#event story card
cross-armageddon · 10 months
4☆ Ranmaru Tokuse - Fatal Injury And Misplaced Intentions
Side Story 1
"However I can help, I can always contact people and they can always try to-"
"Kotebiki, I mean it. Give up."
Kaii and Ranmaru sat on some broken pieces of what used to be marble buildings inside the Sekai. Ranmaru had chosen this place to tell the other about his condition simply because it felt private. There may have been Virtual Singers residing in the castle nearby, but since all of them were out of their sight, Ranmaru decided it would be the right place to share.
"You said you're holding a grudge, yet it's not your fault that you've ended up this way, so… Why?"
"You don't have to hear this story. It's pretty heavy and it would only bum you out."
"You're assuming things about me again." Kaii glared at him. "I thought we've gone over that, all four of us. I've witnessed tragic events first hand at the hospital, I will be fine hearing out one more."
"...It's a little long."
"We have the time. I will listen until the end."
Ranmaru reminded himself of the memories preceding the event from back when he was around 5 years old. It was supposed to be just him and his mom at home, his dad leaving for his acting work. Usually childhood Ranmaru would wake up later, but he was awakened by a knock on the door, followed by some girly laughter. Rubbing his eyes, he quietly peeked out the door, avoiding being seen.
"The same as usual, alright honey?" Ranmaru's mom stood in front of the main entrance, struggling to put on heels that matched her stunning dress, as she welcomed a different woman into the house. Ranmaru already knew who she was, one of his mom's friends who often came to babysit him instead of his mom, but he wasn't really fond of her, being a complete stranger.
"Of course, I'll take care of your little Ranmaru for you. He's a quiet child, so he's very easy to deal with. Go and have fun out there, girl!" The friend replied, inducing laughter in both of them.
Ranmaru shyly stepped out of his room and walked up to the two women. "Mommy..? You're leaving… again..?"
"Oi..! Ranmaru baby, you weren't supposed to wake up this early! Go back to bed…" His mom finally stood up on her heels. She was fully suited up, with a fancy dress and bag to match, her long brown hair flowing down freely, but looking as if she had just styled it, in full make-up, with red tinted lips and smokey eyeshadow, complementing her golden eyes. Ranmaru trotted up behind her, hiding from her friend, holding the dress with his small hands.
"When will you stay..? You always leave and come back before daddy returns…" He whispered to her, hoping her friend wouldn't hear it. He gave a side eye in her direction, to which she just smiled, ready to place her own bag somewhere and start relaxing herself in the big house.
"Tsk, tsk, Ranmaru… It's pretty selfish of you to stop someone like that… Ah, I know! Your dad wanted to give you something when he has a longer break, but it shouldn't matter much if I gave you the gift now!"
"...Gift from daddy?" He asked quietly, as his mom quickly ran deeper into the house and returned with a box.
"Ta-dah!! It's a recorder! Your dad mentioned something something about you being interested, but it slipped my mind a little! There you go, you can play it while I'm gone!"
"He remembered… What I told him about the last gala, with the flute boy…" He stared at the box in awe for a little while, until he realized his mom was almost out the door. "Mommy..!"
"I will come back later, pookie!" She said, before slamming the door and leaving Ranmaru and her friend at the house. The woman tried to pat his head on her way into the house, but the boy avoided it and ran into his room.
"I don't want her in our house… I thought… Mommy would want to listen." He looked at the box for a while, before opening it up and assembling the instrument with the two pieces it came with.
"But if I learn now, I will get both daddy and mommy to listen later!!"
He looked inside the box once more and took out a little pamphlet with how to assemble it properly, as well as a beginner song to play. He couldn't read any of it, not even the title of the song, so he was forced to give up on playing the notes.
"I can always compose something myself then! But how do I play..?"
He put the mouthpiece to his mouth and gave it a little gentle blow. The instrument let out a quiet whistle, but not loud enough to play a song. He tried it way stronger and frightened himself with how loud and high the sound was.
"Ah, no no no! I don't mean to worry mommy's friend…"
"Hmm… It's not the same instrument as that boy from back then… But he was using his fingers to block the holes, so maybe…"
He clumsily covered all of the small openings and blew into the instrument again, this time the sound being lower and more controlled. Ranmaru took a few deep breaths afterwards.
"It's so tiring already…"
"But I want to play! It's fun figuring it out!"
Each time he put the recorder to his mouth, he tried opening and closing different holes to test various notes. Everytime he did, he had to put the instrument away, take a breather and try again, with each break starting to be longer and longer. He barely managed to play the doremi scale on one breath, he wasn't able to do it backwards - not without placing the recorder down and sitting on his bed to rest his body from how compressed his chest felt.
"Daddy gave me this… So I'll play for him when he comes back!"
Despite the feeling of pressure building up inside, he stood up and picked up the instrument yet again. A few more nervous breaths before he played a weird melody on the spot. It wasn't harmonic at all - he let go of different holes at random and his irregular breathing made the volume of each note weird and chaotic. Not knowing instruments well, the quality of the recorder wasn't the best either, adding onto how bad the performance was. Instead of stopping for a break, Ranmaru inhaled through the mouthpiece and continued on. The more air he tried to breathe in as he went on, the more intensive his blowing became, to a point where the recorder's sound hurt his ears again.
"HAAAGH..! *cough cough*" He wanted to breathe in again, only to realize he couldn't. It felt like his throat had contracted in on itself and barely any air could enter through. There wasn't anything on his chest, but it was as if something heavy was dropped right on his lungs.
"Help! Please help!!" He wanted to scream, but he made no sound. "Daddy! Come back home, please!!"
He dropped the recorder and tried to beat his chest a few times, full of panic, hoping it would help, but it didn't. He still wasn't able to breathe in enough air and the heart beating in his chest accelerated each second.
"I'm feeling dizzy…" Was his last thought, before his vision went dark and he hit the floor with a thud.
Side Story 2
The next time he opened his eyes, bright lights kept passing by him, blinding him. Every sound he heard was barely coherent and he was too weak to move much. Once he woke up enough, he realized how many people were moving him around on a hospital bed, none of them being familiar besides his mom's friend.
"She's not picking up!" Was what he understood from what she was saying, hysterically crying in between sentences. Still dazed, he stretched out his fingers, attempting to ground himself back to reality. He noticed he had a mask on his face, but while it was uncomfortable, he knew it helped him breathe better - it was difficult, but he was no longer panicking.
"He woke up!" A person in white spotted him, to which he immediately turned his eyes away from everyone, not wanting the attention.
"Little Ranmaru, may you give us any contact information to any of your other relatives?" A doctor spoke to him, but there was no answer. Not because Ranmaru didn't want to, but because he couldn't speak.
"Daddy taught me his number… But how can I tell them?"
"No, no! There's no need for that!" His mom's friend started protesting against it. "I'm sure his mom is going to pick up soon! No need to trouble his dad, he's a very busy man and he surely won't be able to come! There's also the fact he's a very shy boy, he might be too intimidated by all of us and-"
"Miss, you're not a close relative. You may continue calling his mother, but until then, we need any contact with his family."
"Daddy… He wouldn't leave me behind if he knew I was in danger…" Ranmaru glanced at his mom's friend, who was pulled back away, as the other assistants led him into a room on the bed. He weakly tried pointing to his hands, hoping to show them the numbers that go to his dad's phone number.
"Fingers! Are you going to show us how to call your dad?" The doctor asked, to which Ranmaru slightly nodded. "Someone write it down!"
The longer he signed, the more his surroundings became a blur, but he knew he needed to get his message across. Before passing out again, he was able to hear how the doctors repeated the correct number to him, but he couldn't confirm it to them.
Throughout some time, it was all black. He wasn't dreaming of anything, it was pitch darkness. Sometimes there were some muffled sounds of machines or voices around him, but nothing he could have focused on. That held true until he heard a familiar voice right outside his room's door, speaking with someone else.
"Dad..?" He thought and focused his mind a little bit more. He could only hear a bunch of words that made no sense in his little mind.
"Will you… truth… stand it?!"
"I have…! …said is true!"
"...lying! I can… request… find out!"
"There's… zero… You don't..!"
"The more you… the less… You left him…! Do… love him?!" After this, there was a moment of silence outside the door. It gave enough time for Ranmaru to wake up properly. "Leave. Right now."
Soon, he heard the steady clicking of heels moving away, his dad no longer saying anything. He only caught a sniffle and a sigh, before the door opened and he saw his father standing in the frame.
"Daddy..!" He wanted to speak, but unable to, he could only crack a smile. His dad ran up to him soon after and took his hand in his.
"Ranmaru! My little superstar, there you are…!" It was painfully obvious his dad was holding back tears. To this day, Ranmaru pretends he never noticed. "I came as soon as I received the call… I'm so glad you actually used the number I taught you…"
"I knew he would come…"
"Nobody could have known it would turn out this way… I knew you wanted to play music, so I wanted to give you the recorder myself, but your mom really spoiled the surprise, huh..?" He stayed quiet for a short moment, before he was able to speak again. "I'm so sorry… I wanted to hear you play, but now it's…"
Ranmaru kept looking at his dad's blue eyes, clearly troubled on how to break some things to him. "I know you really wanted to go with the flute, but the doctors… Well, they said it's not really going to be possible. I know you won't really understand the details, so I'll tell you in the simplest way I can… We can nurse you back to health with some exercises, but it's still going to be a bit difficult speaking… And it might hurt you again if you play. The "babysitter" I had no idea existed didn't notice you got hurt for a tad too long, so the damage can't be fully reversed."
"..........." Tears began welling up inside Ranmaru's eyes. First he was left alone to suffer without air, to the point he permanently hurt himself and now he's being told he can't play the instrument he just received..?
"H-Hey, hey, keep your chin up, little guy..!" His dad's voice was on the verge of breaking, but he still managed to playfully squish Ranmaru's cheek, where the mask wasn't reaching his face. "There are other ways you can appreciate music. You wanted to reach that guy, right? I'm sure you will be able to, even without having to play. How about this - what if I took you to some sort of concert after you recover, hm? Would you like to see more people play?"
His dad wasn't able to stop him from crying, but even then, Ranmaru nodded. That was the only thing he could have done at that time. He knew his dad only wanted to repay for the time he couldn't be by his side. He always listens to his kid talk about his interests and comes up with ideas to spend time with him based on that and everytime that happens, Ranmaru appreciates it as much as he can.
Having told the main part of the story, Ranmaru was forced to finally finish it up.
"It wasn't long before my dad filed for divorce. Everytime I had asked him for reasons, he said that the love was one-sided. He still loves her, so he never remarried, meanwhile she found a new husband the same year. I do believe this incident was another reason - there are times my dad looks at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes, probably regretting what happened." He sighed, but noticed that Kaii was still listening. The other boy simply didn't say anything, not even ask a question. Thinking of what he was about to say next filled him with rage and he clenched his fists together. "Even then, I don't blame my dad for what happened. However… I can't say the same for her. Breaking the heart of the purest man walking this earth, leaving me alone with someone I didn't know, abandoning me to suffer on my own… Those are not things I can forgive."
Ranmaru laid his back onto the ruins of the building. Some pieces of stone were itching on his back, but he didn't pay it much attention, even if it was uncomfortable. "My dad did take me to a musical concert when I recovered enough. It turned out to be a competition between some young classical artists and the winner of said competition was a pianist. He really captured my heart, so I asked if I could play the piano instead. My dad didn't make the same mistake and signed me up for the best school he was able to find around Shibuya."
"..." Kaii didn't respond for a little while after Ranmaru finished talking.
"I told you it would upset you."
"It's not that." Kaii admitted. "I've been told so many difficult stories already, my mom makes sure to prepare me for those, it's just… It was a major event in your life, while it shouldn't have. You said you can talk freely, but… Is that really the truth?"
"For the most part, yes. I will confess however - during practice, the heavy feeling in my chest sometimes returns. Whenever that happens, I'm either trying to pull through or finding the tiniest mistake, so I can excuse a break. You can call me mean if you want to, but when I can't find anything to point out, I make Edogawa think he made a mistake, just so I can rest. Well, rereading the score sheet will help him too, but there are times where I really need to rest my body."
"Please tell me when such a thing happens, alright..? Just for your safety."
"...I can't promise I will. Well, telling you this whole thing is already embarrassing. So far only my family members and Ikuo knew how weak I am."
"You're not weak." Kaii moved closer to him, gazing at him from above. Ranmaru couldn't really sit up when Kaii was leaning forwards like this, so he just accepted it. "It actually proves the opposite. You overcame all odds and rehabilitated yourself to a level no doctors expected from you, while also diligently learning everything about music. It shows your whole love and dedication to what you dream for."
"K-Kotebiki…" Ranmaru was quick to cover his face with his arm.
"I respect that a lot… Your ambition is really contagious."
"Okay! Okay! Stop, stop!" He almost slipped off the ruins he was laying on, but he used both of his arms to bury himself in. "I've got it..! You don't have to tell me anything more!"
"But… Thank you."
I really didn't mean to lock such important piece of lore behind a side story, but I don't really see a future event story where I would actually tell it, so I'm releasing it here
He is god's strongest soldier, because he doesn't give up... Isn't that admirable?
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egophiliac · 19 days
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tsum events really are just the best, huh
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cnl0400 · 3 months
Why Solomon doesn't like the ocean?
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(Honestly, surprised that the answer Is behind an event Devilgram. Feels like something you would put in the Main Story, or at least on a card in a permanent gacha)
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... He was prisioner in the ocean :( It makes me sad that everyone considers him so dangerous that they feel the need to trap him... Reminds me of the story about Solomon & Nightbringer in S2... Solomon Magic Is really destructive...
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pjsk-story-summaries · 4 months
Want to know everything that's ever happened in Project Sekai but don't have time to read all those stories? Guess what! For the low, low price of "it seems fun", I'll be summarizing every single event!
Feel free to request any summaries or card stories you'd like to see summarized. You may also submit your own summaries, if you'd like! Use the forms found in this post to do so :)
If you have a question about any of the stories as well, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer! (Or just come and say hi :3)
If you'd like to use any of these summaries as part of a project (i.e. video essay, character analysis, etc.), you are more than welcome to! Just please credit this blog when you do so, since I do put a lot of work into each.
Masterpost links below the cut. All summaries will be tagged by unit, character appearances, and special type, if applicable.
Key Stories
Wonderlands x Showtime
Nightcord at 25:00
Mixed Events
Year 1 (Run! Sports Festival Committee Rush! - Scramble Fan Festa)
Year 2 (Time to Hang Out - At this Festival Bathed in Twilight)
Year 3 (Screaming!? Welcome to the Forest of Wolves! - Hello • Good • Day)
Year 4 (The Best Picture Wrap! -Wedding Live ♡ With Everyone!)
Card Stories
Any event card stories will be linked next to their respective events, as well as within the summary itself. (Initial 3* cards are part of the Main Stories)
Initial 1*/2* (Including 3rd Anniversary)
Birthday Cards
Fes Cards
Collaboration Cards
Card stories for events yet to be summarized
April Fools
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AKA the Characters who were yeeted into the Shadow Realm to create space to put two Virtual Singers in one Card Lineup
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books-and-catears · 2 years
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Oh no. He's knows. He knows we are simps. It's over for us.
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...Solomon has grown territorial lately and I'm totally not internally screaming and blushing.
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He's really going all the way. He's tying MC down to himself. Legit he either gives you a ring 'to remember this occasion' or he gives you a 'matching necklace'.
He's literally lowkey marrying us every chance he gets.
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randomminty · 5 months
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More sketches + redraw of that one raychell and riko photo because ohhhhmy god
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citrushomie · 2 years
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i love their relationship a lot
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eclipsingbingo · 2 months
The Rising Moon - Flash Event
The Eclipsing Bingo team has been in discussion for a while now and we've decided to host our very own flash event. This post will be the master post for this short event so any information needed will be linked within this post.
The Rising Moon is a flash event that Eclipsing Bingo is hosting from now until the end of June. After the 30th of June, cards holding this design and dedicated prompts will no longer be able to be sent out or requested, making the end of this event. Even though applications for a card may have ended, any participants can fill out their bingo cards for evermore.
Unlike other flash events that other bingos may host, instead of the traditional five prompts that are given, the Rising Moon will hold a 3x3 bingo card with prompts that are catered towards this event. While this event is in place, you won't find any of these prompts on the traditional Eclipsing Bingo card, however, once the event finishes, these prompts will be added to the long list of prompts that we offer.
If you have anymore questions feel free to message this page of leave a question in the ask box. Without further ado, here are the links you need to take part in this bingo.
Rules / FAQ
Apply For A Card
Prompt List / Ao3 Collection
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vieapuff · 11 months
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Mfenweek d3: rain
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ssruis · 5 days
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This has been haunting me forever like not only does rui NOT show up in this part of the event story but he’s not even in the fucking card story?? At all???? Why is he in the untrained. Why is his plushie counterpart in the trained. Why did they do this. Who invited him.
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enden-k · 8 months
call me a whiny little bitch boy but ever since the whole interdarshan championship its so hard for me to feel genuine interest in any of the main events after. it all just feels like a chore and so boring to me, i cant even recall what events we had since kaveh 🧍
(summer event was cute as always tho)
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egophiliac · 27 days
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bring your son to work day
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Rise as ONE! Event Story Summary
TL;DR: While on his morning runs, Akito often runs into Ichihara and Max, a pair training for a dog disc throwing competition with the dream to one day compete nationally. One day, Akito also runs into Minori, Samo, Honami, and Shibao on a play date. When Max stops running after the disc, they realize Ichihara had hurt himself the day before a competition. The group offers to throw in his place, but with Akito as the only person who can throw the disc well enough, they run into even more problems.
Rui crosses paths with the group and offers his support in helping Akito get over his fear. The group learns Akito's fear stems from a traumatic event in the past, where a dog had continuously chased him across a playground set, causing him to fall off. This makes him especially terrified of dogs running, which is a challenge for a disc-throwing race.
Honami talks to KAITO in secret during a lunch break. KAITO had watched Shibao for her a little while ago while she was busy with rehearsal. Though KAITO was scared at first because Shibao kept barking, he realized it was just because he wanted to play.
From this, Honami suggest observing Max playing from a distance to build a mutual understanding. Through this, Akito learns Max is a kind, patient dog who cares deeply about his partner. Suddenly, Minori accidentally misthrows her disc, causing Samo to race towards a frozen Akito. Max steps in to protect Akito. To properly thank him, Akito manages to pet Max.
On the day of the competition, Akito and Max successfully throw a majority of their discs and earn third place. Though Akito hasn't completely gotten over his fear of dogs, he's made significant progress (at least with Max).
Fan translation (lolzy bug)
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Chapter 1: When Akito stops for a drink during his morning run, he crosses paths with a guy, Ishihara, and his dog, Max, training with a disc. A gust of wind blows the disc towards Akito, who throws the disc away out of panic. To his surprise, Max manages to catch it. Ishihara comes to apologize and explains how he's been practicing for an upcoming tournament, since they dream of competing nationally one day. Max looks at Akito like he wants to be pet, but when he barks, Ishihara finally realizes Akito is afraid of dogs. The two part ways so Akito can finish his run.
Chapter 2: Leo/need finishes a practice session in SEKAI. Shiho and Honami decide to practice a rhythm section together that weekend after Honami finishes walking Shibao at the dog park. When KAITO expressed concern over Shibao's health, Honami explained that KAITO had helped watch him once when Honami was unable. KAITO had done it since all the Leo/need Virtual Singers chose committees for themselves, and KAITO chose animal care. Honami will be walking with Minori and Samo that weekend as well.
A few days later, Akito finishes another run at the park, surprised to not find Max and Ishihara. Instead, Minori, Honami, Shibao, and Samo are playing together. Minori recognizes Akito and runs over to him, dogs in tow. Honami immediately picks up on his fear, though he tries to deny it at first. Suddenly, Max starts running over to Akito, leading to everyone apologizing to Akito. When the two try and leave, Akito notices Ishihara has hurt his leg.
Chapter 3: Ishihara tries to deny it since the tournament is the next day, but Max refuses to run when his partner is hurt. Ishihara decides to withdraw from the tournament at Honami's insistence. Minori offers to go in Ishihara's place. She struggles to aim the disc, though, and Samo keeps accidentally interfering, so Minori has to step down. Max keeps trying to give Akito the disc. Though he's initially hesitant, Honami's words and Max's will convince Akito to take up the challenge. Honami and Minori (along with Samo and Shibao) offer their support, too.
Chapter 4: Ishihara teaches Akito how to throw the disc while Minori and Honami play with Max. He gets the hang of it quickly, so they soon add Max in to catch. He caught it mid-air. Though Akito tried his best to not panic when Max ran back, he had to run away. In the meantime, Rui ends up crossing paths with the group, along with a robotic dog prototype. Rui asks if Akito will be ok at the disc dog competition, since he's also already picked up on Akito's fear.
After hearing the full story, Rui decides to help Akito get over his fear of dogs. He suggests playing with Max first to get more comfortable around him. Honami shows Akito how to properly greet and pet a dog. Akito tries letting Max sniff his hand, but instinctively backs up. Rui asks about the source of Akito's fear.
Chapter 5: A flashback from a decade or so ago is shown. Akito and Ena play soccer at a park, when a dog suddenly runs out from the bushes towards Akito. Surprised, Akito starts running, so the dog chases him. He runs up the slide so the dog can't follow him. The dog keeps staring at him, which causes Akito to fall off the playground. He freaks out when the dog runs over.
After the story, Minori suggests taking a break to come up with some new ideas. The group goes to get lunch together. Shibao keeps digging through Honami's bag, where KAITO was hiding to try and see him. Honami sneaks away to talk. KAITO reveals he was also a bit frightened by Shibao the first time they met because he kept barking, but KAITO got over that fear by understanding why Shibao kept barking. Since he couldn't play with the lonely dog when Honami was gone, he decided to play guitar for him. Honami thanks KAITO for the accidental advice and goes back to the group.
Chapter 6: Though Akito's a little hesitant at first, they decide to give Honami's suggestion a try. They start by watching Max play with the others from a distance. Rui shares some of his own observations before instructing his robot to do a triple axel spin. Rui then asks Akito to watch Max's reactions. Akito realizes Max is still worried about Ishihara. A young kid walks over and pets Max, which helps Akito learn he's a patient dog, too. With some newfound understanding, Aktio asks to try something new.
Chapter 7: Rui has Akito watch Shibao and Samo play fetch next. Rui throws the disc with Max with Akito standing next to him after that. He does a lot better with the throw, but still tenses up when Max runs back. Rui suggests the only way to get better now is to slowly get used to dogs running his way. Suddenly, Samo comes running towards Akito after Minori misthrows her disc. Akito can't move from fear, but Max jumps in front to protect him. To properly thank him, Akito tries petting Max again. He successfully manages to let Max sniff his hand, and, believing in Max, pets him with shaking hands.
Chapter 8: The day of the competition arrives. Everyone came to cheer on Max and Akito. Max and Akito were able to successfully throw, catch, and receive the disc on their first three throws. The fourth was dropped due to a strong wind, but everyone's support, the long-throw fifth was caught to advance to the finals. Akito recognizes Max wants pets and manages to give him a scratch.
Akito and Max ended up getting third place in the competition. Ishihara thanks Akito and the others for all their help. Akito is glad he was able to partially get over his fear of dogs, at least with Max. He's still scared of other dogs, but less than before.
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Card Stories: Akito / Honami / KAITO / Minori / Rui
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actualbird · 6 months
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gradelstuff · 11 months
The Villains' Pastime: Gourmet Food (1/2)
Story Description:
Shortly after the formation of the Paranormal Liberation Front, the League of Villains play cards and discuss enjoying a tasty meal, all on the organization's coin.
Skeptic's not exactly happy about it. He's been bitter about their extravagant way of living for some time now. The quarrel that breaks out between Shigaraki and Skeptic will be settled by a game of blackjack. But who's going to win?
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