#even more than the main canon muses i used to write
byanyan · 1 year
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benchspkmnirlhub · 2 months
A Guide to Pokemon IRL
Hello! Pokemon IRL has been getting more and more popular over the year and a half I've been in the community, and I'm seeing lots of people being confused by it.
So I'm making this guide, to hopefully help people understand it better, and perhaps join us in this wacky community.
Part 1: The Basics
Essentially, Pokemon IRL is a RP community centered on one single premise: Blogging as if you were in the Pokemon world. It's a hybrid of askblogs, RP blogs, and general tumblr blogs.
There's very few rules to it, other than just "don't be a jerk". There's all kinds of Pokemon IRL blogs, from regular OC trainers, to canon characters, to characters who are Pokemon themselves, to even Fallers from non-Pokemon media, and more!
The main thing is that 98% of Pokemon IRL operates on the multiverse. Blogs can have conflicting canons, since the multiverse exists, and the blogs can be from different universes. This also means that multiple people can RP the same character. I've lost count of the amount of Kieran and Silver blogs.
Why is Pokemon-world tumblr multiversal? Who knows! But that's the one generally accepted canon thing across almost all Pokemon IRL blogs.
Part 2: Glossary
I know glossaries are usually at the ends of books, but I figure it's important that I define some important terms before I get to the rest of this guide.
Rotomblr - The generally accepted name for Pokemon-world tumblr. I personally prefer to use the name Tacklr instead, but that's just my opinion.
Sapient Pokemon - Pokemon that are sapient. Typically refers to Pokemon that run blogs. Some blogs don't allow interactions with them. Some blogs love interacting with them, though, such as all my blogs!
Eebydeeby - A human that has been turned into a Pokemon. "Eeby" is short for it. "Sleeby" means "slow eeby", or a human that has been or is in the process of slowly turning into a Pokemon.
Hybrid - This has two meanings. The first is someone who's part human and part Pokemon. The second is a Pokemon that's part one species, part another species.
Pelipper Mail - This is a multiversal system of mail, powered via Pelipper! You can have Pelippers send items to other blogs with this. Can be enabled or disabled per blog. Same goes with the next five terms.
Pelipper Unmail - Instead of giving, this is taking. This steals something from another blog via Pelipper.
Pelipper Malice - Essentially, this is sending something to another blog that you know will hurt them.
Musharna Mail - It's like Pelipper Mail, but with dreams! This can be used to send dreams to other blogs.
Musharna Malice - Just like Musharna Mail, but it's nightmares instead of dreams.
Magic Anons - Essentially, this allows anons to do whatever they'd like to the characters on your blog. Use caution when enabling this, though, as it's suspected that some people fetish mine with these.
High Stakes - Basically, this refers to anything that can majorly injure many characters, or otherwise have lots of bad stuff happen. Many blogs don't like interacting with this stuff, so it's best to tag it.
Drama Stakes - Like High Stakes, but less. This is when stuff is happening that could lead to in-universe ruined relationships. Best to tag this too.
Ultra Stakes - Like High Stakes, but more. This is when things lead to potential death of many characters. Definitely best to tag this as well.
Chosen - Sometimes someone is a legendary's favorite special little person, and they get powers from it! That's essentially what a Chosen is.
Faller - Someone, usually from a non-Pokemon media, who falls into the Pokemon world. Essentialyl a way of writing a non-Pokemon character in Pokemon IRL.
Self-Insert Faller - An OOC blogrunner falls into the Pokemon world. Can get very meta.
Muse Mixup Madness - At the start of every month, there's an event where some blogs temporarily change their core concept for a day or a few. It's best to tag these, and to give warnings beforehand.
Part 3: Setting up your Blog
Setting up a Pokemon IRL blog is a lot like setting up a regular tumblr blog, just in-character.
The main thing you'll need is a pinned post explaining the premise of the blog. These are usually in-character, with an OOC section at the bottom.
It's best to warn for possible triggers that might pop up on the blog, as well as explaining your boundaries (i.e. if you don't want Pelipper Mail).
Feel free to theme your blog too, changing the header and icon, adjusting the theme colors, maybe even have a custom theme!
Once you have that all set, you're ready to interact!
Part 4: Interacting
I made a full guide on how to interact here, if you want to check it out!
The main thing is, don't be afraid to interact. Even with big blogs. Everyone's happy to receive interactions! Worst that can happen is that your interaction is ignored.
So don't be scared! Jump in, and start interacting!
Part 5: General Advice from my Friends
I asked around for any additional advice people wanted to add, and here's what some people had to say:
"uhhh ooc communication is super important, especially if youre trying to do a plot with someone or smth along those lines" - @espers-n-espurrs
"Uhhh "Do it scared" Like. If you're nervous about doing something but you wanna do it, do it even though you're scared!!!!! Also like. Have fun. People can tell when you're having fun. Be silly. Do what you want forever. Also that big blogs 9/10 don't mind interactions with smaller ones. I think I count as one and like. I am just as scared as interacting with new people as the smaller blogs who wanna interact with me" @chaos-cousins
"interact with people" - @justalileepguy
"The absolute worst thing that can happen if you send someone an ask is that they delete it. People like getting interaction, even if it's from a blog you don't follow. If you're having trouble interacting, find something your two characters have in common and point it out" - @fated-furret
Part 6: Miscellaneous Stuff
If there's anything I'm missing, feel free to let me know, or add it in a reblog! I've been in this community for a long time, but even I don't know absolutely everything.
If you've read this far, thank you! I hope this guide helps in some way. Reblogging it is appreciated, but not necessary.
And if you're thinking of joining the Pokemon IRL community, then I'm excited to help welcome you!
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
CRP characters crushing on the reader 2/2
Placeholder opening here, check part 1 for the other characters! i dont usually write for zalgo because my take on him is... so... yeah... and hard to write for him, but the idea of this intangible godlike entity that can warp realities falling for someone is horrifying
Characters: Jane, Jeff, Ticci Toby, Nina, Bloody Painter, Zalgo
Notes: reader is GN but post mainly focuses on the canon characters, admin uses any pronouns for nina so if you see the pronouns swapping that's why!, heavy hcs for Zalgo and his part isnt really open for "it gets better and you guys get together" no his part is just... horrifying
CWs: zalgo is zalgo; ie non human entity does not follow human morals and is kind of... toxic and horrifying
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I need you guys to bare with me because this blog has always been hc/au heavy with how I write characters but between all the main crps, Jane is probably the most likely to just.. be a normal person 90% of the time, so the chances of you and her meeting during a normal day is pretty high. She's closed off so you don't even notice that there's feelings developing on her end. If there is a difference it's just her being slightly more affectionate and open to you. She becomes even more protective of you, can you blame her? You've heard of the rumors about her family... She doesn't deny her feelings if you ask her, though, so it's a clean confession when the time comes instead of it just being spilled or forced out.
He's so full of himself that he approaches you without thinking anything through because he's so confident that you're going to just fall for him. Makes a lot of jokes with you, some darker than others. Flirts with you up front because once more, he's so confident that you're into him that he doesn't take a moment to consider that you would reject him. Probably takes rejection the worst, at least out of the characters on this list. And that's on being on the run since your mid teen years, he didn't interact with many people because of that. "Oh you dig me" as you slap his arm because he said something dumb.
Very similar to the other proxies, watches you from afar but he decides to interact with you sooner than the other two. He's wary, because he doesn't want to humiliate himself or screw anything up but he's so so so desperate to meet someone new who's in his age range so he's doing his best to appeal to you. Sometimes slips up because he's trying too hard. He can pester you and get on your nerves, but he doesn't mean anything wrong by it... usually.. You outright ask him if he has a crush on you and you can see him internally scrambling for something to say. It's actually a little sweet. Probably the most normal out of them all asides Jane, at least by Creepypasta standards.
Oh she is so upfront about her feelings for you! Makes you small trinkets and keepsakes with random stuff she finds. Very quick to approach you as well and make a friendship. Very chill if you don't end up returning their feelings, and more than happy to keep up a friendship with you if you want that. A yapper, too, so they have a habit of keeping you by keeping a conversation up and alive longer than others would. Custom kandi for you as well, with your favorite colors and some stuff they know you like! As an aside, Nina is a "cringe fandom enjoyer", so you guys can get into the same things and be cringe and free together! Not related to this post but have it as a bonus!
He finds himself drawing you more than he draws his other subjects, and honestly its a little frustrating. You start finding some of his papers laying around. He approaches you so he can try to get even more accurate with his art, having the real thing as a reference is much better than relying off of memories of you wandering around town. Once the initial tenseness dies down, you might be able to get a few words out of him while he's drawing. "Muse of an artist" trope, a lot of the things he makes are dedicated to you in one way or another. His art is the only real tip that there's something going on, because otherwise he's good about swallowing and hiding his emotions.
Bonus character, Zalgo would literally alter the universe if he could to ensure that you're there and his. He can manipulate media, and create creatures.. I mean in my au he's literally the reason half the creepypastas exist... I WAS going to make a joke that he makes a stand in to act for him, but he's so into you that he can't stand the idea of someone else being with you... doesnt matter if he was living vicariously through it. Genuine psychological horror elements here with him warping the world around you in an attempt to get your attention and to get you to come to him. Technical cosmic / otherworldly horror (?) because he's something that transcends just about everything in universe. Simultaneously everywhere at anytime all the time, there is no real way to get away from him. Horrifying stuff.
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Grumpy Kitty, Soft Kitty
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((Miguel O’Hara x Female Reader))
A/N: Two Miggy and Sunny fics in one day?! I’m on a role lol. This one wasn’t requested, but the discord gave me a huge inspiration for this so I had to write it. I still haven’t seen the movie lol.
A/N: This takes place before ‘To Love and Hold’, this can kinda serve as an explaination as to why Sunny wants a cat. This is a short little fanfic, but if you wanna see more, check out the Masterlist, and feel free to join the discord, the inspiration for this oneshot.
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female Reader/Female Pronouns, No use of (Y/N) ((Sunny is their nickname not their name/ not an OC)), Grumpy Cat x Sweet Kitty, The young spider team messing with shit, and Miles being attacked.
It was meant to be a harmless prank.
After the events of Miles being chased down by Miguel and the anomaly was fixed, Pavitr thought it would be hilarious to use one of his villains’ gadgets to mess with Miguel as payback.
Hobie and Gwen agreed without second thought while Miles hesitated a bit. The trauma from being attacked for trying to do what was right was still fresh in his mind, so imagining what would happen if he messed with Miguel was absolutely mortifying.
Hobie decided to take one for the team and initiated the plan. It was suppose to be real simple. Turn Miguel into a harmless cat for a while and change him right back. Nothing too physically painful and with four spidermen against one cat, the consequences shouldn’t be too bad, right?
They were so wrong.
“So how’s things going with Miguel?” Jessica asks with a teasing smile. “Finally convinced him to let you move in?”
The small spider blushes as Peter laughs at the women. She mumbles under her breath, “No, Miggy says that he has to make sure me leaving the Headquarters won’t alter with the canon…”
Peter tuts as the three enter through the portal and back to The Lobby as he muses, “That sounds like someone is afraid of commitment.”
“I-I don’t think he’s-!” The trio is interrupted by a bright yellow Ai appearing before them looking like she just had the best laugh of her life. Her virtual hair was a mess while she was wiping her nonexistent tears away with a breath of relief.
“You guys. You literally need to come to the Survaliance room.” She urges with a giggle emerging. “The greatest thing is happening right now.”
Jessica and Peter look at the Ai suspiciously as the small spider tilts her head in confusion.
“What is it?” The ball of sunshine asks before a look of concern flashes over her face. “Is Miguel alright?”
“He’s certainly not.” The Ai screeches in laughter as a distinct yell can be heard. A flash of black and red runs by them as a ball of dark brown fur follows behind. The sound of Miles pleaing for help while an array of hisses and growls follows causes the small spider to swing after them.
“Hey!” She yells as she uses her web to catch the raging ball of fur, only to realize what it was.
A large Maine Coone cat with a deep rich brown coat ruffles under the sticky web as his nearly red eyes focus on Miles in rage. His little growls as he tries to wrangle free from the web come to a halt when an excited squeal cuts him off.
“IT’S KITTY!!” The cat looks up in fright as his huge frame is lift up into the familiar warm arms of the cheert SpiderWoman.
The woman’s own frame was barely bigger than the long frame of the cat as she coos at the now sedated feline. Instead of reacting violent like he was meet minutes ago, he begins to purr as her nails run through fur.
Jessica and Peter look at Miles as he slowly approaches the woman with a cautionary eye as he mumbles. “I’m so sorry, Mr. O’Hara, I didn’t mean to-!”
A low growl comes from the cat as his large tail ruffles up again at the teenager. Peter breaks into laughter as he realizes what happened as Jessica looks horrified. Sunny’s smile brightens even more as she realizes the truth of why this adorable ball of anger reminded her so much of someone.
Miguel O’Hara was turned into a cat.
“Miggy~!” She coos at the cat as she scratches under his chin. “You’re such a handsome Gatito!” She kisses his furry head as he head butts her mouth affectionately. His purrs now out loud as he enjoys being pampered after all the stress he had just went through.
Hobie and Pavitr swing on down with a guilty look on their face as Gwen follows, holding a broken device. Jessica crosses her arms as she glares at each one of the kids.
“Talk. now.” She demands as Peter continues to laugh his ass off.
“Well…” Gwen starts. “We thought that since Miguel went kinda hard on Miles during that whole canon event mess, we decided to play a harmless prank…”
“Harmless?” Jessica quirks an eyebrow as her dark eyes narrow.
Hobie even starts the sweat a little as he stutters. “We were gonna turn him right back after a couple of pictures. Then he went all mad and he jumped us.”
Pavitr gets defensive as he grabs the device from Gwen and waves it around as he emphasizes his point. “And he broke the device! Now how am I gonna explain to Gayatri why get dad’s evidence is-!”
His thumb brushes against a button as the shattered gadget lights up and shoots a beam right at the cooing woman on the ground.
To everyone’s horror, the woman disappears in a flash of smoke, leaving only the now enraged Miguel and a small rag doll cat who was meowing.
The smaller feline meows as she looks around her before the larger Maine coone growls as he glares at Pavitr.
The device was now a melted piece of goo as the teenager’s fate was now sealed.
“Lyla…” Pavitr backs away slowly as an angry cat approaches him. “Can you fix this?…”
“I can.” Lyla admits as she tries not to laugh at the gentle cat waltzes over to Jessica and flop on her back, exposing her stomach for belly rubs. “But it’s gonna take a couple of hours.”
With that, Pavitr books it as the large feline chases him. Jessica laughs as she picks up the small mewling cat and rubs her fur, “When are these two ever gonna catch a break?”
Peter scratches Sunny’s ear as she purs. “Probably never.” He chuckles.
Hours later, Lyla finally manages to recreate the device as the exhausted teens lay on the floor. Each one covered in scratch marks from either trying to escape Miguel or from trying to interact with Sunny.
Lyla laughs as the hero’s groan. “It’s finished. You guys act like cat sitting is hard or something.” She teases as she approaches the couch where the two cats were asleep curled around each other, exhausted from their wild day as cats. A symphony of purrs fill the room as smaller crème colored cat was surrounded by the larger chocolate colored cat. The AI fires the device at the pair and smiles when the sleeping couple returns to normal. However, the purring unexpectedly continued as the sleeping woman snuggles deeper into the rumbling chest of her lover.
Lyla definitely had something to hold over Miguel’s head now.
Taglist ((Closed))):
@ameliadraws @tojisrightnut @whyareyoubored @silly-lovestruck-em @luvil1y @chims-kookies @himesuedi @22carolina08 @chaoticevilbakugo @boredwithlifeatthispoint @hoshhoshh @isaidoop @pheroineux @rosiepetalss @aniya7 @savannahlynnes @boldlypessimistic @dilfaddiction @xsuvs @bunnybopug01 @tanakaslastbraincell @brivers @mistermouseshideyhole @paranoiac-666 @reypolaris @beeframon @sofiahowland376 @bby-lupin @thesrtuggleisveryreal @arminarmout15 @mintellaine @maddsunn @sleepyamaya @meshuao @scaraza @nobarasgfriend @kurxxmi @lemoonandlestars @pix-stuff @galaxieshearme @sunshiines-stuff @iytatsworld @corpsebridenightamare @p-rspective @almostjollypizza @celestiayxl @christinaatyourservice92 @marisolpusheen @hereliespumpkin @lordelvr @shadowlover321 @internal-soundtrack @lotustv @0sftom0 @whosace16 @namjoons-crabssss @baefys-world @namioom @20forty9 @cicithemess2000 @hailssss222 @cityofvoldemort-blog @snow30285 @serenssuga @miguelluvrinnit @sammywammy1 @dameronshandholder @moonlight-fox @miwagila @alexthebootyeater420 @mariaatp @10-jiku2 @uselsshuman @cookiezxx @randomhumans-blog @mothsicn @gingerdissapointment @outspokenmatters @cookieshakr @alex-river1 @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @luna-usagi-chan @icantsleeplol809 @tiredweeb7 @4ishere @i-heart-marvel @mooomeadows @king-julian6201 @local-mr-frog @superbjealousy @wonwuz @lokisnumber1whore @deloe18 @all4koo @gothicgay14 @perrins161 @ghost-with-a-teacup @addictedtothefictionalworld @stevenknightmarc @loxbbg @some-lovely-day @thisisanaccountokaydus @keepingitlokiii @stevenknightmarc @maxi-ride @juneonhoth @fa1rybubbl3z @strxngegirl @iytatsworld @dilfrs @stfugenderfuck @ben-is-a-hoe @coralineyouareinterribledanger @fallinallinmendes @im-sure-its-fine @mirophobic
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crownmemes · 2 months
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Advice; About Pages vs Rules Pages
About Pages
An about page is where you describe information about your muse. It allows potential writing partners to see who they are and decide if they're interested in writing with them. An about page should ideally consist of the following:
Basic bio information (name, age, etc)
A short physical description (this is useful even if you have a fc image because you can describe how they may differ from the image!)
A short paragraph describing what they're like as a person
Any relevant history information
Of course, the more information the better, so you could write more than this if you wanted to! If you have a really long about page, having a short, condensed paragraph summary at the top of the page is a good idea.
An about page is also a good place to put any AUs you may have for your muse (or you could create a separate verses page!). For AU information, you should describe how your muse is different from their main verse.
You need an about page if you are writing an OC. Your OC is an original character, so you need to give potential writing partners that information so they can see what your OC is like. If your muse is canon divergent or AU based, you should also have an about page because people will want to know how your muse differs from canon before deciding to write with you.
If your muse is a canon character, you should still consider having an about page. This is because you're likely to have headcanons that differ from canon, so writing them down prevents confusion later on. It also allows people who aren't familiar with the character to learn about them so they can write with you too - this is especially important if you write for a small fandom!
If you're a new blog, writing about pages also demonstrates your writing ability and style, which can help you get your first interactions!
If you're struggling to write an about page, I have prompts for basic character information here.
Rules Pages
A rules page is where you write the rules for writing with you. Common rules are:
No godmodding (controlling your writing partner's character)
Age restrictions
The length of replies you want to write
Any topics you don't want to write
Some people also include a brief description of themselves here. It is a good idea to include whether you are under 18, 18+ or 21+ as many people have age restrictions in their rules.
Making a rules page is important because it allows you to set restrictions that potential writing partners can check before interacting with you. It also allows potential writing partners to check that you are compatible with them.
It's important to read a partner's rule page before interacting with them. It's surprisingly easy to tell if somebody hasn't read your rules, and people are unlikely to want to write with somebody who hasn't read them.
See suggestions of where to make about/rules pages here.
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rottingaches · 1 month
hello everyone ! my name is mio or phobia, i'm 20+ and use he/they pronouns. i'm currently looking for long—term one on one roleplays with people 18 and older, preferably on discord, or roleplay groups to join ˎˊ-.
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⊹ i write in a descriptive, 3rd person point of view, normally ranging from three to five paragraphs. if you have a different writing style, shorter or longer, i'll match ! i tend to use a lot of prose and flowery language, as well as visual changes in my writing — including using capital words or fonts for emphasis. if you would prefer i don't do this, feel free to let me know and i'll leave it out !
⊹ generally, i prefer plots where romance is not the driving factor. i will often include it as a subplot, or something that furthers the main point, but romance—centered stories are not for me ! that being said, if there is a romance plot that you're very interested in, feel free to offer it and we can see if it's something that can be worked with. i absolutely love soulmate plots where neither of them are expecting it, or the soulmatism is the cause of sooo much pain and anguish.
⊹ i love angst. i love it. i live it and breathe it and i will injure and maim and maul my characters for fun! sorry about this! i like hurting them! fluff is so rare!! what is a happy ending without pain so they can appreciate it! etcetera. i'm sorry!!
⊹ plot—wise, once more, i tend to work with darker plots. many of my writings include death, light gore, religious imagery and blasphemy, drugs and illegal substances, and more generally mature themes. while i may reference suicide or self—harm, it will not be actively written. that aside, i will not write r*pe, ab*se, in*est, p*dophilia or any of the above topics including a minor. i also do not tolerate racism, and prefer not to write any kind of sexism. homophobia is a theme that many of my characters will have in their backstory, but not one i'm willing to include in current roleplay events other than as a reference to the past.
* as a note : any action by my characters that is illegal or generally seen as wrong is not one that is endorsed by me. these are actions taken by fictional characters in a piece of writing that stays between me and another writer or group of writers, and are not identifiers of a lifestyle that i believe others should attempt to emulate.
⊹ i will write smut if it furthers the plot or if we are close only. please do not request it; i will not write it as a focal point. any smut or sexual mentions in my writing are based purely on built chemistry and generally, will shape the plot: i do not believe that casual sex will not change a relationship. if that is a plot point for us, then by all means ! — i do not have any issue with discussing sexual themes in writing, and do believe in a sex—positive environment.
⊹ i prefer queer pairings. my characters' gender identity and sexuality often play a crucial part of their journey and even if it's not active in the roleplay, it is important to me and i will be talking about it ! most, if not all, of my experience lies with mlm / nb pairings, but i'd like to reach into wlw pairings and writing to better myself. ˎˊ-
⊹ most of my characters have an irl idol or celebrity faceclaim. i do not do real—person roleplay, though i may reuse names, but my characters are not their faceclaims. i use them because they inspire me and are fitting. all my ocs are close to or older than their fc. most of my faceclaims are k—pop idols. if this bothers you, do not bother with interacting! i have a few that are not, but i tend to have very low muse for them.
⊹ i prefer oc and fandomless writing. that being said, i do have ocs and canon characters that i've written in the genshin impact verse and bungo stray dogs universe. i'm very open to writing these, it's just not something i've done as often ! i'm also willing to dip my toes into honkai impact 3rd, saw, hannibal, or something with a plot similar to inuyasha, neon genesis evangelion, stardew valley, legends of zelda, reanimator, and a lot more !
⊹ i've been roleplaying and writing for over eight years, on multiple different platforms from wattpad to tumblr to twitter, discord, and mewe. generally, i prefer plotting before deciding on characters as it allows me to be sure the characters will be ones that will help rather than hinder the plot and leave us at a standstill !
⊹ i am a student, so i may not respond immediately but will always try to get back to you in a day or two max ! feel free to poke at me occasionally and leave messages, i'll respond once i can.
⊹ send me a dm or interact with this post if you're interested in plotting! when you reach out, i'd appreciate it if you'd introduce yourself and let me know what you're looking for. i return the energy i receive ! i love talking ooc and would love to make friends, whether we rp or not. ˎˊ-
divider. rts appreciated!
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azsazz · 3 months
omg BABE congraaats! SO excited for u 👏 I absolutely adored Midnight Muse, so even though a small part of me wants to hoard and gatekeep our precious fic in this fandom, you deserve the success and recognition, and the world deserves good books! 💖
Remember us and remember where u came from when you blow up 🥹 luv uuuuu
now, some questions 4 u:
How was it to 'un-acotar-ize' the story, and find alternate names for everyone? Do you still picture the acotar characters in your mind in the new version? I'm curious what the rest of the changed names are apart from Quinn and Knox (which are awesome names btw), are the other changed names something you can share, or is that a secret? (it's fine if not, I'm just super curious 😁) Also, was 'Knox' a reference to one of Az's sons in your fic family tree?
Also, I notice it says "Book 1 of the Vulcan University series", are there plans for more? 👀
Thank you so much!!! I know i wish we could gatekeep it here too but it was too good not to share with the world! The real ones will always know where midnight muse came from 💙💙
i could never forget any of you!! and you'll never get rid of me either 😈 hehehe. I love you too!! 🫶🏻
Honestly, it de-acotarizing it wasn't too bad. it was a little grating because i basically had to revise 120k 😭 and my version of revising that was literally retyping the entire thing because im a psycho and can't just fix up paragraphs haha. but the plot did get some work after all of the feedback i received and i thinks its even better than it was!! There's def still some subtle acotar hints tbh (maybe to the point where i'm worried it might be a lil obvious but whatevs) but gotta let em know my roots lol
hmmm finding names was kind of a mix of easy and hard for me. i've always wanted to use the name knox because i really like it as we all know so i went with him bcs i love it. it's slightly a reference to the son i made for him, but if you've read the knox x reader fic there's something that i do want to use his (my?) canon (or is it fanon? no idea) character with a variation of the name (so excited about). but that's for when i attempt writing a fantasy so idk when that will happen, there's much more thought that has to go into that than my lil romance 💙 but yeah we love knoxie in any form 💙
sometimes i do picture the characters when im writing...it's surprisingly mostly cass i think about or slip up when i'm talking about it irl 😂 but they mostly have their own personalities now and i adore them all so much!
I would LOVE to share the other character names!! So we have Quinn (absolutely love this name tbh) and Knox obviously 💙💙💙 Then we have Ace (which would be Rhysand's character in the fanfic), Rory - Quinn's best friend and roommate. Then we have Slate (😂 always cracks me up) for Cassian's character, and Reid for Luciens character. Mandy was Mor but only makes a brief appearance! Those are pretty much the main characters for the series 💙
There are plans for more...hehehe...i might be well into writing the second one as we speak, but the goal is to have four books in this series!
thank you for the questions these were so exciting and fun to talk about 🥰💙
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suffarustuffaru · 7 months
I think I read a while ago on reddit that you had a madoka magica au for re zero, do you still think about it? I can Imagine Subaru taking the place of Homura but the rest of the cast is harder to place. It's a fun thought exercise though.
WAIT wow your ask sent me down memory lane wkdndn i forgot i even had a madoka magica au in the works for a while. i made it in like late 2020 and last worked on it in early-mid 2021 hah mostly bc my skill with writing and art didnt match with how big of an idea a multichap plotty crossover/fusion au was and i was still just dipping my toes into more ambitious ideas!! but id love to revisit it again now that i got more practice 👍
i like read your ask then went WAIT A MINUTE I DO HAVE A MADOKA MAGICA AU and then i skimmed through my old google doc plot outline for it in a frenzy. but also i used to write in yellow comic sans at the time so i wont subject you to my old terrible (affectionate) writing habits too much. but i think its funny how i had some notes on vague (and Dead Serious) ideas for witch form symbolism and i just found this yellow comic sans monstrosity:
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2020/21 me was on some drugs probably LMAO 😭😭 but given madoka magica’s canon content that is probably a good thing if youre writing serious madoka magica fic.
also i did have a tiny bit of finished writing for it. here is the old synopsis past me came up with:
Stumbling across magic and witches, fourteen-year-old Natsuki Subaru follows his new friends and a mischievous cat spirit into a world where a single contract could grant you your greatest wish.
And at the end of it all, he really should’ve known this from the start: wishes always come with a cost.
i think that currently id probably change up this synopsis a bit if i worked on it again but it aint bad i think 👍 and yes youre right subaru would def be in homuras role for this fic… 😔 anyone whos seen both madoka magica and rezero would immediately make that connection i think hah they have. Similarities, as we know 😔
and i deaged some of the rezero cast as you can see hah. not sure if id keep that but i think an important aspect of madoka magica is that the main characters are that young. it helps add to some of their decisions and adds to the tragedy and whatnot. that and like. targeting vulnerable young girls, Literal Children, knowing that most would make a wish and sell their souls in a heartbeat and then easily be crushed by trauma without being able to fight back much, you know? :,) and then theyd make Lots and Lots of despair to harvest… and madoka was meant as a magical girl deconstruction and magical girls iirc tend to be arounddd early teens/preteens!! ill talk a bit more later on how id try to do this au with deaged rz cast hah.
also i did have a small drabble written for this au!!
The boy, no older than fourteen, stands there with an eerie sense of calm.
His frame is seemingly scrawny and lean, dawning dark clothing reminiscent of a mixture between a tracksuit and a school uniform - even if it’s adorned with golden ribbons and stripes - with a whip attached to the belt at his waist. Draped over that is a cloak, the hood of it casting a shadow over messy black hair and a cold expression. His keen eyes, emphasized by the deep bags underneath, narrow at the sight of Puck, mean and brimming with distaste.
With a steady hand, he raises a pistol to Puck’s head.
The moonlight shines dimly through the broken windows and onto the shards littered all over the floor. A beam illuminates a metal contraption, its appearance similar to a shield, strapped to the boy’s forearm.
“You know, I don’t quite recall making a contract with you,” Puck muses cheerily, though an undercurrent of a threat weaves itself into his tone. He stares down the barrel without fear, his sharp teeth revealed in his smile. “Who are you, really? And why are you so upset that I’ve been getting close with Lia? Jealous much?”
“Don’t you dare call her that,” the boy replies instead, bitterly spitting out each and every word. “Don’t you dare pretend that you only have her best interests at heart, or that you really care for her like a father figure would. It makes me sick.” He sneers as he digs the cool metal of the gun harder into Puck’s fur. “Because if you make even just one mention of creating a contract with her, or if you even come near her… I’ll definitely make sure that you regret it.”
yeah so. past me made puck kyubey apparently 😔👍 and if i revisited this au im not sure if i would keep subarus character development to be Exactly the same (ie it was very greedbaru/pridebaru/homura inspired) but this drabble was a fun exercise at the time!!
but anyway i will ramble about some more ideas i had for this au under the cut!! turned out past me had A Lot of ideas.
yes so this au was like. a fusion of sorts so yes i was assigning rz characters certain roles, blending worldbuilding together, etc etc but the general plot sort of followed the general story of the main madoka magica plot from the main show to rebellion!! it was like vaguely modernish too, but you know, madoka likes to be Creative with its backgrounds (see: the infinite amount of crazy chairs everywhere, which im still very fond of to this day) and also rz vainglory/school if has its fantasy world cast mixed in with subarus parents still being there iirc and a whole bunch of other details too (like beatrice being subarus adopted sister iirc?). so i was going the vainglory-ish route here in terms of “how modern is this world?” 👍
the main cast i was focusing on was gonna be subaru (homura), emilia (madoka), rem (sayaka), ram, beatrice, felt, and reinhard. also puck as kyubey haah and satella as walprugisnacht aka the giant witch at the end of the main show. i havent seen madoka in a bit wkdn i gotta rewatch. but anyway!! felt and reinhard got a mix of mami and kyokos roles narrative wise yeah.
quick rundown on their characters is that i wanted to stick to the rz cast’s canon characterization as much as possible while leaving room for fun experimentation!! and if theyre still younger than normal canon here—subarus still got his Big Ego/Im The Main Character mindset but in that way thats specific to his little kid self bc he hasnt gotten Completely Depressed yet (think like. arc 7-8 type stuff), reinhards still stuck in the middle of watching his dad gradually deteriorate, felts even Younger and still trying to find her footing a bit, rem is Guiltily and enviously trying to live up to ram’s Golden Childness (this is pre-Incident That Kills Their Whole Family). and emilia has lived a lonely life in the forest somewhere with no one for company :,) i cant remember if i had some Magic Mindfuckery ideas for her backstory here but ive definitely had ideas for modernizing her backstory for other aus like this!! but either way emilias family is still dead ;-; and i do consider like. the idea that modern emilia would have albinism, especially when there is discrimination in place against people with albinism that is a little similar to emilias canon struggle with her appearance so a modern take of emilia being that she is someone with albinism would be Very Relevant!! but!! not sure if id go all the way with that bc its a sensitive topic that needs to be treated with care and i dont personally have albinism 👍 or i could go the magic route and go “emilia looks like a previous magical girl thats become the most powerful witch yet….” ie satella ofc. so emilia would still be a bit of a “red flag” to other magical people.
but yes emilia wished for. im not sure but probably smth like “i wish not to be lonely anymore”…………. and then she got her wish granted via having magical girl/boy friends and puck!!!!! thisll totally end happily.
and quick note on reinhard is i didnt have much plot ideas for him yet but i considered different ideas for his backstory!! maybe theres some magic fuckery and theresia was a magical girl once? no clue how that works but it was an Idea i had for sure. also various ideas to modernize the Astrea Family Drama (dont worry the accidental indirectly/directly causing your family member’s death thing would still be there wkdndh this is an important detail to me.) but regardless of whats going on with reinhards backstory his wish was a naive little kid wish!! he wanted to be a hero who helps people ;-; good going reinhard ;-;
the entire plot of this au in general was divided in half, first half would be the first timeline where things go wrong. subarus gonna be the pov and hes the audience surrogate bc hes new to the world of magical girls/boys and no one in the group 100% knows the ugly truth yet!! and like in canon emilia/madoka has already become a magical girl here. emilia is also already close with puck—and emilia is the one person puck has genuine fondness for ;-; and i had a Lot of ideas for what exactly went wrong here—i had elsa and meili planned as witches? and i think i considered disemboweling felt :<<<< this is very sad bc her family gave her away to save her bc they were in danger (yes just like in canon rz) but then later felt had her life threatened or smth? and like mami, felt wished to keep living. but the wording felt used was wanting to “live strong”…………….. well she sure got it by fighting elsa valiantly but still losing 😔
also ok the first person to become a witch is beatrice. i had like wild ideas with beatrice—the possibility that echidna still made beatrice and puck and that beatrice couldve been a failed—whats the word for the creatures in madoka that collect/cause magical girls??? incubators i think?? yeah that. because whatre the two things a little kids gonna probably trust?? a cute cat creature and a tiny little girl offering free wishes, probably. and of course beatrice got assigned by her biomom echidna to look after echidnas library maybe. bc echidnas funny like that and beatrice didnt work out as an incubator so now shes gonna generate soooo much despair when she realizes that there is no That Person + the truth of magical girls/boys and what beatrice was meant to be used for….
yes more various shit hits the fan bc rem and rams canon witch cult backstory… i had plans to adjust it for this au and make it happen In Real Time. and also rem’s wish was probably something along the lines of wanted to be needed. and Better. so not just Like Ram. but rem wanted to be More than ram. which rem is guilty about but thats still what she wants so she wishes for it away from rams eyes. ofc rams feelings on this is that she just wants her sister to treasure herself and be safe and whatnot but rem is kinda in her pre-witch cult trauma mode and Oops now their town is destroyed in flames and their family is dead ;-;;; not sure how else id modernize rem and rams backstory but yes this is. this is how their plot went in that first timeline wkdnd. and ram is injured in some way ;-;;;
yes and then rem you know pulls a sayaka and goes a little crazy about everything bc beatrices whole ordeal already revealed how fucked they all are and then rem and rams Trauma just happened so rem feels like shit!! and then she becomes a witch too oops ;-; and then reinhard decides to be the hero and sacrifices himself so emisuba can escape ;-;; or at least that was my plan at the time. but yeah rem became better (a magical girl. bc ram didnt feel like making a wish bc her only wish would be wanting rems happiness but she didnt want to Cheat That. she wanted rem to find it on her terms. except rem became “better” and bigger than ram by being a witch also oops. also i think i still had vague plans to include rem being Obsessed with subaru to contrast what will later be subarus emilia obsession haha) and then reinhard. is the hero. </3
satella comes in somewhere at the end. she used to be a magical girl but she became a witch and shes Crazy Powerful for reasons i have forgotten now 👍 but i definitely wanted to have more shenanigans going on with her backstory to keep that sort of emilia-satella-subaru mystery connection. and theyre still connected anyway bc emisuba inevitably lose to satella bc shes too powerful ;-; emilia is gonna die and puck realizes OH SHIT I SHOULDNT BE FEELING LOVE BUT I DO GENUINELY LOVE EMILIA I CANT DEAL WITH THIS. WITH HER DYING. ID RATHER DESTROY EVERYTHING THAN LET THAT HAPPEN. and ofc subarus also in agreement bc oh god oh god—and yeah. subaru hasnt made a wish until this point but he makes a contract with puck to promise to save Everyone. like subarus promise in canon right before he dies for the first time you know? bc then he dies.
and wooooo the time loop officially begins!!! i had more ideas but i have typed lots on this post already akfnd maybe ill save it for another time if people are interested.
but yes thats all thats the au!!!! i am not familiar with stuff like magia record yet sadly ;-;; but if i ever wanted to expand the au thats def One option 👍 bc WOW the rz cast would be such a goddamn gold mine for those fucking incubators. little kid felix argyle would be a Top Tier candidate for them. like can you imagine???? thatd be the biggest disaster of all time ;-;;; and also theres Lots of possibilities for various witches the cast can fight!! very fun stuff its why i chose elsa and meili and satella :o !! but yes id consider exploring other candidates for magical girls and boys as well bc WOW felix would go insane here.
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phandompenny · 1 year
1990 Phantom Fic Recs
Since the lovely @wheel-of-fish's stream of the 1990 TV production of POTO, I have been unable to stop thinking about Cherik and know there are countless others who likely feel the same.
Perhaps the only thing more tragic than the ending is the fact that there's so few 1990 fics! And among those tagged many of them take some character inspiration but don't really use the unique premise and setup and characters provided in the Y/K miniseries. So I've decided to compile this list of a few of my favourites! Enjoy!
what i would best like to see by queeenciri
A much gentler and happier picnic unmasking, where Christine reacts a little differently! I love the character work in this fic; the thoughts and emotions of the characters feel so real, and it really breaks down their motivations.
Together We Dream by Anonymous
This one is brand new and I'm in love with the prose and writing style of it! An extra conversation between Erik and Christine, one that could fit into canon or be a turning point. Christine reflects on some similarities between them, and it leads to this emotional conversation with angst and joy entwined gorgeously.
How Deep the Bullet Lies by oprhan__account
This is more of a hurt/comfort and whump fic, where Erik survives the ending of the miniseries. It's mainly him processing the events of the show and musing on what comes next, and does have a ending that is pointing towards things improving! Currently listed as chapter 1/? , but it's still worth reading as a fantastic exploration of an intriguing concept.
Sunflowers by CottagecoreCandlelight
Incredibly fluffy E/C, where Christine gifts Erik some sunflowers. Filled with the adorable shyness and sweetness that this couple has, and I'm in love with the visual image of 1990 Erik and his bouquet of sunflowers. They suit him very well!
Understatement by BrendaDaaeDestler
Erik takes Christine on their first date together! Fluff including a candlelit dinner and slow dancing. This is an AU where Gerard is willing to set up such a date, but the main focus is the budding romance between Erik and Christine.
A Magical World by pippa-writes
This is actually a collection of four ficlets! They're mostly canon compliant, and range from Christmas fluff to Christine regretting the picnic unmasking. The first one is even a Phillipe centric look at Christine's grief post canon (unfortunately with the canon ending), which I find quite unique and fascinating.
Rêver by trace-of-rouge
Somewhat tragic and angsty one shot, this is Erik musing on the nature of dreams and his feelings for Christine. It's a very good short character study, and I really enjoy the insight into Erik's thoughts.
The Strange Case of Monsieur Belladova by NPennyworth
If I constantly reread my own story then I'm allowed to put it on my own phic rec list, and I am seriously quite proud of how this one turned out! I wanted to explore a happier AU where Erik gets to just work at the opera house; this is written from the perspective of the opera company as they debate whether to say anything about the mask, but it seems rude to point it out when nobody else has. Mostly humor and fluff, with background E/C.
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c-bookwyrm · 4 months
══ஓ๑ 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮
Constance is still, technically, a work in progress. This post may be updated over time, and this will be notated with a date at the bottom to show the last time it was updated. This post is a little long since I am just rambling about her as a whole.
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First picrew (split hair is not an option, edited). Second picrew.
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⁀➷ Basics
Constance is near her thirties, and had accepted the fact that her life would undoubtedly be a quiet one. She keeps to herself primarily, and while most may think this is due to her anxieties, it's only a small part of the overall reason.
She's short (5'2), has a little weight to her, and favors more earthy colors and purple when it comes to colors she wears. Likes to wear long sleeves with collars of some sort, with dark skirts. She has a few beauty marks in random places on her body, but nothing much else to note.
She's often seen carrying a very modest makeshift purse with her that she's sewn herself (not amazing at it, but proud of making it), that carries whatever journal she is on currently, as well as various pencils and a couple of books.
⁀➷ Background (Before becoming Belle)
Her upbringing to others sounds rough: orphaned, found, and raised by a man she has no blood ties to, but it's all she's ever known. She doesn't find it sad, and gets rather annoyed by the pity found in otherfs gazes when it's ever brought up. On a rare night where there are more self-depreciating thoughts than normal, she will muse on the ambiguity of her history, but otherwise she finds no point in getting beside herself as there could have been countless reasons she may had been abandoned.
It is, however, why she was so insistant on trying to help take care of Rio when he was found- even if he was rather unplesant at first. She had an inkling that if others treated him like her in that regard, it would do more damage than good. So even when he was an ass, she would still persist and chalk it up to difficulties surrounding why he lost his memory (and would scream into a pillow when it got too much, before promptly going on with her day).
She follows the canon Mc's story decently close, even working at the bookstore as well as living on her own, she develops a little outside of that. She does enjoy romance, but also various other fiction and some nonfiction as well. Most of her interest is in personal accounts of hardships, fictional or not, as well as just fantasy type of romances. She doesn't stray too far away from darker subjects, but tends not to discuss this with others.
Reading, writing, and drawing are her main hobbies. Rio does not get to view her journal for any reason, meanwhile her friend Maggie (vauge, npc-ish side character) does get to see tidbits. This is due to Maggie being part of a troupe, and enjoying the poems and stories Constance writes. One of her ideas became the inspiration for one of their preformances, but Constance refused to be mentioned in regards to it.
She's friendly with the townspeople, there are not too many people who are rude to her. When they are, it's always regarding her selective mutism. Most are patient with her when she tries to communicate (mostly through writing). Her selective mutism has been with her since Akatsuki found her, so there are older townspeople who are very used to her mannerisms regarding this.
⁀➷ Relationships (Before becoming Belle)
Maggie: She is rather vague and just an ambigious spaceholder for Constance to have someone in her life that supports her creative endevors, but not to an overwhelming manner like Rio would (he means well, but...). When Maggie's troupe is near, Constance spends a few hours a day watching them practice or preform, or spending time with Maggie outside of the troupe. Maggie is patient, but Constance is aware that her mutism causes small issues between them.
Rio: very sterotypical to the plot in this regard, however to her his love feels a bit stiffling. She loves him as a friend, and has put down some boundries so he does not overwhelm her with the shower of compliments he tries to give her. She feels very conflicted in regards to him due to how he seems to put her on a pedestal she didn't ask for, but she is too cowardly to say too much on the subject since they are close friends.
Her relationships with the princes has not been fully considered. i feel as though she would get along fine with a majority of them. Nokto may make her wary at first, as well as Chev, but she'd still persist to talk to them like normal (her heart will go a thousand miles per hour just due to all the social differences, but she'd still persist).
With Gilbert... Still being explored. The idea is that he would not look at her with pity due to the way she is- something that others do even if its unintentional. This would draw her towards him just a little, with him knowing sign making her stick even closer to him, and from there it's the way he treats her, some ideals, and smaller events between the two. Almost like a morbid curiousity over his reputation. She'd ultimately feel betrayed during a point in their relationship (spoilers), but she'd also want to stay by him as the only one who knows some secrets about her. (will try to expand when I have more braincells)
I believe Chev would treat her similarly, but she wouldn't feel much of a connection.
⁀➷ Other Details
-> Constance is someone who had believed that her life would be very simple, and while daydreamed about love at times, did not forsee herself getting married or being so involved with someone. This was due to some internal issues, but primarily she was content with this. She knew a grand adventure did not await her, and while her quiet town life left her yearning for more at times, she found that relief in stories she read/watched or penned herself. Her life was acceptible to her, and she figured that if something needed to change, she could confidently work through that. She did resign to the idea that if love was something that she truly felt she needed in life later on, then she'd more seriously consider Rio and debate her feelings on the subject more.
She became suddenly very adverse to such topics, and those close to her do not know why. They haven't broached the subject too much, save for when she snapped out of character towards Rio for his behavior with her. It took a week until she could form some sort of apology regarding it, but had to ask him to tone it down for a while. After a few months, she seemed okay again.
-> Becoming Belle terrified her. The idea of such a huge decision failing would keep her awake late at night, shaking. The idea of having to work through her speech issues terrified her, but she was trying to work through them a bit more with Rio and Sariel instead of clamming up completely. It's one thing for a stranger in town to treat her poorly over it, it's completely different when it's someone that holds power over her.
-> She finds most ease interacting with Licht, Luke, Leon, somewhat Yves, and Keith
-> She's not too fond of Nokto or Jin, but she still treats them politely. Just certain remarks make her unable to mask her distaste for the comments they can sometimes make. Silvio pisses her off.
-> Chev makes her uneasy, but she still treats him as well as the others. She isn't fond of how Clavis talks about him, but she's chalked it up to weird sibling rivalry. There's an odd comfort she can find in Chev at times but its rare it ever happens. Clavis, she's guarded with but enjoys when he's harmless.
-> She's constantly questioning her feelings towards Gilbert and is confused.
-> Can handle her alcohol well. She doesn't seem the type but theres many stormy nights where she enjoys having some alcohol while watching a light storm pass through. Hates getting drunk.
-> Has bad habits that I will not elaborate on, tied towards her random bouts of self depreciation.
⁀➷ Misc.
Constance herself became an idea with Clavis' route. I wanted to try and make an OC for him originally, since I was very in love with him. And then Gilbert needled his way through. After some daydreams of toxic polyships between them, I started forming a better idea of Constance- as previously, she was loose strings of ideas only barely connected.
She is still lose strings, but they are forming apart into a shape of a person now, and so she's slowly growing into being her own character. This got kickstarted with a song named Aura.
I don't think explaining how she came to be from that song will do a lot of good, it's vibes primarily- there is a section in the song where the singer is asking/pleading to be told when this curse of a fog will subside, and then a creaking type of noise in response. In my mind, this was a woman asking the embodiment of death when the fog that plagued them would end and life would get better. Due to my brainrot, this twisted into me visualizing this as Emma and Gilbert in a strange sense, then an Oc and Gilbert.
Constance was originally going to be a performer- she was to write this song and perform it, with Gilbert making some sly remarks about the symbolism that it could have with Obsidian. but I already have an oc like this. I didn't want to repeat. Instead, I now have Constance drafting these types of poems, songs, stories, in private. I've mused about having her publish a few things (erotica would be funny but not likely for her character), but haven't decided yet.
Last Updated : 05/28/2024
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rpdepartment · 2 years
new words might be hard to understand right away if you’re new... here’s some basic glossary to help getting started! some are more obvious than others, of course, but i know lots of people who might be confused, especially people who don’t speak english as their first language, so i figured it’s better to write down any “important” words
this list might be updated every now and then!!!
activity: the abount of time spent on a specific blog. it can be high, medium, low, or even lead to hiatus or semi-hiatus
affiliates: blog canons who tend to be tied together
archived: an archived blog is what remains of a blog no longer used, but that the player prefers not to delete. The blog might’ve been remade, so always check!
AU: alternate universe, when the story setting changes completely. 
canon-divergent: a blog that follows canon only to a certain extent, making significant enough changes to distance itself from the original version of the character
crack: silly posts, more often than not out of character, meta and meant to be jokes. crack intreactions are generally considered non-canon for the blog
dash commentary: in-character comments about what’s currently happening on dash, like other characters’ thread or replies to asks
DNI: do not interact; a list of people or blogs you don’t want to interact with, for a reason or another
double: people who play as the same character
event: a roleplay event is, for lack of better terms, an event that lasts for a generally specified amount of time, that involves a handful of characters to the whole dash. examples of events could be working together to save someone from another muse, or simply partecipating to a holiday ball
exclusive: a blog who doesn’t roleplay or ship with doubles of certain muses, since they already have mains who play them.
FC: faceclaim, the face used to represend a character, usually OCs
godmodding: any form of cheating to win an argument or a fight, usually involving metagaming or ignoring the partner’s actions to succeed. an example of godmodding could be the good ol’ “it’s an hologram” thread
hard block: blocking someone permanently
hiatus: a blog on hiatus means that the player isn’t going to be around for a long amount of time, generally unspecified
HUB: when someone makes secondary blogs to roleplay with, they usually keep their primary blog (the one they use to follow others) as a HUB where they can redirect others to all their other blogs
IC: in character; what your character says
icon: small images used to represend your characters’ expressions
interest checker: a post, or a google sheet, people ask to like, comment or fill up to see if they’re interested interacting with a certain character or blog. 
magic anon: anons of bygone eras, who cast “spells” on muses in their askbox for a specified amount of time. for example, a magic anon could “transform” your character into a cat for a week, and expects you to roleplay the situation accordingly
main: a RP partner with who the player interacts with more often; some mains can be or become exclusives
meta: metagaming, playing in character using knowledge the characters themselves don’t know, but the player do. it’s the RP equivalent of knowing how to deal with a boss in a game because you watched a walkthrough, making your character break the fourth wall and godmod to win
moved: a blog that was remade, usually either reusing the same URL or keeping a post with a link to the remade blog, leaving behind an archived blog
muse: the character you play as
musing: sentences, prose or lyrics, often written in stylistic manners, that represent the muse’s feelings, thoughts, relationships and history ( you can find a lot of them here )
mun: the player. this is you!!!
mutual: someone you follow, and who follows you back. a lot of blog are mutuals-only, meaning they’ll roleplay only with people they follow and who follows them back
OOC: out of character; when the mun talks. the opposite of IC
para/multipara: long threads, written in paragraphs
permanent starter call: generally speaking, permanent starter calls are posts the mun asks others to like or comment to make sure they’re “allowed” to send asks, interact, dashcomment or mention in other threads
promo: a post where the players promote their blog and their character, where they often give an idea of who the character they play as is, very basic rules and links to rules and about pages. please reblog those if you want to interact with them
prompt: also called ask memes or sentence starters, posts with a bunch of pre-made sentences used to break the ice and send as asks. they can be both in character and out of character ( you can find a lot of them here )
reblog karma: when someone reblogs a prompt, it’s common courtesy to send them something before reblogging the same prompt, or at least wait a few minutes and then reblog from the source
RP: roleplay
RPC: roleplay community, the “main” fandom you’re roleplaying with
rules password: a word or sentence left in the rules page of a blog, meant to be sent to prove the mun you read their rules. while the trend died down and even those who leave passwords generally agree that it isn’t something you’re forced to send, a lot of people at least notify their partner that they read their rules
semi-hiatus: a blog on hiatus means that the player isn’t going to be around very often for a long amount of time, generally unspecified
selectivity: depending on a mun’s selectivity, it means how open they are to play with new people, or non-mutuals. non-selective blogs are open to anyone to join, semi-selective blogs are much more reserved, being much more open to mutuals and people you know, while selective blogs are more often than not mutuals only and tend to have mains or even exclusive partners. someone being selective doesn’t mean they will never roleplay with you, and someone who’s non-selective isn’t automatically better than others. decide how selective you are with your blog based on nothing but your own comfort
softblock: blocking and unblocking someone in your follower list, not blocking them completely but still making sure they don’t follow you . A lot of mutuals-only blogs prefer to softblock people they don’t follow anymore
starter: the first post in a thread
starter call: a post muns ask others to generally like or comment if they want a starter for their muse. they usually have a specified limit
tag dump: the list of tags the mun uses in their blog, often to help people finding specific kind of threads (like ships and crack), or to make sure tumblr saves the most elaborate ones expect tumblr to not save them and remake the tag dump a few times
thread: the interactions between two (or more) muses
VC: voiceclaim, the voice used to represend a character
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waywardsculs · 8 months
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This place is a ℂ𝕀ℝℂ𝕌𝕊,
you just see the surface They cover shit under the rug
You can't see they're 𝔽𝔸𝕂𝕀ℕ𝔾,
they'll never be naked
Just fill your drink with tonic gin,
this is the American dream
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Hey yo what's up you filthy fucking sinners welcome to my little multimuse blog for Vivziepop's HAZBIN HOTEL and HELLUVA BOSS , featuring characters like VELVETTE , LILITH and FIZZAROLLI .
That said, I go by Ritsu, She/Her or They/Them, 30, Australian and just generally tryna chill. You can find my rules below.
@constellaris ( multifandom multimuse, sideblog ) @harmonysheart ( robin from honkai star rail, sideblog )
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AFFILIATED WITH: @bittcnneck , @hellshoard , @cxncrie , @ochtendster / @dageraadster , @sinfuldxgenerates ♥
Header & Promo Credit. || Pinned Credit. Dash Icon Credit. || Icon Template Credit. MDNI & 18+ Warning Credit. || Divider Credit.
IMPORTANT NOTE : if you ship adam with charlie, for both of us, it would be best you do not follow me if you don't intend to tag it. i'm sorry, but it makes me so vehemently uncomfortable that i just would prefer to keep my distance.
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Keep the setting of the show in mind when looking to interact. Not all muses will be friendly or even remotely nice. Don't take it personally.
I'll be as canon divergent as I feel like. Let's face it, the second we take up writing a character we're making shit that ain't ever gonna be canon. Let's just have fun.
Muse ≠ Mun. Shouldn't have to say this, but I will anyway. Some muses might be assholes, but I try not to be. You're free to come talk to me any time, I'm usually just tired lmao.
I will not be following any pre-conceived relationships with OCs unless specifically discussed prior to interaction. For example, one of my OCs (Ambriel) has her main story tied to Velvette, being that she works for her, however this only applies to my Velvette. I will not push this on any others who write Velvette, and I expect the same in return.
I am very into shipping. Our muses should kiss. Bang. Fuck around. You know what it is. I'm a ship hoe and I don't care.
NSFW content may be present. I'll make sure it's tagged as #nsfw cw or #suggestive cw for easy blocking if you guys need it, but don't be surprised if it shows up from time to time. You shouldn't be, not with the nature of the show.
Mutuals only. Meaning you need to be following this blog and be followed in return from my main blog for us to count as mutuals. If you are using a hub blog, please have your blog(s) linked somewhere so I know who you are. Otherwise I block personals on sight.
Due to personal reasons, I will only ever touch on angst threads / content in general with people I feel I can trust immensely. Please do not push me for this. I may also post occasional ideas, but I will be very picky about who I explore these with.
Every ship is in its own verse and completely separate from one another. There will never be any form of infidelity occurring on this blog in any way. To expand on this, I also will not partake in any polyships or any situations where my muse has more than one romantic or sexual partner.
I never try to hide the fact that I do struggle with my mental health a lot, and I cannot stress enough that I need any and all of my partners to be understanding with it. I have been formally diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder. All of this is by no means an excuse in any way for anything, I simply hope this may help explain some of my behaviour at times.
I have a life away from Tumblr. I won't always be around to write replies or chat. That's how life is. I work, I have responsibilities, and those take priority.
I don't do passwords/pass phrases. If I follow you, it's safe to assume I've read your rules. I always do before following anyone.
I'm not here for drama. I know you see this everywhere, but I'll be real - I barely have the spoons to live lately. I just wanna vibe and enjoy a hobby, not take part in any bullshit. Leave me out of things unless it's absolutely imperative I know about something.
No art on this blog is mine unless I openly state otherwise. The usual. Let's leave it at that babes.
Ships I Will Not Write / Do Not Like
I will not be elaborating on why I dislike them or won't write them. These are simply things I've found I really don't like and, if possible, would prefer tagged so I can simply block them.
AdamsApple (Adam/Lucifer), Velmilla (Velvette/Carmilla), Charlastor/Radiobelle (Alastor/Charlie), Valentino/Angel Dust, Adam/Charlie, Valentino/Charlie
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axnewxera · 4 months
// A headcanon (or more of an observation maybe?) I have for Rufus and the Turks
Sooooo I'm only roleplaying Rufus, I'm certainly not saying that every Turk I interact with HAS to follow these ideas. I would MUCH rather you come to the table with your own lore and your own take.
But, here is my personal takeaways from the canon about the Turks and their relationship with Rufus. I'm mostly writing this because it's fun and I'm getting to know my muse a little bit, but this will probably affect how I play the character and his feelings toward the canon Turks and Turk OCs.
I haven't played/watched Before Crisis yet, and I need to revisit Crisis Core because I played it a looooong time ago, so I'm mainly going off the original FF7, the Advent Children sequel film, and Remake and Rebirth. Tseng, Reno, Rude, Elena.
My absolute FAVORITE thing about the Turks is that they almost feel like a "main party" of their own game. They're super professional and do hella questionable stuff, but they are FRIENDS, they hang out, they go drinking together, they genuinely care about each other, they talk about their crushes, they have their own Synergy attacks just like the main party...
As evil as Shinra, Inc. is, at least the Turks division of the company seems to be VERY well-managed. And we've seen (moreso in the original FF7) that Heidegger is a super toxic and abusive boss. But, when Rufus takes over, the power dynamics shift a lot. Heidegger is ridiculed and often kind of just acts as Rufus's assistant. The Turks, though, become much more prominent, and I've always gotten the vibe that they report directly to Rufus more than they do Heidegger. Rufus almost seems to steal the department away from him. Even the official art of FF7 had Rufus and the Turks all in one image together. From what I know of Before Crisis, he has a personal history with the Turks and has pretty much gotten their complete loyalty and respect before FF7 happens, and like YEAH that holds up.
I think Rufus is much, MUCH closer to the Turks than the games show us. We never directly see Rufus drinking with them, but we also rarely see him directly out in public at all. He's the Charlie to their Angels, he's more of the behind the scenes guy directing them, but he IS part of the team. He drinks with them, he jokes with them, they all hang out and have love for each other... But with Rufus it's more private and behind closed and guarded doors.
That's not an artificial, "he signs my paychecks" relationship. That's LOVE. That's the power of friendship, the heart of the cards, the eye of the tiger. Just like all the Turks have with each other.
Advent Children, especially, did a very good job of expanding on Rufus's relationship with the Turks. They're all on the same page as remorseful and genuinely wanting to change the world for the better. Rufus has a moment of genuine shock and concern when Kadaj throws Elena and Tseng's bloody IDs at him. Reno and Rude show panic when Rufus just dives off a building. The fact that Rufus even COULD make that jump with full confidence that the Turks would catch him. And they DO.
Like honestly in my mind the Turks are almost an extension of Rufus himself. A scene with Reno is also a scene with Rufus, even if he isn't physically present, and vice-versa. They all have that Synergy (pun intended) to them. They're all watching each other's backs and on the same side.
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tewwor · 1 month
send 🌵 and i'll recommend a canon rp blog
send 🍀 and i'll recommend an oc rp blog
send ✨ and i'll recommend a multimuse blog
send 🌼 and i'll recommend a blog with beautiful writing
send 🪵 and i'll say a positive thing about my own blog
time for some positivity ( accepting ) — @miidnighters
🌵recommend a canon rp blog
oh, fr, hang on — @choicescreen this goes out to you. over the course of ... x amount of time and x amount of canon characters i've had the joy of writing against, your portrayal is so, so, so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe i'm biased because our circle of interests collided more than once with lesser known works, but i don't care!! you put so much thought into each character and every time you write something, it just always slaps.
🍀recommend an oc rp blog
Late at night..... i toss and I turn and i dream of what i neeeeeeed— I NEED A HERO @interxstitial. hear me out, okay? it started out with the weirdest, funniest, most theatrical random pairing ever. and now look at what happened. beautiful writing aside ( i adore it so very much ), the way that you've created jiwon???? the verses you have? the thought and life you've given them????? outstanding. stunning. makes my jaw drop every time. AND you're such a hoot to chat with!!!
✨recommend a multimuse blog
hello, operator? please dial me to @gollldrush. HELLO? HELLO!!!!! oh, the way you love and cherish your muses. oh, the way that you WRITE!!!!!!!!!!! it makes me so!!!! you inspire me, truly. the way your words flow and the juicy descriptions you have in several genres is so incredibly good. i'm so glad we started writing together!!!
🌼recommend a blog with beautiful writing
c'mere. c'mere you @womanlives. i don't even remember when we first started writing. but i do know that now matter how long either of us goes on hiatus... there's a time where we're both online and plucking at our silly little words and mash together our silly little court jesters. i have always adored your writing. it's a breath of fresh air. it's so fun to read and i can never get enough of it!!! i don't get that long reply fatigue i sometimes get when i'm tired and have a bit of brainfog. that shit clears right up whenever i see a reply pop up from you. i read that shit like it's my morning paper and i wouldn't have it any other way!!!!!!!!!!
🪵i'll say a positive thing about my own blog
omg... i'm suddenly so shy.. HWOIGAHWWIOGH no but fr, i do think i've created quite a bit of individual lore! three main separate worlds and all of their little chess pieces to match :') i'm willing to admit that it's impressive! BUT i certainly wouldn't have continued / progressed this far without y'alls help and inspiration!!
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booksofadventures · 2 months
Rules & Current Muse List!
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{ Gonna have this pinned here and just leave this for my mobile user peeps! }
1.) Hey everyone, my name is Klemmie! I am nonbinary & my pronouns are they/them or she/her, I prefer they/them though! I am of age at 29 years old and have been RPing since about 2010, over a whole decade! Due to my age there might be NSFW on this blog at times but it will always be under a read more and tagged. On this subject, most muses are of age or have a verse where they are, please be aware of this and all main verse ages for my muses are on their bios on the character page.
2.) I am working a job which I usually only have a couple days off in the week and most evenings free. However activity and replies may be slow or low due to the nature of this being a multi-muse blog and my energy levels on any day. I will do my best to pop in at least once or twice a week with the intentions of queuing up any replies that I owe and once in a blue moon do I reply quickly and without queuing. But just to make everyone aware that this is how this blog operates!
3.) I am good with a mix of jumping into things without a plot; such as memes, open starters, random things are good. But sometimes I prefer plotting, even if only a little bit, especially when it comes to a pre-established relationship that isn’t the canon between two characters; this includes children of muses. I am okay with writing with said muses but I would like to have a bit of plotting to this as my version of the muse or muses as parents in question is not the one canon to yours as such, I need to make sure I know whats going on or all your gonna get from my muse is either ’ I have no kids ’ or i dont believe you, so i tend to avoid that if no prior communication has happened before hand! I do also like screaming about plots that both parties might want to do and discuss between us to work out a possible thread idea?
4.) This blog is multi-fandom, verse and ship. Meaning all threads even if tagged as in the same verse for a muse are their own story and thread between our muses, this includes for relationships, unless its a story that has been discussed and plotted between all involved.
We are also Crossover-friendly here! I love mashing up fandoms and seeing what happens!
5.) As stated in my first ruling, NSFW themes and topics may be present, if I feel that the topic, even if it’s gore and not sexual nsfw, is too heavy or unsafe to just have out on display I will always put it under a read more and tagged the triggers like; tw;__
6.) Continuing with the point above, I will not tolerate certain things like underage sexual content or abuse or any nsfw content with minors - this goes for muns & muses and hanging, if you are ever unsure of anything please ask me. This is also a if I ever forget or don’t tag something that is a trigger for you please just message me and I will tag them accordingly.
7.) Unless your muse has some supernatural abilities or in my muse’s canon knows things about them, please don’t use information that is like their weaknesses and things like that in our threads until my muse reveals them or it is revealed in a thread, I class this as meta rping/writing/gaming?? and it’s no fun???
8.) I’m okay with multiple writing styles, I don’t have the need for anyone to match my length in replies, I know I can get lengthy at times, but as long as it’s more than one sentence or is appropriate for the type of thread we are writing together, because sometimes even I just want to do shorter threads, though I do prefer more written and longer ones.
9.) I’m more into story driven threads, ones that develop my muses and yours hopefully, ones that develop a chemistry and relationship between them. These are the kinds of threads I prefer.
10.) I’m open to all plots and relationships, just come hit me up and let’s see what we can come up with!!!
11.) For shipping I am a shipper of chemistry, I am here for the development. But if you feel like our muses are beginning to develop something, please message me and we can talk. I am always up for shippy things and all relationships, I prefer them to be developed and chemistry based. I will not force anything onto anyone if they feel like something isn’t there.
12.) I’m no biggie on spelling, grammar is also not too much of an issue, but a clear grammar is preferred. As long as I can read and understand it for a reply we are good. If I am having trouble I will ask you to clarify.
13.) When sending in an ask, please specify a muse, one thing on my anxiety is when I get an ask without some specifying, sometimes I will throw someone randomly if I can but if not I get anxious about it, so unless you state one or that its for any muse I will not answer it, unless I know you & muse or muses well enough to know who it’s from or I have come and asked you to clear up who it was for.
14.) OOC =/= IC. I will not tone down my muses for anyone, but I don’t agree with their morals and choices all the time. OOC is not the same as IC.
15.) I have a habit of forgetting to reply to threads, if it’s been more than a week since I have replied, give me a poke. I may have forgotten or lost muse, this doesn’t mean we can start more threads and get back to it.
16.) Cool with anon asks & M!As.
That’s all folks! Hope that we can write something together soon!
Sora Ryuu - fandomless oc
Beetlejuice - au and canon
Rias mizuhana - au borderlands [ genderbend of rhys strongfork ]
Emery din - oldest triforce bro / legend of zelda oc
Torin nayru - middle triforce bro / legend of zelda oc
Leon farore - youngest triforce bro / legend of zelda oc
Hades - mix of sources / headcanon based
13th doctor - mixed of au and canon
Percy parker - spiderman oc { currently being rewritten }
Roxas - kingdom hearts
Riku - kingdom hearts
Spyro the dragon
Judai yuki - yugioh gx
Revali - legend of zelda
Link - legend of zelda
Zelda - legend of zelda
Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Fizzaroli - Helluva Boss
Merlin - bbc merlin
Alphonse elric - fullmetal alchemist
Bill cipher - gravity falls
Eleventh doctor - doctor who
{ Muses may get added or removed at any time, but I will post when I've changed anything! }
Yukio Okumura - Blue Exorcist
River song - doctor who
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
OFMD Fic Statistics, Revisited
I made this statistics analysis post about Izzy’s popularity on AO3 back in January 2023, and I’ve been wondering for a while how the numbers have shifted. (More thoughts.) Seeing as S2 is about to ramp up fic writing again and upend current trends, I figure this is about my last chance to look only at S1 / hiatus popularity. So. New numbers.
The original post was made at 12,072 fics. Today we are at 23,187. Almost doubled.
“Israel Hands” is character tagged in 11,271, so 48.6% of all fics. Lucius Spriggs is tagged in 6153 (26.5%), Jim Jimenez in 3732 (16%), and Oluwande Boodhari in 3201 (13.8%). Our mains still unquestionably take the top spots, with Blackbeard / Edward Teach at 17,773 (76.7%) and Stede Bonnet at 16,355 (70.5%). Also if I exclude all the character tags of the Revenge crew I get 1441 fics (6.2%) that mostly don't use character tags, around 60% of which appear to be BlackBonnet. Did see one Doug/Mary though. Get some, girl!
Compared to 9 months ago, Izzy is up about +3.9% and everyone else is down less than -4%. Lucius at -3% and Edward at -3.6% appear to be the biggest hits. But, again, these percentages are still nearly twice as many fics total (ex: Lucius added +2593 to his January total of 3560). This looks like the fandom has been pretty consistent about which characters they write about? (I'll muse on trends later.)
Re: Shipping... Let's get BlackBonnet out of the way. This ship is tagged on 15,111 OFMD fics, making it 65.2% of the fandom. Now 906 of those are also tagged SteddyHands, making it a whole 6% of all BlackBonnet, and reducing BlackBonnet to 14,205 fics and 61.3% of the fandom if we exclude them.
Running the otp:true search says that now 10,016 fics and 43.2% of all OFMD content is BlackBonnet with no side pairings at all.
The fandom is getting a little more varied and willing to write about more than their OTP. It's down -6.9% which is a good thing if you like basically any side characters. All these numbers are still definitely on the high end, though, even for a canon pairing. Like the main thing making them seem less skewed to me is Good Omens (TV) that has AzCrow at 83.7% of 57,524 fics. And that's a huge outlier with less side character attention than a true ensemble cast.
Izzy Hands compared to shipping tags is still probably a better idea of how much positive attention he's getting, so we'll break those down next. See if that slight character tag gain reflects in ships.
BlackBonnet is still the biggest tag under "Israel Hands" with 5499 fics - that's 48.8% of all "Israel Hands" fics. It also means 23.7% of OFMD fics are tagged with BlackBonnet + "Israel Hands". SteddyHands is also tagged on 840 of those, so we can exclude that many and say 41.3% of "Israel Hands" fics / 20% of OFMD fics are tagged with BlackBonnet + "Israel Hands" and NOT SteddyHands.
The actual Izzy ships go:
Edward/Izzy at 2816 under "Israel Hands", 3029 (13%) total. Excluding SteddyHands becomes 1997 under "Israel Hands", 2139 (9.2%) total
Edward/Stede/Izzy at 1819 under "Israel Hands", 1994 (8.6%) total
Stede/Izzy at 1290 under "Israel Hands", 1385 (6%) total. Excluding SteddyHands becomes 532 under "Israel Hands", 567 (2.4%) total
Izzy/Lucius at 1015 under "Israel Hands", 1116 (4.8%) total. Black Pete/Lucius still outranks it even inside Izzy's tag, btw
For comparison Black Pete/Lucius is sitting at 1845 (8%) of fics. 75.7% of those are also tagged BlackBonnet, and excluding it leaves you with 448 (1.9%) of fics. I didn't want to run otp:true since there's so much poly!Lucius.
Oluwande/Jim is at 1662 (7.2%) of fics. 72.1% of those are also tagged BlackBonnet, and running otp:true leaves you with 302 (1.3%) fics that are purely TealOranges.
Very, very modest gains in the Izzy shipping sphere, mostly via SteddyHands and its +1.9% raising several boats if we're being real. Still... take Stede out and not even BlackHands breaks double digits. Izzy/Lucius went up by +0.5%. Comparatively Black Pete/Lucius is down -1.8% from January, and Oluwande/Jim down -1.3%. Again, we're seeing a pretty consistent fandom here. Remember these drops aren't all going to SteddyHands (obviously)... there's a lot of negligible ships that are fluctuating too and hopefully benefiting from having a slightly larger slice of the pie to share (and twice as many fics in that slice)!
Trend-wise, I'm actually surprised it's still so consistent? BlackBonnet going down is easily the largest change here, and it's not exactly huge. Also inevitable and a good thing, based on patterns from other fandoms. I mean, you might be disappointed if you are literally only here for them, but very little sucks like watching an ensemble show and then finding out the fandom gives zero fucks about any of the characters outside the huge main ship... even when you like the ship!
I do wonder if the very small boosts in Izzy content have anything to do with Izzy fans retreating into the canyon to keep their fandom enthusiasm alive? I know all the aggression from the Izcourse has cut off a lot of Izzy fans from the general fandom and all the side character and minor ship content therein, and creative communities around minor ships are small enough without being subdivided further. If you have a whole community who will talk to you about Izzy, and then you can only talk about TealOranges with your Izzy friends because half the TealOranges people have you blocked, you might just write more Izzy???
Anyway hope people find this as interesting as the last one.
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