#even though he was only running because he was chasing after obi-wan who was running away from him)
tennessoui · 1 year
Love your jedi healer au and now I can’t stop laughing at bb!anakin walking into walls because he’s new to the blindfold and not used to using the force to get around yet
(the only other healer anakin au post, but i did make it a tag because im still thinking about it)
baby anakin keeps ripping the blindfold off in anger to frown accusingly up at his new jedi healer master because this SUCKS (he feels so much in the force even as a baby that if he lets himself go, he feels too much of the things around him that it makes it harder to see than it would for a normal jedi)
So basically for a few months his jedi healer master just walks behind him constantly to gently steer him out of the way of oncoming, stationary objects and also keep the blindfold around his eyes
(Bb anakin, thinking he’s being clever and pushing it up so he can see the droid parts in front of him so he can put them together faster: hehehehe
Vokara Che, pouring space vodka into her third cup of caf: i know you’re peeking, Skywalker. Blindfold down.
Bb Anakin: oh COME ON!!!! You can’t even see me!!
Vokara Che later in the break room with all the other healers: and then I told him I could see everything and anything he does through the force which guides me, but really he giggles whenever he thinks he’s being sneaky)
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battlekilt · 5 months
Hi! Can you tell us (me, I mean me) something more about the Little Troopers, please? Possibly something happy?🥺
Little Troopers is MOSTLY a happy thing, though there is some seriousness to it. It is crack approached seriously. However, we've got a bunch of Clone Littles scurrying around, which means hijinks and mayhem and entirely too cute for anyone's sake.
If Fox is a biter, Cody is a pincher. It is his childhood defense against brothers—it hurts, but it doesn't technically cause any harm, and it gets his point across.
Cody is a neurotic child, so persnickety he sometimes borders on obsessively compulsive about things. Just like their adult selves, none of the kids like messes—Fox is a little messier than the vod'ike he hangs with the most, but he is still likely to pick up after himself, even if he takes a little longer than the others.
How about I talk about Boba and Omega?
These two are the only Clones who don't get regressed. Boba is released from his imprisonment to study why he and Omega weren't regressed, and... no one ever sent him back to prison. Doesn't mean he isn't paying his so-called debt to society.
He's the nanny. Oh, of course, he absolutely HATES it.
Ok, he really doesn't. Not that he'll admit it.
See, Boba didn't get to play with a lot of other Clones. But, as a child, he wanted to play with them ALLLLL the time. With all his memories intact, he hasn't forgotten what Clones he had gotten to play with, and deep down...
He always wanted to be the Older Brother—and STAY the Older Brother. He wanted little brothers who didn't outgrow him and leave him behind because he was too little. Now he gets to chase after a toddling Fox while he has a little Rex on his hip. He has no shame in arguing with a pint-sized Cody—not that getting Cody to argue is hard or anything, no, he's just as argumentative as a Little as he was as a Clone Commander (much to Obi-Wan's delight)—over silly things, and he's actually very good at eating the lumpiest cupcake Wolffe makes in the kitchen.
Omega is... thrilled when she gets to visit Coruscant, where some of the other Clones are. Back on Kamino, when she isn't helping Nala Se research the cause of the Clone's age regression, she's playing with darling Alpha-17, Blitz, and Hammer. She has also really taken a shine to the menaces still known as The Bad Batch—Oh what a handful those seven Littles are!
Taun We is quite pleased to have more Littles running around.
Meme Ref.
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gffa · 2 years
(Replying to this post about how the Jedi keep their doors open for Count Dooku if he wants to visit or come back and how everyone is aware of this.) poeticfinnema replied:
I can’t express how much joy it gives me that those who choose to leave are still welcomed back! I only recently watched the final season of the clone wars and it blew my mind realizing that Ahsoka could have gone back if she had wished to do so. 😭 It makes me wonder, are there canon stories of people actually being expelled for things like having too strong of attachments or for committing actual crimes?  because the more I read the harder of a time I have believing that Obi-Wan saying Anakin could be expelled for loving Padme was anything more than an empty threat to try to get his attention back on the situation at hand. Quinlan was in a relationship with Ventress and was still around, for goodness’ sake! Even with the whole Tusken massacre it seems more likely they would try to help rehabilitate him rather than just kick him out.
agoddamn replied:
@poeticfinnema i think the "you could be expelled" was less for the action of having feelings and more for the action of choosing to leave Obi-Wan alone to fight Dooku, where he definitely would have gotten killed. But I agree that it was mostly an empty threat to get his attention, yeah
I think a lot has to do with the circumstances of any given situation and why the Jedi in question does something.  One of the earliest things we learn about Jedi training, one of the very most foundational things about how Star Wars wants us to understand about the Jedi:  You have to be serious about this.  “A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.” If Anakin had abandoned Obi-Wan at that point, it’s not just him being non-committal about this path he’s chosen or having feelings for Padme (as Obi-Wan says in TCW, having romantic feelings is normal, it’s not like the Jedi don’t allow them), but that he’s doing so at a time that will plunge the galaxy into war and likely get Obi-Wan killed when he faces Dooku.  It’s not just Anakin being unsure of whether he wants to be a Jedi or Anakin chasing after Padme, it’s doing so at a time when the cost would be very, very heavy and someone may very well die because of it.  That if he’s willing to forsake his duty at that point, then it illustrates that he’s really, really not cut out for the life of a Jedi, that if he’s worried about Padme (someone who will have others to come check on her, as we see the clone running up to her) that he can’t help save Obi-Wan’s life that’s about to be in immediate danger, then, yeah, that’s something pretty serious they have to address.  Whether it was an empty threat or a real one, the context of what Anakin was choosing to forsake matters a lot. Still, though, I think they wouldn’t have actually expelled him if he had genuinely wanted to continue walking the Jedi path.  Ahsoka, for example, left because she was conflicted about being a Jedi, and did so in a way that wasn’t undercutting anyone who was counting on her, and Yoda was waiting for her to come back.  Quinlan fell to the dark, but they saw it as their duty to help him.  Prosset fell to the dark and tried to murder Mace, but they also saw it as their duty to help him.  Dooku left for political reasons, but they spoke warmly of him in AOTC and kept the door open for him in this book.  If any of them had been serious about coming back--Anakin included--the Jedi seemed inclined to be okay with that. Even with the Tusken massacre, I fully believe that they would have rehabilitated him because that’s what they’ve always offered to do.  Like, the whole entire ending of Return of the Jedi is that Anakin cannot be forgiven for the horrific things he’s done, but the Jedi reach out their hands and help him over to the other side anyway.  That’s always been what they do!
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steves-on-a-plane · 2 years
Fighting Dragons With You (pt 3)
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Words: 1954 Cast of Characters: Young!Leia, Obi Wan Kenobi & Reader   Summary: Obi Wan has arrived to rescue Leia and Reader, but the trio have a long way to go before they are returned safely to Alderaan. 
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Leia, ever vigilant in her effort to not leave you behind, had stopped running when you dropped her hand. She could tell from reading your body language, or maybe it was the force, that the man who held on to you wasn’t a threat. She approached slowly and stood behind you. Obi-Wan let go of your wrist. He wasn’t sure where to look.
The ten-year-old girl standing just barely beyond his grasp was so clearly Leia that it made his chest ache. Her hairstyle, though frizzing slightly from her travels was just the sort of fashionable thing a younger Padme would have worn. The scrunch of her brows and the cautious gaze she was assessing him with was all Anakin. That punch he’d taken to the gut? Well, that could have been either of them.
And you. Looking at you, it was as if no time had passed at all. Yes, your jedi robes had been replaced by garments of Alderaanian style. Your eyes looked just a little more tired and the faintest of wrinkles had begun to form on your features. But you were still so completely…you. Alderaan had been good to you. He could feel it in The Force.
With one arm protectively extended to shield Leia, you looked over Obi-Wan. You were searching for some sense of familiarity, but everything about him felt different. The twin suns of Tatooine had not been kind to your old friend. Aside from the tanning of his skin and the permanent lines etched into his face, the sand planet had taken Obi-Wan’s confidence, his trust.
The guilt washed over you in waves. While you’d been living comfortably on the Organa’s credits he’d been left alone, haunted by things you couldn’t imagine. You hadn’t even managed to keep a little girl safe. While he was carrying the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders. As if the ghosts, the grief, and the isolation hadn’t been enough, he’d risked his own safety to chase after you.
Bail had to have been the one to contacted him. The Viceroy was the only person, other than you, who knew how to get in contact with Obi-Wan. He’d put himself at risk by leaving Tatooine, by exposing himself. Still he’d come. Bail had asked and he’d come. Because that’s who Obi-Wan was.
“Are you crying, [Y/N]?” Leia was the first to notice. You brought a hand to your cheek to find that yes, you were crying. When did that start? You wondered. You dried your eyes with the sleeve of your tunic.
“It’s okay.” You reach down and took Leia’s hand again. “We’re going to be okay now.” You promised. “Leia Organa, this is my very good friend…” You paused. You’d been living under pseudonym on Alderaan and assumed Obi-Wan would do the same. Even something as simple as changing your name might keep the Empire off your scent.
“Ben.” He introduced himself. “My name is Ben. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess.”
“How do you know I’m a princess?” Leia questioned suspiciously.
“Ben is also friends with your father. I’m guessing that’s how he was able to find us so quickly.” You looked to Obi-Wan for confirmation.
“Bail contacted me as soon as he realized you were missing. He was certain I was the only person who could ensure you were both returned safely to Alderaan.” He nodded. “He also, wanted to make sure you had this in case you needed it.”
It took most of your will power not to snatch the object held in Obi-Wan’s outstretched hands. Not weighing much more than a blaster, your lightsaber had been an extension of your own arms for so long. Beautifully carved with elegant swirls up and down its metal hilt, with leather wrappings for grips. Small coppery accents that had taken the longest to forge. It was a work of art.
“I’ve missed you old girl.” You whispered before accepting the saber and quickly tucking it away. Jedi were supposed treat their saber as a tool. They were not supposed to anthropomorphize them or assign a personality to them. But it was a new era and all the condescending nay-sayers were long gone. You were going to treat your lightsaber like the friend she’d always been to you.
“Is that a lightsaber?” Leia remarked just a little too loud for yours or Obi-Wan’s comfort. Out of habit you both shushed her. “Are you a jedi?”
“We’d better get moving.” Obi-Wan urged.
“There’s not time to explain right now.” You told her. “For now we’re going to do what Ob…Ben says.”
“Oh, so this is Obi-Wan.” Leia gave you a knowing smile.
“How did you…what have you told her about me?” He asked.
“We don’t have time. Have to move right?” You reminded him.
“Yes, very well. This way.” Obi-Wan sighed, agreeing under duress. You were right, you really didn’t have time right now. So he’d plan a lecture for the dangers of oversharing when you were safely on a transport off world. Instead he led you out of the storage facility and onto the streets. Even with a crowded street of eccentrically dressed off worlders you, Leia and Obi-Wan stood out.
“I don’t suppose you’ve got three changes of clothes with you under that robe yours.” You asked him.
“No, I don’t.” He answered a little gruff. “Just as I assumed you didn’t fill your pockets with any credits before getting kidnapped.”
“We’d certainly be in a better position if I had.” You sighed. “So what’s the plan?”
“Did my ears deceive me or did [Y/N] just suggest we have a plan?” Obi-Wan teased. It very strange after everything you’d been through for him to joke so easily. For the two of you to slip into familiar banter. Then again, it had always been easy with Obi-Wan.
“We need to change. Leia and I are overdressed for this place and you…have you been wearing the same robes for ten years?” You tilted your head to the side, pretending to assess his attire.
“I’ve changed them!” He countered defensively. “My cloak isn’t even the same shade of brown.” He adjusted his robes, disappointed you hadn’t noticed. “The shopping stalls are this way.” He remarked impatiently. “There’s a port on the other side of the city, we need to make it to the last transport.”
You and Leia browsed the first shopping stall you came upon. At first the princess protested at wearing the plain green cloak you selected for her. You reminded Leia that half the city was looking for you. You needed to blend in. She groaned but allowed you to wrap her in the green cloak jus the same. You stripped off your tunic behind a rack and quickly replaced it with a pale grey poncho. It had a roomy hood that could cover your face, and a hem that went past your waist which would hide your saber.
Leia had somehow managed to persuade Obi-Wan into purchasing a pair of gloves for her as well. Once the tab was paid you ushed the pair of them away from the stall. If you hadn’t the Princess may have charmed her new Uncle out of all his emergency credits.
“We’ll need a story.” You pointed out. The three of you walked together with Leia between you and Obi-Wan.
“Simple enough. We’re a family of farmers from Tawl.” Obi-Wan answered, it was clear he’d already been thinking of it. “You are my wife and Leia is out daughter.” It was silly, and all a lie of course, but hearing Obi-Wan call you his wife made your heart skip a beat.
“How come I’ve never seen your lightsaber before, [Y/N]?” Leia asked.
“Because it was hidden. If I were to carry it all the time it could get me in trouble. We talked about this in your studies.” You reminded her.
“Yes, but you said all the jedi are dead. You’re both still alive. What else have you lied to me about?” She wanted to know.
“Leia I’ve never lied to you. I said the Jedi were extinct which is true enough. Neither Obi-Wan nor I are Jedi anymore and we’re the last two left, as far as we know. As soon as we’re home, this lightsaber is going right back to your father and we’re both going to forget about it, is that clear?” Leia nodded.
“You’ve taught her about Jedi?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Only what the other children her age learn when talking about the Clone Wars. I’m sure you’ve had similar conversations with…your young student.” You had to remind yourself that it was still much too soon for Leia to know everything. You also weren’t exactly in the clear yet. The last thing you needed was for someone on Daiyu to hear that Luke Skywalker was safe and sound on Tatooine.
“I’m afraid my pupil and I don’t have quite the relationship that you have with yours.” Obi-Wan replied. There was a hint of sadness in his tone. Maybe even jealousy.
The three of you continued moving through the shopping area. You found an alley that appeared empty until a Bounty Hunter rushed forward out of it. You thanked the force for your reflexes as you were able to take the hunter down quietly. His bounty puck still had to be delt with since they sometimes contained trackers. You reached over and detached the puck from the Bounty Hunter’s wrist as Leia and Obi-Wan followed you into the alley. You tossed the puck to the ground about to step on it and reduce it to pieces.
“That’s going to be a problem.” You complained when you realized who the high prized bounty puck was for.
“What is it?” You felt Obi-Wan’s hand rest on your lower back as he looked over your shoulder, trying to see the puck. You tried not to focus on the touch. The alleyway was a little tight and he needed the extra support to balance on his toes. “Oh my! That’s quite a large sum of credits.”
“High treason.” You remarked, reading the bounty puck. “Who did you tick off on the wrong side of the galaxy?”
“I don’t know, but I wouldn’t rule your capture as unrelated just yet.” He sighed.
“You think someone sent those first Bounty Hunters to capture Leia as a way to lure you out?” You sucked in a breath. That was something you hadn’t considered. The idea that someone knew Obi-Wan was still alive and wanted him found badly enough they would place a bounty on him had your stomach turning. “You think they weren’t targeting the Organas at all.”
“I can’t be certain.” Obi-Wan reminded you. “Bail did inform me he’s put forward a fair amount of unpopular legislation as of late. He thought someone might be trying to force him into backing down. I was willing to consider alternative motivations.”
“You though someone was looking for you, but you came anyway?” You asked. You weren’t sure if you would’ve had the courage to do what Obi-Wan was claiming to have done.
“I know you would have.” Obi-Wan remarked. After reading you through The Force. It wasn’t like he was trying to pry into your mind. You just always seemed to be screaming your emotions to him through The Force. He stepped forward effectively crushing the Bounty puck.
“How can you be so sure of something that I’m not even sure of?” You asked.
“You would have come to rescue me for the same reason I’ve done for you and Leia.” He insisted.
“You were offered a large sum of republic credits?” You asked.
“I’d do anything to know you were safe.” He told you.
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TAGS: @thejediprincess56​
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coolman229 · 2 years
What the fuck did they do for the Finale? I'm almost scared to ask
Shockingly little happened in the finale but everything was really dumb.
So somehow Reva goes from being stabbed in the chest and barely able to move on that one planet that group of (maybe) rebels was on to inexplicably being fully healed and teleporting halfway across the galaxy to be on Tatooine hunting Luke because that con artist who stuck around for some reason and Obi Wan gave his Direct To Bail Communication Device to and then dropped it randomly so Reva could find out that there's a boy on Tatooine. Now she's out looking for Luke and despite her only knowing that there's a boy on Tatooine but now she knows that he's Vader's son, is in the care of Owen, and that he's at the Lars farm. Despite her wanting to get revenge on Vader for killing Jedi and younglings (and contributing to that very thing for years) she goes after 10 year old Luke to kill him.
(There's a lot to say so I'm putting it under a read more)
Now Owen wants to leave with Luke and Beru because he was warned from a friend because Reva was walking around Tatooine using the Force to throw people around looking for Owen, but Beru wants to stand and fight... so Owen bends to Beru and tries to fight an Inquistor with some stashed guns they have. Reva decides to wait until nightfall to attack the Lars homstead... for some reason (probably because it's sooooo dramatic to have her walk around with a red lightsaber in the dark oooooh scary). Owen and Beru actually put up a fight against her and she doesn't instantly kill either of them because she only uses her crazy Force powers after Owen starts beating her up but still doesn't kill them despite being on a murderous rampage. Then Luke runs away and Reva chases him but isn't as fast as a ten year old boy. Seriously though catching 10 year olds in this show is the most difficult task in the universe because everyone acts like a bumbling idiot.
But she manages to catch up to Luke who gets knocked out and she's about to kill him but at the very end stops because she realizes that killing a child is actually probably bad but only because she saw herself in Luke not because killing a child in general is bad.
Oh and by the way Obi Wan never told Owen and Beru he left Tatooine and didn't do a thing to help Luke be defended and just left the boy he was sworn to protect completely unguarded this entire time.
This stuff with Reva is cut between the other plotline in the episode. Which is just Obi Wan fighting Vader... again.
So the ship Obi Wan is on is being chased by Vader in a Star Destroyer and Obi Wan decides to go off on his own to lure Vader away, but not before borrowing Leia's little droid for some sort of purpose. Now you would think that Vader would go after Obi Wan himself and have his men follow the ship. No Vader diverts the whole Star Destroyer to Obi Wan and breaks pursuit of the main ship.
Then Vader gets into a smaller ship and goes after Obi Wan
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So yeah Vader is just stupid but we're just getting started.
They go down to some nearby planet and they start to fight in a really awkward and badly choreographed fight. It's just the first fight they had halfway through the show but now Obi Wan is kinda fighting back now. We see more of the lightsabers bouncing off of stuff like the prop rocks so it looks really bad. Vader ends up overpowering Obi Wan and using the Force to create an earthquake that drops Obi Wan into a hole then throws dozens of giant rocks on top of Obi Wan who manages to hold them all up.
Then Vader leaves content that Obi Wan is dead even though he can literally sense him. and Obi Wan thinks back to Leia and all the time he's spent with her and she inspires him to use the power of friendship to get a +30 boost to Force power and also there's one shot of Luke from the only scene of Obi Wan looking at him so he's kinda there but it's mostly about the one kid who actually matters which is Leia. Obi Wan effortlessly lifts all the rocks off of him and chases Vader. Then he effortlessly beats Vader. And by effortlessly I mean Obi Wan attains Rey Status and becomes a god and effortlessly lifts up dozens of giant boulders and throws them all at Vader without even moving because after being portrayed as so weak in the Force he could barely move a small object across a table a couple episodes ago he's now amped up with the Power of Friendship and just curbstomps Vader.
He beats Vader in a fight and after awkwardly swan diving and attacking Vader they literally rip off the Ahsoka/Vader fight in season 2 of Rebels. Obi Wan slices part of Vader's mask off and you can see one eye and when he speaks it's a mix between Hayden Christensen's voice and the speaker on the suit.
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It's literally the exact same thing they did in Rebels.
Vader has been beaten so badly his suit is damaged, he can barely breath, barely stand up, and Obi Wan has him at his mercy. They talk and it's just a worse version of their dialogue on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith with about the only halfway decent line being "You did not kill Anakin. I did." but other than that it's not very good. So with Vader so weakened and easily beat Obi Wan has a chance to rid the galaxy of one of the most powerful Sith alive.
So of course Obi Wan just leaves.
Naturally they want to pretend this is canon so neither of them can die but because they contrived all these events to make this happen and broke every bit of canon surrounding these two to make this fight happen it comes off as totally insane that Obi Wan doesn't finish Vader off. They need to wait until ANH for them to actually fight where Obi Wan can die but in the context of this whole show it's even more contrived that Obi Wan just leaves Vader.
Then Obi Wan senses that Luke is in danger and this is the first time Obi Wan has been even remotely concerned about Luke since the first episode and I feel like it's only happening because someone talked to the writers and was like "Hey maybe Luke should be involved in some way" so they crammed him in to the finale. Now remember that there's a Star Destroyer above the planet. But Obi Wan doesn't need to bother with it because when he leaves the planet it's just gone and he hyperdrives his way to Tatooine in like 2 minutes and plops down exactly where he needs to be near the Lars homstead. It's at this point Reva comes back carrying Luke crying about how she's a mess and Obi Wan tells her she's actually a good person and really amazing and should be glad that when she had a choice between killing an innocent child who did nothing wrong and not killing an innocent child who did nothing wrong she chose not to kill him. Obi Wan praises Reva and comforts her despite her being a complete psychopath who cannot be trusted which is probably setting up her spinoff show no one will care about. She dramatically buries her Inquistor lightsaber in the sand like Rey and Reva is actually a good guy now. Yay!
It's a good thing Obi Wan didn't need to actually bother protecting Luke. Cause if Reva didn't have a last minute change of mind Obi Wan's decision to leave Tatooine could have had some really bad consequences.
So Obi Wan leaves in his ship (btw he now has a ship which he shouldn't have since he needs to find a ship in ANH but Disney doesn't care about canon) to go to Alderaan and literally the only reason Obi Wan took Leia's droid was so the writers had an excuse to have Obi Wan go meet Leia again. It's cheap writing at its finest. So Obi Wan talks to Bail and Leia and informs Leia that all of her traits are from her biological parents implying nothing about her is from Bail and Breha Organa while they're standing 10 feet away. Way to be a dick to the people raising Leia Obi Wan.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention Obi Wan gave Leia the blaster holster Tala had and Leia wears it now because she's going to be a Fighter not one of those lame politicians. Remember that Disney wants to get away from Princess Leia and focus on her being General Leia. But Leia's mom who was uptight in the first episode is now totally cool with the holster and wants Leia to be free despite Leia running off being the main reason she got kidnapped in the first place. I don't think being kidnapped would make an uptight parent less strict. But they try to make it all seem so emotional and then Obi Wan goes back to Tatooine and packs up his stuff in his cave to move, presumably to his house he has in ANH.
Then while on his space camel he runs into Qui Gon's ghost who, while played by Liam Neeson, doesn't really sound like Qui Gon and doesn't talk like Qui Gon. The dialogue is not good. And it breaks canon because Qui Gon didn't have a Force ghost. He could speak to people but he couldn't appear as a ghost because his never got that far in training to be a Force ghost. Lucas firmly established that. The only other time he appeared as a ghost was on Mortis which is incredibly strong with the Force but also was vague enough that it could have been a dream or a vision shared by Obi Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka so that's not an accurate comparison. Obi Wan finally, after ten years, starts his training to become a Force ghost and then credits roll.
This whole show is a dumpster fire.
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Alright time to rewrite the post I sent you that I remember because I must share thoughts
Short story:
Luke and Leia don't know much about their mom
They run into someone who knew her
Who knows where some of her old stuff was
It's just a trunk full of Naboo royal wear
Luke and Leia decided to divide the dresses
This starts being what they wear to republic events
This was done exclusively because I need Luke and Leia both wearing padmes gowns
Din is happy Luke found and likes his moms gowns
He does not like the fact that Luke is now getting even more attention from admirers
He especially hates it at republic events
He and Han team up to chase of other people admiring the twins
Leia knows this is happening
But it doesn't effect her to much so she doesn't care
Luke has no clue
Chewie and grogu are standing on the side laughing at the antics together
This didn't go through the first time apparently
But I had thoughts on the matter so I rewrote what I could
My dear, darling tortoise, sorry this took so long to answer! After being at my family's for Christmas and my stupid car breaking I've been practically dead to the world 💀 I hope you enjoy this though! I love this idea so much! Leia and Luke would look SO GOOD it causes their husbands physical pain.
Luke and Leia wanted to connect with their mother. They know about their father, for better or worse, but Padme? They felt that she was constantly just out of reach. But as they looked at themselves in the mirror of, what had once been, their mother's room  Looked at the way the chiffon fell around their bodies, the way the gems sparkled, the way the colours matched them perfectly. They felt a connection. They felt her.
The next morning an old Palace worker, who had known Padme, found them fast asleep on the enormous bed, surrounded by clothes and the smell of their mother's perfume.
After that emotional trip to Naboo the twins had completely cleared out Padme's closet and beauty supplies. And so began their tradition of wearing their mother's garments to all important galas, balls, celebrations and so on.
Now Din and Han were happy for their spouses, they really were. After all the trauma they had gone through with their birth father, not to mention loosing their homes (and an arm) to said birth father, they deserved to have some joy from their parentage. BUT!
BUT!....Did they have to look so fucking incredible doing it?!
Every time the twins strode into a hall (fashionably late of course, the dramatic-entrance-Skywalker-gene was strong), dressed in the most beautiful clothes the galaxy had to offer.
Clothes that both clung to them, high lighting their soft, elegant bodies; but, and lay loose, giving them an ethereal, magical quality as it flowed around their every move. (And if Luke sometimes used the Force to have the dresses billow just a little more..well, who was to know- Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan knew.)
Not to mention the flawless make up, done with their mother's products, she would want them to be used (especially to bring a room full of the most powerful and important people in the galaxy to their knees). And jewellery which brought even more magic to their appearance, as they reflected the abundance of decorative lights.
It was frankly unfair.
Not only did they have to spend the whole event unable to touch their partners in the way they wanted too, and spend hours waiting for the 'acceptable and appropriate' time to drag their spouses to their bed (if they made it that far...). But, even worse, they had to deal with a room full of people who were as desperate as them to touch and pull away the twins.
These people were shameless, becoming even more outrageous as the nights wore on.
The only "good" (depending whether or not you asked Boba Fett) to come from this was that Din and Han had formed a strong bond. A bond that can only be formed through mutual understanding of not being allowed to devour your spouse while having to run around threatening anyone who who dares come close to either one of the twins.
It was exhausting and fustrating. And tonight was no exception.
Din knew he was, technically supposed to be, on Leia duty. Some old senator from Naboo was trying to use the fact she was wearing her mother's style to suggest she should align her self more intimately with Naboo. It was disrespectful and gross to watch, but Leia was using her endless lexicon of diplomatic answers (laced with threats) to deter him. Din was ready to step in at a moments notice - "general organa I have some questions about Mandalore" ...well maybe not that phrasing..but he'd think of something....right now he was too preoccupied with the far corner of the room.
Luke was perched on a window sill, his gown hanging low, revealing his shoulders, delicious collarbones and highlighting his neck (which was disappointingly unblemished despite Din's best efforts...damn jedi.) He was surrounded by dignitaries. A young handsome man was leaning it unnecessarily close. Where the fuck was Han??? This was- did that fucker just stoke Luke's arm????
"-rgana, I would love to continue you this conversation outside im afraid its far to loud and hot in here."
Shit. Uh...excuse..
"General, if I may step in, I have questions about the- this years harvest on Mandalore. Agricultural questions, which need your immediate input."
Despite her polite smile, Din could see her roll her eyes as she lead them away.
"Agriculture? Mandalore is currently barren Din!" She fixed him with a classic Leia Look, "how is Han better at this than you."
Din blushed, maybe that hadn't been the smartest excuse but he was distracted Leia stupid people are caressing your brother!
"Well not right now. Luke is being caressed."
"I think you'll find it's more than that now."
Din snapped his head round.
The man was pulling Luke on to the dance floor, placing his stupid hand on Luke's perfect waist. The blonde just smiled and launched into the dance, completely unaware of the man's intent.
"Stars, bit he is oblivious." Leia sighed, "what's the point of your and Han's stupid 'bootyguard' [not Din's ideal choice of name but Han had insisted] system"
"There's no syste-"
Leia ignored him "if Luke's getting felt up by the most annoying Coruscant senator?"
"Han was supposed to be on Luke duty!"
On the dance floor Luke was actually having fun, the man (who ever he was - Luke never read Leia's summaries of the guests, it didn't involve him so why bother when he could be gardening or make cookies with Grogu) was friendly and a good dancer; which was a better outcome than he had expected when he saw him approach.
The man spun and pulled him back flawlessly, accidentally misplacing his hand further down his back.
When he was spun out again he suddenly found himself in Han's arms.
"Uh? Hi?"
Han twirled them across the dance floor, wow Leia was an incredible teacher...it was a shame she didn't want to be a jedi with him.
"You okay squirt?"
Luke furrowed his brow, "yeah- Why wouldn't I be?"
"That sleemo had his hand practically on your ass!"
"That was an accident after the spin!" He could feel the red blossom on his cheeks.
"Oh Luke. I know you're not as naive as that - I saw you flirt and try to fuck your way round most of the handsome pilots on Yavin and Hoth."
Luke made an indignant noise, trying to make a protest but his face was burning.
"Although you are as oblivious as fuck" Han added with a wink as he spun Luke away.
Suddenly, Luke was met with a broad expanse of beskar.
"That blush looks good on you Cyar'ika" he leaned closer, "but, I should be the only one making you blush like that" he growled into Luke's ear.
The blonde felt his knees go weak, as heat pooled in his stomach.
Din huffed qn unfairly attractive laugh, before adding in the same deep voice, "please tell me we can leave."
Luke grabbed him tighter, swallowing "I think now is a perfectly acceptable time to leave."
The two of them giggled as they "snuck" out of the hall, hand in hand. They barely made it back to their room before Din threw off his helmet, pulling Luke into a deep kiss filled with promises.
Han watched the couple throw subtlety to the wind and run away. He turned to Leia,
"No, Han. We're not leaving."
Han pouted, trying to use his best puppy eyes - they always worked for Luke...never for him, but it couldn't hurt to keep trying.
She pushed his face away, looking over at where the grand entrance, (really Luke the main doors???), had just swung shut. She sighed. At least one of them had self-control and decorum. But, really Luke? You couldn't stay for longer that half an hour.
All children play dress up in their parents clothes; but no one did it as well and as glamorously as them - They are Padme's children after all, it's in their blood.
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willowcrowned · 3 years
Assassin Cody AU
Inspired by this post
Jango Fett is not a particularly busy man. He’s also not, as it comes, a particularly rich one. He is, however, a father, and that means if he can avoid it, he doesn’t take Boba on jobs. He also doesn’t leave Boba alone on Kamino, because he doesn’t trust the longnecks. This means that when Dooku asks him to take a hit on Amidala, a problem arises. The solution? Outsource the job.
He comes up with the perfect ruse— he’ll go off on a “job,” bringing Kote with him, and he’ll let Kote do all the dirty work while he takes a nice vacation with Boba. He won’t have to pay him, like he might if he conscripted Zam Wessel, who’s his other best bet, and he knows Kote will get the job done.
Kote is dropped off on Coruscant with some armor, some credits, several weapons (including a sniper rifle), a jetpack, and, curiously, some Kouhun worms. Jango leaves him there, telling him he’ll pick him up in a few days and to comm him if he needs to get out, and then he and Boba jet off to somewhere nice and sunny.
While Jango and Boba are on vacation, Kote is going through the file over and over again in a bar, eventually deciding to stake out the apartment. The glass will be a big problem— blasterproof, obviously, and blastproof— and the Jedi moreso. He’s not proud of his solution, but Jango did give him the worms for a reason. He tucks them into a droid and sends them off to the apartment, and then he waits for her to die.
She doesn’t die, and the jedi come after him. 
After a frankly terrifying speeder chase, he manages to lose them in a nightclub. The ginger one is doing shots by the bar, and the kid is wandering around, barging through people’s conversations and clearing space around himself by glaring at anyone who comes near him. By all rights, they should be distracted, but Kote gets the feeling that they’re both keeping an eye on the door. He’ll have to cause a diversion.
He ducks behind a table, checks that his blaster is silenced, and shoots the electrical panel on the wall next to him. Then he runs. The exit should be clear— there’s no way anyone could have gotten there faster than him, especially since both the jedi were on the other side of the room— but somehow they are. 
The kid grabs him and destroys his comm, and he knows jedi kids are already warriors, but he still just got beaten by a kid. It’s a little embarassing. And yet, h gets the feeling that this will be the least of his indignities in the coming days. 
(At least, he thinks, it’ll be hard for Jango to kill him while he’s under jedi protection. It’s a cold comfort.)
Obi-Wan is put out, to say the least. The man isn’t talking— not a word about who hired him, or why. They’ve done a bioscan, and it looks like he’s Jango Fett, a mandalorian bounty hunter. (He’s handsome, at least, Obi-Wan supposes, which makes the hours he spends staring at the man at least a little more tolerable.)
Then they get a report of Jango Fett on a holiday planet— one of the ones in the mid rim that consistently get renamed as new corporations buy them out— and Obi-Wan requests a more thorough bioscan. It comes back with two notable results. The first, artificial telomere extensions, implanted from birth— the hallmark of a clone. The second, a biological chip in the brain.
This? this is concerning. Full-body cloning is outlawed on most Republic planets, and for good reason. If Jango Fett is going around making clones of himself, and then training them, the Jedi have cause for concern.
Obi-Wan offers a deal. The Jedi will drop all charges for attempted assassination against Senator Amidala if the clone provides them with information.
“The alternative?” The man asks.
Obi-Wan frowns. “Indefinite imprisonment. You understand why we can’t let you go free, and it’s not like we can hand you over to judicial in good conscience— clone rights in Republic space are dubious at best, so there’s no guarantee you’d even get a trial.”
The man, whose name is Kote, comes clean. He tells Obi-Wan about Dooku, about the job, about the clones— everything (which, considering the limited data he must have been working off of, is very impressive indeed. Obi-Wan tells him this, and if he gets somewhat distracted by the man’s slight blush, that’s no one’s business but his own). It paints a worrying picture, and Kote seems to know it. He doesn’t, however, seem to know about the chip. And that? That scares Obi-Wan.
He agrees to have it taken out.
They do a biopsy, and oh, look at that, it turns out that they’re designed to ensure compliance with a series of executive orders, only able to be activated by the Chancellor. The Chancellor who is, at this very moment, trying to start a war. The Chancellor who is apparently working with Dooku, who is now a Sith lord. (Obi-Wan feels a bit guilty that Anakin is on Naboo right now, none the wiser as to what’s about to happen. But, well, better to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?)
He, and the entire High Council, go to arrest the Chancellor that afternoon. The man starts out affable as always, but when Mace brings up the evidence— brings up Kote— a switch flips. 
Obi-Wan most certainly doesn’t draw his saber first— no, that honor goes to the Sith Lord— but he does get the last hit in. It’s a bit dishonorable, stabbing him from behind, but it’s not as if he wasn’t about to kill them all. Besides, he had threatened Kote, and Obi-Wan rather likes the man.
Anakin comes back to see the Republic in disarray, Dooku back at the temple being lectured by Yoda on bad decisions, the Separatist movement dissolving, the Chancellor dead and a Sith Lord, and yet, somehow, Obi-Wan ends up lecturing him about attachment, all the while hand in hand with Kote. Anakin is not pleased. 
Kote goes back to Kamino with Obi-Wan, and, because the Jedi legally own the clones according to Kaminoan law, they’re perfectly within their rights to do whatever they want. So they adopt them, fully and legally, according to Republic law. Since the Jedi are somewhat exempt from Republic law, though they have the full rights of any citizen, bar voting, this means the clones get rights too. 
(It’s a very neat solution, and Obi-Wan and Kote are very proud of it. (If they end up spending hours together working the kinks out, then so much the better. Anakin isn’t the only one who can find a lover.))
The Republic is saved, Anakin and Obi-Wan are maybe perhaps a little more in love with their respective partners than they’re pretending, and the clones spread out through the galaxy, fulfilling their various dreams.
Needless to say, when Jango comes back from his two week vacation, he is very surprised.
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i made "the 501st goes to Target", "the disaster lineage goes to Target", "The Clone Wars Squad ™ (+Satine) goes to Target", "The Rebels go to Target", "The Original Trilogy Gang Goes To Target", and now I give you
The Driods of Star Wars go to Target (chaos ensues):
R2d2: well, he’s been here many times before. He acts like he owns the place. He rolls around the aisles showing bb8 and D-O all the “cool” spots and best ways to cause chaos. Bb8 and D-O chirp excitedly, because if uncle r2 says its okay, then it must be, right?
This is a long way of saying r2 is the best bad influence ever.
oh man, the chaos this little droid causes. Surprisingly, he doesn’t get banned (only bc 3po and Ap-5 talk the manager out of it), but it’s a close one.
r2 runs around screaming, throwing things at his friends. he and chopper WREAK havoc hiding under shelves and pretending to be large plastic versions of themselves (they are, after all, galactic heroes. of COURSE target has plastic figurines of them, some may even be life sized). once they are hidden, they jump out at whoever walks through, friends and strangers alike.
seriously, it’s a miracle they don’t get kicked out.
r2 also rolls around holding a giant yoga ball above his head while chasing AP-5, who is swearing like a pilot.
He and 3po go around the store once everything quiets down. On occasion r2 would project a holo-recording of anakin or leia or obi-wan or luke and it would be like they were really there with them. and at that moment, they were. the memories may be tinged with blue and static, but it was there all the same.
r2 would coo softly when he saw the faces of those he loves laughing and loving him right back. but then the holo-vid ends. and he and 3po are alone once again.
3po: he showed bb8 and and D-O how to shop responsibly and where to find the best deals. He, Ap-5, and k2so all tell their respective crews the odds for different reasons, which they rant about to each other
Ap-5 and k2so love each other’s sarcasm, but
3po is like their older brother and so they make sure he understands their jokes.
3po makes a sarcastic comment to r2 after hanging out with Ap-5 and k2so and r2 didn’t know if he should break the two droids or cheer. (he short circuited instead).
he did the shopping, of course. after all, he was the oldest, and he knew exactly what to buy and where to buy it. bb8 and D-O excitedly rolled after him and took mental notes on how 3po was shopping, before getting distracted and rolling off to play w Az.
3po didn’t mind, he was happy to watch the two young droids play.
r2 came over to 3po after the shopping was done and he was just looking around. at first, 3po was wary, because he thought his companion was trying to get him involved in a prank, but nevertheless, shuffled after r2.
they want from hall to hall, looking at holo-recordings that r2 had saved of their friends. the last one r2 played was in the hair product aisle, and he projected a video of obi-wan and anakin bickering over shampoo and over if obi-wan uses that fancy pomade or not. then ahsoka comes over and they start arguing over 3-in-one shampoo (anakin is all for it, obi wan is appalled, ahsoka doesn’t even have hair and she knows that 3-in-one is horrible).
the recording ends and the images freezes and so do their friends. the smiles are still on their faces except for when little bits of static disrupt the image.
3po and r2 stand looking at the images for a long time. 3po’s hand resting on the dome of his silver little friends. they wished the smiles in real life could have stayed on their friends' faces as long as they did in the images frozen in time.
Bb8: he had never been to a target before. Poe preferred space-costco, so this was a new experience for bb8. D-O had never gone either, so bb8 and his friend raced around the hallways, ricocheting off of the shelves as they rounded counters.
3po taught bb8 where to find the best deals on groceries, even though bb8 wouldn't actually need to buy food for himself. r2 the reminded 3po that astromechs don’t tend to buy groceries for their owners, but bb8 wanted to learn anyway.
D-O got bored and rolled off with r-2 after a bit, but bb8 spent nearly a half hour eagerly listening to Professor 3po.
at the end of the day, he used his allowance to buy Poe a target gift card, just to have an excuse to come back with him.
K2s0: he jokes around with the employees. They make jokes about idiotic customers and how stupid people can be. The employees say that some of the worst customers are the obnoxious ones, to which k2s0 replies that he is unfortunately good friends with a lot of those customers.
As if on cue, r2 and chopper come screaming around the corner, with bb8 and D-O on their heels.
“Like them,” one of the cashiers say.
K2so just sighs and gives them each a handful of credits and then jogs off to catch his friends.
Later, he runs into a very grumpy manager who k2so has seen yelling at employees and making them cry for doing nothing.
So, naturally, k2so trolls him big time. He pretends to joke around with him the same way he did with the cashiers, but this time he is absolutely making fun of him. Once the manager catches on, k2s0 bluntly admits to trolling him, tells him his shoes are dumb, and then books it out of the store, carrying D-O underhis arm.
When they all get home, he lectures them all on being more well behaved because they were making the employee’s lives harder. He did this in a very sarcastic way, of course. It was like if space-john mulaney gave you a lecture.
To his credit, r2 and chopper were a little quieter the next time they went to the store.
AP-5: wants to spend as little time in the store as possible. He plans to get the groceries and g o. He doesn't want to be around people or droids or anything that can hold a conversation, he just wants to get a box of bolts to fix Sabine's bedroom doorway with, and some instant space-foods since The Ghost was going to be traveling in hyperspace for a really long jump. But when is he ever that lucky?
The version AP-5 tells Hera is that Chopper was running around screaming (which, to his credit, is not untrue), and that he had to intervene.
The truth is that AP-5 helped chopper create a chaos prank because he knew it was going to happen either way, and he wanted to mitigate the circumstances. He told sabine and kanan the truth when they cornered him bc they didn’t believe him (neither did hera, but she knew he would never fess up to her bc she would make him babysit as punishment. again).
The actual truth was that AP-5 came up with the idea, which he and chopper then executed, and later came up with a worse version that AP supposedly mitigated.
They said chopper was going to just knock down a bunch of shelves.
I n s t e a d he would take things from people’s cart when they weren't looking while Ap-5 distracted them, and then like put them on a shelf later, or in their cart right as they are loading stuff onto the belt.
When he wasn’t making customers question their sanity, his cargo manifest instincts kicked in. he found himself taking inventory of the whole store though multiple rounds, and would tell the employees when he noticed a shelf ran out of a popular item, much to their severe annoyance.
But he had fun.
He also bought a stuffed space-bird creature, the ones that surrounded him when he was floating and space and having a *main character moment*.
Chopper: chaos. Only chaos.
He spends his time scaring the living starlights out of people, screaming (crying, throwing up), freaking out customers by moving their items around, being a bad influence on his younger brothers (bb8 and D-O), buying himself a new cat toy to add to his now-too-big collection, and buying a birthday present for Hera. the wholesomeness ruined his chaotic facade, but hey, he has to stay the favorite kid somehow.
K2sO loves chop. Or, rather, he likes watching chopper cause chaos, until chopper upsets his new target-employee-besties, and then chopper gets yelled at by k2.
It made it into chopper’s top five most terrifying experiences, right under when Ezra once told Luke that chopper was like the r2 of the ghost, and r2 almost strangled ezra. It was hard for even chopper to tell who was more insulted: r2 or chopper (or luke tbh).
He and r2 are literal besties, despite r2 being like nearly two decades older and technically in charge. Chopper did at one point ask if they could steal a mannequin to put in a closet and scare ezra, and r2 said no.
However, he promised he would carry Ap-5 to a closet on the ghost when he was in recharge cycle to make up for it.
Chopper also bought ezra a can that when you open it a fake snake pops out, just in case the Ap-5 plan never follows through.
D-O: baby’s first shopping excursion. The little droid didn’t go out much before, especially not on shopping trips. The sith in him makes him a little chaotic, but that also be bc of his big brother chopper and uncle r2.
yeah, it’s definitely because of chopper and r2.
D-O is eager to learn anything, everything he can. 3po is happy to teach him about stores and deals and shopping. bb8 was interested for a short while before running off with r2, but D-O remained FASCINATED for as long as 3po was talking.
He is technically older than bb8, but everyone forgets this and treats him like the baby, including bb8.
D-O doesn’t mind.
AZ: so, AZ not only didn’t know Target existed, he had ever heard of the concept of a store before. Everything he ever needed was on Kamino without fail, and it wasn’t in his programming to inquire where it came from. He doesn't know what anything is so he constantly asks questions about everything, even items that he literally has seen before (like bowls or shirts). He would ask why they were here and not on Kamino, and if Tipoca City got their supplies from target.
No one knew how to tell AZ that it doesn’t really matter, because it’s not like Tipoca City needs much of anything anymore.
He gets a little overwhelmed in the best way at all the cool stuff. He zooms around, picking up one thing only to drop it again to go look at something else that caught his eye. 3po trailed behind him to out everything back properly, and K2so followed AZ to make sure he didn’t overload his circuits, and to catch him if he did.
Az was dismayed at the medical aisle section, especially at the % bacta in the ointments and band-aids and whatnot. He thought it was an outrage that there was so little bacta in the disinfectant and bandages, and asked how this would heal a blaster wound.
K2so then informed him that most people wouldn’t go to the target pharmacy to treat a blaster wound.
After the initial ten minutes of chaos and questions, AZ settled down and quietly hovered around, before buying a kid’s t-shirt that was meant for a birthday, thought AZ wasn’t sure why it resonated with him so much since the shirt was plain and only had a single number on it:
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years
So I mean I’m not complaining or anything but this seems like a very uh... “fannish” way to introduce the series?
Like this is a straight up fanvid right here.
But I mean.  That vibes.
I’ve pretty much mentally relegated this series into a “Could Be A Really Good High Budget Fanfic” slot when it comes to canon.
Frick, it’s working though.
My heart hurts.
*sobbing uncontrollably*
Ungh, there are any so many ways I can react to this and it’s all heartbreaking.
We are ground level with a clutch of initiates as they desperately run from the troopers and their guardian tries to protect them and it is AWFUL.
If one of them is baby Reva I might shatter.
Okay so.  Very optimistic so far.  The show opening by showing the THE GODDAMN MASSACRE FROM THE POV OF FRIGHTENED CHILDREN is I hope a good indicator of how Jedi-friendly the series will be.
The emphasis on, “No this was horrific and terrible, the Jedi did not deserve this.”  Fingers crossed the series doesn’t decide to be tone deaf after showing us this.
Tatooine ten years later.
oooOOOOOHHHH that shot of the Imperial ship’s shadow passing over the street.  Ominous.
Sorry, the makeup on Grand and Fifth is still terrible.
They couldn’t have at least had a darker red?
Oh okay I guess we are dispensing with the secrecy surrounding the Inquisitorius, this random ass dude at the bar knows exactly who and what they are okay.
Small nitpick, they need to make Grand taller.  He would be just that much scarier if he was a smidgen taller.
Because this monologue is good and the tension from the extras is conveyed well, all looking around, the camera keeping us guessing, “Is it him?  Is it him?” but Grand would be a bit more intimidating if he towered just a bit more over them.
Lol Reva just gets down to business and throws a freaking knife.
Ahhhh so she’s the impatient wrathful one.
Very nice character establishing moments here for her.
“Why chase after scraps?”
“Scraps are all we have left.”
*chuckles in Rebels*
Ahhh Vader’s given explicit Only I Can Defeat You orders re. Obi-Wan.
That slight flash of terror in Reva’s eyes when Grand warns “I will relieve you of your duties.”
Oh dear my poor Obi-Wan looks like he’s seen... better days.
They use the gonk to clock in and out ooooh NIFTY.
Ghhgngnnghh the Jedi Code is like an itch the Jedi Code is like an itch, Obi-Wan sees someone in trouble and he’s fighting SO HARD against the urge to do something.
I love the little worldbuilding touches of Obi-Wan’s sadness cave.  It feels very Rey in Force Awakens in her hovel.  Just a character isolated and going through the routine.
I like this jawa he’s funny.
“We stripped that Jedi’s old ship.” Oh you WHORE I no longer like you.
*nitpicky grumble*
Friiiiiiiiiiick that sad little smile when Obi-Wan says the Jedi are all but extinct.
Nightmare sequence recapping once again all the PAIN.
Someone give this man a hug.  Please.
Oof, felt that sequence when Owen loses sight of Luke right in the parental part of my psyche.
Ah yeah, this whole sequence with the other Jedi is very fanficcy.  Super fanficcy.
Oooooof but the follow through of Jedi have to help, Jedi have to fight, the Force itself is begging its children to come back to it and stand against the darkness.
Or not, lol.  Sneaky sneaky Leia.
The PARALLELS between the twins.  Restless and adventure-seeking.
Ooh, Owen did not appreciate the present.
Ow ow ow ow this whole conversation ow.
Reva continues to be the impatient one.
Oh no no no no don’t do it Owen be strong say nothing.
OOOOOOOOF “Jedi are vermin.” Ouch that has to hurt.
And Reva’s not buying it oh jeez.
Oh jeez oh jeez.
Lol Fifth is being the reasonable patient one now, lololol.
Reva’s personal issues are definitely leaking through here.
This is... honestly amazing.  We are fleshing out Alderaan.  We are FLESHING OUT ALDERAAN.
Hoooooooo baby Leia is SAVAGE.
And perceptive.
Purrgil reference!
Ohhhhh no no, don’t leave her by herself something horrible is going to happen.
The routine repetition really emphasizes just how empty Obi-Wan’s life has become.
And there’s the other Jedi.  Ow my heart.
You have to go Obi-Wan, you have to help, LISTEN TO THE FORCE DAMMIT.
Hi Bail.
Bail sees right through him.  Bail sees right to the heart of Obi-Wan’s guilt and self-doubt. 
Obi-Wan is going to unbury his saber. *sobs*
“All signals in or out are blocked.“ Welp.
Definitely seeing the Shanghai vibes here.
Oh.  Oh no a clone trooper veteran.
Jeez stormtroopers are like a jump scare here.
Spice merchant showing what little kindness she can.
More Jedi huh?  They’re just all over the place lol.
Haja seems like he may have gotten a bit ignoble.
Orrrrrr isn’t actually a Jedi.
The disgust in Obi-Wan’s voice talking to Haja ghghghghh I love it.
Ha ha oh wow it’s a drug lab.
Another nitpick, I reeeeeeeeeaaaally miss seeing familiar alien species.
Needs more aliens.
Obi-Wan is a little out of practice lol.
Go go go Obi-Wan, find Leia.
Aaaaaah spunky baby Leia got him right in the breadbasket lol.
Sassy savage Leia I love her.
Oooooooh Inquisitor infighting I love it.
The makeup job is still bad, and it’s distracting.  If he just looked like his Rebels incarnation I would be so much more invested in this scene.  Instead I’m mentally griping all, “His head is too short, his markings aren’t red enough, where are the face lines gnngngnn.“
Reva your personal animosity with Obi-Wan is 100% going to get you killed.
Savage baby Leia is adorbs.
Savage Force Weird baby Leia.
Oooooooh Reva gonna be in trouble for going behind Grand’s back.
Oh no.  Ohhhhhhhh no.
Ooooooooh NICE, Reva.
She is like a feral animal that is so cool.
“You really are a Jedi.”  The awe in her voice.
Awwwwwww and Haja is helping.
“If I’d known what you were...“
Aaaaaand Grand just helicoptered someone.  Yikes.
Haja playing the bit to the end.  Poor Haja.
Bossy baby Leia.  I love her.
“Was your friend a Jedi too?”
The lightsaber is out kajshfk.
Yeah, I have severe doubts as to the permanence of Grand’s “death“ here.
Color me very skeptical.
(Besides even if they don’t show him coming back here we can just say he got better between shows.)
Holy shit.
I’m going to need a few... days? To process this?
Let me spiral into a pit of feelings.
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nanagoswife · 3 years
Noticing You, Noticing Me
Tumblr media
Chapter Nine
Summary: Reader brings Obi-Wan to the village of Naboo for the Festival of Light
W/C: 2.8k
Warnings: none?
- - -
As you slowly regained consciousness, you never thought you could feel so comfortable. Your head was resting in the crook of Obi-Wan’s neck as your body was pressed to his. The small tickle from his beard was delightful, but you had to keep yourself from giggling so you wouldn’t wake him.
One of his arms was draped over you, his hand resting at the small of your back. His other hand unconsciously held one of yours as it pressed against his chest. It was a gesture that made your heart flutter with happiness.
You moved, careful to not wake him, so you could see his face. It was a look for him that you somehow thought was even more adorable than anything else. Even the look he has when he gets flustered is beaten by this look.
His face was relaxed, peaceful. The hairs of his beard were still relatively kempt, other than the small area that your head was one pressed into. When it came to his hair, it was an absolute mess, but you loved it. The usually perfectly styled strands were nearly all out of place. Some were against his forehead and the pillow while others stuck up in protest. His amazingly golden eyelashes wonderfully laid against his cheeks.
The longer you looked at him, the more you fell in love with him. You had loved him for so long, coming to that conclusion nearly two months ago. It was something that you had only told Padmé. This was one thing that you made her swear not to tell Anakin, and she kept her word.
Gently, you moved your free hand up to push the hairs in front of his forehead away. You couldn’t help but smile as you did it, then resting your hand on his cheek.
As you did, though, your attempts to not wake him seemed to fail. His lips curled into a soft smile as he gently squeezed you with the arm draped over you. Soon after, his eyes opened only for him to squint as the sun glared in his eyes.
“Good morning, dearest,” he grumbled, pulling you ever closer to him.
“Good morning, Obi,” you replied, now tracing gentle circles on his cheek with your thumb. He hummed in contentment and you couldn’t help but admire how grumbly his voice was.
For a minute, you couldn’t help but stare into the sparkling cerulean blues. The sun that was making its way back into the sky made his hair burn in an even more amazing shade of red. It didn’t matter that it was an absolute mess. In your opinion, he looked even more handsome than you had ever thought before.
“I apologize for falling asleep before you were done reading,” you said quietly, earning you a small grin.
“No need to apologize, darling. It just means we’ll have to do it again.”
With the hand that rested at your back, he brought it to rest on top of yours on his cheek.
“I guess it does,” you whisper, smiling at the feeling of his hand on yours.
Once again, you hardly noticed how you had started moving closer to him. You would’ve said you were pulling him closer, but you weren’t. He was moving towards you, shifting slightly for a better angle.
All you could focus on was him. The way he looked was no longer at the forefront of your mind. Now, all you thought about was how much you loved him. How you never wanted another life other than the one that he’s been a part of. How he truly makes you feel seen like you never have before.
Obi-Wan was now partially hanging over you, his eyes searching yours as his beard could just be felt against your lips. You felt as he released a breath, letting it fan over your lips.
Then, a knock disrupted everything once again.
Groaning in annoyance, Obi-Wan dropped his forehead against yours as he slumped his broad shoulders, keeping himself propped on an elbow. You couldn’t help it. You laughed because of course this happened. Every time you got this close to finally kissing him, something or someone disrupted it all.
But then you remembered, “It must be Padmé. In her defense, she’s on time.”
Obi-Wan chuckled. “As always, you are correct, my dear.”
Lifting himself up and away from you, the two of you get out of the bed. You don’t want to, but you have to. You can’t just let your friend stand out in the hall forever.
Before Obi-Wan opened the door, he put on a tunic, leaving it untied. A part of you wanted to let your fingers glide over his chest again, but you had to go. Plus, that could possibly go too far, almost like it did the night before.
“I’ll see you in a couple hours,” you say as he opens the door.
“See you then, my dear.”
Before you leave and join your friend, the two of you share a smile. Padmé has to break you out of the moment so that you can get back to your room unnoticed. Or, at least out of this hall. It was a normal thing for you and your friend to walk around before getting properly dressed.
“Please tell me you’re going to divulge what happened last night. I can tell that there was with the way the two of you looked at each other,” your friend said, linking her arm with yours.
As you looked back on it, you smiled fondly, watching the floor as you walked.
“I’m sorry, Padmé, but I don’t think I will this time.”
The disappointment on her face almost made you laugh. But, you wouldn’t tell her. What happened was something you wanted to keep just between you and him. Well, at least for the time being.
Padmé was the one to transport you to her home village. Although it wasn’t far, one of the villages that lay basically right outside the castle, she brought a book to read. It gave you and Obi-Wan a moment to enjoy each other’s company.
The whole way you had leaned against him, one of his arms wrapped around your shoulder. Once every so often he would press a light kiss to the top of your head. Every single time it caused you to look up at him and smile. You wanted to tell him how much you loved him, but it was not the time. Although you love Padmé very much, that’s a moment that you don’t want an audience for.
“I think you’re really going to like this,” you whispered.
“I’m sure I will. Especially since I’m with you,” he replied, causing heat to grow in your cheeks.
You watched as Padmé peaked up from her book, smirking as she did.
For the rest of the trip, you snuggled even more into Obi-Wan. It didn’t help that he was just so… comfortable.
As you were rolling into the village, excitement filled you. You left the comfort of Obi-Wan so that you could look out of the window. The excitement and celebration was in full swing as you watched everyone put up last minute decorations. Kids were running through the streets, some trailing streamers behind them as the rest chased.
The closer you got to the center of the village, you could hear music playing. It only further heightened the joy everyone was feeling as they gathered. This was a time of year where everyone could just have fun and see the lord that owned the land and his family. Not only that, but it brought you, the only royal who attended every year. Anakin tried to attend, but, like now, he had duties that he couldn’t reschedule.
When the carriage stopped, you could hardly contain yourself. You had to force yourself to wait for your two companions.
Although you restrained yourself, it seemed like others could not. Almost as soon as you stepped out of the carriage, a group of children came running up to you, all calling out your name for your attention.
You crouched down to greet them when suddenly one particular little boy pushed his way to the front. He had dark hair and bright blue eyes that always had a glint of innocent optimism.
“Christian, what have I told you about patience?” you said with a small chuckle.
The little boy’s cheeks went red in embarrassment as he looked at the ground. “That I need to wait my turn.”
“And why?”
“Because everyone gets their turn and I’ll get mine even if I’m not the first,” he said, slightly mumbling as he held his arms behind his back, twisting from side to side.
“There’s a good lad. Now, where’s Daisy?”
Christian’s shoulders seemed to slump even more in embarrassment. “She’s the one being patient.”
You chuckled as you looked up at the rest of the group of children. This group held eight, including Christian. When you caught a glance of his sister, you flashed her a smile before turning to the rest of the group.
“So, how excited are you for today?”
Your question was met by a chorus of excited cheers. The smile on your face grew as you listened to them.
During all of this, you hadn’t realized that the carriage had already left. Padmé also had left as she had her own things to do for this day. This left Obi-Wan standing behind you, watching this whole thing, now catching the attention of the group.
“Princess Y/N, who’s that?” Daisy asked as she pointed at Obi-Wan.
As you looked back at him, his eyes met yours and his expression softened more than you thought it ever could. You gestured for him to join you. With no hesitation, he did.
“Everyone, this is Prince Obi-Wan Kenobi of Coruscant.”
All of their eyes went wide. Coruscant was one of the largest and most influential kingdoms, and to have the prince here blew their minds. Even Christian, who sometimes seemed unfazed by certain things, had his jaw dropped.
Daisy, who had maintained her position in the back of the group, now made her way to the front with a smile. She held out her hand to Obi-Wan as she said, “Nice to meet you, Prince Obi. My name’s Daisy.”
You smiled at that. She always was more mature for her age, but she still had her young innocence.
Obi-Wan smiled as he shook her hand. “Nice to meet you Daisy. And who might the rest of you be?”
One by one, they all introduced themselves to the prince. Of them all, Daisy seemed quite drawn to him and it was the most adorable thing. For a fleeting moment, you thought of what it would be like if you had a daughter with him…
The thought was quickly pushed to the side as the group started begging for you and Obi-Wan to tell them a story.
“Oh, I think that should be left to Princess Y/N, I’m not a great storyteller,” Obi-Wan claimed. You knew that not to be true and you could tell that the kids didn’t buy it. The looks on their faces gave that away.
“Please, Prince Obi. Princess Y/N could help you. We did say we wanted both of you to tell it,” Daisy said, earning a soft smile from Obi-Wan.
The rest of the group chimed in to convince him and you watched as his resolve quickly broke. How could he resist? Especially when this is the sort of thing that he experiences back at home.
“Alright, alright,” Obi-Wan said with a chuckle, now earning a cheer from the group.
Turning to you, he gestured for you to start a story. You were sure to choose one that he would know as well.
As the story went on, you subtly let Obi-Wan tell the story more and more. It got to the point where he was practically the only one telling it as the children looked on.
Christian sat in your lap as he paid rapt attention to what Obi-Wan was saying. Gently, you stroked the young boy’s hair. Daisy had also come up to you, sitting next to you and leaning against you.
These two children may not have been yours, but sometimes it felt like it. Their mother, Mary, was always delighted to see how attached they were to you. It made you wonder if she still had her little lantern stand she usually had. She always had the best ones.
Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel his heart swell as he watched you with Daisy and Christian. The way they clung to you and acted with you would make someone assume they were your children.
Either way, as he continued telling the story that he noticed you left him to, he thought about what it would be like if he had children with you. The way you were with children was a sight to behold. He could now see why they were so drawn to you.
He envisioned himself with you and two children just like Christian and Daisy. The way you were stroking Christian’s hair, soothing him as Daisy sat so comfortably with you. It was a wonder the thought didn’t distract him from the story.
It all gave him hope for the future. He only hoped that he could live up to the reputation you had with children. The feeling only grew as he finished the story.
Without a single protest, Obi-Wan finished the story.
“It’s over?” Christian protested from your lap. The whole group groaned as Obi-Wan nodded.
“Now, now, everyone. You all know that it’s one story per visit,” you announced to everyone. They all nodded but that didn’t take away the look of disappointment they all had. No matter what, they would always hate your rule of only one story per visit.
It wasn’t long until the majority of the group got distracted by something else. You heard something about being the last to the Maypole, but that was all you heard.
All of them were gone except for Christian and Daisy. For Christian, he didn’t want to let go of you. Instead, he only seemed to cling to you tighter.
“Christian, I can’t stay here all day,” you said with a chuckle. You saw his eyes go bright as his eyebrows raised, the telltale sign that he was coming up with an idea. “And no we’re not having a sleepover.”
Daisy giggled from her place beside you at her younger brother’s reaction. For a moment, you caught a glance at Obi-Wan. The fondness seemed to be radiating from him. Whether it was from the children or something else, you couldn’t tell. All you knew is that, when his eyes met yours, there was so much warmth in them. It was a look that reminded you of the way Anakin looked at Padmé.
“Oh, you should see momma! She would be so happy to see you,” Christian suddenly blurted out, drawing your attention back to him.
Daisy rolled her eyes. “We should let Princess Y/N and Prince Obi be. Prince Obi hasn’t even seen the festival yet!”
Obi-Wan chuckled, kneeling next to Daisy. “It’s quite alright, young one. You two are quite the introduction.”
You watched as the little girl blushed and giggled as Obi-Wan booped her nose. It was quite adorable seeing Daisy flustered like that.
“Well, if your momma has her usual lantern stand, then that actually will be a good start to the festival, now wouldn’t it?” you asked the two children. Christian nodded enthusiastically immediately while it took Daisy a moment before she shared the sentiment.
The boy that had been sitting in your lap bolted up. “Well then, come on!”
Making eye contact with Obi-Wan, you both chuckled. Daisy was trying to tell her brother to slow down as he started to run off.
When it came to you and Obi-Wan, he was only just helping you to stand as the two ran off.
“You know, Christian reminds me of what I was like at that age,” Obi-Wan mused out loud as you linked your arm with his.
“Oh really? Does that mean you would still be drawn to me?” you asked with a teasing lilt.
Obi-Wan chuckled. “I think I’d be drawn to you in any lifetime, darling.”
Now you were the one getting flustered. He never failed at making you go speechless and stuttering over your words. The feeling of heat in your cheeks almost always seemed to exist whenever he was around.
When he saw your state, he couldn’t help but chuckle once again. “Now, shall we follow the two younglings, or shall we be left to find this stand on our own?”
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@stardancerluv @where-fantasy-meets-reality @jaydenwoo @madmax2003 @mackycat11 @generousrunawaydonut @imabeautifulbutterfly @animalgirl05 @blondekel77 @thereluctantherosrose @cosmicsierra @badbatch-simp24
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stolen-pen-name23 · 3 years
13 for the prompts? (If it hasn’t been done yet) with obi wan and qui gon because yes 💜
I sure can! Thank you for the prompt! // From these prompts.
So I think I'm going to actually write a prequel chapter (or 2) for this fic later, so keep an eye out for that!
Anyway, here ya go:
As a Jedi connected to the Living Force, Qui-Gon has greater respect than most for life — human or otherwise. So for a practitioner of the Living Force, it is a little unusual for him to feel this homicidal.
No, Qui-Gon has rarely felt rage quite like this.
Of course, he does not want the people… No, wait. "People" is too kind of a word for them. He does not want the vermin slavers who did this to his Padawan to die. He just wants them to suffer for a bit. Suffer like his Padawan is currently suffering — and maybe a bit more after that.
“Let me go!” Obi-Wan screams, pulling on the restraints holding him in place on the bed. Neither Qui-Gon nor Vokara Che had wanted to do this — not after Obi-Wan had just been freed from chains — but he was clawing at his skin and objects around the room had started floating with every aimless gesture of his hands. “Please, Master, let me go,” he begs, his voice raw from screaming.
“Soon, Padawan, soon,” Qui-Gon soothes. “The drugs just need to work their way through your system.”
The logic was lost on Obi-Wan. The young man before him, just barely 18, looks as though he has been betrayed.
“Let me go. Please let me go. I need to stop it, I need…”
“Stop what?” Qui-Gon prods, hoping that humoring his padawan will help him work through it faster.
“Stop him.”
“The man!” he says it plainly like it is a well-known fact who the man is.
“What man?”
“The man with the scar on his eye.”
Qui-Gon tries to think through everyone he knows. He can’t think of a single person with a scar on their eye.
“What is the man’s name?”
“I don’t know,” Obi-Wan says, frustration mixing into the fear that hangs potent in his Force presence.
“Why do you have to stop him?”
Obi-Wan stops straining against his bonds and his eyes clear momentarily. The sudden stillness feels heavy — like something lying in wait.
“He will tear everything down,” Obi-Wan turns to look at Qui-Gon and his eyes are clear and certain. “Everything.”
A chill runs down Qui-Gon’s spine.
Then the fog returns. Obi-Wan strains against his bonds once more.
“Let me go. Let me out. I’m not supposed to be here!”
“You are exactly where you need to be, my Padawan.”
“No no no no no.” There is a crazed look of hysteria in his eyes. It is so unnatural an expression for his Padawan, Qui-Gon almost cannot bear to look. But he looks anyway because he swore to stand by his Padawan’s side through all things, even this.
“Stop!” Obi-Wan screams. “Stop it! Please! I don’t want to hurt you!”
Qui-Gon shifts uncomfortably. “Who are you talking to?” he asks.
“You were my brother!”
“You… Obi-Wan, you don’t have a brother,” Qui-Gon stutters. Who is he talking about?
Obi-Wan tosses his head to the side and then tosses it again until he’s looking at Qui-Gon.
“Let me go!” Obi-Wan yells.
“So there’s been no change huh?” A female voice cuts in.
Qui-Gon jumps. His attention was so fixed on Obi-Wan, he didn't notice Vokara Che slip into the room.
“What the hell did they drug him with?” Qui-Gon growls, his anger threatening to spill over at just the thought of the slavers and what they did to Obi-Wan.
“We’re still running tests on his blood. But we narrowed it down to some sort of hallucinogen.”
“I could have told you that,” Qui-Gon mutters.
Vokara fixes him with one of her strongest glares.
“Apologies, Master Che,” he amends. “I am just concerned for him.”
“I know,” Vokara says. Qui-Gon is grateful that she does not tell him to release his anxieties to the Force. He is not quite ready to part with them yet.
“Do you have any idea how long this will last?” Qui-Gon asks, hoping this nightmare will end soon.
“It’s hard to say. It depends on his body and how fast it works through the drugs. Hallucinogens can last six hours or they can last as long as fifteen hours.”
“It’s only been three hours,” Qui-Gon says, feeling sick at the possibility of his Padawan enduring this for twelve more hours.
Vokara squeezes his shoulder in sympathy. “He’s a strong boy,” Vokara said. “A strong young man, I should say,” she adds on. “He’ll make it through this. I can’t say for certain without knowing what exactly is in his system, but most hallucinogenic drugs don’t cause any permanent damage.” “Most?”
“What I’m saying is that I think your Padawan will be okay. I have him on an IV so he won’t get dehydrated, which is usually the biggest concern with hallucinogens.”
Qui-Gon turns his attention back to Obi-Wan. Sweat has matted his hair and his skin is a sickly pale color. His screaming has turned into sobbing.
“Why are you doing this to me?” he cries. He pulls at the restraints. “I don’t like these.”
“We don’t want you to hurt yourself,” Vokara says calmly. She runs a scanner over Obi-Wan’s body and looks at the readings. Whether it is good or bad, Qui-Gon is not sure. Her expression gave nothing away.
“If anything changes, please come get me,” Vokara says.
Qui-Gon nods. “Of course.”
Vokara takes her leave and Qui-Gon gives his undivided attention to Obi-Wan.
“Let me go,” Obi-Wan begs again.
“I can’t,” Qui-Gon says. “You heard Master Che. It’s for your own safety.”
Obi-Wan groans. “What is happening to me?”
Qui-Gon’s heart feels like it is breaking open in his chest.
“I’m so sorry that this is happening to you, Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon says “You’ll be okay soon.”
“But what’s happening?” Obi-Wan asks. Qui-Gon is hopeful that this moment of partial clarity lasts. Obi-Wan has been giving him false hope over the past few hours. Moments of clarity, all chased away by delirium.
“You’ve been drugged,” Qui-Gon says.
“Oh. I feel weird. I feel… not good. Hot.”
“Do you want some water?” Qui-Gon asks.
Obi-Wan looks like he’s going to answer, but his eyes glaze over and he is no longer looking at Qui-Gon.
“I keep seeing…”
“Obi-Wan?” Qui-Gon asks.
“I see…”
“What do you see, Padawan?” Qui-Gon asks, hoping he’ll be able to help Obi-Wan realize his hallucinations aren’t real.
“No!” Obi-Wan screams.
Qui-Gon’s hope vanishes. With a sigh, he begins stroking Obi-Wan’s sweat-drenched hair, smoothing it out from all of his tossing and turning.
Hours of begging and screaming and pulling at restraints pass until it seems Obi-Wan’s body is exhausted beyond its limits. His howls turn to whimpers. His sobs turn to hitched breaths. And finally, he passes out. Qui-Gon sighs a breath of relief and prays to the Force that when his Padawan wakes up, he will be his Padawan once more.
Qui-Gon can sense Obi-Wan coming back to consciousness before he even notices him stirring. He squints at the bright light of the room and groans.
Obi-Wan tries to move his arm but is held back by the restraints still keeping him down. Panic sets itself in Obi-Wan’s widened eyes.
“Why am I… M-Master?” His chest heaves with growing panic and he starts pulling at the bonds with renewed vigor.
“Hey, hey, Obi-Wan. It’s me. You’re alright,” Qui-Gon says, moving into his line of sight. Obi-Wan stares at him, unblinking and terrified. “What do you see right now?”
Obi-Wan hesitates. “I see you. I… I see this room. There’s not much in it.”
“Okay, good. Can you take a few deep breaths for me while I got get Master Che?”
“You’re leaving?” Obi-Wan asks, his voice going an octave higher.
“Only for a moment. You need to get looked over before I can let you out of those things,” Qui-Gon says, gesturing to the restraints with disdain.
Obi-Wan eyes the restraints and nods his approval.
Qui-Gon races out to find Master Che and she follows him back to Obi-Wan’s room.
“Hello, Obi-Wan,” Vokara says in greeting. “Are you feeling better?”
He nods glumly but does not offer her much else.
“All right, well I’m just going to perform a quick examination okay?”
Obi-Wan nods his consent and Vokara gets to work.
“I’m going to take these restraints off of your hands and ankles all right?”
He nods vigorously and Vokara undoes the buckles. When his hands are freed, Obi-Wan rubs his wrists. They’ve been chaffed raw and the skin is an angry red.
Vokara does not judge. She does not say a word about the welts. She simply takes a jar of bacta gel and rubs it on Obi-Wan’s wrists.
“Those should feel better in a few hours,” she says. Vokara follows the gentle administration with a blood sample. She runs a scanner over his body.
“Your vitals are normal, which is a good sign,” Vokara says. “I’m going to run your labs, and after that, we can see about letting you go home to rest.”
No protests, no haggling, no complaints come from Obi-Wan at the prospect of staying in the halls of healing even longer. Even Vokara raises an eyebrow at this.
“Are you sure you’re feeling better?” she asks. “Any nausea? Headache?”
“A little,” he says softly. Vokara exchanges a glance with Qui-Gon at the admittance.
“That’s pretty normal,” she says. “Is there anything else bothering you? Any other pain?”
“Just tired.”
“That’s to be expected after what your body has been through.”
“I’m going to run these labs, but let me know if your headache gets worse or if you feel like you need to throw up.”
He nods obediently.
Vokara leaves Qui-Gon alone with his Padawan.
Obi-Wan’s face scrunches up in concentration.
“What is it, Padawan?”
“There was something… something important…” Obi-Wan starts. Some of his earlier panic starts to return and his chest begins to heave. “I saw it. I just… I don’t know...”
“Hush, it’s alright. None of it was real,” Qui-Gon soothes.
“No!” Obi-Wan says forcefully, and for a moment, Qui-Gon worries the drug has not completely left his system yet. “It was… it felt…”
“How did it feel?” Qui-Gon asks.
Fear, sorrow, and anguish all flash across Obi-Wan’s eyes. His fingers dance in a nervous tapping pattern on the frame of the bed.
“How did it feel?” Qui-Gon asks again.
Obi-Wan stops tapping his fingers.
“Like the end of all things.”
The young man is still, as though he is afraid that the next move he makes will set his visions on a path to fruition.
“You need to stay grounded, Padawan. Stay in the here and now.”
Anger flared in the Force — white-hot and foreign.
“Oh yeah? You try to stay grounded after you get kidnapped by slavers and then drugged with some unknown substance that makes you question everything you see and feel,” Obi-Wan snaps.
Qui-Gon gives him a moment. He needs a moment.
Obi-Wan’s face crumples and he buries his head in his hands. “I’m sorry,” he says, voice muffled by his own hands. His shoulders shake. “I didn’t mean to…”
“It’s alright, Padawan. You’ve been through a lot in the last 48 hours. I will not fault you for taking a tone with me.”
Obi-Wan offers him a strained laugh and he wipes at his eyes before looking back up at Qui-Gon. “I just…”
“Tell me, Padawan. Anything.”
“Is this real?”
“Yes, Obi-Wan. This is real.” Qui-Gon grabs Obi-Wan’s hand and squeezes it. “Feel this?”
Obi-Wan nods.
“That’s because it is real. You and I. Here and now. We are real.”
Obi-Wan takes in a shuddering breath. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Qui-Gon reaffirms.
Obi-Wan nods. “Okay.”
Qui-Gon reaches over and tugs on Obi-Wan’s braid.
“Hey!” Obi-Wan exclaims, rubbing his scalp. “What was that for?”
“For scaring me,” Qui-Gon says, giving Obi-Wan a faux look of reproach.
“Apologies, Master,” Obi-Wan says. “I’ll try not to let it happen again.”
“See that it doesn’t.”
Obi-Wan grins at him before yawning.
“You should get some rest.”
Obi-Wan shakes his head, but he yawns again.
“You are obviously tired,” Qui-Gon says, unimpressed. “Why don’t you want to sleep?”
“I don’t…”
“Yes, Padawan?”
“If I fall asleep, will you stay?” Obi-Wan finally says, his voice quiet and his cheeks flush with embarrassment. “You don’t have to,” he quickly adds on. “I just. I don’t want to be alone and I’m still not sure if any of this is real and I want it to be real, but I—”
“Of course I will stay,” Qui-Gon says. “You’re real, I’m real, and I’m staying.”
“Thanks, Master,” Obi-Wan says, his eyes fluttering closed.
Qui-Gon stays and keeps guard over Obi-Wan’s dreams.
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tennessoui · 3 years
when is anakin going to get his revenge and kiss divorced obi-wan back
yes hello this got out of hand and the best moment would be in the hypothetical part two but here is a KUWSK directly post kiss from Anakin's pov. For context, this snippet and this snippet probablllyyyy should be read?
(2.8k, ffs @ kit)
“He was thinking about Satine,” Anakin tells himself after he drops the kids off at school and starts making the drive back home. His hands are tight on the wheel. He’s been trying to think about something else--anything else ever since it happened, but his mind refuses to let go of that moment.
He’s replayed it so many times in the last hour and a half that it doesn’t even feel like an actual memory anymore, just a combination of sensations.
The chill of the almost winter morning that made the hair on his arms stick up. The tacky feeling in his mouth because he had slept a bit later than he had wanted to and didn’t have time to brush his teeth if he wanted to make breakfast before the kids and Obi-Wan left.
The woodsy-spiced smell of Obi-Wan’s cologne, stronger than normal. They’d been standing closer together than normal too, but it had been so early and Obi-Wan’s mind had obviously been miles away.
Anakin had been saying something stupid, something that didn’t mean anything, and Obi-Wan had replied and then Obi-Wan had leaned in and kissed him, full on the mouth. His beard had felt so soft against Anakin’s skin, his lips even softer, if a bit chapped.
Had they been chapped? Now Anakin can’t remember, he’s turned this memory over in his head so often. It had been for less than a handful of seconds. A quick brush of lips, a taste of a life Anakin has dreamt about for well over a year now. And Obi-Wan had just turned and left, as if he hadn’t done anything extraordinary. As if he hadn’t just kissed Anakin on the porch for everyone to see.
Obi-Wan would never be that cruel on purpose. Perhaps to that one profesor who always tries to refute Obi-Wan’s papers, but not to Anakin.
Which means Obi-Wan hadn’t been thinking. He had been perhaps caught up in the domesticity of it all, of having someone wish him luck and see him off. And maybe Anakin has been doing something like that for the last two years, but there’s a person who did that for Obi-Wan for much longer. A person they ran into at the park just two days ago.
“He was thinking about Satine,” Anakin tells himself as he gets out of the car and unlocks the house. He tries desperately to keep the despair and jealousy out of his voice, but at least no one’s around. It’s not that he hates the woman or anything. Really, he doesn’t. He doesn’t understand her, but that’s a given.
He’d never have Obi-Wan’s heart and soul and throw it away. He’d never get tired of fighting with Obi-Wan if he was fighting to stay with the man. He’d never be able to run into him at a park and then just leave again as if seeing him stirred up nothing inside of him.
Seeing Obi-Wan always stirs things up inside of Anakin. It makes no sense that Satine, who had had Obi-Wan’s love--knew all those things about the man that Anakin did not and could not know as just his housemate--had just been satisfied with saying hello and then just as quickly goodbye.
The same cold sinking feeling that Anakin’s been trying to shake off for the last two and a half days returns, and he has to lean against the countertop in the kitchen for a second to ground himself.
They’re going to get back together. They will.
At the park, they had seemed so in their own world, as if everything else had disappeared except for them. Anakin had had to send Luke over, couldn’t stand watching that reconnection happen without at least trying to remind Obi-Wan that he has a family now, that he’s not alone anymore, that there are people who love him.
Obi-Wan had glared at him for his meddling, which hadn’t admittedly done wonders to his confidence. And when Obi-Wan had deposited Luke--Luke--on the ground to chase after Satine, when he had hugged her, Anakin knew for sure.
They were going to lose him.
Anakin had had his set of chances and had taken none of them, and now Obi-Wan’s going to re-fall in love with his ex-wife and Anakin’s going to have to be the supportive best friend who has to figure out how to tell his children that due to unforeseen and tragic circumstances, their Obi is probably going to elope to Paris and maybe send a postcard once or twice a year addressed solely to the children and Anakin will grow old and die alone and the name Obi-Wan Kenobi will be banned from his small, shadowy apartment, and all Anakin will have is a few memories of the two most important and heart wrenching kisses he’s ever been a part of in his entire life.
“He was thinking about Satine,” he tells himself. “He kissed me but it wasn’t about me. It hasn’t ever been about me.”
There’s no denying that Obi-Wan loves Anakin’s children and also no denying that his children love Obi-Wan. Anakin thinks he wouldn’t love Obi-Wan half as much if he hadn’t absolutely been charmed by the kids and vice versa. But he had been. They had been. Those few weeks when Anakin had thought about leaving a year ago had been absolutely awful because he knew he would be breaking his twins’ hearts, not just his. He’d be hurting Obi-Wan too, he had known that.
But he had had to try. Because he knew that if he didn’t try to leave then he’d have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of Obi-Wan’s life when it came time for the man to grow tired of his presence.
It had been a last ditch attempt at saving his dignity. And it hadn’t taken much argument from everyone else to get him to abandon the idea completely.
Now he can’t help but to think he should have put his foot down, gotten some distance. Because now he’s entrenched in Obi-Wan’s world, the same way Obi-Wan is entrenched in his and the twins’ world. Leaving now will feel like ripping himself in two. He’ll probably wake up in the middle of the night five years from now and wonder about the academic response to Obi-Wan’s most recent publication.
He’ll probably have read it. He’ll probably still be fielding questions from his kids’ friends’ parents about whatever happened to that handsome man that used to come in to help during Show-And-Tell Day? Do you remember who I’m talking about, Anakin?
If he had left then, the idea of leaving now wouldn’t hurt so much. But there’s a ticking clock in his head.
Obi-Wan kissed him.
But he was thinking about Satine.
He calls Padme, because that’s sort of what he does when he doesn’t know what to do. She’s never turned him away--with the rejected marriage proposal being the one glaring exception, of course.
Thankfully, she doesn’t start now, though she does sound a little stressed when she picks up.
“Hey,” he says trying to sound normal and as if he isn’t a few minutes alone with his thoughts away from crying like a baby.
“Are you--are you busy? Something sort of happened.”
“My flight is boarding,” Padme admits, but there’s a rustle on the other end of the line like she’s just sat down. “But it’s not like I’m not assigned a seat. They won’t leave without me. What happened?”
Anakin smiles in spite of himself. She’s really just such an angel of a person.
“Are the children alright?” she asks, sounding worried the longer it takes for Anakin to respond. “Ani?”
“No, yeah, the children are fine. I dropped them off at school this morning. But. Um.” He takes a deep breath. “Obi-Wankissedme.”
“I’m sorry?” Padme asks.
“Obi-Wan kissed me.”
The other end of the line is silent. “And we’re calling this a problem now?” she asks faintly. “Is he a bad kisser?”
“He’s a great kisser,” Anakin defends, shifting awkwardly on his feet, catching sight of the fridge door and quickly turning away.
“Then I don’t…?” Padme trails off uncertainly. Anakin can understand this confusion. Padme has only had to hear about how much Anakin wants Obi-Wan to kiss him for about two years now.
“I don’t think he realized he did it,” Anakin confesses. “He just did it as he was leaving. Because I said goodbye. It--I don’t think he realized who he was kissing.”
Now Padme sounds a distinct mix of skeptical and sympathetic, a tone Anakin’s only ever heard her use with him. “What makes you say that?”
“Because--because we went to the park the other day and he ran into his ex-wife and they were together for, for years so--so obviously he just--he wasn’t--it wasn’t me he was kissing. He was thinking about Satine.”
The words sound dull and practiced and lifeless.
“Oh, Anakin,” Padme says.
“And they’re probably gonna get back together, and we’re going to have to leave, and he’ll never know that I--” Anakin cuts himself off and thunks his head on the countertop with a groan.
Padme hums disbelievingly. “Anakin, I know you’ve never believed me when I say this, but that man is gone over you. And I think if he kissed you long enough for you to tell me for certain that he’s a good kisser, then he definitely knew he was kissing you.”
Anakin bites his lip and debates the pros and cons of being completely truthful. But he had called Padme for help, and she can’t provide the best advice if she doesn’t know the full story.
“That’s not the first time he’s kissed me,” Anakin finally admits, rubbing bashfully at the back of his neck.
“What?” Padme exclaims, probably much louder than appropriate for a public space. “Anakin Skywalker, explain yourself right now.”
He exhales forcefully. “Last New Year’s Eve party.”
“That was almost a year ago! And nothing else ever happened between you two? What? We always thought that once the first kiss was out of the way we’d need to beat you both with sticks to keep you off each other.”
“Well--wait, who’s we?”
Padme tsks. “Myself and Obi-Wan’s coworker.”
“You’ve been gossiping about me?” Anakin asks, torn between being flabbergasted and offended.
“That’s not important right now,” Padme says airily. “What’s important here is the fact that you apparently kissed Obi-Wan Kenobi and never told me?”
“He doesn’t remember, okay?” Anakin snaps. “He. We’d been drinking. A lot. It was after everyone left. And. I was in the kitchen and he was in the kitchen and he--”
--had pinned him to the front of the fridge and just looked at Anakin for a few seconds like he was the most precious, important thing in the entire world, and Anakin had opened his mouth to say something and Obi-Wan had--
“--kissed me,” Anakin says out loud. “And then he--”
He had pressed impossibly closer to Anakin, one hand wrapped around his hip, caressing the thin skin there while his other hand ghosted down Anakin’s hair and back as if he couldn’t decide where he wanted to touch, as his tongue mapped out Anakin’s mouth for what could have been seconds or minutes, and Anakin could have stayed there forever, but his own hands had grabbed too tightly onto Obi-Wan’s shoulders, must have jerked him forward too roughly, because he had been pushed away and--
“--threw up in the kitchen sink,” he finishes.
There’s dead silence on the other end of the line before Padme bursts out laughing. “Okay, okay,” she says once she’s calmed down. “But how do you know for sure he forgot about that? Sounds like something he might just never want to talk about if it ended up with him vomiting in the kitchen.”
“I just know,” Anakin promises. And he does. Obi-Wan had no idea about that kiss. It was a secret Anakin thought about too often, but one he had kept to himself for nearly a year, too afraid to reveal it to Obi-Wan only for the man to say he hadn’t meant to, it hadn’t meant anything, he’d been much too drunk.
Even the idea of Obi-Wan apologizing for one of the hottest kisses Anakin’s ever experienced in his life has been enough to keep Anakin silent on the matter.
But now he’s been kissed again, this time by a sober Obi-Wan, and it still--it still doesn’t mean anything.
“It didn’t mean anything to him then, or he would have remembered,” Anakin tells Padme. “And this one doesn’t mean anything either. The timing is just...it can’t be a coincidence, Padme. He’s never once thought about kissing me, about...about coming home to me like that, and now, a few days after he runs into his ex-wife he’s suddenly planting one on me as he walks out the door? I know--I know you think he...he might...he might have liked me, or...or wanted me, but. There’s no way I can hold a candle to a decades long marriage. I just. I can’t compete with that. He doesn’t want me to.”
Padme’s Anakin is cut off on her end by what sounds like a flight attendant. “Yes, I’m coming,” Padme tells the person, and there’s shuffling and then the distinct sound of the harsh beep of the ticket scanner, before Padme’s heels are clicking on the flight tunnel. “Do not rush me,” Padme tells someone. “What are you going to do, close this thing while I’m in it?”
Anakin has to hide his only sort of watery smile in his hand as he listens quietly on his end.
“Anakin?” Padme asks, and she must be on the plane because there’s a buzz of other people’s noises around her. “Anakin, I know you won’t believe me, and maybe--maybe you’re right and they’ll get back together, maybe you’re going to lose him.” Anakin’s heart hurts quite painfully at these words. “But do you remember what you did the first time you proposed to me and I said no?”
Great, yeah. Just bring up all his biggest failures in love. Sure, why start with Padme? When Anakin had been five he had tried to kiss a boy and been shoved into the mud for his efforts. That’s a fine place to begin, really. Just drag up all the old hurts. He sighs. “I went and got you a bigger ring.”
“And do you remember what you did when I told you that I couldn’t raise the children, but my parents wanted to?”
“I threatened to take them to court if they didn’t let me have them,” Anakin says. It hadn’t been his proudest moment, of course, but Padme’s parents had never really liked him. They still don’t.
Someone’s trying to talk to Padme on the other end of the line. “Yes, fine,” she snaps. “Anakin. Anakin, what I’m trying to say is I’ve never seen you give up on anything without at least trying to fight for it. And I don’t know why this should be different. You won’t be able to live with yourself if you have to watch him get back together with his ex-wife and know you never even tried to tell him he had other options.”
Anakin opens and closes his mouth, speechless. “Then what--”
“So go,” Padme cuts him off. “Go tell him he has other options! For fuck’s sake, yes, alright I’m getting off the phone. Anakin, when I land I expect to have a very detailed account of events waiting for me on my email. Goodbye.”
She hangs up. Anakin stares at the phone in his hand for a handful of seconds, thinking over what she’s said. What she’s implied.
She’s right, of course. Anakin never gives in this easily. He doesn’t fully understand why he’s so ready to capitulate now. Maybe he knows full-well he can’t compete with whatever Obi-Wan had with his ex-wife. They have history. They grew up together, became adults together. Anakin’s just this weird twenty-eight year old man with a pair of kids too old for his age who crashed at Obi-Wan’s house during the lowest moment of his life. Of maybe both of their lives.
Love can’t bloom from that. Not really. Not...not the sort of love that turns into a lifelong marriage.
But. Padme’s right. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he doesn’t try. If he doesn’t know for sure.
So either he could putter around the house all day waiting for Obi-Wan to text or call or come home, talking himself into and out of confessing every emotion he’s harbored for the man for the past two years, or….or he could drive to his campus and confront him in his office, put himself on the execution block and hand Obi-Wan the axe. At least it would be a quick death.
He glances at the digital clock on the oven. 9:38. The idea of waiting ten hours for a resolution makes his skin crawl.
And besides. 
Obi-Wan hadn’t packed a lunch.
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
anakin doesn't fall to the dark side - meet the parents dinluke?
Because all the AUs where Skywalker family drama is due to Anakin causing a diplomatic incident at a Fancy Dinner when he accidentally mortally offends someone who asks his opinion about sand, and not you know, the whole Darth Vader thing.
Also, the Jedi Order looking long and hard about that stance on attachment and other things because wow, okay, wow.
(But also, I must Drama a teensy bit, because yes.)
Obi-Wan enjoying the grandparent benefit of getting the joy of having Luke and Leia? But also watching Anakin deal with these little terrors of his and feels it’s payback for what he went through with just one of Anakin.
Leia who may have followed Padme into politics but everyone knows she takes after Anakin in temperament. Luke’s the one to follow Anakin in becoming a Jedi, but he’s more like his mother in temperament.
Ahsoka adores the twins, and is in fact one of their favorite partners in crime, and Anakin is like, pls, pls, stop turning my children against me,pls.
Also? Padme is kind of the worst because she’s taught them everything she knows about political maneuvering and the whatnot.
Anakin is convinced they’ll have the entire galaxy on its knees before them one day soon.
Luke who goes gallivanting about for reasons and after one gallivanting about trip he comes back all :DDDDDDDDDDDDD and *___________________________* and Anakin has no idea what happened other than Luke’s X-wing being shot down and him being stranded on some backwater planet somewhere for ages before the search party found him?
But when they found him he was just. Like That, and also holding this little metal ball in his hand, rolling it back and forth like it was a calming thing, little smile on his face.
Also, he went to Coruscant to speak to Yoda and only the two of them know what was said? But Yoda’s been even more insufferable than usual, livelier? Something.
(It’s a Thing known among Jedi that Master Yoda was changed when a youngling went missing years ago, kidnapped or something. Some say Yoda feels it was his fault, that the guilt still weighs heavy on him, but it’s hearsay and rumor.)
A few months after Luke’s rescue from that backwater planet Luke goes and gets in trouble. (He doesn’t know if the fact Leia is with him makes the whole thing better or worse? Between the two of them there’s hardly need for a rescue at all, but also the thing where they might finally take over the galaxy if left to their own devices so.)
Rescuing his kid(s).
Obi-Wan is suitably worried, but also amused as hell and really, Obi-Wan, Anakin was never that bad. Was he? Obi-Wan? Are you choking? You don’t sound well.)
Anakin and the others headed off to rescue Luke, and it turns into them going from place to place, chasing rumors and gossip and one one of these planets they run into this Mandalorian.
Flys an old gunship that looks like it’s on its last legs and wears beskar and also -
“Oh my,” Obi-Wan says, when they see the kid riding along in a bag the Mandalorian carries.
Anakin thinks it’s just the thing where the kid is clearly one of Yoda’s species, but Obi-Wan’s reaction is a little too much for somthing so simple, obvious.
Anyway, the Mandalorian tells them he can help them find Luke and Leia, and at first Anakin isn’t that thrilled about adding him to the rescue party?
But then the kid pulls out this little...trinket, charm, something Anakin and Padme gifted Luke as a child that he carries - carried - around as a good luck token, or at least that’s what he always says. (Ducks his head, sheepish little smile and Anakin and Padme like, aw, our kid is a dork like us,)
Point is, Anakins recognizes it, and the comes in like, my dude, connect the fucking dots, you’re killing me.
Which is how Anakin meets Luke’s ~sekrit boyfriend and his kid.
(Only not so much ~sekrit as Luke had plans to introduce Din to his parents and such, but the whole surprise!Dangerous Adventure thing happened first.)
Anakin being like >:( because protective parent and all?
But as they search for clues as to Luke and Leia’s whereabouts he gets to see just how concerned for Luke Din is, and how much he loves his tiny green gremlin kid, and Din’s overall skill and competence? Also, though, also. He’s smart, not just a blunt weapon, and he’s like oh, no, because he knows his son? But it’s not a bad feeling when he thinks it, just.
A little sad, wistful, what with Luke not being a kid anymore - he’s known that for a while now, but this cements the reality and all.
It’s not the surprise he thought it was when Anakin realizes he likes Din as a person, although it’s not like he’s going to say it, you know?
(I mean, he does because he’s not a complete bastard, but that’s not the point.)
They catch a break, catch up to Luke and Leia and Anakin discovers he really, really likes the way Din just absolutely destroys any baddies stupid enough to get between him and Luke, matches Anakin’s protectiveness and he’s like -
“Hey, once this is over we’re going to talk.” Smiles with perhaps too many teeth showing at Din’s confusion. “About you and my kid.
He can’t see Din’s reaction to that, because armor? But he feels this flare of !!! through the Force before it gets shoved aside in favor or getting to Luke, panic later?
And then!
Dramatic rescues and Anakin and Din decimating the baddies by themselves - Obi-Wan’s dealing with things like anti-air batteries and shield generators. Ahsoka’s making sure no one sneaks up behind Anakin and Din, but she honestly doesn’t have much to do in that regard.
And then!
Anakin is like, aw, man, I’m right here, when there’s the moment Luke and Din are ~reunited and Din is like, gos so, so still and Luke’s the one to press his forehead against Din’s because hey, hey, hes fine, he’s right here, and also hi, i missed you with them being separated even before Luke and Leia’s latest Adventure.
Still, Anakin lets them have their moment and goes to check on Leia, who gives them a look like took your time, didn’t you? But there’s relief in her eyes and she doesn’t say anything as he wraps her in a hug, calls her the nickname he gave her when she was  kid and she laughs because it’s a dumb nickname dad, but it’s kind of their joke, and anyway, she had everything in hand, didn’t she? He’s just here for the cleanup.
And then! Some more!
It turns out Luke and Leia got wrapped up in some conspiracy nonsense, Palpatine’s followers who have been hiding in the shadows all this time and opportunity for revenge against the ~great Anakin SKywaler by targeting his kids.
Only the baddies miscalculated because they went after his and Padme’s kids, and everyone knows they’re complete terrors, you know? The worst.
After everything’s dealt with and they head home, Anakin is almost as amused as Leia and Obi-Wan at the way Din is all but glued to Luke’s side, that tiny green gremlin kid of his just as bad.
Anakin’s heart grows three sizes when he watches the Very Solemn exchange of the little metal ball Luke brought back with him that one time and the trinket/chram/good luck token Grogu’s been holding on to.
Valuable treasures trusted on one another’s safekeeping until they saw one another again, and Din is like. Freaking hearteyes over the two of them, because his family, and Anakin just sighs
Obi-Wan totally not laughing at him now that Anakin has no right to play the overprotetcive, disapproving father card on Din after everything he’s seen of the man and how he feels about Luke.
“Disappointed?” Obi-Wan asks, and he’s smirking as he does.
Anakin doesn’t bother with an answer because Obi-Wan knows the answer.
Something along the lines of no, and you know better, Obi-Wan, with a oh, Padme’s going to love him,because of course she is. He makes her son very, very happy, after all.
(Best, best thing, however, is Padme meeting Din, when they arrive home. Din nervous and worried because Luke’s told him about his mother, how terrifying she can be, a force of nature, and clear he adores her.
And Padme looking between Din and his son holding Grogu with this radiant smile. So in love, and easy enough to see his love returned, and everything she could have asked for for her son.)
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backhurtyy · 3 years
so what would it take to convince you to share your thoughts on the atla star wars au 👀👀
OMG.... very little is the answer.... i have so many thoughts, so i’m just happy someone wants to read them! anyways, this got really long- like REALLY LONG- so i’m putting it down below the cut. prepare yourself for some nonsensical rambling, far too much thought into lightsaber forms, and a lot of thought about Zuko and the Force 💖
Set post Great Jedi Purge- the Empire has taken over, with Sith Lord Ozai as the Emperor and having orchestrated the entire war as Supreme Chancellor
Azula is Ozai's apprentice; Zuko was supposed to be his apprentice, however he was never as strong or as good at using the Force as Azula was. He’s still powerful, but more in how he uses the Force to help him in a fight and to find things, rather than Azula, who can use Force lightning, excels at mind tricks, etc.
So instead of taking him as his apprentice, Ozai assigns Zuko to the position of Grand Inquisitor and tasks him with leading the Inquisitiorious Program to track down the Jedi that managed to escape the purge.
He uses Jar’Kai, with dual blood red blades…. This ended up becoming the form he used because when he was young, he could never get the hang of fighting with just one lightsaber and always used a reverse grip that left him far too open and vulnerable. Piandao, who was a darksider rather than a full Sith Lord, decided to teach him Jar'Kai to see if it would work better for him, and it did. Anyways, we’re gonna come back to his lightsabers later cause I’m very into them lmao
Aang was the Padawan of Grand Master Gyatso, raised at the Jedi Temple, and uses a Saberstaff with Soresu as his primary form (I think the defensive style and analytical approach to combat translates really well to Aang’s personality and airbending as a whole... also it's Obi-Wan's primary form, and I think they'd be friends)
Anyways, Aang and Master Gyatso were on a mission when Order 66 went out. Gyatso knew Aang was the galaxy’s only chance, always believing him to be the Chosen One who was destined to bring balance to the Force, and so he told him to run. Aang didn’t want to leave him, but Gyatso used the Force to send Aang to their ship and ordered their BD unit, MO-2, to get them out of there
Aang didn’t see Gyatso fall to the troopers, but he felt it in the Force, and swore that he would do what he could to defeat the Empire
He scoured the galaxy for other Jedi and rebels for a long time, trying to hide his identity and the beginnings of the arrow tattoos that marked him as a Jedi Padawan learner all the while he’s running from the Inquisition (I imagine him as a near humanoid species, who have tattoos rather than Padawan braids or silica beads. As they become Padawans, Knights, and Masters, the level of detail on the tattoo is increased)
One day, the Grand Inquisitor catches up to Aang and shoots his ship down over an ice planet in the Outer Rim
Okay now to Sokka and Katara-
Katara and her family has known that she was gifted with the Force since she was a baby making her toys fly throughout their home on Carlac, but being able to use the Force in the Outer Rim is dangerous. They're not often found by the Jedi Order since it’s too far out, but bounty hunters, pirates, and the criminal rings in the Outer Rim have no such limitations, and Jedi are valuable
Following ATLA, someone heard about a Force user on their planet and sent pirates/bounty hunters after her when she was little, and Kya sacrificed herself to save her daughter
Basically, Katara has had to hide her abilities her entire life even though all she wanted to be was a Jedi, and it’s only gotten more dangerous since news of the purge reached them. Sokka and Hakoda would do anything to protect her, but they knew it was only a matter of time before the Inquisition found her, especially since she has very little training in terms of shielding and what not. So, they pack up and leave to join the rebellion, where they hope to find a Jedi who can train her, and end up on Hoth
They quickly settle into the rebellion, with Hakoda becoming one of its leaders and Sokka and Katara two of its best strategists, pilots, and fighters
Sokka also gets Mandalorian armor and a vibroblade because I say so
They’re out on patrol when they see Aang’s ship go down in the tundra, and Katara feels something in the Force. She knows whoever is in that ship can help her become a Jedi, and before Sokka can stop her, she’s already running towards it
Basically they bring Aang back to base and he promises to teach Katara how to use the Force- just one thing, one of his kyber crystals is broken, so he needs to go to Ilum and get a new one. Katara asks to go with him, and he agrees
Back to Zuko- he didn’t trust that shooting Aang down was enough, so he flies down to the surface to catch him, and there’s a fight between the rebels and the forces Zuko brought with him. Aang and Zuko have a Maul/Qui-Gon esque fight, and eventually Aang manages to get away
He, Sokka, and Katara all leave together, and basically they fly across the galaxy in their transport, APPA, and make it to Ilum to get both Aang and Katara kyber crystals
Katara gets a blue crystal, and Aang teaches her Shien as her lightsaber form (it’s quick, fluid, and alternates between defense and all out attacks, just like her waterbending). They spend a lot of time meditating and going through saber forms and lifting stuff around the ship with the Force and generally being a pain in Sokka's ass because when things fall to the ground, they always manage to land on his foot
(Sokka's proud of his sister and thinks it's cool she's got magic powers, but do things always have to land on his foot??? He wasn't even on the same side of the room as them!!!!)
Basically along the way they meet Suki, another rebel who’s deadly with a blaster, and the Kyoshi Warriors. I also think it would be super cool if the Kyoshi Warriors were from Naboo and were the Queen’s Handmaidens- they look harmless, but these girls are warriors and can FIGHT
Zuko’s chasing them the entire time too
They find Toph along the way too, a super powerful Force user who uses it to “see” and is also a very talented psychometric. I think she’d use Ataru as her lightsaber form since it uses the Force to enhance movements (also the psychometry is for no specific reason other than I think it would be neat and also she and Vos have similar personalities lmao)
Anyways the plot of the show continues until at some point, Azula is sent after Zuko since he’s taking too long to capture the Gaang, and they team up to stop them. Azula uses Force lightning on Aang, but Katara manages to get them out of there before the siblings can capture them. She’s a very powerful Force healer, so she manages to save Aang
Okay this is the part that I think about nonstop, which is that Zuko goes back to the Empire after that fight, but he just feels wrong. The Force doesn’t feel the same anymore, he's cold all the time, his crystals scream at him and burn his hands when he tries to use them, his eyes are aching, everything his father says makes his head pound and the Force curl around him unpleasantly, and he has no clue why (he does, he's just too scared to admit that there's always been a little more light in him than his father wants there to be)
Basically he finds out something about how his great grandfather Sozin used to be a Jedi, until Sozin Fell and killed his best friend Roku, another Jedi and also Zuko’s mother’s grandfather, and he realizes there really always has been light in him. He finally admits to himself that he doesn’t actually want to be a part of the Empire, or a darksider
While he’s on the run, he spends a lot of time meditating and finding himself in the light side of the Force and stuff, and one day he opens up his sabers and purifies his crystals
I like to think that Zuko exists as sort of a Grey Jedi, who isn’t a darksider, but will never follow the Jedi Code or use the Force the way Aang does. So when he purifies his crystals, they turn a blinding white, to show how his destiny is in his own hands now. Also, I think one of his eyes stays Sith gold, while the other is dark brown, a color he hadn’t seen since before his mother died and his father began his training
Anyways, the Gaang saves the day; Aang fulfills the prophecy of the Chosen One and brings balance to the Force by defeating Ozai. Zuko and Katara fight Azula, and in typical Star Wars/ATLA fashion, Zuko gets Force Lightning’d. And up in the skies, Sokka, Toph, and Suki wreak havoc on the Empire’s Star Destroyers, and Sokka ends up breaking his leg because someone shoots the jetpack on his armor while he's trying to escape with Toph
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grumpyhedgehogs · 3 years
Summary: Ten year old Anakin dreams of the future. (It isn't bright.)
Notes: In which little Anakin dreams about Vader killing Obi-Wan on the Death Star. I love to hurt my favorites, what can I say.
Warnings: nightmares, violence, fear/panic, implied/referenced slavery and death. 
Anakin is prone to nightmares, has been since he could barely remember the difference between a dream and reality. They can be vague, like the idea of running from something chasing him, or incredibly realistic, like the nightmares he has about Watto sometimes. Sometimes they’re about things that have actually happened, like the one about the sandstorm that sealed him and his mother inside their hut for weeks once when he was five. They can even be about things that haven’t happened yet--like the one he’d had when he was five that he’d only remembered when he’d had to run across the dunes with a dark figure on a speeder dogging his footsteps.
Those are the ones that make Obi-Wan’s brow pinch and his mouth go tight and thin when Anakin tells him about them. Sometimes he looks like he’s almost angry with Anakin and that’s bad until Obi-Wan kneels down and wraps his arms around Anakin and tells him that Obi-Wan understands how upsetting the future nightmares can be and that he gets them too and it’s going to be alright. Then it’s better because Anakin’s heart starts beating again when he hugs back. So the nightmares come and they go and sometimes they make him tired and mad or scared for a long time, but Obi-Wan is here and he promised to keep Anakin safe. So it’s okay. Obi-Wan is kind and he listens when Anakin gets scared and he doesn’t yell even when Anakin gets mean because he’s angry. Obi-Wan makes sweet smelling tea and reads to him about heroes and monsters and happy endings and he tells him about his own bad dreams and says that it’s okay to be scared as long as one doesn’t let their fear control them. Obi-Wan is really good at meditation and he helps Anakin with it even though it’s hard and he can’t get the hang of dropping into a trance just yet.
But these nightmares are different.
These nightmares always start the same: Anakin is running and his chest burns with exertion and he can’t breathe quite right. The hallways around him are long and winding, all polished black and white and hard grey durasteel. Sometimes there are doors that open and faces peek out at him but they don’t look right: the faces have big black eyes and wide mouths that stretch all the way across, and their outer skin is a hard, blank white. Their heads are bulbous and their limbs are bulky and they wield blasters. Anakin runs even faster when he sees the doors are open. Sometimes there are men and women in grey suits with funny little hats walking in the halls, but Anakin passes right through them when he runs into them. He thinks maybe they’re ghosts, but not real ghosts. Ghosts are people who are dead and the Force whispers to him that they aren’t dead people. Not yet. (Sometimes they are young and the Force tells him they haven’t been born yet but that makes it hard for Anakin to concentrate on running so he tells the Force to shut up.)
Anakin’s legs ache and he trips sometimes. He skids around corners and bumps into walls that make a hollow clang when his body collides with them, like they’re all durasteel. He misses the wide open spaces and light stone of the Temple. If he stops, Anakin coughs from exhaustion, and his breath never comes fast enough and his throat feels like its swollen closed to the size of a straw. So Anakin doesn’t stop much.
At the beginning of the nightmares, he doesn’t know why he’s running or why he is where he is. Anakin always seems to forget the reason it’s so important he runs and doesn’t stop, even though he wakes up and remembers that he’s had this nightmare before every time. But the Force shouts warnings in his head, blaring like a siren, and Anakin knows he has to go. The Force tells him to go, go help, he needs your help, why won’t you help him? And Anakin tells it, mouth too dry to actually form the words, no breath left inside him to speak, I’m going, I’m trying, I want to help please I want to help just tell me how!
But this is a nightmare, so the Force never answers him.
There’s sounds in the nightmares too, shouting and footsteps and sometimes explosions, but mostly he hears blaster fire. (Anakin didn’t used to know what that sound was until a mission with Master Obi-Wan went wrong and Obi-Wan had had to curl himself up around Anakin to keep him safe from the fighting. Afterwards when they were safe he’d gotten down on his knees and his eyebrows were drawn together and his eyes were really big in his face; he’d told Anakin that he was so, so sorry that he’d led Anakin into a life-threatening situation and that they’d have to talk about this because it was alright if Anakin got scared even when they were safe and that it was never okay for an adult to make him feel unsafe and Anakin had thrown his arms around him and held on tight.) Sometimes if the blaster fire goes quiet at the right moment he can hear the ignition sound of a lightsaber. There’s another noise too, one that Anakin always forgets about until he hears it again. It makes his blood run so cold in his veins that he yelps, but his voice is too high and too quiet and all the other noise covers it.
He doesn’t want to go towards the noise that scares him, but the Force says he’s fighting! And Anakin says what can I do to help? But the Force always ignores him, just screams he’s going to lose!
Anakin runs.
His nightmares always end in the same place. It’s a bigger hallway than the ones he starts in, and there are more of those people with funny outfits and strange faces here. He can sometimes glimpse a ship in the background over their shoulders; it’s round and busted up, but it looks like it can still fly and Anakin knows that if he can just keep running, that ship will be a safe place. (Anakin only remembers that he has never made it to the ship when he wakes up.) There are stars out there too, out beyond the edges of his dream, but they are not like the stars he knows. These stars--they’re crying.
In the middle of the big hallway is the source of the sound that Anakin hates, that makes his bones shake and his heart beat so hard it nearly breaks his ribs. The figure is big, bigger than he’s ever seen, even bigger than a Wookie. It looms over him, hulking and distant. It is a black void, cold and angry and hungry. The figure makes that noise that scares Anakin because it gasps and chokes on every breath. The very air they expel and intake becomes a rasping, gagging thing that sucks at Anakin’s Light in the Force and billows out smoky Darkness. The Force tells Anakin that is a person, but not like any person should be: it’s not real, only it’s already real, it has always been real but could never be real if Anakin fixes his nightmare. (Anakin has never figured out how to fix it before he wakes.) It makes Anakin want to scream or cry or hide but the Force pulls his eyes away from the monster to look at Obi-Wan.
Because Obi-Wan is always there in these nightmares. His lightsaber is sometimes more recognizable than his Master’s face and it frightens Anakin. The kyber in the hilt of the blue 'saber sings at him, reaching tendrils of the Force out to caress at his shields, but Anakin knows he can’t open his mind to it because the other kyber crystal, the red one (they aren’t supposed to be red, Obi-Wan said so), screams, constantly and tirelessly, so loud Anakin can barely think.
Obi-Wan is sometimes just like he was when they first met. His hair is short and a Padawan braid brushes past his shoulder, which doesn’t make sense because if he were still a Padawan Anakin couldn’t be his Padawan, which Anakin very much is! His robes are all burned and scorched and he has lost his robe somewhere. He moves differently too; all gangly and awkward and his lightsaber form is too aggressive to match the one Master Obi-Wan picked up when he started training Anakin. His fighting style and youth don’t keep him safe from the crimson ‘saber.
Obi-Wan is sometimes as he is now. (Those nightmares are the worst ones.) His hair has grown out but his cheeks are still round and full. There are circles under his eyes, the ones he keeps telling Anakin not to worry about but Anakin worries about anyway, and his limbs are still a tiny bit awkward. But his ‘saber form matches and his footing is sure. But it isn’t enough and this Obi-Wan only lasts a little longer than Padawan Obi-Wan does, even if he fights harder and smarter.
Obi-Wan is sometimes older than he is now, his hair shorter than a Knight’s haircut and Anakin knows he must be the same as the monster and the people in funny clothes and with funny faces: he’s the ghost from Obi-Wan’s future, who Obi-Wan is going to be after Anakin grows up with him. He has weird bulky armor over his robes with a strange symbol on his forearm, but he moves gracefully, steady and confident even as blood slips from a cut on his temple. He looks like a statue, like he’s carved from stone; Anakin would be scared if he didn’t know it was Obi-Wan. This Obi-Wan shouts when he falls, but goes down fighting.
Obi-Wan is seldom the oldest Anakin has ever seen him. His hair is white and his face is wrinkled. He’s a future ghost too, and every time he has this nightmare the Force screams when Anakin sees him. His mouth is set in a smile which makes Anakin want to cry. His shoulders are rounded and his lightsaber form is once again different from what Anakin knows Master Obi-Wan uses now. His robes are covered in sand and dust and he looks so very tired. This Obi-Wan is the only one who reacts to Anakin’s eyes landing on him.
It always happens at the last second: Anakin slips around the monster and hurls himself towards Obi-Wan only to find his feet locked to the ground, like his boots melted and became one with the floor. He stands, stuck and still, between his Master and the monster. He wants to turn around and look at the monster, wants to see what kind of face a being that Dark in the Force must have, but he remembers the dream about running from a Sith across the sands, and he stays still. Run! He always shouts at his Master through the Force. We have to run! He’ll hurt us!
All the other Obi-Wans don’t listen or even signal that Anakin exists. They pass through him when they clash with the monster just like all the other future ghosts do. Anakin feels tears welling in his eyes but these versions of his Master don’t take notice, don’t stop and try to assess his wellbeing. They don’t know he’s even there.
Then the being surges forward, so fast that Anakin’s hair ruffles and he cringes forward, seeking the warmth of Obi-Wan in front of him, seeking the safety and concern and protectiveness that Obi-Wan has come to symbolize in his life. But the flare of plasma swings over Anakin’s head and even though he screams as the cold fills the space Obi-Wan used to occupy.
But the oldest Obi-Wan looks down at him. He stands still and lets the monster approach instead of meeting it halfway, and in that moment he sees Anakin. He always does the same thing. He raises his lightsaber in the traditional greeting pose Obi-Wan taught Anakin to do before a training match. He lets the blue light flicker and die as he cuts the switch. He smiles. And in Anakin’s mind, through the bond that glows golden and soft in the back of his head, through the Force, Obi-Wan tells him: My dear Anakin, do not be afraid.
In those versions of the nightmare Anakin always wakes up before the monster can strike his Master.
Anakin has had one of those dreams tonight. It’s the first one in several months; perhaps childishly, Anakin had thought he was getting better. (“You’re only ten, Anakin,” Obi-Wan tells him whenever he tries to be more adult. “You’re allowed to be a child.”) He has slept through the night on his own many times and he doesn’t even need a light on in the living area of their quarters anymore. But here he is, panting and sweating and cold and crying. Anakin’s shoulder hitch up around his ears and he feels the sticky tracks his tears make across his skin, cheeks overheating and aching. His legs tremble with phantom pain and his heart pounds so hard he can see it through his nightclothes. The Force is unsettled, swirling and cresting around him and his bond is too quiet, too soft even though it glows with his Master’s presence just on the other side of the wall separating their rooms.
Obi-Wan always leaves the door cracked open; he’d said it was for airflow, but Anakin isn’t stupid. He used to come in here every night to check on his Master. He’d been used to sleeping in the same room as his mother and couldn’t shake the idea that something could happen to Obi-Wan, that something could get to him while Anakin slept on blissfully unaware in the next room. Obi-Wan hated that the door creaked when Anakin opened it, so he left it open all the time. The extra measure was supposed to help Obi-Wan stay asleep when Anakin visited in the night, but every time, without fail, Obi-Wan would open his eyes before Anakin even stepped up to his bedside.
Tonight is no different. Through the shadows of his bedroom, Obi-Wan’s eyes are bright as they fix upon Anakin’s face; he can practically feel Obi-Wan’s brow cinch when he sees the tear stains. “Bad dream?” Obi-Wan’s voice is as soft as their bond, and it curls around Anakin just like his Master’s Force Signature does, soothing the whirling, whimpering Force and bolstering his shields.  
Obi-Wan does not point out that his answer comes on the end of a sob and opens his arms instead. The blankets settle around Anakin’s shoulders, almost too hot from Obi-Wan’s body heat. Still he presses closer and Obi-Wan welcomes him, curling an arm around him and rubbing at his back. He sighs, making a wet little noise against the crook of his Master’s neck. Obi-Wan holds on just a little tighter. It makes something in Anakin’s chest clench.
“Rest now, Padawan.”
Before Obi-Wan can finish, before he can say the words Anakin knows he will say because he says them every time, Anakin makes himself a promise. He locks his fingers into the collar of Obi-Wan’s nightshirt and feels the too hot warmth of his skin and hearts the soft breaths above his head and the rustle of the bedclothes as Obi-Wan tucks them both in and he promises himself. He promises, I will keep you safe. He promises, I’ll save you from the monster, Master. He promises, We can fight it together, Obi-Wan.
But the words that fall from Obi-Wan’s lips every time he has a nightmare always make Anakin shake with a cloying, cold darkness he cannot rid himself of.
“My dear Anakin, do not be afraid.”
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
Rey’s lack of motivation and stake in the Sequel Trilogy
I have a question to ask you. What are Rey’s motivations? What are her wants and goals and why is she even drawn to the conflict between The First Order and The Resistance?
Rey’s motivations in the Sequels.
Rey wants to find her parents.
Wants to bring back Luke Skywalker
Rey wants to find her place 
Wants Ben to return to the light
Has no real motivation to be on either side of the conflict, but chooses The Resistance anyway
Says she wants to kill Palpatine in cold blood, was close to giving in
Now she chose to fuck off to Tatooine and we see very little in her motivation to do....ANYTHING
Let’s compare Anakin and Luke’s motivations.
What are Anakin's motivations?
Wants to leave a life of slavery and come back and free his mother
Wants to become a Jedi and become a hero
Wants to protect Padme
Wants to save Obi-Wan
Wants to stop Dooku and end the war before it can begin
Wants to be a good master to Ahsoka
Wants to clear Ahsoka’s name
Wants to stop the war
Wants to save Padme and his children's lives at the cost of the Jedi and doing whatever it takes and becomes Darth Vader
What are Luke’s motivations?
Luke is a farm boy who dreams of leaving his mundane life.
Luke discovers that his father -unlike what his uncle told him, was a heroic Jedi Knight
Luke, is reluctant and refuses the ‘call to adventure’, but after the Empire murders his Aunt and Uncle, he decides to Join Obi-Wan on the quest.
Save the Princess
Luke is angered by Obi-Wan’s death at the hands of Darth Vader, and seeks retribution.
Destroy the Death Star and save the Rebellion
To be trained by Yoda
Save Han and Leia
Luke discovers his father, the heroic Jedi, is none other than Darth Vader. After years of training, he sets out to redeem his father and turn him back to the light.
After the redemption of his father and fall of the Empire, Luke goes on a journey to restore The Jedi Order
Compare Rey and Luke’s journeys in ANH and TFA. Rey wanders around and stuff is handed to her. Luke takes initiative and works for what he has. Let's compare ANH with TFA
Luke screws up on watching R2, then chooses to chase him down. He makes another mistake by spying on the Tusken Raiders instead of getting the hell out of dodge. This leads to him being knocked out, and rescued by Ben Kenobi.
Luke initiates the meeting with Ben Kenobi, and it happens because of his early bad decisions.
His aunt & uncle are killed, but thanks to his screw-up with R2 & the raiders, he and the droids are spared.
He chooses to follow Kenobi to Alderaan instead of staying on Tattooine.
He chooses to accept Kenobi's instruction in the ways of the Force, even though most people think it's a myth and a joke. Even though he's bad at it and doesn't seem to get any results at first.
He makes the decision that they're going to rescue Leia, potentially dooming their escape from the Death Star. This sets off a chain of events that leads to Kenobi's death.
Then he chooses to help fight the Death Star, even though he's not a member of the rebellion. He was offered a job with Han, and he could have ensured his safety by leaving with them. Instead he chose certain death.
Finally, he chooses to trust a literal voice in his head instead of the targeting computer.
Let's contrast that with Rey.
BB-8 runs into her. She tries to send him away, but relents and lets him follow her home.
She chooses not to sell him for food.
Finn wanders into camp on his own initiative.
The camp is attacked because BB-8 is there. The camp would have been attacked no matter what Rey did. The other scavenger was, I'm pretty sure, from the same camp. And if she'd sold him, BB-8 would also have still been in the camp.
She is forced to take the Millennium Falcon when the ship she wanted to use was blown up.
She chooses to go with Finn and bring BB-8 to the Rebellion Resistance.
She stumbles upon Luke's lightsaber, and runs away from it.
She accidentally runs into Kylo Ren while hiding in the forest.
He chooses to kidnap her because he senses something special about her.
After her first exposure to the Force, she learns how to use some of it, successfully, and escapes from Ren. And to her credit, escaping and trying the Force out is a choice she made, rather than something that passively happened to her.
Then she, um, is standing there when Han is killed.
She chooses to fight Kylo Ren, and beats him in her first lightsaber battle after closing her eyes and thinking about the Force.
She sort of chooses to go summon Luke back to civilization - I say sort of because it's not clear why she was picked to go over, say, Leia.
Luke makes mistakes, and he is an active participant in his story. Rey is just kind of there, most of the time. She doesn't make mistakes, but she doesn't really do much else.
Rey has no personal stake in this war or motivations and she’s supposed to be the main protagonist.
Rey has never left Jakku before TFA and she tells Han that ”she never knew so much green existed” when they go to Maz’s castle.
In other words Rey must have had very limited knowledge of the world outside of Jakku and all she has heard from it are stories.
Rey who barely knows anything about the rest of the galaxy, to the point that she didn’t even know that forests existed what exactly is her personal stake in the current galactic conflict?
In TFA we saw The New Republic’s capital systems blown up by Starkiller Base and we never saw a reaction from Rey. We do see Finn and Han’s reactions. Also worth noting about Rey is that if she was unconscious throughout her involuntary travel to the Starkiller Base she was never actually aware of the Starkiller Base until just before Han, Finn and Chewie started planting the explosions in order to sabotage it.
Luke, while he had no personal attachments to Aldeeran did actually get to see the horrible aftermaths of it’s destruction.
But Rey was barely affected by the destruction of the Capital systems. Most characters were not as affected as they should have been in my opinion but we didn’t even get to see her have an emotional reaction to it.
This was probably the greatest genocide in Star Wars history and our main heroine is unaffected by it? Finn has a reaction to it and he’s supposedly NOT the main protagonist?
Rey really has no reason to care about the state of the galaxy. She only seems to care if people she knows are in danger.
The fact that she is supposed to be our main hero of this trilogy when she has next to no personal stakes in the well-being of the rest of the galaxy feels wrong to me.
Finn actually has stakes in this conflict since the FO took his family and childhood away from him and Poe has stakes because he actually lives in the New Republic and doesn’t want it to be under FO’s rule. Yet neither Finn nor Poe are considered the main protagonist? But oh wait, I forgot we can’t have a black or Latino man be the leading protagonist in Star Wars
The more I think about it is Rey has no goals or agency as a protagonist. She’s just whatever the plot demands her to be. Rey doesn’t actively take the initiative and make decisions, and simply react to the world around her. There is never a reason given as to why she wants to be a Jedi. Sure, she’s heard the stories about them, but she doesn’t dream to be one like Anakin, and the writers are so obsessed over her parents that they never develop any other motivation besides that. She has to be strung along the story so she can take part in it, hence she is repeatedly chased and kidnapped throughout TFA to get her to the Resistance where she decides to find Luke because she has nowhere else to go. Part of the reason she doesn’t even train with Luke is because she has no reason to, as she’s just supposed to find him. Rey joins the fight simply in reaction to learning that Luke is responsible for Ben’s fall. She’s only ever a Jedi and a member of the Resistance out of necessity- she has no where left to go and has to fight in self defense- so they try hamfist in some motives that she needs to stop herself from becoming like Palpatine but there is no tension as it’s the final act. By the end of the trilogy it’s not even clear if the Jedi Order will return because Rey never seems to want to be one and we can only assume they will return for meta reasons- because the audience knows the ST is a copypasta of the OT.
What exactly was Rey’s motivation for getting involved in the Galactic conflict before TROS? Luke was told that his father was killed by Darth Vader and later his family gets murdered by the empire so he had personal stakes to get involved in the conflict.
Anakin was a Jedi and had lived in the Republic for ten years by the time of the Clone Wars begun so he had personal reasons to get involved in the conflict.
Rey meanwhile grew up so isolated of Jakku that she had no idea forests existed and she didn’t lose anything and the FO attacked her on Jakku. In fact she wanted to return to Jakku after she had dumped BB-8 with the Resistance. Her primary motivation in TFA was to reunite with her family but the movie never establish that her family’s absence was connected to the galactic conflict in any way.
That connection isn’t established until TROS so what was her motivation until than? The Death of Han? A guy she had known for two hours? Finn? A guy she also had maybe only knew for about two hours total by the time of their hug in TLJ? Also she seemed to have completely forgotten about Finn by the time she want on a quest to redeem the guy that has far as she should have known by that point was still in a coma with his spine permanently damaged because of Kylo.
Rey’s motivation seems to either be finding her family or her dealing with her existential crisis neither had much of a connection with the galactic conflict until TROS
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