#every second i think “hey this is kinda neat idea” the show comes at me with another character assassination moment that slaps me
the-scooby-gang · 1 year
I'm watching HBOVelma (by 🏴‍☠️ means, HBO will not see a shadow of my money) for review purposes but what I came to talk about here is that the Brazilian dub changed the #MeToo line!!
Daphne: " Yeah it must be it [selling drugs for money gain], because the genius Velma Dinkley always knows everything about everyone and has no fear of talking about it"
Velma: "Exacltly. I do talk, darling. Like every comedian before TikTok was invented"
This an actual commentary on real shit instead of the " i hate women that speak up about being raped by celebrities" mess that it was before.
After TikTok, people started filtering themselves with words like "Unalive" and there are things in TikTok you have to sensor or straight up not show or talk about because of the way the platform works
Its a perfect change? No, but its better than what was there before
I have many thoughts on this hell scape of a show and how the one I'm watching feels slightly different because of the voice actors (since they are the same voice actors that the Gang always has since Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated they can't take the "we know each other for half a decade now" from their voices so the gang talks with a layer of familiarity and fondness that the english version doesn't have. Hell, in this very line Velma calls Daphne "Querida" [Darling] in such a natural way. It has a mocking tint to it but at the same time there is something familiar and fond because I have heard Fernanda Baronne as Velma call Daphne "Darling" before and on those times they were friends) and I want to truly dissect where they dropped the ball... and set it ablaze
I will make a full season review. I will watch both the Brazilian Dub and the English dub to compare and have a more nuanced view since this line has show me that the dub may be making this more tolerable (and they deserve a Prize for that because this is already hell for a scooby fan with the voice actors putting their whole pussies in their performances to save this shit, I can't imagine the feeling that will rise on me when that familiarity is gone)
Lets call it "I watched Velma HBO so you don't have too"
See you later my meddling kids.
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kindlyanni · 2 years
A damn long post of asks and replies
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Thank you! I'm glad it's something people want to read again! :3
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You're welcome! I hope you enjoy the comics even though the characters are a bit different from my fanart :'D
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Hell ye! I'd be happy to read and share it when it's out there! :) I'm glad I could provide inspiration!
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Haha thank you! It's been interesting to see so many people share and enjoy my fanart even though they have no idea what they're about :D As a creator it brings me lots of joy.
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Thank you!
Heh, I was thinking here that Dream's kinda mindlesslly fiddling with Hob's shirt collar and when Hob asks if he should remove it Dream takes a second to compose his answer because sure, he wouldn't mind the shirt coming off but he also doesn't want to seem too eager about that.
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I think the flowers are a neat way to show when someone is smitten. I felt like small hearts wouldn't be quite Hob so I drew small flowers instead.
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Oh gosh, thank you very much! I'm glad so many people liked the idea if Dream not wanna undress.
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Haha, thank you! Violet and purple are my favorite colors and I usually pick that when I start an illustration (I always sketch with a colored brush), and my art often ends up being purple. But it's also a very dream-like color (heh) so it fits well for The Sandman fanart :3
I actually struggled a bit with the long comic to make the colors cohesive so I just slapped a layer of purple with a color mode on every page and that sort of did the trick :''D Sometimes all it takes is to play around with the layer blend modes.
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Thank you so much! (p...please don't die, I take no responsibility;;)
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Thank you!
I don't do commisions, unfortunately. Not at the moment, at least.
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Sure! Cat pics are always welcome!
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cat!Dream has very Miette energy tbf!
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Yay, thank you so much!!
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Thank you, I'm glad to hear that! And hey, take your time. Webcomics can be a lot, and when mine's like 1000 pages lmao..... yeah. You don't have to start from the beginning, if you remember approximately where you left, just hop on chapter x from the archive and browse on a little bit. If you made it to Book 2 already, I think the beginning of it is a good place to hop on again. But things come and go in waves, the same is with enjoying webcomics or any media really. Don't feel bad, focus on what brings you joy in this moment.
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Haha, well I'm not gonna stop you ;D I'm glad you're enjoying it!! <3
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Maybe? Maybe not?? who knows.
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When I started Transfusions it was fun to have a vampire who's kinda fresh, still, because vampires are always like 300 years old or whatever in every other media. Plus I'm not a history nerd so I can't be bothered to be historically accurate and have people nag about how I got this and that wrong from period x. Looking back to 1960-1980 is relatively easy lol. And a punk vampire is funny.
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Thank you very much, I'm always glad to hear people finding and enjoying The Witch Door. I've kinda felt like struggling to find it it's audience since it's not BL and I worry if my brain is big enough to write this kind of a story. So comments like these are very reassuring and encouraging! Danke schön! :) (my back is doing better, thought it still gets achy if I sit for too long. Just gotta try to remember to exercise OTL)
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silvertsundere · 11 months
Silver Talks AniManga (18/06/23)
wao 2 new series this time, tho one of them came out ages ago but just didn't get scanlations past chap 1 til now but anyway also just noticed as I was about to press post but I forgot to put a * on sakamoto and don't feel like remaking the pic again so yeah
green - new series/new to me
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Megumin Ep11
the finale episode's title is gonna be the show's title so that's neat, always cool when they do that anyway, same thing I said about last episode basically, ever since they got to axel there's just been a billion konosuba easter eggs in the background to the point where it doesn't feel like easter eggs in a spinoff and more of a like "hey you like konosuba right right look at this! kazuma and aqua in the background saying the same lines from the show! wow! so cool right?" and I don't like that. like if they just did that once, or even once per ep it'd be fine but it happens every 5 minutes, not just with those 2 but other people like darkness and wiz
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Imas CG: U149 Ep10
I was completely right with my prediction last week, expect the ep wasn't about making the song, since it was already done at the start, but instead them fighting upper management to be able to do a live, which they were iffy about cause budget and stuff, so they had to come up with a solution for that. it had a TON of cameos from CG idols whic was very nice. and you might think "oh that's good but you were bitching about the konosuba ones?" but it's completely different. in this the cameos showed during the insert song as panning still shots with the girls talking to them, not just showing a scene that already happened from another pov but whatever anyway good ep ofc, there was even an extra scene after the ED giving a taster of the drama for arisu's episode next week so that will be very good too
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Mashle Ep10
after the episode last week I was trying to figure out with mega where the anime was gonna end and went around and looked at the manga and came to this conclusion and I was completely right, and from the episode title it seems like I'll be right about that too. mega thought the end of the anime was gonna be one of the manga spreads with all the divine visionaries but that doesn't happen til waaaay after this so no way, however right after the I0 goon leaves, everyone finds out mash has no magic which would be an appropriate cliffhanger, with s2 getting announced along with the finale of both the anime and manga but we'll know for sure in 2 weeks
anyway, very unimpressive episode, but that's come to be expected
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Pokemon Horizons Ep11
what the hell!! nemona got like 4 sentences at the start of the ep and this disappeared.. what's the point!! but anyway nice ep, they teased molly's backstory only to just have it on the same episode anyway which was kinda weird but go off. I expected them to get done with this forest stuff in the ep but it being multiple ones isn't bad either, also from the pv maybe we'll see riko's mom next ep? so that's exciting
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Jigokuraku Ep11
nice episode, nothing fancy in terms of animation or anything but still good. was mostly just the choubei and gabimaru fights where they learn tao. now that we're 2 eps from the end I don't think it'll actually end where I predicted previously. from the cliffhanger at the end the next episode should be all of the sagiri and co fight vs the tensen. looked at the manga again to get an idea of where it might end at this rate and after that it's the gabimaru vs choubei fight followed by the second expedition making landfall but that's quite a lot of chaps so I'm not sure.. it would be a good stopping point with shugen arriving being a big turning point but ANYWAY I'll have a better idea after next episode for sure when I see what they cover
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Martial Master Asumi Ch1
the newest series on jump, debuting this week by Kawada the mangaka behind Hinomaru Sumo which was quite successful some years ago. this time around it's a series about MMA, which the english title can be abbreviated into which is a very cool touch from the localization team. anyway, really good first chap, no complaints from me, you can tell that it was made by a jump veteran. the first chap was the introduction of our main character asumi and what is MMA and all that for people who don't know anything about it with a little bit of a taste of action at the end. the grandpa in this has dementia and in just this one chap they did a waaaaay better job of showing what dementia really looks like compared to whatever the hell ichinose was doing. I'll be looking forward to this, I really liked the chap, the art's really good and don't even get me started on how good the main girl is glasses? spats? can kick ass? sheesh, let's just hope this and do retry don't cannibalize each other and instead nue, ichinose or fabricant end instead
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VERSUS Ch1 - 6
this is ONE's take on the good ol 1v1 battle manga..or is it? after a plot twist it's revealed that it's actually an isekai! or is it? it's actually more like a reverse isekai^13. it's ONE so you know you can expect some very cool genre deconstruction and this does not dissappoint (yet). I read chap 1 back in january or december when it came out, but there haven't been any english TLs til now, it's monthly too so that's painful. anyway, yeah it's good so far, our protagonists are on the brink of extinction so they try to summon people from another world to help them, while the same people (from 12 different worlds) were doing the same thing at the same time, leading all 13 worlds to get fused into a single one bringing along the enemies of all 13 humanities into the same planet and causing massive chaos. humanity is too weak to fight their respective (or any) enemies so their current plan is to make them fight and kill each other off, we'll see how that goes tho. I really like OPM and mob so I trust ONE fully, looking forward to this continuing. hopefully doesn't get picked up by kmanga (terrible service) or tls will become a lot harder to find oh also the art's really good too forgot to mention
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Dandadan Ch110
what the hell that's just [The Hand] anyway mostly action chap, finally seeing momo's side of the fight, tho things didn't go as well as you'd think when we left off. I'm assuming okarun is gonna show up next chap, it'd be perfect timing
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Kindergarten WARS Ch16 - 18
you know, up until now I was like "you know it's p funny sometimes and the art's really good I can see why it's so popular" but this mini arc, especially chap 17 and 18 were extremely good. like just wow, I really didn't expect something like this. not gonna hold my breath for a lot more content like this in the like 15 chaps left to catch up but I can hope
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Nue's Exorcist Ch6
author introducing yet another girl, this one's here to kill/steal nue's power, that's still not gonna help the series tho chief. I don't like being so negative but I really think this one's going in the U19 club
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Kill Blue Ch9
turns out the fight was p goofy, with the baddie trying to put a pacifier on ogami's mouth as the duel but it was a nice chap. at the end of it he came to this realization, which I was hoping would happen so that's good
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Do Retry Ch7
good chap, the art felt better than usual too, there were some really nice panels, sadly the series is doing p bad in terms of the rankings being 4th from the bottom this week, and this week MMA started, which is another combat sports manga by a veteran mangaka (hinomaru sumo), which is probably not gonna help it one bit
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Witch Watch Ch113
well I was right to think that the confession wouldn't go as planned cause it'd be too easy but I didn't expect that what the hell, even the title had double meaning wild
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Blue Box Ch105
another good chap, with some more natsu shamelessness at the end they were debating about wether or not to tell their parents about it and decided not to which I think is good since they're living together and all that. doesn't seem like it'll end any time soon so looking forward to more cute stuff from these two
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch10
good chap, curious to see what the director guy is gonna say about the script since he found out about it at the end. sadly tenmaku has not been doing well at all, it was rate last this week and 3rd and 4th from the bottom in the 2 previous issues, which is bad enough that tosh had to do some fanservice on the cover today to try and grab people's attention. I guess the jp crowd just isn't interested in film making, I mean I can kinda see it cause it IS a manga and all but should still give it a chance smh, meanwhile other stuff that's much worse gets to go on for ages
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Cipher Academy Ch28
another good chap, got the backstory for toshusai's goon they teased last time and set up the next match. I'm more curious what went on in that pre-match match but we'll get there eventually
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Undead Unluck Ch163
seems like we're getting our tournament after all but with the twist that it'll be shen fighting everyone one by one as a way for him to get stronger and stronger, even more excited about this now. I thought we'd see some different matchups but this makes a lot more sense since the union people wouldn't have any reason to fight seriously against each other when the plan is just to recruit shen and beat feng
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Mashle Ch160
that's it finn that's the whole series. anyway the final battle is finally over, the anime only has 2 more eps left so I'm expecting 2 more chaps too, it's been a good ride
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The Elusive Samurai Ch114
the intermission is over and we finally saw our protagonists again with different appearances too, it's been quite a while. the cliffhanger showed tokiyuki leaving to go join one of the courts, in historical fact he sided with the south to go against takauji so if this does the same we'll have a better idea of what might happen after too (not good things for tokiyuki monka)
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Akane-banashi Ch66
very good chap, like always. when the chap started with the master telling her to stop voice acting the different characters and focus on the rakugou stuff I figured this is where it was going but it's still very cool to see. I'm guessing the next chap is gonna be the end of her performance but I could see it taking 2 more. my predictions for the scores from last week still stands tho, but seeing how much she's improved just makes me more excited to see akane perform again
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch133
some good lewd panels in this chap but they all pale in comparison to how funny the end was, god shirogane is right suzu is indeed shameless
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JOJOLands Ch5
what the hell? jojo on a sunday? I honestly thought it'd be coming out at some point during next week but hey I ain't complaining tho it feels weird for it to be at the bottom here like this instead of in the middle like usual but anyway. good chap, it was cool seeing rohan dominating 3 stand users but it only made sense for the plot if he lost, tho it was nice to see more of how [November Rain] works. quite a bit of lore stuff in this chap too, very curious to learn more about all this stuff, really feels like early p7 and p8 where there's a ton of terms flying around and you don't know what the hell they're talking about lol
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What’s your ranking of all of the tribes from least to most in terms of favorites?
Ok time to rate every single fucking tribe from Mixels, starting with the worst and working my way down to the best.
24, Munchos: this tribe always just felt kinda pointless to me, they’re basically just the Fang Gang but purple and with none of the aspects that made the Fang Gang cool. in my eyes the Munchos are the only tribe where they basically wasted a tribe slot on a stupid idea.
23, MCFD: Turnip before you come to my house and hold me at gunpoint for putting the MCFD this low, please allow me to explain myself. It’s not that I hate the idea of a firefighter tribe, in theory that does sound kinda cool, my problem with the tribe is that in practice, the MCFD are actually a very limited tribe to come up with design ideas for.
22, Nindjas: not that I hate the concept of a tribe based on ninjas/Japanese mythology and culture, but to me at least this tribe feels more like Lego simping over Ninjago than actually making a tribe that represents what are basically the Japan Mixels in any meaningful way. not to mention that their color palette is basically identical to the Flexers, they should’ve been white with red and/or pink accents smh.
21, Trashoz: ok so you guys may be wondering, ”Golly gee Mod Niksput, why the fuck did you rank the literal fucking GARBAGE TRIBE higher than the ninja tribe?” and to that I say, I honestly don’t know. I guess I’m just that salty about how the ninja tribe was executed. at least the garbage tribe is a bit more accurate to it’s inspiration? granted I constantly forget which Trashoz are which and sometimes even forget that the tribe even exists, but still at least they have a color palette that isn’t basically identical to another tribe.
20, MCPD: wow I must really not be a big fan of the 2016 tribes, but anyway for what they are, the MCPD are actually pretty alright. the main reason why they’re so low is because, well, they’re basically cops. and nowadays cops aren’t exactly seen in the most, positive light, and seeing how Lego decided to stop making Police-themed sets in the Lego City line around the time police brutality became an issue, I wouldn’t really be surprised if the MCPD was erased from the canon in a potential Mixels reboot/revival.
19, Lixers: I’m mostly just kinda neutral on the Lixers, I honestly don’t have much to say on them. on a semi-related sidenote, did you know that Turg caused a controversy and was actually temporarily banned in another country because his Lego description contained an offensive word? granted he was shortly unbanned after his Lego description got changed and it was the UK that got offended so does it really matter that much?
18, Fang Gang: oh hey it’s the tribe that Lego made useless lean-coloured ripoffs of! I also don’t have much to say about them, I do like jawg though.
17, Medix: the medical theme these guys have is pretty neat, that’s about it really.
16, Flexers: I don’t have much to say about these guys, but I do sometimes like to think that these guys were secretly the air tribe this whole time because they live in these floating sky houses.
15, Mixies: if it wasn’t for how cool Jamzy was in EKHID, this tribe would probably be way lower, they do get some points docked however for Trumpsy basically just being a background character and Tapsy not even showing up in the episode outside of the intro.
14, Newzers: Screeno has basically become a meme in the Mixels Wiki Discord server, so I’ve kinda warmed up to the tribe because of that. the Max looks fucking awful though.
13, Spikels: this tribe is actually pretty good, it mostly places so low because of Scorpi’s dead weight.
12, Pyrratz: ok first of all, love the pirate theme, it’s a really fun idea and a more interesting and less creatively limiting concept for a water tribe. second, the Max is easily one of if not the best one that Mixels has to offer. unfortunately this tribe suffers from the same problem as the Mixies, where one of the members of the tribe, Lewt in this case, doesn’t even show up in the episode besides the intro.
11, Medivals: here it is, my favorite 2016 tribe, it mostly ranks this high because of EKHID, but also because Mixadel has the same VA as Kaos from Skylanders and I love it. I’m also one of Camillot’s surrogate dads now (even though I’m a female) so I’m kinda obligated to rank his tribe higher up.
10, Weldos: chainsaws are cool, what can I say? they also have a pretty cool max too, a shame that they barely did anything in Mixamajig and literally only showed up at the end.
9, Klinkers: steampunk is cool, what can I say? too bad that Gox seems to be basically Mr Krabs but a Mixel.
8, Cragsters: I just think they’re neat
7, Glorp Corp: they’re G R E E N . also I like the idea of them being a poison tribe.
6, Frosticons: ice tribe, admittedly it’s mostly Flurr and I guess also Krog and Lunk carrying the tribe, because admittedly the others have kinda meh designs and the only other one with an interesting design, Snoof, is an asshole. overall they’re a pretty solid tribe though.
5, Electroids: this is a really good tribe, a perfect electricity tribe, they also have easily the best Max of series 1.
4, Wiztastics: good ol’ magic tribe! fantastic tribe concept, wonderful execution of said concept, great personalities among the individual members, just A+ scores across the board.
3, Glowkies: can I just say that I’m so glad that they didn’t make this tribe all evil and edgy and stuff like how other franchises do with darkness and bat-themed creatures/characters? in fact they went out of their way to make the Glowkies the exact opposite of that, highly social party animals that live for the art of performance and probably only live in the moon caves because its basically the only place that’s fully habitable. all that aside I love these guys, the way they completely subverted expectations with a tribe like this is absolutely amazing in my eyes and I love the glow-in-the-dark eyes that the lego sets have.
2, infernites: fire is cool, what can I say? this is easily the best of the 6-member tribes, and I think that all 6 of them are all really great Mixels in their own right. these guys are easily the franchise’s most iconic tribe, with Flain basically being the Agumon of the series. Burnard was even in Lego Worlds! despite all this, there’s still one more tribe that ranks even higher than them…
1, Orbitons: yeah, you guys probably saw this one coming from a continent away, but what can I say? the Orbitons are just such an amazing tribe. amazing concept, a tribe based on astronauts and aliens that live on an isolated colony on the moon. they’re G R E E N . the fact that one of them is literally my all-time favorite character. but the one thing that I think the Orbitons have above all the others is one simple thing: mystery. think about it, in M3, the Orbitons do explain why they abduct the Infernite cousins, and we even get to see the highly advanced technology they have access to. but we never get an explanation as to WHY the Orbitons live on the moon, and more importantly, HOW they even got there in the first place. were they just kinda always there like the Glowkies are? were they artificially created through secret government experimentation on a secret lab on the moon for some unknown purpose but then were just abandoned there for equally unknown reasons? and a little observation about Niksput, but he seems to possess a lot more black on his body than the other 2, he also seems to be much less mechanical than the others as well, is this a sign that Niksput is actually an Orbiton/Glowkie hybrid? and I can go on and on all day about theories and speculation on the Orbitons, of course this kind of speculation can be done with the other tribes too, but there’s just something about the Orbitons specifically that makes theories about them extra juicy and intriguing.
So there you have it, my ranking of every mixel tribe from worst to best, hope this gives you an accurate look at my preferences in terms of mixel tribes because hoo boy this took alot of time to write!
~ Mod Niksput
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levisgirll · 3 years
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
text: hello everyone! first off wanna thank each and every one of you that liked and enjoyed my writings <3 this honestly makes me happy and I’m glad to know that! so I decided to write this out for everyone as I had many ideas about this cute idea! you, y/n is levi ackerman’s first lover! it was stated by hajime isayama (author/illustrator of attack on titan) in a interview that levi has never been in a romantic relationship, but that all changes when he met y/n. It was also stated that when it does come to romance and love, isayama said that he expresses levi as awkwardly/clumsily when it comes to his lover. So find out some cute headcanons about him in his first relationship with Y/N!
synopsis: how’s it like for levi ackerman to be y/n’s boyfriend? and not only that but it’s also levi’s first partner ever, and including you! But you both don’t know that :,) so, what are the things you both would do as newbies in a relationship? (incoming real cute fluff- and levi trying his best to be your best boyfriend.)
fluff, headcanon, aot world ♡ —
To start off, you guys are both confused. Not sure what to do. Levi Ackerman’s first relationship and his first time having a partner actually makes him feel quite nervous as he wants to make sure he comes out as an ideal boyfriend for Y/N. Would definitely also start to overthink a lot at his start of his new relationship.
That’s cause, he wants to show you he is cool and got things under control and also even stronger towards you, he tries his best.
BUT, he doesn't know that it’s also y/n’s first relationship! and when they joined the Levi squad after Eren was taken in by the survey corps. Levi caught their eyes, and their causal interactions, talks and bond started to grow and slowly developing feelings.
Eren would definitely figure out that you had a crush on Levi and he would say in a shocked tone “Seriously...out of all the men. It’s the scary captain you like!”
After you guys got together, he started at first to show you some of his affections which is ruffling your hair, and he would do that whenever he catches you looking down or not smiling. He wants the best for you, and to smile instead. He wants to see that on your face cause it was one of the many things he loved about you. You lowkey liked that everytime he would ruffle your hair and you could feel his soft and gentle fingers on the top of your head, so lovely it makes your heart race.
He would let you call him Levi at first and he would kinda get upset sometimes when you say captain.
Whenever you go outside the walls, he knows you will be on the other side sometimes and not in his zone and that makes him worry like shit. He cant even focus on his mission and would think “Y/N, please dont die. Please.” Begging that you would be safe. When everyone regroups, he would look for you and and in a split second he recognizes you from afar and that makes his whole tense body relax. “Fuck. What took you long?” he would say that and go up to you, “I went to get some water for my horse, are you alright Levi?” He just stood there, studying your eyes which would make you blush and you guys....end up giving butterfly kisses to each other! and that now become your thing. And guess what, he REALLY likes them, it ironically gives him butterflies in his stomach too.
Once you guys part away, he would touch his eyelashes softly just to feel your touch again and sense that are you still by his side. alive. (please give him more hugs)
Whenever you get a cut, even the smallest ones, he would always say and bring his hand out towards you “Come here”. “Levi, dont worry its a small cut!” You shyly say, “I see the injury, so come here.” and he would proceed to treat you so carefully and his full focus and attention while treating you makes your mind race like crazy. His sharp grey eyes on your knee and his finger tips would be cold when he touches your skin and that would make you shiver but you felt his love. And it made you love him again and again.
He would take any opportunity to treat your smallest injuries just as his ‘excuse’ to be really near you. And when he is done, he would look up and glance at your eyes and you guys just sit there looking at each other so loveling. He wants to try kissing you so bad and you can tell by the look of his eyes on how he focus on your pupils as it dilates, and he gets lost in your beautiful eyes. You both were about to kiss until someone calls out your name and that broke your focus and jolted up so quickly, blushing like crazy. He gets also lowkey embarrassed, and both of you get up. “O-Okay, I have to go....thanks Levi.” and he would nod with a slight blush.
Whenever he sees you carrying stuff as he would pass by, he always offers to carry it for you but still takes it away from you either way. 
He notice he is such a gentleman towards you especially and he is actually a loyal and a great man for you (too great).
He knows he stutters a lot whenever he tries to talk to you, so he doesn't trust himself to talk much to you cause he always fucks up, so he would rather listen.  When you guys meet up and talk about your day, Levi ends up being such a good listener and he loves hearing what you always had to say. “Go on, tell me more.”
Later in the relationship, he starts to feel less nervous after having many talks with you during late nights in his office and he open up to you. About his past, his life in the underground and then you later realized he is quite talkative. Would  definitely bitch about you with others and he does that on purpose cause he wants to see you laugh about it, and when you do he feels so great, you boost his ego. 
Once he was with the other soliders to train them combat style training, and he did such an impressive move that you saw from a distance. You would later go up to him and he noticed you, "Wow you're awesome when you did that move!" you would say with such an amazed expression and that actually makes him happy inside but then said “...and when I don't?" This man is always concerned, and he kinda lowkey wants you to complement him more?? Becomes needy about it.
Mentioning that, you guys slowly started to use pet names for each other. He really takes pride to it and feels so lucky to have someone to call him that and not anyone but you saying it to him meant the world for him. but, once you did not say love just once, and he actually went back to his office and really though about it for the rest of the day. He becomes really quiet in the evening and you can’t figure out what it is. So you asked. “Love what’s wrong?”. And there, he started to talk a lot more now. He realized then he can act like a kid sometimes but you found it so cute.
He also memorized and remembers your knocks and footsteps and just calls you in before even addressing anything. He was secretly waiting for you to come and he got the tea ready, and of course the table clean and even the chair extra clean cause he doesn't want any dirt on you. And of course, you are his lover so he wants the best for you.
You and Levi planned to go out to the city to buy some stuff, but he wanted to surprise you and take you to wall sina instead to this small shop to buy you an accessory that you liked. But that failed since it started to rain, “Great, shitty fucking weather.” 
Always touches your cheek tenderly and ask what is wrong when he sees you down. “Love, tell me.” He would keep looking at you and you would suddenly forget what made you upset and start to get timid . “Come on...stop you are making me shy..”. He just loves looking at you especially your eyes. “Y/N”. Suddenly he got all serious, and he gently grabbed your both of your shoulders. “I really…l-like you…” he tried to say all clumsily while leaning close to your face, but you know he is trying his best to show you his affection and love.
Whenever he gives you his back and you would see his neat and clean undercut, you would leave small kisses on it. That’s when you found out thats his soft and sensitive spot and he blushes like crazy, not expecting it but doesn't say anything. Once he was in his office alone, he would cover his face with his left hand and start to nervously say ‘Fuck...why is Y/N so damn cute, I’m gonna lose it.’
Levi loves to tease you sometimes, when they tell Levi to cut it out, but he would turn around and give you a small smirk and...chuckle a bit? You would think, wait actually nevermind let him continue.
Anything, literally anything you ask Levi to do or bring something, he is already up and willing to get it for you. “Hey love, could I please-”. “Here.” He knew what you wanted, a snack, so he just open his drawer and gave you your favorite pack of biscuits. “Have it all.” It was one of his ways to show affection and would actually feel good once you thanked him. Watch him giving you more next time.
Keeps. every. single thing. you give your man. He even has a separate drawer for you and he cherish the things you give him. You are the only one who does that to him and he loved that you were the one.
Outside, in the training area, when no one was looking he would push some of your hair that was hanging on your side behind your one of your ear. And you both would exchange glances, a look which both needed the other and the love was real.
Surprise, but he loves it when you kiss his Adam’s apple and would close his eyes while hugging you tightly.
You are the only one he trusts to have his keys to his office and once when Levi entered his office, he saw y/n laying on the coach, sleeping so quietly it warmed his heart. “Y/N waited for me this whole time?”. He would sit beside y/n and cover them with his jacket. He secretly then takes your hand and kisses it.
Overall, Levi has finally found the one, which is you, y/n. And this man would risk his life just for you. He would love his partner so deeply and wants to always be by your side and make sure that as long as you both had each other, things will be okay, and once everything is over he already thought that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. 
well this was longer than I expected!! I really do hope you all enjoy this and somehow you felt some love and fluff from Levi c: please do leave a like or a reblog if you liked it! 
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
Wisps of Smoke (Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!reader) - Part 5
Summary: y/n and Draco find themselves drawn to an abandoned classroom every night
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader ft. Theo Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini
Warnings: Excessive smoking, mature language and themes, smut labeled as ⚜️, 18+ content, reader discretion is advised, also Draco is kinda soft in this one. Just sayin.
A/n: Ik this was supposed to be the final part but I wanted to wrap things up properly. The last part will be dedicated to the ball itself.
A massive thank you to everyone that has read WOS. Your feedback makes me so fkn happy. I love you all sm.
Word count: 3700
Link to Part one, two, three, and four if you haven’t read them already.
My other stories are over here. And you can join my tag list here.
As always, Smoking is injurious to health y’all.
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24th December
Home was just the way you’d remembered it. 
From the Goldchild Ivy covering the white colored walls and the stepping stones leading all the way to the main entrance to the way your parents kept nagging you about your “future” with Adrian Pucey.
“You still haven’t told me what kind of dress you’d like to wear to the ball.” Your mum reminded you after taking a small sip from her wine glass. 
“I don’t know mother.” You sighed,stabbing repeatedly at the sautéed mushroom on your plate. “Can’t I wear something I already own? Like the blue one I wore last year.”
“Well, what is Adrian wearing? May I suggest some colour coordinating?” 
“I really don’t know mother.” You coughed. 
“Well, why don't you ask him?”
“I can't.” You mumbled dropping your fork on your plate. The loud clanging sound earned you an eyebrow raise from your otherwise quiet father. 
“Why not?”
“We broke—we aren’t seeing each other anymore.” You said quietly before quickly standing up and dismissing yourself from the dining table before your parents could ask you a thousand questions.
As you walked away from the table and towards the balcony, you could still hear your parents calling after you while simultaneously speculating about just what you may have done to scare Adrian away. 
You weren’t going to tell them about Draco because you weren’t even sure what to tell them.
I broke up with Adrian because I’m sleeping with Draco Malfoy.
Yes, the one that is getting engaged soon. 
No we’re not together.
I may or may not have developed feelings for him.
Yes, it is inconvenient because I have no idea how he feels. 
Did I mention he is getting engaged? 
You tugged on the sleeves of your sweater to warm your hands up as you stared up at the surprisingly clear night sky splattered with only a few clouds and shimmering stars. 
You took it upon yourself to start counting the stars to distract yourself from thinking about Draco again.
Unbeknownst to you, Draco was standing on the balcony of his room trying not to think of you too. 
The only difference for him was that the sky was a little less cloudy where he lived and he wasn’t going to bother counting stars. 
“Happy Christmas Draco.” You whispered to yourself,staring at the shiny emerald ring on your finger. 
“Happy Christmas Y/n.” Draco mumbled into the night air as he fidgeted with your amethyst ring. 
25th December
It was a surprisingly quiet Christmas Morning at the Y/l/n household. 
Your parents were still fast asleep when you walked towards the kitchen to fix yourself a cup of coffee. 
It was probably because your parents hadn’t quite processed your break up with Adrian and had spent their night discussing it.
Seeing it was Christmas, you decided to put a dash of white chocolate and whipped cream in your cup of caffeinated goodness in order to feel a bit more festive.
You were feeling anything but festive. 
There was a kind of dread crushing your insides when you thought about the ball. 
You’d have to watch him dance with her and kiss her lips at midnight. 
Fuck, you’d have to congratulate him after he slipped a ring onto her perfectly manicured finger. 
Just when you were about to take a sip of your drink, you heard a knock on your door. 
You frowned and walked towards the door because it was way too early on in the morning for anyone to come over. 
When you yanked the door open, you saw him of all people, standing on the other side of the door with his white blond hair messier than usual. 
He was wearing one of his rare genuine smiles that showed his pearly whites making you feel wobbly in the knees. 
“Draco—What are you doing here?”
“Happy Christmas to you too.” He said with the smile still fixed on his lips. “Tell me y/l/n is this how you greet all of your houseguests?”
“How rude of me.” You muttered to yourself still befuddled as you stepped back to let him in. “Come in, sit down. Cup of tea?”
“I’m actually in a bit of a hurry.” He said as he fidgeted with his blazer pocket. “Just came to drop off something—ugh hold this.” 
He placed a pack of cigarettes in the palm of your hand before fumbling with his pocket again. 
“Ahh. There we go.” He retrieved a lilac colored box from his pocket and brought it back to its normal size before handing it to you.
“What’s this?” 
“What does it look like y/n?”
“But—But I haven't even gotten you anythi—”
Before you could finish your sentence, he leaned in, tenderly pressing lips against yours. 
The softness of his lips made the heaviness you were feeling on your shoulders fade away as you faded into him—only him and the way he held you firmly around the waist as he suckled on your bottom lip.
“Thank you.”  You whispered burying your face into his chest, trying to inhale a scent of his cologne. “Thank you.”  
When Draco left, you ran up to your room and opened the lilac box to find a blush coloured slip dress folded neatly with a note on top of it written in his neat handwriting.
Dear Y/n
I really am sorry about what happened to your old silk dress but I just couldn’t help myself. 
I hope you’ll understand.
I also hope I get to see you wear this one someday.  
26 December 
The day after Christmas, the boys decided to do a little cleanup. 
Quidditch and house memorabilia, novelty artefacts they no longer cared enough for and items of emotional value. 
The boys wanted a fresh start. 
A clean break.
A clean slate. 
Theo and Blaise were done with their cleaning so they were now at the Manor helping Draco who was surprisingly not very convinced about the whole “fresh start” ordeal. 
“Remember this?” Theo chuckled, clearing out all the books that covered Draco’s desk and using his wand to cast a quick spell that revealed carvings they’d made the summer before their second year.
“Oh?” Blaise gleefully raised his eyebrows walking towards Theo. “I’d forgotten about this.” 
Draco rolled his eyes and followed Blaise and the three boys stood around the table reading out everything they’d managed to carve out. 
There were some very unholy words, tally sticks and unfortunate looking doodles of Harry on the table.
“Theodore Nott was here.” Draco read out loud looking unimpressed.
“Read this one.” Theo chuckled pointing at a carving. “Daphne Greengrass + Blaise Zabini.”
“Hey! We were barely second years.” Blaise protested while his eyes kept scanning the table. 
As Blaise’s vigilant eyes trailed to the farthest corner of the table, a wicked grin started to form across his cheeks making Draco’s face turn pale. 
“Y/n Y/l/n.” Blaise read out loud smirking at Draco. “Well well Malfoy—From the second year?...Interesting.” 
“It was always obvious even though he expressed himself in questionable ways.” Theo shrugged. 
“What was obvious?” Draco quirked an eyebrow with a scowl on his face. 
“The fact that you were and are absolutely enamoured with y/n.” Theo rolled his eyes. “It has always been obvious to everyone but you. Back me up here Zabini.” 
Draco crossed his arms and looked at Blaise who just gave him an apologetic shrug. “I’m sorry but he’s right mate.”
“I am not enamoured with y/n.” 
“If you say so.” Blaise shrugged.
“And what if I were?” Draco spat, clearly irked by the condescending look on Blaise’s face.
“If you are, then I only have one question for you.” Blaise said with carefully selected words.
“And the question is?” 
Blaise went quiet for a brief second before looking at Draco, dead set in the eye.
“What is holding you back, Malfoy?” 
27th December
Draco wondered what life decisions he’d taken to find himself seated at a murky little pub with Astoria reclining against his shoulders—sipping on Butterbeer. 
Pansy, Theo and Blaise were taking shots next to him and you were awkwardly seated right across the table next to Adrian fucking Pucey. 
What was he doing here anyway? Who even invited him? 
Even though he’d overheard you telling Pansy that Adrian was there only because of your parents nagging you, seeing you seated together bothered him nonetheless. 
Draco wasn’t even meaning to eavesdrop on your conversation with Adrian but he just couldn’t help but divert all his attention to your sweet voice and the way your lips moved. 
You were telling Adrian about the sweet shop next door and Draco’s lips involuntarily twitched and curved upwards when he noticed just how excited you were about sweets.
It was like you softened him—made him vulnerable. And the whole feeling terrified him.
Between smoking his fifth cigarette, occasionally chatting with Astoria and looking at you from the corner of his eye, one rather simple thought encircled Draco’s mind. 
Why didn’t he knock Pucey off his broom when he had the chance to?
28th December
Lightning crashed. Thunder clapped.
Fat drops of rain started to fall on the enormous glass window in Draco’s bedroom. 
You placed your finger on the glass as you watched the infinite droplets race all the way to the bottom of the window.
The howling winds brought in the scent of wet grass and sent the dark curtains flying in all different directions.
You took in the smell of fresh rain and sighed sinking blissfully into his embrace.
Lucius and Narcissa were away, preparing for the upcoming ball and Draco had owled you asking to meet. 
And so, both of you were now sitting on the windowsill in his room that was much larger than the one in the abandoned classroom. 
In fact, it was so spacious that it served as his own personal reading nook—complete with a velvety throw blanket and some cushions. 
His hands held open a book and you let yourself get comfortable between his long limbs, still counting raindrops on the window. 
“What are you doing?” He asked looking towards you and away from the worn out pages of his book. 
“I’m watching the raindrops race each other.” You said with your eyes still fixed on the glass. “infinite little droplets.”
“It's just rain.” He shrugged as his eyes went back to his book. “Quite mundane if you ask me.”
Sure rain was mundane. 
But this rain felt different. It sent you into a state of melancholia. 
You couldn’t dare to tell him but those infinite droplets resembled the amount of times you’d wanted to tell him that you loved him. 
Even though you couldn’t find the courage to tell him, it was like the look in your eyes gave it all away.
It made his features soften as he slowly shifted and got up from the nook to fully open the window.
You shielded yourself as cold drops of rain started to hit your face. “What in the actual fuck?” 
“Shut up and follow me.” He said as he climbed out of the window and onto the ledge.
“Are you mental?” 
“Just do as I say.” He said helping you onto the ledge. 
Both of you laughed hysterically as the rain seeped through your clothes as you sat on the ledge with your bare feet dangling in the air. 
One wrong move and both of you could fall to our deaths. But there came an adrenaline rush with the risk of it all. 
He pushed away the hair sticking to your face and brought your face close to his before pressing his rain soaked lips to yours. 
Theo was right. 
He was fucking enamoured.
After coming back inside, you walked into his ensuite to fix your ruined hair and cast a quick drying charm to your clothes before heading home.
You had barely managed to pick at the tangles in your wet hair when an equally soaked Draco walked up behind you—clothes sticking to his toned body and hair sticking to his face. 
“Draco. Sorry for hogging the mirror. I thought I’d be done sooner but these tangles are—hmmm.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind you and pressed his cold lips against the base of your neck.
Even though your hair was entangled and unruly, you looked bewitching to him.
Especially the way the thin and drenched fabric of your seafoam colored dress draped your body—transparent and accentuating all your curves. 
He just couldn’t help himself from unzipping your dress while he admired the sight of your dress slowly leaving your body in the mirror in front of you both. 
“Draco?” You whispered as you watched his lips move their way from your neck to your shoulders. His hands gently gripping and massaging your breasts. 
“Yes?” He whispered into your hair as he began nipping on your earlobe—his hands never leaving your breasts. 
You wanted to tell him that you were in love with him but the words just refused to leave your lips. 
“I—I missed you so much.” You said instead as you watched the corners of his mouth twitch. 
He didn’t say a word back.
Hips lips were too occupied with sucking love bites against your skin. 
He didn’t need to tell you that he missed you too. The deep reddish purple markings on your body said it all. 
Draco intertwined his fingers around yours and placed your palms flat against the marble basin in front of you. 
Your dainty fingers brought out the verdant tones of the emerald ring and Draco couldn’t help but admire his family heirloom on you. 
He slowly moved his hands up your arms and let them brush against your bare back—trailing lower and lower till he was barely touching your soaking wet cunt.
“You like it when I touch you here?” He murmured pushing one of his fingers inside for a fleeting second. 
“Hmmm.” You moaned gripping tightly onto the basin and pushing your hips backwards to get more. 
Draco brought his hand to your arse and struck once causing you to hiss through your teeth. 
“Words darling—use your words.”
“Yes….” You whimpered, opening your eyes to stare into the reflection again. There was a kind of unrestrained hunger in his eyes that only made you want him more. 
“Good girl...so fucking perfect..so beautiful.” 
He reached out and wrapped his left hand around your throat and brought your face close to him while the pad of his right thumb rubbed steady circles on your throbbing clit. 
He loved that you were always so wet and ready for him. 
“Draco..I want you inside me..Please..” 
He could have spent hours on end just teasing you with his fingers and tongue if he could. There was just something about you that just made him want to take his time to worship you—to ruin you. 
But time was not on his side and the reflection in front of him was making him increasingly impatient so he did not tease you any further. He simply unbuckled his trousers and pushed his cock where it belonged. 
“Fuck...yes Draco..”
A whimper let your lips at the sudden push and your knuckles turned pale as you gripped tightly onto the marble basin. 
“Look at you…” He murmured against your shoulder as he stared ahead into the mirror—his cock pounding in and out of you. “Taking my cock like such a good girl.” 
He let go of your throat and used his hands to hold your hips firmly in place as he fucked you mercilessly. 
Every time you two had fucked before this, Draco had constantly reminded himself to be a little gentle with you—but today, he wanted to wreck you.
He wanted you to scream his name in a bittersweet mix of pure pleasure and pain as he fucked you relentlessly.
Beads of tears started to slip out of your eyes and you started to squirm—clenching him inside of you as your started to feel your orgasm approach. 
“Don’t.” He growled digging his nails into the flesh at your hips. “Don’t fucking come just yet.” 
You winced when he slipped himself out before carrying you back to his room where he sat down at the edge of the bed—positioning you on his lap with your legs on either side as he slipped back into you. 
Draco let you adjust to the new position for a few seconds as you gripped his shoulders as you moved your hips, slowly riding his cock. 
“My perfect little slut.” He sighed cupping your face in his hands as you continued to move against him. 
After letting you ride him for a little longer, he gripped your hips and started to pound into you making your tits bounce up and down. 
“Feels so good Draco—feels so fucking good. Oh god yes.”
With one hand on your arse and his mouth attached to your nipple Draco kept thrusting into you till the room was filled with the sound of your screams mixed with the sound of his skin slapping against yours and the sound rain splattering against the window glass. 
“Fuck y/n...your cunt is so perfect, you take me so fucking good..god.” 
“So good when you clench me in like that... fuck y/n..I need to fucking fill you up…”
“Draco please..don’t fucking stop...oh..I’m so close..”
You always submitted to him so easily, he enjoyed the control he had over you.
But your sweet moans, the way your lips moved when you sighed his name was enough to make him weak for you. 
You were completely oblivious to the power you held over him. 
He loved you.
And he wanted to say the words out loud over and over again. 
“I love—I love being inside you..I have missed you so much” He said instead. 
“Draco I’m—I’m fucking cumming.” You whined as he continued to move his hips.
“Let go. Fucking cum y/n. Cum with me.”
You let your head fall against his shoulders and dug your nails into his biceps as you succumbed to your orgasm.
He soon followed, painting your walls with his release as he murmured sweet nothings into your skin. 
You held each other close as you both recovered from your highs and and when he eventually fell asleep you whispered into his ear. 
I’ll be thinking of you too Malfoy.
29th December 
Once glimpse of the calendar and all the feelings you had shoved into a deep dark part of your mind trickled out in the form of tears.
Silent tears.
The kind of tears you cry when the silence of the night gets unbearable.
The kind where you suppress the sound of your wail and hopelessly try and mute any kind of sniffle by pressing your face hard into the pillow because you don’t want to wake anyone up. 
Silent tears are the most painful of tears when mixed with the sound of the clock ticking. 
For some bizarre reason, every second gets more prolonged than the other.
You had tried to hold it together for days. You tried to pretend like Draco’s engagement didn’t bother you. 
But it did. 
You turned your head on your very damp pillow and eyed the pack of smokes on your night stand. Draco had left when he came to drop off your present. 
On an impulse, You stepped out of your bed as your trembling fingers reached for the 25 pack of expensive looking cigarettes. 
The second you opened the box, the slight scent of nicotine wafted up your nose and you slowly placed a cigarette at the corner of your chapped and dry lips and lit it up. 
Like always, you coughed and wheezed the second you inhaled. 
You hated how it felt. 
But you loved how close you suddenly felt to Draco.
In a twisted kind of way, It felt like you were submerged in his presence again. 
Your lips tasted like they had been kissed by him again.
The more you inhaled the better it felt.
In a fucked up kind of way, The word felt right again.  
And slowly, the night faded into morning as one cigarette turned into another. 
30th December 
Pansy had flooed to your hour the minute she received a letter last night in your drunken handwriting talking about how amazing cigarettes were and how pretty Astoria was.
With a mug filled to the brim with tea in between her hands, she rested her back against the armchair in your room, tilting her head to get a better look at you. 
Your face was pressed sideways against the pillow and she could tell you’d been crying by the dried mascara stains on your cheeks. 
A half smoked cigarette was pressed into the makeshift ashtray that you’d made out of your bedside table making Pansy wonder if she’d ever seen you this miserable. 
Your duvet was barely covering your shoulders and just as Pansy was standing up to pull them up, your bedroom door creaked open. 
“I just wanted to drop something off.” Draco  mumbled almost like he was talking to himself as he took a step into the room—hand in his blazer pocket.
Pansy didn't say a word as she watched Draco with her eyes narrowed. She observantly watched him pull out a tiny box from his pocket and mumble a spell to restore it to its original size.
“What are those?” 
“Assorted sweets.” He said softly, with his gaze not leaving your sleeping form once. “She wouldn’t stop talking about exploding bonbons the other night at the pub.” 
Pansy heaved out a sigh as she watched Draco place the box of sweets on your bedside table before reaching to gently push away your hair from your face. 
“Don’t get me wrong Draco, but you really shouldn’t be here right now.” 
His weary eyes flickered as he turned to look questioningly at Pansy—retreating his hand from your face. 
“You are getting engaged tomorrow—look at her, look at the state she is in. She won’t say it out loud but It’s clearly killing her.” 
As much as Draco hated agreeing with Pansy, she was right. 
Even while asleep, you looked worn out and restless with your eyebrows scrunched up indicating tension.
He wasn’t even going to get himself started on the cigarettes and wine bottles on your night stand.
“Will you let her know that I came by?” He looked half expectantly at Pansy who gave him an apologetic smile in return. “Never mind I guess.” 
As Draco reluctantly backed away from you,  Blaise’s words lingered in his mind. 
What is holding you back Malfoy?
(To be continued...)
Part 6: Final Chapter Preview:
The Malfoy Manor was being decorated and every little detail of the decor screamed nothing but aristocratic, pristine, perfect.
It was like everything was just a futile attempt to conceal the dullness, loneliness and the fucked up pure blood traditions hiding deep within the manor walls.
Much like his so-called arrangement with Astoria that seemed so perfect on paper.
Pure blood families, rich family history, old money.
What could go wrong right?..
Tag list: @maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @lieswithoutfairytales @dracomalfoys-wh0re @hannahhobnob @sycathorn-slush @mxl-foyrecs @daringvixon @linetteyde @imbadwithunsernames @dracoswhore007 @myunngi @goawayimreadingbeach @loxbbg @icedlattewithalmondmilk @paulina1998 @fa-me @loganrwebb @nee-naw-nee-naw-beepbeep @leaveittobecca @dummythiccwitch @desiredmalfoy @badslytherin @dlmmdl @trainintersection @lilsubbyx @lunar0se10 @babydraco04 @anythings-n-everythings @sistheselenophile @louweasleymalfoy @fantasyfairysworld @malfoyxxdraco23 @thebitchybeatle @teawineaddict @fleursbabe @savagelysarcasticslytherin @emma67 @itchywitch33 @thegaudess @berriemalfoy @loloo22 @rvaldez7569 @letoof @quacksonssandtea @marrymetheonott @wh0re4blaise
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Happy Birthday
It was 3 am, and Purpled wasn't able to sleep.
He was quietly sitting in his room, petting DogChamp while he was sleeping. Purpled eyes couldn't stop staring at the date showing in his communicator, a strange feeling slowly consuming him.
7th of July.
Purpled's birthday.
He sighed, deciding to do the same he did every year: get a small cupcake, place a match on it, and eat in the early morning. It wasn't a big deal, really.
He left his little tent, heading over towards the restaurant in Las Nevadas. It wasn't open for the public yet, but it was the only place they could have access to a proper kitchen. Purpled opened the Staff Only door, hearing the strange banging of pans and someone whispering swears. Probably another resident trying to have a night snack, Purpled couldn't blame them at all. He stepped in and stopped right away.
Well, he didn't expect to see Fundy in an apron, mixing something in a bowl and an immense mess around him.
"Uh… what are you doing here?" Fundy asked, immediately noticing Purpled's presence.
"What are you baking?" Purpled asked back, not wanting to answer.
"I asked first." Fundy replied, crossing his arms.
Purples sighed, no patience for that at the moment. "I just came here to eat something. Now, you go."
Fundy's ears twitched a little before pressing against his head. "I'm… baking a cake." He muttered, going back to mixing the ingredients.
Purpled, for a split of second, got happy with the info, but quickly dismissed it. No way it could be for him, just one person knew his birthday and Fundy certainly wasn't him.
Purpled noticed orange and green food coloring placed on the table, curiosity now flooding in. "So, did you just get a craving for cake in the middle of the night?" he played as a joke, going back to his search for a single cupcake.
"Nah, man… it's my birthday." Fundy replied, still talking in a low voice.
"No way!" Purpled said before he couldn't contain himself, getting himself into a mess as soon as Fundy stared at him, confusion all over his body language.
"What do you mean by 'no way'? It's not like being born on July 7th was a crime."
Purpled pondered his answers.
He could lie, say he didn't expect it, or that Fundy shouldn't bake the cake for his own birthday, or any shitty lie like that.
"It's my birthday too." It's what came out.
Fundy's eyes widened, then a smile appeared, to Purpled's surprise.
"Dude, that's neat!" Fundy said, now moving towards the cabinets in search for something. "Your favorite color is purple, right?" He stopped for a while, and then went back for the search. "Oh Void, that was a stupid question."
Purpled was still in place, watching as the fox picked a purple food coloring and went back to the cake making, adding more ingredients. "I just need to make more batter so we can have more cake, but it will be fine."
"Wait, wait… what are you doing?" Purpled approached Fundy, watching as he divided the dough into three different recipients. "Our birthday cake." He replied, pouring each food coloring into a different bowl and starting to mix.
"So… the colors represent us?" Purpled asked, just so he could be on the same page.
"Orange is you, purple is me."
"So, who is the green one?"
Fundy went silent for a while, and then opened a sad smile.
"Back before the revolution, when it was just us in a van… we didn't have so much money for food." Purpled didn't get the connection, so he kept waiting. "So, there couldn't be two cakes at my and Tubbo's birthday."
Fundy put each batter into a different cooking pan, putting one into the oven.
"So, Wilbur would bake a single cake, two layers, one orange, the other green." Fundy smiled a little, nostalgic. "It became a tradition, even after L'Manberg came to be."
He decided to use the other ovens in the kitchen, placing the other cooking pans.
"Each year, we had our birthday together, no matter what. Even if we were angry at each other, or we had to hide from the big bad dictator. One time, I had to enter his presidential office to force him to take his head out of the papers."
Purpled just listened in silence, quite in awe. Fundy was really someone that had lived through a lot, and somehow, still held on to little comforting traditions. It must be nice, having something like that.
"But… since L'Manberg has been gone…" Fundy sighed. "I kinda haven't celebrated my birthday. I decided to try this year." He laughed quietly. "And hey! This time I have you! It's not so pathetic."
Purpled chuckled, nodding along. "Well, it's the first time I celebrate my birthday with another person. It's not pathetic."
Fundy beamed, still in a good mood, and took the cakes out of the ovens. He waited for a little while, staring at Purpled, who just stared back. "Don't you think you are going to just watch. Come here and help me."
Purpled shrugged, taking a place right beside Fundy. They stacked one cake over the other, and started to decorate.
Minutes later, they had a somewhat pretty cake.
"It works." Fundy says, after thinking a little.
"It's the first time I decorate a cake, so it's beautiful."
"Eehh… At least it will taste good. It has chocolate." Fundy pointed out.
"Aren't foxes allergic to chocolate?"
"Irrelevant ."
They finished the icing and contemplated their creation before Fundy grabbed the plate, leaving the kitchen and hoping that Purpled would follow him, which he quickly did, even if he didn’t know where.
“If I ask where are you going, will you asnwer me?”
“I mean, it’s not only our birthday, is it?” Fundy contemplated as they passed the toll booth, making Purpled think a little. Yeah, it wasn’t only their birthday.
“Hey, so… Can I call someone else?” Purpled asked, communicator in hand already.
Fundy didn’t even finish saying yes and Purpled was already typing someone’s name into his contact info, waiting for just a few seconds until the other person answered his call.
“Punz? I need you to come over. Now.”
Meanwhile, Fundy was standing in front of a wall of lava. The heat was almost uncomfortable and was definitely unwelcoming. But Fundy had to come back home before Yogurt woke up, so he had a schedule to fill.
“Yo, Tubster!”
No replies.
“Cut the scene, I know you are there!”
Still no replies.
“I can literally see your shiny armor on top of the outpost, you idiot!”
Seconds of no answer, and then the lava started to go down. And so there he was, Tubbo Underscore, with the entire glory of someone who hasn’t slept in the last 2 days. Fundy knew that look pretty well.
“Why do you have a cake?”
Not a hello or good night. But Fundy was used to that.
“Do you know what day it is today?”
“Uuuuh…… Juuuuuunee..?”
Fundy waited to see if Tubbo was joking, all that was left it was silence.
“Tubbo…. That’s a month.”
“But it's the right month.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Are you sure of that, boss man?”
Fundy just stared, kinda worried for Tubbo, cake still in hands. “Today is July 7th.”
They just stood there, Fundy being able to see the cogs turning in Tubbo’s head. Finally, it clicked. “Oh fuck! Today is July 7th!”
“Yes it is!”
“It’s our birthday!”
“Holy shit… I haven’t celebrated it since…”
Tubbo shut, eyes unfocused. Since L’Manberg was done. Since last time, at a tiny office with the height of presidential work on his shoulders.
“I know, I haven’t either.”
They faced each other again, and it was different now. It was a look that only them could have, suffering all of that. The cramped days at the van, L’Manberg, Schlatt, New L’Manberg. They could say something about it, some apologies, some “I missed it”, but they weren’t like that.
“I have a couple of cookies and regen potions at the back. Want me to get a couple of them for us two?” Tubbo smiled a little, trying to get back to their old routine.
“It's us three. There’s another birthday boy outside.”
“Wait, who?”
Purpled conveniently walked towards Fundy’s side, giving Tubbo a little wave. “Make it four, actually.” He showed the communicator. “I called Punz, also a ‘birthday boy’” He made quote marks in the air.
“Why do so many of us have the same birthday?” Fundy asked to no one in particular. Tubbo just shrugged, but Purpled had something to say about it.
“I mean, it’s not my actual birthday. I have no idea of when my birthday would be in this world.” He casually said, antennas slightly glowing in the night. “So, I just decided to snatch Punz’”
“Dude, I wish it was this easy to change birthdays.” Tubbo said, thinking. I’d change to something like…”
“Fundy, you’re a genius”
“I know.”
Purpled smiled a little listening to them talking. It was comfortable, somehow, being part of something like that, even for one night. “I should have gone for 10/10” He added to the talk, taking out some blocks and starting to build a little desk for them to place the cake, outside of both Las Nevadas and the Cookie Outpost. Tubbo laughed, thinking about other funny birthdays while automatically helping. Fundy placed the cake on top of the desk, just staring.
“Wait. We have orange, purple and green. What’s Punz’ color?”
Purpled thought about it, but Tubbo already had a solution “The icing is white. He is white. Solved.”
“I’m what?”
Punz appeared out of nowhere, probably from an enderpearl. “You’re white, like the icing.” Tubbo explained.
“Also, you’re a birthday boy.” Fundy helped.
“There’s four of us” Purpled finalized.
Punz just stared at all four, letting out a sigh and taking off his armour. "Really, Purpled? I thought you were in trouble.”
“I’m never in trouble, you should be smarter than this.”
“You just… decided to throw a party?”
Purpled shaked his head, pointing towards Fundy. “It was his idea.”
Punz looked at the other two, they were arguing over the number of candles. Fundy wanted to put only four, Tubbo wanted to put as many as it could fit. For a moment, Punz could see two different people there, fighting over stupid shit as a third one just stared, amused. It was so familiar, but so different. It hurt.
“But hey, you don’t have to stay if you doesn’t wa-”
“Get me a chair, it’s free food.”
Purpled smiled, a real one for once, and gave him a chair.
The four of them sat on the table, Fundy being the one to stood up after finally settling with a normal amount of candles on the cake.
“Ok, now we sing.”
“Why not?”
“We ain’t singing, bossman”
“It’s sad if it's for ourselves.”
“It’s not??”
Purpled saw this banter would drag until sunrise, so he picked a bottle, catching everyone's attention.
“Lets keep it simple, boys. Happy Birthday to us.”
Punz gave him a small smile back, grabbing a potion for himself. “We made it through another year, what a win.”
Tubbo laughed to himself, joining the toast. “Still one life left, gotta keep like that until next year.”
Fundy was the last one, a grateful smile on his face. “Glad we have each other this time.”
“If the cake is good, I will come to next year’s party.”
“So it was nice meeting you, Punz.” Tubbo joked, making the rest of the table laugh a little.
And there they stayed until the sunrise slowly appeared in the distance, bathing them in a golden, lazy light.
“Damn, this was fun.”
“Not the best cake, but I’ll come back.”
“Fuck off.”
Tubbo was asleep on the table, finally able to relax. Fundy poked him, with no reaction.
“I can carry him inside, don’t worry.” Punz guaranteed, getting up.
“Thanks man, I have to go before my kid wakes up.” Fundy smiled, getting the empty cake plate.
“You have a kid?”
“Yeah, his name is Yogurt and that gremlin needs to be kept on a leash.” Purpled interrupted, earning a weak slap from Fundy. “Shut up, my kid is not a gremlin, he has just a lot of energy.”
Punz laughed, picking up Tubbo like a sack of potatoes, still with no response. “Thanks for the party, guys.”
Fundy smiled back, waving. “Happy birthday, Punz.”
“Happy birthday, boys.”
And they walked in opposite paths.
@a-wild-rosette @fishjuice @blipblipimafish @thenerdistrying @beepboopgalaxies (bc i know u like my writing for some reason) @geminisync (bc i want ur clout) @oakskull (bc if i press u enough u will read it <3)
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mxvladdy · 3 years
I have a prompt idea! The Brothers reacting to an MC that can regenerate after they die. Someone stabbed them? The wound will close in a bit. Did they fall from a high place and their body shattered? It’s all good, they’re body’ll just snap everything back into place as they’re conscious. We’re they poisoned? They’ll treat it like a stomach bug and be fine the next day. Funny part is MC could tell them the worst ways they died during their childhood in a lighthearted way which makes things more disturbing, especially since demon threats against them won’t work.
Ok first time I read this prompt I had a good laugh bc all I could think about was an MC that made that little squeaking noise those rubber chickens make when they inflate every time they regenerated lmaoooo. Could you imagine the pavlovian response all the brothers get if they hear a squeak? Like Lucifer would be trying to sleep and Cerberus finds one of his old chew toys and the fear it brings is legendary.
TW: Death, Blood, Injuries
When you first tell him he has no idea if it was a crude joke or not. You are so blasé about something that should traumatize you. He hates how you snort at his every threat. What good is blackmail if you don’t go for it?
He does not believe you at first. Just another little human talking big trying to impress him. He would keep a keen eye on you too, making sure they have no reason to get even so much of a scrape on their knee. Believe you or not he doesn’t need this program to fail. Then Belphie happened. Seeing your lifeless body made so many things happen in his mind he felt physically ill. He hadn’t felt like crying so hard since Lilith…
And then you sit up and crack your spine, like you were waking up from a nap instead of getting up after being thrown from the second story.
He-is relieved, and terrified. Were humans supposed to do that? He doesn't remember reading this particular ability in his father’s schematics. He believes you now nonetheless.
But he still doesn’t let you just go getting hurt whenever you feel like it.
“Absolutely not.” He shakes his head firmly. He is unfazed by your cute little pout and huffing.
“Lotan is friendly!” You try again pushing the form back at him defiantly. Lucifer picks it up again against his better judgment and scoffs. Friendly, if Lotan is friendly then Cerberus was a saint. “Come on what’s the worst that can happen? I’m out of school for a day or two if things get dicey.” You plead leaning up and over his desk. Ugh. He rubs at his temple in annoyance.
“The fact that you think skipping a few days of school because you became fish food as a minor hindrance terrifies me.” He drolls but picks up his feathered quill irregardless. You squeal in delight and hug him fiercely, managing to pull a smile out of him. They grab the liability agreement and run out the door already shouting for Levi to hurry up before Lucifer changes his mind. He chuckles leaning back in his chair. Fine, if they are happy… let it be on their head if it severs. Wait- could they regenerate from that? “Shit.”
He believes you. Not because he takes their word for it but the first night on duty as your caretaker you fall out of his balcony window.
One minute they are having a heated argument about his unwanted duties, him hovering over you while you lean up against the railing refusing to break eye contact. Next thing he knows the old stone gives and you both tumble.
He has wings and catches himself. You- not so much. He can still hear the sickening crunch of bone meeting stone when he lays awake at night. The first thing he worries about is how much trouble he would be in with Lucifer that he failed again. He's a blubbering mess over your body swearing he would do better if they would just get up. Whatever you want it’s theirs if you just open their eyes.
And of course, you do. He won’t admit to the scream that erupts from his mouth when you ask him to swear on that deal or they are going to Lucifer as soon as they can feel their legs. He agrees readily, glad his hide is saved for now.
When you two become closer he figures why not make some money off of this little quirk. Enter the troublesome duo of grifters.
You whimper, hamming it up for the terrified looking demon glazing between your broken leg and Mammon wiggling his ring heavy fingers at them. “Look what ya did to my human.” He tuts. “What, ya don’t look both ways when riding.” He kicks at the upended bike by his feet. The demon sputters swearing that they did and neither of them had been in the way.
“Mammon~” His human sniffles flashing him a teary eyed pout. To the other lesser demon it looked like a plea, but Mammon knew it was a warning that your leg would start mending soon.
“Who do you think is gonna pay for this?” He goes in for the kill waving his free arm down at his human’s prone form. “You want Lucifer or Diavolo ta hear about this? Ya know this human is special to us.” The demon blanches and shakes its head. Terrified it threw its wallet at the avatar of greed and bolted leaving their bike and bag behind. Waiting for the demon to be completely out of earshot Mammon turns with a dazzling smile. “Damn,” He whistles, helping his human back to their feet. Already the bone and skin had mended leaving only an ugly red stain on the fabric of their uniform. “I think you just moved up the ranks of my most favorite things. Gonna rival Goldie soon if this picks up...” He opens the wallet and pockets the handful of cash in it, tossing the worn fabric to the street floor.
“Hey.” Mammon looks down at you. You were now scowling eying his pant pocket. “Don’t forget your side of the bargain.” He chuckles raising his hands in defeat.
“Alright- Alright. One stupidly expensive ice cream coming up.” He can't hide his blush when you hug his arm close to your chest, excitedly leading him back to the main street.  
Oh like in that one anime???
But really, he is the first to take your word for it. Finds it kinda neat. Not that he is going to test it. Who would he have to play with if you were just yanking his chain?
He listens to absolutely spine chilling tales of your little “mishaps” as a child. But you brush off his concern. Don’t worry about it! Makes for great stories. To tell right?
Of course, when he sees it first hand he forgets for a moment that you would eventually feel better. He left his tank open one night to clean out some debris gunking up the water pump. Damn things get stalled so frequently now. He turns his back for a moment to get a tool and the next he smells human blood in the water!
He scoops you out of the water before whatever fiendish creatures he holds in his aquarium can take a bite and gets you to solid ground. He is panicking hardcore, he doesn’t feel a pulse. He sees that they smashed their head, blood pooling sluggishly down your temple. You must have slipped on the wet tank edge and hit their head.
Just when he is about to name another Henry in your honor you pop up spitting out whatever water that had gotten into their lungs. They flash him a knowing smirk at his red-rimmed eyes and joke that they have a killer headache.
Nurse Levi to the rescue!
Levi checks in on you again, leaning over the edge of his tank. “D-don’t you move a muscle!” He shouts down to you. Squinting he sees a hand emerging from the mound of pillows and blankets inside his tub-bed. you shoot him a quick thumbs up before turning your attention back to his giant flat screen. “You sure you don’t need Barbatos or some pain meds?” He frets. He was close to just giving up on the pump and coming to take care of his miraculously healed guest.
“Levi I’m fine! Not even sleepy.” Your muffled reply wafts up to him. You push down some of the blankets to give him a relaxed smile. “See not even a scar.” You show him the side of their head that had been cut. Sure enough, nothing was there but a smoothed patch of skin. It lessens some of his panic, but barely. He knew internal damage was still a thing to humans.
Finishing up quickly with the pump he slithers back down to your side sheepishly. He had apologized what felt like a thousand times, but he was ready to drop a couple thousand more if need be. His looming causes you to look up from the anime you were watching. The flashing blue and yellow lights illuminate their calm gaze. None of the panic he felt seemed to transfer to you. “Want to join me?” You pat at the covers. “Waters warm.” You chuckle at their own joke pulling the blue covers down and away to give him room to join them.
“I-if you’re sure.” He stammers wiping at his face to hide his flush. You nod, patting the empty side again. He joins you snuggling close, he runs a hand where a gruesome scar had been not even an hour again. You nuzzle in close. His slightly cool fingers felt great on your skin before turning back to the screen completely nonplussed.
What a weird human...
Much like Lucifer doesn’t believe you. He has never heard or read about humans being able to do that. Will not believe them and gets annoyed by the “fake” stories you kept insisting were real.
The fact that a single human has such a vividly morbid imagination fascinates him, but he won’t divulge in your little fantasy. There is only so much foolishness he can deal with.
He forgets about it after a while and you stop bringing it up. If he doesn’t believe you so be it, he’ll find out one day surely, you aren’t exactly the most careful with your body. When he does find out it about does him in.
He had warned them of climbing on his bookshelves. He doesn’t have them tethered down or stable. He doesn’t need them to be. His shelves would never even dare to topple on him. But this weak little human takes his room as a personal jungle gym, climbing up him and his things for a book. They could just ask but Devil’s forbid they did something halfway intelligent.
You hear him fretting through the fog coating your senses. His fingers shakily poking at your crushed abdomen and legs all bent akimbo clearing broken. “Don’t be dead-please don’t do this.” He hisses about ready to use magic to put you back together again. You pull your strength and grab his hand before he can interfere with your natural healing ability.
He starts, green eyes looking down relieved and amazed at you. “Don’t.” You croak, already feeling your lungs and rib cage healing. “I’m good.”  
“You’re good!” He shouts voice cracking in exasperation. “I’ve seen the aftermath of Beel’s feeding rampages that have looked better!” You snort pushing his hands away to rest up on your elbows. Eh- he wasn’t exactly wrong.
“I look like a chewed-up burger huh?” You joke laughing at his stunted and slightly disgusted look. “I’ll be ok, just help me up? My legs are always tingly after healing.” Wordlessly he follows your instructions amazed at how well you are handling all of this. Were you actually human? You stand on wobbly legs bending and popping your joints. You give yourself a quick check over “Tada!” You give him two very bloody thumbs ups once you see that you are back to normal. “It’s all good!”
He shakes his head bewildered. “I-if you say so.” Satan wrinkles his nose looking at the mess of your clothes and his room. “Go wash up. I’ll get you a new set of clothes and work on this mess.” You nod already heading to his slightly cleaning bathroom. His warm hand wraps around your wrist catching you mid stride. “Don’t tell anyone about this ok?” He pleads. If anyone knew that he had been so foolish, he would never live it down.
You nod miming zipping your lips. “Betcha believe me know huh?”
He rolls his eyes turning to the task at hand. “Don’t push your luck, or next time I’ll leave you under a shelf.”    
Believes you. You have never lied before so why do it now over something so trivial. Humans die all the time and if you say you can't then ok. He asks tons of questions about how you found out about this.
He doesn't like the stories you tell but doesn't find it off-putting how easily you talk about it. He's been around the block with mortals and they cope in all sorts of ways.
He cuddles you and coos over every story you tell then shoots off hundreds of compliments about your complexion. It's amazing how well your skin holds up to all the foolish actions of your past.
Even though he trusts you and your stories he still is super careful with you. You are not going to get hurt on his watch, absolutely not! Will patch you up if you need it all while gripping about your foolishness.
But accidents happen, and even the most watchful demon trips up sometimes.
Asmo tuts over you rubbing at the potion burning away at your flesh. "I told you the maroon bottle love." You hiss as the antiseptic hits muscle.
"Maroon and burgundy look the same, bite me!" He clicks his tongue and bites off the argument brewing within him. How can you not see how different the two colors are. You grouch some more while he works on getting the rest of his potion off your cheek. You had just wanted to use one of his acne toner, the one that smelled like cucumber and rose. He was preoccupied with his eyeliner but told you to just grab it from his shelf. He had a lot of bottles and a lot of them were definitely not for human use. 
You unfortunately just happened to pick one of them. The one you nabbed was a toner built for his stronger skin. It ate away at your cheeks and flesh of your palm on contact. It's burning and tingling making you yelp in surprise. Luckily for you, Asmo acted fast coming up from behind and knocking the toner-soaked cotton pad from your reddening fingers. He curses at you the whole way to his bathroom. Done with your right cheek and hand he nods in approval, seeing your flesh already knitting back together. "At least you have lovely bone structure. Ahhh~ I'm jealous!" He pokes a nail at the exposed bone of your cheekbone. The mending muscles and nerves almost growing over his nail before he could pull away. You quirk a brow.
"Want them? I'm pretty sure I could regrow my jawline before anybody would notice. " You shrug taking the washcloth from him to dap at your left cheek. Asmo laughs, it was a ridiculously tempting offer after all.
"Could you?" He taps at his own chin in thought. You glance back at him and sits on the toilet. In theory, you probably could. Hadn't happened...yet.  
"Ye- just give me a heads up first? And maybe some good booze to knock me out." You say only half-joking. Asmo nods eagerly, twirling a lock of soft tawny hair. He might take you up on the offer.  
He doesn't want to know and he never wants to find out. He just likes you too much to see you get hurt :(. It gets to the point where you cannot bring any past stories of incidents (no matter how funny you think they are). If a story comes out be prepared to be carried everywhere by this gentle giant. If you won't cease your foolishness then he will.
Though he probably should have heard a few of the stories. Mostly the ones about poisons and inedible things you use to eat. A lot of his world revolves around food and he loves to share it with you.
He never heard you complain about the foods he had you try with him. It wasn't until Simeon and Luke tagged along did he learn the awful truth that he had been poisoning you almost every time you two went out.  
Takes him forever to get out of his head about it. You are clearly fine and never brought it up because you just loved spending time bonding with him.
You find him in the ally behind the restaurant. His massive form curled in on itself from where he sat. "Why didn't you tell me?" He rumbles hearing you approach to stand next to him. "I could have killed you." You sit squat next to him resting your arms on your knees.
"I mean...if we are keeping count it would be dead about eight times over by this point." You meant it to be funny but he groans in anguish pulling at his hair. You grab his fists and pry them from his scalp. "Hey! Hey!" You pat his knuckles, eyes filled with concern. "I'm still here right, still kicking and eating all these awesome foods, don't worry. Please?"  You can tell your words do not calm him but he doesn't pull from your grasp either. "If you are curious, all the foods that would have done me dirty just gave me some bad cramps and gas for the evening. Nothing a tum and hot tea couldn't fix." You fill the air with useless chatter, all while stroking his knuckles.
You really wish that Luke hadn't said anything. Simeon had read the room, his neat brown brows raising in astonishment as you sank into the meal Beel bought for you. But he otherwise stayed silent tucking into his own meal without a fuss. You couldn't completely blame Luke though. He was young and just looking out for you. Though, he-well- both of you could have handled it better. With him screaming and you screaming, it was a recipe for disaster.
Beel rises a few minutes later rubbing at his burning eyes. "Are you sure you are ok?" He checks in with you once more. You nod perking up as you see him grunt in acceptance. "Just let me know next time you can't eat something."
"But it tastes good!" You pout. He frowns not budging from his spot until he sees you sigh in defeat and agree. No more purposely poisoning yourself just for munchies. "Fine-but you are just saying that to get extra portions."  
He finds out when he kills your dumbass for believing him. It totally harshed his vibe.
Here he was getting an amazing monologue, reveling in his eldest's brothers' anguish and look of anger from the prince. He was ready to give his final performance and hopefully wipe the floor with that red-headed bastard plans to "commingle"
He tossed your "lifeless" body from him, taking a sick amount of pleasure in the way your body flopped down the stairs. He notices how the other brothers seem completely unfazed by your corpse at their feet.
Huh? Perhaps they didn't understand the actions he did. Or maybe they truly have given into the demons they had become. He stops his tirade only when he watches Asmo bend down and poke at your cheek. He didn't look sad, just merely annoyed. Like you were taking too long to get up.
But that is impossible. You would never get up again... 
Mammon rolls his eyes at his youngest brother's actions. Honestly, he loved the little edge lord, but this was ridiculous. He had a racket to go check on. His hand drifts down slowly to his pocket. If he just angled it right he could probably check his phone without looking rude. He makes eye contact with Satan and jerks his head exasperatedly at Lucifer and Belphegor going at it. The blonde shakes his head and shrugs. Slowly he inches closer so Mammon can go on his phone without getting caught. Covering for Mammon Satan looks around the room feigning interest.
Beelzebub and Leviathan seemed mildly more attentive to what was going on than him. The latter of the two eating it up like an arch in an anime, while the former was trying desperately to placate his twin. Asmodeus on the other hand was having none of this. He plops down next to your body turning your head to face him. He checks you over quietly ignoring the storm exploding out of his elder brother and the rest of the gang. "Honestly darling," He strokes the bridge of your nose, feeling the bone and cartilage shifting back into place beneath his finger. "is this a good time to ask if I can have your jawline?" He sees the corner of your lips twitch.  He leans in and whispers in your ear. "How long are you going to play dead?"
"Am I boring you, brother?" Asmo glances up from his position over your head. Belphegor looks down at his face apoplectic with rage at being ignored. "And I see you on your phone Mammon!"
"Shove it! I got shit to do!"
Asmo gets to his feet dusting off his pants and ruffles. He shrugs up at Belphie who was doing a great interpretation of Lucifer when angry. He was so much like Lucifer it was scary sometimes. "Sorry honey! Just check on my bestie."
Belphie snorts making his way down to the first floor. "Just checking I killed-"
You pop up grunting loudly as your spine reconnects. "Help your bestie up?" You raise a hand for Asmo who happily takes it. You turn your back to a dumbfounded Belphie and Lucifer, both not understanding what just happened.
"About time." Mammon sighs pocketing his phone. "I got some idiots we can swindle out of some grimm."
"Oi!" Satan butts in cutting Mammon off. "You had your turn! I have some spells they said they would help me test out."
You grin, not fighting it as the two tug at you like a toy between toddlers.
"Enough!" The two jump away from you at Lucifer's roar. You squeak in surprise when a firm leather-gloved hand spins you around so you could stand face to face with a fully shifted Lucifer. "You!" He runs his hands over you in disbelief. "How..." Your first conversation with him comes back to mind.
I can't die so try to threaten me with something else next time K?
"Would someone tell me WHAT is going on and why they are still breathing!" Belphie pushes through to you and Lucifer.
Beel grabs him up before he could get his claws into you again, stroking his dark hair like you would an angry cat. "It's a long story..."
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Baking! (Yuta x you)
a/n : heyyo it’s friday, let’s have some “me” time and enjoy some imagine with Yuta! Idea came from @yutahoes comment on previous post HOT PATCHED
warning : none! suggestive, how you ended up with a bun in the oven! (your beloved Nami), and of course 2020 was a baking year and I am more than willing to share you the recipe i am referring to for this story! DM me :D also i got a bit too carried away :) but it’s gonna be fun :D
tagging : @2-3-t-i @yutahoes @ailoveyuta
with that said.. enjoy your scene! 
Ever since the pandemic started and staying at home becomes a mandatory rule, you and your fiance, Yuta have been trying to overcome boredom with all possibilities. On the first month of staying home, you two are very excited about having “leisure” time while working at home. Both of you are delighted by the fact that you don’t have to wake up early, drive in the busy streets, and you just have to slip into your proper clothes when there is a board meeting. Considering your job is a magazine editor, you have meetings but luckily not every day.
Second month, you start to do yoga and exercises with Yuta every time he is bored, and he has nothing to do. Well, his comeback is still in preparation, so he only comes for regular practice and always got home when your office hour ends.
Fourth months, you pick up a new hobby and because your magazine company needs to make a new fresh content that suits the situation, the team comes up with a baking page. You are assigned to make the content, including taking pictures and trying the recipes your team made. You also have to do the editing but there’s help with that. You take the challenge, though you never bake before you see this as the perfect opportunity to start a new hobby. Things were great, the content is rising in demand since the world is baking suddenly! You got your raise and you enjoy doing this until your silly ass fell from challenging yourself to a wild yoga pose. You hurt your arms, they are a slightly fractured and you cannot make your baking content for the first three weeks of recovery, but you are so irritated to just stay in front of the laptop and watch your other friend make the pictures and cakes. So, when you can no longer hold yourself back, you plead the director board to give you back the baking section and they did love your job so you won the part back.
“Yuta can you come home earlier today?” you question the man who already wears his mask and has his training bag ready on his shoulder.
“Me?? I guess I’m done after lunch, I only have to practice singing today. Why?” he asks you back
You put on your sweetest smile “Don’t you want to try baking? I need some help with the rubric.”
Yuta’s eyes twinkle, it’s been his wish to try baking but because of practice and the amount of tools to wash and lack of time he hasn’t been able to do it. Now that you are offering him, he thinks he can seize the opportunity.
“Okay, I’ll try, who knows NCT will have a baking vlog after this, might flex about my skills” he smirks and you only grin at his cockiness.
“Okay, you can go.” You push him away after kissing his cheek and blushing when he winks at you and disappear behind the door.
Today you just have to wait for the team to send you the ingredients and recipes. You wonder what you’ll bake today no, what Yuta will bake today.
He was lucky the baking procedure he has to do today is easy. Simple lemon cake and you manage to get good pictures of Yuta’s hands and the aesthetic bowls and whiskers. You manage to hold the camera with your stiff casted hand, but it works even when you look super silly.
“Oh gosh! This is healing.” Yuta exclaims when his first cake comes out of the oven nicely and with a good aroma. You quickly take pictures and once it’s done, Yuta has already cut a slice and pops it into his mouth. “Yummy, I am talented indeed.” He sounds so confident and you hate to admit, his cake is better than what you expect and knowing your husband, you know he won’t stop bragging about this, he might even go as far as trying more baking recipes.
Your nightmare comes true, once his promotional schedule with NCT is over, he comes home with a load of baking supplies.
“Yuta, what’s all of this?” you ask when you help him bring in bags of spices, butters, and decorating tools.
“My promotional week is done and I have our well deserved rest! I am going to be productive and bake for you every day!” he smiles like a little kid who just get a chocolate and you can’t say no to him.
“Oh no, not every day Yuta!” you joke as you help him organize the spices into the kitchen racks.
He brought different types of flours and sugars, even bought yeast and baking sodas. Oh he really is planning to bake!
“Well, I have to finish some works have fun baking! Make sure you wear the apron and don’t set the oven too high. Wash the bowls too okay.” You pat his long hair and skip into your room.
Yuta takes his time to shower, sing in the bathroom, check the internet for easy recipes and even compare recipes from different websites.
His choice finally is decided on the famous banana cake, it doesn’t require mixer and he notices you have bananas at home.
“Flour, bananas, eggs, butter…” he bends to take the things out and places them all on the counter. Next he brings out the bowls and whiskers and the rest of the stuffs he needs.
“Okay all set,” he rubs his hands and takes the apron you have. Yuta’s lucky he can use your apron well, (thanks to his small waist). “And where is it,” he walks to the living room to get his small rubber band and as he bites the rubber between his teeth you happen to leave your room to get some water.
“Oh!” you exclaim when you see a hot scene reveling in your eyes. If you bring something, you’d drop it already.
There under the golden hours of the sun from the window, Yuta is tying his hair up and his lip bites is not helping you. Not to mention the apron fitting him well. You kinda regret not buying a “cute” apron.
“Let me help,” you grin when Yuta fails to tie his hair. Somewhat in the middle of tying his hair we was surprised to see you gawking at him. He blushes a little when you step closer and take his hair into one bundle and expertly you tie the band around it.
“There you go! Neat and tidy.” You click your tongue and run a hand down his exposed biceps.
“You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” you playfully ask him this when you learn just how “dolled” up he is. In your apron, smelling good, looking hot, and smirking.
“As much as you want me to tease you, see that?” he points to the kitchen and you follow his finger direction “I am baking you cake.”
You lead him to the kitchen, cool yourself down with a glass of iced water and Yuta starts to busy himself with the recipes.
He starts by measuring the cups of flour, sugars, and spoons of cinnamon and baking soda.
You choose to observe him instead of coming back to your work. You’re glad you have saved your works earlier and don’t have to return for it.
Yuta looks super serious when he cracks the eggs and starts mixing them to the dry ingredients. You take note at how accurate he is, you learned about the small details about baking through your rubric.
“Need help?”  you ask when Yuta starts to whisk the mixture together. He brings his bowl to his waist and with his tilted head and angled hand, he starts whisking the batter.
You have to hold yourself back when you see how he looks delicious right now. With an apron, a tied hair, tongue sticking out of his lips from focusing, his flexed arm and how he smirks at you. Gosh he’s the real cake here! You wonder how will he react if you suddenly come and bite him there on his neck which is inviting you to bite a mark there. Hey mark!
“No, I got this.” He winks at you and continues whisking the ingredients. Another minute passed by, he adds the mashed bananas and some cut apples for better taste. You focus on his actions but mostly enjoying the show he gives to you.
“You look hot.” You blurt that out loud as you secretly eat the choco-chips he will add later. “You think I look hot? You haven’t seen me whisk a whipping cream or make a meringue!” Yuta says as h places the bowl down and begin doing the next step.
You lean over the counter, eager to see what he is doing next. “Okay, all set just add choco-chips and stir and pour to container.” He smiles nicely to you, expecting to get praises or just a satisfied face. But all Yuta sees is your side smirk.
Yuta can always read you like a book, so without losing his cool, he checks you up from head to toe. He notices how you’re not focusing on him, biting your lips, and your ears and cheeks are as red as strawberries right now!
He connects the dots in his head and snaps his finger in front of your face. You jump in surprise “What?” you yell, clearly annoyed that your fantasy session is destroyed.
“No you’re staring at me too intensely! Stop it,” he acts like his innocence just got violated.
You click your tongue “Yuta, blame yourself!” you pull your hair in despair when you feel your body heating up more and feel tingles slowly creeping up.
Yuta is ignoring you when he shows off his flexibility by bending forward to put his container in the oven. “And that’s the right temperature, now we wait!” he tosses the mittens aside and leans his body to the table you’re seating at. He glances to the cup of water with only ice cubes left, he grabs it up and swirls it around before sipping the remaining drops.
“What are you looking at Princess?” his playful remarks are slipping from his lips. You bite your lips down and try to shake whatever idea you have in your head after seeing him drink the last drop of water like that is the best water in the world. His Adam’s apple bopping is not helping you at all, you lick your lips and lowkey will kill him for making this looks so yummy and advertise-able.
“Nothin’” you lie though it is as clear as day that you are “eating” him in your mind.
“You sure? You don’t look like that.” He says and then knocking the glass to his lips to take the remaining ice cubes in his mouth.
You nod your head and turn redder if it’s possible. Dang Yuta is clearly teasing you and you love it. “I-“ you can’t stop your sentence for the next thing he does is taking your lips there with ice cubes in his mouth. The cold sensation wakes you up from your day dream and you press your hands over his trained arms. He passes the cube into your mouth and you’re surprised with this new sensation. Oh Yuta and his surprises!
He continues taking you there until there’s no more cubes left and both of you are already breathing harder and the atmosphere has turn super hot. Next thing you know, you’re already on the sofa pinned down by Yuta as he teases you with butterfly kisses here and there.
“Yuta-“  you moan out his name when you have the chance, your hand pulls on his hair so he can stop kissing you for a while “Your cake.” You breathily remind him about the cake in the oven.
“Hm? My timer hasn’t gone off.” He ignores your attempt to stop taking you here.
“You want this right? Or do you want to eat me instead? You really look desperate earlier.” He nuzzles into your neck and gives some generous kitten licks there.
“Oh you were teasing me!” you defend yourself “Admit it.” You push him away to see his eyes and get the truth out, but Yuta is Yuta and he always has his way of making you lost. “No, I did not. You were this turned on by me, that you were having such sexy thoughts in the middle of the day.” His hand travels south and you already stifle a moan so he won’t be cocky about it.
He already plays with the hem of your pants, only seconds to pulling them away and eating you raw there, but his timer goes off and he has the biggest grin on his face, while you the biggest disappointment. “Yuta!” you’re already sounding so desperate, tears are forming in your eyes and Yuta only chuckles, he wipes your tears and stands up from between your legs.
“Oops! My bad, cake is done! Why don’t we try it when it’s hot?” he leaves you to turn the oven off and takes the cake out. He left you like that! All teased up and messy.
“Yuta- you will pay for this.” You groan before ignoring the pain from the edged pleasure and stomping your feet angrily to the kitchen.
“Come try this, tell me if this is good.” He offers you a forkful and you angrily chomp down on it.
“Bad.” You mutter, as you cross your hands over your chest but still chew on the delicious cake.
“Bad? This is so yummy! I can take this to the boys, and they’ll ask for more.” Yuta towers above you.
You pout “Fine, its yummy.” Your hand reaches out for some more bites, but you stop and shake your head “You. Finish what you did to me, or I cannot enjoy my cake.”
He giggles and in one swift motion already has you in his arms “Alright my princess, let me enjoy my cake instead!” he brings you to the room and you’re already giggly again, giving him kisses and playing with his hair.
You swear you will kill him if he only leaves you in the room and goes back to eat his cake in the kitchen, lucky you he did not do that. You both know that the cake will be cold once you’re done with the session but who cares when Yuta can bake more of them!
 And that is probably how you end up putting a bun in the oven with Yuta!
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occult-castiel · 3 years
The Same Page
This is my @destielsecretsanta2020 gift for @eclypseaf!!! The request was open, but bonus points for Miracle being present. So I wrote some post empty rescue fic!
This one honestly gave me a really hard time and I have no idea why. I hope you like it and have has an awesome christmas!
[Ao3 Link]
The portal spits them out in the dungeon.
Dean stumbles out first, a half step ahead of Cas. Human, malleable, and very much alive with one of the little dude's arms draped over Dean's shoulder.
Cas stumbles forward. Dean shoots an arm out in front of him, places a hand firmly against his chest. He maneuvers his other arms under his trenchcoat, grips his side firm.
His skins almost cool to the touch — much too cold to be safe. Not for a human, especially a brand new one.
And what if he's sick? Or gets sick and can't get better? Without his grace, there's a whole new set of worries. A bad flu that gets worse until he's gone, a hunt going wrong, fucking cancer. Heart disease kills pretty much everyone, doesn't it?
He takes a deep breath and focuses on the gentle thud of Cas' heart against his palm.
The last eight months haven't been easy. Not between the alcohol Sam eventually cut him off from, and the hunts getting sparse, and Jack being terrifying and gone until he wasn't.
Cas lulls his head to the side. His inky heart sticks to his forehead, and his blueberry-sweet eyes are unfocused but still manage to catch Dean's.
It's achingly familiar, and he smiles easy. "Hey there, sunshine."
Cas pinches his brows together as his head swims to stay upright. He slurs through some half-baked, nonsense question about coral reef bleaching, and Dean's so relieved he laughs.
Cas smiles at the sound, dazed and feather-light, but the joy is unmistakable.
It's the best thing Dean's ever seen. Fuck, he missed him. Missed him so much he didn't know what to do with himself.
Cas winces — what little help he was giving Dean in holding him up falls. He makes up the difference quick. Weak fingers curl around Dean's wrist.
"Sorry —"
"S'okay. Gonna —" he swallows hard. Tries to shove away the distinct pin-prick in his tear ducts that always means he needs to man the hell up. "Gonna get you to a bed, okay?"
Cas grunts, a pitiful noise that's mostly air and entirely feeble. "Tired."
"Rest then. It ain't far. I gotcha, buddy."
When he nods, his hair brushes Dean's neck.
It's not well thought out. The lack of work and overload of carbs haven't done Dean's muscles any favors. His joints creak and protest every step, but his room isn't far, and he'd be damned before he let's Cas feel like he has to do anything alone this time.
Miracle hops off the bed the moment the door opens.
Dean lays Cas on top of the bunched up blanket. Once he's down, Dean slowly works the trencoast and suit jacket off, his hands careful as they trail across the thin cotton of his shirt.
Cas shivers, and Dean wrestles to tug the blanket out from under him, Miracle nuzzling the side of his leg the whole time.
She's probably hungry. Or just wants attention. He hasn't exactly been available the last couple weeks, too busy with his nose in piles of research. But it all payed off.
Cas grimaces in his sleep, and it twists the cords in Dean's chest. He reaches his hand out and ghosts his fingers across the sweat-stained hair stuck to his skin, gently pushing it to the side.
He'd said it once, not more than a month ago, in the darkness of his room, Miracle tucked as close as he could get her.
He said he loved me, and I — I didn't say it back. But I do. God I do.
Dean trails his hand from his forehead to the flushed pillow of his cheeks. The other knuckles roughly at his eyes and comes back wet.
He has no god damn idea what he wouldve done without Miracle to talk to. Cause he could never get it out to Sam. Not those last moments. Not what Cas really means to him. Always too close to an edge of something larger than any apocalypse they've ever dealt with.
He traces down low enough to brush across Cas' wrist, the pained look still on his face.
Dean swallows, his heart hammers hard in his throat. Timid even though the guy is unconscious, Dean grabs his hand.
His mind blanks. Turns to complete static — a jumble of half-formed thoughts about every reason he ever told himself not to.
He's an angel. The worlds ending. Always ending. He doesn't feel that way. Can't, the equipment for it's not there. It's why he leaves, isn't it? And what the fuck could ever hope to start when it's all always falling apart? When they could fall apart.
Everyone leaves.
A flash of cold prickles down his back, and he tries to takes a deep breath. It goes down ragged. There was something he read once, about picking out a sense.
Cas' breath, slow and steady. The clink of Mircale's claws on the floor. A muted buzz from the florescent lights in the hall.
He breaths again, a little easier. His fingers curls into Cas' palm, and his finger twitch against Dean in response. The dent in his brows relax, his jaw goes slack.
"S'okay Cas." He squeezes. "Just... be okay."
When his phone rings, dumped and forgotten on the other side of the room, he isn't quite sure how to let go. Like the ligaments in his hand have cemented in place, forgotten the muscle memory to make the movements happen.
When the second call comes through, Cas mumbles something. Dean's shoulder slack, and he pulls his hands back, clammy and with a slight tremor.
It's Sam. There's a small tug of guilt — he should've called him the moment he put Cas down. He knows he would've been worried sick if Sam was the one that had to go.
Sam's relieved too, promises to buy stuff for dinner on his way back from where Dean went in the Empty about fifty miles out. And he must hear something in his voice, because he stresses to go watch a movie or something and let Cas sleep it off.
Of course he's right. They knew Cas would be out cold. But leaving the room is still hard, and he lingers in the doorway until he gets a good look at Miracle's mess of tangled fur.
He hasn't brushed her hair, since that's practically what the fur is, in weeks.
"C'mon girl."
He grabs the brush from the bedside table, casts on last look at Cas, and takes Miracle to the TV room.
She hops on the couch next to him, tail thumping with excitement.
"You wanna get pretty to meet Cas later?"
She nuzzles his hand, sticks her nose against the brush, and a little bit of the stress from today lightens up.
He flips on some netflix show about baking food, and talks to Miracle as he starts in on her snout.
It's ritualistic to touch on whatevers going on with her, at this point.
As her fur smooths, he tells her about the Empty. Its piss-poor lighting, the mind boggling way directions work, how it has this awful burnt-licorice and gasoline stench clung to the nothingness of its everything.
It kinda makes his head hurt.
Almost two full episodes in, he has all her fur neat and tidy, and his little monologue has circled back to Cas. She'd know a lot about him if she could talk.
"It's hard to believe he's really back. And — and maybe it'll be good. We could, I dunno, get you a yard?" He nods, smiles. "Yeah, I bet your spoiled ass would like that. The bunker ain't a place for pets."
Miracle leaps from the couch, and someone clears their throat from the door.
Cas stands in the doorway, hunched in on himself. Dark strands of hair twist up in random directions, and the casual clothes Dean left him fit snugly.
He looks... comfortable. Like he slipped into humanity ages ago, not this afternoon.
He tilts his lips up, tight and sheepish. "I see you have a dog now."
"Yeah. Miracle. She uh — she helped me." He motions vaguely to his head. "Might not be batting a hundred up here if not for her."
Cas glances down at her, and the tense smile softens. "I'm very grateful then."
Almost reverent, he scratches the side of her ear.
Dean shakes his head. Blinks. Two things he never thought he'd see side by side mixed with the insanity of the day make none of this seem real.
Deep breath.
"She can — she can be there for you too," Dean says. "If you need it. Dogs are great listeners. Even the Madonna types like this one."
Cas gives a contemplative hum. "They are both blonde."
He puffs a breath of air. It's easy to forget Cas actually knows what he's talking about now, sometimes. Even if he does still miss the point by a mile.
"It was your turn."
Cas raises an eyebrow.
"To, uh, pick a movie." He motions to the seat next to him. "If you want."
Cas runs his bottom lip between his teeth and doesn't look at Dean. Doesn't say anything either. Just nods, walks over, and sinks into the couch.
It's a respectable distance. Close enough Dean would be able to sense him, far enough away they won't touch.
Miracle curls up on the other side of Cas, head flopped on his lap, right next to his balled up hands.
"Is it over?" His voice is small.
Dean doesn't have to ask. "Chuck isn't aproblem anymore." Cas sighs, slinks down bonelessly into the cushions. "We figured it out, took his powers. Jack's fixing up Heaven with it. Says he's gunna do that, find a way to put Amara back together, and then come home."
"Good. I don't think I'm up to fighting standards." He rolls his head to the side. They're close enough Dean can make out each muscle in his neck when he swallows. "You didn't have to save me, Dean. I'd — made peace with that fate."
It's bullshit. It's bullshit and Cas has to know it. He almost tells him a much, but if he can't have that talk now, then he never will.
He licks his lips. It doesn't help the dryness.
"Did you mean it?"
It's a dumb question, but one he needs answered.
Cas doesn't miss a beat. "That and more." The serenity in his words is endearing as it is cutting when he adds, "But we don't have to address it. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
It's Dean's turn to melt with relief. "Good — that's good."
Cas winces. "I understand if you'd like some space —"
He starts to stand up, and panic seizes Dean's chest like a vice grip. He grabs his wrist and Cas freezes.
"No! God no. Cas, it — it wasn't supposed to happen like that."
He looks confused, before some amount of understanding smoothes out some of the worried lines in his face. His eyes flick down to Dean's mouth for an instant. "How was it supposed to happen, then?"
"I thought, maybe on a hunt? Or — I don't know. Just... " some place I could say it back.
Its not good enough, saying it without saying it. Cas gave a speech. He saved Dean's life, saved the god damn world. All without knowing.
He shakes his head. Starts again. He had enough practice between thoughts he couldn't shove away and late night pet-therapy. "I thought you knew. Hell, I've been scared everyone knows. And if they did, you did too, right?"
"Subtly isn't always my strongest suit."
He laughs, and it's almost on the wrong side of sane. "Don't I know it."
He can do direct.
Slow enough that Cas has time to pull back, he runs his hand up his arm, cradles it against the back of Cas' neck. He leans across the small distance and kisses him.
It's clumsy and unsure, and Cas places a skittish hand on Dean's side like he's not sure what he's allowed to have even now, but their lips mesh together in a way that feels better than anything he can remember.
When they part, he's not sure either one of them are breathing. And he can't look at Cas, not when he says it. Not yet. So he presses their foreheads together, keeps his eyes fully lidded.
"I don't know how you could think you aren't worth saving. You — you're it for me."
"Dean —"
He shakes his head, and the tips of their noses brush. "I love you more than I know what to do with. You know that right?"
Bewildered, Cas says, "I didn't."
"Yean, well. Now you do."
He scoots back in place, flushed firm against the cushion. Their hands tangle together, and their knees are touching, and it's too much and not enough. But mostly not enough. Dean dares a glance over. Cas is staring at their hands, a pleased smile on his face.
And they're on the same page.
"I think you said something about a yard when I walked in?"
Instead of answering he says, "We should retire. I'm too old for this shit."
Dean shrugs. "A hunt here and there wouldn't hurt I guess."
"We'll talk about it later." He reaches over him, grabs the remote. "I think you said it was my turn?"
Dean grins, full and toothy. "Yeah, just no more romcoms, dude. I can only take so many."
Cas nods, curt and serious. "Of course."
He does anyway, and it's the best shitty movie Dean's ever seen.
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the-edge-of-great · 4 years
can you do 14 with alex finding out that gay marriage is legal maybe learning about other wholesome lgbt+ progress since '95
(there’s a weird glitch or something on my feed where the ask isn’t showing, so just in case, this is for @lemonwilford)
so after finishing this, I have four tabs open for formal dresses, wedding venues, and lesbian wedding aesthetics on Pinterest AND I have an article from 1993 about gay rights (started as a reference but then it got interesting so really, it’s my fourth article)
in other words I kinda get obsessed and distracted with researching and referencing for anything that I write, so, TL;DR enjoy :)
also juke is totally established in this cause I said so
14. “That’s legal now?”
“Ready!” the guys call back to Julie. They’re in the studio, patiently waiting for the surprise she wanted to show them. She was eager about something when she came home from school and told them she couldn’t practice on Saturday. They might’ve been bummed had she not been bouncing with excitement. Alex had smiled fondly at her; excited Julie was his favorite Julie.
She promised to show them what was happening Saturday before leaving, and now they’re eager themselves.
Julie throws open both studio doors with a type of dramatic flare that Alex can respect. She saunters in wearing a gorgeous golden dress with lace shoulders, a sweetheart neckline, and a hem stops just above her knee, matching heels clicking across the floor. Her hair bounces against her shoulders: big and curly and gorgeous, like always. She’s wearing red lipstick, and her eyeliner is sharp and precise; Alex thinks it’s called a cat eye. There’s so much lingo he still needs to catch up on.
He meets her halfway with a grin and offers his hand. “You look beautiful,” he says, spinning her in a circle. She twists on the toe of her heel, and her dress flares. There are sparkles in the intricate design across her chest that glisten under the studio lights. Alex catches her around the waist when she stumbles to a stop.
“Yeah,” Reggie agrees. “You look amazing.”
Alex joins Reggie as Luke approaches. They share a knowing smile.
“Where are you going looking so good?” he asks, arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her close.
Julie beams at him. “A wedding for one of my friends from music class. Her moms are getting married.”
Alex blinks. “Moms?”
Luke frowns. “You mean… two women?”
Like a switch, Julie’s bright demeanor falters. She pushes against Luke’s arms, frowning as she breaks away from him. “Yeah,” she answers, eyeing each of them carefully. “Are you guys… okay with that?”
Alex makes a noise—somewhere between a scoff and a snicker. Okay with that? Of course he is. But confused? Yes. Very.
Reggie nods, chewing on his lip. He’s trying not to smile—Alex can see the corners of his mouth twitching. “Yeah,” he says. “Of course we are, we just—”
“That’s legal now?” Alex blurts.
A second passes, but Julie’s eyes widen with realization. “Ninety-five,” she mutters to herself, nodding slowly. “Right.” Louder, she explains, “Yeah, gay marriage was legalized, like, five years ago. Actually, a lot’s changed since the 90s.”
Luke snickers. “No kidding.”
“Oh my gosh, wait until you see Pride in June! LA has the best celebrations.” She shifts her weight, smiling sheepishly. “Not that I have experienced any outside of here to compare, but, you know what I mean. It’s so much fun! Flynn and I went with Sarah and her moms last year—Sarah’s moms are the ones getting married today.”
Julie is looking at him more than she usually looks at Luke—and she catches herself every time, quickly averting her eyes back to him and Reggie—which is really saying something. She can’t possibly know though, right? He certainly didn’t tell her. He knows neither Luke nor Reggie told her. Is it really so obvious, or could she perhaps… actually be a witch? Was Reggie on to something?
Alex rolls his eyes; he must be having an off day or something to really consider Julie being a witch and Reggie to be right.
“… Or not,” Julie says, rocking on her heels and twisting the ring on her finger. She’s looking at him again, much less sure of herself than before. Reggie and Luke are staring too; Luke elbows him in the side and glares.
“What?” Alex whines, pushing him away. “What are you—Oh! Oh, I wasn’t—I didn’t—” He shakes his head at Julie. “I wasn’t rolling my eyes at you! I just… had a dumb idea… Anyway, I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“She said we could go with her,” Reggie explains. “To the wedding, if we want to.” He raises his eyebrows knowingly. How come everyone is so knowing toward him all of a sudden?
“You should,” Julie persists. “Sarah showed us pictures of the venue today at school. It looks gorgeous in the daylight—I can’t wait to see it tonight.”
Luke grins. “Of course we’ll go.” He chuckles at the guys. “I mean, what else do we have to do?”
So, that’s how they end up in the outdoors of Orange County. The guys ride in the back of Ray’s car—apparently, ghosts can ride in cars. Flynn doesn’t carpool with Julie; when the girls reunite, she explains how her mom decided last minute that Flynn’s hair would look better in a bun rather than her regular braids.
They pose for pictures from Ray and the wedding photographer. Then Sarah, Alex thinks—a teenage girl with fair skin and copper red hair in a neat plait against her shoulder—rushes over with the biggest grin on her face. The girls gush over their outfits, the night, the decorations, etc etc. They’re cute; Alex shares a fond smile with Luke and Reggie.
“This place is pretty,” Reggie admits, turning in a slow circle to take in the scenery. They’re in a forest, surrounded by towering pine trees, and there are lights everywhere. Streams of globe bulbs are strung up from tree to tree, creating an arch in the center where a long, white rug leads to a stage filled with golden flowers. The sun was already setting when they left Julie’s house, so by now, the reception is a warm glow in an otherwise dark forest.
“Alex,” Luke mutters, as if anyone could actually hear them, and nudges his elbow into Alex’s side, “look around dude. Most of these couples aren’t straight.”
He noticed when they first arrived that men mostly stayed with men and women mostly stayed with women, but now that Luke has pointed it out, Alex is noticing that the guests are actually couples. A couple to their left is discussing the food. One man feeds the other a bite of a sandwich and gloats when his partner admits it’s actually not bad. To their right, two women are posing in front of the wedding photographer. One is kissing the other’s cheek.
“I think this is the most…” Alex pauses, trying to both find the right word and take it all in because, really, this is a lot. It’s a good amount of a lot, of course, but… These people are openly showing off their partners. They’re happy. They’re proud of themselves. And the straight people aren’t saying anything rude? No one is cursing at them? Claiming they’ve damned themselves?
“Alex?” Reggie asks softly.
“I know a lot is different from, you know,” Alex begins, “but I think this is the biggest change I’ve seen. I mean—” He gestures wildly at the scene before them. “This is legal! This is legal. It’s accepted. They’re just—Everyone is just—themselves! They’re themselves, and it’s okay.”
“I was gonna ask how you feel about it, but—” Luke shares a laugh with Reggie— “I think I have my answer.”
“I feel…” Alex rocks on his heels, considering his answer. He chews on his lip. “You guys will probably think it’s dumb, but—”
“You know we won’t think it’s dumb,” Reggie argues immediately. Alex glances at him. He’s giving Alex this look with a raised eyebrow, like he can’t believe he would even think that. Which is valid, you know, because they’ve never been anything less than supportive of Alex. Of course they haven’t; he really lucked out in the friend department.
“I feel safe here.” He shoves his hands in his jacket pockets. “Like when I could finally leave my house to go to practice, and I knew none of you guys would judge me if I told you about a guy that I thought was cute.” He finds Julie in the crowd, chatting with the lesbian couple he saw earlier, posing for pictures—selfies—with them and laughing when the woman’s partner hid bunny ears behind her head. 
Alex rubs the back of his neck. “I just… don’t think I could’ve imagined feeling safe around people who aren’t my friends.” He finally turns to Luke and Reggie, who are watching him with wide grins. Alex huffs a laugh. “Stop looking at me like that.”
Reggie chuckles. He slings an arm around Alex’s shoulders. “We’re just happy for you, man.”
“Yeah,” Luke agrees. He hums. “Can’t wait to see what the whole thing with June is about.”
“Yeah!” Reggie exclaims. “D’ya think it’s a few days? A week?”
“We can ask Julie later,” Alex suggests.
Reggie snickers. “If she doesn’t stay with Flynn.”
Luke hums. “Yeah, I’m gonna… go convince her to stay home tonight.” He pauses to squeeze Alex’s shoulder before leaving them for the dance floor.
Alex suddenly steps away from Reggie. “I, uh… I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?”
“I just—I want to find Willie. I want to talk to him about something.”
“You’re really going to leave me third wheeling with jukebox over there?”
Alex snorts. “Jukebox? Have they approved of that name?”
“… They don’t know about it.” Reggie pauses, then adds, “And you’re not going to tell them.”
“I promise.”
Reggie chuckles. “You better. Now go, find your boy.”
He’s at the museum, the first place Alex looks. He’s just leaving actually—as soon as Alex arrives at the building, Willie is phasing through the door, about to skate down the street.
“Willie!” Alex calls. 
Willie steps off his board. He turns to him, and instantly, a smile spreads across his face. “Hey, Alex. What’s up?”
“So,” Alex says, stopping in front of him, grinning, “tell me about Pride.”
Willie’s eyes shine at the request, just as beautiful as the lights from the wedding. 
“I’d love to.”
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
Sick And Tired
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A/N: I know I changed the third request a little, I’m sorry. I still hope you enjoy. 
Warnings: fluff, mistakes... fem!reader.
Word Count: 1.5k
Spencer Reid request!! Can you do one where reader is at home when he arrives for his latest case and he’s sick or injured and she takes care of him? And he definitely tried to hide it and pretend like nothings wrong but she figures it out
Ooooh so I just read your “slow dance” one and it gave me an idea for a request. What if Spencer’s feeling kinda sick all day and throughout the day, the individual team members bring it up (I especially love the fatherly relationship he has with hotch so :}) anyway, by the time it gets to the end of the night, he’s barely keeping his eyes open and focused but won’t leave and reader comes up to his desk and finally convinced him to go home and takes care of him a little bit Is that too much?
ok. so. i just read THE coolest study on chicken noodle soup that talked about mitigation of neutrophil migration, and thus inflammation meaning !!! it actually DOES help a cold !!! point is, i would love if you could possibly write something abt reid caring for his S/O while they’re sick and being a little uncomfy because he finds it difficult to be intimate and caring without seeming overbearing? sorry if this is too bizarre/ oddly specific bahaha but tysm either way! ur writing is awesome :)   
Summary: y/n helps spencer when he’s sick.
The morning ran pretty well for the most part. 
Everyone was just sort of hanging around until JJ shows up so that meant, Morgan was sleeping, Prentiss was talking with Garcia, Rossi was in his office, and you and Reid were where the coffee was like usual.
Spencer had asked you out about a year ago, and ever since then, you’ve been dating. You’re pretty sure that the team doesn’t know, but there’s always that chance that they do. Because of this at work, you and Spencer try to stay strictly professional, but even then it’s very hard.
“Jesus Christ!” Spencer yelled. He had gone from gently blowing and stirring his coffee to loudly sneezing and spilling a portion of his coffee onto his beige sweater.
“Oh my God, are you okay Spencer?” You asked worriedly taking the cup from his hands and trying to help him out of his hot sweater quickly. You both had secretly hoped it hadn’t got on his shirt underneath, but it had, and now he had to take that off too.
You blushed at the sight of him, but quickly wet a towel and gave it to him so that he could wipe the coffee off of his stomach.
“The one day I don’t have extra clothes with me, this happens.” He scolded himself. 
Morgan came into the room shortly after the incident, (he had heard the shouting), and was greatly amused to find a shirtless Spencer and a blushing, worried you.
“What happened here? Am I interrupting something?” He asked smirking.
“Interrupting what?” Spencer questioned, trying to get the spot of coffee off of his pants as well.
Your eyes widened and you shook your head, but before you could say anything, Spencer went from coughing hardly to sneezing and neither you or Morgan knew what to do except to say “bless you.”
After he was done you both asked if he was alright but he insisted that he was fine, and it was nothing to worry about. You and Morgan knew that he wasn’t fine, but you let it drop anyway.
On the plane, after the team reviewed the case, it was mostly silent except for the occasional cough from Spencer. You passed him a few cough drops and he thanked you silently, but he insisted that he did not need them and he was perfectly fine. 
When you weren’t looking though, he put one into his mouth and soon fell asleep.
As he was sleeping, both you and the team noticed he was shifting uncomfortably, half because of the ACDC shirt Morgan let him borrow, and half because as you had assumed, he was sick. You weren’t sure why he wouldn’t admit it to himself but you were going to try to help him any way you could.
“What’s up with Reid?” Prentiss asked noticing how Spencer would wake up with a sneeze every so often.
“He’s sick, I’m pretty sure.” You answer. “Probably a cold. He would know better than I would but he says he’s fine.”
Once you landed, Hotch told you and Spencer to go to the station and try to set up a geographic profile from there. Along with telling you he’d call with updates, he also told you to look after Reid and make sure that he was going to be okay. The way he said it made it seem like he knew more about the both of you than the two of you let on but at this point, you were glad you were paired with Reid so that you could try to help him.
A few hours had gone by, and Hotch called a few times helping you and Spencer build and better profile, but it seemed as though Spencer was only getting worse. His eyes had reddened, and his throat was sore meaning that the talking between the two of you was kept to a minimum. One of the nearby cops noticed he was somewhat losing his voice, and they had offered him some tea, but Spencer kindly refused.
You thanked the officer and took the tea anyway. You set it next to him, and you weren’t looking, the whole cup ended up empty. 
You smiled.
The team came back to give a profile to the public, and because Reid couldn’t do it because of his voice, you gave the geographic one.
Later on the plane home, the whole team had noticed Spencer’s behavior. His hair was a mess he didn’t bother fixing, he was sweating, his cheeks were flushed, and he just looked miserable. JJ gave him some Tylenol to take, and Rossi offered him some water, but he refused. 
Eventually, he gave in and took the medicine, but not without making sure that no one was paying attention to him and what he was doing.
Back at the office, everyone said their goodbyes, but Spencer had insisted to stay behind and work on the papers. You didn’t want to argue with him, so instead, you walked over to your desk and finished up files of your own that you could. A few minutes later, you decided to look over at Spencer’s desk, and just like you had suspected he had fallen straight asleep.
“L/N.” A deep voice had called from above. 
“Oh hey, Hotch.”
“Can I see you for a second?”
Once you were in Hotch’s office, you sat down and you noticed that he looked just as tired as Spencer was. His tie was undone, his hair a mess, and his desk was even messier.
“Y/N, I know about you and Spencer, and before you say anything I need you to know that it’s alright as long as it doesn’t interfere with the both of you doing your job.” He was serious until now. “I’m happy for you guys, you should see the way he looks at you.” You blushed at that. “Please take care of him tonight. He needs it. I’m not sure why he’s refusing to admit it, but please take care of him in any way you can. Take tomorrow off.”
You weren’t sure what to say other than the routine, “yes sir,” so along with that, you said “thank you,” and shuffled your way out of his office.
Spencer was still sleeping by the time you got back down so you took the liberty to pack up for him and you as well. When you were done, you went over to try to gently shake Spencer awake.
“Spencer, let me take you home.”
He woke up groggily and confused and said, “No. No, I’m okay I still gotta uhm, I gotta finish this.”
“You’re tired and hungry. Let’s get you to your apartment.”
Eventually, you convinced him, and you drove him to his ultimately very neat apartment other than a  few stray books on the table and the couch.
You tell him to go change so that you can make some food for him.
“Oh really? What are you making?”
“Chicken noodle soup.” You smile. “Obviously. You have some kind of cold. I guess soup helps.”
“Actually, it really does!” he smiles excitedly. “Did you know that chicken noodle soup helps clear nasal congestion as well as the thin mucus and it also has an anti-inflammatory effect than can help ease symptoms like congestion, anosmia, erythema, and irritation?” He pauses to sneeze.
“Bless you.”
“Thank you. Anyway, another effect of chicken noodle soup is also mitigating inflammation, so that’s pretty cool too.”
“That is very cool Spencer.” He nods in agreement before going into his bedroom to change.
By the time he was done showering and changing, the soup was ready. You had a bowl placed for each of you on the table, and as soon as he sat down to eat, you did too.
It was silent, and he wasn’t eating yet.
He looked nervous, and you grew worried.
“Are you okay?”
He nodded not looking at you. It looked like he was trying to tell you something but he couldn’t find the right words. He was fidgeting, and his leg was moving, and one of his hands raked through his hair the way it does when he’s really thinking about something.
Instead of answering he pushed a key to you still without looking at you, and shoved a spoonful of soup into his mouth but then regretted that because it was still a tad too hot.
After making sure he was okay, you looked down and picked up the key.
“Is this?” You question searching for Spencer’s eyes.
He nodded, smiling at you.
“And you want me to use it?” You were in disbelief.
“I don’t want you to just use it Y/N, I want you to move in with me.”
“Move in with you?”
You nodded and kissed his cheek. “Of course I will.”
While you were in the bathroom to tell JJ the good news, (of course she knew about you and Spencer), Spencer called Morgan (he knew too) to tell him that you had agreed to move in with him. Spencer was beyond ecstatic he’d finally built up the courage to ask you. He was red all over and smiling to himself. Despite being sick, this was probably one of the most happiest moments of his life.
feedback always appreciated!!
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I accidentally wrote a 5k fanfic about incidents caused aboard the ghost by differences between species
I've been reading a lot of those old tumblr posts that are like “what if humans are actually just really, really hardy and alien species would be just completely blown away with the shit we put up with without a second thought” and it's got me thinking about the crew of the Ghost trying to get used to each other at first with three humans that are all just absolutely fucking insane, even more so than even your average human.
Rebels spoilers ahead, as well as a trigger warning for blood, vomit and general injuries
It starts with Hera and Kanan. It’s just the two of them, aboard the Ghost, and it takes some getting used to.
At first Hera is shocked by the way Kanan's body seemingly has no limits. He has never once complained about the temperature of the ghost, even when they were running low on power and Hera could feel her limbs start to get sluggish from the cold. Two weeks later he somehow managed to find his way back to the ghost after being in -2 degree Celsius weather for a half an hour with no coat on. When he walked back through the hatch with snow blowing in his loose hair and a red nose and said “it's cold as shit out there” after Hera had been panicking about losing him for the literal entire time, she had to practically scrape her jaw off of the floor. She would have been dead after a few minutes, and yet here he was, now steaming from a shower and shirtless, bitching about how the caf maker was broken.
As time went on, she learned his body did have some limits to the heat. At about 35 degrees he got irritable and short, but that was about when she started getting uncomfortably warm, too. But he would tolerate it. And more. He kept impressing her with the things he somehow managed to pull off, in conditions she would have thought would kill him. He could get knocked around far more than she thought he should be able to, and would haul himself back to the ship with a grin every time.
The way his body worked constantly surprised her. She noticed it first in how quickly he healed, and in how much he ate.
He could eat literally anything. Things she thought were poisonous for most species. He loved chocolate, and would easily eat ten times the amount that would send her to the hospital to get her stomach pumped. He could withstand a ridiculous amount of alcohol, and could drink unprocessed coffee with no problem by the cup. Caf didn't seem to really affect him because his body processed it so fast. And he ate so. Much. it was ridiculous. The good thing was it didn't really seem to matter what.
Hera didn't need much food, but it had to be good. It had to count. Too much filler and she would lose strength. Her body couldn't process a lot, and if what she got wasn't exactly what she needed, her health went downhill, quick.
Kanan was not the same. He could, and would, eat anything. He didn't have any noticeable preference for plants or meat, or the quality of the food. If he could get his hands on it, he would eat it. He would eat food out of the refrigerator she would have considered to be dangerous. He put appalling amounts of random, unrelated food in a pan, cooked it, and acted like that was an acceptable thing to do. Omelets? She hated the very idea but he seemed to think they were wonderful.
And yet, for all that, they had once been stranded for over a week with only enough rations for one, and Kanan had insisted that she take the vast majority of the ration bars. She pushed back, and he then presented her with the absolutely shocking fact that humans can survive for over a month with no food. She was absolutely flabbergasted, and he took advantage of her stunned silence to press another ration into her hand, smirk at her and say, “I can take it. Trust me.”
Another thing she noticed very quickly was how fast he healed.
He could be bleeding openly one minute, and the wound seemed to close itself the next. She knew human blood had clotting factors far beyond that of nearly any other being, but it was ridiculous how fast he sealed himself up. Further into their relationship she got to see this close up when she accidentally touched some of his congealed blood on the floor of the refresher after cleaning him up. She had had to turn away and take a few deep breaths at the slimy, gelatinous texture. He had gently huffed out a laugh.
“Kinda gross huh?”
“Yeah... it's… unique.”
“I've always been kind of fascinated by the way it congeals so quickly. Handy I guess.”
Out of sheer curiosity she had run the end of a pen through the small puddle and been horrified to see that it mostly stuck together.
“It just… does that? Inside you? And that doesn't cause problems?”
“It can. If it clots when it's not supposed to. But mostly it keeps me alive.”
And it did. And though she wouldn't say it to his face, his ability to pull through seemingly anything took just one more worry off her plate. His wounds would be almost completely closed in often under a week, where she would have been dealing with bandages and salves for a month. He almost never got infections, and could keep going with seemingly incapacitating injuries.
They had once narrowly escaped a fight with a gang of imps and made it back to the ghost with almost no problems. She had a sprained ankle, so he had supported her most of the way there, and they had patched up each other's scrapes. He had needed a bit of training so he didn't just slap a bandaid on what could have been a potentially life threatening injury for her, but he did alright. It was only later, when they were sitting in the cockpit, well into hyperspace, and he had coughed suddenly, when things went sideways. She turned to see blood seeping out of the corner of his mouth, and more on his hand when he pulled it away. They both looked at it for a moment, then Hera almost blacked out as a sudden wave of adrenaline washed over her.
“Kanan you're- are you- let me make the calc- are you dying?”
“What? Oh- no I had thought I just cracked a few of my ribs but it would appear I must have broken at least one of them.”
“BROKEN? Your bone? Like in half?”
“I- yeah?”
“Chopper we need to get to the nearest med center right now. Tell them were coming. I dont care if its a fucking imperial light cruiser”
“Wait no lets not be hasty-”
“Okay i know it looks bad but really i'm not going to keel over and die right now. Make sure it's a safe med center and cheap too. I can wait.”
“Kanan your bones are literally broken.”
“Yeah. It's happened before and it will happen again. I've broken my arm twice. I've broken one of the bones in my lower leg. A couple toes. At least one finger. And don't even get me started on my nose. It didn't always look like this.” At that he had huffed out a small laugh, but then winced and brought a hand to his lower chest. Almost as an afterthought, he reached down and pulled up the hem of his shirt. She had started to avert her eyes at the sliver of hip he showed, but as he pulled the shirt up higher and revealed more, she felt the breath taken out of her. His skin was mottled a whole host of awful colors, angry and puffy. He coughed that wet cough again and said, “Maybe I do need a med center after all”
She was incredibly relieved when they dropped out of hyperspace and into the welcoming arms of medicine. She was less happy when Kanan was returned to her, that night no less, with only bandages around his chest and a note to “take it easy for a while” she was appalled to say the least.
His ridiculously resilient body sometimes created just as many problems as it solved, though. He got into bar fights after downing enough alcohol to kill a bantha, and got the piss kicked out of him. He ran headfirst into danger with little consideration for life or limb. He was reckless, and incredibly hotheaded, and overall behaved like a clown. She had no idea how the Jedi accepted humans into their ranks, if Jedi he was. Restraint, my ass.
His recklessness applied to food as well. He didn't really seem to mind what he ate, content with the knowledge that if it didn’t work out, he could always regurgitate it back up. Twi’leks could not vomit, like many other species. It was yet another bizarre human trait. The ability to purge substances from your body without them having to pass through your entire digestive tract and cause more issues had always seemed like a neat trick to Hera. That is, of course, until she saw it in action.
She was roused one night by a strange noise coming from the refresher, and she had padded to the door, only to find it open. Blinking in the harsh light, she saw Kanan curled on the floor, wearing no shirt. His hair was loose and hanging around his face, and he was panting heavily. She only had time to say “Kanan, what-” before he coughed and vomited into the bowl.
Her immediate reaction ricocheted from “Oh my god he's dying” to “I’m actually going to die just having to witness this” to “Oh stars he is actually dying” so fast she could barely process it. She was immediately horrified but had no idea how to help him.
“Kanan are you- do you need a medic? How- chop- CHOPPER! How do I help you? Are you hurt?”
He had turned and peered up at her with puffy eyes and a runny nose. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He tried to talk but his voice came out too rough and he had to try again. Even then it was strangely thick.
“Hera? Are you okay?”
“Am I okay? Am I okay Kanan? You're in here dying for stars sake and I have no idea how to help you and where the hell is chopper-”
“Hey. hey.” He turned away for a moment and took a long breath in through his nose. “Calm down for a sec. I feel like shit so you're going to have to talk slower. Are you hurt or something?”
“Hurt? No I'm not hurt i’m just- you- you're in here- I don’t even know-”
He closed his eyes and took another long breath in through his nose.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah i’m just… trying really hard not to throw up again.”
He opened his eyes again and looked up at her again.
She shifted against the door frame. “But you're… okay? This isn't life threatening?”
He huffed out a soft laugh, then seemed to immediately regret it as he dropped his head between his knees for a moment. Then he cleared his throat and tipped his head back up.
“No. I'm good, I just ate something bad at that pub. And I also probably drank a bit too much as well. But I think it was definitely the squids fault.”
“Oh. So this is… normal?”
“More so than I would like. Yes.”
“Okay so…” she took a deep breath to calm her nerves now that it was apparent he wasn't in any imminent danger. “Do you need anything? How can I help you?”
“Some tea maybe. Some crackers. Anything ginger you have. It'll work itself out with time.”
She stood in the door, unsure of what to do, wanting to help him, and watched as he drew a quick breath in and closed his eyes again.
“Hera. Tea. Now”
As she dashed to the kitchen she heard the sounds of retching from behind her.
  There were some strange things about humans that became interesting as their relationship developed beyond mere captain and crew. His hair, for example. At first she had thought it was appalling, the sheer volume of it. It was everywhere. But all it took was threading her hands through it a few times, and hearing the wonderful noises he made, before she quickly changed her opinion.
Related to his hair was the fact that humans seemed to enjoy a certain level of pain, which she could not understand. He would moan audibly when she tugged at his hair, which startled her the first time, in the best way. Once, when she was feeling particularly adventurous, she had dragged her sharp canines across the delicate skin of his throat, and had been surprised to find the taste of metal filling her mouth, sharp and bright. She was even more surprised at the way he had shuddered and come apart beneath her, just like that.  
Then, later, when Zeb and Sabine joined the crew, there was yet another learning curve as Hera adjusted to another human as well as a Lasat, and Zeb adjusted to Kanan and Sabine at the same time.
Sabine was just as reckless. She was a fighter too, but she didn't have the force to help her out. Hera had more than a few small heart attacks in the early days of Sabine's presence before she fully appreciated that she could take almost as much of a beating as Kanan. Sabine had once walked over a half a mile back to the ship with a broken leg, and when Hera pressed her on just how she managed to do that, Sabine had gotten quickly tired of the argument, ending it with a, “I don't know what to tell you, Hera! I didn't have any other options! I had to do it, so I did.”
Hera was used to most of Kanan's strange human quirks, but Sabine presented a new and entirely alarming one, which Hera first came in contact with on a supply run. Sabine needed a monthly supply of medical supplies. Hera knew very little about menstruation, as that was a trait entirely unique to human females. Why their biology decided that it was necessary was completely beyond Hera, it seemed incredibly inefficient. Sabine made as little fuss about it as possible, but Hera had embarrassed everyone about three months in when Sabine asked hera to go get her data pad from her room. Hera had burst back into the common room, and only then was able to identify the smell Sabine was carrying with her that had been tugging at the edges of Hera’s mind all day. Blood. She turned on Sabine with a very distressed, “Sabine are you injured? Are you sick?”
To which Sabine had responded, with a distinct note of confusion, “No? Why?”
And Hera, without thinking, had said, “There's blood all over your bed? Did you hurt yourself?”
Sabine had gaped at her for a moment, then blushed ever so slightly. “I uh- I forgot to wash my sheets after... Sorry. I forgot about that before I told you to go into my room.”
Hera still had not connected the dots and was opening her mouth to further interrogate Sabine as to why her bedsheets were covered in blood when Kanan had jumped up and said, “Hera! Let's go for a walk, yes?” and pulled her gently out of the room, but not before she heard Zeb turn to Sabine and say, “So, why were you bleeding?”
Zeb apparently hadn't had much contact with the more alarming of the humans' quirks, as he had his own room, until Ezra showed up. Then Zeb had to learn for himself just how absolutely wild human biology was for himself. He arguably had a rougher go of it, because while he had the rest of the crew to help him out, he was literally sharing a room with a teenage human.
The first time Ezra got food poisoning was just about as rough for Zeb as it was for Kanan and Hera, except it happened in Zebs room.  Ezra was mostly self-sufficient, but Zeb had come hollering down the hall. He had broken the “do not open my door without knocking” rule Hera kept firmly in place, but she couldn't even be mad at him. Hera was just glad Kanan had been in his own bed that night. She had woken to see Zeb standing in her door, his fur standing up like a spine down his back, one ear folded inside out, panting hard.
“Hera the kid- he’s- I don’t know what the fuck happened but he- I think he’s hurt- or- or something but I don’t know how to help him- it’s Ezra-”
At which point Kanan, who had been woken by Zebs racket, slid open his door wearing only his sleep pants. He took one moment to assess the situation, looked down the hall and said, “Oh, Ezra’s throwing up. Do you want me to take care of him, Hera?”
Hera sighed and got up from her bed.
“No, you get Zeb some tea or something. I've learned well enough how to hold hair back at this point.”
Zeb, still looking entirely horrified by the situation, allowed himself to be led into the galley by Kanan. Sabine poked her head out of her door, decided this crisis did not involve her, and went back to sleep.
The same situation had happened the first time Ezra had gotten a bloody nose in the middle of the night. It was the kind Hera had witnessed with Kanan, and knew firsthand how horrifying it was if one didn't know humans noses just Did That sometimes. It was a middle of the night kind of bloody nose, where Ezra had presumably woken up with blood all over his face and in his mouth and in his hair and on his sheets, and had tried to catch the blood in his hands, which was all well and good until he somehow had to get down from the top bunk and open two doors to get to the refresher. That left Zeb to wake up to a room smelling of blood, with blood on the floor, on the door panel, and a trail leading to the refresher where he found Ezra leaning over the sink which was also, conveniently, covered in blood. All it had taken was for Ezra to turn his face toward the creature standing in the door and say “Zeb?” before Zeb was hurtling down the hall in a panic, calling for Kanan to come help him because the kid was dying.
Sabine, who had been up working on a project, was the first to respond to this particular “The human is dying!” call. She took one look at Ezra, standing in his pajamas with blood on his hands and said, “That sucks,” and turned back to her room.
Hera, who was making her way down the hall to check on if Ezra really was dying this time, had the pleasure of seeing Sabine turn back and say, “If you want a tampon to stop up the bleeding, they're in the bottom left drawer.” This worked surprisingly well at stopping Ezras bloody nose, because he was blushing so hard there was no blood left for his nose. Hera turned back to comfort Zeb, telling him she had reacted the exact same way the first time Kanan had woken up with a bloody nose. She saw him come out of his panic in time to realize she had effectively confessed to sleeping with Kanan, but wisely decided not to say anything. Nothing he didn't already know.
The humans were absolutely bizarre to spend time around. They ended up installing a wall in the galley that had live plants in it, not because they needed fresh plants to eat, but because their brain chemicals got thrown off if they weren't around plants for too long.
They had empathy for everything. Hera had once witnessed Ezra cry in a market when they passed a fruit stand with a deformed Meiloorun. When Hera asked why he was crying, he had looked up at her with these huge eyes, sniffed, and said, “I just feel so bad for it! No one will buy it!” They had, of course, bought it. Kanan tried not to get attached to anything, but he apologized for bumping into inanimate objects, and Sabine got visibly sad when they had to throw out a good piece of gear because it was broken or old.
They all three loved swimming. They were awful at it, just barely flopping around on the surface, but any time they were near even relatively safe water, they were in it, having the time of their lives. Kanan had once explained to Hera that humans have an extra fun little bit of evolution called the mammalian dive reflex, which slows their heart rate and lowers their blood pressure when they are in water, making it calming and enjoyable. Hera was skeptical until she watched Ezra calmly floating down a river on his back and wished she had that, instead of feeling nothing but panic anytime she had to float in water.  
They were mimics. They could replicate a stunning array of sounds, from animals to tech. Ezra's favorite way of annoying her was to make the noises her ship made when something went wrong, just to see how much she would panic before she realized it was him. They would sing along to anything, even if it was just instruments, and Hera would never admit it, but she loved Kanan's voice.
They could sleep anywhere. One of her favorite memories was walking around Chopper Base after a particularly exhausting mission and finding the three of them, Kanan in the middle, with one kid leaning on either shoulder, asleep, leaning against a crate. They had looked so peaceful, and yet she was again surprised at them. It was far too cold for her to even consider sleeping, there were fighters landing only a few hundred meters away, people running all over, and they were snoozing with smiles on their faces, just glad to be home.
And humans would pack bond with literally anything. She had thought Kanan was bad until she met Ezra. It was ridiculous. Her father had said that she was improper for developing a fondness for a droid, but the kid formed a relationship with everything that moved. It got them out of a few tight spots, sure, but she would never get used to having to sit still as some enormous predator loomed in their faces. The sight of Ezra staring down a cat the size of the ghost on some jungle planet, the cat's fangs mere inches from his face as it huffed at him, was something she would never forget.
They were wild and hard headed and strong and made her life so much more interesting.
Early on, Kanan’s strange human ability to adapt to seemingly anything had been a momentary point of contention between the two of them, and was still something she struggled with. It took time for her to be okay with the fact that humans and Twi’leks were just built differently. But it frustrated Hera how weak she felt compared to him. It infuriated her the way he could just walk off something that would have killed her. She had always striven to be adaptable and up for anything. She was strong, and she knew it. But she felt her inadequacies sharply next to Kanan. Early in their partnership they had been in the galley repairing themselves from yet another fight, when Hera had turned to see Kanan casually sewing his own skin up with a needle. The way he could just puncture his own skin like that, with nothing more than a wince and a hiss of breath, had made her see red for a moment and she had to excuse herself to the cockpit to take a breath. They had talked about it, and he had helped her to realize that she was, of course, strong. Humans were adapted differently, so it was entirely unfair for her to be comparing them. But they could compare emotionally, and she was one of the strongest people he had ever had the pleasure of knowing. The two of them were forged in war, and had been through incredible things. She had fought prejudice and overcome so many obstacles to get to where she was, the best pilot in the resistance, without question. As he had said the last part, she heard him smirk a bit, and looked over at him, bathed in the blue light of hyperspace, to find him with a little crooked grin on his face and his hair falling down around his ears. She had felt her guarded heart open a little bit more at that, and had to turn and gaze back out at the stars before her heart opened completely to this rogue of a man.
Later, pressed against his chest in a supply closet, hiding from some stormtroopers, she would marvel at just how fast humans' hearts beat. She knew they were supposed to beat about two times faster than a twi’lek, but his seemed like it was fit to fly out of his ribcage. She found herself thinking, “Is it supposed to be doing that? Is this why he's such a hot headed idiot?” Later she would discover it did not always beat that incredibly fast, usually just a bit faster than hers. It made him ridiculously warm, and also may have contributed to why he was so quick to anything. Not rushed. Not hasty. Just quick. Quick to anger. Quick to smile. Quick to fight. Quick to laugh. Quick to love.
Maybe that was why it was such a shock when he finally reached his limit. She had gotten used to him pulling through impossible situations. She had forgotten that they had limits, just like her.
And then, years later, a glimmer of hope. Ahsoka and Sabine, travelling the galaxy over, searching for Ezra. While Kanan was gone forever, she still had a chance to get one of her boys back.
And of course, there was always Jacen. Her beautiful little boy, who was soft and sweet and yet surprisingly strong, just like his father. And Hera was comforted to know that wherever this wild galaxy would take him, he had Kanan Jarrus’ blood coursing through his veins to keep him safe.
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thewatermelloncat · 3 years
Backstage (Rosénali CH 5)
CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4
Summary: With rehearsals for the school production underway, family matters come into play. Maybe Denali says something that she shouldn’t.
Boarding School AU
Kinda Pastel/Punk AU
Author’s Note: Be on the look out for links to extra stories within the chapters.
Warnings: None
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
That was the word on everyone’s mind after the theme for the school production had been announced.
The few short weeks before term break had been chaotic, masses of auditions and call backs following only days after the release of the script. And then it had all faded into nothing as the break rolled around and people moved off home to spend time with their families. Though the nerves of what part they would get still stuck with them.
There was only so much playing video games could do to distract Denali from worrying over her future placement in the cast. And having not gone home for the break, Rosé threw herself into picking up extra shifts at the diner. Trying to avoid the lonely hallways of the empty school where her mind would quickly play over all the things she could have done better in her audition.
Still, they found solace in texting each other most days. Sometimes sending a distress signal through the line when they got too in their head about their auditions, in turn for the other would reassure them that it would all be fine in the end. And that was enough to tie them through until the last day of term break.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Denali and Mik’s room is a mess of unorganised clothes and partially empty suitcases as the two of them are helped by Rosé in unpacking.
“Denali, you have too many pairs of socks” Rosé states as she shoves a draw full of them closed.
“It’s getting close to winter, what happens if I need to double up?” Denali defends before the door to the room is thrown open.
“Casting list is up!” Liv bursts into the room.
Almost immediately Denali and Mik who had been crouched by their suitcases are on their feet.
“Have you looked yet?” Denali asks.
“No, came to get you guys first.”
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Mik prompts before abandoning task and rushing them out the door.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The whole surrounding is crowded, a mix of people jumping in excitement and a few pissed off faces. Gradually the four of them make their way closer to the sheet hung on the noticeboard.
“I got it!” Denali exclaims as she jumps back to the group through the crowd in victory. Having ducked under a few arms to see the sheet: finding her name listed as part of the main dance troupe and next to the roller-skate solo.
“Gorge, of course you got the solo” Mik says. “You’re basically the only one who can stand up in skates.”
“No one would even come close to you” Liv agrees as she follows Mik further through the crowd.
Rosé smiles at Denali from next to her but doesn’t make to follow the other two.
“What’s wrong? You not wanna know what you got?” Denali asks her.
“Nervous” is all Rosé says.
“Come on” Denali nods her head to the papers on the board and takes Rosé by the hand. “I’ll check with you.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Denali doesn’t let go of Rosé’s hand as they search for her name. After a few tense seconds Rosé sighs in relief and takes a small step back. Soon afterward Denali finds her name listed next to the lead role as the ringleader.
“Congratulations” Denali squeezes her hand and smiles up at her.
Rosé breathes deeply before she smiles and squeezes Denali’s hand back.
“That’s two years in a row, girl!” Mik exclaims after finding Rosé’s name.
“What about you?” Rosé asks.
“I don’t know, I haven’t found it yet” Mik says.
“Hold on, I’ll help” Denali says, letting go of Rosé’s hand and joining Mik in regaining her search.
While scouring the list of names, Denali overhears Rosé talking to Olivia.
“Hey, I’m sorry” Rosé says as she steps closer to her. “I know you really wanted that part.”
“Everyone wanted that part” Liv reminds her. “But congratulations, you deserve it. Your audition was killer.”
Rosé smirks as she leans down closer to her ear. “You can always pull some showgirl shit and throw some marbles – you’re pretty much my understudy.”
Liv laughs and for a moment the jealousy she feels disappears. “I’ll just show you up on stage.”
“Bring it” Rosé nudges her with an elbow. “I love some competition.”
Liv opens her mouth to respond but is cut off by Mik’s exclamation.
“Yes! I get to be a clown!”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I’m so glad I don’t have to memorise any lines” Denali says picking up the script from Rosé’s desk.
“Haha” Rosé drones sarcastically, half asleep from on top of her bed.
Denali flips through a couple of pages. “How far have you gotten?”
Rosé hums as she tries to properly calculate the percentage but gives up and instead answers, “most of it.”
“I confess, I had my doubts… But this is a triumph. Well done ma’am” Denali prompts her with a line from the script. Playing up a proper voice, teasingly.
“Shut up” Rosé groans throwing a pair of balled up socks at her shoulder. “Wake me up in half an hour if my alarm doesn’t go off” she says hitting a button on her phone before rolling over to face the wall.
Denali smiles as she picks up the socks that had fallen to the floor. She knows better than to throw them back at Rosé, lest she wake her up more when she needs to sleep.
The school had thrown them all into rehearsals as soon as the casting list had been put up, and they’d been thrown in hard. None harder than Rosé in her leading role. Add onto her hectic school schedule with night shifts at the diner, and she’s been nearly falling asleep in every one of her classes for the last week. Still, she manages to make it work though Denali has no idea how she does it.
Almost within seconds Rosé’s breathing evens out as sleep takes her, and Denali quietly stands from the chair to put the socks back on her set of draws. Internally wincing as the chair creaks when she sits back down in it but Rosé doesn’t even stir.
Denali smiles again, this time at the peacefulness of the room. Much the opposite of her own now days with Mik having been put in charge of the make up for the production. Since then, she’s taken to hanging out in Rosé’s room more often now that her own was littered with eyeshadow pallets and make up brushes on almost every surface.
With nothing much to occupy her time, she picks up the script again and reads through it. Skimming over the notes Rosé has written in neat cursive in the margins, and feeling a swelling of pride at the stage directions for her dance numbers.
Her finger traces over Mik’s sole line she has in the script – one that she always jokes that she’ll forget – when the buzzing of an alarm goes off.
“Hey, no!” she warns pointedly, seeing Rosé’s arm move out blindly to whack snooze.
“Five more minutes” Rosé groans into her pillow.
“No” Denali says as she moves over to the bed. “Anything longer than 30 minutes just makes it worse.”
She shakes once at Rosé’s shoulder, earning an exaggerated groan, but it works as Rosé pushes herself up with a yawn. As she stretches out her arms Denali turns around to grab her hairbrush to throw to her.
Rosé misses catching it but it falls on her lap before she picks it up, flashing Denali half a smile as she untangles her hair.
“How late are you working tonight?”
Rosé scrunches her nose in a contemplative manner. “Got a double shift, so probably get back at 1:00 or 2:00.”
“Shit, Rosie” Denali sighs.
Rosé hums dismissively as she puts down her hairbrush and moves over to pack her uniform. “But then I don’t work again until the weekend, so…” she trails off as she zips up her bag and grabs her shoes from the floor.
“Hey, uh… they’re giving the tickets out to us tomorrow” Denali hesitantly changes the subject to one she’d been thinking over for a while. “Are you going to invite your parents?”
Rosé freezes as she sits on her bed, her expression going blank as her shoes drop to the floor. “Haven’t thought about it” she says a few seconds later, moving to shove her feet into her shoes like she hadn’t frozen in the first place.
“Do you think you will?”
This time it takes even longer for Rosé to reply, and she tightens her shoelaces a little too aggressively. “I don’t know.”
Denali picks up on the hint but for a reason beyond her, she ignores it. “I think it would be nice for them to see what you’re doing.”
Though the words were spoken innocently, they still sting slightly at something inside Rosé and she holds her breath for a second, waiting to ride the feeling out.
“I’ll think about it” rosé dismisses a little irritably as she stands and shoulders her bag, before making the excuse. “I have to go.”
And she does. Leaving Denali standing in an empty room trying to forget how the door had slammed on her way out.
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ehbunnehsblog · 3 years
First off I just wanna say holy shiz! My last post did really good! So thank you guys for the support, liking, reblogging, following me and my content. I know it's just a basic nostalgia blog but it's really cool to know that some really like the stuff I post.
I always try to post stuff that is nostalgic to me but also stuff others might find nostalgic as well because this blog isn't just about me it's about you as well but anyways I saw this post a while back about what you searched up on YouTube as a kid and I thought hey why not do this myself! I thought it would be a neat little idea that would bring us together more and let you cool dudezzzzz get to know me so with all that said let's get to it! (Also I apologize if its absolutely cringe lol!)
1. Salad fingers
So pretty much everyone knows who and what salad fingers is we don't really have to get into it but idk how but I was just never scared of it. I remember as a child one of my friends was terrified of salad fingers yet I somehow was okay with it. I remember seeing a fake episode of it and it being a rickroll because that was sorta popular back than. I think salad fingers is pretty cool tbh its neat.
2. Wasabi Productions
This was a channel I frequented quite a bit. It had some really funny humor at the time I mean I was a kid so really anything was funny most of the time. The channel imo was just sorta random and the humor was pretty random. Humor in this era of YouTube was just something else lol.
3. Simply Spoons
Don't remember this one as much tbh but my friend at the time loved like absolutely LOVED One Direction and we would sometimes watch this channel and this person would do prank calls while trying to impersonate Harry Styles and etc. Because my friend at the time was super into 1D we checked out a lot of 1D content.
4. The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction
Another gem of 1D content was these videos. We watched them a lot everytime a new video came out we would check it out. I don't know if I have a lot to say about this channel except for that most of the content was 1D and cartoons. I think the person still posted some 1D videos so if you want to check it out I will leave links below.
5. SophieGTV
Okay imma get to it because I know what some of you guys are thinking yes I absolutely loved LPS Popular lol but actually just Sophie's stuff altogether I really liked also SHES CANADIAN LIKE ME! Not many youtubers I know are from Canada so that's really heccin cool but anyways I loved her channel as a kid if you were talking to lil me I would probably say shes my favorite YouTuber. Sophie doesn't post much anymore but I remember when EVERYONE wanted a face reveal but I hope she is doing well now. She posted one year ago but hasn't posted since.
6. LPS popular
Hunny you know it. You know it. *insert will Smith that's hot that's hot* I know i just posted that i loved this series but really though this was my YouTube childhood I was absolutely in love with this series. The tea! The tea! I can't I used to binge this series all the time I remember my old friend absolutely loved this channel. Dude I miss being a kid sometimes with a wild and wacky imagination if I were a kid again I would totally rebinge this series lol!
7. LPSHannah
This girls channel was also amazing I didn't watch her videos a lot but I definitely liked a good handful of em. Her channel was just really cool and she did a face reveal! I don't know when but its definitely surprising! She sadly stopped making videos though (just checked big sad) do to coppa but I hope what she is doing is making her really happy and all the best to her. You can now find her posting on Hannah's Haven.
8. NamanthaSuxx
I wanna say she is also Canadian but honestly I have zero clue. I used to watch her channel sometimes when she would post videos about Monster High because at the time I was into those dolls which idk for sure but I think might be coming back? Anyways i wasnt as into the channel as my friend who introduced me to Namantha's channel.
9. Jpopluvr1000
Okay idk if this persons channel was always named this but I remember looking at their channel because they made a lot of Bratz themed videos and well me I am a Bratz fan and I remember this person got I think all or almost every 10th anniversary Bratz doll and making a video on it. I was really into Bratz maybe even more than Monster High tbh like those dolls were made the year I was born. Getting real for a moment but it is crazy knowing that they will be having their 20th anniversary and I am really hyped for the new dolls like honestly I love the screening and it might even be better than the last dolls lol but anyways I loved this persons channel it was great.
10. Webkinz, LPS, Bratz and monster high pool party videos
This one is just one big group because all were under the same thing. I really liked and still like swimming and so that's probably why I liked these videos as a kid there are some I watched but can't remember the name of at the moment and YouTube doesn't let you make it so you can find old videos easily especially if you can't remember them. I did remember I watched StarryStarr33 and I think strawberry516 but I don't know about strawberry for sure.
11. Smosh
The duo Ian and Anthony were sorta like a must watch on YouTube back in the day. They were just really big and it was difficult to ignore how popular they were on the site for a while. I loved their Honey Boo Boo video and I also remember watching Ian and Anthony open things on another channel. The humor was also very YouTubery it probably wouldn't be good in professional stuff but for teens and kids at the time most of us thought it was pretty funny.
12. Bratz collection
Just like jpopluvr1000 I just really liked Bratz dolls and collections of them.
13. LPS music videos
Didn't matter what it was I loved LPS as a kid so I was willing to watch anything with them.
14. KyleMonkey
My sister showed me this weird dude who made a video with him just eating chapstick and another of him farting, spitting out grapes and just being crazy and yeah honestly idk what to say about this dude lol
15. Key of Awesome
Didn't check them out a whole lot tbh but I enjoyed some of their parodies
16. Fred
Everyone acts like the didn't watch him but you know some of them have. I liked watching his videos as a kid I remember when one of them was rated for older people for no reason. Also is it just me or did anyone else like his songs?
17. The Annoying Orange
Same deal just orange and an orange. These videos were cool I remember when Fred and him had that lil vs battle thingy you kinda just had to be there to understand the hype about the annoying orange. The humor has died out but it was a nice thing while it lasted unless you got easily annoyed.
18. Wafflepwn and the greatest freakout ever
I remember watching these videos with my friend at the time we just thought it was the most hilarious thing honestly the first video where the dude stick a remote up his butt still makes me chuckle somehow but I remember my dad being very upset when he saw I watched these videos and also having a difficult time coming to the fact that SPOILER ALERT!
It was fake all along. If people didn't know that you know these videos would be extremely problematic.
Conclusion: YouTube still felt so new and different at this time and things were growing although a lot of the humor would not fly for understandable reasons I feel like it was charming and I was very lucky I got to be on YouTube. I was very young so a lot of the channels I watched were more kiddy and childish but it felt sweet and nice. A lot of these channels were so cool and sometimes I would stay up late and watch them. With all that said I will probably make a second one of these. I was very unsure whether or not I wanted to post this because a part of me thought it would be cool but another felt like it would be cringy and wanna know what? It's both lol that's my entire conclusion this post was cool, fun and very very cringy but hey why not make another again sometimes? It will be cool to look back on and maybe if I forget something I can just come back here and remember it! Do you have anything you searched a lot as a kid? Comment below!
☆With all that said if you like what you see please give me a follow and a like I make many more posts like this☆
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dukeofonions · 3 years
Season Two Episode Ranking
Warning: I get very, very, very, critical in this ranking. Like, angry ranting that’s almost laughable. Should I be getting this worked up over an online series? Eh, probably not. But this is my life and I’ll get outrageously angry over whatever media I want. 
Seriously though, this is all just my personal opinion. I’m not saying you have to agree with me and if you like the episodes that I don’t then that’s perfectly fine. 
I tend to overthink things a lot and I spend most of my time analyzing every little details of this series because what else am I supposed to do at work?
So yeah, this ranking is definitely less positive than the one I did for the first season. But I hope y’all can still have some fun going over it! And if anyone does their own rankings be sure to tag me because I’d love to see them and see how mine compare! 
Anyways, enough of me acting like this is more important than it is, on with the ranking! 
I can’t believe season two only has 12 episodes. Now I went ahead and counted Moving On as one episode in this ranking since my opinions on both parts are pretty similar, but sweet cheese and fish this season started on September 1st, 2017 with Fitting in and right now is left on Putting Others First which came out on May 1st, 2020. And as of me writing this it is now May 2nd, 2021. It’s been a whole year since the last episode and we still have no idea when the finale is coming. 
Like, bruh. 
Also remember how the longest episode in season one was only about 15 minutes long and the shortest one was barely four minutes? 
Well the shortest episode in season two is Crofters- The Musical which is 8:42 seconds. The longest episode is Putting Others First which is a whopping 51:09.
And I wish I could say that the writing was on the same level it was in the first season, but there’s a reason I put that warning up there. 
Well, enough stalling, let’s get this ball rolling.
#11 Embarrassing Phases
There are no words in the English language that can describe the sheer amount of hatred I have for this episode. If I could rank this any lower, I would, which will happen once we finally get the season finale. I don't know how that episode will go but it'll definitely be better than whatever dumpster fire this was.
Like, okay. I have some positives. Roman, Patton, and Virgil's costumes were cool. I won't lie I live for vampire Virgil. And the message about embracing your past "phases" and exploring how they helped made you who you are. That's neat. I like that.
And that's it.
My biggest gripe with this episode is Virgil. He just acts like a complete bitch in this! And I don't mean that in an endearing way he's literally so mean for no reason!
He's all "You guys are trivializing my past!"
In response to them going "Hey Virgil, we're glad you're part of our group now and are proud of how far you've come!"
Like okay, even if it was insensitive to call it a "phase" literally there was no reason for him to get as angry as he did.
Just a simple; "Hey, I don't like it when you refer to what I went through as a phase because it feels like you're not talking it seriously."
Isnt that what this whole show is about? Communication???
It wasn't fun watching him just insulting the others, it was annoying!
Like poor Patton, just trying to help and be encouraging, only for Virgil to keep treating him like dirt.
What did I miss here? Virgil was fine in the last few episodes, so what the heck happened?
Oh and let's not forget the great advice Thomas offers Patton at the end of the episode in regards to handling Virgil: "Don't do anything to get on his bad side or else he'll do bad things to you!"
Okay I'm paraphrasing here but that's basically what he says! And since Virgil is supposed to be a representation of anxiety, this is a horrible message!!!
What happened to finding healthy ways to cope with your anxiety? What happened to keeping it in check so it didn't take over your life?
Yeah I'm definitely gonna make a full post about this one episode later because there's a whole lot more to unpack here. But yeah -10/10
#10 Putting Others First
There is just way too much going on with this episode. They try cramming so much in here that I don't even remember more than half of it.
I remember the opening song, then the Lilypadton fight and everything that happens from there. That's it.
And those are the best parts of this episode, but even that has problems because everything with Janus feels like a completely different episode.
Also the whole way they try to teach about morality is all over the place. How did we go from choosing a wedding over a callback to deciding whether or not you would die for your friends to self care is important?
And while the video game sequences, while utilized well in some places, were way too distracting and it felt like they were just trying to shove as many video game references in as they could.
You could take out just about all of them and the episode wouldn't change. Everything they were used for could have been done just through having the characters talk to each other, and knowing this makes the fact that this video was delayed for so long because of it just makes the whole thing worse.
Like the animations were well done, and I don't want to downplay the hard work the animator did. They were just doing their job after all.
But the trolley scenes (especially the second one) hurt my eyes with all the flashing (would have been nice to have some kind of warning for that) and some of the voice effects (especially on Logan's) were grating and distracting.
I want to rank this episode higher, but it has almost zero rewatch ability and honestly besides the ending, when I first watched this episode I was just kinda let down.
#9 Crofters- The Musical
Okay look, the song is a bop and I adore the fact that Logan and Roman got two episodes in the spotlight, but it's just kinda "meh" to me. Plus I get just a tinge of second hand embarrassment but that's just me.
And I know this is kinda unfair but another reason why this one isn't higher is because of a couple of things. One is that they set up some angst for Roman, he's clearly not doing well and Thomas thinks the best thing to do is tell him that he might get his own jam flavor.
Then he does, and instead of following up on that little plot point from this video, they just rushed out a commercial and completely ignored and potential story telling or character development for Roman.
So yeah "Return of the Jam" is the main reason why I don't like this one as much as I used to. And I actually just got an idea for a new post comparing these two so add that to my to-do list.
#8 Fitting In
I actually skipped this one during my first official watch through for one reason and one reason alone: I wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter.
But I realized that my parents wouldn't approve of me of watching a gay man's content either so I just said screw it.
And luckily I understood enough Harry Potter references to get what they were talking about and honestly, this episode is a lot of fun.
It's a good follow up to Accepting Anxiety, and a nice way to kick off season two. Virgil is finding his place among the group and everyone is trying their best to make him feel welcome, it's really sweet.
And of course we get the new costumes (which i hadn't even noticed that they were wearing their old costumes at first) and I dunno it just gives off season one vibes and it makes me happy.
#7 Moving On Part One/Moving On Part Two
Yeah honestly my thoughts on both parts of this episode are the same. What can I say? It's really good.
This definitely one of the more emotionally heavy episodes in the series, and we see the characters at their lowest for really, the first time in this series.
I adore Patton's room and how each side gets their own corners. All the little details they add in, including the changing picture in the background, it really gives off that nostalgia feel they were going for.
What I love most about this episode is how (unlike some other episodes) they actually let the emotional moments sink in and don't throw in a joke immediately after. Like the ending is bittersweet, sad almost, and I love that they stuck with the mood up until the episode ended.
Not to say there weren't some jokes here and there (mostly in the first part) but once the mood shifts and things become more serious they let that mood stay. And when there are jokes they all work really well.
This is one episode I've actually watched the least out of season two, so it'll be interesting when I go watch it again to see if any of this holds up.
#6 Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning?
Honestly I only put this one above Moving On because Logan and Roman are my favorites.
This episode is actually one of the weaker ones, which hurts to say because again, favorite characters, but goodness it's all over the place. It feels like a precursor to POF and not in a good way.
Logan and Roman just basically argue back and forth throughout the whole episode, never seeing eye to eye with each other, to the point where I think think the writers realized they couldn't find a way to get these two to agree so they just had Thomas step in and be like, "You guys make a really good team!"
Dude, were you even paying attention? They never even reached a conclusion on their own. And even though they have their little moment at the end, it's all kinda ruined when nothing in their relationship changes.
Yes, in Learning New Things About Ourselves, they acknowledge that there's more work to be done in regards to them, which makes sense. People aren't going to suddenly change overnight.
Yet despite having come to some kind of understanding with each other twice now (both here and LNTAO) in the following episodes they still act like they hate each other! Heck Roman is downright nasty to him for seemingly no reason and I don't really blame him for it.
More like I think the writers just don't know how to develop their relationship and just aren't as interested in them as the others. Logan's been reduced to being Mr. Exposition and apparently Roman's personal issues aren't enough for him to carry a room episode on his own because they felt the need to introduce two new characters before he finally gets it.
Sorry, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the episode.
There's some funny bits here and there and the little animations are cute (even if unnecessary) but really it's only saving grace is being Roman and Logan centered.
Even though they felt the need to include a cameo from literally every other character because apparently no one has any faith that Logan and Roman can carry an episode on their own.
#5 The Sanders Sides 12 Days of Christmas
This episode is just pure fun. Look, I'm not a big fan of Christmas, even less of a fan of Christmas songs, but my gosh this episode almost makes me appreciate the season.
The way they're all just bickering the whole time, being very confused, and how there's just so much personality from each character even when they're not talking/singing and just being in the background is *chef's kiss* perfect.
There's so many fun little details to pick out during the song and it's fun to go back and watch how each side reacts to different things.
#4 Selfishness vs Selflessness
Gonna be real, this used to be my favorite episode. Until my overly critical brain started finding all kinds of problems in the writing department but I think I’ve been negative enough on this post so I’ll save it for another time. 
Janus steals the show in this one, it’s his first official appearance since his debut and he just soaks up the spotlight. It’s refreshing to have an antagonist in the show again, and he’s the perfect foil for each of the original Sides. 
He knows how to play into Roman’s insecurities, know how to feed into his ego and get him on his side. He’s in direct opposition to Patton, who believes that everything Janus represents is wrong. He’s able to silence Logan and take him out of the conversation, speaking over him most of the time. 
And I guess he and Virgil have some beef I dunno. 
The courtroom scenario is fun, and I love how Janus is the only one who sees how ridiculous it is (even though it was your idea in the first place, Jan) and everyone else seeing it as perfectly normal is hilarious. 
I do like some of the more dramatic moments in this episode, especially that final bit with Janus questioning Thomas until he finally gets him to admit the truth. It was intense and reminded me of the scene where Janus confronts Roman in a similar manner. 
While far from perfect this is still a good episode and I can find a lot to love about it, like Janus in a suit. 
#3 Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts
This episode scared the shit out of me and I loved it.
Okay it didn’t actually scare me. But I stayed up to wait for it to be posted, which wasn’t until 2 or 3 in the morning. So by the time I finally watched it I was half awake and not expecting anything that I witnessed. 
The result was me being terrified of Thomas with a mustache and it prevented me from sleeping. I was over it the next day though and had Forbidden Fruit stuck in my head all day. Which isn’t good when you’re running the register at work and you can’t stop singing it. 
There’s a lot of reason why I love this episode, Remus being the primary thing. His entrance is iconic, the first few notes from his theme play as he creeps up behind the TV, him smiling at Roman all creepily until he whacks him over the head and knocks him out for most of the episode. 
Then we get the song, Forbidden Fruit, which is just great. Slight secondhand embarrassment but seeing the finished product and all they put into it, I can’t help but love it. 
Still miffed that Janus hasn’t gotten a song... specifically a villain song... I won’t ever let that go...
Logan is another highlight in this episode (no surprise) and seeing him go head-to-head against his polar opposite without batting an eye was interesting since I was kinda expecting them to show Logan having trouble dealing with Remus but nope. He handled it like a champ and I love them both. 
Now I am kinda wary as to how they’re going to handle Remus in the future, especially with the intrusive thoughts aspect. It’s a sensitive topic and they’re already screwing up anxiety. But Remus has only been in one episode so far which means I can’t make any solid judgments until he’s appeared in more episodes, so I’ll have to wait and see. 
All in all, great episode! Definitely deserves to be in my top three. 
#2 Learning New Things About Ourselves
This episode made me feel so nostalgic. I freaking love puppets and grew up with Sesame Street and the Muppets, so I’m probably biased towards this episode but to me this is really one of the better written episodes. 
Perfect? Heck no. But really, really good. 
I love that we get to explore a bit more with Logan and Roman’s characters, in a lot of ways this is kind of a Logan episode which has him standing against the other Sides, and it’s really interesting to see just how different he is compared to the three of them and it could just be me but it seemed like he’s becoming more of an outsider and isn’t as close with the original four as he used to be, and this episode is what really kicks that idea off. 
I can also relate to the “Well that’s nice but what do you do for a living?” message, except in my case it’s more like I want to quit my “real job” to pursue what I’m passionate about while people tell me it’ll probably never happen or “Yeah that’s a nice hobby!” So this episode really struck close to home and I just have a lot of sentimental feelings towards this one. 
I love all of the designs for the puppets, they all just fit perfectly and I wouldn’t mind seeing them make a comeback one day. I know that’d be difficult since they’d need a professional to puppet them but hey, one can dream right?
And oh my gosh the song, it just gives off the same feel from Sesame Street and Muppet songs with it’s jazzy feel. And I won’t lie I flipped my lid when Logan and Thomas were in the same shot together. We hadn’t seen any of the Sides share the screen with Thomas yet and the fact that it was Logan, and he was arguing with Thomas and they were singing over each other? Ah I love it!
Also don’t get me started on how Logan’s bit in the song sounds more villainous than the others. I’m not saying anything just a neat little observation. 
I have a lot of happy feelings attached to this episode, so despite the few problems I have with it I could never bring myself to hate it. The only one that tops it is...
#1 Can Lying Be Good?
The episode that started it all. The one that caught my attention and sparked my new fixation on this little series that I had just glossed over before.
I really don’t know what prompted me to watch this episode, other than I wasn’t in the best place and it just happened to pop into my recommendations one day and I figured, “Huh, haven’t watched this guy for awhile. Let’s see what he’s been up to.”
Once the episode was finished my first thought was “Holy shit when did this series start having lore?!”
This episode is probably the closest thing to perfect out of all the season two episodes so far. The writing is clever, pretty much all of the jokes land, and oh my gosh the editing in this one is phenomenal. 
The way they show Roman shifting between himself and Joan throughout the episode is what sticks out the most. Having Roman’s voice coming from Joan, or having them briefly change back to Roman, I love it so much. 
Not to mention Thomas’s ever changing shirt that reflects what he’s thinking/feeling is a neat little detail.
Did I mention this episode is hilarious? The ridiculousness of each scenario that they act out, with all the little inputs from Logan and Virgil who are both trying their best to do their jobs besides not even wanting to be part of it in the first place is adorable. 
And of course, the man of the hour, Deceit. Or Janus as we now know him as. 
Is it weird that I like Deceit more as a name? Probably, but that’s just because I don’t like how early his name was revealed. 
Okay that was my last negative comment. Promise.
Now since I hadn’t watched Sanders Sides in a while I didn’t notice anything off about “Patton” during my first watch. But going back after seeing the rest of the series helped me catch all the little hints they added to clue in the audience that something wasn’t right. 
A lot of it is really subtle, mostly in the acting department, but once you’ve caught on to everything it makes you wonder how you didn’t notice the first time. You can even see Logan and Virgil throughout the episode, knowing that something is off with “Patton” but holding back their concerns until Virgil finally calls Deceit out. 
I’ve rewatched Deceit’s reveal so many times. When he finally drops the act after Thomas makes up his mind not to lie, you can just tell he no longer cares whether Thomas knows or not. Then things get even more tense when Logan is silenced, and everyone knows what’s going on except Thomas. 
The music starts to build up, Thomas is flipping out, then after Deceit taunts him again he finally demands to know what’s going on and BAM there he is!
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I love everything about this. 
Like, what else can I say? This episode is brilliant. It really shows exactly what this team is capable of when they’re at their best. The pacing, the build up, the writing, all of it combined together to make the perfect episode.
Season Two has been, interesting. The long waits have caused some problems with the pacing and characters, not to mention the departure of Joan from the writing team with new writers entering the room, not to mention the first welcome now unwelcome arrival of Asides, and with only the season finale left before season three, it makes me wonder just where this series is headed.
I know this series is capable of doing incredible things, season one is still solid and it really holds up even after all this time. But season two just feels like a jumbled mess. Sure, it’s easy to enjoy the episodes individually, but once you try to fit them all together it’s like trying to jam a puzzle piece into a place where it doesn’t fit. 
The best way to describe this season is as an experimental season. Each episode has the team trying something new, sometimes it seems these gimmicks take precedence over the story itself. Of course, some of these can work to the episode’s advantage, while others are just distracting and you’d know you wouldn’t miss them if they were gone. 
It’s a mixed bag that’s for sure. One that has me watching in morbid curiosity as I wait to see whether it’ll crash in the end or blow my expectations out of the water. It really is fun to analyze these episodes, and yes I know I can be very harsh but believe it or not this is how I engage with media that I love.
My hope is that team will learn from season two and try to take a more simple approach with their production once season three roles around. Because if they continue at the same pace they are now I doubt there will be many people around to see this series through. 
And on that note, that was my ranking of season two! I’m actually kinda excited now to go back and rewatch everything, I hope I don’t have to wait much longer to do so but that all depends on when the season two finale comes. Whether it ends up exceeding my expectations or just being “meh” I know it’ll be interesting regardless and I can’t wait to see just how they plan on wrapping this all up before the final season arrives. 
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