#every day i think oh i WILL gif this quote i like b/c i know people are more willing to look at a gif than watch a vid
tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Ok I know this is a LOT but I’m willing to wait months for this request haha. Can you pretty please with a cherry on top do the entire fluff alphabet for Nanami kento? 🎂
Oh my goodness, anon, I would never make you wait months for something like this lol I absolutely love Nanami with my entire heart and soul he is my favorite character in Jujutsu Kaisen, so thank you so so so so much for this request, lovely! I hope you have an awesome day and enjoy the fluff alphabet!! <333
Fluff Alphabet with Kento Nanami
Pairing - Kento Nanami x reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 3,288
Notes - inspired by this post. anon, i really hope you enjoy this, it took a long while to write, but i loved every second of it! have an amazing day!! <33333
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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A ctivities - what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
Nanami doesn't get a lot of downtime since he just loves to overwork himself [smh], but when he does, it is usually because you force him to. You would have to get this man's day off for him and be like uh-oh, they didn't schedule you in today, that's too bad.
I think he would love a self care day. He would love taking long baths with you and drinking wine and tea and just spending his time at home with you. Lots of holding each other on the couch and eating a lot of food.
But even on a regular work day, I think he would love getting ready with you in the morning. He loves a good morning routine, so to see you there too makes him fall in love all over again. Making breakfast for each other, giving goodbye kisses, he's a sucker for it all.
He also loves cooking and baking with you. It doesn't take super long and he just loves the little room there is in the kitchen so he can be pressed close to you whenever you're cooking with him.
I also think he would like Frisbee golf(???) don't quote me on that, but I think he would really love playing Frisbee with you lol
B eauty - what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
Thighs guy. And back guy. I'm just gonna put that out there.
But other than that, he finds that your kindness is what really makes you shine. He loves that you are willing to love him and finds that to be the true beauty (gosh, i love this man).
I also think he would find it attractive when you cook for him or cook with him. I think he would find that food is a very intimate and loving way to show how much you love him, so he would be obsessed with it.
C omfort - how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack, etc.
This man is your therapist. If you feel yourself getting to a stage where you just need to talk or take a breath, or even get a little panicky, you go straight to Nanami. He would breathe with you, trying to keep a steady rhythm and then he would ask you to talk. He would hold your hand, squeezing it occasionally, making you feel warm inside and eventually, you would feel a sense of calmness again.
If you're crying, on the other hand, you would run up to this man, falling straight into his arms. He would rub the back of your head, making little "sh" noises and holding you close to his chest. He would whisper how much he loves you and press little kisses on your head.
Now if you're feeling down about your body, this is a whole other subject. This man would be so upset if you were upset about your appearance. He would take you straight to a mirror and ask you to point at the places that you aren't liking and then proceed to press little kisses and rub those parts of your body, after getting onto you about it, of course.
D reams - how do they picture a future with their s/o?
He has thought about kids, but knows that maybe, because he works so much, that it probably wouldn't be the greatest idea, but the thought it always in his mind.
Marriage, though, is top priority for him. He purposely peels his eyes away from any jewelry shop because god knows he would just walk up and buy a ring on the spot for you.
He just wants to live together forever and have a cat, no Gojo involved. That's his dream future.
E qual - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Both of you switch around quite a bit. I think that he would be dominant in certain aspects, while you would be in others. But to be honest, I think it is a very equal relationship.
You would be the one to force him on the couch for face masks and cuddles, while he would be the one to help with emotional problems and any money issues and all of that.
But I honestly don't see either you or Nanami being more dominant than the other and he treats you completely equally (with tons of kisses ofc)
F ight - would they be easy to forgive their s/o? how are they fighting?
I honestly think, since he is so smart, fights with him wouldn't be fun. He would know what he's talking about and definitely thinks before he says anything. However! Fights with him are very very rare, so nothing to worry about too much.
When fights do happen though, it would feel so separated. You're already separated enough because he's always at work, but it wouldn't even feel like he's around anymore. But he's not avoiding you because he hates you, he's avoiding you because he doesn't want to screw up what you already have. He is thinking about how he is going to apologize, or communicate with you.
I think he would be pretty quick to forgive you if you caused the argument, but there would be a long talk. I think this man thinks that communication is key [amen] and that there needs to be a long talk instead of avoiding the situation or pretending like it didn't happen. He wants to see how he can fix his mistake and he wants to tell you what hurt him. He would be very good at working through it, so it feels like growth is happening instead of the opposite.
G ratitude - how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Nanami can't even believe he is breathing the same air as you sometimes.
This man is so grateful that every time he comes home from a stressful day, you're there with your arms stretched out and food on the counter. He couldn't ask for anything more. He loves you more than anything in the whole world.
He eventually figured out that you were managing to get time off for him, but he didn't tell you that he knew. He loved that you would do this for him just to spend more time with him and get him the self care he needs, he's honestly obsessed with it, and a little pissed when he has a long day and you didn't choose face masks for him instead.
He is very aware of how much you love him and take care of him and it's what makes him love you more than the earth itself. He wouldn't give you up for anything and honestly needs you.
H onesty - do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
Nanami is a very reserved man, I honestly don't think he would be one for secrets, but he isn't chatty either. I mean, I think he would think it's a secret how much he loves you, but you can tell in those gorgeous eyes how hard he's fallen for you lol.
But perhaps if you weren't a sorcerer, he wouldn't tell you about curses or anything like that just because he wants to keep you safe. He doesn't want you to find out how dangerous his life can be sometimes, so he just tells you about his 9-5 rather than he's been fighting curses all day.
I nspiration - did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Since Nanami is like the therapist in your life, your mood and overall mental health has gotten so much better after dating Nanami. You are more willing to talk about your problems than hide them, and more willing to be okay with not being okay, so overall, you have become much healthier after beginning a relationship with Nanami.
Nanami has definitely changed because of you. He has learned how important self care is and how much fun it is to try new things like cooking and baking. He has overall figured out himself and what his life needed, and that was you.
J ealousy - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
Oh yes.
Oh dear lord this man gets so jealous.
If he takes you to a work party and you start talking to one of his coworkers in a cutesy manner, he will scowl like no other, sending said coworker a dirty look.
Now on the off chance you know Gojo/are friends with Gojo, Nanami will hate it. More than anything. Gojo is a naturally flirtatious fella, so when Nanami saw the way he was talking to you, he was about to fight Gojo on the spot.
I don't think he could deal with it. I just honestly think he couldn't. So, to "deal with it", you usually have to walk up and grab his hand, giving him little kisses or hugs as he is still scowling at whoever you were talking to. It would kind of pull him out, but he would just still have this evil look on his face.
He's never mad at you though. He understands how attractive you are and how attractive other people find you, but he doesn't want anyone to look at you like he does. That's his job.
K iss - are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
Omg I've been waiting to write this one.
He is an immaculate kisser. Like so flippin' good. His lips are soft, and he kisses you like you'll just disappear at any moment. His hands caress the back of your head/neck and you pull him closer by the collar of his shirt. It's like literal heaven. This man is just amazing at kissing and no one can change my mind.
Even the first kiss was amazing. It was around your third or forth date with him, you were taking things slow and having a picnic. The sun was setting and it was golden hour. He turned to you with a smile and said, "finally. I've been waiting all evening." And grabbed your chin with his thumb and index finger, placing the softest and smallest kiss on your lips as you sat there in complete shock, wondering how the heck you managed to obtain him.
L ove Confession - how would they confess to their s/o?
As said before, Nanami is a very reserved guy. A quiet dude, for sure. It would honestly be hard for him to put it into words for the longest time. He would show it by giving you hugs and kisses and cuddles. It was all in the way he rubbed the small of your back, but he had never actually said the words "I love you".
Until one day. He came home, absolutely exhausted, immediately falling into your small arms. He could feel those tired tears filling his eyes and he took a deep breath in the crook of your neck, a small smile appearing on his tired face. "I love you more than anything, you know that?" That had you melting for weeks.
M arriage - do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would their marriage be like?
I cannot express enough how much this man wants to marry you. He would drop down on his knee on the fourth date if he could lmao.
He does take it slow, however.
But when he does propose, it's private. No one around, just you and him. It would probably be on your porch as the sun is setting. He would talk about how much he appreciates you and how he wants to be with you forever. Then he would pop the question.
The wedding would also be small. Just friends and family. Gojo is the flower girl.
It would be a wonderful wedding though. Flowers everywhere. Nanami would cry seeing you in the tux/dress. That's the first time you see him really cry. He would look so gosh dang handsome too oml.
I think he would also love renewing your vows in new beautiful locations every couple of years.
N icknames - what would they call their s/o?
I don't think he's the type to give out nicknames, so he would stick to small romantic stuff like: love, darling, dear, honey, etc. Short and sweet.
O n Cloud Nine - what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious for others? how do they express their feelings?
I think the only person it is obvious to is you. The way he looks at you isn't like how he looks at anyone else. His gorgeous eyes constantly watching your figure anytime he can.
As said earlier, he would express his love through the way he holds you with kisses and hand holding and cuddling. It would all be very small, but that's his show. He would also love whispering in your ear how much he loves you and cares about you before you go to bed.
It isn't very obvious when he's in love, but you really know he is when he is willing to hold your hand in public or even just do something as small as cook breakfast for you or softly place his hand on your hip.
P DA - are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag about their s/o to others? or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
I think that he would do small things in public. Place his hand on your hip softly, hold your hand, give you a kiss on the cheek/neck, but nothing too crazy.
He would mention you to coworkers, but let's be real, the only person he would brag about you to is Gojo.
But typically, when he is jealous, he will straight up start making out with you to show others that you are together. He has a real jealousy problem lol.
Q uirk - some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
I cannot stress this enough, communication, communication, COMMUNICATION!
He thinks it is so important to use communication in a relationship because that effectively builds everything that's important, trust, honesty, etc. Without communication, what good is the relationship.
R omance - how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliche or rather creative?
I think that Nanami is a very very very romantic individual, but nothing super duper cheesy. I mean, he loves picnics and giving you flowers, but nothing like ridiculous valentine's day stuff unless you initiate it.
He would do anything to make you happy. He wants to see you with a smile on your face always, but his go to is buying face masks and food and placing it on the table for you to find as a surprise. That and taking the day off. Nothing lights you up more.
S upport - are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
Nanami is your #1 supporter. He knows that you can achieve whatever and he will even go so far as to help you. If you need him to hold you while you work, he'll do it. If you need him to help figure out something difficult, he is right behind you. He will go to any even for you and will destroy anyone who tries to get in your way.
T hrill - do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
This man is built on routine. He doesn't want anything too crazy or out of the blue. He loves his little morning routine with you and his occasional day off routine. Picnics and self care days are always the go to. he might try new things elsewhere, but this isn't the place for that lol
U nderstanding - how good do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
This man knows you like the back of his hand. If he senses you're off, he will do what he does best and try to calm you down/work with you on certain things. He knows when you need to be left alone, and he knows when you need a hug, and if he does it, he will be super empathetic and just let you do your own thing until you are willing to communicate what was wrong.
V alue - how important is the relationship to them? what is it's worth in comparison to value of other things?
He cannot live without you. It was so hard for him to find something that he could actually enjoy and love and be passionate about, so if he lost you, he literally couldn't go on. He doesn't want to go back to being the loner who overworked himself and he doesn't want to go back to his old routine. He LITERALLY cannot lose you.
W ild Card - random fluff headcanon (im actually gonna do a mini fic thingy, you'll see lol)
"Kento," you reached your arms out to him, pulling him closer. "Kento, come here." "What is it, love?" He giggled as you crawled into his arms, trying not to mess up his face mask. You looked into his eyes with the softest smile, rubbing the dark spots underneath his eyes. "They're lighting up." "Is that so?" You nodded and placed a kiss on his lips. "What would I do without you, dear?" You shrugged, eating whatever snack was closest. "Cry probably." "You were supposed to be romantic, not shoving Cheetos in your mouth." You just giggled, sinking to his touch. To be honest, you didn't know what you would do without him.
X OXO - are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
On his off time, the one thing he is looking forward to is falling into your arms. There literally isn't a time where you his arm isn't around you while you two are sleeping.
Y earning - how will they cope when they're missing they're s/o?
While at work, Nanami get's very stressed. You're usually one to help him out of his stress, but when you're not there, rash emotions will come quicker. But he's used to it, so it't nothing super crazy. Especially since it's only a couple of hours.
Now, let's say you went on a business trip without him. He would HATE that. He would feel alone and have that awful life is meaningless feeling again that would just rip away at him. But it honestly helps him appreciate you 10x more.
Z eal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind?
Nanami would do anything to make you stay. He will help you when you are upset. He will take days off for you. He will take you out to dinner. He would stay awake for a week if it meant he gets to see you all the time with a smile on your face.
I think he would be willing to sacrifice a lot because you helped him so much, and he loves you more than anything in the whole wide world.
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murswrites · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet ⎯  Adrian Chase
Character/Celeb: Adrian Chase / Vigilante Fandom: DCECU / Peacemaker TV MASTERLIST
A/N Thank god for this funky white boy bc my writers block seems to be gone <3
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Oh my god, literally everything. Adrian genuinely doesn’t have a type he just likes who he likes (my personal headcanon is that hes bisexual >:3)
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Honestly I think he might eventually down the road but right now he’d never want to bring a child into his life due to being Vigilante. I think he’d like a cat though
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He’s everywhere. His personality is a lot but he takes cuddling VERY seriously.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Usually quite rushed and/or simple just because of lack of time. But if he has the time he’ll cook something and bring you dinner/breakfast/etc in bed.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You’re my happy place.”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Everyone on the team started poking fun at Adrian about how much he liked you. He didn’t even realize! SO what that he was kinda... nicer to you than everyone else. There was a perfectly good reason besides being completely... in love you with... DEFINITELY !
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
His hugs are REALLY soft. I mean, you have to encourage him to squeeze you, he’s just worried about breaking your back?? Idk Adrian also did think he’d never be able to walk again without his pinky toe so :shrug:
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Palm to Palm. But most of the time he doesn’t like it because his hands sweat a lot and it overwhelms him with that happens.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Goddamnit you’re SO cool.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Yes yes yes yes. And it is FUNNY. Adrian’s that kind of person to be like “What!? Jealous? Pfft, me? I don’t get jealous.” Then threaten to take someone’s knee caps and use them as shot glasses if they so much as LOOK in your direct. He is the definition of feral.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Adrian’s a lot to deal with, mentally, emotionally, physically. Like I mentioned with cuddling, he’s everywhere. Kissing is no different. He’s kissing your lips, cheeks, neck, arm, shoulder, basically anywhere he can reach. I’d think he did just out of pure desire and his normal shyness was squashed down because he just wanted it so badly.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Oh definitely Adrian. He’s your classic motor mouth and 9/10 of the things he says,  he means! And he also meant it when he said he loved you because the spaghetti you made was (and I quote) “To fucking die for.”
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Honestly it’s hard for him to pick. But I think any moments when you’re not both rushing. Anytime it’s just. pure domestic bliss, that’s his favorite.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
I think he’d like to but it’s just not realistic. I feel like he’d save up for big holidays (birthdays, winter holidays, valentines, etc) so get nice things.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Ironically teal... I think that’d make him like his suit more than he already does.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
He doesn’t really have any that he doesn’t use for everyone else? In my opinion, while you’re dating, Adrian still sees you as his best friend and calls you thinks like, dude, man, buddy, etc. But some he uses just for you would be thinks like sweetheart or a nickname.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Board games. This man. My god. His collection is So extensive. You’re pretty sure he owns every board game released before 2010 in the world.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
The usual, crime fighting doesn’t stop for no rain, baby.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
He doesn’t pick things like that up without being told there is something wrong and honestly some people appreciate him being normal than trying to aid them.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
All of his interests, his brain moves like a mile a minute (it’s the ADHD) and moves from one thing to the next to something completely unrelated (to you)
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Adrian doesn’t really... shut off? He’s kind of always going? But as soon as his face hits the pillow that man is GONE
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
His fighting skills. He’s kinda egotistical when he’s Vigilante and doesn’t ever shut up about how good of a crime fighter he is.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
I think it’d be similar to how he says he loves you, in a moment where he feels completely enamoured by you. He’s honestly just be like, “Hey? Wanna get married?”
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
I think canonically “Barbie Girl” by Aqua, but if I were to think... literally? “I Can’t Handle Change” by Roar. For you and Adrian: “I Hate Everyone but You” by Elita
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yea <3 He’s a loverboy at heart
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
A black cat 100% no questions asked. With a teal collar and a bell, I think he’d name it “Loki” or something similar because in my head the Marvel Universe IS just comics in their universe so : )
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sugar-petals · 3 years
› NSFW alphabet with sub!Taemin
warnings ⚠️ as one would expect: basically a kink roulette, the usual taemin topics™, bdsm, femdom!reader
au. idol/domestic
| NOTE ➝ nsfw alphabet with the nsfw king, some hot stuff in a classic format let’s go⚡️
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The type to be unpredictable in his requests — every time. There’s a protocol for scenes, but beyond that, mood dictates the afterglow. „Okay. What about chess today?“ Yep. Taemin could actually ask to play a random game once the snacks are passed out. And fed to each other because he’s cheesy and that’s cute. Other times, the feedback round will be much longer and Taemin has an entire essay on his thoughts, which is a good thing, especially as a submissive. Sometime later, might fancy a late-night Han River walk to cool down. Y’know, holding hands, making up stories about creepy merpeople in the water, then getting treated to a full barbecue in a little private-owned restaurant because damn, play makes you hungry.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His hips don’t lie. Oh well. He showed us many times just how agile they are. We all know what they can do and the floor knows what they can do. But then again, I quote: „Favorite body part of me? Hm, all of them. Since it’s from my parents.“. And it’s neither arrogance nor exaggeration, he has a damn reason to consider himself a work of art at this point, and yes, thank you very much to his parents by the way. You could only narrow it down by what he pays a lot of attention to when choosing styles. In that case: Of course, hair. And you know how well you can pull it if it’s a little longer. Just be careful with his extensions, that could end up in a laughing fit. As for the favorite body part of his partner, Taemin simply couldn’t decide either. His horniness is all-encompassing. To say he’s e.g. a leg guy is already reducing his unstoppable 18+ personality and ability to get horny over everything.  
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Whatever taboo and disgusting thing there is, Taemin will yell „I will not hesitate!“ and do it. Get ready for him. Or is there any way to get ready for Taemin? Probably not. He’s the one to prep his ass, anyway. And if we’re talking fluids, Taemin is kinda obsessed with eating his own frosting so you might put the matching cake right on his mouth. Now seriously… Getting at least two creampies into you and then basically suffocating himself to get them back out, props to him. Taemin is a huge face riding enthusiast because it’s the ultimate kiss on the lips if you consider it that way. Ultimately, he’s easy to see through in that regard. 
He puts his spit to work to get things going, don’t worry. If there’s someone down to not see the light of day for some hours, it’s him. I mean minutes, what are we saying. But yeah, he’s enduring, and he wants his cum feeding, nothing between you and your POV of Taemin’s abs and poor denied boner. And as if he can use his hands because they’re tied, logically, what did you expect.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
For your information: Taemin is the dirty secret. 
I don’t think he has the capacity or intention to hide any of his fantasies once he gets going at dinner over some good food and a glass of wine y’know. He will just reveal it all in one go and giggle. Key would just shake his head, but guess where Taemin learned his frankness from. It’s easy for him to verbalize what makes him hot and bothered, it’s an admirable quality. And great for a sub, you just always know what’s going on. So, cummunication, typo intended, grade A.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Taemin, unlike most of the population, knows exactly what a gimp is and what it’s made of so that clears it up already. He is aware what to do and how to do it, no worries, but who is surprised. Taemin can’t stand not trying things out and leaving everything in his imagination, so he’s very motivated towards gathering some um intel. What he hasn’t dabbled in privately, he tried out on stage anyway, dude has roleplayed entire domination scenes with his dancers. So, triple threat. Taemin’s physical gained experience, stage knacks, and raging browser history all combine to form a lover who needs someone who is equally unafraid. 
If you want to keep up with his fantasies, it’s good if you’re already a little more settled in sexual matters. Taemin is not for beginners, but it’s good that way. For someone advanced, he’s just a joy to behold. His potential as a sub surpasses almost anybody because he got the grit, the looks, the ideas, the body, the way of moving, and we’re not even getting started yet. It’s definitely an advantage that he’s a seasoned performer and has such a vast interest in kink.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
When it comes to submitting: Anything bent-over to get his neck grabbed from behind, with his bangs falling into his face. With his dominant whispering all kinds of juicy stuff to him as he kneels. Also, just back down on the floor, it really doesn’t take much. Remember however, Taemin’s boneless, a human shrimp, this guy can do the fucking splits. Flexibility, no problem there. Toes touching the back of the head in a hogtie? He eats that for breakfast. Hands tied to a rope from the ceiling? Another classic. Pinned to the wall, involved in a power struggle? Delicious. Keeping things moving and then staying still for a while and grinding a little makes it even more interesting to him. He might even suggest a pause to prolong things and to create a story arc. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I’d describe Taemin as more cheeky than goofy most of the time, but you can very well say he’s witty in all situations. That smile can melt any domme. He sticks his rowdy tongue out when you photograph him in bondage so that answers the question already. As you know him, Taemin has a oneliner for basically everything. Awkwardness is conquered with absolute honesty is his motto — he could be covered in candle wax or your spit slash cum (or both, he ain’t shy) and have a comment on his lips. It’s just very entertaining. That also makes any smaller mishaps less embarrassing, Taemin really doesn’t mind and he’s quite a reaction king anyway. That’s something his domme can feed off, and it makes play even more worthwhile.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
It’s Taemin. We’re keeping it wild and hairy and sticky and chaotic. „Well, it’s supposed to grow there! 6v6“ He loves that shit. On his partner even more. Oh yeah. Baby cheese pubes? Nope, a grown damn man. Who is most likely too busy getting smacked around to use a blade on himself other than the beard (gotta be smooth to eat pussy). If anything, that’s for knife play. Mind you… of course you can pamper him to your delight in certain moods. When he’s not teasing and stripping, Taemin is the cutest bebe to grace this earth. And if you really don’t like hair, SM offers laser treatments for free, Taemin will sign up there without resentment, no problem, he understands that. What I’m saying is. Try to enter a shower stall with Lee Taemin and focus on body grooming. Not gonna happen. 
Any water raining down on him makes Taemin instantly irresistible and extra seductive, I mean even more so, as if he wasn’t scorching hot before, it’s a MOVE stage. Neither of you will make it past the shampooing. Hands on his body, soap between your fingers, mouth on his neck, there we go again. The two of you are far too horny to waste time and money on some wax and whatnot, point-blank. Gotta keep your mind on the essentials. Who needs razor burn when you’re already cumming. Conclusion: Welcome to the jungle! All hail Lee Taemin saving the environment. A sustainable king. Mother nature says thank you, he hasn’t seen a disposable razor in years.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Hopeless. Absolutely hopeless. Example: Anniversary sex — he keeps track of your relationship in a separate calendar. Taemin is the touchiest of the touchy besides being the raunchiest of the raunchy so you can imagine the combination of that. His idea of romance is very particular, Taemin knows exactly what he wants and likes, and it’s all very different of what any other guy would stereotypically do. He’s a kind of young Gomez Addams in the real world if you will. Oh, cara mia. Not kidding. See the parallel? Gomez wants to obsessively kiss Morticia head to toe all the time and just loves her sadistic humor, that dynamic is totally Taemin’s thing. When we're together, darling, every night is Halloween!
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Could go at it for the entire waking day on top of the night. Face in his pillow, ass in the air, stroking and stroking and stroking. Pillows in general are in massive danger (pun intended) if Taemin is home alone. He can gyrate that thing to shreds from all his horniness. The interesting thing is, he doesn’t really like his partner watching him beat off, being voyeuristic is less of a Taemin kink than you’d assume. Why not involve them if he can? Every free minute is precious, every second, in fact. 
Taemin also gets impatient watching his partner masturbate without doing anything himself, he wants to do it for them. So, there’s a service sub in him waiting to be unleashed. You can attribute all this so easily to the blatant fact that Taemin’s love language is physical touch. Right hand between your legs while his left is on the steering wheel kind of vibe. Watch those piano skills pay off. TL;DR — just watching or being watched is not a #1 turn-on, but helping his partner out is.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Where to even start, what the fuck… Taemin is akin to an entire sex shop stock, he’s an encyclopedia, the reason kink exists, he’s the A to the Z and everything in between. Latex fetish, mouth gags, spreader bars, he could do anything at this point, incredible. He’s fluent in Japanese, Japan is the primordial paradise of shunga erotica, kinbaku and all other things bondage, imagine what Taemin has seen and done if he keeps wanting to get tied up for his concepts. Ever since he’s developed his trilingual language skills and the English-speaking NSFW internet isn’t safe anymore either, lord knows what he’s gotten into. But for the sake of naming something extra: Let’s talk punishments. Yeah, Taem likes a strict teacher. The harder the whip crack, the more excited he is. If you walk up in there like Lucy Liu, Taemin might as well propose. But honestly. It’s about time someone puts him in his place, goddamn.
Another kinky interest he’s developed which needs no explanation: Kitten play. Duh. Taemin says he envies Kkoongie, he wishes he’d be a cat as well. How interesting, hm. Probably because it means getting a lot of smooches and head pats. And that’s alright. He’s earned his catboy status. Ten would be so proud. Taemin is officially allowed to put the cat ears on. And the maid apron while we’re at it. For the love of God, he can’t cook, the whole kitchen would go down in flames if he did, but he can pose and bend, and he can lick popsicles in a hot way — that suffices. Playing with ice cream sounds like the sexiest thing when I think about it. He has the perfect ILL (ice licking lips).
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Cozy is the word. Taemin loves utterly comfortable places for vanilla, think pillow forts, and on the other hand, you guessed it: No qualms for strange and creepy spots where he gets twisted and turned and suspended into some really advanced shibari bondage. An abandoned weird place in nature where he can moan his soul out? Exactly his thing. Like an empty hospital... damn. Taemin has no problem with dirt and discomfort and a thrill, his dom has to reign his ideas in sometimes because his safety is first and Taemin does see the point and feels looked out for. There are other ways to create that excitement, which is why Taemin has bought a big video projector and surround system recently to simulate all kinds of atmospheres at home. Genius, and no risks of a mosquito bite or getting a cold. Now, he can basically insert himself into his favorite movies and any location, the options are endless.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Spite, dare, and sky-high masochism. The holy trinity. Taemin submits because he can, very confidently so. What else gets him going? Presenting a specific outfit of course. He’s a fashion lover. All the world’s an aesthetic. A white harness, a nice pair of handcuffs. Jewels, great hair. Fancy shoes and designer blindfolds. Iridescent eye makeup for the gods. Smoky eyes, lip gloss, very reflective pigments. He loves looking utterly delectable for his loved one. Or, for soft hours, a nice and fluffy sweater with quality fabric, amazing to snuggle together. Get you a man who can do it both. And… since he’s Taemin… imagine him revealing his shoulder and collar bone randomly to switch on the steaminess. So, as for motivations, write down: Provoking his partner’s desire.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Taemin isn’t perfectly compatible with people who are painfully shy and take their time. When he has to lead them, it’s tedious, he wants to get right into it and not spend forever deepening the intimacy step by step by step by step. So, shyness in a partner: Always 50-50 to him. Getting the person to his level would be more effort than a relationship should take. Taemin has no problems introducing a partner to lesser-known practices, and he likes a bit of a mysterious gal, but teaching someone to dominate him from the ground up would frustrate him every now and then. 
He wants someone who is more experienced and is turned on if someone goes like hey... let’s blow off some steam out of nowhere. An instant mutual clicking and trust is so rewarding to Taemin, he really wishes for someone who speaks his language. And, as we know, rather than him babysitting others it’s usually a bit the other way around. Taemin, although he’s a raging brat, very much likes to be taken under someone’s wing, and appreciates a positivity mindset. Too much negativity would be a no-no to him. He’s cheery often, but likes to be uplifted, too, subspace is a big deal here. A firm, caring significant other makes all the difference out- and inside of his bed. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Is he okay? This dude’s lip fixation is literally one for the books. He trademarked it, so listen up: The next time you kiss anybody, Taemin will sue. He’s seriously passionate about all things oral, all the way from the innocent to the steamy stuff. Gimme a kiss, gimme a kiss, gimme a kiss, please kiss, kisses please, shall we kiss, can we kiss, do you wanna kiss? He just wants to be absolutely peppered. Diagnosis: 100% obsessed with his partner’s mouth. That goes from hearing them speak to feeling their tongue on his neck. He could spend a whole evening this way, just laying there blissed out hugging them. 
Interestingly, while he likes to be at the receiving end when making out — do it fast do it slow, you control the tempo y’know — he suddenly gets all eager to give a fuckton of head in one go, and not just surface shit. Taemin, by default, just knows what the gals want. Intuitively and with experience and with observation. Yes, he’s skilled. Will he show the full spectrum of it? For sure. Chances are he’s been lying on your lap for half of the day while you were at your PC already, yeah Taemin is a grade-A lap cat, so you can imagine how he loves his head at that spot so there’s that. Morning, daytime, all the way at night, Taemin’s phone keeps buzzing but he’s busy busy making something um wet and very swollen.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Come on. Taemin can literally do anything. But! He likes deliberation. That makes all the difference. Being slow and full of intent often hits home more than just messiness, which is why vanilla sex with him is so utterly sweaty and orgasmic. Taemin likes to draw it out for as long as possible, maintain his elegance, he moves like a prince. The thrusts are just... A+. We’ve seen his floorwork in the dance breaks. It can get provoking, but he’d always vote slow over fast even if he is by all means extremely passionate.
Meanwhile, when it comes to handling pain, a rough hand dealt on him is his favorite thing. Fast scratches that make him arch, relentless tugs and jerks and whip strokes until he cries. God damn. I summarize: Taemin loves regular sex to be soft and passionately slow, and if he’s on the receiving end in kink, aggressive is always welcome. He’s pretty enthralled by it and probably the person requesting it first to a degree that his partner would never come forward with at first try.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Oh yeah. Taemin’s lifeblood. A little romp to spice up the day? A quick minute with him pinned against the wall? 5-minute choking? Clothed sex before heading to work, only to change pants again? He loves it. Ready to give head at any time and place. His opinion being, well it’s healthy! And he’s right, because damn... it feels so good to make out with him in those lace blouses and with the soft hair between your fingers. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Taemin doesn’t take any risks. The risks take Taemin. Now you know.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Varies by day, depend on how turned-on, but generally... Taemin can go on and on like it’s a concert. He doesn’t get too hot and sweaty nor does his dance stamina ever leave him. He’s been doing this for literal years. His distinguished job at SM is to moan into a mic and make love to an invisible entity on stage, that’s Taemin’s concept in a nutshell, do you think he suddenly runs out of breath? The fact that he trained choreographies with Kai is enough a statement. Taemin’s clinginess and hard dick disease adds another round so he can total to four if he’s desperate and didn’t just return from touring. In the latter case, it’s one um big bang um, let’s say a quick firework of um passion. But on other occasions, Taemin isn’t as needy to release it all in one go. And his partner didn’t miss him so much they feel the same, you get my idea.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Toys? It’s called instruments, and they’re a staple. Taemin would try out every dungeon furniture on the planet for a little exploration. And yes, there are ones where you can strap your sub into a T-pose so jot that down for the next scene. Very familiar with butt plugs and anal beads especially, he’s fascinated by them. If we’re talking toys that are like accessories and bondage aids, it goes without saying that Taemin owns like a 60-piece collection of different collars and cuffs and harnesses.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Get the fuck ready. The guy literally has a song called Tease! I quote from said masterpiece: “I know you want it bad, my love”. Unfairness over 9000. Taemin can read his partner too well if you ask me. He’ll spank his own ass, act like he groans out loud, and then lock the bathroom to do his skin routine — deliciously singing. The „let me in!!“ meme has reached a new dimension. After divo Taemin has gained enough satisfaction from his come-hither business, of course he unlocks the door and steps out in nothing but a towel, ripping off his face mask dramatically. „Okay. Now I’m presentable!“ As I said. He always needs a bit of a story arc and seduction.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Soft voice, sometimes cracking, sometimes stable, sometimes whining — and most importantly, begging. Taemin generally isn’t the loudest ever, but vocal he very much is, with copious spikes in pitch. So, classic whiner, not a screamer. Baekhyun and Key already took that job, so Taemin got recruited for the midrange. The best part being, his reactions are very immediate, he always says he just can’t keep it in which in and of itself is whining already. Taemin is all-round vocally pleasing to brat tamers especially.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Wild he really is. Let’s bring out a very vampish detail. Taemin is absolutely down to use fake blood during sex. Like in the bathtub. Do with that information what you want. Maybe some vampire roleplay? It’s likelier than you think. He’s really into these things. We know him. October is his favorite month. It also figures that Taemin is very much unafraid of periods. Same advice: Do with that information what you want.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
If there’s something he has already communicated to us, it’s exactly that. Snatched waistline, glorious arms, really well-shaped pecs like a statue. Thin lower body, but great thighs, too, and a very archy back, so that’s domme candy. Taemin will walk around his apartment with an open shirt or jacket way too often, looking like a sexy elven prince that would catch Galadriel’s attention in the blink of an eye. A dedicated tease, the shorts will be well, short short, too. His legs are fucking amazing to say the very least. Ripped jeans are his religion. Taemin’s incentive is 100% to be groped and admired by his lady. Dancers like him are body conscious and touchy, it’s important to him. If we’re talking ass, the Taembooty is moderate, with a nice curve. It’s the muscles inside of those cheekies that make the difference. He’s not struggling with a ginormous peach, but you can definitely grope it well. The party at the front is even better anyway. Smooth, cut, perky, a shower.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Eh, Taemin doesn’t want to fuck at all. Sex? He simply never heard of it. The innocent of the innocent. Never had one dirty thought in his life. Pure, cute, lives like a monk, as coy as they come. Jokes aside... he really needs a partner who can outdo him with the sex drive. I swear. Across three weeks or so, Taemin can do the do as many times as there are keys on his piano. The man’s hormones are as raging as ever and he’s 28 now. Horny is not a phase, it’s a whole lifestyle. Loves the physical contact inside (literally) and out. 
Morning and evening wood incarnate, in fact so much wood, Taemin’s boners make up an entire forest at this point. Erectile dysfunction? You can bets insisting he can’t even spell that, and it’s true. Even during stressful days, his drive is consistent. The only thing that can frustrate his yearning is mental incompatibility. Taemin gets turned on by the psychology sailing smooth, being in the same boat naturally during long huggy pillow talks might be the number one thing that makes him lust for his lady. Yes, he needs that shoulder to lean on, and yes, exchanging affection makes Taemin aroused like literally nothing else. Explaining how much you like him in detail: Viagra found jobless. His own praise kink sneaks up to him, leaving him whipped all night.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Let us all remember that Taemin pulls off his clothes subconsciously in his sleep, and frequently sheds the blanket. As soon as he naps, it’s ironically like, wait a minute, here we go again? Suprisingly, no. It’s all about nonsexual contact and Taemin feeling hot super fast. Giving him cold water during aftercare is the best card you can pull to help him sleep well. Gotta make a man this hot cool down a little, huh. Running ice cubes all over him might be a great idea to round up play, in fact. 
Taemin is all hyped up and probably busy getting another round so… no sleep in sight. Pleasing is his best discipline, he can always make you come back for more. At some point: Exhaustion yes, sure, but no dozing off right away. “Sleepy... so sleepy...” — Taemin can go on like that for almost ten minutes. He also enjoys to talk it out afterwards, big fan of gathering all the feedback right there as we already found out. Sleeping beauty Taemin — all while being as spooned as can be — sleeps especially tight if Kkoong is curled up somewhere on the bed or his chest, so that’s a must, purrs make for a nice lullaby. 
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final note. well, well, well: the image of taemin and ice cream didn’t leave my thoughts, so i found this and leave you with that. ahem, have a great day. 😉🌹
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© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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five-wow · 3 years
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#steve to a random stranger on the street: i love danny very much and he's kind of like my husband. i hope he finds me the perfect woman soon
My Top Posts in 2021
Top 10 McDanno moments
oh dude, making an actual list like that would take me a day, because i’m Very Bad at picking favorites and also because there’s like, literally ten seasons’ worth of moments to choose from in the first place.
a few strong contenders off the top of my head, though, in no particular order:
d: “what’s the matter with you?” / s: “i love you.” for the fact that it’s a) still a totally insane sequence of words, b) one of their three mutual i love yous on screen, which is good anyway, and c) wonderful pining steve material, as well as just, potentially the most honest reflection on their relationship from steve’s side that we ever got
pretty much the entire episode where they transport that nuclear bomb through the jungle. steve’s snooping, the first scene where they have their relationship argument in front of an entire class of innocent academy students, the “are you comparing our relationship to my failed marriage?”, the bit where danny tells steve not to say anything and steve sneaks in an i love you anyway, the bit where steve calls danny a beloved curmudgeon, when they’re squeezed under the truck together, when steve asks danny to name his friggin’ restaurant for him and rambles about being together even when they’re not together (restaurants and boats, if you name them after a person people are absolutely going to assume it’s your spouse), That Look steve throws at danny through the window at the very end of the episode.
when danny tells steve he’s a half-baked cookie and goes “that’s why i love you, babe”, because it’s just. it’s a lot.
actually, the first time steve says he loves danny, when they’re trapped under that building! danny’s been nothing but incredibly negative and he builds this huge tension before telling steve he really really hates him and steve just laughs along and goes “i love you too” because he does and he knows danny, and then once they’re finally out steve waits until danny says it back.
“you don’t have to dance with me tonight” while they’re sitting unnecessarily close together during max’s going away party, purely for the fact that i was so convinced i must have heard that wrong the first time i watched it that i went back three times. it was still the same. i still don’t know how that made it into the episode.
when danny talks about coming into work one day and seeing your partner in a different light, and he goes “know what i mean?” and steve is all quiet and says “i do”. also when steve keeps offering to go everywhere with danny that episode while danny confides in him. the episode in which danny says he once fell for his partner after he had spent every day with her and she was the only person he confided in. that episode.
season 10, maybe just, uh, in its entirety. sunshine, emotional support friend, danny being the person everyone goes to if they’re worried about steve, bad guys knowing to target danny if they want to hit steve where it hurts, moving in, sharing beds, parent-teacher meetings, the extremely half-hearted attempts at dating other people, valentine’s day cuddles, “it’s kinda like his love language for me” - season 10 truly has it all.
175 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 16:48:05 GMT
steve and danny somehow encounter the very tired “it’s adam and eve, not adam and steve” slogan (in the middle of interrogating someone for one of their rare cases where queer people do exist, probably) and steve’s like “oh god yes, not adam and steve. i don’t think of adam like that, and i wouldn’t want to marry anyone besides danny anyway” and danny’s like “wait, you wanna marry me?” and that’s how they figure out steve may have a ring hidden in his sock drawer.
(danny: “that’s OUR sock drawer. we share that drawer. that is not a good hiding place! who put you in charge of anything?” steve, who spent the last two months silently hoping danny would “accidentally” find the ring box and call him out on exactly this because whatever danny may say, their ideas of romance definitely overlap in the “bickering over socks and inconsequentially bad plans” department: “ah, you say that, but you didn’t find it, did you? did you even look?” danny: “why would i look for rings in my socks! why do i want to spend the rest of my life with you so badly when your brain is so weird!” their suspect, who is still cuffed to a chair next to them and has the uncomfortable feeling he just got them engaged with his homophobic rhetoric: “???”)
176 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 21:48:16 GMT
danny: i’m staying at steve’s temporarily.
danny: so it’s a temporary thing, you know.
danny: just until one of us dies of old age.
178 notes • Posted 2021-01-26 00:31:49 GMT
concept: danny comes to steve and is like “do we have an hr department?” and steve’s like “... do you want to file a complaint? i’m barely even your boss, you almost never do what i say” and danny’s like “no. i’m considering a change in relationship status and i don’t want us to get fired” and steve’s like “did you say us?” and that’s the wildly romantic story of how danny asked steve out for the first time.
212 notes • Posted 2021-07-06 19:34:05 GMT
season 10 is just so wild. danny sets steve up on dates but then doesn’t let him actually go on a date without calling and texting every five seconds, steve dutifully tries to ask out women but keeps mentioning how much he loves danny and that they’re married, and then danny flies across the country because steve’s mother died, suggests they could sleep in the same bed and moves in with steve maybe a week later, and steve’s just like “sssh, lou, don’t tell danny i know he’s making shit up because he might change his mind” and lets danny live with him for months. they never truly talk about what happened to danny’s house and if he might ever need to go back. there are random episodes where we are reminded that they’re both totally still interested in dating women, 100% for sure definitely, but actual potential girlfriends are an afterthought, and steve ends up turning a valentine’s date into a team movie night so he has an excuse to stick close to danny, literally, because he cuddles up between danny and his actual supposed date on the couch. the last episode tells us danny is the person steve cares about most in the world, in those precise words, and shows us that steve would try to enter a car that is on actual real fire to get to danny, and also that danny, who’s consistently been characterized as someone who can’t be happy because his anxiety keeps him too stressed all the time, is in fact now pretty happy with life. now, as in, after he didn’t get back together with rachel but instead moved in with steve with seemingly no intention to ever move back out. all of this is literal canon text, and then i didn’t even get into the easy implication that danny might be sleeping in steve’s bed some of the time after moving in because canon made a whole point of telling us there were no beds free and danny didn’t want to sleep on the couch.
225 notes • Posted 2021-02-02 00:08:17 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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yesttoheaven · 3 years
I SEE YOU – chapter IV
pairing – arthur fleck x female!reader
wc – 2.3k
warnings – idk... misty being a b*tch with arthur?
a/n – hi everyone! I hope you are well because I'm brazilian and I cannot say the same lol the president is a piece of shit and he can't rule the country in the middle of a pandemic (not even without the pandemic, in fact)
anyway enjoy the chapter!
English is not my first language. I am getting help from google translator and he is not always a good ally, so I apologize for any typos or grammar errors.
Y/N – your name
chapter one. chapter two.
chapter three. chapter four.
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"What are you doing here, Misty?" The surprise was notable in Y/N's words.
Many people could walk through that door, but Misty was definitely not one of them.
"I should ask you the same question..." The woman came over and put her hands on the actress' shoulders, smiling amiably. "But we don't have time for that right now. You have a dinner to go! And it is not right to keep a man like Charles waiting."
"Charles?" Arthur asked, trying to find a way to join the conversation. "Is he also an actor?"
After these simple words, the redhead burst out laughing and Arthur didn't understand what he had done wrong this time. He was just curious and a little interested to know who was the man who had a date with Y/N that night.
"Actor? God, have you never heard of Charles Lewis Tiffany?" Misty questioned how if the fact that Arthur didn’t know the man was an offense to humanity and Arthur just shook his head, too embarrassed to say anything else.
Who the hell was this man? The Pope? And why did Y/N have a dinner with Pope?
"It's okay, Arthur." Always so graceful, the actress reassured him and left Misty's side to be close to him. "Charles owns Tiffany & Co., the one that appears in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's... Have you watched this movie before?"
"Oh, oftentimes!"
"Me either! And now Charles wants me to be the face of his new collection! I'm so excited, he came to Gotham just to follow it up in person!" The happiness shining in her eyes was contagious, but Misty didn’t like seeing Y/N squeeze the man’s arm gently.
"I hate to have to do this... the conversation is so pleasant, but we have to go, mon cher." With a smile, Y/N's manager adjusted the bag on her shoulder. She wanted to take the actress away from this freak as soon as possible.
"You cannot go without the VHS tape." Arthur objected, receiving a death glare from Misty, but the only thing that mattered to him was Y/N. "I'll get this for you." After these words, the man left the living room with a reason to make her stay a little longer in his apartment.
"Well, I think we're going to have to wait." Y/N shrugged, but inside she was beaming.
Feeling her mouth dry, she picked up the glass of water on the table, but that was her worst mistake.
"What are you doing? Don't drink this! That dirty glass is full of germs!" The glass was snatched from her hand and Y/N looked at Misty in disbelief.
"That glass is not dirty, Misty."
"How can you be sure of that? I heard that the Narrows sewer is one of the worst in Gotham!"
"Thanks for the lesson, but that didn’t come from the Narrows sewer. This water is from the kitchen tap."
"Oh my God..." The actress could have sworn that the woman's face turned green and she would vomit at any moment. "Why did you drink this? You'll be sick!"
Before Y/N had a chance to respond to these insanities, someone called her. She ran over to the bag and took out her cell phone. It was Charles.
"Hey, Charles! It's good to talk to you." On the other side, all she received were strange noises. The man's voice was being cut off and it was difficult to understand. "The connection is awful..."
"Why am I not surprised? Narrows is the end of the world!" Misty commented, rolling her eyes.
Without time for this discussion, Y/N said:
"Maybe in the corridor I will get a better signal."
"Be careful, you don't know what kind of neighbors there are in this place." She warned, listening to the door open and close, but Y/N said nothing.
Alone in the living room, Misty had the same disgusted look as when she arrived. For her this apartment is small even for an ant and this wallpaper is ridiculous, but in the midst of so much poverty, something on the couch attracted her attention.
"What do we have right here? I don't believe he has a diary..." The woman whispers to herself, laughing, after picking up Arthur's journal. She knew it was wrong, but she was bored.
The first few pages were OK, he had a shitty life like any other unfortunate person, but what came next scared the hell out of her. Misty knew there was something wrong with this man. The instant she saw him, she knew, but that... those words... were from a sick person. Arthur was a disgusting pervert. The redhead needed a moment to breathe and then she saw the magazines on the table and an scissors...
Oh no. He intends to include Y/N in this depravity show!
"I finally found." With bright eyes, Arthur looked for Y/N in the living room, but all he found was Misty... and his journal. "W-What... What are you d-doing?"
"Stay away from me!" She exclaimed, backing away for fear that he would do something against her. "I swear, if you get close I'll scream so loud and when Y/N comes through that door, I will tell her your little secret. She will be so disappointed, but she will finally find out who you really are... A perv!"
"N-No, please... You got it wrong." He tried, his voice taking on a desperate tone. Arthur didn't want to lose the actress's friendship. She was too important for him. "I c-can explain."
"Oh, can you explain? You will glue Y/N's head to a cat's body and then you will sit on that old sofa and touch yourself? You should be in Arkham! You're a sick person! I can't believe Y/N was alone with you..."
Arthur felt his stomach churning.
"You're wrong... I have a lot of respect for her. Y/N is special to me and I would never do something like that."
"I don't want to hear your excuses!" The woman threw the journal at him and Arthur cringed like a frightened dog. After hitting him on the back, the journal fell to the floor and when he saw those collages, he felt ashamed of himself. "Listen to me... I will say this only once: Stay away from her. It doesn’t matter what kind of fantasies you’ve created in your sick head, Y/N will not be a part of that. If I know that after today you keep talking to her, I'll call the police and when they find out you're a fucking perv, you will spend the rest of your days in Arkham." She warned with all the letters and threats, now it was up to him to choose to cooperate or not. This man is too old to play being a teenager. These images of naked women, these cats and those sad quotes in his journal prove just one thing. Maybe he's a sexual predator, but Misty wouldn't be here to find that out either. "Enjoy your pornography and leave Y/N alone. I hope I never see you again."
Arthur saw his world fall apart as soon as the redhead left his apartment with the worst assumptions about him. He was not a perverted monster. He would never touch Y/N without her consent and would never endanger her life. Never ever. Y/N was the only good thing about Gotham; she was a light at the end of the tunnel. So angelic and peaceful. Whenever she smiles, butterflies appear in his stomach and Arthur knows what these famous butterflies mean, but he doesn't know what those collages mean... If Y/N knew, she would probably be afraid of him.
In the corridor, the actress was trapped in a bubble, talking animatedly with Charles. The call had no specific reason, the man just wanted to make sure everything was fine for dinner that night.
"Okay... This is one of Gotham's best restaurants. Trust me, you will love the place!" She assured him, intending to make a good impression. It wasn't every day that she got a chance to dine with the genius behind Tiffany & Co. and represent that brand. This was an important step in her career. "Now I need to go, Charles. See you soon, bye!" Y/N hummed the ending, watching Misty approach where she was. "Why are you here?"
"It's just your friend's mom. She's not feeling very well..."
"Isn't Penny okay?" Concern crossed Y/N's face and she tried to get back to apartment 8J, but Misty took her arm, lying again:
"Y/N, don't be indiscreet. This is a family problem and Arthur is taking care of it." With those words, she guided the actress to the elevator, but Y/N kept looking at the door to Arthur's apartment. "You need to prepare for dinner... I chose a beautiful dress for you."
"Put red on her lips... Don't forget the mascara... and on the cheeks use this blush... Not this one! The peach blush!"
It was possible to say that Charles Lewis Tiffany was taking the place of the makeup artist. The woman was losing patience, Y/N realized this, but he wanted to participate in every second of it. When she finished, Charles smiled, admiring Y/N's beauty through the mirror.
"You see? You're genuinely beautiful... I think I finally found my muse." The actress was flattered by the compliments and that reflected in her smile when Charles took a blue box, but this was not a simple blue box. This is the famous Tiffany Blue Box. "I want you to meet my new creation..." He opened the box, stealing Y/N's breath instantly. "Dramatically plunging down the decolletage, an incredible emerald-cut bicolor zoisite that shifts from violet-blue to purplish-red, depending on the angle. The pendant is over 48 carats and it's wrapped in a halo of baguette diamonds and suspended from a diamond rondelle chain of over 37 total carats."
"Oh Charles, this is absolutely beautiful. I'm speechless..." She confessed, watching him take the necklace and offer to put it around her neck. Y/N accepted immediately and when the pendant touched the white fabric of the dress, she smiled at the mirror.
"Diamonds are a girl's best friend" Charles whispered, eliciting a giggle from her. "Now I need to speak to the photographer, but take a few minutes to prepare yourself." The man smiled one last time and Y/N walked to the door, opening it for him. She took the opportunity to spy on what was happening on the other side and it was possible to say that there was a little sadness in her eyes.
"What are you looking for?" Misty's voice echoed and she closed the door quickly.
"Huh... nothing!"
The woman was checking the contract – something about image authorization – and when she took her eyes off the papers, she found Y/N with a half-hearted smile.
"Go ahead... Spill the tea."
Brian was probably smoking, so Misty was her only option.
"Arthur was busy these days, but he called me this morning... He looked nervous and said he would like to talk to me, so I invited him to accompany the photoshoot, but..."
"You did what?!" Misty left the chair, interrupting her. Not wanting to start a scene, the redhead looked at Dariela, the makeup artist, and said: "Get out." The woman immediately stopped organizing her makeup and ran out of the dressing room.
"Was that necessary?" Y/N asked, crossing her arms.
"And was it necessary to invite that maniac to come here too?"
"Jesus, Misty!" She walked to the other side of the dressing room. "Manic? Really?"
"I'm just telling the truth."
"Based on what? His bank account?"
"Based on his journal." Misty replied and the actress looked in her direction with a frown. Shaking her head, the redhead let out a bitter laugh before confessing: "He doesn't use it just to write jokes... I found a lot of pornography on those pages."
Y/N felt a little uncomfortable with that. Certain things do not need to be exposed... She didn't need to know about that part of Arthur's life and Misty just invaded his privacy.
"Well... many men consume pornography daily."
"Y/N, pornography is not the point here. He makes some weird collages... women with cat heads... skulls... one of these women was tied up in a compromising position... Can you see how problematic this is?" Misty was trying to open her eyes and consequently was scaring the actress, but that was not all. "I saw the magazines. That man will probably do the same to you... your face on the body of these naked women or on a cat's body! You have always been uncomfortable with the way men see you only as a sex symbol... and now Arthur is using you as a sex toy!"
"Stop! Just stop, okay?" Y/N demanded, using an edgy tone of voice. That was too much for her to assimilate. "You're saying this because you do not accept the idea of ​​Arthur being my friend! All that matters to you is status, but it doesn't matter to me! When are you going to let me live my own life?"
"This is not about social classes, this man is a pervert! I'm trying to protect you!"
"Enough, Misty!" That was enough to make the redhead shut up and Y/N found her way back to the mirror.
To complete the look, inside the blue box was a beautiful diamond ring and a pair of shiny round diamond earrings, just waiting for her. Putting on the ring was an easy task, but she couldn’t say the same about earrings; her hands were shaking and this is all the fault of the stress.
"Let me help you." The manager approached and at first Y/N refused her help, but after another failed attempt, she handed the earrings to the woman. "I know I can be a bitch sometimes..."
Misty just sighed, shaking her head.
a/n – likes and reblogs are appreciated but honestly I’d love to know what you all think of this one. really hope you enjoy it and thank you soooo much for reading ♡
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bbyhaikyuu · 4 years
Captains as Older Brothers || Headcanons
Ushijima Wakatoshi || Kuroo Tetsurou || Oikawa Tooru || Sawamura Daichi || Bokuto Kotaro
Warnings: Just some swear words here and there. gn!reader.
I actually have two brothers, one older and one younger. So this one is probably influenced by my experiences
M.List || Requests
Ushijima Wakatoshi
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Everyone is surprised that you're his younger sibling?? I mean, you're a ball of sunshine and Wakatoshi is... Wakatoshi.
What they didn't know is that precisely because of your older brother, you were able to become the person you are today.
He was the one who kept you distracted while your parents fought. The one who shouldered everything just to let you have a normal childhood. And the one who demanded that both of you should always be together. He practically raised you in a way.
The type of brother who rarely bickers and just lets you win? He mature like that.
The dorm rooms for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years are separated but you visit each other frequently, be it for homework, movie nights, or just plain gossiping ya'know?
Tendou naturally became your brother too. The best one to talk about the manga and animes because all your brother does is read the advertisements on jump.
Occasionally treats you with food whenever you do good at exams.
Found out about the love letters you've been getting. Rejects them for you lmaoooo.
Probably because you've told him about the person you kinda like. You can't really tell your mom about these stuff because when you were a kid and told her about liking someone, you just got a long ass lecture.
Wingman Wakatoshi nii-san? Hell yeah. Although he can just threaten them and everything will work out.
Best head pats. It's a fact.
Originally was against the idea of letting you play volleyball. But after seeing how passionate you were he just went— ah, fuck it
You still were far from matching his strength in spiking, but it doesn't mean you're not good at it. (you're the best according to nii-san. Don't tell Goshiki)
Has the softest smile when you're around. His team is actually dumbstruck seeing him that way.
Practically has the whole volleyball team looking after you.
Kuroo Tetsurou
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The type of older brother that basically imparts all his knowledge unto you.
I have always been this kind
Yeah but loves to annoy the shit out of you. You're just lying on your bed? Mf will suffocate you with his body. But he can tell when you aren't really in the mood to play around anymore.
You and Kenma always occasionally make fun of him. Or give him the stink eye. Depends on what shit he said.
Oh yeah remember the way he taught Tsukki about blocking? He likes to be straightforward with his words and criticism.
Midnight drives and food trip. It's like a monthly bonding thing you guys have. Might also turn into a driving lesson.
Also drives for you when you go out with friends. Fetches you when it's already late at night because he doesn't trust public transport that much.
Usually let's you experience and learn some things on your own. But steps in once it feels like it's too dangerous or if he feels like you can't handle the aftermath.
He wants to be considered as the best older brother. Kinda regrets letting you meet the rest of his team. They all baby you and even Lev's older sister loves you.
Getting bullied? Try to hide it from him? No chance, he got eyes and ears everywhere. He's ready to throw hands. Even the rest of the volleyball team got their fists ready.
Brings you along whenever he comes over at Kenma's house because you and Kenma seem to get along more than him.
Might have tried to set you and Kenma up. He failed.
You and Kenma decided to ignore him for like a week. Profusely apologized after 3 days and swore he won't do it ever again.
Has a quote that goes "It's the older brother's job to annoy his younger sibling."
Honestly a good brother 11/10. Would bring a speaker and food into your room just to cheer you up. Makes fun of you after when he knows that you're over it.
Oikawa Tooru
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Either verbal or physical. This bitch won't back down.
You both lost count of how your mother threatened to handcuff you both on a pole for a whole day.
But don't be fooled. He brought out the best of his team. He can do that to you too.
Likes to give you shitty nicknames. One of his fangirls thought it would be a good idea to call you that and Oikawa overheard it. "Who do you think you are to use that nickname? " istg that girl ran away like lightning. Sonic could never.
Honestly you just fight everywhere. Iwaizumi either stops you both or joins you in bullying shittykawa.
You know that thing where you just stand in the doorway of his bedroom and like, stare at him for a good minute and leave without closing the door? Yeah he hates that.
Honestly when he's feeling down, he just goes to your room, flop down on your bed, and talk his heart out. He thinks you're just scrolling through your phone and not listening to his rambles, but thats not the case. You rarely give out advices because you know that he just wants to lift the burden off his shoulders when he talks about his thoughts.
You rarely play volleyball, but will play with him just to make him feel better.
Being Oikawa's sibling means you're crazy good even if you rarely play. People are confused.
100% helped you during your first heartbreak.
Will probably break down your door just because he wants to try a tiktok trend with you.
When the fight gets a little out of hand. Neither of you says sorry. Just pop your head into the bedroom and ask him if he wants to eat. That always solves the problem.
Never says it but he is extremely proud of his sibling. Secretly boasts about you to your teammates.
School heartthrobs. You don't really care though unlike your hoe of a brother.
Asks you to come along with him to do his practices. Never lets you go home alone
Tries really hard to be the best older brother. Of course you love him.
Sawamura Daichi
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Play fighting. A lot of play fighting. Either through volleyball or wrestling.
He knows he's stronger than you so he usually tries to match his strength with yours.
Will not hesitate to put you in a headlock if you keep being an ass.
Does a pretty good job of keeping you down. I mean, he is scary when he's mad. A look or a smile can make you shut up already.
Knows when something is bugging you. Will not hesitate to ask you about it so that he can help you resolve it as fast as possible.
The type to give you a piggy back ride if you still felt like shit.
Actually asked Chikara to make sure Tanaka and Noya limit their interaction with you because he knows that those two are up to no good. After quite some time and persuading, he finally trusts them enough to be around you.
Pranks. A lot of pranks. Daichi has boomer tendencies so he probably won't know about the latest trends. Sugawara is very supportive of your plans too.
One time you almost got hit by a stray ball. He ran faster than Hinata.
Doesn't say it but he gets jealous when you hug Asahi. Who couldn't resist hugging that teddy bear?
Will ruffle your hair whenever you did something great. You kinda got accustomed to it.
Actual fights never really happen? You retort once or twice but that's pretty much it.
Knows how to cook and bake. With you being his personal critique. He bakes your favorites every Sunday.
Knows when to bother you and when not to.
Older brother instincts is one of the best of the best.
Bokuto Koutarou
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A f f e c t i o n. Lots and lots of it.
Will hug you out of the blue. Or throw you out somewhere, depends on his mood. You don't mind though.
You are a perfect balance between Bokuto and Akaashi's personality. Like their love child.
You don't really have an emo mode though, just a really strong aura that can match your brother's. Akaashi was thankful because he didn't want to take care of two Bokutos. His system can't handle it.
Bokuto emo mode? Call him nii-chan along with some compliments, that'll do. That's why you're always needed when they have a game. And when you can't come, a quick call from you is usually the team's plan B.
Usually takes you to his practices if you have nothing else to do. Will probably or maybe already has taught you everything he knows.
Tried to smuggle you with him during his summer training camp. He got caught by Akaashi and got lectured by your mom.
Travelling is normal for him because of volleyball. Expect a lot of souvenirs and gifts. He spoiled you so much and he doesn't even realize it. You don't take it for granted though.
You fought once. That was it. He went on full emo mode. You never try to bicker with him again.
The type to send you snaps and tiktoks of the most random things. Even at three in the morning. Not that you're asleep (Don't tell mom.)
Will try to smuggle you again. You woke up to him trying to stuff you in a suitcase.
Will give you infinite amounts of piggy back rides despite your age.
Kuroo and Hinata knows about you because he just doesn't stop talking about his precious sibling.
Feeling down? Expect Bokuto to go into nii-chan mode. Will not hesitate to slap a bitch. Or take you to explore the city and buy you food and stuff. Remember the way of the ace T-shirt? Yeah, you have a matching one.
When he feels down, but not like his emo mode, he just usually plops down next to you and start talking. Feel free to give out advices, he'll always say that you're the smartest and the best.
A great older brother indeed. He doesn't even realize it.
Gif Sources : Ushijima, Kuroo, Oikawa, Daichi, Bokuto
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knight-engale · 4 years
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I have finally redone Sakura! She’s my oldest student OC and is b a b y
Bio under the cut!
★ Sakura Himekawa ★
"Anything you can do, I can do better! Watch!"
■ Name || Sakura Himekawa ■  Japanese Name || 姫川 桜 ■  Rōmaji || Himekawa Sakura ■  Alias || Mimick (ミミック Mimikku) ■  Epithet || none yet ■  Nicknames || Copy-cat (Bakugo), Kiki (family), Kura (public nickname) ■  Birthday || May 5 ■  Age || 15-16 ■  Gender || Female ■  Height || 5'4 (165cm) ■  Hair Color || Pink ■  Eye Color || Blue-green ■  Blood Type || AB ■  Quirk || Copy Eye ■  Status || Alive ■  Occupation || Student ■  Affiliation || U.A. High School ■  Fighting Style || Varied ■  First Appearance:
Manga: TBD Anime: TBD
■  Portrayal:
Ja: Kana Asumi Eng: Kate Higgins
◣ A b o u t ◥
███ Short Introduction
Sakura Himekawa is a first year student at U.A. High School, training to be a Pro Hero. She is part of Class 1-A.
███ History
Sakura is the only child of a florist and minor Pro Hero. Her Quirk manifested at age 3 and was incorrectly identified for about six months, as she only copied her father's Quirk. It wasn't until she copied her uncle's Quirk one day that he Quirk was reevaluated.
When she was 5, Sakura's parents died suddenly when her mother's flower shop was attacked by a relatively powerful villain. Sakura was sent to live with her maternal grandparents. Her grandparents, however, ultimately proved to be unfit to care for her. When Sakura was 10, custody was transferred to her Uncle Yukio, who she continued to live with until moving in to the U.A. dorms.
She enjoyed watching Yukio, who was a moderately successful Pro Hero now, train, and loved to hear stories from his job. She decided to become a Pro Hero to emulate him. Eventually, though, her motivation morphed into wanting to get rid of villains so that no one would have to experience the same sort of childhood trauma that she had.
◣ A p p e a r a n c e ◥
███ Appearance
Sakura is of about average height, with a moderately curvy figure. She has pink hair that falls just past her shoulders and large blue-green eyes. Her eyebrows are particularly thin. At school, Sakura wears the typical U.A. girls' uniform. Sakura's casual attire is heavily influenced by vintage American clothing, consisting of vintage blouses, high-waisted pants or shorts, and mid-20th century style dresses. Her wardrobe is very versatile and can be easily adapted to cold weather with jackets and leggings. Sakura's hero costume appears rather simple, consisting of long grey gloves, a high-collared grey and white leotard, and grey thigh-high boots. However, the material her costume is made of is very durable, as it needs to withstand any possible Quirk side-effects. In the winter, she switches the leotard for a unitard.
███ Personality
At first glance, Sakura seems to be rather introverted, often keeping to herself and observing instead of interacting. However, once she's warmed up to someone, she is very bubbly and outspoken. She enjoys being around people with lots of energy, even when she isn't feeling particularly energetic. She could be described as an ambivert, with her mix of introverted and extraverted tendencies; while she enjoys being around lots of people, she is also perfectly fine to be by herself, and finds both activities to be energizing. Sakura is very sensitive and caring toward her friends, and could easily be considered a mom friend. She has a strong sense of loyalty and duty. She finds satisfaction in making sure the people around her are cared for. She is also good at time management, making sure to have enough time to do everything she plans to do in a day. This trait pairs well with her studiousness, and as a result she is a wonderful student. As in all things, Sakura has her weaknesses. She often worries about how she is perceived by the people around her, and gets stressed if she thinks she comes off as clingy or overbearing. As such, she can be inflexible at times, stubbornly refusing to do things outside of the social norm. She also gets particularly stressed when forced to deviate from a plan and dislikes improvising, even when necessary. It should be noted that her inflexibility doesn't usually apply to combat situations. She is susceptible to criticism, and becomes defensive and hurt when people, especially loved ones, criticize her. Furthermore, her naturally affectionate and selfless nature can sometimes be overwhelming to others, and can also lead her to neglect her own well-being.
███ Likes
✔ ice cream ✔ pastel colors ✔ music ✔ spicy food ✔ fantasy RPGs ✔ reading (especially fluffy romance) ✔ drawing
███ Dislikes
✘ villains ✘ running in to Yukio at school ✘ hot weather ✘ loud noises ✘ being babied by adults
◣ A b i l i t i e s ◥
Overall Abilities:
Photographic Memory: A pleasant side-effect of Sakura's Quirk is that she has an impeccable memory, allowing her to recall what she's studied with perfect or nearly perfect accuracy.
███ Quirk
Copy Eye (アイをコピー Ai o kopī): Sakura can copy and store any Emitter Quirk by watching a target and studying how they use their Quirk. The longer she studies a Quirk, the longer she can use it. For example, if she studies a Quirk for three minutes, she can use it for three minutes. She can store one Quirk at a time for up to 12 hours, starting from when she finishes studying a Quirk, and doesn't need to use it all at once. She can only copy Quirks if she understands what the Quirk does, and at least part of how it works. If she misunderstands a Quirk, or doesn't know how to activate it, she can't copy it. She must also keep her physical limitations in mind while picking and using Quirks; while she has remarkable endurance, her body is not adapted to handling every Emitter Quirk, and she might not be able to handle side effects. Overextending herself while using a copied Quirk will result in her suffering that Quirk's side effects.
███ Stats
Power: 1/5 F
Speed: 2/5 D
Technique: 3/5 C*
Intelligence: 4/5 B
Cooperativeness: 5/5 A *Technically, her technique stat varies depending on her familiarity with the Quirk she's using.
◣ B a t t l e s & E v e n t s ◥
◣ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ◥
Leave a comment with your OC and we can discuss a relationship!
Class 1-A: Most of the class (friends), Seiyo Ametsuchi (SweetSummerCourier) (friends)
Class 1-B: Neito Monoma (rrrrrivals), Natsuka Aozora (friends)
Faculty: Faculty: Yukio Sasaki (uncle), Hizashi Yamada (honorary uncle), Shota Aizawa (honorary uncle)
Pro Heroes: See above
Love Interest/s: Izuku Midoriya (crush, but it's not like they're official)
███ Trivia
Her favorite Quirks to copy are Erasure and Voice.
She's bi-curious. What can you say, Yaoyorozu is pretty cute
Her first and last names means "princess of rivers" and "cherry blossom", respectively.
If being a Pro Hero falls through, she wants to be a secretary or Hero Agency manager.
███ Quotes
"Can I borrow someone's Quirk? I need to blast Mineta into the sun."
"Oh, hi there! I'm Sakura, but you can call me Kura if you want."
"I can't hand out right now, sorry. I need to study."
Original template (c) dre-tama | modified by Phantom-OtakuRef sheet template (c)
Reference template (c) Iya5RT
BNHA (c) Kohei Horikoshi
Sakura, artwork (c) knight-engale
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literallymitch · 3 years
𝐋𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐲 || 𝐕.𝐃.𝐀
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requested: yes
summary: Vic is finally back from tour and you two decide to a have lazy day at home
pairing: Victoria De Angelis
word Count: 617
what kind of content: pure fluff
warnings: like one swear word and brief mentions of sex at the ending
a/n I’m in my Vic feels now. Vic if you see this pls marry me. Please keep in mind that english is not my first language.
I woke up feeling someone placing small kisses all over my face. I opened my eyes looking directly into the face of my beautiful girlfriend.
“Good morning sleepy head.” she said
“Good morning love”, I pulled her into my arms, softly kissing her temple.
God, I have missed her so much the past two months she was on tour. We texted and faced timed every day, which helped a bit, but having her here with me was obviously way better.
“What do you think if we just stay in the whole day? The others wanted to have lunch together, but I’d rather just stay here with you.” Vic requested.
“Are you sure?”
“Mhhh spending the whole day cuddling with my girlfriend whom I  haven’t seen in two months or have lunch with my idiot bandmates I’ve seen every day for the past two months? Yeah, that really is a though decision, but I think I’ll go with the option that involves you.”
I playfully rolled my eyes at her.
“I’m honored that you choose to spend your precious times with me, my lady.”, we both started laughing.
“Well Shakespeare, we better go and make breakfast now, or I have to change my mind and go for the lunch option. I’m starving.”
Vic literally dragged me out of bed and into the kitchen. We decided to make some pancakes. While I made us some coffee while she made the pancakes. Not going to lie, her pancake making skill are probably just as good as her bass skills. I washed some strawberries we still had in the fridge and cut them. After we finished breakfast, we went straight back into bed.
“Come here, I need some cuddles.” I heard my whiny girlfriend.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder.
“I missed this so much. Like having you with me and just cuddle and shit.” she said, placing a kiss on the top of my head.
“Ugh me too! I told y/b/n that I missed you so often, they were ready to book a flight and excuse me from uni so I could visit you.” we both started laughing.
“The boys also were so annoyed, because I just talked about you. I quote “And we thought your obsession with Harry Styles is bad, but your obsession with y/n? That’s even worse!” I mean, they didn’t lie”
“Speaking of Harry, I was thinking we could go to one of his concerts when he’s coming to Rome again.”
“Are you kidding?! I would love that! Spending time with you and seeing Harry live, that’s what I call quality time.” I gave her a big smile, while she kissed the tip of my nose.
The bassist lied her head on top of mine and started caressing my arm. We both didn’t say anything just enjoying each other's company. After a while Vic broke the silences.
“You know, I could really spend the rest of my life like this, with you?”
“Wait, are you proposing right now?”
“God no, were still too young for that, but I definitely see my self doing it in a few years.” she chuckled nervously.
“Well you better do, or I’ll do it because I don’t see myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else. Okay, maybe with y/c/c (your celebrity crush).”
“I guess then I have to make sure you never meet them. I’m not gonna let anyone take you away from me.”
“Or you can simply convince me why I should be with you.” I winked at her.
“Oh if that’s so then I better get started.”
Let’s just say she did a great Job at convincing me.
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