#eventually they came back and we sang some songs together
wkilofficial · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every time i dreamed i had to perform with/sub in for a member of my chem for one of their shows i would only have three nickels. but it's weird that it happened thrice
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saberlight1 · 9 months
oaths & songbirds — coriolanus snow
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pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
warnings: slight tbosas spoilers, mentions of violence and ptsd, trauma, slight toxic and possessive snow, Y/N usage, standard hunger games warnings.
authors note: hiii!! i’m glad you all enjoyed part 1 to this story, it is linked here, and part 3 is here. i loved the ballad and coriolanus & lucy gray’s chemistry and relationship was so beautifully displayed, i had to write about it. also, the song Y/N sings is linked here, the girl singing is how i imagine her to sound. anyways, i hope you enjoy!
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The bright blue sky had faded into orange and pink, you and the Covey all now scattered around the land. Maude and Lucy Gray sat on the dock, feet in the water as they sang random melodies they came up with, Issac sitting behind them drumming along with a beat.
That left you and Coryo, who were laid together on a blanket under a tree, in each other’s arms. You laid in his lap, his arms wrapped around you, a warm feeling in the both of you chest’s. You softly sang a song to him— one you had recently came up with.
In the time of the harvest, the leaves fallin’ down.
I held what my true love could reap from the ground.
But the bounty of a garden can all rot away,
Without love and protection and a hard will to stay.
I’ll never have a garden again.
Where I fall to my knees and work with the land.
Now I’m just prayin’ with two dirty hands.
I’ll never, no, never have a garden again.
You finished the song with a breath, your hands going to nervously fidget.
“Your singing is beautiful.” Coryo whispered. “Did you write that?”
“Yeah, I did.” You softly smiled. “It’s not done, but I came up with it the other night.” You looked up, hearing the mockingjay’s repeat the melody you had sang.
Coryo followed your gaze. “I’ve never seen those type of birds before.”
“Mockingjays, as we call ‘em, or as Lucy Gray does.” You explained, smiling at the thought of your beloved cousin.
“Well, I like it so far. Your songs are always beautiful.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss your nose.
You giggled, your hand going up to grab him to connect your lips. You exchanged a passionate kiss, the boy always kissing you like you were his air. He slowly broke apart, leaving small pecks on your lips before he pulled you closer.
“I wish it could be like this all the time,” You sighed.
“Me too, baby.” He brushed some hair out of your eyes, studying you for a moment. “It could be… if you came to the Capitol—”
“No, Coryo.” You cut him off with a wave of your hand. “I mean out here. In nature, away from it all. I don’t want to go back to the Capitol ever again. I don’t belong there.”
He deflated, shaking his head. “Y/N, you know I have to go back eventually..”
A breath of air left your lips, his words leaving you frowning. “I know,” your eyes casted downwards, away from his.
He bent down slightly, leaving a kiss on your lips. “I’m not gone yet, my songbird. I’m still here,”
His actions brought a small smile to your face, as your hands came up to grip his lovingly. “I.. I’m sorry I make things difficult. I’m torn, Coryo. I don’t want to be without you, but I refuse to live that life in the Capitol.”
“You don’t make things difficult, my love. I understand. You were brought up out here, it‘s your home.” He muttered, staring into your eyes with a loving gaze. “I will figure it out— We will. Don’t worry, baby.” He left another kiss on your lips, this one longer and washing all of your worries away. When you pulled back for air, the boy turned to dig in his bag, turning back to you with an orange shawl in his hand.
“What’s this?” You asked, sitting up and turning to him.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, passing it to you. “It was my mother’s, and I’d like for you to have it.”
“Oh, Coryo,” You smiled, clutching it. “Thank you, really.” You brought up to your nose, inhaling deeply. “Mm, still smells like roses.”
He smiled down at you with adoration.
“I’ll take good care of it, I promise. Thank you, sweetheart.” You said, your accent showing. “You must miss your family so much out here.”
“I do.” He answered. “I worry about them all the time.”
“…Would you really go back, though?” You met his eye again. “If you could,”
“I have to, it’s where I belong. Like how you belong out here.”
You nodded, breaking your eye contact. “Yeah, I get it. I’m sorry.” Your gaze turned back to the water in front of you.
“Hey..” He scooted closer to you.
You shook your head. “What if this was our life, Coriolanus?” You asked, and his attention was immediately on you with the use of his actual name. “Out here, waking up whenever. Catching our own food, living out by the lake— I mean, would you still feel the need for the Capitol even then?” You further went on, urging him to listen to you.
“Hey, lovebirds!” Lucy Gray called with a giggle, causing the pair of you to break apart. “C’mere! CeCe and Issac caught dinner!” She waved, as Issac held up some fish they had caught.
You sighed, shaking your head once again at Coryo before you stood up to join them, Coriolanus on your tail.
As the night went on, the previous worries were now in the back of your mind as you sang a song with Lucy Gray, a smile on your face.
However, as Coriolanus watched you, the same worries were front and present in his mind. In fact, he couldn’t think of anything else. He knew somehow, someway he had to convince you to come with him. He couldn’t leave you behind, not again.
He didn’t know if you’d still be here when he got back.
‘What if this was our life, Coriolanus? Would you still feel the need for the Capitol, even then?’ Your past words ringing in his ears as his smile dropped. If he didn’t lure you in soon, you’d fly away with the mockingjays into the wind, never to be his again.
He couldn’t have that.
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lynzishell · 24 days
The Past 💛 Atlas
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I’ve finally reached a point where I can sit down and do some work on Ash’s game on my own. It took a lot longer than I thought it would. Not only because his workflow is incredibly chaotic, but also his design is incredibly complex, far more complex than anything we work on at Rainy Day, but it’s fun to feel challenged again.
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I’ve spent every night this week in Ash’s living room while he walks me through everything he has so far, sorting out the design and the mechanics, his ideas for the worlds, characters, storylines, objectives, and so on. Yet, it feels like we’ve only scratched the surface.
We work well together, but we’re also easily distracted, often going off on random tangents and talking about everything from our families to school years and childhood friends to experiences we’ve had or want to have; we talk about how fun it would be to have our own indie gaming company one day, if only we could focus on the actual game for longer than an hour at a time.
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Last night a song came on that inspired a whole conversation about music and all the songs we used to sing the wrong lyrics to, and some he still sings wrong just to annoy Lex. We started playing a game where we’d give each other a random word or category and the other would have to play a song they liked that fit. At one point I asked him what his guilty pleasure song is.
“Oh, I have dozens of those,” he said, “uh, but the first one that comes to mind is The Boys of Summer.”
“Your guilty pleasure song is an 80’s song?” I was shocked considering the amount of shit he gives me for the majority of my playlist.
“No no no no,” he shook his head, “I should clarify. The original sucks.”
“Of course you think so.”
“Obviously. Okay, but the one I’m talking about is the cover of The Boys of Summer by The Ataris.
“I like the name, but I have no idea who that is,” I admitted.
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He laughed as he pulled up the song and told me, “You’re either going to love this or hate it. I’m not sure which.” When he pressed play, all I could do was watch in awe as he shamelessly enjoyed the song, complete with hand motions, air guitar and lip syncing. At one point he leaned in and sang directly to me, “But I don’t understand what happened to our love. But baby when I get you back, I’m gonna show you what I’m made of!” And then he spun away and started dancing to the chorus.  
Before I had a chance to think too hard about whether he was trying to tell me something through the lyrics, he pulled me off the couch to join him. We sang and danced with everything we had until we collapsed onto the couch, out of breath and wiping tears from our eyes.
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When we finally calmed down, he pointed at me, “Your turn. What’s your guilty pleasure song?”
“Oh god,” I covered my face, “I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this.”
“Tell me.” He demanded.
“Dancing With Myself by Generation X. I can’t hear it and not sing and dance around my apartment like an idiot.”
“Oh, I have got to see this!” He sat up excitedly to find the song and turn it on… and then cheered when I began clapping my hands to the beat… and then completely lost it and fell over laughing when I sang along with my eerily accurate Billy Idol impersonation.
It’s become one of my favorite things, making him laugh. He has about a dozen different laughs from a rush of air through his teeth, to an infectious giggle, to a loud belly laugh… but my favorite is when he’s laughing so hard that no sound comes out aside from a series of clicks until he finally catches his breath.
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It’s so easy with him, to get out of my head, to just relax and be myself.
Not everything is easy, though. I keep telling myself that eventually my feelings will fade, that it will get easier to just be his friend and nothing more, but if anything, it’s getting more difficult. Sometimes when we’re together, all I can think about is sliding my hand over to rest it on his leg, or to pick up his hand and interlace our fingers, or to reach up and hold his face, turning it toward me so I can kiss him. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about kissing him, his lips, his neck, that inch skin above his waistband that sometimes shows when his shirt rides up just enough, every part of him. Sometimes I let my eye contact linger just a little, desperate for him to give me a sign that he still feels the same way, but he never does. On some level, I’m grateful. It’s better this way. I’d only end up hurting him again.
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I hear the front door open and close, bringing me out of my daydream and back to my computer screen. I look over what I’ve done so far to make sure I didn’t screw anything up while I drifted away.
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A second later, I hear Dawn enter the room and flop onto my bed behind me and I glance at the clock, it’s only two.
“What are you doing here?” I ask.
“Finished early. What are you doing? I thought you weren’t working on Fridays anymore.”
“I’m not. It’s just a side project I’m working on with Ash.”
“Ooooh I see.”
I roll my eyes and change the subject before she can inquire further. “So, why are you on my bed? What do you want?” As I say the words, I’m overcome by the feeling that we’ve done this before.
“For you to take a break and go do something with me." I'm antsy. "I’m antsy.” Her words come out like an echo from my own mind and my whole body feels fuzzy for a moment.
“Have we had this conversation before?”
“No. I don’t think so.”
“Hm. I’m having the weirdest déjà vu.”
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“Maybe you’ve been staring at that screen too long. We should get out and do something.”
“What do you have in mind?”
I’m open to suggestions. “I’m open to suggestions.”
Weird. This conversation, the song playing through my speaker, Dawn laying on my bed, me at my computer… everything feels so familiar. “Where’s your boyfriend? Why aren’t you dragging him out?” Even as I ask the question, I know I’ve asked it before.
“He’s busy…” Having coffee with his ex-girlfriend. “Having coffee with his ex-girlfriend.”
Okay, I clearly need some fresh air, and she clearly needs my support right now, so I save my work, lock my computer, and spin around to face her. “Oh, that’s why you’re antsy. Okay, I can take a break, but let’s go outside. We can go for a jog, that’ll get your energy out.”
“Fine, I’ll go change.”
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Prev // Deja vu // Next
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xoxoamyas · 8 months
For You.
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rating : fluff/comfort, singular alcohol mention, petnames used on reader [ darling, love, and baby ]
wilbur x fem!reader [ use of you/yours, no use of y/n ]
☆ wilbur comforts you after a hard day. he plays you some in progress songs he'd been working on. <3
note : this was meant to take place sometime before ycgma came out! though, you can interpret it as whenever. either way, hope you enjoy !
request [ ☆ ]
masterlist [ ☆ ]
You had little tells for everything. Wilbur knew them by heart.
So the second he heard the door close a little harsher than normal, he was up in an instant. He had been writing up some new lyrics for some songs he wanted to put together.
“Darling?” Wilbur lightly calls out as he moves through the short hall of the shared flat. Seeing you set down your purse on the couch in the living room, he lightly sighs. “Beautiful,” He starts, catching your attention more now. Muttering a soft apology when he sees your face screw up.
Oh, you definitely didn't have a good day if you weren't melting at the complimenting.
“Want to talk about what happened?” His voice is soft and low as he speaks, well aware you didn't take kindly to a raised voice in moments like this. A small frown tugs at his lips when he sees you shake your head no, so he just silently nods.
“That's fine, love. How about we run a bath and then go lay down?” Wilbur tilts his head a bit as his hands move to hold your upper arms. A small smile appears on his face when you nod.
He pauses when he feels one of your hands move to the hem of his sweater. Leaning down for you when you moved to be on your forefoot, pressing a kiss to Wilbur's cheek in a silent show of affection.
It takes a little bit after as you calm down, Wilbur with you nearly the entire time. He had gotten you bubbles for a bath at some point and helped you wash your hair. You weren't very talkative like you usually would have been, him having picked up on you needing the time to adjust and relax.
After a while, you finally deemed it time to get out of the bath. The water had gone cold and lost its comforting warmth. You managed to coax Wilbur into lending you one of his sweaters and even a pair of his boxers. He could never say no to the puppy eyes you tended to give him.
“You ready to talk about it?” Wilbur calmly asks after you're laid in his bed cuddled up to one of his favourite and most used pillows. He wasn't jealous over an inanimate object whatsoever.
You give a light groan, pressing your face hard into the pillow for a good long moment. Another tell that you weren't ready to talk just yet.
It's quiet for a good moment, and Wilbur bites his tongue. He's not sure what to say for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, he ended up eyeing the bedroom for a good moment before his gaze landed on his guitar.
You don't move immediately when you hear the first strums of the guitar, just hearing what sounded like a gentle tune. Each chord eased into the next, which soothed an ache in your mind. The Bm, to D, A, G, and right back into Bm.
“The cute bomber jacket you've had since sixth form,” When you hear his voice, you finally look up. Curiosity started gnawing at you as you watched Wilbur from where he sat in his streaming chair.
“Adorned with the patches of places you've been. Got nothing on my khaki coat I got from the roadside.” You can't help but let your face scrunch up as he sang. He had paused his singing. You caught the nervous glance he sent you, like he was uncertain about what he was saying and singing. His hands faltered with the glance before he looked back down at the guitar and continued strumming.
“My boots from the airport, the backpack’s my friends.” You sit up more as the words are softly sung out. A small warm feeling fills your chest as you make the sudden realization that this is a song he hadn't shared with you just yet.
You recognize the moment Wilbur seems stuck with the words, seeing him just continue to strum the chords along the guitar wordlessly.
“I haven't finished it just yet.” Wilbur admits after a moment of strumming, letting the last chord he had played ring for a second.
“I think it's really nice so far, Wil.” You give a small smile as your eyes flicker over him. “Have you been working on any others with it?” You ask out of genuine curiosity, to which Wilbur gives a slight grin.
“A couple others, yeah. Hold on.” Wilbur moves to stand from his streaming chair, moving to plop down in his spot next to you on your bed, guitar in his lap.
He had to take a second to get situated and comfortable before his hands found their spits on the guitar again. The strumming starts again, this time starting with an Am chord, to F, back to Am, and then to F again. You watch as Wilbur testingly strummed the chords, holding back a small giggle when you saw him make a face before adjusting the chords to fit together better.
Am, F, Am, F. Repeating it but instead landing on a C instead of an F interchangeably.
You watch with interest as he moves his hands in a more relaxed manner than before when he finds the rhythm he's looking for. It was almost mesmerizing, the way he played solely for you in this moment.
“Maybe one day, we'll live in La Jolla,” He starts, glancing at you as if silently seeking approval. You tilt your head in response, a notion for him to continue on.
“Drinking cocktails out over the water,” He's quiet for a second after that, trying to find out the next words he wants to say. A small soft hum could be heard from him as he tried to find the tune to keep rolling with.
“Our own personal sunset. A diploma for each day on our own.” The words are even as he says them, though the small hesitation of his hand shows he's not entirely confident with them. Either way, it made you move a tiny bit closer as you shifted. Now sitting cross-legged beside him with a hand along his knee closest to you for wordless reaffirmation.
“Shhhit, I don't know.” He eventually huffs out a humourless laugh, a frown on his face as he stops strumming the guitar.
“Hey, you did good.” You move one of your hands to cup his cheek, gently having him look towards you. “Thank you for playing what you did for me.” Your words make some of the unease melt away from his expression.
One of his hands comes up to hold along the side of your neck, and he leans in. The press of his lips against yours is careful and precise, a kiss meant to be loving and open.
Wilbur lets the kiss go when you want to, giving a small breath of air as your forehead pressed against his. “You're an amazing girlfriend, y'know that?” He asks quietly, as if scared to disrupt the peaceful moment happening between them.
“And you're an amazing boyfriend.” You murmured out in response, keeping still where you were for a moment longer before carefully moving. Taking Wilburs guitar and setting it to the side so that it rested against his bedside table. “Snuggles before bed?” You asked as you looked at him, a small pout forming as you tilted your head at him.
A small sound of surprise escapes you as he suddenly catches you off-guard when he wraps his arms around your waist. Him having dragged you closer and down onto the bed with him.
“You're so stupid,” You jokingly complained as you moved with more ease after a moment. Your head against his chest, arms wrapped around his torso and your leg thrown over his waist.
“But you just called me an amazing boyfriend.” Wilbur playfully pouts as he looks down at you. He lets out a more genuine laugh after a moment, kissing the top of your head then resting his chin along that same spot.
“I retract my statement, then.” You grumble out against him, not truly meaning your words.
“Just get some sleep, baby, we got a day ahead of us tomorrow.” Wilbur can't help but smile, loving that the two of you could at least sleep in the manner you two usually do.
“Goodnight, Wil.” You hum out, moving to hold him closer in search of the comfort he was providing you.
“Goodnight, love.”
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thefallennightmare · 5 months
Request for Jolly x Female Reader. Jolly develops a crush on a member of one of the support bands over the course of tour. Could be vocalist or instrumentalist. Or both. The band and Bad Omens eventually collab for a song on the Concrete Jungle OST and Jolly helps co-write a song with reader for her band’s new album. So they end up spending a lot of time together. Take it where ever you want to. Can’t wait to read!
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You were a solo artist opening up for Bad Omens for the fall tour.
When the tour first got announced, Jolly and Noah reached out to you about collaborating with Bad Omens on a future song. They loved the softness of your voice as you sang with passion.
You didn't have much experience with writing your own songs since you were just starting out so Jolly offered to help you with writing the collab song.
You met him at his and Noah's home studio, nervous as hell because with what they already told you they were looking for with the new song, you didn't know how'd they take to the lyrics you did right.
"I'm all for constructive criticism," you said while handing Jolly your notebook. "I'm still learning but this was what I thought would work best for the song."
Jolly and Noah read over it together, both of them sharing a look.
"It's good," Noah said first.
"But we can tweak some things if you're cool with it," Jolly smiled.
You returned it. "You two are some of the best. I couldn't have asked for better teachers.
For the next few weeks, you worked with Jolly mostly on tightening up your lyrics and when it came to recording your part, he made sure he was there outside the booth to watch you.
The two of you had become incredibly close over the few weeks, and it was clear how he felt about you but you were too nervous to reciprocate those feelings for fear of ruining this collaboration/future tour. If things didn't work out, it would make things incredibly awkward.
"Can we redo that verse?" You asked Jolly. "I feel like it could be better."
"Of course, Karaste," he smiled, saying his nickname for you.
It made your cheeks burn just as it did the first time he called you it. It was an accident, a slip of his Swedish tongue but you loved it so you told him it could stay.
It was a late night in the studio so Jolly offered to walk you to your car but neither of you was ready to end the night yet.
"It's sounding really good," he praised.
"Thank you," you blushed. "I know there's a lot of hype with this upcoming deluxe album so I want to make sure it's perfect."
Jolly ran a hand over his beard, thinking deeply about something.
"What are you doing Friday night?"
"Oh, do you want another recording session?" You questioned.
Now he rubbed the back of his neck. "I was thinking maybe dinner. Me and You."
"As a date?" You couldn't hide the smile and neither could Jolly.
"If you're worried about ruining the collab or tour if things go bad, don't. We both can be professionals."
You took a step closer to him. "I think we'll be fine if we take things slow."
Something sparkled in his dark eyes, his hands finding your hips. "We'll take things as slow as you want, karaste."
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tinkerbelle05 · 2 years
Characters: Ronal/Tonowari x child!reader
Warning: none just fluff
Summary: Just some fluffy headcanons. Didn’t wanna focus too much on the pregnancy but I can make one if that’s the people’s will
Taglist & Masterlist
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Finding out and telling people
When Ronal found out about you, she was ecstatic and thanked Eywa for her beautiful blessing. She would protect you with her life and make sure you knew you were loved.
She rushed out of the shared Marui she had with her mate (knowing that it would be a bit fuller made her heart swoon) and rushed throughout the village looking for her mate.
When she found him, she made sure to have a passive expression on her face and slowed her movement.
“Ma Tonowari, we need to talk,” she whispers to him. Eventually, they’ll tell the clan but right now, she wants this to stay between the two.
He nods and excuses himself from his previous arrangement.
“What is the problem, Ronal?” He saw that she was vibrating with happiness and had a big, bright smile on her face. Which was very much not Ronal.
She takes a deep breath to ground herself, “I am with child, Tonowari.”
He blinks, then blinks again. Ronal could see the moment when it hits him. He laughs, loud and boisterous. He pulls her close into an embrace and plants kisses on her face.
He puts her down and smiles, “This is…oh thank Eywa.”
Roa was delighted to hear the news and couldn't wait to meet the baby. But Ronal could sense her sadness and gave her some comfort. It was hard for her spirit sister to have a calf.
She leaned her forehead on her spirit sister’s, “Do not fret, my sister. You will be with a child. I just know it.”
For a few weeks, Ronal and Tonowari mutually agreed to keep this little secret to themselves. To have a little something for themselves.
When she a month pregnant, Ronal announced the news to the clan at the communal dinner.
As expected the whole clan was overjoyed at the news. Everyone came up to express congratulations, give gifts, or blessings.
Meeting you
The pregnancy and birth went smoothly and had no complications.
When Tonowari saw you his first thought was that you were just beautiful, it was as simple as that.
Ronal and Tonowari never thought they could love a person this much, yet here they are.
The ceremony welcoming you into the clan was lovely. Their spirit brothers and sisters had returned also which just made the whole thing better.
When Ronal introduced you to Roa, she was happy for her sister. Together they sang songs welcoming you.
“They are just as beautiful as you, Ronal and they have Tonowari’s strong presence,” she complimented the newborn.
“Thank you for your kind words.”
Tonowari held you high above his head and the clan all interlocking with eachother. “(Y/N)!” He yelled out.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” The clan chanted out.
Your birth meant that the Metkayina clan would prosper well into the future. They would be in good hands when your time would come to rule.
Overall, you were loved by your clan and everyone was excited to see the person you would become.
Life with you
Ronal holds you to her chest and sings little lullabies to you every night.
When he’s out and about Tonowari has you in this little baby carrier. Some of the clan members stop him to say hello to you or to gush about how cute you are.
He’s such a soft dad y’all.
Whenever you are crying, he’ll rub circles on your back and hums a little song to you.
It works every single time.
To get you to eat your food, Ronal would say, “Here comes the skimwing..” You would eat whatever was in the spoon, even if you were disgusted by it seconds ago.
When she is working you would be strapped to her chest, similar to Tonowari. If their injury is not too severe, the patient would laugh at your antics.
Tonowari is totally whipped for you and there’s nothing Ronal could do about.
Don’t get me wrong.
You got her wrapped around your tiny chubby finger too.
But she doesn’t want you to be spoiled and lack manners.
As you grow up, you became more curious around your surroundings. Always wanting to wander off into the beach, maybe hangout with the baby ilus in their pens.
You gave your parents multiple heart attacks with your behavior when they thought the absolute worst would come.
But even then…
You would still cry long into the night if you didn't get to sleep with them. You had your own bed in the pod but you liked sleeping with them.
It was just more comforting for you.
“No, they need to sleep on their own,” Ronal protested as Tonowari walked to their bed with you in his arms.
“I know my love, I know. But can't that lesson be taught another night?” He smiles down at you. He turns around and shows her your peaceful face. “How can you say no to this face?”
Ronal only sighs and shakes her head. She had 2 babies, she couldn't believe it.
“Fine, Tonowari. When this comes back to bite you in the butt don't come to look at me.
Taglist: @crabcollectorskykid, @sillydog3-4-5
Like, reblog, or comment if you wish. See ya in the next one, friends.
Also lemme know if you want more of these headcanons, like them growing up, meeting the Sully’s, etc.
Reminder: My asks, suggestions, and requests are all open.
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atzjieun · 3 months
the butterfly effect
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summary | a single flap of a butterfly’s wings causes a typhoon across the ocean, and snow on jieun’s birthday causes her to debut in ateez
circa | december 28, 2015
contains | 2.5k words, jieun’s parents are trying their best, jihoon is the best big brother ever, mentions of cults (jieun thinks she’s being scammed)
notes | the story of how jieun joined kq :D
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Jieun stared out the window of the car, watching as buildings came and went. The car ride was silent, as they usually were when all four members of her family were together. 
“What do you want when we get to the restaurant, Jieunie?” Jieun’s mom eventually asked, trying to alleviate some of the unspoken tension. The girl looked over, making eye contact with her mom. She simply shrugged and gave a short hum before turning her gaze back to the outside world.
“Let’s listen to some music,” her dad suggested, reaching over to turn on the radio. As the sound of music filled the air, Jieun let out a sigh. She closed her eyes, softly humming along to the song currently playing. 
As the song came to a close, the intro of Twice’s “Like OOH-AHH” began playing through the speakers. It only played for a few seconds before the song was abruptly cut off as her mom changed the radio station. Jieun opened her eyes, looking over at her parents in confusion as her mom continued cycling through radio stations.  
“Why’d you change it?” she asked. “I like that song.” Jieun’s dad glanced at her for a split moment through the rearview mirror, while her mom avoided her gaze entirely. 
“We just thought you wouldn’t want to listen to it…” 
Jieun frowned. “Why?” 
They didn’t answer, causing the girl to let out an audible sigh. Beside her, Jihoon gave her a pointed look, silently telling her to just drop the topic. Jieun nodded once, shifting in her seat slightly before turning back to the window. 
The rest of the car ride was silent. 
“The snow’s really coming down now,” Jieun’s mom commented, a hint of worry in her voice. “I hope everyone will be safe on the roads. Accidents could easily happen with this much snow.” 
Jieun and Jihoon didn’t respond, continuing to eat their meals in silence. Jieun’s dad, however, answered their mom’s audible concern.  
“Most people should be at home with their families anyway, or on vacation,” he reasoned before turning his attention to Jieun. “Jieunie, how do you like the food?” She spared a small glance over at him and nodded. 
“It’s good. Thank you for bringing us here.” 
“Of course, anything for our Jieunie~” her mom sang. Jieun glanced over at Jihoon, who hid his smile as he looked back down at his food. “You know, your dad and I used to come here all the time when we were young-” She was cut off by a sudden beeping noise that rang through the restaurant, coming from both her and their dad’s pockets. The sound was all too familiar, so were the guilty expressions on Jieun’s parents’ faces when they checked their pagers. 
Her parents exchanged a glance before Jieun’s dad stood up. He smiled at the two siblings, waving them off.  
“I just need to take a quick call. I’ll be right back.” 
Jieun felt something in her stomach drop when her dad walked away, phone in hand. Her gaze followed him to the door as he stepped outside, not sparing a glance back. 
“I was thinking,” Jieun’s mom said, trying to distract her, “when we get home later, let’s rewatch that favourite movie of yours. Mamma Mia, right? We can get some snacks later too.” 
Before Jieun could respond, her dad suddenly reappeared at the table. He leaned down, whispering something into her mom’s ear that made her smile falter. This only lasted for a few seconds, however, before Jieun’s mom plastered a smile onto her face. Jieun could see how strained it was as she met her mom’s apologetic gaze.  
“Jieunie, I’m so sorry, but your dad and I need to go to the hospital,” she said, reaching over to tuck a piece of hair behind Jieun’s ear. “There’s been an accident on the highway and they need all hands on deck.” 
Jieun stared at her parents with a blank expression, silence drawing out for an uncomfortably long time. Eventually, however, the girl gave a small nod, her gaze falling to her lap. 
“It’s ok. Go save lives.” 
Her parents’ shoulders loosened almost instantly. Jieun’s dad opened his wallet and handed his card to her older brother, while her mother got up from her seat and put on her coat. She leaned over and pressed a kiss to Jieun’s head, whispering a small “i’m sorry” into her hair. 
“I’m so sorry, Jieunie,” her dad said, also giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. “We’ll celebrate again later, yeah?” Jieun nodded and gave her parents a strained smile. 
“Yeah, we can.” 
With that, her parents uttered one final “sorry” before hurriedly exited the restaurant, leaving the two siblings sitting in silence. Jieun stared down at the food in front of her, appetite suddenly non-existent.  
“Hey, Eun.” She looked over at Jihoon, who held a sympathetic smile. “You wanna get takeout boxes? We can get some ice cream at the convenience store down the street.”
Jieun nodded, though said nothing as she returned her gaze back to all the half-eaten food on the table. She remained silent even as Jihoon called over a waiter to get their bill, all the way until they got to the convenience store. 
“Shake yourself off before we go inside,” Jihoon reminded her, both siblings completely covered in snow.
Once they were (mostly) clean, Jieun walked through the automatic doors and started making her way to the ice cream section. Jihoon followed behind, though he soon stopped and called out,
“You go pick something for both of us, I’m going to look around for a bit.” 
She looked over her shoulder, watching as Jihoon walked into one of the aisles, his head poking over the top. Although curious, Jieun turned around and made her way to the ice cream section. Her gaze scanned over the various ice creams before she opened the fridge and grabbed two ice cream cones. 
“Ice cream? In this weather?” The sudden voice made her pause mid-motion, head snapping up like a deer in headlights. Jieun was met with the sight of a young woman, maybe in her mid-20’s, with dyed brown hair and an amused smile. 
“Oh, uh,” Jieun hesitated, glancing down at the ice cream in her hand. “I just wanted ice cream.” 
The woman chuckled and nodded at her, “Nothing wrong with ice cream.” 
Although confused by the sudden switch up, Jieun nodded and closed the freezer door. Before she could leave, however, the woman spoke up again.
“Are you still looking to be a singer?” she asked. Jieun stared at her, pure confusion in her gaze. The woman, realizing her cryptidness, bowed her head slightly. “Ah, sorry. I’m being creepy right?” Without waiting for an answer, she went on. “I’m from this company called Seven Seasons. You know Block B, right?” 
Jieun nodded, though her eyes remained glued to the card in the woman’s hand. 
“My brother likes them.” This made the woman smile.
“That’s great! I like them too,” she responded. “But anyways, we’re looking to expand the company and start bringing in more trainees. I know you got eliminated from Sixteen, but if you’re still thinking of becoming a singer, I really think that the company could help you achieve that dream!” 
The woman handed Jieun the card that she’d been holding onto since the start of the conversation. Although hesitant, she took the card from the woman’s hand, bringing it closer to inspect it. Just from the information on it and the format of the card, it looked like a legitimate business card. 
“You have really big potential, Jieun,” the woman said. Jieun didn’t look up, her eyes locked on the business card. “The company has in-house producers and mentors that could help you grow. It would be great if you joined.” She looked down at her watch, eyebrows raising. “I have to head to a meeting now, but if you’re interested, just give that number a call and we can sort it out.” 
Without missing a beat, the woman turned and walked out of the convenience store, leaving a stunned Jieun standing there. 
“What just happened?” she muttered, staring at the card in hand. Jieun was so focused on it that she didn’t notice Jihoon walk up to her. 
“Hey, did you choose?” he asked, stopping beside her. She looked up at him as she pocketed the card, nodding. Jihoon looked down at the ice cream in hand and smiled. “Taxi should be here in a minute or two. Let’s go pay.” 
“What’s in the bag?” Jieun glanced down at the plastic bag in his hand as they made their way over to the cashier. She placed the ice cream on the counter as Jihoon shrugged. 
Jieun rolled her eyes at her brother, though she didn’t ask any more questions as Jihoon pulled out their dad’s card to pay. After a slightly confused look from the cashier, the two took their ice cream and started towards the exit, where the taxi was already waiting. 
By the time the two siblings got home, the sun had already begun to set. Jieun slipped her shoes off, shivering as she walked into the freezing apartment. 
“Go get changed into your pajamas and then meet me in the kitchen,” Jihoon told her. Jieun nodded in response before making her way to her bedroom. 
She quickly changed out of her clothes and into a matching pajama set, throwing her clothes on her chair before walking downstairs. Jihoon was waiting for her at the kitchen island, already dressed in his pajamas and holding the plastic bag he had earlier. Jieun took a seat on one of the stools, leaning against the counter.
“Will you tell me what’s in the bag now?” 
A grin spread across her older brother’s face as he set the bag on the counter. 
“I thought-” Jihoon began taking out items one by one, revealing baking powder, sugar, food dye, and other similar ingredients. “Since we didn’t get you a cake yet, we should make one!” 
Jieun stared at him skeptically, thinking back to the last time they’d tried to bake something. No matter how many good grades the two siblings earned, it seemed like it didn’t apply to real life situations. Jihoon swore he followed the recipe exactly, but the brownies they made still somehow ended up like rocks by the end. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” Jihoon said with a frown. 
“Is it going to be like last time?” 
“It’ll be nothing like last time! Trust me, we’ll make a perfect cake.” He turned around and began rummaging through their cupboards, though struggled to find what he was looking for. “Now where are the mixing bowls…?” 
Sighing, she jumped off her seat and walked over to him. While Jihoon continued looking through every cabinet, Jieun opened one on the bottom and pulled out a large metal bowl. She held it up to him, one eyebrow raised. Jihoon turned to her and with a sheepish grin, took the bowl from her hand. He held up one fist to her. Jieun stared at his outstretched hand for a few seconds, though she eventually let out a small sigh and met his fist-bump. Jihoon smiled at her. 
“We got this!”   
“Mamma Mia again?” Jihoon asked as he walked into the living room, taking a seat beside her on the couch. “Share the blanket, dude.” 
“Here-” she shifted so that he could slip under the blanket too. “And of course, Mamma Mia again. How could I abandon my Greek dream?” Jieun reached for her plate that had been resting on the coffee table. She took a bite and chewed happily.
After getting eggshells into the batter three times, spilling milk all over the counter, setting off the fire alarm once, and nearly using salt instead of sugar, they’d somehow managed to create a cake that was actually edible. Although the presentation was a bit lackluster (she told Jihoon to be careful of crumbs in the icing. Did he listen? No, he did not.), the cake still tasted good and would (probably) not give them food poisoning in the future. Jihoon even pulled up a picture of a candle on his phone to use in place of a real one (after the fire alarm went off he wasn’t taking any chances). 
The movie continued playing, both siblings singing along to the lyrics when the musical sequences came on. 
“You know mom and dad would be here if they could,” Jihoon said out of the blue, quickly glancing over at her. She stopped mid-bite, putting down her fork. 
“Yeah, I know.” Although she tried remaining stoic, it was clear to Jihoon that she was upset at their parent’s absence. Anyone else might’ve seen her expression and believed she was unbothered, but Jihoon could always tell when something was upsetting his sister. She both loved and hated him for it.
“It’s just-” Jieun lets out a small huff. “They’re literally out there saving lives. How can I be upset?” 
“Just because they’re saving lives doesn’t mean that your life isn’t important too,” Jihoon pointed out. “You deserve to have our parents here to celebrate your birthday.” 
She looked over at him and raised her eyebrows pointedly. 
“They missed your birthday too.” 
Jihoon’s mouth pressed into a straight line as he stared at her. After a few seconds of silence, he took another bite of his cake. 
“It’ll be ok,” he eventually responded. “We have each other, and that’s all that matters. As long as I’m here, you won’t spend a birthday alone.” 
A small smile made its way onto Jieun’s face, which she tried to hide by taking a bite of her cake. She gave a single nod and looked back at the screen. 
“Thanks, oppa.” 
Jihoon grinned before reaching over and ruffling her hair. She shoved him in the shoulder as a response. 
“You’re so mean to me,” he pouted. Jieun spared him no glances. 
With that, they continued watching the rest of the movie in silence, with the occasional laugh or side comment during certain parts of the movie. 
As the ending credits began rolling, Jieun sat up on the couch and stretched her arms. She looked beside her, noticing Jihoon’s unconscious figure laying there and snoring softly. Rolling her eyes, Jieun brought herself to her feet, grabbing their now empty plates off of the coffee table and bringing them back to the kitchen to clean them.
Jieun placed everything into the sink before reaching into her pocket and pulling out the card that the woman had given to her earlier. Her eyes scanned over the information written, staring down at the phone number. 
Her conversation with Jinyoung felt like forever ago, and with every day that passed, the more empty that promise was starting to feel. She didn’t even know if this company was real or not. There was a good chance that they were trying to scam her. Was that risk worth it? Best case scenario was that it was a real company and Jieun joined, eventually making her debut as an idol. Worst case scenario? She was recruited into a cult. 
Jieun stuffed the card back into her pocket. She was thinking too hard about it. She turned on the faucet and ran her hands underneath the cold water. For now, all she had to focus on was cleaning up the dishes. She could worry about the (maybe) fake company tomorrow. 
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taglist: @teezingsiyeon
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yelenabemylova · 2 years
Bi Wife Energy - Natasha Romanoff x Reader
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word count: 940
summary: bi wanda <3
if you didn't know, i've been rewriting all my old fics :)
"Well to be honest I'm a hetero guy," you sang along to the song you were listening to as you walked into your shared room with Natasha.
She gestured at you to throw her an airpod, laughing at your choice of song once she put it in her ear. "Because I love my wife," she sang. "And my wife is bi," you continued together. You both giggled and whispered "bi wife energy, he has bi wife energy."
Just then Vision walked through the wall and saw you sitting on your bed together singing. He looked genuinely concerned for your wellbeings but decided to shrug it off. 
"Vis, has Wanda not told you that you're supposed to use the door?" Natasha asked him, with a murderous look on her face. 
"Well, yes, but the door was open and I've seen Wanda just walk in without knocking so I just assumed-" he started to explain but was cut off by the redhead saying "well, you assumed wrong, Wanda is our best friend, she can walk in whenever she wants. Now, what do you want?"
Natasha Romanoff was so hot when she was mad.
"I-... I... It doesn't matter anymore..." he said as he slowly backed out of the room. 
As soon as he was gone, you both giggled and continued singing. 
"Bi wife energy," you sang together. "Hey you know Vision has bi wife energy," you accidentally thought out loud. Nat thought about what you had said for a second before opening her mouth to talk but then closing it again. 
"Huh he kinda does, doesn't he..." she eventually said. 
"VIS YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!!" you heard Wanda screaming at Vision from down the hall. "THE DOOR WAS OPEN AND YOU DO IT ALL THE TIME!!" the AI countered. Wanda sighed loudly, "Go back in there and apologise to them. And make sure you use the door. And knock." 
A couple of seconds later you heard footsteps approaching your door. Natasha grabbed your face and started making out with you as Vision walked up to the door. 
He saw what was happening and screamed, he may be an AI, but he was Tony's AI so he was very clued up on where this was going. 
You continued to make out with the russian, flipping Vision off, before you heard someone else running to your room. Thinking it was just Wanda coming to get Vision as he was literally frozen on the spot, you kept going. 
"What's going- oh my god!" we heard from the door. That wasn't Wanda.
You looked over to see a horrified Steve, the colour of a tomato, covering his eyes and apologising over and over. Natasha burst out laughing as Wanda came over and apologised for Vision's antics and pulled him away from your door, shutting it behind her. 
"Poor Steve," you giggled as Natasha kissed your temple. "God, I love you so much," she said into your hair. "I love you too," you told her. 
A few hours later, you both went downstairs to get dinner. When you walked into the kitchen, Wanda came over to you and apologised on Vision's behalf again, but you told her not to worry about it. 
Steve was completely avoiding eye contact with the both of you, looking literally everywhere but at the two of you. "Heard I missed out on some girl on girl action eh, y/n?" asked Tony, teasing you, too afraid to tease your girlfriend.
Natasha walked over to Tony and slapped in the face, earning a few "oohs" and laughs from the team. She walked away from him smugly and sat back down next to you, pecking your cheek. 
"You want me to throw him out the window for you?" she asked you, gesturing to the large window in the living room. You giggled and Tony exclaimed, "hey! I'm literally right here!" 
"Did you hear something my love? Or am I hearing things?" Natasha asked you in an innocent tone. "Oh I think you must be hearing things baby," you replied smugly. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see Tony looking absolutely fuming, before he got up and left the table. The whole team laughed quietly.
After dinner, you and your girlfriend decided to settle down for the night with some cuddles and watching some Netflix. 
Wanda walked in and smiled at you, sitting on your bed and watching with you. It was normal for you all to have unspoken conversations, even though Wanda could read minds, words weren't needed to know she needed to get away from Vision. 
"Ugh, Caroline is so hot," you said, not to anyone in particular. "Agreed," said the voice to your right, you giggled before looking at your right and realising that Wanda was sitting there. 
You raised an eyebrow at her, she was blushing after she realised what she had said and looked towards her hands on her lap sheepishly. 
She leaned over and paused the show before taking a deep breath. "Guys I think I'm bi," she said. "Cool," you and Natasha said at the same time, Wanda sighing with relief. 
The three of you continued to watch Netflix until it got to 2am and Wanda said she was gonna go to bed. You and the Russian said your goodbyes and goodnights to her before you looked at each other with smirks on your faces. 
"Huh, well, I guess you were right," she said. "Well I guess I was." 
You lay your head on her chest and after a couple of minutes you heard her whispering. 
"Bi wife energy, he has bi wife energy."
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Evangeline "got a dad"
Part one
Barbie dolls: Dean Winchester x gn!reader (however in the first part you gave birth so just a fair warning)
Word: 1.7k
Summary: you dean break the new to Evangeline about. Your relationship
Warnings: eating food, acdc, they kiss, Dean curses, you add butter to spaghetti sorry if that's sacrilegious where you come from I'm from the south of the USA so butter is basically a main food group, it's cute really and truly theres not much going on
Itnitally you weren’t entirely positive if Dean would stay true to his promise. You weren’t used to the new Dean you still expected him to act the way he used to. Just after a few times of Dean showing up for Evangeline, though you never asked and he didn’t need to, he warmed up to you again. 
When school rolled back around, Dean showed up on your doorstep, ready to go back to school shopping with Evangeline. Once Evangeline got sick and you had to leave her home with a babysitter. You told Dean about it over your nightly phone call. The next day, there he was on your front doorstep. He was holding a couple of plastic bags of groceries, ready to make chicken soup. When you came home Evangeline was telling you about how amazing your friend was. He made her soup, they played games, and watched Scooby Doo together. After a trip to the zoo, Evangeline lost her favorite giraffee stuffie. She was devastated. You wanted to get her a duplicate but you couldn’t find one. A week later, a package arrived on your doorstep with a handmade giraffe stuffie inside. That was now her favorite stuffed animal out of her entire collection. It even had her initials on the left foot. 
It didn't take much for you and Evangeline to get used to meeting and trusting Dean. You often went out to restaurants together on the weekends. Just the three of you. After a while, you and Dean came to the mature conclusion that you were in fact dating. Evangeline was still under the impression that Dean was your friend who also brought her gifts sometimes so you needed to break the news to her. 
You didn't think she would be upset about it, she loved Dean, but still some part of you worried. After a night or two of planning, you and Dean had decided a dinner with her favorite meal should help the medicine go down easier. So you invited Dean over and he showed up on your doorstep right on time. 
You started setting out everything you two would need to make spaghetti and meatballs as Dean caught up with Evangeline. She showed him all the new library books she got. Dean showed as much enthusiasm as one could about library books, squealing and clapping at each one. 
Eventually, he was in the living room, fiddling about with your stereo. Evangeline was standing next to him, looking through your CD collection. She kept handing him CDs. Dean would look at them for a second before handing them back. You decided to join them, it was obvious they were lost. 
“What are we looking for?” You asked, patting Evangeline on the head. Dean looked up and gave you a small grin. 
“Would you believe we’re looking for ACDC?” Dean asked, already knowing the answer. 
“Oh, Evie. You're looking in the wrong section, my love.” You leaned down and pointed over to the left so she could see the right CD. Evangeline pulled it off the shelf and handed it to Dean. Dean pumped his fist and immediately entered the CD into the stereo. He turned to face Evangeline as the first tune started to play. She squealed and shot up to her feet. Dean pulled her up onto his hip. You walked to the kitchen, with Dean and Evangeline following after you. Dean set Evangeline on the counter, moving to start dinner with you. 
From what you could tell Evangeline liked making dinner with Dean more than you. Sure you sang along to the songs too, but you didn’t pretend the spaghetti box was a guitar. After maybe an hour of you and Dean dancing, literally and figuratively, around the kitchen, dinner was done. You handed Evangeline a stack of plates, silverware, and napkins. 
“Could you go set the table, please?” Evangeline took the plates out of your hands, before slowly shuffling into the dining room.
Once she dropped a plate on the way over to the dining room. It wasn’t a big deal, you had a million plates and only one daughter. You helped her clean it up and now she’s extremely cautious with carrying the plates. You watched her turn the corner out of sight before turning to Dean who was currently buttering the noodles.
You ducked your head over his shoulder, nudging his face up with your nose. You pressed your lips against his, that he was very happy about. He dropped his spoon, turning away from the large bowl of noodles entirely. He pulled you closer by your shirt, chasing after your lips when you started to pull away. You stood far enough away from him that Evangeline could parallel park her plastic grocery cart between you two. Dean leaned over the space, puckering his lips at you. You rolled your eyes and pushed his face away. 
“Pull yourself together. There’s kids here.” You muttered. The corner of his mouth ticked up as he turned back to the noodles. 
“Only one. She can totally see us kissing. She’s a strong girl.” You shook your head. 
“You’re so impatient.” You said, rolling your eyes with a fond smile. You could hear Evangeline’s little foot patters as she ran around the corner, beelining for you. 
“I fixed the table, only me!” She said, pulling on your arm. You smiled down at her, leaning down just a little so you were more on her level. 
“You did?” She nodded, pulling on your hand. You followed her to the dining room. She did in fact set the table all by herself. You gave her all the praise and helped Dean set all the food out. 
Evangeline told you both about her day at school. In her art class, some kid farted next to her and everyone else thought it was funny but she thought it was gross. In her reading class, she read about a bad kitty. And according to her Lions were actually made up by fairy princesses to protect their land. Learn something new every day. You decided it was finally time to just bite the bullet. 
“Evangeline, I have something important I need to tell you.” You said. Evangeline shoved a meatball into her mouth and nodded. Dean’s fork clinked on the glass plate when he set it down. 
“Do you remember how, your friend, Jesus’ parents didn’t live together? They weren’t in love anymore so they moved to separate houses?” Evangeline raised an eyebrow at you. She swallowed her food and squinted at you. 
“Are we getting a different house?” Evangeline asked before digging her hand into her spaghetti and pulling up a handful. You pressed your lips together in a tight smile as she took a bite from her handful. She’s eating it, that's all that matters. 
“No. Then Jesus’ mom got a boyfriend? And he played with Jesus just like his dad did? And he picked Jesus up from school? Do you remember that?” You asked. You saw Dean’s hand shoot out for another slice of garlic bread. Evangeline nodded with her mouth full. 
“Well darling, Dean here-“ You glanced at Dean to see his mouth full of garlic bread. He gave you a grin, his cheeks poking out like chipmunks. You looked over to see Evangeline looking eerily similar. 
“Right. Well, Dean is my boyfriend. So he’ll probably be spending more time with us, is that alright with you?” You asked. Evangeline swallowed her spaghetti. She furrowed her eyebrows and stared at her plate. 
“Will you still play with me if you’re my dad now?” Evangeline asked, staring at Dean. Dean scoffed. 
“Hell yes, I will!” He said, shaking his head at her. She smiled, leaning even closer. 
“Still get hugs? And we’ll play at the park?” 
“Um yes!” Evangeline pulled back, side-eyeing Dean. 
“Jesus’ new dad lives with Jesus. Are you going live with us now?” Evangeline asked, sitting up on her knees in her chair. Dean glanced at you from the corner of his eye. 
“No,” Evangeline shrunk. “But I’m sure we can have sleepovers every now and then,” Dean said, stabbing his fork into his spaghetti again. Evangeline quickly turned to you, blinking her best puppy eyes at you. 
“Can Dean sleep over? I wanna do his nails. Pretty please.” She said in a tiny voice. You pressed your lips into a tight line, glancing over at Dean. You expected to find a similar expression to your own but instead found him with the same pleading eyes. 
“Please? I wanna be all purdy for when I go home. I wanna brag to Sam with my nails.” Dean said, matching Evangeline’s tone. You already knew Evangeline was Dean’s but the more they hung out together you less you worried about anyone thinking otherwise. 
“How about this, how about Dean stay a little longer so you can do his nails but after he has to go home.” You said, giving them both a small smile. They both whined, throwing their heads back and slumping in their seats. You shook your head. 
“Oh, I know. But you, lovely lady, have school tomorrow so you can’t stay up too late. And Dean is probably sick of us.” Evangeline pouted and dug her hand back into her spaghetti. She pulled out a giant handful and stuffed her face into it. She ripped her head back. You hummed at her upset chewing, understanding her frustration. 
“I could never get sick of you two,” Dean said, taking another bite of garlic bread. You gave him a gentle smile and reached over the table to rub the back of his hand. 
Evangeline painted Dean’s nails with her glittery purple polish. She added accents of pink on a couple of his fingers. Dean tried to convince her to paint his middle fingers pink but she shook her finger at him and told him he was naughty.
Later when you picked up Evangeline from school one of the other parents approached you and told you about how Evangeline was telling the class how she ‘got a dad’ over the weekend. You let it slide and told Dean about it over the phone. He laughed and said he ‘got a hot partner’ over the weekend. 
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writing-fanics · 1 year
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• far longer than forever •
Jonah Hauer-King x Fem!Reader
y/n's nostalgia playlist
• summary: jonah and y/n started decorating and preparing for the new addition when some familiar songs come on and they sing together •
[Y/n] smiled, as she helped her fiancé paint the clouds on the wall in the new baby’s room. One hand on her growing stomach, as she painted the outline of a cloud.
“Hey, Alexa play my nostalgia playlist.” She said, to the Alexa in the corner of the room.
“Okay, playing your nostalgia playlist on Spotify.” Alexa responded back, and she smiled hearing once upon a dream started playing.
She started singing the song, occasionally her feet moving just how Aurora did in the film. “And I know it’s true it's true that visions are seldom all they seem,” She sang, painting the clouded along with some tiny birds.
“But if I know you, I know what you'll do.” She sang, looking over towards Jonah who turned to look back at her with a smile on his face.
“You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.” He sang, and smiled a giddy look plastered on her face. Once the song was over, she looked at him seeing the paint on his nose.
“You got paint on your nose ri-”
“When you meet the someone who is meant for you.”
Her eyes widened with excitement, hearing her favorite childhood song play. “I’ve been dreaming of a true loves kiss and a prince I’m hoping comes with this.” She sang, along with Amy Adam’s character Giselle.
“That's what brings ever-aftering so happy.” She sang, she said grinning ear to ear.
“And that's the reason we need lips so much” she sang, as he watched her a smile on his face as she used the paint brush as a mic.
“For lips are the only things that touch”
“So to spend a life of endless bliss,” she sang, turning towards her fiancé, smiling.
“Just find who you love through true love's kiss” she sang, as she leaned up towards Jonah planting a kiss on his lips smiling as he kissed back.
She continued singing the song, even towards the end. Even trying to sing the high note but barely hitting it. Jonah couldn’t help but chuckle softly, causing her to gently hit him on the back.
“Ow,” he said, and she pursed her lips furrowing her eyebrows. A new song came on, and she giggled. As ‘Part of Your World’ played, Jodi Benson’s version. Since this was her nostalgia playlist.
Jonah wrapped his arm around her waist, as they looked at the wall. Smiling at their job well done, eventually the two sat down to take a break. Eating sandwiches she made before going back and finishing the room.
“Ava will be back in two hours.” She said, as she takes a bite of her sandwich.
“We aren’t even halfway done with the room.” He said, and she smiled gently nudging him.
“It’s not like the baby’s coming tomorrow we have enough time.” She said, drinking some water. “Alright,” she said, standing up and grabbing the vacuum.
She started vacuuming the floor, and then grabbed the box for the crib. “Whoa whoa don’t over do it.” He said, taking the box himself. Laying it on the ground, and cutting it open.
Pulling out the instructions and parts for the crib. She helped him start putting the correct pieces with each other, and of course eventually something was wrong.
“Where’s B2?” He asked, looking around the room on the floor. “Check the box.” She said, and he emptied out the box and nothing came out.
She started helping him look around, and found it in the corner of the room. She gasped, feeling a sharp kick.
“Jonah? Jonah?!” She shouted, and smiled. “They kicked they kicked!” She said exclaimed, and he smiled rushing over placing his hand on her stomach gasping pulling back his hand feeling his child kick.
“Whoa, she’s definitely got your kick.” He said, she and smiled placing her hands on his chest.
“Who says it’s a girl?” You asked, and he grinned, “Call it intuition.” He said, and she rolled her eyes. She leaned up to kiss him wrapping her arms around his neck.
She couldn’t wait to marry him, beside Ava he’s the best thing to ever happen to her. He completely changed their lives for the better, and Ava finally had a dad. The way he played with her when he was a complete stranger to them at the restaurant she once worked at melted her heart.
And when he kept coming back, and eventually asked her out on a date. She’d never forget that moment on their third date, they shared their first kiss. And it was the most magical moment of her life.
She smiled, placing the stuffed animal inside the crib along with an Ariel plush Ava decided to give away to her new baby sibling. ‘If I could break this spell I’d run to him today, and somehow I know he’s on his way to me.’
“Jonah, you and I were meant to be..” [Y/n] sang, looking down at the picture of the ultrasound of her baby. She turned to look at him.
“Far long than forever.” She sang, walking towards him and taking his hand he looked at her and smiled lovingly.
“I’ll hold you in my heart.”
“It’s almost like your here with me although we’re far apart.”
Jonah looked at her and smiled, and she was about to sing Derek’s part. Thinking Jonah had never seen the Swan Princess, such an underrated classic. “Far longer than forever.” He sang, her eyes widened in shock.
“As constant as a star.” He sang, looking down at her nuzzling his head against hers causing her to giggle.
“I close my eyes and I am where you are.” He sang, and she placed her hand on his cheek.
“Sure as the dawn brings the sunrise,” She sangs, intertwining her fingers with Jonah.
“We've an unshakable bond,”
“Destined to last for a lifetime and beyond,” he sang,
“ Far longer than forever (Far longer than forever)” they sang together, and started slowly dancing
“I swear that I'll be true (I swear that I'll be true)” Jonah placed his hand around her waist pulling her closer, and he planted a kiss on her cheek.
“I've made an everlasting vow”
“To find a way to you”
“Far longer than forever” they sang, their love for each other evident they weren’t only singing a love song from a movie. But a love song that suited them perfectly in this moment, theyd love each other far longer than forever.
“Like no love every known”
“And with your love I'll never be alone” they both sang staring into each other eyes.
“Far longer than forever” she sang holding his hand.
“Much stronger than forever” He sang.
“And with your love I'll never be alone” She sang, staring at him lovingly as the song ended. She smiled before wrapping her arms around him.
“I love you far longer and forever.” She said, and he looked down placing a finger underneath her chin.
“And I love you far longer and forever.” He said, and she smiled as he leaned down kissing her on the lips. Just then he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a velvet box.
She looked at him confused but he opened it, revealing a replica of the necklace Derek gave Odette in the Swan Princess. She wrapped her arms around him kissing him on the cheek over and over causing him to laugh, and he helped her put it on.
She couldn’t wait for what their future holds. Especially, now with a baby on the way but they’d new they’d have each other, far longer than forever.
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writeandsurvive · 11 months
Pairing: Alden Parker x Fem!Reader
Summary: you meet Alden at your brother's bar and end up performing a song with him
Words count: 4.7k
Warnings: age gap, meet cute, open mic session, drunk!Alden, reader was a surrogate, gay brother, married gay couple, Alden's friends being pains, Alden being the best man ever, first kiss in public
Fix you ~ Alden Parker
Saturday night.
Your brother's bar.
You always spend your weekends here. Most of the time, you end up waitressing or just bartending if you don't feel like interacting too much with people. You love this place, it has lots of regular customers so you know most of them. Some actually became your friends, or at least buddies. And when someone you've never seen before comes in, you immediately spot them.
So when a group of guys entered the bar for the first time, you studied them. You were waitressing that night, so you came up to their table once they settled. You took a look at the four of them, studying them a little more and asked for their orders. "First time here!" You smiled as you came back with their drinks.
"Yeah, a coworker keeps telling us about this place so we thought we'd check it out." One of them answered.
"What's this coworker's name?" You asked.
One of them said a name you've never heard of, but another guy quickly corrected. "In our line of work, we usually call each other by our last name." He added. And indeed you knew their coworker, and got surprised that he wasn't there too.
"Why isn't he with you?" You said, putting down the last drink.
"He's on duty."
"Right. FBI, yes?"
"Us, yes. This one--" they pointed at the man with the most amazing head of hair you've never seen before. "Joined the dark side."
"I suppose it doesn't mean that you turned into a criminal?" You smiled at him and he chuckled.
"No, I just joined another agency."
"But he was a juvie once." His friend grinned and the man shot him a death stare.
"From a kid who got into trouble to another, your drink is on me." You winked at him and left their table. You let your brother know not to count one of the beers.
You went on with your evening, working, exchanging and laughing with people. Eventually, your brother started the open mic session, and several people got on stage, one after the other. Some sang, others played the instruments. And as always, it wasn't long until one of your friends called out for you to get on stage too. You always fainted annoyance but loved going on stage with your guitar. That night, you chose a rock ballad, and for four minutes, it was just you and your instrument, just the way you love it. You opened your eyes a few times to look at everyone sitting there, and somehow you ended up looking at this man. His eyes were glued to you, his emotions written all over his face. This is something you love about performing music; making people feel things.
Everyone cheered when you were done, and you locked eyes with the man again. You noticed his friends being all over him. At first, you wondered if they were teasing him about you, and kinda hoped they were. One of them called out for you, so you went over to their table. "We need your help!" He said. "Parker is refusing to go up there and play drums. Can you convince him?"
You grinned, but Parker talked before you could say anything. "Don't bother, I'm not that good."
"Bullshit! You rock!" His friends shouted and he rolled his eyes.
"What if we do a song together?" You offered.
"No way. You are so amazing, I'm just going to ruin your performance."
"I don't believe you. You can choose the song! I'm sure we can find something that'll suit both of us."
Parker was torn. The idea of sharing a moment like this with the beautiful waitress was appealing, but he really thought he'd embarrassed himself. "I'm gonna need something stronger first." He said, holding his empty beer glass. Grinning, you grabbed it from his hand, your fingers brushing his. "Can I fix you something of my own creation?" You asked, your hand still above his around the glass.
"I'd love that." He smiled. God, was he charming.
"Okay, so only Parker gets a special treatment?" You heard one of his friends say as you were walking away. You looked over your shoulder to them and expressively winked.
"Is he going to be the one who gets you to break your own rule?" Your brother-in-law teased you, as you were making the drink for Parker. You elbowed him in the ribs.
"I flirt all the time with the customers. Why do you think they all come back?"
"I'm no arguing with that. But you never blush around them."
You hated that he was right. You felt your cheeks heating when Parker smiled at you and even more when you felt his skin against yours. You didn't know the guy, he was obviously older than you, and he was probably just having fun with his friends - maybe he wasn't even single -, but you felt an incredible attraction towards him. Like he could ruin you with just one look.
You were finishing the drink when you heard someone on the right side of the bar. Parker. You nodded in acknowledgment and a few seconds later, you were walking towards him with the drink. "I'd have brought it to you." You said.
"I know, I- I'm actually looking for the bathroom."
"Yeah sure, it's right over there." You pointed towards where the bathroom was. "I'll put this on your table."
"No" he interjected. "Can you keep here for a minute? I'm sure one of them will take a sip and they will not give up until I go on stage, so- um-"
Was he embarrassed by his friends' forcing his hand to play drums or just embarrassed to talk to you? There was no way you could intimidated a man like him, so it had to be the first option. You told him you'd wait and he was gone. You grabbed your brother-in-law on his way back to the bar, "Can I take five?"
"Am I the boss?"
"You're his better half."
"True. However, if it turns out you took a break to meet your silver fox in the bathroom, I'll not be anything anymore."
"What? No! You're crazy! I'm not going to-" He laughed loudly, earning a punch in his shoulder this time. "Jerk."
"You're not technically working here, hon. Get to know him. I promise you he's not gay. One of his friends though-"
"Which one?"
He was about to answer but stopped when he saw Parker coming back. "She's the best, you'll love her--drink." Subtle. Very subtle.
Parker agreed to follow you outside, behind the building. It was a small area, where customers weren't allowed. "I come here when it feels too packed inside. My brother comes here to smoke." You grabbed the full ashtray and got rid of the content in the bin at the very end.
"Which one is your brother?" You told him. "So it makes the one who said you're the best, your brother-in-law?"
You smiled. "Yup, they've been together for nine years, married for three and they have a little one who's with the grandparents tonight."
"Aw, how old?"
You grabbed your phone from your bra and showed him your lock screen. A recent picture of your one year old niece. You chose not to tell him you were the surrogate. Parker didn't appear like the kind of man who'd judge, but it was extremely private and you didn't really know him yet. "She's adorable! I'm sure she has the entire family wrapped around her finger."
"You have no idea. My dad being on top of that list."
Parker often wondered how his own dad would have been if he had kids. His parents didn't get to see their grandchildren grow up much as both his siblings are in the Navy and always assigned away from DC. If he had a little girl, would she have had Roman wrapped around her finger? If she had your beautiful face, he was sure of it. But why the hell was he thinking about that?
"By the way, this is amazing!" He said, raising his glass a little. "Multi talented, I see."
"Don't expect any more of them." You blushed, again.
"I most definitely am." He smirked, making you blush even more and look down at your shoes for a moment.
"So, um, you coming on stage with me?"
"Yeah, but I'd like to apologize right now if it turns to be a bad experience for you."
"I'm sure you're underestimating yourself. Is there a song in particular you'd feel comfortable with?"
"Sound of silence?" He offered, earning a smile from you. "I really love Bowie so I know a few of him. And lately, I've been into Coldplay and Imagine Dragons if it-"
"Please tell me you can do Fix you, by Coldplay."
Parker shyly smiled. "I think I can."
"Perfect. As much as I love your other options, it has to be this one."
He loved how excited you got. He would learn any song you'd want to play with him just to make you happy and smile like this.
"I do need the liquor courage first."
You and Parker kept talking about the song and your upcoming performance while he drank and finished his special drink. Every second with him felt like a privilege. Watching him drink something you made and appreciating it, listening to him talk about music, the way his eyes locked into yours like he could read you like an open book, smelling his intoxicating cologne. And boy did you want to touch that hair of his.
Finally, you got back inside, Parker opening and holding the door for you like a gentleman. You took the empty glass from his hand, fingers brushing again, and put it away behind the counter.
You joined him on the side of the small stage. If he was yours, you'd just have hugged him from behind, kissed the back of neck and watched the performance like that even if you had to tiptoe the entire time. But he was basically a stranger, so you just stood next to him. You could feel his eyes on you every other second, the back of his hand was against yours. You felt things in your stomach that you never felt before.
You offered him your hand when the stage cleared out. Parker took a deep breath before sliding his hand into yours. You looked at each other, both aware of that strange yet amazing feeling that went between you and him.
You grabbed the guitar, and Parker behind the drums. His friends immediately cheered. "Me again," you said on the mic. "But I got a friend this time and it's his first time here, so can you guys help me making Parker feel a bit more comfortable?" The entire bar cheered. You looked at him with a smile and winked. "You ready, P?" He nodded.
During the song, you kept looking behind you. You wanted, needed to see him play. His hair being all over the place, him being completely into it, his muscles showing off under his shirt. Whenever he looked up to you, even for a second, he smiled. He mouthed the lyrics with you.
You finished the song a cappella, not looking away from Parker.
'Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you'
For a second, neither of you heard the people clapping. You were just staring at each other, lost in something intense. Parker is the one who got back to reality first, standing up to meet you in the middle of the stage. You put the guitar down, stepped away, but before you could any further, he grabbed your arm, making you spin. "Can I hug you?" You nodded.
His arms wrapped around your neck, and yours were around his waist. You felt tiny and loved every second of it. Parker held you tight, his cheek against your head. "Thank you for this." He whispered. "You're incredible."
"So are you, P."
He grinned cause he almost believed you.
Parker went back to his friends, drinking a little more, while you helped your boys again. Your brother-in-law teased you any opportunity he had, while your brother let his eyes and smile talk. You knew he'd open his mouth in a quieter setting.
"You're not leaving this bar without her number, Park!"
"I don't think she's-"
"She is."
"I didn't even finish my sentence!"
"Doesn't matter. She's interested, she's into you, she wants you to ask her. Just fucking go!"
"She's young enough to be my daughter I'm sure." He hated saying those words.
Parker saw one of his friends standing up and walking over to you. He watched as you smiled, and blushed. But you walked away too quickly. "She's willing to give you her number if you ask her." His friend informed.
"Thanks for making me look like a teenager who's too afraid to approach a girl."
"Cause that's exactly what you are, right now."
He finished his other drink. At this point, he was on the verge of being pretty drunk. One more drink, and he'd go on stage again, and sing a love song for you. But until that, he got up and went to the right side of the bar again. You were cleaning some glasses, and talking with a man sitting at the counter. It took you a moment to notice Parker.
"Can I help you with something?" You asked.
"I'm sorry about Fish, he's- actually, I'm sorry about myself. I don't know what I'm doing here. I haven't dated in a while, and most definitely not a young and gorgeous thing like you- not that I'm asking you to date me- but- um- oh god." He growled, inaudibly cursed and dramatically dropped his head on his hands on the counter. Your heart completely melted.
You put one of your hands in the back of his neck, and felt his body react to that, but he didn't move. You lowered his head very close to his and started to say numbers. Very slowly, you repeated them. "If it's a fake number, I wouldn't blame you." He finally raised from his arms, still resting his elbows on the counter. You matched his position, your face being very close to his.
"Repeat it to me, Parker." He correctly did. "Good job." You gently kissed the corner of his mouth. His beard was going to give you face burns for sure, but you couldn't bring yourself to care one bit. One of his hands grabbed yours, and squeezed.
"A man walks into a bar..." He said, as the famous joke goes, "and meet the woman of his dreams." He brushed your nose with his index finger before kissing it. He saw your confused face, silently asking why the nose. "The first kiss with that woman cannot happen while he's drunk, in a crowded bar, with about a dozen of men wanting to kick his ass."
You looked around and saw a few heads immediately turning away, like they've been caught staring.
"Call me, Parker."
"Whenever you want."
"I'm gonna go, before I forget what I just said and kiss you here and there."
You flattened your hand on his chest and gently pushed him away. You wanted a very special first kiss with him, and you knew he was going to make it perfect.
Parker and his friends were the last to leave. As it slowed down at the bar, Fish invited you to sit with them, and Parker - who was drinking water then - immediately grabbed a chair, setting it very close to his. A coke appeared in front of you, courtesy of your brother-in-law. "My poison." You told Parker, who couldn't take his eyes off you.
"I'll keep that in mind."
His friends started to bombard you with questions, where you're from, what you do for a living, are you single, what are your hobbies... You started to answer each, before Parker spoke up, "Guys, stop stealing my material. I want to discover her by myself."
"Gatekeeping her already? That didn't take long."
"I promise you, you won't have to deal with them much." Parker told you.
You giggled and saw your brothers staring from the counter. "Wish I could say the same about those two."
The conversation went on about several things, and at some point, you felt Parker's hand on your thigh. He looked shy, scared you were going to throw his hand away but he grinned like a happy boy when you covered his hand with yours and intertwined all ten fingers. Despite drinking water, he was still drunk and he was fighting to keep his eyes open. "Which one of you is the DD?" You asked.
"The Uber driver." Fish answered.
In the end, you drove them all back home. Four different stops, they each gave you some money for the gas, that you refused but Parker took it for you. He was basically sleeping on the passenger seat when you reached his address, that you luckily noted before leaving the bar. You looked at him for a moment, how peaceful and handsome he looked. You had no idea where this was going, but you couldn't wait to find out.
"Wake up, sleepyhead." You stroked his beard and hair, earning a noise that sounded like a purr from him.
"Where are we?" He asked, barely opening his eyes.
"Right in front your building. Ready to move?"
He turned his face to look at you. "Not ready to leave you."
You leaned over to him and kissed his cheek. "We'll meet again soon, I promise. You remember my number?"
"Saved it in my phone already. Let me check I got it right."
He took his phone out of his pocket, struggled for a bit to find your contact info and called. Your phone buzzed and his number appeared. "I'm not that drunk!" He lifted his fists in victory, making you laugh.
You saved his number too. "what's your last name?"
"Your last name? To save you in my phone?"
"Oh. Parker."
"What, you're Parker Parker?"
You both looked at each other, puzzled. "I'm Alden Parker." He told you and you let out a very long "aaaah".
"Sorry for calling you Parker the entire night."
"You can call me anything you want, beautiful."
Even drunk and half asleep, he was still a flirt.
That night, you fell asleep thinking about Alden Parker.
And you woke up to a text from him.
Alden Parker: Good morning. Thank you for texting me last night to let me know you got home safely. I hope you slept well after that! I want to apologize if I made a fool of myself last night. I really hope I didn't make you uncomfortable at any point nor that you felt pressure by me and/or my stupid friends. I'd really love to see you again, but if it's not the case for you, you can say so and I'll let you be 😊 I wish you a lovely Sunday.
PS: Performing with you was incredible. Thank you very much for that!
Did this man know how adorable and loving he was?
You: Hello A L D E N. I think all of this should be discussed face to face, don't you agree? I have family lunch, but should be free after 4. Or another day, you tell me...
Alden Parker: Tell me when and where I need to pick you up.
Sunday lunch is a family tradition. Meeting around 11am at your parents house, having lunch, talking, playing board games. But usually, you show up dressed very casually, either leggins or sweatpants, sneakers, hoodies if it's cold. But that day, you showed up in a dress, making everyone suspicious. "Are you going somewhere later today, honey?" Your mom asked, as you were saying hello to your niece.
"You bet she is!" Your brother-in-law chimed in.
"You're going on a date with him, aren't you?" Your brother asked.
"Who? Did you meet someone? Do you two know him?" Your mom asked to the boys.
"You people are too noisy."
"I agree!" Your dad appeared and hugged you. "You do look beautiful. He's probably not good enough for you."
"Dad." No man would never good enough for you, according to your father. You only noticed your mother clearly interrogating your brothers. "Baby, go with pop, I need to teach your dads a lesson."
After a fight and a long argument, everyone agreed to stop talking about the night before and Alden. Your mother did get a description of him and was very pleased. No one commented on the obvious age difference, and you loved that about them. You were an adult, able to make your own decisions. All they cared about was you not being hurt in any way, by anyone. "You're finally gonna have an uncle." They made your niece clap her hands.
4:10pm, the spot you told Alden to pick you up. He was already parked when you arrived, leaning against his car. His face lit up when he saw you, he opened the backseat door to grab something. A sunflower. You hadn't reach him yet and your heart was already at his feet. "Hi," he offered you the flower. You looked at it, smelled it, looked at him and kissed his cheek.
"From my own little oasis." He pointed at the sunflower.
"You grow sunflowers!?"
"I grow- many things." He helped you inside the car and the ride started with him telling you about his passion for plants. You didn't know a thing about it as it never peaked your interest, but you could listen to him talk for hours.
It was only when he parked that you realized you had no idea where he was taking you. "You can leave the sunflower on the dashboard, it'll enjoy the sun." You did so.
"What's the plan?" You asked.
"Well there are two plans. Plan A and plan B."
You laughed. "Okay, why would you need a plan B?"
"In case you ate too much at your parents and can't fathom the idea of eating more right now."
"Well, if you expect me to eat a whole meal, maybe we should go for B."
"But what about pastries?"
"As a sweet tooth, you got my interest."
"The woman of my dreams, proof four." He said as he got out of the car. You waited for him to open the passenger door for you, knowing it was the kind of thing he'd do.
"What are proofs one, two and three?" You asked, as you were walking hand in hand.
"You're gorgeous, you're a musician, you're a family person."
Why did it feel like you've known this man your entire life when you only met him the night before?
He let go of your hand to wrap his arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him. "Just because you're the woman of my dreams, doesn't mean I have to be the man of yours." He whispered in your ear. And he meant it.
"But what if you are?" You got even closer, wanting to feel all of him.
"Then I'm the luckiest bastard in the world." He kissed your hair.
Despite being born in DC, you'd never been to this place Alden took you. There was a selection of pastries that all looked good and appetizing, it was a nightmare to choose, so you trusted his suggestions. With a few pastries on the table, you and Alden shared. Switching from one to another, him feeding you with his own spoon every now and then. "You're feeding me more than you're eating." You smiled behind your napkin, hoping there was nothing around your mouth to not make a fool of yourself.
"I enjoy seeing you eat. I like the sounds you make." Alden blushed as soon as the words left his mouth.
"My turn." You grabbed a spoon of what seemed to be his personal favorite, and fed him. He let out a soft 'hmm'. "You made that sound on purpose, didn't you?"
"I would never." He defended himself with a grin saying otherwise.
You got to know each other more, discover about the other's life. You learned that he had been married for ten years, but that ended a while ago. You told him about your failed attempt at relationships, including that one particular, cause it was very serious until…
"If you don't want to tell me what happened, it's okay." He assured you.
"It's not- I want to tell you, I'm just afraid you're gonna rush into that window."
"At this point, you could be a criminal, and I wouldn't even do that."
"What a cop that you are." You laughed. "Okay. Um, I'm just going to say it. I was my brother's surrogate."
"You were?" He warmly smiled and you nodded. "That's- probably the biggest proof of love a sister can do for her sibling." You were taken aback by his comment. Your ex left you over it, and you never told anyone after that.
"You really think so?"
"Heck yeah. I mean, you carried this baby for nine months, delivered it and dealt with everything a pregnancy does. I've seen my sister struggling for months when she was pregnant. And you did that for your brother and his husband. I admire you for it."
You got rid of the tear threatening to fall before it did. Your family praised you for it, and they still did. Your parents, especially your mother, were impressed by what you did, but no one outside of them did. Alden grabbed your hand and softly stroked the back with his thumb. "You're even more amazing than I thought." He said before bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it.
"I'm glad you're still here. Thank you."
"Can I just have you one question?"
"No, I did not have sex with my brother nor his husband." You both laughed.
"I promise it wasn't my question. Wasn't it too hard after you- gave birth to her?"
"It was weird to be honest, but no. I knew it wasn't my baby. I was just the oven. Plus, she's in my life and I see her all the time."
"You make it hard for me not to kiss you right now."
You wanted that kiss. You were waiting for it. Several times, you were the one who almost gave in and grabbed Alden by the neck. But you were happy with your self control, because the wait was worth it.
After leaving that place, Alden showed you what plan B was. A walk through the botanic garden. You couldn't remember the last time you went there, probably when you were still in school. Who needs a guide in there when you have Alden Parker by your side, telling you everything he knows, showing up his favorite plants and flowers, while holding your hand or your waist. You took several pictures, including selfies with him. Eventually, he offered you to stop on a little bench, next to a magnificent exposure. "I'm usually not this fast into dating," he confessed. "At my age, I like to take my time, make sure it can work. And honestly, I really don't understand how you can be interested in me, but I know I can't let you slip away from me. Whatever you have to give me, however long it lasts, I have to- have you." He had leaned in as he was talking, and you decided to close the ridiculous gap separating his lips from yours. You kissed right there, on the bench, in the botanic garden. Many people were passing by, but it was like no one else existed, like the world had stopped.
"I'm very interested in you, Alden Parker. Even more now." You said, foreheads pressed together.
"I want to be a gentleman, take you home and take you out again another time but-" he kissed you again and you eagerly responded.
"Take me to your home or mine, I don't care, as long as we go together."
You couldn't let him slip away from you either.
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eddiemunson-fanfic · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Plus size!FM!Reader
Warnings: mention of bullying, modern day!Eddie, flashbacks,
Summary: You were always known for being an outsider by everyone who ever met you. You was getting bullied a lot when you were younger. You didn't have much friends growing up either, and if you did, they rejected you at last.
But one day everything changed. You're getting noticed by a guy. He's kind to you, but you've always said to yourself to not trust those around you. They'll fuck you over eventually.
But not this guy. He've stood by you ever since the first day you guys met, even though it wasn't like in the movies. Always been kind to you, and always stood up for you even though you didn't beg or want him to.
He was pretty decent actually. Didn't listen to anyone's bullshit. And most definitely played by his own rules.
And he didn't end up being a dickhead like every other guy who hit puberty. He stood by you. You guys were best friends. And have been ever since that day.
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5(coming soon)
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You was trying to not think so much about it. It was a easy choice, if you wanted to go for it or not. There was no backing out once that needle touched with your skin.
You guess at some point you wanted it, but you was so unsure about your own opinion that you actually didn't trust yourself. Or any other person for that matter. But Eddie? He seemed pretty happy about this. He wanted it so bad, and haven't stopped talking about it ever since he saw that guy with all the tattoo's. And he's been getting tattoo's ever since. He was the one that made you think it was a good idea to bring him as support for your first tattoo.
"Hey Y/N" he took your hand, "relax, it doesn't hurt that bad" he smiled a cheesy smile at you. Oh fuck you, Eddie, you thought to yourself. "You're not the one to talk, really" you looked at him, "I mean, look at you!" you said.
He knew very well if you came home with a tattoo on your wrist, your mom would flip. No matter how tiny it was.
"Oh, don't get your tits twisted" he scoffed at you. You just looked up at him and acted like you was hurt by his comment. Then he started to laugh.
"Hey, look" he bumped into you as you stood in the hallway of the tattoo parlor. "Lets go out for a smoke, and I'll go first," he started off, pointing in the direction of the door. "Or we can do it together holding hands" he smirked at you. Fuck, he knew you hate when he did that. Smirking at you like that. He knew it made you weak. "Okay, fine!" you exclaimed. You turned around on your heel and went for the door.
You got out before Eddie even noticed that you had turned away from him, and came running after you. "Fuck, you got to stop doing that!" He said acting like he was out of breath. By the time he said his sentence you already got your cigarettes out, and lighted two. One for you, and one for him. Handed his over, and took a deep drag out of yours.
"Fuck, how did you even convince me that this was a good idea?" you asked as you blew out the smoke from your cigarette
He just looked at you, and scoffed. "You know me" he said, grinning.
You were walking by yourself that day. Had your headphones in, and your favorite playlist on. Minding your own business walking along the sidewalk with lots of people from school running along and almost bumping into you each time. You sang along to the song playing on your headphones. Whispers in the dark by Skillet was playing loudly into your ears.
You was focusing on the sidewalk and suddenly someone ran into you.
Atleast you thought so. But no. That fucking dickhead Alex pushed you on purpose. He do this every time he saw you walking home from school. But today he seemed much more pissed off than he usually does. It wasn't just a bump today like he usually goes for. You got fucking pushed onto the sidewalk. Fell straight forward, and ended up hitting your head in the asphalt. Fuck, your mom was gonna kill you if your uniform is ruined because of this. She always blamed you if the bullies had ruined your uniform during the day.
And then everything went black for a little while. Heard some mumbling here and there. Saw some figures too. What would he do to you now? And then you felt it. A hard kick in the stomach. You could see people scattering around you to film what he did, as they usually did when he did stuff with you. Everyone loved making fun of you and the miserable treatment you recieved every day. And then he kicked you again. This time your headphones popped off. You could hear people yelling awful things. Tears starting to build up. But if you let them see that you're sad, they'll win. You knew better.
"FUCK, LET HER BE!" you heard someone yell before you passed out again. This time he got distracted and kicked you in the head. You ofcourse hope it was by accident, but by the mere force of the kick, you don't think it was.
"Hey, you with me?" Eddie asked, bumping into you to get a reaction. You must have dozed of, because here you were sitting, holding his hand, a tear in your eye, and a fucking tattoo on your wrist. Holy fuck. Wait, how long was I gone for?
"What happened to you?" Eddie asked again. "Fuck sorry, I must have dozed off" you tried laughed it off, trying to make him not ask more questions. He knew what happened inside your head when you dozed off like that. You could see it in his eyes that he knew exactly what was going on. You hated that he knew you so well.
"You went back there, didn't you" he asked, and you gave him a smile that didn't really reach your cheek. You nodded at him, and he rubbed circles in the palm of your hand as you watched the tattoo artist clingfilm your tattoo.
"You want to spend the night at my place?" He asked, pinching your thigh softly as he drove down the road.
"Well, obviously I'm not going home after the phone call with mom" you said as you shrugged your shoulders. "Aight" he said, still keeping his eyes on the road, his hand never leaving your thigh.
You drove a damn long way to just for some fucking tattoo's. From fucking Hawkins to Myrtle Springs. He wanted to get out of town, and stop his thinking, since he just got home from a tour. Well, what could you say, he's gotten pretty famous these last few years. Can't even walk down the street without people wanting to take pictures with him, or lurking around corners acting like they don't, or stalking his ass like some crazy fuckers.
You're happy he and his band made it tho. You always cheered for them whenever they did battle of the bands, and he always came home after a tour to hang out with you. Always. And you loved him for that.
But one thing you was really confused about, is why Hailey didn't get in on this trip. She seems sweet, at least you think her name is Hailey. Haven't properly introduced yourself to her, so don't really know her name. But all of the internet is talking about how Eddie is so sweet to her.
Hailey this, and Hailey that. Like damn, how do they even know this shit? She doesn't even have any public social media that strangers can get in touch with her because of Eddie wanting to keep things private whenever he's in a relationship or anything. You think that's a good thing, actually.
That he likes keeping it private, atleast by how big they've become lately. And everyone seems to thirst over Corroded Coffin's long haired, brown eyed, boy. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at the thought.
"Hey, you want something to eat?" Eddie asked getting you out of your trance. "I'm fucking starving!" He exclaimed.
You just took a glance at him, and laughed at him.
"What?!" He asked surprised, but a bit annoyed. "When are you not hungry?" you asked, laughing.
He just shook his head and tried his best not to laugh, because he knew he could eat a boatload of food just in a day.
"Ok, you got me" he said, raising his one hand at you in defence. "I tried keeping this a secret, because I didn't know if I wanted to keep it.. BUT.. I'm pregnant.. " he tried saying as serious as he could without laughing his ass off.
You couldn't stand it, and just bursted out laughing. "Oh no!" you laughed, trying to pull yourself together. "Not again!"
He had to pull over, because the both of you ended up laughing way to hard. Harder than you might should have.
You always joked like this, and you wouldn't be without it. Never.
You just sat by the side of the road, on top of the trunk to his new car he got just before he went on tour again. Looking at the stars, and smoking a cigarette or two.
He then suddenly bumped into you, and made you look at him. Literally forcing you, because you didn't want to get out of your trance. You loved this. You loved spending time with him like this.
"Food" he said firmly, and jumped off the trunk.
Oh, that's right, he couldn't stand this long without food. It really was a miracle he really made it for an hour.
"Where do you want to eat?" He asked you. You just took a glance at him.
"Really? It was you who exclaimed you was so hungry!" you laughed at him. "Oh, that's right!" He smiled his goofy smile at you, and jumped in the car, and opened the door from the inside for you. "Come on! We're going to Olive Garden!" He said while jumping with almost to much excitment waving his arm for you to jump in the car.
You drove home to his place when you picked up your food after ordering. He wanted to watch a movie and relax since he was still a bit jetlagged from the tour. You jumped in your seat as you heard Eddie yell from outside.
"I went with Y/N" you heard Eddie yell in his phone from the outside. He went outside to his terrace to talk on the phone. You could understand he wanted privacy, especially if it was Hailey calling or something. You started to wonder who he was talking to. It couldn't be his girlfriend, right? She seemed so sweet, not the jealous type of girl, really. And she knew who you were.
She knows that pretty clear that it's not going to happen anything between you and Eddie. Your relationship was so platonic it could be. You even made a promise to yourself to not fall in love with him. He's too sweet, totally your type, but just nope. You can't risk your friendship just like that. Not after all you've been through together.
"Please babe, there's nothing going on with us" he spoke into his phone, slightly pulling his hair in annoyance as he listened to what she had to say. He was talking to her after all. Never took her for the jealous type, but what can one do?
You shrugged it off, trying to not eavesdrop in on their conversation.
"Babe, please, don't do this, not now"
You could swear you almost heard her response. She was M-A-D.
He came back in after some time as you sat there scrolling on your phone, and huffed. You looked over at him, and tapped his shoulder.
"Bitches, huh?" you chuckled, and he looked at you, hanging his head almost on his own shoulder as he did.
"Yeah, you can say that twice" he huffed and rolled his eyes.
You felt a bit bad for him, he looked so lost.
"You wanna talk about it?" you offered, and he clicked his tongue, almost seeming like he was actually about to take you up on the offer before he shook his head no.
"Nah, not really, now I just wanna hang out with the best girl in my life, and relax" he said, as he laid his head down on your lap, as he had so many times before. He had called you the best girl in his life so many times before, so why, just why did it hit so different just now? Why did your heart flutter a bit as he said it?
You tried your best to push the feeling away as you played with his hair as you always did, as he snuggled and made himself more comfortable on your lap as you played the movie again.
"Look, now she gonna die" he exclaimed as he motioned his hand toward the tv, clearly annoyed by the dumb blonde on screen who just turned towards her stalker who was about to kill her instead of running.
"They never fucking listen" he huffs, and you chuckle. "They really don't, that's strange" you chuckle, and he glares up at you for a second before his attention is back on the tv.
He swats at your knee. "Shut up"
At some point, you fell asleep, but Eddie carried you into his bed, because when you open your eyes, you don't remember falling asleep, but you feel Eddie's embrace around your waist as he holds you close.
You've woken up like this before, and grunts when he pulls you closer. You wouldn't mind this at all normally if it wasn't for the pressure you felt on your bladder.
"Dude! I need to take a piss!" you try to push out of his grip, but damn it, he was strong. He holds you down, and he doesn't budge at all.
"Get your fingers off me!" you exclaimed, struggling to get his hands off your waist as he held you tight. Damn, when the fuck did he became so damn strong?
You huffed as your head fell down on the pillow in defeat. Fuck. You blew a strand of hair away from your eyes as you glared at Eddie who was still sound asleep. You swear he could sleep through an atom bomb if it were that bad.
You huffed, and tried to push yourself into him to see if that would work.
That was a damn bad idea, even if he was holding you tight, you wasn't flush against his body, and you could barely feel the heat from him, but when you pushed closer to him, you could feel his morning wood.
You panicked and screamed.
"What, what?!" he woke up in a panic, jumping off the bed, standing in a ninja defence of some sort, looking around to see if there was any danger.
"Finally!" you exclaimed as you stood up from the bed. He looked at you in confusion and scratched the back of his head as you huffed, running over to the bathroom, not having time to close the door.
He walked after you, and leaned against the door frame.
"What was wrong?" he asked, as he looked at you. You glared at him, and huffed.
"Eh, excuse you? I'm peeing?" you looked at him and he grinned.
"And?" he shrugged, not understanding the problem. You've seen him take a piss and shit several times, so has he with you, it was a normal thing, but you weren't used to it after him being on the road for so long.
You huffed at him, rolling your eyes as you wiped yourself. He turned away for that part, thank god.
You flushed the toilet, and he turned to look at you again.
"Care to elaborate why you screamed, waking me so abruptly?" he asked, and you glared at him.
"That thing" you pointed to his dick, and you could see the imprint of it in his boxers as he stood there. He looked down, and back up at you in confusion.
"What? never seen an anaconda before?" he winked at you as he playfully pulled down the brim of his boxers, and you could see the small lump of hair above his dick.
"EDDIE!" you yelled at him and turned away. "PUT THAT THING AWAY. NOW!" you yelled, and he laughed at you.
"Relax, as if you haven't seen one before" he chuckled as he walked out to the bedroom again. You could hear his body plop down on the bed with a hard "hmpf" as he laid down. You rolled your eyes at him and washed your hands.
"Even if I've seen a dick before, doesn't mean I wanna see my bestfriend's dick" you said, matter of factly as he plopped his arm under his head to look up at you as you walked towards his bed. He laughed, and winked at you.
"Sure, tell yourself that" he smiled, and you tossed a pillow at him, making him laugh.
"What made you so full of yourself all of a sudden?" you asked him, and he shrugged his shoulders.
"Just like to see you squirm"
You bastard.
You shook your head at him as you stood up from his bed again, walking out the door into the hallway, and making your way to his kitchen.
"What are you doing?!" he yelled after you
"Making coffee, you want some?!" you yelled back, and you could hear his feet dragging themself across the floor as he leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen, watching you shuffle around like you owned the place, and knew where everything was.
"Good to know you still feel like home" he scoffed as he walked over to the fridge, taking out a leftover box from last night, digging through his drawer and taking out a fork, digging into the leftovers in the box as he leaned against the counter next to you as you watched the coffee brew.
"Good morning, by the way" he smiled at you, and you looked up at him as you were propping your head on your hands against the counter.
"Good morning" you smiled back.
"Got any plans for today?" he asked you, and you thought.
"Today is? What day?" you asked, and he chuckled.
"Nope, just gonna be here and use your stereo, dancing and singing my heart out" you say, and he shook his head at you, smiling.
"Sounds like a plan" he nods and you grin up at him
"What about Hailey?" you ask him, and he shrugs.
"Fuck her, she went all crazy on me last night, she need time to relax"
"Can I ask what happened?"
You didn't think he'd take you up on the offter since he didn't want to elaborate about it last night, so when he started to speak up about it, you could feel your blood boil from how annoyed you were at her.
"She went full on pshyco because we were hanging out alone, which has never been a problem before, but all of a sudden it was. It was not my fault she chose to stay at home instead of joining me on tour as I asked her to" he shrugged his shoulders.
You remember that he asked her, you were with them when he asked. It was the night they celebrated that they were going on their first big tour of their career, and you were chilling beside Gareth, eloped in a conversation when a big argument erupted.
"I will not be joining you, I have a life of my own!"
"Please babe, I would love for you to join me, I need you" he tried to convince her the best he could.
"Should we let them be?" Gareth asked the rest of you as you sat there looking at the conversation they had.
"Lets" you said, standing up to walk out onto the porch instead of staying in the living room, so they could argue alone. Your heart broke a bit seeing how much this meant to Eddie, but Hailey just brushed it off like nothing special had happened. You wanted to convince her to join him, because you knew he would love for her to be there, but she had clearly made up her mind before-hand.
"So if she wanna be a bitch about me wanting to spend time with my bestfriend who I haven't seen for almost half a year, she can just suck it, if you ask me, you were there before her, and by the looks of it, you will be there long after too" he said as he shrugged, and you got surprised by the end of his sentence. Did he really just say that?
"Are you sure you are okay?" you said, as you stood upright, looking at him, watching him gulf down on the food in his hands.
"Yeah, I am, I knew this was coming sooner or later anyways"
You looked at him, confusion clear on your face as you tilted your head, your brow furrowing up in a questionable way.
"She never answered or talked to me while we was away, the nights I talked to you on facetime, she knew I was talking to you because I told her that if she wanted to talk to me, I would be waiting for 5 minutes, but if she didn't answer within 5 minutes, I'd call you and talk to you, because you were better company than she ever was"
"No, you didn't tell her that?" you asked, your mouth agape. He just shrugged.
"So, she got pissed, and said that if I didn't hang up with you right away after she had ignored my wish of her company, she would find someone and cheat on me, and I guess she did, because I got messages from people all around telling me they've seen her with different dudes checking in to hotels, going out to dinner and all that jazz"
"That fucking bitch" you exclaimed, and he still just shrugged it off.
"Bro, don't just shrug it off, you shouldn't let her toy with you like that" you tell him, and he smiles an apologetic smile towards you.
"I've gotten so used to her bad treatment you know, but I love her, I love her so much, so just because of that alone, I let her keep fucking with me" he says, his eyes starting to get teary.
You walk into his embrace, lifting his arms so he's holding you.
"I just want her to know that she means so much to me, but yet again I will never be enough for her"
He was full on sobbing right now.
"I'm so sorry, you deserve so much better, and you should know that"
Your hands snake around his waist as you look up at him.
"Fuck them hoes, let's just be us two, we're better off like that anyway" you grin at him, and he looks down at you, the height difference making you dizzy. Was it just you, or have he become taller during the time you guys were away from eachother?
He places a kiss on your forehead and lays his head on top of yours as he puts down the box on the counter, hugging you into him.
"Yeah, I guess"
Taglist: @eddiemunsonfuxks, @grimmbunniee, @jadeylovesmarvelxo, @charleetheefictionalfucker, @anaisweird, @marsmunson86, @eddiethesexy, @readsalot73, @warmaidensrevenge, @sherrylyn628, @sammararaven, @sllooney
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ias2xoo · 2 years
☞𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐞
𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴; will schofield
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨; angst, war trauma, ptsd, arguments, smut included
“ˢᵒᵐᵉᵈᵃʸ ᵈᵃʳˡⁱⁿᵍ, ˢᵒᵐᵉʷʰᵉʳᵉ
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ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐˢ ʷⁱˡˡ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗʳᵘᵉ ᵈᵉᵃʳ
ʷʰᵉʳᵉᵛᵉʳ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ,”
The soft summer breeze sifted around your bare legs as you sat in your backyard. It was the beginning of April and you could already see the summer pink blossoms on the trees. Thus marking today the perfect day to have a barbecue. You & Will’s friends; Amy and Booker - whom he had met in the war - to spend the day with you.
“Oh, look at those clouds.” Booker exclaimed, hand equipped with a charred spatula flicking up towards those sky.
“Yes, they always look so beautiful this time of year.” Amy calmly noted as she sat in the lawn chair next to yours with a glass of lemonade in hand, handing you one as well.
“You tend to find yourself looking up a lot,” Booker murmured, eyes wandering a bit. A habit you often found your own William doing. A mindless habit, one you probably would never notice if you weren’t aware of what the two young men had been through. Booker never seemed to finish his sentence as Will walked out the house with a case of beers.
You stared at your fiancé’s back as he set the case on the table which also held various buns, condiments and drink for your little get together. It had been your idea at first, enlisting your neighbor and long time friend Amy who then convinced her husband for the barbecue. You had known Amy for years, originally growing up together then being there for each other as you both watched those you loved walk in to battle, some never returning.
But Will did, and you couldn’t wish for anything else. Every day spent waiting in the living room for that knock at the door, every night staying awake with the thought of his face - it eventually turning blurred and scarred behind your eyelids.
Yet even when he had came back, you felt some part you loved of him had been left and not to be returned. Forever lost on that battlefield with the remains of the war and other lost soldiers never to return to their families. And you hated to say it but you missed it. You missed when he would happily kiss your forehead, not grimace at the sight of your eye contact. You missed him yet there he stood.
Which is what he had done often since he had returned. He stood with a odd sense of uncertainty, that of a ex-soldier that was waiting to be ordered to return to the battlefield. His back - that he rarely let you caress anymore - seemed to shake with tension. You lowered your eyes as your heart ached, mind trailing back to the multiple arguments you both had had on the subject of his return. Where you would scream for him to just look at you again, with that look he once held of you. That look that held so much love and not sadness. Where he would just stare at you before leaving the house, not returning for hours. Your heart yearned for a man that had been lost amidst bullet showers and smoky fire.
As the soft jazz continued, suddenly Amy jumped up in excitement. The unexpected noise from the chair snapping shut undoubtedly causing the rigid tremor in Will’s throat. “Oh, I adore this song!” She sang, putting her finished cup on the side table.
“Yes, we know dear.”
“Mm, dance with me, Book.” She muttered as she kicked off her peach heels. You smiled at the image of your friends.
“Darling, I’ve gotta tend to the food.” He sang in the same tune. He seemed he didn’t mean his words though as Amy’s hand would later replace the spatula. They would enter a rehearsed routine to the jazz number. Their bodies seemed to melt into tune with each other as if they were made for one and other. You stood from the chair softly, smile still tight as you silently cheered on your friends.
In an effort to show your admiration to your fiancé, you turned to where he had just stood yet the yard was barren. This instantly took the smile from your face replacing it with worry. Had he gone again? Not to be seen for hours?
Leaving the jazz and laughter behind, you walked into the eerily silent house. It was empty save for your dog which you had gotten to keep you company all those years. You started with the entryway then the kitchen yet no sign of Will. Finally hearing a soft thump from the floor above you, you began your way upstairs to the bedroom where he awaited.
“William?” You whispered, slowly moving the door open with your fingers.
“Y-yes, I’m here.” He responded from within.
Your feet hesitantly trailed inside, eyes uncertain of what it may see. He sat with his back to you, crouched over attending to something on the floor.
“Are you oka-“
“I just needed a moment, is all.” He quickly shut you off.
Silence befell you both as the soft pangs from the vibrations of the music outside sounded throughout the room. Whenever he was like this you had zero idea how to comfort him. It was like he was a rose, beautiful but hurt to touch. Moments would pass before either of you would speak again.
You stood in place in front of the door as Will rose from the bed, car keys in hand. You starred at his clenched fist as he crossed the room to retrieve his jacket.
“Where are you going?” Seemingly not hearing your question, Will continued stopping in front of you, waiting for you to clear his path.
“I need to go.” He refused to make eye contact with you.
“William, please.”
“Move.” He muttered.
You didn’t speak. You had never seen him like this. His hands clenched tight, arms rigid and unmoving. It scared you for he was almost unrecognizable.
The next moments would go by in a flash. Will would slam the keys on the stand next to you, turning his back to you. You jumped backwards at the speed of his movements. His back seemed to rise and fall abnormally like he was out of breath. He moved across from you, resting his hands on the dresser that stood on the opposite wall.
Despite every bone in your body telling you to leave him, you stayed. You slowly began to move his timid breathing. You now stood behind him, hands hesitantly moving up his back but not touching it out of fear. “Will?” You murmured, finally trailing his muscles. “Baby?”
His back jumped at your touch before slowly relaxing. You felt it vibrate under your fingertips as he seemed to speak. “Hmm?”
It was then he would turn around, eyes slowly trailing up your form to meet with yours. They seemed to scream at you yet he stood perfectly still inches in front of you. Both your bodies pulled towards each other in a almost mindless motion.
Your hands carefully rose up to cup his face bringing towards yours. You both would envelope into a small kiss as if you both were slowly testing a invisible waters within each other. Slowly backing up towards the bed, you both helped the other undress.
Your fingers would make a symphony of his scars as you caressed his chest. He touched you as if you had blossomed into something new, marking words into your flesh to be revised later. You knew he’d come back yet he showed you he had never left. He showed you he had never truly left, that his touch had resided on you, his words traced your being.
He may have been through death itself yet you loved the man who walked out of it. And his touch assured you that you’d find him, wherever he was.
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Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (or Emotional Times at the El Hangar)
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Pete, "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (NOT RooMav)
Summary: The Christmas Eve after Rooster cut all ties with him was one of the worst of Maverick's life. However, while spending it alone, he discovered something that managed to lift his spirits. Now on another Christmas Eve years later, Rooster discovers the same thing.
Word Count: 1955 
TW: Angst, Fluff, Loneliness, Hurt/Comfort, Reconciliation, Christmas, Mentions of Canon Deaths
Notes: Thanks to @green-socks for the genius alternate title 💖
Written for @notroosterbradshaw's #hello december playlist challenge and based on "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" by Judy Garland
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Maverick walked through his dimly lit hangar with nothing but a bottle of whiskey for company. It was Christmas Eve and for the first time in his life, he was alone for it. Carol was gone, having joined Goose in whatever came after this life at the beginning of the year. Bradley no longer wanted anything to do with him since Maverick had pulled his papers for the Naval Academy. And Ice was overseas commanding some top-secret mission Maverick wasn’t even supposed to know was taking place. In his desperation and loneliness, he had even considered calling up Penny Benjamin until he remembered that she had just gotten engaged the month before. Maverick had always thought they would find their way back to each other, but it seemed as if he were wrong.
Flipping on the radio to drown out some of the silence, he quickly scanned the different channels hoping to find something decent to listen to. But on Christmas Eve, every station was playing holiday music. Maverick eventually just settled on a random station and went to sit down with his drink. 
By the time he finished three-quarters of his bottle, the music had dulled to a faint buzzing in the background that he barely registered. However, for some reason as the music changed, one song caught his attention. Maybe it was because it was the version from his mother’s favorite Christmas movie, or that he remembered dancing to it with Penny under the mistletoe a few years before. But regardless of why, Maverick’s attention was drawn to the radio as Judy Garland sang “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”. 
Closing his eyes, he settled back into his chair and listened as the melancholic tune filled the hangar. However, as the song went on, he froze, the words cutting into him like a knife:
Faithful friends who were near to us
Will be dear to us once more
Someday soon we all will be together
If the fates allow
Maverick grabbed the bottle of whiskey and hurled it at the radio. The glass shattered causing the radio to smoke then burst into flames as the alcohol drenched the electronics within.
“Oh shit!” Maverick sprang to his feet, snatched the fire extinguisher off the wall, and hurried over to the increasingly large fire. Luckily, he was able to put it out before it spread to anything else, though he would need to start looking for a new radio.
Sighing and placing the fire extinguisher on the floor, Mav noticed some of the spilled liquid and extinguisher foam had gotten onto the corner of a nearby box and his heart sank. It was one of the boxes Carole had left to him in her will. One of the boxes he had been unable to open up to this point. But now, there was a chance that if he didn’t, everything within the box would be ruined and that thought was worse than the thought of facing what was inside it.
So, taking a deep breath, Maverick opened the box. When he peered inside, a smile spread across his face even as tears sprung to his eyes. Chuckling softly to himself, he began to unpack the box.
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Seventeen years after that night, Maverick found himself back in his hangar for Christmas Eve. Except this time, he wasn’t alone. The open space was filled to excess with the Dagger Squad pilots, their families and friends, Top Gun personnel, and the staff of The Hard Deck. Decorations hung from the ceiling, lights covered the outside of his plane, and holiday music drifted out of the speakers Bob and Fanboy had helped him set up. 
Thinking back on how far he had come since that last Christmas in the hangar, Maverick used the arm he had wrapped around Penny’s waist to draw her in even closer to his side and pressed his lips to her temple. Without pausing what she was saying to Hondo, Cyclone, and Warlock, she smiled and squeezed him back. 
Glancing around, Maverick took in the new family they had created this past year and he realized his heart hadn’t felt this light in a long time. But suddenly, he noticed he didn’t know where Rooster had gone. Just a minute ago, he was laughing with Bob and Phoenix about something, but now the spot he had been standing in was empty. Scanning the hangar, Mav tried to catch a glimpse of him amongst the crowd, but with no luck. Rooster seemed to have vanished without a trace.
He wouldn’t have left without saying something, would he? Things had still been a little awkward at times since the Dagger mission, but Maverick thought they had gotten to a good place. What if he was wrong and this was just too much for Rooster? What if Maverick was asking too much too fast and scaring him away again? What if–
His eyes finally landed on the Hawaiian shirt-wearing pilot in the very corner of the room, tucked behind a tool chest. Maverick smiled, relief flooding through him as he realized why Rooster was back there. Setting his drink down and whispering to Penny that he’d be right back, he slipped away and wandered over to join his godson.
Rooster didn’t even seem to notice when Maverick walked up. His entire focus was on the wall in front of him, his eyes shining in the decorative lights and a small smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. His eyes drifted between the photos of himself from various Christmases up until he was 17, letters he had written to Santa, pictures he had drawn for the holidays, and various old ornaments. And right in the center was a picture in a crude homemade frame of Goose, Carol, Maverick, and a 2-year-old Bradley. 
Softly, Maverick said, “Hey, I was wondering if you would find this stuff. Do you remember some of this stuff?”
Rooster glanced at him for a brief second before turning his attention back to the wall. “Yeah, of course. I just can’t believe you kept it after all of these years.”
“I kept all of it. Your mom left them to me along with a few other boxes of stuff she thought I might want. It took me a long time to be able to open them but I’m so glad I did because that first Christmas after your mom died and we weren’t… well, I’m sure that year was even tougher for you. But having these, remembering the good times, it was the only thing that kept me sane that year. And I’ve put them up every year since. I never lost hope that one day we could work things out and we might spend another Christmas together.”
Chuckling, Rooster shook his head. “You know what? Despite how angry I was and how much I hated you, I think deep down, I did too. After my dad died, you always went above and beyond to make sure I had the best Christmas ever even once I grew up and I… I missed that. It just didn’t ever feel like Christmas without it– without you.”
Maverick nodded as he struggled to keep the emotions bubbling in his chest from spilling out. “I felt the same way about you. It really means a lot that you came tonight.” Picking up a picture of Goose, Carol, and a young Bradley standing by a Christmas tree, he asked, “Do you remember anything about Christmas with your dad?”
“I’m not sure,” Rooster admitted. “I mean, I remember a few things, like him dressed as Santa, or kissing Mom under the mistletoe, or him playing the piano while we all sang Christmas carols. But I don’t know how much of it is a memory, and how much is just from stories or home videos I’ve seen. Most of what I do remember from Christmas was of you and Mom. And a few times, Ice.”
Rooster nodded towards a photo of himself, his mom, Maverick, Iceman and his wife taken a few Christmases before Carol’s death. “I was talking to Sarah earlier and she said that you and Ice used to meet for drinks every Christmas Eve.”
Staring down at the floor, Mav sighed. “Yeah, we did. For 33 years, we only missed a handful of days and that was only because one or both of us were on the other side of the world at the time. Christmas Day was always about family, but Christmas Eve… That was for us. No matter how busy we were or how long it had been since we saw or talked to each other, we always made time for Christmas Eve.
“It started the year we lost your dad. After what happened, I was lost. Goose had been by my side since day one of the Naval Academy and I didn’t know who I was as a pilot, or really as a man, without him. I had been holding it together for the most part, but when Christmas came around…” Maverick chuckled softly. “God, your dad loved Christmas. No matter where we were, on a mission or back home, he somehow always found a way to celebrate. And once you were born, forget it. Carole used to always complain that your house was more decorated than the North Pole itself, but she really loved it just as much as he did. And I was there every year, just another part of the family.
“So, when she took you to spend Christmas Eve with her parents the Christmas after Goose died, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I ended up in the worst bar in town, planning on drinking until I forgot everything, then continuing to drink some more. And that’s when Ice showed up.
“He never told me how he found me or how he knew I needed him. We only said a handful of words to each other the entire time, but just knowing he was there made the night easier. After that, it just became our thing. Our friendship was very different from the one I had with Goose. More serious, more sarcastic, never losing that slight desire to one-up the other. And yet, he became my best friend for over thirty years. But now he’s gone, just like Goose…” Maverick stared at the wall full of all the people he had loved and lost.
“I’m sorry, Mav,” Rooster muttered. “I didn’t know. Today must be pretty hard for you then.”
“Yeah, it is. But just like back then, it helps having people around who care.”
Rooster nodded before examining the wall once more. Without looking at Maverick, he mumbled, “Maybe I could…”
 “You could what?” Maverick gently urged him to finish his thought.
Rooster took a deep breath and then turned back to Maverick. “Well, it’s Christmas Eve and we’re having drinks together. Maybe I could step in for Ice the way he stepped in for my dad and make this a yearly thing. I mean, if you wanted.”
Maverick was speechless for a moment, completely taken aback by what his godson was proposing. But once he regained his senses, he placed his hand on Rooster’s shoulder and squeezed it tightly. Trying to not let his voice break, Maverick choked out, “Rooster, I… I can’t think of anything I could want more. Thank you.”
He pulled the other pilot into a tight hug and, to his relief, Rooster returned the gesture. And as the two men who had once been close as family embraced in front of mementos of their past, Maverick heard the first melancholic notes as the next song began to play over his speakers and he smiled.
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Taglist:@loverhymeswith, @babblydrabbly, @green-socks, @mayhem24-7forever, @11thstreetvigilante, @the-untamed-soul, @inglourious-imagines, @topguncortez, @footprintsinthesxnd, @airhogger, @notroosterbradshaw, @straightforwardly, @bonnieelizabethparker, @srry-itshockeyszn, @flyinlove, @fandomhopped, @sweetheartlizzie07, @yjwnoot, @wanderdreamer, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @fangirlinc, @sparrows-corner, @therebeccaw, @mads-weasley, @trencher4lyfe, @merlehs, @sunshineflowerchild789, @imjess-themess, @callsign-phoenix, @maggie8002sq, @je-suis-prest-rachel, @tellrock35, @shanimallina87,@mak-32
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Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (or Emotional Times at the El Hangar)
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Pete, "Maverick" Mitchell, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (NOT RooMav)
Summary: The Christmas Eve after Rooster cut all ties with him was one of the worst of Maverick's life. However, while spending it alone, he discovered something that managed to lift his spirits. Now on another Christmas Eve years later, Rooster discovers the same thing.
Word Count:1955
TW: Angst, Fluff, Loneliness, Hurt/Comfort, Reconciliation, Christmas, Mentions of Canon Deaths
Notes: Thanks to @green-socks for the genius alternate title 💖
Written for @notroosterbradshaw's #hello december playlist challenge and based on "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" by Judy Garland
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Maverick walked through his dimly lit hangar with nothing but a bottle of whiskey for company. It was Christmas Eve and for the first time in his life, he was alone for it. Carol was gone, having joined Goose in whatever came after this life at the beginning of the year. Bradley no longer wanted anything to do with him since Maverick had pulled his papers for the Naval Academy. And Ice was overseas commanding some top-secret mission Maverick wasn’t even supposed to know was taking place. In his desperation and loneliness, he had even considered calling up Penny Benjamin until he remembered that she had just gotten engaged the month before. Maverick had always thought they would find their way back to each other, but it seemed as if he were wrong.
Flipping on the radio to drown out some of the silence, he quickly scanned the different channels hoping to find something decent to listen to. But on Christmas Eve, every station was playing holiday music. Maverick eventually just settled on a random station and went to sit down with his drink. 
By the time he finished three-quarters of his bottle, the music had dulled to a faint buzzing in the background that he barely registered. However, for some reason as the music changed, one song caught his attention. Maybe it was because it was the version from his mother’s favorite Christmas movie, or that he remembered dancing to it with Penny under the mistletoe a few years before. But regardless of why, Maverick’s attention was drawn to the radio as Judy Garland sang “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”. 
Closing his eyes, he settled back into his chair and listened as the melancholic tune filled the hangar. However, as the song went on, he froze, the words cutting into him like a knife:
Faithful friends who were near to us
Will be dear to us once more
Someday soon we all will be together
If the fates allow
Maverick grabbed the bottle of whiskey and hurled it at the radio. The glass shattered causing the radio to smoke then burst into flames as the alcohol drenched the electronics within.
“Oh shit!” Maverick sprang to his feet, snatched the fire extinguisher off the wall, and hurried over to the increasingly large fire. Luckily, he was able to put it out before it spread to anything else, though he would need to start looking for a new radio.
Sighing and placing the fire extinguisher on the floor, Mav noticed some of the spilled liquid and extinguisher foam had gotten onto the corner of a nearby box and his heart sank. It was one of the boxes Carole had left to him in her will. One of the boxes he had been unable to open up to this point. But now, there was a chance that if he didn’t, everything within the box would be ruined and that thought was worse than the thought of facing what was inside it.
So, taking a deep breath, Maverick opened the box. When he peered inside, a smile spread across his face even as tears sprung to his eyes. Chuckling softly to himself, he began to unpack the box.
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Seventeen years after that night, Maverick found himself back in his hangar for Christmas Eve. Except this time, he wasn’t alone. The open space was filled to excess with the Dagger Squad pilots, their families and friends, Top Gun personnel, and the staff of The Hard Deck. Decorations hung from the ceiling, lights covered the outside of his plane, and holiday music drifted out of the speakers Bob and Fanboy had helped him set up. 
Thinking back on how far he had come since that last Christmas in the hangar, Maverick used the arm he had wrapped around Penny’s waist to draw her in even closer to his side and pressed his lips to her temple. Without pausing what she was saying to Hondo, Cyclone, and Warlock, she smiled and squeezed him back. 
Glancing around, Maverick took in the new family they had created this past year and he realized his heart hadn’t felt this light in a long time. But suddenly, he noticed he didn’t know where Rooster had gone. Just a minute ago, he was laughing with Bob and Phoenix about something, but now the spot he had been standing in was empty. Scanning the hangar, Mav tried to catch a glimpse of him amongst the crowd, but with no luck. Rooster seemed to have vanished without a trace.
He wouldn’t have left without saying something, would he? Things had still been a little awkward at times since the Dagger mission, but Maverick thought they had gotten to a good place. What if he was wrong and this was just too much for Rooster? What if Maverick was asking too much too fast and scaring him away again? What if–
His eyes finally landed on the Hawaiian shirt-wearing pilot in the very corner of the room, tucked behind a tool chest. Maverick smiled, relief flooding through him as he realized why Rooster was back there. Setting his drink down and whispering to Penny that he’d be right back, he slipped away and wandered over to join his godson.
Rooster didn’t even seem to notice when Maverick walked up. His entire focus was on the wall in front of him, his eyes shining in the decorative lights and a small smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. His eyes drifted between the photos of himself from various Christmases up until he was 17, letters he had written to Santa, pictures he had drawn for the holidays, and various old ornaments. And right in the center was a picture in a crude homemade frame of Goose, Carol, Maverick, and a 2-year-old Bradley. 
Softly, Maverick said, “Hey, I was wondering if you would find this stuff. Do you remember some of this stuff?”
Rooster glanced at him for a brief second before turning his attention back to the wall. “Yeah, of course. I just can’t believe you kept it after all of these years.”
“I kept all of it. Your mom left them to me along with a few other boxes of stuff she thought I might want. It took me a long time to be able to open them but I’m so glad I did because that first Christmas after your mom died and we weren’t… well, I’m sure that year was even tougher for you. But having these, remembering the good times, it was the only thing that kept me sane that year. And I’ve put them up every year since. I never lost hope that one day we could work things out and we might spend another Christmas together.”
Chuckling, Rooster shook his head. “You know what? Despite how angry I was and how much I hated you, I think deep down, I did too. After my dad died, you always went above and beyond to make sure I had the best Christmas ever even once I grew up and I… I missed that. It just didn’t ever feel like Christmas without it– without you.”
Maverick nodded as he struggled to keep the emotions bubbling in his chest from spilling out. “I felt the same way about you. It really means a lot that you came tonight.” Picking up a picture of Goose, Carol, and a young Bradley standing by a Christmas tree, he asked, “Do you remember anything about Christmas with your dad?”
“I’m not sure,” Rooster admitted. “I mean, I remember a few things, like him dressed as Santa, or kissing Mom under the mistletoe, or him playing the piano while we all sang Christmas carols. But I don’t know how much of it is a memory, and how much is just from stories or home videos I’ve seen. Most of what I do remember from Christmas was of you and Mom. And a few times, Ice.”
Rooster nodded towards a photo of himself, his mom, Maverick, Iceman and his wife taken a few Christmases before Carol’s death. “I was talking to Sarah earlier and she said that you and Ice used to meet for drinks every Christmas Eve.”
Staring down at the floor, Mav sighed. “Yeah, we did. For 33 years, we only missed a handful of days and that was only because one or both of us were on the other side of the world at the time. Christmas Day was always about family, but Christmas Eve… That was for us. No matter how busy we were or how long it had been since we saw or talked to each other, we always made time for Christmas Eve.
“It started the year we lost your dad. After what happened, I was lost. Goose had been by my side since day one of the Naval Academy and I didn’t know who I was as a pilot, or really as a man, without him. I had been holding it together for the most part, but when Christmas came around…” Maverick chuckled softly. “God, your dad loved Christmas. No matter where we were, on a mission or back home, he somehow always found a way to celebrate. And once you were born, forget it. Carole used to always complain that your house was more decorated than the North Pole itself, but she really loved it just as much as he did. And I was there every year, just another part of the family.
“So, when she took you to spend Christmas Eve with her parents the Christmas after Goose died, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I ended up in the worst bar in town, planning on drinking until I forgot everything, then continuing to drink some more. And that’s when Ice showed up.
“He never told me how he found me or how he knew I needed him. We only said a handful of words to each other the entire time, but just knowing he was there made the night easier. After that, it just became our thing. Our friendship was very different from the one I had with Goose. More serious, more sarcastic, never losing that slight desire to one-up the other. And yet, he became my best friend for over thirty years. But now he’s gone, just like Goose…” Maverick stared at the wall full of all the people he had loved and lost.
“I’m sorry, Mav,” Rooster muttered. “I didn’t know. Today must be pretty hard for you then.”
“Yeah, it is. But just like back then, it helps having people around who care.”
Rooster nodded before examining the wall once more. Without looking at Maverick, he mumbled, “Maybe I could…”
 “You could what?” Maverick gently urged him to finish his thought.
Rooster took a deep breath and then turned back to Maverick. “Well, it’s Christmas Eve and we’re having drinks together. Maybe I could step in for Ice the way he stepped in for my dad and make this a yearly thing. I mean, if you wanted.”
Maverick was speechless for a moment, completely taken aback by what his godson was proposing. But once he regained his senses, he placed his hand on Rooster’s shoulder and squeezed it tightly. Trying to not let his voice break, Maverick choked out, “Rooster, I… I can’t think of anything I could want more. Thank you.”
He pulled the other pilot into a tight hug and, to his relief, Rooster returned the gesture. And as the two men who had once been close as family embraced in front of mementos of their past, Maverick heard the first melancholic notes as the next song began to play over his speakers and he smiled.
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Taglist:@valoraxxx-blog, @m3laniehearts, @autumnleaves1991-blog, @rule107, @vintageleather, @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak, @sugarcoated-lame, @slutforadambanks, @americaarse, @reneki, @ynbutbetter, @imagineadream, @sadpetalsstuff, @salty-thembo, @rachelizabethgraham, @duckandrobin, @queenbbarnes, @grincheveryday, @uselesslyromantic, @chouricojr, @king-of-milf-lovers, @high-fidelities, @shaded-echoes-recs, @dempy, @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @uselesslyromantic, @choochoo284, @littlebadariell, @blue-aconite, @thescarletknight2014
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Tails California
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TITLE: Tails California PAIRING: Bob/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: One-shot SUMMARY: Rory finds herself in California and searching for a certain WSO.
[A/N - Sequel to “Karaoke Night:Bob”.]
Rory pulled up to the gate of the North Island Naval Base.
“Identification?” the officer asked her.
“Umm, yeah. I’m looking for an aviator called Bob or Robert.”
The officer looked at her. “Ma’am. Do you know the aviator’s full name and rank?”
Rory shook her head and the officer sighed.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but unless you know the aviator’s full name and rank or you’re on the visitor list, I can’t let you on base.”
Rory nodded and pulled out of line. Well that was a bust. How was she supposed to get on base if she didn’t know Bob’s real name?
Rory had never been to San Diego before so she decided to drive around and explore. It seemed like no matter where she went, she was surrounded by servicemen and women.
There was a beach not too far from base called the Hard Deck. It looked like a place where Navy personnel would hang out.
She walked in and found a seat at the bar.
“Hey, what can I get you?” the bartender asked.
“This might sound like a weird question, but do know a Naval aviator called Bob or Robert?”
The brunette woman cocked an eyebrow at the younger woman. “Depends on who wants to know.”
Rory broke down and told her the story about she had met Bob at karaoke night while he was on deployment. “So I decided to pack up everything and move here…”
The bartender smiled. “I’m Penny and your Rob sounds like one of my husband’s pilots Bob Floyd.”
Rory let out a sigh of relief.
“They come here every Friday.”
Luckily today was Friday.
It didn’t take long for the aviators to start trickling in.
Rory recognized the tall blonde that had been there that night. The one who had sulked at the bar while everyone else had fun around him.
She still hadn’t spotted Bob though. Maybe she’d get lucky and he’d spot her at the bar and come over.
Suddenly, the jukebox music stopped.
Some people groaned as a man in a Hawaiian shirt sat down at the piano and started playing “Great Balls of Fire.”
She knew that voice. She recognized him as one of the men with Bob that night. Along with the girl that came and sat on his lap as he sang.
Everyone cheered as he finished his song. The mustached man walked away from the piano.
Rory took this opportunity and jumped up on the piano bench. “Baby, what do you say we just get lost/Leave this one-horse town like two rebels without a cause…” she sang.
Rory watched as a brunette head shot up. She saw glasses and blue eyes and knew he had seen her. She crooked her finger at him as she continued to sing as loud as she could.
Eventually the whole bar joined in.
“Heads Carolina, tails California/Somewhere greener, somewhere warmer/Up in the mountains, down by the ocean/Where it don't matter, long as we're goin'/Somewhere together, I've got a quarter/Heads Carolina, tails California…”
Just like in the karaoke bar, Bob walked up to her and stared up at her as she sang. When she finished, everyone clapped and cheered.
Bob wrapped his hands around her waist and lowered her to the ground. “Wha…”
Rory cut Bob off by kissing him.
Bob stood frozen for a moment before he cupped her cheeks in his hands, kissing her back. “What are you doing here?” Bob finally asked.
“You told me to look you up if I was ever in California.”
Bob laughed.
“But you’re a difficult man to find Robert Floyd. They wouldn’t let me on base to see you because I didn’t know your full name and rank.”
“You never gave me a chance to. You ran off.”
Rory opened her mouth to argue, but then shut it. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Bob softly kissed her. “I’m glad you’re here now.”
“Your friends are staring.”
Bob looked over and saw Rooster smiling at him, Hangman giving him a smirk and a nod, while all the others had their mouth open. “Let them stare.”
Rory narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re much more confident this time.”
“Well you don’t really know me.”
“No, but I’d like to.”
Bob smiled and kissed her again.
Top Gun Taglist: @maverick-wingman​​​​ @thescarletknight2014​​​
Lewis Pullman Taglist: @tallrock35​​ @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy​​ @luckyladycreator2​ @justanothermagicalsara​​ @anotherr-fine-mess​​ @airedale17​​ @xcastawayherosx​​ @khaylin27​
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