#every single day i keep thinking about dante
fivveweeks · 1 year
tbh it's a little strange how some people sincerely believes that dante is this bumbling incompetent fool of a new manager. like i know we all call dante our cringefail manager (affectionate) but it's weird to make it their core personality when you can literally infer the opposite in canon.
seriously, sinners combat implies that dante is:
- smart enough to calculate probabilities or, in the case where it's an added analysis function of their PDA, they are least have some insane gut feeling/instincts of the clash outcomes
- can foresee what would be the next attack of the enemies (again, could be an added function of their PDA but still)
- having to memorise every single bullshit status effect and attack types during and after battle (including tracking how long it lasts, looking at you Bleed/Rupture)
- DIGESTING EVERYTHING ABOVE WITHIN SECONDS WHILE JUGGLING FOR 10 COMBAT PARTICIPANTS do you have any idea how insane that is if you translate that to irl. keeping track of the chaos on the battlefield and making decisions in real time???
- is also self-aware enough to take initiative to improve themselves as a manager (canto 3 ending)
- being cunning enough to keep the secrets of K-Corps singularity in their back pockets like hello??? for someone who just lost all their memories less than a year ago they're actually being smart about this??
yes, while it's clear that dante is still getting used to playing the role of the manager while being the lovable cartoony gatcha main protag, they are FAR from being incompetent and a naive idiot. hell, canto 4 is probably showing us a hint of what past-dante is like in terms of cunningness and i for one am rubbing my hands and looking forward to what's coming next
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sharoo · 5 months
'Pass On' and the theme of Limbus
So. Canto 6 was finished today.
How we feeling fellas?
After the emotional rollercoaster that was the bittersweet finale, I found myself really focusing on the end credits and the song.
And... I think the thing I kept saying over voice chat to my friends really hit me.
We all know Pass On. Most of us have some favourite version of it. But I... don't think it ever affect me quite as hard until now (even the gorgeous Ishmael rendition of it). And that's pretty understandable - Heath is my favourite Sinner after all.
But this Canto put such emphasis on that theme - the determinism of alternate universes causing you to become your worst self, Heathcliff's upbringing making him think he can never be anything but a vagrant, the tragedy of losing Cathy.
Heathcliff gets to such a hopeless low point he distorts because of it!
Yet... he's brought back. And he shows he can change, that he was always capable of changing, of getting better.
And a part of this was also Heathcliff outright saying that he's not alright. That he's still hurting. But he still decides to fight.
I cannot understate how important to me the dynamic he has with Dante in this Canto is to me, how he shows humility and outright asks them, addressing them as Manager, what he should do because he's lost. How he says their ticking is what keeps him on his path.
And now... the Pass On sequence.
The lyrics of Pass On focus so strongly on a single wish - that you can move on from what hurts you, develop, grow, to the point that, one day, when you look back on your past, you will be able to smile.
Every Sinner who sings it sings it with a different cadence. Sometimes, it's unrealistic hope, sometimes it's a realisation. In Heath's case, it's a repetition of determination, but also allowing himself to grieve.
Because his ending isn't a happy one. He does get closure in learning Cathy's true feelings, but she's gone, and now his goal has changed to returning her to reality somehow, even though he has no guarantee of it or even an idea of how he'll do it. It's bittersweet.
And, after everything he's had to endure that day, all the heartbreak and scorn and self-hatred and rage and loss, he's on the bus, and he sings. Heathcliff does something that breaks my heart - he repeats the final lyric of "It's alright". Every Sinner before has only sung it once. But he sings it, and then pauses, during which time Dante's ticking can be heard, and then he repeats it.
"It's alright."
Limbus Company is a game about how no, things are not okay right now, and we are hurting, an grieving, and despairing, but... things will be okay, someday. You have people who will be there to help you. And maybe, one day, you'll be able to smile about it.
And Pass On is the essence of that.
It's pure, unfiltered hope.
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danieyells · 4 months
i am politely begging for lucas lines 🤲
LUCA MY BELOVED LITTLE BRIT KNIGHT. Luca is a darling but the thing about him is that he's so focused on his goal that he really seems to have no mind for anything else. . .well it's not a problem, but it does make him feel a little distant I guess.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"You're here 10 minutes early—I'm impressed. Let's check the details for today's mission."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"A letter's arrived for you. It could be important—you'd better open it right away."
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"So this is all we have to go on for the next mission... Don't worry. No matter what anomaly awaits us, I'll keep you safe."
"I haven't trained nearly enough. I need to go on more missions... I have to do more, to find a way to subjugate them..."
bby you're already doing everything you can. . . .
"If you're ever in trouble, you can always come to me. I want to be there for my friends."
"Do I find it tough training every day? Those with strength have a duty to use it for others. I'm perfectly all right."
"I'm sorry. I haven't troubled you again with my thoughtlessness, have I?"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"{PC}, good morning! An early training session will warm you up for the day. Would you care to join me?"
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm sorry, I'm about to head out. A dangerous anomaly is wreaking havoc on campus again, and it's a threat to the general students."
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I invited Kaito to train with me, but he turned me down. Apparently, he's got a lot on his plate, but I'm worried about his lack of strength..."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"There's something I want to investigate a little further… You'll join me? Thank you. You really are very kind."
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Phew... I'm finished with today's revision. Still, it's not quite bedtime. Perhaps I could fit in a casual training session."
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I've heard in Japan it's believed you're more likely to encounter evil spirits at twilight. Let's go find out if it's true."
hey let's go wander out alone at night and see if we can find demons to fight! don't worry tho i'll protect you nbd.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Kaito invited me to have ramen with him again today. He says it's Tokyo's signature dish."
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Jin has been calling you to his room a lot lately. Is everything okay? If you feel uncomfortable, I'll have a word with him."
let's say she was uncomfortable, what would that resolve? you think jin's gonna listen to you? but lmao it's kinda funny to me that like Ritsu and Luca see Jin putting you to work and go like "hm. that seems concerning." IT'S FINE THO WE'RE INTO IT EVERYTHING'S GOOD.
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You think everywhere in Frostheim is cold? That's not true—the bedrooms are properly heated, like the cozy spot in front of the fireplace in winter."
everywhere outside of that though, freezing. including the bathrooms. especially the bathrooms.
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"If you're struggling to sleep, the Sandman will come and pay you a visit. That's what one old folktale in the UK says, at least. He must have been some sort of anomaly, too."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm fond of the morning air. My brother, on the other hand, always said he found the nighttime more relaxing. Which do you prefer?"
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Today in Anomalous Combat I was scolded by Professor Dante for defeating a mock anomaly. I believe I made the right call, so I'm quite confused..."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"In many ways, Frostheim etiquette is quite different from etiquette in the UK. I wish I could escort you, but I still have a lot to learn myself."
okay consider frostheim etiquette is shitty anyway most of the time so don't even worry about it they're assholes.
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"We still have some time until class starts. Why don't we go and fetch the documents for our next mission from Tohma?"
buddy isn't the main building across campus from Frostheim. . .do we have that kind of time. . . .
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"You need to make sure you eat a proper breakfast. You lose muscle mass if you do things on an empty stomach. That's why I always have biscuits on me."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"In classes I sometimes notice discrepancies between what is taught at Emrys and what is taught at Darkwick. I wonder which is correct?"
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You worked hard today. No matter what ordeals await us tomorrow, I trust that you'll both be able to overcome them."
Luca believes in you! So believe in yourself too! You'll make it another day.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I've heard about the bushido ritual of seppuku. It's a rather extreme way of punishing oneself… It must require a great deal of mental fortitude."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You should go home and rest, {PC}. I won't allow the Devil's hour to pass tonight without finding some sort of hint..."
i feel like he doesn't find many hints and should worry about sleeping instead. . .what's with ghouls and not sleeping and eating enough. . . .
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Did you manage to get a good night's sleep? Rest is the best medicine. Don't push yourself to stay up too late, all right?"
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Did you see they've announced what our next test is going to cover, {PC}? I hope your studies are going well. I'm happy to help you with review if you need me to."
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm going to have a chat with Professor Hyde about demons before I leave today. You and Kaito should go on ahead."
he's so studious! but i bet hyde wishes he'd y'know live a little.
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Is a "pajama party" some sort of important event? Kaito was insisting that we invite you to one."
please teach this boy to relax a little. . .teach him a little fun social stuff. . . .
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Sometimes I feel out of sorts, like I'm not myself. I still have a lot of training to do."
i think that's called exhaustion and having emotions, buddy. . .you can't train yourself out of that. . . .
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"We have experienced many joys and sorrows together since becoming friends. I'm very glad we met. I look forward to walking the road ahead with you."
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"I saw a lot of flowers in bloom while I was jogging through the campus this morning. It really brightened up my run."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Spring in Japan is quite similar to spring in the UK. The weather gets reassuringly warmer, and the air is filled with the scent of flowers."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Kaito has been nodding off in class a lot recently. I wake him up right away, but I'm still worried he'll fall behind..."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I've never seen cherry blossoms lit up at night before. They looked very different than they do in the daylight. I feel it taught me something about differing viewpoints."
i feel like i learned something! not sure what tho.
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Summer days are long and productive, but in Frostheim the days are short all year round. It's easy to get caught in the dark if you're not careful."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Kaito's going to teach me about Japanese summer again today. This is the first time I've spent the summer with friends— it's been a lot of fun."
;;;; please be a good first friend to him
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"There's a summer festival being held in Hotarubi this evening. I've got a yukata for it… Could you help me put it on?"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The sun stays up until late at night during summer in the UK, so Japan's dark, sweltering summer nights feel quite odd to me."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Tohma has been going out on a lot of private errands lately. I wonder where he's been going? You don't think he's doing secret training, do you?"
no sweetie i don't think he's secretly training without you. he's doing important administrative business. don't worry about it.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I like that autumn is considered the season for reading here. I'm reading two books at the moment—this one's in German, and this one's French. Can you read them?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Tohma just gave us some chestnuts, so Kaito and I are going to try roasting them in the kitchen. Would you like to join us?"
once again the Frostheim Family interactions are strong lolol HERE KIDS HAVE SOME SNACKS. KEEP IT DOWN YOUR FATHER IS TRYING TO SLEEP.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Anomalies are more active in summer in Japan, whereas in the UK, they're more common in the autumn. I suppose Obon and Halloween are to blame there."
obon is in august that is barely summer tbh. i mean some places celebrate it in july i guess. but that's an interesting worldbuilding observation. local spirit and 'monster' related festivities influence the amount of anomalies that spawn in a region. so halloween in america and the uk result in a lot of anomalies. maybe there are lots of love related anomalies and like doves around valentine's day? then again Luca said they don't have them in the UK that he's aware of.
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"{PC}, your hands are red from the cold. Come on, let's run to the classroom. It'll warm you up."
while that is a realistic way of warming up who tf wants to go for a run in the cold. i mean it probably feels good the contrast in heat and cold but also HOW ABOUT WE GO TO THE STORE AND GET SOME MITTENS OR SOMETHING. but it is a very in character response for him lol. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"When Kaito put a satsuma on his head and said, "I'm a New Year's decoration," Tohma fell silent and walked away. I'm confused— was it some sort of spell?"
satsuma are those little mandarins they put on top of kagami-mochi at New Years! if you've seen japanese winter/new years art you may have seen characters with them sat atop their heads while they relax in kotatsu. in the japanese version Kaito says "kagami-mochi" and Luca likely doesn't know what kagami-mochi is, so he thought it was magic.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The sun sets early this time of year. It's easy to feel down when the nights are long, but that's why it's especially important to stick to a routine like an exercise schedule."
Luca wards off his seasonal depression with exercise. good to know.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"On a clear, frosty night, you can see an aurora in the sky above Frostheim. It's very inspiring—like a beacon of hope in the darkness."
His birthday: (March 22nd)
"I suppose today is my birthday. Thank you. If you don't mind, will you join me in praying for my twin brother's safety?"
i gently rag on him for caring about nothing else but. it's clear how much his brother means to him and how worried he is about him, that even his birthday is dedicated to worrying over his wellbeing. idk who or what he prays to, or if it's just a general hoping thing or a 'since i'm in japan i'll make my pleas to japan's gods, in case those entities might have any power to help' type thing, like going to a shrine just because it's what everybody does, but. idk. i hope he can have a nice birthday outside of worrying about his brother. then again, it's hard to enjoy your birthday when you know it's your twin's birthday too and not knowing where they are, i guess.
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday, {PC}. There is a reason you were born into this world, and it's something that should be celebrated."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. I've heard it's customary to visit a shrine, so I'm planning to invite Kaito to go with me. Would you like to come along?"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Thank you! This is all very new to me. In the UK, it's men who express their gratitude to women on Valentine's Day."
i was gonna say something questioning because i'm american but when i think about it women in relationships with men don't really/aren't expected to give something to their boyfriends/husbands are they. it's much more of a day to give to/do something for your girlfriend. usually the idea of a gift for a man on valentine's day is ~dress sexy for him and have sex with him~ or whatever because other material stuff like stuffed animals and candy and flowers are seen as non-masculine gifts and things men wouldn't like. . .but that's kind of sad to think about. idk i guess i never really thought about it because valentine's day is a day that has no meaning to me. and 'valentine's day is a day men express their gratitude to women' is a very kind perspective on how it seems like people treat valentine's day haha. . . .
White Day: (March 13th)
"Thank you for the chocolate you gave me last month. This is a token of my appreciation. They're Thorntons chocolates— I just received them from back home."
do you think his family sent them and he decided to give you something lovingly sent to him by his family, or that he ordered them for the occasion specifically. . .i think it's sweet either way.
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"How odd... Kaito has been acting peculiar all morning. I wonder if he's coming down with something. Did you notice it, too?"
homie's really been living under a rock huh.
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Is that you under that mask, {PC}? I could just tell. I don't really understand what's so fun about this holiday."
on one hand, maybe if you got him to dress up and go trick-or-treating he'd enjoy it more? on the other hand i feel like he'd be on edge about it. More anomalies around in the UK around halloween, and he'd be so busy thinking about if there are demons around under his nose he wouldn't be able to have fun. . .poor guy probably grew out of halloween early huh.
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Happy Christmas! It's a shame I'm not able to celebrate Christmas Eve with my family this year, but I'm glad that I have all of you now."
you're his family now ;;;;;
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Penny for them? I'm happy to lend an ear if there's something troubling you."
'them' being 'your thoughts' in case you aren't familiar with the expression
(13 affinity and above)
"When deciding on your next move, I do think it's important to think carefully. That said, hesitation can cost lives. Balance is crucial."
boy it ain't that deep i am idle because i am checking emails or something would you relax--
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"I knew you'd be back. If you're prepared to work to overcome this ordeal once again, I will gladly lend you my strength."
THOSE ARE MOST ALL OF HIS VOICELINES he's very. . .focused. it makes him a little repetitive but considering what's happening to bring him here i don't blame him. . . .
Of course finding his brother is important but the poor guy doesn't even see the world around him really, which is kind of sad. . . . On one hand, it's good that he's able to focus on his goals and desires, on the other hand it feels like those things are all he cares about because he feels like he has to and other aspects of life fly by him even if he'd otherwise enjoy them. . . . But even as his affinity goes up it feels like he focuses on so many of the same things. He sees you very much as his family and the first real friends he's ever made, which does lend to a positive relationship, but even then it feels like he keeps you at arm's length and sees you as someone to protect more than a loved one. . .maybe if he can find his brother or find out what happened to him he'll lighten up a little someday. then again given he isn't familiar with things like pajama parties and april fool's day he was probably serious even with his brother around! I assume they're going to be opposite type brothers, where his brother is a very jovial and relaxed person, but Luca is serious and strict. but only time will tell!
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actuallysaiyan · 11 months
Kinktober Day 28: Dirty Talking(Baby, talk dirty to me...)
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warnings/kinks: injuries/wounds, smut, dirty talking, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex, vulgarity word count: 1.1k pairings: V x Fem!Reader teaser: “Fuck I…I love fucking this pussy,” taglist: @beneathstarryskies @loki-love @witchofcustom @dreadsuitsamus @pyrofanatic
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V was interesting to you. He intrigued you like no other. He wasn’t cocky and sassy like Dante, nor did he use profanity as much as Nero did. But the way that the black haired man used poetry and flowery language to speak to you, it made your heart flutter every single time.
You understood the circumstances of how he got here, and while you didn’t know Vergil personally, you were very much enjoying his humanity. V was a breath of fresh air in your life and he made you so happy. You two were so close that Dante and Lady often enjoyed poking fun at you. It never bothers you because you feel like for the first time in your life, you may have actually fallen in love.
V likes to recite poetry to you and to make you feel like you’re being wooed and courted. Things haven’t gotten too intimate yet, but you begin to wonder what he might sound like if he were to talk dirty to you. 
You invite him over one day during all the chaos. It’s mostly just to talk over some battle plans and also to tend to some of the wounds he’s obtained. You often worry about him, even though he tends to pretend it’s nothing serious. When he arrives, you have some tea brewed for the both of you and your first aid kit all laid out in front of you on the coffee table. He smirks at your hospitality but you know he’s not going to complain or protest.
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“It’s always a pleasure to be in your company, my dear.” V says as he sits down in your comfortable chair.
“Pleasure is all mine, darling.”
You begin cleaning up some of the wounds on his hands and arms, then you move up to some of them on his chest. It’s not long before that’s all forgotten and you’re kissing him so sweetly.
Everytime you kiss him, he just melts. V swears he’s never felt anything like this before. He thinks about how you might affect Vergil if he were whole once more, but he also likes to push those thoughts away in favor of being a little selfish and to keep you all to himself for as long as he can.
“Such a pretty darling…such soft lips, like the petals of a rose.”
This makes you smirk, and you take his hands and guide them to your breasts. His cheeks turn pink but he starts to knead the tender flesh.
“There are other lips on my body that are like rose petals.”
Your words make him stop in his tracks. He knows he’s not always one to be vulgar, but your vulgarity excites him in ways he never knew existed. He’s more than happy to continue this intimacy. So with a few more heated kisses, you lead him into your bedroom.
Between making out and exploring each other’s bodies, you and V are finally naked. He kneels between your thighs, his long fingers pumping into you. You mewl his name, making his cock throb at the sexual sounds you’re making.
“Fuck me,” you plead. “Please V, I need you to fuck me…”
He blushes once more. It’s not that he doesn’t want to fuck you, because he very much does want to. But he’s just worried that maybe he won’t be able to perform in the way you’d want him to. He’s afraid to disappoint you.
“I want to make love to you,” he says as he presses a kiss to your lips.
Your sweet voice hits him hard, making him long for you even more than before. He spreads your legs, and guides his aching cock to your tight hole. It’s so wet and slick, and your walls are like velvet as he slowly slides into you. His eyes roll back once he bottoms out, and he’s panting and moaning so cutely.
“Does it feel good, baby?”
V nods his head, “Oh my dear…it’s exquisite…”
You giggle softly, making his eyes snap open. You reassure him by caressing his cheek lovingly with your thumb. Then you bring him closer for a kiss.
“Let’s hear you get dirty, V. Tell me how much you love fucking this pussy.”
He can’t believe his ears. How is going to be able to do this? He’s a little nervous but most definitely excited about all of this. He stammers a few words, then he looks down to where you’re connected.
“Fuck I…I love fucking this pussy,”
The words make you clench around him, and he moans at the sensation. He starts to rock his hips, making you both whine. It’s all so sensual but there’s a bit of vulgarity coming through. V then leans in to kiss you, and you bite his bottom lip.
“You like fucking this little pussy don’t you?” You ask him, kissing him again.
“Love fucking this little pussy. My little pussy to fuck, isn’t it?” He sounds even more possessive right now.
You whine as he begins slamming into you now, and you can feel the coil in your stomach beginning to tighten. V watches you carefully as he fucks you with expertise. It’s almost like he’s known how to do this the entire time he’s met you, he just was a little too shy about bringing out this side of him.
“You gonna cum on my cock, huh? That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
This is the moment where you feel yourself becoming so aroused. He’s taking the lead on the dirty talk, no longer taking your cues. It’s such a sexy thing for you to be witnessing. It’s almost like he knows exactly what to say to get your motor running.
You let out a cute moan when he shifts the position just a bit, and V takes this opportunity to shove his fingers into your mouth. You happily suck on them, drooling all over them.
“You’ve got such a pretty little mouth…and you were right, it matches that pretty little pussy of yours. Perfect rose petals.”
You clench around him, feeling your orgasm coming quick. You desperately try to warn him that you’re about to cum, but with his fingers shoved so deep in your mouth, it just comes out as choked out babbles. V finds himself enjoying the dirty side of sex, and he knows he’s going to continue fucking you like this for as long as he can.
He shoves his fingers even deeper into your mouth, and with just a few more thrusts, you choke out some moans as you cum hard all over his cock. The entire time, he’s coaxing you through it with the filthiest words. You’ve never cum quite like this before.
V pulls his fingers from your mouth, strings of saliva coating them. He brings them down to your aching clit and begins rubbing it in time with his thrusts.
“Now,” he starts. “Are you going to be my good little slut and take my seed?”
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 5 months
What the Future Holds Ch. 1
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: No set pairings.
Word Count: 3198
Warnings: 18+ MDNI please! There really isn't anything to warn about in this one. We're just getting started. There canon typical threats and mentions of free will being taken away. A single mention of being sold. I think that's it.
Author’s Note: This should have been out ages ago, but it's finally done and ready for you guys! Also I would like to note that in this chapter, the twins are 20 years old. I usually try to keep age out of my fics but for some reason it was a detail that was needed. However, before we fully jump into the story the twins will be 25.
I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don’t do it. Don’t be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. While likes are appreciated, reblogs are gold. Seriously, if you enjoyed this in the slightest, please reblog ♥
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A sense of deja vu washed over the L/Ns as they stood within the Mikaelson study. Elijah had stood by the large bay windows as he went over the written contract in his hands. Each paragraph of it he had read thrice to ensure he hadn’t missed anything. Anything to help them out of their own stupidity.
“What persuaded you to go to the De Martels?” Elijah’s voice had almost sounded bored. Almost as if he wasn’t worried about the details that the pages contained. But after being around for as long as he had, it was as easy as breathing to make it seem like there was nothing to be worried about.
“We weren’t meeting deadlines as we should have been.” Dante L/N had said keeping his chin up. Unlike his visit with his rather distant grandmother, he wouldn’t look away from Elijah. He knew that all he had to do was blink the wrong way and there was a possibility of not opening his eyes again. “With the recent region transfer of powers, we were close to losing everything.”
The regions were constantly changing. Ever since the uprising, country and state lines no longer existed. Territories were claimed through slaughter while creating new lines. Regions belonged to those who had dared to take it over and maintain it. This family of L/N’s had lived on the border of where the De Martels had taken over and where The Mikaelsons had control of the region.
The Mikaelsons’ region contained what used to be a majority of the southern states. Most of the gain had been due to Klaus claiming it. Taking out the annoying young that refused to listen had been easy. Running the region had been a completely different story. One that Klaus left Elijah to deal with.
The stories that had been passed down through the generations had expressed that Elijah had changed since the vampires had taken over the world. The nobility of the Original vampire had died the moment his eldest sister had been murdered at the hands of humans that sought out to rid the world of the supernatural.
The L/Ns hadn’t personally known the Mikaelsons until recently. The young couple had barely made it back home after the birth of their twins when they were introduced to the Mikaelsons. A binding contract had been made that night. One that would ensure that the family would be protected until the children became of age.
“Why not come to me with these matters?” Elijah asked as he placed the contract down on the table. “The De Martels may have obtained new territory, but that does not instantly grant them ownership of business.”
It amused Elijah on how easily humans nowadays would jump into the agreement with vampires without looking over anything. While at times it had been amusing, he longed for the days that the humans would actually think before making a deal with a devil.
“Much like the night you came to us,” Dante began. “The De Martels had come knocking. Every piece of data had been combed through and used to present us with this offer. I believed it to be beneficial, until Clara had expressed how blindly I had gone into this.”
A small smirk pulled at the corner of Elijah’s lips. “How is the darling Clara doing these days?” He had known Clara for a handful of centuries. While he had never interfered in her life in ways he wished he had, he watched as the woman had grown into a power of her own. “Must have been one painstakingly long night if she looked over this.” He waved his hand towards the contract.
“Is there truly no loophole?” Dante’s wife asked, ignoring the questions that had been asked by the vampire. “I do not wish to be rude, but I know the safety of my children is at stake. And with that safety is also the agreement we have with your family. I’d hate for it to be violated by my husband's mistake.”
Elijah sighed as looked at her. “There is no loophole. The De Martels know how to work things in their favor. But with or without your husband’s ‘mistake’.” His eyes flashed over to him for a moment before looking back towards her. “I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to ensure your children stay safe.” He watched as she let out a shuddering breath. Even if the stories said he had become ruthless, everyone knew his word was binding. Elijah Mikelson never broke his word.
“Thank you.” She said with a slight nod.
He nodded in return. “How are their lessons?”
The three of them knew this was a way to change the subject. To change it in a way that would give the two humans some breathing room, even if it was just for a moment.
“Alexander is thriving.” She said with a smile pulling at her lips. “We believe that in a few years time he’ll be able to take over the business and when the time is right, he’ll do fine with the prophecy you’ve told us.”
“What of Y/N?” Elijah asked and he watched their faces fall. It caused him to raise a brow.
“Her head is in the clouds more.” She said with a sigh. “It is as if she knows that her life will be set and the importance of lessons isn’t at the top of her list.”
“Perhaps I should speak with her.” Elijah offered. He watched their eyes widen for a moment in fear. “Fear and ignorance is what has led us into our current situation. Striking fear into Y/N will do nothing but hinder her. It is my intention to help steer her in the right direction.”
“With Compulsion?” Dante asked, a bit of venom lacing his words. The need to protect his daughter rising within his veins.
Elijah scoffed. “Anyone else would. They’d actually do worse to her in order to get her to fall in line.” With each word that he said the two in front of him had their fear grow at the possibilities that could happen to their daughter. “It’d be easy to bend her mind to do as needed. To make her obedient. However, my method of speaking to someone who could potentially change the course of things isn’t to manipulate them in any way. I was merely suggesting a moment to encourage her to use those clouds she's found herself in to her advantage.”
If there was one thing that hadn’t changed with Elijah, his way with words was enough to give the right push without so much as using compulsion. There were other methods to ensure things were done as they needed to be. And while he would occasionally use compulsion to his advantage on numerous occasions, using it on Y/N was and never would be considered an advantage. Not when some twist in Fate deemed the L/N twins the very two that would give the world back the balance nature so desperately wanted.
Before the Vampires had taken over, Freya had strange premonitions that gave heavy meanings to peace and balance. Flashes of a future that seemed so chaotic and almost barbaric had plagued the witch for weeks with no understanding of what it could mean. What threat the Mikaelsons would face.
Elijah could easily remember the day Freya had told him and their siblings of some prophecy that was shown to her. The details were almost laughable. How could a world change so much to warrant nature to demand a balance when the details of it all had seemed so fictional. While the majority of the siblings had brushed it off, Elijah had asked for every details.
“The natural balance of things will be threatened. I do not know by who or what, let alone when this chaos is supposed to unfold.” Freya explained. “I just know that a particular set of twins from a particular bloodline are supposed to be the balance that we will need.”
“What kind of balance would they even be capable of providing?” Elijah asked. He had known about several covens and their fascination with twins.
“One will stay human. The other will become a vampire when the time is right.” She explained. “What I’ve seen of them, they aren’t of current times. It will be some time before they are even born, let alone old enough for what needs to be done.”
“Nature doesn’t wait for it’s balance to manifest generations later.” He noted.
“I know.” She sighed. “That is where it doesn’t make sense. Why will the balance favor vampires so easily? All I know are the images and names of the children. Something horrible is going to happen, Elijah and I don’t know if I’ll be around to help fix it.”
“Tell me how I can help.” He offered, wanting to ease the worry that was building up within his sister.
“Unless you know fraternal twins named Alexander and Y/N L/N, then I don’t even know where to start with the help.”
A month later the world descended into chaos and there wasn’t much the Mikaelsons could do to stop it from unfolding. They could only adapt as the world changed. Including murdering the hundreds of humans that had hunted down and murdered every witch within New Orleans, including Freya.
Elijah had kept every detail Freya had told him locked within his mind. A way to hold on to not only the memory of his sister, but to make sure he did everything he could to help fulfill the prophecy that she had seen.
It had been Clara that had told Elijah about the twins when they had been born. At first it had only been mentioned out of disbelief. The L/Ns never had twins in their family and the first set had been born within the freedom of her protection. From there, Elijah had questioned about their names. And when he had every detail, he knew they were who Freya had seen.
That had been twenty years ago. Elijah had created a contract that would work in the world’s favor. The twins would get the protection they needed while ensuring they received the proper education and training for what was destined for them. While Elijah had hoped that ‘right time’ wouldn’t come until they were well into their twenties, he couldn’t be a hundred percent about it. All he could do was prepare them.
“She does prefer you over her recent tutors.” Her voice broke Elijah from his thoughts of the past. “Maybe speaking with you would be best.”
She was trying to ease the tension that was growing between the three of them. It hadn’t been a lie though. The three of them had noticed the way Y/N had preferred the way Elijah tutored her over the hired tutors. She wasn’t so easily distracted with the humans that tried to keep up with the lessons that Elijah had instructed the twins take.
Elijah nodded his head. “Have they traveled with you?”
“Of course.” Dante nodded.
“Then send her in and I’ll discuss it with her.” That was the only kind of dismissal that Elijah was giving them. He wasn’t going to continue the conversation when he knew it would lead to Elijah probably losing his temper on Dante over his stupidity.
He watched as the pair collected their things, including the contract and stepped out of the study. Elijah had been alone for only a few moments before Y/N had stepped into the room. She hadn’t even bothered to knock on the door. And for a brief moment, an amused smile pulled at Elijah’s lips.
“My parents said you wished to speak with me?” She asked as she closed the study door behind her.
It was strange to see how much she had reminded him of how humans used to react before things changed. In comparison to her parents Y/N didn’t give off an ounce of fear. Where her mother had kept her eyes downward, Y/N’s eyes stayed focused on him. There wasn’t even fear that he’d use compulsion with how she held his gaze.
Her eyes had matched her mother’s but there were flecks of silver that seemed to find a new home within her irises any time she blinked. Alexander’s eyes had the same thing but with gold flecks. But unlike Y/N, the flecks never seemed to change position as hers did. But there was one thing for certain as Elijah took in her eyes. She did not fear the world around her one bit.
“I did.” He nodded his head. “I was told your preference of tutors is making it difficult to focus on your studies.”
The neutrality she had on her features the moment she walked in had now shifted. A slight frown had pulled at her lips. However her eyes never left his face. “It’s not a matter of preferring specific tutors. It feels one sided.” When she watched him raise his brow, she continued. “The tutors are human. Any history lessons that are being provided are from that of a human. A human that has learned the details with prejudices embedded. I find it difficult to understand it when venom is laced in the words so often.”
A small hum of acknowledgement had left Elijah. “That is the point of some of those lessons. Words spewed out of hatred when the world descended into chaos will give you an opened mind when learning of what can be prevented. Yes, a vampire could give you more in depth details and firsthand accounts. It would include, if not be filled with more of the same venom about humans.”
“I understand.” She nodded. She paused for a moment, sorting out her words. “I know my tutors have been switched out more often than Alex. I do try, Elijah. I pass my courses and attempt to stay on track. But-”She stopped herself. A string of thoughts playing through her mind that she should probably keep the matter to herself. “I will make sure I do not disappoint.”
Elijah hadn’t missed the way she stopped herself or how her eyes had shifted away as she decided against whatever it was she was about to say. He had known how many times the tutors had changed. He had been the one to replace them each time. He just never understood why, until he was speaking with her now.
“Alexander doesn’t receive the same venom in the lessons.” It wasn’t a question, but Y/N began shaking her head quickly.
“No. He does not.” Her eyes hadn’t come back up to Elijah. She had now been looking down at her hands. “I know this prophecy like the back of my hand. I know I am supposed to help restore the balance with Alex. I am human until necessary. I do not expect to be treated as some savior that has the world at their feet.” She finally brought her attention back up to Elijah. She could see something different within his eyes that she didn’t believe she had seen before. She just couldn’t place what it was. “But I’d prefer not to be treated as if I am filth for being the one to become a vampire in this deal.”
“You haven't mentioned this to your parents?” Elijah found himself walking around the desk, attempting to give some comfort. Though he made no move to actually do so.
“Not since the first time.” She shook her head. “They feel as though I am crying wolf when Alex doesn’t have the same thing happening to him.
Elijah nodded. “Tomorrow, you’ll have a new tutor. Alexander will continue on with the one he currently has.” When he saw her open her mouth to protest, he held up his hand. “A vampire one to ensure the cycle doesn’t continue.”
“My parents-”
“Will be made aware of who they will be inviting into their home.” He gave a single nod of his head. “We will try it this way. If there isn't improvement, we’ll change it back to the way it was.” Elijah watched as she nodded her head. “That will be all.”
Y/N nodded her head before she turned around to leave. She had barely taken a step before turning back around. “Elijah, there is something you should know about, that my parents do not know yet. Only because I wouldn't put it past them to tell you.”
“What would that be?” He asked.
“I’ve- we’ve been having visions of things.” She watched the way his eyes widened slightly. “Things from the past and possibly future things from the look of it. But it wakes us up like a nightmare. Alex denies that it’s happening, but I can hear him pacing at night just after I have mine.”
“What was the last thing you saw?” He asked curiously.
“Chaos.” She shrugged slightly. “Witches being murdered. A woman with blonde hair tried to reach out, but couldn’t. It was like she was trying to tell me something and I couldn’t figure it out.”
“How often do these happen?” He knew this was something to do with who the twins were, what they were meant for.
“It randomly happens. Once or twice a month. But the first one happened the night of our birthday. “
Elijah moved back towards the desk and opened one of the bottom drawers before coming back around. He came to a stop directly in front of her and handed her an empty journal. “Write them down, please. Any detail you recall once you wake. Even if it frightens you to think, write it down. The next time either I drop by or your parents come to see me, bring it. That way we can try to piece together what you are seeing.”
Taking the journal, she held it close to her and nodded her head. “It's getting close, isn't it?”
Elijah sighed softly. “That I don’t know. But it seems like it may be the beginning of it.”
Her eyes fell to the journal in her hands. “There's one vision that I think you should know about now.” She couldn't bring her eyes back up. Not with what she was about to tell him. And the thoughts of the vision actually caused her eyes to well up.
Elijah hadn't missed the way her voice almost dropped to a whisper. Nor did he miss the way she was purposely keeping her attention from him. And for the first time since he met Y/N, he saw the fear that was seeping into her.
He gently brought his fingers under chin and lifted it, bringing her attention towards him. He saw the tears instantly and if anything the silver flecks in her eyes were almost gone.
“What is it?” His voice had almost been the same level as hers, with a comforting touch.
“I was still human.” She began. A need to make it known that detail was clear in the vision. “I was sold to Purgatory.”
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All WorksTag (The tag to be notified for everything I write): @mrs-maximoff-kenner @mizzzpink @friendelius @thatfanficstuff @mushroomelephant @23victoria @avengers-fixation @fayeatheart @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @wearehufflepuffs
Always and Forever Tags (All things TVDU): @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @hellotvshowtrash @dpaccione @elijahs-wife @akshi8278 @imgoingtofreakoutnow @kpopgirlbtssvt @ts1mp0ne @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @bluebear142077 @mysticfallsfics @nniklausmikaelson @fandom-princess-forevermore @morganaah @mxacegrey @freyathehuntress
Stag Tag: (All Things Elijah Mikaelson) @xxsovereignsarayaxx @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @marvel-at-stucky @silvermercy @cassiopeia-black-brenda @nalledimessi @starkleila @attractive-insomnia
The Originals Tag: (All Things The Originals) @dpaccione @thatweirdoleigh @charli123456789
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icycoldninja · 1 month
Hi there! I would just like to thank you for doing my Lies of P request, I absolutely loved it! Thank you again and keep up the good work! 😘 I hope your requests are open. Anyhow, I am back again with another platonic headcannon request with the Sparda boys and V meet with a fem! Reader that is like Sophia from Lies of P (yes I am obssesed with the game, pls help)
Let's say the male reader from my first Lies of P request (Or P) introduced fem!reader and she is absolutely lovely, I mean, think about how the most caring mother would act and you would be pretty close how the fem!reader (or Sophia) acts. (And she really pretty. I mean, look at her)
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She helps around as much as she can, but usually stays back from the combat, prefering to stay away and watch, rarely getting into fights. But then, maybe the male!reader is outnumbered and dies. Then fem!reader shows what she can do. She rewound time before the male!reader died. (I know since "rewinding time" other people wouldn't know she did that, but I feel like the boys would just habe a feeling of deja vu like they were here before.) And they ask male!reader if they were here (who is still in his silent past self) so they got no answers from him. But when questioning the fem!reader, she told them she rewound time and then she explained she actually had powers, mainly to talk to puppets, give people strength and the main part, rewinding time when the male!reader dies. (They still think the male reader is human)
Let's say some time passes, and lets say the fem!reader really grew on the boys. Until the faithful day when the male!reader got stabbed and left. (You know the rest) and for some odd reason the fem!reader disappeared a few weeks after the male!reader.
A lot of time passed (Let's say months since I still have no fucking idea how long the game is in it's time.) The male!reader returned but not fem!reader. And now, granted the power of speech, the male!reader explained what happened to her.
Alchemists (basically some crazy ass scientists) discovered the fem!reader had powers and took her away, while the male!reader was off to somehow gain more humanity (by lying) he found out what happened to to her and tried his best to find her, but when he found her, it was too late the alchemists already broke her.
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(Her death broke me) in her final moments that were filled with pain, she asked the male!reader if he could kill her and take her egro since she waa in too much pain (basically egro is like sort of magic soul thingy every human in the game had.) And that she wanted to somewhat "be" with him always. He somberly accepted, ending her nightmare and collecting her egro and the magic she had, giving him finally some shred of humanity he yearned for. How would the boys react to this?
Btw, I am so fucking mad Spotify removed Devil Trigger and Bury the light off their app.
Anyways, I hope you have a good day and that you eat and drink and sleep well. Bye! ❤️
Lol no problem, I can see why you're obsessed, it looks fun. P is lowkey adorable and honestly looks like a mini-V. Enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Sophia-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante didn't expect his little buddy P to bring back a girl, thinking said girl was P's girlfriend or something.
-He was so happy when he found out you were single because you had to have been one of the prettiest ladies he'd ever met. Your mannerisms and sweetness made him think you'd be excellent wife material.
-When P got stabbed and then ran off to do his thing, Dante was dismayed to discover you had left a little while after as well, though whether or not you left with him remained to be seen.
-He searched high and low for you for many, many months, but he didn't find you until P came back to inform him that some crazy scientists possibly Hojo's relatives had taken you away to extract your powers.
-Together, the boys went to find you, but when they got there, it was too late. The alchemists had taken everything from you, even most of your body. You were alive, but just barely. It was a miserable existence, so you begged P to take your life force and just end everything already. P wasn't too happy to do this, but it had to be done, so he did.
-Dante was never the same. Every day he'd find himself wandering around aimlessly, staring up at the sky and wondering if you were still watching over him, or if you'd gone to heaven. Maybe you'd have met his mother. Whenever he sees a blue butterfly, Dante can't help but cry because it reminds him of you, and all that he's lost.
■ Vergil ■
-Upon being introduced to you, Vergil found you to be the sweetest, kindest girl he'd ever met.
-He resonated with you, since both of you have this natural parental nature that makes you seem like sage advice givers.
-When P got stabbed and dissappeared, he never thought you would leave a few weeks after. He was hurt that you would just abandon him like that without saying anything, even if you were in a hurry to locate P.
-Vergil searched for you, eventually running into a returning, more human-like P, who told him of the alchemists that had taken you away.
-The guys hurried to find you, but when they arrived, you'd already been stripped of most of your powers, barely clinging onto life. You pleaded with P to take the last of your ergo and release you from your suffering, which he did, somberly.
-Vergil was sure he'd lost the only person in the world who truly understood him for good, and despite all his MOTIVATION, he still managed to fall into depression. He keeps a terrarium of blue butterflies by his bedside at all times, using it to remind himself of the love of his life.
□ Nero □
-Nero didn't expect to be introduced to such a lovely lady by his buddy P, but he wasn't going to refuse.
-You were so nice! It was such a refreshing change of pace to know someone who wasn't crazy, stupid, a deadbeat, or a mixture of the three.
-He was absolutely heartbroken when you ran off after P left. He expected this from the kid, but not from you! He thought you would have enough sense to stay with him so you could look for P together.
-Angry, confused, and scared all at the same time, Nero looked for you and P, running into the latter a little later, who told him of your horrible fate.
-Nero knew that it was hopeless, but he ran to find you anyway. He honestly shouldn't have been surprised by what he saw, yet it still destroyed him to see you like that.
-After P took your ergo and released you from ultimate misery, Nero spent a long time in solitude, just wandering around, talking to butterflies and mourning your loss.
● V ●
-V fell in love with you on first sight. You were the tender, loving, beautiful soul he never knew he needed in his life.
-Both of you sit on the sidelines during fights, but if P is ever gravely wounded in battle, you rewind time for him, which is a disorienting experience, but it's not that bad.
-Was absolutely crushed when you disappeared after P got stabbed. Now is the time when he needs you the most! V went looking for you, but he just didn't have the stamina to keep searching for long.
-P came back, eventually, with grave news. You'd been taken by alchemists who wanted to steal all your powers, and if they didn't hurry and find you soon, it might be too late.
-Unfortunately, it was, for by the time they found you, most of your ergo had already been drained, and what was left was hardly enough to keep you alive for a few more minutes. You begged P to just end it already, much to V's dismay.
-After that, V depended on P more than ever. His darling was gone, and if he didn't have a shoulder to lean on, he might as well die of grief. He may move on, someday, but that day is far, far off in the future.
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theink-stainedfolk · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire Tag
Thank you @drchenquill @the-golden-comet and @paeliae-occasionally for the tag
how long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
It's been at least 6 months or more I believe.
what led you to create it?
I actually had it from before but i never really posted anything. The thought that there might be people willing to read my works more than my own family and friends led me to create it. I was done shying away.
what's your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
I absolutely adore the supportive and inclusive nature of the writeblr community! It's a space where writers from diverse backgrounds and genres come together to share their passion for storytelling. I love how everyone encourages and uplifts each other, offering constructive feedback and celebrating each other's successes. The community's enthusiasm is infectious, and it motivates me to keep writing and improving my craft. I also appreciate the wealth of resources and knowledge shared within the community, from writing tips and prompts to editing advice and publishing insights. It's amazing to see how writers willingly share their expertise and experiences to help others grow. Most of all, I cherish the sense of belonging and connection that comes with being part of this community. Writeblr feels like a virtual writing group, where we can discuss our projects, share our struggles, and rejoice in our triumphs together
what's one thing you'd like your mutuals to know about you?
That i really love talking about my WIPs and OCs aand everything related to my story. I feel happy, seen and appreciated. If you like anything i woorte, please don't hesitate to ask or just tell me how you feel.
is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
Uh..memes? More aisan drama related things? More HSR stuff everything about my interests etc.
which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Very wrong question lol. I've been going back and forth between my WIPs. But the most recent one I've done, or am thinking about is The Masque of Murder .
how long have you been working on them?
Hahaha.... Since months, years and i still haven't even written a chapter for some of them. I hate myself for that. But since The Masque of Murder is recent, it's been a week or so.
do you remember what inspired them/ what got you started?
Yeah i remember reading a manhwa which had this crazy but mad genius doctor as a minor villan. It got me thinking that it was a waste of his abilities and damn good looks and he would have been surely protected by the plot armour had he been the main character instead. This forced me into making it lol.
how much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
🎵Every hour, every minute, every second. And night after night, I'll thinking 'bout you right, 7 days a week.🎶
name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who've never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you'd like!
Uh... every single one of them? I created everyone, if that's what you're asking haha.. I'm not sure if i understand it correctly but i created everyone on my own. I'll mention the one that comes to my mind first then.
Side character- Emrys from In The Silence, Strength
Protagonist- Dr. Phineas Abel Thorncroft from The Masque Of Murder
Antagonist- Dante from Beyond The Pages (but he is also the protagonist)
And i can't really remember the last two.
when someone asks the dreaded, "what do you write about," question, what do you usually say?
Yknow, fantasy stuff with magic and murder mystery with actual murder and blood and stuff and all that hahah none of the stuffs that you like or understand or are interested in right? Hahah it totally doesn't have queer peoples. Just fictional stuff you don't wanna know hahaha.
who's the most unhinged?
Dr. Phineas Abel Thorncroft (from The Masque Of Murder), Acheron (from Legacy of Creation), Dante (from Beyond The Pages) and Eitenne Lumiere( from Wicked Games, Wicked Fates) from what i remember .
who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Vesperine, Cleo, Pareen
do you ever cringe at them?
Hahaha... sometimes..
how much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever "write themselves," refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn't expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
I feel like i have 70% control and 30% is something they do it themselves because i give them the freedom to do so. Because that is the story of my character and not of me, even if I am the one who wrote it. Sometimes the decision i make for them is not what they'd do.
do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
Yes i absolutely love it please ask. Doesn't matter how just ask♡♡♡
what makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow 'em as you see 'em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
I take time scoping out the blog to make sure i align with it's content. And i follow based on both, wips and vibes but mostly vibes.
what makes you decide against following?
If i don't align with the content or i don't fond the story interesting, i don't follow.
do you interact with non-mutual often?
Not often but i do.
do your mutuals' characters occupy space in your noodle?
There are so so many characters of my mutuals that i love love loveee but my memory rn isn't functioning at its best so i will just write whom i can remember rn.
The Madness, the lady and that guy from Foliè written by @drchenquill, my friend. Whose writing always leaves me with surprises and cliffhangers. She supports me so much i almost feel guilty 💕💕💕💕 i love you so much💖💖💖
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@paeliae-occasionally Xanren, Marsh and Paeliae. I love their stories it captivated me. I hope you can tag me on their journey 👍, @cssnder, my first mutual whom i talked with so much courage that i almost didn't open tumblr the next day due to embarrassment and nervousness. Her works are like renaissance paintings, truly mesmerizing and beautiful. Thus Saith The Lord is truly a work of art and i hope i get to read it soon.😭 And also, @roarintheheavens , my new friend, I'm so happy. Vron Carson, he is very interesting and i can't wait to know more about him. And of course, @the-golden-comet, I'd very much like to read more about peter hart.
Just because i didn't mention everyone doesn't mean i don't appreciate your works, it's just that i haven't read them yet. I hope you all can send it to me. I'll definitely read it.
I'll tag @finickyfelix @willtheweaver @ascotwriting @agirlandherquill @leahnardo-da-veggie @illarian-rambling @winglesswriter @graveyardshift111
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em0-alpaca · 9 months
after like over half a year or smth i finally finished him
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meet Dante, the master of light!!! [srry for the bad english, i dont think ive ever written lore for any of my ocs lol]
HIS LORE IS STILL A WIP SO SOME THINGS MIGHT NOT WORK WITH CANON!! [i might miss some details, but thats because i dont wanna write too much]
plus in my au, Wu met Morro when the Elemental Alliance was created already and before Acronix and Krux betrayed them. [if.. thats not already canon lol, i dont keep up with when anything happened]
[12-16 y.o.]
- He was one of the most determined and challenging teenagers, training hard.
- Dante has been the youngest member of the Elemental Alliance, making him the main interest as every single elemental master trained him. [his parents went to a journey, leaving him with Wu ans Garmadon at the monastery and they never came back. no one knows what happened to them, although, that didnt effected him much as he was often left with Wu.]
- when Dante was 16 years old, Morro was taken in under the blonde man wings. At first he didnt like it, but after some time he grew warmer to the jet-black haired boy, taking him for a younger brother and training with him. He mightve gotten more protective over him.
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- Dante, too, believed that Morro was the green ninja after Wu talked about it, encouraging him and and lifting his hopes up subconsiously. the rest of the story is obvious.. this was one of the moments that really affected him.
- as he watched the EA fall apart, he craved for more power to fight against evil and find his little brother. he was told his whole life that he should never take his power for granted as its one of the strongest elements, especially with him being exposed to the main source of light very often. Dante, on the other hand, couldnt really deal with others leaving.
- can bend and materialize light into weapons [his weapon of choice were mostly his light blades, but anything dual wielded was fine for him].
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- he could move at the speed of light, often did it to attack his enemies from suprise [not a stealthy ability as he leaves glowing bright lights behind him when using it].
- can flashbang others by either throwing a small light ball at their eyes or snapping his fingers.
- as hes pretty strong during sunny days, at night and on cloudy days he usually uses weapons from Wu. [that doesnt mean he cant use his elemental power, but during his youth his power wasnt so strong with absence of the sun. it only changed what weapons he uses though]
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[18- 27y.o.?]
- one night after sneaking out to clear his mind, a strange figure approached him. it was a tall one, hidden under the black cloak. everyone knew who Dante was, so with no beating around the bush, the mysterious man gave him an offer in joining him. green haired boy declined his offer immediately, but after what he heard he was shocked.. the mysterious man told him that he would help him find his so-called younger brother.
- after making him believe he can erase the evil from all of the ninjago he joined the cult. They burned the mark on his face to officialy take him as their member, making him their leader. the longer he stayed with them, the more corrupted and brainwashed he was, turning him into their weapon. they formed a plan, making an elemental burst and trying to erase "the evil".
- one day, he started his journey to look for Morro, going for days and days into every part of Ninjago, only to find his cold body in the Cave of Despair. he grieved him for a good few hours before finding a field to bury him and let him rest in peace.
- his desire for ubspeakable strenght grew bigger, forcing him into trying to create artificial element of light and mixing it with his own. this, unfortunalety, worked horribly with his mental state and making him more of a villain. when he attacked the city once, Wu was devastated and tried to help him. this lead them to have a fight with Wu desparately trying to convince him and change his mind. Wu after that meeting tried to talk with other elemental masters to stop Dante.
- when the city got under Dantes control after the cult betrayed him and he fought with the new-built Elemental Alliance, he used the Elemental burst. unfortunately, his light element mixed with the artificial one made him fail to destroy anything other the city. this, made him half-blind and left him scarred on his limbs, losing his power.
- after that he finally snapped out of his sinister desires and managed to ran away unnoticed from the city somewhere far away.
- he lives far far away from the town and anyone else in a small cottage house out of shame.
- if necessary, he comes out of the house in disguise to buy some food. hes had various jobs already, but his bad eyesight [no glasses helped with his vision] he couldnt work in too many for too long.
- his elemental power was slowly recovering, but due to the fact that it was corrupted and mixed with the artificial one, it was infecting his body, making it age slower and weakening him over time.
- after so many years he started recieving money in his mail.. perhaps from someone with a kind heart?
- he tries to stay away from anyone with elements and people who couldve been a part of a terror he caused, especially away from Wu.
ive been thinking of making another oc [his child] so for now im not planning on adding too much!!
im not really sure what to add to him in present Dante, but im up for any ideas. :) also i was too lazy to draw more doodles lol!
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ladynamida · 10 days
Hi all!
Happy @verladyweek Day 4! I've been working a story featuring two of the prompts for Day 4, Confession and "Except for your eyes, no blade can control me, no sharpened knife."
First I'd like to say another big thank you for the inspiration - the brain worms are so wriggly about this.
Second, this week has been so fun I don't want to ruin the vibes, so no one has to reblog this post.
Third, this story has become something larger and more personal to me than I originally intended. Some might say, extremely self-indulgent writing-as-therapy. I'm just saying "oops". It deals with some sensitive topics that I'm not sure I'll be confident in sharing widely. Not until I can do them justice at least. Either way, it won't be finished this week. 😔
I'd still like to contribute by sharing a wip snippet or two! The snippet under the cut gives a flavour for the rest of the story. (I promise there are more upbeat moments amongst the angst I could share, but didnt want to mislead on the overall vibe). Let me know in the tags/asks/DMs.
Trigger warnings: depression, mental health crisis. If you're worried about the content but want to find out more, I'd be happy to respond via DM. Please take care of yourselves first and foremost 💙
Dante's voice was hoarse as he whispered, “I don’t know what to do.”
Okay, this did sound like it was shaping up to be some kind of crisis, and Lady did pride herself on her ability to salvage the best possible outcome from bad circumstances. Being thrust into world-threatening situations on a semi-regular basis and life-threatening situations practically every week did wonders to sharpen your disaster management skills. “Whatever it is, we’ll take care of it, that’s what we always do, right?” She gulped the rest of her coffee in one long draw, and dropped the cup from chest height into the waste paper basket. She retook her seat. “So what’s going on?”
“Nothing, and that’s the problem. Have you seen much of Vergil recently?”
She shakes her head, thinking. He had been missing in action recently, though she hadn’t really thought too much about it. He was weirdly quiet at the best of times, unless he was arguing with Dante or Nero, even then he was just as likely to storm out as he was to fight back. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d raised his voice, even when fighting. They’d had a few brief conversations after he and Dante returned from hell; about coffee, about the weather, about nothing significant. Just normal, everyday stuff. She didn’t really care for boundaries, but she didn’t particularly want to push his and cause the group any problems, so when he ignored her she ignored him right back. The implications of what Dante might be suggesting started to sink in. “Can’t say that I have. You think he’s up to something?”
A single, dry laugh. “Nah.”
She trusted his judgement, since no one knew Vergil better, and Dante had agreed to keep an eye on him. “Then what’s the problem?”
“He never does anything.”
She snorts, trying to keep the tone light despite her growing sense of dread. “Like drinking and going to strip-joints? Maybe he just has a better taste in hobbies than you.”
“No hobbies. You don’t get it. He doesn’t do anything, doesn’t go anywhere. He hasn’t left the shop in three weeks.”
She lowers her voice, realising he must be upstairs while they’re talking about him and not wanting to provoke any awkwardness should he hear. “Maybe he’s just doing his thing, reading or something. He’s always quiet.”
“Lady, he hasn’t left his room in nearly a week… not even to use the bathroom.”
Now, that shocked her. “So what, he’s just rotting in his own filth? That’s not like him.”
~ to be continued ~
“Nah, nothing like that. He’s not eating or drinking either, so there’s no mess. I’ve been in there, he’s just sat there on the floor like some kind of fucking zombie.”
Lady felt her face pale. She stayed quiet and still for a moment, letting the weight of Dante’s comment settle between them, as she racked her brains to try and work out how she could help them.
“Do you think he’s still sick?... Like V was?”
He sniffed, and bowed his head, his hair hiding his face. “Nah, I dunno, he looks normal. Can’t see any marks or anything.”
“Did something happen the last time he was down here?”
She could almost smell the guilt. “I don’t even know when that was. I don’t think so.”
“Okay.” She absentmindedly kicked her feet, slowly tapping her heel against the side of the desk. “And you’ve tried talking to him?” Silence, and a nod. “Well, maybe I’ll head up there and give it a try?” She stood and pulled her shorts down, making herself more presentable. She didn’t know why, but she felt slightly nervous. Dante she knew well, she had a pretty good handle on his moods and how he might react to her poking and prodding. Vergil… well, Vergil was a different animal.
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
Capcom has called to tell you they've put you in charge of the next DMC game. They left no instructions but one: the game focuses on Dante and Vergil after the events of DMC 5. How will you do the game? What will the plot be? How will you have their relationship progress throughout the game?
Hi, Ember! Your timing is, as always, suspiciously accurate
Just the day you sent this ask I saw a post with this screenshot and saved it to answer later
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Funny thing is, my answer to this post is disagreement with this point on a fundamental level.
I have an extremely hard time imagining anything for DMC6, and one of the reasons is story. Capcom did a great thing when they actually acknowledged their series-founding character aging. Dante is not getting younger, physically it's not really a problem for him, but emotionally? This man should have gotten a mental retire like, after dmc4. I mean it. He shouldn't get sucked into another Sparda legacy drama, please no. Same for Vergil, man needs a gramophone, his bro to retire with, a library card and some freakin knitting needles or smth.
DMC1 started with the second lowest low the twins relationship had ever been at, DMC3 showed the divide of their relationship, DMC4 was the ghost of it and DMC5 had been the fallout of 20+ years of not-cooing-with-trauma. 5 ends with a perfect ending the twins were gifted by Hideaki Itsuno (bless the man), there is nowhere meaningful to take them.
(This is where I would have ranted about Mundus and how HE should be the main boss of the series, but he was sealed off and manga says twins could have defeated him even in their twenties and capcom did not freakin retcon that)
Alas, this would have been my answer if you haven't added the mandatory twins rule xD (to be fair, it does sound like a rule executives force on a new game, cause how would they ever let go of idols like Dante&Vergil? the bois sell better than hot cookies)
This is where I go in reverse mode, because I think the post is actually onto something. A new game about twins conquering different regions/levels of Hell and fighting cool Hell Lords the entire time. It would also be a good opportunity for some worldbuilding overhaul I keep ranting about in every single ask!
The only gameplay feature I can imagine for the game, the one that was MUCH requested and so close to properly implemented in 5 should ABSOLUTELY return - proper coop. Not sure if splitscreen would work optimisation-wise, but they should freakin try. RE engine turned out to be surprisingly adaptable and works insanely well in 5.
Character abilities wise - DMC5 is a goddamn masterpiece of slasher, I have absolutely no idea how to make it better. Dante alone requires you to study in Combo University for four years, and Vergil would freakin make you meditate in a cave without food or water for another four.
If the narrative could take a double plotlines structure and Nero would have his own adventures in the human world, it would be nice to give him more attention as well. And an opportunity for some new devil hunter characters (Master Summoner Patty) !
If DMC6 ever happens then Mundus HAS to be the endgame come on, that is (1) plotline DMC has hanging and it would be EPIC to make.
Twins-relationship wise I expect a Lot of banter. It would be awesome to have the second twin be AI piloted around the level with you.
As for bonding? Mixed feelings. Twins will have lots of time to learn to work together again, but I am not sure they can actually heal while in Hell. Hell trip is a constant run from and into violence, demon horders, hunting and being pursued in a maddening never-ending circle untill the twins are able to escape. This is not the best situation for healing, honest conversations, or supportive moments. Plus, the twins entire lives revolve around violence, I can only wish one day they can settle in a calm environment to learn to live without it too.
btw the last two sentences are like, the premise of Raven's @stashoflostsouls newest Take a trip or two awesome fic, definitely check it and her other works out if you liked the previous paragraph
So yeah, I believe the twins will progress a lot during their escapades, but the reforging of their brotherhood can only fully happen outside the violence they are regularly thrown into, and a retirement plot doesn't really sound like a good idea for a slasher game, does it.
as always, the rambles got the best of me.
tldr: Personally, I think the twins' story is done and they should be allowed to happily retire, but if the story continuing to revolve around them is the mandatory rule then my best guess is a cool slasher in Hell. Still, it wouldn't fully mend the twins relationship, even if the game would probably be very satisfying to play
(have you seen the coop mod videos online? those clips are insane)
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i-m-snek · 1 year
Welcome new followers!
I legit got 1k new followers from that ‘how to cook a snake’ post, so allow me to introduce myself! My name is Laura, Cis woman I go by she/her. Herpetologist and advocate for forward thinking when it comes to keeping reptiles. I’ve been keeping reptiles for 10 years now, and I regularly update my knowledge based on recent research. I specialize in ball pythons but have a fair amount of knowledge on other species as well. My entire life is based around giving my pets the best care I possibly can, and educating people on reptiles. I currently work as a tech in an oil and tire bay as my day job, but I make D&D dice on the side.  Now, for what y’all followed for! Allow me to introduce my babies, along with showing off their setups. 
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This is Dante! He’s the first snake I’ve ever owned, got him 10 years ago and had him since he was only a few inches long. He is a Motley morph Corn snake, incredibly sweet and docile, and very curious. I have him in a bioactive enclosure, I’m still trying to find plants that he won’t destroy though lol. Ignore the dirty water bowl, I gave it a wash after I took the picture
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Next up is Thresh! He’s a pinstripe morph Ball Python, hovering around 10 years old, I’ve had him since he was a baby as well. He’s generally slow moving, curious, and incredibly sweet. He is in a basic enclosure, but I plan on swapping him to bioactive in the next few months. 
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Here’s Leliana! My gorgeous and amazingly sweet Blue Eyed Leucistic ball python (from a lesser/mojave pair). The absolute sweetest snake, she is curious and friendly, one of my best ambassadors! I’ve had her for about ten years, and she remains as my top favorite snake. She is currently in a basic set up, I am unsure if I’m going to put her on bioactive since she doesn’t have any melanin to protect her from light. I may just use gentle plant lights if I do
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This is Navi! My high red Brazillian Rainbow boa. She can be a little bit grouchy so I try to keep her handling to a minimum, as to not stress her out too much. When she is out though she is very fast, and wants to explore every nook and cranny she can find. As she’s aged her colors have dulled a bit, which can randomly happen to rainbow boas sometime. She’s been checked at the vet just to be safe and is still perfectly healthy. She is currently in a home made enclosure that is set up to be bioactive
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This is Zevran! He’s a bi-colored crested gecko. I swear he has a single braincell that just pingpongs back and forth all day LOL. He is an adorable little goof, very sweet and curious. He fires down the nice light orangish pink you see in the photo, and fires up a nice bright orange color. He’s in a semi-bioactive enclosure, meaning there’s no plants and no UVB tube. I may upgrade him to full bioactive soon.
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This is Kitana, my rescue bearded dragon. She is incredibly mild mannered and sweet, and very smart! She will glass surf to tell me when she needs to poop so I’ll take her outside to do her business. She is leash trained and loves outdoor time, and cuddle time. She does the cutest little shimmy to get cozy when I have her on my lap. She is currently in a home built enclosure with a tile base. I don’t know if I’ll swap her to bioactive or not, still on the fence about it. (She does have a water bowl, its just hiding behind the wood in the photo)
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This is Aerith, my orange dream fire pinstripe ball python. She’s always hungry, poised and ready to eat any time I enter the room, she’s a little easier to stress out so she’s in her enclosure most the time, but every once and a while she is calm enough to come out and chill on the couch with me. She’s in a basic setup, but as with everyone else I’m gonna try and upgrade her to bioactive.
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This is Asriel! My disco/fire (possibly enchi, possibly yellowbelly, which we are trying to prove out this year). I hatched him myself and raised him from the baby, he is incredibly sweet, very curious and super confident. I adore him so much honestly. He’s currently in a bioactive setup!
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This is Aurelion Sol! He is a mexican black kingsnake, I think he’s around 12 or 13 years old? I got him when he was already an adult and around 9 years old or so, he’s from the same breeder I got Dante from. When I got Dante, the breeder also showed me baby mexican black kingsnakes that were from this guy and Cassiopeia (who has sadly passed away.) Aurelion is -always- hungry, and will try to catch and eat anything that moves. This photo is a rare occasion where he isn’t trying to eat me. He is currently in a basic set up, not sure if I’m going to swap him to bioactive or not. (he’s on the top shelf so it’s hard to get a pic of his enclosure)
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This beautiful girl is Crunchwrap Supreme, a Suma (possible yellowbelly) ball python! My most recently acquired baby, and I already adore her so much. She is a little shy, but so so sweet. Once she is comfortable she is incredibly curious! She’s a fantastic eater, and I can’t wait to watch her grow. She is currently still in her quarantine enclosure, but as soon as she’s out I’ll likely get her set up in a bioactive!
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This is Raina! My vanilla fire enchi yellowbelly ball python. I got her from a friend, who got her from @tailsandco​ (Hi Shelby! Been a while). I had adored Raina since the first time I saw her on Shelby’s blog, and some things happened and she ended up in my care (I am still so grateful like LOOK AT HER SHE’S GORGEOUS AND SWEET). Raina is so, sosososo sweet. She’s Asriels mama, and she’s a little small compared to my other females but that’s just a genetic thing. She eats well, and loves to take naps on the couch while I watch youtube. She’s in a regular setup currently but I want to put her on a bioactive as well!
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This is Rhea, he’s a disco/fire ball python. He’s the father of Asriel, and has such a goofy personality. When he’s exploring he regularly goes underneath his own body and then just. Sits there like he’s stuck even when he’s not. He is incredibly sweet and loves to periscope! He’s currently in a basic setup, but as with everyone else, I plan on converting him to bioactive. 
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This is Tali! She’s a merauke locality scrub python. This species is actually well known for being incredibly bitey (as most arboreal species are), however there are always exceptions to the rule. I picked her out from her clutch mates because in the photos, she was the only one not poised to strike at the camera. That indicated the potential to be a calm, relaxed animal. I worked with her since she was a baby to make her comfortable with me, and trust me. If she turned out to be bitey I wouldn’t have minded, I knew what I was getting into. But the patience and trust paid off, she is the absolute sweetest! I still get her out of her enclosure with a snake hook for safety reasons, but once she’s out I handle her with my hands. She is so, so sweet and I am forever grateful for how much she trusts me. Her, Leliana, and now Crunchwrap are all competing for my number 1 top favorite snake I own. She is currently in a huge bioactive setup! I plan on getting more of the Dracaena 'Marginata' (the tiny palm tree looking thing) soon. This is just the left corner of the enclosure too!
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This is Undyne! She’s a Merauke locality Blue Tongue Skink :) She is incredibly smart, not quite on the level of a tegu but pretty close. I’ve been doing choice based handling with her and it’s improved our levels of trust by a ton. She loves crunching on ice, and exploring the livingroom in her play pen. She’s currently in an 8 foot long basic enclosure. Again, I really wanna put her on bioactive but I gotta figure out what plants are safe to be in there in case she wants to munch them. Lol
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This is Pharoh! He’s my rescue cat that I found in my front yard when he was a kitten. I found him during the beginning of COVID so we were home together every day for 3 months. He is incredibly sweet, cuddly, and also playful. He’s a mama’s boy, he follows me around the house 24/7 and if I’m sitting, you can bet he’s in my lap. He gets special meals where I put him in the back room so I can safely have my reptiles out, and he doesn’t see it as a bad thing because he gets a big special meal. He even has a giant running wheel to help keep him entertained while I’m at work. He’s such a good little man 
I also have a couple spiders, but I don’t want to tag this big post with it so I’ll leave them out and possibly do a post on just them later on.  But yeah that’s the family! I pride myself in taking the best possible care of my pets that I can :)
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the-void-writes · 8 months
OC Smash Or Pass
Thank you @sergeantnarwhalwrites for the tag! I was a little nervous to do this, but I think it helped me developed my characters a bit more so that’s really nice.
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but have a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc)
I’ll leave this as an open tag for anyone who feels like joining.
OC of choice: Dante Briggs
(I don’t have many drawn pictures of Dante that I like, so please excuse the extra Will in the second pic lol)
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Dante is a 28-year-old club owner and robotics engineer who came to Paradise in the 1980’s. He was the first person to catch Vesely’s Infection and survive (hence the gold magic in his arms). The disease gave him power over empathy and mood control.
Propaganda will be under the cut for suggestive content:
-He is the biggest, most playful sweetheart in all of Paradise once you get through his walls. He’ll serenade you in public, brag about you to everyone, and make sure that you know every single day that he loves you.
-If you’re a fan of clubs, he’d love to dance with you with the neon lights illuminating your figure. If that’s not your scene, he’s always happy to take you somewhere like a park or field. He loves peace and quiet just as much as he loves parties.
-He built all of his club employees, each one designed for pleasure and fun. He could make tools that would blow your mind. In fact, you may just become his assistant for testing out whatever he makes.
-Empathy powers means that with your permission, he can read your feelings and adjust himself to make you feel incredible.
-Body worship is his specialty. Whatever you’ve got for him to work with, he’ll treat you like a god.
-This man is embarrassingly weak to both praise and voices. Make some noises and tell him how good he’s doing, and he’ll practically melt in your hands.
-Loves letting other people take control sometimes. It makes him feel loved. So go ahead and ask, he’s up for anything.
-You can have the wildest night of your life, and then be treated to a warm bath and leftovers and being held snug under a dozen blankets.
-He can start off as kind of annoying and rude. It’s his defense mechanism. You can probably get less of it if you’re a cute blonde guy, though.
-His first answer to most problems is almost always vigilantism. It’s kind of ingrained in his brain, thanks to his late fiancé. Don’t be surprised if he gets into trouble.
-Gets distracted easily. He’ll be kissing your thigh, and then stop to look at the freckles because he thinks they make a shape.
-Constant PDA. He can’t keep his hands off of someone he loves, especially around people that think it won’t last. It’s only a con if you get embarrassed easily.
-King Gazali will think you’re mad for wanting Dante, of all people. They have a complicated friendship.
-His android employees will ask for details all the time. You both will become their gossip topic for a while.
-You might have to drag him away from his workshop because he’s such a perfectionist that he won’t stop until his creations make you see stars.
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tbhimnoteasyonmyself · 8 months
In Defence of 4/4 EP.12
(from someone who didn't like it very much)
I've made an entirely different post about people's reactions to the ending so I won't address any of that here, if you want that post. Bang! Here. But this is not what this post is about. This post is about recognizing the good in something I personally would've preferred had gone a different route. So let's get into it.
(long post, guys, Imma spare you, people who wanna scroll past 😉)
1st things 1st: yes. I know. The narrative about growth and adapting and change would've been so great had Day not gotten the transplant. It would've paid off so well for the main couple and all the other characters too. And it would send out such a nice message about how disabled people are whole, despite their disabilities. How happiness is possible for everyone, without restraints, no matter their body or mind. BUT that's not what we got. And that can be upsetting, I know I'm a little upset myself, but, and considering the ongoing fandom discussion, is it all that bad that we got something different? For once, I do not think so.
I think the very first thing that needs to be addressed is what is said by @daymork in this post:
"the hardships, the journey, even all the good that happened during allllll that still matters after recovery"
Or: just because Day gets his sight back, that doesn't mean the story being told is suddenly useless. Because a story about how people are flawed and scarred and they need to grow past certain issues to enjoy life again or they need to gain new perspectives is never useless. Society keeps showing us that assholes who cannot see past their own belly button or that people who are restrained by their traumas are still out there, so how could a narrative about growth ever be pointless?
Futhermore, it is a crucial part of the characters' arcs, even past Day's blindless being involved. Day ties his self-worth to being capable and always doing what he is supposed to. Night is careless and doesn't like abiding by the rules, even when it inconveniences others. Their mom has a bad case of "mama knows best", she's inflexible, what she wants, she gets. Mhok is traumatized by his sister's death and he can't move on, can't let go. (and so on, but I think you get the point) Regardless of the challenges that come with adjusting to Day's disability, all of them were already facing challenges that made their lives harder. Because, sure, we don't see it, but everyone always has a struggle. They sure had too.
And now you say, well, Dante, doesn't that make Day's blindness a plot device used just to make these characters better and then discarded when no longer needed? And sure, yeah, I think that argument can definitely be made and it is solid, I won't deny that. But I also think that the way you read it depends on what you believe this story is about. Because, if you think this story is about Day's struggle with blindness, then sure, yeah. But you can also see it as a story about maturing and overcoming hardships or a love story about two people who, like everyone else, have to adjust to learn how to adjust with each other. Or a story about different types of love and how they connect and overlap or change. Or a story about perspectives and points of view and how every single person is gonna look at the same things with different eyes and what that means for the way people live and how they relate to one another. Or a story about what makes a person and about how, no matter the way people see you, you are still a person and you can make your own choices, despite everything. Or something else, even, Idk. I'm not the owner of opinions and I'm not trying to be. My point is: it's all about individual perception and understanding.
Regardless, even if you do see that particular part as ableist, does it erase all the other stuff the series does? Does it erase the point is makes about not babyfying disabled people? Does it erase the point it makes about seeing disabled people as people who deserve no other feeling but pity? Does it erase the point it makes that Day was living well, even without Mhok or his sight? I don't think so. It might undermine it but it does not erase it.
And I think that leads us to the most important part of this discussion, actually: maybe the point was, all along that, in order for Day to be able to be able to get his transplant (narratively, of course) he needed not to need it. He needed to be able to be okay with not having it. He needed to learn to live without it and be happy. Because, in the end, what problems were actually solved by the transplant, really? None, I would argue.
Day and his mom, Day and Night, Night and their mom, Night and Porjai, Mhok and Rhamon, Mhok and Rung, Mhok and Day... As well as their internal conflicts (Mhok was a successful chef, Rhamon a good mother, Night a good husband, Day a librarian, etc...), all that was solved before that. The transplant truly didn't change anything besides what it changed: that Day now has the physical ability to see again. "No, Dante, it allowed him to go to the mountain again!", I hear you say. And sure, it did, but that wasn't new: he'd been there before when he was 100% blind. And it's not more magical when he can see than when he cannot. In fact, I would argue it is the other way around.
The 2nd time they're there they don't even care that much about the mountain or the sunset. They care about their relationship and what it means to be together again and they care about the journey. That's what they talk about. "Oh, but Mhok talks about how him there at the mountain is no longer the last image Day is gonna see". Yeah. But that, I would say, is more about how that is the case because Mhok is now there to stay (he even says so himself) rather than the fact Day can physically see him.
So, what purpose does it serve in the narrative? Is it just a "and now he can see because, sure, let him have it, it's the end, idc"? Could be, I mean, yeah, I think you can make a strong argument that this is just an ableist way of a "happy ending" but I also want to point out that that might not necessarily be the case (other than what I'm gonna explain next, even so, because, as @e-lisard pointed in this post - among others that I've seen do so but I only remember faer, some disabled people prefer stories where there is a cure for all or some of their disabilities). But also because, if nothing changes for Day (except he can play Badminton again, which, as someone who loves Badminton myself, like yeah, pretty big thing) then maybe that's the point being made: that, in the end, the thing that Day so desperately wanted in the beginning of the story has become almost meaningless now because he already had everything before. And that his happiness, unlike what he and everyone around him had previously thought, was not all dependent on his physical ability to see, but rather on his (and everyone else's) psychological/emotional ability to see. And once they unlocked that, nothing else was really all that relevant.
So, of course, you can have whatever opinion you want and I still stand by the fact that I'd rather not have him recover his sight because I like the implications of that better but, I think, the ending we were given is not all bad and some good things can be taken from it, especially if you see it as a comparison made to highlight the fact that Day's physical ability to see was not at all relevant to his happiness and that the story was really all about the journey.
If you want to add or disagree (politely) or something feel free to use this post. Comment or reblog or whatever. I'll be happy to keep this discussion going just as long as we can all be respectful.
Other than that I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you have a great day!! All the love 💜💜💜
PS: People I tagged, if you'd like not to be tagged pls tell me, I just did so because I didn't want credit for things that I did not think of or state myself. Cheers! <3
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daz4i · 11 months
Hey. I know a thing or two about professionals telling you not to kill yourself with the excuse of “having great potential” that should not be lost to suicide. That is utter bullshit. Your reason to keep going should not be hinged on whether or not you have potential. You’re doing a great job of being alive just how you are now. It’s so hard to get through each day but you have managed to so far and that is way more valuable than any potential that people believe is the reason why you should not give up. I will not give you any reasons not to end it all because I myself am so sick of hearing people do exactly that when they have no idea how terrible it is to have been severely depressed since childhood with no success in any treatments. However, I will say that you are doing amazing Dante, because this truly fucking sucks. I might be some stranger on the internet, but oddly enough, I just got let out of a psychiatric hold for attempted suicide, so let me just tell you how proud I am that you are still around despite how terrible it can be. Sometimes, it seems that people who have no idea what chronic depression is like just drone on about how suicide is bad and we’re “strong” for not killing ourselves, but I think you don’t have to be strong and the fact that you manage to put up with bad shit every single day is hard fucking work that you never asked for yet still push through even if you don’t quite make it. Point is, you’re a lovely person and I hope that you can do something nice for yourself at some point this week, because people like us deserve it even if we truly believe that we do not. <3
anon i just woke up and you already make me cry a little bit damn 😭😭😭😭 thank you so much 🥺 i hope you're doing a little bit better and stay safe, and I'm very proud of you for being here 🖤
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Do you have any gameplay ideas for Lucia (Devil May Cry)?
Oh okay, that's a new type of question I've never been asked before. People on here don't tend to talk about gameplay aspects on here that much and tend to just talk about the characters - or at from what I've seen my three years on this site. But I'll take it sure!
Well, I'm not the best person to ask since I'm not really a game designer but I think I can think of at least a couple ideas to put her in more on how modern dmc 3-5 characters play with more complexities than Dante/Lucia/Trish had in dmc 1 and 2.
Okay to start off if Lucia would ever be hypothetically playable in a future dmc game she doesn't necessarily need new weapons, pretty much everyone else who isn't Dante with his ridiculous amount of weapons that only gets larger and larger with each game, specifically Nero, Vergil, Lady and Trish in dmc 4 proves this that small arsenals and tools you can work with like the devil bringer which you can throw in a buster whenever in a combo you like to add a little ✨️style spice✨️ A small rotation I find easier to work with and even so everything in that small rotation has a long list of moves and combos that you can steadily form your patterns you can strategize certain take downs for specific enemies.
But that's not saying you can't add anything new for her though, however including all the unlockable blades and knifes she could get in dmc 2 I think she should be okay as long as maybe you change some of their move sets to moreso differentiate them and make them each more unique instead of same knife/blade but reskinned and stronger. Again while you don't have to change anything like what she comes with, just look at Vergil the guy has had the same 4 weapons (counting summon swords) and basic play style since he was more formally introduced in dmc 3 and therefore being playable. However if they do go down this route with adding new things I hope they pull a dmc 4 revamp on us because playable Vergil from dmc 3 and playable Vergil from dmc 4 are very different beats. Dmc 3 Vergil is very, very simple and basic in his move set, similar to current day Lucia actually but - and this is true about every single version of Vergil since he's been playable - he is very overpowered. Like I don't know if this is because I've been playing dmc 3 since almost day 1 that it came out and I'm old but I don't know maybe it's just me but even in very hard and dante must die he makes the entire fucking game feel like a joke. Dmc 4 however (and don't get wrong he is still fucking overpowered as shit compared to everyone else in the game, he can absolutely break the entire game like he can in 3 if you know how to properly use him) I think he's less as OP in higher difficulties (I'm going to be 100% real here enemies in dmc 4 on human and devil hunter are like punchable paper once you play those higher difficulties just once and its veeeery noticeable) however to compensate for more heavy tankable enemies (Vergil in every mode is still a boss deleter no matter what) they they completely revamped his 3 moveset, keeping the all the simplicities and they MEGA built off it in literally every way; new moves, new combos, the motivation concentration meter and mechanics, new summon sword abilities, playable executable judgment cut end 💀, ect. But Lucia doesn't have to be as overpowered and game breaking, I think personally that should stay with just Vergil as like a gimmick afterall he has been that OP since day one and no other characters except Dante in a good several amount of occasions (dmc 4 and 5 particularly) have been able to be on that same level. But in a way story wise her being more strong and confident in her abilities moreso than in dmc 2 would show off more character development and being able to show that off in gameplay would be just perfect.
Sooo learning from that take her simplistic moveset and just revamp it in a similar fashion and that way she could still feel like better dmc 2 version of herself but she'd get more unique moves and combos and maybe build up her older playstyle in a way that feels more in tune with modern dmc without disrespecting her original playable debut despite the unfortunate game she came from, which I always thought anyway that out of the main two out of box playable characters (so not counting Trish who is better out of all three of them by miles) that she always felt good and better to play than the clunky, sword useless, Dante in that game.
Devil trigger gameplay? Since 2 and besides Dante's sin trigger in dmc 5 which is its own can of worms mechanically and runs off its own system very different then how it was dmc 2, no one else really has had a flying form and how it worked in 2 so if they just kept that exclusive to Lucia and modified it where A. It'd feel comfortable to play in modern gaming standards B. Expand on it, maybe make her airborne like 99% of the time and incorporate that into trigger exclusive moves maybe she can switch between the elemental moves that where in dmc 2 just you can switch between them on the fly without having to go through subscreens and menus and it doesn't cancel out your trigger gage and maybe each one has its own pool of moves besides being just that element boosting already established attacks, making it when you do trigger you do have more options and moves to integrate into your combo chain each time ect.
Uhm and I think that's all I have to say about it? Sorry if this was rambled and I didn't explicitly give much ideas this was just the way I think if Lucia ever were to be playable again (which honestly I really do hope, it fucking sucks she's chained down to such a "Yes it is actually that bad as everyone says it is." of a game) this is the technical ways I think Capcom should go about it.
Tldr: Take Lucia's very simplistic moveset from dmc 2 and treat it with a make over like they did with Vergil's from dmc 3 going into 4. Devil trigger should be mostly the same taking in the flight mechanics from dmc 2 and making it Lucia's own while incorporating the element mechanics that would also give her new moves to work with while in trigger.
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Thank you for the ask btw!
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300iqprower · 2 years
for anyone who's doing a re-write of fgo do you have any advice on the timeline? bc im so confused? bc some events are cannon i know (case in point dante's event bc everyone knows how he's the one making sure guda doesnt fall apart like jenga blocks from all the curses they got over the course of their journey) but like when do they actually happen? since both the singularities and pseudo-singularities happen in a single year but from what i'm getting while playing is that in between the singularity and the next one there's literally only a small timeframe whhere all of these events could happen???? bc its hinted that sometimes guda only gets to rest for a single day before jumping the gun in the next singularity so please send help????
TLDR: whatever you like is canon, whatever you don't like isn't. That's basically what it boils down to.
Think the rules about divine spirits mandating a host are stupid? Summon them as they are no strings attached.
Think one of the events had crucial character development but it's seen as a wacky non-canon episode? Treat it like it really happened.
Think it makes more sense for this to take place over the course of several years? Make it so, Guda is now 33 by the time of LB7. Think it's more meaningful if this was all a traumatic blitzkrieg and/or they've been trapped in time from their rayshifts? They're barely a year or two in.
It really is just a matter of what you think works best and what you feel you're truly obligated to preserve from canon. Rewrite means Rewrite, not "shuffle things around while keeping it fundamentally the same".
Maybe i'd be less across the board about things if this series had better worldbuilding, and I felt obligated to respect the world it has crafted, but that's not the case. They break a new rule every chapter while establishing another 3 that are invoked exactly once to contrive a plotpoint. The rules are fake at this point, and if they don't give a rat's ass about a coherent world then we've no obligation to try and work with the mess they've left.
For just one example of the kind of liberties you should feel no issue in taking, TheNeonFlower made a great timeline for their AU
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