#every time nick looks at charlie he glances down at his lips and it just gets me bro
risriswrites · 2 years
Mary's Song
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summary: bradley bradshaw is in love with his best friend and it takes them years to figure out how to tell each other how they feel. loosely based on taylor swift's song "mary's song (oh my my my)"
pairing: best friend reader x bradley bradshaw, fem reader
author's note: so this is my first time writing a fanfic and actually posting it anywhere. i'm actually really proud of it so if anyone reads it and actually likes it feel free to like and reblog :)
word count: 7.8k words
She said, "I was seven and you were nine"
I looked at you like the stars that shine
In the sky, the pretty lights
And our daddies used to joke about the two of us
Growing up and falling in love
And our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes
And said, "Oh my, my, my"
It was a sunny summer day in Santa Barbara, California. Carole wasn’t sure if it was going to be a good beach day with the temperature being in the mid 70’s. A subtle breeze could easily take that seemingly beach friendly weather and turn it into a frigid nightmare.
In the end the absence of clouds made her commit to packing up her beach bag, loading up the car, and dragging her only son to the beach to soak up some much-needed sun.
Their lives had changed since losing Nick. Even though five years had passed, the loss still impacted them every day. Thankfully, having Mav around softened the heartache a little.
Pete had given Carole a call earlier that week letting her know he would be in town on his “completely unnecessary” vacation. And after humoring him with some back-and-forth banter and mild guilt tripping, she was able to convince him to come to Santa Barbara for the week.
Carole had never known Mav to have a sister, so when he shows up with a seven-year-old girl in tow claiming it’s his niece, she’s a little flabbergasted.
“It’s just so hard for me to wrap my head around that I’ve known you for years, and never knew you had a sister! Let alone a niece.” Carole squints at him accusingly.
Maverick, who had decided to take full advantage of the California sun, was laying out on an old lawn chair Carole had brought out for him. Peering over his aviators at her he smirked, “I’ve gotta keep some secrets to myself, don’t ya think? Besides, my sister and I weren’t close until a couple of years ago, so there wasn’t much to tell anyway.” He deflected. He wasn’t going to tell Carole the reason behind the reconnection of the two siblings being the death of her late husband.
“Still, when you first brought her out here, I thought you had finally found someone to settle down with and had a kid. Albeit I would have been offended for not getting an invite to your wedding if you had decided to have one, but I digress.” Carole brought the bottle of water she packed up to her lips gingerly, sipping at the refreshing liquid. Turns out she had left the umbrella at home and the sun had taken no pity upon her mishap.
“Definitely not the case. You know how I feel about settling down and it hasn’t really changed since Charlie.” Maverick let out, breathing out a laugh in the process.
Carole rolled her eyes, pushing her sunglasses further up the bridge of her nose, “It’ll happen one day when you least expect it to Mav, I can guarantee you that. Can’t be the heartbreaker forever.” She huffed, glancing over to the two children currently chasing each other on the beach.
Pete followed her gaze and focused on the scene playing out in front of him; hoping to derail Carole from lecturing him about his past lovers.
“She’s gonna have him wrapped around her little finger before the week’s over. I can see it now” he smiled, nodding his head in the direction of the two kids. Mav watched on as his niece looked up at Bradley with a small pout forming on her face, seemingly disgruntled with the game after playing it for so long and is now trying to convince him to partake in something else.
With a soft smile and another roll of her eyes Carole leaned further back in her chair letting her eyes flutter shut, knowing her son was safe with Mav’s own eyes on him.
“I mean seriously Carole, they’re gonna grow up and end up disgustingly in love with each other. Mark my words.” His gaze never leaving the two kids who had stopped chasing each other; after Maverick’s niece had successfully changed Bradley’s mind.
Now instead, opting to dig a tunnel from the water to a little pit they had made further up the beach. Mav had overheard his niece calling it a “hot tub” but he’s certain that whatever they were making had no resemblance to one in the slightest. Bradley didn’t seem to mind though and had gone along with the small build anyway, glancing over to the seven year-old girl every now-and-then to see how she liked it.
Carole didn’t even bother with glancing up at the two when replying to Mav with a very sarcastic “sure Pete” and allowing herself to slip back into brief relaxation.
Oh My My My
*Nine years later*
I was sixteen when suddenly
I wasn't that little girl you used to see
But your eyes still shined like pretty lights
“Relax sunshine, you’re gonna be fine.”
“Bradley, I swear if you tell me I’m going to be fine one more time I’m going to throw the nearest object to me at your head.” You growled.
Bradley glanced at the scene in front of him, his best friend of nine years (and counting) sitting on the floor of her bedroom currently pouting angrily down at her latest grade, with the closest object to her being an old textbook. Cute.
You have terrible aim; he’ll take his chances.
“Sunshine” he breathes out. “I’ve told you before Mr. Greenwood is just a hard-ass who likes knowing his class is one of the most difficult to pass in all of high school.” Bradley sighed.
You let out another huff of frustration swiping a lock of hair out of your face, “I know, I know, it’s just so annoying. I’ve spent weeks preparing for this exam and the most I can show for it is a B-.”
“You’ve only got a month left and you’ll be out of there, don’t stress about it, you’re passing and that’s what matters.” Bradley reassures.
“Easy for you to say, you’re graduating in three weeks, leaving me behind at this poor excuse of a school. Who knows when I’ll see you again! You’ll probably move to another country to become a hippie, learn to speak a different language, and change your name to something obscene like Holden” you sputter out waving your hands around in the process.
Bradley scrunches his eyebrows and wrinkles his nose at the obscene set of words that just left your lips, “I’ll have you know I would not become a hippie.” He pauses briefly before continuing, “I’d be a musician, thank you very much.” Bradley mocks offence.
You finally glance up at him from your spot on the floor, almost instantly regretting that decision. He looks too attractive laid out on your bed like that, it’s almost unfair.
Bradley had filled out a little over the summer, rambling on and on about how he wants to be in top physical condition for when he starts training to become a naval pilot -like his dad had been and consequentially like Uncle Mav. Last time you looked over to him a mere two minutes ago he was laid out on your bed looking up towards the ceiling like it was some humongous puzzle piece.
Now as you look at him, he’s propped himself up onto his forearm; his bicep muscle making itself very apparent; supporting his body weight on it, while simultaneously leaning his head on his fist, gazing softly down at you. Stop looking at me like that or I swear I’m going to fall in love with you.
You visibly swallowed before casting your eyes back down at your paper lying on the floor beneath you.
“I like that you’re more offended by the job title than the name change,” she scoffs.
“Also, there’s no way you’d become a musician, I refuse to believe you possess such a talent.” You threw back, giving your head a shake.
Bradley scoffed before jumping into a spiel of how he’s “like a magician” when he’s on the piano. Lecturing about his many talents and capabilities in an attempt to pull you away from staring at that stupid piece of paper any longer.
A smile pulls from your lips before you let out a few giggles regarding his exaggerated so called “talents”.
Bradley perks up at this and fixes you with a teasing glare, “What are you laughing at? I’m serious! I'm one of the best pianists of all time! I even give Beethoven a run for his money.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do, given that Beethoven has been dead for over a hundred years.” You chortle, tossing your head back in another round of laughs.
Bradley raises his eyebrows in offence, “Oh now you’re in for it.”
You look up between your fits of laughter only to see an eighteen-year-old Bradley Bradshaw launching himself off your bed and tackling you to the ground.
Bradley immediately starts wriggling his fingers up and down the sides of your ribcage, knowing that you’re extremely ticklish, sending you into an uncontrollable amount of laughter. You push away Bradley’s hands a few times in futile attempts to get him away from you; throwing yourself around in the process, before abandoning that plan and instead trying to push at his chest.
You manage to hook your leg over one of his and give his chest a hefty push using all your weight to send him over your shoulder. He grabs ahold of your arm in the process, bringing you with him. Both teenagers now laughing uncontrollably.
Bradley is currently holding both of your arms captive against his chest, laughing at your adorable attempt to try and tickle him. And you joining in because, why did you think you were going to be able to out-muscle him?
You look down at Bradley, stopping your assault and just enjoying the moment. His head is tossed back on the hard-wood floor, eyebrows scrunched while his eyes remain tightly closed pinching at the sides, his mouth is open letting out little breaths of laughter. He’s so beautiful. Your laughs have stopped now, just staring down at him with a soft smile.
Bradley notices your laughs have stopped and chooses that moment to look up. Oh. You’re peering down at him with a smile on your lips and a look he can’t quite decipher in your eyes. Your eyes are so pretty. He gives you a sheepish smile back. It’s too quiet now, and when did his hands move to your waist?
At that moment a loud, shrill pinging rings in the pair’s ears throughout the room. Making both teens scramble away from each other in a mess of “Oh I’m sorry” and “Shit” as your limbs get caught up in your hurriedness to get away from a moment neither of you know what to do with.
Bradley crosses the room in a few long, hurried strides successfully turning the obnoxious alarm off.
He huffs out a breath in mild relief. With the alarm off, your room is once again blanketed in quiet, which funnily enough he’s not sure if he prefers the silence or the pinging of his alarm. He turns to look at you and decides then that he definitely prefers the alarm over the silence. You’re standing at the opposite end of the room; your hair is a bit of a mess and you’ve got a subtle blush to your cheeks making your skin glow a little differently. Fuck.
He swallows, deciding to break the silence “I gotta go. Gotta be up for school tomorrow.”
You nod your head peering down at the floor afraid to look into his eyes, “Yeah” you breathe out. A beat passes, “Yeah of course. It’s late, I’ll walk you out.” You ramble out, before running a hand through your hair, hoping to compose yourself quickly and pray he doesn’t pick up on the massive crush you have on him.
You’re swinging your bedroom door open and stepping out hurriedly before Bradley can even grab his keys and wallet. He takes a breath once he’s got everything and forces himself to follow you out of the room.
You didn’t make it far without him, just a few steps down the hallway of your room before he’s right behind you again.
Before he knows it, you’ve made it to your front door and you’re swinging the cream colored door open for him. “See you tomorrow?” you ask as nonchalantly as you can, throwing him a tight smile as if it were a bone.
He steps over the threshold of your home, putting a little space between the two of you. Something’s different. He glances up at you, eyes wandering over your facial features. It’s still you, but something’s different.
He gives you a soft smile shoving his hands into the pocket of his jeans deciding to let that thought go for the night, “Yeah I’ll swing by to pick you up.”
You glance over at the blue bronco currently sitting in your mom’s driveway. Your eyes quickly flitting from him to the bronco and back to him before you give him a genuine smile, “Sounds great!”
He gives a short nod before he’s pulling you away from the door into a quick hug, giving your waist a squeeze, then begrudgingly letting you go. Bradley turns away from you then, and starts walking down the gravel of your driveway.
You watch from your front door, making sure he gets into his truck safely. Leaning against the doorframe as you call out, “Let me know when you get home!”
He looks back as he opens the door smiling, shaking his head with a short breath of laughter leaving his lips, leaning his weight onto the door tilting his head up as he shouts back to you, “I’ll call you!”
And then he’s climbing into the driver’s seat, starting the car, reversing out of your driveway and speeding down the road to get home to his mom, who no doubt is wondering when her son will be home; he said he’d be back by ten and it’s almost twelve in the morning.
You watch him speed off before deciding you should really close the door and stop watching after him like he’s going to turn around and come back.
With that thought in mind, you grip the door and shut it softly. Leaning against it in hopes to not wake your mom; at least that’s what you’re telling yourself, who’s got a shift at the hospital in a few hours.
“Bradley leave?”
You nearly jump out of your own skin at the sound of your mom’s voice. “Jesus don’t scare me like that! At least make a noise or something before talking, I swear I almost shit myself.” you huff. “But yes, he just left, and I really need to get ready for bed sooo… goodnight.” And with that, you’re quickly making your way back to your room to start your night routine.
Your mom watches you make a quick escape before rolling her eyes and laughing softly to herself.
Oh My My My
*Nine years later*
“I’m just saying, there’s no way you guys didn’t date back then.” Jessie emphasizes, punctuating her statement by pointing an accusing finger in your direction, slurping her strawberry milkshake obnoxiously.
You roll your eyes, glancing away from your friend to look through the window at the traffic piling up outside of the small diner. “Nothing happened Jessie” you huff, mumbling an “unfortunately” under your breath. Jessie doesn’t notice, thankfully.
“Well, you guys had everyone else fooled in school then. I’m pretty sure Kimmy was going to blow a gasket when she asked Bradley to go on a date and he shot her down because of you.” She smirks, swirling a fry into her milkshake before biting into it.
You huff in annoyance, “Okay that was like nine years ago first of all. Second of all, I had nothing to do with that! He could’ve easily gone on that date. He knows I would’ve been fine with rescheduling our weekly movie night.” you follow your statement quickly by sipping from your own milkshake, trying to avoid having this conversation with Jessie for what seems like the billionth time.
“That’s my entire point! He could’ve if he wanted to! But instead, he turned her down to spend time with YOU!” she all but shouts.
You tuck into yourself, scanning the diner to see if anyone was paying attention to Jessie’s loud proclamation. No one’s looking; to your relief, so you quickly return your gaze to her. “Look, Bradley and I have been best friends since we were seven. I’m pretty sure if he had any romantic feelings for me, he would’ve acted on them by now.”
“Where is your loverboy anyway?” Jessie asks, quirking a perfectly arched brow.
Another frustrated huff leaves your lips, Jessie was never the type of friend to let something go. You grab at a fry from your own plate and casually dip it into the pool of ketchup before tossing it into your mouth, “I think he has training today.” You punctuate your guess with a shrug of your shoulders, “I don’t really know, I’m not his keeper.” That’s exactly where he is. He texted you this morning saying so himself.
“Why? Do you want to go on a date with him?” you tease.
“God no! He’s not my type, you know that.” Jessie scoffs.
“Mhm, sure he’s not.” He’s not. You’re just tired of Jessie trying to make something out of nothing. False hope sucks, so reversing the accusations onto Jessie allows you to have the upper hand.
Jessie flicks a strand of wavy black hair out of her face, takes her last sip from her milkshake, then fixes you with a pointed look, “I know you want me to drop it so I will. But please just think about it. There’s something there, and I’m ninety-five percent sure if you were to kiss Bradshaw the next time you saw him, he wouldn’t pull away.”
And with that, Jessie scoots from her side of the booth, grabs her check, and proceeds to walk up to the cash register to pay for her meal, and to flirt with the cashier of course.
With a small smile and a shake of your head, you grab your own check and start to scoot out of the old booth.
Once Jessie has secured the cashier’s number you pay for your meal and you both exit the diner pausing outside to give each other a brief hug before parting ways to your respective vehicles.
Once inside of your car you immediately lock the doors and glance briefly down at your phone. A new message from Bradley has popped up.
Bradley: “Hey sunshine, I’m going to be finishing up here in two hours, do you want to meet up at the hard deck for some drinks?”
Your heart jumps at the idea of seeing Bradley later. Fucking traitor.
You: “Hey!”
You: “Yeah I’m down for that! What time are you thinking?”
You put your phone down in the cupholder of your car and pull out of the diner’s parking lot. Halfway back to your apartment your phone vibrates inside of the cupholder. Knowing that it’s probably Bradley has you going a little over the speed limit to hurry home.
Once you’re safely parked in your designated spot, you grab at your phone, unlocking it to see what he’s said.
Bradley: “7:15?”
You quickly send a quick “that sounds good” text before hopping out of your car and making the trek up to your space.
By the time you’ve ascended the elevator to your room and locked the door behind you, your phone has vibrated again.
Bradley: “Perfect, I’ll come pick you up.”
With a few hours to kill you kick off your sneakers and jeans, throwing on one of your favorite oversized shirts and make yourself comfortable on the couch.
A power nap is just what you need in order to liven yourself up to go out to the bar with Bradley. So, with that thought in mind you set an alarm for an hour and click your phone off, slipping under your old throw blanket and drift off to sleep.
Only to be awakened by the blaring noises of said alarm, what feels like only seconds later.
Sure enough, it’s been an hour. You huff in annoyance throwing the blanket off your face and take a few deep breaths before forcing yourself to sit up from the couch and make your way to your bedroom to pick out an outfit for tonight.
The little yellow sundress you bought a few months ago peeks out from your closet and you quickly pull it from its hanger before you can talk yourself out of it. Discarding your oversized shirt onto your chair you slip the sundress over your head and pull it down to settle at your midthigh.
Glancing at your reflection in the mirror you decide a touch up of your makeup and fluffing of the hair should be enough for tonight.
Once you’re finished, you glance over at your phone to check the time, pressing on the screen making it come to life. There’s a text from Bradley telling you he’ll be at your place in five minutes – four minutes ago. Your eyes go wide, and a panic runs down your spine before you’re scrambling around your room for a pair of shoes to go with your dress and where the fuck did you put your purse?
A few knocks land on your door moments later and you curse under your breath deciding to just go answer the door and forego searching for your purse. Only to see it sittin pretty on your kitchen island.
Swiping the forsaken piece of faux leather off the counter you stride towards the door, opening it in one swift motion.
And there he is.
Bradley Bradshaw in all of his sun kissed glory, hands in his jean pockets looking down your hall before he’s turning to look at you.
He sucks in a quick breath, barely audible, but you heard it.
Fuck, stop looking at me like that.
“Hey” he breathes out.
“Hi” you smile.
A second passes by, both of you just looking at each other before you come out of your daze and decide you’ve been staring for too long.
You breathe out a laugh and step out into the hallway, “ready to go?” you ask.
He takes a small step back from you as you turn to lock your door, giving his head a shake before fixing his gaze. Once you’ve turned yourself back to face him he has an easy smile on his face grabbing your hand in his, leading the way down the hallway, “Just waiting on you sunshine.”
You roll your eyes, he can’t see it, but he knows you’ve done it as soon as you quip out, “Coming from the guy who sets aside time to groom his barely-there pornstache I’ll take as much time as I please, thank you very much.”
He hits the “down” button for the elevator before turning to you and settles his hands on your hips pulling you a little closer to him. Your breath hitches at the action and your eyes widen for a second before you’re forcing yourself to appear normal again, unbothered.
“So now you’re hating on my stache,” he fixes you with a questioning look.
You stick your chin up a bit in defiance, “yes.”
You say it so confidently he almost believes you.
“Oh really? Then who was the one protesting against Nat, just last week; about the ‘stache’ being one of my best features? And how I can’t shave it off,” he raises an eyebrow.
The elevator button dings allowing you a brief escape from his grasp and question. Sidestepping out of his hands into the elevator, you press the “ground floor” button before looking back at him cocking your head to the side smiling, “Wasn’t that Jessie?”
He jumps into the elevator before the doors close and scoffs out a laugh nudging his shoulder against yours, “No sunshine, pretty sure that was you.”
“I don’t recall saying that.” You hum back.
“That’s because you were too busy downing those fruity drinks of yours.”
“Okay first of all, it’s called a fuzzy naval, second of all, it’s not my fault beer is disgusting, I don’t even know why you guys drink that shit.” you scrunch your face at him.
The pair of you step out of the elevator, Bradley once again slipping his hand back into yours, “Don’t worry sunshine, I won’t judge you.”
You decide not to comment on that and just let Bradley guide you to his blue bronco. Seriously, that car just screams Bradley Bradshaw and you’re not sure if you like the car so much because of the way it looks, or if it’s just him.
“Bradshaw, you have got to let me drive her one day.”
Bradley opens his passenger door for you and keeps a hold on your hand, helping you into the bronco. Totally unnecessary but you’ll allow it. One side of his mouth quirks up in a smirk, “in your dreams baby” and then he’s shutting your door and jogging over to the driver’s side.
That’s new.
Before you know it, he’s reversing out of the guest parking space and turning onto the main road to get to the bar of choice, the Hard Deck.
He’s got his window down letting one arm lean out of it and the other has a grip on the steering wheel, looking completely relaxed and carefree. You turn to look out your own window, leaning your head back against the headrest letting the soft sound of ABBA playing through his speakers to be the only thing you focus on.
Once he’s parked, Bradley has already made his way to your side of the vehicle and is opening your door, before you can even reach for the handle. He offers his hand to you again and you take it as you step down and out from the bronco.
You smile at him mumbling out a quick “thank you” before letting his hand go again and start heading towards the entrance of the Hard Deck. He follows behind you quickly grabbing the door for the both of you and letting it swing closed behind him.
The Hard Deck is a little crowded tonight, so Bradley decides to make his way in front of you to make it easier for the both of you to head towards the bar. This time you slip your hand in his as to not lose him in the mass of people.
Bradley’s heart jumping at the feeling of you reaching for him this time.
Once you’ve reached the bar he grabs Penny’s attention, waving her over to him.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favorite troublemaking duo.” Penny smirks. “The usual?” she quirks a brow.
Bradley smiles before replying with a “you got it”, and Penny glances over to you for a confirmation on Bradley’s request, receiving a small smile and a nod promptly followed by a “yes please”.
Penny lets out a light laugh before heading off to get Bradley a beer and to teach one of her new girls how to make a “fuzzy naval”.
Bradley looks around the bar looking to see if he can find Nat in the sea of civilians and naval aviators. He knew that more often than not, she’d be floating around here once they’d finished up for the day. Most of the naval aviators would come here to destress after training, so it’s not much of a surprise to him when he sees her leaning against the pool table, baiting another civilian into playing a round of pool.
Once he’s spotted Nat, he makes a mental note to head over to the pool table she’s currently occupying. He knows you find comfort in Nat’s company and considering the amount of people crowding around the bar tonight, he can already see that you’re ready to make a run for it.
He slides his arm around your shoulders, trying to provide some comfort before you two can move away from the bar.
Bradley gives your shoulder a light squeeze to gain your attention before he points casually over to Nat. You smile up at him before turning back to the bar, relaxing into his side.
Finally, Penny returns with your drinks, flashing the two of you a smile and giving Bradley a knowing look before she’s turned away and rushing to the opposite end of the bar. Bradley grabs your hand pulling you towards Nat.
Natasha sees the two of you making your way over to her and the grin she had on her face widens even more seeing Bradley holding your hand.
Once the pair of you have reached her, she hits the cue ball towards the black eight ball. Easily slotting it into the pocket, shooting a hand out to the shocked civilian; who she has successfully hustled for the night. He lays a fifty-dollar bill in her hand and walks away in shame before she’s turning and looking at the two lovestruck dumbasses in front of her.
Smiling she says, “Look who decided to drag her ass away from work to make it out tonight.”
You smirk, “How’s the best naval aviator I know?”
Natasha’s smile turns into a smirk, “She’s doing great, already made fifty bucks off the civvy who’s sulking over there in the corner.” She gives her head a nod, gesturing to the man who’s now looking like a kicked puppy, chatting with his buddies.
Natasha turns back to the duo, “Head was a little big when he came over here, figured I’d help him deflate it a bit,” she shrugged.
You laugh and Bradley just looks up to the ceiling with a small shake of his head.
“Good, someone needs to do it.” You say, exasperated, sipping on your drink in the process.
Bradley just let you and Nat carry on conversing with each other, listening in on things that he deemed important, but he was mainly just looking at you. Eyes roaming over your features as you talk.
He is definitely enjoying the view. You’re giggling at something Nat had said, occasionally sipping on your drink, usually followed by flicking a strand of hair out of your face. Don’t even get him started on how the sundress is making him feel. Where did you even get that from? You never wear sundresses. The color complements your skin and makes you stick out in the sea of khaki and jeans like a sore thumb.  
He's suddenly pulled back into the conversation when Nat smugly starts talking about training earlier today.
“Oh, and you’ll never guess who finally got their callsign today” Nat laughs, exaggeratedly leaning over towards you, sneaking her eyes over to Bradley.
You whip your head over to him with widened eyes, “You didn’t tell me that you got your callsign today!”
“It’s not a big deal sunshine,” he smiles warmly at her, happy to have her attention on him instead of Nat.
That statement grants him an eyeroll from you, “sure it isn’t. It’s not like you’ve been wanting to know what your callsign would be since you were five.”
He lets out a laugh, bringing his beer up to his lips and taking a sip, eyes trained on yours.
Your eyes flicker to his lips for a second before you catch yourself and focus back on his eyes again.
He smirks and drags the bottle away from his lips setting it down on a nearby table, “they decided to pay homage to my dad” he breathes out. “So, Rooster is what they came up with,” a small smile graces his lips. “Keeping it in the bird category.”
You smile warmly at him, squeezing his arm, “I like it.”
“Definitely beats Holden by a landslide.” you scoff.
Bradley snorts and glances over to Nat, who’s watching the exchange with a knowing smile.
“Has Nat told you hers yet?” he inquires.
You shake your head before fixing Nat with a questioning stare.
Nat lets out a huff, “It’s a long story”.
“Well, how about you two talk about it while I grab us another drink.” He suggested.
With approval received by both women he quickly makes his way back over to the bar ordering two drinks and a water for himself.
He’s drumming his fingers on the bar waiting for the drinks, casually bobbing his head with the music, when he catches movement out of the corner of his eye. Knowing you and phoenix were in that general area he turns his head to check in on them, only to see some dick, leaning on the pool table attempting at starting up a conversation with you.
He watches as your face, once relaxed and happy, turns sour. With narrowed eyes and pursed lips, you start talking back to the stranger.
Bradley hasn’t moved yet, but the longer the guy stands there talking to his girl, the angrier he gets.
Bradley thinks he could’ve been fine with letting you and phoenix handle the dick who looks like he walked straight off the set of jersey shore. However, the second he put his hand on your wrist Bradley lost all resolve and was moving swiftly from the bar to make his way back towards you.
You scowled down at the unwanted hand on your wrist before yanking it back towards your body, “Yeah, that’s great, glad you’re having a good night, but don’t touch me.”
“Oh, come on sweetheart, I was only being friendly. Let me buy you a drink?” He reached again for your hand, prompting you to take a step back, bumping into a hard, familiar chest.
“Pretty sure she already told you to keep your hands to yourself.” An arm sneaks around your waist, “And I’d hate to have to tell you again.” Bradley’s hostile voice rings in your ears, crystal clear over the music coming from the jukebox.
The Vinny wannabe scrunches his brows at the pair, “hey man, maybe if you don’t want your girl to be approached, maybe you should tell her how to dress. You can see that ass for miles.”
Bradley clenches his jaw and starts to make his way around you when he feels his hand being pulled back. Turning to face you, he gives you a questioning look, furrowing his eyebrows in the process. You mumble out a quick “I’ve got this handled” before moving around him and slapping the greasy-haired asshole.
The sound reverberates through the bar and effectively catches Penny’s attention, and without another thought she’s wringing the bell. You don’t disrespect women or members of the navy in her bar, and from the way both Bradley and Natasha are glaring down at the man in front of them, she’s guessing he did both.
Two naval officers appear out of the sea of people and roughly grab at the guy’s arms, dragging him from standing in front of you, Bradley, and Natasha to landing in the sand outside the bar’s parking lot.
Penny locks eyes with you receiving a smile and giving one in return before directing her attention towards Bradley, who’s glare is still transfixed on the door where jersey shore was thrown to the wayside.
Penny frowns and locks eyes again with you nodding her head towards Bradley before turning her attention back to serving the crowd that has formed at the back of the bar.
You take a step towards him and grab his arm, giving it a subtle squeeze. Bradley breaks his glare from the door to meet your sparkling eyes, and just like that his anger melts away and he refocuses on getting his girl a drink. Nat had started another round of pool with a naval officer so Bradley decided to bring you with him up to the bar, finding one stool unoccupied and allowing you to sit while he stands and waits.
Not much is said between you two while you wait for their drinks, the sound of Billy Joel’s “uptown girl” muffled by the chatter that has resumed throughout the bar.
Bradley’s eyes are scanning the bar, while yours are focused on Penny who is putting the final touches on your drink. And before you know it another fuzzy naval is placed in front of you, along with a brand of Natasha’s favorite beer. With both drinks finally accounted for, Bradley grabs your hand once more and makes the journey back over to Nat.
Casual conversation ensues between the three of you for a few more hours before Penny calls out to inform you that she’s closing up for the night. Bradley closes out his tab for the night and you guys make your way out to the parking lot.
Nat is still walking towards a vehicle that has pulled into the parking lot when she turns her head lazily to face her two best friends, “well, it’s been fun troublemakers, but I need to get back to the base. Early morning and all.” She waves a hand out to them and a small smirk spreads across her face before she calls out, “Rooster, don’t forget what I told you earlier!”
Bradley gives her a mock salute before she’s hopping into the vehicle and riding out of the parking lot.
You look over to him with a goofy smile on your face (possibly from the amount of alcohol you’ve consumed in the past few hours), “what’s that all about?”
Bradley looks down at you and laughs at the ridiculous look on your face. Hooking his arm around your shoulder he leans down towards your ear and whispers, “you wanna walk the beach a little, before I bring you back to your place?” effectively avoiding your question.
Your eyes light up at the idea and you immediately b-line it past the Hard Deck and towards the pitch black sea. Bradley shakes his head before bolting after you, “Hang-on speed racer!”
Giggling erupts past your lips, “hurry up Roo!”
Bradley’s smile faulters for a second as his heart lurches in his chest at the new nickname.
He finally reaches you and grabs for your hand yanking you back to him. You’re all giggles and messy hair with a light flush on your cheeks, definitely from the alcohol.
You place your hands on his chest, feeling the warmth through the white t-shirt lying underneath his Hawaiian button down. Classic Bradley.
“You know my callsign for all of five hours and you’re already shortening it sunshine.”
You push your body away from him, only keeping one hand in his as you lead him further down the beach, “I like it, it’s cute.”
“That is not what callsigns are for. But I’ll let it slide just this once.”
“I don’t know, I’m quite fond of it, Roo” you smile back at him this time, clearly teasing. Teasing is always easier than admitting your feelings after all.
“Makes me think of that cute little kangaroo from ‘Winnie the pooh’. Oh! And you’re tall, and kangaroos can be tall!”
“So, what I’m hearing is, you think I’m cute and tall.” Bradley teases.
You blow out an exasperated breath, “No Bradley, I said that kangaroos are cute and tall.”
“But I remind you of a kangaroo from Winnie the pooh?”
“And kangaroos are cute? And can be tall?”
Bradley quirks a brow up at you, “So, by association of being nicknamed after a kangaroo. I’m cute and tall.”
You scrunch your nose up at him, “Not everything is about you Bradshaw.”
You let go of the hand you’re holding and continue your walk forward, hyper focused on the ground as you walk.
“I’m taking it as a compliment anyway.” He states, following after you.
After a few minutes of just ambling down the beach in comfortable silence Bradley decides the two of you should probably start heading back to his bronco.
He quickens his pace to reach for your hand and is once again pulling you back towards him.
Being slightly tipsy though doesn’t forebode well with trying to stay balanced and you manage to trip over your feet, falling into Bradley. He stumbles back trying to keep the both of you upright before he loses his balance as well and is falling into the sand.
“Shit” you breathe out, “Are you okay?”
Bradley has one hand on your waist and one hand cupping the back of your head.
“I’m fine sunshine, are you okay?” eyes currently wandering the expansion of your face checking for any signs of pain or visible injuries.
“Well, I was fine until you pulled me down. I was looking for seashells,” a small pout forming on your lips, Bradley’s eyes instantly falling down to them.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to ask if you were ready to go home.” He whispers out, afraid that whatever spell your under right now will be broken at the mere mention of leaving.
“You coulda just asked? Didn’t have to pull me to the ground to get my attention.” you mumble out.
“I don’t know about that sunshine; you were pretty focused” fingers playing with the fabric of your dress. “Besides, I think I have a great view right now.” His eyes have moved from your lips back up to your eyes.
A beat passes. Your cheeks are flushed pink and you’re painfully aware that you’ve been laying on top of him for longer than what can be considered normal, but you can’t move. He’s pinned you to where you’re at with his honey brown eyes and you’re positive you can’t move away.
You’re holding your breath above him, he’s too close. Too close for you to pretend that you only see him as your best friend. And the way he’s looking at you right now, isn’t helping.
Closing your eyes, you take a breath in, “You’ve gotta stop looking at me like that.”
And then you’re making an attempt at getting up and off of him.
Bradley’s eyebrows furrow before he’s catching your arm and pulling you back down to him. Your eyes are still closed.
“How am I looking at you?” he whispers.
“Like you can see my soul.” You suck in a breath and open your eyes; fuck it, “Like I’m the only person you want to look at for the rest of your life.”
Exhaling the breath you’d been holding you murmur, “and I can’t sit here and continue to pretend it doesn’t do anything to me when it does.” You look up and out towards the sand dunes that lead back over to the main road.
You really don’t want to hear the rejection, let alone see it.
Completely prepared to get up and off of him again you’re about to do just that, when he lets out a small chuckle.
A few tears begin to form in your eyes as you begin to whip your head down to tell him off for being a fucking asshole when you see that he’s still looking at you with the same adoration on his face.
Bradley’s bringing your face closer to his, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “sounds about right then” he whispers, lips ghosting over your own.
Five seconds is how long it takes for you to understand what he just said before he’s slotting his lips against yours.
The world feels like it’s stopped and the only thing grounding you to it is Bradley and the feeling of his lips caressing your own.
The kiss is tender and sweet, there’s no rush or clashing of teeth, it’s calm and patient. Like the love you’ve had for each other that’s been building over the years. His hand that had a hold of your arm has moved to cup the back of your neck, keeping you close, where you belong. Your body once cool from the sea breeze, now feels as though it’s on fire as you melt into Bradley; his mustache tickling your top lip.
Bradley sits up bringing you with him as the two of you explore each other’s lips for a couple more seconds, before you’re breaking the kiss to get some air. Leaning your forehead against his, you smile, eyes still closed.
Bradley has his own smile on his face as he nudges your nose with his, “Only took eighteen years of being best friends, but we got there.”
You let out a short laugh, “Speak for yourself, I was ready for you to kiss me when I was sixteen.”
Bradley lets out a chuckle, “I think we need to make up for lost time then, shouldn’t we?” he mumbles against your lips.
“Definitely” you whisper before capturing his lips with your own.
You pull away again all too soon for his liking as a groan leaves his lips, mouth chasing after yours.
You laugh, running your fingers through his soft curls and he lets out a hum, “I still wanna know what Phoenix said.”
“Calling Nat by her callsign now huh?” He pecks your lips trying to bring you into another long kiss, before sighing out an, “Okay.”
“She told me to grow a pair and ask you to be my girlfriend. Said something about how she couldn’t keep dealing with all of the sexual tension.”
“Which speaking of by the way, I love this dress on you.” his hand bunching up the material around your waist as he says it.
Giggling you lean forward again, catching his lips, letting out a hum of appreciation, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Bradley leans back and looks you in the eyes again. You’re glowing brighter than the moonlight shining down on you right now, and if the sun was out he’s certain you’d be shining brighter than that too.
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” a confident look has settled across his face as he bites his lip, waiting for your answer.
You hum again, looking over his shoulder in mock contemplation. Head moving from side to side in an attempt to look like you’re weighing your options. Bradley squeezes your sides earning a squeal from you as you try to block his hands.
He stops long enough for you to catch a breath and look back over to him, “Yes” you breathe out.
His lips quirk up into a surprised smile, “yeah?”
Bradley surges forward towards you again and brings you into another blinding kiss.
He breaks the kiss this time, before murmuring, “Any chance I can stay at your place tonight?” his tone hopeful.
“Keep kissing me like that and I don’t think I’ll ever let you leave.” you smile.
He grins at you, “That’s the plan, sunshine.”
Oh My My My
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ticklepinions · 2 years
Call Me By Your (Nick)name
A/N: yet another break in the continuation. Someone stop me the chaos is consuming me. Reblog this for the awesome title alone. I was very ecstatic to have made it. Tagging the squaddies who are always inspiring me @writingwitharlo @nhasablogg and @happyandticklish. Go read their recents and get inspired and fall in love with the people as well.
Word count: ~1040
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He remembered it like it was yesterday. Charlie and his friends were celebrating his birthday at the bowling alley. He and Nick went to go get some snacks and that's when it happened. 
"Char you want popcorn or..?"
"W-what did you just call me?" a small smile appearing on his face.
"Oh my God I love it, say it again!"
Charlie couldn't help but reminisce on the moment. Nicknames meant a lot to him. It was like someone was claiming him as theirs. It was a reminder that he was wanted and liked. He found it silly how much he loved them though… 
"Earth to Charlie?? Are you even listening to me?" Tao said with furrowed brows. 
"Y-yeah sorry…" 
Tao scoffed and continued telling his story about who knows what. Isaac was there reading a book as always yet Charlie was the one to get in trouble for not listening. Can't a boy dream of being called a name by a boy he loved??
School was finally over and Charlie met with Nick to go to the park.
The two hugged. 
"You smell nice"
Charlie was thankful that his vanilla scented soap got Nick's approval. Nick had laid out a plaid sheet and tackled Charlie onto it.
"You really got to work on evading tackles, how will we ever win a game when you're on the ground for most of it" 
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't think you were going to tackle me out of nowhere"
"Exactly. Got to be prepared for anything~"
The boys giggled. Having Nick on top of him made Charlie's heart do a somersault. His eyes trailed up the rugby lad's arm, appreciating the veins popping out of them. He really was in love with Nick's arms. 
"Well are you going to get off of me now?"
Nick shot him a smirk and immediately retorted.
"What if I like it here?"
Hearing that made poor Charlie choke, his heart lodged in his throat. 
"Hope you like strawberries, my mom got us lots of them" Nick said, gently pushing off of Charlie.
"Feed me?" 
Charlie looked at Nick with his best puppy dog eyes, something he knew Nick couldn't resist.
"Anything for your majesty"
Nick gently let Charlie take a bite of the strawberry, quickly smearing the half eaten berry across Charlie's lips.
"H-hey!" Charlie protested, before Nick scooped his face and kissed the boy.
"Mmm these strawberries are good"
Charlie welcomed these kisses, as silly as Nick was. The boys made out, Charlie now sitting in his lap as Nick's hands gripped his waist. When Charlie pulled away, Nick gave a small pout.
"Hehehey stahap it tihihickles" Charlie scrunched up his neck which was currently being peppered with kisses. 
"Can't talk now, busy kissing my boyfriend" 
Charlie couldn't help but let out a lot of snickers as Nick's gentle hands held his head in place, ensuring that there was maximum neck to be kissed. Charlie gripped tightly onto Nick's hoodie, the tickling filling his tummy with a multitude of butterflies. 
"Nick- stop I have something to sayyy" Charlie whined through his giggles. 
Nick stopped, well... after a couple smooches on the cheeks, then he stopped. 
"D-do you remember when you called me that name? At the bowling alley…"
Nick cocked his eyebrow and tilted his head to the side. 
He really is a golden retriever Charlie thought, smiling to himself. 
"You gave me a nickname… And you swore never to call me it again but I think you should change your mind"
It was funny seeing the bewildered look on Nick's face change to a playful defiance. 
"No, absolutely not"
"But why?"
"It was very cringey"
"Was not"
"Was too"
Charlie pouted, kissing Nick deeply. 
"Pretty please?" He even batted his eyelashes for extra emotional manipulation.
Nick blushed, leaning in for another kiss only to get denied. 
"No kisses until you say it"
Nick sighed. 
"Why do you want me to say it so badly?"
"Because… I like it…" Charlie said so softly Nick barely heard it. 
"As cute as that is~, you can't make me"
Nick choked on the words he just uttered as Charlie plunged his fingers under his arms. Nick fell back and guffawed. His entire body jerked from the scribbling fingers tickling one of his worst spots. 
"Say it~"
"NEHEHEVER- CHAHARLIE NO-" he squealed, the tickling migrating to where the armpits and ribs met. 
"Charlie, yes"
What Charlie did was very evil. One hand took a more firmer approach, using his thumb to dig small concentrated circles under Nick's left pit, while his other hand was lightly spidering the other one. Both methods sending Nick up and way over the wall. 
"Did you really just snort? How adorable"
Nick's face couldn't be a brighter shade of red. He wildly flailed, eventually bucking Charlie off of him. He tried his best to scramble away but Charlie got his fingers scratching the insides of his thighs. Nick screamed. Charlie's deft fingers squeezed his thighs which was almost pure muscle. The tickles sent shocks up his spine as he twisted and turned. His laughter was bright and airy, that little shit was enjoying this. Charlie would never want to torture his boyfriend but he'd be damned if he let Nick win this war. 
Not thinking much of what he was doing, his fingers scratched against Nick's calves. Nick roared with laughter, kicking his feet as fast as he could to shake the fingers off. Charlie couldn't help but smirk at the new discovery. 
"Oh Niiiick~ My love~ The boyfriend I adore verrrrry much~ Care to call me by your nickname?"
Nick thought he could tease his boyfriend even further, paying for it dearly as the lad spidered his fingers on Nick's sensitive calves. His brain being scrambled by the tickling made him say the stupid nickname.
"Say it again!" A very giddy Charlie pounced on Nick, his face inches away from the very blushy boy. 
"Char-" seeing his boyfriend's eyes light up from a seemingly simple name made his heart feel warm. How could he have denied this from him? Charlie was absolutely overjoyed, his lips pecking against Nick's cheeks. 
"Ohohokay ohokay" 
"Don't tell me your cheeks are ticklish too"
"Shut up and kiss me… Char"
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
From Within (Charlie/Nick)
Summary: When they’re together, Nick and Charlie can’t stop giggling. They discuss the cause of all that laughter. (A prompt from my darling @nhasablogg!! Hope y’all enjoy the fic, I wrote it at two in the morning so if you see any typos, no you didn’t!!)
Something that Charlie found equally odd and endearing about his boyfriend was the fact that whenever he laughed, Nick always laughed, too. It was cute, no doubt about it, but Charlie just wasn’t quite sure why.
He had also grossly underestimated the amount of times that he laughed on any given day. When he was with Nick, it was just constant giggling, cheeks stretched in a never-wavering smile. And sure, Nick could be quite funny, but they were rarely even laughing at actual jokes. They were just giddy to be together, and it was totally apparent.
That evening, the two boys were holed up in Charlie’s bedroom, sitting on the floor and doing their homework, often sneaking glances, touches, and kisses between equations and sentences. After completing another page of reading, Charlie stole a quick look in Nick’s direction, only to realize Nick was also looking at him, and they made eye contact before Charlie began to giggle. And sure enough, Nick’s soft laugh came right after.
“Why are you always doing that?” Charlie asked, his tone fond rather than accusatory.
“Doing what?” Nick replied, placing his pen down to reach for Charlie’s hand.
He took it and squeezed, smiling down at their interlaced fingers. “I dunno, everytime I laugh, you always laugh too even if nothing is funny. I don’t even know if you realize you’re doing it.”
“I honestly hadn’t realized,” Nick said. “But your giggle is just so cute!”
“I don’t giggle,” Charlie replied, feeling his face flush.
“Oh, you definitely do.”
“So what you’re trying to say is that you’re laughing at me?” Charlie asked, raising a brow, voice laced with mock offense.
Nick shook his head fondly. “No, silly, it’s adorable. It’s just so contagious, every time you laugh it’s like I get butterflies in my stomach. And you’re right, I didn’t even notice I was doing it, but whenever I see you smile, it’s like I have to do it too. It’s like you…tickle me from within, or something.”
Well, if Charlie hadn’t already been completely smitten with Nicholas Nelson before, he certainly was now. As he was dwelling on those sweet, romantic words, however, that last sentence really caught his attention.
“Tickle you from within?” he repeated, unable to fight the grin on his face.
“I know, it sounded weird as soon as I said it but it was too late to take it back,” Nick said, using the hand that wasn’t holding Charlie’s to cover his face.
“You are absolutely adorable,” Charlie said. “But since you like to laugh so much, maybe I should tickle you from the outside instead.”
Before Nick could reply, let alone process what he had said, Charlie fully abandoned his homework to lunge at Nick, latching onto his hips and squeezing.
“Noho, wait!” Nick said, laughter already spilling from his lips.
Knowing the protest was all in good fun, Charlie didn’t listen, continuing his playful attack on his boyfriend. He scribbled his fingers from Nick’s hips up to his ribs, getting the biggest reaction from the slightly plush curve of his sides.
“Is that a good spot?” Charlie asked. “I suppose this really tickles on the outside, hm?”
Nick uselessly attempted to grab Charlie’s hands, giving a nod of confirmation at the question, as if his squirming and snickering didn’t get the message across.
Charlie couldn’t help but giggle along, and figured that Nick also had a quite infectious laugh. 
“Char, mercy,” Nick begged.
And because he wasn’t cruel, Charlie granted him that mercy, although he would love to listen to that sound all day long. Unfortunately, his beautiful boyfriend needed a chance to breathe, and so he would have to give up on that daydream.
Nick’s body sagged against the carpet as he caught his breath, face flushed and hair mussed. “You are so mean,” he said simply.
“Please, I was going easy on you,” Charlie replied.
Nick chuckled before sitting back up, and immediately leaning in for a kiss.
Charlie returned the kiss happily, practically melting beneath the affection. But as they pulled away, he couldn’t help but poke a little fun. “I think that kiss tickled me from within,” he whispered, his lips twisted in a mischievous smile.
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?” Nick asked.
“Never,” Charlie replied, pulling him in for another kiss.
The rest of the evening was filled with plenty of laughter.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 2 years
25 with nick and Charlie pls 🥺💕
idk how i feel about this and it’s comic-related rather than show-related but it was a very cute prompt 🥺
25. lying on chest, listening to heartbeat.
For all the times that Nick has been upset, or lost, or nervous, he has never felt like a particularly anxious person. He can’t deny that coming to terms with his sexuality had tripped that up for a while, and at the time he’d become familiar with what the frequent-nerves, constantly-held-breath, obsessively-thinking kind of anxiety felt like. But even then, he liked to think he managed it with relative awareness and patience. He’d had Charlie, after all, and that was one thing he was sure of, and so all the confusion wasn’t entirely as confusing as it could have been. But he isn’t an anxious person naturally; Charlie has that role well enough covered for the both of them, really. 
He does, however, know how it feels, and he knows that’s exactly what he’s been experiencing these past few days. 
Something he in no way doubts Charlie has picked up, despite the preoccupations Nick knows Charlie himself is currently dealing with. Which is really only part of the reason why he hasn’t brought this up. 
It’s no surprise that Charlie notices on his own, though. 
He’s sat at the top of his bed, leaning against his pillows with his feet in Nick’s lap and his homework balanced on his own knees, flicking curious glances at Nick every few moments. Nick is very much pretending to do his own work while spending more time tracing the bottom of his pen over Charlie’s ankle, just above the edge of his sock. In between Charlie’s looks, he flips the pen around and draws a small heart on Charlie’s shin. 
But that does get Charlie to look at him, and this time Nick looks back, offering a wide smile that’s likely even softer than he intends. Charlie grins back, shaking his head fondly, though he also pokes his tongue into his cheek. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Nick says. Too quickly, too enthusiastically. He adds, “Good,” and ruins it with a wince. 
Charlie raises his brows. Then he snaps his textbook closed around his notebook, sets the bundle aside, and leans forward. “Alright. What’s wrong?” 
Nick sets his own books aside, capping his pen and leaving it down as well. He presses his thumb to the heart on Charlie’s leg and looks at him, feeling his own heart swell in his chest, as it always does. He shakes his head, shrugging, and watches Charlie’s brow furrow. He isn’t avoiding answering; he does want to talk about it, even though he’s not sure what he actually wants to say and what it’ll mean, but he isn’t trying to quiet Charlie. No, Nick leans forward and kisses him because he’s right there, and he wants to. As he always does. 
Thankfully—albeit predictably—Charlie makes no protest. He kisses Nick back with as much ease and familiarity as ever, entirely comfortable, and soon Nick is cupping his face and tipping him back and crawling over him. Then Charlie interrupts for only a moment with a huffed laugh before pulling Nick down to him and gently reconnecting their lips. 
Then he’s pulling back and kissing Nick’s nose. And his cheeks. And his forehead. And his cheeks again. 
Nick laughs as Charlie’s arms wrap around his shoulders and he beams up at him. Nick kisses Charlie’s nose in retaliation, then nuzzles into his neck and leaves a kiss there, too. Charlie’s hold tightens, and Nick tilts over to the side and lowers his weight down until he’s settled on Charlie’s chest. 
Charlie doesn’t repeat his question, even though it would be the perfect opportunity. He just presses a kiss to the top of Nick’s head and pets at his hair; he just holds on and waits. 
His heartbeat is a steady thump beneath Nick’s ear. It might be one of Nick’s favourite sounds. It’s such a simple but intimate indicator of Charlie’s presence, of his closeness. It’s not only proof that he’s safe, that he’s a very real being in the world, but that he’s right here in Nick’s world, warm and steady at the center. Nick can’t imagine not being able to hear it any time he wants. 
“I’ve been trying really hard to figure out what I want to do. With university, and stuff,” he finally says. Before Charlie can respond, he adds, softly, “I like the look of Leeds.”
They sink into silence, making the pound of Charlie’s heart even louder under Nick’s cheek. Belatedly, Charlie says, “Oh.” 
Nick hugs him closer. 
“They…they have a good rugby team, right?” Charlie says, after a moment. 
“Yeah. Yeah, they’re good. It’s definitely—that’s part of the reason I’ve looked at it.”
“It would be a good fit, for that.”
Charlie’s tone is just a hint too light to be believable, and Nick’s chest is just a hint too tight for him to really convince himself he’s as relaxed as he’s trying to sound. It doesn’t matter anyway when he blurts out, “I don’t want to leave, though,” in barely a mumble. 
“Leeds isn’t…it isn’t that far away. If you were taking the train it wouldn’t be long. You could drive to it, easily.”
“Well, it would take a few hours.”
Silence spreads over them again, and Nick turns his face into Charlie’s chest more, presses the corner of his mouth to Charlie’s shirt, counts every beat of his heart and matches it to his own. He taps the rhythm against Charlie’s side, at the bottom of his ribs. Charlie’s fingers knot in his hair. 
“You need to do whatever you want, Nick,” Charlie whispers, a few minutes later. “Even if that’s—I mean, I don’t want to hold you back. I get that…you have to think about your future. And if I’m not—”
“You are,” Nick says instantly, looking up at Charlie. Then he pushes up onto his elbow and looks down at him instead, so Charlie can see every inch of earnestness in his expression. “Charlie, you’re—you’re the only thing I know that I want. Why do you think I don’t want to leave?”
Charlie’s eyes brighten, and his lips lift out of their worried tilt. Still, his gaze flits away and he shrugs one shoulder. “Living away from home is a lot. You wouldn’t have your mum. Or Nellie.”
“Or you.”
“It’s not really the best thing to go on to uni with a boyfriend anyway, is it?”
Nick blinks, feeling unease stir in him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He receives another shrug in response. “Charlie?”
“I’m just saying, it’s a whole new experience. With a lot of new people. Usually it’s expected that you…move on from whatever happened in school.”
“You mean,” Nick tries, “you mean from you? What, like—like, break up?”
“Isn’t that—weren’t you suggesting that’s what would happen?”
“I—no. No, definitely not. I would never want that.” Unless. “Charlie, do you want that?”
“What? No. God, no. Nick.” Charlie reaches up to take Nick’s face in his hands. “Nick, I love you. Why would you think that?”
“Because you know that I love you and you thought it.”
“That’s different. And it’s not that I think you’d—that you’d want to, necessarily. Just that, I don’t know. It would be better, or easier for you, if you’re going and you didn’t have to worry about me.”
“Well it wouldn’t,” Nick insists, moving his own hand to Charlie’s chin to keep him in place. “Charlie, no matter where I was, I’d want to be with you. I always want to be with you.” 
Charlie’s lips tilt up, now. “Do you?” 
“You don’t really have to ask that.”
“Maybe I like hearing it, anyway.”
“Well then, I will tell you as many times as I have to.” Nick leans down enough to touch his nose to Charlie’s; to roll their foreheads together. “I want to be with you for as long as possible. I am not suggesting we break up.”
Charlie’s hand finds its way back into Nick’s hair and he pulls Nick down into a sweet kiss. When they part, he’s smiling again, and Nick wants to drop it. He wants to go back to ignoring it and telling himself he and Charlie can go on like this forever. 
“It would be easier to stay here. Better,” he says.
“If that was what you wanted, then yeah.” Charlie’s smile turns a little sad, and Nick wants to kick himself. “Since when do we make things easy?” 
“Being with you is always easy,” Nick gently argues, jostling Charlie in his hold; pulling him closer. 
Charlie gives him a highly unimpressed look. “That’s a very sweet sentiment, and I know what you mean, but you also know what I meant.” 
“And my point still stands.” Nick settles back down enough to settle his chin on Charlie’s chest, and reaches up to twirl a curl around his finger. “Always knowing I’ll see you makes every day easier. I don’t want that to change.”
He’s enclosed in Charlie’s hold again even as Charlie turns his gaze up to the ceiling and swallows. When he looks back at Nick, his expression is wary. “I meant it when I said I don’t want to hold you back. You can’t decide not to do something like this because you’re worried about me.”
Nick bites at his bottom lip, then presses his face to Charlie’s chest to hide the gesture. “I don’t like the idea of not being here for you.”
“It’s not like I’d be alone. And you’d still be there. I could text you or call you any time I wanted.”
“You’re starting to sound like you want me to go.”
“You know I definitely don’t.” The assurance warms Nick, but upon realising what he’s said, Charlie seems to finally grow frustrated. “No, I don’t mean—well of course I don’t want you to go anywhere, but I want you to do what you want. I don’t want you to—to end up hating me because I—”
“I am worried about leaving you behind,” Nick admits, and Charlie quickly quiets, blinking down at him as Nick looks up. “I’m not going to pretend I’m not. But I’m mainly worried about how I’d manage without you.”
His voice gets quieter as he goes on, and Charlie softens right along with it as his arms tighten around Nick. “Oh,” he breathes. The smile he quirks then is unbearably fond; it sets Nick’s skin tingling with the urge to be closer. “Nick. I’d still be here, too.”
“I know. That’s exactly the problem.”
Charlie laughs, despite the fact that Nick is entirely serious, but it’s soft and lovely and loving, and Nick finds he really doesn’t mind. “Okay, I see.” He slides a hand from the back of Nick’s neck around to his cheek, strokes the skin under Nick’s eye. “You could have talked to me about it when it started bothering you. I can—I mean, I could help you figure it out. We can figure it out together. Instead of us both freaking out about it alone.”
“So you are freaking out over it.”
“Nick. Of course, I am. Did you really think this would be the exception to things I’m worried about, or did you think I was just completely deluding myself?”
Nick bites his lip again, gives a small shrug. “Both, maybe.”
Charlie squawks and pinches his cheek when Nick shoots him a teasing grin. But they sober quickly again, and Nick simply shrugs, and points out, “You’ve been working on some other things, too. I guess I didn’t want to add this to it when I’m not…well, when I’m not even sure what I want.” 
There’s a silence where Charlie considers this, then he repeats, “I want you to do what you want. What’s going to make you happy. Even if I’m worried about what part I’m going to have in that, that’s what I want.”
Nick turns his cheek into Charlie’s hand and presses a kiss there. It brings his ear back to Charlie’s chest, so he rests there again. Counts another few beats of Charlie’s heart. “I want to be with you, always. Even if I have to drive a few hours to actually see you.”
He can sense the smile in the gentleness of Charlie’s tone. “That’s a good want.”
“Can we talk about the rest later, then? And I can do the being with you bit now?”
“We can always do that,” Charlie agrees, and there’s enough contentment returned there that Nick simply presses his ear closer, and they just do that. 
hug prompts
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buttononthetop · 2 years
Snow Day, Interrupted
@nelspringweeklyprompts @angelnicknelson
Week 02
Winter — Nick and Charlie plan to spend their snow day having fun, until one of them gets sick and the other cares for them.
Note: Spoilers for all Heartstopper comics written so far (including Patreon); takes place somewhere between the comics and Nick & Charlie.
“Oh my god, it’s snowing!”
Charlie nudges Nick gently when he doesn’t respond. When Nick still doesn’t say anything, Charlie tears his gaze away from the fat flakes falling in the twilight outside the window to look down at his boyfriend.
Nick is asleep.
Charlie frowns. Falling asleep during movie night is really more his thing than Nick’s, especially when they’re watching a Marvel movie that Nick chose. Charlie looks more closely at Nick and notices a deep crease between Nick’s brows.  
Is he having a bad dream?
“Nick,” Charlie whispers as he cups Nick’s face in his palm and runs his thumb over Nick’s cheekbone. “Are you okay?”
“Hm?” Nick’s response is half question, half groan. His eyes slowly open. When he catches sight of Charlie leaning over him, his face relaxes into a contented smile. “What’s up?”
“You were sleeping,” Charlie says. “During an Avengers movie.”
Nick yawns and wraps his arms around Charlie, burying his face against Charlie’s neck. “It’s Guardians of the Galaxy.”
“Aren’t they all Avengers? I thought they joined up in a league or something.”
Chuckling, Nick shakes his head. He lets out another soft groan which makes Charlie frown. “That’s DC.”
Charlie pulls back from the hug so he can see Nick better. He sets a hand on either side of Nick’s face and asks, “What’s wrong?”
Nick shakes his head again and curves his lips into a half-smile, but the deep V between his eyebrows is back. “Just a bit of a headache.”
“So you don’t want to go play in the snow?” Charlie teases.
“It’s snowing?” Nick turns to look out the window. “Why didn’t you say something?”
Charlie rolls his eyes. Before he can comment, his phone dings twice in quick succession.
It's snowing. Come home now.
“It’s my mum,” he grumbles.
it's ages until my curfew
I don't want you walking home in the dark in the snow. COME HOME.
Charlie throws his head back on the pillow with a frustrated growl. “Never mind. Apparently I have to go home so I don’t melt in the snow,” he huffs.
Nick turns from the window to grin at Charlie. He pulls him into another full-body hug and whispers in his ear, “Well… you are pretty sweet.”
Nick’s lips against his ear make Charlie giggle.
“Tell you what,” Nick says, trailing a line of kisses from Charlie’s ear, down his neck and then back up again to capture his lips in a soft kiss.  “Tomorrow’s Friday. After school we can come back here and play in the snow all you want.”
Rolling Nick on to his back, Charlie deepens the kiss. When he finally raises his head, they’re both breathless. “It’s a plan,” Charlie says. “But I may need to borrow a hoodie.”
* ~ * ~ *
Charlie surreptitiously looks down at his phone.
where are you?
are you ok?
There is still no response and no comforting ‘Seen just now’ from Instagram.
“Here,” Charlie replies dully. He hunches his shoulders under his heavy coat and tries not to shiver. It had snowed all night and he can’t seem to get warm. If Nick had been there he would’ve thrown an arm around Charlie to warm him up. But he wasn’t.
Charlie glances at the empty chair next to him.  Mr. Lange looks up from the register.
“Charlie, do you know where Nick is?”
“No, sir.”
“Hmmph.” Mr. Lange makes a note and continues down the list. “Daniel.”
Charlie spends the day struggling to pay attention to his lessons. Every time he’s in the corridor, he scans the passing faces for Nick. He looks for him at break with no luck. Tao tells him not to worry, but his messages go unanswered and he even tries calling Nick’s phone at one point. He actually considers skiving off his last lesson but it’s Latin and there are only a few students so he’d never get away with it. Luckily, it’s Friday so they have an early finish. Charlie is the first person out the door at the end of the day and he heads straight for Nick’s house at a run, totally ignoring the beauty of the sun glinting off the fresh snow.
When he rings the bell, he can hear Nellie bark. He smiles and waits for the door to open… and waits… and waits. Nellie barks again and Charlie can hear her high-pitched whine through the door. Frowning, Charlie tries the knob. The door swings open and Nellie races out into the snow, squatting to pee a few feet from the house. Charlie stares at her and then looks back into quiet house.
“Nick?” he calls.
Nellie finishes her business and darts over to sit at Charlie’s feet, her tail brushing the snow off the bricks. Charlie scratches behind her ears and whispers, “Where’s Nick?”
With a bark, Nellie runs back into the house and up the stairs. Charlie closes the door and kicks off his snowy shoes before following. He finds Nick in his bedroom, buried under a mound of blankets. All Charlie can see is one arm trying to pet Nellie as she paws at the duvet.
“Nick? What’s wrong?”
“Charlie?” Nick’s voice is hoarse and he sounds confused. “Am I late for school?”
“School’s over. Are you okay? Why didn’t you reply to my messages?” Charlie drops his coat on the floor and hurries over to the bed. When he pulls the covers back, he finds Nick curled in a ball, fully dressed in joggers and a hoodie and shivering. His face is pale other than two bright spots on his cheeks and his eyes are glassy as he looks up at Charlie who rests his hand on Nick’s face. “Oh my god, you’re so hot, you’re not okay. I was so worried all day, I’m so sorry, I should’ve just left school.”
Nick coughs, a dry, rough sound that wracks his body and makes him clench his head in his hands. He takes a few breaths and sits up. “Where’s my phone? I’m okay, I’m fine, just can’t get warm. We have a date, right? I didn’t miss it?” Nick stands up, sways and then drops back down on the bed.
“You have a date with your bed,” Charlie says firmly. He gently pushes Nick back down onto the mattress and covers him up again. “When does your mum get home?”
“Gone all weekend,” Nick mumbles, burrowing under the covers. “Conference in Oxford.” He sighs. “I ache,” he says, sounding surprised.
“Where?” Charlie asks, slipping his phone from his pocket.
Charlie googles a few words and frowns. “The NHS says you’ve either got encephalitis or the flu.”
Nick coughs again.
Glancing at his phone, Charlie nods. “I think the cough means the flu is more likely. You need rest, fluids and something to bring your fever down.” He bends down to kiss Nick’s hot forehead. “I’ll be right back.”
“You should just go,” Nick protests. “I don’t want to get you sick.”
Charlie ignores Nick and pats his shoulder. “Don’t worry about me, let me worry about you for once.”
As he heads down the stairs to make tea, Charlie’s phone rings.
“Hi, Mum.”
“Charlie, where are you?”
“I’m at Nick’s. I told you I was going after school.”
“I know you did, Charlie, I didn’t mean –” She breaks off and Charlie hears her take a deep breath. “Sarah just rang me in a bit of a panic. She’s out of town for a work thing and was just able to turn on her phone. Truham left her a message that Nick wasn’t in school today and he didn’t answer his phone so she’s worried. Is he there with you?”
Charlie spies Nick’s phone on the kitchen table. When he picks it up, the screen brightens showing his messages, several missed calls and a low battery warning. “Yes, he’s here. And I just found his phone. He must’ve left it downstairs when he went to bed last night. I think he has the flu. He’s coughing and definitely has a fever. I was just about to make him some tea.”
“Oh. Well, that’s a nice idea, Charlie, but I’ll ring Sarah and have her come home.”
“She’s supposed to be gone all weekend and she’s hours away! I can take care of him. I’m already here,” Charlie says stubbornly.
“Charlie, you’re only sixteen, I think it would be better –”
“I’ll have Nick call his mum right now and they can decide what to do. But I’m staying here.”
Charlie’s mum sighs. He can tell she’s fighting the urge to order him home again, so he just waits silently. She has a harder time arguing with him when he simply makes statements rather than fighting back.
“Fine,” she finally says sounding resigned. “But I’m calling Sarah now and telling her to expect Nick’s call.”
Charlie rolls his eyes. “I literally just said he’d call her. I’ll put the kettle on and take him his phone. It’ll be, like, three minutes.”
“Okay,” his mum says. “Call me when –”  She takes another deep breath and tries again. “Please let me know what you decide to do and tell Nick I hope he feels better.”
With a triumphant smile, Charlie tells his mum goodbye and turns on the kettle. He hurries back up the stairs to plug in Nick’s phone and uncover Nick again.
“You need to call your mum,” he tells Nick. “Your phone is pretty much dead so use mine. Truham called her so she called my mum. She hopes you feel better soon. My mum, not your mum.”
“Oh god,” Nick moans.  He sits up to take Charlie’s phone and dials his mum.  “…No, Mum, it’s me… I didn’t charge my phone last night… No, I didn’t go, I’m sick… I dunno, the flu or something.” 
Nick glances up at Charlie who is waving his arms. Charlie points at himself and then at Nick.
Nick sniffles and clears his throat. “Charlie is here… He can stay with me… Yes, all weekend.” Nick glances up to find Charlie nodding determinedly. “He seems quite set on it… Yes… I will… ok, here you go. Love you, Mum.” Nick holds the phone out to Charlie. “She wants to talk to y– ” A violent cough cuts off Nick’s last words.
Charlie frowns and takes the phone. He smooths his free hand over Nick’s hair. “Hi, Mrs. Nelson.”
“Hello, Charlie dear. I really appreciate you looking after Nicky but are you sure I don’t need to come back?”
“I can look after him,” Charlie promises. “I’ll make sure he rests and gets plenty of fluids and some paracetamol or, um…”
“There’s some in the upstairs bathroom, in the cabinet on the right. And there should be some chamomile tea in the cupboard and some honey. There’s plenty of food in the house and, oh! He loves cheese toasties when he’s sick. Try to get him into a cool shower if he’s still feverish later tonight.”
Charlie’s cheeks flush at this last request, but he manages to hum his agreement as Nick leans his head against Charlie’s stomach.
“Thank you again, Charlie. I feel bad putting this on your shoulders but I know you’ll take good care of my baby.”
“I will,” Charlie promises again.
“Okay, well, tell him I love him and you have my number in case you need anything. I will keep my phone on for the rest of the conference, I don’t care what the rules say. You call or text me at any time. Bye, now!”
“Bye. Thanks,” Charlie says and then pockets his phone. “Cheese toasties?” he asks, stroking Nick’s shoulders.
“They’re delicious,” Nick mutters, his voice muffled by Charlie’s school jumper.
Charlie chuckles and runs his fingers through Nick’s hair. “I’ll make you one whenever you want. Are you hungry now?”
Nick shakes his head and wraps his arms around Charlie’s waist.  “Are you really staying?”
Charlie tilts Nick’s head back and kisses him softly. “Of course I am. Now, back in bed with you. I’ll get your tea and the paracetamol.”
“Okay.” Nick slowly moves back under the covers, clearly hurting.
Charlie bites his lip and swallows his concerns, deciding that action is better than worrying. He makes Nick a cup of tea with a splash of milk and adds some honey. He also fills a glass with water and takes them both upstairs, stopping for a moment to get the paracetamol from the bathroom.
“Here we are,” he says, setting the cups on Nick’s bedside table. He reads the box and then pops one of the caplets out of the foil. “You can take two, but maybe just start with one and see how that does?”
Nick nods. He swallows the pill, grimacing as it passes his sore throat and then exchanges the glass of water for the tea. He scoots back against his pillows and drinks slowly. “S’good,” he says gratefully.
Charlie stands there for a moment, his hands clasped in front of him. “What else do you need?” he asks.
“Just you,” Nick says. He pats the mattress. “Come warm me up?”
With a laugh, Charlie sets a knee on the bed. “That’s definitely a role reversal,” he teases. He glances down at his uniform. “Let me change first.”
He grabs a raglan t-shirt and a pair of flannel pyjama bottoms from the small collection of clothes he has left at Nick’s and quickly changes out of his uniform. When he pops his head through the shirt, he glances up to find Nick smiling at him.
“What?” he asks, his cheeks flushing.
“I was just thinking about tackling you before you could get dressed again.”
“Clearly that’s a terrible idea,” Charlie says, folding his jumper and piling his uniform on Nick’s dresser.
Nick laughs and then frowns as it morphs into a cough. He takes another long drink from his tea and lifts the duvet. “Can I least have some cuddles?”
Charlie climbs into bed and snuggles close to Nick. “You can always have cuddles,” he says.
After Nick finishes his tea, Charlie takes the mug and sets it on the bedside table. Nick shifts around until he finds a comfortable position, his arms around Charlie, his head against Charlie’s stomach. Charlie runs his hand over Nick’s hair, down his back, and up again, soothing Nick into a doze. While Nick sleeps, Charlie texts his mum to let her know that he’ll be staying at Nick’s for the weekend until Mrs. Nelson gets home. Her reply is not happy, but at least she seems to accept it. It has started to snow again so Charlie watches the storm through the window as he watches over Nick.
* ~ * ~ *
A few hours later, Nick wakes up feeling a little better. He insists it was Charlie’s cuddles that helped the most, but Charlie just rolls his eyes and makes Nick take another dose of paracetamol. Nick agrees that a shower would make him feel better so Charlie helps him to the bathroom and sets the water to a cooler-than-typical shower per Mrs. Nelson’s instructions while Nick gets undressed. He gives Charlie a quick kiss as he steps in the shower and then lets out a shout as the lukewarm water hits his hot skin.
“It’s freezing!”
“You’ll get used to it in a second,” Charlie promises. “Stay in as long as you can and I’ll go make you a cheese toastie. You should eat something.”
Nick sticks his head out of the shower. His hair is lathered up and sticking out in every direction but Charlie bites his lip and doesn’t laugh. “Make a really big one and we’ll share,” Nick says.
Charlie fights his automatic response that he’s not hungry, but realises that Nick eating is important right now so he just nods, willing to do anything to make Nick feel better. He wonders if this is how Nick feels whenever he tries to help Charlie eat and warmth spreads through his chest. “I love you,” he calls as he leaves the bathroom.
As he pulls the door closed, he can just hear Nick mumbling over the running water. “Every time I’m in the shower…”
* ~ end ~ *
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stardustacefics · 2 years
How We Do Intimacy
Pairing: Nick/Charlie
Summary: Nick and Charlie oneshots
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Chapter 21: Laughter
Charlie and Nick were curled up with each other in bed, laughing together. They had been laughing for so long that they didn’t even know what they were laughing at anymore.
Nick’s hands were on Charlie’s shoulders, and he was laughing into his neck. Every time that the laugh started to die down, they looked at each other and in one moment, they started to laugh again just as strongly.
Charlie glanced over at his phone to check the time. “It’s 3:30 in the morning,” he said.
They both looked at each other seriously, and then bursted into laughter.
“Why is that funny?” Charlie snorted.
“I have no idea,” Nick said between giggles.
“We really need to sleep,” Charlie laughed. “I think we are really sleep deprived.”
That just made Nick laugh even harder. When they both calmed down, Nick gently pat Charlie’s side. “Okay, okay, I’m going to sleep,” he said, little laughs still escaping from his lips.
“Me too,” Charlie said, pulling the blankets up to his shoulders.
They stared at each other for a second, and it didn’t take long for their laughter to start again.
“We are sooo going to regret this in the morning,” Charlie snorted.
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gaemkyuu · 4 years
Mommy will you marry Charlie? (Charlie Gillespie x Fictional Character)
Warnings: mention of teenage pregnancy A/N: I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of love “Mommy can we keep him” received. I was originally going to upload the proposal AND the wedding, but I’ve been struggling a bit with the wedding portion. I hope you enjoy the proposal! Disclaimer: This is a FICITONAL writing piece! In no way do I claim characters in this piece act this way in real life.
Masterlist *now taking requests ;)
Mommy will you marry Charlie?
“Hey! Are you ready to go?” Charlie knocked and popped his head into Riley’s ensuite, pausing to take in her beauty. She was dressed in a pretty summer dress and placed a few more bobby pins into her hair, smiling at him in the mirror.
“Just about. Are Owen and Savannah here?” Riley’s answer came at that moment when the doorbell rang. Charlie left the ensuite and headed for the door just as Emerson got to it.
“Emmy, what did we say about answering the door?” Charlie chastised, moving quicker to the door. Emerson slightly pouted knowing he was right and sat on the entryway bench, waiting for Charlie to open the door. “You guys are just in time!” “No thanks to Owen” Savannah scoffed, motioning to the giant behind her.
“I hadn’t eaten yet, I needed My Chick-fil-A, but then I forgot to order some for Emmy, so we had to go back through the drive through” he sighed, showing him the two bags of take out in his hands. “Where is the little stinker?”
“I’m not stinky! I took a bath!” she hopped on the entryway bench and into Savannah’s arms first, Owen dramatically displayed his offense to the toddler.
“How come she gets a hug first?! I brought you Chicken Strips!” Savannah picked her up and balanced her on her hip. “I even convinced the lady to give you two books!”
“Aunty Savannah didn’t call me stinky and knows that I ate supper before you came.” she giggled and shook her head. “Plus, I like the chicken nuggets and not the strips” Owen rolled his eyes and muttered a ‘oh come on’ under his breath, but as soon as Savannah put her down, Emerson gave Owen’s leg a hug.
Riley came to the front door and greeted her friends, thanking them again for being so willing to babysit while they went out for the evening. After Charlie and Emerson’s date, the couple decided that they would go on more family dates as a request from the little girl and Charlie. Riley didn’t think anything of it, but she certainly didn’t want to come between the relationship they were both developing. This was the first time Emerson ever really accepted another man into their lives.
At the young age of 18 and saving enough money, Riley moved out of her mother’s home in Chino Hills to a one bedroom, one bath in downtown LA that was closer to her office. Riley was grateful that her mom agreed to come over to their apartment to babysit Emerson while she was at work as it helped her to save up more money to eventually move into a chic modern home on the outskirts of downtown. She was always so focused on providing for Emerson that she rarely let anyone into her life and when she did, she always had to make sure that they got the seal of approval from Emerson.
There was Nick from the marketing department at Netflix who she thought was cute, but he wasn’t very open to the idea of potentially becoming a dad so early on. Emerson really didn’t like him as she would cry every time he looked at her or moved towards her. That didn’t last more than three weeks.
Then there was Jaime from the grocery store who loved children and really liked Riley, but Emerson didn’t like the fact that Riley made more money than Jaime and warned her mom several times about him, despite her young age. Riley learned her lesson that sometimes four year olds are very perceptive because Jaime asked to borrow money for his rent a month later.
Lastly, there was Greg, a single dad who had twins the same age as Emerson. That didn’t last because the kids would often fight. Emerson thought the children were dumb and immature, while the twins thought Emerson was acting like a weird grown up.
Riley always prioritized Emerson in any decision making process she had, but at her core she felt lonely. She couldn’t tell her daughter this despite her intelligence. She was still a child. What kind of a mother would she be if she vented to her child? But Emerson knew her mom was lonely. She often heard her crying in the pantry and quietly talking on the phone late at night. That’s why when Charlie walked in their lives, she knew she had to play nice for a little while for the sake of her mother. Neither girls expected that Charlie would become such an important piece of their lives.
“Emerson we will be back past your bedtime, so give me kisses now” Riley requested as she hugged her little girl and peppered her with kisses. She giggled and kissed her mother back until she let go. Instinctively, Charlie knelt down too and opened his arms, giving her a quick peck on the head. Emerson gave him a hug back and kissed him on the cheek, the gesture garnering a loud “aw” from Owen, as the girls silently admired the interaction. Charlie rolled his eyes and whispered to Emerson quickly, making her giggle as his breath tickled her ear and neck. 
“You guys should get going so we can start painting Uncle Owen’s nails!” Savannah interrupted, glancing at the time on her phone. “We also get to facetime Uncle Jeremy, Aunty Carolyn and Aunty Madison too!” Emerson got super excited and skipped to her bedroom to grab her “nail kit”, a toy Savannah had bought her last Christmas. With a laugh, the couple headed out the door and off to supper. 
As soon as the door closed, the two friends and Emerson got to work. They were in on the plan and set about decorating their house. Emerson and Charlie had gone to PartyCity a few days ago while Riley was at an executive meeting and picked out a bunch of decorations for his proposal. At first, Charlie was hesitant, but Emerson was absolutely sure her mother said yes. Knowing his past of always being proven wrong by Emerson, he decided to listen to the little girl and follow her lead.
“Remember, mommy had me when she was a kid so she missed out on kid things. Do a bunch of kid things with mommy!” 
That’s what prompted Charlie to take her to Santa Monica. Charlie had made a reservation at a restaurant on the Santa Monica beachfront and the two enjoyed a lovely casual dinner. They talked about projects they were excited about and started ‘people watching’ from their seats, laughing and making silly jokes about the people who passed them by. After dinner, they set out to do “Kid Things” and played games on the pier, settling for mini donuts as dessert and eventually watching the sunset. Charlie tensed for a moment, but quickly relaxed as he felt the small box in his pocket.
“Mommy won’t say yes unless I’m there. She would be too busy thinking about me before she says yes, so ask her at home”
“But what about bedtime?”
“I mean if you say I can stay up, then that should be okay right?”
“You okay? You looked tense for a second” Riley snapped him out of his thoughts, but he was grateful that she shivered because it gave him a chance to change the topic. 
“Yeah, I was just thinking about the sunset in Dieppe. Can’t wait to take you one day. Cold?” he draped his denim jacket over her shoulders, and hugged her from behind. As soon as the glow from the sunset disappeared and the glow of the carnival lights replaced them, Charlie decided that instead of walking on the beach, they would go home and watch a movie on the couch. They spent the drive back to Riley’s place in a comfortable silence with the radio gently playing music. Charlie started to feel more excited and antsy the closer they got to her place. Before exiting the car, he held her hand in his and kissed the back of it. “I love you, you know that?” Riley smiled, nodded and kissed him on the lips. Charlie raced her to the door, knowing full well that he would beat her to it, but that didn’t stop Riley from trying. They stumbled through the entry a fit of giggles and laughter, but Riley stumbled on a pair of shoes. 
“Charlie! I told you to... put your shoes...away?” she became more confused as she stared at the pair. They weren’t Owen’s, Charlie’s, Savannah’s or Emmerson’s. Who could be in their house? She looked up to see Charlie nowhere in sight and began to worry. “Char, this isn’t funny. This is like the scene from a horror movie” she quickly shed her shoes and walked down the corridor to the living room. She didn’t expect to see her mother, Charlie’s mom and their closest friends standing behind Charlie and Emerson with excited looks on their faces. To add to her confusion, they held party poppers and noise makers, while a giant Congratulations banner decorated her living room. She heard Emerson clear her throat and Charlie stood proudly beside her.
“Dear mommy, I stayed up past my bedtime because Charlie said I had to” everyone in the room laughed at this, as Emerson continued to read from the piece of paper in her hands. 
“Mommy, you work so hard to give me the best life and the best toys. Sometimes I wonder how I can give you the best life and the best toys, but adults don’t play with toys. I asked aunty Carolyn why she was so happy with uncle Jeremy, and she said it was because she gets to be with uncle Jeremy forever” Carolyn wiped the tear that had formed in her eyes. 
“I asked uncle Owen why aunty Carolyn and uncle Jeremy got to be together forever, and that’s when uncle Owen said it was because they were married.” She took a deep breath and lost her place on her paper. Charlie peaked over and pointed to where she needed to keep reading from. 
“Oh, right. When I asked you were getting married, you told me never and that it was a rude question, but I think that was because you had a bad day at work” despite the teary eyes, her comment made everyone laugh. 
“So I asked Charlie to go on a date with me and ask him when he would marry you” Riley gasped as Charlie pulled out the box with the ring, getting down on one knee. “I know Charlie makes you happy and I think you should be together forever. Charlie has a question for you and the answer is yes.”
“Riley King, I love you and I love Emerson. I can’t think of anyone I want to spend the rest of my life with. You and Emerson are my family now, so let’s make it official” Charlie winked at Emerson who put her paper down and also got onto one knee beside Charlie.
“Mommy, will you marry Charlie?” Riley was crying full tears at this point listening to her daughter’s words, but she nodded and whispered a yes. Everyone erupted in a cheer and the party poppers went off as he put the ring on her finger, kissing her and picking up Emerson. “You did so good, Emmy!”
“You’re gonna be my daddy!!!” Emerson exclaimed, full of excitement and squeezing Charlie. 
Riley wiped her tears and kissed her daughter on the cheek, truly speechless. Everyone came around to congratulate them, Savannah, Madison, and Carolyn all wanting to see the ring first and then hugs. She was on cloud nine, still not able to understand how this was all being planned behind her back. “Is that why you volunteered to babysit?” Savannah nodded her head sheepishly and hugged her friend. Charlie’s mother gave her a big hug congratulating her on their engagement expressing her excitement to have another daughter in law, while Riley’s mother hugged Charlie, crying happy tears. The rest of the evening was spent enjoying everyone’s company that the couple lost track of time. By the time they said goodbye to Owen, the last to leave, Emerson had fallen asleep on the couch. 
“You mean to tell me, you planned this entire thing with my daughter behind my back?” Charlie smiled and nodded, picking the little girl up from the couch, careful not to wake her up. “I mean, I am touched, but I’m also afraid of what else you two are capable of doing”
“Just wait til you hear her ideas for the wedding.” Charlie chuckled as they headed to her room to tuck her in for the night. He put the little girl into bed and Riley watched the whole scene from the doorway, tears coming to her eyes as it finally sank in that this was her family. Emerson stirred and shifted around, uncomfortable all of a sudden. Charlie cooed at her and assured that she was fine, humming softly to her, something that he often used since the first night he helped her through a nightmare.
“G’night daddy” she mumbled in her sleepy daze, settling back to sleep. Charlie was taken off guard as the new title fell from her mouth. He felt his heart explode and wiped a tear that fell from his eyes.
“Sleep tight Princess” he sniffled, clearing his throat and kissing the top of her head. He pulled another blanket over her frame as she often got cold in the middle of the night. It amazed Riley how much Charlie knew of her daughter despite the amount of time he had been present in their lives. They softly shut the door behind them and walked hand in hand to their room. “Planning the wedding is going to be fun”
“I was thinking we do it in Dieppe or Moncton” Riley suggested, something to which Charlie lit up at. He looked at her with wide eyes in disbelief.
“If you’re pulling an Emerson on me right now, I’m going to be so mad” they had come up with the term ‘pulling an Emerson’ to describe the sarcasm they often received from the little girl. But Charlie became overjoyed as Riley bit her lip and shook her head, confirming that she did in fact want to get married in his hometown.
“We start planning tomorrow”
A/N: if you really want a wedding scene or a glimpse of life after the wedding let me know!
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percabethfiles · 3 years
Uh... Hello? Anybody still here? I haven't been around in years and years. But I keep my fandoms stored in some corner of my brain waiting for something to tug them out. And of all things this time it was Taylor Swift re-releasing her old songs, because I used to imagine so many percabeth scenes listening to "Fearless". So have this little something that's been sitting unfinished in my archives for years now.
Remember that time Percy saw Sadie Kane and thought “Hey, this is what mine and Annabeth’s daughter would look like”? Yes.
(Also there are small nods to that fic I wrote about Logan, Hidden Heritage, but I've been meaning to re-write it someday because there were SO MANY PLOT HOLES omg)
When they find out it’s a girl it’s a bit too soon to know for sure, or so the doctor tells them. They’ll have to wait for the next appointment to know for certain. “So don’t go buying any tiny dresses yet,” he jokes and they laugh along, but they’ve been together for approximately eighteen years now, they can tell what the other’s thinking with a glance and the ecstatic grin that breaks through their lips lets him know they’re on the same page. Too late. They’re already thinking plush bow and arrows and a Merida costume for her first Halloween.
Percy tries to keep his cool. As the weeks progress, he tries not to get his hopes up, but in his heart he knows already. They hadn’t really had a preference before, they’d been too happy knowing their baby was fully human and had all its limbs (with the number of deities they’d pissed off, you never knew), but a little girl? It feels right after their two boys, it feels like their family will be complete.
(He thinks about a slight blonde girl with streaked hair and a British accent dropping from the sky on a magic camel, remembers thinking “if Annabeth and I had a daughter…” and his chest squeezes tight with happiness so raw he has a little trouble breathing)
When the doctor beams at them next appointment and says “Congratulations, Jackson family, it really is a girl,” he’s not surprised, but no less elated. He doesn’t hear the lame joke about Jackson Five, he’s too busy trying to be a manly man and not burst into tears because he’s going to have a daughter. When Annabeth’s in the other room paying for the appointment, and he’s waiting for the doctor to print the really impressive high tech 3D picture of the ultrasound, the man asks him “So did you go ahead and buy a tiny dress anyway?”
Percy blushes.
The man shakes his head in amusement. “Every time”.
His work colleagues, proud dads of little girls themselves, try to terrorize him with tales of tea parties and future boyfriends, and Percy thinks somewhere in the middle of all that teasing they mean well, but really, he’s mostly annoyed. It’s not like he’s new to parenthood, he’s got two sons already and they seem to be turning out okay, and before, when Logan and Nathan were just a nice dream for the future, there was Estelle, the little sister Percy had never expected, but loved to bits all the same.
And then Charlie is born.
She’s tiny, warm and pink, all curled up in her yellow cable-knit blanket, a tuft of blonde hair peeking out of a tiny, tiny beanie, features scrunched into the most adorable variation of a grumpy face. He’s not new to parenthood, he’s been here twice before, but the rush of affection and protectiveness and awe and raw love is just as genuine. He’s smiling like a dork, can’t seem to stop, walking from side to side, avidly searching her traits. She’s bigger than Nate was when he’d been born, but smaller than Logan. Her hair was light, like Nate’s, would it stay blonde or darken with time? Would her eyes be like his or Annabeth’s? And oh, she had her mother’s nose (they all did).
It never fails to amaze him how such a small, vulnerable being can shake up his whole world until it’s made a space for her. And he’s done this before, he’s no first time sailor this time, he’d thought he had it all under control. But she blinks and looks up at him with half-lidded eyes and a frowny face and—they’re green. Her eyes are the blue-green Logan’s are, Percy’s are.
(He’s got two sons who are his life, and he does love all his children equally, but holding his daughter for the first time, he thinks he understands his friends’ warnings. He doesn’t love her more, it’s just… different. It’s special.)
When he goes back to work, Nick takes one look at him and bursts into laughter. He claps him on the shoulder in commiseration.
“I told you.”
He’s completely wrapped around her finger already.
It’s not too different, he finds out. Especially having been pre-trained by Estelle. He’s got to brush up on his Disney princess knowledge, and hair braiding skills. He hasn’t gotten much better at color coordinating the polka dotted bows and tiny shoes, but Charlie is really forgiving. She is a very happy baby, much happier and easy going than any of the boys had been.
She’s also fucking crazy.
She is smaller and skinnier than her brothers, likes to wear frilly dresses and talk to plush animals and dance around the house in a pink tutu, but she’s wild. She never learned to crawl, just held on to the couch until she was wobbling on two feet, and it seemed like the very next day she was running across the house, the mall, the park, and if he turned his eyes away for one second, she was shooting off in the streets and nearly getting run over.
He’d found her dangling from the kitchen cabinets, trying to reach the cowering cat. She had a phase when she thought she could fly and she would climb furniture and stairs and the window sill and just… Launch herself into the air expecting her flying powers to manifest spontaneously. If they hadn’t been trying to raise them away from the whole mythological world, he would have sat her down and clarified that she had the wrong Olympian Grandparent in mind. She might have had more luck jumping into the ocean.
She had a way to jut out her lower lip, and turn those big green eyes on him that could render his every effort to be a responsible parental presence useless.
Besides, she was so funny. He could never muster enough anger to discipline her, because if he found her on the kitchen table covered in peanut butter, somehow sporting a very sticky Mohawk, and looking entirely unapologetic, well, he just couldn’t stop laughing.
One day he’s coming home from work and he hasn’t even pulled the key from the lock when Charlie calls out ‘you’re back daddy,’ in what sounds vaguely like a new jersey accent. He finds her sitting on the floor of the living room, drowning in one of Annabeth’s bathrobes, pink plastic barbie sunglasses on, holding a pooh bear sippy cup with one hand and a pinky stretched out.
“Charlie, what are you doing?”
“It’s wine Wednesday, daddy.”
“It’s what?”
“Wine Wednesday.”
He had half a mind to check if her sippy cup actually contained wine because they hid their alcohol way up in the cabinets she can’t reach but that girl could climb like a monkey. He knows he should follow that remark up with some kind of questioning of where she’d even heard of ‘wine Wednesdays’ and then explain that kids don’t drink wine or some other kind of responsible parent speech, but a sudden burst of incredulous laughter bubbles up in his throat and he takes refuge in the kitchen, lest he encourages her behavior.
He finds Annabeth there, hand over her mouth, clearly in stitches over their daughter’s performance. He wants to question if she gave her permission to wear her bathrobe but finding his wife nearly doubled over in silent laughter in the kitchen is too much and he finally lets out the guffaw he’d been trying to hold on to.
It’s not the first time Charlie leaves them breathless with laughter, and he’s almost scared of what she’s going to cook up in the future.
Charlie is a hellion.
There isn’t one person safe from her pranks, but she’s so adorable she hardly ever catches hell for it, and she’s learning to use it in her favor – thankfully, just in time for her parents to develop immunity to her puppy eyes. And she’s… difficult, yes, but not always, and not in a terrible way. For all her climbing the roof, organizing illegal cookie sales, getting in fights with her classmates, she’s not a bad kid. She’s got Percy’s penchant for befriending the kids no one wants to go near, and defending her ragtag team of losers. She’s loyal to a fault, and it gets her in trouble often.
She and Nate have epic jealousy fights over everything, including – but not limited to – Logan’s attention, the crayons, the biggest piece of cake and all the videogame characters in the world are not enough, they will always want whatever the other picked. It gives them many, many headaches. Logan, on the other hand, positively spoils her, and whenever Charlie gets in trouble they can be sure to find her hiding behind her big brother while he gives them this solemn look and says “It’s ok, mom and dad, Charlie promises she won’t do it again. We’ve talked.”
When the whole “Logan being attacked by a dracanae in school and thus finding out his Olympian heritage” debacle came to pass, and they started frequenting camp again, there was nowhere in the entire Camp Charlie would rather be than the stables. She’d spend hours there with the Aphrodite kids, brushing the pegasi and talking to them endlessly about all her classmates and her friends, and her dolls, and her new dress, and the new book grandma gave her. It was all really cute until Percy realized the pegasi were talking back, and she fully understood their replies.
And it’s funny, really, because Logan had taken after Percy, to a point where bathing him had been hard as a child because he tended to stay dry in the tub, and Nathan was Annabeth to a T, but Charlie was a perfect mix of them both.
He guesses it makes sense it would be so explosive.
When Charlie is twelve, she gets kicked out of school.
Percy is not overly worried about it himself – the number of schools he’d been kicked out of reached double digits, and this was only her first – but he is worried about how she will feel. Getting the boot from a place that’s housed you for years, where your friends are, where everyone already knows you and having to start over is never pleasant, no matter how used to it you were.
He’d expected the school to have gotten tired of all her pranks and misbehaving, which was fair, he guessed. But when Annabeth comes home from the meeting with the school director, she is seething, and not at their daughter. Charlie is angry too. In fact, it’s the first time he’s ever seen his daughter well and truly pissed off. The two of them are a sight for nightmares, both blondes standing side by side ranting with righteous fury, they look ready to start a revolution. What he gets from her angry snarls and Charlie’s rushed rambling is that Charlie had talked back to a teacher that was picking on the autistic kid and demeaning the thirteen year old who was repeating sixth grade.
She’d called him a brain-washing small minded overgrown bully who, he was quoting, didn’t get enough love from his parents.
And Percy is so proud his eyes even get a little misty.
Because he’s getting old and sentimental and raising kids is very hard. No one knows what they’re doing, not one person, not even the fancy psychologists with those books on raising perfect, well rounded, high-achieving members of society that Annabeth insisted on reading when she was pregnant with Logan. You do your best and you hope for the best, and you don’t know what you get until it’s basically too late to do anything about it. And even if he did have the best mom in the history of the entire world to draw example from, he was also half of an absent Olympian father whose heritage condemned him to dance in and out of battlefields half his life.
He’s always been terrified of being a crap father.
He looks at Charlie cussing out with every mild version of actual cuss words, stalking around the kitchen like a little lioness in a cage, furious at the unfairness of the whole situation, caring less about being expelled and more about who was going to defend her friends from that awful teacher when she’s gone.
His daughter is only twelve, but she’s already so brave, such a force of nature. She won’t stand for injustice, and she won’t take insult lying down. And she’s so kind. She’s growing up, and the person she is slowly turning out to be… is good.
And something in his heart shifts and settles down, smooths over old fears and anxious thoughts.
Percy doesn’t mean to brag, but he thinks he’s not doing half bad as a parent.
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official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: curse words, minor mentions of alcohol
Chapter 15
I woke up abruptly the next morning after hearing something break in the kitchen. The headache was drumming against my skull and as I rubbed my eyes the events of last night all came back. I couldn't stop a smile painting my face.
I haven't felt this happy in a long time. I also haven't felt so tired in ages. I went to grab the alarm clock on my nightstand. We slept for 2 hours. Let's just say that we were too busy breaking Rhylee's orgasm record over and over again.
“Shit.” I put the clock back as I heard her voice.
There were still clothes all over the floor and it took me a minute to find some boxers.
“Rhy?” I rushed to the kitchen to see what she was doing.
I leaned on the doorway of my bedroom and yawned. The kitchen was empty. Where was she? Just as I yawned again she stormed past me out of the bathroom. She didn’t even glance at me, her cheeks soaked with tears.
This isn’t going to end well, is it?
“Rhy?” I said her name again and when I didn’t get a response, her only trying to wipe her cheeks, I decided to put a stop to this.
I walked over to her slowly, careful not to startle her as it looked like she wasn’t really present. I extended my arm to reach hers.
“Don’t…” She jumped away, finally acknowledging my being there. “Please, don’t touch me.” She sniffed and started wiping her tears away again.
She was wearing her dress over her waist, her breasts bare naked.
She was a complete mess.
She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand and started stumbling around the apartment again, desperately trying to find something.
I was observing her for a minute, trying to figure her out but couldn’t. I couldn’t bear to look at her being so miserable.
“Can you stop for a minute?”
“No, no I can’t, Charlie!” She stopped anyway and finally looked at me.
I wish she hadn’t.
I knew that look. That’s how I looked at Bill the morning he woke me up when we slept together at the Burrow. The guilt. The realization of what happened and just how wrong it was. It broke something in me, her looking at me like that.
I knew this was going to happen. I knew it was a bad idea but I just couldn’t stop. I couldn’t resist kissing her. I know we were drunk but we weren’t that drunk that we weren’t aware of what we were doing.
I remember everything. Every second, every kiss, every touch, every moan. And I know she does too. That’s why she is panicking so much right now. She has absolutely no idea what to do about the situation or with the feeling inside her chest. I know it’s tearing her apart and I feel bad that I don’t feel guilty.
If I knew she was happy with Nick, I would. Heck, I probably wouldn’t even make a move yesterday. I would let her go when she tried to leave. But I know she wasn’t happy. Everything she did, told me she wasn’t and I couldn’t understand why was she still with him.
We could be together. I know we are made for each other. It was definitely perfect last night and I am not talking just about sex. That was a bonus. It was so much more. The feeling of belonging. Us laughing like idiots in the shower. The looks we gave each other. How she fell asleep in my arms, moving more and more into me as if I wasn’t close enough.
We didn’t talk much, but we didn’t have to. We said enough with just being together. We understood each other on a level that I never thought possible and no words could ever explain it better than our actions.
Was it wrong if I felt hopeful? Was it wrong that I didn’t feel bad at all and if I could I would repeat last night without thinking twice about it? I probably was. Perhaps I was a bad person for thinking like this, but I couldn’t help it. If I thought I was in love with her before then I don’t even know how to describe my feelings now.
I took a deep breath. I know what was about to happen. Her gazing in my eyes like that didn’t mean anything good. She was in the position I was at that Christmas morning. She was the one who didn’t know what to do.
She was standing still, looking at me with an empty expression. I know she was having a battle in her head. I slowly moved toward her. She said she doesn’t want me to touch her. I want to respect that but her hair was a mess and I couldn’t resist brushing a lock of it off her face. She trembled under my touch, closing her eyes.
It pained me that she tormented herself like this. I know she didn’t mind my presence. I know she wanted more of these moments. She wanted so much more but she didn’t allow herself to feel what she so desperately wanted to. I was standing right there, ready to be hers, to be completely devoted to her and it broke my heart knowing she won’t allow herself to feel the happiness that would bring her.
“I can’t.” She shook her head and stepped backward. “I can’t.” The tears running down her face ran over the traces the tears left before. “I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.”
She buried her fingers into her hair and for a second I thought she will start pulling on it. She was completely losing it.
I wrapped my hands around her and held her tight as she moved around, trying desperately to get out of my grip.
“Let…me…go…Charlie.” She said through her sobs. She will have to try harder for me to just let her go and ignore the pain she was feeling right now. She started slamming her fists against my chest. “Let me go. This is so unfair!” She finally gave up and dug her head into my shoulder.
I don’t think I ever heard someone cry so loudly. I thought she was going to hyperventilate and I didn’t know what to do. How am I supposed to help her? I know that nothing anybody said to me the last time could make me feel better. Could make the guilt go away. I didn’t want her to end up like me. Beating herself over and over about it for 2 years.
“Rhy, please talk to me.” I whispered and kissed her forehead.
I wasn’t thinking anymore. I just did it. She whimpered at my touch, pressing harder against me.
“I…” She said into my shoulder.
“Yes?” I encouraged her.
“I…” I gently pushed her away and lifted her chin with my right hand. “I can’t find my bra.” She said with the most innocent voice and the saddest eyes I have ever seen.
I had to bite my cheeks not to chuckle. She was so cute. She was looking for her bra and here I was, thinking she lost it for not putting her dress on.
“Okay.” I said slowly and locked my fingers with hers. I accompanied her to the couch and gently pushed her shoulders down to make her sit. I leaned to her so that our eyes locked. “How about I go find your bra and you wait here?”
“Thank you.” She rubbed her nose.
I hurried to the bedroom, scanning the floor for her bra. Where did I take it off yesterday? Not by the closet, or the nightstand. It wasn’t on the bed or anywhere around the big pile of clothes she threw out of my drawer yesterday. I finally spotted it by the wall and picked it up.
“Here you go.” I sat down next to her and handed her the bra.
“Thank you.” She tried smiling but it seemed she didn’t have the strength to pull it of.
She put on her bra and put her dress back on.
“Want me to zip it for you?” I offered and she shook her head, staring at absolutely nothing in front of her.
We sat in silence for solid five minutes. I didn’t know what to do. She didn’t look like she wanted to leave. She was nervous, I could tell and I know she was going about something in her head. I just wish she would talk to me. I know we could work this out together.
“I’m sorry for what happened last night.” I swallowed hard.
I had to say something. I had to break the silence. I didn’t want to say what came out of my mouth and we both knew it wasn’t true. There wasn’t a moment of last night for which I was sorry about.
“I can’t believe you’re apologizing to me.” She pressed her hand against her chest. “I don’t know what you remember,” she paused to collect herself, “but I remember everything.” She whispered the last word and bit her lip.
“So do I.” Suddenly my voice lost all its volume and my heart started beating like crazy.
We were in that zone again. The place of so many unspoken things we wanted to share with each other but just didn’t find the courage to say them.
“I kissed you, Charlie. You have nothing to feel guilty about.” She was still looking away.
It seemed she was thinking of what to say next.
“Look…” I sighed.
I know I’ll regret what is about to come out of my mouth. I wanted to tell her that she has nothing to feel guilty about. I wanted to say that she should leave Nick and be with me.
Heck, I’ll tell him for her!
“Nobody knows you were here last night. We don’t have to tell anyone.”
But I couldn’t. I said this stupid thing instead.
I know how much I hurt Bill when we slept together and he was my brother. This guy, prick or not, loved her in his own way and I can’t bring myself to put myself first. I can’t put my happiness first. It’s her decision. She’s the only one who knows what she wants to do with what happened between us.
“We can keep it a secret.”
“I can’t do that, Charlie.” She bowed her head, pressing her lips tightly together. “I have to tell Nick.” She wiped off another tear. “It’s only fair to him. I can’t lie to him about something this,” she inhaled sharply and locked her eyes with mine, “big.” She finished the sentence with a breath.
“I have to go.” She suddenly stood up as if coming up with a plan and walked to the door, her dress still unzipped.
“Rhylee, wait!” I got up and tried stopping her.
Before I could reach her she was already out the door, slamming it behind her.
I didn’t know what to do. I know she needed to be alone. It was better if she told him. It’s what I should’ve done the second Bill woke me up at the Burrow. It pained me to know what she is going through. The scenarios of what he will say to her rolling through her head. I wish I could do it with her.
The part that terrified me was that I had no idea what will happen. Will they break up? Fuck, I feel terrible for thinking that. But how I wish it would happen. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. I can’t think about it. She’ll have to tell me sooner or later anyway and I am done feeling guilty for what I want.
I love her.
I want to be with her.
There I said it.
I know she’s in a relationship but this is how I feel. Does it make me a bad person? I don’t care. I feel it in my heart that we should be together. That we belong together and I am not going to push that feeling aside and I will definitely not ignore it. Not anymore.
I put on some clothes and decided to go to the tavern for breakfast for a change. Truth be told, I was dying to know what happened between Theo and Gerta, and knowing my friends, they were already up and chatty.
Walking there I promised myself to not say anything about me and Rhylee. I was confident that they didn’t see us leaving the party together and even though Rhylee decided to tell Nick, I am keeping my end of the bargain and staying quiet. She already feels embarrassed enough about kissing me and letting last night happen and I don’t want to do anything to make that worse for her.
“A mate can’t lose you in a crowd if he wanted to.” I chuckled and sat down next to my friends.
They were the loudest in the whole place, laughing at something.
“Are you calling us loud, Weasley?” John smirked.
“I could hear you from a mile away.” I teased.
“What can I get you, dear?” A waitress stopped at our table.
“Just some coffee, thank you.” I smiled and she walked away.
“We could say the same for you, lover boy.” Peter winked at me.
“What?” I was generally confused by his words.
“Oh, Charlie. Charlie, yeah that’s the spot. Fuck yeah, Char-lie.” John imitated moaning and I thought my eyes will fall out of their sockets.
How in the bloody hell did they know I had sex last night?
“Left you speechless there, Weasley?” Andrew started laughing.
“I am genuinely lost for words.” I said honestly.
What does one reply to something like that?
“How about you tell us who you were with last night?” Evan leaned on his arms.
“Who was the lucky girl that screamed your name so much?” Peter followed his lead.
So they didn’t know I was with Rhylee? At least it didn’t look like they knew. If they did, they would ask way more questions.
“First of all, I would like to know, how the fuck do you know? Did you fall asleep on my front porch?” I am not telling them anything before I find out how much they know.
“Peter and I were one of the last to leave last night and since everything has quietened down and you and your lady friend weren’t exactly trying to keep it down it was pretty hard to miss, walking past your hut.” Evan pursed his lips, preventing a smile from spreading across his face.
“Alright, you got me.” I sighed and lifted my hands in defeat. “You know I was in the library a lot these past few weeks.” They all nodded, waiting eagerly for me to continue. “I met this girl there a few times and we flirted a little. I saw her at the party last night and well,” I took a sip of my coffee, “you heard the rest.”
I don’t think I was ever so proud of myself for lying. I did meet a girl in the library and we did flirt but that was it. I had no idea she would be such a perfect alibi!
“Lucky girl!” John waggled his eyebrows.
“Damn, I was hoping you would say it was Rhylee.” Theo screwed his face.
I stiffened. If they only knew.
“Nah. We danced to a couple of songs and then I took her home. She was really drunk.” That was my plan initially but boy did my night take a turn.
“So are you seeing this girl again?” Evan asked.
It was unbelievable how they bought my lie.
“Does he ever see a girl he sleeps with again?” Theo rolled his eyes at Evan and I laughed.
“While we’re on the topic…” I turned to Theo. “What happened with you last night?”
“What do you think happened!” Theo grinned. “Gerta and I made sweet, sweet love!” We all burst out laughing.
“You two moving in together or what?” Andrew teased.
“Have you gone completely mad?” Theo frowned at him. “Does Gerta seem like a type of woman that can be approached while being sober?”
“Oh, come on, Theo.” I started. “She loves you.” I said, making a kissy face.
“Bugger off, Weasley, before I make that smug expression disappear from your face!” He rolled his sleeves up, ready to punch me.
We all started laughing again. There was nothing better than making fun out of Theo. He was just too gullible not to mess with!
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katelyn--renee · 4 years
Out of the Fire (Part two)
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Title: Out Of The Fire (Part two)
Fandom: Supernatural AU
Main Characters series: Reader, Lieutenant Firefighter!Dean Winchester, Lawyer!Sam Winchester, Jessica Winchester (Moore), Nurse!Lisa Braeden (Formerly Winchester), Ben Braeden-Winchester, Harper Winchester (OFC), Charlie Bradbury, Firefighter!Benny Lafitte, Firefighter!Jo Harvelle, Firefighter!Castiel Novak, Claire Novak, Mechanic!John Winchester, Firefighter Captain!Ellen Harvelle, Mechanic!Bobby Singer, Doctor!Arthur Ketch, Nick Vaught and many more!
Pairings: Dean x Reader (eventual), Dean x Lisa (past), Reader x Nick (past), Lisa x Ketch (current), Sam x Jessica (current)
Word count: ±2200 words
Series summary: A slow burn romance. Reader is trying to get away from her troubled past and start fresh; a new name, new town, new friends, and a new job. A clean slate. After years of planning and saving, she is able to open her own business. With the help of her best friend and business partner, Charlie Bradbury, and her new flirty firefighter friend, she is hopeful, even when disaster strikes and her past threatens to catch up with her years later. 
Part two summary: Flashback to when you first met your green eyed hero and their budding romance. 
Warnings series: NSFW, 18+ only! Fire or mentions of fire, fluff (so much fluff), angst, eventual smut, mutual pining, alcohol abuse, alcohol intoxication, mentions of domestic abuse (physical, verbal), mentions of miscarriage, mentions of adultery/cheating, mentions of death, dangerous or life threatening situations, stress, descriptions of injuries, blood, hospital scenes, character death. 
Author’s note: Here is part two! I hope you enjoy this chapter and all it’s fluffy goodness! :)
A special thank you to @that-one-gay-girl and @deanwanddamons for being the wonderful beta’s that you are! Your feedback is always appreciated! Check out their awesome work and spread some love!
All graphics and dividers done by me! :)​
If you like this story, please don’t hesitate to leave a like, comment and if you’re feeling extra generous, share! Your feedback gives me live and motivation! If you would like to be tagged in the series, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Thank you and let’s enjoy this ride together!
<<-- Read part one, here!
Out of the Fire Masterlist!
Interested in more of my work, check out the link below.
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About five weeks ago.
The shop was busier than usual, but being the final days of summer, it was expected. It wasn't anything you or Charlie  couldn't handle, of course, but it sure did make for long days and even longer nights of cleanup. 
"Charlie, table two needs refills, table six never got their vanilla lattes, and table four is ready to pay." You announced as you joined your partner behind the counter with a handful of dirty mugs and plates, having just made one of many rounds through the seating area.
The two of you danced around each other gracefully, moving in harmony as you switched from one task to another. “On it.” She acknowledged, already preparing the missing drinks and throwing in a complimentary pastry for the mistake.
You set the pile of dishes down into the sink before turning to the next customer in line, flashing him a friendly smile. “Yes, hi, how can I help you?” You greeted urgently, looking up to meet a set of stunning green eyes. You faltered slightly, taken by surprise by his strikingly good looks.
He smiled, almost bashfully, as he began to place his order, seeming not to notice your hesitation. “A round of coffees, black, for me and my buddies ,” He motioned toward the booth near the large bay window which was occupied by three other bodies; two men and one woman, all of whom adorned matching uniforms. “Cream and sugar on the side. Oh, uh, larges… or eh, talls?” He added with a sheepish chuckle, clearly unfamiliar with the coffee house lingo.
You couldn’t help but giggle at that, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth to prevent yourself from smiling more and potentially embarrassing him. “Venti.” You corrected him playfully. You saw the confused look on his face, his head cocking like a confused puppy, before adding, “For our ‘large,’” 
You used air quotes to emphasize your point, rolling your eyes at the technical terminology. “It’s venti.” You saw it the moment he understood what you were telling him, and he chuckled again, not missing the way he ducked his head to hide the slight flush to his freckled cheeks.
 “Never too old to learn something new.” He chuckled again and winked at you, the gesture setting butterflies loose inside of your stomach. It was your turn to look away this time, your face hot with a blush. He fished his wallet from his dark blue cargo pants, looking at the assortment of baked goods.
“Throw in a few of those bagels and croissants, too, please.” He added, casting his gaze down at the display case once again. “Oh, and a piece of that cherry pie.” He added almost dreamily, pulling out a couple of twenties. 
Upon further inspection, you took notice of the soot and ash that dirtied his face and darkened his hair in certain places. He had dark circles under his gorgeous eyes, too, clearly exhausted after a long shift. You glanced in the direction of his crew members, finding much of the same. “Long night?” You asked, trying to be friendly as much as you were curious.
“I look that rough, huh?” He teased, a look of mock offense accompanying his handsome features.
 You shook your head, a smile still curving your lips at the corners, “Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that.” You clarified hastily as you calculated his order  into the register, making a point to leave off the coffees; it was the least you could do for him… eh, them, right?  
He winked again and laughed, the sound deep in his chest, assuring you that he was only teasing. “I know you didn’t,” The corner of his mouth turned up into a smile, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, watching your face and the way you tried to suppress your smile. “How much do I owe you, sweetheart?” He asked, glancing down at the display screen. 
The term of endearment made your heart flutter slightly, and you couldn’t keep the smile from creeping onto your face again. You swallowed the feeling down, pressing the enter key before you read aloud his total. 
“That’ll be $19.94, Mr. Firefighter.” He rose a questioning brow at the total, glancing up at the menu prices. “Coffee’s on the house.” You added quickly with a closed-lip smile, your eyes sincere. “It’s the least I can do for your services.” 
Several emotions seemed to make their way across his face, contorting it briefly before settling on gratitude. “Thank you.” He said, his voice genuine. He held out one of the twenty-dollar bills, paying for his order. “That was really kind of you, truly.” He smiled softly, glancing down at the name tag attached to your apron. “(Y/N).”
A smile formed on your lips before you could stop it, and your cheeks flushed at the way he said your name, your eyes finding the name embroidered onto the left side of his dark blue button-up shirt, opposite of a silver badge over his heart. Red patches were on either sleeve, proudly showing off the station they serve. “It’s no trouble, Lieutenant Winchester...” You promised with a sly smile. 
He laughed, appreciating your observation. “Dean.” He insisted as you accepted the bill. Your fingers touched, brushing against each other softly. The touch, however slight, was like an electric shock, igniting every part of your body. 
There was an annoyed grunt behind the firefighter, but the two of you paid little attention to it. You put the money into the till and collected his change, but Dean insisted that he didn’t need it. He walked backwards to his table, his bottom lip drawn up between his teeth. The two of you couldn’t seem to stop watching each other, nor did you want to, silently flirting with your eyes. 
You giggled when he bumped into an unoccupied table, watching as he almost knocked over its contents and awkwardly fumbled with the accompanying chair that nearly fell over. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled self-consciously, trying to conceal his embarrassment. He ducked his head when he got back to his table, his friends giving him a hard time. 
He hid his face in his palms as a dark-haired man with scruff and blue eyes clapped a hand against Dean’s shoulder, booming with laughter. “Smooth,” You heard the blonde female tease, snickering at her partner. You watched them as you gathered up their order, blushing when you caught him stealing a few glances your way. When finished, you brought their order out to them personally, earning you another wink from the fireman.
The rest of the shift went by in a blur, unable to get those emerald eyes out of your head. Charlie had seemed to notice your distraction and, in perfect Charlie fashion, commented on it as you were closing up shop. “That fireman sure left his mark on you, huh?” She teased, a knowing smile drawing her lips up. 
You scoffed at her and tried to play it off like you didn’t know what she was talking about… and failing. “W-What? No - No, I - Who? I don’t know what you’re talking about, Charlie.” You muttered, locking the doors and placing the keys into your pocket.
She looked skeptical and cocked her hip, propping a hand there. “Uh-huh, sure.” She stated, waving her hands. “And I’m not the Queen of Mordor.” She said sarcastically, “Oh wait, I am.” She said exaggeratedly with her hands thrown in the air, referencing her extracurricular activity of LARPing. 
You rolled your eyes fondly at your best friend; she’d dragged you along to her LARPing weekends on more than one occasion, and you’d humored her, going along with it because it made Charlie happy. “You can’t fool me, sista, now spill the beans.” She insisted, following behind you with the broom as the pair of you cleaned up.
You sighed, wiping down one of the tables and the chairs that joined it, already knowing that you wouldn't win this battle against the feisty redhead. “I don’t know…” You hesitated, chewing on your bottom lip as you thought about the encounter. “I can't explain it, I don’t know how to explain it… but there was just something about him… y'know?" You recalled, picking up one of the chairs and putting it on the table. "I just… I can’t quite put my finger on it…"
Charlie giggled, "Bet you wish you could." She teased, clearly hinting at more than she said. You gasped and feigned innocence, throwing the towel at her. Charlie laughed more, catching the soiled cleaning cloth before it collided with her face. "Oh, come on (Y/N)! I know that look in a woman's eye. I’ve seen it dozens of times! You want him. Bad!"
She threw the cloth back, and you caught it with ease. "Jeez, you make me sound so desperate." You grumbled, not denying Charlie's observation, despite the dramatics. 
Charlie hadn't missed a beat, and she grinned, a cocky sparkle in her eyes. "So you do like him." She chimed accusingly, clearly happy to be right.
You rolled your eyes again, moving onto the next table as Charlie continued sweeping under the one you'd just cleared. "Okay. Yeah, fine." You admitted, "I thought he was cute and charming and sexy in that uniform," 
Charlie made an ‘I-knew-it’ face, but you continued before she could make a sly remark, "But it doesn't matter. It's not like I'm ever gonna see him again." You stated with a reluctant sigh, spraying down the next table with the cleaning agent, trying to hide the disappointment lingering in your voice. You began to scrub at a stubborn spot on the table, trying to distract yourself.
Charlie frowned sadly, reading into your mood, and leaned the broom down against the table before closing the space between you. "I'm sorry for being pushy. It's just that you work all the time. When was the last time you did anything for yourself?" You were about to answer when she held up a finger, "Other than this café. This doesn't count, this is work." 
She had a point. You couldn't remember the last time you'd done anything that didn't involve this little shop. "Exactly. I just wanna see you have some fun and that," She thumbed over her shoulder toward the door, referring to Dean, "was fun." You chuckled softly, your cheeks getting warm at the thought. 
"You deserve to live a little,” She put her arms on your shoulders and squeezed affectionately, “Especially after what that snake put you through." You frowned at the reminder, dread coiling inside of your stomach and a frown pulled at your lips at the mention of your ex, Nick. 
Like always, Charlie didn’t let you get too lost in your thoughts, "And who knows, maybe he has an equally attractive sister for me." She added with a playful shrug and a giggle, effectively distracting you. "Fate works in mysterious ways, sista; you never know what she might throw your way." She added mysteriously, wiggling her eyebrows for added effect. 
As it turns out, Charlie was right. Fate did work in mysterious ways because, in the weeks that followed, Dean continued to show up, sometimes with his crew, but mostly by himself. The times he showed up varied, depending on his work scheduled, which you soon noticed was quite busy. Regardless of the hour, he always showed. 
It wasn't long before you memorized his order by heart; a venti coffee, black, and a slice of pie; whichever flavor was baked for the day's special. The flavor never seemed to be an issue for the firefighter, but it didn’t take you long to realize that cherry was clearly his favorite, with pecan  a close second. 
The pair of you flirted and subtly got to know each other as time went on, teetering somewhere between acquaintances and friends. He’d flirt. You’d flirt. But it never went any further than that.
Charlie teased you about it the whole time, of course. She wouldn’t be your best friend if she hadn’t. You’d just roll your eyes or shake your head every time she’d urge you to "grow a pair and ask him out already." 
You wanted to. Of course, you wanted to; you’d be an idiot not to want that.
But you didn't, of course, because you were too embarrassed and too afraid to act on your feelings. You'd done that once before already, and you paid one hell of a price for it. Hell, in a way, you still were. Nick left such a nasty scar on your heart; you weren't sure if you could ever love again. You were in a constant state of fear, afraid of being hurt again.
Charlie, being the wonderful best friend that she is, always tried to remind you that love… true love… would never hurt you. That real love was the stuff of magic and fairy tales. That what you had with Nick wasn’t love. It helped, a little, but that fear never truly went away, you just sort of learned to live with it.
Maybe someday you’ll feel differently.
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And there you have it. Part two is complete. I hope you enjoyed that chapter as much as I did. Awkward/adorable Dean is one of my favs. Haha. 
As always, thanks for reading! 
Read part three, here! -->>
Out of the Fire (series)
@vicmc624 // @anotherspnfanfic // @krazykelly // @compresshischest09 // @thefamilybusiness  
105 notes · View notes
That’s Christmas To Me| Julie and The Phantoms Cast
Dream-a-little-bigger-x’s Countdown to Christmas 
Day 4 
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A/N: I got so excited when I saw this one was the next one I had to write! I hope you enjoy! I also wanna thank @calamitykaty​, @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​, @vrthngiwnt​ and @bright-molina​ for letting me pick your brains and bounce some ideas off of you. I love you loads! 
Pairing: Platonic! JATP Cast x fem!reader
Summary: 2022, season 2 was about to be released on Netflix and the cast was invited to promote the show on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. A dream come true. When the host asks them for their favorite holiday memory together, the cast immediately flashes back to that time at the Christmas Markets. 
Song(s) used: That’s Christmas To Me - Pentatonix | Happy Xmas (War is Over) - Echosmith ft. Hunter Hayes
Warnings: Spiked hot chocolates, but no one gets drunk and no one drinking is underage. 
Words:  3,970
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Checking her outfit in the full-length mirror once again, y/n sighed nervously. All dressed out to the max for her very first talk show. Her styling team had outdone themselves once again. The gold flared pants, the white satin button down shirt and the white heels just made her feel so fabulous. 
Though she couldn’t deny the fact that she was nervous. She was going on a live show, not any live show, but the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, nonetheless. Her family watched that show religiously every single night. That thought did not calm her down either. 
A soft knock made her snap out of her thoughts and turn around to find Madison in the doorway with an excited smile on her face. “You look gorgeous!” she exclaimed excitedly and ran up to her newest best friend, engulfing her into a tight hug. 
She was sporting a gray glittery jumpsuit with black pumps strapped on her feet, her makeup done beautifully and her natural curls flowing over her shoulders with bejeweled clips pulling it out of her face. 
“So do you!” y/n retorted with the brightest smile she could muster, though Madison could see right through her and squeezed her hands reassuringly. “My heart is thumping.” The words came out in a whisper as though she was telling a secret. 
“So is mine, but we can do this. We got each other, okay?” 
Y/N and Madison had gotten along straight away the first day y/n came to set. It was nerve-wracking to weasel yourself into a tight group of cast members who’ve already spent two years working together, but they made it so agreeable. The first day, Madison and Owen came up to her and started bombarding her with so many questions about herself and her character. All she knew about the latter was that she’d be Reggie’s love interest and the villain’s niece who worked for him to try and get Reggie, Luke and Alex into his club. Which of course, would not work out as y/n’s character would fall for the bassist too. 
The entire cast welcomed her into their group straight away and the whole process became so enjoyable to the point where it just didn’t feel like work anymore. It just felt like spending time with friends and trying to memorize words and songs at the same time. It was weird. But so much fun. And now, they were able to finally promote said season. 
“Madison, y/n, time to go,” one of the show runners said to them when he passed y/n’s dressing room. The two girls nodded and after a simultaneous deep inhale and exhale of stress, they made their way to the hallway where the boys were waiting. 
Charlie and Jeremy offered y/n a wide smile to ease her nerves a little before Charlie held out his hand in front of him. “We got this. Legends on three?” The others nodded and, with a content smile on her face, y/n placed her hand on top of Charlie’s. 
“One,” said Charlie. 
“Two,” Jeremy and Madison added in unison. 
“Three!” Owen and y/n finished and all five their hands went up in the air as they yelled out “Legends!” Though it was scary, y/n knew she had four amazing people that would guide her through it. 
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“Please, welcome the cast of Julie and The Phantoms!” Jimmy introduced them and, while the Roots played the infamous intro song, the cast walked through the red curtain. Madison and y/n ahead, holding one another’s hands as to not fall in their heels, then followed Charlie, Jeremy and Owen. 
The audience cheered and applauded until they sat down and the music faded away. “Welcome, welcome!” Jimmy said excitedly. “Thank you for being here!” The cast beamed at the host, unable to contain their excitement nor nerves. 
“Thanks for having us,” said Charlie, the polite Canadian. 
“So, exciting news, season two of your show Julie and The Phantoms premieres on Netflix tonight, is that correct?” 
“Yes!” all five said, though not quite in unison, and the crowd roared again. Y/N couldn’t hide the smile on her red painted lips as she looked out into the sea of people. 
Jimmy turned to the crowd, “If the people at home have never heard of your show, how would you explain it?” His eyes fell on the girl closest to his desk, which was Madison, allowing her to answer the question. 
“Uhm… Julie and The Phantoms is about this girl, Julie, who tragically lost her mom and, with it, her love for music. That is until one day, she plays this old CD she finds and out pop these three lovable, dorky ghosts who used to be in a band in the 90’s, called Sunset Curve. They died when they ate bad hot dogs--” the crowd let out a laugh, and it made Madison chuckle too. “Yeah! -- Anyway, and so these boys kind of help her find her love for music again and they form a band, called Julie and The Phantoms as the audience can see the ghosts when they play with Julie. And a lot of things happen and it’s funny and light and cute!” 
Jimmy let out a chuckle too, “And now there’s a season 2!” Another cheer erupted from the crowd. “What can you tell us about season 2, Charlie?” he directed the question to the boy next to the newbee. 
“A lot happens! We see what happens with Nick and Caleb, and we meet Philippa, Pips, Covington who will stir up some crazy stuff in the boys’ lives, especially Reggie’s,” he explained with a grin. He stirred in his seat a little before placing his arm on the back of the couch, behind y/n’s head. The girl tried not to react to the overwhelmingly amazing scent of sandalwood that emanated from this movement. 
Jimmy’s eyes landed on y/n and she was certain that for a moment, he knew what she was thinking, but then he asked her a question instead. “How was it for you, y/n, as the newcomer to the cast? Did they immediately embrace you or did  you have trouble being accepted?” 
“I hated it--” she replied seriously,  but then giggled, “No, I loved it! They were so kind and so welcoming, I immediately felt like I was part of their tight group. It did feel strange at first, I’m not gonna lie. But after a while, coming to work didn’t really feel like working anymore.” 
“And your character, Phillipa, was she accepted by the other characters?” 
She cleared her throat of any nerves before answering. “Pippa was… well-- she was working for her dead great-uncle, so she had to make sure she was accepted and weasled herself into the friend group pretty quickly. She knew how to get to Reggie especially and thanks to him, got into their friend group.”
“That’s amazing. I’m so excited to watch! My daughters are eight and nine, and they loved season 1 of Julie and The Phantoms. They’re thrilled to see the new season!” 
A chorus of “aw”s were shared within the cast as well as throughout the audience. 
“Yeah, they’re pretty cute.” He picked up his cue cards to remind himself of the next bullet point he needed to talk about. “Oh! Since it’s almost Christmas, I like to ask my guests to tell us a fun holiday themed story before I send them off, do you guys have a fun holiday themed story for us?” 
The cast exchange glances until Owen asked, “Should we talk about the Christmas market we did last year after filming?” The rest of the cast made sounds of agreement with a few giggles mixed in between. 
“Tell us about the Christmas Market!” Jimmy shouted excitedly, almost resembling a five-year-old getting their Christmas presents early. 
Owen took the lead on this one. “So, we were all in Vancouver, we had wrapped season 2 and we would soon be going home, but we decided to spend one last night together at a Christmas market in Vancouver city…”    
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Bundled up in layers of sweaters and a thick coat, y/n trekked through the layer of snow that blanketed to grounds of Vancouver City. She was trying her hardest not to focus on the blistering cold that nipped at her nose but rather on the story Charlie was telling the others in front of her. His voice boomed into the busy streets, along with the others’ laughter. 
She always loved the way Charlie told his stories about every wild adventure he’d ever been on and the way Owen quipped back with the wittiest of comebacks. Or how Madison would chime in with her typical Gen Z humor none of the boys understood. Y/N was sure going to miss the entire dynamic of the group when they were back home. 
Thousands of lights flickered above y/n’s head as they strolled through the entrance of the infamous Vancouver Christmas Market. She let her eyes take in the beauty whilst her stomach fluttered from excitement. Her love for Christmas Markets had never faltered over the years. It still excited her in the same way it did when she was just a child. 
“Can we get a hot chocolate first? I’m freezing!” Savannah suggested, her teeth chattering as she snuggled into her thick scarf. Smiling, y/n hooked her arm around hers and pulled her closer in hopes the warmth of all her layers would help the blonde girl a little. 
“I heard they have a unique recipe that only the Christmas Market here ever uses!” Charlie added with a wide grin before leading the gang towards the warm beverage kiosk. It resembled a cabin from a ski resort, decked out all the way with Christmas lights and foliage. 
The group stood in front of the kiosk and read the menu to figure out whatever they’d want to drink. “Ooh, that Peppermint Hot Chocolate sounds delish,” Owen said, and when y/n’s eyes landed on the words, her mouth curled up into a smirk. 
“We’re going that route tonight, hm?” 
The hot chocolate he was talking about was spiked with peppermint schnapps and chocolate liqueur. This sounded right up y/n’s street, and she knew it would warm Savannah up from the inside. 
“Follow me or don’t follow me, that’s up to you, but I am taking that route tonight.” Owen rubbed his gloved hands together until the lady inside the kiosk looked up at him, signalling that it was his turn to order. “A peppermint hot chocolate, please.” He sounded way too confident for someone who had just turned 21 that year. 
The woman peered over her half-moon glasses, letting her eyes glide from his eyes to his toes before sneering, “ID, please.” Owen’s mouth dropped open and with a lot of cursing underneath his breath, he reached for his wallet. 
“Ha! Owen’s getting ID’d!” Charlie cackled, shaking his head. The woman’s eyes darted over to the second boy, giving him the same one-up before raising her eyebrows as if saying “I’m gonna get you too, little boy”. 
And she did. She ID’d Charlie too. No one else but Charlie and Owen, which everyone had a good laugh at as they were sipping their hot chocolates, which for three out of ten isn’t spiked. 
While Jeremy and Booboo were still teasing the two boys, y/n turned around and let her eyes scan the entire view in front of her. All the pretty lights and the snow whirling to the ground so gracefully and the music floating through the air made the cold more bearable. 
A gasp eliciting from Jadah’s tiny body made y/n snap out of her thoughts and turn to the younger cast member. Her eyes were wide and shimmering, looking up at the tall Christmas tree that was towering above their heads with tens of thousands of lights blinking back at them. 
“Isn’t that the walk-through Christmas tree?!” she asked, excitedly. 
Madison took her hand and, giggling, they weaved through the sea of people towards the one-of-a-kind festive fairyland. Y/N exchanged glances with the rest before they, too, made a beeline towards the tree, dodging people left and right. 
“Hey, Owen, are you sure you’re gonna be able to fit?” y/n asked the tall Oklahoman teasingly. The boy’s mouth dropped open, and before she could properly register it, he started chasing her. She ran past Madison and Jadah, and tried to duck behind any other visitor until he eventually picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. The girl shrieked, prior to a giggle.  
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Jimmy’s voice echoed over y/n’s flashback to the most festive night of that year. “You guys really sound like a close group of friends.” 
“Yeah! We are! We’re like a little family!” Charlie replied, dropping the arm that was on the back of the sofa around the girl’s shoulder. 
“What happened next?” Jimmy then questioned, curiously. The whole scene almost resembled a toddler listening to his bedtime story. 
Jeremy cleared his throat with a chuckle. “Well, if this night were a movie, you’d now have a cute montage of us going through that magical tree and on the carousel like little children.” 
“Yeah, you’d see us stuff our faces with churros and pretzels,” y/n added, making Jimmy and the crowd laugh. 
“And we got a lot of Christmas shopping done too!” Madison chimed in with a smile. “I actually got everyone’s present when they were right there with me. None of them noticed.” 
“Oh, no, I noticed,” y/n replied with a smirk, to which Madison reacted with widened eyes. 
“What’s next?!” Jimmy queried. His eyes were glistening as he listened to the cast talk. He just loved their dynamic and how well they got along with one another. 
Y/N continued the story as her mind tumbled back into her daydream. 
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The music had stopped just a few minutes ago, but only now y/n’s ears picked up on the sudden absence. Knitting her eyebrows together, she lifted her eyes to the stage in the corner of the market where singers were carolling minutes ago, and was now completely empty. As the small amount of alcohol made her brain a little woozy, her teeth gnawed on her bottom lip in thought. 
“Guys… Should we--Should we go sing a song?” she suggested, causing all of them to look up in surprise. “There’s no one on the stage… Should we?” she pointed at the podium to emphasize what she meant. 
As smiles appeared on each of their faces, the group walked up to the stage and grabbed a microphone each. Charlie reached for the acoustic guitar on the stand, but y/n stopped him. 
“Let’s do a capella for once?” she told him tenderly. 
When his eyes met hers, she felt her lungs expand with the gasp that left her body. How gorgeous could one’s eyes be. But with that one look, the boy also knew what song she wanted to sing. The one song that had been stuck in her head for the past month during filming. And the rest of the crew knew too because when y/n counted them in softly, they all started to sing along. Their voices mingling perfectly and floating throughout the night sky. 
“The fireplace is burning bright, shining all on me I see the presents underneath the good old Christmas tree And I wait all night 'til Santa comes to wake me from my dreams Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me”
Savannah locked eyes with y/n and a smile fell to their lips before they looked out to the audience they had assembled with their harmonies reaching across the entire Christmas Market. 
“I see the children play outside, like angels in the snow While mom and daddy share a kiss under the mistletoe And we'll cherish all these simple things wherever we may be Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me”
Owen came to stand next to y/n and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they all sang the chorus together, the tall blondie on lead vocals and the others harmonizing in the background. 
“I've got this Christmas song in my heart”
“Song in my heart”
“I've got the candles glowing in the dark I'm hanging all the stockings by the Christmas tree Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me”
As though they had prepared the entire performance, Booboo led them into the next verse while the others acted as backing vocals for him. His warm, deep voice sent chills down everyone’s spines, especially of the people in the crowd. 
“I listen for the thud of reindeer walking on the roof As I fall asleep to lullabies, the morning's coming soon”
His cast mates then joined in again and together, they sang the chorus once again with Jeremy taking lead this time. While they did, y/n took a hold of Savannah’s gloved hand, squeezing it as they looked at each other with intent in their eyes. Like they meant what they were singing to one another. 
“The only gift I'll ever need is the joy of family Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me I've got this Christmas song in my heart”
“Song in my heart”
“I've got the candles glowing in the dark I'm hanging all the stockings by the Christmas tree Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me”
Y/N turned her head to the other side now, locking eyes with Tori and Sacha, and shooting them a wink before they lapsed into the chorus one last time. It felt good to sing with everyone for once. During filming, it was always just a select group of people that got to sing together. 
“Oh, the joy that fills our hearts and makes us see Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me I've got this Christmas song in my heart I've got the candles glowing in the dark And then for years to come we'll always know one thing That's the love that Christmas can bring Oh, why? 'Cause that's Christmas to me”
As the crowd erupted into cheers and applause, the group shared an intense look, one that said they were always going to be friends. No matter how far away they’ll be from tomorrow on. Even if they don’t get picked up for a third season, they’re always going to be there for each other and be the best of friends forever. The only gift they’ll ever need is the joy of family. And they were family. 
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“That was so beautiful!” Jimmy exclaimed after they’d told him about everything that had happened that night in a short synopsis. “Now, I believe you’re gonna sing for us now?” 
The cast nodded in unison. “Okay, what are you bringing us tonight? The song you sang at the Christmas market?” 
Madison giggled, “No, though we love that song, there’s one we collectively think is one of the greatest Christmas songs ever. It’s the ultimate classic Happy Xmas, War is Over by John Lennon.” 
“Amazing! You can go get ready!” he gestures to the tiled floor in front of the red curtain where the crew had set up their instruments and five microphones for them. “Catch Julie and The Phantoms season 2 on Netflix from tonight! They’re singing for us now. Madison, y/n, Charlie, Jeremy and Owen, take it away!” 
Owen counted them in by slamming his sticks together and then began playing the rhythm of the song. Y/N then chimed in with the jingling of the tambourine before the other boys and Madison joined with their respective instruments. Soon after, Madison’s voice floated through the talk show’s studio. 
“So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over A new one just begun”
When the girls lock eyes, they shoot one another a wink before y/n takes over the next part of the verse. 
“And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun The near and the dear ones The old and the young”
Then the boys chime in, their voices mingling as they linger in the air for everyone to hear and enjoy. Y/N lets her eyes dart over to Charlie, who’s already looking at her with a smile on his face. 
“A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fears”
The others shut up, giving Charlie the floor now. He really was born to be a rockstar. The way he just owned the stage and looked like an absolute legend, singing his heart out and playing his guitar like a pro. And he’d only started learning when he was on season 1 of Julie and The Phantoms. 
“And so this is Christmas For weak and for strong The rich and the poor ones The world is so wrong”
For a split second, he locked eyes with y/n again as she took over and faced the audience with a smile, still working her little tambourine for the extra jingles. Somehow, this just felt like one of their jam sessions during rehearsals and not at all like it was a live broadcast on national television. 
“And so happy Christmas For black and for white Ooh, for everyone Let's stop all the fights”
Their voices mingled together again, and, in a boost of confidence, y/n grabbed the mic from its stand and walked over to Jeremy, rocking out with him as he shredded on the bass. 
“A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fears”
The music slowed down, and while Madi, Owen and Jeremy took care of the soft backing vocals, y/n walked over to Charlie and sang the lines to one another, never breaking eye contact. 
“And so this is Christmas And what have we done Another year over A new one just begun”
The music picked back up. Madison took over this time, and while y/n worked her tambourine, she danced her way towards the Latina girl with a smile plastered on her face. 
“And so happy Christmas We hope you have fun The near and the dear ones The old and the young”
She then turned to Owen as he took over on the next part. He shot her a quick wink whilst his mouth curled up on one side. “A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear”
Each taking their turn, starting with Owen, they all sang a part of the backing vocals while the boys and Madison played the instrumental intermezzo. “Merry Christmas” 
“So this is Christmas”
“War is over now” 
Returning back to her spot, y/n placed her mic on the stand again, and along with the others, sang the very last lines of the song. 
“War is over If you want it It’s over now”
The crowd erupted into cheers and applause while the band assembled in the middle of the stage. Charlie grabbed y/n’s hand and gave it a small, reassuring squeeze. All five of them together took a bow before exchanging knowing glances. 
This time around, they knew they were going to see each other tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that as they were doing all the promo they could. It felt a lot more reassuring than it did that day at the Christmas Market when they had no clue when they’d see each other again. Though all of them knew that this was still the only gift they’ll ever need. Their little found family.  
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JATP taglist: @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​@thequirkybookaholic​ @bookdealer5​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @hemmingsness​ @iainttakingshitfromnobody​ @ifilwtmfc​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​ @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon​​ @caitsymichelle13​​ @calamitykaty​ @wiselight​ @kcd15​​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​ @stars-soph​ @kinda-really-lost​ @notasofti​ @alexpjoyner​ @n0wornever​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @tefilovesreading​ @pxperphxntom​ @crybabyddl​ @parkeret​ @headheartbellarke​ 
Names crossed out are the ones I couldn’t tag. 
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
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waywardodysseys · 4 years
Eight Days of Christmas - Day 2
Winter Wonderland
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x female reader
Warnings: cussing, fluff
Summary: Your third Christmas with Ransom Drysdale.
Day 1
(divider by @firefly-graphics)
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Ransom taps the steering wheel. He hates driving during the holiday season. The roads are packed with crazy drivers who disobey traffic signs and flip one another off if they don’t get their way. Blaring horns drown out the Christmas music coming from the radio as Ransom slams on his breaks, “Oh fuckin’ come on! GODdamn it!” He’s about to lose his mind as he waits patiently, tries to at least. Ransom sighs as snow begins to fall from the overcast clouds above. It’s not going to help with the traffic, but it would definitely add to the wow factor for tonight.
He and Y/N have plans to drive over to Somerville and take in the Illuminations Tours the town holds annually. Another tradition they had started three Christmases ago when they spent the holidays together for the first time. Ransom recalls they had started a few traditions that year - picking out and decorating the tree then making love, shopping at Faneuil Hall, baking sweet treats, ice skating and sledding, spending Christmas Eve with her family, spending Christmas Day with his, and of course, seeing Christmas lights. 
Minutes later as night moves in and he’s finally out of the traffic, Ransom heads towards his, no, their house. He had gifted Y/N with a key last Christmas, making their living together arrangements official. He parks the Beamer and keeps the engine running as he jogs to the front door, which swings open, revealing you in a couple of layers of clothing. He smiles, knowing you’ve been waiting for him to arrive. “Ready to begin the evening?”
You smile, “Yes!”
Ransom checks to make sure the door is locked then escorts you to the running car. “Good.” He helps you in then walks over to the driver’s side and climbs in. “I’m ready too.”
“So, you have been eagerly awaiting tonight?” you question as he begins driving. You hear soft Christmas music playing. “And you're listening to Christmas music? Oh my!” You chuckle as Ransom glances at you.
“What can I say? I have someone in my life who’s shown me what Christmas means. And how to take it all in, instead of pushing it all aside and avoiding it.” Ransom grins, “And yes, I have been waiting for tonight.” He motions a hand towards the windshield, “And it is snowing. Bonus to make it beautiful this year.”
You can't believe your ears. When it came to Christmas, Ransom was still hesitant about a few things, yet he was slowly opening himself up to the magic of the season when it came around. You already knew you had opened the door marked Christmas and showed him plenty of things over the course of spending two Christmases together; this year would mark the third one. He was becoming less and less of a Grinch as the years passed on. “Soon enough I won't be able to call you Grinch.”
Ransom chuckles, “I’ll always be your Grinch.” He takes your hand and kisses the back of it. “And your Saint Nick because I always give you what you want.” 
His deep, lust-filled voice heats your already warm body. Imagining him in a Santa suit and sitting in his lap is sending pleasure waves through you. “One day I’ll get you to wear a Santa suit, and you won't be able to tell me no.”
“As long as you know you’ll be the only one seeing me in it,” Ransom states as he parks the Beamer. “Then...maybe I’ll wear one.” He grins when he hears your soft laugh as the two of you climb out of the car. He’s by your side instantly and grabs your hand as the two of you begin walking towards the town square and Main Street.
You burrow into him and rest your head against his shoulder. “Finished with your Christmas shopping?”
When the two of you walk into the square, children are running about, some of them throwing snowballs, others building snowmen and making snow angels. The snow had been falling steadily for an hour, enough to coat the earth with a few inches. Carolers singing traditional and modern Christmas songs fill the air, along with the smell of fresh-baked cookies and hot chocolate. Main Street isn’t quite packed yet for a Friday evening, but it soon will be.
Ransom’s eyes take in the scene before him. He then squeezes your hand. “I already know what I’m getting you for Christmas,” he finally responds. “And everyone else.”
“What? Ransom Drysdale is finished Christmas shopping?” You give a laugh then continue, “We’ve already been to Quincy Market this year. Which come to think of it, you didn’t seem panicked, unlike the last two years when we went.”
Ransom shrugs, “What can I say? I was actually prepared this time.”
You stop and pull him towards you. You run your fingers over the bold patterned silk scarf with an array of colors you gave him last Christmas, which he wears nonstop. You loop your arms around his neck as you feel his arms snake around your body. You soak in this moment, never wanting to let go, never wanting to let him go. 
“Have I rendered you speechless, sweetheart?”
You nod in response before Ransom places his mouth against yours. He kisses you gently then deepens the kiss as he moves one hand down and pulls you further up against him. A few slow seconds tick by before he pulls faintly back and looks at you. His blue eyes are smiling along with his lips. “I love you, Y/N.”
Your heart swells with emotion. “I love you, Ransom.” You sweep your mouth against his once more, not paying attention to a few of the onlookers who are seeing the public display of affection. 
“So romantic,” an elderly woman remarks as she walks by with her husband.
Your cheeks feel hot as you faintly pull away from Ransom. He chuckles lightly as you burrow into the front of him, “Let’s enjoy this winter wonderland so I can get you home.”
You contently sigh, signaling you agree with him. He grabs your hand so the both of you can begin to walk along Main Street, taking in the businesses decked out with Christmas window displays. Soon you turn down a residential street, officially deemed “Candy Cane Lane”. No cars are allowed down the street, allowing people to wander from one side of the street to the other freely. 
The residential street is lined with houses decorated to the brim with Christmas decorations and lights. Some people are taking pictures to remember the night, while you and Ransom soak everything in as you stop and pause to look at each one. Plenty of people are oohing and awing at the countless Christmas decorations adorning every single house. The luminous, twinkling lights are intoxicating and inviting. Every color imaginable is on display for all to see.
A few houses did scenes from movies like Christmas Vacation, Polar Express, and A Charlie Brown Christmas. A couple of houses had inflatables along with their decorations. One house showed the Nativity Scene in all its glory. Another house had its lights in sync with a couple of Christmas songs, which filled the street with not only crunching snow but laughter as people watched it in delight. 
Every house is glorious like the last. Somerville Illuminations Tour never disappointed, especially when nearly the entire town partook in the event. The town was probably a beacon of light to aircraft flying nearby, or even the International Space Station flying high above the Earth. 
You and Ransom enjoy hot cocoa and warm gingerbread cookies when you return to the town square, taking in the carolers as they sing their melodies of Christmas tunes. More people are making their way through the Christmas light display along with some listening to the carolers sing too. Everyone is having a jolly time enjoying themselves with their loved ones. 
Once you two are finished with your sweet treats, you burrow into one another for warmth and head back to his Beamer then onward to home. Thoughts swirl through your mind, glad you are spending another holiday season with Ransom Drysdale and knowing soon enough Christmas might just turn out to be his favorite holiday.
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prettyboy-jimin · 4 years
Boys (1/4)
AU Summary: 
Jimin’s got insatiable tendencies that could easily drive anybody up the wall. If a boyfriend can't keep up with Jimin, he just keeps on going or he's going to find someone who can keep up. But then again, who says he only has one boyfriend?
(Or that poly AU where Jimin’s a proud slut with 3 boyfriends that know exactly how he likes to be fucked 6 ways to Sunday)
“I need that bad boy to do me right on a Friday and I need that good one to wake me up on a Sunday. That one from work can come over on Monday night. I want them all.” "Boys" - Charli XCX
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Park Jimin x Jeon Jungkook x Jung Hoseok 
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Chapter 1: Bad Boy Friday
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Park Jimin
Genre: Smut, Plot? What Plot?/ Porn Without Plot
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: BDSM themes, Rough S*x, mild choking
Summary: You can’t just pick up anyone from the club.
Jimin loves a good night out, loves the feel of everyone’s eyes on him as he walks into the club while the bass reverberates off the walls.
The bouncer greets him like an old friend, everyone else either ogling his nicely dressed ass or glaring at him for being treated as more important than them. He saunters over to the bar, tight ripped jeans working hard to keep themselves from ripping any further despite Jimin not minding in the slightest; his white shirt that was only half-way buttoned glowed underneath the warm lights of the bar, an old friend sliding over to greet him.
“What’ll it be for tonight, gorgeous?
 Jimin giggled, the light blush on his face darkening just a little bit. “Jinnie-hyung, you’re too sweet to me”
 Jin winked, teasing Jimin about how he loved it anyway. The dancer shoos him away with a request for his usual drink, swivelling around in his seat to scan the dance floor; roughly about a hundred sweaty bodies grinding against each other with the fair few that occupy the booths and tables towards the sides, drinking.
 Jimin loves this, the loud music, the vulnerability among strangers so everyone can have a good time. He finds himself here more often than any of his friends, not always getting drunk but always dancing his stress and frustrations away; years of dedicated movement had given him a love for physical escape.
 He doesn’t notice Jin turn up behind him with his drink; he catches the dancer’s attention with a coo as he garnishes his drink with a large strawberry.
 “Oh, hyung” Jimin preens, accepting the drink gratefully, “you spoil me!”
 Jin winks at him, “Only the best for my favourite”
 Jimin blushes as he takes a sip, Jin moving away once more to cater to the other customers. He turns in his seat once more, people-watching.
 And despite Jimin’s frequent visits to the club, a trip is never complete without strangers trying to flirt with him; tonight was no exception.
 “Hey cutie” a low voice says, the person it belongs to sliding up to Jimin much closer than what he would be comfortable with. He forces a smile at the stranger, not bothering to spare him a glance as he continues to sip from his drink and people watch, “You here alone?”
 It’s questions like that that irk him, they freak him out because he knew this wouldn’t be safe if he entertained this guy without any intentions of leaving with him, so Jimin did what he always did; face the stranger, give him a sweet smile before motioning for Jin to come over without breaking eye contact.
 “This guy bothering you, Jimin?” Jin asks, ready to either reach for a weapon or call security.
 The stranger backs away from Jimin’s space, nervous and slightly irritated from what everyone else can see he shakes his head and tells Jin that he was just leaving. Jimin waves him goodbye, thanking Jin as soon as he’s gone.
 “I swear, they get more and more insistent every time I’m out” he comments, finishing his drink and taking a bite of the strawberry.
 Jin laughs, wiping the countertop “Maybe you should hang around your boyfriends so no one else tries to hit on you”
 Jimin scoffs fondly, “As if they would want to come out as frequently as I do.”
 Jin agrees with a laugh as he’s whisked away to care for other customers. Jimin finishes his drink before standing, making his way to the dance floor himself.
 He feels eyes on him as he sways and dances his way to the middle of the group of bodies, several hands trying to cop a feel as he passes by but Jimin only revels in the attention he’s gathering.  A sultry smile makes its way to his face as a pair of hands pulls him against a warm body.
 Jimin came out tonight with a need that that only excitement can satiate.
 Jimin was greedy, everyone knew that, but he was greedy in a sense that everybody had to feel good. If who he was with didn’t feel good, how could he? It almost sounds conflicting, but it’s not.
 Jimin only wanted them to feel good because then they would feel the need to make him feel even better.
 Everyone knew Jimin’s reputation, that’s why too many eyes made their way to him. How could you ignore a star that shone as bright as he did when it was mere feet from you? You couldn’t.
 Like a moth to a flame, everyone in Jimin’s vicinity wanted him regardless if they’d hurt or not.
But Jimin was taken, everyone knew that... right?
 “Took you long enough to find me.” Jimin said softly, leaning onto the person’s shoulder and speaking into their ear so they could hear him “thought someone else was going to call dibs.”
 “As if they’d dare to fucking try” the person said, voice deep and roughed up. Jimin could smell the smoke from his breath, working hard to control himself ‘less he mash their lips together.
 Jimin always loved the taste of nicotine off someone’s tongue.
 “You never know” Jimin giggled, pressing his ass against a crotch he was beginning to drool over
“Someone asked if I came alone, if I said yes I think we’d be dancing here and you had to watch”
 “Pretty little thing like you wouldn’t settle for less” they said, Jimin couldn’t help but blush.
 Jimin swayed and danced against his dance partner, feeling them move with him as their hands gripped at his hips tightly. A hand travelled upwards, feeling over Jimin’s taut stomach and stopping at a nipple, circling it over the fabric of Jimin’s top. He let out a soft sigh, holding his head down as he tried not to be overwhelmed by it.
 He giggled mischievously, bring his head back up before he turned around, making his dance partner’s hands travel up to rest at his waist as his arms made it around their neck.
 “You always love to tease, don’t you Hyungie?” Jimin asked, his lips just a breath away.
 Yoongi chuckled, nipping at Jimin’s plump lower lip “You’re always into it”
 Jimin lunges forward, kissing Yoongi hungrily as his fingers bury themselves in Yoongi’s hair, one of the elder’s hands making its way to Jimin’s ass to squeeze and feel around for as much as he wanted. Jimin was practically lifted off his feet as Yoongi pulled him closer, trying to eliminate as much space between them as possible.
 Yoongi’s kisses are eager and greedy, but controlled and timed at the same time. Jimin loves how Yoongi always takes charge of him, loves how Yoongi takes care of Jimin no matter what their doing.
 The elder licks into Jimin’s mouth as the younger grinds against him and he lets Yoongi in with a smile, sucking on his tongue before the elder is kissing down his jaw, neck and biting at the juncture before Jimin’s shoulder. Jimin tries not to whine at Yoongi’s attention, regardless if the people around them could hear or not. It’s a club, it’s not like this kind of behaviour wasn’t expected.
 Jimin could feel Yoongi’s lips creep back up to his jaw, ghosting kisses all the while before he asks “Where’s your muscle pig boyfriend, anyway?”
 Jimin laughs at that, pulling at Yoongi’s hair with one hand while scratching down the length of his arm with the other in pure need. He looks at the elder and, for the first time that night, takes in what he’s wearing.  
 Yoongi’s sporting ripped skinny jeans that look a little like Jimin’s, albeit a lot less ripped. A black shirt and leather jacket to boot, Jimin’s favourite one, the one he always tries nick. He eyes Yoongi over once more before looking straight at him, seeing the elder smirk with pride. “He doesn’t matter right now” Jimin says, ghosting a kiss on Yoongi’s lips that has the elder pathetically chasing after for more.
 Jimin giggles again. “You’re hard”
 “You’re sexy” Yoongi says, slapping Jimin’s ass and making the younger jump in his arms with a moan “My place or yours?”
 “They’re one and the same”
 “Fuck you”
 “Yes please” Jimin hums, kissing Yoongi once more before feeling Yoongi up underneath his shirt. He was warm, almost hot underneath Jimin’s cold hands “And do it hard”
Jimin’s pushed back against his apartment door roughly as Yoongi’s mouth assaults his neck, the younger wrapping an arm around Yoongi’s neck as he tries to press his dick closer to his, needy and desperate.
 He moans shamelessly as he feels Yoongi bite and pull at his earlobe, grinding against the elder’s leg. “Yoongi, I-inside” he stutters, barely able to keep his voice level
 Yoongi feels for the keys in Jimin’s back pocket, glancing at the lock quickly before mouthing at the younger’s neck once more.
 By the time their inside, Jimin is gasping for breath as he toes his shoes off. Yoongi pauses from marking Jimin’s neck to try to get the button up off; Jimin goes to help him when Yoongi huffs in frustration.
 “I don’t understand why you wear this shit” He growls, ridding himself of his leather jacket and clothes “You know what you want by the end of the night yet you put shit on and make it hard get off”
 Jimin giggled at Yoongi’s complaints, knowing all too well that Yoongi loved how Jimin looks. “Do I look fuckable though?” He smirked, playfully winking at Yoongi as he kept his top on but shimmied out of his tight jeans
 Yoongi’s shirtless and only got his jeans left when Jimin is done, moving the opening of his top to the side to expose his collarbones and shoulder to the elder, doe eyes and jutted pout making him want to rearrange the young dancer’s guts.
 “Shut up” he growls, making Jimin giggle as Yoongi backs him all the way into the couch’s arm rest, their teeth clacking together slightly as Jimin’s back hits the cushion.
 Jimin’s hands reach for Yoongi’s zipper, undoing the fasten of his jeans before pulling it down just enough before he’s able to cup the large hard-on and moan into Yoongi’s mouth.
 “Just fuck me here” he breathes, biting and pulling Yoongi’s lip
 “Are you sure?”
 “Did I fucking stutter?”
 “I’m about to make you”
 Jimin knows being bratty is going to get him hurt, the glint in Yoongi’s eyes more than a telltale.
 Yoongi makes his way back to Jimin’s neck, his favourite place on Jimin’s body to leave scratches and bruises aside from the plush of his ass as he blindly but expertly pulls down Jimin’s boy-shorts. They’re the black silk ones that Jimin knows Yoongi loves but it seems the elder is too preoccupied to appreciate the fashion choice at the moment.
 “I fucking hate this shirt” Jimin hears him murmur, seeing that Yoongi’s tossed the silk underwear somewhere towards the TV.
 He smiles and giggles lightly, “I know you think I’m pretty in it, Hyung”
 Yoongi doesn’t answer him, Jimin knows it’s because anything he’ll say will still feed into Jimin’s teasing but Jimin doesn’t really care, all he can think about is how Yoongi is biting and sucking at the skin of his chest. It hurts so good and Jimin can already tell that it’ll last several days.
 Looks like he’s wearing turtle necks to work for the next week.
 “Lube” Yoongi groans, the rough pads of his fingers and the skin of his palms going over Jimin’s ass in circles. “Jimin I’m not spitting on your ass, as hot as it is, it’s not enough to open you up”
 Jimin chuckles, reaching underneath the couch as he comments on how well Yoongi takes care of him.
 “You know my name?” Yoongi whispers, kissing Jimin full on before breaking away to lean on the back of his heels.
 The young dancer smiles at Yoongi playfully as he watches the elder warm the bottle of lube between his hands. He arches his back off the cushion of the couch to pull the button up over his head, discarding it in the direction Yoongi threw his underwear towards.
 “Of course” he preens, teasingly.
 He watches Yoongi bite his lip, his eyes turning dark as he gets a reasonable amount of liquid onto his fingers and Jimin’s hole, a soft gasps escapes him; the feeling a new and welcomed one.
 Yoongi leans down as his fingers circle Jimin’s entrance, settling his weight onto his elbow beside Jimin’s head; the younger mouths at Yoongi’s mouth, teasing him for a kiss with his breath shallow and uneven.
 Just as Jimin’s lips are enveloped once more in Yoongi’s, he feels a familiar pressure break through his rim and is unable to control his gasp, moaning into Yoongi’s mouth. He feels the older man smile against his open mouth, taking this opportunity to slip his tongue into Jimin’s and search for his tongue.
 Jimin moans shamelessly into Yoongi, lifting his hips off the couch to grind into him, asking for more. He feels Yoongi thrusting his finger in and out slowly, getting Jimin used to the intrusion before adding another finger.
 “Yoongi—“ Jimin sighs, a hand in Yoongi’s hair once more and his face tucked into the crook of the elder’s neck “Please, I can take it. Give it to me”
 Yoongi ignored him, Jimin can tell. He pretends not to hear the younger’s pleas for more because he knows that too much too fast will hurt, regardless if Jimin likes it or not.
 “Y-Yoongi” he tries once more, voice as shaky and weak as ever “Y-Yoongi, you’re being, oohh shit, you’re being a p-prick”
 “Shut up” Jimin feels more than hears against his neck, Yoongi nipping at the skin sharply and making him yelp.
 When he feels that Jimin’s stretched enough with two fingers, he adds another, making him groan loudly and grind into Yoongi’s hard-on.
 “Fuck yes” Jimin pulls Yoongi from his neck, slitting their lips together as he moans at the familiar sensation. “Yoongi, I want you, please”
 “Have to make sure you’re stretched properly”
 “Fuck that, you know I love it when it hurts” he whines, his tongue licking into Yoongi’s as his hand cups Yoongi through his jeans “Just fucking do it”
 Yoongi curls his fingers up and presses, making Jimin yelp and shudder against him. “Why are you always so impatient, you fucking slut”
 Jimin smiles deliciously, Yoongi biting the bend of his jaw. “Why do you still not understand how good your dick is?”
 “Fine” Yoongi says and all of a sudden Jimin is lifted into a sitting position, the elder’s hand tightening on his throat making him smile “You wanna get fucked so badly?”
 Jimin grins at him and the next thing he knows, Yoongi’s lifted and bent him over the back of the couch, ass in the air and back arched as Yoongi pushed him down. Jimin feels Yoongi’s torso press against him, lips brushing the shell of his ear as he whispers.
 “I’d eat you out but you’re too greedy for your own good.”
 It takes a lot for Jimin not to whine, feeling Yoongi’s fingers make their way inside him once more to make sure he’s ready.
 “Give it to me”
 Jimin rolls his eyes in frustration, “Yoongi we’ve been sleeping together long enough for you to know I don’t give a shit about condoms” he says, hanging his head low impatiently “I’m clean and I know you are too so just fuck me for god s—Oh!”
 Jimin feels so full, his head is swimming. Yoongi had thrust his entire length into Jimin’s sweltering heat, stretching him a little more than he already had. Tears prick the edge of Jimin’s eyes and Yoongi places a soft kiss in the middle of his back, hips unmoving as he give the younger time to adjust. “You really need to shut the fuck up sometimes” he mumbles.
 Jimin groans as he throws his head back, his mouth hanging open as he feels Yoongi’s member pulsate inside of him. Profanities fall from his pretty lips, drool building in his mouth as Yoongi mouths at the small of his back.
 Yoongi begins to move slowly, pulling out completely before bottoming out again and again, Jimin’s moans low and faltering.
 “You love my cock” Yoongi says, panting slightly.
 Jimin giggles, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he grinds backwards to meet Yoongi’s thrusts eagerly. “You really gonna make me say it twice?”
 Yoongi’s pulled out all of his length except the head, lingering right at the edge of Jimin’s rim before weaving his fingers into Jimin’s blonde waves and tugging him close, moving into him at a torturously slow pace. “I’m gonna make you fucking scream it so the neighbours know.”
 Jimin moans at the sound of Yoongi’s voice; possessive and greedy; his body practically vibrating with excitement as he feels the elder fill him.
 Yoongi straightens his back away from Jimin, nudging the dancer’s knees further apart with his own before he starts thrusting into the younger mercilessly.
 Jimin yelps, surprised, digging his nails into the material of the couch and seeing stars everywhere. Yoongi doesn’t wait for Jimin’s hole to adjust for him any longer, the sound of wet skin clashing being the only thing that Jimin hears.
 With every thrust Jimin so desperately tries to meet halfway, he becomes more and more pliant; almost like putty if Yoongi wasn’t holding him up by his hair. Yoongi bites his lip, focusing on his consistency as the sounds of Jimin’s whines and begging encourage him further and further.
 Jimin can feel the large, callous hand on his hip dig their fingernails into his skin as Yoongi’s thrusts gradually become more and more calculated and rough. He can barely speak, saliva making its way just past his lips and down his chin. If this wasn’t a good fucking then Jimin didn’t know what could ever count as a good fucking.
 He almost feels kind of drunk, feels Yoongi starting to grind into him at an angle and choking as he hits that one sweet spot that drives Jimin crazy, cum leaking out of his hanging length underneath them both.
 “Yoongi, oh fu—Oh! Fuck.” He stutters, closing his eyes and pulling against Yoongi’s grip in his hair “Fuck, right there, right there, Yoongi, fuck me right there”
 The elder smirks and releases his grip Jimin’s hair, making the younger go completely boneless and curve over the back of the couch. With both hands on the young one’s hips, Yoongi’s thrusts become even rougher and harsher than before, making Jimin whine loudly.
 “What’s my name?” He grunts, a sweat breaking out down his temple.
 It takes Jimin a few seconds to process that he’s being asked a question, let alone a kind of question that he was expected to answer.
 “You’re... oh fuck me, yes” he slurs, trying to get a grip on the back rest and keep himself upright “You’re r-really... asking... m-me that... r-right n-now?”
 Yoongi tries not to laugh at how pathetic Jimin sounds, but the younger can feel the effect of his voice on Yoongi—laughter be damned.
 “Did you just...” he turns to look at Yoongi, eyes wide and unbelieving “Did you just get b-bigger?”
“I said” Yoongi smirked, thrusts hips paused, length completely enveloped in Jimin’s heat “What’s my fucking name?”
 He grinds into Jimin’s ass with every word, making the younger’s eyes roll back into his head once more. “Fuck...” he breathes “Yoongi, please”
 “Nope” Yoongi pulls out of Jimin completely, eliciting a whine before he expertly manoeuvres Jimin onto his back once more, Yoongi kneeling between his spread thighs as one hand works to get Jimin’s leg over his shoulder while the other founds its place on his neck, squeezing lightly. “What’s my fucking name?”
 Jimin can feel Yoongi’s length rub against his sore entrance, his body craving for the pain of the stretch and the foreign resident inside him.
 His eyes meet Yoongi’s, the soft brown darkening, almost black as Jimin smirks playfully. “Please” he whispers, struggling to breathe as Yoongi squeezes his throat “Daddy”
 At that, Yoongi surges forward, pressing Jimin’s knee to his chest as their mouths slot together. The hand previously holding the younger’s leg then lining Yoongi length to Jimin’s hole, making him moan into Yoongi’s mouth greedily.
 “That’s right” he says, lips just a breath away before he pushes them apart, hand still on Jimin’s throat as he begins to pound into him relentlessly.
 Yoongi loves listening to Jimin, he’s told the younger time and time again that he thinks he makes the prettiest sounds when he’s being fucked senseless. It’s why Jimin rarely ever holds back.
 Yoongi’s harsh pace sends him over the edge repeatedly, not caring at all about how loud he’s being, noise complaint be damned. Jimin’s at the point where he needs to breathe through his mouth like a dog because of how good everything feels, his tongue lolling out slightly as he tilts his head to the side to give Yoongi free reign of the bruised expansion of his neck.
 “Daddy” he chokes, struggling to speak with Yoongi’s hand on his throat “Daddy, g-gonna... oh! Gonna commeee”
 “Yeah? You gonna come all pretty for me?” Yoongi asks, panting slightly and his pace becoming sloppy as he himself nears the edge of bliss “Come for me, gorgeous”
 Jimin has half a mind to reach for Yoongi with shaky hands, pull him closer for a kiss before he’s shuddering out of control, strings of warm cum shooting onto his stomach and clinging to Yoongi’s skin where his meets Jimin’s.
 “So good, Daddy” he whimpers into Yoongi’s mouth, the elder’s thrusts becoming sloppier by the minute. “Are you close?”
 Jimin’s voice breaks as he speaks, the throws of ecstasy sending his body places he’d never figure he’d come to, his eyes rolling back into his head for what feels like the hundredth time that night. Yoongi feels like magic.
 “Almost, pretty” Yoongi pants, pushing himself up onto his knees as he continues to thrust into Jimin.
 Jimin scratches at his sides, looking for any kind of sensation that could distract him from the growing sensitivity that Yoongi is building into him.
 All of a sudden Yoongi pulls out, Jimin whines at the sudden repeat of emptiness despite his ass desperately needing a break from the rough treatment. He moves up Jimin’s body, straddling his chest as he cups his chin in one hand.
 “Open up those pretty lips for Daddy”
 Jimin obeys quietly, his eyes half-lidded, lips swollen and red. Yoongi lines his length up and rests it on the younger’s tongue, doe eyes looking up at him almost sleepily.
 “My pretty little fucktoy” Yoongi says gently before pushing in.
 Jimin works to relax his jaw and throat, his gag reflex no longer as sensitive as before. He watches Yoongi throw his head back as he thrusts into Jimin’s warm mouth, revelling in the softness of Jimin’s cheeks. Softened swears fall from the elder’s mouth, making Jimin hum in pride at how much of a mess he can make the latter.
 “Pretty, I’m close” Yoongi says, looking back down at Jimin “You gonna take my load like a good boy?”
 As an answer, Jimin swallows around the head of Yoongi’s head pressing up against the back of his throat, making him hiss.
 Jimin closes his eyes as Yoongi’s hands lace themselves into Jimin’s hair once more; tugging harshly as he begins to fuck the younger’s mouth. He struggles to hold his breath, resisting the urge to breathe in every time Yoongi hits his uvula.
 His hands raise to knead at Yoongi’s clothed thighs before he feels the elder’s grip tighten in his hair, warm liquid shooting down his throat. Jimin swallows obediently and quietly, listening to Yoongi’s shameless groan as he does.
 Jimin is finally able to breathe as Yoongi pulls out his slightly softened length, panting. He falls limp as Yoongi stands from his position, shucking off his jeans before making his way to what Jimin could only assume was the bathroom.
 He falls limp on the couch, body heat and sweat be damned. Jimin’s just about to fall asleep until he hears Yoongi re-enter the room, cracking his eyes open to watch him move.
 The elder was in nothing more than a pair of black boxers, wet cloth in hand as he makes his way to sit by Jimin’s side.
 Jimin preens at the attention he receives as Yoongi kisses him, the latter then moving to set one of Jimin’s legs on his lap as he presses the warm cloth against the puffed up entrance. The texture is rough against Jimin’s skin but the temperature is a welcomed sensation.
 “I want cuddles” he pouts, making baby hands at Yoongi as he finishes cleaning Jimin’s ass and torso free of cum. “Daddyy”
 He hears Yoongi scoff, the cloth discarded somewhere with the rest of their clothes before he’s told to move and make space, Yoongi tucking him into his side.
 “So needy”
 “So good” Jimin giggles “Probably our best one by far”
 He perches his chin on Yoongi’s chest, the elder raising an eyebrow at him “Better than the park?”
 “Okay, maybe a close second”
 Yoongi chuckles and Jimin absolutely loves the sound of it. He smiles at the man as he watches him reach for a cigarette off the little box on the coffee table, lying back down and making himself comfortable.
 He drifts in and out of consciousness to the steady rhythm of Yoongi’s breathing, not noticing the blanket that the older man tugs to cover them. When did he bring that in?
Jimin falls asleep like that, to the faint smell of nicotine and Yoongi kissing the top of his head as he whispers a small goodnight.
The sunlight filters through the curtains gently, the cold air of the night time still lingering around the apartment as Jimin slowly drifts into consciousness again. Soft bouts of pressure pressing into his skin in various places.
 Jimin hums appreciatively, Yoongi’s kisses making their way up his neck as he feels skin meet teeth.
 “Are you awake?” He hears Yoongi ask, voice deep and rough from just waking up as well. Jimin feels him lick a stripe up the side of his neck, sighing before taking a breath to ask the man what he thought he was doing so early in the morning. “Hard to sleep with such a tempting vixen lying on me, figured I’d make sure my signature lasts long.”
 It took Jimin a second to register what Yoongi meant by his signature and he soon realises that every spot he was sucking on Jimin’s neck and chest had existing marks from last night; Yoongi was re-darkening them.
 “If you keep this up, you’re going to have to deal with the repercussions” Jimin preens, teasing Yoongi.
 “Repercussions?” the latter chuckled, halting his ministrations as he took Jimin’s chin between his fingers, making the younger face him “Pretty, whatever happens is hardly going to be a repercussion”
 Jimin smiles, wrapping his arms around Yoongi’s neck before pulling him in for a kiss.
Hii, been a hot minute, hasn’t it? Thank you so much for sticking by me, for staying and waiting for me. This community really makes me feel like I belong and I promise I’ll make it up to you. I have so many projects lined up and I can’t wait for you to visit all these AUs I have planned.
If you like my work, please consider buying me a kofi
As of now our goal is to be able to afford a new laptop since the one I have now is really run down from when it was passed on to me.
I know it's really trying times for all of us at the moment, so it's okay if you can't donate! Reblogging and leaving notes are still great ways to show your support!
Thank you all so much for your unending love and support, you really do keep me going. <3
Love, YJ
Chapter Index
i - Bad Boy Friday
i - Good One Sunday
iii - That One From Work
iv - I Want Them All
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mortemersgf · 4 years
borrowed time
distant shores: edward mortemer x f!mc (jade hearst)
summary: jade returns to edward’s side.
warnings: some violence
taglist: @princess-geek​ @bitchloveskcbaseball​ @crazynutella​
a/n: was inspired to write this bc of how unsatisfying distant shores’ ending was :(( we honestly need a book 2
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Jade stands in the back of a group of people listening to the museum curator recount about the legendary tales of Captain Hearst for the hundredth time. She lets out a weary sigh and turns away from the exhibit, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. The legends were fascinating to hear about the first couple of times, but after spending endless hours at the museum just to be close to the compass, the fascination wears off. All that’s left is an empty feeling in her chest.
A week. It’s been a week since she was thrown back into the present. Her whole body has been aching to return to Edward’s side and today, that’s going to happen. It has to.
She glances down at her new phone. A bittersweet smile tugs at her lips. After dialing a number, she presses the black box, as Edward called it, to her ear. “The museum closes in an hour. Where are you?”
“I’m around the corner. Why don’t you make yourself useful and scope out a hiding place for us?” Robert says. He hangs up before Jade can retort.
Sighing quietly, her eyes sweep across the whole room. The only sensible place to hide is the storage room towards the back. A shudder runs through Jade thinking about locking herself in an enclosed space with Robert.
“Do it for Edward,” she mumbles to herself.
Crossing her arms, she strolls over to the portrait of him and smiles wistfully. She presses a hand to the cool glass and studies his portrait intently. A million thoughts run through her head like a rushing river, but there’s one that eclipses them all. I miss him, she thinks, I really, really miss him. His crisp laugh, his charming mannerisms, how effortlessly he makes her flush, everything.
“Stop making the long face, your beau isn’t going anywhere.”
Jade turns and finds Robert standing there, green sweater vest and all, looking indifferent. He joins her side and produces a key from the breast pocket of his suit jacket. 
“Here it is,” he says.
Robert jerks away when she reaches for the key. With the roll of her eyes, she says, “We’re on the same side here.”
“No, we’re not. We just happened to be working together towards the same cause.” he says, pocketing the key. “The key stays with me.”
“Fine. Just so you know, your sweater vest is really ugly. Doesn’t bring out your eyes at all.”
“Get up. Check the coast. It should be clear by now.” Jade mutters. She stands and rolls her shoulders back several times, beckoning for Robert to do the same. Being confined in the storage room with Robert, as Jade suspected, is not pleasant. The man glared daggers at her whenever she began to hum absentmindedly.
Reluctantly, Robert does as he’s told and cracks open the door. It’s half past 8. The museum is dead silent except for the occasional shuffle of feet and muffled voices.
Carefully but swiftly, the two of them creep across the wooden floor to the compass. As Robert pulls out the key, Jade glances around for any sign of the security guards patrolling the grounds. She catches a glimpse of a flashlight from the next room and whispers to him urgently, “What’s taking so long?”
“Quiet, girl. I got it.” He sets the glass case down and flips open the compass.
The empty display in front of her is the last thing she sees before the bright glow of the compass swallows them both.
In between time is where Jade stands when she opens her eyes again. A blur of colors swirl around her, so unusual yet familiar.
“It worked! It really worked!” she gasps. “Robert, we came back!” A surge of excitement courses through her body, making her grin like never before. She’s donning her usual off-shoulder blouse with her cutlass and pistol hanging by her side.
Robert looks as unbothered as ever as he casually adjusts his collar and runs a hand through his slicked hair among the whirl of colors. It almost seems like time traveling is like going to the grocery store for him.
“That we did. Well,” he says, dusting off his leather jacket, “don’t get carried away now. We’re both on borrowed time after all.” He inclines his head and steps into the 18th century without another glance.
Jade’s smile falters at his ominous reminder. She makes a mental note to snatch the compass back and moves to follow him when something out of the corner of her eye catches her attention.
She faces… a memory, she thinks, of Edward sleeping soundly, an arm outstretched over an empty bed. He stirs and cracks open an eye before sitting himself up, scanning the empty room. Jade sees that his lips are moving, but she can’t hear anything. She doesn’t need to because she knows exactly what’s happening. She had warned him the night before. This was the morning she disappeared.
Edward hurriedly pulls on his clothes before stumbling out into the main deck. It’s a cloudless day, allowing the crew to roam around, exchanging laughs. Charlie and Oliver stand in the corner, speaking to one another.
Jade watches as Edward approaches them, talking rapidly. Oliver shakes his head and gestures at the rest of the crew, while Charlie knits her brows together in concern. Ax tumbles over, his usual grin falling away when he sees the crestfallen look on his captain’s face. Edward pulls at his coat’s collar, muscles tense, and disappears into the town of Tiburon.
Charlie and Oliver call out for the crew’s attention. Jade watches intently as the carefree smiles on everyone’s faces melt away. Ada and Ax share a look, their eyes pained. Kendrick, Henry, and Maggie halt the card game they’re playing and rise from the crates they’re sitting on. A minute later, every door on the ship is getting thrown open and all the maps are being peered at. Jade sighs to herself knowing their efforts are useless.
The memory follows Edward to a shop where a vendor pats him on the back. Vendor after vendor, they all shrug or shake their head, but he pushes on until day turns into evening and Charlie grabs his arm, eyes pleading. Edward’s face contorts into a frustrated expression as he shrugs out of her grasp. A while later, he steps back onto The Intrepid and slinks up to the crow’s nest, his misty eyes pinned on the horizon.
Jade feels a pinch in her nose and glances upward, unwilling to let tears stain her cheeks. He looked everywhere for me. He didn’t give up. Not for a second. A pang of guilt and hurt ripples throughout her chest as she remembers the words on his information plaque at the museum.
It is said that he refused to retire, choosing instead to sail the seas endlessly in search of a great lost love.
“I’m not gonna let that happen,” she mutters, dabbing her wet cheeks with the back of her hand. Having seen enough, Jade takes a deep breath and steps out of the timeless void.
Instantly, her senses are bombarded with the roar of the sea, vicious shouts, and dark smoke. She unsheathes her cutlass as a charred British flag flutters by. All thoughts of Edward perishes from her mind as a Navy officer chucks a dagger in her direction, screaming, “For the Admiral!”
As swift as an arrow, Jade spins out of the way, heart racing. She whips out her pistol and shoots at the officer’s hand before he can grab her. He growls in pain, dropping his sword to clutch at his bleeding wound.
Throughout the burning ship are pirates and soldiers entangled in battle, slashing and dodging one another. Jade quirks an eyebrow at the all-too-familiar scene and dives into the fray without a second thought. Ada and Ax, as nimble as ever, jumble the Navy ship’s rigging. Maggie and Charlie fight back to back, while Henry and Kendrick parry blows of soldiers next to each other.
A soldier spins into Jade and narrows his beady eyes. He begins delivering blow after blow with his sword with inhumane speed, making her stumble backwards. He’s almost as good as Edward and Oliver, she admits. Speaking of Edward, she can’t seem to find him among the mess of a fight. Please be okay, she thinks to herself.
Struggling to defend herself from the soldier’s quick slashes, Jade backs away until she bumps into wood. There’s nowhere left to run. The newcomer continues slicing at her until he nicks her hand. Jade winces but keeps dodging his attacks, face twisted with concentration. Finally, with a howl, he tries to shove her off the ship.
“The Admiral deserved what he got!” she says, her voice strained. Her cutlass is dangerously close to her throat as the soldier towers over her, his sword pushing against hers. I so wish I was in stage fighting class right now.
“You’re better off avenging someone who isn’t a power-hungry piece of trash,” Jade spits.
“How dare you speak of him in such a vile manner, pirate scum?” he growls, shoving her harder against the ship’s edge.
Jade grunts and kicks hard at his groin, sending him stumbling back into the fight. She takes a second to catch her breath. The compass has got to stop sending me into the middle of battles, she thinks, leaned against the ship’s railing. An incredulous laugh almost escapes her lips until another soldier lunges at her. She twirls out of his way and shoots him in the foot.
A loud boom rocks the ship, jerking her to one side. Jade whips her head towards the source and finds Jonas and Ginny on The Intrepid—no, not The Intrepid. It’s a new ship. Larger in size and almost as beautiful as Poseidon’s Revenge.
That’s when she realizes what’s happening. Only a small handful of British soldiers are left on the main deck. Charlie helps Ada over to their new ship before shooting at whoever that tries to follow. Jade takes off running and jumps onto the line of crates by the railing of the ship, thinking, They’re leaving and they don’t even know I’m here!
“You’re back! You’re back! Graaak!” A familiar squawk prompts a sharp gasp from Jade.
“Polly! Send word for the crew!” she shouts.
Polly swoops towards the other ship, screeching at Maggie, who’s squinting through a spyglass. She drops it and shouts for whoever is at the helm of the ship to stop, motioning with her hand for Jade to hurry with such urgency that half of her body is hanging out the ship.
There’s another boom as Jonas fires another cannonball at the Navy ship, wiping out another handful of soldiers. Jade staggers at the shake but regains her balance and shoots at the remaining soldiers who’re trying to apprehend her.
The new ship begins to draw near again. There Edward stands on the edge, leaning towards the open sea, a hand gripped onto a thick rope.
“Edward,” Jade says, breathless. She breaks out into a bright smile at the sight of him barely scathed.
“Do you trust me?” he shouts, holding out his free hand.
“With my life,” she whispers.
With that, she grabs onto a rope and swings herself into the air without thinking twice. Her stomach rises as she hurdles through nothingness. Time slows as bullets whizz by her face and she can’t do anything but gape at the ginormous waves crashing between the two ships.
She tumbles right into Edward’s embrace, chest heaving with deep breaths. He helps her off the ship’s railing and immediately sweeps her into what may be the tightest embrace she’s ever had. Jade returns the hug with the same fervor, clinging onto his body as if he’s everything she ever needs in this world. And he is.
The sky is a mix of deep purple, orange, and navy blue. It’s a beautiful sight, seemingly more beautiful now that she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be. Edward releases Jade after what seems like an eternity, his hands moving to cup her cheeks.
When he speaks, his voice is tight with emotion. “You came back,” he whispers, resting his forehead against hers.
“I’ll always come back for you, Edward,” Jade says, cheeks now wet with tears.
She sighs in relief when Edward tilts her face up and fits her mouth against his. The feeling of his lips on hers is everything. She tangles her fingers in his hair and presses herself against the length of his body, wanting to leave no space in between them. His kiss is fully unrestrained. It’s fierce and deep, coaxing another onslaught of tears from Jade. When they finally part, Edward runs his knuckles along her cheek, eyes wavering with tears.
“Are you hurt?” he asks.
Jade holds up her hand. There’s a cut on the side, drawing a line of blood that’s trickling down her forearm. “I’m okay,” she says, glancing at the red stain on his thigh. “What about you? How are you feeling?”
“Better now that you’ve returned,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I’d have sailed the seven seas if it meant I’ll see you again.”
“I would’ve done the same,” Jade answers, leaning into his touch. “Because our story doesn’t end there. And you’re mine ‘til the end of time, right?”
Edward breaks out into a chuckle and caresses her cheek with his thumb. “Aye, my dove.”
He leans in for another long kiss. “I love you,” he sighs against her lips. The words rolled off his tongue so easily, so naturally. His walls are fully down, the dam of feelings he has for Jade rushing out into the open.
Warmth blooms all over her chest despite the strong winds that’re tousling her hair. She bumps her nose against his as she pulls away. “I love you, too,” she whispers.
A loud cry interrupts the tender moment. Charlie smacks Henry on the arm as the cook turns away, body shaking with sobs. Chuckling softly, Jade steps away from Edward and faces the rest of the crew. Maggie is the first one to reach out and pull her into another crushing hug.
“Ye really had all of us worried! ‘Twas a mess when Cap’n found out. He searched through every shop in Tiburon for ye!” she says.
Ginny attaches herself to Jade’s hip, saying, “You’re family, too, so you can’t leave us like that. Remember what you told Jonas during the mutiny?”
She holds the young girl close, murmuring, “I do, Ginny, I do.”
“Welcome back, lass. There’s a bottle of rum I’ve been saving for ye!” Kendrick says, clapping her on the shoulder.
“Was Kendrick really that intolerable to live with that you just had to vanish into thin air?” Charlie teases, earning an “oi!” from the older pirate.
She takes Jade’s bloody hand, nodding towards the cabins. “Let’s get you cleaned up, love. I’ve got you.”
“I know,” Jade smiles.
No matter the time traveling, no matter the British Navy and the enemies that she has yet to encounter, she knows the crew will always, always be there. They’ve got her.
Edward’s gaze lingers on Jade as Maggie tugs him away to get his own wound taken care of. Nothing but love and adoration are present in his eyes. “Find me later,” he murmurs into her ear as he passes by.
A shiver passes through Jade hearing his voice full of promise. Her cheeks warm with glee at the feeling. It ignites an onset of goosebumps and somehow, in that moment, she knows everything will turn out to be okay, even if she is on borrowed time.
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Little Blessings *Tommy Shelby
Part 2 to Blessing
For @thesnowfalls14​
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           Tommy remembered how he felt moments before he married Grace and then Lizzie. It was hard to forget when he was standing in the same church. Both weddings were very different in their own ways. He remembered the tension between his family and Grace’s. The sight of the cavalry uniforms putting the Shelbys into a head spin. He was a father, Charlie only a toddler back then.
           Then, he married Lizzie in a noticeably smaller ceremony. She didn’t have many family members so it was mainly the Peaky Blinders and a few of her friends. She was pregnant with Ruby although it wasn’t very obvious. Charlie was still young but old enough to be a ringbearer.     They were both significant chapters in his life. And now another chapter was about to start even if Tommy was reluctant.
           He was smoking on the steps of the church, waiting for his daughter to arrive. The rest of the wedding guests were already inside. It was a large wedding party, the Shelbys and company were all in attendance as well as Nicholas’s family and military friends. Ruby had a hard time putting a cap on the guest list and Tommy wasn’t going to tell her who she could or couldn’t have at her own wedding.
           The car pulled up to the front of the church and Tommy discarded his cigarette while heading down the steps. He opened the car door to help Ruby out.
           “Ready?” He asked as she took his hand to step out. She was as beautiful as ever. Her hair done up in curls and she had a custom-made dress with long lace sleeves, a fitted bodice, and a long skirt and even longer veil. Since the dress was new, she wore her mother’s diamond necklace and a blue barrette in her hair. The perfect bride, complete with an excited smile and rosy cheeks.  
           Tommy felt himself getting choked up. It was certain that if his family saw him crying, they’d never let him hear the end of it. So, he cleared his throat and tried to maintain his composure. “You look beautiful, Ruby.” His voice broke.
           “Oh, daddy, please don’t cry.” She begged; her eyes already misty with tears. “Because you’ll make me cry.”
           “M’not crying.” He cleared his throat again. “C’mon then, let’s get you to the altar, aye?”
           She linked arms with him and the two walked slowly up the stairs, making sure her dress wasn’t getting caught on anything.
           As they waited at the front of the church for the bridal march to begin, Ruby squeezed her father’s arm. “I love you.” She whispered to him.
           He smiled although his lower lip was quivering ever so slightly. “I love you too, poppet.” He replied and kissed her forehead.
           Tommy wasn’t sure how he made it down the aisle in one piece. He was supposed to be supporting Ruby but it felt like she was the one keeping him upright with every step. About halfway to the altar, Tommy looked up and saw Nicholas.
           The young man’s lips were parted in disbelief, his eyes shining with awe. He couldn’t look away from Ruby, it was as if he was completely hypnotized by her. It was true love, no doubt about it. And it gave Tommy the strength to deliver his daughter to the altar.
           As he passed Ruby’s hand over to Nicholas, Tommy gave him a brief nod.
           Nicholas smiled and shook his father-in-law’s hand. The pilot had already been tested a few times the weeks leading up to the wedding. At the engagement party, Charlie hugged his brother-in-law to-be and threatened to beat his ass if Nicholas ever hurt his sister. Then, Arthur took it upon himself to tell Nicholas how dear Ruby was to the family and if anything were to happen to her, there would be hell to pay. After that, Finn and Isiah took Nicholas hunting. It was meant to be a friendly get together but it was really a way to show off how many guns they had and what great aim they had.
           But Tommy had a feeling the man wouldn’t even consider abandoning Ruby. There were moments where he caught the two stealing a glance from across the room. Since Tommy prided himself on being a good judge of character and being able to read people, he could see the connection the two had. He couldn’t deny it no matter how hard he tried.
           And when they read their vows to one another, Tommy took Lizzie’s hand and shared a smile with her.
           Four months after the wedding, Ruby rang and arranged to visit her parents in Warwickshire. She and Nicholas arrived and broke the news that they were expecting.
           “Oh, Ruby!” Lizzie cried and embraced her daughter. “I’m so happy!”
           Charles, who had been visiting since earlier that same week, burst out in laughter. “Dad, you’re gonna be a grandfather! You're so bloody old!”
           Tommy sighed at his son’s delight “Well, it’s a good thing that you kids have already started to turn me hair gray. I probably already look the part.” He retorted and stood up to congratulate his daughter and son-in-law.
           Ruby hugged him tightly, happy that he hadn’t made a fuss about the pregnancy. “Nick and I were thinking that we could name the baby after you, dad.” She told him.
           Tommy looked a little surprised. He wasn’t sure he expected to have a legacy. At least one that didn’t have anything to do with his company. “After me?”
           Nicholas nodded and wrapped an arm around his wife. “Thomas Farrier. Of course, we’ll have to get a little creative if it’s a girl.” He chuckled with a shrug.
           Tommy looked over at Lizzie who was beaming. “You sure?” He asked.
           Ruby nodded. “Of course, why wouldn’t we? It’s going to be your first grandchild.” She reminded him.
            “I just…” How could he be sure his name wasn’t cursed? At least the child wouldn’t bear the Shelby name. But should he really have the honor of having a child named after him?
           “Please, dad? I wouldn’t want to name the baby after anyone else,” Ruby assured him gently.
           “Well, you could name the baby after me.” Charlie protested. “Could name it Charlotte if it’s a girl.” He pointed out.
           “Piss off, you’re lucky if you get a middle name.” Ruby retorted.    
           Tommy chuckled. Even as adults they still bickered. “Alright, thank you, Ruby.” He hugged her again. “I’m very flattered.” He knew he could balk and urge her to reconsider, but it would be no use. His daughter did as she pleased. A true Shelby girl by heart.      
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eeveevie · 4 years
Salvation is a Last Minute Business 
Prologue: You’re Dead. Lay Down
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1958—Boston, Massachusetts.One year after witnessing her husband’s murder, Madelyn Hardy is struggling to survive in a city full of political corruption and crime. Together with Nick Valentine, the two investigate a string of mysterious disappearances and work to take down Eddie Winter’s reign of terror. But who, or what is really pulling the strings in the shadows? And who is the mysterious spy that’s been following Madelyn as she draws closer to the truth? In this town, everybody is looking for redemption. (A Fallout Noir AU) 
“Salvation is a last-minute business, boy.” -  Reverend Harry Powell as played by Robert Mitchum (The Night of the Hunter, 1955)
“Nobody’s your pal now. You’re dead. Lay down.” - Charlie as played by John Kellogg (Johnny O’Clock, 1947) 
x - x
On-going Story Tags: Alternate Universe, Slow Burn, Depictions of Violence, Minor Character Death(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Established Relationships/Past Relationships, Friendship/Love, Loss, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, Historical Easter Eggs
[read on Ao3]  |  [chapter masterpost]
December 24th, 1956
Boston Common.
A sprawling network of tourist attractions and bars, beautiful parks and scenery—it was an idyllic place as any for couples to spend their holiday. It was picturesque, with the fifty-foot Christmas tree standing near the frozen-over pond’s edge, lights sparkling over the skating residents. Hot cocoa vendors strolled with their carts as a soft dusting of snow fell from the evening sky. It was beautiful—something out of a Hallmark greeting card. It was safe.
That all was about to change.
“Madelyn James—attorney at law,” Nate’s voice was jubilant as he read over the small, embossed business card, thumb brushing over the bolded name. “Still think you should’ve gone with Maddie Hardy—catchier.”
Madelyn regarded her husband with a fond smile, still unsure of what she thought of this gesture. “It’s all a bit preemptive, don’t you think? I haven’t even passed the bar—”
“Yet,” he interrupted, pressing the eggshell colored card into her palm. “Two more weeks, after the new year, and you’ve got it in the bag, babe.”
She smirked, tucking the paper away in her front coat pocket. “This isn’t your Christmas present, is it?” she teased, looping her arm around his elbow as they walked along the sidewalk. “I saw that big box in the laundry room the other day…”
Nate raised his eyebrows up, feigning surprise as he glanced down at her. “It’s just an empty box. Nothing to get excited about. I’m going to use it to ship you away to Paris so you can finally learn how to cook like you’ve always wanted to—ahh!”
Madelyn playfully smacked his arm as she pulled away from him, the two laughing at his tease. Earlier in the afternoon, she had burnt the Christmas Eve roast, but the apple pie had survived the oven unscathed. Full on sweets, the two decided to drive out into the city for a late-night meal at their favorite diner before taking a romantic stroll in the park. She giggled as he grabbed her hand again, twirling her back into his embrace. This time she was facing him, flush against his chest and angled her chin up to stare into the dark green eyes she had fallen for as a lovestruck teenager.
“Oh, you better kiss me, Mr. James,” she breathed, gripping her hand into his coat to steady herself on her toes to reach his height. She wasn’t always one for public displays, but where they were, on the eastern side of the Commons where most businesses had closed for the evening, they could go unnoticed.
He grinned, free hand appearing to hold the side of her face, fingers dancing through her light blonde curls. “Yes, I better, Mrs. James.”
There really was no sweeter sensation that Madelyn could ever compare her husband’s kisses to. Every kiss still made her toes curl like it was the first time, like she was a nervous sixteen-year-old sneaking out from her bedroom window. Every caress still made her heart race, every touch exciting—it was thrilling to know that after ten years of marriage, a simple kiss could still be everything. She didn’t want it to end.
“How cute.”
Madelyn dismissed the voice that echoed behind her, only pulling away when she felt Nate hesitating to continue their little escapade. She felt him tense, turn and tuck her behind his back but she stubbornly fought to see what he was so spooked about. A chill electrified her, and her throat tightened with the taste of bile and fear at what she saw. A man—tall and broad shouldered, dressed in military garbs and a leather jacket, shaved head and a long scar that crossed over his left eye. In his hand, hanging by his side, he gripped a large gun.
“Whatever you want, we’ll give it to you,” Nate offered quickly, trying to stay calm. Madelyn tightened her grip on his arm, clenching her teeth as she breathed out so she could stay focused. If they followed the man’s orders, they would make it out with their lives. Except the mugger didn’t seem interested in whatever was in Nate’s pockets or the contents of Madelyn’s purse.
“I’d like you to beg for your life,” he said slowly, in a low voice that had Nate gripping Madelyn’s hand so tight she thought he might break her bones out of sheer terror.
“Excuse me?” Nate responded, more out of confusion than defiance.
The gruff man took a half step closer, this time raising his gun, so it was level with their heads. “You heard me. I want you to beg.”
Nate reluctantly let go of Madelyn’s hand as he raised his arms to the air, spreading his fingers wide defensively. She copied, trying to stay where she was half-hidden behind her husband until their captor motioned for her to come forward. She hesitated, sharing a silent look with her husband but ultimately decided it was best to follow through with the demands, even if they were starting to sound unhinged. Dread settled in her gut as her heart fluttered wildly against her ribcage.
“On your knees.”
“No!” Nate took a half step forward to protest, voice wavering. She didn’t need to see her husband’s face to know that he had begun to cry, wondering if she was too in shock to do the same. She followed the stern directions, lowering herself to the concrete where the snow began to dampen her dress.
Madelyn assumed the request was of a sexual nature but instead, the man stared down at her, gun aimed perfectly at her head. His fingers ghosted across her scalp, tangling through her hair before he yanked out a few strands, causing her to yelp. He chortled. “I prefer brunettes.”
Nate’s resolve must’ve broken—military training kicked in—either way, he leapt forward, forcing the gunman’s arm upwards as they stumbled into the street. Madelyn pushed herself to her feet, rubbing at her temple as she looked on. Her husband landed a punch against the assailant’s jaw but earned a swift elbow to the gut in return, the two twisting and writhing over the weapon. And then it happened. With one swift shove, their attacker pushed Nate away, nearly sending him toppling. In the created space, Madelyn saw a flash of silver and shouted in unison with the deafening gunshot.
She looked at the shooter, at the smoking barrel and at the menacing grin she’d never forget for the rest of her days. He was gone before Nate collapsed to the ground, blood pooling rapidly from the wound in his chest. Madelyn was at his side in an instant gripping his hand tightly in her own as she inspected his injury. But the blood staining the ground and snow was far too much, spilling out of him at a rate that no emergency room doctor could fix. A choking sob rattled her body at the stunning realization that he was dying. Nathaniel James—Nate—her husband of ten years lay dying in her arms.
“Hey, hey,” he struggled, sputtering out the blood from his mouth. The bullet had likely punctured his lung. Madelyn gasped, reaching up to wipe away the red, uncaring about the stains on her gloves, on her skin, on her dress—she’d never wash them, never wear them again. “Don’t—”
“Stop,” she hushed, shaking her head, biting back her tears. She smoothed a hand across his auburn hair, glancing up for a moment to see if anyone—anybody—had witnessed their nightmare. Surely somebody had heard the gunshot and had called the police? Why didn’t she hear sirens? “Oh God,” she lamented, closing her eyes tight.
“No, no. Look at me,” Nate barely whispered, fingers squeezing the best they could around her own. They were already so cold. “Maddie, look at me.”
She did. She would make sure the last thing he saw was her face, her bright blue eyes locked on his. Despite it all, she forced a smile through her tears, leaning close to press a soft kiss to his temple. “I love you, Nate.”
There was one last rattling breath that fell from his lips. “Maddie…”
The life faded from Nate’s eyes. Madelyn turned her head to the sky and screamed.
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