#the card event after that felt like such a flop
enden-k · 8 months
call me a whiny little bitch boy but ever since the whole interdarshan championship its so hard for me to feel genuine interest in any of the main events after. it all just feels like a chore and so boring to me, i cant even recall what events we had since kaveh 🧍
(summer event was cute as always tho)
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thatsatricky1 · 3 months
𝐀𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 || ‘𝐆𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧’ Chapter V
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𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Abandoned. After going through hell and back together, she was left there to fend for herself. Y/n felt as though they’d left her in the dust at the facility. A facility that had taken young gifted children raising them in secret. The eight of them had been taken as children and grown up together at the facility and just when it they had the chance of escaping they made one crucial mistake, leaving her behind in the dust. One big mistake they hadn’t forgiven themselves for, and she would make sure they’d never forget it.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Nct Dream ot7 x Reader.
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Angst, Fluff, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller, Trauma, Weird Humor.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Angst, Abandonment, Mild fighting, Mild paranoia, Stalking, Tension.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6k+
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: This does not depict an accurate picture of Nct Dream and this is strictly fantasy/fiction for entertainment purposes.
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“I apologise in advance but due to customer confidentiality I cannot answer your question.” San all but shut down the man’s attempt at asking questions about her.
“Ah that’s a shame, I was really hoping to find out. We’re old friends. Just thought I could surprise her during her stay here.” The man’s reply coming straight afterwards, his grin seemingly permanent on his face.
“Well if you two are old friends I’m sure you can just contact her.” San replied as he picked up the coffee bean bag to start filling the jar once again.
The man’s grin faltered slightly as he observed San filling the jar, hand moving to rest on the counter, fingers tapping against it lightly enough not to make a sound, grin returning as he spoke.
“Well, where’s the surprise in that? No fun if I did that. Does she come here often during her stay here?”
San looked up at the man, coffee bean bag still in hand. Internally debating with himself on the current situation he found himself in. This man did not look like anything she would entertain, then again she did say she was in town for old friends and people change over time.
“Look again, customer privacy. You can ask her yourself. The only thing I’d be able to help you with is something to drink or eat.” San had to refrain from sighing as he finally put down the coffee bean bag pointing behind himself at the menu board.
Though the young man didn’t follow his hand, staring him down slightly before nodding.
“Alright, I’ll take an iced americano to go.”
“That, I can do.” San muttered, giving a polite strained smile as he typed the order in. Unaware of the slight change in demeanor of the young man who glanced backwards towards the door.
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“May I take your bags upstairs to your room ma’am?” A bell hopp asked politely as Y/n finished checking into her new hotel.
“No, but thank you for the kind offer.” Y/n denied the offer to which the man nodded, walking over to a couple who seemed to be about to finish checking in as well.
“Alright.” She sighed to herself looking at her card key number before making the trek towards her room using the elevator for comfort on the way up due to her luggage.
Not taking long to move into her hotel room humming, satisfied that she had her own large bed in her hotel room, the hotel having moved her room as the last one hadn’t been cleaned in time. The upgrade was suspicious at first but after ten minutes she’d taken the offer.
Taking a seat on her bed before letting herself fall back, flopping on her back against the soft sheets. Sighing out content with the feeling as her muscles in her back relaxed. Mind swirling and going over the events of the day.
The tension in her body came back at the thought of her interaction from Renjun, Jaemin, Chenle and especially Donghyuck today. Not noticing the drop in temperature as she thought about it.
Should she really meet up with them? To hear their side of the story? She was sure all it would do is upset her further, make her more upset as there wasn’t really much to understand about it. They’d left her in the dust that day.
The window of her hotel room fogged slightly as she remembered their faces staring back at her, almost begging to be heard out before she decided to leave them. She wished it was easy, to just leave them like they had done long ago. Her windows were starting to freeze over now.
Shaking the thoughts away she moved her hands over her face, scrubbing at it. Deciding to get up and go onto the balcony for fresh air. Standing up from the bed to face the windows only to blank at the sight in front of her.
Her emotions were messing with her abilities, which was uncommon but seemed to be happening a lot as of late. She had a sneaking suspicion it had to do with seven specific people.
Walking over in a fast pace she touched the window with her hand, slowing her emotions down to a halt before watching the frost slowly disappear as if it had never been there before. After making sure it was gone she pushed the window that was also a makeshift door open.
Eye fluttering shut as the light gust of wind blew past her, the natural wind calming her worries down. In her true element. Taking a few steps outside onto the balcony though her eyes never opened.
If she focused hard enough it felt like the light wind brushing past her ears was telling her the secrets of the world. Not even noticing the fact she’d been on the balcony for five minutes at that point.
Only snapping her eyes open when she felt the urge to, feeling something unsettling. As if someone had been watching her. Though as she scanned the streets of Seoul she could not find anything out of place. Chalking it up to her usual paranoia.
Deciding that she’d been outside long enough, as she gave the wind a whisper of a goodbye, aware of the fact she’d feel its caress against her face another time again.
Walking back into the hotel room, locking the balcony door on her way in before she looked over at her phone she’d left on the bed when she’d sat on it. Biting her lip in thought about San’s offer today.
She’d have a lot more on her plate tomorrow then she thought she would have had. Debating if she’d go to the boys at the cafe first and then meet the seven devils in disguise later or vice versa. Or maybe just ditch all of it and stay in for the day tomorrow.
“Fuck it.” She whispered to herself making her way towards her phone, grabbing it before texting a certain silver haired man of her scheduled arrival at the cafe tomorrow not having to wait a second for a response as three bubbles popped up indicating a reply would be sent her way very soon.
A soft smile made its way onto her face in anticipation of whatever Yunho had to say.
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“So she is going to visit us again? Where at the store or here?” Mark asked Donghyuck and Chenle.
His arms crossed standing in front of them where they sat on one of the large couches in the living room. Not meaning to sound so interrogating, but his tone of voice, posture and the way he stood in front of them said otherwise.
“Well she only nodded, taking the offer. She never said when or where.” Chenle answered for the two of them, picking at his pants.
“I knew it was her.” Jaemin groaned in frustration from where he sat on the other couch leaning over his spread legs, face resting in his hands.
He couldn’t believe he just let her go like that, of course she wouldn’t have reacted to her own name. Everything pointed towards it being her, yet he somehow didn’t take the lead to stop her while he had the chance.
“There’s too many eyes watching during the day, so she wouldn't choose to meet us at the store unless it was closing time or after hours. I’m sure she wouldn’t like being in our apartment and space as well by herself with us seven. So it could really be either or.” Mark spoke out, as he came to realise it really could be a toss up when and where she visited them.
“Shouldn’t we just be glad she’s going to visit us at all?” Jisung piped up.
“Jisung’s right, we should probably all think about what we want to say to her instead of thinking about when and where she’ll pop up.” Renjun thought out loud agreeing with Jisung.
Jeno who’d been stuck in his own world and thoughts while absentmindedly patting Jaemin’s back from where he sat next to him finally decided to speak up as well.
“We won’t get a chance like this again easily or even at all. Let’s hope this works out.” His words had been intended to be positive and good but served to do the opposite, a slight gloomy atmosphere looming over the seven.
“How the fuck did I not just walk up to her?” Jaemin groaned out, sinking into the couch still stuck on the fact he’d let her walk right past him earlier.
“Stop whining about it Jaemin. At least she didn’t nearly fry your hand off, that was well deserved by the way Donghyuck.” Chenle started speaking to Jaemin but ended up looking over at Donghyuck, who whacked him with a pillow from the couch.
“Shut up, I didn't mean to use my ability on her.” Donghyuck grumbled out while Chenle dramatically gave me a look, offended at getting hit in the face by a soft pillow.
“You used your ability on her? I’m not sure that’s going to get you in the good books with her.” Renjun asked out unimpressed as Donghyuck raised his hands in defense.
“One, I said I did it by accident and two, she used hers back on me.” Donghyuck defended himself before continuing after noticing their worried looks at the thought of her abilities.
“It’s fine, I didn’t get burned. It was all just a warning. I called her bluff and it turned out not to be a bluff but a promise. Though something tells me it really is just a bluff or else she wouldn’t have let go of me before it could have properly started to hurt.”
“Whatever happened, make sure not to let it happen again Donghyuck, pushing her is the last thing we want to do.” Mark made sure to get across to his friend, finally uncrossing his arms in favour of sitting down next to Jaemin.
“You know she was there to see someone. I used my ability to ask her why she was there, remember by the way it was an accident. But she ended up saying she was there to collect her purse because she forgot it with a friend.” Donghyuck changed the subject, peaking everyone’s interest.
“Wait, I saw her interacting with two people in the movie room, one tall guy gave her a purse so it must have been hers.” Jaemin added on remembering the silver haired man who’d smiled obnoxiously big at her.
“How did she manage to make friends in such a short amount of time here?” Jeno asked out, slightly put off at the thought of her having friends without knowing exactly who they are.
“I think we should be asking the question why? It seemed like she didn’t want to stay long in the first place.” Chenle pointed out before adding on “I mean if they were in the movie room then they should have their names in our system. We can find out who they are.”
“Okay no, we aren’t searching up private information on our customers, plus Y/n would have our heads for snooping around her business.” Mark denied Chenle’s idea much to his dismay and grumbles.
“Whatever Y/n has going on with other people is our business, but if everything works out when she comes to us to speak, maybe she’ll open up to us about things like her new friends.” Renjun offered up a solution to everyone’s curiosity before giving Chenle a pointed look.
“That means not looking into our customer privacy files, I’ll know if you so much as peek into it Chenle.”
“It was just a suggestion.” He grumbled in response.
It was obvious everyone was eager to know who Y/n had trusted enough to involve them even the slightest bit in her life. Some were mainly curious whereas others could feel the slight sting of jealousy trying to rise from it.
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Beep beep!… Beep beep!
Y/n let out a groan hearing her alarm she’d set on her phone go off, blindly reaching for the side table not bothering to look content with her body smothered in thick white hotel sheets. Debating if she really wanted to get up at all and just lay in bed all day, a luxury she could afford now every so often.
Her fingers finally felt her phone, moving to wrap her hand around it before pulling it under the blanket. Eye’s immediately squinting at the brightness of her screen even if it was on the lowest setting. Tapping the off button, silence enveloping the room, besides her breathing, muffled under the bed covers.
Her eyes slowly adjusted to the screen brightness as she unlocked her phone scrolling through the small amount of messages she’d gotten. Curious when she saw she’d been added to a new group chat. Pressing down on it to see what it was.
Yunho had created a new group chat. Nine people including himself had been added. It was all of the Atiny cafe owners. The chat so far was a messy slew of texts before it calmed down once Hongjoong decided they should all text an introduction about themselves before they’d meet Y/n today.
Y/n having to hold back a laugh seeing Wooyoung refuse to give an introduction since they’d already met, so Hongjoong replied that those who wanted to introduce or reintroduce themselves could. She scrolled through the introductions picking up certain characteristics from the way they all texted.
It made her want to go and meet the others, but at the same time her gut twisted in uncertainty. She had trust issues that were clear as day. After what happened with the only people she’d ever considered her friends, she wasn’t so fond of the idea of making new friends.
She wasn’t even sure how she’d become friends with Yunho so fast, one one hand it was peaceful but on the other hand it was scary to open up again.All she knew was that friendships always ended ugly, that’s all her experiences had shown. Y/n couldn’t fathom her friendship with Yunho turning ugly yet then again all her previous ones had.
Letting a puff escape her mouth she let go of her phone, which slid down somewhere beneath the pile of blankets before she too snuggled down deeper into the white sheets, swallowed whole by them. Wondering if she truly should show up today.
Only five minutes later she found herself untangling her body out of the hotel blankets and making her way towards the bathroom to freshen up for the day ahead of her. Making up her mind on going with the flow for the day instead of over analysis and over thinking her choices of the day.
Taking a relaxing shower before dressing in what she deemed to be a good outfit. A black crop top, with dark grey baggy ripped jeans before putting on a large light grey jumper on top. Drying her hair naturally instead of using the hotel blow dryer.
Once finished getting ready, she knew she had time to continue relaxing before she had to meet anyone so she sat down at her desk moving to grab her journal. Manicured nails twirling her pen in thought before she started writing her thoughts down on how the day would go.
After finishing she checked the time realising it was nearly approaching half twelve and knew she’d better get going or she wouldn’t have enough time to meet the rest of the Atiny cafe owners before they had their meeting around 2 p.m.
Grabbing her fluffy black purse and slinging it over her shoulder, making sure she had her key card with her as she left the room. Eyeing the do not disturb sign she’d put on the hotel door handle the minute she’d walked in yesterday before leaving.
Y/n walked at a leisure pace towards the direction of the Atiny cafe, the current hotel she’d booked herself into a bit further away from the cafe so it took twenty minutes for her to arrive at the cozy and now all too familiar cafe.
Standing in front of the cafe a smile was evident on her face seeing through the large windows what was unfolding inside. Eight young men inside all up to their own thing, some serving customers while others played around.
Though a certain cheeky friend spotted her instantly from inside, all indicated by the way his mouth flew open most likely saying something very loudly, though to her it was muted by being outside watching the man animatedly waving at her.
The door burst open before she could even walk over to it as Yunho popped his head outside a grin on his face, obviously excited at the fact she had come.
“Dove! Just in time, come on in.” Yunho greeted her, pushing the cafe door fully open up to let her in.
“Good to see you too Yunho.” She hummed out amused moving into the cafe, with the giant puppy following behind her as the door softly closed behind them, the vintage doorbell still ringing.
“You must be Yunho’s friend, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Park Seonghwa but you can call me Seonghwa.” Seonghwa greeted her first standing in front of Y/n giving her a polite bow.
“It’s nice to meet you too Seonghwa, it’s nice to finally put a face to a name.” She greeted back, giving her own polite bow in response.
“Yunho’s friend? Hey, we’re friends with her too, you know.” Wooyoung loudly whined out, bumping his shoulder into Seonghwas to move him out of the way so he could greet her too. Ignoring Seonghwa’s glare sent his way.
“Yah, Wooyoung we have customers.” Hongjoong warned out to Wooyoung’s loud voice and actions as he walked over.
“You must be Hongjoong, nice to meet you.” Y/n greeted the young man who flashed her a sheepish smile realising she’d watched him scold Wooyoung.
“It’s nice to meet you too, a friend of anyone here at Atiny cafe is a friend of mine as well.” Hongjoong greeted her in return.
“Yunho’s friend is here?” A deep voice asked out walking over. Y/n having to crane her neck upwards much like when she was talking to Yunho to look at the next person.
“She’s my friend too!” Wooyoung whined out but was cut off by Seonghwa dragging him away.
Y/n ending up getting to know the last four people Jongho, Mingi, Hongjoong and Seonhwa and having a nice conversation with them, with the added chaotic mess that was created by all eight being in the cafe at the same time.
Which only became more chaotic when they turned the cafe sign at the door to closed earlier than planned for their meeting that was soon in favour of being able to talk with Y/n beforehand.
The hour seemingly went by faster than planned as she ended up getting to know the eight of them much more, finding certain interests and characteristics of each one. Enjoying her time with them well. Though the hour passed by so fast.
“Hey, I wanted to tell you something.” San spoke up after making his way toward her while the others started filling into the staff room.
San was going to be the one to let her out before locking the door so they could have their meeting without any customers coming in, the closed sign never stopping certain customers from barging in so they usually had to lock the door in advance.
“What’s up Sannie?” Y/n naturally responded with the nickname she’d heard the others using for him causing him to falter slightly at the sudden nickname but didn’t mind it.
“Well it’s about last-” San being cut off by Hongjoong before he could bring up what happened after she’d left yesterday.
“San stop trying to catch her attention, we need to start the meeting.”
San gave Y/n a look before rubbing the back of his neck.
“We can talk about it later over the phone or when I come by again. It’s no problem. You should get to the meeting before Hongjoong goes for your head.” She joked gesturing towards the staff room.
“Are you sure?” San asked out, still rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
“I’m sure it can wait, Sannie.” Y/n nodded confirming it was truly okay before the two walked over to the cafe’s entrance.
“Alright, I’ll see you soon.”
“Of course.” Y/n smiled though she thought about it wondering how many times she’d see the eight of them before moving on to continue traveling already knowing she’d overstayed her welcome in this part of the city, too many eyes were here.
With that she walked out of the cafe moving down the street, San watching before locking the cafe door to head to the back of the store to the staff room hoping he wouldn’t forget to mention to her what had happened yesterday when she’d left.
Y/n made her way down the street gazing around at those who wandered around doing whatever they wanted, or had to do. She wondered what it was like for them to be able to go about their lives without having to constantly be on the lookout, to just live in the moment.
Though her thoughts were cut off as she felt the familiar feeling of being watched, the hair on her neck standing up. Rolling her shoulders back on habit to keep calm as she continued walking at a leisurely pace all the while checking subtly for anything unusual.
The feeling of being watched was coming from behind her and she couldn’t subtly look behind herself to know what it was without it being obvious so instead she decided to pick up her pace without it looking obvious.
Taking a new path where the crowd was more dense as if to lose the unmatched pair of eyes that seemed to be focusing on her, trying to reassure herself it was just a curious kid or mother wondering who's allowed their daughter to dye their hair like hers. Though the feeling stuck much to her dismay, so she went for the next route, more eyes.
So she passed a crossing walk heading in the direction of a gas station knowing fully well there were camera’s there and a phone booth if needed. If she remembered correctly there was also a police station nearby which would be her last resort seeing as the police wouldn’t be a great idea since technically she’d been a missing person case since young.
Getting to the gas station she felt the gaze getting weaker causing her to finally turn looking in the direction she came, eyes scanning the crowd for anything out of the ordinary. Seeing a flash of black hair leaving causing her eyes to sharpen.
“Y/n?” The sudden voice snapping her gaze away from the crowd to look.
Her shoulders sagging at the sight in front of her. Somehow managing to walk to a gas station all the seven guys she hadn’t decided to meet yet were there. Mark had been the one to call her name out. Instead of replying she moved to look back at the crowd but couldn’t see the person anymore.
The seven observed her tensed state, now equally alarmed at whatever she had just been avoiding.
“Are you okay?” Jisung asked out to the white and blue haired woman, noticing how the newly dyed hair job looked good on her. Wondering if she’d done the two hair colours on purpose.
“I’m fine.” Y/n muttered back, causing Jisung to move towards her to hear her better.
“What did you say?”
Y/n slowly dragged her head away from the crowd, eyes following later as she looked at Jisung who was quite close to her now.
“I said, I’m fine.”
“It just seemed like you were a bit tense.” Jisung explained hand hovering slightly wanting to touch her but knew her boundaries.
“It’s fine, the problem is gone.” She had to refrain from snapping it back at him as she knew that the problem was fine for now but it seemed as though she’d been moving towns now faster than expected if it wasn’t just her paranoia taking over.
“Do you want us to drive you anywhere?” Jeno asked out eyebrows scrunched in worry at the thought of Y/n having just avoided someone, hoping it was just a random occurrence but didn’t feel like it was a good idea leaving her alone out here.
Y/n looked at him mulling his over in her head. As much as she wanted to deny his request it was the smarter option in case she was truly being followed by someone with bad intentions.
“We’re heading back to the store after filling up on fuel, one of us can take a detour and bring you to wherever you want to go.” Mark offered, as he pointed at where Jaemin and Renjun were at the tank stations filling up two cars.
“As much as I want to disagree with your offers, it may be a good idea. Are all of you on break?” Y/n asked out warily, not wanting them to drop her off at the hotel since they’d know where she was staying currently.
“We usually take our breaks at different times to keep everything running smoothly at the store but today we decided to take it at the same time.” Mark explained not really wanting her to know they did this in case she showed up at the store in the first place.
“So the store is closed right now?” She asked, eyes moving back towards the crowd.
“Yeah it is, do you want to come over instead of us dropping you off somewhere?” Jisung offered that solution instead, it would also be a way for them to have their talk as well.
Y/n gave them a look, wondering if it was the best time to come over, she hadn’t really thought it over when she wanted to visit them today. But it was better to get it over with sooner or later anyway.
“Alright, but don’t let this get to your heads.” She warned out after agreeing with Jisungs idea. Though she warned them Jisung couldn’t help but smile as he nodded, gesturing for her to follow them to the cars.
“Who’s paying for the gas today- Oh, hey Y/n.” Renjun spoke up when he noticed everyone coming over only to switch up when he saw that she was with them trying to keep his confusion at bay.
Jaemin hurriedly put the gas nozzle away once he heard Renjun speak out her name moving over to check. Inside the car both Chenle and Donghyuck were oblivious to what was happening as they fought playful in the back seats about a random thing as per usual.
“Someone pay for the gas so we can go.” Y/n advised as her hand moved up to her face rubbing the area between her eyebrows.
“On it, I’m on it.” Mark fumbled to grab his wallet out of his pocket while moving away to go inside the gas station to pay so they could leave. Usually they’d play rock, paper, scissors to see who’d be paying.
“So what brings you… right.” Jaemin tried picking up a conversation with Y/n awkwardly picking at his nails as he watched her open one of the car doors getting into the back. Having picked the empty one.
Y/n leaning against the leather seat, letting her head rest on it, closing her eyes for a second before feeling eyes on her. Due to the recent situation she opened her eyes to turn her head looking out the window only to see Chenle and Donghyuck staring at her from inside the other car, mouths hung open.
“Losers.” She muttered to herself suppressing a smile in favour of closing her eyes again to take in the peace before it would be interrupted again.
Outside the car Jaemin and Renjun turned their attention over to Jeno and Jisung while they waited for Mark to pay for the gas.
“As much as I love the fact Y/n is here, what is she doing her at the gas station?” Renjun asked the two in front of them.
“We don’t know either though I assume she was being followed unwantedly at that, so we offered to drop her off somewhere.” Jeno started explaining causing the two to tense looking around.
“But then I offered that she could come with us to the store instead.” Jisung chimed into the conversation.
“And she agreed?” Jaemin asked out, confused yet satisfied with the fact she decided she felt safer with them then alone.
“That makes me think something more serious is up.” Renjun thought out loud, sparing a glance at the car Y/n had climbed into, worried on her behalf.
“We’ll figure it out when we get back, come on.” Mark had heard the end of their conversation as he slipped his wallet back into his pocket gesturing for everyone to get into the two cars.
“And whoever was in the cars on their way here stay in those cars on the way back.” He sternly added on not that Y/n had a few of them arguing like children outside the cars on who got to go in which car.
Get a few noises of complaint but everyone listened as they got into their respected cars they’d come with. Jeno had to hold back a few curses as he got into the driver seat of the opposite car Y/n was in with Mark following getting into the passenger side.
Renjun pleased as he got into the drivers side of the car Y/n was in with Jaemin following suit getting into the passenger seat. He’d done so on the way there claiming he was gonna be the passenger princess on the way to the gas station.
Jisung made his way to the back seat, opening the door as Y/n opened her eyes again to look at him. Jisung silently watched her debating if he was allowed to get in. She only raised a brow silently nodding at the seat as if to tell him to get in. Jisung did not waste another second as he got in and buckled his seatbelt.
“Uh, your seatbelt.” Jisung mentioned out quietly causing Y/n to grab it and buckle in not wanting to cause another scene.
With everyone in both cars, Jeno drove off first followed by Renjun.
The ride was silent at first before Jaemin turned in his seat up front in the passenger side to look at the backseats.
“I almost recognised you yesterday, but you didn’t react to me calling out your name so I thought it was someone else.” Jaemin spoke out to her wanting to get it off his chest since yesterday at missing the opportunity to interact with her.
“That was the whole point, I didn’t want any of you to recognise me. I was there to grab my purse, that's all.” She responded truthfully and quite bluntly, not seeing a point in sugar coating it.
Jaemin had to bite back questions on who the two guys were that she’d been interacting with as of recent and instead just hummed at her answer before trying to come up with something to say not wanting the conversation to turn stale.
“You dyed your hair, I didn’t take you for someone who would like two colours.” He mentioned the fact it was mainly blue, though the top was pitch white.
“I didn’t have enough blue dye, don’t ask why.” Y/n internally cringing at the thought of them knowing how she’d dropped the blue dye bottle spilling it nearly everywhere. Jaemin only tilted his head slightly in curiosity at this.
“Whatever the reason, it still suits you.” Renjun complimented her, looking briefly at her through the rear view mirror before paying attention to the road again. Only getting a hum as a response from her.
“You never got to tell me more about the beach.” Jisung reminded Y/n who in turn hummed almost hearing the familiar sound of the waves washing onto shore at its mention.
“Did you end up going to the beach, Jisung?” She asked instead, curious to know what it had been like for him.
“Yeah, we went a lot. We haven’t gone as much lately but I will never forget the first time we went.” Jisung hummed out remembering what it was like.
Y/n should have asked something else because now she was envisioning what had been like for the seven of them going to the beach for the first time. Their smiles, the excitement that would have most likely been in the air. Without her.
“If I could, I'd live at a beach house, so that every morning I could watch the sun rise and set. Be able to feel the sand between my toes and the coolness of the waves crashing against my ankles whenever I wanted.” Y/n blurted out not knowing why she was telling them, but it felt good to be able to say it out long.
“You could.” Jisung tried to make her explore the idea but all he got in return was a lost look in her eyes and a slightly down turned smile. His heart aching at just that sight alone, something he didn’t want to see again if he could help it.
“It’s just a dream Jisung, I won’t ever be able to live by the beach, let alone stay there for more than a week at most.” Her voice shutting down his idea.
“Why not? You’re free now, nothing can hold you back.” Jisung questioned, eyebrows furrowing in confusion on why she thought of it as some untouchable dream. He wanted her to be able to achieve all her dreams, and if possible with him and the boys by her side too.
“Because no matter what I do, the facility will always be two steps behind me. If I stop they’ll catch up to me. They won’t stop looking for me.” She replied and absentmindedly moved her hand out to his face, smoothing away the worry from his eyebrows, a habit she’d done before back at the facility when he was overthinking.
Jisung’s eyes closed in comfort at said touch. He remembered when they’d been at the facility and her touch had always been comforting. His own personal sense of comfort that he knew would always be there for him no matter what. It made a pang of guilt wash across him realising she hadn’t had that comfort in return the year she was stuck in there by herself.
“We’d protect you.”
Y/n did not reply to Jaemin’s confident words, instead slowly let her hand drop from Jisungs face and looked out the backseat window watching the world blur past them. Jaemin held back a sigh wondering what was so important that the facility was trailing her so hard, sure the first year they had been followed relentlessly but these days it was so infrequent. It made him wonder what happened to her in the facility, then again his chest tightened at the thought of what they could have done to her.
“Tell me when we get there.” Y/n ended the conversation as she faced away and laid her head properly on the head rest, closing her eyes not wanting to speak anymore until they got to the store.
Jaemin and Renjun shared a glance at each other before Renjun took one of his hands off the wheel briefly to turn on the radio making sure it was on a quiet volume.
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Chapter four || Chapter five || Chapter six (coming soon…)
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @rotinyzen @wonyoungmywife @snflwrhaerecs4u @thegreenlynx @serinebsblog @delululi @bubusebu @hanniehq @bunnychui @molensworld @morkiee @marvelahsobx @kaciebello @kgneptun
(If you want to be tagged in my Nct Dream writing comment, inbox or message me)
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. Don’t forget likes, reblogs and comments are always encouraged and help keep writers like myself motivated to continue our stories.
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sparkbeast20 · 5 months
You said you're taking requests. My request is a fic of the 4 WHB kings meeting for the first time as childhood friends. It's confirmed they ARE childhood friends in some comics and the Halloween event dialogue.
Or, you don't have to write them meeting. I just want a fic where they play together as children and become the best of friends.
Note: Oh boy... So here's the thing. I and other found out something about one of them and his past. And that might affect how I write this.
This might be spoiler for Leviathan's Bath card, Bloodshed card, and a bit of Satan's bath card.
Warning: Mention of Experimentation, Death (Though its minor characters), This is before Ch 5.
And Note that this is from a 18+ game, so Minors DNI
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Some already treat him like a king, but Satan doesn't feel like it. All he wants to have fun!
Satan sneaked out from the palace and out of Gehenna. Making sure that he doesn't get caught.
He went to Tartaros to get Mammon, who just finished his lesson for the royal tutor.
He had to convince him to leave the palace, however he said no. Satan was about to yell at Mammon for being a kill joy when Beelzebub appear out of nowhere. He told Satan and Mammon that he was heading to an undiscover place of hell. And sway Mammon but telling him that there might be treasure there that he hasn't claim yet. And that was enough for the young king to join the other two.
Satan was happy, he was just going to ask them to play, but this new side of hell have him intrigued. All he knows was the only place in hell that he should go without an escort is Paradise Lost where there was rumors of a fallen angel there that is wondering around the area.
But this new place that Beelzebub found might be a new region that he hasn't seen before. He cheered and grab both Mammon and Beelzebub's wrist and literally drag them away from the palaces.
After a couple of hours of walking, Beelzebub lead them to the boarder of Tartaros.
"I say that this is this part of my region-"
"No, is not!!" Satan shouted and Mammon just ignore them.
Beelzebub who was in front just smirk as he enjoy hearing these two bickering, or more so Satan just yelling at the literal wall that is Mammon-
"We're here..." Beelzebub stopped and mutters, cause the two to pause and rush over to him.
There they saw a barren area where trees are dying and the ground is dry as bone.
Satan quickly rushed forward head, cause Mammon to sigh and follow him, Beelzebub chuckle then follow suit.
The three looked around, and all the see was dead trees, rocks, and bones of what they assume were animals-
"Those are too big for a bird." Mammon points to the side of the path to see four set of white feather wings.
"Angels are here... or more like they were here." Beelzebub's comments before walked over to the wings. He kneeled down, reach for the wings then brought to his face and start sniffing. "They smell fresh, as though these were ripped off from the body just hours ago"
"I think we should head back-" But before Mammon can finish his words. A sound of pain stopped him.
All three turn to the direction of the scream of pain. And than they all felt a strong pull towards that direction. As if it tell them that someone important is in danger.
The three start running.
As they got closer, they can hear the sound of wings flopping and laughter.
As soon they reach where the scream came from, they saw an angel with one of set of his wings missing, leaving his back bleeding, pinning a young devil to side of a giant boulder. Beelzebub glance to the side to see a dead angel close to the boulder. His wings were missing.
The angel laugh before his face twisted to a snarling one.
"You little brat! You think you can escape!" He scowl at the young devil as he tighten his hold on the devil's neck, choking the young devil.
He cough and gasped as he claw on the angel's hand on his throat, trying to pry the hand off.
Something snap in Beelzebub, he moved first and tackled the angel from the side. The angel let go of the devil.
Satan bit his hand hard cause it to bleed and he use his ability to construct a poorly made mallet and quickly attack the angel with Beelzebub helping him.
Mammon ran over to the devil who fell on his side "Hey, are you okay!" Mammon reach out to touch him, but his hand was swipe away by the devil.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" The young devil scowl, and glare at Mammon, his light, eyes that are neither white, brown nor gray eyes looks at into Mammon's golden eyes.
The next thing he knew it, Mammon felt the ground shook, the air felt thick and cold that send shiver down his spine.
Then a loud roar came from above, Mammon looked up and saw a dark void appeared above him and the devil.
He watch as something peek out of the void, it was a monstrous jaw of a creature he hasn't seen before. Mammon felt bother awe and fear.
Soon the creature lunges forward, luckily Mammon manage to duck.
Beelzebub who glance and saw the creature towards him, Satan and the angel. He acted quick and grab the angel by the arms and used his feet to kick the angel backward into the creature.
The thing opened it's open and swallow the angel before retreating back to the void.
It happen so fast that Satan didn't realize what happened.
He looked around and saw the void quick fade then look around and land his sight on Mammon and the other devil.
He stood up and rushed over.
Beelzebub observe the situation...
He never seen any other devil have that ability, not only that but he can feel a strong aura from the devil. The same aura he and the other two have...
Could it be? He thought before getting up and walked over.
"What was that!!" Satan yell as he kick Mammon to get up, but the future king of Tartaros isn't bothered.
"That was some power you got there." Satan whipped his head back and grind his teeth at Beelzebub's calm comment.
Then he turn and glare at the young devil, who in return glare at Satan.
"Who said that I did that, it could've been your friend-"
"You didn't know that you had that power... Didn't you..." Beelzebub mutters quietly, but the young devil heard him and close his mouth.
"I... I don't know... I never knew that I have this... " The young devil sat up and brought his knees close to his chest and hide his face.
Mammon got up, Satan tilted his head at the devil. And Beelzebub just stood there, stared at the devil... And with a better look, Beelzebub saw that his clothes are ripped, and blood on it too. The boy isn't even wearing any shoes.
Beelzebub didn't want to mention to the others, but he can smell the hint of potion on him, and he feel like he want to gag with how fault the smell is.
He heard stories of angels kidnapping young devils and do horrible experiments on them... Now, he can say that these are all true.
And this devil must have escape.
Before Beelzebub can finish thinking, Satan walked over to the young devil and kneel in front of him.
"As future king of Gehenna, I, welcome you" Satan smile as he offer his hand.
"I'm Satan."
The young devil peek and looked at the offered hand, stare before saying...
"I... Don't have a name."
Note: I wanted to be as vague as possible cause I want to stick with canon lore as possible.
And sorry for this request to be posted, My writing rot is killing me T^T
But I hope that I did this justice.
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or rebloging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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About chapter 369:
Remember that these are my own, personal opinions, and you don't need to agree with them (however, friendly discussion is welcomed as always). And my opinions are affected by the rumour I heard about there being only 3 chapters of BC left, including 369. Meaning that we'd get the finish, maybe, Christmas 2024.
The chapter was very MagLuck centric, which is amazing to those who love the dynamic duo, and I'm happy for them, but... I felt that essentially... nothing happened? I mean, Asta comes back, with Ichika, and we have the very brief "omg Captain Yami's lil' sister is here?! wait?! He has a sister??!!", but it was very brief. And, I get that due to the tempo of the point where the story is, them being in the battle where we've been for the past... 30+ chapters (granted that Asta was in yet another battle within those 30 chapters, but it's been basically just one battle after another ever since the start of the Spade arc); battles make the tempo quick. That's how most prose works. You can't focus on many events in the heat of the battle, but BC... in my opinion, has become about nothing else than fighting. It's like Luck took over Tabs and it's just fight fight fight. The movie was just one 1h+ long fight scene with minimal story, and so is the manga as it stands now.
And... if Tabs is supposed to wrap it up in 60 or so pages, I cannot see how he could realistically do that unless it ends in the "you all die" ending. Which would be very un-BC like.
Could Lucius die of a heart attack? It's possible. The big bad's heart can't take the toll of all the mana he's consuming suddenly and it gives out and he flops down. Asta and Yuno wouldn't get their rivalry settled and life in Clover would go back to business as usual. (I'm not seriously suggesting this of course, I'm trying to be funny)
I hear that this is very Berserk type of a situation to be in. You got one chapter every 6 months and nothing essentially happens, because the plot is progressing so slowly. But as of now, I feel like BC is a falling house of cards. A lot happens, without proper development, and it's buried under flashy fights, maybe, meant to distract the reader.
The next chapter will (if we believe the battle order in the end of chapter 368) have the Mereo&Morris battle, and the last issue will deal with Yuno&Asta vs. Lucius. But it all feels too hasted.
There absolutely are good things about BC, which is why I'm saddened to feel that it's going out in flames. I just don't find things to expect anymore.
I am happy to those who feel hyped for the MagLuck moment, and them having their Great Duo Fight against the big bad, and my criticism isn't just about this chapter. It's about the last 100 chapters. The movie. The lack of lore, world-building, character-building, the lack... of a story.
And I blame the manga industry pushing Tabs to burnout, which is why we're here.
I feel bad for Tabs. I feel bad for the story. It could've been a cool story.
And that's the real tragedy here, to me. What might've been
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sweetflanfiction · 1 year
The Arena - Part 5
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Universe: Alice in Borderland
Pairing: Chishiya x reader
Disclaimer Pt.3: The story isn't finished! This isn't proofread! I don't speak english as my main language! Sorry from everything aaannnddd...Anything between these // // is a flashback/not real.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // End
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Another certain thing in the world was the fact that black haired Chishiya did things to your brain. Especially when he tied it in a bun.
"I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop, Chishiya." Kaori warned as the four of you walked into the elevator.
"I have both shoes on, Kaori. I don't know what you mean." He pushed the button, one hand in his pant pocket.
"I'm watching you."
"Thanks, I guess."
Both you and Ari snorted. It had been a surprise for the group when Chishiya appeared at the door, sharply dressed, without a funny gag to tease Kaori. His outfit consisted of matching black pants and shirt, tailored perfectly to his figure and a light gray jacket. There had been no funny sweater wrapped around his waist, no flip flops on his feet. Maybe it was a cleverly hidden joke. You mirrored their sentiment and waited for Chishiya to pull something, knowing how much he enjoyed teasing the usual carefree Kaori. 
As you four shuffled into the elevator, Chishiya beckoned you to his side as more people filled the space. As the elevator doors closed, you caught a glimpse of a menacing looking young man with tattoos all over his body, holding what seemed to be a katana. Your eyes widened as he looked straight at you and started to run towards the elevator. Instinctively you tried to take a step back, stopping mid-step when you felt a hand on your lower back. 
"You okay?" You heard Chishiya’s low and raspy voice in your ear and nodded, your eyes still fixed on the closed door.
"I…I'm okay." You reassured him and yourself.
This was the first time today you had felt the spike of fear run through you. The day had been busy, but not overwhelming. Unlike the day before you had time to talk to other colleagues and other people, you had a proper lunch, you were calm and relaxed. And as you closed your eyes you hoped, for the sake of your employment, you could keep at least a minimum amount of normalcy about you.
While the main dinner would be served in a spacious dining room, the hotel was using one of the conference rooms as a makeshift bar. This was where drinks would be served before and after dinner. And where you and your group stood looking around.
"Are we even allowed to have alcohol?" Ari asked as one of your colleagues walked by with a drink in his hand.
"It's a dinner event and we are in a bar, I'm gonna go with yes." You shrugged.
"I mean, I would like to believe we are wise adults that wouldn't pull anything embarrassing in front of our bosses." Kaori jabbed, looking at Chishiya.
The rest chuckled and you looked at him, but he was completely disengaged with the conversation you were having. 
Chishiya had been here before. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind. As soon as he stepped into the room the sound seemed to have dulled out. The white wall in front of him flashed with a deck of cards graffitied on it. The threatening feeling you had mentioned before, he was now feeling it. He has been here before and he hadn't enjoyed it. His eyes immediately darted to you, feeling like something was about to happen. You were matching his gaze, concern written all over your face. His eyes looked at your neck and widened. A big red gash was slowly oozing blood…he blinked and the blood was gone. The concerned expression remained fixed in place and became even more pronounced...
"You look like you are about to pass out." You asked him, placing a hand on his elbow.
"I…" he cleared his throat as the three other friends looked at each other, clearly concerned. "I'm alright."
You stroked her arm reassuringly. His face had shifted from nonchalant to confused in a matter of seconds. And it wasn't just his usual twitch of an eyebrow. His face had fully contorted, displaying his turmoil.
Chishiya kept looking back at the room you left after dinner was called. His friends had been mingling and talking to other staff and benefactors. However, as much as he tried, he just wanted to find a dark corner and stand there or even better, leave…not just the room but the hotel.
The four companions sat with other colleagues. The conversation flowed between the six people at the table, with him being sandwiched between you and Kaori. 
Something was wrong with him. You knew it, Ari knew it, Kaori knew it. You were certain at this point, the other three people sitting with you knew it. He had shut down. His eyes were alert, his head tilting slowly towards any sudden sound he heard, his jaw and shoulders tense. His hands were on his lap, his fingers scratching at the fabric of his pants leg.
"Oy, Chishiya, are you sure you're good?" Kaori laughed, slapping him on the leg in jest.
"Yes." He replied, knowing full well nobody believed him.
"You want us to get you your hoodie?" The concerned teasing continued from Kaori.
“Is this a joke?” Ari inquired and he slowly shifted his gaze to her and blinked.
Kaori looked at you both and shrugged, a concerned expression on their face. He usually took teasing well, never missing an opportunity to show his mischievous side. The one-word answers didn’t seem like him.
Before any of you could try anything else the Foundation's director walked up on a small stage placed at the back of the room. He started to make a small speech.
As the older man kept talking, you saw Chishiya's leg starting to bounce impatiently under the table. Without taking your eyes off the stage, you placed a hand on his thigh and rubbed small circles with your thumb, feeling it tense under your palm. You shifted your gaze to his face watching as he took a deep breath and unclenched his jaw, slowly laying his own hand on top of yours.
“Are you…” He nodded before you could finish the sentence. 
“You asked us to trust you before.” He looked at you through the corner of his eyes. “Now it’s your turn.”
You nodded and tried to move your hand, but he squeezed it and kept it on his leg.
Throughout the dinner he had been quiet, but seemed more approachable. You noticed he kept looking at the door in the main dining room. You, Ari and Kaori would unconsciously take turns to stand by his side and keep an eye on him, much like they would do to you sometimes. And he noticed it.
Chishiya was annoyed at first at his friends taking shifts sitting next to him at the table. Despite his mind working at full speed, he was able to keep it in and figure things out on his own. But when he looked back at his friends' faces as they sat down and chatted with him, his annoyance faded. They weren't trying to force him to say what was on his mind or even judging him for keeping them in. Quite the contrary, sometimes they'd just sit down and take a sip of their beverages, other times they would talk to him about the gossip they'd caught on. They were concerned, and they showed him that. As foreign as it was for him, he understood it meant he had someone in his corner, without it being for nefarious reasons.
• ··········· • ············ •
// The body on the table was familiar as was the room, but you couldn’t quite place it. You’d seen the man before somewhere. Silk robe, swim shorts. On the balcony, from the hotel. He was alive back then.//
• ··········· • ············ •
@phoenix666stuff // @rosesandlavendertea // @xiaoishwrites
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m0e-ru · 11 months
tohruest adachiest manager's choice experience as compiled by the tumblr branch moel gas station 2023
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helloooo my dearest okyakusan my most wonderful customers whether you have a membership card or just passing by. Here is the manager's choice of how to have the most tohru adachi experience ever 📣📣📣
this post will have a breakdown of the whole diagram with highlights, and my own opinions of each medium stated. Otherwise, here's a summary as a list!!
Persona 4 (PS2 2008)
Standalone Drama CD Vol. 3 (scattered cameos)
Manga Adaptation (Sogabe)
adachi jumpscare table
Vol. 10; Chapter 54
Vol. 12
Arena Ultimax; Episode Adachi
Arena Ultimax Manga Adaptation (Rokuro Saito special mention!??)
this is a bit cool too
The Golden Animation
Blu-ray/DVD Vol. 2; Bonus Drama CD: A Sense of Gratitude
Blu-ray/DVD Vol. 4; Bonus Drama CD: Boo ~ I bear a grudge on you ~
The Animation
Standalone Drama CD Vol. 2: You'll understand when you get older
The Golden (PS VITA 2013) (Social Link, new events, etc.)
The Golden Animation
Episode 6: See? I told you Yu.
Episode 7: It’s cliché, so what?
Unaired Bonus Episode “Another End Episode”: Thank you Mr. Accomplice
other opinions 
I’ll be linking all available online resources for everything I’ve stated!! If a link is broken or the media is inaccessible, hit me up!! I have my own personal archive.
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YES!! segment !! wahoo !!!!! this is where i constantly stuff my nose in whenever i want a good reference on adachis character. AND THEY'RE ALL PERFECT TO ME!! <- about the media
Persona 4 (PS2 2008)
Back to basics everybody!!! Let’s remember who this goofball is from the start. Forget he has a social link and see him be the bumbling fool for plot exposition and the real murderer !!!! Just like how I tell you not to reference the attendant during 3/20, we can put Shadow Adachi’s mannerisms and his influence under literal god aside and try and focus on what that means as symbolism and extra information on Adachi himself!!
Standalone Drama CD Vol. 3
THIS IS A FUN ONE he has scattered cameos throughout the drama and was essentially being dragged around by Dojima.
Basic premise of this volume that it’s sports festival season!! Yasogami’s at it and the IT are participating, as well as Nanako—although she worries that her dad won’t even come to see her and that she wouldn’t even be able to do the family three-legged race.
Adachi’s appearances here are so stupid, he says he was an “elite” then flops trying to help high-schoolers with homework because Naoto’s there. He does his usual begging and whining with Dojima etc etc he also drove Dojima to compete with Nanako after saying the man finished all his reports as fast as possible.
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I like this one because it reinforces who Adachi is based mostly from the main game. With the context that fans listening are aware he’s the culprit (or not), they do sprinkle in his “emptiness” (<- no i'm exaggerating it sorry) and bring it to the front of the picture a bit.
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Translated Transcript: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14uOTyzic9Ij9DjN4ZRNBLFTcGe0UF-PvX4qMnqcs2Fk/edit#gid=283104639
Available video link: https://youtu.be/p3yDNbczEqg?t=228 (timestamped to 3:49)
Manga Adaptation (Sogabe)
SOUJI SETA TRUTHER COMING IN STRONG also i just adore Sogabe’s adaptation on the game as a whole. While I am Marie lover#1, this manga did begin in 2008, and I like to think it’s the hypothetical that Marie really was expunged completely OKAY WHERE WAS I
As mentioned, this whole adaptation focuses on the game before Golden was ever a thing. No scooters, no extra events, no nothing. Although, Sogabe did write in a bit of Adachi’s Social Link in a context best suited for Souji.
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I like Sogabe's take on Adachi in the manner of how he draws him and writes him as a character. It's not as whimsical or lazy like the anime, and the way he took the downhill spiral of the Hospital arc, from November to December, just actually felt like my emotions were ready in the right places. Surprisingly, in every adaptation, I was really enamored to see how Adachi acted differently in each one.
In the manga, he didn't seem as slack jawed as he did in the game at least. He looked like he was trying so hard to act concerned when he he actually feels guilty for everything going down !!! OR MAYBE NOT !!!!!!!
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compared to the game, you can really how much he exudes of being so. plastic. ung kaplastikan. and you're mad not because you're stuck with ps2 limitations of three polygons of an arm waving around, but you're mad that he reeks of faking concern. But also unlike the game, you don't understand what's going on anymore because of the things that have transpired in relation to Adachi's character. Which is Sogabe's adaptation of his Social Link with Souji through having dinner with each other.
and Souji doesn’t know him! They share things with one another that one dinner but otherwise, Adachi’s never rambled on about himself as much as he does in a normal Social Link run. There is a different sort of motive with Souji and he wants to some things wrap things up while everything else is falling apart around him. If there’s a chance to help someone, even if he’s only talked thoroughly once or twice and that the other party’s opened up a single time to him, he’s the boy who wants to get through to people either way. What if Souji’s a bit selfish himself and wants to be in control of things when everything in his life and vision are literally blurring as he breathes? (takes place in november when nanako's hospitalized btw)
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I love the lack of intimacy between the two, contrary to what majority of the fan base wants or even BELIEVES. Souji is a kid with a year in Inaba, of course he does a million other things with his time than hang out with an adult that’s some kind of darker version of himself and a representation of a possible bleaker future considering how similar they are. 
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As for the specific chapters, I think it’s fulfilling to go through the whole manga from the start. Like, forget everything you know about P4 for a second and experience it as fresh as possible. Then you get to Chapter 54 to see Adachi’s condensed Social Link and get to Volume 12 to see things come together. Sure, I start getting a bit iffy with Volume 13 but I enjoy the parallels between the two, genuinely.
i have more stuff locked and loaded but uhmmm yeah 👍
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Available manga link: https://manhuascan.me/manga/persona-4-official 
VISUALIVE (stageplay)
you will never see adachi ever act like a cunt like this ever again. he only does it once because hes gay.
i have made a million essays about this this is the foundation of this gas station itself
Available video links to the only things i’ve subbed ever because they’re the most important ones to this fruit’s development:
or you can watch the whole thing because Masami Itou’s portrayal of him is just delightful: https://youtu.be/7oTpjmeD-mk 
Arena Ultimax; Episode Adachi
hahaha. haha. laughs weakly. haha.
I would kindly ask everybody to do this in Japanese dub but otherwise ehmmm yeah ! Episode Adachy. I do enjoy how they try to elaborate how his personalities are coalescing into a single face as he doesnt have to fake around people anymore. Like the fact that his lame humor is still present and he’ll do stupid voices, which makes you wonder if he was always like this or that it’s something he adopted while acting out the last facade he’s done for over a year—or more. 
HE IS SO FUCKING OPINIONATED AND THINKS HES SO COOL he has SO MUCH PRIDE but also he doesnt at the same time. you think hes a soldier surviving in the idgaf war but hes still dying in the mines he planted and crossfire for multiple reasons. hes simultaneously a teenage girl and a man in his late twenties.
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Adachi is totally giving a fuck, not just in a white girl bully “I’m better than everyone” kind of way but like he’s totally giving a fuck about a lot of things. “Oh I gotta stop whatever this god has going down for this city in bumfuck nowhere because the case is going to go around in circles and i’ll never serve jail time in peace” how many times has he turned corners in an alleyway maze just by saying this.
hes literally trembling in his shoes with everything happening in that hour but hes just so good at bottling up emotions from others and HIMSELF. Theres only so much he’ll admit in his own monologue—in his own thoughts. That hes aware of things but he’ll never say it out loud even in his own head i’ll tear him apart with my bare hands <- i am just genuinely annoyed he can do this and not me but i should be grateful that i can express myself than be an emotionally repressed asshole 
He finds kids who are mirrors where he sees himself in. One, a goody two-shoes who has it all, the other an actual brat with a fucked up life from loneliness, isolation, and abuse (a million other things). And he’s not annoyed only because he finds similarities between him and them, but the fact that they’re children and they have at least a decade more than his ass which he spent sulking about with.
He’s mad at Bancho because he has his way from the kindness and generosity of his time he’s spent with others, something Adachi didn’t do; in which he could use his situation with his family and education as an excuse, but he never brings that up because as much as he likes seeing others eat shit and he has his way, Adachi also considers himself a fuckup. can you see this irony. So many chances to get out there and socialize, but he stuck his nose in his studies thinking a good future’s already laid out for him—BUT THE BUBBLE POPPED which is what fucking happens when youre in Japanese economic depression after the bubble economy. and you dont bother to leave your comfort zone either EVEN WHEN YOU DONT NECESSARILY like the things youre doing because it’s the only damn thing you’re used to !!!!
He’s sick of Sho because he’s an oversized 10 year old who’s doing the exact same thing Adachi’s done in the past and Adachi is sick of that. he hates himself. and he’ll hate a kid for acting the same way. He’ll project so much he’ll fix another person’s mistakes not out of pure goodness of his heart, but because he doesnt like himself as a person no matter how much he tries to deflect these thoughts in his own head.
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Adachi’ll scoff and nitpick Narukami because he doesn’t want to admit this better version of him is better. That he’s not this other guy, but rather, he’s just himself. He complains and whines about Dojima and even says he “hates him,” but is everyone not aware he’s the second biggest tsundere in this series next to Marie at this point. they are COMPETING for that number one title.
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no matter how many times he tries to sever connections for the sake of the other party, those bonds are developed enough for the other party to WANT to tie it back together. he doesnt know how to build bridges, but he doesnt know how to properly burn them either. hes sloppy at everything he does. he is gay.
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okay sorry about that im sososo dizzy honestly. where was i. i talked about his issue with his Persona before and how it isnt his Persona a million times on this blog sorry i really everything's spinning right now 'and you're still writing an adachi essay?' hushup
Japanese Bubble Economy: https://www.britannica.com/topic/bubble-economy 
Available Video Link: https://youtu.be/0TkRLCGqT3g 
Arena Ultimax Manga Adaptation (Rokuro Saito)
this is a bit funny. i read it mostly for Sho like. while i do adore it as very beautiful adaptation. when it comes to adachi uhh. hmm. looks around. the rokuro saito effect. he did mementos mission too if you're wondering and what I mean by this.
I mean he did reinforce Adachi getting proper police training and essentially being above average to the top of his classes (krav maga, shooting accuracy, detectivisms, etc.). His humor and mannerisms are also delightful i think personally with the way they're illustrated and essentially visualized. Rokusai has his quirk for drawing everybody really pretty which he does really well for Persona characters, but it also caught me really off guard when he works on adachi like okay! sho breaking his ribs can fix everything itsok.
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Available manga link: https://m.manganelo.com/manga-cn116859
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OH now this is the section where im a bit iffy with the characterization here but i still like to reference it sometimes
The Golden Animation
Blu-ray/DVD Vol. 2; Bonus Drama CD: A Sense of Gratitude
Adachi doesnt have a big part here he’s literally there to help with the Dojima garden and Narukami plants cabbages for him.
Available Video Link: https://youtu.be/1SNKljdyUcY?t=640 (timestamped to 10:40)
Blu-ray/DVD Vol. 4; Bonus Drama CD: Boo ~ I bear a grudge on you ~
THIS. this, goodness gracious it was so silly. Adachi’s here for a few segments with Dojima in the pub. Detective yaoi if thats what you’re into I guess. He also sounds a bit cheeky here in speaking tone and the scheme he’s pulling to call Naoto to do their job while Dojima’s knocked out on duty.
Available Video Link: https://youtu.be/PasKTZtKx_c?t=720 (timestamped at 12:00)
The Animation
i dont have much to say about the actual anime i dont really watch it, but i respect the Narukami truthers out there. It’s just not for me, nor do I reference it for Adachi at all. why does he look like this
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i dont have that much judgement to say if it's good enough to use as reference for Adachi besides it visualizing how much of a goofball he is, I guess I could mention that. I have issues of it depicting lore but otherwise i dont think it's that much different than what the base game pulls besides it different pacing to better fit the animation medium.
Standalone Drama CD Vol. 2: You'll understand when you get older
Not particularly partial with this one because the anime gave Narukami a face, like he’s his own character here. Dojima makes Adachi go to Okina and deliver something because his clown ass forgot to hand it over to the other prefect police who visited within the day. Narukami’s off to go help Ebi stand in line for a makeup promo and Dojima says they can go together. There’s a subplot with the IT where they think Narukami’s being arrested lol so they go follow him throughout the rest of the drama.
Adachi just hangs out with the silly billy that is his boss’ nephew who has so much kindness and generosity that it could get the kid killed one day.
Available Video Playlist Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Wysh6PBhe_jyqxxIcyt_XrW6GcKHRn0 
The Golden (PS VITA 2013)
I scratch my head and wonder what they were going for with Adachi’s Social Link besides the fanservice. I mean thats what they did with akc in royal i guess. <- has my own opinions about this but im closing my mouth.
It feels a bit too… intimate for me? What’s the deal with WANTING to invite him for dinner… without Dojima around either. Like they’re a two in one package for me, you can’t see one without the other most of the time. Like Adachi’s slacking off work while Dojima’s slaving away by himself? I’ve always believed they get off at the same time or something because of the subordinate status.
I did enjoy the Junes segments though, it kind of felt like it was a good placement—if you move things around a bit. Him hiding behind your back while you’re doing groceries so it looks like he’s busy was a bit funny, and him chatting you up while you’re supposed to be busy yourself is also silly if you consider that Bancho himself wants to bail and was just caught into his chismosa and whining. He has enough of a degree of association with you as you’re putting your nose into the murder case and that you’re his boss’ nephew, so that’s kind of why you’re the only few people he can talk to.
(pauses yes or yes ) i also ate ice cream where was I going with this
dont make me talk about the accomplice ending that thing’s pretty corny to me but also unnerving i dont want to think about it alot.
With the way things have gone for Adachi’s new characterization with the added Social Link and the new events for Golden, it personally made me think twice about it all, especially when his TV studio and Shadow self ended up the same. There’s a lot to go about this? (<- deranged) and I will admit that I myself got sucked into the idea that he’s an antagonist and couldn’t truly experience everything right at that point. whoopsie. Then again, looking at it at this point in time after a few years makes me realize yeah maybe this does make a bit of sense! The nature of the fog has changed, which can explain the drastic change in character between Namatame and Adachi. which is an essay for another day I really feel a bit out of it.
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The “um” segment. Stuff I dont really like to reference nor put in the pot that makes adachi soup because im really iffy with it and how the writing was taken liberally for the sake of the audience rather than the reinforcement of source material itself.
The Golden Animation
The Adachi centric episodes 6, 7, and the accomplice ending bonus episode lol, as the whole Golden anime was really for Marie and other new Golden add-ons like Okina and scooters and ski trip and etc. 
how do I put this. im really opinionated on this segment it’s okay if you dont take my word for it. I dont like the production quality. The animation is honestly really bad and the artstyle itsnt tasteful with how it’s executed. There’s enough frames of Marie that people looking over my shoulder while I watch would call her Adachi. It really is a boatload of a cashgrab and fanservice that kind of adds new insightful things to the lore but honestly? I don;t trust it. Like the writers forgot what they were writing about and started writing fanfiction of what they originally made.
It did give some insight with Adachi, but I hate how they just made Narukami the way he is for this adaptation. Like the boy does have all the time in world and hes not an overworked high-schooler with so many commitments now he can… make a man dinner and deliver it to him…? I would definitely say “> Adachi doesn't seem to lead a nutritionally balanced life...” and leave it at that, i am not making him dinner i dont have time for that. can someone get this guy a girlfriend please. Don’t get me started how they treated his character development and lore surrounding him overall im sick of it. At least Sogabe made it all look pretty.
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anyway here’s the part where i can add my closing thoughts as someone who fills a niche solely because they think and enjoy things so differently than the present majority. I don’t think im mature enough to enjoy things peacefully in a community full of different people but also because im losing the idgaf war myself. I’m glad I can enjoy a media in general and I’m so happy when people can enjoy it with me. (had to stop the cat from clawing on the vacuum he likes the texture apparently) where was I
hold my hand as i go through a hundred coming of age arcs in my life and that one day i wont be as embarrassed as i am now to admit i like tohru adachi as a character and talk about him with a restraint so childish because I dislike how a majority depict him. he’s part of my journey as i learn things about myself as much as mimi but in a more human way because. hes human. or something. one day i can forget his reputation in the community and create all the things i make with pure love that is not fueled by spite to be right and correct. I already know i am right and correct because everyone can enjoy things their own way and find things that they like in one thing that are different from things others like. for now, i will still treat him like an insufferable uncle older brother thing whose arm i periodically chew on until i reach bone and let him carry me back to bed when im tired of being annoyed of him. 
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hellcatinnc · 4 months
Fluffruary Day - 7 - Blissful Masquerade
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, dancing, valentine's day, romance, romantic, romantic fluff, breakfast in bed, cinderella, fairy tale, masquerade, cliche, cinderella cliche, proposal
Word Count: 2,548
Feature: Nicola Francesco x Fem! Reader
Theme: Vulnerability
Cuore mio - My Sweetheart
Amore Mio - My Love
Mio Caro - My Darling
Da Ora Fino A Sempre - from now until forever
Amore Della Mia Vita - love of my life
Its been a year since you been with your boyfriend Nicola, so much has changed even with him. He went from a man who suffered in the mafia and how he never felt he was good enough to becoming the man he is now. It wasn't always easy for him the vulnerability he had to go through to let you in was a big step. Here you are with him though living in the Falzone manor with him and his family. Its Valentine's day and they have decided to throw a event at the manor. Most days you spend waking up in the room you two share together. How he smiles at you shows that all that hurt and pain is in the past and you make him happy like he does you.
This morning was different you looked over and his side of the bed was empty, you reach for the sheets and notice they are slightly warm so you know he hasn't been away too long. You pull the covers around you as your thoughts flashback to last night and your cheeks burn hot you know those thoughts will surely make you blush again and again. No sooner than you snapped out of this he walks in the door carrying a tray with a lovely breakfast on it as he places it in front of you. Its all your favorite breakfast foods including heart shaped pancakes. The tray is accented with your favorite flower too with a cute folded up card at the edge of the tray that says on it read after. You smiled at him not expecting this and with a soft spoken words he announces "Happy Valentine's Day! Amore mio, good morning." He leans in kissing your lips without even giving you a chance to respond. He always knows how to take you from a moment and smother you in his love, but you love when he does this. Taking your thoughts away all you could do is softly coo to his kisses.
"How di...." he put his fingers to your lips, when he removed them you continued "How did y-you..." He smiled as he took a piece of sausage from your plate and put in your mouth so you couldn't ask silly questions. He just wanted you to enjoy first, talk later. He flopped down on the bed beside you and starts cutting the pancakes up for you. This was way more than you thought he would do he really wanted to show you that you mean the world to him and today was about spoiling you. You let him hand feed you the pancakes without saying another word, but softly moaning as the flavor melts on your tongue. You close your eyes getting lost in being pampered like this. When you got together last year it was after Valentine's Day so this is your first time celebrating it with him and you have to admit he is going all out. After he feeds you the wonderful tasting pancakes then he leans in kissing your lips tasting the sweetness left on them. He licks them taking it all in as you open your eyes and smile at him.
He caresses your face then softly kisses your bare shoulders leaving the tingles that his lips bring across your naked skin. Then he wraps his arms around you holding you into him kissing your forehead "I love you, Cuore mio." The way he uses these sweet pet names on you in such a romantic way, you love when he does this. You pick up the little note he left on the tray while he holds you close. Its a sweet little note that says "Before you ask, no I did not cook this Giulia helped alot, but I told her what I wanted fixed for you. I do love you mio caro, da ora fino a sempre." You had tears that started to trickle down your face and you feel his fingers wiping them then kissing his fingers that had your tears on them. He then kisses your cheeks and then as you closed your eyes he kissed them as well softly. He was so tender but all these baby butterfly kisses made you comforted in a way you could never even dream of. He has you in his arms as these kisses send such a sensation through your whole body. It was so intimate and raw. The closest you have ever been to him, both of you fully vulnerable and letting down the last of the walls to each other.
He moved the tray for you then pulled you down into his arms. He chuckles as you haven't realized you are more revealing than you had planned, you feel him pull the covers up around you as you smile even though your cheeks flush. He doesn't make it about anything more than to be romantically intimate with you. He wants you to feel safe and loved with him in every way. You lay there in his warm arms for a bit just listening to his heartbeat, eyes closed, and just breathing him in. It is such a sensual bliss to feel so happy in this moment. Both of you dozed off in sleep keeping each other warm, but wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. He told the person to come in but only after he made sure you were fully covered. It was Leo, letting him know some things are going down in Burlone and Dante needed him as backup. He nodded, Leo ran out flushed in his face when realized he was walking on some private time. He kisses you on the lips softly then smiles at you. You hate every time he had to go out like this you are so worried he will never come home to you. You pull him in wrapping your arms around his neck as you whisper into his ear. "Please come home safe, bring Dante and Leo home, my love, I love you." He could see the worry in your eyes and he knows you are just looking out for them but he really was good at what he did and he always would stay safe so he could come home to you.
While they were away you got up and got dressed then took the tray down to the kitchen and helped Giulia out and did the dishes from it. You helped her out with things she was doing to prepare for the masquerade tonight. After a few hours go by your hear the front door open, your heart sinks as people flooding into the house yet still no Nicola. He is usually always first however this time he wasn't and you were frantically darting your eyes around the people coming into the house. About that time Nicola swung his arms from behind you wrapping you up in his soft arms. You gasp and jump until you turn around and look up into his beautifully glowing eyes of his. "Y-You're H-Home!?!" Tears formed in your eyes as they rapidly started drenching your shirt. You couldn't help it this was the first time for a moment you felt like you could have lost him and your heart was beating so fast, you were lightly dizzy, as a spell of nausea comes on you. He caught you as you went to sway and almost fall. He lifts you up in his arms and walks you over to the couch laying you down on it. Giulia came in the room with water chilled as she hands it to Nicola.
He tries to slowly give you a sip at a time as he held you up in his arms so that you wouldn't choke. When you finally come to you looked up at him, everyone was standing around to make sure you were ok. Everyone felt awkward when you crashed your lips into his and pulling him down on you. In that moment the world seems to melt away and you don't even know when people left, nor did you two care. After a long make-out session he breaks away because you have been kissing him so much that he could barely catch his breath. "I'm glad to see you too, Amore Mio! Be careful you're safe now." You shake your head like you need to tell him why this happened. You can't get the words out but tears start to trickle down your face. He lifts your chin with his dominant hand. He moves closer into you as you feel your lips collide with his, and you melt into him. When you pull back you blurt it out without trying to hold back and think about it too long now. "I-I thought I was.....g-going to l..o..s..eee you!" Your the only thing, I can't, I just can't live in a world without you...!" He finally understood and he pulled you into him and hugged you tightly not planning to let you go, he still needed you like you needed him. Even though you both have come a long way, the best part of both of you is in the other.
He lifts you up carries you out into the garden entrance then sets you down on the ground. He gets down on one knee and looks up at you as he holds your hand. He pulls out a box and clears his throat so he can properly ask you. "Amore Mio, Y/N, You came into my life when I never thought I deserved anything good. Even when I met you I wasn't sure how I could be good enough for you. But I have fell in love with every smile, in love with every pout, with every single wink, even the tears you have cried. I wiped away whether good or bad tears but I hope all I give you from here fourth is just good tears. I love you, my love, my darling, my sweetheart. Will you marry me, amore della mia vita?" You get on your knees with him, your tears line your eyes ready to pour down your face but he catches them before they do. He pulls you into his lips kissing you like he has never kissed you before. Your whisper was soft at first "y-yes..." He looked directly at you with so much love in his eyes. You said it a bit louder now "Y-Yes!" You saw his cheeks flush rosy red, you said it louder "YES!!...YES!!...YES!!" He slid the ring with a beautiful antique setting in it on your finger, you could tell it was past down from his own mother.
He lifted you up swinging you around before he loops your legs over his arms and takes you back to the bedroom. There is a lovely dark purple dress laid out across the bed edged in small crystals to give it such a lovely dress. Lovely silver heels with the same small crystals lining the shoes. He helped you get changed out of what you were wearing. Then he grabs the dress sliding it down on your curves, he smiles at you as he leans kissing the back of your neck. Those sweet soft butterfly kisses. The top of the dress leaves it easy for him to steal kisses on the back of your neck and shoulders. A soft moan comes through your lips as you feel his lips near your ear whispering "You are so stunning!" This made you smile when he said that as he spun you around engulfing your lips loving and kissing you deeper. The kiss got heavier and a little more passionate, you stop him for now. "Lets save that for tonight when we can become one again." You sat down on the bed, he got down on one knee as he slid on the shoe in a cinderella style cliche.
He stood up holding his hand out to you. As you took his hand he led you towards the mirror and Giulia stepped in to help you with your hair done and makeup as Nicola tells you he will meet you at the top of the stairs. After a bit your hair and makeup was done so well you felt like the most beautiful woman in this moment. You couldn't wait to see what he thought, the dress fit you perfectly and you looked amazing in it. You then put a masquerade mask on over your eyes that matches your dress with crystals lining it. You walked down the hallway towards him. As you see him he has his back turned around until he notices you walk up behind him. When he turned around and saw you, he caught himself his jaw was slightly open as if in awe of your beauty. He looked so handsome in his suit and hat with a leather black mask over his face making his beautiful eyes shine a bit brighter.
He took you by your hand kissing the top of your gloves you were wearing. He walked you down the stairs to the bottom, both of you were such a lovely couple that everyone gasped as they watched you two walk into the room. He walks you to the back patio to the middle of a open space he pulls you close as he spins you in to his arms with your back to his chest. He leans forward kissing the side of your mouth. He trails those kisses up to your ear where he gives it a nibble, his hands caressing your neck. You feel your heart beat so fast it feels like its going to explode. He twirled you around and pulled you into his arms your gaze meets each others. He leads you across the floor as the rest of the party dissolves behind you two its only this moment with you and him no one else around. He glides with you across the floor lost in each others eyes falling in love all over again. You lean your head on his chest as the songs change to a slower sound.
This was the best Valentine's Day, you two are happy together and you are the fiancé of the sweetest loving man you have ever known. The rest of the night was such a wonderful time, you did alot of dancing, sitting, some eating, and falling in love with Nicola Francesca again and again. The night was long but you took everything in soaking in all these little moments because you will cherish them the most. After a few drinks Nicola caries you back to the bed that night and helped you change out of your gown. Things got a bit hotter once both of you were in bed but you had drank a little too much but he whispered in your ear softly "Lets make up tomorrow to share in bliss we both remember and enjoy. I love you, mio caro." You kissed him once again "I love you too" the last words you spoke before falling asleep in his soft gentle arms as he laid there holding you all night, he did eventually fall asleep too, he could do so because he knows he will keep you safe....forever.
Wanted to tag you girls since you all love Nicola.
@mcwentfandomtraveling @cocotome @misschimotosuwa-blog
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m-jelly · 2 years
Hellooooo <3 I'm here for Spooktober!
So, the only things I am set on are SFW with Levi and a haunted object.
My not set are location and context. I was originally thinking hotel and honeymoon and the object could be a phone (creepy phone calls??) but I'm open to whatever your imagination can conjure up!
Maybe a date in a spooky mansion or the woods? Or a married couple at the hospital? Maybe they run it or are visiting someone? Haunted objects could be a mirror, a book, a candle or a teddy bear?!
I can't wait to see what you do!
I'll do a few mini-episodes for you! <3
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Spooky collection
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, fluff, romance, cute, haunted objects, haunted places, honeymoon, dates, cute, fem!Hange
Concept: A collection of shorts with you and Levi. Part 1: The waiting phone. You and Levi are on your honeymoon and the phone keeps ringing. Part 2: Reflection. Levi and you go on a date to a mansion and something won't let you sleep. Part 3: Thank you, nurse. You're in the hospital after having your first born and a kind nurse tends to you. Part 4: Dada. You and Levi do some ghost hunting with Hange, her wife and friends. You encounter a doll that likes Levi.
Link to my event if you want to take part!
Tag list: @ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @skittlelover69 @strawberrybunny123 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6
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Part 1: The waiting phone
Exhaustion soaked into your bones as your husband held you close in the lift. You were married and you both ran off to your honeymoon, but the flight was so long and there was a mess up with your room, that you both were so drained. You needed a bed and so did Levi.
Levi unlocked the door with the card and shoved the door open. He rubbed his eyes and huffed. The room wasn't the perfect romantic one he'd booked, but an old simple room. They had double booked the room and wanted to make it up to you both, but you wanted to sleep so bad that you took any room.
He turned to the manager as he bowed and said sorry multiple times. The manager stood up. "We'll give you your room tomorrow and more! We'll give you as many extras as possible."
Levi sighed. "I just want to let my wife sleep, she's exhausted." he smiled when you face-planted the bed. "It's been a long day for her. We just want to sleep."
The manager bowed. "Yes, sir, sorry sir. I'll leave you be. I ah..."
Levi frowned as the man hovered around. "Something wrong?"
The manager stared at the red phone in the room. "Ju-Just keep the phone off the hook."
Levi rubbed his face as irritation took over. "Right. Goodnight." He pushed the manager out and locked the door. He turned to you, the bags heavy under his eyes. "Honey? You should change." He smiled when you moaned against the bed. "I know, I know. Come on." He patted your bum. "Bed."
You rolled down the bed and slid off the bed. "Tired."
"I know you are." He opened the suitcase and pulled out the bed things. "Here."
You yanked your dress off and threw your bra at Levi. You dragged your dress on and flopped onto the bed. "Done."
Levi sighed as he picked up your things and put them away. He smiled at seeing you curled up on top of the bed sleeping. You had a rough time and he didn't blame you for being tired. You had stopped a fight at the wedding between Levi and Kenny. You'd shouted at Connie and Sasha from running wild.
The wedding cake got destroyed by Eren fighting with his brother Zeke, who had not been invited to the wedding. You then went out of your way to bake a new cake in the kitchen at your wedding location. You'd comforted Kuchel as she cried her eyes out about her baby boy growing up. You stopped Hange and her wife from setting off fireworks and burning the place down.
Levi felt guilty that he'd barely done anything, plus he'd been part of the disasters that happened. He had smacked Connie up the back of the head and told him to behave. He made sure Sasha didn't eat all the food. He threw Zeke out of the wedding as well.
You were both excited when you got to the airport, but there were issues there and Levi was about to hit someone. You kept him calm and talked to the flight attendant and got an upgrade for them messing up. You even sorted out things at the hotel as well.
He changed as he thought everything over before tucking you under the covers instead of you lying on top. He climbed in after and dragged you close. He kissed your forehead and swore he'd make it up to you this honeymoon for people acting like an ass at the wedding.
He slowly drifted off into sleep as you clung so tightly to him. He flinched at the sound of a phone ringing in his head, it was like it was echoing off the walls of his skull. His eyes snapped open to a dark room and heard a soft ringing of a phone.
He lifted his head and looked down at the table against the wall where the red phone would be, but it was missing. He flinched when the ringing was behind him. He rolled onto his back and looked to his side and saw the phone was on the bedside drawer.
Levi yawned and lifted the receiver. "Mm, hello?" He frowned at the crackling on the other end. "Hello?"
He let out a big yawn and put the phone down. He sniffed and rolled back to hold you and sleep. He gave you a little squeeze and started drifting off to sleep again. He groaned as the phone started ringing again behind him.
He rolled back and grabbed it. "Hello?" He rubbed his eyes and sighed. "Look, if this is management I just want to get some sleep. Please call us in the morning or something." He strained his eyes to hear a very delicate whispering. "Tch, I can't hear you. I'm hanging up!" He slammed the receiver down and went back to hug you. "Sorry honey."
You hummed. "You always know when I'm awake."
"It's the lack of drool on me."
You playfully slapped his chest making him laugh. "Ass."
"I kid. Now sleep." He kissed the top of your head. "It's all sorted."
You smiled when the phone rang. "All sorted, huh?"
He groaned. "This shits."
You leaned on Levi's chest and picked up the receiver. "Ackerman love nest, who may I ask is calling?" You kicked your legs and rubbed your eyes. "Hello?" You looked down at Levi and ran your finger down his nose over and over. "Hellooooo?" You sighed. "You some weirdo that likes listening to people and you jack off? Go find something better to do."
Levi softly said your name. "Please."
You smiled at him. "You're holding back a laugh."
He blushed. "N-no."
You pressed the end of his nose. "You are." You ended the call but put the receiver on the side. "There, we'll no longer be bothered." You lay against Levi and hummed in happiness. "Sleep."
Levi held you tightly. "Sleep."
You felt yourself drifting off into a deep sleep. You enjoyed the warmth of your husband's body against you. You were so happy and in love with him. You flinched when the phone rang. You sat up and stared at the phone. "Impossible." You picked up the reciever. "Hello?" You sat up and listened to a choked talking on the other end, but it was so faint you couldn't hear. "Look, ghost person, I'm tired and I don't have time to solve your murder or whatever it is. Pick the next person."
Levi's eyes widened. "Honey."
You climbed off the bed, ripped the cord out of the wall and carried the phone to the bathroom. You threw it in the bath along with towels over it. You slammed the door closed behind you and heard the ringing was very muffled. "Ah, perfect."
Levi leaned up on his forearms and chuckled. "You're amazing."
You climbed into bed and hugged Levi. "I'm tired. I have no patience for pranks or ghosts."
Levi hugged you tightly and both of you fell asleep without any more issues. You packed up in the morning and got your top-of-the-line honeymoon room. Your two weeks together was perfect and the story of the haunted phone became a fun talk for you both now and then.
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Part 2: Reflection
You walked over to your bath filled with hot steamy water, soothing scents and a very handsome husband ready for cuddles. You stepped in and sank down into the water and nestled yourself against your man. You closed your eyes and relaxed.
Levi had surprised you with a romantic date to a mansion and you were on your last day there. Since being there, you'd had a perfect time together. There was just one strange thing.
There was a mirror in your sitting area. It was an oval shape with a gold decoration around it. When you looked inside it, your face just seemed off and your reflection was always smiling just a little. You'd see shadows shifting as well. You weren't sure if you saw something, but you felt like you did.
Levi hated the mirror and would cover it up, but after a little while, the cover would be gone and on the other side of the room. He had taken the mirror off the wall and put it in the closet, but after you both woke up the next day, the mirror was back.
Levi softly spoke against your ear. "I'll put the mirror in here tonight."
You hummed. "Just cover it up."
"Are you sure?"
You nodded. "Yeah."
He kissed the side of your head and spoke against you. "Okay." He closed his eyes as you played with his hands. "I love you."
You hummed a laugh and kissed his fingers. "Love you always."
He opened his eyes and started washing you before cleaning himself up. He lifted you out of the bath first and got out after. He chatted with you about ideas for your next date location, this mansion was not the only place he had planned for you both.
You pulled on your night things and walked into the room. You paused and stared at the mirror. You gulped hard and grabbed Levi's hand. "Levi."
He pulled you close and kissed your forehead. "Just ignore it, okay?"
You nodded and walked to the bed. "Levi?"
He picked up a blanket. "Get in bed."
You climbed in and pulled the cover up. "Be careful."
He winked at you. "It'll be okay."
He turned to the mirror with his blanket and felt a tingle in him. He didn't know what he was going to see this time. He knew you saw shadows, but he say different things. He saw himself covered in blood and a fake you in the back hurt. He was sure the mirror showed what you feared and for him, it was hurting you. You saw darkness clawing at you, which he thought was depression or something consuming you.
He stared at the mirror and only saw his own reflection. He let out a long sigh and lifted the blanket. He flinched when he saw his reflection slowly begin to grin wide. He covered it up quickly as he felt a cold shiver rush through him. He tucked the blanket around it and tied it in place.
He backed up and touched his face to find he was okay. "Tch, fuck."
He looked over at you to see you were lying on your side. "Yeah?"
You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "Hm?"
He frowned. "You called for me."
You shook your head. "No."
"Leviiii." A cold shiver ran up Levi's spine as a slightly warped version of your voice came from the mirror. He turned and stared at it. "That's not me in the bed. I'm in here. I'm trapped. Let me out."
Levi backed up towards you. "Honey?" He called your name. "Do you hear that?"
You strained your ears. "I don't hear anything. What's wrong?"
He hurried over to you and climbed into bed. "The mirror is pretending to be you. It's saying you're trapped in there." He hugged you against him. "I know you're the real one."
You kissed Levi. "I am. I'm real."
He nodded. "You are."
You lay back with Levi and flinched at the scream of Levi's name. "It can't hurt us. We're okay." You held Levi against you and played with his hair as you sang to him. You smiled as you felt him fall asleep. "Good boy."
You closed your eyes and fell asleep. You woke to a thud noise. You released Levi and sat up to see the blanket had fallen off the mirror. You stared at it for a while and only saw the room reflected in it. You slipped out of your bed and slowly approached it.
You grabbed the blanket from the floor and stared at the mirror. "I'm getting pretty sick of your shit." You saw hands grabbing at Levi in bed. "I know that's fake! You can't fool me. You're trapped in that mirror. You wanna piss me off or scare me so much that I break you and let you out, but I'm not dumb. I'm fed up with you!"
Your reflection silently screamed at you before speaking. "Let. Me. Out."
"Nah." You held up the blanket. "You scared and upset my man, so now I'm mad at you. You can mess with me, but you can't mess with his precious head." You wrapped up the mirror with a blanket. "You're coming with me."
It screamed at you. "You can't beat me!"
You walked to your outdoor shoes and slipped them on as Levi woke up. "Go back to sleep Levi, I'm just having a fight with the mirror and I will win."
He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What me to come with?"
You nodded. "Sure."
He climbed out of bed and put his dressing gown on to cover his chest. He slipped his shoes on and yawned. "What we doing with it?"
You grinned. "A surprise. I don't want it to know."
The mirror screamed. "I'm your nightmare! You can't stop me!"
Levi held your hand and walked with you through the mansion and out the back of it into the garden. "We almost there?"
You nodded. "Yup." You walked down the path to the lake. "How's your throwing arm?"
Levi stretched his arms. "Excellent."
You handed him the mirror as the mirror begged you both. "Aim for the middle, it's super deep."
"Oh, I read that in the pamphlet." He rolled his shoulders and flung the mirror far to the middle and watched it sink below. "We should have done this at the beginning."
You hummed. "Yeah, but it wasn't much of a problem at the beginning, but then it decided to mess with you tonight and I got pissed." You hugged his side. "I protect my man."
Levi chuckled. "My hero." He kissed the end of your nose. "Come on, let's go back to bed."
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Part 3: Thank you, nurse
You held your baby against you as they happily fed from you. You smiled softly as you fell so deeply in love with your baby. You looked up at Levi with your tired eyes and giggled the tears in his. "You still crying?"
He rubbed his tears away and sniffed. "No."
You laughed. "It's okay. It's very emotional. Your wife was in pain and now we have a baby."
He sniffed and nodded. "Yeah. How are you feeling? Do you have enough meds?"
You nodded. "Yeah, no pains here."
"I'm glad." He reached over and took the baby. "Let me burp them. You get some rest."
You lay back and sighed. "Thanks."
Levi patted his baby's little back until they burped. He looked over at you to see you'd passed out. He smiled and cradled his baby. "Hello, my little angel. Guess it's you and me for a bit." He smiled as he felt his heart swell with love for you and your baby. He glanced up after a while to check on you to see a nurse leaning over you and looking at your face. "Who are you?"
The nurse looked over at Levi and smiled. "I'm the night nurse. I'm just checking on your wife."
Levi smiled at the nurse, her outfit was a little old-fashioned but he just guessed it was just something the night staff wore. "Is she okay?"
She checked you again and hummed. "She needs a little something. She has a fever. If this isn't dealt with, it could turn bad."
"Bad how?"
She placed her hand on your stomach. "An infection like this could mess her whole body up. You're looking at a life long of issues, possibly no more children, she could lose the use of body parts."
Levi whined. "Oh no."
She walked over to Levi and lightly touched your baby's head. "Your baby is perfectly well. I'll contact the doctor." She walked over to the call button and pressed it. "I'll be right back, okay? Tell the doctor what I told you."
He nodded. "I will! Thank you!" He rocked his baby and watched her leave. He waited for a bit and saw the doctor hurry in. "Doctor?"
She smiled. "Mr Ackerman, what seems to be the problem?"
"A nurse came in and checked on my wife, she said she has an infection and she's started getting a fever."
The doctor checked you over. "You're right, she has early signs of an infection. What an impressive nurse." She looked over at Levi. "I'll treat her quickly. Could you give me the nurse's name?"
"She never gave me one, but she was dressed differently. She had a dress on and a little hat thing on her hair."
The doctor stared at Levi for a while. She smiled softly. "It seems like you were visited by our guardian angel."
She chuckled and gave the nurse with her instructions on what she needed. "I don't know if you believe in ghosts, Mr Ackerman, but you were visited by our best one. She was a nurse a long time ago and died on duty. She's been looking after our patients who are kind-hearted and sweet. She has graced you both. You're lucky."
Levi welled up. "She saved my wife's life."
"She did. I'm thankful she caught this."
Levi lay his baby down in the cot and waited for you to be tended to. He waited as your body took the meds and seemed to get better. He sat on the bed and held your hand. He smiled when you woke up.
You stretched and moaned. "I feel fantastic. I needed that sleep." You giggled. "How is the baby?"
He kissed you. "Very healthy. I love you, so much."
"I love you too."
He wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. "I would be lost without you. I don't ever want to lose you."
You rubbed Levi's back. "Me too. You're my world. You and our sweet little baby."
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Part 4: Dada
Levi sat next to you with his head in his hands. He groaned as Hange and her wife explained excitedly about a ghost hunt. The two did this for a living and made a whole show about it. Erwin and his girl were involved, Mike with his and Hange had almost begged you to bring Levi along. Levi came because you said it'd be fun and you wanted to see if ghosts were real.
You reached over and rubbed Levi's back. "It'll be fun."
He lifted his head. "I'm doing this because you said we'd investigate together and not with them two. I'm tired, my love and they are loud."
Levi leaned over and kissed you. "Always."
Hange ran over with her wife. "The Ackermans! Good to see you! So, you ready for a duo investigation?"
You nodded. "Yes. Where are we going in the house and what do we need?"
Hange's wife gave you two night vision cameras, a spirit box and the ovilus. "I want you to investigate the doll inside!"
Levi sighed. "Fine."
You turned on your camera and smiled. "This will be fun."
Levi looked at your happy face and smiled softly. "Tch, yeah." He held your hand and walked with you inside the home. "So, what's the deal with this doll?"
You turned the camera on him. "Supposed to have a little girl haunting it but people think it's a demon. You know, you look hot even in night vision."
Levi pushed the camera to the side and kissed you. "You look sexy."
You giggled. "Levi, Hange will be watching this back."
He groaned. "Fine, let's get going." He held your hand and pulled you up the stairs. He used his torch to see and led you to the bedroom with the doll on the bed. "Alright, now what?"
You put your camera on some drawers and smiled. "Camera set up."
Levi turned his on and put it on the bed. "Okay, now what?"
You turned on the ovilus. "Okay, do you wanna ask it some questions?"
Levi groaned. "This is stupid, I'm talking to a damn doll."
Levi stared at the device in your hand. "Did it just call me dada?"
You giggled. "Think so."
Levi shivered. "No. Only kid I'm holding is one I'm having with my beautiful wife."
You giggled. "Thank you. Maybe you should ask it something. It seems to like you."
He groaned. "Sure. What are you? Are you a demon or girl?"
Levi stood up. "There we go, mystery solved." He walked to the camera set up by Hange that they could watch you both through at the base. "Here me Hange? It's a girl! Case solved!"
Hange radioed. "Get more you grumpy ass!"
Levi huffed. "I'm not grumpy." He looked over at you with a pleading look. "Right?"
You opened your arms. "Come here."
Levi sat on the bed and dragged you onto his lap. He squeezed you tightly. "Keep going."
You hummed a laugh and picked up the spirit box. You turned it on and winced at the loud white noise. "Okay, uhh...what's your name?"
Levi huffed when you got nothing and looked sad. "Oi! Answer my wife! Who are you?!"
You gasped. "It spoke! Quiet voice too."
Levi smiled and hugged you close. "Do you mean us harm?"
"Good." He squeezed your thigh. "You won't follow us home, will you?"
Want to...go...with
"No, you can't come with us. If you're a little girl, then go to the light or something?"
You winked at Levi. "Sally, honey? If you go to the nice light you'll see your real daddy there."
Daddy...in...the light?
"That's right!"
Levi smiled. "Go to your daddy."
I see...daddy...bye-bye.
"Bye Sally."
You grinned. "Bye!" You asked anything else, but you got nothing. You turned off the devices. "I think the doll is just a doll now."
Levi kissed your shoulder. "We did a better job than four eyes."
You giggled. "We are a good pair!"
"We are." He kissed you. "Can we go now? I want to go eat some ice cream."
You gasped in delight. "Yes!"
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alias-sam · 6 months
Pierced by a Golden Soul
Chapter 6. Close Call
Platonic Jojo's x Reader
Summary: Fate is a bizarre concept with countless more bizarre implications. In life sometimes such extraordinary events happen that the only reasoning left must be fate. The tragedies that constantly befall the Joestar bloodline for example may be the unluckiest series of cards drawn in human history, or perhaps the work of a greater power. There is no way to tell for sure. Had Dio Brando or Jonathan Joestar moved slightly on a divergent path the world itself would be left very different. The fate or luck of the noble Joestar bloodline has led to destruction of evil likes of the Pillar Men and DIO. This story is of a similar caliber to that of the other Joestars (as I am sure you are familiar with them). This is a story of lost souls, compassion, hope, and above all fate.
Word Count: 2,356
(Crosspost from Wattpad, full fic is already posted there.)
You took a deep breath after reaching the Jones Family Bakery. The entry bell rang and as expected Senora Jones came running.
"Y/n? Oh, my goodness you had me worried!" Your mother ran up and hugged you tightly. "It's been hours! Where were you?"
An innate sense of guilt flooded your conscience. Even if it wasn't entirely your fault, you felt awful for worrying her.
"I got hung up by the teacher after detention. I'm sorry." You mentally kicked yourself for lying to your mother.
"But there wasn't any trouble, right?" Senora Jones broke her hug to look you in the eye.
"Uh- no trouble.... I'm going to go change out of my school clothes." You carefully slipped out of her grasp and headed up from the bakery to your room.
When you reached your bedroom, you dropped your backpack and kicked off your shoes. Your being stressed and tired from the current situation made your stand appear without your calling on it. "Oh- hi?" You stood in silence, waiting for it to do anything. "Do you need something?" The stand looked rather excited for some reason. It soundlessly hopped up and down and pointed at itself. "What has gotten into you?" The stand waltzed over to a corner of you room where you had draped your bakery apron. It adamantly pointed at your name tag. "Oh, right I did say I'd name you later huh? Guess you really don't want to wait." You tiredly flopped onto your bed. There weren't many clues as to what exactly the naming system was for stands. "Got any suggestions?" You glanced over to your stand, it was exploring your room, curiously examining random items, briefly picking them up and putting them back.
"Can you tell me what abilities you have?"
"Do you say anything other than that?"
"Okay..." You rubbed your temples. Your stand obviously had a mind of its own. "I promise I'll name you later. Right now... I'd better get ready for dinner." You picked yourself up off the bed and prepared to change out of your school clothes until a blue shine coming from your window sill caught your eye. You took a few steps closer only to find a small toy soldier looking into your room with a tiny pair of binoculars. The blue shine was an aura that surrounded the solider.
If there wasn't an aura, you would have never seen it. The camo pattern of its uniform coupled with its minuscule size made it almost invisible.
"Is someone messing with me?" You mumbled to yourself. "My room is on the second story; how did this get all the way up here?" You apprehensively stepped closer, keeping your stand activated. The toy soldier proceeded to MOVE. It nimbly drew a gun and shot a single tiny bullet directly at your chest. The bullet sailed through the glass of the window, shattering it completely. By pure instinct, and perhaps a bit of luck, your stand managed to move in front of you, making sure the bullet was blocked by its hand and didn't make it to your heart. Everything happened so fast you were mentally trying to catch up when a pain set into your hand. You looked down to find a small circular wound on your hand. There was an identical wound on the same hand as your stand. Your attention snapped back to the window, but the toy soldier was already gone.
You frantically moved to the window, leaning out to peer down at the street below. A bright blue aura shone through the darkness. Standing on the street outside the bakery was a tall figure surrounded by what looked to be toy soldiers. He started walking away from the bakery but turned and looked at you. The piercing glair he fired at you was just as terrifying as the bullet from moments ago. When he saw you were completely fine his eyes narrowed. You were going to be a threat to his mission if you weren't scared off.
"That was a warning shot!" His voice boomed from the street. He then kept walking away.
Before you could wrap your head around what had happened the man on the street disappeared. You stood back from the window and examined the shiny shards of glass littering your carpet, wincing when you felt a few had cut your arms and legs.
You waited in anticipation for Senora Jones to come running. When she didn't barge in to question the raucous you realized she must have still been working in the bakery. You released a relieved breath; quietly thankful this little event went unnoticed by your mother.
An old t-shirt you had laying around was tossed over to you by your stand. Carefully, you placed the clothing over the glass and stepped away from the radius of the sharp mess.
It took you several minutes to fully process what just happened. Someone... attacked you. In your own home. Fear squeezed your lungs; it was like you couldn't breathe. The rush of adrenaline only made your chest tighter as your pulse quickly rose. A sinking feeling settled in the very lowest pit of your stomach. All you could feel in that moment was terror.
"Hey! Y/n!" You were snapped from a distracted daze. "Ready for school?" Jaya watched you with concern. You looked dead tired. She noticed how you dragged yourself out of the bakery, and barely acknowledged her presence when the two of you started walking towards school. You had been quiet whenever she walked with you, but this was too quiet, even for you. The two of you made it all the way to the school gates and she was getting worried.
"Yeah. Ready as I'll ever be I guess." You said, trying to brush off Jaya's suspicious look.
"Well you look like a zombie." Jaya commented matter of factly.
"That's fair." You answered quietly, getting a good look at yourself in the window of a nearby shop.
"Did you sleep at all last night?" Jaya asked, trying to get a good look at your arms. You were wearing another long sleeve shirt today, but it was hot, it didn't make sense to her. Eventually, you absentmindedly moved some hair out of your face, unwittingly showing off your bandaged hand. Jaya's eyes widened and she stopped in her tracks.
"What?" You also stopped, waiting for Jaya to explain.
"What in the world happened to your hand?" You quickly tried to hide your arm, but Jaya grabbed it to inspect.
"I.. uh... fell down the stairs."
"That's literally the worst excuse I've ever heard." Jaya gave you a disapproving look. You didn't stop her as she undid your poorly wrapped bandage. "This looks like someone pushed a thick nail through your palm! And are these...." Jaya pulled you closer for inspection. "Paper cuts?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Uhhh- m-maybe? It's not what you probably think! I promise." You sighed, lightly pulling your hand away.
"C'mon. I'm not letting this go this time." Jaya pulled a pen from her pocket, grabbed your uninjured hand to write down an apartment complex name and room number. "As soon as your detention is over meet me at my place. I'm bandaging you up properly myself."
"I'm not sure if-"
"I won't take no for an answer." Jaya said as she started heading to her classroom. You stood alone in the courtyard for a moment, dumbfounded by Jaya's forwardness. She was definitely an odd one. At this point you didn't feel uncomfortable around her. You just didn't know to what extent her spitfire personality went.
Your stupor was cut short when someone slammed into you from behind. You tripped forward, landing painfully on the asphalt. At first you were ready to give the person responsible an earful, but when you looked up from the ground you were met with the appearance of a panicked Timothy Buggles.
Tim was an average height and thin build with black hair that was always neatly styled or combed. He liked to wear sweater vests and business casual clothes; in fact, you never saw him in anything but khakis. Perhaps his style choices contributed to the hard time his peers gave him. Tim's large round glasses only made him look more like the stereotypical bullying target. As far as you knew he was an average student grade wise, with a demure nature. The two of you had interacted in the past, but Tim always evaded personal questions, opting to not share much about himself. It was hard to tell if that was an unconscious choice or if he just didn't like you for some reason.
"I-Im so sorry!" Tim frantically apologized, picking up the notebook he dropped and standing back up. He offered you a hand, one which you took.
"It's alright." You stood up and shook off the gravel that had stuck to your skin, meanwhile Tim had already started walking off. "What's got you in such a hurry?" Tim didn't stop to even hear your question. You picked up your pace to catch him.
"I'm headed to the music club, why do you ask?" He mumbled.
"Well, we do have that biology project. I was wondering if you'd be willing to come over to my house to work on it."
"I have a busy schedule the rest of this week."
"So you're free this weekend?" you asked.
"Y-yeah. I guess we can work then." Tim shrugged.
"Great. Guess Ill see you in class. Later." You gave Tim a friendly wave and made your way to first period. Tim watched carefully as you walked off. In his opinion you were...an odd one. Time and time again you would stand up for him, and he couldn't tell what your motivation was. Were you trying to look like some sort of hero? Were you looking for a reward? He had yet to understand why the horrible environment of your school, the rumors, the stories, the talking, hadn't snuffed out whatever strange warmth you had about you.
Tim brushed off his thoughts about you when he reached the music room. He reached for the handle, only to find the door was left ajar. Tim didn't think much of it and simply opened the door.
"Timmy!" Blake Greenmin greeted from his place sitting at the upright piano in the far corner of the room. He crossed his legs and leaned back against the closed lid. He gave Tim a wide smile.
"B-Blake!? W-what are you doing here?" Tim jumped, not expecting the sudden appearance.
"Nothin'. Just wanted to visit I guess." Blake watched Tim carefully as the timid boy was quickly inching his way back out the door. "I also wanted to have a talk with you."
"T-talk? Im not sure if-" Tim was cut off when the door roughly slammed closed behind him. There at the door stood...another Blake? "W-what the hell!?" Tim yelled in pure shock.
"Terrifying trick. Isn't it?" The duplicate at the door grinned.
Tim didn't know what to think when yet another Blake materialized out of thin air right in front of him. The third Blake sauntered over, and noiselessly snatched his notebook away. Tim helplessly watched as his book was handed over to the Blake sitting at the piano.
"I'd be happy to give this back... however there are a few things I need you to do for ME first."
Tim glanced around at his, now numerous, tormentors and reluctantly nodded.
You found it incredibly odd when Tim didn't show up for Biology class, especially since you had seen him just a few hours ago. Blake was gone, but that wasn't a surprise given the ordeal that happened yesterday. You leaned back in your chair, frustrated. At this rate you were going to be doing this project all on your own.
"You're Y/n Jones, right?" You almost jumped out of your seat when a stranger put their hand on your shoulder. You turned around to look at who it was. You were pretty sure you hadn't seen him before.
"Yeah." You inspected the boy carefully. He wore a baggy dark green sweatshirt, there were dark circles under both of his eyes, and bandages littered his face. "Who the heck are you?"
"Everyone calls me Vita." He spoke slowly. His voice came out like an airy hiss. "We're project partners, right?" Something about the guy's demeanor was- for lack of a better term, unsettling.
"Yeah, we're in a group together. It's nice to finally meet you, Vita." You held out a hand for him to shake. His hand was freezing, you wanted to let go immediately, but his grip was way to tight. For once in your life, you understood the rumors surrounding another student. The way his unblinking stare remained fully trained on you, made your skin crawl. You exercised the thought he might actually be a vampire or something supernatural. After an awkward and long silence Vita let go of your hand.
"Are you alright?" Vita placed his hand back on your shoulder.
You weren't entirely comfortable with the action, but dumbly sat there contemplating what to say.
BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Yes! Saved by the bell!
"Illseeyoulaterokaybye!" You shook off Vita's hand and quickly started making your way to the door.
"Wait." Vita rummaged through his pocket. "This is my phone number." He pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, with a mess of numbers scratched on it in what you hoped was just red pen. "So you can contact me." You forced a smile and apprehensively took the paper.
It was Wednesday, meaning there was just one more day of detention to serve. You walked into the same classroom as day before. When you walked in you weren't greeted by the same scowling teacher as yesterday. Instead, you found yourself once again face to face with Jotaro. He had his legs propped up on top of the teacher's desk while reading some random biology textbook.
"M-Mr. Kujo?!" You looked around, almost expecting this to be some weird joke. "What happened to the usual teacher?" You asked.
"I volunteered to take over watching your detention for today." Jotaro closed the textbook and sat it on the desk. "I figured since we couldn't talk yesterday, we could do it now." He motioned for you to take a seat.
"Okay." You hesitantly approached. "Something did happen last night I think you should know about."
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milky-aeons · 4 months
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౨ৎ . . . in which you and general CHUUYA NAKAHARA celebrate the success of a recent mission over a bottle of wine. somehow, you decide to test each other's skills at a game of poker.
warnings: alcohol intake, criminal themes, sexual content, gambling, strip-tease, biting, pet-names, praising, mdni, w.c 2.6k
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♪ . . . ˗ˏˋ ꒰ omen — sam smith ꒱ ˎˊ-
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𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐑, as any seasoned master would tell you, was a game of bluff.
Strip-poker, however, was an entirely different playing field. It was a game of control.
The intimate hue of the lights down here in one of the many holds of the Port Mafia was a warm gold. It glinted against the cache of wine you both had raided in lieu of the recent events. A money heist, executed even smoother than the original draw-up had expected. So smooth, in fact, that both you and General Chuuya Nakahara had set the Port Mafia ahead of the game for months. Not only was Mori immensely pleased with your work, he had gone further to give you both a hefty bonus, too.
As well as permission to take your fill of the fine stock of red wine waiting to be illegally exported in the basement of the organisation.
"Call." Chuuya's voice filled the small, humid room. His clear blue eyes flicked up to you from behind his two cards — and you felt them, the sheer weight of them, all along your exposed skin.
He was winning. You never knew how good the General was at poker, because what reason did a mafioso mainly working out in the field have for such a game? It wasn't like you had stellar holding skills either, but you liked to believe you were good enough to call his bluff when he started gloating how badly he'd kick your ass at it.
"Oi, oi, you sure about this, princess? Don't go makin' statements you can't stand upon." "Please. I'm a mafia crook, Nakahara, I don't make statements I can't live up to." "Then why don't we have a game? I'm sure there's a dusty pack somewhere around here." Perhaps it was the liquid courage running through veins that sparked the idea in your mind. The expensive limited edition California Cabernet still sweet and cool on your lips. They tugged into a sly smile when you said, "Oh, I have a better idea."
You fidgeted a little under his unwavering stare — feeling the pebbling of your flesh across your shirtless collarbone. You chewed your lip, looking at the flop he'd dealt, then to your cards.
Chuuya's eyebrow cocked. "You're bluffin'."
The score in the present moment was tipped in his favour, but that was not to say you hadn't won a couple of rounds that had cost him his small brown jacket, his tight-fitting waistcoat and the black leather harness usually criss-crossed at his chest. He sat cross-legged before you in nothing but a loose white shirt and pants.
You, on the other hand, was suffering a bit more from your choice to wear less layers that morning.
Your satin blouse had been discarded after his victorious hand in the last round, leaving you sitting before the man in nothing but your lacey red bra and form-fitting pants. There was a rose flush against your chest as your breasts pebbled and strained a little, not used to being under the watchful eyes of a General who commanded swaths of terrifying mafiosos.
Keeping his eye-contact, you picked up your glass of wine and took a greedy sip. "Am I?" You hummed, batting your eyelashes innocently.
Chuuya narrowed his eyes at you, his sharp canines poking from between his lips. He leaned back and threw his hand down. "Full house."
Glee was a thousand racing sparks through your body when you mirrored him, slapping your cards onto the cobblestone. "Straight flush."
You grinned at his loss like a silly teenager, leaning so you could cradle your face in one of your hands. "Boo-hoo! Eat shit, Nakahara."
He looked absolutely adorable when he grumbled like that, you thought in a haze when he cursed another blue streak of profanities and began unbuttoning the upper half of his shirt. Unveiling a sliver of his ivory-white skin with each pop, his deft fingers working quickly. It was not warm down in the Port Mafia's storage bunkers, solely because it had been built into the stone and had no access to general plumbing or heat, but you couldn't help the lick of flame that cascaded down your back the longer you stared at him.
All power and lean muscle, littered with little scars that echoed to the place he must have come from, your mouth went a little dry when he undid the last button and began shrugging the shirt off. His shoulder muscles flexed when he pulled the sleeves off, throwing it behind him somewhere. You were suddenly hyper-aware of every breath, every movement you made when he turned back to look at you.
He scowled. "What?"
"You're staring."
Regrouping your composure, you covered it up with a taunting expression. "Just revelling in your embarrassing loss."
"Shut up and deal, princess."
"Sore loser."
A handful of rounds later and you had Chuuya stripped down to only his boxer briefs and gloves he always refused to take off — for obvious reasons. The latest article of clothing he had deigned to shed after you had thrown down a four-of-a-kind to his flush was the leather collar he always bracketed his neck with. You were not used to seeing the long column of his throat so exposed — it elicited deep, wild feelings in the pool of your stomach. Like how you wanted to drag your tongue from the base of his pectorals up to his mouth.
Stop—you're not going there.
Chuuya dug his hand into those wild red locks of his and ruffled it, annoyed. "There just ain't no way you've been this lucky so far. You've got to be fuckin' cheating, or somethin'."
You brought the deck before you to give it another shuffle. "One day, you'll live up to my greatness. But for now, I think it's safe to say that I'm the better player at poker."
"No way," He thrust his hand out so you would give him the deck. "We're playing one more round."
Your eyebrows raised at his boldness. He had no more pieces of clothing to give — save for his gloves, the man was practically naked if you disregarded his briefs. There was little objections on your part for another round as you still had your bra and your pants on, just as before, but him—
"Chuuya," You started, flickering your eyes down his bare body. It was a hard feat to try and hide how dry it made your mouth, the sheer beauty of him. "Seriously. You've got nothing left."
He cocked his head. "'Course I do. I've still got one more." And flicked his eyes pointedly to his briefs. As if it were the most normal thing in the world. It occurred to you that he was a stubborn, competitive man, and that he definitely wasn't going down without a fight.
Swallowing, you unpasted your tongue from the roof of your mouth. Cleared your throat as your heart had lurched right up into it.
"If you say so." You said quietly. In a voice that had become lower, thicker. You handed the deck over to him and watched him deal.
You felt your stomach bottom out at the two cards that looked at you with their glossy surface when you checked them. Two aces. His long fingers burned the first card and dealt three, showing you the black and white faces of an ace, a king, and a three of hearts.
The river card; another ace. The remaining one of the deck.
"What's your call, princess?" Chuuya murmured, not looking at his cards when you glanced his way.
The dim lights that illuminated your space flickered, just like your pulse, at the type of stare he was pinning you to the spot with. Like he knew exactly what cards you held, but instead of getting angry like you expected him to that you had stole another round of victory from him, he was expectant. Leaning forward a little, the girth of him evident and so inviting in those boxer briefs.
Your mind went a little foggy. You nibbled your lip again, your body going warm.
"Can I fold?" You whispered with the slightest tremour of tease.
He smirked, then threw his cards down — a king, a five of spades. You had the winning hand. Chuuya then leaned back, placing both hands behind him so his chest appeared broader, his eyes looked up at you, and he said, "If ya want. We can call it quits."
This was madness. The way the room was now so stifling it was almost hard to breathe — the open invitation he was giving you, the sudden, fire-crackling electricity igniting the air between you both. You hesitated with your deck, wondering if this would be a mistake. If you'd both wake up in the morning with a headache and the sick feeling of what the hell had you just done?
There was a quiet slap when you revealed your two ace cards; four of a kind, decimating his own.
You didn't care.
"I win." You whispered, letting the sound trail off. Expectant and pregnant.
And, by the looks of it, neither did he.
Chuuya's keen eyes flashed. He lifted his hand, but not to push down the last article of his clothing. Instead, he crooked a quick finger to you. "C'mere."
You almost melted into a heap on that floor amidst the cards and the wine. But you complied. You pitched forward so to go on all fours, your breasts exposed and swaying when you took calculated, predatory crawling steps over to him.
"Do you need some help there, General?" You teased him.
He snarled a little at the title you used to coo at him. Prideful bastard. He shifted his long legs so as you could see the large, hard shape of him through the boxer briefs. He reached out to catch your chin in his leather-gloved hand, tilting your head up so as to look at him.
He looked like he was just about ready to devour you.
"Come collect your prize, pretty girl."
It was about all the instruction you needed — shaking off your hesitancy and replacing it with a burning, chaotic desire.
You had leaned up to your full height and reached back, unclasping the bra that had been chaffing your agonisingly sensitive breasts. You pulled it loose and let it fall, exposing to the General and his eyes that burned a wicked blue flame.
He reached for you — bringing you close, close enough to collide your two bodies and latch a hungry mouth around your nipple. The other, he kneaded with his free hand, pinching and grounding against it so hard it was almost painful. But a pleasurable type of pain — the type that made you throw your head back and groan. His mouth was hot and wild, and his teeth, they nipped and suckled and made all thoughts eddy out of your fuzzy mind.
"Fuck—ah—!" You moaned, rocking your chest into his face, coming to clutch the back of his hair. Chuuya was ravenous. He had curled his fingers into the waistband of your pants and ripped. Throwing the ruined material to the side and pushing you down. Letting your damp underwear grind up against him, creating friction against his cock that strained underneath you.
He cursed. He pulled away, looking down where you two grinded together, effortlessly rolling his hips up to you and meeting halfway. "Shit, you're incredible." He growled out, and reached down to replace the friction of his cock with two fingers. He traced the seam of your underwear, murmuring, who's a good girl? Who's so wet and needy for me, hm? Such a sly little thing, trying to strip me bare.
"Chuuya—" You were bucking into his hand. "I need you, fuck, I need you." You needed him inside you now, right now.
Of course, he wasn't going to give it to you right away. "You need what, princess?" He moaned, teasing you, killing you. He was pressing the pad of his thumb against your apex and drawing slow, tantalising circles. "C'mon, use your words."
You gripped his face and crashed your lips on top of his — and he groaned. Deep and rumbling from the back of his throat, gripping you tightly to him by clasping his fingers hard into your ass.
"I need," You snarled through the kiss, the bites, the tongue tasting you. "I need you — I need you to fuck me."
Chuuya chuckled a sound so intimate you could almost feel it vibrating down to your pulsing core. "Atta girl." He praised, and you could feel him parting your underwear to the side and the press of a hot, leaking cock against your heat. He found your opening and slid inside — fast and quick, hot and unstoppable — just like he always was. "Atta fucking girl."
"Shit!" You cried in ecstasy as he pumped into you. Holding you against him on the floor as he rose up, down, up, down. Unbothered by the fact he was lifting your whole body weight with each thrust. He rocked his hips up, taking yours with two hands and pushing down, fucking into you roughly.
"You feel so fuckin'—" His teeth flashed, and then you watched his eyes swim, knocking his head back when he groaned. "Christ, princess, you feel amazing."
You dug your nails into his pectorals and matched his rhythm. Your breasts bouncing, mouth falling open and taking in short, gasping breaths every time he slammed back into you. There was something feverish in the way you two had come together — something wild. Like this unspoken strain had existed between you both until something finally gave it life. And when your pleasure crested, swelled, came to that tip of the apex, you handed it all over and fell. You screamed out his name, letting it bounce against the walls and the stones and the wine bottles left emptied. Until it mixed with his own when he came after, pumping into you slowly and tenderly to drag out your pleasures for as long as he could
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✎ . . . requested by the lovely @ringsofsaturnnnn!
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chuluoyi · 5 months
Hihiii I finally have the time to reply to this!!
AHAHHA you should accumulate all your leave days and go for a long break! If not a short trip to unwind. It'll definitely helppp
RIGHT like UGH this man is so.... UGHH I want to run my hands along his undercut and like HE'S SO PRETTY- I went nuts after watching JJK 0 [I started with the movie idk why] and after watching the series I'm like "I love this man he's so hot and funny at the same time." Then his collab arts... They're always so... He always looks so... Slutty I'm sorry but look at the Dolce and Gabbana art... The Tokyo tower collab too... Idk I can't find a better word to describe him...
Babe I understand that fear it ain't stupid! Not tryna scare you more but I remember when I was like 11? I was on a beach in Phuket when I picked up this super pretty shell buried in the sand. Then uk what? A worm wiggled out of it. I screamed so loud like wtf was that monstrosity 😭😭 I guess a way to prevent sand submerging your feet is to wear sandals or flip flops?
Oh man I never expected that you felt like that once too 😭 I understand the mum hanging you part... I think mine would skin me alive and feed me to my dogs... That's good to hear! I'm really glad you found a job to your liking. Thanks for the advice Chu!🥲🥲 You have no idea how much I appreciate that. It feels like my friends from Secondary school know what they're doing and are slowly leaving me behind ngl... One of my friends is in the same course as me, but in different schools. She got a GPA of 4.0 for the first semester... and cause I flunked my Econs and AI class I got like a 2.9... So yeah I really appreciate your encouraging words 😭
SUSHI ROLL HAHAHA HELPPPP HAHAHAHA Okay but I'm sure you're not like short short. I'm not that tall either ahhaha!
Queen SLAY AHAHHA they definitely deserved it! Even if you didn't speak up, I'm sure someone else would've done the same sooner or later. Fr they're so annoying bruh
Omg nice! Okay to me, "A good day to be a dog" is good. Maybe cause I'm still halfway through... But so far it's good! I find the plot pretty unique! Omg I added Gyeongseong creature to my list ahah! Yeah it actually looks good! Ngl I wasn't a fan of sweet home but I wanna watch Gyeongseong creature cause of Park Seojun hehehe I loved "What's wrong with secretary Kim?" so much!
Yes... It's always the food and snacks.... Omgod I get it. Like it's always about exam results and once I'm old enough they'll probs start talking about finding a boyfriend... Then it'll be a job... I'm not ready 🥲🥲 But Fr the only thing I look forward to is the 红包 like trust me I've been ready since last CNY. Take the money as our prize money for enduring the relatives' questions heh. I'm so surprised you celebrate CNY too tho like no offence but I really didn't expect that...
Dissolved is an understatement... Idk I'm probs the one dissolving... HELP confessing your sins?! 🫠🫠 All I did was to pray to my flower agate tower... Did it work? It probably didn't. But it was worth a try! Crystal manifesting is a stressful process you know?
Nono I'm really not smart I just grinded my ass off... I hate my education system..... AND FR Lit is annoying in that sense but I mean it's the closest thing to reading and writing that I have so...
YEAHH They're so cute! I think I have a soft spots for animals in general AHAHH
Exercise... 🫠🫠🫠🫠 What's that?
Thanks sm Chu!! I will! I'm waiting for 3rd March to come cause I'm going for Taytay's concert woohooo That's probably the only good thing that's gonna happen to me this year so I'm gonna cherish it!
Also I'm so happy to be your first emoji anon It's an honour 😫😫
AND your Marius card! He's so hot in that omg and Rosa... ROSA IS SO PRETTY DGSDVXDHJ AHH
I managed to get Luke from the free 10-time! And I'm tryna get Artem now! I haven't gotten an Artem card in ages... Also what do you think about the new event? I think it's pretty cool! Much better than the others!
disco anonn!! i finally can sit down to reply you!!🥹
i'm so doing that!! i plan to take a week-long vacation too in mid year so that i can leave everything in the dust ehe
HAHAHAHAHAH omg that's precisely also my reaction!!😫 you know i first came to know gojo not from jjk but from @/saintobio's sincerely not series. and he is written a prick there so i didn't have a good impression🥲 but then my bf roped me into jjk and then i see it firsthand and AAAA i'm down so bad for this prick uHHHH and that's so true the power behind that undercut is so🥲 that's totally okay i think of him as the best slut there is AHAHAHAH
A WORM😭😭😭 i'd flip and fall😭 i do wear flipflops but still... what's flipflops gonna do against the sand?🫠 during my company retreat last year, i wear flipflops and but my feet would crash against... rocks?🫠 it hurts *sobsobsob* and it got inside my nails i was like 😭
AHAHAHHAAHAH THAT'S SO TRUE OUR MOM😭😭😭 aww you're very much welcome!! i wished someone would say that to me too and i'm glad that you're encouraged🥹 ahh don't worry! GPA isn't everything. in real world, what matters the most is our communication skills and how we present myself🥹 not to brag, but my last GPA is 3.56 and my friend's is like 3.9-ish (nearing perfect omg) but now i got the better exposure and ratings🥲 my team leader says that's because i make friends with everyone and do presentations better than her (simple things like presentations matters a lot apparently i just knew it🥲) but that's not to say that we should ditch our GPA... just study well and do your best! <3 God will do the rest i assure you! don't give up, disco anon!! <3
i relate to you, me and my friends used to be a group of 6, but now the one who sticks with me is just one🥹 it hurts but sometimes that's just the way it is... especially when we don't share the same interest...
okay i think there are at least 3 people saying that a good day to be a dog is good so... i relent🥹 i'll watch it!! PARK SEOJUN is so dayum there omg he's so pristine and aisjdoasjda okay i'm totally normal about him... totally... normal... the plot is unique and i love it but yes, i do have to agree that the CGI looks a bit off🥲 but pay that no mind and just look at park seojoon🥹 everything will be well AHAHAHA
HAHAHAHAHA OMG WE'RE SO THE SAMEE i used to get the boyfriend asks a lot and they even tried to set me up!!😭 thank god i found a bf already or else they'll start putting me up for sale😭 that aside, don't take those questions to heart, that's just how nosy aunties are🥹 ah fyi, i'm of chinese descent so i totally celebrate the chinese new year and all of those praying anniversaries that i... don't remember a single thing about🥲
HAHAH THAT'S SO FUNNY pls disco anon don't dissolve😭 omg flower agate tower?? i lit looked it up... what is this?🥹 it looks cute and it says it's for healing... (pls correct me if i'm wrong because... most likely i am...)
oh my!! i'm so happy for you!!🥹 honestly some people in my office have gone to her concert too and i'm interested... but i'm not a fan of being squished in the spectator stands🥲 wishing you to have the most fun there!! <3
ADAKSJNDAKSJDA omg marius he's draining my schips and NOW I WANT LUKE TOO BUT AKDASDA I CAN ONLY DEPEND FROM THE DAILY(?) FREE PULLS AND I HAVEN'T GOTTEN HIM STILLL i forgot that it's the pilot card that i've been looking forward too omg i was so in for the suspense and all but i was too blinded by marius😭 YES it's so fun! tbh during bakerlon and the cafe event i was like ??? many times but here it's so engaging and everyone looks so pretty!!🥹 rosa in chinese qipao is sooo pretty godsssss i don't usually stan for girls but she's the only exception!!
have you caught up with the main story and all? honestly i haven't been able to catch up with it🥲
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filtenborgshapiro5 · 2 years
Learn How To Play Online Poker By Starting At The Beginning
There are many poker books that are reliable and worth reading. You can also always ask the best poker players at your local casino for lessons. However, visit here is focused on the top 5 places online to improve and get better poker play from right where you are now: right in front of your computer screen. These are just a few highlights from my poker journal. Those don't say "poker", but for me they are vital to continued poker success. Many of my journal entries are the basis for chapters in this book, because they have turned into full articles on the topic in question. It is a remarkable feat to win the Main Event two times in a row. It was unworldly to be able to come back 16 years later, after having suffered from drug abuse, arrests, and accumulated debt. This word can summarise Stu ungar in so many different ways. The greatest poker talent ever to take to the felt, his comeback in 1997 reminded the entire world of what drugs had -and would forever - deprive poker players. It is important to start off on the right foot. You should also seek out advice from someone who has been there. While you can remember the odds and how they work, how do your instincts develop? This is where the practice over many months and years comes in. Poker is more than luck. It involves knowing the strategies to win in all situations, playing the various games well, and most importantly, understanding how to read your opponent. Multi-way action - Multiway pots are often the most difficult to play. They should be avoided at all costs, especially if you are playing from a position that is not yours. Multi-way pots can be good to play in, however, with drawing hands or small to medium pocket pairs. You can flop a monster with a disguised card, and you're more likely get paid off. This is because someone in the hand will likely have a hand strong enough to call you, even if it's not the best. If you flop a set of flops with a small pair, a flush, or straight with a suited connector you will have many players in the hand that might have top-pair, top-kicker, 2 pairs, or a draw. They may even be willing to pay you off even though you make a large bet. TBS Texas Hold'em also known as TBS Texas Hold'em. The TBS free Poker game was actually an advertisement on TBS's website. It was meant to be entertainment for their portal users. The game offers two levels of difficulty: the easy and the hard. You will start with four opponents. The aim of the whole game, which is to make opponents lose their money, is to win and keep winning poker game. And how are you going to do that? Podcasting Poker - There are a few big Internet Radio stations that specialize on poker. They often have weekly podcasts available for download. This is a great way of picking up advice straight from some of the best players in the world, or people who are good at conveying their thoughts about poker topics that may confuse you when discussed on forums. For a start, search iTunes, Poker Road, or Bluff online. Podcasts can be listened to regardless of whether you play Stud Holdem, Razz, Omaha, or Holdem. These podcasts can be listened to while you walk or drive to work. Many last over an hour and are great learning tools as well as entertainment. To win this move you must have more chips than your opponent. If your challenger has less chips, it's the right time to choose this move. Although he may lose all of his chips, you will lose only a few.
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
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I loved you first, but you’re not the last
“....You’re special so it requires extra effort. Happy Valentines and happy first day of being a couple,”
Pairing: Mark Lee x female!reader
Genre: Angst, SMUT, fluff, childhood best friends to lovers
WC: 4,588k
Warnings: Fake dating, break up,swearing, mentions or other idol, reader x Taeyong in the end, Taeyong as Mark’s brother, unprotected sex, virginity loss, a lot of making out, mentions of making out, touching, a small amount of dirty talking, oral sex (female receiving), overstimulation
A/N: NOT PROOFREAD. I’ll fix it once I get my internet connection back. Gosh I hope this posts. Part of Request Party
It was in the middle of the night when you received a call that did not just woke you up, but also woke your whole being. Body, mind and soul.
“You’re back?” crankily you sat up from bed, scratching your heavy eyes and about to get out of bed because the person on the other line is right outside your house, waiting for you.
He has been away and gone for too long because of college... and you should be excited as you go downstairs to meet him, but you know why he’s here and it’s no good news. Let’s face it, this night will not end nice.
“Here goes nothing,” you murmured. Wrapping yourself with your thick jacket before you finally step outside.
And the moment you opened the door, snow was falling and you didn’t miss how the snow landed peacefully on Mark’s eyelashes. Eyes looking straight to you, those sad eyes that can’t hide the pain that he’s holding. A pain that you caused.
You wanted to finally reunite first with a hug, but he got ahead of you and took your chance to show him how much you missed him.
“How could you?” he started, eyes still locked on yours. “I thought we were going to wait and do it right- how could you date my brother while I was away?”
Even you find it cruel. What you did to Mark was cruel, selfish, and unforgivable. And truth be told, you don’t have the right words now. You wanted to explain of course, but you’re scared it might break him even more. “I love your brother,” you said softly. Not even brave enough to look him in the eye because you feel bad.
“You loved me first,” he bite back. And you can’t help but be weak in front of him and cry. Usually whenever you cry, he will walk towards you and remind you how much you mean to him. But you guess not tonight, maybe you don’t deserve love tonight.
“You left me, remember?” you dried your tears and tried being brave even just for a short period. Just until you have the guts to walk away.
“Whatever. It’s not yet too late. Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy,”
He finally said his true purpose tonight. This was his last chance and the only to win you back. But even though he has never been more honest in his whole life except tonight, he feels like not even telling you his feelings can bring you back to him. Mark was so frustrated that he has tears in his eyes already that you wanted to dry so bad. But if you really want him to respect the relationship you have with his brother, then this is the perfect time.
“I may have loved you first, but your brother is the last man I’ll love. I’m sorry Mark,”
And just as you finish saying those hurtful words, you finally have the bravery to turn your back on him and ignore his shouting that you’re sure your parents and neighbors heard. This is you throwing a decade of good friendship because of unrequited love.
The day before Valentines day, you don’t know what’s up with your mood or with you in general, because you’ve been so envy with the people around you, couples to be exact. As you admire happy couples in school who celebrates Valentines as early as now, you can’t help but to imagine someone.... someone that will give you flowers, chocolates... kisses, or whatever you’ll accept in whole heartedly.
Valentines is like Christmas, it’s a day of giving and receiving. But that only applies if you have someone special whom you can spend the day with and exchange shiny, glittery, and sparkling Valentine cards with.
“I can be your fake boyfriend, come on it will be fun,” he raises his seagull eyebrows and smirked. Come to think of it, it’s not a bad idea. You’ve been best friends even before kindergarten, you watch each other grow and went through puberty together until the next thing you know, you’re printing college applications together in your room because his printer broke down.
“Let’s not go to college without having the experience of high school love... you know, let’s have fun before we graduate with flying colors. Let’s go to parties, participate in Valentine-gram tomorrow, go to prom together. What do you say?” he added.
“But everything’s fake? What’s the point of fake dating if we already look like were dating ever since we started being friends?” You whine and flop on your bed, Mark did the same thing.
“Don’t think about it too much, just say yes,” for a moment you both just stared at the ceiling, wondering what could go wrong if you started fake dating. “Anyway, you don’t have a choice. I need to get home and answer these- Bye, you’re my girlfriend now!”
“W-what? Mark-“
And just before you could reason out with him, he’s gone with his college applications and you’re left with your thoughts and excitement. You don’t know why but Mark’s crazy idea made your heart jump, it’s like a good electricity that made you look for your art materials and spend the whole evening making your fake boyfriend a blue shiny, glittery, and sparkling Valentine card.
Even if the motive was fake, the effort was real and it felt good and right at that very moment.
But little did you know that his idea of fake dating was only his way to not shock you when he finally confess his feelings to you.
That’s right, your best friend is in love with you.
If she wears blue tomorrow I will confess to her. He tells himself as he stares in his ceiling, feeling the same excitement and electricity in his heart. Trying so hard to sleep but he kept on thinking about you and can’t help but feel the excitement for tomorrow again.
“You and Y/n started dating? Since when?” Mark’s mother exclaimed happily while driving. Looking at his son admire the roses he got you from the flower shop downtown.
“We’re just starting mom. Thanks for helping me pick these up by the way,”
“Oh there she is! Wearing blue! Oh I never realized how you two grew such good looking kids until now,”
Mark breathed in and let it out with a smile, thankful that you wore his favorite color, because he can’t continue to hide his feelings for you. Maybe you and him are really bound to happen.
As you wave goodbye to Mrs. Lee with a bright smile, there you see Mark carrying a unique bouquet of roses and your eyes immediately went big and sparkled because. Not to mention your heart beats so hard and fast because he looked so handsome even in his casual clothes.
“Wow- I’m speechless, these are beautiful. Where did you get these?” you accept the bouquet as he hands it to you with a smile. Engraving the look of your face in his mind and heart, swearing to himself that from now on he will make you happy like this everyday.
“It’s a secret. You’re special so it requires extra effort. Happy Valentines and happy first day of being a couple,” he said and planted a kiss on your forehead. Something so natural for you and him, but today is different. Nonetheless, you believe that today will be a beautiful and eventful day.
In the see of people wearing red and white in your school’s hallway, you and Mark are happy wearing blue. Such a sad color but you wearing it makes him the happiest guy today. Everywhere you look has a dash of red and pink, hearts are hanged here and there and almost everyone has red roses on their hand... except you.
Because you’re holding a bouquet of rainbow roses.
This year’s Valentines wasn’t like any other Valentine’s you usually have. Today you have Mark.
You have Mark to hold your hand while you walk on the school’s hallway. You have Mark to look at you so lovingly that your heart melts whenever you catch him looking. You have Mark to take you out on a date after school and take cute photos in a photo booth. You have Mark to share a big drink with two straws.
And most especially, you have Mark to kiss you under the dark sky full of stars in front of your house.
His lips were soft as expected. And the way his tongue swipes on your lip in the most subtle way just makes you want him to kiss more. He smiled in between kissing when you pulled him closer and kiss him more when he was about to pull away. And oh! You did not miss the way he softly moans, such music to your ears but sad to say you can only hear them tonight.
“Did you liked my Valentine card? I left it in your locker,”
You finally pulled away and surprised him. Wiping away the spit from your mouth, you wiped Mark’s as well. He only smiled to you and you wish he would stop doing it because you’re growing a little crush on him already.
“It’s full of glitters, it’s blue and it has watermelons. Of course I love it” he said then did it again, melted your heart with that damn handsome smile.
“Good,” you said softly, fixing his hoodie and finally giving him a bear hug that he deserves. “I don’t want this night to end,” you finally admitted it.
“Then let’s not end it,”
“Wait, you’re not faking anymore aren’t you-“
And just like that Mark cut you off with a deep kiss. Nothing like how he kissed you earlier. This time he was holding you tight that you’re almost out if breath and you feel like he’s about to crush you anytime. But the way he kissed you... it’s his way of confessing his love to you.
On the following days, everything changed between you and Mark. Though it’s clear that what you feel for him is only just a crush now and he knows it, still the guy is hopeful that you will love him like how he loves you.
Mark is the perfect definition of consistent. He showed you how he feels for you each day, and each day he became better than the day before, sweeter and bolder. He was putting everything on the line for you, showering you the love he has always kept in him. That’s why, in a matter of months you finally made it official with him and you can’t wait what the future has in store for the both of you.
“What do you love about me?” you asked out of nowhere while he was in the middle of playing his guitar. It wasn’t a hard question, but it made him stop and think for a second.
“I love how you give me constant reasons to love you even more each day,” the first line was enough, but Mark has more to say. “The way you kiss my cheek in the most friendly way but it always meant something to me, how you accepted me to be your friend and now boyfriend. I love how you love me, because being loved back by you is something so special that only us can understand”
What he said moved you of course. You didn’t know that he loves you deeply even before you started the fake dating thing. And knowing that Mark is just crazy and madly in love with you, you can’t help but wish that you are too. For now all you can do is accept his love, and give back however you can. You love him of course, but you can’t keep up with his love yet.
Days passed by and your relationship grew sweeter. More sweet words were exchanged and more kisses were given. Way more. Until you find yourselves making out whenever you two are alone.
“Aw!” you express your pain when Mark accidentally bit your lip. Something so sexy but it hurt and it made you both stop what you’re doing.
“Oops. Sorry, I got carried away” he says and took a look at your lips. “You’re fine right?”
“Mhmm” You answered, but just before he was about to start kissing you again, you stopped him by pulling away. “And it’s getting late, I think you should go home,”
“But I want to stay for more,” he said with a sly smile. Caressing your shoulders and soothing your back. If course you did not miss what he was talking about for more. You and Mark are young, and being new to this relationship thing just makes you both want to explore and feed each other’s curiosity.
“When I’m ready. I promise it will be worth the wait, for now it’s getting late and you need to go home... And work with some homework,” you gave him a final kiss and thankfully he did not pry.
The relationship you have with Mark was nothing like the friendship you used to have. The friendship was still there, of course, but friends don’t kiss your neck while you’re busy reading a book or slam you to the nearest wall and kiss you wildly. Friends don’t taste your favorite ice cream flavor through your tongue in the middle of a Netflix movie, and friends don’t get affected when they see you in your thin shirt and panties only whenever they give you a surprise visit.
“It’s the weekend, why are you here?” You whine as you try to go back to sleep. Clinging to your pillow and thick blanket but your boyfriend is currently losing his mind. Nonetheless, he remained a gentleman and covered your exposed leg and butt, covering you completely and keeping you warm. “Come to bed with me. Cuddle with me instead”
The young man’s eyes brightened and quickly joined you in bed. Swinging his arm around your waist from behind and nuzzling your neck to tickle you.
“I got into my dream college,” he whispered excitedly beside your ears which made you quickly turn to him and hug him.
“That’s why you’re here! Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realized” you planted kisses on his cheek the ones he loved receiving other than your slow and deep ones. “You used to talk about this ever since we were just kids. Ugh, I’m so proud of you”
“Promise to support me no matter what?” This time it’s him who went closer and planted kisses on your face. Of course you said yes, it has been his dream, but now that you knew you’ll miss him everyday and you know that the image of him walking away from you at the airport will truly hurt you, so you can’t help but fake it.
You rolled on top of him and his eyes immediately went big, wondering why and how are you like this. You have never been this bold and confident even in your wildest times, it’s like he’s seeing a totally different side of you and he loves it.
“Want to claim your early graduation gift?” you completely surprised him and started kissing his neck, while Mark is actually enjoying the moment by caressing your ass cheeks and teasing you by tugging your panties. You wish you have the same level of confidence with Mark, because you well know that between the two of you he is the one experienced with sexual activities, so now you try your best.
“Mmm” a loud pop surrounds your room as Mark sucks your nipples through your thin shirt. Taking turns with your left boob and right boob until your shirt is partly wet because of him and he can finally see your nipples. The sight of it gave him the feeling like no other. Of course this is not his first time seeing boobs, but this is different because it’s you.
The mere sight of your boobs just made him lose his mind and not to mention hard in no time. You watch him roll his head back while you slowly grind of top of him with a ruined shirt, looking so hot than ever so he quickly switched places with you. Putting you underneath him, looking down on you with hungry and lustful eyes.
“Do you wanna touch my boobs?” You asked him so innocently,reaching for his hand that’s placed on your waist. You put your hand and his hand inside your shirt, slowly lifting the wet shirt just above your chest to expose your boobs to him.
“I wish you were my first,” he said and immediately kissing your right boob while his hand kneads the other, pinching you or teasing you, or whatever he just wanted to hear something from you. And when he stopped making your nipples swollen, Mark just kept on kissing you softly and saying ‘i love yous’ over and over again. making you smile through his lips and soft touches, it is as if he’s taking away all your shyness and making you comfortable with the situation. The situation where your boobs are expose to him, your legs spread wide and Mark is in between your legs, grinding his clothed cock on your ruined and wet panties.
You were just kissing passionately but now you felt his hands hooked on your panties and the next thing you know he’s pulling it down without breaking the kiss until it reaches your thigh and eventually remove it but the shyness crept in again, making you close your legs and bite your lips in hesitation.
“Can I? Open your legs?” He asks, kissing your neck and calming you through the way he kisses you and touch you. And when he felt that you’re ready, he tried opening your legs again and this time you let him. Letting him place his body in between your legs, smiling through the kiss as if he’s telling you ‘good job’.
Mark spread kisses around your body, kissing every inch of your being, earning a giggle from you and with that he’s happy you’re not nervous anymore.
And when Mark pull away to discard his clothes, and release his cock, you were speechless when you saw it that you removed your own ruined shirt just to be fair ask him to get back in between your legs this instant.
“Lets do this right,” he said and immediately placed a finger on your wet slit that took your breath away. Up and down, you feel his finger nothing else, and when the moment comes and Mark put a finger in, your hand reached for his hand and tried to stop him because the pleasure was too much. But your handsome boyfriend was just smiling at you, smirking because you looked so ruined right now all you can do is smile back at him. And when he insert two fingers, he kissed you deeply and caught every moan you let out, every cry of his name, every groan, or whine.
And the next thing you know you’re closing your legs as you shiver and curl your body. Trying to get away from Mark because you’re sensitive already but your boyfriend is not stopping.
“First of many,” he says and stopped to pull out his fingers. But he is not yet done. He only gave you a few seconds to catch your breath and went back kneeling in between your legs again.
“Are you going to fuck me now?” you asked with ragged breaths and tired expression.
Mark did not answer you verbally, but he did physically. Licking your pussy juices and spreading your pussy lips while his eyes are completely locked on yours.
You said ‘no’, but you didn’t mean it and the moment his tongue swipes on your cunt you grabbed hold on your headboard and hold on for your dear life. Clenching and unclenching as Mark eats you out, trying so hard to close your legs but you can’t until your second orgasm drowned you quickly and all you can do is breathe in and out heavily.
“I hate you” you said but you’re clinging to Mark and sharing your warmth to him.
“I love you,” he said and intertwined his fingers with his, kissing your knuckles before he place both your hands above your head. You voluntarily spread your legs wider for him, and with his free hand he lines his cock finally.
“I didn’t know you’re big,”
What you said made him smirk and proved your discovery even more by pulling out entirely and slamming his cock back in your wet hole. “Now you know,” he said small grunts and went in deeper. He knew what he’s doing to you is too much pleasure because it’s your first time and also he can tell by the way you hold on to his hand.
“Planning to crush my hand?” he let out a cut giggle like he isn’t fucking you deep right now. How can he do that? Be insanely cute while doing something filthy to you.
“Y/n, I’m close can I go faster?” and you can only nod.
Fucking you faster and harder than earlier, you watch Mark become someone sinful when he started focusing on his own release, kissing your boobs while he fucks you, give your ass a tight squeeze, lick your neck like you’re a fucking ice cream and whisper dirty words or word that make you shy that you didn’t know you would love hearing. Like,
“Let me fuck you again,”
“You like it deep huh?”
“Y/n, you’re worth wait, you’re mine forever”
“This is the last pussy I’ll fuck,”
And in the end he pulled out and jerked in front of you, letting his cum fall on your lower abdomen and watch his cum drip to your sheets. It’s a shame that he can’t cum inside you, it would have felt great.
“Fucking shit- that sex was great,”
He rests his head on top of your boobs, but went back to kissing you again on the lips. Apologizing for his mess, aplogizing for his words and saying ‘i love you’ over and over again.
That morning, you stayed naked with Mark in bed for a few hours just talking and laughing, flirting and kissing. It felt great having a huge progress with your relationship, especially that it’s Mark who took your virginity.
“Hey, you okay?” he was talking about your pussy because even though he didn’t went hard earlier, he did fucked you a little bit harder knowing that it’s your first time. “I meant what I said earlier. Please be my last, I don’t want to give my love to anyone but you. It’s too early to talk about marriage but, I know it’s you. I’ll love you better each day, I promise”
Comfort, warmth and safety. That’s what you felt hearing those beautiful words from him that you became speechless and crashed your lips to him.
His promise was kept every day until you both finished high school together, enjoy the summer before he leaves and make unforgettable memories as many as you can.
But knowing that he’s going away to follow his dreams and fulfil his goals, Mark worried too much about long distance relationship and how it never worked.
“Are we really together now? I’m not dreaming right?”
Your sleep was disturbed when Mark called you in the middle of the night. Today, you taught him how to bake and had a couple of rounds during Netflix and chill, so to be honest you’re really exhausted and tired.
“Mark, we kiss, we date, we have sex almost everyday. Yes baby, we’re together for almost four months already. Now can we please go back to sleep-“
“Go down open your door. I’m outside”
And the moment you opened the door for him, you gave him a ‘shh’ sign, telling him that your parents are already asleep. You came closer to him for a kiss, and told him, “it’s real. I’m real. Can you please promise me to stop overthinking, you’re making me worry,”
He didn’t answer you but lowered his head. You knew he’s sorry and he’s just doing this for you,
“I love you, Mark. I’m yours forever,” you said and kissed him again. Deeply this time, to the point that it put you both in the mood and the next thing you know Mark is fucking you while he’s covering your mouth with his hand.
When Mark left you for college your relationship went downhill and you’re both getting hurt already. Fighting is part of the relationship, yes, but the fight you have with Mark almost everyday was becoming the reason why you want to distance yourself from him. You feel caged with how he love you, you feel like he’s strangling you with all these rules you need to follow to maintain trust in your relationship but nothing is working.
Until he finally realized what he’s doing to you.
So during his vacation, he visited you and you were so excited to the core that you welcomed him with a tight hug and the biggest smile. Only to find out that he wanted to break up.
“It’s just until we finish college. Let’s wait and do it right. I don’t want to fight for you while hurting you at the same time. Please understand. I’m not breaking up because I don’t love you. This time off will heal us both,”
The breakup did you no good. You were sad every day and to be honest you would rather want him to nag you than miss him like this and you can believe that between the two of you, he’s the one doing great in life. It makes you want to believe that he doesn’t love you anymore. Like the man you fell in love to, wasn’t there anymore.
“Still crazy about my stupid brother huh? Come here and help feed my fishes,”
His brother, Lee Taeyong, disturbed you and your ugly thoughts while you finish the drink their mom gave you during one of your visits.
“Well, college was good to you. I see you’re back and finally opening a bakeshop downtown” he hands you the fish food as you wait for him to talk and feed the fishes generously.
“I’m very much excited to open my bakery. Want to make cookies later instead of being broken hearted?”
And as days, weeks, and months pass by, not only Lee Taeyong making you forget about Mark, he also healed your heart and won it fair and square.
It started how he makes your heart flutter whenever he holds your hand while teaching you how to bake, how praises you and tell you that you look beautiful everyday, how he makes his kitchen your own little world during closing time and you’re sitting on the kitchen counter with Taeyong in between your legs and taking your breath away with a heated kiss.
When you and taeyong started dating, you experienced true love. You didn’t want to hurt Mark but what you have with Taeyong is real and you had to hide this from him for years and years and years, until you finally graduated in college.
And Tayong proposed to you. It was the only time you couldn’t hide your relationship from Mark anymore because Taeyong was the one who confessed to him.
*this is the part where you read the first part again JEJEHEH
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druidgroves · 2 years
the trouble with trouble
fandom: shepherds of haven, property of @shepherds-of-haven summary: Briony relays the events of this conversation with Trouble to Yelena because they’re besties. For all of Yelena’s directness, the idea of voicing her romantic feelings is proving to be pretty difficult. notes: they’re both idiots and i adore them.
Yelena listened to Briony recount her recent conversation with Trouble. She didn’t say a word the entire time, which kind of unnerved Briony. She simply listened from the seat of her desk, only moving to steeple her fingers together and press them to her mouth, eyebrows furrowed. When the strongwoman concluded, she looked at her friend, waiting for some sort of answer or reaction.
Yelena sighed.
“So you see my problem.”
Briony flopped back on Yelena’s bed where she had been sitting, running a hand down her face, “If that conversation frustrated me, I can only imagine how you feel, Lena.”
“I just–” The mage stood up, the aggravation within proving too much as she started pacing around her room. “I can’t–He–”
“Take your time,” Briony said. Yelena clenched her hands before throwing them up in the air and groaning, flopping down on the bed next to Briony.
“I’m in love with an idiot,” the mage finally relented, covering her face with her hands.
“At least you know he likes you?” Briony offered, trying to be helpful.
“Then why does he keep insisting we’re just friends?” Yelena asked, peeking at the other woman through her fingers.
“He confused me quite a bit with the whole thing, but I think he knows there’s something between the two of you, he just doesn’t know how to act on it because you’re ‘such good friends,’” Briony said. “You might have to make the first move here, Lena.”
Yelena took her hands away from her face, looking at Briony like she was mad.
“And say something stupid to screw it all up? Absolutely not.”
Briony looked back at her, sitting up on the bed to give her an incredulous look, “You cannot seriously be telling me that you, of all people, are incapable of being straightforward with your intentions.”
“I thought I had been up until now!” Yelena said, shooting up defensively.
“What exactly have you said to him?”
Yelena bit the inside of her cheek. “Well, I mean, I haven’t–I haven’t really said anything…I mean, there was that first time he took me to that tavern, the barkeep asked if we were friends or friends and I said we were getting there, but…I thought I was being pretty obvious, at least physically! I’ve practically sat in his lap during breakfast before, we’ve shared drinks and hells, we’ve even kissed each other on the cheek, I–”
Briony cut her off with a raise of her hand, “You do realize this is Trouble we’re talking about, right? At this point, the only way he’s going to realize you like him back is if you paint it on the walls of the compound.”
“He’d probably think it was a vandal.”
“Honestly, yeah, probably.”
Yelena sighed, bringing her legs up to hug to her chest. Briony put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“This is so stupid. I…I’ve never felt like this for someone before. It all feels so…juvenile,” Yelena said, deflating a little. “I don’t wanna mess anything up.”
She felt like a kid again, talking about childish crushes that only went as far as Zori and her giggling and running away when they were near. She’d never had any sort of serious relationship. She was a traveler, a wanderer, only going where her caravan jobs took her, so any relations she had were always kept to short trysts with other caravan guards. The possibility of anything long term just hadn’t been in the cards until now and that scared her. There was the probability, no matter how small, that she had been completely misreading Trouble the entire time and if she said anything it would become awkward between them. The anxious thought was enough to eat her alive.
“I just really, really like him, Briony,” she said after a moment of silence. “He’s funny and kind and passionate and thoughtful. When he looks at me sometimes I feel like I’m floating. Watching him shoot a target a mile away is honestly incredible, not to mention attractive as hell. He’s been one of the few people to stand up to anyone spewing anti-Diminished nonsense at me, went as far as getting in a tavern brawl because of it, which, admittedly, was also kind of attractive. Not to mention the way he looks after he’s done training–”
“Okay, okay, I get the picture,” Briony said with a small laugh. “You’re both crazy for each other but don’t have the guts to tell each other. I hate to break it to you, but eventually one of you is going to have to make a move, or the entire compound is going to become exhausted by the both of you.”
“I know, I know,” Yelena sighed, pulling at the ends of her raven black hair. “It’s all so nerve-wracking. I don’t want to make things different between us by saying anything, but I might explode if I don’t.”
She reached over to throw her arms over Briony, pulling her into a tight hug.
“Thanks for telling me about what he said, even if it was confusing and a bit frustrating for you,” Yelena laughed.
“I couldn’t not tell you,” Briony grinned as she let go. “At the very least I needed to tell someone or I’d go insane. You can do me a favor by bucking up and telling him you want to be more than friends so that I don’t have to listen to either of you lament the other.”
Yelena rolled her eyes, elbowing Briony in the arm with a smile.
“You’ll be the first person to know if I do,” she laughed.
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shadowgirl138 · 3 years
Pouge Princess Chapter 4
Rafe Cameron x reader
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A/n: So I decided to just do a ton of rewrites and put everything for the charity ball into chapter 4 instead of splitting it. Sadly that means some things I wrote got cut and changed but ill probably use some of those ideas for chap 5 instead. If you haven't already go check out chaper 3 it kinda flopped but I thought it was good 😭😭 Also if you'd like to be added to the tag list let me know 😊
Warning ⚠️: foul language
Word count: 4,313
Finally it felt as if Saturday would never come, you've been dreading the charity ball for almost two weeks now. Yet here you were awake bright and early having to listen to Cynthia yell at the poor party decorators as they moved around tables to her liking.
"I'm sorry but did I say I wanted a table in the center of the dance floor? That's right I didn't so go get rid of it. What's the point of a goddamn dance floor if there's no room to dance!" Cynthia yelled motioning for the poor boy to come move the table away from her sight.
You and Topper were on table duty in the dining area, Cynthia wanted to make sure the tables were done perfectly and that her seating chart she spent months on was followed exactly as she had it.
"Ok so Kelce and his family are at table four with the Van Burrens while the Waltons and Arnold's make up table five." You said placing down each name card on the plates.
"Did you put the cards down for our table? I don't see them in my stack." Topper asked, going through his stack of names one more time.
"No, I have them right here." You handed over a stack of cards with Topper's family, the Camerons, a few of the richest donors' names and a lone single card with your name on it.
Your family never seemed to get invited to these events even when you're a yearly attendant you knew Cynthia saw no point in doing so since your family didn't have anything to offer. They couldn't donate money or bid on an auction without selling your house to do so; they were useless in Cynthia's eyes.
You on the other hand are Cynthia's greatest example of her charitable efforts. You're the poor lowly girl from the cut that she took in and handed the best opportunities one could get and molded into an example of what could be done if given the chance. You're the living proof of just how far Cynthia Thorton would go to prove she's better than everyone else, like she always says no one on figure eight would do for you like she has done.
"So you and Rafe, that's an interesting pair." Topper said, pulling you away from your thoughts and placing the cards down on the plates.
"I mean he's not the type of guy I pictured you with but I guess good girls always go for the bad boy types.''
"Topper get real I told you yesterday we're just going as friends. And you're giving Rafe too much credit. He is not a bad boy, he's troubled at most." You rolled your eyes as you continued to go around the tables.
"I mean after all these years it's only natural to wanna go out with your best friend's brother. I mean I guess more for convenience than anything you're around him just as much as Sarah is."
Topper wasn't letting go of the topic, studying your face to see if he could get a rise out of you.
"The last thing Sarah wants is for me to date Rafe. She'd say I could do better. I know that for a fact. I mean what type of guys do you picture me with then? It sounds like you've put some thought into this." You looked over at him shly, maybe this was your opening to finally see where Topper stands on your friendship if there's a chance that it could be more.
"I hate to say it but we all know you're the spitting image of a virgin mary. You need a nice guy, someone to complement that. Guys like Rafe and dare I say your dirty ass friend JJ are gonna be more of a project than a boyfriend."
You took in his words trying to figure out what he meant by it, was this his way of hitting on you ? Or was he just being a concerned friend looking out for your well being. You always did take his words into great consideration and he knew that, same as you and Sarah, if he didn't like someone then you both didn't and vice versa. Of course there were a few exceptions to this rule but for the most part you both always let each other know if you weren't happy. 
"It's a shame you don't have a brother that would be convenient for me."
Oh my God why would you say that , you started to panic from his lack of response maybe you said too much or maybe that sounded plain creepy. You continued to mentally panic before Topper burst out in laughter.
"God I couldn't handle having a brother. It's bad enough my mom likes you better than me. I can't imagine what it would be like if I had a brother too."
A sigh of relief escaped your lips that he didn't think your joke was weird at all.
"Topper quit fooling around and go make sure all the servers are wearing the appropriate color handkerchiefs for their vests. Also make sure all the auction goods are in the right place in the back. I don't want anything out of place. And (Y/n) come with me. I want you to see the dresses I have picked out for you. I couldn't decide which I liked best." Cynthia motioned for you to follow her as Topper went inside to go get the wait staff ready and check the auction goods.
She had you all on a tight schedule wanting everything ready by twelve since guests will start rolling in at one. She brought you inside to the lavish locker rooms that seemed more like hotel rooms than anything. She had a few different dresses hung up on a rack one of every color you could think of.
"Do you know what color the Cameron boy is going to wear tonight?" She turned to you, putting dresses up towards your body to see what she liked best.
"Um I don't know we never really planned to match or anything." You shrugged looking around the room.
"Hmm well go with this one Topper told me he wears his blue suit alot to these types of events so we'll just hope for the best. If anything you and Topper will match his tie is going to be this shade of blue. " Cynthia pulled out a bluish gray dress with a small slit down the side and held it up to you.
"We'll go with this one it should do your figure justice." She handed the dress over to you and shoved you towards the changing area.
"I hope you don't mind. I did some revisions on your speech for today. I want you to mention how the Thortons are donating a new library for Kildare County elementary." She said hanging up the other dresses back on the rack.
"Um, don't you think you should be the one to mention something like that? I was only supposed to give a summary about the scholarship program." You stepped out of the changing room smoothing out the wrinkles in the dress as Cynthia came over to inspect the fit.
"It just looks better if you do it, just trust me on this. Now let me just fix your hair and everything will be perfect."
You only nodded as she began to touch up your hair, it was gonna be a long night you could already tell. By the time you two were finished one o'clock had come and guests started to fill up the club.
Your eyes were glued to the door so you could look out for Rafe wanting to make sure you didn't miss him at all.  You saw Ward walk through first with Rafe following behind him and you went over to greet the pair.
"Hi Mr Cameron it's a pleasure to see you, thanks for coming tonight." You came over and gave him a hug as Rafe stood behind him quietly.
"No need to be so formal (y/n) I bet Cynthia's making you say that to everyone. Now let me go get a drink. I don't think you kids wanna be bothered by me any longer. I'll see you both later when dinner starts." He laughed, motioning for Rafe to speak up before stepping away towards the bar.
"You look nice." Rafe said looking you over at the way your dress hung on your body.
"Thanks you look nice too." Of course Rafe wore his signature baby blue suit like Cynthia thought he would.
"We should go find tweedle dee and tweedle dumb there probably looking for us." Rafe started to walk off and you followed him to go find the boys.
Kelce and Topper were talking to Kelce's girlfriend Anais and her friend Savannah, all of them sipping on champagne trying their best to avoid their families.
"Look who finally decided to show." Kelce patted Rafe's back pulling him into their ever growing circle.
"Looking good Cameron." Savannah said, giving Rafe a small wave. 
He barely acknowledged her, only giving her a small nod of thanks. That wasn't stopping her from cozying up to him pressing herself against his side as you all talked ignoring you completely.
"How does Sarah feel that you two are here together tonight (y/n) ?." Anais said, resting her head on Kelce's shoulder.
"Baby you can't just ask people that (y/n) is one of the bros that's just weird." Kelce looked at her with shock in his eyes.
"Yha that must be so weird for Sarah that you're here with Rafe tonight." Savannah said, glancing over at you.
"I mean It is a little surprising you two would go together usually your my date by default since we're dateless a lot of the time. I mean we've probably known each other the longest too." Topper pointed out.
You couldn't help but to feel a little unsure of what Topper meant from his words all day. He's been confusing you since early this morning. It almost felt like he was holding something back.
"You and Rafe do make a pretty goddamn odd pair. I mean everyone knows you and Topper are like a package deal just like Sarah and you. So for you to come with Rafe is just fucking bizzar." Savannah added.
"Why does any of this shit matter? First off I've known (y/n) just as long as you have Topper It's not that fucking weird and I could give a shit less about what Sarah thinks too I make my own choices. You guys are just being fucking ridiculous. I don't get why the two of us coming here together is so damn weird." You could see a slight scowl form on Rafe's face as he spoke, his nerves starting to get the best of him.
"I mean it's not weird Rafe's right we might butt heads a lot but we've always been good friends." You leaned your head on his shoulder and smiled causing him to relax from your affectionate touch.
Savannah did her best to squeeze between the two of you to reclaim her spot next to Rafe, angering him once again from the fact she was standing between the two.
"I mean it's good to know you guys are just friends." She smiled.
The awkward tension felt like it was in the past as you all continued to chat. Before you knew it everyone was gathering for the auction and impending speeches. You all moved towards the lounge where Cynthia had a gorgeous stage set up for the auction bids. It was a Thorton specialty to host an auction to raise money; it's what supposably set their charity balls apart from others on the island.
"These auctions are nothing more than a glorified garage sale for rich people." You said as you all watched everyone crowd around to see what Cynthia would announce.
" I guess someone like you wouldn't get the point of this." Savannah chimed in, rolling her eyes. You looked over at her and the attitude that she's been giving you most of the night didn't go unnoticed.
"I mean (y/n)'s right my dad donated a private plane ride this year. People are gonna go crazy for a chance to ride on the Camerons private plane." Rafe said.
"Ugh my dad was gonna bet on that." Anais groaned
"All our parents wanna do is show off on who's giving out the best prize and who's dishing out the most money." Topper said, keeping his eyes glued ahead waiting for when he'd have to take the stage with his grandpa.
You saw his mom signal him over as he quietly pulled away from the group making his way towards the stage. You knew your turn would be approaching soon, your stomach twisting into knots from your impending speech.
"All I'm saying is that this is supposably done in the name of charity but it's all actually a big ego competition. No one really cares where the money goes, they all just want everyone to talk about how much they gave or how great their auction prize was." You couldn't help the words from coming out of your mouth the closer it got to you having to go on stage.
You didn't even notice that Rafe had started to rub small circles on your back in a way to comfort you. Rafe leaned in, pressing his lips close to your ear where only you could hear him.
"Are you ok?"
"Yha just nervous I guess." You tried reassuring him, smiling from his efforts to talk you down.
He really did seem to be on his best behavior tonight for once he was sticking to his word. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard Topper announce your name as the next speaker, you made your way towards the stage stepping over to the microphone. You flash your signature bright smile as everyone's claps begined to die down. Rafe couldn't help himself from keeping his eyes on you admiring how just your simple presence could light up a room.
You looked down at your cards quickly before looking back up at the crowd.  "Good evening, I just want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who has donated today. Your kind actions have not gone unnoticed, your money is going towards a wonderful cause to help underprivileged children through the Thorton foundation."
So far your notes didn't seem too far off from what you originally had as you continued to go your eyes finally noticed where your words ended and Cynthia's began.
"As some of you may know, I was lucky enough to have my life changed by the Thorton foundation when I was a little girl. I was picked out of hundreds of kids to get the chance for a better education. The Thorton foundation has saved me from my life of poverty and despair."
A copper taste started to form in your mouth as you read the words out loud everyone's eyes stayed on you. The looks of pity and a few tear stained faces were seen in the crowd clearly affected from your untrue words.    
"Not only was I lucky enough to have this opportunity but I was also able to find a new found family in the Thortons. Thanks to Cynthia Thorton I was giving a second chance I would of never had before.  She saved me and provided for me when my family couldn't. She helped me to come out in society as the well rounded young lady you all see before you today. She's practically a second mother to me who has  graciously taken me under her wing and into her home for all these years. That's why I'm so happy to announce that the Thorton family will be donating a new library for Kildare County elementary so that kids today can have a better chance at a more well rounded education just as I was giving the chance from the the Thorton foundation."
You smiled as everyone started to clap and cheer from your speech. Cynthia had come back onto the stage hugging you tightly and kissing your cheeks as you walked off. You tried your hardest to not let this bother you to not let this get under your skin as you walked back to everyone.
" Interesting speech you had there (y/n)." Topper said his eyes fixed to the stage as he watched his mother bow from the praises being thrown her way.
"You really are the orphan Annie of the cut aren't you. You know not everyones lucky enough to have a nice rich family to take care of them like you." Savannah looked at you waiting for you to embarrass yourself and snap at her. 
"Shut the fuck up Savannah you have been such a  needy bitch all night can't you go cry for attention some where else." Before you could say anything Rafe had already done it for you saying it better then you probably would have. That still didn't stop Savannahs jaw from dropping over Rafe's word considering he's been relatively quiet this whole night.
"Your really gonna stand up for her, sure she can slap on some name brand clothes, go to the country clubs and cozy up to us but no matter how you look at it (y/n) isn't one of us she's always gonna be a fucking lowlife pouge." Savannah was fuming and you couldn't quite understand where her animosity with you came from but all of this started to feel like too much.
"Um, why don't we all go to the table? I think dinner is gonna be served soon so we should all go sit down." Kelce grabbed Anais hand, edging her to take care of Savannah so they could all walk off to their table.
You just stood there quiet not saying a word unsure of how to feel about everything. Your head was swirling with a million thoughts at once.
"Don't listen to that (y/n) you've always been one of us, you're a kook at heart. I don't care where you're from, you're better than that, you were never meant to be a pogue." Topper said trying his best to comfort you but his words stung more than anything without meaning too.
"You don't get it, none of you get it." You ran off heading towards the locker rooms just wanting to finally break down.
You sat on the floor letting out all your anguish that you've been holding in all this time. You put your head between your knees and continued to sob not even hearing the door opening up.
"Hey." Rafe said, sitting down beside you.
"What do you want? Did you come here to get a good laugh to tell me how I'm just Topper's little love sick bitch or something come on Rafe what is it this time you must be so excited to finally see me knocked down a peg." Your voice seethed with anger looking at him with tear stung eyes.
"No I don't wanna say anything like that I just wanna see if you're ok." He looked at you his blue eyes staring deeply into yours.
You didn't see any pity in his face if anything he looked sad almost like he could feel your pain. You just busted down once again.
"I know I give you a hard time but I would never kick you when you're down like this, I know for a damn fact that wasn't your speech up there. I also know Savannah is a huge fucking bitch."
"She is, isn't she." You laughed, making him smile at your slight change in tone.
"It's just all my life everyone's wanted me to be what they think I should be. I'm either the pogue princess, the Thortons charity case or a traitor to the cut. All my life I've had to prove to people that I deserve to be where I am and that I deserve to have the friends that I do. No one even knows who I am." You looked over to Rafe tears gently rolling down your face as you sniffles calming down slightly.
" You're the girl that puts everyone's needs before your own. The kind of girl that would invite her best friend's mean older brother to hang out with them after he destroyed their fort." He looked down as he said it, not wanting to meet your eyes.
"It was actually a tent not a fort." You couldn't help but to smile. Rafe was really trying his hardest to make you feel better.
"Why have you been so nice to me recently? I'm used to your hot and cold attitude when it comes to me but you've really been extra nice recently. It's kinda weird."
"Well I'll be fucking mean to you if thats what you want." You couldn't help yourself from leaning in and hugging him tightly, catching him off guard It took him a minute to hug you back.
He relaxed a little, taking in the scent of your shampoo and the way you felt in his arms a feeling he could relish in forever. Before you could pull back, Rafe leaned in, kissing you gently, too caught up in the moment to realize what he had done. The kiss was surprisingly chaste coming nkt what you'd expect from Rafe Cameron himself. You were shocked to say the least.
"Sorry, I should go." He got up in a hurry trying his best to rush out.
"Rafe wait." You stood up holding onto his arm so he couldn't go yet.
"What is it." He didn't bother looking at you, embarrassment starting to seep in the longer he stood by you. He couldn't believe that he let himself get carried away like that after all this time.
"Can I kiss you again?" You asked, looking down.
"What did you just say?" He looked down shocked trying to make sure he wasn't imagining everything and that this wasn't another dream of his.
"Please don't make me say it again Rafe."
He leaned down, taking your face in his hands and kissing you once again, this time deepening the kiss. He couldn't believe this was actually happening that you just asked to kiss him. He's dreamt of a moment like this for years but never thought you'd actually reciprocate.
But like all his dreams it always came to a halting stop when you pulled away suddenly at the sound of the door opening to reveal Topper making his way inside.
"Hey is everything ok I know Rafe said he'd handle it but I just wanted to check on you." Topper said, stepping in looking between the two of you.
"Everything's fine i'm feeling better now." You couldn't meet his gaze wondering if he saw anything from the looks of it he didn't seem to be any wiser.
"Ok that's good my moms wondering where you've been we're like half way through the dinner." Topper smiled, opening the door up to let you out.
You started to make your way out wiping your face to remove any evidence of crying. "Aren't you guys coming ?" You turned around noticing they weren't following you.
"Actually I'm going to talk to Rafe for a second, right buddy." He looked at Rafe and all he did was nod.
You looked between the two of them nodding as you walked off towards the dining area. Maybe he did see you guys kissing and was gonna ask Rafe what was going on. To be honest you weren't sure what made you want to kiss him, you had a million thoughts running through your head.
It was so nice to just finally be noticed for once and to be heard after all this time. You wondered what Topper wanted to talk to Rafe about and why you couldn't be around.
"So you where in here for a while was everything ok." Topper looked at Rafe looking for a clue as to what took you guys so long.
"Like I said earlier I just wanted to make sure (y/n) was ok." Rafe could see something was bothering Topper that he wasn't saying.
"You look like you wanna say something why don't you fucking say it."
"It's just… I don't know man you've been acting different around (y/n) and she's not like those other girls you mess around with that you can just toss to the side." Topper eyed him seeing Rafe's demeanor change.
"Are you trying to say I'm not good enough for (y/n) or some shit? Where's this even coming from who the fuck are you to be the judge of who's good enough for (y/n) and who's not." Rafe was shocked at Topper's sudden attitude change. He knew that you had some type of feelings for Topper but he never thought Topper reciprocated.
"Listen I care about you Rafe but all i'm saying is you come with alot of fucking baggage and (y/n) shouldn't have to deal with that."
"Don't fucking worry about what I do "buddy" I didn't realize you where (y/n) keeper. I'll see you outside." Rafe walked out not wanting to deal with this any more than he had too. What the hell was happening?
It was bad enough he had to worry about JJ, now all of a sudden Topper is switching it up on him. He couldn't help but to hold onto your kiss and wonder if it had as much meaning for you as it did for him. This was the sign he was waiting for he couldn't wait any longer Rafe wasn't gonna let anyone stop him from finally going after you. 
Tag list: @hopebaker
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ninjnerd-anaklusmos · 2 years
Hi, for your 100 follower event could I ask for I'm only me when I'm with you with Beelzebub please 🙂
Thanks for the ask! I am once again sorry for it taking so long to get this out, but I hope you like it!
I'm Only Me When I'm With You:
Beelzebub was pretty well-known for his laid-back attitude. Much like his twin in a sense, never wanting to start anything. The similarities ended there. Belphegor was more conniving and petty, willing to do anything to make the person who wronged him miserable. Beelzebub was a man of forgiveness and heart, a rarity with demons, no matter how socially advanced their society may be. Beelzebub was also well-known for his intense love of food, and how he would do most anything for it. The gluttony demon would love a being forever if they ever gave him anything to nibble on, and he would try to return the favor within a timely manner.
Asides from that, most demons knew little about him. They lowered him down to a personality of food and marshmallow filling, leaving him be. But they would never know him the way his family did, the differences he took on when he felt comfortable with himself, with the world. With his past. Whatever the case may be, Beelzebub was a different being behind closed doors, and no one else in the world seemed to understand this as a fact. Well, except for those closest to his heart, anyway.
“Beel,” Belphegor whined, making grabby hands at his twin. “I’m cold.”
Beelzebub, who was currently cutting a piece of paper and surrounded by craft supplies, hummed a half-response under his breath. He was deathly focused on his precise snipping, making sure it would turn out perfect. Belphegor groaned in defeat, flopping back against his twin’s bedsheets, grumbling to himself. After a moment, Belphegor looked back over at his twin as he worked, watching him slowly make progress on his project. Unable to resist, Belphegor snickered softly to himself at his idea.
Climbing out of bed, Belphegor walked over to Beelzebub, who was so engrossed in what he was doing that he failed to notice his twin creeping up on him. (Well, walking could hardly be considered creeping, but semantics will be semantics.) The sloth demon leaned against Beelzebub’s back, “Boo!”
Beelzebub yelped, tossing a container of glitter over his shoulder, the sticky flakes exploding everywhere on the floor. Beelzebub huffed, tossing a glare over his shoulder at his lazy brother. “Really?”
Belphegor laughed softly, hugging his twin before he moved to sit beside him. “You need to loosen up. Asmodeus did say our room was kind of drab.”
Beelzebub shook his head, gesturing at the pink, white, and red flakes of glitter strewn about their shared floor. “I don’t think this is what he meant.”
“Ah,” Belphegor raised his finger, “but are we sure he didn’t mean glitter everywhere?”
Beelzebub snorted, leaning against his twin. “You’re a menace.”
Belphegor teasingly said, “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
The gluttony demon sighed dramatically. “I guess you have a lot of glitter to clean up then.”
Belphegor blinked, as if this had just occurred to him. “Uh, no. How long does it take to make a card anyway?”
Beelzebub felt his cheeks redden, nervously fiddling with a marker. “However long it takes.”
The sloth demon rolled his eyes, grabbing an extra sheet of paper and a few red-themed crayons, “You finish yours. I’ll just doodle.”
Beelzebub bit his lip, looking back at his half-finished red monstrosity. It was oozing glitter glue all over the table, and the markers and crayons were in the wrong boxes. There were paper cuttings everywhere, and he hadn’t even managed to make the perfect shape yet. The older of the two sighed, pressing his face into his hands. “Belphie, I don’t think I can make a card good enough for MC.”
Unable to see his twin, Beelzebub was unaware of the look of shock that was currently on Belphegor’s face. “You- oh no, you’re serious.”
Beelzebub felt Belphegor’s hands on his arm, “Beel, come on! You’re you! Why wouldn’t it be good enough for the human?”
Beelzebub didn’t answer right away, unsure how to. How could he tell Belphegor that he was terrified he would do something wrong and make MC never want to see him again? What if he seemed to interested in food, instead of MC on their dates? What would happen if he accidentally tried to eat MC in his sleep? (Belphegor was still angry about that, but in Beelzebub’s defense, Belphegor controlled dreams, so it wasn’t entirely his fault.)
“Beel, you are worth everything that human is, okay? More than, actually.”
Beelzebub arched his brow at his twin, resting his chin in his hand. “Uh huh. I know you like them.”
Belphegor scoffed, “Tolerable if only because they make a wonderful pillow. And it pisses Mammon off. Anyway, you are amazing and wonderful, kind and gentle. Why would they care if your card is... well...”
Beelzebub sighed softly, looking over at his attempt at card-making. “A failure?”
Belphegor pursed his lips, patting his twin awkwardly on the shoulder. “Let’s just say your talents lie elsewhere. But my point is, they love you right? Not your romantic card making skills, or your amazing Fangol skills. They love you for the you on the inside, and the one on the out.”
Beelzebub stared at Belphegor for a moment, then he smiled. “You still think Valentine’s Day is for losers?”
Belphegor rolled his eyes, getting up. “Yes. Chocolate’s cheaper on the next day anyway. So are the stuffies.”
Beelzebub laughed, taking another look at his pile of attempted romance. “Belphie?”
His twin glanced back at him, halfway to his bed. “Yeah?”
Beelzebub scratched his chin, “Could you maybe... help me?”
Belphegor grinned like a child in the candy aisle. “I was waiting for that! Okay, I hate to do this to you, but we have to start over.”
MC was flattered honestly by the fact that Beelzebub had even went through the hassle of making them a card. Granted, the card had some unintelligible squiggles that Belphegor insisted were them as stick people and it smelled suspiciously of frosting, but it was clearly made with love and tenderness. Beelzebub had worked very hard on it, if the glitter all over him and his twin meant anything at all. MC smiled warmly at them, clutching the card to their chest. “I love it! Thank you so much.”
Beelzebub grinned at them, freckles covered in glitter and his eyes shimmering. “I hoped you would!”
Belphegor, who was in an equally glittery state, was trying to rub it off. He only succeeded in smearing it around more and more. “Of course they love it.”
MC grinned at them, unable to resist a tiny bit of teasing. “Hey, I thought gingers were supposed to have freckles?”
Belphegor lasered a glare at the human, “Say that again.”
Beelzebub laughed nervously, “Maybe we should just-”
MC gestured at the glitter all over the sloth demon, and his rolled up sleeves that revealed the pale brown specks on his forearms. “You look like you’ve stolen a lot of souls.”
Belphegor grabbed Beelzebub’s jacket sleeve, “Hold me back.”
The gluttony demon sighed tiredly. Maybe he would be the one taking a nap today.
Curious to see what this is? Please click this post!
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