#everyone gets adopted by hakoda in the end
waterfire1848 · 1 year
[ Hakoda coming back to the village one day with Zuko, Azula, Mai and Ty lee. ]
Hakoda: What?
Bato: Put them back.
Hakoda: No.
Bato: Put. Them. Back.
Hakoda: No!
Bato: Hakoda, put the Fire Nationals back where you found them.
Hakoda: No!
Bato: Why do you even need to adopt these four? The bald monk Avatar orphan and blind earthbender with abusive parents I get. Why them?
[ Hakoda explains their families. ]
Bato: Kanna! We have four more coming to dinner!
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spacedace · 2 years
Working on (yet another) ATLA wip in which during the invasion Azula helps Zuko escape and goes with him (because her beloved dumbass of a brother clearly has not been paying attention to all her subtle warnings on how not to get dead and clearly needs a more direct approach at keeping him alive and mostly in one piece). And in the process of getting the fuck out of dodge, Bato who's been separated from everyone else ends up accidentally crashing their escape party along with Toph and the four of them end up on the run together.
Toph gets along with the two runaway royals who are as suspicious and untrusting if Bato as he is them...at least until the fire siblings unintentionally trauma dump about their fucked up childhood and Bato decides "I'm dad now" and adopts them against their will.
Eventually Azula and Zuko just give up on fighting it and are like "okay cool, you're gonna be Firelord after we kill Ozai and then we can just chill for like, five god damn seconds"
And anyway eventually they all meet up with the Gaang and Hakoda and co and it's just like...
This is my daughter Katara: Master Water Bender, Teacher of the Avatar, brave and true of heart.
And my son Sokka: genius inventor, master strategist, unmatched in his fierceness and loyalty.
This is my new daughter Azula. She'll sell your soul to satan for a fire flake and then use that fire flake to take over hell.
And this is my new son Zuko. He's faral and will probably bite you. Don't leave him alone too long or he'll probably end up trying to fight god again.
And this is Toph... I don't know if I've adopted her or if I'm being held hostage but either way I've started saving up for the next time I have to bail her out of jail.
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stardust948 · 6 months
Urzai adopts the Gaang AU
More ideas for this AU because the thread was getting too long.
The main story takes place over 3 years; 1 year for each season.
Urzai didn't really know how to relate to the Fire sibling in their care bc they didn't spend much time with them. For example, Ursa gets Azula a Fire Nation doll thinking she just hated the EK one but Azula still burns it. And Ozai gets Zuko some firebending scrolls because that the only thing he saw Zuko reading at the palace. But Zuko thinks Ozai’s telling him that his bending still sucks and gets even more depressed. Likewise Zuko and Azula kept asking about the other parent the first couple of months. Things were pretty rough but they eventually work it out. Azula and Ursa bond over sparing and herbology and Ozai and Zuko over criticizing reviewing street plays.
Ozai feels guilty for Zuko scar since Zuko took the hit meant for him. Also because Ozai didn't know how to treat it properly so he thinks the scarring could have been prevented. Of course, Ozai has no idea how to express this to Zuko so he thinks Ozai’s ashamed of his weakness. This doesn't get resolved until after The Boiling Rock when they finally have a heart to heart.
The family unlearn the FN propaganda while hiding amongst the villages. Witness and experience first hand that the FN is not spreading prosperity through the nations. Just the opposite actually.
Azula's 1st friend (who wasn't required to play with her like Mai and Ty Lee) was Suki. While Ursa was in Kyoshi Warrior training, the two would rough house. Suki wasn't afraid to shove the young ex-princess back. Azula was annoyed at first but grew to enjoy the rivalry. (Sokka and Suki never hears the end of it when Azula finds out they like each other)
Iroh gives Lu Ten a cushy job to keep him safe but Lu Ten wants to redeem himself. Sets off on a self appointed mission to track down his ex-family and recuse his cousins. Jee goes with him and reteaches him firebending for battle.
Ozai and Ursa keep barely missing each other during Book 2. What's even more aggravating is they have no idea.
The Fire Family being back together after 6 years apart was awkward at first. Not until the Gaang each found an excuse to leave them alone did they finally hash things out and get back into the swing of things.
Ursa and Katara get into a big fight when Katara trains with Hama. Ursa doesn't trust her but Katara really wants to learn SWT waterbending and thinks Ursa��s holding her back. Katara yells at Ursa to stop telling her what to do and she's not actually her mom. Which was very traumatic for both of them but they make up at end after Katara stops Hama from trying to kill Ursa.
Urzai stay behind with the other adults during DOTBS. Ursa is taken to FN palace dungeon and Ozai and Hakoda to The Boiling Rock. Meanwhile Lu Ten talks to Ursa in the dungeons and learns the truth about the coup. He confronts Iroh but Iroh tries to arrest him for "his own protection". Lu Ten escapes and sets off to find the Gaang.
Iroh plans to execute Ursa and use Sozin’s Comet to wipe out BSS. Reference to "If we don't burn it down first" in his letter. The gaang go to stop Iroh and free Ursa. Ozai fights Iroh as they waited for Aang’s return.
Fun ideas:
Katara, Azula, and Toph’s girls night out as they rob from rich FN ppl and blow up factories.
Many "that's not what they did 100 years ago Aang we think your friend was messing with you" conversations
Appa has final authority over everyone.
A family that fights together stays together TM
The Gaang out voted Urzai for Aang’s secret dance party. Urzai has to wear disguises bc they can't leave the kids alone after the incident (accidently got high off cactus juice)
Ozai: Why did you shove your boomerang into the beard???
Sokka: To give it character.
Ursa: At least you don't have a pillow stuffed down your shirt.
Ozai and Hakoda bond in The Boiling Rock. (Nothing says fun bonding experience like doing time in a cruel abusive prison full of ppl who want to kill you)
Suki assumes Sokka's from a community compound like Kyoshi Island and doesn't question the multiple parents arrangement. (The more the merrier! It takes a community after all)
Lu Ten is very confused. He thought he had 2 little cousins not 6.
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summerbummin · 1 year
My ATLA Fic Recs
When Azula shoots Iroh with lightning the gaang doesn’t let Zuko chase them away and insist on helping. It’s a catalyst for Zuko joining the gaang early and helping start a revolution with the fire nation people. I love the exploration of Zuko’s character in this fic and the world building with the nations all coming together I just love it sm
“Mountains and Badgermolehills”
Zuko is captured by Zhao on suspicion of being the blue spirit and Sokka ends up being his cell neighbor. Sokka realizes Zuko is a good person with loyalties to the wrong person and tries to force feed him friendship and gets the gaang in on it later. Also the banter is top tier
“Gossip Lord Zuko”
Post canon Fire Lord Zuko bonding with his staff and joining in on gossip night. I love Zuko helping the fire nation heal and being adored by his people
“Tea and Cakes”
Autistic Zuko with an eating disorder and good shit about his relationships with other members of the gaang and his uncle
“Life in Eden”
Fire hazard siblings where Ursa ran interference with Azula and made sure she knew she loved her children equally, so Azula and Zuko have a better relationship and she ends up helping him. Love their dynamic in this
“The Family You Choose”
The gaang as soulmates (I’d be surprised if u haven’t already read this fic tbh) but Zuko doesn’t know bc his grandfather and father burned his soul marks off when he was born. The explorations of everyone’s back stories is so good. I especially like how Suki’s got fleshed out, she deserves more attention from canon
“Dragon of the Yuyan”
Zuko is adopted by the Yuyan archers at 13 after his dad dumps him in the earth kingdom to die. He joins the gaang when he breaks Aang out as the blue spirit. He’s also mute and uses sign language. His reunion with Iroh had me so emotional ;-;
Au where after being burned and left for dead in the earth kingdom, Zuko ends up as a bodyguard for the Beifong’s daughter. The Zuko and Toph sibling bonding is supreme
“In the Soft Light”
The war ends early au. Zukka fic featuring moon spirit Sokka and fire nation ambassador Zuko
Hakoda adopts Zuko fic (I would also be surprised if anyone hadn’t read this fic with how popular it is) where Zuko goes from asshole cat prisoner to son boy. Also Hakoda is ready to uppercut Ozai
“The beginning of a new and brighter birth”
Amazing post canon Zuko fic abt healing the fire nation, has many wholesome and funny moments
“Carry on For You”
Zukka pokemon au series, it’s so good. I esp love the attention given to abused Pokemon
“Lessons in Tea Making”
Au where Zuko gave up on his father early on and converted his naval ship into a traveling tea shop. He’s trying to stay out of the war and in a hilarious twist the gaang is trying to capture him so he can teach Aang fire bending
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Everything is so connected in Avatar The Last Airbender
Why does The Fire Nation send raids to The Water Tribes? Because The next Avatar, the only one able to stop them from conquering the world, will be reborn in The Water Tribes. The Fire Nation wants to capture and kill that person before they realize they are The Avatar. Before they have any power to stop them. They want to end The Avatar once and for all.
But what they don’t know is that The Avatar ran away and is still alive in an iceberg, deep in the sea close to The Southern Water Tribe where no one can reach him.
So the raids carry on. But The Fire Nation doesn’t find The Avatar. Only water benders fighting back. And even though these people weren’t their original target, they decide to wipe them out too. Because then The Fire Nation will have a higher chance of winning the war. The Avatar might not be present, but the people who will teach The Avatar is.
On one of them they capture Hama. Katara and Sokka’s grandmothers’ best friend, and a powerful waterbender. One of the waterbenders who helped trap The Fire Nation ship in ice. Said ship which soon grew to be seen as haunted because of its reminder of history.
Hama is captured and taken to The Fire Nation, where she’s put in prison. There she and her friends are restricted from any water and kept in cages. And as time passes all of Hama’s friends pass away, these people who she has grown up with her entire life. These people she was promised a future together with. These people she shared the same home with. And then she is the only one left. The Last Waterbender from The Southern Water Tribe.
In a last resort, she (somehow) invents blood bending and frees herself. She invents the ability to control someone’s blood, someone’s body, against their will, just to survive. And she waits for just the right moment, a full moon- when her power is at the height of its power, to escape.
And when she escapes she knows that The Fire Nation is gonna go looking for her. She knows she can’t ever return to The Southern Water Tribe again because they will be there waiting for her. They will search for her until they find her. The Last Waterbender from The Southern Water Tribe. She has put a target on her own back.
So she decides to hide under their noses. She adopts the identity of a Fire Nation citizen. But her fears were still carried out. The Fire Nation came looking for her.
They arrived in The Southern Water Tribe, looking for The Last Waterbender in The Southern Water Tribe. Looking for a grown woman who escaped a Fire Nation prison. Looking for Hama.
But the people in The Southern Water Tribe doesn’t know this. Katara and Sokka’s mother Kya knows that Katara can waterbend. And that Katara is the only waterbender in The Southern Water Tribe. So Kya assumes they are looking for Katara, to get rid of all waterbenders once and for all. Getting rid of anyone who could be or teach The Avatar. After all, that’s why the raids were carried out before.
So Kya tells the soldiers it’s she herself that they’re looking for. She’s The Last Waterbender from The Southern Water Tribe. She does it to protect her daughter, (and in a way to protect hope, in a way to protect the avatar). And the soldiers accepts Kya as The Last Waterbender, because she fits the description. A grown woman from The Southern Water Tribe. This time, they weren’t looking for a kid.
Kya is killed because Hama is alive. GranGran looses her daughter in law because her best friend survived. Hakoda looses his wife. Katara and Sokka looses their mother because a woman on the other side of the world outsmarted the Fire nation.
But it’s Katara who has to carry this guilt. She thought she was The Last Waterbender from The Southern Water Tribe that the soldiers were searching for. But she never was.
The raids stop because the Fire nation thought they found Hama. And because 100 years have passed, everyone believes The Avatar must have ceased to exist by now. It’s useless to continue searching. An impossible quest, (One that Zuko is sent on). The Avatar is gone, and who they thought was The Last Waterbender from The Southern Water Tribe is killed. And therefore the whole reason for the raids are gone. So the raids stop.
Katara and Sokka grow up without their mother. And then one day, they find The Avatar. And he’s just a kid who has spent 100 years in an ice berg. He didn’t even know there was a war, and now he’s the one responsible for it all. Just a day before this, his people were alive. His home was still there. But now it’s all destroyed and long gone. Aang has lost everything. His people, his culture, his home. In one day 100 years have passed, and Aangs standing alone in the rubble. He can never go back. He’s the sole survivor of a genoside. He’s The Last Airbender and The Avatar and everyone expects him to end a whole war. But he’s just a kid.
And that’s what Hama was too. Except instead of being stuck in an ice berg for 100 years, she was stuck in a prison for 30 years. She lost everything too. She could never return to her home again. She has to live the rest of her life in secret. She can’t ever bend in front of people again. She has to adopt a whole new life. She’s the sole survivor of a genoside. And she will never ever get even a glimpse of anything from The Southern Water Tribe ever again.
Except then she does. She meets four kids out in the middle of the forest. The forest she knows all too well after years of dragging Fire Nation citizens to a prison she has created, in the disguise of the moon when her bending is at the peak of its power. Where she has used her blood bending to execute her revenge for years. Her revenge for separating her from her home.
And suddenly, her home is looking right back at her. Two kids, with the same blue eyes as her. Two kids who have left their home, the home she was kidnapped from. Two kids who grew up without their mother, and who doesn’t know that it was Hama’s actions which caused it.
And one of these kids is a bender, just like Hama. Katara is immediately delighted. She has never met a waterbender from The Southern Water Tribe before, she thought she was the only one left. But she never was.
Hama sees this as an opportunity, an opportunity she would never get in her life. She’s old by now, and she doesn’t want her legacy to die with her. She wants the Fire Nation to pay for every bit of pain they caused her, even after she’s gone. She wants her revenge to live on.
Katara is so eager to learn from Hama. To learn the sacred art that’s unique to their culture. Unique to the two of them alone. And Katara is even more eager to learn it from an actual waterbender from The Southern Water Tribe. To learn from the people who never got to teach.
So Hama teaches her. She teaches her to utilize the water around yourself. To use what’s in your surroundings to your advantage. Hama teaches Katara the one thing that she used to save herself from The Fire Nation prison. Hama teaches Katara the one thing that is responsible for the raid that killed Katara and Sokka’s mother.
Hama teaches Katara blood bending. Hama makes Katara a blood bender, and even though it ends with Katara defeating her with these abilities, Hama’s legacy now lives on through her. Katara is a blood bender, whether she wants to be one or not.
Hama isn’t The Last Waterbender from The Southern Water Tribe anymore. And Kya never was. But now Katara is. And Katara still has to carry the guilt of her mother’s death. Because now she’s a blood bender, because now she actually is The Last Waterbender from The Southern Water Tribe.
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The Worst Prisoner Series
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Author: emletish
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Strong Language, Violence
Word Count:  335,347
Pairings: Zutara, Yukka, Sukka, Paku/Kanna
Characters: Sokka, Zuko, Katara, Aang, Iroh, Bato, Aunt Wu, Yugoda, Pakku, Arnook, Yue, Zhao, Toph Beifong, Iroh, Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, Various Flower Friends, Jet, Smellerbee, Longshot,Hakoda, Ozai, Jee
Tags: everyone/personal growth, Iroh/tea, Iroh/proverbs, Seriously, just everyone's friendships are really going to be fleshed out, We will be exploring why the Gaang is such a great group,  everyone else loves each other too, Aang and character development, Sokka and leadership, Zuko and finding happiness and meaning, Katara and finding someone who accepts her completely, Sokka and Zuko's hilarious and belligerent friendship, Aang/personal growth, The gaang all loving eachother, found family, the belligerent start of the gaang-wide love in, AtLA AU, canon-divergent, friendship fic, slow build romance, Sokka is the best, Zuko Needs a Hug, Badass Katara, Eventual Katara/Zuko, character development for everyone, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, teenagers making poor choices, teenagers being sarcastic about each other's poor choices, Teenagers learning about friendship despite being on opposites sides of a war, slow build zutara, Zutara being tender and getting to know eachother, Platonic Relationships, Lovely deep friendships for the whole Gaang, Aunt Wu is white lotus, the white lotus needs more women, Humouror at least wacky jokes, Enemies to Friends, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Slow Build, First Kiss, Course Language, Friendship, Mutual Pining, Sarcasm, Teenage Dorks
The Worst Prisoner: The element of change (Book 1)
What if Sokka was there during the events of the Blue Spirit? What if he accidentally kidnapped Zuko? It's not a poor life choice of it's an accident, right?
The Worst Prisoner: The illusion of separation (Book 2)
Four friends separately make their way to Ba Sing Se, learning wisdom along the way. Will our two lovers, forbidden from one another, find each other again? Will Aang find the courage to be the avatar the world needs? Will Sokka be condemned to more conversations about feelings? A shenanigan filled romp through the Earth Kingdom. Zutara yes, but this is primarily a friendship fic.
The Worst Prisoner: Fire is life (Book 3)
Aang tries to fix everything wrong with the world. Zuko tries to fix everything wrong with the Fire Nation. Azula tries to control everything. There are mixed results. In book 3: Zuko leaves the Fire Nation Palace to meet up with the Gaang a lot earlier than planned. Including shenanigans involving the dangerous lady trio and their interesting interpersonal dynamics, Zuko and Azula's messed-up sibling relationship, Jee not being sure when he filed for adoption, ridiculous haikus that are not clues, spirit journeys, a horde of disgruntled old men arguing using flower codes, Hakoda meeting all Katara's boyfriends, and the Gaang being a loving found family. Zutara happy ending.
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innocentimouto · 2 years
How would you characterize Jet? What are his most critical characteristics? I feel like I don't have a great grasp on his character. I know more about how people mischaracterize him than how people characterize him.
I've been planning to make a comprehensive post on this for years, but I keep putting it off.
How do I do this? I don't know you're just going to have to trust the process.
Jet is very serious and pessimistic when it comes to the war. 
Despite people blaming Aang for not saving the world in s1 and s2, Jet, whose entire plot purpose was his "extremist hatred", never brought that up. He didn't ask about why the Avatar abandoned the world, or what the plan was to end the war.
His focus was protecting the valley where he and the kids under him lived. I don't think he believed he'd live to see the war end.
I also think he suffers from survivor's guilt due to his village getting destroyed, and that's one of the reasons he's so focused on helping others.
He doesn't like authority.
In general he’d hold some grudge against the adults around him for not stepping up like he did, in part because he can’t be a child anymore. The kids turn to him to be a leader or to comfort them, so he’s obsessed with keeping the image of being much older than them so they won’t consider he’s just as afraid as them.
If he ever met any of the adults in canon, he’d respect them. In his mind, they’re equal. But obviously in the mind of say Hakoda, Jet’s just a kid. Talented, but young. Jet would hate that, the pitying or disturbed looks he’d get if he’d mention how to kill soldiers when you’re outnumbered or any number of things he picked up from years of fighting.
Jet never gets into personal details of his own trauma. In most situations, he'll bring up others or vaguely include his. It doesn’t help the rage, but he doesn’t see anyone around him that he can lean on since he’s supposed to be their leader.
Loss of culture
The blocking of his trauma also had the negative effect of cutting himself off from his culture. He doesn’t remember much of his village and adopts anything useful from the kids around him. But his identity has become entirely on killing the FN and protecting kids. Anything beyond that, hobbies, reading, traditions, goals---he doesn’t bother with them.
Personally I think it opens up a lot of conversations between him and Katara and him and Aang. Katara clung to her dying culture and Jet discarded what remained of his.
He doesn’t see the point of following social standards. 
This would come from taking care of kids who come from different backgrounds and are each dealing with their traumas in different ways. Whether by rage, crying, or just lying around for hours. They’re living in a forest. Most of Jet’s rules would be for safety. I think Jet's very accepting to anyone, contrary to how most people view him.
So any trauma reactions that the kids would have, he’d learn them and not judge them for it. He never blames them for it. The bursts of anger, or eating habits, or violence. He doesn’t have words for most of it, but he understands it’s normal for what the kids have endured.
This would make him clash with the upper class though, since manners and social standards wouldn't make sense to him. And also all the other issues with the rich. 
He’s fun?
So, fun like that uncle or aunt who lets you stay up all night and eat anything you want. As in, no rules. If a kid wants to learn to use a weapon, he’ll help them. If they want to join the group for hunting, they can. He’s laidback that way.
But also he’ll have rules for kids to not go out by themselves at certain points in the day when it’s common for soldiers to pass through. Or if there’s been no sign of soldiers for days, then none of them are allowed to wander unless they’ve been trained to fight.
And everyone has to learn the whistles. And there’s a rotation of chores. And learning which plants are poisonous. And how to stay quiet. And what to do if they run into soldiers by themselves. And so on.
I don’t think he remembers to have fun. 
He has a lot of patience
I don’t know. It just always struck me that he didn’t care at all about any of Sokka’s comments in his episode. Even when Sokka stopped him from killing the old man, he brushed it off. I think being around kids helped with this. But basically, he’s usually the one to break up arguments.
Even if he has very strong opinions. Which he does. But only when it comes to the war. I think he’s very good at finding ways to work with people. And if someone disagrees with his methods, he’ll find ways to work around it. But falling to rage and arguing isn’t his go to method. He’s probably very difficult to aggravate.
I can definitely go on, but yeah. Ta da!
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blinday · 2 years
Okay I admit I came up with a concept of time travel where old Zuko (who will not be based off LoK) goes back to being 10 years old right before his mother disappearing and he's just- well fuck it I'll raise my baby sister.
It'd start with the fire siblings playing Pai Sho, both old rags, and they tease themselves about their moves in the game and how it reflects on their respective personalities. (Like how professor X in chess always plays the peons first and protects the king and magneto just goes like fuck it my first move is endangering myself as a bait - I may be confusing fandoms but whatever).
They have tea and walk around the palace, eventually stopping to feed the turtleducks. Azula admits she always wanted to be like this with him. Close, warm, but never had a chance to because she didn't know how to do it.
ANYWAYS, Zuko goes back in time after dying lmao yes. He says fuck you to everyone who antagonizes his lil baby sis and protects her bc she deserves love and kindness. I am torn between having him run away with her at age of 13 or being banished and scarred but for an entirely different reason, Azula-related of course because I'm pretending this fic is about Zuko just to bait his stans.
What happens next? I can't write because I have so many different possibilities that my brain hurts. They could go to the Earth Kingdom and end up as Toph's maid and reader, they could be adopted by the Freedom Fighters (named as Dao and Bluna - pun intended) (and yes I just love the concept of Dao Samurai Zuko and Ninjazula so this is my favourite route)
And Zuko starts to loose some parts of his memory of the past life but he keeps his old mind and slang. Azula is the brains even then, and kind of becomes the leader of the FF.
OR, they could end up in the South Pole, where baby Sokka and Katara are just growing up and being adopted into Kanna and Hakoda's family (they could change names here too, just so to Bluna and Dao becomes canon in my mind)
OOOR they could become FRICKING PIRATES!
OOOOR they could KILL Ozai in that Agni Kai TOGETHER, and just go "well we won it together so we might as well rule together".
OOOORRRRR they could STOP Ozai from trying to get the throne and Mom never leaves!
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purrincesskittens · 3 years
Deaged Zuko gets adopted by Hakoda slightly Salvage inspired. Same idea basic as @muffinlance 's Salvage Hakoda finds a certain fire prince floating in the ocean and adopts him. Only thing? Zuko is 7 years old. And has no memory of the past 9 years since he actually was 7. Headcanoning that the ocean spirits children would be the spirits of ponds and rivers and other bodies of water.
Zuko nearly died around 7 when he wasn't sparking the first signs of fire bending. He tried but he couldn't bend couldn't please his father. Ozai got so mad about this that he back handed Zuko out in the turtle duck garden where he had come across Zuko alone and demanded he show his bending. Ozai walked away uncaring that he had back handed his young son into the turtle duck pond and that he had hit his head when he fell. Zuko nearly died would have if not for the spirits intervention. Agni asked for the other spirits help the spirit whose pond it was happened to be a child of La. La ended up intervening on his child's behalf because the turtle duck pond spirit had grown fond of the young prince. But because of this those spirits who intervened now had a stake in Zuko's life and what he did in it. They didn't want another Ozai or Azulon who would mess up the world further. 9 years later and Zuko is following what happens in canon up until around early to mid season two during Zuko Alone. He stops by a river but by then La has had enough he has a stake in what Zuko does too and he isn't happy with what Zuko has been doing so Zuko ends up sucked into the river by another of La's children at La's command and sent out to the sea where La changes him back to the age he was when the spirits first intervened. Back to the child who hadn't learned the full extent of his father's abuse and decided that if Agni wasn't going to discipline the kid or teach him to behave La knew just the father to do so. Someone of his people who could and would father the child better then Ozai ever could. La asks Yue for help overriding Agni's blessing turning Zuko from a firebender to a waterbender before sending out into the path of Hakoda's ship.
They end up picking up what they think is a fire nation child except this somewhat shouty kid insists he is Prince Zuko son of Ozai except he is literally only 7 years old and scared himself when he bent water on accident. Insists his father will kill him for being a water bender not a fire bender and talks about how much of a disappointment he is compared to his prodigy sister who can already bend. Everyone knows Prince Zuko is 16 and has a scar and is a fire bender but this is a unscarred 7 year old water bender. Obviously something is up. Most of the crew come to believe either this kid was named after Prince Zuko or is really into playing pretend and is the obvious product of fire and water mixing. He has to be from the colonies he is in too big green clothes so probably a poor colony family. Okay which warrior cuckolded someone from the Fire Nation? They deserve a reward but also to come collect their kid. Hakoda having raised one water bender already basically gets elected to raise this one till they can find his real dad. So Hakoda and Bato are coparenting this 7 year old fire nation colony born water bender trying to teach him right from wrong and that the fire nation's truth isn't the actual truth. Bato wins the kids favor by introducing him to sea prunes. Finally he is the favorite dad. The trip to Chameleon Bay is shaping up to be rather interesting.
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otaku4life16 · 2 years
Ozai Put his Kid in Prison (ATLA Prompt Request)(Add Ursa)
So Ozai is a huge jerk and decides that burning Zuko's face off wasn't enough when Zuko does something stupid post Agni Kai. In his fever induced state Zuko decides to go back to Ozai and tell him what a cruel person he is and how this war is unjust. Ozai is fed up with Zuko and decides to wipe his hands of him by throwing him in prison.
There are a few different ways this could go. With Zuko being in either an Earth Kingdom prison, a Fire Nation prison within the Earth kingdom(like the one Haru went to) or the Boiling Rock.
Earth Kingdom Prison:
- They hate Zuko for being the fire nation prince and they make sure to show it(they disregard the fact that he is a thirteen year old kid with a giant scar). they make his life hell in the prison because they cant take it out on Ozai.
Haru's Prison:
-Its a lot like the Earth Kingdom prison but the guards try to help him out. While Ozai has condemned Zuko he is still their prince that spoke out for them and they respect him for that. They try to help him out by giving him extra food, medicine, and stuff like that when they can, but they are limited to the kinds of things that the can do. Because even though they want to help Zuko he is still a prisoner. Which just makes the Earth kingdom prisoners mad at him for getting special treatment.(they are already mad at him for being Ozai's son). The other prisoners pick on and hurt Zuko all the time (our poor turtleduck has no prisoner friends even though he tries so hard) and while the guards try to make sure none of this happens that cant always be there to stop it.
Boiling Rock:
-Since almost everyone at the rock is fire nation Zuko ends up having an okay life( he is still in prison, but its okay). They all know how much of a bastard Ozai is and they all greatly respect their little prince for speaking up for them. So they all pitch him to help raise and protect him from the world while he is there (everyone pitches in: the guards and the prisoners). Even prisoners from other nations that find out that Zuko is the prince gradually join the Zuko protection squad. they also make sure that he still get lessons because he is a kid and he needs to learn stuff so that he can be the fire lord when they are finally able to get him out.
zuko probable becomes friends with Suki and Hakoda later and leaves with them during the prison break. (and if all the guards and prisoners are involved in orchestrating a plan to get our turtleduck out of there then who are we to judge)
And in all of them there would be a prison break and somehow or someway Zuko would end up joining the gaang.
-It would be really cool if in the story Ozai had actually sent Ursa to this prison before Zuko later shows up and joins her. there they can have mother-son time and at least the prison life wont be so bad. Plus it would be kind of funny and cute. just picture putting momma Ursa into one of the story ideas I have above. It sounds like it would be fun and a catastrophe to all involved. then when the gaang break them out of prison they all would finally have adult supervision. and Sokka and Katara can finally fell a mother's love again. It would be even better if Ursa and Hakoda fall in love, get married, and brings the two families together. (zuko would finally have a happy parental couple in his life). (maybe even have Zuko fall in love with Sokka so there is a double wedding LOL)
Let me know your thoughts on my ideas and if anyone of you are interested in adopting any of them.
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captainkirkk · 4 years
A collection of fics I’ve read (/reread) and thoroughly enjoyed in the past week-ish from all kinds of fandoms and genres.
Icarus, Point to the Sun by aeoleus               
Zuko tries.
Agni, he tries. Uncle wants so desperately for him to do the right thing, and he wants to, he does, he does, he does-
So when the Water Tribe girl looks at him with wild eyes, begging for help, and Azula raises one eyebrow with a sneer, Zuko chooses.
Azula’s scream of anger when he blasts a fireball in her direction is almost worth the twenty Dai Li agents that immediately surround him.
(or: Zuko is taken prisoner by Azula in the catacombs. Turns out, being kept miles away from the sun isn't so great for your bending.)
Like a Baby Shirshu by mindbending        
Despite the fever and the barely-healed burn scar, the boy’s fast. June avoids his blade, but still he jams his limbs into her, desperate to scratch and kick and bite off her hand…
(Just like a baby shirshu, spitting poison from behind the bars of its cage. The comparison shouldn't be so endearing.)
Or: the AU where Zuko flees the palace after his Agni Kai, running right into Nyla and June.
How Dare You? by Reaganrose1513 (Note: Based off this post I made a month back)
They sent a child. They wanted him to marry a child the same age as his own kids. What in the name of Tui and La- How dare the? How dare they!?
OR: The 100-year war is more of a 95-year war, end earlier for reasons that don't matter right now. After a few years of negotiations, Firelord Azulon wants a marriage alliance between the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe and a member of the Fire Nation royal family. No one really wants this, but after five years, Hakoda can tell his people are tired and want to move on, so he's willing to do what it takes to make peace happen. That is until the Fire Nation sends him a child to marry, and there is no way in hell that is happening.
Harry Potter
The Foundations of Family by waitingondaisies
Ron and Hermione spend a lot of time alone together while Harry is off at Quidditch practice. On one such occasion, Hermione finds herself revisiting her childhood dream of playing house with her friends.
Apex Predator by silver jackdaw (idyII)                
Every single school had one: someone at the top of the food chain. An acme. Someone who could do things under a teacher's nose, escape consequences, and terrify other people. Someone who looked down on everyone else like they were prey. An apex predator. And Izuku couldn't count on teachers and adults to protect anyone. Even a hero school wasn't safe from the phenomena. When Izuku gets to Yuuei, he's determined to find out who it is and ensure they can't hurt him or his new friends.
...and accidentally, in the process, becomes the apex predator (though he is mostly unaware of this, and uses it for good. But still, people are terrified of him.)
(Or, a snowball chain of events wherein Izuku's paranoia leads to 1A becoming a family, everyone in school being in debt to him, Aizawa adopting everyone in his sight and slowly growing closer to committing acts of arson, the League gaining redemption and working with the resident Apex Predator to combat the Hero Commission whilst gaining technically legal identities, and Hawks finding a family. Hurt people help other hurt people, and they're all doing their best. Some laws may or may not be broken in the process.)
but I have promises to keep by SpiritusRex                
“I’m fine.” Midoriya repeats, calmer after a few large, uneven breaths, “This is i-important. This is more important than me.”
“Midoriya,” Shouta starts.
“We’re wasting t-time.” Midoriya cuts him off, “I have a list of Sensei- I mean- I- All for One’s current quirks, and I n-need to tell you them.”
(Late at night, Aizawa Shouta gets an unexpected phone call.)
Like I Was Inside by voiceless_terror                
Tim decided to do what he did best- roll with the punches. Even though the punch, in this case, was his prickly cactus of a boss suddenly deciding he needed affection like a dying plant needs sunlight.
In which Jon encounters a cursed object, and the rest of the archival crew suffers for it. If you can call it suffering.
Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
by omission by Yuu_chi                
Shen Qingqiu had always hoped that if the chance arose he’d be able to tell his friends about his life as Shen Yuan on his own terms. It had never even crossed his mind that the day would come where his deepest secret would be outed in front of his husband, his friends, and his entire sect.
I Wish You Were My Husband by Feynite (+ podfic)
AU based on The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir (familiarity with that story's not required).
Wherein Shen Yuan transmigrates into a harem intrigues romance novel (gay edition), Yue Qingyuan really fucks up, Liu Qingge is not suitable for his job, and no one even remotely sees Luo Binghe coming.
He Was Made For Untidy Rooms and Rumpled Beds by Bluethursday                
Shen Qingqiu kind of, sort of, does not have the same modesty standards as a xianxia novel set in some form of Ancient China? He also hates the heat, who knew right?
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do you have any long zuko-centric fic recs? i've read another brother, the bison series, the yuyan archer series and little zuko v the world for frame of reference i just like really long fics
For long Zuko fics, I tend to prefer series over long chapter fics. You get the same quantity but it’s easier for me to focus on multi-part series. (for this I’m qualifying anything over 20k words as a long fic because I have commitment issues, not gonna lie) 
Carry On For You by Haicrescendo is 55k as of this posting and I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it, it is the softest and best pokemon au on the block. Hai is just so gd talented it astounds me. 
first rule of earth kingdom fight club... by  ohmygodwhy is a series of one-shots involving Zuko’s travels in the Earth Kingdom and how his banishment changed him. It also features him getting involved in a, you guessed it, earth kingdom fight club. (50k) 
The Family You Choose by TunaFishChris is 36k and is my favorite ‘gaang finds out’ fic. It’s a soulmate AU where the gaang sees Zuko’s life and he sees the gaang’s life through soul marks. 
Salvage by MuffinLance seeing as how you’ve read other muffinlance works, I’d be really surprised if you haven’t read this one. For those of you who don’t know, it’s basically a ‘Hakoda and the SWT fleet adopt Zuko post-season 1′. Currently at 8 chapters and 53k words
Fight by Electrons is 131k as of right now and I’ve only read half of it but it’s a Zuko-joins-in-COD fic and I usually don’t like those, but this one is really good and dives into some complexities of the Fire Nation culture, which I haven’t seen a ton of fics do as in-depth as this one. 
Blue by blacklipscurse (bealeciphers) is one of my favorite fics of all time and is currently 84k. It’s Ba Sing Se era Zuko masquerading as the Blue Spirit and having morality, sexuality, and physical crises all around. It’s got it all! Zuko being a crime junkie, Zuko confronting his family issues, Iroh being supportive, Jet being a huge problem for everyone involved, the Earth Kingdom government being corrupt and shady as all get out, some cool spirit world action, and Zuko and Sokka catching feelings for each other while Sokka doesn’t know that the Blue Spirit is Zuko. 
For my zukka babes out there, here are some great longer zukka fics: 
Mass Times Acceleration by Haicrescendo okay so I’m cheating because this is technically 19k but HOLY SHIT if this isn’t the softest road trip au ever to grace ao3 
Real Slow by surveycorpsjean is 21k and is a post-canon slow burn where Sokka takes up the position of Zuko’s ambassador a couple years after the war and what do you know, they both catch some serious feelings for each other. 
(do you take this jerk to be) your one and only by jatersade is 44k so far (8/9 chapters as of right now) is the best arranged marriage zukka fic out there. It takes place in an au where the war only lasted 70 years, Iroh became Firelord, and Zuko is arranged to marry Princess Yue but ends up falling for the son of the SWT chief instead. 
Quarantine And Chill 2020 by Haicrescendo is 25k and is my emotional support zukka modern au. I cannot stress enough how much I am not exaggerating when I say that. (featuring some of the softest smut on the block, Zuko and Sokka adopting cats, and Zuko being the King of Trader Joe’s) 
it's the illusion of separation by argentoswan is a WIP currently at 5 chapters and 26k words but HOLY HELL am I in love with it already. It’s a modern au where Sokka starts working at the Jasmine Dragon as a dishwasher and finds that the guy who bullied him in high school also works there and is now 1) no longer a total dick and 2) way hotter than he was in high school. What I really love about this fic is that it doesn’t shy away from the rocky aspect of Zuko’s character or his relationship with the gaang and emphasizes his growth as a person. 
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fangirlingpuggle · 4 years
Some minor additional thoughts on the Zuko Azula water tribe AU Link here
2)Hakoda having to deal with Sokka and Azula trying to sneak along on hunting trips. Jut the image of him carrying Azula off of the ship when there going off to war because she sneaked on board.
3)Zhao becoming less and less respected because he keeps ending up in stupid situations due to the Gaang, his temper nearly always getting the better of him. 
4) In the swamp Zuko/Azula seeing flashes of Ozai/Ursa, Zuko just sort of freezing while Azula is just like ‘NOPE GONNA KEEP REPRESSING THIS! NOT TODAY SPIRITS! NOT.TODAY!!!’
5)Appa maybe not being taken, because as soon as the no destroying rule is mentioned, everyone just looks at Azula and she’s like ok fine, so she leaves to wait with Toph. So sandbenders have to deal with her...it would not end well for them.
6)Reunion with Iroh and him just adopting the entire Gaang and being so happy that both Azula and Zuko grew up happy and loved and away from Ozai’s influence.
7)Meeting Toph, Zuko and Azula planning to bust her out of her parents house before she shows up.
8)Azula and Yue with their helpless pining, just Azula staring heart eyes and for the first time becomes an awkward fumbling mess Zuko:’who are you and what have you done with my sister?’
and finally 9) Momo and Azula partners in crime!
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evienyx · 4 years
This is kind of embarrassing to admit, but I read the first part of your story wrong and thought that Ozai died in the bath due to it over heating. After I read through the whole thing and corrected that misconception, I now wonder how different this fanfic would be if Ozai died in the bath. What major changes would be made other than lots of laughter? How would everyone react?
omg this is the best thing I’ve ever seen.
Okay, okay, here we go:
- - -
What had started as a normal day quickly delved into chaos when, in the early afternoon, a servant came running through the halls, announcing, “Someone call the Fire Sages! The Fire Lord is dead!”
There had been shock, and then everyone had kicked into high gear. It was war time, after all. They were always prepared for assassinations. They should have expected it more, honestly, what with the desperation the Earth Kingdom troops had been showing recently, and with Sozin’s Comet less than a year away.
Then, though, news had gotten out that Fire Lord Ozai had died in the bath, and not from assassins, but from the water being too hot.
The palace had lulled for a few moments when that news came out, before continuing.
Princess Azula was storming about, demanding that the Fire Sages get here faster, because she wanted to be crowned today, and the Fire Lord can only be crowned in the light of Agni.
As the Princess was rampaging, though, one servant woman, who must have been feeling particularly bold, came up to her and asked, “My princess, isn’t Prince Zuko the Crown Prince?”
All the servants in the nearby vicinity had frozen. Older ones recognized the woman, Keeli. She had always been close to the Prince Lu Ten before his tragic death. Silly woman must have convinced herself that she could speak to all royals as if they were close friends.
Princess Azula clearly was not at all entertained by Keeli’s words. She looked about ready to kill the woman before clenching her fists and saying, “Well, my brother isn’t here, now is he?” The Princess’s teeth gleamed, shiny and sharp.
Then, though, Keeli had changed the game completely when she said, “Oh, but he is, my Princess.”
Princess Azula had all but demanded that Keeli show what she meant. Some servants whispered to one another that it might be a trap for the Princess, but, then again, even if it was, the Princess would most likely be able to fight her way out without even breaking a sweat. Princess Azula clearly knew this, too, as she followed Keeli into a random door and disappeared for half of an hour. During that time, the Fire Sages arrived, and were told that the Princess would be back shortly, but to prepare for a coronation. They were told that the Fire Lord had unfortunately passed away in the bath.
No one had snorted at that.
No one.
After that half-hour was over, Princess Azula emerged with Keeli at her heels from that random door in that random corridor looking more serious and sober than anyone had ever seen her look in all of her thirteen years. She had turned to the nearest servant and demanded in an eerily calm voice that a wheelchair was needed. Then, she had disappeared back into the door, leaving Keeli there to wait for what the Princess had ordered.
Another twenty minutes later, and an emancipated Prince Zuko had emerged from the door, looking as if every breath and every movement caused pain. Princess Azula was at his side, her jaw locked into place and her eyes flaring. Blue flames danced on her fingertips, and everyone stayed wisely away.
Still, people whispered.
The Fire Sages had taken all of the revelations in stride, and Prince Zuko was crowned Fire Lord in the late afternoon sun. His father burned behind him, and he did not look back once. Instead, he stood and faced his nation, the common people crowding in with the nobles below, and smiled.
That night, at the coronation ball, Fire Lord Zuko declared that Crown Princess Azula was his official royal advisor. The Fire Lord and royal advisor had then proceeded to leave the ball and go to the party in the streets that had been hastily set-up (well, it was more like the Fire Lord had decided to go and the Crown Princess and Royal Advisor had accompanied him because 1. she was a better bodyguard than anyone else in the world and, 2., there was no way she was letting that Dum-Dum out of her sight ever again. They had picked up the Ladies Mai and Ty Lee on their way into the streets). 
Fire Lord Zuko started fast on ending the war, freeing war prisoners, sending letters and signing documents with his sister at his side. One day, they were inexplicably joined by a woman dressed in Water Tribe blue. No one argued with the woman, though, because she made Princess Azula eat (who, in turn, forced the Fire Lord to eat). 
Two weeks in, Princess Azula confronted Keeli, and the next day, the Fire Lord and his sister were reunited with their long-thought-dead cousin, Lu Ten (well, it was more like Fire Lord Zuko did his best in his injured state to hold his sister back and stop her from killing their cousin). 
Lu Ten was officially restored his full royal status, and his family was bestowed it as well. The next day, he was made the other royal advisor. Word was that he had been forced into it by the Fire Lord and the Princess because “You learned for your whole childhood how to be Fire Lord” and “Another person here needs to know what they’re doing to keep Zuzu from sinking the whole homeland.”
Another month later, word came that General Iroh had landed in the capital.
The reunion was tearful, and people were yelling and crying and laughing and there was a very large amount of blue fire going in every direction at one point, but eventually everyone calmed down enough for General Iroh to introduce his guests.
When the general had been in the Earth Kingdom, making his way back to the Fire Nation, he had encountered the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe and invited him along, as his informers in the White Lotus had whispered to him that the Fire Lord and Crown Princess were both very close with a Water Tribe woman who called herself ‘Kya,’ just like the late wife of the Chief. Chief Hakoda had agreed to join him, though he took a few extra men with him before sending the rest on their way home.
The general had also encountered (as in, been beat up by) a young earthbender who, when the war had ended, had promptly run away from home, been captured, invented metalbending to escape, and run away again only to charge right into Iroh and the Southern Water Tribe men he traveled with. She had proceeded to lock them all in earthen cages until Iroh pleasantly invited her to tea. The girl, Toph Beifong, had then joined them, insisting she wanted to get off the continent, and a metal ship now sounded like a great idea.
Princess Azula had promptly asked the Beifong heir just how she had beaten Iroh up, and Toph had happily relayed the details. They had then transferred quickly into a test of just how good Azula was at lying.
General Iroh had turned to his son and nephew and said, “We may have just unleashed an evil upon this world greater than Sozin himself.”
Fire Lord Zuko’s story had been shared to the new arrivals, then, and both Chief Hakoda and Toph Beifong had asked where they could find Ozai. Then, they had heard he was dead. Then, they had heard how he died. While Toph laughed so hard that she almost caused an earthquake, Chief Hakoda had grumbled as his wife wrapped her arms around him, “At least it was water that did him in.”
A week later, Zuko had turned to his sister late one night as she sat on his bed and said, “Lala, I think Chief Hakoda and Lady Kya are trying to adopt us.”
Azula had responded without looking up from the document she was scanning, “Agni, Zuzu, you are slow.”
One month later, the world awoke to the news that the Avatar had returned.
Fire Lord Zuko had promptly invited the Avatar to the Fire Nation, with notes from the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe (along with his wife), the Grand Master of the White Lotus, the heir to the Beifong family (who had not, sadly, written the letter herself), and all three advisors to the Fire Lord, one of whom was the Crown Princess, one of whom was thought to be dead in a war now months gone, and one of whom was an old general who had switched sides. Iroh said they were covering all possible ground here.
One more month later, a beast that hadn’t been seen in a century touched down out of the sky and deposited the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, the son of the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe, the last waterbender in the South Pole, and a one-hundred-and-twelve-year-old Avatar in the entrance courtyard of the Fire Nation palace.
The two Water Tribe siblings had promptly screamed and slammed into their mother in full force, and had then been joined by their father. One full family unit once more.
They had then been introduced to the Fire Lord and his sister, the Crown Princess who was now known for her madness. There had been a beat of fear before Kya had hugged the Princess and Hakoda had placed a hand on the Fire Lord’s shoulder, and Sokka had suddenly grinned and blurted out, “I always wanted a brother,” only to be socked in the shoulder by his sister.
The Leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, Suki, had immediately hopped in line with the Crown Princess and her two friends, Mai and Ty Lee, and the Fire Lord had gotten a distant look in his eye as he muttered, “They’re multiplying.”
The Fire Lord and his advisors had done all the formal “Welcome to the Fire Nation�� and all that with the Avatar before the kid had groaned, asked, “Can we just go nap in a garden or something?” and promptly been dragged (along with the Fire Lord) by Toph Beifong into a private courtyard, where nine of the most weirdly diverse children (a Fire Lord, a Princess, two Fire Nation nobles, an Avatar, a Kyoshi Warrior, a Beifong heir, a single waterbender, and master Water Tribe strategist) all soon collapsed onto the ground as turtleducks gathered around them and nipped at their toes.
Later that afternoon, when the new members of their growing group of oddly-connected people found out just how Fire Lord Ozai had died (and what he had done to Zuko), Sokka had promptly turned to Aang and asked, “As the Avatar, can you, like, declare something, uh, spiritually protected or something? Because I think that needs to happen to make sure that that bath house is never torn down ever.”
There had been laughter, but then the Crown Princess had turned to the Avatar, her eyes steely, as she asked. “Can you?”
No one quite knew if Aang could, but that didn’t stop anyone, and it was done within the hour.
“That bath house stopped the war,” Katara mentioned a few hours after.
“No,” Aang said, looking ahead at the Fire Lord and the Crown Princess walking next to one another, Azula supporting Zuko just a bit and staying at his speed as he continued to readjust to walking. “They did.”
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balsa-margarita · 2 years
11, 28 and 29
(From this ask game)
11) Hmm... for some reason this is actually a difficult question, probably because I don't remember the names of the tropes. For ATLA specifically, I can say that Zuko getting adopted by Hakoda is a bit overrated (not bad, but slightly overdone) and the whole thing with Katara holding grudges (also overdone, and kind of flawed for a few reasons) - and in general I'm not that enthused about love triangles and such as a concept. This is about the best I can do, given my tendency to forget the names of things.
28) The most important piece of advice - for me at least - is to get words out. You can do a lot once you have stuff on a page, since that ends up being a skeleton for the finished chapter or work or poem or whatever it is. It's... well, this definitely isn't true for everyone, but editing comes faster to me than writing things out initially.
29) Definitely - without a doubt - keeping it from eating my focus on other things. Since I hyperfixate, I can easily end up getting nothing else done (or get no writing done, but that's a different issue) and I do have real life responsibilities. Including music, which is its own kind of art and its own kind of timesink.
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wearethewitches · 3 years
fem!zuko fic ideas
so these are mostly femzuko stuff, where she’s born to ozai or azulon, yknow?? and some are cuter than others, most are canon-divergent, etc.
Zuko, daughter of Ozai and Ursa
(young adult, governor of the island Shu Jing, tiny and nearer to the Crescent Isle than Caldera; aka, she gets lots of assassins a lot and she is perfectly aware that her father wants her dead, thank-you; Azula is her bastard daughter out of wedlock, though few know all the facts and suitors come nearly as often as assassins; but she also has a group of body-doubles who are her guard and replace her when she visits the colonies and/or Caldera, or wants to have alone time with Azula; the one time Zuko is surprised is by Hakoda and his people visiting quietly, after sending her a letter about meeting, etc.; seeing him, both of them making veiled comments having met before and getting asked to take her father's place when he's overthrown; Zuko is a 'neutral' party...up until Hakoda's daughter shows up with the Avatar after the Day of Black Sun, in need of a firebending master; it bothers her that Hakoda got thrown in Boiling Rock, something she guesses when told of the failed invasion, etc.; Zuko doesn't have a problem with bending, as Iroh took her out to see the dragons and she takes Aang to do the same thing; toddler Azula comes with her to the Temple, making havoc for everyone while one of her doubles has a much-needed laugh; Boiling Rock comes after the dragons, where she stays behind to control the prison, killing the Warden; she goes through the prisoners one by one, recognising more than a couple of her own assassins as well as slavers and pirates, realising she can't exactly let the prison go unmanned; when Sozin's Comet passes, she's surprised and taken captive by her own prisoners, etc.; Zuko is put in the Coolers for way, way too long while everyone escapes, starving by the time she's rescued and desperately wanting to see her daughter; Iroh takes the throne when she refuses, saying it's not a burden she's ever wanted and anyway, she's his heir anyway. Iroh sighs and takes the throne, dealing with reparations better than she would have. interesting end note, where Hakoda kills yet another assassin after her blood and she questions whether he can take the heat; Hakoda says he'll try, then spins Azula around and plays with his 'adopted' daughter, even though Zuko notes that their cheekbones are the same.)
Zuko, daughter of Azulon and Ilah, twin of Ozai
(contender for the throne, Agni Kai that she only loses because she's a good person, Zuko x Hakoda x Kya)
Zuko, daughter of Azulon and Ilah, twin of Ozai
(contender for the throne, Agni Kai that she loses bc she doesn't want to fight her brother or actually sit on the throne. Zuko x Shen the Boulder, undercover in the Earth Kingdom; Zuko adopts Toph when she runs away, keeps her hidden like she asks, cuts off her hair 'for lice reasons' and lets her be dirty as all hell, so long as she knows how to write in the dirt; word gets around that Shen has a new wife and child, the Beifong's thinking that they've stolen Toph; Shen is accosted in town and made to lead the Beifong guard to his home, to meet them both
Toph is unrecognisable and lets her attitude out; she earthbends away underneath their house at one point to escape them when they refuse to believe she's not actually Toph, the guards thinking that Zuko did it; the guards make some nasty suppositions about an earthbender stealing away the Little Lady in the night and Zuko gets angry and proves she's not an earthbender by surrounding them all in a circle of fire, very narrowly missing burning Toph when she abruptly comes back out from under the ground
Shen immediately starts packing when they run off and points out that they may not be his wife and daughter, but they're still family; so, they go on the run, living off the land and creating earth houses warmed by fire, etc.; they travel north through the Swamp, going on towards Omashu; they stay there for a long time, Toph having encounters with King Bumi while Zuko uses her skills from childhood to teach sighted children how to write; Shen gets a job earthbending with the mail company; their lives in Omashu are actually kind of great and Zuko and Shen get a bit more romantic, Shen doing the whole dating romance thing that spins Zuko in a tizzy for a while, until she finally reciprocates; Toph and Bumi's Mad Adventures during the dating shenanigans
they live there for literal years, Zuko getting a good reputation as a tutor, etc., with her own side-business in writing up contracts for pittance; then the Beifong's representative recognises Toph in Bumi's court and she goes running with little more than a 'see you later, crystal-muncher', finding her parents and telling them what's up; they scatter, leaving everything behind and attempting to go through the Secret Tunnel
Toph attempts to navigate for them, but she's not too good at mazes; Shen helps her with her temper, instead asking if there are badger-moles about that might assist; there are, but they won't come near Zuko, whose inner fire is recognisable as a firebenders; Zuko makes them both leave with the badger-moles, saying she'll find her way out, as she can tell east from west; she makes Shen leave to look after their daughter
Zuko has a bit of introspection, finding the statues and meditating to them for a while, pondering the path through the mountain so she can return to them; the two spirits of the secret lovers visit her and remind her that they were earthbenders, etc., telling her the full story, then saying the only way she'd figure it out was by banking her fire, as they did not have fire when they walked the tunnel; Zuko agrees after some fear, then actually banks her inner flame, too, not realising they only meant the outside light; she realises there's another warmth inside of her and discovers the bioluminescant rock, following the path...the wrong way
she finds the Omashu side and is nearly caught in the Beifong guard's trap, making excuses about leaving because she was a firebender; they say that Toph is a spitting image of her mother and they will get her back; Zuko sets fire to them and escapes into the cave, chastising herself for going the wrong way
reunite with the family, keeping her pregnancy secret for a while, until Toph starts complaining that there must be an animal following them, because the heartbeat is so quick; she reveals all and they decide to go to Ba Sing Se, via the Great Divide to Full Moon Bay; they get there and Zuko has trouble getting work from being pregnant, until Toph helps holler about cheap schooling in the Lower Ring
there's some issue with getting her a license, until Shen saves the day by getting inducted into the police-force; he looks ridiculous in the uniform, but it gets them moved into the Middle Ring and Zuko accidentally gains the reputation as a highborn in disguise and then just a highborn without money; she doesn't care, keeping her tutoring to small classes at a decent price, no contract writing though
it is pure chance that she discovers her elder brother's teashop, but 'Mushi' doesn't recognise her and Zuko decides to visit as often as she can; Toph comes with most of the time and when Zuko tells her why she visits, she visits on her lonesome and calls him 'Uncle Mushi' and makes a not-so-veiled comment about not recognising his own sister, like she thought sighted people could do
peace and happiness in the family, Shen meeting Iroh and being none-the-wiser, until the Avatar shows up looking for his earthbending teacher, Toph Beifong; they nearly make another runner, until Aang promises he won't try taking her back to Gaoling, bc her parents are creepy, Toph making a racket about Zuko and Shen being her parents, not them, etc.
the Gaang invite her to join their epic quest and at this point, Zuko has the kid, weirdly happy that both her family and the Gaang are panicking; Sokka gets her baby a really lovely blanket with a Water Tribe charm he attached to the inside to keep her new baby daughter safe; Zuko names her Ilah, after her mother, somehow surprised that she's born a firebender like herself; Iroh dotes on the baby, but then they both have to go face Azula when she starts invading Ba Sing Se with the drill. Ilah is left with Shen and the Gaang as Iroh and Zuko go into Azula's custody willingly, stopping her from taking over the earth kingdom.
Ozai vs. his siblings. Zuko never gets to explain the Shen who she is and no-one knows until they give themselves up so Aang can escape. Zuko is put in Boiling Rock and threatened with the Freezer, while Iroh is placed in his canon cell.
(didn’t have any other notes for this one. assume that zuko takes over the prison and when the break-out team appears, she eventually becomes fire lady, yada yada and toph is Horrified at becoming a princess.)
Zuko, daughter of Azulon and Ilah, twin of Ozai
(contender for the throne, runs off to Iroh at Ba Sing Se when Ozai assassinates their father, only to find that things aren't going very well at all, Zuko x Kuei, takes control of the Dai Li when they attempt to kidnap her and kills Long Feng, etc.; Ba Sing Se is most definitely at war and Zuko's allegiance is with them, against the Fire Nation; realising that Ba Sing Se is overpopulated, the decision to build Up, rather than Out, mass army recruitment and district guard; the nobles complain and Kuei says he'll set Bosco on them if they demean their fellow citizens again; Zuko has had a bad influence on him.)
Zuko, daughter of Azulon and Ilah
(adult, expected to marry a Zhao-like war general, does marry said general only to have an affair with Piandao; Azula is his daughter, making for a very angry husband; Zuko is abused roughly, Piandao having no idea Azula is his, as he left court; Iroh comes home from Ba Sing Se and challenges her husband to an Agni Kai when he sees his sister's bruises, wins and kills the dude, before taking Zuko and Azula away; they live on the Wani in relative peace; a letter to Piandao, only for Fat's signature to come back telling her she's welcome in his home for visits alone, no Azula allowed; Zuko, angry, ignores him for the rest of time and gets pissy at the wrong time, when Azula later asks her who her dad is; what ensues is Azula running away to find her father and joining the Gaang as the resident firebender, while Zuko threatens everyone she comes across into finding her daughter; Iroh can't really help, as he's also angry that Azula would so willingly put herself in danger bc, uhh...Lu Ten feels; Azula thinks every dark-skinned man who's been in Fire Nation waters could be her father, including but not limited to Hakoda, Jeong Jeong, Hue, Zhao, Cabbage-Man, King Bumi, Mai's dad and Guru Pathik, because she doesn't think Zuko has taste; she finally gives up when Sokka asks Piandao and the dude actually says her mother just doesn't want to admit the husband who hurt her sired her child; Azula wishes Iroh hadn't murdered him, then thanks him in the back of her head; time moves on and Zuko finally turns to Piandao, Iroh having gone east to Ba Sing Se, etc., who says she was here and he told her the truth that her father was Zuko's husband; Zuko rages and says that Piandao is her blood father, tyvm, not that he's Ever going to get the privilege of saying as such to Azula's face; Piandao is shocked and left wanting, Zuko taking the Wani to meet Hakoda and his men; smexy times, before the DoBS; she rescues him from Boiling Rock in a fit of pique, returning him to Sokka and finding Azula, who Zuko - in front of everyone - calls Azula Hakoda's kid, who is a bit miffed at the idea he'd cheat on his wife; again, in front of everyone, Zuko apologises, then says to Azula that her father left before Zuko knew she was pregnant; mother-daughter bonding, except Azula's still privately not satisfied; 'a year later' note, before Azula goes to meet her uncle Ozai for the first time, who calls her a bastard to her face; Ozai does a ...reveal, then cut to Azula in Piandao's office when he gets back from training a new recruit, poking around his things. casual "Hello, Father." Azula-style, "I hear you know my mother." Piandao recovers quite well, having a 'casual' conversation about Zuko's swordmanship skills, before he offers Azula. she drawls that if it's really a family tradition, she might as well. Piandao smiles and welcomes her home. "Home...well, at least it's nicer than the Wani.")
Zuko, daughter of Iroh, twin of Lu Ten
(young adult, attempted murder via Ozai; Mother of Faces + Zuko | Kya, not the real Kya, memory issues until the Southern Raiders attack and she melts the whole force, running off when she remembers being Zuko; angst at being a mother and not a mother, scraping together her shit at the Air Temple, continually running away when her children accidentally find her; kidnapping Toph by accident and then depriving Aang of an earthbending master, etc., reuniting with Hakoda when running from danger, Toph crying/hating when she forces Hakoda to take her, so she can help Aang; discovering her father and calling herself Kya, explaining everything to him except being Zuko; Iroh helps her go to the Mother of Faces, etc., but the Mother knows she doesn't want to stop being Kya and gives her the choice of when to take her mask off; she parts from Iroh, still not revealing things, then goes to join Sokka and Katara in Caldera, solving their succession crisis when it's brought up that Azula is the heir, taking off her face in front of her children and claiming the throne as Zuko, daughter of Iroh, true Queen of the Fire Islands)
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