#even lqg!!! who is DEAD
thegoldenavenger · 11 months
Okay............ I am now a subscriber to the "Shang qinghua wrote pidw and since everything LOVES shen qingqiu in pidw including his self insert Gary stu protagonist AND his own love interest mirrors shen qingqiu (AND cucumber bro; one one hand mistreated and cold, left to survive on his own, with a lucky meeting creating an unlikely misunderstood ally at once incredibly loyal and unable to be trusted and on the other hand a noble/well-to-do son, isolated from family and connections except through niche interactions, incredibly dense and/or prone to misunderstanding social interaction)
AND since cucumber loves all the bits of pidw that airplane actually wanted to write originally (the beasts, the character depth, the plot threads) and also Shang qinghua's beloved son— therefore: cucumberplane" mindset
It is really uhh really something that everyone in pidw turns to shen qingqiu like a sunflower, even when Luo binghe is also right there... it's really something that shen qingqiu falls over himself to be immersed in pdiw's flora and fauna.
it's really something that cucumber died thinking about the wasted potential of airplane's magnus opus and airplane died reading cucumber's review and comparing him to a wife
Ugh. UGH I can't believe I'm having emotions about this.
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kabukipopink · 16 days
People who think LBH is bad at sex and that SQQ does it more than once with him out of pity or guilt have failed to realize that SQQ (SY) is an unreliable narrator.
If SQQ does not want to do something, only death will motivate him, and maybe not even then. He would've rather died than being used as a pawn to hurt LBH.
SY's favorite wife of LBH was the only one not to really have a sex scene, let alone may not have had sex with LBH in the original PIDW.
In those sex scenes, SQQ's actions do not line up with his words. He is easily embarrassed and used to putting up a facade or a wall. He loves the pathetic act and tears LBH puts on.
LBH, by the end, accepted that he can't force people, including SQQ, to stay with him. He lets SQQ go because he loves him and wants him to be happy and to be in the world. SQQ had accepted himself and his feelings towards LBH.
SY has always been in love and weird about LBH. He read a whole novel series he hated the direction of the plot, and all the repetitive story beats because he wanted more LBH. He fell in love with this fictional man before he knew he was.
He always says that the women are pretty and are what any guy would like, but always is more descriptive with how the men look and always how they don't come close to LBH.
SQQ, the character may be older than LBH, but SY is a lot closer in age, with the dead for 5 yrs gap. His mistakes are based on his age, lack of experience, and failure to see the other people around him beyond who they were in the book. When he finally accepts and realizes they are thinking feeling not on script people, do you see a shift in his actions and behavior. He changes into a more authentic version of himself.
We see the action of denying LBH is respected in the extras, much to SQQ's disappointment. It's a game for him in the end. Several times, characters state his actions and words are contradictory and confusing.
All this is to say he likes his sex life. LBH IS inexperienced, and that's realistic, but he does make SQQ happy and does satisfy SQQ. Do you think after months or years every 3 days, he'd still suck at it. SQQ was thrilled at LBH wanting to marry him and is more than willing to try out new things that LBH brings up. SY(SQQ) is a complicated person, but most of all, a weirdo whose narration requires you to look between the lines time after time.
He wondered about what LQG's bullied face would look like. He has a thing for pathetic and capable men. He even stops his assault on SQH(airplane) when he whines and begs/pleads. It's like his thing man.
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coolshadowtwins · 7 months
SVSSS fanfic that I will never write-
LBH post canon accidently goes back in time. How? I don’t know, it isn’t important. If I had to pick a stupid reason, then in PIDW had a storyline where LBH went back in time to a wife’s past to like… learn more about her? To help her in the trauma? IDK but what I do know is that Peerless Cucumber would have ranged for hours about Airplane adding in the concept of time travel and then doing nothing else’s with it.
And guess who the subject of the wife plot is now??? That’s right- SQQ. Except the wife plot took the body and not the soul, and now Binghe is back during SJ’s disciple days.
LBH somehow, as the main character, manages to convince the peak lords of the time that he’s of Qing Jing! He is, really! He really laid on the charm here.
Previous Sect leader: I don’t know if I believe you, but since you look like such a polite young man-
LBH gets escorted away to a room by the head disciple. And who is the head disciple of the sect leader peak??? It’s Yue Qi, sad and depressed and lifeless because LBH managed to find himself in the period of time where YQY thinks SJ is dead!
LBH: I want to meet my young Shizun. Shen Qingqiu- Shen Jiu I think now?
YQY: …. Xiao Jiu is dead?
LBH: Maybe in the future for like five years but not right now!! He’s my super awesome Shizun! …. Do you want to drop everything to go look for him?
YQY: Oh boy, do I!!!
So the two bounce from the sect with no warning, looking Shen Jiu. Luckily, now knowing that he is alive and didn’t die in the fire, it’s pretty easy to follow the line of gossip that follows WY and SJ. And of course, the entire time, LBH is praising his Shizun.
Now, he hasn’t said that he was married to his Shizun. He didn’t want to spoil that just yet! He’ll reveal that to his younger Shizun himself when they find him. But until then, he can still tell YQY how awesome his Shizun is, and how nice, and how close he was to SQH and LQG and even to YQY himself! (That last one was a bit of a fib, of course. SQQ was always a little uncomfortable around the sect leader. But YQY was eating all of this up, being so happy that his childhood friend was so happy and well liked, and well…. It was only a small fib)
They finally catches up with them, and quickly dealing with the other guy, YQY and SJ have a nice reunion, having both think the other was dead! And of course, it was incredibly clear that YQY had been looking for SJ this whole time, which does wonders for his abandonment issues. SJ may yell at YQY for leaving the sect so suddenly and risking everything just for him, but on the inside, he is bursting for joy, trust me.
LBH is not bursting for joy. Like, at all. He had been so excited to see his Shizun but young and now that he’s here…. Something inside of him and screaming that this wasn’t his Shizun.
He had no reason to believe that. This was very clearly SQQ at 14~. But of course, he’s the 200 IQ protagonist and figures it out quickly that his wonderful Shizun/husband took over his body when LBH was 14 and that this was his shitty Shizun that made his early years in the sect awful.
He’s fully ok with that. If his husband needs to possess another man to be with him, than who is LBH to judge? Only the best body for him! The problem is, of course, that he has spent the entire trip over ranting to YQY about how good of a teacher SQQ was to him, and now YQY is excitedly telling everything he said to SJ. LBH can’t just…. Back track now! That would be weird, and if they think that someone will possess SJ later, then what if his husband never shows up??
So he goes along with it. It isn’t hard- he doesn’t hate SJ, not like PIDW him would. He was only under him for three years~ and a lot of what happened to him was still being justified in his head. So it’s just… whatever, to him at that point. He confirms what YQY had been saying, spins a charismatic lie to the sect about why they left and how GREAT SJ will be as a disciple in the future, and then he leaves. Just, fades away in front of everyone.
And now this is SJ’s life. He thinks he’s a good Shizun in the future, even if he can’t stand kids. He think that he becomes friends with SQH and LQG, which is oddly hard to do?? LQG angrily wants to fight him every time he sees him, which is super annoying, and SJ is 88% sure that SQH is talking to demons but, you know. If another version of him managed to become their friend without future knowledge, then he has to do it now! He has a head start on the race here, no way is he losing it!
He does become friends with them, and is still incredibly close to YQY as they grow up. He’s still… him, but his major heart demons- the abandonment by his Qi-Ge and being unsafe even in the sect- aren’t there anymore. He even manages to be an ok Shizun to a young LBH, somehow. He’s pretty sure that he’s sucking at that, btw, because the little brat gets on his nerves when they are in the same room for more than five minutes, but he’s being mostly polite! He had to wonder what the other version of him did to get such a glowing review from the future version of his disciple, because it has to be more than this.
Ironically, because I think it’s funny, this is the timeline that our LBH finds himself back in. The time travel was always meant to be a stable one timeline kinda thing, so anything he changed in the past affected the future. I imagine in PIDW that LBG didn’t do much of anything but maybe comfort his future wife, for Airplane’s fear of making a confusing paradox for himself. But this Binghe? Oh no, he did so much!
Because he saved SJ some heart demons, and helped him make friends despite his trauma, he’s not as prone to Qi divinations! Which means that he didn’t have a fatal one when LBH was 14! Which means when LBH gets back to his time after all of that, he takes one look at his ‘Shizun’ and knows that this isn’t his husband. Which means that his husband never possessed SJ!
He’s horrified, and spends a whole day moping around the peak, trying to think of ways to fix this. He has just gotten himself worked up to go and do something drastic when NYY finds him.
NYY: There you are!! Shen-Shidi has been looking for you all day!
LBH: H-huh?
NYY: Why are you moping around, huh? Did you and Shen-Shidi have a fight? Don’t worry! He’s your husband, I know he’ll forgive you-!
And that’s how he learns that while he isn’t married to his Shizun in this timeline, he is married to his Shixiong, Shen Yuan! Shen Yuan, who got shoved in Willy nilly when the system realized that SJ wasn’t going to die when he was supposed to.
There’s probably some sequel where LBH has to fake that he has memories of what happened in this timeline, which I imagine is somewhat close to Svsss? The system was still running around, even if a major player has changed. And LBH would just be so bad at faking it in front of two people and two people only- SJ and SY.
SY: Binghe, don’t you remember our first date? :)
LBH: …It wasn’t the water prison!
SY: ….that statement is correct but also the wrong answer.
SJ: Beast, you’re not coming to this Immortal Convenance. Don’t you remember meber what happened last time?
LBH: …. You didn’t push me into the endless abyss?
SJ:… That statement is wrong and I was also going for the HHP tag alongs you obtained.
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fairsweetlonging · 29 days
Okay but Mocking bird demon SY (has shapeshifting powers) pretending to be SQQ to help LBH. No system, SJ lives, just SY will not let his protagonist be miserable. He optionally also wife beams LQG who is extremely confused and horny as to why SQQ is playing hot and cold with him
i LOVE that idea oh my goodneeees!!! all the shen yuan bird aus are a GIFT that keeps on GIVING!!
as a bird he can easily live on mount cang qiong and get around unnoticed, because what peak lord or disciple is going to look twice at a small, grey silver bird? it allows him to stay close to luo binghe and help him in every way he can, from giving him food he carries in his little talons or beak, singing to him when he's down, keeping him company in the forest, to making silly mimic sounds to make him laugh.
i looked up a little about mockingbirds and apparently they're extremely territorial when raising hatchlings and their nest (attacking even cats, hawks and humans), which is perfect because luo binghe is (definitely!) a helpless hatchling in need of protecting, i mean, technically his wings haven't even properly grown in yet, he can't fly! so cue ming fang and other bullies getting relentlessly attacked when they try to come near binghe.
and then the shapeshifting: from what i've gathered, mockingbirds sing regularely at night, so i can imagine shen yuan waiting until nightfall and shen jiu goes to bed when he makes his move. he dons the master's form, goes to the woodshed, and takes binghe out to train in the forest with a real manual. of course, binghe is immediately enamoured with the man shen qingqiu becomes when night falls, maybe he even starts to think it's a "werewolf" thing where he changes when the moon comes up, because there isn't really any explanation to why the soft words, gentle touches and kind eyes turn into sneers, violence and glares as soon as the sun is up!
bc he does have the protagonist halo, and even in canon binghe knew something was up, i think he figures it out eventually when he starts alluding to certain events that never happened but that his "shizun" plays along with. also the bird has the exact same way of petting his head/ruffling his hair as his night-shizun does. one and one equals two, after all.
and liu qingge yeeeessss!! if in this au shen yuan saved him in the caves as well, he's probably getting such a headache from the complete 180s shen qingqiu keeps making!! one moment everything is great, shen qingqiu is tending to his wounds with such gentleness and a kind smile, and when liu qingge runs into him at night (when shen qingqiu always looks kind of... hurried, for some reason, almost a little nervous), they share a smile and a laugh and one time shen qingqiu even hugged him; but then when liu qingge tries to sit next to him at the meetings suddenly he's getting snarled at, called a dumb dirty beast and to sit elsewhere?? hello??? never mind getting invited into the bamboo house, or shen qingqiu accepting his (dead animal) gifts.
i also think it'd be so really funny if shen yuan ended up not caring about continuation errors or consistent character behavior, and just goes all out on the OCC by being kind to everyone in shen qingqiu's form; flirting with liu qingge, cuddling with yue qingyuan, spoiling luo binghe rotten, gifting mu qingfang all kinds of rare herbs that he can find easily in his demon bird form, and generally being a moon-saint that everyone comes to realize isn't actually shen qingqiu, but since he's doing good for the community and not harming anyone, they kind of just..... leave it. the peak lords have a meeting about it (sans shen jiu of course), and they decide the night-qingqiu can stay.
tho i do think yue qingyuan would ask shen yuan to don a different form.
also also, shen yuan getting up to all kinds of mischief by mimicking other peak lords' voices: calling to disciples with their shizun's voice, watching them get all confused because no one's there?? or making shang qinghua go around in circles because he keeps saying "this way, shang qinghua, hurry up!" in an angry liu qingge voice. and also making shen jiu open the door to no one when he mimics yue qingyuan's voice. there's a LOT he can do with it🤭
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holy--milk · 2 months
seeing this post and particularly the notes kinda reminded me of how the larger MXTX fandom sometimes tends to see all MXTX tops as like. basically one character in different skins? and while it's true that the three of them basically fit the same general archetype (which i'd probably call something like "overpowered sexy dom + service top + trophy husband"), i think that's still a pretty big mischaracterisation.
so like if we take the situation of "i need to chose between saving my husband and someone else who's important to me", here are what i think would be the biggest differences in approach between the three:
luo binghe: LBH straight up doesn't understand that it's supposed to be a difficult moral dilemma. of course he saves shizun, why would he even hesitate? he's fine with sacrificing someone important to SQQ (like YQY, LQG and even NYY) as long as it means SQQ gets to live, even if SQQ gets upset and leaves him as a result. the only other alternative that could perhaps make it a bit difficult for him would be his adoptive mother, but she's conveniently already dead at this point.
hua cheng: similarly to LBH, it wouldn't be a difficult choice for him since he doesn't really have anyone he cares about to the extent he cares about XL, HOWEVER. he does care about what XL would think about someone else being sacrificed for his sake, especially if it's someone XL personally cares about (and, inconveniently, XL cares a lot about a lot of people). he would obviously still choose XL, but he would probably take extra steps to hide the fact that there was a sacrifice if at all possible.
lan wangji: the only one out of the three who may even see it as a Choice to be made to begin with, since he's also the only one out of the three who still has his family and non-husband related responsibilities he cares about to some extent. it's an easy choice if WWX is pitted against someone he already dislikes (like JGY, SMS, JC and like 80% of the cultivation world), doesn't have a personal relationship with (like WN or, say, mianmian) or someone who would willingly sacrifice themselves out of love for either of them (like LXC or JYL). but if it's LSZ, someone who he both personally cares about AND has the duty to protect as his student? and who he knows WWX cares about as well? i don't think the answer would be quite as obvious to him as it is to the other two, from the purely emotional standpoint.
although to make it a bit more convenient for him, WWX is canonically a genius who may just be able to come up with a creative solution and save everyone. so saving him first is also justified from a pragmatic standpoint.
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tossawary · 7 months
I'm enjoying this "Yue Qingyuan sent Shang Qinghua to go spy on Luo Binghe after Shen Qingqiu's death" AU, because I love it when background characters have their own goals and business, are fighting with each other, and are doing wild shit on purpose. Even if you're doing an AU (as per canon to our knowledge) where Shang Qinghua is not a double agent - and is just fleeing to the Demon Realm because he was found out as a traitor and/or decided that it was time to dip because the protagonist and Cang Qiong Mountain Sect are now in semi-open conflict - the question remains for exploration:
Why did Yue Qingyuan not go to Huan Hua Palace and try to kick Luo Binghe's ass to get Shen Qingqiu's body back?
It's suggested at several points that Tianlang-Jun at the height of his power was stronger than Luo Binghe, and Yue Qingyuan was part of the team that helped to seal Tianlang-Jun. Shen Yuan suggests that the original Luo Binghe had to bait Yue Qingyuan into a death trap of ten thousand arrows because Bing-ge (even with the Xin Mo Sword at this point) didn't want to face Yue Qingyuan head-on. (I think Bing-ge sent SQQ's legs to YQY or something.) Yue Qingyuan is willing to draw Xuan Su for SQQ and Liu Qingge is willing to help (although LQG might be mad that YQY let SQQ go to the Water Prison at all). YQY versus LBH is not a totally unbalanced fight.
It's possible that Yue Qingyuan didn't go fight because he kind of shut down due to grief. Shen Qingqiu has changed in recent years and died in a very sudden, very shocking, very confusing way. YQY also has a sect to look after and maybe he can't fully justify going out and escalating the conflict over a dead body (as opposed to a live hostage), and possibly get himself killed, when he's maybe hoping that Cang Qiong and Huan Hua can settle this without further death. The other peak lords all must have opinions on this and are probably pulling him in all sorts of directions. By Liu Qingge's account, Yue Qingyuan probably knows that Shen Qingqiu intentionally died for Luo Binghe and he knows that SQQ loved his disciple, so maybe he wants to respect SQQ's sacrifice and affection by not trying to kill Luo Binghe. When Luo Binghe invades Cang Qiong for SQQ's body (and Shen Yuan), Yue Qingyuan has to dangerously abort cultivation in the Ling Xi Caves to come face him, so it's possible that YQY had decided 5 years in that peaceful resolution was impossible and was gearing up to fight Luo Binghe, only to be a victim of bad timing (Liu Qingge's unexpected success in body retrieval).
It could be a combination of these reasonings! People do things for lots of different reasons and this is an emotionally charged situation which puts Yue Qingyuan in a complicated political position.
So, yeah, it could also be that Mu Qingfang came back from his kidnapping saying, "Luo Binghe was repairing Shen Qingqiu's body, trying to summon his soul, and was researching resurrection techniques when I was there," and Yue Qingyuan decided to just... sit back and see where that went. If Liu Qingge (who is probably NOT happy that YQY isn't throwing down already) succeeds in retrieving the body, fine, that's good enough, but if Luo Binghe succeeds in bringing Shen Qingqiu back...? Well, that's also good, isn't it? Yue Qingyuan can outsource the "go mad with grief and engage in crimes against the natural order" to someone else here.
I mean, I really don't think that Yue Qingyuan was actively PLANNING for Luo Binghe to resurrect Shen Qingqiu. That seems a little too wicked and scheming to be his main motivation here. But I do think he might have been... vaguely aware of this potential consequence of his inaction, this possible side effect of his paralyzing grief causing him to be hands-off about the situation and/or his cautious approach to peace negotiations, and I really don't think that he minds that Tianlang-Jun and Zhuzhi-Lang succeeded in bringing Shen Qingqiu back. (I do think he kind of wishes that the Shen Jiu who remembers him had come back instead, though.)
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larothoughts · 3 months
anti-ship adjacent ships: liujiu and qijiu
so there's this weird thing that's happening in svsss of all fandoms that reminds me a lot of voltron's klance and sheith fiasco AKA the formation of what i like to call anti-ship adjacent ships
basically, when someone's favorite ship is more indicative of them being an anti-shipper of another ship.
i've had to start excluding liujiu in my ao3 searches because more often than not, the fics that come up are yqy-bashing and what?? this is svsss, right? mxtx's trashiest, most problematic, harem-bicycle-shen-yuan svsss? what is this moral outrage doing in my degenerate danmei fic space, and why are you mischaracterizing yqy just to make an excuse to hate on him??
i've had a few thoughts on the rising dichotomy of shen jiu sympathizers both validating sj's bad behavior and hating yqy for enabling the same behavior. and then shipping him with lqg because liujiu is 'less toxic.' As an old lady fanfic reader who's trawled through all the godforsaken dead dove ships of the old livejournal kink_meme, i'm writing these out because making sense of things helps me cope and i am too old for this shit
(this is actually more 'why anti-qijiu' word vomit than liujiu specific--it just so happens that so many liujiu fics are bizarrely anti-qijiu.)
narrative reasons for anti-yqy liujiu fic:
aka why an author finds it easier for the plot to bash qi-ge
accepting either romantic or platonic qijiu means trying to fix qijiu. this is hard. yqy and sj already have a proven history of failure, while sj and lqg (aka author's ideal white-knight love interest) would be the perfect do-over. making yqy a clear abusive villain sj must cut off ties with 'for his mental health' solves the problem without having to fix things. it frees the author to write what they thought qi-ge should have done to 'save shen jiu right.'
on the same note, liujiu have nearly no canon crumbs. the author can write them however they want without being constrained by their canon relationship.
why lqg over other possible ships? other than yqy, lqg is one of the few characters with any sort of previous relationship with sj. lqg is canonically hot, has strong (even if negative) feelings towards sj, and has no textual or subtextual canon ship (beyond a one-sided crush on shen yuan, with lbh getting in his way lol.) he is also the same generation as sj and thus avoids any age gap squicks like with sj's other ship partners (looking at you tlj)
yqy is the only person in cang qiong with higher authority than shen jiu. while other peak lords are antagonistic, all are ranked lower and can't get in liujiu's way the same way as yqy can as a sect leader. not even the old palace master has the same power because he's the head of a different sect. so if you really want to write a villain abusing their (implicit) power over shen jiu, yqy is the only one that fits the bill.
lbh, as sj's disciple, does not fit the same abuse of power trope even if he becomes an op demon lord. as for bingjiu, lbh's brand of diabolical stalkerish yandere is so over-the-top it's hard to equate him to any real relationship. it's easier to twist yqy's passivity to villainy because it's closer to reasonable human behavior.
if one is coming from the tgcf fandom, yue qingyuan is the closest junwu-adjacent character in terms of personality and rank (on the surface.) so it's easy to transfer any junwu hate to yqy by giving him all of junwu's worst traits and making him 'junwu-lite'
same thing as above but with mdzs and the lan xichen hate for his inaction regarding his own little meowmeow (jgy).
personal author-reasons for anti-yqy liujiu fic:
aka when the character himself doesn't matter
let's get a silly one out of the way: maybe the author only headcanons top shen jiu and most qijiu has sj being a bottom. lqg gives off better hot twinky bottom energy than submissive-but-still-tops yqy. this does not explain the anti-shipping though.
less silly: an author is projecting either themselves or other people in their real life onto their fic, and changing the character's personalities to match their real life projected counterparts (even if ooc). sj is a clear abuse-survivor insert, which shoe-horns other characters into roles that real people in the author's lives have. i think yqy is often seen as the insert for someone who 'could have helped but didn't.' there are many valid reasons why someone would be more mad at the person who averted their gaze rather than their actual abuser, but that doesn't change the fact that qijiu's relationship in canon is so much more complicated.
(it's easier to hate enablers instead of abusers, because hating abusers and inviting confrontation is dangerous. most of the time, enablers won't hurt you directly. they are the safer person to hate.)
an author thinks they could have saved sj better, that qi-ge had more than enough time to fix things and his failure not to do so must be punished by taking away his sj-simp-card and throwing him into the villain bin. this is similar to the phenomenon where an author hates the wife of canon anime couples b/c the author could clearly wife him better. and then writes a fic bashing said wife.
an author sees a messy relationship and equates messy with abusive. in reality many relationships can be messy but not abusive, messy but still fixable, but due to their personal experiences they see any attempt to do so as toxic. in this scenario yqy is often the abuser-insert and his ooc characterization takes after the author's own abuser.
specifically in fics where lqg has the personality of a cardboard cut-out: using liujiu to tell others they are still pro-ship, when in reality they dislike qijiu for their own reasons (and can't help but write it in their fic). it really reminds me of middle school lol like kids trying to find their identity by hating another identity. the whole 'ew pink is overrated, i hate preps which means i must be a nerdy rebel' and then two years later you realize you're not a nerdy rebel after all, you just based your entire identity on what you thought was the opposite of what you hated.
why i try not to read anti-qijiu liujiu fics:
aka write whatever you want, but sometimes i have to choose not to read
authors can write whatever they want. we're all doing this for free, so it's expected that a lot of fanfic have venting and some self-imposing onto a fictional character. i don't expect authors to NOT put themselves in their fic in some way. at the same time, however, i hope authors are self-aware enough to not bash another character just because that character reminds them of someone irl.
aka i get uncomfortable when i read a fic that has an author's obvious real-person insert. i'm not reading svsss fic anymore, i'm reading the author's version of punishing their abuser using fiction. i love transformative media that adds onto the canon! i love different interpretations even! but i'm here to read svsss? where are the svsss characters??
i'm not into character-bashing in general. i think the point of svsss and all of bingqiu's misunderstandings is the fact that good/evil is not a binary. sy spent the whole series fearing the 'evil' binghe despite the fact that post-abyss binghe was a complex person, causing a chain reaction of disaster. hell, shen jiu is the king of gray characters! he is a scum villain, evil and misunderstood, to be a sj-fan means to understand that no one is entirely good or evil. so it's even more cognitively dissonant when a pro-sj fic is so categorically anti-qijiu, as this often paints sj as good/misunderstood and yqy as bad.
(the only character-bashing i don't care about is the old palace master mxtx clearly wrote him to be bashed so throw him in a fire)
i don't mind liujiu actually, i think the dynamic has potential (see all the sj harem fic i've read lol) but qi-ge is such a big part of sj's character that vilifying/getting rid of him does sj a disservice too? sj has a shit ton of bad coping mechanisms, these aren't going to be magically fixed if yqy gets his limbs chopped off as 'just punishment' (??) for not stopping sj from abusing his own students (????)
in conclusion
there is no point to this rambling, and you don't need to agree with me on anything. these are just thoughts i had when trying to figure out why anti-ship adjacent ships even exist. the moral outrage is giving me war flashbacks of anti-sheith klance fans using their age gap as justification for their own ship, rather than liking klance for... being klance.
(I briefly considered going over all liujiu vs qijiu morality arguments, but if you're an sj fan i feel like morality arguments are pointless. he is an angry feral scum kitten who hits kids, no sj-fan has the moral high ground here.)
it's always unfortunate to see so much anti-shipping spilling into fandom, since by default most of us are living in the fringe minority anyway. further dividing us is just going to sink the whole ocean ala the death of livejournal and chinese ban on ao3. there's no point in ships if there ain't an ocean to sail in! aren't we all here because we are fans of these stories???
to make up for what must feel like a huge anti liujiu wall of text, here are some of my general thoughts on how their relationship would work. i'm more familiar with sj so most of these are from his pov.
while sj often has schemes upon schemes upon schemes, when it comes to anger/criticism/negativity, he's scathingly honest. lqg, a fellow honest asshole, is often on the same wavelength. once misunderstandings are cleared up and lqg realizes sj will do whatever it takes to protect big bro yqy (and thus the sect), they're able to work together as a ruthless team against cang qiong's enemies.
let's also assume fixing sj's emotional issues stops him from the worst of his scumminess aka whipping his disciples half to death.
teamwork -> enemies to lovers -> only one bed trope???
sj needs someone who will overtly believe in his goodness, and lqg, once he realizes the mistakes in his assumptions, is a loyal wall of support. unlike qi-ge who must always play diplomat, lqg blazes over all social cues. who cares if this looks bad on cang qiong, he'll throw down with anyone if his boo is insulted.
lqg is upfront and honest. there are no hidden plots for sj to be paranoid about in lqg, he's a Good Man through-and-through. if lqg has problems, he'll tell him. if he needs to apologize and sj tells him why, he'll do so. and if sj asks him a question, he'll always do his best to answer.
while lqg knows sj has trauma and a dark past, he will never truly understand what it was like. and that's exactly what sj wants. he likes how lqg knows him more as he is now in the present vs. someone who has lived through the same past. being with him is a reminder that he is now a powerful peak lord, not the starving street rat he once was.
for lqg, sj is like a complex puzzle box. an enigma so outside of his understanding of how the world works, he can't help but be drawn to it. he used to equate scheming with evil, but once he realizes much of sj's scheming was for the good of the sect, he lets himself be impressed by sj's intelligence. the fact that sj became a peak lord from nothing shows a certain type of strength-- and lqg has always appreciated strength.
a big roadblock in their relationship was sj's antagonism towards yqy (their sect leader whom lqg respects.) once qijiu reconcile (or sj stops being so disrespectful to yqy in public) lqg is better able to see him as an ally vs. an enemy.
sj rewards this loyalty by taking care of lqg's hidden enemies, because straightforward brutes are especially susceptible to devious snakes like that. sj would know. whether or not he tells lqg can go either way. he tells lqg if only to stop lqg from hearing it elsewhere and assuming the worst; or he doesn't tell lqg because he knows lqg trusts him and confusing his mind with schemes would just make him grumpy for not understanding.
...even if he's cute when he's grumpy.
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dancingaura925 · 2 months
Ok but like as much as we ship LBG/SJ or LQG/SJ, I feel like we have to get Ming Fan *somewhere* in there so hear me out:
Luo Binghe/Ming Fan Enemies-to-Lovers where MF has an existential crisis along the way
So maybe it starts out where Ming Fan is bullying Luo Binghe as one does in the original PIDW when Luo Binghe asks the question: "Why do you hate me so much?"
And Ming Fan is going to answer!!! But for some reason, when he's about to start saying the usual schtick (you're a beast, untalented, have your eye on NYY, etc), for some reason, he can't get that out. If anything, wouldn't MF be a beast for doing all of this? No, he's obviously just carrying out Shizun's orders! Thoughts are swirling around his head, but whatever the case is, Luo Binghe isn't scurrying up those hateful emotions anymore.
So to the surprise of everyone, he just looks at Luo Binghe, turns around, and leaves.
His lackeys obviously don't know what's going on, so they try to follow, only to be shaken off (aka yelled at) to leave him alone. So they do, and Ming Fan does the unthinkable and starts thinking. Why does he hate Luo Binghe so much? Why did he spend countless of hours on this one boy instead of doing something useful and standing out to his Shizun by actually cultivating?
And when Shizun finally punishes Luo Binghe for some inane reason (he... hasn't really noticed the inconsistencies in punishments until now), he hesitates in handing the whip to Shizun. He glances at Luo Binghe to see the fear in his eyes die down to a dull hue, which bubbles up something unpleasant in Ming Fan. He eventually gets the whip when Shizun threatens to whip him as well, but he excuses himself to go outside. Why does he hate him? Why did that dying light hurt him so?
Ming Fan feels like he's on the verge of something, so while he does so, as the days pass by, people claim he's lost his soul, only wandering around and cultivating. Even Luo Binghe notices something is really off when not only he finds medicine in the wooden shed later on, he accidentally bumps into Ming Fan, and instead of getting yelled at and hit, Ming Fan just looks at him with dead eyes (just like back then) and walks away!!! What the hell!
And when someone else tries to take up the mantle of Binghe's main bully, Ming Fan yells at them!! Tells them to knock it off!
By now, the entire peak knows something is off, to the point where Shizun himself is looking down at Ming Fan, kneeling in the Bamboo Hut, and telling him to focus and actually be productive.
But Ming Fan, deep inside, is being productive and basically therapying himself, because surprise surprise, he's got the classic case of jealousy and self-worthlessness! It's pretty obvious now that he thinks about it - I mean, combine being the second son to a merchant family who is always outshined by his older and younger brother and the fact that his newfound worth and status on QJP is solely being upheld by his martial and intellectual abilities and is now being threatened by Luo Binghe, who is also!! possibly taking away the one person he knows will always be on his side!! (Head canon)
And when the person he is trying to please to be worth something is not happy with Luo BInghe, of course he's going to follow, trying to sabotage his shidi with the false hope that it'll slow him down, not by much, but by enough.
...Yeah, MF is not having a good time.
Flash forward to a few years later, the two of them have a rocky relationship. The bullying has gotten down (mostly because everyone knows that you can't really beat Luo Binghe anymore (gee, I wonder why, maybe because there's less sabotaging from the main cannon fodder)), and Ming Fan is living vicariously through Luo Binghe.
And maybe, just maybe, he falls a little bit for him. Unimaginable, Ming Fan knows that, but... Luo Binghe shines so bright that you forget that you were never worthy of that light in the first place. And despite all that dirt thrown on him, he just continues to shine. He's breathtaking, and his wife beam is not to be underestimated.
Ming Fan looks forward to seeing Luo Binghe (besides being an absolute TSUNDERE in his own mind), and even more so in the Immortal Alliance Conference. But when Luo Binghe falls... what now? What does Ming Fan do now?
In any case, as we the readers know, Luo Binghe comes back, and when Ming Fan finds out, Luo Binghe has already invited a Cang Qiong cultivator into the Huan Hua Palace and vice versa as an... exchange program. Through a series of twists and turns, Ming Fan's the one being chosen, and he ends up going.
Thus enter a series of misunderstandings, pure shenanigans, a closet or two, and by the end of it all, the two have therapied each other into a relationship. (Ming Fan doesn't really know how that happened) (Luo Binghe has some idea since he was interested in how this confusing shixiong broke the mold that everyone else seemed to follow)
So we can conclude that Luo Binghe really does have a shixiong/shizun kink. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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optimisticmosquito · 4 months
Imagine a liujiu AU where LQG returns from the dead to save SJ from the water prison:
SJ has been placed in the water prison to be tortured by LBH. The whole trial had been a disaster, but that wasn't particularly surprising. A deep part within him still stung from how none of his martial siblings had even been there to try and defend him.
No one is coming for him, that was simply a fact. LBH had removed his legs a few day earlier and had him write that cursed blood letter, but the joke is on him. YQY wont come back for him. Not after he told him not to return. He had set the man free, there was no reason for him to associate with trash like SJ any longer.
He hears steps come closer, most likely LBH coming back to gloat at him, and maybe to torture him some more. Perhaps he was going to remove SJs arms next.
Looking up he becomes momentarily stunned. He must be hallucinating, maybe the pain and loneliness of his acid filled cave has finally driven him to insanity.
In front of him is a man that should be long dead, the Bai Zhan war god, Liu Qingge. The man he was unable to save in those caves so many years ago.
But is it really him? SJ doesnt think he's ever seen LQG wear that expression towards him. Or, maybe once, during his last moments.
It's a pained and devastated expression. It is compassionate, something that would have made SJ bristle when the brute was still alive. It was many, many words left unsaid.
"Am I dead?" SJ asks with a hoarse throat.
"No." LQG answers bluntly.
Death hasn't changed the man, it is maddeningly amusing in a way. SJ lets out an huff "Then why are you here?".
"I'm here to take you back home" LQG answers with all the seriousness of his old living self.
Against his will, SJ feels his lip wobble, "I have no home, I brought this on myself." .
"Maybe you did." LQG says, "but you did not kill me. I won't let them use my death to falsely imprison you."
Ah, of course. SJ manages a wry smile "So you are here to defend your honor then?".
"No," comes the immediate answer. LQG bends down and hesitates a moment before he places his hand on the side of SJs head. His thumb hovering uncertainly above the skin under his removed eye, before softly brushing the dried blood from cheek.
He swallowed thickly, voice filled with emotions SJ couldn't even pretend he understood. "You tried to save me, more than once. You were never a lazy young master, despite everything I accused you of. And you never went down to the brothels to.. to do that.".
How could he know all that?
LQG took a deep breath, closing his eyes to gather himself. "It seems like I've always misunderstood you shixiong, let me make it up to you now."
SJ must truly have gone insane, question is, what part of his demented mind wanted LQG of all people to see the truth of him?
"Do whatever you want" he answers with apathy. None of this was real anyways, he'll probably wake up in a moment to an empty cell. The memory of LQG will have left him as easily as everyone else have.
Closing his eyes, he thinks he hears a soft "I'm so sorry" before exhaustion claims him. He should get some rest before that beast shows himself again.
Next that follows is LQG taking SJ out of water prison. LBH tries to stop them but YQY gets in his way him. LBH knows he can't beat him in direct combat, that's why he wanted to lure him into the trap in the first place. Seething with rage, he has to let them leave with his shizun.
At CQM, LQG meets up with the rest of their martial siblings, who are understandably shocked to see him. After extensive testing for possession, even taking out Hong Jing, they finally believe he has returned to the living. He talks with the other peak lords, telling them how SJ never tried to kill him in the lingxi caves.
Rather, it was LQG who almost killled him in a fit of deviation induced madness. LQG tells them how he had momentarily regained his sanity and saw how badly he had hurt SJ, who was begging him to come back to himself. And who didn't look far away from a deviation of his own.
He had known at that moment he'd end up killing the man if he slipped back under. So he did the only thing he could, he stopped himself from doing something unforgivable.
After all, the mountain losing only one peak lord was better than losing two. And even with their complicated history, LQG did not want to hurt SJ.
LQG then explains how he had spent many years as a ghost. Watching how SJ was accused of his murder, and how his little sister had suffered by the loss. Seeing how his death had deepened the cracks between the peak lords.
He saw the trial where SJ was accused of many things, including his death. He saw the demon torture SJ and take his legs.
At that moment of utter helplessness, he had been approached by an entity calling itself the System. It asked him if he had any regrets he wanted to mend, and what he was willing to do to return back to life. He accepted the deal and woke up shortly thereafter.
That was how he arrived at QDP at the same moment YQY went outside, eyes wild with desparation and fear.
YQY told him about SQQ and about the box and the blood letter LBH had sent him. Together they were able to form a plan to get him back.
LMY had been so shocked upon seeing him again, and upon hearing all that she had thought of her shibo was wrong, that she didn't refuse him when he asked her to take him to SQQ.
All the while YQY, instead of rushing in head first, asked for an official meeting between himself and LBH to distract the other man. Something he had barely managed without drawing his sword and killing the demon.
LQG and YQY manages to convince the other peak lords to agree to protect SJ. LQG then helps SJ recover, helps him get prostheses and to train up his strenght again.
He also helps SJ bridge the chasm between himself and the other peak lords. And makes sure they become a (somewhat) united front against the new demon emperor.
He constantly tells SJ he will not allow LBH to get his hands on him again. And slowly the former rivalry grows into something else as they learn to know and trust each other.
LBH on the other hand becomes increasingly desperate in his attempts to get SJ back into his claws. But with SQQ, YQY and LQG all protecting the sect, not even LBH can do anything against them.
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higuchisora · 7 months
The idea of characters from other stories winding up in SVSSS has been stuck in my head for a while but I'm not gonna write abt it lmao so here's what's been rattling around in the ole noggin:
Toph would be a genuine menace
Specifically on poor Liu Qingge, who hasn't the slightest clue how he wound up with yet another student
Earthbending should not be possible here. Earthbending is NOT possible here.
Toph invents earthbending here.
In fact, she only gets stronger. Because the cultivation aspects of the world means she's got even more qi and knows more about how to use it beyond earthbending.
She can now use qi itself to "see" (sensing others' qi, using it to sense movement, etc.) Not just earthbending
Lqg wants nothing to do with any more disciples. Especially not ones as annoying as yang yixuan
He gets a gremlin even more annoying than yang yixuan
He lies awake at night, regretting saving her life that one time on a hunt and kickstarting her path of being a Problem
Specifically, he saves her life one night while she's out trying to remaster earthbending, inspiring her to become a cultivator
She runs away from her noble family and their arranged marriage and stifling life that they've planned out for her and heads straight to Cang Qiong's Bai Zhan peak the first chance she gets
Refuses to take no for an answer, thus growing to become lqg's #1 menace
He both blesses and curses the day she was born
Lqg would sooner die than admit she's basically his other baby sister/daughter figure
Will outright refuse to fly on her sword When asked how she'll get around, the earth goddamn MOVES UNDER HER FEET and she causes several earthquake/mole monster sightings with these shenanigans
Is banned from this move
Begins to tunnel underground instead
She could arguably fly on her sword just fine, sensing the qi around her to navigate and shit, but it's harder and definitely uncomfortable and brings back bad memories of that one time in the volcano with Aang and Sokka
Luo Binghe wants her dead
She probably never gets strong enough to 1v1 him and win but she's definitely strong enough to become a genuine challenge
Especially when she reinvents metalbending
Rides for her shizun ong
Would probably fight lbh for lqg's honor after the SQQ corpse situation (he did not ask her to do this)
The angel of Qing Jing peak fr
Or that monastery but we don't hear enough about them tbh
Has legitimately no idea how he got here, maybe too scared to question it actually
Like, did he really fuck up and end up getting ripped out of the avatar cycle orrrr????
Decides some things are better left unknown
The only struggle he really has is not being bald anymore
Honestly???? Might still shave his head and just stick to a wig
Would inevitably get caught or ALMOST caught and eventually gets used to growing it out (would probably become the inventor of extensions or wig glue though lmao)
Would make the spoiled qing jing disciples better just by being around them tbh
Star student probably, would be a menace in a cute way
One of the few men allowed on Xian Shu (for visits/messages)
Would probably befriend demons ngl
Loves flying on his sword
Prefers his staff though, and eventually figures out how to make/get someone to make one for him
No one knows how he does the air scooter. They are scared.
No one asks about the tattoos either.
Or how he's controlling all these fucking elements.
He doesn't have an avatar state anymore, but that doesn't seem to stop him from being wildly more dangerous than anyone expected
Possibly unlocks permanent cultivation-blocking? Like sealing off your core
Demons don't take note
Until he learns how to do the same for demonic cores
Exorcist Aang
Possibly becomes a rogue/wandering cultivator
Wandering rogue exorcist Aang????
He's either a god descended upon the earth or a heavenly demon in disguise, according to critics
He thinks it's all silly
Until he meditates too hard and communes with a god or something who tells him they may or may not have bargained to snatch his corner of the avatars soul for a reason
Uh oh
Does not know how he managed to get spiritual energy or cultivate
Actively chooses not to think too much about it
The head disciple of An Ding 😭
Absolutely salty about it
Shang Qinghua is endlessly grateful though
Does not know what to make of the long hair thing; probably tries to keep his hair in a half-pony still, as an ode to the water tribe
I've seen some fics where Qiong Ding is headcannoned as the bureaucratic peak; in this case, he might be able to sweet talk his way in if fate and Yue Qingyuan is kind enough
Either way he's grateful he gets to do sword stuff again
Especially now that he can FLY on them?!
He hasn't completely forgotten his skills, so he's got a whole different style no one's seen before and it's Weirdly Good Actually
He finally works his cultivation up enough to get his personal sword
Then he finally gets to summon his and he cries
It's space sword
No one knows what the fuck to make of this weird ass sword but he doesn't care, it's his and he loves it
Known as the best ever manager of An Ding peak
Would have one (1) argument with her brother and march up to Xian Shu
Frequent visitor of Qing Jing and Qian Cao
Mu Qingfang mourns every day that she didn't choose the medicine peak
Katara maintains that she's too ready to beat some ass to ever be a full doctor and vow to do no harm
Never quite learns to be comfy with a sword but can still handle her own
During the demon invasion on Cang Qiong (assuming she's there at the time), she bloodbends Hualing right off the mountain
The demons do NOT stick around
The cultivators are too scared to ask her what the fuck that was but they're nicer to her than before
The xian shu peak gains a fearsome reputation of possibly teaching blood magic
No One gets how she does the waterbending stuff. Outsiders assume it's some Xian Shu ancient secret technique. Or she's related to Mobei Jun. Real members know Kataras just Like This.
Keeps the hair loopies. No matter what people say.
Wears a blue necklace similar to her mother's heirloom; a gift from her shizun probably
Genuinely enjoys the sisterhood on Xian Shu. It reminds her of the better days of her home, before the southern raiders came back
Could've chosen from several peaks, but chooses Bai Zhan
Something about the bamboo on Qing Jing reminds him of his uncle though, so he likes to visit. But not for too long. It hurts.
Isn't really bothered by the long hair thing; while cutting hair isn't forbidden in the fire nation, long hair is common practice, especially for nobles
Keeps the standard topknot until Toph calls it ugly
And then he remembers toph cannot see his topknot
Starts doing ponytails anyway
Also a star student of Bai Zhan, especially after he busts out the firebending forms
Yet another nuisance for poor lqg
He and Toph are the only two that can keep up with each other
Known as the Twin Stars of Bai Zhan
Aka the Twin Headaches of Liu Qingge
Has a small red birthmark near his eye, on the side that used to be burned
The fact that there isn't a massive burn is mildly uncomfortable to him at first. Doesn't feel like himself
Again, No One knows how all these kids with weird qi abilities are coming from
They're beginning to suspect they're all part demon
Neither he nor Toph ever defeat the demon heritage allegations
Especially not with the way they fight. And allegedly have a Past that no one else knows about
Would also fight Binghe for his Shizuns honor
Weirdly chill for Bai Zhan actually
Has probably made leaps and bounds from his avatar hunting days already
Most expect him to have gone to a quieter peak, it's baffling
Until he beats the shit outta somebody
And then goes back to being gentle and chill and forgiving
He wonders if uncle Iroh is watching over him here too
He can only hope his uncle is still proud of him, wherever he might be
Lqg isn't his uncle, but he's still a kind presence that Zuko looks up to a little, even if the guy is a little too punchy
Thus takes it upon himself to ride or die for him
One of the few dual wielders around
His curved blades are also a source of curiosity for the others
But he's good with them so no one complains
In a bingliushen situation, Zuko, Toph, and YYX are feral protective gremlins that somehow make things better AND worse for the development of the bingliushen courtship process lmao
I'll probably make more at some point but that's all for now. If someone wants to make a fic of these PLEASE let me know, link me I'm desperate
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torchstelechos · 1 year
I was asked to post this, and I just want to say, SY probably had a horrible life before he transmigrated. Looking at it from an objective stand point before the transmigration, he was a rich boy who stayed inside all day to read a revenge porn story for the revenge portion only. He specifically states one of the reasons he likes Binghe is because of his decisive killing and revenge, he also states that he was screaming for harsher punishments to those that bullied or abused Binghe in the comments. It’s implied that he got into university but it never mentioned his classes or his choice of study. After he transmigrated he got rid of his name almost instantly, chose to take up the sects responsibilities and cared for them as a family within months, and he never once grieved for the family he left behind.
I think he was bullied to the point of being depressed and suicidal. SY was markedly calm (emotional calm, just for you Zy) when he woke up after dying, every single time. The only time he ever shows upset when he is revived is when LQG says Binghe is dead. He made sure to punish those who bullied others, and cunningly made LQG punish his disciples when they bullied Binghe. He was reading a revenge porn series that focused on the revenge of a student who was bullied and abused by his classmates and teachers. SY has never been good at admitting his own feelings to others or himself, and when he is mourning Binghe he says hes alright and gets confused when others say he is hysterical. SY has the classic marks of someone who had a horrible life before ending up in another world, and even then, I think SY is suppose to mirror Binghe and SJ who were both abused by others.
Come on now yall, our boy has a fucked up life and the only time he was happy was with his new family members. PIDW was his surrogate avenger, but the world he entered was his salvation and happiness. Don’t put him down as a one note dimensional character backstory in fanfics, please.
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emkaii · 2 months
in a random thought (more like this plot bunny has been living in my head rent free since this "what if" fic started and now i cant stop myself from sharing it after so many months? years? idek)
thank you to @feynites for the wonderful fic above that i continue to go back re-reading again and again
(also tagging @wangxianficrecs even though im not sure they share scum villain fics *sobs*)
! tw: death !
og!sj dies the night of yqy & lqg wedding because of heartbreak? (because real heartbreak can literally kill in this fanfic universe) just, like, he dies. that's it. no shen yuan to transmigrate in his body as replacement.
so, og!sj was in seclusion punishment during that night right? and he was only allowed outside to attend the wedding itself. (am i right? or if not, meh)
so shen jiu dies in his bedroom, alone. lbh tries to enter his room to help him prepare for the wedding but doesn't get an answer (bc og!sj is ded), so lbh leaves bc he's obviously afraid of entering the room without og!sj's permission in fear of punishment.
the wedding is completed without sj arriving and everyone just assumes that he's bitter about the whole thing and doesn't attend as a show of rebellion.
also, since he's in secluded punishment and the servants doesn't like him, no one approaches or even tries to enter his room. lbh tries to tell the upper servants that it has been almost a full night & day that og!sj hasn't responded to anything outside his room, but of course, they don't listen to him.
so, he tries to directly report to yqy. who at this point is feeling disappointed? relieved? (even he himself doesn't know) that sj did not cause any problems to his new wedding. so, he goes to check on sj.
he tries to ask permission to enter the room, no answer.
tries to lengthen sj's punishment if he continues to be stubborn, no answer.
tries to threaten that he will break the door, no answer.
yqy gets nervous. something doesn't feel right.
sj is not the type to stay quiet.
he forcefully opens the door.
and he finds sj looking peacefully asleep.
but there's something wrong in the picture. sj was too quiet. too still.
yqy realizes that he can't hear sj breathing. he can't see any movement. at all.
he flies to sj's bedside.
tries to take his wrist to check his condition, and whole body-flinches at the cold skin. sj's body was stiff. and as a highly accomplished cultivator, yqy knows the state of a dead body more than a few hours after death.
he whispers, "a-jiu?"
sj' body would look peaceful in death, if not for the dried tear tracks in his face.
(I don't know how to describe/write it but i want yqy's reaction to be utter devastation, something similar or worse than his reaction in this fanfic's og novel when sj died in the original timeline)
minutes or hours later (yqy doesn't know, doesn't know or aware of his surroundings anymore), after mqf arrives and checks the situation after a frantic lbh tells lqg about sj and lqg flies to have mqf at their estate, mqf states:
"his body showed signs of grief sickness. in this case, his lungs decided to stop taking in air, his mind decided to stop all functions of his body, and his heart just decided to stop beating. i can say that it occurred around 24 hours ago."
24 hours ago.
24 hours ago was when sj tried to convince yqy not to proceed with the wedding for his new husband.
24 hours ago was when sj tried to tell yqy that he'd rather die than let yqy have a second husband.
yqy ignored him.
and now a-jiu is dead.
"A-Jiu couldn’t survive his husband marrying another man. That person died the day Yue Qingyuan married Liu Qingge"
i really do sometimes love making myself cry with my thoughts and ideas. now im sharing these to the world. and now i want to re-read, for the 8th? 9th? time, this whole wonderful series.
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koipalm · 1 year
I know the attendant!sy is a liushen fic but... I'm sorry, but my brain literally can't stop turning SQQ's and SY's relationship over a fire like a very juicy roast. Not even in a slash way just... Like, a god tried to stuff Some Guy in his body, failed, made him a new one and SQQ's brilliant idea was to adopt him as an overworked TA/stray cat. The guy is from a different world entirely, knows just about everything about this world and hates his guts. He has a very good reason to hate his guts. That's fine tho, SQQ believes this is a perfectly normal reaction to him because he literally can't concieve someone NOT hating him. SY being grudgingly grateful is the highest level of regard SQQ is capable of tolerating/understanding. He hates his guts back and yet still takes care of him. He overworks him to the point everybody thinks SY is gonna drop dead any minute and thinks this is perfectly normal, that was how SQQ lived 90% of his life. This man should not be within hearing distance of a child and pounced on the opportunity to put a socially acceptable buffer between himself and his disciples. Tearing his limbs off wouldn't be enough to admit he cares one iota about SY and yet he's probably planning ten different ways to discreetly poison LQG if he so much as looks at SY. This is probably the best relationship (non-romantic or otherwise) SQQ has in his life rn and if that doesn't terrify everyone who hears about it then I don't know what does.
Just. Slowly turning all this over a firepit in my brain.
ive tried to write like 5 different replies to this and theyre all incoherent AUGHHH anyway lets just get into it
one of the most interesting things that i wanted to explore in this au was if sqq and sy had to exist in somewhat close proximity to each other. the truth of the situation is that sqq is actually a lot more lax about watching sy than shen yuan makes it out to be. in reality a lot of sqq's outward expression towards shen yuan is very blank or dismissive. sqq will only really step in if he thinks that someone is trying to take shen yuan away from him. but if shen yuan was in actual physical danger like a demonic beast or a roof caving in, sqq would not move to help him. AHHHH its hard to explain super clearly.
shen qingqiu sees shen yuan as something that is "his" in a more metaphysical sense. although the system could have torn his life apart and shen yuan could have ruined his image and stolen his place, that didnt happen, and instead, shen qingqiu was given essentially an ace-in-the-hole. shen yuan, to him, was almost divinely given, even if it was by divine fuck-up.
shen qingqiu would see shen yuan being in danger as basically natural selection though. he wouldnt keep someone around that couldnt handle themselves, so shen yuan has to get out of conflicts himself. if someones tries to take shen yuan from him though, thats pretty much interfering with the will of the gods, and trying to take someone from qing jing peak (his assistant specifically), so in that instance, shen qingqiu would step in
its interesting tho, shen qingqiu really does just see shen yuan as an assistant. a divinely ordained assistant, but still
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tk-duveraun · 26 days
AU where Xin Mo has its own ideas about how the world should work. A heavenly demon is nice, yes, but this is the creator god!
So *hand wave* when SQH is going to pull a sword out of the wash in Wan Jian peak, it takes over the sword spirit in SQH's sword.
Cue him having an extremely temperamental, very hungry sword. It didn't leave its own sword body, it's just split between the two so SQH can get away with just taking it on walkies occasionally (what he calls it)
The prev generation of peak lords are confused/intrigued, but after much testing it doesn't really seem malicious and how could it be, given its creation on Wan Jian?
By the time of SQQ's 'fatal' qi deviation, things are decidedly tilted.
Bc of Xin Mo's aggression, during the mission in disciple era, SQH was far more active and things went just differently enough that LQG saw SQQ save his life and got super weird about owing him a life debt.
He isn't quite post-wife beam levels of leaving dead beasts around, but they have enough of a antagofriendship that they 'spar' shortly before the system's planned replacement and end up in mutual deviation goodness.
(however, QC peak disciples have spies on BZ and QJ so they know when these happen and are always on hand)
So when the big transmigration day comes, the deviation isn't enough to remove his soul and the system, which has been buggy for years, throws a return to childhood effect into the deviation and just plants sy in a second child sqq body. This day is already weird enough no one will question it too much.
The best the peak lords can come up with sqq!y is an alternate version of sqq!j who was drawn in via the high spiritual concentration on CQM and the site and distortion of sqq!J's qi during the deviation
(real answer: spiritual-spacial instability on the peaks thanks to Xin Mo lite. MBJ has noticed something's off but SQH doesn't use his sword around him so he assumes some dumbass cultivator is messing with things they're not supposed to and don't understand and it's a big not his problem)
Anyway, the peak lords love sqq!y and are like "sect leader we almost forgive you for your treatment of sqq up to this point, knowing he has the potential to be this"
Once adults again, SQQ!J proceeds to immediately dump everything he doesn't like on SY, including lqg's life debt.
Cue airplane and SY doing the skinner mission together (bc Xin Mo needs walkies), SQQ!Y still gets captured but the system is too unstable at this point to even save LBH and instead gives cucumber and airplane huge ominous warnings, so SQH crashes the bondage lite scene, says wtf at naked sqq!y and saves the day
Cue transmigrator reveal (to each other).
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chuckduckling · 2 years
I feel like Shen Jiu's weird self-contradictions are underrated, so I'm gonna list the ones I remember, cause I think they give some insight into his character.
The most notable one, imo, is this scene from Airplane's extra, where Shang Qinghua tries to warn SJ about Liu Qingge's future death:
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SQH's dialogue here is upfront that SJ will try to save LQG from his qi deviation, not kill him. Failing to save LQG will also make SJ "abandon himself to despair".
(more ramblings and screenshots under the cut…)
Yet, despite the fact that SQH is SJ's author and knows what his character will do, SJ's reaction is to balk at the idea of ever saving someone from a qi deviation. SJ doesn't even know that SQH is talking about LQG, his hated rival.
And still, even after SJ's dismissive tone, SQH urges SJ to remember the advice he gave him. It implies that SQH knows SJ is being dishonest about his own feelings (whether to SQH or to himself).
Going back in time, we also have this scene, which takes place after SJ rescues Yue Qi from Qiu Jianluo and ends up getting captured because of it:
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You liar, Xiao Jiu! You little lying liar! "That single moment was all I've got in me for the rest of my life" my ass!
Later on, in SJ's extra, SJ is fully planning to rescue YQ from danger (or, at the very least, give him a proper burial). And this scene take place after YQ has already broken his promise and failed to rescue SJ:
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After they've reunited, SJ also tries to protect Yue Qingyuan yet again, this time from Wu Yanzi. And he ends up stabbing his master in the back to save YQY's life. His words and his actions just don't match up!
As a third example, we have the scene with SJ and YQY in the Lingxi Caves. Since joining CQMS, we've seen SJ generally try to avoid YQY, behaving as if he dislikes his presence.
And yet, unlike at the annual spars, where YQY talks SJ's ear off with chatter while SJ hems and haws to avoid conversation, that dynamic is completely inverted here:
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SJ is the one trying to engage YQY in conversation this time. He keeps trying to chat even after receiving the "cold shoulder". I thought you hated talking to him, SJ...?
(Unfortunately, SJ is trying to start a conversation about YQY's greatest trauma while YQY's hands literally shake with PTSD, but of course, SJ doesn't know that…)
For my final example...well, some might not count this as a contradiction, but I think it points to another notable difference between SJ's thoughts and his actions:
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After their reunion, SJ thinks he would prefer a dead YQY to a living YQY who has left him behind to suffer.
But later, in the water prison scene, when YQY literally offers his life to SJ — giving SJ the opportunity to vent his resentment by dragging the sect leader down with him — SJ's reaction is instead to chase YQY away for his own safety:
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SJ is given a final choice between a dead YQY, and a living YQY who leaves him behind to suffer, and...he chooses the latter, not the former.
The real common thread between both scenes, as I see it, is SJ's self-loathing and dehumanization. He thinks of himself as "vile and poisonous". He thinks he's "rotten from birth". He calls himself a "thing".
What I find consistent in this list of contradictions is that SJ underestimates himself. He underestimates his own humanity. He defines himself by his worst thoughts, impulses, and actions.
And his self-hatred, his insecurity, it only makes him lash out at others even more. He hurts others, and he hurts himself, and he uses his own hurt to hurt others.
His mind has twists and turns far more complex than that two-bit two-dimensional scum villain from Proud Immortal Demon Way.
And so, to conclude:
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I'm interested to hear other people's thoughts as well!
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teufelsabbiss · 9 months
Headcanon: the reason for OG!SQQ's abuse of Luo Binghe
There are a lot of different takes on how and why the original Shen Qingqiu treated Luo Binghe so badly, from escalating misunderstandings to petty envy that resulted in violent outbursts.
I personally think his reason was even worse – he meticulously planned everything out as an experiment.
(Spoiler warning, trigger warning for canonical abuse)
SQQ went through a lot of traumatic events. And on top of it, every time he tried to help someone it came back to bite him. This man had so many heart demons that I think it could be said that his mental state was comparable to that of LBH while under the influence of Xin Mo.
SQQ's ruined cultivation was a major cause for his resentment towards the world and the people around him, past and present ones. Liu Qingge's jibes at his mediocre abilities obviously riled him up often enough. But the quarrel between them during the entrance test, when LQG said Binghe would have better success than SQQ, was what ultimately sparked what then happened.
What caused his diminished abilities was the mental and physical abuse in the Qiu household, a late start due to his enslavement and possible wrong teachings from Wu Yanzi. But he could never tell this to anyone who mocked him for it. And I think he desperately needed proof that circumstances like these would cripple anyone's talent and his failures were not because he was just never any good to begin with. Sadly, LBH was pointed out as potentially more worthwhile and that painted the target on him.
Maybe SQQ was still pondering whether to go through with the idea during the tea ceremony. But after hearing that LBH had a mother, yet another positive circumstance beside the talent and ideal age, he decided on exacting the experiment. That said mother was dead also ensured there would be no difficult questions nor interference from his family. Obviously no one could ever know about what he planned, but SQQ would have the proof for himself.
So he arranged everything for LBH to mirror SQQ's time with the Qiu's. Where SJ was abused by QJL and bullied by the other servants, LBH was abused by SQQ and bullied from his peers. He was given a fake manual so that he couldn't learn proper cultivation until it was too late and would also suffer qi-deviations after a time. It inadvertently became even more similar through Ning YingYing, who was a source of protection and trouble alike, just as Qiu Haitang was for SJ. The nickname she called him by certainly didn't help matters either.
But the experiment didn't give the desired results. LBH made progress, albeit slowly, despite everything. He had no qi-deviations. And the longer he didn't falter as badly as he should, the more it enraged SQQ.
Then SQQ failed in saving LQG and I think this broke him a good deal further. Not only did the experiment point to himself as the main issue for his own mediocrity and unstable foundation, his poor cultivation (in his mind) also caused LQG's death.
The three challenges by Sha Hualing looked like a lost cause after Liu Mingyan lost her match. Since they would lose anyway, sending LBH into the ring probably looked like a good opportunity to end the experiment. But LBH managed the impossible and won, thus cementing in SQQ's thoughts that he maybe was, like others said, just a loser from the start who attempted to rise to greatness and inevitably failed. More cause for hatred, obviously.
Then even more successes for LBH during the Alliance Conference. Until his demonic heritage was revealed. I think this was a relieve for SQQ. Because, in that moment, he realized that what he did to LBH would have caused him the same problems that SQQ suffered from, if he had been fully human. Therefore SQQ's own failures weren't solely on him after all.
Apart from preventing anyone from finding out he had a demon as a disciple without noticing and casting suspicion on the sect for the sabotage, I think throwing LBH into the Endless Abyss was a first tiny, minuscule act of veiled kindness towards his victim. LBH had a chance, however small, to survive and live a good life in the demon realm, where he belonged anyway. An added tragic irony, seeing how the decision to let him live came back to haunt him the worst.
I also think that SQQ knew that what he did to LBH was terrible. That's why he gave up so easily and didn't defend himself against the accusations. Maybe he hated his life and his failures enough to have lost the will to keep struggling for goals he never was able to meet. He likely expected to be tortured a bit and to then die relatively quickly to sate Qiu Hitang's, Liu Mingyan's and LBH's resentment. Instead he was tortured heavily, YQY was killed too and this broke him for good. Maybe the reason he didn't come back as a resentful spirit was that he knew he ultimately deserved punishment for his actions. If so, he possibly included his tragic failures along his actual crimes. And the abuse of LBH weighed so much heavier, because it was deliberately planned, even though he knew all too well from personal experience how awful it would be.
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