#even though i shouldnt have been because the people have made it clear from day one they like the christmas fic and ducklings the best lol
allylikethecat · 7 months
I am a ducklings stan so very happy for a potential new chapter but On a Friday left us at such an interesting place I CANNOT BELIEVE MORE PEOPLE DID NOT WANT THAT
(justice for 🦈 plushie)
Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to reach out! I'm so happy to hear that you are a Ducklings fan, but you are so right about On a Friday! Justice for Shark Plushie!! (Fictional!Matty has many regrets about throwing her across the room so violently, she was soft and cuddly and smelled nice!! and now she is very far away) But yes we were in a VERY interesting spot and I am super excited about what comes next in that fic... I hope everyone enjoys the Tuesday Ducklings chapter though!! Everyone was so kind and wonderful when it came to the Christmas Fic update- I hope we can keep that momentum for the All the King's Horses and Ducklings updates! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to send in this ask! I hope you are having a very happy Friday and that you have a fantastic weekend!
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1tsjusty0u · 6 months
now i remember the question ive been meaning to ask. does link have any friends outside of the champions? any training buddies etc? what do other knights think of him
OUGJ ALRIGHT SO. sort of!!
ive seen fanfics where like. the knights bully him to hell and back, or they just straight up hate him for no reason, however i am not doing that. to be clear they dont idolize or love him either hes just Some Kid. like i feel like all of the knights and guards and soliders would all be older than link because of a minimum age and skill requirement to apply to the hyrulean army, so even at 16 he’s still like. 2-3 years younger than the other youngest member. and also it depends on if link is above the ranks enough to be like a commander and command armies. he was the royal guard captain at one point so he probably did it at least once (some guards probably being a bit miffed over a 15 year old telling them what to do, but compared to other commanders he was probably more lenient. and unexperienced but thats another thing). when guarding zelda he doesnt really command anyone but before that?? grey area. so hm
either way he has people he more or less hangs out with, a friendly guard just straight up chatting with him and/or being one of the guards link doesnt passively hate. they probably chat from time to time but theyre less friends and more acquaintances . it also doesnt help that even if people links age Were in the army he would just passively hate more guards than he already does. like the older he got the more he did Not like people in his age group, especially because they were teenagers. it depends on the person as always and he would probably be able to make friends easier, but yeah he would hate it more than he already does . guard twins who tease him but greet him from time to time
in hateno and castle town he probably has some old friends. hateno especially, though with him in castle town and also getting more and more haunted by everything things have gotten strained as per usual. castle town some people are nice to him and he does his best to be nice back. the bakery owner and their kid mostly. hes also made a couple friends at stables, due to horse loving and also the fact he can see them more often because of traveling. a traveling painter he would get along with, like pikango. thats probably the only real friends too because traveling people would, too, be weird. also the bazz brigade- distant however the gang believes theyre all friends including link, and rivan likes to swim with him and mipha when they can.
training buddies he mostly doesnt have save for the 1 friendly guard guy mentioned earlier. and that guard is always the one to initiate, because honestly i dont think wreath would train at all. he served his time damnit hes done enough training!! plus it doesnt really affect anything because he has to fight monsters close to daily at points so. yeah.
as for what the knights and guards generally think of him? it ranges from ‘HAH i can do better than That loser’, to ‘wh. why is there a kid in here hello?? its not take your kid to work day’, to ‘ah Just Some Guy’ to ‘the quiet kid in the back of class except its in the back of the shared training hall’ to ‘kind of creepy. stop staring at me with those ole eyes’ to ‘of course the captain has a son goddamnit’ to ‘oh im so stealing how he swings his sword’ to ‘that One Guy. you know the one’. not universally bullied and hated (most who Would hate him are too cocky about themselves and break rules when they shouldnt punishing them and everyone else), but not universally loved. its basically “if youre going to Be In the Army then your going to be in the army god damnit. your going to Train and Follow The Rules like the rest of us”. they know him but have him suffer in a way because they All Suffer. though honestly earlier i did consider him to have knight friends but i remembered the age thing. even then he hasnt found anyone who likes the same things he does (though he never admits what he likes to others and at times doubts what he used to like because it feels like he feels no joy anymore. and hes hobbyless which doesnt help). its like. he feels like hes specifically engineered to where having friends is something he just cant have because hes Like This.
and to be clear the champions arent nessecarily better friends than anyone mentioned here (revali Has been making attempts though, mipha being dragged in). its actually hard to tell because feelings on champions differ from each champion including link. but the champions Do Care about link . toriel and asgore loving their kids, but it not being enough to save them from death if that makes sense. love without understanding
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beingstalked · 6 months
8th June 2019 - Phil first had signs of chicken pox. From the 8th we would video call on Facebook messenger, this was on my days off from work or after I'd finished work.
14th June 2019 - I saw him to take him a present to feel better and some treats. Even though I'd had chicken pox as a kid, Phil didn't want me catching it so we sat opposite side of the rooms. The photo I posted about seeing him was when we went out for a meal 31st May 2019. I even said in the post I couldn't hug and kiss him. I was sat opposite him for a max of 30 minutes and then I left.
23rd June 2019 - Phil was not contagious anymore. All his chicken pox had crusted over and started to drop off, so me and Phil saw each other, we had a hug and posted a photo a together. 16 Days after he first showed signs, I finally got to hug him. By the 29th June he was all clear and had no signs of chicken pox.
I'm addressing this because this was something else Liam, Stacey and the mutual friend made a big deal about discussing at a then 1 year olds birthday party. Phil didn't attend (the party was the 24th June 2019) purely because if there was the slightest chance he couldve passed it on to a young child, he didn't want that, so he bought a present and just explained he couldn't go because of chicken pox. He literally didnt want to pass it on and make anyone ill, but apparently it was the end of the world because Phil had seen his girlfriend whilst being ill. The reality probably was Liam got pissed because he once again wasn't getting all of Phils attention, he didn't like it and chose to bitch about it at the party and chose a 1 year olds party to cry like big babies, yet if anyone had caught chicken pox if Phil had attended, it wouldve been the constant blame game and "oh if you wasnt 100% clear you shouldnt have come and now we've all caught it" and bought it up in the last argument like it was a big deal, laughable. But the amount of health problems those people who chose to bitch have got, seeing my boyfriend from a distance to cheer him up and then seeing him 9 days later when he had cleared up was nothing compared to the ongoing stuff they have. So he can cry and be a big baby all he wants but its controlling trying to bring up something that Phil did with his loved one, getting mad and acting as if Phil had cheated on him by seeing his girlfriend. Whilst Phils not the cheat out of the two of them (this evidence is posted privately) Phil doesn't need Liams permission to see friends or girlfriends, so it's very controlling of Liam and the other 2, to make the biggest deal out of it. Its stupid I even have to address seeing my own partner, but that's how controlling these two were, because they only saw each other Saturdays, Liam wanted the time not seeing Stacey dedicated to talking or gaming with Phil, whereas because me and Phil had a relationship where we saw each other as much as we could, we was looking for our own place in 2019, we was trying to conceive a baby, we got engaged, there was so much we was doing that Liam & Stacey didn't know about because Phil only wanted to discuss that with his closest friend who's like a Brother to him, This is something Phil chose not to tell Liam, he told his Best Mate, Will but Liam didn't know any private stuff me and Phil was doing because we chose those closest to us to discuss it all. I'd also like to point out when Liam made a comment about his mates not talking to Phil much and they had apparently all called me controlling, Phil spoke daily to Will. Phil doesn't reply to all messages on messenger, he always chose to have longer conversations with Will, even if Liam had messaged, he would ignore the message to talk to Will, the other 2 friends had no idea about the comment because they spoke on messenger and to this day have a group chat on WhatsApp. Liam just wanted to act controlling and make it sound like everyone thought bad of me, possibly to try get Phil to split up with me, but Phil went directly to them and they all basically said that comment was bullshit. Oh and the comment where apparently Liam & Phil hardly spoke, I'll screen record the conversation, then see how often the two spoke and how that apparently still wasn't enough for Liam.
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dontpunchdogs · 9 months
thoughts for today ! under a read more bcos it got long. yelling into the void.
ive always been hard to deal with - too sensitive to sounds, lights, temperature, texture, easily hurt by words, easily overwhelmed by other people, easily feeling left out among friends, too annoying, too loud but too quiet, needing too much reassurance, needing to feel wanted, needing needing needing. ive known this a long time. ive heard it from my parents countless times, had friends say they only hung around me out of pity, had partners say i was the most supportive partner theyd ever had; yet i need too much, my feelings are too confusing or too hard to consider, "i knew youd be upset but i didnt want to tell you and make you more upset" again and again and again.
no matter how small i tried to be, how light of a burden i made myself, its really never enough. i dont get what i need, my patience is worn thinner and thinner, and "suddenly" i snap. "suddenly" i disappear. as though there werent signs. as though i hadnt been begging for someone to care. as though i havent put others feelings and comfort above my own for years, been intentional, been thoughtful, been honest (in fairness, honest about everything besides the extent to which id been hurt) and made it clear how i love and how i want my efforts to be reciprocated.
i'm tired of it. i always thought i shouldnt live if nobody cared about me enough to pick me first. thats all ive ever wanted, really. someone to walk in a room full of people they care for and choose me out of everyone. someone who id choose over anything, even my own comfort when reasonable, and to know they'd do the same. just one person, and then i can handle everyone else letting me down, just one person, please, just one, one person, please, for once, just once.
i always find myself so fucking disappointed. maybe my standards are too high - the fact no one can meet me there makes me sad, but the idea of lowering my standards made me sadder. i can take disappointment, a lot of it, and i don't expect perfection. sometimes you cant give even 50% of your energy. sometimes you need to pick someone else. sometimes you need to pick a friend over a partner, or yourself over anyone else. but i cant handle the degree to which people constantly ignore my needs, or disregard them to indulge their wants.
im trying to rewire my brain now! im going to live, whether someone picks me or not. im going to care for others as much as i can, as hard as i can, but im going to limit those who disturb my peace. im going to put myself first, often as i can, or at least as often as id put others. i know what i need, and id do it for someone else - why not do it for me? why continue trying for people who cant be assed? why continue trying when im just difficult and draining?
today i had an overstimulating day at work. i still went to the grocery store, as id planned, because i needed to. when i drove home, i felt like id have a meltdown. instead i made myself laugh by seeing just how many bags i could carry at once. something stupid and simple, but i felt like i was good company. i put everything away. i made my lunch for tomorrow. i tried a new tea that i picked out and actually finally found one i liked. i ran a hot bubble bath. i washed my hair, my back, my body as though i was someone i loved. and i felt loved.
it was really nice. im holding onto that joy.
ive realized just how much pain other people tend to put me through. why, then, should i hinge my right to my life on my relationship with others?
im going to live. fuck anything else. fuck everybody whos ever made me feel like a fucking burden. if its soooo hard dealing with me, imagine fucking being me. i deserve so much better.
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hallabongy · 3 years
is it so bad to want something more? suna x reader (friends with benefits to couple?)
a/n: ha.ha. long time no see. sorry for not posting for literal months. i dont know where the inspiration came for this not proofread drabble but here’s one with rin! it was written pretty quickly and in full honesty not good but i had the idea and ran with it since its been so long since the last post. also in no way do i think suna would actually be like this but you know “creative process” (is that what it’s even called?) anyway i hope some people enjoy this poorly written work
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waking up to the sounds of the city was something that you still werent used to 
everytime you spent the night at suna’s apartment you had to remind yourself of the different location. 
and even though youre still not used to the city life you were getting better at it given how  often you found yourself at suna’s 
just from the amount of light coming through the blinds you can tell its pretty late in the day
letting out a sleep filled sigh you turn over to be faced with suna sleeping on his stomach, hands underneath the pillow he was using to sleep on
he looks so peaceful as you focus on his soft breathing and taking note of his bed head, running your hand through it
you cant help the small smile that forms when he nestles his head against your hand, a small groan escaping him
the smile grew on your face but along with it came a small pang in your heart
things with suna have been nice so far. even with his busy schedule he always made time for you
that being said there was never a label on your relationship yet. you both never made it clear what exactly you were looking for 
lets take a little rewind in how this all started...
your first time meeting and getting together happened so naturally you guess him and you kind of forgot to talk about it. 
but after your first couple of times meeting up suna would jokingly say things that made it seem like he wasnt looking for anything serious 
things like “volleyball has me so busy its hard for a personal life” or even saying “i’m telling you straight up, you shouldnt fall for me” 
so actually thinking about it, it’s pretty obvious that suna was not looking for a partner but even after hearing him say that you still stuck around him. and thats how you continued to hit it off. 
something about the two of you just worked. he seemed content with whatever your relationship was and you had no intention of bringing it up and possibly ruining it 
but now that feeling in your chest kept pulling at your heart and was only worsening and getting stronger
it became overwhelming when suna mumbled a raspy “g’morning” before wrapping his arms around your middle and pulling him into his bare chest
a small “hi” is all your able to let out when you stare into his eyes that are slowly blinking open
“did you sleep okay?” he breathes against your cheek, moving down and pressing kisses on your collarbones and then making his way up your neck, ear, and forehead
“yeah, those cars can be so freaking loud” you stumble out, fighting the blush forming on your cheeks. it suddenly became very warm 
“thats the city for you pretty girl. better get used to it” suna chuckles, pressing a final kiss on your nose giving it a little nip
“why would i have to get used to it?” you said it trying to be nonchalant but knew suna could hear the sense of hope in that question
“well you seem to be here in my apartment sharing my bed more than your own so it only makes sense to make the most of the situation”
you were a little stunned by his words and said what you were thinking before you could stop yourself “ah. gotcha. well i’m glad i can keep the other half of your bed warm. but maybe there’s someone else whose already in the city who can do that for you instead” 
you rolled your eyes before turning over in the bed when he grabbed your waist tugging you back against his chest “hey you know i didnt mean it like that. i really do like spending time with you and like having you stay with me.”
your back was still faced towards him “please, look at me” 
you let out a heavy huff before craning your neck and then the rest of your body to stare at him again
“i know that we never established what we were but i always thought that i dont know, maybe i was more than just a recurring hookup”
“you are pretty angel. you’re not just a hookup to me. i know that i’ve said im busy and its because i really am but after being with you for so long i want to continue this. but now as an actual couple” suna bent down to look you straight in the eyes a small smile on his lips when he noticed the heavy blush you wore and toothy grin you couldnt help, before his went in for a kiss 
it was soft and sweet, just what was needed for this hazy summer afternoon as you both were wrapped in the sheets. 
suna moved your bodies so that he was on top of you moving in between your legs never once breaking the kiss
now all that could be heard in his bedroom were the small gasps and whimpers to were letting out from the kiss that was leaving you breathless
you had to tap his shoulders to get him to stop so you could get some air as he finally leaned back with a smug look
he leaned his forehead against yours, looking deep into your eyes before he cheekily let out “i thought i told you not to fall in love with me”
“you did. but i took that as a recommendation not a rule”
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Tour without You
Summary: fans saw the video of cal singing ghost of you and people think you two broke up.
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a/n: SO YALL KNOW WHICH VIDEO I'M TALKING ABOUT RIGHT? Idk if he was actually crying, but a part of me tells me he was, but idk who knows, but i hope he was okay and is doing okay now.
You were currently home watching duke at yours and cal’s place. You couldn't go on tour with cal because of work, so being alone was a norm you had grown into. Whenever you didn't go on tour you and cal would spend time calling one another whenever a show was over, so he could see you and if you needed to comfort him for anything. He hated when he had to leave you alone, but you would reassure him you had someone that was a part of him. Duke would usually stay with the dog sitter, but when you stayed back home you watched duke. You two would have some quality time together as usual so the small pup can use his energy throughout the day.
For Cal though today, just wasn't his day. Their bus tour had taken a re-route, they got to the venue late, he couldn't focus during rehearsal since it was cut short, from them arriving late. Usually when stress came he was able to handle it well, but you usually were there to comfort him right there and then, which also added to his stress as well, not being able to be with you in moments like these. Fans in the audience and online had seen his expression and worried for him, especially when singing Ghost of you. He hated that his stress would reflect how he acts during shows, but today was really bad for him. Cal doesn't really notice when fans are recording, but a video had gone viral during the concert within minutes and fans skepulating about you and cal. You had no idea of this hence you not being near your phone all day and having a nice day out with duke. Your phone had been blasting all night and once you got home with duke you checked it once seeing all the notifications on all of your socials.You were slightly confused as to why there were so many so you checked it out.
@5SOSUPDATES: is it possible cal and y/n broke up? Could be because they haven been posting with one another. Also today’s performance he seemed sad, especially during Ghost of you.
“What the hell?” you said as the puppy barked at you as you continued to look for something that gave you some sort of idea that was going on. Then MTV also made a topic off of it.
You were quick to find the resources they were using to claim these speculations and there was a video of cal singing ghost of you, at first it was all good, he was singing good, you saw no sad emotions, but when it got to him harmonizing, with the ghost of you, that's when his expression changed. At first you thought that it was just the way he was singing. But you looked over and yeah you were convinced he was crying.
You tried to first go over anything you might have said to make him upset, but there was nothing, you texted when you could and he seemed fine the night before, so you didn't know what was wrong. Unless he lied to you, which he would do when he was away from you. He didn't want to bother you, but you always told him to talk to you when he was feeling down and not himself. You were always going to be there to talk to him always. Just then you got a call from mali, you were quick to answer as she probably has seen these as well.
“Mali, hey.” you said as she spoke, “hey super weried, but have you been on your socials and possibly MTV?” she asked as you sighed, “yes i have.” you said as she contuned, “okay, is it ture?? Did you two break up? Omg did cal do something because i swear-” she said as you giggled and cut her off, “no we didn't, well at least i think so, but uh, no i called him before this show and he seemed fine, but you know how he is, he doesn't tell the full truth until you get it out of him.” you said as she hummed, “thats true, well are you talking to him tonight?” she asked as you hummed back, “yeah i should be getting a call in about an hour, i dont think he has checked his phone yet, so i'll call you first thing alright?” you said as she hummed and you two said your goodbyes. As your phone was still blowing up, more and more rumours were being made, but you didn't expect to be getting attacked.
5SOSWILDFLOWER: Yall, there are some photos of y/n with another guy before cal had gone to tour, guess cal has a reason.
Caly/n_stan: i don't think she would cheat though, they've been together for years.
Lukehemmingsstan: i mean yeah but people change especially when dating a celeb, and it wouldn't be the first time a 5sos member would be cheated on.
@mikeycliff5sos: i mean you can tell she was just in it for the money and the fame, she never spoke about her job.
You were at first confused as to what pictures you were talking about, but then you clearly remember you were with the dog sitter, who happens to be a guy. He was one of Cal's best friends and he always took care of duke when you were away. You were there before cal had gone to tour, to tell him personally that you were staying with duke, since you knew him and it would be nice to catch up on duke’s behavior. Of course the fans didn't know that, but that didn't mean they should attack you. You were kinda stressed about this situation, especially with the things being said, fans even started to question your real intentions with cal and wondered if you were just after cal for his money and fame questioning your line of work as well, which wasnt public because you line of work was importnatn, you were a visual editor at entertainment company and well you kept it private and you didn't want any problems.
On cal’s side of things, he hadnt checked his phone at all wanting to handle one side of stress at a time. After teh show he realxed before calling you, making sure he looked good and fine. But once he lifted his phone he had seen so many notifications, at first he thought it was about the show from tonight but when he clicked he saw everything that was being said about you and him that you two had broken up and the means things being said about you. He was quick to call you as you answered quickly hoping he was okay.
“Hey” you both said quite rapidly, “sorry you go first.” cal said as you sighed and spoke, “are you okay? But i want to know the full truth cal, you know you can talk to me.” you said as he rubebd his head and wished he had spoken to you before anything, he knew if he talked to you hten these rumours wouldnt be made. “Fuck love, im sorry, we had to reroute the show for tonight we got there late, and rehearsal was rushed and, today i didn't do my best to hide my stressed emotions, i tried, but i couldnt, all i wnated to do was talk to you before the show, but i wasnt able to,” he said as his voice was cracking and you felt bad for him, you knew he handled stress well, but you knew today was one of those days, “bub its okay, just talk to me about this kind of stress to help you when you can, no matter what time it may be. I know im not htere, but remeber im a phone call away, always. No matter waht okay, you call me when youre feeling like this.” you said as he smiled a little missing you so much more than he should be able to.
“Youre too good for me you know that? Im sorry for waht the fans are saying, i'll straighten it out babe, they shouldnt be saying this stuff about you,” he said as you giggled, “its fine, it hurt at first, but i mean this all happend beucase i was out with dukes dogsitter,” you said as he laughed a little, “gosh the fans are really out of hand, i love you so much, youre there for me more than many times i could even count, you know youre it for me,” he said as you blushed hearing his words, he would tell you this all the time. It was true, you were it for him and he was it for you. “And youre it for me too, and i'll happily be there for you, always you know that.” you said as he smiled and jsut couldnt wait to get home to you. After talking for about 2 hours, you said your goodbyes and you had gone with the rest of your day as cal had straighten out with the fans about his citation.
He posted a picture on his story of you and captioned it:
To clear out the rumours from today, me and y/n are happily together. y/n has not and has never cheated on me, for those who know she is everything to me and i will do anything to not lose her. There is no anger towards this situation jsut please, be careful with what you say on the interent, even if y/n and i dont post about us everyday its not htat wer are not together, we like to live in the present with one another since i go away for tour. Usually shes here with me, but sadly she isnt. So again please just be aware with what you are posting, we are human and things that were said towards her will hurt anyone.
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winterfireice · 2 years
Marelinh week 2022 prompt 1 soulmate
@xanadaus @gaslight-gaetkeep-gayboss
Link to ao3
My eyes linge on the sunflower tattoo on my wrist. The petals have a slight yellow tint like they've had for the last two days indicating that my soulmate is close by. I’m fighting the urge to take my highlighter and scribble it in like an empty coloring book. I look back down at my homework, the lines blurring together signifying that I have been at this for too long even though I only have half of the page filled out, and that's only the first of seven pages. I shake my head and close the textbook “Hey dad i'm going to go for a walk be back in a little bit.” I hear something muffled that I'm going to say is agreement and step outside pulling on a light jacket before hedging out to the woods behind our house, following the worn trail and passing the occasional old fairy house that I made as a kid. When I see the bright flowers around a fallen tree I know I reached my destination, its a little clearing not to far into the woods I use to come to as a kid when my mom was having a particularly bad day. I hear a branch crack and turn around seeing dark hair and taking a step back tripping a falling straight into a bed of flowers, “Oh my god are you ok?” a light voice comes from above me and I open my eyes seeing black and silver hair covering a girls face “Yeah, just think I fell onto a rock” I say and the girl puts out her hand helping me up “Thanks, I guess” I say now that she's not leaning over something with gravity against her I see she has a really pretty silvery eyes with very kissable lips. “You guess?” she asks with a hint of annoyance “Well I mean if you weren't here to surprise me I wouldnt of fallen and wouldn't need help getting up.” I state smiling “Oh well i'm sorry I didn't know I needed to announce my presence in the middle of the woods.” she chuckles “Well maybe you do who knows but better safe than sorry we don't want anyone falling on rocks, so what's your name?” I ask “Linh, yours?” “Marella” “I like that Mare,” I usually hated it when people gave me nicknames but she made it sound so nice and warm “hey is back ok it seemed like a pretty painful fall?” Linh reaches over to my side and I flinch away her hand retreats “Sorry I shouldnt of,” “No no it's fine you were just being sweet, um im good will probably have a small bruise but nothing a balm cant fix.” I laugh awkwardly wanting to get past the last few minutes. “Well at least you fell in some really pretty flowers I mean look at that pigment.” Linh kneels down to examine a flower closer and it's the first time I actually am paying attention to them but Linh's right. They are beautiful and that yellow color is gorgeous. It's just like the one on my tattoo but brighter. They're actually just like my tattoo not just the color but the shape a thin stem with wide petals I look down and gasp “What's wrong?” Linh asks “look at your arm.” I say my eyes still trained on my wrist “Oh my” I hear her breath I look over at her and she has the same thing, our tattoo aren't just outlines anymore there in full color with yellows and orange green on the leafs and even some brown at the bottom and behind it are streaks of blue and purple that look like someone took a paintbrush to my skin. “So maybe its good you caem here.” I say and look at my soulmate “Maybe” she laughs and all of a sudden I am too. We stay there just talking for another hour, I talk to her more than I think I talk to my best friends but there is something about her that makes me just want to open up and its not just because she was my soulmate there is just something intoxicating about her. I learn she has a twin brother and is adopted by a nice gay couple and she has an adopted brother her favorite falvors are lemon and cherry. I could talk to all night but as it starts to get dark we realize we should probably get going and extrange numbers before turning in opposite directions to head home. I found out she lives on the other side of the woods and were we met in almost exactly in the middle. I look behind me and see Linh doing the same thing we share a smile and I have a feeling that im not going
to be able to sleep much to night because of her and im perfectly ok with that.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
These Hands that Hold Me - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, small angst, cursing
Request: Could you write a Bakugou x FemReader fluff based on the idea that Bakugou has sweaty hands (because of his quirk) and is really self conscious about it because people have brought it up in the past. But the reader really wants to hold hands with him on the way home from U.A.
His hands. In his mind, they were the greatest thing about him. His hands are the ones that allow him to keep his loved ones safe. His hands are the ones that allow him to reach out to grab his favorite things. His hands allow him to push away idiots and move forward. His hands are also the source of his quirk, one of the things he’s most proud of. They also allow him to hold onto you, his girlfriend and teddy bear, and keep you protected.
However they are what makes him insecure. Usually, Katsuki couldn’t care less about what people thought of him. But this was different. This was you. He wanted to impress you so bad. You had only been dating for 2 months, but you both had been close friends early on before, so you thought Katsuki had opened up to you about everything already, but this was one thing that has yet to be said.
As your relationship grew, you of course got clingier. Who wouldn’t want to be completely loved and secure in the arms of their loving boyfriend. Good thing for Katsuki, since you only started dating, you were ok with just holding onto his hand. But that was the problem, he always avoided doing it.
It was a beautiful day and you and Katsuki had just finished all your classes. You both had no scheduled training today so you decided a movie night back in his dorms would be the go to. As you walked side by side, you wanted to get closer to him, so like any girlfriend would, you reached out to hold onto his hand. You were subtle about it though. You glided your hand across his and gave gentle nudges as you moved closer next to him. This made Katsuki stiffen and he started to walk faster ahead of you.
“C’mon dumbass, we gotta get there quicker. Keep up.” He said without looking back at you.
You sighed before an idea came to mind.
“You know~ I could keep up with you if I just held onto your hand. It would keep me in the same pace as you Suki!” As you subtly reached for his hand, he saw and put it in his pocket.
“If you need to depend on someone else just to keep up the pace on a walk, then you gotta work a little harder on your stamina, princess.” He said while walking.
“Right...of course. My bad.” You said as you looked down and walked with your own hands interlocked behind your back. Bakugou saw this and couldn’t help but feel bad, but this was too embarrassing. His hands were so sweaty due to his quirk, what if you did it once and never wanted to again. He would love to hold your hand, but if there was a possibility of you never wanting to be in his grasps, that would wreck him.
So you both continued your walk to the dorms, but once you made it in and he started walking to his room, he noticed you weren’t following.
“Hey, Princess? Where you going? Dorm’s this way.” He said while pointing to his room’s direction.
“Umm, yeah Suki, I’m not feeling the greatest, so I’m just gonna head back to my room.” You said with a soft look on your face.
“Oh. Well, I could go with you and help take care of you if you aren’t feeling the bes-“ you cut him off before he could continue.
“No! Uh..no thank you, Katsuki. I’ll be fine, I just..gotta go. Uhm..yea,” you said the last sentence while giving him a peck to the cheek and walking off.
Katsuki only watched you go in sadness and when you were out of sight, he went to his own dorm and flopped on his bed.
“UGHHHH you idiot...just let her, hold your, hand!” He said while banging his head into the mattress. He’s not dumb, he knows you’re not sick or anything. You were upset because he wouldn’t even give you the slightest touch, but he still wanted to spend time with you. He texted you and asked if you were feeling ok to which you just replied with “👍.”
He only sighed at the message and decided he should sleep this off, but during his dream...things happened.
Katsuki walked up to you but you only laughed as he tried to reach out to you. You made fun of him and walked away saying you guys were done. His world was collapsing and you were disappearing. Katsuki fell into a dark world as he heard your voice say such negative things.
“We’re done Bakugou!”
“I hate you.”
“You always neglected me!”
On that last shriek, Katsuki tossed and turned before waking up in a cold sweat. He tried to catch his breath as he came to the realization.
“Just a nightmare, Katsuki. She still loves you.” Bakugou panted out. He lied back down in bed and thought about it.
‘She loves you....and she won’t judge you for whatever. So in the morning, make it up to her.’ He thought to himself.
“Make it up to Teddy Bear.” He said as he closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep.
In the morning, Katsuki got ready and ran out of his room looking for you. It was a school day and the class was about to have breakfast. He saw you standing with Mina and Jirou and quickly ran up to you and grabbed your hand.
“You’re coming with me.” He said and ran off with you, hand in hand.
“Wait where are we go- WOAH!” You said before he dashed through the hallways and dragged you back into the direction of your room.
As you looked down, you saw your hands intertwined. It made you blush as you ran but you smiled nonetheless. As you made it into your room, he locked the door and you finally questioned him.
“Suki? What’s going on?” You said as you fixed your now winded hair.
“Get dressed teddy bear, we’re having the whole day to ourselves.” Bakugou said with a smile.
“Huh? Suki I know you’re not dumb, but you do know we have school right?” You said as you looked at him with suspicion.
“Y/N, we’re perfect students. We can miss one day of class. We’ll be fine, I promise.” He said, but you still gave him a look with an unsure face. So he went up to you, grabbed your hands, and kissed your knuckles.
“We’ll be fine, Teddy Bear.” He said with a soft smile as he stared you in the eyes.
“....Ok then.” You said smiling back. You pecked his lips and got ready. Once you both were set, you walked out the dormitory and headed towards wherever.
“Hey Suki, where’re we going?” You asked him as you once again walked hand in hand. It was obvious he had a clear blush on his face and was a little nervous, but he still walked on with confidence.
“Well, I was thinking maybe your favorite ice cream parlor, walk around the outlet and shop or maybe just do that thing that you girls do and say “this is cute” to everything,” he snickered, “and then I was thinking a little lunch and end it off with a date at the park at sunset.”
“Sounds amazing.” You said with serenity.
“With you, always.” He said while looking at you.
So now you and Bakugou have been having your little day together. Running around the city, getting your favorite ice cream, a little shopping and some more food. He even brought you to see the puppies in the pet shop. That was your favorite part of your day, until this happened.
As you and Bakugou walked down the street hand in hand, you guys held small talk and laughed.
“So..I’m allowed to hold your hand now, I see.” You said while teasing the blushing boy. He only looked away and squeezed your palm tighter as he spoke.
“Dumbass, I would’ve let you if I-“ but he was cut off by an officer.
“Hey! You two! You look like students. Shouldnt you be in school?” One of the two officers said.
“Uhhh...” you and Bakugou froze up as you made eye contact with each other.
“Heyyy...wait a minute. You’re Katsuki Bakugou and Y/N L/N. You guys are top students at UA! And you’re skipping?!” The other officer said.
As you and Bakugou began to babble over your words, the officer who first spoke up cut you off and said..
“Sorry kids, but you’re coming with us.” He said as he reached out to grab you guys, but before he could Bakugou grabbed onto your hand again and ran off.
“Sorry! But you guys are NOT messing up my date!” He said as he ran with you. He took a bunch of twists and turns as the officers chased you both, until he came up with a plan. Running down a dark alleyway, he took a breath, and looked at you.
“Hold onto me, Teddy Bear.” He said with a smirk.
“Suki! What are we doing!?” You said with shock.
“We’re going to our final stop Princess, so just trust me.” He said as he pulled you in. You hesitantly agreed before you wrapped your arms around his neck. With that, he blasted off into the sky, but not before screaming at the cops once more.
The view from the sky was gorgeous, especially as the pink sky and setting sun settled in. This truly was an amazing day. As Bakugou kept on flying throughout the air, you saw a park come into view. As he landed, he brought you to a hill where a picnic blanket with all your favorite sweets and desserts were settled. The blanket was also covered with candles and roses, with the shade of a beautiful cherry blossom tree offering a chill spot in the hot weather. It was beautiful.
“Suki? What is all this?” You asked in awe.
“The perfect way to end our date. Cmon.” He said as he pulled you towards the blanket. You both shared sweets, told stories, laughed, and cuddled up. Bakugou sat up against the tree with you in between his legs. You both relaxed in each other’s touch and watched the sun.
“Hey...can I ask you something?” You asked while your head leaned on his shoulder. Bakugou knew what was coming, guess there was no avoiding it now.
“Shoot.” He said, accepting your question.
“It’s not that serious but why was I never allowed to hold your hand before. Like...it kinda made me feel outta place. Made me feel like you didn’t want people to know it was me that you were with.” You explained.
“Princess..I never wanted you to feel that way,” he began as he nudged his head into your neck to comfort you and him. “Of course I want people to know I’m with you, I want the whole world to know that I have the best girlfriend there is, and I don’t want anyone but you.” He explained.
“Guess I’m just kinda insecure.” He said shyly.
“Of what, Suki? You’re amazing, and not to sound ignorant, but there’s so many amazing things about you, it’s hard to see you being insecure about anything.” You replied.
“My hands. They may be the source of my power and they may allow me to do great things like pull you in for hugs,” he said while cuddling into you even more which had you both giggling a little, “but they’re also a big mess. My quirk comes off of the sweat of my palms, I can only imagine how weird it must feel whenever I hold your hand so I tried to avoid it for the longest time. I just didn’t want to push you away Teddy Bear.” He said said a little sadly.
As you stared at him in concern after his little confession, you saw how nervous he looked. It must’ve taken a lot for him to open up that much about an insecurity like that. So to relive him if his worries, you grabbed onto his hands and gave them kisses. You turned to him and peppered his face with kisses too.
“I love everything about you Suki. It’s hard to see any flaws when it comes to you. Whether it be your hands or your big mouth,” you teased, “I love it all. I love you.” You ended with.
Bakugou only looked at you in nothing but love and adoration. He really did have the best girlfriend in the world.
“And I love you Y/N.” He said with a small smile. You both leaned in to share a heart felt kiss that shared both the emotions you were feeling. All the love, relief, and admiration to one another was transferred through a warm kiss. When you both separated from the kiss, you leaned into his chest again and cuddled up once more. As his entire body holds you in his arms, you couldn’t help but fall in love even more or feel even safer than ever before. All this love and feeling.
“All the love in the world in these hands that hold me.” You softly mumbled under your breath to yourself with a smile. You thought it was quiet enough for just you to hear, but Bakugou heard. And he couldn’t help but fall in love with you even more.
A/N: NOT SPELLCHECKED AGAIN, I’m sorry but I’m hope this request was to your liking. Please enjoy and stay tuned for the upcoming series. Just one more request and we’re good to go! 💗🧸
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genseng-powder · 3 years
Senku and Gen: A fight? HeadCanon
I've always written hcs when I seem stuck in writing because there are days where I have the ideas but my thoughts aren't as cooperative in the creativity department. So another headcanon turned into narrative - featuring the realest aspect of every relationship ever: arguments.
Also, involving the characters of KoS with KoM merged 💖💫
• When Senku and Gen fights, they never allow it to get in the way of their meetings. Especially since they held meetings with the five generals every so often.
• They swore that their relationship shouldn't get in the way - so they can often get quick past it outside with other people
• The catch is, its obvious that they had a fight. There won't be verbal terms thrown around, but Suika and Chrome feels it but cant quite put a hand on it.
• Ukyo and Ryusui on the other hand sees what's different - theres quite a bit of charged tension, but not too thick to get in the way and stifle conversations.
• Even old man Kaseki sees what's different from when they're normal or theyre fighting.
• Gen calls Senku without any honorifics - and Senku is much more reserved and replies way too straightforward. He doesnt bother with explanations like before and goes 100% straight to the point.
• But he is also reserved in a way that he doesnt throw any jokes around.
• Gen, is immensely cheery as if to make up and cover the fact that there's something going on.
• You'd think he is extra cheerful but if you look past it like Kohaku can, you'd see how his smiles and giggles isn't quite genuine.
• As a former entertainer, its easy to pass it off and to act, but inquisitive people and people who are his friends can differentiate his performance and genuine emotions.
• Kohaku, Ukyo, Ruri and as much as he hates it, Senku.
• Senku sees his overly cheery mood and at times, it gets to his nerves that his showman smile is plastered way too permanently.
• Senku has this secret hatred for Gen's facade.
• He hates that their arguments do this - but his pride also stops him from doing anything.
• Gen also sees how Senku gets easily annoyed at the smallest things, but he never pops off.
• When Senku is about to let out a steam, he catches himself way before words he don't mean can come stumbling out - and he excuses himself to cool down.
• He doesn't want people talking to him when that happens.
• Gen acts the same - secluding himself.
• He does this when something is bothering him, going for long walks around the forest to clear his head off and maintain his composure.
• He talks to himself mostly, to get his thoughts running and sorted and this had worked for him even way before - but more often it ends up in him being a sobbing mess because he hates that they've fought.
• Senku literally loses sleep and delves further into work, making more of the energy drink he made for Kinro just to keep him running. Coffee and Monster drink didnt exist here so he might as well make his own power up drink.
• Even though he is head deep into mountains work for Kingdom of Science - every so often he'll space out and think back about his and Gen's fight.
• More often, this makes Senku hiss and crumple or break whatever he is holding onto. Its frustrating and he hates emotions and irrationality - but he hates it more that no ones hovering over his shoulders or clinging onto him.
• No one knows how long it lasts - it varies depending on their degree of fights. Sometimes, within a day, other times three days.
• No one can complain because they still get work done - Senku leading teams and Gen still boosting morale despite his being so low at that point.
• The next meeting they held, no one mentions the slightly red edges to Gen's eyes and Senku's pinkish nose.
• This time, Tsukasa and Hyoga were present, so is Kohaku and Francoise because it seems urgent.
• Its going towards the usual flow - everything is smooth and flowing until Tsukasa notices Senkus fast replies when Gen asks, and Gen's lack of honorifics towards the scientists name.
• Hyoga, being brutally honest and reveling in such charged tension, decided to add oil to the flame.
• Did you two fight?
• Senku and Gen could only look at him, looks at each other and then simultaneously and respectively answers yes and no - and everyone watched with bated breath as the tension hastily thickens up.
• No one has ever interefered when the Kingdom of Science's two founding leaders were fighting - this being a first and it had to be Hyoga who intercepts.
• It could have been more acceptable if it was Suika, but even little Suika had learnt from Francoise that when two people fight, others shouldnt interfere so she lets it be even though she's sad that Senku and Gen fought.
• Senku manages to repress his exasperated thoughts and so does Gen who brushes off everything with a clearly fake smile - but Hyoga mentioning it makes everything unbearable and everyones now walking on thin ice.
• Ryusui and Francoise decided its enough, calls for a two hour break before they get into another meeting and locks the two of them in the observatory.
• No one can leave until they make up.
Yep, cliffhanger. I'll probably post the making up part if I get the inspiration to write it 🤭 I like to think that Senku and Gen both has a hard time apologizing because for one, Senku is emotionally incapacitated JK HAHAHA no, but he just doesnt see it as necessary because action speaks louder than words.
Whereas Gen has his pride - even though he is probably in the wrong, he doesn't apologize for the heck of it and probably manipulates people into thinking they're the ones at fault. He doesn't do this with Senku though. It's why he is at a loss because his whole life it's what he is good at and then Senku comes in and bulldozes his bad habit.
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blxetsi · 4 years
Hi there! I love your work!! So I know this sounds a little niche but, could we get headcanons for a reader in a polyamorous relationship with Hange and Miche please? Hope you’re having a really good day!
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hange and mike dating headcanons (canonverse)
zoë hange x gn!reader x mike zacharias
warnings: polyamorous relationship, and titans ??, reader is kinda innocent ?? like just easily wound up
also this is going to be SO fucking long and focused on hange for the first long bit sorry !
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btw this isnt rlly dating headcanons so much as backstory, how you met, and shit leading up to actually getting together i went so fucking overboard and went the complete opposite way of what you asked ill do a part two with ACTUAL dating headcanons if youd like anon just tell me and ill do it
- i think you wouldve worked for garrison originally
- in season one when hange started the experiments on sawney and bean thats when you would've met them
- you had been a big fan of their research studies for a while, so being in front of someone you thought was so cool was a little nerve wracking
- you had just became newly appointed as a captain for a garrison squad, being one of the youngest recruits to get the position, which also meant some people thought you couldnt handle the job
- you were good at telling others what to do, and guiding them when needed, you took over the leader role very quickly, you had to if you wanted to keep the position
- although you thought you were a good leader, others didnt
- specifically older members of garrison who thought because you were so young, youd be naive
- and since you were a garrison captain, you worked closely with hange and moblit during their experiments
- any request they made for supplies or anything, went through you and youd get it for them
- they needed more help ? youre requesting three soldiers to the experimentation zone immediately. anything they needed you helped with, because you liked helping
- hange had quickly grown fond of you, they were so thankful that you were so willingly to have your squad help them. you remember the brunette grabbing your hand and saying "thank you for your dedication to this project and to science !" while bowing multiple times
- as unsanitary and childish as it was,,, you didnt wash that hand for a day
- hange saw how some members of your squad treated you, and it may have irked them a bit
- causing them to rant to moblit while writing down research data
- "hange." "i just dont get it, why dont they say anything ? theyre so nice so why dont people respect them like they should-" "hange !" "what ?!" "youre writing down captain l/n's name on your page !" "so what ?!- wait what" this causes a night of bickering between the two of them 😐🤚
- when sawney and bean died hange was devastated. you had grown to like the section commander as a friend and respected them greatly, so to see their hardwork and research all go down the drain was hard
- you immediately went into leader mode and started ordering your squad around "listen up ! i want this whole perimeter checked and searched for any evidence to help us find out who did this." a couple members groaned, and one man, who was in his early thirties made a comment about it. "theyre just stupid fucking titans. we're supposed to kill them, not keep them alive for some freak to experiment on them."
- yknow,, looking back on it maybe you shouldnt have went off on them the way you did, but you did because not only was the man questioning your authority and orders, he was blatantly disrespecting a section commander. "i am your captain. i am your leader. you will respect me, and you will listen to me. you either do i say or youll be suspended and taken off my squad immediately. and that goes for everyone ! do i make myself clear ?" you shouted. the man who had talked back raised his eyebrows, youd never once yelled or demanded things be done in a manner like this, and it clearly shocked him when you stood up for yourself.
- a bunch of murmurs came from your squad and you dismissed them, but not before stepping in front of your soldier in front of everyone. "between you and me ? you should be discharged for not only your blatant disrespect and defiance to me for months now, but also for your innapropriate and degrading comments about section commander hange. you wanna pull some shit like this in the future, not just to me but to anybody ? you should kiss your position in garrison squad goodbye, since youre too childish to keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself. now grow the fuck up and go do what ive asked please." the man looked scared as he stared at you, no one had seen you act like this before, his jaw clenched as he nodded and walked off, the rest of your squad dispersing with him
- you didnt notice hange calling your name until you felt their hand on your shoulder. you turned around and saw their sympathetic gaze on you. "thank you for defending me. are you okay ?"
- you rubbed the back of your neck and answered. "honestly ? i feel kind of bad, like i embarassed him or something." the survey corps leader tilted their head back as they laughed. "youre so kind y/n, but im proud of you." the comment, although lighthearted, struck a cord with you
- a couple days later you were requested to meet with not only the section commander but commander smith, as well as your superior, dot pixis
- the meeting only lasted about thirty minutes, but hange had boasted about not only your leadership skills but also your knowledge and ideas on various sciences. erwin decided to offer you a position to work under hange, and dot pixis agreed to have you transferred to the survey corps if you agreed.
- did your decision have to do with your crush on hange ? maybe. would you ever admit it ? no.
- pixis explained to you that youd be honorably disharged from the garrison regiment before being moved to the scouts' headquarters in trost
- you surprisingly got along well with others there. working in hanges squad was fun, and even though you were demoted from a captain back to a cadet you didnt mind
- hange had offered to share as much knowledge as they could with you, which led you to be in their office (as messy as it was) after work hours
- and thats where you met mike
- well, got to know him
- hange introduced you two when you first joined and the first thing the section commander did was NOT shake the hand you held out for him but to lean down and sniff around your hair and neck
- your face felt hot as you stuttered over your words, thrown off by his,,, unique, greeting
- hange and laughed and lightly pushed him away, before explaining to you that thats just what mike did
- back to being in hanges office
- for nights on end youd stay up together in their office, two chairs huddled beside one another while you read through books of research, not just from hange but from published scientists and anthropologists too
- mike had started joining you two only three days after you and hange started
- he would stay quiet, but would sit next to hange making them be sandwiched by the two of you
- after that you started to notice him more often
- down the halls he'd send you a small smile, which you brightly returned
- sometimes he'd be in charge of training that day, and he would wordlessly help you position your arms to properly block or punch when sparring with other members
- then he started bringing tea when he would come and listen to you and hange discuss different theories, articles and information together
- you didnt even know the two were dating until you accidentally walked in on them in hange's office
- they werent doing anything dirty, just giving each other a kiss, but you had walked in on them with a stack of papers captain levi told you to give to hange.
- you kinda,, stood there, slackjawed, while the two pulled apart slowly to look at you. hange had a mischievous grin on their face while mike just gave you a blank stare
- you dropped the papers. the stack of documents levi tasked you to give to hange. you dropped them. How Embarassing.
- your face began to feel hot not just from seeing them but also because youre embarassing yourself by dropping the papers and just standing there like an IDIOT
- "uh,,, i- captain levi said to give you those documents you requested." your voice cracked at the end making you wince
- "you mean the documents that are spread out on my floor now ?" hange asked. you looked between them and the floor, then at mike, then back to the floor than back at hange. "yes." you said, and you could feel that warmth in your face spreading to your ears now too. "im sorry." you exclaimed, your voice sounding strained as you quickly walked backwords and closed the door in front of you
- you started avoiding hange and mike after that, and became hyper aware of everything that they did. they were TAUNTING YOU 🙄 you could feel it
- instead of small smiles in the halls, after you started ducking your head down when you saw mike, he would now give you head pats when you crossed him
- hange would let their hand linger on your shoulder or side as they shuffled past you during meetings or experiments, and would come closer than usual when handing you documents
- mike would give you teasing smiles when you got your ass handed to you during sparring
- and finally you were fed up ! did this count as workplace harassment ? you didnt know but you wanted answers ! so you went to the source, hange's room after dinner
- you didnt bother knocking, you just walked in with your eyes closed
- hange giggled, "what are you doing y/n ?" "making sure im not walking into something i shouldnt be seeing, section commander." "by that do you mean the kiss mike and i shared ?" "yes." "well we're not kissing right now." they said, and you peaked one eye open to be sure they werent lying, and they werent !
mike stood up from his chair and slowly made his way past you, closing the door. you took a deep breath before throwing all of your word vomit on blond and brunette duo. "so i dont know why you guys think teasing me like this is fun, but it isnt. it makes me flustered and nervous and feel weird and im not sure if it counts as abuse of power but i dont like it so it needs to stop." you huffed in a big breath of air after saying all of that, and hange rested their head in their hands.
"y/n do you have a crush on me ?" they asked. their voice was soft but they still had that stupid smile on their face. you could feel your face getting warmer by the second. your mouth opened and closed but no words came out.
" i uh, im gonna leave now." you turned around but hit something hard, and looked up at mike looking down on you, a smirk on his face. he put his hands on your shoulders and turned you back around to hange, walking the two of you over to their desk. he gave you a slight push, causing you to put your hands on the desk and lean on it, while mike kept his hands on you to keep you from running.
hange leaned into you, your noses barely touching. "i only ask because, mike and i have grown very fond of you." they said. you nodded a little bit, the tips of your noses brushing against each other.
"yeah well, id be a little sad if my superiors didnt like me, that would be kind of bad." you replied.
"can i kiss you ?" they asked.
and now is when your brain really stops functioning. thoughts fill your mind of mike and his relationship to hange. are they actually together or is it a friends with benefits kind of thing ?
"i uh, i cant kiss you." you replied, a bit breathlessly caused by both section commanders.
"why not y/n ?"
"well i'm not a cheater, or a homewrecker. i mean i assume that you and mike are together so, im not going to kiss someone in a relationship." you stammered out. this was making you very nervous, butterflies errupting in your stomach. you knew they were just teasing you, goofing around to make you flustered, but a part of you hoped youd be able to kiss hange, and maybe mike for that matter.
they chuckled a bit, before their brown eyes looking behind you to mike's towering form. "honey, can you tell y/n its okay if they kiss me ?" they asked. mike let out a small laugh through his nose before leaning down.
"only if y/n promises to give me a kiss afterwards." he whispered. he pressed a faint kiss to your temple, and you shivered from the contact. he was warm, very warm, and even though it was such a small amount of contact it did so many things to you.
you gulped before bringing your eyes back to hange. you looked to their eyes, and then to their lips, and continued that pattern silently in hopes theyd understand. you didnt want to be teased anymore ! you wanted something to happen.
hange got the hint and smirked, before leaning in again and lightly brushing her lips against yours. theirs were soft compared to mikes chapped ones, and the kiss was so slow, so innocent, it had you leaning in for more. it was a slow, lazy kiss, a kiss to test the waters, it helped calm your nerves, but also made your nerved explode with heat.
finally the researched pulled away, and put their hands on your cheeks, squishing them to pucker your lips, before giving a kiss to your forehead, nose and lips one last time. they let go with a soft smile on their face, and a blush of their own.
you could feel mike press his body down against yours, making your knees buckle slightly. he took his right hand off your shoulder to place it on hange's cheek, thumbing over the red pigmentation. he then turned your head up and to the side, before giving you a kiss of his own. this one was a bit more dominating, hard. his chapped lips scratched against your own but you didnt mind. in a weird way it made you feel at ease, having him take control of it, the same way hange did but his was just more, needy.
he pulled back with a shaky breath and looked at you before looking at hange. "so y/n," hange began. they stood up and made their way around the table, mike pulling himself and you up straight so hange could sit on the edge, pulling you in to stand between their legs. being sandwiched in between mike and hange made you so aware of them, and even though you were very new to something like this you felt weirdly safe and secure. "mike and i genuinely care about you, and we want to be with you the way that we're with each other. would you like that ?"
honestly, how could you say no ?
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thats it again im sorry the anon who requested this you did not get what you asked for 😭😭😭😭 hope u all enjoyed requests r open stay safe
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I am so stupid tired right now. But like. It's almost bedtime. And I'm home and in the ac. And things are good. I feel pretty happy overall. It was a good day. Mostly.
I honestly was just really beat up. I didn't sleep bad but I didn't get to sleep early enough. When I knew I was so tired. I shouldnt have pushed myself to hang out so much last night but I was really enjoying the company. So I got to bed around midnight. Which is fine but I really needed to sleep. I had a busy day.
I woke up at 6 and was able to fall back asleep. I got up and got dressed. I felt really cute and good. My skin and body felt good. Which is in stark contrast to how I feel right now in this moment but it's fine.
I got the last boxes to the office and had breakfast in the art building. I chilled in the hammock and waited until my first group.
Who was very early. Ugh. It was fine but I wasn't all the way emotionally ready for them.
But they were so good. Honestly all my groups have been great. I for sure feel more comfortable with the little kids. I just end up feeling awkward with the oldest ones. But I think I did god today.
The kids all made adorable art and I got to make bracelets and just enjoy a nice day.
It was surprisingly warm though. Last night was not as cool and today was really muggy. A storm was coming in.
But I would enjoy the kids and Laura would come hang out for a bit to make bracelets. We played music and it was fun.
Lunch made me a little upset. Because the new head chef forgot to make a vegetarian option for the 3rd time. They pulled a chicken sandwich for me. But then we didn't even get the kids in for lunch until 1250?? And apparently breakfast was late too. So I don't know what's up but I hope it gets sorted because I got a little over upset. I tried to shake it off but I had to explain to a few people why it made me so angry.
I texted Heather though and she always makes me feel heard. She would give me mom hugs later which are not as good as my mom's hugs but they are still very good.
After lunch I had two more groups. My last daycamp group did so good. And then it was my last stockade group. Who are the oldest boys.
But a storm started coming in and we got word on the walkie that everyone needed to take cover.
So the boys helped me quickly bring everything inside. And they ran up to their building right before the storm started.
I closed my doors. But then the wind really picked up and they were yelling on the walkie about getting in basements and away from windows. And the lights were flickering and I was legitimately scared.
I have a tin roof so it's already very loud but things were falling on it and my heart was racing so much. I decided the only place I would be safe was under a table. So that is what I did. I got my pillow and got under a table.
They had us check in on the walkies. And it was about a half hour but man. I was not having fun.
Once I could finally open the doors I just needed to be in my hammock. I swept the room and then had a snack and waited for them to give the all clear that no trees or power lines went down. And I was able to pack my pool bag and to over to swim.
Except it wasn't as hot anymore. So I just sat in the cover and enjoyed the water and tried to feel calmer. .I had some nice talks with Ruben, who is running native cultures and is from Spain. He seems really nice so I hope we talk more.
Laura was upset because she was going to come swim with us but got stuck waiting for a guy with a bearded dragon. Who then talked her ear off. She was really upset though and I felt bad.
I would take a shower and get dressed again before going to wait for James at the art building. I was so happy to see them.
They would go on a little walk with me to get my bath stuff from cabin 5. And I would end up finding a newt to bring to Laura. I hope it thrives. It made her smile though so that was nice.
James would help me get the theme stuff from all the camps. And this is where I ended up getting really uspset. I have been begging people all week to bring the boxes back and not only did most of them not, one left the box in the storm and it got destroyed. And 3 didn't even do the project. So that's like 40 bottles I didn't need to do. And I know it's stupid. But I was very tired, still dealing with my fears from earlier, and hot, and feeling disrespected. So I was very upset.
We walked up to tipis. And James was nice enough to walk up to horses to check for another box, with no luck, and we would head back to the art building.
James made a pit stop at the office to check for more boxes. And I got really upset when the wet box fell apart and everything fell on the ground. I needed to sit down.
James helped me reset the boxes. And I jsut sat there for a bit to cool off and complain at them. I needed to say it out loud. It made me feel better.
Josephine and Louisa came and hung out with us and named all my squishes while I finished putting together the projects for next week. And we went to the office for the last meeting of the week.
I almost started crying when CJ held my hand and told her not to hug me because I would for sure burst into tears. But I appreciate her so much.
The meeting was good. It's nice to know where everyone will go next week. I had offered for us to drive PJ home because he lives close and had been sadly asking people for a ride. And so we grabbed him and got his stuff and ordered pizza to go pick up.
Me and PJ complained and unloaded about weirdness this week, mostly little stuff but it felt nice to get it out, James got the pizza from inside and we would eat some of it in the drive to PJ's place.
After we dropped him off James drove us a nice way home. I was really happy to be back here.
I held Sweetp for a while. Our Lego flowers got knocked over and James was blaming him but Sweetp is blameless and soft.
James would fix the flowers and I played Stardew for a bit. And eventuality just went to take a bath.
I washed my hair and shaved my entire body. My skin freaked out s bit, as it does in hot water. But now I am just ready to sleep. It has taken me forever to write this because I am so sleepy. James rubbed the knot out of my foot and that made me feel a lot better. I hope I can. Sleep easy tonight.
I have the market tomorrow. And then a wedding to work. I hope for a little nap in the middle. I hope it is a really nice day.
I hope you all have a great sleep and a safe day tomorrow. Goodnight my friends. Love you all.
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frenchphobic · 4 years
long fucking post on why a c!dream is a shitty person and probably should not have a redemption because it is unpog
honestly i just want to refute dream apologists thats why im making this post. i think that dream as a villain is interesting but i think that trying to make him out to be secretly a good guy is just bad ngl. also /roleplay and all
tw for abuse and mentions of suicide
dream as a villain
dream is a villain. he is chaotic evil according to wilbur, deliberately does not stream to appear less sympathetic (and yet), and is set up as an antagonist to tommy who bears the title ‘hero’. dream is not a good person, no matter how you look at it or try to justify his actions.
‘but he wants to unite everyone to be a big family :((’ the ends dont justify the means believe it or not. having a vaguely positive goal does not excuse the actions you’ve done. it also goes hand and hand with saying dream is correct for punishing tommy the way he did because he acted up. if i socked you across the face and then suddenly said ‘sorry there was a roach on ur face’ does that make it okay? probably not i still punched you, enacting an unnecessary amount of violence. thats a very simple analogy i will admit and there are more complex comparisons. another example off the top of my head is say a child just scribbled all over you walls with crayons. would hitting them be a justified answer? if u said hes thats really fucked of u go seek help u loon. violence as a punishment is very toxic, just because it gets the job done does not mean it is okay. at the end of the day, you still committed this act and the harm you caused is real, having a good motive doesnt suddenly make it okay.
‘but tommy causes all of the conflict’ the disk war wasnt even caused by tommy, it was sapnap and then tommy got involved. and the reason why tommy even caused conflict was because of the discs, because he wanted them back. and most of the time there was a level of antagonism from another party, such as schlatt exiling him, dream taking the disks in the first place, dream threatening l’manberg. and if dream wanted to end the conflict so badly, why didnt he just give tommy back his disks? tommy upfront said everything started with the disks, so he wants them back so he could end the conflict. notice how after tommy got his disks back he has been staying out of conflict, apologizing to everyone, and the only bad thing hes done is try to scam people but everyone does that. this would have been the most peaceful option, yet dream chose the path that would further antagonize tommy which then draws everyone else into conflict. why did dream need to have leverage over tommy so badly? why did he want to hold power over tommy so badly? its because of control, and that’s ultimately dreams end goal. sure he wants a big server family, but would said family have a free will?
‘but dream is sad’ the thing is dream is completely at fault for everything that happened to him. he pushed away sapnap (and george ig). he tried to take control over the server and their possessions. literally everything that happened to tommy. literally everything involving ranboo. villains can be sympathetic, i am not arguing against that. but it does not mean that they should be left off the hook. that doesnt mean u should ignore the shit theyve done because ‘oh no theyre sad’ because it doesnt make anything better. dream had this shit coming for him.
now people also skirt around calling dream an abuser. which is fair ig, its a very loaded word. its much easier to say manipulated. that being said, dream can classify as abusive. and no, tommy is not abusive. abuse is about control and a power imbalance. dream has power over tommy, but tommy does not have power over dream, at least not in the way dream does. he’s taking back power to stand up for himself, dream uses power to control.
the reasons i listed for why dream is from the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project so if u want a source on that, there you go.
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using coercion or threats: dream often threatened tommy, such as the pit thing and often employed violence on him. while normally this could be attributed to Normal Minecraft Player Go Smack. minecraft mechanics cannot always translate to real world since violence is pretty normal in minecraft however we also need to consider the context of the scene. dream gave an order, tommy refused, dream applies violence, tommy submitted. thats why its a threat, it has tangible effects that can correlate to real life.
using intimidation: dream blew up logsteadshire as a punishment. dream also destroyed tommys items anytime he visited. dream also hit tommy with his axe i believe. he killed mushroom henry, one of tommys pets.
Using Emotional Abuse: dream guiltripped the shit out of tommy for just hiding things and pinning the blame on tommy for just wanting his own private items. he definitely played mind games on tommy, pretending to be his friend. honestly i probably dont even need to go as in depth because it was so obvious.
Using Isolation: putting him in exile in the first place. destroying the bether portal so no one could visit tommy anymore. i really dont think i need to expand upon that.
Minimizing, Denying, and Blaming: dream in tommys stream when he got trapped said that exile wasnt that bad. he does shift the blame onto tommy for logsteadshire being blown up, even though dreams reaction was entirely unjustified for not listening and hiding.
Using Economic Abuse: see this is where i attempt to parallel minecraft mechanics to real life. obviously, there is no monetary system in place, so when i mean economic, i will use valuables such as armor, food, etc in place of currency. the idea behind economic abuse is to limit the victim’s resources so that they are dependent on the abuser and cannot escape. dream only really allowed tommy to have the armor he gave him while not giving access to armor so he does not regain a sense of power, and in the prison stream, dream holds all the potatoes which puts him in a position of power over tommy. this argument is more ambiguous i feel cause the whole minecraft mechanics thing is kinda weird so u don’t necessarily have to take this part in.
i feel like i need to emphasize this very strongly because dream is not a good person. abuse cannot and should not be a response to someone. its an awful mentality to have. i just want to prove the point that dream is not a good person, his reasons absolutely do not justify his actions.
what makes a good redemption
redemption arcs are tricky. when done right they are great. when done poorly, its a slap in the face. rn im going to establish a formula to what makes a good redemption with an example.
the most well known example of a good redemption is zuko from atla. first, its the magnitude of what theyve done and why. zuko did commit some shitty actions, since he was in a position of power in the fire nation but its because he is a child being abused and wanted to regain honor. zukos real awful acts was season 1 and the whole betrayal thing. thats not to say that zukos actions suddenly are okay, he did shitty things. but its something that can be traced to a higher entity or seem less malicious then the other villains. the thing also about the magnitude of actions is that there is a certain point of atrocities that there is no redemption. some people simply cannot be redeemed because the actions they commit are so ingrained in their character or the action itself has serious moral issues that it would just be wrong.
the next is acknowleding what they did was wrong. a genuine reflection on the self and analyzing what they did and why it was not okay. zuko realized what he did to uncle iroh was bad for example. he turned his back on his father, realizing he didnt and shouldnt seek acknowledgment from someone as heinous as him. its pointing out your actions and going ‘hey, this wasnt right i should not have done this’ and not even excusing ur actions. its also going straight for the root of the problem and figuring out to stamp it from the source. just because a character is sad does not mean they are reflecting, sometimes they are attempting to garner pity. it has to be direct and clear acknowledgement of the injustice.
and finally, an important part about redemption arcs is the actual redemption part. its when you make amends. zuko made amends with katara by trying to help her get revenge, he fought against the fire nation and tried to make things more peaceful in his rule. he apologized to iroh. an important part of the amends section is that it does have to be a genuine desire to change and become a better person, not to change a person’s perception of you. the thing is u cant expect a person youve hurt to forgive you. you cant expect people to be sympathetic towards you nor should u attempt to make urself sympathetic. u shouldnt be expecting a pat on the back or an award. redemption is about internal and character change.
why dream should not be redeemed
ive already established the key points to a good redemption (imo) but heres where dream falls short. his actions are extremely heavy so redemption may not even really be possible. abuse is not something you can wave off so it does cross to the point of fucked up. acknowledgement of what he did was wrong? all he said was that he changed, yet never explained why he changed or was too vague. he needed to label specifically what he did and bring it up. attempting to make amends? he’s been doing the exact opposite in fact he continues to manipulate tommy and ranboo. its not a genuine change. he is still repeating the cycle and has given no indication of ceasing. at the moment he does not have any signs of redemption.
and the thing is most of the attention around a dream redemption comes from either justifying his motives (which i do want to emphasize does not make anything suddenly okay) and because he is sad in prison sad face. these are not good reasons. its gonna pain me severely to bring this up but snape from harry potter does have some form of sad character ig yet he very much abused his authority to bully children as old as 11 just because he said ‘aight gonna die’ doesnt suddenly make his general bigotry and abuse suddenly okay there is a threshold. again im so sorry for using harry potter as an example none were coming to mind and i needed a popular one i do not like harry potter please dont say i do i would pass away.
and the last thing to consider is the audience. keep in mind that the audience is composed of minors and while yes there are adults, minors are the main component of the fandom. keep in mind that there are quite a few people who can relate to tommys character because they might be in the same position or have gone through his experiences. tell me what kind of message does it send to that audience that abusers can be redeemed. this is not a narrative u should push to this audience in these situations and the writers are seemingly aware of it. remember how in exile tommy spiraled into a suicidal mentality? consider how fucked of a message it would be if he just committed suicide instead of escaping abuse and attempting to recover from his experiences. tommy did an excellent job in not going that route and having a message of ‘it will not get better’. its the same thing here. victims are not obligated to care for or forgive their abuser, and portraying an abuser as sympathetic might fuck with the message a lot, even change their perception in that ‘oh, maybe my abuser was right, maybe they had a reason for treating me the way they did’. this is not to say that every victim watching this will internalize this message, but people also look up to these characters. there can be a degree of influence from the story onto oneself and thats the dangerous part.
all in all dream is a shitbag asshole and probably shouldnt get a redemption because it would not be pog thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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companionship · 3 years
okay one big post to get the finale out of my system! it's been lovely reading all of your analyses and reactions, and looking at all your amazing gifs and edits :')
fair warning: this is going to be so stinking long omfg
the things i enjoyed:
vincenzo remaining an anti-hero through and through, especially the fact that he didn't hold back at all when it came to myunghee and hanseok's death. he gave them a taste of their own medicine and then some forreal, their deaths were brutal but oddly satisfying, and i'm saying this as someone who usually hates violence/gore. throughout the show, they've always hinted at what he was Truly Capable Of and boy did we get to see it
vincenzo fumbling in hanseok's house and not being his usual self – a lot of people thought it was ooc, which i understand! i felt like that was the Point, to show that for once, he's not the invincible mafia consigliere that everyone thinks he is. what he did to the man who killed his mother and the army of security guards was a reaction, but this is the first time he's flustered, caught at a disadvantage, and faced with the very real possibility that he might lose somebody incredibly important to him. idk it made him more human to me
vincenzo literally not hesitating for even 0.1 seconds to fold his entire body around hers when he thought hanseok was going to shoot again – yeah that whole bit made my heart clench i feel like a crazy person i won't get over it
the chayenzo hospital scene... my god it was so tender my heart broke. the laugh they both shared, out of sheer relief that she's okay. the little joke about paying for the private room. the way not much was being said, but everything was being said at once. the way they looked at each other, as if it wouldnt ever be enough :( the quiet acceptance that this is their last night together, and that he's going to have to kill a bunch of people after this, but for now they have this. for however brief.
chayoung being chayoung – her big ass personality at the courtroom at the end after winning ms oh's case. her hopping around in those heels, looking elegant and sleek, mocking the hell out of rich conglomorates. she's in her element again and it made me so, so happy to see. i absolutely adore her, she's everything really. after all that loss and the whole ordeal, i'm glad she's able to return to what she does best: putting capitalists back in their place
mr lee being Very Much Not Dead – idk how i wouldve been able to handle it after witnessing hanseo's death like im glad he got the chance to be a dad
the kiss – my god....
the things i didn't like:
hanseo's death – lmao is it even a surprise... say what you will about his death being foreshadowed, but i really just hated hated it. i hate that hanseok won this one. i hate that hanseo worked so hard to redeem himself, only to lose it all. i hate that he was given a taste of what a real family was like, and then having it taken away so cruelly. even though i said above that i didn't mind that vincenzo was ooc at the mansion, i was still screaming at the screen because there were plenty of opportunities for the situation to be reversed. i don't necessarily blame vincenzo for hanseo's death, but i do wish that they had a funeral scene for him. i wish they acknowledged his sacrifice, and how pivotal he was in turning the tables. if not for hanseo, vincenzo really couldn't have pulled any of this off, from the interpol tipoff to the tracking device in the watch. idc idc hanseo is in malta rn, enjoying the sun and the beach, going to therapy, and teaching the local kids how to play hockey even though there's no ice :(
chayoung being bedridden the whole finale – like... NAH lmao this aint it chief... if things went my way, she wouldve gotten out of the hospital depite her injury and dealt with myunghee before handing her off to vincenzo. i loved their animosity for each other, and i wanted chayoung to be the one at myunghee's apartment waiting for her, rubbing it into her face. i wanted chayoung to verbally finish myunghee with that sharp ass tongue of hers and really dump a load of salt on her wounds. then vincenzo could do whatever the hell he wanted. you could argue that the show is called Vincenzo but i really dont care lmao it started with chayoung avenging her dad and she should've been able to strike the final blow. also what was her big second party? are we really just going to ignore her capacity for evil? after all that moral work done, after that time she spent coming to terms with using evil to combat evil, we're just going to... keep her bedridden? park jaebum u will pay for this
vincenzo losing his family – besides hanseo's death, i think this was what i hated the most from the ending. the start of the show showed us vincenzo's departure from the mafia with the very clear intention of Not Returning. the capo died, his loyalties lie with no one, paolo can suck it. throughout the show, we see him repeat over and over that he wants to get the gold and skip off to malta to enjoy a peaceful life there, while reflecting/repenting for the things he's done. vincenzo was gearing up for a lifetime of solitude. the whole point of the show was for him to find a real family and have a real chance at happiness. park jaebum really said FUCK THAT! we're gonna have him ditch the family that he built from scratch with the love of his life and then make him return to the family that tried to kill him AND make him the capo... pjb said we're gonna separate vincenzo from the family that accepts his past and sees it as a strength and not a weakness. the family that was formed out of solidarity, the family that he fought for and fought alongside with blood, sweat and tears. not to mention the goddaughter of his? sorry i would laugh if it didn't actually rile me up so bad
vincenzo not being able to come back to korea – i've said this in another post of mine, but given that he is The Vincenzo Cassano with all those resources at his disposal (guillotine file, mr ahn/mr cho/the chief etc.), the fact that he isnt even able to stay in korea for 30 fuckin minutes after finishing hanseok was ridiculous. the whole police chase was dumb as hell considering that the show has managed to stop politicians and mf presidential candidates from going after him like ? huh LMAO park jaebum had an on-demand pigeon army in this show and Yet he can't stop like 10 suddenly-righteous policemen. another big ass HUH
chayenzo (here we go...):
NOPE! i've reflected on the ending and decided that i'm going to be petty and salty for a while more before coming to terms with it
i can rationalise and try to be positive and tell myself that their love is enduring can transcend space and time and that in due time, they will find their way back to each other, and i have no doubt that they will because they're one soul in two bodies. it's quite literally canon that they're soulmates.
but let me wallow for a second
here we have two people who have done questionable and terrible things in their past coming together, growing together, grieving together, fighting together... you get the gist of it. you have two people who have found a home in each other. two people who, for all intents and purposes, were about to live in a whole lot of bitterness and solitude if not for each other and the life they built together (chayoung didn't have friends like that, and her family is gone too). to separate them like that at the very end is cruel. i know chayoung and vincenzo are mature and incredible and will be able to function without the other next to them. i know that they will still excel as lawyers and will defeat evil with their underhand methods the way they do so well but my god are they going to feel the absence and miss each other
my point is that they shouldn't have to. from what i could tell, they can't even communicate on a regular basis bc he'll be tracked and whatnot, hence the postcards. a postcard every month is a poor substitute for all those nights they stayed up drinking makgeolli and celebrating their wins. its a shitty replacement for coffee dates and fist bumps and all the moments in between. after everything they've been through, after literally fighting to death for their family, they don't deserve this. they don't deserve to meet up once a year for a couple of hours. they don't deserve pockets of time in malta or korea, their life in a perpetual countdown to when they're going to see each other next
they both deserve love and some semblance of peace (finally finally). they both deserve to have someone to come home to after a hard day of work, because doing what they do cannot be easy. they both deserve a family, deserve to have someone next to them that accepts their past and would embrace their future. they both deserve a hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on. i know they will still be It for each other despite the distance, i just wish the distance didn't even exist in the first place bc its stupid and cruel and their love shouldnt have to be proven or tested with time and space. let them stay together. let them grow together. let them be.
side note: song joongki and jeon yeobeen need another project together idc take it up with god
tl;dr: park jaebum u will be paying for my therapy bills
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML AU: In Another Life: NY Special
(So a few things to note, Since this takes place after the events of this version of the season 3 Finale, there are a few key differences. Fu still being guardian is one of them)
-Gabriel finds himself on the back foot, without a fixed peacock miraculous, he needs something to boost his advantage over the teens. And at the rate Nathalie has been going, he might lose her as well.
-While desperately searching the book, he caught notice of the eagle miraculous, it looked very familiar. (He comes up with his plan to go to New York to get that miraculous), well thats how he realizes his plan that is in canon. But this version is clearly more desperate. He needs to know what it can do and how to use it.
-Marinette’s class kicks but with their sock puppet show and pretty much the set up for how the class is going to America is the same. Including Miss Bustier’s reason for not going.
-Adrien is bummed because there is no way he would be able to go on the trip, not with how strict his father is. Lila tries to cheer him up, saying she couldnt go either (cause in canon reason is the same)
-Marinette states that she will try talking to Adrien’s father, she seems to have a slightly higher opinion of her, its worth a shot. “Afterall, your our sock washington.” She says with a flirty smile.
-Adrien has heart eyes over his cute girlfriend.
-Marinette and company go ready to convince Gabriel to let adrien go.
-Marinette gives a convoluted speech similar to canon, but minus the extra bits of friendship.
-Gabriel complies, saying that she convinced him.
-Marinette is over the moon and immediately texts her boyfriend who is at fencing practice the good news
-Adrien gets his butt kicked by kagami just like in canon.
-Kagami tries cheering him up by saying they could use this time to practice and she can help beat the sad out of him if he wants.
-He checks his phone and is excited. He can go on the trip!
-He tells Kagami the good news, she congratulates him. But comments she will be bored without him here to fence.
-Marinette Calls Fu  and tells him about her trip to New york, and that her whole class is going.
-”Your entire class?”
-”Yes, even Adrien. Can you believe it? His father never lets him go.” She is over the moon.
-Fu notes to remember that.
-”Well dont worry about Paris. If anything happens, I will be sure to alert you and Chat noir. You will have the horse miraculous on your person.”
-”I am sure Chat noir will be able to handle things here. I will let him know I am leaving. You could use a break.”
-Fu remembers that Ladybug doesnt know that Adrien, her boyfriend, is actually Chat noir.
-”I will tell Chat noir about the departure. You enjoy your trip.”
-”Alright, if you are sure.”
-Fu decides to meet with chat noir.
-Fu contacts Adrien to meet him at a rooftop.
-”Ladybug wont be in paris?” Chat noir was shocked. (He was so happy to be leaving for the US with his friends and Girlfriend, he actually forgot that Ladybug is marinette and that means she wont be in Paris. And that HE wont be in paris.”
-”Right, and I have a feeling you wont be in Paris either. Your class is having a trip.”
-Adrien doesnt bother asking how he knows that. He assumes Marinette told him.
-”Wait, If Ladybug or I are not in paris...”
-”Dont worry, i will alert you both should anything happen. Ladybug has the horse miraculous on her. If she is close by, she can give you a ride, if not. Your astro form should be able to fly you back to Paris fast enough to get there.”
-Chat noir nods. He cant say he knows she will be close by. But he does know.
-Ladybug doesnt contact Chat noir about the trip, because there is no need to burden him over it.
-Marinette isnt late, because Adrien had G come pick her up with him.
- So they have some cute handholding as Marinette excitedly talks about going to new york.
-Once they get on the Plane, Marinette and Adrien sit next to each other. So we get Startrain 2.0. With them sleeping on the other, and being cute. No musical plane tickets.
-Alya and Nino are happy for the two of them, commenting that they are still so innocent. But they have no plans on pushing them
-Marinette and Adrien both end up needing to get up and they catch the sunset together. Cue cute almost kiss. But then Techno pirate ruins it.
-The United heroes step in to handle things just like in canon. Marinette and Adrien both internally relieved that they can relax and let other heroes handle things.
-The two enjoy a nice flight to the states
-Fu may have called Marianne to help him keep an eye out in the city. She was happy to have an excuse to see fu. It was like a date for them.
-Meanwhile, Marinette and class arrive at the hotel. Aeon comments that Adrien and Marinette are perfect for eachother. Jess doesnt care.
-Chloé isnt depressed as she was in canon, so she isnt dismissive of Sabrina having fun with an american boy. In fact, she decides that she would be more positive. Trying to be the heroine ladybug said she could be. Though... being nice is hard. Alix comments that she looks constipated
-Sabrina is so happy that Chloé is supportive of her. It was a surprise change.
-Chloé was still not thrilled about rooming with Alya and Marinette. But says its fine. Alya is kind of creeped out by Chloé's more ‘Friendly’ attitude. Marinette says that they should still encourage it.
-The class sneaks out to go to the roof party. Marinette and Adrien end up in Aeon and Jess room.
-”Im marinette and this is Adrien.” “Im her boyfriend”
-Aeon is VERY happy to hear that. Jess is indifferent, but helps them both get to the roof.
-The class has fun and Hotdog dan arrives with his magical dogs of hotness.
-Marinette and Adrien have no trouble sharing the hot dog. Alya still a pro wing woman, totally gets Jess to play the song.
-Marinette is 100% down with dancing. Commenting that she remembers that dance.
-Adrien thanking Marinette for convincing his dad, and that she is so amazing. She is practically melting.
-”You’re the perfect girlfriend.”
-Marinette happy giggling and telling him he is such a cute dork.
-Yes there is a kiss under the moonlight. 
-Next day, the class is at the museum. Aeon knows Jess ships it too, cause she admits they are adorable. There is no need for an elaborate plan, so they dont have the class do the thing.
-Gabriel sets his plan into motion.
-Fu see’s robustus and texts Marinette. Allowing her to move. Adrien notices her sudden rush and figures there is trouble.
-Ladybug transforms in private and uses unify with the horse miraculous to make a portal to paris. Chat noir calls out to her. Which surprises her.
-”Wait, why are you in new york?”
-”Its cool, I cleared it with Fu before I left.”
-Ladybug sorta does the same thing she did in startrain and just rolls with it, just commenting how lucky he is that they were both near eachother, and that if he is leaving paris, he should tell her. Chat noir agrees.
-They get to Paris and start fighting Robustus, who they realize shouldnt be here, because Markov is in New york.
-Meanwhile, Technolizer, takes the sword and Sparrow and Uncanny Valley hear the commotion. They dont see Ladybug and Chat noir being independent, so they dont try to strike out on their own, they do the responsible thing and call for back up, Then try to fight him.
-Ladybug and Chat noir are in Paris fighting Robustus, and trying to find his weakness. But after a bit, Robustus just vanishes. Confusing the two. ladybug uses her Lucky charm to fix the damage, and then they get a portal to head back. Ladybug and Chat noir head back.  Ladybug is mad suspicious over the sudden monster that seemed like all for nothing.
-Ladybug and Chat noir arrive to see the damage to the museum. Hawkmoth had successfully snatched the Eagle necklace thanks to the distraction from Technolizer. He is able to help the villain escape from the heroes, who were having a tougher time with the beefed up villain (until Majestia got more serious)
-Ladybug telling chat noir that if there is trouble to contact her, and she would do the same. Something is up with Hawkmoth.
-Hawkmoth has the eagle miraculous. He finds out the power of the miraculous is to liberate people. Which doesnt sound as useful to hawkmoth as he would like, but he gets a plan. He reakumatizes Techno Pirate.
-The events left New york damaged, but the heroes were not angry at ladybug and Chat noir since they have NO idea why Techno pirate got an upgrade.
-Marinette and Adrien went to catch up with the class. Where a car arrives for Adrien. Commenting that he clearly made a mistake letting him come.
-Marinette didnt stand by and say nothing (since she wasnt depressed or downtroden) she told Gabriel that she should let him stay. That the heroes would protect him, and that she would be by his side.
-Adrien also sided with Marinette. Gabriel was shocked, and angry that his son would Dare disobey him (which stirs the seeds on why he would use Marinette as a tool for an akuma at a later time). Gabriel gives one more stern command but Adrien is determined to stay. (plus he wasnt bummed about everything either so that helped his confidence)
-Jess and Aeon wanted to go with the heroes to help find technolizer but Civillian Majestia and Knightowl said that they needed them to stay here to protect the tourists. Which made them want to prove themselves.
-Cue the Hawkmoth’s plan using The akuma techno pirate with the eagle miraculous.
-Jess and Aeon notice that things are going wrong. Marinette and Adrien both realize it as well and sneak out to go help.
-Aeon realizes that Chat noir and Ladybug are Adrien and Marinette (because she is tech and is immune to that glamor effect. And is of course is even MORE stoked on them. The four of them meet up and work on the plan thats the same as in canon, (using the door hero’s power)
-The fight pretty much goes the same way as in canon, and Hawkmoth is actually pissed off instead of happy that there are more miraculous. Nathalie is now worse off then before. He is now even More desperate since his plan failed.
-Majestia and Knightowl are proud of their side kicks and Jess/eagle gets to be a hero in her own right. Proving her worth. Uncanny valley is her partner.
-Uncanny valley tells them she knows who they are and that she will clear the memories so that no one will know. Jess gets the eagle miraculous. (Marinette tells Fu about this, Fu says its fine. It isnt from his miraculous box, not his jurisdiction.)
-Marinette and Adrien enjoy the rest of the trip with the class. Marinette commenting to adrien how amazing all these heroes are.
-”I think you are much more amazing Marinette.”
-Cue adrinette cuteness
-Gabriel goes back to america, angry and now so much more desperate then before
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Polyamory CAN work (long post)
As a black, queer woman who could very well be poly, I am always looking for content to feed my soul and have for a few years now. I know I grumble about white/het couples a lot which makes me sound some kind of way but I ship a ton of white couples, that isn’t the problem. It’s the way representation is stepped on these days with toxic white couples being seen as true love that upsets me. And this is coming from a chick that lowkey ships Reylo.
I don’t understand and never will why writers in 2020 think that the only demographic there is are the people who can’t handle seeing anything but a white male and a white female be together. Interracial relationships CAN and DO work and f/f or m/m relationships or any race CAN work, so guess what, so can relationships involving three or more people and while difficult, it can work, even if the people are different races.
My annoyance also stems from Poly woman really getting shat on when writers hit a wall. Very few times have I seen it work out and that’s so stupid to me because she shouldnt’ have to choose.
I start with Wynonna Earp, a CLEARLY Poly woman with a strong sexual appetite that never gets shamed. She loved both Dolls and Doc and though Shamier left the show effectively forcing her to Doc, they still made it clear that she was poly and capable of having feelings for more than one man when they brought in Charlie. He was patient and sweet and while all three men wanted Wynonna to themselves, they NEVER gave her an ultimatum and even while PREGNANT WITH ANOTHER MAN’S BABY  Dolls still loved her and held her in bed. I believe that had Shamier (Dolls)  not left that they would have went on waiting for her to choose but also letting her know that she didn’t have to.
Then there’s my first real Poly stan, Bo Dennis from Lost Girl. Unapologetically bisexual and poly, Bo was in control at all times, both of her relationships and her sexuality. While she needed sex to feed like a vampire needs blood,she also enjoyed it and didn’t view it as a curse or burden and her partners were alwasy consenting, which was amazing. Lauren never shamed Bo (in fact she praised her sexuality and wished she could keep up) for liking men (thus not being toxic to bi women, which is an issue in the community I wont get into) and Dyson, Bo’s male lover never pressured her to submit to him. Here she is pictured with Tamsin, Dyson and Lauren, all her lovers, at once.
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If all three of them can be respectful and understanding while each of them were with Bo alone, not a quad, then why do they make it seem so hard to have three people love each other? And yes, I know that couples break up, but on Tv they just dont need to when it’s what a show is based on.
I could go on about Bo all day but I will move on to one of my favorite movies: Prof. Marsden and the Wonder Women.
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Now real or not this story had everything. It showed how slowly and steadily they grew to love each other, the highs and lows and the shame of the community that made them all stronger together. Was there jealousy at times, yeas, but they addressed it and learned that they didnt’ need to be and that they could all be together happily and that it could be easy to be in love with more than one person. Sure, it was the 40s but in this day and age it’s nothing to hide, and if they could have a happily ever after back then, why couldn’t it happen now? 
Could it be because of race? Without kidding ourselves, we know that every fandom is capable of being toxic and that it’s just fact that the black girl is often hated. I call it the Iris West treatment, where the clear canon couple is hated and the black girl is trashed for the white option. I quit Supergirl after Season 2 but I hear that Jimmy’s sister is getting said treatment now from a friend that still watches and I am not surprised.  You can’t force an actor to stay on a show and I get that having their ship destroyed build animosity, but I really can’t help but feel like had the other girl been white it wouldn’t have been such a huge issue. A Stefan vs Damon issue none the less, but still, less so. I say that because I have seen actual people defend Mon El in that fandom but saying “what’s wrong with owning slaves?” NUff said. 
Another reason I bring up why it could be race is because of You, Me, Her.
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I really enjoy this show and will be sad to see it and and while I recommend it, there are flaws, but none of these flaws seems to be that the three of them can’t work past it and get back together. 
Emma and Jack are married, Izzy comes in and shakes up their world and they both fall ass over elbows in love with her and her with them. They go through the usual things:jealousy, favoritism, hiding their relationship then coming out, but they always work through it. When Jack leaves to date an ex, he comes back. When Emma leaves to date and ex, she comes back. When Jack and Emma think about moving away and Izzy doesn’t want to, they come back. When Izzy has a thing with a co-worker, she still chooses Jack and Emma because they know they all need and love each other. They even have babies together! Izzy sees the sonogram and her heart stops. She realizes that she is going to be their actual mom and they all get married and even look into tri custody because they know they are a family and that it’s not an odd man out type of thing. They try it with other people and with just one another but they know where they’re hearts belong. It works. Does it work because they’re all white? NOPE
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Sense8 was a brilliant show. Here everyone was represented and it was such a shame they killed it. Still, they showed us that sexuality can be fluid and that a fandom can be supportive. Raj and Kala married in spite Kala loving someone else. They never made her choose and in the end, they accepted that she was poly and wanted both and guess what? The two guys even fell for each other! Here is a white, bisexual male with his Indian partners. India isn’t the greatest with being gay so for Raj this must have been stranger and scary but they both made him feel safe and comfortable, loved and supported and in the end it was canon that they were all going to be together and learn as they go. Like with You, Me, Her, the fandom is supportive of this and while we didn’t get much of Rajalagang, it is clear that they can work regardless of skin color, religion, and even long distance.
So then why not Polymarine? It was clear it tested well with the audience, haters aside, so what made them feel like they couldn’t carry on? Sure, people fall out of love, but in the show, they just didnt’ need to. Before Ryn Ben and Maddie were together without issue for almost a year. It was made clear every time that he was in love with her, that they had chemistry and that he was attracted to her, so how do they justify saying that this:
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Wasn’t real and meant nothing? That this
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Wasn’t the same?
If other relationships can survive and thrive then what is it that was so hard, so difficult for the writers that they remove the credit that they themselves paved the way for and throw it aside for something that has been done literally thousands of times? Why throw away what made you unique to fall in line? Why does a show about mermaids have to have this be the “realistic” thing?
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (4) | T.H.
Summary: Y/N & Tom speak to each other for the first time in 3 weeks! Tom is in talks of doing a new movie. Lots of yelling, painful pictures being sent. Harrison and Harry go on a trip. Does Kate finally tell the truth to Y/N?
A/N: Hmmm....seems like Natalie & Matt is everyone’s favorite/hated suspects. More theories lets hear em!!!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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Its a word often used to protect those within a troubling world. For some it’s a church, a home, sometimes a family and friend. For Y/N and Tom, sanctuaray was no where to be found. Three weeks it’s been since the world felt like it collapsed on Y/N and Tom. Three weeks of feeling left in a troubling space that they could not get out of...until now. As soon as they heard each other’s voices on the phone, it gave them a moment of relief, but only for a moment.
“So...how are you?” Tom asks nervously. He wanted to pick his words out carefully in hopes that he wouldn’t upset her.
“Im okay.” Y/N responds quietly as she looks back at her phone. No message yet, maybe she was in the clear and that gave her a small boost of confidence. It was going to be okay. “How about you?” She asks back, not really sure how to carry the conversation. In any case, how does one continue talking to an ex without making it awkward? Let alone how does one talk to someone without the fear of being blackmailed.
“Yeah Im great...really great.” Tom lies and chuckles nervously.
Y/N could tell by the tone of his voice how nervous he was. A habit she always found to be adorable for him. Y/N rolled her eyes with a slight smile before she questions him in a serious tone “Why did you call Tom?”
Tom closes his eyes, letting out a stressed sigh. “I miss you Y/N and I dont care what you say or what you said to me that night, but this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“I miss you too but things happen beyond our control, Tom. Sometimes it just can’t be helped.” Y/N responds nonchalantely, staring at her phone again. No messages still.
“Thats a load of bullshit and you know it. We were supposed to get through anything. Fuck the rumors fuck everything! This isn’t like you Y/N!” Tom vents out every feeling and thought he had since she left. “You say you miss me but then what are we doing? Why are we continuing to hurt ourselves like this?”
Y/N shakes her head, knowing deep down the reason why but could never say. Not unless she wanted to ruin his dream. She could never. “It’s not that simple.” She croaked.
“We would have found a way to get through it, but you gave up so easily. I know for a fact my Y/N never gave up without a fight.”
Y/N looks again at her phone, and no messages were to be found. Maybe she could tell him, and they wouldnt know, but Y/N knew better. Somewhere out there there was someone always watching her every move. “I cant do this right now. Goodbye Tom.” Y/N hangs up as she continues to cry herself to sleep. So much for sanctuary.
Its the morning after, and as Y/N heads downstairs, she hears soft laughter and conversations echoing through the halls. For a second it almost sounded like Tom’s, and she hurried toward the room only to be disappointed. In the living room was Matt and Kate as they made small talk awaiting for Y/N’s arrival.
“Y/N! You’re awake!” Kate exclaims as she gets up from the seat to give her a hug. “Look who decided to drop by!”
Matt looked up at Y/N and gives her a shy smile and wave. He’s dressed in his navy blue LBI shirt and cream colored shorts. It was typical high school Matt...nothing had changed with him.
“Yes I see that....I’m sorry did we have plans and I forgot?” Y/N asked confused.
“No actually uh I invited him over because I knew you wanted to catch up with him after last week..so I pulled some strings.” Kate whispers.
“You..what?” Y/N asked annoyed, her eyes glaring and her brows furrowed. If there was one thing Y/N hated it was blind dates. She had stressed that over and over throughout the years that she hated it, especially with people she used to have romantic feelings for. The keyword..USED.
“Cmon Y/N. Remember this was the time for you to move on and forget. Plus you wouldn’t want to send him away after he came here just to see you!” Kate tries her best to sell it, she had to...there’s wasnt really a choice.
Y/N looked back at Matt and groaned silently to her best friend. “Fine I’ll go, but this is the last blind date you’re ever setting me up on AND you’re doing the dishes.” She emphasized as she got ready and grabbed her purse.
To say Y/N was surprised was an understatment. For sure, she had a feeling this was going to be awkward in so many ways like any other first dates, but this...wasn’t too bad. Though she realized it wasn’t a date this was just two old friends catching up from the past.
She learned a lot about him and how his younger brother Steven was working on becoming an engineer and how his little sister Emily was also grown up and working towards becoming a physical therapist. As for Matt, he was working in the city too as an accountant for a finance firm. While they continued to eat their lunch at Chelsea’s Market, she couldn’t help but make the comparisons.
Matt didn’t dress up like Tom, didnt make her laugh like Tom does, didnt make her blush the way Tom does, didnt smile like Tom, and when he touched her hand...she didnt feel the goosebumps the way Tom would. It was clear. He wasn’t Tom and could never be Tom.
The date came to a close, but Y/N hadn’t really gathered much from it since she was so focused on Tom. Every word Matt had said to her barely made it through. She’d be lying if she didnt say the date was okay but she’d be lying even more if she had said she’d enjoy it.
She looked into his blue eyes as he looked into hers. Matt tried to lean forward to give her a kiss, but Y/N moved away. She couldnt. Not when Tom was still present in her thoughts and her mind. “Im sorry...I just got out of a serious relationship and well —” Y/N whispers feeling guilt in her heart.
“No no. It’s fine really. Maybe I was too forward with this and I had no idea....I’m sorry.” Matt laughs, feeling heavily disappointed. “I’ll uhh I’ll see you around?” Y/N nods as she waves him goodbye.
The next day, Tom wakes up in his bed still praying that this whole phase was just a nightmare he’s still having trouble waking up from. Today was not that day. He got up and dressed appropiately knowing that today would be a meeting for his upcoming project. He had forgotten all about it especially with everything going on. When he arrived and entered the room with Harrison, Natalie also appeared sitting in one of the chairs with a smile and coffee on hand.
“Jesus you’re like everywhere now.” Harrison speaks out taking the seat across from her, while Tom takes the seat next to Harrison.
“Well I mean I do live with you guys temporarily until my flat gets fixed, and I did get cast in the same movie as Tom.” She laughs pointing out the obvious.
Tom looked up, his eye wide open and brows raised. He completely forgot the fact that she was going to be playing his love interest for the film. He tried to recall if he had told Y/N about it before and if maybe that’s why she was also mad. Maybe if he told her now, that would make her feel better? Tom was lost in his thoughts he didnt hear the other publicists in the room calling out to him. “Tom are you listening?”
Harrison quickly hits his best friend to wake him up from his thoughts. “Huh? Uh..no sorry.” Tom confesses, looking down at the table.
The publicists, both roll their eyes in annoyance. “We’re telling you that you need to do a lot of PR for this movie in order to boost the sales, and recoginition for both you and Natalie. This means..you’re going to have to pretend you’re in a relationship for some time.”
Tom and Harrison are now fully attentive and furious. “What?! Im not doing PR for this. That is low for the both of us. We shouldnt have to fake a relationship to get our work across” Tom yells out fury burning in his brown eyes.
“I know Tom, but no one watches it for the films nowadays it’s about the image, and right now we’re trying to help both of yours and Natalie’s. You’ve been looking liek a depressed bloke this past month and Natalie is trying to get some exposure in the business.” The publicists expalin. “Harrison, help us out here.”
“Look mate, Im just his assistant. It’s up to Tom if he wants to do this or not.” Harrison speaks out as he points to his best friend. He faces Tom and whispers, “You don’t have to do this mate, there are other projects out there.”
Tom nods, as he looks at the room of people. He closes his eyes, but all he could see was Y/N. Deep down, Tom knew he couldnt do this to her. “I..I don’t think I can do this.”
Natalie and the publicists’ eyes shot up in fear, unhappy with the response given. They knew there was only one thing they could do now. “Ah I understand. It’s because of a girl isn’t?” Natalie’s publicist speaks out. Tom looks at her and then down at the table, as he slowly nods his head. “Yes well Natalie’s told me all about her. Seems like a bright girl, but believe Tom she doesn’t love you as much as you thought she did.”
Tom’s eyes dart towards the publicist as his eyes continue to stare down in anger. He was angry, pissed off that they could ever make that assumption. “Fuck you! You don’t know anything!” His tone set in anger.
“Oh..but we do. See you think Y/N is remaining as faithful as you after a breakup, but why is she already out with another guy.” The publicist continues. She hands her phone to Tom as he swipes through the pictures of Y/N and Matt’s date. He saw Y/N smile at Matt, laugh with him, and touch his shoulder. Yet, the one picture that broke him the most was the one where Matt almost kissed Y/N. While Tom didn’t know the backstory, he could very well imagine how it went. Everything in him shattered, and his eyes started to well up.
“Mate..there’s gotta be an explanation for all of this. Y/N wouldn’t move on from you that quickly. You know her..she wouldn’t. This is all rubbish.” Harrison tried to reason to his heartbroken best friend. For once, he couldn’t rule out Natalie. She didn’t blackmail Y/N, someone else did.
“Fine. I’ll do it.” Tom grumbles as he gets up and walks away.
The world was quiet for the next two days, and it almost seemed like a break from all of it. Back in the New York, Y/N was minding her own business in the apartment with Kate, when she got a text message.
Answer the next phone call. ❤️
Y/N’s phone rings and it’s Tom. Her hands are shaking, afraid of what was going to happen. “Y/N.” Tom says shortly, tone filled with disappointment.
“Tom” Y/N replies, her voice shaking.
This wasn’t sanctuary anymore. This was hell.
“Tell me it’s not true.” Tom speaks out, needing to hear the truth. “Did you go out with another guy?”
Y/N hesistated for a moment, unsure of what to say. She could either lie or tell the truth but it didnt matter at this point she was fucked either way. “Yes.” She breathes out. “But — ”
“It’s not what I think? Right?” His tone getting louder. “So it’s okay for you to judge me with Natalie, but not okay for me to judge you with some bloke you’re with?”
“Matt is my friend and I had no choice in that matter!” Y/N yells out, unhappy with how Tom was confronting her.
“Did he threaten you?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment, not him but someone was threatening her. “No.”
“Then you did have a choice.”
As soon as Y/N was going to speak, she got a new message. This time it was a picture from Unknown. One of Tom and Natalie getting cozy as they walked out of a building. Natalie was smiling and Tom had his arms wrapped around her shoulder. “Yeah, guess you made yours too with Natalie.”
Tom was in shock, did she know about the him and Natalie. “Y/N it’s not what you —”
“What? What I think? Yeah that makes two of us, but you want to make assumptions? Fine. You look like you already moved on yourself, but moving on with a girl you know I can’t stand...that’s an all time low for you.” Y/N hangs up and throws her phone across the room. Kate quickly comes to comfort her best friend.
“He...he moved on.” She sobbed quietly in Kate’s arms.
“I know...it’s going to be okay.” Kate whispers. Tears started to also fall on Kate’s eyes as she saw how much pain her best friend was in. She looked at her phone and quickly deleted the pictures she had taken of Y/N and Matt. “Im so sorry. I..have to tell you something.”
Y/N had fallen fast asleep, exhausted from crying. Just when Kate was ready to tell the truth...the door rang.
“Kate!” Harrison and Harry said spoke out in relief as they hugged her.
“Hey..what are you guys doing here?” She asked surprised but also relieved.
Harrison and Harry looked at each. “We want to help find out the truth.”
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit​ @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco
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