#even when obi is finally able to walk away
neonmoonster · 7 months
“Of course I didn’t want you!”
Anakin recoiled like he had been slapped.
The anger he had felt only moments before towards the man in front of him dissipated and reformed into the keenest hurt he had ever experienced.
He had known this, of course—had known it forever, and he had prepared himself for the day the truth finally came out, building walls around his heart and forcing distance between himself and Obi-Wan for this very inevitability—but actually hearing it, actually hearing Obi-Wan say those words aloud? 
Nothing could have prepared Anakin for this moment.
I didn’t want you. 
Obi-Wan was still talking, ranting, but his words seemed far away, distant, like he was standing at the end of a tunnel, miles away from Anakin, who felt lightheaded, unsteady on his feet.
“—ster had just died, the Sith were back, and here was this boy,” Obi-Wan’s voice, tight and forceful, floated in and out of the air, “This boy for whom my master discarded me without a second thought, this boy, who was now my responsibility to raise and train.”
Anakin couldn’t look at him. Didn’t want to see the resentment in the set of his mouth, the long-buried hatred in the furrow of his brow. 
“My responsibility—me, a barely knighted Jedi, practically a padawan myself.”
Obi-Wan let out a bark of disbelieving laughter, a sharp edge to it that sliced Anakin to his core.
“I could barely take care of myself in the days after Qui-Gon died, let alone another human being. And now I had the duty to fulfill my master’s dying wish to train this boy on the off-chance that he would save the galaxy.” 
Do not cry.
Anakin willed himself to keep looking down, to stay impassive, to not raise Obi-Wan’s ire higher than it already was. If he betrayed how much these words cut him, how deep a wound they inflicted on his heart, then the magnitude of his attachment would be revealed, and that would only make Obi-Wan hate him more. 
And Anakin didn’t think he could take any more of Obi-Wan’s hate.
Do not cry.
He heard Obi-Wan take a steadying breath, audibly reigning himself in. When he spoke next, his voice was softer, yet reverberated through Anakin's mind as if he had screamed them.
“So, no. I did not want you.” 
He sensed Obi-Wan, his accursed, beloved former master, take a step towards him. Anakin stilled, a horrible thought overtaking him.
Would he strike him? Obi-Wan had never—would never—but he had also never said anything like this out loud to Anakin before. He had finally crossed the line.
Done the un-take-back-able.
Anakin had always walked a thin line with Obi-Wan, pushing and prodding, bringing out Obi-Wan’s frustration, his rolled eyes, dry jabs, and sometimes disappointed frown, but he had somehow avoided tipping the scales all the way over—at least, not until now.
Now, when he had finally pushed too far. 
Do not cry. Do not cry—
A hand fell on his shoulder. It took everything in Anakin not to flinch.
“But don’t you ever think,” Obi-Wan said, the fierce passion back in his voice and Anakin’s stomach sank, sank sank. “Not even for one second, that you were not the best thing to ever happen to me.” 
Anakin’s head snapped up in shock. The very thing he had wanted to avoid doing at all costs, but surely he had misheard, surely Obi-Wan had not just said what he just said—
“You are the best friend I have ever had,” Obi-Wan said, and there was still that hard edge to his words, but now that Anakin was looking at him, he saw that his master's eyes were not filled with anger-hate-bitterness like he had feared, but simple determination.
A serious expression, but one that was interlaced with a gentleness that Anakin could only describe as fond.
“It has been… the honor and delight of my life to teach you,” Obi-Wan said, and Anakin couldn’t move because the truth of it was ringing in the Force, unmistakable and passionate and firm. “And now to fight and live beside you as equals.”
Was Anakin dreaming?
A flicker of a smile crossed Obi-Wan’s face, like he was lost in remembrance and, oh, Anakin’s heart couldn’t take it, couldn’t handle this emotional whiplash, his greatest fear and most secret hope come to life over the course of a single conversation.
“It only took you about a day and a half to win me over. I was petrified every day that I would mess you up, leave you worse than I found you, let you down, Qui-Gon down, the galaxy down—but not once did I regret you. Not once would I have traded you away from anything.”
Obi-Wan squeezed Anakin’s shoulder and Anakin shuddered, letting out a choked whimper that he immediately wished he could take back, but Obi-Wan’s eyes softened, and through their bond Anakin could only feel kindness, affection, maybe even—
Obi-Wan's expression shifted once more, for the first time his steadiness in the force wavering, and he swallowed, appearing nervous, if Anakin didn't know any better.
"I do not always find it easy to express myself with words, like this. It is... difficult for me. But it appears that it is necessary today."
Anakin stared at him helplessly.
“I am unbearably sorry that I have ever made you believe otherwise. That you could ever think that you are not my favorite person in the world.”
Anakin could not stop the tear from falling down his cheek. And Obi-Wan Kenobi, high general of the Republic Army, one of the strongest, most respected masters in the Jedi Order, and Anakin's former teacher, gently caught it with the pad of his thumb and wiped it away.
"You are," Obi-Wan's voice came out rough and tinged with something that made Anakin's breath catch in his throat. But then just as quickly, Obi-Wan gave him a small smile, his voice clear once more, even dry and teasing.
“I hope that's alright with you.”
Anakin's answering smile was watery, but it could have lit up the entire galaxy anyhow.
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221bshrlocked · 6 months
Broken and Grazed, Loved and Saved
Pairing: Crosshair x Jedi AFAB!Reader
Words: 4724
Warnings: Mutual Pining. Mentions of violence and blood. Touching Confessions! Angst to fluff because you know it. Crosshair being a tiny bit soft...just a tiny bit.
Summary: You get shot while trying to save Crosshair. He's shocked and confused as to why you would do such a thing. You both slowly reveal your feelings for each other as he patches you up.
A/N: I crawled back from my writer's block hell hole to post this. This is during The Clone Wars series folks, hence the Jedi insert. Once again, thank you so much to @cloneficgiftexchange for holding this event and single-handedly getting me to write every once in a while. This is for the lovely @arctrooper69 who inadvertently gave me a challenge with Crosshair. I hope you enjoy it babes and I hope I got his character down correctly. This is the first time I write for him. As always, let me know how I am doing in the comments please and thank you.
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When Obi-Wan informed you that you’d be accompanying Clone Force 99 on another mission, you tried your best to not let your excitement come through. But one look at your old friend and the smirk on his face made you realize you may not have been as subtle as you originally thought. 
“Shut it Kenobi,” you walk past him, shaking your head when you briefly glanced to the side and saw him raising an eyebrow at you. He chuckles at your embarrassment, and you’re torn between making fun of him and letting him be. It was rare to see him display such an elated emotion, and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him when finally caught up with you and patted you on the back. 
“In all seriousness, do be careful out there.” A worried expression breaks through the smile and you nod at him, knowing that the sentiment wasn’t one of warning but deep concern for your safety. 
“As weird as it is to admit this, I feel like I might potentially be safest with them.” You come to a stop once you reach the door of the Temple, looking around the awfully quiet space before returning your attention to Obi-Wan once more. 
“I would have to disagree with you there. The rate at which they use explosives is severely higher than any other force I have fought alongside. Nevertheless, I trust your judgment. Do keep me updated, yes?” When you don’t respond right away, Obi-Wan follows your line of sight and notices where your attention suddenly lies. He groans to himself and wishes he wasn’t the keeper of so many secrets. 
“Young one!?” You snap out of your momentary haze when Obi-Wan quite literally yells at you, his voice carrying across the grounds and catching the curiosity of none other than the man you found yourself barely able to stop thinking of. 
“Sorry, yes?” You feign ignorance, giggling like a young padawan when Obi-Wan rubs his temples and swears beneath his breath.
“I’m only joking. Yes I will be careful, sure I’ll try my best not to get into trouble, and of course I won’t partake in Wrecker’s booming tactics. Satisfied?” You don’t wait for him to respond, already walking towards the Marauder and praying to the Force that the introvert of the group is less hostile towards you this time around. When you grow near to the clones standing at the foot of the ramp, you turn around one last time and wave goodbye to Obi-Wan, laughing when he rolls his eyes at you and heads back into the Temple. As soon as you turn around, you’re met with an incredibly energetic Wrecker, your shock turning into hysterical laughter as soon as he wraps his arms around you and picks you up. 
“Heyyy, it’s our favorite Jedi!” His grip on you remains gentle even though he’s lifted you off of the ground a good bit. 
“Hey Wrecker, I see you missed me as much as I missed you.” You gently tap him on his shoulder, hoping he’d put you down before any other Jedi sees how familiar you are with him. 
“Wreck, put the General down.” You glance to the side and see Hunter standing with his hands on his hips, his facial expression a bit unreadable. You laugh nervously at the leader of the Bad Batch, hoping Wrecker wouldn’t get in trouble because of your friendliness. 
To his chagrin, Wrecker puts you down and backs away, whispering a few apologies before returning to stand next to Tech.
“Sorry, I know I shouldn’t encourage it.” You tell Hunter as the two of you walk away from the rest of the Batch, your eyes unintentionally remaining on your favorite member of the group. If Hunter notices how you pay more attention to Crosshair, he says nothing of it and pretends you weren’t watching him like a hawk. 
“No need for any apologies, General. I don’t particularly care but I know how things are on Coruscant. Wouldn’t want him to be misunderstood.” Hunter points towards the Clones standing around the Temple with other Jedi Masters, smiling nervously at you when you sigh anxiously at the prospect of being the reason behind Wrecker potentially getting in trouble. 
“I promise to talk to him. And I’ll make sure to only be friendly when we’re not surrounded by…you know.” You try to laugh off the circumstances you find yourself in, only for Hunter’s body language to shift at the implications behind your words. 
“I’d be careful if I were you. Even if they aren’t around, others tend to misunderstand and- well, let’s just say that things get a little heated when we finish a mission and you aren’t on-board anymore.” You furrow your eyebrows at Hunter’s response, only to follow his line of sight and see who he’s staring at. When you’re met with Crosshair’s narrowed, irritated eyes shifting between you and Wrecker, you realize that Hunter may know more than he let on. 
“I- I don’t think you-” You trip over your words, unsure of how to respond now that Hunter knew of your inclinations as well. 
“Save it, I’m not judging…just giving you a heads up.” He excuses himself, saying something or other to Tech as the two of them ascend the Marauder. You look to the ground as you make your way to the ship, afraid of making eye contact with any of the others out of fear of making things more awkward. Even as you walk past Crosshair, you ignore him completely, pretending to fix the lightsaber hanging from your belt so you don’t have to deal with him now. As soon as you go to the cockpit, you throw a quick hello to Echo and walk back, pushing through the supplies scattered around so you can sit in the small space at the end of the ship. 
Even though you want to sit near Crosshair, you decide against it, knowing that you don’t have the capacity to deal with his passive aggressive comments now. You haven’t seen him in a long while, and there’s nothing you wish to do more than be near him, even if the two of you were to remain silent. But if the conversation with Hunter proved anything, it’s the fact that Crosshair was begging to pick a fight right now. You just didn’t want it to be with you. 
Taking a deep breath, you do your best to center yourself and ignore the whispers and murmurs traveling from the cockpit. You manage a fair job for most of the flight, but the closer you get to the Outer Rim planet, you vaguely hear your name thrown around between Hunter, Tech and Wrecker. You know better than to listen to what they’re saying, and before you can decide on whether or not you should ignore them, Wrecker stands up and grumbles something louder than the others would have preferred. 
“She doesn’t mind! You’re just telling me what to do because Crosshair won’t listen to you and talk to her.” Your eyes shoot wide open at his words, and as you turn around to face them, you see all of their expressions turn blank. Wrecker only recognizes just how loud he is when he faces you and sees a quizzical look on your features. He chuckles nervously and sits down as Echo makes his way towards you. 
“Sorry about that, we know how much you like to meditate.” He sits down beside you, glaring quickly at Wrecker so he doesn’t accidentally give anything else away. 
“It’s okay, it’s not like I was getting much meditation done anyway. You guys whisper pretty loudly.” 
“You mean you- could you hear us this whole time?” Echo asks, the direct gaze you offer him letting him know that yes, you could certainly hear what they were going on about this whole time. 
“You know then.” It was more of a comment than a question, but you shrug your shoulders at him regardless, unsure of whether they were telling the truth or just reading into the interactions between you and Crosshair. Before you can respond however, you feel the ship drop out of hyperspace and into the atmosphere of the planet.
“Another time Echo,” you ignore the pleading look on Echo’s face, not wanting to continue this conversation now that the mission officially commenced. Making your way to the front of the ship, you look across the yellow planet below you and sigh in irritation when you notice the storms forming just above the surface. 
“Did you know that Eshil is one of three desert planets that receives frequent rain? Rain storms are often violent here, delivering up to seven millimeters per minute. It is more likely for one to drown down there than to die of thirst.” The ease with which Tech spoke made you giggle, and you couldn’t help but thank him politely for the unsolicited knowledge when you saw Wrecker and Echo glare at him worryingly. 
“Don’t worry big guy, nothing will happen to you on my watch.” You pat Wrecker on the back as you begin your descent onto Eshil, and before you can attempt to calm him down a little, the Marauder begins to shake violently due to the rain and thunderstorms. In a moment of distraction, you lose your balance and fly backward, suddenly feeling a pair of slim fingers grab onto your waist to prevent you from falling. Thinking it’s Hunter who just saved you, you turn around to thank him, only to find a pair of steel, hazel eyes staring dead at you. 
The faint gasp doesn’t go unnoticed by Crosshair, nor does the disappointed look you throw at him when he lets go so he can push you into one of the seats. 
“Don’t hurt yourself, Jedi.” His tone is mocking in a way, but you don’t dwell too much on it and instead look around to see if anyone noticed the little interaction. Everyone is blissfully unaware of the tense moment you shared with Crosshair, and even though you can feel his eyes on you, you choose to avoid his gaze, afraid he would see how much of an effect he has on you. 
It takes too long to your liking to land, not because you didn’t like the turbulence, but because you couldn’t stand being in close proximity with Crosshair any longer. An hour ago, you were excited to join the team, wanting nothing more than to try and get closer to Crosshair, or at the very least, figure out why he’s always more passive aggressive with you than with anyone else. But after the not-so-subtle comment from Hunter, and the rather awkward conversation you overheard, you couldn’t finish this mission and be back on Coruscant fast enough. Somehow, knowing that the animosity was a product of mutual feelings made things worse.
No, not worse. That wasn’t the right word. 
Real. It made things real. It made things more accessible, which meant that the probability of anything happening was simultaneously high and low. 
“We’re here,” Hunter’s announcement is a welcomed distraction, and you wait until everyone stands aside to review the plan before jumping out of the Marauder. The rain comes down harsher than you’ve anticipated but you take a few seconds to appreciate it regardless, knowing that it wasn’t everyday you experienced rain caused by clean, natural clouds. It was so much different than Coruscant, strangely soothing as it seeped through your clothes and kissed your cheeks. 
The cool sensation suddenly shifts into a warmer breeze, causing your eye muscles to clench tightly in confusion. The feeling engulfs you almost like a hug, and you’re not sure how or why it becomes hotter with each passing second. It’s only when you open your eyes and glance to the side that you finally understand why you were being flooded with such intensity. You quickly avert your gaze as soon as you notice Crosshair’s embarrassment when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring at you. 
“Alright fellas, listen up. Our mission is simple: infiltrate the base undetected, retrieve the classified intel from their innermost vaults, exfiltrate before they even know we’re there. Stay sharp and Wrecker…no explosives unless I say so.” Hunter points firmly at the bigger clone, and you almost giggle when you see the hint of a grin appearing on his face. 
“Awww man!” Wrecker throws his hands up in the air, walking away and crossing his arms when he sees you approaching him. 
“Don’t worry big guy, there’s always a next time.” You pat him on the back, laughing to yourself when he retorts at you like a child.
“That’s what you said last time.”
“But I really mean it this time,” you twist your head down until you can get a better look at him, and when you meet his eyes, you watch as he tries his best to not crack a smile in return. When he does, you walk past him and stay behind Hunter as he slowly moves through the barren land. The closer you get to the compound though, the more you become uneasy at your lack of cover, but before you can say anything, the rain begins to come down harder than you thought it possible, making you squint to try and see where everyone is. 
“I guess that should do the trick!” You hear Echo scream from behind you, but the sentiment makes you uncomfortable. The idea of losing the rest of them before you even make it to the enemy line is disconcerting, and you make your way towards Hunter quickly. When he sees you approaching him, he stops and waits for you to catch up. 
“Follow my lead and make sure everyone keeps their helmets on so they can see.” You throw the hood of your cloak over your head a little further, the action not helping one bit as the water continues to crash down on you like a waterfall. 
“When we get there-” 
“I’ll signal for Echo so he can unlock the doors.” Waiting until he nods in agreement, you continue your journey towards the compound, praying to the maker that the enemy’s visibility is as bad as yours. The trek to the compound takes longer than you like, but when you finally have it in sight, you turn around and wait for the others to reach you. Hunter and Tech are ahead of everyone, and you squint hard until you can see Echo and Wrecker behind them. When Crosshair doesn’t show right away, you begin to worry, afraid that the rain became less of an inconvenience and more of a trigger to him. You’re about to run past the guys when you finally see him walking through the heavy downfall, no longer holding his firearm in his hands and instead taking his time as he walks towards the rest of the team. Even though you can’t see his expression, you know for a fact that Hunter is smirking beneath his mask, and you choose to ignore him as you go back to the front of the Batch and walk closer to the compound.
“There aren’t any guards posted outside. The storm must have sent everyone back inside.” You make a note, signaling for Echo to move ahead of you while the others wait a little farther away in case things don’t go according to plan. Anxiety washes over you all of a sudden, and you glance at the only member of the Batch you know dislikes the rain more than anyone. If Crosshair notices the way you’re staring at him worryingly, he says nothing and keeps his attention on your surroundings, ready to fire at anyone who comes in the way. 
When Echo unlocks the door, Tech follows after and heads straight towards the secured vaults at the heart of the compound. It’s quieter than you expect, but you figure it’s only because the storm continues to rage outside and grow louder by the second. As you move towards the vault however, you find the silence nearly deafening, and you wonder briefly if this entire mission could be a set-up. Before you can voice your concerns to Hunter, Tech gains access to the room with ease, already getting to work for the intel with Echo. You stand guard outside while Hunter and Wrecker scout the hallways and ensure you don’t have any visitors. 
Using the distraction to your advantage, you slowly make your way to Crosshair and stand beside him, waiting until he acknowledges your presence with a glance before attempting to break the awkward air around the two of you. 
“I hope the rain isn’t too much of a bother.” You’re not sure what else to say, and as you realize he won’t be responding any time soon, you figure it’s best to not try and fix whatever it is between the two of you now. Knowing that it will be even more uncomfortable if you walk away from him, you remain standing where you are, turning your attention to Tech and Echo to see if they’re almost done. 
The abrupt sound of guns firing pushes you forward immediately, and you watch as several weapons descend from the ceiling and the walls, instantly firing at everyone in the room. You make your way to the nearest wall and burn through the small firearms with your lightsaber, watching as Crosshair hits several more on the opposite side of the wall while Tech and Echo extract the intel. 
“I knew it was too quiet.” You mutter to yourself, running as fast as you can across the space to get as many of the little suckers as possible. When there aren’t any left, you sheath your weapon again and move towards the door. 
“Time to head out,” Hunter screams across the hallway and as you file out, you sense movement at one of the corners of the room. It’s instinctive the way you run towards Crosshair and shield him with your body, and your curse at yourself for not ensuring that all of them were taken down. Anger seeps through your mind at what could have been a fatal mistake and you ignite your saber instantly, propelling it towards the small object and bringing it back into the palm of your hand as more smoke fills the room. 
“We need to leave, now.” Your voice is stern, and even though you can see Crosshair staring at where you’ve just been shot, you don’t pay him any mind as you run through the winding hallways and make your way out of the compound. It’s somehow raining even harder than earlier, and you feel your body grow more faint with each step you take. The faster you try to run, the more unbearable the pain becomes, and it occurs to you that you would be no good to any of them if you slowed them down. 
You come to a stop and haunch over, applying pressure against your stomach and wincing in pain when more blood oozes through your fingers. Thinking that they’re all ahead of you, you kneel down and allow the rain to become less of an inconvenience and more of a calming presence. 
“What are you doing?” Crosshair hisses as he comes up behind you, and when you lock contact with his eyes, you regret not pushing yourself harder. 
“I’m fine…go!” You hope your voice isn’t as wavering to his ears as it is to your own, and when he shakes his head, you attempt to stand to confront him, only to fall back to the ground again. 
“Tech, bring the ship to my position.” You cruse yet again as Crosshair pushes a button on the side of his helmet while speaking to Tech. 
“Why have you stopped?” You can hear Hunter ask through the comms, and you look at Crosshair again, silently begging him to leave so he doesn’t get hurt. 
“The General’s been compromised.” He leans down and pushes your hands aside to inspect the wound, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think that he was angry at you for getting shot…for saving him. 
“You need to go to the Marauder. That’s an order.” You hiss in pain when you feel him bring your hand back to your stomach and push on it harder than before. 
“You’re currently bleeding all over the floor. You’re in no shape to give me orders…General.” He’s pushing your buttons, but unlike before, when he smirked at every snarky comment he threw your way and chuckled when you retorted in likeness, his voice is laced with unspoken feelings now, as if he was silently thanking you for what you did for him. 
Before you can dwell too much on the change in his behavior, the Marauder lands right beside you, allowing you a moment of respite before Wrecker comes down the ramp and takes you in his arms. The jolting movements make you cough as your stomach throbs in pain, and you take one last look at Crosshair, finding his expression as irritated as when you were on your way here. 
To his credit, Wrecker does try to be more slow and soft with his movements, but when he lays you down, you can’t help but scream in agony at the wound tearing through your skin. 
“S-sorry.” You shake your head at Wrecker and assure him with a smile, only to drop it when Tech comes with a medkit and asks his brother to give you some privacy. 
“I do apologize General but I must cut your robe to administer the bacta spray and patches properly.” Ever the gentleman, Tech waits for your consent before taking out a pair of scissors. He’s about to cut through your robes when Crosshair walks in and stands behind him.
“If you can wait out-”
“I’ll do it.” Crosshair doesn’t give Tech a chance to finish his request, and when he stands up to argue with him, you reach for Tech’s hand and nod at him, waiting until he places everything down before moving towards the front of the ship. 
You’re sure Crosshair didn’t think this far ahead because he remains standing and doesn’t once turn his sight away from your wound. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You break the silence and push your head back as the wound continues to burn. It must be all Crosshair needs to hear because he gets right to business, not once saying anything to you as he rips through your robes and begins to disinfect the flesh around the gash. You hiss and instantly slam your hand against his thigh, digging your nails into the plastoid covering him as he sterilizes the laceration to prevent any infection. 
“What were you thinking?” It’s the first time he’s ever spoken to you so softly, and you figure it’s because you’re hurt and can’t respond in likeness. But when you open your eyes and look at him, you’re shocked to find worry and fear swimming in his hazel brown orbs. It throws you off a little, and you shake the thoughts aside, knowing that you may just be reading too much into his behavior.
“At the time, I thought it was a great idea!” You chuckle only to curse out loud when he begins to apply the bacta spray on top of the wound. You think he’ll smile at catching you off guard, but when you look at him again, he’s as somber as a few seconds ago.
“And now?” Crosshair growls at you, actually growls, the sound coming as a shock to you. It occurs to you that maybe, just maybe, he was attempting to show you that he cares, but wasn’t sure how to go about it. When he stops what he’s doing and continues to keep his gaze on you, you lay your head back down and allow the subsiding pain to calm you a little. 
“Maybe…maybe not so much.” He narrows his eyes at you then, the expression becoming a little too intense for you and making you turn away to face the wall. Not another word is exchanged between you and him, and as he finally places the bacta patches on your stomach, you turn to face him again, no longer able to keep playing whatever game he started. 
“Thank you, for not leaving…for staying with me.” Crosshair continues to remain silent, his focus completely on the wound he was dressing. 
“And thank you for patching me up.” Again, he doesn’t acknowledge any of your words, waiting until he’s sure the wound is perfectly protected before throwing everything back into the medkit. You think he’s about to leave but when he finally looks up, you notice his eyebrows relax as he lets out a deep breath. 
“Why would you do that?”
The question catches you off guard, and you figure you may as well tell him how you feel because you’re not sure what will happen tomorrow. 
“You know why.” The simple whisper holds a thousand confessions, and Crosshair clenches his jaw tightly as he reaches for your hand. You gasp at the warmth of his skin, and swallow the lump in your throat when he grabs a wet towel and begins to clean the dried blood. You’re not sure how long you hold your breath, but when he’s done, he doesn’t let go. In fact, he does the opposite, bringing both of his rough palms around your own and keeping it as close to him as possible. 
“I- I’m not worth your-” The sentiment breaks your heart and you furrow your eyebrows at him as you attempt to sit up, not wanting him to finish whatever he was about to say. The stinging returns a thousandfold but you ignore the shooting pain and pull Crosshair towards you.
“Don’t ever say that.” You want to say more. You want to tell him that you’d gladly do it again to ensure his safety, that you wouldn’t give it a second thought because you care for him more than you’re allowed, more than he’ll ever know. But the way he looks at you makes it difficult to say anything else, and you lay back down again when your muscles beg you for some respite. Crosshair doesn’t let go of your hand. If anything, his hold on you tightens as he moves to sit closer to you. 
“It was annoying.” Whatever you thought he was going to say is certainly not those three words, and the confusion etched on your face makes him crack a smile before finally looking from your hand to you. 
“The rain.” You look at him for what feels like hours before you finally register what he was trying to tell you. 
“Wow, it took me getting shot at for you to finally answer my question…an hour later?” The joke doesn’t sit too well with him and you apologize quickly, afraid he’d get up and leave you all alone. 
“I- I didn’t think you’d…” The words die in his throat, and you look down at where your hands are intertwined, wanting to give him some privacy as he comes to terms with what he was feeling, what he was oversharing with you. 
“Remember?” You finish for him, smiling when he nods quietly and begins to trace the lines across the back of your hand.
“I remember everything you tell me, Crosshair.” Once again, the simple response is laced with too many revelations to your liking, but you know you’d never forgive yourself if you didn’t use this moment to show him how much you care. 
How much you love him.
He looks at you then, about to say something when he sees your face twist at the returning stinging sensations. 
“You need to rest.” His voice is firm, making you wish you weren’t hurt and could actually make whatever this is last longer. 
“Will you be here when I wake up?” Before, you would have been annoyed with yourself for being so vulnerable in front of him, but the question must be the one thing he needed to hear because he smiles softly at you before nodding in silence, bringing his chair a little closer to you can rest your arm better as you keep holding his hands.
“Sleep, cyare. I’ll protect you.”
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translucent-sun · 2 months
Over the next five years, they’d build themselves a comfortable life. Not an easy one, but comfortable enough. Taking on jobs had come to be only necessary when the desert’s dryness became particularly dry, when the heat became so unbearable that only the richest, biggest moisture farms with the most modern equipment were ableto harvest the precious liquid. When their reservoir was empty, their vaporator unable to keep up, and they were forced to buy their water. Only then did their life become a little more stressful. But even that was temporary. 
Obi-Wan’s only worry these days was Cody’s health. Or the decline of it. The training and connection to the Force they’d kept up with at least twice a week, be it playful swordfight or simple meditation, certainly had kept both of them fit, but Obi-Wan couldn’t help but notice that Cody needed breaks much more often, even skipping some days entirely, saying he was too tired, or simply not in the mood. 
Cody denied that anything was wrong, of course, and Obi-Wan couldn’t do much but accept his stubbornness. But accepting it didn’t stop him from worrying. 
Often, the fact that he might one day have to take care of Cody occupied his every thought. It wasn’t the taking care part that worried him – he would gladly do so, of course. It was the fact that he was getting old himself that worried him. That he won’t be able to care for him one day. It was a haunting thought. But nonetheless, it was interrupted. 
“What are you doing?” Cody’s voice came from a strange direction. Only when Obi-Wan opened his eyes, turning to follow the familiar sound did he remember where he was. 
Calling back down from the edge of the roof, his back resting against its dome, he replied, “I thought I heard a Bantha and wanted to track it. Then I must have fallen asleep.” 
The first part was entirely true. Where Banthas roam, sand people won’t be far, so making sure they’re not heading in your direction is not a bad idea. Cody shook his head in apparent amusement. 
“You’ll get burnt. Come down, dinner is almost ready.”
“Come up. When it’s only almost ready it won’t hurt to spend five more minutes out here.”
Cody sighed, punctuated by an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “Fine.” 
Slowly walking up the makeshift stairs they’d put up a few years ago, every step took visible effort, and Obi-Wan caught himself worrying again. 
With a groan, Cody settled next to him, shoulder pressed to shoulder. They sat for a minute that felt like an eternity, seconds stretched into a lifetime. Obi-Wan wished it could go on like this forever. Though when Cody finally spoke, time retracted back like a spring.
“If we don’t get back in our dinner will burn.” His shoulder bumped into Obi-Wan’s gently. Obi-Wan’s head tipped back, his eyes falling shut. 
“Just a second,” he whispered, almost a plea. 
His eyes opened, turning to watch Cody when he felt a hand in his hair. He’d started to wear it shorter again, and it had turned almost entirely gray by now, even growing white in some places. And he knew Cody loved it. As did he love Cody’s own. In general, Cody was just growing more gorgeous with age. His hair was graying too, the white streak in his once black hair almost invisible now, blending in with the gray that was slowly growing in. Only the back of his head had kept its color, bound at the back of his head in a loose knot. A few loose strands fell over Cody’s forehead, making him look a little unkept.
It was beautiful. And a constant reminder of the passing of time. He forced himself to look away, blinking, struggling against the light. He pushed the thought as far away as he could
“Alright,” he said, already rising. “Let’s go.”
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echantedtoon · 2 months
A Lovers' Circle (Poly Haishira x Reader) Ch5 Date Weekend: Friday
(Warnings for some innuendos. 
If anyone is confused by Sanemi's surprised behavior, it's because I'm Kimetsu Gauken it's cannon that while Sanemi is kind to women and children, everyone is afraid of him due to his scary appearance. So Yn being genuinely kind to him despite his appearance is surprising to him.)
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The day was bright and beautiful as the morning light fell through the window and grazed over the few patrons still in the small cafe she worked at. The murmuring hums of light talk, generic elevator like music, and the occasional bike passing by outside. It combined with the sounds from the kitchen. Clinking dishes, utilities, and the occasional shout of an order ready to be served. Relatively peaceful and normal day for those whom worked the cafe life.
It was a demanding job sometimes if you had to handle multiple orders by yourself especially if you were by yourself or happened to be short-staffed that day or if there just so happened to be a large crowd. But it wasn't a bad job. The Patrons were mostly friendly aside from the occasional Karen or grumpy person in the morning who demanded their caffeine high for the morning. It always smelt nice with the lingering scents of coffee, chocolate, and various hand made baked goods in the glass display nearby.
After a while one would even start to recognize the frequent customers visiting the shoppe's doors. The guy who always hugged down at least three cups of coffee in the morning before classes. The couple always coming in Thursday afternoon for the college students discount on the sandwiches. That one girl always stumbling in with a mountain of papers always quickly buying a quick donut before scurrying away. There was the frequent college students or bookworms that just liked to sit in the cafe and do their own things. Sometimes they'd order snacks sometimes they didn't but that was life. But such was life on campus.
It was a slow day this morning in particular.
The smells of glass cleaner mixed in with the scents of coffee and sweet vanilla as a cloth ran across the shiny glass of the display case. Inside it beheld the delicious sights within it's hold. A few cupcakes and cakes ready to be bought and eaten. Tempted to take one herself. But it'd have to come out of his pockets if she did so. Not many people had come in today either. A few in the morning for a quick coffee run before classes but for now it was just her alone here. She didn't mind, it was peaceful and quiet other than the distant sounds of the generic elevator like music that constantly played around the area.
She couldn't wait for the end of the week. There was going to be a girls night with all her girlfriends and then they were going to spend the entire weekend together going to the spa, and the amusement park, and then there was going to be a cute little movie marathon!! Oh it was gonna be so much fun! And it's been so long since they all got to spend time together! She was so excited, she barely heard the door open. Only being aware of the fact when the door opened and the bell above rang a cute little jingle causing her bright green eyes to snap around.
She gasped. "Obi!"
The slightly smaller black haired that walked in barely reacted to her. Maybe it was because he didn't get a chance to before she squealed excitedly and rushed him. Pulling him into a nearly bone crushing hug and literally lifting the man off his feet.
"I missed you so much!"
"Ish omly beem a few hours," he replied to the best of his abilities half muffled by the fact she was crushing him into herself.
She squeezed him just a bit tighter for a second or two. "Mm mm!" Before finally releasing him back onto his feet allowing him to wheeze for air, but by now he was used to it after being together for so long. "You're always so sweet coming to see me at work!" She gushed grasping her cheeks.
It took him a few seconds to collect himself but he was able to recover from his girlfriend's usual greeting and looked at her evenly. "I'm happy you seem to be in better spirits." Mitch matched eyes glanced partially past her and made contact with a wiping cloth and a bottle of glass cleaner abandoned on top of the display case of delicious pastries. "Is your shift over with yet?"
"Almost! I'm just cleaning up and getting ready to clean out the display case. You know what that means!" She gushed brightly at the thought. "Which means lots of free leftovers for us tonight! It's gonna be so yummy!"
"Just be sure you don't eat all of it before we get it to the others. Don't want a repeat of last time." Last time she unknowingly snacked on everything before they could reach Kyojuro's house and they ended up having to drive out last minute and get take out and frozen pizzas. Poor Mitsuri nearly cried for an hour after trying to pay for everything.
Her face lit up an embarrassed pink as she pouted. "I won't! Besides everyone's supposed to bring something! What are you bringing everyone?"
His answer was to raise a box of canned Moonbucks coffee. "This."
"Obanai, coffee isn't a good choice for a potluck! We're supposed to bring something everyone can enjoy!"
"They do. Especially Shiny and Sanemi. They're always tired as fuck."
"And no cussing! We're trying to make a good first impression for Gyomei! What's his new girlfriend gonna think if you do that?"
"Didn't he just say they just went on like two dates? That's not a girlfriend." Her eyes narrowed at him. "*sigh* Fine. But I'm not the one you should be worried about."
"Sanemi promised everyone he won't say anything mean."
"It's not Sanemi I'm worried about." Knowing Tengen and his 'flamboyant' (innuendy) way of talking a lot of the time you couldn't tell if he was flirting, teasing, both, or just talking. Not always the best thing for a great first impression.
"Oh Tengen's gonna be fine! You'll see!" She patted his shoulder before bubbly bouncing towards the counter again. "I'm gonna finish up cleaning now so we can grab the goodies and go!"
"M'kay. I'll just wait for you to get done then." He went right ahead and made himself comfortable in a nearby chair as she happily went back. "Are Hinatsuru and Makio still here too?"
She nodded wiping at the remaining glass. "Yep! They're cleaning up the back! We should be done real soon!"
"Good. I can't stand Tengen making anymore jokes about me trying to steal his wives again. The sooner we leave the better."
"Oh you don't really mind that!,"she sang from where she was finishing up cleaning the display case. "He's just teasing you."
"Yeah. Well I wish he'd do it in a different way." He rolled his eyes at her insistence. "How much longer until they're done?"
"Just now actually." 
A new voice echoed out of no where and both pairs of eyes looked up at who had just walked in. Pink eyes crinkled up in a smile as two women appeared both had black haired tied up in ponytails but but only one had orange bangs and was carrying a broom. Immediately the orange eyed one just went to sweeping up the front where he was sitting as Hinatsuru held up two large boxes, the kind you'd buy a dozen donuts in. 
"Hi, Obinai," she greeted him with a cute smile. "Come to give us a ride there?"
He nodded eyeing Makio starting to thoroughly sweep the floors, moving tables and chairs and reaching under booths connected to the wall. "Yes. Are you all ready to go?"
She shook her head. "We have to clean up before closing for the weekend, but we haven't gotten the front yet. Besides-" She held the boxes higher. "We still need to box up the goods." 
He nodded. "Right.." before slowly standing up and grabbing the canned coffee he just quickly bought from the local convenience store. "I'll just wait for you guys in the car then. Parked right out front."
He left them to it he supposed walking out with the sound of the bell above and back to a beaten up old hand me down van. It wasn't the prettiest car, but it worked, it got him places, and it's what he can afford so he treated it with care.  From the inside he boredly watch his girlfriend and their partners sweeping and mopping up the front. Mitsuri was quick to wipe down the large windows inside and out before disappearing back in and a moment later the three emerged back out. Mitsuri first holding the door open for Hinatusu to walk out carrying the two boxes with Makio right behind them. He patiently waited still for them to get inside the van with him with Mitsuri leaning over to give a large kiss to his cheek leaving behind a giant kiss mark no doubt the others will tease him for it later. 
"Hey. So you girls finally ready now?" Regardless of asking he was already reaching out for the key and starting the engine.
"Yep! But they wouldn't let me hold the boxes."
"Last time you ate it all before we even got to Kyojuro's 
His girlfriend whined as he was already shifting to reverse. "I didn't mean to! They were just so yummy!"
"Yeah? Well this time we're holding onto them."
"I'm assuming we're going to Kyojuro's then."
The car slowly turned to the right and began it's long journey down the roads. From all of the places they lived, Kyojuro lived the farthest away from the University. Nearly an hour's drive worth of traveling by car. It was a wonder that Kyojuro wasn't more late to classes, but then again it was easier for him to blink with Tengen during school days and just go home on the weekends and holidays. The drive there was mostly silent other than the happy hums of Mitsuri who once and a while gave the boxes in the back a look but they were firmly sat in Makio's lap and he doubted that she'd let her go anywhere near them. 
The roads continued to get a bit crowded from the weekend rush for everyone to go to the beach or wherever the rowdy crowds took them. For them it was a long well deserved weekend planned out a whole month in advance and meeting a really special guest. He wasn't too thrilled about having to help play host to a newcomer but he'd be nice for Gyomei and meet this girl. With a sigh, he turned a corner and went up a street only to slow down to a stop and park right in front of a large home. They were here. He just wondered how many of them were here already. 
The first one there was Mitsuri excitedly just running up the driveway and without even bothering to knock, threw the front door open beaming wildly. "HI GUYS!!"
"Hey, Peaches n Cream is here with her dashing night in shining armor! And of course my two beautiful princesses.~"
"Shut up, Tengen!," he shouted as he finally got inside behind the girls.
Most everyone was there. Tengen had taken up most of the small sofa laid across it with his head in Suma's lap getting it massaged by the looks of it. Sanemi looked bored off to the side only looking up when the four of them came walking in. Knowing Kyojuro he was somewhere else in his house. 
"Where's everyone?"
Tengen waved a hand too invested by the soothing hands of his wife. "Kyo's ordering some more pizza. Giyuu said he'd be grabbing the others and Gyomei said he's gonna be late and to start the movie without him." He finally seemed to perk up slightly eyeing the boxes Hinatusu was carrying. "What do we have here though?"
"Everyone's bringing something to eat, Tengen. Which reminds me." He slapped down the box of canned coffee on the coffee table between all of them before plopping himself down on the second couch with a sigh. "A little gift from me to you."
"Oh finally. I need something to keep me awake during this bore fest."
Sanemi was already tearing up the box to get to the delicious taste of coffee. The girls filed into the kitchen presumably to put away the food minus Mitsuri who must've found Kyojuro because everyone heard him give a loud grunt from the kitchen area before loud laughter echoed out from both of them. No doubt she must've given him a surprise glomp- CLICK! The sounds of a a can being opened filled the small house as the white haired man threw his head back to just start chugging it down. 
"Hey, Obanai. Did you bring the movie?"
"Yep. A horror one. Nothing like the one Tengen picked out last time."
"Hey! What was wrong with what I picked?!"
"You picked a documentary on Katsushika Hokusai."
"And what's wrong with that?! He was a very talented artist!"
"When you said you brought 'the most flamboyant movie ever' I thought it'd at least be about something cool like swords or wrestling! This is why we take turns picking movies instead of letting you in charge."
Both Sanemi and Obanai exchanged looks- Sanemi took a louder drag of his coffee can as Obanai just got up to start the movie. The others started filing in sooner than they expected. Kyojuro finished up ordering them pizza for the big dinner and came back to rejoin everyone as the movie started. Five minutes in the door opened again and in walked Kochos and Giyuu with a bag of chicken wings from a nearby fast food place and a couple six packs of different sodas like Peppi and Coda. It was all placed in the kitchen as they awaited the arrival of pizza and Gyomei bringing along their mystery guest. Shinobu helped herself to some of the canned coffee as well before flopping herself across Sanemi to casually cuddle not that anyone minded. 
The movie was just about near the end when Tengen abruptly sat up and nearly knocked over Kanae sitting on the armrest of said sofa, eyes alert and looking right at the door.
"Oi. Watch it, Uzui. You nearly knocked my girl off-"
"Someone's here!"
His announcement had everyone going silent for a long moment. Someone eventually paused the movie, not sure who, but the newfound quietness of the home made it easier to hear things. A small cough or two from everyone turning to stare at the door. Obanai exchanged looks with Suma the latter shrugging her shoulders. Sanemi was the only one who broke the silence taking a sip of his drink. Until they heard it. The heavy footfalls of a familiar heavyset person making their way to the door.
They came up the porch steps and slowly towards the door getting closer and closer. 
Heavy and loud but gentle knocks reverberated from the doorway and echoed out into the large living room. No one made a move to get up stunned and after a moment, they came again a little louder this time.
"Maybe we have the wrong address?"
"No. I've been here plenty of times. This is the correct house."
Two voices came from behind the door one familiar one not but it was enough to get Kyojuro to place down his bottle of water and get off the couch. 
"It's strange that no one answered by now though."
"Maybe we're the first ones here? But we did say we'd be running late..Did they go to a movie theater or something?"
Any voices quieted when his footfalls approached the door and he stood there a moment, taking a second to look back to everyone else who still stared silently, before reaching out to grab the doorknob, twist it, and slowly opened the door up. Red-orange eyes blinked widely at who was on the other side.. before his usual bright grin dawned his handsome features.
"GYOMEI!," Kyojuro greeted loudly holding out his arms, "SO HAPPY YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU!!" No else could see from their sitting spots, but Kyojuro's head tilted downwards to the right instead of up to the tall man in the doorway. "AH! You must be the guest he told us about! A pleasure!"
A deep sigh was given outside of the doorway followed by a tiny woman's chuckle. "Y/n, this is Kyojuro Rengoku. I'm going to be spending the weekend with him here. Kyojuro Y/n. Do try not to shout her ears off."
A few eyes blinked when a woman's small hand appeared sticking into the doorway. "It's so nice to meet you! Gyomei's told me so much about everyone."
Kyojuro gladly shook her hand. "A pleasure! Please come in!" Before stepping aside for them both to come in. "We were just in the middle of watching a movie!"
"Sounds lovely."
Everyone watched as in walked Gyomei who had to duck in order to get inside behind him followed a girl, with long f/c hair and a smile on her face as she gave a look around before her eyes caught onto the other ten pairs of eyes looking at her. F/c orbs blinked in surprise seeing so many people blinking but she still smiled widely at them. 
"Oh my. There certainly is a lot of people here. Hello."
"HI!!," Suma yelled out breaking the awkward silence as she waved a full arm at her. "Oh my gosh! You're so pretty!"
"She is pretty cute. Dam, Gyomei. You didn't tell us she was a cutie.~" Tengen smiled widely at her. "Where were you when I got married?~ OW!!"
A smack went off as Kanae's hand met the back of Tengen's head as her polite smile never wavered. "Tengen, control yourself. That's not a polite way to greet someone."
Said man hissed rubbing his head as Gyomei's hands met his face in embarrassment already. Although surprisingly the woman's face while slightly surprised, didn't really change from her smile. Gyomei sucked in a deep breath and eventually pulled his head out from his hands and gestured to the white haired man whom just spoke. 
"Y/n, allow me to introduce you to Tengen Uzui. The women next to him are his wives," how he knew all three of his gorgeous wives were all laid on him Tengen would never know but he was right. "That Suma, Makio, and the one to the far left is Hinatusu. The lady on his left is Kanae Kocho."
"Wives?" She glanced over them. "Wow. I wasn't expecting anyone to be married. Usually everyone I know is really busy trying to get through college."
Tengen didn't take any offense to that laughing loudly. "Well family arranged marriages would do that." He waved at her anyways. "Nice to meet ya! Hope the big lug hasn't been too much to handle.~"
"T-Tengen!" Gyomei's face frowned at him harder but the girl only giggled more.
"Thank you. He's actually been really sweet.~ " Her eyes glanced over everyone else in curiosity. "But I don't think I've met everyone yet."
"O-Oh. Of course. *ahem*"
Ignoring Tengen's smirk boring into him, he gestured to the others. Introducing them as Mitsuri Kanroji. Iguro Obanai. Sanemi Shinazugawa. And Shinobu Kocho. And explaining who exactly was who's girlfriend or boyfriend to you and making it easier to understand what dynamics were which. Nervously awaiting her response and hoping she wouldn't change her mind and think it was weird after all. Instead everyone was surprised by the gentle and kind smile on her face making her look so adorable as she bowed. 
"I'm happy to meet you all! It's so nice to meet Gyomei's friends! Uh- Boyfriends and girlfriends. Or..." She slowly stood straight again with a confused scrunch to her face. "...What do you all refer to each other as?" 
"We call our significant other by the regular boyfriend or girlfriend title otherwise we just call each other out partners," Shinobu explained with a smile, "Other than Tengen since he's really the only one married." She gestured referring to his wives. 
"Oh! I'll keep that in mind then."
"What do you have in that box?"
It was the first time someone mentioned the box she was carrying and pointed it out. It was just a plain bakery like box, the kind Hinatsuru was carrying earlier. She smiled wider at them all. 
"Y/n remembered me mentioning that Sanemi liked ohagi." Sanemi's eyes snapped up at the mention of his favorite food. Hand paused mid sip as he glanced up at Gyomei's smiling face. "She brought along some to share-"
"Ohagi?" She nodded and opened her mouth but Sanemi was already standing up and descended upon her. Blinking as he was leaning over her suddenly and his hands roughly pushed the box open. His smile widening as the delicious scent of red bean ohagi hot him. "Fuck yeah! Thanks, Mei! I didn't think they sold 'em this late."
That's right. Gyomei mentioned that the cafe he took you too sold his friend's favorite ohagi. She blinked as he just roughly grabbed one of the ohagis and took a massive bite nearly swallowing it whole. A pleased noise left his mouth as the sweet taste hit him and he continued devouring onto a second one pulled up from the box with a third in the other hand. 
"So good!," he managed to get out between bites as he continued eating.  "Mei, I owe you one."
"I-..Well thank you but I didn't buy them." His large hand patted the new woman on the back. "Y/n here made them herself." Sanemi paused comically mid bite. "That's why we were late. I'm afraid it took a little longer than expected for her to get off work and make them all."
She nodded smiling. "I'm glad you like them though. I've only made them a handful of times."
"Did I miss something?," a new voice asked from the kitchen just as Giyuu appeared from the kitchen carrying a drink and what looked like a donut swiped from what the girls brought 
"Ah. Giyuu, right on time." Gyomei gestured with a smile. "Y/n this is Giyuu Tomioka. He's taking the same health course you are so you both might know each other."
You stared at him for a second before nodding. "I vaguely remember you but I don't think we actually talked before. You're taking the health course too."
He nodded. "Working on a bachelor's degree in physical education, and the health classes will help me improve my skills as a p.e. teacher."
"Oh! So you're studying to become a teacher too?"
He nodded. "All of us are. Why are you taking the same classes?" The blunt way he asked could've been rude to anyone and got a concerned look from Gyomei but she didn't bat an eye.
"I'm studying a degree in baking and pastry arts and the health classes help me understand people's health better. You never know if someone has special dietary needs or allergies."
"Huh... That's very observant. Would you like something to drink? Coda alright?"
She nodded. "That'd be fine."
"In the meantime why don't you two come join us for the rest of the movie?" Kyojuro motioned for Tengen and the girls to move over making room for the you and Gyomei on one of the sofas. "It's a good movie and pizza should be arriving any moment now."
"I'd love to!"
Giyuu was nice enough to take the box of ohagi to the kitchen before Sanemi- ate it all, and the both of you were settled down to watch the rest of the movie or in Gyomei's case listen. Pizza arrived a little bit later and it too was taken to the kitchen before Giyuu handed you a cup of soda with a thanks from you. The movie was alright but it didn't make much sense since you didn't see the entire story however judging by everyone's else's reaction it must've been at least a compelling story. Afterwards Obanai and who you remembered was called Makio offered to get up to get pizza for everyone. 
"Oh finally. At least something worthwhile."
Kanae shot her boyfriend a glare. "Sanemi, don't be mean! It was Obi's turn to pick the movie and we have a guest here!" She scolded him.
"Tch! Whatever!" Sanemi grumbled in annoyed defeat leaning back where he sat, crossing his scar littered arms and throwing one leg over the over. "The whole day's been boring."
"Well it's true," he countered at Kanae when she frowned at him. Directing a hand towards the big screen. "When Obanai said he'd be bringing the movie, I was expecting something actually scary like The Exorcism or Night of the Living Corpse! Both of those are scary. But no. Instead he brings a documentary on Pythons."
"It is not a documentary!" Mitch-matched green and yellow eyes narrowed at Sanemi from the doorway to the kitchen. An accusing hand pointing at the bored looking white haired man. "Mutant Boss is an excellent horror flick that you just don't appreciate the complex storytelling behind."
"It's about a mad scientist that mutates a couple lizards and they eat people until the hero tricks them into going inside a junkyard incinerator that burns them to death. What complex story is there?! It's not even scary!"
"Excuse me!? Being swallowed whole by a giant snake IS terrifying! And the story is only half about the snakes! How about the deformed doctor who lost everything and sacrificed himself for his best friend who he secretly loved?!"
"Just admit you have a fetish!"
"OK!! SUBJECT CHANGE!" Rengoku yelled out holding up his hands before anymore arguing could be done between the two of them and to their credit both of them didn't say anything but still glared at each other. With a sigh his hand reached up to rub at his face. "Sorry about that." Eyes glanced towards the newest woman who didn't look the least bit bothered. "They're like this a lot but I promise they're not usually this ..rude."
A sound pierced the air. One that had Sanemi pausing in his motion of bringing the canned coffee to his lips and just about made everyone else freeze as multiple eyes blinked at the woman giggling and smiling at them all.
"It's alright. I don't really mind a bit. Please don't feel like you have to act differently on my account. I really want to know everyone."
"Oh good. At least I don't have to worry about walking on eggshells anymore." The man known as Tengen sighed before just throwing an arms around both Sanemi and one of his wives, Suma if she remembered right. "Y'know...If you guys are bored n' really want something to do, I got-"
"Hell. No " Eyes scowled up to Tengen's bored face as Sanemi simultaneously leaned out of his arm and firmly placed the can back down in the coffee table in front of them. "For the last time we are NOT doing your stupid push up game!"
F/c blinked at him. Curiosity peeking out with the blink of lashes. "Push up game?"
"Yeah! It's this real fun idea Tengen came up with!," Suma gushed waving an arm excitedly. "It's a challenge! All the guys do push ups with one of us sitting on their backs and whoever lasts the longest wins!"
"Yeah but Sanemi and Obanai never wanna do it." Tengen chastised rolling his eyes boredly and slinging one arm behind his head. "Killjoys. They never want to do anything fun."
If anger had a picture in the dictionary, Sanemi would be it with the way he snapped at his friend and partner. "Yeah! Fun things! I actually do those! Your idea isn't fun, it's fucking stupid as shit!" Obanai made a noise of agreement from the kitchen. "A push up contest? That's middle school crap!"
"You won't let me paint you or do any of my ideas. I swear it's like you hate my stuff." ...a smirk appeared on his face then. "But I know you don't really hate the idea. It's something else.~"
"Oh sure." He rolled his eyes hard grabbing his drink again to occupy himself. "And what do tell is this 'something else'?"
"You're fucking weaker than I am with your wussy muscles."
F/x eyes blinked as a weak can had no chance and was cushed by a stiffened hand around it's weak metal body. The soft metal crinkle sound of a can being crushed was enough to signify the situation to Gyomei, whom only sighed and reached up to rub his face something like 'goodness here we go' leaving his mouth. Silence stilled as Sanemi went unusually silent, veins popping up along his arms and his forehead as black pupils went small. Ever so slowly, one white haired man looked at the other.
"What did you fucking say to me?," Sanemi asked slowly almost inhumanly so. His left eyelid twitching twice.
"You heard me,~" Tengen sing songed out with a smirk, showing not an ounce of fear towards the admittedly scary face. "You're weak compared to me. A mouse. Miniscule-"
"You fucking take that back right the fuck now, Uzui."
"No." His face fully turned that smirk to him now leaning closer to be in Sanemi's face. "You can just prove it instead."
"FINE!" A thudding was heard as the can was thrown on the coffee table and a hand was pointed straight to Tengen's Cheshire cat grin. "But you're going to fucking eat those words when I fucking beat you at your stupid game!!"
"Finally!" Tengen leaned back up with a smile. "We can have everyone participate!"
"Yeah. No. Count me out."
"C'mon, Obi. It's all in good fun," Mitsuri gently tugged on her boyfriend's shirt where it held onto his shoulder. "You can lift me up on your back."
Those different eyes widened at her in an instant. ".....Oh alright. But just this once." Eyes narrowed at Tengen who barked a laugh at him. Predictable. It made the man narrow his eyes and cross his arms. "And only if the prize is worth the effort. What does the winner get anyways?"
"That's a good point," Shinobu pointed out, "You never told us what the winners get. So cough it up."
Tengen hummed. "How about a free painting? Ill draw anything you want."
"I'm not doing any manual labor for a painting!"
"We'll bet a hundred dollars each!", Sanemi declared giving a devious smile. "Whoever wins gets the money!"
"Fifty bucks each! Some of us are broker than others!," Giyuu butted in.
"Deal! But on one condition," Tengen quickly agreed with a bright smile, "The money can only be used for the winner's girlfriend for their date night. After all it's nearly Christmas. We need to spoil our darlings.~"
"FINE!! Oh I'm going to use your face to wipe the floors when I'm done!" Sanemi grinned deviously wider as he abruptly stood up still clenching his fists.
"HA! We'll see about that! I'm already thinking about how I'm going to be giving my wives' the most romantic night of their lives.~
He too stood up as Rengoku turned to Giyuu. "I think I'll join! Sounds like fun! What about you?"
Giyuu didn't answer him at first, calmly finishing whatever it was he was drinking and looking at Shinobu. "I would like to treat you to a nice dinner." He bluntly told her as her ever smiling face looked at him. "Should we try?"
"Why not? It'll be a fun challenge, and I'd like to run it into everyone's faces."
"Oi! Babe, get over here and sit on my back!"
"Kyojuro can borrow Makio-"
"Count me out," Makio stated bluntly from where she stood still leaning against the wall. "Someone has to be the ref anyways, so I'll do it."
"Ok! Kyo can borrow Hinatsuru then and I'll take Suma!"
F/c eyes still blinked watching with an amused smile. Quite a lively bunch. Weren't they? Gyomei sighed next to you tiredly but smiled despite himself as the sounds of scraping furniture being moved around to make room for the lot of them all shuffling around into place. Murmuring about how fun this was going to be of how stupid it was or that they were going to kick Tengen's ass. Good thing Rengoku's home happened to have a very large living room.
"Hey, Gyomei!," Rengoku called making the man blink. "Come join us! It'll be fun!"
Gyomei blinked surprised his way before holding up a hand. "No. I better not. Makio said she did not want to participate."
"Have your girlfriend there sit on your back then!"
A choke sound escaped Gyomei's throat as he blinked Tengen's way. "I beg your pardon?!"
"You know what I mean. C'mon. She can sit on your back and act as weights. The rest of us are doing it too and I'm sure she doesn't mind."
"Now Y-You see here, Tengen," he sternly said brows furrowing, "I am not about to ask her to subject herself to that just for a silly game. Especially something so...I-Intimate."
"Gyomei, you're the kind of person who thinks hand holding is scandalous."
Gyomei frowned harder but a woman's voice next to him surprised him. "Actually I don't mind." Gyomei paused, blinked, and then turned his head shocked to her. "It's ok. Actually it sounds fun, and I've never been invited to be a part of a game before."
"I-...I do not know."
"C'mon, Mei! Relax and have some fun with us! Your girl's cool with it, and besides think of the nice date you can take it on if you win!"
"Yeah, Gyomei it'll be fun!" "Come join us!" "Live a little will you?"
"Oh alright." He sighed hearing the bout of everyone else's voices encouraging him to come join their game and have fun with them. "But only this once. I happen to think this is entirely out of the question for a third date."
Despite his words he ended up slowly standing off of the nice soft sofa, it let out a squeak from his shifting weight. A much smaller hand grabbed his in fun anticipation pulling him further into the space they cleared away, footsteps sounding as everyone else shifted to make room for the other two of them. Once everyone else was settled Makio downed her soda and let out a small sigh before leaning herself off the wall.
"Ok. Let's keep this fair," she stated firmly hands on her hips. "Here's the rules. Each guy has one of us weighing him down, if anyone gets off your back for any reason you're out. If anyone of you fall or something you're also out. There's no time limits, but the last one remaining wins. Lastly, you can do the push ups as fast or as slow as you want. Again there's not really a number limit. It isn't about how many you can do.. It's about how LONG you can do the push ups with the weight." She seemed to remember something. "Oh. One last thing. You have to do a full push up every time. All the way down and then all the way back up. No half assing it. If I see anyone trying to cheat, then you're out."
"We get it! Let's just get this over with!" Sanemi rubbed his hands together. "I got three hundred bucks with my name on it!"
"HA! If your weak muscles can handle that!"
Sanemi just growled at Tengen before just dropping to his hands and feet. "Let's just get it over with already!"
Makio watched and waited as everyone else got into the push up position, and the girls gently sit down on each respective boy's backs (or in Suma's case throw herself into Tengen's back although their husband was barely affected by her giddy enthusiasm). Gyomei seemed very reluctant to be doing this but stiffened as he felt someone suddenly sit down on his back.
"Here you go!," Kyojuro's voice sounded helping Y/n hoist herself into his frame.
"Thank you. ..I'm not too heavy am I?"
"Haha! Not at all! You were as light as a feather and with Gyomei's strength you'd weigh nothing to him!" Kyojuro have a small amused smile to the pink rising to his friend's face.
"Alright, alright." Makio's voice once again cut through the air as FINALLY EVERYONE was settled. "Ready? ..START!!"
Immediately the air was filled with cheering and giggling from the girls either encouraging the boys on in their endeavors or giggling loudly at the sudden motion of being lifted up and down. Mostly that last one applying to Suma giggling her head off as she lovingly wrapped her arms around Tengen's neck. In the meantime Makio watched with narrowed eyes like a hawk, grazing back and forth constantly at everyone else in front of her the same way a drill Sargent would watch his troops train.
For the first ten minutes nothing really changed other than a couple of the guys starting to sweat under the weight and physical activity they were pushing themselves to do, in Sanemi's case with incredible determination and gritted teeth. It was only around the fifteen minute mark that the first of them began to struggle. Makio zeroing her eyes in on Obanai's shaking arms and excessive sweating seeming to struggle pushing himself back all the way up with Mitsuri on his back.
"Obanai, you about to drop there?" Her brow rose as a head of black hair shook no
"N-No..I can...make it," he struggled to get out between gasps of air making Mitsuri look concerned.
"Maybe we should stop, Obi. I don't want you to get hurt." Her concerned puppy dog eyes gazed over his shaking arms before she shot Tengen a frown when another round of laughter left his mouth.
"To be honest I bet that's how he'd like to die. You crushing him under you!"
"That's not funny!" "S-Shut..UP!!"
Obanai lasted another three minutes. The shaking in his arms becoming more and more worse than before with each passing second- Before out of nowhere he collapsed. Falling face first onto the floor with a loud thud, and a surprised squeak from Mitsuri as she fell backwards off of him. Makio quickly checked on the wheezing man and thankfully he was alright just tired and was dragged into a chair by both ladies to catch his breath and get a cold drink of whatever liquids was placed on the snack tables.
"C'mon guys. Let's go!" Makio ordered clapping her hands together as Mitsuri fanned her poor exhausted boyfriend behind her. "Up. Down. Up. Down. Keep those push ups coming! You want that money don't you?!"
"Is she a ref or coach?," Sanemi gritted through his teeth but felt a gentle hand ruffle his hair.
"Relax your muscles, Nemi. It'll be easier to do if you weren't tense," Kanae suggested from where she sat between his shoulder blades.
"I would if I could."
Another bout of annoyance was added to him seeing the others barely breaking a sweat, especially Giyuu. The guy was still going on without a problem with Shinobu even having the audacity to be laying on his back looking so relaxed. Her purple eyes caught Sanemi's..And a cheeky smile and wave was sent his way making him growl again. Like he'll be was loosing! HE. WAS. NOT. LOOSING!!
"Looking a little hot under the collar there, Sanemi.~"
He snapped turning to the other white haired man with gritted teeth bared. "SHUT UP YOU DUMB-!!"
A loud squeak sound echoed out as Kanae wobbled from the sudden movement Sanemi made, holding her arms out to regain balance but falling over anyways-
It was quick thinking of instinctively reaction, but Sanemi completely stopped what and was doing and flipped. Landing hard on his back and catching Kanae on top of himself before she could hit the hard floor.
"Sanemi, you're out!"
"WHAT?!" He shot Makio a raged look from where he laid. Kanae looking up from his chest. "THAT'S NOT FAIR! HE DISTRACTED ME!!"
"There's no rules against talking. You made her fall off yourself," Makio sternly said pointed behind her. "Now move it!"
Sanemi looked absolutely mad especially when Tengen chuckled at them. Oh he was definitely getting him back later for this but for now Kanae got up ushering her angry boyfriend up with her before he could get the idea to kick Tengen's arms from under himself. Two out only four left and it had only been about twenty five minutes. Rengoku was next, not because he slipped or got super tired but because he said he didn't want to get super sweaty and ruin his shirt with sweat stains, so he stopped, politely waited for Hinatsuru to safely get off him, before leaving really quick to go clean himself off and grab a new shirt. He returned later to everyone cheering one of the three guys left except for Sanemi who continued to sulk on a chair.
It was Gyomei, Tengen, and Giyuu left. Suma continued to giggle loudly, Y/n still smiled, and Shinobu continued to lay along Giyuu's back without a care in the world. It was surprising that Giyuu had so much stamina but then again he mentioned wanting to be a physical education teacher, it made sense he'd be able to pace himself accordingly to keep up with the other two.
"UGH!! C'MON!! ONE OF YOU TWO BEAT HIM!!," Sanemi eventually yelled at the both of the men who weren't the smug Tengen. "I DON'T CARE WHICH ONE JUST DON'T LET HIM WIN!"
Almost forty minutes in now when another one of them dropped out. Giyuu did. His heavy breathing and fatigue eventually getting the better of him and he slowly stopped. Resting onto his knees and hands as Shinobu perked up at the sudden stop in motion.
"Giyuu's out!," Makio announced firmly as the two slowly stood back up. "Only two people left! C'mon you two! Let's go!"
Everyone cheered and laughed at the two still going. It was a toss up between Gyomei and Tengen! The two tallest people in the group and possibly the strongest in this kept going. Lungs breathed in panting breaths as muscles burnt and sweat ran off their foreheads as it continued past the forty five minutes mark and to the fifty minute checkpoint. Everyone watching in wait for whoever would give in first, especially Sanemi. Tengen must've felt his eyes because he looked up briefly and smirked smugly again at him only aging on the man's anger more before he glanced from Tengen to Suma still giggling on his back...Sanemi paused. Gaze slowly looking at Makio and then the other girls. Gears turning in his head until an idea hit him and a devious smile again crossed his mind.
"There's not gonna be a winner at this rate!", he suddenly shouted getting most everyone's attention. "Y'know what this needs?" He waited two seconds making sure most everyone had eyes on him. "More weight! ... C'mon guys. More weight! More weight!"
"More weight!," Obanai unsurprisingly joined Sanemi in his cheering. "More weight! More weight!"
"That's not fair!"
"Actually, Makio. There's no rules saying there couldn't be more weight added." Tengen looked almost horrified as Sanemi chuckled and Makio hummed in thought.
"... Alright. More weight!" A loud 'YES' erupted from Sanemi. "But there has to be an equal amount for each of them."
"Right! Babe, get on Mei!"
"Now hold on a minute!"
"What's wrong, Tengen?" Sanemi grinned widely at him condescendingly. "Too weak to do it?"
"Of course not!," he panted out between breaths eyes darting around. "But-..It's just...N-No one asked Gyomei if he was alright with it!"
"I. Do not. Mind," Gyomei managed to say between pushed upward and making Tengen look at him wide eyed.
"That settles it! Shinobu and Hinatsuru join Suma. Kanau and Mitsuri up with Y/n. Let's go!" Makio ordered.
Tengen looked more pale but didn't fight it when both girls came on over. Both men slowing down as the four girls climbed onto each of them adding more weight to the mix. Tengen gritted his teeth with a grunt but pushed onwards. Mitsuri joining Suma in giggling as Shinobu simply leaned back smiling. Hinatsuru and Kanae held similar smiles as they continued to push through more seconds passing...But Sanemi wasn't done getting even. He just waited a few minutes to watch Tengen struggle before opening his mouth.
"Hey, Makio. That's not fair to Gyomei."
Makio looked over her shoulder at him with a raised brow. "What?"
He shrugged. "It's not fair to Gyomei. That's all."
"What isn't fair?"
"You said there has to be an equal amount of weight right?" He shrugged casually again. "Mitsuri and Kanae weigh more on him than Hina and Shino does on Tengen." Immediately Tengen's face snapped up wide eyed.
"What are you talking about? Are you calling them fat or something?!"
"Actually statistically speaking-", Giyuu butted in literally and genuinely thinking while holding his chin in thought, "-Mitsuri and Kanae's muscle density is much greater than either Hinatusu or Shinobu...So they'd genuinely weigh about one person more combined when added with Y/n. So legitimately speaking..." He looked at Sanemi. "Sanemi calculated it right. Tengen is genuinely carrying less weight than Gyomei is. About a whole person worth."
Tengen couldn't go anymore pale as Sanemi smirked. "Of course I'm right! Everyone knows my math is always on point!" He whipped back to Makio. "You should join Tengen."
"Yeah, Makio! Come join us! It's fun!"
"I don't want to."
"C'mon Makio. You said so yourself. Equal weight."
"Oh alright!" She rolled her eyes and made her way towards Tengen much to his horror. "But only because you all won't stop bugging me!"
Tengen didn't argue. Couldn't argue as Makio just walked over and just sat down on his back when he dipped down again making him give off a grunt and Sanemi laughed loudly.
"C'mon, Tengen! You can do it!" "Crush him like a grape, Gyomei!"
More cheers. More laughter. More their muscles burnt pushing the weight up and down. And up and down. And up and ..Down. He could feel his arms shaking. Swear dripping down his face as he struggled to push back up. Come on! He can do it! Hecandoithecandoithecandoit! He..can..do.. The girls amongst Tengen squealed out as he suddenly shifted. No one fell off or got hurt thank goodness but his left hand slipped, and in order to save his balance, his forearms made contact with the floor effectively stopping everyone else from falling.
An uproar of typical college boy cheers came from mostly Sanemi and Obanai as they taunted the honestly tired and heavily gasping man, whom looked annoyed but too tired to say anything about it for now.
"You did your best, Tengen!," Rengoku consoled his boyfriend going to help him stand back up as the ladies slipped off his back. "How do you feel?"
Despite his current state, Tengen laughed. "I ju-just *ha* almost got crushed to-to *gasp* death by a hoard of the most beautiful women in-n the world." He gasped out between breaths. "If I-I had to d-die that *gasp* way....I would've died happy.~"
Despite himself most everyone gave a few giggles including Sanemi whom was nice enough to start helping you three off Gyomei by lifting you up and setting you back down on your feet. You thanked him with a smile which caught him off guard and made him blink surprised but you were already turning to Gyomei slowly standing up and being careful not to accidentally knock anyone over.
"That was so fun! I didn't know you were so strong!," she gushed in delight and it made the larger man go a deeper pink and rub at his neck.
"I-...Well it's healthy to keep in shape. *Ahem*"
"In your face, Asshole! You couldn't even win at your own game! Fork up the money!," Sanemi shouted somewhere to right.
"Hey! I'll win next time, and the money goes to Gyomei. Remember? The winner? Honestly he's gonna be able to buy his girlfriend one hell of a Christmas present."
"LET'S NOT WORRY ABOUT THAT NOW!," Kyojuro's booming voice cut off everyone else and gained attention quickly. "All of us are disgustingly sweaty and not very clean. Let's go clean up and let the girls have some time to eat! You all can borrow my washer and dryer for your clothes since I doubt anyone but I have access to extra clothing."
"Actually we packed all of you guys some extra clothes, Mei included." Kanae interrupted gesturing to the giant extra black duffle bag in the corner. Oh was that what that was?
"...You girls just conveniently packed everyone an extra pair of clothes? Why?"
"You're guys. We knew you'd do something weird or stupid and get yourselves dirty." Makio bluntly stated before making a shooing motions at them. "But Kyo's right. You all smell like a sweaty gym locker room. Go take a shower and wash those clothes! We're not lugging dirty sweat soaked clothes home with us!" 
"It is getting late." You glanced out the closest window and saw the lights starting to wane in the sky. "I'd better head home."
"No! Stay!" Mitsuri suddenly grabbed your hands and pulled them up. "At least wait to say goodbye to Gyomei first and have dinner with us! It'd be unfair if you didn't get to eat anything after cooking something for us and coming all the way out here to see us!" She insisted making you blink.
"Really? I don't want to be a bother."
"If course not." Shinobu tugged you towards the kitchen with a smile. "Come on and eat while we wait for the boys to finish cleaning up."
"Well.. alright then."
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maidenvault · 1 year
RotJ makes a point of letting us know that Leia is Luke's sister, they've known this on some level for a long time, and he probably cares more about her than anyone in the world because this gives so much more weight to his conflict at the end of the movie, and I think this is a huge thing people overlook when they argue that him redeeming his father represents a rejection of the old Jedi ways of non-attachment. Because in the moment he has to let go of Leia and his friends to be able to actually save Anakin.
When Obi-Wan tries to convince Luke that he has to kill Vader and there's no other way, he doesn’t really discuss it as an issue of Luke having an attachment to him. I think he knows this isn't really the Jedi way but just like in the previous war, they don't seem to be faced with any good choices. Obi-Wan believes what Luke wants is truly impossible and, having failed to stop Vader when he could have before, of course he's trying to stop Luke from making the same mistake.
But it's significant that in the same conversation, Obi-Wan does warn him that his love for his sister could be made a liability if he's not careful. When Luke learns he has a twin and reveals how strong a connection he feels with Leia because he doesn't even have to be told who it is, Obi-Wan's response sets up how this will play into the climax of the film:
"Your insight serves you well. Bury your feelings deep down, Luke. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the Emperor."
Then when Luke is brought to Sidious, he reveals to Luke that the Rebellion is walking right into a trap as a way to torment and provoke him. Luke gets angrier and angrier while helplessly watching the fleet get ambushed and finally does just what Sidious wants and tries to attack him. But it's Vader specifically threatening Leia that makes Luke totally lose control of his feelings and fight him in a rage.
Luke is basically facing the same kind of test he failed so badly in ESB by running off to help his friends. When Yoda is trying to make him see he's not ready to face Vader and keep him from going to Bespin, he says something that I think is such an underrated quote in its importance to Luke's whole journey:
"Decide you must how to serve them best. If you leave now, help them you could, but you would destroy all for which they have fought and suffered."
Luke is really lucky he doesn't get killed in Cloud City (or captured, which I think at this point could have resulted in him being turned). Yoda knows Luke is the one person with a chance of defeating the Emperor and Luke just about throws that away.
But at the end of RotJ when Luke cuts off Vader's hand, he surely is reminded of his failure at Bespin and sees the path he's starting down by succumbing to his fears like that again. He stops because he sees he's betraying his loved ones and everything he is. He can only throw away his weapon and confidently tell the Emperor to eat shit then because he's no longer afraid of dying or of those he loves dying. He's done what his father couldn't do and kept his soul intact, which is what Leia would want. Because real love isn't selfishly trying to save someone by betraying what they believe in like Anakin did with Padme. And it obviously has to be an incredibly powerful thing for Vader to see his own son able to do this, even comparing himself to the man he once was ("I am a Jedi, like my father before me").
We remember everything working out okay so it's easy sometimes to forget that Luke gives this triumphant speech when the rebel fleet is getting pulverized outside and things overall still look pretty hopeless. He probably expects he could die at this point. But like Obi-Wan in his own death scene, he knows nothing can destroy him now. And it's the love he feels for his family that gives him the strength to let go.
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moonyswritinq · 1 year
losing you — obi-wan kenobi x gn reader
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SYNOPSIS➢You could never resist saying no to Obi-Wan Kenobi when he needed your help. It led to a capture by the Sith, and a near death. A daring escape, a battle of hearts and good and evil, and a climax of feelings could hopefully reveal the truth within your hearts.
PAIRING ➢ obi-wan kenobi x gender neutral reader
AU ➢ friends/rivals to lovers
CONTENT WARNING ➢ swearing, sexual tension, angst, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, depictions of fighting, battling, canon-typical violence, side character deaths, sort of protective Obi-Wan
WORD COUNT ➢ 4.5 k
AUTHORS NOTE ➢ i started writing this so long ago, and am now so sick of it that i hate it with my entire being. i missed posting anything for May the Fourth, so consider this my meagre contribution. hope you still enjoy!
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The thousands of voices that filled your ears and the sharp glare from the sun against your closed eyelids were the first things you noticed. Slowly, you opened your eyes and took in your surroundings. You were in the middle of an arena with hundreds of foul creatures in the stands, cheering and throwing taunts when they noticed you were awake.
You tried to look further, but as soon as you moved your head a sudden sharp pain shot through it, making you wince. You didn’t remember getting a blow to the head, which meant it was probably a pretty bad one. As you stood tied to the pole with chains against your wrists, you watched a few guards drag a figure between them. They tied it to the pole next to you, and left it slumped against the ground. 
That’s when you remembered.
The fight. A lightsaber. Obi-Wan fucking Kenobi.
You two had been ambushed by the very targets he’d been hunting, and you only got caught up in the crossfire because he had asked for your help. He hadn’t needed you, and you didn’t have to accept, but something compelled you to and now you were stuck in this mess. If only you were smart enough to be able to walk away. 
Unfortunately, Obi-Wan was your weakness.
You watched his unconscious figure lean against the poll, and you couldn't help but let your eyes trail over him. They jumped from the way his strong hands hung in the handcuffs (something you definitely had thought of before, just in a different situation) to the way the sun hit his smooth skin and highlighted his cheekbones. You watched his muscular chest rise and fall steadily with every breath, and how his golden hair seemed to shine even brighter. You even let your gaze travel even more south, but it quickly jumped up again from the guilt.
You blinked and redirected your gaze before his force, or magic—something—somehow notice your staring, but it was already too late. Obi-Wan grimaced as he opened his eyes, licking his lips and clearing his throat. The dry desert air did nothing but evil to your lungs.
Finally, he looked over at you and said, “I know I’m handsome, darling, but there may be a time and place for that.”
Your eyes immediately moved to his and you found him smirking smugly at you, which you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at.
“Oh, please, you wish I was admiring you, Kenobi. I was just wondering how the hell I should get back at you.” Every word from your tongue was drenched with faux venom.
Obi-Wan lifted an eyebrow. “Oh, really? And what might I have done to upset you this time?”
You laughed humourlessly at his words, gesturing around the both of you. “Is your skull really that thick? I’m stuck here because of you.”
He looked at you sceptically. “Me? Weren’t you supposed to be the look out and keep an eye on my back?”
“No, well—yes, but it wasn’t my fault.” If you had to be honest, you had been distracted by him. Obi-Wan had sat and talked with you, always being his charming self. So, really, it was his fault you hadn’t noticed the ambush. “You dragged me into this in the first place.”
He shook his head with a smile and tried to stand up straighter. “If I remember correctly—“
“You probably don’t, you took a pretty ugly blow to the head,” you interrupted. He fixed you with a pointed look, but it only made you more amused.
“—you weren’t forced to come with. You wanted to be with me.”
You grimaced at his choice of words, but were determined not to let him in on your feelings.
“And if I remember correctly, you begged me. So technically, you wanted to be with me.”
His smile told you he was enjoying this just as much as you were, and had no plans on stopping. “Oh, you know me so well, darling. I always want to be with you.”
“Exactly what I wanted to hear,” you smirked.
Even though you loved the words coming from his mouth, they were filled with the same sarcastic venom as yours. If you had to be honest with yourself, it hurt. You tried to ignore the feeling when your eyes moved to a movement in the further end of the arena. Two convoys were starting to move towards you and Obi-Wan, with two people inside of them. Obi-Wan straightened when they were within earshot.
“I was beginning to wonder if you’d got my message,” he said.
A younger man and woman was being led out by guards and you could see the boy was also a Jedi, but one in training, from the robes he wore to the braid in his hair.
“I retransmitted it,” he said, “just as you requested, Master.” The couple were being tied to a pole each, the same way you were tied. “Then we decided to come rescue you.”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes as the corners of his lips tugged into half a smile. “Good job.”
You almost laughed at his sarcasm and managed to let out a snort instead. That was the first time the man seemed to have noticed you. His eyes studied you from top to bottom and then turned to Obi-Wan.
“Who is this you are with, Master?” he questioned.
Obi-Wan glanced at you, sending you a quiet question. Who were you to him?
“They—“ he began.
You interrupted him before he could finish. You were dreading to hear the words ‘they’re just my friend’, even though you knew you could never be anything more.
“I’m his amazing partner,” you smiled. “The one who always gets him out of these messes.”
The man raised an eyebrow and glanced at his Master. “Really?” he asked.
Obi-Wan threw you a pointed look. “No, I’m the one who always gets you out of messes, not the other way around,” he said. “If you had just done your job and kept a lookout we wouldn’t be here.”
You feigned offence at his remark. “Excuse you, you were the one distracting me, which means it was really all your fault,” you said.
“So you do admit I am a distraction to you, darling?” Obi-Wan smiled smugly. 
You choked on your words and felt your cheeks burn. You knew he was unaware of your feelings, but that only made it hurt more. Maybe entertaining this sort of flirty banter wasn’t a good idea. It only made your hopes for something more to happen multiply. And that wasn’t fair—to either of you.
“No,” you bit out before you looked away from him entirely. He frowned, but turned away to converse with the other Jedi as you tuned them out.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was confused.
He had asked for your help on his mission because he knew you were in a nearby town, and because you knew how to handle your blasters. Really well. He had always admired that about you, even though he considered them a bit uncivilised, and he would never admit it. Instead Obi-Wan always decided to send a snide remark or comment your way, even when you were shooting perfectly.
“Maybe you should try hitting the target one day, y/l/n,” he shouted the one time you had missed your practice target.
What he didn’t know was that you had missed because you had been staring at his training with his lightsaber. You couldn’t help it; because, come on, Obi-Wan doing sword practices? He looked hot as fuck. It had made you glare daggers at him and you’d thrown the blaster his way.
“Why don’t you try it then? See if you’re so much better, Master Kenobi,” you challenged.
His smile only widened as he studied your approaching, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I’d rather not, darling,” he said. “You know I have no luck with those things.” You picked up the blaster and pressed it against his chest, leaning in closer to him.
“Oh, come on, Obi-Wan,” you purred. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid.”
His mind went blank at your words. You were so close to him now, he would only need to lean down a bit and your lips would be touching. Oh, how he wished to feel your lips on his. He shook the thought away and smiled at you.
“Yes, I am very afraid that you might be better than me at something.”
You moved away and chuckled, taking up your shooting position again. “I’m better than you at a lot of things.”
Obi-Wan quirked an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah? Care to enlighten me?”
“I can think of a few things,” you had winked at him.
The insinuation was enough for Obi-Wan’s cheeks to redden, but he turned away and left the subject at that. That was how you two always were. A few insults thrown in here and there, and even though he cared not to admit it, there were some flirty elements as well.
And that was why he was confused as to your sudden cold exterior. He replayed the conversation in his mind, trying to figure out why it had gone south. Did he say something wrong? Had he done something wrong?
He was brought out of his thoughts by the voice of Anakin.
“Master?” he asked, and Obi-Wan only blinked at him.
“Yes, Anakin?”
He sighed and shook his head. “That was the third time I tried to get your attention. What is going on?” He glanced at you on the other side of his master, at you, and lowered his voice. “Is it your partner? Who are they, really?”
“It’s nothing, Anakin,” Obi-Wan replied. Anakin seemed to ponder his words for a moment, and Obi-Wan was completely content on letting the conversation go.
Anakin frowned. “Why haven’t I heard about them until now?”
Obi-Wan quirked an eyebrow. “There are many things you do not know about me, Anakin. I like to keep some things private.”
“I understand,” came his voice, a bit too smug for Obi-Wan’s liking.
Obi-Wan turned to him. “What exactly do you ‘understand’?”
Anakin inclined his head to where you were standing. “I just want to let you know that it’s okay, Master.”
“Anakin, I have no idea what you are talking of.”
He rolled his eyes, leaning as close to Obi-Wan as he could. “I’m talking about the two of you,” he said.
Obi-Wan’s cheeks immediately burned. “y/n y/l/n is an old friend,” Obi-Wan whisper-shouted. “We’ve known each other since we were kids.”
“Come on, Master, I heard the way you were talking to each other. Frankly, it’s quite obvious.”
Obi-Wan glared at Anakin for him to shut up. He glanced at you beside him, trying to keep the younger Jedi’s words from sinking into him, but to no avail. He was aware of the insinuations that often existed in your conversations, and the way your words were too often far from strictly platonic. He knew you were good looking in the standard way, as he often saw heads turn in your direction and flirty smiles sent your way, though he had never allowed himself to think of you that way. It was dangerous territory for a Jedi and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to resist if he allowed himself to give in.
But now, when the both of you stood at your death row, almost out of options, it put things in perspective. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if he—
A sudden cheer went up in the stadium, bringing his attention away from you. A voice sounded, in a strange language he couldn’t understand, and four doorways opened at the end of the arena. Out walked four creatures, each one horrific in its own way, and led by guards with spears. They were careful to not walk too close.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Anakin said beside him. Obi-Wan hated to admit he agreed, but forced himself to think rationally.
“Just relax. Concentrate.” He directed the words to his padawan, but they were for himself as much as for Anakin.
“What about Padme?” he asked, drawing Obi-Wan’s attention away from the oncoming monsters. He glanced behind Anakin, seeing that she was using her chain to climb the pillar.
With a smile he said, “She seems to be on top of things.”
Anakin glanced behind him, nodding, and forced calming breaths to release through his lungs. Obi-Wan looked your way, afraid he’d worry for you. Instead, you stood still, almost like a statue, looking directly in front of you. Your gaze was calculating, deadly calm, like a soldier’s calm, and your breathing was even. He didn’t know how, but you seemed to not worry even one bit at the oncoming creature.
He didn’t have time to think over it more when a creature with long claws closed in on him, throwing a leg against his chains, severing it. Obi-Wan threw himself to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack. Shouts and cheers went all around him, making him more dizzy than he already was. He tried to focus on the creature as he kept tumbling out the way, every time closer than the first. He went behind the pillar to take cover, but the monster felled it, causing it to tumble down in a load crash towards him.
Before he could understand what was happening, Obi-Wan was tumbling against the ground, rolling in a heap. The only thing was that your weight was on top of him, holding him down. He was too aware of every place you touched, shivering even through the chaos that was going on around you. You quickly glanced down at him before jumping to your feet, extending an arm for him to drag himself to his own feet. You kept ahold of his hand, tugging him along as you ran out of the creature’s path. Obi-Wan was afraid to think of what would’ve happened without you there.
He looked to the side, seeing one of the guards with a spear, taking it to throw at the monster behind you. For a second, he thought it’d worked. But then, it snapped the spear in half and continued its chase for the both of you. Thankfully, right then, Anakin and Padme appeared atop one of the other creatures, a massive horn at its front. He gestured for the both of you to get on, and without thinking, Obi-Wan grabbed your hand again and pulled you with. He helped you up in front of him. He hesitated, just a moment, before letting his arms snake around your midriff. You felt it, tensing against the feeling of him. You realised this was the wrong moment to be shy about contact, but you also realised the meaning of letting him fall against you so.
Obi-Wan let his head lean against your shoulder, ignoring the warning shouts put there by the Jedi’s so-called ways. He was tired of keeping distance from you only because of formalities. Seeing you in danger as he had done earlier, it scared him more than he dared admit. He needed to make the most out of the time you had left together.
“I—“ he began, but was interrupted by the tumbling of droids appearing, pointing their guns at the four of you.
You turned to look him in the eye, searching for any signs of reassurance there. You found none. Obi-Wan did not have a second plan, something to get them out of this major mess. He was finally out of ideas. Your lips tugged downwards at the sight of his hopeless gaze. You understood as well as he did how fucked you were.
And that’s when it happened; when dozens of lightsabers appeared in the crowding stands; they were lit in varying colours of blue, green, and, one particular, in purple. Their light reflected onto their bearers, revealing countless Jedis ready to fight. The rest of the crowd began to flee, previously cheering for the slaughter of the four of you, now cowards to the fight that would inevitable ensue.
A smile lit up your face, gazing onto the new turn of events. Maybe it wasn’t over for the two of you.
It quickly faded when more droids appeared, running over the arena to get a good shot on you. The Jedis were just as quick, jumping from the stadiums to meet the blasters with their sabers. Obi-Wan grabbed a nearby lightsaber and freed first himself, and then you, from the chains. You ran to pick up two blasters, lying nearby a fallen droid. You didn’t have time to think about the others before fire was upon you and it was all you could do to fire off shot after shot, fell enemy after enemy as your aim found its marks. Obi-Wan was soon beside you, twirling his lightsaber in beautiful circles and cutting down every droid in his vicinity. If you weren’t in mortal danger, you’d say he was enjoying himself with the way his lips formed in the faintest smile.
It was difficult keeping track of everyone and everything when all your surroundings were filled with was the light of blasters going for their mark and the glowing of lightsabers cutting into metal. Your ears were ringing, shouts and blasting muffled by the concentration of keeping your head connected to your body. All you could focus on was the next droid to appear in your path. One at a time, to keep you from losing hope and getting overwhelmed. But even you could admit that it was seeming bleak. The numbers on your side were dwindling and you felt a faint thudding in your left arm, which you had conveniently managed to ignore until now.
A sudden shriek called for your attention when the creature from before was charging for you again. You could feel your muscles locking up, the fear setting into them, while your mind was screaming for you to run. Instead, you stood there with a gaping mouth, awaiting the blow that would inevitable come upon you.
Before it did, a lightsaber cut into the creature’s path and sent its head rolling to the dirty ground, its body dropping in a lifeless heap. You turned, seeing Obi-Wan with his lightsaber raised, panting hard. His gaze turned to you with widened eyes. His legs moved before you did and managed to catch you before you fell to the ground, your legs folding beneath you. The paralysing fear was gone and in its place had an overwhelming sense of dread settled, causing your body to finally catch up with your mind. You almost wept against his robes, holding onto his shoulders to steady yourself. Obi-Wan’s arms circled you, his eyes searching you for any fatal injuries. When he couldn’t find any, he allowed his hand to smooth against your cheek, tilting your head to look at him.
“You okay?” he asked.
You nodded absentmindedly. First now you realised the closeness of him, and how vulnerable you both were in the middle of the battlefield. You turned at the same time, ready to cut down any droids, but it turned out unnecessary as the remaining Jedis had formed a protective circle around all of you, their lightsabers raised against the onslaught of droids. They stopped in their tracks as Count Dooku’s voice rang out, loud and clear, calling for a cease of fire. He was telling you how the fight was over; you were outnumbered; to lay down your weapons in arms; you were practically dead.
The Jedis looked around, uncertain on whether it was possible to win this fight. You met the droids with a steeled gaze; you’d rather die here, on the battlefield, than in some dungeon of the Sith’s. Obi-Wan looked to you and you saw the same determination reflected in his eyes. You wished to rather not die at all, but it was the lesser of two evils.
As if by reading your thoughts, suddenly battleships descended to the arena — stormtrooper ships. You let out a breath of relief; however ready you were to go down in battle someday you were glad today wouldn’t be that day.
With the help of the stormtroopers, your numbers were suddenly in the majority, felling the droids quickly and swiftly. The fight was far from over, though. Obi-Wan nudged your arm, nodding to one of the ships. You ran after him, with Anakin and Padme in the lead, onto the hovering ship and it lifted in the air. You looked around to see other stormtroopers on the ship, with only God knows what thoughts swimming behind those helmets of theirs.
“Dooku is making his escape,” said Obi-Wan, pointing ahead of him. You looked to see two slender ships  and a speeder-bike flying at full speed.
One of the troopers nodded, and the ship picked up in speed. Your feet stumbled at the change, unprepared for the sudden jolt in the metal beneath you. Obi-Wan’s arm instinctively reached out and snaked around your waist, pulling you close to him.
“Hold on,” he said.
You ignored the warmth of both his body so close to you and the sudden rush of it in your cheeks. Miles of sandbanks stretched beneath you, only fleeting with the quick speed you were travelling. Ahead, you noticed that there was only one spacecraft left in your pursuit. Hopefully, you’d be able to get this mission done with and go back to your not-so-peaceful abode; all of this were definitely more than you’d originally bargained for.
With another jolt of your ship, it threw all of you off-balance and a shriek sounded. You turned to see Padme fall out of the open door. Anakin reached for her but Obi-Wan was there within a second to snatch away his wrist, pulling him from the opening.
“Put the ship down!” Anakin cried.
“Anakin, don’t let your personal feelings get in the way!” Obi-Wan shouted back, effectively ignoring your gaze. He turned to the front and called, “Follow that speeder!”
You turned Obi-Wan’s words over in your mind. Of course he wouldn’t stray from the Jedi way, not even for you. Had you then only imagined his lingering gaze and touches that existed a moment too long? Had your mind created the delusions of Kenobi’s want to protect you during the fight, or had he only happened to be nearby to help you?
Whatever the matter, you felt it smartest to not be present for the coming fight. You called out to the two Jedis.
“I’ll go after her, you handle Dooku.”
Obi-Wan turned. “No, wait— y/n!”
Before he could take hold of you, you had dropped out the opening with bent knees meeting the sandbank, landing with a compact you were not ready for. You rolled, tucking your head into your chest and quickly jumped to your feet. You had jumped out of the ship a little later than Padme and had to walk back the distance to find her again.
She laid on the sand, outstretched, with her head resting to the side. You ran to her quickly, letting her head rest under your hand and shaking her slightly in a careful attempt to wake her up. Her eyelids slid open carefully, before blinking wide up at you. Her limbs hurried with panic in an attempt to stand up and she almost tripped herself.
“Hey, hey, calm down!” you said, disentangling yourself from her. “You’re okay, you’re safe.”
She stopped struggling but stayed wide-eyed as she let herself take a few calming breaths. Eventually she had found her voice enough to ask, “Where’s Anakin?”
“Still pursuing Dooku. C’mon, we gotta get back to camp.”
Padme’s head shook before you finished your sentence, looking around. “No, no, we gotta follow them. We gotta help.”
You swallowed, nodding absentmindedly. You wanted to help Obi-Wan but you were afraid how he would react to seeing you after the fighting was done. Would he turn you away, and ultimately let the Jedi’s ways steer his life? Or would he allow you to get close to him, invite you into his life as something more than just a friend?
You pondered these questions as you managed to find a troop of stormtroopers and commandered a spacecraft to follow the pursuit of Count Dooku. Soon enough, a castle of some sort, made of a reddened stone with high spires, reached towards the muddied sky. Your craft landed and as a ship departed, speeding faster than you could react, towards outer space.
If that were Count Dooku escaping then that meant Anakin and Obi-Wan hadn’t managed to stop him. And that meant…
Your legs started to move faster than your mind could catch up, praying that what you feared wouldn’t be true. Your feet echoed against the ground as you ran into the cave, Padme following right behind you. When you entered the hollow room your eyes immediately landed on Obi-Wan’s form.
He was alive—barely standing and taking shallow breaths—but alive nonetheless.
His hand was grasped around his knee, barely being able to keep himself up. It looked as if it took everything in him not to slump to the floor. You hastened your steps in his direction, ready to just about sling yourself against him. You catched yourself in a moment, remembering the Jedi’s modest ways.
His eyes met yours as he let his hand let go of the lightsaber. His eyes softened, almost unintelligibly, and his lips quirked into a tired smile. Obi-Wan took the barest step toward you, his leg folding beneath him. You were there in an instant, letting your weight support his as much as his was supporting you. Your arms snaked around his waist, letting your head fall in the crook of his shoulder. His head laid on yours, his hair tickling your skin. As tired, and muddy, and miserable you were you couldn’t keep from the warmth spreading in the pit of your stomach.
Obi-Wan didn’t seem to mind any of the other Jedi’s in the room as he let his embrace pull you even closer to him. He pulled back the barest inch to whisper against your ear, “Don’t you ever dare scare me like that again.”
“What, when I dropped out of the spacecraft, you mean?”
You felt him shake his head against you. “Just today in general.”
“Afraid to lose me, Jedi?”
You tried not to chuckle, but it was difficult when you felt the dangers of the day receding from your mind and all that was left was an immense relief that elated your entire body. Obi-Wan pulled away entirely, letting his hands grip your shoulders for support. Your hands had a hold of his waist.
“Losing you would affect me more than you could ever imagine.”
You grinned as you tugged him into a hug again, pressing him even more intimately against you. There was no longer any doubt as to what Obi-Wan meant to you, and as to what you meant to him. He didn’t care what the council or the Jedis thought; he’d have you as yours. And you smiled at the thought.
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im-poe-dameron · 6 days
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by the blade that kills
a/n: oh i am having a blast with the @sithobiwanevent list. he is so much fun to write. it's also making me really want to begin working on my series i have stowed away for him. but for now i am hacking away at these prompts and pouring angst into the character's wounds. this one is by all means unhappy. it ends sadly, it starts sadly, and so please go into it with that in mind! again a massive thank you to @karasong who cheered me on as i wrote this!
sith!obi-wan events: a lightsaber tipping up someone's chin
summary: hidden away on a forest planet, you make a home of the place that once existed solely for you and him. but when the dark side of the force discovers where you are, he is sent to bring about his final duty.
word count: 3.3k+
pairing: sith!obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader
warnings: UNHAPPY ENDING SO PROCEED WITH CAUTION, angst, so much angst it will hurt, past lovers, arguing, violence, lightsaber battles written awkwardly, the poetry of lovers to enemies, death.
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Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
In a galaxy plagued by the dark side of the Force, the light began to slowly bleed from the very sphere it once ruled. Thus the prophecy was written. One would come forth to bring balance. Restore what was brought into chaos. Yet you never expected they would drag everything into ruin.
You knew Anakin once. Watched as he grew alongside your greatest ally and friend. A man who now walked beside him; who chose which side to assist. The betrayal felt unreal at the time; as if you were stuck in nightmare with no chance of waking up.
You never believed that the two people you trusted most would bring the galaxy they protected to its knees. This was your greatest failure; never able to save one without the other's help.
Never able to remain the Jedi Knight they made you.
The wind kicked up through the forest as a ship flew overhead. This wasn't an unusual experience. People came and went on this planet, searching for others. Hoping to find treasures not yet unearthed by those that were forced to flee. You however hid in the shadows of what once used to a home—a small sliver of paradise that you shared with him.
The lightsaber at your side bounced against your thigh as you walked, hood drawn over your face, a basket of fruit tucked under your arm. Nights were warm here. Unlike other planets you'd been to, this one felt the most like home. It reminded you of the temple you once protected, the land that you'd grown up in.
But even that was brought to ruin due to the powers of the Sith.
Sunlight began to fade below the horizon, dipping behind the trees, as you entered your home. The flames of candles would have to do for now until you managed to fix the generator a mile out. Pieces from your old ship could be enough to keep it stable for years to come, but ripping a part your only means of escape left a sour taste in your mouth.
Bounty hunters were clamoring for their shot at what Jedi survived Order 66. Which left you—for the first time—as someone's prey. It was safer to have a way off planet, but surviving had to remain your number one option.
"Night again," you muttered under your breath, crossing off a tally with a sharpened stone.
Counting them all would leave you with a headache, but still your eyes scanned your own version of a calendar. A way to keep yourself on track if the day ever came where you were needed once more. The Sith may have taken over the galaxy, but the Jedi’s beliefs still remained true in your heart.
You would not die. Not until you were able to watch them fall to their knees.
"There is no chaos, there is harmony," you sighed, shutting your eyes as images of that night began to play in your mind.
His screams, the agony that befell them both. You could feel the mark of horror carved into your still beating heart. One that once echoed for them. Whatever remained of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi only lived within your mind. They made sure to wipe their memories from the galaxy; the tales that are only shared in whispered secrets served as warning to whoever would listen.
You dropped the stone into the pile by your front door, the shine of the moon slowly creeping forward as you prepared to eat. The meal would be a measly portion of fruit and whatever animal you found during the day. Barely enough to tide you over.
You could feel the hunger gnaw at your stomach as you sat at the table. The need for more digging its sharp talons into the flesh of your back. You swallowed the bitter flavors down with a wince, knowing that you wouldn't be finding better on a planet so barren with life. The Empire made sure to strip every home of what could be useful; stealing the riches the land had to offer for their own agenda.
"There is no passion." You sighed, shoving your seat back and wandering over to the open door. "There is serenity."
The code of the Jedi didn't mean much to the galaxy anymore. But you clutched it against your heart. Knowing that there would come a time when things were forced to shift once more and the tides of evil fell to the hands of good. You could feel it resonate deep in your stomach. The truth of what Master Yoda explained to you on your journey to the hidden depths of the galaxy.
Though the Sith ruled now...that would soon change.
One day.
A crack of wood echoed in the air, causing you to go still. You would have guessed an animal found it's way in search of something to hunt and happened across your home. It wasn't the first time this happened. It certainly wouldn't be the last.
Calling your lightsaber to your hand, you ventured down the path lined in broken stones—eyes adjusting to the darkness quicker than normal. After so long spent traversing the woods at night, you'd grown accustomed to the pitch black. At least when you were encased in it, you could hide from what predators still walked the planet's surface. Animals that might find you to be a nice meal.
You moved silently, years of training keeping you steady. It held it's advantages when the wildness of this planet didn't wish to be tamed. You couldn't fault it for accepting the true nature that lay within. After what the Empire already took, you refused to add to that tragedy.
A clearing sat in the center—a place you meditated at times when your emotions more often than not got the better of you. Preparing to flip the familiar switch of your weapon, you heard another crack.
That was not an accidental creature stepping on fallen leaves and twigs as they went.
Someone was toying with you. Purposefully making noise when they felt you were at a close enough distance.
This was someone hunting you.
"I wouldn't if I were you," you said lowly, the hum of your lightsaber reverberating in the air.
A laugh fell upon your ears. Dark, filled with a gruff nature you didn't recognize. Yet the lick of heat along your spine rang with memories that continued to skirt the edges of your mind. You knew this person. That much was clear as you stepped further into the clearing. The blue light of your blade glowing around your cloaked form.
"So strong. Even now."
You tensed, hair rising on the back of your neck. "No."
"Tell me my darling." A black cloak fluttered in the darkness, yellow eyes rimmed with red glaring at you as he practically melted from the thicket of trees. "Do you still follow their rules?"
He looked exactly the same. Yet felt entirely different.
A jagged scar ran along his right cheek, eyes overflowing with mirth that slammed into your chest. His hair was slightly longer, curling around his ears as he stood before you in obsidian robes. The lightsaber in his gloved hand remained the same. But even now you felt its power through the Force. A magnified darkness that seeped into your chest.
This was not the man you once loved all those years ago.
Not the Obi-Wan who used to promise a future of peace together; only for the darkness to rip at his soul the night Anakin turned.
"How..." you breathed, eyes wide in horror as you watched him step closer.
You longed to wake up from this dream. But the soft leather of his gloves stroking your cheek cemented the truth in your mind. This was indeed reality.
He finally found his long lost prey.
"I must admit. Master Yoda was wise to tell you to come here." He grinned—proud of the fact that he figured you out. Years of searching and he managed to connect the dots of where you settled; where you believed was the safest place in the galaxy. "Even I didn't ascertain that you would dare come back here."
"This is my home," you spit, eyes narrowed as you flinched away from his touch. "I belong here."'
He smiled. "Our home."
"Not anymore. You made your choice Obi-Wan."
His eyes darkened as you spoke his name; the sound of it so familiar from your tongue. He could recall nights he made you scream it. Days spent hidden away in this little hovel of peace you carved for yourselves. A hiding spot in the galaxy for two Jedi to fall in love; to hope for a future that would never come true.
"My choice was to protect my own," he snapped, advancing forward—the piercing echo of his lightsaber now filling the warm air.
"I was your own!"
Stepping away, you watched the crimson blade come free—covering him in a blanket of darkness you felt emanate through the Force. The strong cerulean blue signature you once twined with your own no longer existed. All you could feel when you searched for him—all that welcomed you—was the bitter twisted inky blackness that bled from his soul.
"I offered you a choice." He stood mere feet away, but you felt his touch caress your skin through the air. "I offered my hand to you."
You scoffed, biting back the tears. "That was no choice. A life of service to the Empire that destroyed what we built. I'd rather have you kill me."
His eyes flashed dangerously, lips curling into a grin that sent a thrill of fear down your spine. "I suppose it's only right my darling. After all...you deserve a Jedi's ending. A warriors death."
"Fuck you Obi-Wan," you spit out, hand gripping your lightsaber in the hopes of it stabling you. "Tell me. Does the Emperor know you're here? Does Anakin?"
"Darth Vader gave the order himself."
The title dripped with fury that could only stem from one place. A planet covered in pain that spilled into the Force. Even now you felt it leak to your heart. The grief that you could no longer handle. Anakin resided in a hell of his own making; a pit of darkness you couldn't save him from.
Yet that's not what made the bile burn the back of your throat. It was the knowledge that Obi-Wan remained with him. Forever stuck to the one place that burdened them with a path of agony.
"Maker," you gasped, forcing yourself another step back as he tried to come closer. "He's still there."
"That's none of your concern-"
"You kept him there?" you shouted, raising your saber. "In that pit!" The air burned with the anger you continued to fight back. Obi-Wan reared away from you, shock bleeding across his face as your emotions slammed into him. "I never thought you a monster Obi-Wan."
"I'd watch your tongue," he bit out, lightsaber raised as if to strike. "Don't test my patience Jedi."
The laugh that ripped from your chest held no humor. You could hear the sanity slip from your grasp as he watched you—weapon ready to retaliate if you decided to attack him. What hope you held for the man you once loved slipped from your fingers with ease.
All promise of a future gone from existence.
Sith ruled the galaxy with an iron fist. Jedi died by their hand.
What difference would bringing back Obi-Wan from the dark side make?
"I'll die anyways."
Somehow the admittance didn't scare you. The truth of what lay ahead was always something you knew in the back of your mind. He wouldn't be allowed to rest unless the ties to his old self were severed; you just so happened to be the final one.
The last unforgiving memory of the man he killed on Mustafar.
The nightmare that continued to haunt him even as he attempted to move on from it.
"I will do what I must." His voice was barely above a whisper, but you felt as if he shouted them loud enough for the entire planet to hear.
"You will try," you replied, your heart shattering at the resolute calm on his face. The final confirmation you needed in his stance.
His first blow was built on rage and he wielded it effortlessly. There was no shouting, no words offered, because below the surface of someone so cruel and lost...the last remnants of a Jedi still remained. You could see it in how he moved. Blocking his strike, you gave one of your own—the sparks of your blades igniting the air with a burnt flavor.
Years of training with him gave you the upper hand. You knew is steps before he even made them. His lightsaber curving and twisting in the air with practiced flourish. He still fought with the agility of a Jedi, yet faced you with the power and brutality of a Sith.
"You've grown." His words were a low gasp of air as you parried his hit with a twirl, shoving him back through the Force to watch him slide a foot away.
Taking your stance, you watched him circle you. The grip on your lightsaber tight enough to send pain through your knuckles. For a brief moment, you shut your eyes to the image of him and opened yourself up to the Force. It may have been a mistake, but the words of Qui-Gon still lingered in the back of your mind: mediation is a Jedi's greatest weapon.
It's what kept you going after so long.
"The Jedi's teachings won't save you," he spoke through the Force, echoing in your mind. The heat of his lightsaber tipping up your chin nearly made you flinch.
"Not me." Your eyes fluttered open, meeting his heated gaze with a familiar fierce glare he felt in his chest.
You siphoned through each sliver of darkness that shrouded him. Pulling back the curtain that he wished to remain in tact. Until the full force of his agony slammed into you; drowning you in the emotions you had yet to see. Images of Anakin brutally dismembered formed in your mind, his screams for help, for Obi-Wan to save the boy he raised.
You searched and searched until you finally settled on the truth. You caught his glare, your expression softening under the weight of his anger.
"You chose the darkness to save him," you whispered, tears pricking your eyes and blurring your vision. "Oh, Obi-Wan-"
He moved too quickly for you to retaliate or block his swing. A hand gripped your throat, hauling you close as tears spilled down your cheeks. The memories he tried to hide pouring into your chest with a vengeance that broke you in two. But that isn't what made his eyes grow wide in surprise, his chest heaving and lips parted.
You smiled. Placing small slivers of hope in his heart as memories resurfaced. Moments spent here with you, hidden away from the pressures of the Jedi Order. He gasped for air, loosening his grip as he watched them unfold before him. Pages of a story he ripped to shreds the night Anakin turned.
"My love," he murmured, dropping his forehead to yours. "Please."
Cupping his cheeks, you felt your lightsaber drop to the ground. "My Obi-Wan," you sighed.
Lips brushed against yours in a kiss that seared your heart. Severing you down the middle. He caught you in his hold, slotting his mouth against yours with a ragged breath. As if he was finally coming home after so long spent apart. A breathy moan of his name was lost to his kiss, his grip tight and unforgiving. You didn't care.
This was the man who still clung to your heart even through the darkness. The one you promised to die beside.
"I love you," you gasped, feeling his teeth bite at your throat. He sighed, shaky and unsure, but when you looked into his eyes you saw the promise of what was to come. "It's okay."
"I'm sorry," he rasped, clutching your waist as he delivered the final blow.
Pain split through your body and you screamed as his blade entered your torso. You'd suffered a cut with a lightsaber before, but this felt infinitely worse. As if he was severing your very soul from the confines of your body. He cut you open with the reverence of a lover; the hope of love still faint on his lips that brushed against yours.
He held you close, throwing his weapon to the side, as you gasped for air that wouldn't come. There would never be a version of your story where he could let you live; never a time for you two to fall in love again.
The man you once held was far too lost for you to find him again. This you could accept.
This you would carry with you onto the next life.
"T-There-" you gasped, clutching his robes, your eyes heavy with exhaustion.
He fell to his knees with a gut wrenching sob, his face pressed to yours as the pain began to numb in your body. The light of the Force wrapping itself around your form—offering solace after so much anguish.
This wasn't the end. You knew that.
Yet whether or not Obi-Wan Kenobi would join you one day remained a mystery.
"There is no death," he said against your cheek, the hot drip of his tears mixing with your own. "There is the Force."
A soft smile curved on your lips, your fingers brushing the scar on his cheek, as the breath began to slip from your chest. A familiar whisper of Qui-Gon's voice echoed in your ear. Beckoning you into a soft white light as Obi-Wan's cries pierced the air. His arms still wrapped tightly around yours.
You longed to comfort him, to make the promise of more. But that wasn't for you to reveal to him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered against your now cold chest. "My love. I'm sorry."
You stood over his hunched body, your form tinged in blue as Qui-Gon's hand lay upon your shoulder. He wouldn't be able to see you this way. Not as he remained now. Deeply entrenched in the dark side that it would be a fight to find himself again.
So you knelt beside him, lips pressed to his cheek as he finally let go of your body, laying you on the ground with the gentleness of the man from years ago. His eyes cast up to the moon that hung above him. The only light in this darkened space he once loved.
Getting to his feet, he ignited his lightsaber and walked over to the nearest tree, slicing it down with a scream that shattered the still air. You watched him drag it through the Force; pieces getting cut as he formed a familiar resting place. Though he stood before you as a Sith—Obi-Wan still echoed in his actions. Resonating in your chest through the Force.
He raised you upon the pyre, tears still falling down his cheeks, and with a cut of his lightsaber against the wood, it erupted into flames.
"A Jedi's death," he vowed, face illuminated by the glow of orange. Gathering your lightsaber, he clipped it to his side—his eyes fixed on the small house still lit with candles. He longed to see you waiting for him on the front stoop, eye alight with a welcoming smile.
"We will meet again."
This he knew to be true.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 4 months
hiiii! congratulations on your milestone!! i love your blog <3
for jukebox roulette, the song kiss & tell by idkhow is one of my favorites of all time and gives me major obi-wan feelings. maybe a lil fic for him? :) thank you, love u
Hiiiiii! my lovely @creatureoftheunderworldd
Thank you so much for loving the blog.
I hope I did your song justice. I have never heard of this song or this group, and thank you so much for introducing them! I LOVE THEM!
I hope you love this. It's a prequel to How Long Will I Love You?
Love oo
Kiss & Tell
Warnings: heartbreak, unrequited love, dealing with feelings, sneaking out, I think that's it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Qui-gon spent all morning looking for you, and when he finally found you in the archives, your nose buried in a book, he sat in front of you, pulling the book away as he locked eyes with you.
“I didn’t do it, I swear Master. It was already broken.”
“No, that’s not … wait, what was already broken?” Qui-gon furrowed his eyebrows.
“Whatever was broken before I touched it … Master Qui-gon!” I realized who it was once I actually focused on his face. “Master, you’re back! I heard you were helping out Mandalore!”
Qui-gon simply chuckled as he shook his head, “Yes, my dear. You’re right, but…”
“How was it? Tell me everything? Are Mandalorians really as strong as they say? I heard that they have jet packs, live in their armour all the time, and they even sleep in it. Is that true? Did you get to try one?”
You clammed up, he’d only shout padawan when you were in trouble.
“Please, listen.”
“Sorry, Master”
He let out a sigh, slowly his smile etched back on his face, “You’re always a special one, my dear.”
You shrugged, “It’s called being young.”
“Don’t get too comfortable, age has a way of creeping up on you. Today, you’re 19, tomorrow you’re nearing 50.”
“Well that’s a bright and cheery thought. How can I help you, Master Qui-gon?”
“It’s Obi-wan.”
Your smile faltered as you thought about your best friend, “Is he okay? 
“No. He had his first lesson in heartbreak.”
For a reason you would rather choose to ignore, there was a pain in your heart, as it wrapped around and squeezed tight. You took in a sharp breath, “I’m sorry to hear that.” Your voice sounded flat even to you. 
“As his oldest friend, I am hoping you can be a shoulder to cry for him, as he will not talk to me.”
You rubbed your forehead nodding, “Alright, Master Qui-gon, where is he?”
“Where else, but the reflecting pool.”
“But, of course.” You smiled and stood heading towards the reflecting pool. It wasn’t the first time Obi-wan hid himself in the reflecting pool. It usually happened when something significant affected his life, or when he got in trouble after he rebelled. You smiled as you found him underneath his favourite tree, his eyes closed as he meditated.
You gently lowered yourself, fluttering your robe out behind you, as you sat beside him. 
Silence filled the space between you two as you simply stared ahead, watching the ripples in the pool. 
“You really not going to say anything?” Obi finally uttered.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Then why should I say anything?”
He let out a sigh, as he opened his eyes, “It’s not fair!”
“No, it’s not.”
“She could’ve asked me to stay.”
You nodded in agreement.
“I should’ve offered to stay.”
“That was another path you could’ve taken.”
“Why didn’t she say anything!”
You turned to look at him, locking eyes with you, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He groaned as he flopped back against the grass beneath the both of you.
“Come on, you can answer it. Why did you say anything?” You shifted lying beside him as you looked up at the overgrowth from the tree.
“Because I didn’t want to walk away from the Jedi.”
“So … why do you think she didn’t say anything?”
“Probably because she knew I wouldn’t have been able to make the decision”
You nodded in agreement, “Yup, she probably did.” You let out a sigh as you stretched, placing your hands underneath your head, this wasn’t a conversation you really wanted to have with him. You didn’t want to know about him falling in love with someone else. You didn’t want to be the one that had to sit here and help his broken heart, knowing he’d never look at you the same way. 
“Obi, falling in love is not horrendous,” you shifted your head so you could look at him, “Having emotions isn’t the worst thing to happen. Just know that you’ll be able to help your own padawan someday when they’re head over heels in love.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“I do. You have an exceptional mind, and when you’re not being a rebellious idiot, you’re quite mature. Take this time to heal from the pain, knowing I’ll be here to help.” You shifted sitting up as you turned to glance at him, “Any time you wanna talk about her, I’ll be here to listen. Okay?”
There was a soft smile on his face as he sat up too, looking at you, “Thanks, my dear,” he pressed a kiss to your cheek, “for being there for me.”
“You’re welcome. Now do you wanna mope some more or …” you smiled, with mischief glinting in your eyes. 
“Or do you wanna sneak out of the temple for old times sake, hit Dex’s Diner, and then hop the transport ships heading down to the lower levels? See how many jumps we can do from one transport to the next without having to stop for more than five minutes?”
“You’re on.”
You chuckled as you stood heading towards the lower level entrance that no one ever used. Even though it’s not what you would’ve hoped for, any time you got to spend with Obi-wan was a lot better than spending time by yourself in the Archives.
Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal @crosshair-is-the-superior-clone @totallyunidentified @griffedeloup @leotatombs @leotawrites
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starilicious · 5 months
mere haath mein (echo x gn!reader)
》 summary: reader and echo's love story from strangers to friends to lovers throughout the clone wars (a 4+1 type of story)
》 series masterlist: (please read the masterlist before continuing on!)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 4.5.1 | part 4.5.2 📍 (you are here!) | part +1
click here to read on AO3
》 part 4.5.2 word count: ~1.9k
》 part 4.5.2 warnings: none
》 part 4.5.2 spoilers: bad batch citadel episode
》 a/n: so sorry i disappeared! college took over my life like a storm but the semester is over now which means back to posting! i hope you all enjoyed the last season of our favs... it was such a bittersweet ending and i'm going to miss watching the show. :(( but in other news, here is the original a/n i had of this part of the fic sitting in my drafts: i lied, 4.5.2 is a longer part than i thought it would originally be LOL but enjoy!!! also, instead of fives dying, i had him disappear off the face of the galaxy. he tells anakin and rex about the chips, but he’s able to get out of that warehouse place alive because i truly despise the fact that echo is the only one left of domino squad… it makes me sad ksdfhgksdf
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४.५.१ (4.5.2)
Your personal commlink crackles to life. A staticky voice comes through as you struggle to hear the message. You swiftly link it to your monitor, boosting the long-range signal the best you can.
“–stro? It’s Rex. Can you hear me? We… –und him. Come to dock...–bay six at 1600.”
The channel closes, and the static disappears into silence. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you glance at your chronometer. 0900, it reads.
After Fives disappeared, you became especially close with Rex, often accompanying him on missions where your skills as an engineer were needed. Times were getting rough and the GAR needed all the help they could get out in the field. You were first to volunteer.
For the rest of the day, you’re distracted. Even Arjun, one of the newest engineers on your team as a replacement for Prauf and Sonia, notices it. Dropping tools, tripping over supplies, forgetting your train of thought. You’re just so baffled. Rex has never done this before. And what in the galaxy could he possibly need you for right after a mission?
You’re at the hanger ten minutes early, the anxiety of just wanting to know eating away at your sanity. You tap your foot incessantly when you stand still and pace frequently from one side of the bay to another when you’re in motion, still attempting to decipher Rex’s cryptic message.
And finally (right on time, you vaguely register), two ships dock and disembark. One of them you don’t recognize as being a standard GAR ship–rather, it’s an Omicron-class attack shuttle. Is that what Rex wanted you here for? Some starship? A flash of irritation crosses through your mind as you strain to see the people getting off.
You recognize the Generals facing away from you: Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Windu. But they’re blocking your view of anyone else. You drop your gaze and see Rex’s legs in their classic blue armor as well as someone standing next to him, but you can’t tell who.
The Jedi turn to walk away and finally you can see who they were talking to. You make your way to them quickly. You don’t recognize any of the men but Rex, making you even more confused as to why he called you here.
“Rex?” you call tentatively and he turns around from his conversation to acknowledge you.
Your jaw drops as you take in the sight. The cybernetic legs instead of skin and bone, the scomp link as a replacement for a right hand, the red skull on his armor, the implants dotting his head, his face tired and haggard. His face is exactly like the clones you see everyday, but something about the recognition that lights up in his sunken eyes tells you that it’s still him.
“It’s you,” you whisper in shock, staring blatantly at the man you fell in love with during the midst of a galactic war. The man who found you, the man you lost.
The man you couldn’t save.
Echo gapes at you in surprise, clearly not expecting you to have turned up. He glances behind you at Rex in question before meeting your eyes, seemingly finding his answer.
“Hi, Astro,” he murmurs, voice deep and unused as if he just awoke from a restful night of sleep. For a moment, everything is at a standstill. No one dares to even say a word as you stand in front of each other, unsaid conversations hanging in the air. The wind breezes across your face, a gentle caress as if to say it’s okay. He’s real.
“Echo,” you breathe and throw your arms around him tightly, the shellshocked tears finally streaming down your face. You don’t give a damn about who’s watching, too wrapped in the fact that he’s home, Echo’s home, with me, in my arms.
I will never let you go again.
Echo curls his arms around your waist in a tight embrace, burying his face into your neck as he mumbles your name in what sounds like relief. You hear a choking sob, but whether it’s ripped out of you or out of Echo, you don't care.
“I’m back, I’m here. I’m here,” Echo chants it religiously, pressing his quiet promises into your searing skin and engraving it within. Whether he’s reassuring you or himself, you can’t tell. The plastoid armor cuts uncomfortably into your arms as you hug him, but the pain grounds you from cloud nine.
When Echo died, you and Fives became inseparable, always accompanying each other in quiet support. Both of you were your closest connection to Echo. And then when Fives disappeared, you felt like you lost your fragile tether completely, just floating along like broken space debris. No purpose, no happiness. Just existing within a vacuum void with no life, no resolve, no motivation.
You gently push him away then, taking his gaunt face into your hands to examine him. Your fingers hesitantly touch the implants in his head, and you let out a pained sigh at the slight frown his mouth curves into. Echo’s eyes are sullen, exhausted, but you see his determination as clear as day.
“What have they done to you, Echo?”
He doesn’t respond, instead observing you himself, noticing the darkness under your eyes and your slightly unkempt look, very unlike the prim and proper person he left behind. The brightness in your eyes has dulled, and he sees his own fatigue mirrored in your soul. Echo’s heart aches at the thought.
You take a step back from him, and he loosens his hold on you. You look behind him to see four men–clones, you realize in surprise as you peer closer.
“This is Clone Force 99,” Rex introduces you to them as Echo steps to your right to let you see them fully. “They helped rescue Echo.”
You study each one of them in curiosity as they introduce themselves to you. Clearly, there’s something different about them–you can see it in the way they carry themselves. You shake each one of their hands, reiterating your gratitude again and again.
“Thank you, all of you. I wish I could repay you in some way for rescuing him. You really don’t know how much this means to me,” you say, genuine appreciation coloring your voice. Hunter gives you a knowing smile.
“Anytime! Busting those clankers up is our speciality,” he grins and you can’t help but laugh at his happy demeanor. It kind of reminded you of Fives. A shadow of sadness passes over you, but you push it away quickly.
“Actually, there is something you may be able to do for us,” Tech pipes up. Your eyebrows raise and you gesture for him to continue, noticing Crosshair’s smirk that he makes no effort in suppressing. You weren’t exactly expecting a request at this very moment, but you don’t mind fulfilling it. It’s the least I can do. You hear Rex and Echo quietly laugh behind you.
“You’re an engineer, yes?” Tech inquires, adjusting his goggles to study you. You nod in affirmation.
“Good. I am in need of your services. We seem to be having a slight problem with the suspension support system…” he moves towards the Omicron-class attack shuttle and you follow in his footsteps, leaving the rest of Clone Force 99 and Echo and Rex slightly behind to talk amongst themselves.
You examine the blueprints on the datapad he hands you as he talks at what feels like breakneck speed. “When I pilot the Marauder–” ah, so that’s what it’s called. “–the steering feels quite sluggish and is difficult to handle when we’re in the midst of battle. I deduced it’s due to the suspension, but I can’t seem to pinpoint the exact location nor the nature of the problem even after looking over these schematics for a few hours.”
You hum in response as you scan the diagnostics before finding the issue easily in a matter of a few moments.
“Ah! Don’t worry Tech, this is a very simple fix. You need to realign the thrusters and make sure they’re properly connected to the steering shaft. I suggest taking a look at the control arms too–the thruster hinges that connect to the frame look like they’ve been through a lot, so maybe consider replacing them? I think I’ve got a couple of spare ones in my shop if you want,” you advise, handing the datapad back to him. Tech stares at you, mouth agape as he absentmindedly accepts the datapad.
You simply smile and turn around to see everyone else losing it after watching the exchange. Even Crosshair has cracked a smile, something clearly rare based on his aloof attitude. Puzzled, you ask, “What’s so funny?”
Hunter, bless him, takes mercy on you and explains dutifully. “Tech has been trying to fix that for at least two hours and you figured out the problem in thirty seconds. No one has ever been able to beat Tech at something he knows practically everything about.”
You huff out a light laugh of surprise. “Well, it is my job to fix and repair starships. It would be pretty bad if I wasn’t able to diagnose issues as soon as I got them,” you point out. Hunter nods in agreement as the laughter slowly begins to die down.
“So, I’m assuming you all are getting medals, right? I mean you’ve clearly pulled off an amazing and incredibly difficult mission,” you ask, glancing from one clone to the next, your gaze landing on Echo.
“Not… really our thing,” Tech shrugs.
“Accolades,” Crosshair concurs, mouth moving around the toothpick that seems to be permanently present.
"Yeah, we're just in it for the thrill. Yo!" Wrecker grins, pumping his fist into the air.
Hunter turns to Echo. "You sure it's… your thing?"
You steal a glance at Echo as the confusion dances across his face. "What do you mean?"
"Your path is different," Hunter elaborates before letting out a chuckle. "Like ours."
You can practically see the gears turning in Echo's head as he processes Hunter's underlying message. You stay silent.
"If you ever feel like you don't fit in with them, well… find us.” Hunter inclines his head to the team, and Tech, Crosshair, and Wrecker give you all a nod of goodbye. And with that, you watch Clone Force 99 retire back to their ship, leaving you, Echo, and Rex behind to watch.
“Those are some of the finest troopers I’ve ever fought alongside,” Rex states. He pauses for a moment before placing his hand on Echo’s shoulder, shaking him out of his train of thought.
He turns to look at him.
“You and I go way back. If that’s where you feel your place is… then that’s where you belong,” Rex asserts, eyes roaming Echo’s conflicted face. You can’t fight the sad smile that appears on your lips. Even through all the pain he’s gone through, Rex always puts his friends–his brothers–first.
Rex rotates slightly to face you. “And if you would like to accompany him, Astro… I can make it happen.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, not believing your ears. Is he serious? You and Echo glance at each other then, an instantaneous unspoken agreement settling into the space between you. Rex pats both of your shoulders and departs.
You and Echo follow Clone Force 99’s path, each step of yours carrying you closer and closer to the unknown. You’re about to leave behind everything.
Your right hand brushes against Echo’s left one.
Well, not quite everything.
And when you all turn around to see Rex one last time and salute to him, you know that no matter what, it will be okay because Echo’s beside you. Right where he should be.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 4.5.1 | part 4.5.2 📍 (you are here!) | part +1
please consider reblogging! it really helps me and is super encouraging ^_^
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skylariumrose · 8 months
Lights! Camera! Action! It’s Movie AU time!
Codywan Style
It only took a decade, but I’m finally doing a AU of a favorite movie of mine, John Carter (2012), with a favorite ship, Codywan!
I’ve been working on it for about a year now, trying to get the style of the book and the movie to mesh and make a whole new story out of it that fits Cody and Obi-Wan perfectly. After all that I thought it needed some pomp and circumstance before its release.
So enjoy this snippet of Obi-Wan trying to figure out how to move on Mars for the first time, just like the movie, but with a twist 😉
Trying to not dwell on it, he focuses on the present. Here and now he could move. He had some provisions and he still had daylight. So with determination, Obi-Wan pulls his hat off his pack, loosens the drawstrings, and sets it firmly on his head.
I guess my next journey is happening sooner than I thought. And goes to stand.
Or that was the plan.
For no conceivable reason, when he stood, Obi-Wan was pushed forward as if a gust of wind was under him, and for a brief moment, the air was like water, leaving him buoyant as he moves through it.
Then he was hitting the dry lakebed roughly, cracking it under his weight. He tries again, but with similar results. Even pushing himself up was a struggle as he would skitter across the dirt when he did so.
At one moment he just lays on the ground for a matter of minutes, ire his only companion at that point, his hat perched precariously over his face.
After the twelfth trial, he lays down on his stomach and wonders how this area was playing strange antics upon his physique as he had kicked a rock and it had flown away from him like a bullet.
Perhaps being lighter would help with him being heavier, considering the opposite seems to be true currently.
Taking off his pack was a mistake, the worst possible, as he had gained new heights and distance. So they were needed, he thought sourly as he crawled back to his two bags.
After the eighteenth attempt, Obi-Wan has a mental list of do’s and don'ts.
He gets his feet under him, exerting the strength of his pinky, so that he can crouch. Then ever gently, he stands straight and unmoved. From there his gaze picks up a desolate island in the distance, the sun shining through the parted rock formation like a beacon.
Hopefully a beacon with shade.
Lifting his right leg in exaggerated fashion, as if he was wading through water, and moving like he was creeping through the halls of the orphanage, Obi-Wan walks on his tiptoes. It must make him look like a jester, but he was making progress.
Negligible progress though.
It would be nightfall by the time Obi-Wan made it there and he needed to be able to make camp before then.
Ever the scientist, he decides to add a bit more pressure, press down just a touch harder, to move a half a pace faster.
Then he’s leaping.
In light bounds, like a frog, Obi-Wan finds himself covering distance with ease and landing from his bounces with miraculously no issues! The short bursts of weightlessness, wind soft against his face, and the wonder of it all possesses him like a small child’s near endless joy.
Hope you enjoyed and stick around for more 😉
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Always be my Master
Soooo!!!!! Since the author reveals are up for the @topwan-obikin fest I can post the fics that I have (so far) submitted for the fest! This is the first one, I hope you enjoy it, you can also find it HERE on AO3. Fandom: Star Wars Rating: Mature Pairing: Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Summary: Anakin has just been knighted, and both he and Obi-Wan are having a hard time with what that could mean for them. Neither of them are looking forward to the distance that could be put between them once they start taking on separate missions from the Council, but Anakin has a little something planned to hopefully help Obi-Wan feel a bit better about the situation.
     The knighting ceremony went off without a hitch, thank the Force. Obi-Wan wasn't sure his already shattered nerves could have taken anything less than perfection. Anakin did splendidly, as Obi-Wan had known he would, and now stood before him as an official Jedi Knight, no longer a Padawan, no longer his charge. And now that it was over, Obi-Wan felt not only the sense of pride he knew he would, but also a small amount of loss. He had been Anakin’s master for so long now, he couldn't imagine being anything less, just another Jedi beside him. He wasn't sure he knew life outside of Anakin anymore. 
     Anakin was feeling much of the same. Of course he had been thrilled to finally be knighted, but he was also worried that it meant he would be seeing less of Obi-Wan than he usually did. Now that he was knighted it meant separate missions, being on planets in different systems. It could mean weeks apart from Obi-Wan, or months, even… years. The woe outweighed the joy of the ceremony, and the pit in his stomach continued to grow, he hated it. But as much as he knew he was dreading the change and the possible, more likely imminent, parting from Obi-Wan on Council missions, Anakin knew his former master was taking it a slight bit harder. 
     Despite Obi-Wan trying his hardest over the days leading up to the ceremony to keep the bond closed, Anakin was able to catch a few quick glimpses of his feelings. Most of which were the same as Anakin’s, though even more so. He too was worried about what would become of them after they were no longer connected as Master and Padawan, and he was more and more anxious as the day grew closer and closer. Anakin could tell Obi-Wan was taking the whole thing even harder than he was, but he was doing a great job if not letting it show outside the bond.
     Through the entire ceremony Obi-Wan had been the epitome of calm. He stood and watched as Anakin was knighted, smiled proudly when his braid was cut. Even now as they walked side by side back to their chambers, he still remained as serene as he always was, but Anakin could still feel the faintest buzz of welling chaos slipping through the bond. 
     When they stepped inside their shared chambers and were standing outside their room doors, the air between them became charged, and Anakin was suddenly nervous. He’d honestly been more excited for this moment than he had been for his knighting ceremony. His hand fiddled with the small box he’d tucked into his robe pocket just before the ceremony, his fingers ran nervously over the clasp keeping the box shut. Anakin had gone out and bought it the day he found out the date if his ceremony, he'd had to sneak away from Obi-Wan and his insistence on a training session to get it, but he wanted to wait until after the ceremony to give it to his former Master and he wanted to do it when they were alone. Now was the perfect time.
     "Obi-Wan, I-"
     "Congratulations, Anakin," Obi-wan stopped him short, a smile plastered on his face, though Anakin could tell it was forced, "I want you to know I am very proud of you. You've worked hard to get here, and you deserve every bit of recognition for your efforts. I know you will do well as a Knight under the Order. And know should you ever need me, I will always be here for you. Good night, Anakin."
     And without so much as a second glance Obi-Wan turned, walked into his room, and closed the door behind him. 
     Anakin wasn't at all surprised by Obi-Wan’s elusive behaviour, he'd seen it coming over the weeks. He knew it was just Obi-Wan’s typical and ever predictable nature, the 'push you away before I end up hurt' phase that he had seen one too many times from his Master. Especially since the death of Qui-Gon. But Anakin was not going to sit idly by and let Obi-Wan force him out of his life, in fact, he actually had quite the opposite plan.
     He gave Obi-Wan a few more moments of peace before he knocked on his door. Obi-Wan opened it with a confused look as he had only been with Anakin just a few moments before.
     "Anakin?" He said, brow raised. "Aren't you going out with the other Padawan’s to celebrate your knighting?"
     "I am," he nodded, "but not tonight. A few of the others aren't being knighted for a few more days, so we're all going out next week to celebrate everyone at once."
     Obi-Wan’s mouth opened in a silent 'ah' before he asked, "And why are you here then? Is something wrong?"
     "No, nothing's wrong, I uh…" Anakin chuckled slightly, pulled the black box from his pocket and held it out toward Obi-Wan. "I got you something."
     "Oh, Anakin, you didn't-"
    "I wanted to," he stopped his protests, another thing Anakin had predicted his Master would do. But he held strong and pushed the box closer to Obi-wan, "please take it."
     Obi-Wan sighed but eventually did take the box, and Anakin waited, quite impatiently, for Obi-Wan to open it. Obi-Wan’s eyes widened when he saw what rested inside. A simple gold chain with a medallion attached, on the surface of which was carved in a beautifully intricate pattern of swirls.
     "Anakin…" Obi-Wan breathed as his fingers gently caressed the medallion.
     "Look, I know Jedi aren't supposed to have attachments and possessions," he began, "but I could tell you were having as much of a hard time as I am letting go of the whole Master and Padawan thing, so I wanted to give you something to thank you for everything you've done for me over the years we've been together. I know it’s not much, but I made sure the chain is long enough that if you decide to wear it, no one will be able to see it under your clothes, and only I will know it's there. Our secret. If you want to wear it, that is."
     "Of course I'll wear it, Anakin." Obi-Wan was breathless at this point, completely reeling from not only the gift, but also the thought Anakin had clearly put into it. "This is so very thoughtful of you, and I shall cherish it always. Thank you, my Pa-Anakin."
     Anakin smirked at the slip and replied, "You're welcome, Master," he accentuated the title he still fully intended to use, "and good night, I'm glad you like it."
     With a quick bow to Obi-Wan, Anakin turned and walked into his own room across the hall. As soon as Anakin was behind his closed door, Obi-Wan took the medallion from the box and lifted the chain over his head, settling the medallion in the center of his chest, close to his heart.
     The days following the ceremony were riddled with even more anxiety, from both Anakin and Obi-wan in equal parts. Anakin was awaiting his first call to a mission, knowing that it would be his first time since a youngling separated from Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan was racked with just as much worry about it as Anakin was. Between the two of them there couldn't possibly be a bigger mess in the entire galaxy. 
     They sat through endless and boring Council meetings, the entire time just waiting for the Council to make up their minds on what their next move would be. And though Obi-Wan’s undivided attention was on the meeting and its contents, Anakin's attention throughout every meeting was on the way Obi-Wan’s hands never seemed to leave the spot over his chest where Anakin's medallion rested beneath his robes. Through each and every meeting Anakin watched Obi-Wan with lust filled eyes as he seemed to cling to the medallion like a lifeline. Each time the Council started up talks again about which Jedi to send out on missions, Obi-Wan’s hand flew to the necklace beneath the robes. If they even so much as mentioned Anakin's name or looked in his direction, Obi-Wan clutched it in a fistful of fabric. Even if Anakin was nowhere near a part of any conversation, Obi-Wan’s fingers still grazed it lightly, his eyes closing and his breathing evening out, like the necklace was a way to calm his every woe. Anakin even felt the change in Obi-Wan through the bond each time he touched it, and in a way it helped to calm Anakin too.
     On the fourth day after his knighting ceremony, and probably the twentieth Council meeting, Anakin could no longer contain his pent up energy. So he suggested a sparring session, he figured they could both use the release. And that's how they ended up in a private area of the Temple, just the two of them, lightsabers flying in every direction while they mercilessly attacked each other. 
     The sparring went on for a while, both of them having more vigor then they had thought, until they were both dripping sweat and heaving breaths. Obi-Wan, completely exhausted, turned away from Anakin for a moment, just long enough to remove his shirt from his glistening body. Anakin watched with hungry eyes as the medallion came into view while Obi-Wan wiped the beading sweat from his face. He could feel himself becoming excited at the mere sight of it around Obi-Wan’s neck, stuck to his toned chest in a pool of sweat. A claim that no one else knew was there, except him. A piece of himself that would always be with Obi-Wan no matter where the two of them were, and Obi-Wan had not only accepted the gift but was wearing it proudly and had already become dependent on it. It was enough to make Anakin's knees weak.
     “Anakin?” He jolted, quickly lifting his eyes away from Obi-Wan’s chest and up to his eyes. “What day are you supposed to go out to celebrate with the other knighted Padawans?”
     “Tonight, actually,” he answered and took a few steps toward Obi-Wan, though still a bit wobbly, “once we are done here I'll have to get ready quickly so I can meet everyone on time. Why?”
     “Master Yoda informed me earlier that you will be getting your first orders tomorrow.” Anakin's brows raised. He was excited though nervous, and a bit shocked that Obi-Wan seemed to be as serene as he was about it. “I am only glad your first mission will not interfere with your celebrations, you've certainly earned the night out.”
     He nodded. “Do you know what my orders will be?”
     “A simple matter of diplomacy, nothing to worry about,” he said, his hand coming up to once again toy with the medallion around his neck. It was enough to have Anakin biting his lip to try and keep his composure. “And I will be joining you on the mission. Not as your Master, of course, but the Council feels that we work best when we are together.”
     “Well, they aren't wrong,” Anakin smiled and breathed a soft sigh of relief, “and see, Master, I told you that you wouldn't be getting rid of me so easily.”
     “And when exactly did you tell me this?” He asked, an amused lilt to his tone. “You can't say ‘I told you so’ if you haven't actually told me so.”
     Anakin just smirked, walked closer, and touched the tip of his finger against the medallion still between Obi-Wan’s fingers. “You haven't opened it yet, have you, Master?”
     “Opened it?” He looked down, fiddling even more with it. “I didn't know it opened.”
     “It opens.” Anakin stated simply before heading toward the door, but then turned back just before he reached it. “Really, Master, must I walk you through everything like a youngling?”
     Obi-Wan tilted his head fondly as he watched Anakin leave, and once he was out of sight he turned his attention back to the medallion. He rolled it gently between his fingers while he examined its edges, and then he saw it, the barely visible groove. He popped it open and turned it toward him in a snap, and he nearly dropped it when he saw what was inside.
     On both sides of the medallion was an inscription. To most people it would look like a bunch of scribbles, but Obi-Wan recognized it instantly as Huttese. It was one of the main languages used on Anakin's home planet, so when he had come into Obi-Wan’s care as a boy he was fluent. Obi-Wan remembered very clearly having one hell of a time trying to break Anakin of the habit of writing everything in Huttese when he was still a youngling in his training classes, instead of using standard. But recently Anakin had taken it up again and had been teaching Obi-Wan, so thankfully he was able to both recognize and read the inscriptions, which is why his breath hitched the second he opened it.
     The left side was engraved with the date of Anakin's knighting ceremony, but the engraving on the right was what really made Obi-Wan’s heart stop. One simple sentence, but so perfectly Anakin, read: 'No matter where I am amongst the stars, or how much distance there may be between us, you will always be my Master, and forever be the only man who holds my heart'.
     It took everything Obi-Wan had not to fall to his knees, it took more than that to remind himself he still had to breathe. And for a long time he remained planted in place, alone in the training room, reading that one sentence over and over. Until he had committed it to memory, until it had soaked into his very veins, until it was all he was and ever wanted to be. He needed to see Anakin.
     His head quickly snapped up to the clock on the wall. He still had enough time to hurry back to their chambers and catch Anakin before he left for his night out, and before he knew it he was sprinting through the Temple's halls to do just that.
     As soon as he was inside their chambers, he ran straight to Anakin's room and knocked fiercely. Anakin opened the door quickly, now stood before Obi-Wan in casual clothing, cleaned up and ready for his night out celebrating. Obi-Wan on the other hand was a shambled mess. He was panting again from his jog through the halls, sweaty, and still shirtless, clutching the open medallion in his hand. 
     "So you got it open," Anakin smiled, "I thought maybe you were knocking because you weren't able to figure out how. Do you need me to translate the inscriptions for you? I know Huttese isn't your favourite language, but I thought it would mean more to us then-"
     Obi-Wan cut him off, stopping him with both hands on his face and pulled him in for a fierce kiss. Full of passion, and fire, and so many long years of feelings left unsaid. 
     When they broke apart, Anakin snuck his arms around Obi-Wan’s waist to keep him close. "I'm going to assume that means you were able to translate it on your own."
     Obi-Wan nodded, still breathless. "Anakin. As I said before, I will always be here for you no matter what, but in the end I am glad I am no longer your Master, because I have wanted to do this for a very long time."
     Anakin smiled, one that lit his entire face with the force of it. "What are you waiting for then?"
     Obi-Wan didn't have to be told twice as he lunged at Anakin, once again taking his mouth in a hard kiss, backing them into Anakin's room and toward the bed. When Anakin's knees touched the edge of it he let Obi-Wan lay him back gently, crowding between his legs as their tongues explored each other's mouths with vigour. But something crossed his mind just then and he pulled back, though Anakin didn't let him go too far, craning his neck forward to attack the juncture of Obi-Wan’s tight jawline. 
     “I… you should go,” he started, but had to take a breath as Anakin sucked on a particularly sensitive spot behind his ear. It took everything he had not to surge forward and grind against Anakin. “I mean I should go, I don't want to stop you from having your night out with the other Padawans.”
     “My… my what?” Anakin asked, confused as he pulled away from Obi-Wan’s neck only to chase after his lips.
     But Obi-Wan was faster and stopped him. “Your celebration with the other knighted Padawans. It's tonight.”
     “Oh,” Anakin panted, “oh, right.”
     “You deserve the night out,” Obi-Wan smiled down at him, “we can continue this another night, after you’ve had your well deserved fun with your friends.”
     Anakin reached out, placing both of his hands on Obi-Wan’s cheeks and pulled him closer. “I don't even care about that anymore. Let them have their fun without me, I would much rather stay here with you.”
     “Anakin,” he protested, again dodging his former Padawans' eager lips, “you should go.”
     He lifted up, pressing their foreheads together and rubbing his nose against Obi-Wan’s. Their breaths blended between them as he whispered, heady and breathless, “Lay me down, Master, take what has always been yours. I want nothing else but you.”
     Obi-Wan could take no more, his resolve completely diminished, so he surrendered completely to the boy beneath him and gave Anakin everything he wanted, everything they had both longed for for so long. He lifted him to sit up in his lap, Anakin's arms lifting to let Obi-Wan free him of his shirt before their lips crashed together again. Obi-Wan couldn't help but notice how well they fit together, how wonderful Anakin felt in his lap, pressed against him, their lips and tongues in perfect synchronization. He had never melded so perfectly with another being before, and even as their Force signatures swirled and danced together in a flawless waltz of two people so deeply in love, Obi-Wan knew right then it would always be Anakin. Never again would anything else ever compare. 
     Anakin pulled back but kept their faces close, foreheads pressed together. His hand untangled itself from Obi-Wan’s hair, trailed down his neck, and stopped when it caught on the gold chain of the necklace still around his neck. Obi-Wan watched his eyes follow the chain down to where the medallion settled in the center of his chest, Anakin's hand following the same path until his fingers were tracing the circle of the medallion. 
     Obi-Wan’s breath hitched, his chest heaving up into Anakin's hand, then he all but stopped breathing as Anakin leaned down, eyes laser focused on the medallion, and licked a long stripe over its resting place. He threw his head back with a breathy moan, his breathing becoming erratic as Anakin's tongue now traced it. It was almost too much, his body shook with not only the intensity of the lust between them, but also the consistent thrumming of their Force signatures. 
     He laid Anakin on his back again, quickly removing what was remaining of their clothes, and leaned in to press their finally naked bodies together. He kissed Anakin once before moving to devour his neck, leaving behind his mark in each spot he touched, not even caring if they would be seen. His need for everyone to know that Anakin was finally his was overwhelming, no matter the consequences. 
     He made his way down to Anakin's nipple, stopping to suck and nibble at it for a moment. Anakin's hands flew to his hair, the tight grip only urging Obi-Wan further as a breathy moan of his name escaped his lips. He moved further down, trailing his tongue along the center of his stomach, over his naval, his nose brushed over the patch of hair just below it, then Anakin's head tossed back with a throaty moan as his warm lips ghosted over his swollen cock. 
     “Obi-Wan…” He gasped, squirming beneath his featherlight teasing.
     Obi-Wan looked up through his lashes at Anakin. He was a picture of perfection, painted in the finest oils in the vision of the most talented artist. His skin was flushed and slick with sweat, his eyes lidded as he peered down at Obi-Wan where he hovered over his cock. Back arched off the bed, muscles tight in his arms where they flexed against the sheets.
     He marvelled at the boy beneath him, marked by him, half of him in every way. "My love," he breathed against sensitive skin, earning another groan, "tell me if anything hurts."
     Anakin nodded, not able to speak actual words, and took Obi-Wan’s outstretched hand to hold as a lubed up finger pushed at his entrance. 
     Obi-Wan took his time preparing Anakin, and enjoyed every second of it. The sounds that came from his already raspy throat, the way he squirmed as he added a second and then a third finger, gloriously stretching him to fit his own engorged cock, the way his name was breathed like a prayer from gaping lips. 
     When he felt that Anakin was ready he lifted himself back up, hovering over Anakin on strong arms. He leaned in and kissed him, this time slow, full of only passion and promises. As he did Obi-Wan pressed their bodies together and at a torturous pace began grinding his cock with Anakin’s between them. Anakin groaned into his mouth and Obi-Wan greedily swallowed every sound he was willing to give him. Until finally he pulled back, just enough to reach a hand between them and press the tip of his cock against Anakin's entrance. 
     "Are you ready, dear one?"
     "Yes," Anakin breathed desperately, "I've been ready for this for so long."
     Obi-Wan chuckled, “As have I." Then he pressed down further again, his cock pushing slightly into Anakin as he rested their foreheads together. "If you need me to stop, you tell me right away, is that clear?"
     Anakin nodded quickly, the anticipation within him rising to extreme levels. All he wanted was Obi-Wan, all of him, inside him, completely one with him in every way.
     "Good boy," Obi-Wan purred in his ear and slowly pushed into him. 
     Anakin gasped and arched his back as Obi-Wan’s cock filled him. He was huge, much bigger than any toy Anakin had used while he pretended it was Obi-Wan on many lonely nights. But he didn't want him to stop, the ache quickly gave way to pleasure, and soon enough Obi-Wan was bottomed out.
     "Tell me when you're ready for me to move-"
     Obi-Wan laughed, "Eager, aren't we?" Then he pulled out, almost all the way, so his tip was pulling at Anakin's rim, then slammed back in so hard Anakin was shifted up the bed. "If that's how you want it, I will give you everything you want, my love."
     He took up a brutal pace, slamming into Anakin. All anakin could do beneath him was claw at Obi-Wan’s back, hold on for dear life as Obi-Wan fucked the Force right out of him, and babble incoherent half syllables of his name with the occasional "yes" or "harder" thrown into the mix.
     It was more than Anakin had ever dreamed, being with Obi-Wan in this way. They were connected now more than they had ever been, he could feel their bond grow infinitely stronger, and the love he felt for his Master all these years beamed within him. Never in all the years of the galaxy had Anakin thought Obi-Wan would feel the same.
     Obi-Wan lifted himself off Anakin, bracing his elbows on the bed and hovering over him. The changed angle had Anakin clawing even harder at Obi-Wan’s back and his legs clenching tighter around his waist as he continued his unrelenting rhythm. But the moment was momentarily lost when something swung down and smacked Anakin in the face.
     He tilted his head down from where it had been tossed back against the pillows, only to be hit again as Obi-Wan thrust into him. The necklace swung with each thrust and the medallion bumped his face each time. 
     Obi-Wan noticed, and without stopping he lifted a hand to the back of his neck. "I’m sorry, dear one, let me take it off-"
     That was the last thing Anakin wanted. The fact that he had such a visible claim on his former Master was enough to have him nearly on the edge already. 
     "No," he panted and reached out to stop Obi-Wan’s hand, "leave it on."
     Obi-Wan only picked up speed in response, turning Anakin once again into a moaning wreck beneath him. The medallion was still swinging into Anakin’s face, bouncing off of him every time Obi-Wan thrust to meet him, so Anakin opened his mouth and tilted his head just enough so he could catch the medallion between his teeth, and held it there while Obi-Wan fucked him senseless. 
     Obi-Wan stared down at Anakin, the gold glinting between his teeth, his tongue resting on the edge of it, the moans and grunts escaping past it. His hips stuttered at the sight and his arms nearly gave out. "Oh, Anakin, dear one," he moaned, "I am so close."
     "Me too, Master," he replied around the medallion, just as breathless, "make me come, Obi-Wan." 
     He leaned closer to Anakin, wrapped his arms under his shoulders, and drove his cock relentlessly into him. Both of them threw their heads back as Obi-Wan assaulted Anakin's prostate with every push, until finally they both moaned their releases, shouting each other's names, and collapsing into a pile of sweating, panting messes. 
     Obi-Wan laid on Anakin's chest for a while, regaining his breathing, not even caring about the sticky mess between them. Then he lifted himself up onto his hands and peered down at his beautiful dishevelled boy. His eyes were still lidded and lust blown, still breathing a bit hard. The marks on his neck and chest were becoming more prominent, making Obi-Wan want to ravish him again already. The medallion was still caught between Anakin's teeth, and Obi-Wan felt his dick twitch inside him at the sight. 
     He leaned in and kissed Anakin like his life depended on it, parting his mouth with his own lips and delving his tongue inside his mouth. The medallion danced between their tongues, but Obi-Wan could feel that Anakin was growing tired through the kiss. So he hooked his tongue under the medallion and sucked it into his mouth and held it between his lips. He pulled back from Anakin, sliding the medallion between his lips and then dropped it back to swing around his neck. 
     He beamed down at him, still completely blissed out, and ran a hand through his hair. "Dear one, you should rest," he said as he pulled out of Anakin and moved to lay beside him.
     Anakin hummed and rolled over to rest his head on Obi-Wan’s chest and wrap his arm tightly around his waist. He mumbled something into Obi-Wan’s skin, muffled by how deeply he was digging himself into the older man's chest.
     Obi-Wan chuckled and rubbed his hand slowly up and down Anakin's back. "You'll have to speak up a bit, dear one, I didn't quite hear you."
     Anakin lifted his head slightly, just enough to look up with the most adoring eyes and repeat, "I love you, Obi-Wan."
     Obi-Wan smiled as Anakin put his head back down on his chest. "I love you too, dear one. And as I have your heart, you too have mine."
     He leaned down and placed a kiss on Anakin's head as Anakin simultaneously kissed his chest, and the two very quickly fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.
     An incessant buzzing woke Anakin from his sleep, and his rolling off to the side woke Obi-Wan. Anakin leaned over the bed, digging for the annoying comlink somewhere lost in the clothes strewn all over the floor. 
     Obi-Wan rolled over, plastering himself over Anakin's back and wrapping his arms around his waist. “Why is your comlink going off at such an ungodly hour? I was having a perfect sleep.”
     “So was I.” He smiled when Obi-Wan kissed the side of his neck. “It's probably a message from one of the other Padawans. I never called them to cancel last night.”
     “I'm sorry you missed your night out, Anakin.”
     “I'm not,” he answered quickly, then rolled back over when he finally found his comlink tucked into his pants pocket. He laid back with his head resting on Obi-Wan’s chest. “Trust me, I had a much better time staying here with you then I would have at some over crowded club.”
     “Well, I'm glad it was good.”
     “It was amazing,” he tilted his head back and kissed Obi-Wan quickly.
     “We will have to do it again, then,” Obi-Wan said, then shifted to hover over Anakin and pepper him with sweet kisses.
     "Maybe we should make it a permanent part of our lives," Anakin replied, arching his back and moaning as Obi-Wan sucked a nipple.
     "I can certainly get on board with that," he said, then reached down to grab Anakin's wandering hands and pin them to the bed above his head, "stay still."
     Anakin couldn't help but groan at the firmness in Obi-Wan’s voice, and it certainly did not go unnoticed by Obi-Wan.
     "If you liked to be ordered around, dear one, all you had to do was say so." Anakin only moaned again in response, writhing beneath Obi-Wan’s ministrations, his cock already half hard and grinding against Obi-Wan’s hip. 
     The comlink still in Anakin's hand went off again, and Obi-Wan lifted his lips from his neck with a huff. "That infernal device has horrible timing."
     Obi-Wan rolled off of him, and Anakin brought the device in front of his face. "Just let me check the messages and then hopefully they'll stop sending them."
     He started at the beginning of the holos, which were sent from various other Padawans clearly at the start of their night, all inquiring as to his whereabouts. As the night went on and the Padawans got notably more intoxicated, the holos became a slew of drunken dancing, group shots while standing on top of a table, screaming, and the occasional comment about all the fun he was missing out on. Anakin had to disagree.
     Anakin just laughed and tossed the comlink back on the floor in favour of turning his attention back to Obi-Wan. "I'll talk to them before we ship out for the mission. If I promise to make it up to them when we return they might forgive me."
     "What will you tell them in regards to why you missed out on last night?"
     "The truth," Anakin shrugged with a smirk, pulling Obi-Wan back to hover over him again and settle between his legs, "that I was following orders."
     "If my memory serves me right, which I think it does, you were giving more orders last night then I was," he chuckled against Anakin's lips as he leaned in, "faster and harder were two I remember being used more than once."
     "Well you were in a pretty bossy mood before the comlink ruined our fun, and speaking of which," he rolled them so Obi-Wan was on his back with Anakin straddling his hips, hovering over his already hard cock, "I wouldn't mind taking a few more of those orders before I have to take my first real orders from the Council."
     Obi-Wan grabbed his hips, fingers digging in and Anakin's head tossed back. "I think that can be arranged," he said as he guided Anakin down, his cock slipping easily into Anakin's still loose hole, but he held him firm without allowing him to sink all the way down, "hold on to the headboard and do not let go."
     Anakin did as he was told, leaning over Obi-Wan and grasping the headboard with both hands. Before he even had a chance to ready himself, Obi-Wan was pounding up into him and already Anakin was in total bliss. 
     And to think he had been so nervous about being knighted and losing his Master to distance, he had never been so happy to be wrong. Neither of them were going to be letting go of the other any time soon, Council be damned.
A/N: And there you have fic number one for the fest, I hope you all enjoyed it! If you would like to be tagged for the second fic I wrote for the fest, or any other fics I submit, then please let me know and I would be glad to tag you <3
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purple-ant · 5 months
oh hey 22. for Dooku and Bail respectively please and also 25 for Sifo-Dyas :D
22. Give us a headcanon for [character]
this man can sleep anywhere and in any position. the consequences of years of missions in the outer rim and how often he puts off sleep in favor of a mission or nervously walking around/lightsaber practice.
because of this, when he finally falls asleep, he is able to sleep with noise from which the walls tremble and under the light of all the suns at once. as long as there is no danger/fear/pain in the Force, he will sleep
Rael quickly learned to use this. Qui-Gon thought for the first time that his master was meditating, and the next time he was worried that Dooku was in a coma or about to die
Bail would have shot Anakin in the face WITHOUT DELAY after the order of course
look, in Wild Space, the mistake of an entire Sith planet was that it ignored this man, simply because there were stones more sensitive to the Force than him. and he took advantage of this and pulled both himself and Obi-Wan out of there. I'm just saying that if he had the opportunity to kill Vader, he would do it even at the cost of his own life. no pity, no second chances, he saw the burning temple and Padme's body. there is no sentimentality, just a blaster in his hands.
25. What's your least favourite thing Sifo-Dyas said or did?
he never did nothing wrong in his entire life
yes, there are clones, but this is one of my favorite things he made :D
probably his avoidance of Dooku. in the cursed book, it looks like they started talking less around the time Rael was knighted and Sifo-Dyas was the instigator of it. I assume that this is connected with the visions and OF COURSE by trying to prevent them, he became one of the links that led to his visions coming true.
perhaps, if he had not moved away from Dooku, if he had been another anchor tying him to the Order, a shoulder to lean on, his friend would not have fallen. or things would have been worse, and they would have fed each other's paranoia and mistrust of the system, so that together they could fall down the rabbit hole of the Dark Side))
who knows...
thanks for the ask!!
if anyone also wants to play or ask, here is the post
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rexmeshlasblog · 1 year
Don’t get me wrong
Captain Rex x Jedi Reader
Summary: Rex gets jealous because his General is, in his opinion, a bit too much hanging out with his brother Fives.
Word count: 1500
Warnings: feelings, fluff, mentions of war, use of Y/N, fmc, mentions of loss, intimate moment, jealousy, cheeky Rex, anger, a bit angsty maybe??
A/N: Second one shot and I’m really excited what y’all think. Enjoy!
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“Stop it, Fives”, I laughed while we were walking through the barracks of the cruiser.
“Maybe you should stop telling these stupid stories”, he answered while he nudged his elbow in my ribs.
I told Fives about how I first met Obi-Wan and Anakin the other day and that I almost punched Anakin in the face. Anakin was just so kricking rude and something inside of me liked the idea of punching him right into his face. To wash away that stupid grin of his.
“I can’t believe you almost punched him.”
“So do I. In that moment I also weren’t able to think that he would become one of my best friends”, I smirked back at him.
Fives put his arm around my shoulder, lowered his head to mine as if he wanted to tell me a secret, but before he could say a word we walked around a corner and standing right there was Captain Rex. Arms crossed and with a stoic face. A deep furrow was in between his eyebrows as he glared at us.
“Hey Rex”, I greeted him. Trying to get him into a better mood, but it quiet didn’t work. It didn’t work even a tiny bit. It just seemed like his mood was getting badder.
“You alright?” Rex didn’t look at me he was just glaring daggers into Fives who gulped and nervously put his weight from one foot to the other. What got into him?
“The General wants to talk with you”, was all he said more towards Fives, than me, but I knew I was meant.
“I’ll go to him in a few minutes.”
“He wants to speak with you now.”
“But I speak with Fives now.”
Now, finally, Rex was looking at me. His amber eyes bored into mine while his gaze was as cold as ice. His jaw tightened, “I don’t think General Skywalker cares much about that.”
I sighed while rolling my eyes at him. “Then we don’t let him wait.”
The Captain nodded tense while Fives took his arm from my shoulders so I was able to walk away.
“We’re hanging out later again?” I smiled apologetically towards Fives who answered with a simple nod. Sending me a little smile lastly.
While I walked away from the two of them I heard Rex starting to talk. I didn’t understand what they said but also didn’t lend this a second thought. This simply wasn’t my business.
“So what did you wanted to talk to me about?” When I arrived at the control centre I saw Anakin standing with his back towards me, looking out of the large windows which just showed that we were currently in hyperspace. Stars passed us by and were only a glimpse of light.
He turned around eyebrows raised, “I didn’t want to talk with you. Who said that?”
Rex, for kriffings sake.
I clenched one of my hands into a fist while murmuring swears.
“I guess I just misunderstood them.”
Anakin nodded. His forehead was still furrowed and confusion looked right from his eyes into mine. He felt through the force that I was lying, but that didn’t matter to me right now. First I had to kill my Captain for that stupid move of his.
“I’ll have to go.”
“I’m not going stop you”, Anakin agreed with arms held upwards. “Do what you can’t help doing.”
I rushed out of the control centre. Feeling the confused looks right in my back. Rex wherever you were, you weren’t safe. And I was pretty sure he knew that and just waited for me to find him.
Seconds later, I was still running through the cruiser, I reached out to him through my com and the force. But I couldn’t find him. My emotions were too strong and I wasn’t able to control myself.
“Rex here.”
“Where the kriff are you?”, bursted it out of me. So much for a Jedi having his emotions under control.
“In my room. Where else should I be?”
“Wait there. I’m coming.”
I ended the call, before he was able to reply, just to speed up even more.
Within seconds I was at the barracks of the clones and in front of Rex’s door. I didn’t wasted anymore time and bumped right into it. Once I’ve got some breath.
“How may I help you, General?” Rex asked politely. The Captain sat on his desk. Calm and without any kind of rush. He knew exactly why I was here. In this condition. The sparkle in his eyes told me. Betrayed him.
“You’re in a bad state, trooper.” I called out. The little smirk on his lips growing. Rex loved every second of it. Of my undivided attention.
“Would you mind explaining, General?” He stood up from his chair to walk right in front of me. Chest almost touching mine. If one of us would take a deep breath in, we would feel each other. I would touch him. Not just through the force and his breath on my forehead, also him in his physical form. I wanted to take this step forward. Hold his hand and let go, feel his body, but so easily I wouldn’t let him win this little war. For that, I was way too proud.
The Captain looked down at me with widened pupils and a growing grin on his lips. He waited for me to say something again. And he knew exactly what he did to me. If he was a Jedi it was easy to explain why he knew what I was feeling, because he felt it through the force. But he wasn’t one of us he just knew me that well. Which should scare me, that I’d let him get this close to me, but I didn’t. And maybe that was exactly my fault.
“If I remember right, you told a bit ago that Skywalker wanted to talk to me, but he did in fact, didn’t say that.”
Rex acted shocked, “That’s my mistake, General. May I misunderstood him.”
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms while I was turning around to end this conversation. I was done with it.
“What is that with Fives and you?” The mood in his room changed drastically from one moment to another. The air felt different than before. Was he-.
“Wait, are you jealous?” I turned around to look back at him, hiding a smirk.
Rex’s jaw tightened and so did his fists on either side of his body. He clenched and unclenched them, but didn’t answer me. Although his body language was answer enough. For that I didn’t need the force.
Slowly I putted my hand on his cheek and he leaned into my touch. I caressed his cheek as Rex liked it. I couldn’t believe that he thought I was able to have something with Fives, one of his brothers, when he stood right here in front of me. Perfectly and absolutely breath taking. Rex and I matched and I was 100 percent sure that I would never feel around anybody else the way I did with him. Rex was mine and I was his.
“How would I be able to have a relationship, like ours, with Fives when you’re right here? In all your glory and shiny armour”, I chuckled. His breath hitched while he putted his arm around me. To finally slim the gap between us. I couldn’t quite feel his body through the plastid armour, but being so close to him and feeling his chest rising and falling was enough for me. I was used to his armour and it also made him even hotter.
“I don’t know”, he muttered not able to lock his eyes with mine. “It’s just the way you act around each other. He makes you laugh and I think that you’re not enjoying my company as much as his.”
My eyes widened in disbelief. Had I really made him feel that way? Obviously it wasn’t on purpose, but we could figure it out if we talked about it. And luckily we did.
“I’m sorry that I made you feel this way. Rex, I’m enjoying you around me as much as Fives. I like it even more when I’m with you. Fives is just a good friend of mine, but you mean more to me. You’re my best friend, but most importantly you’re my boyfriend, secretly, but still my boyfriend.”
Rex relaxed visibly. “So I’m your boyfriend?”, he grinned from one ear to another. Oh kriff what had I put myself into? It was the first time I’ve ever said it out loud. Admitted it.
“Yes, unless you don’t want to be it.”
Quickly he shook his head. Grin still on his lips, before he moistened them with his tongue. “I’m a lucky trooper am I?”
“The luckiest of all”, I blushed.
Then he leaned down to me to close the gap fully and kiss me. Kissed me so I’d never wanted to kiss somebody else.
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antianakin · 2 years
The saddest thing about Padme being written the way she is, is that it means I honestly don't know how she'd react to certain things when I consider it.
For example, I could not say with any certainty whether Padme would try to protect Luke and Leia from Anakin if she ended up forced to stay with him post Order 66 somehow, or even if Anakin had chosen to leave with her on Mustafar and they'd managed to bypass Obi-Wan or something. If Anakin got angry, and maybe upset the twins or even hurt them accidentally, would Padme actually try to protect them from him?
Would she ever leave him for the sake of the twins? Would she ever see him for what he ACTUALLY is? Would she be willing to acknowledge the pain Anakin maybe causes the twins or would she be constantly trying to convince them that Anakin didn't really mean it and he was still a good person and loved them?
Or would she be a better person, would the fate of her children be enough to finally shatter those rose colored glasses she views Anakin through and get her to leave him in order to protect the twins? Would it be enough to mean she'd finally fall out of love with him?
How might she react if she were alive to see the oppression or even destruction of Naboo? Would that be enough to turn her on Anakin? How does she react to the deaths of her entire family, down to both little nieces?
Like she'd be SAD sure, maybe even angry, but would it ACTUALLY get her to turn on him? What would be enough? What would actually get Padme to walk away or lose faith in Anakin?
We don't know enough about Padme to say for sure. You can argue it literally any way you want because Padme's so underwritten. You could argue that Padme would just stand by Anakin the entire time, that no matter if she claims she can't follow Anakin down this path, she's changed her mind in canon before, she can probably do it again. You could argue that Padme is, at heart, a good person who doesn't care for the Empire and would eventually be unable to believe in Anakin and be willing to walk away. You could argue that Padme wants to be a mother badly enough that this could change things in a way other events haven't been able to manage.
I wish I could claim to understand Padme well enough to know how she might react to things. But I don't. I know how I'd LIKE her to react to Anakin, to the things he absolutely would do if things had gone differently on Mustafar, I just don't have any real faith that what I'd LIKE Padme to do is actually how Padme would react just based on what little we DO know.
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daddy-issues-99 · 2 years
Qui Gon Jinn x GN Reader
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Tatooine is horrible. Bold statement but its awful. Its hot, dry and full of aggressive and scary people. As a Jedi you are taught to be able to handle any situation but you, well you could do it. Barely. 
You had just finished your Padawan training and were sent on a mission with Obi Wan and Qui Gon. That was the only good part of this trip. Obi Wan was an entertaining Padawan and you got to spend time with Qui Gon. 
Qui Gon was a rule abiding Jedi who wouldn't dare break the rules of the Jedi code. Until he met you that is. You two managed to catch feelings for each other when he was teaching you a few years back and eventually you two formed a secret relationship. 
The last few days however, even being around your partner couldn't lift your mood. 
You sat in one of the spare rooms of the Skywalker hut where you, Qui Gon and Obi Wan were allowed to stay. Obi Wan was entertaining Anakin and Qui Gon was clearing his head outside leaving you alone in the room. 
You ripped off your robes and threw them to the floor not bothering to fold them and placed your lightsaber on a shelf next to your cot. All you cared about was getting cleaned off. 
You had been outside all day in the Tatooine sun. You were covered in sweat and sand without any relief. You were annoyed and stressed and it made it worse to know that you were annoyed and stressed. 
You tugged the final layer of your robe off and fumbled over the pile of clothes you had formed on the floor. You let out a loud grunt in annoyance followed by a string of curses. 
Undenounced to you Qui Gon was watching this all unfold. 
“Rough day darling?” You sat up and looked to see Qui Gon leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face, clearly holding back a giggle at your reaction. 
You stood up and kicked the cloths to the side. He walked into the room closing the curtain behind him. “I will take that as a yes.”
He sat down on the cot as you walked away to get some water to freshen up with. “What’s wrong my darling?”
“Everything! I hate this god damn planet! Its hot, its dry, and its stressful!” 
You turned away slamming your hands down onto a table. Qui Gon slowly stood up and walked over to where you were standing. “I can tell your stressed. I am too.” He said, giving your hand a squeeze. 
“I’m just so tired.” You said in a shaky voice. “I know darling, but its the end of the day now. Get cleaned up and come rest.” He gently kissed the top of your head and handed you a clean pair of shirts and tank top. 
You smiled taking the clothes from his hands. Even though he’d only held them for a second they smelled like him. 
Your turned around and took of your outer layer of clothes so you were in a sports bra and panties. Qui Gon sat on the cot behind you and watched your body as you changed. Not in a provocative way, but in a mesmerized way. 
You took a rag and soaked in in some water and quickly washed off the sand and sweat from the day. 
You quickly put on the fresh clothes and turned around to see Qui Gon with a small smile on his face. “What?” “Nothing, you're just beautiful.” You walked over to the cot and laid down so your head was on his thigh. He played with your hair and you closed your eyes enjoying his touch. 
“I love you Qui Gon.” “I love you too my darling.” 
“You look cute together.”
You both jumped and looked at the door to see Obi Wan leaning against the door with a smirk on his face. Qui Gon opened his moth but was cut off by Obi Wan “Don’t worry, your secrets safe with me, as long as I’m invited to the wedding.” He said jokingly. 
You both let out a sigh of relief “Thank you Obi Wan, and of course you can be invited to the wedding.” 
“Can I make the rings!” Anakin yelled, clearly eavesdropping on the conversation. “Oncourse little Jedi.” “Yay!” He ran over and jumped up onto you and Qui Gon giving you a hug. 
*Down the hall* 3PO: Why am I not invited? 
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cl-01-kestis · 2 years
Lavender - Obi-Wan Kenobi x Wife!Reader
Summary: The war is almost over. There is thick tension in the Jedi temple and you seek refuge with your husband after a particularly difficult battle, just before his trip to Utepau to defeat General Grevious, but neither of you are prepared for what lies ahead.
Warnings: angst, war, canon typical injuries and violence, injury description, blood, nudity but nothing smutty
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The panic in the temple was overbearing. Whispers spoke of the end of the war, rumours rounded back to your ears about the Jedi’s soon to be success. But you couldn’t help but feel anxious. Your stomach twisted in knots every time someone brought up the finale of the war that went on for decades, even centuries, well before your lifetime.
You almost couldn’t believe you’d be there to see it. You pictured yourself much older, in a rocking chair somewhere in the middle of nowhere living a much quieter life. But not at 27, still a Jedi, and still carrying the burden of fighting this war. You didn’t want the war to continue, but you feared what would become of you after it ended. What would the Jedi do afterwards? Would you finally be able to run away and live the life you always dreamed of with your husband, without any repercussions?
One could only dream.
As you walked through the temple, you fought back tears caused by stress. You recently came back from a mission on Naboo, defeating the remaining Seperatist forces alongside your clone squadron, but something felt wrong. You had so much pent up emotion, your eyes cursed from seeing innocents die at the hands of Seperatists once more. You couldn’t save as many as you wanted, you couldn’t think about anything else.
Different parts of your body were marked up from a Commando droid, it’s dagger cutting into your skin and scarring you permanently, forever reminding you of battle. You didn’t see the medic, blood was staining the inside sleeve and other parts of your Jedi robes as you bit into your lip, trying to distract yourself from the stingy pain that tore into your muscles.
Your steps became quicker, more hasty, tears in your eyes as you eventually made it to your apartment in the temple, shoving the door open and closing it in a hurry.
“Darling?” The sweet, familiar voice of your dear Obi-wan called out in surprise. He was sitting by the window on your lounge chair, a cup of tea beside the laminate table next to him. He offered you a smile, but it immediately died when he saw the state you were in, when he saw the tear that ran down your cheek, the tear stinging a cut near your jawline.
“Maker, (Y/N), what happened?” He sat up quickly, running over to you and immediately wrapping you up in his arms. You didn’t say anything, instead bursting into tears and clinging to his robes in panic. You sobbed against his chest, your body trembling violently in his arms as he stroked your back and kept you as close as possible.
“You’re safe now, sweetheart, they can’t hurt you now” He didn’t read your mind to know you’d been attacked, the cuts and slices through your robes told him enough. Seeing your blood sleep through the fabrics of your uniform made him seethe in anger.
“I couldn’t save them” You choked, your tears staining Obi-wan’s collar. He swayed you in his arms in an attempt to calm you down, running one of his hands through your hair and keeping his lips firmly pressed to your forehead.
“Tell me what happened” Your husband gently pulled away from you, his arms still wrapped around you. Your hands relaxed on his robes, causing crinkles in the material, but he didn’t mind one bit.
“W-we were on Naboo, there were civilians,” You tried wiping some tears away but they kept coming back.
“The droids slaughtered them, I tried to save everyone but I didn’t make it in time” You started hyperventilating, your body trembling as you blinked through your tears. Your husbands eyes glistened, but his tears didn’t fall. He listened closely as you described what happened, and he knew the feeling of guilt all too well. This wasn’t the first time you couldn’t save civilians, but there were children on Naboo, and their mothers who were too scared to move. Their fathers had been slaughtered already, and you couldn’t even save their families in the end. It crushed you to no end.
“I’m sorry you couldn’t get to them in time, but it’s not your fault” Obi-wan cupped your face with both hands and tilted your head up so you could look into his eyes. You sniffed, shaking your head and closing your eyes to prevent any more tears.
“Come, let’s get you cleaned up” Your husband whispered.
Obi-wan ran a bath for you as you got undressed, wincing as you peeled off the bloody robes from your sticky and drying wounds. You were a mess, dirt and blood stained almost every part of your body, you didn’t want Obi-wan to see so you wrapped yourself in a towel.
Your husband came out of your shared bathroom and offered you his hand. You realised he removed his top layer of his robes and rolled his sleeves up. He was going to help you clean up.
Obi-wan did this many times since you first dated 4 years ago, his sole purpose in the relationship was to love and protect you. That’s all he ever wanted, it gave him closure beyond comprehension. As his wife, seeing you get hurt was the worst feeling, it made him feel like he failed somehow. And even now, seeing you wrapped up in a towel to save his eyes from the damage caused to your body, he couldn’t help but feel like he should’ve been there to defend you.
You took his hand, your feet patting against the carpet of your suite as you followed him into the bathroom. The room smelled of lavender, but there were no bubbles in the bath. The smell might’ve originated from a candle, or a diffuser. You couldn’t care less at the moment.
Your husband helped you step into the bath, looking at your face to save you any humiliation as you unravelled the towel from your shaking body. As soon as your body was bare to his eyes, you let go of his hand and submerged under the clear water, bringing your knees to your chest. Obi-wan had seen you naked many times before, he knew every inch of your skin like the back of his hand, he spent years memorising every crevice and curve. You were a work of art to his eyes, and it pained him to no end to see you shy away from him because of your wounds.
Your knees were scuffed, he assumed you might’ve tripped and fallen during battle, but the scrapes and bruises on your thighs proved to be worse. Obi-wan sat on the small stool which was stationed beside the sink, readjusting his sleeves so they were past his elbows. He noticed a layer of blood coat the surface of the bath but he couldn’t find the source, you were covering your entire torso up.
“Can I touch you?” He asked gently, and felt relieved when you nodded. He grabbed a cloth and soaked it in the water, bringing it up to your face and cleaning your dirty cheeks. You felt so weak, so fragile, but the feeling of warmth around you made you want to fall asleep and stay curled up forever.
He dabbed the cloth on the cut near your jaw, careful not to irritate the wound.
“Give me your arm, darling” He instructed you softly, waiting until you reached out and took his hand, letting him stretch out your arm so he could clean more of the dirt and blood. It was all over your face and chest, your hands were stained by blood from holding your wounds. Every cut Obi-wan cleaned, the more his heart broke.
“It hurts” You pouted as you washed your hand in the water, rubbing it against your legs beneath the surface.
“I know dear, I’ll be as quick as I can” Obi-wan kissed the back of your hand before letting it go, continuing over to your other arm.
You gradually grew more comfortable with your husband, lowering your knees from your chest and letting them submerge in the warm bath water. It stung the scapes on your skin, you bit back a whimper as the pain of your knees and Obi-wans cleaning combined.
Obi-wan slipped a glance at your newly exposed torso, finally finding the source of the patch of bloody water on the surface. There was a deep gash right under your chest, beside your ribs. The wound was deeper than the rest, but not fatal. It needed stitches, or else you’d be left with a horrendous looking scar.
“Why didn’t you go to the medic first before seeing me?” Your husbands question made you roll your eyes, but you bit back any snide comment which could ruin the mood.
“I didn’t care about the medic, I just had to see you” You whispered, leaning further into the water as Obi-wan pressed the cloth to another cut on your arm.
“You need stitches for some of your wounds, you know I’m not trained to do that” Your husband put your other arm down, turning his attention to you. His eyes raked down your body, but his only emotion was concern. He saw the gash on your ribs and his ears rang with worry, but he tried not to cause you anymore distress.
“I know, I’ll go after this” You dismiss his comment, making the older Jedi shake his head.
“You’re so stubborn” Obi-wan smiled.
You sat up, wincing aloud as you crossed your legs in the tub and turned to face him. He looked so handsome right now; he always did. Those blue eyes staring so deeply at you were the first thing you noticed about him, all those years ago on the training grounds when you were still a Padawan.
He was already training Anakin by the time you met, your master was a close friend of his and the two stumbled into one another during your training. You were 22 years old, you barely knew him, but he made your heart flutter.
You didn’t start speaking to him until a year later, Anakin was your partner in combat for a short while but it wasn’t to do with Jedi training. The two of you sparred in the gymnasium occasionally, and Obi-wan just so happened to come across your fight. You beat Anakin everytime, holding him down by his neck or his arms as he struggled and eventually gave in beneath you. Obi-wan admired your strength always, but it was clear something changed in the midst of your acquaintanceship.
You had no idea you’d end up marrying him 4 years later. Time was a funny thing, but you wouldn’t change him for a single thing in the galaxy. Not even all the credits in the universe could make you leave him. He was intimate, caring, playfully flirtatious at inappropriate times, he was perfect to you. And now, as he cleaned your wounds from battle, you only saw love in his eyes.
“I love you” Your hand found his cheek, cupping it gently and tracing his cheek with your thumb. Obi-wan leaned into your hand, kissing your palm which made his beard scratch against your skin.
“And I love you” He smiled.
You brought him in for a kiss, it was familiar, repetitive, but addictive. His kiss was ingrained in your brain, you received enough of them, but you’d never grow tired of it.
Obi-wan cleaned the remaining wounds on your legs and only dabbed the wound on your torso, not even going near the gash to prevent any further irritation. He wrapped you up in a towel as you stood from the bath, helping you out so you didn’t slip. Your towel was draped over your shoulders, tepidly following your husband as he escorted you back into your living quarters and brought out some clothes from your wardrobe. You sat down on your bed, looking out of your large window which displayed the scenery of Coruscant.
“Are you feeling okay?” Obi-wan asked, crouching down in front of you and taking your hands in his larger ones. You felt so safe with him, the shivers calmed down as you felt his warmth, there was no other feeling quite as unique as him.
“I’m better now, thank you Obi” You squeezed his hands, looking down at him and tracing his face shape with your eyes. A strand of auburn hair fell over his forehead, scraping his eyebrows. You tucked the strand back behind his ear and smiled.
“I hope life continues this way after the war ends” You comment absently, the smile quickly drifting off your face, replaced with a wary expression.
“It will, darling, and when that time comes, we can finally settle down” Your husband reassured you, leaning up to kiss you tenderly.
“Now let’s get you dressed, we need to get you to the infirmary” He instructs.
“Yes sir” You smirk.
“It might be a while until I next see you, I’ll be leaving soon to deal with General Grevious and I’m not sure how long I’ll take” Obi-wan handed you underwear, his eyes drifting away to give you privacy as you dropped your towel.
“Promise me you’ll come back in one piece?” You chuckle, pulling your pants on and slipping your bra straps through your arms.
“When have I ever broke your promises?” Your husband grinned, passing you a clean T-shirt and grey joggers.
“You’ve got a point” You roll your eyes, continuing to dress whilst pondering on Obi-wan’s safety, and what could come after the war ended.
You hoped it would come soon, and you hoped you’d be able to live the life you always wanted with Obi-wan. You dreamed of leaving, finding a home, starting a family. It was all planned out.
But an itch in the back of your head told you things wouldn’t pan out that way. Something would get in the way, wether it be the Jedi or something entirely different. Something would happen, and you feared you couldn’t stop it.
Maybe that’s just you though, right?
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