dad died, resulting in things like my car (the car is under her name & insurance but my dad gave it to me) getting repossessed during the summer (we were able to get it back luckily) and the internet getting shut off. She lied about where the money I paid her was going, paid for her own car + insurance instead and let my car get repossessed. My finances and well-being are entirely dependent on her bank account, and she is consistently dishonest about where our money goes, and then funnels any money I make into her account. She also tries to buy frivolous things we don’t need when she runs out of money + tries to force me to buy those things for her and is only frugal when spending her own paycheck. Everyone I have explained the situation to tells me that I am being financially abused, and I cannot find a way out of it besides moving out, but I can’t afford to do that and I can’t leave my pets behind.
I was also trying to pay off my phone and late bills to T-Mobile so we could switch over to a cheaper company but I can’t make any progress on this because we can’t afford to pay anything off before the next month rolls over and we get charged yet again (when T-Mobile bought Sprint they started charging us out the ass). The electric bill is also going to be unsustainable this winter, our heater doesn’t work half the time so we have space heaters but that’s it for us + our 4 cats + 1 dog.
I’m also supposed to be going to the doctor’s to get a diagnosis (probably EDS), physical and mental therapy, etc. but I have to go through multiple doctors and institutions(?) to do this, which is pretty much impossible when you’re sharing 1 car between 2 people and are the only one with any gas money (which is gonna go FAST). I also do not want my mom to know under any circumstances if I attend mental therapy.
And there’s always more but I don’t have time to continue on
If you follow me or enjoy my posting please consider helping out if you can 💗
C*sh*app is $ThreeTrilobites
DM me for P*yP*l or V-nmo info
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l-na · 2 years
whoa luna e-b3g cringe comp
my name's luna, im a black + asian physically disabled trans person who can't work. it's been ages since i applied for disability and i still havent heard back. my disability, myalgic encephalomyelitis, prevents me from working and taking care of myself.
since getting cut off from all financial help from my ableist, racist adoptive family, ive been struggling.
utilities and rent wiped me fucking clean this month. not going to be able to afford rent for january given how much money im making. probably going to have to sell my car soon given my financial situation.
im in yet another housing program that's trying to get me placed in affordable care, but it's been 6 months and they still haven't given me an update.
any amount you can help out is great. im considering getting a job again just so i dont end up on the streets, but im sure itll probably kill me tbh. ^^;;
ask for paypal
cashapp is highly preferred!!
please dont tag as d0-na-t10n or mutua1 a1d
here's my cat that i had to give to a friend because i couldnt afford to feed her anymore. does this grab ur attention.
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ask-a-vetblr · 11 months
So my cat broke a lower fang clean off. I'm already going to take him for bloodwork tomorrow to prepare for extraction, but the best I can do for earliest dental extraction is next week without paying over $1000 at an emergency clinic, which I can't afford. I called many places. The receptionists didn't sound alarmed for my cat though, so that makes me wonder. While google says that a broken tooth can be an emergency, how risky is it to get it extracted a week later? I'm not planning on saving his tooth either. That I know is time sensitive.
vet-and-wild here.
Maybe it's a regional thing, but where I'm at we don't consider a broken tooth an emergency. I'd be curious to know where you're located (you don't actually have to tell us, I just think what you said is really interesting) because I can't imagine any ER around me being willing to extract a tooth. They'd probably prescribe pain meds and antibiotics and recommend follow up with a general practitioner. The reason a broken tooth is concerning is that if there is exposure of the pulp cavity (where the nerves and vessels are) it can lead to potential pain and infection. Sometimes we find a broken tooth on a physical exam just by chance. We don't know when it happened and the owner is surprised to hear that it happened at all because the animal isn't showing symptoms. We still recommend removal if there is exposure of the pulp cavity, because it could lead to further problems. And tooth pain sucks.
The only time we have to try to rearrange our schedule for a dental to get it done sooner is if the animal's teeth are so bad it isn't eating, or there is a broken tooth causing severe pain/infection. I can count on one hand the number of times I've had that happen, and of course one of them was my own dog. Otherwise, we can generally schedule it as a routine dental. Dentals with tooth extractions are pretty involved procedures so it's not something we can do at the drop of a hat. Unless a tooth is already super loose, we often have to burr away bone and make gingival flaps to get the tooth out. It also rarely makes sense (both from a financial and practical perspective) to just extract a single tooth and not do the rest of the dental (i.e. dental x rays, scaling and polishing, probing, etc) so we also have to account for that time too.
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neotrances · 1 year
hi my names tyler, im a autistic black trans guy escaping an abusive household, im remaking this post bc it’s gotten long and donations have mostly stoped
TLDR: my homophobic mother who is verbally physically and financially abusive kicked me out of the house, i cannot go “home” ever as i’m in the process of cutting ties entirely, she has attempted to kill me multiple times and has threatened to kill my pets, something she has done in the past, as of may 15th she’s called all of my family members and have gotten them to turn on me bc of not wishing her a happy mother’s day, the last time we spoke in person threw my belongings (as well as my cats) into the street and threatened to harm me if i return / call the cops, she is incredibly violent, homophobic, transphobic, and mentally unstable and i want to go no contact
i’m staying at my partners parents house but this is not permanent stable housing, i have two cats staying in the room with me and my bf, im looking to find stable housing in the bucks county, Trentons border or north east philly areas, i can afford up to 1k in rent but would prefer anything lower / roommates to split rent for a place near those areas
all money I get will go directly into my savings and will be for paying rent and application fees, i have a steady money flow but i don’t want to risk getting evicted if i find a place, if you know anyone that can spare housing or who is looking for a roommate near these areas please reach out to me i’d really appreciate it, i don’t have many options, i just want to get my life together and be free of my mom so anything at all helps, the gofundme can be spread on its own, i’ll try to update it or this post as often as i can, i just spent about $200 on a new phone today as my mothers been cutting my service on and off despite me paying my own phone bill and i’m trying to make sure her and my family can’t contact me anymore, below are other ways to donate if needed, thankyou for taking the time to read / spread this
paypal + venmo
last updated october 14th, here’s a link to my most recent dono post, i have a depop in my pinned on my blog, thankyou for any support given
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zinkadear · 7 months
This is the story of how Midas gets the Golden Touch in my universe, and more about his life.
Around a decade ago, he was married to the love of his life, and had been with her for several years. But she had recently started getting very sick, and this was progressing at a rapid rate. Their family was struggling financially, and they couldn't afford proper medical care. Midas was desperate to save her, and tried to find a miracle. After a ton of research, he discovered a legend about the Golden Touch. He eventually found Oro, who offered him the ability, but would take his right eye and leave him with a scar as payment. He was also warned of an even greater price to come, but Midas didn't care. Whatever it took he would do. So he accepted.
Midas turned everything that he came across into gold. He quickly became wealthy and feared because of his power, which he wasn't able to control in the beginning. He couldn't so much as lightly tap someone's finger without them turning to gold. Of course this meant he could no longer hold his wife or daughter, but that was a small sacrifice if it meant saving the life of the woman he loved.
He gained more than enough money to get his wife excellent medical care. But no matter how many doctors he took her to, they all said the same thing. There was no saving her. Midas refused to believe this, and frantically tried to find a cure. He paid the top scientists in hopes of them finding a solution, and even looked to help from magical users such as witches. But nothing worked.
As a last resort, Midas went to Oro, as he was the most powerful being he knew of. It was then he found out that the Golden Touch came with another price alongside the eye he'd already given up. His wife wouldn't be able to recover through even the most powerful spell. She was doomed to die soon, and there was nothing Midas could do about it. He was furious and terrified, begging Oro to take back the ability in exchange for his wife's life, but Oro refused. This was meant to be a curse with a terrible price, a warning which Midas hadn't heeded.
He had to accept the fact that his wife couldn't be saved. He spent as much time with her as he could, devastated that he couldn't even hold her hand or kiss her. She ended up dying just a few days after Midas's second encounter with Oro. His relationship with Jules quickly deteriorated after her mother's death. She was 8 at the time, and blamed Midas for what happened. She didn't want to be around him out of anger for what happened, as well as being afraid of his Golden Touch. Midas knew it was for the best that he not raise her, and had her sent to live with another family.
Completely heartbroken and alone after losing both his wife and daughter, and also blaming himself, he became extremely depressed and bitter. For months he completely isolated himself, which made his mental state worse. He didn't eat much and hardly left home. At some point though, he decided to build The Agency and became an extremely powerful figure. Over time, he learned to control the Golden Touch.
He became close friends with Meowscles, and one day after knowing each other for a few years, he slowly reached a hand out, wanting so badly to pet him. But he stopped himself, as he was still afraid of turning someone into gold. Meowscles wasn't scared, however, and urged Midas to go on. Shakily and with eyes shut tightly, Midas's hand reached the top of the cat's head. When he didn't feel a cold, hard surface, he slowly looked at his feline friend, who was perfectly fine and now purring. Midas started to cry in joy, as this was the first physical contact he'd had in years.
A few years later, Meowscles introduced Midas to Lorenzo, which you can read more about here. He also reconnected with Jules, and their relationship has been pretty great since they first reunited and were able to hug after a decade.
Midas is now a happy man, having conquered the curse, and with his new family by his side.
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PLEASE CHECK AFTER THIS POST FOR THE POLL WE PUT UP TO SEE WHO’D BE INTERESTED IN WHAT :) We did one and a couple were interested in cheap adopts but that was months ago. Check out the sample arts attached, too which will be posted after this! All of these higher prices might change, too. I also don’t wanna hear any bullshit off “profiting off this situation”. And I didn’t even do anything. But you mfs have proved you’re absolutely insane and will make up anything. I had plans a long fucking time ago, I’m not “profiting” off of anything, you bitches interrupted me and my headmates. Check my tumblr from the beginning.
❌:Me and my headmates will be back to our usual activity, including the plans of cheap, or pretty affordable commissions AND adopts that were mentioned a while back. We just need to finish an art trade and a birthday card and we’ll hop to it.. I am so sorry to Ramona who got her beautiful adopts overshadowed by this bullshit.
Some of our upcoming plans and info
(Note: Customs will always cost more.)
The cheap adopts info-
(Will range from 3 USD to 25-30, it depends. We’re basically going to make a whole price range, less complex adopts on base or not in chibi forms for 3-5 USD at least and the highest I’d ever think we’d go is 30-40 for special events. You have an option to pay for those for much less OR wait for a sale where you could get more content for that price, it’s all gonna depend how we feel. 30-40 would be for complicated hand drawn refs and an added headshot etc. Or, one for 20-25 on base with added on art.
It’s all gonna depend on how well our sales are received. So don’t take any of those higher prices as solidified. All we know for sure right now is that there’ll typically be a lot of 3-5 USD ones along with 10-12 USD. They usually will be that cheap. Our goal is to provide lower prices and discounts out of our own kindness, and because we are in a place where we are financially comfortable and well taken care of, and we just want to give back for that privilege out of our own want, while still making a couple dollars on the side for our system so they can buy things for themselves. And also to get Fawn things as gifts for her hard work in school, and fuel her special interests of course. She has had jobs in physical establishments but they have taken such a toll on her physical health (asthma attacks and more) AND mental health, and she deserves to rest and be able to do art at home or have her alters do it. We’ll actually be living some time in Colombia each year where she’ll be hella pampered like she deserves. So yes, we just want to do a nice thing and also making these specific adopts accessible (you’ll see some of the ideas in a minute :) ) because of how much fandoms or any kinds of special interests/hyperfixations can mean to people, and we wanna give a discount on that.
-Most of our adopt ideas is making feral/furry adopts of who we’re based on and other characters from DFTM OR references (such as mark’s adopts hes planning based off of the movies hes canonically reviewed,) (if anyone is interested,) and again if anyone is interested there will be other fandoms, for those who are also fictives, fictkin of them, or have them as comfort characters.
But that won’t be all we make. We’ll make a variety of things.
Note: Some freebies will be released occasionally. None of our adopts have a schedule.
-Warrior cat/other fandom/non fandom oc adopts (Will range from 3 USD to 25-30 USD, it depends. We’re basically going to make a whole price range, less complex adopts on base or not in chibi forms for 3-5 USD at least,
Elaborations: Character based of of “fursonas/feralsonas” being higher priced and with more art, along with characters who are separate of them. but still themed around them at around 25-30 USD maybe? Depends. It would involve chibis, back and front view etc the whole thing.
General common hyperfixation/special interest adopts for very cheap, like for example bug themed adopts, dinosaur themed adopts, etc etc. (You are actually free to request them down below of what you’d like to be done, and it can be reserved for you! This would be cheaper than what we price regular customs at IF you choose artistic liberty or a premade.)
Choose your hyperfixation/special interest, species etc, fully customizable: 20 USD (Off base ref)
Choose your hyperfixation/special interest mystery adopt: 10 USD (Off base ref)
MLP oc adopts- 5-10 USD (Off base)
Farm animal themed adopts - 4-15 USD, maybe 20
HMF furry/feral experiment based adopts- probably 20-25 due to complexity.
Series of adopts that are themed around certain events or references-
Adopts centered around Mark’s movie reviews, like bat furry adopts or knight themed adopts etc. (Mentioned earlier)
Movie themed adopts in general
But they’ll be just as original to where it’s just a fun nod.
And more! Keep in mind we sell and create a variety of things. It won’t just be adopts or just DFTM etc, if you read me trying navigate our next plans to the end, thank you! Polls will be coming in with art example. Check this thread where we try to keep all the info together.
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thedeliverygod · 6 months
What would you do/buy if you had unlimited funds for a day
random but okay lol
first purchase would undoubtably be a new car because mine is a 2006 and now that I'm commuting to work every day my fear of it dying on me is ever present
a house because obvs a place to live is essential
anything my parents need especially my dad because he has had zero income for a while now and much like me has been selling things to make ends meet.
new clothes... I've been screenshotting stuff and saving it to a "window shopping" folder lately so I can hopefully get some things when I have some spending money. Because of my weight gain I wear a lot of clothes that don't really fit and aside from physical discomfort it gives me a lot of body dysmorphia too. I did buy a new pair of jeans to wear to work because I hate switching back and forth between 1 pair of jeans and cargo pants. haven't had the chance to wear them yet because of my work's server imploding & having the past 2 days off lol.
a bunch of cat food/litter so I can stay well stocked for a while.
pay off my payment plan for my surgery & also my phone [I think my phone is almost done but my surgery is definitely not lol]
whatever the fuck I want in the grocery store I want because I'm tired of everything being so expensive I have to pick and choose what I truly ~need~
edit: oh oh a shit ton of grubhub/door dash gift cards so I can get easy food on my bad days.
a ps5 so I can play FF7 rebirth and eventually KH4 lol
the rest of the older stray kids albums I don't have yet + skzoos I don't have
the damn yato figure that is impossible to get for less than $700 (at least a nendo is coming out soon so I can pre-order him)
I think that about covers majority of things that come to mind right away. of course if I ever won the lottery or whatever I'd hire a financial advisor but in this magical situation where its an endless amount of money within 1 day that wouldn't be necessary.
as an after thought I would love to book a vacation somewhere; anywhere really. preferably outside of the USA because I haven't left it yet but tbh I'd be happy to go anywhere. But with this stipulation in place I would have to make sure everything was pre-paid or else I wouldn't be able to do it (like most hotels wait until after you check out to charge your card etc so idk if I could afford a hotel stay atm). the easiest thing I could think of is honestly Walt Disney World because I could just buy a shit load of gift cards and pay with them for everything because I've known people who have done that but yeah lol.
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bugbyte · 10 months
Family thanksgiving was nice, Delade and I made apple pie and a broccoli cheddar thing which is my favorite. I love cooking but with all the shoulder/hand pain I’ve been trying to deal with it was kind of an ordeal to even make those two things, but it was worth it. A lot of what we’ve been making on regular days has been like, really simplified recipes or basic things like pasta, which are fine, but I miss really getting into something and making something more complicated or fun. I just don’t have the physical stamina or hand control to be able to all the time and it’s kind of sad. I miss it a lot.
Also, if you’re like me and chopping things might potentially be on the dangerous or difficult side sometimes (shaky hands) get yourself one of these things:
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This isn’t the exact one I have but it’s almost identical, you swap out the green blade pieces for the size you want and then just press the top gray part down onto the veggie and it chops everything for you. I just searched “food chopper” and a bazillion different ones came up. It also makes it go so much faster so unless you love chopping stuff by hand or are some kind of very precise chef or something, this kind of thing is just super handy in general.
The other nice thing today was getting to pet kitties. My mom has two cats that just turned two (they are sisters from the same litter) and they’ve been very skittish until recently. One of them is very fluffy and she rolled over so I could give her fluffy belly rubs, on purpose even, without attacking. I have been blessed. I declared we are friends now, and she did not protest. I miss my cat so much and this was so nice. ;_____________;
New/ongoing goal in life: get our shit together so we can have our own place and afford to be responsible cat owners again. Theoretically we could get a cat, but I wouldn’t feel right about it without more financial stability, especially not after how quickly Milo got sick and it had to be dealt with as an emergency. I just really miss having a little fuzzy buddy of my own.
Anyway, if you’re in the US I hope you had a nice thanksgiving, or at the very least a nice day. ❤️
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r0yalgrimmartz · 11 months
Stuff that came to mind or headcanons that I think fit Kore well because I need to get this out of my system before I explode into millions of pieces.
There's probably stuff I have missed out or have forgotten but this is what I have got for her so far:
((this gonna be long so strap in))
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✨️ Owns a black and white moggie cat back home named "Moomin" (or calls him "Moo-Moo" for short) and adores the cat to pieces - would die and kill for her cat, also absolutely misses him since going to Duel Academy. Definitely spoils her cat rotten when she goes home during the holidays.
💛 Kore is half Korean and half Greek (mother being Korean and father being Greek). Is surprisingly bilingual in four languages; Korean, Greek, Japanese and English. Was made to learn languages early on by her mother in order for Kore to be able to communicate with relatives and other people.
✨️ Can discolate her fingers, shoulders, knees and even her elbows. Rarely does this but Kore sometimes does this mainly to gross certain people out or freak them out. She pulls this shit with Chazz whenever he's being a pain - Chazz fucking hates it. Genuinely panicked and thought she was injured only to find out she does this randomly. Whenever she does this now, Chazz feels physically sick by the bone noises and hates it.
💛 Definition of having a personality of a racoon. Or a feral goblin.
✨️ Quite home-sick. Despite wanting to hopefully become a pro duelist (for her own beneficial reasons) and went to Duel Academy for the sole purpose, she does surprisingly miss home. Kore has never been able to adjust to new settings that easy. Like the first couple of days were fine but then it got to a point where she really feels home-sick. Luckily, with the help of her friends she feels at least better (plus her older brother is at Duel Academy too so she feels a bit more comfortable).
💛 Likes to design her Ra yellow jacket with some pins and the odd accessory. Definitely sanrio related or has cats.
✨️ Big fascination on collecting sea glass. Will search the beaches on weekends or maybe at the end of the school day to look for sea glass. ((This girl has like a drawer full of it.))
💛 Hands, fingers, wrists and legs constantly covered in band aids. Somehow ends up easily injured (dumb fuck).
✨️ Had like zero friends growing up(and the 'friends' she did have were not so great). Middle school life SUCKED. Kore has managed to find her own friends at Duel Academy and does get quite protective and clingy over them. Fears massively of being left behind or abandoned.
💛 Comes out with the most morbid sounding shit ever known to man. Like everyone could be having a normal conversation or you could be doing something and Kore would blurt out some...quite morbid thoughts and then the whole room is just silent af and awkward. Doesn't understand why you're looking at her with concern.
✨️ Kore used to own a super old af phone. It's cracked af, looks like it's been put through hell and back, has to bend the wire to charge the phone in a certain way, constantly has issues trying to turn the phone on and probably has to speak to the phone in a thick Swedish accent for it to even turn on. Uses the phone primarily to make calls, texts, or take photos of Pharoh the cat. Why doesn't she have a new phone? Well, due to her family's financial situation, Kore tends to settle with anything old and cheap (genuinely because she is unable to afford anything expensive and doesn't want to put strain on her parents). If it works, if it can make phone calls and texts, then no problem! Chazz has seen her phone and looked like he was going to see fucking God himself. Chazz had asked why she doesn't get a new phone but then he remembers both himself and Kore come from different status backgrounds. However, Kore had one day woke up and found a new phone suspiciously in front of her dorm room door still boxed and everything while Chazz was caught running out of the girl's Ra yellow dorm in a frantic dash. ((I'm aware that GX is set in like the early 2000's but I DON'T CARE))
💛 Heavily dislikes the taste and smell of tuna. Yet will happily eat salmon(??).
✨️ Has two closest friends named Miyu and Hanae (I will be sketching them at some point). Adores them both as they all pretty much act like sisters. A bit unhinged but they think they funny together.
💛 Kore did one time get herself and Chazz matching sanrio keychains (Kore has My Melody and Chazz got Kuromi). Chazz acts like he hates it with a passion and said to Kore it was silly. Yet when Kore tried to take it back Chazz protested and made such a huge fuss over it. Chazz actually carries it around, almost finding it thoughtful that Kore views him that highly.
✨️ Fiercely loyal to those she adores and cares about, and will absolutely fight someone tooth and nail for them.
💛 If something annoys her, or if a lot of things begin to bother up, Kore will tend to let that all bottle up and simmer. Kore tends to barely lash out and get angry, but once she hits a limit (could he even the slightest thing that pushes it and sets her off) she will lash out and get angry. She rarely ever does this, however as this has led to some upsetting arguments - which luckily she managed to repair - she'll let it all bottle up and end up crying in frustration.
✨️ Horrendous sleep schedule. She is not okay.
💛 If she's passionate about something she's interested in, she will talk for HOURS about it. To the point where you'd have to slowly sneak off while she's distracted.
✨️ LEGIT is lactose intolerant. Does she care? Fuck no don't be stupid. She'll gladly eat that block of cheese with grated parmesian and down it with milk if needed. Her line of reasoning - enjoy it now, suffer the horrific aftermath and deal with consequences later.
💛 Absolutely finds opossums and bats adorable.
✨️ Is a pretty decent duelist. Will hold her own in a duel, tries to take a more defensive approach when she feels as if she has her oppoment in a vulnerable position.
💛 Was obsessed with care bears from the ages of three to 12. Had all of the care beat plushies - I'm talking the originals and the care bear cousins. It was that bad. Luckily grew out of that phase. When she was very little, her dad was always forced to watch the care bears movies with her till she fell asleep at the end. ((Might be projecting and talking from personal experience. Specifically the care bears movie 2: a new generation. To my own dad, I'm so sorry- ))
This is all I got, granted I might have missed some stuff out so...?? I might edit this in the future idk.
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adrianparker · 2 years
Welcome to Aurora Bay, [ADRIAN AWANG PARKER]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [HENRY GOLDING]. You must be the [THIRTY-FIVE] year old [ANIMAL ATTENDANT AT SEASIDE PET RESCUE & FORMER COMPETITIVE FIGURE SKATER]. Word is you’re [SELFLESS] but can also be a bit [SCATTERBRAINED] and your favorite song is [I’M STILL STANDING by ELTON JOHN]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
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Full name: Adrian Awang Aati Parker
Birthday: July 7th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Age: 35
Gender: Cismale
Orientation: Chaotic Bisexual
Hometown: Born in San Jose, CA; grew up in Colorado Springs
Education: Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology
Occupation: Animal Attendant @ Seaside Pet Rescue & Pro Figure Skater
Residence: Aurora Bay Drive
Positive traits: Selfless, compassionate, active
Negative traits: Scatterbrained, impulsive, frivolous
Fears: Causing someone harm, earthquakes, tight closed spaces
Likes: Animals, travel, people
Dislikes: Being inactive for too long, when people are in their phones all the time, bad weather
Hobbies: Surfing, swimming, figure skating, dog walking, rock climbing, drinking coffee, pet photography.
Languages: English, Malay, Malaysian Mandarin, Iban, some Spanish, some Cantonese; From traveling & competitions: some Japanese, some Russian, some French
Adrian was born well off financially. His father was a successful NHL player and his mother a medical director. They afforded him a very comfortable lifestyle and created opportunities that many can only dream of. It kind of shows that he lives comfortably even by the way he acts sometimes and he doesn't even realize it.
From the time he was four years old, Adrian devoted his life to the sport of figure skating. He was a successful singles skater well into his early 20s, competing in the Olympic Games twice before switching to the ice dance field when the men's field became too competitive. It was a learning curve but he found a lot of success as an ice dancer, which he always attributed to his talented partner in interviews. They won a bronze Olympic medal and two US national championships.
While he had his influential skating platform, he did collaborations to support animal rescue clinics and animal hospitals. The Seaside Pet Rescue in Aurora Bay is one that he personally helped get funding for.
He studied veterinary technology while he was still competing (and due to this, it took him a lot longer to complete a degree but he finally did).
During the off seasons, he sometimes went on missions to help provide care and medical treatment to stray cat and dog colonies in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand. Posting about it on social media got him popularity (though maybe looking pretty in the hot weather didn't hurt either).
Due to coming from a rich background, Adrian never really considered money to be an issue and it's sometimes a wonder if he even realizes some people legitimately struggle with it. He's always quick to help others without hesitation if he can. He never really considers it a burden and doesn't think twice about it. Because he gives so freely, he's gotten taken advantage of in the past, but life goes on.
Since moving to Aurora Bay, he's gotten into surfing. Though he's not amazing at it, he enjoys being out in the sun on the water. It's one of the reasons he picked a condo by the beach.
Mostly he's here to live a relaxed life as well as he can.
Wanted Connections:
Former (or current?) ice dance partner.
Flirtationship with a neighbor with whom there's sexual tension and chemistry but he doesn't want to make things weird due to how they live so close and have to see each other all the time.
Friends he does physical activities with such as surfing, hiking, etc.
more tba...
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