#everyone go read my book so we can hyperfixate together
crazypossumman · 2 years
Hyperfixating on your own project is MISERABLE.
Like there’s no fandom. There’s no one creating content.
YOU have to create the content YOURSELF. Or else it just doesn’t exist.
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layuhsblog · 4 months
LOVE LANGUAGES: request: love languages of Yangyang and Chenle
I dont think Chenle is going to be very vocal about his feelings for you but instead he'll show it in little acts of service. You craved some fruits once in your relationship? Now your house is always stocked up with your favourite fruits.
You're too tired from work? He'll be at your house even before you reach and brings your favourite takeout so you can eat with him and go to sleep.
If you're arguing he won't apologise but would still do small things to show he cares. If he's drinking water and you're next to him, he'd not look your way and hand you the bottle so you can drink too. You are dozing off watching youtube, he'd snatch your phone, put it on charge and tuck you in the blanket before he grumbles how annoying you are and pecks your forehead.
We all knew Chenle would be here. I've written more about Gift Giving on my 'NCT Dream as bfs who give their gf princess treatment fic' (hehe promo)
I'll say it again tho. He's the type to make you kiss all over his face before handing you his card and telling you to go all out.
He'd spoil you with expensive gifts even if you tell him not too.
Everyone has a hyperfixation, whether you hoard electronics, plushies, stickers, toys, stationery or whatever- hes supportive, buys you any new product in the market he thinks you'll find cool. Also the type to secretly keep track of your amazon wishlist, to buy you the things you like.
Yangyang will be more on the handmade gifts or small gifts type. Like things that aren't fancy but significant.
Like earrings/rings/jewellery you eyed in the mall when you were walking together. Guess what he's giving you on your anniversary.
A book your friend recommended to you which you asked to borrow when theyre done, he'll get it for you. Will also read your annotations and smile to himself, glad he gets to read the books that have a hint of you in it.
Another one to support your hyperfixations. He finds them cute.
PHYSICAL TOUCH: Yangyang, Chenle?
I have a feeling Yangyang is the clingy annoying types. Like y'all hang out together a lot in silence but after a while he'll get bored and decide to annoy you. Especially if you're the type to like your personal space, guess what- he also likes your personal space, he'll be all up in it.
Will sit on you, bite your cheek randomly, lick you for no reason (ew), tug your hair to annoy you, tickle you etc. His way of showing you love
Chenle at first will be a bit distant but slowly and gradually as he gets more comfortable he's going to get so clingy. But he'll be moody about it. He always wants to share a blanket, he'd share a pillow with you if you'd let him but as soon as you start to wake him up or try to pull the blanket to yourself at night when he steals it HE'LL GLARE AT YOU SO BAD. He's scary. The next morning apologises for being mean if you're sulking about it. Allows you to get a separate blanket for yourself so he doesnt repeat this. (He can't control it he was sleepy :/ )
They both love to spend time with you. They find it very intimate when you are comfortable with eachother enough to sit in silence without feeling the need to talk. They LOVE when you're alone together spending time and you can tell what the other wants by their eyes alone. I'll elaborate;
If you're having a fight with your friend on text and you sigh and keep your phone down, they'll already leave everything they have and open their arms to you so you can bury your face in their chest and just relax. They'll hold you and stroke your hair. Only when you look up and smile at them softly they'll let you go and then ask you to talk about it. Cute.
WORDS OF AFFIRMATION: I'M SORRY NONE. a little Yangyang tho once hes comfortable with you. He'll say constant i love yous, tell you you're pretty, stuff like that. I cant see them saying much cheesy stuff so I'll keep this short.
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skyfallscotland · 6 months
Hiii me again! I, too, have questions for the ask game 🍓🦋🥤
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I feel like it's redundant to keep saying the same ones, but *whispers* storm in the quiet @justallihere and Political Gain @sarahwyland
But also, in terms of underrated, I just read a little series by Ramzes called The Unseen One, furthering the Sloane/Bodhi agenda (🙏🏼 the lord’s work) and I've also enjoyed The Princess Gambit by JuliLyng so far as well, which is Xaden/OC. Not sure if they have tumblr, but if they're here, hi! 👋🏼
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
So I've always been a reader/writer, since as far back as I can remember (maybe three years old?), I'm pretty sure with the knowledge I have now that I'm hyperlexic.
I'm old enough to have been around for dial-up internet, but when I was a preteen, we got broadband (showing my age). This is to say, don't judge my parents too harshly because internet safety was not a thing back then, but...
I found fanfiction because back then, a lot of people either used livejournal or hosted their own sites, so a lot of fansites, had fanfiction. So while looking at Buffy fansites, I stumbled across Buffy fanfiction and realised I could actually read stories!!! so many stories!! where Buffy and Spike got together earlier or things didn't end tragically for them. So yeah, at 11 I was reading very explicit Spuffy smut on the internet 🫢 I had a system set up where I would play The Sims all day or do school project powerpoints, except I was really reading fanfic and I would flick between screens whenever my parents entered the room.
My mum now has KU and reads dark romance every day, so I guess she comes by it honestly (and yes, I did mean it that way around, I was here first!) 😂
Anyway, when I was 12 I started publishing my first few fanfics on ffnet - Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and a Harry Potter/X-Men Crossover. Each originally written on paper, they were all ridiculously bad, but the latter had people interested enough despite the writing, which encouraged me to try again later down the line with The Vampire Diaries and Jurassic World. I hadn't written for almost ten years and had never finished anything much until last year, by chance, I decided to finally get back into reading actual books and picked up ACOTAR. I finished the series within a week and I was left like?? That's it????
The archive had such a small number of works, I couldn't believe it, so I decided to write my own. I wrote Fury and Siren over the course of three months. I wasn't game to post anything in case I didn't finish it, because I'd never finished anything before. I also put off starting this little book I'd bought 'Fourth Wing' by three months, because I knew I'd be sucked in and would lose the hyperfixation I had, so I forced myself to finish Siren first. And now you all know my life story lol omg I'm so embarrassing to myself 🫠
TLDR: internet
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
Honestly, this is kind of angsty, but this last week I’ve thought a lot about male-dominated fandom spaces and how we’re not welcome in them. We, meaning everyone who isn’t a straight, cis, white male. The Formula 1 community on here seems a little better, probably because it’s female-led, but everywhere else I can’t even look at the comments.
To be honest, I’m tired of being told I don’t belong, or that my opinion means nothing because I’m female. I grew up in a motorsport family, my earliest memories are at racetracks, but men on the internet would have you believe I’m only interested because of what the drivers look like. It’s just…tiring. Those fandom spaces have become a no-go zone for me now, because it just isn’t worth it. We live in a time where no matter what you say someone will attack you which is sad in itself, but it’s so much worse when you’re a woman commenting on a “man’s sport”, not to mention endlessly frustrating because they’re too stupid to tell the difference between equity and equality.
🦋 On a larger note, Palestine. I don’t think more than that needs saying. It hurts my heart.
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isitthemoon · 1 year
The Real MBTI – an essay a rant by me, motivated by the dear @mazeinthemoon
Warnings: LONG (5330 words), rambling, not beta read, one singular curse word, me being a nerd, english is not my first language, may not make sense at times, may contain grammar and vocabulary errors, passionate but not well articulated. Really just a rant and me trying to explain something I care about. I’m also NOT an expert by any means, I’m not a Psychology major, just some person who happens to hyperfixate be REALLY interested on mbti and analytical psychology. If it gives me any credit, my therapist does have a specialization in analytical psychology.
1. What is MBTI?
MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is basically just a personality test, but thanks to sites like 16personalities and the internet giving it the same treatment as astrology (disclaimer: I love astrology and MBTI and it’s really sad to see them both being treated as just stereotyped boxes L) it turned into a different thing. Originally it is based on the ideas of this dude (/lh) named Carl Jung. On his book “Psychological Types” he describes what we call ‘Cognitive Functions’, basically different ways people’s brains are wired, explaning tendencies/behaviours/his thoughts on the 8 different psychological types. There are 8 cognitive functions and he describes them separately, so how did we end up with 16 personalities?
Well, there’s this thing called the function ‘stack’ that I’ll go into detail a bit laterksksks but it’s just a way to arrange the functions together. It’s basically (challenge: take a shot every time I say basically here) the way the functions are combined – each type having two different main functions. Add it up and bam: 16 personalities. But where does the myers-briggs come from?
I personally won’t talk much about them, but Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs were a daughter and mother duo that read Jung’s book and theory and were like “hey, this is pretty cool, what if we do something more with it?”, and so they basically gave birth to MBTI and popularized the stack and the 16 personalities.
HOWEVER…… somewhere along the way the mbti test became something else, no longer based on Jung’s cognitive function theory, but on another thing called ‘The Big Five’ test (please don’t quote me on that, I didn’t research this more because I honestly don’t care), separating the 4 letters from their original meaning. I’ll explain what they mean later, but for now, know that (for example) INFJ doesn’t really mean just Introverted iNtuitive Feeling and Judging.
[Update: I actually made an effort and researched more about The Big Five thanks to a lovely anon who explained it to me. More on how The Big Five and MBTI connect here]
ALSO want to clear some misconceptions: your “personality” or “psychological type” cannot change.  This doesn’t mean people can’t change, it just means you can’t change your “brain engines”, basically. The “personality” starts being formed during childhood, and with age, it just develops, for better or for worse. And so, when things happen, sometimes it manifests (as in appears, shows up, acts in a certain way) in a healthy and positive way, and sometimes in a toxic and self-sabotaging way. You can always improve yourself and see new perspectives, but you can’t really change your “programation”. Think of it as your software system, if it makes it any easier to understand.
And another misconception is the percentage thing. I didn’t really wanna ruin the fun (😭) but I also don’t want to spread misinformation. Percentages are not a thing. You’re not 70% feeling and 30% thinking. You’re not 98% introverted and 2% extroverted. Honestly, no one would be healthy with this “stats”. I’ll explain it in more detail in the Stack topic, but everyone has Introverted AND Extroverted function. Everyone has Feeling AND Thinking and everyone has iNtuition AND Sensing. The functions are just treated with different “priorities” by your brain, and if you “abuse” too much of one, it’ll cause a warning, it won’t be healthy. “So basically everyone is an ambivert?” I guess????? Everyone has their moments and we all need to go out sometimes and stay alone other times. It doesn’t mean you can’t have a natural preference, though.  This is getting long, so just hold these thoughts for now because there’s a topic just for thiskkkkk
2. Why should we care?
I mean, to most people it’s just another personality thing, maybe a way to have fun while stereotyping people or to blame all your flaws on like your sun sign (I’m a pisces btw ^^), so… why should we care about it?
I can only speak for me, so… first things first, it is science, so you shouldn’t be so skeptical about it. I like it because it is very well structured and explained, it makes so much sense to me and after you learn about the real thing, you start to notice it in people that are close to you. Also, like every single personality thing, it is a tool used to try and understand people better. To paraphrase an amazing youtuber (channel: dear kristin) it is a tool you can use so you can learn to love others better. When we understand each other, we can love each other better and have more empathy towards each other. It helps in knowing why some people do X and other people do Y when Z happens to them both. It makes it easier to know someone’s thought process and understand why they react a certain way, and it’s also a great tool to perceive people’s flawed tendencies as well as their natural’s strenghs. With this knowledge in mind, we can also focus on being better versions of ourselves.
And also, my most personal reason that I’m so passionate about this is: if I can make the effort and connect to and understand others, it means that people can do it too. If I’m capable of knowing this and seeing what others’ lives are like, it means other people can, even if just a little, understand me and get me. It means I’m not alone or disconnected. It means no one’s really THAT much of a weirdo that no one could possibly understand them. It means that I can be seen and valued the same as others. I’m gonna stop right now before I start crying and ranting about loneliness, thank you for your patiencekkkkk let’s move on.
3. So… then what are Cognitive Functions?
*sighs* okay I’m too lazy to try and explain it first with my own words so I’ll just copy-paste it from Wikipedia: “Cognitive functions, also referred to as psychological functions, as described by Carl Jung in his book Psychological Types, are particular mental processes within a person's psyche that are present regardless of common circumstance.” It’s basically, how I said before, a thought process, a perspective, the way someone’s brain is “programed” or “wired”. Don’t quote me on this but apparently it’s like using some parts of the brain more than others? Like that thing of “are you a left-sided or right-sided brain?” but more complex, I don’t really know how to explain it.
As I said before, everyone has an equal number of functions, which basically means everyone can make choices based on feeling and thinking, for example. What makes it special is that Cognitive Functions are NATURAL behaviours, your go-to’s, the processes you’re so used to doing that you don’t even realize it. In a basic (and unpolished) way, if you’re doing an effort to “make” it on purpose, it’s not a cognitive function. And according to your own preferences, some functions are more developed and others are more repressed. This comes back to the Stack thing *sighs* I promise I’ll get to it, but first we have to learn about the functions themselves. Let’s make some sub-topics:
3.1. Disposition: Introversion vs Extroversion
So, a function’s disposition talks about where its energy flow and its goal. Introversion means the focus is internal, on the self, on subjective things. Extroversion means the focus is external, on objective things and on outside “objects”. Jung talks about it in his book the “object” is basically any external thing, something that is not originated from whithin – be it feelings (the “object” being a place’s atmosphere and social cues, for example) or sensations (the “object” being external stimulation instead of you paying attention to your own body). Being Introverted means there’s a resistance, a kind of unwillingness towards this “object”, while being extroverted means you’re positive towards the “object” and adapting yourself to it. Extroversion expands, Introversion narrows. Extroversion explores and experiments, Introversion organizes and settles. Extroversion focuses on the object, Introversion focuses on the impression of the object. This applies to all functions, and divides them equally: 4 introverted functions and 4 extroverted functions.
3.2. Judging Functions: Thinking vs Feeling
Here comes the J you know from the 4 letters. To put it in a simple way (because I already talked too much and we didn’t even arrive on the functions themselves) Judging Functions talk about how you make decisions. Where you go to when making choices. There are 2 Judging functions: Thinking and Feeling. Copy-pasting again to make it more simple: “These functions determine how you make decisions; based on values, ethics, and the emotional needs of others (feelers) or logic, causality, and efficiency (thinkers).” Each one has their extroverted and introverted “version”, so:
Extroverted Thinking (aka Te), Extroverted Feeling (aka Fe), Introverted Thinking (aka Ti) and Introverted Feeling (aka Fi). Each feeling function has a complementary thinking one and vice-versa, meaning one cannot *be* without the other. Think of it like yin-yang, complementary opposites. If you have one, you have the other. So, Te has Fi (and Fi has Te) and Fe has Ti (and Ti has Fe). They’re often called “axis”, as in “The Fi-Te axis”, because when we talk about one function we often end up talking about their opposite and how they manifest together. The same applies to the following functions.
3.3. Perceiving Functions: Intuitions vs Sensing
This is the P. The Perceiving Functions talk about how you see the world, how you ‘perceive’ things, how you receive information and how you organize it. The perceiving functions are Sensing and Intuition. Again with the copy-paste: “These functions determine how you take in information; through your five senses (sensing) or through patterns and underlying meanings (intuition).” Again, both have their I and E version:
Extroverted Sensing (aka Se), Introverted Intuition (aka Ni) [and together they make an axis], Extroverted Intuition (aka Ne) and Introverted Sensing (aka Si) [also making their own axis.].
4. Oh my god, are we finally gonna talk about whatever the hell the “Stack” is?
Yes. Finally. Will I copy-paste some things? Probably. So…. What’s a Function Stack? Well…
There are 8 cognitive functions, right? Te, Fe, Ne, Se, Ti, Fi, Ni and Si. And I said that everyone has Thinking AND Feeling and Sensing AND Intuition. This means everyone has 4 cognitive functions (ACCORDING TO THE MYERS-BRIGGS THEORY, I’m only focusing on them, but basically what happens is that different people read Jung’s book and made different theories according to their own research and opinion). The Function Stack is just how these functions are organized according to your brain’s own preference and development. Look:
The 1st function, called the Dominant one, is your main function. It’s basically your autopilot, everything you do goes through this function, it’s how you live. “When we use a function that is destined to become “preferred”, we feel an emotional investment in what we’re doing, and we feel in control of our emotional life, so we keep on doing it. We tend to be more stimulated by the function. It then appears to “develop” or get “stronger”, and behaviors associated with it will increase”.
The 2nd, called the Auxiliary function, “helps” your dominant function, as the name suggests. It balances the 1st function and is there to walk beside it, and is not as developed as the 1st.
The 3rd is called… the Tertiary. It’s not as developed as the previous 2, and it is ALWAYS the opposite function of the 2nd one. This happens because of some concepts in Analytical Psychology that I wish I didn’t have to talk about, but I’ll probably make a sup-topic. We often like to use our Tertiary function in a relaxed way, since we have easier access to it that way. Some people describe it as our “Child” function because of that sense of curiosity as well as immaturity that children have, meaning we are curious to use it and enjoy using it in a stress-free way but don’t have the maturity level to use it in the “””right””” way.
The 4th one is called the Inferior function. It is the least developed and most repressed function, and it is ALWAYS the opposite of the Dominant Function. This Function often “comes out” in moments of stress or when we used too much of our dominant one. Because of this, it’s not exactly easy to use it in a healthy way. Because it is the most repressed one, our conscious brain doesn’t really “like” it, so when it comes to the surface it’s often in a toxic way. HOWEVER… it doesn’t mean this function is bad and you should hate it. This is the function that shows us our “weaknesses”, and at the same time, tells us how to overcome them. When people do something “good” aka achieve something with this function, they often feel very relieved, rewarded and satisfied. It’ll always be our least used function, but if we learn how to use it accordingly, we’ll walk one step further on the road that is Self Discovery.
Also just realized that I talked more about the Inferior than the Dominant. Huh.
4.1. SO… how does this work in practice? Is there a formula?
Why, yes, there is. Here’s the cake mold for you.
1st: pick one singular function among the 8 available. That’s the Dominant Function.
2nd: If the first function you chose was a Judging function, now pick a Perceiving function. If the first one was a Perceiving function, now pick a Judging one. The 2nd function brings balance, so it has the opposite disposition of the Dominant one (meaning that if the 1st was extroverted the 2nd will be introverted and vice versa).
3rd: this function is the exact opposite of the 2nd function. Reminder that Thinking is the opposite of Feeling, Intuition is the opposite of Sensing and Extroversion is the opposite of Introversion.
4th: this function, as said before, is the exact opposite of the Dominant function.
Let’s look at an example.
One: let’s say the dominant function is Fi. Fi is a judging function, so the auxiliary function has to be a perceiving. Fi is introverted, so the auxiliary has to be extroverted. That leaves us with two options: Ne and Se. Each auxiliary will make a personality type, giving us TWO personalities with the SAME Dominant Function (and so… 8 x 2 = 16 personalities). For now, let’s go with Ne. So far we have FiNe. The tertiary function is always the opposite of the auxiliary. The opposite of N (intuition) is S (sensing), and the opposite of E (extroversion) is I (introversion), so our 3rd function will be Si. And the inferior function is always the opposite of the dominant one. Well, the opposite of F (feeling) is T (thinking), leaving us with Te. Therefore, the full stack is FiNeSiTe.
Another one: this time, the dominant function is Se. Se is a perceiving function, so the auxiliary has to a judging function, with the opposite disposition. That gives Ti and Fi. Let’s go with Ti right now. The auxiliary is always the exact opposite of the auxiliary, leaving us with Fe. And finally, the inferior is always the exact opposite of the dominant, leaving us with Ni. Therefore, our final stack is SeTiFeNi.
See how every stack has 2 extroverted and 2 introverted functions? That’s to balance out the psyche. Same thing with – again – having T AND F and S AND N. That’s right, everyone is a Thinker, Feeler, Sensor and Intuitive. What differentiates everyone, as we just saw, is how these functions are organized within our brains.
To make it easier, here’s all 16 possible stacks, divided by Dominant Function:
FiNeSiTe / FiSeNiTe
TiNeSiTe / TiSeNiTe
NiFeTiSe / NiTeFiSe
SiTeFiNe / SiFeTiNe
FeNiSeTi / FeSiNeTi
TeSiNeFi / TeNiSeFi
SeFiTeNi / SeTiFeNi.
NeFiTeSi / NeTiFeSi
Bonus: how can we group the psychological types? Honestly, any way you want. For me, what makes the most sense is to groups the types which all have the same cognitive functions (they’ll just be in a different order). You can also group them by: same dominant function, same auxiliary function, Feeling Dominants, Intuition Dominants, Judging Function Dominants, Feeling Doms + Sensing Aux, and the list goes on. It’s just fun to see the ways they could go together.
4.2. Are you any curious why the 3rd and 4th functions are the opposite of the 2nd and 1st?
Well, allow me to try to introduce you to three very important concepts in Analytical Psychology in a very simple (and probably sidetracked?) way: the Self, the Persona and the Shadow.
Think of the Self as…. Like, your “true” Self, the most complete and authentic version of you. “The totality of a person’s being”, according to Jung according to this site I won’t reference said.
The Persona is “a role that an individual chooses to play in life or it is the impression of them they want to express to the outside world”. Think of it as a social “mask” (and no, it’s not being fake, everyone acts in a different way with different people, or are you telling me you treat a boss the same way you treat your sibling?), the surface or “light”/visible part of your personality. In this case, we can make a parallel to the cognitive functions. Persona = Dominant and Auxiliary functions, since they’re the ones that we use to navigate the world.
Now, Jung basically says that when we present something in our Persona, the opposite traits are repressed, but still exist within us. “Despite pushing them away, they may find a way in to our lives, either through what we refer to as out of control reactions, eruptions and being “out of character” in our attitudes and behaviours.” In our unconscious there is a bit of everything we don’t like. This is the Shadow. Bringing it to my analogy, Shadow = Tertiary and Inferior functions, because they’re the repressed and undeveloped ones. To reiterate, the Shadow is not always bad. If in your daily life you’re someone with a low self-esteem and a people-pleaser, in your Shadow there’s a high self-esteem, assertive version of yourself that knows how to set boundaries.
In psychological treatments using Analytical psychology, it’s often said that one of the main goals is the Integration of the Shadow. It means taking parts of the Shadow, looking at them, understanding, feeling, accepting them and learning how to use them to be a better version of yourself aka walking one step closer to the Self.
5. So… what does INFJ mean? What do any of the letters mean?
So, in the first topic I said, with these exact words, “that INFJ doesn’t really mean just Introverted iNtuitive Feeling and Judging.” I mean, they do mean what they mean, but there’s more to it.
The 4 letters aren’t supposed to be an acronym, they’re supposed to be a code. Yes, there’s a secret (not really) encoded message in the 4 letters of your mbti type!!! And what do they reveal?????
Your cognitive functions. Your function stack. That’s right, it was in your faces the whole time, and only now someone decided to tell you about it. So… how do you find it?
Let’s start with the INFJ example (because that’s my type!!! ^^). We’ll use it to see the formula for the 4 letters in ANY type.
The 1st letter – I or E: this shows us the Disposition/Energy of the Dominant Function of the type. In the case of the INFJ, the Dominant function will be an Introverted one (Fi, Ni, Si or Ti). But how do we know what functions are here?
The 2nd letter – N or S: this shows us our Perceiving function. “But doesn’t everyone have Intuition AND Sensing?” Yes, but when it comes to the code (or the 4 letters), they only show the Dominant and Auxiliary functions. In the case of the INFJ, we know that the Perceiving Function is Intuition, but we still don’t know if it’s Ni or Ne.
The 3rd letter – F or T: this shows us our Judging function. The same things said in the 2nd letter apply on this one. In our example of the INFJ, we know that the Judging function is Feeling, but again, we still don’t know if it’s Fi or Fe.
The 4th letter – J or P: Now here comes the catch. Being a J doesn’t mean you’re organized and being a P doesn’t mean you’re spontaneous. This letter reveals to us…. Which function is our EXTROVERTED function!!!! Being a XXXJ means you either have Fe or Te and being a XXXP means you have Ne or Se. It’s ALWAYS the Extroverted function, so it means your other function is the Introverted one. SO, if the INFJ is a J, it means that the Judging function (which we learned is Feeling), is the extroverted one, so…. Fe!!! This automatically means that the Perceiving function (in this case, Intuition) is introverted, so… Ni!!!! The two main functions of the INFJ are Fe and Ni!
Bringing it all together: So, if you go and think further about this, you’ll go…. “Hey. ENFJ also has the same functions, Fe and Ni”. And here comes the part about the Stack. Remember how the 1st letters shows us the energy of our Dominant function? If the INFJ is introverted, the order will be Ni and then Fe. For the ENFJ, it’ll be first Fe and then Ni. Applying our knowledge from the Stack topic, we can now say that the INFJ function stack is NiFeTiSe, and the ENFJ is FeNiSeTi.
Another example, let’s go with INFP.
1st letter: it shows us that the Dominant function is Introverted (we still don’t know which one).
2nd letter: it shows us that the Perceiving function is Intuition. N for iNtuition. We still don’t know if it’s Ne or Ni.
3rd letter: it shows us that the Judging function is Feeling. We still don’t know if it’s Fi or Fe.
4th letter: here it isss! It tells us that the Perceiving Function is the Extroverted one. So…. The INFP has Ne!
Bringing it all together: So, if the N is extroverted (Ne), automatically the F has to be introverted (Fi). Since the INFP is an… well, IXXX, it means the introverted function is the Dominant one. Applying the Stack Formula, we have the INFP function stack – FiNeSiTe.
You can also figure out the 4 letters from the function stack, kinda like revere engineering. Fun challenge: go back to the Stack list and try to assign the type letters to each one. Remember: the 4 letters only show the Dominant and Auxiliar Functions!
Also, in case you’re wondering how to pronounce the functions abbreviated forms, just say the letters in a separate way. Fe = eff-ee. I mean, there aren’t rules, really, so when I talk in my native language I just pronounce the syllable (as in pronouncing Fe as /Feh/ and Ti as /Tea/).
6. Is this when you finally talk about the functions themselves?
Yes. Finally. It only took almost 3.9k words to arrive here. But we’ll finally talk about how each function works. HOWEVER….. have in mind that each function “behaves” differently according to its position in the stack. What I’ll present here is the main gist, the basic meaning of the functions, the summary of the summary, with maybe some examples on how they look when unbalanced or unhealthy. If by now you’re REALLY interested, feel free to search more about it. Search something like “*insert function here* in all 4 positions” (or 8, if you want to see other models). One youtube channel that goes into this is INFJinxed. Another channel I really like, for knowledge AND comedy sketches, is dear kristin.
Now… after 4k words, let’s talk about each function individually. Finally, I’ll keep it simple, but I also recommend you going to the channels previously mentioned if you want to learn about them in a more detailed way. I’ll start with the Extroverted ones, then the Introverted.
Also, keep in mind that these summaries are how I got to understand the functions after doing my own research and reading Jung’s book, because 99% of the time I had no idea what people meant when they were repeating their static definition of the functions. If you want to look at other ways to explain the same thing, you can always do your own research, there are A LOT of people that already explained them.
6.1. Extroverted Thinking aka Te.
This function talks about objective norms, tradition, empirical truth, universal ideas, formulas (in any way), justice, and necessary actions. The ends justify the means. When unhealthy it turns into dogmatism and perfectionism. Think of “it HAS to be this way, and anyone who says otherwise is WRONG”. When unhealthy, everything is black and white. This is a result of the Inferior Fi coming through.
6.2. Extroverted Feeling aka Fe.
Fe talks about emotional accommodation and adaptation, objective or traditionally shared values, the feelings of sharing and belonging, “reading the room”, perceiving social cues and setting an atmosphere, what feels reasonable and/or fair. When unhealthy it turns into fakeness (lack of genuineness) and making negative/pessimistic generalizations. This has to do with Inferior Ti coming through.
6.3. Extroverted Sensing aka Se.
Se talks about being binded to anything sensorial, external stimulations, object conditioning, physiology, concrete processes/objects, realism, things for what they are, having sensations and enjoying them, also kind of an impulsiveness (as all extroverted functions are, but this means physical impulses). When unhealthy it turns into exaggerated skepticism, futility and lack of critical thinking.
6.4. Extroverted Intuition aka Ne.
Ne talks about an attitude of expectation, seeing external tendencies, searching infinite possibilities, a desire to explore and never to settle, being an adventurer (talking about ideas and ideals) and having a hunch. Think of it like having an itch to explore concepts, and after you scratch one, you’re “satisfied” and another itch appears. When unhealthy it turns into “jack of all trades, master of none”, lack of compromise and commitment, a type of detachment and paranoia.
6.5. Introverted Thinking aka Ti.
Ti talks about critical thinking, subjective and relative truths (“but what really is the truth?”), analysis of perspectives, theorizing, exposure and development of ideas (but not focused on applicability), debating and discussing. When unhealthy it loses sense, turns cold and inflexible, turns gullible and overly emotional, links their own truth to their Self (can’t separate own ideas from own personality, so criticism is viewed as a personal attack). Think of stereotypical philosopherskkkkkk.
6.6. Introverted Feeling aka Fi.
Fi talks about intimacy, fidelity to one’s own feelings, intensity instead of expression, internalizing things, an ease in being attuned to your own emotions (identifying, knowing, understanding and properly feeling them), focusing on your impression of things, the saying “still waters run deep”. When unhealthy it becomes egocentric, victimist and detached from others.
6.7. Introverted Sensing aka Si.
Si talks about subjective perception aka it doesn’t focus on the fact itself/what happened but on what it felt like/the impression it left, the external object only acts as a stimulation for the perception, also talks about cumulative experience and knowledge, resistance, persistence, attachment, focusing on summarizing, reducing and on the subjective participation. The reference is not the object, but the reaction to (coming in contact with) the object. When unhealthy it turns into obsessiveness, paranoia and hypochondriasis.
6.8. (Finally) Introverted Intuition aka Ni.
Not gonna lie, this function was kinda hard for me to explain because I just live it, every single day. It really is so natural to me that it’s hard for me to put this “explanation lens” on it. But here it is.
Ni talks about focusing on the elements of the unconscious, guidance by internal movement, mental images “triggered” by external things, an easiness in perceiving the processes of the unconscious, seeing underlying meanings, formation of ideals, “timeless knowledge” (to learn more, search about the Collective Unconscious and Archetypes), focus on the “How?”, the ability to generate visions (in the future/goal kind of meaning) and to speculate. What this function feels like is as if the meanings/ideas existed as separate entities, disconnected from one’s own mind, even if they were created internally. Think of that one Miley Cyrus meme: wHat Does it MEAN??? WHAT does it mEAN? When unhealthy it turns into a disconnection from the real world, physical sensibility and exaggerated attachments to things/people as well as dissociation.
7. Oh wow… that was a lot. So how can I know my type, then?
So. There are some tests you can do online based on the cognitive functions, but honestly the best way to know your type is learning about them and recognizing the functions in yourself. The information I just gave you here can be a great starting point, feel free to expand your research and see other explanations and points of view. Maybe my explanation just doesn’t click for you and you might understand the functions better as straightforward key-words or even as complicated metaphors. Good luck on your self-discovery journey ^^
Also, the internet may try its best, but an ACTUAL REAL Typology test can only be applied by a licensed therapist. That’s how I learned about my own type. My true type, because for YEARS I thought I was an INFP because of my misunderstanding of the cognitive functions. I did this +5k rant so you didn’t have to go through what I went through.
8. So… are we done?
Oh my god, I guess???????? We’re done???? Oh shit. I can’t believe I actually did this. And now I don’t really know what to saydkdkdkskkkkk. But I have an idea on where to start.
Dear Moon, what a crazy ridekkkkk I did tell you I was REALLY passionate about this and I did spend hours revisiting my knowledge and somehow studying for fun while doing this.
Thank you for encouraging me to infodump, I’m not really used to people being interested on my interests, so this really moved me (emotionally). Thank you for interacting with me and being so kind, I try my best to give the same treatment but I hope life/the universe/whatever cosmic energy you might believe in gives you back the good energy you put into the world, because I can only do so much.
I think I’m getting emotional because it’s almost midnight where I live and I’m quite sleepy, but I just couldn’t stop working on this. I really wish you all the best. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember to drink water. Treat yourself with the same kindness you offer us dear moots on this website/app. Thank you again for reading what turned out to be ACTUAL TEN PAGES!!!!!! And also +5.2k words. Have a wonderful night.
And thank you to everyone who read this until now. I’m just some nerd who likes mbti and decided to share the little I know on the internet, through my own point of view. If you happen to be a psychology major, licensed therapist or someone who also studies and/or understands mbti and analytical psychology, feel free to correct anything I might have explained wrong or unclear, as well as add your own thoughts. These are just my 2 cents, after all.
Have a great day, everyone. I’m Gio. This was my rant.
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edwinspaynes · 10 months
My reasons for not liking tessa and will but tessa and jem. I only went through the last hours and the dark artifices. This is partly so I wont spend forever writing this out and partly because I have no idea where to find the short stories that feature will and tessa though I know its at least one. i really like jessa in the short stories so i would have liked to include those.
I should probably first disclaim that in tlh I don’t like how shadowhuntery and not warlocky tessa is. I think its because ive become so used to warlock tessa seeing her not be a warlock is strange, it makes sense in tid and in a way it does make sense in tlh as well but it doesn’t sit right with me. I did my best to make sure this doesn’t impact the comparisons but I thought to let you know for fairness sake.
 I feel like in tlh when tessa and will are together tessa sort of becomes secondary to will or like an extension of him like he will be the main one talking and she will only either just agree with him or come with small comments. That’s also what I mean by muted that’s she’s not really her own character with him but an accessory to his. Meanwhile with jem I feel like she is separate to him, she talks for herself and isn’t only there to prop him up. And also more generally I think the jem and tessa dynamic is more fun than the will and tessa one, like I have a better time reading jessa than wessa. I hope you think this wasn’t too aggressive and I want you to know that I don’t hate will and wessa either, they are quite nice its just I have some problems with them and prefer jessa way more.  
You didn't come across as aggressive at all! I asked. Needless to say, I strongly disagree with most of this - but I think that we also perhaps like different traits in Tessa as well.
I don't find Tessa to feel like her own character at all around Jem, and I feel like she just becomes a prop to him. It's interesting that we see this so much differently, because I don't see any fun/fire/chemistry in that dynamic. They feel like friends to me, and I find that Tessa (in the modern day especially) just goes along with whatever Jem wants. Conversely, I find that she stands up more to Will, gives him a lot of lip and disagrees with and clashes with him a lot. I can't think of a single instance that she's voiced her opinions/needs to Jem outside of his own, while I can point to a million instances where she's bantered with Will or stood up to him when he was wrong.
I do think this is in part a writing problem. Cassie transparently loves Jem and thinks he can do no wrong, so of course no one is really going to clash with him.
I also really like those "small comments," I think, and I find that to be when Tessa is very much herself. She's so snarky and sassy there, which is one of my favourite traits in her and why I love her so much. To me, those little comments referencing books or giving will lip are such an integral part of building her character, and I'm not sure I would love her so much without them.
I also want to address this, because I think it's a huge reason why we view things a lot differently:
I should probably first disclaim that in tlh I don’t like how shadowhuntery and not warlocky tessa is. I think its because ive become so used to warlock tessa seeing her not be a warlock is strange, it makes sense in tid and in a way it does make sense in tlh as well but it doesn’t sit right with me. I did my best to make sure this doesn’t impact the comparisons but I thought to let you know for fairness sake.
Also for fairness' sake, I don't really read or reread the content with "warlocky Tessa" a lot, because I treat TID and especially TLH as the axis of my TSC experience. This is of course not something everyone does or even should do - TMI is objectively the "main series." But I like how "Shadowhuntery" she is because that's the core of my interests and hyperfixation. But I also feel like it's sort of fair to do this with Tessa in TID (not commenting on TLH here) because that's when we see the most of her. So my Tessa, the one I write/engage with, is that "Shadowhuntery Tessa" - because that's who she is in TLH, and I'm a TLH girlie.
Again, thank you for this. You weren't aggressive at all, and I think the beauty of fandom is in large part how two people can read something and interpret it totally differently. That's why I was curious. I hope I wasn't too aggressive, either. My main takeaway from this is that we like and prioritize different traits in Tessa and that makes us prefer one dynamic over the other.
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imjustabeanie · 6 months
uhh i may have to organize this or else im gonna ramble lol-
can i have a matchup for hazbin hotel and helluva boss pls :>
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: demisexual/demiromantic
Star sign (if that helps-): Leo
Personality type: INFP
I use emoticons a lot as you'll see :>
Favorite colors: Purple and black especially since they work so well together
Very much a night owl :)
Personality: I'm a kind of a fun and laid back person but I do like do cause chaos every now and then. I tend to hyperfixate a lot on random things that i tend to find. At first im very quiet but can get more chaotic as time goes on. I can tend to get hot headed at times or be somewhat irrational every now and then and it takes time for me to calm down. Other times im very hyper. Also i have a slight caffeine addiction so that might be why :D
Moral alignment: true nuetral
Aesthetic: Dark academia-ish along with some glitch core because i just really like the look of both
Hobbies: I play the violin, read, write, draw, and i love listening to music a lot. Probably one of my favorite things to do honestly. I also love chilling and watching tv and binge watching stuff. I also have a habit of just analyzing shit for the fun of it because why not. I also really like learning about greek mythology and i like a few musicals. I also watch horror quite a bit and mysteries because I just think that they're fun. I'm also learning spanish as of currently-
Pet peeves: people who cant take a hint... like at all, or they take the hint and just dont care. it annoys the shit out of me. also really stuck up people who think theyre better than everyone else, like we get it youre a child who never grew up. move on. mouth noises are also just the most annoying thing ever.
Appearance: tan skin with dark brown eyes and hair. i wear glasses sometimes but dont usually because theyre not fit properly and i keep trying to get them fir but it never works so ive just given up-. honestly i mostly wear softer clothing such as sweatpants, leggings, or sweaters/sweatshirts. but sometimes i wear jeans and actually style myself although i usually just keep it casual.
Hi! Thank you for your patience I am sorry for being so slow to answer to this trade. I was very sick last week.
Without further wait...your Helluva match is...Stolas!
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Stolas was a pretty obvious choice for you to be honest. Your interests and aesthetics click and just like you he’s chill but then pulls out the most chaotic actions out of nowhere.
You two met at night at one of those libraries you only see on pinterest. He honestly just came in cuz he was bored and wished to seek a recent human astronomy book. He found you peacefully reading a mythology book in the corner and was gonna leave you alone till he couldn’t help himself but comment on it. You were so laidback and easy going that you two had a nice conversation where he taught you a few things about mythology (given his age and position he does have an interest in those subjects). It was nice and you two decided to do it every month, then every two weeks and you see where it is going. Stolas just likes coming to you to cool off with no repercussions. It’s what made him fall for you. He confessed after inviting you to watch the stars or a movie he thinks you’d like (high chance you already watched it before but shhh). He confess and also tell you real quick about his marriage situation in case you want out.
Stolas is a caring and passionate lover. His love language is mostly affection and quality time but I believe he’ll wait till you’re ready if you catch my drift. He LOVES spoiling you with numerous gifts and dates. He’d be pretty upset (pouty) if he’s not your go to contact when you need help. He wants to be someone you can rely on, a safe space for you just like you are for him. His gifts range from cinema/concert tickets and your favorite snacks (he doesn’t consider any food as a gift) to actual mythological pieces and priceless violons. Sometimes they even come from his personal collection.
Stolas lives for your chaotic moments! He highly encourages them which results in weekly trouble for both of you (you’re always safe dw but he did get you two banned from a few places). When your hot headed side comes out he’s here to calm you down or get angrier on your behalf. There is no in between cuz your couple is pretty much in sinc. It means you either calm the other down or join them.
Despite his extraverted self, Stolas enjoys some home time. Especially with you. He actually purchases a house in the human world and spends most of his time there now. He wants (begs) you to move in with him. This house has a huge library, two studies, a music room and a very much needed coffee corner. Yeah with those machines you see on tiktok with all the material. Stolas isn’t a morning person at all so he needs his daily coffee and only accepts premium quality. He invested in a home cinema and loves binge watching with you. Those are all things he didn’t get to do often so discovering them with you is a priceless experience in his eyes. Horror doesn’t bother him at all and he can show you much better horror tbh. Stolas also likes analyzing things with you (he listens and chimes in) and actually keeps up with your fixations really well. His favorite thing to do at home is to stay glued to your side.
Stolas often drags you to dance with him in the music room. He is attentive to your tastes and shows you his favorite pieces too! In general he is an attentive lover who adapts to your needs without being overbearing. If you accept his flaws your relation will be…stellar.
Your hazbin match is...Husk!
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I did hesitate between a few characters (mainly Vaggie) but in the end Husk won. He’s chill but knows how to have fun. And he’s loyal.
You were at the hotel when you got to know Husk. He was being his usual snarky self but after a few nights (and talks) he slowly became friendlier. He even cracked jokes with you! Music definitely got the two of you to bond. You became someone he felt at ease with. The moment Husk considered sharing some of his problems with you he knew he fell, and fell hard. He started being more attentive to your needs and lost in your voice during your conversations. Everyone knew he was in love so one night they somehow managed to leave the two alone for the night. That’s when he confessed, knowing he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
As mentioned beforehand, Husk is a very attentive boyfriend. His love language is mostly acts of service and some quality time. He makes you your favorite drinks and will even learn the ways of a coffee barista for you. He’s proud of the way he makes you smile and feel loved as well as being your shoulder to vent to. Husk knows he has a way with words and people to make them feel at ease, he’d say it’s a positive trait of his that’s why he wants you to be included in it. Plus he gives good advices for someone with so many bad decisions. Husk likes going on weekly dates with you (besides dinner together every night that he cooks) to watch new movies. He’s mostly a domestic guy so going out in public is something he’d only do for you.
Husk calm demeanor is really helpful when you start getting irrational. He always help you keep a head on your shoulders and is the rational voice. Doesn’t mean he won’t encourage you to go ape shit when someone deserves it. While he prefers the calm, Husk still enjoys your occasional chaotic moments. He knows you try to lessen them for him but isn’t fully opposed to them as long as you’re safe. Low chance he’ll join you but some nagging will work. People are surprised that he’s with someone way more energetic than him but he just shoots some lovey dovey comment and they shut it. Angel is probably your biggest cheerleader in the relationship, he gives a lot of (sometimes helpful) advices to Husk.
While your hobbies differ greatly, I can see Husk appreciating them a lot. Especially your artistic side that he fully encouraged. He’s always there when you practice, even when you get frustrated or have an art block. Husk will become your hype man and do his best to motivate you. He probably got the binge watching habit from you much to Alastor dismay and he actually gets into soap operas….it’s funny to watch. Husk likes listening to you analyze or talk about greek mythology. He’s not great at that but tries to participate (he likes listening to your voice).
Husk will lessen his drinking habits with you. He wants to be the best version of himself for you just like you are for him. He’s really trying and it’s commendable. His gambling is another issue and he needs another fixation for him to stop. I guess with you it could become watching tv as it takes up a lot of his time (not saying that in a negative way but you see what I mean). Aesthetically talking, you two also fit together if we judge by clothing type and your personal aesthetic. Overall he might not be the best guy but he’s willing to change for his love.
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firecurls-27 · 2 years
Can we get headcanons on cuphead and mugman pls
Absolutely dude!
These are for my au, so I’ll be blocking spoilers for it-
(Long post)
(Also, these do include cupchal and oc x canon. Don’t like, don’t read.)
Cup sibs Headcanons!
He/him, transmasc, demisexual, bisexual, 10-13 yo, 9/29/1922, autistic, ADHD, extrovert
- has a phobia of clowns, but not to where he screams, he just. Freezes. Phobia of tight spaces.
- his favorite candy is anything tart. Dude had over 2 jawbreakers in his pockets.
- the reason he loves fireworks are because of the colors, but he hates the noise.
- he easily forgives people. Well, depending on what they’ve done…..
- when he and chalice started dating, he and saltbaker surprisingly got along well! Salty DOES give him warnings, but is happy his little girl found someone she loves! And he is VERY excited to be a grandpa-
- that being said, in this au, baroness von bon bon is chalice’s step mom, and she LOATHES cuphead after what happened in sugerland. But as I said, cuphead easily forgives.
- cuphead also has plenty of friends! Cora, Mac, canteen (they all call him T), bowlboy (acquainted) and buster. they all go on little misadventures when cuphead isn’t hanging around mugsy (who’s definitely not doing some shady shit-)
- cuphead sees Cora as a role model and met her at summer camp, Mac has been his best friend since pre school, canteen met cuphead at tutoring, bowlboy just invited himself over, and buster met cups at the carnival and is helping him with his clown phobia.
- and yes they all love to tease cuphead for his crush on chalice-
- in the books, it’s actually CUPHEAD who does ventriloquism, I bet he taught mugman how to!
- cant sing for shit, but loves instruments.
- on weekends, for a little extra cash, him and his friends do a whole orchestra in towns square.
- he’s very anxious around cops. he served his time, but is still nervous about the thought of going to jail again.
- believe it or not, he’s the second LEAST reckless out of the whole group, right behind buster. Buster is the groups voice of reason.
- mainly a leader, but let’s all of his friends have a moment to shine.
- he has air mattress prepared for when they come over. (By that I mean every weekend)
- surprisingly, for someone who’s never dated anyone in his life, he sure knows how to treat a person right! ;)
(These ones have to do with my oc’s rosé Chardonnay and vessel demitasse, c&m’s parents)
- The pocket knife was a gift from vessel on cuphead’s 3rd birthday. Kettle was not pleased with having a stabbed shin-
- cuphead first learned about roll the dice from his dad, who was listening to it one night. Ever since then, dice became one of cuphead’s roll models.
- he also got hyperfixated on dirk dangerous from his dad too! It’s their favorite show they listen to together! The goggles were also a gift from his dad.
- cuphead also found his love for piano from vessel. After his disappearance, cuphead didn’t really find joy in piano anymore. He’s very talented at it, but everything about it reminded him of his father. Heck, the only reason he went to the recital was for the money….
- and before you say anything, yes cuphead is vessel’s favorite child-
- now for rosé, cuphead is SUCH a mama’s boy!
- They’re both more extroverted, and cuphead likes going on errands with her! (Basically like marge and Bart Simpson)
Rosé: you tell me this dress doesn’t make me look fat, and *sprays perfume* now!😌
Cuphead: you don’t look fat!😄
Rosé: thank you!😊
- everyone is really hard on cuphead because of the decisions he makes, some people ask his family why not to just send him off somewhere……they were never seen again.
He/she/they, bigender, pansexual, polyamorus (why not?) 11-15 yo, 2/18/1920, autistic, anger issues, ambivert 
- has a fear of cockroaches. Can’t STAND those fuckers.
- literally loves all kinds of candy, he’ll eat the shit out of it. The only reason he ate one piece in the sugarland episode was to see if cuphead had some self control or not-
- can and will tell you about his interests for over an hour if you don’t distract him with something
- you know that story he tells about those mice in his shoe? He took em home and they’re his pet mice now. (Also he renamed “EEEEEEEEEE” to “Eve” so it’s easier for the tongue)
- he loves poetry! He has his own journal for it! There was this one time kettle looked though it and…….well, he was incredibly disturbed.
- met most of his friends at a book club for “romance on the high seas” he normally goes to other peoples houses instead of them going to his.
- it’s not that he’s embarrassed you his family, it’s just that - - wait no, he is embarrassed.
- “🎶one normal night, that’s all I want, that’s all I need from you🎶”
- he USED to have a small crush on chalice, but never told anyone. When he found out cuphead liked her too, mugman knew cuphead loved her more than he did, so he never asked her out.
- he adores theater/acting because his mother, rosé, is also an actress! but because of his stage fright he can’t really think about it…..so rosé gave him the idea for the trick!
- for him and his father, they don’t really spend as much time together as they should. Even though through personality, they’re very alike.
- mugman is very quiet, so cuphead and the others have to do a roll call to make sure they don’t leave him behind. Again.
- mugman likes listening to his mother sing, it’s very soothing.
- he’s got a boyfriend named prince nebula (nebby)! :D (I’ve made a few posts with him a while back, I need to make a full reference sheet someday)
- nebby is literally the only person (besides cuphead) who will sit and listen to Mugman’s special interests, he’s got time!
- one of mugman’s special interests is ocean life, so on one of their dates, nebby took him to an aquarium! Which was destroyed by cala Maria who was screaming “prison break”
- they met at piano class! There was a new one that opened up at inkwell middle school by sally stageplay (she didn’t get to be the theater teacher, so she kept making drama in the piano class)
- they hated each other at first, but eventually grew onto each other….
- mugman has told his family countless times that he had a boyfriend but everyone either forgot or didn’t listen.
- they’ve been dating for over 4 months and nobody was the wiser-
- nebby’s like, SUPER fuckin rich, but mugman still insists on paying for dates. They fight over the check on every single date-
- can and will kill you if you fuck with him.
- mugmans got a lot of anger issues, but he just hangs out in his room till it goes away.
- that teddy bear from the episode baby bottle? That was a gift from porkrind when cup n mug first moved up here. He’s known them since they were babies.
- bowlboy is his creepy ex-
- as I said before, mugsy is up to some shady shit, but that’s a story for another time……
(So what’d you think? Which ones your favorite?)
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androgynousblackbox · 8 months
I am reading a incest gay romance book, as you do, and I am just fucking floored with whatever the absolute fuck this book is doing by going out of it's way to treat neurodivergent people like absolute shit. The mother has a never specified attachment disorder that somehow means that she even forgets where her sons are and to worry more about a car than about one of them ending up in the hospital. This supposedly was caused by the death of another kid she had that died as a baby. She tried to go to therapy while her husband was alive, but once he died I guess the implication is that she never saw any need to keep going to therapy and just kept living completely neglecting her other living son. She has this unespecified disorder so we can justify her being a horrible mother that drives these two brother together to merely tolerate her. Sure. Whatever. Then there is this very obviously autistic girl that seemed to have been written copypasting a page of wikipedia or something. She has hyperfixations and that means she gets obsessed with one of the protagonists, so much that she sees him kissing his brother and is about to ruin his entire life because she doesn't understand that she, as a 17 year old student, can't be dating the 27 year old teacher she's obsessed with. Why, she doesn't understand! If he can kiss his own brother, why shouldn't he be able to kiss her, a minor, too? She was just so damn confused, she doesn't understand pedophilia or incest at all the poor thing, so of course she had to talk about it with her dad, who is neurotypical, thank fuck, making him magically able to understand the taboo of incest and have a talk with the principal. She just didn't know that stalking a teacher back to his home to see him kiss his brother was bad at all! Like, everyone knew that she did that. FUCKING EVERYONE KNEW AND NOBODY THOUGHT TO SAY A FUCKING WORD. Oh, but it's innocent, it's fine, except at this very moment we need to and only then it's an issue. It's like... there are phrases here and there that are like "she can't help it, it's not her fault, it's not out of malice", but I am sorry, I question VERY MUCH why the fuck would you, you as an author, would ever do a plot like this in the very first fucking place if you didn't see autistic people and mentally ill people like a nuisances to deal with. It's so fucking grotesque because on top of that, it's just plain unnecesary? I don't know what the fucking need was? To pad more time? To have SOME form of conflict there? A conflict that doesn't last jack fucking shit anyway and is resolved by, who else, another neurotypical person who basically gaslights the autistic girl! Fucking hurray! Like, all the scenes related to this girl always felt SO fucking off, because when the protagonist sees her fidgeting a lot and not being able to sit still, he thinks "could this be some kind of teenge girl issue" and there's so much talk about how she doesn't look people straight to the eyes when talking that my fucking eyebrows are on Neptune. But this final bullshit is the nail on the coffin. Jesus fucking christ, the ableism of this whole fucking thing turned me off so fucking bad. The rest of the book is fine, I am kinda annoyed with the older brother being controlling and judgemental without ever really being accountable for it, but I can live with that. Anything to do with these two characters, though, this was some huge fucking bullshit and I DID NOT need that on a book I hoped was just about two hot brothers getting together.
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sitzfleischh · 1 year
Ok I only just caught up on Ted Lasso & plunged into the online hyperfixation/deep-diving two days ago so apologies if other people have already said this but-- so far I've been seeing a lot of people being like "oh Ted is going to go back to Kansas at the end blabla Rebecca endgame" and sure, Ted/Rebecca endgame is realistic but like... We know they're not ending up in Kansas, right? We have two episodes left, this show's whole thing is "Rom Communism." They will be using them to confirm to classic romcom structure where the penultimate ep is about everyone making the wrong choices and everything going to shit, so that they can have big realizations and make the right choices in the finale.
So, my official predictions are:
Penultimate episode
Man city faceoff, total football comes together and they win, hooray! Everyone is cheering but Ted feels out of it, feels like they don't need him anymore. This ep being called "mom city" also makes me think they're going to bring in Jamie's mom as a foil to his dad and start talking about mom stuff, maybe giving us some perspective from mother characters about their side of parenthood (maybe if we're lucky we get more of Roy's sister!) and continuing the motherhood theme for Rebecca
Maybe there's some kind of tie-in with Michelle and Jake, I feel like they were setting up that those two are actually breaking up, which is going to make Ted feel like he should get back with Michelle, even though that's obviously the wrong choice. Part of me thinks the "unexpected guest [that] has Ted on edge" could be Michelle, post-breakup? Maybe him getting distracted means the other coaches step up and win the game without much help from him, which ties into him feeling un-needed.
The tying up of loose-ends with other characters' plotlines leads to Ted deciding he isn't needed here anymore and should go back to Kansas, episode ends on his return
Final Episode
Called "no place like home"
Trent wears James Lance's Dorothy shoes T Shirt
There's some kind of extended wizard of oz homage, probably someone makes a joke about Jamie not having a brain
Ted is back in the states but he's not feeling it, keeps seeing things that remind him of Richmond
Trent Crimm's book gets published, or maybe he emails a draft of it to Ted or something for approval-- either way the writers get to do a Trent Crimm as mouthpiece thing where he narrates from his book while we see shots of characters / Ted doing stuff and having realizations
Prompted by reading Crimm's book, Ted realizes that there IS no place like home, but his home is Richmond now and he needs to go back-- not because the team needs him, but because he needs the team. Ted's character arc comes to a close with him finally asking for help and taking the support of his found family in Richmond, letting them use the Ted Lasso Way back at him.
Maybe Rebecca and Ted get together, or maybe (in my ideal scenario) Rebecca adopts a kid or something of that sort and becomes a single mother-- she realizes she doesn't need anyone else's permission / won't be completed by love
This one is also more of a dream scenario but I like the idea that they would lean into the "single parents are valid" theme that seems to have been set up, and have Ted, Trent, Roy and Roy's sister, and Rebecca all together in a scene with their kids, supporting each other
Obviously there's still a lot I haven't covered here, like what happens with Nate, with Colin (& what happens with Trent beyond like.. he writes his book lol), with Keeley and Roy (I don't think they're endgame either), etc. But these are the most solid predictions I have about what's going on structurally and thematically. I have hopes and dreams for stuff (mostly more Trent content because I love him and just want to watch a show with him as the main character lol) but I don't want to jinx anything so I'm just assuming we get some good background content like usual, and probably a great book-reading narration.
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self-loving-vampire · 2 years
Yeah I 100% agree re: having so many things to do/not enough time to do them.
I already look at this like
Welp, at least I'll literally never run out of things to do
but also my second biggest fear (after ceasing to exist) is that I'll invest too much time/energy into something, anything, only for it to not pan out, because the sense that my existence is finite hangs over my head like the Sword of Damocles.
It's bad enough that this already happened once with grad school, and even regular college to a certain extent. Any uncertainty makes me wary of long-term commitment because any time spent suffering for a goal I don't end up achieving is too long when I could have been doing something more valuable.
There are so many things I want to do, and half of them aren't even new things. There are certain games I could play forever, and I'll never get tired of iterative drafting character models, or working on the board/card game I've been designing for the past 20 years.
And you're right, on top of everything I know I like, stuff keeps coming out so fast that I'm already way behind on so much, and it takes me so long to do anything, and I hate having to choose between enjoying the things I know I like but that take time to enjoy and trying to keep up. Especially when so many things are "live" events, because what really translates to is pressure to prioritize things that are "limited time only", or else be unable to enjoy them because I'm too fixated on something else.
Sometimes I'm too unfocused to do much of anything at all. I don't draw nearly as often as I used to, and I hate it. I feel like the only way I ever make progress on something is when I hyperfixate on it, but I have so many things I'm interested in that I can't prioritize anything if it means sacrificing something else like some people seem to be able to do, and more often than not I just feel too guilty about wanting to do one thing while feeling like doing something else that I can't effectively do either.
Sometimes I wish I could just stop time and think, without feeling the pressure to act before I run out of time. But really I wish time didn't exist. That I didn't have to worry about decision making or regret because eventually I could get around to everything. Because as it stands it will never be enough.
In terms of people, I'd honestly be happy to never meet a new person again, which is admittedly paradoxical, because I only "met" you (read: found your blog) recently, and you're such a source of hope that things can work out for someone like me that it's proof positive there are new people out there I could benefit from meeting.
But honestly I could spend forever with just my best friend (and a head full of semi-autonomous sub-personas, although I don't consider myself plural either), because everyone else in my life either seemingly values me less than I value them, or doesn't understand me well enough.
I don't know if I'll ever get to know you well enough to be considered your friend, but just knowing you exist makes me feel less alone, and I hope we both get to live together with the people we love.
Yeah, it would be much more relaxing if you could afford to waste a lot more time pursuing interests that you might get burned on and just go on with your life as if there wasn't much of a cost to doing that. Having a radically longer lifespan could help with that.
But even without that, I think it's important to try to enjoy the present as much as you can. There's definitely times in your life where you may feel like you're just enduring in hopes that the future will be better (and a lot of the time it is), but it's still worth trying.
I actually feel a lot like how you describe regarding meeting people, by the way. I remember when I was young I felt like "loneliness" was not really something I experienced and I typically preferred to spend time alone with the computer or books even when I had the opportunity to interact with people I got along with.
It took me a bit to really open up to my first real friend group (which master was a part of) too, and even though I felt as if I didn't need to interact with people to maintain my emotional state they still did help motivate me to leave and survive even though I used to be pretty hopeless about that kind of thing.
But it wasn't really that I needed "people" in general, but rather that those specific individuals were kind and supportive in ways I was not expecting. I would have been indifferent to most others, and even expected that those who were physically around me at the time were not safe to be honest with. They never really knew me as a result.
Even then, those friends were online. Even after making them I spent years not really bothering to meet people in person (and I still don't make any effort to do that).
That said, I'm getting attached to people I only recently met once again and feel like it's helping my already-good mood.
I don't know if maybe I'm just somewhere on the kuudere spectrum about this kind of thing.
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boomblebee-420 · 2 years
Sk8 Headcanons
Random Sk8 headcanons because I can. If you don't agree with them, please just keep scrolling
There is some shipping between characters. Some of this is me projecting onto characters because I kin them lol
Fluff, Angst, Crack
Warnings: Mentions of self-worth issues, self-harm, suicide attempts, homophobia, anxiety, meltdowns, death, intrusive thoughts, and panic attacks
-definitely chews on his pencils
-has wanted a dog for years but he’s allergic
-transmasc demiboy 
-biromantic and demisexual
-uses he/they pronouns
-they’re a hopeless romantic
-his binder is orange 
-started a fund for top surgery
-gives Langa wheels that they make as birthday/holiday gifts, or just whenever
-spins/jumps in a circle to stim
-also repeats memes, vines, sounds, pretty much anything he finds funny or interesting
-he doesn’t look like it, but he reads a LOT 
-they don’t like reading for school because the books suck
-bouncy leg bouncy leg bouncy leg
-separation anxiety with Langa
-used to cut, but stopped since meeting Langa and the gang. Relapsed when he and Langa were fighting
-depression and anxiety
-knows how to drum (self taught on buckets and empty bins. He’s actually really good)
-inferiority complex
-incredibly impulsive but also very cautious
-constantly tapping fingers on everything
-autism, inattentive adhd, ocd
-cat person
-uses he/they/ice 
-talks to his dad a lot (even though he’s gone, it makes ice feel like he’s still with them)
-non-verbal sometimes
-donates some of his paycheck to Reki’s top surgery fund every month
-has no regard for his safety
-my guy can’t take a hint to save their life
-plays a lot of video games
-hyperfixated on omori and undertale 
-clicks ices tongue a lot
-has made an attempt on their life before. Ice is better since meeting Reki and the gang
-doesn’t really like books, more of a movie person but he usually doesn’t finish them in one sitting
-really bad intrusive thoughts. Ice will often shut himself up in their room for days because of them
-gets Reki flowers all the time
-Everytime ice meets a new skater, he demands a beef
-Can play the piano
-Monster Energy addict
-Used to be extremely emo (style-wise)
-Listens to midwest emo, regular emo, shoegaze, indie, some pop 
-Likes to stick to a schedule and has meltdowns if it’s disrupted
-genderfluid as fuck
-hates polka dots (STRIPE SUPREMACY)
-loves all fluffy animals
-loves going to the zoo and making fun of random people there
-royalty of embarrassing his friends
-huge abandonment issues
-tends to stay up till three am eating fruit snacks and playing video games
-she and the gang have mario kart contests every saturday night
-has hidden in Langa and Reki’s houses before and scared the shit out of them
-listens to fleetwood mac but will never admit it
-learned german just to fuck with people
-photobombs everyone (even people they don’t know)
-Wilbur Soot and Lovejoy fan. He and Langa listen to them together while playing video games
-Has G.A.D and depression, finds it hard to do simple tasks a lot of the time
-Gets panic attacks sometimes
-Watches MCYT
-Bisexual disaster
-Knows spanish and uses it to his advantage
-my guy got mad rizz, as we all know
-Used to be in a band with Cherry. They were called Skate Bomb. It didn’t last long
-Plays bass and guitar
-Sings, but not very well
-dude’s been cooking since before he could walk
-dominates mario kart almost every single time
-listens to everything under the sun (mostly surf rock), and sings country songs to annoy the gang
-has memorized all the vines. Good luck finding one he doesn’t know
-sucks at dying his hair so he forces Cherry and Shadow to help him
-Was a theater kid
-Favorite animal is a penguin. Thinks they’re the funniest things to walk this earth
-Self-harmed as a teenager
-Has anxiety, and tries his best to help the gang when their not feeling the best
-Horrible eyesight, he wears contacts
-Gay as fuck
-had horrible handwriting and Joe kept making fun of him for it, so she got really good and opened his calligraphy business out of spite
-secretly loves musicals, and knows every word to Hamliton. Like, she memorized the entire script
-Fluent in english and french
-plays a shit ton of instruments and really good at all of them
-major perfectionist
-extremely tech savvy
-believes that Carla is his soulmate
-sings like a fucking angel
-can’t cook for shit, but has really high standards for food
-has horrible self-worth problems and only Joe knows 
-Parents were incredibly homophobic and strict, so she’s really sneaky
-Acts like he hates being touched but is secretly touch-starved and craves attention
-Grew up rich 
-Donates a shit ton of money to charity. Also donates to Reki’s fund when she finds out about it from Langa
-Doesn’t really like animals
-Been gardening since he was small
-Trans FTM
-Really good at makeup, and occasionally will get into drag just for fun
-Amazing fashion sense
-Loves his grandma and brings her flowers all the time
-Been in love with his manager for years
-Has O.S.D.D, and O.C.D
-Horrible relationship with his parents. They cut off all communication with them as soon as he turned 18
-Sucks ass at mario kart
-Has a god complex and inferiority complex 
-Gets intrusive thoughts a lot
-Saved a shit ton of money and managed to get top surgery at 22
-Listens to goth and punk music and hates country (except Dolly Parton, he loves her but will never admit it)
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nolanhollogay · 1 year
“ everyone else can see it but you. ” + choiwen!
hehe ricky n evie worstieism is something that can be sooo personal <3
also i think this can be seen as a sister piece to this
Having a study period in the library usually worked in Evie's favor. It gave her time to get ahead on her homework, and sketch out possible art pieces. (And play Candy Crush on her phone.) Most importantly, it gave her a chance to terrorize Ricky when his English class had their weekly visit.
Standing over where he sat against a stack of non fiction books, she asked, "When are you going to stop moping and talk to Achilles again?"
Ricky looked up from the book he was reading and frowned immediately. Evie almost smiled at the comical switch in his mood. It was nice to know that he disliked her as much as she disliked him.
"Don't look so excited to me, Bowen," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest."I'm trying to help you here."
He turned back to his book. "I'm trying to learn about food scarcity during the World War here, so if you could stop bothering me that'd be nice."
She snorted. "We both know you're watching Achilles and Auggie like a creep."
The two of them were curled together at a table, whispering conspiratorially about something. Evie could see Auggie's golden hand resting on Achilles jean covered knee under the table. It felt weird - wrong even.
Which was a bit unfair, really. She liked Auggie. He was funny, and goofy, and he always shared his snacks with her in their AP Physics class. But he wasn't Achilles' person, and they all knew that. Even he probably knew that.
Ricky followed her gaze, eyes scanning Achilles' giggling face and the pleased color of Auggie's smile. His eyes shone with hurt, and he bit the inside of his cheek, forcing his gaze back to his book. "I'm not watching them. I'm reading. Whatever they do is not my business."
Evie scoffed. She hated that he was trying to be mature. He should've been fighting harder. "You're acting like such a loser. You're Ricky Bowen, the most annoyingly persistent person in the world. You can't just let some pretty boy steal Achilles from you!"
"Are you.." He was surprised enough to close his book, giving her his full attention. "Are you trying to give me a pep talk?"
She rolled her eyes, squirming under his gaze. His stare was just like Achilles' - wide eyed and intense, entirely too open and easy to read. "Don't make it weird. I just think you shouldn't let Auggie sneak his hot boy fangs into Achilles' neck," - Achilles' was hyperfixated on vampires and it was starting to seep into her brain - "You two have something.. special, and you shouldn't just try to force yourself to move on."
Ricky frowned. "He doesn't want anything to do with me. And I shouldn't ruin whatever he has going on with Auggie. That's unfair to both of them."
"God, you're so - " She cut herself off with a groan. He was annoying. "Everyone else can see it but you. Achilles is so into you that it's a little unbearable at times. You're all he talks about. He had the biggest crush on you for months! No offense to Auggie, but he doesn't hold a candle to what Achilles feels for you." She kicked him in the knee, to offset the sort of fond look he was giving her. Freak. "So get off your ass and talk to him. Got it?"
She walked away as he groaned in pain over his knee, ignoring the way passion was making her chest feel like it was about to explode. Stupid Ricky Bowen, making her feel good things for him.
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stealth-liberal · 2 years
So, @randombtsprincessa tagged me in her Tulip Tagged Games, so here we go!
1. Three Current Ships:
1st- Sesshomaru x Sango (Inuyasha): Non-canon as all hell, but I loved this ship back in the day. My daughter has discovered anime, and I'm doing a rewatch of Inuyasha with her and rediscovered the love. Thankfully, people produce fics for this pairing.
2nd- Killi x Tauriel or Killiel (The Hobbit movies): I've been a fan of this pairing from the very moment they shared the movie screen together, and I still am now. The Hobbit was in DESPERATE need of female characters as there were zero in the book, and so Tauriel is a movie only character and their romance is movie verse only. I love the gender flip dynamics on this one. There's an age gap, she's the older one because she's an elf and he's a dwarf. There's a height difference, she's the taller one because, again, she's an elf and he's a dwarf. There is the badass and damsel dynamic, but she's the badass and he's the damsel in distress.
3. Siuan x Morraine (The Wheel of Time): I'll be upfront, I do NOT like the books, but I enjoy the TV series. This pairing has everything, longing, secrecy, tragedy, redemption, sexy hotness, and the fact that they were made for each other. This is a WLW pairing, and I am an unabashed femslasher. I guess I will take this time to bemoan the fact that great WLW pairings get next to no love in fandom while MLM pairings are panted after with an intensity that borders on the desperate. As a queer woman I say this: Tis not fair.
2. First Ship:
Kazami x Sui (NP by Banana Yoshimoto): As a bisexual girl growing up in a time where gay and lesbian representation was few and far between, there was even less about bisexuality. NP was a novel about a young Japanese woman named Kazami Kano who was struggling with, among other things like translating a short story that seems to result in the suicide of everyone who tries to translate it, the notion that she might be bisexual and that she might be attracted to and want to date a woman named Sui. This was the first time I REALLY shipped a pairing, that I invested beyond the norm in a couple. I was just so happy to see this depiction of emerging bisexuality in a young woman, that I gobbled it up. I still own this book, and every now and then, I will reread it.
3. Last Song I Listened To:
Artemis by Lindsey Stirling
4. Last Movie I Watched:
I just rewatched The Old Guard on Netflix with Charlize Theron. Can't wait for the sequel to come out this year!
5. Currently Reading:
The Ghosts of Eden Park by Karen Abbot: It's a gossipy true crime/history book about bootleggers, murder and Prohibition in 1920's Cincinnati, Ohio. What can I say? Crime is always classier when it's in the 1920's.
6. Currently Watching:
I just finished, as in yesterday, season 1 of Surreal Estate on Hulu. It's a SciFi network show about a fictional real estate agency that specializes in selling haunted houses. It's not a Ghost Hunter style show, it's a regular horror/comedy show. It's really fun and everyone should watch it. Season 2 will be released sometime this year.
7. Currently Consuming:
I just ate 3 pieces of Godiva chocolate that I got for Valentine's Day and drank a passion fruit La Croix.
8. Currently Craving:
Like any good Jew on a cold and windy day, I am craving shakshuka. Which are yolky eggs cooked in tomatoes, with peppers, garlic, other spices, and at least in my family, served over rice.
Now to tag some other people!
@bts-hyperfixation @stillthecozywhaleshark @reliablemitten @thebirdmum
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amypihcs · 2 years
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Ho postato 433 volte nel 2022
Sono 296 post in più del 2021!
19 post creati (4%)
414 post rebloggati (96%)
Blog che ho rebloggato di più:
Ho taggato 273 dei miei post nel 2022
Solo 37% dei miei post non aveva tag
#joachim murat - 14 post
#awsome - 8 post
#so cute - 7 post
#the three musketeers - 6 post
#love this - 6 post
#awsome art - 5 post
#raoul - 5 post
#fantastic - 5 post
#i mean - 4 post
#the boys - 4 post
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#napoleon's abusiveness showing in how many people of his higher rank sent him to go fuck himself
I miei post migliori nel 2022:
AAAAND another one of my mad AUs
Music? On and rocking Courage? Mustered Dignity? Already waved her goodbye OK i’m ready. Apparently summer, having to study for exams i dislike and most of all reading nice books that send me in hyperfixation with the characters give me IDEAS™. After some time spent convincing myself to do it i’ve finally read The Three Musketeers and having loved it to FOLLY, i CLEARLY devoured also Twenty Years After and started the Viscount  of Bragelonne (Athos, i love you, but we’re not talking of you, forgive me my man). This new obsession tonight coupled with my ever present love for LOTR and Silm and since APPARENTLY heat goes up to my head, i thought:
Ok, here we have Aramis, ridiculously always good looking, even at like... 20 years from the first time we meet him he is THE SAME AS ALWAYS and in the Viscount for the little i know for now he didn’t age much either, Devilishly good with horses AND swords (eggrazziearcazzo, you may say, he’s a MUSKETEER) with almost ZERO impulse control (Athos works as impulse control for them, actually) but GREAT cold blood, can apparently sing quite well, some disregard for rules and some great agility and effort in actually always managing to break one of two of those and... oh look, all the boxes check and hear me out. Aramis. Being. MAGLOR FEANORION!!  I talked about this with my darling @tairin, my nice sis who i love and thank very much for being always there to hear me rambling about my obsessions and not having killed me yet. And she is even more of a genius than i suspected! (@joachimnapoleon​ please don’t kill us) She made me give a second check to who ELSE checked all the boxes and here, the illumination.  Good looking Incredible with horses Apparently skilled in verses/songs Devilish with a sword some disregard for rules NOT imposed by himself Joachim Murat. Being Maglor Feanorion.
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Tolkien fandom out here (@thiswaycomessomethingwicked​ i get you’re one of us?) tell me if maglor wouldn’t have a portrait of himself like this one of our darling jojo, c’mon! He checks out also the diva personality!! 
Anyway, this was my new silly AU, don’t kill me please, i still have to pass biochemistry and see confirmed my credits for cmcf, i’m too young to die and my cats would miss me😂  I hope you at least laughed a bit form this one silly thing.
12 note - Postate 15 giugno 2022
Happy death day Naps!
Wandering around facebook i found this nice Dumas quote
Do not be deceived, today I am doing better; but I feel the same that the end is approaching. When I am dead, each of you will have the sweet consolation of returning to Europe: you will see one another’s relatives, the other’s friends. As for me, I will see my good ones in heaven...Yes, yes - he added, animating and raising his voice with an inspired accent - yes, Kleber, Dessaix, Bessières, Duroc, Ney, Murat, Massena, Berthier will come to meet me, they will tell me about what we did together, and I will tell the last events of my life: Seeing me again, everyone will go crazy with enthusiasm and glory. We will talk about our wars with Scipio, with Caesar, with Hannibal, and it will be a pleasure... Unless - he added, smiling - they are afraid to see many warriors gathered up there. - A. Dumas, Napoleone.
Just to wish him a happy death-day
12 note - Postate 5 maggio 2022
Guys i just needed to vent out a bit. We can’t find my cat. we looked into the house, outside, all over the sort-of-village where i live (i live in the country) and we can’t find it. Does any of you have an idea of why a cat can be disappeared in such a way? I just know that a moment she was inside and the other she was nowhere to be seen. I just needed to vent out a bit ‘cause i think i’m panicking just as much as before when we where actively looking for her. Do you have any idea of why a cat can just... fly and boh... i don’t even know if she actually is outside the house, even if i looked everywhere in. She’s injured under her neck, she had a dermatitis that we can’t manage to heal, even if she is way better than some months ago. sorry, just some venting out i don’t know how to cope with this
14 note - Postate 3 febbraio 2022
Excerpt from ‘Gioacchino Murat e l’Italia meridionale’ -- presentation of the King
Sooo guys. Some time ago i got a book, ‘Gioacchino Murat e l’Italia meridionale’ which was introduced to me by @joachimnapoleon and after reading it I thought of making a post about it. Hope you will enjoy it!
So let’s get started! In the third part of the book we have a focus on the people who actually governed Naples, starting with the King and the Queen and proceeding with the ministers, describing how their personalities fitted in their roles and how they actually got their work done; this post will be about our favourite King of Naples, Joachim Murat. (the mistakes in the translation are entirely mine)
Here the original text in italian
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18 note - Postate 14 maggio 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
Just arrived!! I'm looking forward to reading it! I'm sure it will be epic!
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28 note - Postate 26 novembre 2022
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logically-asexual · 2 years
im just so intrigued by the fact that i wasn’t able to understand a single movie or book i watched or read as a kid. i could never keep track of the story or the characters.
ramble got long putting it under a read more
i always felt like when you tap on the first episode of a show on netflix but for some reason it starts playing the first episode of their latest season and you’re super confused about everything because there’s three seasons of lore you’re missing.
i don’t remember the story of a single book we read in school. i remember short scenes here and there that surprised me or made me feel emotional for some reason but that’s it. i never knew the context. i never understood the whole story. i don’t know how i ever passed spanish or english class.
for a while we used to go to the library and they would read to us a chapter of a book each week and i could never pay attention. i just remember zoning out staring at my nails or the table or anything. we read the hobbit that way i think and i always felt like i had missed a class and very important info with it but no. i hadn’t.
silent reading time was also torture. i couldn’t read i also just stared at nothing for twenty minutes and it was excruciating.
and i also cant remember any movies i watched at the cinema. i remember when we got together to watch the hunger games (and i had allegedly read the book) and everyone was talking about what the movie adaptation did or didn’t include and i was so absolutely lost. no idea what anyone was talking about.
the only thing about my childhood i remember understanding and processing alright was tv shows. i perfectly remember nick sitcoms and cartoons. i think it has to do with the fact that i could watch those over and over again before a new season aired, so i got enough time and repetition to seal stuff in my memory.
i don’t know. i think that wasn’t normal probably. then one day some time after eight grade maybe i was just randomly granted the gift Understanding Media. well. mostly movies, i still struggled with reading in high school. i remember i never read things fall apart, but a children version of the book i had for some reason, and i passed somehow. i still don’t know what the book was about.
i remember my piano teacher saying when i was fourteen that i was at an age when i should read so much because teens are so emotional (in a good way) and full of wonder so romantic (as in romanticism, not romance) stories were great for letting all that bloom or whatever. but that only made me feel bad because i felt how time was slipping away from me and i was missing my chance at enjoying a big chunk of literature.
i don’t think i have adhd or some kind of disorder that could cause that level of inattentiveness but who knows. if i did then why can i suddenly understand movies and stuff? did my brain just develop too late in that aspect?
i usually attribute apparent adhd symptoms from my childhood to anxiety and burnout. because it’s way more likely since i’ve always been anxious and the executive dysfunction and lack of memory can easily be explained by anxiety too. but this thing about the movies and books remains unexplained and i don’t know if i will ever truly know what happened there. and also adhd seems to come with this “hyperfixations and obsessive consumption of media” thing that is exactly the opposite of my entire life experience. that’s the main reason i steer away from the term.
i am trying to actually read now. i know it’s an insane thing for a 22 year old to say but i don’t know when the last time i read something that wasn’t a textbook was before dracula daily. now that it’s over i’ve proved that my brain can keep track of a written story, at least when it is serialized and i have time to process its parts like with the kids tv shows.
i want to read more to get out of this hole. but i also want to know why the hell i am in this hole in the first place. i have almost nothing to look back on nostalgically like people who loved star wars as kids and made their own halloween costumes and had a toy collection and more. i just watched sitcoms and cartoons to laugh and escape from the world, not to understand any themes or messages. i feel like something was stolen from me and i’ll never get it back.
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
Hello 🖤
I was hoping to get a Hazbin Hotel matchup please.
I'm bisexual and use she/pronouns so go wild lolol.
Personality wise I appear extremely reserved, but soon enough after a couple of conversations, I reveal my self to be quite boisterous. I'm always cracking (*almost* appropriate) jokes, and I am ALWAYS up for an adventure.
I like the buzz of cities, especially at night, and enjoy eating sushi and wearing perfume.
I am a big reader and particularly enjoy period novels (almost as much as I love rewatching the same 5 shows on repeat).
But my main passion...is musical theatre! I can act, sing and dance and I'm working hard in training to have a shot in the industry.
When it comes to dating, I don't really have a type I go for. It's more about the chemistry I have with someone and how easily we can bounce conversation back and forth.
I suppose then I like people with a bit of wit. Who have a sharpness that they know if and when to use.
I hope that's all the information you need. Thank you for reading my request 🖤
Hey hey hey! Here's your match!
Your hazbin hotel match is....Charlie Morningstar!
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Okay so for you it was rather tough cuz you’d get along with many characters as we could try different chemistries and it’d still work. But I finally settled down for good old Charlie Morningstar. You do have as runner ups Rosie (unfortunately, the show didn’t develop her well enough for me to analyse her more deeply cuz she’s in a near equal position to Charlie), Vaggie and (if we omit his sexuality) Angel Dust. The last one would totally be a bff in that world lol.
Charlie is a very passionate person. She believes that everyone deserves a second chance and has a very positive outlook on life in general. Your reserved exterior won’t bother her at all as she’ll actively try to befriend you! And once you reveal your more extraverted self she’ll consider it as a huge victory lol. I believe that Charlie would be the one to ask you out first, she will do it in a song trust me (and it won’t cosk 50k).
You two are a very adventurous couple cuz you encourage each other. She wants to go to the most dangerous parts of hell to promote her hotel? Sure! You want to go to a play taking place in another circle but you two have things to do the next day in early morning? Hop on baby there’s no time to waste. Vaggie is losing it with you two.
Charlie completely understands your jokes and let out a giggle every time you make one even if it’s really borderline to the shock of Angel Dust and Vaggie. She is also rather sharp, she just hides it. But if you hurt someone she loves then she’ll go all out.
Dates nights every night she can, she either takes you out to a restaurant, entertainment or just makes something at the hotel for both of you to unwind and gossip together. As we saw in the show, Charlie tells everything to her lover so it’s definitely the case here. Your opinion matters a lot to her. But she also values honesty a lot so if you take time to open up warn her so she won’t be hurt.
I also see her to be the type to hyperfixate on something for a while (which means also rewatching her favorite episodes and re reading her favorite chapters). Due to her age, Charlie definitely is a big reader, it’s just that she has less time with the hotel. If you start rambling about the books you’re reading you can almost see the hearts in her eyes.
Charlie is your number one cheerleader in your interest at dancing, singing and acting. You two always sing together and believe it or not she won’t hesitate to use her position to help boost you because she really believes in you. Yeah you two are such a sight to behold.
I hope you like it!
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